#you saw this post twice? No You Didn't.
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Apparently Sonar played music during the break? Must have had a little show, showing off his iconography. And like, he's a big time rockstar, so says Surge, so it makes sense. Good for him--she only wishes she got to listen to it.
Frankly she didn't get hurt much during that last one--she didn't even need the healing potion she took. That panda girl never really stood a chance against her, did she?
The hell were they doing sending in a rookie like that? Did they really think a little deception trick would be enough to take her down? Seriously?
Well, whatever. Didn't matter much now.
The wildcat hopped right back into the arena, waving to all of her adoring fans cheering for her, shouting her name, waving those same banners and flags.
A mic lowered from above, the wildcat grabbing it and, without another warning, yelled,
Actually, she and the announcer yelled that at the same time. That seemed to get the crowd really riled up.
For how shitty Zao is, she has to admit, the amount of sync that she and her... coworkers? had was unreal. No doubt people thought it was all scripted--she wouldn't blame them. Even Carol would guess the same, if she were the one watching.
The announcer piped up again.
Wait, ban him?
Who the hell could get banned from the Battlesphere? Did she even know anyone like that...?
Well, besides Askal. But that wasn't really banning, so says him, it was moreso... racism?
Wait wha--
From the other side of the arena, the doors opened again, fog showering the next fighter in obscurity.
But this time, despite this, she could make out his silhouette clear as day.
Same hair. Same height. Same long ass tail, same goofy ass wrist bracers.
Hell, how did she not guess it before? It feels like a no-brainer!
As the fog settled away the man's face, Askal's face, was shown.
He quickly raised a hand to the sky, grabbing the microphone that lowered down to him and spoke into it.
"Carol. I don't want to get into a fight, so I'll make my request short and simple. "Forfeit. Now. I don't want to make any of your friends or family cry when you end up in the hospital."
Sonar played a really sour note. She almost wanted to laugh.
Though, there wasn't a hint of cockiness or snark in his voice. In fact, it was mostly... stoic? Like, he was being serious...?
She scoffed. Either way, telling her that she should just quit? Especially now?
The word wasn't in her dictionary.
She put her own mic to her mouth again, that same smug face she always wore being on full display here, "Well sierra foxtrot, my dude! If ya ain't wanna fight, ya shouldn't'a signed up 'ta begin with. 'Cause I'mma tell ya one thing, buddy."
She pointed the microphone at the bleachers full of people. In unison, most of them screamed, "CAROL THE WILDCAT DOESN'T LOSE!!!!" A couple of other lose screams were heard here and there, including one proclaiming their love to the cat. And she just ignored it!
Guess at this kind of fame, anyone will fall for you.
The wildcat smirked, giving a half shrug as she spoke into the mic again, "I think ya heard 'em, right?"
"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."
He lets go of the microphone and gets into a combat stance, bouncing slightly with both his fists near his face. A position a boxer would typically get into.
"I think I know plenty, Dragon boy!" The wildcat lets go of her mic in turn, getting into a fighting stance as well--a hand near her face and the other near her waist.
The two fighters nod.
And in an instant, the two dashed at each other, clashing into each other with a loud FWOOM!!! They each threw a fist at the other--Askal with his right, Carol with her left--and each combatant caught the punch with their free hand. Though, it looked like Carol was in the disadvantage due to her height, she and the hybrid both knew she could easily hold her own.
"So," she grunted, trying to push against the earth dragon, "Tell me, buddy, why the hell are ya here? Thought ya said Zao ain't like Earth Dragons in the 'Sphere?"
"I had a personal offer from the little brat. I get to beat up a kid and get a lot of money. What's there to lose?" He had a nasty smirk on his face.
"Ain't think ya had a sense'a humor, bro. Gotta remember, though--I ain't jus' some fuckin' kid!!!" She squats down to the floor, springing back up into a jump to get some height on this big bastard.
Yet, despite the cat's impressive strength for a girl of her stature, she still had something to measure up to when facing Askal. He tightened his grip against her fist, using her momentum to SLAM her into the ground behind him.
"I was serious. Well, at first I was."
The cat, now dazed from that, was picked up by the dragon by her arm. As if she were a weightless toy.
