#you won't be surprised to find out i have not been keeping up with bnha
crabbng · 3 months
I have some questions!
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?" like do you look at a reference of it (i mean, how else are you gonna draw it) but like im talking complex things cause i was trying to draw like market stalls and i just had no clue how to draw it while looking at, it doesn't have to be perfect i just couldn't do it so i gave it up. And when you draw it do you usually have an idea in your head how it's gonna be facing which direction or do you just draw the characters then the item they are interacting with or the item/object first?
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen? i think hair changes are gonna happen with the outfit sometimes but i really love outfit changes and you do those i was wondering what you think is best time? cause i've seen you have outfit changes in a day pass in the story and new outfit but i've also seen you change outfits when new arks happen so i was wondering when do you think are the best times for that?
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that? cause if they interact meaningfully and it's even the slightest bit gay material im jumping at the chance to tell you if you meant that im partly joking but if you had a way for them to make up can you just tell me so i wont be stuck wondering? this comic was 3 years ago i feel old but i was just wondering
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?"
i draw it badly 🤣 but really, the answer is just practice. if it looks weird, draw it again. look at it and think 'well why is this going wrong, what looks weird' and then grab a new piece of paper and start completely over. try it from another point of view.
if it's a market stall that isn't integral to the story, just a background piece, i'm not going to care much about it, because the reader probably won't either. as long as its not bad enough to actually draw the eye there, i call it good. done is better than perfect, as they say.
2nd part of that question: i do have an idea in my head of how i want the panels to look. if that's not working though, i change it.
i usually place my characters first. unless its an establishing shot where the background is the most important thing, or far away shot, then characters may go in afterwards. i guess if the panel is mostly background, background first. if the panel is mostly character, character first. that's how i generally do it. just try and do it in the way that makes it easiest. if it's not working out one way, try the other.
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen?
depends on the situation the character is in. chaar wears her uniform most of the time, so she doesn't get many changes. most everyone else would have access to other clothing, so it feels weird for me to not have them change. when hana and bon are on the run, they don't have extra clothes, so they don't change (except when bon gets hana a new outfit). tera wouldn't have wanted to be nude in the forest, so she just stays in her outfit, and kiigari doesn't care.
so my answer is, if they would have access to clothing and a reason to change (i.e. new day), there's no reason for me not to change their outfit. BUT! that's just me. it's also completely valid to just never change your characters clothes so they have a distinct Look.
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that?
no :) i mostly said that because i doubted it would happen (i still do). you can tell me if they ever reunite, but no, i don't plan to make any more krbk comics. i don't know how they make up, i would have to see how the story pans out.
hope that answers your questions! i rarely think too hard about my actual process, but i hope you can get something out of what i could sort out.
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jaybird-fanfics · 3 years
Thing Of The Past |Ch.14|
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⚠️Warnings: This story contains adult/sexual themes, graphic violence, and harsh language, please read with caution. Some of the plot from bnha/mha had been altered to better fit this story line.
Uncut Version Here
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🔞Minors DNI🔞
Hawks flew Y/n back home, instead of to his agency where he originally planned to question her further. Hawks could usually tell when someone was lying to him, and after everything Y/n told him, he knew she was telling the truth. After dropping her off, he would have to go to the hospital to treat his wounds. He was still surprised that he was standing and conscious enough to do all that. But before he went, he left Y/n with this:
'I know it hurts, I can't understand how deep this goes, or understand even half of the pain you suffered through. But I know that it must have been unbearable. I won't ask why you chose Dabi of all people, but I do advise you forget about him. Dabi will only lead you down further on the path of darkness. I'd hate for you to wind up in custody or dead because of him. So please, as your friend, promise me you'll stay away from him.'
It might have been cruel to say, and maybe even a tad manipulative, but it was for her own good. He cared about Y/n, he didn't want to see hurt in any way ever again. He'd do anything to keep her safe, and if that meant keeping that dangerous psychopath away from her, then so be it.
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Y/n examined herself in the mirror of her bathroom. There were visible marks on her neck from where Hakai grabbed her, they would not be easy to hide. Speaking of, that monster was facing off against Dabi right before Hawks got her away from there. Why was Dabi there? How could he have possibly gotten there so quickly? And why the hell did he call Y/n his woman?
"I'm not your fucking woman." Y/n spat bitterly to no one but her own reflection. "You lost the right to call me that a long time ago."
She left the bathroom and rummaged through her closet for a while to find a shirt that would cover her neck.
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Dabi's eyes shot open as he felt something warm hit his face. Hakai stood above him, blood pouring from his mouth. His shaking hand fell down limp by his side as he glared down at Dabi. "Shit...just when it was getting good too." Hakai raised his other arm to wipe the blood from his jaw. "To be continued, Dabi." Hakai turned away before zipping, as if he were teleporting, few feet by the few away from Dabi, until he was out of sight. Dabi brought himself to a stand, groaning as he did so. "Well fuck. He's stronger than I thought he was. Teaches me for underestimating the little brat."
Dabi raised his hand, the smell of his own burnt flesh filled his nose, but he did not flinch. It was nothing new to him. "I pushed myself too hard this time. From now on, I'll have to pace myself when it comes to him." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and dialed up a number, then waited for the ring.
"Hey, it's me. Hurry up and get it over with."
Before he knew what was happening, black sludge was pouring from his mouth and the next thing he knew, he was back at the League's hideout. "Look who's still alive! You look like shit!"
"Shut up Twice." Dabi rasped, rubbing at his neck. "Telling from those injuries, I think it's safe to say you lost right?" Shigaraki glared at him through the hand on his face. "Still think you can take him alone?" Dabi didn't respond, instead he looked at the new charred flesh on his wrist. 'Whatever that brat's power is, it's too much for his body to handle. Lucky for me, if he kept going, he would have killed me for sure.'
"I might have lost. But I learned something from him, he let his weakness slip when he thought he had be beat." Dabi smirked. "He's unstable. That insane quirk of his is killing him every time he uses it."
"So all we have to do is, make him wear his quirk out until he dies?" Asked Mr. Compress. "Seems easy enough." Said Spinner. "Sounds like a plan! It can't be that easy!" Added Twice. "It's not." says Dabi. "Hawks was there before me so he was worn out before he faced me. And he still had me backed into a corner."
"Well what are we suppose to do?" Toga asks. "Simple, the next time he attacks, half of us will attack until he physically can't. And if the son of a bitch tries to escape, the other half will track him down. After that, they'll contact the remaining half to follow after and together, we kill him."
"As always, your plans are flawless." Dabi says sarcastically. "Like you did better, you're barely keeping yourself together." Said Shigaraki. "Now. I suggest you all ready yourselves for the next fight. We'll only have one chance to take him down, if we fail, we could be killed."
The plan wasn't a solid one, but against someone as strong as Hakai, a loose plan was better than no plan at all. Though, deep down, Dabi felt like something was wrong. Or rather, something would go wrong. He could blame that on the plan, but after facing Hakai head on, something stirred in Dabi's core. A feeling that he had long forgotten about. Dabi was worried.
Hakai knew what Y/n looked like, if she were to be caught up in this, she would be killed. No doubt about that. He had to do something before it came down to that. But what?
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Later that evening, Dabi once again was on rout to Y/n's home. This time, he would have to be as cautious as ever now that Hawks was in the picture. If he had the time, he would seek Hawks out himself and just kill the bastard for getting in his way. But Y/n was Dabi's top priority. This time, he took a rout that he hadn't taken in a while. It would take him longer to get there, but that could be a good thing. If Hawks was already there, it could give Dabi some time to arrive just as Hawks might be leaving. And if he is still there, well, Dabi could just use him to blow off some steam. He's been itching to burn up that feathered freak for some time now.
But to his surprise, and slight disappointment, Hawks was not there. And yet, Dabi would not go any closer to the house. Not because he was cautious of Hawks, but because he had no idea what he would say to Y/n? He had broken her heart and now he was just showing up like nothing had happened? She wouldn't go for that. Dabi sighed, running his hand through his inky black hair. "At this fucking point, I should just come clean." He muttered. Then quickly dismissed the thought. "No. Even if I did tell her, nothing would change. I can change my name and identity as much as I want, but it still won't change the fact that I am a killer." Dabi begins to approach the house.
"She would have never been safe by my side. Even if I had stayed the same, she would have gotten hurt eventually. It was only a matter of when..."
