#you couldnt force him to trade it
gilfrespecter · 1 year
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I am going to post this af attack rn bc it's so funny 2 me
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
So, what are your thoughts about Aemond and reader’s first time, considering all his past experiences with the brothel and all (I don’t know if that too vague, if it is, I’ll try to be more specific next time haha)
I love this question! Also, I don't think this is too vague but thank you for checking!! For future reference and also for everyone else, if you had just asked for something like "write Aemond and reader sleeping together" or "write Aemond x reader smut" then I'd say there's not enough to go on. Hope that makes sense!!
Anyway, NSFW sub!aemond below the cut :))
This ask is in reference to the brothel scene where Aemond admits that Aegon essentially forced him to sleep with a sex worker when he had just turned 13.
I'm sure I've babbled on about what I'm about to say before but oh well here we go again: I think that a big part of Aemond's discomfort with the sex worker wasnt just because he was being forced to lose his virginity but because of how utterly exposed he felt? We all know how closed off and composed Aemond always tries to be, and we know he has plenty of insecurities both from his missing eye and from being the second son. The concept of sex as a whole had always felt uncomfortable and far too vulnerable. To lay completely naked with another? Aemond couldnt imagine a scenario where that wouldnt feel terrifying.
And then he turns 13 and Aegon shoves him into a brothel and all his worst fears are confirmed. The sex worker's eyes shamelessly travel across his body and he has to fight the urge to wrap a blanket around himself. The lights are too harsh, he can hear other people having sex outside the room. r
When he leaves there he's convinced he'll never lay with another again. He even decides that he'd let his future wife fuck the first blond hair man they can find and call the resulting child his heir because he couldnt bring himself to be the exposed again.
But then Alicent introduces him to you and you throw a rather large wrench in his plans because you don't do any of those things that left him feeling exposed?
Even before the wedding, you're always checking his boundaries and ensuring you abide by them. If he seems uncomfortable you step away and you ask. And beyond that, you form a real, genuine bond with him that he's never had with anyone before never mind with a romantic partner.
The truth is that Aemond just really loves being around you? He doesn't even notice his walls beginning to crumble because he just feels so safe with you. For the first time he's not constantly having to prove himself.
You're shocked by how different he is to how everyone else had warned you he'd be. You don't see an ounce of the danger and dominance so many others had warned you off, hell even his own mother warned you of. But those traits have always been due to a fight for survival, due to him having to come out on top or risk being ridiculed or worse.
So when you come along and you make it so that he doesn't have to fight for love and respect and recognition? Then all that violence and anger slips away because he doesn't need it here.
You start out VERY slow.
Aemond can best be described as almost skittish when it comes to sex and intimacy. He likes it, but the moment something moves just slightly too quickly he's jumping up and going to hide in his own private chambers.
The first time you kiss him after the wedding, he very nearly starts crying because you just kiss him so gently with absolutely no indication of wanting to go any further than that. Aemond realises he could happily spend hours like that, with the two of you laying together and trading soft kisses.
He tells you about the sex worker eventually, maybe Aegon actually makes a comment about it? Like a few weeks into the marriage Aegon decides to tease Aemond and ask him if he still goes back to his first or if he's actually fucking his wife. (Aegon promptly sprints out the room immediately after saying this because the look in your eyes when you turned to look at him was absolutely terrifying)
So he opens up about the sex worker with you, and he full on sobs when you say he deserved better and that he deserved to feel safe, that sex should always feel safe.
From then, you put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that your chambers together becomes that warm, safe place aemond was missing. You only approve 3 servants who are allowed into your chambers with Aemond, and only 2 are allowed in at a time. No servants can come into the chambers unprompted either. If you want the sheets cleaned or the laundry taken to be washed, then you will call one of the 3 approved servants but servants are not allowed to do those things on their own, only when you request it.
Once that's been sorted you start getting the rooms themselves into a better state. You keep candles all over the walls, get the softest blankets and pillows you can. Maybe you also get some of his favourite books to put up? It's a slow, gradual change but Aemond notices every single change and every time his breath it taken away at how perfect you are. He never even had to explain how vulnerable he was the first time, you just knew and you knew how to make him feel comfortable.
The actual sex takes longer of course, and there's plenty of oral and makeup sessions before he's ready for more, but when you do get to the main event he can't believe how good he feels?
The way you praise him and check in on him brings tears to his eyes, and when you gently wrap a blanket around his shoulders while you stroke him he really does cry. Just that simple gesture of putting the blanket over him makes him feel so much less exposed.
Sex is always a calm, quiet affair with Aemond. Make no mistake, you certainly get edge him and overstimulate him and all that fun stuff, but that's never with standard sex. If you're doing those other things then you're either pegging him or using your hands/mouth. The actual act of sex, that is always gentle. It's the gentleness that really breaks him.
(One quick sidenote to end off: cockwarming, how the flying fuck have we never discussed it? I'm now now picturing a scene where it's the first time you go the whole nine yards, but then from the moment Aemond slowly enters you, he just stays still? At first you think he's trying to get used to the feeling but when even more time has passed and he still hasn't moved, you ask him that's going on and that's when he kinda just collapses into your, his cock still inside and mumbles about how nice this feels. So needless to say, actual sex was not achieved that day)
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Summary: Being captured by your old master was meant to mean torture, interrogation and execution. So why were you here? Why is he being so nice and trying to relive old times. And why the fuck is he giving you affection?
Warnings : swearing, anxiety, fluff, Jedi order bashing?, Emperor Anakin, Suitless vader,
A/N: here is another Anakin oneshot, i enjoyed this though i think it could have been better. But if im honest if i keep tweaking it i will lose my mind. So here you go, enjoy lovelies 😘
Wordcount: around 6900
You shivered in the cold cell, curling your arms around your chest, tugging your cloak tighter trying to fed off the chill setteling uncomfortably into your bones. You werent sure what was going on, theoretically you were meant to have been executed the moment the inquisitors found you, but apparently you were different from the others.
And in a way you were different, youd only been a padawan for a few months when the shit hit the fan. Youd never completed training or been knighted just helped as much as you could during the war and your training.
When the empire rose to power and the other jedi watched carefully youd been ordered to hide. Obi wan had pleaded with you to get as far away from everyone as you could. You hadnt understood back then, why was he giving you orders? Why wasnt your master there with you? Youd asked over and over where anakin was, unable to fend off the fear of something happening to him. You werent supposed to but you and your master had created a bond on the battlefield. A close call had prompted Anakin to seal your forces together in some odd taboo bond.
No one would tell you where your master was, or what he was doing. Finally obi wan had just blurted it out. He was dead. You paused, liar. It was a lie, you knew it was you could still feel him. His force signature was still lingering on the edges of your mind. He was wounded, desperate and above all angry.
Once obi wan had lied to your face youd left. It was disturbing. Why? Why was he lying to your face? What else could he have lied about? Things progressed quickly after that, youd abandoned the order and hid yourself on a tiny planet known for living off the land, trading produce, lumber and gem stones.
The massacre happened, and shortly after the news came. As much as you hoped your master was alive you never wanted it to be like that. He was sith now.To say you never saw the dark side in anakin was a lie. There was rage, pride, ambition even fear. Youd always reasoned it was to protect his loved ones. Even though the code forbid love an attachment, it wasnt exactly a bad thing right? Anakin was still protecting the innocent. So it couldnt be so bad? Useing the dark side for good is still good right? Good and evil are subjective, nothing is inherently bad or good, it all depends on the motive, method and reason. At least thats what youd told yourself to justify his actions.
It's said Anakin had lost himself in a rage and almost killed obi wan on a battle on mustafa. Obi wan had fled, before Anakin could deliver the final blow. The next thing you heard was Padme's passing. Nothing was ever mentioned about the baby. Youd like to say things seemed to quiet down after that but it was only a month or so after padme's funeral that palpantine was executed by Anakin. And the new galaxy order began. Your once master was now the emperor, he ruled with an iron fist and hunting of jedi began. Black robed inquisitors scoured the galaxy looking for force sensitive beings to eradicate. It was a genocide.
Youd managed to hide quietly in your little home, holding down a job in the mines, mineing crytals and gem stones. Your reason was if your below ground you cant be spoted. Occasionally youd feel your old master, his life force brushing yours lightly. As if he was checking in on you. Reassuring himself you were still alive.
Sometimes youd sit and meditate trying to severe the connection between the two of you. His response was immediate and ruthless, he'd plough through your mind pressing back harshly, clawing and burning your mind makeing you cry out. It felt as if he were splitting your head open, searing pains would almost cause you to pass out. Just as you felt your vision blackening he'd pull back leaving a lingering sense of disapproval. A warning of not to try that again. For what ever reason he wanted to remain connected to you.
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You guessed it had been just over four days since being thrown into your tiny cold cell. Four days of traveling to maker knows where, with little rest and no food bar a slice of bread and cup of water a day. Sleep had evaded you most of the nights, you were far too cold. And what little sleep you did get was haunted by nightmares. Scenarios of a slow grusome torture and bloody end waking you with a terrified cry. And they werent unfounded, the inquisitors and guards made sure you heard their guesses arohnd your fate. From what you could tell theyxd had specific orders to capture you. No one else, you were the only prisoner on the ship. A highly prized lamb ready for slaughter.
Suddenly the doors were flung open and you were unceremoniously dragged from your tiny cell. Two storm troopers heaved you up by your arms threatening to dislocate them as you almost collapsed, knees buckling after staying still for so long. With harsh shpving and a few curses you were being tugged from the ship. Your panic rose with each step as you realised you were probably being taken to your death. Marching out into the hanger and then quickly ushered into a huge yet quiet building. You had no chance to devidse and escape plan or even figure out where you were.
Within mineuts you were placed outside of two huge doors. The stormtroopers releasing you only to flank you either side, blasters at the ready. You frowned eyeing them and then to tall door once more.
"In there rebel! Now" the tropper to your left ordered with a hard shove to your back sending you into a stagger. You caught your footing just as the door began to open.
"Move it!" The other male barked coralling you into the huge dark room. You shivered feeling more unesy as you spied the room, inching forward. It was dark, the only light was one long pipe surrounding the room, currently set to dim white. Not even bright enough to creat a shdow on the black gloss floor.
You stepped further into the black cautiously, feeling more vulnerable then you ever hd before. Your lightsaber had been stolen by the inquisitors tht hd captured you, you felt nked and alone without it. Not that you carried it around, it hd been tucked away in your home. Yet this was the type of situation you missed having it clipped to your belt.
"It has been a long time padawan" you tensed hearing the voice of your once master. It was upseting, your guts twisting uncomfortably. Youd never thought you would hear him again and honestly? It was something you were all to happy to avoid. It was awkward and confusing. The lights suddenly came to life, illuminating the room and revealed a large black and grey space. Columns lined the walls, the gloss floor had n oddly intricate pattern inlaid into it, a mix of geometric and flowing shapes all defined by their gloss, matte and satin finish. One long glossed gangway directed you stright to the end of the room only interrupted by a set of wide sprawling shllow steps.
It was at that point you realised you were in the fabled throne room of the new sith empire. Shit. Not many left this place outside of a box.
Your eyes rose, following the room to the focal point. A huge black granite slab fashioned into a large masculine throne of straight sharp edges. Finally your gze landed on him. God. He was exactly the same, slightly weathered look to him, taller and slightly more muscular then he had been before. The only real changes were the way he'd matured into a stronger jawline and his eyes were a bright glowing amber. Youd say gold but the hint of orange tipped his gaze in to a more sinister hue.
"I heard you fled the order before i returned. Its unfortunate i wished you had stayed there i was coming to collect you, you know" he paused analysing you for a moment. There was a hesitance to his movments he shifted in his seat leaning to one side on his throne, resting on his elbow, hands clasped casually over his abdomen and his legs spread. You released a breath relaxing somewhat as he lounged back into a non threatening stance in his seat.
"But then again obi wan was always interfering. Im sure he convinced you id abandoned you. It wounds me to think youd hve belived him" your masters voice was acompanied by a deep sigh. His eyes almost looked hurt by the notion. You got the feeling your silence was beginning to grate on him. You could feel the tendrils of frustration creeping aroudn you, his force signature becoming restless around him he was irritated. Irritation to anger and then? Well he wasnt exactly known for tempering his rage.
"I didnt; he didnt say that" you inched forward nervously glancing up at him on the raised black dais his throne sat uppon. His eyes widened, surprize washing over his face, chasing away the brewing scowl.
"Oh? Then why did you flee?" His head tipped forward, just like it had done with every question hexd ever posed to you. Just like that you felt like the young clumsy padawan youd once been. That all familiar teasing your master was known for. You knew from old times he wasnt asking because he didnt know the answer, he knew alright. He was testing you, waiting to see if you would lie to him or be honest.
Unlike others in the order you never lied to your master. You had to trust him, and he you. The more you revealed to him for safe keeping the more he had let you in. Even going as far to bring you home to his wife letting you join them for family meals and stay over in the spare bedroom. Yes youd gotten far with anakin by telling him the truth willingly, and youd not stop that now.
"He lied to me. They all did, they said you were dead but i... felt you. And then it raised other questions about the order, i didnt understand why they were so eager to get rid of me. I couldnt stay anymore when they were so brazen about it" you explained clearly, trying not to babble away and trail off into your confused nonsense.
"Then you are lucky little one, to have seen the truth before it was too late. But then again you were always one for difficult questions. Your veiws on the dark side and the light always troubled the council." He chuckled to himself shaking his head recalling all the times your bombarded him with the why's and how's like a curious youngling thirsty for knowledge. At the time he'd explained everything in line with the jedi code as best as he could. But found himself having to shush you often as you continued to question the code and morals behinde it. He was somewhat proud of you for it, you refused to follow blindly, much like him. You didnt see life as cut and dry as others raised in the temple, in a way anakin was lucky.
"What? They knew?" You anounced curseing yourself at the fear that washed over you. Anakin drew a deep breath, his jaw locking as he felt the fear in you, the sickening twisting in your gut at the thought of those jedi ever scaring you. He opened the bond you both shared smothering you with soft reassurance. Calming you with a blanket of his own force coiling around you just as he had when you would panic alone in your bunk at night. He dreads to think how many times he'd stayed up at night soothing you waiting for you to drift off to sleep before resting himself.
He smirked, despite your initial shock and gasp at his gentle reassurance your own life force welcomed him like an old freind. His smug grin softened when you relaxed into his invisible embrace choosing to ignore all the current circumstances and just accept some comfort, for comforts sake.
"They would call me and obi wan in to discuss it. Your beliefs over useing the dark side for the greater good troubled them a great deal. They even suggested takeing you from me. Wanting to place you with a stricter master." He explained gently, savouring the momentary peace you were allowing him. He didnt want to be at logger heads with you, or for you to fear him. You werent his enemy, and never will be. He loved you, he wanted you to know that.
"It created a great deal of tension between obi wan, the council and myself. I wouldnt let them have you. Your mine and mine alone and i fought to keep you that way. I think deep down they knew i wanted to keep you no matter my path" he soothed you, he needed you to know he had defended you. Fought for you, he had your back no matter what the council said, no matter what his own former master said. He shifted in his set uncomfortably before grunting and rose to his feet.
"So them anouncing my death before they'd even faced me is just another manipulation. They chased you out of the order not to protect you but out of fear. You frightened them little one, your a free thinker they believed once they chased you off and killed me it would protect their precious order." He sneered slowly decending the stairs as he spoke. None of them could see how special you were in the order. They were ignorant.
"Wont you come closer? Id like to see how youxve grown" he spoke after a moment of silence, beckoning you forward to him. He was eager to reunite with you properly.
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You steeled yourself and approched him slowly trying to figure out just how much danger you were in. Or if any? It was disconcerting, to look at him he was the same master you knew and loved, the same man youd run to with all your problems and questions. The same person you trusted with your life, the one whod slapped you upside the head when you were getting ahead of yourself.
