#you give us a black and orange suit and then take away the COHESION of the black fireproofs???
f1-birb · 7 months
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Okay, okay, okay, so hear me out... Blue Lantern Harvey Dent.
So lately I've been playing with this idea that like... The Joker somehow managed to get his hands on the Black Lantern ring, and so Batman needs to get the Justice League to make the White Lantern, but then all of the colored lantern rings accidentally end up in Arkham Asylum instead. The rest of the rogues get their hands on the rings, soon learn what they need to do and are totally down to kick the Joker's ass and so have to work together to summon the White Lantern and bring the Joker down.
Who gets what rings can be negotiated, but I'm generally thinking that it would go...
Green: Harley Quinn. She does have a lot of willpower, surviving her abuse at the hands of the Joker, and deserves to get in on this Joker beat down!
Yellow: Scarecrow. Duh.
Orange: Catwoman. Stealing is her biggest vice after all, and she's probably going to be better at keeping it away from space-Gollum than like... The Penguin would without dying!
Red: Bane? Maybe? This one can be negotiable as a few of the rogues could fall under rage. Maybe you just give it to Bane because he'd handle the effects of the Red Lantern Ring the best? I dunno.
Indigo: Poison Ivy. Because she does hold a great amount of love and compassion towards plants... Just not other people and animals particularly... And hey! With the Indigo ring, she can MAKE people care about plants! :D
Purple/Pink: Mr. Freeze. Because that man sure as hell does love his wife just... SO much! I don't think that any of the rogues love their significant other quite as much as Mr. Freeze loves his wife!
Blue: Two-Face. More specifically Harvey Dent. Hope is a constant theme with his character and when he was DA, he inspired hope in the people of Gotham. Which, let's be honest, is an impressive feat!
Out of any of the rogues, I can see the Blue Lantern ring actually choosing for Harvey to wield it. He inspired a hopeless city like Gotham to have hope against all odds. He inspires hope in Bruce Wayne who in turn gives everyone else hope as Batman. He inspires such a great level of hope, of course the Blue Lantern ring would choose him! But he's given up on hope. He has no hope left in him anymore. The ring chooses him, but he refuses the call. He thinks that the ring made a mistake and is wrong in choosing him. He insists that someone- anyone else should take and use it. But the rest of the rogues shrug it off and agree that he should use it. It just doesn't really suit any of the other rogues, and even to them, the way that Harvey used to inspire hope in people is obvious.
Because of all of this, Harvey just retreats into himself and Two-Face has to pick up the slack. Two-Face insists that they should just forget about Harvey, give the Blue Lantern Ring to someone else, and give him the Red Lantern Ring instead. The rest refuse, and so Two-Face is stuck with trying to make due with the Blue Lantern Ring, but they don't exactly work the most harmoniously together. There's clearly a compatibility issue going on here.
Of course things are rocky as the team tries to figure the powers of the rings out, figure out who works best with which of the rings, and they struggle to work together as a cohesive unit.
But eventually, it's time, and the team has to confront and fight against the Joker. While there is promise at first, soon they realize that it's a losing fight. When all seems to be lost, Two-Face steps off to the side and pleads for Harvey to fight with them. But he still doesn't want to help. He believes that it's truly hopeless. And it's here that Two-Face drops all of his pretenses and bravado and really talks to Harvey.
It's here that Two-Face admits that he still holds on to hope, and it's because of Harvey. He would never admit this any at other time, but he believes in Harvey. He holds onto hope for Harvey's sake. Harvey may have given up a long time ago, but Two-Face still believes that he will get better. He believes that their future will be kinder to them. He believes that one day, Harvey will stand tall as a figure that can inspire give people hope again. Because Harvey gave Two-Face hope. Two-Face hopes that one day, the world that won't be as cruel to them. Even though he had been shoved into the dark, Harvey still made Two-Face believe in a future that would be kinder to them. Harvey may not believe in that future anymore, but Two-Face is here to protect Harvey until the day Harvey is ready to come out and inspire people again. Two-Face can't do this alone. He's much better at inspiring rage or fear in others. But it was the Blue ring that chose them. No one else can do this job. And it's because of Harvey. He always did have this annoying habit of inspiring hope in others, after all.
After having this little pep talk, Harvey finally decides to come out, and fight! Because of this, they are able to turn the tide of the battle and kick the Joker's ass!
So yeah... Blue Lantern Harvey gives me emotions. >.<
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rike-with-love · 5 years
Melody of our Hearts (chapter 4)
Pairings: Okikagu, Gintsu (minor), Takaban (minor)
Rating: M for mature content, bad language, fluff, light angst, enemies to friends to lovers
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gintama or it’s characters, Sorachi Hideaki does. I only own this story.
Chapter 4
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Her chest was heaving heavily. She could feel every beat of her heart pound like a jungle drum against her rib cage. With every passing second, with every new pump of her pulse, Kagura slowly realized what was going to happen in the next five minutes.
She heard the upbeat background music coming from the speakers. Just five minutes and it would be her song playing out there. Kagura stood at the steps, waiting for Otae to tell her when it was time - time to take the stage.
The day had finally arrived for the outdoor concert. The very first time the idols of YE were performing live.
Kagura felt ready, but nervous. She pulled the sleeves down from her red off-shoulder shirt. The sleeves kept rising whenever she moved too much, annoying her greatly. Normally that didn't bother Kagura at all, but right now her nerves were getting to her.
She knew her words, she knew her steps. Now all she had to do was to relax. Well, easier said than done, she thought and breathed deeply to control her heart better.
Kagura jumped a bit as she felt a hand softly touch her bare shoulder. She turned to look at the person behind her. It was Otsu and the rest of the Sugar Addicts.
The groups wardrobe was like an explosion of color. They all had tight shorts and a loose shirt that revealed one shoulder. The outfits were identical but each member had their own color.
Otsu had yellow, Minty had blue, Ruby had red, Yunah had purple and Soyeon had pink. Tsukki had suggested that with the crazy colorful clothes, they obviously had to have showstopping make-up and hair.
They had their hair braided tightly, but differently from one another. Nude lips and tight eyeliner. They looked like a very memorable and cohesive group in Kagura's eyes and she was sure that many fans would feel the same way.
”Hi guys,” Kagura said and smiled shyly.
Otsu gave Kagura an encouraging smile. ”You're going to be great Gura,” she said, seeing the slight anxiousness from Kagura's ocean blue eyes.
Just those few words eased Kagura's mind a lot. She knew Otsu was her friend through thick and thin. They didn't have to agree on everything to be real friends. Not even a man like S could get between them.
They had talked about the whole S thing on the night before the concert. Kagura had apologized and Otsu had brushed off the whole thing as small and meaningless. They simply agreed to disagree on the matter of stanning S.
”We know you can do it Gura!” Minty said to Kagura.
”Give them a taste of what we YE girls are made of”, Soyeon said to Kagura's surprise.
She seemed sincere with her words of encouragement rather than snide. Then again, Soyeon was an out-spoken person, she said what was in her heart, no matter the person or situation and Kagura respected that about her. Maybe someday they both could get along better.
It felt empowering for Kagura to feel the support of her colleagues. ”Thank you...I really appreciate it,” she said, getting warm smiles in return.
”You look so cute in that outfit,” Ruby pointed out, touching Kagura's black skirt a bit.
”Ah, I'm not as stunning as you all, but this will do”, Kagura said and giggled with the girls. They were all gorgeous, only a blind person could deny it.
Otae came to the backstage with a box in her hands. ”It's almost time,” she said and walked to the girls.
Kagura gulped at Otae's words. This was finally it.
Otae opened up the box and handed everyone a headset microphones. It sure was easier to move and sing with a headset than a regular microphone.
”Kawakami and Shinpachi are handling all the technical aspects and if something goes wrong, they'll inform you through the headset,” Otae began. ”I'm going out there first to welcome the audience.”
All the girls nodded in unison, they were ready to go whenever Otae was.
”And as you all know, Gura is up first, then Sugar addicts and lastly Eli & Zura”, Otae said and walked right next to Kagura who was still standing on the steps. ”Oh right, if you want to observe each other performing, Kawakami and Shinpachi have monitors.”
With those last words, Otae stepped to the stage. All six girls looked at each other and hurried together to Kawakami and Shinpachi. Eli & Zura were already there, looking like they came straight from the 80s.
Zura had a green headband, green track suit with yellow, purple and pink stripe details. His long black hair was styled to look like a funny mullet. No-matter how much Tsukki fought with him, Zura adamantly kept the questionable mullet.
Eli had a snow-white suit and white shoes. He gladly gave most of the color attention to his counter-part. He was just happy to have his orange synthesizer with him.
”Hey girls,” Shinpachi greeted from his spot.
”Shinpachi, please stay focused,” Bansai said calmly. He seemed to be very focused on the monitors, maybe even a little anxious by the way he was tapping his foot. It was a big responsibility to handle all the music and microphones on a live concert after all. Kagura couldn't remember another time she saw him like that.
Bansai was actually a very hard person to read. He had his sunglasses on everywhere, so his voice was pretty much the only thing to give out his emotions.
Bansai was looking at his monitor, fingers ready on specific buttons, his signature yin jang styled headphones plugged into his laptop and one foot still tapping steadily against the floor.
His emerald-green spiky hair was bobbing with his foot's settle movement, amusing Kagura into smiling widely. It was quite calming to see that she wasn't the only one feeling so tense about the concert.
”We trust you Kawakami-nim,” Kagura said to reassure the poor man.
