#you wouldn't 3d print a person
mwolf0epsilon · 13 days
How is it the clone beans eat?
With their little mouths of course! (which are not visible in the sculpts because I didn't want to overly deform the faces, I intend to one day 3D print them after all)
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Granted the Trooper Beans being a manifestation of the clones's personality and emotions don't really NEED to eat... But it's a very enjoyable activity that they take pleasure in partaking in! Especially if they have access to their particular trooper's favourite snacks.
There is the occasional mishap, however...
Not every good little Trooper Bean resorts to nibbling like a polite little hamster. Some like Dogma Bean, for example, serve as emotional outlets for their troopers... So they tend to have very little self-control and over-indulge in things they enjoy doing with no real regard for the consequences of, say, swallowing an entire cheese bun?
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Thankfully Trooper Beans that are tied to medics have enough sense to take the welfare of their fellow Beans just as seriously as the medical officers they manifested from.
Swallowing stuff whole isn't the only questionable method of eating, however. There are some Beans that prefer a more unconventional approach...
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If I were any of you, I wouldn't dare stick my fingers anywhere close Cody Bean. He's especially fond of the Goblin Shark method...
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betterbemeta · 3 months
I think something interesting about the star trek world is its combination of both replicator and holodeck technology. I understand these are literal 'plot devices' to explain the availability of food, materials, and the ability to visit locations for sci-fi premises that can't be found on an alien planet. However, they are worth thinking about in terms of how they change the world.
(Let's assume 'ideal' circumstances where we have a stable renewable non-polluting source of lots and lots of energy and aren't rationing it like on Voyager or something)
Replicators can use energy and raw materials to configure items, and presumably dis-configure items. While the potential for '3D printing' basically anything so long as its materials aren't too rare is really cool, it is also a near-perfect recycling machine. Beyond making sure your replicated dishes and cups don't infinitely pile up, that's SO IMPORTANT. Not only does that mean many items are 'temporary' that otherwise would be 'forever', you can instantly refresh the wear on many items without having to replace them and generate trash.
For example, tennis balls. It's currently really hard to recycle tennis balls, and serious players wear them out extremely quickly. Every serve you make after the first will be with a slightly worn, degraded tennis ball until you replace it, which generates trash. The production facilities to make all those tennis balls have to exist, they have to be shipped, the space to store them exists, the space to store their waste exists, the waste must be transported to a tennis ball recycling facility or a landfill...
but with replicators, you could play tennis without owning/paying a club to access a single tennis ball, without wasting a tennis ball.
And then there's the possibility of holodeck sports where you don't even need to make ANY material items. You could program the tennis ball to never run out. As long as you have the power to run it, maybe the most you'd need to 'own' is a tennis outfit. I am not sure if it's consistent that holodecks can 'dress you' or if you always must bring in costumes from the outside. And the costume itself could be replicated and then recycled!
There's a vast amount of stuff that we retain as personal property that just has to do with accessing activities or amenities. It's not really property that has emotional significance to us, but we still have attachments to it as its a facilitator of our active identity. Our dishes and cookware. Sports equipment. Certain kinds of clothing items. Some types of personal care items. Non-heirloom/generic holiday decorations. Stuff that is usually sacrificed first when we become homeless, when losing access to what they enable is more devastating than the items themselves.
If we could basically conjure and dismiss these things at-will, or access them on a temporary basis for free, we wouldn't need to own them or keep them around in our homes. No supply chain would be dedicated to them. Their waste would be completely eliminated. Ideas of 'what stuff I need to have as a person, to have a dignified life' would change completely.
It wouldn't surprise me if there were people in the star trek universe running around on earth with basically nothing we consider permanent physical property. Not because they're homeless and have no place to put them, and not because they're rich and their assets are liquid-- because the only reason to 'keep' mundane items, even something as complex as a communication device or computer, might be because they are emotionally important to you. And not everybody has 'stuff' like that at every time in their lives.