Yet he was completely different?
He nolonger masked his presence, he felt dangerous and slick. Like oil ready to ignite. He stood tall with no shame or hesitation. There was nothing about him that let you think he wasnt in total control. His eyes though. You couldnt stop glancing at them, they were haunting.
"Not by much i see, still a pipsqueek. Oh Come now, move closer im not going to harm you" he teased your small stature, as he often did. And then sighed beckoning you again whilst stepping towards you himself giving little room for argument. Finally he stood before you and smiled scoffing to himself befor reaching out to you, brushing his hands across your shoulders and straightening your clothing that was still skewed from your rough handling by the troopers.
"Your filthy. But then again why wouldnt you be all those years in the mines" he mused shaking his head at you. You nodded still trying to figure him out. He wasnt shoutingnor attacking you, he seemed well normal? Like nothing had happened and you hadnt been hiding from him and his empire for the past five years of so.
"I should have known, you always were drawn to shiny gems. A collection of crystals hidden under your bed." His face lit up playfully as yours paled again, the panic of being caught settling over you, and slight disappointment.
"You knew?" Your tiny question tore a laugh from him and he patted your shoulders squeezing lightly. It was just like his mischievous padawan to belive she could hide things from him. Not to say it was easy for him to uncover your little collection. He'd found it by mistake after having to carry you to your own bed after a taxing mission left you sleeping like the dead on the flight home. He'd accidentally kicked a small box under your bed and investigated the rattle.
"Of course i did. I knew everything about you my little padawan. I even added to your collection once or twice" he admitted with a smirk watching as your eyes widened in realisation.
"That was you?" Your eyes followed him as he rounded you stopping beside you and slung his arm around your shoulders tucking you against his side. You melted into him, your force coiling around him, tugging at his. It was like youd gone soo long since having this type of comfort you needed to make up for lost time.
He reciprocated taking every opportunity he could to reconnect with you. He wanted to prove so much in such a small amount of time. He wanted you to realise he was free to dote on you, neither of you had to hold back you were allowed to feel now. The simple fact you were already seeking him out soke volumes about how much your abrupt separation had affected you.
"Indeed, i see nothing wrong with treating you to a few gifts for a job well done. As much as the jedi claimed to abide by the code they all had there own forbidden possessions." He quickly moved on, wanting you to know youd ultimatly made the right decision. No one in the order followed all of the rules, they were all hypocrites to some extent. It had always been do as i say not as i do, he wished he'd noticed sooner. The pain and fear he and padme had lived in all those years was unnecessary, everyone head their own exceptions.
"Windu had a small collection of books, obi wan found his own work around; food. Treating himself and others to delicious meals. You had your shiny jewels and i" he stopped himself for a moment giving you a moment to process the betrayals of your ex-superiors. But also pondering if this was the right time to plant a seed in your mind. He had plans. Big plans, plans that would change both of your futures.
You looked at him expectantly, your brow furrowing as you took him in, waiting for him to finish. It was nerve-wracking he'd always been unpredictable. And for him to hesitate over his next words was unsettling.
"I had you and padme. We were tiny but fullfilling family nonetheless" you blinked up at him. What? His smiled grew and he squeezed you to him once more before dropping his head a d pressing a chaste kiss on your hair line. You frowned confused by his claim.
Did he? Did he really feel that you and padme were his exception? That you both belonged to him? In sime fucked up way you did, well you had done. You were his pupil, he could train and punish you as he saw fit, take you to the front lines or confine you to the temple. But as much as you loved him as a brother youd never ever dreamt he felt the same, even though he clearly loved padme and obi wan. You just hadnt thought you were another of his loved ones.
"Were not family" the muttered words were out before you could even think on the consequences. Images of him suddenly crushing you with the force, choking or punishing you for disagreeing with him flooded you. You winced, jerking away expecting him to react violently just like the rumours said. But he didnt instead he, tipped his head down to you, looking at you curiously from the top of his eyes and rose a brow.
"No? Are you sure about that little one?" He cooed down at you teasingingly.
"Well i mean... i err Y-yes; technically we arnet? Well... not now?" You fumbled, mixing your words whilst loo,ing away, your gaze dropping to the floor uncomfortably. It was hard holding his gaze, it was different. The harsh reality of him being a sith was daunting. Seeing really was believing, but he was still your old master. In a way it was frightening to think of how close he was to the darkside when he was training you, when you trusted him; loved him even!
"Then we should do something bout that shouldnt we?" He uttered smoothing your hair from your face tucking it behinde your ear. He froze for a second and then frowned.
"You? Whats this? Your braid is gone" his fingers dived further in to your hair feeling around for the braid he had gifted you alongside his tutelage all those years ago. Once realising it was no longer there he scowled at you, amber eyes searing into your own demanding an explanation.
"i had to get rid of it, people knew what it meant. It was dangerous to keep" you shrugged whislt crossing your fingers holing that he didnt get offended and start lecturing you about it. I mean what did he expect? It was open season on jedi, of course youd got rid of the braid. Thats not to say it was an easy thing to do, to your shame youd cried as you unwove it. Youd watched in the mirror as fat tears rolled down your cheeks, and a bottle of strong spirit standing by to pick up the pieces.
Despite the way everything had happened and his quick descent into the dark side you couldnt help mourn the loss of your braid, it symbolised your entire, lifes work, sacrifice. Youd endured the temple and its teachings. Earned your braid and became a padawan to an amazing powerful man and was well on your way to becoming a knight. And just like that it had to go, everything youd worked for was pulled out from under you.
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Your feelings must has crept through your bond, bitter sadness and loathing, regret and guilt entwined int one hard cold mass in your chest. Life was much cruler then you cpuld have imagined. Anakin took a moment to watch you, his force carefully peaking into you coaxing you to share more of your inner conscious with him. It saddened him to see just how much youd lost in the turning of the tides. Youd both lost what you held dear, and although he couldnt regain everything that had been ripped from him, he was adamant that hexd restore as much as he could to his beloved pupil.
"Turn around" he ordered before curling his fingers around your arms and spun you around faceing away from him.
"What? Ah!? Master! Wait no!" You bit your lip cutting off the rest of your complaint. Your face flushed as you called him by his old title. He wasnt your master, not anymore. Not since the rise of the empire! How could you slip up like that. Hes the karking emperor now!
If he noticed tour little blunder he chose not to tease you for it, instead he battled your flaying arms and squirmong with swift swats you your head grunting, huffing down at you as you struggled against him.
"For kriff sake! Will you hold still pipsqueek!?" He cursed out loud before striking the back of your head harder then before, letting you feel his growing frustration. You yipped at the slap and tensed for a moment.
"No- let go, hey? What are you doing?" You cried out after a few seconds trying to tug away from him, spining to face him only to yelp again as this time i stead of a palm to the side of your head there was a harsh tug on your hair from behind your right ear.
"Hold still otherwise i will end up ripping a chunk of hair from your scalp. Then youll have a bald spot" He chided giving another harder pull jerking your head to face forward again. You whined moving your hands to pull at his wrists feeling him fiddling with a length of hair. But your hands were stopped at the last moment. Anakins force looped around your wrists and snapped them back down to your sides squeezing in reprimand before releasing them.
"You were never this fussy before" he muttered to himself as he continued to concentrate of the small patch of hair, expertly twisting it neatly, just like the first time.
"What are you doing?"
"Replacing your braid padawan. I do not like seeing you without it" he huffed quickly, makeing sure to be carefull with his words. He knew yoh well enough, youd never admit to missing the single braid. So he would take the metaphorical fall for it. If he said it was for his sake then your more likely to accept it. Contrary to what you belived in this moment he knew youd do anything for him still. The warmth in your force and calm neediness was enough for him to know you still cared for him, just as he did you.
"But im; thats a jedi thing! We're not jedi! Your not my master, your sith!"you grunted waving your arms around once more only to hiss as the hit and invisible wall that stopped you from reaching back to your hair. You pouted shaking out your fingers, rubbing your now tender knuckles.
"Says the girl who just called me her master? Will you hold still?Honestly where has my good girl gone?" He asked pointedly, sending you a small whisper of amusement through the force as to not frighten you into thinking he was displeased. He had to tread carefully, you were still wary of him. If he had any hope or rekindling this relationship and possibly seeking more then kinship he had to be perceptive to your own mood.
"Probably in the mines pocketing the clear points" you huffed under your breath, still sulking. Anakin bellowed a laugh at that. It really was like old times. Just like he hoped for, not that he wanted togoback to. How things were before, but he had missed being treated like a person rather then an authoritarian entity. But his humanity was only for the likes of you to experience. Everyone else could get karked.
"The jedi may be dead, but that doesnt mean i cant borrow some of their ideas. The padawan braid has always been a symbol of domination, hierarchy. Protection." You gave a small hum in agreement, nodding gently before remebering he was braiding your hair.
"I thought you hated it though? The rules and symbolism stuff?" You pondered out loud trying to make sense of the man. He hated the structure and classes. Everyone in their own box unable to argue of explore anything outside of their designated fields.
"It has taken a while but even i can appreciate the notion of protecting something" you nodded along with him, unsure if it was because you agreed with him or if you just wanted to hurry up and get all this weirdness over with.
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"There we go, all mine again padawan. Its much better now dont your think?" His hand glided over the much longer braid, admiring the simplicity of it, honestly seeing you wear the thin braid made his heart swell with a possessive pride. Eventually he tore his eyes away from the symbolic strands,stepping around you dragging the braid forward for you to see before letting it drop to your chest.
"Im not a padawan anymore" your eyes locked onto the braid for a second, lighting up in excitement despite your mild complaint. He coukd feel the instant attachment from you, and mild distaste. It would seem you were uneasy about having such reactions to somthing that had been so sentimental in the past.
Anakin eyed you for a moment and then reached out tucking the braid behinde your shoulder again. It would take some time for things to go back to the way they were, he wouldnt let you dwell on it. You needed to move on with him, join him in his freedom. He didnt move away from you. Instead he cupped your cheek softly, coaxing you to look him in the eye, and began to speak sincerly.
"Perhaps not in the way you used to be. But you are still mine, you always have been. Our connection is absolute with or without you braid. Ah! No, dont you dare. Thats not an invitation to remove it. I will singe it at the root with my saber if you try to remove it a second time" he scolded quickly slapping at your hands at the rose to your hair trying to find the braid he'd just weaved. You whined dropping your hands to your sides as they smarted from the swift stinging rebuke.
"Now i think its about time you got cleaned up and some actual rest. Your dark circles are ridiculous" he instructed crowding you again turning with you and began directing you to an arch set back slightly hidden from veiw by thick a pillar. A passage way to the right of the dias and throne.
"Wha; bathed and bed? I dont... i dont understand arent you just going to kill me? Or or arrest me or somthing?!" You jerked away hastily, almost stumbbling over as you spun around dramatically. Even after the strange calm happiness youd seemed to give one another you were technically on opposite sides of the force. You were unable to truly belive he only had the best intentionsfor you.
"Absolutely not, why would i do that?" Indignat fury washed over his face, setting it into a scowl. His arms crossed over his chest, hands tucking themselves into the crook of his arms as if staving off reaching for you once more.
"Isn't that what youve done to everyone else who escaped the temple, erradicate or interrogate them" your voice carried an urgency. Frightfull and desperate. Your fear of being interrogated and killed spewing like venom on your tongue. He rolled his eyes shifting on his feet before a sardonic smile crossed his features.
"You are different, dont ever put yourself into the same pathetic status as them. And i know you know nothing bout the others stragglers, you think ive not been rooting around that headmof yours?" His announcement irked you somewhat. Sure it was a possibility but for him to out right say he'd been helping himself to your inner thoughts was a whole other dilemma. For two reasons mainly, one did you actually trust him when he admits to such invasions of privacy and two how in the hell did you not notice? Where you really that rusty? Or was this a sith only trick the amber eyes granted you?
"You... you what?" Anakin drew a deep sigh, as much as he wanted to be irritated by your outburst. Your squeeked words disarmed him. He forgot how adorable you could be when the wind was taken from your sails. You shrunk into this sweet vulnerable little thing.
"Sweet girl of course i've been flicking through your head to find information. You think our connection weakened because of our distance?" You squinted at him a sure sign of you thinking too hard, searching for a hidden riddle in his admission.
"Not at all, i always knew where you were. I simply let you enjoy your own life for a few years. But now i want you home again, i do not trust all of my inquisitors. And that silly little planet is one of the next ones to be.. investigated." He waved a hand through to air brushing off the notion of you becoming another victim of his empire. It was preposterous, he wouldnt even entertain your silly thoughts of being executed by reassuring you. Surely you knew he'd gaurd you with his life?
"So you... sent them to get me?" You uttered the question was more of an acusation rather than an actual question. You were just trying to be polite about it. And hold back the nausea and panic brewing within you.
"Yes, why wouldnt i? Your mine. We're family, we are all each other has left in the galaxy." His face softened he finally gave in reaching for you tugging you closer and resting his head against yours for a moment. It was too much for him to resist, yes hexd let you have a few years of freedom but he had missed you. You were the last person he truly cared about, the final piece to his empire. The only living soul he would have along side him. It would take time but soon youd grow to love him more then you once did.
"But they?" You huffed, voice trembling tears threatening to stain your face. You burrowed into him, breathing him in. Letting him nuzzle you sweetly. Youd never been this close to him, sure he yanked you out of the way of the odd laser or two and pinned you during sparring matches and training. But this was more intimate, this was actual affection. Anakin was holding you, hugging you letting you feel how much he cared. It was amazing to finally have something youd craved for so long. This was always forbidden, at the tempke you received the odd hug as a youngling but not very often, affection was taboo.
But even the affection didnt manage to chase away the overwhelming relief and fury swirling inside of you. Releived to find you wont be dieing anytime soon, but fury over the fear and anxiety youd had to go through to get here! It wasnt fair, youd truley belived you were going to be on the recieving end of a lightsaber, or shoved face first into a plasma turbine and have a painfull death consisting of dismemberment. Thats what the inquisitors and troopers had gossiped. Hushed whispers of being tortured and slaughtered. And youd belived them!
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"They what?" The air grew cold around you both he leant back, his eyes glowing ominously. You could literally feel the wrath in him. The promise of vengeance and revenge should anything untoward had happened. But whether it was madness or spite you still answered his tumultuous question.
"They locked me up! In a freezing cell and? They made me think i was going to; that someone would torture me! Kill me! And they stole my saber!" You covered your mouth gasping, flushing when you realised you'd just tattled on them like a child. Anakin didnt even blink at the way youd quickly told on the asshats that had captured, imprisoned and scared the crap out of you.
"Then you will be happy to know those that were sent to return you to me are already dead. I wont have gossip about you in my forces. And your saber is perfectly safe, its being taken to my room as we speak. I didnt trust you not to cleave off some limbs before i got you home" his reply startled you. He'd what? He had killed for you? To keep you secret... you frowned as much as it should bother you it didnt. Well not much, your first thpught was 'no! why did he do that for you?' The second louder thought that crossed your mind was 'well good, they were assholes'. It struck you to the core, you should be scared, be horrified that your master hd done such a thing but no. You just felt confusion. It didnt make sense to you so much you couldnt help but ask him, you wanted to understand.
You also wanted to understand your relief when hed anou ced he had your lightsaber. Because honestly? You lightsaber in the hands of a sith isnt normally something that'd calm you. It was a troubling realisation. Despite everythingnyou still held Anakin in high regard.
"Home? This isnt; I dont... i dont understand" you frowned up at him, your voice growing small and unsure. You grew more confused with each statment he made. Was he keeping you here? Did he expect something from you? Was he going to recruit you, give you responsibilities?
