#you know when you excuse you doing sth by saying -x friend did it/told me to- and the adult/parent usually tells you
as-rare-as-trees · 1 year
My fatal flaw is that if my friends jumped off a bridge I'd do it too
#hope that expression isn't used only here#you know when you excuse you doing sth by saying -x friend did it/told me to- and the adult/parent usually tells you#-oh well if they jumped off a bridge would you follow along then? 🤨-#in a gotcha kind of way#so that felt fitting for the kind of post i wanted to do#it's juuust#i have a feeling I'd do anything if some friends asked or suggested it#it's the remembering a friend told me she think I'd look good with a lip piercing and really fully considering getting one cause of that#or like when friends suggest they like sth or comment positively on sth I've done and it's like my brain is wagging a tail like a puppy#oh yeah? yeah? you like it? i'll do it for you#i'll learn woodwork so you can get that thing you like#oh you think I should sell those? i have never ever been consistent#but if you support this project....#you want to start that hobby? i'll find all the resources I can and drop them subtly towards you#or just the -I could learn to do pretty much anything if it's for a friend-#yeah never done a notebook with a pretty embroidered cover but I think you'd like it so-#nope never made jewellery but for you-#oh you would like to see an art piece like that? let me just-#i wish this motivation would also actually make me be more consistent but it doesn't always work#just the life of a -sottonə-#i guess the english equivalent would be simp?#vaneggiando#weird brain got me thinking this is all a little too much a little too weird might delete this later
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mouwrites · 11 months
Omg i Live your writing sm ❤️❤️
I would love to like have a ninjago Kai x fem/reader okay so basically it’s like a good friend of Lloyd in school and they do everything together but Kai has like a crush kn her since idk a year (like pretty long) and Kai’s jealous so he tried to be friends with her but she disagrees (not in his face but she’s like idk how to explane but she like doesn’t really talks to him and everything uk?) but he doesn’t know she has a crush on him too and is too shy to speak to him . But one time she told Lloyd and Lloyd knew Kai loves her too so she like make a date without them knowing idk just like Kai and Lloyd were suppose to meet at the same time as Lloyd and y/n and Lloyd then says to them both he doesn’t have any time so they do sth together and then like it’s a love story u can think of sth here 🫶🏼
Yes ofc!! We need more innocent schemes from Lloyd in this world
Word count: 1.1k
Ninjago - Lloyd Sets You Up with Kai
You closed your locker, nearly jumping out of your skin to find that someone had been waiting behind its door.
Spiky brown hair with warm eyes and a little smirk, you’d recognize hum anywhere. It was Kai Smith, a boy in your grade. You certainly knew about him, but you’d never actually spoken. Perhaps that was why your heart raced nervously at his alarmingly close proximity.
“Hey,” he greeted you.
“Um, hi.” You walked past him, eager to dodge the uncomfortable encounter.
That was weird…
The weirdness didn’t end there. Almost every day after that, Kai would try to talk with you. You didn’t understand why he was so interested; frankly, you were skeptical of his motives. So, you avoided him as best as you could. Luckily you had your friend Lloyd to use as an excuse to leave him.
“Hey, you got any plans for lunch today?”
“I’m sitting with my friend Lloyd.”
You didn’t stay long enough to see the disdain on his face at the mention of that name. Nor did you see his harsh glares at the two of you from across the cafeteria throughout the entire lunch period.
“Hey, you’re friends with Kai, right?”
Lloyd nodded, more focused on shoveling rice into his mouth at the moment.
“Do you know why he keeps trying to talk to me?”
Lloyd froze. His eyes bulging as they locked on his tray in shock. He did, indeed, know why Kai was trying to talk with you. But that wasn’t his secret to tell. Even though you were best friends, Lloyd was loyal to all of his buddies, and he’d never reveal their secrets.
“I mean, I guess I wouldn’t mind if he was trying to get close to me… he is pretty cute, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a little crush on him, but…” You shook your head, cheeks going a little pink. “I’m way too shy for this.”
Too shy, eh? Lloyd thought to himself mischievously. We’ll see what we can do about that.
A couple days later, a sunny Saturday, Lloyd invited you to the arcade. Naturally you agreed, so you met up at his place and headed down together.
Arriving at the arcade, you were perplexed as Lloyd began to wave eagerly. Scanning the area, you spotted the person giving a corresponding wave. Your heart dropped. Spiky brown hair, warm eyes, a little smirk. Kai.
“What’s he doing here?” You whispered hastily to Lloyd before Kai could get within listening range.
“I invited him. It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”
“Hey Lloyd! I, uh, I didn’t know you invited Y/n, too.”
“I guess I forgot to tell you,” Lloyd replied innocently. “Oops.”
Then, with an exaggerated expression of shock, Lloyd whipped out his phone. “Ack! Speaking of forgetting, I totally spaced on my fish’s funeral! Oh, man, it’s in ten minutes! Sorry guys, I really gotta go. You two should have fun together though; don’t let me ruin a good date—er, hangout!”
You both stood dumbstruck as Lloyd hurried out of the arcade.
“Lloyd doesn’t even have a fish,” you grumbled.
“Yeah, and since when does he forget to tell me who he’s bringing to hangouts?”
You shook your head. Clearly he had some sort of scheme afoot, and you were determined to figure it out. In the meantime, though…
“Um, so… what kind of games do you like?” Kai glanced nervously at you.
“I like the racing game they have here,” you responded automatically, forgetting your shyness for half a second. You felt your face heat up when Kai smiled at you, taking your hand and leading you to the machine.
“I knew you had good taste in games.”
“This is something you’ve thought about?”
Kai took one of the two seats on the machine, and in the dim glow from the screen you could see him blushing. “I think about you a lot.”
Unsure of what to say to that, you took the place next to him. You played several rounds, becoming more and more disappointed in yourself as your performance declined. Kai’s words just wouldn’t stop echoing in your mind. You were distracted.
Little did you know that Kai was in a similar state. Why did I say that? He kept asking himself. Stealing fleeting glances at you only further declined his abilities.
“You guys suck at this game,” a child’s voice came from behind you after yet another round. “Let someone with actual talent have a turn.”
You both chuckled awkwardly, scrambling off the machine to let the kid have his turn.
“I’m normally not that bad,” you defended yourself as you browsed the other games.
“Me neither.”
“I guess being with you just made me nervous.”
“I make you nervous?”
“N-not in a bad way! Not in a bad way at all…”
“Does this make you nervous?” Kai brushed his hand against yours as you walked, making you look down with wide eyes.
“I don’t know. Does this make you nervous?” In a sudden bold gesture, you locked pinkies with him.
You could practically see his brain buzzing. “No. Actually, that’s quite nice.”
You looked away with a shy smile, certain that your face was as red as a barn.
It was several hours before Lloyd contacted you next. He said that the funeral (which you both doubted was real) was taking way too long and that you should head home without him.
“This was nice, Kai. I guess I’ll head home now.”
“A lady like yourself? Alone? At night? No way. I’ll walk you home.”
Too flustered to decline the offer, you let him escort you home. You weren’t ungrateful; no, this just meant that you got to spend more time with him. He had proven to be fantastic company in the arcade, and you were eager to see more of him in the future.
“Well, this is my place.” You turned to face Kai, wishing you could prolong the moment for much longer.
“I’ll see you at school on Monday.”
Monday seemed an eternity away. A lightbulb abruptly illuminated in your mind. “Here, just take my number.”
You exchanged numbers, finally bidding each other goodbye with promises of texting in the morning.
You flopped onto your bed, singing in dreamy disbelief. Did that really just happen? Did you really just finally befriend your crush?
A buzz from your phone confirmed it. It was from Kai.
Tonight was fun. Can’t wait to see you again :)
It took everything in you not to squeal as you kicked your feet aggressively. It was real after all!
That night, you both dreamed of futures filled with flowers and kisses, hand-holding and her/him.
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Thank you for this awesome request! And thanks for reading, take care guys <33
(divider by saradika)
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stilemawillow · 3 years
Hi can I request a dadlevi x momreader where they have a teenage daughter and the 104th cadet boys gave a crush on her and Levi gets really protective and the reader has to reassure him that she's not a baby anymore pleaseeee thank you😁
welp, i’m usually slow as a sloth with requests but if you don’t mind it being a short drabble i can sure as hell crack up sth soo sorry if it’s a bit too short but here goes, hope you like it anonie (also i kind of said trabble and it turned out 1500 words, sorry) ________________________________________________
“This is getting out of hand, Levi.” Your words were low around the table at the mess hall as your raven-haired husband fixed the cadets across from you with a murderous glare. You put a hand to his tense shoulder and could distinctly hear Mike and Hanji snort from next to you at Levi’s click of the tongue - still, his abuse didn’t stop.
Your daughter glanced at her father once, smiling happily from her place in between the cheerful males of the 104th squad and proceeding to be rather oblivious when it came to his foul mood. Admittedly, he hadn’t spoken about it to anybody but, as the mother of his rather grown-up child and the woman who’d spent well over two decades with him already, you didn’t need a verbal explanation to gather why he was being so pissy.
Since your daughter had been enlisted in the Corps (something her and Levi and you and her had had two separate rather long arguments about), she was in the spotlight, or, well, something of the sort. She was kind enough to communicate with her peers and funny enough to make them laugh, and the looks she’d mostly inherited from you did its part when it came to charming the rookies you’d later checked were named Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Connie Springer, Armin Arlert and partly, the very special Eren Jaeger.
They were her comrades and she regarded them as such - close people she would protect and work with in the future, and they regarded her the same with just a little bit of an ulterior motive. Naturally, parents were good at noticing those stuff and the usually emotion-incompetent Levi Ackerman was no exception when it came to Jean’s heart eyes mirroring his own aimed at you in the past.
As a good father who couldn’t, however, reveal his identity straight-up, he made sure to mentor the kids as harshly as he could, strict in his teachings and rather sadistic out of them. The poor boys had handled stable and kitchen duty more than any previous rookies enlisted and two or three of them had gotten lucky enough to clean up a whole storage of 3DM gear and run laps till they fainted. You were nurturing when it came to those undeserved mishaps and ended up playing the good cop who gave the poor boys water and let them sleep for the rest of the day.
Levi didn’t know it but the harder his punishments got, the more reason his daughter had to pity the boys and question her father’s behaviour. We arrive at a moment where he could no longer think of a suitable punishment to pull through with enough reason and, of course, your endless nagging on the topic. Your daughter didn’t need to know about this secret little bickering, as the cadets didn’t know she was your child and nobody but the superiors were aware of your relationship with Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
“I’m just monitoring.” The raven’s excuse was laughable as you were leaving the mess hall and he literally stalked his daughter and her tall charmers to the training fields, where you decided to pull him along into the building and have a little talk.
“This is ridiculous, do you realise what you’re doing?” Your question struck nothing in him as he made his way to the second floor of the building only so he could observe from above the training the 104th cadets would undertake with Hanji. His hawk eyes pierced the window and the boys surrounding his precious little baby, and in that moment you felt a little soft when it came to reprimanding him.
“I’m watching my fucking child.” He argued with a grumble and crossed arms, making you sigh as you leaned against the window and observed his features. You could guess only by the pissed off twitch of his brow your daughter had been paired to combat with some of the boys he so disliked.
“But she’s not in danger.” You objected with a snort to which he rolled his eyes. “Also our child.” The addition made his frown more sarcastic, then you pushed at his shoulder and glanced outside. The sun was shining and your husband was silent - and you had to be a good wife and mother at the same time. “Now, I need you to hear me out. Our daughter is fifteen years old and she’s part of the worst group possible. Maybe we can concern ourselves more with her safety and happiness, not so much with the boys she has as friends.”
“It’s unacceptable for them to slack off this much, not to mention you’re defending her. You pointed it out, she’s just fifteen.” The emphasis was a cold slap in your face, then you were eyeing him pointedly.
“Levi,” his grey hues left the window for a second to lock with your gaze, “I was fifteen when I met you.” Your words made him suck in a breath but his obstinance had no limits when it came to his overprotective nature.
“All the more fucking reason for me to protect her.”
“No, all the more reason for us to watch from afar and let her live her life. She’s a teenager once and the fact she’s bonding with her comrades isn’t going to kill her.” The brow he quirked at you made you glare, then you beat him to speaking. “She’s not a baby anymore, we take care of her, yes, but we have to give her some freedom too. Otherwise, we’ll get a rebellious period and I can’t handle managing both your explosive asses once that happens.” His spiteful snort was provocative but his figure turned away from the window to glare at you - good, so he was buckling.
“My ass is explosive only when I drink too much coffee.” His childish retort made you chuckle - you took it as him admitting defeat by not addressing the issue any further.
“And when Hanji cooks.” Your joke called forth an eye-roll from him, then his lips pursed and you smiled at his pale countenance. “It’s fine being worried, she’s been sheltered her whole life and suddenly you’re forced to watch her form connections with people who’re not us. I would say, however,” your smile slowly curled into a smirk as you glanced at the training fields through the window, “she can beat up the boys if they annoy her without your help.”
His brows furrowed and his attention followed your gaze, and you watched your fifteen-year-old daughter flip the blond Reiner Braun over her shoulder with a move Levi had taught her when she was ten. He fell to the ground and, from experience, you knew how much it hurt when all the air was pushed out of your lungs in that moment. Next thing he knew, a foot had stepped on his dominant hand’s wrist and a small hand held a wooden knife to his throat.
In your peripheral vision, you saw the satisfied flicker in Levi’s orbs and decided he wouldn’t be arguing with you on the topic of this anymore. Also, he might as well spare the boys their duties. If his daughter could handle the biggest one this easily, she could land a kick to the testicles effortlessly if any of them proved problematic. You shook your head at the sight and how proud Levi seemed due to it, then you realised he was back to watching you.
“On the topic of us meeting when you were still a brat, are you insinuating anything?” You began waving your hands around in a “no” when he glared at the field, then at you. You’d just denied when he tactfully cut in with: “Far as I remember, you jumped me and you had eighteen.” You let out an awkward laugh and his glare got all the more deadly.
“Haha, about that. I actually lied so you’d let me.” The slow admittance slipped past your dry lips and you watched your husband doubt everything you’d told him in your shared life. You could see him recall everything and make sure he was in the right - except you’d been stupid as a teenager and twice as scheming.
“But your birthday had passed.” He argued coldly, unsuspecting of the truth and ever so sweet because he put so much trust in you.
“And about that, my birthday’s kind of a month after the date I told you.” You watched his eyes widen and began ranting, as per tradition when he came close to blowing a fuse and you wanted to avoid being collateral damage. “I know what you’re thinking, I’m so lucky that my wife is even younger than I thought she was, she’s so attractive and youthful---”
“I’m thinking how I’m about to beat your ass in our next combat session for lying to me for twenty fucking years, that’s what I’m thinking.”
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Primum Non Nocere ~ Gregory House x Katrina Black
This may or may not be a personal fic I make for myself, that everyone is welcome to read in case they miss House or sth, so yeah, enjoy the clown fiesta.
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There are many words that can describe Doctor Gregory House, all of them ranging from “Brilliant Doctor” to “The Biggest Asshole”...However, there is one person who ever called him “Sweet”, and each time, she got called insane.
Even Stacy, who dated him for so long, looked at her as if she suddenly became a chimera or something, which speaks volumes for his character as a whole.
It’s been 15 years since Katrina moved to America, and 15 years since she begged Lisa Cuddy to allow her to practice Medicine and learn directly from the hospital itself, even though she barely finished highschool and was beginning Medicine University.
Lisa had no reason to accept her, but she was much too sweet and convincing, doing everything asked, from cleaning, to nursing, helping her with management stuff, and then, as years passed, she started clinic duty and steadily, but fast-paced, she achieved her dream of becoming a successful cardiologist, going as far as becoming the new head of the department, since the old one retired.
Just as expected, she became friends with Lisa, James and Greg very easily, and each of them treated her in their own way - As her mother, as her confidant...And as her Mentor, of sorts - As Gregory House was the harshest and biggest jerk in the world, but not even the coldest man alive could resist her weirdly innocent charm.
She was the one to remember the gruff man’s every birthday and give him gifts she made herself - Nothing big, but always meaningful, like a winter scarf, or cute little decorations, engraved medical things and so one - And of course, on every Christmas, apart from gifts, she would bring him marshmallow hot chocolate and other festive decorations for his office, so he won’t feel lonely or bad.
Sometimes he didn’t even realise it, but every time he needed a proper diagnostic opinion, or his interns screwed up, he’d page her, not exactly caring if she was busy with clinic work or with an important surgery, and he’d make fun of her for rushing for “No reason”.
Life is definitely difficult for a shy, young foreigner, all alone in the world, but somehow, with the help of this few people, she managed to find something that she lacked her whole childhood - A true “Family” and a place to call “Home”.
But for Gregory House, this woman, Katrina Black, has always been an enigma he couldn’t deduct - The greatest mystery that crossed his path - He wanted to know her, to understand her, to learn about her and her pain and maybe, for once, he won’t feel as miserable.
The past 5 years especially, after Stacy left him and he ultimately had to live in pain, addicted to pain killers, and while he got more and more bitter, he also began to appreciate, at least in his heart, the unconditional kindness and attention he receives from her
And so, here we are, 15 years after the moment that changed everything in their lives...
“It’s not inflammatory process. It’s not a clot, because Chase’s angio says so. And it’s not cancer, because her tush is perfect. Anybody else got an Aunt Elyssa with weird stuff?” House limped into his office, looking at the three subordinates that were sitting around aimlessly. “...Maybe it’s worth looking into-” Cameron began, but was quickly cut off by the elder one, who looked at the angio once again. “I though you said Carly’s angio was clean.” Gregory blinked, putting both angiograms on the board for a better peripheral view. “It WAS clean.” the Aussie insisted again. “You guys see the problem here?” House asked in his usual over the top way. “There’s no indication of any abnormalities, no lesions, no spurs, no mastis-” Foreman got up to get a better look at the pictures better. “Well, if you guys don’t know, how about I call for the help of our lovely foreigner? I bet she’s gonna be angry for getting her out of whatever surgery she has, but...It’s in the name of science, after all!” he gave a mocking smirk at the trio as he hit CodeRed on the pager.
