#you know the planet is fucked anyways right
kingdomvel · 3 days
Steddie | 2.3k | first part
“Okay, what was that?” Gareth asks the moment they are inside the room they are using as a dressing room for tonight.
“What was what,” Eddie answers.
“You know damn well what I mean.”
Eddie doesn’t answer, putting his best poker face on.
“That weird mating ritual you have been performing with the boy in the front row the whole night, maybe?” Jeff adds.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Eddie says, his voice flat as he tries to avoid the other’s gazes. He takes a towel to dab at his forehead.
“Come on, man,” Freak butts in, “you told him to stay after the concert, you have told Chrissy to get them here. We said we were not going to be that kind of band, that we were going to be like My Chemical Romance: no groupies and after concert dnd sessions.”
“Yeah, if you go with that guy what happens to our dnd session.”
“We can play dnd any other day, okay?” Eddie snaps, his hands stretched in front of him. A part of him thinks he looks like that meme of Chris Pratt in front of the dinosaurs, the other part of him detests that he thought of him. “I will make it up to you.”
“Who are you and what have you done to our DM?” Freak asks, his voice serious.
“Yeah, what is this talk about postponing dnd for some boy?” Gareth adds, there is something in his tone Eddie doesn’t like.
“Some boy? Some boy? Am I the only one with eyes in this fucking band? He is the hottest person that has laid eyes on me and I’m not letting you fuckers take that opportunity from me for one session of dnd or I swear to God I am killing every one of your characters.”
The boys don’t answer, they look at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
“Wow” a voice says from behind Eddie.
He doesn’t recognize the voice but the expressions on the rest of the band in front of him make him freeze. They go from slightly annoyed to wary and to bemused. Mainly a mix of all at the same time.
The sounds of steps approaching them break the silence that had fallen in the room, before a voice finishes breaking it.
“How does dnd work with you nerds anyway, are you all bards or what?”
The boys drop their mouths open. Eddie still doesn’t recognize the voice, but there is only one person it can belong to. He sounds just as good as he had imagined. Eddie is honestly afraid of turning around after what the boy- Steve- has surely heard.
“Don’t pay attention to him,” a woman’s voice says. There’s the sound of a hit and a quiet ‘ow’ from Steve under it. “He is just trying to sound all confident after whining-“
“Telling me to not get my hopes up because he probably wasn’t anyone important and you just did this every concert-“
“But of course he is the luckiest bitch in this planet and has his instant crush reciprocated and-“
There are some muffled noises that Eddie can only guess are the girl trying to continue speaking. He wishes she wouldn’t stop. His knight in shining armour may be embarrassed, but the rant has put a smile on Eddie’s face, has given him confidence again. He crosses his legs and turns around slowly, his hands coming up beside him.
“By all means, let her continue.”
The adonis, the hottest man that has laid eyes on him, his knight in shining armour, Steve takes his hand away from the girl’s mouth and rubs it on his jeans. Eddie can only guess the girl has licked it. God he wants to be her so bad right now.
“Hey,” Steve says, his hand coming up for a small wave. “Sorry about Robin.”
“No need for that. I’m Eddie.”
“I know,” Steve answers with a cocky smile as he crosses his arms.
“Oh and now you are acting all full of yourself as if you didn’t ask for the name of the band like 20 times 2 hours ago.” Robin says.
“Will you please just shut the fuck up?” Steve asks with the confidence only a best friend can have.  
“Not a fan then?” Eddie asks amused.
“Not really my scene,” Steve answers. There is a scoff behind Eddie, and if he wasn’t so lost in Steve’s brown eyes, he may have moved to swat whoever it was. “But I sure am a fan now.”
There is now a groan behind Eddie, but he can only focus on the way his heart jumps at the words, the way Steve’s mouth lifts in one side in a smirk, how his eyes spark.  
“I can get you front row tickets to all the gigs, baby.”
There’s a gagging noise being Eddie, and this time he does turn around to swat at Gareth. The little shit just laughs at him.
When he turns back towards Steve he is looking between them with a smile on his lips and he looks- damn- he’s been looking beautiful since he saw him at the beginning of the concert that night, but now his hair is a mess from the almost two hours of sweating and moving around and Eddie’s on stage confidence is slowly being replaced by his fast beating heart.