"Everything will be fine. Soon youll understand, i have high hopes for us. Our future has never been brighter little one. You'll see soon enough. But for now we will take our time, reacquaint ourselves" he uttered cryptically stepping back from you smoothing his hands over your shoulders. As excited as he was, now was not the time to overwhelm you. He was patient, he will slowly ease you into your new role. Draw you closer and closer, higher and higher untill you took your place beside him. Youd be his empress in no time. He was sure of it. But first he had to rekindle your trust, then he could seduce you.
"Future? What are you going to start training me again? Do you need an apprentice or something?" You pondered wareily, you knew tht sith training was different from jedi, you werent necessarily trained. The master would just anwser your questions, when you asked the right ones that is. But in all honestly you didnt want ny training , or fighting. You simply wanted to live your life, preferably without fear or condemnation.
Anakin shook his head and slipped along side you, capturing your hand before placing it in the crook of his arm before setting off once more. Heading you towards the side exit again.
"Hush.Once you trust me again we can revisit the topic of our new path. For now relax, enjoy your freedom about the palace. You can do as you please inside these walls, have all the pretty gems and polished stones your heart desires." The final teasing words felt odd, he wasnt baiting you but there was a sincerity there. Youd never notice it was infact a subtle manipulation. A well placed temptation solely there to lure you out of your old padwan mentally. He didnt want you to see him as your master, nor did he want you to revert to your old ways and place such limits on yourself again. He wanted you to grow attched to him, to rely on him, to seek him out and enjoy the freedom he'd granted you. but above all he wanted you to fall for him. And it would be hard not to if he gave you everything youd ever wished for.
"Be a good girl for me? Go get cleaned up and straight to bed i will see you in the morning. And remember leave that braid alone, id hate to have to reprimand you so early on" it took a little more then two minutes to exit the throne room. There was a droid waiting by the door expectantly.
"Escort her to the chambers i prepared in my private wing. Shes to bathe, eat and get some sleep. No one is to disturb her" Anakin eased your hand from his arm whislt delivering orders to the droid. You made to argue, still determined to have some answers, preferably less vague. But he hushed you with a motion of his hand and then leant forward tugging you in for another tight hug, squeezing you to hos chest unable to deny his impulses.
"Do as ive asked, rest. I shall see you in the morning for breakfast. Untill then pipsqueek" his whispered low, his breath tickeling the sensitive shell of your ear drawing an involuntary shudder from you. And then he parted from you. Leaving you with a sweet kiss on your cheek before turning on his heel and making his way back towards the throne.
You stood frozen, rooted to the spot lifting a hand to your cheek grazing the spot he'd kissed. Your heart fluttering in your chest and cheeks red. That was new. Suddenly your veiw of your master was interrupted by the service droid instrucing you to follow them deeper into the palace. You nodded stiffly your feet keeping pace with the droid. But did chance a final glance to the emperor as he took his place on the huge throne. Sparing you a single smoldering look as your turned a corner out of sight.
He definitely had a plan, yet you wasnt sure if you feared it. Infact your all to happy to remain here quietly if it meant youd be safe, sheltered and fed well. Despite all of the tragidies within the empire and the heavy handed rule of Anakin your only personal concern was that youd be hunted and killed. It was clear that was no longer the case. It seemed selfish and you did feel somewhat guilty but maybe you could just relax for a while? Enjoy some security and good food and comfy beds. You can overthink and agonise over your moral compass later, when your not filthy, tired and hungry.
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mageofcolors · 2 years
sonic characters playing minecraft headcanons bc i cant sleep:
-tails is a huge redstoner. he builds giant farms for everyone on the server to use and also has a tendency to be responsible for most of the server's lag. in their umiverse tails is the one to invent wireless redstone
-tails also likes building house exteriors while amy builds the interiors. they work on a lot of projects together
-amy also runs a business making interiors because shes known to be the best at it on the server
-amy runs a shop selling mob loot because she loves killing things. she's also a master pvper and everyone fears her so you know no one would dare steal from her. she kills withers on the regular and makes bank off the nether stars
-she's also very skilled at using both the axe and the sword, but not as good at ranged weapons.
-sonic is an explorer and likes mods that allow for gear that makes him faster and increases his step height. mountain biomes are the bane of his existance in vanilla
-sonic used to live in tails' house but he would ruin his item sorter system all the time so he asked sonic to get his own storage. sonic now lives in a hole under tails' house
-sonic's a big potion user. he likes speed potions + water breathing / night vision potions for dealing with water stuff. he's soooo brave about it. he forced himself to take on a water temple because he couldnt stand the idea of there being an enemy he couldnt defeat. being underwater makes him sick tho
-knuckles is a miner and his house is a series of tunnels that blends into his mine. he also likes building things mainly with stone materials. he takes inspiration from irl angel island.
-rouge is a big flyer. shes possibly the best elytra user on the server
-rouge collects all the gems in the game and stacks them in shulker boxes in a vault nobody on the server has found yet. she does randomly flex by taking them out and showing them off. she'll go up to knuckles and just place a shulker box full of diamond blocks in front of him to taunt him, then quickly grab it and fly away.
-rouge doesn't mine so much as she'll trade or steal. she mainly steals from knuckles tho just to mess with him. knuckles always gets confused where his stuff has gone and still hasnt figured out rouge is the one taking it.
-rouge will also trade random missions for gems. these missions will often consist of helping with playing pranks on other members of the server.
-cream runs a flower and dye "shop" where she has super cheap prices, but half the time she will just give people flowers as gifts. everyone returns the favor with much more valuable items to make her happy but it technically doesn't count as selling/buying because cream never asks for anything in return. she does like receiving gifts tho
-big is always on the server, fishing. little do they know big is actually physically in the minecraft world. he doesnt know how he got there but he's vibin
-knuckles is very into minecraft lore. he likes exploring to learn more about the world and he likes finding old ruins. while sonic is also an explorer it's not too often they'll actually team up unless theyre specifically going to fight a difficult enemy. usually they prefer to go solo
-when time came to fight the ender dragon everyone showed up (except cream because she didn't think the dragon is evil and didnt want to kill it). shadow, sonic, and knuckles were all fighting for the final hit on the dragon. shadow got the hit but sonic stole the egg before anyone else could. he's hiding it in the hole under tails' house. rouge has her sights set on that thing and will figure out where it is any moment now. she just has to wait for tails to leave the house so she can search without being seen or heard
-shadow was the first on the server to get the achievement for collecting all the cats
-shadow is also a pretty good builder and he lives in a nice house with his cats. he has the most maxed out armor on the server
-tails has a solo world as well where he runs like 1000 mods that nobody else's computer could handle. i thought this was important to mention
-sonic likes to collect heads. both mob heads and player heads. he has 20 knuckles heads and 13 shadow ones but he could not get a tails one until tails donated one himself to the collection.
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musubiki · 1 year
I would love to hear more about Lime's cat ears arch if you want to share 👀 Ive been curious about it for a while 🐱
YEAH!!!! its up in the air now but this is kinda what i was thinking about cat-ears:
basically theres a whole region (map area??) underground which is where a lot of magic creatures go to hide/trade/interact away from the outside world. its the kind of place that exists because the m34th is so ruthlessly strict, so its thought of as a black market sort of environment for witches and magic creatures
said area is NOT a fan of witches. theyre technically allowed down there but the environment is not particularly friendly. reason being that other magic creatures blame witches in the first place for the social atmosphere surrounding magic creatures, and other reason is that theyre forced to hide down there while witches can live in the normal world and just be a little more on the downlow
lime comes upon this place via the merchant. after mochi leaves (in this timeline where lime is so broken up hes not even really sure what to do with himself besides the occasional commission), the merchant is the only magic creature (creature??) that he interacts with. he has no access to sulluvan, no access to the portal doorways witches use, so he cant really see anyone outside of wessport unless he manually travels there himself
so for a combination of reasons (needing magic currency to buy the merchants goods to do commissions easier, wanting to stay in the magic community actively, wanting to stay sharp in case mochi ever comes back), the merchant sells him a key to the underground world
the details are hazy on how exactly he comes upon the fighting ring, but its one of those place bets and win fights sort of deals!! a strictly no-magic fight policy, with ridiculous amounts of money on the line
and one of limes character caveats is that hes very good at everything he does and gets good very quickly!! so he takes on this disguise and participates in the fighting ring regularly for money+training
(he never tells anyone his name/who he is/where he came from while hes down there. he barely even talks to anyone at all. they couldnt get a name out of him so eventually everyone just settled on calling him cat-ears)
during his time there its also a little hazy on whether or not the rest of the guild knew he was doing this. i imagine its one of those places where mochi wouldnt like them going, so probably he didnt tell any of them OR only told oscar about it so he could potentially cover for him
and i think i mentioned this elsewhere as well but this place and what he did there was very much a kind of escape/outlet for his frustration surrounding mochi and uncertainty about if she was coming back to him or not and struggling with not being angry with her for leaving. more like a "punch away your feelings" sort of place
he gets really good at hand-to-hand combat though!!
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If I ask you to stay
Chuuya x reader
I hate writers block :_) I promise I've wanted to post but I have had no ideas. Anyway enjoy, requests are always open and appreciated <33
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Kids like you shouldn't be allowed to get drunk, you thought. Your throat was burning slightly, your lips stinging as Chuuya's hand rested just close enough to yours that you could feel the heat seeping from him to you in an eternal trade of energy. Technically, you weren't allowed to get drunk but honestly, who was going to tell you no? But you shouldn't be allowed to; sad kids shouldn't be allowed to get drunk. Nevertheless, the green glass bottle of cheap booze had been syrupy and sweet and now it had filled the spaces in you both for a moment; one long enough that you could maybe pretend it would be that way forever. That maybe it had finally fixed you.
Neither of you said a word, staring blankly up at the sky as it blended from blue to purple, edges glowing orange and pink as the moon's sliver of a face made her appearance. But there was a space that hadn't been filled yet- it settled into the pit of your stomach and stayed there, making your breath heavy and your chest unpleasantly tight. You focused on Chuuya, on the vague feeling of his body somewhere close, and not on the stinging of your eyes as tears began to spill, filling you with panic because you felt so far away from it all.
No, no no- why was this happening? Your fingers curled tightly around the neck of the bottle, and your breath shuddered, your lungs forcing your mouth open, inhaling like you'd been drowning while you hiccuped and began to sob. It was still there, that feeling, so heavy and terrible, aching and pulling itself apart inside you, and you couldnt feel him anymore. You were floating in a sea of your own terror and there was no way back. Far away, Chuuya had his hands on your shoulders, trying to make you look at him while your voice cracked with your tears. You were both afraid; he for you, you of the maddening space that was only growing inside you, that would swallow you up and leave you.
Leave you alone.
Gently, he pulled you to your feet and began your walk back to your room. The halls of the complex were empty, the windows reflecting the image of your body leaning gratefully on his. You slipped into the dark of your room, and sat on the edge of your bed, Chuuya's arm sliding around your shoulders as your curtains shifted gently in the breeze from your open window. You breathed in shaky patterns, and Chuuya saw the girl he had always seen, the fierce fighter, the prodigious assassin he had known since he met you transformed into someone small- you were curled into your self, turned into him, at your weakest and all you needed was someone.
So he sat, and waited as your breathing evened, until he looked and saw your eyes closed and your lips slightly parted as your breath tickled his skin softly. No longer troubled, at least for a moment, you simply looked...young. You looked like the girl you could have been, the one you should have been, who's greatest worries were school and friends and not life and death. So he lied you down, his hands careful as your head fell to the side, hair falling into your eyes as you shuddered yourself awake. You stirred, blinking slowly, seeing Chuuya as he made to leave, and felt your heart break in a way that was both new and so familiar. He was leaving and there was nothing you wanted less.
So you extended your hand, eyes glistening in the darkness, the only sound the rush of your heart in your ears. You reached to him from your bed with a question in your eyes, hoping he would understand.
And he did.
He took your hand and came close, pausing at the edge of your bed before catching your stare again. And that magic look was there: soft and open, exposing the hurt inside you and trusting he wouldn't hurt you more. There was love there; for him, and fear as well. He didn't want you to be afraid of him, fear him leaving. You were showing him something, something inside him, and he wanted to know everything about the strange, new kind of love he felt blooming inside him, choking his lungs as it's flowers grew within them.
He pressed his body to yours, inhaling the scent of you, your skin, your hair- feeling the soft places on your body, the places where you swelled and he dipped, matching you both together in the darkness like a wonderful puzzle. He felt your hands come to press against his chest, warmth emanating from you to him, that same flow of energy amplified as you closed the space between you. And he looked in your eyes then, when he was so close all he could see was you; your eyes, soft on his, your body close and warm, your bones rolling under your skin with every slight move. He felt all of you, when he help your chin, skin creating sparks as it brushed together, the both of you frozen and hungry and tired of anticipation.
Until it all fell open.
His hands were on you and your lips were on his and the wetness of your cheeks cooled the hot blush on his as you clashed in the dark. It was everything in a second, and it was perfect.
You didn't do anything more that night. He held you, you slept. You slept beside one another, rhythms you were unaware of falling in and out of sync as the night passed.
And you felt safe.
You felt safe sleeping there, with him, and you felt safe when the sun woke you to his face, skin glowing in the rosy light. Safety; such an odd word for the two of you were.
But it was what you offered one another when no one else could give it.
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
If your requests are open, could you maybe do a C!Techno x Reader? Like, the Butcher Army is there for Techno and Phil wasn't able to give him a\such an early head's up so he's not really prepared, and Quackity has the reader hostage when they show, cause maybe they were outside doing something... You don't have to, of course! -Sugar Anon (may I claim this Anon?)
Ooh! Most definitely! And of course you can claim it your my first anon!🖤
Warnings: Blood, swearing
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Techno was a pretty well known man, lets face it. Maybe not in the way you hoped, and in this instance you mean he was wanted.
But you were not awhere of that because you lived with him out in the chilly Tundra. Phil would usally bring you two the new updates and anything you should be aware of. So when he didnt show for his morning tea you were a but skeptical to say the least. But techno had casually shrugged his shoulders, waving it off that he had gotten busy. This was true. Phil was a awfully busy man, he never seemed to stop moving, building, or exploring. So you joined techno on his assumption.
Techno was casually brewing potions that afternoon. Not a uncommon occurance to say the least. You had grown accustomed to seeing the towering man working over his bottles. His large but gentle hands gracefully, and carefully manuvering the glasses to where he pleased.
"Techno love? Im going to go trade these books nearby ok?" You mentioned as you took your cloak. Slipping it on so you could contain your warm. Techno hummed in agreement. Since you were so far from L'amanburg he didn't really mind you walking freely to the nearby village. He actually viewed your common trips as a large help.
"I have seven emeralds in that chest over there, could you see if any of them are willing to trade for a mending book?" He asked well he looked up to you. His reading glasses resting on his nose. You smiled brightly and nodded.
"Of course!" Anything you could do to help you were down to do. L'amanburg wasn't aware Techno had a lover, mostly because Techno didn't want you getting pulled into his rather volient affairs. He viewed them as his battles. Not battles that you had to fight.
Well collecting the gems into your basket he spoke up again, his hand coming to the small of your back. "Take Carl ok? I can't have my princess walking like the peasants do" he said bemused. Pressing a gentle but loving kiss to your forhead.
You leaned into him, enjoying the physical affection he gave you. Techno wasn't one to voice his love Rather, instead he would gift you, or make physical actions twords showing you how much he cared.
You walked out and hopped onto Carl the sturdy, and loyal steed waiting for the new adventure he would be taking. Edging your heels into him you began to head for the forest.
