#you will be either at best ignored. at worst blocked.
seiya-starsniper · 9 months
#if I've made anyone uncomfortable with the things I've been posting the last few days that was in fact the point and fully intended#and I don't say that to be cruel but simply to drive home the point that fandom spaces can be both safe and hostile at the same time#it is a deeply uncomfortable thing to acknowledge and I know most people do no want to deal with that and I understand that truly#but it was important to me to acknowledge and to give my opinion so that's what I did#At the same time none of this changes my opinion on my ship or the fact that I love a certain character other people find problematic#and I am fine with people finding that problematic because I am human being I am problematic by default#and I am confident enough in myself as a person to know when to acknowledge when I've contributed to problematic behavior#and realize the world doesn't end when this happens#my opinion of the fandom I've made my home in hasn't changed either#I had these views before and now they're out there in the open messy wording and all#and if you've decided that changes your opinion of me for the worse that's fine you can unfollow block etc#I understand that even in my attempt to acknowledge hurt within my fandom I've probably hurt other people and I have made my peace with it#but for everyone else that's shown me support both on tumblr and in private#for everyone that's listened to me vent about this subject over DMs and validated my hurt feelings#instead of trying to press your own discomforts onto me to carry in addition to my own#thank you#I've carved a permanent space in my heart for you and I truly mean that#I waded into this mess fully expecting to be ignored at best and to lose connections at worst and I was fully okay with it#but the love I've gotten and the deep honest and vulnerable conversations I've had over the last few days has truly been astounding to me#this last part is taking me AGES to write#because I'm actually crying thinking about all the good that's come out of this#and I acknowledge that's not a universal opinion and that's fine I'm really only speaking to my personal experience with what's happened#which despite outward appearances has been incredibly cathartic and uplifting for me#and I don't need everyone in the fandom to share my views or validate me or tell me I'm right people are allowed to disagree#I also don't need to have a deep personal and honest connection with everyone in the fandom where I can share my deepest vulnerabilities#but the fact that I could have that connection with some of you? that's enough for me. it's everything to me.
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faux-ecrivain · 7 months
Yan Idol
(Third official post)
Yan idol who used to be your best friend, the two of you used to be so close, but then he was recruited into stardom and suddenly he spent less, and less time with you.
Yan idol who changes his entire personality, appearance and habits (on request of his manager), until you can’t recognize him. 
Yan idol who pushes you away in favor of his famous peers, he reschedules your hangouts and brushes you off.
Yan idol’s popularity grows and so does his ego, at first you two have simple arguments. (he didn’t do his half of the chores, he didn’t pick you up from work, those sort of things) Then he starts to berate you, insisting that he was never truly your friend and only hung out with you because of pity. 
Yan idol who regrets those words the moment he says them, trying to repair your friendship with faux apologies. But it doesn’t work, you kick him out of your house, you tell him that you never want to hear from him again. 
He relents, saying it doesn’t matter as he storms out of your house, and tries to avoid his luggage as you throw it onto the yard. The two of you have a shouting match, then he’s ushered away by his manager (who had heard of the commotion via paparazzi).
When he’s safely hidden away in the car tears begin to fall and the guilt he feels fully sets in, the days pass and he tries to reconnect with you. But you reject his calls, you blocked his number and you won’t answer any letter he sends you.
Eventually his manager has had enough and tells Yan Idol that he needs to move on, that if he doesn’t start to focus on his career then he’ll be let go.
Yan idol who relents, giving in to his manager’s demands and trying to forget you. (It’s difficult, everywhere he looks he’s reminded of you.)
Yan idol who, after many months have passed, has somewhat successfully put you out of his mind. (He’s made different friends, friends within his tax bracket)
However this all changes when he sees you at a meet and greet, you’ve come with some friends, you don’t seem happy to be here. But you’re here and everything he ever felt for you comes rushing back.
He smiles (brighter than he ever has) when you and your friends approach his booth, when you and your friends are standing in front of him and you look at him. It’s almost like you recognize him, but then you look away. (Why did you look away? Don’t you recognize him? Don’t you want to be with him again?)
He tries to get your attention, but you tell him you don’t want his autograph, that you’re only here for your friends. (You definitely recognize him, you just don’t want to admit it. He thinks you’re just scared, you’re worried that he’s still upset. But he isn’t, he just wants you back, that’s all.)
Yan idol who makes the impromptu decision to invite you and your friends over (to the manager’s chagrin). 
Yan idol who incapacitates your friends and then kidnaps you.
Yan idol who’s overjoyed to have you back in his arms, he holds you close and ignores your pleas of freedom. 
Yan idol who continues performing as though nothing changed (somehow he managed to avoid being charged for the incapacitation of your friends, and the police are encourage to ignore any reports of you missing)
Yan idol who continues to gain popularity with every concert he puts on, then when it’s over he comes home to you, and acts as though the two of you were married. (Despite how much you struggle and fight)
Yan idol who’s blissfully ignorant of your anger and frustration, who interprets your actions and attempts to escape as a way of expressing your betrayal towards him.
Yan idol who promises that he’ll never leave you again, that he’ll always be here for you.
(Not my best work, but not my worst work. Either way, enjoy this short fanfic and feel free to comment.)
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ynbabe · 18 days
Do you think you could write a smau with Yuki or Daniel with a male reader who is like 6'-6'4 and they kinda have a gay panic moment and reader is just subtly flirting with them through captions and comments...
If not than that's ok, have a great day/night
ahhhhh this is such a cute idea, I went with Danny ric for this one cause the yuki to 6'4 reader height difference would be too mean 😭
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y/nfsnweek new shoot coming out @/alphatauri
y/nfsnweek excited to meet all the cool guys at @/vcarbf1team
vcarbf1team we're excited to meet you!! username YOU'RE MEETING DANIEL AND YUKI?? y/nfsnweek perks of the job 🤷‍♂️
username HELLO??? father what do you mean you're modelling for an f1 team??
username girl they were a fashion brand first 😭
username omg does this mean Y/n's going to a race? He has to right?
username every time I find out abt this man's height I need to log off cause WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS CUTIE IS FUCKING 6'4???
username tall king
username imagine him next to Yuki 😂
username they wouldn't even fit in the camera screen together 💀
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vcarbf1team our drivers through the eyes of @/y/nfsnweek
y/nfsnweek need a pass for every race pls
vcarbf1team we got you king 💪
yukitsunoda no comments, no one talk to me, deleting all social media
username omg yuki 😭 bbg it's not your fault y/n is just freakishly tall
danielricciardo finally someone I had to look up to talk to 😂
yukitsunoda Daniel you're blocked first
username daniel looks at y/n like he wants to eat him, Yuki looks at y/n like he's planning to steal his height
username Danny something you'd like to share with the class???k
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Daniel was trying to be normal but there were only very few people he had to look up to talk too and even fewer people who looked like that.
He had accepted he was gay a long time ago but refused to be in a relationship due to the media and his job but there was no way he could ignore the way his heart began racing when he looked into your eyes. The worst part of it was he didn’t even know if you were interested in him, or guys.
One wrong move and his career would be down the drain… again and he couldn’t risk that but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about you either. This was driving him insane. You were driving him insane and you hadn’t even spoken to him over 10 minutes.
He could always count on Max right? He had never told anyone about Daniel’s secret even when they had been fighting and he was his best friend obviously he was going to cry about this to him.
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Why had Max sent him one of Y/n’s Instagram posts? Daniel was not in the mood to stalk his crush only to see him with women all over him.
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y/nfsnweek If you know what I did last summer pls let me know
Oh, okay, he liked guys, but did he want Daniel? Y/n was a model, he worked around gorgeous men 24/7 why would he want to be with Daniel?
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Daniel couldn't do much more, he could pine and yearn like he had for years before or he could get on with his job and move on like he is used to.
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danielricciardo Enchanté orange edition 🍊
landonorris Papaya edition?
danielricciardo no comments
y/nfsnweek my favourite fruit 🤭
username bro??? username your favourite what 🤨 username oh?
maxverstappen doubles as MV1 merch
danielricciardo @/Landonorris defend your colour
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danielricciardo austingp my home away from home
ynfsnweek suddenly I'm very interested in America
maxverstappen 🤨🤨 ynfsnweek yee haw 😫
username that hat 😮‍💨
username max?? y/n??
username y/n being the first comment on this post is giving
username giving broke back mo-
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daniel.jpg photo creds to @/lando.jpg
y/nfsnweek Lando needs a raise
lando.jpg it's all him y/nfsnweek fr mans fine asf
username Y/N????
username HELLO???
username if Daniel doesn't respond to y/n rn its going to get real embarrassing real quick
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Daniels's head was reeling, what did Lando mean you were flirting with him under his posts? Weren't all those comments PR? Should he text you? but what if you didn't like him? But what if you did? Fuck.
