#you don't just wear historical outfits and expect me not to draw it
piiinkfreak · 1 year
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Guess who's back on their supernatural bullshit baby!!!
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The Empress' New Clothes ❄️
Overthinking and overanalyzing Frozen outfits and what they mean for the characters again...
The more I think about Elsa's fashion sense, the more it makes me laugh.
Before Elsa's transformation in the climax of Let It Go, the only clothes we see her wear are... well, for lack of a better word, nothing like that. Of course, this is because those are the kinds of attire "expected" of royals. It's possible that she does get a say in what she would like to wear but just has more pressing things to worry about (concealing and don't-feel-ing) than whether or not she likes the royal outfits given to her. She did say in A Sister More Like Me written by Barbara Jean Hicks...
"It was important, as a princess, that I looked my best."
Obviously, she understands the weight of keeping up such an appearance. That's also not to say that I think Elsa hated her old clothes, but I believe if she was given complete freedom over what she gets to wear, they would be different.
Luckily, we do get that moment of freedom in Let It Go 😁
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At first glance, one would think Elsa just "covered" her coronation dress with her magic, and that the gown is still under there somewhere. But we know this isn't the case as she physically alters it by removing the "turtle neck" and adding a slit on the skirt area. Not to mention, she also turns her black flats into pointed heels. R.I.P. coronation outfit!
So... okay... wow... that's the kind of outfits Elsa prefers to wear after all! She likes the slits. She likes the bardot tops. She likes the low necklines. She likes the capes. She likes the sparkles 😌 So much so that it becomes a distinct recurring style for her in the following films, and everyone knows it! In the Junior Novelization of Olaf's Frozen Adventure retold by Suzanne Francis, we even see Anna tease Elsa when she gifts her her party dress which Elsa immediately knows is for her.
"Yup. That one's yours. How'd you guess?" Anna teased.
And how could we forget Olaf (and Kristoff) also teasing her during Charades Night in Frozen II? (I'll be assuming they meant Elsa's fashion or body language, and not the literal "Here I stand!" scene as they weren't there when that happened. Elsa "retelling" the Frohana that musical number frame by frame seems more unlikely 😆)
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I'm the last person to ask about historical accuracy, but I don't believe slits were commonplace during her era, especially not for royalty. But I have read that it was normal for queens to be trendsetters. So, I am very curious where Queen Elsa took inspiration from to give herself that look 🤭 I wonder if she's always been curious about other styles since she was a teen. I don't cherish the idea that she was depressed every second of her life hidden away; there must be some moments when she just engages in hobbies she likes. I headcanon that she would draw herself (or random characters) in the outfits she preferred as an outlet, as she was probably too shy to request for something similar. It's so wholesome to me because I knew I was exactly like that when I was little—imagining myself in "big girl" clothes that I couldn't be caught dead asking for. So, yes, I might be projecting quite a bit 😅
Other than dissecting the symbolism tied to it, imagining Elsa as a character who just really really likes those kinds of outfits is a lot of fun for me. I noticed Elsa never really address the clothes she wears, she just lets other people react to them, and thanks them for their compliments. But she doesn't need to say anything to let us know that, as the Gen Z slang for it goes... 🎀 she's just a girl 🎀
Which makes this scene even funnier to me:
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— ❄️
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goose-duck · 3 months
Creepypasta x reader
Obscene Normality (ch.1)
Obtusely normal reader bc I'm tired of reader being either some cute little critter or some badass killer or smth idk free me, this story is trying to be realistic but also not, yknow? Maybe you don't, but I do.
What's it about? Well, it's just you interacting with the creepypastas but it's realistic, kinda, I'm trying my best. That's the gist of it.
