#you have 'athletic dropout' etc.
not-poignant · 6 months
Hi Pia!! All the posts you’ve made for STWD have really caught my interest, but I know absolutely nothing about Stardew Valley. Will that be a barrier if I try to read your fanfiction? The concepts look soooo interesting and I really want to read it, but I also hate being confused all the time lol.
Hi hi anon!!
You don't need to know anything about Stardew Valley!
There will be a few things in the story that are 'weird' (think like: 'oh this isn't how the real world works because this is game mechanics' - like a house being built in a few days lol), but otherwise this reads a lot like a contemporary story with original characters!
Because the game is mostly just about regular people living regular lives in a country town that's close to the sea, both of my SDV fics read a lot like original stories/novels, and so it should actually be pretty easy to just go in!
And if you have any questions you can always ask me here or in the comments :D I definitely think this won't be confusing like some of my other fanfics (The Beast that Chose its Own Bridle is probably the hardest one to to get into for that reason). I've had a lot of readers of my first Stardew fic say that it basically reads like a standalone original novel. And I think A Stain that Won't Dissolve will be similar.
It's definitely worth giving a try to see how you feel about it! I honestly think you'll know by the first chapter if it's going to be too confusing or not! <3
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imperatrice0 · 1 year
The Ramblings of a Girl Trying To Be a Doer
So, I started this blog during New Years. The goal was to use it to script everyday. But I found myself completely uninterested with doing that. So here we are, 7 months later (!) and I finally want to use this blog. But I won't use it as a scripting blog as I had previously intended.
I've come so far in my view of reality. I now believe that everything is God/consciousness, or however you want to spin it. The whole universe is God expressing itself completely. Every aspect. I have had moments where I wondered what what was the meaning behind my life, and I now believe that, simply put, my purpose is to just be. In an infinite universe, everything must exist. Therefore I, imperatrice0, must exist. And that's why I do.
I also believe that God is love. The infinite and unchanging love that is God is the core of everything there is. All forms of shame, guilt, sadness, anger and fear, and their many iterations, are just illusions. To give an example of what I mean, when you meditate for a while you start to feel yourself enter a state of pure peace/bliss. A general sense that everything is all good. You don't need thoughts, visualisations, or external experiences to reach this state of wellbeing. But we do need thoughts, worries, and external experiences to feel awful. When we choose to no longer be distracted and are simply being the pure awareness of everything that is (our true nature), we naturally feel amazing. That peace is within and waiting patiently for us. But we are usually so invested in the illusions of our lives that many of us never get to experience that natural state of love and peace within us.
Now, I don't believe that illusions are only negative experiences and emotions. I believe that illusions are anything that distracts from our true nature: God, the oneness with everyone and everything that is. So we identify as things: female, 21, black, athletic, student, etc. We may look at our lives and believe that is all we are. If we have a certain amount of money, we believe that's the only way things can be. We believe that the illusions we create for ourselves due to our assumptions are who we are. Still following the money example, whether we believe we have a million in the bank or a balance of -20, it's all an illusion we have created for ourselves. But actually 'create' isn't even the right word. We are only being aware.
We don't really create anything. Creation is finished, and all possible realities already exist. The you that is reading this is merely the awareness of being whatever you assume yourself to be. I am aware of being imperatrice0, an expression of a tiny aspect of infinity. For the universe to be infinite, imperatrice0 has to exist. I just happen to be the awareness of this possibility existing. And of this greater possibility, or state, there are smaller states. imperatrice0 can be rich or poor, physically attractive or not, living in Tokyo or Wyoming, single or married, a PhD or college dropout, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless. I don't create any of these states, I can only decide to be aware of being them. Regardless, they are all illusions.
In my view, what we consider to be our 3D is an illusion, but so is the 4D. They are equally as illusory as each other. This is bringing me to the point of why I am writing this and what I want to be doing with this blog. After knowing about the law, I finally feel ready to buy the pearl and assume a new thing. I don't care what my 3D is showing me, I am whatever I assume myself to be. I will no longer be checking the 3D constantly for movement, I will just accept that I am what I want to be no matter what. Now, this is a huge commitment. I am no longer caring if what I want shows up in my 3D or not because I recognise that what my senses experience externally is no more real than what I experience internally.
I want my blog to be my documentation of this experience. Because I am still new to this realization, I want to see how well I can live by this each day. I assume that the key difference in my behaviour will be me being indifferent to the undesirable circumstances in my life, and feeling fewer negative emotions overall.
Well, I did not plan for this post to take the turn that it did, in fact I did not plan this post at all. If it reads like incoherent ramblings, I apologise :D
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girinma · 1 year
been listening to fear and hunger lore vids at work since it wont run on my laptop and it has me thinking about my sweetie cheat as rpgmaker game idea again. because i had been thinking about railroading it to tell the original story when i had imagined it as a comic, basically just visual novel + jrpg battles, but i think it would be far more entertaining to have more freedom and multiple endings discovered by specific builds of your sweetie cheat.
rambling about my general idea for how it would go (spoilers for game i will not make for 30 years)
the general overview is that there's a magical girl fairy realm alongside the human world BUT magic can only be done in the fairy world. magical girls enter the fairy world after being scouted by a fairy mascot with a transformation item (these are magical artifacts that can be built by fairies but are very expensive. commonly they are family heirlooms). anyone can use the transformation item, and their powers + name + transformed state are decided by the item. magical girls fight in tournaments as the #1 fairy entertainment. successful magical girls get fame in the fairy world (brand deals, etc.) like athletes. the top magical girl becomes the personal guard of the fairy king, and upon defeating the former champion they get to have one wish granted.
katsu is a little fairy mascot who's father is dying and racking up medical bills. he takes his dead mother's transformation item and partners with am 11 year old girl named june to bring back sweetie cheat and make enough money to save his father. june's neglected by her parents and loves the attention she gets in the fairy world.
gameplay loop is
1. prepare for magical girl tournament. 3-4 rounds, limited supplemental items can be brought in and health and mana lost in one battle carries to the next, so you need to strategize on healing or buff/debuff items.
2. battles. there's periods in between to heal using spells or items and to talk to competitors. Win by knocking out your opponent but watch out - do too much damage and you will kill your opponent permanently.
3. get paid based on how well you do in the tournament.
4. buy upgrades to your transformation item to improve stats or learn new spells and attacks, or buy consumables to bring into battle. or save it for katsu's dad.
different tournament leagues exist, but they can be re-done. prizes are lower if you're the champion and replay it tho. the opponent pool for each "league" is limited too - kill to many and there will not be enough people left to run it.
killing opponents makes you more popular in the fairy world, but less popular with other humans.
main progression is to become the grand champion and make your wish.
other points of variation:
there is an invisible time limit to make enough money to save katsu's father before he dies. you can continue after he dies, but katsu will be highly affected by it.
you can choose to spend more time in the fairy world but will experience negative consequences in the human world. june can skip school but will have it reported to her parents after enough absences. eventually you will be unable to return.
befriending your fellow humans will allow you to join the human rebellion against the fairy king.
and the main thing of the original story: june can die. katsu can go out and recruit a second sweetie cheat who is a guy that is a high school dropout. his base stats are better than june. he can also die and the third and final sweetie cheat is a woman who is working minimum wage jobs after getting her college degree. her physical stats are worse but she has much higher mana.
upgrades will be reset between sweetie cheat's UNLESS you buy an item which saves them BEFORE dying. however this also saves the previous characters as ghosts which interact with the current sweetie cheat and unlock new magical abilities.
originally i wanted to force you to have june die but i think it's better to have it as a challenge run to keep her until the end? in the original story there were three sweetie cheats with both june and the second continuing as ghosts, so i see the True End as having these conditions BUT you can get other endings.
my idea for general progression is reaching a difficulty increase and having june die, getting a boost from having da boy's stats and getting farther and buying the upgrade saver, then eventually having to hit the third sweetie cheat and then realizing the ghost thing happens. likely to have katsu's dad die on the first run but you eventually become champion, reaching an ending. then on the second run you buy the upgrade saver earlier to have ghost june.
also there'd be an upgrade that buffs your stats at the cost of tying the life of the fairy to the human, as this is what katsu's mom did and what eventually killed her and the previous sweetie cheat when they tried to defeat the king's champion.
all in all i think a turn based battle system is the best way to tell the story? beyond every other difficulty in making a game, i'd have to have the combat be satisfying because the majority of the game is battles. i envision each opponent as having their own unique attacks and spells to fit their theme, so the first time you fight them you're likely to lose but you still gain some cash from participating in the tournament, so unless you die even losing is positive cash-wise, you just lose out on time. and if you know how to fight them, such as on a replay, you can get through faster.
that being said if i were to ever make this, it would be a second project after a mini project with my beloved middle school ocs of sorcerer isidore and his vampire gf eurycleia and smoke demon bf who's updated name i haven't decided on going out to collect a magical artifact for isidore's job, which involves going through a dungeon. items can be collected for eurycleia's shop to sell which serve as collectibles. very classic jrpg dungeon, and i guess it would be a prequel because the throuple doesn't have the amnesiac kid they end up caring for yet.
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Shinsengumi Highschool AU polls
This person seems to be good at this subject.
Poll results from November 2000 (link)
Thank you for your votes! I could imagine what kind of votes would be cast, but I couldn't imagine the ranking at all. It was fun~ The bottom of the list is a bunch of people, but the first place goes to the Hijikata classics! I guess they are all related to Hijikata. Even though all of them are athletic (laugh), the only ones in the gym was Harada-san and Okita-san's interpretive dance. 😂
1st place - Hijikata → Classics (33 votes)
It's like twisting a haiku
I'll do my best to teach (laughs)
If you sleep, you will get angry. (classic too sleepy!!)
