#you get me? type of guy who says ''i loooove my dad'' ''i love you mom'' weekly. PTUH. fucking.. ugh.
kisaraslover · 8 months
"seto kaiba is so gay" cant even get obsessed with a man as a result of your own infinite inferiority superiority complex crumbling because of said mans Stable-Home-Raised-Swag completely annihilating your smoke and mirrors ego with the only choices left being "win against him or die trying to go back to how strong you used to be" or "face your own mortality and pain and weakness" on this stupid gay earth. im a lesbian im not attracted to atem. if i die trying to dominate him its ON ME and MY PERSONAL INSANITY and not attraction. some of us wanna dominate not because we are horny but because we are evil hope this helps
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starfish-sonnyangel · 7 months
so bored you might... come out of fanfic retirement? you must be really really bored,,,
squad's favorite terran foods in your hcs?
-from @auroracycle-enjoyer
guess who has two thumbs and is working on this instead of their lit final! 🤗🤗🤗
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! again please please ask me things i promise ill respond even if it takes me a couple months lmao!
he squads fav terran foods
ty - 
had a gym rat phase during the academy so for like 3+ years he was literally only considering how much protein a certain food had not how it tasted or anyyyything
seasoning? we dont know her here
if you ask him he’ll probably say salad (he’s lying)
auri introduced him to pizza and he’s hooked
fav is margarita bc he likes to pretend that the basil add some nutritional value
ugh i just need her to curl up with a good book and music and a bowl of soup she deserves it
literally any kind of soup as long as its hot n served with some kinda bread
loves chicken noodle/irish stew/really heavy soups like that bc it reminds her of what her mom used to cook
also egg drop soup, oxtail, lanzhou beef noodles, all the stuff her dad used to make
give her a mug of chicken noodle and some sourdough and she’ll literally love you forever.
its canon from aurora rising that she likes spicy food so i know she loads allll her food up with spice
everyone’s learned to not ask for a bite of her soup if they dont need to give their sinuses a deep cleanse
ty was the first to learn the hard way, snuck a sip of her food secretly and 2 minutes later was curled up on the floor with a box of tissues and a jug of milk
again, he’s not a big seasoning guy
any kind of pasta
she got really into making fresh pasta during the academy, bc she obviously needed a hobby to fill up all the time she spent not studying
is lwky a pasta prodigy can lecture you on any type of pasta
her favorite kind is fusilli (“because it’s extra, like me!”)
also a pesto fanatic
goes vegan at least 4 times each year
her current record is 2 weeks
sweet treats!!
fav cake is tirmisu
can always be trusted to have a snack tucked away in her bag
survives off energy drinks and caf, you wouldn’t really call him a foodie
that being said, he’s a sucker for a good sandwich
clean, compact, won’t get into his suit, tastes good, sandwiches check off all necessary boxes
would sell his suit for a good turkey panini
took him a while to get used to terran food but he is now a confirmed fan
with that being said he cannot cook
once set off the fire alarms across the entire academy after forgetting about a baguette he had toasting in the kitchen
i feel like he'd also be straegly obbsessed with random terran snacks like goldfish and graham crackers
is a FIEND for those yougurt chew things that are for babies
"fin, two go-gurts and a family sized bag of chex mix is not a well-rounded dinner"
looooves those nerd gummy clusters
to be completely honest he'll eat literally anything if he's hungry enough
as previously stated i need to get on my academic grind so ill be completing everyone else soon, just wanted to get this out bc i havent posted in a while
this was so much fun to do, thanks again to @auroracycle-enjoyerfor the ask!
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drowsyr · 1 year
hiii friend anon back again with some Thoughts on steve and robin!!
last night my best friend and i talked about nothing and everything on a phone call for nearly 3 hours even though we both have cars and live 10 minutes away from each other. we have a spotify blend and i think in a modern au steve and robin would have one that's 95+% compatible!
robin definitely makes those wool/thread bracelet things on slow days at family video and puts them all on steve; later when steve's bored he unravels them so she can start again :)
steve and robin discuss getting hair changes to sort of make a new chapter of their lives; they end up shittily box dying their hair in streaks in robin's bathroom one day
steve's hair they make pink and robin's is green. later on when they have matching crises about gender and their lack thereof, they go "well! this sucks, we just dyed our hair and now we forgot to cut and style it first." so the next day they go to a proper salon and get it cut-and-styled and they redo the coloured strands at home!!
they steal steve's mom's dresses and steve's dad's suits and dress up in them and have their own little fashion show - neither of them sticks to one specific type of outfit, at one point robin comes out in strings of pearls cascaded around her throat and delicate golden chains tucked into the collar of the shirt of the suit she's wearing; next steve comes out in a blazer and a flared blue summer dress
then they have a slumber party and they are fine!! everything is fine and they are amazing!! until the point where steve says "wait, robin, i don't think i've ever loved anyone like that (romantically) before" and they have to figure that out.
this happens in the span of like two days in which the rest of the party doesn't hear a word from them and then they're completely shocked when the two turn in for their monday evening shift.
have a nice day!! :)
hiiii <3
i know for a Fact that stobin has friendship bracelets like if u ever read a stobin post from me just know they are also wearing friendship bracelets
i used to be a camp counselor for many years and i made many many bracelets… i feel like robin and steve like to have something to do during their movie nights like they can’t just sit there and so i feel like they make a LOT of these bracelets.
i’m torn btwn thinking that robin already knew how to make them (learned from her parents, who i believe would encourage family crafting time when she was little) and thinking that erica taught them (maybe even while they were in the elevator? i can’t remember if she had her backpack but also little girls have bottomless pockets so. plausible)
i know in my heart of hearts that when robin offered steve the first bracelet she made him he was like oh🥺cool🥺thank you robin🥺 and was like. thrilled tearing up etc.
i feel like they make matching lesbian pride flag bracelets as like a subtle way of supporting robin (robin had the idea to make one then got too scared to wear it out bc like. steve what if they know what it means what if they notice. and he’s like robin if they know what it means then what do you think that means about them. and she’s like but oh my god steve but what if!! so he’s like ok make me one we’ll have more matching bracelets :) and robin was like aww stevie… omg ok!!(they’ll make bi flag ones when steve realizes/comes out))
also sorry to focus so much on the friendship bracelets but one more thing 🫣 i feel like el would looove making friendship bracelets like she sees the matching stobin ones and goes fucking insaaane she makes them for everyone (starting with max and mike then making one for robin as a thank you for teaching her <3)
also yeah. when steve picked up dustin for the first time he mocked the shit out of him for the bad hair dye but then he found out that both of them did it to match and he was like yeah ok this makes sense. still looks you guys did this shittily tho.
stobin loooove the harringtons closet. first of all though they do make a million closet jokes it’s actually insufferable. but they love it <3 but the party do not like the fact that by now if the word closet is said in any context they look at each other muppet style and crack up
also yes their sleepover conversations are rollercoasters… like when you trust someone so much and want them to know all of you good and bad it’s so fast to jump back and forth between elation and serious conversation…the girls love to gab!! and sometimes that gabbing means confessing the deepest parts of yourself bc the most important person in your life needs to know the most important things about you!!
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La La Land (2016)
Smoking: Horus
So, this week is going to be different on Reefer Reels N Reviews. I haven’t actually seen this movie. I have been wanting to, barely know anything about what it is other than Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are in it. So let’s see how this review goes today!
Opening to people in traffic, everyone listening to different music. And breaking into our musical right away. People getting out of cars to sing and dance. And of course, there is that one van randomly full of musicians in the back just ready to play. Lol. Then we have a guy parkouring across all the cars. When you look at what they pan out to for the highway it totally doesn’t seem like there should be that traffic on that overpass. Very misplaced.
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Why is Emma Stone missing a headrest?? So, she is a struggling actress with big dream. Has 4 roommates who are encouraging and seem like they are all best friends. We shall see if that lasts. They all go to this party together in one car, and then after the number Emma is going back to her car, but it ends up being towed. Why is she walking home alone? Did all of her roommates hook up with someone? How depressing.
I was just looking through iMDB at the cast list. I know like 2 other people that are in this...
Now to switch to Ryan and see what he did with that day. Enter the other person I know in this film. J.K. Simmons. Looks like he is Ryan’s boss. He plays the piano at a restaurant. I never knew that he played the piano. Mainly because I’m too busy admiring his body, or thinking about it if I’m being honest lolol.
I just thought about it and this is, at least that I know of, the second movie that Gosling and Stone have been in together. There were in Crazy Stupid Love with Steve Carrell and Julianne Moore. Oh, I LOOOOOVE Julianne! I need to watch 13 Ghosts next I think 😊
Back to the movie. Ryan just got fired and Emma is just staring at him. And their first real encounter is not great. Like at all.
Time for another party. At least this one is playing the type of music I like lol. The dancing she is doing is like terrible. But I guess that was the point lol. Hehehe, Ryan just told Emma, “Guess I’ll see you in the movies.” I know it is just for the movie, but it’s ironic. OMG! Ryan just told her to put the car key to her chin to make you’re a head an antenna. MY DAD TOLD ME ABOUT THAT. I’ve NEVER heard that from anyone buy him before! Sorry. Got a little to excited about something dumb. Lol
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I’m only 30mins in and already almost 500 words. This will be a long one. I’m sure I’ll delete some stuff during the editing process. Like probably this. How funny would it be if it stays 😂
Well time for the first pause. I just munched on some backed flaming hot Cheetos with limon and now I need some more water. Still have an hour and 20mins left in the movie. And got more snacks lol.
Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten before this part. They are in the planetarium and they just start floating and now they are in the clouds and dancing like in the Milky Way. Talk about trippy…
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I do thing that Emma and Ryan always make a cute couple. Jealous of course because he is one hunk of a man. But I mean. I understand lolol.
And here is the other person I recognize, John Legend! He’s wonderful and he is so lucky to have the ever-beautiful Chrissy Tegan as his wife. The music in this movie is beautiful.
So as I’m coming to the end of the movie I’ll sum up some of what I’m thinking since I haven’t seen it before so I had to focus a little more. Have to say, this wasn’t my favorite process so doing these will be rare.
And a 3rd I didn't see on the list, because it has soooo many people in it, is Tom Everett Scott. I loooove him as Guy Patterson in That Thing You Do! Great movie with Tom Hanks if you've never seen it.
This movie is about two dreamers who want different, yet similar things. They are both artists and they meet and fall in love. They help each other grow and realize their dreams. Sure it’s a great premise for a movie. But not one of my favorites.
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 So, I don’t know the next time I’ll watch it, if ever. Not that I don’t think they did a good job, because it is a good movie. But it was all a little predictable. Most movies are, but I mean from the opening dance number I was expecting all of what happened.
That’s for this session of Reefers-Reels-N-Reviews.
Till next time <3
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Survey #389
“i’m well aware i’m a danger to myself  /  are you aware i’m a danger to others?”
