#you know... i loved this drama. like so much. i've had So Many thoughts running through my mind since i finished it recently
I started watching Kdramas this year and I do a lot of literature analysis in my normal life, so I found it really fun to find the tropes that were unique to this genre/culture that were different than what I find in Hollywood TV/movies and novels. I started with Alchemy of Souls and I was kind of amused looking back, because I never thought the SML had a chance with the FL but if I had known how strong the "they met as children and therefore DESTINY" trope is, I probably would have thought they would get together for sure!
Here are some of the unique tropes I've noticed:
-Leads meet as children and therefore DESTINY (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, 100 Days My Prince, It's Okay to Not be Okay, Castaway Diva, The King's Affection, Sh**ting Stars, Destined with You, subverted in Alchemy of Souls)
-Reincarnation, which happens a ton but of course for the same reason Western media is littered with Chosen One/Saviour plots (played with in Alchemy of Souls and Extraordinary You, straight in Destined with You, Tale of the Nine Tailed, Moon in the Day, My Demon, The Story of Park's Marriage Contract... so many)
-Guy (usually) buys the girl shoes and then puts them on her. They also usually make a joke about her running away. (Tale of the Nine Tailed, 100 Days My Prince, Extraordinary You, Castaway Diva, King the Land, subverted in The King's Affection and The Forbidden Marriage)
-Guy (usually) gives/brings the girl an umbrella to protect her from the rain. I LOVE THIS TROPE, symbolism for protection and shelter gets me (straight in My Lovely Liar, King the Land, Tale of the Nine Tailed, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, subverted/played with in Alchemy of Souls, Business Proposal, Doom at Your Service, Castaway Diva)
-Not sure if this would count as a trope, but unique to the genre because we don't have formal speech in English and especially not in Canada where I live (we've basically started just going first name with everyone) I love it so much when the main characters use informal terms with each other for the first time. The subtitles don't always translate this well, but I know what the honorifics sound like and I'm all, "She didn't use "Mr." that time it's serious now!!!"
Anyway, are there more? I'm probably not catching them all!
Edit: Definitely some sort of trope around characters finding wild ginseng to solve a problem.
(I've only been watching Korean dramas by the way, I'm sure some of these tropes are shared by other dramas from China and Thailand. I just found the comparison with English language TV interesting.)
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rowretro · 4 months
ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤
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✧taglist✧: @eclipse-777
✧warnings: F-boy Sunghoon so mentions of sex ig, may be a lil suggestive, possessive hoon
❁synopsis: The campus hottie, was practically perfect, smart handsome talented and rumour has it among the girls, good in bed. The male is a fuck boy, a jerk face, never once wanted to fall in love after having his heart broken once by an unlucky bitch. Heck he believed he'd be like that forever, until he came across the new girl. Yang y/n.
✧❁PART 2/???❁✧
Y/n was simply having lunch with Danielle, the two talking about random things, changing the subject every 30 seconds. Not too far from them, Sunghoon harshly rejected a girl, saying he was in love with a girl, looking over at y/n with lovestruck eyes in hopes that the girl would feel some sort of trust seeing this. She didn't even care. Smiling as she sipped on her cherry flavoured drink with a smile.
Hell even when walking to class, she had Sunghoon running after her, the way his fangirls ran behind him. Fuck the girls were pissed. How the fuck does an average girl like that have the most stunning man wrapped around her finger? in their eyes, she wasn't even pretty, all that he was seeing was makeup, cakey makeup. Sunghoon didn't care about any of that though.
He fell in love with her for a different reason. See in his eyes, she's all the beauty he needs. He fucking loves her that's all they need to know. When he wakes up, he wants to wake up knowing she's safe in his arms. He wants his heart to flutter at her genuine smile. He wants to hold her hand and take her out on romantic dates. Fuck he just wants to be the reason behind her smiling like an idiot. Is that too much to ask for?
"Why are you in love with me?!" y/n asked as Sunghoon froze. "What reason should I say when there are so many?" Sunghoon asked as Y/n sighed "Tell me every single reason. There can't possibly be a whole 10-paged essay of reasons that you need to read out to me" y/n added with a scoff as Sunghoon just snickerred.
Sunghoon just stared at her, lovestruck, "How could I not fall in love with you?... Your lips, how they form into a genuine smile, your cheeks that I so badly want to pinch, your eyes that I just can't ever stop staring into, it feels like I've known you for years though we just met, you tend to say so much about how much you hate your nose, but I don't see why you keep complaining about something so perfect, I envy you for it." he started as y/n's eyes met his.
"When I look at you, I just want to hold you in my arms, to be the reason behind your warm smile, to run around in the rain and eat ice cream, whisper so many cheesy sweet nothings into your ear, spoil you with affection, to spill all my secrets, my fears, everything to you, I want to be able to be vulnerable around you, fuck I just want you. your love, to know that after a rough day, I can come home to you." Sunghoon said. He was so goddamn genuine.
Heck, even Danielle saw how genuine he was, he was being honest. Any one could turn to see him and immediately say that's a man in love. Everyone was shocked. The playboy has never said such cheesy things to a girl before. In their eyes he was doing everything to take his virginity, very few realized the playboy is no longer a playboy. Some girls were just jealous, whichever one it was, they hated that he treated y/n like that.
Y/n just stared into his eyes, clearly captivated by his words, but then she blinked, looking away, she bit her lip as she stared down. "Wow... you sound so cheesy. I can't believe you thought I'd fall for a stunt like that. Everyone knows what you want Sunghoon. Once a playboy, always a playboy. Only in a netflix cringe drama would we be possible." She simply said as she walked off, dragging Danielle with her.
Sunghoon was not going to give up, not now not ever. He saw her eyes, fuck he almost had her. She's playing hard to get but he'll break the ice. She needs way more than love she needs commitment, and he can give her more than anything she could dream of.
✧❁PART 3❁✧
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
-yk who 😞
i do know who😈😈‼️‼️‼️
i love writing michael sm heehee anyway thanks for the ask pooks 🫶🫶🫶
grma <3
Unsane Uncles-An Obey Me x Reader
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Summary: Michael realises some shocking news, has a crisis, as per usual, chaos ensues. Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: nothing I don't think, for anyone that doesnt know, i headcannon michael as lucifers twin, this was written with my 'Death is a Debatable Thing' Au in mind, but it can be read as a stand alone <3
post dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The café was quaint, quiet and out of the way. It had been ages since you'd last visited the Human Realm. The soft sounds of chatter and cutlery clinking created a calm atmosphere. Well calm for the most part.
Michael sat on the chair opposite to yours looking quite frazzled. His white button down rolled up to just above the elbows and a few of the topmost buttons undone. His long golden curls done up in a messy plait, nonconforming strands coiling around his unusually antsy face. Long dexterous fingers wrap around his coffee mug, he brings it to his lips and takes a sip before setting it down with a little too much force. You watch the scene amusedly.
“I just- I don’t know what to do!” he runs a hand through his hair, looking up at you with stressed, ruby red eyes. "I mean?- Is it too late to give my congratulations?!...Or a push present?!"
You bite your tongue to keep from laughing, the Archangel notices. "This is serious MC! I am the worst uncle ever!"
You tilt your head, "Did you not think it was strange when the brothers first fell that Satan just kind of poofed into existence?"
Michael gives a thoughtful look, before making a 'meh' face and shrugging his shoulders. "I kind of just thought Satan was a low ranking angel that fell with the actual memorable ones, and that I had just... never cared to learn his name before he fell."
"You didn't ask?" You take a sip of your warm drink, revelling in how satisfying the hot liquid felt when it hit the back of your throat and warmed you up from the inside, especially as it was fucking baltic outside.
"Yes." Michael smiles sarcastically, "Because taking a trip down to the Devildom straight after the Celestial War to ask about the demon who kept biting people and snarling would've gone great for me."
"Touché." You grin. Michael's expression falls back from sarcastic to strained, his gorgeous features bathed in stress.
"But seriously MC! I've missed out on centuries as an uncle! That's so many birthdays! Luke must think I'm a deadbeat! I already act like I'm a divorced dad with visitation rights because I can't visit very often!"
You snort. "I don't think Luke knows."
Michael sinks into his seat, "Oh thank Father."
He stays there for a moment, the soft golden glow of the café lights on his dark skin so similar to the aureate ambiance of the Celestial Realm that you almost forget that you're back in the human world. He flutters his eyes closed, a hand over his brow in what can only be described as a himbo-ified imitation of a sickly Victorian woman saying something along the lines of 'Woe is I!" after finding out poor people actually have feelings. What a fucking drama king. You hold back a snort. Michael groans before swinging back up like a jack-in-the-box, his usual cheerful yet cheeky smile on his handsome face, he joins his hands together as he rests his arms on the wooden table, as if completely oblivious to the complete 180 he had turned. "So! MC, have I ever told you about the time Lucifer ran into a glass door in the Celestial Realm?"
You shake your head, grinning mischieviously, "I don't think you have!"
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Hours Later, down in the Devildom, in RAD's royal library, Satan sneezed. He paused for a moment more before folding his handkerchief up and putting it back in his pocket, making a mental note to wash it when he got back to the House of Lamentation.
He groans, arching his back and stretching his arms out in an attempt to weave out any knots in his muscles. He'd been in the library since school had ended. Still unable to shake the feeling something was going to happen, Satan got up off of his chair, packed his books away, and made the journey home.
Walking alone through the cobbled streets of the Realm was calming and peaceful. Halfway through his siúl suaimneach, he comes face to face with a gathering of the stray cats he'd normally feed.
The Avatar of Wrath coos at them, hunkering down and reaching into his bag for some of the cat treats he'd normally kept in there. "Aww..." He mutters, speaking in a baby voice to the cats, scratching an old tabby's fur. "You've gotten so big, Purrsephone!" He scritches underneath the young cats chin, smiling as she purrs and remembering fondly when the cat was just a small kitten trailing behind her mother like a second, small adorable shadow.
As he pulls out the bag of treats onehanded, the symphony of meowing reaches a polyphonic crescendo, cats and kittens of all shapes, colours and sizes scramble towards Satan with more purpose now, all meowing for food. He chuckles, indulging the felines, petting them as they nibble and chew on the kitty treats.
Unbeknownst to the Avatar of Wrath, a good quarter of a mile away from where he congregated with the cats, a certain Archangel and his accomplice stood hiding in an alleyway.
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In the shadows of the alleyway, Michael was clumsily putting on his batman mask. He already had a matching batman suit and cape on, you however were much more serious, and were dressed up as Robin.
"Michael." You hiss exasperatedly. "You seriously can't think that sneaking up on the Avatar of Wrath is a good idea!"
Michael merely waved you off with one hand, his other carrying his 'surprise for his most favouritest nephew in the three realms' as he'd deemed it. "Besides MC is worst comes to worst, you can just pop out!"
You nod. "Good point. "You face breaks into a grin matching Michael's, "This is going to be fun to watch."
Michael goes to say something before you both hear footsteps, your eyes widen. "Oh shit...he's coming..."
Quickly you dart behind the dumpsters, Michael moves to the wall of the alleyway. Holding his breath as he listens to the footsteps of a certain green-eyed demon.
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After having petted the cats, Satan got up and begrudgingly left them in order to continue his journey home.
Lost in his thoughts, he can't help but feel as if something is watching him, thinking its just his imagination, he walks on. Who would be stupid enough to sneak up on the Avatar of Wrath?
An idiot in a batman costume apparently.
Satan jumped as the lunatic hopped out from the alleyway, hands behind his back.
"Psst! Kid!" The stranger in the batman costume says, ruby red eyes that reminded him of Lucifer staring at him. "I have a surprise for you!"
Satan's tail whips around his legs, on the defensive. "I'm not a kid." He says coldly. "And what surprise?"
"Heeheehee." The strange man giggles, before taking his hands away from where they were behind his back and revealling a small tiny little kitten, fur as dark as night, with an emerald green bow wrapped loosely around its little neck, having been jostled, the tiny creature meows in protest, big green eyes blinking sleepily. Satan's harsh, mistrusting glare softens as he looks at the kitten, moving to take it out of the strangers hands before his eyes narrow.
"What's the catch?"
"The catch?" 'Batman' says indignantly, as if Satan had gravely offended him. "The catch? How dare you! There is no catch! Can't an uncle give his nephew a present to make up for millennia upon millennia of missed birthdays?!"
Satan blinks. "It's March. It's nowhere near my birthday. And Uncle?" Green eyes narrow again. "I don't have any uncles."
The stranger sticks his tongue out. "Blah blah blah. You are just like your father. Take the fucking cat or I'm telling everyone that you're secretly Lucifer's son."
A vein pops on Satan's head. "Excuse me?!"
The stranger chuckles nervously upon sensing Satan's wrath bubble like magma beneath the surface of his skin, ready to boil over and erupt. When Satan's eyes flashed dangerously the stranger spluttered out. "Oh shit....! Uhhh....Cat Attack!!!" That was the only warning Satan got before the tiny kitten was shoved gently but firmly into his hands, his eyes immedietely softened, the rage slowed down from a boil as he looked into the soft innocent eyes of the kittykat.
He looked up at the stranger, who in his frenzy, had lost his batman mask. Ruby red eyes and golden curls tied in french plaits and tucked into the rest of the suit greeted him. Unholy fuck. Was that Archangel Michael.
The Archangel grins at him, "Enjoy your gift! Tell Lucikins I said hi! Oh and also the cats a girl, you can name her! Come visit your favourite uncle soon! Byebye!" Michael shouts to him, before he turns around, and fucking books it, sprinting away from the Avatar of Wrath at a speed that could rival Mammon running from Lucifer.
Satan stood shellshocked by the whole ordeal having acquired a tiny kitten and an uncle who needed to be institutionalised.
He grinned down at the kitten, "I'm gonna call you Dorcha."
Judging by the small creatures tiny meow, he'd gamble that she liked that name.
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A/N: im so sorry this is so short, ive been busy w irl stuff, but this was a fun ask <3
also dorcha is sort of pronounced 'door-ah-ha' but you sort of say the 'ch' with your throat, idk how to explain it, but it means 'dark' 💗💗
siúl suaimhneach (shoe-el soo-ehve-neyak, except dont pronounce the 'ch' as a 'keh' and pronounce it liek gutturally!!!) it means 'peaceful walk' but suaimhneach can also mean tranquil or quiet
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absolutebl · 8 months
This Week in BL - It's weird where I am right now, Okay?
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. However, I've put quite a few on hold for travel reasons.
Oct 2023 Wk 4
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Only a few screen shots for you this week, my hotel wifi is actually THAT bad.
Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 8 - Classic unlucky in love failed crush on straight bestie = both v queer and v emo yaoi. I gotta say I like these actors way better in this than their previous series, and maybe that’s because Tew is more like Tul and I just like Meen better when he’s… erm… mean. All of which is to say, this is off to a wonderful start and I am about to lose my very sleep deprived little mind... ready for a ABL ecstasy rant?
