#you know hwat i mean?
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love this moment bc yaz is thinking ghosts or aliens and then mary is like my fucking son and you can feel the "oh shit. oh thats worse maybe"
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vnknowcrow · 3 months
None of you have an actual fucking clue what Boone's "to carla" note means to me
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
hisoka from hxh🤝 adam from sk8
anime antagonist with cool theme music + fun character design + interesting character stuff going on in general but also. but also the. hmm. hmmmm. what the fuck.
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the wednesday series trend is just repackaged tumblr goth, we all know that right? like we all agree on that right
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capricioussuns · 2 months
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I've literally just had Clancy on repeat for like. A solid week now. And I keep thinking about it all. I have like seven painting ideas based on overcompensate and I know I'll never do them but MAN. The implications of that whole album +the videos. Tyler when I get you. When I get you Tyler.
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floatieforreal · 9 months
holding libs politically hostage by saying you won't vote unless they put a good candidate on the ballot
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higgs-the-god · 1 year
Idk how to say it but just go fucking outside and touch a jumping spider. You will be over your fear
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death-threats · 1 year
Some reactions to Ace, Law, and Kid hearing you say;
"I fucking hate you! Stop looking at me all sexy."
gender neutral reader!
CW: suggestive themes
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Caught completely off guard
He'd been teasing and flirting with you all day
But he didn't really know how bad it had gotten to you
"You don't mean that, do you?" His dark brows knit together in concern. He thought he was just innocently teasing you but maybe he'd gone too far? He knew he didn't have much of a filter when it came to flirting but now he was really doubting himself.
You sigh. “Of course not. But you’re still looking at me like that and it’s making me feel all…weird.” He smirks at that. That little shit knew exactly what he was doing and the effect it had on you. Ace leans closer to you, one hand in his pocket, the other on your hip. You wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin right off of his sexy face.
“Oh yeah? Tell me more about this weird feeling. Maybe I can make you feel better.” He suggested, his lithe fingers now dancing along the swell of your hip. If you could melt into a puddle just by the look he gave you, you would. Stupid sexy Ace.
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Looks at you with a blank stare
How could he look at something all sexy?
He’s just existing and his brain is working overtime trying to figure out what the hell that means
Law just narrows his eyes in thought and looks at you. “Hate is a strong word, Y/N-ya. Would you like to talk about why you’re feeling like this?” Your features fell and you were almost at a loss for words. You blinked a couple of times and cleared your throat, a little embarrassed at your small outburst.
“I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. I guess I’m just a little frustrated because…well, because you’re you and you’re looking at me with those fucking eyes. I don’t know how else to explain it.” The surgeon nods slowly, seeming to comprehend where you’re coming from.
“I think I understand now." He took his hand in yours and kissed your knuckles. "Next time, be more straightforward. I want to make sure you're always happy with me."
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You have just fallen for his trap card
HOOOOO lord, he could almost fuckin' tap dance with joy
Kid LOVES riling you up, I tell you hwat
"Wanna run that by me again?" The redhead questioned, looking down his nose at you. You feel like a rabbit cornered by a fox. You know you didn't do anything wrong, but you were second-guessing yourself. Kid had been stealing glances and purposefully bumping his knee against yours as you sat through yet another boring alliance meeting.
You swallowed thickly. You knew the type of man your captain was and you'd never been a victim of his anger before. "I-I just..." you were cut off before you could continue, Kid barking out a laugh.
"You were able to say ya fuckin' hated me with your whole chest, yet ya can't even explain yourself when asked." His tongue darted out to wet his lower lip. "As your captain, it's my job to teach you some respect." He grabbed you by the wrist with his flesh hand, but his grip wasn't malicious. "I'll even let you choose your punishment, 'cause I'm feelin' nice today."
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bunitivity · 8 months
Sanji hemming and hawing to himself about his sudden inexplicable crush on Usopp in the kitchen late one night only for Luffy to walk in on him and hear everything. And he’s like great now everyone is going to know and tries to threaten him into silence despite knowing full well that Luffy cannot keep a secret to save his life. And Luffy is like relax I would never tell on you and I can keep a secret as long as no one asks point blank and who in the world would even ask him something like that if ever lol.
“Sometimes I forget that you can be mature sometimes.”
“Thanks.” Luffy grins as he picks his nose.
“You’ve the grossest man I’ve met.”
Luffy just laughs.
