#you know that distinct feeling of walking along a very crowded and large beach.
cozycreaturescorner · 2 years
That picture of you made me gay panic a bit 👀🥵😳
hahafsgg i'm so glad <3 i strive to make as many people panic about how gay they feel about me as possible
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hollenka99 · 3 years
Growing up by the coast unlocks a special experience, if I'm going to be honest.
For a few months of the year, everywhere feels crowded. Good luck getting to your nearest coastal town quickly because you'll be slowly cooking in your car forever since everyone and their mum has decided to go to the beach. I have been late to work because of this despite leaving early enough to try account for it.
Teenagers can easily get summer jobs in restaurants and cafes because those places are desperate to get help with keeping up with the huge influx of customers. Sometimes you'll be 17 and standing outside a stall wondering why the fuck somebody decided to clean their child(ren) with the sinks or how the fuck all that sand managed to get in, around and on the toilet. And that's not even touching on how entitled people seem to be while on holiday. They will personally blame you for ruining their week away if things don't go perfectly, despite the fact you're literally just trying to get on with wiping tables for less than £5 an hour.
Holiday makers tend to come from inland where they possibly never had to worry about drowning in a lake or river etc. Which is fine, the whole country can't be made out of water. But oh my god, nobody seems to know how to read water safety information. It's on signs by the beach, on coasters you see in restaurants, even on the very glasses you drink out of as you look over the beach that tell you it takes less liquid than you're currently consuming to kill you when drowning. The information is definitely there. But there's always somebody who lets themselves get fucked over by high tides or stronger currents than they were expecting. This doesn't mean locals never get caught out because we're all human but the majority of incidents come from those not used to life near large bodies of water. Water does not give a shit about how you want to enjoy your break, it will unapologetically make you find out if you fuck around. Please stay safe and don't be dumb. The RNLI can only do so much if you get yourself into trouble.
Oh and growing up here also unlocks a distaste for rich people. Every summer, prices for snacks and refreshments skyrocket because local shop owners want to make the most out of the visitors. The high school I went to was within walking distance of the beach and for at least one non-uniform day a year, our donations would go to the local charity that helped local kids be able to afford to still live in the area. Because you know what happens when city natives (usually Londoners) keep buying their second homes by the sea? House prices go up to take advantage of their larger incomes, leaving the people who live there all year round to suffer the consequences.
And I mean it's not all horrendous. I had my fair share of rides along the beach on ponies and donkeys as a kid. The admission price is a bit steep but seals, otters and other marine life are just 15 minutes away if I want to see them. There's a boat called the Wash Monster that takes people on tours and every time I see those dumb shark teeth, I smile. The nearby mini golf place is cool and pirate themed, if I remember.
Also have you ever stood by crashing waves? I have a distinct memory of standing by railings overlooking the sea, it was high tide and the wind was strong that night. I stood there for a good 15 minutes after that shift as I waited to be picked up, letting the spray hit my face, laughing to myself from the euphoria of it all. It was simply myself and the sea. I wish I could replicate those few minutes but by its very nature, it's impossible to do so which makes it all the more special. I miss that feeling of nothing else mattering except the wind and the waves.
So yeah, the people who appear in their temporary droves can dampen the experience but growing up by the coast is definitely something else.
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Essays in Existentialism: Ages
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Hey there, in case you're taking prompts right now I would love to see you write something about Clarke & Lexa at different stages in life/ages, from like little kids (first meeting) to adults. Thank you for your time and love your writing!
The classroom was colorful and happy, brimming with numbers and letters and pictures of animals on the walls. An entire side had windows that looked out toward the yard and playground for recess and there were tiny desks arranged in little squares, while the back corner had a very nice looking story time circle. 
Nervously, a tiny girl with messy brown hair stood behind her father’s legs and peered out at her new classroom. She could hear the kids screaming and having fun outside, and she wanted to sneak toward the window and see what they were doing, but she had to put her things in a cubby first, and her teacher had to tell her how to get there and where to sit. 
It was all very new, and Lexa wasn’t sure how to handle it all, so she held onto the leg of her father’s uniform. She missed her old house, and her old park, and her old friends and her old city. She didn’t like the moving part, or that her new house had a scary  basement. 
“We are very excited to have Lexa here, and we appreciate you keeping us up to date on your deployment schedule,” the smiling teacher nodded before squatting down lower to Lexa’s level. “I know kindergarten can be kind of scary at first, but soon you’ll look back and say ��wow, I didn’t have to be scared. I love it here’.” 
Lexa dug into her father’s leg a little more, shying back slightly. He patted her hair before kneeling down as well. 
“Hey, kid, come on. You’re not usually this shy,” he furrowed and held her tiny hands in his large ones. “What’s wrong?” 
At first, Lexa looked around and shifted back and forth in her new sneakers. They lit up. But he waited patiently for a response. 
“I don’t know nobody,” she mumbled. 
“You’re going to meat the class soon,” he promised. “And you’ll make all kinds of great friends.” 
“And now you know me,” Mrs. Gates offered. “Your dad told me you like superheroes.” 
Lexa nodded after looking at her father for confirmation. 
“I put you in a seat next to someone who also likes superheroes. Do you want to see your desk?” 
When she didn’t move, her father decided it was time to do a bit more. 
“I want to see your desk. That’s really cool. You can practice your letters and numbers and reading at your desk, isn’t that right, Mrs. Gates?” 
“We’re going to learn so many things. We even get to do science experiments.” 
“One time, we made a tornado in a bottle,” Lexa offered quickly. “I got to pick the color and I picked blue because I like blue.” 
Slowly, Lexa came out of her shell as she walked toward her desk, her father holding her hand and showing her the name tag on it. She sat there and smiled slightly before looking at her cubby and moving to put her bag there herself. 
The noise outside calmed and moved to the hall a few moments later. 
“I’m going to go back to work now, Lex. But you’re going to stay here and Mom will pick you up after school, okay?” 
“Do you have to?” 
“I do, kid,” he smiled. “What are we?”
“That’s right,” he nodded and kissed her forehead. “I’m so proud of you, and I will want to hear all about your day at dinner okay? So have a good time.” 
Lexa nodded and sat at her desk quietly going back into her shell when her father waved at the door and disappeared. 
At nearly the same moment, the class filtered back in, noticing a new person and not knowing what to do with the news. 
“Good afternoon, scientists,” the teacher greeted them. “We have a new friend who is joining us today. Her name is Lexa. Can everyone say hello to Lexa?” 
The chorus rang out, some more energetic than others. 
“Lexa is coming to us from Virginia. Does anyone know anything about Virginia?” 
There was a rumble of no’s. 
“Would you like to tell us something, Lexa?” 
“Um,” she swallowed. “I used to live close to the beach and I got to see a hurricane once.” 
The series of ooh’s and ahh’s made her feel a little braver than the fake level of confidence her father had instilled her with. She pushed at the haphazard hair that fell into her eyes. 
“Wow, that must have been scary.” 
“It was. There was purple lightning.” 
Again the crowd was fascinated. 
“Now I want each of you to take turns meeting Lexa over the next few days and telling her your names and being helpful. Wouldn’t we all want some nice friends if we moved somewhere new?” 
The group nodded along, still eyeing her, but less brutally than before. 
“Okay, loves. To your seats and let’s show Lexa how we behave after recess, okay?” 
With more than enough confidence to spare, a tiny blonde girl marched toward Lexa and sat down beside her. 
“Hi. My name is Clarke Griffin. I am going to show you around. It’s my job.” 
“We can be friends if you want.” 
Lexa just nodded and stared at her blue eyes. 
“I like your hair. It reminds me of Tarzan’s or Wonder Woman.” 
Still confused about the little person who sat beside her and said things with such clarity and confidence, Lexa pushed her hair away from her face again and nodded. 
“I like your… eyes. They are like the sky, and the sky is my favorite thing ever.” 
“Ever?” Clarke asked incredulously. 
“Mhm. Did you know there are like a million stars? And clouds are cool.” 
“Yeah, they are,” she nodded and dug into her desk for a notebook. “Have you seen Frozen yet?” Lexa shook her head sadly. “I just got it. You should come watch it. We can build a fort.” 
“I am really good at that.” 
“Me too! Ours will be awesome!” 
From the front of the classroom the teacher smiled to herself, allowing the group extra time to settle as the two new friends talked a little bit. She saw Lexa cover her mouth from laughing and Clarke made some kind of face and shared a pencil. 
By the end of the day, Lexa was certain Clarke was the best person on the planet. She was very nice and she liked good movies and they had the same favorite food of pizza and ice cream and candy. She couldn’t keep quiet when her mom picked her up, and she nervously paced near the front door, looking out the window for her father to come home so she could tell him everything, sparing no detail. 
“Daddy!” Lexa pounces on him from the steps as soon as he makes it into the still packed house in need of organization. 
“Hey kid, I missed you so much,” he hugged her tightly. “How was school?” 
“I made a friend! And it was very fun. We saw pictures of bugs!” 
“Wow, what a day. Do you want to go back tomorrow?” 
“Good. Now tell me everything.” 
“You’re still my best friend.” 
The statement came out angry and informative. It was declarative and exact, a fact that could not be argued. It was a law of nature. It was absolute. 
Lexa nodded, agreeing eagerly and quickly. 
“We can talk on the phone and write letters,” Clarke decided. “We can watch movies together, too sometimes. I can ask my mom to use her iPad.”
Again, Lexa nodded. 
“This is stupid and I hate the military and I hate that you have to leave.” 
Clarke had a temper. She liked to yell when she was frustrated, and she’d stomp her foot and clench her fists at her sides, arms straight and her face would get red with a distinct type of rage that Lexa learned to avoid and how to calm her down when needed. Sometimes it was impossible. Clarke said it felt like she was trapped in one of those balls of snow that roll down a hill and get bitter and bigger, and the anger was just rolling around her and she couldn’t escape it. And Lexa could get that, even if she didn’t show it. 
“You’re my best friend,” Clarke finally sighed. “And I don’t want to lose you.” 
Lexa shook her head and hugged her friend quickly, tightly, eagerly. 
“You’re my best friend, too. I don’t care where my dad gets stationed. I wont’ be anyone else’s best friend ever.” 
The pair stood there, clinging to each other, uninterested in separating, even by a few inches. There were not many things more powerful than a friendship of two people who worked well together, already seamlessly filling in each other’s personality points and understanding the other’s moods. There was an innate ease between them that always existed, and even now, when clearly stuck in the midst of intense turmoil, they just hugged each other and tried to be better for the other. 
“When do you have to leave to move?” 
“Next month, right after school ends,” Lexa sighed. 
“So we still have time to do all kinds of hings,” Clarke decided. “Maybe my mom will let you come visit for the summer or for breaks. Or I can come visit you.”
“Yeah,” her friend agreed eagerly. “My grandma and grandpa still live near here, so we will have to come close to see them.” 
“And then we can go away to college together, and live together, like my cousin Chris.” 
“We can?” 
“Oh yeah. In the dorms. We get our own beds and sometimes they can be bunk beds.” 
“Wow,” Lexa mouthed, her eyes wide. 
Even so young, she just enjoyed listening to Clarke talk and tell stories. She bit every single time, and she didn’t care if it was true or not. The only thing that matter was the Clarke knew a lot and Clarke liked to share. 
“You won’t forget about me?” Clarke asked after a moment of looking at her shoes. She looked up at her friend, her bet friend, and she waited nervously. 
“No way,” Lexa swore. “I could never.” 
Clarke held out her little finger and waited for Lexa to shake, completing the promise. 
“And I won’t forget about you, never ever,” Clarke swore. 
The solemn vow complete, neither knew what came next, only that they were already aware of how little time a month was, and now had to fill up every second. 
The gymnasium was packed to the brim with people as the tournament drew to a close during the finals match. Cheers and the echo of shouts and coaching practically vibrated the entire arena. Though she wasn’t much of a fan of sports, Clarke Griffin was, in fact, a fan of one basketball player who travelled across the country to play in the girl’s high school national championships. 
Even though Lexa moved nearly five years prior, their solemn vow, that between elementary school chums who were young enough to believe in such things, held strong with them talking every day, and gradually moving up to emails and FaceTime and text. Periodically, over that half decade, they’d even been grated time to see each other, whether it was family trips or one going to stay with the other’s family for a school break. Whenever they were asked where they wanted to go, the answer was always to each other. 
When Lexa texted after they won state, she was over the moon, and Clarke immediately made sure to get tickets so she could see her best friend play, even though she still didn’t particularly understand the rules, no matter how often Lexa explained them. 
“I can’t believe you guys have stayed in touch so long,” Abby smiled as Clarke sat down from cheering and yelling Lexa’s name after she scored. “It seems like just yesterday you were coming home from kindergarten to tell me about your new best friend, Lexa.” 
“It just kind of works,” Clarke shrugged, unable to pinpoint why it did. There wasn’t an easy answer or any real logic to it. Perhaps it was mostly dumb luck. 
“Hard to believe that little girl is playing in a national championship,” Jake agreed. “I’ve been following her stats online. She’s ranked and is set to go to a Division I school.” 
“Lexa’s going to the University of Oregon, just like me.” 
“You’ve changed your mind a hundred times and you’re halfway through your sophomore year.”
“That’s where she wants to go, and it’s where I want to go.” 
“We’ll add it to the list, but don’t think about it too much just yet,” Jake shared a look with his wife. “A lot can happen in a year.” 
Clarke didn’t want to argue. Instead, she clapped and cheered as Lexa was subbed out in the third. She wasn’t particularly invested in the rest of the game without Lexa out there, but Clarke did her best to watch the entire thing and stay involved with what was happening. In the end, Lexa’s team won, and she cheered the loudest of all. She was wearing Lexa’s old jersey. She was a true fan. 
“You did so well, honey,” Jake promised as he hugged Lexa after they cleaned and gotten ready in the lock room. 
It was a long ceremony, to lift the trophy and answer questions, and listen to coaches. Clarke just grew more and more anxious. She hadn’t been able to see much of Lexa because of the game for the past two days, and she only had 2 more to see her. They always knew they had to make the most of it. 
“Congrats!” Clarke cheered as she launched herself at her best friend, hugging her tightly as they met in the lobby of the convention center. “That was amazing. You’re the best basketball player in the nation.” 
“I don’t know about that,” Lexa chuckled and hugged her back, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “Thanks for sticking through it though. I’m sure it wasn’t very fun to watch.” 
“Yeah, well. Best friends, biggest fan and such.” 
They hang on each other, never far apart as the family made their way to a celebratory dinner, facetiming with Lexa’s family to share the good news since they couldn’t make the trip. It was exceedingly normal for Lexa to be taken in my the Griffins; it happened nearly every year in some way, same for Clarke with the Woods. Jake spent dinner going over all of the plays and applauding Lexa’s efforts, amazed that she could do such things. He only took credit for her layup, as they’d spent a good portion of her last visit the previous summer working on it in the driveway after diner. Lexa let him have it. It wasn’t lost on her that he put up a basketball hoop for her and her alone, even though she spent collectively less than three months over the past five years at their house. 
Ice cream was a given. The rest of the team would be back at the hotel, probably drinking their water bottles of vodka. Lexa was the youngest on the team, the only underclassman on varsity, and she was oddly grateful to miss it. Nothing could beat ice cream with Clarke and her parents. Only there, sitting outside in the chilly autumn evening, did she swap cones with Clarke as they had since they were five. Only there, did she let Clarke wear her jacket because she was cold. 
The Griffins had a guest room. They had two, in fact. But after the festivities and still a little giddy from the evening, the two friends climbed to Clarke’s room and tried to settle in for a movie.
Freshly showered, Lexa fiddled with the menu, trying to find something to watch while Clarke took her turn showering and washing the excitement off. She played with her phone, texting back friends home and the team lazily, stretched out in Clarke’s bed. 
It shouldn’t have been as big of a deal when Clarke walked out in her towel, asking about what movie they were going to watch. But it somehow was a big deal and Lexa found herself sitting up slightly against the headboard. She looked at Clarke’s bare shoulders as she slipped underwear on. She stared, wide-eyed and dry-mouthed as the towel dropped, and Clarke slipped on shorts and then an old shirt before toweling her hair. 
“You used all the hot water, and I will not be allowing you to shower first, no matter how many championships you win,” Clarke decided, as she joined her in the bed. 
“That’s fair.” 
Suddenly, Lexa was aware of how close they laid together in bed, and how they shared the blankets, and how they watched part of the movie before falling into their normal quiet talking in the middle of the night. She wasn’t sure how or why or what except she was very comfortable and uncomfortable with how comfortable she was. 
“My dad thinks it’s ridiculous I plan on going to the same school as you.” 
“I haven’t gotten in anywhere,” Lexa reminded her. “Or any actual offers.”
“You will,” Clarke promised. “I’m just keeping my options open. It’d be nice to be near you.”
Lexa smiled to herself in the dark and felt Clarke scoot closer so they were facing each other, their knees touching. 
“We haven’t gotten much time alone this visit,” Lexa sighed. 
“Kind of rude of you to interrupt it with basketball.” 
“But at least I got to visit.” 
“True. I needed this,” Clarke yawned. “It’s been a rough semester.” 
“Because you’re dating a real dumb guy.” 
“But he’s so cute.” 
Lexa couldn’t help groaning and wiggling around in bed. She made a show of rolling over before she felt Clarke pull her back with a chuckle. 
“He’s a moron and you can do a billion times better than Finn.” 
“I know, he’s just… nice. He’s steady and doesn’t take much effort.” 
“Shouldn’t it take some effort?” Lexa ventured, not at all sure about any philosophies about love or relationships. 
“Probably a combination of effortlessness and effort,” Clarke nodded. “How’s your crush? Did she text you after you won?” 
“It’s going good,” she shrugged in the dark. “I don’t know if she knows it’s a crush or not.”
“You have to be daring and bold. You’re already charming and funny and adorable. She has to have a crush on you. Just ask her out when you get back. Or text her right now.” 
“Let me think about it a little more.” 
“Fine,” Clarke finally relents and yawns again. “Do you think being in love with someone is talking in the middle of the night, but like forever?” 
There’s a quiet in the bedroom in the middle of the night as Lexa mulls over the words. Since they were five, Clarke was the sure one, the loud one, the persistent and confident and sure one. 
“I hope love is comfortable. I hope it’s talking all night. I hope it also makes you nervous and excited to see the other person. I hope it’s being someone’s one person that they count on no matter what. I hope being in love is all of those things. It has to be, right?”
“You make it sound like we’re in love. I think you just described our entire friendship.” 
Lexa blushed and cleared her throat.
“But we’re best friends. We can’t be in love.” 
The quiet settled there again until Clarke readjusted and sighed. 
“It’d be nice though,” Lexa sighed as well. “To be in love with my favorite person on the planet.” 
“It would.” 
“Unfortunately, my best friend is painfully straight. Oh darn.” She tried to make her voice sound lighter, like this wasn’t a very confusing hole she’d somehow dug herself into. 
“God, I have to dump Finn.” 
They both chuckled at that, breaking the fog of the layered conversation they found themselves stuck in. And with that it was easy to fall back into talking about everything else until neither could keep their eyes open. 
The sorority house on Sorority Row was spilling out onto the yard and into the street with people celebrating the start of spring semester. For a moment, Lexa stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the brightly lit building and took a deep breath. She’d spent most of her free time not practicing or with the team here, in Clarke’s room, or doing something with Clarke. 
It was almost an accident that they ended up at the same school, with Lexa accepting the offer late in the year, well after Clarke had been accepted and decided. And it was the best decision of her life because she got to spend so much time with her best friend, and her best friend was at every home game. And for two years, Lexa watched her best friend date her way through a handful of steadies that all bugged her to no-end. And she knew why. She knew exactly why and yet she could never say. That would ruin everything. 
So Lexa stood there for a moment and prepared herself to survive another night of being in love with her best friend and watching her flirt with someone else. 
Lexa had a fairly good reputation all over campus due to her breakout season on the court and a Division Championship under her belt. She was active in a few clubs, volunteer organizations, and mostly, she was Clarke’s friend. 
“Lexa!” Clarke cheered, hugging her tightly as soon as she found her. “I was wondering when I’d get to see you.” 
“I came as soon as I could, darling. I know you miss me too much if I leave you waiting.” 
“I’m a demanding broad, and you know me well, skipper.” 
“You two are disgusting,” Raven observed. 
Lexa just looked down at Clarke who still clung to her, arms wrapped around her middle and grinning back. They were a rather disgusting pair, especially when they did their loving rendition of a polite couple. 
“You are looking rather cute tonight,” Lexa observed. 
“I’ve been known to look cute from time to time. Shouldn’t be too surprising.” 
Lexa just rolled her eyes and waited for Clarke to tug her hand toward the bar. They were practically a packaged deal, and not many believed they’d been friends since they were children because that just didn’t happen anymore, especially across time and space to such stretched degrees. 
But the night went on as it usually did, with music and dancing, though neither were extremely heavy drinkers that often, they retained a mild buzz that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. Rarely where they far away from the other. Often, Lexa would find herself looking across the room and finding her friend. 