"After I saw what that panda boy was capable of, I didn't want you getting hurt more than necessary.
"Whatever the hell he has, it ain't natural. None of it is.
"So, I'm willing to cut a deal. You forfeit, you keep the money. If Zao ever does something like this again, I take the fall and you get your job back. I get my five minutes of fame, you don't get put in the hospital."
She shook her head, her brows furrowed at the dragon and her eyes glaring daggers.
"Bro--cut a deal? Ya understand what you're askin' here, right?"
"I'm doing it for your sake. Fighting against whatever the hell that is is an automatic loss. I couldn't stand a chance, there's no way you will--"
She puts her other hand on the arm the dragon was using to hold her up, digging her claws into him. "This comin' from the guy I beat twice? What--jus' 'cause you ain't blowin' up the planet anymore, ya think you're hotshit? Think you're better than a world savior, huh???"
He winced, shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth. Anger coursed through his veins. "That is NOT what I'm saying--"
"Then what?!?!" She dug her claws deeper, she was starting to stain them with blood, "Because all I see here is another fuckin' manipulation thing like the gal before ya!!!!"
"THEN WHAT IS IT, YA BIG BRICK??? 'CAUSE MAKIN' ME LOSE MY JOB, MAKIN' ME GIVE IN 'TA ZAO'S STUPID FUCKIN' PLAN," she swings herself backwards, "AIN'T MY IDEA OF A FUCKIN' DEAL!!!!!" She swings herself forwards, using her momentum to give the dragon an upwards kick to his jaw!!!
The dragon roars as his maw is knocked upwards, loud enough for the microphones to hear, "ENOUGH!!!!!!"
He tosses the wildcat across the entire arena, the feline slamming into the doors he first entered from.
"IF YOU WON'T SEE TO REASON, THEN I'LL MAKE YOU SEE!!!!" With his left arm--the non bleeding one--he punches into the floor, making several rocks lift up from the arena's ground. Holes litter the floor, a fall through one of them would certainly be enough for an instant loss.
Or, a trip to the hospital. Either or.
The wildcat groaned, grunted, grit her teeth. She was able to stand again, so she wasn't in any danger of losing yet... but seeing the dragon enter such a rage state...
Fuck. This one wasn't gonna be easy, was it?
She stretched her arms over her head, the cracking of her bones echoing in her own ears.
The dragon pointed at the wildcat.
Three of the rocks are immediately sent hurdling towards her, barely giving her any time to react. She gasps in shock, putting her arms in an X formation to block the incoming rocks. They each break and crumble apart when making contact, the impact of them bruising her arms.
The wildcat took out her jump disc from her back pocket, dashing forward towards the dragon. The holes make this tough, of course, but nothing she can't handle. A jump over one here, a weave around another there--
The dragon practically flew at her, a swoosh of air following his movement as he did. His left fist raised into the air, he threw everything he had at the wildcat.
She raised her hands up to block the punch again, it striking right in the middle of that same X.
A resounding pound echoed through the arena, followed by the cat's scream in pain.
It was silent, for a moment.
Then, a snicker came from the dragon.
He whispered, loud enough for the feline to hear.
"One hundred hook punch."
Eyes widened, fear instilled, the wildcat--
The dragon roared again as suddenly, a massive barrage of punches exploded from the hybrid--both arms moved quicker than anyone could possibly follow, striking everywhere they could on the feline's body. Head, arms, chest, legs, he'd hit it all, he'd strike with the fury of a thousand suns onto every inch he could. Did he have a million hands? Or did he have two? Nobody could be sure, it was a blur, it was a spectacle, it was a terrifying technique to get hit by.
And the wildcat felt every bit of it's pain.
She screamed through it all, loud enough for the microphones, loud enough for the entire stadium itself to hear.
The punches themselves ended, but the pain lingered on.
Yet, somehow, she still held on to that jump disc, even as her arms limped downwards. Her grip on it was like super glue, a bond that wouldn't be broken just yet.
She still stood, at the end of it all. Battered and beaten, but resilient.
She wasn't losing to this.