This turns into Sanji now confiding in Luffy about all his love troubles big and mundane whether it be about the fact that he accidentally brushed fingers with Usopp or some other lovesick Sanji nonsense. Luffy is not thrilled at first because of his short attention span and restless energy but fortunately Sanji quickly figures out just how to keep him around long enough to get things off his chest with just the right amount of finger foods.
So it starts with Luffy just sticking around just for the food and then because there’s something so fascinating endearing even about seeing Sanji actually in love. It’s so different from the way he usually fawns over women. So much more vulnerable and earnest and Luffy can’t just look away. So much so he even sticks around after Sanji has stopped feeding him snacks which is his usual signal that Luffy can go now.
He also finds that he really really likes hearing about Usopp through Sanji’s eyes because he’s usually right and true. Usopp really is the most amazing most perfect person ever. And he tells Sanji as much. Talking about the things he personally likes about Usopp. “I just really like his laugh and making him laugh and stuff like that.”
Sanji stops cold.
“Wait are you in love with him??”
Luffy’s first answer is “No” then “wait” then he thinks about it for a few seconds and goes “oh yeah I guess I am.”
“You guess??”
“Never really thought about it before.”
Sanji puts his head on the table. “I cannot believe this.”
Luffy blinks dumbfounded still licking his empty plate. “Hwat?”(what?”)
“I cannot believe you would do this to me.”
“Do what?”
“I trusted you!”
Now Luffy is truly and well lost. “Sanji?”
“Do you even know what any of this means?”
Luffy knows nothing. “I don’t think I understand anything.”
Sanji whips up his head to glare at him. “That means we’re love rivals!”
Luffy frowned. “You mean like you and Zoro?”
“No! God forbid! What I mean is that we can’t both like Usopp!”
”Why not?”
“Because he can only like one of us obviously.”
Luffy frowns. “Says who?”
“Says everyone!”
Luffy just wrinkles his nose and picks the crumbs off his plate.
“Which means!” Sanji continues. “That we can’t have any of these secret rendezvous anymore since we’re enemies now.”
“Nooo! But I love my little secret snack time with Sanji! They’re always so fun!”
Sanji’s heart gives an involuntary skip but then he twists his lips. “You’re just saying that because I always give you food.”
“That’s true but-“
“Get. Out.”
Then he very unceremoniously kicks Luffy out of his kitchen.
They don’t spend time apart for too long because Luffy is a fucking pest who won’t leave him alone and he plays dirty by sending Usopp as an intermediary to fix things between them and how could Sanji say no to him? (he does very loudly and harshly at first just to waylay any suspicions that he might be soft on him before folding almost immediately after). He might also have missed Luffy’s company just a tiny bit but he would sooner fall on one of mosshead’s stupid swords than admit to any of that.
Now that they know they’re both in love with Usopp their little rendezvous changes from Sanji just one sidedly talking at Luffy yapping away about his feelings to Luffy actively participating. He doesn’t talk as much nor wax as poetically about all of Usopp’s virtues like Sanji does but he does learn a lot about Usopp through him. The more childish and rambunctious side that Luffy brings out whenever they’re together and just falls that much more for him.
Also seeing the usual very unaffected and confident Luffy so aware of his feelings(and blushing! Something he never thought would ever see) just plucked on his heartstrings. Spending time with his quote unquote love rival turned out to be a lot more fun than Sanji could ever have anticipated.
There’s an easy camaraderie underlined by something more as they fall back into their old routine. Expanding beyond their(Sanji’s) hopeless romance. Just growing closer and becoming more fond of each other.
But then everything comes crashing down all at once.
Sanji is just watching them one day. Luffy and Usopp being chaotic and fucking insufferable. He sees the way Usopp’s eyes shines and the way he smiles at Luffy and realizes oh he’s in love with him.
Sanji knows he should be happy for him. He knows Luffy would be if the shoe were on the other foot. But he just can’t. He feels utterly betrayed and so fucking devastated and Sanji just hates him. Any fond feelings that he might have been growing for his captain shrivels up and dies.
Luffy is surprised when Sanji suddenly shuts him out of nowhere. He can tell it’s way worse than it was last time but at least last time he had known why Sanji had been pissed at him. Last time he was at least talking to him if only to tell him to fuck off. Now there’s just this veneer of professionalism as Sanji keeps him at arm’s length as if they’re nothing more than captain and cook. Acting as if he’s nothing more than a subordinate who just works for him. Calling him captain in that cold and detached way and never by his name. And Luffy hates it.
