#you guys are so neat I love interacting with y'all
sleepykas · 2 years
Even though it's been following you for less than an hour, I could kind of take a swing at this; for the "reblog about what your art tells me about you":
You're facing burnout, lol, Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to be right. You are an artist, you will face burnout and art block and I am sorry for that. But when you decide to draw your art is amazing, don't doubt yourself.
If you ever feel reluctant to post something because it doesn't "look right". Please remember that people cannot see the final image you wanted to have that's in your head. We only see what you present us with, and as I hope you've learned we eat it up. Even rough sketches paint a picture for us.
You have such great story ideas. And you enjoy prompts that people may create in the tags, are you by chance also wanting to be a writer even if it's only for AUs?
I feel if that is the case, you also would like to write a book. Probably on one of these AUs you love, But you're smart and worry about copyright infringement. If that is the case, get a fic going. And towards the end when you want to publish, for a month every day, just post that you're going to change their names subtly. Their designs are already different, you may have to rename the locations for events. But I bet you could get a book out, I'd buy it 😉
Your work is lovely, so glad I found you and I look forward to what you post in the future. Don't give up on what you love. Stay determined, there are people out there who care for you. ❤️
Thank you for sending me this! I'm glad you love enjoyed my art and I appreciate your support :]
As for your guesses: some of them are correct!
Burnout is not something I've ever dealt with - I've had minor bouts of artblock that I just pushed through, but artistic burnout hasn't been an issue for me (academic burnout, however... /lh).
I am never reluctant to post stuff! I post pretty much everything I draw and if people don't like it, welp, I do, so that's good enough for me. :] And yes, you guys do eat up pretty much everything I post, haha.
As for AUs and writing and such, I've got two projects I'm currently brewing up (one will have the elusive Y/N character along with our beloved celestial boys >:3)
I don't have any plans for writing a book as of now, simply because I work better when there's a basis for me to work with and I don't have to make up everything myself - BUT I do enjoy making OCs and giving them (tragic) backstories. I have over 100 that I can remember off the top of my head LOL.
Anyways, thank you for the message, I greatly appreciate the interaction and I love how much thought was put into this. Have a nice day, friend :]
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sleeptokenpuppy · 8 months
Okay. Happy Sleep Token Mental Images.
I think we all need some right now. I think imagining them being happy will soothe some of us. At least me, so I'll start.
The snakes from the Metal Hammer photoshoot getting draped around Vessel and thinking, "huh, this tree is Very Warm and it Moves. that's neat." and enjoying interacting with the Warm Moving Tree, as I'm sure any exothermic creature would enjoy.
The snake sticks its tongue out. So does Vessel, in response. Someone giggles. Probably Vessel.
You know those fun wacky lookin straws that you can spell words with? Krazy Straws or whatever? II using one of those to get his redbull through the new mask. It says "worship"
Everyone loves III's hair. Party whenever he dyes it. Joyous hair tosses when the new color gets done. You agree. Reblog.
IV! Decorating! His! Jacket!!!! That thing looks dope as hell, I bet he had a blast designing and decorating it!!
"I'm going to the store do you need anything" convo, but IV and Vessel harsh-vocal-screaming the convo for funsies
"Are you dry yet?" every two minutes after someone gets their paint put on: the unofficial Sleep Token version of "Are we there yet?"
Based on the Silly Levels these guys can get up to, and the amount of headwear they've collected... just run it back, bet you five whole dollars someone on that tour bus fell asleep without cat ears on and woke up wearing them at least once.
Feel free to add your good vibes and happy mental images, I'm just trying to keep the anxiety level down (for myself, but for y'all too).
They're human beings. Human beings who like to have a good time and smile and joke around and enjoy things. I'm trying to focus on that part right now, instead of the awful. Join me? Think happy thoughts?
Deep breaths and lots of love, sleepyheads. We're here for each other.
Kay love you byeeee
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avaphantomau · 2 months
Welcome all, to the Phantom of the Opera AvA AU!
Fans of Alan Becker's incredible animations, as well as any who have ever seen the masterpiece that is Phantom of the Opera, I welcome you to this blog!
This world is still very much in the making, and I'd like to involve the AvA community as much as possible!!
That means I am asking for suggestions, requests, your involvement and interaction, because this world is for you!
Now, let's get to the primary information we have so far, starting with the cast!
The main characters of the ava will be taking the place of the main cast, but fear not! Should you want any of your oc's in this world, and now fear that they'll be hardly featured, let me put that to rest!
As this is an au, I want to keep the phantom of the opera vibes and main idea of course, but I also want to make changes, to help fit with ava better, to add more events involving the minor characters, and so forth!
This ask box will be open for suggestions or requests of that like, Indefinitely!
Now! I shall have my questions for you, after the Cast Listing we have so far!
Main Cast:
(PotO character: which stick will have that role)
Christine: Dark
Raul: Chosen
Phantom: Corrupted!Victim
The new theatre owners: King and Purple (Purple in this au will be about half King's age, in his mid twenties, with King in his forties)
That elder lady who tries to keep the others out of danger and knows the phantom: Second
The retiring theatre owner: Redwood(corn dog guy)
The Color Gang are part of the performance crew
Investor in the theatre that hangs around: Victim
OC cast roles so far:
Prima Donna: Savage
Second's secret daughter/eyes and ears: Fallen (referred to often as Effsie)
Prima Donna's minion: Cherry
Meg: Shin
Conductor: TTB
Background stage crew member #5: TLB
Background stage crew member #2: Yimbo
Performer/singer #6: Luna (TSL)
Backgound stage crew member #7: Heavy
Performer/singer #8: Light
That one guy who's somehow always lucky enough to miss or be missed by any damage: Greg
And that's all we have so far! If you'd like your oc to be in this, and or if you have a role/new role in mind, please please please ask me! I'd love to include them!
There are things about the au that haven't been settled or decided yet! I would love your help to decide these things, or to get new questions to answer!
Is there a major change we should make to this au to fit the theme? (For example, i found an rotg fic that changed the main theme from singing, to dancing, and there were many things that were different because of that, but it still felt like a phantom of the opera thing)
This one isn't as much of a major change, but should Chosen and Dark be brothers, or shipped? (I'll make a poll for this tbh)
What are some new events or scenes i could add to feature the ocs more? I already have ideas for a cast party scene :D
Currently, I have C!Victim as a glitched stick, which is what earned him people seeing him as a freak, like phantom was in the thing. Is this a good idea? Should I change anything and are there any specifics I could do?
I want Dark to have some kind of cool and useful glitch that is really neat, but the mere fact of having a glitch is why Alan sent him to this performance theatre, as well as the reason for C!Victim's obsession with him. It would be something that would enhance him when performing in some way. What are some ideas y'all have for what it could be?
Since there is a Corrupted Victim, I want to have a non Corrupted victim that is more like some of the gentle phantom interpretations. I'm considering having him be some kind of investor in the theatre that is always hanging around. Is this a good role for him, and what could be a reason for there being two victims?
Alan would just be this larger than life background memory of a character that never makes an appearance, but is referenced when that scene of Dark and Chosen are talking about the past, when it is mentioned that he sent Dark away all that time ago. Should I do anything more with him?
And that is all I have so far!