But the party waned, and Lexa let herself be invited to stay instead of trying to traverse her way home across campus. There were enough of her old shirts and workout shorts as part of Clarke’s wardrobe that she always had clothes around anyway. 
Lazily, Lexa lounged on the bed as Clarke finished getting ready for bed. She scrolled on her phone for a little bit and yawned, exhausted by the day and drinks. 
When Clarke walked out of the bathroom, Lexa stared more intently at her phone because her friend was in a bath towel, and that was too much to handle anymore. She didn’t look. For a solid ten seconds. But then the towel disappeared, and she saw the curly hairs at the base of Clarke’s neck, her hair pulled up in a sloppy bun as she slid on a shirt. Lexa watched all of it happen and she couldn’t pretend otherwise. 
“That was a good night, darling. We should have the gang over more often,” Clarke decided with a smile as she turned back toward the bed. 
“That was a small showing. I expected better.”
“I’ll russell up a better gang, I swear.” 
With a chuckle, Clarke flipped off the light and got into bed, careful to crawl over Lexa and find her spot against the wall. Lexa felt all of that and she remained stoic, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the queen and such. 
“I can’t believe we’ve been having sleep overs since we were five,” Clarke whispered. 
“You kind of made me be your friend. Mrs. Gates sat me beside you and that was it.” 
“Do you think she knows what she started?” 
“We should let her know.” 
An arm moved around Lexa’s middle. It grabbed her arm and pulled it around her body so that Clarke was the little spoon. Over the past few months, Clarke had been more affectionate, physically. She’d taken the time to touch Lexa and hug her, though Lexa chalked it up to her own wavering brain looking for something that wasn’t there, and resoling herself to being the best friend anyone could ask for. Best friends were the big spoon sometimes. 
Stuck smelling Clarke’s hair, Lexa closed her eyes and let her arms squeeze her friend, eclipsed by her taller frame. She held her breath for as long as she could. 
“I sleep best when you’re in bed. I’m getting spoiled,” Clarke yawned, wiggling slightly as she found a comfortable spot. 
“I’ll have to train your future husband in how to do it.” 
“I don’t think I want anyone else.” 
“You have your pick of the litter. We’ll find you a squire to court you.” 
“Nah,” she sighed, smiling. “I only want you.” 
“I, um,” Lexa gulped and felt Clarke’s thumb on her wrist, rubbing soothingly as she was known to do. “I only want you, too.” 
It’d been a long day. The world’s longest day. The worst, longest, most exhausting day, and all Lexa wanted to do was sleep. Sleep would wash away the entire week that beat her up, and sleep would save her from dinner with her parents. Sleep was a welcomed reward she was hoping to cash in on so she could escape the stress of breathing. 
Cranky and sore, Lexa tossed her keys on the table by the door and chucked her bag on the chair in the living room, kicking off her shoes as she made her way down the hall toward the kitchen. The house was quiet and empty for a Friday night, and she appreciate that for the time being. 
From the fridge, she dug out a bottle of beer and tossed the cap on the counter before shrugging off her jacket between eager swigs. With heavy feet, she padded upstairs and collapsed into the bed with a grunt, hoping a nap would help her escape the headache that’d been brewing since before lunch. Still with her work clothes on, Lexa fell asleep quickly and without any resistance. 
It wasn’t until she felt the bed dip that Lexa smiled into the bed, a familiar weight settled atop her, squishing her slightly with affection. 
“Long day?” Clarke whispered, kissing her fiancé’s shoulder though her shirt. 
“Long week,” Lexa complained and stretched, enjoying the feeling. 
“Want to order pizza and take a bath?” 
“Very much.” 
“I’ll open the wine.” 
Though she tried to move, Lexa flipped, holding Clarke to her, finally kissing her softly, and then eagerly, and then happily. 
“How was your day, darling?” 
“Not nearly as bad as yours.” 
Clarke sat up slightly and pushed her messy hair away from her face as it fell in front of her eyes as she tried to kiss her best friend and make her smile. 
“I think being in love might be wine and pizza and a bath,” she grinned, running her thumb along Lexa’s cheek and jaw and then neck before kissing her again. 
“Let’s find out.”
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alolowrites · 4 years
A Cry for Help
Summary: A hero finds a little girl crying and helps find her parents.
Author’s Note: I was hoping to post these drabbles on Father’s Day, but the idea slipped in my mind around 5pm and well...yeah. Guess I’m early for next year? (hahaha, but no seriously, maybe I am). 
Following heroes are Shouta (Eraserhead), Toshinori (All Might), and Taishiro (Fatgum) because they are just such wholesome dads. 
Please enjoy!
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Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead
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The bubblegum music plays on an endless loop in the children’s clothing store. All the songs from the playlist mesh together as one. Not even the singers’ voices are distinct thanks to the heavy use of autotune; it drowns out the entire shop. Fortunately, Shouta has years of experience dealing with this kind of nuisance—he thanks Present Mic for that.
Shouta ignores the constant, not-so-subtle, stares from the other customers. Even some employees glance at him, their perky smiles fumbling when Shouta catches their eye. The hero knows he sticks out like a sore thumb; he dressed all drab and dreary like the weather outside.
Yet, Shouta does not care if they gawk, just as long as they don’t interfere in his personal space.
One hand glides the pastel-colored blouses along the rail. Shouta is shopping for new clothes for Eri, much to Present Mic's displeasure; he finds Shouta's fashion sense questionable ever since the cat sweater fiasco.
'A little overdramatic, much?' Shouta scoffs as he inspects a purple shirt with massive ruffles running along the sleeves. An adorable image of a kitten graces the front side and he adds the shirt in his basket.
The clothes rack on his right starts whimpering. Shouta raises an eyebrow and slides the sweaters away to see a little girl hiding inside; she seems to be around Eri’s age based on her small frame. Shouta frowns as he hears her cries.
“Hey,” the girl jumps at the gentle voice. An unfamiliar face hovers above her with a concerned expression. He kneels, but keeps a respectable distance, “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. Why are you crying, little one?”
“I-I…don't…my…mommy,” she wails as fresh tears rush down her puffy cheeks, “I-I want-t mommy-y.”
“You lost your mom. I see why that makes you sad,” Shouta digs out a handkerchief and hands it over to the trembling girl. She grabs it and Shouta nods, “First, take some deep breaths…that’s it, good job. Now, my name is Shouta. What is your name?”
She wipes away her tears, “Asumi.”
“Well then, Asumi, I will help find your mother, okay?”
“Really?” A sense of hope shines through her eyes.
“I promise,” Shouta shifts his balance and extends a hand toward Asumi. Not a second later, she takes it and crawls out the dark clothes rack. Her legs wobble, and she asks if Shouta could carry her; he doesn’t hesitate and scoops Asumi in his arms, disregarding the shopping bag filled with clothes; he’ll come back for it later.
Shouta informs an employee about the situation and asks for directions to the mall security office. The entire walk is quiet with an occasional sniffle here and there. Asumi’s fingers toy with his signature wrap scarf to help ease her sad thoughts. However, one slips through and she whimpers, “Will my mommy find me?”
“I’ll make sure she will.”
They arrive at the office in ten minutes. Shouta speaks with an officer and offers to remain with Asumi until they locate her mother. An idea runs through his head once the hero spots a colorful bulletin with other children's drawings. Asumi observes the artwork and slowly opens up as she points out what she likes about them; Shouta adds his thoughts, but keeps his focus on Asumi’s answers—it works.
Shouta turns around when a frantic voice booms from the entrance. The little girl’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. He quickly puts her down, not doubting that the woman standing in front was her mother. Asumi screams, “Mommy!”
“Asumi, sweetheart!” She kneels and embraces the little girl with a bone-crushing hug. Mother and daughter reunite at last, much to Shouta’s relief. Once the mother stops attacking Asumi’s face with her kiss, she stares at the quiet hero and smiles, “Thank you for finding and keeping her safe, sir! Thank you, thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” Shouta shoves his hands in his pockets and crouches to meet Asumi’s eye level, patting her head, “You’re a brave girl, Asumi. It was nice meeting you.”
Asumi rushes to give Shouta a bear hug, catching the hero off-guard for a second. He returns the gesture, a faint grin creeping above his scarf. Asumi grabs her mother’s hand again and happily skips away, but not before chirping, “Bye, Mr. Shouta!”
Those three words keep his heart warm for the entire day.
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Toshinori Yagi/All Might
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Toshinori overlooks the quiet sea at Takoba Municipal Beach Park. He enjoys coming here on his days off to get lost in his thoughts. The retired hero once again admires Midoriya’s remarkable efforts to clean the area—he’s come so far.  
The waves barely touch the grainy sand, and a seagull soars above in search of food. Other people from around the neighborhood stroll through the beach as well. Even so, the locals do not pester him, and Toshinori is grateful for this, inhaling the natural scent only Mother Earth could produce.
A little cry catches his attention. Toshinori whips around to see a little girl wandering down the beach and rubbing her eyes. He may not be All Might, but the heart of a hero still burns inside him. Toshinori cautiously approaches the girl and calls out, “What’s wrong, young one?”
She stops in her tracks and peeks at the tall man. Toshinori finally gets a good look at the child and notices how red her face is. The girl’s body shakes like a volcano as she bawls, “I-I can’t find my daddy-y!”
“Oh dear,” Toshinori frowns and crouches to the child’s eye level. He gives a comforting squeeze on her shoulder, which somewhat stops the crying. Her head bobbles as she breathes rapidly and snot oozes down her nostril. Toshinori fishes for some tissues in his pocket, “Here, my child. You must feel very scared, but everything is all right, because I am here.”
“C-can you help find my d d-daddy?”
“Of course,” Toshinori nods and asks, “What’s your name, little one?”
“And how old are you, Asumi?”
“Five,” she sniffs while showing Toshinori five fingers, “But I’m turning six soon.”
“You are? That sounds exciting!”
Asumi cocks her head once her sadness subsides, “What’s your name?”
“My name is Toshinori, but you can call me Toshi,” he answers, and Asumi relaxes at the sound of his gentle voice. As the former Symbol of Peace stands up, he extends his hand to Asumi, who instantly grabs it. Toshinori feels how dainty and fragile her hand is. His, on the other hand, is rough. Sometimes he forgets it's like that after years fighting off villains, including All For One. Asumi’s innocent eyes gaze up, and he smiles, “Let’s go find your father.”
Toshinori walks in the direction she came from; hopes to find her father if he retraces her steps. The blonde man makes small talk to keep Asumi occupied. Her mouth is like a running waterfall as she shares everything she likes to do: playing on the swings, making songs on her toy instruments, baking cookies at home—It’s a wide range. Toshinori listens to every word, including the time she found a worm and named it Wormy; Asumi wrinkles her nose, “Worms are so squishy.”
“Yes, they are,” he chuckles before feeling a slight tug, “What’s the matter?”
“I see my daddy!” Asumi hops like a bunny and points to a frantic man wearing a red scarf. Toshinori suggests to get closer since he wants to make sure this person is her father. Asumi nods, and the two head forward. Once a few feet away, Asumi squeals, “Daddy!”
“Pumpkin!” He collapses on the sandy beach and nearly stumbles backward when Asumi crashes into his chest. Toshinori feels his heart stir at the beautiful reunion. The father finally glances over Asumi’s shoulder and gasps, “All Might! It’s an honor to meet you, sir!”
“He helped me find you, daddy!” Asumi bounces on her tippy-toes.
Toshinori coughs into his fist, “I found her crying nearby and realized she was lost. There was no way I could leave such a poor girl all alone.”
Asumi’s father scoops the child in his arms and gives a slight bow, “Thank you, All Might, for bringing her back. She’s very adventurous and tends to wander away a lot.”
“Daddy, his name is Toshi!”
“All Might is my other name, young one.”
“I like Toshi more,” she says with no room for arguing. Her word is final.
The retired hero grins, “I like it, too.”
“Yay! Okay!” Asumi claps and waves, “Bye, Toshi!”
“Goodbye, Asumi!” Toshinori watches as the father and daughter pair walk away, the little girl rambling everything that happened to her. Once they disappear from his view, Toshinori realizes how quiet the beach is. Surprisingly, he misses his conversation with Asumi—they are wild and full of imagination.
He hopes they’ll cross paths once again.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum
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If there is one thing Fatgum loves the most, it’s doing hero patrol during a food festival. His nose catches a whiff of yakitori grilled over a charcoal fire. Each skewer is seasoned to perfection and soaked with a healthy amount of tare sauce. Fatgum buys five sticks, but regrets not grabbing more after he inhales all of them in one go.
Luckily a fresh batch of takoyaki calls his name. He arrives at the booth and chitchats with two older men who cook up a storm. Each crispy ball flips faster than Fatgum could blink—a technique that never fails to impress him. The hero bids farewell once he receives his order, promising to visit again before the festival is over.
As Fatgum swims through the crowd with his delicious street snack, he overhears a faint cry on his left. The hero hastily swallows his takoyaki and steps toward the wooden boxes. Peering over, Fatgum raises his eyebrows when he spots a little girl cowering behind them. She notices a large shadow looming over and snaps her head up.  
Fatgum pouts at the sight of her tears, “Whoa there, what’s a lil gal like you hidin’ out here all alone? Ya’ hurt, buttercup?”
“I…lost…my…mommy-y…and dad-dy,” she hiccups in between each word, her loud sobs piercing Fatgum’s weak heart. A determined look briefly crosses his face before he hurries past the boxes to be near her. Out of nowhere, the girl feels a gentle pat on her head. She pulls away from her damp knees.
“It’s okay, buttercup,” Fatgum soothes the broken child, “I’m a hero, and I’ll help ya’ find your parents. Does that sound good to ya?”  
She meekly nods.
“Okay then,” he hums with a soft smile, “My name is Fatgum. What’s your name?”
“What a precious name!” Fatgum beckons for Asumi to come forward. She wipes the tears away on her forearm before crawling over and holds his warm hand. Stepping away from her hiding place, Asumi shrinks behind his leg when she realizes how crowded the street is. Fatgum glances down and asks, “Do ya’ want me to carry ya,’ buttercup? I promise to ya’ safe, ‘k?”
She nods before being scooped up in Fatgum’s arm. Asumi is like a frightened kitten who clings to the jolly hero for dear life. He doesn’t mind and gives her a comforting squeeze. An idea soon pops into his head as he shows Asumi the last takoyaki, “I want ya’ to have it. Food always makes me feel better when I’m sad.”
Asumi takes a tiny bite and beams—it’s delicious. As time passes by, she slowly comes out of her shell, which makes Fatgum happy; he keeps her entertained with fun games like “I Spy” all while trying to locate an officer. Asumi eagerly points to a food stall selling taiyaki, and Fatgum wastes no time buying her the sweet treat.  
After the quick pitstop, they continue their leisurely stroll through the festival until a guard post emerges from the tumultuous sea. Fatgum notices a police officer jotting down notes from a man consoling his wife. Maybe they’re Asumi’s parents, he thinks and is proven correct when Asumi yells, “Mommy! Daddy!”
“Asumi!” Both adults rush toward Fatgum, cutting their conversation short with the police officer. They weep tears of joy when their daughter squeals in her mother’s arms. Asumi’s father enthusiastically shakes the hero’s hand, “Oh, thank you, Fatgum! My wife and I will forever be grateful that you brought our little Asumi back, safe and sound.”
“Oh, no need to thank me! A hero has to keep everybody safe and happy,” Fatgum flashes a smile that is as bright as the sun, “Even the little ones!”
Both parents thank Fatgum once more before they take their leave. Asumi squirms in her mom’s grasp to stare over the woman’s shoulder. The little girl waves her half-eaten taiyaki in the air and shouts, “Bye, Mr. Fatgum!”
“Bye, Asumi!”
Such a precious cinnamon roll. 
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Thanks for reading!
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allycryz · 4 years
2. Open your eyes. for either all of the ot6 or just emet-selch x y'shtola.
Surprise, I found a way to do both :D
Post SHB, A Beach Episode With an Extremely Vague KH Reference
Rated: T-ish for implied sex
Y’shtola approaches from behind and lays her hand atop his head, fingers sinking into thick hair. “Close your eyes, Hades.”
He goes still and quiet beneath her. The only sounds are the wind, the waves, and distant shouts of laughter from their loves. She pushes at the limit of her aether sense to perceive them: Thancred and Nerys on Haurchefant and Urianger’s respective shoulders, fighting to knock the other off into the water. ‘Tis late for such games, given the setting sun and the dangerous undertow but…
...There is a reckless quality in all of them that draws her. Perhaps because it means they’ll accept that same trait in her. She has spent a lot of time pondering the forces that draw the six of them together. No easy answers, but many promising theories.
Hades sits on the porch in his shorts and open floral shirt, dark glasses pushed up into his hair. Much of the garment’s pattern is lost to her–she recognizes the distinct aetheric signatures of purple and black dye, vague flower shapes, and gaps the pigment variations are too subtle to catch without concentrated focus (It is rare for him to be understated in his clothes. She suspects a floral print at the beach needs subversion before he will don it.)
She spends a moment assessing the correct point of entry before perching herself in his lap. At once–as expected–his hands seize her hips to steady her.
“May I open them now, darling?” His eyebrows shoot up to the hairline and glasses, but his lids remain firmly shut. 
“Not yet.” One hand continues holding the plate she brought from inside their rented beach house. The other runs over his cheek. The skin feels slightly warm. Hades had been diligent in applying and re-applying sunscreen...until Urianger started a sandcastle contest. 
Nerys was the one to remind him, noting he was getting pink all over. Which sparked a debate about whether the time spent re-applying would be taken from the two-bell time limit. (They ruled against him and also against the use of magic. He still won.)
He caresses her hip, rubbing the fabric of her sarong between two fingers. The other arm locks firm about her waist until her bathing suit top presses against his shirt and bare chest. Y’shtola goes very still, not giving him the slide of bodies he clearly wants.
Hades sighs. “Cruel sorceress, you’ll drive me to distraction.”
“It seems you were doing nothing before I arrived. What could I distract you from?”
“Why…” He leans forward until his mouth finds her forehead. “Watching our lovers of course. It’s cute Thancred thinks he stands a chance.”
“Ah but Thancred need only give one of those smiles at the right moment. And then he can push her into the water.” Y’shtola smiles. “Nerys can only resist such prettiness for so long.”
“I’m aware. How do you think I won her over?”
“I’m certain…” Y’shtola gives her driest tone. “That wasn’t the sole reason.”
“Believe what you will.” His mouth drops down, intent on pressing against hers. She slips the free hand between them, so that his lips press to her palm. Hades huffs a chuckle and slides his tongue over her skin.
“Now,” says Y’shtola. “Eyes stay closed. Open your mouth.”
He gives her a look as best as one can with their eyes closed. But he obeys, full lips parting. There is some type of balm upon them. Possibly darker than the natural shade. If it were more pigmented, the energies would feel different. 
She takes the offering from her plate and presses it to his lower lip. Hades follows the cue and takes it full into his mouth, chewing it slow as he savors it. Juice clings to her fingertips and she offers them in the same way. His tongue slides over, practiced enough to know how to avoid her clawtips. 
“Is this…?”
“Open your eyes.” 
He does, smiling at her and then at the plate. The fruit atop it is so vibrant a red-orange she perceives it as clearly as its star shape and the pith she peeled away in the kitchen. “So that’s where you were this morning. You did remember how dangerous I said the trek would be.”
“Of course. It meant I was well-prepared for the terrain and the monsters. Besides…” She picks up another piece of the fruit. “You knew exactly what you were doing, telling two aetherologists about an aether-rich fruit. And all four of them are hungry for the types of stories you said went along with it.”
“Five of you.” He plucks the fruit from her hand and presses it to her lips. “You cannot pretend you were not captivated.”
She hums and takes the offering, returning the slide of tongue over fingertips. Sucking lightly at the tip of his longest finger. The arm about her waist tightens, presses her nearer. 
“But tell me, darling. Why go by yourself?”
“Because we came here specifically to relax. Not to take quests and errands. I went so that the others can enjoy the…” She wrinkles her nose, realising the unintended pun about to come out. His chuckles says he guesses at it. “So they can enjoy the fruit without the strain. They deserve it.”
“Ah, but don’t you also deserve a reprieve?”
Y’shtola shrugs. “To tell the truth, I found the trek great fun. And I know-” She touches his lips to silence the comment bubbling from his mouth. “That Nerys and Haurchefant would say they also find quests enjoyable. But neither of them know when to pause or relax.”
“Pot, kettle.” He stands, lifting her in his arms. She clutches at him with her free hand, frowning a little at the sudden gesture. (At least she kept ahold of the plate.) “It seems once again, I must save you from yourself.”
"If you drop me into the ocean I will not be held responsible for the consequences."
"Tempting but no, I've something else in mind." He walks into the house, clutching her to his chest.
"What have you two been up to?" Thancred asks, poking his head into the bedroom. There is a raucous hubbub below, snatches of Haurchefant and Nerys giggling. 
"Guess." Hades says, drawing his hands over Y'shtola's bare back. She shivers under the touch but does nothing else, says nothing else. For once, she is utterly languid. 