I'm just watching the teacher v
I will study until I die. Ah, it might be good to have a private lesson because I'm a dropout
Grammar tests are likely to be checked like demons (laughs)
Thanks to the teacher, I got a good score~ (semi-nonfiction)
2nd place - Harada → P.E. (11 votes)
I like Harada-san because he looks like an idiot in physical education.
This is it!
Or maybe I'm going to sleep in classes other than P.E.
Mr. Harada feels like physical education.
You're so good at basketball! !
I mean, it's perfect.
I think that physical strength is still amazing! !
Somehow... isn't it okay?
I'll be fine with anything!
3rd place - Okita → Home Economics (9 votes)
The cooking was familiar, and it looked good on my sister.
Are you wearing an apron? on second thoughts
Knife handling might be on par with housewives...? !
Please come to my wife.
In terms of image, it seems like it's dexterous, but it's not
I want to eat Okita-sensei's homemade food vvv
It looks like I'm going to cut the whole chopping board (lol).
4th place - Kondo → Calligraphy (6 votes)
Did you study calligraphy?
It's so well written! !
You seem to be doing a lot of calligraphy...
5th place - Hijikata → Criminal Psychology (5 votes)
Kyo, subject...?
6th place tie - Yamanami → Classics (4 votes)
I'm addicted
calm teacher
Perfect, intelligent
6th place tie - Hijikata → International Relations (4 votes)
Are you in a suit? (Laughs) Associate professor at university is cool~~
Become a diplomat! perfect ☆
Let's get the hang of it...
8th place tie - Saito → Biology (3 votes)
Biology or physiology? You seem to know a lot about the vital points of the human body...
Are you laughing at anatomy?
8th place tie - Okita → Child psychology (3 votes)
The person himself is also playful like a child!
I love children like no other
"What's wrong with me~, why don't you tell your brother?"
10th place tie - Hijikata → Chemistry (2 votes)
It's a pharmacy...
Then to the pharmacist...
10th place tie - Hijikata → Mathematics (2 votes)
Because it seems to be smart and calculating...
“Teacher, how do you solve this?”
10th place tie - Todo Heisuke → Mathematics (2 votes)
It looks like it's going to be solved.
10th place tie - Okita→ interpretive dance for physical education (2 votes)
I want to see Okita-san dancing... (bitter smile)
Sounds good!
14th place tie - Nagakura → History (1 vote)
Because he survived that turbulent era and lived a long life.
14th place tie - Yamanami → Mathematics (1 vote)
This person seems to be good at this sport.
Poll results from November 2000 (link)
I am glad to hear that everyone enjoyed the poll, although it was not a definitive one. Especially Hijikata-san...do you really want to see a man over 30 wear tight-fitting pants (for fencing) or a skirt (for tennis)? Nagakura-san seems to have his own image: jump rope. Harada-san, who boasts of his vigor and stamina, runs long distances. Is Okita-san Japanese style? Hijikata-san is more like a Western style (laughs). I am curious about Todo, Yamanami, Ito, Kondo, etc., because they are usually not on the list at times like this. Is the world really looking for Kondo-sensei in a skort! (I’m in a state of confusion)
1st place - Hijikata → Basketball (18 votes)
Is it a place where you can hit a 3-point dunk roll? !
2nd place tie - Okita → Kendo (14 votes)
This is cheating (^^;
There is no doubt that you will win the national tournament by knocking it down! !
National domination is not a dream! ?
When I decide on one, yellow cheers are likely to fly from the surroundings vvv
2nd place tie - Hijikata → Fencing (14 votes)
Halfway through, I stopped wearing dandera and changed to Western clothes.
Western-style kendo (laughs).
And, of course, Hijikata Toshizo.
Oh, I'm in 2nd place
Fencing is pretty tight pants (?) isn't it ☆ (death)
4th place - Hijikata → Tennis (9 votes)
Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee
Shorts? (LOL)
I'm sure it's elegant ... (* ^ д ^ *)
Scort! ! (Even though he's a man, it's good to see it)
doubles together vv
It's painful~I'm sad~♪
5th place tie - Saito → table tennis (6 votes)
A big show of poking technique with a sword-forged arm.
Sounds good, but I'm afraid to imagine doing it~~~
Somehow, I feel like it fits.
5th place tie - Saito → Winter swimming (6 votes)
Because he’s always covered in water (^^;)
This is it (laughs)
It seems that there was a swimming class at the Aizu clan school.
5th place tie - Okita → Tag (6 votes)
He always does it Vv (woi ι)
This is good is not it
I understand! ! !
8th place - Nagakura → Jump rope (5 votes)
It's so cute
Please do it desperately. Aya Toki (laughs)
Of course, jump rope alone (and badly)
It looks like Pachi is jumping rope! !
9th place tie - Harada → Hammer Throw (4 votes)
It's a great shout and it looks like it's going to make a great record...
Because he seems to have power. Please fight with Mr. Shimada.
Fly far away!
9th place tie - Todo Heisuke - Sprinting   (4 votes)
It's kind of small...
Isn't it so fast? I'm not good at long distances...
11th place tie - Harada → long distance (2 votes)
It seems like he'll run with a glass of water on his shoulder no matter how far
11th place tie - Hijikata → volleyball (2 votes)
Take my fast spike! ! ! I mean, it looks like motor nerves are good.
If anything, women's volleyball... (Hey hey)
13th place tie - Okita → Basketball (1 vote)
Because there is a flower (mystery)
13th place tie - Hijikata → Judo (1 vote)
He’s good at sleeping...
13th place tie - Matsubara Chuji → Judo (1 vote)
He's strong, but I wonder if everyone knows him...
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chaoslynx · 3 years
Chaos’s Fics and Faves
All my links! (Hehe. Lynx.)
I have a Discord server, a Ko-Fi, a Twitch, and more!
link to Google Drive with official bfish stuff (wip)
my works
my author website: If you’re interested in my original fiction, please check out my author website! Click on any of the images for the link to purchase that book.
my ao3: I have a ton of Banana Fish works up on ao3, so please feel free to browse and sort by tags!
Tumblr Drabbles: All of my Tumblr drabbles (from prompts that you all submit!) are under the tag #prompt fill. Feel free to submit a prompt (of your own creation or from a prompt list) at any time!
My art: I also recently started drawing! Those are all under the tag #my art
my faves
Following is a list of my favorite Banana Fish works by other authors, sorted into the following categories: fix-its, AUs, and canon-compliant. Also feel free to check out my ao3 bookmarks, all of which are public. I bookmark any fic I think I might want to read again!
Apple Koi by VoidRain (series, 52k): Deals with Eiji’s grief, him learning that Ash is alive after all, and the two of them grieving Shorter’s death.
My Husband Is Better Than Yours by signpainter1 (5k):  I laughed a ton at this. Outsider POV, Ash's coworker and Eiji's coworker are getting married. At the engagement party, they tell each other about how they both have this one coworker who won't shut up about his husband, and decide to place bets on which one would win a debate about who loves their husband more. Little do they know that Ash and Eiji are married to each other.
Odour of Chrysanthemums by nyanja14 (21k):  Outsider POV from Eiji's mom's perspective as she tries to figure out what the hell Ash Lynx did to Eiji in America, only for the source of all the problems to show up at her doorstep after being presumed dead.
I Did It, Eiji by elena_stidham (2k): Recovery fic about Ash trying to overcome his trauma and have sex with Eiji. Even as a sex-replused ace person I really enjoyed this one. Not super explicit, although obviously about sex, so be aware of that.
snowy mountains (let's look at the view) by VoidRain (3k): Near Christmas, Ash and Eiji take a walk through Izumo, and Ash thinks about the last time he saw snow.
And At Last I See The Light by Ice_Cold_Beauty (9k): 5+1 Valentine's Day fic.
Take a beating. Now internalize it. by Honeyvalentine (3k): Ash breaks a glass in front of Max in the middle of the night, and expects repercussions that don't come.
a home out of hip bones by ac0rns (2k): Ash has a dissociative episode on the subway, long after Dino's death. Eiji helps him through it.
In Your Shoes, Through Your Eyes by kaIeido ( @norisquared​ ) (ongoing, 12k): Soulmate AU where you swap bodies when the younger soulmate turns eighteen! This causes complications when Ash is, you know, a gang boss, and Eiji is a naïve kid from Japan.
Something To Talk About by mara_cas (89k): My personal favorite of the Banana Fish high school AUs!
You and me from the night before by Honeyvalentine (46k): University AU where Ash is struggling with thoughts of suicide. This one fucked me up.
how to plant flowers, and why by Honeyvalentine (ongoing, 9k): Honey just started posting this one, and I'm super excited for it! She's been sending me snippets for a while. Flower shop AU where Ash is a university dropout, and Eiji is a student athlete who just lost his ability to compete.
brandishing your cavendish, yellow and white by planetesimalwords (ongoing, 29k): University AU where Ash learns important lessons outside of class as much as in.
Found In Translation by TurnUps (4k): Short soulmate AU oneshot. Ash needs a translation for the name that appeared on his skin. Guess who he asks? TurnUps also has some other fantastic longer AUs, including a vampire one and a cowboy one that I've read.
canon-compliant (missing scenes, pre-canon, etc.)
Just Act Normal! by elena_stidham (5k): Pre-canon, Ash and Shorter being idiots. Absolutely hilarious. Some Ash/Shorter shipping so be aware if you're not into that, but could be seen as platonic and it’s mostly just them being stupid and quoting memes. I'd also check out the other works by elena_stidham too. They have some really good post-canon fics.