Dabi stopped in his tracks when he saw Y/n leaving through the front door. He begun to question this until he noticed she was in her work clothes. 'She never works this late.' Dabi thought as he quietly got closer. Then again, how would he know? He never asked about her job before. With a deep breath Dabi approached her from behind. "Hey, Doll."
Y/n gasps sharply as she turned to face him. Her shock turned into anger as she noticed just who was in front of her. "What do you want?" She muttered. Dabi, putting on the best chill front he could, answered smoothly. "Oh you know, just taking an evening stroll. What about you?" Y/n glared at him before turning back to walk away. "The silent treatment huh? That's fair." Dabi chuckled as he followed her, much to Y/n's annoyance.
"Can you not?" She asked, picking up the pace. "I think I'm making it pretty obvious that I don't want to speak with you."
"Doesn't what you just said count as speaking to me?" Asked Dabi smugly.
Y/n did not face him again, rather, she just flipped him off and kept walking.
"Come on, just for a second Doll." Dabi matched her pace. Y/n didn't say a word, she even considered following Hawks' advice and called him right then and there, just so she wouldn't have to hear Dabi's voice. "Ok ok, don't talk. Just listen alright?" Y/n, finally fed up, turned and spoke to Dabi with a stern hateful tone.
"I don't have to listen to a damn thing from you! Just leave me alone!" She raised her hand to smack him, but he caught her hand. Before Y/n could recuperate, Dabi pulled her in close. "Too bad. Cause you're gonna." He said sternly.
"That Hakai villain who nearly killed you, has it out for me. And now he knows your face. So if he finds out what you were to me, you could be on his hit list next." Y/n stared right through Dabi as he spoke, but that last bit...how dare he say that? "What I was to you?" Y/n jerks her hand away. "What I was to you!?"
"I wasn't anything to you!" Y/n yells. "All you ever did was use me! You never cared about me! You never considered how I felt! So don't pretend like you loved me when really, you just needed someone to fulfil your needs!"
"Y/n please-"
"We were never anything...I don't know exactly what we had, but it was nothing good...I hated it so much. Do you have any idea what it feels like, to love someone you know, will never love you back?" Y/n's voice lowered from a yell. "Dabi, I really did care about you. At times I thought I didn't but the more you left, the longer you weren't with me, I would never feel right. It was because I missed you. And whenever you did show up, even if it wasn't for long, it made me feel...well, happy I guess?" She continued.
"I missed your warmth, as cruel as it was. Because it reminded me so much of him...but he was never as cruel. Not once was he ever like you. So, I figured, if I was going to be used...why not use you? So I could pretend that just for a moment, he was still here..."
Dabi didn't say a word, he just let her talk as he felt his heart become heavy with regret.
"But I never felt more dirty whenever I did that. So, I tried to love you for you. And I did. I managed to fall in love with someone who treats me like trash. How stupid of me, right?" She laughed weakly. "I really thought there was something more to you, for a while Dabi. But it turns out, you're nothing but a cruel, cold hearted villain. That's all you ever were. And I was an idiot to let you in."
When she finished, there was a long deep silence between the two. Dabi didn't disagree with her, everything Y/n said about him was true. Except, the part about him not loving her. That was the furthest thing from the truth. Dabi did love her, and he was cruel to not tell her sooner. But he knew the consequences of loving someone. It happened before, and it's happening again.
"...Ok." Dabi finally spoke. "I understand. But please, if you would do just one more thing for me, just do this one simple thing. Ok?" Y/n didn't answer him. "Just...promise me, you'll be ok. Stay safe for me Y/n. Please." Still, no response.
Dabi turned from her and began to walk away when he heard Y/n speak. "Goodbye Dabi." The next thing he heard were her footsteps getting further and further away, leaving Dabi alone in the middle of the street. Warm bright red blood ran down the scars of Dabi's eyes, his heart felt like it was sinking in a pit of despair. And he only had himself to blame.
"...I fucked up."
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Caught trying to escape yandere love interests
Eijirou Kirishima x Reader
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Description: Yandere bnha boys catch you trying to escape. Let me know if you want this for any other characters and I'll make another!
Warning: Manipulation, abusive, controlling and toxic behavior, etc.
Eijirou Kirishima
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It was like a ray of sunshine.
No, it was a ray of sunshine.
It was purely an accident. You were just cleaning the basement. Trying to get a certain corner with the duster, you stood on your tiptoes and knocked the small, black curtain off the hook. That's when you found it.
A window. It wasn't big but it wasn't small. Actually, it was just the size needed. Just big enough for you to crawl out.
Moving away, you looked around the basement and grabbed the small workout bench Eijirou usually sat on when he was lifting weights.
You quickly moved it to the window and stood on it.
The sunlight looked so warm..
Sliding open the window, you grinned at the light breeze. It felt amazing.
You knew you didn't have long though, so you lifted yourself and started to squirm out of the small space.
Wait.. Was the sun? God, it was. It looked so bright, so beautiful. It'd been so long.
You had your waist out and you were sure you'd escape. You could run. Going to the police would be useless, they wouldn't believe you. But you could still hide. You could still be free.
Sadly, your fantasy would remain just that. A fantasy.
You didn't have time to register the scraping sound of the bench getting kicked away. Before you knew it, Eijirou's hands were gripping at your thighs and dragging you back down, back into his arms. You let a short shriek and immediately froze in fear.
"W-What the hell were you doin', Pebble?" He attempted to keep the reassuring smile on his face, but it seemed more unstable than anything. His voice shook with hidden anger that only showed through his fingers that were now digging into your hips.
You whimpered softly. "I-I'm sorry, Eiji.. I-I just saw the sunlight a-and got excited.." You mumbled, everything you said technically being true.
He took slow deep breathes, pressing his head against yours. As soon as he was calm and his grip was no longer so tight, he simply sighed. "I told you baby, we can go outside for your birthday. Or somewhere around that time.. I want you to myself that day." He grinned. God, that smile used to be so innocent.
You simply faked a small smile. "R-Right.. I-I'm sorry, Eiji.."
The next day though, Eijirou had the window replaced with a glass, bullet proof screen. You could still see the sunlight. At certain times of the day, you could see the sun..
You just wanted to be freed.
Katsuki Bakugou
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You weren't even sure what made you try it. You'd already tried so many times, so what made you try today?
Perhaps it was because Katsuki was in such a rush this morning.
Perhaps you simply didn't think it could hurt to try.
Perhaps it was both.
You aren't sure what made you try the door knob this morning.
Every lock in the house was Y/n proofed. All doors could only lock and unlock from Katsuki's phone, some new app that was developed for safety reasons.
Katsuki says it's for safety reasons, but you know that's not it. It was to keep you in and to keep others out.
He always paid such attention to every detail. Nothing could usually slip Katsuki Bakugou's mind. Especially if it had something to do with you.
So it surprised you when the knob fully turned.
It wasn't locked.. He actually forgot to lock it today.
Looking around, you contemplated grabbing some things.
No. Katsuki had all possible weapons locked up in drawers and cases with a key on he had. A key that was currently around his neck.
You shook your head. It would take too long anyway. Katsuki always popped in on you at random times during his work. Your best option was to just run.
You slowly opened the door and slipped out, closing it behind yourself. You traveled down the walkway and looked around.
Katsuki's place was pretty secluded. He never wanted anyone around you. The only person he allowed near you was Kirishima, that was all.
That's when you saw it. After hearing the sound of gravel crunching under some weight, you turned your head.
Katsuki's car. And sadly for you, Katsuki made direct eye contact with you among rolling up.
You quickly turned and ran, unable to to stop yourself from crying as the sound of his door opening came.
Being locked at home, you weren't nearly as fast as Katsuki. Your stamina wasn't as great either.
You were grabbed by the arm and roughly yanked into Katsuki's chest.
"Y/n.." He growled out. Usually, Katsuki called you by a pet name. If he used your real name, he was pissed. Pissed enough to punish you.
As he dragged you back into the house, you sobbed heavily. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Katsuki!" You pleaded.
Once he got you through the door, he once more yanked you against him with a harsh glare. "Misbehaving fuckin brat. Chased you down for 15 minutes and now you're sorry?"
You whined and didn't bother struggling as he slammed the door close, knowing it would piss him off further.
"Take your clothes off. 15 minutes of uninterrupted spanking. Then get on your knees in the corner and think about what you did."
As he let you go, he pulled out his phone. After putting in the password, he locked the door and turned his phone off completely.
You slowly started to undress and afterwards took your punishment.