“Look man I-“ Steve starts, “I don’t want to be a problem,” he adds, glancing behind Eddie as he bites his lip. The girl next to him- Robin- turns to him with an incredulous look on her eyes that Eddie is sure mirrors his own. “But you are hot, I want to take you on a date, and the others wanted to meet you.”
Robin rolls her eyes and looks at Eddie with an eyebrow up.
“The others?” Eddie manages to say, just before he remembers the teenagers around Steve all night.
“Yeah, they are with Chrissy, I asked them to give us five minutes before coming.”
Eddie is about to say something, maybe ask about the date Steve mentioned, but in a second the door is filled with said teenagers, the one with the curly hair in the middle of it.
“YOU GUYS ARE LEGENDS!” he exclaims. It makes Eddie less annoyed about being interrupted. No one has really called them legends before, they have just surpassed 150k listeners in Spotify.
It feels good hearing it.
The dressing room fills with chatter fast, the boys and the teenagers getting along without problem. They take photos, talk about music, about their instruments, about their dnd tradition. The bad part of it all is that Eddie gets separated from Steve. He catches his eye at some point and Steve sends a little wave his way that he answers. He is talking with Robin and Chrissy and, by what Eddie can hear, Chrissy is getting every video Robin has managed to get of Eddie’s and Steve’s interactions through the concert, even a closer video of the kiss than the one Chrissy managed to get. From what he can hear, she wants to post everything on their social media before ‘someone else does and steals the chance at going viral from them’.
Eddie doesn’t know how he feels about posting Steve like that, Eddie should have probably thought, about that before making out with the guy in front of all their audience. But he seems completely comfortable with all of it. Eddie guesses that comes with being as hot as Steve is and knowing it.
It’s some time later, enough that Eddie knows they won’t be able to stay much longer in the venue, that he finally has a chance to slip away. It’s perfect, he has just seen Steve leave the dressing room, probably in search of the toilet, and Gareth and the curly hair boy he has learned is called Dustin are so deep in conversation they don’t notice him stepping away from them and leaving too.
He catches Steve just as he is leaving the toilet. Eddie doesn’t stop to answer Steve’s surprised ‘oh, hey’ that turns into a more surprised ‘woah’ as Eddie pushes him back into the toilet and closes the door behind him.
“Hey” Eddie finally greets. Steve only looks at the closed door behind Eddie and then at him again with what Eddie hopes is amusement. God, he really hopes it’s amusement, he is just not realising how creepy this looks. “So, about that date.”
“Couldn’t wait until I came back?”
“No. I mean, yes.” Why is it so difficult to talk with a pretty boy? Eddie takes a deep breath, composes himself. Theatrics, he is good with those, they make him confident. “I was suffering, being deprived from your company by your companions, and didn’t have another option.”
Steve squints his eyes, “so you decided to have the date in the toilet?”
“What? No.”
Steve takes a step closer to Eddie so now their chests are almost touching. It hadn’t downed on Eddie before how they are almost the same height. It feels very important now when he has Steve’s face right in front of him, when he can look directly at his eyes, at how they drift down to Eddie’s lips. When his inevitably drift to Steve’s lips, the boy is biting his lower lip. “Eager.”
Eddie’s breath hitches in his throat, he may have miscalculated this. There’s something he wanted to say. “No, I-“
Steve chuckles, takes a step back. “Relax dude. I know you haven’t really agreed to the date yet, we got interrupted and all that.” Eddie is about to speak, to agree a thousand times to the date, but Steve keeps talking. “You just offered to buy me a couple of drinks and called me hot,” he smiles when he says that.
“I want the date.” Eddie says before Steve can keep talking, “as soon as possible.”
Steve steps back closer. “Eager.”
“We are leaving on tour, won’t be back for three months.” Eddie explains before all his brain functions completely shut down.
“I can wait three months.”
“I can’t.”