How much do you weigh? Yeah, we're starting off on a bad foot. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Putting Roman's used litter in the trash. Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? Hm... I guess you could love them, but it'd be a complicated situation. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? If it's purely for sport, from the very bottom of my heart, fuck you. Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? I'd say it's decently fast. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Yeah, Florida. My grandma lived there. Are you sensitive to caffeine? No. It does like... nothing to me. How do you usually get around? My mom's car. Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? No actually, but I know I kinda am. What do you think about Kim Kardashian? I don't have an opinion of her. Can you speak any French? No. Favorite yogurt flavor? The only yogurt I've been liking lately is cookies and cream to add a different texture, because otherwise, I don't like its natural texture very much??? Idk man, my taste buds are wild. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? Just like $5. What bottled water brand do you like? Essentia. Your favorite way to eat chocolate? As chocolate bars, probably. How often do you listen to country music? Like, never. Linkin Park or Avenged Sevenfold? Linkin Park. Last surgery you had? Pilonidal cyst removal. Have you ever played guitar? I briefly took classes for it in high school, yes. Best I got to was playing some of the intro to "Crazy Train." I enjoyed it, but not enough to be consistent and really learn. Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? I don't think so? What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? Independence and confidence would be nice... Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? No. Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? God no. I love my online friends. Half of 'em more than "irl" ones. Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? I have to be VERY invested in it to care THAT much. It happened most recently when Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty premiered. Do you have any stickers on your laptop? No. Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? Early in the morning. I'm in a better mood in the morning. Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? I have a calorie-counting app, as well as one to track my period. Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? My mom's, best friend's, and psychiatrist's. If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? I don't really know. Maybe the very first Pride event? Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it? Ride a rollercoaster, for one. I know I never will, though. I'm too afraid of throwing up, but even more realistically, I fear passing out before of the twisting and turning and just standing up makes me very dizzy. My blood pressure is STUPID low. What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? Have kids. That's a big 'ole fat no from me. Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever come to your door? Twice at least. Are you well-known by people in your area? No. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, thank Christ. It sounds terrifying. What's your favourite type of bird? Barn owls. Melanistic ones, to be exact. Stunning. What tv show(s) have you been watching currently? I'm only keeping up with Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Have you ever dated a smoker? For less than a day. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes. Have you ever been a member in a band? No. Besides the school band. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No. Do you have separate emails for personal and business? No. Have you ever missed a flight? Yes. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Multiple times. Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible? I think once with my brother. Why did you last need to use a band-aid? I'unno. What fruit do you eat most often? Apples. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My ma. Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? A few times. I don't feel like thinking over this. Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? I've tried almond milk, and I hated it. If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? uhhhhhh idk When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? I'm essentially always in my room. If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? No. Do you find piercings attractive? Yep. Do you like potato chips? Loooove 'em. What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? Nothing beyond checking Jason's Facebook sometimes after the breakup, I think. Even that though I wouldn't recommend doing. You're just going to get yourself hurt. Stay away from exes' profiles. Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? Yep. I don't give a fuck what's in your pants, you don't hit anybody unless you're fighting to defend yourself. What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? I mean... define "old." I'll go with The Lion King for old, and for new, uh... Finding Dory, probs. Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. I don't really know what IS trendy right now... Is Snapchat still "in?" Because I've never gotten that. “Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? I think I'm kinda neutral about it? Like I mean it also depends on exactly what is said. I prefer more loving talk, though. What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? I'm a basic fatass that likes American cuisine most, aha... Like give me a cheeseburger and I'm happy lmao. How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? I love it more now at a short length than I ever did long. When it was long and I was in my deepest depression, I was awful about brushing it. It would get so knotted. Like looking back, it nearly makes me shiver. I HIGHLY recommend cutting your hair for anyone who struggles with selfcare. How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? I'm single, but hypothetically, if you're checking an ex's page nearly every day, I would not be okay with that. I'm totally fine with exes remaining friends and just cordially talking now and again, but that's it. It's a respect thing. Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? I personally like cologne if it's not overwhelming. I really don't care if you wear it or not, though. Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? This survey is so heteronormative. But anyway, unless there was an issue like it not fitting, I'd want my spouse to wear their ring. What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? There are a lot of reasons I don't want kids. I'm too selfish with my "me" time, I stress out too easily, I don't want to dedicate my life to keeping another person alive and fed and happy, I have bad genes... I could go on and on. I just wouldn't be a good, "present" enough mom. I am much more interested in ensuring *I* am okay. Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? Not at all. I mean I want a smooth and memorable wedding, but I'm not obsessed with it being perfect. Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? That's certainly not cheating, but I wouldn't like it. Being secretive about anything in a relationship is unhealthy, imo. I'd be hurt and also very insecure because I wouldn't feel like "enough." How old is too old for trick-or-treating? Honestly? I don't think you ever are. Like come on, does it REALLY matter? Let people have fun. I don't do it because of societal standards, but I would if I didn't care about being judged. Do you sleep with your arms over or under the covers? It depends on the temperature, but I normally wake up with them under. Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band? I have an Ozzy one stored somewhere, but it doesn't fit me now. There was another I really liked too, but that one is WAY too small now. Fries or onion rings? Fries. I'm not a fan of onion rings. True/False: you’ve had an odd dream this week. Story of my life. I had one last night where I kept dying in different ways, and I actually felt the pain, like drowning in magma. Do you find tattoo sleeves attractive? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Do you like carving pumpkins? Yeah. What’s an animal you want to have as a pet but can’t? My mom has absolutely forbidden me to get a tarantula (uh, many tarantulas in my case) until I move out, lol. That doesn't stop me from checking Craigslist like every day. ;_; Have your parents ever caught you drinking? "Caught," no. Any time I've drunk, I've had permission or was a legal adult by then. How would you react if your celebrity crush came to your door? First be humiliated at my appearance and then absolutely pass out lmao. Has your mom/dad ever walked in on you kissing or anything more with someone? No, thank fuck. The person you have a crush on is drunk and goes to kiss you, you know they don’t realize what they’re doing, but do you kiss anyways? If I know it's something they wouldn't do sober, absolutely not. What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand written poem, a picture he drew of you or a nice night out? Any would be lovely, but the poem would appeal most to me because of the amount of thought that goes into poetry. Do you any shirts with any kind of images of food on them? What? I don't think so, no. Which holiday is the most fun to decorate for? Halloween. What was the first website you had an email account on? Yahoo. Have you ever written a fanfic? No. Tattoos or piercings? Both are grand, but tats win. What’s the last gross movie/show/video you saw? I saw this picture of a snake split open that had eaten another snake. Would you rather live in a huuuge house or a little cozy one? Lil cozy one! I don't want more space than is needed for cleaning reasons, as well as price. Do you have a tutor for anything? No. Who’s the best kisser you know? Jason was. Has anyone ever threatened you with a knife? No. I'd like it to stay that way. (If you’re a girl) Has anyone ever called you "shortie" instead of girl? Ew, no. Do you have a deep voice? For a woman, yes. Do you play games with boys/girls, like 'hard to get’? Hi, I'm an adult. Is there a Sonic where you live? YES. It's my fave fast-food place. What do you like on your pizza? I have three go-tos depending on my mood: Pepperoni, jalapenos, or meat lovers.
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lovewriting-5 · 4 years
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*gif credit goes to @miyku*
2. Into The Woods
3. Bear Station
1. 1452 Lame Avenue, Seattle:
I stepped off the school bus and met up with Sean Diaz and Lyla Park. Lyla shouts “See you tonight! Don’t be late, losers!” I intertwine my fingers with Sean’s as we walk to his house. Lyla on his right side, says “Are you both going or am I going to have to hang out with just one of you?” I shrug while Sean replies “I don’t even know if I wanna go tonight?” Lyla says “Oh please. It’s gonna be fun! You guys hate every party.” I chime in “They’re all the same. Too many people, too fucking loud, everbody’s wasted.” Lyla a little frustrated with our indecisive responses “You just described...a party!”
All of a sudden there was a ping coming from Sean’s sweatshirt pocket. He checks the text and it was from his dad, Esteban. A little annoyed with his dad constantly checking on him, he says “It’s dad. Wants to know if I’m coming home after school. Jeez, I’m not a ten year old...” I tell him “He just cares about you.” Lyla adds “You should be happy your dad’s looking out for you.” We continue on our way to Sean’s house and he must have decided that he was going because he asks “So what should I wear tonight?” Lyla responds sarcastically “A condom.” I chuckle “Alright I’m in. Paying plenty of attention in Sex Ed class, I see...”
We walked past Brett’s house who shouted “Hey, lovebirds! Back from the loony bin?” I roll my eyes. Lyla shouts back “Shut the fuck up, dickhead!” Brett just gave us the middle finger. Once out of sight, I gave her a high five and say “Damn, your neighbor’s an asshole.” Sean says “Yup. Always true to himself.”
We sat on the front porch of his house. Sean sat in the middle between Lyla and me. Lyla being observant, says “Man...We need to find a couch for your yard one day.” She pulled out a pack of cigarettes when Sean says “Oooh careful...Last time my dad almost busted me out here...” Lyla explains “Because you were alone. Your dad wouldn’t bust us. He loves us. So...you both want a hit or not?” I’m not a smoker so I declined. Sean who technically didn’t decline one, says “Nah. Maybe at the party. Track stars aren’t supposed to smoke, ya know...” Lyla coming back with “Yeah, sure. I’ll remember this when you’re begging for a spliff tonight...”
Lyla, the all knowing of this party tonight, says “Speaking of weed...I got that covered tonight. What else do we need? Eric said his parents don’t leave shit at the cabin so...we better make an official party list...” She takes out a sharpie from her backpack, grabs Sean’s left hand and begins scribbling. Sean a little confused, asks “Hey whoa, what the hell are you doing?” Lyla always quick with a response tells him “Don’t move! You’re my human post-it note. First we need money for supplies...munchies...chips n’ dip...soda...et cetera...” He says “This better wash off!” I place a hand on his stretched arm and lean closer to get a better look at her handiwork. Then she adds “And of course, we must not forget...ZE BOOZE!!!”
While looking at the list on his hand, he says “I can probably snag a six-pack from dad if he’s got enough. Hey, did you ever think of maybe...just...sending a text instead?” Remembering one more thing, she grabs his hand back “Hmmm...Oh right! Blankets. It’s gonna get chilly tonight! You and (Y/N) are gonna need something to snuggle under...Oh, one last thing! C...O...N...D...O...” He looks over and gives me a small embarrassed smile when Lyla was saying that. Pulling his hand away he says “Aargh stop! You’re out of room, punk!” Noticing the small drawing at the bottom of the list, he says while teasing her “Is this how you see a penis? Damn, you should try and actually see one for real.” She says “You don’t wanna go down that road, dude. My chances of scoring tonight are probably...ten times yours.” Her and I have talked about it numerous times when he wasn’t around. Lyla looks over at me and gives a wink. Luckily, Sean didn’t see because I could feel my cheeks getting red.
The three of us look up at the sky and noticed the airplane flying over. Lyla says “These fucking planes, man...I wanna hate them, but...I’ll miss them so much if I move somewhere else. Shit changes so fast...I get so emo sometimes, wondering what’ll happen to us once we graduate. Will you both still be my BFFs? Will shit ever get better than 1452, Lame Avenue?” Sean confirming “Yeah, man. Friends forever.” Lyla sounding a little worried “Yeah but...What happens if we go to different colleges? Or you two get sick of me? Whatever...” I assure her “You heard of the Internet? No way distance can tear us apart. We’re freakin’ fighters!” Lyla sounding better, says “Yeah, you’re right...Best freakin’ fighters forever...”
“OK, it’s getting way late and I gotta pick out my outfit for tonight. Skype later when you’re ready. Hugs!” Both of us give her a hug, “Talk to you guys soon.” Sean says “Hello, Friday night...”
Sean and I walked inside his house and heard laughing coming from the kitchen. We set our backpacks down by the front door. His dad, Esteban says “Hey! Perfect timing! Just the two I wanted to see.” I smile but Sean groans “Sure. But we’re a little busy.” Daniel interrupts “Did you see Lyla? She said we could go to the movies next week. She said...”
“Dude. Bug her, not me! You’re not exactly her type.” Sean says. “You’re lucky they put up with you...” Esteban says. He says “Jeez, thanks pop. I feel really supported right now.” While gently nudging my arm with his elbow.
Esteban begins “You’re welcome. And now we need an objective judge. That would be you!” “Really?” Sean asks. “Hey! No fair!” Daniel objects. “Shhhhh...Court is in session. Judge Diaz presiding over the case of the last Chock-O-Crisp.” Sean interrupts “We...we have to go...Uh...Get ready for a party and stuff.” Esteban says “Well if you want to attend a party and stuff...you have to earn it...your Honor.”
“Aww shit.” Sean says. Daniel says as Sean mocks him “Hey, he swore!” Esteban who is used to hearing this from his sons, says “Yes, I heard, tattletale. Please Judge Diaz. Be an example to the court and society. Then you can go hook up or...chill or...whatever! Now...Who deserves to eat this final...Chock-O-Crisp? Your adorable little brother who eats about ten bags a week...” Daniel trying to persuade the decision smiled at me and points to himself. Esteban continues “Or your poor suffering father...who slaves over a hot engine to provide his family with a home and a garage?”
Daniel raises his hand and shouts “Me! Me! Me!” As Sean pulls his hand down. “Come on Judge...” Daniel says. Esteban says “Shh. Let him decide...Judge? The verdict, please.” Sean places his right hand on his chin and looks at me to help decide. I smile at him, place a hand on his shoulder and say “I’m staying out of this, Judge Diaz.” He thought about it for a few minutes.
He gave the last Chock-O-Crisp to Esteban, “Daniel is guilty of being a brat! So the Chock-O-Crisp goes to...Señor Diaz!” Daniel trying to debate “What? No way! You’re a cheat!” Sean proudly says “Nope. I’m the law.” Esteban being a good father says “Your Honor, I can’t let you punish an innocent man...So...” Daniel who is very happy, says “Ooohhh yessss...” Sean says to Esteban “Yeah, I always knew you’d confess.”
Esteban heads back to the garage “Okay. Back to work. I hear an engine calling my name...And you better play nice together...Like you always do...” Daniel says “I have to go work in my room too.” As he walks away, he lightly hits Sean in the stomach. He tried to grab him but Daniel was too quick. Sean shouts “Yeah, don’t hurry back.”
I was in the kitchen helping Sean gather supplies for the party, when I hear him knock on Daniel’s bedroom door. I lean against the side of the fridge facing the hall, cross my arms and watch. Sean says “Dude, come on, open up!” From the other side of the door, Daniel shouts “Why?” Sean says “Because!” I slightly shake my head. Daniel says “Okay, okay...” as he opens the door ajar. Sean asks “What are you doing in there, Dr. Frankenstein?” Daniel still not happy with earlier “You gave my Chock-O-Crisp to dad.” Sean tells him “So what? He gave it back. Dude, you are so spoiled...” I roll my eyes at the typical banter between these two.
