#also DW your typing is fine!
toxifoxx · 10 months
I'm new at asking asks so uh um sorry if I'm typing weird anyways wanna explain your au or something or just talk about random facts about your fnaf au? Been staring at your version of william and Henry and just admiring it and wanna know stuff about the sillies ye.
hello anon, thank you very much for the question! :D
to preface this i'll say i do have a few different AUs that all kind of vaguely exist in my mind but i'll presume you wanna hear about my main AU. i like to describe it as "fnaf lore if it didn't suck", i try to stick to canon by keeping major events mostly the same so if you already know fnaf lore you won't be too confused at my AU. i also like to focus more on the tragedy aspects of the lore, so in my writing there's a lot of focus on characters and their emotions, particularly william because i like to psychoanalyze him. but i also want to give more depth to the characters in general and put some spotlight on the missing kids since like… they are barely treated as important in canon and that's kind of sad
putting the rest under the cut cause this post got pretty long (talks about AU features, and a lot about henry and william)
i actually do have a breakdown of some of the key features of my AU! -less sci-fi, more paranormal like old fnaf -willry canon for shits and giggles (past tense)(they are like a divorced couple) -semi-good dad william (until the horrors) -more complex character dynamics, personalities, etc. -relationships expanded upon -more focus on the tragedy aspect -a mildly comprehensive timeline! -transgenderism (william is trans bc i believe it in my heart to be true) -ends at fnaf 6/pizza sim! (UCN is more of like, an epilogue)
if you're curious about my william and henry, i try to base them mostly off the novels! (though novel lore is irrelevant here, since i follow game canon instead, it's still a good basis for their personalities)
so, william is "the normal one", mostly running the business side of things but still a talented inventor and a great entertainer as well. he's silly, he's goofy, he's charming, and he loves the kids! and he loves his family more than anything, even though he's not the most amazing parent! so naturally no one would suspect him to be a murderer. cause underneath all that he's very selfish, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals. when CC died he kind of snapped, killing charlie on impulse (but discovering animatronic posession later after observing fredbear and the puppet behaving strangely) thus starting the whole remnant thing. remnant exists still but its more just like a concept than a physical, tangible thing; it's the part of the soul that cannot move on.
and henry is the artist, the recluse who prefers to remain out of the public eye and always seems to be off in another world. he doesn't like talking with people much but i imagine he's very passionate about fredbear's and feels more confident whilst performing as fredbear (like how william does with springbonnie). he's a better dad than william but that's not a super high bar to beat and he unintentionally kind of neglects his kids a lot. which is why the security puppet exists, to keep them safe (didn't quite work. RIP!) i think him and william are actually more similar than either of them would care to admit. henry is a selfish man who'd do anything to achieve his goals too, which is why the murders are covered up and fazbear entertainment keeps going. and also why fnaf 6 happens.
more about charlie's death. it puts a strain on henry and william's relationship, but henry also doesn't want to believe that his partner did it. but i think somewhere in the back of his mind, he absolutely knows. they stick together for a while, but after the missing children's incident henry completely kicks william out of the company. william almost gets convicted, but he's let off since cops couldn't find evidence (henry almost does too but is also let off). and after that william decides to lay low for a while and fuck off to somewhere else. what does he do? shrugs. sister location would happen a while after this and so on and so forth. i could elaborate more if you have any more specific questions!
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deadghosy · 7 months
Mommy long legs reader or slender man reader x Hazbin hotel 🌚🌝
prompt: a faceless creature of the height of 10’5 (or 7’9 idk I got two different heights from safari lol) came to hell to serve one final purpose…get a damn job.
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Two words, scary tall…
So say your height was 10’5…
Okay so I can see Charlie being scared staring at you as you just sit like a nice gentleman as your body doesn’t fit the whole seat… (y’know what, let’s go with 7’9…) you told Charlie you use to be a leader before you somehow came to this wrenched place
Charlie felt bad and gave you a job here so yon can stay. But she was confused when you said “somehow”’ as if you didn’t die as a Human…WAIT A MINUTE..DID YOU JUST TALK WITHOUT A MOU-
Lucifer looked up at you and was like….“What in the fucking nine circles…” and you two became friends because of how Lucifer put accessories on you like a Christmas tree
Y’know how people make slenderman wear reading glasses sometimes? That’s you. 😭 with your blind ass LMAOO (I also wear glasses dw…) But I can see you wear the glasses and residents be so confused because…you don’t have eyes for Christ out loud-
“Fuck you wearin' glasses for?” Husk said to you once as he caught you even reading a book…now he was more confused. “I’m reading…” “…..okay..” husk was so done with this buffoonery as you had no mouth and eyes. But yet you could still read, see, and fuckin talk? Yeah he must be drunk as hell itself…
You treat niffty just like how fanon slenderman treats Sally. That’s how I headcannon it.
I headcannon you to be the fanon version of slenderman rather the cannon version. Cause you being the fanon version is just sweet considering the chaos that can happen in the hotel and how you treat niffty.
I can see people thinking you are a new overlord as you had a stern aura around yourself as you had a proper straight walk as you held a high chin not showing any weaknesses.
“Woah….did you see that sinner get lit in flames…” “yeah I did.” It got so quiet so quick as angel gave you a confused face as you just stood there. 😭 Angel couldn’t tell if you were being fr or being a smartass
You were just sleeping on the couch, dead ass like a passed out beer dad after watching football. And fat nuggets sat in your lap sleeping. Then angel came and slept by you, then husk, then niffty, AND THEN EVERYONE JOINED 😭 big ass family cuddle💗💗🦆
You deadass could be the bodyguard of the hotel as you could escort a sinner who is trying to be an ass to the staff and you’re just like, “YEET!” And boom they are thrown away
You and Alastor definitely bond the most as you two got black tentacles. It’s just for Alastor it’s based on his powers when he uses his magic. But for you, it’s just your appearance as you use them to pierce your enemies. But mostly you use them when you are too bored to pick up objects with your hands
BIGGG headcannon that when slenderman do that static thingy, for you it clouds their vision and hearing as you make them pass out. Either to death or just to knock them out.
Lol I can imagine the whole creepypasta mansion going crazy while you drink tea like “this is fine” as you are in some other universe- 😭 crossover type shit
Like Drowned Ben is spam texting your phone like, “slender. slender. Help. Slendy. Octopus. Father. Help help.. help JeFF STABBED ME!”
And your tall ass is just sleeping as everything is going soooo peaceful in the hotel.
While we are at that, EJ definitely was using a book to try and to summon you with sally behind him hugging her teddy to see you again. Meanwhile Jeff was chasing Ben as he goes through a tv to hide from Jeff.
I imagine people in the hotel would hug you except for Alastor as he hates touch. But the people would dead ass hug you as one of your tentacles hold them.
You picked up angel, niffty , Charlie and Vaggie with your four tentacles as you read a book. It was a funny but cute sight as Charlie was like “:p” while the others had a cartoony ass expression or a blank one which is definitely Vaggie and husk
Adam and Lute definitely glanced at each other confused at what the fuck you were as you didn’t have a demonic or angelic aura. But you had some type of power in you. It was weird asf as you just stood there like “🧍🏾am I ugly?” They just kept staring at you
I can see you having the same expression as the picture above when you met pentious as you and Alastor was having tea just chilling with the hellish weather.
“Do you know that guy?” “I have no idea who that pest is my dear friend.” Alastor says with his usual smile as he hands you a cookie.
Just straight up tea times with Alastor is so peaceful as Alastor was kinda suspicious when you didn’t say anything if he ate a cannibalism meal. But I mean…slenderman! Reader is use to people being a cannibal.
The vees are definitely intrigued with who the hell you are and how powerful are you as you were the talk of pentagram city when you first came.
I headcannon a sinner tried to cut off your tentacles only to be grabbed by one of them and slammed to the ground. You just stood there and let static ring loudly in their head to the point it exploded.
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bitchfitch · 3 days
My mother's bf had a fairly major surgery (he's fine and recovering well DW) and he's going to be housebound for his birthday this year, so I've been enlisted to come up with a fancy birthday meal for the special birthday boy that's primarily fruit and veg, sweeter than savory, and is something he's never had before.
Bc I'm making watermelington. It's beef Wellington, but watermelon. bc my mom only found out recently you can use watermelon as a tuna substitute. And I know that you can substitute most higher quality beef cuts with tuna or salmon.... usually. Anyways the idea fascinates her so I'm hoping to use that for bonus points.
Now he's off his ass on pain killers so I can't like. Ask him if he's ever had something before. so to meet my brief I've decided to just. commit a novel hate crime against the British I guess.
Anyways. I'm writing this because I need to walk myself through this process and think it'll be surreal enough to be worth taking y'all along for.
So, Beef Wellington. In its most basic bitch arrangement is a beef tenderloin wrapped in prosciutto/really thin bacon, with a layer of mushroom and onion mush, that has been further wrapped in mustard slathered puff pastry.
We will be ship of Theseusing this. bc beef Wellington is like. the opposite of what he wants. Which is why it's funny.
Puff pastry-> it's still just puff pastry
this one doesn't have to change (aka I can't be fucked to do pastry prep and I'm just gonna use store bought it's Fine.)
the prosciutto is also just going to be prosciutto.
Thin meat
Beef tenderloin-> watermelon,
Tbh this is a pretty 1 to 1 substitution. I'll bake the slices at like. 250-300 for an hour or so ahead of the rest of prep to dry it out a bit. bc you can't like. Sear watermelon to seal in the water like you can beef. By definition it's a very wet fruit (like me when I fall into the lake). Ill Add salt and chili and lime juice while baking maybe. this is the easy part
The mushroom mush-> salsa done bad style
As the word mush implies, this is meant to be a very soft mix. It adds a lot of nuttiness to the wellington that rounds out all of the salt from the meats. I'm replacing it with white person salsa(the birthday boy can't handle spice). Tomato, lime juice, parsley, avocado, cucumber, feta, and maybe mango so I can have an excuse to have a lil mango treat. I said I wasn't making it spicy. I'm still putting a bit of chili in it. bc it'll be better like that. This is also a ridiculously wet bit of mush, Even the original mushrooms have too much water. I'll figure something out.
Mustard -> jelly
He lives in a big city. those preserve sections are massive. I'll find a weird one. maybe apricot.
We're in the mind palace kitchen, I have not attempted any of this. We're just thinking real hard about it and I'll edit as needed on the day and post results.
The watermelon
Preheat oven to eh. 300f? We want low and slow to dry things out without it taking a year. but idk what his oven is like. If it's gentle I'll bump it up another ten-twenty.
Slather some watermelon slices in salt chili powder and lime juice mixture.
bake for 30 min on a wire rack or directly on the oven racks (after cleaning thoroughly) if he doesn't have a wire rack. with a drip try underneath to catch the drippage. check frequently. Have one slice that's for being poked to see if it's approaching being meat. Bake longer if needed.
Salsa bad style
chop everything up and add it to a pan with some oil in it. Tbh I don't think the type of oil you use for cooking matters if you're not like, getting near any smoke points. Most people can't tell the difference unless you made your food bland as hell.
Anyways there's some wildly different moisture contents on the list so there has to be an Order to cook off as much water as possible without getting yucky.
Tomatoes and cucumbers go in together with some salt to get the cucs softening, then the mango chunks and lime juice. Once most of the water is gone the avocado feta and parsley can go in. There is a good amount of water in avocados but they're delicate and don't pan fry well, so we're just going to ignore their water crimes and hope for the best. They just need to be evenly mixed through the rest of the mush.
Putting it together
lay out the puff pastry, cut into sections to wrap each watermelon slice individually with.
Slather in jam
Take the prosciutto and lay it out on half of each section of the pastry,
spoon the salsa onto that
Another layer of salsa
another layer of thin meat
Fold the pastry over the top and pinch the edges bc watermelon slices are not a rollable shape and I don't want to carve a watermelon into a tube for this because that sounds irritating.
Brush with egg wash and more parsley
Cook in oven following the pastry's preferred temp and time. it's fucking watermelon, you're not getting ecoli from it.
watermelington :)
I'm serving it with baked sweet potatoes and spinach based salad with whatever toppings are left over from making the salsa.
anyways thank you for joing me on this thought experiment. I will post updates once the deed is done. I'm sorry to every British person ever.
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yawujin · 4 months
request | how the v3 boys would react to an S/O that stares
type | react , established relationship , light hearted , fluff , gender neutral reader.