The next second Steve’s lips are on his, his hands are on his hair, and it only takes a second for Eddie’s to do the same. Steve is even a better kisser than he was in front of the audience. Steve pushes him against the door, brings a hand to his hip, pushes one of his legs between Eddie’s. Eddie just groans and lets himself be pushed and moved. Kissed. “Fuck,” he whispers when Steve pulls away for breath. Steve smiles, takes one of Eddie’s hands in his, and kisses him again. It’s so sweet and filthy at the same time Eddie might cry, but he just moves his hips forward, and Steve answers in kind, grinding against him and getting a groan out of both of them. Maybe the rockstars that hook up with people after concerts are onto something. Though Eddie doubts he would want to do this with someone that is not Steve.
A knock on the door startles them both, Robin’s voice coming from the other side.
“Steve?” Steve and Eddie stop kissing to look at each other in silence, their eyes wide. “Chrissy said we need to leave already and you’ve been in there so long I started to worry you were kidnapped. Wait, you are in there, right? Also, have you seen Eddie? He disappeared.” Steve moves, an innocent thing that has his groin brushing against Eddie’s. And he is only a man. He moans. “WAIT! Are you both in there? GROSS.”
Steve snorts, making Eddie smile. They can hear a couple of steps moving away from the door before they come back and there is a bang on the door.
“Steve! Come out you dingus, have you forgotten about your pack of kids?”
Steve lets out a whispered ‘fuck’ before he looks at Eddie with an apology in his eyes. Eddie lets himself be moved away from the door so Steve can open it to talk to his friend outside.
Eddie opens the door more so he can also fit in the gap, Steve sends him a look, smiles at his appearance, and then looks at Robin again.
“Hey” Eddie greets too. Robin is looking at them and there is no hiding what they have been doing. She can surely see their bruised lips, their wild hair. Eddie just prays she doesn’t look down and sees the bulge in his pants.
“You two are gross, was making me see that once tonight not enough?”
“You have not really seen it this time,” Steve points.
“You are the one that came to interrupt.”
“And for a good reason! Your kids.”
“What about the kids,” Eddie asks.
“He promised to take them home.” Robin says.
“I promised to take them home.” Steve says at the same time, a resigned tone in his voice. He turns to Eddie, his brown eyes sad, and pinches his nose.
“Can’t she take them home?” Eddie points to Robin, and they both turn towards her again.
Robin takes a breath, stops, looks at them, looks at them, sees the tent in Eddie’s pants. Grimaces.
“FINE,” she agrees, and Eddie grins. “But you owe me. Big time.” She adds pointing at Steve.
“I’ll give you ice cream for life.” Steve says. It must be an inside joke because it makes Robin roll her eyes.
“Give me your car keys at least. Rockstar here can drive you home, can’t he?”
“I’ll have him home before eleven.” Eddie swears with a hand on his chest. The other two stare at him in silence. “A.m.” he adds.
“You heard him.” Steve says while handing Robin his keys.
“Okay,” Robin answers. She takes a step back. “Have fun.” She takes a couple of steps away before she turns around. “Use protection, he is a rockstar, we don’t know where his thing has been.”
“Hey,” Eddie protests, but Robin is already running away.
“She is kinda right.” Steve says with a shrug. Eddie purses his lips. “But I have an idea on where it can be in the near future.”
“Lead the way.”
Steve slips his hand into Eddie’s.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 days
hi MJ!! for the sleepover weekend asks, i'd love some fluffy and a few hurt/comfort firstprince fic recs! and and for fmk: bea, june and nora from rwrb! okay thats it byebye ~saturday xoxo
Forgive me: I sat on this one for so long it's now officially NEXT weekend, at least in my part of the planet, so I guess answering this is also me kicking off this weekend's slumber party 😅
I'm doing FMK first, even though I need you to know this is CRUEL. Fuck Nora, marry Bea, kill June, but I am absolutely relying on Nora's smarts/Pez's cash to get her out of this situation.
take me back to San Francisco by @getmehighonmagic: this has a sequel languishing in my emails for that magical future day when I'm capable of reading again but I have no doubt it'll be just as incredible as part one, which is FUCKING DIVINE. Also I just... really wanna go to San Francisco.
You love me! You love me? by anarchyat4am: How often I shoehorn a rec for this fic wherever it might be even remotely applicable is sort of a running joke by this point but I stand by it actually. This is a massive comfort fic for my trans ass.