Characters: Hoodie, masky, toby, you
Probably shorter than you expect, I tend you give up half way with stories, so, maybe this'll have a few parts to it or smth
I was chilling at my job. It's a 9-5 job, very fun. Actually, it doesn't completely suck, I'm almost my own boss so that's fun. I'm daytime security at a museum in a small town. We get two guests a day if we're lucky, it's nothing special. The place functions more as a pit stop for directions but some people actually care about the artifacts and information. Not me though, I honestly can't be bothered. It's not that I don't like learning about this stuff, it's just, I work here, so, I don't wanna, yknow? Gotta be as defiant as defiant ad possible I guess.. maybe I should talk to a therapist about that...eh...I don't have the money...hence why I work six days a week. Yeah. Six. Anyway, not the point. I'm the only person here. You'd think there'd be someone who specializes in historical stuff, or at least my boss, but no. It's just me. So, as you'd imagine I get the creeps sometimes, but ultimately it's nit that bad, I have internet and no one to tell me what I can and can't do so I just chill all day and get paid for it. I don't get a lunch break though, which i think is illegal, but I don't care enough to deal with it.
Today is another normal day, as previously mentioned, nothing ever happens here. So I'm just sitting at a desk in the library part of the building, it's just got death records in it, nothing special, I organized them when I first got here three years ago. Crazy...it's been three years, you'd think I'd have gone crazy with such a lovey job by now, but I've still got most of my marbles. Or maybe those are dice? Where are my dice..? Probably somewhere in my room...I should clean up after work...that sounds like something smart for me to do.
A few odd guys walk in the front door. Not my place to judge...but.. they look off. Maybe they're cosplayers? But what are they doing at a museum...whatever...like I said, not my place to judge. However...no one will reprimand me for drawing these strange guys.. so that's what I'll do. I begin drawing the first one I saw...he has a mask or mussel on his face...seems like he's got a gash on his cheek hidden under it. I run my tongue along the scar on my inner cheek...I used to chew on my cheek..is that what would have happened if I never stopped? I guess that makes sense...but why the face covering? And the goggles? Eh...my dad wears sunglasses inside, this isn't nearly as bad, at least these have some style to them and match the rest of this guy's outfit. There's this other guy, ugly yellow hoodie...sorry yellow lovers...but he doesn't make it work. He's got a robbers mask with a red frowny face on it...uh...let's hope he doesn't rob the place, I don't wanna have to do my job. Now for the third guy...mask guy...sideburns guy...less in shape markiplier? I don't know...I wonder if he's good looking under the mask...I like his physic...I shouldn't be fantasizing about random men I see while at work. Sorry. Who am I apologizing to? This is definitely becoming a problem...I'm apologizing to myself for being weird now.
The masked man walks over to me, he just kinda looks at me, nods, then continues on his way. I think he was trying to reassure me they aren't here to steal.. given their outfits that's appreciated...I guess maybe they really are just cosplayers...maybe I should ask who the characters are? Do I care enough for that? Yeah...but I'll let them walk around a but first...I'll ask when they're on the way out.
After a little while I get bored of just sitting around so I start wondering around the building...maybe I'll run into the guys again. Oh wow...that was quick. It didn't take long to run into the trio again, they're standing around some death records, looking for someone...obviously.
"Yo, need anything? I can help if you're looking for someone." I say politely but still trying to keep it casual.
The man in the hoodie responds, "No, but thank you. We'll just look for ourselves." He's kind about it, but I get the feeling he just wants me to leave.
I notice the guy with the goggles twitching.. I wonder what neurological disorder he has..not my business. I turn around and walk away. I'll ask about the cosplays later. I decided to just go wait around at the front doors so I won't miss them when they leave. I just lollygag around, playing games on my phone to pass the time.
It doesn't take long before the men are back, looking like they're going for the exit, I quickly get their attention, "hey, yall enjoy your time here?"
The twitchy man with the goggles answers, "Y-yeah it.. it was good. Found what I I I...I was looking for." He seemed to be getting annoyed by his own tics and stuttering as he talked.
The masked man and hooded man both nod in agreement with goggles' response.
"That's good!" I give them a soft smile, "may I ask something before you leave?"
"Sure." The hooded man blankly states.
I get a little nervous, holding my hands together and twiddling my thumbs, what if I'm wrong and they just dress like this? Maybe I won't ask...
"Uh...um...ah...never mind." I stammer out tp the three men.
The masked man rolls his eyes, "okay, bye then."