Bansai glanced at Kagura briefly and his foot stopped tapping. It was like he connected all the dots in a matter of seconds. He realized that Kagura saw through his calm demeanor and that was the last thing he wanted.  
”Thank you for the trust Gura, but I'm just a man behind the scene,” Bansai said with his low voice. He hid his nerves pretty well to be honest.
”Oi Kawakami-niiiiiim!” Soyeon said in a high-pitched voice and leaned her chin on his shoulder. Bansai jumped a bit at the unexpected gesture. ”You are much more than a man behind the scenes.”
Before Bansai could say or do anything at all, all five members of the Sugar Addicts were hugging him. His musical skills were on another level, but he was also a very good vocal mentor. So naturally he was loved by pretty much everyone.
Bansai grunted and tried to hide his fluster. ”I need to focus now...” he muttered, secretly feeling somewhat happy about the amount of adoration he received. Still, it made the feeling bitter-sweet. Bansai appreciated the love he got from the young idols, but the love he truly desired was out of his reach.
As the girls gave Bansai his personal space back, Shinpachi puffed his cheeks a little. ”Hey, what about me?” Shinpachi asked, feeling severely left-out.
”Oh stop being so dramatic, yes,” Kagura teased. Shinpachi rolled his eyes and returned to look at his monitors.
”Okay, Otae is on the stage now,” Shinpachi informed.
”I'm turning on her microphone”, Bansai said.
Kagura watched from the screens as Otae began waving her hand for the audience. She looked really beautiful in her yellow kimono. She sometimes liked to wear clothes from her original culture and she sure looked like an elegant Japanese lady in her attire.
”Hello! Welcome everyone to Yorozuya Entertainment's first ever, outdoor concert!” Otae announced.
The applauses could be heard by everyone in the backstage. If Kagura thought her heart was pounding earlier, well, now it was really hitting hard.
”I want to thank you all for coming today and I think we are ready for our first performer,” Otae said and smiled. ”Please enjoy the very first idol of Yorozuya Entertainment, Gura!”
”That's your cue Gura,” Shinpachi said without taking his eyes off the screen.
”Good luck out there”, Zura said to her.
Kagura gave a firm nod to Shinpachi and proceeded to strut confidently to the steps, ready to amaze everyone. She took a deep breath and made her way through the curtain.
* *
The first things Kagura saw was the lush greenery around the park, the amount of sunlight pouring through the syringa's branches and all the people in front of the stage. The crowd wasn't that large, but Kagura felt grateful for every single one who came to see the concert.
The stage was surrounded by a security fence. Gintoki stood next to the metal fence, eyes beaming of joy as he saw Kagura take the stage. Her step was confident, every ounce of nervousness she felt before started to fade away.
The people began to cheer in excitement of the beautiful red-head who stopped to stand in the middle of the stage. Her smile was wide and the warm sun on her cheeks brightened her naturally pale skin. Absolutely nothing could go wrong, that's how good she felt right at that moment.
The cheering quieted down, giving her a moment of silence to speak.
”The song I'm going to sing for you...it's my very first one,” Kagura said and felt almost emotional saying it out loud. Everything felt so real, but yet so unbelievable.
”This is Time is Precious – I hope you enjoy it,” she said proudly. After her words the song started to play. The intro lasted for a couple of seconds, allowing Kagura a moment to psyche herself up.
She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, using every corner of her lungs to get as much oxygen as she could. As she breathed in, the park's wonderful scents felt exhilarating. She smelled grass, syringas and a touch of her own strawberry perfume.
The song hit its first beat and Kagura prepared to give the audience a great show.
Everyone in backstage held in their breaths as they watched her from the monitors. Kagura opened her eyes and flicked her long vermillion hair a bit, making the small ”bun ears” wobble with her movement. She opened her mouth, ready to sing the first words.
A loud scream from the audience cut Kagura off before she even began. Her eyes tried desperately to locate the person who screamed. It sounded like a woman.
Even Gintoki began to look into the audience, trying to see what caused the loud voice. Kagura's song played all along in the background. She didn't know should she jump in to the song or should she wait. It was frustrating to say the least.
”What happened? Why isn't she singing?” Otae asked.
Bansai and Shinpachi were equally confused about the situation. ”Check the cameras Shinpachi,” Bansai said.
”Okay,” Shinpachi said and began to check every frame carefully.
Kagura heard Bansai talking into her ear. ”Gura, I'll lower the music down untill we find out what happened in the audience.” Kagura glanced at the camera that was right in front of her and nodded lightly.
”She heard me,” Bansai confirmed to Shinpachi.
Kagura heard the beautiful melody of her song quiet down, she didn't know how to feel about it. It was disheartening, but on the other hand Kagura wanted to make sure that the woman in the audience was all right.
This was just a set-back, a minor hurdle before she could really sing her song.
”OOH! OH MY GOD!” someone else shouted from the audience. Kagura, Gintoki and pretty much every single person in the vicinity looked at the woman screaming at the back of the crowd. She was frantically pointing at something.
”There,” Shinpachi said and zoomed a camera at the woman. Everyone in the backstage tried to look at the monitor, practically trampling over Shinpachi, almost pushing him off his chair.
Kagura noticed a girl jumping in front of the stage, apparently trying to get a better look of what was happening. It took about two more jumps for her to start freaking out. The girl flipped out her phone and called someone.
”You better get into the Syringa Park right now, S IS HERE!” the girl yelled at the phone and tried to charge through the mass of people.
Huh?...S...is here? Kagura asked herself.
Then to Kagura's horror a massive portion of the all ready small audience began to move away from the stage. Gintoki looked at Kagura who was frozen still, unable to utter a word. He wanted to help her somehow, he just didn't know how.
Then Kagura saw him in the distance. It was S, the S, the ridiculously famous and cherished idol. He was entering the park with three buff bodyguards surrounding him.
People were quickly gathering around S, making it impossible for him to move anywhere. The bodyguards did everything they could, it wasn't that easy to keep starstruck fans at bay.
Girls were screaming his name and phone cameras flashing all over the park. Kagura thought he was like a rare zoo animal, everyone wanted a piece of him.
Gintoki saw his opportunity to be useful. He certainly didn't know who was this man with pastel blue hair, causing a fuzz in everywhere he went. Gintoki went as the fourth person to cover the young man. With Gintoki's help every direction was blocked from the eager fans.
Kagura observed from the stage the peculiar sight that was supposed to be her audience, her potential fans listening to her song. But no, they were all going crazy for someone who had no business in the concert.
In the backstage, every member of Sugar Addicts saw and recognized S. They would have probably ran to see him in person as every fan would, but they couldn't. Otae stopped them.
Even Soyeon understood why they couldn't go out there. The situation was already hard enough for Kagura, who just stood there, feeling incompetent and uninteresting. Like a complete failure.
One of the bodyguards noticed Gintoki siding with them. ”Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?”
Gintoki turned to the man with black hair and a rude attitude. ”I'm helping you, what does it look like?”
”Please step away, I can't know if you're some crazy person,” the man said.
Gintoki huffed arrogantly. ”I am the CEO of Yorozuya entertainment, I give you one change to apologize mr. grumpy.”
S sneered at Gintoki's choice of words. ”Let it go Hijikata”, S said to his bodyguard with his stoic voice.
Hijikata grunted. ”Fine”, he said, but thought that S was being too gullible about the strange man with silver hair.
”We are having a concert – or actually we are trying to have a concert here”, Gintoki said.
”Well then, could we use your backstage to get away safely?” Hijikata asked as quietly as possible.
”Sure, let's try to move closer to the stage”, Gintoki said. ”There's a security fence over there.”
More people were arriving into the park, the word of S' presence had spread fast. Gintoki noticed that some people were carrying professional cameras with them, concluding that the paparazzi had arrived.
S seemed surprisingly calm in the situation. He kept waving at his fans, causing them to scream even louder. Was this one of his surprise appearances, Kagura wondered to herself.
The bodyguards managed to move through the crowd, getting closer and closer to the fence. Kagura watched in silence, listening to the screams of his fans and her song playing in the background.
Gintoki reached the fence first. He opened a gate and waved S to go through it. He was now safe behind the sturdy fence. S sighed and brushed off some dirt from his shoulder.
Kagura's attention had turned to S standing only few meters away from her. Sure she was on the stage and he was on the ground level, but still, he was right there. His light blue hair was messy, but it still looked effortlessly cool.
He wore dark gray jeans and a black loose shirt. Despite the oversized shirt, Kagura could tell his built was slender, like many dancers had.
S felt like someone was staring at him from behind, someone other than a drooling fan. He turned around and saw Kagura standing in the center of the stage, looking back at him.
Their eyes met.
She knew who he was, he had no idea who she was. That didn't stop their eyes from digging into one another. Her deep blue eyes glued into his icy blue ones. He had contacts again, Kagura could tell.
She felt almost naked. Not because he was looking at her. It was because her moment was ruined. She was stripped from her confidence, her song, her moment.
S didn't speak, he just stared at Kagura. He didn't look like he was angry, but he wasn't sad either, he wasn't particularly anything. His whole face was deadpan, he was even harder to read than Bansai.
Kagura felt her heart beating faster under his icy gaze, it felt like he was challenging her somehow. But how could that be, he didn't know she was supposed to perform. To him, she might have looked like an announcer or a sound-checker, just a regular person.
He noticed. He wasn't stupid.
Her outfit, the microphone, her. Nothing about her spoke to him as a regular person. So he stared at her more, not like he had anything better to do at the moment. Gintoki and all of his bodyguards were busy with keeping the fans from climbing over the fence.