Sean asks “What’s with the scissors?” I noticed them in his hand. Daniel tells him “You’ll see...but not now...so don’t come in!” Sean sarcastically says “Oh man! Damn, sounds pretty serious! Should I call an ambulance now, before it’s too late?” I giggle. Daniel says while laughing “Maybe...All I can say is...watch out for my costume in three days! This Halloween is gonna be awesome! Are you going to the party tonight? At Eric’s house? Will Lyla be there?” Sean says “Yes, yes, yes and NO. You can’t go. Teenagers only.” I join them and tell Daniel “Sorry dude. You know Lyla and I would love it if you joined us but you wouldn’t have fun at this party.” Daniel says to Sean “They’re way nicer to me than you...Did she ask about me?” Messing with him, Sean says “Yes, she wants to marry you.” Daniel says “Shut up! And I don’t care if I can’t go...because...because...I have secret stuff to do...Alone!” He closes the door. Sean yells back “Of course you do.” Daniel peaked out the door then shut it again. We walked into the living room. I tell him “I’ll put the supplies in our backpacks and then I’ll be in your room. Would it be okay if I leave my school stuff here?” He says as he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, “Yeah, it’s no problem at all. I gotta go find that loooove blanket.” He heads down to the garage to see his dad.
I removed the school stuff and set them on the dining table. I placed the party supplies in the two backpacks. I walked into Sean’s room, it has only been a few times when I have been in here. The times when I have visited, we hung out in the main house with his dad and younger brother. I walked around and looked at the pictures on the walls and things laying around on the floor. I noticed the two trophies next to a picture of Daniel, Sean and Esteban on the shelf. I remembered that day, it was a track-and-field meet. Lyla and I went crazy cheering him on. His skateboard was on a shelf above his bed. He tried to teach me and there were successful moments but I enjoyed watching him show off. I also looked at some of his drawings lying around. He was really good. There were some that I remember watching him do. I saw some sketches that he kept from when he taught me how to draw. I always enjoyed seeing how enthralled he gets when he draws.
I sat on the edge of his bed glancing at the Gamer magazine that was lying on the mattress. He walked in, mentioned that he talked to his dad and he gave him $40. I say “Wow, that is so cool!” He walks to the bed and sat down. We began to kiss. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer. He leans forward and we begin inching toward his pillow. It seemed like we kissed for awhile when his phone pinged from his back pocket. He pulls away and breathlessly says “Must be Lyla.” He pulls out his phone and we both look at the screen. It was her telling him to get on Skype.
He gets up and sits at the desk to call Lyla on his laptop. I sit on the edge of the bed in the middle. He turns his laptop a little so I am able to be in frame. Lyla appears on screen with a smirk, she says “Hola, lovebirds...Just give me a minute! Gee, where did I put the...Hold on! Okay, hi! Did you get everything on your hand-list?” Sean tells her “It’s all in our backpacks, yeah. Daddy hooked me up with some cash, so...we’re set for the night. In case we need anything else...” She says “Or if you and (Y/N) need anything else...Ooh la la!” Sean sighs and I flip her off with a wink.
Daniel comes bursting in the room wearing a skull mask and carrying a bottle of some kind of red liquid. He says “Sean, Sean! I’m done, look! I made zombie blood! It’s...um...corn syrup and food coloring...Hey! Hi Lyla!” He waves to her. I stay out of these moments.
Sean begins escorting him out “Get out of my room, Daniel.” Daniel apologetically “I was just...” Sean says irritated “Come on, man!” Daniel still apologizing “Just...” More irritated, he says “Just bugging the shit out of me again after I told you to knock? Yeah, I know.” After Daniel left, Sean goes back to his laptop “Anyway...” Lyla scolds “Sean, you’re an asshole! What’s your problem?” Trying to come up with an excuse, he says “But...” She says “I want to see his zombie blood if you don’t...” I add “I agree with her. The zombie blood sounded really cool.” He looks at both Lyla and me, says “Sorry, sorry...I’ll make it up to him...He knows I can be a dick...I’m just stressed out about tonight...” Lyla says “Oh please...we are gonna have so much fun! Maybe tonight’s the night...I already see the two of you got started with delaying on calling me.” As she winks.
Sean asks “Okay...So when are you coming over?” Lyla says “I just have to hit up the Momster for the car keys and...hope she doesn’t make me lie too much about the party...I’m already in trouble from last time...” I get up, stand behind the chair and tell her “This time, don’t get caught!” We then hear Daniel outside “I didn’t mean to! Stop! Don’t touch it! It’s for Halloween! Leave me alone! I’ll call my dad!” Sean looks out the window and says “Hold on, okay? Something’s going on outside...” Lyla yells “What do you mean? Hey!” I quickly move out of the way as Sean runs out of the room. I shrug to her and then run out the door.
We get outside and see Brett with a hold on Daniel’s arm. Brett angrily says “Look at my shirt, asshole!” Daniel sticking up for himself, says “What’s the big deal? It’s Halloween!” Sean went into big brother mode “Hey! Don’t ever touch my brother!” He says while shoving Brett “You hear me, Brett?” Brett says “Fuck you, Diaz! He got his fake blood shit all over my shirt...Look!” Daniel frightened says “I told you it was an accident! You better leave us alone!” Brett reaches and tries to grab him but Sean and I get in the way. Brett says “Oh yeah, go hide in your dad’s garage! Pussies! You think you own the block!”
I keep my arm in front of Daniel to block him from Brett. Sean steps in between. He shouts “Dude, step back! He didn’t mean it, he’s a fucking kid!” Brett shouts “He’s a fucking retard!” Sean having enough “What...What did you just say?” Brett says “You heard me, bitch...” He shouts “Don’t ever touch him again!” Brett trying to get under his skin, says “Or what? You gonna get your daddy?” Sean tells him “Hey asshole! I don’t need him, to protect me from you!” Brett shoves him and says “Oh? You wanna go?!” Sean shoves him back, both Daniel and I shout “Sean!” Sean shouts “Oh yeah, motherfucker?!” Brett crossing a line “Then go back to your own country.”
Sean punches him. Daniel now scared says “Woah...Sean! You hit him!” He tells me “Get him inside! NOW!” I try to get Daniel to go but he won’t budge. He shouts “Sean!” Brett tackles Sean by the legs, shouting “You’re dead meat, bitch!” He begins punching Brett’s back and hits with his left fist. Brett shouts “You and your whole fucking family are going to jail! Losers!” Sean shoves him and he falls on a rock in the ground. We start hearing sirens. Daniel frightened, asks “What...what’s going on?”
Sean goes to check on Brett, he says “Oh fuck me...(Y/N), get over here!” I tell Daniel “Stay right here.” He asks “Sean...is he hurt?” We never notice the cop car pull up until we hear the officer command “Okay...okay, step away! Now!” Brett is laying on the ground gasping for air. Sean says “Calm down, officer.” The officer yells “Shut up! And step back!” The three of us back away from Brett. The officer pulls out his gun and points it at us. He commands “On the ground, Now!” Sean says “Hey, wait...This guy was...beating up my little brother!” Daniel frighteningly adds “He started it!” The officer commands “On the ground! NOW! Hands behind your head!”
The three of us get on the ground with our arms up. Daniel scaredly, says “Sean!” Sean frightened, says “This is fucking bullshit!” The officer goes to take Brett’s pulse when I see Esteban. He runs toward to five of us. The officer moves his gun on to Esteban. He asks “Sean, what’s happening?” The officer shouts at him “Get on the ground, sir!” Sean tells him, frighteningly “Dad! We didn’t do anything, I swear...” Esteban says looking between us and the officer “Sean, be quiet...Officer, listen...” The officer yells at Sean “Shut up!” He says “I’m sorry, dad!” Daniel really scared, says “Daddy, I want to go home.” Esteban trying to keep everything calm, says “Be quiet! They’re good kids, officer.” The officer shouts “Don’t move!” He says “I’m sure they didn’t do anything.” Officer repeating himself “I said don’t move!” Daniel says “Stop this.” I say “We didn’t do anything...!” Esteban says to him “Daniel, it’s gonna be alright.” The officer swings his gun between the four of us. He shouts “On the ground!” That’s when the most unthinkable thing happened. The officer unintentionally fires his gun at Esteban who collapses to the ground. The officer says quietly “Shit.” All of a sudden, Daniel yells “AHHHHHHHHHH!” There was a giant force that came out of nowhere.
Both Sean and I wake up to the sound of a leaking fire hydrant and everything is a mess. Utility poles are tipped over, rocks and debris litter the road and yards. In the road, we see a vehicle on fire. We both whimper a “No.” The police car was upside down and the officer was dead. Sean goes to his dad and says “Oh fuck!” Esteban has blood all over his chest. He tries to wake him up but it isn’t working, “No way! No...” I go over to Daniel and trying to wake him “Daniel! Hey! Come on!” Sean shouts “Come on! We gotta go! Now!” Sean comes over by Daniel, picks him up and carries him to the front porch. We grab our backpacks as we hear more sirens getting closer. Just before they arrive, we run.
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jojosbabe · 5 years
Random polnareff headcanons
Here is some random polnareff headcanons i have.
Note: this is my interpretation of the character. And honestly sometimes i don't like how others see my fave jobro(and anime husbando) . It kinda peeves me. But enjoy these hcs.
Warning may have some deep,heavy feels ahead. May talk about some tough subjects.
Polnareff wants a family but not right away. He definitely wants at least one child. But he's never pushy for it. He'd be a good father. (And anyone who disagrees he wouldn't needs to look at his character again deeper and not just at the surface. ). The fact he never got a chance to have a proper family growing up. And the fact his father probably left his mom and his mom died at a young age. He would never wanna leave his child if he has one. He'd ultimately leave it up to you. But he does want a family and a child. He is a good man damn it! Fuck what y'all think.
He does wanna get married and settle down and chill. Especially after the crap he went through in the events of SDC. (Again why wouldn't he? It makes sense.). He would be such a loving and caring husband. Good husbando material. (Don't understand why y'all so against this? Marriage can be spiritually defined as well. Marriage is what you and your partner want it to be in my opinion. Either way i believe polnareff of all the crusaders wants a wife/spouce and kids. The others are up to debate. But polnareff i see definitely wants that.)
Polnareff is the type of guy that is great with his own kids. Loves em and cherishes them to pieces. But other people's kids are a chore at times. He is good with kids however and will take care of the kid even if he is annoyed by it, dont be fooled pol pol is a good man and would do anything to help others especially the more "innocent" of society but he complains lol.. (The fact he raised sherry on his own should give you a clue!)but he looooves his own kids to death. And i think him being a father would be a great way to add more to his character and seeing healthy dad relationships is great. Considering most of the jojo characters do no have them. And we need more of jodads,its wholesome and i don't understand why people wouldn't like to see that?!
Polnareff is a loving man and doesn't like to see you upset. Especially if he's the one who causes it! Arguments with him are often short and never last long. It's petty to let these things hurt such a loving heart of gold(or silver. Tee hee). As polnareff would say "En' amour, on pardonne" (in love,we forgive). Even in the most heated of arguments. Most of the time he catches himself and walks away before he say anything hurtful,he knows his mouth can get him in trouble and say the wrong things out of anger. But in the cases he slips up. He feels awful about hurting anyone he loves. And he will instantly apologize and make amends. He doesn't like to see you hurt. One of his fears is you leaving him because of some stupid shit he may do. He always fears of others leaving him through death or just through his own personal downfalls. He makes sure to hold himself accountable. He is a man of his word and honor. (And you can pry that from my cold dead hands!)
He is very devoted and loyal. He would never cheat, EVER!!!! (and if anyone writes him as such that is very out of character and shame on you!) He loves his s/o and would never do that to hurt them. And he would love them and make shit work. Life can be hard but there is no challenge jean pierre polnareff can't do. People give up so easy in love. Polnareff does not. he will never abandon his heart. He would never give up on you!
Chivalry is never dead with this man. He will hold the doors open,pull your chair out,take care of you when your ill. And if someone insults you. Heaven help them cuz polnareff don't tolerate disrespectful behavior. Especially to women(and anyone with she/her/feminine pronouns). He'd politely of course ask them to stop,but if not. Silver chariot might have to make them stop. (Wise words of warning. Don't piss off polnareff and hurt his beloved). He is a man of his word and there isn't a promise he doesn't make that he doesn't intend to keep. If he says forever,he means it damn it!
Polnareff would probably nickname his kids cute names. For a baby girl,probably mon' angé (my angel) for a boy probably mon' petit prince (my little prince)...excuse me, cute fluffy shit gives me the feels... *clutches heart*
He'd definitely not name his kid after sherry. Due to the trauma. And also would want her memory to live on in other ways. He had to let her soul rest and move on. So i doubt he'd name his kids after his dead sister. But instead tell his children how wonderful she was and she lives on in their dads heart and whenever they feel down. Look up at the stars,she's there,smiling as bright as ever.