I quickly respond with a small wave, "see ya! Have a nice day!"
The three men then leave and I'm left all alone again.
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soapkaars · 7 months
Hello, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm the original anon who sent you that ask about the sad cat dancing meme involving the medical malpractice gang? I'm sorry for responding so late, but I just wanted to say thank you for drawing that comic in response to my ask! I 100% was not expecting anything and just wanted to share something I thought would hypothetically be silly for the characters in these movies to do, so thank you for that once again!
That said, I recently saw the previous posts you made about one of your OCs potentially playing gacha games and wanted to know if you yourself had played any such games as well/what kind of gacha games you like? I personally like rhythm games like Love Live and fighting games like Genshin Impact, so does your OC have any preferences as well? Additionally, seeing as I brought them up, do you think anyone in the medical malpractice gang would enjoy these kinds of games?
Again, just like my previous ask, please don't feel obligated to draw anything in response, I just wanted to hear what you had to say, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi! I certainly remember you! It was a fun ask to do!
To answer your question, I’m actually not into any gacha games myself. I’m hopelessly addicted to matching three mobile games (right now I have that extremely predatory Royal Match game on my phone) and when I set out to design the character I was originally thinking along those lines: because Laszlo is one of six cloned from Peter Lorre it makes sense to have each clone be addicted in some way to something (Lorre being a historical addict himself of course) but also something ‘innocent’ enough that avoids the moralism and fraught medical history associated with physical addiction. These are six people who grew up on a submarine, they’re going to get silly addictions (vaping, bad movies, etc)
The way it came to gacha games is that those games are visually way more striking and have more enticing rewards attached to them than the crappy mobile games I’m into, and in a post apocalyptic world where most governments have split off into ever smaller factions, with characters who spent their lives travelling the world in a submarine, it makes sense to take a more international approach and not just stick to what I know (Western countries mostly). Finally, the game Laszlo is into is Uma Musume because 1) @faustiandevil introduced me to the anime and 2) Peter Lorre himself loved horses, so it makes sense that this modern ponytail-wearing financial expert Lorre would be playing a cute game with horsegirls racing each other in pretty outfits. An extra bonus is that Uma Musume has some very expensive merch and I thought it would be hilarious to have this financial expert spend enormous amounts of his money on well-crafted figurines and giant plush dolls.
Now I know you said that I didn’t need to illustrate this ask, but I already made this doodle yesterday and I thought it would be appropriate to add it to this ask! Featuring: Laszlo with his latest acquisition, a three foot Uma Musume plushy (Special Week) that costs several thousand dollars
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mrsdostoevsky · 2 years
hi maby!! i hope you’re okay <3
for the ask game, cygnus + mercury?
hey dear, thanks for your concern! I just woke up after a long nap and I'm feeling way better right now! 🥰
Cygnus- If you could go back to any time period for a couple days, when/where would you want to go?
-> well, I'm hoping this question is related to time travel bc I don't think I have any period of my life that I wish I could go back.
anyway! if I could go back in time, I would definitely go to the Victorian Era. which year? well, I can't specify, but probably something in between the 1840s and 1880s.
i don't know, I just love the Victorian times since I was little. the whole aesthetic, the outfits, and people's habits definitely do something to me. my favorite authors and historical personalities were from these times, and I wish I could be their contemporary. and yes, I know it wasn't the best years because of the wars, slavery, colonization, and health atrocities, but let's pretend it doesn't happen okay? 😭
Mercury- describes your aesthetic
-> as you can see, I'm a huge dark academia enthusiast! so, as expected, a lot of elements of this aesthetic are present in my life, (not just in my online persona) and especially in my everyday habits! I'm a sucker for art, literature and old stuff, so I like to surround myself with this: lots of classical books, drawings and dead author's quotes attached to my wall.
and about my fits, I have to tell you that they don't follow the dark academia pattern at all (but most of the time they do), and this happens because, one, I'm poor and two, during summer and spring its nearly impossible to wear things like coats, pants and sweaters.
well, that's it! thanks for asking, sweetie! 🖤
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teaboot · 5 years
hi i hope its okay to ask about your career? i'm on a crossroads in my life and one of the paths im interested in is fashion but im just so... torn? and i don't think many ppl take it seriously, like, as sth you do in life unles you profit really well... my family certainly doesn't see it as an option an im just very curious about your experience w/ studying and working in the industry
Honestly? I never in my life expected going to college for fashion. He'll, I spent half my childhood topless and barefoot in jean overalls, covered in dirt with a snake in each hand. My best friend from grades 4 through 7 was a sheep. I brought that sheep to a school dance. Seriously, fancy clothing was never for an instant a topic in my mind.
