#you died. how does it feel to be a remnant of something that doesn't exist anymore etc
youssefguedira · 1 year
something so fun about the uncertainty and ruthlessness of tog's immortality. they mention it directly on screen even. "none of us had a choice," "i don't want this, there isn't one good thing in any of this," etc. there's the horror of surviving everyone you love and like. you don't get a choice it just happens to you whether you want it or not. none of them know why, or what's happening to them, they just have to make the best of it (mileage may vary). doesn't matter if you had a family or a life or something you couldn't leave behind it doesn't matter! it doesn't care! this is what you are now! and you're not even invincible you still die over and over again but you just can't stay dead and even THAT'S not certain. perhaps if they had been chosen for a reason they could make some sense of it but they don't KNOW. all they have is what they make of it
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amphiptere-art · 2 months
I want to explain spirits again. Just cuz I've had a bit more time to figure them out. And also the way the magic works has become more concrete.
So souls are these little entities that exist. They can take any sort of shape or form. Although for the most part they look like animals. Fantasy or elsewise doesn't matter. They also are usually not physical. Although usually can be sensed because they cause specific elemental things. Such as plants being more abundant, fire seeming bigger, a certain grander to bones. But for the most part others don't see a body unless the soul is trying to be physical. They are called souls mostly because of how they look and not how they function.
On one side. Souls can be literal souls. Lingering entities of the dead that attached themselves to magic. But that does not mean they are literally the soul of the dead. More like their memory or basic personality. Better compared to FNAF remnant for agony. They are simply a magical reflection of those who are dead. But rarely do they care for the same people the person that died did. They simply act like a copycat of the person.
Other than those certain circumstances though. Souls are usually just created by... Wells of magical power. Any sort of area where a good amount of magical energy is present, will often create a soul. And when I say a good amount. It really doesn't need to be that prevalent. While a soul created in the center of a very magical place will be more powerful. A soul could also be made from a small collection of flowers that exhume the same elemental energy. Or even a box of rocks. Souls aren't necessarily rare. They're just more rare the more connection to magic they have.
But before I talk about magic. I want to talk about how they interact with robots and other creatures.
For the most part around other creatures. They will either remain hidden and simply live in their own sort of exploratory life. Or they will wander around as playful creatures or guardians. Superstitions, dumb luck, coincidences, karma. All these things are usually the spirits messing around. Either that or they become fully physical. Often losing their more magical effects to be so. And become guardians of certain areas. A certain deer that seems to always spot the hunter first. An aggressive dog keeping you away from a certain place. Or sometimes cattle that leads you home. It all depends.
Around humans and most animals. Souls will follow but will do not much else. The world of the living is often more engaging than the world in between. So they will wander close to those that are alive. Either giving them fortune or misfortune. It's for their entertainment either way. They simply wish to see the living go through trial or victory. Most people have a spirit following them. But usually they will never see or be able to understand and access the spirits.
For robots it's different though. While most mortal species are simply followed because they're interesting. Robots are followed around because they can actually give the spirit as sort of life. The spirit cannot really die. But they can feel injury, pain, or even the sting of death really. But that's only when they share their magic life. Robots being the easiest to do this with.
I've mentioned it before as a souls sharing their soul. But that's not exactly what it is. The easiest way to explain it is familiars. But that's not quite it either. Souls will give robots life. Sentience. They do this mostly through magic. There's plenty of spells I can bring something alive. What truly makes this different Is the fact that they attach their living magic. Souls are alive due to their own sort of special magic. And they basically share this special magic with a robot. Intrinsically connecting the two while keeping them separate.
A process similar to how souls can be based on actual living souls. Except there's usually a lot less of the personality copying. Although it is still present. When the soul shares this living magic. They also are technically making a slither of themselves living. Which allows them to feel pain, emotions, and thoughts of the chosen robot companion.
Souls honestly love this extra set of immersion. Souls that have not connected a part of themselves too a robot will often linger around robotic families. Just so as soon as I robotic child is made. They will be able to bond with them and gain this unique range of feelings and physicalities. Souls can technically share their magic life twice. This usually puts a strain on the soul tho. It can sometimes be too overwhelming, or two demanding. Sharing this magical life force is technically taking a bit of their own magic away. Meaning they will be weaker in the magic department.
But either way. The reason is still the same. They want that interaction. They want see that trial and error. That pain and emotion. They need to have that interaction. Souls that double up on robots are usually wanting more interaction. It was just not enough with one. Even if a AI Is technically stuck in a device. They will give them sentience just to see how they interact with that sort of type of world. Or with other AI's that don't have bodies. It all is simply an experience for them. And if they aren't getting that experience. They will take that life away.
But sometimes that experience turns nasty. Some souls can be uniquely evil. But for the most part they're benevolent and neutral. They are simply there for the ride. But there is a reason why souls usually aren't showing themselves off. It's because creatures aren't like them. Living mortal things aren't necessarily neutral like they are. And for the most part they want power.
Now we get into the magic department. Souls are indeed magical. And robots that have soul companions have access to that magic. Mostly just because the soul shared their magical soul with them. Now the soul can technically hold back that magic. They are the entity of magic, and they carry essentially the robots ticket card. But that doesn't mean they won't share it. And neither does it mean they can't be forced to share it.
Now for the most part most robots get access to their magic by just learning about their soul, and becoming companions. That is simply the easiest way to get access. If you don't know about magic, you aren't going to go out looking for magic. But it's once they have this knowledge that can turn sour.
Just because the soul can give them access to easy elemental magic. Doesn't mean that having the knowledge that there's even magic in the world to begin with can't be used in other forms. Arcade still has all my standard forms of magic. Soul, rune, and physical. The souls of course let people have soul magic. But that doesn't mean that ruin magic or physical magic can't also be utilized. And souls have no control over that. Often if some animatronic is wanting to control their soul. They will seek these other magics so that their soul doesn't know.
Souls really just give access to the magic. Any sort of training is up on your own. So as long as the souls keep that gateway open. You have access to magic whenever. And that's when terrible people, will do terrible things. They will basically use other forms of magic to force the soul to keep that gateway open. Souls do not like this of course. But usually they have no way of fighting it as long as the animatronic lives. Even when resting in sleep. It is only when an animatronic is truly offline that the soul can do anything. Which is revoking that life.
Otherwise though. Magic is pretty simple. Each soul has an element that it usually embodies. It can in-body multiple. But usually they will give access to one element to robot companion. This also follows similar rules to what I gave out before about how magic works. Basically they can control that element in any sort of shape or function. Although that does take training. Usually it is better to physically use the object and learn how to move it before you start trying to conjure it. But those can all be read in my general magic post.
But I think at this point I've gone through everything again. Hope this gives people a better idea than last time.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Anyway the question that always gets asked whenever I reveal that I'm not actually into the Cloud/Tifa thing is who do I ship them with if not each other.
The answer is a little more complicated than all that because from the start I considered their relationship something closer to a QPR before I even knew what that meant. I was calling them platonic life partners back then. People who don't feel any romantic love for each other but have chosen to stay regardless, or perhaps because.
I think, before, Cloud thought he wanted to be for Sephiroth what Zack wanted to be for Angeal. A puppy-like affection, a mentor/mentee comradery, and a close connection. I think Sephiroth would have hated it. He was cold and standoffish to Zack until circumstances forced them together, and even then he only really opened up due to Zack's connection to Angeal. I don't think having his own "puppy" would have been welcome at all. And I think Cloud would have been forced to come to terms with reconciling his hero worship with the reality of everything.
He and Zack were friends, but Zack was actively dating Aerith at the time, and Cloud didn't know Aerith existed back then. And within the narrative, Zack and Aerith are "parents"- with how often Aerith is referred to as a mother with Zack standing beside her, and Cloud is among those who repeatedly mistake Aerith for their mom. Zack does it once within the complilation, before he meets her for real, Cloud a few times, *after* he knows who she is. Clearly even when [redacted], Zack and Aerith are intended to be read as a couple, but then that once again removes an option for Cloud.**
The others... eh. I could be pursuded with the right argument but within canon itself it doesn't hold much water. Once we eliminate those four, he's got affectionate negging with Barrett, a quiet respect for Vincent, and a mutual back-scratching with Reeve. He's vaguely willing to play ball with Reno and Rude but not willing enough to let his guard down, while he treats the other Turks with some distain. He mostly tolerates Cid and Yuffie he both treats like and calls a child- she's the youngest so fair, but still removes her from the playing field. Anyone else connected to Shinra he actively dislikes, so Rufus and his flunkies are out.
We've got confirmation that he doesn't remember Kunzel and if Tseng remembers who Cloud is, he's being characteristically tight-lipped about it but Cloud certainly doesn't remember him. The OG Avalanche crew all died, even though Biggs lived in the Remake, and they weren't close. The Remnants of course mostly wanted to kill him the entire time. Deepground barely acknowledges his existence. Angeal died before Zack met Cloud and Genesis was too deep in his own shit to care.
So like. That doesn't really leave anyone.