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After a while of riding through the woods you began to grow weary. You felt like you were being watched. You were not a Hybrid like Techno so you couldnt smell or hear any abnormalities. But you just knew somthing was off. It was a harsh mental debate on whether to turn around or continue. Ultimately you decided it was best to just turn around. For how on edge you were you figured that telling Techno, and him laughing at you was better than lingering outside anymore.
You pulled the reigins, signaling for Carl to turn, however when you did, someone had jumped onto Carl behind you. Grabbing you tightly to prevent your flailing. You couldnt help the blood curdling scream you let out before your mouth was covered by a hand. You were panicking. You couldnt see your attacker but very well felt them behind you.
"Im gonna make you a deal. Your going to take us back to that nice cottage of yours, or I'll paint your blood all over the snow" the voice sneered next to your ear. "Im going to remove my hand. If you so as utter a word I wont hesatate to get rid of you. Am I clear?" The voice was slow, but threatening. They meant what they said. You could only nod slowly as he removed his hand from your mouth. "In case you get a wild burst of courage... I'll just leave this here" he had taken his sword out. Lingering it by your neck. You didn't know what else to do, so you just took the reigins and slwoly started back home.
When you got to Technoblade's Cottage you were forced off of Carl, the snow did little in softening your fall. You looked up praying thag techno herd some commotion.
"Technoblade get your ass out here!" The man Yelled, you looked up to him. He had black hair poking out from his beanie. Underneath his armor was a bloody a apron. All, in all, not someone you wanted to be around.
When the door opened you called out for Techno. Trying to make a run for him. But instead you were only grabbed by your ankle and dragged back to the raven haired man. The sword he held finding it's way to your neck.
"Let her go Quackity." Techno's eyes were narrowed and calculated. He wasn't pleased by any means for how Quackity was manhandling you.
"You think I'm going to listen to you? Your fucking delusional. Heres whats going to happen Techno. Your going to come with us. Or I'll kill her and give your front lawn a nice new red decoration." You whimpered. All you wanted was Techno. You wanted to be in his arms, you didn't like how This 'Quackity' man was talking or handling you.
"Your going to let her go first." Techno stepped closer. His hand drawing his blade. You could see Techno's breathing. He was angry, and so were the voices.
"I wouldn't step any closer." The blade pressed in more. Your hand coming up to try and push the blade away. "Your going to drop your blade and walk up to fundy to get handcuffed. Then I'll let her go." You watched as Techno weighed his options. In the end he did drop his blade. He valued your life above everything. Once his hands were tied securely, you were let free. The first thing you did was run to techno. Hugging onto him for dear life.
"(Y/n) listen to me. Your going to go into the house and wait for Philza. Ok?" You looked up at him with pain in your eyes, shaking your head.
"No! Im not letting you go alone!" You started to tear. You didnt know where they were taking him. But you knew it wasn't good.
"(Y/n) I said go in the house. I will be fine.." He manuvered his head to wrap around yours since his arms couldn't. "I don't want you involved ok?..." his tone was gentle, trying to ease your haywire nerves.
"Techno please let me come.." Your eyes begged, but he didnt budge. Quackity only took and shoved Techno further.
"Wait in the House!" Was the final thing he said as he was forced over the Hill.
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Waiting for his return had you beyond restless. You could only look from the clock back to the fire. The raging 'What if's running through your brain. It was extremely late before techno had returned back home.
When he opened the door you rushed over to him. Almost tripping over your own feet. To feel him in your arms was the one thing you needed to calm your nerves. You gripped onto him for dear life. His arms gently wrapped around you. Rubbing a ligjt circle into your back.
"Thank god your home" you said. Your face buried into his chest. The lingering sent of dynamite and the iron smell of blood on his clothes. "I was so worried about you..." you felt his hand move to the underside of your thighs. Lifting you up into his arms so he could move inside.
"Come now princess... You didnt really think I would let anything happen to myself, now would you?" He mused. His eyes soft as he looked up into yours.
"I.. I mean" You looked down at him, the bit of worry still remaining. He sat down on his sofa. Leaning back into it as he looked up at you.
"Baby girl, you know Technoblade never dies" He said cocking a eyebrow up as his face went smug. You only smiled a little at that. Moving to rest your head in his neck.
"I still worried..." you said gently. Relaxing into his chest. Glad to see him home safely.
"I know princess... I know" He knew he would have to tell you about the execution. But for now he knew you were distraught. He may have been poor at comforting, but he knew right now the best thing was for you to just lay in his arms at peace. Let you try and forget what Quackity had probably etched into your memory for months to come. Because Quackity was only the start now. Now everyone knew, Techno had someone he truly loved.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 2 years
I mean Nieyao were close in the books, it's mentioned that NMJ took it so hard because he has a hard time growing close to people and that he finally found someone he really connected with and trusted since Xichen and then JGY killed a guy and faked suicide so he could seal NMJ's spiritual energy and make sure he couldnt follow him to force him to turn himself in. People are just very intense in this universe, songxiao were together for like six months
Good LORD. Between this and Novel LWJ falling in forever-and-ever love with Novel WWX after a couple months of being harassed at summer camp, everyone in Novelverse is operating on the same bonding timeline as college freshmen. This isn't an insult, because the people about whom I went "wow!! just met this person but we are now Best Friends!!" during my first month or so of college are STILL some of my best friends over a decade later... but yeah, like you said, it's intense! And it's a very different vibe from what CQL gives us, I think, because its general policy of bringing characters into the narrative sooner and/or adding content for worldbuilding purposes results in all the characters having more of a history when things go south.
Since I haven't read much of the novel beyond what's been officially released in English, I'm curious to know what we hear about JGY's view on his three months with NMJ. I sympathize with both iterations of NMJ, because for someone so genuinely devoted to his values and who was forced to grow up VERY fast and never got much of a chance to connect with his peers, it would be VERY UPSETTING to have the guy you thought was your bestie be like "if you thought you saw me kill your officer, no you didn't." Then next time you see him, he's working for the guy who killed your father and seems to be having a LOT of fun torturing you, and THEN your one remaining bestie insists that It Was All According To Keikaku, he didn't mean it, we just had a secret plan that we never told you about. That sucks! I'd be furious too! (Though I'd also be furious with LXC for not trusting me with the truth and/or taking his word over mine, tbh.)
HOWEVER--and this goes back to me wondering about JGY's perspective in the novel--I also feel for JGY here. To me, the core of Nieyao's dysfunctions are that they are never, ever on even footing. Regardless of NMJ's intentions, JGY is NMJ's subordinate in their time together--and not in a "technically you're my servant but really we're besties" way like the Jiang siblings and WWX. JGY doesn't a lifetime of shared memories or well-regarded parents to trade on; he has no ties to Qinghe at all. His standing is fully dependent on NMJ's goodwill, so it is in his interest to play into whatever connection NMJ believes them to have, regardless of his own feelings.
Which makes it extra messy! Because NMJ would, I think, be absolutely FURIOUS if it occurred to them that JGY might have considered his affection compulsory--not in a jerkass possessive way, but on principle. Furious at JGY for lying to him, furious at himself for not considering the power differential, furious at the whole situation for preventing him from forming a bond on its own merits. (Meanwhile, I think LXC is valuable for both NMJ and JGY because they both forge their relationships with LXC on equal footing in a way that they never could with each other.)
CQL gives the impression that they've know each other for awhile, long enough that JGY's well-established as NMJ's deputy before NHS heads to Cloud Recesses Summer Camp. I'm admittedly a JGY apologist, but I interpret JGY's distress when NMJ banishes him as 100% genuine. Both of them are hurting, both of them feel betrayed, and neither of them want this to be happening because they have a meaningful shared history. My general impression of the novel vs. the show is that the show downplays the political aspects to their conflict (as well as the physical threat NMJ poses) in favor of cranking up the personal aspect. The Gone Girlification of Jin Guangyao that we get in CQL doesn't seem to mesh with what I've heard of MDZS, which in turn is what makes me wonder how novel JGY viewed his and NMJ's relationship.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Hellish part 3 - reader x cassian - 
reader reports back to the Queens that she has failed her task of killing Rhysand.
"Stop acting like such a child." Amren scolded. Cassian's death glare towards her was enough to make Rhys tense. "Amren, dont you have a book to read?" Rhys asked. She smiled in a way that showed too many teeth, and would have sent a chill down the high lord's spine if he wasn't so focused on keeping everyone safe. Before she could start a fight, she left. Carrying her wine glass laced with blood with her. Cassian relaxed, finally. "I know you're not likely to forgive me for this. But I sent Azriel to watch over her on the journey back."  And Cass' relaxation was gone. His rage lashed out at Rhys. "What the fuck do you mean 'watch over her'? Shes my mate." His words practically rattled the dishes on the table. The townhome seemed too cramped, like Cass' body was too tight, too hot.  "And you'll kill yourself if you follow her back to the Queens." Rhys said simply, pity there in his eyes. He knew his brother well enough to know that logic would be how to win over this fight. He wondered if that mating bond ran so deep that it would counteract Cassian's strategist mind, though. Cassian snarled, but did not protest. He knew he would in fact give himself over to the Queens if it meant you being safe. He'd do anything to be by your side. He'd barely met you and he thought to sacrifice himself. He couldn't wrap his head around the insanity of it. And on top of it all, you were out to kill his brother. How cruel could the cauldron be?  "Cassian, I need you here. There's powers in play that want to see us fall." Rhys spoke gently to his brother. He squeezed Cassians shoulder and finally brought that tense stare to a stop. His jaw clenched, and Rhys saw the war roiling inside him. The urge to protect, to save, to keep you at his side was eating him alive.  "I'll be in the training ring." Cassian gritted out before leaving. + Your journey back to your masters was long and full of harsh sun that beat down on your skin. After two months of adjusting to Prythian's cooler weather, the abrupt change back to heat felt suffocating. Or maybe the hot feeling inside you was from the fact you'd not only failed your mission, but your mate had been one to help defend your target. You had tried to shove the thought of the male away your entire ride, but it was always there. That tantalizing golden light he radiated in the back of your mind.  "Kill the high lord and as many others as you can." The spell rang through your mind as a way of distraction. And shame. The dread that filled you each hour as you pressed closer was not a welcome distraction from the heat that the bond seared through you. You didn't know the consequences of coming back unsuccessful, but you hoped to the Mother that they would give you another chance. That they were merciful because of the information you brought back. The Queens were not known for their mercy, though. Especially the Crone, queen of them all. The one that held your bargain spell in her bony fingers.  The memory of the old crone cursing you made you sweat in a different way than the heat or the bond did. Nerves bundled deep inside you tingled more and more as you grew closer to the sandstone castle they resided in. The ride took a day just to get past their inner defenses. No guard dared approach you, marked with the black banner of the Queens court. Your horse was struggling by the end of the journey, refusing to gallop any longer. The shadows around you darkened when you dismounted. The sun was beginning to set along the desert and clay hills in the distance. Your heart did not sing of happiness at this reunion. The bond in the back of your mind you tried so hard to ignore seemed to flare with your stress. + The wrinkled face of the old crone reminded you of the old man that had traded you for a few gold marks when you were young. The rest of the queens stood by anxiously, watching. Waiting to see what the punishment would be. The spell compelled you to remain utterly helpless against the guards that shoved you to the floor before her. She tisked in disapproval. "Bring the cauldron, and let us unmake this one. Perhaps we will see what it gives us in return for this sacrifice." Her shrewd voice called. The other queens looked to each other with excitement, their shiny hair bouncing as they hurried to summon guards with the cauldron. You whimpered at the crushing feeling around you. Impending doom being delivered straight to you.  She approached the guards that pointed their spears and swords at you. "The spell acted as a bond, hold her down as soon as she touches the water." she instructed as you were lowered to the Cauldron's edge by three guards. Your mind screamed at you to fight, to tear and thrash and kill the ones that were ready to drown you in the depths of the damned cauldron. Even if your hands weren't bound, you couldnt fight back. The terror settled deep and full in the pit of your stomach. But the spell, the bond that insured your protection against the Queens now served as a leash keeping you from fighting back against them. "A life for a life. Let this death motivate the next contender to kill Rhysand of the Night Court." she made a motion with her hands and turned, going back to the other queens. The guards lowered you, and just as she promised, the magic snapped and you began fighting for your life. They struggled to contain you, but the blade through your thigh speared you down, forcing your legs into the water. Cold like you'd never experienced seeped into your bones through the wound. Your blood did not marr the dark water, it only swallowed the lifeblood that surged from you. You grew faint, and the water reached your knees. You knew it was going to be the end of you. The water swirled and pulled, tugging you deeper. Then, a flash of darkness erupted from you. You though they'd pushed you under. But it was an explosion of shadows that had blinded the entire room. You were ripped from the icy water, something cool grasping you under your arms. Then, swirling darkness took you, panting from behind you indicated you were not alone when you landed in the dark forest. + Cassian's wings ached for the feeling of air beneath him. He guarded Rhys at the meeting with Kier though, keeping a straight face even as he sensed the panic from you. His mind raced with the possiblities of what had happened. If you were safe, if you were even alive. Surely you were alive with the thrills going through the bond. Electrifying, and utterly terrifying.   Rhys then snapped, ending the terse conversation with Kier abruptly. "We must be leaving now. We will continue this later." He gave Kier a wave of his hand and began winnowing. "Stay with me, dont panic." Rhys spoke into Cassians mind. His heart dropped to the floor, face leeched of color at the words. With the first glimpse of the vision the high lord sent Cassian, he began roaring with rage. As soon as they winnowed a few feet from Azriel, he was ordering both his brothers to winnow you again, to Madja.  His speaking was dull, but you could feel it in every part of your being. The low rumble of that voice that spoke to your soul. A small smile spread across your face. "Hey Cass-" You choked, trying to make yourself sound strong. For his sake. You knew he could feel it though, feel that iciness that burned your legs. You shook, unable to move yourself. The cold felt like it was creeping up your entire body. He pulled that bond in his mind to him, close. As if he was wrapping you around his mind for warmth.  Then you saw all the beauty there. The beauty that the spell had refused to let you see. And the urge to kill the high lord was no longer present. It was like a weight lifted from you. You let the tears spill over, grateful that in your last moments you were able to experience this kind of relief.  "No." Cassian growled, yanking on that bond again as you felt darkness creeping in on you like a fog. "You are not dying." Rhys' darkness pulled all of you into the healer's apothecary in the center of Velaris along the coastline. The dark waves outside offered no comfort to any of them. Especially Rhys as he watched his brother lose himself over you.  "Azriel, keep an eye on them." Rhys ordered, noting the way his shadow covered brother seemed to be more pale than usual. The plain exhaustion on his face from winnowing so far was hard to look at.  Cassian shushed and cradled you, not daring to look at your leg or the black splotches that dotted your hands from your fight. He nodded a quick thank you to Azriel when their eyes met. Azriel couldn't spare the energy back, and instead propped himself on a rigid couch in against the far wall. Cassian gently laid you down on the exam table, and waited for his brother to return. + "We can let her die, or we can heal her with the Cauldron's poison still there. We dont know what it will do, but it has infected too far to be reversible." Madja concluded with a heavy sigh. Rhys cursed under his breath.  Cassian's moan of terror wracked his brother's hearts. Madja continued stroking up and down your body with expertise. Cassian pulled at his hair. He wanted you to make the choice. He wanted you here to be able to tell him how the hell this all happened. He needed you, he needed to know everything about you. The tethering force he felt pulling back slightly seemed to tug, and he laughed hysterically.  "The entry wound will heal, but the sickness may kill her eventually." Madja's glowing palms were the only light in the room.  "Fix it. Heal her. Now." Cassian said the words in a low growl. Azriel stared at him, astonished even in his state.  "Cass, if she dies-" Rhys began, concern for his brother's fallout after the potential death. "She wont." the icy glare he gave Rhys made him shut his mouth. He hated seeing his brother so ruined over someone he just met. His mate. He tried to remind himself it wasn't just some female. It was his Feyre. He nodded to Madja, giving her the approval.  "Fix her Madja." The high lord's words were final. + It burned. Your entire body ached and burned and at the same time felt totally cool. The cold chill was eating you alive. You tried to scream, tried to push it away. Tried to run from what consumed you. But it only crept further and further up, until it encapsulated you completely.  