#you obviously don't have to match
disruptedlogic · 7 months
this was the last place that ariya wanted to be. some kind of masquerade ball for once again, something she had no interest in. if she wasn't a level i, she probably would have found some lame excuse to not attend and spent the night alone. technically speaking she was still spending her night alone but this time she was in too tight of a dress while the person she kind of wanted to come to this lame event with was on someone else's arm. even more of a reason not to be here.
grabbing a glass of champagne, she leaned her back against the bar. taking a few sips from the glass, she let her eyes scan the crowd of masked faces. everyone in some sort of disguise helped ease her nerves slightly. she tried to tell herself she wasn't looking for a certain "couple" in the crowd but she would be lying. why had talia agreed to come with him of all people?
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lost in her own thoughts she hardly felt the person come up next to her at the bar. "sorry, i wasn't paying attention. i can move over if you want."
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sysig · 5 months
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Blind side (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Sans closing his good eye every once in a while and keeping his blind eye open - obviously he does so in-game as well so it's a style-match#It's just interesting in the context of him being textually-confirmed blind in Handplates hehe#There's a level of vulnerability there! Not more than closing both eyes around someone - and potentially also distrust!#''I'm baring myself blind right now but /you/ don't need to know that'' - it suits him ♪#Especially when he does it around Papyrus! Because obviously Papyrus knows about his partial blindness#But when he's trying to be duplicitous - the way he looks at him sidelong with his blind eye when he's trying to lie unsuccessfully ugh <3#And again-again it being about how much he trusts Papyrus! That he can be a little lazy or spacey and Papyrus will help him!#Also something about his entire right side being impaired - pawing around with his plated hand for something he can't see on that side#The dynamics! Internal and external! Very good like them lots#And then there's Gaster lol ♪ Throw him into the mix I'm sure it won't make a mess at all haha#I guess he's visiting? Just spacing out - he and Sans have a lot on their minds - separately haha#I do love how Sans pushes Gaster to be kind to Papyrus - very deservedly! He wants Papyrus to be happy of course#And he's obviously still angry with Gaster a lot but how might that present itself when Papyrus is Papyrus at Gaster hehe#Even just in that small jokey way of ''you tryin' to step on my turf?'' hehehe#Especially since the comparison wouldn't even come up if he had two functioning eyes hm?? Right Gaster???? Lol#Speaking of that scene and Sans' partial blindness tho ughhughuhg <3 <3 The fact that Sans stands with Gaster to his blind side#It's the vulnerability/distaste/confidence of it all! He's grown up so much it's all right there in how he holds himself#That he either trusts Gaster enough not to attack him - starting to believe him - or that he has enough faith in himself to protect himself#And only looking at him with his peripherals unless he looks directly at him hghhhgh I am Normal about shot composition I swear lol#Also I like how that last panel turned out lol - Sans just appears at the bottom of the steps like how's it going. care to gtfo thx
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
once again thinking about the worldbuilding in the riordanverse of "names are power" / "belief is power."
The Tri were only able to become immortal through convincing enough people to worship them that it became true. Monsters and immortals only exist through continued belief, and if enough people believe that they're dead or gone then it becomes true, like Pan. Their varied forms exist and manifest as they're believed in and called upon. Names call attention and epithets summon aspects. They're acknowledgement. Belief. Putting a name to a concept creates it as an individual.
And that's so fascinating when you start applying it to demigods. How much of their abilities are based on belief in themselves, in expectations of each other, in their parents' expectations of them? We've seen mortal figures who became immortal in some form or another because they were remembered. Even the lares - ancestral house gods, who persist because they're remembered. They have a legacy.
At what point does a demigod achieve that status? Rumors and whispers about them so persistent that they slowly become true. "I heard that Jason Grace is the son of two gods, does that make him a god?" "I heard Percy Jackson defeated a titan single-handedly. That he can create hurricanes without breaking a sweat. That he can control blood." After awhile, after enough rumors, does it become impossible to tell where they end and the legends begin? Isn't that what being a demigod is; half-legend?