Kagura felt her blood rushing through her veins. Her heart demanding more oxygen, making her breath more often.
He saw her heavily heaving chest, but did nothing to point it out. He stuffed his hands into his pockets without breaking the iron-clad eye contact.
Every member of Sugar Addicts were staring at the monitors, eyes wide open. Kagura was standing so close to him, it rose some envy in their hearts, it couldn't be helped. It felt unfair as she could never truly appreciate him being so near her.
It was only pity that overthrew the strong feeling of jealousy in their hearts. Pity for Kagura and her debut failing.
”Kawakami-nim, tell Kagura to come back here for now,” Otae demanded, using Kagura's real name in her worry.
”Gura! Can you hear me Gura?” Bansai asked.
Kagura heard them, but she felt like she couldn't move.
Otae borrowed Shinpachi's microphone. ”Kagura! Come back here now. I think it's better to call off the concert for now.”
Kagura heard Otae say the words she had been dreading for. She felt broken and defeated. Still, she didn't leave the stage.
Kagura was 100% sure that she would have gone back to others without one thing keeping her on her spot.
His eyes. Those demanding eyes.
Her heart raced.
Kagura snapped out her trance like state. She realized her song was closing in the bridge*. It was the part where her vocals skills were really put under the test. The hell with it, Kagura thought. She wasn't going to let the whole concert fail because of some uninvited people appearing there.
Kagura closed her eyes and inhaled quickly. And she began to sing. The music was playing on such a low volume she had to go full a capella*.
”When will you understand, that time is precious.”
S kept his eyes strictly at the girl who suddenly started to sing like a songbird. Gintoki's focus went immediately to Kagura, he recognized her voice anywhere.
”I am not a child anymore, I'm not yours to leave.”
Her vocals went so high, it silenced everyone in the park, including the diehard fans of S. Her voice was so powerful, it easily stunned everyone in the backstage. Maybe it was the situation she was in that made her push herself even harder.
”With or without you, I'll rise like a sunflower.”
Kagura sang the last part of the bridge with her whole heart. Somehow Bansai snapped out of his initial awe and managed to turn the volume up. Like it was part of the song, the music rose up right in time for the chorus.
The whole audience was getting excited about the song. For a few seconds S' presence was fully forgotten. Kagura opened her eyes as she heard cheering from the people around the park.
S was still looking at her, face as emotionless as it was before. Kagura didn't even spare a look for him, she was much more interest in looking at the smiling people in the crowd. Then the song hit its final chorus.
”My time or your time, it really doesn't matter, Is it the past or the future, it really doesn't matter. Time is still precious.”
Kagura had wrote the song together with Bansai. She poured her whole heart and soul into it, mirroring her feelings about time in to the song.
For the last part of the song, Kagura pushed her raw emotion through her voice.
”What happened to our time? I don't know the answer, but...my time...is precious.”
Kagura ended the song, her eyes felt wet, but she didn't want to start crying in the middle of the stage. She could cry all she wanted in the backstage, now was the time to take in the applauses. Time to feel the love.
The audience was mesmerized and speechless. It had been a long time since an outstanding voice like Kagura's had been heard. Then a young man with a kind smile, lifted his fist up. ”You're amazing Gura!”
Kagura looked at the man, he truly had the sweetest eyes she had ever seen. She gave him a nod as her humble thanks, causing his eyes to sparkle.
”Yeah!” someone yelled.
”A sunflower with the most beautiful voice ever!” another one yelled.
Kagura kept looking at the people in the audience. She almost couldn't believe how excited she made everyone feel.
”Gura, Gura, Gura...” a man began chanting from a crowd and it only took a second for everyone to join his chant. In a moment the whole park was calling her name, making it impossible for Kagura to hold back her tears.
Gintoki looked at his foster-daughter. She looked so happy and proud of herself, there was nothing he wished more than her happiness.
S felt a hand on his shoulder. It was his main bodyguard, Hijikata Toushiro, the black-haired man Gintoki had argued with. ”This is our change to make a discreet exit,” he said.
S nodded as his answer. With Gintoki's help, the bodyguards got inside the security fairly easily.
Kagura glared from the corner of her eye that S was leaving. She felt relief.
She wasn't a fan of his, never had been. From this day on Kagura would remember him from one thing and one thing only; he almost ruined her debut and she hoped never to see him again.
To him, she became someone he would definitely remember.
*bridge: a musical term, is often used to contrast with and prepare fot the return of the verse and the chorus *a capella: singing without instrumental accompanimen
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scribblestatic · 5 years
As Aizawa promised, he told his class about the bi-centenarian cryptid.
But he hadn’t had to do it alone in the end.
Both hero classes were called into a larger room, where Yagi Toshinori stood as one of the three announcers. And together, Vlad King, Eraserhead, and All Might himself told the prospective hero students of what they knew.
All Might ended up doing most of the talking.
The tall skeleton of a man stood at the podium with the lights shining down on him. His gauntness stood out more then than ever before, and Aizawa was sure the man could feel all 40 students with their gazes set on every divot of his body as the students searched for the hero they had grown up with. Even so, the suited man stood tall, his voice firm and yet kind all the same.
“And so, with you’re current knowledge, I want you to look deep into yourselves. I want you to take the time to really come to understand what it means to be a hero. What becoming a hero in this day and age will mean.” All Might stares out at them, blue gaze gleaming. “It won’t mean the same thing that it meant ten, five, or even one year ago. You will be facing forces brought on by a man even I have still failed to defeat, one who will not care for your age when deciding your fates. You’ve already seen this now, with the attack on the USJ—right now, more so than ever, you have targets on your backs. And so. We at U.A., your teachers, your faculty, everyone. We will all understand if you decide this is not the right path for you. If you so choose to change, we will open your space for the General Education course, or if you so decide to leave the school entirely, Principal Nedzu has given me his word that he will work with the schools in your local districts to find a place for you there. More than for the sake of the world, I want you to look out for yourself right here and right now. Think on it. And by the end of the week, give your decisions to your homeroom teachers.”
The students stare, shaken, unable to even move. Even Bakugou’s a frozen rock, eyes wide. He almost appears to be in shock...
That boy...Aizawa will need to check on him before the day’s over.
When the students do not respond, All Might nods. “For those of you who do decide to stay, we will be training you now more than ever for your safety and the safety of the people you aim to rescue. Our focus will further pinpoint onto your personal faults and current weaknesses so we can help you grow strong. We will not let you flounder on your own—it is our job to guide you, and we will do that.”
Aizawa watches as some of their shoulders droop, some scrunch leaving some of their faces, some laxity loosening their spines. Even in such a situation, All Might is still an expert at his job, and his voice brings ease to them. 
“And in order to gain a better picture of how you can improve, we have come in contact with an expert in the field of Quirk Studies. Her expertise and attention to detail are, as far as our current research details, unparalleled. She’s been contacted and has agreed to work with U.A. staff for the good of your futures if you so choose to continue with us."
Then, much to the surprise of the class, All Might steps from behind the podium and bows to them.
“It has been...of my own shortcomings that all of this has befallen upon your shoulders. And for this, I give you my most humble apologies.” The students couldn’t respond. It took Aizawa clapping his hands together for them to snap out of their daze. “Like he said. End of the week. No one will blame you if you decide to leave. We’ll also be making rounds with your parents by visiting their houses over the week. We’ve already contacted them about the situation, but we also want for you to come to your conclusions. I trust you all can care for your own safety.”
And with that, the meeting adjourned, and Aizawa brought out his best pressed suit to eat crow in front of the parents of all of his students.
To his surprise, all of the parents allow their children to continue attendance if they so wish to. Well, some were much more worried than others. Bakugou’s mother for instance—whom he looks like to almost a startling degree—was more concerned about her son’s strength and making sure he doesn’t force any lag in the class.
“He’s a smart boy with a strong Quirk and a hard-ass head,” she boasted, smacking him on the back of said head when a curse uttered out of his mouth. “If he couldn’t face up against some janky villains in front of him, he’d be useless as hero.”
Endeavor had said something similar.
“Shouto won’t be leaving U.A. It’s his destiny to become a hero, and he will do it from that school. The danger doesn’t matter—if anything, it will only prove his strength to overcome it.”
Then there were parents like Asui’s, who Aizawa and Yagi couldn’t even meet in person.
“Welll...our daughter. She takes care of her siblings. But, well, it’s her dream,” the father of the house said in the Skype call, followed by a deep, throat-expanding croak.
“Right,” her mother said, her call from a different location than her husband’s. “I think it’s best to leave this kind of thing to Tsuyu. She knows what she can handle more than we do. I’m just worried about her.”
“But she’s a tough girl,” the father said. “She can make the decision by herself.”
Or Tokoyami’s.
“I think it’ll be fine if he attends. His quirk use has improved since he started attending that school, after all,” the boy’s bird-faced mother said, the long eyelashes of a Secretary Bird blinking at the two men across from her. “If anything...I’d consider it better quirk therapy than he’d been getting before. If he wants to stay, I’ll have no objections.”
“Indeed,” a human-faced man says beside her, holding one of her hands. His hair is very dark and slicked back, two wisps of a mustache and a goatee on his face. “We’ve always loved our little Fumi-kun, but his quirk can be a bit rowdy. But he’s grown more confident in his control since going to the school. We’d hate to take that away from him.”
Or the Ashidos.