Your back ached more than anything. You begged for the end of it. for anything to kill you. You didnt care if it was the Queens or the high lord you were sent to kill. Death would be the only relief from this kind of pain.  "The curse...mixed with Madja's healing created.... it made you... new." Cassian said tentatively. He had practiced it so much, he just didnt know how to tell you when you actually woke. The long nights of rippling pain shared with you suddenly became worth it to him.  You tried to push yourself up, but a heavy weight held you down. "Easy..." He said, a small grim smile gracing his lips. His eyes looked bruised, and swollen. the whites around his eyes were completely red, and his hair was a mess. The room was quiet, and cool. The house was completely open to the elements you realised, and it must have been freezing from the cold wind breezing in. He wore a coat over his tunic and hid his hands inside his pockets. His breath clouded in front of him. "What happened?" You demanded, searching for the bond he clutched so tightly to himself.  "Do you want to see?" He held a hand out to you for support and stabilization. It felt as if you were being pulled, dragged down by something.  He pulled the dark wooden framed mirror from the corner and adjusted it slowly, showing you what lay behind you. You felt your mind leave your body, dizziness overcame you. He caught you before you could fall to your knees before the mirror. He avoided the things.... the gargantuan counterweight on your back. The wings that pulled you down. The dark inky feathers that would have killed you if you were a part of Dawn court still. They shimmered under the faelight like raven's wings. Purple and blue mixing in a perfect darkness, even darker than the Illyrian's.  "Madja thinks it's the curse... mixed with healing. She thinks the cauldron intended to turn you into a beast cursed to follow someone forever in the form of a bird. Like Vassa." The words he spoke were just a faint hum after that. Your mind seemed to float further and further from you the more you stared to the mirror. He helped you up, but you could not be led away from the mirror. You stared and stared at the black wings that your body strained to hold up.  "I can help, if you'd like..." He said softly, knocking you out of your stupor. "If you want to learn, I mean." He nodded to the wings and took a breath, trying to ignore the oily scent the new wings perfumed the air with. It was intoxicating.  You turned slowly, going back to the bed. "Leave me." You muttered, trying to situate yourself comfortably on the pillowy softness.  Cassian's heart sunk. "Let me know if you need anything." He said softly, staring at your unresponsive body for far too long before exiting.  You cried. You let the sobs wrack your body the entire night, not caring how stained the pillows became with the salty tears. You cried until your body had nothing left to give, and at last your mind lulled you into a deep sleep. + Cassian's head ached with the strain of trying to comfort the bond. He was astonished at how you'd kept your shields up even from him throughout the healing. He guessed that the training you possessed was the reason the Queens had made you the perfect assassin for Rhys.  "She'll be okay. She can train with the Illy-" Azriel stopped himself mid sentence when he felt the fury rippling from Cassian. He hated the territorial mood swings he was having, but with the situation at hand he figured it was warranted.  Rhys tapped his fingers on the long table, and picked up a small pawn in the other hand. "Why would they make such a direct attack? And without a bargain? Why use a spell?" He let his questions flow out. It did not soothe Cassian to hear his mate being talked about like just some assassin.  "She wont know. She was under the spell the entire time. I can feel her more now, maybe I can-" Rhys interrupted his brother "Cassian I dont want you anywhere near her more than you have to. We dont know what she's capable of now." Cassian stood so quickly his chair fell, clattering against the stone floor. Azriel tensed, ready to break his brothers up from a fight. "She is my mate, Rhys. if I die by her hands then so be it." His voice was low, and dangerous. Azriel's shadows circled around both of them. Rhys' tired eyes did not leave Cassians. The challenge of two males ready to defend what they believed in. "Dare to order me and see what happens." Cassian said with a snarl, then took a plate of rolls and left the two Illyians.  Azriel sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. His shadows dissipated, following the cracks in the stone house. He knew how bad the fight could have gotten and was relieved the building was still standing. Centuries of disagreements and he'd seen the two level a battlefield for less. He only intervened twice in all of those years. He didn't like to remember either occurrence. "You will keep watch over them?" "I already am." Azriel grumbled, making his way to his room. + The smell of warm buttered rolls was a welcome scent to wake up to. You didn't miss the lingering scent of him there too. You could hardly crack your eyes open, the swelling from the night before was getting better though. You reached back and touched the wings that had kept you burningly warm all night. The sensation was... incredibly sensitive. And when you pulled your hand away, it left your fingertips coated in oil.  "It'll go away after a few months." His voice startled you, but you were too tired to care much about him seeing you in such a messy state. He was supposed to love no matter what, right? That's what a mate was meant to be? Your mate. Mate. You body ached with the longing of needing him close by. "You should eat." He said around a mouthful of food.  "Are you always so pushy?" Your voice was rough, raw from the night of sobbing.  He smiled, and brought over the plate he was picking grapes from. "Only when necessary." He laid the plate on your lap and nodded to the rolls on your side table. "And drink, too." He sauntered back over to his seat at the other side of the room, a healthy distance apart.  You followed his orders though, picking little bites at the fruit and easily having three rolls. Something eased inside you, like a fracture becoming whole again. "How do you manage... with those? How-" You took a sip from your water and tried not to look at him. "How do you just... deal with these?" You unconsciously flared the wings when you thought of them. It was a strange feeling, like flexing a sore muscle.  "You'll learn eventually. It will take time to get used to it." He eyed you wearily, trying not to show his confusion. You felt it anyway.  "These are...upsetting." You admitted, "They are just like my fathers. Before he sold me for food for my mother. He was convinced she was carrying a winged male." You shook your head at the memory of the wrinkled man that had bought you. He included some spoiled corn in the deal. Your father handed you over without another glance back. Your mother didnt have much of a say. "He sounds like a conflicted male." You glared at him, wishing you had the strength to throw one of the rolls at him. He held his hands up at the stare, defending himself. "Not the selling you part, but doing anything for your mother... I understand that, now." He said slowly, testing the waters. "I have no family. I ally with no one. Working with the Queens was a risk I was willing to take, they didn't mention the part about killing a high lord." You picked at the blanket folded over your lap. The room was much colder than you remembered it being before.  He considered the words, and stayed silent. Waiting for you to say more. "When will he kill me?" You asked plainly, trying to not show your nerves.His face blanched. The bond came roaring to the forefront of your mind, burning with anger and guilt. "No one will lay a hand on you. By my life I swear it." He knelt on the floor by your bed and looked you in the eye. The honesty there, the full integrity of his being was flowing from him. You didn't know what exactly made you want to trust him, but it was irresistible. You nodded and took his hand, letting that connection flow through touch. You felt alight with hope soaring. Like a drug, he called to you. His eyes seemed to reflect the same back. The shame burned further until - a spark. An idea that you could almost feel out. "We can hunt him, together. Your father, if that's what you want. Then we can kill the Wueens. I will go with you." "You mean you'd die with me?" You laughed, the dark humor not scaring him a bit. The finality of the words stung deep in your gut when he didn't flinch. He dared not confirm how many times over he would, in fact, die for you. "They call me the lord of bloodshed. We might have a fighting chance once you figure out those wings." He winked, and you smiled for the first time in a long while.
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darqx · 4 years
Ask and ye shall receive [maybe]
I would just like all of you to know, i collect these asks and then answer some of them when i have a bunch hence why a lot of them are so old |D;
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Sos all i could think was this
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The wording of your first sentence made me laugh a lot XDD Rire is currently a single pringle by choice, so the most anyone could do is flirt and hope that somehow catches his interest for an extended period of time.
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Rire’s tentacles aren’t self cleaning so much as they are self manifesting :D They only exist when he wants them to, so technically they are never the “same” tentacles twice.
O no XD;
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So i had a lot of fun at one point figuring out how souls both looked and tasted in my BP verse, and whilst all souls just look like amorphous blobs/clouds/flame when extracted, according to my notes Rire’s should theoretically be coloured red. With maybe some gold or pearlescent flecks.
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I think my exact words were we probably couldnt classify it as “love” in the definition we are used to lol. Hmm i think that if he could/did, it would pretty much be a sadistic master/pet relationship. In other words he’d be exactly the same except he’d provide some more affectionate aftercare and keep you healthy (cos he wants you to last and last and last), and would protect you from most external harm (cos he can be possessive). Bonus points if you still try and fight him every now and then cos that would keep the “relationship” spicy.
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Depends on what you mean by immortal lol, like if you just mean hard to kill he might take that as a challenge. If you mean they’re like, idk a God or something then he is actually smart enough to weigh up the pros and cons of an altercation and nope out of one if he deems it to be a lost cause (for him) :d
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He’s kinda too busy having fun tormenting people to really watch it/have an opinion on it.
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I actually drew something like this a couple years ago, it was a bit tongue in cheek but it still stands XD They can have tea as a common denominator lol. On a side note though I don’t think Law would ever try and kidnap Rire due to how anxious Law is and how imposing Rire just looks lolol.
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Analyse what they might actually want - and then probably do the opposite lol. You know, cos he’s an asshole.
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It’s a medium sized city i think (i dont envision it being like a megapolis or anything lol) and there’s a whole bunch of different kinds of demons living there. It’s kinda divided into 2 areas; the main central where he and most of everyone else lives, and an outer section where trading with other Sectors can happen.
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I’d rather they didn’t! :v IMO if you’re gonna sell BTD merch you should at least draw it yourself...
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I had no idea what a port was in this context and so threw the question at Gato and her exact opening words were “someone made a web port???? Weird!” cos apparently that sounds near impossible considering a few things lol. Maybe you are a tech wiz tho!
Anyway (if you are talking about a web port) we agreed that whilst you could do that, we cant officially support it. This is due to the fact that since we’re not controlling the web port we wouldn’t know if there was like, any weird extras added into it or something (not saying you would do that, just that the possibility for malicious code/adverts/virus etc is there).
Long story short; if you wanted to make your port available to others to play we wouldn’t go out of our way to force you to take it down lol, but we can’t support it as an official way to play the game. So any players of a web port that’s outside of the official download areas, you do so at your own risk.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
T.H| Love<3
Summary: hehe, this is very dirty. just a vampire!tom x vampire!reader ;)
Warnings: blood kink, biting kink, slapping kink, overstimulation kink, makes you horny that one is stronger then the other kink, kinda, i guess pain kink? Choking kink, dom on dom, dom on sub. unexpected switch. oral, fem recieving.  Uhm long smut 2. Enjoy thotters, dirty talk, light bdsm
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The sky dark as candles lit on the night stands, the red silk curtains on the canopy of the bed rustling and moving on their own from the large window being open, letting in all the moon and the darkness that seeped through the night. The smell in the room husky, dominance seeping through the dark brown chipped walls and dark oak tiled floor.
Tom was there, on the bed. Sitting up and his head hung low, two of his limbs tied up on separate parts of edges on the bed, he waited for you as he looked down at his painfully hard cock, no shirt on, just black boxers, his hair with no gell so it was there loosely, some strands sticking to his forehead as he was eager for friction but wanted to stay obedient with you and show how proud of him you should be.
He tried spitting on it, embarrassing himself for thinking it was gonna add pressure to his dick, whining and tilting his head back, sexual frustration filling his soul as he started to ear up, he weakly called your name, begging you to some out.
“pleaseplease baby i need you so bad” he whispered, his bottom lip quivering as he was close to crying, trying to pull his arms together but failing, humiliated.
Hearing his voice made you smirk, knowing how bad he wants it and how much he needs it. You quietly walking in but his ears perked up, knowing your there there was a smile on his face, ignoring his cock that was more then clearly standing up.
“You called?” You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms and leaning against the door, feeling his heartbeat from just a few steps away. “God yes” he said weakly, “i need you so bad, sososo bad baby” tears rolled down his cheeks as he sniffled.
“Aww baby dont cry” you cooed, still smirking as you walked to him. You took your time, wearing a large black see-through robe, he could see your nipples poking out and the high thong you had on, swallowing thickly when you slowly took it off. “Is this what you wanted?” You asked, innocently as you rubbed over your boobs, one of your thumbs making its way up to your moisturized lips, putting them in between and swirling your tongue around it, moaning a little making toms eyebrows furrow in anticipation.
You rolled your nipple with your wet thumb, tilting your head back in bliss and small whimpers leaving your lips making tom whine and try to move. you made eye contact with him, smiling and fangs on display, he eased into your gaze, watching as you slowly crawled into his lap, he looked up at you while you looked down at him, hand under his chin as you licked over your lower teeth slowly giving him a show as your other hand slipped over to let his hands loose.
he couldnt even tell that they were off until you brought one to touch one of your beautiful enchanting tit, he looked down at it, light bruising circled around his wrist but warmth in the palm of his hand, you let his hand go. and then it trailed down to his boxers, looking at him making your eyes glow as you kissed him, a small moan leaving your lips when he tweaked your nipple, you rubbed over his raging cock making him whimper and tilt his head back, you took it as kissing his neck, licking over his sweet spot, roughly licking it because you could smell the fresh, rare blood just in his neck, so you bit it, he choked a little, shocked as you backed up a bit, looking at the blood seeping through the bite marks, a dark red, a rich candy paint dark red. it heightened your nose, made your mouth water. “i promise ill take care of you, i just need this” you whispered, before your mouth latched onto his neck, his mouth dropped as he let out little whimpers, you held the back of his neck as your eyes rolled in pleasure, playing with his curls as your hips slowly rocked. you twisted your head side to side,getting lost into his blood until he called out for your name. 
 and you stopped, coming back up and looking down at him again, your eyes a road raging red as your teeth stained with red, licking over them as a small laugh left your lips “You are so perfect, baby boy” blood still pooling out of his neck as your hand reached down to let his aching cock loose, looking at the tip and its purple, pre cum leaking and you swiped your thumb over it, a moan coming from his lips as he latched onto your waist tight, watching you work your wonders before he held onto your panties, ripping them open. you looked at him with approval while he had a smirk on his face. “put it in for me,” he asked, something new coming over him, you liked it. 
you sat all the way ontop of him teasing him with your wet folds before putting it in, you both moaned “mmm, fuck your tight” touching you felt like his hands were on fire, but he enjoyed it, his hands on your hips tight to make you sart moving, your body rocking back and forth as you made eye contact again, your eyes still red while his stayed dark and brown, almost black, his lips pale as something also came to his nose, he could feel your heart beat, the pulse in your neck, so one of his hands came up to your neck, forcing you closer to him as he turned your head, looking at searching for the spot as moans ripped through you. when he found it he didnt hesitate, he digged in, his fangs ripping through the skin as a groan left his lips, he felt like he was in heaven, his hand tight on your throat to keep you from moving, the warm blood going down his thirsty throat, moans leaving his lips as the sides of his lips raised in bliss, small whimpers left your lips as you kept moving for him, his eyes becoming darker as he also swayed his head side to side, getting in deeper as he swear he could feel his fangs grow longer, his mind coating white as he moaned, overwhelmed as his heart beat picked up, his pupils becoming larger as his eyes stayed closed, his other hand going down to your ass, making you go faster as whines left your lips, but he could care less, he choked you tight, more blood feeding into his mouth, he licked over the two holes, not wanted to basically eat you alive before he pulled back, blood also seeping through your wholes as he felt like he became a whole new man, resting down on his back, hands behind his head as he enjoyed the view, cockiness seeping through his veins.
he took it away from you. and now your the weaker one, you took his blood.
guess whos the whiny bitch now?
he thought, a smirk on his face, small moans and his lips opening a little to let out the sounds while you whimpered and kept moving, looking up at him while your hands were placed on his shoulders, cries leaving your lips as you told him you couldnt do it anymore, it felt to good, you were so tired but arent done, you just couldnt do the work anymore. so much blood leaving your neck you almost became paralyzed.