So of course he has to confront him about it.
It takes a lot of cajoling to get it out of him but Sanji eventually gives and lays into him about his absolute betrayal and cusses him out for getting ahead of him and making him look like a fool because he might not know but Usopp was definitely in love with him. But then he sees the look on Luffy’s face and something in Sanji just breaks. 
“You knew.” Luffy tries to look away but Sanji pushes. “You already knew he liked you.”
Luffy finally looks at him grimacing. “Why does it matter?”
Oh that hurts. 
“Because that means that you two are going to date now and there won’t be any room for me.”
“No!” Luffy looks aghast and tries to reach for him and Sanji flinches away. “There’s always going to be a room for you!”
There’s something about the way he says that that has Sanji’s heart seizing up but surely not?
“Luffy do you…like me?”
And then he smiles like Sanji had hung all the stars in the night sky and Sanji has to clutch his chest to prevent his treacherous heart from bursting free and leaping right into Luffy’s thieving hands. Fuck.
“Of course.”
“And not in a friend way but-“
“Sanji.” He stills him so easily with just the strength his voice and a gentle hand on his cheek. “I love you.”
Hearing him actually say it does unimaginable things to Sanji’s heart he might actually keel over and die.
But then he remembers and he retreats from Luffy’s hand. “And you love Usopp.”
“Yes I love all of you. Sanji, Usopp and Zoro.”
“Zoro? Zoro?? Where the fuck did Zoro come from???”
Luffy gives him a funny look. “Zoro has always been there.”
“You can’t-you can’t just do this-date all of us at the same time!”
“Says who?”
There’s this question again. Does he really think he can just do whatever he wants whenever he wants? Of course he does. It’s Luffy.
“Because then it wouldn’t mean anything. If you really love someone you would want them to feel special and loved. You would want to put them before anyone and anything. They should be your everything. There’s a reason people look for The One.”
Sanji doesn’t like the way Luffy looks at him. Like he’s seeing Sanji hadn’t meant him to.
Luffy shakes his head and is about to say something more bullheaded and untrue but Sanji can’t hear any more of this. Of his wild fantasies. He doesn’t like the way it gets his hopes up. It’s just cruel.
“Just choose me.”
“What? But what about Usopp and-“
“I’ll always love him but Usopp obviously doesn’t like me but you like me and I like you so-“
“You like me?” The dismay that had been slowly building on Luffy’s face is immediately washed away and replaced by that bright brilliant smile and Sanji can’t help but blush as he feels all that adoration suddenly shine down on him.
“Yes. So instead of all these needless complications and love triangles -love squares?- We should just keep it simple and date each since we already know that we like each other.”
All that adoration and fondness abruptly ebbs away and Sanji is left standing cold and adrift.
“Luffy,” Sanji takes his hands and forces himself to look into his clear and steadfast eyes. “Just choose me.”
Sanji sees the indecision in Luffy’s eyes and knows. He could never choose just him.
What else could Sanji have expected from the man who took the world by storm. Who seeks to stand atop of the world. Luffy wants to be the freest man in the world of course he wouldn’t just settle for Sanji. No one ever does. It’s so arrogant of him to think he could ever deserve all of the love and the attention of the man who is destined to be king of the pirates.
So Sanji lets go and walks away.
Of course it’s in that moment that he walks in on Zoro and Usopp hooking up and just screams.
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roguelov · 1 year
Omg omg omg so I am having Morpheus ideas, you and Morpheus have been dating for a while but he’s never told you he can see you daydreaming, so imagine sitting in the library with him and Lucienne as they do their work and you start daydreaming of Morpheus just bending you over a table and just rearranging your guts. He asks Lucienne to leave because that’s enough work for one night and turns to you “Oh dear, what am I going to do with you?” Flustered you’re just like hwat, and he’s like “you really wish me to take you here?” And you’re like holy shit he knows and you’re like “Why didn’t you tell me you could see what I was daydreaming about?” “You never asked” And then makes your daydream a reality
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This honestly is my fav headcanon that Dream can see your daydreams
“Perhaps we can …”
“… oh yes and …”
Lucienne and Dream talked back and forth about new plans and ideas for the Dreaming. You were contributing, however, now you were left alone to your thoughts as their voices drifted off.
You sighed, leaning on your hand. Your eyes scanned around the library trying to find some entertainment only to land back on Dream. He and Lucienne stood side by side overlooking a large map of the Dreaming. Your eyes dropped down watching as his slender finger skimmed over the map pointing to various areas. Oh, how it stirred up your imagination.