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broken-clover · 3 months
It's eternally a little funny whenever I see someone say something along the lines of 'everyone in Strive is so happy now! Everyone's stories are getting resolved! It'll be hard to make a new game when everyone's retired and living peacefully and resolved their problems' and then there's a haunted semi-sentient mecha corpse in the corner constantly screaming from being trapped in limbo
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 8 days
I think of so many stupid shenanigans between Wriothesley and his daughters in the Addison Lee verse. They tell Wriothesley crazy shit all the time, their daddy-daughter secrets, and it drives Neuvillette nuts that Wriothesley won't snitch.
Sigewinne, whispering into his ear: Today at school I punched a boy because he was being mean. I waited until it was recess, and made sure that no one was watching, and I punched him. Everyone knows he is a liar, so noooo one believed him when he cried about it. And Sigewinne is aaaalways a superstar so Mr Vautrin didn't suspect a thing !
Wriothesley, mildly concerned: Uh huh.
Sigewinne: Papa would say Sigewinne has to be nice to everyone, but, Sigewinne thinks bullies need to get punched sometimes, b'cos, b'cos otherwise, they think everyone is just gonna let them be mean
Wriothesley: Y'know what. That's fair
#They tend to play with him more than Neuvillette because he can match their energies#but Neuvillette usually is who they'd run to when they#need calmness and comfort#at night. when they're all asleep. Neuv would pin his husband down and be like. Tell me. Tell me the secrets.#and Wriothesley is like Noooooooo snitches get stitches Neuv#obviously if it's serious he'd let him know. but. if Carole comes up to him and is like daddy I secretly put a roach in Mr Vautrin's lunch#he'd be like. Did he think it was yummy?#and Carole is like aheeheeehee noooo don't be silly !! It was a prank and the roach was plastic so he can't eat it anyway#ingital#also vautrin teaches all 3 of their kids#for like. first grade#so he's basically a family friend at this point#I also have this stupid#scene in my head. the Swear Jar. I imagine like swear words in the Wriollette household is a hotly debated topic. because Daddy say it#aaaaaall the time. And Wriothesley doesn't believe in banning words. He explains it to the kids when they ask but he's like. You can be#just as hurtful. if not more. with words that are not considered 'bad'. You can still be mean without saying fuck. The point is to be nice#and daddy is nice isn't he. even if he says bad words sometimes.#but neuvillette is like No. No Bad Words. It is considered socially inappropriate for your age group. When you are older#you can decide if you want to use them. however. there are some rules in the classroom and I do not want you girls to get into trouble.#if you get into the habit of cursing like your dad. it'd be hard to keep away from them when you are in class. and bad words frighten papa#so. I ask that you ladies do not use them.#but like I don't think. they'd Punish the kids. the swear jar isn't even like. a punishment. it is a swear tax. every time you say bad words#you have to pay the swear tax. and whatever's in the jar gets taken out for ice cream or whatever to make papa feel better#[ this is how wriothesley explain it ]#and it leads to stuff like. The girls being considerate to Neuvillette firstly (he isn't actually all that bothered he's more scared#of the social repercussions for the girls. But they think he's Scared Of All Bad Words)#so they'd be like. papa cover your ears. I am going to say frightening words. FUCK YOU TIMMY. and then they pay their swear tax#and when Wriothesley curse in front of Neuvillette. the girls are like stop it. you will frighten papa. pay the swear tax NOW#we must acquire the icecream for papa. lest he gets so frightened he runs away forever. and wriothesley is like oh shit yeah that'd be bad#and theyre like DADDY. STOP IT
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mildcicada · 2 months
