#you going to a different city full of art culture music life that is also YOUR CLOSE FRIEND'S HOMETOWN who you've heard express how much it
fulane-de-tal · 1 year
white people are literally so batshit insane bonkers how are you saying these things genuinely where is the though you've lived here your WHOLE life how have you never heard of one of the most important locations in the city...
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castorfell · 9 months
Mount Rageous Worldbuilding Headcanons
Thoughts, interpretations and a lil analysis of the culture and lifestyle of rubber noodle people based off of what we saw in the movie and some behind the scenes stuff
Lmk if anything doesn't make sense!
It's been stated before in an interview that all the inhabitants of Mount Rageous are teenagers, but Velvet & Veneer's convo and flashback confirm that there exists full grown adults with paying jobs and also child Rageons who need to live under said adult's care until they become teens. That scene also states that suburbs are a thing which I assume is just like a regular neighbourhood type area, most likely not as flashy as the main of Mount Rageous
Since Mount Rageous is a floating city, it's suburbs are under it on the ground
I like to think that the water from the yacht riverways on Mount Rageous eventually fall from the sky and becomes rain for the suburbs
Mount Rageous' entire shtick is that it's a big teenage hangout. It's run by teens for teens. It's structure is mainly based on entertainment
Mount Rageous have different districts that focus on different types of entertainers like how the troll tribes are seperated by music genres. The areas of Mount Rageous we see in the movie is in a district dedicated to Singers. The other districts are Streamers, Actors, Comedians, etc with their own set of subclasses. Basically anything that appears on a screen for entertainment purposes is someone's teen career on Mount Rageous
Of course there are also jobs on Mount Rageous that have to actually keep the place running. Like bouncers, security guards and cops such as we've seen in the movie. Normal day-to-day jobs like barista or fast food worker are still a thing, they just don't procure you fame
Rageons have a lifestyle structure based on the concept of 15 minutes of fame. They're raised from birth as regular, boring nobody children, reach their teenage years and set off to Mount Rageous to either party their youth away or try to achieve fame of some sort, then go back to the suburbs to begin their life as a boring nobody adult. Not all Rageons care to be famous superstars, instead just focusing on having fun and making friends
Life as an entertainer on Mount Rageous is brutal and harsh, such is the life for anything related to performing arts. You need to have what it takes to make it and to stay making it. But if you've got talent, you'll probably make top 100 at some point
Achieving ultimate stardom (the Life-Award that V&V were on their way to accept) on Mount Rageous means that they basically get to be solidified in Mount Rageous history forever. EVERYONE will know you. It's FAME! It lets you live forever (metaphorically). It also guarantees a cushiony adult life where you don't have to work as a dentist
Since trolls bleed pink I like to think that Rageons bleed purple. Fun blood colours! Homestucks DNI /nsrs
Rageons have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. Pizza before school and cereal after. V&V's dad asked about school while they were eating cereal bc it was dinner time
Rageons don't have the same hair powers that trolls do but I like to think that it's still manipulatable in some ways seeing as how Veneer apparently grew longer hair for his mullet in the final act of the movie
Das all I can think of for now I don't like how much I've thought abt this
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jeannereames · 4 months
While reading stories of Alexander & his friends, it often feels like they could very well be today's youths. Is it because the authors present Alexander's world in a way relatable to the modern reader? Or there are things about youth common in all eras, like teenage crisis, romance, dreams, bold & adventurous spirit? And if I'm not wrong, you mention at one place that you don't "heroize" Alexander. That's interesting, since he's often worshipped a mythical hero. Why did you move away from that?
Alexander and the boys
This query was really two, or at least I want to separate them into two, so I’ll address the matter of heroizing Alexander in a different post.
The reason teen Alexander feels familiar owes to the simple fact biology makes certain aspects of adolescence universal. That said, while all human beings go through (suffer?) adolescence, whether it’s recognized as a “stage of life” depends on place and era. Does X culture have an adolescent moratorium, or time period between childhood and adulthood when teens are not (yet) saddled with the full responsibilities of adulthood?
Ancient Greece did, at least for some classes; they even had a specialized term: ephebe/έφηβος. Later, it came to signify a specific military class for training (18-20), but originally, it just meant a teenage boy, although the start age was imagined as later, more like 15+. Up to that, the generic pais (child) was more common. Ephebe has the implication of “starting to look like a man.”
Of more import, they invented what’s become the Western pedagogical system. The word pedagogy is GREEK: pais (child) agōgē (guiding/training): a paidagōgos was a nanny, but also a method of teaching children. The specific Spartan schooling system is referred to as the Agōgē, but the word has a generic meaning too. All of that is related to the Greek word for “work” (agōn) but also “to lead” (egōn).
There’s your Greek lesson for the day.
The Greeks had a pretty firm idea of the proper way to train up boys* and shape young minds. By the Classical era, and arguably the late Archaic, city Greeks were sending boys between the ages of 7 and 12 to school. These were private, so parents paid for the privilege of getting junior out of the house so somebody else could run herd on him. Mom and Dad had work to do. What were boys taught? The Three Rs (reading, writing, and ‘rithmatic) but also phys-ed (PE) and music. Again, the basics of a proper European primary-school education.
At 12, most boys returned home to take up their father’s occupation. So these were not all wealthy boys. Some were what we’d call middle class, but their families had enough money to invest in their education, and then, as now, the pricier the tuition, the better the teachers. But most stopped on the cusp of adolescence and went to work; they had no adolescent moratorium.
Only the wealthiest boys could afford to go on to what amounted to secondary education: lessons with a philosopher in order to prep them for their future careers as politicians, generals, and city leaders. What they learned now were rhetoric, eristics (art of argument), some literature, laws, theory on government, etc.
This higher-level tutoring is what Aristotle was hired for. Alexander (and friends) had already had the basics. A “philosophic education” had been around for over a century by the time Philip called Aristotle to Pella, although it wasn’t as set in form as it would become by the Hellenistic and Roman eras. In some of his more famous works, such as the Politics, Aristotle talks about the importance of education in the formation of a state: specifically in Book 7.18, and most of Book 8. He gets very specific in Book 8. He puts forward a number of common ideas the ancients had about the nature of the child. Most believed character was unchanging, so education would work to curb a person’s vices and elevate their virtues.
The Greeks, btw, did not invent schools themselves. Egyptians and Mesopotamians both had schools for children before the Greeks did. Greeks got the idea from them. But they did create their own notion of what school should include, which is what they passed down to the Romans, then to Europe, and finally, to most school systems in the West.
Anyway, when a culture introduces the adolescent moratorium, it frees up teenagers to, well, do “stupid teen shit.” Schools provide an environment where they create their own society with their own rules. In cultures where they begin adult jobs at 12/13 (or even sooner), they’re integrated and don’t have the chance to create these little sub-societies that percolate with all the drama of wildly pumping hormones.
So, a society that creates an environment where groups of teens regularly congregate in disproportionate numbers to either adults or children, like secondary school, squire/military, maid, or scribal training--or the Macedonian Pages Corps--will feel familiar to modern societies that have high schools.
Put a bunch of teens together, suffering through adolescence, and it’ll produce similar results anywhere, any time.
*Girls were obviously not included in misogynistic Greece.
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How do you explain Neon and Flynt being the way they are all the while coming from Atlas Academy?
I think I touched upon it a bit in the Weiss short I wrote years ago, but to put it bluntly, my take on Atlas Academy is a lot more Starship Troopers in structure.
There's still a class divide in Atlas - in more than one way.
While my version of Atlas isn't a flying city, it still towers upon Mantle - a city fortress etched into Mt. Atlas - the tallest mountain on Remnant.
Mantle, by now, houses the working class running its factories, immigrants, and the less wealthy people who weren't involved in the foundation of Atlas as a city. Mantle simmers in pollution and neglect as the people in Atlas view it as a reminder of the Kingdom's less-than-savory past during the Great War.
Within Atlas itself, life is more luxurious and pretty similar to, let's say, in Vale where one's wealth and power determine one's status. Arts, music, dancing - the cultural expression is treated as primary right of a citizen (let alone the rich and powerful). Kingdom of Atlas prides itself in how advanced, culturally and technologically, the place is - as seen by Weiss being a singer (and in my version her grandfather's hobby was painting).
One way to get access to live in Atlas is military service - especially becoming a Huntsman - the lucky ones who get into the Atlas Academy, no matter whether they are from Mantle or Atlas, get to move to the academy's dormitories within Atlas and, as they finish training, get to live within Atlas as soldiers and huntsmen, gaining full rights of a citizen. Some use this as a chance to change their names to escape their pasts.
While not every soldier in Atlas is a Huntsman, every Huntsman is considered a soldier, which results in a kind of contradictory situation there - the Huntsmen are expected to be more uniform when they serve as soldiers but are also allowed the freedom to do whatever they want as Huntsmen, as long as it's within the laws of the Kingdom.
Neon and Flynt worked their way up this way, having had quite a hard time achieving it for different reasons.
They belong to the kind of student group that sees the hypocrisy within the Kingdom and would like to change the status quo, being uncomfortable with class divide and the militarism, but don't want to lose the privilege being a Huntsman provides. They see only one way to challenge the more rigid structure and the power people like SDC hold over the Kingdom - being as expressive and individualistic as the rules allow them, essentially challenging the more rigid military structure without breaking the rules.
Especially since the current head of SDC is notably known for his dislike of arts and music - Jacques views art as pointless and only sees use in Weiss popularity as a singer because it works as a tool to expand Schnee influence. Weiss going all-in on being a singer was also the only way to oppose her father's influence over her - in a way unintentionally representing on the micro level what art means to the current generation of citizens on the macro level.
Now, mind you, while the division is there and Kingdom of Atlas veers deeply into pretty problematic militarism, it isn't an autocracy - for the majority of the population, including the soldiers and the government, the rules are still rules - the governing structures shackled by the rules they have defined.
The Kingdom of Atlas follows the law to a fault, no matter what. The kinds of policies the Kingdom of Mantle enacted before and during the Great War are considered an antithesis to the modern world. The governing body is obsessed with never allowing history to repeat itself, so nobody has the unchecked power to break the rules.
It's reflected in the way Ironwood holds himself during the first three Volumes, for example (the way he handles Ozpin or the way he understands that Yang might have been framed but still follows through with upholding the rules).
So Neon or Flynt embracing a more artistic and free identity works as a challenge for what is "expected" of the Kingdom and its soldiers. It's actually a pretty popular idea within the Academy itself.
Not to mention someone like Flynt defeating a Schnee in the tournament would send a message and likely reverberate through society in Atlas. He doesn't really hold any ill will towards Weiss though, due shared interests in art.