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Daniel texted you, why had he texted you? Did he not like you? Did your comments make him uncomfortable? You were not above crying till the sun rose and the tears were already ready.
But first you had to yell at the little gremlin that probably caused this, cause you may die of a broken heart and embarrassment but you weren't going alone.
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Now back to Daniel, who was probably going to block and you were going to get your contract cut and-
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Oh? oh? And where had that sudden burst of confidence come from?
On the other end, Daniel was losing his mind.
HE LIKES ME?? HE LIKES ME!! He couldn't believe he was acting like a teenager right now but he was kicking his feet and giggling. You were the literal man of his dreams and you liked him back!
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Daniel was going to die but at least it'd be from happiness this time and you? You were screaming into your pillow, stalking the man's Instagram, blushing thinking about the date.
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soobinskii · 2 months
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knee socks - n.riki
warnings : exbf!niki | angst/fluff, hurt/comfort , not proofread.
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you absolutely hated your ex-boyfriend, nishimura riki, otherwise known as niki. you couldn't stand seeing him, hearing his voice or even thinking about him. the slightest hint towards niki would send you into an internal rage.
on a day where you were just miserable, of course the thought of not missing niki as much as you thought clouded your head. as you dropped a hot dish all over yourself, of course a little voice in the back of your head asked "what would niki think of this?" you didn't really care what he would think, right? all those times when your bed was empty and just felt so cold, so vacant. when you would try to hug your pillow to shut out your thoughts of the man you once loved.
directly after the breakup, the illness you had seem to come down with. all the coughing and sneezing due to the chilly weather. drinking cup after cup of hot tea, ingesting cough drops like you were a child with candy. the following tuesday, it seemed to rain a little bit harder as you sat in a corner of your living room, all bundled up in a coat. all you could ask yourself is "where is niki? why did he leave?" you couldn't seem to accept the fact that he was truly done with you, just like that.
then, a few months later, you think you're finally over him. finally over all the memories, the joy, tears, and all of the inbetween. that night if you weren't up until midnight, glancing at the new clock on your nightstand; zeros lined up showing you the start of a new day. maybe if you didn't check the notifications on your phone then, you wouldn't have seen the text from him. even if the number was blocked, you still knew who it was.
all of a sudden it was bringing up all of the old feelings. the sorrow, ecstasy, all of them. you felt like you were at a loss for words when the words on your screen said "(y/n), i miss you. can i please come over?" you almost felt betrayed, like he had abandoned you for nearly half a year and, now he wants to come back. just like that?
you decide to respond with the most dull answer you could provide (or so you thought). "what do you want?" it was either going to be the worst or best decision of your year, possibly even your life. it could bring back the old gloom, or it could create yet another chapter in your life alongside nishimura riki.
"i just need to talk to you," he replies. "i need to see you."
you decide to give in, allowing him into your space, allowing old feelings to be brought up again. to be quite frank, you want to see him aswell but, you'd never admit that if someone asked. you'd always brush off questions that have something to do with him, changing the subject or even completely ignoring the inquiry as a whole.
as soon as you saw niki at your front door, you'd immediately noticed his new haircut. the fresh undercut suiting his chiseled features as if he was sculpted by the gods themselves. you immediately recognize his familiar cologne, and the outfit he wears if he wishes to "impress someone casually" as he'd put it. your heart immediately swelled up woefully at the sight of him.
you allowed him in, as he stepped through the doorway, he handed you a bar of your favorite chocolate. you inspected it as you ventured over to the living room, unsure if this was all real or a hopeless illusion created in your slumber. as he sat on the couch he let out a breath that seemed like he had held it in for the six months that he hadn't seen you. the two of you sat together, the air thick and tense as you set the bar of chocolate onto the coffee table. you moved slowly and hesitantly, as if he was going to break if you moved any faster.
"i am so sorry, (y/n). i know it's late but i really just wanted to give this a chance and now felt like the right time." niki started, "i just wanted to tell you that i shouldn't have gotten that angry, that you were right, i needed to calm down. i should've just taken a breath and backed away or something. i would give anything just to have you back, and i deeply regret shouting at you like that"
as he rambled on about being apologetic, a few select words stuck out to you. 'i would do anything to have you back' the only words that described how you felt for these past months. the only words you wished he would randomly say to you on lonely nights. words that you cried over day after day, desperately trying to figure things out. the only words that made you stop him from talking, that made you go on autopilot and grab his hand. exactly how you used to do it when he was upset over something.
the feeling of your hand on his, resting over his knuckles made him stutter and stumble over his words. it made niki look at you with a glint of confusion and hope in his eyes. when you locked eyes with him, you could feel all of his emotions drain into you as you teared up. "you want me back?" you whispered to him, with droplets threatening to fall down your cheeks. he nodded, glossy eyes shimmering in the dim light of the lamps on the table.
you cupped his face in your hands, eyes wide and searching for confirmation. confirmation of reality yet again. niki did something that you never expected.
you never expected it when he first broke up with you, nor when he texted you a few hours ago… he kissed you. his plump lips against yours felt exactly how they always did. his chapstick tasted the same, and in that moment you had forgotten about all of the old memories; willing to make new ones instead of dwelling on the past.
neither of you had never expected that night to end with drifting off to a (finally) peaceful sleep in the other's arms.
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a/n : this was just something quick i wrote in about an hour, sorry if its all over the place. i hope you enjoyed & please consider reblogging !! <3
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Wednesday x reader - just a tiny hint
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Hi is it alright to request a Wednesday x gn!reader where y/n asks her to the Rave'N dance? Wednesday agrees but gets a surprise when she sees y/n wearing a dark colored outfit to match hers? She thinks y/n looks absolutely horrifying (in a good way) - Anon💜
Looking over at the goth who was sitting on the fountain, you chewed your lip as you stood in thought, arms crossed over your chest.
“Just go ask her.” Xavier sighed.
“I’d rather live, I watched as she death stared you for asking. I think I’ll die under that gaze.”
Xavier laughed and stood away from the wall he was painting and turned to face you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“(Y/N) just go ask her. She’s turned down everyone else, the worst she can do is say no.”
You sighed, glancing over at the gothic girl, frowning to yourself as you debated this.
You really wanted to ask her, you wanted to tell her everything, how you really felt, and ask her to the dance.
But she made it clear she didn’t like dances, and that she wasn’t going to this one.
“I’ll think about it.”
And you did, you did everything you could to avoid Wednesday while you thought about what you were going to do.
Either way you would go to the Rave’N, but you would prefer to go with her.
Sitting on your bed, you sighed to yourself when you heard the sound of something scurrying across the floor.
Sitting up, you looked down just in time to see thing darting under your bed.
“Thing?” You called.
The hand crawled back out and turned to you.
“What’re you doing?”
You watched as he signed and nodded your head along.
“I see, I see. So that’s why you came here, because Wednesday asked me to the dance?”
He gave a thumbs up.
“Thing I know she didn’t.” You laughed.
Laying down, you rested your head on your arms as you looked down at him.
“Should I ask her out? Do you think she would say yes?”
Thing scrambled out another senesce.
“You really think she would?”
You smiled as he agreed that she would.
You nodded your head and quickly scribbled on a bit of paper and handed it to him.
“Bring it back when she replies okay?”
He gave a thumbs up once more and rushed away.
Your heart pounded in your chest, it was so loud it nearly blocked out the sound of the pouring rain outside.
You really did it.
You just asked Wednesday out.
And this was it was easier, you wouldn’t have to face her as she rejected you, she could just write it on the slip of paper and then you could just avoid her.
You walked over to your window and opened it, letting the sound of the rain come flooding in along with the freezing breeze.
You took a slow and deep breath and looked up at the balcony of Ophelia hall.
You wondered if thing had gotten there yet, he was fast, so maybe he had, maybe she was reading it right now.
Leaning against the windowsill, you watched as the rain hit the ground below.
The door was quickly opened and closed and you spun around.
“Xavier, what the hell are you doing?”
You blinked when you realised it wasn’t your best friend stood at your door.
It was Wednesday, holding the note in her hands.
“Thing brought me this note, did he write you one?”
You swallowed nervously, rubbing your hands together as you avoided her intense gaze.
“He Uhm… no…” you muttered.
“Then he’s playing his stupid games. Good night.”
“What was your answer?” You rushed out.
Wednesday stopped and turned around.
“What would you say?”
Wednesday said nothing for a moment, she folded the note up and set it on your desk as she walked further into the room.
She walked over to you, crossing her arms across her chest.
“You wrote it.” She said.