Please spread this around to your ava friends or mutuals, as hopefully this will be a whole community thing!
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feralwetcat · 4 months
I haven't been very sappy on main so *throws sad shit at you* (aka me thanking the fable community and cast again, cuz goddammit you guys are so neat and cool)
Fable smp was, and is probably one of my favorite things I've discovered, i clicked on one of heyhays vods one day on a whim and gods im so glad i did, the way Fable has shaped me as a person and helped me improve is honestly crazy, its how i got into doing art, how i improved, how i met most of my friends, its genuinely been an amazing journey.
For me as a person, my home has always been an odd environment, without getting into too much detail my family has lots of trauma circling around, my brother and dad especially, so the way Fable comforted me through bad days, or when my dad would burst out at me or my mum, its genuinely such a crazy thing that these little block guys have helped me through so fucking much, the way they've helped me discover who i am, to feel represented through so many characters, heck even just hyperfixating with others, its amazing
Its helped me become more confident in my own skin, able to accept my body and how fucked up it is, from the rep with disabilities to identities, seeing something like "hey i have that!" Or "i experience that!", even the small pieces, its so fuckin awesome to see such cool people that are honestly like me
To all the cast: thank you, if not for making Fable, but for representing people, for showing us how much of an outlet being creative can be, and everything in between, all of this is so crazy how cool and detailed it is, truly.
To the fandom: you all are so fuckin cool, the way i get so excited when you guys interact with my stuff, art, silly posts, or just jokes, it's just so cool to interact with y'all, I've made so many friends and i know I'll make more, especially with all the smps y'all promote, keep doin that, i love your stuff guys<3
(now for specifics that have made me feel seen ayo)
To Athena: thank you, genuinely, for making a space that i feel seen in, i feel welcome in, the rep with C!Athenas disability and still having a great time, having a fulfilling life, which I've been told so many times I can't have due to my disabilities, its so amazing, even if its sleepy stardew, lore, or anything in-between, your community and self is so inviting and comforting. Your voice has always been so comforting (like a chill pink mixed with a light coffee brown feel:]), and i genuinely can't thank you enough, if not for representing me, but for becoming a comfort streamer for me
To Ghosty: Caspian as a character was so cool to see, his story was like a good book really, one you could pull up and watch with some tea or hot coco and a blanket, one that was so interesting, I've experienced some of the issues he worked through and it felt so amazing to see, especially a trans character whos entire personality wasn't that he was trans, or a character who struggled with grief but was still happy and able to be *alright* sometimes, thank you.
To Sherb: the way you did lore, and continue to do lore, always excited me, got me feeling genuine emotions, which I've always struggled with, it made me get into storytelling, something I've always enjoyed, it made me get into telling my own stories, its been so enjoyable, and will continue to be ! Icarus as a character made me feel seen in the way that you can care for someone, trust them fully, but they can still be a good person, but the way they treat you makes you believe they're a good person, and thats really important to me. Thank you Sherbert
To Connor: gods your writing is so cool, your fics motivated me to start writing again, and Ulysses as a character as well is such an interesting character, his writing is so neat and his story again made me feel so seen in many ways, and your writing is so good
Finally, To Beck: Arisanna was and continues to be a character i resonate with, always working for someone, never for yourself, feeling alone at times even with many people, having to or feeling like you have to provide for your friends and family, i grew up feeling like i had to protect my older brother, make sure he was alright, and Ari made me feel seen in that way, thanks for that, really
Thank you everyone, for supporting me, through my art, pickup lines, or just dumb jokes
Signed, FeralWetCat (Kai)
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memurfevur-archive · 10 months
A question for the mun; May I ask what are your favorite trolls in the ftc as a whole?
Oh geez, I feel like this is always changing for me because I keep getting to know amazing new people and amazing new characters. I think I'll just name a few blogs and list my favorites from there, as I don't think I can pick out of the entire community when it's full of people I also don't know or haven't interacted with (yet!).
Quite a few of them belong to my partner @mageofspacemultiverse as I've known those the longest and have quite a few ships between us. A few of my favorite characters from him are Zomson, Hidelord, Devaron, and Pixcel. Each character of his is unique and has interesting backstories and personality, and yet every one of them is so on-brand for his blog.
From @thestarlightbrigade I have always adored Deltra and MY LIL MAN HIBUKI. Special shout out to Iiboye too. Lots of edgy angsty characters but each one is a specific flavor that never gets tiring. Avery's vibe is I'm shaking him by the shoulders and biting him affectionately. That is to say, he's a fun guy and silly to talk to. Prepare to get cat-gif'd.
@stuckstucktrolls I thirsted after Viktor since day 1 bruh. He's the Troll I am most familiar with besides Teagan. Creative characters and also very pretty, the lot of them. Cool cat boy cryptid gets the seal of approval from royal moth cryptid.
@goddesstrolls Kairos and Kairne. Ik Kairne isn't on the blog anymore but I thought he was pretty damn neat tbh. One of the first characters I knew Bast by. Also um... my (ex)wife Akidis, I love her to bits and pieces, and my male-wife Darvai. Buff women and bastard men run this blog, and all the world build and narratives Bast has come up with over the years are SO -chefs kiss- .
@miks-fantrolls Antemh <3 Sticking him under a microscope fr. I don't know a lot about anyone else, but maybe that'll change sometime. I don't know a lot about Mik but I personally think he's cool af. Mik if you're reading this I'm staring at you with wet pathetic eyes and offering you an egg in these trying times.
@roetrolls Veylin <3 She makes my heart happy. Also Franky, I would give him the world. Mallum is up there, too. Roe makes a lot of characters that are compelling, friend-shaped, and possesses you with the Funny Horrors (aka I can't stop laughing every time I see 'Dominion' on a street sign or pub. Like, it's the kind of joy that's like 'I know that guy! That guy belongs to this really cool person that I look up to! How silly that he has a bar named after him!' )
@sasster ...................... Redivi.................. Look, one could argue and say it's because he's a vampire and I'm absolutely a vampire simp 100%. But. But he's *terrifying* and that's a big reason why he's a favorite Chase Troll of mine. Compelling, scary, but recognizable as people we may know in our every day lives. An ever so loved face and name, but there's always something behind the scenes that we can't see. There's a performance for the world, while on back stage the true colors show. Mind you, I am extremely behind in the lore of the blog, but that guy? Man. That guy.
@windy-trickster -slaps the top of this guy's blog- This blog can fit so many funky lil dudes filled with unique lore and fantastic personalities and oh my god the angst. My favorites among them are Doleos, Rastho, and Althor. Windy is a creative writer and puts SO much love into his characters. Like for real, it's always a pleasure listening to him talk about them. It's clear he puts in a lot of love and effort into his guys, and I think y'all should go and see that for yourself.
@askthehiddencaste Shuska and Ashoal. I feel like Shuska is the face of the blog (i mean, the entire theme is a library, so), and she's such a charming character. Warm, friendly, but she's STRONG in spirit. Ashoal and Shuska are the two I'm most familiar with aside from Heliel (I want that goopy man carnally). Kanny has a lot of fascinating characters that all feel like a natural family to me. I could hang out with their characters and feel right at home.
@experimental-failures The only one I'm familiar with is Nix, so I guess he's my favorite by proxy-- BUT! I've always thought Nix was very neat. He feels like a guy I can run into out on the street irl. He feels so real to me, and it's always a pleasure.