I think it's interesting to use aspects like this in order to add an element of gray morality to the setting, portraying the Kingdom as something fluid rather than stagnant - because of the people like that, Atlas is not guaranteed to stay the way it is forever. The question, of course, is whether such approach is feasible and if those in power would just let it all slip from their grasp.
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Red as crimson, green as jade and gold confetti rain
Summary: Nina just wanted a night out with her best friend , to dance a little and release all her pent up frustraiton of her stressful life. However, she meets a pair of particularly captivating eyes and their owner.
Pairing: Darth Maul x OC Nina Cerasus
Warnings: Mention of dealing with illness, anxiety, trust issues, daddy issues, alcohol use. (Let me know if I left out something.)
AN: This fic means a lot to me and I worked on it a lot. If you have any advice or comments, please share them with me kindly. I'm posting for the first time in years and I don't want nasty comments to discourage me from posting again. If you don't like it, please go to another blog. I did my best to translate it, so pls forgive me, English is not my first language. Moodboard made by me, pictures from Pinterest. Please enjoy reading!
previous chapter
It was late, just the time when night stretched its dark substance across the sky. The three moons in different moon phases illuminated the night above the city of Theed. Despite the night, the streets were not deserted. This is when the streets near the city's university center really started to come alive. The streets were full of cheerful young people and many other species going from one place to another to have fun. For those who liked to relax but in a more peaceful environment, there were art bars and night cafes. Here it was possible to chat cheerfully, take part in a slam poetry evening, and play various games such as dejarik or sabacc. However, the back streets were filled with entertainment places where you could dance and drink. One of the best such places was the Pantheon. With it’s ornate columns and carvings, Naboo paid tribute to the ancient culture. It is both a reminder of the past and a monument to the future.
Inside, however, neon lights flickered and illuminated the dancing bodies on the dance floor. The place had a good reputation not only because the best DJs and bands held concerts here every night and served the most special drinks from faraway places, but it was also notorious for it’s serious security. There was no place for mischief and fights here. The security guards immediately threw out the troublemakers. Jedi were not welcome here, although they were not banned either. But the entertainers did not miss the superior judgment from those "monks”, it was way more exclusive anyway for them. 
It was also forbidden to take pictures inside, so all objects suitable for taking photos were confiscated in a safe at the entrance.
After all, descendants of royal families and serious diplomats and bankers also had fun here. If you did not arrive with the right company or your name was not on the list, you could go to another place. Because baby, this is not a place for you.
The music echoed outside and reached her like a distant throb as she walked toward the queue. She doubles her pace because she knows she's a little late, she's been studying for too long. Her high heels clatter on the cobbled street, and her dark hair waves behind her shoulders from the movements of her haste. She hears a familiar voice, slows down with a smile and walks to the front of the line, where her dear friend Polina cheerfully waves to her.
It wasn't hard not to notice the girl. Polina was a little taller than average, her messy bob was pink, and her charisma oozed cheerfully around her like a sweet scented love potion. Her smile was easily contagious to others, she could also be very serious when it came to business, and if she was in a cranky mood the maker would beware of those vampire teeth. 
But tonight was about relaxing and having fun.
"Over here! Little miss Always-late-Nina has finally arrived." she stretched out her long arms, hand in hand to help her friend crossing the cordon, shiny colorful thin bangles jingled on her wrists.
"You are not very funny." she rolled her eyes as answer. "I told you I would get here sooner or later. And it really doesn't matter since you put our names on that list." 
"You look hot. I'm glad you bought the dress" her pink haired friend made a motion with her arm that spun Nina around.
"Me too"
After receiving the characteristic laurel wreath-patterned gold seal on their wrists, they walked in. With each step, the music became louder, first just a thump, then the beat and finally the rhythm reached them. The sound of the music almost collapsed on them. The whole room shakes with the power of the bass. The reflectors flash in shades of blue, purple, pink and white. Moving landscapes are projected onto the walls, creating the illusion that sinful souls are partying in the dense depths of a grove, a rainforest, the sand dunes and remote tropical beaches.
The crowd writhes, dances, bodies jump to the rhythm, bartenders in elegant clothes pour expensive drinks. The musicians rule the mood of the crowd like gods. The entertainment venue could be divided into three parts, the dance floor, the bar with its counter and the platform where the musicians and DJs were. The plan was simple to get a few drinks and become one with the dancing crowd. Maybe making out with a handsome male.
Nina ordered two drinks. It happened without words, there was no point in trying to shout over the noise. The girl signaled with her hand in a peculiar way, then swiped her card through the payment terminal. There was no possibility of cash here. The bartender mixed the drinks with spectacular movements, using all of his four arms. He could have been a separate spectacle, he was so precise that not a drop of drink was spilled, but thanks to his speed, they barely had to wait a few minutes when he handed them to the girls. Laughing, they lifted it up and drank it. Alcohol warms them like a liquid fire, their stomachs almost seem to be on fire too. On their tongues, they feel the sweet taste of cherries and the drink's special secret twist, the golden spice. It was a milder, refined version of the usual spice, legal in small quantities when mixed into a drink, but it was rather called by it’s name. So if someone wanted a special drink, they had to show the code name with their hand.
Nina asked for two Jupiter’s twist.
"I love this place! One day I'll open one like this too. Cool music, good drinks, secret hand signals. And only special people will come in, full of interesting and sexy people." Polina shouted into Nina's ear.
"If you're just having fun and not studying for the exams, I doubt that you'll have a chance to open a place like this without a good job."
"Hey, this isn't fun! I'd rather call it brainstorming! They don't teach that in marketing school! Where else would I get special ideas and useful tips, if not directly on the ‘field’? This is an internship, exactly as you will soon have to go." Polina is satisfied with the presentation of her own point of view, and after more sips she adds, "look, it's the same. I even pay for the drink in addition to the entrance fee.”
After the drinks, they went straight to the dance floor. They blend into the dancing crowd with ease. Everyone is beautifully dressed, moving in their own way to the beat of the music. There are even people dressed in costumes among them. Polina completely surrenders to the rhythm. Her every move is attention-grabbing. Nina takes two short drinks from a tray and they chug them. She moves her hips with ease and confidence, her arms snake around seductively. She throws her hair back and enjoys the way her dress hugs her body, the light reflecting off the silver dress as if it were a live disco ball. The dress is made up of small hexagon-shaped mirror panels, the mini skirt continues in an x ​​shape, covering her two breasts, and forms a strap behind the neck. Her back is completely uncovered, her tattoo is visible. On her side and belly the intersections of the dress form triangular holes leaving her skin uncovered in those places. A transparent tulle-like material falls from under the skirt. Small hexagon-shaped crystals also sparkle on the edge of the bottom of the dress. It barely covers the strappy shoes she decided to wear tonight.
Her cocktail dress is definitely pretty, but not as flashy as the looks of the nobles here. Still, she feels very pretty and watches amusedly as the light from the dress's mirrored panels spills onto the wall and onto the dancers. She jumps and dances with Polina. The heat begins to bloom between their ribs. They dance until their feet hurt. They are surrounded by tangled limbs and perfumed necks. Glitters and jewels shine everywhere from the colorful canvases on which they are sewn. Even though Nina's skin is forming a thin layer of sweat and the air is getting more stifling, she doesn't stop. She feels free and careless. The problem is that it only lasts for a short time. She feels the anger that has been building up for years inside of her. No matter how much she dances, runs or gets every good grade, the anger doesn't want to leave her chest. It weighs down her heart from the inside like a millstone. 
How much she craves a cigarette! Her surroundings were getting annoying. Too many, too narrow and too groping. While dancing, she thinks about how nice it would be to push the dancers away from her to have some space. Or how nice it would be to break the nose of the male who touches her unsolicited in more intimate areas. She didn't even notice that she clenched her fists and closed her eyes. She lets out a deep breath and pushes those thoughts away.
As she looked up, her jade eyes widened and fixed on another pair of eyes. This pair of eyes is dark and foreboding. They watch her from the darker corners of the club. The owner of the special colored irises is a zabrak species. In black from head to toe, if the lights weren't flashing he would almost completely blend into his dark surroundings. Around him, everyone moves as if he were just a ghost that came back to haunt and which no one can see, even Nina herself did not fall out of rhythm, just only her eyes froze on him. But she keeps eye contact, still. Neither of them blink, neither of them wants to break the spell that has taken over them. Nina was completely mesmerized by the pair of eyes. The outside of the iris was crimson red, and the inside, approaching the pupil, was as golden yellow as sunlight. Despite the low light, they almost glowed. He had the so-called "eyeshine" just like the big phantera cat breeds, about which Nina saw an educational film on the holonet, when she was a little girl.
His gaze is mercilessly fierce on her. He devours inches of her skin from a distance. Like an untamed wild animal that is hungry and wants to satisfy it’s need. Nina just shuddered instead of shaking. She had the bad kind of butterflies in her chest, all of them wanted to burst out of her. She liked this intensity, different from the usual bored or foggy looks and it affected her with a sense of novelty. She was the first to break eye contact, this overheated and attractive staring contest. She lost on purpose to raise their little game to a higher level. She surrendered herself to the beat of the music and elegantly suggested it with her every move. 
"Come and play with me if you dare. Come and catch me if you can." Although she only started dating a few years ago, she believed there are two ways to manipulate a man: either to let him pursue you or let him pursue you in a way that makes him feel he's the pursuit.
However, she had to be disappointed, she glanced back stealthily and there was no sign of the male. As if he really was just a ghost, or maybe a projection of her own sinful imagination from the depths of her brain. An imaginary creation that embodied the anger and darkness that lived inside her. Add a little booze and maybe the effects of her medication and she has to decide if she has a vision of a desirable male or a trip to the mental hospital.
She stopped dancing and looked around but did not see the male anywhere. Polina jolted her out of her thoughts.
 " You okay?" she gaped at Nina "Shall we relax at the bar for a while?" 
Nina just nodded. Polina did not delay, she led her by the hand to a calmer place. The music was a few beats quieter and the air wasn't as dense here. Nina ordered a glass of water and drank it in big gulps. If she's really imagined him, she'd better stay a little more sober and not get off the ground. After all, she came to have fun and the destination was not the hospital.
"I'm so glad we came. I love this band! And did you see that togruta I danced with? He's so handsome, I'm about to cry. He was at least a head taller, and those strong arms... I'd love to climb that tree if you know what I mean…Besides, I heard Queen Padme is here too. She came with several look-alikes, but I think I spotted her, dancing not far from us. That's so cool! We don't have an ordinary queen, do we."
Nina didn't answer, just took a few more sips. Polina suddenly looked at her with concern, motherly and a hint of pity.
" Are you okay? You took your meds today, right? Maker! If you die here, I swear I'll pay a Jedi to raise you up and I'll kill you Nina Cerasus myself with my bare hands and teeth!"