"I play support because that way everyone is happy to see me show up," might be the single best moment of characterization BL has EVER seen.
Look here, in the grand cornucopia of BL universes this is my metaverse. It's pulp... but relatively high production. It has an established pair that I know I like... but who were given crap before. It's a tidy little script, it's not gonna run too long, and it's ALL the archetypes and tropes I love but rarely see. It's Japan's style otaku plus Korea's style gangster, Thailand's style friendship group, and it arrived out of NOWHERE. It's Korea's IP & money, Thailand's talent, and China's streaming service.
Do we know what the hell is going on?
No we do not.
Do we care when it's this much fun?
No we do not.
(In this I speak for everyone... no, EVERYONE.)
This show I why I got into BL.
Don't bother me with trifles. Me and My Dear Gangster Oppa are sailing off into the infinite pixilated sunset together, thank you very much.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - I managed to watch most of it on low rez before YT "discovered" I was in Asia and therefore could not be allowed to watch Asian shows. (AKA my VPN failed me.) But it seemed like a good ep.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Lucky Love ep 10 of 24 - I enjoyed this 2 part installment, it’s a bit of a sad sack recovery SAGA, but the acting is genuine, the couple believable, and the story felt particularly queer to me. 7/10 but close to an 8. It was really quite charming.
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However: Next week looks not good on many levels - it's horror and I spotted guitar. Which is even more horrific. 
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 - do temporal paradoxes exist in Thailand? That is the question. I gotta say Tor (Ongsa) is carrying this show and is doing a really great job, it's just the story itself doesn't resonate with me. Ugh it's so sad.
Is it, indeed, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
We only on ep 5 and had a full story arc already, there is A LOT more to go.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 9 of 10 eps - the fact that in losing Sky Venus also lost his surrogate family explains his resulting bitterness a little bit more. I wish we had gotten this back story much earlier. Still stupid pulp made me cry, which of course means it's back in my good books. This story is slow as fuck, but I'm going on a rollercoaster with it.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 11 of 13(?) - I love them, okay? All of them. This is a great sappy classic Taiwanese BL and it is my baby and you can’t take it away from me. MINE. 
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 8 of 10 - oh noes it got sad, I thought they would at least would have had drunken sex before the drama. Sigh. Still the kissing was good, as it should be from Taiwan.
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - Amane is so brave. About being gay. Being out. Confessing. Its admirable if scary. Otherwise this ep was pretty slow. 
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Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 3-4 of 8 - how do I feel about this show? Conflicted. Are OnlyOneOf doing a great job? Yes, actually. Am I enjoying it? No, not really. Is this anyone's fault? I don't think so.
The little linguistic negotiation was cute tho. And we seem to have gotten idols kissing in a BL both in the same group, so that glass ceiling dildo has finally been broken.
NineMill are unexpectedly good, also KB plays a great evil ex. Of the 3, I think only Nine is good enough to go into acting permanently (but he's not tall enough). Still, all hail OnlyOneOf... kings of the "gay concept." You boys make me v nervous but as couple-branding goes, you just out branded Thailand. Mad props baibies. Legit never thought I'd see the day.
Trust Korea to be in it to win it.
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 6 of ? - i pretty much just forgot to watch this.
It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch and do a series review in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - completed but I couldn't catch the last ep, my final thoughts in Nov.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - completed, but see afore mentioned YT issues. I'll review it in Nov. I anticipate better internet soon.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - adaptation of Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like) about a convenience store clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Upcoming October BL
10/31 SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 1 of 14 - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
Upcoming November BL
11/3 Twins the series (Thailand ????) 1 of 10
11/17 Pit Babe (Thai) - Pavel my love!
11/19 Bake Me Please (OhmFluke but not, Thailand)
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Thailand) - horroresk
11/25 The Sign (Thailand) - horroresk
11/30 For Him the series (Thailand) - high heat
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Cooking Crush (OffGun, Thailand) - may be delayed, there some kinda gossip/rumor/shade happening at GMMTV
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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My Universe - I just enjoyed the angle of this kiss shot.
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Uh huh. Sure, honey. (Bump Up Buisness)
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(Last week)
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hongjoongscafe · 11 months
You have you...
Pairing: jungkookxreader(y/n)
Genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, non-idol au
Summary: when your life collapsed but found the right person at the same time.
Word count: 5.1k+
Warnings: cheating, name-calling, insults, bad texts, mentions of grinding.
Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist!
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The night was a vague reflection of how you felt from the inside. The thunderstorm was taking down the whole city of Seoul. The water was pooling to the ankles and the high flash flood alert messages were stacking up in the notification centre.
But this thunder still could not match the one inside your chest.
Seeing the person you called the love of your life turning back towards you and walking into some other woman’s arms behind your back was enough for your poor heart to crumble down into ashes. The ache was too high to feel anything else.
“Baby, I will never leave you.” “I promise, you are the only one I'll ever love.” “Love, I wanna have a family with you.” “You are the prettiest.” “I am just going with the boys, I will be back before you even know.” “I'm sorry, baby. The boys kept me there. I tried to tell them that I want to be with you but you know how they act, right?” “Baby, you don't understand! I didn't mean to yell at you!” “Love, it's nothing, you are just being delusional. You know I won't do anything to hurt, right?” “I love you forever, baby.”
You scoffed. Fucking lier. There were so many moments when you felt his disloyalty towards you. But you gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him be. Ronny had his way with words. He used them for his benefit. The way he manipulated made you want to rip his head off.
If it wasn't for your colleague who saw him in the car with someone else, eating each other’s face, a couple of days ago, you would have still believed his empty words.
When he came back that night, you checked his phone for the first time as he passed out on the couch. You knew he wouldn't wake up until the next afternoon.
As much as you regretted reading those texts, one part of you needed disclosure. You sat there on the cold tiled floor, tears running down your cheeks, feeling like a loser.
-Y/n is just so fucking dumb, man. I've never been with someone as dumb as her but I guess good for me🤷🏻‍♂️.
-Hey, sexy💋 Last night was so fucking good. You were so wet for me, you little slut😏.
-Dev just asked me to fuck her. If y/n calls, tell her that I'm busy working.
-You up?
-Ronny? I need your big cock in me, plz. Meet me in the Motel…😉
-Y/n looks so fucking ugly, man. I feel so embarrassed next to her. I can feel the vomit in my throat whenever she talks. It's so fucking bitter to tell her that I love her🤢.
-Man, I get so irritated when y/n talks. I can feel myself hating her more and cheat even more just to see how fucking dumb she is.
His last text was what made you get up at this hour of the night and go to the striper club.
-She will be busy with her pathetic painting on Friday. We should meet at the bottom up. When I think about you, I can still feel my cock getting hard thinking about last time😮‍💨. [Allie- sent]
A laugh bubbled out of your throat as you read it. Him and your best friend. Who would have known?
Turns out, everyone knew other than you.
Everyone wanted some drama and they got it. The great Ronny garnished it on a plate and severed it to everyone. Even to those who you thought were your genuine friends.
Now here you were, sitting on a bench in front of a random complex, drowning in your sorrows. When you went inside that club, you caught them wrapped around each other. His one hand was groping her ass and the other was rubbing her pussy through her skimpy shorts.
Your heart was gone. There was no way your tears could stop. When confronted, they laughed and called you names. People around looked at you disgustingly for ruining the perfect mood they were in.
“Get out you bitch. No one needs you here!”
“Damn, you thought I would actually love you? So fucking delusional.”
“How can you be so dumb? You couldn't even see that we both were involved.”
“She just wants me to fuck her pathetic pussy because no one else wants that thing.”
It was difficult to handle. You just let yourself cry loudly like a pathetic person that they said. They weren't wrong. No one else ever wanted you. You were bold enough to think that Ronny truly wanted you even after seeing many red flags. But nothing could win in front of a good manipulation.
“You look like you need a hug,” a sweet voice pulled you out of your head. You looked up at him and noticed there was a charming man standing in a raincoat and an umbrella above your head.
His big doe eyes looked concerned, and his thin and pink lips were frowning. “There is a flash flood warning, you know that, right? You shouldn't be here. Do you want me to call your friends or family?”
Hearing friends and family, your eyes filled with fresh tears and started crying in front of a handsome stranger. You hid your hand behind your hands and wailed.
Six years. It was six years' worth of pain hurling out. It was hurting you as if someone had stabbed you over and over again slowly, making you feel every single inch of it. It was like someone was reopening the fresh wounds with their bare fingers that you just treated.
“I'm Jungkook,” the man said as he sat down, holding the umbrella over you. “You are soaking and it is winter.”
Jungkook was in his apartment, playing his guitar, and composing some new music. He was waddling around and looked out of his window when he saw a girl sitting in the rain, hunched over. He kept looking at her and started to worry when she did not move.
He quickly wore a jacket and raincoat and carried an umbrella for the girl.
As he got closer, he heard her cry loudly all alone in this ungodly rain. He was worried about her. The level of water was rising pretty fast. When she looked up at him, his breath hitched. She was prettier than anyone he has ever seen. So soft and innocent.
He pouted when she didn't say anything but stayed there, still holding the umbrella. He heard her cry for a good twenty minutes before she calmed down and only soft sniffles could be heard.
“I'm Y/n,” you said in your broken voice, throat sore from crying so loudly. “Can you please book an Uber?”
“Y/n, no Uber will pick you up now,” Jungkook said.
You looked at him, another set of tears ready to roll down. “Why?” Your lower lip wobbled.
“Look around, the water is reaching our ass and we are sitting on a bench,” he said.
Only then you realized how bad the rain was and he was not wrong. The water level was rising. “What am I supposed to do now?” You asked yourself, already crying again. It was too much to take in little time.
Jungkook bit his lip and thought about it for a moment. “You should come to my place. It’s bad for you to stay out here especially when you… when you are so vulnerable,” he carefully said.
He was half ready for you to get up and swim away. But he let out a sigh of relief when you nodded, agreeing with him. “Okay,” your voice broke.
Jungkook gave you a soft smile, “I live here. So follow me,” he pointed behind them at the complex. “Here, hold my hand, let me guide you in. Don’t fall unless you know how to swim,” he giggled to himself but quickly regretted when you looked into his eyes and a wobbly chin. “I’m sorry,” he squeezed your hand reassuringly as you held it. You felt your heart thump against your chest at the skin contact. Never once have you felt like this with Ronny.
Jungkook’s apartment was clean, minimalistic, and scented like fresh laundry. The light cream walls with contemporary paintings looked perfectly decorated. The simple lamps hanging from the ceiling were just enough to make it look modernized. The couch had many papers laying around along with hand-knitted blankets and a guitar on the carpeted floor. And a beer can on the coffee table. The gigantic windows overlooked the city. It looked decently luxurious.
“Umm… Stay here, I'll bring some towels for you,” Jungkook removed his shoes and scurried inside his cosy house. And came out in no time. He wrapped a bigger towel around you and handed you the smaller towel. “Washroom is there,” he pointed next to the wall. “You can take a shower. I'll give you some of my clothes. And leave your clothes there, okay? I'll put them in the washing machine with mine. Oh, wait, let me show you the drawer in which you can find anything you want… Well, almost anything.”
He waddled in front of you into the washroom. He turned on the lights and opened a drawer in his cabinet, “Here, there are sanitary napkins, tampons whichever you prefer. Shower things, scrubs, unused loofah, hair ties, these one-use undies, lotion, and face cream. Here is a hairdryer and hair straightener, if you need those. And if there is something else you need, let me know. I'll find it if I have it,” he informed and smiled at you before going out, leaving you alone. He knocked again and peaked his head inside after you opened it a little. He handed you clothes and finally left.
You looked at the closed door with wide eyes. It was amusing seeing this stranger all prepared for emergencies. His girlfriend or fiance or wife must be lucky, you thought. You shook your head in order to not think about it and compare your sorry life with the unknown girl you are not even sure existed. But it won't be a surprise if she did.
Under the warm water, your tears rolled down again. It wasn't easy to just forget and not feel hurt after committing for six years. You mourned about not listening to your gut feeling about him before. Maybe you wouldn't be here, taking a shower in some stranger's washroom.
You took your sweet time before you came out, after drying your hair. As you opened the door, you were met by the melodious voice of Jungkook. The acoustic guitar complimented his mellow voice. The lyrics brought tears to your eyes but you tried your best to not let them flow down your cheeks. You felt like sitting by him and just kept on hearing his voice but he was not in the living room.
You quietly walked towards the entrance door and found him sitting there on the floor, wrapped in a towel as he sang-
We laugh and cry together
These simple feelings
Seems like they were everything to me
When will it be
When I face you again
I want to look into your eyes and tell you
I’ve missed you
Inside the blissful memory
Even if i dance by myself, the rain pours down
By the time this fog clears
I’ll come running on my wet feet
Then, hold me
That moon looked lonely
Because I felt like it was crying brightly in the night sky
Even when I know the morning will come someday
I wanted to remain in your sky like a star~
Just then you noticed that he was still in wet clothes. “Oh my god, Jungkook! Why are you still wet? Why did you not change?”
Jungkook was startled and looked at you. He stood up and rested his guitar on the wall. “Ah, there is only one washroom. I mean, there is one by the bedrooms but the water connection is not working.”
You gasped, “Why did you not tell me before?! Go in. You are going to catch a cold.”
“Nothing will happen to me, don't worry,” he said and noticed how swollen your eyes looked. “You know what? There is a pile of clean and dry clothes over there. You can fold them and leave the dress shirts. I need to iron them beforehand. So, can you do that? As a thank you favour?” He wished it could distract you from your pain. “Do you like FRIENDS?”
You dumbly looked at the basket full of clean laundry and nodded, “yeah,” you mumbled.
“Great! I'll put it on the TV so you won't get bored… I'll take a little time there. So, yeah…” he wanted to leave you alone for a while so that you could have some space. It wouldn't hurt to do a long Sunday night routine on Friday anyway.
His trick worked decently. When he came out, he saw you ironing his clothes and silently giggling at the show. He stood there and admired you. You looked so pretty in his baggy clothes, smiling and just being there. He didn't know who you were, why you were so beaten up mentally, or why he even bothered to bring you to his house. But at that very time, he saw someone who he could consider spending time with. Maybe just to make you feel better before you go away forever.
“I didn't ask you to iron the clothes,” he said as he rubbed his towel in his hair.
“It's alright,” you whispered.
You both said nothing for a while. You ironed his dress shirts and sat on the loveseat in front of him. There was a thick layer of awkwardness. After all, you both were strangers.
“So,” Jungkook began. “Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to be left alone? Or do you want to play any video games or board games? Beer?”
Thinking about it, you felt like talking to him wouldn't hurt. He doesn't know you and after the water drains out, you will leave this place for good. And beer didn't sound bad at all. “You wouldn't mind me talking?”