“Just like that, my love.” Dream cooed. His fingers pumped inside of you as you laid sprawled across the table. “Moan my name.”
You shouldn’t have indulged in your little daydream, but you were exceptionally bored.
So, why not? What was the harm?
Dream flipped you around. Your chest pressed into the cool wooden table. You whined softly as Dream teased you with his cock.
“Louder.” He bent over you, and purred into your ear. “I want to hear you. I want to hear how good I make you feel.”
A lazy, blissful smile tugged on your lips at your at your delectable daydream.
Dream, on the other hand, clenched his jaw. His eyes flickered over. You had a glassy haze in your eyes. You were far too enraptured with your daydream, and he couldn’t necessarily blame you.
His own body started to react at your thoughts.
“Lucienne, I do believe this is enough for tonight. We can pick up the rest tomorrow,” Dream calmly stated. The calm before the storm you were about to experience.
Lucienne nodded and smiled. “Of course, my lord. Goodnight to the both of you.”
You flinched, snapping yourself out of your thoughts. You quickly covered up your nerves - as if you were a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar - with a warm smile then waved her Goodnight.
Dream kept his eyes directly on you, listening as Lucienne’s footsteps faded away and the resounding click of the library’s doors. He slowly stalked over to you. “My dear, what am I going to do with you?”
You blinked, looking at him. “Huh, what do you mean?”
With a single finger, he tilted your chin up. He bent down, skimming his lips over yours. “If you wanted me, you should ask rather conjure up such fantasies.”
You tensed up as your heart sunk to the bottom of your stomach. “Wait, wait, you - you saw those?”
“Oh, yes.”
You nervously swallowed. “You can see my daydreams?”
“I can see everyone’s daydreams.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You squeaked out. Your mind immediately thought back to all your daydreams, especially all those ones with Dream. Even the ones before the two of you got together.
He smirked, “You never asked.”
Your heart lurched in your chest, feeling a heat in your cheeks.
Taking your hands, he gently guided you up to your feet only to swiftly push you down on the table. A gasp left your lips. He carefully spread your legs and nestled himself between them.
Your eyes widened.
He leaned down, caging you onto the table. “Let me make your dreams come true.”
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nogenderbee · 8 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕚 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hello! platonic jing yuan, blade, dan heng and welt with a teen!reader who is like collei from genshin?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey hey! Absolutely! I included Collei's past as well so sorry if you meant only personality but... it also appears here so I hope it'll be fine!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Forest Ramger? Are forests this dangerous in your world?
✧ Dan Heng likes how seriously you're treating your trainings and academics
✧ though he does have good perception so he quickly notices you're not like most children your age and that's when his worries start...
"So that's what you're studying... (Shouldn't they master it in elementary school tho?)"
✧ basically he's just keeping close eye on you for a most of the time
✧ once he notices the way you flinched when March tried getting a bit closer for a photo, he realizes you may not like touching, if you panic while being close, he'll believe that even more
✧ he's not gonna confront you about it or any of his other observations tho, he's just gonna quietly help you and make sure he's doing it right by ocassionally giving you small glances
✧ if you decide to share your past with him willingly or some situation will make you tell him about it, he'll get so much more protective of you after hearing all of that
✧ it's like he's always on guard when you're hanging around with him since then
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt would often use you as perfect example when he's scolding others, thinking you're rather motivated and already in good position despite your age
✧ he definitely has troubles catching with your energy sometimes but he certainly enjoys hearing stories about you being trainee forest ranger, though he didn't knew what it means at first
✧ if you're from where forests really are this much of a danger, he'd remind you once in a while to be cautious while exploring
✧ he doesn't mind you not liking being touched, in fact he absolutely respects it and will always stop someone from coming too close with his hand or his stick
"Don't come any closer please. Even if they're not adult, it'd be nice if you could respcet their personal space, just like they are respecting yours."
✧ when he notices something's wrong, he won't force you but he will remind you once or when situation is right that you can always come to him to talk and he'll do his best to help you
✧ if you use his offer and decide to tell him about your past, he's surprised but also very glad you're alright now
✧ he knows it's over now so he'll just remind you it's all over now and that you're safe
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ you could say that Jing Yuan, as a general has pretty good intuition. That's how he immidietly knew you're not just an ordinary kid
✧ your enthusiasm really makes him have a soft spot for you
✧ if you're Trainee Forest Ranger on Xianzhou, he'll alwaus appreciate your help and will make sure to drop a nice sweet in your hands any time you drop by to do some work
✧ if you're on the other planet tho... he's curious about hwat kind of dangers your forests have
"Tell me, how was your training today? I hope you're not bruised anywhere and brought some good memories instead."