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shuichi saihara ♡
he would be the type to ask if you're okay
he thought you just zoned out
you would usually find yourself staring at him or something on him
and just start daydreaming
"i'm alright!" you'd insist
he 's just checking
finds it endearing
rantaro amami ♡
he would notice your staring
and then just gently bring his hand up to your shoulder and rub it a lil
"you're in your head again" he would say
nooo you really just like looking at him and it happens to turn into staring
"maybe..." you sigh
his arms wrap around you slowly and bring you into his chest for a hug
he doesn't mind that you stare
as long as it's you, it's fine
K1B0/kiibo ♡
he would mirror your expression
he finds it pretty interesting
he also really likes your big eyes
it's something he usually doesn't see
unless he looks at his reflection lol
"see, i have big eyes too!"
he'd show you a mechanic that makes his eyes glow
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he's also the type to stare so he doesn't mind you doing it
he just has narrow eyes as opposed to having bigger ones
he finds you absolutely beautiful
he imagines your eyes as a window to your soul that he enjoys looking into
'and what a beautiful soul that is' he would think to himself
he admires you a lot, so he would stare right back
kaito momota ♡
swears up and down he can see the moon and stars reflecting in your eyes everytime you two go out at night
when he notices you staring at the nightsky, he'd smile
"it's almost as beautiful as you, right?"
he's a goofball
one day, someone had said: "what's wrong (Y/N)? you look as though you've seen a ghost."
"WHAT?" kaito grabs ahold of you in a panic
gonta gokuhara ♡
"is (Y/N) alright?"
you reassure gonta multiple times that that's just how you look
he just wants to check up on you
just like a true gentleman would
over time he understands
definitely gets a little flustered when you stare at him
dw gonta there's nothing on your face
he feels at ease whenever you two go out and watch all the bugs just doing their thing
"bug almost as cute as (Y/N)"
ryoma hoshi ♡
indifferent at first, just as he is to a lot of other things
"you need something?"
you tell him that it's just how you look
he understands
soon after he plans a date with you
you go to a cat cafe to watch the adorable little creatures play all afternoon
whenever he notices you staring at him, he asks you to lean down
you do so and he gives you a kiss on the cheek
other times though, he slides his beanie down to his forehead
looking away from you, totally embarrassed!
he's cute
kokichi ouma ♡
"hey what'cha staring at? heyheyhey"
tries to get your attention on him
however whenever you do stare at him
he's like:
"(Y/N) come onnnn! stop it you're making me self-concious!!!"
that's a lie btw (he secretly loves it)
whenever your eyes are on him he acts out even more to get you to notice him
he sees your neutral expression as you being bored (even when you are not)
so he wants to do everything he can to get you to think he's super interesting!
before getting together he always wondered if it was working
but now he has his answer ;)
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listofwhyyouloveher · 4 months
wha if the greasers gf got their inital on their nails??
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Summary: The Outsiders react to you getting their initials on your nails
Warnings: none
Author's Note: sorry I've been posting slow, I have around 26 asks and I'm trying 😭😭😭
Pony's the type of guy to freak the fuck out when he sees your nails because he's excited
He's not going to tell you to get his initials on your nails but he definitely thought about it
He always knows when you get your nails done so he always comes to see them
He finds them so pretty and the fancy lettering of the PC has him on his kneeeess
Johnny really likes when you get your nails done because you give the head massages
You've definitely gotten his favorite color on your nails and he loves when you get personalized stuff
the thought of idea of his initials on your nails never crossed his mind until he saw it on you
Hes so excited that you would openly wear his initials and asks you to do it every time if possible
Soda really likes your nails when you get them done because they look so elegant and ties your look together
He often tries to pay for them when he has the money because he loves to spoil you.
Because of this you often ask him what you should get for your nails and he jokingly says his initials
Hes surprised you did it because he thought you might be embarrassed about it or something but he's so grateful for you
Like Sodapop, he finds your nails to be extremely attractive and loves when you get them done.
Likes them simple and long with rounded tips because he doesn't want them to “take away from the beauty of your face”
Is absolutely stunned when you get his initials and he thinks it's an amazing display of affection
Tells you that if he had known you were getting his initials on your nails he would've stepped up and paid for it
Two loves when you express your creativity through your nails, he adores the big y2k nails and the gyaru nails
Like when you draw shapes into his skin with your nails because it makes him feel tingly
Immediately noticed when you put the initials on because he likes to go to your appointments with you
hes so happy, clapping with excitement and paying for it even if you tell him not to
Darry likes your nails being done because you like them being done, he also thinks it makes you look sophisticated
He never really cared for it and never makes a scene if you get a new color or something
However when he sees the small DC on your new set he's beaming with excitement
Gives you tons of forehead kisses and totally grossed out Pony and Soda by telling you that he loves you so much.
Dallas likes when you get your nails done because he thinks it makes you look sexy, especially when it's a deep red
Like Darry, he won't make a scene about it but he'll definitely notice when you get a new set
Dallas noticed when you got your nails done but he couldn't read the fine lettering so he sat down next to you and grabbed your hand to examine it
He smiled and teasingly asked you who DW is and if he'd have to fight him for getting with his girl.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
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He’s the type to rarely say “I love you” because of his past (spoilers ahead!)
I feel like his family would’ve said things like “This is for your own good!” and “Dw we love you a lot<3” and “It won’t hurt, i promise”—which were, of course, all empty promises
so Obanai wouldn’t see much in the use of words; finding them worthless in ways of affection
If his S/O said “I love you”
he would say, “prove it.” every time, just to make sure that it was true
he shows affection in gifts, devotion, touch, etc, but words? sorry, he doesn’t know how to make them function
at one point, his s/o would wonder if he truly loved them bc he never said it—it’d go something like:
“Are you sure you love me?”
—Obanai nodded, his bandages unraveling as he tugged on them, letting them sit on his shoulders.
“You never tell me that you do.”
—“I… do,” Obanai murmured. He pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, to your neck, your cheek.
“Can you just say it? ‘I love you’?”
“Do you not?”
—“I do,” he insisted, “I do.” His hands cupped your face, he pulled you closer, pressing a fleeting kiss to your lips.
“I want to hear you say it… Please?”
—“I…” He hesitated. Fine. “I love you. I do. Okay? Better?”
“I love you too.”
—He nuzzled into your neck, closing his eyes. He hummed in response.
Sooo not very verbal in affection :3
also he’s bad at it since he can never find positive words for himself, never believing words he hears others say about himself if they’re good
so he can’t think of any that he could say and come across meaning a thousand times more than he can put into words
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snowsonlylove · 7 months
hii!! i commented about making a fic of coryo w or about the song haunted by beyonce, i was thinking maybe something smut if ur comfortable! if not its okay but the fic could be academy!coriolanus x academy!reader and theyre school rivals both working hard to beat each other and theyre obsessed with each other but they hide it with the fact they wanna win but they j wanna fuck (or get together) maybe theyre both possessive and jealous or coryo is the one thats really extra with it,, the story could go rlly slow too and then theres just a part where the facade and tension goes away and theyre needing each other so badly at that moment rushing everything, just like how the song goes idk if i made any sense :o im so excited to see the result!! this song just gives me coriolanus vibes
You Must Be Haunting Me..
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a/n note: hii!! yes, i loved your idea and i mostly stayed with your vision, only changing some minor things so the situation makes sense and dw i managed to deliver 🫡 hopefully you like it!! tysm for your idea and i look forward to seeing if there are some things you want to expand on (maybe with little blurbs on this dynamic bc i absolutely LOVE this trope!) & i'm totally comfortable with smut so dw about sending me kinky asks or requests. i totally accept them!!
Pairing: Academy!Coriolanus Snow x AcademyRival!Reader
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N and Coriolanus Snow have been academic rivals ever since the beginning of their journey in the Academy. It’s no secret that both Y/N and Coriolanus are the two top students of the Academy, both of them only being able to beat each other, the rest are just no competition for them. However, they genuinely have no idea why they're doing this constant battle against each other. Little did they know, both of them always think about each other behind closed doors and are obsessed with each other, each equally impressed at the other at how intelligent they are. One day, things just boil over with how Coriolanus constantly riles Y/N up and they explode in a huge fight which results in a turmoil of deep, rough and passionate sex. 
Fic Type: Smut (NSFW) 18+, Enemies to Lovers trope, dramatic behaviour from both of them, a wee bit of angst (mostly derived from the name-calling but in my head this is more funny than it is angsty 😭😭😭)
Warnings: unprotected sex (don’t do this guys, use a condom. reader is on birth control), rough pushing, harsh words used from both Y/N and Coriolanus, degradation (use of whore), cunnilingus (female receiving), squirting, lmk if i missed anything else
Word Count: 2k
I do not own Coriolanus Snow or Y/N Y/L/N (cuz it’s you, boo). All credits go to Suzanne Collins and her team. Song credits also go to Beyonce and her team. 
I do not allow my works to be republished or translated under any circumstances. Any instances of this happening and YOU WILL BE BLOCKEDDD. 
Also, ageless and empty blogs will be BLOCKED as this is a 18+ fic. Report my fics and you’re blocked cuz if u don’t like it, LEAVEEEE.
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Y/N Y/L/N and Coriolanus Snow began this disastrous journey from the age of 11-12. Both students entered the Academy with an air of poise and elitism about them as they knew what it took to defeat the competition in the Academy, most students not even being a possible candidate to them. It was all fine and well, until one year, Y/N and Coriolanus were put in the same class for the year, and the rivalry then started..
The first assignment of that year was an individual project on what each student thought the Capitol looked like during its earliest times. Each student was tasked with coming up with a drawing with their thoughts on said topic. This was their chance to go up against each other. Both Y/N and Coriolanus would stay up in the library after school and collect piles of books and do their research and by the time the task was due, Y/N and Coriolanus obviously submitted the best sketches.
After acknowledging this, the professor asked the class to vote for who’s sketch was the best. Small pieces of paper were given out to write either Y/N’s and Coriolanus’s names and as the professor then collected the papers, making both students anxious. As the professor counted the votes, Y/N’s heart was beating out of her chest, Coriolanus’s as well. It was then announced that Y/N won, which made Coriolanus furious as he spewed a full speech on how much he hated her. “You’d never be as good as what they say you are. You’re just dirt under my feet. God! You’re such a bitch!” He screamed as the professor and the class started at him in astonishment as they’ve never seen him lash out before.
Y/N was heartbroken when she heard this as sometimes when Coriolanus wasn’t looking, Y/N would sneak glances towards him and she started to be enamoured by him. Their time together after hours in the library would usually end up in them having conversations about their day and this time together helped them bond better. With this in mind, Y/N truly thought Coriolanus was at least civil enough to be respectful towards her. Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes as she ran out of the classroom, the professor telling her to wait.
Coriolanus, still blind with rage, kept on screaming and yelling obscenities about Y/N as he stormed off to his seat, his face red and his whole demeanour fueling with rage. Unfortunately, this fateful day was what started the vicious rivalry between Y/N and Coriolanus as the two would fight over who got the better grades, which teacher favoured which student more, the differences in their scores in each assignment every single day.
As of current, both Y/N and Coriolanus are 18 and in the midst of graduating. One of their last assignments was unfortunately a pair assignment. Dr Gaul once scoped out the Academy and witnessed one of the fights between Y/N and Coriolanus and she noticed how by getting them near each other, she could make them into the power couple of Panem and have them continue the Hunger Games, which inspired her to whisper in the ear of Dean Highbottom to get them to be in the same class and for them to share a table together until they graduated. Both Y/N and Coriolanus were very unhappy about this, both choosing to ignore each other while they were in their seats. 
With both of them getting older, both Y/N and Coriolanus started noticing certain things about them. Coriolanus noticed how Y/N’s facial features were more prominent, how her ass got bigger, her breasts more plump, making him unable to control a certain urge at times which led him to mastrubate thinking about her sometimes. Y/N also noticed a few things about Coriolanus. How he started to grow muscles, how they cling to his academy uniform whenever he took off his academy jacket, how his jaw was sharper, how his nose was becoming more emphasised, how he lost his baby fat. She can honestly go forever and forever about how attractive he is.
That being said, there was one particular day where everything just blew over the water. Y/N and Coriolanus were taking notes during Dean Highbottom’s lecture when Y/N felt Coriolanus’s elbow dig into her arms whenever they got to writing. This obviously made Y/N frustrated as she harshly whispered to Coriolanus to stop a few times, which led to a hushed debate between the two before it grew louder and louder until they were screaming at each other, making the whole class look at them and Dean Highbottom staring at them in shock before yelling for them to stop and stay after class for detention.
