#you like girls? so do i !! nice to meet you maggie! haha... shes so pretty
inkkwormm · 8 months
the fact that when lucifer met vaggie he hugged her and said shes pretty is so special to me
and her reaction? i love them
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darylsgirl · 4 years
I was claimed by Daryl Fucking Dixon NSFW 18+ Daryl Dixon & Reader
Your sick of waiting for Daryl to make a move or even speak to you and decide to dress up to do your chores hoping you’ll catch his eye.
You manage more than that He gets jealous when other men/ and one woman ;) show an interest and he admits he’s wanted you all this time an roughly claims you.
*Heyyy to anyone who reads this! If anyone reads this Haha, This is my first ever attempt at fan fic and it kind of got away from me and is a lot more intense than i thought it would be! If there’s anything you don’t like about this please feel free to tell me! I’d love to improve for my next one :) Hope y’all are having a great day wherever you are :)*
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How long had it been? Since the end of it all? 
Since all those carefree nights we used to stay up drink, party & Fuck. 
Months? Years? 
It felt like all time stood still when He found me. 
I was alone, Terrified & hiding in an abandoned liquor store when I heard them, I Snuck to the window and saw the biggest herd of walkers I had ever seen. I made sure all the bottle’s i had scavenged were wrapped up in my clothes to dampen the noise and waited for a break in the herd so I could make a run for it to my bike just across the road. After what felt like hours there it was my chance i put my hand on the door handle but before I was even able to twitch the handle,  I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and drag me backwards away from my chance of escape. 
“Fuck you think your doin girl, Tryna get yourself eaten!” I stared up at the man before me with his hand still over my mouth. His angry eyes met mine and I stopped fighting gazing up into those piercing blue eyes. That was the last thing I saw before the pistol came down on my temple. 
I woke with a bag over my head and my wrists bound, I was in a car and I could hear the engine stopping and the brakes kicking in ‘Shit’ . I thought I had no time to think of a way out of this. Two doors slammed shut and I could hear two men arguing.
“Answer me, Fuck did you hit her for Merle. She’s only a girl she couldn’t av ‘urt us, She looked me in ma eyes. There was no fight just fear” 
“Bitch had it comin Daryl, Tryna kill hersel and take us with her” 
“Did’n even no we were there, Or are you that shit of a hunter yous unable to sneak up on people naw, Stop being an asshole and get the fuck outta ma way” 
The car boot opened and someone lifted me out by putting a hand under my knees and one under my head cradling me, he held me tightly with my head in his chest. I inhaled and could smell his manly scent, It was intoxicating, He held me for a moment more before he set on my feet; next the bag was ripped off my face. Instinctively I winced waiting to see if the light would blind me but all was still dark around and i could see we were in a forest.  The man with the mesmerising eyes gripped my arm and started walking me into the woods. 
A logical person would feel fear at this point but there was something about those eyes, I just trusted him.
“Got a lil way’s to go, ya ok walkin? Or you need me to carry you rest of the ways?” His southern drawl mixed with those blue eyes made my knees go weak. I stumbled slightly then stood again and kept one foot in front of the other. I nodded to the man that I was ok and kept going. 
Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the edge of a camp, A few people rushed forward “Shit what happened to her?” “Has she been bit?” “Why is her head covered in blood?” “Where did you find her?”
Daryl rolled his eyes and replied “Merle, No she aint, Merle again annnd liquor store.” He said the last answer with a smirk. 
I scowled at the pair and dropped my mouth open to throw a few choice words their way when I was stopped by Merle grabbing me and spinning me round to face him, He moved some hair out of my face, fingers lingering near my mouth and said.
“Girl looks mighty fine to me, Pretty face not messed up, not one bit! And I do love me a pretty face sweetheart” he winked at me moving his hand from my mouth to my throat he pulled me close to him wrapping his other arm around my back to pull our pelvises close together so I could feel his growing erection against my stomach. “How about it honey” He said winking again  
I drew my head back with the intention of smashing his nose, When we were tackled to the floor Merle was pulled away from me and i rolled onto my back and back on to my feet, I looked back at the two brothers and saw Daryl’s hand smashing into his brothers face whilst he was shouting “I’ll mess up your face you asshole” 
Daryl was dragged off Merle by two men, Merle got to his feet and laughed “It’s allllll good baby bro, I’ll forget about this, this time. I know how feral you get when you see a pussy you wanna claim.”
Daryl locked eyes with me as Merle said this then spat at the ground at Merle’s Feet He picked up his crossbow off the ground and stormed off towards the woods shouting “Man forget ya, I had enough of your shit for one night” over his shoulder. 
That was months ago now, That night the group took me in and took care of me and I took care of them. We moved from the original camp to the CDC then a farm and now we are in a prison in Georgia. The prison has been good to us so far, there was that run in with a crazy guy who called himself the governor and we lost a few of our family. But we persevered and built this place into a home and soon started bringing in new people to help run our home and join our family. 
In the time i had been with this group i had noticed there were a lot of frustrated people here, Especially the men, I can’t get through a day without some proposition or another. I also can’t say that I didn't enjoy the attention, It had been awhile since I had felt another's hands on my body and I craved it, I craved it more than air at times and the person I craved it the most from had decided to pretend I didn't exist. But that didn’t stop me from going to bed each night with my wandering hands and relieving my aching pussy with the thoughts of his hands exploring my body and that voice groaning in my ear. Hit the spot every time. 
There had been a few men that had caught my attention but after a few conversations and meet ups with each they all started to pretend i didn’t exist the same as he had. I didn’t even get so much as a kiss from any of the fuckers and when i decided to confront them and ask why they refused to tell me and walked away. 
It had hit summer here and i had hit my breaking point, I’d had enough of being passed over and wasn’t going to take this shit anymore, I was going to make them all regret not taking me up on the opportunity when it was there for the taking.
I woke early for my shift in the fields the next morning, Still thoroughly determined to set my plan in motion I grabbed my knife and a set of clothes and set to work. I cut most of the legs off my jeans and the sleeves from my Tartan shirt. I pulled the jean shorts on and folded the legs over so they became tighter and pushed my already perky ass up. I then pulled my shirt on forgoing the usual under shirt and tied the two sides closed in a knot above my belly button so my slim waist was on display. I buttoned one button above the knot so that not too much of my bra was showing; Turning it from slutty to sexy. I pulled on my best brown cowboy boots. Combed my hair out. I was very lucky to have thick wavy hair that rarely required me doing anything with it. I just let it dry and brush, I grabbed Maggie’s make up bag and applied a small amount of make up just to accentuate my natural features.Smiling at myself in the mirror this was perfect, Let's see that southern shit ignore me now. Or any of the others for the matter. 
I sauntered out of my cell into the main block and walked the long way through the middle of everyone taking extra care to have a bounce in my step to make my boobs bounce nicely and swayed my hips more to make my ass jiggle as I walked. I greeted everyone in the same way i usually would with cheery “Good Morning’s” Instantly i felt eyes roaming my body and not just the male’s which made me grin I was happy either way. A few let out low whistles and I winked in return. This felt great. I want to feel this way every day, my pussy had soaked my panties by the time I had made it out of the block and into the yard I was panting with need. 
I took a few minutes to calm my breathing before continuing out towards the field, I glanced at the guard tower to make sure he was here today keeping watch, When i saw his leather vest and his longish wavy hair my breath quickened again, Shit it was going to be hard to get through today without a little relief, It took everything i had not to rush up the guard tower and beg him for it, Instead i continued over to the field, waiting until i was in his vision before looking up smiling and waving. Sure enough there he was binoculars in his hand staring down at me. I grinned again, wiggled my fingers at him and sauntered away from the tower. 
Luck was with me today and I was set to work on the potatoes which were planted in a perfect view of the guard house. I made sure to always face the tower when just sitting working so he had the frontal view and when I needed to bend up or down I turned my back to him so he got a great view of my ass. Everything I did that day I made sure to find some way to make it sexier. More than a few men came to bring me water or talk to me that day i gave each of them a big grin, Laughed and put my hand on their arms and send them on their way enough to make them feel there could be a chance, I felt Fucking powerful. 
At the end of the day i saw Maggie making her way over to me with a backpack over her shoulder, “Y/N I gots you a gift” she said in a sing song voice “from Merle of all people” she laughed and pulled out two big bottles of Merle’s special moonshine “I guess someone saw your production today sugar” She giggled a bit more handed you a bottle and settled down on the grass next to you. 
Ever since Merle and me brought Y/N back to the group with us she’s been a literal pain in my pants, I'm surprised my cock was even capable of a hard on at this point as it feels like it hasn't gone down in months. So far i have managed to stay away from her as i wasn’ gonna let no bitch get the better of me and i wasn’ going to let fuckin Merle be right. 
My mind wandered back to her again when i started my shift in the guard tower that morning, I considered going into the office to rub one out but decided i'd be on the balcony waiting, I always made sure i got the shifts in this tower when she was being put in the fields, Watching her sweating down there in the heat was good enough to get me off later in the night when i was alone in the office. I lived out of this tower now as I liked it better alone even now with Merle being back in the prison, I didn’ need his shit talking around me at all hours. Not when I had my own entertainment. 
There she was right on time to interrupt me from my thoughts, Holy shit what was she fucking wearing. I grabbed my binoculars to get a closer look, When i found her again with them she was almost fucking naked by the looks of it! In tiny shorts and an even smaller top, From this vantage point i had the best view straight in her bra, I kept my eyes on her all day fuck the perimeter it’ll be fine and i’m sure some weak ass will scream and let me know. 
I watched her all day as she wiggled her hips and wiped the sweat from her chest, Turns out i wasn’t the only one watching even guys I've fuckin told before to stay away come flocking, What don’t the asshole’s understand about “i’m always fuckin watchin” by her quitting time it wasn’t just my dick that was rock hard and throbbin but also the vein in my temple that tells me i’m about to snap.
Balling my fists up i wait for her to start walking back but Maggie fuckin Greene starts walking towards her, Fuck sake. I send the next watch away and tell them ill radio to come back. I wasn’t allowing no fucker to have this view. I watched as Maggie sat down in the grass with Y/N and pulled out two large bottles. I grabbed the binoculars again. Fuckin Merle! That’s his shine if i ever saw it. Making a mental note to smack that bastard later for this. Now everyone had gone back inside it was deadly silent out here which meant their voices were carrying more than they knew and i could hear every word. I settled back down and watched the girls for a while biding my time. 
You both look at each other with a glint in your eyes, Pop the tops off your bottles and start downing it. Maggie comes up for air first. Dropping my bottle and swallowing the harsh liquid i Cheer in celebration and yell a little too loud “that Merle may be an asshole but he sure makes some good hooch” 
“Sooooo ya had any bites today?” Maggie grins winking at you. “Yeah but not the one i want, He’s so fucking frustrating. I think I've noticed him watching me more today than he has the entire time i’ve known him” I sigh. 
“You know he's got a huge thing for you or he wouldn’t be acting like this”  Maggie Giggled. “But then who in this friggin place doesn’t especially after today! You even made my breath hitch never mind poor Glenn who had to get a shower!” “Ugh maggie he’s your guy why the hell is he looking at me!” I grimaced. She put her hand on my thigh and winked at me again “He’s got my permission, don't worry it spices things up a little” I didn’t move her hand just enjoyed the feeling of her fingers running up and down the inside of my thigh.
We both downed more of Merle’s hooch giggling and the conversation turned to a debate on the size of Daryl's dick. I lick my lips promising to tell her if I ever get my hands on it. The conversation is turning more and more heated as her hand is getting closer and closer to my throbbing core. She’s getting that close now I’m sure she can probably feel the heat coming from it.  As we are getting close to the bottom of our bottles and really starting to feel the effect Maggie still with one hand on my thigh leans close to my face and whispers “He’s stayed up there watching past his shift. Let's give him something to see hmm?” As she’s finishing the end of her sentence I bridge the gap between us and meet her lips with mine. I bring my hand up to her hair and pull her closer into me, deepening the kiss Moaning into her lips. 
When the girls first started chatting i wanted to find out who they could be talkin about and punch the prick out till i heard my name and if my ears weren't already prickling up they definitely were now, He heard Y/N promise Maggie that if she sees ma dick she will tell her how big. He bites his lip and decides he’ll help her keep that promise. 
He picks his binoculars back up and notices Maggie's hand running up and down Y/N’s thigh. If there were two people he thought he wouldn’t have to warn away, it would have been Glenn and Maggie and they pick a night that he’s mad as hell to change his mind about that? 
He brings one hand to his aching dick giving it a few tugs through his pants to relieve some of the pressure and brings his eyes back to them just as he sees the girls lean into each other, Shit! Shit! He doesn’t know whether to run down there and interrupt finally or let them continue. Y/N pushes Maggie to lay her fully down and straddles her hips, I grabbed my radio and called for the replacement as i couldn’t take much more.
While i waited for the lazy shit to get here i watched Y/N & Maggie get even more heated and their hands exploring each other the moaning reaching me in the tower, I look to my right and see Glenn watching from behind one of the buildings hands and lower half suspiciously hidden.
Ah hell no fuck this tower! Daryl reaches over the side and grabs the pipe work swings himself over and uses it to get down quickly. As he hits the bottom his replacement is strolling over he grabs him by the scruff of his shirt blocking his view into the field. “Put ya lazy ass in that office and don’t fuckin leave till i come back and tell ya, ya can leave. Ya fuckin hear me?” I growl at him. The kid runs into the office in the tower. I spin around pretending not to see Glenn hiding there, I ran across the field towards the girls and as i reached them i let my shadow fall over them. 
From where i am lay on top of Maggie i watch as Daryl slides down the side of the watch tower and charges over to us, I smile against Maggie's lips when he gets closer i moan feeling her hand snake its way into my bra, Were both panting loudly and moaning when his shadow falls over us. 
He clears his throat next thinking we hadn’t noticed him there. Maggie moves her mouth to my neck and I let out another moan but this time I raise my eyes to his and lick my bottom lip not breaking eye contact. 
“Come with me...NAW” Daryl growls and grabs my arms and pulls me off and up. Maggie looks at him and pouts “oh boo Daryl always gotta ruin our fun” I wave to Maggie giggling as he starts to drag me across the field. 