✧ either way, he probably plays favorites so from now on, you're his second kid so be ready to see Yanqing often as well
✧ if you don't like logic games, he'll be more than happy if you just come watch or chat along tea
✧ due to your often chats, there's a high chance of him knowing your past, but still only if you decide to tell him on your own!
✧ it's enough if you tell him description of that "doctor" from your past and he'll guarantee you he won't even step into Xianzhou Luofu on his watch.
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ Blade honestly only saw your energy as a bother at first, he's here to kill monsters, not take care of a teenager
✧ but with time, he notices that you as Forest Ranger can actually protect yourself and others pretty well so he starts to tolerate you a bit more
✧ once your relationship progresses and he discovers about how much you care about your personal space, he'll make sure no one even tries getting too close
✧ once someone comes close, he'll glare daggers through them, immidietly making them back away
✧ he has a soft spot for you but will never admit it! Though Kafka and few others can see right through his act either way
"I don't have a 'soft spot for them'. I'm simply tolerating them because they're not as annoying as most kids and they're staying here for longer either way, so might as well get used."
✧ but he still won't care about your past, so you have more than 100% sure that you can tell him all in your own peace or not tell him at all and he will never know!
✧ but if he does... he's definitely teaching you a bit of fighting skills, just to be sure you'll actually handle yourself if you meet this "doctor" again
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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kroosluvr · 4 months
sorry i feel bad for ranting on """Main"" i guess though i kinda keep this more of apersonal blog than a very polished art blog thing. under the cut
things wld be easier if i was just an oc-centric artist (which i kinda am but only to myself in my head) but it Is how it is at this point (i want to draw my ocs more but they never turn out the way i want) and theres just so much i want to draw for the silly little media franchises that happen to capture my stupid little heart and etc.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh ifeel stupid for loving too much or whatever. i dont want to throw a pity party over this either because in the end its just "who cares LOVE WHAT U LOVE DRAW WHAT U WANT" right but in the moment i feel stupid and it sucks and i hate it actually!!!!!!! and i WILL in fact keep drawing hwat i want and what makes me happy but like idkidkdidkgkhw
sometimes i cant help thinking if i was a better artist.,, like more artistically skilled........ would people really say the things they do about the things i draw
^ (Authors note: no one has been mean about the stuff i draw just. side comments i guess lol. from my friends though and not random people . so its harder to just brush off i guess)
like maybe im just not good enough yet. which is fine. spite is actually a really good drawing proponent. but its also just like . when will it be enough to be worth it? will it be worth being my friend now if im a good artist? if i draw what you want? ...........................
its obviously not discounting the people who really enjoy my art style adn what i draw regardless (which im soooo so grateful for bc i never like expect anyone to stick around sicne my fixations change like the wind) but its like... these r the people i spend the most time with . and it sucks. i have to. second guess what i say and what i type and just. ok like i know its not that serious either but i hate it i really dont like it (<- im also just socially anxious if u cant tell)
and its also like i cant just extract myself from my friend group for a while to kinda cool off (read: muster the courage to be an idiot in front of them again) bc ummmmm um i dont have many friends . they are kind of all i got. (which is nice i like small circles(?) im not good at opening up to people.) and i do admire and like them very much but then i just feel like i get bit in the ass all the time (This past month) with shit like this i guess
and honestly like. well half the reason i keep switching fixations is BECAUSE of stuff like this where i feel self conscious of """"Being obsessed"""" over One thing so much so i just immediately switch tracks so fast but its just a cycle (Which i dont see as a bad thing tbh? it keeps my art moving and things fresh so like.)