As expected, it didn’t take long for the girl to arrive, despite being in full surgical outfit, blood still on her gloves and her scrub cover, panting from having to run all the way there.
“What happened?! Are you okay?!” she tried to speak, despite barely being able to catch her breath. “Nothing really. Nothing that would result in the immediate death of a patient, clearly, and as you can see, I’m perfectly fine as well. Why ever would you hurry up like that out of a surgery?” Gregory fooled around, watching the crestfallen expression on her face, as she took off her gloves and scrub covers, revealing the cute and childish green scrub that had foxes on the top. It was her signature style, really - Always wearing the cutest, most childish scrubs, with various animals or flowers, and she was the only one who did that, despite her age, and didn’t care about anyone’s opinions. In fact, others kinda found it pretty nice too, almost giving off a more light and hopeful approach to a hospital. “So...Let me get this straight...I was in the middle of an open heart surgery...And you paged me while I was stitching it back together...With a code red, nonetheless...And I put my subordinate to cover for me, thinking that something happened to you or whatever patient you have...And instead, I find you here with no problem, loitering around with the three stoogies - No offense -...Having a party. Woaw, Greg, be careful, you are overshadowing yourself with every passing day.” Katrina groaned, throwing in the bin the discardable surgery objects and  hopped on his desk, crossing her legs together nonchalantly. “Awwww, you love me, don’t you?” he retorted in a fake sweet tone, making the girl shake her head and chuckle. “Yeah, of course, who doesn’t?” she could barely keep herself from grinning at his silly self. “So what’s the real problem? What did they do?” “We are trying to see what’s wrong with Carly’s angiogram, and I figured perhaps the gorgeous eyes of an exotic, successful, intelligent woman, would be able to see the problem of another successful and intelligent woman.” he tried to speak with more honey than he ever did, just for the laughs. “The girl kissed by fire should dye her hair again. Also...It came to my understanding that most people have...A left and a right leg, right? Why does the angio have two left feet?” she asked, taking her hair out of the ponytail and messing it around. “Et voila! Without even knowing the patient’s problems properly, you saw the wrong when these guys didn’t. See, I told you the foreigner would get it faster than you.” House limped back to pat her head, looking at the three with judgement. “So...Who screwed up something so basic? I wouldn’t have expected someone that works under you to do such a stupid mistake -... No, wait, it was Chase, wasn’t it?” Kat smirked, looking at the Aussie with a playful glint in her eyes. “Wh-What?! Why did you think it was me?!” Chase looked at her with revolt. “Are you trying to tell me it WASN’T you?” she pressed on, watching him blink and get back in his chair. “How did you know?” Greg challenged her, only to see her shrug. “He seems like the only one to screw up something like this because he was trying to charm the pants off some nurse.” she spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You are absolutely correct! Oh, and, stop messing with your hair, you’re leaving strands everywhere.” he grabbed her wrists, and just for a split second, his beautiful icy blue eyes peered into her fawn-like green ones. “Well...Every fire has cinders and ambers, doesn’t it. Now that you basically dragged me out of the surgery room, you have to keep me around for the case. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind me purrrowling around, would you?” she joked around, just as Chase got up, staring at the angios he screwed up in complete disbelief. “Yeah. Sure. You do that. At least I’ll have someone competent around.” he nodded his head, a bit awkwardly. “That’s impossible! It can’t be - “ Chase tried to defend himself, despite having no excuse. “Or maybe it was Jenny. How come some resident signed this radiology report? Were you even in the room?” House reprimanded the blond doctor. “I’ll redo her angio- “ Chase tried to defend himself, but was quickly shut down by his superior. “You’ll do nothing!” an angry House was a scary House, which made the room atmosphere tense as hell. “Eric, go do the angiogram, please.” Kat muttered, simplifying the problem. “...I can’t believe I did that.” Chase turned around to look at his fuck up, making the red haired girl sigh. “That’s what happens when you think with the wrong head at the wrong time.” with that, she flapped her hand to dismiss both of them, dragging House to sit down, worrying about his leg. “I am surrounded by idiots.” he dragged a hand down his face in anger. “Yeah, I know what you mean...But they are not stupid, in the long run. Just...Distracted sometimes...At the wrong times, sure, but...They have redeeming qualities too.” she tried to defend them a bit, while also calm him down, knowing very well that nobody can think straight while angry. “Yeah, I know. But neither you, nor I, have ever been distracted by trivial things like this. Speaks volumes about someone’s priorities.” he retorted just as tauntingly as before. “Well...He’s still young...And he knows he’s attractive for most people...I don’t know. I can’t really defend him for this one.” she looked down, sighing. “Then don’t. It’s not your job to defend everyone or try to make me feel better. Look at you. You’re young, beautiful and smart, but not once did I see you being distracted by some boy. Chase has no excuse.” he cut her off, making her smile in understanding, nodding blankly. “Yeah...But you’re the only one who sees me that way. You...And James and Lisa...You’re the only ones that I trust to tell me the truth and be genuine with me...And you’re the only ones who talk to me or hang around me without wanting something out of me. Sometimes things are more complicated than you see at the surface.” her voice became softer, almost melancholic, something that was completely out of character for her, or at least, that’s what he thought.
House was about to open his mouth and interrogate her, in his own weird way, only for his office room to get opened and have Vogler and Cuddy walk right through. With an ever so quiet curse from the girl, she bit her lip and raised her head, trying not to look worried or intimidated.
“What a pleasant coincidence, finding both of you here. I see neither of you conformed to the rules yet. Are you trying to have an anarchy together? Not wearing proper clothing?” Vogler look down at the two of them, which made House blink in confusion at the girl sitting on his desk. “Well, I know I don’t wear a coat ‘cause it’s itchy and tacky...But as far as I’m aware, if my eyes haven’t gone wild from the LSD, Katrina’s wearing a medical scrub.” the man started playing with his cane, only to see the girl shoot him a warning look, mouthing for him to shut up. “Animal scrubs are unprofessional. Nobody in the hospital wears them, and there is no benefit to them.” the businessman refuted with ease. “The benefit is that I make them myself, they are comfy, and people find them nice to look at. My patients feel calmer and more reassured seeing cute things. It makes them see past their health issues, even by a few seconds. And children and teenagers especially love it.” the girl explained herself calmly, before biting her lip and speaking a bit lower. “I’d recommend you wear a cute scrub too, I’m sure they are more comfy than your business suits. Maybe you’ll lighten up and realise we are in a hospital and we work with people, not with documents and money.”  “Haha, you’re pretty funny. Now I see why the two of you are always together. You have a knack for breaking the rules. Or, better said, you completely disregard the rules as if they don’t exist at all for you.” Vogler’s voice seemed to get darker and more threatening. “It’s just a coat and a scrub. House works from his office, and he wears suits, I don’t see how that’s a problem, the same as my scrubs, there’s no rule anywhere saying I am strictly forbidden from wearing cute tops. Do you really feel your authority so undermined by two people in this huge hospital wearing different things, despite not getting in the way of their pristine perfect work? Or perhaps you feel some kind of weird...Inferiority complex that you must hide and keep in check by walking all over everyone as if we are doormats?” Katrina spoke without even looking at anyone, only staring ahead, coincidently, at the messed up angiograms, and for a few seconds, she could almost feel her own legs getting screwed up from the malicious vibe emanating from the businessman. “Katrina...” Lisa brought her out from her trance, sharing a look of worry together, knowing very well they’re screwed either way. “It’s not about what rules are out there or not. It’s about the rules that I make, and making sure you are team players. If you are not, then...I believe we won’t be able to cooperate for much longer. Especially if Dr. Cuddy isn’t able to keep you in control.” Vogler threatened, before turning away and leaving, while Lisa gave her a pitiful look, following behind him. “...Fantastic day, isn’t it?” Katrina put her hands on her face, sighing in frustration. “Do you really make your own scrubs?” Greg asked, making her turn her head to look at him, before nodding. “Yeah. Want one? I can make you a pink one with lots of flowers and smiley faces.” she joked half-heartedly, which made him realise the annoying businessman was affecting her more than him. “Don’t be ridiculous.” he shook his head, getting up, patting her head. “What else do I have left after what just happened.” she stretched, cracking her fingers and spine, as she hopped off the desk, just as her pager started ringing. “Good luck with your patient, Greg. I have to go. If anything happens, page me...But no code red during surgery this time, please.” she gave him a tender smile, leaving the room, making him look after her.
What was it about her today that made her seem off? It has to be only Vogler, right? What else could it be.  The patient, however, has many many symptoms, and no actual disease yet. Fascinating!
As time passed and he got to treat his patient, and even lied to the transplant committee so Carly would get a new heart, and nobody, except for Wilson and Black, who were there, knew about that felony he committed.
On the other hand, during this time, Katrina has been working day and night with barely any rest, other than the tons of coffee she had to down to keep herself awake. There was something very uplifting about overworking, and no, not only your heart rate.
“Hey, Kat.” Wilson raised his hand up to salute his friend, which made her stop in front of him, albeit a bit spazzic like a meerkat, but nothing too out of the ordinary. “Hey, James, how are you?” she smiled at him, walking slowly together to whatever place he was heading to. “Pretty good. Wanted to grab lunch, how about you?” he asked politely, putting his hands in his coat pockets. “It’s lunch already? How time flies...I forgot to eat again. Too bad.” she chuckled sheepishly, grinning at him. “Anyway, have a great meal, I have a surgery to prep for.”  “You should still eat something, you can’t live on coffee alone.” James muttered with concern. “Thank you for your concern, James, I appreciate it. I have to hurry now, eat for me too.” she chuckled, stopping in her tracks, waving him goodbye. “Wait, hold up, I wanted to ask you something.” he stepped closer to her, bending a bit so he could speak without anyone lese hearing. “Do you know what House lied about? At the committee? I know he lied, but I don’t know what about.” he asked, making the girl sigh and shake her head. “No, sorry, I don’t know. If you want, I can ask him when I’m done with the surgery.” she suggested, seemingly interested herself. “If he tells you, that would be great. He seemed to stop himself from telling me because I am a member of both the board and the transplant committee...Which you are as well. Good luck.” he points out, both curious and frustrated with his friend. “Well that’s interesting...Okay, you’ve got me hooked, I’ll see what I can do and I’ll tell you as soon as I find out. Laters.” Kat winked at him, rushing to do the surgery.
However, she didn’t have to do much work, for when she was almost done with the surgery, House himself made his way into the room, examining her working, before speaking.
“How would you fancy dinner tonight?” he asked, which made her look at him, raising her eyebrow in confusion. “Did you talk to James by chance?” she questioned right back, doing the finishing touches. “Yeah, how’d you know?” he asked jokingly. “Oh, you know...Just the usual thing of me forgetting to take care of myself. So, where do we go?” she asked, finishing the sewing and turning around to exit the room. “My home. We get take out, fall asleep since it’s already past midnight...I came with the motorcycle, I even brought your cat helmet, come on, I’m hungry, don’t question so much.” he put his arm around her shoulder, bringing her to the parking spot. “No room to complain much, is there? Is it really past midnight? I feel like I just talked with James a little ago...” she muttered, taking the helmet and putting it on. “Time flies fast when you’re having fun, they say.” House pointed out, starting the engine.
For the rest of the night - Or early morning rather - They finished eating and were relaxing by the piano, playing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra and other fun, classical, beautiful songs, humming the lyrics and reveling in the fact that there were no cases for a while, and no worries, at least for what Vogler is worth.
“Say, mind if I ask you something?” Kat asked, turning her head to look at him. “Yes, a hooker came by just yesterday, how did you know?” he gasped dramatically, looking right back at her. “Oh, just a lucky guess. However, my question was going to point more towards the patient you just had, who needed a heart transplant. I and James were curious about your little white lie.” she chuckled at his jokes, which made him blink at her and frown. “Sorry, doctor-patient confidentiality makes me unable to say anything. As well as ethics. Those are very important rules that everyone must follow for a better place to live in, don’t you think?” she never really understood why, but those back and forth playful banters always made her laugh. “Oh yes, of course...Ethics...How could I possible forget about Ethics? Perhaps you have a dictionary so I can look it up once in a while. And now, for the real reason...I can assume it was something psychological? Some mental illness that nobody was supposed to know about?” she smirked right back at him, only for him to look at her for a brief few seconds and nod abruptly. “Bulimia and self-harm.” Greg answered, which made the girl smile sadly. “Figured it would be something like this...Many women like her have self-issues and they get desperate and lonely to the point where they find the only relief from stress and self-hatred in overworking and terrible coping mechanisms. Buuuut she proved to you she wanted to live, and you fought for her and saved her. That’s amazing. You...You are amazing, you know that, don’t you?” she praised him, a soft smile on her face of something that may or may not resemble admiration. “Where are you getting at with that? It’s almost like you’re praising her...For something.” his voice lowered a bit, almost as if he was interrogating her. “Praise is a big word...Although she is a great woman, without a doubt. I was actually praising you, above all else...And...I was just wondering...Would you...Would you do the same for me? Should I have been in the same position as she was.” she asked, as a matter of fact, which made the other doctor raise his eyebrow at her. “Why would you be asking something like that?” it was clear that by now, the atmosphere got a little bit tense, until she started randomly playing “Carol of the Bells”, such a beautiful, uplifting Christmas song, yet House could almost smell the nostalgic undertones it had. “You are being very weird, Katrina.” “Oh, come on, lighten up, it was only to satisfy my scientific curiosities. Christmas is coming, I haven’t slept in two days, I’ve been drinking so much coffee that I think I’ve transcended into another universe altogether...And everyone is weird in their own way, you can’t tell me otherwise. Now come on, answer me, don’t be such a killjoy.” she grinned, nudging him playfully with her shoulder as she got closer to him, trying to get him to stop thinking it was some greater problem. “...No.” he answered solemnly, which made the girl blink and tilt her head to the side like a confused puppy. “No...You won’t do the same for me, or No...You won’t answer?” Kat asked softly, hoping to get a straight answer out of him, but that’s never the case with House. “Figure that out when you go to sleep tonight. Good night, Kat.” Greg said, getting up from the piano and making his way to his dormitory, leaving the girl alone.
Sighing, she continued to play “Summertime” from Gershwin to calm herself down, before getting up herself and walking all the way to her home, albeit not a long walk, yet still relaxing thanks to the cold outside that relaxed her.
The next day, Katrina walked in around the clinic with her big Triple Espresso Caramel Latte cup, going around to do her clinic duty, only to get paged by House once again, most likely to help with another diagnostic, or point out some obvious idiocy one of his subordinates has done.
On the way there, she spotted the big bad wolf, so she hid behind numerous people and quickly ran up the emergency stairs to escape her fate, until she got to the diagnostician’s office, catching her breath.
“Why did you run? There was no code red this time.” he asked, wagging his cane around. “Yeah, well, code V from Vendetta spotted me, so I had to pretend I didn’t see him. The emergency stairs are a blessing, sometimes.” she chuckled, leaning, on the glass wall, taking big sips from her coffee. “Have you thought about what I said last night?” he asked, and by then, the eyes of the onlookers seemed to go back and forth between those two. “I would have...But as you can see, I didn’t exactly sleep last night. Again.” she gave him a sarcastic, exaggerated grin. “Yeah, I can see that. You look dreadful. Do you make it your personal mission to go in the Record book for the idiot who refused to sleep the longest?” he limped in front of her, making her sigh and roll her eyes. “It wasn’t for lack of trying, okay? I go to bed, it takes hours to fall asleep, and when I do, I have nightmares and sleep paralysis, I wake up startled and restless, and there is that, I can’t fall asleep back again because of overwhelming anxiety. Are you happy with my answer?” she looked up at him with an almost annoyed look in her exhausted eyes. “...Nope.” House dragged his answer a bit, as if he was thinking over some rationalisation of her behaviour. “Are you taking pills?” he asked again, popping a Vicodin pill. “Uh...Should I?” she muttered, blinking questioningly at him. “Maybe. If you don’t already. I’m not entirely sure if you are or not, unless you tell me.” he pointed out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Or maybe I need a long vacation in the Maldives. Or to go back home in Europe. Who knows, maybe sleeping in the Sun, on a beach chair, hearing the ocean waves would prove to be a great way to fall asleep and actually...You know...Sleep!” she shrugged and turned around to leave, but he hooked the semi-circle part of his cane around her neck, bringing her back, making her yelp in shock. “Are you sure you’re alright? You’ve been acting off recently.” he limped in front of her, blocking the exit. “Ah, yes, of course. An anomaly in an otherwise boring human who is bound by routines. How could I forget how much you love solving these anomalies? But, you see, I’m not your patient, so I have to ask you to refrain from trying to diagnose me, and return to whatever your guy has.” she tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge, which only made her sigh in aggravation. “I think...You are hiding something.” House pushed her with his cane just enough to look at her better.  “Yeah, you’ve got me. Something completely unexpected...Like...Vogler giving me a hard time and threatening to fire me, despite being the head of the Cardiology department...And Christmas is approaching and I’m as lonely as always...Oh, and, how could I forget, my family wants to visit. My family. Who hasn’t contacted me in like 15 years. Suddenly wants to visit me. I’m SURE they want to have a very nice, lovely chat with me. Now that you know how miserable my days have been lately, can I go back to being miserable in my own department, where I can actually do something productive with my time?” it wasn’t often when she got so worked up, but it was clear she was stressed out and needed some way to vent or relax. “Don’t you want to know the answer to your question?” he looked down for a few seconds, before looking in her eyes, noticing how her eyes were puffy and droopy, and her bottom lip was quivering lightly. “...I don’t know.” she muttered, moving past him and going back to the clinic to do her job as she’s supposed to.
Of course, Vogle continued to be a problem for everyone, Christmas passed and she was just as lonely as every other year, so she drunk herself to sleep while listening to old school songs from her native country, because no matter how silly they were, they still made her feel happy and nostalgic.
Things continued to go array for everyone in the hospital, so bad and so hard that the evil businessman called for a board meeting to fire House, which caused a shit ton of problems for everyone, especially Kat, Wilson and Cuddy...But the only ones who refused were the first two, which escalated to another meeting right then to fire them...On her own birthday, barely a week and a half after Christmas.