Nina hated that look. Of course, she never said it out loud, but when Polina looked at her like that, or anyone from her circle of friends, she would have preferred to send them to hell. And that certain tone! Like she's just a silly little kid who needs to be reminded of her vitamins. Fuck it! She was no longer a minor or a child, she knows her limits and can take care of herself. This is her life, her illness and her mistakes!
"I'm fine, don't worry! The crowd was just a bit big. Let's go back, everything's fine now."
Polina looked at her in disbelief. Nina smiled despite her annoyance. 
"Come on, that certain tree is waiting for you to climb. And I remember you mentioned the queen too..."
This time they didn't dance in the middle, but they actually saw Padmé dancing. Nina also found suitors to dance with. She danced with a human in a flashy navy suit and a blue twi'lek.
The strange pair of eyes reappeared just when she had already forgotten about him. Nina danced with her hips against the Twi'lek, letting him wrap his arms around her waist and they moved together. The male was quite a good dancer. The other held her by the waist, and buried his face in her neck. What a heaven to be! Still, Nina's gaze was caught by something more diabolical.
The zabrak moved through the crowd and approached her in a circle rather than straight towards her. Like when a predator surrounds it’s prey. The male's face was unreadable, but the girl still felt the curiosity and desire in him. So even though she danced with her partner, her performance was for only the zabrak. She moved her hips defiantly, tossed her hair, smiled and enjoyed the music. The girl kept eye contact the whole time, but she didn't forget about her dance partner either. She doesn't want to miss out on her handsome dance partners because of a wandering phantom. During the chorus of the song, they spun her around. Because of this movement Nina moved a little away from them, a little closer to the corner between the side walls, closer to him, the owner of the particular pair of eyes.
Nina felt exactly how close he was to her.
"So here you are. You got me." she thought with a smile. 
The composition of the air has changed. It was dense but not suffocating, tingling and dark but still exciting. “I wonder what he will do now?”
Black gloved hands caressed her upper arms from behind. The movement was more subtle than she expected. And surprisingly uncertain. A strong chest stretched against her back, she could feel the strength in his body. Underneath his clothes, he can be all muscle, this thought made her wet in more intimate places. Nina slowed down her movements so that they could find their own pace together. But the male barely moves behind her. The hands slide down slowly to her waist and squeeze her tightly. She feels that on the top of her head, a nose digs into her hair and inhales her scent deeply. Encouraged, Nina slowly circles her hips around the male's groin, reaches back with her hands and touches the male's neck. His skin was warm and soft, despite looking quite rough from a distance. It reminds her of the darkness of the velvety night.
Nina closes her eyes, this is completely different, dancing with him. She hasn't seen her partner's face up close yet, but somehow this whole thing feels so intimate. Her movements are rewarded, the male behind her, lets out a rumbling sound, a growl, which Nina has never heard before, but she already knew that it was the sexiest sound a male could make. His presence was intoxicating. He was a mystery, which was interesting. She found him interesting which was the highest praise from her. Nina closed her eyes, enjoying the two of them swaying to the music, even if they weren't following the beat. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth after letting out a moan as she felt her secret partner press himself even closer to her back. The sound of her moans was probably drowned out by the loud music, but the zabrak still heard it. Nina knew because the gloved hands slid from her waist to her hips.
 "How responsive" she thought.
However, she could not control her curiosity any longer so she turned and looked up. Her dance partner was exotically beautiful. Yes, that's what Nina thought of him first. The red-crimson glowing eyes, his tall frame, his broad shoulders and the red and black tattoos peeking out from under his black hood. She raised her fingers to touch the patterns, but instead the zabrak just leaned closer avoiding her touch, making her gasp. There was no kiss, not even their foreheads or bodies touched. But Nina felt his heat emanating from him, and the way they shared almost a breath, was far more intimate and sexy than a real kiss. She simply couldn't take her eyes off him. Her heartbeat quickened when she noticed how he was looking down to her lips. Before they could go any further, there was a bang, at the top beat of the music, Nina flinched a little but looked up with a smile. Gold glittering confetti ribbons rained down on the dancers from the ceiling. Everyone cheered and raised their hands towards the confetti ribbons. Nina did the same, laughing and holding out her arms, but when she looked for the mysterious male's reaction, he was nowhere to be found. The smile fell from her face in disappointment. She looked around, in the crowd, but did not find him.
She tried to make her way through the crowd. She had a strange feeling, perhaps she could have defined it as darkness, near the male, which now disappeared, along with him. Nina was never afraid of the dark, so it didn't bother her. She was more bothered by uncertainty. Did she just imagine it all? The dance, the chemistry, everything? She had already danced out the effects of the drink, so she knew she wasn't drunk or at least not that drunk.. Cheerful and a little buzzed, but definitely not drunk. She found Polina at the bar, who helpfully shook some confetti out of Nina's hair.
"What's with that look? You look as if you saw a ghost. Did someone hurt you? Because if so, then I shall use my fangs..."
"It's okay, I'm fine. Maybe I'm just a little tired. Will you be angry if I go home now?"
“I'll come too, it's getting late." Polina offered.
"It's not necessary, stay and continue your 'search', I'll be fine. I'll see you at home."
"Are you sure?"
"Definitely." nodded Nina. 
As soon as she stepped out into the streets, she was hit by the fresh night air, which was just cool enough to provide relief after the hot days and stuffy clubs. She didn't have a coat because she knew she would just lose it. Her feet hurt, so she took off and carried her shoes in her hands, her bare feet were quiet on the cobbled road. She sighed in relief as she felt the pain in her feet slowly disappear and the cold paved road cool her down.
A family got out of a car. Presumably they came from a trip or vacation. Nina toyed with the idea of where they could have gone and how lucky the little girl was to be carried in the arms by her father while she was sleeping, and together with her mother they entered the warmth of the family home. 
Her stomach clenched and he swallowed back the urge to vomit.
A different kind of pain took its place. One she didn't want to think about. The second storm in her life. At that time she felt that she was being beaten up by the storms. She had no idea that even all these years later, these wounds would still be painful in her soul. She shook her head, not wanting to think about her father. Anger bubbled up inside her, just at the thought of that man. No, he doesn't deserve to even think about it!
She prefers to go to the nearby cafe that is just about to close, she curiously pressed her nose to the shop window.
"Are you taking anything or just cooling your face?" asked the young man who was at the end of his shift.
A few minutes later, Nina was munching on the cookie, which was dry and filled with vanilla cream, but now that would do. She got home in time, got out of her dress, cursing a little because the zipper pinched the tulle material, she left it on the floor as soon as she freed it and took a nice shower. She had almost used up all the hot water, but Polina would prefer a cold shower anyway.
She put on a comfortable t-shirt and fresh underwear. The T-shirt had the logo of the university and she opened the window of her room, through which she could go out onto the roof. Nina didn't go out, just sat on the windowsill, pulled up one knee and hung the other down outside, leaned her back against the window frame and looked up at the sky. Unfortunately, the sky was cloudy. But the faint outlines of the three moons were drawn across the haze of the evening sky. Just like the dry cookies, this one will do just fine for tonight. 
"If this were a movie now, there would definitely be some dramatically melancholic music underlining the present." she thought to herself. But Nina wasn't in a melancholic mood, she was just angry and tired and tired of being angry and angry of being tired. She doesn't plan to go out today, but she saw her father on her way home from the library. He spoke his comlink and seemed happy. He must have been on the phone with his new family. Nina didn't go near him, she didn't even want him to notice her. However, she already knowed that she won't be able to study or rest after this. The usual coping mechanism remains, which means partying with Polina and dancing away all this tension, drinking drinks and maybe have a good fuck with a handsome stranger. She immediately remembered her mysterious partner and a tingle ran down her spine as she replayed the images of the evening over and over in her mind. Polina still didn't see him, but she promised to look into the list of names who were partying there today. She took her datapad and looked up the side effects of her usual medications and lit a cigarette. Of course, none of them recommended taking it with a drink, but based on what was described, enough time had passed for her body to process the ingredients of the medicine, so it could not cause hallucinations, at least not so lifelike.
Nina sighed, pale purple smoke left her mouth.
"Was he real or was it all in my head?" 
She didn't even notice that a dark figure was watching her from the shadows from the domed roof of the observatory.
next chapter
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Taglist: @stardustbee @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @firstofficerwiggles @the-chains-are-the-easy-part
Let me know if you want to be add to the list💖
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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World Art Day
World Art Day is celebrated every year on April 15. All around the world, people have their definitions for what they consider to be art. Different cultures have different tastes and styles. This holiday is used as an opportunity to promote the development of art. It encourages people to take the time to notice the beautiful things around them. With our busy schedules, people don’t always have the time to go to art galleries. A yearly reminder about beauty helps people relax and just enjoy experiencing the world. It shares knowledge, sparks curiosity, and leads to very interesting conversations.
History of World Art Day
World Art Day was declared on April 15 at the General Assembly of the International Association of Art. The first celebration was in 2012. The date was chosen to honor the birthday of the famous Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci represents tolerance, world peace, freedom of expression, and multiculturalism. The first world art day was supported by all the International Association of Art (I.A.A.) national committees. There were 150 artists from countries all over the world to ensure inclusion. There were conferences and special museum hours. Outdoor art exhibitions were held to display paintings, prints, sculptures, videos, and more.
Art comes in different forms and categories. Art can be architecture, music, painting, sculpting, dance, or literature. Cinema is also considered art. It is a way for people to express themselves through creativity. True art is simply an expression of emotion. It represents the artist’s view of the world and how they feel about it. Art communicates how similar we can be and also how different. People get their meanings of art when they experience it. Their perceptions are usually based on their personal experiences in life.
World Art Day is a great reminder to help people notice the beauty around them. It reminds people to express themselves fully. We are all full of emotions and should be allowed to show them without fear. The goal is to facilitate the sustainable development of art. With enough support, artists can continue to portray beauty.
World Art Day timeline
1948 The I.A.A. is Born
The International Association of Art is founded in Beirut.
1954 The I.A.A. Becomes Independent
The International Association of Art becomes an independent organization and a UNESCO partner.
2012 World Art Day is Founded
The first World Art Day takes place in Guadalajara on April 15.
2013 World Art Day is Held in South Africa
World Art Day is celebrated by Mbombela municipal art museum in South Africa
World Art Day FAQs
Can anyone create art?
Anything that was created from the imagination as an expression of emotion is considered art. Art can be made by anyone.
Is cooking an art?
Cooking can be considered an art form. A cake, for example, can be considered a beautiful work of art.
Which cities are known for art?
Cities like Rome, Paris, Vienna, and Jerusalem are well-known for their arts and culture. Florence, Mexico City, Venice, London, Barcelona, and Lagos are also known for art.