He didn't keep you in the corner for too long. Soon, he was holding you in his lap, mumbling about how he needed to protect you.
"The world is dangerous out there, Teddybear. But I got you. You're safe with me."
Izuku Midoriya
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It was late and Izuku was asleep next to you. Usually, he cuddled you during the night but he rolled over this time.
You'd been lying there, staring through the darkness at the ceiling all night. You couldn't sleep, but that was common. How could you sleep when your captor laid right next to you at night?
When you did sleep, it was was when he wasn't home. That used to be often actually, and you never minded. But when he lost his mind, he took more time for you, much to your displeasure.
Haha. Most people would love that, wouldn't they? Just reminds you of how different your situation is.
Then a thought came. What was stopping you from leaving? You could get up, find the house keys needed to unlock the door.
Where would you go? There's a trail that Izuku always drives up to get here. That must be it. It'd have to take you to the city, or at least in the general direction. If you could reach Musutafu, you'd know where to go.
Besides, if you escaped, it'd be way harder to catch you in the dark. Izuku's always been fast, but he couldn't chase someone he couldn't see, right?
Everything seemed like it was coming together and you made a decision.
You were gonna do it. Tonight.
Where did he usually leave his keys? Ah.
In his hero costume. Hanging on the bedroom door.
Giving Izuku a glance, you slowly and very carefully got out of bed. Izuku didn't even budge.
You started taking slow, light steps towards the door.
You were gonna do it. You were doing it.
"What are you doing up, Doll?"
The sound of Izuku's voice made you freeze. You simply stood in front of the door.
"Doll?" He questioned again. You heard him get out of bed.
Clearing your throat, you looked at him. "I-I was just going to the bathroom, Zuku.." You quickly lied. "Did I wake you?"
He smiled and chuckled. "I kinda sensed you weren't next to me. Crazy huh?"
You felt your hopes for any future attempts at this crumble. "I think it's sweet.."
Izuku seemed to answer, as his smile widened and he gently took your hand. "C'mon." He pulled you from the room and into the bathroom, closing the door behind the both of you.
You looked down. "I don't need to be watched.." You mumbled. He kissed the top of your head lovingly and sighed.
"I know you don't like it, Doll, but I need to know you won't do anything to escape or anything harmful." He said, his voice laced with gentle care.
"You can trust me, I-I won't." You crossed your arms, knowing it was a lie. But it was always best to tell him what he wanted to hear.
Lifting your head by the chin, you noticed his smile was replaced with frown.
"So you wouldn't lie to me?" He asked softly. You quickly shook your head. "Fine. Then go to the bathroom, Doll."
Your stood there, frozen. You could tell from the disappointed look on his face that he knew. He caught you. He wouldn't ever trust you.
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dazaimency · 3 years
Kaeya x AFAB!NB!Reader - Mora for Your Thoughts (18+)
Request: Um can I request a kaeya×AFAB fem non-binary they/them reader bondage, master, spanking, and overstimulation. The reader is a astrologer
Tags: AFAB fem non-binary they/them reader, bondage, master calling, spanking, slight overstimulation, and very slight ice play, astrologer!reader
Word Count: 2.475
Crossposted from HERE (ao3 collection, mostly BNHA)
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Given your powers, you should have at least somewhat expected Kaeya creeping up behind you in the bar while you were sitting on a stool, lost in thoughts. But instead, you jumped out of your seat when a cold hand touched your shoulder, forcing you to turn around.
Once you were face to face with your boyfriend, Kaeya didn’t hesitate to place a quick peck on your cheek before sliding in the seat beside you, ordering his favourite wine. Your lips curled upwards and warmth spread out through your torso when his posture relaxed, clearly at ease in your presence. The smile only deepened when you remembered what you had foreseen a couple of days ago - a fact that Kaeya didn’t miss.
“Something on your mind?” A perfect dark blue eyebrow raises, only enhancing the playful smirk taking place on Kaeya’s face.
Of course he knew. Even though you were the one practicing astrology, Kaeya was familiar with every secret and whisper going on in the streets of Mondstadt.
“Not really,” you tease back, and the conversation stirs in a different direction. As the sky darkens and Charles starts to send drunkyards home, Kaeya’s touches become more intimate, thumb circling your hips, or his hand caressing your thigh and knee. You were well aware how tonight was going to turn out, and you knew Kaeya was too.
You told him who a few of your clients were, and Kaeya being Kaeya, decided to exploit it. He found it amusing when you were anticipating what he had planned for you, with you unable to look into your own future at the same time. So, when he had found out that you had a meeting with an “adult toys seller”, who wanted to ask you about their sales, he went to their store and bought something a couple of weeks after your meeting. He didn’t know for sure if you would foretell it but even if you hadn’t, it would be a win-win situation for him - you’d still be surprised.
“Wanna get out of here?” Kaeya suggests, taking in the sight of your rosy cheeks and lips swollen from your biting. You feel a little jealous when you notice alcohol had little to no effect on him, except letting that spark in his eye to be seen by others instead of being kept private.
You nod, taking his hand into yours and dragging him out of the bar, waving goodbye to Charles. Kaeya managed to place a quick payment with a generous tip before feeling the cold bite his cheeks once he stepped outside.
His fingers intertwine with yours and he guides you to his home. Comfortable quiet resides in the air as you make your way to the front door, only sometimes messing your steps. Your breaths quickens as you approach the entrance and you lick your lips in anticipation.
You turn to Kaeya but before you can open your mouth, he has you pinned against the door, cold wood clashing with your back, making you shiver. Holding you by your hips, he pushes a leg between yours, forcing you to moan into his mouth.
The chilly air mixing with his warm body pressed against yours only makes you get closer to him, enveloping his shoulders with your arms, feeling his lean frame. You slide your leg up, enabling him better access and he smirks into the kiss.
“Impatient, aren't we?” He outright grins and moves lower to your neck, placing pecks and bites on the soft skin, sending jolts of electricity down your spine.
“S-Says the one who got me a sex toy,” you manage to say with rugged breath, slightly shaking from his tongue and teeth nibbling at the crook of your neck.
Kaeya only hums and unlocks the door behind you, smoothly sliding both of you inside while keeping the position.
“What a shame. And I wanted to surprise you,” he clicks his tongue, deep blue eyes scanning your body, revelling in how your smaller frame fits his.
Usually, you'd enjoy this position but you knew what he had prepared for you. Excited to finally see it, you decide to push him: “You should have visited a different store, then.”
“Getting cheeky, hm? Remind me, dear, how do you call me?” you keep yourself from smiling by biting your lips, and you feel your crotch getting wetter with every word that escapes his mouth.
Looking him straight into his eyes, you respond, “You should have visited a different store, Master.”
You push your chin up, expecting him to kiss you or to take down your clothes but instead, he sweeps you off your feet, carrying you to the bedroom with ease. You yelp with surprise, but quickly resign in trying to get down. It wasn't a bad position to be in.
“I ought to punish you. Shame you know what I have planned for you,” the smirk in his voice tells you otherwise. Did you miss something? He acted too smug for having his surprise ruined.
Kaeya sat you down on the bed, ordering you to strip. You quickly obey, soon feeling how soft the sheets feel against your skin. Meanwhile, Kaeya took off his gloves and was waiting in front of you nonchalantly, tapping his foot.
You could see the glint in his eyes when his gaze washed over your naked figure, sly smile embellishing his starry iris. Your stomach clenches in excitement and a shiver runs down your body when he approaches you, hiding something behind him.
“Turn around,” every syllable makes you want him more, the contrast between your naked body and his clothed form only enhancing it. Following his order, you turn onto your stomach, arching your back, silently chuckling when a soft gasp involuntarily escapes him. He moves onto the bed, kneeling at your legs with a perfect view of your pussy that is dripping wet for him. He resists the want to push a finger into you, torturing you with a slow preparation just to feel your walls clench around his digit. Dismissing the thought for later, he sets out to do what he has planned.
“One,” you hear Kaeya say a moment before pain cuts through your skin as a slap lands on your cheeks. He licks his lips when the skin darkens and your body jerks at the sensation. The image of you spread out on his bed, letting him do anything he wants is sent straight to his cock, making it twitch in his tight pants. He was enjoying being in charge, having you completely devoted to him.
Subconsciously, your body leans into his touch. You expected to be punished for being “bratty” but you had the toy he bought in mind, not only spanking. Not that you weren't enjoying it.