Polnareff is a sweetheart. Heavy romantic. But he is confident and bold. He is a soft dom. A gentleman. And would let you take the reigns of the chariot so to speak every now and than. *eyebrow wiggles* . But he ultimately guides you and is in control for the most part. (Dunno why they wanna Make polnareff to be so dainty all the time,sure he's a gentle lover but that dont mean he can't get rough or isn't dom. Have you seen him fight?! Have you seen this man! Good god people polnareff has some oomf to him. He may be a polite gentleman with his sexy french ass but he aint no pushover! He has a commanding presence that is calm but study,like a fucking knight! Hell yeah)
Speaking of knight. He has been called that several times. He loves it. And takes great pride in that title. Much to others annoyance. Lol.
Polnareff is a good boyfriend/husbando ok? And would be a great dad. And its like he walked straight out of a romance novel you find in the back of half price books/bookstores. You know the ones on the back of your mommas/grandma's/aunties toilet? Yeah that kind. Thats him. Imagine polnareff but on that cover. Yup. Your welcome for that visual. Lol. Every girls/guys/persons dreamboat and yet some of y'all sleep on my man. Smh
All in all i hope you enjoyed these.
And i apologize in advance if i get passionate bout this. But i just love this character. And i don't like it whenever people just get him so wrong or take him only at surface level.
Anyways have a great day/night whatever time it is your way. Jojosbabe out! 💖
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shieldsurf · 5 years
nobody asked but i feel annoying when i infodump on my irl friends so heres my expert opinion on every single main series pokemon professor :)
professor oak: i dont like him sorry. its the blue stan in me. it also annoys me that pokemon is trying to make him a new mascot or whatever so they keep rolling out generic ass clones of him. i miss when spinoffs/supporting applications would get their own new professors
professor elm: i think hes sweet :) he seems like the nicest of all the professors but in a very subdued way. he's just kinda quiet and nervous but if you're having a rough day he'll invite you to his personal office for tea. he's like your gay english teacher that you stay to talk to after class every day. but i do think it's funny as fuck that he got robbed by a 12-13 year old and his immediate response was to call ANOTHER 12-13 year old
professor birch: big. dad. energy. the khakis the short sleeved t shirt the stubble. it's all there. he's probably the really goofy but surprisingly emotionally aware & insightful type. its also very funny how he got attacked by a wild dog and just ran around screaming for god knows how long until a random preteen showed up. in short i like him and i think he and brendan are sweet :) they probably go fishing together and birch helps him w his math homework at night
professor rowan: underrated!!!! has a very good theme!!!! i like him a lot he gives makes me think of like, a really stern and strict college professor who's actually really nice in his own grouchy, professional way. and like always has your back & goes and gets you fantastic internship opportunities without even telling you. but on the flipside his email responses are probably monosyllabic and he just does whatever the fuck he wants because he's tenured so his university can't do shit about it. like he just fucking gives u & barry rare starter pokemon in platinum because he feels like it! he doesnt even know you??? king
professor juniper: i loooove her 🥺 she also has a good theme song. she just seems like a really chill person. super go with the flow and fun, always trying to be positive and confident. probably listens to classic rock. but she also has big soccer mom energy, but like, a cool soccer mom, the one that brings the BEST team snacks to her 8 year old's saturday games and takes her out every friday like clockwork to get ice cream. and is like the neatest science teacher who schedules cool field trips for her rowdy class of 6th graders. i don't know why her dad is there but he's cool too i guess. he has a good theme song too and Cedric is a cool name. pretty fly for an old guy
professor sycamore: probably my favourite professor LMFAO has one of the best character themes of any pokemon character period. very few fans of him have Taste however. he's not some suave sexey smart guy get real he's like, a huge fucking mess, very book smart but otherwise an idiot, can't dress himself, gay as hell, pays his scientists well but he cant manage finances for shit so he ends up eating ramen every night. a literal trainwreck but every few years he'll publish some crazy research that blows everybodys tits into next tuesday so everyone respects him. chronic child adopter (first dexio and sina, then serena, calem, shauna, tierno, trevor.... jeez dude)
professor kukui: YEAH. YEAH!! he's just good!!!! i like him. outgoing eccentric dudebro who's actually really smart. he's funny, the whole masked royal thing is dumb as hell but i like it, also he and burnet are so CUTE as a gen 5 nut who bought all the weird spinoffs and minigames on my 3ds, it was AWESOME to see burnet back and with a man that treats her like a QUEEN. back to kukui he's the fun uncle type who takes you and your cousins out to do shit that your parents would kill him over but you love him so they can't do anything about it. he's actually crazy responsible though despite the fact that he lets his pets beat him up for funsies he would NEVER do anything that would put someone else in danger. also hes the only professor that's also a unbelievably talented trainer imo
professor magnolia: i thought a cool chill old lady professor would be cool but unfortunately with magnolia there's not a lot there :( she does seem like a cool grandma though. but i still would've liked an unassuming but secretly badass and no-nonsense old lady prof. as for the other magnolia, sonia, i think she's neat also but her arc could've been written better. instead it felt kinda forced :( she has a cute design tho its Unfortunate that a large portion of pokemon fans are weird nerd men in their mid to late 20s. i don't have a lot to say about these two they just got done really dirty compared to how cool and interesting a lot of the other swsh characters are
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years
Your little brother turns to you for advice– but what do you know?
Sibling!Jimin drabble
Genre: Geez idk
WC: 1k
AN: Idk where this came from but it’s one of those ‘I had to get it out’ type stories. Happy (late) bday to the loveliest mochi <3
You hear the door close gently and look over the couch to see your little brother shrugging off his backpack. “Hey, Jimin-ah. How was your day?”
Jimin looks at you, unfocused. “Hm? Yeah, fine.”
“You sure?” He doesn’t look fine; your normally cheerful brother seems like a drooping sunflower today.
He sighs. “Yes. I don’t know, it’s just…”
You shift, setting down your book. “Just what?”
“I’m feeling sad today.” Jimin grimaces and sits down next to you. “I’ve been feeling sad for a couple days, actually. It’s getting really frustrating.”
“Did something happen?”
“No, nothing. I mean, I guess… well, you know I watch a lot of YouTube, I’m on social media a lot, right?”
“Right…” you fail to see where this is going, but you’re glad he’s talking to you.
“Lately I’ve seen that I’m comparing myself to the idols and influencers I see online.” Jimin buries his head in his hands, fluffy black hair poking through his fingers. “I know it’s dumb, and I worked like, so hard to accept myself, right? All my insecurities, all that, I really thought about who I want to be.”
“You’re you, mochi. And you is great.” 
Your brother massages his temples, and you can feel your heart break a little at the numbness in his voice. “Me just wants to be happy, and I’m not happy right now.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want to go for a walk?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Fifteen minutes later, you and Jimin are strolling to the park. You’re quiet, hoping that Jimin will feel comfortable enough to talk to you. You’ve always been close to your brother– he’s been there for you through your rollercoaster of emotional issues as well. 
When he started middle school, Jimin had a lot of identity insecurity. He’d adopt a new personality every month: one day he’d come home a jock, the next a geek, then a theater kid… Jimin was in the chess club, cheerleading, swim, choir, mathletes, everything. He never seemed content. It wasn’t until well into high school that he found a group of friends that loved who he was at the core, and who showed him all the reasons he should love himself. 
And now…
“I know I’ll get over it,” Jimin says, kicking at the ground. “But I can just feel myself being the guy I was before. God, I just… want to be popular! I want love, I want attention. I want it so bad.” As though embarrassed by his outburst, your brother seems to shrink into himself. 
“I get it,” you assure him.
He eyes you. “You do?”
“Sure. Seeing these actors, influencers, whatever, with their perfect lives? Seeing millions of people singing them praises? It’s hard not to feel jealous, and want what they have.”
Jimin sucks on his teeth, and you punch him in the arm. “Ow! Y/n, what–”
“Why don’t you try?” “Try what? Ugh, my arm!”
“Try becoming famous. Dude, you can sing, you can dance, and you got like all of Mom and Dad’s good-looking genes.”
Jimin looks at the ground. “Dummy. I don’t know– I don’t think it would make me happy. Even if I were successful, which is just so unlikely. It’s not worth trying.”
You shrug. “Then don’t. What do you want? You don’t want to be famous; you don’t want what you have now.”
“No, no, I like what I have now.” The two of you arrive at the park close to your house and you sprawl out on the grass, enjoying the light breeze. “Geez, y/n, let me complain without always trying to fix my problems.”
You laugh. “Sorry, you’re right. Complain away.”
“Heh, thanks. I don’t know, I like my friends and classes… and yes, family too.” Jimin sticks his tongue out at you. “But sometimes I think I’ll never be satisfied.”
“Nice Hamilton reference.”
“Good on you for catching it.” Your brother stretches out, fidgeting with a handful of grass. “Y/n, are you happy?”
Oof. “Damn, you gonna ask me the meaning of life next?”
“Hey, you’re my older sibling– you’re supposed to have all the answers.”
You nearly burst out laughing. “Yeah, sure. Man, I don’t know. I don’t know anything. Sometimes I’m happy. Sometimes I’m not. I like being happy, though, so I try to be happy.”
“How do you try to be happy? Don’t moods just happen?”
You poke him. “Y’know the best piece of advice I ever got? It was ‘if you’re not happy, change your circumstances. If you can’t change your circumstances, change your attitude’. I thought it was cheesy at first, but it was right. So, mochi, if you’re not happy, change your circumstances– start vlogging, dance, do covers, skits, songs, whatever. Change something. Get famous. If you can’t or don’t want to change your circumstances, change your attitude. Realize that, hey, I’ve got a fantastic group of friends that would help me hide a body, loving parents, a badass and awesome and great older sibling–”
“Chill, y/n, you’re decent.”
“–and maybe I don’t need fame to be happy. Jimin-ah, you’re an ambitious guy. And you’re talented. If you want something, go for it. Take it from your favorite sibling-”
“-My only sibling, ya dingus.”
You shove him playfully. “I was gonna give you a compliment, but never mind.”
“No, wait! Y/n~” Jimin whines, laughing. “Compliment me!”
“I was gonna say you’re gonna do great in life. Whatever you want. You’re gonna go far, dork.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Jimin makes puppy eyes. “B-but I loooove you.”
You groan. “God, it’s like when you were five all over again. Fine, I love you too. Ready to head back?”
Jimin half smiles, this time letting it reach his eyes. “Yeah. Hey, y/n…”
“What now, mochi?”
“Thanks. I’m lucky to have you looking out for me.”
“Nerd, I’m always looking out for you.” You take the chance to muss up his neatly brushed hair. “And maybe for a little while, take a break from the internet?
“Yeah. Maybe.”
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dcntez · 5 years
     good night , fam whassup ? i’m chrissy ( she/her ), but yall can call me bob the builder which is p much who i am rn ... i'm sorry for takin a while to post this but i had to build a bookshelf i bought myself w was ... p bad but i managed to be succesful so i mean ... i guess . anyways i’m 20 n from the gmt-3 timezone n im here to introduce u to my trash child dante ! hes kinda bad yall but pls love him anyway ? also like this if u wanna plot n i will slide into ur dms for some connections ? ok this is it so heres a lil bit on dante !!