“you sure, darling? because if so...i wont be able to stop” a hand came to your neck again, making you look at him while his thumb swiped over your bottom lip, you nodded looking at the small droplets of blood falling on his chest, you couldnt help but lick it up, your eyes back to their normal color as you nodded up at him, and he flipped you over, his face on top of yours before he turned his head, back to the two holes you go, you sucked and sucked, moans leaving your lips until he told you to stop and the blood just sitting into your mouth before he roughly kissed you, open mouth kisses making the blood leave the corners of your mouth, a mess all over both of your lips as spit and blood was traded, tongues swiping and sucking over each other,  the blood rolling down your cheeks and onto the red sheets, your heads turning side to side, so intense and in love with each other. “i wanna fuckin tear you apart” he whispered in your ear, biting it before he placed kisses down your neck, stomach and where you needed him, your hand dropped to his hair as he dug in, wetness and pre cum all over, his lips swollen and pink as he wrapped his lips around your clit, his two fingers fucking into you ruthlessly as your back jerked, moans leaving your lips as you pulled his hair, making him moan and work faster, both hungry for release and he wanted yours, he needed it. 
his fingers hit your spot over and over, you bit your lip so hard it drew blood and loud gasps left your lips as you leaned on your elbow, watching tom messily spit on your clit then lick it up repeatedly, his head going side to side as he looked up at you, your legs up in the air before your eyes rolled back, whines and whimpers before your back perked up. “fuckkkkk, im coming-” it was low, low voice until it raised as your cum pooled out of you “TOMMY TOMMY-” your legs shook and he didnt pull away, as much as you tried to push his head back he just growled into you, he didnt feel anything but it was a warning. he swirled his tongue over your whole, adding three fingers now as you let out cries, tears leaving your eyes by being over whelmed, your legs still shaking as your heart beat went racing. toms to dedicated to notice, he instantly slurped when he felt something leak through you, a laugh leaving his lips as he said he could be here all day.
you were fucked out but tom wasnt letting up, he still hasnt got his pleasure yet. he came up and slapped you back into reality “dont you fucking dare” he said, slapping you again making you whine and nod your head. he kissed the place he slapped before pumping his cock and placing it into you, he didnt let you adjust, he was to hungry, your legs on both side of him and moving in sync with his thrusts, his hands laced in yours, pinning them tight over your head “you look so beautiful, look at my dirty slut, so fucked out, taking my cock sooo good, huh?” small whines and whimpers left your lips “aww my little whore cant even fucking talk, her and her small tight pussy, letting me fuck it how i please? thats fuckin right girl, you wanna cum? you fucking beg, d-dont- ah” he moaned, “i dont care if you dont know how, you do it slut, you hear me?” he said, his finger nails tight in your skin as you nodded, “lemme hear you baby girl” “y.....y-...yes!” you had to let it out quickly. “goood girlll” he cooed, letting one go your hands go to swirl your clit. a small scream left your lips, your hips moving away from him as your mouth dropped “tomm- tommy- fuck-”
“dont forget what i told you” he ordered, eyeing you as you looked a hot mess, hair a mess, dried red blood on your cheek as your mouth hanged open and the bottom of your teeth still stained, fangs still out and your hands still above your head, hanging tight onto the pillow sheet. he took both of your legs and brought it to your chest. pounding hard as claps filled the room. “tom-tom can i please-fuck- can i pleaseee- fuck” you almost gave up. “tommy, can i pleasepleaseplease cumm!” your moan now high pitched as tom smiled “yes baby, give it to me- cum on my cock- mhmm, mhmmm” he said, his head tilting back as he felt your walls clench around him, squeezing your knees as a sigh and a gasp left his lips, his movements slowing as his mouth dropped, “fuckkkk” he let out, both of your climaxes pouring at the same time, he rode out both of your highs, milking the cum out of you, the luquids pooling down into the matress. he pulled out and fell beside you, both of your fangs coming back to normal teeth as sighs left your lips, he looked over at you and you were tired, like really tired, but he wanted you to clean up first. “y/n?” “hm?” “lets go take a bath”
he picked you up and placed you into the warm bath, rose petals and oils in, before he came in and laid you on his chest, he pressed kisses on your forehead as sighs left both of your mouths. (lol i couldnt think of anything else)
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jimlingss · 4 years
O SHOOT REQUESTS !!! ill take my chances and ask for a zombie apocalypse or pirate au ft. hoseok 👀 i couldnt choose between the two aus and im hoseok biased but i can honestly see any member so do as who u see fit. i will not let my pairing/au choice limit the authors talent 😤 and i dont doubt anything from you will satisfy. and pshhh,, where are my manners. please and thank u! love u 💛
↳ Crocodile Tears
1.8k || 98% Fluff, 2% Angst || Jung Hoseok || Pirate!AU
“Look what I nabbed, Cap’n.”
Gunner Taehyung’s grinning with all teeth, a golden chain wrapped around his fingers that’s so shiny it’s blinding with the sunlight. Hoseok’s intrigued and flips the locket in his hand. It’s heavy with a wild rose engraved on the front and once he pops it open, there’s a faded painted portrait of a young woman inside.
“It’s a booty, eh? Caught if off milady right over ‘ere.”
Hoseok hums and narrows his eyes on the wrench tied in rope sitting amongst the captives. Your face is dirtied, hair drawn in a bun at your crown but with many strands fallen around your face. Your gown rat’s coloured, dull gray. You are entirely unremarkable. Like any other peasant.
But it’s not often captives have something of value on them.
“Bring her to my cabin.”
“Aye, aye.”
The ship sets sail again. Taehyung keeps the captives quiet with the threat of throwing them overboard while the cabin boy Jungkook swabs the poop deck. Helmsman Seokjin mans the helm with navigator Namjoon by his side. The ship’s heading to dock at Port Galigeo to get a pretty penny for all the loot and treasures they’ve gotten after four months’ voyage.
Once steep waters are reached and everything’s been taken care of, Hoseok resumes to his cabin. There, he finds you, sitting in the corner on the floorboards with tears in your eyes. You gasp as he enters and shuts the door.
“Please! Spare me!” you beg sorrowfully. “Let me go!”
“Why should I?” Hoseok tosses his hat onto his table and his coat to his rickety chair. You look so frightful, even when he’s still in his drawers and shirt, held together by the red sash.
He fiddles with the many golden rings across his fingers, a habit since he began his adventures, and he comes over to you. Hoseok’s boots are heavy against the floorboards, and he crouches down to meet your trembling eyes.
“I-I am just a peasant,” you sob. “I have nothing to give to you! My father is merely a farmer.”
“Oh? Then what be this here?” Hoseok dangles the priceless locket in front of you as the corner of his lip curls. It catches the light from the tiny window of the cabin and the gold gleams against your eyes, practically sparkling like a jewel. 
Your eyes flicker from it to him, hiccuping and frame quivering like a damn leaf. “It’s my grandmother’s. She left it for me before she passed.”
Hoseok hums a low note. “An’ if this be your grandmother’s, how she pay for such a treasure? Unless she been a thief.”
Your downcast head shakes. “I don’t know, I don’t know.”
He pops the locket open before taking a good look at it. “This here be a portrait of you, isn’t it? You look different. Lavish. Like a noble’s daughter.”
“T-That isn’t me.”
“Then who?”
“I don’t know.” 
There’s something rather pretty in the way tears drip down your cheeks, so soft and gentle like jewels of their own right. But Hoseok has seen many women, children and men cry. It’s nothing astonishing.
Hoseok smirks, a rush of air leaving his nose. “I’ve been cap’n of this ship for nearly a decade, dearest. I’ve held treasures you could only dream of, been in battles that nearly lost my leg, sailed ‘cross the seven seas with me mates. I know when a wrench lies.”
His eyes are narrowed in on yours. And Hoseok comes closer, hand lifting to grab a hold of your chin. But before he can, before he can blink or breathe — suddenly, you brandish a piece of glass against his exposed neck. 
The ropes around you clatter to the ground. Hoseok feels the sharp edge of the glass digging into his skin, a moment away from nicking him and drawing blood. But more notably, your eyes are aflame. Your expression is dark and you’re scowling at him. 
Gone is the fragile little girl weeping for mercy.
“Don’t come closer,” you warn in a low voice without a single tremble.
He leans back, but his gaze stays on yours. “You reckon you could kill me?”
“I wouldn’t hesitate.”
Hoseok’s mouth curls, grin stretching into his cheek. His interest is piqued. He knew there was more to you beneath the surface, and he’s happy you haven’t disappointed.
His hand latches onto your wrist to force your hand away. It's a battle of strength. One that he ultimately wins as the piece of glass goes clattering on the ground out of your reach. He sees it’s part of a broken bottle. But Hoseok’s much too put off guard and when your leg kicks out at him, he’s smacked square in the chin.
He grips it as he lands on his ass, sharply exhaling. But then he bursts into chuckles.
“You got some mean spirit in you, sweetheart.”
Unfortunately for you, Hoseok has far too much experience in combat and capture. Even if you try to kick, strike and even bite him, it’s not too difficult to get you tied into ropes again. Except this time, he makes sure to use his special knots and get you so wound up, no sharp edge could free you. 
“Let me go, bastard!”
“Settle down. You’re only gettin’ yourself riled.” Hoseok crouches in front of you again and comes to wipe away the stray tear on your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You angrily scowl at him, chest rising and falling. Crying won’t get you far now, not when he knows they’re just crocodile tears. “Don’t get yourself worried about someone hurtin’ you. Everyone on this ship swears by our code, me included.”
You scoff. “As if I’d trust a pirate.”
Hoseok smirks. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done so already. It isn’t pleasin’ for me to force a girl like yourself either. Not when I have plenty o’ gold to play with a wrench at the dock. Now I suggest you behave or my Quartermaster’ll throw you overboard.”
“Then do it!” you shout at him with your entire body, only to flop over to the floorboards.
He grips the knob of the door and looks over his shoulder. “No. You’re too much of a treasure, sweetheart.”
The sun is falling over the horizon when Namjoon approaches. “Everything go well with the girl?”
Hoseok hums and turns with a glint in his eye. “Tell all hands to keep her separate.”
Port Galigeo is reached within two days time. The waters are calm without storms and the stars are clear at night. The sailing is smooth and so the docks are reached faster than ever before.
The men aboard are eager to sell the loot, to spend a few days ashore, spend nights at the brothel and replenish the rum. As follows, their steps are quick and they move the crates of jewels and tools to the harbour. Seokjin also takes care of the captives, leading them in a straight line off the gangplank to be sold.
“Cap’n! What ‘bout the beauty ‘ere.” Taehyung points to you.
Hoseok meets your eyes and you’re seething, glaring back at him. The corner of his mouth curls in amusement.
“Leave her. Tell the lad to watch over her till we return.” He points to Jungkook and Taehyung nods with an ‘aye, aye’. 
Most of his crewmen take care of business, getting as much gold for the loot as possible. But Hoseok fiddles with your pendant in hand and heads to a jeweler. Said jeweler is an old man who quivers upon seeing him, Namjoon and Seokjin in his shop. He hides behind his table and cries, “Please! Spare me! Take what you must!”
Hoseok sighs. He doesn’t know why everyone thinks so badly of him. Maybe because he’s a pirate and he and his crew have pillaged countless. That’s fair, he supposes.
“Stop yer quivering,” Seokjin spews out, leaning against his table. “We need you to look at somethin’. Hurry before I steal your silver!”
Hoseok lifts your golden locket, letting it dangle from his hand. 
The old man eventually slinks out when he realizes they won’t do anything, and he takes out his magnifying glass. He motions for him to bring it forward and Hoseok does. The old man hums, studying the locket before flipping it over in his hand. His thumb brushes against the wild rose engraving.
“Where did you get this from?” he asks.
“Don’t matter,” Namjoon says curtly. 
Hoseok studies the man’s face and leans closer. “What is it?”
“It is a very valuable locket. I happen to recognize this symbol as well. It is the emblem of the Crochetta Kingdom.” He pops the locket open to the portrait of the young woman and looks up at Hoseok, clearing his throat. “I believe this locket belongs to the youngest princess of that kingdom. The runaway.”
Hoseok’s brow cocks.
The three of them leave in a hurry. 
Seokjin’s eyes are glazed as his mouth starts to spew how Lady Luck is truly on their side, how they’ll be able to get their hands on a high ransom or sell you for countless riches. Namjoon is perplexed at how a princess like you managed to get here when Crochetta was countries away.
But Hoseok remains quiet. He doesn’t plan to trade you. He doesn’t ask questions.
He is entirely and wholly intrigued. Like never before.
“Blimey, the ship!” There’s a shout at the docks and Hoseok is torn from his thoughts. Taehyung has his hands in the air, cursing aloud. And Hoseok’s eyes trail from him to his ship that’s off the dock and disappearing over the horizon. “It’s sailing away!”
Seokjin is aghast. “How?!”
“Who’s still on?!” Hoseok shouts, looking around the dock to all his shocked men and their mouths drawn open big enough to catch flies.
“That girl,” Namjoon says, looking at the captain.
Hoseok tied you tightly, he made sure of it. Unless you freed yourself again. But it’s not possible that you lifted the anchor. 
No. You must’ve cut the rope.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
At the same time, there’s a high-pitched shriek in the distance. All of the men are held to their spots on the docks as they watch a tiny figure in the horizon get pushed off the ship’s deck and then plopped into the waters. 
There’s a loud splash.
You stole the ship.
Hoseok is quiet when his men turn to him. They don’t dare utter a single word, far too afraid their captain is boiling with anger. But what frightens them far more is when Hoseok suddenly bursts out into chortling laughter.
He laughs and grins as he watches his ship sail into the distance.
You were truly a treasure hard to find. He knew it when he saw you.
And now, he’ll just have to catch you again.
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aj-is-typing-18 · 3 years
So......I made another thing for the au started by @shadeswift99 and @red-rose-gown . And if you guys want more and have requests? Feel free to shoot me an ask :)
Tw: body horror
It was a pretty good start to the day for bdubs. Hed woken up early, hed gotten plenty of rest nad alot of work done! It was becoming a very productive day, yet he couldn't shake the feeling something was....wrong. everything felt too....quiet. or cheery. Impulse seemed to be the only other person to ever answer his com, and he was acting odd.
All bdubs knew was that is was some movie spoof thing. But all of the bones screamed he shouldn't go anywhere near botem, and it made him wonder is something else was at play here. But it was better not to know....
Bdubs decided not to dwell on this, going to brush and breed some more some more Llamas up! He had to stay above the competition afterall. Now, he was just finishing up when he saw something he hadn't before.
One of his llamas was.....unusually puffy.
No, bdubs wasn't imagining it- was he? No. No way! He decided, walking over to the llama a bit cautiously. Odd. It was.....? He saw it was fluffier then Usual, and it seemed the llama had a light pink tint....Bdubs went to pet the grazing llama and quickly pulled away......
Some fur came off on his fingers...
It wasn't normal. It was sticky and melty. Poofy.....smelled like- bdubs put his nose to the stuff.
The builder knew something was wrong. He quickly got the cotton candy like substance off of his hand, although there were now a few lighter blotches of skin where some of it was. The builder decided to bandage it up. Didn't X say something about this? Bdubs knew he did. Bdubs remembered the admin visiting a few days ago, telling him to be on the lookout for anything class A-77 v hippies weird. And this was exactly that.