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#when i was first coloring him in he was gonna be golden chinchilla colored but then i was like ehhh jonah magnus should be red/orange but#elias should be gray ...so i just desaturated what i already did instead of recoloring lol but#he is now supposed to be shaded silver lol#but thats why his coat pattern is on the darker side compared to what it *should* be#og elias bouchard coming from an important/roch family and while whole thing with thinking he just *deserves* stuff bc of his upbringing.#etc. -> he is purebred and matches the breed standards etc for a scottish fold of his color#obviously the eye color doesn't matter because. ahaha#i thought elias fit the Scottish fold vibes because: Scottish folds are known for looking sort of like owls and having intense eyes#and the cat body/face type (also present in british shorthairs) to me gives off sort of... unnasumming vibes?#like ahaha yes i am a boring boss who loves paperwork look at how unnasumming i am season 1-2 elias y'know#trying to think of what cat breed jonah would be. and also jon gerry etc you know all the other characters i like#would it be boring to have multiple british shorthairs#i mean..#Michael shelley/distortion is a laperm that's all I know#i didn't particularly care with the personality attributes associated with eliascat because it didn't need to fit his personality on account#of not being his original body. but i do try to keep in mind the best personality/look/etc. cat attributes as a whole for a character#also sometimes get obsessed with jt making historical and geographical sense but then it just limits me greatly to a point im not into it#so i don't care about specific breeds in that respect lol#tma#my art#elias bouchard#the magnus archives#some notes looking back(made it 2 hours ago but still looking back ok..) on it now are that i feel like elias would never choose this breed#for his next bodyhop because of the inherent health issues in scottish folds. I saw the breed was created in like the early 1960s and#assumed that maybe the health issues wouldn't have been common knowledge until later enough for jonah to be unaware of them but actually no#there's legislation about it like 6 years later LOL so jonah would..maybe not make this choice#i guess in the future when drawing i will just make him a British shorthair#my catTMA is simultaneously 'they are just regular cats or like all show cats or something' and 'exact tma plot but as intelligent cats'#LOL its just vague in my mind idk..also maybe jon can be an Abyssinian#ALSO WHAT WAS I THINKING 'jonah may not have been aware about x thing' like did i...did i forget. me 2 hours ago was dumb as rocks
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tswwwit · 11 months
What are some ideas you have floating around that you don't have any plans on writing but like to entertain as a thought?
Many of them, in fact! Though they sort of vanish from my memory if I don't make a record of them, here's a few ones I jotted down when they came to mind.
For a domestic one: Bill thought he'd hate a lot of being married! Even though he loves Dipper, he thought he'd rebel against the chains of domesticity - and in some ways he still does - but one major benefit he's found is not having to be 'on' all the time.
No need to be perfectly performing all the time! No shoving around for social influence, no intimidation, or clever tricks. No commanding attention or taking up the room. Hell, there's surprisingly little upkeep! Bill can undo his tie and pick his nose and bitch about his day to someone who isn't bending over backwards to agree with him on everything. Someone who doesn't give him a weird look and sneer if he, god forbid, actually wants to sit down, read a book, drop the grin for an hour or two.
The concept in question is Bill's very first moment of great surprise. That when he isn't being the most charming, terrifying, and exciting guy in the universe, and just chilling out for like, five minutes, Dipper comes over and snuggles up to him on the couch, or wraps his arms around his shoulders and kisses the top of his head. And when Bill asks 'what was that for?', Dipper shrugs and goes 'eh, just felt like it'. It's both baffling and extremely compelling.
A short where Reincarnated Dip is Definitely Sure he's Not Gay!!! Especially not for this Hot Demon Man who is getting so close and touchy with him with his big smile and horrible wiles. Yep. Just keeping an eye on him to make sure he's not up to something Nefarious ™.
A discussion between Dipper and Bill where Dipper insists that Bill should understand this, or not do that, because, like. Y'know, Bill's a guy! There are guy things! Making Bill stare at Dipper like he's an idiot. He proceeds to informs Dipper how that's stupid for multiple reasons! First, that Bill's Not Human to begin with, his gender can't be put into a little box! And frankly, he never filled out the paperwork for his original one, come to think of it. Sure, he/him's fine, but c'mon, sapling, thinking of the whole shebang like a binary is dumb as hell. Now Dipper has to do some mental readjustment re: his own issues with masculinity/gender.