"Room for one more?"
Hades sniffs. "Wash the brine and sand off of you and maybe we'll allow it."
"Spoilsports." But he steps back, just as the other three crowd the doorway. Well. Nerys and Haurchefant do. Urianger hangs back a little. 
"Shtola!" Nerys sounds both awed and stern. "We found the fruit in the kitchen. This morning, were you-"
"She was," Hades answers for her. "Would all of you please go wash up instead of tracking sand into the bedroom?"
"If it wouldn’t make the sheets gritty," she hears Haurchefant mutter. "We could go in now and track sand all over him."
"To the shower," Urianger says. "And then we shall see about the bed."
"Ah Uri, my sweet prince, you are the kindest of us."
"Mayhaps not, for I am sore tempted to vex Hades with my sandy feet upon his person."
Y'shtola laughs, pressing her face to Hades’ chest. The other four move on, voices muffled by the closing of the bathroom door.
"...that shower and the bath are rather large," Hades murmurs. "Do you want to join them?"
"Another time." She says, eyes falling shut again. "I'm resting now."
"I'm pleased to hear it, darling." He strokes the back of her neck and she melts against him, sleepy and content.
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laurelsofhighever · 4 years
Just the Place
Have a piece of Alistair x Cousland fluff! This is pre-relationship, set between chapters 26 and 27 of my longfic, The Falcon and the Rose, so minor spoilers I guess? It’s not much to worry about. Just a day out escaping the pressures of nobility and skipping stones
Alistair should have known better than to think a night’s rest against even the fluffiest of pillows would inure him to the uneasy feeling that had settled in his stomach the day before when he had first caught sight of Redcliffe’s keep through the trees. It was a place too familiar, too full of memories, of people who had known him before his title and even before he had made a name for himself under Teagan’s instruction, and before the sun had even poked above the hills he was driven from panicky dreams where Isolde laughed with the golden eyes of a witch. The connection his slumbering mind made to Flemeth unnerved him, enough that his valet remarked on his taciturn expression as he was handed his clothes to dress for the day.
Too queasy for breakfast, and unwilling to see the wariness and resentment in the faces of the servants who had once considered him little better than dirt, he took the guard route along the wall and down into the courtyard, thinking to head towards the stables. Master Dennet, Eamon’s horsemaster, met him with a nod of recognition but nothing more. Of all the people Alistair had known in his old life, Dennet alone had never bothered with propriety, or speculated about just whose bastard he was.
“Got no room for gawkers, Your Highness. Their Graces don’t much like being kept waiting for their breakfasts.”
“I’ll give you some help, if you like,” he offered, and got only a shrug in return. Still, it felt good to do honest labour, to use his hands for something other than swordwork or practicing his letters, and the friendly bumps the horses gave him as he doled out their morning feed made him smile.
Once they were all munching away, however, their contentment infectious and the quiet of their presence soothing, it only made him more reluctant to squeeze himself in between Cailan’s forced cheeriness, Isolde’s piqued formality, and Baudrillard’s determination to be a sycophant. Perhaps he should go to the village. It was unlikely he would receive much of a reception there, but as he stepped out from the gallery and through the gate in the curtain wall, the pre-dawn chill had already started to dissipate, the sky clear blue and cloudless. Birds would be singing among the trees, while the breeze that blew in off Lake Calenhad during every summer would keep the heat from growing truly unbearable. Sneaking a few hours of freedom couldn’t hurt, surely.
A thunderous bark stopped him in his tracks as he was walking under the shadow of the barbican. He turned just in time to stop himself go flying as a large brindle mass collided with his legs, with a rich echo of laughter following on behind. Cuno chuffed and turned to sit on Alistair’s foot so he would have better access for a scratch to the shoulder, his wide doggy grin and lolling tongue betraying his delight in the attention.
“Aw, who’s a good boy?” Alistair asked him. “Have you been for a walk?”
“We were just about to go on one.”
He looked up to find Rosslyn smiling fondness at her dog, with all traces of the previous days’ journeying scrubbed from her features and her usual attire traded out in favour of longer, more formal split skirts. Her gaze, when she raised it to meet his eye, skittered away in a blush and a self-conscious move to tuck a stray wisp of hair behind her ear.
He swallowed. “Good morning.”
“And to you, Your Highness,” she replied, with the note of mirth she reserved these days for the times they could not forebear an audience.
Alistair’s mind stumbled on how to keep the conversation going. He wanted to, but he had been careful to avoid thinking about her at all since waking, since their parting the night before and the hours afterward while the memories lingered, denying him rest. The skin of her hand had been so soft under his fingertips, and he had focused entirely too much on the hushed part of her lips as he had pressed a kiss across her knuckles. He had wondered, in the darkness, what she had been thinking in the moment, whether she would chastise him on their next meeting once the shock of his forwardness had worn off. Now she stood before him, still smiling – not trying to run him through – he decided to take it as encouragement, or at least approval.
The guard on the gate coughed, and he blinked.
“I didn’t expect to see you so early, Your Ladyship,” he said, trying to ignore the sudden flare in his cheeks. “I hope you slept well?”
She nodded. “Arlessa Isolde is very generous in her duties as a hostess – I’ve wanted for nothing.” The wry smile faded. “I went looking for you, actually – to tell you the army won’t be arriving until this afternoon.”
“Oh, I’m sorry you missed me.” Of its own accord, his hand reached up to run through his hair, his mind preoccupied with deciding if it would be a step too far to admit the real reason he had gone to the stables and all but lurked there until it became weird. Helpless, he gestured to the broad stretch of the road beyond the gates. “Just thought I’d stretch my legs, you know how it is.”
“You’re going without an escort?” she teased.
“Only to the village! And it’s not like I’m unarmed.” He tapped the sword hilted at his side, and smirked. “If you’re so worried, why don’t you come with me? You’re practically an army unto yourself, after all. I could… show you the village? If you’re not already busy, of course.”
She smirked. “A chance to see all your old haunts? Cuno would enjoy the exercise, I suppose.”
The dog gave an excited bark.
“That decides it – shall we?”
They stayed comfortably close but did not touch as they followed the road that wound from the top of the hill down to the village nestled at its base, passing idle conversation back and forth as Cuno trotted ahead with his nose to the ground and then came galloping back to chide them for being so slow to catch up. The day rose with birdsong and dappled sunlight, and Alistair had to keep forcing his eyes back to the road ahead. Rosslyn clearly noticed; she kept peering at him strangely whenever he caught his eyes lingering too long, but didn’t comment, and he was grateful. Though the bite in them could last against such a bright day, Flemeth’s warning still preyed on his mind, worse for the truth he saw in it.
When they rounded the last bend and the first buildings of Redcliffe came into view, the windmill on the stream’s edge and the pub leaning its gables over the road, they stopped for a moment to take in the view.
“Did you miss it?” Rosslyn’s voice was quiet.
“Would it make me a bad person if I said I didn’t?” he shrugged. “I guess I must have been happy sometimes, but I don’t remember much. The revered mother was always kind to me. And Arl Eamon did look after me.”
He noticed the way her lips thinned at that, true thoughts held back for politeness’ sake. To cover, he cleared his throat and looked out over the tiny collection of buildings that had once been the farthest reaches of the world.
“What do you want to see?” he asked. “There’s the chantry, the smithy, the docks – it’s not market day so there won’t be much to see in the square, but maybe –”
“Where do you want to go?” She had linked her arm through his, bringing her face close enough, tilted up at him, that if he were to just lean forward…
“Um.” He turned away. Through the fog in his mind, he tried to work on the problem, to think of something that might hold her interest somewhere where they wouldn’t be fodder for the gossipmongers. “I know just the place.”
With a grin, he slid his hand into hers and stepped off the path to lead her down away from the village. Curiosity lit in her grey eyes as he glanced back to make sure she was alright, the dog at her heels brushing past to scout out the trail ahead. Over the years the vegetation had crowded in and frost-cracked boulders had broken from the cliff above, leaving only narrow deer tracks winding through the trees. He couldn’t really get lost, but more than once they had to double back when the questing branches of saplings condensed into thickets rife with brambles.
“Where exactly are you taking me?” Rosslyn laughed when the ground finally levelled out beneath them. The path was wider here, more distinct, and he recognised the craggy face of the rock ahead, cut into the likeness of a horse’s head by the accidental work of time and weather.
He turned back and grinned. “Not much further.”
The last step was a steep climb down a narrow gully carpeted with old leaves, and a two-foot drop down a bank dotted with blue vetch and embrium. Cuno had already raced ahead and found the water, and was splashing through the curling edge of the small waves that washed over the shore.
“Well, what do you think?” Alistair asked as they made the final jump. “Do you like it?”
“It’s… Alistair, it’s beautiful.”
He beamed. The narrow strip of pebbled beach bled into sand towards the water’s edge, overhung with lush greenery that filtered the sunlight and offered hiding spots for the birds flitting along on their own business. Instead of the stink of fishguts that pervaded the village docks in high summer, here the scents of clean water and wildflowers filled the nose. A breeze stirred against his face and when he looked he found Rosslyn had turned her face into it and closed her eyes, a smile playing about her mouth. Their hands were still joined.
He ought to say something. Explain.
“I went exploring a lot. Being raised by dogs, you get a lot of slobbery love, but they’re not big on the child supervision. And sometimes the castle could get…” He had wanted to get away from thoughts of the castle, so he reached down and plucked a round, flat rock from the ground at his feet. “I used to spend hours skipping stones.”
“What’s your record?” she asked.
He tried to pout. “You can do better, can you?”
“Alistair, I grew up by the sea.” There was the flash of a smile as she let go of his hand and stooped to find a rock of her own. “I can certainly try.”
“Care to wager, dear lady?” he teased, to cover his disappointment.
With a lift of her chin, she closed the space, spinning the stone between her fingers as she weighed the challenge, but even though he tried to meet her gaze, he faltered when her tongue poked out to wet her lips.
“A drink in the tavern?” she suggested.
He managed to nod. “That sounds reasonable.”
Satisfied, she wheeled to face the water and took up a stance just shy of the waterline, wrist poised with the edge of the stone pressed against the tip of her first finger, but as she drew her arm back Cuno trotted over and butted his nose in polite enquiry against her hand, in case the stone was really just a treat for him.
“You know, it’s cheating if you wait so long I don’t even get a turn,” Alistair pointed out.
“So is distracting your opponent.”
“Are you being distracted by little old me?”
She merely rolled her eyes. A moment later, the dog went charging into the water after her cast stone, a great plume of white spray rising around him until he stood chest deep in confusion, trying to work out where his prize had gone. It made nine skips before being caught in the lap of a wave and sinking to the bottom.
“I do believe your technique is looking a little rusty, Lady Cousland.”
“Is my technique what you were looking at?” she asked lightly.
Alistair’s ears burned, but he ignored the flutter in his stomach as he stepped up next to her. “Among other things.”
He watched her reaction only long enough to make sure he hadn’t taken the comment too far, then let his stone loose with a flick of his wrist. Ten skips. When he glanced back, she was fighting to contain a grin.
“Well we can’t just go by a single result,” she said, as if it were unthinkable.
He laughed. “Perish the thought.”
Still smiling together, they turned aside to search for more stones. Most weren’t suitable, either too large or too thick or not circular enough, and so after a while the game became less about skipping than remarking on ones with interesting shapes or patterns, and throwing them for Cuno to hunt through the water.
“Alright, last one,” Rosslyn decided, lining up one final shot as the climbing sun loomed down almost directly overhead.
Alistair stepped close, one hand going to steady her lower back. “Go for it.”
She cast, and got fourteen.
“It looks like you win.”
“I don’t think I want to leave just yet,” she admitted, without moving away. “It’s nice here. The view is wonderfully free of Orlesians.”
“I always thought so – it does add to the charm.” He glanced further up the beach. “We could sit?”
Nodding, she followed him a little way to a bleached log that must have been deposited during a winter storm at some point after he had gone to Rainesfere, and together they made themselves comfortable against it. In the silence, the world surrounded them, the sound and smell of water and the slight dig of hard-edged stones against the backside.
“Is everything alright?” Alistair asked after a while.
“Hm?” Rosslyn blinked away from her contemplation of the horizon and sighed. “I was just thinking. This place reminds me of home a little. It’s not quite the same, but it feels familiar.” With a pink stain blossoming in her face, she ducked her head away. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
Her hand lay between them on the shingle.
“You don’t need to thank me,” he told her. “I… you should get to be happy.”
The softness in her gaze nearly undid him, but then she dropped it to where his fingers had found courage to curl around hers, and his breath stilled in his chest as she pulled his hand into her lap, as her thumb stroked over his knuckles. She opened her mouth and drew in a breath. He waited, only for her to sigh again and shake her head in a self-defeated huff of laughter, and settle her cheek against his shoulder.
45 notes · View notes
But You Can Never Leave [Chapter 8: The Light]
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Hi y’all! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my writing. Each and every message/reblog/comment/etc makes me smile, and it’s a dream come true to get to share my work with you! 💜
Chapter summary: John shares a secret; Y/N excels at Scrabble; Brian makes peace; Roger suffers a misstep.
This series is a work of fiction, and is (very) loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
Song inspiration: Hotel California by The Eagles.
Chapter warnings: Language, medical stuff, pregnancy (not who you think!).
Chapter list (and all my writing) available HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii​ @loveandbeloved29​ @killer-queen-xo​ @maggieroseevans​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @queenlover05​ @someforeigntragedy​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​ @joemazzmatazz​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @namelesslosers​ @inthegardensofourminds​ @deacyblues​ @youngpastafanmug​ @sleepretreat​ @hardyshoe​ @bramblesforbreakfast​ @sevenseasofcats​ @tensecondvacation​ @bookandband​ @queen-crue​ @jennyggggrrr​ @madeinheavxn​ @whatgoeson-itslate​ @brianssixpence​ @simonedk​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! :)
Medicine teaches you to be fiercely skeptical of things that seem too good to be true. Bodies fail—completely and inevitably, though the timing may differ—and patients lie. Medical records don’t, fingerprints don’t, track marks up the underside of an arm don’t, blood and paternity tests don’t, oftentimes the eyes don’t; but given half a chance, people will lie themselves right into the grave.
Those bruises, doc? Got ‘em from a nasty fall down the stairs. I’m lucky I didn’t break my neck!
Nope, never done drugs, not even a joint, I swear on my mother’s life.
I’ll give it up, I’ll go to rehab. Never again. I promise. I don’t want to die.
Doc, I don’t care if the timing doesn’t seem quite right. My husband IS the father. There’s been no one else!
That doting fiancé is flirting with the nurses. Those grown-up children who fluff pillows and dab away tears are asking about the will. That wife is never going to testify against her abusive husband. That addict is going to relapse again...and again...and again. Are there exceptions? Of course. But if you get in the habit of trusting people—of believing all those tantalizingly attractive, hopeful lies—it’ll break your heart six ways to Sunday. There is no perfection in medicine, and there are very rarely miracles.
And so during those first few weeks with Roger—as you watch him from the reeling crowd, from the other side of the tour bus, from across the restaurant table, from the tiny viewfinder of the Canon F-1—you can’t stop searching for the cracks, the shadows, the lies, the dark malignancies breeding beneath the surface. Because everything about Roger Taylor is too good to be true. He’s bright and he’s loud and he’s brilliant and he’s always smiling, always warm. He careens backstage after every show—you keep bracing yourself not to be disappointed when the novelty wears away, when it ends, but it doesn’t—pushing aside roadies and reporters, shouting “Where’s the love of my life? Where’s my Boston babe?” with the most absurd grin you’ve ever seen until he finds you, collides with you, scoops you up and spins you in ungainly circles as your toes skim the floor. Then he cradles your face in his scarred hands and kisses you, breathes you in, tells you everything about the show (even though you were there to see it) in a rush of pure, manic adrenaline. And you stumble into some dressing room together—or a hotel room, or a taxi, or a limousine, or an elevator—and finally it’s your bare thighs his palms are gliding over, your tongue tasting the Heineken and craving on his lips, and it feels impossible for that to ever change. Roger is too good to be true, that’s undeniable; but when you watch him with those doubtful, cautious eyes, you can’t find anything but light.
He wakes up at 6 a.m. to join you on a bayou tour in New Orleans, taps his cigarette over the moss-covered sides of the boat, points out the alligators with leathered skin and ancient yellow irises lurking in the depths. He walks Fremont Street with you in Las Vegas and makes you choose his numbers for the Roulette wheel, for his fate. He snaps photos of you on a sun-drenched balcony in Miami, roaring cobalt waves crashing in the background. He takes you to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Art Institute of Chicago, the National Aquarium in Baltimore, the Philadelphia Zoo, Myrtle Beach and the Saint Louis Arch and the Santa Monica Pier. Because he was telling the truth when he said he could show you the world all those months ago when Queen was at Top of the Pops; he was telling you the truth about the list that’s etched into the rushing scarlet chambers of his heart.
When the American leg of the tour ends and the band gets a brief reprieve in London, you move into Roger’s paltry, disorganized flat and scrub away all the remnants of his past life: dust and empty cigarette boxes and women’s socks, ashes and copies of Vogue, a tube of lipstick that isn’t yours. You don’t complain, don’t even frown; you’re under no delusions that something eternal can be founded on resentment, on lies. And so you clear out the clutter and open the windows so sunshine and crisp spring air can breathe through the apartment, so you can both start fresh along with the bellflowers and delphiniums and roses and the tawny newborn ducklings scampering behind their mothers. You hang photos from the tour and John’s sketches on the refrigerator, place your Canon F-1 and pink conch shell from Ostia on the nightstand, litter the drawers with your own socks and makeup. You teach Roger how to sew (although he’s not much good at it) and how to treat blisters (although you’ll always be there to do it for him); and in return Roger teaches you how to trust, how to believe, how to stop searching desperately for faults in the light.  
On the second day of April, Queen boards their flight to Tokyo. Brian settles into a plushy, billowing blanket and loses himself in an astronomy magazine; he’s an engaged man now, an honest man in the eyes of society at large...and, far more importantly, his parents. Freddie pens lyrics in his notebook, humming disjointedly, napping like a cat when the mood strikes him. Roger snacks constantly and tries to get John chatting, but John is particularly subdued today, preoccupied, prone to gazing unfocusedly at the clouds that drift by outside and wringing his hands.
And you think, as you peer down into the glistening sapphire waters of the East China Sea: Brian’s a willow tree, Freddie’s a lightning storm, Roger is wildfire...but what is John?
Something deep, something beautiful and strong and constant and hidden.
The ocean, you decide as Queen’s private plane soars over the quicksilver waves that conceal the abyss. John is the ocean.
“You didn’t have to stay, you know.”
John is lying on his back under a small grove of cherry blossom trees outside the hotel, sketching grey outlines of petals and arcing branches in a new notebook. He hasn’t given any sign that he heard you coming, doesn’t turn his head to see you. You freeze, startled.
“How’d you know it was me?!”
“You have very distinct footsteps. Dainty, yet purposeful.” He sets aside his notebook and sits up, crossing his long legs. “Why didn’t you go to lunch?”
“Because you didn’t. You turned down ramen, and you never turn down ramen. I was worried. Plus someone has to make sure a roving posse of screaming Japanese girls doesn’t carry you off.”
That makes him laugh. The Japanese fans are inexplicably obsessed with John; or maybe it’s not so inexplicable, maybe they just have a better eye for quiet, unassuming wonders. “Always so thoughtful.”
You sit down beside him, open a pack of chocolate-flavored Pocky and offer John a piece, frown when he lights a cigarette instead. “That’s really bad for you. Seriously. You should quit.”
“At last. One thing you and Brian agree on.” He exhales a gale of smoke and peers up at the cherry blossoms.
“You didn’t break up with Veronica, did you?” Chrissie and Mary didn’t mention anything about her tearful devastation, and you suspect they would have had John gone through with it.
He sighs. “I did not.”
“And...are we feeling...okay about that...?”
He twirls the cigarette nervously between his fingers. After a silence, he surrenders. “Look, I haven’t told anybody yet, but I’d tell you first anyway. So here it goes.” He glances over at you guiltily, gloomily, wishing he could disappear. “I didn’t break up with Veronica because she’s pregnant.”
Your jaw falls open. A half-eaten stick of Pocky rolls out of your mouth and onto the grass. She’s what? She’s WHAT?
“Please don’t be disappointed,” John pleads. “I’m disappointed in myself enough for both of us, believe me.”
“I...I...I’m not disappointed, John, I’m just...” You blink at him. “Oh my god.”
He nods, acquiescent. “I’m in complete agreement.”
You shake your head, gaping at him, stunned; and suddenly you don’t like what you’re feeling at all. Because it isn’t just shock and horror, it isn’t just apprehension. You hate the thought of him touching her, of her delicate white hands on him, of innocence stripped away and memories impressed into muscle, into soul.
Because you know she’s not right for him. Because you know he doesn’t love her the way he should. Because you want the best for him and always have.
Oh, there’s a comforting rationale; but is it true?