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hackedmotionsensors · 1 month
i didn't reblog the post but I do agree that the terminology for zines has gotten completely twisted.
ON THE OTHER HAND I don't think that selling them for say 20$ (which is what i sell my sketchbooks for) is unreasonable or unfair to still call a zine. I need to cover my costs of printing and the time I put into putting them together. yeah I can TECHNICALLY get a printer and print them myself but with the cost of printer ink and the lack of space its easier for me to just pay for someone to do it professionally but I'm also NOT making them at like....the HIGHEST QUALITY, LIBRARY BOUND, HARD COVER, IT COMES WITH A THOUSAND DOO DADS AND GIFTS. its just sketchbooks ofpreviously existing doodles and a few new sketches or sketches that I had before and colored in. Its essentially like selling a full print but in carryable size with some notes from me.
Its a zine but I call it a sketchbook because the idea of zines has changed for a lot of consumers. Thats not their fault bc those zines or anthologies DID start out in the "lets make a big ol book together because we are all horny for Reigen" kind of thing. A lot of times they're projects made from passion. I HAVE noticed that there's been a turn in the whole process of making them that both stresses out artists, requires kickstarters, and all sorts of shit that should be considered Artbooks. ARTBOOKS have always been on the higher end of things. There's nothing wrong with considering an anthology thats proper bound, and for a certain amount on a kickstarter you get extra things like stickers, charms, whatever.
But zines SHOULD go back to being simple little things. The cost to buy them shouldn't be lost UNLESS the artist wants it to be. If you print at home or using a schools printer and just print a bunch of cute little zines yourself then that should also exist and you can set your price point for whatever you want.
Its all semantics and personal preference at the end of the day but I do think that...yknow it wouldn't hurt if we could start calling the big project 50$ range books that often get run into the ground from bad leadership (or fun stuff like the organizer of the thing runs off with the money to play genshin) ...something other than zine. Like Artbook or Anthology. Or even Collection lol
Zine should be a small thing that you collect for fun and doesn't require a committee, a new discord channel, and a contract to make sure your organizer doesn't run off to play gacha (I'm sorry it still makes me laugh)
ALSO another thing about zines is that often times they were originally made to be alternatives to really closed minded book sellers. Like...its where a lot of the OG star trek fanfic/porn came from. Its a place to have your ideas put down. To explore narratives. Essentially Doujinshi can also be considered A TYPE of zine in that it literally means self published (not NECCESSARILY that its...yknow...bl or waifu porn lol Sometimes its just manga that artists put out before they can get published)
But lately there are a lot of zine projects (again...more actually like anthologies or art collections) that are REALLY REALLY closed minded even when the subject is SHIPPING.
So even the nature of CREATING the zines has changed a lot.
So yeah I agree with that post that I forgot to reblog. My only REAL gripe is that it doesn't mean that you should undercharge your work because you didn't print your zine at home or hand craft it like a youtube diy video. I did enough of that at art school I am not gonna bind a book or try to cut pages ever again if i don't have to lmao. CSP even has a zine preview so I can see the pages in 3d as if they were bound before printing lol
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redraw of one of my old ocs:
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This is Loop de Loop, otherwise known as Loop Doop or just Loop to kids! (She doesn’t like her name much, but it’s what the company branded her as and she can’t exactly change it.)
Some facts:
Her hands are not attached to her body, they’re more 3d holograms you can feel (don’t ask me how it works, I dunno either). it does take some conscious effort to have them out, so she doesn’t usually unless she’s with someone or needs to convey something. If you grab her hands, though, she can feel it and it does have a similar effect as pulling a real connected hand: if you’re strong enough, you can drag her along with it. (And yes, she has four fingers and they're never properly drawn, I'm sorry I can't draw real hands...)
She doesn’t have a voicebox. She communicates with sounds and holographs (you’ll see what I mean if/when I post comics of her).