Confidential Memorandum by @sherryvalli: this fic is so stinkin' cute I feel like I need to book a dental appointment every time I read it.
Dick, Dick, Dick (You Down) by @everwitch-magiks: do I feel a deep abiding kinship with Henry's anxiety being read as rudeness in this fic? Maybe, shut up.
Getting Clinical by @cha-melodius: Yes I'm biased because this was a gift for me, no I don't care, IT'S A FUCKING DELIGHT.
In His Wildest Dreams by @myheartalivewrites: This fic is a fucking fluffy blanket of joy.
If at first you don't succeed by @clottedcreamfudge: I am lowkey obsessed with CCF second first impressions and Alex being blissfully unaware until he's not.
a shard or two by @aeithalian: you don't read WIPs? I don't care. Read this one. I beg of you. Hands down the most criminally underrated fic in this entire fandom in my opinion. It is so, SO good. I reread it all the time in between chapters, I am hoping DESPERATELY the author will let me ficbind it when it's done, and I will scream about it from the fucking ROOFTOPS to convince y'all to read it. No cliffhangers, no relationship drama, just the meatiest post-canon deliciousness.
(but i knew you) baby, kiss it better by saintsnames: age gap my beloved, sex bloopers my beloved, two idiots in love MY BELOVED.
i ask you how you’re doing (and i let you lie) and even though we know it isn't true by @matherines: double-reccing even though these can be read separately because HAHA OUCH MY HEART. Both of these fics just fucking flayed me alive????
you were more than just a short time by @hypnostheory: DAVID 😭😭😭😭😭😭 mind the living fuck out of the tags but FUCK this is good. Heartbreaking, but good.
Downburst by @cricketnationrise had me clutching my face from start to finish I swear to god.
So I Will Weather the Storm by @sparklepocalypse: while reading this, picture me just screaming ALEX YOU FUCKING DUMBASS at my computer the entire time and it'll be like you were right here with me the first time I read it!
The Domestication of Household Spiders by @cultofsappho: if Spider-Man Alex has no fans I am dead etc etc. This is so fucking SOFT from start to finish.
[Sleepover weekend!]
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itsadragonaesthetic · 2 years
"Why should I do anything for the environment if we're already fucked" well either you make even a small difference in making the world a better place or it doesn't work and you have some fun in the apocalypse. You're choice buddy.
Besides no one's asking you to dedicate ur life to this. Volunteer, donate every once in a while, make informed voting decisions, take care of any natural space you have available to you. Idk do literally anything else besides mope around? Care about the natural world to any capacity? Maybe even shut the fuck up and stop preaching to me about how my work is useless while I'm doing conservation work?
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front-facing-pokemon · 8 months
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#something is very obviously different about these two compared to my normal images on this blog. i acknowledge this#also the sv model is Really good. and since they always stare straight at the camera anyway… and no one pays attention to the background…#and the only high-quality phantump model i could find was so horribly shiny that its eyes were just white voids#in my defense‚ phantump always just stare straight at you in game#the lighting is different‚ yeah. that's probably the dead giveaway. beyond the background. but like. i'm the only being on the planet who#really likes phantump anyway. i feel like it's a generally forgettable pokémon to most folks#phantump#HELLO this one is a weird one. i have some explaining to do. so when i did this one i didn't know how to edit models really at all#and when i got the models for these‚ the xy models were super shiny. shiny to the point that it made their eyes fuckin invisible#and i decided that since you could barely tell it was phantump‚ i needed a different way to get these images#i remembered that in the SV dlc‚ every time you find a wild phantump‚ it just fucking. stares. at you. and i was like. aha#i kinda remembered because of the test stream that i did. tumblr user alligayytorr (am i getting the right amount of Ys) said#“haha i am getting a sneak peek” when i zoomed the camera in on a phantump. and i remembered that. and i was like. i can utilize this#and ended up using just an in-game screenshot of SV in replacement of the regular content. later on‚ after that#once we got into gen 7 and it became less and less reliable to find models‚ i had to learn how to edit them manually to remove the shine#i am a software dev. not a 3d modeler. this ended up coming down to editing the code of the models directly (which i ended up writing a#script to automate). now‚ today‚ january 22nd (the day of me writing these tags and updating this post)‚ i remembered this post was in the#queue and was not normal. so i went back‚ ran the script on the phantump and trevenant models‚ and unshinified them#then edited these two posts to be normal. i have left the original pictures i took under the cut for reference and as bonuses#because i really enjoy phantump. so that's why those images are there‚ and that's why these tags are here#just for posterity's sake‚ the folks who come here mostly for my commentary‚ i've left the ORIGINAL tags of the post when i initially#made it with the SV pictures up at the top (i wanted to rearrange them‚ but tumblr makes that Very difficult‚ so i left them as-is)#so if these tags are confusing to read i Apologize. but i hope now that you're at the bottom you understand what happened#i'm gonna go edit the trevenant post now
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
Hey. So, because life moves on and people continuously change every single second of their lives, I have made the temporary decision to change what I wanna write about.