Both Y/N and Coriolanus felt embarrassed as they were lectured by Dean Highbottom after class before an assistant of Dean Highbottom requested him to join Dr Gaul for a meeting about the Hunger Games. Dean Highbottom sighed as he looked at the two young teenagers, “Look.. I feel that you two are now old enough to know what is acceptable behaviour in class. I’ll be back soon, do not kill each other while I’m gone.” As Highbottom left the classroom, the tense atmosphere began to build as the door closed behind him.
Almost immediately after he left, Y/N and Coriolanus stared at each other with the most hateful expression ever. Y/N menacingly glared at him while saying with gritted teeth, “See, Coriolanus! If you’re long ass elbow didn’t fucking dig in my arm every single time, that old fart wouldn’t lecture us for one fucking hour! My god, you’re truly dumb!” Coriolanus glared at her before stating, “It’s not my fucking fault that happened with you were taking over the whole goddamn table with your arms everywhere! Geez, Y/N! I thought you’d be more modest!”
Y/N looked at him, shocked, “ME?!! You’re blaming ME for something YOU did! That is so fucking misogynistic coming from you, a man! I swear to god, this is discrimination towards women at its core! Grow the fuck up, Coriolanus! We’re not children anymore! God! I’d be spending my time with Sejanus right now if it weren’t for your stubborn ass!” Y/N huffed while rolling her eyes. Coriolanus stared at her, his face full of jealousy before gritting out, “Sejanus? What the fuck are you doing with Sejanus?! You’re such a fucking whore! Ugh, you’re such a bitch!” Y/N looked at him, offended, “Bitch, weren’t you just fucking Clemensia a few weeks ago? Yeah, I heard about that! Everyone was practically talking about it! Don’t pretend to be so innocent, Coriolanus!”
Coriolanus looked at her, his expression turned dark as he stalked towards her, her taking a step back until her back had hit the wall. Coriolanus leaned towards her, lifting one of his arms to go above her, bringing the other hand towards her chin and lifting it. At this point, the height difference became very apparent as her head was tipped far back, her still glaring at him. “Are you baiting me, Y/N? You talk so much for someone who just fucked Felix Ravinstill of all people a few days ago..” Y/N continued to glare up at him, “At least I had the decency to keep it in my pants longer than you! God, I hate you!” Coriolanus looked taken aback as he muttered while leaning in to cup her cheeks, her face wiggling to be let out of his grip, “Well, I hate you too, sweetheart…” 
Coriolanus leaned in as he captured Y/N’s lips with his, their mouths fighting for dominance as they kissed each other as if they needed each other to breathe. The previous tension broke into a more sensual type of tension as Coriolanus wrapped his hands around her hair ravenously while Y/N’s hand made friends with the back of his neck. One of Coriolanus’s hands found its way to Y/N’s waist as he dragged her away from the wall, pushing her towards a nearby desk before propping her up on the desk and spreading her legs, allowing him to be closer to her, not once breaking their kiss. Y/N broke their kiss as she moved her lips to Coriolanus’s neck and trailed them down his Adam’s apple while taking off his blazer and unbuttoning his shirt, Coriolanus doing the same to her.
As they undressed each other, they continued to slide their tongues against each other, the sound echoing around the classroom. They managed to undress each other down to them both only wearing underwear before Coriolanus kneeled down so that he was face to face with the apex of her thighs. Coriolanus leaned in and captured his teeth to her underwear as he slowly pulled it down, revealing her aching, dripping pussy. Coriolanus licked his lips as he roughly shoved two fingers in her cavern as he curled his fingers in and out her folds, creating a beautiful sensation as he found her G-spot with no difficulty.
Y/N moaned as she threw her head back and slid her hands down to Coriolanus’s hair and tugged on it while pulling him closer to her heat. “Oh my gosh.. Coryo, it feels so good…” As he kept pumping his fingers in and out of her, he suddenly attached his lips onto her clit as he sucked on her clit and pumped his fingers harder, each movement feeling more and more intense for Y/N. He kept on going as he curled his fingers one final time, which made Y/N yell out as she squirted and covered his fingers with her wetness.
Y/N sighed in satisfaction as she helped Coriolanus up and gave him a deep, passionate kiss while tugging down his underwear and hooking her legs on the bottom of his back, Coriolanus leaned in closer as he aligned his erection with her heat, tapping his dick on her clit a few times before pushing his hardness in her heat. He only pushed in half of it when Y/N suddenly exclaimed, “Coryo, it’s too much! I can’t take all of it!” 
Coriolanus leaned down so his forehead was laying against hers before whispering in a comforting tone, “It will fit, Y/N. Trust me, trust me..” He closed his eyes as he leaned in to capture her lips with his as he pushed in slower this time, now being able to fill her pussy with his cock to the point where their hips were against each other. Coriolanus groaned as he slowly pulled out before thrusting in again, “Fuck, Y/N… You’re so good. Such a good girl..” 
Y/N moaned at hearing him praise her as he started to thrust his dick in faster, each time harder and rougher than the last. The room started to echo with the sound of her moaning, his groaning and the sound of skin slapping. Y/N closed her eyes as she moaned, her mouth forming an “O” shape as she threw her head back once more and arched her back, needing to feel closer to him. Coriolanus wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her in closer and kissed his way all around her neck, leaving furious red hickeys which would soon turn purple.
The pace in which he was fucking her got rougher each time he would thrust his aching hard dick into her dripping pussy, the slapping sound really turning them on and his balls slapped to her ass, their moans becoming louder and louder each time. The furious force in which he was fucking her started to reach a boiling point as Coriolanus moaned, “Ugh.. I’m fucking cumming, Y/N. Oh.. You’re such a good girl. Such a tight and wet pussy..” 
“Ohh.. Coriolanus… So good, so deep… I’m gonna come, gonna come.. OH MY GODD!!” Y/N screamed as she came. Coriolanus groaned as he came inside her, sighing as he tried to bask in the afterglow of his orgasm, holding Y/N tight against his chest in the process. Y/N left kisses and hickeys around his neck as she looked up at him with a dazed but satisfied expression and kissed his lips however, this time the kiss shared between them wasn’t one full of hate, it was one full of love.
As they pulled away from each other and started to get dressed, Coriolanus faced Y/N and said, “You know, if you wanted to fuck me, you could’ve said so.” He said with a smirk. Y/N turned to look at him, acting shocked as she huffed in feign frustration, “Oh shut up, Coriolanus!” She smacked his chest as both of them gave each other a silly grin before hurling in laughter.
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Let the Light In |2|
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter Two: Alamort
Summary: You've been struggling to sleep the past few weeks, a late friend of yours not leaving your mind, and on top of that you get stuck with Tara for a group project
Warning(s): Swearing, mentions of death, grief, and underage drinking
Notes: Was able to put some Sam appreciation in this chapter cause I love her sm, also I would like to clarify that in this au ghostface will not be making a return so dw worry about our girl Anika
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After a long day of work and school, you were absolutely exhausted. You needed to change before you passed out on the floor. Once you were clad in your pajamas, you collapsed onto your bed, practically melting at the feeling of your pillow against your face. You fell asleep moments later, but it was nothing to enjoy.
Your right leg bounced as you impatiently stared at your phone. You were biting your nails to the bone when your younger brother let out an aggravated huff. “Staring at your phone isn’t doing anything. You’re just making the wait feel longer,” he told you as he took the seat beside you.
You anxiously rubbed your hand up and down your thigh. “He said he’d call as soon as he took care of everything. That was fuckin' forever ago!” you snapped, getting up from where you sat. You knew what this possibly meant, but couldn’t bear to say it. 
“Fighting a serial killer isn’t a five minute type of thing. I’m sure he’s fine,” you brother tried to reassure you, but you were already pacing back and forth as terrible things flooded your mind. 
Just earlier, Dewey called you and explained he was headed to the hospital to handle a Ghostface issue. He also said that if he got back, the first thing he would do is call you. If? Surely he knew you were smart enough to detect that ‘if’ he snuck in. The whole way over to the hospital, he talked to you and your little brother over the phone. The whole conversation gave a gnawing feeling in your stomach. It sounded like he was saying his last goodbyes. You didn’t even have a chance to reply when he told you, “I love you, kid,” before he hung up the phone.
You were planning on going to the hospital yourself. No way was that going to be the last words Dewey would tell you, not if you could do anything about it. Especially not after the way you left things. But your brother refused, blocking the door off when you got up to leave. He didn’t want you going down the same path family have gone down in the past. 
You found out an hour later. You froze for a good minute when you heard the first responder speak. A part of you knew what was in store when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. After snapping out of it, you looked at your brother—there was no time for wallowing. You grabbed him and rushed down to the hospital. You thought you were numb before, but you had no idea what numbness was until you saw Dewey’s lifeless, blood stained, body being covered by a black tarp. 
I should’ve been there… I should’ve been there…
From the corner of your eye, you saw how your brother's eyes never pulled from the tarp that covered Dewey before he broke out into sobs. You immediately wrapped an arm around him as he sobbed into your shoulder.
As numbness enveloped you, you thought back to just an hour ago; Dewey was being gutted in cold blood while you were safe and sound in his trailer. 
You should have been there.
You jolted awake, your head was throbbing, and you were drenched in sweat. You quickly sat up, your breathing rapid, while you rubbed your eyes. Your eyes then frantically looked around your dark surroundings; you were no longer in Woodsboro. You were in New York, inside your apartment, sitting on your bed. 
You have been having the same dream—well, nightmare, for the last few weeks. It was the same one you had even months after Dewey passed, but they weren’t as consistent come June. At least, that’s what you thought. Your mind was refusing to let you forget that wretched day, the day you just sat around as the man you looked up to as a father was taken from you.
You were drained. As a result of being met with the same horrible memory each night for the past couple weeks, you were getting at most two hours of sleep a night. As the anniversary of Dewey’s death inched closer, your nightmares worsened. 
Now it was 5 a.m, and there was still much time to pass before class began. You showered to wash off all the sweat from tossing and turning, and by the time you finished getting ready, it was only 6 a.m. You spent the rest of your morning watching sitcoms while enjoying a bowl of cereal at the front of the television.
You eventually left, off to your first class of the day. You loved history class, but unfortunately, your desk mate didn’t take the class as seriously. 
No matter how many seats were vacant that day, Tara always chose to sit beside you. You knew she was doing it solely to piss you off. The other day you fell asleep during class and woke up with your shoelaces tied together. If you weren’t so tired, you would have countered with something like you would have in high school. You nearly smiled while thinking back to the pranks you pulled on each other.
Once you arrived at class, you sat down and immediately put your head down. You would have fallen asleep right then and there if it wasn’t for the loud thud by your head. You looked and saw that Tara slammed down one of her books before sitting down. 
The action made you lift your head while you rubbed your eyes. “And a good morning to you, Carpenter,” you said in a tired, yet sarcastic, voice. You were still rubbing your eyes, maybe you could rub away the exhaustion.
“You look like shit,” she remarked while putting down her bag.
“Hm? I zoned out—the stripes on that shirt are blinding.”
The rest of the class went on like that; Tara making comments and you returning them. It really wasn’t so different from Woodsboro, always picking fights and at each other’s throats. But if you had to be honest with yourself, you didn’t mind the distraction. It was nice. Tara Carpenter was good for something, not that you would ever tell her that. At least not without making her work for it. 
As you were writing something down, a crumpled up piece of paper hit the side of your face. You glanced over to scowl at Tara before opening up the paper.  
I need to copy your notes, read the note. This made you roll your eyes before looking at Tara again. She was looking up ahead, seemingly ignoring you. You looked back down at the paper, writing your reply. You threw it back to her before returning to your notebook.
Why can’t you just write them yourself? 
Tara exhaled with annoyance as she aggressively wrote again on the paper and chucked it at you. It hit your forehead, causing you to grumble as you read over the paper.
he talks way too fast I can barely understand what he’s saying!!!
You sighed, rubbing your temples. Your sleep deprivation was beginning to catch up. 
“After class,” you mumbled in defeat.
Tara smiled as she looked back ahead, but her victory was short lived as she started drowning in her own thoughts. 
Giving up so easily wasn’t like you at all, you usually gave up more of a fight. She had noticed your drained expression when she walked in… but she decided not to dwell on it. This was you after all. She has already established countless times how hard you are to read. 
Just enjoy the win, she told herself.
After you got through all your classes, you made it back to your apartment in one piece. You felt your eyelids grow heavier as you fumbled for your keys. You eventually inserted your key and unlocked the door to your apartment, barely feeling your legs as you walked inside with a foggy brain. You nearly knocked over a lamp on your way in. Anika was quick to notice this and rushed over to you.