“Doctor Wilson, Doctor Black. I was hoping you were gonna miss this one.” Vogler said as soon as the two entered the office room and sat on their chairs next to each other. “A man is the sum of his actions. Here are a few of Dr. House’s. He violated a D.N.R. and was charged with assault. He brought a termite into the O.R. and spat on a surgeon. He accepted a Corvette from a patient who was a known member of the New Jersey Mafia.” the businessman began, only to get stopped by one of the surgeons. “Ed, look-” he tried to reason, but was harshly cut off. “Edward.” Vogler looked sharply at him. “Edward. You look at anyone’s career, you can find things that are-” the surgeon began to speak again, only to get quickly shut down. “These are the last 3 months! He’s personally had more complaints filed against him than any department in this hospital.” Vogler continued, and James tried to reason this time. “Okay. He’s screwed-up. He’s miserable. And he should probably re-read the ethics code, but it works for him. He’s saved hundreds of lives.” Wilson explained, but it was clear Vogler was on a war path. “He is a drug addict who flaunts his addiction and refuses to get treatment! He is a disgrace and an embarrassment to this hospital.” this statement made the red haired girl groan in annoyance and let herself fall back on the chair. “No, he’s not a drug addict, that’s what YOU want to see. How would you feel if your leg was in excruciating pain because of a surgery choice you had NO choice over, and yet, you still had to work, save lives, and think properly? House MAY look like he’s some kind of insane jerk, but he is known all over America for being THE best diagnostician and was able to save people that otherwise, in the hand of ordinary doctors, would have died. Oh, and, those complaints have always been revoked or solved once the patient...You know...LIVED! You just want him fired ‘cause he’s not being your obedient lap dog. If you are so brave to speak ill of a person when he’s not around, why don’t you also have the guts to speak the truth?” she leaned forward to glare at her enemy, as Wilson put his hand over hers, trying to calm her down. “Says the one who’s always by his side, helping him indulge in his nefarious medical fantasies. Let’s keep this simple. Either he goes, or I go.” Vogler spoke, making Katrina rest her chin on her hand, watching him closely. “You shouldn’t personalise this.” Lisa tried to reason, but this guy was over the limits. “And by I, I mean my hundred million dollars. How’s that for personalising?” he started at poor Lisa, who was in a huge dilemma. “Who knew adults could be so petty? You give us money for a reason, and then you threaten to take it away because one doctor, the only one who cares about his patients more than anything, does his job as he is supposed to. Very mature.” Kat sneered at him, rolling her eyes at him. “Gregory House is a symbol of everything wrong with the health care industry. Waste. Insubordination. Doctors preening like they’re kind, and the hospital is their own private fiefdom. Health care is a business, I’m gonna run it like one. I hereby move to revoke the tenure of Dr. Gregory House and terminate his employment at this hospital, effective immediately.” Vogler declared, which made the red head jump up from her seat and slam her hand on the desk. “Since when can you decide for everyone? Are you some sort of God or what? You are WRONG Ed. First of all, Gregory House is the ONLY doctor in this hospital who is capable of being perfectly objective and save ALL his patients, even from the weirdest, most unexpected diseases! Secondly, yeah, we ARE Gods, in a way! We actively get ourselves in the line to save hundreds of lives, we...We HOLD their fates in OUR hands! He is not the problem, and Health Care is NOT supposed to be a business! This is not a business corporate, this is a HOSPITAL! A place where we, DOCTORS, save lives! You wouldn’t get it, you’re not a doctor! You didn’t have to see people in agony, begging to be killed, nor did you have people crying in happiness for being saved! You know absolutely NOTHING of medicine! You have NO right to fire Gregory House, just like you have NO right to tell us, who spent over 10 years of our youth studying constantly, and more than 10 years having this healthcare as our everyday life style, that we should do this for money, and not for the people!” the room went silent from the shock of her outburst, since nobody, in 15 years, saw her so agitated, and yet, she was right...Against the wrong man. “Fascinating and touching speech, I must say. Now I know what I have to deal with. Now then, let’s resume to our votes. All in favour of firing Dr. Gregory House?” Vogler asked, cheekily raising his own hand, which was slowly followed by everyone, except for Katrina and James, who looked at each other with worry, letting their arms fall back from the table and holding hands for comfort. “Dr. Wilson? Dr. Black?” Vogler tried to nudge to give in, but it was for naught. “Opposed.” both of them answered in unison, knowing that either way, they’re screwed. “The...Motion is defeated.” the business man sighed, letting silence hang in for a few seconds, before speaking again, in a chirper voice. “Dr. Wilson, Dr. Black, would you mind leaving the room, please?” “Excuse me?” James asked, frowning in confusion at his words. “We’re going to take another vote.” Vogler explained, as if it was nothing. “We are board members. We have to be here when you vote. You can’t void our votes by making us stand in the hallway. And, as far as I’m aware, you need notice and at least one business day before you can reconsider any matter.” James continued, knowing very well that he can’t prolong the agony. “We’re voting on a different matter, which you are conflicted out of.” Vogler stood up, looking solemn over everyone. “How can we be conflicted out of? What is that even supposed to mean?” Katrina asked, looking at Lisa, who seemed to have an apologetic look on her face. “This vote is whether to dismiss Dr. James Wilson and Katrina Black.” everyone looked down hearing that...Katrina and James were a completely different matter, compared to House... “Oh, great, yes, fire everyone who is speaking the truth and doesn’t go by your stupid business idea. Newsflash, not everybody is a greedy fuckass like you are. Some of us are here because that’s why we wasted our life for! Saving! LIVES! If you guys, after so many years of working together, think that I and Wilson should leave, then fine, sure, vote yes. But if you’re doing it because of this guy...Then congratulations, welcome to communism. Trust me, I’d know, I’m Romanian.” looking with disgust at that guy, she grabbed her friend and left the office without another word, and when they got far enough, she slammed her back on a wall, pulling at her hair. “At least I know why House likes you. You were right. You have always been an admirable doctor. I hope one day he will appreciate you as he should. Its not like he has many people who actually tolerate him...” James put his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her out of having an anxiety attack, until Vogler came by, looking as menacing and narcissistic as usual.
He threatened both of them, saying they have the option of leaving the hospital, otherwise he will destroy them...Which means that there was at least one person who voted to keep them there.
There was no point in trying to comfort each other, so instead, they went to their own offices, packing up everything they owned.  However, instead of packing, Katrina stood criss-crossed on her desk, looking at her prized possessions on the shelves, including her awards, diplomas, random little plants and flowers, cute decorations...And a fox that had a heart in its mouth, that she received as a gift from House, Wilson and Cuddy when she became the head of the Cardiology department.
She didn’t even realise how tears were falling down her face, she almost felt numb to it all, but in reality, her heart hurt like hell and she couldn’t imagine how life would continue to go on from now on.
The sound of the door softly opening was blocked away by her personal phone ringing, and with a lethargic move, she raised her phone, without looking at the caller ID, and answered.
“What do you want?” Kat sighed on the phone, not having the strength to fake cheerfulness as she usually did. “Oh, sweety, hi, how are you?” ...it was her mother...What a coincidence. “Why are you calling? You haven’t contacted me since I left the country. I’m not sure you realised the passing of time, but it’s been over 15 years.” the girl sneered over the phone, clutching her grip on it. “Don’t be like that, darling, I just wanted to see how my eldest daughter is doing! You see, we want to visit you tomorrow, and -” her mother began, but was quickly cut off by her daughter. “You’re in America?! Why in the world are you here?! You NEVER left the country!” her alarmed reaction was rightfully explained, as her mother only laughed fakely. “Well, you see, your sister is very sick and she needs organ transplants and...You are a perfect match! Your sister really, really needs your kidney, liver and heart, and -” of course the only reason she’d call is because she needed her... “You...Called...So that I would kill myself...And give my organs to your precious daughter...Because I don’t deserve to live, but she does...Sorry, you might not have been informed, I’m a stone cold bitch without a heart, and I’ve always been. If you want organs, beg to a transplant committee, otherwise, I’m not giving my life to some stupid bitch who thinks she’s better than me. Oh, and, by the way, in case you’ve forgotten, you already disowned me long ago, so there’s no reason for you to call anymore. And don’t call me to the funeral, I won’t come. Bye.” Kat aggressively slammed the phone lid close, before throwing it on the ground, putting her head on her hands and finally breaking down to cry...
But there were no tears.
There was only exhaustion.
“Hey.” the low voice of Doctor Gregory House echoed through the room which made the girl squeak in surprise and turn back to look at him with wide, frightened eyes. “Don’t you know it’s rude to sneak up on people?!” she accused him, clutching her blouse where her heart is supposed to be. “I knocked. You didn’t answer, I let myself in. I...See you’re not having the best day.” Greg pointed out, which only made the girl roll her eyes and turn back to look at her shelf. “Yeah, no kidding.” she snorted, her hands grasping her ankles as she looked down. “Why did you come here? Did Wilson tell you what happened and you came to throw some pity words and say how you saved the patient? If yes, then go ahead, I’m listening...As always.” she waved her hand around, urging him to talk and stop being so awkward, but the silence seemed to cut them with a laser. “...Thank you.” the words she never heard uttered from his mouth before shocked her so much that she turned around to look at him, holding the eye contact that she was barely able to hold with anyone. “You...You? Gregory House? Are...Thanking...Me? For what? You never thanked me for anything I did to you, so why the change of heart? Did Wilson’s golden tongue melt your heart and mellowed you?” she taunted him to get him talking, but his expression didn’t seem as harsh or condescending as it usually did, instead, he seemed to be...Almost apologetic? As if he realised that his actions of being himself hurt the people he cares about. “Do you hate me?” Greg asked, which made the girl frown and blink in confusion. “You...Think that I gave up the best thing I’ve ever had, which is my job here, because...I hated you? I loved this place because you were here...And James and Lisa...But now that it’s all over...What are the odds of someone hiring all three of us at once, and...Lisa miraculously becoming the head of another hospital and...Yeah, I’ve got nothing, it’s all ruined. Guess I can finally get a vacation. Anything else you want to say before I fuck off completely out of your life, just as you wanted to?” it was clear that she was exhausted and just wanted to go home and be herself with no more veil of lies covering her. “You...You are too good for jerks like me, Katrina. You should hate me. I repeatedly ruined your happiness time and time again.” House muttered, looking down at the floor. “Right...I’m sorry for caring about you, I guess...If that’s what you want me to say. Stupid Katrina, huh? Always caring about others and forget about herself. Always so miserable and helpless, but nobody seems to notice. Stupid, lonely Katrina, who has no friends and no relatives to care for her...Who only want her alive to donate all her organs to her sick sister and she can just die for all anyone cares. Now, thanks for telling me that I should hate the only person I actually gave a damn about and trusted whole-heartedly. You made your point, as usual, you want me out of your life, I will do just that. Have a not-so-miserable life from now on...At least you.” she wiped her face from the tears, waving her hand for him to leave her alone already, as she looked at shelves again and hugged the fox tightly to her chest, burying her face in it. “The answer is yes.” was the only thing House said as he left her office, his head hung, and for the first time in ages, he felt his own heart aching at the sight of the girl crying.
While he did as he usually does, spending all his time saving his patient, she drank herself to sleep, day and night, listening to sad songs, singing them at the top of her lungs, hoping it would be therapeutical, but at some point, she forgot what it meant to be properly rational, and she touched the forbidden stash she was never supposed to use.
And in the end, at whatever god forsaken hour of the early morning, she called someone, and dearly hoped they would answer. She had no idea why she called this person...Maybe because he was the first person in the calling list, or maybe there was some other underlying reason that she didn’t want to accept.
Apparently, being drunk out of your wits out on the terrace of her penthouse, while singing at the top of her lungs some silly or depressing Romanian songs, as outside was freezing cold and snowing heavily...But she didn’t feel the cold, despite how light she was dressed...It wasn’t enough make her feel something again.
“Katrina? Do you know what time it is?” a gruff, sleepy voice asked on the other end of the line. “N-No, not really. I wasn’t even sure who I called. Sorry.”  she sighed, as she started to cry. “Are...You crying?” a rustle from the other side resembled House getting up rapidly from the bed. “I-I think so, y-yeah. I...I didn’t realise I was crying. I-I don’t even know why I called you.” she gasped, taking another shot of vodka mixed with chocolate bailey’s. “Are you drunk?!” House spoke in a higher voice, obviously shocked, putting on his coat. “You don’t even drink!...I’m coming over.” “N-No, y-you can’t! You can’t see me like this! And...And I have to know something very important from you! It’s VERY important! Life or death important!” she raised her voice into the phone, unkown to him, as she was fidgeting back and forth on the couch, which made House stop in his tracks just as he touched the door knob. “What is it?” he asked in a way so she would try to calm down. “D-Do you...Do you hate me?!” the desperation in her voice was something so foreign for him to experience, but something so usual for her. “What?! What’s that question, why in the world would I hate you?! Katrina, what did you do?!” he slammed the door shut, rushing towards his motorbike. “I NEED to know that! Just answer this simple question! Please, Greg, just answer!” her voice became more strained and desperate. “...Of course I don’t hate you. I couldn’t. Not you.” he sighed, getting up on his motorbike. “No matter what I did?” she started sobbing by now, which really worried the man. “Yes, of course, now hang in there, I’m gonna be there in a few minutes.” Greg put his phone on speaker, in his jacket, so he could still talk to her, as thankfully, their homes were pretty close to each other. “Greg...I-I’m...I’m afraid...I...I did something bad...Something very bad...” she turned around on the couch she was lying on, watching the sky as she shivered, snow falling on her, as she took another shot. “Katrina, I’m waiting at the elevator. What did you do?” House kept tapping his foot until that dreadfully slow elevator pinged, showing it got to the bottom floor, then got in, waiting to reach the pent house. “I...Took pills...” she muttered, clutching the box of pills. “How many?” he asked urgently. “I-I don’t know! I’m drunk, I’m hurting, I’m desperate, I’m lonely and I had a bottle of pills...One, two, three, four, five...And then it’s all blurry...But the bottle seems pretty empty...And I’m scared of an OD...” she explained over the phone, and then, she heard the front door slam close, and next thing she saw was a tall figure rushing in front of her, then he crashed on the couch on the terrace, and he pulled her to his chest, putting his jacket around her shoulders, his hands on her face, trying to warm her up. “You...Absolute...Idiot!” Greg scolded her, which only made her chuckle weakly. “I really am, aren’t I?” she said as more tears fell down her face. “You really don’t hate me, do you? Now that you know?” she clutched tightly to his Tshirt, as he could only sigh and hold her tightly. “No. I don’t hate you. I can’t...Now show me the pill bottle.” he told her, and suddenly, he felt her fall limp in his arms, just as she pointed to the empty, knocked down bottle of anti-drepressants. “What did you do...” Greg muttered in horror as he dragged her to the bathroom, getting her in the bathtub, completely dismissing his aching leg, as he used the shower tap to get warm water on her, while he made her vomit all the pills she downed, hoping she wouldn’t need to go to the hospital, and obviously, that nothing would happen to her.
For the whole night and morning, he didn’t move from there, only holding the girl, checking on her at regular intervals of time, making sure her vitals were still normal... Until she heard a string of incoherent mutters, begging him not to leave her alone and that she doesn’t want to to be away from him.
Oh, Kat, if only you knew what kind of effect you had on him...What kind of pain you were making him feel...The grief of being betrayed by Stacy, the one he thought was the love of his life, and then the painful leg...And now you, someone he cares so much for...
She deserves so much more...She is so much better than he is, House thought, and yet, the selfish part of him, the one that was quickly beginning to gain terrain against his sensible one, desperately wanted to cling onto her and have her be his lover together.
Funny how the ones who look to be the healthiest and happiest are in reality the best actors and nobody knows if there’s ever anything wrong with them.   Which only made her kindness and feelings towards him more genuine, he thought. She’s in constant pain, just like him, it was no wonder she could sympathise so well with, unlike everybody else...Or maybe she was just empathetic enough? More like Pathetic, she’d say, no doubt.
Time passed at an irrelevant pace, until she finally began to stir in her unconscious state, and finally, she fluttered her eyes open, making Gregory sigh in relief, and as soon as they made eye contact, her cheeks began to turn a hue pinker.
“Greg...? Why are you...? What happened...?” Kat muttered, clutching her head in pain. “You don’t remember anything from last night?” he asked, frowning in confusion. “...Sorry. I know I was pretty sad...And I was listening to music from my childhood at home...And I started drinking...And I remember the bottle of pills taunting me...And from then on, it’s all blank. Did I...Did I call you...?” she clinged on his shirt to get into a sitting position. “Yeah, something like that. Can you stand? You need to change into dry clothes before you catch the Rhino thing.” he joked, making the girl smile softly. “Oh no, not the Rhino thing!” she chuckled, and with a bit of help, she got up, and was able to change into proper, warm clothes. “I’m starving, wanna go eat something? I have some coupons for the Chinese restaurant just down the street.” she hooked her arm to his, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Sounds like a plan, let’s go. But before that, you must promise me never to do something like that again.” House looked at her with seriousness in his eyes. “Okay. I promise. I...I don’t know why I caved in like that. I always promised myself I’d never go that far...I fucked up once, but in a different way...And...I guess in my drunk state I didn’t realise that no matter how many pills I take, the pain won’t go away...Drunk people are really stupid, aren’t they” she chuckled awkwardly, lowering her head in guilt and shame as she used her chopsticks to get some noodles. “...People in pain do stupid things sometimes.” Greg muttered, letting silence take over them for a few minutes, before speaking again. “Happy late birthday, Katrina.” his words made her look at him with eye, confused eyes, before taking out her phone at looking at the date, realising she spent her whole birthday drinking. “I...Completely forgot...Guess now we’re even, huh?” Kat smirked, pointing her chopsticks at him in amusement.
Not much time later, House called Kat over to his office at evening, and everyone dear to her was there, celebrating that Lisa managed to get rid of Vogler once and for all...Of course, of the 100 million $ too, but that’s besides the point. They were back in business, the shock family, ready to save more lives again!