“What the fuck Daryl” I try to push him off my arm but his hands are unyielding. “Shut the fuck up ill deal with ya in a minute” He growls and pushes me up against the wall of a building stares longingly into my eyes then darts his arm out and smashes someone’s head into the wall. “Didn’t think id have to fuckin warn ya Glenn, Thought it was pretty fuckin obvious. Don't let me catch ya ass again” he grabs my arm again and drags me across the court yard until we reach a secluded spot, He slams my back up another wall and presses his body up against mine keeping me pinned between him and the wall. 
“What you think you’ve been doing girl, Flaunting your shit all day for any man to beat his meat too?” 
I squirm under his gaze, Shit i think i actually pissed him off, Definitely not the emotion i was going for!
“You think i’m gonna sit by and let tha happen?” 
I find my voice, “What do you mean, You won’t let something happen. You’re not the boss of me!” you say glaring back at him, If he wants to play the pissed off game he won’t be playin it alone.
“Ya know exactly what i mean! I’ll show you who the fuckin boss Y/N” He said, pressing his hips harder into mine. I try to suppress my moan. His eye’s darken even more hearing me moan for him now. 
“Who do you think told those pricks to back the fuck away from you, They wouldn’t of just left you alone on their own naw, they needed some rough persuasion Y/N” 
I glare at him again and he pushes his hips back into mine again.”Ya gonna learn yet? Every time you glare at me, ill smash my dick into that dirty clit o urs” He explains with a wink. 
Not knowing how to respond to that You ask “You’re the reason no man looks at me anymore? What fucking business is it of yours”
“Hell fuckin yeah i am” He says with a smirk “No one will dare ya touch you if I've claimed ya, So i did” “Naw I’ve claimed you, I’ve made it very clear if anyone touches you they’ll lose a fuckin arm” He growled
“For fuck sake Daryl! You can’t just put claims on a girl you don’t even give a fuck about” I said with a snarl.
“I give a fuck, Just didn’ want ya to know i gave a fuck, I enjoyed watchin ya squirm... but ya forced ma hand and naw... Well naw i aint gonna be gentle bout it”
You close your eyes tight, If he hadn’t of “claimed” me i would be in heaven now but learning that he’s behind your dry well makes you so mad. 
“This what you were trying to get huh?” “I would of thought twice before you pulled this shit, I aint no gentle man” she breathed into her ear. His gravelly voice driving me crazy. 
I look him in the eyes and shove him hard, running back to the cell block. I took a breather when i got through the door and realised he hadn’t followed me. As i was walking past the showers a hand darted out and pulled me inside. 
“Woah what the fuck” I gasped as I felt a hand move over my ass and pull me against him, Jees i need to wear this outfit more often. 
I was pulled into the light and saw it was Zach who had pulled me in with him, Zach was one of the ones who daryl must of scared away. 
“Hey baby, Missed me?” he breathed at me. “How could i miss you zach i never got a chance to know you, You let that asshole scare you away” I said hurt 
“Gimmie another chance Y/N, ill show you a good time, This could be our secret. We could have some real fun and piss that hillbilly asshole off” He squeezes me tighter to him. 
“Gerrof Zach if your too pussy to pursue someone when warned of by a man I’ve only ever spoken to once then you’re not a guy i want any fucking part of”
“Awww c’mon you don’t mean that” he grips the back of my head and pushes his lips to mine i tried to fight him off be but he had too tight of a grip. 
A low growl came from the doorway “I believe she said to get ya bitch ass hands off her” Zach jumped back like someone had shocked him when he heard the voice. Daryl walked forward and put his arm round my shoulder “an i believe i told ya to not even look at her again bitch” His voice gets louder “Tell me asshole what did i say i was gonna do to ya?” 
H waited a moment staring at Zack “Hmm to fuckin scared to answer?” he walks forward and punches him rapidly in the face Zack goes sprawling across the shower floor. Daryl stands over him and threatens “it’ll be worse next time if you don listen to me and come near ma girl again”
Daryl turns and heads back to you and wraps his arm around your shoulders again “Bet Ya glad i claimed you now” I nod slightly. I squirm out of his arms and run back to my cell, my hooch high still buzzing in my mind. Thank god without this how could i be this brave? I smile when I get to my cell wondering how long it will take him to catch me. 
I  barely had time to catch my breath before i felt him, He made no noise whatsoever like a hunter closing in on his prey.Whenever he was near me it felt like my entire body was electrified and tuned only to him. 
I spun around and my breath hitched in my throat at the sight of that venomous glare, He just stood and glared with his eye’s roaming every inch of you, You could feel every hair on your body standing to attention for him. 
In the blink of an eye he was back in front of you again pinning you back against the wall with his hand tangled in your hair, pulling your head to the side exposing your neck. 
He looks over your body panting his eyes still liquid stone, Ever glaring. I could feel the heat coming off him in waves as he studied me. His pushed his mouth next to my ear, “When i’m finished with ya, ya legs will be useless and everyone in this damn place gon know my name. An i promise you aint gon forget who’s ya are” He paused for a second staring into my eyes, “Naw take this shit off before i rip it off ya” He said pulling roughly at my shirt.
With Shaking hands i reach up and untie my shirt and push it off my shoulders, Watching his eyes grow darker as he watched. My shirt fell to the floor he grabbed the centre of my bra “All of it” He growled. I undid my bra and threw that into the corner. He looked down at my shorts seeming impatient gripped both sides and ripped them down. He came back up to me gripped my arms and pushed me further up the wall off the floor and quickly puts his legs in between mine and rests my body on them. 
He reaches forcing my head to the side again and brings his mouth down to my neck kissing and biting furiously his other hand gripping my breast roughly, Earning a loud moan from me. I reached for his shirt desperate to run my hands on him, Before my hands met their mark he had gripped my wrists pinning them above my head. 
“Ya don’t move, Touch or make a fuckin sound unless i say so, Ya hear?” I nodded eyes growing wide at his words. He let my feet touch the ground again and tore my underwear off, He bunched them up in his hand “Mmm look how wet these pantie’s are for me girl” “Open your mouth, Naw” I obediently complied letting him stuff them into my mouth, Dying to moan under his stare. 
He stepped back and let his vest fall over his shoulders and hit the floor, He then took his shirt off and used it to bind my hands together. He stood back admiring his handiwork, I Squirmed under his lustful gaze feeling myself getting wetter by the second. I watched him slowly bring his hands to his belt unfastening it then his button and zip, His pants hit the ground and he kicked them to the side. My breath went wild when I saw him in all his glory i love a man who doesn’t wear any underwear.
He lunged forward again pulling my legs over his and wrapping leg around his hips pressing his huge dick at my entrance. It was so long and thick: my mouth started salivating instantly imagining wrapping my mouth around it. 
He pulled my underwear from my mouth and growled into my ear “Scream my fucking name” as he plunged his entire length into me, The breath was forced from my lungs “shitt, Daryl!”
“Did i fuckin stutter, I said scream it” he growled again biting my neck pulling out almost of the way and plunging deep into me again. Damn did i scream this time my eyes rolling back into my head enjoying the sensation. 
“Tha’s better now ride it bitch” 
I felt raw already from his huge length and girth filling me like i’d never been filled before. Pulling my arms around his neck to steady myself i used him to pull myself back up and then down slowly trying to adjust to his size. 
His mouth met mine in a rough eager kiss, capturing my tongue with his. He pulled his mouth back to my neck and whispered “Ya don know how long i’ve been waiting for this, Tell me how much you love my dick Y/N”
“Ahh” i cried out “so much baby so much” My eyes rolling into the back of my head still rolling my hips onto him. “Naw, Tell me who you belong to” “You” I moaned “You i belong to you daryl” I panted out. 
“Louder! I want everyone in the fuckin place to know your mine” 
“Oh god, Daryl, I’m yours! Only yours” I screamed 
“Better” He smirked. He moved my arms from around his neck and released my hand’s from his shirt. He walked backwards with me still perched on him, His legs hit the end of the bed and he sunk down taking me with him. 
“Now show me how much you love this dick”
I positioned myself better over him and sunk down to the hilt slowly savouring every glorious inch of him. My eyes shot open again moaning when my clit hit his pubic bone and i started grinding harder and faster now. 
I could feel his hand’s everywhere, God i can’t believe how long i had been longing for this moment, I cried out again. He leant up on his elbows and pulled one of my nipples into his mouth nibbling, and running his nails down the inside of my thighs. The combination was pure ecstasy. I could already feel the pressure in my mound building painfully begging to be released. 
He removed his mouth from me earning a sad moan from me desperate to feel his mouth on me, He looked back at my eye’s amusement on his face. He ran both hands up to my chest again gripping almost painfully. “And these, Who do they belong to Y/N?” “You baby, All yours” i breathed shakily. I was so close when he growled again “Say my fuckin name” My wall’s started constricting against him. “Ahh god, Daryll ....fuck Daryl” His eyes shone at my words. He was even more spurned on now. He flipped us over, throwing me into the bed and pulled my hips into the air ramming harder and deeper than before. 
“Cum for me baby” He whispered in his incredible gravelly voice.
Those four words was all I needed to push me over the edge. Crying his name out again i felt the damn of pressure welled up in me from the moment I saw him burst open. I rode out my high as hard as i could against him, I collapsed to the bed and felt him slow down, My brain fuzzy from my incredible high. I tried pushing myself up on my elbows and my eyes caught another’s at the door. 
I looked down and back up rubbing my eyes, “Shit Darryl stop!” I reached for the sheets to pull them over me. There were at least 6 men gazing in, Daryl continued unperturbed. You tried putting your hand behind you trying to push at his stomach to get his attention. He captured your arm and it around your back and pulled you up against him. 
“You think I didn't know, Now tell me again who you belong to” “Daryl please!” I said trying to cover my chest. He grabbed the sheet and flung it away. 
Rick spoke up from the back Your cheeks flushed horrified they had all seen you in the throws. “I think Daryl told you to do something, He doesn’t like to be kept waiting” He said with a gleam in his eyes. You gazed around the men seeing Rick, Zack, Merle, Glenn & i wasn’t sure who else grinning enjoying the show. I was suddenly unashamed as i felt the pressure build back up dangerously high.
Daryl seeing my eyes wander over the group wrapped my hair around his wrist and pushed my head back into the bed, Ramming harder and faster than i’d ever felt before making me scream again. “Say it” he shouted at me “Ahh shit im daryl’s, You claimed me baby” He replied “And no one else is going to make you feel this good again are they?” 
“God no, Only you, Ahh so good!”
“Ya heard her '' He said addressing the men “She’s mine. Naw you can all fuck off back to your pits and keep your fucken hand’s to your selves asshole’s” You heard Merle hoot “wooowee you get it baby brother” You stomach turned grateful daryl had told them to leave, before his body pushed another orgasm out of you. 
They all turned and left as Daryl biting my ear lobe moaned into me “Now cum again for me baby” He suddenly dove his hand under me and onto my clit. 
I instantly caved again screaming into the bed. 
Feeling my second orgasm pushed him to the brink again and he jackhammered into me. Hard. Chasing his high. I pushed back furiously desperate to feel him. I moaned “Cum in me Daryl please i need to feel you” 
I felt him explode moaning my name and grinding deep into me riding it fully out” 
He collapsed on top of me breathless. We lay like that for a few minutes when I felt him going hard in me again. He pulled out and lay back on the bed pulling me into his chest his heart still pounding in his chest.
“God girl, If i’d of known you were that good a fuck, I’d of taken you that first fucking night” A relaxed grin on his face. 
He turned and took my face in his hands kissing me softly and murmured into my lips “I hope you don’t think i'm done with you yet” He winked “I aint had a girl like you in a loooong time i aint even close to done with ya” 
He rolled back onto me pulling my lip with his teeth. “Ready?” I nodded desperate to feel him again. 
God knows how many hours & Orgasms later he fell off me pulling me close into his chest again. I passed out instantly, Thoroughly exhausted. He chuckled into my hair and followed me into blissful sleep. 
When we woke the next morning his arms still tight around me, Smiling in his sleep. 
I looked over happy wishing i could stay here forever but there was work to be done. 
I slowly picked his arm up and tried to wiggle out from under it, Before i'd gotten half way those glorious muscles had flexed and pulled me straight back into him. “Morning beautiful. Hope you don’t think your going anywhere. We’ve got so much time to make up for.” He nuzzled his face into yours sweetly. You could feel him growing hard against your hip. “Don’t worry i’m feeling responsible. I’ll make it quick!” 
He fucked me again for another hour until we were both sweaty, shaky wrecks. 
I groaned and rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up trying to stand up and instantly felt my legs buckle beneath me. He was up and caught me before i came crashing down. He laughed. “Don’t say i didn’t warn you” You laughed with him. “God, I love that sound” He said, staring into my eyes and planting a sweet kiss onto my lips. He stood and started grabbing his clothes from around the room and dressing. 
“Take your time getting up, I’m back in the guard tower again today, Don’t forget what i taught you last night” He said with a wink and ducked down to kiss me. He moved to the doorway and moved the curtain turning back at me. “Oh and babe I wanna see that outfit again today, Now i know it’s all for me” He winked again and left. 
I fell back on the bed with a huge grin on my face. Holy shit I can't wait for tonight! 
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soupbowl18 · 4 years
A/N: I imagined this and this is my first time writing on tumbler 👉🏼👈🏼. Let me know if you have any ideas you would like me to write. This story was inspired by the song “Say it” by Maggie Rogers
“I couldn’t say it”
Bakugo X GN!reader
Genre: Fluff
Your quirk: slowing time, you can slow time meanwhile everyone’s time is normal. (Sorry if it doesn’t make sense ;-;)
A synopsis: “I knew it when you walked my way that I'd be begging you to stay I couldn't say it to myself”
⚠️TW!⚠️: It's just curse words
It was your first day of school at UA Highschool. You were nervous but you can’t show it. You were standing outside of class 1-A. Everyone was in class and you were waiting for Mr. Aizawa call your name to come into class, “Everyone meet the new student Y/N Y/LN”. You walk in and stand beside Aizawa, “It’s a pleasure being here, I hope we become great friends” you say with a smile. Sometimes, you forget to smile because you have a mean face and when you do, everyone asks you what’s wrong, you always end up saying “oh I just have a resting bitch face” then you smile. “Go sit in that empty seat by Bakugo” Aizawa says pointing at the seat. You walk over and give a little wave at Bakugo. Judging by the look of him, you could tell he’s mean, maybe a little bit of an asshole. But you feel like deep down he has a heart.