You gulped, feeling the cold intense stare she was giving you.
“Don’t ignore me (Y/N).”
“Yes, okay Wednesday I wrote it. Xavier and Thing both said it was a good idea. It was stupid just forget it.”
You turned your back to her and went back over to the window, trying to hide the shame on your face.
“I know you don’t do dances. It’s not your thing, it was stupid to ask.”
“It was.”
You sighed, you knew it would go like this.
Turning around, you nearly screamed from the closeness.
Wednesday appeared right in front of you, standing inches away.
“Pick me up just before the dance. Do not be late and do not tell a soul or I’ll smother you in your sleep.”
You beamed brightly, you went to hug her but quickly stopped yourself.
“I won’t I promise.”
With that, Wednesday left quickly.
She avoided you for the next day, but you were too busy getting everything sorted for the dance.
You were going to stand out like a sore thumb, but you didn’t care, it was all worth it to make Wednesday more comfortable with going to the dance.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, and took a deep breath before you walked out.
Everyone else was already heading over to the dance, so getting over to Wednesday’s dorm was easy enough and along the way you saw Enid.
“Hey you’re coming?!” She beamed.
“I am, I’ll be there soon.” You smiled.
She looked you up and down and gave you a knowing look and a wink as she ran away.
Standing at the other side of the door you waited, you knew Wednesday wouldn’t be late and you didn’t want to rush her.
A moment late the door creaked open, and you watched as Wednesday stepped out, and you drew a sharp breath.
She looked stunning, absolutely perfect in every way shape and form.
Wednesday watched as your face went from complete shock to adoration.
You smiled softly as you looked at her.
She looked at you, for a split second shock washed over he face.
You weren’t wearing white.
Just like here you wore all black.
You donned a black suit, with a blood red tie, in your hands was a little box with black wrapping paper and a black bow wrapped messily around it.
“You’re wearing black.”
“So are you.” You said softly.
Wednesday walked the rest of the way out, she stood just in front of you as looked you up and down.
“You look absolutely horrifying.” She said.
“Thank you, nah I say you look horrifyingly radiant.” You laughed.
You held the box out to her.
“I know it’s custom to give a flower or something to a dance, but I know you wouldn’t like that. This is something I thought you’d enjoy.”
She took the box and slid the bow off, holding in one hand, she lifted the lid.
Inside was a small bracelet, with different charms, a spider, scorpion, mace, ace, skull.
She put the lid back on and the ribbon back around it.
“Thank you, I didn’t get you anything.”
“That’s okay Wednesday, I know this is all new to you.” You smiled.
She nodded her head and told you to wait as she went back into the room.
She walked over to her desk and set the box down in it, staring at it for a moment before opening it again.
On one wrist she slid your messy bow on, and carefully put the lid back on the box to keep the bracelet safe.
She came out the room and you noticed the ribbon, but said nothing about it, only smiling at the sight of her.
You held your arm out to her and she looked at you.
“Not a chance.”
“That’s fine, after you.”
Wednesday walked ahead of you, and stopped just for a second for you to catch up, and she walked along side of you.
She looked at you, your smiling face as you looked at everyone heading into the dance.
You two stood out, and the fact you dressed to match her made her feel something, just for a moment. But it was there.
A tiny shred of emotion just for you
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neverevan · 18 days
My question is why doesn’t he just say “hey I didn’t post that I got hacked”? He deleted the instagram posts so he’s clearly aware that it’s going on, and I just feel like it would be very easy for him to post an insta story or something if he’s already on his account anyway and just say something. The silence is so weird to me
guys, you know I'm not Lou, right? like idk what goes on with the man, but sometimes trying to not make an even bigger deal out of something works best, sometimes it takes time to figure out the best way to address things, sometimes people are dumb and can't find the best way at all idk
as a somewhat parallel to this situation: when Ryan fumbled the bag, he apologised and promised to do better (which he probably did cuz I doubt Aisha and him would be so close if he hasn't) and people are still calling him racist (and antivaxx and antisemite and homophobic for whatever reason even though as far as I know he has never said anything to prompt those labels...)
and why call people out if we'll just ignore them doing better? only for the moral high ground that'll eventually become shaky, because none of us are immune...
anyway, my point is; him apologising for something he did over a decade ago wouldn't do much at best and would just aggravate these people at worst. idk if he plans to say something eventually or not, I don't particularly care for it, either.
there is a lot of guess work going on and I definitely don't claim to know everything (I did spend some time this morning trying to track down what had happened though and the accounts are consistent, but for understandable reasons proof is scarce and I also have 90% of 911twt blocked, so that doesn't help lmao)
what I'm saying is, the behaviour we've seen so far is deranged, however Lou plans to handle this is his own choosing and people who like him will still like him and people who hate him will still hate him, so there is no winning either way.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
My experience with shippers has been such a mixed bag.
Sometimes there are those "controversial fandom takes" threads and some comments go like this:
"Shippers are the worst. They only care about their romance and never talk about anything interesting in the story outside of that!"
Which will be responded to with either:
"There are lots of ways to enjoy content, mind your business!"
"Shippers are the backbone of a fandom. We can discuss the intricacies of the work AND be horny at the same time!"
I'm sure that's true, but that was rarely how it went in the fandoms I was part of, unlucky bastard that I am. Out of the languages I can understand, I only saw a few times fans engaged in discussions about several topics concerning the show or the book. The rest were either quiet or balls-deep in messy shipping behaviour that is often criticised.
The irony is that it was always the shippers who got angry when people complained about them being "that kind of fan" who would engage in huge blown-out public arguments online. The last time I saw it happen, a group got super angry when a random person online, who none of them followed, criticised their favourite ship in the quotes of a tweet that wasn't theirs. It was a dumb criticism from a person who didn't understand the characters nor cared to understand the chemistry that fans of that ship see. Very stupid and, to me, easy to ignore. But the shippers got so angry that the fight spread outside of their bubble and more random people got involved. Eventually, their fight reached a big artist from that ship and that person shaded their holy war by saying: "I love [pairing] as much as you guys do, but fighting over this is so unnecessary. Ignore them and stop doing this shit! How tiring and boring that this always happens!" and it eventually stopped. Later, I caught one of them wondering if the artist was talking about them, afraid they would get blocked for bringing toxicity to the artist's page, which I found out is something that the artist does to curate their online experience. You know, like a sensible person.
I wish I could say they were teenagers, but they were between 22 to 29 years old.
And let's not talk about the civil wars. God forbid a ship be interpreted in a way that the others dislike, or explored in darker and more controversial themes!
I just can't wrap my head around the behaviour of getting into fights with strangers on twitter dot com or anywhere on the World Wide Web because someone out there said something stupid about a thing I like. Why do some people get so aggressively defensive rather than just blocking and moving on? Maybe throwing in a "spoken like a true tasteless bitch" if feeling particularly vexed?
I'll never say shippers are useless fans like some say, but they can be some of the most consistent shit-stirrers in fandoms. My biggest struggle with them is that the crazy shippers aren't vile in the same way that some fans can be when a black woman is cast for the role of a character that isn't black, for example. They are vile in the way that they will send death threats to the directors, the animators, and the actors if their ship isn't made canon by the end of the story.
At their best, shippers can be some of the most engaged and passionate fans anyone could have the pleasure to find in their fandom. But at their worst... man...
I'll eat my hat if like 90% of people reading here don't ship a bunch of ships.
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May I request Alejandro vargas x top male reader?
It's a mission that's not going as planned so they had to hide but there was only one space to hide in which was a tight squeeze having reader's back pressed against the wall while Alejandro's back and ass was pressed right against reader. As Alejandro is trying to keep a look out he is subconsciously rubbing his ass against reader so reader breaks and starts grinding back causing Alejandro to look back with lust in his eyes and they end up fuxking with reader cumming inside him
A/N: I have never written anything like this and with the holiday season I’ve been horribly busy, I wasn’t able to write this properly on my computer so it hasn’t been properly checked either, I hope you still enjoy regardless <333
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>>>>>>>18+ MDNI<<<<<
Everything happened to quickly for your brain to truly register.  One second the two of you were chatting on the balcony and next you were jumping from it.  Your legs thighs burned with heat and your lungs were nearly given up as the two of you sprinted through the alley way.  Alejandro was behind you his feet right on your heels as he threw boxes and crates to block the path.
“Right!” You called to him as the ran into the brick wall pushing yourself off to the right, the old market was just up ahead as you pushed through a wall of silks.  
It was Alejandro’s quick thinking that left the two of you in this new situation, your back pushed against the hard wood with your Colonel right on top of you.  His head sticking out of the crate to see if anyone has followed the two of you to this spot.  Your heart was thundering in your chest adrenaline in your veins, even as Alejandro closed the hatch and relaxed the two of you crushed together in the small space.