“When was the last time you slept?”
You mumbled something she didn’t pick up before landing on the couch. You let out a long sigh, putting your hand over your eyes to block out the light directly above you. 
“This micro-sleeping crap you’ve been doing is clearly shit,” she said as she put a couple pillows behind you.
“I’m fine,” you murmured the blatant lie. 
She ignored this. “I’m gonna heat up some chicken soup,” she told you before going off to the kitchen. Anika has noticed how you have been growing more and more tired the last couple weeks. She was worried about her roommate but also knew you were too stubborn to ask or accept help. 
A few minutes later, Anika returned with a steaming bowl and some toast. Instead of sitting up and accepting the food she made you, you only whined. Anika narrowed her eyes at you before tossing a piece of toast at you. The glare you sent her didn’t faze her as she pushed the coffee table closer to you.
“You’re eating. No complaints. You can’t just live off of cereal and ramen.”
You reluctantly picked up the toast that hit your face, taking a tiny bite. “Whatever,” you mumbled between chewing. 
Anika just rolled her eyes and brought you a water bottle from the fridge, choosing not to argue any further. At least you were eating now.  Once you switched over to the soup, Anika sat down on the seat across from you. “What’s been going on with you? And don’t say ‘nothing’ because it’s obviously something.”
You stared at your soup, swirling the spoon around. “I don’t feel like talking about it,” you answered honestly.
Anika nodded in understanding. “That’s okay—just know that I’m here if you do feel like talking at some point,” she reassured. You subtly nod, still unable to look up from your soup. Anika accepted your response, getting up and walking to her room.
You stayed there for another hour or so, alone with your thoughts. Each one gnawed at you, screaming the same thing over and over again.
You should have been there.
It was another day in history class with Tara. She made a face at you for a comment you made, and just as she was about to say something back, the words ‘group project’ left the mouth of your professor. ‘Pair up in twos’ quickly followed. You gave each other a look before looking around and seeing everyone else already pairing away with someone. 
That was the story of how you ended up at the Carpenter-Bailey residence. You tried to approach your professor about working alone but he only shook his head and told you it was not an option. 
You sat down on their couch, your eyes curiously wandering, as you waited for Tara to return from whatever it was she was doing. She finally came back into view and you anxiously scrambled for your backpack. “Finally,” you said.
“Still as patient as ever.” She sat down a couple cushions over.
“Whatever. I just wanna get this over with.”
“Did you just slip the title of your sex tape?” she teased.
You gave her an unimpressed look, about to respond, but the front door to the apartment opening stopped you. You looked over to see Tara’s sister walking in with at least four bags that were full of what you assumed were groceries. 
Sam adjusted the bags in her arms, finally looking up to address her sister. She wasn’t expecting to also see you sitting on the couch; she opened her mouth to say something but the words escaped her when two of the bags slipped from her arms. Without thinking, you get up from your seat to help the other Carpenter. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Tara as she stares at the sight. 
Sam mumbled a ‘thank you’ after you both placed all the bags down on the coffee table.
“No problem,” you quietly said back. Your hands slipped themselves into your pockets. 
Sam cleared her throat as you made the short distance to your previous seat. “Tara, you didn’t tell me you were having someone over,” she said after turning to look at her little sister.
“It was last minute,” she replied. “We have a group project, and unfortunately, I somehow got stuck with her.”
Your head was down as you scribbled in your notebook, but you didn’t let your reserved demeanor stop you from commenting. “Bet you say that about every girl,” you sarcastically murmured. 
“I’d officially introduce you, but I heard you’ve already had the displeasure,” she continued.
“Yeah, we’ve briefly talked before. You can continue your project, but make sure your door stays open if you two move to your room—”
Tara’s eyes widened. “—Okay! Thank you, Sam! It’s—you don’t need to worry about that,” she exclaimed as she blushed.
You were now looking up from your notebook, blinking; your eyes shifted back and forth between the sisters. 
“I still want it open,” Sam insisted through Tara’s flustered demeanor; the older Carpenter had skepticism written on her face. 
“Okay, okay—I got it,” Tara quickly answered.
After finally dropping the topic, Sam left to store away the groceries she brought in. Just seconds later, you found yourself trying to fight an amused expression, leaving you with a downward smile.
“Shut up,” you heard Tara say beside you. 
“Didn’t say anything,” you replied before a chuckle escapes you. 
She elbowed you. “Let’s just start—unless you plan on flirting with my sister anymore,” she added with a bitter tone.
Her comment caught you off guard, etching a lost expression on your face. “What?”
Your clueless attitude only further annoyed her. “I wasn’t born yesterday; obviously you like her. She’s my sister, asshole, that’s so gross.” 
She thought you liked Sam. But why? Sure, you noticed how she was tall, beautiful, had a strong jawline, and her arms—wait, where was this going? Right, you were not romantically attracted to her.
“I don’t like your sister like that,” you told her but she refused to look at you. It seemed she found the pages of her textbook far more interesting.
“Can we just start? You were the one who wanted to get this over with.”
You two argued the entire time over ridiculous things while chucking notes at each other as you both would do during class. Tara grew bored after two hours, deciding to make it your problem. You were jotting something down when you heard the dramatic huff she let out. 
“Yes, princess?” you asked, still writing.
“How are you not the least bit tired or bored?” she whined whilst leaning back on the couch. 
You sighed before answering, “I’m always tired, but bored? It’s history. I’m not bored.”
“You always were such a history geek. What was that thing you always said? Learn by making history or something?”
You finally stopped writing, putting down your pencil, exhaling. “‘Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,’” you quoted with a matter-of-fact tone. You finally looked back at Tara to see the smirk she wore. 
She got just what she wanted.
Tara has always liked seeing you worked up, but specifically when it came to things you were passionate about. There were times she would even purposely miss quote a line from your favorite show or write with horrible grammar just to get a reaction from you.
You would scrunch your eyebrows and get all grumpy, you even wore a subtle frown she always made sure to look out for; you mainly reacted this way because you knew she solely did these things to tick you off. You wore the same expression now as you did then, this thought made Tara smile. 
“I can tell you’re enjoying this,” you state as you turn back to your writing.
“Oh, very much.” As you were turned away from the girl, focusing on whatever is you were writing, Tara stared at your side profile. She looked at the way your eyebrows were still slightly scrunched as you clenched your jaw in concentration.
“You’re not gonna get much done if all you do is stare at me,” you said without looking to meet her gaze.
This caught Tara off guard, causing her to falter a bit as she blinked at you. “Well—well, your face is dumb, and—and I’m going to the kitchen,” she stammered while lifting herself from her seat, nearly tripping over her foot as she did so. “Oh! And I’m not getting you anything,” she made sure to add before you could say anything. 
As she walked away, you called out to her. “That’ll show me!” 
It was now 10:30 p.m, you and Tara were almost done with the project. For once, you two agreed on something, and decided to finish it up another time and call it a night. 
You let out a tired sight, closing up your books before putting them in your bag. Sam walked into the living room, noticing you packing, when a thought occurred.
“I just ordered a pizza, and I was wondering if you would like to stay for dinner, Y/N,” she said, catching both you and Tara by surprise.
The unopened bottle of water that has been sitting near you for hours was quickly noted by Sam.
“She’s goo—” Tara began, but you cut her off.
“—Sure. If it’s not a bother to you.”
Oh, this was going to piss Tara off so much.
“Not at all,” Sam answered, ignoring Tara mumbling from her seat.
“Thank you,” you said with a small, but polite, smile.
As soon as Sam walked away, you were hit with a pillow. “Um, ouch?” you complained with sass.
“Cry my a fucking river—you’re just staying to piss me off!” she accused whilst glaring at you.
“Self-absorbed much?” you patronized, feigning an incredulous look.
You two stared at each other, narrowing your eyes at one another. She leaned in before saying, “You are insufferable.”
You let a couple seconds pass before leaning in yourself. Your faces were now just a few inches away as you said, “And you’re infuriating.”  
Then the doorbell rings, Tara shoves you back before running to answer it. Sam came out of her room just as Tara came back in with the box of pizza along with a plastic bag. You timidly followed behind them, arms at your side as you walked, before you sat down.
After five minutes of silence, Sam attempts to make conversation. “So, Y/N,” she began. 
You softly hummed, looking up from your hardly touched slice. 
“How’s college going?” she inquired.
“It’s… going,” you said before awkwardly clearing your throat. “Yeah.” You continued to pick at your slice’s crust.
She nodded, accepting your answer, before continuing. “You and Tara have history together, right?”
“Unfortunately,” Tara said before you could. 
“She’s a peach,” you snarked while giving the younger Carpenter a wry smile. 
Things quickly grew silent again. It was awkward… at least it was for Sam. You and Tara sending each other glares from across the table certainly wasn’t easing the tension. To be honest, Sam didn’t know how to cope. She knew you and Tara hated each other for reasons she still didn’t know, but she also knew you weren’t a terrible person who has been through… a lot. If you truly did something inhumanly horrible to Tara, her little sister wouldn’t keep you in her life. So, Sam knew she had to be the bigger person by being at least decent to you.
Your eyes fell to your watch before you spoke. “I should get going, it’s late,” you said while getting up from your chair, putting down your napkin as you did so. “Thank you so much for dinner, Sam.”
“Of course,” she replied and gave you a courtesy smile 
Tara turned to scold Sam the moment you left their apartment. “What the hell, Sam?!” she whined.
Sam pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes, as she sighed. “Tara—”
“—You seriously just welcomed the most insufferable person ever to dinner!” she huffed with a pout on her face
Sam rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “You’re such a baby sometimes, Tar,” Sam said before getting up to wrap up the leftovers. 
As she made her trip to the kitchen, this left Tara alone, pouting to herself. “I’m not a baby…” she mumbled to herself, both arms and legs crossed as she slumped in her chair. 
“She’s just an ass.”
“Where are you going?” your roommate asked as she watched you search for your keys.
Anika rolled her eyes at your curt response. “Obviously. But where? It’s a Saturday; you should be taking advantage of that, and try to get some sleep,” she told you.
“I’m fine. I had some coffee,” you found your keys on the kitchen counter and grabbed them, “Henry and I are just gonna hang out. You can come, if you want. You know Henry doesn’t mind.”
“No, it’s okay, I’m good. I have plans tonight,” she said. She knew there was no making you budge, no matter what she said. “But if anything happens, call, okay?”
“Mhm, ‘course,” you dismissively answered as you walked out the door.
It was meant to be a chill night with Henry, one that consisted of video games, food and drinks, at least according to Henry. When you walked in, his apartment was packed with bodies. The music was booming, you would be shocked if an eardrum didn’t burst, and everyone was either knocking into someone or something.
Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Nope! 
With one last shake of your head, you turned around, more than ready to leave, but a pair of hands gently turned you around. You now faced Henry, who could tell you were not at all pleased right now.
“Just hear me out!” he shouted over the booming music.
“How can I with this music blasting?!” You couldn’t even hear yourself think. Ugh, you just wanted to rip your ears off and curl up in a corner. “What happened to it just being us?!”
“Jason’s apartment flooded, I had to take over!” he defended. He saw you were still wearing a pissed off expression. “I’m sorry! This was a last minute thing—but I’ll make it up to you! Promise!”
Henry managed to convince you to stay by bribing you with Super Smash Bros and a quiet room for you to play it in. That’s how you ended up in his room, away from everyone else, as you played on his Nintendo.
You were in the middle of handing Link his ass when the door abruptly opened. You glanced up from your screen and saw Tara flipping someone off before turning to you. “Don’t,” was all she said as she shut the door; she then collapsed on the bed, not far away from your feet.
“Wasn’t gonna,” you said while looking back at the Nintendo.
“Just did,” she said in a muffled tone; she was laying face down.
“Long night already, princess?” you continued, ignoring her request.
She sat and held herself up by her arms. “Why do you care enough to ask?” She narrowed her eyes at you but you just gave her a small shrug before speaking again.
“I don’t… Curious is all.”
She crawled over to sit beside you, her back now leaned against the bed’s headboard. When she started to toy with her fingers, your eyes fell to her hands for a moment; the scar on her left hand didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“What?” she asked with agitation.
“Nothing,” you mumbled, fiddling with the buttons on the Nintendo in a lame attempt to hide your suddenly bashful demeanor.
Tara looked to the side, her face scrunching slightly, as if scolding her herself. “Um… Sam told me about what day’s coming up,” she cautiously began.