@the-rainbow-overflow Elnric and Viroxa. Two very interesting characters for vastly different reasons, lol! I love the alternate timeline stuff Elnric has going on, and I feel soft for this guy mostly because it's the first Troll I knew Dusk by. Viroxa is... oh boy, god damn, a bastard? Such a manipulative and cunning guy where the ends justify the means, and I am OBSESSED. Bonus points that he's a scientist guy, ya know? We all love unhinged scientists. Kissing him on the cheek even if he may take my lips as donation and sew it onto someone else. Special mention to Makona as well, I am unwell about HISStory of Violence <3
@trollbreak Um, Bladed, teehee -twirls hair- Jonah has SOOO many lil guys. Silly lil guys! Some of these silly lil guys commit murder and treason! Some of them will give you plushies and Autism Creature stare at you as a means of friendship. Heehoo is my ultimate favorite, and Bladed is close second, but I adore Jonah and all of their characters.
@clown-fuckers-r-us Montague!!!! MONTAGUE!!!! MY BELOVED!!! CRYING WEEPING AAAAAAAA-- ahem. So um Montague is my favorite, he's so cool? I'm so invested in his story and not just because I have a ship going with that guy but his concept is so intresting??? A Purple with anger issues, rich and privileged but kind and loving-- now ruined by a broken mind and psyche, his one scrap of salvation that keeps him from fully losing himself being the memory of a lover that he hasn't seen since before the war on Limebloods... You should definitely go share some love with Bun, the mun of the blog; she's an AMAZING person, truly a wonderful friend, and one of the most nicest people I know.
@moonlit-trolls Tythus by far. It's been SO neat seeing Tythus grow and develop as a character. Moona and I made Ptillo and Tythus together, and while Tythus had some shaky beginnings as Moona was figuring him out, it definitely solidified and paid off in the end. Tythus is a compelling villain imo with complex goals and ambitions. Not to mention what a SILVER FOX HE IS GOD DAMN. You go girl, make that man hot and pathetic <3
I'm running out of steam for this post; if you're not listed on here it doesn't mean I don't have favorites or that I don't like you. There's A LOT of trolls to keep track of in the community and a lot of members too. Everyone has such amazing characters that I cannot possibly list them all off. Keep doing what you're doing, and remember that even if it feels a little pointless at times or that nobody cares, there ARE people who enjoy the content you put out-- whether its art, writing, silly little tidbits, or whatever else! There's people out there who will think about you over the smallest of things and smile, people who will think about you and your characters and feel inspired, people who may be too shy to interact but love and appreciate you and what you do. Whether you're a big or small blog or something in between, thank you for being part of the FTC.
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steelthroat · 27 days
Hello, hello, hi~ I'm here to ramble once again... but I have a huge problem with dividing groups of people and their mentality into generation-discourse.
So you see thousands of posts with "ah yes gen-z is bothered by that" "millennials are such" "boomers always say" etc etc... so uh- first of all what the fuck are you talking about????
Okay I am gen z. However, I am Italian, do you think I am the same flavor of gen-z as my usamerican peers???
And I don't mean it as an insult against them, I am asking a genuine question. Do you REALLY think we are the same????
Also do you think the gen-z guy from California and the gen-z girl from Alaska are gonna be the same flavor of gen-z????
I was born 2 months before my neighbor, and we might as well be talking two different languages when interacting because WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON.
We speak differently, we use different slangs, we have wildly different online footprints, we have different political views, she comes from a family with twice as many people my family has, the shows we watch, the schools we attended, even the food we consume isn't the same.
What do *I* have in common with a North-Korean gen-z kid? Or with an African American one? An Haitian one? A German one?
Look. The oldest gen z is currently 28 years old(1996), the youngest is 14 (2010). NOT EVEN THE AGE GROUP IS THE SAME.
Y'all are not accounting for: gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family background, disabilities, nationality, personal tastes, religion, education, location, wealth... ETCETERA, the list is INFINITE
So I'll ask again
when you write "gen z is bla bla bla," are you specifically and actually referring to the usamerican queer artistsic youth on tiktok engaging in fandom and politics?
And even then isn't it a bit TOO simplistic?
It is more complicated than that. I do happen to have more in common with let's say... a queer kid from California that likes anime and likes to draw that my neighbor BUT ONLY REGARDING CERTAIN ASPECTS OF OUR LIFE.
I will happen to have more things in common with a millennial instead of another, with a boomer instead of a gen alpha kid I DON'T KNOW. I CAN'T TELL BEFORE TALKING OR INTERACTING WITH THEM.
Also... where do older generations think we took stuff from if nor the older ones????? Like. I know everyone loves dividing people into neat groups and making generalizations, BUT YOU CAN'T IF YOU'RE TRYING TO HAVE AN INTELLIGENT AND UNBIASED CONVERSATION.
So please, before opening your mouth check, you don't look like one of those people that makes you roll your eyes after saying "kids these days"
Also, this applies to Gen Alpha, too. Some of y'all are a bit too comfortable picking on them when if we do the math, you are probably their parents... so before deeming an entire fucking generation doomed I'd ask you to analyze your own conscience.
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mad-hunts · 3 months
13. what do you think about OCs?
AHH, hello, @furiaei! thank you so much for the ask :D i'm going to try to get all of the munday ones i received a while ago, such as this one, answered today but i hope you're having a wonderful day so far. though let me just begin my reply to this by saying that OC's are honestly SO precious to me and i think that everyone who makes them on here is superrr talented, tbh, so i really don't get why some people wouldn't want to interact with them... and i say that because of some weird things i've been hearing going around here on tumblr that some people apparently don't like them. which, kind of makes me feel like saying ' UHHH, then why are you here? because the RPC is literally made up of OC's, you dingus, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them. so maybe you shouldn't hold such a wack viewpoint of them??? ' but i suppose we can't control other people's actions and/or thoughts; only our own, so i'm just going to keep on doing what i'm doing and that is spreading the love for OC's on here!!
i mean, i have been creating them myself for a couple of years now and i just think that everyone who creates them always puts so much work into them, you know? and i love that SO much + i have really come to appreciate all of the diversity on here in terms of what kind of OC's you might see :D plus, it's just fun to come up with characters in your head that have these intricate storylines to them and the fact that there is a whole community of them around now is just REALLY neat to me, okok. because i used to be one of those kids who would make up fantasy stories and write them down + read them out to my family, or to my friends because i was proud of the fact that i had created something unique, though i didn't really have an outlet to use these characters in back then. so being able to be a part of a group like this means a lot to me as it sort of makes the part of me that's still a kid inside happy <33 and i know this answer of mine wasn't too long, but i just wanted to keep it short and sweet for now because basically, what i'm trying to say is this:
i adore each and every one of the oc's i've seen on here with all of my being + i unironically think the concept of them IS all that and a bag of chips in general. and that is something that's never going to change, because (and i say this in the best way) i don't care whether you're just starting out with creating OC's, or have done it for a while — you have CREATED something and that is worthy of being celebrated! anything that people create whether it's stories, art, poetry, etc. is important and adding it to this site does count as sharing it with the world... so, with that said, i think all OC creators should be proud because things just wouldn't be the same in the RPC without you and y'all add so many valuable insights + unique perspectives to aspects of humanity on here because writing is meant to mimic it. so yeah! if anyone ever tries to make you feel bad for having created an OC, screw them because i love your character/s and i think they're perfect just the way they are, alright??
now keep up the good work, y'all, and i hope you know that you guys are so inspiring with all of the storylines you have come up with ❤️ your presence here is definitely cherished as well as there will never stop being a need for good writers!!
