#you cant expect too much from child actors though
sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
adventure time wizard city liveblog
 well here we go
my last adventure time liveblog, i havent actually done one of these in MANY years... probably not since 2014
this takes place at the same time as obsidian?
yeah i know that’s bufo, they only made it enormously obvious, tsk tsk
@spaceacepearl​ joked about us seeing choose goose get sent to hell but i diDNT EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN
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This music is i assume by one of the many musical artists Adam Muto listed on twitter, it rocks. It’s not as hardcore as Obsidian’s intro, but it’s suitably chill for the scene. 
“get offa my bus kid”
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Those wizards in the left and far right groups appear to be new! 
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i bet hanna and co had fun making these signs
my favourite is the cat with “FAMILIARS HAVE RIGHTS”
cadorka..... wow
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We’re not even four minutes into the ep and peppermint butler has already killed someone in front of a large group of witnesses
“this smells of DARK MAGIC” “yall kids know thats illegal right” peps watches the other kids nod before later joining in, LOL
i cant believe pep started the great gum wars and got killed by golb
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SOMEONE has been playing Overwatch... 
i-- i still cant believe choose goose is fucking dead
how long was he stuck in hell for, or was that recent to together again after new death showed up 
i have to admit im not a big fan of spader, too perfect, and not in that funny way either. i hope they give him some characteristics that make him stand out. 
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im getting flashbacks to OK KO and Owl House here...
Cadebra using music is a reference to Abracadaniel’s love of interpretetive dance in Play Date. 
“they only laugh because youre different” “i know” “SO STOP BEING DIFFERENT” oh my god it’s like talking to my own parents cadebra is actually... a LOT like me, less in her hyperactivity but more in her nonchalant enthusiasm and almost acceptance of the inevitable bullying because it means more time in people’s consciousness
ahhh - it’s quietly revealed here that she is responsible and a skilled magician, she is just bored of magic! i like that she parents abracadaniel instead of being downtrodden by his ramblings. 
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PEP NO--- oh i see the problem, he hasn’t got his Bug Milk... sorry Martin Olsen fans, no Hunson today. At least we get one more Phil Face for the road! 
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candy people in their natural habitat
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Ahhh that’s Doctor Calidoneus! The voice actor was at the recent Distant Lands panel alongside Pep and Blaine’s actors. 
“pretty sure hes just trashcandy” - i like you, sassy antler lady
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the mystery of how he gets clothes
and once again spader is proving to be the most irritating distant lands character of the lot, there is no subversion here. where is the subversion?  
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what is going on here? are pep and peppermint the same person or not? im sure they must be, but there is something going on here with peppermint butler’s soul being trapped in the body of his child self who hasn’t got the same memories. 
OH, HYNDEN WALCH DID A NEW LINE yes this is what im here for, special over 
peppermint butler cursed himself... of course he did - Shado was correct!!!
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love the reference to astral plane, of course pep cant astrally project because cursed pep is still inside of him 
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wow, blaine, wow
they have a crush
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i love the dynamic between cadebra and abracadaniel, imo so far it’s the heart of the special. im not really gripped by peppermint butler’s school troubles. i imagine someone else probably will be but i want to run past that shit as far as possible. 
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ILL SHOW YOU WHEN NICK POSTS THE VIDEO and then ill tell you who made the prediction because i... think it was nick himself, insanity 
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who plagiarized finn’s signature???
turns out pep really DID take over wizard city!!!!
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i love this band
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i understand your pain peps
you probably have a bit too much in common with your mother, and i imagine it isn’t easy being turned into a kid and not being able to do stuff that came so easy. you’re disappointing yourself! (he’s literally disappointing himself)
I’m less than halfway through the special, what the fuck. I wasn’t wrong when I said Wizard City had a lot on its plate. It’s noit that I’ve been particularly gripped up to this point, though to be fair I didn’t pause at all during the other specials barring Obsidian. 
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that... that poor kid is still a rock
and then the preview happened and bufo casually revealed to the audience that, yes, he killed choose goose
i dont know whats happening with pep but it seems he needs to be exorcised of... pep. which is a shame. i hope they learn to coexist. 
i have to say the background work in this special is really good! like, really damn good. 
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oh thats right - abracadaniel is cadebra’s uncle! this must be abracadniels sister. sorry, folks, he doesn’t fuck. 
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Where are they? Is this anywhere near Wizard City? It’s an unpopulated prewar wasteland. 
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my child
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is this an art style choice or did they get the people from that one studio to make this
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the red jacket he wears and his head pill shape is a big kaneda reference actually, which i suppose makes sense considering he’s a rival to our protagonist, but it’s a bit on the nose
bufo killed one of his own students? but why????
“no one likes a rat”
i actually really like blaine, though im confused. did their VA change halfway through the special?
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did doctor caledonius steal the trophy,,,? 
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MONMSTER HUNJTER DISCOVERY NOISE, this time it’s a tetsucabra
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god i wish this is what this special was about, i miss adventure time
these remind me of the comics with their art style :) i wonder who designed them? the one on the right with pb and pep, in particular, very comics-y. 
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fdgfhgf because he’s like 500
“pep can be kind of a jerk but he wouldn’t kill anyone”
sorry, cadebra, i have news for you
is doctor calednoius the true villain? if bufo’s out of the picture, she MUST be, 
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oh no, he might gbe stuck in wizard city :( 
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the writing on the wall...
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okay im not surprised all the teachers at wizard city are cultists in worship of peps, maybe they killed spader and bufo because they bullied peps T_T
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wait no, they thought spader had the potential, but sadly not
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sorry, i was distracted by the pretty dope fight sequence and now the special is over????
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fucking jesse, hes probably at least partly responsible for the cult nonsense
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This credits art is by Maya Petersen!!!! Holy shit it’s adorable!
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okay, it’s over :) 
first thoughts out of the way: not a big fan of this special. it’s like watching a completely different show. it’s not got the PZSHAHH of the normal wizard city stuff and there weren’t a lot of funny jokes or even hearty moments in the thing. 
it suffers from a lack of invested character interactions, much like BMO did. there was not a single main cast member in the whole thing! and like i said before, much of peppermint butler’s character in the show is based on his very sweet relationship to his mother, princess bubblegum, so when they showed a single (hilarious) photo of them together it made me sad we didn’t get any scenes with them together. it would have STOLEN this episode. and they teased the hunson golf photo, and death!!! and jake appeared in a photo T_T last jake appearance. 
it also suffers because Peppermint Butler is clearly not himself, imo he was way more entertaining in the Together Again special, where we seem him back to his “normal” self. 
i dont think peps being a dark wizard was something to “kill off” exactly. i wonder what was going on there? was that actually peps, or was that a spirit he cursed himself with based on himself? we at least know in the future he does become a dark wizard again, and even princess :) this special didn’t answer those questions but lol. 
THE GOOD STUFF, because yes, there was a lot of good stuff! 
God, I’m with Aracle and Maya on this - I LOVE Cadebra and her relationship to Pep. I wish she was even in more of this - I would love to watch the adventures of Cadebra and Pepbut in their first year of school, like in the end credits.
That, imo, is where the heart of the special lay - Peppermint Butler’s attempts to impress himself, versus Cadebra’s self acceptance and desire to follow her dreams of being a goofy goober, no matter what other people thought of her. 
It turned out that Cadebra is a responsible student and family member. I really liked that. Her scenes with Abracadaniel were, somehow, my favourite in the entire special! 
I like that theres a lot of cool magic towards the end of this special, and a lot of HORRIFYING DEATH. It wouldn’t be adventure time if you didn’t randomly kill off child characters. Poor Spader, I hated you but damn, what a grim fate. 
I like that Bufo and Caledonius had this crush/hatred thing going on, but they were part of the same cult in the end. 
I didn’t like the giant peps scene at the end, the monster was extremely milquetoast compared to the madness we usually get in AT. Obsidian, for example, had the awesome Larvo design. Nemesis had some INSANE dark magic!!!!  I wish they drew more from that episode. 
Considering how much Steve Little appears in this special, I do feel bad for Mace (little Peps). He said he would have really benefitted from coaching, but recieved none. He had to re-record his lines 3 times! Judging from his description of events, Wizard City was a hard time for him. 
The wizard school did remind me, heavily, of both The Owl House and OK KO. Personally I was hoping AT would offer me something more insane, but I do love both of those shows, and I know Wizard City was on a really tight schedule. 
I think they should have spent less time on the school bullying plot, and skipped straight to MURDER. 
We did have a cold opening, not on par with Together Again’s at all, but damn!
I am wondering where I would put this in the watch list? I do think it should sit after Obsidian as the third special. The intro scene makes it clear this takes place at the same time as Obsidian!!!
Well, that was it, the last ep of AT for the next few years at least T_T
i think together again was the better finale, definitely. but wizard city feels pretty detached from AT for me, despite the familiar characters it tonally isn’t like the show other than the awesome brutal death scenes. I thought the last 11 minutes was easily the best in the special! Which, honestly, is how it should be, though I do wish it gripped me more. Maybe I’m just not the target audience for Wizard City? It feels like something I would find very compelling if I was a bit younger! 
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So the Shining Nikki early access was a week ago surprisingly they chose Canada for once i was so happy so thought I'd make my points before global drops
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I figured that they would give us the skin options for free from the get go and I'm happy that they bothered but I will admit that having only 2 darker options is a bit of a let down. They rarely have a shade of brown close to match me but thats a personal nitpick I'm sure over time they'll hook us up.
On that note I hope we get more natural hairstyles sooner rather than later, from what i remember we starting get them in Love Nikki last year or so, which was years after release. I understand its much harder now seeing as how they'll have to actually model the hair and give it texture but I'll hold out hope it doesn't take too long.
I do dislike that the makeup options are locked behind the guild, i was looking forward to this feature but knowing that I'm limited in how quickly i get the items due to my guild contributions sucks.
The voice acting was a surprise, I didn't expect most of the story lines and cards to be voiced but its not bad. Admittedly at first I was verry iffy on the English voices but they quickly grew on me. They're not super anime to the point that its annoying but theyre not super realistic in their delivery either. Nikki's soft spoken tone and demeanor sounds really great imo. And the other voice actors are great in their delivery and inflection too though admittedly Joy does sound fairly nasal . The translated songs dont hold up too well though.
The soundtrack is amazing Love Nikki already had a great soundtrack but somehow Shining Nikki is even better. They're so catchy and beautifully arranged. Starheaven is my favorite theme so far.
The story came outta left field to me lol. I havent played Love Nikki in quite some time and I admit after what happened to Lunar the story became a blur to me, everything just started happening so fast out of nowhere. I barely remember the details just something about Nidhogg being cursed for what he did and the countries descending into chaos, Bobo being a traitor out of nowhere and going missing and honestly I cant recall much else. So imagine my surprise when I started up Shining Nikki and she's telling me the world had ended and she traveled back in time to try and stop it. And it's been a rollercoaster since then characters are pulling out guns and explosives?? a child had a knife!? I'm fearing for my life over here I just wanted to play a dressup game. Personally the story tone feels way more at place in MLQC (aka mr.love queens choice/ love and producer, a supernatural/sci-fi otome game made by the same company). Tone wise it feels like such a sudden shift thats pretty out of place imo. The writing isnt bad, its great it'll just take some getting used to personally, Its hard for me to imagine Nikki in such situations.
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The graphics on the other hand whew boy. Every item is so lovingly modeled with great textures and shading that i cant handle it. Their lace, tulle, metallic, gem textures specifically are breathtaking. I do miss being able to dye duplicates though. Having to unlock diff color sets through the ark cards is super annoying.
The fact that accessories can move to accommodate your hairstyle is great too, and the layering of some accessories is a neat option. The suits we have now are great and I cannot wait for more to come (I have my wallet prepped for that Cardcaptor collab). I dont think we can change the nails yet but thats another feature i cant wait to see in the future.
I will say that the game is ALOT. As in they will hit you with feature after feature after feature and I'm sitting here like I only have so much time and stamina to keep up with all this. The current suits are less of a pain to craft thankfully the blueprint/set system is much better this game. But with set crafting, arena, intel, guild stuff, stylist academy, colours newsroom and the ark its hard to keep up with everything.
Cant think of much else to talk about rn, if anything I'll edit some thoughts in. I hope you guys are enjoying the game as much as I am and I look forward to Global Release.
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smediumsmeatbae · 4 years
Be Professional
PAIRING: Lucas Lee x Reader WORDS: 930 // head cannon SUMMARY: Lucas Lee was far too much of a flirt, until you decided to flip the tables WARNINGS: smut, dub-con (sort of), degradation (very light), unwanted sexual advances, swearing, bad pick up lines  A/N: This is my third submission for #shamelesshoesforchris challenge and I’m having SO much fun writing these! Thank you @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18 for making such a great Challenge. I’m using the two prompts: Getting frisky with your boss and “Did you just... smack my ass?” I never see any fics with Lucas Lee, so I figure I would give him a try and show some love too. It was way too fun 
Lucas Lee
Professional skateboarder turned actor
Beloved by millions of fans
Lusted by all the genders
And one of the biggest douchebags in the history of films
If that was even possible
(The bar was set pretty high)
How did you know this?
You had the unfortunate job of being Lucas Lee's assistant. 
You had the sole job of placating every little need
Every insignificant whim
That the spoiled super star demanded of you
You stayed, because like so many people you needed a job
But more importantly, as a screenwriter, you were trying to break into the industry yourself
So you loved that you were able to gain access to producers and directors; people who could actually green light your script.
Plus the pay was pretty great, all things considered. 
You weren't forced to eat ramen, that's for sure
But still
With all those perks, Lucas expected a certain type of… gratitude from his assistant
Like being pleased as punch to track down a giraffe at 3 in the morning
In Chicago
Because he wanted to "tame a wild beast"
(Not sure how a docile herbivore was considered a wild beast but whatever)
Or when he had a craving for a shamrock shake in November 
(He was feeling in a "spring mood")
When he demanded that all of his clothing needed to be let out because of his "muscle growth"
It was your job to find a tailor in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, where you were on location
The man even wanted his t-shirts tailored
(Who the hell got t-shirts tailored???)
Through all the asinine requests, you've just gritted your teeth, slapped on a fake smile, and tried to indulge his childish whims
What really pissed you off though
Was his constant
And ever present need
To shamelessly and unabashedly flirt with you
And even though you had told him
Several times, in fact
That his advances are not professional
He just scoffs 
"I flirt with everyone, babe. You aren't special."
And okay
The man was a hoe
Like "probably needed therapy" hoe levels
Or at least a good antibiotic
But his flirting with you specifically seemed…
More personal?
For instance
He would leave your favorite flower on your laptop with a cheeky message
Or when he was yelling for you to get coffee for him at 5 am from Starbucks
"None of that gas station bullshit either"
He tells you to "get yourself something as well, sweety"
And the majority of the flirting was just stupid pick up lines that made you roll your eyes so hard you'd swear they would stick one of these days
"Are you Fred Flinstone? 'Cause I'll make your bed rock."