Her words made you freeze, your fingers stilling. If there was anyone who wouldn’t bring it up, you thought it would at least be her, that maybe your feud with the Carpenter would come in handy just this once. 
“If you, like, need anything or whatever, you can talk to me about it. I know not a lot of people have experienced what we have,” she said in an uncharacteristically sympathetic voice.
You couldn’t look at her, staring down at the device in your lap. You hated it when people tried to comfort you, when people pitied you in any way, shape or form. You despised feeling like a victim. 
“Can you stop?”
Your question made Tara confused as she furrowed her eyebrows. “Stop what?”
“Stop being so—nice to me. It’s weird, and unnatural. I don’t know how to feel,” you confessed.
“Would you prefer me to verbally harass you? ‘Cause I’ll gladly do so,” she said with seriousness in her voice. Here she was, trying to be remotely nice to you, and you of course had to be you.
“There’s my girl,” you teasingly said. You reached up and pinched her cheek, but she swatted your hand away with a chuckle.
“You’re an idiot,” she said.
“Seriously though, stop with all the cheesiness,” you continued; Tara scoffed at your insistence.
“It’s not my fault emotions make you uncomfortable,” she responded without hesitation. 
Now it was your turn to scoff. “That’s… not entirely true,” you said while slightly shaking your head.
Tara realized this was the most she was going to get out of you when it came to addressing anything she said before. She wasn’t going to get anything direct from you, not even a simple ‘okay,’ and that was fine. Sam told her she should try to talk to you about it, and she did try. 
A pillow flew to your face. “Oh, real mature. Second time in a row,” you remarked before throwing the pillow back to her. “Every time your guard is down while we’re near a pillow? I’ll remember this, Carpenter. I’ll remember this.” 
“I’m shaking in boots,” she joked while shaking her hands.
“You’ll see,” you said as you rose from the bed.
Tara raised her eyebrows. “Where are you going?” she asked.
“Miss me already?” you teased while smirking.
She rolled eyes, pretending to gag. “You couldn’t leave this room soon enough.” 
You now stood at the door. “What would you do without me?” 
“Would that be before or after the mourning period?”
She threw another pillow at you. “Get out!” she yelled; she tried to fight back her laughter. Geez, I’m… tipsy, Tara thought to herself.
“As you wish,” you chuckled before leaving the room.
Tara was now alone with her thoughts; she let out a deep sigh as she laid on the bed. “Idiot…” she murmured to herself. But something just felt… different this time, about her idiot. You were still an asshole, that she had to remind herself. Even if you were undeniably cute.
She didn’t know where the last thought came from, but she’ll keep it to herself. It wouldn’t be the first time she had a thought like that about you, but each time she reminded herself of all the things you both have done and said to one another. She still found you insufferable, that was the plain truth. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t noticed you were rather objectively attractive—objectively of course.
There was just too much she hated about you; from your conceited attitude to how much of a control freak you could be, and she hated how you could charm your way out of most situations. It may have been unbearable, but it brought her satisfaction that you couldn’t do that with her. 
You were nothing but an intolerable asshole who has always gotten on her nerves. At least, that’s what she kept repeating to herself as the last few minutes replayed in her head.
Monday quickly rolled by—annoyingly quick. When you arrived at class, you sat in your usual spot. You were surprised Tara made it before you but not at all surprised when you saw she was hungover. “Two nights in a row? You rebel,” you teased her; she groaned and rubbed her temples.
“You’re not helping,” she complained, putting her head down with shut eyes.
“Wasn’t trying to,” you said before taking out your notes.
Your professor walked in just a moment later, a booming voice followed him. “Let’s begin!” he exclaimed while letting out a loud clap with his hands.
The sudden loudness caused Tara to jolt with her hands flying to her ears. You laughed a little, earning you a kick to your ankle.
As class went on, you and Tara did your typical routine of shoving each other, making petty comments towards one another, and note passing. When class was over, you got up, closing your books, before making your way to meet Anika for lunch. You only made it a few feet from the classroom when you felt a light tug on the back of your shirt; you turned around and saw Tara looking up at you.
“Yes, princess?” you asked as you looked back at her. She looked pretty cute looking up at you with those big brown eyes of hers. Something you noticed over the years is that she had these puppy dog eyes without even trying. Even when she’s trying to be serious, they can’t help but stay.
“I’m free tomorrow; we can finish the project then,” she told you; she was still looking up at you with those damn eyes of hers.
You nodded. “See you then.”
“No flirting with my sister,” she sternly said with an appointed look.
“No promises,” you joked with a shrug. 
She rolled her eyes. “Ugh, you’re so gross,” she said before shoving past you and walking away.
Note to self, add ‘flirting with Sam’ on the list of things that piss off Tara.
A/N: If you'd like to get tagged in future chapters, lemme know in the comments!
(EDIT) A/N: truly a trip down memory lane
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dollcherray · 5 months
Hi there!! May i request SMG4 and SMG3 (separate) with a very VERY cuddly and clingy reader? (gn!reader pls)
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୨୧ GLUED ୨୧
A/N: this took so long cuz Tumblr fucked up the post and didnt save it till the end... sincerest apologies
type: Headcanons, romantic, fluff
triggers: none
song(s) recommendation(s}: glued / hug me
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୨୧ I hc him to also be a bit clingy, so everytime he gets sad or at least a bit upset, he would use it as an excuse to jump into your arms and feel your warm embrace, your touch simply sooths him<3
୨୧ Smg4 would eat up all the affection you give him, he was already happy that he finally pulled someone, and they are affectionate and clingy? he is loving it and is living for it!! everytime you just hug him suddenly, he would hug back 10 times tighter, sometimes it takes all of your breath, but he does that to show how much he loves your hugs!
୨୧ Imagine him babbling to others how he haves such an loving and affectionate partner, my man would be all "hey look at my partner, they are such a sweet person with me, i love them so much, they are so-" and continue to ramble about you and your cute features (which is everything about you) and behavior.
୨୧ If he cant give you attention he will simply warn you and tell you he will try to make some time for you later and when he finally gets that time, he is IMMEDIATELY jumping on you.
୨୧ Smg4 loves your affection indoors and outdoors too, he isnt afraid to show it, he loves it so much that Smg3 once said for you two to get a room, only to get an "Your just jealous" back.
୨୧ If you (somehow) is shorter than him, he would just pick you up and carries you to his room silently, he just cuddles u on the bed once he gets there.
୨୧ He doesnt feel overwhelmed by your cuddly and clingy behavior, not at all! he is easily able to keep up with him as surprising as it seens.
୨୧ Whenever you two are in a adventure, he is always holding you, holding on your arm, waist, hand doesnt matter, he just needs to hold you whenever he gets the chance to.
୨୧ "Hug me! bring it in!"
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✮⋆˙ SMG3 ✮⋆˙
୨୧ *Insert embarrassed angry face*
୨୧ Do i really need to explain it? this man is simply flustered, but aint complaining... much, he just never had someone as affectionate as you to give him so much love and affection, its kind of new to him.
୨୧ It just breaks him "tough" character facade, it gets him all flustered and silly and ahshshshebsjwj did you cast an spell on him? are you a witch? cuz you making him feel alot of things he never experienced much before.
୨୧ In public he may show himself to hate it but in private he will just eat it up as much as Smg4 does and maybe soon he will eventually warm up to also getting it in public, he just doesnt really wanna show it outdoors in the beginning because he wanted to keep his "bad guy" reputation, but dw, he eventually gets used to it.
୨୧ He goes up to you everytime he is mad or mildly upset too, he looks like Smg4 in that aspect, but he sometimes does it unconsciously, as in "i did it on auto pilot" unconscious, he got too used to seek for your touch.
୨୧ He 100% is a secretly touch starved person, i dont make the rules (i do), so he will hold onto any part of you he can, and i really mean any part, if he need to he will hold onto your ankle.
୨୧ He will brag about you, saying things like: "Look at my partner, they are so cool and sweet, bet you cant have that" "i have the most sweet partner and YOU dont" and etc, hes a little bitch sometimes but still fine as hell
୨୧ You are his soft spot ‼️ like he will soften his behavior around you SO MUCH that anyone who knows him like Smg4 would be so impressed, would usually get mocked because of it but he didnt really care since he HAS YOU‼️‼️‼️
୨୧ "Why are you blushing? thought you were tough" "I-IM NOT BLUSHING! BAKA." <3
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acehoons · 1 year
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dating the zerobaseone boys . . ?!
☆! ot8 x gn!reader. fluff. not requested.
a/n: i didn’t include yujin bc i’m not comfortable in writing about him in a romantic way, since we have quite an age gap. hope u guys understand.
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% . . kim jiwoong
this guy’s the most protective boyfriend to exist ever
is big on physical touch as a love language
always have to have his hands on you
on your waist, holding your hand, even gripping your thigh sometimes??? this man istg
more under the cut.
loves taking you out in dates
is a big restaurant man
i feel like jiwoong likes “traditional” dating
like taking you out for dinner, paying for your meal, walking you back home
i mean you deserve the best treatment so
he’s also big on surprises
if he gave matthew a bouquet on his birthday, imagine what he would give YOU, his s/o
likes to listen to you talk
let’s you ramble about your day for hours
he doesn’t really mind it, even if you think you’re annoying him with your rants
his favorite past time is to listen to you so
can read you like a book as well
takes him 0.1 seconds to know if and when you’re upset
would always try to calm you down by holding you in his arms
hates seeing you cry too
he sees one tear fall from those pretty eyes and he’s already on his way to soothe you
“what’s wrong, are you okay? please don’t cry.”
overall he’s a big softie for ya
% . . zhang hao
zhanghao’s definitely the type of bf that just loves to annoy you
teases you to no end
he just loves to elicit reactions from u, i feel like
but really, he’s incredibly caring
won’t hesitate to pamper you at any given time
he even calls you his prince(ss)
especially when you get sick
boy!! this man is never gonna leave your side when you’re ill
always tries to make time for you as well
even if he’s super busy, he’ll clear his schedule somewhat
even if it’s just for 20 minutes
is big on updating you throughout the day
you’d receive texts from time to time, just zhanghao telling you about his day
“we’re on our way to the company” “gyuvin fell on the stairs and landed on his butt lol” “dw he’s fine”
calls you at the randomest hours of the day to check up on you
likes to make sure you both are aware of eo every day
because he’s afraid of you drifting apart
his favorite dates are the spontaneous ones
like eating in a diner at one random night or going out for a convenience store run at 2 am
will always be there for you
doesn’t matter what you need
a hug? a new bag? 15 million won? someone to help you hide the body?
he’s there to provide
% . . sung hanbin
hanbin is a bf and a mother combined into one
is never not coddling you
always makes sure you’re taking care of yourself
and if you aren’t, he will >:(((
big on words of affirmation!!
but i feel like he’s the type to try and hit all of the love languages as much as he can
but yours (and by proxy, his) favorite is words of affirmation
bc he never fails to praise you and tell you how proud he is of you
the first time he said reassured you, you cried like a baby
and he cradled you like one, too
is there to comfort you at the speed of lightning
whenever you tell him that you aren’t feeling well, his priority is to ensure that you feel better asap
makes sure that you’re prioritizing your health over everything
sends photos at random times of the day
“babe we’re in busan! wish u were with us rn :(“
the two of you aren’t big on going out
so date nights would be spent with just the two of you cuddling on the couch and watching a movie
although you end up falling asleep halfway through
he secretly loves it
takes photos of you when you’re asleep and sets it as his lockscreen
tries his best to make homecooked meals for you
but if not he’ll just end up ordering takeout for you
he just wants to make sure that you are always happy, healthy and fed
% . . seok matthew
now this man is the definition of a golden retriever bf
is the happiest when you guys are together
loves to take you out on dates!!
library and park dates are his favorites
just anything involving the two of you walking around together
is also a clingy baby
is immediately sad when you guys separate
spends most of his days thinking about what the two of you could do together
likes to listen to music with you
makes you lots of playlists to listen to
is also the type to facetime you for a period of time
when you’d be studying and he’d be practicing his vocals
likes to ask you for advice as well
he thinks you’re one of the smartest people he knows so, it makes sense
is fond of sending you photos of things he sees that reminds him of you
“babe look! this goat looks just like u ㅋㅋ“
teases you sometimes, but not as much
is also big on cuddling
boy if you guys sleep together.. good luck
expect this man to cling on to you so much
he’d almost be laying on top of you
likes to bury his face in your neck
this might sound weird, but he loves your scent so much
not your perfume, but your natural scent
it reminds him of home, almost
because at the end of the day, he always comes home to you
% . . kim taerae
another sunshine boyfriend
he’s just always so smiley when you’re around
likes to take buy you flowers and chocolates
you’d put one of the flowers behind your ear and he’d take a photo
later you’d see it as his lockscreen on literally every gadget that he has
likes singing to you
but also likes to hear you sing
even if you think that you aren’t good, he just likes your voice
sends you snippets of him singing whenever he can
is big on quality time and acts of service i think
whenever you go out on dates, expect this man to do everything for you
even if it’s just to tie your shoe or to ask for a napkin in a restaurant
you are a prince(ss) to him. period
likes playing with your fingers whenever you hold hands
he does it a lot, especially whenever he’s nervous
like before a performance
having your hand in his calms him down a lot
can also be a little protective of you
he’s okay with you wearing anything you want when you go out,
but expect him to wrap his arms around your waist whenever he notices someone staring at you outside
incredibly whiny when you won’t give him what he wants
“babyyyy, i need one more kiss, c’mon!”
i mean, who can resist this man???