World Art Day Activities
Create some art
Visit an art museum
Watch a great movie
You can get in touch with your creative side. You can write, draw, paint or take photographs.
There are many art museums and galleries that you can visit. They carry many beautiful art pieces that you can buy or just enjoy looking at.
Movies are considered to be a form of art. Enjoy a classic movie that tells a great story.
5 Fascinating Facts About Art
Art comes from the imagination
Art is a career field
Art can be a performance
Art helps the mind
Art is emotional
Humans use their creative skills and imagination to create something that others can see
Art has professional applications like fashion design, jewelry design, architecture, and wood crafts.
Performance arts include music, dance, and theater.
Art improves hand-eye coordination, strengthens focus, and teaches problem-solving.
Art can help people express complex feelings and emotions.
Why We Love World Art Day
Art is universal
Art is good for the health
Art opens the mind
Art can be understood by people all over the world. It has no language or border barriers.
Art is known to help increase motivation, build self-esteem, and improve holistic health.
Art helps people to see the world from a different point of view. It helps them get a new perspective.
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crowdvscritic · 1 year
round up // JUNE 23
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The best things come in pairs in this Round Up. A few repeat offenders this June: 
Jason Schwartzman
Harrison Ford
Brad Pitt
Archeological digs
Sports stories
1943 musicals
Tap dancing
‘80s pop-rock records
Two Tales of Cities
And, as always, Crowd and Critic are best when they’re in tandem. These are my top picks for June 2023 in the order I experienced them:
June Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Shooting Stars (2023)
As a sports dilettante, I knew nothing about LeBron James’s pre-NBA life. (Full disclosure: I don’t know much about his post-NBA life either.) This sports drama probably sands off some edges (James produced this movie based on a book he wrote), but it hits its marks. It’s inspirational but not schmaltzy, and thanks to great performances (including an always stellar Caleb McLaughlin and I’m-always-glad-when-he-pops-up Dermot Mulroney), this story of five basketball-obsessed kids growing up is much better than you’d expect for a direct-to-Peacock movie. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
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2. Elemental (2023)
Pixar is back to basics with Elemental. In the best way, that means Pixar is up to their old shenanigans, but in another sense, it means this movie is, well, basic. Read my full review at ZekeFilm or watch my segment on KMOV to give you an idea on whether Pixar’s latest is for you. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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3. Flamin’ Hot (2023)
What Flamin’ Hot lacks in heat it makes up for in heart. With its relatable stakes and the comedy it finds in skewering corporate culture, this kind-of-true story of the creation of the Flamin’ Hot Cheeto (yes, really) is about as good as it could be. Read my full review at ZekeFilm. Crowd: 8/0 // Critic: 7/10
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4. Coco (2017)
Finally watched after being one of my top “oops, I haven’t seen this yet” titles for years. Yes, Pixar did make me sob again. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10
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5. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)
Do you love to feel nostalgia or to be surprised? Do you like old school action or newfangled special effects? Do you enjoy historical adventures or stories about modern issues? Then the fifth Indiana Jones episode is for you! Literally the only thing this needed to achieve was to surpass the quality of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but why settle for that when you can make an action-packed adventure better than most summer blockbuster fare? Given that Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade are two of the best adventure movies (or perhaps, just movies) of the 20th century, it’s no insult to say The Dial of Destiny ranks third for me in Indy’s canon with Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull following in distant fourth and fifth places. Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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6. Bananarama-thon + Bangle-mania + Go-Go-palooza
What says “summer” more than 1980s girl pop-rock bands? (Or really, 1980s pop-rock period?) Bananarama, The Bangles, and The Go-Go’s made excellent summer soundtracks with their respective albums Deep Sea Skiving (1983), Bananarama (1984), and True Confessions (1986); All Over the Place (1984), Different Light (1986), and Everything (1988); and Beauty and the Beat (1981), Vacation (1982), and Talk Show (1984). Also, does Bananarama’s debut album have the greatest cover art of all time?
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7. Sports Night (1998-2000)
My binge of short-lived behind-the-scenes shows continues! Clearly Aaron Sorkin and pals like Tommy Schlamme were still learning the ropes of TV, and they were not helped by the fact that premiering in the ‘90s mandated a laugh track in the first season. But the bones of Sorkin’s future are there: Josh Charles and Peter Krause’s bromance feels like laying the track for some of the best of The West Wing, and Felicity Huffman is one of his iconic strong female leads. Robert Guillaume’s elder statesmen of TV (both in front and behind of the camera) is the glue that holds the show together, and the show’s love for sports is so infectious it draws in non-sporty girlies like me.
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8. Legal Eagles (1986)
A legal dramedy starring Robert Redford directed with the light touch of Ivan Reitman? This art heist murder mystery co-starring Debra Winger and Daryl Hannah is a hidden gem of the ‘80s...and also an addition to my Favorite Tap Dances list on Letterboxd? Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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9. The Stone Roses by The Stone Roses (1989)
A Rolling Stone article I shared last month got me curious about this band (whom I know nothing about beyond that article), and this album has been scratching The Smiths itch that lives in me.
June Critic Picks
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1. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
It’s a visual wonder with stellar voice work, especially Jason Schwartzman’s clever villain, and once we get to the Nueva York universe, everything flies. But boy, does it take a while to get there. I normally reserve my Round Ups for praise, but since Across the Spider-Verse’s nearly universal acclaim won’t be tarnished by my critique, the spirit of transparency compels me to complain this film is at least 30 minutes too long. When you’re trying to be both a Gwen Stacy movie and a Miles Morales movie, the somber first hour slows down even more and delays revisiting the stuff we loved most in the first film. The kids next to me were antsy well before this was over, my dad fell asleep in the middle (which he never does), and then it rivals Lord of the Rings for fake out endings. Here's hoping Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir get to make up for their lost time in part 3! Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
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2. Ninotchka (1939)
When Soviet Greta Garbo travels to Paris on Communist Party business, can she resist the city’s charms? She and her fellow comrades find themselves succumbing to the amenities, champagne, and romance they can’t find in Mother Russia. An Ernst Lubitsch-directed rom-com co-written by Billy Wilder can’t miss! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Little Women (2017)
Another Round Up, another version of Little Women. I immediately pushed this PBS miniseries to the top of my watchlist when I dug into Little Mermaid star Jonah Hauer-King’s past filmography and discovered he performed alongside Angela Lansbury (!!!). Though I expect the budget was smaller than a big screen feature’s, the extended runtime allows for moments we haven’t seen depicted on film before. The cast of ringers includes Lansbury as a delightfully cranky Aunt March and Hauer-King as a lovelorn Laurie, as well Maya Hawke as Jo, Kathryn Newton as Amy, and Michael Gambon as Mr. Laurence in an 1860s Concord as bucolic as ever. Like a warm, encouraging hug!
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4. Past Lives (2023)
This bittersweet romantic drama makes me want to call up my boyfriend who moved away the summer after 7th grade and the guy I never dated in college who studied abroad and then transferred and that boy I met at a party a few years ago who said he was moving next week to sail boats in Delaware and then be disappointed none of them are as I remember or imagined who they would become. The best film of the year so far? Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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5. Double Feature - Silly 1943 Musicals About Marrying for Money: Du Barry Was a Lady + Higher and Higher
Movies today should try being as weird as ‘40s musicals. In Higher and Higher (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), a one-time millionaire tries to marry off his maid to a wealthy bachelor, though she may prefer to romance Frank Sinatra (playing himself!) instead. In Du Barry Was a Lady (7.5/10 // 8/10), Lucille Ball is trying to snag herself a rich guy, though she may prefer to romance Gene Kelly instead. (This is a much more obvious addition to my Favorite Tap Dances list on Letterboxd.) Both are silly, but when you’ve got Sinatra singing or Kelly dancing to Cole Porter songs, you’ve still got wow moments. More movies today should detour into 18th century dream sequences!
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6. Valley of the Kings (1954)
Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker go on a high-stakes archaeological dig in the early 1900s set in front of gorgeous photography in Egypt. A fun prototype for Indiana Jones and The Mummy! Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 8/10
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7. Asteroid City (2023)
Something Wes Anderson does not get enough credit for: The man has never made a film longer than two hours. This spring’s trend of Wes Anderson-inspired social media may have brought attention to the previously unacquainted, but it took only a few of those superficially xanthic posts to exhaust my Instagram feed. Most social filmmaking is ugly and chaotic, but Anderson’s attention to detail when blocking his troupe of players in the golden ratio, designing perfectly-shaped mushroom clouds, and using color theory to select his palette doesn’t just hold up on a big screen—it deserves it. Read my full review at ZekeFilm. Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 10/10
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8. Double Feature - ‘90s Brad Pitt: Legends of the Fall (1994) + The Devil’s Own (1997)
In Legends of the Fall (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10), Brad Pitt’s nonconformist Tristan upends the lives of his family members (including Anthony Hopkins and Julia Ormond) as they strive to keep their Montana estate through World War I, Prohibition, and the Great Depression. In The Devil’s Own (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10), Pitt’s IRA terrorist Rory upends the life of the family who takes him in (including Harrison Ford) when he escapes to America. One is a soapy historical epic, one is a gritty police thriller, but both show the promise of Pitt’s career.
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9. A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
A pretty good adaptation of one of my favorite high school English class reads. Though the nuance and depth of the Mr. Charles “I Get Paid by the Word” Dickens novel can’t be captured in just two hours and the portrayal of Lucie is, well, a lot, Ronald Colman’s Sydney and Blanche Yurka’s Madame De Farge are pitch-perfect, and it’s as moving as its source material. Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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10. Good Reads
The incessant onslaught of more-TV-than-can-possibly-be-watched is reaching critical mass: 
“The Idol and Our Backlash Times,” NYTimes.com (2023)
“‘The End of Peak Television:’ Has the Era of Prestige TV Just Ground to a Halt?” TheGuardian.com (2023)
“Peak TV Is Over. Welcome to Trough TV,” slate.com (2023)
“From Warrior Nun to Three Women, TV Shows are Being Cancelled. Yet Somehow Emily in Paris Lives On,” TheGuardian.com (2023)
“Media's Succession Obsession,” axios.com (2023)
Thoughts on our moment in diversity in TV and movies: 
“Box Office: Early Summer Tentpoles Cash In, Fueled by Diverse Stars,” HollywoodReporter.com (2023) 
“‘Why is Bridgerton’s Race Twisting Acceptable?’ The Real Problem With the Show’s Black Fantasy,” TheGuardian.com (2023)
The Hollywood Reporter continues its impressive breadth of Writer’s Strike coverage: 
“Tom Hanks, Baby Jessica and Lessons from a Three Strike Writer,” HollywoodReport.com (2023)
“Guest Column: If Writers Lose the Standoff With Studios, It Hurts All Filmmakers,” HollywoodReporter.com (2023)
And a grab bag of pieces on baseball, basketball, and Beyoncé: 
“The Team Trying Very, Very Hard to Be the Worst in Baseball History,” slate.com (2023)
“Beyoncé Caused Sweden Inflation Bump, Expert Says,” politico.eu (2023)
“The 100 Most Significant Political Films of All Time,” NewRepublic.com (2023)
“The Flash Was Never Going to Run Away From Its Problems,” TheRinger.com (2023)
“Employee of the Month Rewarded With More Work,” vice.com (2023)
Also in June…
I’m processing a lot of emotions about what’s going on at Turner Classic Movies, and I’ve yet to figure out how to put them into words. Until I get there, I’m constantly adding to my list of movies I’ve watched thanks to the people who work there, and you can see the almost-350 of them on Letterboxd. 