Personally I think Cloud has way too much unresolved grief and trauma that he still has not worked through. It's years later in Advent Children when he's finally able to begin to move on from [redacted], and despite that even more years later in Dirge of Cerberus he's still notoriously distant and moody and prone to flaking. He's still questioning who he really is, can he actually trust his own memories and senses, and how much guilt is he willing to shrug off his shoulders for his actions while under someone else's control.
And I think being a distant moody asshole that pushes your friends away because you don't know if they're actually real or not is a difficult mindset to be in while also trying to be in love. So he doesn't try. His friends do love him anyway however exasperated they may be with him at times when he shuts them out while Going Through It. But it means he's not really building anything with any of them either.
Except Tifa, who keeps a room and a bed and a desk for him when he decides to come back, whose bar he calls home, who adopted a scared little boy with him, who watches their friend's adopted daughter with him. Who takes a family photo of the four of them together, which sits on that desk. Who quietly sorts the research papers as he hunts for a cure for an incurable disease affecting their son. Who yells and scolds him not because he left and stopped coming home, but because he gave up and shut her out when he contracted the same disease rather than letting her help.
"You don't answer the phone, but I don't see you throwing it away."
Out of all the voicemails on his phone, it was hers saying Reno had dropped by the bar looking for him and being vaguely threatening with the kids that got him to go see the Turks. He did not followup on Reeve's invite to the WRO. He didn't go chasing oil with Barrett. He didn't visit Yuffie in Wutai. But Tifa says "Reno was here being his usual weird self, I think something was wrong", and he went to investigate.
I don't ship it. I think he believes he's too broken for romance. And I think she's very patient to wait for him and give him the space he needs. Maybe they're FWB. Maybe it's entirely platonic. But the compliation has shown us that it's *something*, even if it's deliberately vague on what type of something.
**I do sort of like the "first this guy [redacted] my boyfriend, then he [redacted] my girlfriend, after trying to [redacted] my childhood best friend and succeeding in [redacted] my entire village and also my mom. This Sephiroth guy sucks" paired with Sephiroth's "tell me what you cherish most, give me the pleasure of taking it away" vibes of Cloud/Zack/Aerith don't get me wrong, but also as said Aerith and Zack were dating at the time but Cloud does not know who she is (or even that Zack has a girlfriend) and it is Very Important that Cloud not know the name Aerith until after Zack [redacted] which would imply sort of shadey behavior on Zack's part. And I don't really see him as the type to cheat, so.
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toxifoxx · 10 months
I'm new at asking asks so uh um sorry if I'm typing weird anyways wanna explain your au or something or just talk about random facts about your fnaf au? Been staring at your version of william and Henry and just admiring it and wanna know stuff about the sillies ye.
hello anon, thank you very much for the question! :D
to preface this i'll say i do have a few different AUs that all kind of vaguely exist in my mind but i'll presume you wanna hear about my main AU. i like to describe it as "fnaf lore if it didn't suck", i try to stick to canon by keeping major events mostly the same so if you already know fnaf lore you won't be too confused at my AU. i also like to focus more on the tragedy aspects of the lore, so in my writing there's a lot of focus on characters and their emotions, particularly william because i like to psychoanalyze him. but i also want to give more depth to the characters in general and put some spotlight on the missing kids since like… they are barely treated as important in canon and that's kind of sad
putting the rest under the cut cause this post got pretty long (talks about AU features, and a lot about henry and william)
i actually do have a breakdown of some of the key features of my AU! -less sci-fi, more paranormal like old fnaf -willry canon for shits and giggles (past tense)(they are like a divorced couple) -semi-good dad william (until the horrors) -more complex character dynamics, personalities, etc. -relationships expanded upon -more focus on the tragedy aspect -a mildly comprehensive timeline! -transgenderism (william is trans bc i believe it in my heart to be true) -ends at fnaf 6/pizza sim! (UCN is more of like, an epilogue)
if you're curious about my william and henry, i try to base them mostly off the novels! (though novel lore is irrelevant here, since i follow game canon instead, it's still a good basis for their personalities)
so, william is "the normal one", mostly running the business side of things but still a talented inventor and a great entertainer as well. he's silly, he's goofy, he's charming, and he loves the kids! and he loves his family more than anything, even though he's not the most amazing parent! so naturally no one would suspect him to be a murderer. cause underneath all that he's very selfish, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals. when CC died he kind of snapped, killing charlie on impulse (but discovering animatronic posession later after observing fredbear and the puppet behaving strangely) thus starting the whole remnant thing. remnant exists still but its more just like a concept than a physical, tangible thing; it's the part of the soul that cannot move on.
and henry is the artist, the recluse who prefers to remain out of the public eye and always seems to be off in another world. he doesn't like talking with people much but i imagine he's very passionate about fredbear's and feels more confident whilst performing as fredbear (like how william does with springbonnie). he's a better dad than william but that's not a super high bar to beat and he unintentionally kind of neglects his kids a lot. which is why the security puppet exists, to keep them safe (didn't quite work. RIP!) i think him and william are actually more similar than either of them would care to admit. henry is a selfish man who'd do anything to achieve his goals too, which is why the murders are covered up and fazbear entertainment keeps going. and also why fnaf 6 happens.
more about charlie's death. it puts a strain on henry and william's relationship, but henry also doesn't want to believe that his partner did it. but i think somewhere in the back of his mind, he absolutely knows. they stick together for a while, but after the missing children's incident henry completely kicks william out of the company. william almost gets convicted, but he's let off since cops couldn't find evidence (henry almost does too but is also let off). and after that william decides to lay low for a while and fuck off to somewhere else. what does he do? shrugs. sister location would happen a while after this and so on and so forth. i could elaborate more if you have any more specific questions!
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purplebass · 10 months
This might be unpopular but I do hope that Holland is actually Holland, like idk I feel like if it turns out to be just some other evil thing impersonating Holland that it would be such a cop out but also such an obvious thing. And I found myself liking the messed up dynamic between Kosika and Holland. There is something really fascinating in it where if this is Holland like what are his thoughts about Kosika. And Kosika seeking out Holland is also interesting + her feelings towards her two friends. I don’t remember if it was Rhy or Kell but I had a feeling it was Rhy who had the passage about asking what happens in death… which might end up coming back to explain Holland.
Okay but the baby thing really got my attention because idk if Schwab thought it was something we really wanted to know or if it is something that will play a part later because it doesn’t feel like her style to make Lila change her mind but also everything Lila has said previously also has been pushed so idk… and that fact that we get a scene where she watched Kell interact with his niece and getting told what kind of father Kell would be. Like she says she doesn’t but I felt like other paragraphs kind of let it linger…
And all of this is part of book 1 so there could be little teases of what’s to come. Like all this is to get people set up for the future books. Idk I’m just thinking…
I don't think it's unpopular to want it to be the real Holland :) I am a fan of the "dead character isn't truly dead" trope and after all, we still don't know what happens when an Antari dies or is dying. Kosika saw Holland die, but perhaps death for antari is just passing somewhere else but still existing as lingering magic ✨ 🤔 or Holland is indeed a special case Holland might've been human when he died, but there may still be remnants of magic in him and those may have made it possible for his spirit to survive.
I also like their dynamic, because even if Kosika has Nasi and Lark, Holland is like a mentor older brother and he is the only one who knows how to use her magic. The triangle with Lark and Nasi is interesting because I think it also reflects the situation in Red London with Alucard/Rhy/Nadiya, but in this case it is almost clear that Kosika likes them both so it might turn out into a proper poly relationship 👀 but I think if it does, it may happen later.
As for the baby thing, years ago I joked about Kellila babies lmao because I wasn't sure we would get Threads and because I like to imagine as a shipper. Then Threads gave us this mention, and I don't think it was put there just because. Well aside from pushing Lila to donate her blood to Nadiya and for Nadiya to push her Antari baby agenda, I do think it's a topic that Lila thought about. Her answer seemed final and like you said, if V says that the character thinks she hates this, she doesn't change her mind. However... In Threads we see how much Lila keeps a lot of things to herself and lies by omission. She lied about throwing away the ring, she didn't tell Kell about Kosika, nor her investigation about the Hand, nor how it hurt her to see him like this. She never openly told him her feelings to his face... When Kell and Alucard go to save Lila, Kell is surprised that she had the ring and Alucard tells him: "good thing she lies, then!" So my point is: telling Nadiya that she doesn't like children might be an outright lie she told because one of the things Lila hates is when others try to pry into her life when she isn't willing to share.it might still be the truth, of course. She may also be lying to herself in her pov, because we see how Lila's pov is cryptic. There is a lot of unsaid. That's why I find Lila interesting. 🤔 Also, V throwing married couples around Kellila and doing the ring thing? We have Rhylucard but also the Vasry/Raya on the ship.