And honestly i dont really try to . be too vocal about. fandom? stuff? when im with my friends? unless they bring it up first? i got burnt so many times with my vtuber interests so like lol ive Learned. but maybe it slips out too much? bruh. my bad i guess
i have to stop thinking abt this man.., why has this happened to me so many times this past month lol its kind of ridiculous
(Im sure they dont like. mean it. right? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if they actually meant it and want me to shut up then they should just actually say so right.,
i just want to draw . its not going to stop me from drawing but damn does it really like rain on my parade or put a dent in my fender or whatever other sayings that i cant think of right now
in the end i really REALLY appreciate frm the very very bottom of my heart everyone that even remotely likes/appreciates my art (especially the persona stuff nowadays bc thats what im mainly pouring all my mental and physical and emotional into) like i really really mean it. because this stuff like my silly comics and stuff is really stuff i make for purely my own heart and just what i want to see kinda. and so it just makes me feel really warm that people also want to see it and keep seeing it and love it and everything like that. and, with all this kind of negative stuff going on i just go back and reread tags and comments and stuff and i feel encouraged to keep going and draw more and everything like that. so like really, truly, thank you. i really never thought so many people would like the stuff i make. even if its not really artistically good, or really deeply interesting, im really happy it could be something special to people out there
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digo3d · 3 months
This is totally random (sorry!) but I just remembered Hawaii Here We Come and started grinning to myself XD you know how first episodes are usually all about ‘character introduction to the audience/defining character trait’ yada yada? Every time I remember that Dibble’s defining character trait that he’s indeed a very gentle and compassionate person under the tough-cop exterior is him sobbing in uniform under a goddamn palm tree in Hawaii thinking about the cats instead of having fun and the drama of it all makes me laugh more than it should 🤣 I love this show and its dramatic cats and dramatic humans
He was genuinely crushed omfg 😭 to the precinct Dib is a hardened man who doesn't let his emotions get in the of his work, however the minute Dib gets home he's totally the kind of guy who watches soap operas unironically and starts BAWLING at the drama. (neither T.C. nor Spook has learned this, they would bully him relentlessly)
'will you take me to the ball, Phil? 🥺'
'... I can't dance.'
Brain and Chooch have caught him crying over Barbara Manatee a few times and each time Dib makes them swear to NEVER let T.C. find out or it's over for him
This turned into a headcanon on accident my b but yes everything you said is in fact correct and I wholeheartedly agree i fucking love these stupid ass cats and that goofy ass policeman 👍
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wendytestabrat · 10 months
cartman’s flirting at the end of “stunning & brave” explained
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ok first of all something i wanna point out is that when cartman & kyle started talking to each other here, stan, kenny, & butters were also in the frame but then they just walked away which was sus af LOL. that’s how u know two people in ur friend group have romantic tension when everyone else is constantly leaving them alone which seems to happen a lot with C&K. stan, kenny, & butters wanted to let those two have their moment. ok so like kyle points out to cartman how pretty much everyone lost and he was the only one who won in the end getting all pissy about it, when DEADASS earlier in the episode kyle gave cartman that speech empowering him and reminding him that tom brady is his hero and cartman should break the rules sooo LOL kyle u can’t have it both ways honey EITHER U WANT CARTMAN TO BE TOM BRADY OR U DON’T. which is why cartman goes “who does that remind you of kahl” bc he was calling kyle out on his bs for that but also flirting with him at the same time by reminding kyle of that loving pep talk he gave him earlier LOL. this was cartman’s way of saying “umm bitch i know you like me like this when i break the rules and always try to win in the end like tom brady does so ACCEPT IT”. cartman loved getting a moment to tease kyle and rub it in his face that kyle DOES care abt him and made it sooo blatantly obvious earlier in that scene. but then this is the RLLY sus part when cartman goes “i’m gonna go home and fuck my hot wife who kind of looks like….a dude” LOL like yeah ik he was referencing tom brady’s wife or whatever but the way he put emphasis on “a dude” just seemed sus to me like cartman was hinting at kyle abt him being gay or whatever. i mean he also deadass told pc principal to keep his dick out in the same episode sooo i mean it’s not that farfetched to believe this LMAOOO. also why wouldn’t kyle eat that damn cake i swear i’ve never seen kyle take a bite of food in the entire 26 seasons of the show maybe he rlly does have an eating disorder and throws up to look good on his magazine covers like cartman says LOL (which is the real reason he shits on cartman for being fat sm) HE’S NOT EVEN HOLDING A FORK hWat. cartman even deadass pointed out to kyle he wasn’t eating his cake lol.