It's not that I want to completely stop writing about jujutsu kaisen and spiderman across the spider verse. I just...there's other things I like as well and want to pour my love into.
If u ever miss me writing about these guys, remember I have so fucking many links in my pinned post for everything I've written about them. I just reached my 100th jjk post not too long ago, so I know you're well fed. I want to write more about aot because it deserves love and I also hope that SOMEWHERE......there are still Abby Anderson lovers that are starving....and need food for me to give them. Becuase I will cook. I'm a writing Veteran with a capital V and I will serve as needed bro.
Seriously I need new content.
Also I will answer the last pieces of asks in my uh inbox. I will like rn
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shameboree · 1 year
there is no diagnosis or amt of pain that justifies mistreating healthcare workers which i know is a radical take because nurses are just Mean Girls and always will Deserve It.
“im normally a nice person” see i am actually not believing you because if your frontline stress response is cruelty and trying to ruin peoples lives you might consider that you are a baseline piece of shit kinda person instead
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jesterguy · 11 months
I have so many posts in drafts about Palestine and I still just don't even know what to say or where to start
#how do i talk about my extremely zionist early education#how do i talk about my birthright trip at age 13 and the impact it had on me as a jew and as a human on this planet#how do i talk about my childhood rabbi reaching out the kids i grew up with offering support for those mourning the loss of history#and also those mourning the lives of colonizers (who ultimately are jews seeking a safe space after hardship at the great expense of others#my fucking guts have been clenched for days i feel like a shell#my mom is more worried about sending my transfem sister to college on her own in the inner city now not bc she's trans but bc she's jewish.#not to mention i always say im 'raised jewish' not actually jewish bc im not! im not jewish ive bever had a conversion.#what fucking right do i have#all i know is my upbringing and my ability as an adult to unpack it.#and how many things that i was taught are WRONG#i didnt get a christian brainwashing a got a zionist brainwashing#anyways all this to say theres always a lot of regard for Palestinian suffering on here as there should be in these situations#but young jews have a fucking weight on them right now like you just would not believe#not that its equal to or greater than the trauma of being palestinian. but just that its not mentioned right now#thats all ive got to say. idk yall are welcome to ask me more about this i just had to spew some of it#might delete#cam talks#if it isnt clear im fully pro palestine and my goal isnt to be any sort of devils advocate here. im just in a very complicated sort of pain#if i posted that email from my middle school rabbi here he would be doxxed and hate crimed.#and you know. i dont like the guy. but the fact that i know thats what would happen tells you a lot.