#answers#None of this is very coherent I just saved this ask for a while and dumped some thoughts in#Though I do have like a whole scene in my head for the gender one#Probably it's Bill cajoling Dipper into wearing a dress for something. Which Dipper obviously rebels against.#Bill's very convincing but Dipper shoots back well. He's never seen *Bill* wear a dress. Thinking he's making a point#But Bill just gets the metaphorical equivalent of a lightbulb over his head. Hey! Good point kid it's been a while#Oh ho!!! I see! Pinching Dipper's cheek - you want us to *match!* Surprised to see any fashion sense outta you#Hold on a sec. Bill will whip up something in a jiffy. A real nice one#Now Dipper's spluttering. He thought it was a good counterargument but Bill didn't even *flinch* at the idea of wearing one himself#But like. C'mon Bill Guys Don't Wear Dresses!! You're a guy you shouldn't-#Bill stares at him like he's an idiot. DIpper shuts up. Dumb move actually now that he's thinking about it#Both because telling Bill he *shouldn't* do something absolutely means he's looking into doing it. If not already in the process#And second. Uh. Oh hell. Dipper remembers. That Bill's only wearing that body. Not human. Triangular so - Wait. Is he *not* a guy?? Uh.#Bill's perfectly fine with his human body and his pronouns. Even with the presumptions that his husband has made over the years#But Dipper having this idea that those mean Bill should STOP doing certain things annoys him a lot#Bill politely - for him anyway - reminds Dipper that he's very much *not* a guy. None of that crap applies!#As Dipper has seen! And hey the ideas Dipper's working with there are outdated even among *humans* what the hell#There's probably a mini-rant that's rather scathing but frankly that's Bill on easy mode for his husband#Dipper's well-intentioned and knows how things go but he struggles with masculinity especially regarding himself#Turns out being bullied and trying so hard to be Socially Acceptable means a lot of issues to unpack#Also re: the Domestic one#Dipper is present with Bill while he chills out for those five minutes. Just watching from across the room#Bill knows he's there. But he's not puffing up trying to be impressive. Not being dismissive. Just accepting. And now Dipper's *fascinated*#It's so rare to see Bill NOT 'on' that he couldn't help it. No big show. No big grin. Almost.... not 'vulnerable' he's terrifying always#But so so relatable. God does Dipper know the feeling of just wanting to find some peace and quiet after a hectic day. But for Bill. That's#Rare and strange and so - Dipper *knows* he's the Only Person who could ever ever see this. Being in Bill's presence for a full ten minutes#Without Bill flipping some internal switch to 'Impress or Intimidate'. This is Dipper's own little secret to watch and absorb and treasure#And. In a way. When Bill's not vibrating with potential energy for parties or violence he's even MORE handsome#He just HAS to kiss him. A little bit. On the cheek or on the top of the head. Maybe curl up next to him where it's warm and touch his ches#Bill spends hours afterward wondering where the hell that came from and WHY. And it'll take him *so much* time to figure it out
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dollypopup · 1 year
colin should 'suffer' for penelope
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aka: 5 short reasons why wanting colin to 'suffer' or 'grovel' or whatever other bullshit this fandom keeps pulling is stupid and makes no sense and should have been buried ages ago, how is this still a thing?
1: it sets a terrible and unhealthy dynamic between an endgame couple
especially considering Polin's motif is that of a mirror, if Colin is expected to grovel or suffer for Penelope's affection and forgiveness, it only stands to reason that Penelope then, too, would have to reciprocate. how Penelope treats Colin's ills is setting the precedent for how he's expected to handle her own against him, of which there are many. giving him the cold shoulder, holding what he said over his head and rubbing it in his face, potentially not even explaining why she's upset at him: these are not signs of a mature woman ready for a marriage to ANYONE
2: Colin's slights against Penelope are considerably less harmful than Penelope's against Colin's and it makes no narrative sense for her to be on her high horse about it
'he ruined her prospects' 'he talked about her behind her back' 'he laughed at her' (we don't even know if that one's true, frankly speaking)
but Penelope did the exact same to him and she did so first. Please remember that Penelope is the reason Colin and Marina broke up, and it was her express goal the entire time. Penelope humiliated Colin and Marina both by exposing them publicly (not to mention rubbed the salt into the wound for days afterward). Penelope didn't even think about Colin's feelings because she tried to confess her crush on him immediately after his engagement went poof. Penelope holding Colin accountable for what he said without herself recognizing the ways in which she's hurt him, too, makes her out to be a hella hypocrite
3: it's weirdly catholic on main?