And then: You fucking hypocrite. Since when do you get an opinion on who anyone sleeps with?
“It must have happened in January,” John says miserably. “Right before we left for the States. She didn’t want to tell me over the phone...I guess maybe she thought if she did I’d never come back. So she told me as soon as I landed in London. And here we all are.”
You stare down at your shoes, trying to compose yourself. “What are you going to do?”
“There’s only one option.”
“Actually, there are quite a few. But I know you’d never consider them.” John’s father died when he was ten, and he never talks about it; which is precisely how you know it’s a wound that can’t ever heal, a gash that goes straight down to the bone. He would never leave his child, never banish them to some dusty, repressed corner of his consciousness while he moves on with a blissfully unencumbered life. You whisper: “I’m so fucking sorry, John.”
That snaps something in him, something he was choking back. He buries his face in his hands. “What the fuck am I doing?” he moans. “I’m twenty-three years old, I’m broke, I turned down loads of jobs, good jobs, as an electrical engineer, I’ve somehow become the bassist in an increasingly famous rock band...I mean, how the hell did this happen? How did any of this happen?”
“It’ll be okay,” you insist with newfound resolve. I have to save him. I have to protect him.
John rolls those soft greyish eyes, hopeless, distraught. “Sure.”
“It will be, I promise you. The tour is going great. I had my doubts about the band when I first met you, I’ll admit it, I didn’t know if there was a future for Queen. But you’ve made me a believer. You’ve made millions of people all over the world believers. The money will keep rolling in, Queen will finally start seeing some of it, you won’t be broke forever. You’ll have two more months on the road and then we’ll be back in London, and it’ll be on to recording the next album, more shows, more money...the hard times are almost over, John. You can do this. And I’ll help you.”
His brow furrows. “You will?”
“Of course. If it’s easier for Veronica, it’ll be easier for you. So I’ll be extra friendly, take her to appointments when you’re busy, help organize the wedding, babysit the littlest Deacon whenever she needs me to. We’ll get through this. I’ll be there to help every step of the way.”
“You’re happy, aren’t you?” he asks suddenly. “You and Roger. You aren’t going anywhere.” He’s reading you closely, sifting through your words and forced smile for something deeper.
“I’m happy,” you assure him. “You don’t need to be concerned about that. I’m staying with the band, I’m staying in London. Whenever Queen is home, that is.”
He nods, but perhaps that wasn’t exactly what he was looking for. He finally accepts a piece of Pocky from you and takes a bite. “Then I guess we’ll plan for a summer wedding.”
“You could do a double one with Brian and Chrissie.”
He laughs so hard he almost inhales the Pocky, then doubles over coughing. “I think Bri would rather slit his own throat, but a charming thought. Thank you for that. Bravo.”
You smile at John, genuinely this time. “You’re going to be an amazing father. I hope you aren’t worried about that part of it, at least.”
“Will you be their godparent?”
“What? Me?!”
“Yeah. Because, you know...” John averts his gaze. “You’d be the person I would want to raise them if something happened to me and Veronica. You’re the most dedicated, stubborn, capable, nurturing, remarkable person I’ve ever met. You’re my best friend. And maybe Roger’s your best friend and you’re his, and that’s all fine, that’s alright, but you’re still mine.”
“Roger is a lot of incredible things, but he’s not my best friend.” You lie flat on the grass and lace your hands behind your head, tracking the weightless snowy clouds as they float by above. When did we become adults? When did all of these rules catch up to us? “I would be honored to be your child’s godparent.”
John plops down beside you. “Don’t tell the others yet, okay? I want to wait until the tour’s over. I don’t want them to panic and think I’m leaving and try to replace me or anything.”
“They wouldn’t try to replace you, John.”
“No?” he asks doubtfully.
“No. Roger knows it, Fred knows it, I think even Bri knows it.” You reach out and weave a lock of his hair through your fingers as cherry blossom petals tumble in the breeze. “You’re irreplaceable.”
“Sod,” Freddie mocks. “That’s the best you could do? Really? Sod?”
Roger flings up his hands in frustration. “Freddie, I’ve got like a million Cs!”
“You could have done cod,” Brian notes, sipping a cup of hot tea. “Cods, actually.”
Roger glowers down at his Scrabble tiles. “Fuck.”
“And I’m so delighted he didn’t!” You place your tiles, expanding on sod to make rhapsody. John high-fives you and records the points in his notebook. Freddie and Brian groan in defeat.
“What the hell is a rhapsody?!” Roger snatches the Official Scrabble Dictionary off the table and flips through it.
“It’s a, like a...” Freddie waves his cigarette, scattering smoke through the air. “It’s like an epic poem. Or an opera. With lots of bizarre, different parts all pieced together.”
“That sounds made up.”
Freddie cackles. “Darling, it’s a real thing, I swear!”
Roger locates the pertinent page in the Scrabble Dictionary and his shoulders slump. “Goddammit. Fucking...too smart...nerdy...college-educated...girlfriend.” He drags you into his lap and kisses your temple. “You’re lucky you’re cute. I don’t usually tolerate being conquered like this.”
Bri smirks from behind his teacup. “I rather think you conquered her, Rog.”
“Oh, a rare good one from Bri!” Freddie trills as everyone laughs, although John soon busies himself with clearing empty bottles and cigarette butts off the table.
“Yes,” Roger agrees. “Against her superior judgment, I finally won her over. Only took eight months. Which is approximately...wait, let me count...seven and a half months longer than it has ever taken me before.”
You trace your fingertips across his stubbled cheeks, his soft lips, his little dark blond tufts of sideburns. “No one knows how to say no to you, do they?”
“It’s impossible. I’m too charming. Blindingly heroic. Perseus in the flesh.” He kisses your forehead and steadies you, his hands on your waist, as the brakes squeal and the tour bus lurches to a halt.
Freddie leaps to his feet and claps. “Alright, darlings! Off to the new digs we go. Deaky, hand me my shoes, they’re under the table...yes, right there...and toss over Brian’s hideous clogs as well.”
You help the roadies and the band drag luggage into the hotel (no small feat, as the elevator is out of order), unpack your toothbrush and hairbrush and a floral-patterned dress for dinner, giggle as you listen to Roger’s feral, raspy singing in the shower. It’s something about loving a car, how perfectly on-brand for him. Then Roger goes to fetch Freddie and John for dinner while you find Brian. Bri is collapsed on his bed in a striped t-shirt and jeans, freshly-washed and dewy, gazing up at the ceiling in a daze.
You tap gently on the doorframe. “Bri? You want to join us for dinner? There’s a sushi place a few blocks away that’s a local legend, apparently. Lots of veggie options too.”
He looks over at you. You haven’t spoken about the argument since you had it two months ago. Brian sometimes grimaces or smirks or rolls his willowy viridescent eyes, but he never says anything; not to you, and not to Roger as far as you’re aware. “I’m sorry,” he says simply. “I may have been out of line before. Incorrect, even.”
“No need to apologize, Bri. I’ve forgotten all about it.” You haven’t, but there’s no reason for Brian to know that.
“I just want what’s best for you. For you to be happy.”
“I know, Brian.” You cross the room and take his long, moon-white, artful hands in your own. “I’m sorry.”
“You’ll be in the wedding party, won’t you? I know Chris will ask.”
“Of course. And I’ll proudly wear whatever dreadfully tacky and uncomfortable bridesmaid dresses she picks out.”
“Even if they’re a frightful shimmery green?”
“Oh god.” You swallow noisily. “I’ll still do it. And then burn the photos.”
Brian chuckles as he climbs out of bed. “In a stroke of luck, I suspect she’ll ask you to take the pictures. So you can avoid being in them as much as you’d like. And conveniently lose the unflattering ones.”
You study him thoughtfully. “Are you happy, Brian?”
“I am. Chrissie’s excited, my parents are thrilled, they’ll be sitting in the front row with the proudest smiles you’ve ever seen. Next comes a proper house, and children, and all the rest of it.” But something in those mellow olivey eyes is resigned, melancholy. His words from two months ago echo in your skull: It’s necessary. It’s self-preservation. Because sometimes the people who set us on fire would burn us alive.
“Do you still think about New Orleans?” you ask softly. About the woman he’d fallen in love with there before you ever met Queen, about the utopian passion he never quite stops searching for. Everyone has demons, secrets, shadowy trenches like cracks in porcelain; you’ve learned all about Brian’s. What about Roger’s? What about mine?
He shrugs, staring out the window at the dusky skyline of Yokohama. “Maybe I’ll always think about New Orleans. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have to grow up and start taking responsibility.”
“Responsibility,” you reply cynically, before you can stop yourself. “Is that all love is about anymore?”
“Not for you. Not for Roger. You both want your freedom, your adventure, your true and uncomplicated love. And you’ll get to keep it.”
For now. But you don’t say that. Instead, you smile appeasingly and gesture for Brian to follow you out into the hallway.
The others are waiting by the door to the stairwell: John in a smart grey suit, Freddie in his black-and-yellow jacket, Roger in sunglasses and a ridiculous leopard-print vest he’d dug out of a trashcan somewhere and precariously tall boots.
“At last, Nurse Nightingale and my darling Brian!” Freddie chirps. “Come on, I’m positively famished, and also I’ve bet five pounds that I can consume more sake shots than Roger and I could really use the dough.”
Roger pushes through the door, leading the way. “Prepare to lose!”
“Roger, please,” you implore. “New livers don’t grow on trees, and I can’t give you half of mine. I’m the wrong blood type.”
Roger laughs as he bounds down the steps, then whirls to grin up at you as he walks backwards. “Relax, Deaks will share! You’re type A, aren’t you John—?”
Roger’s heel slips and he plummets down the flight of stairs. He tumbles as the four of you shriek in horror and bolt after him, slams into the wall of the landing, ricochets off of it and plunges down the next flight as well. There’s blood, you think frenziedly as you descend, screaming Roger’s name. There’s blood all over the steps.
Roger, crumpled on the maroon-streaked landing, slowly unravels and groans. He glances down, appraises himself, then hammers his left fist against the concrete wall of the stairwell, roaring in raw agony and rage. “No no no no no no!”
And then you see it.
Roger’s right arm hangs uselessly, unnaturally, his snapped radius bloody and splitting through the skin.
103 notes · View notes
neni-has-ascended · 5 years
Persona 4 Fanfic: “You Wouldn’t Expect” [Commissioned by spiralstorm]
Characters: Teddie, Labrys
Type: Romance
Description: Teddie takes Labrys out to the beach.
Read on Fanfic.net: HERE
Read on Ao3: HERE
Author’s Note:
A commission piece. Since I personally love this pairing to bits, I had a lot of fun writing it, though it took me a lot longer than anticipated... Mostly because I had trouble deciding what to do with the requested setting.
If you want to commission me as well for art, writing or translation, please check click here.
I also have a tip-jar.
Most people considered him an extrovert. Most people thought of him as a person who was incapable of taking anything serious, regardless of the situation. Most people had trouble imagining him with anything resembling a sense of shame. Most people would also assume that such a shameless, unserious extrovert would not experience any sort of anxiety going to a social outing they, themself, had suggested and set up in the first place.
Most people were wrong.
There Teddie stood, drenched in a mixture of sweat and some overprized body spray he’d snuck from the hygienics department (on Yosuke’s tab). His bike stood angled and leaned against the wall right next to him. Ever since the incident with the pine tree and the rubber tape he wasn’t allowed to use the rollerblades anymore, so fixing up Yosuke’s old ride was his only way to get out here on his own. Probably a good idea anyway; he was well aware of the enticing properties these fabled ‘rides’ were supposed to have on cute girls. Though, didn’t the bikes he’d seen in Yosuke’s magazines look quite a bit different from that bicycle next to him? Not to worry unnecessarily, but this distinct aura of lameness he could feel radiating off the beat-up thing now that he wasn’t on it seemed a bit… troubling.
Ah! Focus, focus! Teddie clapped his hands onto his face and took a deep breath. Now was not the time to lose his nerves! Not here, not today! No, not when this was the moment, the one, his irreplaceable and very special, very first… date.
His breath stopped even just thinking the words. M-Maybe the air was just especially thin today? Who would be surprised, geez, with how unbearably hot and humid it was, good thing he hadn’t come in his beautiful fur, all the moisture would just have ruined his shine, but now his poor head-hair had to deal with these conditions, and his skin was all wet and his foundation was dripping, and his clothes were wrinkled, and the flowers were wilting, and he couldn’t stop biting his lip-
“Hey. Sorry, did I make ya wait?”
-He snapped to attention and froze up like a popsicle in a straight jacket.
Without him realizing, he’d been approached by a slender figure dressed in a light, flowing summer dress, a pale-yellow ribbon holding her long, azure hair together in a ponytail. Fuuka had really done amazing work in restoring those cloaking features. If he hadn’t known better, Teddie would have assumed it was a regular human girl that had just greeted him so kindly. However, he was sure that the face and voice he saw and heard could only belong to one person in this big world.
“O-O-Ohhhh~~!! L-Labby-chan!!”
He could force melodic inflections into his words all he wanted; it didn’t keep him from stuttering. He found it so hard to not stumble over his words whenever Labrys was around. This, too, he wanted to blame on the infernal heat today. It dried up his tongue and made it so hard to articulate! Yes, that was what was going on here, clearly, without doubt.
“‘You okay, Ted? You lookin’ kinda frazzled.” Labrys’ head tilted slightly as she spoke. Oh no, now the hot weather had gotten her worried for him, too! Not that he minded being cared for, of course, but… No, no! Today was not a day to be anxious and worried. Not for him, and definitely not for her! With a hearty shake of his head, Teddie tried to throw off the many oppressive feelings weighing down on his poor little head and laughed.
“Oh no, mon ami, what are you talking about? I’m doing just bearfectly fine! Especially now that I am in such stunning company~!”
“…If ya say so.”
She rolled her eyes a little, giving a slight sigh. While Labrys wasn’t necessarily the best people-reader, she did consider herself fairly perceptive, and the fact that Teddie right now didn’t appear to be at the height of tranquility was obvious to everyone but himself. Then again, hyperactivity was barely out of the norm for the little guy, now, was it? Giving Teddie a gentle pat on the head, Labrys began to scan the area around them a little.
“Whoa, it sure is packed. You sure it was a good idea to come today? Maybe we shoulda rescheduled, huh…”
The doubt in Labrys’ voice was like a lightning strike to Teddie’s motors, and at once he was bouncing along eagerly in front of the young gynoid lady, shaking his head in utmost denial.
“Nonsense! Don’t you know that getting lost in the crowd is part of the charm of this kind of event? Walking down the beach together, hand in hand, in a sea of blissful couples, gazing at the night sky above, and then--!”
“I… I was kinda hoping we’d be going for a swim.”
That sentence killed the scenario in Teddie’s head quicker than Yukiko could kill a man’s self-esteem. Labrys continued talking, her hands tugged away behind her back as she considered her surroundings. When had she ever found herself stood in a large gathering like this before?
“Y’know, since that whole Beach Party thing we were talkin’ about in spring didn’t end up happening yet, ‘cause everyone got busy, when you said we were meeting at Shichiri Beach, I just kinda… assumed.”
His face went through at least 5 different emotions upon the realization that whatever miscommunication he had allowed to happen had caused Labrys to come here with wildly different expectation from him. Teddie eventually settled on a boisterous laugh that came out more awkward than intended, trying to right the wrongs of what he had suggested.
“Ah… AHAHAHA! Of course, of course!! Swimming, at the beach, what beautiful maiden wouldn’t want to swim at the beach, it’s bathing suit time after all!! Summer, sun, pin-up poses! Never you fear, I always carry an emergency bikini just for cases like this, right on my-“
“…Going swimmin’ in a crowd like this would kinda blow my cover. My cloaking device can’t project into water, y’know.”
Well, that was quite unfortunate. And though she tried to hide it, a certain sense of disappointment on Labrys’ face couldn’t be denied. Teddie, for some reason, felt put on the spot by this. Embearrassed, even. And there he’d been mapping out this whole, unforgettable evening in his head already. What a debacle.
“Em… Should we…” he didn’t mean to, but he ended up having his head sink in between his shoulders on him. “Should we go home?”
Fast, unusually quiet and short was how Teddie’s question came out sounding. Still, Labrys seemed calm.
“Nah, let’s stay. It’s sorta my own fault for not researching the event before sayin’ I’d come. ‘Sides, I’ve never been to a ‘festival’ before. Maybe it’s gonna be fun.”
Teddie’s enthusiasm was restored.
“Of COURSE it will be fun! You’ll love it! We’ll buy snackies and weird thingie-dings, and write wishes on tiny sheets of paper, and catch goldfish and watch the fireworks and the stars…”
A young, gold-blond boy was excitedly jumping around in front of his azure-haired friend, continuing his descriptions in such a manner that it was hard to believe he was ever going to stop. Labrys chuckled. As nervous as it made her to be around these many strangers, as long as she had Teddie just being Teddie, she knew all was still right in the world. She took a deep breath of salty beach air mixed with the scent of fried meat and Takoyaki and looked out to the festival site stretching out before them.
“Shichiri-Tanabata Festival, huh.” she mumbled to herself. “Let’s see…”
Teddie hurried to drag Labrys along to every little point of attraction that grabbed his attention, his excitement unbroken even as the hours marched along. Calling his way of selecting the booths they’d spend their time at ‘erratic’ would have been flattery. In a hurry he jetted from one site to another, from a saleswoman selling star-themed charms to an ice cream stand, to a pair of performers, to a fishing game, to a stand selling cold drinks, and so on. It definitely helped that Labrys didn’t mind his guidance, much to the contrary. She was glad to have something resembling a line to navigate along this chaotic gathering of people, whose countless voices constantly threatened to overload her sensors. Her 5th generation hardware simply wasn’t optimized for complex social situations like this one. Following Teddie’s lead and focusing on his voice helped drowning out the noise. Holding his hand to not lose track of him kept her from getting distracted. Eventually, she found herself sitting by a table put up next to a little tree with lots and lots of colorful papers hung on it, sipping from a plastic cup of iced tea (her systems could handle tasting and excreting liquids; it was only solid foods that caused problems.)
“There sure is a lot to do here,” she said with a sigh, gazing at the mass of people she’d been walking through all afternoon and wondering how she’d survived it. She turned to Teddie. “You’ve been to a festival before, haven’cha?”
“Yes, but never to this one,” Teddie admitted, still a bit flushed from the excitement of all the games they’d been playing. “The one in everyone’s town is very different from here. It’s a lot smaller and a lot less romantic. This one here makes me feel like I’m being swept off my feet!”
“Hm…” Sip, sip, sip, Labrys worked her way through her drink, considering Teddie’s statement. For someone who had never been to this festival either, he sure seemed to sure his way around. There was a lot she could learn from him, especially considering that he hadn’t been living in this world for that much longer than her. It probably paid to be as wide-eyed curious as him when it came to this sort of thing. It was then that a small stack of tourist brochures on the table next to them caught Labrys’ attention. She reached out, took one and began to read it. Of course, Teddie looked over her shoulder.
“Ohhh, English! Fancy.”
“It’s frickin’ broken as heck tho,” Labrys frowned at the grammatical mess before her eyes.
“You speak English, Labby-chan?”
“Came pre-installed with ‘nuff to read most of it. Can’t exactly speak it tho. Well, not withoutta soundin’ like an, um, y’know. Robot.”
It took Labrys some mental effort to stop her language processing programs from going bonkers trying to deal with the monstrosity presented to them. Eventually, however, she had processed the text enough to read out some of it.
“Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival, originates from the Chinese Qixi Festival. It celebrates the meeting of the stars Vega and Altair, who’re thought to be embodied by the deities Orihime, the Celestial Weaver, and Hikoboshi, the Celestial Cowherd. According to legend, the two lovers were forbidden from meeting by the Sky King, who thought their relationship prevented them from performing their duties. Only once a year, when their stars meet on the 7th day of the 7th month, the two can meet, and it is said that wishes written down and bound to bamboo or branches on this day will come true.”
“Ohhhhh, that’s so romantic!!” Teddie almost squeaked hearing the story, making wide eyes at the paper in Labrys hands. She laughed.
“Sure, you’d like that. You’re into mushy stuff like that, aren’cha?”
“Hm. It would be even better if Ori-chan and Bosshy got to meet whenever they want,” Teddie declared after taking a few seconds to process the story. “I mean, it’s so sad! I thought true love was supposed to be forebear! Not giving them a happy ending when all the other fairytales get one just screams of discrimination, if you ask me! They should complain to the management!”
Somewhere halfway through Teddie’s critique had stopped making logical sense, but Labrys didn’t mind that. She’d expected as much. In fact, she kinda found it cute. She ruffled his hair.
“It’s probably a really old story, ya know. I reckon’ by now they’ve long got it worked out,” she suggested. “Like, maybe they quit their jobs and moved in together? That’s what I think woulda made sense, at least.”
“Mhm…” Teddie replied surprisingly half-heartedly as Labrys stroked his hair. Lowering his head, he mumbled. “If it were me, I’d do everything, so-“
“Hm?” Labrys tilted her head. Teddie’s voice had been too low for her to pick up all of what he’d said. However, he wouldn’t repeat the words. Instead, he swung his legs and leapt up from the bench the two of them were sitting on.