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❛ welcome to new york, dante fitzwilliam. your resemblance to noah centineo is absolutely uncanny. by the looks of your maserati alfieri, we’re thinking you’ll fit right in. according to tmz, you just had your twenty - second birthday bash. your chances of making it in the city are dicey since you’re impetuous, but being venturesome gives you an advantage. ( cismale & he & him ) 
k so dante is born to like ... hollywood royalty ? his dad was like a technological mogul when technology was p much just getting started so like ?? kinda our elon musk rn or like steve jobs a few yrs ago ? n his mum was a major actress idk like prob angelina jolie or smth like that so when they got married it was a HUGE deal . so it was p much like royalty wedding n they were the like ... the it couple for a while there @ the 90s
they had 3 children , n dante was the youngest one so he was rly kinda spoiled like crazy , his mom specially had a real soft spot for him n he could do no wrong in her eyes which like kinda caused a rift between him n his older siblings ? prob bc they felt kinda like their parents played favorites ? but dante was mainly ok w that ?
so he grew up like a typically entitled rich boy ? 0 life struggles , awesome life n just rly couldnt give a shit abt anything other than himself n has been p happy w/ that ? i hate him already wow but yeah like he rly never had to work for his money n never rly appreciated his life style ? its just like a given to him , he’s rly rich , period lmao
ok so while his older sibings went to college n started working on their dads company w? him, dante rly wasnt interested in academics ? he was a p good student @ school , but nothing above that n he rly didnt care abt it , so , as usual , his parents allowed him to pursue his own path in life n didnt force him to go to college , which he appreciated v much
but like ... it turned out his path in life was p much ... doing nothing ? hes just a rich boy doing rich boy things lmao but he does have an instagram n hes like ... kinda famous ? listen ... hes like paris jackson yall . thats literally it
also like , another way he got a lot of tabloid attention was dating a Lot of famous ppl ? so , u know ... he’s That guy . hes such a serial dater like his relationships r always super short n intense n just end up in chaos n like , a lot of media attention ? n thats mostly how he got like real famous ? jakjialk he does some modelling too but hes not super passionate abt it ? he just does it whenever his pubicist gets an offer from a campain that tickles his fancy its kinda a side job tbh
honestly is he not the biggest trash bag u have ever met ??? if hes not ... who have u been meeting in ur life omg
ok so now for some personality aspects of his ? w/ all the bad things i said like ... hes a great person to be around ? he’s super outgoing n looooves having a good time n entertaining the ppl around him ? if ur like in his circle of friends ur guaranteed to always have fun ? hes always coming up w crazy wild plans n is the first to say yes for legit Anything u wanna do ? hes so fun n out there its kinda great
but like that adventurousness n his outgoingness mixed w how out of touch w actual reality he rly is can make it kinda hard to relate to him unless u live that same life style ? like i can def see ppl getting tired of his shit real fast when they have like commitments n such bc he doesnt take it srsly at all ? n he like .... kinda loves to play the victim ?? like ... does the most stupid things n just ... ‘why is this happening to me i didnt do anything at all !!!’ pls dante stop
he’s also mostly a super chill guy personaity wise ? like hes not a v aggressive person or a hothead in any ways ? its v rare that he gets heated n even then hes not rly known to blow up @ ppl ?
ok so idk if that was any good at all bc its late n my brain is kinda shutting down ? but also here r some ideas for plots that might interest u ? or not ? bc they r kinda dumb like ... anyways
exes : mostly bad terms bc hes a drama queen like ... if u date him its bound to have a dramatic ending ?
family friends : prob knows this person for a long time , maybe both their parents were friends so they kinda grew together ?
best friends : prob do a lot of fuckin up together like ... im think abt it n its givin me a headache
good influence ; somebodys gotta try right ?
model pals : maybe they r always working @ the same shoots n become friends bc of it ?
cheating things maybe ? hes an asshole yall sooo
ANGST THINGS !!! honestly all things angst
also like ... i have some plot ideas based on songs but its late n im too lazy rn to type them all down so if ur interested we can always talk abt it when we’re plotting ?
 ok so this is definitely the end its 2 in the morning i might pass out in like 2 seconds but hey !!! hit me up so we can plot some connections !!! ok bye
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raissassampaio · 6 years
Tagged by brilliant @beks21 <3
1. drink - a avocado "smoothie"
2. phone call - hm, a friend/relative/works for my family/I don't know how to describe her, but I love her, ok?, so she could tell me where this bank that I was supposed to go was.
3. text message - My therapist, that wonderful woman (nothing happened though, we were just talking logistics)
4. song you listened to - I don't need a man - Pussycat Dolls; because of @youreyesinstarsabove 
5. time you cried - The day before yesterday, at college, freaking out in front of a bunch of people.
6. dated someone twice? - No
7. kissed someone and regretted it - I mean... There's a whole relationship I wish I hadn't gone through. However, I wouldn't have met my current boyfriend if I hadn't dated that other person. So...
But I do regretting not kissing more people. I've kissed very few people. 
8. been cheated on - Nope (Or at least I never discovered it. but from what I now from the people I'’e been with, I truly think I haven't)
9. lost someone special - Yes
10. been depressed - Oh yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - ( I still can't believe @beks21 answered no on that one) Yeah. I don't do tequila anymore. Gimme absinthe (seriously, I have drank it a couple of times), but not tequila.
fave colours
12. red
13. black
14. white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Yes! I met two of the sweetest people ever.
16. fallen out of love - No
17. laughed until you cried - Yeah
18. found out someone was talking about you - Oh yeah, there's always one of those with me.
19. met someone who changed you - No, "change you" is too big.
20. found out who your friends are - Not really... I mean, I already knew it.
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Technically, my boyfriend is in there, even if he never goes online.
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I don't know, most of them. I do have some from HP fandom that I don't know in person cause they live in other cities.
23. do you have any pets - Yeah, my tiny doggo!!! Her name is juju.
24. do you want to change your name - Nah, I like my name!
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I always have a little party here in my house with my friends. Its the one day I grab all my friends from completely different tastes, backgrounds, social situations, etc. and say "love me, dance, have fun". Everybody gets stupid drunk and it's awesome.
26. what time did you wake up today - around 5am? I randomly woke up, couldn't get back to sleep anyway. Decided to study, cause I had yet another exam (at this point, you're all probably like "what kind of school does this girl goes to? hahaha) and now I'm um tumblr.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - reading about Taylor Swift songs w/ @petalstofish
28. what is something you can’t wait for - VACATION ( I need it like I need air)
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - (I love this question, btw). Well, if we are going with the Brazilian version of the name, then I am well-acquainted with Toms or Thomas. My brother has a friend, whose parents are rly good friends w/ my mom and dad, so I always see him around, who's a Tom.  And when I lived in Lyon as an exchange student, there was a Brazilian Tom as well. I didn't rly like him, cause he was one of those guys that was only nice to women he's interested in. He also once proceeded to tell me I did not look like I was a virgin because I was blonde and dressed in vivid colors.
32. something thats getting on your nerves - My college
33. most visited website - tumblr, duh (keeping Beks answer)
34. hair colour - it's somewhere between a rly light brown and rly dark blonde. 
35. long or short hair - When it's long, I want it short. When it's short, I want it long. Let me tell ya, if I had a wand, I'd change it everyday. Someday, I will be gryffindor enough to rock a pixie.
36. do you have a crush on someone - Armie Hammer. Michel B Jordan. They can have any day.
37. what do you like about yourself - Hm, I'm like, not a terrible person?! 
38. want any piercings? - I've seen that there's a piercing that might be good for migraines. It's probably bullshit, but at this point, I'm willing to try it. Plus, it looks pretty cute.
39. blood type - Everyone in the fam is O+, although I don't know why anyone other than the Hospital or Edward Cullen wants to know that...
40. nicknames - Rá, Rai, Raissinha, Flor...
41. relationship status - Dating someone for over five years (but no, we don't know when we are getting married yet! Also, friends, stop getting engaged hahaha)
42. zodiac - Scorpio
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv show - I can't pick one in history of tv, so I will say my favorite RECENT tv show is The Sinner. I looooved it.
Tagging @youreyesinstarsabove, @victoria8719, @itssoweirdyoureher
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apicturewithasmile · 7 years
LOST rewatch (season 3):
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episode 1 – A Tale of Two Cities:
Time for Dooooowntooooown!!!
“So I guess I’m out of the book club.”
Aaaah it’s THAT Jack flashback episode aka the lowest he’s ever been aka
It’s not that Matthew Fox is a bad actor… it’s just that everyone else on the show is better than him. It becomes even more apparent with the presence of Michael “I single-handedly invented acting” Emerson being around there to stay now.
Sawyer solving the bear cage puzzle is so cute I wanna hug him.
episode 2 – The Glass Ballerina:
Awwww yaaaaas Ben’s round glasses jkdgnidfgnoidsfg
It always baffles me how long it takes for the credits to finish. Going on minute 8 of this episode and they still rolling.
It’s Sally Slingshot
Only Ben Linus can use a camping chair as a dramatic prop
“My name is Benjamin Linus and I’ve lived on this island all my life.”
episode 3 – Further Instructions:
John being speechless after seeing naked Desmond running through the jungle – #same
Wait… is that the sweat lodge episode? If so it means sweaty topless Terry O’Quinn and my body is absolutely and 100% ready!!!
Charlie just made the same “you don’t call, you don’t write” joke on John that he already pulled on Eko
It’s probably the only totally… useless John flashback. Like… we don’t really learn anything about his character that we didn’t already know. I still enjoy every second of John screentime we get but… I wish they had used this one for something else.
“amendable for coercion” is probably what Ben has written in John’s file as well
episode 4 – Every Man For Himself:
Oh shut up Charlie, you jealous ass.
It’s the episode in which Ben knocks Sawyer out with his phallic baton.
“the big kahuna”
First time appearance of the true star of the show: bunny #8
I love that of all the characters on the show, Sawyer’s the one who reads every book he can get his hands on.
Murder cactus hair!!!
Ben’s Bunny Bag™!!!
episode 5 – The Cost of Living:
Sexy linen outfit, Ben! Love the abundance of chest hair!
“Do you believe in God, Jack?” – “Do you?” – “Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumour on my spine a spinal surgeon fall out of the sky, and if that’s not proof of God then I don’t know what is.”
“I guess he’ll be expecting us.”
episode 6 – I Do:
Yet another bad wig for Evangeline Lilly
Random Nathan Fillion
I love the cage frickle frackle scene
Nice psychological warfare, Benjamin fucking Linus!
episode 7 – Not In Portland:
 I love Juliet’s curly hair <3
“I’m Tom btw.” – nice timing, Tom!
Ben just lying there, chilling with his back cut open… getting some fresh air on that spine.
There it is: Angel Hair Pasta story 2.0
“I wanna know what he said. You owe me an answer.” Good God what is it with Jack and this overly possessive behaviour? Why does he always have to know everything about the women in his life?!?!?! That’s not healthy, Jack!
episode 8 – Flashes Before Your Eyes:
More Desmond, hell yes!
istg that blue semi-unbuttoned shirt is such an iconic look for Desmond and it’s also hot as fuck
OF COURSE Charlie is playing Wonderwall
episode 9 – Stranger In A Strange Land:
The worst episode yet it gives us topless Benjamin Linus.
Seriously, I have hardly anything else to say about this one.
“Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired, Jack.”
Good fucking God, Jack you entitled self-righteous asshole!
episode 10 – Tricia Tanaka Is Dead:
Roger Workman!
Where’s Sayid btw?!??!?! Haven’t seen him in a while!
Aaaah there he is my bebe Sayid!!!
“SHUT UP! Red…. Neck… Man….”
episode 11 – Enter 77:
It’s the Mikhail Bakunin episode!!!
Oh wait…. Is that a Sayid episode? The one with the cat that I had completely forgotten about until now?!?!?!
I loves Sayid’s flashback hair in this episode.
Oh John, what is it with you and beeping computers?
episode 12 – Par Avion:
“Remind me why we’re keeping him alive?” – “What do you suggest? We shoot him like a dog?” – “No. I like dogs.”
I love you, Danielle!
“The John Locke I know was…” nice time travel foreshadowing
Claire’s aunt is such an asshole!
John throwing Mikhail through the sonic fence is my jam!
Okay but… if you can just go over the fence? Then why does Smokey not just… fly over it?!
episode 13 – The Man From Tallahassee:
OH NO NOT THAT EPISODE!!! Right in the feels!!!
John finally reunited with his future island husband.
The bedroom scene! Yassss!!!
“The man from Tallahassee? What is that, some kind of code?” – “No, John, unfortunately we don’t have a code for: there’s a man in my closet with a gun to my daughter’s head. Although we obviously should.” FUCK YAAAAS!!!!
“I know you, John Locke. […] Tell me John, did it hurt?” – “I felt my back break. What do you think?”
I like Tom Friendly – he really lives up to his name.
I can’t believe that Jack – the only doctor the survivors have – wants to leave the island all because Kate fucked Sawyer. Sounds like something a guy would do who’d detonate a hydrogen bomb because his girlfriend left him.
Ben and John out-sassing and manipulating each other is foreplay tbh.
“I was born on this island…” LIAR!
THE MAGIC BOX!!!! Fgnidgnidflsgnlkdd FUUUUUCK!!!! SHIT’S GETTING REAL!!!
Also a very rare occasion in which Ben’s beautiful face has no wounds, scratches, bruises…
You can see I adore this episode by how much I have to say about it even if it’s just a ramble of feels
And now it’s bondage John!
“And then you came striding out of the jungle, John, to make my dream come true.”
episode 14 – Expose:
Wow… I can’t believe I’m already that far down into my rewatch.
Unpopular opinion: I actually love Expose. It’s so… useless and dorky that it’s amazing!
“I’m just a guest star and we all know what happens to guest stars.”
It’s Boone and Shannon *cries forever*
I can’t believe someone called Maggie Grace and told her “hey, we know you got totally screwed over and we killed your character before you could have any substantial character development but… we need you back for an episode, you gotta scream your fucking lungs out of your body once more!”
Seriously…. This is the creepiest death on the whole show.
episode 15 – Left Behind:
Hahahaha it’s the one where Hurley tricks Sawyer into being nice
I loooove Cassidy and I love they mirrored this flashback with the Kate-and-Juliet-are-handcuffed-together episode
“My name is Kate.”
episode 16 – One Of Us:
It’s the one where Ben is very very creepy
That’s probably the only episode in which I can somehow understand the people who dislike Ben…. But I still love my dear rat boy!
episode 17 – Catch 22:
Ooowwww I love Desmond episodes
Oh Kate…why?!?!
