#you ever have so many ideas it paralyzes you. i think its awesome
m0threy · 9 months
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being a creative is awesome
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Heya 👋
I was wandering lately how various goops taste like. And here's the question - what do you think liquid determination tastes like?
Because imagine yourself as Killer: this thing always oozes out of everywhere.
°Is this thing thick or sticky, or maybe it could be itchy? Since it literally would turn monster in a goop and you always in contact with it.
°It's in your eyes. Can it affect your field of vision, do your eyes feel dry, or something?
°It's in your throat and nose. Is it affects your breathing and how your sense of smell works?
°It's in your mouth, how does it taste like? Do you swallow it? How it affects your sense of taste?
If this liquid determination is generally irritating and uncomfortable to be in contact with, maybe it have it's part in why Killer doesn't care about his body. He's always in sensory overload, he can't understand anymore what cue means what. Is it just determination in his stomach, that he always swallows, acting up and irritates him more than usual or is he hungry? Is it determination gooped up in his eyes and they are itchy and dry, or he wants to rest and maybe nap for a bit? Imagine yourself to try and sleep when everything is itchy and uncomfortable, when your nose and throat keeps being clogged up by determination and if you don't pay attention you can suffocate on it... And it's on top of hallucinations AND nightmares?
Jeeeeez. Poor dude.
PS: sorry for bad English 💜
Nah, don’t worry, your English is pretty good 💕.
But Gods I love it when people take aspects of Killer’s character/story or even certain ideas and headcanons proposed and then add on to it in a way I never thought of.
But that’s honestly a pretty awesome idea. That his body is just constantly in overload and sending so many blaring signals and alarms in attempt to get Killer’s attention and have the issue fixed, but Killer either isn’t capable of fulfilling the need or fixing the issue (like food), or he tries to fix the issue but there’s so many fucking issues that everything he attempts either doesn’t work because it’s something else entirely or he makes it worse or its just something he can’t fix.
And like its overwhelming and uncomfortable and there’s many other things he needs to do to avoid causing more issues and his body is like punishing him for things he didn’t cause or just can’t/doesn’t know how to fix, that he just does the next best thing and ignores it, shuts down from it, dissociates from it. Nothing ever seems to ease it or satisfy so why bother with it anymore. It’s not his problem, they’re just forced to live with eachother—he and the body.
And if the goop is thick and sticky I sometimes like to imagine that killer’s sockets often just get stuck and crusted shut and so he kinda has to wash his ‘eyes’ with a wet rag or use a warm compress to get rid of all the built up, dried crusted goop just to be able to open his sockets again.
And if the DT leaks from every crevice or crack, id imagine the goop likely not only deeply stains parts of his bones black or caused joints to lock up sometimes—and its most worse, it could even cause his arms, hands, legs, etc to “lock up” or paralyze, even if temporarily. And if the DT has painful or like acidic properties it could cause a lot of pain, irrational and/or discomfort.
{ @awa-the-skeleton }
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
One of the things that I really appreciate about this blog is that now, every now and then, when I hear about some new awful thing in the world, it will be in the context of "and this is what people are doing to fight it". That's so much less paralyzing.
(If you have any sources to recommend for experiencing more of that, me and my mental health would be further indebted.)
Ahhh, I forgot about this message, sorry! Been a hectic couple of months.
I absolutely have more sources!
One of the biggest is the media collaboration The Solutions Journalism Network, which focuses on just that: closing the massive gap between people reporting on problems and people reporting solutions.
I have a giant bookmark list of sources for this blog, for good news stories and hope, so here's a bunch of links! Roughly in order of how good I think they are (in terms of size of stories, previously uncovered stories, good editorial standards, accuracy, detail, number of stories, etc. etc.)
We're gonna start with the ones that do good news ONLY, because sometimes you fucking need that, and then below I'll link some excellent sources that have a higher than average number of quality pieces on good news, even though they also publish other stuff too.
Good and hopeful news sources:
Future Crunch - If you only read one of these sites, read this one!!! It's a MASSIVE biweekly roundup of international good news stories with really high quality reporting--a lot of UN and WHO and major NGO reports as their sources. I cry from hope at LEAST 30% of the times I read this, and tbh it used to be like 100%, about a year ago when I started realizing that hope for the planet and for humanity was something that was REASONABLE TO HAVE.
Reasons to Be Cheerful - Fewer stories, but FANTASTIC quality of reporting, especially on fantastic local stories, many of them in international communities, that you've definitely never heard of before
Positive.News - Good coverage and especially roundups, mostly Europe-focused.
Good News Network - This one is awesome for the high number and approachability of its stories, but unfortunately also includes more "That's not news that's just a heartwarming anecdote" and "That's not good news it's actually dystopian" pieces than I'd like.
Jane Goodall's Good For All News - Really awesome focus on international issues, a lot of news from Africa, a lot of news about youth organizers and youth-led projects, and a lot of focus on how helping the environment and helping communities are inextricably connected. Yall Jane Goodall is doing SO MUCH amazing work out there even at her age, and most people also have no idea.
Good Black News - Mostly posts on music and entertainment, and doesn't post all that often, but they're great.
Good Good Good
The Good News Hub
Only Good News Daily
( ) for Tomorrow - Directory of grassroots solutions to all types of issues and "proof that no solution is too small to have an impact"
A Plus - Dedicated to uplifting stories in video form. I'm sure they're awesome, I just don't rly use them bc videos can set off my sensory issues
The Happy Broadcast - Illustrated good news tidbits! I haven't been using them much but it looks like they've (recently?) added more text and sources to each image, so I might change that. Illustrations are pretty cute tbh
Sources that publish a lot of good news, but also other not good stuff:
Euronews.Green - Environmental section of European news org
Yes! Magazine - Excellent solutions-focused journalism, excellent focus on BIPOC content and underrepresented communities
TheMayor.EU - EU-focused, discusses a lot of good projects and cool local developments/programs
Grist - Solutions journalism, fantastic corage especially on environmental issues
Mongabay - Billed as "News & Inspiration from Nature's Frontline," they are amazing and have some of the best goddamn reporting I've ever seen. They mean "frontline" very literally: there's a TON of pieces about and by and interviewing communities on the front lines of environmental conflict, especially developing nations and Indigenous communities world wide. That said there's also a lot of bad news on nature's frontline still, while they report a lot of amazing and powerful good news, make sure you're in a resilient mood when you visit this site, because some of the stories are also pretty upsetting.
Indian Country Today and Native News Online - two of the leading news orgs for Indigenous communities in the United States. Kind of like Mongabay in that they have a lot of good news stories from Indigenous communities that often no one else is reporting on, but also plenty of coverage of things that are definitely not good, so better to read when you're in a resilient mood.
If you have any good news sites/sources you'd like to add, please drop them in the replies or comments! I'm always looking for new good news sources (though I def don't always have time to use all of them, rip!). Plus, let's support these sites by giving them some traffic!
We could all use more ways to get some more good news.
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redrosesartcabin · 3 years
Kenji x first perspective female reader:
Things happened
(Hey, how is it going peeps! This was requested by @xxno-0xx . I hope you all, and especially the requester, like it. Only one warning: It involves some swearing, so if you don’t like that don’t read. If the requester doesn’t like it, please tell me and I’ll edit the story! Also: The story plays somewhere either between season 2 and 3, or somewhere around season 3. Though not in a canonical episode)
It’s crazy how things sometimes happen.
A very vague description, I know, but it’s the only way I can convey how I feel.
Things happened that made me have the opportunity to go to Jurassic Worlds Camp Cretaceous.
We had won the league as the best female Baseball team, with the price being -besides the typical golden trophy and some media glory- a trip to Camp Cretaceous for one of us. And as the team leader, I was chosen as the one who can go.
“Oh no it’s fine!”, I had said. I already had a funny feeling about the trip. But they all had insisted, “it’s fine”, they had said, “it’ll be cool” they said.
Oh and weren’t they just so right. I am super peachy.
Practically prancing through the jungle and killing Dinos with my little finger-
Ok that’s enough, I think y’all got the gist: The shit had hit the fan.
Things happened, that made everyone be gone, and suddenly it was up to us to survive on this pretend Prehistoric nightmare.
At least my beloved baseball bat had survived the fall of the Camp Cretaceous building. After that discovery I didn’t let go of it anymore. I took it everywhere with me, hitting every living being that even dared to breath in my new found friends direction.
Friends… I had never thought, before the evacuation of Jurassic World and all that crazy stuff happened, that I’d ever call any of them that. I hadn’t really found any of them to be friendship material. I love baseball and building things out of wood in my free time and had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. The only person in the group who had come close to that was Yaz, but she had been so closed off, that I couldn’t really tell before we became a group that fought for their survival. Darius also had been ok, but I was older than him and we didn’t have anything in common, so that checked itself out. Everyone else sort of annoyed me in one way or another. Especially Kenji’s pompous ass. He had appeared very full of himself and just generally narcissistic, or at least painfully self centered and pretentious.
Now imagine how surprised one might be, when one figured I was crushing on the guy.
Let’s just say, that things happened that made me see Kenji in a completely different light.
Turns out he has a good enough sense of humor to catch my drift when I speak “in sarcastic” as he likes to call it. Turns out, he was a loyal and fun friend. Turns out he was just a lonely soul, neglected by a father whose work is more important to him than his own son.
Everything turned out different than it appears about him. He still sometimes annoyed me with his pranks and especially when he wouldn’t shut up about his wealth. The latter however became very apparent as the means to show that he was someone, although he didn’t need to prove that anymore. But of course he would think that’s how people would like him, his father had taught him no better.
The first thing I mentioned somehow makes me love him even more. It annoys me, gets such a rise out of me, that it’s somehow funny again. It gives me a spark and Kenji seemingly seems to enjoy seeing that spark. And him enjoying that spark makes me somehow happy as well. It would start with a cat fight and ended in rigorous laughter.
“Why so serious?”, he would sometimes ask when I’d respond with a glare towards him when he’d steal my bat for what felt like the fifty millionth time.
“You’re getting so creative. I barely saw it coming”, I answered dryly and one could practically see the words alternating between being written in small and big letters.
“Well then you should have no problem finding your sweet baby bat then”, he cooed. Looking deep into his dark brown eyes and almost devilish handsome grin made me both want to punch and kiss him, which may have made me irritable and even madder.
“Finding? Why should I find anything if I have a living and breathing treasure map. Come here!”, I demanded with a creepily sweet grin as I’d walk towards him. Then he’d run, I’d run, we wrestled for a second on the ground only to break into a laughing fit, rolling on the floor, crying tears, resolving this nonsense prank and then getting back to either relaxing or fighting off Dinosaurs… again.
I didn’t think, however, that anything could happen between Kenji and me.
For many a reason, though only two are essential: For one, we were busy surviving, one barely had time to get downtime with the group, yet alone for themselves. Secondly, I didn’t really know, or couldn’t really tell, if he felt the same. Maybe it was my own insecurities coming to light or something, but I just couldn’t really believe it.
Seemed unlikely.
But then things happened.
Kenji and I were on the run from an especially nasty, big Dinosaur. We had been collecting some water in big canisters and wanted to head back to camp when it sneak attacked, unexpectedly.
It snared at us, opening its huge mouth, showing a row of thin, long, sharp teeth.
“Fuck off, you tooth pick mouthed asshole!”, I hissed back at it, flailing my bat at it in panic.
The reason for my irrational action was mainly, that we were stuck between two huge rocks, backed up against another rock with no way out.
Maybe hills or mini-mountain were a better description, but it’s also not important.
All that I could think of was that we were stuck and that little fucker wanted to eat us.
“Calm down, y/n, this isn’t making anything better!”, Kenji tried to reason with me. I was close to shouting some obscenities at him or a dry ‘got a better idea, genius!?’, but this time his dark brown eyes, that often had a mischievous twinkle, calmed me, instead of creating the usual spark. I crawled closer to him as we were pressed to the stone wall.
The Dino however wouldn’t give up. Vehemently, it pressed its ugly snout between the walls, stretching its uncomfortably wet tongue towards us and exhaling a nauseating breath.
I was paralyzed, as I looked at that thing, not knowing what would happen next.
Suddenly, I felt my bat being taken out of my hand. I watched as Kenji took on a fighter stance, the bat positioned over his head, ready for the hit.
“What are you doing! Didn’t you just tell me that we should calm it?”, I asked. He turned around, a frown adorned his face, “I said you should calm down”, is all he answered before he darted towards the animal.
“NO!”, I heard myself scream. I had never heard such a sound come from my throat. It was shrill, loud and all in all I couldn’t recognize myself. I was terrified, even more than when I first caught sight of this beast that had brought us into this situation.
Everything seemed to pass by in slow motion as I saw Kenji swing the bat towards its snout. At first I thought it was over for him as the Dinos mouth opened, the teeth seeming to scrape Kenji’s head, that’s how close it was to him… but then I saw Kenji swinging the bat again, directly hitting its head so that it flew against the stone wall. The beast wailed in pain, seemingly backing up, and just like that, it was gone.
“I… I made it”, Kenji first whispered, before he laughed, repeating, “I made it!”, even louder, jumping into the air and forming a victory fistbump in the air.
“That was awesome! Did you see how- Y/N?”, Kenji’s joy subsided as he looked into my angered expression. With a swift motion I took my bat back, glaring at him as I pressed out, between gritted teeth “let’s just go, hero”
Kenji seemed to have caught the sarcastic undertone of me calling him a hero, because I could physically feel his mood shift closer to mine, “hey what’s with that attitude? I just saved our lives!”
“By doing what I also wanted to do. Great!”
“You were panicking! I don’t know if you would’ve gotten a good hit by panicking. Besides, I couldn’t risk you getting hurt!”, he explained.
For a second I could feel my heart flutter, but that didn’t help my opinion on what just happened.
“But you were ready to risk yourself?”, I asked, my tone bitter.
“Why are you so mad?”, he asked, “we are safe, what more could you want?”,
“I-“, I stopped in my tracks, thinking. Yeah: What was I so mad about? He was right, I had panicked. Panic never helps with concentration and right decision making. I found it impressive, that he had the courage and the focus to fight the Dino off. But I just couldn’t fight off the thought of it going wrong. What if he would’ve been eaten?
“What-“, I wanted to repeat what I had been thinking, but could feel a hiccup, breaking the tear flood inside me. No- I was not going to cry. I took a deep breath, looking directly into his confused visage, “- what if it would’ve gone wrong, I’m just… I- I wouldn’t have known what to do without you. I can’t imagine being without you anymore”.
I saw and heard him gasp, his glance unfreezing from his confused state.
“I didn’t realize I was that important to you”, he answered.