In The Morning, You are Gone by wbss21 (9k): Pre-canon. Ash has a bad experience while selling himself on the streets, and goes to Shorter for help. Rather explicit, but very good.
Hydrangea by Bleed_Peroxide (4k): One of my absolute favorites. It's so incredibly well-written and beautiful and horrifying. Jessica's POV discussing her thoughts on Ash and his trauma, exploring the fact that she’s the only other protag to have experienced SA.
Eiji is Basically a Housewife by Blueskylover (89k): This is basically just a whole series of Eiji not understanding American holidays and failing at baking. When they live in the fancy apartment, Ash and Eiji's neighbors assume they're a young engaged couple. Unable to come up with a better cover story, Eiji accidentally agrees, and Ash plays along.
Orange Is The New Black by Suguru_Slut (10k): I would recommend reading Angel Eyes before reading this. Another pre-canon about Ash and Shorter, but more on the sad side this time. Focuses on their time in reform school. Makes a few errors about what's canon and not, but still really good.
Stray Cat by Wintervention (2k): Pre-canon. Explores Ash’s character from Nadia’s perspective by comparing him to a stray cat that comes by Chang Dai.
hindsight, love, and everything else unconditional by Honeyvalentine (2k): Ash's 16th birthday, with Shorter.
all creatures wild and tame by Quintessence (6k): Ash keeps expecting Eiji's touch to turn cruel. It never does.
Drugstore Cowboy by suffragettecity (2k): Pre-canon, Shorter and Ash plan to buy a gun and Shorter contemplates on how he knows Ash got the money.
Till time end bodies, but souls none. by meryzepam (3k): Cape Cod. Ash reflects on the memories that his childhood bedroom bring, and how tainted it feels now.
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mykoreanstudy · 6 years
The Korean Military Draft
Recently I have been interested in the military draft system in Korea, so I wrote a small explanation of some of it and am leaving it here :) In Korea I often met people who did special work instead of military service, or had exemptions for various reasons I didn’t completely understand. So I did some research, and it’s pretty interesting, in my opinion.
Draft Assignment
This conscription system is called a 징병제, and the military service is called 병역. Those who are drafted either get drafted into active duty(현역), or into non-active duty. Being drafted into active duty is referred to as 징집, while being drafted into another service is called 소집. Those non-active duty services include the reserve(예비역) and what is referred to as ‘supplemental duty’ (보충역) which includes a variety of alternative services (대체복무).
Those in active service go into the army (육군) or the marine corps (해병) for 21 months, the navy (해군) for 23 months, or the air force (공군) for 24 months.
The types of 대체복무 are as follows:
1.     공익근무요원 Public Interest Service Personnel
2.     국제협력봉사요원 International Cooperation Personnel
3.     예술·체육요원 Arts and Sports Personnel
4.     산업기능요원 Skilled Industrial Personnel
5.     전문연구요원 Technical Research Personnel
6.     국제협력의사 International Cooperation Doctor
7.     공익법무관 Public Service Advocate
8.     공중보건의사 Public Health Doctor
9.     징병전담의사 Draft Physical Doctor (ie, a doctor who gives draftees physical examinations)
1&2 serve for 24 months, 3&4 serve for 34 months, and 5~9 serve for 36 months.
Obviously, those who qualify to do service in these special 대체복무 categories are exceptional, highly-skilled individuals. The most hotly-contested among them is the 예술·체육요원 category which applies to athletes who receive any Olympic medal, athletes who win gold at the Asian Games or other major sport events, artists who win first or second place in specific art contests and artists who receive education in intangible cultural artifacts (traditional Korean music, dance, etc). The reasoning behind giving special treatment to these athletes are artists is simple: they deserve exemption because they have done amazing feats to bring glory to Korea and Korean cultural on an international scale. But why does that reasoning apply to some artists and not others? A Korean idol group ranking first on the Billboard Artist 100 chart also brings glory to Korea on an international scale, and yet those idols don’t receive special treatment in regards to military service. So fans are understandably upset about the nonsensical reasoning behind this particular law.
There are seven levels of health one can receive in the initial physical examination. Those ranked 1~3 go to 현역, and 4 to 보충역. High schools dropouts (or those who didn’t attend high school at all) go to 보충역 even if they are ranked 1~3.
Those who rank 5 receive “time-of war” status (전시근로역) also known as “second eligible conscription status” (제2국민역), which means that they receive exemption and would only be drafted in the case that an emergency mobilization order is sent out at a time of war. Those in this category only need to undergo civil defense training (민방위 훈련) and not the official military training.
Anyone who ranks 6 or lower (ie, is in very poor health) receives exemption and does not need to undergo any training at all.
The other special circumstances for receiving an exemption from military service (면제) or eligibility for 전시근로역/보충역 are as follows:
1. 생계유지 곤란사유: Those who have a certain number of dependents they must take care of > 전시근로역
2. 수형사유: Those who are convicts > 전시근로역
3. 고아사유: Those whose parents died before the age of 13 and had no other family to care of them, or otherwise spent 5+ years living in an orphanage facility > 전시근로역
4. 귀화자 사유: Those who became naturalized in another country > 전시근로역
5. 전.공상자 가족: Those who have a parent or sibling who died in battle or suffered an injury in battle ranked 6 or higher in severity > 6 months in 보충역
6. 성전환자: Those who’ve had sex-reassignment surgery > 전시근로역
7. 군사분계선 이북지역 이주 사유: Those who live north of the Military Demarcation Line > 면제
8. 질병/심신장애: Those who have a serious disease and/or a mental or physical disorder > 면제
Draft Evasion (병역비리)
Those who refuse to go to the military for moral reasons are called conscientious objectors (양심적 병역 거부자) and are sent to prison for 3+ years, making them eligible for 전시근로역 as convicts. Some argue that people with religious objections to violence should receive exemption from the draft without being sent to prison, but alas, this is a difficult exemption to create because anyone who doesn’t want to go to the military for any reason at all could use it under the guise of fabricated moral outrage.
There are also those who go out of their way to evade military service through deceptive means. This ranges from forging documents, pulling out one’s teeth, eating oneself into obesity, faking addictions/mental health problems, purposefully damaging tendons/ligaments/bones etc. 
I highly recommend this article about how Korean celebrities who had draft evasion scandals suffered a bigger hit on their reputation (and went to prison longer) than those who had scandals related to sexual misconduct, drugs, gambling and drunk driving. Basically, being a draft evader is one of the worst things you can do as a Korean celebrity (or any Korean person). 
징병(제), draft/conscription 
병역, military service
징집, conscription into active duty
소집, conscription into non-active duty
군대에 징집되다, to be drafted into the military
현역, active-duty
육군, army
해병, marine corps
해군, navy
공군, air force
입영하다, to enter into service
퇴역하다, to retire from the military
예비군, the reserves
징병검사, draft physical
이등병: private
상등병: corporal
병장: sergeant
병역면제: exemption from military service
병적제적: removal from military register
민방위 훈련: civil defense training
양심적병역거부: contentious objection
병역비리: draft evasion  
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7hrrecuitmentuk · 3 years
Sports Recruitment Agency in London, UK
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Sport is a physical activity governed by rules, which can be either individual or collective. Sport brings up the picture of sweat and physical exhaustion. Sport exercises the body during the physical, activity, improving the body part that is used in sport. Sport also involves some type of competition. Sport deals with the struggle between individuals or teams. Sport has conflict in it that usually tends to end with winner and loser. Sport is defined by conflict and by fostering competitive nature in individuals that results in the division of winner and loser after the game is played. Sports Recruitment Agency in London helps in various aspects. Practicing sports encourages players to stay active and healthy, as well as develop communication skills and build self-confidence. Practicing sports offers numerous health benefits, which include improved lung and heart function, as well as reduced medical conditions such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis, or reduced bone density. While practicing sports, you exercise motor and cognitive skills, which are essential both on and off the field. Practicing sports also supports weight loss and enhances your quality of life by encouraging healthy habits. The product of practicing sports is good physical health, which ultimately impacts mental health. Frequent exercise and good eating habits often lead to an improved perception of your body image and self-esteem. Best Sports Recruitment Agency in London and Top Sports Recruitment Agency in London can give proper guidance. University is an exciting and challenging opportunity for many. Choosing where to study and what to study can be a difficult decision with many variables for students to consider. As the university dropout rate increases, this presentation will encourage students to make informed choices for their studies. The success of sports people in a resent international sporting event has brought the focus to sports careers. Sports help you to make your body physically fit and keep your mind good. If you choose sports as a career, it also gives lots of fame and money. You can make a career in any sports field depending on what sports you take up as your expertise. Various sports fields are cricket, hockey, badminton, volleyball, football, table tennis, basketball, boxing, gymnastics, wrestling, cycling, etc. Students consider their values, likes and interests and them find their desired career path. They then review the current job opportunities available in the sport and fitness industry and review the process for successfully being selected for the position. You can start your career in school and college level and start play at the State level, Regional level and then explores opportunities at national and international levels. Other than being an active sportsman, then other career opportunity are: sport marketing, coaching, athletic administration, sports medicine, sport promotion, sport psychology and so on. Sports person can be employed in private and public sector. You can also set up your own business in manufacturing of sports equipment after gaining experience in this field. Sports Recruitment Agency in UK and Best Sports Recruitment Agency in UK can provide real time support. The HR Recruitment Process helps to hire candidates based on their ability to work and attitude which is essential for accomplishment of organizational goals. The recruitment process is the most important function of HRM department. The Human Resource Manager use different tactics to reach the potential candidate. The campus recruitment is a major part of recruitment carried out using direct method. The organization sends a representative from HRM department in educational institutes to interact with potential candidates. The representative interacts with the candidates with the help of placement cells of the institutions. Top Sports Recruitment Agency in UK can help in this regard. A briefing session is conducted before the actual screening and interview process. In the indirect method of recruitment the organization use the advertisement channel such as news papers, job sites, radio, television, magazines and professional journals to reach the potential candidates. The advertisement provides information about the job requirement, the range of salary offered, the type of job and job location. The candidates who are interested in the job apply for it and share their resume with the organization. Their team is recognized as the benchmark industry experts for sport, aquatics, venues, recreation and leisure recruitment, servicing all regions of London, UK. Their international talent network comprises qualified and job ready candidates in Europe, Canada, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. They understand the operating context of sport, aquatics, venues, recreation and leisure businesses delivering bespoke recruitment options to source candidates that best suit the needs of their clients. London Sports Recruitment Agency and Sports Industry Recruitment give clear idea about the industry. Some of these sports jobs in UK are: Senior Sport and Health Development Officer- Experience of sport and health development work within the public or private sector, continued professional development through recognized coaching/instructing qualifications, experience of working in partnership with a range of organizations in the public and private and/or voluntary sector, possess a sound working knowledge of Sport England/Public Health initiatives and policies and County Sports partnership and local strategies, the ability to work on your own initiative and as a part of a team, understanding and commitment to equity principles. Employability Coach- The post holder will deliver engaging and supportive workshops to young people seeking education, employment or training and will also support people on a one to one basis. This is a casual post and the hours will vary depending on the numbers of young people on programe. There is also flexibility in the days worked. Health Fitness Education Executive - You have background / qualification in sports nutrition or sports science and would like to use your passion and knowledge of sports nutrition in a commercial arena, you would relish the opportunity to take ownership of your own territory and deliver consistent results for the client, you have excellent communication and relationship building skills, want to work for a company that really values the contribution you can bring and offers you the development opportunities to challenge yourself and be the best you can be. Assistant Producer Football, HLTA/Sports Coach, Sports & Marketing Executive, Sports Centre Sift Leader, Fitness Manager are also some available sports jobs in UK. Sports Industry Recruitment Agency in London and Sports Industry Recruitment Agency in UK generate sports professionals.