Until the end of July, you can see what I’m watching in real time on Letterboxd. Yes, I’ve seen Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One; no I can’t talk about it until after the review embargo lifts on July 5th. 
Pending Twitter doesn’t self-implode before you read this, you can also find me there.
Photo credits: Bananarama, The Stone Roses, Good Reads. All others IMDb.com.
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drkangcl · 1 year
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( dakota johnson , cis woman , she/her ) las vegas may be packed with people, but lana kensington has been on my mind. originally hailing from melbourne , australia, the fifty-eight thirty three year old has been in vegas for ten years. i know they’re a dj at encore beach club , but there’s a rumor on the strip saying they’re also a vampire. after some thought that makes sense , they can be +tenderhearted , but also -cunning. ask any local they’ll say they remind them of turning down your music to eavesdrop into a conversation, continuing an argument even when you realize you’re wrong, being the last to sing karaoke at a closing bar, & kicking out a one night stand at 6am.
connections + pinterest
✧・゚: * 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 ‣ full name: lana hazel kensington ‣ nicknames: kensington ‣ age:  33 ‣ birthday: april 4th ‣ gender identity & pronouns: cis female & she/her ‣ sexual orientation: bisexual ‣ occupation: dj at encore beach club‣ hometown: melbourne, aus
✧・゚: * 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ‣ face claim: dakota johnson ‣ height: 5′7 ‣ build: slim ‣ eye color: blue ‣ hair color: brown ‣ style habits: lots of black
✧・゚: * 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚 ‣ positive traits: tenderhearted & affable ‣ negative traits: cunning & chaotic ‣ habits: cigarettes, being late, irish goodbyes, not thinking about consequences
✧・゚: * 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐥𝐬 ‣ kol mikaelson ( the originals ) , nick miller ( new girl ), lindsay bluth funke ( arrested development ), chloe ( don’t trust the b in apt 23 ), deandra reynolds ( it’s always sunny ), mike ross ( suits ), roman roy ( succession ) + overall chaotic good characters
lana kensington was a total wild child, born and raised in the swinging '60s of melbourne, australia. That era was like fuel for her unconventional spirit. she thrived in the city's counterculture scene, soaking up all the rebellion, individuality, and freedom vibes. art, music, and fashion became her niche, shaping her tastes and giving her a deep appreciation for nonconformity.
her parents were on the simpler side. she grew up on a small house by the beach. they were the type to walk around barefoot and make sure everyone gets to go surfing at the peak hour. her, her siblings, parents, and little pets got along amazing even through the rough teen years. the love for each other was strong.
but wait, things got even more interesting for lana in her early 30s. that's when she went through her vampire transformation, turning her into this timeless and ethereal being. during that time she worked as a clerk at a gas station. that’s where she met a customer passing through. queue edward cullen moment because he was nothing like she’d ever seen with his pale skin versus her tanned. she was immediately drawn to him. one thing led to another and somehow she ended up in the situation she has to life with for the rest of her life
adjusting to her new immortal existence wasn't always easy, in fact, she’s still guiding herself through it even after 50ish years. but, nevertheless, lana managed to hold onto her youthful exuberance while navigating the ups and downs of eternal life.
her moral compass always pointed towards helping others, even if it meant bending or breaking the rules. lana's journey took her all over the globe. she jet-setted across different cities, immersing herself in all sorts of cultures. along the way, she mastered her vampiric abilities. her agility was off the charts, her charm was irresistible, and she had some supernatural power that she’s still working on to this day.
of course, she ended up in no other than las vegas! here’s she’s been living around for ten years. first a receptionist, then worked at a pizza parlor, the na cocktail waitress, and somehow she worked her way up to being one of the djs at encore beach club.
she always has an magic 8 ball in her purse because she would never ask others for opinions rather would use the ball to make some big decision in her life
her phone is always on do not disturb
does not own a bedframe and is more of a mattress on the floor type of girl
has chinese take out every sunday from the same spot
loves to move in silence , you may see her when she enters a party but always disappears by the end
always been a troublemaker even when she was young but hasn’t done anything crazy to get involved with the police
ceo of daytime to nighttime transformation
was once a receptionist at aria hotel but fired because she called the wife of a guy checking into a hotel to cheat on her ( funny bc she is an accomplice for people who cheat )
has the sickest vinyl record collection that her parents started and gave to her
always goes barefoot when dj-ing a set. she just got a habit she cant break!
her sets include a lot of throwbacks which definitely give a lot of positive feedback from the crowd
her apartment is full of knick knacks that she’s collected through the decades
randomly becomes aware like damn im actually e*ting people and will freak out and lock herself in her apartment for days and days to a point where someone has to get her 
wanted connections + tag + board
romantic : exes, tinder/hinge date, current relationship (destined to fail soon), one night stand, friends with benefits, the biggest cheating scandal of the season, was once engaged to
platonic : best friend, someone she knows from melbourne, first person she met in vegas, current neighbors (apt complex), vamp trio, sibling like friends (bickering a lot), former lovers to friends,
familial : siblings, cousins, family friends, uncle, aunt, mom, dad , an older vamp who’s her mentor/parental figure
negative : ex best friends, dated the same person, they just don’t like her (vice versa),
misc : current roommate, ex roommate, the one person she lets behind the dj booth with her, the person who turned her
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novumtimes · 1 month
Australian Breakdancer Responds After Olympic Debut Goes Viral Hollywood Life
Image Credit: Getty Images Breaking—the sport of breakdancing—made its Olympic debut in Paris and quickly garnered attention due to a now-viral performance by Australian B-girl Rachael “Raygun” Gunn. On Friday, August 9, Gunn, competing under the name Raygun, didn’t earn a single point, losing 18-0 in each of her battles against three competitors: U.S.’s Logan Edra (Logistx), Lithuania’s Dominika Banevič (Nicka), and France’s Sya Dembélé (Syssy). Her moves across three round-robin battles included a kangaroo hop, a backward roll, and various contortions with her body while lying or crawling on the floor. An odd-numbered panel of judges scored each round and battle based on five criteria: Technique, vocabulary, execution, musicality, and originality. Even though the 36-year-old university lecturer received no points in any category, Gunn defended herself by stating, “All of my moves are original.” “Creativity is really important to me. I go out there, and I show my artistry. Sometimes it speaks to the judges, and sometimes it doesn’t. I do my thing, and it represents art. That is what it is about,” Gunn added during an August 10 press conference, per ESPN. Aussie break dancer Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn has to be trolling the entire world#Olympics #raygun #Paris2024 #breaking #breakdancing #aussie #Australia pic.twitter.com/tiCz6UVCJh — immutable truth (@ImmutabullTruth) August 10, 2024 “I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best—their power moves,” explained Gunn, who has a Ph.D. in cultural studies and researches breaking and hip hop culture. “What I bring is creativity.” Much of the criticism of Raygun’s performance stemmed from her deviation from the athletic twists, spins, and freezes performed by her competitors, as well as from the apparel she wore on the Olympic stage. Instead of executing high-difficulty moves, Gunn opted for slower, more artistic moves and wore a green-and-yellow Australian Olympic tracksuit, paying tribute to her homeland. Breaking—one of the original four elements of hip-hop, along with DJing, graffiti, and MCing (rapping)—is a dance style that emerged from Black and Latino communities in the Bronx, New York City, in the 1970s. Over the past few decades, the rules of breaking have been established, evolving it into a full-fledged sport that combines the athleticism required for acrobatic moves with the artistry needed to synchronize those moves with the music seamlessly. Breaking will not be part of the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics, but the sport’s federation is pushing for its inclusion in the 2032 Games in Brisbane, Australia. Gunn, who qualified for the Olympics by winning last year’s Oceania Breaking Championships, has also addressed the criticism, sharing an Instagram post from the Australian breaking team quoting her saying, “Don’t be afraid to be different.” “Go out there and represent yourself,” Gunn was quoted as saying. “You never know where that’s gonna take you.” Source link via The Novum Times
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freshfacefun · 3 months
Discovering Ahmedabad: An Expedition into Culture and Cuisine
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Ahmedabad is one of the most colourful cities in India, which can be considered as the.Other cities in this region are: Ganeshpura distancing 205 km from Ahmedabad, Godhra 114 km, Palanpur dist 222 km, Patan 128 km, Unjha 155 km and Himmatnagar 175 km. Recently, I went to Ahmedabad, staying at one of the convenient hourly hotels in Ahmedabad, which made it easy to explore the city's rich history and vibrant culture. It felt like going back in time, experiencing the ancient temples, bustling markets, modern museums, and serene riverfronts. Ahmedabad truly has the best of everything that is India.
Arrival and Accommodation
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This time, I got a chance to visit Ahmedabad through Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport where you get the sneak peek of the amicable climate of the city. Considering the accommodation, I decided to stay at one of the heritage hotels in the old part of the city – a havela, which has been turned into a comfortable hotel though retaining features of Indian architecture. The detailed engravings of the wooden and other ornaments, along with the old fashioned furniture of the hotel brought me to the early twentieth century, and prepared me for the tours of the city.
Immersing in History
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I commenced my journey to Gujarat and enrolled into a tour by paying a visit to the Sabarmati Ashram where Gandhiji once stayed. The atmosphere of the ashram thanks to its location on the Territory of the Sabarmati River was calm and quite different from the surrounding city. Visiting the rather plain living and working conditions where Gandhi used to be – I was overwhelmed with India’s fight against colonizers. All the exhibits of the letters, photographs, and personal items in the museum were interesting and informative particularly on displaying the life of Gandhi.
After that, I proceeded to the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque famous for theience of the stone screen windows. The professionally designed ‘Tree of Life’ is one of the best works of Islamic art which depicts the historicity of Ahmedabad. The mosque of the sixteenth century also belongs to the list of the most significant examples of architectural art of the city.