"Damn girl, can you stop being so full of yourself and try being full of me for a while."
"The FBI is trying to steal my penis. Can I hide it in you?"
But yesterday
He took it to a new level
He was following you up to his trailer to go over some changes in his schedule for the press tour
And he… WTF???
You whipped around, cheeks flushed
Eyes bugging out of your head in shock and anger
“Did you just...smack my ass?!”
A sly grin came across his face and he shrugged his shoulders
"Hand slipped babe."
That. Was. It. 
You yanked his shirt collar like a small child, scowl on your face, and drug him up the rest of the stairs to the trailer
You wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine but good
Throwing him against the opposite wall,
(He seemed shocked at the amount of force you were using) 
You stalked towards him, determination in your eyes
You pressed yourself against him and roughly palmed his crotch as well
Not missing the raging hard on already working in his jeans
"This what you want, Lucas? Big dumb man cant keep his hands to himself? Huh?"
His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down and you weren't sure if there was fear or lust in his eyes
"You want me pawing all over you? I asked you a question."
"Y-yes." He sputtered.
"Not so tough now huh" you smirked wickedly, rubbing his erection through his jeans. 
He whimpered in response, back plastered to the wall, not sure what to do
You knew at this point, you were probably getting fired, so you might as well go full out
"I'm gonna make you apologize for smacking my ass, you dumb boy." You growled. "It's my ass. Not yours."
You crashed your mouth on top of his, lips opening, teeth clashing, tongues wrestling. 
If you weren't trying desperately to prove a point, you'd be so turned on right now
"Fuck... shit" Lucas spoke in between breaths, matching your ferocity as he wrapped his arms around you, humping his crotch against your hand
You kept up your torment, the other hand scratching at his neck.  
"Oh ga-ah… I'm gonna…"
And he stilted in your arms, moaning out and dropping his head on your shoulder. 
Your eyes snapped open
Wait. Did he just...
You felt the wetness on the palm of your hand
It had been less that 2 minutes and he had already come undone for you
Who knew Lucas Lee, "sex god", had zero stamina
You looked up at him, crimson on his face and a scowl on his lips
"Maybe you should remember this for your next assistant. Be a fuckin’ professional."
And with that, you twirled around and walked out the door
Leaving Lucas in his own cum drenched pants
I will post later with tags. 
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A ROTTMNT Fantasy Au: Beauty
Summary : Little Leo discovers something wonderful about himself, but when he goes to show his mother, Big Mama. He learns about her cruel insight of the world . Set before  the Twilight Thief
Word count:1297
Characters: Big Mama, Leo
Part of the Messenger The Hunter the Prince and the Thief Au
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Leo had a lot of favorite places in the castle. Or well, he had a lot of favorite places in a lot of Big Mama’s Castle. But the West Garden in Big Mama’s Third Summer Castle was definitely one of his favorites, where the flowers grew so tall they made it easy to hide from Big Mummy’s guards and everyone else destined to annoy him. He reached up on his tip toes and brushes his fingers underneath the flowers gentle petals, giggling as they tickled his fingertips and showered him in glitter dew.
He had been thinking of heading to the fountain to fish for some discarded diamonds Big Mummy had thrown away when movement caught the corner of his eye.  Just beneath a new budding golden rose, the child knelt down in the dirt and tilted his head to the side to get a better angle on the flower when he saw a large purple butterfly fly with a wingspan almost as big as his (small) hands. Its wings speckled with black and white spots that reflected off the mystic sun peaking through the flowers. “Hi!” He greeted, the butterfly fluttered back in surprise, it was only then that  Leo noticed one of the butterflies wings was bent painfully and torn in some places which was the only reason it hadn’t flown away. “aww.” He said sadly, “It’s ok I wont hurt you .” He promised, bringing his hands around to circle the butterfly without touching it or making it feel trapped, “I live in the big place, right there.” He gestured ,”Its really big and really pretty but I don’t have any one to place with, “ he pouted, “Except Gus but Gus gets boring after a while.” He looked back to the purple butterfly, and a thought occurred to him, “do you wanna be my friend? I dunno what butterflies eat but I’m sure one of the cooks can make it.” The cooks could make anything taste good. Even onions!  
The butterfly moves closer to his hand when a white light, as soft as the mystic moon, starts to grow over his palm. A smarter child would fo yelped and tried o shake his hand to get rid of it, but he is more gentle then smart, so he only lets out  a soft, “Woww.” And looks at it. The light seems drawn to the butterfly and so he moves the glowing hand closer. The white light starts to flow over the insect, Leo watches in amazement as the white light fills in the cracks and tears of the butterflies wings, when the butterfly flaps its wings and blows the fading light away its wing is newly healed. The creature flutters as though in excitement but otherwise stays. Leo gasps again but louder, “Mummy!!” He calls, scooping up the butterfly in his hands ,gently, before turning and  running for the castle.
Despite the fact it takes almost a hour to find Big Mama (He doesn’t know  the layout for this castle like he does the other ones) but he finds her in one of the tea rooms at a window seat, sipping some wine out of a glass. She smiles as he approaches, “Well if it isn’t my snuggle wugggle baby. Are you enjoying the castle?”
“Yes MummyI love it very very much!” He’s so excited he can’t stop his muddied boots from fidgeting, “Mummy I did something really amazing!!”
“Oh did you now?” She says, her voice holding on the charm and bubbly nature he was used to, but her attention is already on her drink again
“Yeah yeah!” Leo held the butterfly from his chest and held it out to her, “I-I found this in the garden and -andits wing was hurt -but but then this weird white stuff came out of my hand and fixed it and now we’re best friends!”
He’s not sure what he expected as a reaction, but slowly Big Mama’s amused, if bored, smile slides from her face into one Leo has never seen before. The Matriarch tasks softly and shook her head, “oh my child its more apparent to me now there is still much to teach you.”
“I-“ Leo’s muscled twitched, fighting his natural instinct to hold the butterfly protectively to his chest. The air, which was normally spelled into maintaining a perfect temperature at all times, cant’ do anything to stop a cold chill from rising up Leo’s shell.
“Let me ask you a question, my boy.” For the first time since talking to him, Big Mama turns her entire body to look at him. But somehow being under her full attention only causes his stomach to hurt, “Do you think this butterfly is pretty?”
Leo swallows hard but answer in a chipper, “yes Mummy I do. But its’ no where as beautiful as you.”
“Very true,  But you just told me that this little creature had been crushed. And if it was crushed, then it must be weak. And if its weak, then how can it be beautiful?” Leo doesn’t answer, some primal instinct deep down claws up and steals his voice in a form of self preservation he wont understand for years to come, “You see, if something is turtle beautiful, like this castle, like the garden, like me, then it must be strong enough to survive without having to cling to others like a  disgusting leech, “You see, this ‘healing’ gift you think you have is not really a gift. All it does is give others the strength that rightfully belongs to you. Would it not be more merciful to extinguish those who are ugly and weak? To save them from a life of pain and misery?”
Any other day, he would of loved to have his mummy’s full attention and not just a fleeting pat on the head or a half minded giggle. He would never know it, but his next answer would be the deciding factor of whether or not he ended up like the twenty five other children who came before him, or a life of luxury and joy.  
But like a actor  stepping into a new role, he smiles brightly, “Why yes Mummy, that’s how the world words after all.”
“That’s my little prince.” Big Mama says with a approving smile as beautiful and hollow as the crystal glass she sips from,” then let me help you correct your mistake.” Before Leo can say or do anything, she snaps her fingers at the butterfly hovering in Leo’s palms. A moment later it’s beautiful dark purple wings erupt in a red flash of fire. Leaving only ashes to settle on Leos’ palms, the child too surprised to do anything more then widen his eyes, “Say thank you Mummy.”
Leo , without missing a beat, smiles brightly again, “Thank you Mummy.”
Big Mama waves her hands at one of the dozen handmaidens standing at the edges of the room, “Ladies,” two of them move closer with a courtesy, “Make sure the prince is thoroughly cleaned.  Ic ant’ have him coming to dinner smelling of that.” Gesturing to the black dust on his still upheld hands, “After all, my prince must be,” she thinks for a moment before resting her chin on the back of her hand with a smile, “Perfect.”
After what feels like a eternity of being scrubbed and cleaned, Leo sits in his room on his oversized king sized bed with his skin tender and raw, whispering to himself over and over again, “Strength is beautiful, and weakness is ugly.” Till his hands finally stop trembling. Even as he struggles to ignore the Gardner’s outside his window tearing down the garden he had been playing in just hours earlier
Strength is Beautiful
Weakness is Ugly
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Series Reviews (2020)
4. Itaewon Class
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Follow your heart and be yourself. A life without regrets regardless of consequences. Everything is all about timing. When you get the timing right, all is well.
This drama has taught me so much. Right now, I am in a state where just like Yi-Seo, I don't know what I want and wondering if life is really worth living.
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It is truly great to feel acknowledge by someone. Saeroyi kept that in mind and always do it to his employees. He is a true leader by being with them and helping each other. I didn't know Park Seo Joon can have this inspiring aside from being handsome and funny in romantic comedy dramas. He can also be a role model and inspiring actor. It's nice to know that there are  dramas like this who want to inspire everyone to believe in the power of their dreams and desire. The only bad thing (for me) about this is that some desire was ignite with revenge. It's not a healthy way of living to be honest.
Being fueled by anger and wanting to take revenge is not healthy to someone but by Saeroyi's case, that ignition of avenging his father's death made him stronger in a good way. He wanted to make his father's dream come true as well but also want to people who make his life miserable pay for what they've done.
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Itaewon Class is truly an amazing drama to watch. It will surely give you lessons in life that you eventually want to do.
They also have interesting set of cast. All have different stories to tell and I think their stories also make it more inspiring to watch.
I want to talk about Chairman Jang first. His power and manipulation really irritates me at first. He said he build Jangga Co. for his family but I guess he did not. He build it for himself. For his pride and status. He lived his early years being poor and having to be at other people mercy so when he got the chance to have power, he easily grabbed it and never let go.
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He's just like everybody else. Afraid to be powerless. Also, even though he want to look like a manipulator who doesn't have a heart, he still want warmth. He's human anyway.
To the actor who portray Chairman Jang, I knew him in another drama, I was shocked when I first saw him because his role in the other drama which he started in was way different from his role here.
If you watched Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and remembered his father. Here he is now. He's not a walnut and a battered husband anymore. He's the Chairman and a cunning strong tiger.
I wanted to get angry with him but I can still see the father of Do Bong Soon. He was a great father there and even though this was a different role, I still see him as a softie. I get irritated by him.
After Chairman Jang, let's move on to his sons. The Jang Brothers.
First off, the legitimate one. Jang Geun-won. The black sheep heir. The trouble maker and good for nothing son. He's the reason why the whole revenge thing happen. It's all because of him. And if not because of him, there wouldn't be any story. So, even though he's a pain, he is also the main reason we have this drama. Let's give him that credit.
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Jang Geun-won also has this habit of being undeniable stupid for some reason in this drama. He cant stand up for himself and always hide in his father's back. But behind all of that, he is just a son who clearly doesn't know what to do with his life. Ever since he was young, he was entitled to be the next chairman of their company. Everything was easy for him so when shit occurs, he doesn't know what to do.
He was like a lost child. I feel sorry for him. And all those years, all he wants was Oh Soo-ah to notice him even for a bit. Even if he was the next chairman and all the attention was on him, the attention from a specific he needed the most was not given to him. So, he acted crazy.
Why do we have to accept the love we think we deserve and not the love given to us? Or simply, why do we like someone who doesn't like us back? Poor Jang Geun-won. You'll get your happy ending. But first, be good.
After the elder one, next is the baby brother. Baby half brother. Jang Geun-soo. Yi-Seo's pushover but turned cunning and irritating antagonist.
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He was cute really. Until he wanted to take over Jangga Co. Okay, he wanted Yi-Seo but all the things he did just to make her like him. That is not the way to make a girl fall in love dude! How can you make her yours if you're destroying her?
He's smart, I'll give him that but he's also stupid for doing such things.
 How can someone be trustworthy end up betraying you?
Jang Geun-soo wanted to be loved just like his brother and just like him, he acted crazy. I feel sad for this father and sons.
Okay, so up next is Oh Soo-ah. The competent and beautiful Oh Soo-ah. The 15-year love of Saeroyi.
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She is competent. But her values in life is want irritates me. She doesn't want to end up like Mr. Park (dad of Saeroyi) so she studied hard and eventually because successful by entering the company who destroyed the life of someone she cherish.
At first it was a slick move. Maybe she has something in her sleeves. Maybe she'll get revenge. But no. In the end, she was used to be torture Saeroyi.
She was manipulated because all she wanted was a relax life. She was an orphan. She wanted to live a life where she can never feel being sympathize again.
Also being confident about Saeroyi's feelings for her was a little annoying. She knew about his feelings but always took it for granted and when she had the chance to say hers, it was too late.
Soo-ah just wanted to stop her life of misery. She just wants to be happy but now, the only person who she want to be happy with no longer feel the way he felt before.
Timing is everything.
This review is getting longer than I thought and I still want to include all the members here. My mind is in fire right now. I think this is the longest review I've done. I dont think anyone would read this shit post. Hahahaha! It's so long! But, hey. It's my blog anyway.
Let's move on to the main cast!
Itaewon Class or IC Co is the company name of DanBam. DanBam is a pub located at Itaewon. A place in Korea where you can see the world. Different nationalities are gathered in Itaewon.
I should be saying this to the beginning but anyway! DanBam consist of 5 employees turned into shareholders. 4 of them are now shareholders and of course, the fifth member is Saeroyi himself. He's the CEO.
Let's talk about Toni. The foreign looking dude who happened to end up working to DanBam while looking for his korean father. I was surprised to see an african guy in a korean drama not that I don't expected but it was surprising and he was so fluent in hangul. I was in awe.
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I can say Toni was the type of guy with compassion and sensitivity. For a foreign looking guy to claim hes korean was brave of him. No one can tell you who and what you are. You are the one who thinks of yourself. You know yourself better than others.
Wow. I should tell that to myself.
Next is Seung-Woo, the hard headed, oldie, classic style Seung-kwon.
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He is literally hard headed because at some scene, he was hit by a bottle of bear but I guess it didn't hurt him. He looks old and his moves are waaaay funny but what I like about him is that even though he was from a bad past, he left that all behind him and started a new life with Saeroyi. He was also inspired by what he said and wanted to live just like him. He devoted his life for him. Having someone loyal like him will make you at ease all the time. Even if he sometimes annoy you.
He can be really annoying but when you need him to cheer you up, he'll be there.
Ma Hyun-Yi. You all know her right? Do you also know Seon Ok from Weightlifting Fairy Kim Book Joo? Yup. It is her. The mighty Seon Ok. She changed her career from weightlifting to cooking. Hahahaha! Just kidding.
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I knew Seon Ok will be a very promising actress after WFKBJ. I was also waiting for this break for her.