I chuckled, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes, “everyone is important to me from the group, I wouldn’t have liked any of them to risk their lives for me but- but especially not you. I- I can’t believe I’m going to say this - I had vowed to take this to my grave ya know-“
“- Get to the point”, Kenji urged me.( I wasn’t looking at him, but he later told me he had smiled whilst saying it, I however thought he was getting annoyed and was almost too scared to continue. Stupid how that sometimes works)
“- I, eh- I’m in love with you I think. Or at least I definitely feel very strongly for you”, I confessed, “there! Now you have something to use against me. Finally got something you can laugh at again on this miserable Isla-mpf”, my self deprecating monologue was interrupted by soft lips catching mine. It almost took my breath away, but then I leaned in, still not believing this was happening, though it definitely was.
“I’m not going to laugh, I love you too. I wouldn’t be stupid enough to risk everything if I didn’t”
“That’s cheesy, but I appreciate the honesty”, I said, wearing my usual shit eating grin as I regained confidence back.
“Oh look who's talking now”
“Oh shut it!”, I laughed and just like that, I found myself kissing him again.
“And here I thought I had to worry, but you two just ran away to make out”, I suddenly heard Darius in the background, half serious, half amused by the moment he found us in.
I quickly broke away from Kenji, grinning sheepishly, “You know how it is Darius: You get chased by a Dino, and then you need a kiss to make the boo boo go away… just so happens I got a bit of a chap on my lips, and Kenji wanted to make it real good again”, I explained, earning a silent chuckle from Kenji.
Darius rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hold back a smile either, “let’s get you love birds home”
And so things happened. Did we have much time to enjoy us being a couple? Not really.
Did more things happen, making everything crazier and tougher?
Did the rift between Darius and Kenji make me anxious as I was sitting by Kenji’s side, as he, with an expression that was too serious for my liking, drove the yacht?
But I know, that at least he’s by my side still, as am I, and we will make things happen so that we can finally be free from this place.
Hopefully, we’ll make it.
Depends on what the Dino on the yacht has to say about it...
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Marked (Tommy Shelby x Reader) Part 2
I meant to get this out wayyyy sooner than now-I deeply apologize. Hope you enjoy! Also-for all those who asked to be added to a taglist-I dub thee *waves styrofoam sword* tagged. If anyone else wants to be tagged in a further installment of Marked, just ask :)
Also-Trigger Warning for sexual assault. Discretion is advised.
The Thomas Shelby that left for France at the beginning of the war and the Thomas Shelby that returned are two very different people.
The old Thomas Shelby was but a boy: slight with rosy cheeks, a crooked smile, and a love for horses. He was small and quiet, but not to be underestimated. He was dangerously clever, always had a trick up his sleeve, and a bit of a smart-ass.
The new Thomas Shelby is tall, thin, well-dressed, and observant. His big blue eyes are now cold and searching, the spark inside long gone. His soldier’s helmet is thrown into the Cut and replaced with a flat cap that has razor blades in its peak. He’s cunning, fiery, and has nothing to lose.
Under his pressed suit and cool manner, along his ribcage, a second word takes shape: runaway.
“Y/N? Are you well?” You snap out of your reverie to face your best friend, Edith. She’s looking at you across your kitchen table, plump lips pulling into a frown. You sigh in response, running a hand through your hair.
“Yeah, I think. I just really need to score well on tomorrow’s exam,” The two of you were lucky enough to attend the local college together: for a certain amount of money from the right families, the school was allowing a handful of women to attend classes. Because your father was a wealthy horse breeder, you were sent to “make the family proud”. The problem was, you were terrible with math. You were lucky to have even gotten this far in the course, but tomorrow’s test will bank on you staying in university. And you couldn’t go back to father and mother empty handed-they would never forgive you.
“Hey,” Edith places her hand on top of yours, “you will succeed. We have been studying for weeks. All will be well,” You look up at her and smile. You didn’t deserve to have this awesome of a best friend. Edith has always been there for you, and you can’t imagine life without her.
“Thanks. Now how do I factor a polynomial?”
You hand in your final with shaky hands and begin to make for the door of the classroom, right behind Edith. You’d failed, you just knew it. There were too many questions that you blanked on, too many that you just wrote the first number that popped into your head as an answer.
“Uh, Miss Y/N,” Your professor’s voice sounds, “Hang back a moment,” You look desperately at Edith, who had turned around too. She gives you a sympathetic look, mouthing, ‘I’ll wait outside,’ You nod, slowly turning around to face Professor Lewin.
He had always given you a strange vibe, especially because he made it clear he hated you. He called on you a lot during his lectures, and when you’d stutter out a guess, he’d shrug and look at the male members of the class: “Women, eh?” He’d say, before moving on.
You put on your most confident smile, “Yes, Mr. Lewin?”
Mr. Lewin stands, putting his hands on the top of his desk, “Have a seat,” he says, gesturing towards the desk closest. You obey, sizing him up. He’s a portly man, with slicked back salt and pepper hair and stubble that tries very hard to be a mustache. His dark eyes glare at you as you smooth your skirt.
“You are quite an interesting pupil, Miss Y/N,” Professor Lewin sidles around to the front of his desk. A sick feeling curls in the bottom of your stomach. You don’t like the way he’s looking at you. Regardless, you keep your cool.
“Yes. You see, Miss Y/N,” Mr. Lewin walks closer to you, looking as if he’s stalking prey, “I just can’t seem to figure out how your head so pretty yet so very empty,” He’s invading your personal space now, leaning over your table to put a strand of hair behind your ear. You clench your teeth, trying to lean as far away from him as possible. His breath smells disgusting-like old cigarettes and tuna.
“Mr. Lewin, I-” A meaty, chalk-smudged finger is shoved hard onto your lips.
“Don’t speak,” Mr. Lewin grabs your wrists in a death grip, and with astonishing strength, pulls you out of your chair and against him, “Just spread those delicious legs, and you may be able to pass this class,” Oh, no. The feeling in your stomach crests, your blood running cold. This wasn’t worth a passing grade. Despite your paralyzing fear, you fight hard against his grip.
“Let go of me,” You snarl, trying your best not to appear absolutely petrified. He doesn’t respond, instead moving one of his hands to gather your skirts. Your newly freed hand scrabbles at the desk behind you, trying to find leverage. You open your mouth and begin to scream…only to have his palm slap over it, silencing you.
“I told you to be quiet, bitch!” He mutters menacingly, tearing at your skirts. Your desperate left-hand closes around something long and sharp on the desktop. Without hesitation, you jam whatever it is hard into the closest part of Mr. Lewin’s body-which happens to be his neck. It sinks in surprisingly deep, and you feel his grip on you loosen. You wrench away, watching in horror as blood spills out from the side of his throat. Mr. Lewin looks at you with what can be best described as astonishment before staggering forward and collapsing face-first on the ground. Warmth rushes against your feet as your math professor’s blood pools around your shoes. He’s dead. You just killed him. You just fucking killed him. Bile rises in your throat, but before you can act, the door to the classroom slams open.
“Y/N! Are you alrigh-” Edith rushes through the door, then stops in her tracks. Tears well in your eyes as your wet, red hand flies to your mouth.
“I didn’t mean it-he just-he tried to-” You choke out. Oh, dear God. You’re so dead. You just killed a man and now you’re about to spend the rest of your life in a cell. A warm hand touches your shoulder, shaking you.
“No now, stay with me Y/N. It’s going to be alright. We just have to leave now,” Edith’s voice is surprisingly calm, her hand on your shoulder comforting and steady. Somehow, you summon the strength to nod.
“I know some people, and I have an uncle in Birmingham. Come along now, we mustn’t linger,”
It’s almost midnight when you board a small boat stacked with pallets of textiles. Your elegant-bloodstained-dress has been traded in for brown, baggy slacks and a tan button up. Your hair has been sheared to your chin and covered up with a large, floppy hat.
“Your job before has been to impress, stand out, yeah?” Edith is saying while fussing you’re your new headwear, “But, now, your job, my dear, is to blend in. My uncle will take care of you, let you help him with the horses, but you need to be able to disappear in a crowd. Your family thinks you jumped from Tower Bridge. Y/N L/N is dead. You’ll go by Marion now. Do you understand what I’m saying?” You look at Edith, awestruck but nodding.
“How-How do I repay you?” You stammer. You have no idea why she’s doing all of this for you.
“Oh darling, you already have. Your friendship has meant more to me than you’ll ever know,” Edith pulls you into a warm hug, kissing your cheek, “Now stay safe, yeah? Give this to Uncle,”
She presses an envelope into your grasp before climbing out of the boat and waving to the captain. With a groan, the vessel begins to glide along the surface of the canal, leaving your old life behind. As it does, the skin on your right hip begins to burn. You shift your clothing and watch as a blotch of ink slowly forms into a word: troubled.
A portly, nervous looking gentleman meets you in Birmingham. He shifts from foot to foot, giving you a small smile.
“Ello. My Edith says you’ve come to give me help with the horses,” You dip your head, handing over a small envelope. The man opens it, scratching the back of his head as he reads. Soon enough, he straightens with that same nervous smile.
“Right then, Miss Marion. I’m Curly, and if you would follow me, I’ll show you to my horses,”
Taglist: @fireghost-x @octaviareina @captivatedbycillianmurphy @screemqueen
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 122
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
theheartofmaria said:
Hey sorry to bother but I’ve checked the tags and can’t find this one: modernbucky who’s a mountain climber and dates steve(possible cap not sure) Bucky falls and wakes up in a train station with other Buckys and Steves and they’re all waiting for their counterpart to meet them there and they leave together. Pretty sure it’s multichaptered and the train station is one chapter only. Bucky is like #48 or something of the Buckys to show up. Please help! Thanks ♥️♥️
Anon sent in The Station by krycekasks, Queerily_kai (complete | 15,972 | T)
Anon 1 said:
hi there! I'm searching for a fic I can't remember the name of. Steve was a musician, Bucky got hired as bodyguard after his Winter Soldier years, they get closer. I think Steve gave him a mix tape where one of the songs triggerd Bucky, also there was a Stalker who left hundreds of roses on Steves tourbus. at the end Bucky got arested and they were trying to rip off his metal arm? I'm not too sure if the end sequence was the same fic to be honest....
Anon 2 said:
Hi! Do you know the fic where Steve gets jealous because Bucky's been hanging out with Peter and he invites same and Nat(?) over because he's lonely and Bucky comes home with Peter, realises Steve's jealous and asks Sam and Nat to take Peter home cause Steve's feeling neglected. Ive tried looking through fics tagged with jealousy and Peter Parker but I can't find it?? It leans more towards crack fic than serious. Please help!
Anon sent in Super Soldier Drug Reactions and Other Engineering Failures by AggressiveWhenStartled (oneshot | 9,419 | T)
cevansebb said:
hi guys i read this short fic where bucky “sold” his soul to a witch just so he can bring steve to live again? like revive him after he’s died?? he done it five times at that point. i forgot to save the link :( if you guys know which fic im talking about it’d be awesome thank you!
Anon sent in crawl home by biblionerd07 (oneshot | 2,307 | T)
whitewolfwintersoldier sent in A War Story* by thewriterofperfectdisasters (complete | 45,562 | M) *graphic violence, major character death
descendio said:
hello! I've looked all over for this fic but cannot find it - basically (modern) Bucky meets the avengers one by one or in pairs but doesn't know who they are? Sounds really vague but I'm pretty sure it's around 36k words and he's either dating Steve or ends up dating Steve. Thank you for your work!
Anon, whitewolfwintersoldier and miraishu sent in Brooklyn Baby* by sprinkle_of_cinnamon (oneshot | 33,725| M) *graphic violence
Anon 3 said: major character death
Hi, I was looking for a fic where the plot was that the super serum stopped working on Steve. It was a heartbreaking long fic detailing his and Bucky’s relationship as he got sicker and eventually died. There was a scene with Bucky visiting his grave that may have had art. I can’t find it anywhere on Ao3. Many thanks!
notasgeekyasidlike said: suicide attempt, character death
i've looked thru all the angst w a happy ending, suicide, depressed steve, steve's ptsd, etc. tags i can think of. i'm looking for a fic where steve "kills" the winter soldier, finds out he's Bucky, and steve's therapist is a bad guy and alive!bucky bursts in at the last second to stop him killing himself? plz xoxo
Anon and whitewolfwintersoldier sent in Brooklyn, Brooklyn Take Me In by Nightwing11 (oneshot | 8,035 | T)
Anon 4 said:
Hey! Thank you so much for your work! I read a fic once but I lost it. I remember that in the end Bucky's mother and his sister go to Steve's and Bucky's apartment and find their beds together and some other things that show that they were a couple. In the last chapter we see that the whole story was being told by a Bucky's relative (who I think was a lesbian) and she tells the boys that Bucky's mother accepted her and she thought that she would support Bucky as well
irishsaints sent in Dreamers With Empty Hands by girlbookwrm (complete | 41,803 | T)
the-stormy-princess said:
So, I know this is a huge longshot, but I've already searched AO3 with various filters. I'm searching for a fic where Steve is majorly depressed and paints all these fucked up paintings of various things that have happened to him. I know it wasn't alternate universe, in terms of Steve still being cap in the fic, but I really can't remember much. Its just been on my mind for weeks now, if yall have any ideas it would be hugely appreciated!
Anon sent in You and a Test of Will* by thepinupchemist (complete | 72,489 | E) *graphic violence
Anon 5 said:
Hi I'm looking for a fic where the theme is Bucky being very possessive and protective of Steve. However, near the end Natasha says, after a mission, something like"you guys really thing Barnes is the overly possessive one?". They turn to Steve who's yelling at Bucky for jumping in his way, then shoving him against a wall. Sorry, that's all I can remember. Thank you!
Anon 6 said:
Hey there! I really love your blog and I was wondering if you could help me find a fix? I've looked everywhere, tried every search I could think of, and still can't find it. Basically Bucky wants Steve quiet during sex so he can hear for asthmatic issues. He seems pretty serious about I and doesn't want Steve to say word. I think it's preserum Steve and I thought it was written this year though going back to try and find it didn't bring up any results. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!!
mashishi-shi said:
Ever heard of a story where Steve and Bucky adopt and they have like a pool party, and then like bucky and Steve go have sex while the pool party is happening, top!bucky BTW
doctorenterprise said:
I sent in an ask probably 2 months ago but didn’t see any answer. Trying again! I’m looking for a specific fic I read where Steve and Bucky were cops who raided the house of an old married couple who were drug dealers and apparently also weirdly into kink. Steve was all shy and didn’t get it, but then Bucky used a paddle on him right there in the basement. Steve was nervous out because they were on a job. If anyone has an idea of what fic this is, please help! I’ve been looking for ages. :)
Anon sent in Lawful Discovery by SoftObsidian74 (oneshot | 3,654 | M)
possibleplatypus said: major character death
Can anyone help me find this fic? I'm afraid it's been deleted. I remember there was a major character death tag and I think it happened after Civil War. Steve and Bucky are reunited and happy for a short time before the government catches up to them; there's a fight and Bucky is permanently paralyzed. He's brought to the US and sentenced to death and he doesn't want to appeal. Steve stays with him in prison and takes care of him. There was an illustration of tombstones at the end.