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lindsayrps · 7 years
ashe carvalho
Name: ashe cristiano carvalho
Nickname: just ashe.
Birthday: july 5
Age: twenty seven
Gender: male
Place of birth: new york, new york
Places lived since: somewhere for college and some place for now with a smattering of other places in between.
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: i’ll come back to this.
Number of siblings: a couple older siblings and three younger ones
Relationship with family: it’s not...the best but it’s not so bad, either.
Children of her own?: nope
Height: 5′10
Build: tall and lanky
Disabilities: —
Complexion: olive
Face shape: oval
Distinguishing facial features: none, really.
Hair color: brown
Usual hair style: messy as fffff. he’s kind of grown it out a lot in the last few years so it’s curly and unruly and gets in his eyes a lot and he likes it that way.
Eye color: brown
Glasses? Contacts?: nope.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): pretty casual. white tshirts, jeans -- ripped or otherwise -- boots, sneakers, leather jackets, etc.
Typical style of shoes: exclusively boots and, occasionally, sneakers.
Grooming: shower and go, p much. if it’s clean or looks clean, he’ll wear it.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: a homemade (not by him) bracelet is pretty much all the jewelry he wears regularly, he’s got several tattoos, some large and some small, no piercings.
Accent?: not really, but it depends.
Athletic?: not moreso than expected, i suppose.
Level of education: college dropout
Level of self esteem: p high, always has been.
Gifts/talents: he’s good at a lot of miscellaneous things. spending time travelling around, being away from [mumbles] taught him to immerse himself into wherever he was and learn so he didn’t have to rely on anyon else but himself.
Shortcomings: he is Not Good at sticking with something.
Style of speech: relaxed. idk how to describe it other than that
Artistic?: yes
Mathematical?: no
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emotion
Neuroses: where do i even start
Life philosophy: you only live once.
Religious stance: nah
Cautious or daring?: daring. always has been, always will be.
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: getting stuck in the past.
Optimist or pessimist?: realist
Extrovert or introvert?: extrovert
Level of comfort with technology: comfortable
Current marital/relationship status: hella single
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Past relationships: there was may and a bunch of girls who were Not May.
Primary reason for being broken up with: lol
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: y’all break up? how cute. ashe just disappears.
A social person?: yes
Most comfortable around: everybody tbh.
Oldest friend: idk, he’s not really a friend keeper.
How does she think others perceive her?: undisciplined hellion.
How do others actually perceive her?: see above.
Profession: odd jobber.
Past occupations: see above. he’s never really found a career.
Attitude towards current job: he has many jobs, he thinks they’re okay.
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: eh. they’re cool.
Salary: lol funny.
Phobias: committment
Dreams: not really a dreamer, tbh.
Greatest fears: not really afraid of anything substantial tbh??
Most ashamed of: that’s cute. no.
Hobbies: being an undisciplined hellion
Secret skills: lol skills.
Past sexual transgressions: [laughs loudly]
Crimes committed: i mean, definitely not any felonies but, yknow, a few misdemeanors over the years.
What she most wants to change about her current life: he just wants to idk figure out where he fits in.
What she most wants to change about her physical appearance: nah.
Daily routine: work, maybe find some people to party with, sleep, repeat.
Night owl or early bird?: night owl
Light or heavy sleeper?: light
Favorite food: brigadeiro
Favorite book: not a big reader
Favorite movie: not big on movies, either.
Favorite song: all eyes on me by pigeon john
Coffee or tea?: coffee
Type of car she drives: nah
Lefty or righty?: lefty
Favorite color: red
Cusser?: yes
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: yes/yes/no
Pets?: nah
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The content of this blog may OFFEND members of various demographic groups, including but not limited to:
Trolls, orcs, goblins, demons, angels, fairies, spirits, deities, gargoyles, gnomes, werewolves, vampires, zombies, robots, androids, cyborgs, elves, hobbits, giants, dwarves, humans, other primates, felids, canids, other mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, worms, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms, cnidarians, sponges, bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants, minerals....
....men, women, intersex people, agender people, transgenders, cisgenders, heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, demisexuals, asexuals, sadomasochists, furries, otherkin, fictionkin, aliens, natives, white people, brown people, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Asians, Middle Easterners, Hispanics....
....conservatives, liberals, moderates, libertarians, progresssives, industrialists, globalists, colonialists, fascists, socialists, capitalists, gardeners, farmers, ranchers, pet owners, false environmentalists, anthropocentrists, humanists, transhumanists, biohackers, transcendentalists, atheists, rationalists, agnostics....
....Christians, Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, Taoists, Heathens, Wiccans, Satanists, Scientologists, scientific researchers, computer programmers, office workers, medical professionals, religious leaders, false prophets, paranormal skeptics, paranormal investigators, government officials, military personnel, police officers, social justice warriors....
....feminists, civil rights activists, eugenicists, terrorists, vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians, paleo dieters, pet owners, pregnant people, infertile people, parents, oocytes, spermatocytes, embryos, infants, children, adolescents, adults, elders, baby boomers, millennials, college graduates, or high school dropouts....
....As well as anyone who has been vaccinated, fluoridated, fumigated, irradiated, intoxicated by alcohol, circumcised as an infant, artificially inseminated, fertilized in vitro, sexually assaulted, born with a chromosomal defect, diagnosed with a chronic illness, or prescribed prescription medication.
Could you make it through all that without puking, panicking, punching a wall, or popping a pill? Good. I don’t mean to offend, but it’s so hard not to these day, and I want to make sure I’m being inclusive enough. Patience and compassion are virtues I’m still working on, so please bear with me. What I share could save your life or limb some day.
Who am I? For starters, I’m a very private and security-minded person. I like to remain as anonymous as possible while still appearing as an individual. With the dangers of identity theft, cyber-terrorism, electronic surveillance, and preteen hackers, I suggest you aspire for anonymity as well. Keep it simple and vague like me.
Bisexual cisgender young adult female, childfree unmarried housewife, mostly white European heritage, living in the central United States of America. Been labelled nerd, geek, emo, goth, punk, hippie, rebel, freak, bipolar, autistic, narcissistic, antisocial, uneducated, genius, witch, doctor, rewilder, primitivist, prepper, survivalist....Take your pick.
I have a strong passion for....a lot of things. So many hobbies, interests, miscellaneous areas of expertise, etc....I could prattle on endlessly about the utterly irrelevant. But what is most relevant to YOU? I’ve already failed to keep it short and sweet, but I’ll try again anyway.
My passion for biology should really sum it up. Although that usually isn’t good enough for most people, not without expressing just how hot that passion burns. Geobiology, deep ecology, biochemistry, botany, herbalism, zoology, anatomy, psychology, anthropology....I’ve studied it all more in-depth than you could ever dream of.
Supplemented heavily by astrophysics, metaphysics, theology, history, archaeology, and bushcraft, of course. For well over a decade, ever since preschool, I’ve felt a mysterious drive to study all these things. Why? Well that’s the mystery! But I suppose I should use my knowledge to help people.
I’m a semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer. I walk everywhere, squat to pee, eat wild plants and meat, build simple shelters to sleep in, crawl and climb through the woods, and don’t drink alcohol or use any manmade medication, Do I suggest you live the same way? Yes. That’s how humans evolved to live, not as an overpopulated petrochemical-eating virus. We are animals.
Sure it sounds like a dirty, bloody, painful, difficult life. It can be at times, but so can modern “western” life. Are terrorist attacks, hate crimes, environmental pollution, and disease outbreaks not dirty or painful? If the human population was smaller again, just another animal in the ecosystem, we wouldn’t have those problems. Think about it.