Sorry I get carried away as usual 😂
I can't wait to see how everything evolves in the future! And I hope we'll know when Threads #2 will be supposedly released 👀
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nonbayanary · 1 year
EDIT: hirusena apocalypse AU where demon!hiruma and skeleton!sena raise the ghosts of their parents (who died as mere children in alternate timelines)
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title: “Wasteland, Daddy! (I’m in Love with You)”
title is based on Hozier’s song titled, Wasteland Baby!
sena and hiruma used to be humans. the apocalypse mutated the remaining survivors of humankind, turning them into supernatural beings. 
years into the future, mutants started dying out due to the toxicity of the atmosphere. those who survived mutated further, retaining beastly characteristics.
hiruma calls himself, “a devil.” it’s technically true, based on the characteristics of his body’s own mutation. for years, bones have sprouted from his back, gradually covered by flesh, to make strange, bat-like wings. a tail started forming as well, thin and whip-like and pointed. the flesh peeled away from his hands, revealing the bones underneath. and slowly, the bones rearranged themselves to form claws, covered by a thick, black flesh. all hiruma’s mutated body parts are colored black, with red streaks here and there.
sena, however, was not so lucky. the years were cruel to him, as the flesh disintegrated from his bones. his form is now naught but a walking skeleton with long, flowing hair attached to his head. with each year that passes, nothing betrays his age, except for the growing number of grey streaks in his hair. he is but bone and hair, held together by his own magic.
strangely enough though, sena is only one of the few beings who can actually wield magic. and of all the mutants, he is the most powerful one.
the prevailing theory among mutants, before most of them perished, is this: the more magic a mutant has, the less they will resemble a living being.
hiruma’s magic is limited to his own body. he can fly with his new wings, and he can move his tail as if it were a fifth limb. his claws are sharp and deadly. but his magic all about ends there.
sena’s magic, meanwhile, is like a bottomless pit. his existence proves the mutants’ theory, for he practically looks dead, for all intents and purposes. if sena did not move at all, then he would be mistaken for human remains.
hiruma tries testing the limits of his power, and it backfires. in a bigass explosion, he accidentally tears off a chunk of what remains of the continent, and yeets himself into space as a result.
sena is left oh, so alone, and yet he knows hiruma is not dead. he knows. because hiruma doesn't need oxygen anymore. and hiruma doesn't need warmth either. no, the vacuum of space is something hiruma can survive.
but the dilemma is: sena doesn't know how to bring him home. even with magic, sena's still having a hard time bringing hiruma back to earth.
centuries pass. sena has tried everything from the tethering of souls, to magnetism via magic. and still, hiruma is out there in space
all the other mutants have died now. and the mutation of the remnants of the human race have left them unable to repopulate
sena is now the lone survivor of an apocalyptic future. however, he doesn't think he's the last one. because somewhere out in space, he can feel hiruma's soul still calling to him.
sena's flesh and organs have all but succumbed to time, but his magic and his determination to live keep his form together
his long brown hair is decorated with flowers, kept alive by his magic as well.
with sena’s powers, he created a realm called "deimon," as a tribute to hiruma. it’s a pocket dimension that sena created. a wasteland materialized through sena’s sheer force of will alone. 
and it is in deimon where sena resides. 
sena gets lonely. of course he does. he's the last thing living in the planet. nothing else but land and plants and debris remain.
so sena gets busy. he focuses on developing his magic. after fifty years, he made the plants of earth start growing again. after a hundred years, he made a pocket dimension. after two hundred years, he learned how to travel through alternate dimensions.
and because sena is lonely, he visits all the alternate dimensions where his loved ones exist. he never stays though, never shows himself, because he doesn't want to rip the space-time continuum.
but the one thing that never fails to catch sena's attention are the universes where his own parents die at a young age. mere children, the whole lot of them.
and sena can't help but notice that in most universes, the lives of his parents, Kobayakawa Shuuma and Mihae, always intersect with the lives of Hiruma's parents, Hiruma Yuuya and Yoshiko.
In most universes where all four of those people survive, they always meet and become friends.
but some universes aren't so lucky. sometimes, one of them dies. and it tears at sena's heartstrings so much.
so sena starts adopting ghosts of his parents who died when they were young. soon, not only that, but he starts adopting the young souls of hiruma's parents as well.
sena knows how strange it is. a skeleton adopting ghost-children. and yet, he can't find it in himself to leave them, because this is how he gives thanks to his own parents, who have long passed. this is a guilt-filled apology to hiruma's own set of parents, who are probably writhing in their graves bcs of their lost son.
(and sena knows guilt is a terrible motivator, but by god, he owes so much to hiruma's parents, as much as his own parents. if he can't apologize to hiruma's parents, then at the very least, he can save their alternate timeline, child counterparts)
sena's one source of despair is that he's powerful, and yet he can't do the one thing he wants most. he's now skilled enough to create pocket dimensions, travel to alternate timelines, regrow the plants on earth even without animal life as a means for pollination, and yet—
and yet, he can't even bring hiruma home.
that is, until sena gets a brilliant idea. the solution was so easy that it hadn't even occurred to him.
what if sena tries to summon hiruma, through a demonic summoning ritual?
this solution wasn't available to sena before. mostly because other demons and devils still lived. if sena did this earlier, then he would have summoned other beings by accident, because by nature, demonic rituals aren't specific.
but now, only one demonic entity remains. only one devil lives. and it's hiruma.
so sena tries. he kneels on a summoning circle, and with every single ounce of his magic, his being, his soul, he reaches out to the universe and pulls.
the skies tear open violently, and a flaming meteor comes howling into the firmament. sena squints, giddy and hopeful and so, so reckless, that he just watches with open arms at the silhouette of an unconscious body in the center of the flames.
and three seconds before it hits sena, and blasts a kilometer-wide crater into the earth, sena sees spiky blond hair, and large, bat-like wings.
sena catches the body, even as the earth crumbles, even as the winds shriek, and even as the pocket dimension tears. because for the first time in centuries—
"you're home, hiruma-san. you're finally home."
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when hiruma, after being nursed back to health after years of accidental exile, meets the kids that sena's adopted, he is absolutely gobsmacked.
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a child barrels into sena, startling the skeleton. 
sena blinks, the astonishment on his face morphing to a nervous smile as he crouches down to the child’s eye level. “hey there, yoshi. there’s someone here to meet you.”
hiruma’s breath stops. his heart thunders in his chest. the chibi just called the child, “yoshi.” 
that nickname... 
could it be?
“hey, fucknut!” the child yells, interrupting hiruma’s thoughts. she kicks hiruma in the shin, and grins at his startled expression. “i’m yoshiko. and don’t you forget it! who in the jesus cuntass fuck are you, huh?”
“language,” sena says automatically. then he laughs awkwardly at the weird look hiruma gives him. 
sena clears his throat. “yoshi, hon, this is hiruma youichi. and hiruma-san—”
“the fuck?!” yoshiko harrumphs, pointing an accusatory finger at hiruma. to sena, she asks, “why the dogshit politeness? why are you calling him ‘hiruma-san?!’ who the fuck even is this dickwad?”
sena blanches at all the profanities, but hiruma doesn’t even seem to notice. he just stares at the child in both fear and wonder. and sena understands why.
sena gently pats yoshiko’s head. “hiruma-san is older than me, yoshi. and he’s not a bad guy, so please tone down the animosity a little, okay?”
yoshiko tilts her head, an evil gleam in her eye. “if i listen to you, then what am i gonna get out of it, sen-sen? candy? i want bubblegum! or maybe a deck of cards!”
the floor lurches from beneath hiruma’s feet, even as he stands stock-still. the child’s words confirm the suspicions forming in his mind. 
yoshiko’s face lights up at the idea of a reward for her own good behavior. her expression morphs into a calculating sort of hopefulness. before sena can reply, she forges on, “or maybe guns! i want some cool guns!”
hiruma stares at the child. he stares at her short, spiky hair, and her ears as sharp as his. when she speaks, tiny fangs peek out between her crooked teeth. 
and now, hiruma knows for sure—
this child is hiruma’s mother.
and judging by the child’s slight translucent form, she’s dead. hiruma’s chest tightens. in another universe, hiruma was never born because his mother died young. 
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this was actually based on an original story i was conceptualizing during my college years. but if y’all wanna write this, please feel free to do so—granted that you credit me, if you please. i don’t often ask for credit, but as this is based on my original story, this one is an exception. thank you so much!
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liziocit · 3 years
How Fanon JC could become slightly canon
Since most jc stans think JC is someone who is :
good with kids
cares and really misses his "brother", since he was "forced" into killing him or leading the siege or never helping him with any resources or caring for the Wens
has a hard exterior but beneath that is a heart of gold.
thinks of Wei Wuxian as his brother in all but blood
To name a few.
I think we'd need to rewrite his whole story even his childhood for him to have at least half of those features.
Madam Yu would have to not be in the picture, she is one of the people who would frequently insist that Jiang Fengmian doesn't care for him, that he is inferior to Wei Ying and encourages an extremely classist way of thinking to Jiang Cheng.
Perhaps she dies in a night hunt when Jiang Cheng is like one year old. So now we have a Jiang Cheng who doesn't have that view of Jiang Fengmian not caring for him.
But even if this Jiang Cheng is not influenced by his mother, he still has an inherently selfish and narrow minded way of thinking. It's what makes him resonate with her thinking so easily.
Because of his inherent nature I think he'd still find it hard to understand his father's teachings or that his father loves him. This leads to slight disconnect between them.