Anon sent in Twice* by DarkCaustic, Elendrien (complete | 52,006 | M) *major character death
Anon 7 said:
Hi! There’s this fic I read a long time ago and can’t find anymore :,) Basically Bucky works at a café and ends up moving across the street from Steve. Then Bucky ends up with amnesia and Steve lies about being his boyfriend to the hospital but Bucky ends up overhearing and thinking that Steve actually is his boyfriend.
miraishu sent in I've been holding my breath by MsPeppernose (oneshot | 20,186 | E)
54 notes · View notes
duhragonball · 6 years
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure
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Mystical Adventure premiered on July 9, 1988 at that year’s Toei Cartoon Festival.   This is the third of the original Dragon Ball movies, and the last one before the movies were released under the Dragon Ball Z brand.  
Just to clear this up, there was a fourth movie, Path to Power, but it was produced in 1996 in honor of the tenth anniversary of the TV series.  Since I’m trying to do these in chronological order, it’ll be a while before I get to that one.
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The title “Mystical Adventure” isn’t very descriptive, especially since it’s just the name of the opening theme song.    Personally, I think of this one as “The Emperor Chiaotzu Movie”, since that’s what I consider to be the most distinctive plot element.
I’ve always found this movie fascinating, because it follows a very different formula from the others.   Blood Rubies and Sleeping Princess basically took different parts of the original story and changed the antagonists and pacing, but never the main characters.   Launch does different things in Sleeping Princess than she does in the TV series, but she’s basically the same person, and she ends up living with Master Roshi in either version.   The DBZ movies abandon all pretense of retelling the original story, and ended up doing short, intense conflicts with little regard for continuity.   But this movie takes a number of major characters, mainly villains, and casts them in entirely new roles. 
I’m thinking that the reason for this was that Toei really didn’t have a lot of other choices.   The first film sought to retell the original Dragon Ball hunt, showing how Goku met Bulma and Roshi and the others and became a hero.   The second movie picked up where the first left off, adapting the story of how Goku and Krilin were accepted as students of Master Roshi.   So the plan was probably for this third movie to continue on that path and show the boys competing in their first World Tournament, only I’m not sure how you could retell that story and insert a new villain into that scenario.   Also, a lot of new characters had been introduced since the 21st Budokai arc, and I think Toei wanted to feature some of them, but how do you fit all of that into one movie?
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The solution, it seems, was to set the Tournament in a whole new country, the Mifan Empire, and establish a bunch of palace intrigue involving the Dragon Balls.    With that, Toei had the means to make a movie that borrows ideas from the 21st Budokai, the Red Ribbon Army sagas, and even the 22nd Budokai while we’re at it.  
The plus side of this is that we’re treated to a much more original story than what we got in the first two movies.   What bugged me about those features was that the bad guys, King Gurumes and Lucifer, were the most notable aspects of their respective movies, but they barely did anything except stand back and let the Dragon Ball cast run through all their signature quips and moves.   Movie 3 makes a lot of callbacks to the TV series, but it has to do it differently because so many of these ideas have been smooshed together in one place.   Also, this movie moves really fast.   There’s never a dull moment, because there’s so many things it has to cover in a very short run time.   It’s probably the fastest 45-and-a-half minutes you’ll ever see.
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The downside of all this is that it’s a little too fast and too complicated for its own good.   There’s a scene where Goku meets Bulma, and he asks if Yamcha came with her, and before he can wave hello to the guy, she goes “Never mind that, look at this!”   That’s kind of the movie in a nutshell.  
Goku and Yamcha don’t even get to talk to each other in this movie because there’s so much stuff going on all at once.   I’m tempted to say that they crammed too many things into the movie, but it’s probably more accurate to say that the movie should have been longer.   I’m pleased with all these moving parts, but it would have been nice to give it all a chance to breathe. 
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The story begins with Emperor Pilaf and his crew putting the finishing touches on a big-screen Dragon Radar for the Crane Hermit, Mercenary Tao, and Tien Shinhan.    They’re pleased with the work, and Tao steps forward to give them their reward.
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We don’t actually get to see what Tao does to them, because the whole scene fades to white and gets sucked into the Phantom Zone, but it’s strongly implied that he killed them, or at least didn’t pay them for their work.    So there’s even some elements from the King Piccolo Saga in this movie along with the rest.
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As the opening theme song plays, we see a montage of Goku and Krillin training under the Turtle Hermit.   This is the first time I’ve watched all three of these movies in order, and I never fully appreciated how they fit together to make a nice little trilogy.  
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No pain, no gain, boys.
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Hooray, the opening credits!  It’s fun!
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Roshi does the whole bit where he explains that he doesn’t have anything else to teach the boys, since their training regimen included all the fundamentals of the Turtle School.   As a reward for their progress, he plans to take them to a big martial arts Tournament, but it’s not the Tenkaichi Budokai in Papaya Island.   No, instead he’s taking them to the imperial tournament hosted by the Mifan Empire.
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Meanwhile, things are not well in the Mifan Empire, as the Emperor has lost his bride, Ran Ran, and the military has been searching high and low for her.
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They stop a truck and search it, and when the driver gets upset about it, the leader of the soldiers, Blue, paralyzes him with his psychic powers and kicks his ass.   I’m not sure if Blue is a General in this story, but he’s part of the Mifan Army, not the Red Ribbon.  
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Likewise, the Mifan Empire is run by characters from the Crane Hermit School.    Chiaotzu is the Emperor, and apparently a child in this story.   Tien is... well, I’m not sure exactly.   I want to say he’s a high-ranking security guard or something, but it’s never spelled out.
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The Crane Hermit is called “Minister”, and since he seems to be the most important one, I assume he’s the Prime Minister.   I’ll be calling him “Minister Shen” from here on, since I don’t think they ever gave him a name in this movie, and he’s definitely not a Hermit.  “Shen” is a dub-ism, I’m pretty sure, but I’ll run with it.
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Shen reveals the Dragon Radar to the Emperor, which looks a whole lot fancier since Pilaf last worked on it.    Also, how did he install that monstrosity in the ceiling without the Emperor knowing about it?    Anyway, he explains that if they collect the seven Dragon Balls, Chiaotzu can ask Shenron to find Ran Ran, and that’ll solve everything.   All Shen needs is the Emperor’s permission to devote imperial resources to the task.
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But then Blue walks in, and suggests that Shen may have other plans for the Dragon Balls.   His men have searched the whole city for Ran Ran, except Minister Shen’s room, which seems awful fishy to him.  
At this point, Tao enters the scene and says that any accusation against Shen must be an accusation against him as well.Then they fight, and Tao kills Blue with his tongue, just like he did in the Commander Red Saga.
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Okay, so this is a good time to talk about the double-edged sword of this movie’s concept.   This whole scene in the throne room, from the Dragon Radar to Blue’s death, is like two and a half minutes, tops.   Tao killing Blue with his tongue is awesome, sure, but in this movie it doesn’t really hold up as well because:
We’ve seen it before.
We barely got to know Blue before this happened.   Is he a good guy in this story?   I’m not sure.
Why is Tao only using his tongue?  In the TV series he did it to prove a point.   Here, there’s no context.   He just does it because he did it in the TV series and it was cool there.
Why is Chiaotzu just letting these guys fight in the middle of his court?  A minute ago Shen seemed to think it was important to get the Emperor’s permission to carry out his plan, but now they’re just doing whatever they want right in front of him.
I don’t want to complain too much, because this is a really cool scene, but I feel like it would have been helped if it had been expanded a little, or  maybe if Blue hadn’t been involved.   I think it would have been sufficient to have Tao and Shen share a sinister chuckle when Chiaotzu approved their plan.   We didn’t need Blue to run in and blurt out “HEY I THINK THESE GUYS ARE EVIL OH CRAP I’M DEAD!”    It’s like they really wanted Blue in the movie, but only so he could die to Tao.  
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Meanwhile, Bulma’s out hunting Dragon Balls with Oolong, Puar, and Yamcha.  She told them that it was to find Goku, and I’m not really sure why that would work, since he doesn’t have any of the Dragon Balls at this time.   Turns out, she just wants to make a wish.   Unfortunately, some Mifan aircraft shoot at her when she gets too close to the Dragon Ball, and she has to shoot back.
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Bulma takes out like four of these Mifanese planes.   I seem to remember she shot at some Gurumesian soldiers in Curse of the Blood Rubies, but I’m not sure that she hit any of them.   At any rate, this is probably the most kills by Bulma in any Dragon Ball media. 
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She converts her aircraft into a submarine and goes after the Dragon Ball, but the Mifan Empire has a submarine of their own, and Bulma finds herself outgunned, so she has to withdraw.
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Meanwhile, Roshi’s group is on their way to the Mifan for the tournament.   Launch wants to hijack the plane.   Okay, but what would she do if she did hijack it?   “Take this plane to Mifan, if ya know what’s good for ya!”  “Um, ma’am, that’s where we were already going.”   “Yeah, but take us there while I got a gun on ya.   It helps me relax!”
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In the Land of Korin, the Mifan Empire has forced a bunch of locals to dig up the countryside in search of the Dragon Ball they detected in the region.   Turns out that Bora and Upa have it with them, but they don’t dare turn it over becaue they’ve heard that the Mifan soldiers will kill all the workers once they find it.   So this is all kind of a callback to Android 8 hiding the Dragon Ball from General White to save Jingle Village.  
Instead, Bora decides to travel to Mifan in the hopes of straightening things out there.   That’s surprisingly proactive of Bora.    I wouldn’t say it’s out of character for him, but I’m used to seeing him as a defender of this particular land.   It’s weird that the Mifan army has invaded and the first thing he’s gonna do is leave and take the fight to their backyard.
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As it turns out, the Mifan Empire has already gathered six of the Dragon Balls, so the one in Korin is the only one they need.   For some reason, Shen keeps them all in this statue-looking thing.
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As he and Tao discuss their plans, they get word that the 7th Dragon Ball is moving towards Mifan as they speak.   That doesn’t make sense, though, because their men in Korin haven’t found it yet.   Uh-oh.
What they’re actually detecting, of course, is Bora trying to sneak into Mifan with the Dragon Ball, but he didn’t know about their radar, so by taking the Dragon Ball along, he’s basically announcing his presence.
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As they consider this, they notice a robot drone spying on them from the window.   Maybe I’m just getting old, but its weird how robot drones are a real thing you can buy at the store.   The only thing science-fictiony about Bulma spying on them like this is that she built a Dragon Radar into the drone to find them, and she doesn’t have to worry about pesky FAA regulations.   So yeah, even Droney makes a cameo in this movie.  They really went nuts stacking this film with stuff from the anime.
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So now Bulma wants to go to Mifan and steal the Dragon Balls from Shen and Tao to get back at them for attacking her earlier.  Yamcha’s up for it because there’s a cool tournament there.  Oolong’s out, until Bulma tells him there’s pretty girls in Mifan.    Okay, yeah, but aren’t there pretty girls in West City, where they currently are?   Hell, there’s a pretty girl in the same room as Oolong, and he’s just playing cards like she isn’t even there.   But Oolong’s all excited to see hotttt Mifan babes anyway.
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Roshi’s group arrives in Mifan and has dinner in a restaurant, when Bora moonwalks into the same place.  Okay, so first of all, he looks awesome in that poncho and hat.   Second, why is he sneaking around?    As far as he knows, no one would suspect him of anything.   Well, it’s a cool screencap, however we got there.    I’m just enjoying it, like that guy in the green shirt on the right.  
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He pays for his and Upa’s meal with a nugget of gold he has with him.   I’m not used to seeing Bora spending money either.    This is a very different side of the character.   I don’t know that they’re really taking liberties with the guy, it’s just that he’s doing things that he never got the chance to do in the original story.
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Suddenly there’s a bunch of sirens.   Launch panics until she remembers that she hasn’t done any crimes here...............................yet.  
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Turns out they’re here for Bora, although I’m not quite sure how they knew to look for him in particular.   Mifan’s Dragon Radar wouldn’t be precise enough to pinpoint his location, or they would have found Bora’s Dragon Ball back in Korin a long time ago.   Maybe they knew to look for someone dressed like a resident of Korin, but I don’t know if Bora really stands out in that regard.    Anyway, there’s a struggle, and one of the soldiers bumps into Goku, so he gets rowdy.
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So Sergeant Metallic shows up to straighten things out.   They fight for a while, and then Tao shows up.
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Things look pretty dicey here, since this looks exactly like the moment when Tao killed Bora in the TV show, but...
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Roshi intervenes by explaining that they’re all special guests of the Mifan Emperor, a status bestowed upon anyone who enters the tournament.   I’m pretty sure Bora had no intention of entering the tourney, but he does now, since it gives him diplomatic immunity, at least for a little while longer.   Too bad Blue didn’t enter this year...
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Here’s a cool shot of Launch.
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They all compare notes, and Roshi explains that if you win the tournament, you get to ask a favor from the Emperor.   So the plan is for one of the guys in this room to win, and ask Chiaotzu to put a stop to whatever Shen is up to.   I’m not sure that would work, and if it would work, I’m not sure they need to go to that much trouble to get an audience, but okay.
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That night, Emperor Chiatozu has a nightmare, and his best pal Tien comforts him.   Note that Tien was in the opening scene of the movie, so he’s definitely in cahoots with Shen and Tao.   I feel like that sort of got lost in the shuffle with everything else that’s been happening.
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Tien even taught him how to do telepathy, so that just proves that he has a soft spot for the Emperor.
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The next day, Bulma’s group runs into Roshi’s group.   She’s learned that all seven Dragon Balls are together in Mifan, and she plans to steal the six that are held in the palace.   This is awful brave of Bulma, considerng how she didn’t want any part of the Red Ribbon Army, but all right.
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What does she even plan to wish for?   Anyway, she recruits Launch to help her in the caper.
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Also Yamcha’s here.
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When the tournament finally starts, Yamcha is the first contestant, and his first opponent is Anton the Great, one of the jobbers from the preliminary matches in the 22nd Budokai arc.  
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Yamcha clearly busts out the Wolf Fang Fist to beat him...
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Except he ends up kicking the guy instead.   I feel like someone doesn’t understand what the Wolf Fang Fist is supposed to be.    It might be be, I’ll admit it, but it sure seems like there’s no rule to the move.   Yamcha just shouts “Roga fu-fu-ken!” and there’s some wolf images and then he just does whatever he was doing before, only it’s supposed to work better.   In the video games, it’s always rapid-fire strikes.
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We don’t get a lot of time to learn how this Mifan Tournament works, but it seems to be a gauntlet-style match.   As soon as Anton is eliminated, Bora jumps in the ring and Yamcha has to fight him next.
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Yamcha seems to do okay...
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Until Master Roshi distracts him, costing Yamcha the match.   This is so Bora can win and receive his favor from the emperor.  
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Apparently, the other fighters are so impressed with Bora’s performance that they run away rather than face him.   This just leaves Goku and Krillin, which works out great, since they all want the same thing from Chiaotzu.   But then...
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Tao decides to enter himself, and when Bora refuses to tell where he’s hidden the Dragon Ball, he kills him.