She portray a very special role. Stating that you should not be afraid to be who you are. You don't also need to explain yourself to others or get their approval.
Just like what Saeroyi's principles, follow your heart and be yourself.
Hyun-yi became true to herself and end up being happy and successful by the way.
After that, we now got the most powerful woman in Itaewon. The one who made a small pub became big. Featured in one of the businesswomen in Forbes Magazine. The one and only, Jo Yi-Seo.
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Who would have the thought? The crazy party girl would be a most competent businesswomen in Korea at the age of 24? Yup. I think it can happen in real life 
Anyways, Yi-Seo. She's like someone I want to be. Full of confidence. Smart and slightly cunning and determined. At the first part of the drama, I can see myself to her. Literally. The words she said and how she felt about living.
And the everything changed. When she met him.
I don't want to think that I really need to meet a certain someone to be really determined in life but...maybe...maybe I needed that. But how? I don't want to go out of my room. Hahahaha.
Anyway, Yi-seo was on the verge of giving up then he met Saeroyi. Her life changed as she wanted to help him. Not going to college and working at the age of 20 was like the greatest decision she made (and she never regret it).
Again. Timing is everything.
Yi-seo was right on time when Saeroyi needed someone the most.
She love him with all her heart and willing to help him even if he likes somebody else. If its not love then I don't know anymore. And I felt sad to know that she want to be competent for Saeroyi to need him. She badly needed to become someone he needed so she can stay with him. She don't want to leave him.
They say that behind every man success is a competent and understandable woman. And that is Yi-seo. She's the woman in Saeroyi's success. And if her feelings still don't reach him, she will do everything she can to reach him.
You see, Itaewon Class is not an ordinary korean drama. Some of you might liked Crash Landing on You. I recommend you watch this drama too. You'll never regret.
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bepoets · 4 years
Review for Trish’s Dream Fic
Trish ( @couragedontdesertme  ) said she’d write an epilogue of the elsarik dream Fic if I made a Formal Review of the elsarik dream fic. So here we are.
Please note review should be taken VERY LIGHTLY this is more or less me re-reading the Fic and loudly yelling about things with too many exclamation points. Enjoy Trish.
First of all imagine my fucking surprise I didn’t even know you had gotten work done on the dream fic???? Here I was thinking the link you sent me was the next chapter of city of ice and then I click on it and it saYS DREAM FIC???? E X C U S E M E oh my goodness
The first section is just so entirely domestic and beautiful and you can tell how lived in and content they are in their life as roommates. ALARIK (listen my phone autocorrects ALARIK to be in all caps and I’m too lazy to fix it so y’all are gonna have to deal with reading ALARIK’s name as if I’m yelling it every time I type it) anyway ALARIK just bringing her the chocolate croissants she loves so dearly and Elsa curling up with a book and him fretting and worrying over her being there alone all day and later... it’s just SO DOMESTIC. it’s such a small short moment but it’s so domestic and a perfect opposite of the PAIN THAT HAPPENS AFTER!!! And we al know I LOVE READING PAIN
The fact that ALARIK was only home late because he was doing tutoring to earn more money to by Elsa A PRESENT????? Shut up no one speak to me that’s true love but also PAINFUL the guilt he must feel oh my god
Elsa...stops struggling... because she doesn’t want ,,,, ALARIK ,,,, to get hurt. Because she cares for his safety more than her own because he has protected her and he is her friend and she loves him I am going to SCREAM
The fact that you use the phrase ~marching her out of the warmth of the room~ when she just used her magic to like cover the walls in frost makes my Heart burst cause idk if it was intentional or not but I just love the thought that this room has become Home to her it’s become safe and beautiful and lovely and WARM because it is full of love and friendship and companionship rather than the cold loneliness of say her ice palace of her locked room as a child. I like to think Elsa could have covered the room entirely in ice and snow and frost and it would still feel warm to her because of the love that’s developed there thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Ugh fuck hans
I have literally no words other than fuck hans for any section with hans in it I DONT even want to RECOGNIZE THAT HE EXISTS !!! Making Elsa feel like she’s nothing I am going to punch him in the eye
~ALARIK weeps over smushed chocolate croissant. End scene~
I know that it’s such a heartbreaking sad ending for that first chapter but also I really can’t stop laughing about him crying over a stepped on croissant since I know that your like planning note for that last scene was literally just some variant of ALARIK cried over a smushed croissant and that’s just such a funny IMAGE TO ME EVEN THOUGH ITS SAD
I just like to imagine ALARIK cradling the chocolate croissant in his arms like a bébé as he sobs
I’m fucking S A D
ALARIK having like NO MONEY and just thinking about that the money he has was going to go to a gift for Elsa and the guard LAUGHING AT HIM LIKE THATS IT THATS ALL YOU HAVE?? Like shut UP HES TRYING TO SAVE HIS BELOVED
ALARIK is so fucking DEVOTED I’m going to run through a goddamn wall I cannot cope. Willing to sell the clothes off his back have you ever seen an idiot more iN LOVE
ALARIK just going willingly cause he has no fight left in him and he just wants to see Elsa even if it means he gets imprisoned too oh my GOD
ALARIK wanting to hold her hands when her hands are what are chained up and seen as dangerous and what ~make her a witch~ the absolute love and power that holds.
“I promised to keep you safe” the pain I feel oh mY GOD
“They’ll KILL you” they’re really out here trying to protect each other at all costs oh my god nothing matters more to the other than keeping the other safe and for that I want to cry and love them and also I want to ram their heads into the wall because wHY WONT THEY JUST PROTECT ESCH OTHER TOGETHER
the P A R A L L E L of ALARIK stilling and no longer struggling when the guards threaten Elsa’s death in the same way that Elsa stilled and stopped struggling when they threatened ALARIK’s death oh my god that broke me right there
U g h hans fuck that guy
A N N A !!!!!!!!
When I first read this,,, I DONT know why??? But for some reason??? I didn’t think Anna would be in it???? Which like thinking back on that it makes no sense of COURSE Anna would be in the FIC why would I ever think otherwise. But anyway I was so surprised when she showed up I literally gasped and went ANNA??? Out loud because I was so shocked
ALARIK really is just so bad under pressure who thought this was a good idea
AG FOR SHORT wink wink nudge nudge cough cough
I’ll be thinking about ALARIK shouting alfafa geranium on my death bed let us never forget
“No harm, no foul” is literally the most fucking Anna line I’ve ever heard. She absolutely would say that to someone who was being question for a crime she’d be like “it’s not biggy”
Why is it that when hans says “BUT ANNA!!!” I hear it like he’s wining like a petulant child I read it like “bUT annNNAAAAA” ugh I hate him
“Don’t scream” *ALARIK’s inner monologue* “this ,, is the story of how I died”
My dumbass really went “why are none of the children named neta” before remembering that is the child of Anna and Kristoff and these...are the children of Anna ,,, and .... ugh please don’t make me say his name
I would die for these kids though I love them and I want to protect them at all costs 
Johannes at 5 (and a half!!!!) being a fine soldier GOOD FOR HIM
Isak owns my entire heart from the moment he started fake crying for his mother what a star performer a true Actor he’s too good
Arendellian Royal Guards, are they guards? Or are they simply baby sitters? The world may never know
JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the babies being named JOAN!!! Hang in there Joan!!!!!!!!! That made me cry oh my god J O A N
Bébé Isak lookout supreme with his big eyeballs and smile and goofy lil salute I love him
The fact that Elsa says she felt stupid for being lured into a false sense of security means she felt secure and safe for literally the first time since she was a child when she was with ALARIK and I cannot properly articulate how much that made me cry I love that so much that has to mean sO MUCH TO HER oh my god
Brave little boy with his mother’s determination saying “be brave. That’s what mama said to tell you” oh my GOD THESE CHILDREN HAVE MY WHOLE HEART OH MY GOD
A rooster crow for the signal COUKD they be more obvious I love these kids they’re ridiculous they are truly the children of Anna
Elsa!!! Chose!! To be!!! Brave!!!
Queue another one of my shocked and delightfully surprised screams as I shouted KRISTOFF????? Because blonde dude driving a reindeer cart
Let’s get you somewhere safe I’m going to cry THEYRE finally together again and they can keep each other safe together as. They. Should.
They are cuddling and my heart is exploding oh my god ALARIK seems so surprised like you big dumb idiot you’re both in love with each other it’s a mutual thing get with the program
*queue another gasp* there’s only one bed?????
Yea I saw it coming yea I was just as shocked even so yea I got very excited about it wHAT DID YOU EXPECT
They’re cUDDLING and he went to move away and she DOESNT WANT HIM TO they could’ve been sharing a bed THIS WHOLE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY
ALARIK laying all the credit on kristoff and the kids when he’s kind of the one that steamrolled the whole plan into happening because he’s the one who showed up ALARIK please give yourself more credit
“You came back” “of course I came back... I couldnt ...” “why?” And then ALARIK refusing to meet her eyes has me absolutely weeping this is the kind of shit I THRIVE ON this is truly a gift to us all everyone say thank you Trish for these three bits of dialogue I will be thinking about them for all my days
Yeah I do lose my shit anytime Elsa is the one to make the first move you go girl you go
THE SPICE VENDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing in all my favorites I am going to cry thank you Trish I love Darius
I had been observing you two and just assumed!!!!! You would assume right mr spice vendor sir if they WERENT so stupid for so long it’s okay we understand
He literally got to finally kiss the woman he’s in love with for the first time last night and now they’re getting married poor boy is going to get WHIPLASH from how fast things are progressing but it’s okay im sure he is happy
Elsa’s little vows of just needing each other and keeping each other safe and keeping company and not needing gold or silver ugh TRUE LOVE
And ALARIK hopelessly devoted to her being like I PROMISE
“just you being there no matter what is enough” peak romance true love the devotion the dedication I’m a wreck
~end review~
Okay where is my epilogue please and thank you
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griff-man · 3 years
Okay, so this is just how I feel the 7th episode of Star Wars could be improved. If you all enjoy it I'll do the others in the Disney Trilogy. And I am open to constructive criticism and discussion, this is all in good fun.
So first of all, I want to say I think the actors did a decent job with what they were given, it was the writing that needed work and the cast shouldn't have been dogged like they were. Most of the Force Awakens can actually be salvaged with just a few scene changes, especially towards the end. And though it should be obvious by the title, and you probably already saw it let me say SPOILER WARNING.
So the beginning of the movie goes as is and the first change I would make is when Kylo Ren is informed of Finn, Rey, and BBs escape from Jakku. Instead of throwing a hissy fit and destroying that computer, he uses his light saber to cut off both of the officers arms after he was told that a girl helped Finn and BB escape. He then lifts the officer with the force and says "what girl", the officer replies "we don't know yet", and Kylo uses the force to snap his neck so that the officer's head is completely turned around. He then yells at another officer to find out what happened and to have this mess cleaned up. The scene then transitions to the Millennium Falcon as it did originally. This scene change makes Kylo Ren's character seem more like an actual threat rather then a whiney child, and I think it makes him much more intimidating. After all, he is supposed to be one of the big bad guys of this trilogy.
The next scene change takes place at Maz's bar, when Finn admits to Rey that he was a Storm trooper and then leaves to join those cargo pilots. Rey would still have those visions, and Maz would still give her speech, but toward the end of it Maz would then make a remark to Rey along the lines of "don't worry, he would return when she needed him, and he'll know when that is". A subtle remark, but important for later. Then we have all those planets destroyed, and the the first order invades like before. The only difference is that when Finn starts fighting the "Traitor" Storm trooper, he's not so easily beaten and actually is pretty decent with the light saber making the storm trooper stagger back and go on the defensive a time or two. So he's not an expert but someone who obviously has potential, as if holding the weapon felt natural. He still needs to get saved by Han and Chewy, but its not so one sided. The fight continues like in the movie, but instead of just seeing Kylo kidnapp Rey, Finn gets this look, like he can feel something is wrong, and looks around. That is when he see's Kylo leave with Rey, and we see him run after them and shout her name.
We then skip ahead to Rey's interrogation by Kylo Ren. The big change here is he doesn't remove his helmet. If we're expected to take him as a true Sith Lord, we cant have him so easily persuaded to show his face. That comes later. And everything sort of plays out the same with Rey resisting and escaping with the force (except she doesn't get the storm trooper's blaster) up until we get to Kylo discovering her escape. Instead of destroying the room with his light saber he uses the force while screaming in rage, like the whole room crumples up like like a wad of paper around him while all the computers short circuit and explode. The Storm Troopers turning the corner still see the destruction and turn right around. Once again everything plays like in the movie, with the exception of Finn giving Rey the Light Saber since he has a blaster and she's unarmed. Then we get to when Han is confronting Kylo Ren on that walkway. Han would still tell him to remove the helmet, and he does. This is when we finally see his face and it makes his face reveal much more dramatic. The scene plays out, but now when Kylo kills Han we see his eyes turn that yellowish red color of the Sith. This is to signify that he's no longer conflicted in his beliefs and fully devoted to the Dark Side. Rey still shouts no, and Chewy still shoots Kylo only he's more notably wounded when he's hit.
This time, when the confrontation with Kylo against Rey and Finn happens Rey is the one with the light saber. Finn would be the one force pushed into a tree by Kylo and Rey would activate the saber and charge into battle. Kylo's dialog about the light saber being his would be the same. So Rey and Kylo are dueling and Rey isn't as good as Finn was, but due to Kylo's injury she's holding her own for the most part but is still at a clear disadvantage. We then get to the part where Kylo has her pinned against the tree and is using his saber exhaust port to cut into her. She suddenly uses the force to push him away and make some distance, surprising herself in the process, while Finn starts waking up. Kylo gets right back into the battle and Rey gets that hit in on his arm, right before he's able to knock her saber out of her grasp by twirling thier sabers. This action knocks Rey to the ground, and Kylo approaches her with his Saber raised ready to end it. That's when Finn raises his arm and shouts out "NOOOO". You see, Rey and Finn's saber was knocked in the opposite direction of Finn, with Kylo and Rey in-between. We already saw the force awaken in Rey, well now we see it awaken in Finn as the saber flys towards him, activating as it passes Kylo. Only his training and reflexes keep him from loosing his head, instead it grazes his face cutting off part of his lower jaw and scarring up part of his face. The Saber goes in to Finn's hands, who looks at it amazed. Rey looks at him with a sort of surprised "you too" look. But now Kylo is really mad, and goes for Finn. The fight is back on, but Rey is backing him up with Finn's forgotten blaster. Despite the team up, and Kylo being injured the fight is still evenly matched with Kylo having a slight advantage. This is to show his obvious greater skill with the force given his years of training. Like, its obvious if you really look that if he was uninjured from Chewy in the start and then from Finn and Rey's attacks, he would be absolutely dominating the two of them.