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bee-snail · 1 year
Your turn!
❤- Favorite Tangled Character?
💔- Least favorite Tangled Character?
✨- Moonstone or Sundrop?
🔮- Something you wish had happened in the series?
📺- Another show you’d like to see have a cross over with Tangled?
💕- Tangled Otp?
🖤- Tangled NOtp?
😺- Number 1 animal companion?
💎- Favorite AU?
💜- Characters you think should have interacted at all or more?
💍- Would you marry anyone in the Tangled world?
👗- Favorite character outfit?
🧠- Random Tangled Headcanon you have?
🌙- Favorite Moon Character? (E.g Cass, Varian, Eugene.)
📚- Favorite Tangled Fanfic?
⏰- When did you join the fandom?
🎶- Best Tangled Song?
🙉- Worst Tangled Song?
💞- Which character do you relate to the most?
💢- Which character do you not relate to the most?
💥- A big a opinion you have related to the Tangled movie/series?
Favorite Character: Ziti my beloved. She has taken over my heart like mold. Oh my dearest. Hector is a very close second (he lost his throne to her, alas). Curls (Fernanda Pizazzo) gets third place hahehe.
Least Favorite Character: Demanitus. Loser✋🙄 /j
I wish we'd gotten more Brotherhood, but I also wish we'd gotten a better Zhan Tiri and a better Demanitus. They have so much lore potential that just flopped so bad :( !!!
We could've had Zhan Tiri tell Cassandra of her POV of her past with Demanitus in order to make Cass sympathize with her (developing her character and the plot in one swoop), and then we could've had a cool moment of the main gang reading Manny's journal in the finale (while looking for the Portal blueprints) and letting us see a flashback of his view of everything that happened until the fateful "I had to send my ex-bestie to acid hell" day and therefore get his own explanation on why he did it.
We could still have a vague explanation of their past, since both tales were told by opposite kings of the metaphorical board, but at least we wouldn't have the contradicting mess we got. Smh.
Another show to get a Crossover with ... Miraculous Ladybug :]
I have 1 tangled OTP and it's zhan tiri/winning (i have no strong opinions on any ship except the hector/ziti pairing, which probably doesn't even count since it's a pairing that exists in only 2 fics and they're BOTH WRITTEN BY ME HAJDJWJE)
I have 1 tangled NOTP and it's varian/literally anyone of the main crew (age gap too big ... noooo)
Best animal companions are Hector's bearcats and rhino, 100% (but Ruddiger is a close second :] )
My favorite AU is definitely the Moon!Hector AUs. They're awesome (hot take: moon Hector >>>> moon Cassandra)
HECTOR AND ZITI SHOULD'VE INTERACTED :( !! Guy was POSSESSED BY THE GT and got ZERO repercussions from it ??!?!!! No connection to Ziti !?!?! No nothing !!?!?! TERRIBLE TERRIBLE !!!
I have no idea if I'd ever marry anyone in the TTS universe. I'd consider Curls (Fernanda Pizazzo) but it really depends on how she is outside the stage. Everyone else is too depressed, too young, too old, or otherwise problematic lmao. Forgive me y'all. I love Ziti but I too am much too weak to handle the atrocities HAHDHSHAHS
Favorite outfit is probably Hector himself. And Adira. They're tied. They look so good it's not fair THEY LIVE IN THE FOREST WHY DO THEY LOOK SO GOOD !!!!
A headcanon I have is that Adira cooks when she's stressed. It's just very neat :]
Out of all Moon Characters, Hector is the best one ofc. Varian and Eugene are a close second and third places, respectively.
Favorite fic? Moonrise ofc. But Incarnate, Blood of my Brother, the Tangled Sisters Series and especially Destinies Fulfilled bring me so much joy!!!
I found the fandom in 2018—2019. I remember I got to it maybe a couple months after season 1 ended and I got to watch season 2 as it came out !!
My song choices vary a lot depending on my mood. At the moment, my favorite song is not even a song but rather an instrumental/background music, "Onwards to the Dark Kingdom" (Great Tree soundtrack :] ) and I don't have a worst song to name because I don't care enough about the songs I don't immediately love to actually dislike them. So, I'm choosing "Next Stop Anywhere", since it's my least liked song among my liked songs !!
Characters I relate to ... dude ... I know there's someone, I just can't remember. Faith came to mind. Calliope did too. Geez. Of all people. At least it's not Demanitus or something.
A character I do not relate to? Demanitus. L.
A big opinion I have is that Hector should've, if not taken the Moonstone himself, at the very least become an actual threat at some point. He would've been very useful in s2 since s2 lacks any real threat or antagonist (except the debut episode (Stalyan and Baron), the mid-finale (Hector and the GT), and the actual finale (Edmund).
Also Ziti could've been a little less Yzma'd. just saying 🦀
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for the ask meme, the five numbers you like the least. not the questions. the literal numbers.
"the five numbers you like the least" bruh I'm still not sure why I'd be expected to have strong number opinions but here we are I guess.
Also you didn't specify a fandom so I'm just gonna jump around here for funsies
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Alright listen aitsf/aini fandom. I get why a lot of y'all don't like Lien. His interactions with Kizuna early on aren't great and there's a valid critque to be said about that dynamic perpetuating creepy stalkerish tendencies "wearing a woman down until she accepts a relationship". BUT there's a lot more to him than that which is super compelling. Lien at the chronological start of the game is a former criminal trying to better himself and feeling bummed out because he got fired from a legitimate job he had because of his criminal history. Ultimately his relationship with Kizuna motivates Lien to better himself and not give up and find a job that suits his skill set. I think the exploration of classism and the struggles of trying to better yourself in a society that believes "once a criminal always a criminal" in Lien is compelling plus he's just a big dumb guy that loves his girlfriend. YES their first meeting was bad but dammit Lien being Kizuna's legs for her so they can dance is so fucking cute and it fucking got me. Sorry haters in this house I love Lien Twining.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I think there should be Sam and Max fic that actually fits closer to Steve Purcell's style. I've seen some really great fanart/fan comics that I think feel very Sam and Max and fit the style of its various incarnations but fic is kind of a different story. I've definitely read some INCREDIBLE sam and max fics but overall most of them are kinda mediocre and I think it's because a lot of sam and max writers are young and aren't quite equipped to tell a story that fits sam and max, mostly by treating them too seriously. Sam and Max is first and foremost a comedy and even canon at its darkest still manages to have plenty of genuinely funny moments. There's nothing wrong with trying to explore a more serious side to the characters mind you but a lot of it in my opinion takes it too far to the point where Sam and Max don't feel like Sam and Max.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Okay buffy fandom, maybe I am looking in the wrong place by why is there Robin Wood fandom. I know season 7 sucks but Robin is a highlight of that season for me. I think he's a very compelling character, the son of a slayer who lost his mom at a young age and takes up the fight himself. I don't think the show really used his character to the fullest potential but that's what fandom is supposed to be for. At least it is when the character with untapped potential is white but ALAS here we are. Anyway I love Robin a lot I don't talk about him much but I think he's neat and I wish there was more appreciation for him out there.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Probably franmaya. Like I used to really like not like it when I was younger (mostly because Maya is my favourite character while I didn't care much for Franziska. Like I didn't hate franziska per se I just didn't like her as much as other. idk what to tell you somehow I didn't get the crush on franziska gene that every other sapphic woman has) but due to it being a common background ship in narumitsu fics and one really good analysis post tumblr breaking down maya and franziska's similarities in a way that actually made it click I've softened on the ship. I still won't actively seek it out but I might reblog a cute fanart here or there if I come across it.