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rainingincale · 5 months
Why is being a living exisiting human being so very confusing 🙃
#my brain is genuinely the worst place on planet earth ahaha!!#anyways the story that is bringing this on is actually nice i suppose but im exhausted so. let me just get into it and perhaps the dilemna#will make itself more aparant.#basically i hate interacting with people. its exhausting. like genuinely just takes so much brain power and social battery from me. even for#simple things. anyways so im telling someone this in my usual jokey way “im being tortured and kept outside of my home where i could be#chilling with a book“ so the other person is like oh you cant stay inside forever and ever. but then goes on to say from interacting with me#theyd never have guessed that i have such a hard time with talking and hanging out with people. that i never make someone feel like im tired#them or dont wanna talk to them etc. and internally im screaming because like. that is something i stress out so much about because i strugg#le so much with my responses and tone etc etc. thats why its so exhausting for me because im just constantly focussed on what im Supposed to#be like. the other part of me was kind of pleased in a way because i feel so painfully awkward that it stresses me out that people can see#right through me and think that i hate them when its not that i just. hate human interaction because its so tiring. so hearing that was like#oh so no one can even tell and i am stressing. for nothing. dw though this info will not help my brain learn to stop stressing out though#lmao. anyways final point i suppose is that the person also says that even if i am 'awkward' i sort of use it to my advantage and it doesnt#come across in an unsavoury way. anyways idk what to do with all this info. because the way i feel on the inside is so. and i worry a lot#about people seeing that on the outside. but part of me sort of wants it too because i just feel like absolutely no one fucking knows me?#and while i guess that was maybe my goal i also hate it? i shall rb a quote after this. anyways. idk what im saying. i dont fucking know. im#just so tired. so fucking tired.#le text post
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sickmachete · 1 year
dont know who needs to hear this but someone going through a hard time doesnt give them a free pass to treat you like shit
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gothamcityneedsme · 10 months
tavon: dont trust the imperials
petra: aren't you imperial?
tavon: no.
#shitpost#i like want to sit in a corner and just write interactions here because this is just great.#petra has no fucking idea who the commander is. which is like. lmfao#its like. HOW do you explain galaxy-wide political systems and factions to someone like her#who is (completely understandably) focused on the VERY COMPLICATED politics of her own planet.#which like. these political issues are connected to the wider picture but also like.#people on ord mantell are SO busy with. what's happening on ord mantell. that they're totally lacking wider perspectives so like#she just. Doesn't know.#like i assume she knows about the Eternal Empire at least because they took over. everything. but#ord mantell went back to the politics from before that era right after the occupation was over (presumably)#so its like. tavon offhand is like 'yeah im the leader of the organization that stole the Eternal Fleet and beat them'#petra like. you're WHO??#sorry i just love so much that the newest character is like. this girl with an INTENSELY focused perspective#she is LACKING that wider galaxy view which is. honestly refreshing and a great way to bring the story back down to earth#(ignore the fact that this is another superweapon storyline--ignore the fact that this is another superweapon storyline--INGORE THE FACT TH#*is shot*#anyways i really liked petra so far. extremely refreshign#its just like how Rass is refreshing too because while he knows the big picture and is VERY involved#its his brother that is higher in the faction and Rass himself is just like#kinda just a dude. which is refreshing#anyways. i want to know where darth fenris is. aka. darth suspicious.#wait hes not even a darth is he. is he just a lord. i am totally forgetting.#oops
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vaugarde · 2 years
its so funny being a pokemon and kirby fan bc of fanservice like pokemon fans will bite and growl when gen 1 gets preferential treatment over and over again while kirby fans hear green greens remastered for the 60th time and collectively shout with joy
#im both btw#tbh tho they do feel very different#bc with kanto pandering it takes the attention off of regions that are good in their own right and never get acknowledged#beyond maybe the starters getting a shoutout#also if a kanto mon you love isnt a fan fave then go fuck yourself too bc only early game pokemon and starters and fan faves get noticed#but with kirby fanservice it feels less like ‘’hey 30 year olds remember when u were a kid?? do you??? do you??? fuck everyone else tho’’#and genuinely like a nice little throwback. its not invasive or obnoxious about anything#like kanto pandering was so bad in swsh that they tried to dodge a ton of galar mons and had npcs even say kanto had better ones basically#but if you play planet robobot or something then youre very much getting a ton of planet robobot and a game thats confident in itself#that cares abt its story and its new characters and its gameplay and lean into everything new#and the stickers you can put on your mech of past characters in no way overshadows that#the remakes never feel lacking or anything either like even rtdl dx which i didnt think NEEDED to exist#was still really worth buying and has a ton of stuff to appreciate and doesnt feel like a cash grab#even star allies which is very fanservice-heavy still has its own clear identity and storyline#and the fanservice isn’t something to complain abt bc its an anniversary game anyways#like the only complaint ive seen people have is that ‘’its alienating to newcomers to have so much fanservice’’#but even then i don’t necessarily think thats bad#like the masks in rtdl. you dont need to know all the masks to have fun with em and theyre not required#maybe youll also just like a cute snowman keychain in triple deluxe#idk kirby just has fanservice down to a T#echoed voice#then again. i am the fan being serviced