Your heavy gear making the right fit even more uncomfortable, your strained to lift the other out of this wedged position finally freeing your hands from under you.  “Sorry-“ Alejandro whispered to you as he shifted a bit, that’s when you felt it the push of his ass against your crotch.
At first your tried to ignore it trying to focus on the task at hand, the little bit of light that filled the space allowed you to stare at wood.  It didn’t help much as Alejandro pushed more against you he didn’t seemed to notice it either.  Your breath growing ragged as your cock hardened in your trousers and pushed against him.
Perhaps it was just the little fool in your brain or the adrenaline doing the talking but you quickly found yourself grinding back against him.  Spreading his legs slighting and slotting between them, pressing into him and grinding with purpose.  The timing of all this was absolutely terrible the two of you on the run now stuck in this cramped box, with his ass grinding against your front and you rutting against him. “Ali-“ you grunted tapping the side of his thigh to get his attention, “quiet sergeant” he shushed you turning back to catch your eye.
For that brief second you saw something a bit more than frustration, that suspicious glint whenever he had a stupid idea brewing.  That lust in his hooded eyes and the slight quickness of his breath.  You weren’t much better either your own lust clouding your judgement, enabling him and his bad ideas at the worst possible times.
You dubiously raises an eyebrow but say nothing more especially when he rears back against you intentionally this time.  A smile spreads across your face when you understand what he’s trying to do, your hands come up to grasp his hips closer as you quicken your pace.  Frantic and rough your hard cock pressing at the crease of his ass with him pushing back to meet your movements.
This goes on for a while your quiet pants filling his ears as you rut against him feverishly.  This man was trying his best to be quiet but you could his low moans, feel how shaky his breathing had become and just how close he was.  “Hold on baby…” you said quietly reaching forward to undo his belt and shove his pants and boxers down.  You quickly followed suit unzipping your jeans and pulling your aching cock from its confines.
Alejandro bent forward a bit exposing his round ass and tight entrance to your hungry gaze.  “Hurry up sergeant” he whisper yelled to you, you didn't have to be told twice.  Lining your achingly hard cock up to his tight looking hole.  Your cock pushed past him rim, the head spearing inside with one thrust into his tight heat. Alejandro moaned loudly at the intrusion his rim stretched beautifully around your cock as you held his hips tightly.  It took a moment for him to adjust but you were pleasantly rewarded, as he pushed his hips back in attempt to take more of you.
Soon enough you bottomed out, balls resting on his ass, the heavy flesh round with cum as your dick throbbed inside him.  You slowly pulled out so only the head of your cock was left inside, his rim catching beautifully on the head your precum glistening against the stretched hole.  It’s only a quick moment of peace before slamming forward into him, striking his prostate in practiced ease.  Fucking into him in an animalistic rut, violently pounding his ass into a quivering mess.  Your throbbing cock drilling into him with heavy balls slapping against him.
Subtly all forgotten as your colonel moans loudly against you, you can hear trying to cover his mouth but his actions suggests other wise.  Alejandro is only bending more forward his leg coming up for you to hold as you continue this monstrous pace.   His cries only becoming louder once reach forward to stroke his own weeping cock.  You can feel the mess he’s made of himself, cum covering your fingers as you fuck him through another building orgasm.
Your name a mess on his lips, your cock smashing into him balls deep with each roll of your hips.  He’s shaking and trembling by the time his second orgasm hits with you quickly following behind.  With one final beastly groan, you push your throbbing cock balls deep, lodging your cock deep within him.  Rope after rope of thick hot cum filling his ass as you hold him up.  With you holding him in place, Alejandro can do nothing but ride his brown orgasm out as his ass is pumped full.  It feels almost never ending as he tries to blink the stars from his eyes, feeling your cum erupting from the shivering cock head buried inside him.
After a while to catch your breath you slowly pulled your cock out of his gaping dripping hole, now stretched wide as your cum leaked  out of his hole and down his outstretched thighs.  
The two of you bathed in the after glow for a moment as you watched your cum run down his leg.
But when your com buzzed to life the two of you were horrified to hear Ghost.  
“You two done?” His voice sounded in your ears.  Alejandro looked like he would explode from embarrassment as he went rigid against you.  
“Yeah, we’re done” you chuckled trying to hold back a smile as Alejandro kicked your shin.  
A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed! I’ve got some more fics and imagines coming down the line but I’m always open to more! So keep those requests coming <3. Happy holidays and I’ll see y’all in the next one ✌️
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weskin-time · 2 years
Ooo how about Wesker with the “you wanna kiss me so bad prompt?” Either in DBD or maybe in the first fight with him in RE5? Thank you love your work so much <3333
KSJWISJA YES !! i did in dbd to fit the theme <3 this has a lot of wesker slander (in an affectionate way)
not beta read :3
post referencing this post of mine
Spotting a metal box made your blood run cold, even colder than it had been when you appeared in Raccoon City Police Department, it was nice to narrow down who was going to be hunting you and your friends. You sorta hoped that it wasn’t the blond, red eyed, asshole that seemed to hunt you down every trial you were in with him.
You and Chris were pretty good friends, you two got along better than any other survivor in this dark limbo that wasn’t from his own home, they knew each other, the banded together, and you were one of the few to slip into their friendships. That must have been why Albert Wesker hated you, because you were close to Chris Redfield, the man who killed him. That or he was just an asshole. It was probably both honestly.
Rain was falling from the sky as you walked outside to make your way to the generator by the gate, the sound of police sirens almost drowned out the sound of the roaring flames from far behind you of the crashed helicopter. You didn’t really know how to repair a generator but sticking your hand in there and wiggling things around all while flipping some switches seemed to do the job as the motor slowly began to kick to life.
Your gen was almost done now and it had been quiet, you haven’t heard a scream, a pallet drop, any hint of the killer, and worst of all you didn’t see any zombies shambling around, which you made the conclusion that it was indeed Wesker who was on the hunt.
Speaking of the fucking devil and he shall appear.
A wooshing sound was heard along with a male chuckle from somewhere behind you, you looked over your shoulder and saw him standing by the flames, his back to you as he stepped on a totem. He hasn’t seen you yet. Good. Your gen was just a few seconds away from being done but you wanted to be an asshole to Wesker, he was one to you so it was only fair. He would come check the generator next, kick it and leave, but you had a very fun trick up your sleeve.
You left the gen and crouched over to one of the cement road blocks, the one with the pallet leaning against it, and waited. Your heartbeat made your chest move with how hard it was drumming in your system, peeking over to see him walk down the stairs you watched him as his head turned at the sound of a generator across the station popping. You put your head down and got ready as he made his way to the generator you were just working on. It was hard to keep a laugh in as you saw him fall for the trap you set up.
As soon as you saw his figure over the road block you moved, jerking your body and pulled down the pallet. He jumped back in shock, his sunglasses flew off his face, and you just laughed in his face. Running as fast as your legs could take you and sliding to the generator, ignore how the wet concrete bit at your flesh under your clothes and popped it right as you heard Wesker break the wood he was hit with.
“You’ll pay for that!” He roared.
You were fucked instantly when it came to going up against this asshole, the only person he cared more about catching and killing than you was Chris, and you wanted to bite Weskers head off.
You booked it.
You tried your best to run into RPD, the rain made the ground slick which worked to your advantage as the man behind you slipped and shadow dashed into a wall. Sucker haha.
The main lobby was massive, but you had your eyes on another pallet up the stairs, just to hopefully create some distance between you and the blonde who wanted to kill you. Taking a right you ran as fast as you could to get to the stairs but knew it was a tad too late for you when you heard that woosh again right behind you. You didn’t even get to make it past the front desk as you were grabbed by the back of your neck like a kitten only more violent, and thrown forward.
You screamed as you flew through the air, a chuckle came from behind you as you hit the ground with a force, you did your best to roll into the impact thankful to not hit anything but the ground below you. Your shoulders took most of the force but your legs found their ground to push you back up again and you bolted up the stairs, if anything he just made more distance for you, but he was able to infect you in that short time frame. Uroboros didn’t hurt as it faded into your skin and wiggled into your DNA, it didn’t hurt when it fazed through your flesh and disappeared inside of you like you were a fresh compost box full of worms, it just felt wrong. Wrong in the sense of illness, the feeling of when you first start to get sick, that feeling of ‘there’s something wrong with me’ before you check your temperature.
How could a virus be wormy??
“You can’t run much longer! Uroboros has infected you!” He was so dramatic about everything.
Your wet shoes squeaked as you padded up the stairs, coming to the landing of the second floor waiting just behind the pallet. He stopped in his tracks, standing on the stairs as you looked down to him.