Navigating the Old City
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Old city of Ahmedabad is one of the oldest cities in India which is full of small lanes, beautiful havelis, and markets. I participated in a walking tour called the ‘Heritage Walk’ arranged by the local guides where they showed me the ‘ Pols’ that is the traditional manner of ***** dwelling units. Both poles are different and have their own specific deratives, Wooden both facades and very colorful streets.
This selling area known as Manek Chowk is an open marketplace that changes its dynamics as the day progresses. It starts its day as vegetable market in the morning but in the evening turns into commercial street food market. I tasted some of the local specialities like khaman, fafda the sweet jalebi almost felt like I was tasting history.
Modern Attractions
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Ahmedabad also possess the modern side of the city which is equally interesting. One of the eye catching developmental projects of Gujarat is the attempt to bring Sabarmati river front back to life and it is an ideal place for a walk and even for a boat ride. The promenades, parks, gardens present alongside the river help in giving a break from the busy city life. The few hours before the sun sets and as it dips below the horizon the view of the city from the river is a sight to behold.
Science city was another major attraction that I toured; the facility comprises of touch screen gadgets, a sky theatre and a musical water fountain. It is suitable for families and those who are into science and technology kind of stuff. In the case of entertainment, the most eye-popping experience was the 3D IMAX theater that featured interesting documentaries on natural history.
Art and Heritage
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Ahmedabad rich in art and culture has numerous things to offer to its tourists. The Calico Museum of Textiles with the possession of an exotic haveli style has a rich variety of Indian fabrics. Jute, cotton and silks including some pieces dating back 200 years depict the Indian textile and designing mark.
There are also many galleries and cultural institution to explore the arts excellently manifested in this city. Another memory is witnessing a performance of a Gujarati dance at the Darpana Academy of Performing Arts which is incredibly mesmerizing.. One can easily find young artistic talent in coffee shops and theaters especially in the area adjacent to Gujarat University.
Gastronomic Delights
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Of course, the exploration of the culinary specialties has to follow after the sights have been explored in Ahmedabad. I had a Gujarati meal at the famous Vishalla restaurant including the famous thali. The thali a single plate with many types of foods was a flavourful excursion ranging from the sour dhokla to the creamy shrikhand. Every meal was quite vivid soaked in the traditions of Gujarat’s kitchen.
To cater for the gastronomic tourism, I visited some of the currently popular cafes and restaurants in the city. A mélange of international dishes, with a Ghanaian touch was the highlight at The Project Café. The atmosphere happening and the paintings on the walls ensured that the place was good for the relaxation.
Exploring Ahmedabad for me was nothing short of an eye-opening experience being as it was a historical, cultural and even somewhat, a modern city. The city and its people are welcoming and friendly and there are plenty of things to see and do and great places to eat. If you are interested in history, food or just the culture, Ahmedabad will not let your heart and soul remain unimpressed. When I walked out of the city, the only thing I took apart from my luggage was liveliness of a city where history met modernity.
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hayaam1230 · 3 months
9 popular festivals in USA to attend once
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The United States is home to a wide array of festivals that celebrate its diverse culture, traditions, and creativity. These festivals offer unique experiences that reflect the vibrant spirit of the country. From music and art to food and parades, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Attending these festivals not only provides entertainment but also offers a chance to connect with different communities and learn about various aspects of American life. Some of the most popular festivals include the lively Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the iconic Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in California, and the transformative Burning Man event in Nevada. Each of these festivals has its own distinct charm and attracts visitors from all over the world. Whether you are a music enthusiast, an art lover, or someone who enjoys cultural celebrations, experiencing these festivals at least once in your lifetime is a must. These events are more than just gatherings; they are a celebration of life, creativity, and community. They offer a glimpse into the heart and soul of American culture, making them a perfect addition to your travel itinerary. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the top festivals in the USA that you should attend at least once.
Here are some popular festivals in the USA to attend once
1. New Orleans's Mardi Gras: One of the most well-known celebrations in the United States is New Orleans' Mardi Gras. This festival, which is celebrated with parades, music, dancing, and colourful costumes, is highly recommended due to its exciting environment. The main events happen in the final days of the celebration, which takes place in the weeks preceding Fat Tuesday. Parades take place all around the city, although the primary hubs are the French Quarter and Bourbon Street. A unique event full of infinite joy and rich cultural customs is Mardi Gras.
2. The California Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival: Coachella, a globally renowned music festival, is hosted in Indio, California, and is one of the biggest. It takes place over two weekends in April and offers an excellent roster of artists from all genres as well as sculptures and art installations. Music fans, movie stars, and fashionistas from all over the world flock to the festival. Coachella is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that offers the ideal fusion of music, art, and social interaction in a dynamic atmosphere.
3. Nevada's Burning Man: Every year, Burning Man takes place in Nevada's Black Rock Desert. The main themes of this week-long celebration are self-expression, community, art, and independence. "Burners," the participants, build Black Rock City, a makeshift metropolis with themed camps, art installations, and performances. At the end of the celebration, a big wooden effigy that represents rebirth and letting go is burned. A singular, life-changing experience, Burning Man fosters creativity and community.
4. New York City's Thanksgiving Day Parade: The start of the holiday season is marked by a renowned American tradition, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The parade, which takes place on Thanksgiving Day every year, includes performances by well-known performers, intricate floats, enormous character balloons, and marching bands. The journey ends in Macy's Herald Square after passing through Manhattan. Families love spending time together celebrating Thanksgiving and getting into the holiday mood by watching the parade, whether it's live or on television.
 5. South by Southwest (SXSW), Texas: South by Southwest (SXSW) is a renowned festival held in Austin, Texas, that combines music, film, and interactive media. Taking place in March, SXSW features live performances by emerging and established artists, film screenings, and conferences on various topics such as technology, entertainment, and culture. The festival attracts industry professionals and enthusiasts, making it a hub for networking, innovation, and creative exchange. Attending SXSW offers a dynamic and immersive cultural experience.
6. The International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico: Held annually in October, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is the world's largest hot-air balloon festival. Hundreds of colourful balloons rise to the skies, drawing thousands of spectators. Mass ascensions, balloon glows, and unique-shaped balloon rodeos are all part of the event. It is very mesmerizing to see the sky full of colorful balloons set against the backdrop of the New Mexico terrain. For guests of all ages, the Balloon Fiesta offers a singular and scenic experience.
7. Comic-Con International, California Comic-Con International, California Comic-Con International is the biggest and most well-known comic book and pop culture convention worldwide. It is held in July and draws comic book, movie, TV show, and video game fans, among others. Panel discussions, exclusive previews, autograph sessions, and cosplay are all available to attendees. Comic-Con is a celebration of all thing’s geek and pop culture, providing an engaging and dynamic experience for both fans and creators.
8. The Kentucky Derby in Kentucky: One of the most prestigious horse races in the world is the Kentucky Derby, which takes place at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky, on the first Saturday in May. The marathon, which goes by the name "The Run for the Roses," is the centerpiece of a two-week celebration. Participants dress elegantly and sport ornate headgear, sip mint juleps, and participate in the joyous atmosphere. The Kentucky Derby is a cultural event with tradition, excitement, and southern charm that goes beyond horse racing.
9. New Orleans' Jazz and Heritage Festival: The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, also referred to as Jazz Fest, honours the rich musical and cultural legacy of the city. Renowned jazz, blues, rock, and gospel performers perform during the event, which takes place over two weekends in late April and early May. Jazz Fest features wonderful local food, handicrafts, and cultural displays in addition to music. The event offers a lively and varied experience, presenting the greatest cuisine, music, and culture from New Orleans.
In conclusion, experiencing the popular festivals in the USA is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the country's rich and diverse culture. From the vibrant parades of Mardi Gras in New Orleans to the musical excitement of Coachella in California, these festivals offer unforgettable experiences that capture the essence of American life. Whether you are interested in music, art, food, or cultural traditions, there is a festival for everyone. Attending these festivals not only provides entertainment but also offers a unique opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds and explore various aspects of American culture.
For those planning to travel from Dubai or Abu Dhabi, obtaining a US visa is a straightforward process that allows you to partake in these exciting events. The experience of these festivals is worth the effort of applying for a US visa from Dubai or US visa from Abu Dhabi, as they offer memories and experiences that will last a lifetime. So, if you’re ready to explore the vibrant festivals of the USA, start planning your trip and apply for your US visa today. Whether it's the artistic marvels of Burning Man or the thrilling Kentucky Derby, these festivals promise an adventure filled with joy, excitement, and cultural enrichment.
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bradley-alejaga · 11 months
"Thailand: Land of Smiles, Culture, and Endless Wonders"
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Every person has a dream, a dream that can go everywhere. Each of us wishes to be a traveller, explore different places and experience different cultures. Traveling is one of the happiest things especially when we are with our families and friends. As one of the young people, my dream is to go to places where there are beautiful views. As a kid, I have always wanted to visit Thailand. The country above is located in the center of mainland Southeast Asia. This location is far distant, since getting there requires taking a plane. When you arrive at the airport, friendly people will welcome you. Bangkok is the capital and most populous city of Thailand. Thailand is known for its beautiful places, rich culture, and delicious foods. It is a famous destination for tourists from around the world who are seeking a unique, exotic, and adventurous experience. Let's go and explore Thailand!
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In the beginning of our journey, let us first know the history and culture of the country. The country was previously known as Siam until 1939 when it was officially renamed Thailand, translating to "Land of the Free". Thailand is said to be a "Buddhist Country" where they believe in and worship only Buddhism. Thai culture is deeply rooted in Theravada Buddhism, which influences every aspect of life. Thai culture is full of unique traditions, exquisite art, outfit, dances and flavorsome cuisine. The arts, including dance, music, and intricate craftsmanship, reflect the country's rich heritage.
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The first place we will explore is the "Siam Niramit Show, Journey to the Enchanted Kingdom of Siam." Here you can see the beautiful traditional clothes worn by women and men in Thailand. In Thailand they have a unique method of making Rice Pudding which they say it is yummy, from the picture we can say it is very delicious! In Thailand, Elephant is their National animal and their traditional dancing and stage performances can also be seen here. Second destination is going to their temple. The Temple of the Emerald Buddha. I am sure that all this can only be seen within Bangkok. Here you can see the real golds attached to the temples. When you enter, you must remove your slippers, it is also forbidden to make noise and you must show respect inside their temple. On the outside of the temples is where they worship their Buddha, using orange and yellow flowers, incense and fruits to worship and pay respect to him. The third place we are exploring is the famous Floating Market. They call it "Damnoen Saduak", a famous floating market in their area within Bangkok. Here you can see the people of their country selling various goods. You can find fruits, clothes, street food and even hats and what not. All of this is sold in a boat that goes around their river dedicated for sale. This places is really nice to visit.