“You all will be looking out for her, right?” Mr. Ashido asks. There’s a well-kept shrine at the back corner of the room with a woman’s face. She looks fairly plain, with glasses that shade her eyes and a salaryman’s smile, but there’s a tint to the grin that hides a wild side. That same woman is in a picture of the Ashido family together, the two doting parents coddling their baby girl, the father’s purple skin and completely white eyes a contrast to his daughter’s pink and black. The man in front of them cries viscous tears. “You’ll be looking out for her...and protecting her...and this...she’s wanted this for so long. I...I won’t take this away from her if she wants this. She’s my baby girl...reminds me so much of her mother...so I know. I know she’d hate it if I took this decision away from her.” He smiles wetly. “She’s a hero at heart.”
In the end, Mr. Ashido knows his daughter well. 
She’s the first out of both classes to say she’ll continue.
Eyes wide, clenched fists shivering as she grins up at Aizawa, she proclaims that she’ll continue the path to becoming a hero.
Bakugou’s a close second, saying he wouldn’t be worth his shit if he backed out because things got a little tough.
But it’s not a little tough, it’s a serious threat to his health, and Aizawa begins to wonder what else Bakugou has gotten from his family.
Todoroki’s a close third. He’s particularly expressionless when he says it.
And one after another, his class progressively continues to state their approval to continue.
Vlad King loses a student, a young girl with a bright future, and a kind but unremarkable smile. Her presence hadn’t been particularly noted and her performance during the Sports Festival was lackluster. All Might’s confession had been the final nail in an already built coffin.
After a quick evaluation of the Sports Festival and current class scores, Shinsou Hitoshi’s family are given a visit and a full run-down.
Shinsou approves of his class acceptance the very next day.
The following Monday, nearly all of the same students are sitting in the meeting room, with the new addition of a purple-haired, baggy-eyed boy in 1-B, his slouch hiding his excitement at finally being in the hero course.
Monday’s meeting is headed by Principal Nedzu instead.
“We’ll give you your new class schedules by the end of the meeting. After all, with the threat you all will face from here on out, more than ever, we need to promote cohesiveness and work ethic! So, while you all will be in classes 1-A and 1-B, your hero classes will be taught at the same time.” Before a blond 1-B boy could start complaining, Aizawa finds himself impressed by the efforts of a orange haired girl in the same class, a quick smack to the back of his head shutting him up before he can start. “Of course, working together won’t be enough just to prepare you all for your futures as heroes. So! I’ve taken the liberty to hire on a new staff member who will be looking over your quirks today.”
The students begin to look at each other, a low murmur rumbling from the crowd.
“The new staff member is an expert in the field of Quirk Studies. Even though she doesn’t yet have a degree in the subject, she’s already written theories that surpass dissertation-levels of attention to detail. From the regimes she’s written for several heroes, they have already seen improvements in their bodily functions and in their quirk efficiency.”
The mumbles increase, but a quick glare from Aizawa silences them, 1-B a little startled, not used to the firm handling.
“Then, I hope you all give a warm welcome to our new staff member!” Principal Nedzu cheers, clapping his paws together.
The students in the crowd start clapping as well, ready to see the new teacher...well, counselor.
The slight clack of little heels from behind the side curtain alerted them of her presence, which began getting Mineta and Kaminari a little hyped up.
The first thing they see is a small red heel. It has a low heel with two criss-crossed straps around the black stocking-covered ankles. A red skirt flutters into view, followed by a long-sleeved button-down with a cute string bow tied under her shirt collar.
The clapping peters off, and four students in particular freeze solid and turn blue with horror.
The girl’s peach gloss gleams in the overhead lights, and greenish-black hair curls loosely down her back and over her shoulders, her eyes covered by her bangs. But they don’t hide the smattering of freckles all over her cheeks. With the click of her feet, she stops beside the podium and smiles happily at the crowd.
“This is Kobayashi Chouko. She looks pretty young, don’t you think? I’m sure many of you are surprised, aren’t you? Of course, a few of you already know her, hahaha!”
The principal’s laugh is pointed, humored but serious, and the four boys feel their stomachs drop into their guts.
“As I was saying, Kobayashi Chouko will be attending the school both as a student and as your new Quirk Counselor. After you all do a few designated exercises today, she will be compiling the information she has with the new stats that you all will be giving her today. Then, one by one, you all will be meeting her in her office for a personal consultation! From then on, we’ll continue your training and improvements based on her studies of your quirks and personalities. Do you have anything you’d like to say, Kobayashi-san?”
“Ah, yes, I do!” Kobayashi claps her hands together with a pretty smile on her face, cheeks flushed. “I really hope I can get along well with you all from here on out! So, please go get in your gym clothes and meet us on Field A! Okay~?”
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ichigo777666 · 4 years
FE3H Character Impressions
Just my thoughts as I’m playing through. I’m including 4 sections for each - first impressions, impression at end of WC, first PTS impression, ending impression. (BE route will have more than 4). Characters for the PTS are ONLY for their ending routes, since that’s where they main. Will updates as I progress. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
**These are listed in the order of paths I played them in with exception to CF (which was my 4th) which is added in under BE. I actually wrote this all down in a notebook and am slowly typing it in here when I have time, so INC for now**
Black Eagles (due to this being a branching path, this is going to have 5 sections)
FI: I like this sassy lady. Obviously the best choice. C1E: Okay, Edel...just wow. You became so much cooler! PTS: Um the hair is...no. But hey, you didn’t kill Byleth! END-SS: No, my Edels.....WHY IS THERE NO SPARE OPTION?! END-CF: My Edels :) I like her in CF - it’s power child Edel! This is the only route where your “leader” is actually a leader.
Hubert FI: Creepy, one half of a hidden face. Betting on this guy being EVIL! C1E: Well I did call it. I still like him tho. PTS: So, they decided to go with the whole “vampire” aesthetic I see. I can’t decide whether I love it or I hate it... END-SS: Uh, well he showed up what, twice? Not much to judge here... END-CF: Loyal Hubert. I grew to like him a bit....
Ferdinand FI: He’s kind of annoying. But hey, at least they picked a good color orange for his hair. C1E: Um...well...did he actually change? No, no. PTS: I’m not sure I like the long hair. His voice though...it seems to suit him better now. END-SS: I liked using him in combat but not as an actual character. END-CF: Doesn’t seem much different than in SS....
Lindhardt FI: Okay, so you’re the unmotivated lazy character, Got it. C1E: Well, there’s actually something interesting about him! Yay. PTS: No, the outfit. Just no. The hair, yes - the clothes, no! END-SS: You kinda removed his laziness and sleepiness...WHY?! END-CF: No real change from SS.
Caspar FI: Loud, short, obnoxious battle nerd.  C1E: Alright, I can kinda get him. I can sorta understand why he’s like this. PTS: Armor...no. And why didn’t you change his hair at all...feels lazy. END-SS: And he’s basically the same but older and a bit more mature. Okay. END-CF: No real change from SS.
Bernadetta FI: Aw, she’s a scaredy-cat. I’m intrigued. C1E: I get it. I wanna HURT whoever hurt her. PTS: Bernie’s gotten a glam up! The pouch is a good added detail. END-SS: I like that she grew a little and got some confidence. Good for you Bernie! END-CF: No real change from SS.
Dorothea FI: Okay, so she’s the pretty one? Got it. C1E: Okay, so she’s the pretty one who’s concerned about her future....okay, I can understand. PTS: The BEST PTS outfit from the BE crew (and possibly from all of FE3H). I want this... END-SS: She’s the only one who seems to have ANY regrets about turning on Edel....and for that, she’s got respect. END-CF: Aw, best friends with Edie forever!
Petra FI: The foreigner who can’t talk well. Okay, she’s adorable and tough. C1E: I really like Petra! My she-beast Amazon!  PTS: Okay, she went totally exotic - is this Brigid style? I like! END-SS: So, she’s leaving. uwu END-CF:  No real change from SS.
Jeritza (yeah, he’s going here...) FI: Quiet and mysterious guy who wears a mask. Yeah he’s not suspicious at all! Also adding to that is the fact he’s the only other character besides Jeralt who you cannot have support conversations with so...hmmmm..... C1E: Okay, serial killer vibes... PTS: They just removed his mask...in combat his outfit is great...but yeah... END-CF: Okay, I can kinda get it but...he’s so flat. I get that it’s his thing but....just no.
Church of Seiros I (Basic grouping for all the faculty + knights. Endings will be for the ones they’re most impactful in)
Rhea FI: Okay, so we’re supposed to be suspicious of her, right? I kinda like her even though I know she’s not being honest with us... C1E: Okay, wow...yeah....cool! END-SS: Well, that went from 0 to 100 real fast. Anyone wanna explain WHY?! *END-CF:
Jeralt FI: Dad maybe? Is it odd I’m questioning this? C1E: Okay...so, yeah that happened. Wow. ...I didn’t know where to stick him, so...here ya go!
Catherine FI: Strong female knight character? We’re getting to play with a girl knight before a boy?! WTG FE! C1E: I really like her dedication. PTS: So, no change huh? *sighs* END-SS: Aw, I like how she got all emotional!
Shamir FI: Okay...cool girl. That one strand of hair tho... C1E: Alright, so she’s cold for a reason. I’m curious. PTS: And another no change huh. *sighs* END-SS: So, she’s a bit more friendly, eh....
Cyril FI: Is this kid really necessary for this game? Just no... C1E: Well his stats are okay but I don’t think so.... PTS: Okay, he grew up. He’s still annoying. END-SS: Yeah, just no.