Thanks for the asks dude, even if u asked them in the weirdest fucking way
send me some more "choose violence" fandom asks
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mythic-anorak · 2 years
are you okay w receiving art of your characters? Id love to draw some of them and show you when I’m done!
Yes, absolutely! You (and anyone else reading this) are free to make any kind of fan art or anything like that for Mythos and its characters. I'd absolutely love to see it.
Tl;dr for below discussion: I'll use #MythosSeries to mark my main posts form now on and anyone who makes fan stuff can use #MythosFanart to mark it.
On that note, I would definitely want to officially recognize anything others make for Mythos. We could, of course, use a tag. So far I've tagged all my posts with #Mythos, but that tag sees a bit of general use, so perhaps we should use something more specific that can be unique solely to us. Something like #MythosSeries? idk
Part 2 of "on that note": how should I interact with fan stuff when it comes to this account? Neat and orderly autism brain says "oh, I should make a SECOND blog JUST for reblogging the fan stuff, that way the main blog stays neat and orderly with just the lore stuff and maybe comics when I get confident enough to start making those" but to be honest I don't really use tumblr a lot. I'm not super familiar with tumblr culture. Maybe y'all want me to flood your feeds with fanart, who knows. Let me know what you guys think about how I should approach that, your input is appreciated.
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lancerious · 2 years
All righty, here is the Deltarune Chapter 2 tier list...you may notice the list is quite shorter for this chapter. I'll explain why.
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I'll be honest with y'all, I don't have strong opinions on the majority of the more major Chapter 2 characters, so putting most characters in a tier list didn't make a lot of sense to me. Besides, I can't remember if some characters had actual dialogue outside of their battles, and if you read through my Chapter 1 tier list HERE, you'd see that was one of my rules. So...yeah, sorry if you were expecting a bit more...most of the characters I have strong opinions on are from Chapter 1, not Chapter 2.
Oh, by the way, the reason no characters are on the "S" tier is because that tier is reserved for Lancer and King only. It is a truly special tier reserved for the best of the best. The reason no characters are on the "D" tier is because I don't have severely negative opinions about any characters listed. Anyway, here we go!
Also if you want to know my rules check out my Chapter 1 tier list, I don't feel like repeating them here :P.
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Starting off with the "A" tier...
Character #1: Swatch. Swatch! I LOVE Swatch. He's an exception to my "has dialogue during a battle and outside of battle" rule because he...doesn't fight in a battle, lol. But I'm including him in this list anyway because I love this guy. Definitely my favorite character introduced in Chapter 2. His personality is somehow so funny to me, even though it's not intended to be. His implied interactions with Rouxls Kaard are honestly one of the most hilarious aspects of this chapter in my opinion. Seriously, what's not to love about Swatch?
Character #2: Berdly. Now, I know I said in my Berdly Deltarune bingo post HERE that I'm not super invested in Berdly, but compared to almost every other Chapter 2 character, he is way up there. I do like Kris and Susie more, but Berdly is a very respectable character and has a lot going for him. He has improved by a fair amount already and has tons of potential. I can definitely see me liking Berdly a lot more as time passes.
Character #3: Swatchling. Swatchlings are neat! I love how they come in different colors, and their personality is another one of my favorites, though that's mostly because it's a lot like Swatch's. I don't really have a lot to say about Swatchlings. But I do like them a lot! They were fun to encounter, and I honestly like them almost as much as Rudinns.
Character #4: Spamton. Ah, the man himself...Spamton G. Spamton. The one every single Deltarune fan is fanatic over. And honestly, I can certainly see why. Pretty much everything about Spamton is unique and well-executed. I've recently begun to like Spamton quite a bit, though I won't be posting about him all the time, I can assure you that. If I had made this same tier list several months ago, Spamton would have been near the bottom, but I've really been trying to appreciate the little man, and I think I can confidently say I am a bit of a Spamton fan myself! Good character!
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I can imagine I'm making some of you lose brain cells now.
Character #1: Tasque Manager. Honestly, when I first began making this tier list, I forgot about Tasque Manager. But boy, I am glad I made this tier list, because I forgot how decent of a character she is. Her connection with Jevil is one of the most interesting aspects of Chapter 2 in my opinion...it brings a lot of questions to my mind regarding how the Dark Worlds work. Besides this, Tasque Manager is pretty good! I like how she assists the party in sparing the Mauswheel, and her desire for order is cool too. Not a bad character, though she can be a bit forgettable in my opinion.
Character(s) #2: Sweet Cap'n Cakes. I'm just going to group these guys together as my opinions are equal for all three of them. I really like how SCC are the opposite of Rudinns. They constantly protest the law and are quite rebellious, while the Rudinns simply go along with everything so they don't get imprisoned. It makes these characters more interesting in my opinion. They're all pretty friendly as well, and their dynamics with one another are very entertaining and fun to watch. Definitely decent characters!
Character #3: Addisons. Addisons are another exception to my "has dialogue during a battle and outside of battle" rule, and this is where my opinions will begin to be controversial: Addisons are overrated. Now, I am NOT saying Addisons are bad characters by any means. I personally simply don't understand the hype behind them. They have a connection to Spamton, but that's about it. They're regular NPCs beyond that. However, they are still interesting characters! I do like them, just not on the same degree as some Deltarune fans.
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Oh boy...best get this over with.
Character #1: Queen. Like the Addisons, I do not dislike Queen. She is a decent character, and I find some aspects of her fairly interesting. However, I...don't understand the hype. This is going to be very controversial, but King is the better villain. Queen is...sort of a villain? In one scene she's traveling with Kris (you) in a car, and the next she's imprisoning everybody except Ralsei? Just...what? I don't understand...she's too fickle. Villains should be a clear-cut antagonist in my opinion. They shouldn't be sending mixed messages like Queen does. However, as much as I could complain about Queen, I again do not dislike her. I can...sort of see why people are into her, but yeah...I've never been a Queen fan, and likely never will.
Character #2: Noelle. How do I explain this...I view Noelle the same way I view Ralsei. Neither are bad characters, but because they are so popular and treasured amongst the Deltarune community, I automatically like and appreciate them less. Now, Noelle is not, I repeat, NOT a bad character! I truly do believe she has potential. But I simply can't fully bring myself to like her. I am truly trying, but I'm not there yet. Like several other characters I've mentioned before, I can understand the hype around Noelle. I hope I can learn to appreciate Noelle more as time goes on.