Everything went back to normal - Or well, the normality that was entrapped in their weirdness - But it was THEIR normality. A chaos of going back and forth, arguing, almost killing patients, and then, saving them miraculously.
However, nobody is safe from illness, and one day, during some diagnosis discussion, Kat was pacing back and forth, thinking and saying her ideas for the others to refute or agree to, only for her to abruptly stop in her tracks, her back facing everyone as she coughed.
“Haemoptysis.” she muttered, only for House to grimace. “Haemo-what now? Last time I checked, our patient didn’t cough nor spit blood.” but instead of answering, she coughed up a bit more, her hands covering her face. “Vertigo...” she spoke again, in a much fainter voice. “What the hell are you babbling about?” he hit his cane on the ground, only to see her taking a few steps forwards, albeit, a little wobbly. “I’m...Gonna...” and just as she uttered those words, her legs gave out, and she fell, the only reason for not hitting the ground being Greg’s Godly reflexes which ensured he caught her. “Damn it, not again...What are you three sitting around for? Get a crash cart and a nurse!” House scolded his interns, who rushed to do just that. “What did you do this time, Kat...” he shook his head in disdain as he brushed her gorgeous crimson hair out of her face.
She looked so peaceful now, unconscious, were it not for the blood on her chin and hands, but now, unlike last time, she didn’t look like some kind of undead who was ready to give up her life at any given moment out of sheer misery and self-hatred.
As soon as she was taken away from his arms, he refused to go look over her...He didn’t want to admit it, but he was afraid that, since he cared so much about her, he would become unreasonably subjective and he may completely screw up her diagnosis. Greg hoped with all his heart that it was nothing life-threatening, but blood in her lungs was no easy, nor simple thing.
Wilson visited her and held her hand, Cuddy visited her and kissed her forehead, even his subordinates went to check up on her because they wanted to...Even her cardiology colleagues went to see how she was doing...
But not him. Never him. Because if he did, he was screwed for life.
No matter how much he wanted to deny himself, however, he couldn’t help but find himself in her room, in the middle of the night, sitting on a chair besides her, holding her hand in both of his, kissing it and thinking of her diagnosis.
That is, until her hand suddenly started to shake, startling the doctor besides her, as she opened her eyes, panting for air.
“Hey, you okay?” House asked, squeezing her hand gingerly. “Urgh, yeah...Just had a nightmare...Followed by sleep paralysis. Again. Nothing new, here. Uhmm...It may sound as a bit of a deja-vu,  but what in the world happened?” she sighed, getting into a sitting position, looking at him. “You tell me. You coughed blood, got dizzy and fainted. Did you take anything? Felt bad or something?” he asked, making the girl scratch the back of her head awkwardly. “Nothing that I haven’t felt before, really. I have anxiety, I frequently experience restlessness, problems with breathing, arrhythmia, sometimes dizziness and stuff. It’s inconvenient, but you get used to it, so I didn’t took any pills, especially not after that scare a few days ago. Do you...Think it’s because of...My fuck up?” she looked worriedly at him, but he only looked down, thinking. “Not so fun being on the other end, huh?” House smirked before shaking his head. “I have no idea. We need to do some tests on you before we can confirm anything. But you’ll be fine, that much I can guarantee.” he promised, which made her smile sadly, leaning back on the pillow, squeezing his hand back. “Can you stay with me a bit longer? I, uhm...You know...Problems sleeping...When I’m with someone...I tend to sleep better...And a close to a full night. I-I don’t know why, but it’s always been like this.” she brought up the hem of the blanket to cover her face. “Then get a boyfriend and sleep with him. You’re young, smart and beautiful, there’s nothing stopping you from that.” Greg muttered in a low voice, almost self-deprecating. “Yeah, that’s easy. If men actually went out of their way to talk to me...And that hasn’t happened in 15 years, so, as you say, Mazel Tov. That, and I’m afraid of people.” she sighed, biting her lip in embarrassment. “Whaaaaaat? No boyfriend in 15 years? No action? I don’t believe you.” he took off the blanket from her face, only to see her blushing face. “You’re the only person that I never lied to. I’m great at lying and deceiving and all that...But yeah, I know, I’m pitiful, don’t have to remind me. Why do you think my life is mostly spent in the hospital. I’m not as lonely as I’d be at home.” she looked away, snatching her blanket back. “You don’t have to stay. It’s much more comfortable sleeping in a bed, especially with that leg of yours.” “Yeah, it would be. Now close your eyes and get some sleep.” and so, he didn’t budge from her side the whole night, and she didn’t wake up from nightmares or restlessness. 
Days went on, and she kept on getting tested, and House was beginning to get more and more angry at the fact that he wasn’t able to properly diagnose her faster, and he was becoming unbearable for everyone around him.
On the other hand, just as Lisa and James were visiting her, trying to keep her company, when the two people she never expected to see again burst into her room with wide grins on their faces...Which in turn, made Kat drop her phone on the ground from the shock.
“What the hell...?” the red haired girl’s bottom lip quivered in anger. “Kitty-Kat, darling, we missed you so much! You haven’t come home in 15 years!” the mum stepped forward, ready to throw her arms around the girl, but she was met with hostility as Kat dragged herself backwards in the bed, away from her, pure disgust glowing on her face. “Don’t you dare touch me! And don’t you even think about calling me that nickname! I don’t care if you’re my parents, you never gave a damn about me, so don’t pretend to do now that THE perfect daughter is terminally sick and needs a quick organ donation that would ultimately KILL the useless, unwanted, worthless daughter!” Kat sneered at them, untangling the respiratory oxygen tubes who got knotted in her sudden gesticulation. “Kat, are you alright...?” James walked next to her bed, trying to calm her down, only to get yelled at. “No, I’m not! Get them out of here before I get a restriction order!” she continued to glare at them. “Come one, Kitten, don’t be like that, we came all the way from Europe to see you, when you didn’t even give us a call! I don’t know why you hate us.” the dad gave an awkward smile, as if he was embarrassed by his problematic child. “You didn’t call once to tell me Happy Christmas, or...Or Happy Birthday...You didn’t congratulate me on finishing University or on...Literally anything. And now, you come to me only to make sure that I actually die so you could take away my organs and make sure your favourite daughter keeps on living...And you’re actually...You really...Have the guts to ask me WHY I hate you? I hate you because you never cared for me, that’s why!” she gripped the hand grasps of the bed, not realising that House also got in the room. “No need to be so selfish, darling, it’s just a few organs that you could live without! We managed to find a heart transplant, we just need a kidney and part of your liver!” the father tried to negotiate, only for her to grit her teeth. “You know what? I hope my sister dies the most painful death there is, and that you go off after her. We may be blood related, but I was never your daughter. And you know what? Just to make sure...You think you can get my organs? Here’s my response to that!” in a fit of rage, she ripped her oxygen tubes, which continued with violent coughing and some blood. “Why the hell do you even want me to treat you when all you do is get yourself in self-harming situations? First, you OD on anti-depressants while drunk, and now you’re cutting off your oxygen supply to prove your point that you have mummy and daddy issues and that you’d rather die than...Die? You’re just a selfish, immature girl with suicidal tendencies whenever things don’t go her way. You think I’m gonna lie to the transplant committee for someone like that? Because the answer is NO!” House limped in front of her, speaking with so much hatred that it made the girl cry and shake, crestfallen at the words she heard. “And you just had to go ahead and tell everyone that I’m fucked in the head. I wonder how much that is gonna up my chances of actually...Making friends and...A boyfriend...Y’know...Literally anyone who’d actually give a fuck about me. So...Yeah, thanks, you’re right, I’d rather die than being humiliated by the only person I ever actually had any genuine feelings for, because I’m sort of a sociopath with relationship traumas. So, if you could do me a favour, before I pass out, pick these two idiots and get yourself out of this place before I call security, okay? Thanks, bye.” and just like that, she started coughing up more blood, and fainted.
Seeing her being a reckless idiot drove House through the roof, and he realised that maybe, his dad wasn’t the only one to need a “Parent Of The Year” award, but even so, the fact that Katrina was so angry that she felt the need to be so overly dramatic to prove a point, and to have Cuddy kick them out of the hospital, sure was meant she was desperate, and for good reason. No wonder she never spoke about her family, or about anything about herself, unless it meant some nostalgic things about her country and other things that could come up as funny when told properly.
But why the hell does she have to make everything so much more complicated to him, especially now that he completely screwed up everything and she hates him.
How the hell did he manage to fuck up like that, just when he finally got ready to tell her how he feels...How he GENUINELY feels, without having to get full-sarcastic-jerk mode, and just telling her that he’s over Stacy completely and he’s ready to commit to her...And he just ends up basically telling her that he hates her, which is a complete lie.
Great job, Gregory House. The only thing you’re capable of doing is diagnosing and saving people, and sometimes, even that fails. Good thing she was okay, and with some anti-coagulant medicine, the clot that was causing her pulmonary embolism completely disappeared, and she was all ready to go.
Ever since that day, House didn’t visit her, her parents completely disappeared, and James and Lisa were completely pitiful, which only made the girl miserable. Thanking whatever deity existent that it was the last night being stuck in the hospital as the unfavoured party, so she went up on the roof, sitting on the little wall edge, looking up at the starts on the sky, putting the saddest song she ever knew to play on her MP3 player, which was “Daca ploaia s-ar opri” from Cargo, and as she softly sang the lyrics, the door opened and the sound of tapping cane was heard, 
“I have no idea what the words are, but he song seems pretty sad. What gives?” House limped towards her, which only made her groan and roll her eyes in annoyance. “Aaaand you had to ruin the most emotional song as well. Great, what is next on your long list of destroying? I have no dignity, no pride anymore...My health you can’t legally screw...And there’s nothing else on the table is there? I have no heart anyway. So why are you here?” she asked, not even bothering to look at him. “Would you believe me if I said I came here to apologise?” House asked, getting closer to her, then turning his head to look up at the stars as well. “After what you pulled in that room...No. I don’t believe you anymore. You’re a jerk. You’ve always been one, but not to me, and not enough to actually hurt me. Now you did. Congratulations. You lost a friend...Not that you’d care, anyway. You’ve proven me that enough. You can go now.” she sighed, hugging her knees to her chest. “Yeah, I know, I fucked up. I got scared when I saw you pull that stunt, I panicked and...That happened. And I’m sorry about that. I admit that much.” he said as he put his coat around her, hoping she wouldn’t die of cold or something. “Fantastic, the asshole knows how to apologise. Congratulations, you are amazing. Now, do you actually expect me to believe you, or what are you trying to accomplish?” Kat asked, giving him a sarcastic smile. “Before you got sick, I was...I was going to ask you out. But then you got sick, and in turn I got worried sick.” Greg began to explain, only to get cut off. “No, you’re lying or pitying me. You don’t like me. I’m not...I’m not Stacy, or...Or Lisa. I don’t challenge you with every turn you take, I’m not a jerk to you, I am...Practically nothing like the women that you have been interested with, so excuse me for not believing a word you say. I was sick, vulnerable and pitiful, you were miserable, you heard that I haven’t dated in 15 years, you thought I was desperate for love, but trust me, after what happened when I was 17...I don’t think I want anything like that again.” she tsked, looking away from him, laying her chin on her knees. “I know I’m a jerk, but does that really sound like something I would do?” his voice sounded almost hurt at the implication. “...No, it doesn’t. But I also don’t believe that you like me and you’re not saying that just because you heard my dying words...Allegedly. You’ve said your speech, now you can go, and we will continue our work as it always was, without having to see each other, so no more paging me when it’s convenient to you either. Goodbye.” she waved her hand to dismiss him, but he didn’t budge. “What will it take for you to believe me? I will give up my parking spot for you. I will play the guitar for you. I...Will convince Wilson to give me his stupid dog so you could visit him more often. I don’t know, you know I’m horrible with these things called emotions. But I want you to know that what I say its genuine...And apart from what I said today, I never lied to you. So, if you ever have it in your heart to believe me and give it a chance...I’ll be waiting. And...I’ll be here to listen to you talk about your pain as well.” he confessed, and as soon as he turned around to leave, she quickly extended her arm to grab his wrist. “You...Really...Mean it?” she muttered, not daring to look at him. “Because if you fuck up, I swear I’m going to do something completely unethical and against the Hippocratic oath. Primum non nocere, they say. First of all, don’t do harm. I’m completely fine with killing you, because, in case you don’t know, I’m a sociopathic, heartless foreigner with no morals or ethics.” she smirked at him in amusement. “There’s nothing wrong with a bit of Nocere, if you have the Vicodin for it. Fire-Kissed girls are said to kiss the best. If we test that theory and it’s true...Then I think we both know we’re gonna work pretty well. If you want to.” he looked at her, putting her hands of her face, looking at her tenderly. “I really hate that I was made broken from the making in factory to be completely unable of hating how big of a jerk you are. Why is it so...Endearing, when it comes from you, but completely repulsive when it comes from anyone else? I can’t tell, and it’s annoying, because I can read people to a T. On the other hand...There is another saying...Vixens always get what they want. Maybe I finally scored the big jackpot.” she chuckled, pulling him down in a soft kiss, the feeling of warmth and love lingering on, intoxicating them even after they parted. “Yeah. I was right. You’re like my own fix of Vicodin or Amphetamines, and I’m completely addicted to you.” he flashed her a charming, playful smile, before kissing her with even more fire and passion than before. “Careful, you don’t want to OD, do you? You’ll need a detox or rehab.” she laughed at him, putting her hands over his, kissing the inside of his wrist. “Oh, please, I’d OD on you ever day, as many times as you want, and I’d have no regrets. You know what they say...Tout le monde necessite La Petite Mort.” he retorted just as cheekily, which in turn, made her laugh merrily. “I can’t believe-! You just...You just said that-...! You’re an incredibly, annoyingly good flirter, especially because I told you those pick up lines before...But don’t forget about me.” she shook with laughter, winking at him mischievously. “Wilson’s ex-wives always praise him for being the best. I’ll prove him I’m better than him at everything. Especially this.” he chuckled, sitting next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his chest, kissing the top of her head. “You better not talk about...That...To Wilson...Or Lisa...Or anyone, for the matter, or I swear, that little death you’re talking about, will be more literal than metaphorical.” she threatened him, poking his sides. “Oh, no, I’m scared of a little fox biting my nose while I’m asleep. Whatever could I do?” he mockingly called for help, which, as usual, made her laugh. “Jerk.” she grinned, hugging him tightly, cuddling closer to his side. “Yeah. I’ve been called that a lot.”
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review (ch 90-91)
Since I discussed the first few pages of ch-90 that contains kyo & tohru in my previous preview, this one will only be kyoko’s story.
Kyoko’s story brilliantly explores the effects of unhealthy domestic environment on children without the use of the zodiac curse as a metaphor for abuse. My first-reaction of kyoko’s story is the following:
I really enjoyed how kyoko’s descend into darkness was explored & how the psychologically-informed writing of her behavior was depicted.
I was troubled by how Katsuya was presented as the magical solution to all her problems. Kyoko was saved by romantic love in a more basic writing than machi. Both girls just needed a guy to listen to them vent abt their family issues once & tada~ they’re in love.
Kyoko’s story made me realize that Arisa is just a more modern & healthier kyoko.. The only difference is that Kureno didn’t save Arisa. She herself changed gradually due to kyoko & tohru’s influence.
1) Kyoko’s descend into Darkness:
Kyokyo told kyo that she was already “out of control delinquent before she got to middle school”, “ fell into the wrong crowd”, “ enjoyed beating innocent ppl”. subtly citing the influence of “delinquent peers” & the innate desire be noticed at home. I’m bad, notice me! love me, listen to me!
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There are some elements in her story that faintly reminds me of yuki & strongly reminds me of kyo:
Kyoko’s parents gave her a treatment similar to “ yuki’s parents”: cold, neglect & devoid of love. Her dad, similar to kyo’s dad, felt ashamed & disgraced by her.
Kyoko similarly to kyo was angry, full of self-loath & self-destruction. However, kyo was never violent like she was. I believe kyo’d have turned like her if he didn’t have Kazuma to discipline him with love, care & attention. Hence, we saw kyo carry on a code of “ not beating girls, or ppl who aren’t hurting them, or don’t know martial arts”, like Arisa or the student council guy whop loves yuki.
Kyoko’s mom similarly of kyo’s mom talked abt the dad venting his anger on her after being pissed off with kyoko. So, a hint of domestic violence between husband & wife.
Kyoko described herself as “ made of shattered glass”. Tohru once said both kyo & yuki are very sensitive. yuki blocks the world behind the prince mask & kyo puts on the annoyed attitude to push ppl away from hurting him.
Society thinks that “delinquent/bad ppl” are always happy with what they’ve become. Satisfied with their destructive choices. When in most of the times... they’re as bewildered & confused as the community around them..
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I really don’t blame the teachers for being defensive. Teachers aren’t supposed to be “life-coaches” or “saviors of students”. That’s sth the educators with their research gush abt & what society demands & what families wish for. The fixer-teacher!!!! Teachers are ppl teaching a subject, doing a specific job, underpaid & overworked most of the times, also, they come from various backgrounds, beliefs, & sometimes even if they meant good & wanted to “ save” a student, they aren’t equipped with the suitable psychological training. Yeah, there are ppl for that in schools, but so many students with lots of issues. Also, let’s be real, we love kyoko cuz she’s the “epic mother of tohru, we grew on her teachings thro out 3 seasons” but if you meet a loud, delinquent, gangster head, violent chair throwing student who rarely comes anyway, would you wanna deal with them?
2- Katsuya “ the magical savior”:
so, why did teacher katsuya helped a screaming delinquent? cuz he IS interested in kyoko. He said so. He approached her, talked & tried to help cuz he intended to “never let her go since he saw her honesty” ~ romantic? maybe to some.. I find it weird & creepy. him eyeing her & getting interested & approaching her & earning her trust. It is true that he has no intention of hurting her or forcing her & he DID save her in more ways than one. But why is this all wrapped in romance. He DID flirt with her intentionally many times from the moment he saw her until then.