She used to belong to a different company before being sold into FazCo in some merger between the companies. (which comes in later, hehe…)
She was originally built with an outgoing, extroverted personality, but it developed into something more meek and quiet.
Her 'cheeks' get bigger or smaller depending on her emotions.
She doesn’t usually hang out with the main star animatronics because they treat her less then well. She prefers speaking with the mapbots, staffbots and wet floor bots, or the DJ if she has the chance. Because of her affiliation with the staffbots, it leads a lot of members of staff and guests to believe she is one, and they treat her as such often.
She is a bit of a people-pleaser, and feels there's something wrong with her when she gets told off for not 'wiping the floors and doing her @$#% job'.
She cannot curse, by the way, it carries into her holographs as signs, sorta like the smurf comics. She doesn't like cursing much anyways, so it's not something that usually happens.
When kids come up to her on occasion (because she is sort of a performer), she'll ask them for their autograph on a picture with them, then print two. One for the kid, and one for her personal collection. She remembers every kid she's ever talked to before.
Her charging port is in the 2nd lil ball on the left side of her head.
The balls aren't anything special, just some soft, styrofoam-like material for kids to enjoy.
She doesn't interact with other animatronics, as said be but is occasionally forced to by Bloo (I'll post his redraw when I finish it) and puts up with it. On that note:
- She doesn't like Monty or Roxanne very much, but she does interact with Monty more. Although most wouldn't call 'grabbing your younger brother to keep him away from the big scary bot he sees as an idol' an interaction. Roxanne has insulted Bloo though, so she stays away from her (and makes sure Bloo stays away as well).
- She's never actually met Freddy before, but she hears that he's nice from the Wet Floor bots. She personally doesn't want to meet him, either, assuming he's just like Monty and Roxy but worse because he's the face of the company.
She's only ever seen the pictures of Bonnie-the merger was somewhat recent, so he was gone by the time they arrived.
She's seen Chica around, but...Chica means well, but she treats Loup Doop more like a kid than like an equal.
- She loves the DJ. They're best buddies in her eyes. They'll do remixes together, she'll ride on his back, babysit the minis, anything.
-She...doesn't really know what to think of the Daycare Attendant. The yellow one seems okay, just a bit too loud for her liking. The dark one, on the other hand...she's heard the stories from the STAFFbots and decides to steer clear of him if she can.
-Unfortunately, she can't stay as far away as she'd like cuz her brother in bolts has to look up to the strangest role models.
She actually meets them before Bloo does.
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2023 in (bookbinding) travel
so i've been procrastinating big time since i got back from the US because i was jetlagged for something like 2 and a half weeks and was going to bed at 9pm, and then promptly caught COVID so i've been a bit MIA from bookbinding for a while. am shaking off the last dregs of it as we speak; am thankfully feeling much better.
i had the privilege of being able to attend comic con in san diego this year, and took great advantage of the fact that the usual transit spot is LA - i promptly hit up the California chapter of Renegade Bindery sometime last year and was like please please can i visit and thankfully they said yes!!!
this was one of two meetups for the US - i had the great privilege of meeting some other cali and non-cali members who were attending comic con - no photos but i did do a surprise book trade with @rhipidurafan of @fantailpress, which brought about the apocalypse great hilarity of the catfish calamity book trade.
guys... there are 11 million works on AO3, of which 70K of them are in MDZS. it should be statistically fucking impossible that we would both decide 'oh hey, this seems like a cool fic to bind as a surprise'. AND YET. AND YET! the gloriousness of the accidental acquisition of the same fic bookbind. WE BOUND THE SAME FUCKING FIC.
i think we laughed ourselves silly for something like 20 minutes straight. the lesson in a two way trade is to make sure there is a third person who knows exactly what the fuck is being bound to prevent things like this from happening in the future.
ALSO RHI'S COPY IS FUCKING GORGEOUS and i have spent many moments stroking it. ITS ROUNDED AND BACKED AND THE ENDBANDS! très magnifique, i can't even.