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Ouch.   I’m not sure why they would build a statue so big and sharp, but there it is.   
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Now, while all of this is going on, Bulma is making her move to get the other six Dragon Balls.   First, she has Puar shape-shift into Emperor CHiaotzu.   Ha ha, that’s adorable!  
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Then she has Oolong tun into Minister Shen.   Pretty close, but needs improvement.
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The idea is to just stroll right into the palace, since know one would dare stop the Emperor, but then a couple of nobles ask a few too many innocent questions, so Launch mugs them.
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Was this one of the pretty girls Oolong came to see?   I think this is the only woman we’ve seen in town since they got here. 
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Goku tries to avenge Bora, but he gets clobbered.   Even the Kamehameha is useless against Tao, who responds with a Dodon Ray.  Unlike the TV version of this fight, Goku gets carried away by the blast, which sends him out of the city.
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And into... Korin Tower?   Hell of a coincidence.
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Back at the arena, Shen decides that there’s no longer any need to conceal his motives, and explains to Chiaotzu that he’s taking over the Empire and using the Dragon Balls to conquer the rest of the world too.  
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Unfortunately, they still can’t find the seventh ball, because Goku was carryng it when Tao shot him with the Dodon Ray.  
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Also, Bulma’s trying to steal the other six...
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At Korin Tower, Korin doesn’t have time to teach Goku all the stuff that helped him beat Tao in the TV show, so we get a condensed lesson instead.   He drops Goku’s Dragon Ball in a pot of water, and Goku can’t see it at first because the water is moving.    When it settles, he can see the bottom clearly.   Similarly, Goku failed against Tao because he was blinded by his own anger at Bora’s death.    The key to beating his enemy is to calm his heart, which will allow him to see his enemy clearly.    
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Turns out that Tao is already on his way to find Goku, so he’d better calm his heart quickly if he wants to stand a chance.
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So Goku hops on Kinto Un to face him.   This is the first time we’ve seen Kinto Un in this movie, so I feel kind of bad for anyone who started watching Dragon Ball with this movie.   It’s just not a good introduction at all.   Launch never sneezes, and there’s just way too much stuff happening all at once.   You’ll get to see a lot of characters, but you don’t get to fully experience all of them, or learn about why they do what they do.  
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Back in Mifan, Shen thwarts Bulma’s Dragon Ball heist, and Launch actually manages to shoot some bad guys and actually kill them for once.   Unfortunately, her bullets still don’t work on Shen.
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And they end up losing the Dragon Balls in a fissue at the bottom of the ocean.   Whoops.
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Roshi and Krillin try to fight, but Tien knocks out Roshi with that knee strike he used on Jackie Chun at the 22nd Budokai.  
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So that about wraps things up.    The Dragon Balls may be lost, but Shen can stil take over Mifan, so he orders Tien to kill Emperor Chiaotzu so he can cement his power.
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Meanwhile, in Penguin Village, Arale intercepts Tao and messes with him until Goku shows up.
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Tao shoots a Dodon Ray at Arale,but it doesn’t hurt her at all, much to Goku’s amazement.
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Also the Ga-chan’s zap him, but I don’t know enough about Dr. Slump to know what that would do to him.
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This whole part of the movie is nuuuuuuuuuuts.   I don’t mind seeing Arale pop in, but pitting Tao against her and the Ga-chans and Goku is a bit much.   I think it’s safe to call Tao the main villain of the movie, but he can’t even get any traction in this final battle.   At one point, the Ga-chans tie his hair to a tree as a prank.   They just make him look like a total chump, which is humorous, but I’m not sure it was the best thing to do with this movie.
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So Tao tries the ol’ fake apology trick, except he can’t quite do what he did in the TV show because he needs to get the Dragon Ball and escape to Mifan.   So instead of a grenade, he whips out a little hovercraft, grabs the Dragon Ball, and shoots missiles when he’s far enough away.   But the result is the same.
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Back at Mifan, Tien tries to explain to Chiaotzu that he’s betraying him, but Chiaotzu just can’t accept that.
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He starts crying, and Tien just can’t resist those beady eyes.
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Shen is livid, so he tries to kill the Emperor himself.    Also around here, Master Roshi wakes up from Tien’s kick and gives him that line about how his abilities are crying out for Tien to do the right thing.   Okay, but that line worked better in the original story because we had seen Tien’s abilities.    In this movie, all he’s done so far is kick Roshi in the back of the head, and Roshi got up from it almost immediately. 
Likewise, it’s not really clear what Tien’s obligation to Shen is supposed to be.   In the original version, Shen taught him how to fight.   Here, I don’t even known what Tien’s position is.     
Really, all we need is what we’ve gotten from the movie itself.    Tien was shown to be in league with Shen and Tao’s plot, but he’s also very close to Emperor Chiaotzu, and when push comes to shove his friendship with Chiaotzu is more important than his political ambitions.    We don’t need callbacks to his dilemma from the 22nd Budokai, because this is a completely different dilemma.  
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So Shen tries to use a Dodon Ray on Chiaotzu, but Tien whips out the Ki Ko Ho first and blows Shen away.
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In the movie, the Ki Ko Ho is blue for some reason.  
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So that fixes everything except for Sergeant Metallic, who had been trying to hold Upa hostage, except everyone kept ignoring him.   Now that he has no other cards to play, he tries to kill Upa, but then Goku returns and dives right through his body, which shuts him down once and for all. 
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The guards who were helping Shen immediately bow before Chiaotzu, and he forgives them.   That’s nice and all, but I can’t help but wonder if this lax attitude is how the first coup got rolling.
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Then Tien hands Chiaotzu a doll, which is apparently Ran Ran.   Tien admits that he had been hiding it this whole time, in order to get Chiaotzu to agree to the Dragon Ball search.   So Chiaotzu’s “bride” was a doll the whole time?   How old is Chiaotzu supposed to be in this movie?  Five?  Anyway, he forgives Tien too, so that takes care of that.
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Oh, hey, Bulma and Yamcha survived falling into the ocean.   Good for them.
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The only loose end now is Bora’s death.   Goku plans to revive him with the Dragon Balls, except six of them are now out of reach. 
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So Goku tosses the seventh ball in with the rest of them, and summons Shenron that way.   Okay, but we’re kind of running short on time, aren’t we?
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And, yeah, this movie was so jam packed with content that they had to wish Bora back to life during the end credits.   I can’t really complain, since making wishes on the Dragon Balls has gotten pretty routine by now, so all we really need is a shot of Shenron and a shot of Bora waking up.   Still, it just goes to show that they really loaded this movie up for bear, and sometimes that works against it.  
I’d say this is definitely the best of the original Dragon Ball movies.   They’re all well animated, but Mystical Adventure is an even bigger visual feast, what with all the ancient Chinese architecture and the costumes and so on.   It’s got more action, with a number of fights besides the main battle, and it’s the first movie where Goku actually gets to throw down with the lead villain instead of just having a brief skirmish.   It gets a little convoluted in places, but it’s never dull, and that’s always a positive.
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tumblunni · 5 years
I dont understand why wishshipping isnt more popular, like honestly it has the most shippy moments in canon and theres even literally a scene where yugi says "joey i love you" and the anime dub cut it but the manga dub kept it and there was even an interview with the dubber talking about how the line absolutely definately was a thing that really existed in japanese and how important it was to keep it in the translation. Like in context its supposed to be a probably platonic "youre my most important person" thing but the language used is something very close to a romantic confession in japanese even if it wasnt intended to be one. And the early chapters actually had A LOT of moments of like..outright gay jokes about joey and yugi. Again, this is a series that doesnt exactly have ant positive lgbt rep and is terrible and sexist with its straight romance so its VERY unlikely they were canonically meant to be bisexual and canonically having shipping BUT there are a lot of moments that are huge shipping potential AND even literal 'lol look he gay' dialogue. Just like..in a negative 'funny' sense.
And just seriously yugi is so important to jonouchi, the anime cut down their backstory a lot but it was REALLY EMOTIONAL in the manga! Jounouchi used to be a sort of nihilistic bully who just did whatever he wanted because he needed to find some form of fun/outlet for his anger to deal with living in poverty, never seeing his sister, and his dad being an abusive parent. And him and yugi met when jou outright bullied yugi, it was so friggin uncomfortable and sad to be thrown into that as a first chapter when i was so used to him being such a supportive friend. He was just an immature bastard who made fun of the 'weird kid' and said it was because he couldnt stand looking at someone who seemed like..sensitive and honest about his feelings. It was a surprisingly complex motivation for how a not actually very bad dude would become a bully to a dude he like..actually admired and was jealous of, and he was just so wrapped up in his own pain without the words to really articulate why he felt that way. He felt like a 'real man' should be silent aboyt his feelings and never ask for help, and that friendship between men could only ever be non-emotional assholeness where you have to be the biggest jerk and do bullshit together and if you ever show a moment of weakness everyone will leave you. So we have this situation of yugi himself feeling like he's a wimp but to jou he looks like the biggest fuckin badass for being honest about his real self and being able to step outside toxic masculinity even if it means being alone. And it was just so goddamn emotional how the friendship started?? Like jounouchi was just being an immature petty sort of bully but then a more physically abusive bully comes along and attacks yugi, and jou gets attacked by the same guy in the process and theres SUCH A GOOD MOMENT!! Where jou sees yugi and is like "so youre working with this guy? So you sent him to get revenge on us right??" like he's so ready to believe that yugi is really just as bitter and petty as he is BUT also he sounds so outraged and betrayed about it, like he feels he was tricked into believing that good people actually exist. But then yugi runs forward and starts treating his wounds because of course he wasnt actually involved in it. And even more than that, he stands up to this dude who's ten times taller than him and even managed to defeat jounouchi! And he says its because jounouchi is his friend and he "wasnt bullying, he was just teaching me to be a real man". And HOLY SHIT the look on jou's face when he says that! Like he never even considered the sort of awful influence he could be causing on this poor dude's mental health by gaslighting him into thinking 'this is just how men are'. Like he'd got this image all twisted in his head of yugi being some spiteful taunting figure who's always 100% unswayable in his kindness and must only be that way because he doesnt have any real problems or something. And now he's faced with the reality that this dude's kindness is 100% real, so real that he'd risk his own safety to help someone who's been so cruel to him because he saw a spark of goodness in jounouchi's heart that jounouchi himself never saw. And the only thing that could shake that kindness was jounouchi's own words..he had to face how his 'harmless fun' was having consequences and how he came so close to crushing this dude's will and turning him into a bitter bastard just like him and it was BY BEING FRIENDS! the bullying wasnt even the worst part it was the dangling friendship over his head and promising youd care about him if he just jumped through all these hoops to become a hardenened 'real man'. Another hardened 'real man' who was really just a soft genuine man who'd been broken and learned to hide himself.
So yeah jounouchi gets a great redemption early on, and a lot of chapters dedicated to examining it in detail, showing his abusive father and the toxic friends who influenced him into being a toxic friend himself, and how some of them (tristan/honda) were also good people who were redeemable while others (the goddamn terrifying yo-yo gang guy) were straight up criminals that yugi fuckin knife fights to save him from. Theres a scene of jounouchi getting tazed and having glass thrown in his eyes and yugi + yami fuckin defeat a whole damn gang in the most badass way and then yugi embraces jou's unconcious body and he wakes up in his arms and screams his name in relief while hugging him as hard as he can with his partially paralyzed arms like HOLY SHIT TJAT WAS SO INTENSE
And seriously their friendship is already awesome cos jounouchi is a lot more openly affectionate and cuddly than most friendships between dudes in this series. (Hence the gay jokes in the manga...) But having the context of his first manga chapter makes it even sweeter because he used to be such a heavily repressed super macho man who feared even HAVING FRIENDS AT ALL despite desperately wanting them. It just feels like yugi sorta.. saved him?? Helped him recover from that and become more open with his true self. Its so nice to see him gradually becoming more adorable and cuddly as the series progresses, when the absence of that sort of stuff was his biggest problem causing his goddamn depression. And yugi even helps him reunite with his sister and be able to help her get surgery! Is it any wonder that jou is yugi's biggest cheerleader? Seriously when so much of the show seems to sideline yugi and focus on yami later on, its good to have this one dude reminding us that yugi rocks and specifically yugi's 'wimpyness' is actually a good thing nd his strongest strength and seriously!! Just!! Its so good!! Gahh, joey is a big buff scary dude who sees this sweet dude as THE BIGGEST BADASS who SAVED HIS GODDAMN LIFE and HIS MENTOR IN BECOMING SOFT ALSO! Jou has so much fuckin character development that was lost by shortening down this part of the story and only showing it in flashback form a bunch of episodes after the beginning instead of BEING the beginning yknow??
So yeah seriously this entire character arc is so good and this is why jounouchi is the best character and deserved to keep that kind of focus in the series instead of being degraded to more.of a comic relief role. And also this is why thier relationship has such a great foundation and could be even more resonant if it was romantic! Like srsly theres so many parallels here with the idea of a closeted dude that THE MANGA OUTRIGHT MAKES GAY JOKES ABOUT HIM ALREADY
Oh also the manga backstory also adds more nuance to jounouchi and kaiba's relationship because you could see it as jou becoming rivals with kaiba because he sees him as a mirror of the kind of repressed asshole he once used to be. Which is another reason why gay/bi/pan jounouchi just fuckin enhances everything about his entire plot and also the whole series ok yes.
Also i just fuckin love jounouchi please appreciate jounouchi today
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withyouandthemoon · 6 years
Hi, it's your gifter again. Thank you for answering my last message(: In your request and in your last message, you seemed very excited about a Sense 8 crossover, so I really want to write that for you, but I've never seen the show. I've been researching it to see if it was something I thought I could pull off, but I was hoping you could tell me why you love the show so much, maybe your favorite characters, and if you even want me to attempt this having never watched the show myself?
Oh my god you are actually willing to go for the Sense8 crossover I AM SO BLESSED! And yes I would love for you to write this even if you’ve never watched the show (though I strongly recommend it)!
Okay so I’m not exactly good at summarizing things and I’m still processing my own tangled feelings towards this show (cause I just finished it like…less than a week ago), but I’ll try to give you an idea about why this show touched me so deep.
One of the things that has drawn me to the show was, in fact, the setting itself. You’ve probably read about this in your research but I’m gonna explain it just in case. So basically, the show creates this new species of human called Homo Sensorium (as opposed to Homo Sapien) and to put it in short, they have a hyper-sensitive sensing system and can connect to their own kind in a way that Sapiens aren’t able to. This connection is the strongest inside a cluster, which is basically a group of people who are bound together at birth. Members of the same cluster can “visit” each other, which means that they can appear to one another in spiritual form even when oceans apart, and can experience whatever the other’s experiencing. They can also share one another’s abilities like languages, combat skills, etc.