If Im being honest, had he not be her teacher (trainee or not), & had she not be very veeeeery young! I’d be enjoying his flirting so much. He’s so smooth, playful & cool (not looking head over heels in love) which is normally such a fun dynamics. She was so head over heels, tho. Finally found someone who noticed her tiny efforts “ drawing eyebrows”, someone who listened & someone who didn’t forced her to do her “duties”. She tells him (her teacher) that she is ditching classes & he’s okay with that~ not lecturing, not urging. why? cuz He only wants HER. she comes to see him in the lunch break everyday. school? classes? that’s her choice~ not his business~ In a way, Katsuya is intentionally made not morally correct. Why? cuz a good moral adult wouldn’t be in love with a middle schooler & would care for her future as an independent person from him. He must be written with intentional desire to NOT care for morals or right or the likes. Yes, he later helps her to study & graduate but ONLY when that is HER choice & she made it ONLY to catch up with him. To cleanse herself & be “ like the other girls” . Kyoko deemed katsuya “ good person” &  herself “ bad person”. That’s why she was motivated to be good to catch up with him since she can NO LONGER see him everyday in lunch break. He fixed that. How? teach her in the weekends & provide better chances to flirt since he’s no longer a teacher & she’s his student. The issue is not teacher-student love... it is adult-kid love!! but hey~ they’re cute (they’re written to be, so they are) so it’s cool ( it isn’t at all..eww).. oh the dilemma that is Takaya-san’s love for weird big age gaps where one is an underage teenager...
Furuba’s has this big theme of “ love doesn’t heal or save”. yuki took tohru’s love & grew up by himself. Kyo’s love for tohru didn’t save tohru, she was scared to be in love & forget her mom. Tohru made the decision to be free from her past, herself.  Tohru’s love to kyo made his trauma 10 times more complicated & he acted based on his love for her & decided to leave her. It wasnt until he decided to face his trauma, past & bio dad by himself, that he accepted tohru’s love. Only two characters were totally saved by love:
Machi: has the excuse of being solely created to be yuki’s reward for acknowledging platonic love for tohru & everything abt her is rushed & made as a lighter copy of all yuki’s issues to quickly create shared grounds for them to connect. Machi needed to vent her issues to yuki once & all her issues were never brought back to the service again. She was happier, calmer & healed.
I expected more for kyoko. She IS a bigger character than half of the zodiacs! but she just needed katsuya to listen to her & she was in love & her issues solved.
I don’t deny that it IS true that sometimes all we need is someone to listen to us. Tohru herself said so & even yuki said it to kyo. But Even if someone listen to us & we love them, the issues that troubled us dont magically disappear until we face them or do sth abt them aided by those who love us. Kyo’s issues remained even with his love until he faced them, tohru’s too!
had off-screen issues with expressing himself. He said that he loved kyoko cuz she was “honest abt her ugly feelings” while he pretended to “humor & please his dad”. He gave a wonderful speech to her parents abt the expectations of parents on their kids & the refusal of their “human weakness” again furuba’s main vision. Unfortunately, this was followed with confessing, marriage proposal & kissing her on the lips all while the whole issue is abt kids/ parents exceptions of middle schooler/ neglect & his own acknowledgement that she’s minor while he was “in love”.
Like the author wants to tie kyoko’s issues & katsuya’s issues so bad & present him as her ONLY chance for normal life. Kyoko was just repenting & understanding that her actions got consequences which is an epic moment! but romance triumphant & saved the day~ yay~! marriage!
The story would’ve been better romantically if it was given time for kyoko to “ grow up” just like katsuya himself said when they were at the beach. He said “ grow up, middle school is not the world”. He continued meeting her but never confessed & never crossed the line despite the flirting. But he KNEW what he was doing “ i never planned to let you go since I saw you”. He was cementing his place as the ONLY one in her world.
Had kyoko grew up, saw the real world, kept taps with katsuya, he helped her broaden her world, then they’ll marry without needing her dad to sign papers, then that would be a better love story than this.
Side Notes:
The writer didn’t shy away from confessing that pairing Katsuya & kyoko is problematic & stated it in canon (kyoko called katsuya “pedo”). She did the same with Arisa & kureno (Arisa thought the age gap is big & hana questioned if kureno is a married man). However, making the story acknowledge that as an issues doesn’t make it less uncomfortable, but at least, I respect when writers do what they plan to do regardless of fans. even if I dont agree with the writer. It’s way better than when writer becoming fans toy/ fans pleaser.
Still, couldn’t the author state that kyoko was held back few years in jmiddle school & failed & repeated school years? like make her i duno 17 or sth... this would at least lessen the big age gap... but no~~~ kyoko is what? 14? ... -_-’.
You bet this won’t change a bit in the upcoming anime spinoff abt kyoko. Just this year an anime abt an adult man & his high school love interest that he pursued stubbornly was highly popular & my real life friends were gushing abt “ him finally winning her/ being respectful & only kissing her lips once or sth/waiting for her to “catch up” with him”/ consent age differ in X & Y countries..I’m not dictating my beliefs on anybody or any country or saying my way of thinking is the just way. I’m saying, Personally, I think, there are better romantic stories than adults & kids couples.. The fact that this trope of (adults & kids romance) is still popular even today is sad~~
I dont mind HUGE age gaps as long as BOTH characters are adults. If any of them makes a crime, they’ll be held responsible by the law. & sometimes the younger adult is the one dominating the relationship. but “kids or teenagers” can’t. They’re easily groomed & manipulated, so it bothers me when a love story between an adult & a kid is portrayed as  “equal”. it isn’t.
I’m not judging whoever loves such trope in “ fiction”. it IS fiction, & as long as you don't pursue a real kid/teenager in real life, you can like whatever in fiction. moving on~
kyoko’s delinquent life is well-written & if done right, would send a powerful message of being able to start over. But the romantic love aspect will steal the spotlight by (a) directing uncomfortable hate/disgust towards the story & hence all the discussions will abt the “pedo” aspect. (which is fair). (b) Perceived as so lovable romance since katsuya is the prince who to saved the neglected princess which is a trope that has stood thro time garnering lots of support & attention always, so all the discussion would be abt their “cute romance”. (which is fair since the author weaved elements that endeared their romance, such as: cute nicknames “miss no-eyebrows”, him giving her space, home & respect, saving her from the streets & poverty & having the most endearing tohru”. So, yeah, the romance will be the center of attention regardless.
I like katsuya’s character type in fiction generally: the flirty, mischievous & a bit cool guy who is so aware he’s wrong most times & plays his cards smart to not get caught red-handed. He’s a cooler version of shigure. It’s just the blatant fact that he’s been planning to “get” a middle schooler from the first glance & that she is wayyyy young for this, that is bothering me so so much~~ T_T.
I wont expect the anime to change their age gap cuz it is the essence of their story that she’s a lost kid with no protection against the world & he’s the savior providing everything at once!~ Remember kyoko went on to be the savior of an entire clan tho tohru~ So in a way, katsuya saved the sohmas by saving kyoko....
“ i’m like a stray cat that he looked after instead of chasing away”. kyoko with katsuya is like kyo with kazuma! >_<!. When kyo met tohru, he wasn’t a stray cat, most of how he dealt with her was cuz he already knew her & was tormented by remembering kyoko’s death & feeling guilty towards tohru’s constant pain. That’s why when kyo started falling in love with tohru, he unconsciously stopped pushing her away little by little & just wanted to be with her until akito said “ i’ll hurt her” that’s when he totally gave up.
the way katsiya appeared in the right moment to save kyoko from her dad~ oh the drama. XD
Hospital Discharge & chase. like mom like daughter~ but thank God the kids got a more balanced love story.
Comparing kyoko/katsuya to Arisa/kureno in the broad writing of their romance without diving into details: (a) I hate the age gap in both but at least Arisa is older & nothing happened until she graduates & become an official adult. (b) Kyoko/katsuya are more fleshed out & if you forget the age gap,m their dynamic is so cute & endearing. (c) the love at first glance, never meeting afterwards yet still sickly in love to the extinct of screaming made Arisa/kureno shallower. (d) now that I saw teenage kyoko, Arisa is really just her clone! I hate that this steals from Arisa’s uniqueness. (e) both couples ate ramen in their first meeting/first unofficial date signalling their blooming love.
I’ve said this more than once, but I was the high-schooler that fancied adult independent men growing up, I never pursued anyone tho cuz I understood it was a crush even tho I’m pretty sure my “ *_*” face was clear to one or two, but I’m definitely lucky none of them tried to woo me or influence me. Now that I’m a grown woman, I think back & laugh at my self. I fancied them cuz they were independent & mature compared to the silly high school boys, which is what those men are supposed to be (adults) & what those boys are supposed to be (living their young age). lol. Still, I wish I found someone somehow to be my life’s partner since then, it would’ve made my life less lonely~ T_T.
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starkeysharky · 4 years
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Summary: Scott isn’t a fan of school dances, but he is a fan of having fun with his girlfriend.
Pairing: Scott Reed x Reader
Request: Hello and welcome back :) I'd frickin love sth with reader and cutie patootie Scott. I was thinking maybe some dance is coming up but he isn't interested in going, so she ends up going by herself but he realizes he should've asked her and ends up showing up with some fluff at the end. If Die for this boy xx
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 1,278
Ever since you saw what a prom was by watching Disney Channel as a kid, you’d always dreamed about going to prom. Being asked out to prom, going dress shopping, giving yourself a makeover, and dancing the night away with your prince charming with no worries in the world sounded pretty good to you. However, right now, all you had was a prince charming who just so happened to be against school dances —for whatever reason.
Scott Reed was hands down one of, if not the most, the nicest jocks. His fellow teammates had a big egos, and the bigger the popularity, the bigger that ego was. Scott was definitely up there in terms of the popularity chain, but he always put people before himself, and he actually had respect for everyone. It’s kind of how you started dating. The baseball players were definitely not afraid to cat call people —especially girls walking alone— but the day they did it to you, Scott was there to tell them to leave you alone. Your first conversation was actually him apologizing for his friends, but 2 months later you were dating.
Almost a year later, you were asking him about prom, when he straight up said that he didn’t like school dances. He saw them as an excuse for people to get drunk and be irresponsible, not something you got to have fun at and be stress-free for once in your high school career.
You were over at his house and the both of you were in his room. Scott was sitting up on his bed reading out of a textbook and you were sitting in a chair while facing him. “Scotty, please? It’s our last big event before we finally graduate.”
“I told you, I don’t like dances.”
“You don’t have to like them, I’ll be there with you.” You tried persuading, but Scott just shook his head, again. You were pretty bummed out, but after a month of him saying no, you gave up.
“Reed, you’re seriously not going? Prom is the best part of senior year, and you’re just gonna skip it?” One of the baseball players asked.
“I have a lot of homework.” He lied. None of the senior teachers were giving homework because of the fact that prom is coming up, except for a couple who wanted people to do like two questions. In reality, he was going to stay home, and probably binge watch some shows on Netflix.
“So you’re just gonna let Y/N go alone? You know everyone on this team has been going after her since before you started dating. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Scott watched his baseball friend leave, and for a few seconds, he started thinking. Then, he shook his head because he trusted you not to do anything that would harm your relationship.
Meanwhile, you were in the library, trying to do homework while all your friends went on and on about how they were romantically asked out to prom. You felt a tap on your shoulder and saw one of your friends sliding over a note. Inside it said, “Guys are dicks, so let’s go to prom together” with a smiley face and two boxes that each read “yes”.
“You don’t have to go with me out of pity, you know.”
“It’s not out of pity, I swear. Plus, I don’t think either one of us wants to third wheel with anyone.”
“Well in that case, do you have a pen?”
Your friend excitedly handed you her pink highlighter and quietly clapped as you filled in one of the boxes. “Does this mean we get matching dresses?”
“Definitely not, but we can go shopping after school. The dance is this Saturday and all I have are shoes and jewelry.”
× × ×
Prom finally rolled around and you stood in front of your mirror, admiring your makeup and hair, but especially your dress. The color not only complimented your skin tone, but the shape made your figure look amazing. Then, your mind drifted off to Scott and how he was choosing to stay home, forcing you to go with your best friend. You loved her, you really did, but ever since you were younger, you dreamed of going to prom with that prince charming. However, prince charming was in his room playing video games.
Like typical high school students, your entire group went to a park and had a photoshoot for about an hour before heading to the school. By the time you got to the school gym, the music was loud, and the energy was extremely high. And you’re pretty sure the same goes for about half of the students.
“StuCo did a good job this year.” One of your friends commented.
“Hell yeah they did. They finally figured out how to spread out the money.”
“How about we stop talking about school and head over to the photo booth because if we do it at the end of the night, I’m going to be a mess.” You suggested, wanting to have a good time, because that’s exactly what prom was about.
“Oh, ladies first!”
You and all your friends went over to the photo area, and because it was still early, they were only about two of the groups in line. Within about 10 minutes, you guys are all posing for a camera before moving on to the couple pictures, which took longer than I should’ve because the guys did not know how to act.
An hour into the dance, you almost forgot that Scott was staying home while you were having the time of your life. Keyword being almost. It was that time of the night where the DJ played slow music and told everyone to get with their partner. You didn’t want to go sit down for one song, but your friend had met a guy and was dancing with him, so you’re gonna have to. But you tried not to make it look like that as you went over to the drinks and snacks. You knew for a fact that the jocks had spiked the punch, so you opted for one of the closed drinks. It’s only been a couple of seconds, but it felt like the slow song playing was playing for over three minutes.
In the middle of you watching all your friends, and the rest of your school, slow dance with each other, you felt a tap on your shoulder. And when you turned around, you were met with a tux and when you looked slightly upwards, Scott’s blue eyes were staring down at you.
“What’s a girl like you sulking on the sidelines for?”
“My date ditched me and my boyfriend didn’t want to come.”
“Well, I hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind if the two of us dance before the song ends.” Scott said. He took your hand, leading you into the crowd before settling his hands on your waist while yours went to his shoulders. “You look amazing by the way.” He whispered.
“You clean up nicely. What happened to dances not being your thing?”
“They still are, but being with you just so happens to be my favorite thing.” Scott responded, a cheesy smile plastered across his face. “Sorry I didn’t give you the big grand gesture with asking you out in front of everyone.”
You shook your head, your fingers messing with the hair on the back of his head and the two of you swayed across the dance floor. “I didn’t want a big gesture, I just wanted you to come with me. And you’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
A/N: you don’t understand how happy I was that they brought Scott back for the final season 🥺 this took me a little longer than expected to write because I had a lot with college going on, but i hope you enjoyed!!
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thelucyaddams · 5 years
Part 3
previous parts: Part One, Part Two
Here comes part three. Hope you enjoy it.
MC x Kamilah
MC’s name: Lucy
Words: 1472
“Are you alright?”, Kamilah asked as she walked up to Lucy and stood beside her.
The stranger left her after saying his goodbye and talked to Dracula now.
“Yes, I’m great. He was really friendly.”, Lucy said.
“I haven’t seen him before. Did he tell you his name?”
“No actually… But he’s from…”
“Ahhhh, Kamilah, lovely to see you again after all this time.”, Vlad greeted the Egyptian and kissed her hand politely.
Lucy noticed how cautious he was with her and yet he couldn’t help himself but to touch her in some way.
The human smiled. Kamilah told her how she once broke his feet as he tried to kiss her.
“You haven’t changed I see.”, Kamilah said.
“Adrian, it’s also nice to see you again and don’t you look delicious.”, Vlad greeted the CEO and pulled him into a short hug.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”, Adrian returned the compliment politely.
“Nice to meet you both as well.”, Dracula said as Lily and Jax introduced themselves.
“You’re a little stiff. Maybe you should join me for a dance later and I help you to relax.”, Vlad said seductively to Jax who just looked at him blankly.
Then Dracula turned to Lucy and his eyes lit up as he looked at her body up and down.
“My my.. And who are you, gorgeous?”, he asked kissing the back of her hand.
“I’m Lucy, Adrian’s assistant.”
“You really found yourself a good one.”, Vlad told Adrian who just nodded politely.
“Excuse me I can’t help but to ask… Would you like to join me on a tour through my castle later around midnight?”, Dracula asked.
Lucy was a little surprised by the offer but then she thought about the Eye of Bathory which hang around his neck right in front of her.
This tour would be a good opportunity for her to steal it.
“I’d love to join you.”, she accepted his invitation.
Vlad smiled brightly and bowed before her.
“You won’t regret it. I make sure you’ll have a good time. Until then enjoy the ball. I’ll come back to you later.”, Dracula said and vanished to greet other vampires.
Lily was the first to speak up and she had a big grin on her face.
“Sooo… You’ll hold on to your plan now?”
“I guess… A private tour with Dracula is just the right chance I have.”
“There’s another way. I mean the tour is perfect but you don’t have to… Look I have sth that will help you to get the Eye.”, Kamilah said you pulled a little plant out of her dress.
Lucy took it irritated.
“What is it?”
“What?! Like the poison?!”, Lucy asked stunned.
“The very same.”, Kamilah said.
“Uhhh, fuck and kill huh?”, Lily said laughing.
Kamilah frowned at her before speaking up again.
“It wouldn’t kill him but if he ingests it you’ll have enough time to take the Eye of Bathory.”
“Whatever happens we’ll stay close in case you need us.”, Adrian said.
“Just say the word and Dracula loses his head.”, Jax added.
Lucy nodded.
“Thanks guys. Let’s mingle now and wait until it’s time.”, she said.
The others nod and spread out to enjoy the party a little. Kamilah was about to go when Lucy grabbed her arm.
She turned around to look at the human not hiding the question in her eyes.
“Would you like to dance a bit?” Lucy asked.
The expression in Kamilah’s eyes grew soft and a small smile appeared on her lips.
“Of course. I’d like that a lot.”, she accepted quietly.
The women smiled at each other for a second before they held each other and danced together.
Lysimachus drank his second beer as he watched Lucy dancing with that woman. Somehow he got a strange vibe from her.
He frowned and watched her with narrowed eyes.
For a second a got a glimpse of her face and his frown only grew. It was like he should know her.
His heart lept into his throat and he couldn’t even explain why. It was like she was… But that was impossible.. Gaius told him that…
Frustrated and angry with the emotions rising up inside of him he took a long swig of his cold beer.