% . . shen quanrui
make way for our young and rich tall and handsome charisma boss baby
this man is going to SPOIL you rotten
obvi buying you material things isn’t an issue
he’ll get you the most expensive things even when you complain
you need a new bag? he’ll get a louis vuitton. you need some clothes? there’s a chanel store near his place. you want some food? expect some gourmet takeout
he just wants to provide you the things you deserve, even if they are expensive
but ricky doesn’t just spoil you with material objects
he’s big on assurance as well
always making sure that the two of you don’t end up in any disagreements and misunderstandings
the thought of you worrying about him worries him
always asks your opinion on things, too
about his clothes, his singing, dancing, etc.
sometimes he uses that as a way to get you things
he’s send you a photo of a necklace one day and ask,
“baby, what do you think of this necklace?”
you’d say it’s pretty and boom, next day he’s bought it for you
if he’s big on giving you expensive gifts, he’s big on receiving handmade ones from you
he loves everything you make for him
handwritten letters, crotched stuff animals, everything
he keeps all of them in a box in his closet
and if you ever buy him any piece of clothing or jewelry
expect him to always be wearing it
because in a way, it makes him feel like he’s carrying you with him wherever he goes
% . . kim gyuvin
boy.. good luck
you just got yourself a bf and a baby all in one
i’m jk, but we all know gyuvin’s a (literal) giant baby
likes to be coddled by you most especially
acts just like a little kid when he’s with you
but that’s only because he feels comfortable being with you
loves to watch movies with you!
at home or at the cinema, doesn’t matter
buys you lots of snacks. like. tons
it’s his love language; to feed you
likes to go to fun little events with you, like music festivals or fiestas
this boy has a social battery as big as a truck, so prepare yourself
introduces you to his friends a lot
and invites you to their hang outs
you end up being a part of their friend group, almost
and everyone loves you because you take really good care of gyuvin
although you make sure not to mother him too much, sometimes you just can't help it
you end up buying him things he needs or calling him at noon to make sure he's eaten his lunch
in compensation, gyuvin likes to make sure that you are always happy
would be the type to say a random joke or to even embarrass himself in public just to see you smile
"babe, babe, what do you call a fake noodle? an im-pasta!!"
it gives you a headache sometimes but you genuinely love it about gyuvin
how he always prioritizes your happiness,
sometimes even above his own
% . . park gunwook
another giant baby, oh boy
but unlike gyuvin, gunwook doesn't require much care actually
you just give him few hugs and cuddles and he's good to go
requires a lot of attention from you. like. all the time
if you guys are separated expect to receive dozens of messages and facetime requests from this man
always wants to talk to you during his breaks or whenever he isn't busy
and he always has a story to tell you
he's a little clueless when it comes to dating, given how young he is
so most of your dates just end with either the two of you hanging out at home
or just a simple late night walk around town together
however, he does like shopping with you
he's not as "giving" as ricky, but he's definitely one to buy you a few expensive pieces here and there
especially if he sees a pretty bracelet or a nice pair of earrings
loves to surprise you with them
he's big on physical touch as a reward
it's his motivation
"ok so if i finish my chores i can cuddle with you? alright, got it"
boom he's washed the dishes and mopped the floor and cleaned his desk table all in under 20 minutes
physically relaxes whenever he's with you
like he'd be tense whenever he's out in public, always wary of everything he says and does
but when he's with you, it's like all of his worries wash away
he loves you so much
to him, you are his comfort
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acehoons © 2023
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
if you give a spider a pastry... | miguel o'hara
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Summary: Mango turnovers and a bloody Spider-Man. Basically, a regular night in New York. 
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x baker!gn!reader 
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings/tags: injured Miguel (he's okay dw), brief arguing. mostly fluff and sass. first meeting.
A/N: hi y'all! I watched ATSV yesterday and the Miguel brainrot has advanced <3 this is my first time including Spanish in a fic. Since Miguel is Mexican, I did research and tried to incorporate Mexican slang. It's not the responsibility of any reader to correct me—however, I appreciate corrections of the Spanish, if offered. :) 
A/N 2: also, the timeline/universe details are vague in this one, but I pictured that the reader is not in Earth-2099. 
If you enjoy this fic, please let me know through comments and reblogs ♡
the divider
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Something is trying to crawl into your dumpster. 
You've armed yourself accordingly (got a dust broom out of the closet) and after fifteen minutes of agonizing over whether you should go outside or go to bed, you have decided you are going to deal with the pesky raccoon once and for all. Or cat. Or opossum. Whatever. You just hope it doesn't have rabies. 
Slowly, you edge open the back door of the kitchen to the bakery. You tap the outside railing a couple of times with your broom. Clink clink. There's no sound in response, so you step out a little further, hitting the broom bristles against the stairs. 
"Ba-boom, ba-boom!" you shout into the alley. You'd read you're supposed to make noise to scare off raccoons. Or was it bears? 
No, that doesn't make sense. When's the last time you saw a damn bear in New York? 
You wait, heart rate climbing. There's no more noise, so you open the door all the way and quickly shut it behind you, gripping the broom with both hands. You jump out into the open. 
The dumpster is covered, which is wildly embarrassing for you. However, right next to the dumpster is a giant dude in what you assume is a Spider-Man costume, though it's not like the one you've seen. 
His stomach is covered in blood.
"Holy fuck," you say, dropping the broom. "Shit. Fuck! Oh my—uh, s-stay right there, don't move."
"Sound advice," he says dryly, startling you. "I was going to do a little dance for you."
Okay. Blood loss has different effects on people. You can't take it personally; this dude has half his guts in the alley. 
You grit your teeth and pull out your phone, shakily typing in your passcode. As soon as you do, a glowing orange rope—web?—shoots out and yanks your phone right out of your hand. 
"No," he grits out. "Todo bien."
"Everything is not fine. What is wrong with you, dude? You're bleeding out!"
"I'm not bleeding out, dude; most of the blood isn't mine."
"Yeah, that's definitely not true," you say. "Look, I don't know what would possess a person to come out here ten o'clock at night and do… whatever this is, but I'm not letting someone die next to my dumpster. Give me my phone!"
"No," he says, hissing in pain as he shifts his weight. "You're overreacting and hysterical."
You can't see his face but you know he's rolling his eyes. 
"Can you relax?" he asks. "Chale, I'm not itching to bleed out next to your dumpster. I'll be on my way as soon as my body repairs itself enough for me to move."
"You're literally insane, man. Absolutely bonkers. You've lost your Silly String."
"Silly String…" he echoes.
You strut up to him and try to snatch your phone. He dodges you a couple of times, then swats at you like a cat. 
"Enough," he snaps. "Don't make me web you."
"Web me? Okay, you know what? Screw you, man. I'm not gonna call anybody. Bleed out for all I care. Keep the goddamn phone, I'll get a new one. Christ."
You pick up your broom and stomp up the stairs, yanking open the back door and slamming it behind you. Fucking New Yorkers. First rule of living here: mind your business! You try to be a good Samaritan and get verbally accosted by Spider-Man on steroids. Typical. 
You fume for about two full minutes, glaring angrily at your shelf of baking trays. Then you hear the bane of your existence groan in pain outside. All the anger leaves you. 
You can't just ignore him. Accelerated healing or not, he's vulnerable. What if someone tries to attack him? 
This is probably the worst idea you've ever had. You walk to the fridge anyway and pull out two mango turnovers. You nuke them in the microwave, which physically pains you to do, but you're in a time crunch, so. 
You open the door gently this time and step outside. 
"Spider-Man?" you ask quietly. 
You hear him sigh. 
"¿Qué quieres?"
You go down the stairs and walk so you're in view again. He hasn't moved from his position. Your phone rests on his uninjured thigh. 
"Sorry for yelling at you," you say. 
He stiffens, then looks away. 
"You don't need to apologize. I… Soy un cabrón."
"Yeah," you say, walking over and sitting across from him. "Little bit." 
He sniffs the air, his suit's eyes narrowing at you. You set the paper plate with the pastry on his thigh and take your phone back. 
"What's this?" 
"It's a mango turnover," you say. "I've been experimenting this week."
"Why is it on my leg?"
"What, did you think I was gonna feed you?"
"Take it," he orders. "I don't want it."
"Are you allergic? I have other flavors."
"The flavor is not the problem."
You bite into your own pastry. You puff out air, trying to cool it down. 
"Ih hah," you tell him through a mouthful. 
"Oh, really?" he deadpans. 
You swallow. "I'm trying to extend an olive branch here, Spider-Man. I think we got off on the wrong foot."
"Why did you come back out?" he asks exasperatedly. 
"I didn't want you to be alone," you say. "What if someone tries to pull off your mask and ruin your secret identity? That's, like, totally devastating in the superhero world, right?"
"And what exactly would you do if they did? Throw a pastry at them? Whack them with your broom?"
"I'm wily," you say, biting into your pastry. "You should eat it before it gets cold."
"They came out pretty good, if I do say so. Priya—she's my other baker—had her doubts, and I did too, honestly. But this seems like a success."
He remains stoic, likely glaring at you. You finish your pastry and flick the crumbs off your mouth. 
"You'd be doing me a favor, taste testing," you add. "Gotta make sure it suits other people's palettes." 
"I already did you a favor by getting rid of the people who did this," he says, gesturing to the blood. 
Your mouth pinches unhappily. 
"I wish you'd let me take you to the hospital."
"It's unnecessary. I'll be fine soon."
"You're nuts, Opossum-Man."
"Opossum-Man?" he asks, sounding comically offended. "I'm clearly a spider."
"I think that's subjective," you say. "But I'm only calling you that because I thought there was an opossum in my dumpster. Turns out it was you." 
"That's ridiculous," he says. "Wait, what do you mean it's subjective? I'm obviously Spider-Man." 
"Well, what are the pointy things under your eyes?" you ask. "Those throw me off. They look like fangs. I thought you were supposed to be a spider. Those are, like, bat features." 
"Spiders do have fangs," he says with a huff. "How do you think they incapacitate their prey?"
"I think you're giving the New York public school system way too much credit here, dude. I didn't learn all that. We had a unit about bees. How come there's no Bee-Man?" 
He scoffs. "What would that even entail? A guy who flies around pollinating the city?" 
You giggle. 
"You're kinda funny, Spider-Fangs."
"I do stand-up in my spare time. Speaking of…"
He pushes himself to stand with a quiet grunt. You stand with him, arm outstretched in case he needs help. Not that he'd take your help. But still. 
He's a big guy. You'd figured as much by his giant shoulders, but standing in front of him really puts it into perspective. You have to crane your head to see his face. 
He hands you the plate. You pull the saddest pout you can muster.
"You're not even gonna taste it?" you ask. 
"Okay," you mumble, defeatedly taking the plate.
He looks at you for a long moment, then tilts his head forward, pinching the bridge of his nose.  
"Mierda—okay, fine. One bite."
You bounce on your toes as he takes the turnover and lifts his mask up to his nose. You're transfixed by his exposed skin, the dark freckle on his jaw, his full bottom lip. Wow. 
He barely opens his mouth, biting the corner. He chews, swallows, and pulls down his mask. You miss the view immediately. 
"It's good," he says. 
"Holy crap, was that a compliment? Did Spider-Man call my pastry good?"
"I take it back." 
"You can't," you inform him cheerily. "I'm going to put it on my advertisements. Opossum-Man approved! Sales will skyrocket."
He walks away, limping only slightly. Well, you suppose that's better than how he was half an hour ago. 
"Good night!" you call after him. 