It’s lunchtime and you decide to eat by yourself not because you were shy or you don’t like anyone but you like to process the day. You decide to use your quirk to slow time down. You look at every student, some students look so cool, others look mean, you think every student is unique, but you like this school and you think you’re gonna like it here. Then, you realize, the same guy you sat beside in class is walking up to you, you look at him, studying him. “He’s kinda good looking”, you think. “Wai- CALM DOWN Y/N IT’S JUST THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.” You stopped using your quirk and look down and let him walk up to you. “Hey,” you look up. “Uh-hi,” you say with a nervous smile. “My squad is asking if you want to sit with us?” Bakugo says and you stretch your head to the side and look behind him, the whole group looks at you and wave. “Um-yeah, I-I would like to,” you say and grab your things and lunch and sit with them. “Hi!” the girl with the pink skin talks to you. “I’m Mina, the guy with the red hair is Kirishima, Pikachu over here is Kaminari, the guy with black hair is Hanta, and the ash-blonde is Bakugo.” You speak “I’m Y/N, it's nice to meet you all”
It's the end of the day, you sit on the couch with everyone else eating snacks and drinking tea that Momo did. Everyone asks you questions like “What’s your quirk?” “What do you like?” “Anyone you fancy?”. You guys talk for hours, you were getting tired and you tell everyone that you were going to sleep but they asked you an odd question, “Y/n, um- y-you can say no but can we see what your room looks like?” Mina asks, you look at them and smile “of course”.
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Your room looks like this
You lead them to your room and mouths dropped. They never saw a room so colorful and full of lights. “Watch this,” you smirk and you grab a small remote to turn on the led lights to flash different colors. The whole room was changing colors. “WOAH!!” everyone says mesmerized. Jirou looks around the room and sees that you have a keyboard and a bass guitar. “You play?” She asks and you blush, “uh yeah,” you say, fidgeting your hair. “your room looks amazing, I should come here often,” Denki says. “All of you guys are welcome anytime,” you say with a smile. Everyone starts to say good night and you get prepared for bed and once you laid down on your bed and you immediately fall asleep.
It's the next day, everyone in the class was putting their hero costumes on, Mr. Aizawa was putting everyone into partners. You were paired with Todoroki. You got to see everyone in action, fighting their partners they were assigned with. You and Todoroki were next, you were nervous. You and him were standing very far from eachother, you were getting ready. You stood your ground, then you saw him use his ice quirk, and spikes of ice were going your way, you use your quirk and slow time down. You run-up to him and stand behind him, you stop your quirk and tap him on your shoulder. He turns around in confusion and you pin him to the ground. You won. “AHAHAHA, YOU LOST TO A GIRL!?” You turn around to Bakugo and he saw you and faces the other side, blushing. Mina runs up to you wrapping her arms around you “YOU WERE AMAZING!!”. “Thanks but it was nothing” you smile.
It's been 3 months since you entered UA. You felt stronger and smarter with all the training and learning. You were pretty much best friends with everyone, drinking tea with Momo, baking with Satou, playing video games with the Bakusquad. It's midnight, and you couldn't sleep, so you thought you could go get a snack. You walk by Bakugo’s room and you see light shining through the cracked open door. You hear Bakugo and someone else talking and you peek through the door. You see it's Kirishima, “Come on Bakubro, you should tell her.” Who? You ask yourself. “I almost did” Bakugo says, staring into the floor. “Well why didn’t you?” Kirishima asks. There was a moment of silence, you hold your breath. “I couldn’t say it,” Bakugo says. Who are they talking about? You proceed to get your snack and walk back to your room and saw Kirishima walk to his room across. You eat your snack and lay back down, Who are they talking about? You ask yourself again. You were kinda hoping they were talking about you. You had feelings for Bakugo for a while now. You remember the little things like the light accidental touches, everytime he walks your way, those red ruby eyes. You don’t wanna admit it to yourself, you didn't wanna say it. You were to scared of love. You decide to fall asleep, forgetting what you heard.
It is the next day, it was exhausting but you ended the day with a nice steamy shower. Once you came out, you were on your way to your room, then, you bumped into Bakugo and started to apologize profusely. “Tch, get up” he lends you a hand and you get up. ”Super sorry haha. I had a little hard day,” you say embarrassed. “It's fine,” he says aggressively. You look at him for a moment. Bakugo never saw your room, he always sleeps early. So, you thought of an idea. “Would you like to hang out in my room? I don't feel like hanging out with the whole group tonight”. He looks at you with a surprised expression. “Tch, sure,” he says looking the other way. You both walk to your room and as he entered, he looked around, “nice room,” he says with a smirk. “Thanks! Do you want a strawberry soda?” You take it out of your mini-fridge and hand out the soda and he takes it. He looks around once more and saw your instruments like Jirou saw before. “You play keyboard and Bass Guitar?”. You look at him blushingly, “yeah, hehe. I just make up a song in my head and I play it out”.
“Can you play for me?”
He says looking at you, for the first time, you guys had eye contact. You smile and you go and sit on the chair going to play the keyboard. You sit there coming up with the lyrics to sing and you start to play.
“Standing in the open light. Within the swelter of the night. I found myself staring at you. And every time our fingers touched. I felt like it would be too much. And too little to hang onto. I cannot fall in love with you. I cannot feel this way so soon, so soon. I cannot be this way with you. I cannot fall in love with you. I knew it when you walked my way. That I'd be begging you to stay. I couldn't say it to myself. I couldn't say it to myself. I felt it burning in a way. I held on when you pulled away. I couldn't say it to myself. I couldn't say it to myself”
You stop playing and processed the words you just sang. “Did I sang that? Did I confess how I feel about him? Will he think that it's just a little silly song I come up with?”. Bakugo looks at you with a gentle smile, he gets up and walks up. You feel paralyzed, you wondered what is he going to do? What is he gonna say? He comes close to you and presses his lips against yours. His lips feel soft and you taste the strawberry soda on his lips. He pulls away. “I- um- why?” you say, your mind is so slow you could hardly process anything. “I liked you ever since you defeated Todoroki”. You were shocked but happy, you put a huge smile on your face. Bakugo proceeds to talk again, “when you defeated Todoroki, I knew you were no damn extra. You were more than that, you're strong. I inspire to be more like you. I've been trying to tell you for a while, but I didn't wanna ruin anything. I don't wanna admit that I was in love. I'm very new to this sort of thing.” You look into his ruby crimson eyes. Was this happening? Is this a dream? Is Bakugo Katsuki admitting he has feelings for you? You didn't know what to do, you kiss him. “I feel the same thing Katsuki”. You guys kiss once again.
A/N: Hi, I hope you liked the story. Let me know if you have any ideas you would like me to write. Again, this is my first time writing on Tumblr. Sorry for a couple of grammar mistakes 🙈😣.
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
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Canyon Moon
WARNINGS FOR CHP. 2: swearing, mild drug & alcohol use, brief mentions of death
CHAPTER TWO: wish i could get to know you
The two of you pull up to your buddy Mike’s place, a small, hole-in-the-wall studio.
Harry parks the car and gets out to open your door, although he waits for you outside to tie your boots.
“How’d you meet this guy?”
“Oh, Mike? We can’t really remember the first time, I’ll tell you the story with him when we’re inside.”
You hop out of the car and grab his hand, swinging it back and forth as you walk up to the front, hearing soft music playing already.
The two of you reach the door and Y/N swings it open, yelling out,
“I hope you’re ready because mama wants a tattoo.”
Harry shakes his head and tries to hide his grin as he turns around to shut the door all the way.
“You’re fucking stupid,” A male voice laughs out, looking up from his sketchbook. His feet are propped up on the counter, and of course, he is littered with tattoos.
“Mike, this is Mr. Ferrari, Ferrari, Mike,” you introduce, waving your hands between the two.
“I saw that fuckin car, I was like ‘who the fuck is coming to me in that?’” Mike exclaimed, snapping his fingers.
“Hey, mate, I’m Harry,” Harry says, leaning forward to shake Mike’s hand while giving you a look that makes your head drop to the floor and your heart skip a beat.
“Nice to meet you, dude. I’m Mike, Like your tats,” Mike says, getting up from the chair behind the counter.
He leads the two of you over to his station, getting all his supplies laid out as you hop into the leather chair.
“So what are you getting, Y/N?” Harry asks, sitting in a chair near you.
“This extremely intricate design that’s going to take lots of mental power, and, of course, only gives me a few hours notice,” Mike teases, kicking the bottom of your chair.
“It’s just this geometrical thing I saw on a Tarot card a little while ago, it really stuck out to me.” You explain, pulling the card from your purse.
“Oh, cool.” Harry nods, picking up the card, only after looking at you for permission, of course. He holds it lightly by the edges, being sure to be gentle with it.
“‘S not gonna bite you, baby,” you giggle, knocking your knee against his, biting back a smile at the way his head shoots up.
He grins at you, knocking his knee back while setting down the card carefully on the table.
“I know, but I know these cards are special to some people, want to be gentle with em,” he says softly, twirling his pointer finger ring.
“Some decks are, but these are very relaxed. You don’t have to treat em like glass.”
He nods and blushes slightly, looking away for a second to hide his smile.
“You done flirting so I can start?” Mike asks, removing the transfer paper from your inner right forearm.
“You’ve had sex on my living room floor, I’m allowed to do whatever the fuck I want after that,” you say, shuddering slightly at the memory.
“Fair point.” Mike nods, beginning the design.
“So, um, Y/N said that you guys can’t remember how you met? I’d love to hear the story.” Harry jumps in, eyebrows raised at your last statement.
“Oh, fuck,” Mike laughs, dipping the needle in more ink. “I think it needs to come with a warning that I spent pretty much the entire year of 2015 drunk. She says we met at a Tame Impala gig but I have no such memory of this happening.”
“It did happen! You gave me your number because I kept bugging you about your tattoos but it was to this random mom in Philadelphia, who did not appreciate me calling her at 3 am.”
“Anyways,” Mike cuts in, rolling his eyes, “We officially met at a New Year’s Eve party later that year that my wife, Maggie, hosted. Y/N and her ex came and proceeded to break up right before the ball dropped, and she made out with my sister instead just to piss him off.”
You let out a laugh and cover your quickly turning red face with your hand, peeking through your fingers to gauge Harry’s reaction.
“Wow.” He acknowledges, eyebrows raised and fingers pinching his bottom lip, glancing back at you. His lips quiver slightly as he tries to hold back his laughter.
“Alright, haha, very funny. The ending to this, BEAUTIFUL, story, I must say, is he gave me this tattoo the next week and the rest is history.” You gesture to the sunflower bundle inked on your thigh, before puckering up your lips at Mike, who, without even looking up, shoves your face with his other hand.
“Honestly, Harry, I’d run while you can. There’s never a dull moment with this one, that’s for fucking sure.” Mike advises, rolling his eyes when you smile widely.
“I’m starting to learn that,” Harry laughs, eyes trained on you.
The three of you go into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the tattoo gun whirring and your occasional whimper at a sensitive spot.
A thin line of sweat has slowly covered your body, and Mike notices, scoffing.
“We’re gonna take a quick break. I’m gonna go get a cig when you get calm, back in 20,” He says, stopping the machine and leaving the room quickly.
“So, uh, you guys have quite a fun dynamic,” Harry comments.
You take a deep breath and look to him, your mouth closing at how he’s positioned. It’s been about an hour at this point, and he’s shifted in his seat to a more comfortable position. Leaned back against the chair, legs spread open, arms resting behind his back, it wasn’t helping your situation.
“Yeah, he’s like my older brother. His sister is great too,” You mindlessly say.
“I’ll bet,” Harry smirks, nodding slowly.
“Hey, quit it. You get to have fun with pretty girls and so do I.”
Harry clears his throat at your boldness and adjusts his positioning, changing to lean forward on his knees.
You get up to grab two water bottles from the mini-fridge under the counter, offering one to Harry when you sit back down.
Drinking about half the bottle, you let out a sigh, trying to get your shaking legs under control.
“What’s your shirt say?” You ask, still having not figured out the small black text.
“Oh, it says ‘Treat People With Kindness’. It’s kind of my motto, or slogan, I guess. Most of my merch says either this or the abbreviation for it.” He tells you, hands going down to pull the shirt away from his chest.
“That’s really nice, Harry.” He glances up at you with a small smile on his face, nodding slightly.
“Bit egotistical wearing your own merch, but hey, who am I to judge?”
He rolls his eyes and bumps the bottom of your chair with his foot.
“Why’d he stop? You don’t seem to be freaking out to me. Maybe a little sweaty,” he teases, not realizing what he’s asking.
Groaning, you lean your head backwards towards the ceiling, hating yourself for what you’re about to say.
“Got a bit of a pain kink so I’m... overwhelmed, let’s say, and Mike hates that about me.”
Harry lets out a breath of air at this and you turn your head to look at him.
Your slight leg tremors are now starting to click, the blown out pupils, and swollen red lips from how much you were biting them.
“If it makes you feel better, I had to get a tattoo on live television and to this day, I still see zoomed in photos of my eyes from it online. At least they make the process fun.”
Your jaw drops and you lift your head up.
“Alright, Harry, shit,” you mutter, wiping the sweat off your brow. “Always got to one up me.”
He looks shocked at this and mockingly puts a hand to his chest.
“Says you! From the minute I met you, you’ve continued to surprise me with everything you say.”
“Okay, Mr. ‘I sang with Stevie Nicks and cruise around Malibu in a beautiful car’.” You say, blushing slightly from his words.
“You sang with Stevie Nicks?” Mike asks, walking through the door.
“Yes! He’s a musician, let’s play his album. What’s it called?” You jump up, slapping your hands on your thighs.
“Harry Styles, it’s a self-titled album. You can listen to it later if you want, I mean, we don’t have to-“
You shut off his rambling quickly.
“I wanna hear your voice! Also self-titled, we love a man with a big ego,” You tease, getting up to get the iPad that controls the music.
Typing in his name, you raise your eyes at the number of streams he has, clicking on the album and playing the first song, ‘Meet Me In The Hallway’.