It was still. The only sound was your labored breathing. You could see the red glow of his eyes through his dark glasses, his leather outfit clung to his form like a second skin and you had absolutely no idea how he could move in it so fluidly, your eyes trailed over him, taking him in for the first time that wasn’t as he was chasing your or piercing your flesh into a hook. How tight was his clothes if you could see his abs through them? You never let your guard down even for a second as you took him in. Why wasn’t he moving? Was his ego so fragile that he couldn’t take another pallet to the face to he was trying to wait you out?
He was rather attractive to be honest. You could never admit it to yourself let alone someone else that you liked what you saw, that a little voice in the back of your brain was keeping his form stored. You couldn’t tell if your red face was from the effort to run or because you were staring, but it definitely exploded into warmth as he smirked. He was watching you check him out, watching your eyes run over his body, taking him in.
He might have been an asshole but at least he was a nice one to look at.
“Aren’t you going to run little mouse?” He mused at the situation. It was a game of cat and mouse and it confirmed your suspicions, that he did like chasing you around because he was an asshole. “Getting tired?”
You stood silent as you felt his gaze on yourself. You could just see the glow of his eyes, you couldn’t tell what he was looking at but you could feel the red stare on your body, looking at you, burning into your flesh, watching your body twitched at the Uroboros that infected your system, gazing at the way the wormy black masses wiggled in your skin. Your entire body burned.
The black tendrils slithered up his arm out from under his coat sleeve and writhed around each other as he lifted up his hand, and he was too fast for you to even react. You didn’t bring the pallet down to stun him, his burning gaze flustered you into dropping your guard a tad, just enough of a window for him to pounce. He knocked into with a force of a train, in an instant your back and harshly pressed up against the wall of the police station, his hand around your throat and the inky limbs holding you in place.
A deep purr came for him chest in the form of mock laugher as you tried to gasp the air back from it being knocked out of you. Your hands came to grab at his arm to weakly attempt to pull him off. He never lingered for this long, he usually just knocked the wind out of you and threw you over his shoulder, but he held you in place as Uroboros slithered across your skin, coiling around your limbs and one slid across your cheek. They were warm, and kinda gooey. It felt weird. Super weird. You didn’t appreciate the feeling in your gut as you were no longer being held up by your throat, instead being supported by the tendrils.
His red gaze seemed like it was going to melt his glasses off his face, he was just watching you struggle against him, against the black Uroboros.
“Now you’re putting up a fight, what happened on the stairs mouse? Got scared? Got…” his teasing voice paused for dramatic effect, “Distracted?” To help with the dramatics the tentacle on your cheek ran along your lower lip.
“Oh shut up asshole.” You choked out, thankful to finally have air back in your lungs, “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
Time stood still for a second once again that trial. You feared for a second you might had read the vibe wrong and now you were going to get moried for your stupid social skills but the fear disappeared when he laughed and leaned in closer.
His face was inches away from your own and your heart stopped. His head angled to the side as his grip on your throat became a little more firm, his lips parted like he was going to kiss you. You eyelids felt suddenly heavy as you looked at his own lips through half lidded eyes, the feeling of Uroboros in your body was null compared to this moment. He slowly inched forward, your lips almost touching, is you could just move your head you could meet h-
“Your hearts beating rather fast mouse? Are you expecting something?”
He was feeling your pulse from his hand around your throat. Oh my gods. You were jerked from the wall, suddenly the warm embrace of Uroboros’s tentacles released you as you were thrown over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
“You might be right about wanting to kiss you dear but I can’t have you winning this match.” He dragged you down the stairs to the main floor, the hook in site as you wiggled against him in protest. “Your pesky friends are already far ahead of me and I can’t have that.”
He hooked you. Pain seeped through your entire body as you screamed and protested against the hook in your flesh. His gloved hand ran down your shin as he spoke.
“Do come see me after this trial mouse. Now if you’ll excuse me.” and with that he was gone.
Fucking asshole.
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w1ldthoughts · 10 months
The Forgotten One Chapter Eight: Dear Diary
Series Masterlist
A/n: Two chapters left!!! Thank you again for reading, I love you all.
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“I’m going to murder that fucking little weasel. I knew I didn’t like him.” Cleo spits out.
You ignored her threats and focused on the task at hand. “We need to get to Churchill Downs now and tell Jack what’s going on before Ben comes back from visiting his family in California. And before you say what I think you’re about to say, yes, he’s in California for sure. My doctor cleared it so I dropped him off at the airport yesterday and he posted on his Instagram story from Cali this morning. We’ll get Jack’s lawyers on it and bury these bitches and their fuckass baby.”
You covered your mouth after you spoke to stifle a laugh. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t say bad things about an unborn child, they have nothing to do with this.”
Cleo sighs, “fuck them and fuck that baby. I do not care.”
The two of you erupted with laughter, until you were reminded of reality. “How did I forgive the cheating the first time? Back when I thought that he cheated I mean.”
“It took a minute and emotions were high but you did agree to give each other space and your relationship was pretty much hanging in the balance.” She sniffs a little. “There were a lot of tears shed and a lot of honest conversations. But at the end of the day Jack’s story from that night was just full of holes. He had no memory of sleeping with the girl and he’s too powerful and influential of a figure to put himself in such a compromising position and deep down I think you knew that. He might have gotten too comfortable with another woman who just caught him at his worst but I don’t actually think that you thought for a second that he would cheat on you. You were more upset about fighting with him.”
Oh yes, the fight. Another thing you were still trying to piece together. One battle at a time, you tried to remind yourself.
You had to practically run around Churchill Downs in order to keep up with Cleo’s long strides. She’d been waiting for the moment that you and Ben ended things and you knew she is and always will be team Jack. His assistant Sadie was sitting at her desk with a weird look on her face.
“Mr. Harlow is out of the office until next week. And he also told me that he did not want to see either of you. So I suggest you move along.” She gave the two of you a smirk, her condescending tone would have bothered you had it not been for the mission you were currently on.
“Well can you tell him that we need to speak to him…it’s an emergency.” Cleo demanded, urging Sadie to pick up the office phone after she rolled her eyes. It rang a few times before the woman relayed the message, waiting patiently on the line for a response.
There was that smug ass look again. “He asked if it was work related.”
You and Cleo looked at each other before she spoke, “um, not exactly. But—”
“If it’s not work related then he says there’s nothing for you to talk about. Please shut the door on your way out ladies, have a wonderful rest of your day.”
Cleo mocked her and they stared each other down as you walked out the door to figure out your next move. You immediately called Jack on your phone. There were a few rings and then a busy signal. Cleo tried on her phone and was met with the same results.
He had blocked the both of you.
“You did tell him to forget you. This is definitely a solid way of doing it.” Your best friend tries to reason. This whole thing was all your fault and now you had to find a way to fix it.
“We need to take care of this ourselves then,” you began as you walked back to her car, more determined than ever.
Cleo started driving off with a confused look on her face, the last few hours had really blown her mind. “We already have all the files from Reed and the video footage from the room. It’s a pretty clear cut case of extortion, what else is there for us to do?”
“We have pictures of Quinn, pictures of Jack and pictures of them together. Then we have pictures of Ben and Quinn together and a weird video from a hotel room that was likely not legal activity and will probably not be admissible in court. It’s pretty much their word against mine and all they have to say is that I’m mentally incompetent because of my brain injury. And now that Jack is out, I have no solid leg to stand on or a team of powerful lawyers at my disposal.”
She let out a groan and a deep sigh, you were right. “So what the hell are we going to do?”
“I’m going to get Ben to confess. Pretend to be on his side and use whatever feelings he has, real or not against him. He faked it with me for months, I can do it for a few hours. And I have time to prepare. In the meantime, I need to focus on recovering memories.” You walked back into your apartment and pulled out a journal in your desk drawer. “Everything that I know so far has gone in here, I’m going to put all of the pieces together from this and put it on my laptop so I have it all laid out in front of me.”
“They messed with the wrong bitch, I love it. I will let you get to work and I will figure out how to build a solid case and get exactly what we need.” You hugged her, thanking her for everything. “I love you, you know I got you…always. We’re going to make them regret ever doing this to you and Jack, okay?”
“Okay. And I love you too, always.” Cleo locked the door behind her and you got to work.
A few months earlier…
Finding a work-life balance was becoming more of a struggle. There was work y/n who was early to every meeting and knew the history of the company like the back of her hand as well as having a clear cut vision for the expansion of Churchill Downs Inc. in the future. Then there was home y/n, who had been adjusting to living with her boyfriend full-time and figuring out how their lives actually worked together. Like who was doing the dishes at night and little shit that really didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things but was suddenly super important. And then there was Jack Harlow’s girlfriend y/n, the public figure who everyone wanted to dissect…all the fucking time. It was slowly killing you and your boyfriend couldn’t see that.