“Not at all! Why would I mind?” He frowned. “I’m a good listener.”
“I think beer will be good, too,” you cleared your throat.
Jungkook smiled and stood up with a jump, walking towards his fridge, “a perfect combination!” He came back with a box of canned beer and dropped them on the coffee table and passed you one can. The clicks of cans were heard almost immediately. “Tell me one thing first. Why are you not afraid of being here? I'm just a stranger to you. What if I do something bad to you?”
You thought about it for a second. He wasn't wrong, but, “I’ve nothing left to be worried about…” you mumbled. “I can ask you the same. Why did you let me in? What if I do something to you? Wouldn’t your girlfriend or boyfriend be angry about it?”
Jungkook looked at you with a pout but said nothing about the first sentence you said. “Well, you looked like you could use some company plus no criminal would sit in that rain to hurt me. And I do not have any partner.” He said. “Now. You can talk about it, I’m all ears.”
Your mind went back in time. The flashbacks started to pour back in. All you could do was scoff at them. It was hurting you and you needed to let your emotions out. You had bottled them up for a long. He kept you tongue-tied for as long as you remember being with him. It was shitty and you were aware of it but every single time, you just tucked your tail between your legs and went along with what he had to offer you and it was only insecurities and insults. “I’m just so fucking dumb and stupid.” Jungkook sat up straight, focusing on you fully. “My boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend.”
“Fuck no,” Jungkook felt anger bubbling up in his guts. If anything he hated the most about people was them cheating on other people. He absolutely loathed people who even dared to think about it. He always believed in being loyal to the partners and yourself. He believed that if one was falling out of love, which is not a big deal, they should be honest about it and find a mutual solution than just going around and being a fucking asshole. He was a man of character. Je didn't even need to know how he was and he already hated him and sympathized with you.
You huffed, “There were so many times when I felt like he was cheating on me but I just trusted him too much to let those feelings get to me,” your eyes teared up as you took a long sip of your beer. “I don’t even know for how long or if he ever even liked me let alone loved me.” From his texts and how he talked to you this evening. You figured he was cheating on you for longer. Possibly since the beginning of your relationship.
You still remembered how wonderful it all felt when you got involved with him. Ronny would act as if he cared and loved you. He would spend time with you, take you to parties, and introduce you to his friends, you felt like you were an important part of his life. However, slowly he stopped taking you with him and started stay away more and more. He would smell like other people's perfume. He would come back, drunk out of his mind.
“I’m so sorry about—”
“You know what's worse?! I caught him red handed with her in a strippers club tonight. They were hugging and touching and rubbing each other. Then I just– fuck. I made a fool out of myself. I ruined everyone’s night. And they kicked me out,” you cried.
“Shit, y/n. Everything was closed down by seven. Were you outside all this time?” Jungkook asked, concerned about you.
“What else was I supposed to do? Go back to that house where I could only see how fucking brainless I am? That place would mock me for being so oblivious,” you picked another can of beer.
Taking the blanket, Jungkook walked to you and wrapped it around your shoulders before sitting back in his place. “It's not only the friend, there were so many girls in his DMs. And he said I was ugly and so irritating. Everyone agreed and I think they were right.”
“Hey,” Jungkook felt bad for you. You were beautiful and such an adorable person. “Don’t say that. They all are wrong. You are so pretty and adorable,” he let out. “I don't think you should believe in them. They have no idea what they are talking about. And you should not think about that prick.”
“I was with that prick for six years, Jungkook. I loved him for six years, slept with him, and took his shit on my head. I can't just not think about him,” you sobbed.
“How can he be so terrible? Man, if I find who he is, I would beat the shit out of him. That boy is just a scumbag. Jeez, I'm so fucking pissed,” he was holding back from asking you his location so that he could go and teach that asshole some much-needed lesson. Jungkook could never even have thought of doing something like that to anyone let alone actually cheating on someone. He felt disgusted by this boy.
“For the past six years, he has become my personality. I thought he loved me and I was just being too much to the point he even called me delusional.”
Jungkook gasped, “No way, that asshole said that. What does he think of himself? Ugh, he should be ashamed of himself.”
“He would always text me cute, lovey-dovey messages. He would buy me things after such arguments and would tell me how much he loved me and that promise to be better,” you finished your second can and opened another one.
“Honey,” Jungkook softly said. “I'm sorry but he manipulated you.”
“And I was too dumb to know that,” she shook your head and covered your face with your hands.
“No, honey, you are not dumb. I think when you love someone, you just do whatever it takes to make things work. And the person who gets manipulated, they don't get to know because that's exactly what he was doing. He knew it. It's not your fault.”
“Jungkook…?” you called.
“Is your offer for a hug still up?” you shyly asked.
Jungkook quickly stood up and sat with you, wrapping his arms around you, respectfully. “Of course it is,” he mumbled.
“I should have known, you know? She was his close friend that became my friend later on. She was always overly close with him even when she had other guys in her life,” you said.
“Girls like her don't deserve a friend like you, y/n… They are just an embarrassment for us,” Jungkook mumbled as he caressed your head that was resting on his shoulder and rubbed your arm.
There was silence for a while. A comfortable one. His even breath was keeping you from drifting away. And his hand caressing your head was helping your headache. He felt safe. You felt safer than ever in this stranger's arms. He never made you feel like this ever. He only made you feel bad and dumb all the time through his sugar-coated words.
“Can you tell me about yourself? If you don't mind,” you asked.
“It's only fair. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm twenty-five. I make music,” he said.
“Really? What kind of songs do you sing?” you found it interesting.
“Well, you probably don't know me,” he shyly chuckled. “I have released a couple of songs on Spotify and nothing more. I can't afford to make a video just yet.”
You look up at him. “But you look like you can.”
He giggled at your reaction. You found it amusing and wanted him to giggle more. It was music to your ears. “Ah, I have a rich father so my funds were good. I saved them over the years. I bought this place with those funds but I don't take any money from him anymore. I want to earn it myself. So I spent all of the money on this apartment and nothing is left for video. I can make a low-budget one and can edit it myself. But I think I'm just not ready for that either,” he disclosed.
“That is so smart,” you commented. “You knew your priorities.”
“You can say that,” he smiled.
“Why are you single?”
Jungkook thought about it. He never really cared about being in a relationship. He was satisfied with how things were going on. “I don't know, honestly. It's been years since I was in a committed relationship. I just didn't feel like I needed it, you know?”
“Ah, okay. Makes sense,” you said. “Are you always open to strangers?” you asked genuinely.
Realization hit him this time. He was always super awkward and shy around new people. He never talked to them and usually, it would take him days to open up. He pouted, “No...” he mumbled. “Anyway, you tell me about yourself,” he quickly changed the topic.
“I'm y/n, twenty-six years old–”
“Noona!” Jungkook looked at you with a toothy grin. “You are noona!”
“Shhh,” you shushed him as you both giggled. “I make paintings for my living.”
“Really?!” he looked at your face with a wide bunny grin. “I make paintings, too. But just for fun. These are all my art pieces,” he pointed around.
You admired them for a while. The details in them were so sharply presented. The colour contrast, blending, and everything was looking professional. “Jungkook, you are so talented. They all are so beautiful. The details and technique look so consistent and appealing!”
He smiled shyly. “It's nothing… What would you like for dinner?”
You helped him in the kitchen as you both settled on making some viral baked feta pasta. And a side of cheesy garlic bread. You both talked about different things and found out that you both had many things in common. Almost everything you loved, he loved them, too. He told you about those disposable undies (it was funny for you to think about). He said that one of his girl-friend once had her periods before the time and it ruined her clothes. He had nothing to help her with and she just wore his shorts and used a tampon. He said that he felt bad for not being able to help her so he bought these just in case someone needed them.
He also mentioned how his mother was open about girls and their needs related to periods and clean shower products. So he always made sure that his place had a full stock for emergencies because his Hyungs’ girlfriend usually came along with them or other friends. He wanted them to not worry about such things and find his place comfortable enough.
You could tell he was raised by a kind-hearted and responsible woman. It was shocking to you. For six years, you lived with someone who didn't care about any of your needs or brought stuff that was considered necessary. He would just make and mess and leave. He felt like a burden more and less like a human.
“What do you think about…” Jungkook nervously started. “Dating someone now that you are single again.” he had never clicked with any women as he did now. It felt like he knew you for longer than anyone else. He wanted to hold you again and tell you how much more you were worth than you were told. He wanted to whisper good things about you in your ears and make you feel like the most special being ever.
You felt shy under his gaze. “I don't know… I have been cheated on for longer than I even know.”
“What if your date wants to be there for you and help you heal and show you what a real man is like and treats you with utmost care and serves you loyalty which is the bare minimum?” he made eye contact with you. “Because he knows he is better than him and you are much more than what he says.”
It was not worth crying over someone who gave no damn about you. But you still loved him. You needed to heal and being alone, it was going to be difficult and you needed someone’s shoulder to lean on. “I think that won't be that bad…”
Jungkook softly smiled and let out a sigh of relief. “I guess, you are going to have a date tonight by the window.”
Your little date was perfect. You both sat in sweet silence and enjoyed your dinner. He even lit some candles to set the mood. The mellow music on his record player was soothing.
If someone told you that your night would end up like this in a stranger's house like this, you would have laughed and called them an idiot. But it was not bad at all. You had nothing else left so giving this a go was not bad.
The dinner ended with ice cream and cookies. After that, Jungkook laid down some mattresses on the ground by the ceiling-length windows along with a blanket and many pillows. He left his Mikrokosmos mood lamp on and turned off the other lights. And gave you some medicines to keep you from falling sick.
You sat there, wrapped in the blanket as he joined you. “Would you like to cuddle?”
“Yes, please.”
“How are you feeling now?” he asked as he wrapped himself around you.
You smiled, resting your ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “Better… Much better.”
“I'm glad,” he whispered. “Just… Don't ever believe in shit he said, okay? You are nothing but a kind, intelligent, hard-working, smart, and beautiful woman. You deserve nothing but happiness.”
“Where was I even wrong? I tried so hard for what?” you thought out loud.
Jungkook kissed your head. “You were not wrong, baby. He was. He is at a loss. He made you feel like this because he could never reach your level. You are the best and he knows it. He needed to bring you down to make himself feel better about himself. He was just a pathetic douchbad. He was just an immature boy.”
“Jungkook… Thank you for today. I don't think I could have survived anything tonight. I felt like I lost everything all at once. I'm thankful more than I can ever express. I don't know how to return this favour.” You could not express your feelings through words. They were too heavy for you to form into sentences. You have no idea what you could have done tonight if it wasn't for him and his kindness. Even if it ended without this tiny date, you were already saved by him.
After years, you felt like someone listened to you for the first time. It was enough for you to make you want to cry with joy. It felt embarrassing and yet so good.
“It's not a favour, y/n. It's just something I did because I just couldn't see you sitting on the bench like that. I'm happy that you are here and happy. If you had gone somewhere else, I would have kept on thinking about you and how you were. I'm just so happy that you are here and I know that you won't do something stupid.” He expressed his feelings.
It must have been hard on him as well. It's not a daily occurrence but something strange. But this time, it was strangely beautiful.
“You,” he said after a long comfortable silence. He was still thinking about what you said earlier. It was bothering him to an endless extent. He was afraid that you kept yourself so neglected.
“Huh?” you asked, confusingly.
Jungkook looked into your eyes and kissed your forehead softly and slowly, it felt much more intimate than he imagined. His heart was going crazy just like yours. Call it a first-sight love but you two knew it was more than that. He again looked into your eyes and spoke up –
“You have you to worry about…”
Sanaa's note:
Hii! I hope you enjoyed this. I really appreciate your feedback. Plz, do leave your thoughts behind. It helps me to write more and motivates me to improve. My college is starting on Monday. So I won't be able to update anything sooner. I hope you guys understand😊
The behaviour of all the characters is visualized.
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes @chimmisbae
Have a nice day/night💓
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vagabond-umlaut · 5 months
sweet & sour is a horrible flavour
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Chapter 2 of functio laesa Gojo x Fem!Reader; Geto & Reader [platonic]; Canon Divergent AU; Isekai. Fluff & Angst & Drama & Humor; Reincarnation; Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies; Incredibly Self-Indulgent; Eventual Happy Ending; Eventual Friendships & Romance.
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Writing the Reader & Geto interact with each other is actually fun...
Chapter warnings: Reader is unable to pay her hospital bills. There's a small mention or two of cops. Sad Reader [briefly]. Cult leader Geto. [This chapter's not as serious or gloomy as the warnings make it seem; still, it never hurts to be careful while listing them.]
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Scratch whatever you thought three days ago.
Yeah, yeah, you're sure. Totally scratch that.
Yeah. So. You see, the thing is: dying is actually fun.
What is not fun is dying, then waking up, next falling into a boiling hot bowl of soup. Especially one garnished with legal shit out of everything. Double especially, one which may or may not involve the hospital folks wanting to call the cops on you.
Gulping down the last dredges of your cold coffee [no, not the cold coffee™️; it's the coffee which's turned cold], you shoot a quick smile to the woman at the billing counter. Only to earn an insultingly suspicious look in return, one which darts from you to the landline on her desk far too many times for your liking.
Defeated, you drop the act and sigh. Then erupt into a gush of tears.
"Please, Ma'am," you beg, voice trembling and warbling, "I'm not any criminal on the run, I swear. I had an accident in the forest following which I lost consciousness. I woke up after how many hours, I don't know, but only when I was lying on the hospital bed. With several bandages wrapped around my limbs and a stitch on my forehead, that too."
You pause, wanting to gauge your listener's reaction. Still suspicious, maybe more than before... Fine. Never mind. Carry on.
"I know I look very fishy right now but–"
"You can just pay your hospital bills and leave," The woman cuts you off, none too gently. You should take offense for that but you decide not to. You need to be in her good books to get out of this safely. And swiftly. And–
"How much was the total amount again?" you ask.
"Ten thousand yen."
You check your pockets [the eighth time in the last thirty minutes] and sniffle, "But I don't even have one yen with me."
"You can always call your family or friends and arrange some help," A kind elderly lady interjects from beside. You shake your head in the most crestfallen fashion you can manage. Not that it's too hard or anything. The very mention of your loved ones is more than enough to send you down a new cliff of depression. "I've no one left in the world, Ma'am. I'm all alone."
"What about your insurance?" Another person joins in. Yet another kind stranger. "Surely, it'll be enough to cover your bills?"
"Yeah..." You start, but the woman doesn't let you finish, butting in, "Of course, the insurance will be enough but the thing is she doesn't have an insurance. And before you suggest her applying for one, she cannot: her name is mysteriously not there even in a single government rec–"
"I shall pay twenty thousand yen. Let her off the hook, please?" A friendly voice cuts her off in one short smooth stroke.