“You’re quite pretty, Harry. That’s some gorgeous cover art.” You comment, pretending to examine it further.
“Oh god,” he laughs, tucking his chin down to hide his face a little bit.
“Okay, Y/N, shut up, sit your ass down, so I can finish this and you can listen to the song properly.” Mike points, making you put the iPad down and come over.
The song hypnotizes you for a second, trying to zone out and listen to it.
“Shit, Harry, you are fucking good.” You mutter, hand going to your mouth at his talent.
“Thank you,” he whispers, looking almost nervous at your reaction.
Your jaw stays open pretty much the entire song, each note making your eyes go wider or glance at Harry, trying to figure out how he is this perfect.
“Is it too soon to propose?” You ask, his voice slowly fading in the background as it changes to the next song.
He laughs and scrunches his nose slightly before telling you, “Just a tad.”
The next song starts playing, and you’d be lying if tears didn’t fall.
Trying to play it off, you look away and wipe your eyes. Mike glances up at you and stops for a minute, rubbing your arm slightly and giving you a squeeze. You tap back on the table and he nods, feeling better that you gave him an okay.
“Fuck, sorry, this is a lot. Crying on the second song, phew. Hope you’re doing good upstairs, Harry,” You laugh, sniffling a little.
“Don’t apologize, please. Music brings up a lot of emotions, I feel so honored that you’re reacting to it so strongly.” He says, rubbing your knee slightly,
“Should I cry a little more then?” You tease, smiling at him with damp eyes.
“Boost my ego a bit, maybe,” he smiles back.
All of a sudden, the song climaxes, and your jaw drops once more.
“Holy shit, Harry! Do you have anything wrong with you? My god.” You shake your head, in disbelief over him.
“I mean, I am always traveling, so there’s that. But other than that, I’m pretty much awesome,” he pretends to boast, fake popping his collar.
The song shifts to Carolina, which Harry tells you after you ask as soon as it starts playing.
“She’s such a good girl, she feels so good. Am I hearing that right? Just wanna check,” you recite the lyrics slowly back to him, moving your free arm around.
Harry looks away, pretending to check out the pictures on the wall behind him.
“Are you gonna be like this for every song?” Mike asks, and you nod happily, bumping your head to the beat.
Almost the entire album plays while Mike is tattooing you, all with varying reactions of either, ‘Harry!’, ‘Is this real?’, ‘I’m gonna start crying’, or ‘this is the sexiest shit I’ve ever heard’. Without fail, you ask him the song name when the first few notes start playing and he tells you it, sitting quietly and smiling at you getting so happy over his music.
Mike finishes wrapping you up and goes to the back to find some healing products for you as the final notes of Woman play, and you swivel in your chair to face Harry, knocking your knees against his.
“What’s the next one called?” You ask, so in awe of the man sitting in front of you.
“From the Dining Table. ‘S the last one. Quite an emotional one.” He says back, smiling sadly at you while playing with his rings.
You nod in understanding as it starts, coming to sit next to him and leaning your head on his shoulder, so drained from the last few hours. He wraps his arm around you, tucking his head over yours.
The song goes by without a noise from either of you, sans a few sniffles that made Harry squeeze you a little tighter.
After it ends and the two of you sit there in silence for a while, you say quietly,
“I like how at the end the music swelled when you wanted them to call you, and then it cut out. That was pretty powerful.”
He nods, the movement moving your head slightly.
“I like that part too.”
You pull away from him and look at his face close up for a second, trying to read him.
“Thank you for sharing this with me. I mean, obviously not with me, but that you let me freak out over you. You’re really special, Mr. Ferrari,” you whisper, brushing his hair out of his face.
“So are you, Y/N,” he mumbles, eyes flickering to your lips for a second.
“You paying cash or card?” Mike’s voice cuts through the air and the two of you jump apart, feeling like teenagers.
“Um, card,” You say, standing up with your purse and heading to the counter to pay.
Mike rings you up and you grab a hundred from your wallet to tip him with.
“Ah, I remembered why I like you,” Mike smirks, grabbing the bill from you.
“Stupid,” you mutter, giving him a hug goodbye.
“Oh, before you leave, I’m throwing a party this Saturday, Harry, you’re welcome to come as well,” Mike adds, gesturing him over.
He moves from his spot against the wall to stand next to you, a hand resting on your lower back for a second before dropping to his side.
“Thank you, I’ll have to check and see but I’d love to come. It was great meeting you mate, might have to set an appointment up in the future,” He smiles, shaking Mike’s hand once more.
“Hell yes, brother, I’d love to. Great album, by the way. Can see why Y/N brought you by.” Mike crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you while he says this.
“Alright, shut it down,” You snap your fingers at him, glaring slightly. “I’ll text you later, loser.”
“Get out!” He yells, making you laugh as you drag Harry away.
“Need help with your bag?” Harry asks as you exit the shop, the cold air biting your bare legs.
“I’m good, thank you though.” You swing the bag so it hits his butt just to see the way he jumps and runs away from you for a second.
“Hey! No hitting the driver!” He scolds, wagging a finger pointedly.
“We haven’t even gotten in the car yet!” You argue, coming to a stop in front of his car.
“Doesn’t matter.” He shakes his head and grins at you when he unlocks the door, immediately reaching for yours to open it for you.
“Thank you.” Your voice came out as a meek whisper and you cleared your throat after he shut the door, trying to shake out your butterflies.
He plops himself down next to you and pats his hands on the steering wheel for a second.
“Do you want me to drop you off at your van or your apartment?” He asks, turning to face you.
“Trying to kick me out?” You questioned, laughing at his expression.
“Van’s fine. I’m probably just going to write, I’ve got some stuff to do for a friend.”
“Is there a name for the beach? I’m not sure I remember how to get there,” Harry admits, opening up Google Maps on his phone.
“Not really but I can just find it on the map real quick, I’ve been in this position way too many times.”
He hands his phone over and you find the cove in less than twenty seconds, handing it back over.
“So where are you from? I’m realizing you tricked me into spilling my guts without telling me too much about yourself.” Harry questions, hand going up to scratch his chin.
“I grew up kind of all around California, my family was always traveling so I was homeschooled for all my life. Only child, because we were pretty broke and I was a ‘happy accident’,” You quote, laughing at your mom’s phrasing.
“Aren’t we all really?” Harry grins, shrugging slightly.
“I think so. Anyways, my parents died when I was 15 and that really made me get my shit together. I moved in with my best friend, Laura. Graduated high school early and just worked my ass off for a couple years. Bought Miss Sunflower and renovated her, traveled through America for about a year and a half before moving here with Laura. She and I got an apartment together and just have kind of figured life out since then. She works at a record label and I’ve been working as a part-time songwriter since I was 16, mostly just helping out whenever an extra person is needed or they need some extra little sad sprinkles in a song.” You explain, taking a breath after you finish your little rant.
“I’m so sorry for your loss. I know your parents would be very proud of you staying true to your roots.” Harry sadly smiles, rolling up to a red light at the perfect time. He leans over to give you a quick hug and you graciously accept, whispering a little ‘thank you’ in his ear.
“It’s been a rough grieving process but I’d like to think they are. Please don’t pity me though, it sucks, yes, but life could be so much worse. I’m lucky to have the people in my life that I do,” you explained, picking your nails nervously.
“I completely understand. I lost my stepdad last year and being there for my mum was the only thing that kind of kept me going,” Harry sympathizes, twisting one of his rings around his hands.
“I’m sorry as well,” you murmur, taking his hand and holding it.
“Yeah,” Harry exhales harshly. “Life’s a bitch.”
You giggle lightly, nodding. “That she is.”
The two of you sit in silence for the remainder of the drive back, listening to the ocean waves and the sounds of your breathing.
Harry parks his car next to your van and puts it in park, leaving the headlights on.
“Thank you for coming with me and sharing all of this, you really know how to make a girl feel special,” you blush, tucking a loose curl behind your ear.
“Thank you, Y/N. I feel like my whole view on the world has shifted so much in the last few hours,” Harry gushes, and you have to turn away to smile for a second.
“Come on,” you mumble, hiding your mouth with your hand.
“I’m serious! I know we just met but I really like you, I’d love to continue this. And I need to listen to you play still, not fair I only got to hear from far away for a few seconds.”
“I’d definitely like to see you again, but it’s a harsh maybe on the playing,” You nod, biting your lip to stop the smile from plastering itself on your face.
“I can give you my number if that works, but, like I said, I’m always here.” You offered, gesturing to your car.
“Number works great. And I’ll let you have your spot, I don’t want to take it away from you,” Harry pulls out his phone to give you his contacts.
“No, please come join me, with friends too! I need to share this little bundle of joy,” You hope to pursuade him into visiting this spot, but his expression is unreadable.
“How about this, I’ll text you before I come?” He suggests, taking his phone back from your hands.
“Perfect. Thank you again, Harry,” you emphasize, leaning over to give him another hug.
“Of course, love. Thank you for a wonderful night.”
You wave goodbye after getting out of his car and head into your van, taking note he doesn’t leave til you’ve gotten yourself inside and shut the door.
You plop yourself down on the bed and sigh, looking up at the ceiling.
“Holy shit,” you sigh, getting up to get into the driver’s seat.
You FaceTime Mike on your way back to the apartment, unable to wait to talk to Laura when you get home.
He answers a few seconds later, beer in hand.
“‘Sup loser,” he greets you with a head nod, “You get home okay?”
“Yes, oh my god. What the fuck was tonight? What do you think of Harry?”
He sighs and moves to lean his phone against something.
“If I’m being honest, the man is unreal. I don’t know how the fuck you found him but, wow. I can’t think of anyone who is down to not only drive someone they just met to get a tattoo, but to then sit through the entire thing while having them fangirl over their album.”
“I was not fangirling!” You try and defend, but one look from Mike shuts you up.
“Okay, maybe I was, but I’m just so in awe. I gave him my number because I thought he might feel weird giving me his. He had almost a billion streams on his first fucking album. That’s insane.” You explain, biting your thumb.
“Quit biting. And yeah, I’m not going to lie I looked him up after you left. Mans is a proper superstar, used to date Kendall Jenner allegedly.”
“Bleh,” you shake. “I don’t want to know about his life from the internet, that’s so weird. Also, when Alex and I were together he was dating some new model every other week, all those magazines are bullshit.”
“True. But Alex also was dating a model,” Mike retorts, trying to pick your buttons.
“Haha, very funny,” you deadpann, rolling your eyes.
“I’m just saying, as your brother, be careful. He really does seem like an amazing guy.”
“Yeah. He really is. Say hi to Maggie for me when you get home! I’m rolling up to my place right now so I gotta go.”
“I will. I know you already know how to take care of your tattoo so I’m not gonna waste my time. Later, loser.”
“Bye, dumbass.” You hang up, pulling into the driveway.
Practically dancing up the steps and through the front door, you’re met with the cozy atmosphere the two of you have created for yourself. You can tell your favorite vanilla candle is burning somewhere in the house and you slip off your shoes, practically running into Laura’s room and leaping onto her bed.
“Hello, my love,” she smiles, hugging you tightly. Her perfume envelopes you and you squeeze her back, lying your head in her lap.
“I thought you were staying at the beach today?” She wonders, playing with your hair.
You sit up at this, resting on your elbows.
“I met a boy,” you smile, putting your hands to your cheeks.
“Shut up!” Her voice raises a few octaves and she scrambles upright, hitting your thigh with her hand.
“Who is he? Where? Oh my god!” Laura rattles off, bouncing up and down on the bed.
“His name’s Harry, we met at the spot. He came with me to get the Tarot card tattoo at Mike’s.” You gesture to the bandage around your forearm.
“Shit, man. What’s he look like?”
“Fucking hot. He’s British, for one. Tall, curly brown hair, green eyes, lots of tattoos. Also, he’s got the voice of a goddamn angel.”
“You’re not talking about Harry Styles, are you?” Laura asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, you know him?” You wonder, surprised she knows his name.
Her jaw drops and she fully shoves ou off the bed, emitting a ‘hey!’ from you.
“Of course I know Harry fucking Styles. Are you serious?”
You blow your hair out of your face and lean up on your elbows, one leg still on the edge of the bed.
“No, I’m not joking, what the hell?” You laugh, pulling yourself back onto the comforter.
“How the- who- what?!” She stutters, looking at you expectantly for a story.
“He came up to me on the beach asking for a lighter, we smoked a j and just kind of started talking. I asked if he wanted to go to Mike’s with me and he drove me over, and I’m me, so I tried to pick apart his brain a little. We listened to his album, which, by the way, have you heard it? That shit’s incredible.”
“Of course I’ve heard it! The entire world has heard it! Keep going!”
“Jesus,” you laugh, shocked by her reaction. “He drove me back and we got a little deep, I gave him my number before I left. I think we kind of had a moment though, he looked like he wanted to kiss me for a second.”
You pull your knees to your chest and rest your chin on them, thinking back to that moment.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” Laura sighs, falling back dramatically on her pillow.
“I know. I feel kind of weird though, he seems very closed in. I mean, I get it, I saw that he has quite a bit of fame, but I don’t want to have to pry him open, y’know?”
“I mean, yeah, but he’s really fucking famous. His fans are some of the most die-hard people out there. And there’s a hell of a lot of people who would do unspeakable things to be in your position. Myself included,” she mumbles at the end, and you swat her with a pillow.
“Gah,” you moan, lying down next to her. “I don’t know how to navigate my way around that kind of fame. What if he sees that, or still thinks that I’m lying about not knowing who he is? That’d be a bit egotistical, though, so maybe I’d be dodging a bullet.”
“Nope! You are not missing out on an opportunity to fuck Harry Styles.”
You laugh, scrunching your nose.
“I don’t want to think of him like that. Just Harry, the dude who I’ve been relentlessly teasing all night.” You turn onto your stomach suddenly.
“Shit. What if I was being too much?”
You groan again, pushing your face in her pillow.
“Than he’s dumb for not realizing how funny you are.”
Your phone pings suddenly, and you grab it from your back pocket, not recognizing the number on your home screen.
“Shit, he just texted me.” You shout, standing up onto the ground while you read the message aloud.
Hey, Y/N, it’s Harry. Hope you’re enjoying the rest of your night, I just wanted to give you my number and thank you again. Tonight was probably the most fun I’ve had in a while, if I’m being honest, and I was wondering if you wanted to do lunch tomorrow?