As if reading your mind, Kaeya lands another hit. “Two. Mora for your thoughts? Three.”
The stings feel heavier now, and you let out a small moan, missing the smirk on your master's face.
“Are you disappointed? Four. Were you expecting something else, my dear? Five.” You would like to wipe that cunning smirk off his face, were it not for the way each slap made you clench around nothing.
“No, no, Master!” You moan out as another hit lands. This time, the hand stays on your cheeks, brushing quickly against your rim before moving lower to your slit, teasing the sensitive skin. Kaeya's fingers play with the wetness as you hold your breath, hips leaning into the touch, desperately wanting to be filled.
You realise your mistake too late. Lying to the trickster is never a good idea, especially if you are at his mercy. The caresses stop as well as your breaths and you await for further punishment.
A singular harsh slap comes without a warning. The force making a ripple on your skin, painting it a darker shade. Your legs shake when your pussy clenches around nothing and you let out a whine, silently cursing both yourself and Kaeya.
“Oh my, it seems like you deserve something else, doesn't it? Luckily, I came prepared,” this gets your attention and you turn to look at him. He holds a couple of silky ropes - it must be what he had been hiding before.
Your eyes widen as you realise you had been 'played'. He wanted to tie you up all along, setting you up for a fake surprise. A sly smirk graces his features, starry eyes full of smug. Later, you would wipe it off his face, but you were too horny to care about being toyed with in a sense that didn't mean reaching orgasm.
With a slight nudge, he orders you to lay on your back. A question stains his eye, one he doesn't need an answer to, and his length twitches in his pants uncomfortably, still pulsating in the closed space.
You eye the silk, noticing its pleasant texture. Kaeya joins your wrists in a tight knot, connecting it to the headboard. You try to wiggle your hands but the cloth won't let you, effectively leaving you to your boyfriend's mercy and gaze full of lust.
“Now, that's a pretty picture,” Kaeya leans over you and kisses you deeply, his hands drawing circles on your hips. His fingers leave small trails of goosebumps and shivers when he decides to tease you with his vision, brushing ice over your skin as your tongues intertwine. He swallows your every whimper and his hips move in sync with yours as you desperately need to release some tension.
You want to reach out to touch him but the silken bindings keep your hands in place, depriving you of holding onto him. Your fingers dig deeper into the cloth, fists forming and tugging at it as you try to become less flustered.
“What a sight indeed,” Kaeya breaks the kiss and kneels between your bent legs, long fingers slowly finding their way to your pulsing clit. When he finally touches it, you let out a moan and dig your head deeper into the pillow. The slight caress sends waves of pleasure through your body and you envelop your legs around him.
“So wet for your Master already. You would be ready for me if I fucked you right now, wouldn't you?” he hums as if he wasn't just as horny as you. His cock is painfully throbbing in his trousers, creating a wet spot from precum. Kaeya's head is filled with images of him fucking you into the mattress, but right now he wanted to toy with you some more before giving into his needs.
His thumb keeps circling your clit, pressing more with each time you moan out. His digits finally penetrate you, two fingers stretching you out for him. Already, you are a mess and when he enters you a relieved 'Master' escapes your mouth.
With that, Kaeya throws all his plans out of the window. His hand leaves your sensitive clit, making you whimper at the absence of his touch. His pants and underwear soon land on the floor and he's raising your hips to enter you before you can complain about the loss.
You both moan at the same time. Your walls finally clench around him, almost making his hips slam into you but he stays still, giving you a bit of space to adjust. His hands run up and down your body, touching every curve they reach.
Kaeya in front of you is breathtaking. His usually messy hair is even more all around the place, sticking to his skin in some places. Having ditched all his clothes, you can take in his lean frame, fitting perfectly between your legs.
When you are ready, your fingers grip the silk tightly and your legs rest on his shoulder. Kaeya places a quick kiss on your calf and his eyes find yours. As your gazes meet, he starts to move - just a small push to get himself further inside makes you close your eyes. You curse at the restraints keeping you from reaching out and dragging him to a hungry kiss but the feeling of being exposed like this makes your walls clench more.
“Fuck, baby,” he lets out, usual eloquence gone with his last self control as his slams get rougher. Kaeya fully buries himself inside you, brushing against your sensitive spot with each thrust. “You feel so good...”
You can only nod, unable to come up with a verbal response for your master. Seeing pleasure reflected on your face, gaze getting more filled with mist with each thrust, Kaeya speaks up, finding his lost eloquence, forcing you to focus on his smooth voice: “You enjoy being tied up, don't you? Say it, say it for your Master.”
“I-I do, Master. Please… Just don't stop,” you let out between moans, the only thing on your mind right now is Kaeya's cock. Knowing your body well, he knows exactly how to make you moan out the most, and he wasn't holding back tonight.
Satisfied with your answer, his thrusts amp up. He feels your walls clench and stretch around him with each push, and he lets out a few grunts when he senses his orgasm approaching. His fingers start paying attention to your clit again and you whimper loudly when his skilled digits start toying with the oversensitive, pulsing spot.
Jolts of electricity run through your body. Overwhelming sensation ripples through your insides as you finally come, moaning out a mix of Kaeya's name and 'master' when you arch your back.
The new angle allows him to bury himself deeper, hips stuttering at the satisfaction. Seeing you come in front of him with his name on your lips pushes him closer over the edge and after a few rapid thrusts of blindly chasing after that pleasure, he moans '(y/n)' and empties himself inside you.
Once you both catch your breath, he slips out and leans over you, quickly untying you. You hum when he lays down next to you, massaging your numb wrists and kissing the marks left by the bindings. Before you came, you struggled more in its tight grip, making the silk stain your skin with lines that you will have to cover the next couple of days. Not that you were complaining. Plus, Kaeya's chilly kisses were enough to make any discomfort fade away.
When the haze of pleasure leaves both of you with clear minds, you frown, suddenly remembering something: “What happened to the electric toy?”
Kaeya chuckles as if he was expecting the question (he probably was) and kisses your cheek: “Don't worry, we'll try that another time.”
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makeste · 4 years
I just took that Bakugou introspection as Horikoshi's way of telling the audience that yes Bakugou can keep up with OP Deku because there has been so much muttering across the fanbase that Bakugou won't be able to. I don't see the melodrama of Bakugou only seeing his strength as a means to keep up with Deku or that his pride is problematic. I think him having an idea for his hero names means he knows what his strength is for. He's always been strong as a person (when Deku was not) (pt1)
Losing his quirk doesn't need to be the gateway to force him to develop the kindness and consideration he's already been showing, nor would it be karmatic balance between him and Deku- especially when any scenario that takes his quirk benches him from the story or cheapens the stakes by him getting it back relatively fast. Deku's 15 years of quirklessness can't be balanced. Additionally, Bakugou only lost in the story when he was too close minded to learn, once open minded he started to (pt2)
grow. It doesn't send out a good message, if after all that growth he still gets punished. His declaration of spirit to not lose, be it to Shigaraki or Deku is not a bad thing, he is the underdog with an indominable will and he is declaring his spirit as the symbol of victory. Bakugou may lose his quirk, I don't know, but your reasons I disagree with because we interpret those panels differently. They give the audience a point of reference to guage Bakugou's ability.
you make some excellent points, anon! and you see, it’s strange, because up until this chapter and his monologue, I was in full agreement with most of what you’re saying -- that he’s already figured out all of that hero biz, that he’s already in the process of sorting his shit out on his own, and that Horikoshi is simply waiting for the right moment to finally show it.
but after reading his internal dialogue in this chapter, I’m just not so sure anymore.
in the past I’ve done a lot of guesswork on Kacchan’s thought processes based on his subtle little actions and microexpressions, and on what we’ve already been told about his character thus far. I call it “guesswork”, though, because it very much is that, because we so rarely get an actual glimpse into his head to see what he is really thinking. so when Horikoshi actually does give us one of those rare glimpses, I’m inclined to pay very close attention, and prepared to make any necessary adjustments to my current understanding of his character if need be. he is very, very complicated, and despite my spending an absurd percentage of my free time analyzing him up and down and front to back, that absolutely doesn’t mean that any of those analyses are actually right, lols. I’m constantly updating my internal databank of Kacchan knowledge both from interactions with the rest of the fandom, and -- when Horikoshi actually deigns to give us some new information -- from the canon itself.