Character #3: Werewerewire. Werewerewire is all right. They, along with Werewire, certainly bring a unique concept to Darkners as a whole. The idea of being controlled by an outside force is honestly quite dark while also being intriguing. I like how the Werewerewires seem to be perfectionists and greatly dislike it when Kris spares them instead of beating them in a battle. Even though they don't speak, I wanted to include them on my list.
Character #4: Werewire. And the final character I'll be covering in this post is Werewire. Most of what I want to say about Werewires has already been said with the Werewerewires, but I do want to add one thing: The quote describing Werewires as "walking through a nightmare" is quite chilling to me. It implies they have no free will and are truly corrupted and controlled by a higher authority, presumably Queen. It does hint at Queen being more ruthless and villainous than she lets on, which is something I definitely like.
And that's everyone! I'll be posting the combined tier list of Chapters 1 & 2 tomorrow so you can more clearly see and understand where I personally rank all these characters. Hopefully you enjoyed, and thank you for reading :)!
Again, if I used the wrong pronouns for any character, I am using the pronouns from the wiki, so if I got any pronoun wrong, I am sorries :(.
Have a grand rest of your day ^-^!
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atsukashii · 3 years
ily and ur writing so much 🥺🥺 I'm caught up on practically everything u've posted, so while I wait (im)patiently for new works NO RUSH THO, can u rec any writers u may follow that post stuff u just lOVE to read???
I usually use fics as a distraction from anxiety/panic attacks and my heart doing the palpitating thing which actually makes me wonder if my heart med is working??? bc its happening rn yay 🙃 so I usually go for fluff or h/c stuff
holy shit everything?!?!? 😮😮 aaahhhhh thank you so much 💕 i’m so glad that my writing can give you some sort of escape. send you all the hugs in the world anon!!!
also can I rave about my fave writers on a public platform? ummm fuck yes I can.
These are in no particular order and I think I’ve missed some people but if you check my recommended tag there are even more there too!! Oh I’m also recommending fics here!
@elysianslove (sfw + nsfw) - sal writes some of the best hc’s and drabbles ever, and the way that she writes for kuroo has my heart going boom boom every time.
faves : unintentional flustering things & the little things
@kotarotea (sfw) - guys don't get me started on alyssa's writing okay, because her blog has made me laugh and cry more times then i can count (I'm looking dead at you in another life) her writing is top notch and is definitely one of my absolute favourite people on this site. Oh also her fake texts are pretty neat!
faves : the waiting game (read it ages ago and is one of my fave iwa fics to this day) & random text with bf iwa this one gives me all the feeeelllsss
@hvnlydmn (sfw)- ains writing can heal all of the worlds problems i stg. her atsumu is simply divine and i frequently read her writing. but seriously she will make anyone into an atsumu simp and you'll thank her for it.
faves : haikyuu boys comforting you & haikyuu boys reactions when they accidentally wake you up from a nap its just too fucking cute i can't not share it
@adoringhaikyuu (sfw + nsfw) - if you don't know who they are then y'all aren't living. their drabbles are honestly some of the most amazing haikyuu pieces i've ever read. And they write for a whole lot of people - also the angst will kill your soul
faves : when they realise they want to marry you & rejects you and regrets it - this made my heart actually hurt when reading it
@taurue (sfw) - jin has written my favourite iwaizumi fic that i have ever read (bad news) and is one of the main reasons i love that man with my heart and soul. she also writes for mha as well as haikyuu so literally you're getting double with this one. shes a treasure and her writing is *chefs kiss* perfection
faves : bad news (iwaizumi x reader) seriously read it, you'll thank me later & down bad (atsumu fluff that is so fucking precious i love it with all my soul)
my hero academia
@dimplesum (sfw) - faye writes for both mha & hq, but it doesn't matter what you read, her work is god tier. her blog is so aesthetically pleasing and her writing even more so, she's one of my top recs for suuurrreeeee
faves : i'm not your fangirl (bakugou x reader) & baked love (bakugou x reader)
@myherowritings (sfw+ nsfw) - sof is the king of bnha x reader as far as i'm concerned and her smau's are on another level. even if you aren't a massive fan of the character of one of her smau's i promise you will be by the end, no joke this is what happened to me in her shinsou smau turn on your airdrop.
faves : number neighbour (bakugou smau) & turn on your airdrop (shinsou smau)
@katsuverse (sfw + nsfw) - i cannot say enough about this talented girl. I have been watching mich's blog grow since day one and the way that her writing and style has evolved is really fucking beautiful. her writing is the bomb dot com and her katsuki is ✨ f l a w l e s s ✨
faves : bakugou's reaction to his crush's haircut, made with love (bakugou x reader) & hypothesis honey (bakugou nsfw smau)
Also i cannot stress this enough, if one of these blogs requests that under 18's do not interact or if they state that under 18's should not view some of their content please for the love of god respect their wishes.
thank you.
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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sheepprophet · 4 years
/rp obv and /lh for the most part!
My thinking out loud for who Ranboo could trust with the enderwalk state, in no particular order:
A. Tommy. Probably one of the most obvious choices imo. He's proven to Ranboo specifically that he can be trusted to protect him in a similar situation (the trial about George's house being griefed where Tommy took the fall for him). I think Ranboo knows that Tommy can keep a secret. And Tommy isnt really on any sides at the moment - apart from his friendship with Tubbo which would probably his one loose end that could end up being a deal breaker for Ranboo. I legit think Tommy is objectively the best choice for this job (and i wanna see akward duo reunite as much as the next guy), but we gotta keep in mind who we're dealing with. Ranboo's likely not going to be think of Tommy as someone who's divorced himself from basically all conflict and is just trying to better himself. He's so paranoid about this exact issue, he's probably going to default to thinking Tommy is essentially just between sides right now. Plus, like I said, Ranboo didn't say he needs someone who "isnt on any side", he said he needs someone who's "detached". While Tommy definitely fills the former, he definitly doesn't fill the latter.
B. A lot of chat was suggesting Techno and/or Phil? Which?? My dudes??? No???? Yeah sure they probably wouldn't care, but Ranboo has made it pretty clear that he's really cautious about telling them things like this in fear that one day, they might care. Plus, when they say they don't care, they really mean it. To be honest, I dont think c!Techno or c!Phil are good people to be that vulnerable to? Mainly because this is something that Ranboo is going to need unprompted reassurance with and I dont really think either of them would think to do that? Plus, they're very much on a side, that being their own. When Ranboo says detached, I think he means really detached (or at least as much as humanly possible on this SMP).
C. Fundy. This one is odd because I could totally see it happening, but I can just as easily see it not. Ranboo and Fundy established a pretty strong bond throughout December, but after Doomsday it completely fell through for them both. They clearly still care about each other and that bond is definitely still there, but its been damaged and they've both been afraid to be the first to make an effort to mend it. I genuinely believe if they would just talk, they'd be back to normal in like 10 minutes. But they'd need to talk first and in this case I think Ranboo would be the one to start the conversation, which he's shown discomfort in doing before. However, if they could bridge this gap, l think Fundy would be a very good choice (as long as he could take it seriously). Obviously, Ranboo can trust Fundy on an emotional level and we know Fundy can keep a secret (almost too well) because of the whole A Spy's Diary situation. Fundy also said himself that he currently has no alliances on the smp, aside from probably Ranboo and Ranboo knows this. Additionally, Fundy is one of the only people, along with Puffy, and of course Dream, who have canonically seen him in his enderwalk state. (Tommy did notice him wandering around like he was in it once, but Ranboo hasn't acknowledged that time as canon, so idk). Anyway, I think Fundy would be a pretty solid choice if they can just get their shit together and finally make up.