“I just don’t understand why you can’t come to one more event this week. The mayor will be there and all of these people that I need to get cozy with so I can continue to have their respect. It’s gonna look kind of ridiculous if I show up there without you.”
It felt like you’d been having very similar little arguments all month and this was just the final straw. “There is no just. It’s always going to be ‘one more thing’ and I’m tired of being paraded around as just the girl on your arm. I’m your Director of Operations, I present in front of the Board of Directors once a month,” you paused to collect yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose with a sigh, “Jack I need to be respected at work. Not just be the girlfriend who slept her way to the top.”
“Nobody is saying that about you.” He says, sounding exasperated.
“They don’t have to. It’s written all over their faces. And when I nod and smile like I’m supposed to? Everyone keeps looking at me like I’m this ungrateful bitch. Like you’re some grand prize that I won and I’m supposed to sit there and celebrate. I’ve lived an entire life without you and now I’m just supposed to live the rest of my life for you? Fuck no.”
Jack shakes his head, “maybe sometimes you can just pretend that I am the fucking prize! Not everything has to be this huge fucking deal, I just need you to do this one thing for me, take a few stupid pictures and we’ll come home and relax.”
“You don’t get it because this has been your entire life. My god, you have no idea the pressure that I’m under because I spend so much time reassuring you that you’re doing amazing and that you’ve earned everything you have, but where’s my reassurance? I don’t want fucking extravagant gifts all the time. I want my partner to see for who I am, fuck the optics.”
Love is hard sometimes. But you don’t fight for something—someone this hard unless you love the shit out of them. That’s what the fight was about. Two people who are experiencing opposite sides of a very public relationship while simultaneously trying to keep the company they love afloat. Sounds melodramatic when you really sit and think about it but when emotions are running high and you mix business with pleasure, things are bound to get messy. But then you take a step back, realize that no fight is worth losing the love that you worked so hard to nurture and then everything just kind of falls back into place. You woke up from that memory recognizing that things really were so much simpler than you thought. You and Jack had a normal, loving relationship and when there were inevitable disagreements, you communicated through them and found your way back to each other. Nothing that happened between the two of you was actually life altering, except the time you were living in now.
Suddenly needing some comfort from him, you went back through some of your old texts. Jack was cracking jokes of course and you delivered witty responses. There were days when he was out of town and would text you just to tell you he loved and missed you. But there were things in there that he said that felt so familiar.
Everything about you makes me want to be better, try harder, do more.
God, you’re the most powerful woman I know. I can’t get enough of you.
You laughed to yourself, out loud in the living room. These were all things Ben had said to you. Everything you thought you liked about him actually came from the person you were trying so hard to let go of. You pulled out your laptop to put in a new entry to include in your timeline of events.
Dear Computer Diary,
I have been dating Jack the entire time.
Five days later…
Jack was hiding out in his parent’s house ever since he got back from New York. He couldn’t keep going back to that big, empty house alone for another night. Fuck that. All he wanted to do was eat his feelings and for everyone to stop asking him if he was okay. So that’s what he’d been doing…the last three days.
His mom barged into the guest house early in the morning on day four of his personal retreat. “Sweetheart, you can’t keep going like this. It’s depressing.” Maggie sighs.
“Can’t I just mourn my relationship in the comfort of my childhood home in peace? What’s so wrong about that?” He willed himself not to cry. Not this time. Not again.
“What’s wrong is that my son is willingly letting the most important person in his life walk away without a fight. Since when do you do that?”
He laid his head in her lap as she ran his fingers through his hair and it made him feel like a kid again. Safe, cared for and protected from the harshness of the world. “I don’t want to fight for someone who has specifically asked me not to. Getting kind of tired of having the door slammed in my face over and over.”
“Honey, what you and y/n have? That shit doesn’t just grow on trees or fall out of the sky. It's the kind of love that takes work, you cultivated and watered it carefully for so many years. And now you’re ready to just…throw it all away?”
Jack knew his mom had a point. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying…” she gave him room so he could sit up and look her in the eye, “you took a backseat. Moved at her pace which was sweet and admirable. But you showed her friendship, you didn’t show her romance. You didn’t show her love. You placed her in situations to stimulate her memories. And instead of actively pursuing her as who she is now, you tried to get her to be the person she doesn’t remember she was.”
She was right, he had been so focused on getting you to remember what was, that he didn’t even appreciate what is. He knew you were placing so much pressure on yourself to hurry up and recover and get back to normal that he hadn’t realized his part in it. And when you ran away from your pain in a frenzy…he let you go out of the immense hurt the two of you had been causing each other. He felt those familiar tears brimming his eyes and his mom gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead, giving him some time to himself. It was a quick cry, just so he could get that final weight off his shoulders. After he collected himself, he grabbed his phone and knew exactly who to call.
“Urb? Hey. Yeah I’m good bro, I’m good. Listen, I need your help with something. Can we meet somewhere in two hours? All right brother, I’ll see you there.”
They had some fucking work to do.
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ruyakasunshine · 3 months
Thank you for your last post about F1 fans. At times I wish everyone would just chill the fuck out. I understand being more prone to hype up ones fave and whatnot.
I even get the whole oh I hate Max winning all the time, as if we didn’t have the same with Lewis while he was constantly winning.
I’m not even surprised that people forgot what happened last season, two weeks or 5 years ago, I feel this sport suffered from recency bias like no else. But in a sport that lives off stats that are all still public and easy to look up and fucking Wikipedia… well I guess that might be to much to ask of some people.
At the end of the day I just don’t get why people worry so much about things they dislike. Just block everyone and everything and move on.
Hype up your fave and call it a day.
I completely agree on the fact that people need to chill big time. It's honestly starting to become dreading opening the comment section under any f1 related post because I know that we're going to have the same discourses over and over again. And the worst part is that they are usually extremely biased discourses, so it's not even like the debates are productive.
And same, do I wish to hear something other than the Dutch anthem every weekend? yes. Do I wish to see a battle for championship, or even for p1 for at least one race? Absolutely. But those things aren't under Max's control. He is fast, he wins. That's it. And until any other team can make a rocket ship that can compete with the rbr one, with a driver that can control said rocket ship, that's how it's going to be. And it isn't like we can't appreciate the sport either way, there are 19 other drivers who all compete and try to battle the one before them for their place, watch them.
Honestly, it is sort of crazy to experience the recency bias first hand, and I can barely blame people to fall into it. I'm pretty new in this sport as well, so I cannot pretend to have the best takes when it comes to drivers' performances without looking into other peoples' analysis, but I guess that it is easy to fall into a narrative so well crafted by the big medias.
And as you said, with the stats, and wikipedia, it's easier to fall into it. The first thing I understood when I got into this sport is that every tiny bit of a detail counts in a race : the weather, the performances of the top teams (it's easier to be p1 if the top team is having issues), the performance and the quality of the car (which the driver doesn't necessary have control over), etc. Context is vital in this sport, the final ranking can only say so much. But people ignore it so easily and pretend to be specialists at analyzing the performance of athletes (who have trained their whole life for this sport, by the way) from the comfort of their couch, without taking any of these into consideration. Especially when it comes from a place of bias.
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aylish91 · 1 year
Can you do bitty sans underfell x reader if you don't want too then can you do a shark horror x reader??if you don't want to do either that's fine too
Oh boy! We getting the bitties up in here! I've got a more traditional underfell edgy bitty coming for ya. And how dare you get me dreaming of our horror shark boy. I love my horror boys, no matter the au! Now I might have to drag him in here at some point too. haha
~ ~ ~
I'd Do It All For You
It was the perfect afternoon for a nap on the couch. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and it was finally a quiet day over at the neighbors. It was nice. Peaceful even. One of the other neighbors must have gotten tired of the noise and called in a complaint. Red would be thrilled when you both eventually got up.
It was a shame heavy angry pounding on your front door had to go and ruin it.
Groaning, you tried to ignore it all, but the pounding only got harder and louder. Unfortunately, this also spurred movement against your shoulder, indicating your tiny companion was now awake too.
“Ya gonna answer that, or just let em bust down our door?” You huffed but didn’t move. By the scoff, you could tell he wasn’t impressed. “Ya c’n at least tell em ta fuck off.”
Another groan, louder and more drawn out this time, but you did manage to sit up. Red, your little shark-toothed angry bitty, clung to your shirt so he could sit on your shoulder, tugging harshly on your ear when you didn’t move to answer right away.
You stood up.
Guess it was time to face the chaos.