You screw your eyes shut.
Wondering, if now is too late a time to beg the lady to call the cops on you instead.
At the very least, you won't meet your end, being called a monkey in the jail.
"Is that all you would like to eat?"
A simple question, really.
But you know the man asking it is not so simple. Very possibly, nor his intentions behind asking you either. For all you know [which is A LOT], he could be fattening you up like a pig before getting rid of you in a sacrifice or some shit. He does run a murderous cult, after all... You borrow a beat to chew the cupcake then return a curt nod.
"Are you sure?" Geto continues to press, however, sounding as worried as he looks. The sweet taste on your tongue turns bitter all of a sudden. "You need not worry about the money, if that's what—"
In retrospect, you know you'll regret your next course of action. If anything ever goes wrong, you know this will be when and where everything goes wrong first. Yet, you don't let anything stop you from placing your cupcake back on the plate and interrupting his sentence with a scoff. Eyes burning and chest aching from the uncanny resemblance between the care you used to receive from your friends, back in your world, and the care you're being shown now, by Geto Suguru of all people.
You manage to twist your face into a weak smile. "You wanted to ask questions from me, right?"
The man across from you stares at you for a bit. Then nods, quickly slipping into his usual mask of cordiality. It makes you want to scoff again, but you hold yourself back this time. You might lose control of your emotions from time to time, but you're better than digging your own grave... Yeah, you're better than that. You have to be if you don't wanna die a second time.
Geto leans back into his chair, wearing a warm expression. Have you already mentioned how good an actor he can be? He hums, "That I do, but I would much rather if I don't ask you those here. My home is a couple of hours away. Mind accompanying me there?"
"No, I don't think I will mind," You answer immediately but slowly. Almost as if you're muliing your words over while speaking them out. You aren't, though. You know what to say, what to ask, what to expect. A quiet feel of knowing sneaks into your careful query. "But I don't think you'll let me go soon, will you?"
"No," He agrees easily after watching you for a while [sort of taken aback, you can tell], "You're a peculiar specimen. It's rare to come across ones like you."
Specimen? SPECIMEN???
You draw in a deep breath to calm yourself before shoving out a tense chuckle. He is finally showing his true colours, huh?
"Very funny choice of words, Geto-san," You comment, thoughts in a bloody war with your words, "But the teeny-tiny problem here is: I Am Not A Specimen. And..." Pausing to take a sip of your chai, you resume, "Since I'll be giving answers to your questions, I shall be expecting something in return. Okay, yea?"
An amused look. Curious too, boredly so.
You beg your self-esteem to remain unhurt for a minute more. Just. A. Minute. More.
Geto inquires, "What do you want in return?"
"I want you to let me live," You shoot without a moment wasted, adopting a steely tone to hide your apprehension while you say the words you've been rehearsing in your mind for a while now, "But it's not just in the literal sense of the word 'live'. I want to live how any human being likes to live. With my well-being and dignity intact. If you want me to return the help you showed me earlier, I can cook or clean your house or tutor your kids— but I won't let you hold that over my head to keep me as a prisoner or a slave." Leaning forwards towards the centre of the table, you pin the man under a grave stare. "Do you agree or do you not?"
A beat passes. Then another. And another. Geto cracks a smile at you, but you can see it's not a smile. It's a sliver of a warning. He hums, "You do know you're in a more disadvantageous place than me, right?"
"In terms of cursed energy and all that stuff, I am," You agree easily, then add, smiling the exact same smile you're being shown, "But in terms of knowledge, I doubt you're anywhere near me. The things I know can change everything. Agree to my demands and I promise to answer whatever question you ask truthfully, be it regarding the past, the present or the future. What do you think? Fair deal, right?"
Of course, it is!!! An indignant voice screams in the back of your head. It is right. You know. Still, you decide to keep quiet, deciding to finish the rest of your breakfast while your listener mulls over the terms you laid down— or maybe, thinks of ways to murder you without creating a fuss in this crowded café. You don't think you can be very sure right now...
You didn't go too far, did you?
A cough draws your attention away from the empty plates before. Absently, you think the cupcakes and the scrambled eggs weren't too bad for a last meal. Geto regards you, as curiously as ever but now with a new tinge of disquiet. The sight fills you with a dark form of glee— a twisted sense of victory.
He lets go of a disturbingly long sigh.
"I agree to your demands," The man says, wearing the stiffest smile you've ever seen him wear, be it in this world or in yours, "But only if you promise to never tell me anything of the future— don't ask why, I am simply not fond of spoilers," He adds firmly when you open your mouth; you snap it shut. His tone doesn't scare you, however. Nor does the edge in his voice when he asks, repeating your words from earlier, "Do you agree or do you not?"
"I won't give you spoilers, alright, okay," You hum after a few moments. Decidedly satisfied after cutting open every word spoken to you and extracting its deepest meanings and implications, until there's nothing left for you to see— well, almost nothing. You hesitate a little before giving in to voice out the confusion nagging and poking you.
"But aren't you interested in what I know, Geto-san? Isn't me knowing too much why you called me 'a peculiar specimen'?"
Your question earns no response for a while... Until he leans back into his seat and with an odd glint in his gaze, asks, "You think you coming here was simply an accident and nothing more, don't you?"
"Yeah..." You answer honestly, despite the sudden feeling of uncertainty creeping into your senses and crawling down your spine. Tainting and troubling the brief lull of comfort and security you've built for yourself.
You watch Geto regard you for a few more seconds before he offers a faint grin— one that spells nothing nice. Nothing good. His voice drops to a hushed whisper.
"Then I don't think you know as much as you believe you do, Miss."
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Reader: *flexing her isekai-granted muscles like there's no tomorrow*
Geto, meanwhile: *having a traumatic flashback to that time in HS, Gojo spoilt a movie the poor boy was waiting eagerly for, for nearly a year*
Divider by @benkeibear. Header from Pinterest. I don't own the characters used here.
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canirove · 9 months
Granada | Epilogue
Author's note: And we've made it to the end 🙁 This story is one of my favourites I've written so far, and seeing so many of you liking it is just 🥹 So thank you very much for reading it and supporting it, it means a lot 💜 And to anyone who may have seen this story on the tags and has had doubts about reading it or not because it is a period drama, give it a go! People who who also felt like that have told me that they gave it a chance and found themselves really enjoying it 😉
Previous chapter
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"Do you have a darker shade of red?"
"Umm… something like this, my prince?"
"Yes, that's perfect" Rúben smiled. "This swimming pool has to be perfect. I want her to look at it the same way she looks at the ceilings in the palace."
"We'll do our best, my prince" the builder said. 
"Rúben! Rúben!" someone called behind him.
"Anne? What is it?"
"It's time" she said, trying to catch her breath.
"Yes, now. Come" she urged him before starting to run again towards the palace. 
"Is that normal?" Rúben asked as they got closer to his room.
"I'm pretty sure I was louder" Anne chuckled as another scream was heard.
"Make it stop!" Rowena yelled when Rúben and Anne walked into the room.
"It'll be over soon, princess."
"Rowena, I'm here" he said, kneeling next to the bed. "I'm here, my love."
"Rúben… Rúben, it hurts so much" she cried.
"I know it does."
"No, you don't! You men know nothing!"
"We actually don't, no" he chuckled. "But you can do this."
"I can't. I am so tired, Rúben. I just want to…" but she wasn't able to finish her sentence, only scream. 
"Can you do something to help with the pain?" he asked the midwife.
"She's already taken as much as it is allowed."
"But it isn't enough!" Rowena complained, squeezing Rúben's hand with such strength he thought she may break it.
"It'll be over soon, you'll see" Lady Rice said.
"How did you do it, mother? How did you do this five times?" she cried.
"We women are stronger than we think."
"I'm not."
"You are, Rowena. You are the strongest woman I know."
"Rúben, this isn't the moment to get chee… bloody hell!" she screamed.
"Princess, it's time to push" the midwife said.
"No, no, no. I can't. I'm not ready. Mother…"
"You are ready. Isn't she, Rúben?"
"I…" he mumbled, flashbacks from his dream coming back. 
"Rúben. Rúben" Rowena said, caressing his cheek and forgetting about her pain for a brief moment. "This isn't your nightmare. I may be hurting like hell, but I'm not going anywhere."
"He is the one who should leave."
"What?" both Rowena and Rúben said at the same time, looking at the midwife.
"This is no place for a man, my prince."
"I don't care. I'm not leaving her" he said.
"My prince…" 
"He is staying!" Rowena yelled as she felt another contraction coming.
"Alright, then" the woman sighed.
"And? What is it?" Rúben asked. Rowena had been pushing for a while, getting more and more tired as time passed, and the baby still wasn´t with them.
"I think… I think the baby is stuck."
"What?" he said, feeling his heart beating even faster than it already was.
"What can we do?" Lady Rice asked.
"Changing her position may be enough. My prince, I'm going to need you to sit behind the princess."
"Yes, you. Sit her between your legs and hold hers open. I think it will make the pushing easier for her, and the angle will help the baby too."
"Are you sure?"
"I've done it before, though never with the help of a man."
"Lady Rice?"
"Just do it, Rúben!" Rowena yelled again. "I want this baby out of me, and I want it now!"
"You heard her" Lady Rice chuckled.
"Oh, that's perfect. Push, princess. Push!" the midwife said.
"Is it working?" Rúben asked.
"It is. Come on, princess. Another big push!"
"That's it, Rowena. You are doing great" Lady Rice encouraged her.
"I can't… I can't…" she cried.
"The head is almost here, princess. Another push and it'll be out."
"That's our baby, Rowena. You can do it" Rúben said to her ear.
"No… I can't."
"Now, princess. Push!"
"The head, Rowena! I see the head!" Lady Rice said, tears already falling down her cheeks.
"One more push, princess."
"No… Rúben, no. I'm too tired."
"Just one more. You can do it, cupcake."
"Don't… call me… that!" she screamed as she pushed again. 
"You did it, princess! You did it!" the midwife said, a baby with dark hair on her arms. A baby who was moving… and crying. Loudly.
"Those are some nice lungs" Rúben chuckled.
"He is a strong one. Just like his parents" the midwife said, putting the baby in Rowena's arms.
"A boy. It's a boy, Rúben. A healthy boy with his ten fingers and toes. Look at… Rúben, are you crying?"
"I am, yes" he said, trying to wipe away his tears. "I just… You know how scared this made me. And to see you both here, and that everything is alright… because they are alright, aren't they?" he asked the midwife.
"They are, my prince. She now will need to rest, but they both are alright."
"Good, good" he smiled while still crying.
"Why don't you hold him while they finish cleaning her up?" Lady Rice said.
"You are his father, aren't you?" she chuckled.
"Yes, of course" he said, carefully moving from the bed to not hurt Rowena and letting the nurses do their job.
"He looks so tiny on those arms of yours" Rowena laughed. 
"But he wasn't tiny" the midwife chuckled.
"Oh, I know" she laughed again. "Rúben… Rúben, are you sure you are alright?"
"Better than ever" he said as he kissed the baby's head. His son. 
"Mother… Is this why you got pregnant so many times? Because seeing father with us just made you want to make more babies?"
"It may have been one of the reasons, yes" Lady Rice laughed. "Do you have a name yet?"
"We don't. But we thought about something with an R. It's like our letter. Rowena, Rúben, Rice, ruby…" she said, touching the little stone hanging around her neck.
"Rafael. He looks like a Rafael, don't you think?" Rúben said, not lifting his eyes from the baby. He still couldn't believe he was real. 
"Prince Rafael sounds lovely" Lady Rice said. "And he seems to like it" she chuckled when the baby started crying again.
"Is that a cry of liking it?" Rúben asked with a worried look.
"And of mother, I'm hungry."
"Oh, I see. Umm…"
"Give him to me" Rowena said, stretching her arms. "Let's just hope he didn't get your appetite."
"Mine? Who is the one who could eat a whole tray of cupcakes in one go… cupcake?" he asked with a teasing smile.
"Don't shush me, Romina."
"Mother, I will retract myself from what I said earlier. I don't want to have more babies anymore. I hate men."
"Oh, I also said that so many times, Rowena" Lady Rice laughed. "It didn't work, tho. When you've met the one, there is nothing you can do about it."
"Not even running away?"
"Nothing" she repeated. 
"We are stuck together, Rowena. You said it yourself" Rúben smiled. That smile.
"I guess we are, yes" she sighed, trying to hide her smile and thinking about the girl who had arrived at that same palace a few years ago. 
A girl who could have never imagined that she would enjoy living in that new country as much as she did. That she would risk her life for it and its people. That she would end up falling crazy in love with the stupid handsome boy who couldn't get her name right. A boy who was now a man. Her husband. The father of her son. Her home. The one. Rúben.
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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legendary-guest · 5 days
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All outfits I made for my Drakgo Teacher AU! Discussion under the cut. Lore/casual fic/part 1 here.
It was very important to me for all of these outfits to look like things that canon Dr. Drakken and Shego would wear, not just by lifting palettes from canon, but by incorporating design elements seen in the clothes they wear and finding outfits that feel appropriate for their ages.
I personally believe that the age gap between Dr. D and Shego is not insignificant, there's a clear difference in the way they behave and carry themselves in canon that signals this to me, aside from the fact that Drakken went to college with James. I'd say about 10-15 years, and their clothes should reflect that, not to mention their overall tastes. Dr. D's the butt of a lot of mid-life crisis jokes (by me, LOL), but he doesn't strike me as the sort to dress like he is going through one (this is what the villain career is for, aside from it being an extended and hilarious mental breakdown. The mullet is a holdover from the 80s, not trying to recapture his youth, in my opinion).
I wanted more 80s/70s older style clothes for Drakken, but a lot don't feel like him, and the brown palettes for many of them cross over with Mr. Barkin too much. Dr. D loses his identity with the shift in colour. He works well with deeper purples and reds, but him being listless, and honestly just plain depressed, had to be reflected in the colour choices. Even the long sleeves, hinting at this insecurity he has over his skin that I have made a point of in my Teacher AU. I've seen it a couple of times in fanfic, and I've enjoyed it immensely as an element of characterisation for him.
Chinos make their appearance here, and this Ms. Go's outfit is a slight remix of the original. I characterise that outfit, where she was effected by the Attitudinator and became Ms. Go, as something she would wear at the very beginning of her training as a teacher. Here, she has a bit more bite, more of the Shego we know and love, not as demure.
I gave her a tie in one of them because I love ties and she looks so chic with it. I really wanted to incorporate her belt from her original suit, but it's too garish to fit in with any of her outfits here, and it doesn't suit anything 'normal' or anything slightly professional/chic. Drakken's was easier to implement, more subtle.