anyway! so when I read this chapter and saw Kacchan yet again comparing his progress to Deku’s in his head, and thinking -- even now, even in the moments right before an intense battle!! -- only about his rivalry and about keeping up, that immediately set me to updating my mental bakuwiki in regards to his current character growth status. so he definitely has his hero name picked out already, we know that much. and so presumably has thus already figured out what kind of hero he wants to be. right? right.
and yet he still apparently has not revealed the new name to anyone. even after three months. like yeah, we get it, you made a promise to tell Jeanist first, etc. fair enough, but still! it’s an interesting bit of hesitation to take note of. and then there’s also the matter of Horikoshi’s interview from back in December (which I’ll link in a comment once this is posted), where he talked a lot about Bakugou and made a point of saying that his character growth wasn’t done yet, and that he still needs to apologize to Deku. which is as good a confirmation as any that such an apology is indeed forthcoming.
so why, then, does it seem like we’re still no closer to that moment, even after Kacchan seemingly had a mysterious epiphany at the end of the internship arc, and even after we subsequently went through a three month time jump? Kacchan isn’t one to be slow about it when he decides to make progress. his growth in all other aspects has come by leaps and bounds. and yet when it comes to his relationship with Deku -- his friendship with Deku, except that he still can’t bring himself to acknowledge that’s what it is, and insists on thinking of it as only a rivalry -- it seems like he reached a certain point, and then just... stalled. like he’s not willing to go any further past this. and there are many reasons for why that may be the case. but at the root of all of them is pride.
and I’m not saying he needs to give up that pride, because that’s a huge and very important part of who he is. you said his declaration of spirit not to lose isn’t a bad thing, and I agree. but that doesn’t always make it a good thing either, and I don’t want to get so swept up in my love of the character that I start refusing to acknowledge the downsides of that trademark pride as well. pride, like anything else, is nuanced. it can be both good and bad. it’s good when it motivates you and pushes you to do your best and to achieve your goals. but it’s bad when it makes you inflexible, and when it prevents you from taking actions which would benefit you and others, just because doing so would mean humbling yourself in a way that is scary and which feels like it runs counter to your ultimate goals. because you want to be someone who always wins. and so any time you do experience a loss, you go through an entire mini-crisis, because it feels like your very purpose in life is being threatened.
I don’t know if “problematic” is the word I would use for this aspect of him. I feel like that word is fairly overused, especially in fandom, and now has certain connotations of “this is objectively bad behavior which should be called out and shunned.” and I don’t think that’s the case at all when it comes to Kacchan’s pride. he’s already learned how to put it aside in order to work with others and save others. and that’s great! he already is a great hero by this point, imo. if Horikoshi decided to just end his character arc here and not take it any further, I would actually be just fine with that.
but I think that there is still the potential for more. I think that we are still not done here yet. because this manga consistently surprises and amazes me with the way it goes the extra mile when it comes to character development. Kacchan and Deku didn’t have to reconcile their differences and learn to respect one another after only 120 chapters (I say “only” in a very sincere and not sarcastic sense here, because that really is an insanely short timeframe compared to most other manga). but they did. Endeavor didn’t have to see the error of his ways and decide that he wanted to become a better person, and he definitely didn’t have to be shown apologizing and admitting his wrongdoings and even going so far as to back out of his family’s lives for their sakes and even build them a house so they could move on apart from him. but he did! and that’s insane, you guys. name me another series that goes that hard in trying to redeem a guy whom virtually every single member of this fandom would have once described as ultimately devoid of any redeeming qualities. I can’t think of any.
but BnHA is just like that. it goes hard. it doesn’t back off. nothing about its character arcs is remotely half-assed. and so if a character is showing signs that they are still angling for more growth? that there are still things they need to learn? then I’m inclined to think we are going to roll up our sleeves and get that growth, one way or another.
this story consistently amazes me because whenever I look at a certain aspect of a character’s development and say to myself, “oh hey, that’s pretty awesome, even if it’s still not ideal,” Horikoshi goes and nudges it down another notch towards being ideal. like, the dude just doesn’t settle. and so that’s one of the reasons why I’m convinced this is a very real and even likely possibility. because this kind of development, to me, would be very, very, very close to my ideal. is it strictly necessary? absolutely not. would it fucking blow my mind as a development, however? I kinda think it would, ngl.
-- that is, with the one addendum that since I do love my son very dearly, I wouldn’t want it to actually be permanent. so in order to be truly ideal, such an arc would also have to include a way for him to climb back up again after experiencing that fall. which some might find contrived or “cheap”, as you put it. but that’s a risk I’m very selfishly and biasedly game for all the same, lol. I am more than willing to occasionally suspend my sense of disbelief in the name of character development, and honestly, I don’t actually think it would cheapen the stakes in any way, because just because Kacchan’s main character status gives him cool perks like a one-time get-out-of-losing-your-quirk-for-free card doesn’t mean the same would apply towards anybody else. and for that matter, it wouldn’t detract from whatever soul searching Kacchan does during that period while he fully believes that he will be quirkless for the rest of his life, either. it doesn’t have to be permanent in order to have a permanent impact.
lastly, in regards to it balancing things out between him and Deku, I don’t mean that Kacchan becoming quirkless would (a) be some sort of necessary and deserved punishment for him, or (b) be even remotely equivalent in any kind of way to what Deku experienced while growing up. that is very obviously not the case, and I can’t stand that kind of thinking, that redemption is only about punishment. maybe “karmic” isn’t the word I should have used then; I meant it as a way of signifying something spiritual in the push-pull balance between the two of them, not in the “what goes around comes around you were a jerk and now you’ll finally understand what it feels like” sense of the word. that’s a big yikes, lol. so yeah, just to clarify that part of it!
what I mean by balance is that it would serve as a catalyst to Kacchan finally being able to understand Deku’s side of it. finally being able to see things from the point of view of his rival-friend who’s had the exact opposite arc as him in terms of what he had to do and go through and learn and unlearn to get this far. it would serve as a means of finally bridging that one last gap of understanding between them. it would bring things back into balance because it would bring them back into balance, by giving them the push to finally mend that one last broken part of their former friendship. the part that’s still untouched by both of them, because they’re both afraid of disrupting the current semi-stable truce that they have now in their relationship. even if it’s not perfect. not, if you’ll pardon my use of the word yet again, ideal.
tl;dr I see Bakugou’s introspection as being a lead-in to something potentially game-changing both because I want it to be, and because, as strange as it may seem, the manga has conditioned me to think this way now. to have expectations. to anticipate more depth, more growth. so it may be the case that in this instance I’ve taken those expectations too far and I need to temper them back down and swing them in a less angsty, more traditionally shounen direction. and like I said, if that does wind up being the case, I won’t be upset.
but maybe, just maybe though, this manga will in fact go there once again. if for no other reason than that it can. “Horikoshi really went and did that” is a sentence I’ve gotten very used to typing since I started reading this manga. and so, well, let’s just wait and see.
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linphd · 5 years
husband!kirishima x wife!reader | wonderful, wonderful
eijiro kirishima x reader
female reader
Eijiro dances with his family at a wedding, remembering everything he's been through with his current wife.
no warning
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the lyrics are from wonderful wonderful by johnny mathis
the entire one shot is based on this shot of the solis family dancing together at the wedding cause it's my favorite scene from the whole scene??? yeah lol you thought you were on a bnha book/blog, you didn’t expect so many desperate housewives stuff, right 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sometimes we walk hand in hand by the sea,
and we breathe in the cool salty air.
You turn to me with a kiss in your eyes,
then my heart feels a thrill beyond compare.
When Kirishima was in the 1-A class, his sensei invited a hero that could see in the future. One perk of this quirk was that the hero could also show what he was seeing to the others. The students were allowed to ask any question they wanted, even though the hero could refuse to show them. Most of the students decided that they didn't want to know anything ; maybe in 10 years, they will be dead because of a fight during a hero mission, right ?
But Kirishima had a much brighter idea. ''Will I get kids ?'' He asked. The hero showed him ; one boy and one girl, having his natural black hair, and they seemed rather young. They were dancing with him, and that's when he noticed ; the vision also showed the mom. And it was the one and only (Y/N) (L/N), the girl Kirishima already liked.
''I'm going to have kids with (Y/N) ?'' He muttered. ''But crybaby hates kids.'' Bakugou commented. And yeah, 'crybaby' was the girl's nickname. ''I know...'' Kirishima answered, still staring at the vision. He took a video of it, so he won't forget about it. (Y/N), the mother of his children, and those two, dancing all together. ''Where are we ?'' He asked the hero. ''At a wedding. I won't say whose wedding, though.''