Then Kylo gets an advantage over Finn, slicing his back and throwing him to the ground on his now injured back. He then has him on the ground with his light saber at his throat, boot holding down his hand with the saber in it. He looks at Rey and says the line about being her teacher in the ways of the force. Rey, like in the movie, realizes she could possibly use the force again, and uses it to push Kylo off of Finn and to bring the saber to her. We have the clash between the two of them. She manages to cut off his hand (instead of cutting his face like in the movie, since Finn already did), and pushes him back into a tree with the force. The big ravine opens between them again, only its much bigger so Kylo couldn't force jump it, even if he was still fighting fit. They look at each other, Kylo's face mangled and bleeding as his eyes burn with hatred. Rey with a look that's determined but just a bit nervous. She then runs back to Finn and grabs him, both getting off the planet just like in the movie, as everything else that was going on took place the same way. Kylo meanwhile looks at his bleeding nub, and though you can tell by the look on his face that he doesn't want to, we see him start to head back to base so he can escape.
We get back to the Rebel base, Finn is injured but awake, and R2D2 has revealed the location of Luke Skywalker with BB's help. Since Finn was shown to also be force sensitive he of course goes with Rey and Chewbacca to find Luke. They get to the planet that was on the map, and hike up the mountain where Luke is. Finn is using a crutch and Rey's helping him since he is still slightly injured, but on the mend. They get almost to the top of the mountain, on to a plateau but Luke isn't just staring off into the horizon. Instead they find him meditating with his legs crossed, floating 5 feet in the air with the force, his back to the mountain under a cliff and eyes closed. Finn and Rey slowly approach, as Luke slowly lowers until he is sitting on the ground. Then, he opens his eyes, and Rey pulls out the light saber and holds it out toward him. The camera zooms out. The classic star wars music plays the whole time like in the movie.
Finally, we transition to Hux seated behind a Storm trooper who is piloting a craft like the one Kylo had at the beginning of the movie toward where ever Snoke is. In the back, behind a closed door we see Kylo Ren being treated by a human doctor and a med droid while in some kind of healing pod. He seems unconscience, and the camera zooms onto his mutilated face. Suddenly, we hear the deep voice of Darth Vader say "you have much yet to learn" in side Kylo's head, and his fiery red eyes snap open. Then credits.
Whooa, that took a while to write. Especially since I was watching the Force Awakens again at the same time. So that is how I'd improve Episode 7, and I know that only a few scenes were changed, but that's because I still mostly liked the movie. It's the next two that needed MAJOR overhauling, but I needed to adjust this one for the changes in the Last Jedi to happen. And I know that Snoke and Kylo aren't exactly Sith in this trilogy, but instead another type of Dark Force users, but I used Sith for a reason. Sorry if you guys expected everything written out like a screen play or a story, but I'm just not that good a writer. I have these big general ideas, but am really not good at the small details and dialog. Nor am I good at art, which is too bad caused I'd love to see these scenes drawn out. So tell me what you think, did you enjoy it? What changes would you make? Should I go ahead and share my ideas for the Last Jedi?
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an-emo-on-emo-site · 4 years
time for a dumb critique of stranger things written by a dumb emo 13 year old
aight so since im a massive film/tv nerd lets talk about stranger things 
so basically the first season is nearly perfect imo. the cinematography is phenomenal and every. single. shot. serves the mood of the scene really well. the show has excellent writing that makes teens feel like actual people which a lot of other teen shows fail at, and it can be really funny without actually sacrificing the mood of the show as a whole or detracting from the severity of the situation. it can also be genuinely scary (the first watch through) without relying too much on gore to induce a cheaper “shock scare”. It maintains tension expertly throughout the whole show until the resolution and the ending cliffhanger is a perfect end. There really isnt much more i can say, the entire season is just chef’s kiss
while season 2 is still decent and succeeds in some of the aforementioned manners (cinematography and humour), there are quite a few g l a r i n g flaws in the show which kinda take it down quite a few pegs for me. Season one was almost a mystery show disguised as horror, and therefore was a lot more engaging because you wanted to solve the mystery just as much as the characters did. While you were still invested in the show and liked the characters, most of the enjoyment (for me at least) came from trying to figure out what happened to will. While Season 2 does have some of this carry over with the Mind Flayer infection, the mystery never really progresses, they just figure something out in the last hour of the show. Season 2 relies a lot more on the characters to carry the show and keep the audience engaged. While this does work a lot of the time, especially with the dynamics between Dustin and Steve (we stan), a lot of the enjoyment from the show was taken away (for me) when the mystery aspect was toned down. Additionally, there wasn't really any particularly scary threat for the majority of the season. In Season 1 we are aware of the existence of the Demogorgon throughout the show and we are consistently shown that it is a severe threat to the protagonists, but in Season 2 we only really have a threat at the very end (last two episodes), and even those are literally just tiny demogorgons. While they obviously can still be harmful, they’re much tamer considering how hyped up big boy demogorgon was in the first season. 
While the characters are a big reason why stranger things is such a well loved show, Season 2 kinda screwed a lot of them up. Joyce is still the distressed mother (while she has reason to be, she literally doesn't change at a l l after the first season), Mike is kinda just an edgier version of who he was last season, Will doesn't have any character at all (the mind flayer does take him over but thats a slow process in the beginning, he should be more prominent but he isn't and we therefore never get to connect with him like we did with the other characters in the first season), and Eleven...
well Eleven is a child. she has every reason to be disappointed or angry that she cant see mike but she behaves like a toddler. she   - throws tantrums  - breaks windows when she doesn't get what she wants
and yells “i hate you!” at her parental guardian who is just trying to keep her safe from murderous government officials. While her motivations are there and are valid, her behavior is extremely immature, and she definitely devolves after the first season.
whoo that was long. i still like the season but the characters don't really evolve or develop at all after the first season which kinda sucks considering the first season was so good and characters did develop during it, but for some reason they just abruptly stopped. Fortunately, the writing is still decent and the cinematography is still great so its still an enjoyable watch.
this is probably the worst season of the show (worst for stranger things is still pretty good though), but i still enjoyed watching it more than i enjoyed watching any other part of the show because i was laughing the entire time.
The writing in this season is either amazing or terrible. There are some parts to this show where they’re trying to write a joke but it fails so hard i start laughing. The best example I can think of this is the scene where Billy is trying to convince Mrs. Wheeler to get private lessons from him. He launches into a monologue of how he could “teach her” and starts listing strokes like the sensual man he is 
breaststroke” *proceeds to eye mrs. wheeler from head to toe*
and the joke made me cringe so hard i fell out of my chair laughing. This is just the example i thought of off the top of my head, but so many scenes have similar writing that makes me cringe hard.
the actor’s performances in this season are phenomenal. Every actor sells their lines so hard that I enjoy every. single. second of the show even when the writing is dumb. the only times when the writing is actually bothersome is in the serious scenes (like the infamous “new coke” scene which made me shake my head so fast my glasses flew off my head). Apart from those few instances, however, almost every second of the show is enjoyable. This season also fixes the problem with the second season and actually ups the ante this time with the mind flayer which is absolutely, positively, terrifying. The damn thing is literally made out of the melted corpses of the people it infected. This brings another problem into the show, however, which is
I should probably start out by saying that in general i don't really like over the top gore in media. A few months ago i tried to watch Kill Bill and got freaked out by the first scene. Regardless of my wimpiness, however, I think that the show begins to rely too much on gore to be scary. Some scenes have people feeling around in a cut open leg, some scenes have people literally melting into chunks of blood and flesh, some have scenes of a guy getting his head shoved into a fan and having his face ripped open. The show tries to put all this off as “horror” but in reality its just something that grosses me out a bit but then i move on. Some scenes have actual scary moments, (especially with the mind flayer in billy’s form), but a lot of the horror in the third season relies on either gore or jumpscares which are still really enjoyable to watch but aren't really scary as they’re intended to be.
I still loved watching season three, but i feel like it shouldn't be gone into as a horror show as the first two could have been. The first few episodes are like a corny teen dramedy with some scary elements, and the last few are literally just slasher 80s camp the whole way through and i'm living for it
anyway this was long winded and dumb. stranger things is a great show watch it just don't expect anything to top the first season
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faerieyoongles · 6 years
by: @lwannag0h0me-c0m
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Plot: Werewolves are assigned a human soulmate from birth, as werewolves cannot reproduce with other werewolves. Although humans cant tell when they’ve met their werewolf soulmate (mostly because they think werewolves don’t exist), werewolves become fully aware once they are united with their true love. Most werewolves meet their soulmate around mid to late teenage years (because that’s when their bodies become sexually mature). Yoongi is 18, almost 19, and on his last year of high school and still hasn’t found his soulmate yet. He’s starting to believe maybe he doesn’t have one, until one day a new girl named Y/N enters the school.
Chapter(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Genera: Werewolf au, fluff, smut, (a lil bit of angst), supernatural romance
Chapter 1
{I’m so sorry for any spelling mistakes, I haven’t edited yet}
Yoongi has never been a fan of waking up early (or waking up at all really), especially if it was for school. He wasn’t a bad student or anything, he had decent grades and never fought with any of the other students or teachers, it was just exhausting for him to walk around and pretend to be interested in the events going on around him. He wasn’t the social type, or the athletic type (not anymore at least, he did play basketball his freshmen and sophomore year, but eventually quit due to a shoulder injury), or the artistic type, or the nerdy type, or any type really. Granted, he was very musical and he did enjoy listening to music and maybe writing a few songs for himself here and then, but those skills aren’t very useful in high school. To Yoongi, high school almost seemed pointless. Yoongi’s mother is a werewolf, which makes him a werewolf. Once Yoongi graduates high school, he’s supposed to help his parents by becoming a head leader of the pack. Yoongi’s mother, Bitna, was the current leader of the pack, with her husband, Ankor, by her side. Yoongi wasn't opposed to the idea of helping lead the pack, in fact, he was quite excited to help his parents lead, as he had been watching them do so since he was young. He was, however, disappointed in himself. Every werewolf has a human soulmate that they usually find once their bodies are fully mature and ready for mating, which would usually be somewhere around the ages 14-17. Werewolves can’t reproduce with other werewolves because there needs to be a balance of human and wolf DNA. If two werewolf parents gave birth to a child, the child would come out with too much wolf DNA for its body to handle, and end up dying either before it’s born, or only a few moments after. Yoongi was now 18, almost 19, and still hadn’t found his true love. It was expected of him to have a mate by the time he became a leader to provide the pack with more members. It was now the first day of his senior year, which gave Yoongi only one more year for him to find his mate. He felt like he was disappointing his parents, even though they made it very clear that they where in no way disappointed in him, and that it wasn’t his fault his mate hasn’t shown up yet. He knew there wasn’t anything he could do about him being mate-less, but still, he wanted to make his pack proud of him, and living a werewolf life without a mate while you watch other wolves be happy with theirs was very lonesome. Some of his friends from his pack that he hung out with had already found their mate, like Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon. That left him, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook to be the four mate-less ones in their friend group. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook where all younger than Yoongi (Jimin and Taehyung being 16 and Jungkook being 15) so it wasn't abnormal for them to have not found their mates yet. Yoongi was almost starting to believe that maybe there wasn’t someone out there for him. Thoughts like these caused him to fall into this ongoing state of depression and lack of motivation, so now a days he tended to get annoyed and short tempered easily when one of his friends starting talking about their mates or when someone mentioned him having not found his yet.
It was now Yoongi’s first day of his senior year. He put on his clothes, which was just a pair of dark blue jeans, a black hoodie with a white graphic tee underneath, and his usual red basketball sneakers. Although he didn’t play basketball anymore, he still was found of the sport and owned some basketball jerseys and sneakers in his closet. He never worried much about his appearance, it’s not like he had anyone to impress. He brushed his hair and teeth quickly and headed outside to meet his friends who lived in the same area. Since him and his friends are all from the same pack, they all lived in the same neighborhood. The next few streets next to Yoongi’s street where all people from his pack. Closing the door to his house, he was suddenly greeted by his six friends all staring directly at him. Yoongi stopped in his tracks, he didn't expect them to all be waiting for him at once.
“What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for you for like 15 minutes?” asked Hoseok. He was clearly more annoyed than the other members. Hoseok was the only member in the friend group to have a soulmate that went to their high school. Jin and Namjoon’s mates where girls who lived on the other side of town and went to the other high school. Hoseok was no doubt in a rush to get to school to see Dawn, his mate, who he hadn’t seen all summer because she was living in Seoul, spending the summer with her father.
“Sorry” said Yoongi “I woke up late. I forgot to set my alarm.” He turned around to face his front door to lock it. His parents had already gone out, so it was his responsibility to lock the house.
“Are you not excited?’ asked Jimin. Jimin could tell Yoongi wasn’t in the best mood at the moment, so he felt it was his responsibility to help him feel better.
 “No” replied Yoongi “Why would I be? High School isn’t necessarily my ideal place to spend my time.” Yoongi started to walk down his front steps and down the side walk, his friends quickly followed him. He put his keys back in his pocket and took out his phone and headphones to listen to music. He knew Jimin was only engaging in conversation with him to cheer him up. Deep down, Yoongi appreciated it, but at the moment he was too tired to hear his friend’s sad attempts at making him feel better.
“Because it the first day of school!’ Jimin said trying to sound enthusiastic, but he wasn’t a very good actor.
“Again. Why is that exciting?” Yoongi asked, not really giving his full attention, the music in his ears seemed more interesting to listen to. Jimin really didn't know how to answer that, he as well didn’t find school anymore exciting than Yoongi did.
“Because” Started Hoseok “Exciting things could happen this year.”
Yoongi scuffed “Really?” he said sarcastically “like what?”
“Like maybe if you walked a little faster, we’d get to school faster, and maybe today you’ll find your mate! Now can we please get to the bus stop?” Yoongi clenched his jaw at the mention of his un-found mate. Hoseok got a forceful punch on his shoulder from Namjoon. Hoseok knew better then mention Yoongi still hadn’t found his mate, but he was desperate to get to school to see his.
After about a five minute walk, they all reached the bus stop. All six guys where now having a new conversation that Yoongi couldn’t be bothered to listen to. He loved his friends, but he enjoying being in their company silently when he was in a bad mood, than making an exhausting effort to take part in a conversation that he just wasn’t in the mood to be in. Thanks to Hoseok’s careless comment about his mate, Yoongi’s mood was now even worse than when he first woke up. 
It didn’t take long for the bus to arrive. Yoongi was the last of his friends to get on. When he got on, he saw all his friends had taken a seat except for Jungkook who was still standing up waiting for Yoongi to sit on the inside of the bench so he could sit on the outside. Jungkook knew Yoongi preferred the window seat so he could rest his head on the glass. This was Jungkook’s way of helping Yoongi feel better, and so far, it was the only effective one. 
“Hyung” said Jungkook in a very quiet unsure voice. He didn’t want to upset Yoongi more than he already was. Lucky for Jungkook, Yoongi had a soft side for him, with him being the youngest member of the group and all. Yoongi decided he didn’t want to take his anger out on the Maknae, so he took out one of his ear phones to give Jungkook his full attention. “It’s gonna be this year, I know it! Look, I know this might not be what you’re in the mood to hear right now, but trust me, when our mates come I’m sure all the waiting would have been worth it. That’s what Namjoon hyung told me, and he’s never lied to me before.” Although Yoongi wasn’t fond of hearing yet another person this morning mention the absence of his mate, he knew Jungkook meant well. Yoongi gave Jungkook a simple nod and a short smile before he returned the earphone back to his ear. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t hopeful that this was finally the year he’d find love. ‘It has to be! I can’t wait forever!’ he thought to himself.