When Wei Wuxian is brought to L.P I think he'd be okay and wouldn't chase him off because of his dogs. I believe him seeing his father holding Wei Wuxian for the day would make him slightly resentful though. Something like ( Why is an outsider holding my father that tightly? Don't you know he's my father? Who is he to do that?)
So they grow up together and JC still feels jealous over WWX's inherent genius and lashes out at times. WWX would not take it standing and would tease him or just ignore him, he has no fear of being whipped or being told to kneel for hours.
And probably thinks of WWX as this clown who easily gets his way while he has to bust his ass to do anything.( cultivation, mastery of the arts etc)
I think canon would progress the same from the way things are, its just that JC would be less toxic and has a better opportunity for redemption in this Au than in canon.I don't think fanon Jc can become canon with how JC is.
We have Shen Yuan transmigrate into his body at the tender age of one year old. He relives a whole ass childhood but I know that SY!JC will :
be someone who has a heart of gold with an indifferent exterior
shelter the wen remnants
actually think of Wei Wuxian as his brother.
not get his golden core taken cause he will be right there with brother Wei Wuxian looking for food - if it does get taken he will be okay with it, he'll be sad but will eventually get over it. There won't be any golden core transfer.
be a sect leader who embraces the sect motto and has a sect which isn't a scary place for non-cultivators
not take any shit that YZY will spout or do.
not be toxic to Wei Wuxian
be a person who is good with kids.
not be "forced" to kill Wei Wuxian, he'd defend him so fiercely that the other sects would back off
act like an older brother to jyl and wwx.
Looking at what I wrote, I think what am saying is fanon JC would only exist canonically if a crossover is had and Shen Yuan transmigrates into his body.
Ps: I have the urge to read a Shen Yuan transmigrates into JC's body fic now, if its out there please rec it in the notes or please write it and tell me.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
How about a canon divergence where wen qing doesn't bump into wwx but instead bumps into nhs and nmj. Would it be a tragedy or a fixit? Would nhs temper nmj's hatred for wens? Would nmj act honorably at seeing the old men and women and children doing hard labor or would he only see the clan he hates?
It was Nie Huaisang’s fault, probably. Someone tripped over someone else’s feet, and then he apologized and she apologized and then they both apologized, and then there was the whole “you go first, no you go first” dance and anyway eventually Nie Mingjue stormed over to yell at his younger brother for wasting time. He took one look at the ash-faced girl, caught her by the shoulder and said, “Aren’t you that Wen Qing? I used to see you at discussion conferences – what are you doing here?”
The whites of her eyes showed in her terror, and he scowled fiercely. “I don’t slay unarmed women or children outside of combat,” he said. “The question was literal – what are you doing here? The Jin sect said they resettled the remnants of the sects somewhere they wouldn’t make trouble.”
Wen Qing pressed her lips together, then couldn’t help herself and snarled, “If you call hard labor camps where everyone dies ‘resettled’ – they took away my baby brother! They took me to another city, I didn’t want to leave him, but I didn’t have a choice and when I returned…my brother’s as soft as yours – they’re going to kill him!”
Nie Mingjue’s scowl deepened, and his eyes flickered over to Nie Huaisang, the words ‘hard labor’ clearly ringing through his mind and struggling with his deep and abiding hatred for the Wen sect, the memories of Nie Huaisang being snatched away from him and sent to an indoctrination camp to be used as live bait. The very reminder of it made his face black in anger. 
Nie Huaisang looked between the two of them and covered his face with a fan. “Dage,” he said, and his voice helped break through the haze of anger. “Maybe we should – check?”
It’s not like we trust the Jins, given the way they want to be the next Wens, he meant, and maybe there’s a little bit of Isn’t our sect’s guiding principle to stamp out evil wherever it’s encountered, human or not?
“Sect Leader Nie, I demand an explanation!” Jin Guangshan shouted. “You cannot barge into my territory, threaten my sect’s disciples, take away the prisoners won at war –”
“I’m not so blind as to tell the difference between captivity and torture unto death,” Nie Mingjue snarled in return, not even slightly moved. “Not only did I take the prisoners from Qiongqi Path, I demand you turn over every other one you have, no matter where –”
“Those were legitimately captured prisoners of war! We took them instead of spoils –”
“If the allocation of every penny matters so much to you, you may have the spoils seized by my Nie sect in exchange,” Nie Mingjue said, flicking his sleeve disdainfully. It couldn’t be more obvious what his implication was: that the Jin sect, despite all its riches, cared more for money than for honor.
Jin Guangshan’s eyes narrowed. “It’s most unlike you to get up in arms defending Wens, Sect Leader Nie; wasn’t it just yesterday that you called them all Wen-dogs and sought their utter destruction?”
Nie Mingjue sneered at him, but he continued, oily smile spreading on his face like a stain, “It couldn’t be that Sect Leader Nie has changed his implacable mind so quickly – perhaps it is the pressure of war on a man so young…you should take care for your health, make sure you’re not being unduly confused. People in your family die so very young, after all.”
“Enough nonsense,” Nie Mingjue said, eyes very nearly red in anger. “If my mind is so unclear, why did you choose to follow me during battle? When Wen Ruohan threatened, you dithered and delayed, and when there was no other choice but war, my blade was strong enough for you to hide behind, but when we have peace you rush to the front to claim a position that shouldn’t even exist – no one should be Chief Cultivator, Sect Leader Jin, no sect placing themselves and their own interests above another’s! But if the alternative is you, perhaps I should strive for it after all!”
“Is your brother actually going to try to be Chief Cultivator?” Wen Ning asked Nie Huaisang shyly; he was the only Wen currently inside the Unclean Realm, on account of needing heal his injuries. The remainder were all living in a small valley not far away where Nie sect cultivators kept a close watch.
Nie Mingjue hated injustice above all else, even Wens, but only by the smallest margin; in their new homes they were given food and water and medicine, but not freedom. Too many cultivators, male or female, had hidden themselves among the helpless to launch sneak attacks and assassinations; even children could carry a knife and swear to avenge their fallen parents.
Those like Wen Qing were watched most of all – she led one of the Supervision Offices that everyone had so hated, and she did nothing to stop them; she was indifferent to evil, and to Nie Mingjue that was very nearly the same as evil. It was only that the war had been officially ended that held back his hand; if they had still been at war, he would have executed her without so much as blinking an eye.
Still, Wen Qing had told Wen Ning that she was pleased with their current situation. A true prisoner of war camp, however strict, meant that they would be kept safe from all those who sought personal revenge, and Wen Ning couldn’t help but agree that the trade was worthwhile. The Jin had all but sold opportunities to those who wanted to get in a kick at their fallen bodies, just to say they’d been involved in the Sunshot Campaign; the Nie sect had those types of people, too, glaring and hateful, but the Sect Leader’s military discipline made them too afraid to do anything more than raise angry voices – and what were angry voices, compared to angry hands?
After all, if they’d come even a few shichen later – if Nie Mingjue hadn’t already known where the Wens were being kept, due to his position as sect leader, and been able to fly there on his sword at full speed – it would have been too late for him. Wen Ning didn’t even recall exactly what had happened, but two of them had been beating him and the chief inspector hadn’t stopped them, only told them to be sure to throw his body over the cliff when they were done with him…
“No, of course not,” Nie Huaisang said, pretending to be busy by his side. He had no skill at medicine, but it was a way to spend his time that his brother approved of and wouldn’t interrupt, so he came as often as he could. “He hates the idea, thinks it’s rotten to the core – like we’re all a bunch of sheep, needing a shepherd. No, he’s just saying it to annoy and distract Jin Guangshan. Besides, imagine if they made the position inheritable; that would make me the next one, and wouldn’t that be terrible for everyone?”
“The children young enough not to remember may join the Nie sect as guest disciples, if they wish,” Nie Mingjue said, his tone brooking no argument. “The adults will remain as they are.”
Wen Qing crossed her arms. “There aren’t many cultivators left among us, and it’s fine for all of those - they’d be happy to take up a life farming,” she said. “But those of us who are already on the path of cultivation should not be stymied –”
“You mean your brother, Wen Ning.” Nie Mingjue had some natural sympathy for her position, due to having his own weak-willed younger brother, but not very much. “No. In the end, he’s a Wen; we will not raise snakes to bite us later.”
“What wrong can you put on my brother’s shoulders beyond his surname?” she challenged. “What evil does he have?”
“Indifference to evil –”
“He was hardly indifferent!” she snapped, pushed beyond her limits. “I told him to do nothing, me, and yet he wouldn’t listen, time and time again. He kept Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng hidden after the destruction of the Lotus Pier, smuggled the latter out, even carried him out on his own back, and if that wasn’t enough, he collected what he could of the Jiang masters’ ashes for them – later, when Wei Wuxian asked me for help, he even –!”
She suddenly seemed to realize she’d said too much and shut her mouth.
Nie Mingjue looked at her thoughtfully. “You’ve already said this much,” he said. “There’s no point in stopping now. What did Wei Wuxian ask you to do?”