It was over 2000 years ago when it all happened, when his life changed. And yet he was still so broken and lost inside as if it just happened days ago.
He lost his sister, his twin that day. The closest person he ever had in his life. His family. And now he started hallucinating again by seeing her in other people. His strong and perfect but caring Kamilah.
Lysimachus gritted his teeth and angrily wiped the tear away that managed a way down his cheek.
“It happened so long ago. Get a hold of yourself, Lys…”
“Lysimachus, my friend, I wanted to check in on you after I greeted all my friends and guests.”, Dracula said as he smiled his damn bright smile and took a glas of wine from the table that was standing behind the Egyptian.
Lysimachus almost immediately put on a smile and took another sip before turning his smile into a smirk.
“Missed me already?”, he said teasingly.
“You know I’ll never give up.”
Lysimachus rolled his eyes and tried to get a glimpse of Lucy and the woman but Vlad just blocked his view.
“I see you have an eye on that human. You know I invited her on a private tour through the castle.”, Vlad told the Egyptian.
He looked at Vlad with a curious expression in his eyes.
“She accepted. You could join us if you want.”, Dracula invited him.
Again Lysimachus rolled his eyes but smirked.
“Fine, I’ll go with you.”
“Perfect! We’ll go at midnight.”
Lysimachus waited by the staircase as Dracula walked over to get Lucy for their little tour. By now he had another new bottle of beer from which he took a swig as he watched the woman that danced with Lucy. 
He gulped and shook his head telling himself that he was becoming insane.
“Are you ready?”, Vlad asked them both.
“He’s coming with us?”, Lucy asked surprised.
Lysimachus narrowed his eyes a little and looked into her eyes. She was up to something. He could feel it.
“Yes, Vlad invited me. But if you don’t want me to come…”
“No no, it’s alright. I was just surprised.”, Lucy said.
Vlad smiled thinking this was about getting alone time with him.
“Come now, there’s so much to show you.”, Vlad said as he dragged them up the stairs and through the castle. 
“So Lucy, how do you like my party so far?”
“It’s great. I like it. Now let me see your castle.”, she answered.
Vlad chuckled and started to explain the different rooms and halls they passed. He talked about the armors and weapons and paintings that decorated the huge building and of course he talked about himself. 
Lysimachus stayed guiet so far just listening and watching his companions. Drinking his beer now and then.
Eventually they arrived in Draculas chambers and sat down a little. Lucy turned to the Egyptian and spoke up.
“So you’re from Egypt? Can you tell me your name?”, she asked.
Lysimachus smiled.
“It’s Lysimachus. I know it’s not very common these days. Outside the yampire world I go by Keph. It comes from Khepri one of the Egyptian gods. Thought it’s better.”, the ancient vampire answers and Lucy looks at him surprised and stunned.
She was even speechless for a moment as she thought about Kamilah and how she spoke of her twin brother. 
Lucy gulped and was thankful for Dracula to say something.
“I met Lys in Rome years ago. He really caught my eye on that night market but he likes to play being hard to get which saddens me very much.”
Lysimachus smirked.
“What should I say you only get what you earn.”
“My friend what could I possibly do to finally earn your heart.”, Vlad said.
Lysimachus laughed and looked at Lucy.
“Being Miss Lucy would be enough as well.”, he said with a wink and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his index finger.
Lucy’s heart was racing and now she could see it. She saw Kamilah in his face, in his features and expressions. The familarity she felt before when they danced… it was because he was Kamilah’s twin. The one that was supposed to be dead. 
Lucy tried to remain calm. She still had a mission but how was she supposed to stay focused when Kamilahs ‘dead’ brother sat right next to her?! She wanted to run back to her friends and tell Kamilah! 
She swallowed and didn’t know what to say. Will she fail now?
To be continued. Tell me if you want to be tagged :)
tags: @kamilahsayeed-owns-me , @vampireprincess1212 
Part 4
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dearhyungwonnie · 5 years
It’s 4 am and I’m still tossing and turning on my bed. Finding the right position to give me even just a minute of slumber. I already counted 514 sheep but sleep doesn’t come to me. I’m looking for a thousand ways to calm my thoughts but I couldn’t grasp any. I got my phone and reread the last conversation I had with Jooheon.
Joohoney: I don’t think this will ever work. I’m sorry
I stared blankly at my phone. Trying to process everything. Did he just dump me over a text? I can’t believe my eyes. The tears already dried up since I was crying for like 6 hours already. Is he drunk? Maybe he is. He’ll never do this to me.
My eyes grew heavy and sleep finally found its way on me when I suddenly heard a light knock on my door. I covered my head since I’m pretty sure I look like a mess.
“Hey sleepy head.” I heard Hyungwon’s happy foot steps as he came towards me. He’s in a good mood.
“Hey.” I answered back without removing the covers.
“Something’s wrong.” He declared. He didn’t even ask. He knows me too well and even if he doesn’t see me, I’m pretty sure he knows. He’s my best friend. I handed him my phone. I heard him cursed and he slowly enveloped me in a tight hug. He removed the blanket covering me and brushed the hair that’s all over my face. He stared at me, intently.
“Coffee?” he asked and I started bawling my eyes out again. I cried as he held me and he patted my back. We went into the kitchen and he prepared my breakfast. He’s clumsy but the effort made me smile. Minhyuk woke up and saw my puffy eyes and looked at Hyungwon and then me.
“They broke up.”
“What?!” asked Minhyuk
“Over a text.”
“Wait what? Are we talking about Jooheon? The Jooheon who can’t get his eyes off of y/n” Hyungwon nodded and proceeded to preparing my meal.
I pretended not to hear. I was already thinking of some sort of a wicked revenge that I can plan so Jooheon will suffer as well but I don’t think I can cause my heart somewhat agrees with him. I don’t think it will work between us. 3 weeks on the line and we are already bickering and blaming each other for petty things. But the boy is good and I’m crying because he is a really good catch. He’s like a baby sometimes but within the three weeks that we are together, I felt really special because that’s how he treats me.
This day is a day I dread the most. It’s time to face Jooheon after that one liner break up text that he sent me. I was not up to it. I was straight out declining Wonho for the invite but he insisted. He doesn’t know. I tried to pretend that I was sick but Wonho didn’t buy any of my excuses. So here I am, staring blankly in space and trying to calm myself before Jooheon comes.
“Hello.” I heard from my back. Everyone stood up and greeted the person that just came. He seated beside me and nudge my shoulders. He flashed me his dimple smile and looked at me straight in the eye. My stomach turned and butterflies danced inside. I still like him, I thought almost loudly and I covered my mouth with my hand because I was about to blurt it out.
I acknowledged him by nodding and smiling a little. Everyone was enjoying at their feet and here I am drinking my not so cold drink trying to process what had just happened. Hyungwon silently approached me and offered his hand.
“Let’s dance?” he asked shyly.
“No.” I said coldly.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine. Don’t mind me and just enjoy. I’m really enjoying here by myself. With my iced tea.” I grin, trying to reassure him. He gave up and made his way to the DJ booth.
“Why are you alone?” his familiar voice sent shivers on my back. He held my hand and squeezed it. I brushed him off and ignored him
“I’m sorry.” He uttered.
“Can we talk?” I gathered my courage to say this to him.
“Sure.” He said.
I saw Hyungwon and he asked me if I need back up through his eyes. I snorted a little and shook my head. “I can manage.” I mouthed.
We reached the park and I sat on the swing. Joo pushed me lightly before going on the swing next to me. I removed my shoes and played with the sand on my feet. After a long silence he finally said something.
Joo: I really am sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.
Y/N: Done what?
Joo: Breaking up over text. I should’ve said it in person.
I felt a pang in my heart.
Y/N: Why?
Joo: You are an amazing person Y/N but I don’t think it will work between us. Look around. I know you can’t see it now but try to look. You’ll find your way.
Y/N: I’m confused. Do you have somebody else?
Joo: What? NO! I’ll never do that to you.
Y/N: Did you even like me?
Joo: Of course! But I think it’s you who like someone else.
He uttered this as if he was whispering but I heard him clearly. I can see the disappointment in his eyes when I didn’t contradict him. He became silent so did I. I still don’t understand why we are breaking up but I held my hand in front of him.
“I don’t want to be awkward or anything but can we be friends?”
“Sure!” Joo said a little too enthusiastically. And I laughed at him. He pulled me towards him and gave me the tightest hug. He kissed my cheek and he apologized again. My face flushed at his sudden move but I laughed as well. As I turned around Joo held my arm and said “Let me just confirm something.” I looked at him confused as he inched his face towards mine. I was in an utter shock and couldn’t move but he just smiled and squeezed my cheek. “CONFIRMED.” He said. “WHAT?!” I asked. “Are you messing with me?” He shrugged and just laughed and guided me back at the bar. From a distance, I saw Hyungwon making his way back to the bar as well. I was looking for Hyungwon and Minhyuk but I only saw the latter. He was so wasted that I had to carry him to my car and this is what I hate about not being able to drink. I was always the one to carry them even if I was the girl. I can’t seem to find Hyungwon. I called him to no avail. I was waiting for him as I start the engine when I received a text.
“Hyungwon’s fine. You can go.” I received from an unknown number. I called the number and a girl answered.
“Well who is this?” I asked angrily. I was surprised at myself.
“This is Tina. And Hyungwon’s with me. He told me you can go home. He’ll be home tomorrow morning.” She said enthusiastically. My mouth dropped because Hyungwon never did this. Did he just?... I brushed the thought off my mind and I drove back to our place. I carried the almost limp body of Minhyuk and guided him to the door. I sat him on the porch and let the cool breeze envelope him. He was laughing.
“He’s really drunk.” I uttered shaking my head laughing. My mind went back to Hyungwon and Tina. What the hell are they doing? I collected my thoughts and opened the door. I dumped Min on his bed and removed his shoes. This guy is a handful. I don’t know what will happen to his girlfriend if he had any.
I finished preparing for a good long sleep when my phone buzzed.
HW: I see you made up with Jooheon?
Y/N: where are you?
HW: Somewhere. I’ll be back tom 😉
Y/N: Pls take care. Don’t do sth that u’ll regret
My eyes started to drift off and as I opened them it’s already 10am. I rushed to Hyungwon’s room but he was not still there. I’m starting to worry, a little too much for a best friend. I tried to calm myself and prepare our breakfast. I woke Min up so he can take his hangover soup.
“You the best,” he said as he pinched my nose.
“Where’s Hyungwon?” he asked.
“I dunno. He was with some girl. He didn’t go home yesterday.”
“Really?! I never knew Hyungwon’s a little sly.” He said laughing. His comment made me sick. I heard the door being opened and Hyungwon walked in. I tried to be less angry but I couldn’t hide it. I ignored him as he made his way towards his room.
“Maybe he’s tired.” Min said wriggling his eyebrows. “Tired of what?” I asked annoyed. He laughed at my innocence. “Y/N you really need to go out and discover the world.” He said. Hyungwon didn’t go out of his room until dinner time.
“You hungry?” I asked him coldly.
“Yes.” He answered.
“Eat” I said as I gave him a plate. I was too immersed at my annoyance with him that I almost threw the chopsticks at him. He looked at me bewildered.
“You okay?” he asked but I ignored him as I made my way to the living room. What is even wrong with me? He went out with some girl last night and that does not concern me. He can do that. What is this anger that I feel?
Hyungwon and I weren’t in good terms since that day at the bar. He didn’t talk to me and I didn’t as well. I wasn’t sure what was happening but I will not be the first one to ask him.
I was sitting alone hearing everybody’s stories when Jooheon approached me.
“Where’s Hyungwon?” he asked.
I pointed towards Tina who is happily chatting with Hyungwon a little too close.
“I see you haven’t sorted it out?” Jooheon asked.
“What?” I asked bewildered.
“Well all of us know except you two.” Minhyuk chirped from the distance and approached us.
“Is that why?” he asked Jooheon and he gave Minhyuk a slight nod.
“Do you still like her?” Minhyuk asked Joo. I punched Min’s arms because I was getting uncomfortable. Min laughed and Joo chimed in.
“Let’s go.” Joo said pulling me and made his way towards the exit.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Trust me. I need to do this for you.” He said.
He cornered me in some dark alley and stared at me intently. He was staring at me a little too long that I was getting uncomfortable.
“What is this about Joo? This is not like you.” I sniffed him. “You’re not even drunk” I said a little afraid because we’re in the dark. I was about to shove him off when a hand was suddenly on his shoulders. He smirked and he whispered “Finally.” A punch landed on Jooheon’s face, once then twice. Oddly, Joo’s not fighting back. As soon as I saw the blood dripping out of Joo’s nose, I stood between them. Hyungwon almost punched me and he immediately retreated when he saw my ghostly blank face.
“What are you doing? Are you insane?” I shouted at Hyungwon. He stared at me apologetically. And he made a bee line towards the bar. Joo told me to follow him and I did after I checked on him. Jooheon was laughing.
“You know, this is the right time.”
“I’m confused Joo. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’ll be able to if you follow him” he said.
I caught Hyungwon’s arms and squeezed it hard.
“Let’s talk.” I pleaded. He wasn’t moving an inch so I dragged him to the park.
“Sit down.” I told him. He complied. He was silent.
“What’s happening Hyungwon?” I don’t understand any of these. All I know is you stopped talking to me. And what was that back there?” I cried almost instantly. I was angrily wiping my tears when Hyungwon stood up and kneeled in front of me. He gently wiped my tears and looked at me with worry.
“I’m sorry. I was blinded by anger. I thought he was doing something that you didn’t like. I guess I was wrong” He uttered nonchalantly.
“Well, for one, I don’t understand what Jooheon did but you don’t have the right to do that. It didn’t even concern you.” I blurted out but I regretted it as soon as I saw the hurt on his face. He was silent and angry, I guess?
“So, Tina?” I asked.
“What about her?” he chirped.
“Are you going out with her?”
“What? No!”
“that night at the bar, when you didn’t come home…” my voice trailed off. I didn’t want to hear his answer. “You know what, never mind. I don’t wanna hear about it.” I said. He smiled at me accusingly. “You are jealous. Is that why you didn’t talk to me?” He said confidently.
“What? Never!” he was laughing hysterically now.
“I wasn’t with her that night. I asked her a favor and told her to text you. I just did that because I saw you and Jooheon made up. I thought you were back together. I was so jealous that…” he stopped as he realized what he said. I blushed and looked away. He was jealous?
A long silence followed that confession. We were looking anywhere but each other. And then he confidently held my face in his palm and brushed my hair backwards with his other. He stroke my face with his thumb and it reached my lips. I noticed that he was staring at my lips and I unknowingly covered them with my hands. He laughed and removed them from my face. He put his lips on mine. His lips were so soft and they taste like mint. He parted his lips and playfully bit mine. I punched his shoulders and he let out a loud cry. We were laughing and crying and that was the moment when I found the answers to all the questions I had in mind. The question that all of my friends know the answer to. I am in love with my best friend.
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americaswritings · 6 years
Cinderella | Part 17
Prompt: Fairy tale AU
Summary: When your father marries another woman, she brings not only two evil stepsisters into the house, but turns you into a maid. Working hard day for day your only hope is the princes ball, where he will pick his future wife. But will you be able to flee from the claws of your family?
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: nothing I can think of rn
Pairing: Steve x reader
A/N: This is for @ruckystarnes writing challenge.
I am tagging more people than I get notes for the chapters. I won’t delete the tags or sth, but please keep in mind that it is more work for me to tag you and if you aren’t interested in the story anymore please tell me so I can delete the tag. Thanks!
To the people leaving me feedback: I love you guys! Honestly, it means so much that you are still following this story and always take the time to comment :) It means a lot to me!
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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You started to kick against the wood again when you heared footsteps coming closer.
They got louder and louder, until they came to a hold right before the door. You didn’t know who to expect, so you crawled to the back of the room.
With a loud squeak the door slowly opened. Dazzled by the daylight you closed your eyes and blinked a few times.
“Oh my god”, you heared a familiar voice whisper and you opened your eyes, spotting your best friend in front of you.
The light was surrounding her and in this moment, she looked like an angel, here to save you.
You cried out in relief, but Wanda semmed to believe that it was from pain, so she immediately began opening the chains.
First she freeded your legs, then your hands and finally removed the wet cloth from your mouth.
It felt like heaven to be able to breath the fresh air again, feeling it fill up your lungs.
The pressure of the chains had left red marks on your ankles and wrists, but in this moment all you cared about was that you were free and Wandas was here for you.
She still starred at you with wide eyes, but you pulled her into a bone-crashing hug.
Carefully she wrapped her arms around your shoulders and it took all your effort  not to break into tears.
“I am so happy that you’re here”, you mumbled and you could hear her chuckling.
You let go of her and she helped you get out of the dovecote.
“And I am so glad we found you”, Wanda stated and gazed your body up and down searching for any severe injuries..
In this moment Pietro appeared from the other side of the garden. He gave you a relieved smile and you reciprocated it.
“And what about my stepmother?”, you questioned, but Wanda already guided you back to the house, her arm on your shoulder so she could push you forward.
“That’s a long story! First we have to get you in shape so you can go to the ball.”
"The ball?”
Your heart fluttered in excitement and you couldn’t hide your big smile.
You would see Steve again.
Natasha and Clint were guiding the family to the guest rooms. They had asked a maid, if she could show them a free room for the them and she immediately led them through the castle to the bedrooms.
“I have never seen you here before”, she suddenly asked Clint and Natasha, while the guests were chatting behind them.
“Yeah, we’re new here”, Clint tried to come up with an excuse, but the maid frowned even deeper.
“In what position do you work?”
Natasha felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest, but she couldn’t think of a good answer.
“He’s a-” But she couldn’t complete her answer when a loud alarm was heared and a group of guards stormed through the big hall next to them.
Clint and Natasha instantly sped up their pace, which didn’t go unnoticed by the maid. 
“Here! They are here!”, she yelled into the guards direction and they promptly turned towards them.
“Damnit, come on!”, Clint urged and grabbed Natasha by the hand, leaving the confused family behind.
But they didn’t make it far when another group of guards showed up, blocking their way.
They surrounded them, pointing their swords at the young couple.