He pauses, then turns. 
"How are you getting home?" he asks. 
"Oh, I live right above," you say, pointing behind you. "No worries."
He nods. 
"Órale. Don't visit uptown for a while."
You salute. "You got it, Opossum." 
He flings a web string and then he's gone. It's only then that you look at the plate and realize he took the pastry with him. You can't help your little grin.
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
Hi Kuro !
Can I request some Lynette x g!p fem reader smut ? As far as I know Lynette is 22 and Lyney is 25 or something like that so maybe reader could be some Lyney's friend or idk...
There is no Lynette content and I AM STARVING FOR IT!!!
Thanks :)
Ofc, dw about her age I know she is an adult as she uses the teen girl model (it's only named teen girl but everyone who uses it is 18 or 18+). I'm fine with writing on these characters, it's only the obvious children/loli characters I don't write on irrespective of their age :)
Also, I actually love Lynette so much. Didn't expect to be into her but she's so cute and charming, and being catgirl is a great plus point ;)
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Lynette x g!p reader
Type: Smut and Fluff (kissing, creampie, alleyway sex)
A heavy downpour invaded the Court of Fontaine yet again, causing the residents to seek shelter as soon as possible. You ran over the puddles and reached a backward alley then sighed as you stood against the wall under a shop's hood. You removed your hat and gazed at the sky, watching endless drops of rain pour from the dark array of clouds.
"Hah~ I should have left early if I knew it would rain....I might miss the show this way." you pondered, regretting your actions. You were supposed to attend Lyney's upcoming show but had been caught in personal matters hence couldn't leave earlier.
"I don't want to let her down...," you sighed further, Lyney and his Lynette had recently started gaining popularity in their magic shows and you were one of their most advent supporters, helping them advertise and bringing the show to every corner of Fontaine.
"Nya~ Meow~" you suddenly heard purring of cats and looked down to see a kitten near your foot, rubbing itself against your skin. You smiled and were about to bend down to pet it but she turned and ran away. You followed her direction of movement and spotted more cats gathered not too far away and became suspicious, you then followed the said cat up till the hoard and were surprised seeing the sight in front of you.
"Lynette? What are you doing here?" you saw Lynette cradled against the wall while hugging a cat to herself and burying her face in it. You noticed her tail was curved around her body and her ears folded backwards, indicating she was distressed. She perked up hearing your voice and looked at you, her beautiful violet eyes brimming with tears yet she didn't make a single sound. You became worried and knelt down in front of her, cautiously approaching her.
"What happened? Why are you here? Don't you and Lyney have a show soon?"
Lynette sniffled a tear and released the cat in her arms then lunged on you, embracing you tightly. The two of you were dating for a while and you couldn't bare seeing your girlfriend be upset this way, you wanted to know what happened. You held her tightly and gently patted her head, rubbing her ears making her ease into your arms
"Did someone say something to you about your appearance again?"
"Mhm..." she nodded and you felt upset for her, you had known how she was often mocked for her unique appearance as her brother looked like a normal human while she was different due to her ears and tail. Despite how uninterested and monotonous she behaved, there were times when she'd too feel upset and resolve to running away this way to cry by herself.
"Don't think about it. There's nothing wrong with you, you know that. Didn't your Father say they are unique and very useful?"
"Mmm...." Lynette instinctively buried her face in your neck, her tail now rested straight upon the floor. She melted in your touch as you petted her ears, your body giving her comfort and warmth. Lynette had gradually come to not take such mockery to heart, but you knew something serious must have happened for her to wallow this way.
You were angry and Lynette could feel your heart pounding in your chest, she looked up at you with a longing expression and leaned in to peck your lips. Your gaze softened and you pulled her close in a passionate kiss, cuddling your lips together as her tail now stood upright indicating her happiness. She wrapped her arms around your neck and stood on her toes to kiss deeper, prompting you to instead hold her up against the wall.
"Ny-ah~" a moan came out of her as your movements became rougher, your tongues engaged in a heated manner while her legs slowly wrapped around your waist. She could feel your bulge rub against her abdomen and began grinding on it, seeking her own pleasure. You groaned before kissing her neck and her hand moved to unbuckle your belt.
"Wait, L-Lynette....here? Are you sure?"
"Mm....I don't think you want to wait, nya~" she licked your cheek as she palmed your clothed dick before zipping down your pants and freeing it. She turned around and leaned on the wall with her ass towards you, looking back at you with a mischievous grin. You flipped up her skirt and moved her stockings down with her underwear before rubbing your fingers over her folds, feeling them already dripping.
"H-Hurry up, Lyney will worry otherwise....mhm~"
It was rare to see her become so impatient, but she was absolutely adorable this way. You pushed your cock inside her folds, slowly parting her walls until you were sheathed to the hilt. You moaned out together, her warm walls clamping on your dick while your tip touched her deepest spots. You held her waist as you began thrusting, moving your length in and out of her slowly. You moved it out until just your tip touched her entrance before quickly shoving deeply, a loud moan accompanied with a purr leaving her mouth.
You wasted no more time and began thrusting fast and rough, practically pounding into her in this backward alley. You knew this could get you both in trouble, sex in public this way would no way be taken lightly in Fontaine. But you both were too turned on to worry. You gripped her hips tighter and pulled her towards you, drilling into hard. Your hands dug in the flesh of her hips, sound of your thighs slapping against plump ass resounding in the alley.
"Aaah~ Ny-aah~ M-More....mhmmmm!~"
Lynette's moans were low yet arousing combined with her occasional purring, her tail standing upright and rested against your body. You grinned and suddenly held the tip of her tail and lightly caressed it, shivers running through her body as she gasped. You knew her weak spots well, and it was no secret to you that she liked it when you touched her tail this way. You held her arms and pulled her back, holding her body upright as you thrusted faster now.
"Mmmm~ I-Inside...nyaaah~!"
You kissed her shoulder followed by a bite then shoved in deep as you released, your hot cum seeping in her walls. She came soon after, releasing on your cock still hilted deeply in her. You panted out together and shared a gentle kiss, smiling at each other.
"Feeling better?"
"Mhm...thank you."
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joesquinns · 1 month
JQ & DC is most likely a PR stunt, not a real relationship. Joseph had (most likely/pretty much) rejected her back in 2022 and she had dissed him in one of her songs called "Attention", basically saying he's lazy as shit, how he needs a new wig (Eddie reference), how he thought he was above her (he basically is), how she didn't care that he wouldn't fuck her (she does), and how she had him famous from the problem she had with Noah (she fucking didn't, it was all Joseph that made him famous). Obviously, she couldn't take rejection. Also, she has an album coming out and tours to do and he has Gladiator 2, F4, and he was in British Vogue. She's a very bad person and I have no idea why she had to be the pick for the PR stunt but whatever. Also, the stupid thing is that people are attacking Joseph's father for "raising his son badly". Which passes me off because his dad didn't do anything. This is all JQ and DC's issue. I don't want them bringing his father into this. See many people are saying to "just accept the fact that they're dating" but they aren't even dating. Joseph didn't like her in 2022 and she's very bad. She couldn't take rejection like a bitch. And she's very demonic and weird as fuck. This has to do with Marvel or something and this JQ and DC news is from a person who's notorious for PR stunts. Also, JQ isn't the only one doing these things. It's just a Marvel thing I guess. And to anyone who supports DC or even likes her, that's insane. I talked about this to my mother and grandmother and they even say that it's fake and it's just a PR stunt. A similar thing happened with famous rappers Ice Spice and Central Cee where they did a PR stunt with their new collab song. And they both are problematic in their ways. Also if anyone thinks that hating on Doja is "racist", most people agree that Lupita and Joe would've been way better and cuter. Lupita is a real woman and very kind and not problematic while DC is just a stupid girl who's weird as shit. And I'm not jealous at all, I could care many fucks less about Joe's dating life. But this is DC, a very problematic girl who's done very bad things and is very demonic and weird as hell. If it was any woman that people knew and wasn't problematic, it would've been way better. But this isn't any chick, it's Doja. So people can make all the articles as they want but in the end, it's fake as fuck. It's a PR stunt. I will always love Joe but he gave me the ick and I feel like I need a break. And maybe others. Joe can do whatever he wants, he doesn't know me. And I only know so much about him. He's a grown man and he has a job. But I can disagree with things. I can have opinions on things. My opinion on his choice is....well wtf Joe? But I can't just tell him what he's doing is bad. We all just need to like- ignore it and not talk about it and just suffer for a couple of weeks. Then we can have our old Joseph back but for now, he's just Joe.
Dw JQ fandom, chill, and take a deep breath, it's fake. It'll go away. We'll hold each other's hands through this bumpy road and eventually, we'll cross it. All we have to do is wait and pray or whatever. And if you have your own opinions, that's fine. But here's something to ponder over and think about. There's more to it but I'm too tired to type it out lmaoo😭😭
I rest my case.
To be honest, how everything has been handled and came out since Sunday I'm leading it to being a PR stunt as well.
No one can claim that it is not at all suspicious...
We'll get the blurry pic on Deux and then suddenly not even an hour after there's an article on THE SUN and then suddenly there's a video from two weeks ago and then suddenly someone saw them a day earlier and all this happens in the span of what? 2 hours? And oh suddenly someone spots him on a concert of her from a month ago where his neck seems like the one of a giraffe?
The video where he's grabbing her "ass" is's suspicious as hell...it's more her hip than her ass but ok we could argue about that but it's clear that he's asking her before he lets his hand slide down so for me it's staged af and doesn't scream "comfortable".
DC is a bad person and everyone who says something else is simply...I don't know...
No matter "If she has changed" or "maybe she's different"...I don't care that her fans are saying "she's calmer" and what else.
In Italy we say A wolf may lose its fur, but it will always remain a wolf
I also don't believe that Joe is "not online" because hell, I didn't know about all her shit before Sunday and it didn't take me that much and that long to find it and he has his phone with him all the time WE see him so he knows how to google
Believe me, I can disagree on things as well and I am disagreeing on his choice here. I know for him it doesn't matter but just because I'm a fan, I can still express my anger about the bullshit he does (and everyone who has been following me for longer knows that I'm usually one who defends him).
And before anyone comes in - no I'm not jealous. I know he doesn't know me. I know I don't stand a chance with him and yet I have the right to be angry if he pulls such a bullshit and to post that on my little blog.
To sum it up:
I don't find this funny and I hope this is over soon because otherwise if this really turns out to be "serious" and "longlasting" (like some people claim it to be) I need to unstan him because I don't know if I can support someone who showed himself to be this sweet guy and gentleman person (the past two years) and then turns around and does this bullshit. Either you're real or fake and I'm not here for fakeness.
That's just my two cents and I can guarantee you all this comes out of my brain and I don't have a friend of a friend of a friend who knows him/works in PR/hooked up with him/is in the industry.
Thank you and now I go outside to touch some grass instead to go to his dad’s insta to leave a stupid comment….how old are you? 5? Get a grip
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 6 months
Idea for the YV boys, how do you think they would deal with drunk listener? If they went too hard at a party and went home or something?
Drunk Listener HC's
Oh lord help him, I feel like he doesn't drink that much only to the point he has a buzz.
But he's handling you gently so you both can get home and snuggle in bed.
If you try and get another drink he flirts to distract you so he can switch the alcohol for water.
Once y'all get home he makes sure to get you undressed and into comfy clothing.
If you puke he's he feels so bad bc he hates puking (hc) so he's making sure you have stuff that helps you not puke.
Will bring pillows and a blanket to the bathroom to sleep in there if your puking so much and got tried to even move.
But if your not he's laughing at you stumbling around slurring to him how he's husband material.
He never drinks only on special occasions (also hc) but he'll cut you off if you had too much
Seth knows how to deal with a drunk person and knows your gonna have a killer hangover
he's making sure your comfy and have medicine for in the morning.
Depending on what type of drunk you are he's having a good time, like a runner? his hand is latched on ya, or a crier? dw bbg (used neutral) cry in his chest.
Seth before was making sure you had food in your stomach before eating so much so you don't get too messed up.
The next morning he will be teasing you saying how you asked him out and looked like a kicked puppy when he said he was taken.
Seth loves how you trust him in your most vulnerable state like this, so he makes sure he takes amazing care of you.
panicking bc he almost lost you in the crowd at the party, but when he found you he saw how tipsy you were and decided it was time to go home and get in y'alls pjs!
Charlie knows he's scrawny so he's lowkey struggling to help you get home, doesn't help you keep trying to kiss all over his face
Once y'all do get home he looks at the stairs (hc for Cas's house it's two story) and decides it's a couch night. After getting you changed and finding pillows and blankets he's ready to snuggle.