Mammals with brains our size can socially track 50-150 individuals. Extended family and close friends. Healthy well-fed hunter-gatherer bands have usually numbered in that range, with 25-200 miles of forest or savanna between communities. A far cry from the cities and highways of today.
Why is there racism, sexism, starvation, sickness? Because our personal territory is being invaded! Human life is considered so valuable, more than the trees and bees we rely on, and every measure is taken to preserve human life and promote population growth. But the quality of all life has been lost.
When a human suffers an injury or illness that silences their heart, they are resuscitated, drugged, butchered, and often left disabled or disfigured anyway. If an athlete breaks his neck and stops breathing, if a child receives a 3rd degree burn over 75% of her body, they should be led peacefully into a merciful death. Not kept alive in misery for the corporations and politicians to continue cultivating the masses for their own profit.
Likewise, infertile people are aided in conception. Disadvantageous genes that would otherwise die out are then perpetuated in the population. The resulting children often have a higher rate of preterm birth and congenital abnormality, entering this life requiring drugs or surgery as newborns. Helpless babies being butchered, just because their parents needed someone to love.
Many mental illnesses are also affected by genetics, including susceptibility to suicidal ideation. If you are dissatisfied with your personal life, depressed by the state of the world, or simply curious about the afterlife, you have no right to die. Your body is owned by the government, and it is a crime to vandalize government property. The pharmaceutical corporations that fund their campaigns make a lot of money from psychotropic medications.
Children are raised as livestock, all to turn a profit. We’re all livestock. Thanks to human overpopulation, dozens of other species go extinct each day, but still we suffer the most from our own mistakes. No other animal struggles so much with disease. If there were less humans, sure there would be less of us, but there would be so much more for everyone!
Without providing the infertile a chance to have triplets through in vitro fertilization, there might be less congenital birth defects and less overpopulation overall. A smaller population, thus more isolated communities, limits the spread of infectious disease. And less humans but more nature means more natural resources.
Like clean water, space to move around, and fresh food that isn’t loaded with dyes or preservatives. You know, all those basic human needs we wage wars for. Yes, politics and religion might be part of it too, but violence is mostly science. Psychology. Biology. Our food, water, and space is being threatened by human overpopulation, so we have the inexplicable urge to kill each other off. As we should.
Our global ecosystem, the biosphere, is imbalanced and infected. By us. Like us. Earth is running a fever and shaking with the chills, fighting the virus that is our species. We can either go with the flow of Mother Nature, or we can continue trying to fight her. But this is a war we cannot win, because if the trees and bees die, so do we. They feed us with the breath of life.
Demcocrats, Republicans, everyone between and beyond....Folks of all creed, color, sex, gender, ethnicity, and/or philosophy....You are ALL being LIED to! The hatred you feel toward each other is sorely misplaced and misunderstood. Women against men, black against white, liberals against conservatives, youths against elders....You are ALL wrong!
More government-mandated social programs are NOT the answer. Neither LED lightbulbs, nuclear energy, vegetarianism, nor flying to Mars will save this society or this planet. We’ve been running toward the edge of a cliff for several thousand years, and we may or may not have jumped to our deaths within the past decade. It is time to “get back to basics”.
Humanity did fine for hundreds of thousands of years as just another animal in the food web, even millions if you count all the Homos before us Sapiens. And Earth did fine without us for BILLIONS of years. Learn to live as our ancient Paleolithic ancestors did, how to build, hunt, forage, cook, pee, and sleep like the cavemen. Heal and protect yourself and your family like we all know you can.
In a nutshell, this blog will contain wilderness survival tips, natural health hints, fun facts about science and history, as well as sociopolitical commentary. There might also be occasional references to the liberal arts, mostly pre-2000 music, psychoactive herb use, and erotica/porn. I have a major hurt/comfort fetish, like a shamanic Florence Nightingale, and the medical experience to back it up. TRIGGER WARNING!
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farzanwasti23-blog · 5 years
Walk the talk
We are all blessed to be born in an age where we know the benefits of an active lifestyle. And here I am going to discuss with you some very basic, yet important things to keep in mind before embracing this healthy way of life. As a beginner it is very normal to be anxious and a bit fearful, when it comes to starting a fitness regime, however proper planning, approach and guidance will help you overcome this phase. I will discuss the above mentioned points in detail as these are the fundamentals to achieving success in our fitness goals and yet massively overlooked according to my observation. Before you actually start lifting that heavy iron in a gymnasium, it is very important that you set yourself a goal to achieve, it could be anything*gaining weight*losing weight*getting into your favorite pair of jeans*strutting a well toned body on the beach like I said, anything. However it is very important to be realistic in your approach and goal setting starting off, it should not be too easy or too difficult. Too easy and it will not let you reach your true potential, on the other hand too unrealistic will lead to discouragement. For example healthy weight loss can range from 0.5kg to 1kg a week  I know, initially even this sounds like rocket science to you and thus this is where a fitness professional will help and should be consulted i.e. in a balanced and goal oriented fitness program design. This basically includes the number of days you train, rest and the mode of training applied etc. Essentially there are two modes of training
1) Strength Training and 2)Cardiovascular training, each having their unique and very important benefits. Strength Training basically involves the use of resistance in the form of weights and machines to build strength, endurance and size of skeletal muscles, whereas Cardiovascular training improves heart functioning, lung capacity to name a few. It is thus very critical to in co operate both these modes into your training programme to get the best results and benefits possible, of course according to each individual’s requirements. Like for someone who wants to make gains in terms of muscle mass will have more strength sessions in a week as compared to cardio sessions and vice versa. But again, I stress the need of having a balanced approach here, as any fitness professional you consult would do to. Another component of overall fitness that I would like to bring to your notice is flexibility training, often ignored again. I don’t recommend that you remove or keep a separate day for it, you could depending on your training intensity and goals, but generally 10-15minz of stretching after your strength or cardio sessions holding a stretch for 30-40secs each will help maintain and increase flexibility overtime. Also make sure you have days off training, as it is very important that the body gets sufficient time to recuperate from the training it is made to go through, and also make sure that the same body parts are not worked on consecutive days as it may take up to 24-48hours for it to recuperate from an intense training session. Diet is yet another important aspect that cannot be ignored in the overall success of any training program. Essentially our body should be supplied with 50-60% Carbohydrates (preferably complex like Legumes, starchy vegetables, Whole-grain breads and cereals etc) 20-30% Proteins(eggs, milk, nuts, grains, poultry etc) and 10-20% Fat(Mono-saturated found in extra virgin olive oil and polysaturated fat found in omega 3 in fish oil are known to be good ). Again, I would stress that if your gym has a dietician, please make use of their expertise and make the best choices possible from above in accordance to your existing lifestyle patterns, as you are more likely to continue with those.
Now that the blue print towards achieving your goals is ready, its time to execute your plans. And here again I will share with you some important pointers, which have helped me tremendously and I am most certain will help you as well.
*Being a martial artist, it became known to me very soon that the mind is the most important muscle one can use to achieve any goal, irrespective. So every time you see a martial artist, gymnast or any athlete perform feats that seem unbelievable, be sure it’s the supreme application of the mind, commanding the body. And bodybuilding is no exception, you have to be present 100% mentally and physically if you are to get anywhere in terms of seeing any tangible results and yes, look unbelievable ;). I have observed people in the gym working-out for hours and years without any results and subsequently dropout. Of course there is an opposite example of it as well. The difference is of the approach to training, and thus I recommend that every time you train, you have to remind yourself of what you strive to achieve, how u wish to see yourself, mentally prepare for physical activity you are about to undertake and then believe it is possible. Once you see that happening, you shall know that there is no bigger motivator than that.
*Another common mistake made by beginners is to do, too much to soon. This can be in terms of the poundage used while training, duration etc. I will elaborate on this, while training it is very important to do the exercises with the best possible form, more so in the initial stages of training as an unconditioned body is more prone to injuries, which is definitely something I am sure all of you would like to avoid at any given point in time. So initially the best way is to do all the exercises under the guidance of a trained fitness professional, using weights which are challenging and not threatening  By duration, I basically mean overtraining the body, which can be followed by muscle soreness, which to an extent is normal but in excess has been a cause of dropouts. So starting training intensity should be mild-moderate, and you are the best judge of that, not exceeding 45-50minutes.
*Basics. This is all you should be concentrating on in the initial stages, this is your base and of prime importance. It is very normal to get carried away by trying to ape someone with an awesome body, which you aspire to have, however what you don’t realize is that it has taken that individual years of training to achieve that level of strength and aesthetics. For you to imitate someone like that can lead to an injury or simply leave you discouraged.
*On the same lines I would like to tell you that be very careful of whose advice you take on and off the fitness floor, as there are too many floating around and can leave you thoroughly confused. You have to realize that everyone is different, and different things work for different people. As mentioned earlier initially just get the basics right, preferably under the guidance of one fitness professional and once you do that you will be able to figure out in time as to what works best for your body.
*Time Management is another important aspect. We all make time in our busy schedules for exercising and thus it should be utilized for the same, maximally. Gossiping with friends, fiddling with gadgets, watching television etc during your workouts will not only take your mind away from the task at hand but also never give you the kind of results you are looking for. And thus it is very important to give it your best and concentrate each and every time you are pumping iron and then see changes that affect not only your body, but your mind  And Remember:-
Knowing is not enough,
We must apply.
Willing is not enough,
We must do.
-Bruce Lee ;)
Farzan Wasti.
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Do You Want to Step Into $80 Billion Industry and Claim Your Piece of that Big Juicy Pie?
You read that right! We are about to give you a complete system that will let you get your foot in the$80 Billion Industry and let your income literally soar through the roof. 