The bus finally came to a stop in front of the school, and Hoseok was the first to run off with Jin running after him close behind trying to contain Hoseok’s excited and rushed energy. Yoongi took his time walking off the bus and into the school. The school had already sent the students their class schedules and locker numbers during the summer, so Yoongi’s friend group had all dispatched at this point to get to their classes. Yoongi never bothered with his locker, they allowed backpacks inside the classrooms so he never saw a need for them anyways. He went straight to his first class which was English. Unfortunately for him, Namjoon wasn’t in this class with him like he was last year, so Yoongi would actually have to do his own work instead of copying off of Namjoon. He entered the classroom and sat in a seat in the back next to a window. He preferred to sit by himself than to try and make awkward conversation with someone. His conversation skills weren’t very good, and besides, he had all the friends he needed from his pack. He rested his head on his hand while he looked out the window and watched the trees wrestle with the wind. He saw a stray cat climb up on one and lay down to take a nap. ‘It must be nice to be a cat. You just get to sleep all day.’ He thought. He then chuckled at the fact that technically, he was a dog, who was wishing to be a cat. Ironic. The classroom was loud and fulled with life as students where telling their friends what the did over summer break, gossiping over new students and what not. Finally the teacher walked in with a coffee mug full of freshly brewed coffee in his hand.
“Okay everyone” he said “Please take your seat and settle down.” The students obeyed, and took their seats. Since it was only the first day of school, students haven’t yet become as rebellious as they will later on in the year, so quieting down the class wasn’t too hard of a task for the teacher. He set his coffee mug down on his desk and walked toward the center of the front of the room.
“Hello everyone! My name is Mr. Ling.” the teacher said in perfect English. He then repeated the phrase in Korean for his students to understand. Yoongi was decently good at English, and learned a few things not only from school, but also from Namjoon, so Yoongi understood what the teacher had said before he translated it. Yoongi silently praised himself for his well understanding of the English language.
“Before you guys introduce yourselves to me, we have a new student this year. Please take care of her and make her feel welcomed to our school. Okay?” The students nodded in response. Mr. Ling walked over to the door and opened it. A girl then walked through. Her posture gave away that she felt very shy and awkward. Immediately she caught Yoongi’s eye, but he wasn’t the only person in the room to take an interest in her. Other guys suddenly started smiling and taking their attention to focus more on what this new girl had to say.
“Um hello. My name’s Y/N. Please take care of me.” The girl said it so quietly you almost didn’t hear her. Luckily at this point, Yoongi had paused his music to hear you speak. The new girl then bowed to the class and looked at the teacher for her next direction.
“It’s lovely to have you here Y/N. There’s an empty seat in the back beside Yoongi, you can sit there if you’d like.” said Mr. Ling. Yoongi was taken back by the spot light suddenly put on him, but he collected his scattered thoughts and waved at you so you’d know who he was. He gave you a short but genuine smile, and you returned the favor as you walked to sit next to him. At this moment, Yoongi thanked whatever god there was that none of his classmates ever wanted to sit next to him. You put your bag down by your new desk and sat down. At first, coming to a new school was diffidently something you where in no way excited about. Making new friends was never something you where good at, and whats the point of making new friends senior year when you’re only going to graduate in a few months anyways. The boy sitting next to you though was now making you rethink that thought. He looked inviting and you got this calm, safe, and warm vibe from him.
“Okay so, now what I’d like to do is go around the room and introduce yourselves to me, Y/N, and any other classmates that might not know who you are. Lets start with you!” said the teacher as he pointed to a student sitting at  the far right of the front row. One by one students sat up and said their name, grade, and one interesting thing about them. Trying to come up with something interesting seemed like a hard task for the students, so this process seemed very slow and excruciatingly painful to watch. After 20 minutes, Yoongi was starting to get a headache from all the “ummms” and “yeahs” coming from student’s mouths every three seconds, so he unpaused his music. When he turned his phone on to click the play button, you caught a glimpse of the song he was listening to. He was listening to “Kind Heart” by Glowing Eyes, and immediately you decided you had to be friends with this boy. Glowing Eyes was your favorite band and you just couldn’t stop your excitement from taking over. If the boy sitting next to you didn’t make you feel so comfortable just by giving you a smile, then you would have never said anything, but you just couldn’t stop yourself (nor did you really want to). You tapped him on the shoulder and Yoongi flinched dramaticly. It took you back a bit because you where sure you like barley touched him. What you didn’t know is that when you touched him, even in the slightest, it sent electric waves of shock through Yoongi’s body, but it felt good and warm. He almost wanted to you tap him again. You gave him a kind of perplexed look. Did you really tap him that hard, or was he just really sensitive?
“Um, yeah?” Asked Yoongi, still in a state of shock.
“Uh” you said quietly, so the teacher wouldn’t hear you having a conversation while another student was introducing themselves. Yoongi realized your soft voice and took out one of his ear phones.
“Your song. Your listening to Glowing Eyes.” You said, feeling slightly less confident then when your first tapped him.
“Yeah” said Yoongi “You like them?”
“They’re my favorite band.” You said with a smile, now slightly regaining confidence now that Yoongi was now understanding where this conversation was going.
“Really?” He said, your smile now rubbing off on him.
“Let me ask you this then.” He now felt more interested in talking to you (as if he wasn’t already before) now that he found out you two have something in common.
“Which album is better? ‘Worth the Wait’ or ‘Destiny’s Course’ ?” You’re almost taken back by the fact that he’s now speaking to you like he’s known you forever, but you really liked the fact that you could just skip over the ‘awkward conversation’ phase of friendship, so you played along with his vibe.
“Oh ‘Destiny’s Course’ by far!” You said with up most certainty.
Yoongi crinkled his nose “Hmm, i dunno. ‘Worth the Wait’ had more of a raw and real sound.”
“Yeah but in that album they replaced James with Leon as the main vocalist, and James is a far better singer.” Although you where disagreeing with Yoongi, you still thought that this conversation was the best one you’ve had all day. Yoongi was unknowingly agreeing with you.
“Well yeah but, the songs are just so much more..” he pause for a minute trying to come up with the right word to use.
“Raw and real?” You say, mocking his words from earlier. You slightly roll your eyes, wanting to make fun of your new friend, but not wanting to push it because you two had only just met.
“Well yeah” Yoongi laughs. You start laughing too but it’s quickly cut short when you hear the teacher call your name.
“Y/N!” he says “I know you just introduced yourself, but why don’t you do it again and tell us something interesting about you, that way we can get to know you even more!” He was clearly aware you and Yoongi weren’t paying attention, but since it was the first day of school and you where a new student, he decided he wouldn’t scold you and instead be grateful you had already made a new friend.
“Oh, um okay.” You said. You then stood up to face the class for a second time and said “My name is Y/N, Im a senior, and..” You where trying to think of something interesting to say when an idea popped into your head. “and I think- no, I know that’Destiny’s Course’ is Glowing Eyes’s best album.” You hoped your new friend found your teasing funny. The teacher looked confused by your statement but decided to brushed it off and move onto Yoongi. He looked at Yoongi’s direction, waiting for him to speak. As you sat down, Yoongi sat up.
“Uh, my name is Yoongi, in a senior, and I know for a absolute 100% fact that ‘Worth the Wait’ is without a doubt Glowing Eye’s best album.” He said with a playful smirk. You sighed in relief that Yoongi was playing back with you. He looked down at you and gave you a smile. The teacher smiled as well, feeling proud he created a friendship by having you sit next to Yoongi. The bell then rang signaling for the next period to begin. Luckily Yoongi was the last student to introduce himself, so every student had gotten the chance to take their turn. You turned and grabbed your backpack on the floor beside you and started to walk towards the door. You stopped when you felt someones hand pull you back by your upper arm. When you turned around, you saw it was Yoongi. Yoongi wanted to talk with you more, which is why he decided to pull you back. When he held on to you, his hand got warm shocks of energy that was now circling in his hand and up his arm. He stared at his hand holding your arm for a few seconds wondering what the heck was going on. He snapped back into reality when he noticed you where looking at him for an explanation to why you where being held back.
“Um, I- I think you’re pretty cool, I guess.” He then let go of your arm, realizing he was still holding on to you “I wanted to know if uh- if maybe you wanted to go to this music store that’s like a 10 minute walk from school? I mean I know we just met but I’ve always wanted to go there but ah, my friends never do and it’d be nice to go there with someone instead of by myself. Ya know?” He nervously chuckled. With every word he said, he lost more and more confidence, fear and awkwardness now finally sinking into him. You on the other hand where beyond glad that you had easily made a friend you had something in common with.
“Yeah sure!” you said with an obvious grin on your face. Your energy rubbed off on Yoongi and he felt relaxed again.
“Great! Um, if you gave me your number I could tell you where to meet me after school.” He said, finally relaxed that you seemed to like him as much as he liked you (or at least he hoped). It felt weird to him though, asking a girl for her number. That was something he had never done before.
“Sure.” you said. He unlocked his phone and handed it to you, and your put your number into his contact list. You then handed the phone back to him. While doing so, your finger came into contact with his, and yet again, Yoongi felt those same waves of shock. He couldn’t understand what it was at first, but after you had first tapped him on the shoulder, he’s had sometime to think about it, and he’s 90% sure that maybe he knows. He wants to feel them again though one more time before you walk away. So he does the only thing he can think of in the moment. He extends his hand out for you to take.
“Friends?” He asks. You take is hand with out question.
“Friends.” You state. Yoongi looks at your hand touching his and inhales sharply, really loving the feeling of your skin coming to contact with his. You then let go of his hand, whispered a ‘bye’ and flashed him a small but genuine smirk as you walk out the door. You didn’t really want to leave him, but you also didn’t want to be late to your next class either.
As Yoongi watched you walk away, he knew his mood had been completely changed from what it was this morning.
He knew for sure, that he finally found his mate.
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curly-q-reviews · 5 years
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Bird Box, 2018 (dir. Susanne Bier)
well fuck its been a while!!  happy new year y’all hope u had a Fun and Safe time!!!  i for one was at a party where we started playing Shrek at exactly 10:39 PM to see if Smash Mouth’s hit song I’m a Believer started playing right at midnight and to my utter disbelief and elation it did!!!  move over times square ball drop a new arbitrary way of celebrating the start of a new calendar year is here and it involves a large green monster with a scottish accent who really loves his onions (#me am i right ladies)
WELL ANYWAY heres a fun new series ive been thinking of starting cause ya girl watches a lot of netflix movies and has many opinions about them.  i think i’ll do a separate post about the whole Netflix Original Film trend in general and how its changed the film industry at a later date but since i just watched the above movie not too long ago i wanted to get all my thoughts out there right fuckin now!!
netflix is without a doubt the OG king of streaming services, they were really the first to get the ball rolling and then dozens of other companies scrambled to latch onto this money train while it was rolling on the tracks full steam (or should i say.... stream EL;KGHS;EKFSH; please end me) ahead.  it started out as a rental subscription service where u could pick out three movies at a time to rent and then they were sent to u in the mail (like blockbuster but now you never have to leave your house ever again to get that sweet sweet rental content).  and then the decision was made to actually start online streaming, no physical DVD’s required!  ISNT TECHNOLOGY GREAT
well whoooo boy this shit swept the nation, people couldnt get enough of such a convenient and relatively affordable service and netflix started really raking in the dough.  and at some point they got rich enough to say “hey fuck it!!!  lets make our own movies baby!!!!”  and here we are now with Netflix Original Movies and TV Shows, which means a new player has entered the movie game in a very novel and innovative way.  why pay money for a movie ticket and leave your house to go to a theater when cool new movies are being released on a subscription service u already own to watch movies you already know and enjoy?  and then u can sit butt-ass naked in ur bedroom alone stuffing ur face with cheese puffs like an insatiable cheddar beast and see something new and fun and interesting
ok so.  Bird Box.  here we have a movie based off of a book (so i guess this also counts as a Book Movies review but I DIGRESS) starring hollywood powerhouse sandra bullock, featuring Supreme Lesbian Overlord Sarah Paulson and Resident Crazy Old Man John Malkovich, directed by a relatively unknown but competent female filmmaker Susanne Bier (who also directed Things We Lost in the Fire in 2007, a moving drama starring Halle Berry).  this one definitely has a lot of proimse compared to what netflix has offered so far in terms of their original movies (im gonna get into Dumplin’ at a later date cause jesus christ what a mess) and i went in with pretty high expectations
did it deliver???  well uuhhhh yeah sort of i guess!!  we got some pretty strong performances from our leading lady bullock who really does deliver it every time, a few strong supporting roles like newcomer Trevante Rhodes of Moonlight fame (his energy on screen is just so compelling and soothing), not overly obnoxious child actors which is really all u can ask for, and overall a solid story. 
now heres where i gotta say that i couldnt help comparing this film to another movie of its kind, directed by the notorious M. Night Shyamalan.  y’all remember The Happening?  cause i remember The Happening.  i remember that it was total shit and that the twist was that it was the fucking plants making everyone kill themselves.  the PLANTS.  and i also remember mark wahlbergs dumb-ass confused face that he used in every single shot no matter the context, im AMAZED i remember zoe deschanel in this movie cause she may as well have been one of the killer plants with how little she emoted, and i remember mark wahlberg yelling at a fake office ficus and apparently i was supposed to be scared while watching this clusterfuck. 
the way that this movie was described to me by friends who had seen it before me was basically that Bird Box is a slightly better The Happening, and no truer words have ever been spoken.  we basically have the same premise going on here:  unknown force is causing people to off themselves, our lead(s) have to try and find a way to escape this unknown force without even knowing what it really is, and theres some sort of “sanctuary” they gotta try and get to (which is a common plot point in really all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic films).  now whereas The Happening’s rules for this scenario make entirely no fucking sense (how in the fuck are u supposed to be able to out-run WIND???), Bird Box has some rules for dealing with this Unknown Thing that make slightly more sense.  when u open ur eyes while outside, the chance of the Thing making u kill urself in some horrific way is extremely high, so wear a blindfold when ur outside and keep all windows covered when ur inside.  makes sense!  thats something i can believe and get behind which makes me more immersed in the story!
unfortunately like The Happening there are still some little things that kinda dont make much sense and take u out of it.  apparently some people when they see this unknown entity dont wanna die, but instead find it absolutely beautiful, which makes them want to make everyone else look at it to see how beautiful it is.  and its insinuated that these people are mentally ill or have some sort of psychiatric issue.  i get that this adds more stakes to the situation and ups the ante, but it doesnt really sit well with me that once again, mentally ill people are the villains in a horror-type story.  and i also dont really understand why theyd then wanna go around and make other people see the thing??  unless the thing has them in a mind-control state or something and is making them do its bidding but that seems kind of a weird thing for an all-powerful evil formless entity to do. 