Seteth FI: Sexy green-haired mysterious distrustful priest dude? AKA the only PERSON WITH LOGIC for the first few chapters. I like this :) C1E: What do you MEAN I can’t take you with me?! NO! PTS: No change...but I really loved your original design, so yay! END-SS: My dragon daddy! :) Best character EVER! And he feels so right as the one planning and leading everything.
Flayn FI: She’s small and green and kind of adorable! I sense an interesting dynamic at play! C1E: So...this explains her odd relationship with Seteth. But still, I must protect the bean! PTS: Well if Seteth didn’t change, I wouldn’t expect Flayn to either.  END-SS: Aw, cute! I really don’t get why people hate Flayn - she just wants everyone to get along!
Gilbert FI: Brooding...and bland C1E: alright, so regrets over abandonment and self flagellation... PTS: you couldn’t even add a few more gray strands? really? END-AS: Boring much?
Alois FI: Oh boy...hes going to be loud, huh? C1E: do I have to recruit him? how many more dumb jokes do you have?! PTS: yeah, same outfit....why do the older characters just get NO changes... END-AS: Well he’s still Alois..
Hannerman FI: a scholarly type huh? let's see if he's interesting. C1E: a word comes to mind: obsessed. yup, obsessed. PTS: a suit during war? really? really! END-?: So more crests basically....*sigh*
Manuela FI: I really hope her only quality isn't "i'm sexy" C1E: okay, so she's an ex diva struggling to find love who turns to alcohol...might be the most realistic character.... PTS: would she really be wearing this same outfit during a war? END-?: Is it wrong that I laughed here?
Blue Lions
Dimitri FI: Pretty boy prince character. I don’t really like you. And the haircut with the long bangs over your eyes drives me INSANE! C1E: Okay, so he’s a psychopath. no wonder I didn’t like him. PTS: uh...just no. also are you going to remain in this brooding i’m-angsty-but-a-murderer mood for the rest of the game? END-AS: I cannot bring myself to like Dimitri...I cannot. Jeez, it honestly feels like someone tried to ft a whole bunch of tropes into one cohesive character and failed massively.
Dedue FI: Okay, so you’re a foreigner and people hate your people and you’re used to it. The obsession over Dimitri is weirdly off-putting. C1E: eh....you really don’t have much of a personality do you? PTS: ...so you added scars and gave him armor...wow...also, you tried to fool us with the whole ‘he’s dead’ thing and yet HE HAS AN A RANK SUPPORT with Byleth that you cannot unlock pre-skip and Dedue is non recruit-able...so yeah, no. END-AS: Let’s face it, Dedue’s going to be doing Dimitri’s work every time Dimitri goes all angsty....I feel sorry for him
Ashe FI: Ah, he’s cute and shy and innocent and helpful. Why do I feel like they’re going to exploit this? C1E: ...poor kid, really. PTS: okay, so he looks better. kinda nice actually. END-AS: Eh....I feel like he has little personality now...
Sylvain FI: I...actually like him! I was expecting to not like him but hey, this might be my favorite BL dude! C1E: Okay, calling it now - favorite BL character unless something major changes, PTS: Well they could have done more, but it’s not terrible. END-AS: Okay, so he’s cool. I was right - this is my favorite BL dude!
Felix FI: Grumbly weapon boy. He’s got to have so major character development...please? C1E: Okay, so he’s an ignored child who’s got a dead brother. I can get it. PTS: Did they make his hair wilder? END-AS: Oh Felix. He’s alone now and I honestly think that might be for the best with him...
Mercedes FI: Her voice doesn’t seem to fit her character as well as some of the others. I do not understand her shirt. C1E: Um...she’s not really a standout. PTS: Okay, I liked the outfit: the hat, the veil, the dress. I’m ehhh....on the short hair... END-AS: Mercedes with confidence?! Okay, yes!
Annette FI: I kinda hate her and love her. Squeaky high pitched mage who’s also a walking disaster - she’s toeing the line. C1E: please no more singing....please. That maybe from before is leaning drastically towards the ‘hate’ PTS: wtf is this outfit? what’s with that blue tab thing on her butt?! END-AS: Please no more. Please no more....just take her away
Ingrid FI: A much better written female knight character! She reminds me a bit of Ferdinand...but better! C1E: she’s cool really. please don’t ruin her... PTS: Okay, outfit is a +. way to give her a nice looking knight outfit but feminine! END-AS: I like Ingrid, I like Ingrid a lot. Best BL girl.
Golden Deer
Claude FI: Okay, so he’s the “schemer/rogue” character eh? Let’s see if they do this well.. C1E: Okay, so he’s got some depth. Good for you. PTS: Oh no - why is the outfit slightly metallic looking? That bothers me sooo much. END-VW: Alright so he’s got big dreams...also why is he in the ending picturegram if Byleth is going to be king/queen?
Lorenz FI: What is with the hair....oh no.... C1E: I actually kind of like you...huh... PTS: OKAY, HOTNESS. BEST GD PTS MAKEOVER! Yes, yes, yes - please give me! END-VW: I like Lorenz’s character development arc!
Raphael FI: Big burly guy with muscles....okay. Bet they make him kinda dumb too... Will there be any character at all? C1E: It’s as I suspected... PTS: Okay well...it’s a change...but not too much. The outfit is weird. END-VW: And Raphael is still basically the same...
Ignatz FI: Uh....okay, so this is the house of the weird haircuts. What’s with his eye color? Nerd? C1E: Alright so he’s indecisive and troubled about choosing his path vs the path his parents want for him...okay PTS: Oh TFG the hair is fixed! At least his outfit has personality! END-VW: Yo do you, boy!
Lysithia FI: Okay she’s kinda cute. She’s spunky too! Why do I have the feeling there’s something awful hiding here? C1E: I’m intriqued. I want to know more. PTS:  Okay, nice outfit! Good design there. END-VW: POOR BABY!!! Someone save the girl!
Hilda FI: So, her thing is that she’s a spoiled brat? And lazy. Gotcha. C1E: I don’t know whether I hate her or I like her.... PTS: Um....what’s with the sleeves? All I can see is weird clown outfit... END-VW: So is Hilda this route’s advisor? Why did they use her and not Judith?!
Marianne FI: Aw...she’s so cute and shy and her hair is messy. Please don’t ruin her.. C1E: Okay so there is a reason she’s like this...give me more! PTS: Yes, a good design! She looks so much better! END-VW: I’m glad to see she slowly evolved. Good character.
Leonie FI: Is every conversation going to involve Jeralt? It is, isn’t it? *sigh* I might have found my least favorite character.... C1E: Can I not take her back PTS? Can we just forget she exists? PTS: Okay...so she’s dressing like Jeralt...nope. END-VW: And I don’t care. You’re the winner of my worst FE3H character Leonie!
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nevertobeships · 7 years
Second Chances
After meeting and falling in love with one another in Metropolis during Lex's trial two years ago, Supergirl and Lena must confront their feelings for one another now that they are back in the same city. Supergirl must let Lena meet her human side if they stand a chance of creating a successful relationship but is unsure if Kara Danvers is good enough for Lena. Read here on Ao3 or below.
This was created for and is dedicated to one of the most awesome people in the world, the real life Wonder Woman, and MY hero @saravvocata! I hope you have the best birthday ever <3
Also shout out, as always, to my write or die, @stennnn06 for the title since I suck at making them and reading this through before hand.
The steel in her hand feels warm and comfortable. She has prepared for this moment, not ever really knowing if it would come. And yet, here it is. Surprisingly her mind is clear, sharp and in focus. She takes a breath, everything moving in slow motion now, and pulls the trigger. She has practiced this over and over. The only difference is that her target has a beating heart this time. The two shots leave the barrel in quick succession and she finds it curious that she feels nothing. Not even fear.
The rebel collapses to his knees and then slumps to the ground with a hard thud. The FBI agent he had been about to execute spins, looking for her hero. When her eyes meet Lena’s they are filled with surprise and, to Lena’s pride, awe.
Before the agent can mutter a word of gratitude, a torrent of bullets whiz by them. A group of the once scattered rebels has collected themselves into a cohesive unit and are making their way across L-Corp’s front square. The agent quickly grabs Lena and pulls her down behind the concrete median just as mulch sprays from the flower bed there with the impact of the rounds.
“Give me that,” the agent demands, holding her hand out for the gun.
Lena is happy to give it over to someone of more skill. The agent rises up from their hiding spot cautiously and fires off three shots, each finding a different rebel that stops their pursuit. It is then, though, that they realize they are surrounded. The humanoid robot, the one released by the rebels that started this war zone in the middle of Lena’s press conference, advances towards them at an alarming pace.
The agent fires a bullet at it but the round ricochets off its exterior like a raindrop off a windshield.
“Fuck! Get behind me!” The agent doesn’t give Lena the chance to even comply with the demand. She grabs at her coat again and pulls her harshly towards her, wedging her between her vested body and the concrete of the median.
Lena hears a mechanical unlocking, the hiss of machinery coming to life, as the robot continues toward them. Peering over the agent’s shoulder she can see that it has engaged its weapon system. A row of small missiles has risen up from a compartment on its shoulder and they are aimed maliciously at them.
The agent spreads her arms, reaching back to try and shield Lena as much as possible. Lena knows it's in vain, though. Just one of those missiles will leave a crater the size of a car where they are hunkered down.
Lena hears more than she sees the missile launch from the robot. She digs her fingers into the agent’s bullet proof vest cursing herself for not being able to save her once again.