Then your lips cling to mine.
It's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
Kirishima decided not to tell the girl, in case she would be scared and avoid him. And the hero say it himself ‘this future still can change'. So, he decided to keep the video of his future family, and not to force the girl to date him. Things would've happened whenever they wanted, so the future won't be changed. The boy didn't even check the future ever again ; so he still didn't know, nowadays, if he was going to be with (Y/N) forever, or if they were going to have another child.
            And actually, things worked out well, since they ended up dating. Kirishima asked her out during a party at the dorms, but he didn't expect her to agree, at all. However, for everyone else, it was obvious that she had developed a crush on him too. Indeed, she fell in love with him later than he had with her, but everyone was happy for them when they finally started to date.
          Once, they were late to class (they had missed the whole morning) because they had decided to sleep together, and had forgotten to put on their alarms. They got house duties for 5 days ; students weren't supposed to share their dorms. They had just spent those days joking with each other and goofing around, so it was a win-win.
Sometimes we stand on the top of a hill,
and we gaze at the earth and the sky.
I turn to you and you melt in my arms,
there we are, darling, only you and I.
They actually kept dating in high school, and even after they graduated. They were 20. As they started to work as sidekicks, they already became quite famous. (Y/N) was known to be a scary hero, because of how serious she looked while fighting. Moreover, her quirk was kind of intimidating, and many villains didn’t want to face her, already. But, when she was with Kirishima, she was the cutest person he had ever seen.
After their days of work, they liked to just lay on their couch or their bed, and cuddle for hours until it was time to eat. They would talk about their day, get each other a massage -since Kirishima had made that a tradition- and giggle together. Of course they were fighting sometimes, but it was really complicated to find a reason to be mad at the boy.
When they became pro heroes, they moved in only together -since they had moved in with Bakugou and Mina as well, after high school- and Kirishima had chosen an house with extra rooms. ‘’Why for ? You know I don’t want kids.’’ (Y/N) had said. But her boyfriend smiled at her. ‘‘No worries ! There’s an extra room for your artistic stuffs and one room in case we’re having a huge party and people have to sleep here !’’ Well, he was a party guy, so (Y/N) didn’t mind it. And they were getting paid very well, so they could afford a big house.
What a moment to share,
It's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
They were really young when they married, since they were 22/23. Actually, (Y/N) didn’t expect it at all. They were having dinner together -Kirishima was planning dates actually quite often- and once they were back home, Kirishima proposed. The former Bakusquad was at their house, throwing flowers and playing music so it would be a wonderful proposal. (Y/N) had laughed, agreeing without even thinking. They had started to date at 16, why would she say no ? It wasn’t early, whether they were young or not.
Their wedding ceremony was perfect, because it was exactly how (Y/N) had planned it. Kirishima had let her choose the song for their dance, and he had let her choose most of the decorations. ‘’I’m the one who proposed, so you’re the one who’s getting exactly what she wants. I’m happy with whatever makes you happy.’’ He had said, a bright smile on, showing his pointed teeth.
Many heroes were invited, including their former classmates and teachers. Kirishima had forgotten about this video he had taken of his future, and that’s why he didn’t talk about it to (Y/N). Sure, he had kept it for many years, but after they moved in together, he had other priorities than daydreaming about his future family.
The world is full of wondrous things it's true,
but they wouldn't have much meaning,
without you.
3 years after their wedding, things weren’t so well. They both almost couldn’t see each other, even though they were living in the same house, because of their jobs. They were both too busy about being in the top heroes, that they had forgotten to relax like they used to. And even if for them it was a routine they used to have, they both didn’t know it was this important to them.
They broke up for a few weeks. Yes, a few weeks only, maybe it wasn’t even for a month. Indeed, Mina had organized a party, and being almost as heartbroken as both Kirishima and (Y/N) after their breakup, she wanted to hook them up again. They hadn’t divorced, anyway. They both had laughed, talking about each other’s experiences with being single.
‘’I didn’t change the lock of our house.’’ (Y/N) had finally said. ‘’And I didn’t throw my keys.’’ Kirishima had answered. Yeah, they both knew that they weren’t going to divorce ; they just needed some time by themselves. They both didn’t try to meet someone else and didn’t plan to. But after they got back together, they promised each other that they wouldn’t put their spot in the hero ranking at the top of their priorities anymore.
Some quiet evening I sit by your side,
and we're lost in a world of our own.
I feel the glow of your unspoken love,
I'm aware of the treasure that I own.
They got back together like nothing had happened. They had been together for 10 years, it wasn’t their jobs that were going to tear them apart. They even got stronger, actually. Indeed, (Y/N) was brought into a huge fight, and came back home with a scar on her upper lip, that was expending a bit to her cheek. She had cried, so bad. But Kirishima found her even more beautiful. ‘’And now, we’re matching !’’ He had said, after he had tried to calm her down for a whole hour. But he had convinced her that she didn’t have to mind her scar. That was when Kirishima remembered about this vision of the future he had seen ; (Y/N) had a scar, yes. He didn’t want to tell her that neither, and he had even forgotten about it, too.
And in the same year, it came out as a surprise when (Y/N) turned out pregnant. ‘’I know you don’t like kids, but... We could give it a shot, I mean, I know I’ll be a good dad and you’ll be a good mom, and we’ve been together for so long, but I won’t force you, babe.’’ They talked for hours, but (Y/N) actually didn’t seem against the idea. ‘’I mean... I really want a mini Eijiro running around the house. Spiky baby teeth must look very cute.’’ And Kirishima had never been so happy -or maybe on his wedding day, though.
The first child was a boy. Yes, the first, because 2 years later, the second child was a girl. This one wasn’t planned neither, but they remembered how they both felt a bit lonely as children because they didn’t have any bother nor sister, so they decided to keep it as well. Both children turned out with black hair and spiky teeth.
And I say to myself,
it's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
And I say to myself,
it's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
And here they were, at 32, at (your fav ship)’s wedding. Kirishima looked at his family, as they were all dancing with the other guests and the newly married couple. He was imitating his son’s dance to make him laugh, while (Y/N) was dancing with their little girl. (S/N) was 6, and he had the same quirk as his dad. (D/N) was 4, and her quirk was brand new ; she had a mix of both her mom and dad’s quirks. Kirishima stared at his wife’s smile.
She didn’t want any child at the beginning, she didn’t even think of getting married someday. But here she was, enjoying the moment. She picked up their little girl, as she giggled in her mom’s arms. (Y/N) looked at her, a bright smile still on her face, and Kirishima was mirroring her expression.
Yes, it really was the scene he had seen when he asked for his future, in high school. And Kirishima couldn’t be more pleased ; he wasn’t the number one hero, but he was living what he used to daydream about all day long, in high school. And he couldn’t think of something more wonderful.
yeay, for once it’s a husband x wife and it’s not an angst lmao
I wanted to write that with shouta at first, but I wrote so many one shots of him already so I thought of kirishima, momo, shoto and even katsuki but I thought of kiri first after shouta so he won.
in case you wanna see the video :
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Torn • BNHA X OC • Chapter 8
Finally, a new chapter ^^ I'm so so happy to see that this book is gaining more reads oj my Wattpad each day, and your comments motivate me to write more! I'm overjoyed that you guys are enjoying the story just like I am and I hope that you'll continue to do so in the future :). Anywayyy, onto the chapter now, enjoy!
You can find the prologue for the story here, and on my masterlist you’ll find all of the chapter ^^
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Upon seeing my astounded expression, a mischievous smirk covered the stranger's face. For a moment, the both of us were silent, just looking at each other. I was at a loss for words and he just seemed to enjoy watching me being uncomfortable. My breath hitched in my throat as I tried calming down. His eyes were captivating to say the least. My eyes slowly scanned the rest of him, though it was dark there were a few things that stood out, immediately noticing the scars that covered majority of his body. What I assumed were staples were used to keep it all together, and I noticed he also had a few piercings. His hair was dark from what I could tell and he was taller than me.
This really caught me off guard. I definitely did not expect our paths to cross again.
"I see you do recognise me, don't you sweetheart?" The nickname caught me by surprise, which I tried to hide by looking away, but to no avail. He wasn't even trying to help, since it seemed that my flustered state was very amusing to him.
"Is this how you thank your saviour? I'm really hurt, princess." He said as he faked sadness and placed a hand on his chest, which I couldn't help but giggle at involuntarily.