D. Karl? I see where y'all are coming from with this one and listen, I would also love to see these to interact and bond over their respective memory issues, bookkeeping, and disrealization problems. But, I hate to break it to you that c!Ranboo literally has no clue about any of that. No one does. Karl hasn't told anybody about his ability to time travel and atm doesnt have any plans to. Granted, Ranboo could choose him for other reasons, but I highly doubt it, honestly?
E. Wilbur? I know what i just said, but Hear Me Out. He's not revived right now and we don't know when he will be or what he'll even be like when/if he is. But, a few things we can guarantee is that when/if he is he'll be one of the most detached people on the server (both politically and probably emotionally), he'd have no qualms with helping out Ranboo even if he does turn out to be some awful war criminal, and, based on his interactions with Ghostbur, I think Ranboo might be willing to trust him. And probably my biggest argument for why i like this crack theory: If Wilbur remembers all of the shit he did, that means he'll be one of the few people who would be able to relate to Ranboo. He knows what it's like to have Dream take advantage of your poor/deteriorating mental health and talk you into commiting acts of terrorism. Wilbur also would know what it's like to feel like you can't trust anyone, including yourself, and he could relate to Ranboo's disrealization he's been experiencing. Plus, I just think getting to see these two interact like this would be neat idk. Definitely not going to happen, but I thought I'd inculde the idea here!
F. Eret. Fuck dude, I really want Ranboo to go to Eret about this. Like first of all, Eret is functionally detached from everything right now (I mean that's why Dream has put them on the throne twice now). All Eret cares about is helping those who need it, which would include Ranboo. I also think Ranboo knows he can trust Eret and we all know Eret would be such a sweetheart about comforting the kid, while also understanding the seriousness of the situation and treating it as such. Something that I also thought was interesting was Ranboo emphasizing that it would be ideal if the person has "kept a secret before". Now, Fundy has also kept a big secret before (again, A Spy's Diary), but ya know who was the one other person who knew about Fundy's spy plan and kept the secret (which was someone else's) just as well? Eret. And of course, the reason Eret was the first person who came to mind for me: Eret betrayed L'manberg all that time ago and, obviously, had to keep it a secret and did with ease, even at a time when the writing couldn't protect it for them. Point is, Eret checks this box multiple times over and gets a gold star on it. On the note of Eret's betrayal, what I said about Wilbur knowing what it's like to be used by Dream to commit terrorism/war crimes, also applies to Eret. It's often forgotten that Eret was actually the first person to be used and manipulated by Dream. Eret wanted respect and power and when Dream found out, he promised it to them in the form of a flimsy title and fancy crown in exchange for turning on their friends, Eret took it. They then regretted it almost instantly. Point is, Eret can not only help Ranboo through this with the care and respect he requires, but can also do so by being able to relate to Ranboo on a personal level, which I think Ranboo would respond to. Eret is sort of the closest Ranboo could have to having someone represent what he's afraid he could become - someone who's seen as a filthy traitor and nothing more, never able to earn back the love and respect of their friends. But, Eret could show him that, with time and a lot of effort, he's worthy of forgivess just like they were. I also really want this for Eret. Let Eret be able to use the experience that they view as their biggest mistake, followed by months of paying for it, as a way to be able to help this kid that's grappling with some pretty heavy problems. It would be so healing for the both of them.
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hootcifer · 3 years
talking about toh | season two, episode four: keeping up a-fear-ances
i ytfugijkvcghdt what
previous | first | next spoilers under the cut, as always
the beginning
my goodness that owl thing is terrifying! i think we saw it briefly in that one promo but still!
young eda is back!
honestly, i thought eda ran away from home after she was cursed. i guess i was wrong.
when the healing coven dude gives eda the gem and says it's in style for young witches, i'm reasonably sure that's a reference to the fact that her gem wasn't originally meant to be an indicator of her curse. if i'm correct, that idea didn't even come about until "the intruder".
i love how eda has a poster in her room for rats, clearly a paridy of the musical cats. musical theatre nerd eda? anyone?
i'll talk more about this later, but we finally get to meet eda's mom! i like how she isn't painted as good or evil, just in between. she also seems to share eda's distaste for the coven system (though not as severe).
so even eda doesn't know where the door to the human realm came from, huh? interesting.
it doesn't look like eda's nickname came from her mom, or from lilith, since they both call her "edalyn" a majority of the time. did she start going by eda in school? did it come from her dad? did it come from somewhere else? huh?
the plot
i think it's kinda neat how eda's gold fang isn't actually meant to be a tooth replacement. it just makes her look cool. very on-brand for eda.
we now have confirmation-- more or less-- as to how the elixir tastes. apparently it's gross.
big fan of eda's new outfit. very much her style.
when eda said "beans" i thought she said "memes".
i love some of the visual humor in this show. the tea leaves "shrugging" made me giggle.
poor luz, she really wants to see her mom again. i can't imagine what that's like given that my mom is mediocre at best and makes me feel like shit a lot of the time but that must really suck. oops, sorry, too personal? let's move on.
i am a huge fan of how much closer eda and lilith seem to be now. they aren't enemies anymore, and that's great.
so witches can't detatch their limbs unless they're cursed? for some reason i thought that was universal.
okay, now we can talk about mrs. clawthorne. i saw her in the trailer, and i knew she wasn't eda because of her palisman. as a matter of fact, it's interesting that all three known clawthornes have bird palismans (palismen?). "escape of the palisman" reveals that not every palisman is a bird. is it a coincidence? is it a family tradition? i'm leaning more toward the latter.
but wow, gwen clawthorne. right off the bat i knew there would be people simping for her. i mean, people simp for both of her daughters, so it only makes sense. now, i'm ace, so i don't know much about milf, but does this make her a gilf? since she'd the mother of two milfs? (or are they still milfs if i don't want to--? never mind.)
i was expecting to dislike gwen, but i honestly ended up enjoying her character. sure, she can be a bit... much... but she loves her daughters.
oh, here's an odd detail. both gwen and eda's names end with "lyn", but lilith's doesn't. coincidence? no?
i would love to hear gwen's "strong words" for belos. let him get told off by an old lady!
aww, poor lilith just wants her mom to acknowledge her. it's not fun being the least favorite. i feel you on that one, lily. the older child is always less favored.
canon confirmation that lilith dyes her hair! i think dana said she did in an ama but now it's truly canon.
i knew something was fishy with wartlock from the beginning. there is no way he could have been legit.
i feel so bad for king. now that he knows he has a dad out there, all he wants in the world is to find him. poor thing.
what the hell is "knife season"?! is that a thing?
not gonna lie, i thought king and lilith got drunk off that ice cream. or maybe they did, and i'm just that bad at recognizing that stuff.
also, loving the lilith-king development. always great when two characters bond over angst.