Ms. Go palette is mostly green here for story reasons, too. It helps her in gaslighting the kids. If she wears greens and neutral colours, mostly, they won't be able to really tell that she IS green. I love the idea of a teacher Shego just seriously messing with kids' heads, I've had a few teachers like that in my life, who take great amusement in watching them trip over their words, or just outright lying to them to get a funny reaction.
The Good Ms. Go also has shorter hair, which I thought was so interesting - long hair as a hallmark of Shego's evilness - even Drakken's - so I just tied it up here. If I want her to go into evil, I can just by having her let her hair go, or if she just settles down with Dr. D, it's fine, too. It's also just practical as a teacher, makes her look put-together. Headbands make women look young, I find, there's a real girlishness to them. Ms. Go is a woman! And WHAT a woman!
Finding clothes that were professional yet edgy - o my God. The trek. Shego gave me a run for my money, I will tell you. If I had to redo any of this, I might be inclined to incorporate more asymmetry. I love her original suit, it's so striking and disorienting, it's actually insane to me that Stephen Silver designed that and everyone JUST AGREED, AND SAID IT WAS FINE, YEAH, WE'LL ANIMATE THAT?! Crazy. IN 2D, TOO!
Now, original Ms. Go has heels, and even Shego wears heels in So the Drama. Why no heels here? I didn't want to draw new feet and adjust the height, okay - BUT ALSO! She's still got that holdover from her hero days. She's got to be ready at any time, to spring into action!
FORGET THE FACT THAT SHE RUNS AND JUMPS AND SOMERSAULTS IN THE DAMN THINGS IN SO THE DRAMA, OKAY! She can afford to go to Mount Olympus and have Midas karate chop the calf and lower back pain away. She doesn't have a good masseuse/physio/chiropractor here in this AU. PRE-MIDAS! (Hm, maybe Dr. Lipsky could help with that?)
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dgtn · 1 year
Hey all! So I wanted to take a few to introduce myself. Another blogger did this a few days back and I was just like omg I need to do that too!
So my name is Diane and I am at midlife now in terms of age. I have been married for over 20 years and have 2 amazing kids, a young man and a daughter.
We live in Tennessee. I love so many different genres of music - my playlist has everything from BTS to Carrie Underwood, Troye Sivan, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Aretha Franklin…you name it…it’s probably on my list!
Outside of BTS and Jikook I love spending time with my family, health, fitness, and making jewelry, and yes that includes BTS themed jewelry of course 😏
My favorite shows to watch are crime dramas and anything sci fi. I’m a huge Star Wars fan (I still remember going to see A New Hope when it came out!)
I have 5 fur babies- 4 dogs and a cat. We also have a gecko.
I am a cancer survivor, coming up on 8 years now. I've also had brain surgery - crazy crazy!
So now that that’s out of the way….let’s talk BTS.
I’ve always heard the saying: you don’t find BTS, BTS finds you when you need them. This is true for me too (more on that later ).
I discovered BTS when I heard Butter for the first time back in 2021. I thought it was a catchy song and wanted to know more about the band behind the song. And so it began. I looked up BTS on the internet and the first member I came across? Jimin of course. My first thoughts were my god he is gorgeous. And his voice - are you kidding me! I’ve been around a long time and I have never heard a voice like that! So of course I needed to know more. Next came Jungkook. Uh….wow! That man is beautiful too! And his voice! I mean come on!!!! I had never heard of kpop before BTS so I had no idea about the world of kpop or any of its inner workings.
So into the world of BTS I dove. I went on line and started watching their music videos and started listening to more of their music and really really liking it. I slowly discovered the world of BTS online; Bangtan Bombs, In The Soop, Lives, Run Episodes, etc. Of course, watching all of these...I started to wonder, what's up with Jimin and Jungkook? Definitely caught a different vibe from them. So.....started watching jikook videos. Then, I discovered GCFT - and that sealed the deal for me. No looking back from that point. I remember the first time I watched it (yup, like yourself Ive watched it way more than once!!!) I was blown away and my reaction was "these 2 are in love with each other".
I absolutely love love love Jimin and Jungkook (as I’m sure you can tell from my blog!). I love them as individuals and I love them as a couple. They have something SO very special together and I just get so much joy out of seeing their relationship now and how it has grown over the years. They went from seriously crushing on each other in the early days of BTS to being in a long term fully committed monogomous relationship. I do believe that they are in this for life and have committed to each other for life. What that exactly looks like I'm not sure as they are still "In the Closet". My hope for them is that one day they will be able to show us their love for each freely and openly.
So getting back to BTS and how they found me when I needed them. I am officially mid life, in my 50's. I have always been a stay at home mom. My son is high functioning autistic. Throughout his schooling we really struggled with finding the right fit for him academically. When we moved to TN we eventually decided to home school him which became a huge priority of mine. Homeschooling was not easy. When he graduated high school it was such an accomplishment. I will admit that it also left me very emotionally drained. Being a mom in general is really hard (best job in the world!!!). We always put our children first before everything else; it's just what we do.
As my children have grown and continued to become more independent I actually started thinking about what I want to do for me. It's a foreign concept because as a mom I've never really thought that way. That was right about the time I discovered BTS (see where I'm going with this?). Their message of love yourself, take care of yourself, was something that really resonated with me. I know it might sound crazy but that "glow up" that some people have experienced through BTS happened to me too. I have found the time to "love myself" as BTS says. I am really putting myself first for the first time in my life. I am still here for my family 100% but I am also finding the time to take care of myself :) I am on that journey to find balance in my life and BTS has most definitely played a big role in that!
I absolutely love BTS as a band and as individuals. I have really enjoyed getting to know them and I look forward to sharing my love of BTS and jikook with all y'all for years to come :) I have met some wonderful people through Tumblr; some of whom I have become very close to and consider dear friends; and I feel so grateful and blessed to have these peeps in my life. I am really excited to see what the future holds for these 7 incredibly talented young men who came into our lives.
One thing for sure, The Best is Yet To Come.
Xoxo 😘
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princeasimdiya12 · 2 months
Bucchigiri Finale Thoughts
So I watched Episode 12 earlier today and had some time to think things over. And unfortunately, I realized that I didn't like this episode very much. Granted there are a good amount of moments that I did enjoy and contributed well to the main themes of the series. But there were too many moments that I felt undercut my enjoyment of the show. So fair warning, a lot of what I have to say is fairly critical and kinda negative. If you agree or disagree with anything I've said here, feel free to reblog this with your own comments. And if you're not into negativity, feel free to ignore this.
But I will start by mentioning the things I did like.
Just like everyone and their gyoza-making mothers, I loved the final fight scenes. The choreography was well executed and I thought the animation was top notch, both when it came to Senya vs Ichiya and Arajin vs Matakara. I really liked how in depth they went with the fighting sequences and the dark colors fit really well with the tone of the drama of the scene. The emotional range between the fighters felt incredible; the actors truly gave it their all when going about their fights.
And the part with Arajin mustering the power to save Matakara was beautifully done. I was in awe when Arajin brought up how Matakara became the very monster he tried desperately to destroy which really got a crack on his defenses. The sequence of Arajin reaching out to Matakara's inner child to help him out of his despair was gorgeous. Especially since Ara-chan used the Friendship Stone both to help the inner child and later when telling his old friend that he's not alone anymore. That was really great and genuine character growth, especially since Arajin accepted that he was in the wrong for leaving him all the time.
And as I mentioned in an earlier post, I did love the first scene with Arajin meeting Matakara for the first time. But as a twist, it was Arajin who was inspired by Matakara's dedication to being a Honki Person and volunteered himself to train alongside his new friend. That was a great twist and it adds new depths to how Arajin was actually inspiried by his old friend and not the other way around like we believed for so long.
So those were the parts that I genuinely enjoyed. Now for the parts I didn't really like..
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On one hand, while it is nice that Zabu wasn't brutally beaten to subconsciousness, I do kiinda wish that he did have to be hospitalized. It just feels so off-putting how he's relatively okay despite being brutally mauled by Matakara only a few hours ago. Especially since Marito and Kenichirou wound up in the hospital after losing to Matakara. Plus I feel like it undercuts the drama and severity of the situation by having Zabu be fine enough to look for Matakara. It doesn't help that he and Komao don't really do much apart from running around trying to find their friend.
Also, I hope I'm not the only one but did anyone else feel uncomfortable with this scene?
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I understand that Mahoro did it in a desperate bid to bring her brother back but the way she described Kenichirou here was just... gross.
Not insane, not weird, not quirky, not even ridiculous.
It was just gross for me to see her dehumanize one of the few dark skinned characters on the show. Even if he's not black/black coded, it still rubs me the wrong way that she would say those things so casually. Especially since Japan can be really casual when it comes to making racist/offensive remarks to brown skinned people in it's media. Plus there are tons of other ways she could have referred to him without calling him a gorilla. Like meathead, blockhead, oaf, ogre. Any other insult could have worked and been more acceptable than the ape insult. And it's unfortunately consistent since she did call him a gorilla during the Gang War Arc.
And then there's this part...
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I don't know if it was Mahoro's doing or if that's what the original nurses did, but it was just uncalled for. Both for the unspoken racism and for how it doesn't even apply to Kenichirou's character. Out of the three banchos, he's always been the least violent and was always shown to be tranquil and easy to work with, unlike Marito and Akutaro who were more unhinged, wild and violent in comparison. There shouldn't be any reason for him to behave so violently that the staff would resort to shackling him like an animal. Especially given how defeated he looked when Matakara beat him in a fight.
Another reason why I dislike this scene is because the characters involved (Mahoro, Marito, Kenichirou) do nothing to contribute to the final duel between Arajin and Matakara. None of these characters actually show up until the end when Matakara apologizes to everyone. You could have made it so that during the apology scenes, the two gang leaders could have shown up while covered in bandages or crutches. There really isn't a need to show us Marito waking up since we could get that later on in the end with Matakara apologizing to Siguma Squad.
The same can be argued for Zabu, Komao, Outa, Jabashiri and Hagure. Even though they spend most of their time hunting down Matakara and Arajin, they don't exactly contribute to the final duel or offer any words to the main heroes. They just show up and the duo resolve their problem like nothing.
Regarding Ichiya's secret of him dying, while it's not the worst reason for him to be so insistent on fighting Senya, I do wish there was more build up or at least some hints to it. It just feels like a random reason for why Ichiya developed his grudge against Senya. It's not the worst reason and it does make sense for why he wanted to die like a Honki Person instead of to a random illness, it just leaves a bad taste to how it happened to him out of randomness.
And wow, Arajin is never going to overcome the internet hating him for being a perverted simp mc.
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In a way, it makes some sense since Arajin's character arc was never about respecting women or learning that there's other ways to be a man apart from stealing a girl's virginity. That was never the focus as the story wanted him to confront his mistake of abandoning his old friend and not running away from his problems. That said, this still won't look good for him since fans are going to be turned off of Bucchigiri because of his perversions and how the show doesn't encourage him to change.
And as I've come to realize, the show itself doesn't seem to mind with the characters not growing out of their negative vices. A critique I have is that the show doesn't go out of it's way to challenge the beliefs of these characters or push them to grow into better people. Arajin is perfectly okay with being rude to everyone while pursuing a girl just so he can lose his virginity to her, Mahoro continues to lust over her older brother and has no interest in anything else, Marito is still a bloodthirsty bad boy who lives and breathes fighting, Kenichirou doesn't mind repeating high school as long as he gets to run Minato Kai, even Yayako prefers to act like a bubbly airhead rather then act like a responsible and respectful adult. And even with Matakara's corruption arc, he doesn't really recognize how harmful his idolization of Arajin was since the focus was more on his loneliness and trauma of being alone. Maybe because I'm spoiled by Mob Psycho 100, but it saddens me to see how these characters don't grow into better people or make an effort to change themselves. Especially since there can be potential for all of them.
And while I'm glad that Arajin and Matakara were able to become friends again, it feels like a letdown that there's no build up to it. It just rushes straight to them becoming friends again without acknowledging their negative attributes. Th same with puppy boy getting everyone to just accept him with no repercussions or consequences. It feels like letdown as there were no serious consequences for his actions. Like he could just go on a despair-induced rampage again and they'll just keep accepting him. On paper it's rather wholesome, but it does feel contrived if everything just works out without problems or how Matakara doesn't need to work hard to earn their forgiveness. That would have been for a greater character moment and to show Matakara taking responsibility for his actions. But we never see Matakara doing that and him being accepted by the gang feels rather hollow. It's technically nice that he has his friends back and that SS won't have his heart on a stick, but it feels hollow.
Speaking of taking non-responsibilities and being accepted by the gangs, Akutaro is now back with the NG Boys and they're accepting of him?
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I really do wish we could have had a scene that explains how the heck he was able to win back his old gang despite them professing that they weren't going to let him beat them around like before. It just feels offputting that Akutaro is back in charge and has their respect with zero explanation or even any build up to it. He spent all his time trying out different jobs and activities but nothing to suggest that he wants to go back to his old club again.
Not to mention that this is still bad news for Minato Kai since Akutaro still has his hatred for Kenichirou and still longs to destroy him. And given how he also hasn't grown out of his negative vices, it's more than likely he'll come up with a new plan to destroy them albeit a different approach. Though the other gangs will be aware of him trying to wreak havoc on them again, I sincerely doubt that that'll stop Akutaro from having his revenge. And with the NG Boys and Girls behind his back, he definitely has a shot at it.
Then there's the resolution with the Nyan Nyaight Love segment. While it was endearing with the Receptionist wanting to help out the Customer, I'm just trying to wrap around the logic behind the Receptionist accepting him again.
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It doesn't make sense to me how he'd be accepting of the guy who abducted one of your prized cats, lose her, and then just welcome him back with another cat. It's setting up a cycle for the Customer to fall in love with a new cat only for him to become obsessed with her and then try to steal the cat out of "love". And while the show focuses on him learning to lose his shame of visiting NNL, it doesn't try to challenge his dependency on cats for company along with his hostile jealousy.
Is the Receptionist aware of this potential problem and how it can happen again to another cat? Is the manager of NNL willing to accept the Customer again along with the risk of jeopardizing his business? I can't imagine how difficult it must be to promote a cat only to lose it because of a depressed nutjob.
Also, to the anon who was grossed out by Arajin's mom, I'd like to give a complete apology to you for refuting your claims. Because this...
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This was not necessary.
I mean, it is interesting to know that Marito shows attraction to girls/women which gives more depth to his character. And while it is weird for him to hit on an older women, it's still technically okay since it is normal for teens/youth to show attraction to adults that catch their interest.
But what isn't okay is Yayako's reaction to his attention.
Again, she is a grown woman getting over excited because a teenage boy is trying to hit on her. And she's okay with this? Like ma'am, not only is that concerning because of the blatant age differences but you're also a married woman (according to the additional info). How are you so lenient with being hit on by a guy who could pass for your son? Like really? I used to think of Yayako as a quirky, wholesome woman who needed to not let her son treat her like trash. But now I'm seriously questioning her values and how she treats everything in her life like a soap opera.