“Aaaaaalright! Where shall we go next, milady!?”
A 180° turn to the tree next to their table gave Teddie his answer.
“Oh, I know! Let’s write some wishes!”
It wasn’t Teddie’s first time writing wishes on Tanzaku paper. He’d done it the year before with Yosuke’s family, though then he hadn’t known the legend. However, it was Labrys’ first time, and she was struggling a little. To her it felt awkward trying to put any wishes she might have into words, especially knowing how many people there were around that could possibly be looking over her shoulder. The fact that Teddie kept loudly vocalizing every single thing he wrote down, proudly announcing his wishes to the world (he was up to tying his 10th Tanzaku to the tree now) didn’t help. Just how was it so easy for him to come up all these things to say? Maybe she just ought to stop thinking and just write down the first thing that came to her?
Eventually Labrys found a wish and wording she was happy with and put it on the paper in neat, clean handwriting, tying a perfectly symmetrical bow as she hung it to the branch. Yeah, this was okay. It reflected her hopes for the future, and she didn’t feel weird about the fact that someone else might read it. She was satisfied.
Hands on hips, Teddie looked over his army of 27 Tanzaku Papers merrily fluttering on the tree, Labrys’ sole wish mixed right in with them. He seemed proud of the image, miming the hand-gestures of a photographer looking for the perfect shot again and again, though never actually taking a picture of the scene. The one to really take a photo was Labrys. The way Teddie was hopping around in front of that tree was just too cute.
“Careful, ya gonna tear ‘em down with all the wind you’re makin’ wavin’ ya arms ‘round,” she laughed.
“Wind? My lady, I will have you know, this is no orbearnary wind I’m kicking up here! It’s the cosmic shock-wave that will carry our wishes to the heavens! HMMMMMMM!” And he threw his finger up in the air and struck a pose, yelling. “ORI-CHAAAN! DID YOU GET ALL OF THIS!?”
Teddie’s display of unabashed confidence drew the attention of bystanders. A pair of college age girls could be heard chatting.
“Whoa, that kid’s Japanese is pretty good… And he’s kinda cute, too, isn’t he? Hee hee.”
“Careful what you say, I think he came with his big sister. You see that foreign-looking girl next to him?”
“Whoa, she’s pretty good-looking as well, check out that figure! How come foreigners get to have all those curves, huh?”
“Calm down, you’ll bother them. Hey, let’s move on, alright?” The girl took her friend by the hand and walked away, though she could still be heard adding. “It sure is nice, seeing that some siblings don’t feel like they need to ‘grow out of’ being cute together…”
Labrys and Teddie waited until the college girls were out of earshot. Then, they turned to each other, a little stunned.
“…Big sister?” Teddie asked, tilting his head a little. “Whatever did she mean by that?”
Labrys shrugged. “I guess we looked like siblings to them?”
“Oh, sort of like how Yosuke always says that all foreigners look ‘the same’? Geez, how rude!”
He didn’t look offended at all.
“We ain’t really foreigners though,” Labrys pointed out.
“So, we look the same to them because we’re both not human? Hmm, people are weeeird sometimes.”
“Yeah, can’t argue with that…”
“I mean…” Teddie put his fingers on his chin pondering. “It’s not like we should come across like siblings! After all, you are my fair Princess! And I am your Royal Knight, Sir Teddie, coming to your aid in shining armor.”
“Well, I dunno a lotta stuff ‘bout knights. But some of them were princes, right?” Labrys said. “And a prince can be a princess’ brother, I think.”
“Wha—No, no, no! None! That’s not it at all!” Teddie stomped one of his feet in the sand a little, not hard, just enough to kick up a dramatic dust cloud. “I mean… I maaaay be quite princely in just bearly all aspects, but! That’s not the nature of our relationship at all!”
“I mean. Yeah.” Labrys didn’t know what there was to get dramatic about, but on a purely factual level, she had to agree. “I do got some siblings, but last I checked, you weren’t one.”
“Right!?” Teddie seemed vindicated by that statement. He crossed his arms. “And… And anyway! If anything, I’d definitely be the older brother!”
At that, Labrys could only snort. “Really?”
“But, of course! In fact, ever since Sensei has gone back to the big city, I’ve done my beary best to stuff that sad, bro-shaped hole in Nana-chan’s life,” he told her. It’s not like I could ‘replace’ Sensei. Not even moi could ever do that. But! I’ve been visiting her lots and lots! We’ve been going shopping and watching TV and playing in the park and making music…”
Teddie’s mood went from high-strung to almost tranquil as he talked. His face visibly relaxed.
“Actually, you know, I wanted to bring Nana-chan here too! But… She was busy with school today, so she couldn’t come.”
“Why didn’t you just call me to reschedule then?” Labrys asked curious. “I wouldn’t of minded comin’ a day later so we can bring her, y’know.”
“No, it’s okay.” Teddie shook his head. “I’ll come with her another time! Besides… I thought it might be nice to come, maybe… just with you.”
Labrys accepted that statement, though she wasn’t quite sure what he meant by it. Generally, she found him rather unreadable at the moment. His expression, the way he didn’t really look at her but more at the ground behind her, that slightly pink tinge on his cheeks… Was he okay? If he was human, she would have guessed that he was showing early signs of a fever, but…
“Hey, hey, Labby-chan, look, over there! I wanna try that!”
And thus ended a brief, quiet moment.
The ‘that’ Teddie was referring to turned out to be a large stretch on the beach without booths, where people were currently gathering to perform some sort of folk-dance. Onlookers were evidently allowed to join in. Labrys was hesitant, after all, who’d ever heard of a dancing combat device? However, it didn’t take much coaxing for Teddie to get her to join. Despite their exotic appearances the two of them didn’t stand out among the dancers nearly as much as they could have. The crowd was diverse, some people having come in Yukata, while others were in casual clothing like Labrys and Teddie. There were even a few westerners, probably tourists, mixed into the bunch. Chaotic as it was, nobody noticed how many steps the two of them missed in their attempts to follow the shrine priestess and middle-aged man leading the dance. It was all in good fun. Some parts of the dance were performed in pairs and these were the parts that made Labrys most nervous. The idea of having to synchronize with the moves of a total stranger in order to not disrupt the event sent her logic circuits into disarray. However, Teddie kept close to her and immediately paired up with her whenever he heard the musical cue to, and though Labrys knew he probably had his own reasons for doing so, she was thankful. ‘He’s always been pretty clingy around girls, huh?’ she thought to herself. ‘Well, I’m glad he’s having fun.’ It was only fairly late into the song that it occurred to Labrys how many other good-looking girls her own age actually were in the crowd of dancers. Yet, throughout the entire song, Teddie hadn’t strayed from her side even once. When she realized that fact, Labrys fell silent.
“Labby-chan, what’s wrong? The music isn’t over yet.”
“Wha—O-Oh right.”
Labrys had been so lost in her thoughts, she’d stopped dancing on the spot. Now it was just Teddie and her standing still in the mass of dancers, small wrinkles forming on his forehead as he looked at her in worry.
“Are you tired? Should we take a break?”
“…Yeah, maybe. Thanks.”
Holding her hand gently, as if taking extra care to not hurt her, he led her to the edge of the beach’s waters, a little off from all the music and commotion. It was here, where the crowd was thinner and the noise less prevalent that, for the first time, Labrys could take a moment to breathe and process the events of the day so far. Her sensors registered a high content of sodium-chloride in water vapor in the air… Sea salt. A nice scent. In the distance the sun had begun to set, dyeing the sky and ocean in a dazzling red color. Carefully, Labrys stretched out the bottom parts of her legs to let the waves splash them a little. What appeared to be her ‘feet’ wasn’t real, of course, those parts of her body were a pure projection of her cloaking device, but it still was nice to pretend.
Watching Labrys stretch her legs out to the water like that, Teddie began to pout a little. He buried his face between his legs. “I’m sorry I didn’t take you swimming. You’re probably beary disappointed still.”
Labrys laughed at that. “What’cha even talking about? Today’s been great! I’ve been havin’ a blast.”
“O-Oh!” Surprised, Teddie looked up. “I was just thinking… You’ve been looking so nervous ever since we’ve come here, so maybe you weren’t actually having any fun.”
“Mhm… I’ve never really been ‘round this many people before. So, it’s a tad strange still, ya know?” Labrys admitted. “But a gal’s gotta get out sometime, right? I’m thinkin’, I wanna make friends that ain’t Persona Users too, some time. So, I’d better get used to seein’ more people around like this... You’ve already got that part of livin’ down to a tee, don’cha?”
Labrys grinned at Teddie as she said that, which he visibly took as permission to feel pride. Wearing her statement as a badge of honor, he puffed up his chest a little.
“Weeeell, if you ever need anybody to show you how to bring ALL the hot studs in town to the yard, you can come to me! I’ll be your wise and powerful mentor in the art of socialization and bearing it all to the world!”
“I’m sure ya will,” Labrys pet his hair a bit, partly to get him to dismount that high horse of his for a while. “Look. The stars are comin’ up.”
As the day drew to a close, the scene was lit by lights, both around and above them, all reflecting colorfully in the ocean before them. Labrys and Teddie spent the time talking, about themselves, the time they’d known each other, their friends. There was so much to say, the minutes seemed to pass much too quickly, and by the time Labrys had googled and pointed out the locations of Vega and Altair in the sky to Teddie, the festivalgoers had gathered around where they were sitting to gaze up at the stars as well. The fireworks began.
They were were even prettier than the last time Teddie had seen them, painting the sky in all possible colors, lights raining down above them in this pleasantly warm summer night. There were so many people around them, and – Labrys recalled – there were endlessly many more watching up to this same sky right now in this world. It was a concept hard to understand for someone who’d spent so much of her existence isolated from people, so why did she feel so at peace right now?
“I woulda never expected looking at some lights in the sky could be this beautiful,” she said quietly, almost a whisper.
“…Me neither,” Teddie said in much the same tone. And, whether he realized it or not, his hand was on top of hers.
In this moment, regardless of all the people and voices all around, it almost felt as if nobody but the two of them existed in this entire world. It was just like how, during the dance, Teddie had stayed only by Labrys’ side, like she would have never expected him to. That thought on her mind, Labrys found it easy to move closer to the boy next to her, her fingers intertwining with his, before she slowly drew him into a kiss.
“Next time, I’ll take ya out swimming,” Labrys told Teddie, breaking their lip-lock to bop his nose.
Stunned as he was, even if Teddie had had something to reply, he wouldn’t have known how to say it.
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December sojourn in Goa
It was in the month of December ’16 that I along with my extended family made a visit to Goa. Even though I’ve been to Goa many times before, this trip was special to me as we were a big group of 10 people this time around. December, being one of the most pleasant months of the year, called for a perfect holiday outing. Since new year was around the corner, we decided to welcome it in this wonderful land of beaches…Goa. Goa has got two districts, North Goa and South Goa. While North Goa is known to be a vibrant, “happening” place with a bustling nightlife, and is often visited by tourists, South Goa is a more serene and scenic destination which is now gaining popularity among travelers. North Goa is loved by those who enjoy the fast-paced party life buzzing through the night, whereas South Goa is quite the opposite. For those who enjoy quieter vacations, there is nothing like a serene beach san too many people. As we were on the lookout for a tranquil and quiet place to stay, choice of South Goa for stay was natural.
The Stay:
In my previous visits to Goa, I stayed at some of the prominent names in Hotel Industry, but this time we wanted something more custom made to our needs, and most importantly we wanted to experience the privileges of spending time together under one roof. The concept of homestay was not new to me, but I never stayed in a homestay before. I was often told by my friends about the superior, comfortable and customized services that several well managed homestays offer and how it gives us the feeling of closeness which we often miss out on in our daily life, hence this time, we chose a homestay. We booked a 3 BHK villa in Costa Holidays, Varca in South Goa through TripThrill. It was a massive duplex villa with all modern amenities indoors. There was a portico at the entrance, a beautiful lawn on one side and a car parking on the other side of the villa. A perfect holiday home indeed! We loved the place, on top of it, TripThrill as a perfect host, took care of all of our in-house requirements, overall, our stay was pleasant and comfortable. Find the best Homestay for you in Goa: Click Here Places to see: 
We all know that Goa is largely famous for its exquisite beaches and without doubt, is the most sought after tourist destination in India. There are more than 36 beaches in Goa, each one is known for its own distinctiveness. During our trip this season, we mostly covered the South Goa beaches and discovered that its circuit begins from Margao, the second most important city in Goa and connects Goa to all major cities in the coastline like Mumbai, Mangalore, and Kochi. After much thought and deliberation, we zeroed in on a few popular beaches to be visited in South Goa. 
So…Here’s my share! These are the 10 happening beaches in South Goa: 1) Palolem Beach 2) Colva Beach 3) Agonda Beach 4) Bogmalo Beach 5) Majorda Beach 6) Benaulim Beach 7) Polem Beach 8) Arossim Beach 9) Varca Beach 10) Mobor Beach Our excitement knew no bounds at the very mention of ‘Beach’! We carried the required beach stuff like towels, flip-flops, swim wear, cameras (much needed) and off we went! 1) Colva Beach- Colva is a small village in South Goa on the shores of the Arabian sea. Two kms further ahead from Colva is Benaulim. With 20 kms of virgin white sands, palm-fringed and sun-drenched beaches, Colva is the most loved beach of the Goans. Moreover, Colva beach is not only a perfect place for swimming (the sea waves are not so much high) but also a center for night parties which are organized right on the sandy beach. While we took a stroll on the Colva beach, we happened to see silver carpets of mackerels shimmering on the golden sands, put up for drying. What an amazing sight it was! Roger’s and Leda lounge are the popular beach shacks on the shores of Colva offering yummy seafood. Vegetarians need not panic as restaurants here serve a variety of veg.food too! This place will fit those who like to spend their days lying on the beach under the sunbeams and partying all night long. 2) Benaulim Beach- Less than 2 kms south of Colva lies the more tranquil beach of Benaulim. It is one of the few places in Goa where one can get a glimpse of handicrafts, typical to this area. The ladies in our group even bought some pretty looking hand made bracelets from the beach vendors. Benaulim brings lots of beach activities ranging from water sports (parasailing, snorkeling, and windsurfing ) to eateries and other shopping activities. During our 10 days stay in south Goa, we too enjoyed parasailing, motor boat ride and dolphin sighting to name a few. The shops on this beach also offer furniture, Indian & Kashmiri handicrafts and ornaments. There are a number of beachside restaurants where one can gorge on yummy seafood. Johncy’s and Pedro’s are the two popular food joints on Benaulim beach. Nightlife at Benaulim is quite happening. At night, the beach looks very pretty with twinkling stars in the sky and gentle moonlight bestowing the place, amazing sight! Music, dance and drinking chilled beer are the main attractions of nightlife in Benaulim. 3) Palolem Beach- With a 1.5 kilometer stretch of white powdery sand, palm groves, a picturesque bay, and a small green island, Palolem beach offers a breathtaking view of the Arabian sea. This beach is also called a fishing beach. Fishermen often venture into the sea to catch fish from this point. There are a few shacks on the shore, selling seafood, souvenirs and bright, colorful clothes. One can hire taxis and auto-rickshaws to reach Palolem beach from Margao. One can also rent a bicycle from a number of places in the village and set out to whichever way their inner compass is pointing. There are regular buses too from various nearby villages to Palolem. To the North of Palolem beach is Butterfly beach and to the South is Patnem, both exuding an ideal allure. For nature lovers, Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary offers a visual treat. It is located at a short distance from Palolem. The sanctuary boasts an array of exotic towering trees and other tropical plants as well as protected wildlife. During our visit, we saw a lot of foreigners lingering here. Most of them can be seen sunbathing, listening to music or simply take a stroll on the sand. This place has a good nightlife. One can go to Neptune point for a silent noise party and enjoy music on their headphones and dance till the music ends. Draupadi, Magic Italy and Sea breeze are few popular restaurants in Palolem. It is a perfect place to watch the sunset! 4) Varca Beach- Amongst all the beautiful beaches in Goa, Varca beach is the one that holds a special place for every beach lover. This is because Varca beach is relatively quiet and peaceful. Situated in the south Goa, Varca beach simply adorns the entire Goa with its 10 km stretch of marvelous white sand and sparkling waves. Wake up early and go for a long walk on the beach, watch the seabirds and crabs and don’t miss to view the sunrise! Varca is a breath of fresh air to the soul and a wonderful place to refresh & recharge. While you are here, stay at Costa Holidays as it is very close to Varca beach. The Varca beach is not as commercialized and crowded as other major beaches of Goa. Instead, the quiet beach attracts visitors without fail since it is less crowded and cleaner than other big beaches. The Varca beach is ideal for lazing around and exploring local shacks. You can hire a boat and go out boating in the sea with an expert guide. You can also spot dolphins if you are lucky enough. There are numerous beach shacks offering a variety of Goan dishes and seafood at reasonable prices. One can also do some shopping therapy here. From a variety of funky jewelry made of seashells to colorful hats, clothes, bags, and other eye-catchy items are available in the hut shaped shops. 5) Arossim beach- Presents a long and white stretch of golden sand, lapped at by clear blue water and backed by a dense forest of palms. The beach is heaven not only for the party and leisure seekers but also for the adventure seekers. This beach offers various water sports activities viz: water surfing and sailing. There are plenty of eating options to choose from at and around the Arossim beach. To the hungry beach goer’s delight, there are quite a few beach shacks that offer fresh and delicious seafood. Just indulge! Know More about Goa: Read Here
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365dniprivate · 4 years
Chapter 4
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Giardini Naxos - the town where Martin and I had arrived a few days ago, lay several kilometers from Taormina and was visible from virtually everywhere in the city. It dawned on me that this city had previously been one of our sightseeing destinations, which is why it'd felt so familiar. What if we came across Martin, Michał or Karolina? Would any of them try to step in and rescue me? I fidgeted restlessly in my seat while considering this thought.
"They left the island yesterday," he said, as if reading my mind. How did he know what I was thinking about? I stared at him with a puzzled look, but he didn't seem to notice.9
When we arrived, the sun was slowly setting on the streets of Taormina. The city was teeming with life; hundreds of tourists and residents, tempted by numerous cafes and restaurants, filled the narrow, picturesque roads. I smiled when I began to notice signs pointing to all kinds of luxury boutiques. These stores were a common sight in Warsaw, but in a place that was practically at the end of the world, they were completely unexpected.
The car stopped, and the driver got out to open the door for us. Massimo offered me his hand to help me exit the large SUV. Another car pulled up next to us, from which stepped out two men dressed in black suits - Massimo's protection. He led me down one of the main roads, his men following behind at a close distance so as not to draw attention to themselves. If their goal was to blend in, a better outfit would've been shorts and flip-flops, though I supposed it would've been difficult to hide a weapon in beach clothes.
The first store we visited was the Roberto Cavalli boutique. We'd no sooner stepped through the door when a saleswoman rushed to us, warmly welcoming my companion, then me. An older man, dressed quite fashionably, came out of the back room and greeted Massimo in Italian with two kisses on the cheeks, then turned toward me.
"Bella," he said, holding my hands; it was one of the few words in Italian that I understood. I smiled warmly at him, in thanks for his compliment.
"My name is Antonio, and I'll be helping you select the perfect wardrobe," he began in fluent English. He studied me for a bit, then stated matter-of-factly, "Size 36, yes? Maybe even 34, depending on bra size."
"As you can see, nature hasn't endowed me well," I said, pointing with laughter to my breasts.
"Oh, my love!" Antonio exclaimed. "Roberto Cavalli loves such shapes! Let us go and give Don Massimo a chance to rest."
Massimo sat down on a couch made of luxurious silver material. A cold bottle of Dom Pérignon was waiting beside him, and one of the grateful saleswomen filled a glass for him. Massimo gave me a lustful look, then opened a newspaper and started to read.
Antonio, whistling contentedly, brought dozens of dresses to the fitting room, flying past me while carrying garments of incredible value. You could easily purchase an apartment in Warsaw with how much these all cost, I thought. After trying on clothes for a little over an hour, I settled on a few different outfits that were packed away for us in decorative boxes.
The situation was similar in the other stores we stopped at - an excited, over the top welcome and endless shopping. Prada, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Louboutin; each time, Massimo would sit down and flip through his newspaper, talk on his phone or check something on his iPad. He didn't seem to be interested in what I was doing at all, which on the one hand felt like a nice reprieve, but on the other hand annoyed me greatly.
I couldn't figure him out; this morning it'd been nearly impossible for him to tear himself away from me, and now that he had the opportunity to see me in all of these beautiful clothes, he wanted nothing to do with me. Is this how Julia Roberts felt in Pretty Woman?