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The next thing we must go and experience in Thailand is their festival. In Thailand, they have various types of festival, in visiting this place here we get to experience their unique festival located in Chiang Mai and across North Thailand. In going to this place you need to commute for 8 hours if you are in Bangkok. One of my favourite festival is the "Yi Peng Lantern Festival". Yi Peng is also known as "Thailand Sky Lantern Festival". This festival is one of the popular in Thailand. The sky lanterns are called "khom loi" in Thai, which means floating lanterns (Zhao, 2023).
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In exploring the place, we discover different people. The people in their country are known as "Thais" and an individual is called "Thai", people there are very friendly and make you feel welcome. The language of Thailand is called "Siamese", when you go there and you are not a native speaker, they can still speak English for you. The cities of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Ayutthaya stand as testaments to the country's historical significance and contemporary charm, as you can see in the picture above. The city did not lose its brightness even at night, because the enthusiasm of the people brings lighter to the whole city.
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After touring every city in Thailand, we feel hunger in exploring every places and now we are heading to eat. The foods in Thailand, this place has some unique cuisine that people will love. Everyone who will visit this country must try their food. Here we can taste the different types of food that is good like Pad Thai, a stir-fried noodle dish mixed with tofu, shrimp, or chicken, seasoned with tamarind, fish sauce, and a medley of toppings like peanuts and lime. The food and taste is different compared to the dish of the Philippines. Their dish is very affordable with prices ranging from 30 baht (47 pesos) to 80–90 baht (126.24-142.24 pesos) restaurant meals can range from 50 to 500 baht (79-790 pesos). It depends on the food, you should try and experience tasting their dish when you go there.
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We finally explore the different tourist spot, tradition, culture, and foods in Thailand, So let us know our expenses. In Thailand, this is a budget friendly country, in visiting it we should know the total cost. The flight cost of Philippines to Thailand is ₱11,961. When you arrive to Thailand it can offer a diverse range of expenses, catering to various budgets. Accommodation, foods, and transportation can be affordable. Budget travelers find hotels and street food more cheaper. Transportation costs vary, with local buses and trains being cost-effective, it can range from 4.50-5.50 baht (7.11-8.60 pesos) depending on the distance. A mid-range budget traveler can expect to spend $75 (4,265 pesos) per day in Thailand. This generally means staying at $20(1000 pesos) per person per night accommodations, eating a mix of street and restaurant food, and going on several tours.
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In Thailand, when we visit we should give respect to the people living in there. It's essential to dress appropriately when visiting temples and to remove your shoes before entering sacred places. Be cautious with your interactions and language regarding the Thai monarchy. If we notice, their place is clean and cozy compared to other famous ones in the city.
The dos and don'ts when visiting this country; DO show respect to the King, the Royal family & all Buddha images. Dress appropriates in public places, especially when visiting the temples or religious place. Greet people with traditional "Wal" by putting your palms together and bow a little bit. Avoid disrespecting Buddha images, public displays of affection, or speaking critically about the monarchy, which is illegal and offensive to locals.
Overall, all I can say is that Thailand is worth to travel, we get to experience their amazing architecture, foods, culture, people, etc. Thailand is special because it's not just beautiful but also has a really interesting culture and friendly people. Its old buildings tells a meaningful story, and it has unique festivals that amaze people in. It's affordable, rich in culture, and has stunning nature, making it a perfect place for travelers in Southeast Asia.
Zhao, R.(2023). A Guide to Thailand Lantern Festivals: Yi Peng & Loy Krathong. Retrieved from https://www.asiahighlights.com/about-us
What is Thailand famous for? Retrieved from https://alexandleahontour.org/what-is-thailand-famous-for/
What are people from Thailand called? Retrieved from https://homework.study.com/explanation/what-are-people-from-thailand-called.html
10 Interesting Facts About Thailand. Retrieved From https://travendly.com/travel-blog/10-interesting-facts-about-thailand/#:~:text=Thailand%20hasn't%20always%20been,%E2%80%9CLand%20of%20the%20Free%E2%80%9D
THAILAND DOS AND DON'TS. Retrieved from https://www.wsbsupertripjba.com/travel-tip/2/thailand-dos-and-donts.html
Credits to the photos:
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fitzpirations · 1 year
broadway flea!
was planning on going into the city & meeting a friend @ the flea the other week and then also ended up winning the Some Like it Hot lottery! I didn’t purchase anything crazy and ended up passing up on some v cheap Leopoldstadt props because they just seemed impractical to own offstage (an e-cigar and prop newspapers printed in Polish I believe? Very cool but I was really on the hunt for general merch).
Anyway, it was a nice day and my first time at the flea- always very cool being surrounded by people who like the same sort of things you do & love supporting the arts. Some Like It Hot was fantastic, although we snuck way forward in our mezzanine seats because capacity was LACKING. Such a shame it’s closing because this is the kind of show that deserves to have a long & happy life on Broadway for the choreography and sheer talent alone :// still thinking about random holes in the book but also got my mini Jack Lemmon DVD haul when I got home that night (Jack Lemmon you will always be famous) and will have to consult w/ the OG film. Smh if someone did Promises, Promises this season and SLH wasn’t closing before Days of Wine and Roses opens the Jack Lemmon musical universe we could’ve witnessed… anyway!
Below are the bad pictures I took of my haul. You would also impulse buy bdj paraphernalia if you saw “vintage” playbills for $1. I’ve been meaning to read Harvey’s memoir since it came out and someone had it at a table for like 5 bucks. Realized Harvey was oh,,, feet away in one of the autograph areas all day later as I was walking around with his book and a torch song playbill only a few days later,, it was a screaming-into-my-pillow revelation. Not like I’d approach him, but!!
I am enjoying the book though! It’s getting me out of a terrible reading slump. Irl I only have a general idea of his work, so it’s been a great dive into the industry at the time he came up (he was in a production of a play Andy Warhol did?) and the craft and culture. Anyway anyway, always good to get into Manhattan and pretend I’m part of it all & not working two jobs with annoying hours that regulate me to being a strictly Sunday matinee attendee where I write my bad play in my free time. Ah well! I’d like to make posts that aren’t terrible in the future too- but who has the time!
Had a free Sunday last weekend and was like boy I wish She Came to Me was playing in a slightly closer theater because I don’t wanna go into Manhattan for it unless something is going on,,, and when I tell you that night as I was trying to go to sleep I saw that the writer/director and bdj were at a screening that had a q&a afterwards,,, bummer to say the least!! truly every win I have is followed by comical losses because I’ve been loving Title of Show recently and was thrilled (and saddened) that there was like a box full of sealed CDs from their Broadway run at the flea. The next day I went to put it into my car player that houses some other cast albums and,,, it didn’t get eaten but it won’t go in :// I’ve got things playing now on it now, but the 3 cds in my car are not ejecting… cursed to live in a 2003 SUV!!
My little haul, complete w/ cursed bdj in my bag on the train, Jack Lemmon classics not readily avail on streaming (woohoo physical media!). I will have a different strategy next time but also the price u pay liking random, smaller shows! Although the guy at the Dancers Over 40 table who had me looking in the binder with vintage playbills from the ‘60s for Titanic,, it’s not that old!!! Please, that would make me about that old! I promise u it’s not! Also my OG seat vs the one I snappes during intermission after we moved up. We were like the 10th people to do so but I was scared the usher was going to murder us in cold blood. (She didn’t). Not pictured is the other part of the order which came the other day, the Sweet Smell of Success & short stories book I got too. the intersection Musical theatre and classic films,, maybe I am having a hyper-fixation!!
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Personal Activities in Brisbane
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Lace up those boots and hit the trails for a nature walk to enjoy the views, peaks and scenery around Brisbane. You’ll get that perfect photo for your Instagram too.
Feast your eyes on the epic street art that peppers Brisbane’s laneways and bridges. Or get cultured with QAGOMA’s thought-provoking exhibits. To know more about Personal Activities Brisbane, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
One of Brisbane’s most popular wildlife parks is the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in the suburb of Fig Tree Pocket. It’s home to free-range kangaroos and a koala forest where you can hand-feed the cute creatures and watch them munch on eucalyptus leaves.
You can take a self-guided tour or join a guided group visit if you want to learn more about the sanctuary’s history and its research into Australian marsupials, reptiles and monotremes. There are also shows and talks to catch, including the roo and sheepdog shows.
The highlight of the trip, for many visitors, is a chance to hold a koala. These adorable animals love a cuddle and you can even buy photos of your encounter at the sanctuary’s gift shop.
Embark on a whale-watching tour aboard a private yacht that’s equipped with hydrophones that allow you to hear the sonic calls of these leviathans. The tour also offers a selection of food and beverages.
Climb aboard the MV Eye Spy at Redcliffe Jetty and spot frolicking whales in Moreton Bay. This purpose-built boat offers multiple viewing platforms, and you can opt for a premium tour that includes guaranteed window seats and an exclusive hostess.
See more forms of sealife at Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island, where manta rays and sea turtles are spotted year-round. This tour combines a 75-minute ferry ride with access to Tangalooma Island Resort and a 3-hour whale watching cruise. Join this tour June through November for the best chance to see whales.
From a derelict power station to contemporary arts centre, Brisbane Powerhouse makes for an intriguing visit. Stroll the shabby building to see its innards, and then delve into the cultural offerings—from twilight cruises that stop here to theater, comedy and music performances.
Get your creative juices flowing with a paint and sip class. Whether you choose to channel your inner Picasso or get crafty with clay, these sessions are great for teens (and kids).
Discover the city’s history on a walking tour that includes Boggo Road Gaol. Or lace up your sneakers for a lengthy river loop around the city gardens.
A dolphin watching cruise is an excellent way to see the marine life of Brisbane. Just keep in mind that these are wild animals and there is no guarantee that you will spot them, but the captains will try their best to take you to locations where they usually find them.
If you’re looking for a more immersive experience, go on a Moreton Island Cruise with a dolphin feeding program at sunset. The tour departs from Holt Street Wharf in Pinkenba and includes morning tea, a hearty chicken and seafood lunch, and drinks.
The cruise is weather-dependent and offers full commentary from an Eco Ranger. If you’re lucky, you may also catch a glimpse of whales during their annual migration from June to October.
A wine tour is not only a fun experience but it’s also a great way to learn about the different types of wines. Some of these tours even include activities like grape stomping and wine blending workshops.
Moreover, many of these tours will take you to the best vineyards in the area. They will also provide you with a selection of wines to taste. To make sure that you get the most out of your wine tasting experience, remember to swirl the glass, smell the aromas, and sip slowly.
Taking a wine tour is a great option for people who want to enjoy delicious wines without having to worry about a designated driver or an expensive Uber. Some of these wine tours will even include a full meal. To know more about Personal Activities Brisbane, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
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sparkleplace1 · 1 year
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You can come up with at least 100 reasons why you should visit Italy. But for the sake of saving your time and putting it within 10 minutes, I limited that list to 10 reasons, especially for you.