I mean-that is just SO COOL. Of course it’s a shortcut and no way in real life can we have this gift of connecting to a complete stranger just like that, but that, in my opinion, is the whole point of this. The show kind of leads us to dig deep into the core of human bond, and attempts at answering the question of what would happen when we share the feelings, emotions, memories and thoughts of those who aren’t ourselves. It’s not just seeing things from a new perspective-as one of the characters in the show has said, it’s not exactly seeing things through another person’s eyes, but more like you are that other person. It’s empathy at its highest form and that concept just intrigues me.
And I know a lot of people may not be so excited about this little trait of Sense8-that it focuses more on discourse and less on plot (not that the plot isn’t interesting-it is), but that’s just another thing that I found myself enjoying about the show. You know, these characters have these long dialogues about life and themselves and all these past experiences that shaped them, and it may seem boring to an extent, but I think in doing so the show conveys the main idea that feelings and emotions do matter. Maybe now more than ever. They are not useful or reasonable in the way so many things are measured nowadays, but they are what truly binds us together. They are a chaos and don’t make sense most of the time, but they are that something extra outside of the lines we draw to trap ourselves in. Oh my this gets unnecessarily philosophical real fast lol, so I’ll stop here.
And another thing-since people from the same cluster share so much with one another, it’s inevitable for them to discover that they have all these things in common. Different as they seem on the outside, deep down they are the same in one way or another-and there’s no way to hide or runaway, cause you know, shared feelings and spiritual visit and all that perk. That also means that they will never feel alone again. Whether you are in the euphoria of rapture or the gorge of despair, there’s always someone there to share it with you-AND ISN’T THAT JUST THE GREATEST THING EVER!
As for favorite characters-Kala and Wolfgang OWN MY HEART! And it’s almost uncanny how much they remind me of Klaroline. You see Kala is this Indian girl who is kind and sweet and innocent, indecisive at times, but also smart and perceptive, who was engaged to a nice wealthy young man at the beginning of the show. But she didn’t really love him-she was just doing it because it was considered the right thing by their families and by society. Here enters Wolfgang-a gangster(? I don’t have the accurate word but he unapologetically robs safes and shoots other gangsters and blows up cars which is totally awesome in a sociopathic twisted way) who survived his abusive father (also killed him at a young age) and considers himself a monster but is really just a quiet and straightforward and sometimes playful cinnamon roll. He constantly challenges Kala, speaks things as they are and makes her question the decisions she made about her life. And in turn Kala shows him his self-worth and ignites a part of his cold heart to fully embrace and enjoy life. AND OF COURSE THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO EACH OTHER LIKE CRAZY AND THEY FELL IN LOVE AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY. I mean the sexual tension alone could have paralyzed me haha.
I know this is already too long-winded and I hope I don’t bore you with my rambling, but thank you for bearing with me. And you are my favorite person in the whole world for trying your hand at this and I’m just so happy and excited for what you’ll come up with! (Still I know this is a hard one considering you’ve not watched the show, so don’t feel at all pressured and I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to go down this rabbit hole lol.)
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sparda3g · 7 years
Gintama Chapter 674 Review
There’s no other way to say it. Sorachi is absolutely a mad man. If there’s someone worthy of a title, “Best Troll of all time,” he will be the best candidate. The best part is that his tactic comes off with a hilarious payoff that makes the moment all the more brilliant. This chapter continues off with this new or second half of an arc in a hilarious and charming way.
There are plenty of times that I often predict the outcome before it happens. While there are some that I hope to get it wrong, I wouldn’t mind it; so long it comes out with a greater payoff. It’s my way to say, “Surprise me!” Sorachi has been a rare creature that never fails to do so. I have laughed so much throughout the chapter with its hilarious buildup, including the one that we left waiting for the long-waited reunion. So I thought…
Kagura punches Shinpachi through the glass two chapters ago, so we had to wait for a bit in order to see her new design. This chapter resumes that scene and the hype is phenomenal. When Shinpachi couldn’t believe that it’s her but knows that accent, you can already feel the anticipation. Mutsu even fills in the introduction to her reveal. Part of me thought that Kagura would end up looking strange like unexpectedly designed for the sake of comedy delivery. Comedy or not, I was excited to see the reunion with Kagura.
The more panels it shows her design from a different angle, the more it was taunting my patience. At that point, I thought maybe she would end up looking like the same as two years ago, which I wouldn’t mind as well. So finally, the big reveal is here and…the girl is really short. In fact, she’s a kid. I skipped the text bubble because I was frozen to think Kagura has gone backward in aging. Then, I finally read the text bubble and…
It’s Kanna…Kagura’s daughter…
My mind was absolutely blown away to the center of the Sun. It would have been fine if Kagura somehow went younger, but an idea of a daughter has never, ever, ever, came to my mind. It was so unbelievable, Shinpachi literally thunderstruck to space with this revelation, which even got him paralyzed. Can you honestly blame him? This is madness; absolutely madness! This is comedy gold.
Sorachi is no doubt having a time of his life making fun of the concept of  a time-skip that it’s making other series look baffling in compare. It’s incredible that he is able to execute the running gag for so long that it continues to deliver the punch line time after time. Final Fantasy running gag should have ran its course already, but Sorachi not only sticks around but utilizes in an unexpected way, especially to a character that I wouldn’t guess at all. He brings in a new level of the concept “milk for all its worth.” He certainly did…
Shinpachi was so struck by the revelation, the scene shifts back to Gintoki and Hijikata continuing to discuss. This questionable situation with Takasugi does remain a mystery as it intended to be. We do know that he has taken Utsuro’s blood from Tendoushuu to obtain semi-immortal ability, but there are still plenty of unsolved questions. It was said that he has planned this since two years ago, which is why he was helping Earth in the space battle. It is possible though I don’t think that’s the only reason.
Gintoki and Hijikata still feel uncertain on his agenda to commit these acts like we have gone back to the beginning. If that is the case, we can’t draw the conclusion just yet if no one has a concrete answer. We shouldn’t jump to it until everything is on the table. We only know that he has a new ability and assumingly searches for Utsuro to finish the job. Other than that, we don’t know why is he like this, what happened to Kiheitai, and so on. It’s wise to wait and see how the story connects completely.
One thing I noticed about Hijikata is how he rubs Gintoki’s face by emphasizing his abandonment on Yorozuya; as if he is no innocent to talk negatively on anyone else since he more or less did the same. Memory is an amazing feature for mankind to have and he is exploiting that to the core. After all, it is questionable on why Gintoki disbanded them in the first place; for two years no less. The question is if the family can be forever lasting. Even that robotic looking guy questions him further, but Gintoki is good at hiding it. As good it was to get us discussing, there’s just one problem: who is that robotic guy?
I didn’t mention him in my last chapter review because he appeared for a short moment to take orders from Gintoki. This kicks off with another hilarious segment that has a great buildup for the reveal. Up close, he looks like Robocop, only he is called Mobcop; good save from copyright lawsuit there. I was laughing throughout this moment because of how dumbfounded Hijikata was feeling since he thought he came out of nowhere, but even Mobcop tells him he was in the last chapter. So we got another new character in this late part of the series. Right?
Mobcop is treated like a rookie, first day at the job and all. It’s hysterical that while he was preparing the order in an awkward pose, Hijikata continues to discuss in a very serious manner, but I couldn’t take it. It focuses too much on Mobcop doing “something” and ruins the flow of tension, which got Hijikata pissed off. He was making cutlet bowl, which is nice, but why on God’s name in a taking a dump position. If that wasn’t enough, his mayonnaise squirting has him position like taking a piss. Sorachi has no boundary.
Mobcop was going all over the place that even Hijikata can’t comprehend his action anymore. First, he was making food in unspeakable manner, then he starts threating Gintoki to confess with the intent to kill, and lastly, somehow he becomes all sincere and has a sad flashback to boot. What’s hilarious is how Sorachi cleverly use this opportunity to make fun of series that quickly introduced a new character and already shoving in people’s throat to care about him immediately. Hijikata wasn’t having any of it because it’s only this chapter that we got to know him yet he’s treated like a real relevant character. Oddly enough, I already like Mobcop by this point.
His backstory is pretty much the same as Robocop; fights crime, only to be nearly killed, revived as a cyborg, and the rest is history. It was actually touching in a funny way that he ended up like this, including keeping his emotions, hence the tears. I don’t know if I should be impressed or not, but Gintoki somehow knows how to turn the table to his favor and start investigating Mobcop. The investigator becomes investigated; that’s hysterical. Sorachi knows how to make new characters in the last minute charming and fun. And then, a book was thrown out…
Mobcop is not a new character. It’s a forgotten one: Yamazaki.
I rolled out of my seat with this big reveal. The punch line is so incredible; no man can say Sorachi has lost his touch. I still remember Yamazaki, but the series did a brilliant job to ignore him after that last scene from the War. It’s sadistically sad to even ignore his possible death, but hey, he’s a Mobcop equipped with food and firepower. I died from this scene as well as with Kanna’s reveal. Basically, Yamazaki is a cyborg; an awesome one as he stated it. On the bright side, one day, if Tama ever wakes up, they can spend together for a long time. That’s actually clever of Sorachi if you ask me.
The charming spot moment from this outcry is when Gintoki makes his escape, but not without asking one question to Hijikata: is Yorozuya doing okay? He replies, “Go see for yourself.” He honestly wants them back and that brings me to tear. In fact, that smile from Gintoki got to me. Now that I know that this series isn’t ending just yet, I am very curious on how the reunion would play out and what to expect for their actual future. In other words, don’t think this is finalized for everyone. It’s only a new path to work out and seek for the greater future.
I have to say, I am still in favor for a sequel with this new trio. Those two little girls are so charming that it could make a new line of comedy hijinks. I love how Kanna was taught that glasses is an actual being and needs a human body to wake up; she’s really the daughter of Kagura. I also love Shinpachi finally got react to the revelation and how unbelievable to believe Kagura is a mother at a very young age. He reacted nearly the same way I did, including Jump having the major Kintama to even green light this idea. I could imagine an angry mob already in this PC country. It is hilarious Shinpachi also include himself because he’s a virgin and losing to someone else is sad.
To top everything, Kanna’s origin is revealed and good God, I need air. Kagura ate too many bananas in one planet and ta-da, Kanna is born, Piccolo style. I won’t even think about the implications. So basically, it’s more of fission than a child birth I guess, but it’s so mind-numbingly strange, so I will just wait for Kagura to give me a clear understanding. It’s so bizarre, even for this series; that’s an amazing accomplishment.
Right before Kanna was about to answer Shinpachi’s questions, a stranger that is rocking the gangster design really well comes by. This must be the guy that will help them to assassinate Zurump. The chapter ends with a close-up shot that does scream Sougo. If true, and God it better be true before I think he’s the son, it will completely debunk his seppuku story.
This chapter was amazing in a bizarre way. It’s one that no man has gone before and Sorachi has done it. While it may cause fans to lose their mind, it is filled with hysterical moments with great buildup to the reveal of new and old characters. The art is spot on with the comedy delivery, which got me rolling. The ending has to be Sougo, unless we are about to get mind blown once again. We have two weeks to recover…
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sleepykalena · 7 years
YASAAAASSSSSSSS. Cassian to Jyn for the writing prompts: 47. "When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” pretty please and thank you! *triangulation salute*
“When I picture myself happy…it’s with you.”
Jyn eyed Cassian incredulously.
“Cassian, that’s a beer bottle.”
“I KNOW!” Cassian burst out, leaning back on the bar stool. “ButI’m so happy tonight, cuz thisalcoholssogoooood” he slurred. He poundedhis fist down at the bar in pure satisfaction at the last couple of syllables,but even Jyn couldn’t figure out how many words that was supposed to cover.
She smirked and looked forward as she took another swig of her own drink. Shewas glad to see him having a good time, and felt a deep sense of satisfactionknowing that she can now hold it over his head about what a lightweight he’sbecome since school demanded all his time and attention. It really was great tosee him smiling again after school and work had beat him down so much. Thefatigue in his eyes from this morning had disappeared completely as he lovinglycaressed his beer bottle and pressed the cool glass up to his cheek forcomfort.
Still though, that History of Intelligence Extraction Techniques class wasbrutal.
“Man, FUCK these guys, no one ever passes this stupid class, whichmeans-” he startled Jyn by grabbing her arm with one hand for emphasiswhile raising his other hand with the beer, “-either we’re all dumbfucks,or Draven can’t teach for shit! I’mma awesome student, it’s probly hizz fault!Stupid Draven.” He finally took another swig of his beer.
Jyn tried as hard as she could not to snort. She offered to take him out for drinksand snacks after she walked in on him looking crest-fallen at the final grades postedon his student account. It seemed to cheer him up a lot, but she suspected hejust needed company from someone other than his robotic housemate, Kay, whosupposedly passed Draven’s class with the “A” Cassian so badly wanted.
“’F all I’m worth is a C, may as well say ‘fuck it’ an’ live’little, right?! Like a ‘C’ student does.” She watched Cassian gulp down somemore of his beer.
This was Cassian’s first-ever “C” grade. Jyn didn’t have theheart to tell him that it still meant he passed the class and wouldn’t have totake a class with Draven ever again.“‘msssoooo pissed I gotta takehimagain nessstyear like how do you get somany classes t'teach when you’re sooooooo shitty anyway?!”Oh. Well then.Jyn gestured to the bartender for another round of shots and slid one toCassian.“Another shot!” she said. “For the future.”Cassian grabbed the shot glass a little too enthusiastically and let some ofthe vodka dribble down the inside of his wrist. Noticing this he brought hishand closer to his face and sloppily licked up and down his forearm at thedrippings. Jyn gulped at the sight and wondered just how long his tongueactually was.She quickly grabbed her shot to avoid detection and raised the glass. “Tothe future,” she declared and nodded.“FUTURE!” he exclaimed belatedly. Their glasses clinked and Cassianthrew his shot back with no hesitation. He shook his head wildly withsatisfaction, slamming the shot glass down at the bar, and Jyn noticed themovement of his tousled brown hair. It now looked extra fluffy after all thetimes he’s run his hands through it tonight in frustration.She wondered vaguely how the hair would feel between her fingers- if they’d besoft as a child’s or rougher from sweat from being out all day.If he weren’t in such a drunken state, she might have actually dared toinvestigate.Jyn shook the thought out of her head and shot a cheesy grin at Cassian.“Alright buddy, I think you’ve had enough. Let’s get you back home beforeyou pass out at the bar cuz I can’t carry your dead ass back to yourplace.” She put a few bills in a dry glass and raised it to the bartender.The bartender nodded once and turned back to her other drinks.Jyn turned back to Cassian and found him pouting at her. His lips werenaturally thin but, like this, she felt like a kid staring through a candy shopwindow, and his lips were her favorite candies on display.Dear god, he needed to stop that.“But the night is young!” He whined, swaying a little on the stool.“It’s 1:30 in the morning, the bar’s gonna close soon anyway.”“I barely started drinking!”She crossed her arms. “That’s exactly the problem, you’ve had only 2 shotsand that beer you’ve been caressing,” she retorted with a raised eyebrow.“’S always room for moreeee,” Cassian said. His voice rang withresistance but his body knew better as he attempted to get off the bar stoolregardless. Jyn put an arm around his torso and swung his arm around hershoulder for support.“One step at a time, alright Cass?” Jyn said as they trudged out ofthe bar, a few steps at a time.Luckily, Cassian lived on a residential street behind the bar, so it wasn’tlong before they approached his apartment. Jyn patted around his pants for hiskey fob and Cassian started laughing.“Tha'tickles,” he said with a grin. “If you wanted to get intomy pants all ya had t'do was assssssss…k.”Jyn blushed and felt even warmer than the buzz that crept up on her through thenight, but she rolled her eyes at him.After finally fishing out the key fob, she opened the gate and dragged Cassianinto the apartment complex. Reaching towards the elevator, she stuck her fingerout to press the “up” button, but Cassian thought it was a better idea to swatit like a cat. The lack of control over his own body was probably driving himnuts, she figured, and she pressed her lips together to keep herself fromlaughing at the thought.