It is a flash of red and blue that saves them both. Supergirl snatches the missile out of the air, spins, and tosses it up into the sky. When it explodes it's only destruction is the shattering of a few windows in L-Corp’s building.
Lena can’t help the smile that spreads across her face, knowing they are safe now, as Supergirl immediately turns her attention to the robot. The force of her first punch knocks it off of its feet and the next sends it flying in the air. It hits the pavement two hundred yards away and does not move again.
The agent also visibly relaxes at the sight of Supergirl until a bullet from the still advancing rebels bounces off the shoulder of the hero. The agent’s arms go back, once more shielding Lena.
“I’ve got her! Go get them!” the agent shouts, with a jerk of her head back behind them. She pushes back into Lena, like she is trying to show that she indeed is ready to protect her.
Supergirl’s eyes meet Lena’s and Lena feels her heart race. Oh God, how she has missed those eyes. The hero shoots in the air, the sound of her take off echoing off the buildings around the square. Lena wiggles free of the agent’s grip and turns just in time to see Supergirl dive bomb the rebel group, leaving a sizable crater. Many rebels are thrown back, scattering in every direction from the hero’s impact on the ground.
Lena can’t help but be in awe of the way Supergirl fights. It is like a coordinated dance that her opponents just can’t seem to figure out the steps to. She uses her fists and her cape, blocking some while attacking others. The crackle of ice rings through the air as she freezes two rebels at their feet, effectively halting their attack. Another rebel, this one stupid enough to keep firing bullets that merely bounce off the red and blue suit, gets the heat vision treatment. He yelps in pain as the gun in his hand is heated to the point of exploding.
In no time at all Supergirl has immobilized the entire unit of rebels and the square falls silent save for the crackling of the small fires here and there. The square is completely destroyed and so too are many of the buildings in the vicinity.
Lena and the agent stand from their hiding spot, Lena’s eyes never leaving the hero. But when a look of shock and raw fear fills Supergirl’s face she can’t help but turn to see what has distracted Supergirl’s attention.
The robot has returned and stepped up to their hiding spot. The agent reflexively fires another useless bullet and then makes to kick the machine. The robot is too fast, however, and backhands the agent, sending her flying several feet away. Lena tries to make a run for it but the robot is already in motion after her. She feels its hand wrap around her throat. The pressure is just enough to cut off her air. As she is lifted from the ground, she tries desperately to force it to release her, kicking and clawing at the robot’s exterior to no avail.
Supergirl suddenly appears behind the robot. She wraps her arms around its neck in a futile attempt to distract it. But every move she makes causes the robot to continue tightening its fingers around Lena’s neck.
“Lena...” There is doubt in Supergirl’s eyes. And stark terror. In a morbid way, as the blackness creeps into Lena’s own vision and she feels herself slipping, she is happy that it is those blue eyes that are the last thing she is seeing.
And then, there is pain all over her body. Her back slams down onto the concrete median. As air is reintroduced to her lungs, she gasps and her eyes fly open. The robot is above her still but does not move toward her again. She rolls to the side, out of the robot’s space.
The sight before her is terrifying. Supergirl’s heat vision is pointed at the base of the robot’s skull. Its thick exterior is resistant at first but is failing quickly. Supergirl’s face is contorted in great effort and a piercing scream breaks from her mouth as her shaking body pushes forward, trying to increase the heat that is spilling from her eyes. The robot twitches once, twice, and then explodes. The pieces rain down across the square as Supergirl slumps to her knees, the orange of her heat vision slow to leave her eyes.
Lena rushes to her side. “Supergirl?!”
Supergirl reaches up and traces the red imprints of the robot’s fingers on Lena’s pale skin. “You’re hurt.”
“I promise, I’m okay.” Lena’s voice is scratchy but she she clears her throat and gives a reassuring smile as she pulls Supergirl’s hand from her neck.
The FBI agent makes her way to them. Lena notes the white bandage that she has wrapped around her forearm and the deep cut across her cheek. “Are you guys alright?”
“We’re fine.” Supergirl reports. She is still on her knees and her chest is heaving with the effort to keep herself up. “Are you okay?”
The agent nods in response. “Intel says that another wave of rebels has landed a block away and is making their way over. We’re evacuating the southern half of downtown National City. You both should go.”
“I can’t leave you,” Supergirl insists.
“You’re gonna have to. My backup is almost here.”
The agent pulls two clips for the pistol off one of the dead rebels’ body and tucks them into her vest. And that is when they hear the rumbling of large vehicles. Gunshots echo off the buildings and screams erupt from somewhere beyond the square.
“Do you have enough strength to get her out of here?” the agent asks Supergirl. She does a slow three hundred and sixty degree turn, the pistol at the ready.
Supergirl gathers her resolve and stands tenderly, giving a curt nod to the agent. “Alex, be safe.”
“Always,” the agent smiles and claps her hand on Supergirl’s shoulder. She turns to Lena next, “Please take care of her.”
“I will,” Lena promises.
Lena feels Supergirl’s hand at the small of her back. She looks up into the hero’s face as she turns, and then wraps her arms around her neck. This isn't the first time they've been in this position. Supergirl bends slightly, lifting Lena as she tucks one arm underneath her legs, letting the other cradle her back. Unlike the previous times, though, there is some shakiness in the movement.
“Are you sure about this?” Lena whispers softly. She doesn’t mean it as a sign of doubt but of worry for Supergirl’s well-being.
“I need to at least get you away from the square. I can do that much, I promise.”
Lena nods her acceptance and tucks her head beneath Supergirl’s chin as she feels them leave the ground. The square quickly disappears and Lena waits for them to land on one of the buildings that are slowly shrinking beneath them but Supergirl seems determined to get her even further away. Lena can’t help but stare at the hero’s face. Her lips are tight and her face is straining. Her grip around her is too tight almost like she doesn’t trust herself holding Lena.
“My apartment is not too much further,” Lena shouts over the air that is rushing past them. “It’s over...”
Supergirl adjusts their course not needing Lena’s instructions for the location of the apartment.
Lena gasps when they hit the concrete of the apartment balcony at too high of a speed. Supergirl falls instantly to her knees, grunting at their impact. Lena nearly slips from her arms but Supergirl is quick to pull her tight, steadying them both, before gently laying her on the balcony floor. Lena notes that it takes a great deal of effort for Supergirl to do so and is appreciative for the gentleness but still worried from this deviation from their normal landings. She quickly crawls to her knees and takes Supergirl by her shoulders. Her eyes sweep over her, noting the paleness of her skin and the fatigue in her blue eyes.
“Supergirl! Are you alright?”
A small smiled tugs at Supergirl’s lips before a harsh grimace takes its place. She falls forward and lets her head rest in the soft curve between Lena’s neck and shoulder. “I think I’m supposed to be the one asking you that. You're the one who was just attacked.”
“Yes, but you are the one who had to fight them off.” Lena goes to wrap her arms around her but at the last second thinks better of it. They have a complicated past and the rules of affection are not something she is sure of because of everything that has happened between them. Her instincts and her heart, though, scream to take the hero into her arms.
Supergirl seems to either know these rules and thinks this is an appropriate situation for it or else has decided to throw the rule book out as she turns her face and presses it into Lena’s neck. She takes a deep breath and lets more of her body’s weight rest against Lena who can't help but to now slide her arms underneath the cape and pull the hero close.
“You seemed to handle that pistol pretty well on your own.” Supergirl murmurs against Lena’s skin.
It doesn’t feel like an accusation but Lena wonders if that is what is meant by the statement. Her knees start to ache against the cool concrete. For a moment, she is afraid that the new steadiness of Supergirl’s breathing is a result of the hero falling asleep on her. But Supergirl must have sensed how uncomfortable Lena was because she pulls back and rests on her own legs.
“Let’s get you inside,” Lena says. She wobbles as she moves to her feet, her human body finally registering everything she has just been through.
Supergirl takes a deep breath before she moves to rise as well. She happily takes Lena’s outstretched hands for assistance. Once on her feet, she drapes an arm around Lena’s shoulders and lets Lena take some of her weight. Lena maneuvers them to the balcony door much like she's helping some with a sprained ankle. She praises their luck that the balcony door is unlocked as she slides it open and leads the hero inside.  
“I owe you a thank you,” Supergirl whispers as they amble into the living room. She releases Lena and tries to take a step on her own but falters.
Lena holds her arms out just waiting to grab Supergirl if she topples, much like a parent to a wobbly toddler. “For?”
“Is it okay if I sit?” Supergirl asks but she is already slumping down onto the couch as the words breach the air. She lays her head against the back of the couch as she sinks down into the plush cushions. Her eyes close and she issues an open mouth exhale that seems to relax her somewhat. “A thank you for saving Alex,” she continues.
“The FBI agent?”
Supergirl hums in response. “I really appreciate what you did. Losing her would have been...” She pushes another breath out as if the thought is too much in of itself.
“Well she saved me as well so I guess we’re even.”
Supergirl’s lips turn up in a smile even though her eyes remain closed. “She won't see it as even, trust me.”
Lena doesn't know what is meant by that but her worry for the hero who is clearly not herself outweighs her curiosity. “Can I get you anything?”
“Maybe a glass of water?”
Lena returns a moment later with the glass. Her concern only deepens as Supergirl’s hand shakes when she takes it from her.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Is there someone I should call?”
“Alex knows where to find me. They are going to be a while, though. I have to lay low for a bit until they can come get me.”
“Because your powers are gone?”
Supergirl finally opens her eyes and bites her lip as she evaluates Lena’s worried face. “That’s hard to admit to you but yes because my powers are depleted. I don't think I solar flared though...”