"Ah, you're not mute. I knew it." he chuckled softly.
"Hey! I'm just... a little shy, that's all." I said as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"I see." and then it was silent again.
"Uhm," I finally spoke up again. "thank you. For earlier, I mean. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't save me."
"Princess, are you really thanking a villain?" He sighed. "I just did what anyone else would've done. Those bastards are all talk. They think they're cool until a real villain shows up." I slightly tilted my head. a real villain..? That was interesting of him to say. What was a real villain to him?
Hold on, Janie. why were you even curious about this? He's just some stranger that you happened to recognise, that was all.
"Anyway, you should probably go home now, cupcake. These places aren't exactly fit for people like you." I narrowed my eyes at that second sentence. What exactly did he mean by that?
"People like me?"
"Oh come on, doll. You know exactly what I mean, you just don't want to admit that to yourself." I couldn't help but pout. Maybe I did know, but I was just hoping that I was still wrong for some reason.
"Hey, I'm not as weak as you think I am." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh, pardon me." He began, eyes slightly wide and his tone higher. "The oh-so-precious Janie Kotu is of course the most powerful, with her parents being the most notorious villains at the moment. She will definitely become just like them too." He faked a bow and looked at me from below his lashes. "My sincere apologies, milady."
"Look, I know I may seem a bit spoiled, but that doesn't mean that I'm incapable of doing anything."
"You might have strength, but do you even want to become like them? Does your power matter at all if you're not even passionate about what you do?" How did he know that?... Wait, no. For all I knew he could just be bluffing, right?
"I know that right now your heart lies somewhere else. But why? Are those heroes really any better than us? They're all stupid fakes."
"No, that's not true." I protested. "All might is-"
"Ah, yes, All Might." He interrupted "The only one who actually cares. But he's retired as of right now, hasn't he? He can pretend all he wants, but he's not as strong as he used to be."
"Okay, hold on, why are you even saying all of this?" Where did all of that come from? He barely knew me, so why was he just starting to tell me all this? "You don't know me! You may know my name, but I don't even know yours."
"Oh, my sincere apologies princess." He said in a 'sincere' tone and made a fake deep bow again. "The name is Dabi." His tone was lower again, which sent shivers down my spine for some reason.
"Look princess, you just... how do I say this," he thought for a little before looking back at me again. "you just spark my interest, that's all." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "A villain in making who also wants to attend UA at the same time? Sounds pretty interesting if you ask me." upon hearing this a gasp left my mouth as my eyes widened. How did he know? If he knew, who else saw me too that day?
The stranger chuckled, clearly noticing my shocked reaction. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not planning on telling anyone." He stopped and leaned down towards me, making me back up slightly. "What I will do though, is tell you that you're making a huge mistake. That oh-so-perfect little world of heroes that you dream of... In reality, it's no better than this here." I scoffed as I crossed my arms, not losing eye contact with him.
"How would you even know that?" He was just bluffing, right?
"I have my ways, doll." He chuckled. "But, you know, I'm not forcing you not to go or anything of course." I frowned and eyed him suspiciously.
"After all, I think it will be quite amusing to say the least, watching you realise all of what I said yourself. You might even regret not listening to me."
"I really don't get you... Can we just go? Please?" I sighed, tired of his rambling that I wasn't in the mood for.
"Alright, sweetheart. Where do you live?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he really think I was going to tell him my address?
"Oh, you do have some common sense I see. Good, because your knight in shining armor won't be there for you every time."
"Can you just walk with me until we get to that cat café that's not too far from here?" I said, not reacting to his comment. He chuckled and hummed in agreement before we started walking.
To my surprise, the walk was actually silent and peaceful. Dabi didn't really speak, and I wasn't in the mood of speak. Realisation of how dangerous the previous situation could've been had hit me and all I wanted to do was go home right now.
Dabi probably had sensed my discomfort, because when we got to the café he didn't make a witty remark or use a cheesy pet name on me.
"Alright, Janie. I'll go my own way from here now." For some reason, I didn't like the way he spoke. No, it wasn't because I liked his witty remarks and cheesy nicknames, I just wasn't used to it. Wait Janie, what even was there to get used to to begin with? I barely knew him.
"Okay." Was all I said to him. But there was a part of me that longed to see him again. I wanted to keep in touch with him, I wanted to know more about him. How did he know I took part in UA's entrance exam? How could he read me that easily? So far nobody had really figured that this wasn't what I wanted...
Dabi nodded, sent me a tiny smile before turning around to leave. I turned around as well, going my own way but it still feeling wrong. I stopped dead in my tracks and bit my lip. My goodness, what was wrong with me?
I turned back around, only to see that Dabi was still walking. A quiet sigh escaped my mouth. Why was I hoping that he would turn back around? Why was my heart pounding right now?
No Janie, you just weren't used to this. You didn't have friends, you weren't used to guys paying attention to you. This was just like the entrance exam, nothing to worry about. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts before turning back around to walk back home. I wasn't going to look back anymore. That was nothing. I didn't feel anything.
Once I got home, I immediately went to my room, not being in the mood to talk to anyone. Not that my family was that talkative towards me anyway.
I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Flashbacks of today came to mind, causing me to shiver for a moment. Was I going to tell my parents about this? No, they and my brothers would laugh at me...
Then Dabi crossed my mind. Dabi... Wait, why was I thinking about him? He saved me and was just an interesting person, that was all. nothing else. We happened to see each other twice, but I would probably never ever see him again. Obviously I didn't mind that.
Janie, how naive you were.... I had no idea what the universe had in store from me from that day on. it's all his fault. because of him you are in this situation right now, years later...
A few days later, I almost had a heart attack when I checked the mail and saw a letter for me from UA. I didn't think I'd get the results back so quickly! Wait, what if my parents or brothers saw it? No no, they would have told me probably. I wasn't dead yet, so they obviously hadn't seen the letter, right?
In my panicked state I nonchalantly hid it in my bra to be sure that nobody would see it. I put the rest of the letters we received together in a neat pile and calmly went to my room.
As I made my way to my bedroom, my heart was racing. Was I accepted? Was I not? What class would I be in? What would I even do if I was accepted? Was I really going to try living a double life? For how long was that even going to work? What if anyone found out? No wait. I didn't even know if I was accepted into the school at all, so I was not going to worry about other things until I had read the letter.
I entered my room and made sure to close the door before walking to my desk and sitting on my chair. While taking the letter out of my bra it was only then that I realised how strange that was. I couldn't help but giggle at myself as I shook my head.Luckily, nobody had seen that happening.
I looked back at the letter and took a deep breath. I had no idea what my score was at the end of the practical part of the entrance exam, so I really couldn't estimate what class I'd be in if I was accepted at all. I wanted to open it right now, but part of me was also terrified of both of the possible outcomes.
No, Janie, you had to get over that and just do it. Without thinking my hand made its way to the letter to open it, and I gasped when I saw a hologram appear. Woah, it was Present Mic! I didn't know that much about the pro hero, but I was aware that he was strong, and also very, very energetic, which I honestly liked.
"Hellooooo there! My name is Present Mic, I'm a pro hero and a teacher at UA High! I am here to inform you about your results of the entrance exam." My heart was pounding and I could feel my hands becoming clammy. I gulped and bit my lip as my eyes stayed focused on the pro.
"Now, Janie Kagura, on your theoretical exam you did exceptionally well!! So cool!! Your results were in the top 30!" Upon hearing this my jaw almost dropped to the basement of our house as my eyes grew the size of dinner plates. Top 30????? How?
"However, when we take a look at your results of the practical exam," his tone caused slight worry. I'm guessing I didn't do as well on this part as on the theoretical exam. "your score appears to be quite low..." unconsciously, my lips formed into a small pout as I could feel my heart sink to my stomach.
"But!!!!" he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm as a big smile appeared on his face again. "The other teachers and I all agreed that you definitely have some potential there. and it wouldn't be right of UA to let that talent go, right?" I gasped as I stood up from my chair, my hands covering my mouth. Was he trying to say what I thought he was trying to say?...
"So, Janie Kagura, I can happily tell you that you have been accepted into UA High!" A happy squeal left my mouth as I started jumping up and down. Me? Accepted? Really? Oh my goodness, was I dreaming? I quickly pinched myself, giggling giddily when I realized this was actually happening and it wasn't just some silly dream in my head.