The pounding didn’t stop until you partly opened the door. Unsurprisingly, it was the noisy neighbor you had thought calmed for the day. She was a gangly woman with tanned leathery skin and sunspots, hair unkept and short. She occupied the townhome connected to your left and usually held a nasty snarling dog in her arms. It was more of a surprise the creature wasn’t with her than the fact she was trying to break your door.
You took a breath and braced for the worst. “Can we help you, Karen?”
“Don’t you patronize me with your false sense of courtesy! This is all your fault! You and your little Gremlin sabotaged my yard and let my dog out! How dare you, HOW DARE YOU!” She was beyond livid for someone who had been so quiet earlier. You attempted to calm her down, but she continued to scream over you. “No! I will not calm down! You broke into my home, opened Remmie’s door, and unblocked that hole in my fence! Now he’s gone! I can’t find him anywhere and it’s all you and that little demon’s fault!”
It took you over thirty minutes to get her to leave, Red only hindering the process by cackling the entire time while calling out jabs. You did your best to try and inform her that no, you did not climb the fence and break into her home, you did not unblock one of the many holes under her fence, and that Red had been with you all day. She, of course, didn’t listen to anything you said and continued to yell at the pair of you, at one point physically trying to grab Red from your shoulder. She was lucky you had more self-control than her because you came close to punching her in the face for that.
It wasn’t until another neighbor mentioned that they saw Remmie a couple blocks away chasing and snapping at children, that she stormed away. After she was gone, it was admitted that animal control had been called and the incident had been over an hour ago.
Red was ecstatic, you not so much. You prayed the interaction would be the last you had from her about it, but you weren’t holding out hope. Closing the door and taking a deep slow breath, you turned an accusatory look towards your still giggling bitty.
“What, did you do, and when?”
His grin was downright mischievous. “Me? Ya wound me.”
“Ah, come on! That rat-faced terror was a menace ta society. I did the neighborhood a favor! The thing tried ta eat me at least ten times. In our own yard!”
You ran a hand over your face. “Did you really break into that woman’s house? Just to let the dog out?”
He cackled, shortcutting onto the back of the couch and looking back at you. “Course not. I also unplugged her radio, microwave, and tv, and hid the remote. Would have unplugged the fridge too if it weren’t so close ta the wall.”
“Don’t even get me started on the surprise I left in the oven.”
“What! S’ not like I broke anythin! Believe me, I was tempted.”
You sat on the couch and ran your hands over your face. “You can’t just—that was extremely dangerous! What would you have done if you had been caught? Or attacked? I didn’t even know you had gone over there! When, did you go over there?”
He looked away, suddenly more serious. “Wouldn’t ‘ave happened. Went after ya went ta bed last night. Besides, that witch got what she deserved after what she said to ya. Don’t think I didn’t hear it, or you crying about it in the other room either. Ya deserve better than that.”
Your heart tightened. While you wish he hadn’t done something so dangerous, it did feel nice knowing that he did it for your sake. Even if he didn’t come right out and say it.
You sighed, reaching up to gently pick him up off the back of the couch. He startled but otherwise let you pull him to your chest with a smooch. There was only a small grumble and wipe this time.
“You are a gremlin, you know that? You’re lucky I love you so much. Please don’t do that ever again, however gratifying it was to find out she experienced some karma.”
‘Begrudgingly’, he snuggled closer. “Damn straight she did.”
You chuckled, giving his head a light scratch. “So… What exactly did you put in her oven?”
Judging by the deep maniacal giggling, it was something good.
You sure loved your little gremlin of a bitty.
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butwhatifidothis · 8 months
Hi, I'm really sorry if this does come off sounding rude. I've followed your 3h content for a while now so I was around to see the drama with raxis and things like moonlitboar occur. It really does suck and I've seen a lot of toxic edelgard stans myself in the fandom. I do understand how raxis does tend to block evade thus making it a prolonged conflict with no easy end. But I can't help but feel that the discord screenshots you've posted have not helped in resolving the conflict. I don't think that you have been wrong about the culture of toxicity inside the discord but I feel that the discord screenshots may have escalated the conflict since now there are people there who are becoming very paranoid about about "spying" (which in itself a little bit of a grey area because it is a public discord) . But I think that paranoia in the discord now has the potential to turn really ugly and further radicalize more people in the discord. And because there are some neutral people in that discord who do seem to want to just block and ignore/tired of some arguments, I think that an end to the discord screenshots would keep them from being swayed by the paranoia/ a sign of good faith. I really don't think that you are in the wrong when it comes to this whole thing with raxis. I think that raxis's actions and behavior do deserve to be called out in the past and present. But I just feel like trying to call out one person is one thing but a whole discord is just a very huge and impossible challenge. I think that the discord is just best left ignored as these people have clearly made it clear that they really don't want to be reasoned with or want to change and I think that they are getting really dangerous. I really do hope this doesn't come off as both sides are bad because I do believe that this problem has always originated from Raxis. Sorry this got so long and I really do wish you all the best.
It's no problem; I understand where you're coming from.
What I feel about it is this: people from outside the server did not know the depths this server was sinking into. Leaving them alone as we have been would have resulted in them continuing to go on as though everything was fine as long as they confined their rhetoric to a certain spot; I feel it's important to remind people that that is not true, as that would only isolate the problem while doing nothing to actually rectify it or stop it from getting worse (even though this of course isn't going to magically cure everything either, to be clear).
Even well before I posted these specific screenshots, they were paranoid about the entire fandom "persecuting and targeting" them for "no reason," they were paranoid about how everyone is "out to get" Edelgard in FE's general fandom spaces, they were paranoid that every single other person who ever criticizes them is some form of evil bigot (which would normally be a bit of an exaggeration, if it wasn't for them genuinely saying this every single time something like this happens); at worst, this will just be used as yet another scapegoat to continue their self-fulfilling prophecy of being generally disliked in the fandom. At best, this warns people about what's been going on - a miracle could even happen and some of the people in the server can see what the higher ups in their server have been letting slide and leave.
I called out Raxis because of the harm he was (and, frankly, still is) doing to others, and I am doing the same to the Edelgang discord because of the harm their mods have either allowed to happened or have outright participated in themselves. Given the general consensus of people from the outside's reactions (that being shock and/or disgust), I think it's ultimately important to warn people of harmful actors and the rhetoric they spread.
Especially given how they responded. If there was any sign of remorse for what was done - Shandale disavowing their previous beliefs, or if that didn't happen them getting unmodded/banned/some sort of action done from the mod team, or even just some pushback from the general members (something they were more than ready to do in defense of Raxis, and something they were willing to do when these sentiments were first said) - I would have been more than ready to delete the screenshots and apologize for showing them. But their defense of it - that it was "taken out of context," as though what was said could ever be alright to say, as though they do in fact stand by them - shows the importance of calling this behavior out.
They do not think it was that bad. They think these sentiments are okay to have, as long as they are in the "right context." And I don't think it's okay for people to not know that given how dangerous the rhetoric is
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Can I ask for a ranking of which rogues have the most to least rizz (ability to flirt) and why?
"The Rizz" General Rogues Party
OKAY. Best flirters to Worst! Note that a several of the middle people are same-ish in my mind so take solid rankings with a grain of salt.
Tw: Mentions of crimes such as drugging, hypnotism, etc. One suggestive line.
Poison Ivy- Before being poisoned by her colleague/boss, Pamela was incredibly shy and socially awkward. The poisons and toxins injected into her body did something... peculiar. She became an expert in knowing exactly what to say to ease into people's minds. That plus the chemicals she can leak out as an aphrodisiac, it doesn't take much to pull someone to her embrace.
Ra's Al Ghul- He's been around the metaphorical block so many times. He has the charm, the wit, the looks- It's probably a good thing he's so invested in his own plans and less on romance, or he'd be sweeping people off their feet right and left. His powers of seduction would be unreal.
Mr. Freeze- Okay, hear me out. You hardly see the game because he's so in love with Nora. That and the genuine trauma and angst of his whole backstory. However, he is a romantic man and knows the meaning of a gesture. If he was able to find room in his heart for another, they would know the what real devotion felt like.
Riddler- The main reason he's considered good at flirting is that silver tongue. He has the intelligence and grand vocabulary to charm the pants off of someone. His big issue comes down to him being so fucking arrogant and smug. If you ignore that, though, and embrace any awkwardness that he shows... he's still on the end of good flirter.
Killer Croc- Honestly? He's average. He's not bad at flirting but he's not particularly great, either. The real problem for him tends to be past anger issues flaring up which is very not sexy.
The Penguin- He's not the worst at flirting but he's decidedly below average. He doesn't have the best table manners, sometimes he can be rather crass and he's used to having to buy things to get them. Like "people" and "affection", for example.