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batfossil-fr · 2 years
I have another skin I've been wanting to get some progress on and then I remembered that I haven’t streamed in one million billion years. if people are interested in a jank little ipad stream (oh god I’ll have to figure out if that’s even possible) maybe I’ll try my hand again at streaming my art. no promises I’m still trying to crawl my way out of Only Making 2 Pieces of Art Per Year so I cannot guarantee when the mood will strike me
#unfortunately it has been a Bad Time. i had all these hopes to start up a non FR blog and was going to!!! but I'm so dead.#I hope I'll be able to do it soon because I really want to! it just requires energy of which I have none right now#I have an insane amount of worldbuilding shoved in my head and it would be fun to share#like I will go insane with worldbuilding if I'm left to my own devices. I was trying to make a new chromosome system the other day.#I once tried to figure out orbital mechanics to make a planet system. I am an evolutionary biologist. I know fuck all about orbital mechanic#s#god help me because I started thinking about weather patterns recently#anyways#really the most part is I just gotta get over the mental hurdle of ahhhhh sharing scary#sharing stuff here has me sweating sometimes LOL#just because Ahhhhhhh People Can Perceive Me and My Art#plus streaming is like Get Perceived Idiot and I think that I need to practice that#anyways welcome to my TED talk.#who cares!!!!!!!!!! @ ME Get This Through Your Head.#also I know I'm the king of ok I will try my best to make this happen! and then not making it happen but I did not forget.#I have ALWAYS wanted to make an art blog since I was like 12 and learned what those are. but 11 years later I'm still too chicken to do it#SO. I'm working on it#I am biting the bullet and forcing myself to start posting shit. eventually. soon#if you want to get the jump on it my tumblr is actually already made I'm just sitting on it and letting it haunt my brain#it's rewormer. just rewormer#because I will be posting about worms. many many worms. I love them. they are my brain rolled out into a worm shape.#MY brainworms. no dewormer allowed <3#my interest in worms went from 'I love looking at sandworm concepts I should make one sometime' to#'ok I finally made my own sandworm and they are so incredibly self indulgent that I can think of nothing else now.'#speculative biology my beloved at this point I do my little biology thing and then come home and immediately try to apply all of those ideas#anyways holy shit if you read all of this. I give you a sticker#but I just wish I had the energy to do all this. I'm hoping it changes soon because I do really want it! very badly! I just am not there yet#unfortunately things have been Bad and I have not been doing Well and life kinda derailed and then the train fell into a lake.#and I am still sitting in the water being like aww shit my train. but I'm hoping to call Train AAA soon#holy shit I hit the tag limit okay bye for real
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
today i spent SEVERAL minutes contemplating the difference between "sympathetic villain" and "charismatic villain" and whether fandom as a whole confuses these categories sometimes
#like A Good/Fun/Popular Baddy always seems to get called sympathetic? but they're not always actually?#sympathetic to me is like magneto or killmonger - you disagree with their means but their reasoning and goal are to some degree sound#but like Missy has rubbish reasons for killing people and taking over planets - she's just fucking cool while doing it u kno?#no tragic backstory no noble goals no grand vision none of that at all really#i have said before my Class Issues def make me less sympathetic to Thor-Movies!Loki - but he *is* charismatic and cool#but has fandom largely invented that Tragic Backstory to shove him into the Sympathetic category because that seems like The Good Thing?#(like i'd agree Thor wasn't ready to rule but it's hard to overlook how convenient this opinion is for the second-in-line to have u kno?)#which is maybe a writing/filmmaking issue if the Baddy might not be (allegedly) but it's hard to tell because Obvious Conflict Of Interest#ironicall(?) enough Sylvie actually does have the backstory and goals of a Sympathetic Villain being as they are VERY different#(*obligatory mention of The Class Issues there*)#but we learn those things only when we realise she isn't really the baddy anyway#Magneto thinks the normies want to kill the mutants and to be fair to him that's the plot of pretty much every X-Men film isn't it?#so he's not wrong. and we all know that he's not wrong in that regard. it's just his methods that are the issue.#and with that backstory we can absolutely see why he'd think it was kill-or-be-killed so there too there is reason for sympathy#so sometimes i feel like i could side with the villain in the right situation and sometimes it's like just like “Sacha Dhawan is rly hot”#which is also valid etc etc etc#remember kids if you write the wank in tags that makes it 95% less wanky :D somehow
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
One time I read an article (I believe on buzzfeed) about this woman who was playing with her dogs in her front yard when they, apparently out of nowhere, straight up ripped her arms off and I will NEVER forget how almost every comment on that article was from dog people claiming she abused the dogs with no evidence of that whatsoever because they could not imagine a dog doing a Bad Thing. And like one of the dogs was a boxer, which is a breed I'm very familiar with- they obviously don't rip owners arms off with their other breed of dog friends normally. But I also think it's absurd to claim someone abused those animals when sometimes dogs do fucked up shit. Doesn't make em evil or bad, sometimes dogs snap like people snap and that's fine no need to moralize which dogs are Bad Dogs but there's also no need to claim someone who went through a horrific tragedy and was victimized by their pets of all things was abusive to said pets with no proof.