The dragon raised his bloodied arm, SLAMMING it forward against what he thought would be the wildcat's chest. But mid-motion, she twisted her shoulder--her arm still carrying that jump disc--towards him. Her limp arms swung into the air, another scream rung out as she was struck, the shock sending waves of pain through her already battered body. Her grip on the disc finally gave way, the momentum of her arm being swung causing a weak fling.
But it was a fling either way. And it went right behind that bastard.
"GO!!!!!" She managed to yell during her torrent of pain. She'd begin a warp towards the disc, but not before absolutely shredding into the dragon's chest. It was as if she shared the disc's properties, just in the moments before she reached it--like a metallic chainsaw digging into the smooth earth below. The dragon didn't block it--couldn't possibly block it. He was left open from that punch, the punch he thought would have ended this stupid fight, quick and easy.
He screamed out from the pain in his chest, enduring it for a while before eventually bending backwards to let the feline continue her path.
She caught the damn thing with her teeth, her feet skidding across the ground, stopping just before another hole in the ground.
The dragon turned to face her, panting from the amount of energy expended and the massive blows to his health.
His right arm was useless now--there was blood all over it. Turns out using the hundred hook punch with a minor wound in it would turn it into a major one. Not his smartest plan, but he didn't think it'd matter. She wasn't supposed to be standing right now.
Their previous fights were never one sided--damn it, he should've expected this.
The wildcat was panting, hard, trying to ignore the pain coursing through her entire body. Did that stupid move of his get stronger? She doesn't remember it hurting this badly, causing this much pain. Fucking hell--she couldn't use her arms anymore, for beat's sake!!! Never in a million years did she think she'd be so handicapped like this.
She's got her jump disc, still. Can't use her bike though, that needs her arms to drive the damn thing. She's also got her legs, but how well can she really kick this guy down?
She squints at him as he clutches his chest and winces in pain.
That's her target, right? Keep causing damage there and he'll give up eventually.
...Fuck, she kind of wishes she had Surge's metal boots right about now.
She shook her head, hopping high towards the dragon.
He readies his working arm, aiming to hit her out the sky.
She nods her head aggressively downwards, spitting the disc out of her mouth as she does so.
A warp straight to his feet, a catch of the disc with her mouth again. She lands on her feet and rams her head straight into the dragon's stomach.
He coughs, losing all sense of action he had previously.
Another jump into the sky, this time aiming her two feet to slam directly into the other's chest!
The dragon can only look up as she starts to fall back down, her feet crashing onto him, erupting a yell from him again.
She stomps on his chest! As if she were tap dancing! Trying to put as much pressure on those open wounds as she can. Make him fall, make him fall, make him FALL!!!!
His hand starts to make his slow approach to the feline.
As a foot raised into the air, he'd make a grab for her ankle, lifting the wildcat off his chest.
Back into the ground with her. He commanded the remaining rocks to pelt her, each one smashing against the feline's head.
She minimized the damage, luckily thanks to her jump disc softening some of the blows, but most were down right dangerous. Her consciousness was starting to fade, she might actually lose this.
He raised her back up, holding her upside down from the ankle.
"We're finished."
The earth dragon begun to spin the wildcat and himself around in a circle, as if this were a wheel, the dragon stationed directly in it's center. His speed became faster and faster, so fast that it stopped being anything but a blur of green and brown.
But the spinning, the constant spinning, it made her dizzy, it made her want to barf, it made her wish she was already knocked out cold. Anything would be better than this right now--anything.
But she's not giving up--she can't give up. Not like this.
Her head could barely move, but she still had the jump disc in her maw.
She had a gambit, an idea, a hope that this would fucking work.
She flicked her head towards the dragon, letting go of the disc as she did.
She started to spin in a ball herself, burning the hand that held her. But that wasn't it--the jump disc was spinning around his, creating several gashes and cuts into his face. Nothing vital was hit, but each cut made him scream even louder.
Eventually, he had to let go of the cat--the double onslaught of pain was too much to handle.
The disc was right behind his head.
Like a baseball, she SMASHED right into his head, the dragon and the feline screaming out in unision.
Down went Askal. Past his body did the wildcat end up, right into one of those plexiglass walls.
The dragon laid there. He showed no signs of getting back up.