love isn't about suffering points or penance or guilt and i'm tired of Christianity pervading every damn thing. sorry not sorry, some of us want an actually fulfilling love story
4: y'all are just mad Colin didn't love Penelope back from jump and it's a revenge fantasy
which, fine, that's what fanfic is for, but it's OOC, y'all are aware of that, right? because if he DID want her from the start, we all know that it wouldn't be Polin? why are you shipping a friends to lovers ship if you INSIST that the friends to lovers dynamic is less than? guess what? unreciprocated love is kind of part of the deal. you don't hold a grudge against your friend for not loving you back immediately. Colin shows he cares about Penelope in SO MANY WAYS that somehow are completely invalidated because it isn't meant to be romantic? imma say it: fuck you if you think that way. friendships are important and beautiful and deep and fulfilling with or without romance. Colin sticking his neck out for Penelope to help her family from Jack's scheme? an act of love. Colin sending Penelope letters after her father passed? act of love. Colin telling Penelope she's 'really very good' and holding her hand in appreciation of her coming to talk to him? act of love. if you think those acts of love mean nothing just because he isn't fucking her seven ways to sunday, maybe analyze your own viewpoint of relationships and ship Pen w/ some random stranger who makes heart eyes at her tits from jump
5: it makes Penelope an asshole to her own long term partner
dude, if a friend of mine insisted I crawl on hands and knees to determine whether they want me back in their lives, i don't want to be around that person? so many of these narratives make Penelope a straight up terrible person. if you want your partner to suffer? you probably don't actually like them very much, but Polin is narratively MEANT to be the couple that likes AND loves one another. be real, if your friend ghosted you for months, gave you the cold shoulder when you tried to talk again, treated you like shit (you can't argue that him 'suffering' isn't treating him like shit in some way shape or form) as you tried to apologize, and then you find out that she was the reason you and your ex broke up and she wrote straight up nasty things about your family for YEARS, you would want absolutely nothing to do with that friend. why should Colin be expected to be any different? do these two not deserve a lovely love story built on love and affection and trust and honesty? a healthy happy relationship in which they see one another and appreciate one another for all they are? no? so why do you ship them?
+1: it's oversaturated in this fandom
polin is a fantastic ship. how is THIS their main trope?
find a new fucking idea, PLEASE
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poisonouspastels · 5 months
Thinking about Rana introducing Groda to other people bc she has to be forced to socialize eventually. And like, Groda meeting Sunny eventually and immediately clocking that he's missing an arm and trying to subtly tug on Rana's shirt almost instantly while being very clearly panicked but still trying to hide it. And Rana eventually pulls her aside like "What?? what is it?" "You didn't tell me he was missing an arm!!" "...Why would that matter?" <- understandably getting the wrong impression from this "Because I've seen it before." "Oh."
And that was the day that Rana learned Sunny's arm was ripped off by Groda's Warden at the worst possible timing.
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Every time I rewatch SOTUS I am struck by how Merthur coded Kongpob and Arthit are
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Finally, what you've all been waiting for (probably):
Round 2+ brackets!!!