“Shh, don’t tell anyone I’m here,” Nie Huaisang said, gesturing for Wen Ning to join him in the closet where he was hiding.
Wen Ning, still a little uncomfortable in his new Nie robes, confusedly obeyed, even though he was still sweating from saber practice – he’d had to start over, alongside the children, but to his surprise he’d found that the straightforward brutality of the saber suited some secret resentful part hidden inside of him that wanted nothing more than to chop up everything he saw. “W-what’s going on? Why are we h-hiding? We’re in the Unclean Realm. What can harm us here?”
“Feelings,” Nie Huaisang said. “They’re the worst. My poor brother has to sit out there and listen to it directly, too – the burdens of being Sect Leader. I’m glad it’s not me.”
Wen Ning blinked. “Oh,” he said. “Are Wei-gongzi and Jiang-gongzi still fighting?”
“No, they’ve moved on to crying.”
“They were crying while they were fighting.”
“Yes, well, now they’ve moved to the just crying stage. There’s been lots of hugging, too; they stop for half a breath and then set each other off again, it’s awful. Can’t they be all manly and stoic like we Nie?”
Wen Ning gave Nie Huaisang a doubtful look.
“Well, me excluded, of course,” Nie Huaisang said with a laugh and a wave of his hand. “And anyway, even I only like crying when it’s going to get me something. Or out of something!”
Wen Ning suddenly felt as if he understood much more about his new Sect Leader’s endless frustrations with his younger brother. “But why are you hiding?” he asked.  
“I have a reputation of avoiding work to maintain,” Nie Huaisang said, totally puzzlingly, but a few moments later there was a knock at the closet door.
“Huaisang, I know you’re in there. Get out of there and have an emergency,” Sect Leader Nie said. “Anything, as long as it requires my personal attention, and have it happen as soon as their sister, the young madam Jin, arrives – that’ll just set them all off again, especially as she’s pregnant.” A pause. “Do you think I can order Wen Qing to handle this as part of the terms of her parole?”
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Another thing about how rwby views trauma survivors reacting to their abuse or unfortunate background is that it frames the solution to healing is by serving in armed forces. Weiss and Blake joined Beacon to escape their abuser. Ren and Nora joined Beacon after the loss of their families. Winter joined the military to escape Jacques and I'm assuming will become the new Atlas general after Ironwood's death. The Huntsmen Academies are all framed as these safe havens (literally with Mistral) for anyone who can carry a weapon, meanwhile anyone who can't or doesn't want to join, or joins a group outside of the institution is depicted as bad.
To say that this is all muddied would be a huge understatement because even if we put aside the complicated message of, "Overcome your abuse by learning to punch back," at this point the combined huntsmen-military is no longer presented as a means of escape. Rather, between the rewriting of Winter's history – she has apparently been manipulated by Ironwood this whole time rather than choosing the military as a means of escaping her abuser – as well as the military aligned huntsmen – FNKI aren't heroes like RWBYJNOR anymore, willingly protecting their home, they're children who have been forced into this conflict – there's now this major divide between fighters-on-their-own and fighters-as-part-of-the-institution. We could even read this as extending to the huntsmen academies themselves, given that one has fallen, one was destroyed, and the other lost its figurehead. They used to be presented as havens for struggling individuals... now, not so much. The plot's message is not that heroes win by banding together through established structures that were designed to help those coming from bad circumstances (note how aware Ozpin is of these backstories: Qrow's bandit tribe, Blake's White Fang history, looking into Ruby's defense of the store, etc.), but rather you win by rag-tag individuals making decisions based on friendship.
Yet simultaneously, that divide is by no means neat and tidy (since plenty of stories have that latter message). As we've discussed elsewhere, RWBYJNOR is ingrained in these structures despite the story rejecting them. They got their initial training at Beacon (how many fans have argued that they learned enough there? That they're basically full-fledged huntsmen already? So, that school was pretty important, yeah?). They worked with Ironwood for months. They're using the prestige of their licenses to get people to listen to them. They're hijacking military equipment to give the world orders to prepare for an attack. Ruby became a general in all but title in that moment, in the same way that Weiss became the Remnant equivalent of a cop when she tried to arrest her father. Volumes 6-8 suddenly wanted to send an anti-military message without considering the context of their story (what does a military mean in a world where unambiguously evil monsters attack, as opposed to a world where these "monsters" are minorities?) and they failed to separate the heroes from the structures they so passionately reject. You cannot have the group stand in opposition to Ironwood and everything he represents while also encouraging the audience to oohh and ahhh at Jaune whipping out his huntsmen license to lead a group of civilians to safety. The supposed cruelty of the former and supposed heroism of the latter are meant to exist simultaneously, despite the contradiction. We went from the message that huntsmen academies, including Atlas', are a haven from abuse, poverty, etc. but now, suddenly, certain types of escapes are no longer morally sound. So just ignore how many of the heroes took the "wrong" path.
And then on top of all of that we have Rhodes. RWBY is pushing the individualism message hard nowadays – that a group of friends is better than a general and his soldiers just ignore that Ruby is their leader and they all follow her orders – yet it's Rhodes' individuality that is criticized in Cinder's flashback. He, as a single person, tries to take on the complex situation of helping an abused child and he failed. The fandom's reaction to his efforts is pretty telling because most kept falling back on structural solutions: "Why didn't he just call CPS? Why didn't he get her admitted early like Ruby? Why didn't he approach some superior to fix all this?" Most fans seemed to grudgingly acknowledge that kidnapping Cinder and raising this traumatized kid on the road while hunting grimm was... not the best idea, so they turned to the very things they've rejected in Ruby's part of the story: laws that people have to follow, schools with an hierarchy that can serve as support, someone above you whose orders you follow and whose seniority can help you in a tough situation. In Cinder's flashback people wanted Remnant to have structural solutions because, clearly, leaving one flawed man to fix this situation on his own didn't turn out so well. They (and the writers) just don't want Ruby to have to obey those same structures because Ruby is the title hero they've grown to love over eight years. We feel like we know Ruby and we assume that if Ruby is in charge she'd totally make the best decision. But Rhodes? He's a stranger, someone we see for less than ten minutes, so his flaws are far easier to home in on. Few are willing to acknowledge that Ruby is Rhodes on a much larger scale, trying things because she wants to help, but ultimately doing far more harm because she's incredibly inexperienced and is just running on her own, individual ideas, not any of the structures in place that are meant to deal with such crises. Rhodes' "Idk what else to do, so I guess I'll teach a tortured kid how to defend herself and hope for the best" is Ruby's "Idk what else to do, so I guess I'll drop Atlas on Mantle, leave with the Relics, move everyone to Vacuo, and hope for the best." The primary difference is that while Rhodes is punished through his death and the narrative makes it clear that this was the wrong choice (Cinder murders everyone and becomes a villain), whereas Ruby's screwups are continually framed as heroic. And that's because the show can't make up its mind about this structural vs. individual approach. Do huntsmen need to be held responsible for their actions, or do they need complete freedom to do the right thing with the belief that anything that goes wrong was completely out of their hands (Yangs' take)? Well, that depends entirely on which huntsmen we're talking about. RWBY's idea that some people are intrinsically good and others intrinsically bad means that the writing – and the fandom – can demand rogue huntsmen be held accountable while simultaneously cheering the group running away from arrest; curse Clover for following orders while simultaneously gushing over how loyal the group is to Ruby; condemn lies that Ozpin gives while simultaneously justifying the ones Ruby gives, etc. RWBY has no clear message, just the insistence that whatever our heroes does is good. The path they've taken, learning to fight to escape horrific situation is a good thing. The path Rhodes laid out, teaching Cinder to fight to escape a horrific situation, is a bad thing. It comes down to the characters, not the situation.
Finally, yeah, there's a complete lack of acknowledgment that either option – structural or individual – alienates those who don't know how to fight. This is seen most clearly in Whitley who asks why he'd want to be a huntsmen when he can afford an army, yet when armies are painted as unquestionably bad, the story won't admit that this leaves Whitley stranded. He had no way to escape his abuse like Winter and Weiss did. He had no way to defend himself when Weiss shoved a weapon in his face. The story never had to grapple with where it's left characters who can't fight and who shouldn't make the evil choice of relying on soldiers because Whitley unexpectedly got on Weiss' good side and gained her protection. It doesn't matter anymore because Whitley is a Good Guy now who the group will take care of. But if he'd continued to disagree? Gone to his room instead of calling Klein? If, in the future, he does something that annoys his sisters and they decide to ignore him like they did before? Well, Whitley is screwed. In a world besieged by grimm – with attacks growing with each volume – he wanted to rely on an army to help solve these problems. But then that was said to be wrong, the general died, and the army, far as we can tell, was left behind to die as well. So what's left? Rely on the huntsmen. Just hope that there are enough (there aren't), that you get a good one (not a Lionheart, or a Raven, or a Cardin, or a Dudley, or...), and that the good ones care enough to bother protecting you. Even if the story hadn't gone out of its way to show how terribly flawed individual huntsmen are – from Lionheart's devastating betrayal to Qrow teaming up with Tyrian – from a practical perspective it's just not enough. Volume 8 showed without a doubt that in a war like this, one built on a witch's ability to summon endless grimm, an army is necessary. Salem would have been into Atlas in a second without those soldiers holding her forces back. Yang, Jaune, and Ren wouldn't have gotten to the whale without that army. Yet the story never acknowledges this, instead pretending like the few individuals we see – the limited numbers the characters keep admitting are horrendously limited – could have somehow saved the day without that assistance. Everything we're seeing nowadays – which characters can use these institutions to escape abuse, which can lie to help the war, which should rely on structures as opposed to their own ideas and physical power – is a mess of inconsistent, often contradictory messages.