and that leads me to the next issue i have with Bird Box.  if ur gonna have an apocalyptic scenario where people do something as serious as kill themselves due to an unknown cause, it almost seems a little cliche and cheesy to have it be some sort of mythical celestial god-like or demon-like entity thats doing the damage.  i actually really liked where The Happening was going with its source of all the chaos being something naturally made, like the Earth deploying some sort of self-preservation mechanism or something.  the idea of that to me is actually loads more frightening than some invisible boogeyman that u cant look at.  and then Shamalamadingdong had to go and make it stupid by saying that it was fucking plants trying to kill people by releasing pheromones or some shit.  like why cant we have the best of both of these??  something naturally-occuring that maybe has even happened before in the planets history (maybe it wasnt a meteor that killed off the dinosaurs after all??), that isnt FUCKING PLANTS, and that doesnt do cheesy shit like make ur eyes turn grey and bloodshot and like whisper to u telling u to take ur blindfold off (i swear that happens multiple times it was pretty silly)
thats another thing, this movie’s tone is all over the place.  there are some moments where a more light-hearted tone is needed to break up the tension, for sure, but it almost as if the writing and dialogue werent really taking this serious of a story as seriously as they should have.  weirdly placed jokes are all over the place, there were some moments where the dialogue made me cringe cause it was so awkward.  bullock’s character gets to have some good breakdown moments which help bring the tone to the level of somberness and despair it should be at, but all the other supporting characters dont really get the same space to process whats happening to them, so it kinda comes off like they arent really affected by, say, their wife throwing herself into a burning car right in front of their very eyes. 
overall i’d still say this is a worthwhile watch, especially considering its a netflix movie.  if you’ve ever wanted to see a not-as-horrible version of The Happening that has some deeper metaphorical stuff going on about motherhood and family and shit than this is for you.  the production value is overall pretty solid (though when it comes to cinematography i actually prefer The Happening from an artistic standpoint) and sandra bullock knocks it out of the park.  go check it out if this seems like something thats up ur alley!!
ok bye for now hopefully it doesnt take me six months to write another review but we’ll see!!  my brain is a mystery and time is an illusion HAPPY 20-BI-TEEN Y’ALL
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thetruecaptain-blog · 6 years
if I could learn to let go
This is my first attempt at a fic - like, ever - and I'm a nervous wreck but here goes! I catch myself often thinking about what Naomi went through when Marco first took Filip from her. I decided to try my hand at writing it out as I imagine it may have happened. This is the first of what’s likely to be several chapters, and has heavy Nemesis Games spoilers, as I’ve used her memories in NG to sketch out the events.
Special shout out to @perrinmywolf for reading this over ahead of time and giving me some constructive criticism, as well as just generally listening to my constant flailing/anxious ramblings. Also, thanks @the-roci for your kind and encouraging words, they really helped me get past the worst of my nerves! 
I’d appreciate kudos/comments on AO3 if you can! Especially comments, as I’d love to know what you think of this. You’ll also find the Belter Creole translations there. 
Naomi wakes from a dreamless sleep to an empty bed. The events of the night before are a blur but the one thing she remembers - the one thing that’s stuck - is the resolve. It’s the first time since the death of the Augustin Gamarra that Naomi has felt anything but guilt and despair. Her certainty is like a boulder standing fast against the current. It’s the only thing that keeps her from drowning.
‘We’re leaving. Filip unte mi.’
Marco had been calmer than she’d expected when she told him. He’d been angry, she could see it in the way his jaw hardened, the way his eyes went sharp and hard like flint. Heard it in that clipped Belter cant. But he hadn’t argued.
‘You’re tired. Not thinking straight. Sleep on it. Talk more tomorrow.’
Then he’d left, closing the door softly behind him.
In the darkness, Naomi presses her palms briefly against her eyes and draws in a slow, steady breath. There’s a knot of anxiety and anticipation in her chest. The decision to leave wasn’t an easy one to make, but it’s right. Her life is here, and the people she has come to see as family. Filip’s family. But she can’t look at them anymore, can’t even look at herself. Out is the only way. She reaches for her hand terminal, taps the display to check the time. With a sharp gasp she sits upright, calls for the lights. She's already scrambling off the bed to Filip's crib, her heart beating like a bird fluttering wildly against the bars of its cage.
The crib is empty.
No, no, no.
Naomi fumbles with her hand terminal, opens a connection to Marco. Seconds later - too many seconds - his handsome face fills the screen. His eyes crinkle at the corners the way they do when he smiles at her. The sight of it used to flush her with warmth but now it makes her feel nauseated.
"Filip is-"
"I took him," Marco cuts her off, leans in closer to his display the way he does when he wants to make the conversation feel more intimate. Except now Naomi suspects that Marco doesn’t want her to know where is. “Wanted you to rest.”
"Kepelésh to?" She manages to make it sound casual, to her own ears at least, but she's gripping her hand terminal so hard that her fingers ache. Where is my son?
"Don't you worry about that," Marco answers with another of his disarming smiles. Naomi's heart sinks and she wants to scream, wants to shout at him to tell her where he is so she can go to them. So she can go to her son. “Take the day to rest. Talk more tonight.”
He ends the transmission without waiting for a response and Naomi is left standing next to Filip’s crib. The silence is deafening. For nearly a year she has been surrounded by Filip's sounds - his coos and laughter, the way he clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and giggles. The quiet noises he makes even in his sleep. Helplessness settles over her like a great weight, makes her shoulders sag. She's trembling and can't tear her eyes away from Filip’s crib, as if somehow that will make him reappear.
They'll be back. Tonight, Marco said. He took Filip to give her time to rest. He just wants to talk.
She can't stop shaking.
When the door opens Naomi is waiting, her eyes sliding over and past Marco in search of Filip's chubby cheeks and curly dark hair. She's already reaching for him, ready to swoop him up and press sloppy kisses to his neck in the way that makes him squeal with laughter and delight. She aches to hold him, a need that manifests itself in the tightness that sits in her chest.
He's the only thing pure and good left in her life.
Marco steps into their little hole alone and closes the door. Naomi stops and draws back, frowning because Filip isn't there. She even cranes her head to look around Marco as if Filip is somewhere behind him, an irrational gesture but one she can't help. She feels a bubble of panic but swallows it down, forces herself to meet Marco's eyes. He's watching her with something that might have been sympathy. Not long ago Naomi would have interpreted the tilt of his lips as earnest, but now she sees smugness.
"You said-" she starts, but Marco cuts her off by raising a hand.
"That we'd talk tonight," he says, his tone both firm and placating. He steps forward to close the distance between them. Her instinct is to retreat and it's obvious in the way she leans away from him. She tastes something toxic and bitter. This closeness he forces between them; once it felt like intimacy.
Now, she feels trapped.
He puts one hand on her shoulder, lifts the other to stroke his thumb down her chin and looks into her eyes as though they're sharing a moment. His voice is soft and sad when he speaks. "Much to talk about. Sit." He gestures to the bed, the only piece of furniture in their small rental other than Filip's plastic crib. Naomi remains rooted in place, casting another glance at the door as if it can tell her what Marco has done with their child. Marco squeezes her shoulder. She blinks and forces her gaze back to him.
"Where is Filip?"
"Don't worry yourself." There is a light in Marco's eyes that Naomi never noticed before, or perhaps she didn't want to. It's triumphant, as if she's saying exactly what he anticipates. She has the sudden impression that this is all a scene Marco has already written and she’s playing her role perfectly.
"I want-"
Marco puts a finger to her lips to cut her off a second time. He steps forward again, this time to force her to move back toward the bed. "I know. Need to talk, like I said. Sit."
Stubbornness surges through her. She stands fast, pulling her shoulder back out of his grip. She lifts her chin, meets his eyes, opens her mouth to argue that she has every right to know where Filip is. Something shifts in Marco's expression. His jaw hardens, his head cants slightly to one side. She isn't sticking to his script and it isn't acceptable. His hand reaches for her again, this time curling around her upper arm to dig his fingers painfully into her flesh. Without further comment Marco steers her over to the mattress.
Naomi sits. She perches on the edge of the bed with her feet flat on the floor as if she’s ready to bolt at the first opportunity. She has to twist her fingers together to keep from fidgeting. Dread sits heavy in the pit of her stomach.
"We're worried about you, setara." We ? A faint frown creases her brow but Naomi remains silent. She senses that he's building up to a carefully rehearsed monologue. He won't take kindly to any interruptions. Everything Marco does is deliberate, planned, as if life is simply a play that he's writing as he goes. Naomi, like everyone else, is nothing more than a supporting actor meant to make Marco Inaros shine.
Why did it take people dying for her to see it?
He crouches in front of her to look up into her face with pity and sorrow, his hands coming to rest on her knees. "You haven't been right. Haven't been taking care of yourself. Hardly eating or sleeping. Everyone sees. Now you want to leave. You aren’t well." His hand comes up to brush a strand of curly dark hair away from her eyes and there is such love and concern on his face that Naomi almost believes it. Wants to believe. She feels the tightness in her chest move up to her throat, feels the tears pool in the corners of her eyes.
He isn’t wrong. It's all she can do to get through the day. Two-hundred and thirty-four people dead. Filip is her only light.
"I want my son." The words spill out before she can stop them. She meant to make it a demand but it comes out as a desperate plea instead. She hates herself for being so weak. Her hands grab hold of Marco's. “Where’s Filip?“
Marco's eyes are full of sorrow. His lips are smug.
“Séf.” Seconds pass in silence as this sinks in and she understands what he’s saying. What he’s not saying. You tried to take him, so I took him first. Something large shifts in Naomi’s chest and it’s like her insides have turned to water. A wave of vertigo hits her as her blood pressure drops and then spikes again. She pulls her hands away from Marco’s and twists her fingers into the thin blanket she’s sitting on, an attempt to counteract the sensation that she’s spinning wildly out of control.
When she doesn’t speak Marco rises and turns to sit on the bed beside her. “You’re not thinking straight.” He tilts his head to look at her with an expression that is a perfectly rehearsed mix of pity and sorrow. “First year of motherhood im mal, ya? Like you náterash, nating ta hold you down.” He spreads his hands and it’s all Naomi can do not to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he tells her where Filip is. She feels a scream rise in her throat and swallows forcefully, then focuses on breathing in and out through her nose. “Im kowl gut. It’s okay to need help.” He takes her chin in his hand, lifts her head so she’s forced to meet his gaze. “Won’t let you take my son.” His voice hardens and his dark eyes go cold, dangerous as they bore into hers. Naomi feels a shiver wash through her. She shouldn’t have told him. Should have left when she could.
“Where is Filip?” It comes out hardly louder than a whisper.
Marco stares at her long enough that she knows he wants to make her uneasy. Intimidate her. Naomi can’t feel anything but the need to know where her child is.
“Trying to be supportive, mi,” Marco says with a heavy sigh, as though he can’t imagine why she’s being so difficult. He stands and paces across the little room, then turns again to face her with his hands spread in a helpless gesture. Except nothing about Marco Inaros is helpless. It’s an act. Has it all been an act? From the very start? “Wan da sheng? Pains me to say,” he pauses, looks at her for a long stretch that is full of regret, like he doesn’t want to hurt her. “Can’t trust you with Filipito, not like this.” He gestures to her and Naomi is made hyper-aware of how she must look to him. Pale face, dark circles under haunted eyes. She must have lost weight in the past weeks because she can hardly stand to look at food, let alone eat it.
“I would never hurt him.” It should have been a statement full of certainty and strength and anger that he would suggest otherwise, but her voice wavers as if she’s on the edge of breaking. Something shifts in Marco’s eyes - a flash of triumph, and Naomi realizes she’s walked right into a trap she had no idea he was setting.
“But you would take him from his father? Rip his family apart because you can’t deal with your own felota? Think that won’t hurt him?” You’re selfish. He doesn’t say it, but he doesn’t have to. “Need to get your emotions under control, Naomi. No good to him like this, you.”
“Ya. Ya, you’re right.” Naomi stands, moving toward Marco with her hands raised in supplication. “We’ll stay. I’ll stay.” Her hands are shaking and she knows she looks desperate, pitiful. She can’t stop herself. Doesn’t care . Just wants her son back. “He hasn’t been away from me like this. He needs me. Fodagut.” She can feel the tears now, falling freely down her cheeks. She’s breaking apart. He’s broken her. Is breaking her. “Fodagut.”
Marco shakes his head and purses his lips, looks at her the way a person might look at a lost puppy. He’s moved to the door, one hand already lifted to slide it open. “Take some days, get it together.  Mi gonya kom wámotim. Then we talk.”
Then he’s gone. Naomi sinks to the floor because her legs have gone too weak to support her. A sob escapes her, a quiet, broken sound that seems to echo in the too-empty hole. Should have seen this coming. Should have seen it all.
There’s no one to blame but herself.