In this blog, I’m going to discuss with you ten major reasons why you guys should visit Italy. Hi guys, I’m Shimul, a travel blogger who is currently in Rome, the capital of Italy, and today I want to discuss with you 10 major reasons why you have to visit Italy.
Italy certainly has many things to offer: spectacular cities, ancient ruins, great beaches, and beautiful natural scenery, but so does any other European country, so Let’s Start.
There is no other city in the world like Rome. While Rome wants to be a more than 21st Century City, it desperately tries to keep its historical ruins and monuments from crumbling.
The city is really one large archaeological dig that continues to discover its 2 800 years of History. To be able to walk through the Coliseum and the Roman Forum, it’s a walk back in time.
If you love History, architecture, museums, great food shopping, historical monuments, and, of course, great gelato, you should head to Rome.
As an additional benefit of visiting Rome, you should also visit Vatican City, which is an amazing destination in its own right. These incredible ruins and monuments will not last forever. So my advice, guys start planning your trip to Rome now
2. Venice
Okay, the truth about Venice, to be told, is that it’s old, sinking into the login floats occasionally, and sometimes it smells what other City on this planet can climb the same list and still being one of the most attractive destinations in the world.
Maybe everyone wants to visit Venice until it disappears into the Adriatic and becomes the lost City of Venice. In all my travels, I only had two wow moments in my life. The first came when I saw the Leforton Islands in Norway for the first time, and the second came when I stepped onto the plaza from the train station into the wonderful world of Venice.
Did I mention that it’s also Colorful full of life and has amazing churches, museums, great Seafood, fantastic shopping, and is just one of the most fun places you will have a visit?
3. Florence
The top three are Rome, Venice, and Florence. There is really no mystery here. If you were to ask visitors to Italy what was their most favorite Italian city to visit, I’m pretty sure that for most of them, it will be Florence.
Florence is just right in so many ways. The city is just the right size, which makes it one of the most walkable cities in Italy. The centerpiece of Florence is, without any doubt, the Magnificent Basilica de Santa Maria de Fiori. Otherwise known as the Duomo, it should be noticed.
This city is the rightful birthplace of the Renaissance, and it’s loaded with wonderful art, architecture, and some of the finest museums in the world. Florence, without any doubt, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
4. Sardinia
While many people will argue that Sardinia should appear in this list, I could not resist placing this amazing Island. Sardinia is just the right place for your Unforgettable holidays, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea between Europe and North Africa.
Sardinia will offer not only wonderful beaches but also ancient and almost uncontaminated Traditions. History, music, culture, Food Specialties, various delicious wide art, and an overall healthy lifestyle. Which makes Sardinia one of the five blue zones in the world.
Where it’s very frequent that the locals live for more than 100 years sounds unbelievable, but this is all about a certain year.
5. Climate
Italy has a predominantly Mediterranean climate with mild. Sometimes rainy, Winters and sunny hot and usually dry Summers. However, with such a large area and many geographical features, from high mountains to over 4,000 miles of Coastline, you will find plenty of regional differences and even microclimates.
This is why you can visit Italy all year round. Are you a big fan of winter sports activities? Brilliant, just go up north. Dolomite the Italian Alps and spend your holidays skiing, snowboarding, or just having fun in deep, fluffy snow. Constant cold and warm temperatures are fantastic. Go to Sardinian or Sicilia and enjoy your Unforgettable Beach holidays.
The only thing I don’t recommend you do is to go to Rome in August as if crochet in the hot up to 45 degrees Celsius easy. I don’t think you would like to spend your precious holiday under the burning Sun to see the major attractions.
6. Food
I cannot avoid mentioning Italian fate when we’re talking about 10 main reasons why you should visit Italy. Of course, Italian food. I’ve never had a bad meal in Italy, including stopping at the services on the motorway for a quick bite. The different regions of Italy all have their unique Specialties.
No matter where you go, you will always find delicious local Cuisine, and if you ever get an opportunity to have a homemade meal, you should jump on this chance right away.
Those will be the finest meal you will ever have in Italy, and the wine, no Italian milk would be complete without it, cute housewife. There is so much delicious locally produced wine all around Italy. So be sure to sample them all.
7. People
Italian people or another reason why you must visit Italy. The level of Italian Hospitality will take your breath away. Sometimes Italians get a bad reputation for being impassioned with tourists and the authority as the big pocket capital of the world.
I have never experienced any of those, and to be honest with you. I find Italian people very warm and hospitable. Don’t get me wrong, some nasty people will pick your pocket if the opportunity Rises, but this can happen in any country in the world. Just be sure to be always aware of your surroundings. My many great experiences with the locals are the best memories I have of all these little ladies working in local shops without speaking any English. They’re trying their best to help you as much as they can to the wonderful owners of Estatijinali little restaurant in the very heart of Rome, who always make my day.
Every time I come here to help you communicate with the locals in a better personal level, learn a little bit of Italian, if, it’s just a few key phrases to make you involved in this conversation.
8. Sicily
Often overlooked by visitors for the more popular destinations farther north, Sicily is a world on its own and a great reason to visit Italy with an extraordinary combination of Greek temples, Norman churches, Roman mosaics, and classic Baroque towns.
Sicily is a Melting Pot of cultures reflecting thousands of years of boring occupation, from the beautiful sceneries of Taormina to the wonderfully preserved temples of Agrigento and the Magnificent Cathedral of Monreale.
Sicily has much to offer those who venture to the island and remember Mount Aetna. This massive, active volcano dominates on the Eastern side of Sicily and makes for a great day trip from Taormina or Catania.
9. Mountains and Lakes
The mountains and lakes might be one of many things to come to your mind when you’re planning a trip to Italy. But there needs to be more to start planning the trip from the stunning Del Amity in the Northeast to the Italian Alps in the north. This is an amazing playground for those of you guys who love hiking, biking, or skiing.
And dotted Among The Valleys of those fascinating mountains are some of Italy’s most gorgeous lakes. Drive to Grandastrada De le Dolomite Grand Dolomiti highway for an unforgettable trip on one of the most scenic roads in the world.
Northern Italy is also home to some of the most scenic Lakes, including Lake Como, Lake Majora, and Lake Garda.
10. It Dosen’t Have To Break The Bank
Most people don’t consider traveling to Italy because they think it’s extremely expensive, while travel in Europe in general can be quite expensive; it doesn’t have to break the bank. There are a number of strategies you can use to reduce costs. For starters, it’s always cheaper to travel during the Season or at least the shoulder season; if you’re traveling once everyone else does well, the demand will be high.
So, in this case, you will have to pay top dollar accommodations that run the range from outrageous to reasonable. The key is finding hidden jumps that offer charm and comfort without emptying your wallet.
This takes some planning and work, but you can find accommodations below 100 dollars per night in Italy. Find a highly-rated bed and breakfast or stay in Agriturismo, and you will get a more authentic experience than in a large hotel or Resort.
So there you have it, 10 really strong reasons to visit Italy. Design what interests you the most, start planning, and hack to that particular region. I should add here that travel within Italy is very easy as they have a great train system that connects all the major cities and regions the trains run fairly often, are reasonably priced and very punctual.
One final word of caution: before you go, please do not try to see everything in one single trip; visitors who run through in a desperate attempt to see everything. And miss out on the little things that make it so special. Take your time, and be sure to stop and take it all in, as you may never come this way again.
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mortgagemarketa · 1 year
How fascinating it is to live in Dubai! Want to buy a property in the UAE?
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Over two hundred different nationalities are represented in the workforce and the population of Dubai. It's a city full of contrasts, where old and new coexist, where high-end and low-cost mix, and where the desert and the sea meet. Opportunities abound in Dubai, a city with a rich culture, a diversified population, and a low tax rate. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of owning a home in the United Arab Emirates that you should consider if you are considering relocating to Dubai.
 What are the advantages of Life in Dubai? 
✅The weather in Dubai is often warm and sunny, with temperatures between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius. The summers are hot and humid, while the winters are warm and pleasant. Beach sports, golf, hiking, and camping are all possible throughout the year.
✅Dubai is one of the world's safest major cities due to its low crime rate and stringent security procedures. The city's judicial system is highly effective in upholding the law and safeguarding the rights of its citizens and visitors. Public and private hospitals in Dubai offer first-rate care and state-of-the-art amenities, making the city's healthcare system among the best in the world.
✅Dubai's economy is diverse, serving as a center for international commerce, tourism, finance, and creativity. Foreign investors and skilled workers are drawn to the country because of its secure and diverse economy. Expats in Dubai can take advantage of generous pay and benefits, as well as a tax-free salary. Dubai is a convenient location for both saving and sending money home.
✅Dubai offers a diverse and inclusive environment, with something for everyone. There are many places to go for fun, such as theaters, movie theaters, amusement parks, museums, and cultural events. There is a wide selection of restaurants serving both traditional fare and more exotic fare from around the world. Bars, clubs, and restaurants in Dubai all have live music and other forms of evening entertainment.
✅Education in Dubai is good, and international students can choose from a wide range of programs that adhere to international benchmarks. Select among schools that follow the International Baccalaureate, British, American, Indian, French, or German curricula. In addition, Dubai is home to a number of illustrious educational institutions that provide access to higher education and specialised training.
How to do Real estate purchases in Dubai?
The following are the necessary procedures to know if you want to buy a home in Dubai:-
1) Consult with a reliable real estate agent who will help you navigate the market and locate propeties that meet your needs.
2) Pick a home that works for you in terms of price, convenience, square footage, and other criteria.
3) Haggle with the seller or builder about the price and terms.
4) Have a lawyer look over the contract to make sure it follows all state and federal guidelines
5) Put down a deposit (often 10% of the total price) and sign the dotted line.
6) If you need money, apply for a mortgage (up to 75% of the purchase price is typical for non-natives).
7) Make the final payment (often upon property handover or completion).
8) Pay the Dubai Land Department (DLD) the registration cost (about 4% of the purchase price) and then register the property.Get your hands on the deed from the DLD.
Capital appreciation, rental income, residency rights for some properties, and a sense of accomplishment are just a few of the benefits you may reap from investing in real estate in Dubai. If you are interested in Mortage brokers in dubai than Mortgagemarket can help you with it!!! 
Conclusion:- Expats looking for a new experience, a thriving economy, and a high quality of life will find enough to love about living in Dubai. However, there are also drawbacks that necessitate adjustment, caution, and vigilance. If you've finally reached the point where you can invest in real estate in Dubai than Mortgagemarket can help you with it. 
Source URL: https://techplanet.today/post/how-fascinating-it-is-to-live-in-dubai-want-to-buy-a-property-in-the-uae
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