Another person in the comments pointed out how weird and cult like everyone else was acting and as a cat person who has been told a number of times how awful and horrible my pets are I gotta agree lmao. Crazy what dog people will do to defend the obviously indefensible rather than being like "damn that's fucked up has anyone done a check on those dogs to see if maybe they've got a health issue that caused them to lash out like that" or otherwise act normal instead of jumping straight to victim blaming someone with no fuckin arms. Like damn dog people will call cats evil for eating you after you die (dogs do that too by the way, do you expect them to STARVE to death because you think your corpse matters more than your pets life? Wtf. Plus not all cats OR dogs will eat you post death so ??? Not to mention if I stick YOU in a room with nothing but dead grandma you will eat her too if I leave you there long enough why vilainize cats for *checks notes* eating food when starving) but then defend dogs doing literally the most fucked up shit I've ever read a pet doing. Of course the dogs were not evil or bad, sometimes shit happens and that says nothing about dogs as a whole but I wish cats got even REMOTELY the same respect from those same people. If you can acknowledge a couple dogs ripping their owners arms off probably doesn't make those dogs in particular evil there's no reason to treat all cats like they're evil incarnate.
#winters ramblings#i was like cool good to know if i had the misfortune of being maimed by my pet everyone will accuse me of abusing them#like damn dogs do fucked up shit sometimes thats fine. it doesnt NEED to say anything about the species 'dog'#hell id argue if you were able to find a health issue in the attacking dog rehabilitation MIGHT be possible#but if a PERSON did this do you think there would be a defense?? hell if a CAT did it which is not possible but if a CAT did do that#cats as a whole would once again be labeled psychopaths by EVERYONE. just be normal!!! the dogs did a fucked upuo thing#i assume they had a condition because i DO know boxers and that is SUPER FUCKING WEIRD of them to do#i cant remember what breed the other dog was butthere was NO proof of abuse AT ALL so blaming this woman for her ARMS being RIPPED OFF#seemed like one of the most fucked up ignorant to this persons deep and disturbing trauma way to react to an obvious tragedy#imagine having that happen to you and everyone and their dog (ha) accuses you of animal abuse??!?#so fucked up that people did that and it was like NINETY NINE PERCENT of the comments minus the ONE#that was like 'hey you guys are being EXTREMELY fucked up right now you know that right??'#and then the thread of cat people beneath that was like 'YEAH THIS IS WEORD OF DOG PEOPLE TO DO THEY ALL HATE MY CATS BUT EXCUSE THIS????'#anyway just goes to show dog people are the most annoying entitled people on the planet. dogs are lovely the people who love them are not
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sunnibits · 2 years
big fan of when animals are fucking huge but wouldn’t mind if I gave them a little pat pat. yknow. horses. cows. elephants. whales. etc. my point is “huge fuckin herbivore that is also sooooo gentle” never had a bad track.
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gatorinator · 20 days
Bleaaaghhhh hrnmgurg I’m gonna kill myself I need my father to stop talking about AI cuz I don’t have it in me to formulate an argument beyond “people who talk about ai like this sound dumb as hell”
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