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henbased · 3 years
all the asks from miscellaneous for jude :3
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
Nope! Not really. There's the initial like, icky icky gross blah after being splattered with it, but she gets over it real quick.
82. What is their handwriting like?
In college Jude was a sorority girl. She wrote with big loopy bubble letters that’ve stuck around throughout the years, remnants of that cutesy style still very evident. It's neat, but not overly so. Small but spread out.
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
Yes! Growing up she went to the beach and the lake a lot; growing up in Philly, she was close enough to both bodies of water. She’s a good swimmer, having learned as a toddler for safety reasons. Getting blackout out by a lake in highschool/college was one of her favorite activities. Nowadays she prefers to just fish.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
Wrath lmao she's so mean. Second would be either sloth or envy! She doesn’t like trying too hard (she took the cop job because it was easy), and she compares herself to other’s a lot and it brews resentment for them (it’s very noticeable with Joseph, and if you want me to elaborate on that lmk 👀)
85. Do they believe in ghosts?
I think she did, once upon a time, but with the loss of both her parents she doesn't really like to think of it. On one hand, if ghosts do exists, she'd hate for her folks to be lingering. On the other hand, if they don't exist, the idea that she truly is alone is terrifying. Best not to think about it.
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
THIS QUESTION was the hard one. I hate this question.
Her and her mom used to go all out for Holidays, especially after Jude’s father died. It was Their Thing. The death of her mother put a sour taste in her mouth for holidays, the way grief does. Joseph tried to do holidays in the bunker but it just caused arguments. Idk how Jude will handle it nowadays! She’s had time to confront her grief and it’s more like an old friend now. She can think of her mother without it suffocating her, so I feel like she might start taking strides to actually celebrate holidays.
She ain’t gettin’ Joseph a gift tho fuck him. 
87. What is something they regret?
Not listening to Joseph like all the Seeds said she should? Everything leading up to ending up in that bunker? The guilt of what her ignorance and pride caused nearly killed her in that bunker, and facing it all again is like a cruel punishment.
Instead of reflecting, she just ignores it. Can’t regret something you’re not thinking about, right?
88. Do they have an accent?
Yes, actually! Jude's from Philadelphia, went to school in North Carolina. It's not too thick, but distinctly east coast that sticks out like a sore thumb in Montana.
89. What is their D&D alignment?
She’s a selfish, true neutral baby. 
90. Are they right or left handed?
91. If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be?
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92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
I haven’t written much of official dialogue yet, but the first words she says to Joseph after waking up in the past is telling him to get out of her apartment.
I also dig what she says to Joseph: “You’d sacrifice the world and it’s people to satisfy your own Greed.”
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ask-ivory · 5 years
RWBY Random Rant #2!
What villain is the best? (Cinder vs Roman)
Second rant everyone! This one may be a bit longer than the first, so if you don't have time but find this interesting, then I suggest reading this later. If you have infinite time on your hands and your board, then this might help depending on your interests. So let's jump into today's rant!
So, the world of Remnant is a big place. There, you'll find friendly people, weird people, mean people, and people who are just flat out crazy. But today, we're looking at a certain group of people: Villains. Now before we jump in to the blender of craziness, this post is an analysis that can be used for predictions and plot lines. I may be wrong, but I'm writing this off of what I know.
Anyways... Let's start with the basic question, What IS a villain? A villain (or for the more technical term: antagonist) is a character who is trying to stop the hero (or protagonist) from accomplishing his or her goal. Either this, or they're trying to get something and the hero is trying to stop them because what the villain wants is wrong. This is the loosest definition, so you can imagine that this goes way deeper than you think.
There are some things that you need to ask and have answered before you confirm who is the villain in a story. Some of which includes the following:
Who is this guy? (Basic background)
Why is he or she interested in this scenario? (Could this benefit to their cause?)
Why are they doing this? (If so, then why?)
So if we take this and try and apply it to the "villain" we can tell if this is a VILLAIN. Another important thing to note is the quality of the character. What sort of events cause the villain to act like this, and why?
Well, when we're talking RWBY, then villains come in different shapes and sizes. Some villains are immature, and others have experienced enough pain and defeat to know exactly what will work to achieve their goal and/or stop the hero. Then you have the peeps in the middle who aren't as overwhelming as the big baddie, but have enough common sense to know what's going on, what needs to be done, and why they're doing it.
So I'mma gonna start at the bottom of the rainbow and work my way up to the best colors. I'll also be rating these characters on a scale of one to ten. I won't do everyone. Let's start with the entire fandom's LEAST favorite character.
Cinder Fall
Stars: 0/10
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Now if I was a writer for the show, I think the most interesting thing that could happen to Cinder is if she just dropped dead. That's how bad she. Literally. Now, what makes her so disgusting? There are two answers.
She did horrible things. Like hacking the communication towers (With help from Watts, of course), making the people at the Vytal Festival Tournament doubt the leaders of Vale, and, to top it off, KILLED Pyrrah and Ozpin.
But these are the actions a normal villain would do, so what really makes her Terrible? The second answer has the reason.
2. She's a poorly written character with a lack of depth are perception.
I have no idea what made the writers want to make Cinder a hated character, but whatever did worked really well. Honestly, it's like Roosterteeth did the opposite of what Disney did to Cinderella. But when I say she lacks depth, I mean there is nothing that makes her character any good. She's also one of the biggest mysteries in the show, and I don't mean that in a good way. Here are some of the questions that I often ask about her:
Why does she want power?
Does she want to rule the world?
Why does she wear an outfit that's guaranteed to help her freeze to death?
Does she want to kill Salem?
Why doesn't she learn from her mistakes?
Well, after some examination, I found out something shocking. She is just a plot device. She may talk and act evil, but in reality, she's just there so that the characters have something to worry about. She has nothing that makes her good, or relatable. To add to that, she's like the Grimm, all she does is attack and kill and if she loses, she DOESN'T reflect on her actions, and she DOESN'T try to fix her mistakes. She just goes back into the fight with the same strategy as before. If the main protagonists studied Cinder's basic movement, then they would be able to take her down, no doubt.
Can Cinder be saved? The answer is no. I bet that, judging from the road she's going down, her strategy will be her ultimate end.
Hazel Rainheart
(I may have spelled his name wrong. Sorry.😁)
Stars: 2/10 ☆☆
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Now Hazel is a bit more interesting. Unlike Cinder, he has a reason he's on the side he is now, but like everyone, he has his flaws. He lets his anger get the better of him, and he's quick to judge. But the real reason why he's not so good is because of his reasoning. His sister died on a training mission because SHE chose to become a huntress. But Hazel takes all of his anger out on Oscar and Ozpin just because he (Ozpin) was the headmaster of Beacon, and let her into the school in the first place.
And I gotta say, this reasoning is understandable, but it's still dumb.
But there is something that makes Hazel a huge threat to the heros: his semblance of pain nullification. This gives him the ability to block out pain. And I kinda get where it comes from.
When his sister died, he was broken. She was probably the only family Hazel had, and when she was killed, he wanted to block out the emptiness, the grief, the pain. Thus his semblance was unlocked and he could no longer feel pain. This ability is probably how his aura charges up so quickly. If pain can block aura from charging, then he has the tools to be a force to be reckoned with. The only downside is that just because he can't feel pain doesn't mean that he's not hurt.
Can Hazel be saved? Maybe. But if he goes on a redemption arch, then he will probably die. But that doesn't mean that he's a lost cause. There's still plenty of things that can be added to Hazel's character to make it better. But at the present, he could be better.
Adam Taurus
Stars 2/10 ☆☆
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This character is relatively horrible. In fact, he's worse than Hazel!
But the thing is, he's like Hazel in a special way: he has a tragic past. Certain events that wreck a kid's childhood can scar them for life. Adam was discriminated for his faunus traits, and this set him on a path of revenge that would be his bitter end.
He was a threat, but small compared to the real one. His semblance made him very dangerous, but it also makes sense. To be more specific, his semblance is, what I like to call, absorption of impact (or for the EruptionFang version, moon slice). This gives him the ability to absorb any damage done by the enemy into his blade, then release it back at a more powerful rate. This can cause devastating damage to both the enemy and the environment. As for why he had this semblance is pretty basic once you think about it.
Adam desired to get back at those who mistreated him. He wanted them to feel his pain, but a lot more extreme. He wanted them to feel what he felt, but worse.
Adam had a lot of potential, but, well when you get stabbed in the back, it's not easy to get back at your enemies. Over all in terms of writing, the thing that would've made him better was a better understanding of what he went through.