Bdubs sighed, and sat down for a moment. He thought he'd heard something and turned around, seeing the forest and vines....a bit closer then normal. The builder was puzzled. He shrugged. But then.....then he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Something inside was telling him to immediately go make sure tango and keralis were okay.
The man quickly acted on this, streighting his red bandanna to calm down. Surely they were fine. This weird candy thing couldn't have done anything too bad- right? After readjusting it again to stop his thoughts from spiraling, bdubs headed over.
His gut sank when he couldn't find tango at his base.
Normally tango was always around, he wasnt afk by any means- bdubs searched his entire place, the farms- and there was still no sign of his netherborn friend. He found some of those candy wrappers from meat impulse was selling scattered about, and a half eaten one on tangos table.
But he was pretty sure tango never left his chair look like he'd fallen out of it.
The next 10 minutes were a blurr of anxiety, and bdubs had to step back from the others house and take a breath, looking out across the water. Keralis was home, he had to be. Said he was working on trading after all.
The builder looked down to his arm to see the pink fur creeping out from his bandages.....like they were growing from out of his hand. He kept the bandages on. Nevermind that, he told himself, not noticing he couldnt really.....feel his hand.
Making sure his friends were safe was all that mattered.
Bdubs quickly got out of the boat, for once the sun was setting. He could sleep when everyone was safe. He pushed aside the fact his hand was being weird, fuzzy and fluffy and all-
Bdubs head a low noise from inside keralises house and stepped inside. It sounded like a groan.
Everything seemed bright. Brighter. More vibrant, as bdubs noticed, walking in and seeing nothing out of the ordinary......
That's when he saw him.
Keralis was on the floor, laying on his back. He looked.....liquidy. his hair looked slick back and hissclera was purple, but his pupils and such were blue and red, vibrantly blank and glazed over. He had a lopsided grin on his melty face, and didn't look.....human. his skin was super gloopy and melty, and it was like taffy......
"K?" Bdubs asked, immediately coming to his friends side, checking for a pulse. He was alive, just really sticky.....
"M...more..." his friend rasped. "Need more....P..please..."
Bduhs picked keralis up, and felt himself stick to the other. Felt as.....as the others taffy like skin almost....ate him. Or, absorobed....? He didn't have time to worry about that, heading to the boat.
"Dont worry." He said gently as he got them into the boat.
"Im gonna take you to x, he'll know what to do."
Bdubs couldn't feel anything. It was all fuzzy. He felt like he was in the edge of a cliff, dazed and clear and fuzzy all at once. He hadn't stopped moving since he had found keralis, and now.....his hair was fluffy, tinted pink. His arms up to his elbows were fuzzy and pink, and everything was so nice and vibrant....it was hard not to get distracted. He just wanted to stare.....
No. You have to help get keralis safe, That voice in his head said, as he got up and stumbled out of the boat. He gently picked up keralis and they leaned on eachother, stumbling towards the admins base. Bdubs knocked on his door, and he coulsnt hear the admin talk, but he took keralis.
Keralis was safe.
Bdubs fell full force into it, swing as his eyes finally glazed over and his thoughts reached a murmuring buzz, and the world around him went black.
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witchersgoldenbard · 3 years
is it too much sry i couldnt choose i wanted to ask u all of them <3
it' never too much hi nonnie ily 💛
1 - favorite fic you wrote this year
Oh, I gotta be honest with you, it has to be Tell Me About The Light Behind my Eyes. An obvious choice, seeing as it's my wip of 60k words and counting, but I got to explore so much through this story. I made friends in the comments section and it really was my gateway into the whole fandom. If you know me, you know I never really stop talking about this story - and I'll take this moment to make a formal apology to everyone who has ever talked to me :D
12 - favourite character to write about this year
To the surprise of no one, I sure love to whump that bard. And to make him happy. And to see the world through his eyes. Jaskier is my beloved and chaotic projection screen, and I love him so, so much.
15 - something you learned this year
Oh, there are so many things I've learned hhh where to start?
One of the things I learned through Light, and this is gonna sound cheesy, is that sometimes healing is not about fixing. Sometimes healing is all about creating a safe space for yourself or someone else to fall apart. Sometimes healing is more painful than the initial ache. But healing is always, always, about some kind of love.
Something else I've learned is that being vulnerable is important and almost always worth it. If I can let these characters be weak and vulnerable, if I can explore their trauma and the way they respond to life, then I can do the same for me. It's really all about projection, innit.
And another thing I've learned is that I am indeed a multishipper :D I wasn't before I joined the Witcher fandom, but now look at me, they've all kissed each other 😌
and so many more things but hhh the question was for one thing and already i failed
25 - a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
one of my favourite fics, that i still think about to this day, is
The Lesser Evil by @dont-tempt-me-frodo (E | 78k)
1674 and piracy is rife throughout the Caribbean. Plenty of work for a Pirate Hunter such as Geralt. But when he takes a contract to hunt down a pirate captain who is interfering with important trade, a harsh truth arrises that will question his morals and he will be forced to choose between two evils, and risk the one thing he never thought he would find. Love.
And the entire Geralt Deserves Soft Things series by bedalk05
This series is almost entirely pure fluff, featuring shifter!Jaskier and a whole lotta cuddles and feels all around. Most of these can be read as a stand-alone
drop me some more asks if you want
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janaeekook · 4 years
Incapable iii. || {myg}
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pairing: assassin!yoongi x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: - mafia - depressive thoughts - alcohol
a/n: so sorry this chapter took so long I rewrote it so many times, I hope you enjoy
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series masterlist
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The week after Win's death was a blur, it didn't feel real no matter how many times you tried to convince yourself. Convince yourself it wasn't your fault, but it was hard there had been nothing from your new supposed enemy, NCT. It was now 7 o'clock Friday night and you hadn't left your bed, Jungkook had tried his best to cheer you up. You were great full for it, for his kind words of reassurance but even then; Nothing seemed to help, to fill the hole, so you lay there, as your room darkened with the day. You felt gross, dirty, his blood still staining your hands you rolled from your bed forcing yourself to change your clothes— to pretend, at least, that you're alright.
Pretend; You'd guessed you'd done that a lot recently, it became second nature. You didn't want the others to see how truly weak and wounded you were— the emotionally scaring toll that last weeks events had put on you.
Downstairs, Yoongi walked out of the gym, a towel drapped around his neck. The black dri-fit shirt hugged his toned chest and biceps nicely. As he reached the stairs he saw everyone gathered getting ready to go out.
"What's going on?" Yoongi asked with mild confusion.
"We're meeting with SKZ for a trade." Namjoon stated.
"And you didn't think to tell me?" He questioned, everyone's eyes finding another's as they glanced around.
"You're staying and watching y/n." Namjoon stated bluntly before turning to lead the others out the door.
"Why me?" Namjoon stopped and glanced back to Yoongi as the others continued out the door, "Tae's here."
"He's on monitors, suck it up Yoongi, you've delt with worse." Yoongi just rolled his eyes, trudging up the steps, he found your door was cracked open.
His hand raised, ready to knock, but through the crack he saw you. Your bare back facing him as you pulled on an oversized top. He couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from your exposed state no matter how much he wanted to. He watched until you brought your hands to the waistband of your pajama shorts, finally forcing his eyes away not wanting to invade your privacy and see anything more he wasn't meant to.
He could feel his heart pounding insanely in his chest, shaking his head he finally knocked lightly on the wood.
"One minute!" Your voice squeaked in surprise, you quickly pulled on a fresh pair of shorts and hurried to the door. You were surprised to see Yoongi standing at your door, "h-hey, what's up?"
"Uh, Your brother pinned me with watching you." He informed you, his eyes quickly and subtly flicking over your form.
You chuckled, "No need to treat me like a burden."
"Whatever," he looked over you again, only this time you noticed, "What are you doing?"
"I was thinking about watching a movie." You informed him, he pushed past you going deeper into your room, "What are you doing?"
"We're watching a movie aren't we?" You gave him a weird look.
"I guess you can join, I'm going to get water, you want anything?" You asked him, he shook his head as he looked around your room.
You sighed, leaving the room, you stalked down the hall and to the kitchen mindlessly. One might say you were lost in a daze, though in reality it was the sleep deprivation creeping up on you, looming behind your eyes. You hadn't slept beyond three hours the last few nights, not wanting to close your eyes, for fear of the lifeless face of your friend haunting you again.
A chill ran through your body at the thought, grabbing a bottled water from the fridge. You twisted the cap off gulping down a sip in an attempt to swallow the rising lump in your throat. It'd been hard for you to eat, the smell of his blood, thick and irony, it was burned in your nose.
You went back up the steps your footfalls on the polished stone, was all that could be heard. The trance that enraptured your mind however, was quickly broken when you stepped into your bedroom again.
Yoongi was facing you, his features of stone remained stoic but his eyes held amusement. In his hand he held a hot pink object, your face mirroring the shade in embarrassment.
"Tch, frustrated are we?" He joked, pressing the button, a quite vibration emitting from it.
You hurried quickly to him grabbing it and throwing it back in the drawer it belonged, "Min Yoongi you should know better than to go through peoples things." You scolded.
"I can't help my curiosity."
"Just go." You said, the flames in your cheeks never wavering as you pushed him to your door.
"You sure you don't want help?" Yoongi asked as he back up while you pushed him.
"What?!" You asked in horror, stopping to look into his eyes, was he seriously-
"I can hold it for you," his eyes glistened playfully, "While we watch a movie."
You swallowed hard, trying your best to keep your cheeks from blazing any hotter. You quickly and hastily pushed him towards the door.
"You are so crude Min Yoongi." Informing him as you pushed him out into the hall, he gave you a shit eating grin, "I'll be just fine on my own."
The second you shut the door in his face you took in a breath, your heart was pounding in your chest. Thoughts racking through your brain, why had you pushed him out? You like him don't you?
But you guessed it wasn't that simple, your thoughts knew how complicated it would become getting involved with Yoongi. No matter how much your body begged to fall into his tempting grasp you had to restrain. Because the theory of him was what attracted you and so many others, not the cold exterior and troubled heart.
Min Yoongi was complicated, to say the least.
But he was human— the flutter he felt in his chest when you became flustered by merely his words. It confused him not knowing why you filled him with such warmth. But he pushed his thoughts away like any time before.
The next afternoon was somber, quiet, as if no one wanted to speak. You were clad in a black dress and flats, the boys in their suits. They all watched you descend the steps for the first time in what felt like ages. You were burying Win today, finally putting his body to rest, a step of 'moving forward and mourning' they'd said though it just broke you more. But you had to pretend, you couldnt let the others see you as weak. You weren't weak.
"You ok?" Your brother asked, and you could only nod to reassure him. For you knew if you tried to speak you would break down, You were greatful he didn't push for a more sufficient answer to the question. 
The car ride was rather short, a feeling of dread lingering in your heart. You looked out the window of the car upon the lawn, stones where so many others loved ones names were carved in their remembrance. You tried desperately not to cry, to let out a sob and let the boys around you know you were breaking-- shattering in fact. It shouldn't have been him it should've been you, you wanted it to be you; to know that your bestfriends death wasn't on your hands. Maybe it was selfish, but the aching in your heart was begging for the roles to be reversed.
"-Y/n?" You hadn't even realized Jungkook had opened the door for you, his voice bringing you back to reality. Aware again, that you in fact were the one with breath in your lungs. You didn't say anything just stepped out of the car, and followed the others to the site. It was beautiful, a top a grassy hill that looked out over a large expanse of trees, You knew he would've loved it. 
Everyone stood around the grave where the casket was to be lowered. No one spoke, not a word, just stood and looked at the sleek wood that encased Win, or his body rather. The man that stood next to it a bible on hand began to speak, and your eyes drifted to the grey stone.
Kim Seung-Win
April 23rd 1993-March 13th 2020
'The journey doesn't end here;'
"Today, we're here to put a friend to rest, to send his soul home-" The reverend started, but you zoned out, eyes locked on the grass at your feet. You felt numb, How could this be real? Win was supposed to survive to live and be loved, and have an impact everyone he met. Silent tears fell from your eyes, due to both frustration and sorrow. Namjoon noticed from where he stood next to you and pulled you into a hug, holding your head to his chest as your tears soaked his jacket.
"I invite you all forward to put a handful of dirt over casket, you may take this time to say any final words." You let go of Namjoon wiping your cheeks with your hands.
We all moved in a line grabbing a handful of the dirt and taking turns circling to the grave, doing our part. Some taking longer than others to say things aloud or in their heads, everyone who he worked with were left with a positive imprint in their lives due to him. When it was your turn, You looked down to the dirt in your hand before holding your hand over the grave and letting it trickle from your grasp.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, fresh tears brimming your eyes. You turned back to the others, standing next to Yoongi as you watched everyone else. You felt Yoongi's hand brush yours experimentally, before he finally laced your fingers with his. You looked to your hand in his then to his face his eyes those of sympathy and support. Though affection wasn't his strong suit, he wanted you to know he was there. You gave him a weak smile in return
"I give the words said here today, to Seungwin, in hopes they will help his soul move forward. Friends, Death seems cold and dark but it is not extinguishing the light of life. It is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come, and Seungwin lived fully to his dawn."
The final words resonated with you, stuck to your heart. He lived a full life, it may have seemed to be cut short but he was everything anyone could have wished to be. He was great, It should've been me. Your mind invaded with the negative thoughts again a shaky sigh passing your lips as you willed yourself not to cry again, watching the grave workers put the remaining dirt in the grave. The others had started to walk back to the car.
"Y/n, come on." Your brother beckoned quietly, but you shook your head.
"Not yet."
"I'll stay with her." Yoongi's voice sounded from somewhere behind you, You couldn't see it but Namjoon nodded before pressing a feather light kiss to your temple. He was worried, you could feel it radiating off of him, he already had a lot on his plate, the last thing he needed was an emotionally unstable sister.
"Stop blaming yourself," Jen, you went to speak but she waved her hand, "I know you, Y/n, and I know that look." 
You looked around finding Yoongi sitting on a bench a few feet away. You turned your attention back to Jen, and you felt the urge to cry again.
"I'm sorry, Jen." Your lip quivered, and tears began to stain your cheeks again.
"There's nothing to be sorry for." With that she reached into the bag that was on her shoulder pulling out a bottle of liquor, "You can only have some if you promise not to cry." You wiped your cheeks quickly.
"I solemly swear!"  
You hiccupped lightly as you sat on the grass next to Win's freshly made grave, Jen was fully laying down and the empty bottle of alcohol was between the two of you. Chuckling as you thought back to your 20th birthday when Win mixed you all his favorite drinks, you were so hung over the next morning.
"Do you remember my 20th birthday?" 
"When you threw up on Win after he got you shit faced? How could I forget?" Jen slurred her words.
"Or when he flipped the table because he was losing in monopoly." You brought up the game nights you'd all have when you were younger.
"Alright you two lets get back home." Yoongi said going to help you up, the sun was setting and he wanted to at least get to the car before it was dark. He helped Jen up next and then guided the two light weight girls to the car.
The whole car ride home Yoongi listened to you and Jen reminisce over your memories of Win. Though even drunk your voice sounded weak and broken as you talked over the good times and Yoongi took notice, him being the only sober one in the car. The wall you'd been keeping up to hide your emotions was crumbling away now that you were drunk, vulnerable.
When Yoongi pulled up Jeonghan was waiting at the doors, ready to take Jen to her room. Jeonghan chuckled lightly as Yoongi told him what happened, before ultimately thanking him for bringing them both home safe. When Jen and Jeonghan walked away Yoongi turned back around to find you sitting down on the gravel drive way.
"Whatcha' doing?" Yoongi asked with a hint of amusement in his tone, though it made a deep pout form on your lips.
"I can’t walk."
"Why not?"
"I'm sad." Your voice broke.
"Ok, You think you can get on my back?" Yoongi asked quietly, you nodded, and so he carried you. 