“Oh, fuck ME, he just asked me out to lunch.” Your hand goes up to your mouth as you look wide-eyed at Laura, who’s expression matches yours.
“Bitch, say yes!”
“Okay!” you yell back, pacing back and forth.
hey harry ! i’m glad you had fun tonight, i was worried i might’ve scared you off haha. i’d love to do lunch, what time were you thinking ?
“Does that sound okay?” You hand your phone off to Laura, getting her stamp of approval before sending it.
“Ah! Okay, shit fuck, it’s sent.” You throw your phone onto her bed and lean against her door, waiting for his reply.
Your phone lights up not even two minutes later, a text from Harry reading,
Haha, definitely didn’t scare me off. If anything, the opposite. How does noon sound? I can pick you up if you’d like?
“A gentleman,” Laura sighs, fanning herself as you read it together.
“Shut up,” you mumble, blushing slightly as you type back,
well, good, i’m glad :). noon works great, here’s my address. sleep well, harry.
I’ll be counting down the minutes. Goodnight, love.
You scream as you read his last text, shoving your face in your hands.
“Oh my god, okay, Y/N, take a chill pill,” you tell yourself, taking a deep breath in. “Ugh, why am I getting so worked up over a guy?”
“Because he’s funny, cute, talented, and rich, bitch.”
You give Laura a look and she laughs,
“Okay, money, fame, and any prior knowledge I have aside, he seems like a great dude. And if he’s not, well, my dreams will be absolutely crushed.” She shrugs, going back to scrolling through Instagram.
“Oh, wow, thanks.” You roll your eyes, standing up. “I’m gonna make some tea, you want any?”
“I’m good, thanks though.”
You nod and shut her door behind you, going into the kitchen to turn the kettle on.
Hopping up on the counter while you wait, you decide to do a little bit of Instagram stalking, just to see what he posts.
You click on his most recent one, smiling at his caption.
“Kissy,” you mutter, shaking your head lightly.
Scrolling through a few more of his photos, you bite your lip at his outfits, incredibly jealous of his stylist. His feed is better than yours, if you’re being honest, and you smile at the thought of him making sure all the black bars line up.
Hearing the whistle of the kettle, you hop off the counter and pour yourself a cup of chamomile. Closing out the app, you take your mug into your room, turning on your lights that make your room look like you’re floating in the galaxy.
Placing it on your nightstand, you get yourself ready for bed, spending a little extra time washing your face and doing your skin care routine.
You slide into bed and open up your latest book find of the week, this one being Misery by Steven King.
You find your eyes drooping after a while and set your things on your nightstand, snuggling deeper into your blankets.
With a smile on your face, you drift off to sleep, excited for tomorrow.
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eyreguide · 4 years
National Theatre Live - Jane Eyre
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In 2016, I eagerly watched the theater broadcast of the U.K. play adaptation of Jane Eyre. This 3-hour production was directed by Sally Cookson and starred Madeleine Worrall as Jane, Felix Hayes as Rochester, and five other actors playing all the other roles.  I wrote this review back in 2016, and with the release online, I’m re-posting my thoughts.  I do have some critiques on the choices in the production, but I did enjoy it overall and am looking forward to seeing it again!
During the interval before the broadcast of this play, there was an interview and behind the scenes video about the play, and I really liked what I heard from the director about how she views the story, and how she feels that Jane's journey is the essential feature.  It is called Jane Eyre after all.  I very much agreed with her on that, and I loved that she felt such a connection to the story and put that love for it into her production.  The play is focused on Jane's story as a whole, starting with how she develops, so it was nice to see that all five parts of the book (Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfield, Morton, and Ferndean) are pretty fleshed out (the first three though is the main focus).  It was overall a good adaptation and a bold and unique interpretation of the story.  I only had some minor issues with it.
I wonder that if I had a chance to watch this again, I would feel as strongly about the things I'm about to mention.  Because when I first heard Jane Eyre the Musical I didn't love it, but after listening to the soundtrack a few times - I adored it.  So it's possible I just need to get used to some things, and also forget some of my hopes and expectations to really see the piece for what it is because this is not a straightforward adaptation.  
But anyways.  The first thing that struck me with this play was the staging.  It's very stark, modern, minimal and theatrical.  But I would have liked something a bit more evocative of the time period.  This is theater, so I understand that sometimes it's nice to pull back and focus on performance and see the story created by just the actors, but for me, sitting in a theater watching it on a big screen, I felt a little taken out of the story at times by how the background was bland and unexciting.  It had the feeling of a really good rehearsal.  I would have loved a little more theater-level realism to set the stage as it were.  When there were some great moments in the play (and there were!) I was so easily distracted by the feeling that these are actors performing a role.  It was just something that was at the back of my mind sometimes while watching.  I did like some things about the set though. There was real fire coming out from the bottom of the stage.  And for a simple constructed set, they made good use of everything and it was very inventive.
Some of the ways they adapted the story felt more like it was there to be modern or innovative and I felt like it would have been better if it was there to serve the story and not just to be an effect.  Things like the way the play shows Jane traveling to a new place by the whole cast running in place.  It went on for a little longer than necessary.  And I felt like they could have just transitioned (*cough* and added more dialogue from the book *cough*).  And Rochester's dog Pilot.  He was comic relief because he was played by a person, running around barking, and he was funny, but Pilot isn't in the story that much.  It didn't add anything to the story and must have replaced some things I would have liked to see.
There was music to go along with the action - a live band played background and also played for the mysterious woman who seemed to narrate Jane's inner thoughts through song - turns out the woman was playing Bertha and I actually liked that! - and I also did like the music.  Some of the songs that are in the novel was set to music for the show (with some liberties taken with the lyrics)  including my favorite - Rochester's song to Jane.  I don't think I've ever seen that done before!  That made me so happy!  However, there were a couple (two that I recognized) modern songs that were sung to illustrate the story and it bothered me that although the songs have some parts that fit with the story (kinda) the lyrics don't completely fit. Like  "Mad About the Boy" with one lyric that goes "Lord knows I'm not a school girl/ Who's in the flurry of her first affair" -- but that's exactly what Jane is though....  And then near the end there was "Crazy" - the Gnarls Barkley song which hardly fits if it was sung for Jane.  Which it seemed like it was.  If it was sung for Bertha, that fits better.  It was strange for me though.
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Things that I really liked:
The Greek chorus of the cast speaking Jane's inner thoughts as if she was having a conversation with herself.  I especially liked it when Rochester tells Jane he'll tell her everything when they have been married a year and a day, and the chorus of Jane's thoughts are basically like "What? Are you kidding me??"  For me (because Jane does not show her feelings!) it's nice to get that window into her thoughts this way.  
The scene where Jane tells off Mrs. Reed was particularly powerful to me.  I loved the real indignation that seemed to emanate from the actress playing Jane.  That moment was very believable in the show.
After Jane and Rochester meet, there is this montage of Jane and Rochester sort of seeing each other around the house and watching each other.  It showed that they sensed each other's 'strangeness' and were intrigued by each other. Especially because there is that passage in the book where Rochester talks about watching Jane in the early days.  It was nice to see that adapted.  Pretty much anything that shows Jane and Rochester's connection appeals to me though.
In a similar vein - Jane and Rochester's engagement scenes appealed to me, because Rochester was trying to give Jane gifts, and Jane kept refusing them.  Until he gave her the veil.  And she accepted it - only because it would make him happy.  Aww.
The farewell scene emotion-wise was pretty good too.  I did wish there was more time spent on Rochester's motivation for what he did (like when Jane says she does believe Rochester would hate her if she were mad, Rochester does not say his answer to that - and I do love that speech.)
The Cast
Since the cast is small, I want to talk about them individually:
Madeleine Worrall as Jane.  I think she did a tremendous job carrying the whole production with a lot of emotion, and she had to play Jane as a baby into an adult which must not have been easy.  I do wish Jane was played by a younger actress though - it is superficial of me, but I feel like Jane's youth makes it easy to understand why she makes the mistakes she does with Rochester.  I also thought that it was out of character how overly emotional Jane was at times.  When Jane is an adult, she really keeps things locked down tight, on the outside.  Madeleine's Jane always seemed on the verge of an outburst.  Jane is restrained and composed. which makes those moments when her reserve cracks all the more effective.  That seemed missing to me in this adaptation.  It would have been nice to see her inner emotions more through the chorus of Jane's thoughts I think.
Felix Hayes as Rochester.  Just superficially again - me no likey the beard haha.  But I liked him more as Rochester than I did of Madeleine as Jane.  Even though this Rochester showed a bit more anger and bitterness than that teasing side of Rochester that I like, he did have some funny moments and he did deliver on some teasing.  The proposal scene just lacked a little bit in romance because he seemed so angry when he was asking/ordering Jane to marry him.  I mean the audience laughed at how aggressive he was, and I feel like the proposal shouldn't really be a funny moment...  Felix also played John Reed which was interesting.  Should I read some kind of interpretation in that??
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Simone Saunders as Bessie, Blanche, and Diana.  There were two actors I really liked in this production.  Simone was one of them.  I liked her because I felt like her portrayal of Bessie was so spot on.  Just the right amount of temper and tenderness, and she was so believable.  And her Blanche was fantastic too.  Snooty and entitled.  I was really impressed by her acting!  Especially because they were such different characters and she was so great at doing all of them.
Craig Edwards as Brocklehurst, Pilot and Mr. Mason.  Craig Edwards was the other actor I really loved.  I kinda wish he played Rochester!  It would have been interesting to see his interpretation. But it was his Brocklehurst that I thought was so good.  He just seemed so stiff and forbidding and perfect.  And his Pilot was fun, even if I was not as happy with the addition he made to the scenes.
Laura Elphinestone as Helen, Adele and St. John Rivers.  Hmm.  Helen is Jane's friend, but I didn't really get a sense of Helen's great kindness from this production.  It seemed like Helen was really nice to Jane just once,  the other two times Helen's conversation with Jane came off a bit begrudging. Adele was weirdly super loud and annoying every time she had a scene.  No wonder Rochester didn't want her around.  That's probably just the way both characters were adapted perhaps.  Laura as St. John was very good though. I loved how uptight and preachy she was.  There was very little sympathy for him as a character though.  Not that I do have sympathy for St. John, but Jane does in the book.
Maggie Tagney as Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Fairfax.  Maggie was great in both roles.  They are such different characters, and Maggie made them very believable as individuals.  And they felt true to the characters as they are in the book!
Melanie Marshall as Bertha.  Wow, Melanie has a fantastic voice.  Such a great range, and it was used to full potential here.  Sometimes her singing was high and eerie and served as background, and other times it was jazzy or folksy for whatever served the song.  And again, I liked that she was Bertha too.  It kind of fit that she was in a way, shadowing Jane throughout her story.  But not in the way that Jane and Bertha are similar or have a similar life, but because she will play a role in Jane's life unbeknownst to her.
I feel like this review is pretty critical but I hope not overly so.  I think this was a good production - I mean there are ones that really get it wrong, but this play does have a lot going for it.  A great sense of atmosphere for one.  It's like an impressionistic version of the story, and it does portray the emotional beats of the novel well for the most part.  And again, I love that the focus is so much on Jane.  It's gotten some very good reviews in England, so I think as a piece of theater it must be excellent.  And it seemed like a lot of the theater goers when I went enjoyed it.  It is a very intriguing interpretation that got me thinking, regardless of my personal issues!
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maggabytes · 6 years
Sorry haha! Guess I've just been doing other things. I've been finding new games to play and new people to be friends with. I guess I'm not really involved in the community as much anymore, but I'm still here I think! I guess the games you've been playing haven't really sparked my interest, but that doesnt mean I'll wish you a very happy and amazing birthday!
So this is a story from a 15 year old girl named Maggie!
I discovered you around 4 years ago, when my friend told me how funny and awesome you were! So I decided to check your Happy Wheels videos out, and my friend was right! You were pretty funny! You and Mark were the two YouTubers I watched the most, and i always loved how caring and nice you were to your communities! I drew art of you both, and even tried making my own videos, which didn't end so well haha, but I thought you were super cool! I aspired to be like you! For a long time, I dreamed of meeting you, giving you a hug, and telling you how cool you were, but sadly, I never got the chance to, until one faithful day in 2017. You were coming to my state! I remembered the frantic day as tickets sold out more and more. I thought I didn't have a chance near the end that I would get one, but my mom was super awesome, and she got me a ticket. I jumped for joy! Sure I wasn't going to meet you, but I was going to see you. In real life!
The days slowly ticked by, one by one, and then the day finally came! I was pretty nervous about going into the venue all alone, with all these people I didn't know! Luckily, I managed to somewhat mingle with the people! After all, we all shared a common interest!
I still couldn't believe I actually saw you when you walked onto the stage! It was the Jacksepticeye, the man I aspired to be like and hoped to meet was standing in the same room as I was! Sure we were a ways apart, but we were all in the same room with you!
There are some things at the show I regret doing, like I shouted a lot, and I often felt I annoyed the people around me, but that was okay I hope.
The speech you gave at the show was awesome. Telling us to get out there and do something great, and to be the hero of our own story! I try to be productive every day, and do things to make people happy, just like you say. Lots of times I have bad or intrusive thoughts, and I feel like there's something not right with me, but I try my best to shake those off, and remember who I really am!
So, thanks Jack! Thanks for inspiring me, and many, MANY others. Thanks for being a voice or outlet when others have no where to turn, thanks for being yourself, and thanks for showing us that it's okay to feel sad sometimes, even if we really don't want to be! Thanks for doing what you love, and thanks for being just a kind, lovely human being. In a world full of hate and negativity, you are a beacon of light and hope for so many! You've come so far, and I think we all agree you don't plan on stopping!
So have a Happy Birthday Jack. Let's hope it's silly, fun, and full of friends, family, and CAKE!
-With love and hugs, the Girl With The Sonic T-Shirt Who Screamed "SPEED BRIDGE!" at your show
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
The Weekly Rundown (10/07/18-10/13/18)
Sorry so late! I’m getting caught up on articles. Almost there :) Time to rundown what I’m watching, loving, hating and everything in between! Spoilers ahead!