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on coming back from san diego, i had the opportunity to hit up the LA chapter and GODDAMN, i had such a good time screaming about their lovely books and their lovely selves. i was also so kindly gifted pins, engraved and 3D printed tools, crepaldi paper and handmade stickers - THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS - YOU ARE SO AMAZING. some of the members came specially to meet me from hours away and i am so fucking touched, y'all.
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the next day i also had the pleasure of being brought around the area where i was staying to have brunch and do a little bookbinder shopping and it was great.
i had such a lovely time meeting each and every one of them, my god. i didn't have the best time at comic con, which was very tiring and transport around LA was challenging as fuck without a car, but getting to meet renegade members was really, really fucking worth it and the best part of my trip, hands down.
again - this probably would never have been possible if i hadn't gone on my first Renegade meet up in March where i met the esteemed @celestial-sphere-press in Japan who brought me to eat excellent ochazuke and to explore the queer nightlife and didn't turn out to be a catfish (EHEHE) so really, i owe it all to des for helping me instill some confidence in my family that i wouldn't be kidnapped and murdered while meeting strangers on the internet.
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anyway future travel plans potentially may include ??? GREECE WITH RENEGADE??? i am EXCITED and AM THRILLED AND CANNOT WAIT.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Hey friend! sorry if ill be ask spamming your blog but I recently fell in love with your universe and I feel like we were born under the same star. But wit that out of the way... here it goes
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Some new strange phenomena have been sweeping the clergy
The Admin is popular with regular clients! Some have even tried to request some personal services. Admin has had enough! She's also sick of trying to act kind while she refuses the clients.
She had an idea though! She could take advantage of her recent popularity and gain the Clergy an extra buck or two. With the help of Patches, the admin released a life-like chibi doll to sell to customers for a limited time only! The price might be a little high, but plenty of customers are still willing to buy. (Is this OOC? Maybe, but I had so much fun with the idea so roll with it please)
I also thought it would be funny if the plushie had a little butt when you removed her dress, like this. With the adorable stiched eye staring at them, the staff couldn't resist! But what exactly do the staff do with their admin doll? (descriptions and NSFW welcome)
[I wasn't born under a star, I'm pretty sure some forest fiend thing laid an egg on my mom's doorstep and she just rolled with it. :)) That's a cute interpretation of her btw.]
I like the idea of a little merch line being started, though it decidedly has to be a little OOC, because Krulu probably wouldn't agree with such childish depictions of his host. Symbolism and imagery are important to siadar, an offensive or disrespectful (even if unintentionally so) illustration can register as an attack.
Some of the staff would be normal about this, emphasis on would be, if the doll didn't somehow smell like you. How did Patches achieve this? Irrelevant, the bigger question is why the pervert thought that would be a good idea...
Morell is decidedly less creepy about it. He'd keep the doll in one of his pockets or his scarf, giving it a squeeze every now and then. You might catch him cooing to it on occasion. If anyone catches him doing this, the shroom will die of shame.
Gallon actually keeps the doll on one of the higher shelves of his bar, maybe the glass rack that hangs from the ceiling. That way, almost no one can reach it. He feels like you're watching over him while he works.
Patches feels mildly gross about it, but he'll hold the doll up to his face when he's trying to get off while thinking of you. It's just comforting, he can almost pretend you're around him, holding him maybe. Hey, at least the doll stays clean.
Vinnel is customizing it. That's his thing. He's going to make a little jester suit for it, and get a little nose, maybe paint her face. It'll be the cutest one by far. Of course, he'll show it to you in hopes that maybe you'd enjoy actually dressing that way.
Santi (I'm sorry, I can only think of this lmao.)
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Grimbly would love it if there was a pinker version, but beggars can't be choosers, right? He's going to hold mini you to his chest when he comes home from long shifts, get in his plush nest and rant about how the day sucked and you should be dating him by now.
No one knows Nebul has one until they see him running after Purpur, who is constantly stealing Admin dolly away to play with. It's kept in an elegant glass case nowadays, spotless.