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fmchiwon · 7 years
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hello babies !!! i’m jin and this is the loml ryu chiwon aka c.won ( nineteen, model / child actor, elite’s lead dancer & vocal, and the sweetest boy to ever exist ) nD I RLY SHOULDN’T BE JOINING bc school n exams are a goddamn mess thnx ***………..but i still love u dw anw i’m here and i’m super hyped!!! u can find me on discord or twt (u can ask me for either!!) but i’ll mostly be on the im’s jsghfhdj . like this post pls and i’ll (v eagerly) come to you to plot!!! meanwhile u can find chiwon’s bio here and plots here (wip!) for ur viewing pleasure but w/o further ado here is some stuff abt him under the cut!
just clearing stuff up bc his bio wasn’t that explicit and detailed! 
has been in the industry since he was five unfortunately n started out as a child model / actor
his family wasn’t that well-off but his parents had big dreams!!!! big hopes!!!! just……. not for themselves but for him…… mostly bc they missed their chance to shine a long time ago so now they’re projecting their aspirations onto him aka using him as an outlet to fulfil their dreams smh
he signed on with hjh ent at first but he found it so ?? stifling ???? esp since he had to grow up under the limelight and it was altogether just Tiring
modelling n stuff rlly took a toll on him bc he was expected to manage himself even at a young age and it stressed him out ??? ? ? ? so much, altho he got to hang out w the #starz but yea not enough compensation
it was kinda expected that along the way he discovered a passion for dance?? like i mean he was surrounded by idols…. and he often skipped modelling / acting lessons just to watch the sunbaes in the practice rooms
so he was more than happy when his contract was set to expire when he was 15,, he got the fuck out of that hellhole even tho his mom disapproved
their relationship has been tense ever since, mostly bc they lost their main source of income and she doesnt rly talk to him unless for him to send money back to their family
kinda has beef with hjh now, doesn’t make a habit of associating w them much. as a result, there have been like…….. wild rumors abt his absence and leave from the company
but in aug/sept of 2012, he secretly went for an audition that worldwide media was having, and entered as a trainee in october with dance
yeh now he’s here anxiously waiting for elite’s debut
if u knew him, u’d be surprised at how much on-camera chiwon = off-camera chiwon
the only difference that on camera chiwon is calmer and kinda intimidating bc his stage presence is off the charts?? 
but his smile is one of the first things people notice simply bc of how prominent and bright it is, n he’s vvvvv charismatic and always makes u feel like the most important person in the world whenever he talks to u bc he focuses all his attention on u
he’s literally always the epitome of bubbly and affable, whether u know him personally or not!! v playful friendly and energetic and always tries to see the best in people, it’s almost to the point which it’s unrealistic
never seen without a smile on his face, he always has enough love to go around. constantly the moodmaker!!! he’s super perceptive to his surroundings so once he senses the atmosphere going down he’s immediately there to bring it up
doesn’t seem forced at all, 100% genuine and ppl actually doubt him for it bc how has the cruelty of the industry not wear you down?
but ha it actually has, he’s actually hella insecure about a lot of things except that he doesn’t let anyone in on his feelings, cries a lot into his pillow when he thinks no one’s around and makes sure that he’s always bright and happy the next day
he never lets anyone even think for a second that he’s upset or smth though, whatever he does feels really genuine
on a s/n Drop Dead Gorgeous is he even real
LIKE FOR REAL HE’S SO FUCKIN HANDSOME 2017 adonis @ his finest
knows how to make everyone happy (except for himself…..) and in a way its a substitute for him to fill up on his own deprivation of love n happiness
but he has the biggest heart, tries to take time out to help everyone when he can, and is super affectionate and can come off as overbearing / overwhelming at times
but he’s also a Heartbreaker ; /  mostly bc he’s super nice n flirty to everyone and it can be kinda misleading at times? BUT ITS NOT INTENTIONAL especially since he doesn’t seem to understand that it’s not ok to go around dropping random kisses on people and proclaiming his love for them all the time
once secretly dated a female trainee to protect her from the company finding out that she was gay
but that quickly turned into rumors wherein he dated another male trainee which….. may not be entirely false
a good friend, will always make time to listen to u and offer comfort
in a lot of ways he’s like a shelter and has been described as such by a lot of people that are close to him? mostly bc of how reliable and sturdy he is and how much he’s willing to take just about everyone in
haha but when he gets angry thats a whole different story
has the ability to stand up for others and will never hesitate to do so, esp if he doesn’t like what ur doing. he’s v stubborn and strongly-opinionated, however he’s almost always unable to stand up for himself, and instead he absorbs all the criticism he hears and takes it to heart
humble to the point of demeaning. he doesn’t believe that he would even be here without his members and (family…..ish)
gets a lot of hate for his singing bc when knetz heard his voice in one of their earlier releases they were like uhhhhhhhhh whomst and got a lot of criticism, mostly bc they think he’s just another untalented pretty face and that’s it
like but he’s constantly improving? and he rlly rlly works super hard to be better, and now he even drops small covers sometimes
ok but dance is the goddamn love of his life )-: posts a lot of dance covers and choreographs some dances too!
tries to contribute by learning how to compose and write lyrics, he’s constantly learning n experimenting w the help of the staff and his group members
SPEAKING OF WHICH he’s a total softie 4 them ok like to the level where he would give anything up for his members they’re his FAMILY n literally the only ppl who he’s ever seen him down
v loud, makes his presence known almost immediately
also he’s so!!!!! boyfriend!!!!!! icb
a TREE he’s so tall smh (perfect 4 u to lean on, cuddle, and be the small spoon to)
fashion is another passion of his, his entire wardrobe = fashion week all year long
a little hard to get super, seriously close to though bc of how much he bottles up inside himself. but he’s a little way too trusting and that fact gets taken advantage of a lot
has pet names for everyone
looks like he cant be taken srsly but he’s really observant and sharp, listens and watches his surroundings and hence he can AND will use ur words against u if u go against them
if u read till here u deserve a gold medal
i’m rly just here to develop my chara so i’m definitely open to any kind of plots at all! i mean it when i say that so plsplspls hmu w any ideas u may have whatsoever!!! or at least until i sort out a proper plots page or smth yikes…
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kibou-kins · 7 years
♡ miaya headcanons ♡
god i am... so sorry about the wait, miaya life has been Crazy but here they are!! headcanons for an autistic child miaya who was adopted by juzo, munakata, and chisa, lived in america at the hpa american branch and often snuck off to visit the dr1 and sdr2 kids under the cut!! again i am SO sorry about the wait, feel free to request any changes!! -mod twogami
miaya gekkogahara sakakura-munakata was known by pretty much all the students in hope’s peak america.
it was pretty tough to not at LEAST be aware of her - the kid of the three founders of the very school? 
people would very often see her wander the halls - sometimes with juzo, sometimes alone (everyone knew juzo probably knew she was escaping, but also knew she was with one of the students. she was never alone for long)
shed wander into class 78’s classroom, smiling as the entire class seemed to notice her and grin.
naegi would crouch down and lightly pat her head in a comforting manner, kirigiri giving her a small smile and togami nodding in recognition
celestia would offer her a sip of tea - cold, miaya didn’t like warm drinks. made her too warm. - and yamada would make her a little sketch, the blue haired girl typing to make her usami robot say a happy thanks
oowada could lift her, but always did so gently, ishimaru fretting over them as she sat on the tall boys arm. chihiro giggled and typed more on their computer, actively working on some new code (the usami robot was actually a collab between her and souda - they wanted something nice for miaya)
asahina and oogami would always play pretend with her, if she wanted. oogami was princess protein, and asahina and miaya her loyal knights. they’d “spar” with toilet paper rolls and travel through distant lands (though it was only the cherry blossom dojo) with smiles on their faces
shed sit with hagakure as he looked into the future, mesmerized by his hands as they moved around the crystal ball. leon would sometimes come over, sitting down and ruffling her hair, much like a dad would after his kids big game.
fukawa seemed so nervous at first- “a-a-a kid?? why would you trust m-me with a kid?!?” - but would smile gently at her as she wrote away, often letting her draw little illustrations for her works (made more child friendly for miaya, of course)
sayaka would sing to her, taking requests from both miaya and ikusaba, who would sit by with a gentle smile. enoshima would prance by, occasionally doing makeup for both a happy sayaka and a reluctant ikusaba, sometimes even putting a little on miaya (she didnt like the feel of too much makeup, but the brush against her skin always felt nice)
she liked class 78
but she would also, sometimes, go into class 77-B’s room
hinata, a reserve course transfer student, would look over at her with a little surprise, that eventually turned into a soft half smile. he and nanami and komaeda were often playing games on some of nanami’s various gaming systems, and nanami would look up and slide over a game for miaya.
komaeda always won
nekomaru would lower his voice for her and whisper stories from his coaching times, tales of underdogs rising up and inspirational stories, and akane would laugh at the right times and gasp at the perfect times, and miaya would grin and frown and gasp along. she liked nekomaru’s stories
teruteru was a little weird, but he seemed to have a soft spot for miaya, bringing her all of her favorite foods and drinks she wanted. koizumi would watch over them, saying something about “the incident with the soup”, but also would take pictures of miaya when allowed, saying that “professer yukizome will love these!” hiyoko was never far behind her, being much kinder than expected of her to miaya. whenever asked shed deny it, but her calling the blue haired girl “little sis miaya” was no joke.
ibuki was sometimes a little loud, but tsumiki always seemed to stay around in order to remind her to keep her voice down. ibuki would smile sheepishly and apologize, but also gently play them acoustics. miaya and tsumiki were close, with the older girl helping her regain strength and taking care of her when her parents couldnt. she had an important job as the shsl nurse, but she made time for miaya.
the chubbier version of togami - twogami, she had heard his classmates call him - would do silly voices and read stories to her. he was a good actor. (she knew his talent, everyone did. it didnt make him any less twogami to her.) ryota would listen in, smiling gently at the two. sometimes, the anxious boy would also draw things for miaya, and make her little cartoons she could play on her tablet.
sonia would bring her princess things - sparkly crowns and jewelry - for miaya to try on, often acting as the young girls servant. tanaka would let her play with his devas, claiming she had to have the strength of the gods to wield them. they liked her, and she was so excited to know she had the strength of the gods. tanaka called her a worthy pupil.
souda, while making her robot, had also made her multiple fidget toys. she would be able to spin around her ring, or click on the buttons on her cube to calm down. he grinned his familiar grin, and told her to come to him for a quieter place if she ever needed it. she took him up on it, finding the mechanical hum of his workshop comforting
fuyuhiko was scary to everyone else, but he would gently ruffle her hair and grin at her, asking how she was doing. the ever present, stoic peko seemed to soften with her, lightly patting her head.
she liked class 77-B.
but her favorite thing was coming home with her dad to her other parents (they got to come home earlier), her mom smiling as she untied her apron from making dinner, her papa standing by with flour in his dark green hair, complaining at mom about how “chisa you know i cant cook why am i here.” they would both light up at seeing the small girl and munakata, embracing them both with flour covered hugs
she liked being at hope’s peak. but she loved being at home more.
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daeynore · 7 years
All the odds for the ask meme! Switching it up :0
putting this under a read more, because its long af. thank you for the ask!!
probably shouldve expected that1.  Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  spotify3. what color are your eyes?bluish green5. what is your relationship status? 
7. what color hair do you have?
dyed purplish gray on the top, brown on the sides
9. where do you shop?
for clothes, hot topic, for other shit, target
11. favorite social media account
idk honestly
13. any siblings?
1 younger brother
15. favorite snapchat filter?
i dont really use them enough to have a favorite
17. how many times a week do you shower?
5-6, i try to do every other day.
19. shoe size?
like, 10? i think?
21.sandals or sneakers?
23. describe your dream date
an aquarium with lots of jelly fish. or some sort of disney themed place. maybe a mall, too. dunno really.
25. what color socks are you wearing? 
not wearing any socks
27. do you have a job? what do you do? 
cant legally get one yet, i have an application ready for hot topic though.
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? 
uhhh i dont know? 
31. 3 favorite boy names
i dont know lmao
33. favorite actor? 
laura bailey, probably. or liam o’brien
35. who is your celebrity crush?
if this includes people on youtube then ya boi lt. eddy lmao
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
i havent been able to read much anymore. i cant choose my favorite between carry on, in the shadow of blackbirds, and ill give you the sun
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
winter, bc of my battlenet name and my twitch name. id love to have more though lmao they make me feel special
41. top 10 favorite songs
ohhhhh jeez. ok. these arent in any order
your heart is a muscle the size of your fist by ramshackle glory
constant headache by joyce manor
sloppy seconds by watsky
i love you honeybear by father john misty
no one by project46
pink summer by summer camp
lose it by oh wonder
daughter of space by steam powered giraffe
shelter by porter robinson and madeon
back pack by ajj
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
i dont know, honestly
45. how many kids do you want? 
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) medium sized, i would say.
49. what was the last compliment you received?
someone said they liked my art style ;v;
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
like 8? i think?
53. opinion on smoking?
if you do it, then im not going to judge, as long as youre not hurting anyone. ill never fucking do it though, its pretty gross.
55. what is your dream job? 
the lead in some amazing broadway show, voice acting/creating characters for disney, or playing a princess or something at disneyland
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
nah. i dont really even use them since i bring my own
59. do you smile for pictures?
i try to cover it when i do bc i am...how u say...ugly as fuck
61. have you ever peed in the woods? 
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
65. what do you wear to bed? 
shorts and a t-shirt, maybe a tank top if its really hot
67.  what are your hobbies?
drawing, playing overwatch, singing
69. do you play an instrument?
used to play violin! it hurt my wrist really bad so i stopped.
71. tea or coffee?
coffee i guess. i usually only get those frozen coffee things from dunkin donuts.
73. do you want to get married?
eventually! i honestly already have the Dream Wedding planned lmao.
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? 
maybe! i really like my last name though. we’ll see.
77. do you miss anyone right now? 
dear lord yes
79. do you believe in ghosts?
kind of. id like to believe theyre real, but i know that its super unlikely.
81. last person you called
phone number-wise, my mom. on skype, @lillian-valnala , @im-fueled-by-anger, and @yoshi-flower
83. regular oreos or golden oreos? 
85. what shirt are you wearing? 
an alice and wonderland tank top i got while i was in jerome with my grandma
87. are you outgoing or shy?
a mix of both.
89. do you like your neighbors?  
i guess? no one ever talks to each other. the ones i hated just moved out though. they literally always blasted music throughout the middle of the night
91. have you ever been high? 
no. i am a Good Child.
93. last thing you ate? 
cold pizza.
95. summer or winter? 
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
99. what is your zodiac sign
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Hey, I really like your writing! Could you do RFA+V, MC is in a relationship with one of them but one of the other member in love with her?
Edit (Jan. 28) : So, I did not change Jumin’s part but i felt shitty for not doing the rest of the gang so here you guys go
Really sorry it was overdue -P
Watching her was hard.
She was always smiling and even though it wasnt for him, he still felt like it would cure his life maybe even the entire world
It didnt matter that she had no money or status
She was a queen like no other
Yes, she was kind and sweet but he loved that she was brutal, passionate, and fierce
but above all: she was honest
The things he learned she didnt love about herself, he loved a thousand times more- no an infinite amount more
He wont lie, he hated Seven for the longest maybe still does
He took her away even though his job could hurt her
even though he could offer MC more protection than Seven and more opportunities 
he found himself hating Seven
But MC was happy
And thats all that mattered to him
Even if it meant that she wouldnt smile like that for him
She wont show him the faces she makes when shes sad, happy, angry, excited, lost in love, orgasming, and even ignoring him- he knows that it cant ever happen
But he liked to think about what it could all be with her:
How she would be the most favorite flavor he could ever taste
How shed be his favorite place to go to when he wanted to fade away from his troubles
He enjoyed having his dreams revolve around her belonging to him, being with him- him belonging to her, and them becoming something much more than a physical and mental attraction
At the beginning he didnt expect anything from talking to a strnger, he didnt see her like anyone important enough
But as the days progressed, he felt her drowning his thoughts
Hed think about the girl in the apartment whod look at her phone at ungodly hours of the night and still manage to stay awake during the day to do her work (or whatever she did)
At first he thought maybe taking on more cat projects would help to regain his focus
he felt that instead, it enhanced his daydreaming and even night dreaming of her
He felt that maybe it was something unhealthy how hed dream of her at night too and figured he needed a doctor or more time with Elizabeth III
When he realized that what he needed was her, everything in his focus dropped
He’d never felt such relief and such calm and such a high all at once- he felt alive and warm and sad all at once
Like his tangles were unraveling slowly
he hoped that she felt the same for him when they talked, but he was mistaken
when he knew it could never be like that
his heart swelled and everything warm and beautiful made his heart cry out for MC
he knew
It would always be him swimming alone in a vast clear ocean sea, with his feeling exposed and no rescue boat or life saver to come for him
It hurt.