I always figured it was sort of shallow, you know? Fashion was for dumb rich people who paid too much for shoes you couldn't even hike in.
What I DID love, however, was Costume Design. All the cool outfits and armour and prosthetic bits in The Dark Crystal, and Star Wars, and Lord Of The Rings. And the practical effects! Ohhh I could go on. I loved it. I wanted to help create that magic.
And to be a Costume Designer, I had to go to school for Fashion Design.
And I will tell you right now: if someone is in a fashion design course? Good for you. It's hard work. But if you've GRADUATED your fashion design course?
Ho-lee-fuck. You have my immediate respect.
Getting a fashion design degree is a four year commitment, usually. Because I'm an idiot, I decided to finish it in two. And I did! But out of... I believe a starting class of 15-20? Only four of us graduated.
To highlight the worst of it? My family is poor. Pretty much all my classmates were either ludicrously wealthy or at least well-off. I had duct tape holding my sneakers together, and I worked on group projects with people wearing Louis Vuitton who had maids back home. They were nice enough, but the cultural disconnect was more jarring than I'd expected.
And the actual class work is hard. The people coming in with fantasies of becoming the next Kim K with little to no real physical labour or skill involved dropped out pretty quickly.
See, knowing how to draw was part of it, but the whole spectrum of classes involved Fashion History, Color Theory (Which is an ENTIRE course on just colors!), Life drawing, Digital illustration (for both factory instructions AND fashion images), Fashion illustration, Concept design and development, GERBER training (The only digitizing program for making patterns, apparently, which is garbage and makes me cry), Patternmaking, Trends (And how to predict/utilize them), Advertising, Basic web design, textile sciences (where we learned how to make fabric, design fabric, and analyze various materials and weaving/knitting techniques), and then the ACTUAL design and construction classes, where we finally got to learn how to use industrial machines and do a million sample pieces to cover sewing and ironing techniques before moving onto designing and sewing our own ideas.
If it sounds overwhelming, good. It IS overwhelming. I can't speak for others, but my mental and physical health both tanked. I worked 20 hour days and spent weeks at a time on campus without going home, mostly because I couldn't afford the train. If you have the opportunity to use the full four years, DO NOT RUSH LIKE I DID. It will CONSUME YOU. There were so many days where I woke up in a bathtub or under a table and thought, 'I made a mistake. I can't do this. I'm an idiot, I should quit, my life is hell.'
Really, I think the only reason I didn't because the only thing I am more than dumb is stubborn, and I have amazing friends and family who I could call and talk openly to, and I'd already flushed enough money down the campus toilet that quitting now with nothing to show for it would have been a move of eternal regret.
...BUT- and I must insist, BUT- I LEARNED SO MUCH. I had hardass teachers who made me cry, I learned about a system of corporate corruption and greed that starts with a seed and ends in farmers shooting themselves in the field and mothers losing children in villages across the world and the $3 dress you buy off the rack and the laws that make it possible. I learned that there are ways to Fuck that system, and I learned how to change that system. I learned where the problems are. I learned where the lies and misconceptions are. I learned about disability and ableism, fat shaming, diet culture, ageism, social hierarchy, revolution, historical trends that keep coming back and ideas so appealing that they didn't stop until people end up dead.
It's fascinating. It changes your worldview and the way you think. People need to know that fashion isn't just clothing- its everything from the way you hold your body to the food you eat, the color of your skin and hair, your wedding ring, your dog, your living room wall. It encompasses EVERYTHING, and I love that.