He has a bag incase you throw up and medicine for you to take, he lowkey doesn't know wtf he;s doing bc he does drink some but prefers to smoke.
got snacks if your hungry, also decided to put a movie on since you were getting bored and demanded a movie or a show.
Now your both giggling at the pranks people do, like moving an object slightly to the right every time they look away.
Your both tipsy lets be honest, Faust I feel like parties but only to some parties.
When he goes tho he only drinks a lil bc drunk people make him eh when partying.
If he sees you drank too much yep, your done, lets go home. gets a uber to go home and makes sure your okay to be laid down on the bed before going to sleep.
if you feel sick he asks the uber to pull over in case you need to throw up. Pays extra to stop at a store to get medicine bc he doesn't have a lot at his home.
If your hungry door dashing or delivery. Will make ramen for you if your hungry for noodles.
Is making sure all makeup/jewelry your wearing is taken off bc he knows how it always bugs him when he's sleeping.
has a lil trash can next to the bed if you need it. Also makes sure your sleeping facing the trashcan so you can throw up easier.
Finn is that person who has one cup for the whole party bc hes babysitting it. No he doesn't want another one he's fine.
If your drinking too much he stops you the best he can since he's trying to be gentle with you but if you don't listen he will scold you a bit to make you stop.
Gets you in the car, has a throw up bag in there for cases like these. I feel like Jack would take in to parties so he's always been the designated driver for him.
Rubbing your back while driving so comfort you if you throw up in the car. Has water for you after wards bc he keeps like a lil case in his car when needed.
Making you tea to feel better and a light snack so you don't throw that up too.
Helps you undress and asks if you want a bath or shower before laying you down.
Gives you meds too if you need them. Also on stand by in the morning when you wake up.
he can hold his liquor but knows everyone has a different tolerance with alcohol so he's watching you when you drink.
once he sees you drank too much he's right next to you guiding you out of the party. Calls his driver and makes sure your okay before getting in.
100% holding you in the car drive home bc he knows you might fall over in the limo. Has drinks in the limo for things like this and gives you water and making sure you drink it.
Asks if you need anything and his phone is on speed dial for any restaurant or store if you want anything.
When you guys get to his penthouse he took of your shoes in the car so you could walk correctly in the penthouse. asks if you want to be carried or grip on his arm walking in.
Help's undress you once your in his bedroom and cleaning your makeup off if needed.
If you do throw up hes sitting next to you comforting you while holding your hair or anything you need him to.
gets a trashcan fro you in case you need it later. In the morning he's asking if you need meds since he ask a assistant to get him some an hour ago before you woke up.
Human alcohol doesn't do shit to him so he drank a lot and got like only a slight buzz. You tho took it as a challenge to see if you could get him drunk while also drinking his orders.
but his orders were straight up gasoline so it got you fucked up. Lucien at first didn't notice until you started slurring words at him.
Somehow got someone to pay for the bill and carried you home. made sure not to move you around so much in case you threw up. If you did he's apologizing while helping you puke.
Once home he kinda has no fuckin idea wtf to do so he's frantically googling everything. He get's you undressed, make up off, in light clothing, gets a trashcan for you and helps you into bed.
Once in the morning he looked up what was good to eat during a hangover and made it for you.
teases you how you went ham on the drinks but couldn't even keep up with him. Also somehow got meds from your neighbor? (hc Angel lives next to a older woman) She taught him how to make a hangover pick up.
If you want food he'll make it, but makes you stay in bed for the whole day, even figured out how to call you out from work. Since he's a demon he's good at lying so he got you the day off.
he use to work at the club you both went to so you to a free pass in, helped bar-tend and was making crazy concoctions for everyone.
didn't see you take one that was straight up gasoline and ended up giving you some simple drinks fruity ones you need to watch out for how many your drinking.
when he realize how much you drinked he cut you off and told his friend who got you both in your leaving now.
if you try to fight him on going home he's nodding along while slowly getting you out and hes like welp guess we go home!
if you puke dw he got anything you need him to hold while you do. He was able to go into a store and get puke bags for you so you both started to walk home.
had a side job at a local med store so knew which ones to give you to feel better. Also was a caregiver for a quick minute so he got you out of your clothing in less than a minute.
making sure your okay before laying you both to sleep. in the morning he called Finn to ask what was that drink his grandma would give them if they got hangovers. Knows a weird food combo thats easy on your stomach to eat when food smells like straight up trash for you.
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divinelolita · 1 year
and i love you too baeeee and dw idc when you finish this😘
whole band headcannons seperate ofc with there bf(or gn reader if you cant include much but if you can include a little thats chill idc) who is so fucking stupid
like karen from mean girls stupid. for example if someone asked him if he was top or bottom he'd be like "oh bottom! top bunks make me nervous." like💀💀
and another example is if he cooked something and it's hot he'd only say careful its hot AFTER you choke on how hot it is😭
i feel like they'd love him so much but sometimes he's just real fucking dumb💀💀💀
also you don't have to use the first two those are just examples ofccc i love youuuuu
hi bb! ilym 😋🙏 i hope this is good enough cuz recently my work has been iffy...........
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・He finds this shit funny bro
・Can't help but smile whenever you say some dumb shit.
・He feels like he's dreaming if you tell him late at night
"... Why do we need farmers if we have grocery stores?"
・If you say that shit at 2AM he'd spend the rest of the night thinking about it.
・He gets headaches from how hard he thinks about it
"M/N..how do you even conjure up this type of stuff.."
・He can't tell if your genuinely confused or just fucking with him.
・He doesn't care though, he loves you and your stupidity.
・Actually finds himself asking you more and more questions just to see how far your imagination goes.
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・this cunt will laugh at you
・Let's out a few chuckles when you said something dumb for the first time
・He then realised you weren't joking and were actually serious 💀
"Why doesn't earth just..fall? Why are we floating?"
"M/N..- what the fuck is wrong with you."
・Sometimes he just agrees with whatever your saying and encourages you to go on, seeing how long he can go without chuckling
・He's not judging you- he actually really loves this about you.
・He will NEVER admit it but his heart melts whenever you say the dumbest shit.
・He tries not to correct you for the sake of your ego 🤷🏻🤷🏻
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・He's like a dad with a dumb kid in this situation 💀
"Georg- does carbonated water have carbs?"
"Not exactly, M/N. The reason for this is....."
・He'd explain everything to you bro 😪
・Very unlike Tom.
・I feel like he's fine with whatever you say but like physical things get to him
・Like for example if you just mopped the floor and he comes in, stepping into the room as he nearly slips and grabs onto whatever piece of furniture will secure him.
"Oh by the way, Georg, the floor is wet. So be careful going in the room!"
・He can't help but chuckle to himself
・He nearly sprained his ankle but he didn't really care- he finds it cute how oblivious you are.
・You make him happy and thats all that matters to him.
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・His brain stops processing for a minute.
・Stares at you for a minute as he thinks of something to say back.
"I'm so confused... Is an egg a fruit or vegetable?"
".. Good question. Why don't you look it up?"
・Like Tom he cant help but let out small guffaws and chuckles
・He has a few small burns on his fingertips from cooking with you.
"Oh Gustav can you check the pan?"
"Yeah sure, M/N...OH FUCK! -"
"Watch out, the stoves on!"
・At the end of the day he doesn't really care
・He love you way to much, like it's actually concerning how much he loves you.
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leavingsunsets · 4 months
I would like to request hcs (if that's fine with you, because I saw you're more on the fics side :3) for Kinro (bro deserves more love), Sai and Ryusui with a very emotional and empathetic reader, who tries to mask it by acting all cool and unbothered, but it doesn't always work well. I prefer it to be on the more romantic side, but I don't mind the platonic one! It can be either female or gender neutral reader. I will rely on your intuition and creativity.
I hope I explained everything quite sensibly and understandably. ._.
Have a wonderful day!
Ohh my gosh hello hello! I don't mind hcs as well, since i lovw these characters so much like mwah mwah mwah (AHEM AHEM magic man COUGHCOUCGHFOUCGH) but anyways im doing gn reader so lots more ppl can enjoy tehee. here it is !!
"𝙋𝙤𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣."
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Tbh i feel like Kinro is KINDAAA similar in the same sense?? like, all cool n stuff but hes actlly a real sweetie sometimes mwah mwah mwah. also ur right he deserves more love hes literally just a loveable guy
At first i think hed be surprised, like, all, "woah, uh, you good"
but then, i think among the three, isnt that fazed. hes around ginro almost 24/7 cmon.
but once he gets used to you he just stares when you get all cool and so indifferent then he goes "its okay to be sad about it" then you just start beating his chest bawling and he pats your back
platonically, thats what hed do. Like, hed just silently offer support while you tell him your troubles or thoughts. like nod along or put a hand on your shoulder in silent encouragement or just seem so cool while spouting out some wise words. (he puts a hand on your shoulder and you look at him, the wind blows his hair slightly, the light capturing him in a perfect angle. "i understand that feeling. i felt hurt when ginro laughed at the rip in my pants too" he whispers so coolly and you bust out laughing)
romantically, hed be more initiative in this type of stuff i think. like, if he saw you going away on your own hed follow after to talk. or be more nervous cuz this time hes ACTIVELY trying to cheer you up, like tryna be comforting even if his words come out awkward or something like that. "uhmm, thats bad.. uh.. do you wanna. do you wanna hug?"
either way, 10/10 this man will never disappoint, he doesnt, and he didnt. he is underrated and we should talk about him more def
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𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙞 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞
Ohoooo. this maaan is likeeee. i dunno man i feel like he literally has the same reaction to every single type of person.
encouraging, supportive, and just a big big ball of sun
hed just pin you down as an interesting person and spout some compliments
even when you first meet and he sees how you work hes like "👍!!"
So lets say close friends now. he sees you go 'its okay. I dont care' and he sees you be all 'im going to dramatically sit on a rock and have a glistening tear down my face lit by the sun' and he'll like, smack your back 4 times going 'ITS OKAY MY FRIEND ITS OKAY'
Platonic?? just like that. how he treats everyone which is of course very special. goes 'hey, its alright. like really. im here to be a bud and give u some encouragement' and be all like 'DW MY FRIEND' and just even gives u nice talks
ROMANTICALLY?? kind of the same, but but but but. he litrlly goes and does smthng to cheer u up. like litrlly does the same as platonically, but later even when ur all cheered up, brings u to a nice place like a nice view. Doesnt SAY anything cheesy but ltrlly aheaeha RAWR ryusui nanami i cant believe you just took me to a nice dinner date
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𝙎𝙖𝙞 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞
okay hmmm. idk depends on the intensity of it he MIGHT be averse?? Not entirely but as long as youre not bawling and sniffling i think ur good 👍
ok so u first meet right? and then he meets u 'oh cool person ok. rlly chill' then after awhile he sees you start sniffling over someones sob story and hes all like 'aweee'
maybe that might be a bonding factor. Like, the fact that ur empathetic and soooo YKNOW, YOU
so like when u werent close he was all like 'ohh. ahhh wow. i see.' now hes all like 'haha theres my little gober gomble with the gummy goo' but he will never say that ofc grrr
PLATONICALLY. hes as goober as can be. literally being all friends friends with you and loving your company. like, actively approaches you and goes 'hey!!!! :3!!'. literally a sweetie yall talk about stuff and the whole time hes like :3 and all supportive and encouraging throughout whatever ur feeling, blue or yello, red or green.
fixes my bowtie. Now. ROMANTICALLY?? so this is only it does blossom after the platonic stage. he does the same things, except all 'hmgngmg omg.. its them...' inside now. More active tending to you in your moments, happy or blue. like cheering if ur cheering, fretting over u if youre sad over smthng, stuff like that. or angry, like going 'PLS PLS PLS PLS' holding you back from hitting someone on the head. literally just the same in platonic but hes so so so sooo in love with you and loves you, for being you, more than anything
WHEW and thats. yeah. thats it. Again i am so sorry for the disproportionate pics n headers EVERYTIME i literally crop them on my own sometimes n i dont know where else to get them. but yah i hope u enjoyed and sorry it took soo long :333 !! Hcs are easier for me 2 do than fics because they take less time and like, hmm, its not that hard since theres no plot planning or proofreading or anything like that. but yes WOOO ENJOY I HOPE YALL KEEP ENJOYIG THE RARE FICS IS PUT OUT IM SO SORRY FOR THAT TOO 😭😭
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