"While you weren't accepted in class A or B, you were accepted in class C, which is totally awesome already!" The goofy smile on my face was still apparent. Yes, being in class 1-A would be a dream, but I was already happy that I got into this school with such a low acceptance rate.
"And remember, there are more ways to still get into the Hero Course! UA would never waste any potential!"
"Now, there are a few things that still need to be settled. First of all, the dorms for the new students haven't been finished just yet. There are a few problems that we need to take care of first. But when they're done...." I zoned out at this point as my eyes widened. I completely forgot that UA had dorms... Oh my, I was so screwed... Was there any way for me to be able to cover this up without it looking suspicious? Think Janie, think, I thought to myself as I grew more and more frustrated by the second. I was so dumb for not considering these things before, why did I only have to realize it now?
Okay wait, I still had time. The dorms weren't finished yet, which meant it would take a while until those were finished. I still had time...
"In the rest of the letter you can read the practical and boring information. We can't wait to see you at UA High, Janie Kagura!!" and just as fast as it appeared, the hologram disappeared. I was still astounded, did I really get into UA? Such an amazing school with an extremely low acceptance rate? I got in?
I wondered if those two guys were accepted too... They seemed nice and I would like to be friends with them if i were honest. They were different, but interesting people nonetheless.
Wait, Present Mic had said that there was more information in the letter, which meant it was probably a good idea to read that letter. I sat down on my desk chair again and grabbed the letter. It basically said on Monday most things would be done, like getting our measurements for our uniforms and suits. Our suits... I was going to get a hero suit? Oh my goodness, that felt so surreal. I, Janie Kotu, who was born to be a villain, actually had the opportunity to change my fate. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. While I was overjoyed right now, I also did not want to expect too much, as I knew anything could happen that could stop me from following my dream.
Apart from what I just mentioned, the letter also talked about getting the keys to our lockers as well as the fact that we would find out who our homeroom teacher was when we got to the school. All of this would happen next week, and the week after that the lessons would start. I'd also receive my timetable next week. I really hoped there was at least some time between this and the villain school...
Wait, but on Wednesday I was going to go to my parents' work. Crap, what if I had to go to UA that day? If I told them I had to go to school, they'd be able to make sure I had a day off, which was easy considering the influence they had. So yeah, that wasn't going to work of course. Pretending to be sick was also not an option, as my mother would probably get overprotective and end up staying home with me. That or my father would manage to convince to leave me alone at home, which was possible since my dad was rough to say the least so he'd obviously think I was exaggerating. But still, it was risky.
I shook my head to get out of my thoughts. I had no idea on what days I had to come, I knew I had to go on Monday but that was it. Worrying over something that wasn't even confirmed was completely irrational, I knew that. Yet I just couldn't help but feel anxious about this. It wasn't an everyday thing to lie about the school that you were attending and barely anyone knowing about it.
A soft sigh escaped my mouth. I hated the fact that things had to be like this. Yes, I was the one who did all of this stuff secretly, but if only my parents were more accepting, if only they weren't the most notorious villains at the moment... Things would be completely different if that was the case.
Suddenly a completely different thought crossed my mind. I didn't even have a design for a hero suit! Quickly I grabbed a pencil and a few pieces of paper. While I was no art mastermind, I was able to draw a simple person with proportions that were kind of okay? And that didn't matter too much, since they probably mostly cared about the clothing itself.
But how was I just going to design something just like that? I had exactly zero experience with fashion design... Maybe I could try using everyday outfits in a way? And I'd just add a few colours that I loved. Ah, I was sure that all of these heroes in training had been dreaming of what their suit would look like since they were little, if only things were that easy for me... Yes, I had always secretly wanted to save people instead of harming them, but I never even thought it was possible so I never let myself dream, as it would only bring pain.
I just decided to draw whatever, and hopefully something nice would come out of it. I drew outfits I wore often, outfits that I had seen in magazines before and would like to wear, dresses that I would love to wear but were way too extra so I wouldn't wear them anywhere..
My heart stopped when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly hid my UA letter and right after that my mother opened the door.
"Hey sweetie!" she said, her tone high-pitched as usual. "Dinner is almost ready! Oh, what are you doing?" she asked and I could feel my heartbeat spead up. Without waiting for an answer, she entered the room and looked at the drawings.
"Oh, you're designing a villain suit! How lovely!" she exclaimed excitedly as she examined every drawing. "When I got my first villain suit I was so excited! Your grandparents actually chose it and designed it for me, so it was a total surprise." she was quiet for a moment, blankly staring at the drawings before something seemed to cross her mind. She gasped in excitement and looked back at me.
"Your dad and I will do the same for you! You'll get to wear it on Wednesday!" a small frown appeared on my face. Wednesday was only a few days away.
"But that's in a few days already, mother." I said, causing her to chuckle softly
"Oh honey, don't worry about the time! Your dad and I will take care of it." she answered with a bright smile, which honestly raised my concerns even more. But I knew my mother and I was aware that nobody would stop her nor my dad even if they tried their best.
"Now, let's go downstairs, your brothers are waiting already and your dad will be here soon!" I nodded and got up. Once I entered the dining room, the loud laughter and voices from my brothers died down. I decided to act as if I didn't notice it and sat down at my usual spot.
Not too long after my mother and I had sat down, my father also entered the house. I couldn't help but flinch when I saw him, as there was some blood on his clothes. Yet everyone else acted as if there was nothing morally wrong with this. Knowing that getting mad would not get me anywhere, I made the decision to remain silent and just quietly started eating.
"So, how was work today, dad?" Malo asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked at my father with a smirk. Chobu jumped up, almost spilling his glass of water in the process.
"Yeah! Tell us about it, dad!" he exclaimed, and Emry just nodded in agreement. I knew that my father wasn't going to give the details, as Chobu and Emry were still young, but the story was still going to be clear and I hated the fact that my father spoke so prideful of his actions. And the fact that everyone else in the house supported it just stung me even more.
As my father told about whatever he did today, I tried to focus on something else, because I really had no intention of losing my appetite today. For a while I was just eating my meal, not really thinking at all. That was until my father said my name. I hummed and lifted my head only to see everyone staring at me. I made eye contact with my father, whose icy stare almost dug holes in me.
"You know, stories like this are important to hear, Janie. You especially should be listening as you are the one who will follow in your mother and I's footsteps." the urge to roll my eyes and tell him to piss off was major, but I was aware that it wouldn't help and, well, I never really said stuff like that.
So... I just nodded in agreement.
"Aw, honey, Janie meant no harm! I'm sure she has a lot on her mind today." my mother said. "Oh! you know what I saw Janie doing today?" she asked, an excited smile playing on her lips. She seemed a little too excited in my opinion....
"She was designing her villain suit!" and I could swear this was one of the rare moments where I saw pride in Malo's eyes. It was so weird, one time he was happy and excited for me, but other times his personality made a whole turn. Like when we went to school together he seemed happier than ever, but then at other times it was as if he barely cared. I couldn't even figure out my own brother... Part of me thought that maybe the times he tried being nice were just his ways of trying to get on my good side so he could have a lot of power in the future. And maybe sometimes that facade would crack, because of his ill intentions.
"Oh, Takeshi, remember when I did that too? When we met I was wearing my first villain suit!" she smiled as she clasped her hands together in excitement. "We can get one done for Janie by Wednesday, right darling?" My mother asked my dad, who nodded. He seemed to be more at ease because of what my mother had mentioned.
"How about you and Malo get matching ones? You two will obviously be fighting together!" I could see stars coming out of Malo's eyes as my mother said this. "I'm sure you two can also bond more when fighting."
"And it's good for you two to gain more popularity." my father added. While yes, from their viewpoint it was a smart move, what worried me was the fact that if Malo and I would join our parents in missions, it meant that my face was exposed to the world. UA was definitely going to figure out who I was...
"But maybe we should keep their identities kind of hidden for the heroes." my father then said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "We don't want them to get arrested already or for the police to already." I was about to jump out of my chair at that remark.
"Hm, I'm sure a mask will be okay. I'll let the designers know!" my mother replied. "Malo, Janie, any preferences you have for the suit? It still needs to gain attention of course so it must be something eye catching!" Malo opened his mouth to say something when my mother stopped him.
"Oh wait! How about you two think about it together after dinner and then let us know? I'm sure you both have wonderful ideas!" Yeah, lovely.... Sounded great... But I knew I didn't have much of a choice so I agreed. I saw a naughty smirk on Malo's lips which told me he was up to no good. Oh, boy...
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