That being said, I graduated tired and hungry and went off to work a desk job just to breathe a little for about a year. Then I made fashion flats for factory production for a while, because the pay is good and I know how.
And I have so many opportunities open to me, now. I could work in a high-end boutique. I could be a patternmaker for wedding gowns, prom dresses, suits, costumes, bathing suits. I can and HAVE worked backstage in fashion shows. I can be a tailor, a costume designer, a stylist, a personal shopper, a curator- there are so many directions I can go from here, and for a while I even did small clothing adjustments for people to help ends meet.
It's a collection of skills I will always have that I can always use, no matter my social standing. I could lose my house, my family, my job, my mobility, but so long as I can communicate or hold a pencil I will have a valuable skill.
I'm in the process of applying for the IATSE film union, to be a costume designer. It's been four years since I started. I'm nervous, and excited, and anxious, but worst case scenario I can't get a foot in the door? I can make clothes for my children. I can tailor my own suits. I can do repairs for friends and neighbors. I can go to a store, look around, and say, "That's a bad deal. That's a bad investment. I can get good value out of this instead", and that's good, too.
At the end of the day, though, you know the most important thing I've learned?
My job is not my life. My job is what SUPPORTS my life. Having a job I love would be nice, but it's still only secondary.
Sorry, I ramble. Hope I could help!
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Yeah I guess what really about the costuming kind of caught my eye wasn't so much the historical inaccuracy - god knows I don't watch BBC action stuff for historical accuracy! (The timeline of BBC Musketeers is so screwed up, too. but the show's still fun), tbh I don't really expect any historical adventure show to be very accurate - but like idk I guess it just bothers me that nothing looks like it's ever been used before? Like we start with Robin and Much having been on the road for ages and yet their clothes look as if they'd been watched recently. Also I'll admit that I kind of miss the colourful clothing of noble characters from RoS, like I feel like it somehow gives the different characters a much more distinct look when they don't all wear black, but instead the Sheriff generally wears either green, yellow, or orange (or some combination of those) and Guy whenever he's not in armor wears blue (and even when he's in armor, he has that blue cloak. Btw there's one blooper in which the actor playing him tries to draw his sword and it gets caught in his cloak XD), and Abbot Hugo wears those really luxurious purple robes, and so on.
I do understand you feeling a little doubtful about the two Robins thing in RoS, but rest assured they make it work! I'll admit I prefer Michael Praed's Robin of Loxley, but I have nothing against Jason Connery's Robert of Huntingdon either. To be honest, I'm a little sad the show was cancelled after season three (it wasn't their fault, really, I think one of the production companies went bankrupt or something so they just couldn't afford to continue), because I genuinely would've liked to see where they'd have taken the character. And besides in season three there wasn't really enough time to develop the whole Guy and Robin being half-brothers thing, so it mainly ended up working as an excuse for why Robin wouldn't just kill Gisburne when he had the chance...
But I really like that when they switch Robins in RoS, it takes Robert of Huntingdon like most of the two-episode story Herne's Son to convince the outlaws to join him (John and Will especially are not eager to accept a nobleman as their new leader) and Marion is only convinced to return in the following episode, The Power of Albion. Also the first few times the outlaws call him Robin rather than Robert in The Power of Albion they look kinda sad and like they really didn't intend or want to do that, but as the season goes on they start consistenly calling him Robin
I agree that it��s a lot more interesting if the characters are wearing different colors or outfits in general instead of their same generic one all the time--- like switch it up every now and then, although it makes it easy for cosplay reasons to stick to one. That’s why I liked Marian’s outfits, although in Season 1 I thought most of them were very modern and bland, but at least she switched it up every episode or other scene. 
I completely agree and think that both shows took the half-brother route as a way for Robin to not kill Gisborne (well, at least for BBC’s case in giving a reason to put their differences aside and work together), especially in a short amount of time since it was the last season. Honestly though, I’m down for Gisborne and Hood having ties to each other anyway. XD
I’m excited to see how they explain and make the whole two Robin’s thing work out. I think I'll like it regardless. 
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