God Friended Me (”The Good Samaritan”)
Confession time: I didn’t pay very close attention to this week’s episode, but Miles and Cara continue to be adorable. Pretty sure I ship it.
Manifest (”Turbulence”)
I’m not really feeling the chemistry between Josh Dallas and Athena Karkanis. However, the chemistry between  Melissa Roxburgh and JR Ramirez is smoldering.
Josh Dallas is my blue eye baby who makes me feel all the things. He conveyed so many emotions without saying a word in the scene where Ben and Grace discussed the man in her life. WOW!    
I want to believe Grace is in love with Ben and not Danny (because it's Josh Dallas and that's all the reason she needs), but I'm not buying it... yet
The whole twins being different ages is a never ending mind bender.
Seriously though what did Ben do for a living?
The Gifted (“coMplications”)
All I want is for Marcos to hold Dawn forever and snuggle with Lorna. Why can’t I have the things that I want?
But seriously though these Marcos and baby scenes are killing me.
Marcos fighting the Frost sister’s mind control was amazing. He was ready to tear everything apart to get his Lorna and his baby. SO HOT.
Andy, buddy what are you doing? Sure, they gave you a better hair cut and cool clothes, but Reeva is crazy. Tell me you know that boy!
I’m having trouble understanding why Reed didn’t want to tell his wife and daughter his powers were coming back. He has two mutant children! They tried to equate Lauren’s fear of “coming out” to Reed’s but it’s just not the same. He was her parent and he hunted mutants. She legitimately feared her father’s rejection. Reed isn’t in the same situation at all and I see no reason to for him to be lying to everyone for months.
Kate hugs Reed once he tells her the truth, which is nice, but were we really expecting her to reject him? Did the writers forget they have two mutant children?
The Gifted blew past all the build up to Clarice and John’s relationship and now they’ve sewn the seeds for the break up - in the third episode. This whole “Clarice is a spy for the Erg and lies to John about it” storyline is only going one place. John is doing his fair share of lying and pushing Clarice away. Needless to say I am unhappy with how this relationship is being handled.
F.B.I. (“Green Birds” and  “Prey”)
Finally got caught up on F.B.I. I thought “Prey” was a much stronger episode than “Green Birds.” 
I am so glad they cast Sela Ward! I love her. Her character is much more likable as Maggie and Omar’s boss.
I’m here for Omar doing hot things because Omar is hot. I feel warm every time he talks about his military experience. 
Still a little iffy about this show, but I’ll stick with it for now.
This Is Us (Katie Girls)
The depth of my hate for Jack's father knows no bounds.
"Or you can stay and I'll kill him." Honestly, I was okay with that option too Jack.
Randall is a mess watching his brother's movie and I stan this bromance so hard.
I am really freaking glad Randall is taking Kate on because I AM SO MAD AT HER.
Well that conversation swerved quickly. Stay on point Randall.
Okay well now we're off on a whole other thing and Kate is crying. Good grief children.
Not sure how Randall & Kate's discussion became a fight about adoption. The point was to discuss Kate's insensitivity regarding her remark about being the only person able to pass on Jack's genes. How did she turn it into Randall's insensitivity about her miscarriage?
Beth, Miguel and Toby having a group text to discuss their messed up in laws is AMAZING.
Randall is terrible at apologizing but also WHY IS HE APOLOGIZING?
I'm trying to hang with my girl Kate here. I've had a miscarriage and it's devastating, but your personal pain is not an excuse to be hurtful to others. Understanding where Randall was coming from was not a long bridge to cross.
I am so relating to Kevin putting the pieces together regarding Jack's service.
Beth got fired? NOOOOOO. My Beth!  
Toby's reaction to Randall showing up was gold.
KATE AND JACK ARE DREAM SEQUENCING AND I AM NOT OKAY. Btw Jack could you advise Kate to stop being such a jackass to Randall? Thanks bro.
Awkward Rebecca and Jack is the worst. You are soul mates kids. Get it together.  
Jack wants to marry you Rebecca and have lots and lots of babies. You are his dream.
I hope Randall and Beth have 9 months of savings. Suze Orman says you need 9 months of savings.
Marriage is never 50/50. But I think Beth and Randall have been going 90/10 for awhile and it's time for that ratio to shift.
I love how the writers find commonality in their characters in ways you never thought of before. Randall and Toby sharing their struggles with depression and anxiety was such a beautiful way to bond these characters
Kate wanted to marry Mark Paul Gosselar. Same girl.
"You came across the country to say you are sorry. That's the most Dad move ever." HELLO KATE. NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. You could have added that he didn't need to apologize and you are the one who is sorry but I don't want to editorialize too much. Carry on.)
Rebecca pulled a Jack Pearson on Jack Pearson. EPIC.
Marry you the man who does dishes. 
A Million Little Things (”Save The Date”)
HOLY. FREAKING. CRAP. THEY. ALL. FOUND. OUT. That was fast y’all! Wow!
If we’re blowing past the big affair secret does that mean we’ll find out the reason John killed himself? It’s an annoying mystery. Cough up the answers, show.
All the awards to Grace Park. She’s been sadly under utilized on this show until now and boy did she come out swinging. The scenes where she confronts Eddie and Delilah were amazing. 
I cheered when Grace slapped Eddie. I have no sympathy for him. He’s cheating because his wife is gone at work all the time? It’s called a mortgage jackass. Guitar lessons aren’t going to get it done. 
It irritates me when people act like they have no choice in who they sleep with. Eddie is walking around like falling in love with Delilah was an accident. Listen pal you are a grown ass man. You made choices. Own it. Cheating is such a mean thing to do.  Nobody is forcing anyone to stay in these marriages. Get a divorce before you go hopping into bed with someone else.
I’m only slightly less angry with Delilah but that’s only because her husband jumped off a building. Her scene where she screams to friends to ask if she was the reason John killed himself was gutting. Guit is a bitch.
By the way, even if Jon made his peace with the affair it doesn’t make the affair okay. Also, nobody asked for Katherine’s opinon. Pretty sure she’d tell everyone where to stick if if they’d did though.
I feel like Gary is representing the audience in this episode, i.e. me. I don’t think the writers needed to muddy the water with Gary’s issues with marriage, his parents divorce and his birthday. I understand Jon and Delilah were his shining example of marriage bliss, but we didn’t need to make this about his childhood trauma. His anger was warranted by itself. Delilah and Eddie did an awful thing.
We need to move it along with Maggie’s storyline. She’s the friends-with-benefit-rando-friend-everyone-just-met-but-pretend-like-they’ve-known-her-since-always. Her impermanence in all of these people’s lives makes the level she’s included in things... odd. Let’s get the cancer out in the open and solidify her relationships - particularly with Gary. 
Blindspot (“Hella Duplicitous”)
Jane's hair is long. That's how ya know she's evil again
Seriously how do they not know Remi is back? She's so cranky. Jane is much more cheerful. Also, I feel like her voice is three octaves lower.
Remi can fight with samurai swords. Who knew? A list of all of her skills would be great.
Do I call her Remi or Jane y'all? I'm going with Remi for now.
Remi's impression of Jane being worried about Kurt was pretty spot on. Well played evil one.
Anyone else enjoying Remi looking all murdery every time anyone mentions Roman is dead? Same girl. Except I'm sad Luke Mitchell isn't on the show anymore not murdery because that'd be weird.
Jane's dying except she's Remi so like that's a double dose of suck.
Oh score. Cure. This is like Elena being vampire. They'll fix it. I ain't worried. Imma gonna get Jeller babies. Or should I say PLEEEEEEEEEASE give me Jeller babies.
OH MY GOD SHE'S HALLUCINATING ROMAN. Luke Mitchell IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so here for Roman being the crazy voice in Jane/Remi's head.
Sorry Remi. Your super evil terrorist group is canceled. Sorry not sorry girl. Watch Season 1-Season 3 and catch up girl.
Two Sandstorm operatives is more like a club than a terrorist group, but okay Remi. Gotta start somewhere I guess.
It's weird that the cure is re-erasing Remi's memories but also let's re-erase Remi's memories. I ain't a fan.
Damn. Blake is dead? That... was unexpected. Okay so now I'm imagining that Blake and Roman are happy in heaven together. Leave me to my dream.
Kurt is scared... I love you my cupcake.
Wiping her memory and meeting Kurt Weller was the best thing that ever happened to Remi because she's not nice and Jane is awesome. Kudos to Blindspot for reinforcing their central love story while also wreaking absolute havoc on it.
Is Zapata evil now? Is everybody evil now?
Weitz is director. Ugh.
"You can't keep watching me all the time." Girl, he does that when you are totally healthy. Kurt Weller giving Jane fuzzy bunny stares is the show. Seriously, someone show Remi S1-S3.
Haha. She squeezed Kurt too hard to hurt him. What a bitch. Also awesome.
Zapata's smile when she sees Reade on TV. Girl go home.
Rich and Patterson are gonna cure Jane using Santa magic and it's gonna be friggin awesome.
Reciting the wedding video is creepy Remi.
Noooo.... don't break out Mama Shepherd. She be crazier than you Remi and at this point that's saying A LOT. 
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reddieaddict · 7 years
You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me (Part 2/4)
Prequel to Richie’s Eulogy
Official Cast
Part 1
A/N: Okay so, in this fic, Richie Is of hispanic and latin descent, speaks spanish fluently, and his full name is Ricardo Alonzo “Richie” Tozier. Why? Because I think the cast needs more cultural diversity and because I wrote this shit so I can do whatever the fuck I want. Haha. I hope you guys enjoy!
Oh and his parents names are Margarita “Maggie” Tozier and Rogelio Alonzo Tozier. OMG this is so extra hahaha.
Sorry if this is shit. I am aware the pacing is weird. I am an amateur writer, so like cut me some mf slack, bruh. 
Summary: It’s senior year and Eddie has began to notice Richie exhibiting strange behavior. He is worried he might be hiding something, but doesn’t know how to confront Richie about it without setting him off and making matters worse.
September 1994 
“EDDIE-BEAR!” Sonia Kaspbrak’s shrill whine pierced through the morning calm. “Can you come down here, please?” It was phrased as a question, but only masochist would take it as anything other than an order.
“Shiiit! What the fuck is she doing up so early?!” Eddie whispered-yelled as he shot up from comfort of his twin-sized bed and the warmth of Richie’s embrace.
“I don’t know, but can you fucking answer her before she decides to barge in here!?” Richie’s words were filled with panic, coordinating with the look he directed at his boyfriend. 
“COMING, MA! BE RIGHT DOWN!” The two teenagers would much rather face Pennywise all over again, than endure the shit storm that would ensue if Eddie’s mother caught Richie in his room. Usually Richie would have snuck out through Eddie’s window before Sonia woke up, but she threw their morning routine completely out of whack. “There is no point in sneaking out now, she’ll definitely see you through the kitchen window. Just stay here, be as quiet as you can, and if you hear her coming up the stairs, hide in the closet! I’ll be right back. . . hopefully.”
Richie nodded in agreement as Eddie made his way out of the bedroom, still far too groggy to be dealing with shit. “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Whatever, just hurry back!”
“Okay, I’ll try!” With that, Eddie closed the door behind him and made his way downstairs. His mind reverted to it’s pessimistic default, racing through the possible reasons why his mother would feel the need to speak to him. It was clear by her tone, this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. With each step he took, he braced himself mentally for what was surely bound to become a full blown argument. Once he finally arrived at the kitchen, where his mother stood leaning against the counter, her narrowed eyes and furrowed brow validated and exacerbated his fears. “Yes, Mommy?”
“Edward, would you care to explain what this is?” A bundle of papers were clenched in Sonia’s chubby claw, as she held it up beside her face. The second Eddie’s deep amber eyes glanced at them, he recognized them as his application for NYU. What perplexed him was how she managed to get ahold of it, being that it was hidden in his desk draw, just last night. Well, he wasn’t really perplexed, as it was pretty apparent that she had rummaged through his room and stumbled across it. He had always suspected she went through his things, but he always tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, THAT was a mistake. Her betrayal upset him none the less, which at this point, was stupid since this was typical behavior for his invasive mother. “You already know what it is, Ma! Why would you go through my things?!” 
“Don’t change the subject! I am your mother and this is MY house; if I feel like inspecting your room then I have every right to do so!” she argued, showing absolutely no remorse for her actions. If anything, she was proud. “What business do you have with this? We agreed you would attend a community college, so you could continue living home. A boy needs his mother, especially a boy as frail as you! New York is too far and too dangerous for such a delicate person, Eddie-Bear.” 
“I didn’t agree to anything!” Eddie’s entire face lit up in neon frustration. “You basically commanded I apply at a community college, and you and I both know its just to keep me firmly under your thumb! I am not weak or fragile, like you’d like me to believe. I don’t want to settle for a community college! I want to live my own life! I need to be my own person, separate from you, Ma!” Eddie was certain that at this point Richie could hear their entire argument from Eddie’s room, but in his current emotional state, he couldn’t give less of a shit about the dynamics of his words. 
“DO NOT speak to me in that tone! You and I are NOT equals and I wont stand for this type of insubordination! This type of behavior is clearly a result of you hanging around those delinquents you call friends. They are filling your head with all these crazy ideas! I KNEW this would happen if you kept associating yourself with those disgusting people, especially that filthy Tozier boy! He’s corrupting you!” Eddie flinched at the mentions of his boyfriend’s name. Sonia’s eyes began to well up with crocodile tears, as she geared up for her performance. “How could you even entertain the idea of leaving me, Eddie?! I have given you everything and this is how you repay me? How can you do this to me? I love you, Eddie-Bear, does that mean nothing to you?!” 
Eddie knew every step and every lyric of this song and dance by heart. His mother had always been a conniving, manipulative woman; and in Eddie’s youth, he might have fallen for her tactics, but now he refused to be so easily controlled. He loved his mother and if her tears were genuine he could have reacted differently, but he was fed up and Sonia dragging Richie into this only fueled the fire within him. “Do you really believe I am so incapable of having my own thoughts and dreams? This has nothing to do with Richie or any of my friends! It ME! Its what I want; and it’s not fair for you to speak of them in that manner! I love you, Ma, but you need to let me be. Whether you like it or not, I am going to apply and potentially attend any university I please, I going to keep hanging out with my friends, and I am going to keep seeing Richie, MY BOYFRIEND! I love him, Ma! Nothing you say and no amount of fake tears is going to change that!” 