In regards to Mitsukuni being in a coma and waking up, it was... okay. Like I'm happy that Matakara will get his big brother back and they'll be able to move into an apartment like they wanted to. But I feel that the reveal of him being in a coma undercut alot of the emotional turmoil Matakara went through. I don't know, it just feels rather hollow knowing that Mitsukuni was always there and was going to make it out alive while his little brother was running around like a war machine. It's conflicting in all honesty.
But what isn't conflicting was how much I really didn't care much for Senya returning in the last shot. I wasn't moved by Senya showing up in the last scene or how Arajin secretly missed him. Maybe it's because of how Arajin constantly yelled at him or acted like he didn't care. And while he does care in his own way, I just felt disinterested in the reunion and I had no strong emotions of Senya returning. It doesn't help that the part with Senya and Ichiya "leaving" didn't really have alot of emotional depth to make the reunion more impactful. Senya not coming back would not have me upset.
And those would be my thoughts on the final episode. For those who stuck around to read all of this, I thank you for doing so. And to those that stuck around, I apologize for the excessive negativity. And like I mentioned above, you're more than welcome to reblog this with your thoughts and whether you agreed, disagreed or have something to say regarding my post.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this along with my other posts for this ridiculous show. Your feedback means alot to me and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Nana na na, Nana na na, Nana na na na na...
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enigmatist17 · 3 months
Joyce and Spike are besties, that's it 🤷‍♀️
" - and there's no way she hasn't cheated on him!"
"Thats what I've been saying!" Spike's giggle is the first thing Buffy and Dawn hear when they return from a long day out.
"You know it's going to be a point of contention for like, the next week innit." The vampire snorted, halfway to raising a mug to his lips when Buffy and Dawn peeked into the living room with matching faces of shock and curiosity.
"....what are you doing here?" Dawn broke the awkward silence, Joyce having lowered the volume as Spike sat up straight on his spot on the couch.
"Watchin' Passions, wots it look like?" Spike grumbles, the blood in his mug a bit obvious when Dawn moves further into the living room.
"Buffy, what did I say about threatening Spike in my home?" Joyce shakes her head, Buffy looking at her with a slight pout.
Spike just gave a smug grin as he relaxed back, sipping his blood as he stared down Buffy.
"Someone messed up my crypt, and I like telly time." The vampire sniffed, and Buffy has the decency to look a bit guilty as he reaches forward to add some marshmallows from a small bowl on the coffee table to his mug.
"What is it with you two and Passions?" The Slayer finally moves to set her bag down by the door, Dawn slowly reaching over to snatch her own marshmallow before going to take up a free chair.
"It's a great soap!" Joyce shook her head as she raised the volume a little, not blind to the way Buffy kept her guard up. "Not a lot of people appreciate it here, and Spike has been lovely enough to join me."
"Figures he'd enjoy a soap with a haunted doll." Buffy grumbled as she went to the kitchen, and Spike only cackles as he places his socked feet back up on the table in front of him.
"Love me a good drama, luv, and yer mum has a great appreciation for art." Spike drawled, Dawn biting back a squeak when he lounged against her mother with a soft chuckle.
"That's very sweet of you to say." Joyce put a hand over her heart for a moment, a bit embarrassed yet touched. "While I wouldn't say a drama is art, that's still very sweet."
"All forms of media tend ta be art after a while." Spike shrugged, trying not to look pleased by the praise he'd received.
"I have work to do, I'll stake you if you try and kill my mother." Buffy called as she rounded up the stairs, honestly too exhausted for the normal verbal sparring match.
"Oooh I'm so scared." Spike rolled his eyes, muttering something as Joyce shook her head.
"I live with too many teenagers."
"Oi! I am not acting like a bloody teenager." Spike whined dramatically as Dawn giggled, pulling out some of her homework as Passions resumed in the background.
"The way you and Buffy bicker, you sure do." Joyce watched as Spike sat up to take a sip of his blood.
"I can only imagine how hard Angel'd laugh hearing that." Spike shook his head, Joyce watching him drink in thoughtfulness. "Still acts like I'm a fledge sometimes instead of the master I am."
"Well, that's his loss, dear." She patted his knee with a soft hum, wondering when she'd accepted the supernatural world as if she'd always known. "I think you make a great, uh, master, despite everything that's been forced on you."
"Think so?" As much as Spike had always put on airs, Joyce had always been able to catch sight of the more human side whenever she praised him, this time a small twinkle in his eye when he looked over.
He used to be known as William.
He'd confessed one drunken night one night that Buffy and Dawn were both out of the house, Spike sitting on the floor in front of the couch while Joyce propped him up. He'd told her how stupidly weak he'd been, how Cecily had broken his heart and practically drove him into Druscilla's embrace, voice trembling when he trailed off with his first undead breath.
She'd listened without a single interruption, one hand running through his dyed blonde hair while the other was firmly clamped over her mouth.
"Do you still remember your poetry?" It was a simple question, the drunken vampire tearing unfocused eyes from the carpet he'd been staring at.
"Some of it, yea." He didn't want her to stop touching his hair, leaning back with a pop of his back.
"You should recite it to me sometime, I'd love to hear it...William."
Blue eyes focus at the name, searching the woman's face for something she couldn't place, finally looking into her eyes.
"Not many people call me William." The statement is both a threat and pure vulnerability, and Joyce leans down to kiss the top of his head.
"Consider me honored."
"I know so." The vampire hums at that, reclining back on the couch and leaning against her.
"So, let's see if she really did cheat on him."
"Callin' it now!"
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Can u write something where Eddie forgets it’s readers and his anniversary? And reader goes to find where he is and see he is at hellfire and confronts him about it, then Eddie makes it up to them. Angst & fluff pls :) requested by anon.
Warnings; Angst and fluff
Y/n is fuming. It's past eight on Friday night and Eddie despite promising her all week has forgotten that it's their anniversary dinner.
So yes she is pissed off. She cooked them a lovely meal, and bought a new set of lingerie to wear in bed later.
Eddie was in the middle of a hard campaign at Hellfire and she knew very well how much he got sucked into planning everything.
Honestly, he was so smart and seeing him at work, creating different challenges and things was incredible.
Usually, she was extremely patient and even loved helping him with the campaigns but today of all days she thought maybe he could remember their special day. That she might take precedence for once.
Still fuming she gets in her car and drives to where Hellfire is situated, sometimes it's the school auditorium and sometimes it's the drama club.
Hearing Eddie's booming voice in the middle of the game makes her pause slightly guilty she's interrupting him.
Hold on? She catches herself. Why the hell does she feel guilty? It's one night she asked for just for them, one special night and he forgot.
Angry again she heads into the auditorium and the boys all turn to look at her.
Eddie peers up annoyed.
"Princess, I love you but I'm in the middle of my best campaign yet". She feels like steam might be coming out of her ears with how furious she is after she said that.
"Eddie, did you forget what today was?". He looked confused and she feels disappointed.
He really did forget.
"Uh..." Oh my god was he just trying to piss her off now.
"It's our anniversary Eddie and you promised that you would be home early. I cooked for us but now its all gone cold and you promised me you wouldn't be late".
His face drains of colour.
"Shit...", That's all he has to say?
"I know you love Hellfire Eddie and you are so passionate about it. Heck, I've helped you so many times with it Ed's, I love supporting the things you love'
"But I asked for this one thing, only one so thank you very much for proving that this is more important than keeping a promise to me".
She leaves then and feels the tears run down her cheeks.
He feels like an idiot because he has the perfect gift bought, a pretty necklace that y/n had been eyeing and due to getting too engrossed he had fucking missed the dinner.
Jesus Christ, he was a dumbass.
He rushes home and picks some flowers on his way from the field that y/n loves, it's full of wildflowers in all different colours and varieties.
When he heads into the trailer his heart melts she's fast asleep on his bed, snuggled into his t shirt.
"Princess". He wakes her and she peers up at him still looking mad.
"I'm sorry I lost track of time, I want to make it up to you though". She peers up at him and he pulls her onto his knee.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry sweetheart" she softens a bit and kisses his cheek.
"I think dinner will be okay I just need to heat it up. I'm sorry for shouting in front of your friends Eddie".
"I was an idiot princess, Dustin and Jeff chewed me out too, I fucked up and I'm sorry".
He pulls out the box and opens it, she gasps.
"Eddie, I can't believe you got me this". She squeals. "Thank you, thank you".
The smile on her face is so incredible and his heart feels so full as he helps her put the necklace on, she kisses him delighted and grins.
"I got you the new guitar you wanted Ed's. I hid it behind the couch". His eyes light up and he rushes to get it, moaning at how beautiful it is.
All sleek and red, fucking perfection.
"Princess this is so metal, thank you so much, do you want me to play something for you after dinner?".
She nods and begins to heat up the meal.
"You know I have one last surprise, Eddie". She tells him and gives a peek at her new lingerie. He gapes.
"Jesus H Christ". He whispers and she smirks watching him grow more and more aroused as they eat.
When dinner is done he pulls her onto his knee.
"So princess wanna head to bed so I can ruin that perfect little lingerie set you bought, would very much like to take those panties off with my teeth". He murmurs all husky, full of need.
"Weren't you going to serenade me first?". She teases and he kisses her.
"Later beautiful. Now bed". He orders and she giggles.
"Yes sir".
What started off as a stressful night ends with them both laughing and kissing and making love until the morning light.
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myobsessionsspace · 3 months
This whole goddamn taekook vs jikook 💿🐎 is so exhausting. Honestly.
Was I a bit saddened when Jeongguk didn't mention Jimin? Yeah. But for the wrong reasons because my brain was hard wired into thinking "taekookers are gonna run a mile with it".
It's fucked up. But more importantly, it's not Jeongguk's fault - it's purely a me/army problem.
The fact that everyone in army has some kind of version of the members that's mostly fabricated, isn't something they can control.
They are most likely aware of all the hate they get online, especially if it gets really bad. That it gets really bad for Jimin a whole lot, from within army even, can't be unknown to them. But it's not on Jeongguk to change himself on the off-chance it's gonna reduce hate. Most likely that wouldn't work either. Tkkers, akgaes and Solos will hate on BTS every chance they get.
BTS are whole people, individuals that think differently and experience things differently. To reduce them down to their interactions with others is insanely harmful, but it has been normalised. From what I've seen, a lot of shippers (both taekookers and jikookers) reduce the maknae line to what they do and with whom. I did it too, when I immediately thought sadly about the letter when it's the first proper sign of life we've gotten from our golden maknae in ages.
So, as much as I'm f.e. looking forward to the travel show, I'd also advise shippers in particular to watch actual uncut ot7 content. ITS, BV, concerts and behind the scenes - there's a decade worth of videos. Yes, everyone believes in hybe having a narrative to push, so I don't expect people to actually do this honestly, but it might decode some of the army-internal brainwashing.
Hi lovely,
First of allllll
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I’m here for what you are throwing down!
It’s not a THEM (the members) problem it’s an US problem.
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How does it make sense that ‘fans’ be it solos, shippers, whatever, get mad when people we’ve never met talk about a member who they’ve ate, slept, breathed, played and worked with for 10+ years? How does it make sense to be angry over them interacting, touching, mentioning each other because of what the shippers will say? You damn right it’s exhausting😪.
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⬆️An example 😓 They literally had phones in their faces from all sides and so many think pieces about their interactions VS ⬇️
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I can’t point the finger without three pointing back at me, cos like you said I too have had moments when I’m like ‘those mf’s are gonna have a field day with this…’ as my first thought?! What’s wrong with me??? I get it when real OT7 say shippers & solos (when talking about those that actually are and not the ones they like to label to dismiss valid thoughts) ruin everything, cos as soon as content and good news drops there’s always gotta be some bullshit alongside it, from any subsection 😪
They HAVE to be aware but kudos to them, they keep it moving, they’re so strong to have millions of strangers on multiple platforms speaking on them like they know them, but still have so much love in their hearts to continue engaging because they know the some isn’t the all.
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With every drama and battle online it actually deepens my love and awe of these regular guys, with talent hard worked for, still trying hard to show their goodness to their supporters, not throwing in the towel for their peace. They’re everything 😍
I’m glad people like you are making it your mission to not reduce them to their duos, ships and solo fandoms, but still supporting them as TALENTED INDIVIDUALS. I’m trying too💪. I want to be conscious in appreciating them for them, their talents, their individuality AND their bonds, ALL OF THEIR BONDS.
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Obviously I bias some bonds more than others, it’s human nature🙈
We definitely need to keep pushing about original content, we need to keep pushing about original sources not just clips and cuts and edits, we definitely need to keep pushing about doing our googles!
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We need to not close our eyes to the other interactions, it’s not scary! It helps us appreciate Jikook’s bond more and appreciate them as members, friends & brothers of the others.
Because no matter what people believe those 7 MEN love each other down.
It helps us be able to filter the bullshit when we do come across misinformation and defamation of character. It helps our confidence in knowing we’re stanning and supporting the right ones.
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I’m super geeked for the show coming from Jikook too…whenever it comes 😩 Heck we’re starved, so I’ll start small, I’m desperate for a ‘keep warm, don’t catch a cold’ message from Jiminie even though he’s doing his best in keeping in contact, why are we so thirsty 😅
Thank you for writing in and speaking my heart! 😉
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luvyblossom · 10 months
Love me (not) (Pt.2)
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Hello Lovelies!
This ended up being way longer than I intended it to be. The drama has started!! As always please let me know what you thought and interact with this work. Reblogs are always appreciated!
Enjoy Part 2
Warnings: none in this chapter but series contains smut (MDNI)
Series Masterlist
The next morning, you woke up to find that Hyunjin hadn’t cuddled up to you during the night. He was always a clingy sleeper so it was odd to see his back turned to you. You always woke up before the alarm usually staying still so Hyunjin could sleep longer but today you were able to get up. You sat up, the movement of the mattress letting Hyunjin know you were awake. 
He was awake too. He turned quickly towards you. “ Good morning.” 
“Good morning,” you said with the warm smile that was all the sunshine he needed. Before you could get up he pulled you back down to the bed and into his arms. You let out a whine but did not fight him. 
“Just 5 more minutes. I didn’t sleep well.” Hyunjin whispered into your hair. Your heart did this silly little thing where it skipped a beat and then sped up until it was pounding in your chest as if it was trying to run away. The loud thuds of your heart were the only thing you could hear, you worried they were so loud that Hyunjin could hear too. Your heart often did this around him.
You gave Hyunjin his allotted 5 minutes and then wriggled out of his grasp, relieved to be able to breathe again as your heart beat slowed down. He tried to grab at you again whining, "You don't want me to get any sleep."
" I have class Hyunjin," you laughed after looking at him pouting, still in your bed and still with his eyes closed.
"Skip class. You're ahead anyways. I need a nap." Now his eyes were open looking at you.