Victoria's Secret, which was our final destination, greeted us with a barrage of pink. The color was everywhere - on the walls, on the couches, on the saleswomen; it made me feel like I'd fallen into a cotton candy machine.2
Massimo looked at me while pulling the phone away from his ear. "This will be our last stop for today; we're almost out of time. Keep that in mind while shopping," he said casually, then turned away, sat down in a nearby chair and resumed his conversation. I stood there and looked at him disapprovingly - not because the shopping spree was over, as I'd had enough, but because of the way he'd treated me.
"Signora," the saleswoman called to me. She invited me into the fitting room with a friendly gesture. The first thing I noticed as I walked in was the sheer number of bathing suits, lingerie sets, and pairs of underwear that'd already been set aside for me, with the mountain of colorful fabrics - mainly lace - fully covering one of the chairs.
"You don't need to try on everything, just one or two sets so I can be sure that the size I've chosen for you is correct," she said and disappeared, sliding the heavy pink curtain behind her. What are all these panties for? I haven't owned this many pairs in my entire life, I thought.
I leaned out from behind the curtain and asked the saleswoman, "Who chose all these?"
She jumped to her feet and stepped closer. "Don Massimo asked that we prepare these items from our catalogue specifically for you."
"I understand," I said, hiding back behind the curtain. I began to notice a distinct pattern while rummaging through the pile: lace, lace, and more lace, with one or two cotton pieces thrown in. How incredibly comfortable, I grunted ironically.1
I chose to try on the combined silk and red lace set, and slowly took off my dress. The delicate bra fit perfectly on my small breasts, and I was thrilled to find out that, although it wasn't a push-up bra, it made my bust look very tempting. I bent down and dragged the lace thong over my legs. When I straightened up to look in the mirror, I saw Massimo standing behind me. He was leaning against the fitting room wall with his hands in his pockets, eyeing me up and down.
I turned and glared at him. "What are you..." was all I managed to say before he grabbed my neck and pressed my back to the mirror. He clung to me with his whole body, gently running his thumb over my lips. I tensed up, his body blocking my every move. He stopped playing with my mouth and stretched his arm around my neck. The embrace wasn't strong, and it didn't have to be; he just needed to assert his dominance.
"Don't move," he said, piercing right through me with his wild eyes. He looked down and groaned softly. "You look nice," he hissed through his teeth, "But you can't wear this - not yet."
The words "you can't" were spoken by him with encouragement, almost as if it was an order for me to do the exact opposite. I moved my bottom away from the cold mirror and slowly took a step forward. Massimo didn't object, moving backward with the same rhythm and speed as I was moving forward, keeping his hand clamped on my neck the entire time.
When I was far enough from the mirror that he could see me completely, I noticed that his gaze was fixed on my reflection, as if watching his prey. He was breathing loudly, his chest rising more rapidly, his pants growing too tight.
"Massimo," I said softly. He turned his gaze away from my ass and looked into my eyes. "Leave the fitting room, or I guarantee this will be the first and last time you see me like this."
He smiled, treating what I'd said as a challenge. His hand tightened around my neck, and his eyes burned with a combination of rage and desire. He took a step forward, then another, and stuck my body against the cold mirror again, releasing my neck.
"I chose all of this for you, and I'll decide when I see it," he said calmly, then turned and left. I stood there for a moment, feeling enraged and overjoyed at the same time; I was starting to understand the rules of his game, and starting to learn my opponent's weak spots.
As I was putting my dress back on, I felt my anger consuming me. I grabbed the pile that was sitting on the chair and barged out of the fitting room. The saleswoman jumped up, but I stormed past her to find Massimo sitting on the couch again. I went and threw everything I was carrying in my hands at him.
"Here - you chose all this, so have it!" I screamed, and ran out of the store. The security detail that'd been waiting outside the boutique cared little as I passed them; they simply looked back to check on Massimo, then relaxed.
I ran through the crowded streets, wondering what I'd just done and what would happen to me. I saw a staircase between two buildings and quickly climbed it. There was another staircase, further down from where I stood, so I ran to it and continued climbing higher and higher until I was about two blocks away from where I'd escaped. I leaned against the wall, exhausted; though my shoes were beautiful, they were definitely not made for running. I looked toward the sky, at the castle overlooking Taormina. Fuck no, I can't endure a whole year of this, I thought.
"It used to be a fortress," I heard a voice say from behind me. "Do you want to keep running there, or will you save my men the effort, and remember - they don't have the same heart condition as you."
I turned to see Massimo standing on the steps. I could tell he'd been running after me, as his hair was now messy from the wind, but he wasn't gasping for air like I was. He leaned against the wall and casually put his hands in his pockets.
"We must head back now; if you need a work out, there's a gym at my residence, along with a swimming pool. If you were just interested in running up some stairs, I've got a number of them waiting for you."
I knew I had no choice but to go back with him, but at least for a brief moment it'd felt like I was doing what I wanted to do. He reached his hand out to me, but I ignored it and started back down the stairs, where two men now stood in black suits. I glared at them both, walked to the SUV parked next to them, climbed inside and slammed the door.
* * * * * * *
It was a while before Massimo joined me in the car. He sat next to me, phone to his ear, until we arrived back at his villa and parked in the driveway. I had no idea what his conversation was about, as I only understood a few words of Italian, but his tone was very flat and calm. He listened for most of the call, speaking only a few brief sentences here and there, his body language giving nothing away.
I tried grabbing the door handle to exit the vehicle, but it was locked. Massimo finished his conversation, put the phone inside his jacket pocket and looked at me. "Dinner will be ready in an hour; I'll send Domenico to get you."
The car door opened and the young man extended a hand to help me out. I got out without his help and passed him, smiling brightly. I walked inside, with Domenico following close behind, and kept my focus away from the area that'd been the scene of last night's nightmare.
"To the right," he said quietly as I headed through the wrong door. I looked back and nodded, thanking him for his direction, and moments later arrived back to my room. Domenico stood in the doorway, as if waiting for permission to enter.
"I'll have the items you've purchased today brought here for you. Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked.
"Yes, I'd like to have a drink before dinner - unless I'm not allowed to, of course."
He smiled and nodded knowingly, then disappeared into the darkness of the corridor. I went into the bathroom, closed the door and threw off my dress. I stood in the shower and turned on the cold water; after today, I needed to cool down. The freezing water made it difficult to breathe but became pleasant after a while, and once my emotions had been cooled, I increased the temperature. I washed my hair, applied conditioner and sat back against the wall. The water was comfortably warm and flowing gently down the glass panels surrounding the shower, soothing me.1
I took a moment to stop and think about the day's events. I was so confused; Massimo was such a complicated man, and very unpredictable. I realized that if I didn't start to accept the situation I found myself in and try my best to live a normal life, I'd quickly become defeated.
Another thought occurred to me - What was I fighting for? There was nothing waiting for me back in Warsaw, and everything I'd once had was now gone; all that was left was the adventure that fate had thrust upon me. It's time to get a grip and come to terms with this situation, Laura, I thought to myself, then stood up from the floor.
I rinsed my hair and wrapped it in a towel, then put on a bathrobe and left the bathroom to see dozens of boxes filling the bedroom. I was overwhelmed at the sight of them, but I had a plan in mind for my purchases.
I found some bags with the Victoria's Secret logo and started to dig through the dozens of options Massimo had picked out for me, eventually coming across the red lace set I'd tried on earlier in the store. I searched some more boxes to find a short, see-through black dress, then pulled out a matching pair of Louboutin heels. Now that's an outfit that Massimo definitely won't be able to handle.1
I headed back to the bathroom, toward the vanity, taking the bottle of champagne that was by the fireplace with me. I poured myself a glass and emptied it in one breath; I needed some liquid courage. I poured another, sat down in front of the mirror and got to work with my cosmetics. When I'd finished, my eyes were well defined, my complexion was perfect and my lips glistened with flesh-colored Chanel lipstick. I dried my hair, curling it slightly and pinned it up in a tall bun.
Domenico's voice came through the door. "Laura, dinner is waiting."
"Two more minutes, and I'll be ready," I shouted through the door while putting on my underwear. I quickly threw on the dress, slipped the high heels over my feet and generously applied some of my beloved perfume. I stood in front of the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. I looked simply divine; the see-through dress was stunning, and the red lace that showed through perfectly matched the red soles of my shoes. It was very elegant, and very provocative.
I quickly finished my third glass of champagne and, though slightly inebriated, was ready for dinner.
Domenico opened his eyes wide as he saw me leave the bathroom. "You look..." He paused, searching for the right word.1
"I know, and thank you," I replied, smiling flirtatiously.
"Those heels are to die for," he said, almost whispering, and gave me his arm. I took it and allowed him to lead me through the corridor. We went out onto the terrace where I'd had breakfast this morning, the canvas roof now reflecting the light of hundreds of candles placed neatly around the patio. Massimo stood with his back to us, staring off into the distance.
"I'll go on alone," I said, letting go of the young man's arm.
With that, Domenico disappeared, and I took a step toward Massimo. He looked back at the sound of my heels hitting the stone floor. He was dressed in gray linen pants and a light sweater of the same color, with the sleeves rolled up. He approached the table and set the glass he'd been holding in his hand down, watching every step I took as I came to him.
He leaned back on the table as I stopped in front of him, parting his legs slightly. I stood between them, keeping my eyes on him. The sexual tension between us was electric, and I would've been able to feel his desire for me even if I was blind.
"Do you like what you see?" I asked quietly, biting my lower lip. Massimo straightened himself to show me that, even in high heels, I was shorter than him.
"You are aware," he whispered, "that if you tempt me now, I won't be able to control myself?"
I rested my hand on his hard chest and gave him a gentle push, signalling that I wanted him to sit down. He didn't resist me, and slowly sat down in the chair. His eyes were curious and burning with passion - he examined my face, my dress, my shoes, and above all, the red lace that dominated my outfit. I stood close enough to him that the only scent he was able to focus on was my perfume. I tucked my right hand in his hair to gently pull his head down, and he gave in to me completely.
I brought my lips closer to his, and quietly asked, "Are you satisfied now?"
After a moment of silence, I let go of his hair, went to the cooler and poured myself a drink. Massimo was still sitting there, inspecting me with his eyes, his lips forming a smile. I sat down away from him, playing with the edge of my glass.
"Let's eat," I told him, giving him a bored look.
He stood up and came toward me, putting his hands on my shoulders. He bent down, took a deep breath and whispered, "You look wonderful." He brushed the edge of my ear with his tongue. "Never has a woman affected me the way that you do."
His teeth ran gently over my neck. A shiver coursed through my body, the beginning of which radiated from between my legs. "I want to throw you on this table, pull that short dress up and toss away those panties." I took a deep breath, feeling the excitement growing within me.
"I could smell your perfume from the doorway; I want to lick it off your entire body," he continued, then began to clench and move his hands rhythmically and firmly around my arms.1
"There's one place on my body that you can't touch yet," I said.
"And that's exactly where I want to be," he replied, ending his sensual argument with me. He started to gently kiss and bite my neck. I didn't object, turning my head to the side for better access. His hands slid slowly down my neckline and eventually came to my breasts, which he squeezed firmly. I let out a low moan.
"I know that you want me, Laura." I felt his hands and lips move away. "But remember, this is my game, and I set the rules."
He gave me one final kiss on the cheek, then sat in the chair next to me. He'd won and we both knew it, but that didn't change the fact that his pants were once again too tight for his body. I pretended to be unmoved by the situation, but that only seemed to amuse my companion. He sat there playing with his glass of champagne, a sly smile clearly visible on his face.
Domenico appeared in the doorway, looked at us then disappeared back into the house. A moment later, two men came out to serve us a starter of carpaccio and octopus, which were both delicious, and the next few courses only got better.
We ate in silence, giving each other quick, playful glances from time to time. As we finished, I moved my chair away from the table, poured another glass of pink wine and said, "Cosa nostra."
Massimo shot me a warning look.
"As far as I know, it doesn't exist - is that true?"
He sneered and asked in a low voice, "What else do you think you know, baby?"
I started to nervously turn the glass between my fingers. "Well, I'm sure everyone has seen The Godfather; I'm just wondering how much of that movie is true about you."
"About me?" He asked, surprised. "There's nothing in that movie about me, as far as I know."
I could tell he was making fun of me. He wouldn't answer my roundabout questions, so I asked him directly, "What exactly do you do?"
"I'm a businessman."
I didn't give up, pressing him again.
"Seriously? You expect a year-long declaration of obedience from me, but you don't think I should know what I'm signing up for?"
His expression turned serious, his eyes glaring at me. "You have every right to expect some answers, and I'll give them to you as much as I can; you deserve that much, at least." He took a sip of his wine. "After my father's death, I became the chosen head of the family, which is why people address me as 'don'. I own several companies - clubs, restaurants, hotels; think of our family like a corporation, and I'm the CEO. Our family is part of a larger overall group, though, but I won't get into that now. If you'd like the full history I can give it to you, but I think having such intimate knowledge would be unnecessary, and even dangerous."
He seemed to be growing increasingly more annoyed as he spoke. "To be honest, I'm not sure what it is, exactly, that you want to know. Are you asking if I have a consigliere? Well I do, and I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough. Are you asking if I'm a dangerous man, or if I solve my problems through violence? I'm sure those questions were answered for you last night. Now, is there anything else?"
There were a million thoughts running through my head, but nothing more that I needed to know then. The situation had been clear for some time, though I hadn't realized it. I guess my questions really were answered last night, like he said.
"When will you give me my phone and computer back?"
Massimo adjusted in his chair, throwing his leg onto his knee. "Whenever you want, baby. We'll just need to discuss what you'll say to the people you want to contact."
I drew a breath to say something, but he raised his hand to cut me off. "Before you even start, let me tell you how this will go. You'll call your parents, and if necessary, you'll fly back to Poland." My eyes lit up at those words, and the expression on my face turned to joy.
"You'll tell them that you received a very lucrative job offer at one of the hotels here in Sicily, and that you intend to take the offer. I'll make sure the contract includes a one-year probationary period, so you won't have to lie to your loved ones when you want to contact them.
"Your belongings were removed from Martin's apartment before he returned to Warsaw, and should be here on the island tomorrow. Consider the subject of this man now closed; I don't want you having anything to do with him anymore."
I looked at him questioningly.
"In case I wasn't clear the first time, let me say it again: I forbid you from contacting him," he said firmly. "Now, is there anything else?"
I was silent for a moment. He'd thought of every possibility; the story was well planned and made sense.
"And what if I need to visit my family?" I continued. "What then?"
Massimo frowned. "Well, then I guess I'll get to know your beautiful country."
I laughed and sipped my wine. I can already see the newspaper headlines - Head of Sicilian Mafia Appears in Warsaw, I thought to myself.
"Do I have a say in any of this?" I asked inquisitively.
"Unfortunately, this isn't up for discussion; this is how it's going to happen." He leaned toward me. "Laura, you're a smart girl. I would've thought by now that you would've realized one simple truth - I always get what I want."
"Not always, Don Massimo," I responded, dropping my eyes to look at the lace underwear that peeked out from under my dress. I bit my lip and slowly rose from the chair, with Massimo watching intently. I took off my wonderful red-soled heels and headed for the garden.
The grass was moist and the air tasted of sea salt. I knew that he wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to follow me for long, and after a few moments he gave in to that temptation. It was peaceful in the garden, with only the lights from the boats swaying in the distant sea to guide me. I stopped when I reached the square couch with canopy that I'd taken a nap on earlier in the day.
"You feel comfortable here, don't you?" Massimo asked, standing next to me, and he was right - I did feel comfortable here. This place didn't feel strange or new to me, and I felt like I'd lived here my entire life. Besides, what girl wouldn't like to stay in a beautiful Italian villa, with all of these comforts and services?
"I'm getting used to it because I have no other choice," I replied, taking another sip of wine. Massimo took the glass from my hand and threw it onto the grass. He took me in his arms and placed me gently on the white pillows. My breath sped up, knowing what was about to happen. He flipped one leg above me and lay on top of me, like this morning. I'd been afraid then, but now all I felt was curiosity and excitement; maybe the alcohol had finally caught up to me, or maybe I'd just accepted the situation I'd found myself in.
Massimo, with his hands on both sides of my head, leaned forward into me. "I'd like to kiss you," he whispered, nudging my lips.
I froze. A man so dangerous and powerful, asking for permission to show me tenderness and love? My hands went to his face and stopped on his cheeks. I held him for a moment, looking deeply into his calm, black eyes, then pulled him to me gently. When our lips met, Massimo attacked me with all of his strength, forcefully and greedily opening my mouth wider and wider, our tongues moving in one rhythm. His body fell over me, arms entangled around my shoulders. We both wanted each other, our lips and tongues massaging each other deeply and passionately.
Once the adrenaline had flowed away and I'd calmed down slightly, I realized what I was doing. "Wait, stop it," I said, pushing him away.
Massimo didn't intend on stopping, though. He grabbed my wrists firmly and pressed them against the white sofa, raising my hands above my head. He removed one hand and started caressing my thigh, following the curve of my body until he came across the lace panties. He grabbed them and took his mouth away from mine.
The pale light from the distant lighthouse illuminated my terrified face. I didn't fight him; there was no chance of winning. I lay there quietly, tears streaming down my cheeks. Upon seeing this, he let go of my hands, threw himself off me and sat down, resting his feet on wet grass.1
"You little..." he whispered heavily. "You know, when your whole life revolves around violence and you've had to fight for everything, it's difficult to react kindly when someone takes away something you desire."
He stood up and ran a hand through his hair while pacing, leaving me lying on my back. I was furious with Massimo, but at the same time, I felt sorry for him. He didn't strike me as one of those men who violently took women and tortured them; this kind of behavior was just natural to him, with a strong touch being as casual as a handshake. He'd also never cared about anyone before, and never needed to consider anyone else's emotions. Now that he wanted someone to reciprocate his feelings, the only way he knew to accomplish that was by force.
A vibration from his pants pulled us from the terrifying silence. Massimo took out his phone, looked at the screen, then answered. While he was talking, I wiped my tears away and stood up from the couch, slowly walking toward the house. I was tired, drunk and completely confused. It took me a minute, but eventually I arrived back at my room and passed out on the bed, completely exhausted.
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etaxigo · 4 years
India Travel Tips for International Travellers
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India is an incredible country with picturesque beauty, beautiful mountain channels, lush green forests, snow-capped mountains, true-blue rivers, crowded beaches, drop-dead gorgeous places, easy on the eye tradition, world-famous hot food and so forth. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, India is a place that may cool the temperature of your soul down. Planning a travel trip to India, Surely this article helpful for all international visitors. Travelling in India you must know a few Travel tips. Before heading into India, like any other place, there are a few important things you need to keep a close eye on. But where to start off? Nothing is to worry about in this case. Putting the following tips into practice would win you a tour of India. Also, keeping these low downs would take much of your tightness from you.
Packing Your Bag - India Travel Tips
You might have discovered a Spanish proverb, "Over the very long travel trip in India, even a straw weighs heavy". To make the most out of it, think about applying the proverb. Pack your bag and it is recommended to not take luggage. In the event you have luggage personally, do not worry about that. There are a small number of companies who give their services of shipping to India.
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Directly after that, there are a couple of things that you should carry with you such as clothes, shoes, credit cards, personal care products, drugs, chargers, padlocks, etc.. Virtually everything can be found in India, so don't worry if you want to pack less. Credit cards are accepted except remote areas so that you have no need to take much money all the time with you. Having said that, always take another bag for dirty clothes.
In-Depth Hunt Is Important - India Travel Tips
Having said that, India is a large country and you need months to see all of the places. Plan your travel trip in India before packing your rucksack. Put on your thinking cap and then weigh up what lights your fire, which places you and how much time you've got, then make your travel trip up. Visit India for minimum of 10 days and if you've got no time checks, that will hit the nail on the head.
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Another element that requires huge attention is the weather conditions. Even though India is a huge country, weather changes radically. On the flip side, you visit another corner and can experience 45C and you'll be spotting snow-capped mountains in places. Thus, keep a close eye on the weather upgrades before planning the excursion and do in-depth research. Some places like Tamil Nadu receive the number of rainfall each year so look out for the weather forecast from the local government and see these places during the season. Directly after that, heath is a significant factor as well. Before planning your travel trip in India, talk to your doctor and inform them about where you're heading and your span of remain out there. Ask for the medications and vaccinations. If you are on medications, pack your medicines along with your luggage so you don't face any difficulty getting them about there.
Accommodation - India Travel Tips
Well, India is a huge country with a population of 1.36 billion people. And lodging is the first and foremost thing that you must fix your gaze. Budget accommodation can be a major mess. Book a budget hostel before your arrival.
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Big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc. provide the thumbs up to pocket-friendly hostels. You will witness plenty of people out there in hostels if you're gregarious. It is recommended to attend a hostel instead of the hotel. Off you go!
Staying Healthy - India Travel Tips
There are no 2 ways about the fact that true wealth is health. Since India is a country heath remains a problem. Plenty of illness cases have been reported from the foreigner travellers backpacking in India. Wash your hands several times so as to keep germs. Keep yourself hydrated and drink bottled water. Don't drink tap water. Eat freshly cooked meals and never eat food that is available to dust and flies. This way you can steer clear of Delhi-belly.