“There you go using that word, again! ‘Love!’ Eddie, lets not get into this again. You don’t love him. You can’t. You’re just confused, is all.” Sonia was aware of her son’s sexuality and relationship, but refused to accept, or even acknowledge it. “Eddie-Bear! I love you. MY love for you is real, not like the perverted friendship between you and that disgusting faggot. We can get you the help you need, like we talked about; and maybe when you’re better you can meet a nice girl and forget all about him.” 
Tears began to collect in Eddie’s waterline, threatening to run at any moment, but he willed them to stop. He REFUSED to give his mother the satisfaction of seeing him cry! He was just so exhausted. It was the same argument, again and again. The same shit being thrown at him! Why can’t she just love him as he is? Why does she have to be so cruel? He knew those questions were destined to remain unanswered. He needed to get away before his disappointment and heartache decided to rebel and stream down his crimson cheeks. “Mommy, I-I-I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired. I have to get ready for school. I love you and um. . . I-I-I hope you have a nice day at work.” Crestfallen, his voice came almost a whisper.
“Very well, but don’t think this is over! I am only letting this go because I’m running late for work, but you can expect to continue this conversation once I get home.” Eddie didn’t care anymore, he just wanted this to end. He just wanted to get back to Richie. “Yes, Mommy.” 
Eddie turned to head upstairs, but before he could take his first step his mother decided to add insult to injury. “Aren’t you forgetting something, Eddie-Bear?” She leaned forward, expectantly. Reaching up on his tiptoes, Eddie placed the most abrupt kiss possible onto her cheek. Disgusted with his actions, he ran upstairs, allowing his tears to finally flood down his face, knowing he was safe and out of her sight. 
He stormed into his room, slammed and locked the door, and silently waited until he heard the front door open and shut, a sonic indicator of his mother’s departure. Once he was certain she had left for work, he turned to face Richie, relieved it was finally safe for them to speak and move about his home freely. He expected to be immediately draped in Richie’s consoling embrace, but was surprised to find him sitting at the edge of his bed with an unreadable, stoic expression plastered on his face. 
“I’m sorry you had to listen to that. My mom is just so infuriating!” Eddie mumbled in between sniffles, but got no response from his boyfriend. “Richie, are you okay?” Nothing. Worried, Eddie walked over and kneeled himself in front of Richie’s frozen physique. “Baby, whats wrong? Was it what my mom said?” 
Richie’s gaze remained forward, oblivious to Eddie’s presence. His eyes seemed to be unfocused and glazed over, seeing right through his boyfriend. His rosebud lips were pursed into a thin line, while his face showed subtle but evident signs of tension. It was as though his body was there, but Richie was lost somewhere within it. He seemed trapped in some distant thought, disassociated and unaware of the real world, and not too dissimilar to how the losers had found Beverly in the sewers all those summers ago, only without the milky eyes. Not wanting to think about such a horrible memory any further, he shook off the thought and continued to try reaching Richie. “Rich, this isn’t funny! What’s wrong?! Why won’t you answer me!? Are you mad at me?” With each unanswered question, panic began to further burrow itself into Eddie’s thoughts. Why wasn’t Richie saying anything? What the fuck was going on? “Stop doing this, asshole! I am getting scared! Wake the fuck up!” Still no response, just the same blank expression taunting him. In an act of desperation, he latched on to Richie’s shoulders and proceeded to shake him. His eyes became iridescent as the sunbeams that leaked through the blinds illuminated the tears that formed around them. “Richie, I don’t know what do. I can’t-I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you need! Just tell me what to do, baby! Let me in!!” Still, there was nothing. Eddie was bawling uncontrollably, imploring him to come back to him. 
 Taking inspiration from Ben and Bev, he gently, but firmly placed his hands on each side of Richie’s face and willed their lips to collide, hoping a kiss would have the same effect on him as it had on her. Upon impact, Eddie felt him gasp beneath his kiss. He pulled away, only to see Richie’s eyes had widened in shock, his shoulders had risen tensely, and his fist were balled up on his lap, clenching onto the plush fabric of his pajamas. They sat there, exchanging confused looks, each waiting for the other to break the tension. 
“Eddie!” A wide, cheerful smile began to replace the bewildered shock that clothed his face, as he gleefully leaned forward to kiss Eddie once more. “Hey, Eddie Spaghetti! Um. . . We should get ready for school, yeah? If we don’t leave soon, we’re gonna be late and we both know how much you hate being tardy!” He shot up and walked over to the spare drawer Eddie kept for him and began to get dressed, leaving Eddie kneeling in a pool of disorientation. What the hell is going on? 
“NO! I know what you’re doing! Don’t try to play it off like nothing happened! What the fuck was that!?” 
“Uh, I don’t know. I guess I was just tired. It’s not like I got a lot of sleep last night with all the sexy-fun-time we had last night, not that I am complaining, baby boy.” Richie winked smugly, a blatant attempt to deescalate the situation. 
“You-You were catatonic! I kept calling your name, but you wouldn’t answer me! I shook you! It was like you were somewhere else! Like Bev had been. . . “ Eddie lifted himself from the floor and sat himself on the edge of his bed, in the same spot Richie had been moments ago. His cheeks was tear stained and red as a tomato. 
“Eds, seriously it was nothing. Lets not make a thing out of this and just get ready for school, yeah?” Richie was becoming noticeably agitated, wanting to drop the conversation.
“Richie, that was terrifying and you just want to let this go? Has this happened before? Did it have something to do with what my mom sai-” 
“FUCK, EDS! CAN YOU FUCKING LET IT GO!? NOTHING IS WRONG! I AM FUCKING FINE! WHY DO YOU WANNA START SHIT OVER SOMETHING SO FUCKING STUPID?!” Richie’s enraged shouting startled Eddie, leaving him in dumbfounded silence. In that moment, he was especially relieved his mother wasn’t around, as she most certainly would have heard them at this point. He knew there was no point in pressing the topic any further; it would get them nowhere and only make matters worse. When Richie got like this, there was no reasoning with him. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.” Quietly he began to dress himself, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. He would never admit it out lout, but Richie’s actions had hurt him deeply. It wasn’t fair! After being put through something so traumatizing, how could Richie yelled at him like that just for showing concern? Whatever. It had been enough arguing for one morning, and Eddie just wanted silence for a while. 
Guilt began to overwhelm Richie, realizing what he had done was inexcusable. He made his way over to his petite lover and wrapped his gangly arms around his shoulders, pulling him into his chest. “I’m-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. Just. . . please believe me when I tell you everything is fine, okay? I promise. You have nothing to worry about. I’m sorry. Are we okay?”
“Mmhmm. Yeah.” Eddie mumbled into Richie’s chest, before pulling away and offered him a weak smile as reassurance, still avoiding eye contact. “Yeah, of course. Everything’s cool.”
“Awesome! Lets get going, Spaghetti-Head!” A big toothy grin spread across Richie’s face as he took Eddie’s hand and pulled him into the bathroom. Side by side, they brushed their teeth and washed their faces, just as they did every morning. All the while, an uneasy, thick silence hovered around them, heavy with everything that had been left unsaid. 
The rest of the morning, Eddie replayed everything in his head over and over, especially on the drive to school. He would steal glances at Richie as he drove and sang along to the radio at the top of his lungs. He was acting just as he did any other morning. Nothing was different. It was unsettling in it’s normalcy. He played it off so effortlessly and convincingly. It made Eddie wonder, what else could Richie potentially be hiding? It could be anything and he would never have a clue. It was a terrible thought to have and it made him feel guilty for even allowing it to cross his mind. He trusted Richie, he really did. This morning had just left Eddie confused. 
Aware of Eddie’s pensive anxiety, Richie reached across the center console and took Eddie’s dainty hand in his calloused one, weaving their fingers together. With a gentle, warm smile, his eyes caressed his boyfriend’s soft, delicate face. “Hey. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Eddie reciprocated Richie’s smile and gave his hand a playful squeeze, signaling everything was truly alright. It wasn’t thought. Eddie knew better than to allow himself to believe so. Whatever it was that Richie was going through, it was clear this was just the beginning.  
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Quirks and All
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Hi again, this is sort of a weird request but I think it would be cute for Daryl to meet a girl in Alexandria that uses her hands and fingers to eat sometimes like he does. 😄I just feel like people think it's gross that he does that and It doesn't bother me. Lol. Thank you.
I love this request haha. I will say that the way Daryl eats doesn’t gross me out. It’s just my dad eats in a very similar way sometimes and it kinda freaks me out. Some things Daryl does in general reminds me of my dad and it’s veryyyyyyyy unsettling. Like does anyone remember in season 4 when Daryl, Michonne, Tyrese and Bob go get medicine and Bob grabs the liquor? And Daryl goes to throw the bottle away and Bob goes for his gun? Does anyone remember the way Daryl like, turned and came at him and got in his face and all that? No fucking joke, the way he moved and the way he spoke was EXACTLY LIKE MY DAD WHEN MY BROTHER AND I WERE LITTLE. I AM NOT FUCKING KIDDING. I still can’t watch that part of the episode because it freaks me out. Daryl needs to NOT do that hahahaha.
Daddy issues? Quite possibly hahahaha. And also, Daryl’s eating doesn’t bother me because for one, he chews very quietly and his teeth never scrape the spoon or fork. I like that A LOT. Seriously, loud chewing and teeth scraping, any kind of mouth noise makes me cringe. So, ASMR is definitely not my cup of tea. Ahhhhh even thinking about it makes me wanna die okay let’s get on with the one shot before I vomit hahahaha!
Daryl always felt out of place wherever he went. And being in this group hadn’t been too helpful at first. It was so obvious how different he was compared to everyone else. Over time, once he broke free of his brother’s influence, he became a real member of the family. He embraced his new role in the group but that didn’t mean that he still did things a lot different than the others. It wasn’t something that was too noticeable, mostly little things that weren’t all that important. After some time, Daryl even stopped noticing it.
When the group was discovered by a man named Aaron and he brought them to a new community, Alexandria, that insecurity returned for a moment. But at least Daryl had the slight comfort of knowing he wasn’t the only outsider this time. But just like his group, this one was just as welcoming, though he resisted it the way he always did.
“You plan on showering anytime soon?” Carol teased, “Gotta keep appearances ya know.”
Daryl grunted, focused more on his crossbow than whatever Carol was saying, “Yeah, yeah. That’s if we stay here.”
“Was kinda hopin’ you would end up stayin’ here,” a small voice startled Daryl and actually tore his attention from his crossbow. A young woman was standing in front of the porch steps with a laundry basket in her hands. She held back a laugh at the stunned look on Daryl’s face. Not many people could sneak up on him and she’d managed to do it, “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten ya. Deanna wasn’t expecting a baby to be with ya so this is just some extra clothes and sheets for her. Is Rick here?”
“Nah,” Daryl replied, “Took Judith for a walk.”
“Oh,” the woman replied, “Well, I guess I’ll just hand this off to you then and you can give it to him. You’re Carol and you’re Daryl, right?”
“Yes,” Carol said with a warm smile, really committing herself to the role of meek and mild mannered, “Nice to meet you. And your name is…?”
“Y/N,” she said. She turned to Daryl and smirked, “Not much of a talker, huh?”
Daryl shrugged and she just chuckled, “I guess not. I’ll see ya around then. I’ll probably stop by a little later. We really weren’t expecting Aaron to bring so many people back. Gotta bring more stuff for you all.”
“There’s no rush,” Carol said reassuringly, “We haven’t been this comfortable in a long time. Right, Daryl?”
“Yeah,” Daryl grunted. The woman nodded, gave Daryl a small wave, and walked off to gather more supplies for them. Daryl returned his attention to his crossbow even as Carol approached him, leaning against the railing a bit to get a look at the woman walking away.
“It’s funny,” Carol remarked, “You always wanna push people away so badly and yet you just draw people in. You just kinda blew Y/N off though.”
Daryl glanced up at the girl walking away but offered a simple shrug in response, “Don’t know her. Want me to go give her a hug or something?”
“No, I’m just saying,” Carol retorted as she headed down the porch steps, “It wouldn’t kill you to open yourself up a little bit.”
As usual, Daryl ignored Carol’s advice and continued to remain isolated, offering short answers to any questions he was asked. A few days passed by and people were starting to pick up similarities between Daryl and Y/N. It was bringing a few of his insecurities back as he never thought these little quirks were noticeable. A few people teased that maybe she was Daryl’s long lost sister. They were obviously kidding but it wouldn’t shock him even a little bit if she was. With the way his father got around when he was growing up, it was truly a miracle he didn’t have more siblings running around. But Y/N, having heard that particular comment during a barbecue Deanna and her family were having one evening, mentioned that while she was from a similar area of Georgia, her father had died after the outbreak. She even had a picture of him and she looked just like him. No relation at all.
“Not that I’d mind being related to Daryl,” she said, bumping him with her hip, “Just think he would mind being related to me. Ain’t that right?”
Daryl was of course silent, mostly because he was just uncomfortable being the center of attention. She patted his shoulder as she stood up, “Right. I’m gonna get some more food. Anyone want anything while I’m up?”
Everyone shook their head and she sauntered off to get more food. Daryl had barely even touched his food since his name was mentioned. He was still tense and felt like all eyes were on him but he was too hungry to care as he started devouring his food. It was the first time he’d had barbecue sauce in who knows how long and it was so savory and sweet on his tongue. It was also all over his fingers and covering his cheeks and getting caught in his facial hair. Now it was obvious that everyone was looking at him.
“What?” he snapped, “Expect barbecued meat to be clean?”
“No, it’s not that,” Tara said, “We were just noticing something.”
“What?” Daryl said again, “Can’t even eat in peace.”
“It’s just…well, look for yourself,” Maggie said. She pointed to Y/N, who had gotten distracted by Aaron’s boyfriend, Eric. She had started eating what was on her plate and the way she held her food in her hands despite having perfectly fine utensils right in front of her almost mirrored the way Daryl did it. It was all over her cheeks and almost dripped off her bottom lip before her tongue swiped across to catch it.
“You meet up on the family tree somewhere,” Glenn said, “That’s just uncanny.”