When the elevator doors slid open, she pulled him in and leanedhim against the back wall. She pressed the button to his floor and leanedagainst the back wall as well, looking up at him to see if he was okay.
He stared down at her, zoned out and eyes half-lidded. Theonly audible sounds were the hum of the elevator and his slow, but headybreath. Jyn couldn’t tear her eyes away from him, and he swayed back and forthslightly trying to stay upright, but soon enough she found him leaning so farforward towards her she could feel his breath on her lips. Jyn’s eyes flutteredas she stared through his long eyelashes and realized she was paralyzed at thebeauty of it. Slowly, her hand made its way up to his face and she gentlypressed two fingers on his bottom lip. She almost recoiled in surprise at howsoft they were, and she found herself struggling hard against her owninebriation to stop herself from outright taking advantage of him physicallywhen the elevator made a small “ding!” noise and the doors slid back open onCassian’s floor.
Cassian whipped his head in the direction of the door andattempted to move on his own accord. Jyn snapped out of her trance andscrambled to put her arm around his waist again to keep him up as they left theelevator.Once inside the apartment, Jyn flicked the lights to his bedroom on and led himto his bed. “Alright, let’s get you to bed, and tomorrow we can go out forhangover breakfast,” she said, patting his back. She was about to tear awayfrom him and head towards the bathroom to wash her face, but she felt a suddenforce pull her down and onto the bed. Cassian had gripped one of her handstightly and brought her down with him.
“Man…” Cassian breathed. His words were still elongated andslurred, and the smell of alcohol wafted through Jyn’s nose. “That was fun!Told you I could out-drink you!”She chuckled. “That’s not how it works, Cass. I’m still sober.”He tried to throw his head back by digging his head further into the pillows,then tried to shush her by placing his fingers on her lips. But in his drunkenstupor, he missed and they landed just above, on her nostrils. “Shhh, no,stop spreading lies,” he hushed.
Jyn dug Cassian’s phone out of his back pocket and rolledover to place it on his nightstand, screen-side down so the notificationswouldn’t wake him up. But she noticed a small Polaroid photo sticking out fromthe card holder on the back of his phone case. Curiously, Jyn took it out,wondering what a studious, discreet man like Cassian was doing with asentimental item.
It was a picture of herself, dressed up as a Jedi, flashinga peace sign while leaning against Cassian, who hadn’t bothered to get into thespirit of Halloween. He flashed a demure, yet cocky ghost of a smirk on hisface, red solo cup in his free hand. At the bottom, in sharpie, were the words “Halloween,2012” and, much smaller, at the bottom corner: “First time meeting Jyn”.
“When I picture myself happy, it’s with you!” Cassiansuddenly slurred together, eyes closed, apparently having found a second windof energy in all his drunkenness. It caught Jyn by surprise and she quicklyshoved the picture back into his phone case before flipping back around towardshim.“Yes, yes, the beers and the booze make you happy,” Jyn soothed,remembering his beer-bottle-caress. “Don’t forget that I’m the one thattook you out for drinks though,” she teased.He turned over more to face her and haphazardly threw an arm and a leg aroundher. “I know,” Cassian mumbled as his lids drooped. “You knewhow to cheer me up, and that’s why you’re in my happy-picture.”A flash of heat surged through Jyn as she thought back to that photo, and hercheeks went red. She wanted to ask about the picture he kept with him, if itmeant anything to him, or why he even had it on hand. But just as she got thecourage to get the words out she looked up and found Cassian’s that eyes were completelyshut and his breathing had turned into a gentle purr of snoring.Well, she was trapped under his heavy limbs, on his own bed. She might askabout it tomorrow, if she’s still feeling brave. Until then, she could stand toget comfortable for the night.So she did.
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Kurtbastian fic - “Love, Blood, and Demon Nature: Chapter 6 - The Benefits of Being Damned” (Rated NC17)
After Kurt gets over the shock of how being bonded to Sebastian has changed the both of them, now he gets close to an eternity to relish the perks. (1400 words)
I just thought I would check in on these two, seeing as we left them on kind of a bittersweet note. This takes place just a few months or so after the last chapter.
Read on AO3.
“So, how was the honeymoon?” Kurt asks, weaving an arm through Mercedes’s as they rush down the sidewalk together, a late autumn breeze helping them along as they head for the curb to hail a cab.
“Oh my God! Cancún was gorgeous!” Mercedes gushes.
“Was it?” Kurt glances to his right and smiles at a stoic Sebastian standing beside him. His seraph looks stunning in a three piece suit underneath a full length, cashmere coat. He even went so far as to wear a scarf and gloves, even though he’s completely unaffected by the October chill. To avoid suspicion, he employs his demon powers to add an appropriate splotch of pink to the cheeks of his human disguise, as well as to the tips of his ears.
“Oh, absolutely!” she says. “You should have seen it.”
“I wish I had.”
“The moment the two of you can get away, I highly recommend it,” Mercedes says, leaning forward to include Sebastian in the conversation. “The water was so clear, we could see straight down to the bottom. And the fish! Oh! I never imagined fish could be so colorful! I had a tropical fish tank growing up, but the fish in it were always grey. Remember that, Kurt? Remember my ridiculous fish tank full of grey fish!?”
“I remember.” Kurt nods and smiles politely as Mercedes continues on about the wonder that is Mexico and the Caribbean, biting his tongue because he knows what Cancún looks like. He’s been there, several times. And not just to the beaches, but to the ocean floor and back. He knows what Egypt looks like from the top of the pyramids. He’s basked naked beneath a full moon on the head of the Great Sphinx of Giza.
Kurt has even seen the planet Neptune, up close and personal.
He has no desire to go back.
Being bonded to a demon does have its perks, like the ability to travel around the world in the blink of an eye, explore places that mere mortals will never have the chance to see – the highest mountain peaks; the deepest, most inaccessible caves; the vacuum of space; the Earth’s molten core.
Like Kurt’s increased health and physical strength, which offers him the ability to do the type of outlandish, daredevil things he’s always wanted to try but was too scared to do – skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping, tightrope walking.
But probably Kurt’s favorite thing of all about being Sebastian’s soulmate is Sebastian’s insatiable sexual appetite.
And his ability to stop time in its tracks.
Three blocks away from The Four Seasons, Kurt notices Mercedes’s voice begin to slow. The cars around them roll to a stop. The people rushing by stand stone still mid-step. The leaves on the trees, tumbling to the ground, stopping in thin air.
“Sebastian!” Kurt scolds, but with a smile on his face as his soulmate strips off his suit and morphs into his demon form. Normally, Sebastian wouldn’t care an inch about the condition of his clothes. He’d let his body tear right through them. He could always glamour up a new suit, make the humans around them believe he was dressed. But the suit he’s wearing, Kurt made for him for their nights out on the town. Kurt knows he doesn’t have to considering Sebastian’s phenomenal and varied powers, but he wants to. He wants to do special things for Sebastian because he loves Sebastian.
So Sebastian treats his suit like gold.
The same way he treats his human soulmate.
“Come on,” Sebastian hisses, pulling Kurt from his best friend’s side and taking him into his arms. “Just a quickie.”
“The last quickie we had lasted three hours!” Kurt giggles as Sebastian starts to palm his ass, careful not to “accidentally” slice the clothes off Kurt’s body with his razor-sharp nails.
“Yeah …” Sebastian grins, black lips splitting into a smile that would paralyze most humans where they stood. But it turns Kurt on like crazy “… but it was an awesome three hours, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Kurt agrees. “It really was.”
“We’ve got all the time in the world,” Sebastian reminds him. “We can take a few hours for ourselves and fuck.” He looks around Kurt’s body at Mercedes stopped at the curb, arm raised to summon a taxi. After fifteen dinners and one weekend spent at her house in Manhattan, Sebastian found he actually likes her. She’s a bubbly, energetic, compassionate, Christian woman, but Sebastian doesn’t hold any of those things against her. She’s Kurt’s best friend and Sebastian was determined to make an effort to know her.
That wasn’t seraph Sebastian’s idea. That was the bit of Kurt embedded inside his soul that sometimes compels him to be a decent being.
But they haven’t been completely honest with her. Mercedes knows Kurt’s soulmate as human, 6’ 2” with lightly tanned skin, brown hair, and green eyes - a recluse living off his trust fund, with no intentions of doing anything else with his life other than to make Kurt a happy man.
Kurt and Sebastian haven’t told her that Sebastian’s a demon. They haven’t told anyone. They don’t know how they’d be received by the public if they did. So, for now, it’s their little secret.
Besides, it makes sex hotter that way, with no one knowing what Sebastian really looks like, the things he can do, or the changes that being bonded to him has brought about in Kurt - the scales hiding beneath Kurt’s clothes, the way his tongue becomes reptilian … or the way his eyes glow red with Sebastian buried inside him.
“Where do you want to do this?” Sebastian asks, knowing that Kurt’s not about to say no to him. They can’t ever seem to say no to one another. “Right here on the sidewalk?”
Kurt looks down at the ground beneath his feet – hard, cold, and filthy. “Ugh! That would be a no.”
“Okay,” Sebastian says, rolling his red eyes. “Under the trees in Central Park?”
“Oh, sure. Just us and the muggers. Très romantique.”
“Your penthouse then?
“How about …” Kurt rolls his eyes up as if thinking, but Sebastian knows he already has a place in mind “… Cancún?”
“Mmm.” Sebastian chuckles, closing in on Kurt’s neck – Sebastian’s favorite spot to abuse. Kurt is so sensitive there, his skin so delicate. It shows a tremendous amount of trust in Sebastian that Kurt lets him suck and bite there, knowing the damage his tongue and teeth can do. “You’re a naughty little minx. You know that, don’t you?” Sebastian licks up Kurt’s neck. A blistering, red trail forms beneath Sebastian’s tongue, that turns to silver as it cools – the shadow of the demon that inhabits Kurt counteracting the burn, cooling his skin. The hot and cold clash in the chasm Sebastian’s tongue creates on Kurt’s skin, leaving a scar. And Kurt moans – so loudly that it makes the stars above them switch positions for a moment, then pop back in place.
“But you love me that way, don’t you?”
“I love you anyway I can get you,” Sebastian whispers, slowly slipping open the buttons on Kurt’s shirt.
“Ooo, I like the sound of that,” Kurt hums, helping Sebastian with the buttons, starting from the bottom up so he doesn’t lose too many along the way. Sebastian is pretty good at not shredding Kurt’s clothes, but when his hands start trembling with excitement – the way they are now – he can’t always be held responsible for his actions. “How about you choose the where, and I’ll choose the way.”
“Deal,” Sebastian says, shooting off into the air with Kurt in his arms. Kurt has long since gotten over his fear of flying, not that he ever had anything to fear in Sebastian’s embrace. And the swoops that take over his stomach are only in anticipation of what might happen next.
But Kurt has plans of his own.
“So, I know I get to choose the place, but do you have any preferences?” Sebastian asks. “Hot or cold? Day or night? Wet or dry?”
“I don’t care,” Kurt says, clinging to Sebastian’s body with nails driving into his flanks the way he knows Sebastian loves. “As long as it’s a place with handcuffs.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Sebastian growls, especially after Kurt bares his fangs and drives them into Sebastian’s neck. “Home it is.”
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Chapter 1 of my thing for brofessor andy (tw there's sui and death and shit)
[put under a cut for length, feedback below] [very awesome tho def worth looking at if ur into spoopy shit]
  Same old, same old. I sit down at the desk and get to work, typing up the data collected today. My colleague comes in, “Do you think they’ll ever let us out of here?”
    I nearly rip my hair out. “How many times do I have to tell you? Never. They put us in here and they’ll never let us out for fear of spreading the virus.”
    “Maybe after the war,” he says, shifting from foot to foot.
    “They don’t tell us anything, the war could’ve ended years ago for all we know. And doesn’t it ever bother you?” My words are muffled by the hum of the cleaning robots sliding up the wall, disinfecting as they go. My voice turns to a shout to compensate. “The fact that we’re trapped in here for the rest of our lives. Sometimes the self destruct button is tempting …”
    “You’d use the nuclear place to blow us all up? My son and me are here as well. If you want to off yourself, go ahead. But don’t bring me into it.”
    “Not a bad idea,” I say, heading to the bathroom.
No pills, no rope. Nothing. The building’s too secure, no roof to jump off of. My hand goes to my chin to think, and my stubble triggers an idea. I grab my razor and sit on the edge of the bath tub and close my eyes. I take a deep breath. The scent of disinfectant fills and burns my nostrils. I lift the razor and bring it towards my arm.
    Bang. Bang. Bang.
    It sounds like bombs are going off all around me, even inside my head. Everything fades to black.
    My eyes open and the lights are so bright. The walls are practically made of light. Something hard presses into the back of my head. “If you do not cooperate, you will be shot.” A guy in uniform says. I say nothing. “Are you aware of what your research is being used for?”
    “What were you doing when we bombed the lab?”
    “About to kill myself.”
    “They don’t tell me anything. They didn’t plan releasing me. I was nothing more than a number in their equations.”
    “If you work with us, and give you your research, we can promise you freedom and citizenship here, though you will be a traitor to Russia.”
    I sit behind the counter of my dad’s record store, scrolling through the news on my phone as a record on the counter spins and Tom Petty drones on about free fallin’. Something about a new disease, World War III is still going on, a new Avengers movie is coming out. There’s no customers; there’s usually not at this time so I consider leaving earlier. The bell on the door dings, announcing that I’m trapped here for another hour. The man says he doesn’t need any help and heads up to the record loft. My attention returns to my phone before the bell dings again.
    A woman walks in, and her face makes my stomach twist. There’s boils and pieces of missing skin. Her eyes have a glassy look. “Miss, are you okay?” I ask. Her mouth goes through the motions, but no words come out. I begin the chew on the inside of my cheek, a nervous tic I developed as a kid as the woman ascends the stairs. A few minutes pass and I hear a scream. I get up on the counter and slide over and make a beeline for the stairs. I head up, taking two steps at a time. The man is laying on the ground dead, bits of his skin missing. The woman’s face is covered with blood and the skin of the man and she lunges at me. I grab a record off the shelf and start hitting her with it, but it does nothing.