“Hereby we arrest you for the crime of attacking the palace guards and infiiltrating the palace”, one of the guards spoke up.
Clint squeezed Natashas hand even tighter and (y/n)’s stepmother started to scream hysterically.
A sudden voice made them look up. The prince himself made his way over to the scene, eyeing the group suspiciously.
“I think I know you”, he mumbled in confusion, alternating between mustering the redhead and the older woman behind her.
Then he gave the guards a sign to lower their weapons and stepped closer to the group.
“I need to talk to these two for a seond. Bring the others to one of the guest rooms”, he ordered and Natasha and Clint exchanged a surprised glance.
“Are you sure about this, sir?”, one of the guards in a seemingly high position asked and the prince nodded confidently.
“You look stunning”, Wanda announced when you walked out of the dressing room. It had been torture to put on the dress, because your body was still hurting from the lack of sleep and the bent posture you had to sit in during your capture in the dovecote.
The golden dress looked indeed marvelous and fit your body perfectly. Wanda had even brought a pair of new shoes, since she knew that you had lost one of yours at the last ball.
They were simple and weren’t too high, so you could easily walk in them.
Your skin still smelled from the bath you had taken, which had washed off all the dirt, but had also showed you how the chains had left dark bruises on your body.
Luckily the bruise on your face had faded, so you could easily cover it up with a little make up.
The ones on your ankles were covered up by the dress, but it had taken a lot of effort to hide the red marks on your wrists.
You gave Wanda a smile and turned to the mirror to see, if she was right or if she was just exaggerating.
But she wasn’t. 
After the days you had been covered in dirt and sweat, you had never dreamed of looking this astonishing.
Your hair was falling down your shoulders in soft curls, which framed your face perfectly.
“Let’s go”, Wanda announced, who had changed herself.
She was wearing an elegant red dress now, while her brother was wearing a rather simple suit.
He hadn’t planned on going to the ball at first, but Wanda had convinced him that she didn’t want to let you go alone and that they could need any help they could get.
She was currently adjusting his jacket, while making fun of thim. Both of them laughed and you couldn’t help but wonder how amazing it would be to have sibilings, who you shared a great bond with. 
Not like you and your stepsisters did.
The prince waited for everyone except two guards to leave the room. He hadn’t wanted them there, because he didn’t thought the pair in front of him was a threat, but the king had insisted on it.
“Sit down, please.” Steve pointed towards a few chairs next to a small table.
The two followed his command and he sat down himself as well.
“I don’t think you are here to attack the palace nor help the girls get a better chance in this”, he stated, calmly observing his guests.
“Then what do you think?”, Clint questioned, his hand reaching for Natashas under the table.
“I think you know (y/n).” 
Uncertainty was suddenly visible in his voice and he cleared his throat. 
“You do, right?”, he repeated and Natasha nodded. “Yes, we do know her. How do you know?”
“I saw you two talking at the ball. And I recognized her mother from the market”, he explained. 
“Stepmother”, Natasha corrected him and he nodded in understanding. 
“This makes sense”, he mumbled more to himself than the others, but quickly gained his posture again.
“What happened to her? Is she alright?”
Although Steve tried to sound casually his voice gave away his concern.
“Honestly, we don’t know”, Natasha replied and tried to cover up her own worry.
“We made a plan to get her out of the house. Our part was to distract her family, which required taking them here. We had to convince them that you wanted to meet them before the ball started or else they wouldn’t have believed us.”
Steve nodded along, but seemed deep in thought. “And the other part of your group will take her away from there?”, he questioned and they nodded.
“They are supposed to take her to the last ball so she can meet you again and explain everything”, Natasha told him and a smile filled his face.
“Sir? The family want to talk to you, They say it’s important”, an attendant suddenly appeared. 
Steve sighed, his smile dropping. “Can’t it wait?”, he tried to brush it off, but the man shook his head. “It’s urgent”, he reported and Steve nodded.
“You’re free to go”, he told Natasha and Clint before leaving the room to go back to his duty.
“He is so in love with her”, Natasha laughed once the door had closed.
Permanent Tags: @capkilljoy @white-chocolate-mocha-fan@justanotherfangirl272 @theshortegg @not-reptilian @breezy1415
Marvel Tags: @iamwarrenspeace @embrace-themagic
Steve Tags: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Cinderella Tags:
@farfromjustordinary @sydthekid1518 @100kindsofblake @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics @its-forevermore@lobathenerd@lostxsea@aquietkerfuffle@frackinawesomeninja @startled-seastar @metal-armed-dino@farfromjustordinary @snuggleducky @quinn-n-quill@wildestdreamsrps@loputresa @koizorahana@radtwinkie@tchallahollabookgirlunicorn @thekeyfortherainbow@orangesherbert06@hip-peter @hannah-stilinski @hereiamhereigo @hell-kt @themadragedydoctor @frozen540 @sofipateysilentwhispofhope @drunkinthemiddleoftheday
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Prince Charming. || George Weasley x reader.
Title: Prince Charming.
Pairings: George Weasley x reader
Wordcount: 2.8k.
Warnings: Fluff.
a story with george weasley! from the prompt list: 1 , 2 , 6 , 9 , 33! You can use (y/n)!! (Y/n) is a hufflepuff but is in the same year as george! She has feelings for george but doesn't want show them. So one day she has to help george at sth for school so they would study together and george would start to flirt with her! @dontwearitoutt
Authors Note:
Thank you for your request! It really enjoyed writing it, so thank you for giving me this chance. I hope that the story is in line with what you wanted and that you’ll enjoy reading it! I must say I made it very very long, hope you don’t mind that. But okay, I’m gonna stop talking and let you read. So take a seat my dear and let the magic happen! Lots of love! X
Summary: Reader is in love with George Weasley but doesn’t dare to admit it. When she helps George with his homework he starts to flirt with her. 
1. Excuse me, but who are you?
2. I told you I would make your dreams come true.
6. Can you just be quiet for a moment?!
9. Can I have one kiss?
33. Teach me how to do it.
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“Okay, okay. Would you rather go swimming with Draco Malfoy or have detention with George Weasley?” your best friend asked. You rolled your eyes. “You already know the answer..” you said and giggled a bit.
“Yes I do, but I want to hear you say it again!” she said with a grin.
You sighed and said: “I would rather have detention with George..”
“I knew it!” she said and clapped in her hands.
“So when are you going to move?” she asked.
“Uh never?!” you replied immediately.
“I’m never gonna make a move. I don’t even know how to make a move. I’m a total loser if it becomes to boyfriends and relationships?!”
“And you think that George is a master in relationships?”
“Well.. He has a lot of girlfriends! Every girl likes him! Besides he knows how to kiss properly.”
Your friend started to laugh. It was no surprise you could tell her in order who had been dating your crush. Sadly enough you knew he would never lay eyes on you. You’re a Hufflepuff and you had just a few classes with Gryffindor. You’ve tried a several times to catch George his attention, but you’re too subtle. Every time when you crossed him in the hallway, you smiled to him. But he was too busy with his pranks to even notice. You’ve never been pranked and most of the people would call you crazy, but you’re waiting for the moment to get pranked by George. Just to have a bit of his attention. But then again … it would never happen.
“You’re dreaming again” your friend said and clapped in her hands to get your attention back.
“I’m sorry!” you mumbled.
“You’re hopelessly waiting to get kissed by George, also known as your Prince Charming! Girl, something needs to happen here!”
The next day you and your friend walked to the hot-houses. You were always excited for the lessons Herbology, because you had these lessons with Gryffindor. That meant that you would see George again ! The lessons started and it was difficult for you to concentrate because from the place you’re sitting, you could see George very good!
Professor Sprout had given you a lot of homework. After dinner you and your friend went to the library to do your homework. When you both entered the library you saw someone sitting on the place where you usually sit. George.
Your cheeks turned red and you wanted to ran away. But then you realized that George wouldn’t even notice you. So you tried to find another table to sit at. You and your friend took a seat on another table and from the place you were sitting, you could watch George working on his homework. George looked up and your eyes crossed each other. You smiled carefully and looked back to your books. George smiled back and worked further on his work.
After a few minutes you heard George sigh, he pushed his book away and threw his hands in the air. He looked around and sighed again. You looked up and saw how he took his book back and tried to work again.
“Ask if he needs help..” your friend whispered to you.
“No?!” you said and tried to work again.
“Y/N, this is your chance! I can see he’s doing the same thing as you. He’s working on Spout’s homework. Come on girl!” she said and pushed you.
You stood up and walked over to George, very subtle you tried to see what he was doing. Your friend was right, he was also working on the homework of Professor Sprout. You stood behind him and give your friend a hopeless look. She made a gesture to you, to say that you had to hurry up a bit. You took a deep breath and tapped carefully on George his shoulder. He looked up and gave you a smile that made your knees weak. You coughed and started to speak:
“I see you’re working on the homework of Professor Sprout. Do you need any help?” You we’re dying inside, worried about how he would react. But you remained calm.
He blinked a few times and said: “Well.. there’s one thing that I don’t quite understand..”. He showed you his papers. “I don’t know where I can find this information..” he explained.
You took his papers and started to read. While you’re reading you walked to a bookshelf and took a few books. George followed you with his eyes and waited until you came back.
“This books will give you more information!” you said.
You helped him finding the right pages and started to explain some other things when George interrupted you.
“Excuse me, but who are you?” he asked. His reaction made you a bit sad, but you didn’t show it.
“I’m Y/N. We have Herbology together”, you said and smiled. You stared at each other for a moment. It came a bit awkward, so you broke the silence by saying: “Think you can manage it on your own now!” George thanked you and went further with working on his homework. You went back to your table.
“And how did it goes?” your friend asked.
“I just helped him with the books, that’s all!”
Your friend rolled her eyes and sighed.
After a while you saw someone sit in front of you. You looked up and saw George.
“Hi!” he said with a smile.
“Hi?” you said back and started to write again.
Your friend smiled and knew that it was better to leave. So she took her stuff and said: “I’m done with my work Y/N. I guess I’ll see you later?”
You came a bit nervous and looked at her. “Well..” you mumbled.
“Good, see ya!” she said and left.
 You looked to George and smiled. He smiled back.
“Is there something I can do for you?” you asked.
“Why did you help me?” he asked.
“Well.. because.. well …” you stuttered. George grinned.
“Because you were sighing all the time. It irritated me a bit”, you said. George blinked a few times.
“Oh really, so you think I’m annoying?”
“I didn’t say that?”
“Yes you did my love”,
You rolled your eyes and tried to work again. But you couldn’t, you repeated his last sentence over and over again in your head.
“You’re the first lady that thinks I’m annoying”, he kept on talking. “That really hurts you know!”
“Well sorry that I hurt your feelings then”, you said while writing.
“Y/N what I can do to prove you that I’m not that annoying?” he asked.
“Oh but you don’t need me to prove that! It���s okay”, you said.
It was quiet for a few seconds. But then George started to talk again.
“Do you know you have nice fingers?”
“You have nice fingers”, he said and took your hand.
“Long, small fingers”, he said and played with your fingers.
At first you didn’t know what to say, but then you realized people could see that George held your hand. You took your hand carefully back and tried to focus again on your homework.
“Your hair is also pretty! I like girls with Y/H/C hair”, he said.
“George, can you just be quiet for a moment?!” you asked. You enjoyed having his attention, but you wouldn’t make it too obvious for him. Besides you really wanted to finish your homework!
“Okay I’m sorry!” he said.
 “Do you have a lot to do?” he asked a few minutes later.
“I’m almost finished” you mumbled.
 You closed your books and looked at George who was still waiting for you. “I’m finished” you said and started to pack your things. When you got everything you stood up and walked away.
“Oi Y/N! Wait!” you heard George yell after you.
“SSSSSSHT!” you heard madame Pince say.
“Sorry!” you mouthed to her. George took his books and followed you outside.
“What do you want in return for your help?” he asked.
“Nothing!” you said and walked to your common room.
“Oh come on love! Just ask. What do you want? I can make all your dreams come true!” he said and followed you.
You started to giggle. “Yeah right!”
“It’s true! What do you want?”
You stopped walking and looked to George. “What I want?” you asked and he nodded his head. “You can’t give me what I want” you said and smiled weakly.
“Oh yes I do!”
“No you can’t George. Good night!” you said and went to your room.
“What? Tell me again!” your best friend said – it was more like shouting.
You sighed and told her everything about your conversation with George.
“Y/N, you’re so stupid! You had to ask him for a kiss!”
“Are you crazy?!”
“Of course not. He said he would give you everything what you wanted. You want a kiss from him, sooooo..”
“You’re so annoying sometimes..”
A week later you and your best friend walked back to the hot-houses. George saw you entering and waved at you. Your friend nudged subtle. You gave George a little smile and took a seat next to your friend.
“Well.. guess he knows really well who you are!” your friend said.
“Shut up, I’m so nervous!” you whispered.
After the lessons you and your friend walked over the field back to the castle. George came walking next to you.
“Hi!” he said to you and your friend.
“Hi!” said your friend immediately.
“Would you mind it to give Y/N and me a little talk?” he asked your friend and winked at her.
Your friend shook her head and walked away. You looked at George. “What’s wrong? Having trouble again  with your homework?”
George smiled. “A little bit..” he said. “Can we meet each other again in the library? Same table, same chair, same time?” he asked.
“Oh.. well yeah, of course.. I guess” you stuttered.
He smiled and stroked gently your cheek.
“See you tonight my love!”
“I think we’re done with this homework” you said and yawned.
“You’re so cute” George said.
You blinked and looked at him. “Well.. thanks? I guess..” you mumbled and stood up.
“Leaving already?” he asked.
“Well, it’s a bit late and we’re done with your homework so..”
“So.. let’s have some quality time!”
He made a gesture to you to sit again.
“Okay. I sit, what now?” you asked and crossed your arms.
“When was the last time you did something crazy?”
“Something crazy? What do you mean with something crazy?”
“Drink a beer on a school day or dance naked in the snow .. “
“Have you ever danced naked in the snow?”
“Of course I did, you should do it too. That’s real fun!”
It was silent for a while.
“So when was the last time you did something crazy?” he asked again.
“I never do something crazy..” you said.
“What?” he asked.
“No, I just live my life in a very uncrazy way. I just do my homework, go to my bed on the right time, eat healthy. And in the meantime I’m waiting for my prince charming to come and give me my first kiss!” you said. “I’m totally fine with that by the way! I mean waiting for my prince charming to come.. so.”
“Seriously? You believe in a prince charming?”
“Yes? What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing” he said and grinned. “So you’ve never been kissed?”
“So you’ve never kissed someone first?”
“No, no one asked me to do that so..?”
“And that’s like some of your dreams right? To be kissed by your prince charming?” he asked.
“Well.. yes!” you said confident.
“Okay..” he said.
You felt a bit stupid about that confession, so you stood up again.
“Guess it’s better that I leave..” You left the library and knew that George followed you.
“Y/N ! Wait!” he said and took your hand.
“I’m not letting you go now! Not now that I know all of this. I’m gonna let you do something crazy tonight!” he said.
“I’m not gonna dance naked..” you warned him.
George laughed. “We can do that later! Come with me!” he said, took your hand and ran to the clock tower.
“What are we doing here?” you asked.
“Don’t you like it here?”
“Yes, but what are we doing here?”
He looked at you and his eyes sparkled.
“Yes, George?”
“You would do everything for me don’t you?”
“What? No, of course not!” you said.
“But you helped me with my homework and with my studying?”
“Yes, but that’s.. that! I mean if you would ask me to dance naked I wouldn’t do that?!”
“Are there other things that you wouldn’t do even if I asked it?”
You thought about that for a while. “I can’t think about anything else..”
“So I can ask you anything?”
“I guess so?”
“Okay.. Can I have one kiss?”
Your cheeks turned red. “A kiss?” you asked confused.
“Yes, a kiss”,
You stared at him, not knowing what he just had asked.
“Where?” you whispered.
George started to laugh.
“Where do normal people give each other a kiss?”
“On the cheeks?” you said. He started to laugh louder.
“What?” you asked a bit irritated. “Look if you brought me up here to laugh with me, then I’m leaving!” you said harsh. You turned around and wanted to leave when George pulled you against him.
“Okay I’m sorry Y/N! But give me one kiss, on the lips!”
“Just for fun!”
“What’s so funny about being kissed by a stranger?”
“That’s what I meant with something crazy! You don’t know me, I don’t know you. So let’s kiss”,
“I can’t kiss!”
“Yes you can!”
“No I can’t!”
“Fine I’ll find someone else to kiss me then”, he said and let you go. George walked to the stairs and was about to leave when you heard your friend her words in your head: “So when are you going to move?” – “You’re hopelessly waiting to get kissed by George, also known as your Prince Charming!”
You sighed, this was your only chance. Tonight you could be kissed by your Prince Charming.. You gathered all your courage and said really confident:
“Teach me how to do it”,
George turned his head and smirked.
“Teach me how I have to kiss someone properly”,
George came closer and stroked your cheek. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you closer. Your eyes we’re locked and when you saw George leaning in, you decided to close your eyes.
“This is how you kiss..” he whispered and kissed you on the lips.
A tickly feeling grew in your stomach. You felt how your knees became weak and for a moment you thought you would faint. Kissing George was better than your imagination.
Suddenly you felt how his tongue asked for entrance. You opened your mouth and let him in. George took your arms and wrapped them around his neck.
Suddenly George stopped kissing you. He looked at you and smiled.
“What?” you asked.
“Not bad for someone who’d never kissed before,” he said with a grin and gave you another kiss on the lips.
Your cheeks turned red.
“I spoke with your friend a few days ago..” Your eyes got bigger. “What did she tell you?”
“Nothing special. She just told me something about your Prince Charming..”
“What..? But..? Liar!” you said with a smile. “I just told you today something about my Prince Charming.. It’s not possible that you had that conversation with her? You didn’t even know about my Prince – Charming – dream … ”
“Oh yes it can. Remember that I asked you what I could give you in return for you help?”
“Well.. I asked your friend what I could do to thank you. Guess that your friend has more guts to tell me the truth than you …”
“This is so embarrassing..” you said and tried to hide your face.