I deadass forgot the whole freighter plot, like… I knew Miles & Co. where about to appear but I forgot how this whole thing started
episode 18 – D.O.C.:
Jin’s the only one who has a nice dad and a terrible mother
Also I just typed “John” instead of “Jin” which makes me wonder: where’s my bald jungle baby?
Aaaah first mention of fake 815
episode 19 – The Brig:
Fuuuuuck I’M NOT READY!!!
They made me miss my dear John for two (three?) entire episodes only to come back with this to totally rip my heart out
The “previously on” bit already wrecks me
IT’S THE PINS AND NEEDLES SCENE!!! Also known as: Ben tries this “flirting” all the cool kids are talking about.
Terry’s looking hot as fuck in that entire episode
Ben knocking out Anthony Cooper with his walking stick is my aesthetic.
Danielle causally poppin by to get some dynamite
“little hot for heaven, isn’t it?” – I would looooove this whole red herring if it weren’t for the “they were dead the whole time”-crowd
God that Anthony Cooper = The OG Mister Sawyer reveal is AMAZING!
“I thought I was special.” – “Well, everyone makes mistakes.”
“I’m on my own journey now.”
episode 20 – The Man Behind The Curtain:
My precious Carrie Preston!
Uncle Horace
“Call him Benjamin.”
“You are the man behind the curtain – the wizard of Oz. And you’re a liar.”
Sterling Beaumon was the best casting choice for baby Ben!!!
Mikhail Bakunin still running like the devil’s chasing him (literally, kinda, considering Smokey revived him.)
John: [Ben] and I are going to see Jacob. – Everyone else: Wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
Ben really has a history of very shitty birthdays.
And this is making me very emotional because it reminds me of the “video of tears and pain” which makes me wanna cry my fucking soul out.
“Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed you mom.” Oh fuck off, Roger.
Ben’s Bunny Bag™ back in action
“I don’t wanna go back there. I hate it there.”
The way Richard talks to baby Ben is soooo similar to the way Ben talks to John I’m gonna scream!!!
Okay but this is no kiddon the best episode of this entire show so far. Like… Nothing that happened up until this point compares to this!!!
Still baffles me they thought they could slap some fake hair and make-up on Emerson’s face and make him look like a 20yo – when he was already older than Ben is in our now-timeline… like… was there no 20yo actor with a big nose and bug eyes around?!?!
“Goodbye, Dad!”
“The Dharma Initiative. They came here seeking harmony, but they couldn't even coexist with the Island's original inhabitants. And when it became clear that one side had to go, one side had to be purged, I did what I had to do. I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch, which makes me considerably smarter than you, John.”
John Locke seriously bringing a knife to a gun fight!
alright kiddos, I am #fucked up now.
episode 21 – Greatest Hits:
How many episodes actually start with someone running through the jungle?
Danielle just showing up to blow something up!
According to Jack this is day 90? So it takes another 18 days for them to actually get off the island at that point?!?! Wow.
Guess that’s the end of bunny #8
episodes 22 & 23 – Through the Looking Glass:
“I’m a dentist. I am not Rambo.” – I love these two so much!!
Can you believe they thought it was a good idea to give Ben round glasses that make his eyes look even bigger than they already are? He looks like straight out of a manga.
There really is a lot of fatphobia in this episode.
It’s taller ghost Walt
Ben letting himself be tackled and punched by Jack is such a power move. I am 100% convinced he let it happen on purpose because it’s already canon that he can easily knock out friggin Sawyer!!!
From Ben’s perspective this is once again John “striding out of that jungle to make my dream come true”
“I don’t wanna shoot you.”
Remember when you watched that finale for the first time and didn’t know all the time it was a flash forward and not a flashback?!?!? And then Kate steps out of that car and you were all like WOOOOAAAAHHHH?!?!?!
Remember when you didn’t know whose funeral they were talking about?!?!?!
That last scene was the first time I found Jack actually likable and relatable!
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itsjesperfahey · 7 years
modern soc au
loves to dance !!! esp ballet but she can dance to whatever tbfh, she’s that good 
likes to wear caps, esp backwards. really loves bomber jackets too. 
has a couple, small tattoos dedicated to her saints 
is that one kid who loves to do parkour (both ironically and unironically) for instance is really good at it but sometimes just yells PARKOUR and steps over a rock
usually found eating lunch with her pals on the roof of the school 
is amazing at hide and seek like holy fuck ????? hid for 2 hours once and wasn’t found, came back the next day and was like “y'all losers SUCK" 
loves to study other people’s cultures, as well as history and is great as p.e (never has gotten a bad grade in the flexibility tests) 
likes to read poem books 
has a black cat as a pet named "saint" 
pronounced meme as "mehmeh” the first time she read it 
only has snapchat and instagram. is that kid who ALWAYS posts the sunset every day, esp from weird/high places and the comments are always “HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET UP THERE" 
cried the most during fox and the hound 
always braiding nina’s hair. Knows how to do all the super advanced onces as well
"I don’t know, CAN YOU?" 
 the best one at pushing people on the swings 
"sorry I ran out of fucks to give try again later maybe?" 
gives the nicest presents. always knows what a person wants for christmas/their birthday 
the one who’s really into photography and is always taking aesthetic™ pics of Nina for her social media accounts 
Prefers tea over coffee
bullied for not being able to read (at least up until high school), so is super shy 
loves drawing. the artistic™ one who takes anatomy to be able to draw people better 
MASTER FLUTE MUSICIAN. On the school band. Jams hard af when he plays it 
is in gem math and AP chem with kuwei. 
loves sweet. addicted to blue jolly ranchers. his tongue is always blue 
constantly pushing up his thick rimmed glasses (even if they ain’t on, which causes him to poke his eye)
looooves all the superhero shows on the CW 
V neck sweaters. always
always has his trusty satchel
only has tumblr. has like 10k followers because of his artwork. 
”‘illuminati’ ? is that a band?“ 
cat person even though he’s allergic to cat fur. absolutely adores inej’s cat. settles for owning a horned lizard named "shrek" 
secretly a huge fan of memes 
really gay for tom holland and ed sheeran (calls him "ginger Jesus”) 
gamer with jesper. they always play overwatch together, wylans better tho. a genji and Ana main 
cried the most during big hero six 
wylan, with blank eyes: “I like my coffee how I like my men” // jesper: *spits out his drink* 
sports fan obv. On the schools hockey team bc his fav is hockey. is extremely competitive when he plays it. Is constantly checking but never gets penalties (aka slamming the other players against the walls)
played basketball against jesper and surprisingly lost. jesper won’t let it go 
dog person. owns a pet pomsky (Pomeranian-husky) with nina who’s name is “bub" 
“long hair don’t care”draws inspiration from Harry styles 
really philosophical. takes all the philosophy/ethics classes available 
kind of sounds like Thor (thick and deep accent) 
a good™
"you’re all horrible trash”
“do we really have to be doing this now? I have to finish my homework" 
loves baking. bakes everything for the love of his life 
grey sweatshirts and adidas shoes 
wears contacts Because he hates how glasses look on him. only wears them when he’s home 
oblivious to all the women in love with him
real 👍🏻🤘🏻👌🏻life🤰🏻👼🏻🌱student📚✂️✏️athelete🏃🏼🥇🏆🥅🏒
has Facebook and Twitter only
cried the most during bambi and dumbo 
little spoon™ 
has a couple tattoos with very deep meanings
dancer with inej. dances like those ppl who look like robots ??? the ones who look like they freeze parts of their body while the others move. AMAZING at it 
loves jazz but also dubstep/edm and rap/r&b. Beyoncé is MOM/QUEEN. 
sometimes djs parties 
again, huge gamer with wylan. he’s a lucio and junkrat main for overwatch. loves like every video game ever 
loves all the marvel movies, in love with black panther (was team cap) 
dresses like a hipster but also sometimes a fuck boy (tank tops and shorts with a backwards cap style) 
favorite subject is business and debate. great negotiator 
cried the most during the lion king 
A+ cosplayer (especially his lucio cosplay) 
big supporter of human rights (LGBTA+, feminist, black lives matter, poc representation). Will LITERALLY get into fights over anyone who thinks otherwise. Fist fights, always supported by Kaz and Matthias. Got suspended for 3 days for breaking a kids nose who thought LGBTA+ people should **** ** ****) 
that one kid who has 50 fidget spinners and can do cool tricks with them. also manages to sell all of them 
skateboard pro™ 
always sends the blinking face meme, even if it’s out of context 
all the social medias. 
one tattoo only of a gun with a 'bang’ flag coming out of it 
Speaking of YouTube, she always does cute videos. Baking/cooking tutorial videos featuring Matthias, 'i do my boyfriends makeup’, 'my boyfriend does my makeup’, 'my boyfriend buys my makeup’, does make up tutorials obviously, challenges with her best friend inej like the 'whisper challenge’. everyone loves her and says her and Matthias are their otp 
loves fashion design, takes that class. 
loves horror movies/creepy things but also Disney 
great at roller skating 
always wins the best dressed awards ad school 
also huge fan of ed sheeran. loves little mix more than 5h. 
cried the most during 'up' 
Can speak like 4 languages (English, french, Latin and spanish) 
loves traveling and learning about new cultures too 
dancer!inej’s biggest fan and hockey!matthias’ biggest fan 
always breaks snapchat streaks 
likes to (friendly) debate with jesper, especially over stupid things 
amazing with kids. babysits all the time. calls “bub” (the dog) her and matthias’ baby 
big spoon™ 
notes are so fucking pretty. buys the most expensive stationary and notebooks 
also huge supporter of human rights. runs the feminist club. (Jesper is the Vice President) stresses loving yourself and your body, and makes sure to design comfortable yet GORGEOUS clothes for “"plus sized people”“ 
wins 'dynamic duo’ award with inej 
always eating lollipops 
has a few very small tatos of cute things like roses and crowns. has one quote written in cursive on her rib
prefers black coffee as well 
loves crime shows, whether they’re real or fake. for instance loves both 'Dateline’ and 'Criminal Minds’ also loves 'House’
 favorite class is psychology, learning how a person thinks and acts and feels
has the dregs tattoo on his arm * edge lord 9000™ * such a drama queen and diva like damn 
*deep sigh* "I think I’d rather go take a nap” *gets up and leaves* 
also loves computer science. knows how to hack shit like a pro 
always rough housing with jesper. broke a table once 
does walk with a cane. likes to slap matthias’ ass with it 
“bow down you fucking peasants" 
only types in lower case with 0 emojis and no punctuation marks. CONSTANTLY leaves people on read 
only has Twitter and snapchat. His posts on snapchat never have captions, yet somehow has a 200 day streak with Jesper and a 250 day streak with inej 
loves watching horror movies with nina 
 *in a fight* "oh I’ll sHOW YOU SOME DIRTY HANDS” *swings* 
gets second place for best dressed award 
always sending memes with no context in their group chat, as well as vines 
indie and alternative rock fan 
“does it look like I care because I’m sorry if it does I didn’t mean to give you that impression" 
head over heels for inej Ghafa like wow 
likes to read a lot of mystery books and non fiction books 
cried the most during finding dory 
can solve a Rubik’s cube under a minute and won’t let you forget it 
The one asshole who picks either Kirby or metaknight in super smash brothers brawl
 hates seeing the notification bubble so he always has all chats muted and notifications turned off for apps 
kiss ass to all the teachers to get them A’s
SCIENCE NERD. ALWAYS singing the bill nye theme song. Loves ASAPScience on YouTube. Master at chemistry and biology 
"hey did u know bill nye is, like, my dad" 
nina treats him like a baby 
loves everything to do with Star Wars while wylan loves star trek more. Fighting ensues. 
has a pet Siamese cat name sparky 
Used to have a huge crush on jesper and everyone knew it except jesper. 
knows the intro to the bee movie ("according to all known laws of aviation-”)
 jesper in the group chat: “gonna go shower be right back” // kuwei: “without me ;)?” // wylan: “KUWEI SWEAR TO FUCK” // kaz: “watch your fucking language wylan" 
obsessed with Pokémon go even if it died out (chose team instinct) 
"fight me on this" 
has Twitter, snapchat and instagram 
Always drinking ginger ale 
master at bop it 
the one kid who always forgets to pay you back for stuff 
is also into the CW super hero shows, so him and wylan are constantly talking about it 
loves cartoons and anime 
speaks fluent fuckboy 
God awful at comebacks 
"let’s take a selfie guys !!!” // “kuwei no-” // *snapshot sound* 
talks !!! Like !! This !!!! for,,, some reason ???????? 