Y/N had left Eric to rejoin everyone else in their little group. She’d heard everything they said. And she knew they didn’t mean it in a cruel, malicious way. They weren’t even laughing at her or at Daryl, simply pointing out similarities. But looking at Daryl, she also knew it was making him uncomfortable, like he wanted to jump out of his own skin.
“Well, we’ve done nothing but talk about me all evening,” she said, “Why don’t you guys tell me about yourselves? You guys must have interesting stories to tell, right?”
The evening wound down after a few hours and everyone was leaving and heading for bed, full of food and satisfied. Daryl however, had been completely silent the entire time and even left early without finishing his own meal. Y/N felt so bad for him that he was that uncomfortable with his own little habits and quirks. Maybe he just didn’t want to be compared to a girl, who knows. In any case, you wanted to try and make him feel better.
He was hard to miss. Even in complete darkness, the lit up end of his cigarette gave him away. His cheeks hollowed as he inhaled deeply, staring off into the distance as he pulled the cigarette from his thin lips, light grey smoke flowing from his mouth as he exhaled.
“Daryl,” she said, “Noticed ya didn’t finish your dinner. Couldn’t be full, ya barely touched it.”
“Wasn’t hungry,” Daryl muttered. He flicked ash off the end of his cigarette and stuck it back between his lips, “What’dya want, Y/N?”
“I just wanted to bring you your dinner while it was still warm,” she said, slowly walking up the porch steps. Daryl said nothing so she proceeded, setting the plate down on the table in front of him and taking a seat beside him on the porch swing, “I know it bothered you that your friends were comparing you to me. We do things pretty similarly I guess. Didn’t really notice until your friends and mine started pointing it out.”
Daryl nodded but still stayed quiet. Y/N sighed heavily, resting her hands on her legs, “Look, I thought it was kinda funny that people were saying your mom lied to you or my mom lied to me about who our real dad was or that we’re on the family tree somewhere but I realize it’s not funny to you.”
“It’s nothing,” Daryl finally said, “I can deal with it.”
“It’s okay to be bothered by it,” she continued, “But you gotta know the people here, they’re gonna accept all of us for our habits, our funny little quirks. You’re not an outsider here. You’re among friends.”
“Guess so,” Daryl said. Y/N leaned over to grab a piece of meat from Daryl’s plate and she popped it into her mouth, laughing as she chewed happily. It got a smile out of Daryl as he took some and tossed it into his mouth as she had done, “Hell, it’d be nice if my mom had lied to me about who my dad was anyway.”
Y/N patted Daryl’s back as he started eating again, “I’d like that too. As long as it doesn’t have extra marital affairs because that kinda shit gets messy.”
Daryl shrugged, “If it’s my family, who the fuck knows.”
He wasn’t sure if he would ever be comfortable in this new place, especially with people noticing how similar he was to this girl. But she had a confidence that he wanted so badly. But goddamn, she made it look easy and she made embracing the habits and the quirks that much easier for him. He could be a part of the jokes now without hiding away or keeping everyone at arm’s length. It felt wonderful to be a part of the group again and it didn’t take half as long. This girl had really brought him out of his shell, quirks and all.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, do I know how to write long one shots anymore? Ugh, I promise I’m putting effort into these one shots. Anyways, the next one should actually be pretty long. It’s a rather long request so it might take me a while. I swear, if the next one ends up being under 2,000 words like this one is, I might explode. But anyways, I hope this turned out alright anyway. Love you guys <3 😊
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lenaluthorlipbite · 7 years
OKAY SO what would you do if you had complete control of the next season of supergirl???
A lot of these will probably be repeats of my “what I want to see from season 3″ post, but i’ll tweak it a little so it’s exactly the way I want it
So if I were to walk into into the Supergirl executive producer meeting, slam my hands down on that board table and say “bitches, i’m in charge now,” here are the things I would decree about Supergirl season 3:
1. Introduce a fun new conflict for Sanvers. Because no relationship is without its problems, and it would be unrealistic to make Sanvers any different. Of course, Sanvers is a very supportive and communicative relationship, so no matter what conflict it is, I’d have them work through it. I’d probably make it something like…Alex gets feelings for another girl. And she doesn’t want to because she loves Maggie. I dunno. That’s a pretty cliched one, but it does happen. 
2. Lena finds out by accident that Kara is Supergirl, and she’s a little hurt by it. And when she confronts Kara about it and asks why she didn’t tell her, Kara says, “Because I don’t have to be Supergirl with you! I can just be…Kara.” Then they’re just standing there, because Lena is absolutely speechless at that admittance, and they’re staring into each other’s eyes meaningfully and you know that it means something. And then the moment is interrupted by like, Winn walking in looking for something and Lena and Kara like look away because holy shit, what did that moment mean? speaking of which…
3. Supercorp stuff, but not those overly obvious and dramatic scenes like Mayoface had with Kara. Subtle stuff, but not so subtle that you have to look into it. Things like, Alex mentioning that she goes out to dinner with Lena a lot, Kara trying on multiple outfits because each one is not the right one, Lena going to Kara’s apartment and Kara is changing and Lena sees her in a bra and jeans and awkwardly averts her eyes and stammers, that kinda thing. Slow burn, guys, slow burn.
4. Lena becomes a key player in the Superfriends family. She works with the DEO because of her mastery with technology. Winn likes her and Kara likes her but J’onn, Alex, and James are all a little wary at first. Of course, her good heart and Kara’s fierce protection of her eventually win them over. 
5. Winn explores his feelings of abandonment and betrayal, and his mother comes back into play. His mother could be someone important to the over-arcing plot, or not, but it could add for a good amount of development on Winn’s part. 
6. Alex and Lena help Kara recover from the events of the season finale. I’d probably have Kara have trouble with her usual heroism, getting distracted Danvers sister nights, supercorp brunch dates, etc. The works. I’d have Kara heal with the help of the family around her. That is, essentially, what the show is about; no matter how super you are, the support you get from your loved ones is the real superpower. 
7. I’d have the Kryptonian in the pod be Doomsday. He’s the only villain to ever kill Superman, meaning that we know that our dear Kal-El wouldn’t beat him. Though I would probably do something like Smallville did, giving him a more human persona and not just a mindless killing machine like in “The Death of Superman.” Give us a well-rounded villain with more to him than just “I am evil, get fucked dudes,” attitude. 
8. Okay I know it’s a little controversial because they always have mixed responses, but I love the Flash/Supergirl crossover episodes. I think it’s so nice to have a male character that Kara has no romantic connection to, be that in the past or present, and I love the DC TV Barry Allen. They’re just two puppy dogs from neighboring universes who get together every now and then and have a ball. BUT it will NOT be anything like the fucking musical episode. Fuck the musical episode, that was such bullshit haha. It would be cute, however, if Kara mentioned that she had a “thing” for Lena Luthor and Barry just kind of widens his eyes and says, “oh”. 
9. I’d like for Maggie to have some independent development. I don’t know what form that would take, maybe in the form of her parents or someone she has a bad history with and the superfriends have to stick up for her and fight for her.
10. This Thanksgiving episode consist of Eliza Danvers adopting Lena Luthor. End of story.
11. Basically I’d like for this season to be a season of healing and redevelopment after Mayoface for Kara, independence and friendship for Lena, closure for Winn, and good conflict for Sanvers. However, I know that is way too much to ask for and our poor darlings will inevitably be hurt again and again by the writers of Supergirl. 
I hope this is satisfactory! I’m sure there are other things I would do if I really sat down and plotted out a season, but that requires a lot of time and energy and ultimately would be fruitless due to the fact that, yeah right, the Supergirl writers would never listen to what I have to say. xD 
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
Well today was pretty good, so yay for that! Woke up at 10:15, changed into a nice shirt and blazer and kept my pajama pants on because Skype interviews, lol. Ate breakfast and by 10:50 I was logging into their video conferencing system and ready to go. There were a few minutes of technical difficulties because I couldn't hear them, but we figured that out and we were good to go. Overall I felt like the interview went really well, I thought it would. They asked you know why do you want to work here, how do I feel about them suing the state in order to get work done, asked about my legal writing experience (I swear that's like the punchline of my life at this point, they were very interested in the school memo I sent in as my writing sample) and about majoring in theatre in undergrad, lol and why I decided to go to law school. And they asked what problems I'd seen in my work so far in the foster care system so I talked about residential facilities and the sheer volume of children living in them for years and years, and not only being deprived of a family but sometimes being horribly mistreated by the staff (i.e. a girl's arm being broken in 4 places from a "restraint"). And they asked about my volunteering at the juvenile detention center, so I explained what we did there. I felt well-prepared for all the questions, and I asked them a few about the logistics of their operations and what the role of an intern looks like and yeah, overall I was quite pleased with it! The whole thing only took about 20 minutes, and right after I got an email regarding one of my medications I was trying to refill but the system was being stupid so I had to call my doctor and try to make a phone appointment but the soonest time they could get me in is the second week of March which is when I'll be in New York for spring break so I said I might as well go in for an actual appointment when I'm there, and they'll send me a prescription for the mean time, so hopefully that works. In the spirit of being totally exhausted all the time, after that I put the other half of my pajamas back on and went back to bed until 2:30, though it took me a while to actually fall asleep, but at least I got some rest (not acknowledging just how much my body has been sleeping lately). At 2:30 I got up and changed and put some of my laundry away before heading out on my mission to deliver the Valentine's Day cards from last week. The organization that handles them is based in Chi so I asked them if I could just drop them off instead of mailing them and they said sure, so that's what I was doing. They're all the way out by O'hare, which is basically the northwest corner of Chicago, a good bit west and a little north of my apartment, so it was a bit of a trek. Took one bus to another bus, then got off and walked a little until I found the building. It was just one guy, and it was out of his office for a shipping supplies business (or something like that) that he also runs the cards for hospitalized kids out of, and he had boxes upon boxes of cards waiting for delivery. I told him that I was the service chair and he said if we're ever looking for a service project we could come out and help him sort through cards and get thank yous sent out to everyone, so I'll tell the board that at our meeting on Friday. So that was good. Took yet another bus from there just about 10 minutes or so to the blue line, quite far north, and it was about 40 minutes to school from there (the blue line starts at O'hare and goes down diagonally to the loop and then back west in a straight line from the bottom of the loop) which was about what I estimated, so not bad. Saw Anthony quickly before running to class and made it just in time. It was my nonprofit class so I told my prof about my interview and he sounded very happy to hear it. Class was fine, pretty boring so I only pay so much attention haha, I was also working on booking a flight for spring break which ended up being WAY more expensive than expected. I had originally tried to see if I could get a direct flight from O'hare to JFK since my parents are still refusing to use laguardia, but I asked my dad and he was pretty much just as opposed there as he was to laguardia for traffic reasons. It's just annoying to fly into the local airport because it means a stop over and takes a 3 hour deal and makes it a 6 hour deal which is tiring. All of them were pretty expensive though, and the hour options really sucked. The cheapest combo I could find was on southwest for like $240 but the hours were like departing flight 5:50 am to 12 pm and returning at like 11:45 pm or like taking a layover in Orlando which I fucking refuse to do, so I ended up flying from Midway into the local LI airport to the tune of like $600 something which is fucking ridiculous and I could've gotten into jfk for like $320 but my dad is so ridiculous with money he'd rather spend that much to avoid having to spend time in traffic (I'm not really complaining, I just think he's ridiculous). But the rest of the class was fine. As we were heading out my spring break friend was telling me about an event at the school last week that I had wanted to attend because it was the state director of DCFS, and there were a lot of actual lawyers in there in addition to law students and apparently one guy had asked something to the tune of "so about abortion, do you think a lot of these kids would rather have been aborted?" when literally nobody had mentioned abortion up to this point and my friend was just like "you would've ripped this guy a new asshole" which is 100% correct because that's exactly what I would've done. Like are you fucking kidding me????? Do you have any idea how awful of a thing that is to say about a person's life?? A child, nonetheless?? Do children in foster care have hard lives? Yes, of course they do, but that doesn't mean they'd be better off never existing. Their lives have value and a hard childhood doesn't mean they will never find happiness in their lives or contribute to society and like, I was just seething even hearing about it and it's probably a good thing I wasn't there because I probably would've lost it on the guy. Apparently the DCFS guy gave a good answer too though, so that was comforting. Headed home then, and while I'm waiting for the train I get approached by a guy who has one of those boxes of fundraising chocolate bars and he starts talking to me about how he's a single father, and I ask if he can break a 20 because that's all the cash I had, but he said he couldn't so I pulled together a dollar's worth of change and gave it to him, and then he keeps standing there and starts hitting on me saying things like "what if I had a beautiful woman like you in my life" and I told him no in no uncertain terms but he just keeps standing there and talking like I hadn't said anything and I ended up having to say I had a boyfriend (which I don't of course) for him to leave me alone. Just like, are you fucking serious? Does my no mean absolutely nothing to you unless there's another man involved? Otherwise my refusal doesn't mean anything? Just left me really fucking angry. Sigh. Headed home though and watched supergirl, which was a pretty good episode. I love Lena Luthor because she reminds me of my girl Tess Mercer so much being as they're more or less the same character, which they established further tonight by bringing in the whole love child of Lionel Luthor thing instead of just straight up being adopted. So I enjoyed seeing her, and of course it made me sad to see everyone just assuming she's evil like the rest of them and not listening to Kara insisting she wasn't when she was the only one who actually knew Lena and would know such a thing. Also, is Maggie the only cop in national city cuz she just happened to be heading up that investigation too? I mean I guess it's alien related but it's really a prison break so it seemed like a bit of a stretch. But I was happy when she got vindicated in the end. So overall I liked it as an episode, other than fucking Mon-El who I'm so fucking sick of seeing because he's literally so fucking obnoxious and he doesn't understand shit about Kara and why would she even be attracted to a selfish prick like him??? Really now, she wouldn't. Ugh. I liked his assertion in the beginning at least in reaction to Maggie and Alex as "on Daxam, it's the more the merrier" which seems to at least tentatively establish that he was totally into that guy from home we saw the flashback of, lol. But yeah, that was about it for my day. Tomorrow is work then trial ad, not terribly romantic but I don't really care being as I have nobody to be romantic with, lol, but it doesn't really bother me anyway. And now I should get some sleep because I have to wake up in 6 1/2 hours and we know how my body has been reacting to that lately. Sigh. Goodnight babes. Stay golden.
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