    I use the record to shield my skin from her attacks as I walk backwards down the steps. I’m down and I run to the counter. The monster of a woman bumbles and trips her way down the stairs  and should take twice as long to get anywhere. I go over to the record player and rip the stick with the needle off and start hitting her with it. She lets out a scream, but it’s muffled and distorted and sounds almost alien. The warmth of adrenaline courses through me as I hit her again and again, somehow being able to avoid her attacks. She falls to the ground after several minutes. I stomp on her head until I’m sure she won’t be a threat anymore. The effects of the adrenaline wore off, and I now realized the fact that I got attacked by a monster. It’s fucking insane.
    I exit the store and hop into my car. I drive home much faster than usual. My eyes dart around, looking everywhere to see if there’s any more of those monster things in or beside the road. I’m too busy looking for them that I run a red light. Sighing, I slow down and keep my eyes on the road. They play tricks on me and several times I swear I see something out of the corner of my eye. Finally I arrive home, any later and I’m pretty sure I would have gone crazy. It’s late and everyone else is asleep so I immediately head up to my room. I shut and lock my door. I bulldoze the messy pile of video game and band shirts off my bed and into a laundry basket and crawl under the covers.
    Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
    Damn. I’m going to die.
    I glance at my alarm clock. Midnight, and there’s scratching at my door. The thing that tried to kill me earlier used its nails to attack. And there’s scratching at my door. I’m going to die. Logic tells me I should get up and find some kind of weapon. My instincts have me paralyzed out of fear. Breathe.  Gradually I move my arm. Down to the floor. My fingers make contact with the tennis racket under my bed and grasp it, preparing to fight off the intruder.
    It’s not even an intruder. It’s my dang cat. I get up and open the door and pet him. After this scare, there’s no way I’m getting back to sleep so I get dressed and head downstairs. I did my hair and makeup much fancier than usual, if I’m losing sleep I can at least look good.
    About an hour before the bus arrives I sit at the kitchen table eating cereal and watching the news. “Due to an outbreak of a new disease, all schools in the district will remain closed,” So I’m all dolled up for nothing. “Experts say the disease is contained to the state and airports are closing in an effort to keep it that way. It’s recommended you stay indoors and avoid crowded places to protect yourself from the illness. If you develop an itchy red rash, seek medical attention immediately as that’s the first sign of the disease. Now onto the weather.” Somehow the peppy newscaster is able to make even a deadly disease sound alright.
    I decide to not waste the day like I normally would. I go over by the front door and grab the leash and harness that are hanging up by my coat. I pick up my tennis racket and some balls and make kissing noises. My cat comes running and I put on his harness. He’s all black and could easily be mistaken for a dog. He’s huge. 30 pounds of cat, no fat. We head out to the backyard and decide to take the leash off. He could get over the fence, but I don’t think he wants to. I ready my racket and pitch a serve to the wall, the ball bounces back and I hit it again. This time I catch it instead of hitting it again because I feel an itch and need to scratch my back. My nails dig into the soft skin of my arm and it feels delightful.
    “Hey, Lulu!” someone calls from behind the fence I just served a ball at. It’s my friend, Jakob. He scales over the wall like he’s done many times and his eyes travel up and down my body. “Skank,” he snickers, referring to my short tennis skirt. I roll my eyes and throw a ball at him. “Jesus. I’m not here to look at your ass, I’m here to talk about the fact that there’s a fucking zombie apocalypse happening.”
“No, there’s not. You’re so gullible. It’s just a disease making people crazy or something-” I’m interrupted by a scream.
“Welp, I’m out.” Jakob says before going back into his house.
    A waterfall of purple leaves drooping from the willow tree in the yard block view of the neighbor’s yard. There’s nothing on any of the other sides, just forest. I pull back the ropes of leaves to look. My neighbor lies unconscious on the ground. I quickly put Salem back inside and jump the fence. The elderly woman has a huge boil on her face. I nearly throw up. It’s filled with some kind of liquid and I can see something small wiggling inside of it. I forget how to move for a minute, and then my body catches up to my brain and I dial 911. I reach down feel her pulse. She’s dead.
    The paramedics come, ask me my name and if I know anything about her. I don’t. They put her into the back of the ambulance, and as the door close I see the boil pop, and she bolts up, her eyes glaze over.
Then, a guy who can’t be much older than me comes up. Despite his young age, he has some kind of uniform decorated with tons of badges. “What do you know about that lady?” he asks.
“Do you know anything about the ‘outbreak’?” The way he says outbreak sends chills up my spine.
“I was in a fight with one of the infected people.”
“Any rashes, itches?” I shake my head no. “Fever?”
“No, I’ve been totally fine.” He grabs my arm and yanks me away.
I slap him. “I don’t care where you’re taking me,but Jakob’s coming.” He’s completely unfazed by the slap and nods his head.
my dude, my bro, this is excellent, i love the way u add detailed description that one can picture easily without running on too long & also how u use subtle things like the narrators possessions to add character. i esp love the bit with the neighbor its such a quick thing but v nasty it sticks with u 10/10
the only thing thats bugging me is the inconsistency with indentation at the beginning of paragraphs/dialogue but idk if thats just something tumblr did? either way very awesome super cool concept u got going here & v easy to read too w/o being overly simple (not that theres anything wrong with simplicity) 
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bangtan-spells · 8 years
Namjoon Scenario: Shine For Me.
Request: Could you do a scenario with namjoon where the reader is into astronomy and they look at the stars together? + Hi! I requested this awhile ago but requests were closed. Could you do a namjoon x reader(female) fluff were they are dating and the reader hasn't kissed anyone yet so namjoon teaches her? Thank you! 
Genre: Fluff.
You were nervous, it didn’t matter how many times you tried to tell yourself otherwise, thinking that this was just another date, that this was just a boy and that your heart didn’t race to the maximum every time you thought about him. You had admitted to yourself that you were nervous and now you had to suck it up and work with that. Try to appear cool, flirty and pretty while trembling like a leaf. Piece of cake.
It wasn’t the first time you were going on a date with Namjoon, but somehow this one felt different than the others. It was the way he had spoken to you over the phone, his voice sounding deeper, smoother, with a tinge or nervousness perhaps; it was the way you had answered him, your voice breathy, expectant.  
Namjoon and you had been dating for a few months and during that time you took your relationship slow, getting pleasure in learning bit by bit about the other. You liked the pace you were having, others might deem it too passive, but both of you felt good about it, every moment with Namjoon was exciting no matter what you did, the fact that you were doing things together moderately didn’t erase the thrilling sentiment of having a special someone new in your life. It was so hard for you to choose someone you truly liked and until now you could easily say you hadn’t met a boy who you liked more than Namjoon. He treated you right, and you had proved to each other constantly the respect you felt, in the way you respected his point of views and how he understood that you sometimes thought differently. It seemed like a simple thing, but find a person like that was a true challenge.
You didn’t know exactly where you were going, Namjoon had kept it a secret no matter how many times you told him to just say what he was planning, instead, he just chuckled and told you to trust him.
“If I know you like I think I do you are going to love it”
He had said that so mysteriously, refusing to tell you anything else aside from the day an hour of your date. Which lead you to the present moment, it was near dusk and you still were doubting if throwing a jacket on or not.
Namjoon called fifteen minutes after 7, the hour you had set up for him to pick you up, he was outside and you couldn’t guess where was it that you were going. You forgot about the jacket, too focused on calming down the fluttering feeling of your stomach, seeing Namjoon always made you feel some sort of hype. He showed you his full smile as soon as you were inside the car, he was wearing a cute navy beanie that left his forehead exposed, a grey plaid shirt and jeans. 
-Pretty casual, I didn’t miss- you said looking down at your own outfit, tight jeans, a white tank top and a bluish toned plaid shirt over it, you looked casual but still pretty cute combined with your hair and makeup.
-We are connected, I’ve been telling you for a while- he reasoned, the smile still on his face.
He drove for a while, and during the whole time Namjoon refused to tell you where you were going, it was exciting and at the same time you couldn’t wait. You were surprised when you went out of the most urban part of town, going in the road until the high buildings were left behind. You thought about possible places coming ahead but the only one that came to your mind was a flora sanctuary which had camping services and…
You looked to the side at Namjoon with eyes wide open and he laughed at your realization.
-No way!-
-Yes way- he retorted turning to you for just a second.
The place was also famous for offering services for night picnics, the distance from the city town made the night sky shine brighter there than any other place in Seoul.
-The stars… Namjoon! I can’t- you shook your head smiling widely. -Are you trying to make me fall in love with you?-
Namjoon bit his lips, slowing down a little, you thought he was going to answer with a tease but instead his voice came out steady and confident. -That’s what I plan to do-
The staff of the sanctuary was very kind, someone attended you quickly after getting there, Namjoon had been the one making the whatever reservations needed so you let him speak with the woman that was in front of you at the lobby. As you had expected everything had a country feel, well, you were kind of in the country, but it showed they had decorated the place to make the guests feel like they weren’t just an hour away from the city, everything was quiet and calm, the greens and earth colors dominating everything.
-So you aren’t signed for camping?- the woman asked.
You waited for Namjoon’s answer, but the idea came to your mind in a rush, both of you in a tent snuggling together, god, you hadn’t even… you shook your head to keep those thoughts away for the moment. Besides, that couldn’t be, he’d have told you at least.
-Not this time- he answered with a charming smile, but winking at you. You had to turn your head for him and the woman to not see your huge blush.
The picnic area went in the same theme as the rest of the place, which was stunning wherever you saw, full of beautiful plants and enormous trees, but for this area they had left the space with plain grass and the full open sky above you, nothing much surrounded the blanket where you were now settling, and it was also very private as the next blanket you could see was at a good distance from yours.
The staff left a basket in which you guessed you’d find the typical foods for outdoor dates, but you didn’t touch it just yet, too focused on Namjoon and the way he was looking at the sky, you felt the nerves that you had managed to tame down during the car ride come again, here you were, with him. Your boyfriend who you hadn’t kissed, and just thinking about it made all your body tingle, you craved for it, but at the same time you were afraid you were going to screw up. You knew Namjoon was an experimented guy, obviously he had done everything that you haven’t, so as much as you wanted to be confident there was this voice at the back of your mind that told you everything that could go wrong.
-I thought I was the one who loved the stars- you said to gain back his attention.
Namjoon grinned. -I love them too, actually, thanks to you I know a whole lot more about stars now-
That made you feel good, that fuzzy feeling you had every time he enjoyed something that you liked too. You looked up, the moon was shining the brightest, but your eyes didn’t stay glued on it, instead you roamed the skies with your gaze, there was so much up there and so little for you to appreciate from down here. Sirius shone in full power, and without a trained eye people wouldn’t distinguish much, but you had learned a few things, the famous constellation Orion, with Rigel and its four star system.
-Y/N!, earth to Y/N- Namjoon called you back.
-This is amazing Namjoon-
He leaned in and pecked your cheek, the contact reminding you of what you wanted. But Namjoon was getting the stuff out of the basket and right now wasn’t the time.
Inside the basket you found a western style picnic kit, you had fresh bagels, procciuto, various types of cheese, jam, and creams to spread on the bread,  fruits and two cakes. A bottle of wine was the choice for drinking while you saw there was a  tumbler with hot water and several tea bags.
-I picked italian style- he clarified. -I thought we might enjoy trying something different-
You prepared a piece for him an offered it. -This is perfect-
He beamed, the content he felt for your approval making you feel even more attracted to him. Namjoon was a gentleman, he liked to try new things, he was interested in books and he wouldn’t ever get bored of talking about the stars, or constellations or history or whatever topic you chose. You wanted to kiss him, but the nervousness of your inexperience paralyzed you.
You ate while talking and laughing, picking bites to give to each other, you listening him go about music and society, him listening you talking about the space and history. Both of you joking and laughing at yourselves for being such nerds. 
The night was getting chilly and your plaid shirt didn’t offer much cover, so as you served two cups of tea Namjoon took out from a side of the basket yet another blanket, this one smoother, serving the obvious purposes.
You moved to be close to him and he covered both your backs with the blanket, Namjoon was warm and you truly loved to hug him so you slowly went in snuggling to his side. He didn’t oppose, wrapping an arm around you as you finished your tea and talked some more.
-It would be awesome if they had telescopes here-
He agreed. -You should leave that in the recommendation section… or maybe next time we could bring one-
You smiled at that, you’d love to come again with him. -Definitely-
Both of you spent some time looking up, enjoying the beautiful scenery that was tonight, the nature around you brought you a sense of peacefulness that didn’t match the crazy beat of your heart. You were looking at the stars and then you weren’t, your attention turning to your boyfriend, who was staring back at you.
He leaned in slowly, oh you saw him coming and you felt yourself tremble. So you lowered your face.
-Y/N…-he said hesistatly. -Is something wrong? Did I…-
You shook your head. -It’s nothing, It’s that I…- you swallowed hard and lifted your face again. -I… this is, I mean, this is my first kiss, you know-
Namjoon nodded. -If you don’t want…-
-No!- you interrupted him. -I mean yes! It’s that I… I’m so nervous, and I haven’t done this before, and I… god, I’m ruining all, I ruined it- you were going to stand up, feeling too many things at once you were afraid you had screwed your date with Namjoon.
But he held your hand, keeping you in place. -Y/N, Jagi, you haven’t ruined anything, it’s ok- you breathed in looking at him in the eye, sweet but firm. -We are going to take it slow, and It’s me, believe me when I say you couldn’t ruin anything, you are perfect-
You smiled at that, embarrassed at everything. -Stop, I really wanna kiss you, but… will you teach me?-
At that he froze, just staring at you for seconds or minutes you didn’t know, his eyes looked down at you lips and then at your eyes and you thought you saw a little nod. Both of you turned a little to each other, he just stared at you and then in a swift move his lips made contact with yours. 
It felt soft and rich, the fullness of his lips cupping yours perfectly. He retreated, staring at you again, checking your expression, probably seeing how red you were, probably feeling your heart, but you could also feel his was racing.
Namjoon kissed you again and this time your eyes closed inmediatly, this time you begged him to not pull apart after a few seconds, and he didn’t. He started moving his lips slowly, as if showing you a pace and you at first were too afraid to move yours, but as he continued doing it you dared to to tilt your head to the side and skim his lips with yours, lightly at first and then with a bit of more pressure.
How perfect this feeling was. You had waited a lot for this moment, reserving this first kiss for someone truly special and you knew that in Namjoon’s arms you couldn’t be mistaken.
-Am I a good teacher?- he asked lowly after you pulled apart because you lacked air. -Oh that’s right, remember to breathe baby, slowly, that way we can kiss for much longer-
You hit his shoulder, his typical mischievousness showing even at these times. -Teach me more- you asked staring at those luscious lips, not noticing how breathy was your voice or how your eyes were on him like Namjoon was the only one in this planet, but then he was looking at you the same way, both of you mesmerized with the other. Namjoon complied, holding you in his arms and you kissed under the stars.