"you know things are bad when hooty is the voice of reason." ~me, to my friend
honestly, a jar of bees would certainly help me with existential dread. i love bees.
i can't say i'm surprised that gwen's "cure" was just a bunch of made up bs. there's no way they could heal eda so early in the season.
gotta say, owl beast lilith looks dope.
i'm really happy that gwen learned to listen to eda. that's not something every mother learns.
i noticed that gwen was from the beastkeeper coven since we saw her in the promo, because i'd recognized the logo on her arm, but i think her controlling the bees was really cool. maybe i know what coven i would join. then again, i'm pretty much with eda on the "covens bad individualism good" front.
also, it looks like badassery runs in the family just as much as bird palismen do.
can we start a petition to help morton stay in business? he deserves it.
it was really interesting to see eda's point of view when she's the owl beast. it looks like she has to fight with the creature from the beginning for dominance over her own body.
the end
hoo boy. h o o b o y .
okay, let's start at the beginning. of the end. okay.
first of all, it shatters my heart into pieces that lilith is going to live with her mom now. i was just growing to like her, too.
and poor hooty! he found someone who considered him a real friend, only to have her ripped away just three episodes later. i hope she comes back soon.
is episode five going to be the episode where we find out that amity works at the library? (don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.)
okay, now let's get to the real mind-boggling part: false luz. what--or who--the heck is she?! i've seen a lot of theories about that, ever since we saw the letters at the end of "enchanting grom fright", and we have options. i'll go more into those in the next section.
belos being behind this new false luz makes a lot of sense, since he's the main bad guy as of now. it's the most likely theory for now, but i feel like it's a bit too predictable.
eda was an option before, but now that she has no powers or access to the human realm, that's off the table.
i've seen theories about amity being behind it, but i suggest a new (and probably false) one.
what about the twins? it could be a situation similar to gwen's determination to heal eda's curse. ed and em seem to care about their sister (more or less), so it makes sense that they would do anything for her to be happy, and for her to be with the person that makes her happy-- even if it means trapping said person in a realm that isn't her own. besides, they're both in the illusions track, and from what we've seen they're very good at it. what if they're the ones who made false luz? i don't know if illusions can interact with things around them, like false luz does with the tissue box, but maybe advanced ones can? also, can you cast illusions in the human realm without a portal? out of all of guesses so far it's probably the least likely, but it's still an interesting concept.
on the topic of illusionists, we also have gus as a suspect. however, we can tell when he's controlling illusions, so surely we would have seen it by now. that does provide an argument against the blight twins being the culprits, but they are both older and more experienced. i'm sure their expertise in their track is similar to amity's in the abominations track, if their parents' expectations of them are anything like their expectations of amity. maybe skilled illusionists can control their illusions with their minds alone? or they can create semi-sentient illusions?
okay, that's enough crazed conspiracy-theorist rambling for today. see y'all next week for episode five!
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skateboarding-poet · 3 years
For the character ask request, hope you don't mind me sending a few over from A3... but: Taichi Nanao, Homare Arisugawa, Sakuya Sakuma, and Kazunari Miyoshi 🌸
Tumblr media
Oooh y'all love Sakuya so muchhhh okay I'll do all of them
Also tagging @emilycollins00 so you can see this
Lmao this is gonna be a bit long
What I love about them: Taichi's whole vibe is what I aim to have for myself. He'e so cool but at the same time he seems like a person that makes you comfortable just by being near you. He's amazing and I want to be the same
What I hate about them: nothing. There's nothing to hate about Taichi Nanao.
Favorite Moment/Quote: I really enjoy Sakuya and Taichi's event chats, they somehow click so well during those, and they're some of my fave interactions of Taichi with members outside of his troupe
What I would like to see more focus on: Taichi's skating. He is a skater but there's barely any focus on that in canon, so I'd love to see more of itttttttt
What I would like to see less focus on: His association with dogs. Taichi is more than a dog boy and half of the puppy pair k thanks.
Favorite pairing with: SAKUTAITEN, no doubt about it. I just love the dynamic between these three, it's impossible for me to find sth else.
Favorite friendship: the Banri and Taichi duo is underestimated. They have so much chaotic potential. Also I want Taichi and Tasuku as a duo to be more explored
NOTP: om*tai is an absolute no from me. I know there are worse options but this one just... Please no.
Favorite headcanon: Taichi is the resident go-to guy when you want to dye your hair, especially in the middle of the night. It's because he often dyes his hair late at night since he often forgets to do it until right before going to bed. Lmao I love him sm.
What I love about them: How he is himself so unapologetically. No matter what you say about his "weird" personality or his poetry, he still goes on like nothing happens.
What I hate about them: lmao I feel like anyone who looks forward to what I have to say about anyone for this one will be so disappointed. I have nothing
Favorite Moment/Quote: act 1 episode 4 is a perfect example of how Homare did the most work for the Winter Troupe in the very beginnings. Everyone came around and started contributing just as much, don't get me wrong, but all I'm saying is that at the beginning Homare wanted then to get closer and did his best, even when he didn't succed the first time.
What I would like to see more focus on: idk if this fits here but m a n I need another Homare lead it's been bong enough leebur pls
What I would like to see less focus on: hmm idk
Favorite pairing with: AzuHoma
Favorite friendship: Tenma and Homare are such an entertaining duo and I care them
NOTP: hmm nothing in particular (excluding the obvious adult×child pairings, which applies for everyone)
Favorite headcanon: Homare cuts his own hair bcs he doesn't like anyone touch his hair/face/head. I can't remember where I saw this one but yes so much yes.
What I love about them: His strenght. Sakuya went through so much and is still his happy, cheerful self. He decided to forgive everyone in his life who wronged him and now he is happy with his true family. Just ejfnrirjeidjeos he's so admirable.
What I hate about them: his character writing💖 come on leebur do better
Favorite Moment/Quote: it's part of act 3 2/2 and I don't want to spoil anything so💖
What I would like to see more focus on: HIS STRUGGLES. IT'S OKAY TO OPEN UP DUDE. PLS.
What I would like to see less focus on: his nice and naive side was lowkey turned into an uwu baby thing which I don't really like. He is not a child. In a3 jpn he even is 20 y/o.
Favorite pairing with: sakutaiten lmao would you espect anything else from me at this point
Favorite friendship: so many. So Many. Sakuya and anyone from his troupe. Sakuya and Misumi. Sakuya and Sakyo. Sakuya and Banri. Sakuya and Tsumugi. Sakuya and Homare 😭
NOTP: nothing really.
What I love about them: I relate to his tendecy to be a people pleaser. It's very comforting.
What I hate about them: his mankai memory sprite. He looks like he is about to punch me /j /j /j
Favorite Moment/Quote: the whole Shinobi story event is so amazing. It's a very important part in Kazunari's development and the fact that the Summer Troupe is so strongky tied to it is just heartwarming
What I would like to see more focus on: I'd like to see more of him being like a mature figure for others to get advice from. I feel like with him being so casual and seemingly carefree he might be taken for granted sometimes
What I would like to see less focus on: hmm nothing in particular
Favorite pairing with: MisuKazu
Favorite friendship: hmm the puppy pair is pretty neat, but also Kazunari and Tsumugi. They sure are quite a funny pair lmao
NOTP: nothing in particular
Favorite headcanon: oooooo ambidextrous Kazunari ooooooo
Character ask meme
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