" Then take a nap."
" I don't like to sleep alone," he said this quieter. You hadn't known that about him. You thought he usually came by to get a break from all the boys.
You tried not to read into it too much. " I'm sure you can find someone to sleep with," you laughed, "but please not in my bed."
Hyunjin sat up. "I've never actually slept with any of them. They usually leave and I don't let them stay." You learned another thing you hadn't known about your friend. Again, you decided to let the confession go and not read into what it meant that you were the one he slept with. You could never let yourself think too much when it came to Hyunjin, you would go crazy if you did. Instead of giving him a reply you walked to the kitchen and started your coffee maker.
You heard a groan and then the creaking of the bed as Hyunjin got up and joined you in the kitchen. You started cooking Hyunjin's eggs the way he liked them. It was Friday which meant Hyunjin likely had some party to go to and he wouldn't be staying over.
"You're not coming over tonight right?" You asked as you put his breakfast in front of him.
"We're hosting a party at Sigma Chi tonight," he confirmed. "You know you're always invited."
You had absolutely no desire to attend any of those parties. You didn't mind drinking but the atmosphere was always overwhelming and there was always a tipsy creep around. "You know I don't like to go to those. Plus I have a bunch of work to catch up on."
" You should let loose once in a while. You're always working and you never do anything else with me but study," Hyunjin was giving you a little pout. He had tried to get you to attend so many parties. You always denied. What you would dread the most is when Hyunjin would inevitably disappear with some girl for the night and leave you to fend for yourself. It was the being alone part that bothered you, you assured yourself.
"It's not really my thing Hyunjin. You know that."
"If you come I'll show you the piece I'm working on."
That was an intriguing offer. You had never really gotten to see any of Hyunjin's art, only a few projects he's done for his classes. " Can't I just come to see it when there's not a party? You're going to be preoccupied anyways."
"You have to earn a private showing," Hyunjin winked at you. " And I will make sure you have fun, I won't leave you alone."
You weighed your options. You knew that some of your girlfriends were going as well so you wouldn't have to be completely alone. " I'll think about it."
"Hey" you greeted Felix as you rushed into your lab. You had just barely made it in time.
"Hi" Felix gave you his bright smile and began to pull out the things you needed.
"I don't know how you're so cheerful this early in the morning," despite saying that you smiled back at Felix, his smile making yours come easy.
"It's easy when I've got you as my lab partner."
That made you blush. Felix periodically said these sweet flirty things that made your ears turn a bit red. You always brushed it off not knowing what to say in return.
"Okay our percent yield isn't bad" you showed Felix the calculations to confirm it was right.
"Yeah it looks good." You both packed up and started heading out. Before you could part ways, Felix turned to you, " Are you and Hyunjin a thing?"
You were used to this question. "No we're just good friends."
"Okay. I'll walk you to your next class." Felix was really quiet as he walked by your side, swinging his arms nervously. "Are you going to the party at Sigma Chi tonight," he asked after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
"I don't know. I don't usually go to those types of things."
Felix didn't respond for another stretch of time. It was strange to have him so quiet. He usually would talk your ear off.
"You should come," he finally said, " Um, we could go together."
You thought about it. Felix's company would get you through the night. You would get to see Hyunjin's art and he would get off your case about 'letting loose.' "Sure, come for 9?"
Felix let out a large breath of air. He had been holding it in waiting for your reply. You made him so goddamn nervous. "O-okay great, yes. See you tonight y/n," he gave you a big grin as you walked into your class.
You slipped on your sneakers when you got the ‘I’m here’ text from Felix. This was the first time in a long time you had taken the time to get ready. You chose to wear a black crop top with a short pleated black skirt. Spending time on yourself, doing you makeup and your hair had actually been fun. You walked out of your apartment feeling confident.
Felix was waiting for you right outside your building. You smiled and waved at him as you walked up. He was in all black like you. A t-shirt that hugged his arms but was slouchy in the torso and black pants. He had a sort of long mullet that really suited him and he was standing there - waiting for you - looking, staring at you as you walked towards him.
“Hey” that’s all he could say. Too nervous to say anything else at the moment. The walk with Felix was so quiet. You didn’t know what was up with him today. You decided to start the conversation.
"So, what do you do aside from bio labs?" Although you had spent hours with Felix weekly, you didn't know much about him.
"I do taekwondo. I have a few matches coming up so it's been busy."
"I know who to go to for self-defense lessons now."
He turned to you with a smile that lit up his eyes. It was so excited and genuine that it caught you off guard as his eyes looked into yours. " I would love to teach you!"
Your heart pounded for the second time today but caused by a different catalyst. You didn't have to suffer too long because you both had reached the party.
Loud music and so many people, you would need alcohol to make it through the night. You turned to Felix, "Drinks?"
He nodded and you began your trek through the crowd of drunk students to the kitchen. On the way, Felix had been stopped by three different girls asking him to join them or dance; he had respectfully declined all of the offers. When you finally got to your destination you were greeted by a table full of alcohol and Seungmin "Hello pretty lady! Nice to see you finally join us," he said as he gave you a quick hug and handed you a glass.
Seungmin was one of the members of the frat and a good friend as well. He looked over at Felix and gave him a quick greeting and a drink before getting close to you,"Brought a date?"
You elbowed Seungmin which was enough to get him to cut his teasing short and leave you and Felix.
"Sorry about all that," Felix nervously scratched the back of his neck again. You understood he was referring to all the times he's been stopped by girls in the crowd.
"No worries, I'm very used to it," you laughed. It hadn't bothered you but you had heard Felix quietly tell them that he was already here with someone and that had made your heart beat a little bit faster. You weren't sure if this was a date or if you were here as friends; you didn't know the answer to Seungmin's question.
While Felix and you spoke and drank you looked into the crowd trying to see if you could spot Hyunjin. When he did finally come into view you saw him with his arm around Jess's waist. You felt a knot in your stomach. You chose to ignore it and turn your attention completely to Felix, hoping he would once again be the perfect distraction.
"Do you want to dance?" The alcohol had given Felix some confidence and allowed you to loosen up.
You followed him to the makeshift dancefloor that was made in the living room by pushing aside all the furniture. It was crowded, forcing you and Felix to sway close to one another. After the first song, Felix found the courage to place his hands on your waist and pull you a bit closer. It felt natural as you placed yours onto his shoulders now swaying to the beat of a slower song.
Felix had held you with just his fingertips but as you placed your hands on him, grazing the back of his neck, he allowed his hands to rest on your waist. His palms were hot against the exposed skin of your back but they gave you goosebumps like you had just been hit by a chill. He pulled you even closer, your chest now touching his and sending another chill through you. The alcohol in your system allowed you to keep swaying as you ran your hands first down his arms feeling his toned biceps. Then you ran them back up to trace over his collar bone before dragging them down his chest. His chest was hard and as you moved down you could feel the definition of his abs. You didn't know he had been hiding all that, it made sense that he did taekwando you thought to yourself. You ran your hands back up his chest before tracing over his neck and finding your way to the back of his neck to tangle into his hair.
The whole time Felix's eyes focused on you, taking in the way you admired him. When he felt your hands tug at his hair he let out a sharp breath, not knowing that he had been holding it in. You looked at him, studying his features. Moving from his eyes to the freckles that peppered over his cheeks and nose until finally landing on his pink almost pouty lips. "You're so pretty," it came out hushed as you moved your fingers to trace over his jawline.
Felix let out a chuckle that sounded like it had a hint of a groan, "I should be saying that to you-" He stopped speaking as you moved your fingers up to trace his lips. You looked back into his eyes, your thumb still making its way across his bottom lip which was now slightly parted. You could feel your heart pounding, drowning out the music and noise around you as you continued to match his fiery stare. Felix followed suite as he brought one of his hands up to your face to gently move a stray piece of hair behind your ear. He ran his finger down to your chin, tracing your cheek before tilting your face up to him. His face moved closer to yours at an agonizing pace. Finally his lips hovered right by yours, almost touching-
"Ah!" You yelped as you felt a hand snake around your waist and pull you back. You collided into something hard behind you. As you recovered from your surprise, you looked at Felix to see him looking behind you. You turned around to face a muscular chest before pushing away from the assailant to see who it was. You looked up to see Hyunjin glaring at Felix. He looked down at you as he felt your push.
"Y/n, you didn't tell me you were coming." His eyes were dark pools. His words sounded harsh making you feel as though you had done something wrong.
You glared back at Hyunjin recovering from the surprise. You mouthed to him ' What the fuck??' You turned around to face Felix, there was a significant distance between the two of you. You pushed against Hyunjins forearm, that was still wrapped around your waist, to walk towards Felix. Hyunjin just tightened his hold on you pulling you closer against him, "I promised I'd show you my paintings." He started to turn with you pressed against him to get off the dancefloor.
Before you were forced to follow you turned and gave Felix an apologetic look. "I'm sorry! I'll be back," you shouted so he could hear you over the music. Felix gave you a little smile and a nod before you were quite literally dragged out of his view. Hyunjin didn't let go of you until you reached his bedroom. He opened the door and lead you in, finally letting you go and closing the door behind you two. Before you could start to go off on Hyunjin you were stopped in your tracks. Jess was perched on the end of his bed as if it was her place.
"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked. Jess walked past you slightly pushing you as she went and draped herself on Hyunjin.
You couldn't do this. You were fuming as you walked out of his room, slamming the door behind you. You had maybe had a bit too much to drink you realized as you stumbled down the stairs. You decided that it was not enough by the time you reached the last step, proceeding to the kitchen and downing some shots before finding your way to a beer pong table where Felix was expertly aiming his ball. He stopped when he saw you and held out the ball gesturing you to join him. You grabbed for the ball but ended up missing completely and stumbling into him.
"Are you okay?" Felix asked, his face was painted in concern as he held you up.
"I'm fine," your voice betraying you as your words slurred and tears started to blur your vision.
"Let's get out of here?" It was more of a statement than a question but you nodded in agreement. Felix helped you out the door and to the sidewalk where the music was no longer ringing in your ears. "What happened?" He looked at you as he wiped away the tears that had streamed down your face.
" Hyunjin is an ass." You said conclusively. You sank down to your knees, feeling so exhausted. You could feel the concrete on your bare legs. You were too tired to move, too tired to cry and too tired to feel. You would have laid down if Felix wasn't holding you up.
"Y/n, get up. We need to get you home."
"I'm tired," you made no move to get up. "Home is too far."
"I live close to here. C'mon." Felix was kneeling in front of you so you could climb onto his back. You used the last of your energy to climb on, greatful for your saviour.
" You're stronger than I thought you would be," you slurred on and let your hands briefly feel his chest. " So muscular." Felix chuckled in response.
He didn't make you walk at all. You don't know how but he maneuvered his door open and carried you into a bedroom allowing you slip off him and onto the bed. You felt him take your shoes off and then he left the room. You were already dozing off when Felix returned. You felt something wet on your face making you whine as it disturbed your sleep.
" Shh. I just have to take your makeup off and then you can sleep." Felix hushed you. You opened your eyes to see Felix focused on carefully wiping your face. You smiled. " What?" Felix asked, seeing you staring at him.
" You're like my hero. Thank you." Your words were genuine despite coming out slurred.
A blush set over Felix's face as he continued wiping away your makeup. " Okay all done. Sleep tight y/n." He pulled the covers over you and turned off the light before leaving the room.
Your head was pounding. You squinted as you opened your eyes, the sunlight pouring in through the window was too bright. Your eyes adjusted as you rose up onto your elbows and looked around. You were not in your room. The room you were in had a desk with a full gaming set-up. There was a shelf crowded with medals and books and the rest of the walls were covered in band posters. You found the strength to get out of the strange bed and venture out. You were met with an unfamiliar man sitting in the living room only further confusing you.
" Felix, she's up." He didn't bother greeting you but you were happy to hear a familiar name. Felix popped his head out from under the kitchen island which was right behind their living room.
"Y/n, how'd you sleep?" He asked as he walked to you and handed you a glass of orange juice and an aspirin. He guided you to sit on the couch. "This is Minho, my roommate." Minho gave you a small wave but didn't bother to look at you.
You took the pill and gulped down the orange juice. As you sat you started to remember your night. The almost kiss, Hyunjin and Jess and the stuff you said to Felix. You started to turn red, feeling embarrassed at the actions of drunk you. "I slept okay. I -uh sorry."
"I don't mind, it's not everyday I get to be someone's hero," Felix teased.
You groaned and buried your face in your hands not wanting to look at him. He just laughed at your reaction before getting up. He placed a plate with pancakes on your lap when he returned. "I don't think I can eat," the embarrassment and alcohol making you queasy. Felix however, did make sure you ate and drank a bunch of water before letting you leave.
“Thank you for everything." You said as you opened the passenger door. He had also insisted on giving you a ride home. As if he could get any sweeter.
" I hope you figure it out with Hyunjin." He gave you a soft smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"There’s nothing to figure out. He shouldn't have dragged me away like that." You started to feel the anger again as you rubbed your temples. " I owe you one."
As you got into your elevator you finally checked your phone. Felix had charged it overnight to make sure it wouldn't die. You had 20 missed calls and atleast 10 texts from Hyunjin. You decided not to open them until after you'd had a shower and maybe a nap.
You opened your apartment door to be greeted by Hyunjin. He had dozed off on your couch, still in his clothes from last night. Your heart softened just a bit, feeling bad that he had come looking for you.
Your entry into the apartment had stirred Hyunjin awake. " Y/n?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He saw it was you and he was fully awake now. He stood up. "Where The Fuck Were You?"
Hyunjin had never raised his voice at you before so his tone took you by surprise. His question managed to wash away the slight bit of sympathy you had felt for him earlier, replacing everything with rage. You didn't shout. " That is none of your business."
" What the fuck do you mean it's none of my business?" Hyunjin walked over to you, your strong front beginning to dissolve as he moved closer. He took a deep breath and let it out, softening his gaze as he moved his hand to your face to gently move a stray hair out of your face. "I was so worried about you," he said in a much softer tone that sounded like your Hyunjin.
Your anger had completely dissipated at this point, your breath hitching as you tried to find words while he stood this close to you. You instead chose to bury your face in his chest so he'd wrap his arms around you. You were still exhausted and just wanted comfort. Your heart had been doing somersaults consistently for the past two days and you needed everything to be calm. It was a marvel how this man could make your heart jump but put you at ease so easily.
Hyunjin let you relax in his arms. The conversation wasn't over but he felt your exhaustion. He was tired too having barely slept last night while trying to find you. You looked up at Hyunjin torn between staying the way that you were or going to bed. " You can shower first," you decided bed was the move.
You crawled into the covers next to Hyunjin, your hair still damp because you had been too lazy to blow dry it. You were ready for a real rest until it was interrupted by Hyunjin, "We still need to talk."