Knowing that this love he has for her wont have anywhere else to go but to disappear into the ocean exposing him
He could find someone with status and power yet still be kind and fierce and even a model but none would ever match to MC
She became the name he whispered when he needed help, when he was frustrated, when he was sad, and when he wanted relief
He sometimes wished that they had never met or that MC was a different person with a different personality but even then, he knew 
he would always feel something like this for MC however she was
WHen Seven asked for advice on which places offered the best catering for weddings to the space station
Jumin knew he would always look at MC and Seven together on an island where they were unapproachable as he floated in the ocean that exposed him and his. Heart. Hurt.
It took her a while to realize that it bothered her for more than a few initial reasons
It was all confusing for her; granted she never had this happen before
She should have focused on her work instead of silly fantasies
But oh how she wanted for her fantasies to work out
She didnt want to become jealous of the one person she admired and followed
She didnt want to harbor any terrible feelings towards Zen
But she did
She didnt want MC and Zen to date because she didnt want MC to be with anyone at all
She did care about Zen’s career
But that wasnt the main reason as to why she wanted both of them to be single
It took her a while to realize that the feelings she had towards Zen were completely different than those she had towards MC
The one thing they both had in common was that both were gorgeous people
But towards MC she felt something else that she couldnt make herself feel towards Zen no matter how many times she tried
But ofc she didnt want to ignore their happiness and success
Zen will forever continue to be her idol
He was an amazing actor, model, singer, and person
But the one thing he had that no one else could ever be lucky to come close to in comparison was:
The love MC had for him
Even as she threw rice towards the new bride and groom
Jahee vowed she would never let anyone know what she felt and thought and instead would channel her feelings into supporting Zen’s career and MC for whenever MC would need her
She promised herself and god that she would never stop loving MC
She didnt want something so precious and pure to disappear just because it would never grow into something more than just friends
Even if she would become the godmother to their unborn child
With his rising career, he lied to himself a lot he was very good at it
Constantly repeating like a prayer that she was better off
That MC wouldn’t have to worry about crazy actresses or crazy fans making her life complicated with lies and rumors
That she could live a better life with no worries or fears or anything except for what she would wear for the day and what she should eat
Had she chosen anyone else, Zen would have objected
Bc no one could ever be good enough for the princess
But he knew
He knew that Mr trust fund would provide
Whatever MC would want or need: he would provide
And Zen would be okay with it
As long as he could see her smile and not want for anything
Zen would learn to live with watching them from afar
He would be okay with having to watch MC from atop the stage while she cheered with Jumin 
He would eventually learn how to stop drinking beer on a nightly bases and quit smoking as well 
Maybe he hoped to eventually learn to love someone other MC 
 Someone who could love him in a way that doesnt feel like its slowly tearing something from within apart 
maybe even for before the wedding 
being best man was something that took him by surprise 
but whether Jumin knew how he felt towards MC 
he would only give words of encouragement and support 
for as long as she would need it
maybe by the time they have a child, Zen would have found someone to replace MC 
even if for a little while longer he could continue to love her 
He would stay this way for as long as he could hold on
Once was fine
Once was okay
But twice?
Twice was not okay
Not after the last time
He did not feel comfortable with MC and V being together
Not after what happened with Rika; he did not condone their relationship
But he couldnt vocally oppose them
How could he?
All he knew was how to play a video game that consumed his life and came between him and being a better student
How could he offer MC a life when he couldnt even prove to himself that he could go a day without playing a stupid video game
And for what?
All because Rika died? Becuase Rika was with V who made him feel like he was hiding more than just a few details?
But he knew V would treasure MC.
The moment he saw them exchange rings, the moment they announced their pregnancy, and the moment he saw their small family together; he knew
Watching V hold their child in his arms made Yoosung feel like he should leave for a while 
Maybe go visit his parents for a few weeks 
becuase it became too much 
To watch the person you love live a life you envisioned for yourself with them was too much for him
He only came back when he heard the news 
V had died.
He should have been sad 
and he was! sure baby boi
but he was ashamed to admit it to himself that he was low key relieved
so instead he focused on helping MC and the child she had with V 
He knows he could never replace V; he was glad of it too 
but he didnt want her to feel like she was alone 
He always volunteered to help take care of the child and babysit and even coach her baseball team he fought for her to be allowed to join the boys team in the first place 
he did everything he felt a father would do 
When she called him “uncle” it made him feel like he cant ever be a father figure 
even more so when MC began to date again after 7 long years of being widowed 
Even if it wasnt with him or for him, he would always look after that child like his own and love her mother while she loved another man
707 / Saeyoung
He was okay with it
He knew he failed
The moment MC sided with Unknown, he somehow thought that she would be safer with this stranger
If he was good enough to be hidden from 707, then he was good enough to be hidden from other people;
People that would hurt MC
And that was all Seven needed
All that mattered was that MC would be safe wherever she was
He didnt like it; he didnt like not knowing where she was
Who she was with or why
Maybe she got the message after he pushed her away many times
But it would be something he would have to learn to be okay with
Becuase he was the fool to have let emotions overcome him
he was silly to have thought he deserved someone as caring and even understanding as MC 
hurting her to leave him was the only thing he knew would work 
And it worked. 
After she left with Unknown, he rarely saw her 
the times he did see her, she seemed happy 
granted she saw the other RFA members more than him 
But he was okay with it 
That was what he needed to know that he was going in the right direction 
He told himself his love was wasted on her 
But it wasnt 
if anything it was what kept him alive and sane; it was all he knew 
Alive and sane until he could find out where his brother was 
Maybe then he could find something to fill the void and emptiness MC left when she left 
But when he saw who MC was with 
He figured that Saeran wouldnt need him either 
if both of the people he loved the most had each other 
All he would need to do was to look at them from the sidelines and make sure they would be okay and safe; everything else would just be white noise 
They were the most important people in his life and nothing would ever change that. 
Even if they were also the people who didnt feel the same way he did towards them.
He told himself he would learn to be okay.
He put her in harms way 
He avoided taking in the chat for that reason 
When she addressed him, he felt warm and cared about 
When she defended him for reasons she couldnt understand herself, V felt like maybe there was love after death 
that maybe Rika wasnt his only soulmate 
And he regretted that he didnt meet MC before the rest maybe even before Rika
But with how she interacted with Jahee 
he felt jealous, which was ridiculous right?
Yet, it wasnt
When they moved in together and opened the cafe 
it was all falling into place for both Jahee and MC 
And he didnt dare take that away from MC 
She deserved someone to watch over her and he knew that Jahee needed MC just as much and he did
He should have said something before they moved in 
but he didn’t find it odd.
When they decided to adopt a dog he felt cold and distant 
When they adopted their first son, he felt heartbroken 
When MC asked 707 to be the godfather his heart was shredded 
But when Jahee asked him to be his godfather of the child MC was carrying,
he wanted to say no 
But when MC was eager to make him also a godfather he dindt have the heart to say no 
He wont ever be connected to MC like she was with Jahee
but he could at least have a reason to stay close to MC 
He wouldnt cry or shed any tears, as long as he had the chance to look after MC from afar 
and hey, even if his goddaughter looked like her mommy, he saw the truth through her 
That both of her mommies were perfect for each other and he was glad to have stepped back to allow for their family to flourish. 
Unknown / Saeran 
Unknown knew he wasnt warm or soft or loveable
He couldnt provide MC with enough reasons that would have made her be with him
Why would she have chosen him?
It didnt surprise him that MC was with someone completely opposite to him
Someone who was warm and soft and loveable
And someone who could introduce her to their family and not have to hide away the crap of a life they were dealt with
She wouldnt have to feel burdened to carry a heavy load of pain and memories he tried to suppress
She could be happy and enjoy another family and maybe talk about casseroles or baby stuff with her mother-in-law
And have political debates or maybe talk about a silly show with her father-in-law
And not have to worry about being killed or hurt or tortured or anything he went through as a child
Saeran pretended to not care that she was getting married to a vet 
Or that she was close friends to his brother 
He even lied to himself that he didnt care whether she was alive or not 
but he couldnt 
Even if she didnt know he existed or that he loved her 
Saeran wouldnt show himself before her again 
Well, thats what he told himself 
but he made his way to working on going to her work daily for a cup of coffee 
To find a way to cater at the wedding 
to work on days she would appear at the baby store 
and even work one day at the school her child would go to 
He didnt want to let MC go 
but seeing her life with Yoosung and their child;
He couldnt take her away from the happiness he could never have provided.
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
60 Questions
Are you currently learning from anyone how to play any instruments? Not learning from anyone, but I'm teaching myself to play ukelele
Are you one of those people who always tend to think critically in issues? i dont 100% understand the question, but i am someone who is constantly thinking critically of myself. I'm not so critical of other people
Do you know anyone who is overly flirty with people? Girl or a boy? Yeah, I've known a few boys over the years who seem incapable of having a girl as just a friend without being flirty
When was the last time you had any kind of pork? What kind was it? Had sausage the other day, but i cant remember what day it was my brain isn't working
Are you someone who normally eats a full breakfast every single morning? i usually eat cereal, unless I'm not hungry or when i have to wake up early for something cause i tend to feel really sick
Do you believe vampires are real? Not the stereotypical Twilight kind. surely not, but then there are some strange people in the world
Is there anyone out there who can give you butterflies in your stomach? Yup
Are you someone who has to hide the things you like around friends? not really, me and my friends tend to like the same things
Have you ever been to a porn website? Were you addicted to it afterword? i have, i used to be friends with someone who while we were on Skype would find it hilarious to send me random links and wait to see my reaction when i click it and end up on some horrid porn site.
What is the most disgusting thing you think the opposite sex can do? Idk, i find it gross when i see guys out in public with their hands down their pants :’) and spitting, i hate seeing anyone walking down the road spitting theres no need and its disgusting
Would you rather be able to teleport or freeze time? Which one seems best? Teleport. never have to drive again 👍🏻
Have you seen the movie Twister? Did the tornadoes look real to you? i have not seen it
Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? Thankfully nope. we don't really have anything that bad in england. we did have a bad hurricane once like over 10 years ago that cause quite a bit of destruction. i was actually in the exact area it hit like 5 minutes before it hit which freaked me out a bit
Did your mom ever fix your eggs and bacon into a smiley face as a kid? i didn't have bacon and eggs as a kid
What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? i really like burger king’s fries or mcdonalds
Do you believe one day aliens might take over the planet Earth? Nope
Are you someone who always looks for sales when you go shopping somewhere? not really, i have to be in the right mood. i do look when I'm online though
Are you constantly re-arranging your bedroom? Or do you not like change? i used to be someone who rearranged my room a lot (i get it from my mother) but since i moved into my current bedroom 2 years ago its stayed the same way with slight changes to what furniture is in there or the way i arrange my books/ornaments etc
Who would you consider the best teen actor or actress out there now? ones that people will know i think are the actors from stranger things, especially the girl who plays eleven. Also the main two out of the netflix version of ‘a series of unfortunate events’ are brilliant
When did you last cuddle up next to someone and watch a movie? not for ages
Where would people most likely find you out on the weekends? at home :’) i don't really go out
Do you like the school you attend or is it just pretty bland to you? im not in school anymore, but when i was i hated it. its was an absolute dive
Do you remember when they used to actually throw candy out at parades? I've never been to a parade that throws candy.
What is your favorite childhood memory? Who did you share this with? going to my nan and grandads house 3 days a week every summer holiday
Are there any windows open in your house right now? Which ones, if so? nope its cold
Is it currently your favorite season? If not what is your favorite? its just past my favourite season, i like autumn and the part of winter where its christmas
Do you like soda pop? If so, which is your favorite and least favorite? what is soda pop?
Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? Nope, doesn't bother me at all. I've been bought up in a family that isn't
Do you have any siblings you’re embarrassed about being related to? nope Im proud of my sister
Which noises do you currently hear right now? Can you control those? The telly which i could turn off if i wanted to but i dont. also, cause I'm ill I've got tinatus in my ears
What is one thing you’ve never understood throughout your life? a lot of things
When you see an old person do you think ‘sweet’ or ‘creepy?’ Sweet
What is it that makes old women want so many cats in their life? cats are good company and fluffy and low maintenance
What is one kind of music you’d do anything to not listen to in the car? Scream
When was the last time you babysat, if ever? Did anything bad happen? last time i babysat was last year sometime. nothing bad happened. ill be babysitting a lot more when this foster child comes along
How many times a day do you wash your face? Do you wash it really good? I dont wash it as much as i should. i tend to use face scrub/wash when I'm in the shower
Would you consider yourself to have a boring life or a really exciting one? currently very boring
Do you ever talk to people you met online through webcam? Or is that weird? No, thats weird haha
Who was the last person you kissed and why did you kiss this person? Ugh, I've kinda explained this in previous surveys. he was someone i got very close to and nearly dated but then i freaked out and decided i didn't want a boyfriend. then we didn't talk for a while and he found himself a girlfriend but when we worked on the same theatre production together we got close again. one night he was driving me home from rehearsals and he pulled over into a carpark and was like i want to kiss you and i let him kiss me then he drove me home.. the worse part was he gave me his cold too :’)
How many fish have you owned in your lifetime, so far? Did they all die? we used to have nearly 100 fish in the pond in the garden but one day they all died except one so we called him lucky and took him to live in my grandad’s garden pond. I'm guessing he's dead now cause that was like 15 years ago
When do you think it’s the right age to pass away? when you're ready and when its your time to go
If you were to get drunk right now, how would you most likely act? i dont drink so i wouldn't get drunk
How many people have you kissed in your lifetime, so far? Who were they? just one, read answer to earlier question.
Are you going to post this on a social networking site after you take it? Tumblr
Is there something people in general do that bothers you a lot? Just existing
Has anything supernatural ever happened to you? What were these events? Nope
How many concerts have you seen so far in life? Were they good ones? a lot
Do you like doing anything your friends wouldn’t expect you to do? Yup
Can you sing very well or are you considerably tone deaf? im don't think I'm awful.. i can hold a tune i just don't have a voice that i like
When did you last make a survey? How many people took it so far? i dont make surveys
Would you ever consider becoming a scientist? Why would you or why not? Nope im not smart enough & science was my worst subject at school
Where is your favorite place to go when you’re feeling sad and alone? Tumblr
Have you ever had to call poison control while you were babysitting? Nope…
Do you ever look back on the past years and wish you could go back? a bit, just health wise
When is the next time you’ll talk to the cousin you’re closest to? not sure, were on snapchat quite a bit
Does it bother you when people constantly sign in on MSN? Or not so much? nope i dont use msn anymore
When was the last time you saw a bird? What kind of bird was this? i was watching a robin in the garden earlier
Have you ever seen someone getting beat up by lots of people at one time? yeah I've witnessed a few fights cause i live opposite a pub so we get a lot of drunk people walk past late on weekends and occasionally they have fights
Are you really into vintage things? Have you ever been into that stuff? i like the look of some vintage stuff but I'm not super into it
When was the last time you bought new sheets for your bed? bought myself some new festive bedding in november, so like 2 months ago
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