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boyccubus · 3 months
lmfao i hate to break it to you but “i don’t like women and seeing them in media annoys me” is literally just misogyny 😭 it’s so embarrassing that you typed up that whole post and never once stopped to think about how fucking weird it is
hwat. is that misogyny. sorry, i didn't mean for it to appear like that, it's just that yuri isn't made for me so i watch what is made for me. seeing lesbians doesn't annoy me so i don't know where you got that from, i just consume media that's made for me. i'm sure lesbians don't want a random gay guy obsessing over their shit. now that i'm reading it again, where did i say i hate women? i don't hate women wtf. i'm a gay guy so i watch gay guy shit. like i'm sorry if that was misogynistic to say but i never said it annoyed me or that i hate women.
edit: if you pulled hating women from not liking straight media, i never really vibe with straight media and it doesn't annoy me and i don't hate it, it just doesn't appeal to me. obviously i'm not going to walk out into town and yell "DOWN WITH THE STRAIGHTS" at the top of my lungs, i'm just a faggot LMAO
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
Love Sea Episode 2 Thoughts
Okay. I just got home. Saw a strange little movie but it was soooo good. It needs to win awards for the sound mixing because it was brilliant. But I digress. Now I’m gonna go from a movie that made me shed 3 whole tears (impressive if you know me) to Love Sea. But I was promised that this week is at least…fine. Anyway, as always, liveblog under the cut:
Why was I logged out of IQIYI? Very confused why it wasn’t working but figured it out. I’m too tired for this honestly.
Okay just had a fight IQIYI for sound. Anyway, I’m gonna need a nap immediately after watching this.
Note to self: never go from a movie with quite literally some of the best sound mixing I’ve ever heard to BL. Especially MAME. Just don’t do it. It’s not fair to the show. That said, this is hurting my ears.
I was distracted by the god awful audio and wasn’t paying attention. I beg your pardon hWAT
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We went from some extremes here. Didn’t you just think he was drowning and you were mad at him for that? Rightfully so? Horny boys….
The way I would not eat that clam. Mostly because my body has informed me that legally I cannot but also because I would be so pissed at having someone’s hand in front of my face.
Save Mook. Save her. Was Vie just…staring out her peephole for 30 minutes watching her? Like some sort of creep? Girl why? I hate how hot you are. Be a better person.
Is this…consensual? In a MAME show? Am I dreaming?
But also boys. Boys. The sand. Boys the sand. At least lay down a towel first or something.
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He’s gonna write about this isn’t he?
Brings new meaning to post nut clarity. Cured his writer’s block…for now.
Can you hear my laughter at Mut being so confused why Rak is now writing? “Am I losing my touch?” As much as I would love you to have your ego bruised, I think you actually rocked his world so hard you helped him in more ways than one. Alas. It’s always the characters I hate that the show makes good in bed.
Oh look at all of Rak’s works. Look at our successful boy.
Save Mook. Kill Vie. What’s wrong with her? Just say you want to spend time with her. Don’t disparage yourself and make her your own personal slave I hate you.
I have now seen more ass than I wished to see today. Thank you Love Sea but also no thank you. Also jerkin it in the shower. Will Rak join him? Only time will tell! he did
I have seen…so much...tongue…in just one episode.
Honestly it’s a damn shame the sound mixing is so bad. I’m not actually hating this episode. Strange. But I need it to stop assaulting my ears.
BL boys stop opening condoms with their mouth challenge 2k24.
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BAHASDHGKSJHDGKJHSDG give the translators a raise actually
Vie keep your lips to yourself. That was…gross. A reward would have been not making Mook do all of that work. Not…that. I hate it here. Imagine if the GL didn’t suck. Imagine that.
Why is Mook excited by that? Girl. You need friends. Friends would help you get a backbone. And also tell you what just happened is not okay.
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Helmets? HELMETS? In my BL? I can’t believe my eyes.
I will keep my thoughts about the scene in which Rak talks about being a writer to myself. My thoughts are between me and god. And also anyone who asks. But you gotta ask for em.
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Now IQIYI. I can’t read that. I have many skills but reading Thai is not one of them.
Did that man just jump into the water…on his own…specifically after having a problem with Mut doing that? I get it’s a different situation but my guy. MY GUY. There is no water safety in the show and I’m gonna lose my mind.
And this is why you don’t DIVE ALONE. I am losing it. Absolutely losing it.
Sure wish I knew what those texts said right about now.
I did not hate this episode. I did not hate them. I am…confused. Baffled even. I do think perhaps one scene in particular was a bit…no. I shan’t say. But just know that I am correct in my thoughts. I might actually be kind of looking forward to the next episode. Hopefully it doesn’t assault my ears dear god.
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