She purses her lips and blows at the glass which frosts up.
“Solar flared?” Lena sits on the cushion next to Supergirl. “Because you get your power from the sun? That's clever.”
Supergirl smiles again. “Don't ever tell my cousin that. He's too proud of himself for coming up with that name as it is.”
“Why is it hard to admit it to me then if this is not an unusual experience for you and your cousin?”
Supergirl’s face is instantly serious. “I don't like you seeing me weak.”
“Because I am a Luthor and you are a Super?”
“You may have the Luthor name but you are nothing like your brother. I told you that back in Metropolis.”
“Do you look back on those weeks as fondly as I do?” Lena looks down at her hands and fidgets with them nervously. This is the first time they’ve been truly alone since their last night together in Metropolis nearly two years ago. Supergirl has saved her four times in the last six months, since Lena’s move to National City, but this is the first time they’ve ever been together in the aftermath.
“I do, despite the fact that I was there for a very serious reason. And that I was really nervous too.”
“Why were you nervous?”
Supergirl thinks for a moment on her answer. “It was my first important mission as Supergirl and the first time working with my cousin. I didn’t want to mess it up. And then when I met you and we...” We fell in love, Lena wants to interject, “...yeah it became especially important.”
“I’d hardly call babysitting me an important mission.”
“I do. It is one of if not the most important things I’ve ever done as Supergirl. You gave up your brother. You provided the key testimony that allowed us to put him away forever. Do you not know how many lives you have saved by doing that?”
Lena’s face colors at that statement.“But here you are again, saving my life.”
“I think we’ve already established that you are the real hero of today. And the babysitter now too.”
Lena can't help but laugh at the role reversal. “Yes, but your life is far more important than mine.”
“The last time we were together and you were being hard on yourself it took me kissing you to make you stop. Seeing as I am indisposed at the moment you’re just going to have to take my words at their value: you are good, you are important, and you deserve happiness, Lena.”
This time the flush that takes to Lena’s skin burns with the brightness of a thousand suns. “Do you ever think about that kiss?” she asks softly as she lays her own head back against the couch, mimicking Supergirl’s position.
“Me too.” Every night, every day, every hour for the last two years, Lena wants to say.
Silence falls over them, each lost in their thoughts of their time together two years ago.
“Can I ask you something?” Lena whispers uncertainly. She doesn’t know if she should breach the topic that is on her mind but her curiosity is getting the better of her. Now that they are alone, finally, she just can’t help herself.
“Of course.” Supergirl turns her head and watches her intently.
“That night you left to come back to National City and I asked you what was next for...for us...” she falters, her words sticking in her throat, “you said that you hoped someday a part of you would deserve all of me. What did you mean by that?”
‘Lena, you just don’t understand!’ Supergirl throws the last of her belongings into the duffle bag and zips it with too much force. She looks around the apartment that has been their hideout for the last five weeks throughout the duration of Lex’s trial.
‘Then make me understand!’ Lena is standing in the middle of the living room, arms wrapped around herself like she’s afraid she may fall apart. The tears that are streaming down her face make her cheeks seem so much more pale than usual. ‘You can’t keep denying that you have feelings for me too!’
Supergirls spins, her voice is gruff like her throat has been scrubbed with salt. Her own tears are coming now. ‘I do! I love you! Is that what you want to hear? That I want to spend every moment of every day with you? That you make me feel more alive than anything? That these last few weeks have been some of the scariest but best weeks of my life? What do you want from me?!’
‘I want to be with you! Why can’t we be together?’
‘Because I’m not...I’m not free, Lena. I can’t–’ She takes Lena’s face into her hands and presses their heads together. ‘I can’t be with you as me, as this,’ She gestures to the symbol proudly displayed across her chest. ‘It’s not safe.’
Lena presses her lips forward, leaving soft kisses over every inch of the hero’s face that she can reach. ‘I don’t care about any of that.’
‘But I do.’
Lena feels her stomach drop, her heart clenches with the most searing pain.
‘I care, Lena. If not being with you is what keeps you safe then that is the price I am willing to pay.’
‘But I love you.’ It sounds so weak and pathetic in Lena’s ears but she knows it's the truth. It’s the first time she’s ever said those words to anyone and truly meant them.
‘Lena, I–’ An insistent pounding at the front door stops Supergirl’s words. ‘I have to go now.’ She releases Lena and grabs the duffle bag. With one more sweep of the apartment she turns and makes her way to the door.
Supergirl can’t help but stop her feet. With one hand on the doorknob, she freezes. She knows if she turns around, if she takes one more look into those green eyes that she’s come to love, that there will be no stopping herself. ‘I hope that one day I can create a part of me that will deserve all of you. But I’m not that person right now and I don’t expect you to wait for me to become them.’ She doesn’t wait for a response as she slams the door behind her.
With thirty floors between them and the sounds of the bustling street as she climbs into the back of the DEO vehicle, she can still hear Lena’s sobs over it all. As a tear finally breaks free and falls down her own cheek, she wonders if she’ll ever feel whole again.
Supergirl is silent in the face of that question.
“We don’t have to talk about this,” Lena says as she pushes herself off the couch.
“We need to, though. If you’re going to be here in National City permanently then we should.” Supergirl clears her throat and starts. “I’ve spent nearly all of my life here on Earth as a part of a governmental organization – the men in black if you will...”
Lena can’t help the small twitch of a smile at the continuation of their nickname that they had developed during their time in Metropolis. She feels like they are on the edge of something more, like she is finally going to get the answers to the questions that have plagued her the last two years, and her heart skips at every word.
“...because I struggled to adapt to human life. My adoptive parents, who both work for the organization, thought it best to raise me as a member of their employer because I wasn’t convincing as a human. That is how and why I became Supergirl. Unlike my cousin, who was raised in human traditions and has a dual life as a hero and human, I perfected the hero path and stopped trying to integrate myself into the outside human world. Until I met you.”
Lena’s head snaps up at those words. “Me?”
“You gave me a different sense of purpose. You had so much confidence in me back in Metropolis. You told me I could do anything. No one has ever believed in me like that.”
“Well, it’s true. You are brilliant and compassionate. You would make the perfect human if you just tried again,” Lena insists as she remembers their talks late into the nights spent in that hideaway apartment during the trial. She remembers the passion in Supergirl’s voice about how she loved helping people and how she wanted to protect this planet so much because she couldn’t save her own.
“Leaving you that night nearly killed me.” Supergirl’s voice cracks with raw emotion, as if she is reliving that past too. “But Supergirl can never be with Lena Luthor. And it’s not because of the Super/Luthor thing,” she quickly adds before Lena can argue with her on that point. “Supergirl can’t be with anyone. If any of my enemies or my cousin’s enemies found out about you and our relationship then they could use you against me and I can’t live with that weighing on my conscience.”
Lena returns to the couch and curls herself up against the hero. It’s been two long years of heartbreak and loneliness. And she suddenly realizes that it was felt by both of them. Supergirl didn’t leave her because she was a Luthor or because their love wouldn’t be enough. No, she left her because she loved her too much.
Supergirl lays her head gently against the side of Lena’s and intertwines their fingers. “I’ve been trying to establish a human identity for myself, one that would be worthy of Lena Luthor’s love. That way Supergirl can protect you but she can love you and build a life with you.”
“Why do you keep saying that? Deserve? Be worthy? Why do you act like I am something special?
“Because you are special to me! And because you are a powerful woman. Whether you like it or not you are constantly under scrutiny at every turn–”
“Oh, I hadn’t noticed,” Lena interjects sarcastically.
“Whoever you date will be too,” Supergirl says, ignoring Lena’s jab. “You know, it’s not that easy establishing a human identity anymore. The paperwork is easy, sure, but I have to make sure that that identity has a real life so no one gets suspicious. We’d have to take this slow if this was something we wanted to pursue.”
“It is. I still want this. I still want you.” Lena turns her head and runs her nose along Supergirl’s jaw before placing a kiss on her temple.
“Even after I left you? After everything that’s happened? I told you not to wait for me...”
“Yes. And I’d wait for you forever if I had to. I wish you had called me at some point and told me all of this sooner but I’m not angry. I still love you.”
Supergirl’s phone interrupts Lena’s confession. Lena watches the blonde’s face during the whole thing. The conversation doesn’t last long but is enough to pull them both out of the moment they were having.
“I hope you don’t mind if I crash here for the night,” Supergirl says as she hangs up. “It looks like things are a lot more serious than originally thought.”
“Of course not. Stay as long as you like.” Lena reaches for the remote and turns on the television. The news is showing the devastation around L-Corp’s building. “Are we safe here?”
“We don’t think they were explicitly after you. It was a public event in a large city. It was somewhere where they could gain the most attention. I fear it’s going to be happening a lot more now with the Supreme Court’s ruling on alien rights.” Supergirl sighs, the exhaustion of today and of the things that have yet to come seem to be weighing her spirits down. “And the ruling is even more reason for you not to be seen with Supergirl too often.”
“You should get some rest. I shouldn’t have brought any of this up with you tonight. I’m sorry.” Lena stands again from the couch and starts to clean up the already pristine living room. “Go sleep in my bed. It’ll be more comfortable for you.”
Supergirl unzips her boots and places them next to the coffee table. Her cape is a more difficult task for her in her exhaustion but she at last gets it off and drapes it over the couch. She picks up her phone and walks, more steadily now, to Lena’s bedroom. But at the door she turns. “Lena?”