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If your belly is not used to have too much spice, prevent eating food. As Indian food is spice packed, chances are there that you would endure Delhi-belly. Try out fresh lime soda and lassi to assist your body keep hydrated. If you've got a headache or feel light--led or feeling green in the gills, you might be beaten from the heat fatigue. Dioralyte rehydration sachets, readily available at all pharmacies, will make you feel much better. Use mosquito repellents during night and evening time.
Transport - India Travel Tips
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Use public transport instead of using taxis or auto-rickshaws. Travelling around India is simple as you can depend on trains, flights and buses. Do not use personal transportation as taxi drivers tend to make more cash in the kind of fair in the event they come to know that you are a foreigner. for travelling in metro cities use eTaxiGo for online cab booking, a reliable taxi service provider in India. While travelling in public transport, keep a close eye on your pockets and luggage since there are many thieves out there at bus stops and train stations.
Be Conscious of Frauds and Pickpockets
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Keep an adequate amount of money on you all the time. Do not travel with the quantity of money. Plus, don't cough up too much cash to beggars since this can make the scammers and touts chase you immediately. It is multum in parvo to keep an adequate sum of money. Directly after that, it is crucial to place the cash in distinct places of the human body. This is due to the reason you eliminate money from 1 pocket, then you will have the ability to find it from another place. Never ever accept a free ride out of any particular person whom you're unaware of. This can be sometimes a scamming trick. Thus, prevent rides if the man who's offering it looks sophisticated. Insurance can't be left by you out of the. No ifs, and, or buts about it.
Dress Adequately - India Travel Tips
You need to follow the dress codes during your stay especially while visiting holy places like temples, mosques, shrines, etc. Getting your shoes off and covering your mind. You want to dress modestly while visiting India. And if you are a female backpacker, pay your chest and other body parts before getting in. People do stare in India. The truth hurts. So get yourself prepared to be gawped by lots of people passing by.
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That is not very common in big cities. You may wear whatever you want in big cities but that is not true with remote areas villages. Additionally, people in India are quite much friendly and hospitable. They do not hesitate in asking questions about yourself and about the place you're going to. However, that's their way of showing hospitality and affection. It will be a great idea if you appreciated and dress just like the natives.
Traffic is Insane - India Travel Tips
Traffic in India is extremely barmy. What else would you expect from a country with a population of 1.36 billion people? There's thumping at great traffic down the streets and you'll be committing your ears and that is enough to ruin your mood, for certain. Populous cities like Delhi and Mumbai have roads full of people, particularly. To make your case, you have to plan.
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That means, keeping a close existence on the time checks will get the job done for you. It is strongly recommended to leave your hostel at least an hour before time if you are travelling through public transport to prevent being late. Another essential thing you must pin your hopes on is the map. Yes, you have to keep a map of this place you're paying on a call to get the idea of the right and shortest route to follow. It's a really famous proverb"Haste Makes Waste". Look at implementing it. Keep yourself fresh and keep a few minutes in your hand to save from any loss in haste. Be careful when walking the roads that are crowded and do not show anyone that it's your first visit to India.
Enjoy The Moment, Forget About The Rest
People in India spill on the streets and hang their hats in shopping malls and markets particularly in the evening. Thus, don't lose your cool and be relaxed. I just love purchasing and forget about this crowd.
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Be geared up to be surrounded by a bunch of people at shopping marts or other tourist attractions. This is due to the reason that they get excited about meeting with people from outside the country and get the photo. That is sensational, isn't it?
Do Not Wear Too Much Gold
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It is recommended not to wear too much silver or gold jewellery. This wants to chase you and will pave the way for scams. The gold or diamond can emphasize you and make you stick out from the audience. Can you leave insurance out of the? Absolutely not. Also, don't hand over your luggage like a suitcase or handbag. Read the full article
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alexllove-blog · 5 years
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Iraklia island in Greece just may be the untouched Greek island destination you're looking for. Boasting charm, beauty, and peace and quiet, here's everything you need to know.
Looking for a quiet destination in Greece?
For many people, Greece brings up images of the Santorini volcano and blue-domed churches, the Acropolis in Athens, the stunning landscapes in Meteora, and the archaeological site of Delphi.
This is understandable, as these are some of the most visited locations in Greece. 
Greece, however, is much more than its popular destinations. The Cyclades group of islands, where Santorini and Mykonos belong, includes many more islands, some of which haven’t been spoilt by mass tourism.
Iraklia Island
One of those islands is Iraklia Island, which belongs to the “Small Cyclades” or “Lesser Cyclades” group of islands, along with Ano Koufonissi, Kato Koufonissi, Schinoussa, Donoussa and the uninhabited Keros.
Those small islands are located between Naxos, Ios and Amorgos, and they are a great choice if you want a relaxing holiday in Greece.
A little information about Iraklia Greece
Iraklia is a small island with fewer than 100 permanent residents. Most of them live either in the Agios Georgios village right on the port, or in the Chora settlement, also known as Panagia, 4 kms away.
Iraklia doesn’t have much to do apart from relaxing and being close to nature. It feels like time has stopped on this tiny island.
Even though it’s so close to well-known Greek islands such as Naxos, Paros and Ios, Iraklia is very different. It offers a sense of freedom, as you don’t need to plan anything at all.
A perfect island getaway
Approaching the island from the sea, you will see the small village of Agios Georgios with its small lovely beach. Here you will find a few tavernas, a couple of mini markets, some scattered rooms to let, white-washed houses, churches, and curious, hospitable locals.
If you can read Greek, you will soon discover a large sign with the words “Welcome to Iraklia Greece – here, no one can find you”.
Where to stay in Iraklia
Agios Georgios is the best place to stay in Iraklia. Villa Meltemi and Sunset are among the best places to stay, but the village is so small that the exact location hardly matters. Booking.com (function(d, sc, u) { var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js');
Services on Iraklia
There is now an ATM on Iraklia, but no bank, and no car rental services or gas station – though it’s possible to rent a motorcycle.
A small bus takes visitors from Agios Georgios to Panagia, though you will need to ask around for more information. There is no proper pharmacy, so if you need to get any medication you will have to go to Naxos.
Hiking around Iraklia Greece
Iraklia has eight distinct hiking trails that are popular with nature lovers. Like in most of the other Cyclades, the landscape in Iraklia is wild and dry.
The island has cliffs all around and there are several viewing points from where you can see 19 of the nearby islands. The highest point of the island is called Papas, and it’s a whopping 420 metres.
Even if you have been to Santorini, the view from Papas is likely to stay in your mind forever.
Some of the best hikes in Iraklia are the trails leading to Profitis Ilias and to Merichas, where you can reach one of the most picturesque points of the island.
If you look up, you will definitely see some prey birds, as the island is home to 26 distinct types of hawks, eagles and the like. Sit at the edge of the cliff and look down to the sea, and you will feel like you are at the world’s end.
Beaches in Iraklia Island
Iraklia has ten beaches, of which only three are accessible by car. Some of the others are easily reached by hiking, while a couple of them are only accessible by boat.
The biggest and best beach in Iraklia Greece is Livadi, one of the prettiest beaches all around the Cyclades, a short walk from Agios Georgios village.
It is popular with freecampers from about mid-July to end of August, but outside that time of year it is fairly quiet. As it faces north, it can often be affected by the strong Meltemia winds that are quite common in summer.
Naturism is common on the far right side of the beach, while families prefer the left side, which is closer to the main road. Until last summer there was no infrastructure and very little shade, so you have to bring everything you need.
One of the most popular beaches in Iraklia is the beach by Agios Georgios port, which is very easily accessible and more protected from the winds than Livadi. As a result, it can get crowded, by Iraklia standards, on windy days.
More beaches in Iraklia
Another sandy beach on the north of the island, Vorini Spilia, is also worth exploring, as it’s quiet and relaxed. Again, it’s best to visit on a non-windy day, as it will be very difficult to swim otherwise. You can hike there through the path passing by Agios Athanasios.
If you are happy to go for a short hike from the village of Panagia, you can easily reach pebbly Tourkopigado beach, to the east of the island. As it is right inside a small bay, it is protected from the winds.
Warning – you are very likely to come across some friendly goats!
Two of the nicest beaches in Iraklia are Karvounolakkos and Alimia, only accessible through a short boat trip on the “Anemos” boat.
Both of these beaches are stunning, with crystal clear water. Alimia, on the west side of the island, hides a secret – a German airplane from World War II lies under the surface of the sea, and the water is so clear that you can actually see it from the boat.
Snorkels and fins are provided, but be prepared for a very refreshing swim in the deep blue sea.
The Cave of Agios Ioannis in Iraklia Greece
Iraklia has another secret, the Cave of Agios Ioannis (Saint John). This massive cave is the seventh largest cave in Greece, and can be reached after a hike of about an hour and a half from the village of Panagia.
It is actually open for people to visit, but there is no infrastructure for visitors, and even getting there might not be entirely straightforward. It might be best to visit with a local guide, who can show you the hidden cave.
As the entrance to the cave is quite small, you will have to go in on your hands and knees – but it’s absolutely worth it and once you are inside the cave you won’t believe its size.
Bring a spare torch and extra batteries – you definitely don’t want to run out of light inside the cave!
Agios Ioannis cave was discovered accidentally at the end of the 19th century by a shepherd. According to tradition, Saint John’s icon was found in the cave, and this is how it got its name.
Every year, on the 28th August, the eve of the Saint’s nameday, a major religious ceremony happens in the cave, and hundreds of people arrive to celebrate the Saint with chants and candles. This is followed by songs and dances until late at night. If you happen to be visiting Iraklia around that time, don’t miss it.
Iraklia and Greek Mythology
If you have ever read Homer’s Odyssey, you will remember the story of Polifimos, the Cyclops who captured Odysseus and his colleagues on their way back to Ithaca and kept them in his cave, which was likely the smaller cave opposite St John’s cave.
Odysseus managed to cheat the Cyclops by blinding his only eye, and free his colleagues. As they were sailing away from Iraklia, Polifimos started throwing big boulders towards them.
These can still be seen today – they are the small islets called Avelonisia, to the west of Iraklia.
Where to eat in Iraklia Island
As the island is so small, if you stay for a few days you will have enough time to try all the tavernas in Iraklia.
Our favourite a couple of years ago was Akathi. They not only had a large selection of traditional Greek dishes, but also made some lovely waffles.
Make sure you also try Maistrali, Eolos and all the other tavernas, as all our meals were way above average. Definitely check out Surfin Bird, with some of the best views of the Aegean.
If you like meat, you should taste some sheep and goat dishes. Otherwise, try the local cheeses, the fava split peas and the delicious honey.
How to get to Iraklia Greece
You can only get to Iraklia by boat from Piraeus, Naxos, Amorgos and the other Small Cyclades islands.
For summer 2019, there is a direct boat, the Blue Star Naxos, running from Piraeus to Iraklia three times a week (Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays). It departs at 6.45 am and arrives at Iraklia at 13.10, stopping at Paros and Naxos on the way.
If you are not flexible with your dates, your only other option to get from Athens to Iraklia is to first get any ferry to Naxos, and then get the Skopelitis Express boat to Iraklia.
This small ferry leaves Naxos at 14.00 and arrives at Iraklia at 15.30 daily, apart from Sundays. Unlike its name suggests, it’s not a highspeed ferry – it’s a small, conventional ferry that has been serving this route for over six decades.
You can read more about the Skopelitis Express here.
If you are already on Naxos, you can take either the Blue Star Naxos or the Skopelitis Express. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, both boats run from Naxos to Iraklia, while on other days it’s one or the other.
If you are in Amorgos, Koufonissi or Schinoussa, you can either take the Skopelitis Express any day apart from Sunday, or the Blue Star Naxos on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
There is also another ferry, Aqua Jewel, but it only runs to Iraklia every second Monday. Most routes depart from Katapola port in Amorgos, though on some days you can also leave from Egiali.
Finally, the Express Skopelitis runs from Donoussa to Iraklia three times a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Confused? Don’t worry – you can check out information for your specific dates and book your tickets to Iraklia at Ferryhopper.
Is Iraklia suitable for a day trip?
It is possible to go to Iraklia Greece on a day trip from Naxos, Schinoussa or Koufonissi, but due to the ferry schedules you will only have a few hours there. If you want to get a better idea of the island, it’s best to allow for at least one night there.
There is also the option of taking a day trip from Naxos to the Small Cyclades. Keep in mind that those trips can largely be determined by weather, so if you are specific about spending some time in Iraklia, it’s best to go on the larger ferries.
How long should I stay in Iraklia Greece?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. If you like nature and want to get away from it all, any amount of time will be fine. Iraklia is charming and grows on you, and you will probably miss it when you’re back home.
The post Iraklia Island in Greece – The Perfect Small Cyclades Getaway appeared first on Dave& Travel Pages.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Rome, Venice, Tuscany, and Sicily are just some of the favorites destinations in Italy.
But have you heard of Fano, another unique place in Italy? It is a beach resort and town, located about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) southeast of Pesaro. It is the third-largest town in the Marche region and there are various attractions you can see, do and experience while you are here. The Arch of Augustus and Statua Della Fortuna are some of the main points of interest. Read on to learn about the best things to do in Fano, Italy!
1. Arco di Augusto
The Arco di Augusto, a splendid white Roman triumph arch, provides a fitting gateway to the town. It was completed under the orders of Roman Emperor Augustus as part of his ambitious project to modernize one of the Empire’s most important strategic highways.
The arch was originally flanked by two circular towers, of which only one survives. If you visited this attraction during the night, it is a sight to behold.
2. Bagni Azzurra
A vacation is not complete without a visit to the beach. Here at Fano, there are many beaches to choose from. One of the most popular ones is Bagni Azzurra. The beach is ideal for outdoor activities, sports as well as watching the sunset.
Therefore, take your entire family to this beautiful beach and spend time together during the summer holidays. There is plenty of space for everyone on this beach, so feel free to take a stroll, play volleyball or take your kids to the playground.
After a long day at the beach, you can take a break at the bars and restaurants nearby. They serve delicious food and beverages too. Before you leave Bagni Azzurra, do not miss the sunset in the evening. It is definitely worth taking pictures and admiring the sunset at the same time.
3. Palazzo Montevecchio
This is a classic palace you need to see and visit in Fano. It formerly belonged to the families of the Count of Montevecchio. Palazzo Montevecchio was never completed ever since the building was erected in 1740. While you are here take a look at its large scenic staircase full of marble statues, niches, pillars, and columns. It is truly a sight to behold.
Besides, you should not miss the large columned lobby in the former palace. The lobby opens on the backdrop of a nymph with two majestic backrests overlooking the smaller sides, which conclude and integrate the Central courtyard area.
If you are near the entrance of the palace you will also see the Historical Garden of Piazzale Leopardi. This place is perfect for history buffs.
4. Gelateria Artigianale Maki
Italy is not just famous for its pizza and pasta. If you walk around Fano, you will come across many shops and cafes selling gelato. In other countries, it is known as ice-cream. One of the recommended shops is Gelateria Artigianale Maki. You can easily recognize the shop from its signage and you will not have a problem finding it.
While you are in the shop, you will get to see various gelato with different flavors and colors. Kids will definitely feel excited and want to try them all. You can choose from the chocolate orange or avocado flavors, as they are some of the popular ones. The gelato is served in a small funky cup and you can either take away or just enjoy them on the spot.
5. Fontana Della Fortuna
There is one unique fountain located at the center of Piazza XX Settembre Square. The fountain was built by a Venetian, Ludovico Torresini between 1697 to 1699. You will notice there is a central cup as well as lions on the bottom level of the fountain.
Besides, its other distinctive feature is its basin with colored marbles. Did you know that this fountain is also called the Fountain of Fortune? Maybe it is because it brings luck to the locals.
You will feel intrigued by the statue on the upper part of the fountain. It is actually the bronze statue of Dea Fortuna. It was molded by Donnino Ambrosius in 1593 and its purpose is to embellish the primitive octagonal basin of the old fountain made in 1576.
Fontana Della Fortuna is considered a civic symbol of Fano and that is why it is an iconic landmark to the locals as well as tourists. If you are here at night, its surrounding area is very beautiful.
6. Chiesa di Santa Maria Nuova
Chiesa di Santa Maria Nuova is a church located at the end of Via Giovanni de Tonsis in Fano. Initially, it was a parish church of San Salvatore from the medieval age but was later given to the Friars Minori Osservanti in 1518.
The name of the church was later changed to Santa Maria Nuova. The church is the venue for the Santa Maria Nuova Organ Festival. The interior of Chiesa di Santa Maria Nuova is characterized by a deep presbytery decorated with 18th-century stuccoes as well as a single large nave. On the other hand, its exterior was given a Renaissance touch.
There are various altars in the church and some of the prominent ones are the fourth and third altars. On the fourth altar, you will see an oil painting on the table drawn by Pietro Perugino between 1488 and 1490.
The painting is called “The Annunciation of Fano”. Another painting can be seen on the third altar. It was also drawn by Pietro Perugino in 1497. If you walk around the church you will come across a Mascioni opus 776 cane organ on both sides of the main altar. It was built in 1959 and you need to have a closer look at it.
7. Museo Civico e Pinacoteca nel Palazzo Malatestiano
If you want to learn more history about Fano and see its various ancient exhibits, this museum is the best place to do so. Civic Museum and Pinacoteca are located in the Malatestian Palace, where you can have a closer look at various statues as well as the artwork.
The palace was constructed in the first half of the fifteenth century. In total there are sixteen sections in the palace and you can take the whole day just by touring the museum.
Be it exhibits, artworks, documents, etc, everything is arranged in chronological periods. You will get to see some prehistoric finds of Fano in this museum.
Besides that, you will get to learn the history of the Roman period of Fanum Fortunae as well as view and admire the precious collection of Roman, local, Bolognese, and Venetian paintings and contemporary art of the XV, XVI, and XVII centuries.
If you plan to come here, take note that the archaeological section is temporarily closed for some works. If you love history, then this attraction is the perfect place for you.
8. Mura Augustee
Mura Augustee or also known as the Walls of Fano is another point of interest. The walls were first constructed by the Romans and later on expanded by Malatesta. The first wall was built by the famous Emperor Augusto in the great foundation of Colonia Julia Fanestris.
Sandstone rocks were used to make the curtain wall. Besides that, the internal filing of machining scales and mortar was also used to make the wall. Did you know that there is a smaller gateway to the city called “Gate of the Mandria”?
Malatesta ruled the city starting from 1357, but only started to expand the walls in the 1940s. During that time, Sigismondo Pandolfo and the Malatesta begin to expand the walls. A new wall arm was constructed by them in front of the ancient Roman walls.
9. Piazza XX Settembre
While you are in Fano, Piazza XX Settembre is a place you should visit. It is an ancient medieval plateau of the lower Middle Ages and is also rich in history. You will notice there are many commercial shops within the vicinity of the square.
If you come to this square on Saturday, you will get the chance to visit the market. The entire square will become a busy and crowded marketplace. Apart from that, Piazza XX Settembre is also a hotspot for various civil ceremonies.
Time to experience the town’s historic square, panoramic views, and its surroundings. Remember to bring your camera along so that you can share your photos with your friends and family members.
10. Chiesa Dell'eremo Di Monte Giove
If you have the time, make a visit! This monastery has a beautiful view of Fano and the sea below. Since it's a mountain do not take a bike because it's steep but a vigorous walk or a short car drive is good. There's a little shop for cute souvenirs and the whole monastery has a very calming feeling.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Crotone
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-fano-708473.html
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13 Best Places to Visit in the United States
With a lot to find within this nation, it can be hard to know how to start in regards to planning for a trip. Cities, a few famous for others and history understood for glamour or fun, provide a wide array of places to people. Together the Eastern Seaboard, New-york along with Washington, D.C. provide two distinctively distinct city encounters. Together the West Coast, San-francisco and Los-angeles are equally Hotspots for vacationers. From the Southwest,” Las-vegas attracts the desert to lifetime, and also the Grand Canyon reveals off among nature’s finest inventions. These are only a couple of locations, but destinations for almost just about virtually practically any sort of traveler can all be found all around the nation.
New York
New york is unlike any other city on the planet, plus yet one which has to be experienced to be valued. For firsttime people, walking the roads may be just like walking through the movie series, together with famous internet web sites at each turn, by the Empire State Construction , to Rockefeller Plaza, the Chrysler Building, Central Park, timessquare , 5th Avenue, Broadway, also needless to say, that the Statue of Liberty.
Sight see daily, simply take while in the day at a Broadway show, work punctually to shopping, and curl up and reminisce over an excellent meal. That is New York. With a lot of to see and perform in even a weekend or each day, this really can be just actually really a city worth seeing repeatedly.
  San Francisco
This enchanting and scenic westcoast city may be the best escape destination for families, singles, or couples. Roads that are enchanting famous web sites, amazing views, and dining are a part of what makes San Francisco such a excellent destination for a go to.
Have a cruise to San Francisco Bay, excursion Alcatraz, driveway across the GoldenGate Bridge, drift around Fisherman’s Wharf, or jump to a street car to learn more about the town websites.