But what exactly is this $80 Billion Industry?
Health and Fitness Industry!!!
Yes, According to Statista, the Global Fitness and Health Club industry generates more than 80 billion U.S. dollars in revenue per year.
Before we proceed further, let’s have a look at some statistics that will show you that this industry is truly the “Online Medium for Big Bucks”…
We know these are a little bit overwhelming but all are true. 
People are going Crazy about gaining strength and muscle mass and the whole internet has just gone bonkers talking and raving about it! 
Now you must be wondering ‘Why? Why is this niche so Dominant and Dilating?’ 
The growth of this market is majorly attributed to:
Increase in Prevalence of Rock-Hard Muscular Physique
Alarming Boost in Obesity
Widespread Lifestyle diseases
Aging Population
Increase in Health Awareness
Studies show that with one-third of world’s population is considered obese and 75% of them are considered to be overweight in some way, then there is a conscious effort amongst a majority of the population to change their lifestyle and get back into shape.
According to a research, the average amount of time spent exercising each day, for those aged over 15 who exercise regularly, is between 30 and 59 minutes.
Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day and only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.
1 in every 7 people is a member of a gym.
More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.
The membership dropout rate within the first eight weeks of joining a gym is about 80%.
Many people are fumbling with gym equipment, training sessions, personal trainers, supplements to get the lean, toned and desired muscular physique.
But what they lack is the right guidance and knowledge it takes to achieve their physical goals.
And due to this, they are spinning in the vicious cycle of so-called trainers, supplements, and steroids only to gain no results.
Remember “Good Health is the Best Wealth”…
Besides getting the physique you want, bodybuilding can improve your Health, Career, and Wallet too!!!
You may already know that Obesity is an Epidemic and people are crazy for their looks and body (including you and us).
Everyone is dying to achieve hulk-like body full of lean muscle mass and tremendous strength. If you don’t have your strength it is very hard to have anything else, or appreciate anything, so to speak.
Health and Strength are above everything and this is the reason this Niche is Amazingly HUGE!
Every passing second, a giant mass of people are searching for effective, relevant and easy-to-implement bodybuilding techniques and they are ready to pay for it…
And a Complete Info-Product with latest and up-to-date muscles and strength gain techniques is your gateway to get the Best of Both Worlds…… Health and Wealth!!!
Firelaunchers has created an avant-garde info product that is hyper-loaded with genuinely life-transforming material and expert recommendations in this ever-growing niche.
Muscles and Strength Building Formula with PLR
Be the Ultimate Strength and Muscle Building Hulk with these Lucrative Tips and Techniques.
A comprehensive guide that will empower you with the latest, updated, and effectual strength and muscle building tips and techniques to overcome all the barriers in your journey and establish yourself as a fitness authority.
Learn everything you need to know to get yourself on the path of Fitness, Happiness, Beauty, Strength, Muscular Physique, Long-term Customers and the Bucket-loads of Profits…
Both Online and Offline Marketers Can Make a Killing Using this Miraculous Info product!
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
What kind of people will be your “Captive Audience” for this package?
People who are in desperate need of  piling-up rock-hard muscles onto their frame.
People who want to get their foot into the fitnessindustry.
People who are trying to get Brawny from Scrawny in time effective way.
People who are experiencing bullying and low confidence due to their lower strength and lean physique.
People who are body conscious and want to look always good in front of others.
Athletes looking for a perfect, long-term mass and strength gaining solution.
Bodybuilders preparing themselves for the upcoming contest.
Women who are trying to tone their body by reducing fat depositions.
Men and women who are becoming overweight due to their sedentary lifestyle..
Explore the Overview of Muscles and Strength Building.
Discover Muscle Building-Basic Training Program for Beginners.
Discover Strength Building-Basic Training Program for Beginners.
Explore the Nutrition for Maximizing Strength and Muscle Mass.
What are the Best Upper Body Workouts?
What are the Best Lower Body Workouts?
Discover Muscle Soreness, Tissue Damage, and Recovery.
Find out the Body Building Tactics for Women.
Explore the Role of Protein in Muscle Growth.
Explore the Role of Steroids in Muscle Building.
Find out The Truth about Supplements.
Find out the Tips for Accelerating Muscle and Strength Development.
Explore Weight Training Home Gears.
Discover Do’s and Don’ts of Muscles and Strength Building.
Find out the Experts’ Recommendations for Boosting Strength and Muscle Mass.
And so much more…..
This really is well researched and up-to-date content!
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
Let’s unfold the “Value-Packed” modules you are going to get in this “Muscles and Strength Building Formula” PLR Package
Module 1 – Premier guide on Muscles and Strength Building Formula… A Resource for Marketers! (Value : $1500)
This guide contains excellent tips and techniques to pile-up rock hard muscle mass and for enhancing body’s strength, nutritional plans, supplements etc. based on extensive research and advice from the experts in the industry to enable you to deliver massive value and get high-paying, long-term customers.
Written by professionals with over 35,000 words, here’s what we are going to provide in this 150+ pages premier training guide:
Module 2 – Well designed Sales Page copy  (Value : $800)
This professional sales page copy can get huge sales rolling in as part of your front end sales drive.
Module 3 – Sales Demo Video  (Value : $570)
We are giving you latest and updated Doodle style Sales videos that will drive traffic and improve your sales conversions. That is the reason we are giving you this video as a part of the front end offer to boost your sales to the next level. 
Module 4 – Professionally designed Graphics  (Value : $240)
We will provide you with a complete set of professionally designed graphics for selling the product. It will include necessary artwork to sell the product and make it more convincing; you’ll be able to edit these graphics at your own convenience. Hence, we will provide the images in both PSD format and PNG format.
Module 5 – Animated Banners  (Value : $230)
Why create banners yourself when our team is working hard to make it easy for you. Yes, we are also providing you with superbly designed animated banners that will drive traffic and convert it into sales instantly.
Module 6 – Professionally created expert Email Templates  (Value : $36)
In this module, we are providing you with professionally written email swipes that will substantially leverage your sales and profits.
You can always choose any one of them, pick a subject line and send it to persuade further.
Module 7 – Professional Minisite  (Value : $76)
What more can you ask for…and we have already done that for you. Yes, we have professionally designed the Sales Pages for you to just use them for your sales funnel. 
You do not have to invest your time and energy in hiring professionals or writing on your own. These templates are ready to use to improvise your sales.
Module 8 – Legal Pages  (Value : $27)
In this module, we are providing you with 4 legal pages namely Anti-Spam policy, Earning Disclaimer, Privacy Policy terms and Conditions. You can edit or modify it based on your company’s privacy policies and legal terms.
Module 9 – Social Media Graphics  (Value : $47)
We are also providing a set of High-Quality graphics which can be uploaded on various social media platform like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. These would be helpful and can be used as banners, post images, etc. which will be useful in marketing your product on these platforms and save you a lot of bucks and time.
These come along with PSD formats so that you can edit them as per your own choice and convenience.
Module 10 – PDF Graphics  (Value : $97)
In this module, we are offering editable graphics for every topic which is covered in this course i.e. the Training Guide. With the power of these High-Quality graphics, you can lure more customers and show the potential of this product. These come along with PSD formats so that you can edit them as per your own choice and convenience.
Module 11 – 10 Unique Articles Bundled into One  (Value : $237)
Article 1 – Determine Your Body Type – Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph. (Words 798 )  Article 2 – The “Skinny Fat” Body Transformation Dilemma – Should You Bulk Or Cut First? (Words 780 )  Article 3 – Muscle Building Protein Sources for Vegetarians. (Words 811 )  Article 4 – Stretching For Muscle Growth. (Words 791 )  Article 5 – Top Bodybuilding Myths and Facts. (Words 750)  Article 6 – How to Gain Muscle Mass After 40? (Words 740)  Article 7 – Capillary Training & Maintaining The Pump (Words 749 )  Article 8 – Women: How to Incorporate Cardio Into Your Routine? (Words 762 )  Article 9 – Resistance Bands – An Ultimate tool for Enhancing Strength. (Words 787 )  Article 10 – Maximize Your Strength with Functional Isometric Training. (Words 951) 
(Both in Word and Text Format)
And, there’s still more to come. In Addition, We are providing Bonuses!!… If you buy TODAY, you get free access to 3 remarkable bonuses…
Bonus 1 : Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)
This cheat sheet is a practical tool that will guide your customers with easy to follow steps of the whole training. 
Each and every aspect of training is broken down into easy and executable steps that will help customers master the process and keep entire training at their fingertips. 
It makes the entire package more lucrative.
Bonus 2 : Mind Map (Valued at $9)
Mind Maps will be a broad outline of the entire training program. 
With this handy tool, the customers will have a comprehensive understanding of the complete training and they will absorb the contents easily.
Bonus 3 : Top Resources Report  (Valued at $20)
This is a comprehensive Research Report on effective Yoga Programs includes- Videos, Tools, Training courses, Forums, Infographics, and Facts.
We have taken care of everything you need to know to step into the fitness industry and completely dominate it… Now, all you have to do is just download this product, rebrand it as your own, resell and watch the cash bulge in your wallet grow exponentially.
With the increasing rate of obesity and rising prevalence of fit and muscular physique, people are desperate for a “Magical-Potion” to crush their fitness goals before it’s too late.
There are more than 1.5 million ‘Bodybuilding’ related keyword searches online. Therefore it’s very clear that how it will affect in any business point of view for reaching targeted customers.
Once you have downloaded our product and implemented the tips and techniques given, you will experience the advantages and benefits of a healthy, disease-free lifestyle. This product will be your ultimate way to establish yourself as a fitness authority & get loyal customers like a breeze….