Lena stops on her way to the kitchen to put Supergirl’s glass of water away and turns at the sound of her name.
“Will you stay with me?” Her hand is outstretched and Lena can’t help but give into the request.
They each take a side of the bed, pulling down the covers. Supergirl is quick to rid the bed of the decorative pillows and climbs in with a satisfying hum. Lena briefly leaves to shower and complete her pre-bedtime rituals. When she returns to the bedroom, she half expects to find the hero sleeping but instead meets two waiting eyes.
The moment she lays down on the bed, Supergirl’s arms are instantly around her, pulling her close. Lena can’t help but moan as their bodies make contact.
“I still love you too. Is that okay?” Supergirl whispers.
“Yes, yes, God, yes.” She throws her leg over Supergirl, trying to bring her in even closer. She bends her head into Supergirl’s hand that has snuck up into her dark wet hair, freeing it from the loose bun she had it in. It reminds her of their first embrace in Metropolis.
Supergirl ghosts her lips over Lena’s but does not kiss her. Instead she nudges Lena’s chin with her lips and begins to place soft kisses on the bruises that are starting to form on her neck.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get to you in time,” she whispers, punctuating each word with a kiss.
“You saved me, that is all that matters.”
“I’m sorry for the last two years.”
“It’s okay now,” Lena promises.
Supergirl kisses her neck again, and pulls her in tighter, and somehow closer. She whispers Lena’s name over and over, in between kisses, as her hand caress Lena’s back and neck.
And Lena finally feels at home.
Supergirl is squirming but it is slowly turning into thrashing. Lena looks at the clock, noting they have slept longer than she expected. But she rolls over, alarmed when she hears her name fall from Supergirl’s lips.
“Shhhh. It’s okay.” Her fingers slide into Supergirl’s blonde locks at her temple and lightly scratch at her scalp. Supergirl’s body instantly stills and then relaxes. “I’m right here.”
“Lena?” Her voice is low and rough with confusion. Her eyes slowly blink open at the sound of Lena’s voice.
“I’m here,” Lena promises. “See I’m right here.” She picks up Supergirl’s hand and starts to place gently kisses to the back of it as her other hand continues to glide through the hero’s blonde locks.
Supergirl smiles in relief at the sight of Lena. “I still have dreams that I failed to protect you during the trial.”
“But you did. I’m here and I’m safe.”
Supergirl scoffs and sits up. “I think you are forgetting yesterday.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “That attack? That was nothing in the life of a Luthor, you should know this by now.” She gets off the bed and makes her way toward the bathroom. “Would you like to change into some regular clothes?” The question has left her mouth before she even registers that she has never seen Supergirl in regular clothing before.  
“I actually am going to be leaving soon.” Supergirl too rises from the bed though much more slowly than Lena. “Alex texted me that they’ll be here within the hour.”
Lena nods but can't help her disappointment. “So your sister is also a part of the men in black like your parents?”
Supergirl laughs. Really laughs. And God, how Lena has missed that sound.
“Yeah, she’s the best of the men in black,” she says, a bright smile across her face. Her eyes are more lively this morning and despite her achy movements she seems more like herself. “How did you know Alex was my sister?”
“You mentioned your sister a lot back in Metropolis and sometimes when you talk in your sleep you say her name. And then after yesterday, when you were so relieved that she was okay...you saying that your family is a part of the government...I just put two and two together.”
“Right. Alex has always joked that if I ever get kidnapped and they hold me over night that they’ll have all of our secrets because of me talking in my sleep.”
“You’re not that bad,” Lena assures her. “Do you have time for breakfast at least?”
“I always have time for food.”
This time it is Lena who laughs. “Yes, I do recall that you had quite the appetite back during the trial.”
A half an hour later, Lena sits a plate with an omelette and toast in front of Supergirl who has tenderly climbed up into one of the bar stools. She then picks up her own coffee cup in both hands, relishing in the warmth it provides as she takes a sip and watches Supergirl’s eyes flutter shut as she savors her first bite. A deep moan escapes from Supergirl’s mouth and fills the silent kitchen.
“Lena, this is...” She doesn't finish the sentence and instead opts for another bite.
“Would you like another one?” Lena asks, seeing that Supergirl has devoured the omelette in three bites.
An enthusiastic nod is all she gets in response.
“If I knew you could cook like this, I’d be over here every morning,” Supergirl says, a sheepish grin plastered across her face as Lena slides another omelette on to her plate. She slows her pace on this one, making sure to give Lena a compliment at every bite. “And I definitely would have made you cook while we were in Metropolis rather than have the FBI’s bland catering.”
“Would you like to?” Lena asks as she pours Supergirl’s coffee into a thermos. She places it next to the folded red cape at the corner of the bar knowing that the hero will be leaving at any time. Suddenly a dread, like post-holiday depression after Christmas night washes over her. Would this be a one time thing? Would they go back to no communication and pretending like they don’t know one another? Or did they make enough progress last night to finally start something real?
“Would I like to what?” Supergirl asks in confusion as she takes her plate to the sink.
“Come over for breakfast. Am I allowed to feed Supergirl again? Or maybe I could meet your human self and feed her?” Lena can feel the weight of the questions press down on them. And she welcomes it because she means it and everything, all the implications, all the meaning between the lines, that comes with it. But panic and doubt begin to register in her heart, and she wonders if she’ll like the answer she’ll receive. Please say yes. Please don’t leave me again. Don’t tease me with the life I want with you.
Lena beams. “Does your human side like omelettes?”
“My human side likes everything except for leafy greens.”
There is a knock at the front door and Supergirl throws the cape over her shoulder and picks up her boots and the thermos full of coffee.
“So...” Lena starts as she escorts Supergirl through the living room.
Supergirl leans down and kisses her lips softly before opening the door. “Give me some time to get some things in order. But I promise I’ll be back.”
Lena can’t help but sigh in relief as she watches Supergirl enter the elevator with a mob of agents dressed in black knowing that maybe, just maybe, things were going to be okay for them now.
Lena is working at her desk, overwhelmed by the tasks that need her attention. She had kept L-Corp open for business in the wake of the attack as a means of showing that neither she nor her company could be affected by the rebels and their anti-alien cause. And she is thankful that she has done so because it has kept her busy and her mind somewhat off Supergirl. It has been two days of silence and that fear of the last two years is dancing in the peripheral of her mind.
A light tapping draws her attention away from her computer screen. She turns in her chair and sees Supergirl standing on the balcony, Lena’s coffee thermos in one hand and a bag in the other. Lena can’t help the wide smile that breaks free as she stands and gestures for the hero to enter her office. Her heart feels like it might combust at the sight.
“It’s good to see you back in the air, Supergirl.”
“Thanks. Feels good to fly again. And I see L-Corp is still trucking on...”
Lena hums in agreement, too busy taking in the sight of the woman she loves. “What can I do for National City’s hero?”
“I came to return your thermos,” she holds it out for Lena to take, “and to see how you are doing. It looks like the bruises on your neck are healing.”
Lena absentmindedly strokes her neck, forgetting that only two days ago she was attacked. Thoughts of holding Supergirl close in the night and breakfast laughs are all that have been on her mind.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
Supergirl reaches out and places her hands on Lena’s hips and pulls her in closer. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said the other night and if you are still serious about trying...starting…” she gives an uneasy laugh, “whatever this is after a couple days of thought then we really need to talk. You’re going to have to go through government training and sign a lot of paperwork.”
Lena pushes herself up into the hero and kisses her. It is brief but winds them both completely. “Yes, I still want this. I still want you. And I agree, we need to talk about this,” Lena says breathlessly. “I have an appointment with a reporter soon though. Could we maybe have dinner tonight?”
“Are you cooking?” Supergirl asks as her eyebrows shoot upward in hope.
Lena laughs at the playfulness. She’s missed it desperately. “Does my answer change things for you?”
“Not really. I just like to know what I get to look forward to is all.” Supergirl pulls her in for another kiss.
“Will I be having Supergirl over for dinner or your human side?”
Supergirl’s brow furrows as she contemplates Lena’s question. “You’re sure you want this relationship?”
“Yes. A million times yes.”
“Then I suppose you can meet my human side,” Supergirl relinquishes. “Do you mind if I splash my face in your bathroom before I go?”
Lena looks down at her watch. “My interview isn’t for another ten minutes so please feel free.”
Supergirl kisses her once more and grabs the bag she brought with her off the floor.
“You know, you could stay and say hello if you wanted,” Lena says at Supergirl’s retreating back that is entering the bathroom. She hears the sink come on through the door that Supergirl has left ajar. “The interview is with Kara Danvers. I know that you two know each other.”
“Oh yeah? What’s your interview about?”
“Um...” Lena sits down at her desk and pulls up the calendar on her computer, “...I’m not sure actually. Jess didn’t note it here in the appointment book. It just says interview.” She begins shifting through the obscene amount of post-it notes stuck everywhere on her desk. “Here it is,” she says, plucking the right post-it note off of one of her legal pads. “It’s about–”
“L-Corp’s development of a quantum memory device.”
Lena laughs. “How did you know–” Her laughter cuts off immediately when Kara Danvers steps out of her bathroom, a red cape tossed over her shoulder as she balls Supergirl’s uniform up and stuffs it into the bag. Lena slowly rises out of her chair, her mouth hanging open as she watches the blonde reporter pull out a pair of glasses and a notebook from the bag.
Kara slowly slips the glasses on to her face and raises her eyes to finally meet Lena’s. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m a few minutes early, Ms. Luthor.”
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