Belo loves it to pieces, it's probably full of his fur. He keeps it in his room and nuzzles it whenever he can. The angel once was depraved enough to jerk off over it, immediately washed it and didn't touch the doll for a week in total mortification.
Fank-e is not thwarted by the price. He can buy one and find a way to ship himself like 100 3D prints! Hah, checkmate bitch. His doll is covered in stickers and weird stains. It feels mildly radioactive.
Sybastian's poor doll is drooled to not end. It smells like you, so he can't help licking it, which in turn becomes a masturbatory motion because mimic tongues are highly sensitive. So, in the end, you're likely to see him jerking off with the plush in his mouth.
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meanae · 11 months
Heya! You seem like the main authority on bjd I know of, so I figured you might be the person to ask...
Does anyone in the community have any good resources for making/sculpting your own doll? I've had a specific dragon in my mind for years now, but (dragons not being popular for some reason and the main makers having all but vanished), there aren't many places to look. None of the offered models were quite what I wanted, either—mine wasn't a feral dragon, quite, but not as on the humanoid side as most dragon anthros are. So I figured I'd try making one, though I have little idea where to start on that. I know a bit of 3d modeling, but not actual sculpting with my hands, so is casting off a good printed model a thing? Are there any resources for what kind of joints would be needed, especially when working with a non-human doll like a dragon tail or wings? She's been a beloved oc for years now, so I wanted her doll to BE her and not a repaint of anything else, but usually my work sticks to digital media so I'm a little lost porting her to a physical object, lol
Anyway, hope you have an awesome day! Your collection of dolls is gorgeous and I love the work you've done on the customs you've shared here
Hey there! these are a lot of questions, lets see where to start... First off - don't (ever) let the hobby intimidate you into not doing what you want to do. Making your own doll is a huge task with a steep learning curve, especially when it comes to joints. As for resources in general, I unfortunately don't have any links at hand. There's the BJD Sculptors group on facebook, and I know that there are a few videos on youtube from doll people on how to make joints in blender and similar programs.
Casting from a 3D print is a thing, yes! You'll have to print, sand and prime the doll beforehand though, or go through a caster who does that for you (like FantasyDoll!). If you plan to make the doll only for yourself though, I wouldn't bother with casting; 3D printed dolls are a thing, as Frapzilla proved (or Eve the cat studio, or Elleodolls..).
There is no 'you need this joint' guide on 4-(or more) legged dolls. Most, if not all joints are basically a sphere in a concave space; it really depends on the design and the kind of movement you want that determines the final shape. Maybe take a look at Dreamvalleys Dragons?
I absolutely recommend sketching out the full doll first to get a feel for proportions before diving into sculpting/jointing. Otherwise you'll have to adjust things later on, and while that's not that annoying in 3D, it's an absolute pain with real sculpting... speaking from experience here x.x I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions :)
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hidden-among-stars · 4 months
Buying a set of wearable claws would fix me I think
ok but for real i desperately need a set of claws lmao my lack of claws is one of the worst points of dysphoria I have that I could actually do something about and i had a set that i had ordered that looked really good and were super cheap but then it turned out the guy who sold them is like the most transphobic mf dude ever and also like a literal n*zi???? anyways apparently some people in the furry fandom hacked his computer about it and deleted all of the 3d printing files for his products off of it literally a day before i bought the claws or something lmfao. which like. honestly thank you to them, dodged a bullet there. got a refund and everything, glad i didn't end up supporting that guy (though it still makes me nervous af that he has my name and address - also, don't worry, right now this person isn't selling anything and it looks like they don't plan to start up again any time soon - and if you already bought from them it's ok, you didn't know, just like I didn't know when I initially made the purchase. if they do pop up again though their etsy is/was xyzcostume). but like. anyways. i need some claws. and the best equivalent i can find is A. from a f*tish shop which like... ok whatever but also feels weird to buy them from a f*tish shop as someone who isn't using them for that purpose. and B. like over $100 for a full set of ten. cries.