huge nerd for other things too like lord of the rings and Harry Potter and game of thrones 
cried the most during inside out
 "do you think planes are scared of heights?“ // "for fucks same kuwei it’s 4am”
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Survey #441
“all alone, he turns to stone while holding his breath after death  /  terrified of what’s inside, to save his life he crawls like a worm from a bird”
Have you ever watched a movie in class/school that made you cry? Yep, a few. What’s the earliest you could go to bed at night and feel okay about? If I'm having a really bad day, I can tolerate as early as 7:00. :x What is you favorite type of lunch meat? Honey ham, probably. What time of the year do you dislike the most? Summer is disgusting. It's too hot, too humid, too many bugs, and I just hate it. Do you put ketchup on your scrambled eggs? No, that sounds gross. What is your favorite color to wear? b l a c k Are you an overachiever? Oh, hunny. What physical feature do you wish you had (i.e. freckles, curly hair)? Maybe uhhhh big eyes. What fictional character (i.e. Bambi, Scarlette O'hara) would you marry? Darkiplier bc he is merely a misunderstood soft boi. How long have you gone without shaving (girls- legs, armpits; boys- faces)? Legs: It's been nearly a year. Pits: not that long, considering I shave them every time I get in the shower. What is the meanest thing you have ever said to someone else? I'm sure it would be something in one of the letters I sent Jason. Or Dad. Idk. Did you ever go through a phase where you wrote bad poetry? The phase never ended lmao. What is your favorite thing about your life? My loved ones. Save all the animals that die during road kill or save 1 human from a fire? Sorry, but I'm picking the animals. Have you ever painted a picture of somebody? Yes. How many real bfs/gfs have you had? Two. Did you enjoy your past relationships? Yes. Except for when I was with Tyler. Name a comedy that you like. White Chicks. Could you wait until marriage for sex? Yeah. What’s the best Nirvana song? I'm not sure, really... Maybe "Drain You?" What was the last thing that impressed you? No clue. When was the last time you were in a pet store? Several months ago when I went in to get more rats for Venus. What nationality is your last name? Irish. What’s your favorite kind of chips and dip? Plain, rippled Lays in French onion dip. Who was the last boy that you saw cry? I don't know, actually. It may have been Sara's dad, which was years ago. Does your mom know you do surveys? I mean no, it's not like it's come up in conversation. Have you ever had a serious injury? When I was a kid, there was this one time I was running down the road with my friend, and I tripped; I was a fast runner, so I skinned the everliving FUCK out of my knees to the point there was even pus. I was SOBBING, and it took weeks to heal; I had the scars for years. What was the last thing you achieved? Losing weight at the gymmmm. Staying dedicated to going. Would you enjoy being famous? No. I couldn't take all the eyes on me and even ONE person's negative judgment. What’s under your bed? A big box of my art supplies. Do you enjoy travelling? Yeah. I wish I could do it more. Have you ever belonged to a club? If so, what was it? No. When was the last time you drank strawberry milk? Not since I first tried it at elementary school. It was absolutely disgusting. Have you ever managed to collect all the fast food toys in a set? I doubt it. Do you have a clock in your room? No. Did you have a good driver’s ED teacher? No. If I'd listened to him while driving, I could've gotten myself killed while merging onto the highway. People are assholes and didn't want to move over. Which of Britney Spears’ songs is your favorite? Probably "Freakshow." Does mind over matter work for you? Not usually, no. Are you paranoid? Oh yes. What is the best thing about winter? Everything!!! Literally the only BAD thing about winter is the dry skin/lips. I love the cold, Christmas and all that comes with it, the decor, hot chocolate, snow, getting all cuddly... Everything. :') Have you ever been truly in love? Absolutely. Are you currently planning a trip? No. A trip to Illinois is just a wish right now. How many plants are in your home? None, I think? What is your favorite possession? Excluding my pets (because I don't like calling them "possessions"), probably my laptop. Have you ever felt like you were too nice and way too often overlooked? I have before, yes. What movies have tripped you out? Off the top of my head, the only entertainment media in general that has ever truly "tripped me out" was the first time I played the Silent Hill game. The movie didn't affect me to that level because I already understood the concept. When I watched Jason play it for the first time, I was SO confused and just blown away by the concept that I did loads of research and just thinking about it all. That franchise is just cool as shit, okay. Did you rollerblade as a kid? Do you still rollerblade? I LOVED rollerblading. I haven't done it in years, though. Would you ever settle into a relationship that wasn’t right for you? Do you know friends who are in relationships just so they have someone to sleep with at night? NO. I will NOT settle. Being genuinely in love with my partner is too important to me for me to ever do so. I don't know if any of my friends are in that situation. Would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? With my current body? FUCK no. If I was happy with my body, the answer is still probably no. I'm too self-conscious and awkward with that kind of stuff, and besides, I really don't think I want a picture like that to exist of myself to avoid potential trouble. Do you use earplugs or a sleeping mask when you sleep? No. What summertime treats do you love? We have this local slushy place that is FUCKING BOMB. It may sound basic, but they have SUCH a vast variety of flavors and goodies you can top it with that it's truly just so amazing. How picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? I am VERY picky. I have to be really interested in you. Save for how things were with Tyler... I just felt like I was supposed to. What do you hate most about moving? I. Hate. The process. Of moving. It is just so, so stressful to me. I have a very hard time confronting big tasks, and that's exactly what packing and unpacking entails. Do you feel that having sex anywhere but a bed is more exciting? Not necessarily. Do you drink 5 hour energy drinks or any other kinds of energy drinks? No. Has anyone ever whistled at you? I don't think so. Do you like scarves? No. Is your father homophobic? Possibly. I don't actually know. I honestly don't think he took Sara's and my relationship seriously, so that may be a sign. Do you take gummy vitamins? The only vitamin I take now is vitamin D, which isn't a gummy. Have you ever applied make-up on a guy, for any reason at all? Ha, yeah. I gave Jason a makeover once. Who would you like to meet before you die? MARK. I am so determined, alsdjfkaj;wek;rj. I just want to hug him and say thank you and ugly-cry. If your dream was to be a model, and a big opportunity came up, but you had to be nude, would you take it? No. Even if I had the body of a model. What’s the most ridiculous conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard of? The fuckin' flat earth theory, probably. If Heaven and Hell exists, where you going when you die? Well, considering I have an, uh, very negative opinion of the Christian god... Who is the person that you are afraid of losing, above everyone else? My mom. The day she passes is a day I am inexplicably horrified of. What is one thing that pisses you off pretty much everyday? My life. If there anyone you know that you feel should consider therapy? My mom really could use it. Do you like any of the songs on Twilight, or the actual movie/saga itself? I love "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse, but idk if it was actually written for the movie. How old was the first person you kissed? He was 18 when we first kissed. Will you be a strict parent one day? I never want to be a parent. If I hypothetically became one, I don't think I'd be strict, necessarily, but very protective. Last person to stand up for you? Probably Mom, idk. Have you been to a baby shower? Yeah, a few. Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater? My dad. What’s your favorite high school memory? Just... a lot with Jason. Do you like relationships, or do you prefer to be single? I prefer being in a (healthy) relationship, but I won't get into one just for the sake of having one. What is one adventurous thing you’d be willing to do? Hmmm... scuba-dive, maybe? What subject at school did you absolutely hate? Math. Italian food or Chinese food? Italian. I don't really like (most) Chinese food. Do you like to make flash cards when you study? I rarely did that. Has anyone ever told you that you’re a good singer? Yes, somehow. Do you ever watch TED talks, live or online? No. I dare you to write the name of a person you strongly dislike. Ashley. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? He's one of my favorite musical artists, but he's a disgusting dick personally. Biggest trouble you’ve ever gotten into at school? Nothing, really. I was a very well-behaved kid. Do you own one of those “professional” DSLR cameras? Yeah, I have a Canon. Does it bother you when you see a 6th grader with a bunch of gadgets? No. Did you buy yearbooks every year in high school, or did you not bother? Not every year, but most. Do you have Restless Legs Syndrome? No. Jalapeños: yay or nay? I loooove them. Did you ever play Minecraft? Nah. My niece is getting into it. Did you ever have a Club Penguin account? Were you a member? I did have one. I wasn't one of those premium members or anything like that; I just had a basic account. Do you know anyone that seems to not have any common sense? Bitch me. It's extremely embarrassing. I 100% got it from my dad. What do you think is the biggest injustice that was ever done to you? The manner through which Jason broke up with me. It left me traumatized. What type of person angers you the most? Abusive people that think only they matter and have no consideration for how their actions affect other people. If you could change your appearance, how would you alter it? I'd lose a shitload of weight, for one. My teeth would be whiter, my eyes bigger and bluer, I'd want my hair colored/able to hold color far better, I'd lighten and lessen my body hair, make my skin clearer, thin my eyebrows... I'd change a lot. What are your feelings on feminism? MANDATORY. Absolutely necessary in a misogynistic society. However, I do believe some people take it way too far to a point it is anti-man and puts women on a holy pedestal. It is about equality. Describe your first relationship? Perfect, until it wasn't. Describe your last relationship? Wonderful and healthy, but distance and our health were issues at the time. Can you honestly say that you always practice safe sex? My history with sex is confusing and complicated and I really don't know. Why do you think your most favorite film touches you so deeply? Thinking about it... it's probably because of how Simba runs from his problems and bad memories, but returns to confront them and is victorious. That's how I want to be. What do you want people you meet for the first time to think about you? That I'm nice and clearly sincerely cared about them and their feelings. Do you feel protective over someone? My sisters, nieces and nephews, Sara... What perfume/cologne do you wear? It's called "Blush." Where did your vehicle come from? I don't have my own, but Mom's came from a girl at the dance studio. She ran into a deer, and the front got fucked up, but the sweetheart paid to fix it up to being operable so Mom had her own car. The front bumper is kept intact with zip ties and duct tape, but hey... it works and has for many, many years now, lol. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? Ummmm... I actually don't remember. What is your favorite way to eat chicken? As tenders, probably. It is your birthday. You hope the cake is: Red velvet. This year for my bday, our controlling-as-fuck family friend bought me my birthday cake without consulting ANYBODY, and I was so fucking annoyed. It was a very kind gesture, yes, but um, can I have a say, please? What do you wear to bed? Usually men's pj pants and a tank top. What were you doing at 8pm last night? Sleeping, actually. I was extremely tired and went to bed early.
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spnreactionblogging · 5 years
our father, who aren't in heaven
[I actually watched this like a month ago but didn’t remember to post it, oops]
I got so backed up with real life shit that I'm delayed watching this but I stayed off tumblr and twitter almost entirely for the last few weeks to avoid spoilers but god DAMN it it's a fucking buckleming episode
why do they keep being put in charge of the return of characters who we're all very invested in? you ruin kevin tran, you are likely to ruin adam, god fucking damn it.
at least RSJ is directing
you can tell they always think their episode titles are really goddamn clever too and it pisses me off
is john winchester not in heaven anymore? I thought that was a big fucking todo, that he and mary are up there and they don't want to ruin it for them. or are you referring to chuck? or both? who cares.
poor adam.
chuck what fun is it if you just automatically win every time, huh? what's the point?
I do love rob benedict though. I don't like being frustrated with his character.
buckleming's gotta get in as many "terrified women in exploitative situations" as they can before the end huh
I like eileen a lot and I probably ought to get around to watching her actual original episodes at some point
"guest starring jake abel" has got me choked up
poor kevin, god fucking damn it all
SAM: so he has an achilles heel DEAN: well i'm saying he has a weak spot
I hope misha's hip is okay
I do like donatello, I hope nothing awful happens to him :(
sorry though guys the only prophet i acknowledge is kevin tran
okay so obviously as we've known since day one they're gonna team up with the darkness to subdue chuck but things will probably work out in the end to maintain universal harmony or some shit so whatever
sam really does have queer flannel, i like that black and white and red all over shirt
I hate buckleming episodes for so many reasons but not least of all because everyone behaves like a petulant kindergartener
is sam just reading the bible? it's got that golf leaf edge
okay seriously though don't they already have kevin's notes? why is donatello translating this fresh? kevin did all this work and fucking died for it. at least honor his legacy. jesus fuck.
really though, 14.08 establishes this:
[Dean awakes where he passed out on the kitchen table, and hears voices in the other room. He gets up and follows the voices to the library] SAM: Man, haven't seen this stuff in years. WOMAN: And what language is this technically in? CAS: We're not sure, but it's-- it's written in cuneiform. Kevin was very thorough. SAM: Yeah. We kept it all-- the translations, his notes on his translations, annotations. You name it. [...] SAM: That's not-- Dean, listen, last night, after about whiskey number five, it hit me. I mean, we've torn through all the lore looking for a way to cure Jack, right? But we've never looked through Kevin's angel tablet translations. DEAN: Yeah, 'cause they're worthless. I mean, Kevin translated them into-- to crazy scribble only a prophet can read. And last I checked, we can't exactly ask Donatello. LILY: Maybe I can read them.
did he not take demon tablet notes? he sure seemed to have a bunch of those in seasons 8 and 9! also why do demons not care about this anymore
"if my dad kept me locked in a cage for ten years" oh yeah? if one month on earth is ten years in hell, then adam's been in the cage with michael for 120 earth months = 1,200 years in hell. OVER A MILLENNIUM IN HELL.
buckleming so completely fail to hold my attention even during the episode that ostensibly the whole fandom's been waiting for for a decade, that writing the word "millennium" got me sidetracked into watching some backstreet boys music videos and an nsync one to boot. what do you even have to say for yourselves, buckleming.
okay I got way distracted about the 8tracks closure
so I can't help but notice that STILL they have nothing to say about adam, they just need michael. like.
cas is the one to bring it up! I fucking love you castiel
keith szarabajka does a good rob benedict
buckleming writing this: chuck should immediately threaten all the women in their lives
oh so NOW dean doesn't want cas going to hell. cute. after forcing him to do so alongside belphegor. fuck you, dean.
i love sam and eileen doing witchy shit and cas watching
oh rowena's back.
i guess we should've known if she died she'd just like. go to hell.