You didn't look at him. "About?"
"About where you were last night and why you ran off."
You were only ready to answer one of those questions. "Stayed over at Felix's place."
Hyunjin tensed. That was what he had dreaded hearing from you. He tried to keep his tone even, "Did anything happen?"
You turned over onto your stomach propping your face on your arms so you could look at him, "Why are you being so nosy?"
"I don't like him."
You rolled your eyes. " Is that why you dragged me away last night?" Hyunjin refused to reply. "I'm not crazy about your hookups either. You'll live. At least he tries to be nice to you."
"What happened?" Hyunjin wouldn't drop the subject.
"Does it matter?"
"Yes - you were so drunk. Could you even consent?" Hyunjin was so tense waiting for an answer from you.
"Jeez. He was a perfect gentleman and nothing happened. He carried me cause I was so tired, let me take his bed, removed my makeup, made sure I ate breakfast and drove me home." You couldn't help but smile as you thought about how sweet Felix had been. You knew he was nice but he had been so gentle and caring with you.
Hyunjin should have been relieved, happy to hear what he had wanted. But a sinking feeling grew in the pit of his stomach as he saw you sit there grinning while talking about him. Was it because he was too used to you only smiling at him? Hyunjin tried to get rid of his thoughts. He was the one with you, Felix had not even been invited up. He dragged you in towards him, holding you tighter than he usually did causing you to yelp. "Time to sleep."
You woke up as the sun was setting, a bit disoriented from the prolonged nap. You grabbed your phone from your beside table opening it to see a text from Felix: Hope you got some rest, are you busy next Friday?
No, I don't think so
His reply came quick. Do you want to go on a hike?
I would want that
I'll pick you up at 6. We can watch the sunset
You let out a giddy giggle as you kicked the air. Butterflies were fluttering in your stomach. Your outburst woke up Hyunjin. He groaned with his eyes still closed and pulled up the blanket to cover his face. “What?”
“Guess what”
“ What?” He said not moving.
“I think I have a date.” You were still giddy. “ It may not be a date though,” you weren’t sure if maybe Felix didn’t feel that way about you.
Hyunjin’s eyes opened and he shot up when he heard you say the word ‘date.’ “ With who?”
“Felix. I mean he asked but maybe he doesn’t like me like that. What do you think?” You opened up your texts and shoved your phone in Hyunjin’s hand.
He read the very short conversation with his brows furrowed. He looked at you now, his chocolate brown eyes filled with dismay.
“What? Do you think I misread the situation?”
Hyunjin looked away from you. “ Uh- no I don’t think you misread the situation. You want to go out with him?” He avoided your eyes not wanting to give away the bitterness that was spreading through him.
“Yes I do. I think I really like him.” You hoped the feeling was mutual. You weren’t sure what you expected, but you liked him and it was nice to feel special to someone. “I will make dinner tonight!”
“I should get going I can’t stay over tonight. I told Jess I’d see her.” Hyunjin got out of bed and slipped on his hoodie, still avoiding your eyes.
"I’ll talk to you tomorrow then,” this time you were able to stomach her name. Felix was the right choice, you didn’t have to push away any feelings.
Hyunjin said a quiet goodbye to you before walking out the door.
He didn’t call you the next day.
End of Part 2
This is an original work. Do not republish or repost this work in any form, including translations.
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starcrossed591 · 6 months
KDrama Year in Review 2023
While I watched more KDramas this year than CDramas, none of them consumed my heart and soul quite like this year's crop of CDramas did (CDrama review post here). And I dropped KDramas more readily than I have in years past, in part because there were so many more things to watch than I had time for (also I had to finish my dissertation and graduate, etc etc). Still, there were definitely some that I really, really enjoyed, so here's this year's KDrama round up:
16. My Lovely Liar: Started strong, got boring real quick. Dropped for homophobic murder plot. Still, glad to see that Hwang Min Hyn can actually act (although full disclosure, I did still enjoy him in Alchemy of Souls, wooden as that performance may be). Hoping Kim So Hyun can catch a break and get a role in a drama more worthy of her in the near future.
15. Crash Course in Romance: Excellent performances and chemistry by the ML and FL. Romance between two middle aged people instead of youths is also a treat. Dropped around ep 12 because of the unnecessary, homophobic murder plot. Pass.
14. A Good Day to Be a Dog: Surprisingly stronger than the goofy premise suggests, largely on the basis of Park Gyu-Young's performance as the FL who turns into a dog upon being kissed. Pacing problems in the third act around the origins of the whole dog curse thing. Can't say I recommend unless you're really in the mood for some shenanigans, but largely inoffensive if a little silly. (Also it turns out Cha Eun Woo *really* leveled up his kiss game for this one!)
13. Love to Hate You: Perfectly serviceable rom com. Nothing too special, but a nice weekend binge if you're in the mood for that. Also a good way to see Kim Ji-Hoon's v handsome face and that *hair* without having to deal with everything involved with his rather murderous run in Flower of Evil.
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12. Joseon Attorney: A Morality: Perfectly serviceable law procedural/Joseon historical. If you don't like either of those genres your mileage may vary, but I had missed having Bona on my screen, so it worked well enough for me.
11. Welcome to Samdal-ri: I seem to like this one more than literally everyone else I know, and I fully admit that my enjoyment of this drama is more vibes-based than plot-based. I guess I have a soft spot for Shin Hye Sun yelling at people at Ji Chang Wook going a bit unhinged over a woman who ran away from him (see also: Lovestruck in the City).
10. My Demon: Very much enjoying Song Kang as a cranky demon falling in love with a human. Very tropey in the best way, and feels like a return to form for the supernatural romance genre. Remains to be seen if they'll land the ending as of this writing, but enjoying as it goes.
9. Doctor Cha: A contribution to the slate of divorce comedies I watched this year (see also: Strangers Again (KDrama) and Let's Get Divorced (JDrama)), a surprisingly touching story about growing older when you've devoted your life to someone who has not done the same for you.
8. Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow (Part 2): While Ko Joon-Yung never quite managed to replace Jung So-Min as the FL for me, I definitely still enjoyed the closer to this fun fantasy series. Special shout out to Shin Seung-Ho as Prince Go Won and his pet turtle
7. Strangers Again: I didn't see a ton about this one on tumblr as it was airing, but I found this rom com? melodrama? divorce procedural? makjang? story about relationships and why they end unexpectedly profound. I tuned in expecting mindless makjang hot mess, and instead got a thoughtful meditation on divorce. Left me feeling unexpectedly melancholy at the end, but glad I watched it.
6. The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Very fun sageuk! Probably won't knock your socks off, but it does what it does very well. Bonus points for a B couple as compelling as the A couple. I've also been a big Kang Hoon fan since Little Women, and there are a couple of other actors in here that I'm always glad to see working.
5. Perfect Marriage Revenge: Tour de force makjang. Came out of nowhere and blew me away. Hits all the right beats, and unexpectedly fun (and was a nice break from the heaviness of My Dearest for me). This was a good year for jaded and slightly unhinged transmigrated FL's back for their #revenge (see also: Story of Kunning Palace in CDrama land), and I was here for it. Also features one of the spiciest make-out scenes of the year, 10/10 recommend
4. See You in My 19th Life: Absolutely loved this haunting, melancholy, and sometimes unexpectedly goofy reincarnation drama. I loved the webtoon and had high expectations, and this drama largely met them! The continuing relationship between sisters Ji-Eum (Shin Hye Sun) and Cho-Won (Ha Yoon Kyung) was a special highlight for me, and while Shin Hye Sun is already a never-miss for me, I'm especially looking forward to whatever Ha Yoon Kyung does next. I prefer the ending of the Webtoon to the KDrama, but I'm still delighted this drama exists and am glad I watched it.
3. The Interest of Love: Look, I loved this drama. Even though it seemed on the surface like nothing but *mess* in the interpersonal lives of these characters working at a bank on the border between a rich and poor neighborhood in Seoul, it nonetheless had some of the most searing class commentary of the year for me. I also love an FL who will (spoiler) pack up her things and disappear at the drop of a hat, even if no one else will understand her decision to do so, because she just cannot deal anymore (see also: the FL in Lovestruck in the City, whom I also love but everyone else hated). This drama kept me gleefully coming back every week in a year where not a lot of others did.
2. Call It Love: A revenge slice of life melodrama that I found unexpectedly touching in its deep melancholy. Loved not only the main couple, but the relationship between the siblings and their pharmacist bestie. A lovely character study. (Also I somehow ended up watching this at the same time as Till the End of the Moon and Li Susu as Ye Xiwu's hidden identity/revenge plot, which was unexpectedly stressful! Had a very "it's the same picture" moment despite two dramas in two genres that could not be further apart.) If you missed this one (and since it aired on Disney+, you might have--Disney+'s effects on the KDrama streaming ecosystem will be the death of me), it's worth seeking out!
1. My Dearest (Parts 1 and 2): Kind of feels like everyone has said everything there is to say about sageuk of truly epic proportions, but it blew me away as well. Epic romance? Check. Twisty political machinations? Check. Heartwarming friendships between women? Check. Strong ensemble cast? And my top FL of the year, Lady Gil-Chae, played to perfection by Ahn Eun-Jin. I've adored her since Hospital Playlist, and am delighted that she's getting the attention and the roles she deserves. Namkoong Min also a top contender for ML of the year as Lee Jang-Hyun. Part 2 dragged for me a bit in places after a nearly perfect Part 1, but such a great drama overall.
Favorite Drama of the Year: My Dearest. See above.
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Favorite Female Character: I mean, it's gotta be Gil Chae from My Dearest, right? She starts out as such a spiteful, spoiled noblewoman, and then turns out to have a core of pure steel. Turns out all her conniving and strategizing, which went towards causing mischief in the village, really just needed a proper outlet. While I would never want to be in the circumstances in which she found herself, if I did, she's exactly who I would want on my side.
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Favorite Male Character: Everything's coming up My Dearest this year, because this one is Lee Jang-Hyun in My Dearest as well. Checks the box for my competence kink, and has a knack for showing up just when Gil-Chae needs him, even at great personal cost. Also a smart-ass, which I probably like a bit too much in a man.
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Favorite Secondary Female Character: Cho-Won from See You in My 19th Life. Her relationship with her reincarnated older sister was almost more compelling to me than the main romance sometimes, and really helped develop how the ties that bind us are not just romantic ones. Also she was just super cute
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Favorite Secondary Male Character: Could have picked anyone from Team Himbo in Alchemy of Souls, but gonna have to give this one to Go Won, himbo prince of my heart
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Favorite Ship: Again, it's gotta be Gil-Chae and Lee Jang-Hyun in My Dearest. Sometimes, there are drama couples that nearly cause me pain when they are apart, and these two quickly became one of them. Though their relationships is hardly functional for much of it, through all that push and pull, they ultimately learn how to show up for each other. Also, their *chemistry* is insane!
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Favorite Secondary Ship: I loved Hye-Seong and Sung Joon, the B couple in Call it Love. Seeing the SFL grow more comfortable with herself after a truly shitty ending to her previous relationship was a nice respite from the hidden identity stress of the A couple in this one. I'm also a sucker for a good romance where you start to see someone you've long taken for granted differently. (Close Runner Up: Cho Won and Do-Yun in See You in My 19th Life)
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Favorite Platonic Relationship: Gil-Chae, Eun-Ae, and their maids, Jong Jong and Bong Doo, in My Dearest. I loved loved loved the relationship between these women in this drama, and part of the reason the second half of the drama suffered a bit for me is because of how far it moved away from this core relationship. They were ride or die for each other more than the majority of the men in their lives, and I loved that for them.
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Trope that Needs to Die: While I find murder plots in rom coms tedious at the best of times, homophobic murder plots are really not it. Quit it, y'all. It's not cute.
Dramas I Missed: Moon in the Day, The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, and Tell Me That You Love Me (grrr Disney+ on this one) are on the list for next year. I'm probably missing others.
Non-2023 Drama Spotlight: Finally went back and watched Do You Like Brahms? for a hit of Park Eun-Bin. A lovely, if also melancholy, slice of life romance that's just as much about what to do when a (career related) dream that you've worked really, really hard for just isn't going to come through as it is about the main romance. Also made me fall in love with Kim Min-Jae and his lovely deep voice, enough so that I also then went back and finally watched Dali and the Cocky Prince, which was also a treat. Recommend both.
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Most Looking Forward To: I continue to yearn for a Yumi's Cells 3, and who's to say if that one will ever come through, but I'm putting it out into the universe anyway. More realistically, I'm looking forward to the surprisingly stacked line-up of sageuks coming up, including Captivating the King and Love Song for Illusion.
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loftec · 11 days
Weekly tag Wednesday Thursday part 2
Hello beautiful kittens! 🐈‍⬛ Today’s tag game is about our wonderful fandom 😍
Thank you for the tags, @deedala and @wehangout! <3
How did you get into the fandom? 
I was watching gay compilation videos on YouTube and found the Gallavich season 1-4 video, then watched too many seasons of Shameless UK (because I didn't have access to US) then watched five seasons of Shameless US, then spent 3 months reading the whole tag on AO3.
How long have you been here?
Since... 2015?
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
I would say AO3, because I was on there reading people's fics for a long time before I started following their links to tumblr.
What’s your favourite now? 
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
@the-rat-wins for sure, but also @wideblueskies @damnnmilkovich @grumblesandmumbles @beckyharvey29 @mimilaroo and a few others that aren't really active anymore
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and want to get to know?
I'm so bad at like, retaining what I thought of people before I get to know them? But I'm pretty sure I got @the-rat-wins to follow me back by photoshopping a picture of Cam and Noel at an event together? I absolutely remember thinking I wanted to be friends and what makes better friends than a creepy little photo manip gift?
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
I have no idea, I read so much fic. Here are my old rec rambles.
First Fan art that blew your mind? 
Most likely @luluxa 's art of Mickey...
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
Not sure if there is one, I have tried most tropes just to check them out, and I have liked tropes I don't normally like when it's just the once and it's done in some interesting or particularly skillful way, but I don't think I've ever done a 180 on something? I suppose! I usually start out only reading canon compliant fic when I'm first entering a fandom. Then I will either run out of steam or start reading AU, or fully just transition to only reading AU (which is what happened with Shameless, more or less). So I normally start out not liking AUs and then given enough time and steam, I will make AUs my whole personality.
What surprised you most about this fandom?
I'm really surprised by what it has become, it's so nice to see all the crafts and community building that's going on here every week, and how nice and drama free (from my vantage point anyway) it has become, in the last few years. I'm not very good at participating, but I really want to because it feels like such an open and welcoming and community-focused space.
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
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I had zero context for this scene when I first saw it, but oh. My god.
Ian or Mickey?
Uuuuuuh I mean. Ian.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
Probably Liam haha?
Do you want to answer some q:s? Consider yourself tagged!
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