Tyrian Callows
Stars 4/10 ☆☆☆☆
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If Adam wasn't crazy enough for you, then Tyrian's your go to guy.
I think that Tyrian is insane enough to join Salem, but has enough sense to know how to kill. He's kinda tough to figure out, but thanks to some much needed information in Volume 7, we now know a bit about Tyrian's past.
Tyrian was a mad man killer on the continent of Anima but was captured. He was then rescued by Salem and her Grimm. Since he's mad he owed his life to her ever since.
He's mad, so there's no bad excuse. And to add to that, he is flat down dangerous. His semblance is the ability to cut through aura, making him a hard to beat.
Can Tyrian be saved? Not really. The only way to kill him is for someone to fall victim to him while another strikes the killing blow.
Doctor Aurthor Watts
Stars: 5/10 ☆☆☆☆☆
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Alright. Here we go!
Watts is very interesting. That's saying alot. Now that we have more information on him, it's easier to see why he wants to screwer Ironwood.
He was an Atlasian scientist who went against Pietro in the effort to make something great for Atlas. While Watts helped write the Atlas security code, Pietro found that the best inspiration is found inside. That was were Penny was created. Watts was disgraced and faked his death. Then Salem found him and he joined her group to get both revenge on Ironwood and respect from Atlas. Though he is clearly unaware of what Salem's true plans are.
He is a wiz when it comes to technology. Besides that, I believe he has some experience with combat. His semblance could have something to do with technology, but we're still figuring that out.
Can Watts be saved? Writing wise, maybe we can get more details about Watts in the final episodes. He's not a lost cause when it comes being a more interesting villain.
Story wise though? He's a dead man.
Stars: 6/10 ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Yes, I didn't save her for until the end.😼
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Now from the writer's point of view, Salem's backstory has been completely fleshed out. It's pretty complicated so I won't go into details. But from that alone, Salem's actons make sense. As a prisoner of life, she yearns to be free. She wants to die. And she believes that the only way to do this is to divide humanity and summon the gods in there darkest hour. Then the gods destroy the world and Salem is free. She doesn't care about the people she is hurting. She hates humanity and wants to destroy everything. But above all, she wants to get permanent revenge on her ex Ozma (or Ozpin or Oscar). She wants him to die and stay dead when millennia ago she made great sacrifices to try bringing him back from the dead.
Now she has nothing to show for it except endless years of war, hatred, and suffering. There is some relation that one can have with Salem. If anyone who is reading this tried to do something for someone you cared about, but got nothing to show for it in return, then that's what Salem would be feeling. And this has caused her to spiral into madness. She is the purest definition of crazy.
Can Salem be saved? It depends at this point. Story wise, most likely not.
Emerald and Mercury!
Stars for them both 7/10 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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These two are going to be paired in honor of their beloved ship: Emercury.
Both characters have tragic pasts, so that gives them some common ground, but both are looking for something different. Emerald is looking for love, the one thing that she never had in her entire life. Mercury is looking for a purpose in life, a way to make himself Worthy of greatness. He claims that Cinder recruiting him was just destiny.
Both of these peeps are incredibly good at what they do. Both can fight better than the members of team CFVY.
Emerald's semblance is Perception manipulation, which makes perfect sense in her case. In a very special case, her semblance is similar to Adam's. She wants others to see what she sees, Emerald wants people to see how alone she is, and just how much she needs family. Her semblance is an incarnation of her desire. And she uses it to make people see what she wants them to see.
Mercury's semblance is currently unknown at this time. But we do know that his semblance was stolen by his father. After killing him, Mercury probably got his semblance back, but lives under the illusion that it's still gone.
Mercury grew up in an abusive household, under the guard of a murderer. He was tortured everyday by his father.
Emerald grew up on the streets.
Basically, these characters are well written, and both have great potential as well. There's even some hope of a redemption Arch for these two, and possibly some romance.
Can Emerald and Mercury be saved? Writing wise, yes. More trauma and info can definitely help. Story wise? Hopefully, yes.
Roman Torchwick
Stars: 9/10 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Time for the classics!
This charming young schemer has been the first character in the actual show. Fans everywhere love him, and will often mark him as the best villain. Honestly, I have nothing against it. But for the sake of this post, let's break down this lovely character and examine his awesomeness.
Roman's origin is currently unknown, but maybe we'll get some light cast on it with Neo's backstory as well. Many believe that he is somehow connected to Brunswick Farms, and it's still a possibility that has yet to be ruled out.
Roman is a good fighter and a master mind behind the underground crime rings of Vale. By himself, he is a relatively good fighter. Though his semblance has yet to be determined, he has his own Roman candle.
Another aspect of this character that won the hearts of fans is his charming personality. I mean, who can blame him? Though his death was sudden, and unfair, his handsome face will live on in the hearts of many.
Neo Politan
Stars: 10/10⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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The star of the show, folks!
Neo made her big enterence in Volume 2 episode 4 Painting the Town, and ever since has been one of the most popular characters in the entire show. If you break down Neo's character based on what we know, then it's actually really interesting. Let's scoop ice cream!
Neo's backstory is unknown, but we're hoping to have some light shed on the subject. Based off of the song "One Thing", we can tell that Neo's backstory is tragic in some way. She lost everything except for Roman. And she is willing to fight to protect Roman from the death. How do I know?
Her semblance is called illusions by many, but Unicorn of War calls it Mirrors, which I think is the most accurate. Her semblance gives her the ability to reflect her opponent's attacks upon themselves, and she can change her appearance right down to her hair and eye color.
What does any of this have to do with protecting Roman? She will use Any means necessary to protect what little she has left, and to her, that one thing is enough. She Will change her identity as many times as possible, and she often gets away with it. But she is so fierce in protecting that during a fight, any pain that the enemy can dish out to her dumdum would make her determined to kick her opponent's butt. She would give them a taste of their own medicine and literally reflect their attacks upon themselves.
She is a reflection of protection. And like that reflection she represents, she says not a word, but shows people how exactly they can hurt the one she loves.
After Roman's death, Neo Politan is determined to reflect her loves justice upon the true enemies. If you can't face yourself, then you can't face Neo.
So, there you have it, villains everywhere.
Be sure to reblog if you found this interesting!
If you have questions, then ask away!😁
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kemonododo · 4 years
Decided to rewatch the whole series after seeing the finale, here's my thoughts as they come along part 2
This fight between Catra and Adora is where it all comes to a head. Adora begging Catra to follow her, Catra begging her to stay. Catra denying Adora the satisfaction of saving her, then pulling herself out of the portal as a corrupted monster. Adora seeing her true friends put their trust in her, then immediately see a horrific monster in the form of her love take their place. Catra lets everything out here, how she hates Adora's hero complex and how she blames Adora for everything. It's just so raw.
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Of course, the best part is the punch. Adora is no longer going to take Catra's hate, she is done. In her own words, she made her choice and she has to live with it. That final death glare is everything. This is the lowest point Catradora will ever face, and it takes Catra proving that she is willing to change for Adora to see the good in her again.
Angella's sacrifice hits a lot harder now that we know she's dead for good, something about the "trapped between portals stuff" convinced me she wasn't when I first saw this. She died still believing her husband was dead, and the last true conversation she had with Glimmer was an argument. Hug your mom kids, you never know when you'll have that opportunity again.
This finale has a lot of parallels to the series finale, especially with Adora being convinced her destiny means she needs to be a martyr. That's Shadow Weaver talking through her, something we see in full force in season 5. While Angella here stops her from sacrificing herself, she still has that warped view of what her destiny is, and it takes Catra to finally show her the real way.
That spin is when I started shipping Glimbow.
This final speech by Queen Glimmer is another great example of how the show hides sinister meanings behind normal dialog. Any other show and we'd be cheering when Glimmer focuses on defeating the Horde, but we know the blind devotion to that goal has so many consequences in waiting.
Both Catra and Glimmer look great in their new clothes, it's a fantastic way to show how much they've grown.
The Valley of the Lost is another one of those great more episodic episodes, it's still connected to the whole story but we also get to take a little break and enjoy some a new local with a Star Wars feel with fun antics with Perfuma, Huntara, and Double Trouble. I wasn't sure about DT when I first heard about them, seemed too late to add a new major character, but they're an absolute blast and help give season 4 it's own identity.
Catra's nightmares are just the start of this season's take on her character, this is where we really dive into how unhappy her actions are making her.
Mayor of Elberon got the biggest glow up of the show
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I love how, just, done Adora is with Catra. No more playful teasing, Adora is here to defeat Catra and save the town, nothing else.
Double Trouble is a really fun character, but I'll be the first to admit they aren't good representation. It's bad enough they're the "only nonhumans can be non-binary" architype, but also that they're a creepy masculine trans person who pretends to be a cute girl to get on people's good sides... Yikes. It's a genuine complaint, and one of those criticsms you just have to accept.
We finally get to see some character for Spinnerella and Netossa! They're relationship is one of the big keystones of the season 5 conflict, so it's really important that we had this episode to get to know their chemistry.