Anyways if anyone knows of a good place to get wearable claws from that wouldn't cost me like over $100 for a whole set please do link them to me
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Impromptu Event Look: Uncharacteristically Subtle Sound Pillar Homage
Ufotable's "Total Concentration" gallery has been traveling around and so have I, so the time it has spent in the city closest to where I live almost fully overlapped the time I was out of the country. But not totally! Instead of returning home last night, I crashed in Osaka so I can attend on the second to last day! Whoohoo, jet lag and carry-ons!
That being said, I usually do some subtle character homage when I go to KnY events, but since I wouldn't be able to go home to my collection first, I thought I wouldn't be able to do something this time. However!! My friends back home are supportive of my fangirl ways, and I acquired a few items!
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This is my first piece of Muki Muki Nezumi merch, as I just haven't found the stuff I've seen so far very cute. Since tgis gallery focuses on the Mugen Ressha and Yuukaku arcs there will be more Muki Muki merch today, but I want to see it in person to decide if I like it or not.
As for the tag below it, another friend surprised me by printing out a panel of my own art and I love it, it looks so good in 3D.
So receiving these two gifts made me make up my mind to do a very unflamboyant Uzui homage with nail polish borrowed a few days ago (which I have just enough time to wash off before going back to work), and only as much make-up as fits in this little bag:
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Thank you, Nezuko. Reminds me that on my air travel back I saw two adult passengers in Nezuko sweatshirts (and one had the ribbon as a hairclip) and a child with a Nezuko plush. Aaah, it's good to see otaku traveling again.
So anyway, added a flamboyant pair of su glasses and earrings which were also acquired while traveling and tada~
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I was going to put my hair up in a tight ponytail like Uzui's but I have flamboyantly voluminous bedhead, so okay.
Wait, these sunglasses seem like they could be Daki's taste and my hair is acting like Gyutato's... okay! They get to be part of today's impromptu theme too! Now off to the gallery! And then home after that, and very soon back to work with jet lag! Such is the fangirl life!
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Still waiting for my timed entry, but I am inwardly squealing as I see everybody else's chosen accessories and hear "UMAI" ringing from the gallery space. It seems there will be places to pose inside so it's a shame I'm alone today but maybe I can ask other people. I am a dork and enjoy silly poses.
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howdy. so, ive learned about a group that does low cost assistive technology for cost of materials and shipping! they're called Makers Making Change! they do a variety of things so you should check and see if they have something that might benefit you (i believe you can also submit a request for a design that doesn't exist if you have an idea!). i did submit a request, but i cancelled it because i asked for help modeling the 3d print at first but actually ive ordered some calipers and im just gonna do it myself lol.
the item is a keyguard for my aac tablet. i use an Amazon fire 7, which is not a tablet that's commonly used for aac. most keyguards are sold for ipads. a keyguard is a plastic overlay that goes over the front of the screen and helps you target more accurately. which i think will be very helpful to increasing speed and ease of access for me.
i have gone back and forth about getting one but first of all, im not decreasing the amount of keyguards available for people who require them, and secondly me not having a severe motor control issue doesn't mean i can't benefit from this. it's just hard for me to accurately target the buttons on my device.
so once the calipers i ordered arrive, i'll be able to measure my case and input all the numbers and preferences into the program to make a custom shaped and sized keyguard just for me!
side note, if anyone goes to the makers making change website and has a look at the design called "Customizable, 3D Printable Keyguard for Grid-based, Free-form, and Hybrid AAC Apps on Tablets" and you think this is the item you need, if you want help modeling it, dm me! i ahev picked up quite a bit of info about how openscad (the program to model it in) works and the file itself. i wouldn't say im proficient or anything, but i believe having a file ready to print before you post on makers making change or even go to a custom 3d printing service on Etsy or something will be a lot faster than having the person making the print help you measure and fill out everything. especially if you have a nonstandard tablet and case like i do. anyway.
so that's my ramble for now. bye.