The wildcat's body was only being held up by the wall, her feet still firmly planted on the ground. But hoo boy, if she had a choice in the matter, she'd be right with the dragon.
The announcer started his count.
The feline's eyes started to flutter. Everything felt like it caught up to her at once.
Just a couple more seconds, Carol...
A chuckle left her maw.
Fuck, thank the stones.
Her eyes shut tight, a smile on her face. She just... needed a quick rest. That's all.
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anterograve · 2 months
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some artfight attacks
1 - @alleesaur 2 - @drawthiere 3 & 4 - fantamiix 5 - @filibusterfrog 6 - @reallyvalid 7 & 8 - @hauntedberries 9 - yolkify 10 & 11 - @twigsagi101 12 - @owlyjules 13 - Annephibia 14 - Pluto_nium 15 - Moss_Starz 16 - starribunnies 17 & 18 - ninjyace 19 & 20 - @dizzydewy
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teranobriss · 4 months
Still utterly enamored by Jon's ability to show fear as Richie. The mannerisms and little details feel so real.
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devilfic · 6 months
I've seen some comic panels touching on this and I just love the idea of bruce being a little stalker and you having to make peace with it.
you leave for work and then come back five minutes later because you forgot where you left your wallet and then you get a text from bruce that says “bathroom counter upstairs” because he just happened to be watching the tower's camera feed at the time.
or having to take a longer way home because a road has been closed off and getting a call from bruce because he noticed you taking turns you don’t usually take to get back to the tower. he stays on the phone with you until you get back home, even though you know he's on patrol right now because you can hear the wind on the other end.
god forbid you head out somewhere late at night without telling him first. he won't ask questions, he'll just follow you from a safe distance until he's ready to make himself known. when you (reasonably) yell at him about it, he apologizes (very insincerely) and asks what you're up to.
bruce has spent years perfecting the craft of stealth and on top of that, he is a worrywart. he's not the type to fawn over your every move right in front of you. he just... pays attention. watches. plans accordingly. if you are a loved one of bruce's, you are never truly out of sight. take that how you will, he's not gonna change
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burnt-out-pancake · 2 months
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Thanks for making me cry, @hockeyisforthegays
I was in the middle of reading chapter 8 when chapter 9 dropped. I immediately went to draw this once I finished reading the new chapter because that scene made me CRY. Without context, though, this work is kinda hilarious.
I officially hate Toji now. He was a nightmare to draw because idk how to draw buff men, so I spent 3 hours redrawing his pose and looking up references on pintrest until I got it right. I also spent a ridiculous amount of time drawing Megumi's backpack and his "Truck" because I can't draw anything simple without making my life hell in the process. I've also just now realized how huge the backpack looks in comparison to Megumi, and it wasn't even on purpose.
There's so much i want to say about this piece, the fact that Yuji and Megumi are bathed in light, but Toji is turned away from it. I also wanted to color this as well as make it greyscale, but then I also realized that I didn't want to torture myself any further when I had already spent 12 hours on this already, so greyscale it was. It was really fun trying out the screen tones and experimenting with them.
Shout out to my dad for making me realize how long I stayed up when he got up to get to work at 4 am.
In honor of the first commenter on ch. 9
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Redraw of my first post on this blog. Oh how far we've come B'*)
[Now with it's own redraw!]
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doortongs · 3 months
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deadlines (hostile)
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bietrofastimoff23 · 6 months
she could have avoided the fate of being a jump rope for villains if she had just let tai lung leave right away.
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avianii · 4 months
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don't remember what I put as the caption the first time so just take some Barry Keoghan
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reikunrei · 2 years
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screencap study✨
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spinnysocks · 7 months
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👆 could be janja and his clan OR reirei and her pups too hgsfgfh
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that second one is after ushari's death- but i can't end on that so here have the idiots
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here take these Outlanders as memes :) i laughed too much making these
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martuzzio · 2 years
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Freddy Fazbear Stare™️
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lelianasbong · 20 days
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greenswing · 6 months
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Megaman 3's ending
Has anyone done this joke yet
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martthaves · 1 year
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it's the same picture
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chocolatewoosh · 1 year
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Drew Chai and 808 from Hi-Fi Rush as part of a trade!! Gosh this game looks fun
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