It’s a door to diverse, powerful streams of income and you can turn it into your own personal ATM within next hour only. Grab your copy and get ready to magnetize ocean-deep profits.
Use Coupon code “PLROFF30” to get 30% Discount on your purchase!!! 
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
Here’s what Experts say about our “Muscles and Strength Building Formula”!!!
I was impressed by the depth of this course. You covered several bodybuilding tips and techniques for acquiring optimum results.
And the best part is this product is coming with PLR Loaded. This makes it a complete package to gain good profits.
Francis Ochoco
I have gone through the product and I feel there can be no other better Natural Muscle Building Course out there. The training guide covers almost everything you need to do for being successful in your fitness regime also with PLR rights you can set yourself up for making a huge online success. I highly recommend this one.
Pallab Ghosal
I highly recommend this product to any marketer who is looking forward to generating sales-oriented email list to grow their business and boost profits.
This product is a high quality work with the latest and proven Muscle Building strategies that are sure to excel.
Sajan Elanthoor
Like it or not… When it comes to online marketing, health info product is the key to catapult your business to revolutionary success. And we were totally blown away by the new product Firelaunchers has to offer to the world – It contains the most up to date information on bodybuilding and generously reveals all the crucial steps required to make sure your make money online dream become reality!
Yu Shaun Tan
You can learn so much from this course to enhance your physique, health and lifestyle or even resell this value-packed course for instant profits!
Brilliant work guys! I am confident that many users will benefit from this value-packed revolutionary product and substantially increase their profits.
Cally Lee
Good job! This is a high-quality product which allows us to learn easy to implement bodybuilding strategies and also make your customers benefits from selling it. This is a comprehensive guide for all overweight or underweight people to improvise their health, fitness, brand, and profits. Highly recommended.Thanks for the hard work guys!
Kate Tan
Simple yet Smart ways to make tons of money with this PLR product:
What you can do ?
You can sell it as it is and keep 100% profits.
You can bundle it with other products.
You can offer it as a bonus to your existing product and make your customers happy.
You can offer it as an upsell offer with your existing product.
You can create a physical product from it.
You can use it in your other video products or for your webinars.
You can distribute it to your affiliates for they promote you.
You can also create eBooks and maybe create multiple eBooks out of it.
You can use the content for your blog post or social media post and get paid for it.
You can retain paying members by adding this product to your paid membership site.
You can turn the content into audio series or podcast and sell as an audiobook.
You can translate the content into other languages.
You can rename, rebrand or customize it and claim full authorship. Everything is up to you.
What you can’t do ?
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR).
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway resell rights
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway master resell rights
No, you may NOT giveaway the main eBook for free. Must be sold for at least $7.
Our “Muscles and Strength Building Formula” with Private Label Rights comes with an Iron Clad 30 Days 100% Money Back Guarantee!
Although we are 100% sure that our sensational product will make you happy with its amazing tips and techniques for enhancing your strength, muscular mass and profits. But, if you come to the conclusion that for some reason this is not the product that you were looking for… just drop us an email within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund the entire amount to you. “No Questions Asked”.
Are you ready to strike Gold in the Hottest Evergreen Niche?
People are dying to get their hands on an effective strength increasing and muscle building formula that works for them.
If you’re trudging into the realm of health and fitness niche then this PLR package is a must-have for you to eliminate all the road-blocks present in your path to success.
If you’re not leveraging the power of health and fitness niche then this product is your gateway to get your foot in the door and explore the new levels of success which you have been fantasizing for so long.
Don’t Wait… Get Started Today…
You just need to buy this incredible package to make Killer profits. 
Impress your audience with this Authority Content! 
This truly deserves a HEAVY PRICE. 
BUT, Our objective is to enable every entrepreneur and small business owner to arm themselves with the knowledge it takes to stand up to the big guys.
So, we decided to offer it to you AT a very HEAVY Discount but only for the next few days. 
Passing up this insane offer is more like leaving Thousands of Dollars on the Table.
Use Coupon code “PLROFF30” to get 30% Discount on your purchase!!! 
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
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[GET] Muscles And Strength Building PLR Download
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[GET] Muscles And Strength Building PLR Download
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
Are you ready to Siphon Truck-Loads of Profits through the Exploding Craze of Info-Products?
Just Grab this Top-Converting, High-Quality, Exclusively Done-For-You Private Label Rights Package to Rebrand, Resell and Watch Your Pockets Being Injected With Cash Day In and Day Out!!!…
Brand it as your Own Today and keep 100% Profits.
Time sensitive Opportunity ! Limited copies!….Capture it before your competitors do!
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
This Incredible “Profit-Stuffed” Info Product with Private Label Rights comes Jam-Loaded with these Awesome Benefits…
Ready-for-market sales material reduce “Time-to-Profits”
Fully integrated sales funnel Ready-to-Resell
Hot and evergreen topic from big niche that sell like hot cakes
Rebrand it, resell it and  keep 100% profits
Drive in responsive leads on complete Auto-pilot
With Full  PLR Rights Loaded
Daniel Taylor
I always like your products, they deliver massive value. And the best part of this product is – I can use it for MYSELF. It’s like Double-Bang and as always the product is comprehensive, precise and step-by-step. Well done guys! You ‘over-delivered’ once again. Keep it up.
Are you dying to put a Permanent Full Stop to Your Struggles and Difficulties in Making Some Real Money Online?
Guys, this is the limit! For how long are you planning to continue this struggling-phase in your online business.
You’ve tried everything, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Blogging, List Building, Webinars etc. but you are still straining to see some positive results or for making a dime online.
And even after Watching, Learning and Implementing the finest methods for making money online (which are used by pros) you are coming out with only a few sales here and there. Then your business strategy needs a serious revision.
But no need to worry; all your miseries can End Forever.
What if we tell you that you can leverage the potential of Multi-Billion Dollar Industry without Jiggling Too Many Balls?
What if you don’t have to do anything and still you will get a generous sum of money credited to your bank account every day.
Doesn’t it sound AWESOME???….
It is Awesome. You can Crush Your Goals and Discover New Heights of Success through a Value-Packed, Top-Notch Info-Product.
But creating an Info Product will empty both your pockets and your brain’s creativity compartment. You will have to do everything yourself, from scratch, and if you hire someone to do all the work, believe us the expense will almost put in an early grave.
But Now You Can Elevate yourself From All These Distress…
Now, there is no need to rattle your brain with various tips, methods, techniques, tools etc. And still, you will get the income you desired.
Just imagine, having a Done-For-You complete system which you set-up once and receive profits forever. Everything is ‘Ready-to-go’ and all you have to do is:
That’s it, you are all set to En-cash Big Profits!
Do You Want to Step Into $80 Billion Industry and Claim Your Piece of that Big Juicy Pie?
You read that right! We are about to give you a complete system that will let you get your foot in the$80 Billion Industry and let your income literally soar through the roof. 
But what exactly is this $80 Billion Industry?
Health and Fitness Industry!!!
Yes, According to Statista, the Global Fitness and Health Club industry generates more than 80 billion U.S. dollars in revenue per year.
Before we proceed further, let’s have a look at some statistics that will show you that this industry is truly the “Online Medium for Big Bucks”…
We know these are a little bit overwhelming but all are true. 
People are going Crazy about gaining strength and muscle mass and the whole internet has just gone bonkers talking and raving about it! 
Now you must be wondering ‘Why? Why is this niche so Dominant and Dilating?’ 
The growth of this market is majorly attributed to:
Increase in Prevalence of Rock-Hard Muscular Physique
Alarming Boost in Obesity
Widespread Lifestyle diseases
Aging Population
Increase in Health Awareness
Studies show that with one-third of world’s population is considered obese and 75% of them are considered to be overweight in some way, then there is a conscious effort amongst a majority of the population to change their lifestyle and get back into shape.
According to a research, the average amount of time spent exercising each day, for those aged over 15 who exercise regularly, is between 30 and 59 minutes.
Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day and only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.
1 in every 7 people is a member of a gym.
More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.
The membership dropout rate within the first eight weeks of joining a gym is about 80%.
Many people are fumbling with gym equipment, training sessions, personal trainers, supplements to get the lean, toned and desired muscular physique.
But what they lack is the right guidance and knowledge it takes to achieve their physical goals.
And due to this, they are spinning in the vicious cycle of so-called trainers, supplements, and steroids only to gain no results.
Remember “Good Health is the Best Wealth”…
Besides getting the physique you want, bodybuilding can improve your Health, Career, and Wallet too!!!
You may already know that Obesity is an Epidemic and people are crazy for their looks and body (including you and us).
Everyone is dying to achieve hulk-like body full of lean muscle mass and tremendous strength. If you don’t have your strength it is very hard to have anything else, or appreciate anything, so to speak.
Health and Strength are above everything and this is the reason this Niche is Amazingly HUGE!
Every passing second, a giant mass of people are searching for effective, relevant and easy-to-implement bodybuilding techniques and they are ready to pay for it…
And a Complete Info-Product with latest and up-to-date muscles and strength gain techniques is your gateway to get the Best of Both Worlds…… Health and Wealth!!!
Firelaunchers has created an avant-garde info product that is hyper-loaded with genuinely life-transforming material and expert recommendations in this ever-growing niche.
Muscles and Strength Building Formula with PLR
Be the Ultimate Strength and Muscle Building Hulk with these Lucrative Tips and Techniques.
A comprehensive guide that will empower you with the latest, updated, and effectual strength and muscle building tips and techniques to overcome all the barriers in your journey and establish yourself as a fitness authority.