"I miss him." You whispered, which happened to be right in his ear,
"I know."
When he reached your room he set you down on the bed, then going to slip your shoes off your feet. When he looked back to your face though, he saw a tear fall from your eye.
"Its all my fault." You spoke suddenly taking him off guard.
"Win is dead because of me." You chocked out, "I-I should have saved him." Silent sobs now shook your small frame.
"Y/n, None of what happened was your fault, there was no way to know."
"He blames me- It sh-should've been m-me" You managed to get out as more sobs fell past your lips. You couldn't control it anymore nor hold it in, something and Yoongi's chest ached with each strangled sob you tried to keep quiet in your throat. He picked you up lightly to make room for himself on your bed and he pulled you close to his chest.
"Shhh, No one blames you, Y/n. We cant go back, we can't change what happened, its destined to fate. You don't need to blame yourself anymore."
Not another word was spoke that night, Yoongi held you as you cried yourself into a deep sleep. He stroked your head, as your breathing became less labored with your sobs. His heart ached part of him hated to think that you felt all alone, and made him want to hold you tighter. But the other part wondered, since when did he care?
@agustdiv1ne , @hwaddict , @ahgasearmyfan , @gee-nee , @janeelizabeth1216 , @elliegrace1999tvd , @sunnynxy , @boba-king-iroh , @deathkat657
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foryouthegays · 4 years
spreading propaganda [Dream SMP] liveblog yall lets go. this is so long i am sorry but the end is an actual summary of what happens asldkfa
sellout timer pog: 00:30:20, 01:00:40, 01:31:35, 02:02:03 (for like a second), 02:03:00, 02:34:35
time spent reading donations: 10 minutes, 20ish seconds. 
fanart credit he puts up (all from twitter i think): snumkt, reinneart, lihnsu, sestqr, jester_u, Brigade_Lost, natonyy
also taggin @antarctic-empire-technoblade​ :) theres an actual summary at the end that isnt just me ramblin so,,,,,,ye. i am so sorry its so long a;dkfja i dont know how to condense things 
00:00:35 “i stole a lot of sand recently,” ah yes, a casual conversation starter, the admission of theft 
tubbo: -..--...--- 
ranboo: that means beans right
no, ranboo, not it does not (i put it into a translator and it just. it doesnt mean anything. i didnt see any spaces so im just. what was mr tubbo trying to say
00:04:35: relationship advice with technoblade! [reading donation] “‘techno, my boyfriend said he’ll never sub to you, how do i handle this travesty?’ uh, clearly you need to break up with him, and send me more money, is the most- that’s the most unbiased opinion I can give you, it’s just a good life decision, alright? It’s just a good life decision.”
00:16:00 ranboo hi!!!! him garden :D 
00:20:15 ‘i have not made a tier list [for dinosaurs] yet’ Y E T? ? ? ?? ? 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
00:21:25 imagine believing in airplanes, couldnt be me
00:21:35 SKLDJFAK a dono is like, hey can u call my new cousin a nerd, and technos like [claps] yOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT MAN im all about bullying infant children 
lakjshdfl 00:26:15 ‘philza this does not sound lore at all please’ poor techno
00:27:30 HKJSFDL :crab: TUBBO IS GONE :crab: also i cant tell if techno says ‘KILL HIM DEAD’ or ‘KILL HIM, DAD’ 
00:30:20 ‘we should have a grinch episode, where i go around stealing presents from l’manburg’ DO IT
also i was in chat at 00:31:25ish and i said ‘subscribe to technoblade’ and RIGHT AFTER techno said ‘did i hear subscribe to technoblade?’ and i felt so heard 
00:33:25 why is his only response to being seen in enemy lines to just stay realllyyyyy still a;lkdfjasf 
00:39:45 ‘this is crucial information coming to you live from anarchy news’ A;LSDKFJA;LSDF
alkdfja; 00:47:55 techno talks (sarcastically) abt how great it is when chat tells him where his stuff is
00:48:50 awww techno showin his not-dad his hound army!!! so cute 
00:55:30 techno specifies that theyre all characters/roleplayin!!!
techno talkin to phil is literally like a kid talkin to his dad after not seein him for a while. like yeah yeah family isnt canon in this but KSJDFLA hes like ‘phillll tommys being annoying also look at this new poster!!!!’ its so cute
techno nd phil reference smp earth at 01:19:50!!!!
(ik some people dont like enbyctechno so heres ur warnin, its just for this line tho) techno says ‘no one man should have this power’ but he HAS that power. therefore. mr c!blade is not a guy 01:35:00ish idk im not goin back to check
01:38:35 alright gang lets split up and look for clues 
01:45:20 ‘my chat’s sayin theres a 0% chance this is gonna work,,,,thATS A CHANCE I’M WILLING TO TAKE, CHAT’ skjdflasl;dfjaf (also, bit after, after readin the wiki say its 0% chance: ‘i like those odds’) 
01:48:15 [abt the zombie villager baby] 
Techno: on the bright side, we may have inflicted the optimal amount of trauma onto this child for it to become funny? 
Ranboo: ooooh yeah! it can become a minecraft youtuber!
techno: yeeeeeeah!!
pls get some therapy
a;ldkfassa the mental image of techno ownin an orphanage,,,,paldkfajslfasf 01:51:35
a;ldsifjasdklf ranboo is canonically a villager now, pog 01:56:50
01:57:50 ranboo: ‘they say that im built different, i am built different, in the fact that i have no moral backbone.’
01:58:30 BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD also why is techno so good at the bow like WHAT he looks in third person and turns nd shoots in like a second and hits most of the time its scary literally look at ranboo a;ldsjkfadsf hes like a porcupine 
Tumblr media
02:06:35 “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” "no thats just how we greet each other in our country” nether lore pog?
02:08:45 why does techno casually type at 120 wpm?????  god i hate him so much why is he like thisssss ugh (also it took ~3 seconds to type 7 words (34 characters) which is 140 wpm and 680 cpm if i know how to do math i hate it here) /lh
nd then he types ‘punz we’re all outside your house get over here’ which is 47 characters nd 9 words nd it took him 5 seconds to type which is 564 cpm and 108 wpm so his average (from these two samples which. isnt a lot. should i do a post abt this in the future?) is 124 wpm and 622 cpm. hes so fast. 
technos complainin bout the fights bein boring,,,,,,,fight them all, techno. do it. 1v8. do it, coward. 
02:24:02 ‘maybe the real combat was the friends we made along the way’ 
02:25:16 i love that technos first instinct when someone dies is to check what sword/axe killed them nd what enchants r on it aldskfjads
i love how techno calls the manhunt music ‘dream music’ its so funny to me
right before he ends the stream he says ‘p e r h a p s’ to techno plushies and i just,,,, wa n t 
if ya just want an actual summary and not that MESS:
Technoblade starts the stream in his house. the first thing he does is put another piece of fanart in his house, this one by snumkt on twitter. he goes to l’manburg, where he sneaks around very sneakily (/s) and replaces anti-techno propaganda with pro-techno fanart, stating that “If they take it down, it’s ‘cause they hate fanartists.” (00:09:18). 
While placing posters, Techno checks in on his hound army, and reveals that he thinks someone had been in the area, because a wolf teleported to him while he was home. He thinks someone placed water, the dog stood up, and then teleported. (00:18:25)
After breeding the dogs, Techno reads donations and one of the questions is about the SBI family dynamics. Here’s what he says at 00:20:55 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
He then meets up with Philza, who is being escorted by Tubbo. Techno goes to Philzas house, and hides in his new basement. He joins their VC and finds Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. talking about birthdays. Tubbo goes to the basement and sees Technos invis particles, hits him, and he is revealed. Techno kills tubbo, and declares it canon as a joke. 
He goes back outside, deafened on Discord, and puts down more propaganda. Philza joins his call, and they meet up to try and find Technos stolen items. They don’t find the barrel, but they do find a hidden room under the podium. Techno puts a piece of propaganda in the room. (00:43:30)
While Phil is killing an enderman, Ranboo finds them, and is killed by Techno. (00:46:25) 
Techno takes Phil to see his Hound Army, but they’re stopped by Tubbo. Techno tries to pretend to be Ranboo, but Ranboo goes up to them, so his cover is blown. Techno’s chased to the portal. Phil and Techno meet again in the Nether, and they go back to the house. 
At the house, Phil and Techno talk about the SBI characters, the sellout timer goes off, and then they go downstairs to cure a zombie villager. While it’s curing, Techno gathers books to make a new bow, with Power V, Punch II, Unbreaking III, Flame, and Mending. 
Philza reveals that Ranboo is coming over to give Phil a present. Techno seems excited at this, mostly at the fact that Ranboo can be his new bows test subject. 
Before Ranboo arrives, the villager is cured, and they find out it is a nitwit, meaning it can’t trade or get a job. Techno and Phil start working on a tunnel to bring the villager to a lava pool, so the other villagers won’t gossip and raise their prices. 
Ranboo joins the call at 01:15:35, right before they’re going to bring the villager to the lava pool. He gifts Techno and Phil four Netherite ingots.
After struggling to get the villager to the right height, Techno forces Ranboo to boat the villager into the lava. Ranboo escapes by throwing a pearl, and the villager dies.
Ranboo, Techno, and Phil talk about duping Netherite, and the current plot, and then Techno finds a zombie baby villager. It’s caught in a boat, and Techno nametags it ‘Orphan.’ They talk about the cobblestone tower, Philzas’ death to a baby zombie, and how if you don’t see a child's parents, you should assume that they are an orphan and attack them. 
Techno talks to Jack Manifold through chat about his axe. Techno, Philza, and Ranboo go around and look for zombie villagers. Techno finds an igloo, with two villagers. Techno was going to try and turn them into zombie villagers, but decides to not when he finds out that theres a 0% chance of that happening on Easy mode. 
They all go back to Orphan, and bully it when they find out it still hasn’t grown up. Techno and Ranboo make a joke about how it’s traumatized, so it’ll be funny and can be come a minecraft youtuber. please get some help. (01:48:15)
After Orphan grows up, Techno trades and gets the Bottle of Enchanting trade for one emerald. They all joke about Techno owning an orphanage at 01:51:35.
Phil, Techno, and Ranboo decide go to the Hound Army, but Techno remembers that Ranboo is part of L’manburg, and tries to kill him (with his new bow) when they enter the nether. He doesn’t succeed, and he continues fighting until he drinks and invis pot on the Prime Path. Techno and Phil meet up in the Bee Dome, where Ranboo finds them. Techno tries to kill him, but runs out of arrows. 
After reading donations, Techno, Ranboo, and Phil are back together at the Bee Dome, and they decide to team up in case someone finds them. They go outside of the Dome, and chase Jack Manifold out of his own country.
Manifold joins the VC, and they try to blame Punz on his attempted murder. After Manifold says “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” Techno says that that’s how he greets people in his country.
Manifold asks if they want to help him get revenge on Punz, and Techno agrees. They gather more people, and by the time they get to Punz’s tower, their party is Manifold, Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Fundy, and Antfrost. Punz is in the Nether, so they wait until he gets back. 
Ranboo and Techno have a whisper conversation:
Ranboo: are you just going to jump fundy
Techno: no im gonna make jack 1v1 LMAO
Ranboo: good plan
While Fundy is taking a screenshot of Techno for his thumbnail, Philza attacks Fundy with a crossbow and his sword. He claims it was because he was getting bored. 
In the same spirit, Techno asks if they could kill Manifold to pass the time. The mob, which now includes Fundy, chases Manifold. He runs to the Holy Land, and the mob boos him.  Techno tells Antfrost to kill Manifold, and that the mob won’t tell that he was killed in the Holy Land. Manifold hands Antfrost his sword. 
While Antfrost debates killing Manifold or not, the mob chants ‘peer pressure!’ at him. Techno quickly realizes that Antfrost isn’t in the VC, and is extremely confused. The sword gets handed to Fundy, who gets into a battle with Manifold. Philza tells Fundy that he’s forgiven, if he can kill Manifold. The battle calms, and neither of the contestants die.
Techno convinces the mob to go to the pit trap, and tries to lure someone onto the trapped blocks using rotten flesh. Fundy takes the bait, but moves out of the way before the button is pressed. Antfrost sneaks up behind him and punches him into the pit. Fundy survives the fall, but is shot by Manifold to death. 
During the commotion, Punz makes his way back to his house, and the mob moves towards him to end his life. Manifold says that he’s going to kill Punz, and Techno says that the mob’ll have his back. He tells the mob to not have Manifold’s back. 
at 02:17:00, Punz joins the call, and is confused as to why Manifold wants to kill him. Manifold explains that Punz tried to kill him, siting his source as Technoblade. 
also, 2:17:15 technoswear!
Techno encourages Punz, saying “Punz, he actually dropped his sword by accident and now I have it, so it’d be really easy to beat him up,” and “he also just killed in the holy land, so you have a sort of...religious motivation to take him out.”
Punz tries to fight Manifold without armor (Manifold is wearing a full enchanted set of armor, with a Netherite chestplate and everything else Diamond), which fails miserably, and Manifold is killed. 
Techno decides to fight Manifold with his goons (the mob) for the audience retention, and Manifold’s quickly killed. The final hit was from CaptainPuffy. Ponk rushes in and grabs some of Manifold’s items. Puffy takes the rest.
Manifold complains about getting bullied, so Techno gives him his sword back and tells him to avenge himself. While looking for Ponk (or Punz? this is kinda unclear), Punz swoops in and kills Manifold in two hits. 
Manifold finds Ponk and chases after him, trying to kill him. The mob follows, and Ranboo kills Ponk with thorns. Manifold takes Ponks stuff. 
Right after respawning, Ponk was blown up by a creeper, and Techno claimed both as canon. 
The mini fights continue, and Manifold is killed by Punz. 
Ranboo changes the ‘Days since last war crime’ sign to 0.
Phil tells Techno that he’s going back to the base, and the L’manburgians question him as to what base he’s talking about. Phil tells Fundy that he ripped off his ankle shackles and left. While they talk, Techno starts running back to the base, and Ranboo whispers “lets run back” to him. Ranboo follows Techno, but quickly looses him.
Phil and Techno join a separate VC together and they go back to the base. 
At 02:29:15, Phil says “I trust you” to Techno and I am going to cry. 
Right before getting to the base, Phil drinks some honey, and Techno says “that’s the only thing we have honey for, now that we’ve uh...uh I guess you don’t know about that.” He’s referring to the Vault, I think, because the redstone required honey to work properly. 
Philza responds, “the honey- wait, what did you use the honey for?” 
“uhhh....food.” Techno, for some reason, doesn’t want to show Phil the vault. 
Ranboo whispers to Techno: “My alliance isnt with lmanburg, its with the people who help me. phil helped me.”
out loud, Techno laughs about it with phil, saying, “well, I’ve stabbed him like twelve times this week, so, I [laughs] I don’t know if that entirely qualifies here.”
Techno messages Ranboo back with “new phone who this” 
Ranboo replies, “no one,” and then, “:)”
Going back to the honey talk, Philza asked if Techno had been hiding anything diabolical from him, and Techno asks if he would do such a thing. Philza guesses several things he could use honey for, such as a flying machine, TNT dupers, and a door.
Techno takes him to the vault. 02:32:00. i LOVE peoples reactions to the vault, it’s always so good. Philza responds with a surprised ‘HOLY SHIT’ and some laughing. Techno also confirms my math of 55 withers. 
02:34:10 “i’ve seen this government, on the server, and everything to do with government is just bad. I’ve watched it completely destroy and tear down people’s wills and change people, I’ve seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants, so...I think it’s about time--”
“We need revenge. [sellout timer goes off] and more importantly, we neED SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE DOT COM” phil joinin anarchy pog? 
anyway that was it ;alskdfjas;f
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