Harley Quinn- She's her own brand of flirting which can be very hit or miss. You love it or hate it. It's goofy, in your face and sometimes she takes it that step too far. It's needy. As confident as she is, there's still this gnawing desperate need for the approval of people she likes.
Two-Face- The unfortunate thing about Two-Face... Harvey is all schoolboy loveliness, considerate, and caring. Harv is adrenaline rush, passion and "showing you a good time." While they're technically good at flirting, having both styles in one person and sometimes back to back can be disorienting, particularly if one puts you off.
Mad Hatter- Listen, it's not that he doesn't know how to flirt. He knows how to court someone and make them feel special. If he's lucid, he can have the most stimulating conversations. The problem is that he tends to make most romantic interactions incredibly creepy. That's leaving out the drugging, hypnotism, and abduction habits.
Bane- It's not that he can't flirt with someone he's comfortable with, but just meeting someone? He's blunt, calculating and sometimes even smug. Growing up in a prison didn't do a lot for his social skills, particularly soft, intimate ones. Logically he knows what to do and might even be able to play at it if he wanted, but really a lot of his genuine rizz wouldn't come out until later on in a relationship.
Scarecrow- For all his intelligence and capacity for witty wordplay, flirting is not this man's game. He is bristly and a lot of his ideas of romance is very macabre metaphors of fear and death. For some people that works and for others it's just way too intense. That, and he's just arrogant enough that if someone doesn't get his gestures, he writes it off as them being the problem.
Black Mask- Anger issues, entitlement, gruff as hell, and has enough of that rich douchebag in him still that he thinks negging is a valid form of flirting. The sex is hot as hell, though.
Zsasz - Anything he thinks is romantic or even sexy flirty is going to be obscenely sleazy and/or threatening. At one point he used to be charming which eased his path to the criminal life. Now he'll make gestures that are not only creepy, but zero grace or finesse behind it.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
I have to say that your breakdown of themes and issues in the prequels is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
I’m still always surprised that not everyone sees it this way because
1. That’s clearly how it’s intended to be viewed.
2. It always just seems so plainly spelled out for us.
I am not an Anakin fan, I have more of a love/hate dynamic with him, but it seems like it’s Anakin apologists above anyone else who like to demonise the Jedi and I just don’t get how people don’t realise you don’t have to choose one or the other. The downfall of Anakin and the Jedi go hand in hand because they were both manipulated by Palpatine. It really takes away from the emotional impact of the story if you don’t acknowledge that the Jedi were a genuinely good group of people who did support Anakin to the best of their ability, he was just convinced that that wasn’t actually the case.
Although I do feel empathy for the hardships Anakin endured, the Jedi had such a beautiful culture and way of life and people are missing out on so much by pretending they’re the “real villains”.
Also it was obviously genocide. How is there even a debate about that? I don’t know if there’s ever been an entirely successful genocide in history because it’s essentially impossible to completely eradicate a group of people but that doesn’t stop it from being classified as genocide. If you have to argue that it technically isn’t genocide, you probably don’t have the strong argument you think you do.
Thank you so much <3
I'm gonna be completely honest, I don't want this blog to be a platform for people to debate if the Jedi were "really good" or not with me (hence my blog description) and I don't really like getting into debates with people who are anti-Jedi or Anakin apologists.
Firstly because, in order to think the Jedi are the "bad guys" of Star Wars, it requires a certain level of bad faith assumptions, ignorance, and disregard of literally everything that canon shows us.
Secondly, because I have anger issues and it's kinda hard to work on controlling my anger and not letting it control me when I'm arguing with people who--at best are saying the Jedi caused their genocide, and at worst are saying they deserved it. Especially since Star Wars is my comfort franchise and the Jedi are my comfort characters--so it's just frustrating to see them so mischaracterized.
I'm glad my 2 am anger-induced, sleep deprived, aggressive rant resonated with you, though lol
I'm not a big fan of Anakin either and I'm largely of the opinion that Anakin caused most of the problems he had in general, but I'm not completely unsympathetic to him--my main issue lies with his apologists.
I don't really care if other people like him, I can see the appeal and I get that he's your blorbo. I also don't really care if other people don't like the Jedi, I have the "anti-Jedi" and "Jedi critical" tags blocked for a reason. I don't engage in debates with these people because I know it's pointless, and I leave them be--let them have their side of the internet and I have mine.
I do, however, have a problem with people coming onto my blog and posting their ignorant, bad-faith arguments. Like what you like, have your opinions, but keep them out of my space. Y'know?
I'm all for letting people like what they like and have different opinions on the media and leaving them be, but the moment you come onto my blog- (which literally says "this is a Pro-Jedi blog, fuck off with any Anti Jedi bullshit you have and keep it to your own page") -and start spouting that shit is the moment all of that flies out the window.
And yes, it's insane that the words "well, it wasn't actually a genocide" were actually present in that person's argument.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
"Pac, just go to bed."
It was the ninth, or maybe tenth, time that Pac had heard those words in the last hour. He had his samples of concrete spread out across the road of the Favela, and continued to ignore Cellbit's frustrated pleadings.
What was Cellbit going to do? Eat him?
They'd already been through that before.
Perhaps Pac had finally driven Cellbit too far, as there was a frustrated noise. Rather than hear a knife being drawn, however, all Pac heard was a warpstone.
Which. Fine. Now, magenta or blue for the next house...
He had already built in green and yellow, Richarlyson's favourites, and his son loved all the other colours just as much.
Magenta, then, for-
Pac did not finish that thought, except to consider that it might be nice to let the eggs decorate the interiors when they returned; Pac had simply blocked up the small rooms, far from being in the mood for fine detail work. Even just thinking about his attempts at a clothes line were enough to make him frustrated all over again.
He should plant some flowers along the roadside, though. Richarlyson would like that - and Mike would smile at him for it, and-
It was hard to know if he should think of them, or not at all. Rather than think on that, either, he grabbed the magenta concrete, and got to work.
In building, there was no thought. Or, there was a lot of thought, but much of that was also instinct. There was just enough thought that he could not think about anything else, but not so much that he became tired of the act of thinking itself.
Pac's fingers hurt, but he ignored them, grasping his pickaxe to pull down a few blocks and move them a little to the left.
He might not know who he was without Richarlyson, and he certainly did not know what he was without Mike, but he could make something beautiful for them - he could prove that even if he was nothing without them, he had something to bring to them both.
It did not take long to finish the outline of the magenta house, practiced as Pac was. A few more blocks here, a few there...
Deep down, he knew that his placements were at best erratic, but he did not really know what else to do.
Perhaps if he started from the other side instead...
Not Cellbit. Or - at Fit's voice Pac looked up, and Cellbit was there, but he had left Fit to do the talking.
"Fit?" Pac's eyes struggled to focus a little. "Why are you awake?"
"I could ask the same of you, my friend."
One minute Fit was across the road, and the next he was holding Pac's hands.
Which one of them was shaking? Pac did not know.
"Cellbit got me up, he was worried about you," Fit explained. "What's wrong?"
Pac glanced at Cellbit.
"I'm going home," he told them both. "Fit, he's your problem now."
Pac did not like being a problem, but he supposed he was. Usually he was merely Mike's problem, but...
"Everything," Pac finally answered Fit as Cellbit vanished in purple sparks.
Fit opened his arms for a hug, and Pac fell into them.
"I can't stop," it did not take Pac more than moments to crack. "As soon as I stop building, I think about them. And I cannot think about them without wanting to shove my pickaxe through my skull, so I don't stop building."
The hug tightened around him, and Fit's fingers curled into his shoulder.
"I get it," Fit said. "But you need to sleep."
"How can I sleep when all I see in my dreams is them dead?"
Pac hated himself for knowing that dead was not even the worst of it - sometimes he dreamt the pair left willingly and of their own volition, that they had finally realised that Pac was /nothing/ and decided they were better off together. That, for all he could make, Pac had failed to make enough of a mimicry of a self to fool either his best friend or his son.
"I know how you feel," Fit could try and make his voice quiet, but it always carried deep and deeper into Pac's bones. "My sweet baby boy..."
And Pac knew, of course he knew, because every parent on the island was experiencing the same - Fit was even avoiding thoughts in the same way, hollowing out the desert and helping Tubbo with the new library and-
Well. They were failing to cope very, very much the same.
"Would you come back to mine?" Fit asked. "There's reason Cellbit could get me up - maybe some company would help me sleep?"
Pac knew that Fit slept with nobody nearby as a point of paranoia. Pac knew that this was not at all for Fit's benefit. Pac knew-
"Please? It would really help me."
Pac caved with a nod, abandoning the concrete to the road and to another day.
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