"so fix it!" says rowena, by way of buckleming, dismissing everything castiel has every right to be angry about, as if this should just be shrugged off. easy for her to say when she's the one who fucked things over for crowley. not cool with sam being out of the room for that either? sam is very much involved with these proceedings.
I'm here for adam's food appreciation
I don't remember what happened to adam's mom? was it with the ghouls?
family does suck, adam.
I don't want to hear dean's commentary about sam's relationships or whether eileen is hot or anything like that, ever. butt out.
I do like the actress playing lilith
I need bourbon too, donnie. fortunately i had some prepared before i clicked play on this episode
I loooove these shots of castiel with the chessboard and the railing/bannister/whatever
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I get that cas is being "BAMF" again I GUESS or whatever but I'm irritated with him stooping to this level of like... what dean pressured sam into with jack in S14, with using this intense sincerity to trick people. not a fan. and SHOCKER, "jack in the box" was written by buckleming too so there you go. there's this episode of bob's burgers where linda's running a murder mystery dinner and is like "ha! I was the murderer all along even though I said I wasn't!" you didn't connect shit, you're just lying
I will give buckleming exactly one point, even though it's 99% jensen's delivery, but calling him "mike" so derisively is hilarious
why don't they just tell him his AU self had the same goal last season
they definitely don't let them actually apologize! gee! all this time and they don't actually apologize. fuck off.
you could've written ANYTHING. anything at all, buckleming.
adam knows all about not knowing the secrets your dad is keeping
I'm glad adam doesn't forgive them.
"they believe it's true so it's probably true" is bad reasoning here
I feel like sue is probably fucked? or else this is a trap.
michael's the golden child and doesn't realize he's being abused by god just like the rest. at least he doesn't in this version
who said he had an entire tree up his ass, balthazar? zachariah? dean? bobby?
I think cas was right to show him the truth, just the events as they occurred
ugh i'm so nervous and uncomfortable for cas that there's no one here to intermediate if dean goes after him
literally after I type this I unpause and cas asks "where's sam?"
yeah i knew it was a trap. and here chuck's going to hurt eileen because he can.
I'm glad dean apologized on behalf of both of them I guess? but also not cool with sam not being here to talk to adam himself.
I'm glad michael found out about AU michael
stoked about purgatory honestly. bring back benny. BRING BACK GORDON. bring back dick roman.
cas looks so tired. what a note to end on.
I am also tired.
0 notes
laceyeb · 7 years
The whole experience.
Even though Ive already shared so much, I’m going to try to think of anything else I’ve got!
First of all, after two days of not enough sleep, no proper meals, 10+ hours of driving, more excitement than my little heart can handle, and too many long stretches of sitting, standing and walking, I’m in serious need of a nap. I will not be setting an alarm for tomorrow morning and possibly sleeping until noon.
I already chronicled my fairly uneventful morning wandering the city stalking them. Saw Artem get off the bus. Saw Rashad working out outside the buses and spied on him from the top floor of the parking garage. Saw Emma, Sasha, and Ruby get in a car. Walked past Artur (now I REALLY wish I had stopped and said hi to him!!!). And that was it.
Fast forward: I got to the VIP check in spot about half an hour early. I was the first one there because I’m me, but then a little family showed up just a couple minutes later. Mom, dad, and two girls who are 12 and maybe 8. They were soooo excited! I’m not much of a socializer, but I can socialize with 12 year olds so I started chatting with them. They said it was their first time and I told them it was my third so they started asking me all sorts of questions. (We basically bonded the whole rest of the night, except during the actual show because we weren’t sitting by each other, and now they’re my “new family.”) We saw Sharna and Lindsay walk by across the street to the buses like they owned the place and we all almost fell over! The girls were especially excited to meet Emma and really wanted to see her at the meet and greet. I was sure Emma would be there, but I didn’t want to say that and get their hopes up just in case she wasn’t! At one point, the mom and girls went to find a bathroom, came back, and then the dad went and took his turn. He came back and showed them his phone and said, “Look at this!” He ran into Emma on his way back and got a picture with her! It was too funny! The girls were very jealous!
So we all went inside, bonded for a while and waited for the dancers to show up for the meet and greet. They finally did and we were in group 1 and waiting right in the right spot. They were the first ones through and I was second.
This was probably my favorite meet and greet yet! Got to meet Rashad, so that was the highlight obviously. But I’ve also been dying to meet Emma and Keo and I got both! (There were some girls in line behind me outside complaining about Keo and hoping he wasn’t part of it, so I’m kinda glad he was.) And Lindsay is just an adorable bonus, though I met her at my first tour. At the other meet and greets, most of the pros who were there were kinda distracted and not too engaging, but this time they were definitely excited to be there! (My new mom was so jealous when I told her I’ve met Val, but he was just kinda meh both times to be totally honest. I love him, but it just wasn’t as exciting as I would have hoped.) Keo was especially energetic and outgoing. I was already a fan, but I love him even more now! And it’s not like an act he puts on around fans. You can tell it’s just genuinely the way he is. So excited to be alive!
Mingled with Hayley for just a second because I mingled with her last time, too. Set out to find Artur and I’m glad I did! Since I walked past him on the sidewalk and got close enough to smell him, I knew I had to go for a hug. I figured he probably doesn’t get as much love as the others, so I was like, “I’m so glad you were at this show and I get to meet you!” And he started going on about how HE was so happy to be there and meeting the fans is the best part and his favorite thing and then randomly said how he didn’t know Oakland was like 20 minutes from San Francisco and asked if I was local. I told him I had to drive about 5 hours and I don’t remember what he said to that. Very happily got my picture!
Did my souvenir shopping and put my whole pile of stuff in my bag. My new mom saw me and said, “This isn’t your first time at the rodeo, is it?”
Finally got to the seats and I knew I was 3 rows back, but still couldn’t believe it! My new family came to check out my spot with me and they were jealous! But they were sitting about where I sat the last two times which is a good spot!
As far as the actual show, it was a blur of course! I think I actually liked the last two I saw a little better because there was a little more variety in styles than there was in this one. Some highlights I can remember: Artem and Britt did some sort of salsa type think I really liked. Alan and Lindsay did some sort of samba type thing I LOVED! Alan and Sharna doing the despacito one was obviously so hot. One of my favorites! (They really do have spectacular chemistry. But Sharna had great chemistry with Alan AND Keo AND Artem AND Artur so…) I thought I took a video of the first part of it, but I must have not clicked the button! UGH! But there are plenty of decent quality videos floating around so I’ll live. I did not even glance at Emma and Artem once in that dance. Oops. I think I liked Alan and Sharna’s Argentine tango better though. That was super duper hot and I was totally mesmerized. I couldn’t believe how many dances they did with the boys in those uniforms they wore! Emma and Keo did something that I think was rumba-like that I loved. They have great chemistry, too! I said this last night and I’ll say it again: Hands down my favorite to watch on stage is Keo. (With Sharna obviously in second followed by Alan, Artur, Hayley, and surprisingly Sasha.) He is just so passionate when he moves and it all just pours out of him. It’s absolutely incredible. Like if everyone else was at 100%, he was at least at 250%. And he was so kind and genuine with everyone he met outside. He is just a good human being. Sharna and Artem’s dance was HOT. Seriously. I am not a Red Velvet shipper, but they damn near converted me. WOW. Sharna and Artur doing the blindfold dance was also rather hot and steamy. Big fan of that one. He’s a great performer, too. Really gets into the character of each individual dance. Sharna interviewing the princes was awesome!!! She’s just so hilarious. I know everything they say is basically scripted and they do it the same every night, but it’s still so funny and doesn’t come across as scripted at all I don’t think. We learned that Artur, the newest prince, likes long walks on the beach and can cook so he’s a total catch (but I will fight you for him). The thing with Artem getting all up in her space and her getting all flustered was kind of adorable and too funny. And of course Alan likes older women. (I chickened out and didn’t yell pick me, but I met him afterwards so it’s all good.) Emma and Rashad did their Viennese waltz and I looooved that one. There was a little thing with Sasha and Rashad going back and forth about Emma with Rashad teasing about how he got to dance with her every week. I enjoyed it too much because MY crack ship is Emma and Rashad for sure. No shame. Also Britt and Keo’s dance was so beautiful. Maybe my favorite of the whole night even! And I told Britt how much I loved it when I met her!
The “after party”: Earlier in the night when I was bonding with my new family, my new “little sisters” were talking about how the dancers go outside after the show and take pictures and they wanted to do that. Their parents weren’t convinced so I was like, “Yeah. They really do.” I didn’t think they would stay, but I ran into them outside afterwards and we all squeezed up in front together and waited. I was so excited waiting for them to come out and the girls were like, “Why are you so excited?! You’ve seen them before!” I tried to explain to them that it’s just as exciting every time! And I’ve definitely never waited at the buses before. We waited impatiently, all of us shaking with excitement! Artur was first out and man is he pretty. My pictures with him absolutely do not do him justice. He remembered meeting me inside! Next out was Sasha. Very friendly and personable. Total selfie-taking pro. He was like, “You want a picture? I got this.” And grabbed my phone and took it for us. Actually, most of the guys grabbed my phone and did the picture for us. They were also more outgoing and more “touchy feely” (for lack of a better phrase) than the girls. Like they just got right up in our business and I did not hate it. Then came Artem. Pictures also do not do him justice. He is a beautiful man. Holy crap. And super sweet and friendly! He asked everyone how they enjoyed the show and all that. Very nice! Also one of my best pictures is with him! Then came Keo! Again, amazing. He is just the happiest guy. So kind to everyone he met and so happy to talk to everyone. Also very very attractive in person. Emma was next and I saw her ring up close and in person and it’s so pretty! This was when she told me she lost her Shad Squad shirt and that Rashad needed to get her a new one. My new family started to leave then because Emma was the highlight for them, but then Lindsay came out like 30 seconds later and they came running back. While we were waiting our turn for Lindsay, Sharna came out! Everyone went nuts. She got on the bus and I didn’t think she would come back out. She did and then she was chatting with a crew member. Me and one of the girls were muttering, “Over here, Sharna! Come over here, Sharna! Come on! Come here!” The mom said, “Lindsay’s like right there!” Lindsay got a kick out of that. Britt came around next. Very nice. So pretty. (Seems to be the theme of the night.) Told her I loved her dance with Keo and she seemed so grateful to hear that! Very cool! And then Sharna Burgess herself made her way around to me. It was like a dream. She is a million times prettier in person. And as genuinely happy and kind as it is possible to be. Told her how much I loved her and James and she said, word for word, “Aww. Thank you. He was my favorite, too. I love that man.” Surprised my new family didn’t have to pick me up off the ground then. I was a little flustered now because Alan came out at some point, too, and started at the opposite end of the line from Sharna and they met right in front of me!!! Like you can see Sharna in my pictures with Alan. (Was it fate?! I think it was fate.) Also, Alan is too cute. Good grief. Another one of my better pictures. I told him he was the one I was most excited to meet, but I have no idea what he said to me after that. He took me phone and took the picture for us. (Dude. I’m just now processing the fact that all these people actually touched my phone. The same phone I touch all the time. Omg…) All that matters is that I hugged Alan and I got my picture with him and I’m happy! And saving the best for last… Rashad. I’ve said this multiple times now, but he is absolutely beautiful (inside and out) and smells like heaven. When I’m meeting them, I’m so nervous and flustered all the time. With him I made a point of looking him in the eyes and talking to him and telling him how happy I was to meet him and he was so sweet. Another amazing guy. (Sharna going on about how she’s single when she’s got all these perfect guys to choose from. I’ll take whichever one she doesn’t want. I’m not picky.) Hayley was hanging around a bit and had gone onto the bus. I left after meeting Rashad because he was the last one I had left to meet besides Hayley, but I met her inside. Not sure if she actually came out or not. But assuming she did, I am still in total shock that every single one of them actually came to take pictures. I figured some of the guys would (Keo, Rashad, Alan, Artur) and I was perfectly satisfied with that. But I met EVERY SINGLE ONE. I still think it was a dream, but I know it wasn’t because my Shad Squad shirt still kinda smells like the man himself.
And that’s the end. Holy crap did I have a lot to say! Obviously, the highlight was waiting outside and meeting them all. Cross that off the bucket list for sure. I am so so so glad I decided to do that. Made the entire trip worth it! And now I’m ready for the next tour!
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