Oh Shadow Weaver, how I love you. She's decided Catra and Adora don't have anything left to give her anymore, so she's switched to the vulnerable and easily manipulated new orphaned queen. Glimmer's one track mind on defeating the Horde makes her an ideal target, and Shadow Weaver is again successful in bending a child to her will.
The Glimmer and Catra fight! Glimmer's arc parallels Catra's, especially in this season. Of course she never falls as far as Catra, but I do love that we get just a taste of how this war can sour even the cute sparkle girl.
This final moment with Catra and Double Trouble, amazing. Catra has been mowing through friends, she's already pushed away all the genuine ones, and she's realizing that it sucks to be with people who aren't.
Best way to set up a sympathetic villain, give them a girlfriend lol. Light Hope is tragic, her programming tells her to protect and serve She-Ra, but also to follow her directive. It's something that conflicts in her psyche, and is another strong-suit of this show and it's masterfully written villains.
Princess Scorpia is one of the best episode of the series. Sure the Glimmer drama is nice, but Scorpia... Wow. The remnant of genocide raised in the most toxic place on the planet is the most kind, loving, loyal person to have ever lived. And yet she still chooses to leave. Catra was her crush, someone she saw herself with and promised to be by forever, but even she knows when there isn't anything left she can do. It's a wonderful message and a fantastic episode for one of the best characters in the show.
Mer-Mysteries is actually really well crafted, up until this point all the funny joke episodes have been self contained, but here that's subverted. It's shocking to see Mermista joking around throughout the episode only for it to end with her in utter shock and fear at seeing her home destroyed. Plus the reveal of Double Trouble is great.
Neither Hordak nor Angella was fully invested in winning the war in the first two seasons. It's a good way to escalate tension, as now the Horde's victories make a lot of sense because Hordak is suddenly extremely motivated to win thanks to Horde Prime. It makes the war the first season made such a big deal out of seem paultry in comparison to the slaughter we see now.
I love Sea Hawk so much, he's genuinely funny and endearing.
Bow singing to himself may be one of the most depressing moments is the show. This whole arc of Glimmer and Adora falling out is mostly set-up for Glimmer's choice to activate the heart alone, but it's still really well done and something I really enjoy watching. Something about two friends blowing up at each other, ripping each other apart while the third is left in the ruins is just the angst I can't resist. Catra realizing winning the war isn't giving her the closure she craves and finding out about Scorpia leaving is also a perfect parallel.
Mara is revealed to be a hero all along, what Light Hope painted as a crazed lunatic turned out to be a woman who saved the universe from her own people. It's a beautiful message, and the emotional attachment we feel with her and Razz causes the tears to well up again for what feels like the hundredth time.
The three cadets are great this season, not only do they get some time to shine but they also show how Catra's tyrannical rule is hurting the soldiers beneath her.
I love the moment where Glimmer pulls out the queen card. It's culmination of her arc since the second season, she is finally letting her hatred of the Horde consume her. That shot, the slow piano as it zooms in on her backlit by the fire. Probably one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
This episode is a monster on my heart, the juxtaposition of Scorpia finally finding the support and kindness she deserves while Catra is suffering the consequences of her own actions. That one shot, a Catra smiling at the news of winning the war only to zoom out at a destroyed room where she collapses on the floor choking on her own tears is a masterpiece.
Even Beast Island gets a glow up
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Beast Island is beautifully Eldritch. A place that sucks away your fortitude and will until you're absorbed into it like a digesting stomach. The show does have a lot of moments where it really messes with the character's heads and I love it.
When the signal begins to take over, Bow feeling like he failed Glimmer, Micah realizing his wife is dead, Adora giving into her insecurities, Entrapta being overcome by the betrayal she's faced, all their eyes going gray and dead. It's emotional and terrifying, something this show excels at.
Shadow Weaver spends so much time manipulating children you'd think she'd have it down to a science, but it doesn't seem to ever work out for her in the end, does it?
Entrapta is a great character because every time she exposits she just sounds so enthusiastic, even when she's revealing terrifying truths, like how Adora's "noble destiny" is to exist as the universe's most dangerous gun.
I love how Double Trouble only had to tell Catra that She-Ra wasn't at Brightmoon, their scenes with Hordak and Catra was just for the drama. We got a great fight and Catra finally getting vibe checked, so I have to say DT well done. Their methods are cruel, but hearing someone say to her face that it's her fault people leave her, mixed with the dissatisfaction of winning while alone is the catalyst for Catra's redemption.
Light Hope is revealed to be the one who stole away Adora, the one who forced her destiny on her. Horde Prime may have been the final big bad, but Light Hope was the one responsible for everything. And Adora breaks the sword, ending her destiny as the First One's intended and saving Light Hope from her programming.
What an ominous ending! Hordak, the big bad from season 1, is left a squabbling mess defeated in seconds, and we are faced with a huge and terrifying new universe with seemingly no hope of going against. The stakes are the highest they've ever been, and even already knowing what happened it makes me excited for what comes next.
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fiixerupper · 3 years
gamer note headcanons
i saw a funny video and it made me think of Light, so thank my friend for rambling w me about these dorks as gamers, because now this AU exists. ironically light has the least hcs despite this AU happening cuz i thought of him
no Death Note in this ofc, its probs just a more casual and normal setting
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- Plays LoL
- I mean
- Do I really have to say more
- Fr tho he played an online game and got killed by L and definitely flipped when he went "gg"
- Lowkey judging you for your choice of games
- I feel like he's the dude fighting in forums about lore or your builds/strats
- So perfect-like irl but online is a whole other story
- Ban-trigger-happy mod yeah I said it, he is SERIOUS about the rules of a server he moderates
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- Stays up late often if he's invested in a game, sometimes he won't realize how many hours have flown by until a bit of sunlight sneaks through his blinds and hits him in the morning
- I can see him having multiple screens + Monster cans stacked somewhere
- I'm sorry but there's definitely remnants of some snack he just had on his desk or pants
- Voice chat with him is hell because all you hear is him. eating. all. the. time.
- Idk but I think him saving up a ton of in-game currency to get his fav in a gacha game (COUGHcookierunkingdomCOUGH) is cute
- He's a p silent streamer imo, I can't see him really doing much commentary
- Besides maybe when he dies in a multiplayer game and he reads some stuff from chat
- I can see him playing horror games, esp stuff like Friday the 13th, Outlast, Dead By Daylight, and Pacify
- Freezes in silence for a moment when he gets scared before moving on casually
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- I feel like she'd have a cute setup (maybe something like this?)
- Plays The Sims 4 with all kinds of mods for outfits and her house
- And you better believe she has the cutest Animal Crossing house
- And Houseflipper home
- She just LOVES getting to decorate in games honestly, doesn't matter what game it is if she can make it have a bit of that Misa Misa aesthetic she goes for it
- Is it a surprise that she has simps if she streams .
- They are v jealous of Light
- Sometimes she'll talk to him during stream as he's off-screen or he'll be in the background but the camera is like cut off from his upper body
- She def shouts out Light if he also does streaming, girl's gotta support her man after all
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- Oh good lord he can't be trusted in choice-based games
- He is legally obligated to pick the rudest/most violent options
- Doesn't save characters that could easily be saved
- "It's just me, myself, and this gun I found last chapter" is smth he said once when chat begged him to choose a pacifist/nice option just ONCE PLS MELLO
- V chaotic in streams, I can see him being the kind to rage a lot
- If Matt or Near play smth w him it immediately becomes a competition, at the very least to him
- Even if they're supposed to be working together .
- Tbh it does help them sometimes if he rushes to get an item or soemthing first that they actually need to progress
- Is v cocky about his skills in fighting games, cuz Matt taught him all the combos and shit
- Ofc Matt still beats him cuz...c'mon, you can't beat the master
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- Not to meme him to start his hcs off but this dude is definitely a Minecraft player and has roped everyone into playing Among Us at least once .
- I can see him doing casual Stardew gameplay sometimes
- Speedruns almost everything he plays though
- If you play smth like Minecraft w him don't be surprised when he already has diamonds within like...the first hour of playing
- Builds his own PC definitely
- Definitely has a collection of old consoles and games
- Idk why but I can see him loving classic Sonic tbh
- Introduced Near to video games when he was playing Pokémon on the Gameboy I'm calling it
- He has the skills and setup to be that toxic player but tbh I can see him being helpful and nice to ppl that are new to a certain game
- Ofc he will also destroy you in anything vs him but that's just part of the learning process he swears
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- Def has a lot of figurines and plushes of his fav video game characters
- Puzzle games are def his favorite
- Chuzzle esp
- Has he named Pokémon after ppl he knows?
- Yeah def, and Misa is not happy to have a Jynx named after her
- Has the habit of staying up late gaming like L, though Mello usually slams the door open to his room and yell at him to go to bed (he's aggressive but he's still an older brother to him in a way after all)
- Probs plays Animal Crossing as well tbh, and has the Kiddie series somewhere in his home)
- Says random lore facts about a game or character sometimes
- I feel like he's a fan of handheld consoles more, I can imagine him out in public just sitting somewhere playing on his 3DS or smth
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