Learn everything you need to know to get yourself on the path of Fitness, Happiness, Beauty, Strength, Muscular Physique, Long-term Customers and the Bucket-loads of Profits…
Both Online and Offline Marketers Can Make a Killing Using this Miraculous Info product!
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
What kind of people will be your “Captive Audience” for this package?
People who are in desperate need of  piling-up rock-hard muscles onto their frame.
People who want to get their foot into the fitnessindustry.
People who are trying to get Brawny from Scrawny in time effective way.
People who are experiencing bullying and low confidence due to their lower strength and lean physique.
People who are body conscious and want to look always good in front of others.
Athletes looking for a perfect, long-term mass and strength gaining solution.
Bodybuilders preparing themselves for the upcoming contest.
Women who are trying to tone their body by reducing fat depositions.
Men and women who are becoming overweight due to their sedentary lifestyle..
Explore the Overview of Muscles and Strength Building.
Discover Muscle Building-Basic Training Program for Beginners.
Discover Strength Building-Basic Training Program for Beginners.
Explore the Nutrition for Maximizing Strength and Muscle Mass.
What are the Best Upper Body Workouts?
What are the Best Lower Body Workouts?
Discover Muscle Soreness, Tissue Damage, and Recovery.
Find out the Body Building Tactics for Women.
Explore the Role of Protein in Muscle Growth.
Explore the Role of Steroids in Muscle Building.
Find out The Truth about Supplements.
Find out the Tips for Accelerating Muscle and Strength Development.
Explore Weight Training Home Gears.
Discover Do’s and Don’ts of Muscles and Strength Building.
Find out the Experts’ Recommendations for Boosting Strength and Muscle Mass.
And so much more…..
This really is well researched and up-to-date content!
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
Let’s unfold the “Value-Packed” modules you are going to get in this “Muscles and Strength Building Formula” PLR Package
Module 1 – Premier guide on Muscles and Strength Building Formula… A Resource for Marketers! (Value : $1500)
This guide contains excellent tips and techniques to pile-up rock hard muscle mass and for enhancing body’s strength, nutritional plans, supplements etc. based on extensive research and advice from the experts in the industry to enable you to deliver massive value and get high-paying, long-term customers.
Written by professionals with over 35,000 words, here’s what we are going to provide in this 150+ pages premier training guide:
Module 2 – Well designed Sales Page copy  (Value : $800)
This professional sales page copy can get huge sales rolling in as part of your front end sales drive.
Module 3 – Sales Demo Video  (Value : $570)
We are giving you latest and updated Doodle style Sales videos that will drive traffic and improve your sales conversions. That is the reason we are giving you this video as a part of the front end offer to boost your sales to the next level. 
Module 4 – Professionally designed Graphics  (Value : $240)
We will provide you with a complete set of professionally designed graphics for selling the product. It will include necessary artwork to sell the product and make it more convincing; you’ll be able to edit these graphics at your own convenience. Hence, we will provide the images in both PSD format and PNG format.
Module 5 – Animated Banners  (Value : $230)
Why create banners yourself when our team is working hard to make it easy for you. Yes, we are also providing you with superbly designed animated banners that will drive traffic and convert it into sales instantly.
Module 6 – Professionally created expert Email Templates  (Value : $36)
In this module, we are providing you with professionally written email swipes that will substantially leverage your sales and profits.
You can always choose any one of them, pick a subject line and send it to persuade further.
Module 7 – Professional Minisite  (Value : $76)
What more can you ask for…and we have already done that for you. Yes, we have professionally designed the Sales Pages for you to just use them for your sales funnel. 
You do not have to invest your time and energy in hiring professionals or writing on your own. These templates are ready to use to improvise your sales.
Module 8 – Legal Pages  (Value : $27)
In this module, we are providing you with 4 legal pages namely Anti-Spam policy, Earning Disclaimer, Privacy Policy terms and Conditions. You can edit or modify it based on your company’s privacy policies and legal terms.
Module 9 – Social Media Graphics  (Value : $47)
We are also providing a set of High-Quality graphics which can be uploaded on various social media platform like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. These would be helpful and can be used as banners, post images, etc. which will be useful in marketing your product on these platforms and save you a lot of bucks and time.
These come along with PSD formats so that you can edit them as per your own choice and convenience.
Module 10 – PDF Graphics  (Value : $97)
In this module, we are offering editable graphics for every topic which is covered in this course i.e. the Training Guide. With the power of these High-Quality graphics, you can lure more customers and show the potential of this product. These come along with PSD formats so that you can edit them as per your own choice and convenience.
Module 11 – 10 Unique Articles Bundled into One  (Value : $237)
Article 1 – Determine Your Body Type – Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph. (Words 798 )  Article 2 – The “Skinny Fat” Body Transformation Dilemma – Should You Bulk Or Cut First? (Words 780 )  Article 3 – Muscle Building Protein Sources for Vegetarians. (Words 811 )  Article 4 – Stretching For Muscle Growth. (Words 791 )  Article 5 – Top Bodybuilding Myths and Facts. (Words 750)  Article 6 – How to Gain Muscle Mass After 40? (Words 740)  Article 7 – Capillary Training & Maintaining The Pump (Words 749 )  Article 8 – Women: How to Incorporate Cardio Into Your Routine? (Words 762 )  Article 9 – Resistance Bands – An Ultimate tool for Enhancing Strength. (Words 787 )  Article 10 – Maximize Your Strength with Functional Isometric Training. (Words 951) 
(Both in Word and Text Format)
And, there’s still more to come. In Addition, We are providing Bonuses!!… If you buy TODAY, you get free access to 3 remarkable bonuses…
Bonus 1 : Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)
This cheat sheet is a practical tool that will guide your customers with easy to follow steps of the whole training. 
Each and every aspect of training is broken down into easy and executable steps that will help customers master the process and keep entire training at their fingertips. 
It makes the entire package more lucrative.
Bonus 2 : Mind Map (Valued at $9)
Mind Maps will be a broad outline of the entire training program. 
With this handy tool, the customers will have a comprehensive understanding of the complete training and they will absorb the contents easily.
Bonus 3 : Top Resources Report  (Valued at $20)
This is a comprehensive Research Report on effective Yoga Programs includes- Videos, Tools, Training courses, Forums, Infographics, and Facts.
We have taken care of everything you need to know to step into the fitness industry and completely dominate it… Now, all you have to do is just download this product, rebrand it as your own, resell and watch the cash bulge in your wallet grow exponentially.
With the increasing rate of obesity and rising prevalence of fit and muscular physique, people are desperate for a “Magical-Potion” to crush their fitness goals before it’s too late.
There are more than 1.5 million ‘Bodybuilding’ related keyword searches online. Therefore it’s very clear that how it will affect in any business point of view for reaching targeted customers.
Once you have downloaded our product and implemented the tips and techniques given, you will experience the advantages and benefits of a healthy, disease-free lifestyle. This product will be your ultimate way to establish yourself as a fitness authority & get loyal customers like a breeze….
It’s a door to diverse, powerful streams of income and you can turn it into your own personal ATM within next hour only. Grab your copy and get ready to magnetize ocean-deep profits.
Use Coupon code “PLROFF30” to get 30% Discount on your purchase!!! 
[GET] Muscles and Strength Building PLR Download
Here’s what Experts say about our “Muscles and Strength Building Formula”!!!
I was impressed by the depth of this course. You covered several bodybuilding tips and techniques for acquiring optimum results.
And the best part is this product is coming with PLR Loaded. This makes it a complete package to gain good profits.
Francis Ochoco
I have gone through the product and I feel there can be no other better Natural Muscle Building Course out there. The training guide covers almost everything you need to do for being successful in your fitness regime also with PLR rights you can set yourself up for making a huge online success. I highly recommend this one.
Pallab Ghosal
I highly recommend this product to any marketer who is looking forward to generating sales-oriented email list to grow their business and boost profits.
This product is a high quality work with the latest and proven Muscle Building strategies that are sure to excel.
Sajan Elanthoor
Like it or not… When it comes to online marketing, health info product is the key to catapult your business to revolutionary success. And we were totally blown away by the new product Firelaunchers has to offer to the world – It contains the most up to date information on bodybuilding and generously reveals all the crucial steps required to make sure your make money online dream become reality!
Yu Shaun Tan
You can learn so much from this course to enhance your physique, health and lifestyle or even resell this value-packed course for instant profits!
Brilliant work guys! I am confident that many users will benefit from this value-packed revolutionary product and substantially increase their profits.
Cally Lee
Good job! This is a high-quality product which allows us to learn easy to implement bodybuilding strategies and also make your customers benefits from selling it. This is a comprehensive guide for all overweight or underweight people to improvise their health, fitness, brand, and profits. Highly recommended.Thanks for the hard work guys!
Kate Tan
Simple yet Smart ways to make tons of money with this PLR product:
What you can do ?
You can sell it as it is and keep 100% profits.
You can bundle it with other products.
You can offer it as a bonus to your existing product and make your customers happy.
You can offer it as an upsell offer with your existing product.
You can create a physical product from it.
You can use it in your other video products or for your webinars.
You can distribute it to your affiliates for they promote you.
You can also create eBooks and maybe create multiple eBooks out of it.
You can use the content for your blog post or social media post and get paid for it.
You can retain paying members by adding this product to your paid membership site.
You can turn the content into audio series or podcast and sell as an audiobook.
You can translate the content into other languages.
You can rename, rebrand or customize it and claim full authorship. Everything is up to you.
What you can’t do ?
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR).
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway resell rights
No, you may NOT sell or giveaway master resell rights
No, you may NOT giveaway the main eBook for free. Must be sold for at least $7.
Our “Muscles and Strength Building Formula” with Private Label Rights comes with an Iron Clad 30 Days 100% Money Back Guarantee!
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