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getpregnant-blog1 · 5 years
The Power of Suggestion & Family Ties
New Post has been published on http://www.karanschmidt.com/2019/04/17/the-power-of-suggestion-family-ties/
The Power of Suggestion & Family Ties
The Power of Suggestion & Family Ties
The Narcopath Mocks Your Family Ties
The power of suggestion and triangulation are two of the most powerful tools in the narcopath's bag of tricks, and never underestimate her profitability in their use.
Many narcopaths mock the family of their partners. The narcopath and the malignant narcissist sees your family, other people important in your life, in the same way she sees everyone: as tools, toys, or obstacles. She will use or treat the people in your life in much the same way as she worries you, and make no mistake, if they resist her control, she will remove them from your life.
She will cause you unfair when you have plans with your family. By her negative and sarcastic remarks to time you spend with your family, she is putting the suggestion in your mind that your family is not good for your relationship. She can not hide the idea that your attention would go to someone else. It does not matter that if you are spending time with your kids. She will constantly interrupt and interfere with any quality time where she is the center of your attention. It does not matter that you have not seen your parents in a long time. It does not matter who has died or who is dying. It is not about them.
Understand this clearly, the narcopath does not see people in the same way the rest of us do. To her people are simply part of the environment. Some are resources; some are in the way; some are just there. The only real thing the narcissist wants from people is their admiration. Your family should fall down at her feet and worship. If they do not worship her, then they are competition for your worship of her. She may actively seek to stop you from gathering with them. She may be cruel or obnoxious so they will stay away. If she can not control them, she will stop at nothing to remove them from your life. She will fabricate events where she is the victim of some cruelty of one of your family members to keep your attention on her. In this triangulation, she is the victim (a favorite role), your family member is the villain, and you are her protector.
She hates being reminded that there are people who know some of her secrets and failures. She hates the assumption of relationship and rights that family has. She hates the fact that some people refuse to be twisted by her manipulations. She holds your family in protest and demands that you do the same. She ridicules and makes fun of your family in order to remind you that she is superior to your family. She convinces you that you are better off without them. She mocks the love and loyalty of your family. She never misses an opportunity to remind you of their failures. She constantly fabricates scenarios where she claims she was insulted, disrespected, ignored, used, or treated poorly by your family to cause distance and hard feelings where there once was none. She will use her own children in her endeavors to prove to you that your family is not the people you believe them to be. How does she accomplish this?
Power of Suggestion
Have you ever had someone say, "You do not look well" or "You look tired," and then ask, "How are you feeling?" If so, you probably said, "No, I'm fine" and then secretly looked in a mirror to see if your face really did look sick or tired. Then, a few minutes later, you started thinking … "Man, I do feel a little tired."
This is the power of suggestion, and it is one of the most powerful psychological psychological tools known to man and should never ever be underestimated. The narcissist uses the power of suggestion to plant the thought in your mind that your family is bad; that your family mistreats you; that your family does not care about; that your family does not want you to be happy; that your family is trying to come between the two of you & that your family only wants to control you. She plants the thought in your mind again and again until you actually believe sever ties with your family is your own idea.
The emotional and mental abuse that a narcissist inflicts on her victim is based on the minority power of suggestion which leaves one believing an idea or thought is his own. To make the power of suggestion work, the narcopath must convince you from the beginning that she is your soul mate. To accomplish this mission, she makes sure in the very beginning of your relationship she creates a false self which is built up from a collection of simple and minor pathological lies – lies which make her seem angelic and builds her a reputation of being 'as good as gold 'resulting in the belief that' she would never do anything to hurt anyone '. And she will fabricate entire conversations to rein in in your mind that she is perfect. As an example, she tells you that she heard a rumor of someone they know cheating on their partner they may then make statements such as "how could they do that to him / her? That's disgusting" making out that they are wholly disagree with such behavior.
However, this is often only to fool you into believing that they would never be capable of doing such a thing themselves yet in reality the lie is usually a cover to hide the fact that the narcissist is doing, or plans to do, exactly that – they seek to appease. These minority lies go on and on, building up over time, gradually pulling the wool over your eyes, leaving you blind to the narcopaths true hidden self.
All she needs do is constantly drop hints to control you through the mere power of suggestion and – BOOM – you are thinking or doing exactly what this manipulator wants. You may as well be a hand or foot of hers. It will not happen this quickly. Most people reject any suggestion that their family is bad, but the power of suggestion that your mother is not who you think she is without telling you this directly will actually impact your belief system. These are reinforced with lies about things your mother did that hurt her feelings. She begs you not to say anything because she does not want to cause problems, so you file it away. Every time you have a disagreement, or you catch her in a lie, or you do not treat her right, your mother's name is somehow brought into it, slowly building up resentment in your mind. This process repeats itself over and over again until you hate your own mother.
Still not convinced? Ever had someone tell you that dental or medical procedure "will really hurt," that a test "was really hard," or that a new boss "is impossible to deal with" -and then had those scenarios play out just as predicted? Turns out, those early suggestions probably shaped your reality.
A deliberate suggestion can influence how well people remember things, how they respond to medical treatments, and even how well they will perform and have, according to research by Maryanne Garry, Robert Michael, and Irving Kirsch. The reason, they say, is attributable to something called response expectancies. This means that the way we expect our response to a situation impacts how we will actually respond. In other words, once you expect something to happen, your behaviors, thoughts, and reactions will actually contribute to making that expectation occur.
If you expect something to happen-if someone or something suggests to you a specific exit-your expectations of that opportunity play a major role in its occurrence. The expectation or suggestion alone, often unconsciously, changes your behavior and your responses to help bring into reality the income you are expecting. The power of suggestion is a guilty trap, an 'I told you so' just waiting to happen.
The problem is of course intent . If a suggestion is made that something terrible will happen, to you or something you care about, your subconscious mind subtly assigns a despair emotion before you file it away. You forget about it because it has no rational context, so it never comes up. But then later when the terrible thing happens your conscious mind reactivates the other orphaned memory. Without knowing why, you feel you should know. ' Suddenly you feel regret and guilt about a terrible thing you had no way to rationally foresee and were not a party to.
Why is this important? The despair diminishes or even blocks the 'will to action' primary emotion. You will be paralyzed with guilt, and off-balance. This is when your toxic partner reaffirms the belief with a look, or a comment like, "I told you so".
Malignant narcissists & narcaths are masters at manipulating people through their emotions, beliefs, attitudes and perceptions, and unfortunately, most people are trusting by nature and are easily duped into buying into their crap. All those memories you shared with her in the beginning of your relationship are used in sub ways until you start to believe them. For example, you told her about the time your mother was supposed to bring snacks to your class and how she forgot, and how embarrassed that made you feel, and you added that the next day she came in with all sorts of trips and how the teacher let y'all have a little party, and how awesome your mother is. This information is filed away, and a few months down the road, she tells you a story about something that happened at her daughter's school, and the story is eerily similar to the one you told her. She tells you how horrible that mother was to do whatever it was she did, and she can not imagine EVER doing anything like that, and then she starts talking about what's for dinner. What has she done here? She's implanted in your mind that the mother you love and would do anything for really is bad.
The power of suggestion is the use of small statements that at the time seem harmless. For example, you are all visiting your parents, and she is not the center of attention, she may text you, "gotta feel the love in this house, right?" You're not exactly sure what she's talking about, but you reply, "yea". These are not big huge pronouncements. They are little sarcasms, little jabs that you do not really focus on, but said repeatedly, they become a part of your subconscious memory. She criticizing your family and friends while telling you she's not like that, until one day, you believe she is the only one of value that you can count on. For the power of suggestion to work, it must be subtracted and repeated, until YOU believe it, and believe that this is YOUR belief. The power of suggestion is an insidious form of abuse because the abuser just stands back and proclaims that she had nothing to do with the problems between him and his family. Your toxic partner will recruit others to help her destroy your family. She will do this same thing with anyone she feels is a threat to her control over you, and you will never suspect her of intentionally destroying your relationship with your family.
The Power of Suggestion & Psychological Warfare
Your expectations affect your behavior. Suggestions affect your expectations. These suggestions can be deliberate or non-deliberate. If you are in a relationship with a toxic person these suggestions will always be planned and deferred to influence your actions in a way that benefits them, not you. Losing the support of your family and close friends is a perfect example.
The only way to protect yourself against these psychological strategies is to develop strategies of your own. Make early observations. When anyone makes a suggestion that triggers a memory or response in your mind, ask questions. Observations and questions control your focus, which control your expectations, which control your beliefs and behaviors. You may not overturn the beliefs in other people's heads, but it will make sure that the negative beliefs your toxic partner is trying to get you to believe will never take root in your mind.
Examine their past – Do not be afraid to ask tough questions about their past, not only of them but previous friends. It does not need to be a job interview. Ask to see photo albums. Ask about old cars. Previous houses, towns. Narcopaths love to brag so make it about how great their things and rewards were. This takes some time but this should yield research-able leads about their entire life.
Observe their behavior when in public and in public. Watch how they interact with co-workers. Narcopaths compete but never cooperate. It's always a battle for power even if the battle is an inch at a time.
Listen to what they say to others and about others. Do they get offended over nothing. Do they seem to be a person who can "dish it out, but not take it"? Listen to how they describe people. Do they classify people by their day to day choices and decisions or by what they do and who they answer to.
Does he / she play mind games with their children or others? They love the power of suggestion. They will tell a target they are going to do something evil to them. Then they will distract them or say it was a mistake or joke. Later it turns out it was quite intentional when the evil thing actually happens. But now the target also feels responsible, and is less likely to retaliate.
If you do not believe this could happen to you, think again. Family, friends, possessions, finances, identification, thoughts and emotions are all historically stolen from you, leaving you in a position with no resources and no-one to turn to for help. You will not realize it until it's too late.
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iamstilltrying · 6 years
Why Does Letting Go Of Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Hurt So Much?
Why, oh why, does letting go of someone who doesn’t love you hurt so much? Why do we struggle so much to accept that our relationship is over and to just move on?
A few years back I was in a relationship with a man who didn’t love me anymore. He told me over and over that this was the case and would break up with me, but then we would reconnect for some reason, get back together, and then start the process all over again.
Looking back, I have wondered why this was so. Why couldn’t I just let go? I think I have figured it out and want to share with you what I have learned.
1. We believe that we are soulmates.
Do you believe that the relationship that you share with your man is like none other? That you are soulmates? That the intense passion and connection that you share cannot compare with anyone else’s relationship, and that letting it go would be such a waste?
Let me tell you, EVERYONE feels that way about their relationship. I hate to burst your bubble but, while the love you have for this person might be strong, it’s not the ultimate love in the world. Letting go of it will not be the end.
I read a quote once: “I am no expert on love but I am pretty sure that the guy making you cry every day isn’t your soulmate” It’s true.
As a matter of fact, if you can let go of someone who doesn’t love you, then you are WAY more likely to find a connection that is real and wonderful and magic. The kind of connection you long for.
2. We get stuck in the past.
If there is one thing that I hear over and over from clients who are trying to let go of love, it’s that they are clinging to the memory of how it was in the beginning.
Remember the beginning? When you first met and things were wonderful? You couldn’t get enough of each other, would stay up all night talking, had great sex and promised each other that you would be together forever.
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And then, over a period of time, things started to go wrong, and those wonderful things that made you so happy slowly disappeared. The reality of the relationship starts to show its face and, instead of seeing it for what it is, many people hold on to what was.
I wish we could just go back to the way we were in the beginning. I hear it all the time. But there is never any going back. Even healthy relationships aren’t the same as they were in the beginning. They just can’t be. The beginning is the beginning, and that electricity is just not sustainable, whether it’s in a healthy relationship or an unhealthy one.
So, if you are holding on to how things were, know that how things ARE is most likely how things will be going forward. Understanding this might give you the clarity that letting go of someone who doesn’t love you might be your best option.
3. We are frightened of being alone.
It is the human condition to want to be in a pair. To have someone to share one’s life and experiences with. That is the goal.
Unfortunately, for many of us, we are willing to settle for ‘good enough’ when it comes to finding the other half of our twosome. We believe that if we let go of the bird in hand, we will NEVER find another man to love. The prospect of putting ourselves out there again so that we can find that person is overwhelmingly daunting. So we hold onto the one we have now, no matter how bad they are for us.
Let me tell you, from decades of personal and professional experience, that there is always another person out there for us. We might not find them right away, but we will NEVER find them if we stay in the relationship that we are in.
So, if you are holding on to this person who doesn’t love you because you believe that if you let them go you will always be alone, let me tell you that you won’t! There is a someone out there for you, someone who will be your perfect half, who will make you whole.
4. We have low self-esteem.
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I can’t tell you how many of my clients who have trouble letting go of someone who doesn’t love them have very low self-esteem. They just don’t believe that they are worthy of being truly loved and, if they do, they have no idea how to go out and find it.
For many of us, getting to the place where our person doesn’t love is back isn’t a quick one. It involves the initial stages of big love and romance, and then slowly we slide down to a spot in which we are no longer loved. On the way we often give up a lot of ourselves trying to make things right and, when they don’t, we are left feeling worthless. We feel like if we are worthless, then no one will love us again. And the truth is, if we are feeling worthless, we might not attract the kind of person we want to attract.
For me, part of letting go of my guy was focusing on my business. I was able to redirect the pain of letting go of the relationship into something that made me feel really good about myself. And feeling good about myself allowed me to let him go and find someone who sees just how awesome I am.
5. We can’t break the pattern.
I can’t overemphasize enough how big a role patterns play in our lives.
Think about your daily routines and patterns and how off you feel those days that your routines are broken. If you always have breakfast before you head out the door and one day you just can’t, you don’t feel like yourself for the rest of the day.
Now imagine this in relationship. When a relationship is new and good we establish patterns and routines with our partners. And those patterns and routines become entrenched in our brains. Breaking them can be nearly impossible.
Do you imagine what Christmas would be like without your partner? Or wonder who you would go to the movies with on Wednesdays? Does worrying about those things, breaking those patterns, paralyze you to the point that letting go of someone who doesn’t love you seems impossible?
I have since learned that if you can get past that eight week mark, you can break a pattern. Try it. See if you can stay away from your guy for eight weeks. You can do it!
And I can promise you that you will find someone else to go to the movies with on Wednesdays.
Letting go of someone who doesn’t love you can be very difficult. Probably one of the most difficult things you will ever have to do.
But letting go of someone who doesn’t love you is very important for a happy life. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life living with someone who doesn’t think that you are amazing? Who doesn’t tell you and show you he loves you every day?
Could you ever be happy if the rest of your life is the same as your life today?
I know that, for me, finally getting away from the guy who didn’t love me was the best thing that ever happened to me. It gave me strength and focus to build my business and my self-esteem. It made me understand that I could break patterns and not only survive but thrive. I learned that I was okay being alone and that while to me our love was special, there really is other, better loves in this world.
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