Autumn or summer is a fantastic time to see, however, the climate is light and also some time of the year is fine.
  The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is one. Gazing out to an horizon across the cliff walls along with also an depth below will be just one of many highlights of any trip at the USA.
Seeing the Grand Canyon, at the Southwest, can readily be achieved on each tour from Las Vegas, Phoenix, plus some bigger cities within the area, or incorporated in to a bigger driving trip by Arizona and surrounding countries. An train trip out of Williams, AZ is just another method.
You are able to stop by the east rim of the Grand Canyon, that’s typically the most visited & very widely used department. The path into the northeast rim is closed in winter because of snow.
  Las Vegas
This city of lights at town carries yet one that’s been bringing visitors for years, and a exceptional allure. Tremendous hotel complexes, together with a myriad of what to see and do in any given season, have left this kind of destination which attracts everybody, from want-to-be newly-weds who are come here in order to state their promises, to families who only need to hangout to a pool.
Entertainment options are endless, with several of the top celebrities of the audio industry calling Las Vegas and playing with packed crowds.
Whenever you’ve had your fill of this city, there’s plenty to research from the surrounding area, with the Grand Canyon, Death Valley National Park, along with Hoover Dam all within easy day-tripping space.
  Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. is Your United States capitol and home to a Number of the Most Well-known Websites and national Prizes in the Usa, by the WhiteHouse and the Capitol Building into the Smithsonian Temples.
This city must really be on the trip of this East Coast of everyone. From the spring, the Cherry Blossom Festival can be actually just really a gorgeous time to see, once the trees are in full blossom.
Once the summer temperatures have cooled enough to produce walking outside very snug, fall is a time as well as the dash of the summer months has now passed. In the winter, the audiences are smaller, and also the town is more magnificent after a snow fall.
  Los Angeles
Southern California features a culture its own, and Los Angeles is the epicenter of the place. The town has ever been connected with glamour, with all the suburbs of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, also bel-air controlling popculture.
You will find all sorts of vacation possibilities from the LosAngeles region. Hollywood is essential for movie fans, families have come to experience neighboring Disneylandand sellers may discover loads of chances.
If you’re interested in finding a laidback shore scene, then go to Venice Beach. For an appealing all-natural history adventure remember to go to the Page Museum along with La Brea Tar Pits to watch fossil remains of ancient creatures that roamed this area 40,000 decades back.
Orlando, that for some tourists is interchangeable with Kissimmee, is about the theme parks; Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios, also Sea World . Families flock to such attractions that are massive, and children think it’s great, making school holidays the funniest moment to go to. Summer and christmas holidays are busy.
But adults may love the shopping, dining, in addition to the parks, golfing, and sun. Orlando is famous together with all sorts of home rentals and hotels offered in the region.
The metropolis is situated in land however within easy day-tripping space of the coasts along with the favorite Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral on the Atlantic Coast.
  New Orleans
New Orleans is like no additional metropolis that is southern. The combination of civilizations, together with powerful Spanish and French influences, is much more reminiscent of this Caribbean compared to United States of America.
Cajun and Creole cuisine, jazz music, and also the design of this French Quarter place this city apart and also make it a ideal spot for an extended weekend escape. The highlight of New Orleans’ calendar season is mardigras , when fancy costumes and bizarre floats light the roads, music might be heard anywhere, and also the parties seem endless. If audiences aren’t your thing, you might need to steer clear of this period . June to November is more likely and thicker to storms and storms.
Place on the beaches of Lake Michigan, Chicago is a superb summer destination, together with both some gorgeous shore and parks. However, shopping and cultural attractions, in addition to its own arts, allow it to be a very favorite destination.
The Gorgeous Mile, together Michigan Avenue, could be the town’s most famed area, together with luxury luxury stores and museums, together with famed buildings and superb architecture.
A number of these tourist highlights comprise Millennium Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, Navy Pier, as well as the perspectives out of your Willis Tower SkyDeck.
Phoenix can be a huge city which brings large variety of northerners. Surroundings and the town, including a lot of townships, Mesa, and Scottsdale, are famous specifically because of their golf hotels and spa.
Phoenix can be a superb destination for golf, relaxing, shopping, and chilling from way of a pool. Can be found neighboring and in town, providing quick access for mountain biking or hiking trails. October to April is very agreeable in the event that you would like to spend some time out doors, although summer temperatures may be high.
Savannah could be your small town, with trees at old mansions, the parks along with also a beachfront area with candies stores and shops in historical buildings.
The pace is slow, and also the folks are more all friendly. It’s simple to say that Savannah is a city where folks revel in and live life, as opposed to an area. The town centre is small enough you can walk.
This really can be really just actually a city you may see a day, where you may wish to linger, however the type of place. Nearby are several gorgeous shores in Tybee Island along with Hilton Head Island, both that are accomplished by car in well within one hour.
Boston is a city of history. The famed Freedom Route leads beyond a number of the town’s most famous and historical sites, making surfing and sightseeing throughout the town exceptionally simple.
Picturesquely situated together with ferries Boston features a charm that is exceptional. Contemporary skyscrapers stand adjacent to centuries-old properties open community spaces, such as Boston Common, supply the city a quaint, smalltown feel.
The town hosts the renowned Boston Pops Orchestra, and features a strong cultural and arts landscape.
Corner of this usa could be Seattle’s lovely city. Inspired by water and also snowcapped hills, the town is similar to Vancouver, Canada, using an energetic, outdoor oriented populace along with innumerable things to see and perform.
Crucial beaches from the community incorporate the impossible-to-miss Space Needle, the vibrant Pike Place Market, and the water front. Within easy day-tripping space of this city are amazing shores, the Hoh Rain Forestmountain landscapes, all waiting to be researched.
Even though wintertime find more rain the town is still really just a wonderful place to go to at any given time of the year and has a mild climate.
  13 Best Places to Visit in the United States
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albinzadamski · 7 years
Three Days in Melbourne
This weekend I’m headed back to Vegas to photograph the finished kitchen and master bathroom in the flip house, both are finally done and I can’t wait to share them with you, hopefully next week once I edit the photos. :)
I was going through my memory photos on my phone and up popped the fact that at this exact time last year, I was visiting my cousin in Melbourne, Australia. Then I remembered OMG I totally forgot to share about my experience there. Bad blogger!
I’d been to Australia before, but hadn’t visited the city of Melbourne yet, so it was at top of my list. I envisioned it would be balmy and warm like Gold Coast but since it’s much farther south, Melbourne experiences more dramatic seasons, especially cold winters. I was there in February of 2017 (the height of summer) so I was lucky to have blue skies during my visit.
Melbourne impressed me right away as a very cultural city, it’s quite sophisticated. It reminded me so much of San Francisco, with its medley of classic architecture and modern high rise buildings in a vibrant downtown.
    Here are the highlights from my visit, through the eyes of me, the willing and happy tourist, and my cousin, the local know-it-all:
Queen Victoria Market
My cousin Andrew was an excellent tour guide and our first stop was the famous Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne’s biggest attraction and for good reason. On Tuesday, and also Thursday through Sunday, you’ll find outdoor stalls that sell Australian made goods and produce, it’s an energetic place filled with locals who are tasting, shopping, and enjoying life and every week there are cultural festivals happening.
My cousin insisted we get donuts and coffee first. (No objection). We stood in a brief line at the the donut van to grab a paper bag of sweets before we headed to the market stalls.
  above image via: queen victoria market
      I had a belt made but I do regret not buying authentic Ugg boots… oh well, another excuse to go back :)
    Indoors, you’ll find many purveyors of fine foods inside a light filled brass trimmed interior. We browsed the stalls, just so I could get a feel for it.
Markets are always a favorite place to linger, so I soaked it all in. Spice and cheese shops and savory goods galore. We stopped for lunch at The Bratwurst Shop despite its exceptionally long line, but my cousin guaranteed it was worth the wait to so I chose a spicy one with mustard, wow so good.
        Coffee is King
The coffee scene is huge in Melbourne, and my cousin is a connoisseur. He took me on tasting tour to several coffee shops just to show me how very much into coffee they are in that town, and how many ways they prepare it.
Micro roasters are around every corner, selling their distinctive blends. I tried so many I got a crazy caffeine high. In Melbourne, they describe the flavors of coffee in a similar (obsessive) way like we do in wine country. Hints of spice, fruit, caramel, etc. This article describes just how seriously the Australians take coffee.
        Downtown Monuments
I spent one full day on my own, walking in a loop around Melbourne, starting at Flagstaff Gardens, heading north into Carlton, cruising over to East Melbourne on foot, then headed through Fitzroy Gardens to Southbank and back up to the downtown area. It was about ten miles total but it was a perfect day to meander, so I stretched it out and I took all day to do it.
  For those less ambitious, note Melbourne has a great public transportation system and there is a Free Tram Zone that will take you all over the inner city, a great advantage for tourists who are lodging downtown and don’t want to walk to see all the sights. Just hop on and hop off!
  The State Library was a beautiful building inside and out, and a popular spot, with lots of people hanging out on the front lawn, sunning themselves. I was charmed by the men playing chess outside the front doors. Inside, the interior is cool and quiet, all marble hallways with a grand staircase, and rotating exhibits and a giant room where a few hundred people are doing concentrated research.
    I walked over to Carlton Gardens where I watched a bride getting her photograph taken in front of the beautiful Exhibition building.
  Next, I walked down Spring Street past Parliament, it was a grand building that you have to stop and admire for a few minutes because of its amazing architecture.
  Fitzroy Gardens was just down the street, it’s a large beautiful park that’s lovely to stroll around. It also houses a conservatory of flowers where I was surrounded by the most beautiful begonias I’ve ever seen.
Maybe it was just because I was enchanted by my location or perhaps it was the contrasting liner on the edge of the petals that I found so captivating. I just remember in that moment thinking they were the most perfect flowers I’d ever seen.
        My next stop took me to a place everyone should visit: Flinders Street Station, one of the most recognizable buildings in Melbourne, it’s next to Federation Square, a modern abstract building that is a stark contrast to the old world design of the train station.
      By afternoon, my feet were tired but I crossed over the Yarra River to Southbank where a festival was happening along the promenade.
    It was hot and crowded, so I ducked into a restaurant to talk to the bartender, they always have the best insight on things to see. I ordered a local beer while we chatted, and I had to take a picture of this label, it cracked me up, so Aussie.
    My cousin recommended Shanghai Street for dinner, a popular place downtown (I could tell because of the line) but I got a single seat by the window and ordered kung pao chicken with a side of dumplings and they were amazing, maybe the best I’ve ever had.
  While I ate my dinner, I had a 20 minute conversation with a local businessman who sat next to me, he had visited San Francisco on business several times and we engaged in a great conversation about the similarities between our cities.
This is one of my favorite things about traveling, when I go out, 9 times out of 10 I end up striking up a conversation with a new person sitting next to me and by the end of our time together, I’m reminded that we’re all human, and deep down we really want the same things: to be connected, to share good food, a few stories, and to be surrounded with good friends and loving family.
Street Art
In pockets of Melbourne, you’ll find streets where artist have coated the walls with murals, caricatures, and graffiti. Melbourne is famous for it, so keep your eyes open, or consult this list that pinpoints the streets where it can be seen.
      If you like to shop, there’s a district for it downtown. There is also a Chinatown to visit, another reason Melbourne reminded me very much of San Francisco.
  If you like Italian food, go to Hardware Lane for the cafe scene. One night, we dined at a great South American restaurant called Mamasita. Another hidden gem I really loved was was Berlin Bar where inside, you travel back in time to the Cold War. At Berlin Bar, they have the most innovative cocktails and a magician entertained us at our table while we waited for our drinks. Definitely worth the visit if you seek someplace eclectic and cool.
  I have no fear of traveling alone, but I was lucky to meet up with my American born (now Aussie) cousin, who I see so rarely because we live continents apart. He welcomed me to his home, shared all his knowledge of the area, and we spent hours having great conversation and laughing about so many memories from our childhood. How fun it was to look back on it twenty years later. It reminded me that connection and being present in the moment are so important, and how essential it is to cherish your times spent with special people you’re lucky to have in your life.
This picture makes me smile so much because in the States, Pabst is the cheapest beer ever, but in a bistro in his suburb of Geelong, Pabst Blue Ribbon beer is a big deal and he has to pay extra for it. We both thought that was so funny! Yet another thing I love about travel, those unexpected details that reveal themselves to you when you get out and explore the world.
    I was lucky to spend one full day with my cousin out at the coast. He strapped three bikes to the back of his car and took me on a drive to the ocean where he and his wife showed me some the surf spots in Jan Juc and Torquay. We went on a long bike ride from Winkipop and Bells Beach all along this breathtaking coastline. That was an amazing day, what a view!
        (I should note these images in this post were taken with my iPhone, but now I use this Canon Powershot camera to shoot better quality images. I love that camera so much for travel for taking amazing pictures and video!)
I left Melbourne having experienced great scenery, food, and company and having fallen in love with yet another amazing city. Have you been to Melbourne, or do you live there? I’m thinking of returning at the end of the year so I can hop over to Tasmania and explore that island. What did I miss? What are your favorite places?
from Home Decor Collection https://centsationalstyle.com/2018/02/three-days-in-melbourne/
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Bali Villas, Long Term Leasing
Worldwide travelers know that long-term rental is the approach to take when staying in Bali. Whether you lease a really private rental property in the serene country side for tranquil relaxation as well as inspiration, or even discover Bali lodging in a "hotel-style" villa collection located in the glitzy seaside holiday destinations, most luxurious villas can be leased through the week or even through the month. To get the most out of a vacation around the Isle from the Gods, many visitors opt for a long-term remain. Isle Residing in Style Bali villas for rental combine stylish open-style island-living style, local artisanship, as well as luxury features such as regularly, large gardens, remote gazebos, and large decks from which to benefit from the magnificent island surroundings or sea sights. They might be privately-owned single villas -- like many of those situated inland one of the rice fields and temples or wats in which the passing of your time leaves very little track upon nearby everyday life - or they may be part of a bigger selection, managed as well as manned similar to high-end vacation resort hotels or condominiums, with a large list of incorporated modern features. Many of the holiday villas in Seminyak, for example, offer visitors such extras because every day house cleaning, on-site chefs, personal parking, babysitting solutions, complimentary Wi-fi as well as satellite television, 24-hour safety, and airport pick-ups and drop-offs. The English-speaking employees and/or managers in the most of these types of Bali villa leasing units tend to be mindful as well as useful, happy to arrange visitors excursions, trips, health spa treatments, as well as activities associated with everyday life. With modern conveniences, hosting companies associated with helpful staff, as well as proximity to some of the greatest buying, outdoor recreation, and dining on the island, the actual Bali villa long-term leasing choice provides the ideal mixture of exotic tropical charm as well as modern luxury living. Several choices for various Tourist Requirements Vacationers come to remain in Bali for a variety of factors, from family fun holidays to restoration vacation retreats for religious well being to luxurious vacation resort escapes. With so many lodging to choose from over the isle, site visitors can always look for a rental property in Bali to suit their needs. There's a wide variety of holiday villas to match categories of all sizes -- through intimate 2 -bedroom places with regard to person travelers or partners looking for love to multi-building palatial substances that can accommodate several households, executive vacation retreats, or company meetings. Quiet Vacation retreats and Religious Rejuvenation Visitors arrived at Bali from around the globe to be rich in the deep spirituality of the island and it is people. Bali is known as a lustrous place associated with Hindu mysticism in the heart of the biggest Islamic nation on the planet. As a Hindu individuals, the Balinese are extremely religious and providing individuals, who adore discussing their own culture and also the numerous religious festivities and events these people carry out all year round. Visitors may go through such celebrations because Balinese Saka New Year, Waisak Day time, Eid-ul Adha, Eid-ul Fitr, and many others. For seekers of religious consciousness as well as restoration searching for a serene villa Bali offers much to offer. Peaceful private villas are to be found tucked away down tiny aspect streets within unassuming Balinese communities off the outdone "tourist" route, many within walking distance of a quantity of working Hindu temples or wats. In search of Wellness The area from the Gods has also set up by itself among the leading overall health destinations in all of Asia. Most of the newer resorts, resorts, as well as holiday villas that have started thriving lately on the isle tend to be top-of-the-line vacation retreats for health and fitness as well as detoxing, providing rental property guests amenities such as heated vigor swimming pools, therapeutic massage spas, pilates studios, as well as yoga exercise pavilions. Guests can enjoy wholesome fun activity for example seashore deep massages, health spa treatments, Ayurvedic treatments, nutritional consultations, as well as connoisseur veggie food. Well being resorts providing holiday villas within Bali are available throughout the island, in seashore villages or even further away from the coast one of the relaxing grain areas. Using their conventional architecture, rich private backyard areas, and open, spacious living locations, visitors have plenty of room and a calming, reviving atmosphere with regard to yoga exercise, deep breathing, and energizing individual time. Experience the Magic of Bali Visitors to the Island of the Gods discover the tropical oasis inviting, rejuvenating, as well as exhilarating. Long term rental associated with luxury villas in Bali enables visitors to remain for extended periods to soak in the special moment of the people and also the property. A private rental property provides site visitors the peaceful and peaceful living space that can be a "home base" that they are able to experience all of Bali's cultural riches, recreational opportunities, and delightful, uplifting vistas. Tropical travel destination associated with Bali, the area from the Gods, offers so many amazing activities as well as encounters in order to site visitors which vacationers frequently go back home using the feeling that they cut the holiday or even vacation way too short. Bali shouldn't be regarded as a "weekend getaway", however much more of an "extended stay" location. Because of this, numerous Bali accommodation offerings provide the option of long term rental. bali villas -term leasing choices consist of modern luxury holiday villas in the most popular tourist spots on the isle - with well-trained, English-speaking employees and each contemporary convenience - as well as the more personal rental property experience of off-the-beaten-path and away from the coast places for those seeking a far more authentic experience with the landscape and the local tradition. Based upon the actual makeup from the traveling celebration - an individual searching for peace and quiet, a family along with kids seeking "family holiday recreation," an industry conference, or an professional retreat -- different Bali rental property rental alternatives are for sale to suit the various requirements of tourists. Where to Stay Individuals visit the Isle from the Gods for a lot of various factors, and also the best place that you should seek Bali villas for rental is determined by what attracts a person. Much traffic to Bali come for that island's diverse vistas of beach, volcanic hills, as well as farmlands. For other people, the attractiveness may lie within the tranquility as well as spiritual tradition found in outlying areas as well as small Balinese communities. Many people are seeking the unique mixture of contemporary luxury as well as thrilling visitor attraction along with Balinese tradition. Every area associated with Bali has its own distinct local taste, recreation, as well as lodging choices. • The actual South-West Coastline: Areas associated with Seminyak, Oberoi, and Petitenget would be the the majority of highly-sought holiday areas for all those looking for all the contemporary conveniences as well as points of interest of the tropical tourist spot. The southwest coastline is seen as a stylish dance clubs and buying locations, high-end restaurants and cocktail pubs, as well as access to numerous excursions, marine adventures, and family-friendly outdoor recreation. Travelers leasing villas within Seminyak and the surrounding area can savor the peacefulness as well as tranquility of the private accommodations, after that travel only minutes towards the busy pristine seashores and Bali's most popular dining places and shop shops. • The Heart of the Island: Ubud and also the area boast beautiful examples of conventional Balinese structures, tradition, and art. The primary street with the region has small villages focusing on various conventional crafts and arts, through silversmithing as well as woodcarving in order to piece of art as well as dance. Ubud correct is the social coronary heart associated with Bali - and an international artwork middle -- along with avenues lined through art galleries, craft shops, as well as charming cafes. • Northern as well as West Shorelines: These areas, although much less created than the southern area of the island, offer a lot to see and perform, as well as great finds of private holiday villas to stay in. Among a long list of activities, site visitors can enjoy dolphin recognizing, scuba diving, exploring Bali Barat Park, or even a trip to the Pemuteran Turtle Hatchery Task, where fortunate site visitors might be able to to produce child turtle into the sea. • The actual Eastern: Period seems to have ignored the eastern area associated with Bali. Peaceful roads meander via grain fields, blueberry trees, and ancient pay outs, scattered round the foundation associated with Bali's biggest volcano -- Gunung Agung. Site visitors can soak up the neighborhood tradition as well as spiritual serenity along many peaceful footpaths resulting in temples or wats, streams, and mesmerizing waterfalls. Beaches on the east coast are much less crowded and have retained all of their organic volcanic elegance. Bali's gorgeous seashores, swaying palms, and incredibly warm azure waters deliver all the recommended benefits of a tropical island holiday spot. With the additional dimensions of both a sublimely spiritual local tradition in order to immerse yourself within, as well as an amazing array of activities - from wildly adventurous in order to relaxing as well as family-friendly - it's very not likely which Bali visitors is ever going to notice a "bored" moment. No matter where you are searching for a long-term remain in the villa Bali offers an incredible variety of sizes, prices, as well as features. Lease the rental property in Bali these days, making your trip towards the Isle of the Gods an unforgettable journey. To learn more about bali villa resource: this.
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