“No not at all! Because right now it’s crystal clear that we want the same”,
“What do you mean?”
“Tell me your dream. What do you really want, what do you really wish?”
“Find my prince charming who gives me my first kiss..” you said carefully.
“Now.. who is your Prince charming?” he asked.
You looked to the ground, not daring to look him in the eyes and whispered: “You.”
George smiled and lifted your chin up.
“I told you I would make your dreams come true.. And you’re doing the same for me my princess..” he said and kissed you again on the lips.
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wanna-see-my-lease · 8 years
Marvel Masterlist
Summary: There are somethings in this man from time’s life you just don’t mess with.
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader (Platonic), Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Language (Said in Steve's voice), and fluff (A must need)
Request: Anonymous said: How about some Bruce and Steve hijinks? (I mean I feel like they don't spend a lot of time together? Is that just me? Who else do you think rarely spends time together?)
@impala-family said: Hello ;) I really love your story ! And I have requests for Steve Rogers x Reader. Readers is dating some guy and he told her that she should lose some weight, cause she's not perfect for him, so Reader barelly eat and got little depressed and pass out on one of training with Steve, then when Steve find out what's going on, he punch her bf and he broke up with her and Steve is telling her some compliment and maybe kiss her and maybe sth more :) (sorry for my english,)
A/N:  Okay so I combined two requests as this fit the idea I was going to do anyways. I hope you enjoy it.
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You are an Avenger. You work with S.H.I.E.L.D. You were a role model for some many children as you basically were a superhero.
So why did you feel this way? Why were you letting someone tell you what you should do? Let alone make you feel like you were the size of a house. But that’s what he did, your boyfriend Justin, made you fell like even if you had a piece of pizza, you were a glutton. So, you did the only thing you could do, you started a diet, and trained every waking minute you weren’t with him. But it didn’t go unnoticed.
You were trying to keep yourself occupied, that way you had an excuse not to eat with the rest of the group. As you passed the lab, your older brother Bruce and Steve noticed you. “Hey, Y/N.” Bruce said calling you into the lab.
Trying to put a smile on your face, you walked in. “What’s up guys?”
“We were going to go get some pizza, did you want to join?” The super solider asked, with a smile that made his eyes sparkle.
You were close with the man out of time, as you had been there since he started to make his way into the new century. But reluctantly, they had to ask you to join them in getting something to eat. Giving them a sad smile you shook your head. “I would love to, but I got some paperwork to take care of.” Truth be told it was a lie. You didn’t have paperwork to take care of and you wanted nothing more than to join them in getting some pizza.
“You sure?” Bruce asked, concern was apparent on his face. Being your brother he knew that something was up.
Faking the smile a bit more, you tried to sound chipper. “Yeah, you boys have fun.” Your voice was a little too fake for your liking, but you spun on your heal and made your way towards the conference room.
Steve turned and looked at the scientist. “Something not right.”
“I think it might have something to do with Justin, but she wont tell me anything.” Bruce stated as he took his glasses off.
With a heavy sigh, Steve crossed his arms. It wasn’t like you to turn down going out with them, and it wasn’t like you to avoid everyone either. The Y/N, he knew was one who was always interacting with everyone, cooking meals for the group, and just basically a social butterfly.
You hadn’t eaten at all today, and you were feeling it. You needed to take your mind from wanting to eat, you decided to make your way to the training room. A good work out might help. As you walked in, you noticed that Steve was already there, giving the punching bag a good work out.
Smiling you threw your cellphone down next to his duffle bag, “Hey, Army.”
“Hey,” Steve said stopping the punching bag, and turning to look at you. “You weren’t at breakfast.”
You felt guilt wash over you. “Yeah, sorry.” You muttered avoiding eye contact for a moment. Once you found your courage again, you looked back up at Steve. “Want go over some hand to hand combat training?” You asked.
The super solider smiled and walked over to you. As the hand to hand workout started, he noticed that you were moving slower and was starting to look pale. Worry consumed the almost century old solider. “Y/N?” He asked as he grabbed you by the shoulder and sat you down on the mat. His arms were wrapped around you protectively.
“I’m… fine.” You said weakly.
Steve shook his head, “No. When was the last time you actually ate?” He asked, his blue eyes shinning with worry.
You rested your head against this chiselled chest. “Uh… two days ago?” You asked, your voice hitting a octave that you had no intention of it doing. You started to feel embarrassed.
Steve closed his eyes for a minute. “Doll, why?” He asked almost in a whisper.
“’Cause, Justin told me that I’m too fat. That if I don’t…” You voice trailed off. “I know how it sounds.” You added, “But I just want to make him happy. If I loose weight he’ll be happy, you know?”
“Y/N/N, you are prefect the way you are.” He said softly as he held you a little tighter. “Trust me on this, you don’t need to change a thing about the way you are. You’re beautiful, smart, and so much more.”
“You don’t mean that.” You whispered as tears came to your eyes. You couldn’t believe that he was saying something like this. Was he just saying it to make you happy? Could he really mean what he is saying? What if your secrete dream, the crush you’ve hidden for so long was coming forward? No, you had to shake these thoughts from your head, he was out of your reach, there was no way he could feel that way towards you.
However, those thoughts were coming forward, as he reached out and cupped your cheek and brought his lips to yours. The kiss was so soft at first, as if he was waiting to see if you were going to accept it. Which you did, as your eyes fluttered closed, and the kiss deepened. Your lips moved in sync with his naturally, as they matched perfectly, and once the need for air became to great, you both pulled away.
Steve had convinced you to go and get ready to go to your favorite pizza shop, as he went to go talk to your big brother. “She’s been starving herself because, Justin doesn’t think she’s perfect enough.” Steve explained.
Bruce sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Seriously?” He asked almost quietly. “Why is she even going out with him?”
Steve crossed his arms, “I don’t know.”
“I’m going to talk to her.” Bruce said and started to head for the door.
That’s when the super solider grabbed his arm, stopping the scientist. “Listen, let me. I’ve already started.”
There was a beat of silence as Bruce thought for a moment, and nodded. He knew that Steve would be good for you, plus had a hunch that there was more than just friendship building between you and him. “All I ask is that she doesn’t get hurt.”
Steve gave a soft smile to his friend. “She wont, you have my word.”
Steve and you were sitting down in your favorite pizza place. Each of you were having a slice of your favorite pizza. In awe you were surprised that you didn’t even have to order yours as he knew which was your favorite. The two of you were laughing, and he had brought your spirits back up to the point that you were no longer second guessing yourself. Even when the topic of your boyfriend, Justin came up, he made it so that you weren’t upset. After a long talk about it and two pieces of pizza, you had made up your mind that maybe he was right, you didn’t need someone in your life like that.
However, even though you just made up your mind, things took a turn that you were not expecting. The door chimed as someone walked in, “So this is why you’ve been ignoring me?”
“I forgot my phone.” You lied. Truth be told, you didn’t want to deal with him.
Justin walked over to the table, and crossed his arms. “Don’t lie to me. You’re cheating on me, aren’t you, you fat cow.”
Steve turned and looked at him. His blue eyes went hard as he spoke. “Son, just don’t.”
“Why don’t you say out of this.” Justin barked and turned to you. “You can’t even answer me. Instead you go and stuff your face, and see other men behind my back. You’re nothing but a fat bitch.”
That’s when Steve stood up and punched Justin in the face. Standing up you stood between the super solider and Justin who was flat on his butt, rubbing his jaw. Looking down at Justin, you spoke. “You know what? I’m done with you. I don’t need someone like you. I am perfect, for someone who can appreciate me for me. Now get lost and don’t ever bug me again.” You snapped.
Steve wrapped his arm around you as the two of you left the pizzeria. Smiling, he kissed the top of your head, “Now, that’s my best girl.”
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep25 (Season Finale)
ah~ I finished furuba’s Season 2..T_T.. now my life is empty..that’s a good ep!
- A moment with yuki:
I think there’s sth I still don’t understand abt yuki’s tohru-mom feelings...I thought that yuki after acknowledging such feelings, will slowly build a healthier, more equal relationship with tohru  & the only reason he didn’t tell her is cuz he wants her to be ready & not worry. So today, it makes sense that he comes & tells tohru he stood up for himself & was scared but made it! he’s proud of himself & tohru should be proud of him, too. Also, it helps tohru let go of worrying abt him & realize his growth. All amazing!!! However, the scene was depicted in a way that screams, “look mommy, I’ did it!” rather than a friend reaching out & proudly telling a friend. it really cemented the mom-son dynamics. I felt “awe look at him proudly telling his mom” sth I thought, we’ll be slowly moving away from towards more equal dynamics. Yuki was drawn extra thin & he was leaning as if he was waiting for a head pat. Nothing is wrong with yuki wanting motherly feels since he never got one but i felt nothing changed between them. yuki still below tohru. I mean he’ll never be able to repay her kindness. true. but I thought the story will let us see him standing taller bit by bit, y’know? I know he still calls her honda-san & perhaps him finally calling her “tohru” is when they’re equal..but shouldn’t he move slowly towards that? rather than suddenly coming & thanking her for being his much needed mother figure? why is this scene depicted with extremely strong mother-son feel? could it be cuz yuki is still putting tohru in a pedestal? he told momiji “did u do sth worthy of honda-san’s praise” as if tohru isn’t the person who praises momiji for a cute uniform or kyo for making a standard riceball. hmm, maybe yuki can’t be equal to her if he still sees her as the sky or an angel or someone who desperately needs protection. tohru is precious to him & he’ll protect her with his life, but I thought he’ll do so as a friend, not as a son. Maybe SE03 is abt him learning to see tohru as a normal, lacking but still amazing person? I’d love to see that!!
- Shigure ( the main character ):
It’s always forgotten that this goofy, good for nuthin dude is a main character. But once he turns dark & reveals his face, no doubt that this guy is the plot’s leader! Shigure doesn't do lengthy inner monologues, nor his actions are easy to read. Mayuko is right “ he is like a ripple in the water” .The stages of shigues’s emotions:
Bitter: “why not let yuki take responsibility & tend for akito?” mocking akito’s bedridden status over yuki’s defiance. “ why u ask abt tohru in the phone?” & proceeds to mock kureno for calling. Tohru would never answer the phone first. “ you’re featherbrained” cruelly mocking him using a pun on his zodiac while suspecting he isn’t one anymore. Only shigure is capable of such salt!
Silent Anger: looking at akito as she rants abt him not coming to her first! not choosing her first. while she’s the one who didn’t choose him. “you’re one to talk” Epic!! “ what do you want from her?” shigure had no right intruding on kureno’s business with tohru. but he’s too angry to behave. Kureno answers like a good boy.
Refusing to play blind: hatori looking for excuses for akito’s behavior within the curse’s lore. Shigure fires back with “haven’t u ever felt sth off with kureno?”. They all did. “ Ah~at long at last” not even waiting for kureno to say first.
Sticking his finger in open wounds: “don’t accept it?scared? sad? emotionally attached to the bond?” Verdict: “devious” he’s calling out  hatori & kureno both!
Embracing himself with no regrets: “ weak, intolerant, worthless, worst kind of man”. He embodies his own description of himself as he talks to kureno over the phone & sends tohru. “ see you later” only the worst kind of man uses tohru like that. sending her with no clue to an emotional shock. He wants the situation to escalates. He’ll use tohru if he have to. Let’s see if kureno’s “kindness” spares tohru the pain or if it tears her heart apart as it has been tearing everybody, kureno induced!
-Akito’s manipulating tactics start to backfire:
“ I speak cruelly of you, You know I don’t say it out of spite” very typical sentence abusers say to further their grasp around others. Insult them cruelly, then play the kind apologetic card. It makes the other person linger longer. “X didn’t meant it. X actually cares. X just lost control”. It happens in domestic abuse cases all the time.. it never changes..it never stops. Akito knows when she’s loosing her grip on someone. she feels it. Her ego doesnt let her acknowledge it. However, seeing akito’s innocent young self humanized her so much. She wasn’t despicable since birth as we’ve seen in yuki’s flashback, but here she was even more innocent than with yuki. Could it be cuz it’s from kureno’s perspective? someone older than her? or she treated older male zodiacs differently. Akito knew kureno’s curse broke as he himself did. hmm. it’s the bond, so the ruler does have a connection with the zodiacs. Akito fearing kureno’s abandonment is understandable. Akito using tears, screams, pleads & frantic behavior, “so typical of spoiled children” to get kureno to stay. It is a working tactic. A tactic that abusive adults use in toxic relationships so much & works to trap the other party to stay. Stay with me cuz you pity me, yes, but I’m the one on control. Keeping in mind akito’s age here, she looks 6? 10 maximum! is really twisted. Akito learned early one that manipulation works. She gets what she wants by playing games, whether it’s tears, pity, rage, ridicule, mockery, bets, humiliation, or sexual seduction. It reinforces her behavior that nothing can stand between her & her desires. curse or no curse. If she can keep a  non-cursed person, then the cursed ones are way weaker to leave. This, off course doesn’t justify her abusive behavior with yuki/ kyo/ momiji/ kisa/ rin/ haru/ hatori but today, we got a small window open into her psyche. The best “antagonist” is someone with irrational behavior that stems from twisted mindset! She is so interesting!
-Kureno & ( the most destructive foolish traveler):
So, kureno stayed with akito cuz he can’t turn a sad, lonely, fragile child away. Can’t bear to break her heart. The child became a woman. The woman needed him in bed, he can’t turn a sad lonely woman away. He gave in & their relationship became even more twisted with the complexity of intimacy issues. Kureno said “ arisa is the first person he ever loved on his own”. meaning that he slept with akito using the remaining feelings of attachment of his previous bond. EXACTLY as shigure said while questioning hatori’s refusal to believe the curse can break“ emotionally attached to the bond”. He continued this unbalanced sexual affair with her. completely submissive to her moods & whims. Unbalanced relationship cuz both stayed together for twisted reasons “unable to let go”, She has control over him since she’s the family head, over even his freedom outside the house, He is willingly submissive to her, choosing to not seek his happiness,  not standing up & denying her, or stopping her or telling her sth as simple as “ i want to go out to the supermarket”. content & satisfied with his dull, lifeless life. Until akito “ the sad child/ the sad woman doesn’t need him anymore??? but kureno can see that him staying by akito’s side didn’t do shit to improve anybody’s situation!!! Akito is still miserable! even before tohru appears in their lives. all the zodiacs were miserable & united in a toxic fake bond. The bond is so fake that all this time there was a fake imposter & no one dared to question. They’re so accustomed to submissive obedience that they don’t dare to hope. Only shigure. The intolerant jerk saw through it all.
-Kureno is a different kind of foolish traveler. He helped no one. Not even the person he gave his eyes to, Akito didn’t benefit from his kindness. He didn’t benefit, nor arisa, nor any zodiac. What kureno’s kindness brought him is misery. What it brought the sohma’s is enabling abuse & continuation of current toxic atmosphere. He is a more sever enabler than hatori. Hatori enabled the continuation of the curse by erasing memories & staying by akito’s bed tending for her with no life of his own. But hatori knows he’s a sinner & hatori is still chained by the bond. Kureno is free to leave. Yet, he’s still here deceiving everybody & suffering alone while pretending to be content with fake smile. Was Kureno raised to always follow orders? No personality. No needs. Still, he decides to continue even after given a chance to leave now!!!! he lost the first chance due to a promise he made while he was afraid, lonely & felt pity. Now, he knows someone there loves him (arisa), he has a new friend (tohru), someone flat out told him to freakin leave (shigure). Still, he feels that causing akito to break down & cry is cruel. The most passive character in the shows I’ve watched!! Kuteno is another proof of this brilliant writer! there are many kureno’s around us. hurting themselves & others by staying in the cycle of abuse. The writer is really brilliant for writing such variety of characters. Who cares if fans find him appealing or not? hot or dull? good or bad? that’s not the issue here. He fits the plot so amazingly & realistically represents real life ppl who are caught between causing immense harm & being severely harmed, between helping & ruining! Kureno just closed his own caged tight shut behind him. so foolish, so tragic!
Side Notes:
Momiji pulling tohru to his level to tell her abt his achievement is cute! I was told he’s supposed to be taller than tohru now! can’t wait to see that!
Momiji’s been dressing more mature for a while, such as the violin ep, ep24 & now. All three tops while still having so much decorations, a hint of feminine designs are still in tune with momiji’s funky spirit! Also they are NOT toddler-like clothes! at all. I’m convinced it is done on purpose!! baby is growing!
I love dark shigure!! OMG! the story take a whole other level once he turns dark & turns off the goofy mode, activating the bitter mode! He was raw with no mercy & unveiled hatori’s hidden feelings with no hesitation. He tore kureno like a vicious dog! I LOVE.
Akito’s Japaneses VA is queen! & shigure’s Japaneses VA is so amazing!! can’t wait for his American VA!!! he’s one of my faves!
the bond breaking visuals are perfect! 10/10. No words needed.
tohru does have a women’s intuition! She is the most emotionally intelligent & socially perceptive character in furuba, just as long as it’s not abt herself. XD
tohru had a flashback within a flashback! lol. flashback inception!
they gave tohru a lil bit bigger boobies than usual!! my girl is maturing, too? =D
The scene of kureno & akito’s innocent childhood & the curse lifting being cut & inserted all over the ep is EPIC!! 10/10 presentation. It gave the ep eerie & distorted feel. Exactly as both kureno & akito felt. 
The scenes of tohru realizing sth is off with kureno’s curse is 10/10.
“ how did the curse break?” tohru’s first question! wow! I thought it was good for you, I’m happy, then ask afterwards. But NO. Interesting!!!!
I love that there is NO explanation of why the curse broke!!! I hope there is NEVER any explanation!! plz don’t let it be sth magical kureno did without noticing or anything. Let it either be random to keep the suspense as we wouldn’t know who’s is next or let be sth abt the bond somehow. But not sth tohru herself needs to do!
I still don’t understand kureno much, but I find him well-written for the reasons mentioned in my post. As for akito, I still don’t know much abt her. I doubt I’ll like her easily. But I can feel that her part in the story would be so amazingly entertaining!!
Shigure is the most unique furuba character hands down!!!!! this unbelievably entertaining jerk! is hot too.
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