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(randomised - with very slight adjustments - using a wheel; possibly subject to change in the further rounds but very unlikely)
Group 1
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Scourge (Warrior cats)
Group 2
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Hong + On (Trash of the Count's Family) vs Alpine (Marvel comics)
Jaspers (Homestuck) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan (Doctor Who) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Mewo (Omori) vs Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Group 3
Greebo (Discworld) vs Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Hiili (Fox Fires) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 4
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie) vs Jonesy (Alien)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck) vs Lucifer (Cinderella)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio) vs Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Nermal (Garfield) vs Lion (Steven Universe)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Scout (Cattails)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Group 5
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) vs Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Ember (Cattails) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Catty (Undertale)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Catra (She-Ra)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
Group 6
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Thomas O'Malley + Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Jellie (Double Life SMP)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Group 7
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Skitty (Pokémon)
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz) vs Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Gatomon (Digimon)
Group 8
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Luxor (Tutenstein)
Meowth (Pokémon) vs Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Maurice (Discworld) vs Jemima (Cats the musical)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei) vs Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs The Cat (Coraline)
Pasty (Neko Atsume) vs Pangur Bán (Irish poem)
This round will start in a few days, I need a bit more time to make the pictures and arrange the polls ^~^
I think I'll be posting them similarly to round 1 except now each group will be out every 12 hours! I will update you on the exact time this round starts when it's done :)
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swan2swan · 25 days
Absolutely incredible how I went into both Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory fully ready to commit to a gay ship but both of them wound up giving me next to nothing in the first season.
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viviraptor · 3 months
one art thing that keeps making me want to pull my hair out is when ppl post a drawing and immediately call it bad/mention its flaws in the caption. whatever you think you're doing with that i can assure you it's not working
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karmaphone · 11 months
anyway I think people are missing the point of the movie where Barbie becomes human and gets a vagina. she never had a choice about becoming human - that much was clear from the Weird Barbie heel/Birkenstock gag (and echoed in her 'choice' to become human - she was feeling and experiencing personhood anyway before she was offered a 'choice') what was also clear is that this is a growing up movie about Becoming Aware Of Things, like becoming aware of the patriarchy and how you're behaving affects other people, especially under that framework. growing up you absolutely wish you could go back to not thinking and floating in this dreamland of childhood safety, but you try to return to that only to find it in ruins, infected by a disease you weren't even aware of before. 'haha being a human woman means getting a pussy and that's a bad message to send' is a baby-ass analysis of it and you know it. growing up also means becoming aware of your genitals - and what it means to take care of them properly, especially in a society that doesn't want to talk about your genitals or put in proper efforts into caring for them
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plateauofmemories · 2 months
My confession is that the reason I felt compelled to poke at kh d*rk road at all this past week is because at some point my brain took several of the bits it knew third-hand about the game, pulled out several things it remembered about Xehanort and Eraqus from bbs, and said "well like, what would I think their past would be like?" and spun off a whole fucking thought train about it without my permission. Just in case you were wondering.
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instinctsqz · 9 months
open to anyone :: outside the butcher shop :: 0/2
Adrenaline had kept Sebastian going throughout the raid, keeping his mind from the fact that there was a dead raider in his living room and the wound in his own stomach. But now, as he sat outside on the stairs of the ransacked and raided butcher's shop, reality was setting in. There was no meat left. Nothing in the freezers for winter. There was a body in his living room with Sebastian's own arrow protruding from an eye socket. People were hurt, but his family was safe.
It was the sound of someone crying nearby that snapped the hunter out of his daze, eyes finally blinking and no longer staring blankly into the distance. Coming back to reality, a very bloody Sebastian looked around slowly, taking in the sight of their once safe Jackson now a mess. It was after turning just a bit too much to the side that he winced, head tilting down to look at the blood stained shirt he wore--the shirt that wasn't covered in just the enemy's blood.
A shaky hand reached down over a torn bit of fabric just a few inches above his left hip, feeling the warmth of blood oozing out over his fingertips. Perhaps that was the reason for him feeling so cold. Perhaps that was why dizziness had begun to settle in as he sat on the old steps. With a shaky hand, Sebastian looked up, panic beginning to flood his mind. The doctors and nurses were probably busy with others--maybe busy with more serious injuries. But he didn't know how deep it was. He didn't know just how much blood he had already lost. And so, with worry beginning to take over, Sebastian slowly stood from the stairs, taking a few wobbly steps away from the butcher's shop as he called out to anyone nearby. "Help."
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