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AAAAANNND here are the OCs I’ve been drawing all week every single day! Posting this early without the third character cuz I got tired and impatient. I’ll probably add him in later though, so don’t worry bout him just yet :)
(Also, yes these are fnaf ocs because I'm not original...)
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Soooo this is Loup Doop, Otherwise known as Loop de Doop/ Loop to kids. (She doesn’t like her name much, but it’s what the company branded her as and she can’t exactly change it.) I have a few bullet points about her: *pulls out list and clears throat*:
She’s 6”7, a tall one!
Her hands are not attached to her body, they’re more 3d holograms you can feel (don’t ask me how it works, I dunno either). it does take some conscious effort to have them out, so she doesn’t usually unless she’s with someone or needs to convey something. If you grab her hands, though, she can feel it and it does have a similar effect as pulling a real connected hand: if you’re strong enough, you can drag her along with it. (And yes, she has four fingers and they're never properly drawn, I'm sorry I can't draw real hands...)
She doesn’t have a voicebox. She communicates with sounds and simple pictures (you’ll see what I mean if/when I post comics of her).
She used to belong to a different company before being sold into Fazbear in some merger between the companies. (which comes in later, hehe…)
She was originally built with an outgoing, extroverted personality, but it developed into something more meek and quiet.
Her lil orange cheek things get bigger or smaller depending on her emotions.
She doesn’t usually hang out with the main star animatronics because they treat her badly. She prefers chillin with the mapbots, staffbots and wet floor bots, or the DJ if she has the chance. Because of her affiliation with the staffbots, it leads a lot of members of staff and guests to believe she is one, and they treat her as such often.
She is a bit of a people pleaser, and feels there's something wrong with her when she gets told off for not 'wiping the floors and doing her @$#% job'.
She cannot curse, by the way, it carries into her speech pictures as signs, sorta like the smurf comics. She doesn't like cursing much anyways, so it's not something that usually happens.
When kids come up to her on occasion (because she is sort of a performer), she'll ask them for their autograph on a picture with them, then print two. One for the kid, and one for her personal collection. She remembers every kid she's ever talked to before.
Her charging port is in the 2nd lil ball on the left side of her head.
The balls aren't anything special, just some soft, styrofoam-like material for kids to enjoy.
She doesn't interact with other animatronics, as said before, but is occasionally forced to by Bloo (see his description below) and puts up with it. On that note:
- She doesn't like Monty or Roxanne very much, but she does interact with Monty the most. Although most wouldn't call 'grabbing your younger brother to keep him away from the big scary bot he sees as an idol' an interaction.
- She's never actually met Freddy before, but she hears that he's nice from the Wet Floor bots. She personally doesn't want to meet him, either, assuming he's just like Monty and Roxy but worse because he's the face of the company.
She's seen Chica around, but...Chica means well, but she treats Loup Doop more like a kid than like an equal.
- She loves the DJ. They're best buddies in her eyes. They'll do remixes together, she'll ride on his back, babysit the minis, anything.
-She...doesn't really know what to think of the Daycare Attendant. The yellow one seems okay, just a bit too loud for her liking. The dark one, on the other hand...she's heard the stories from the STAFFbots and decides to steer clear of him if she can.
-Unfortunately, she can't stay as far away as she'd like cuz her brother in bolts has to look up to the strangest role models.
She actually meets them before Bloo does.
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Thiiiiis is Bloo! He's a slightly newer model from the same company that Loup Doop is from, also from before the merger.
He's Loup Doop's lil brother.
He's around 3''4, depending on the shape of his droplets. The body itself is maybe 2''10.
He's mentally about 8 years old.
He's...not really sure what his job is. Neither does staff, so they just let him do whatever. He's pretty sure he was just supposed to be a sign to encourage kids to stay hydrated, but he tries not to think about it too much.
He doesn't have a voicebox, either, so he also communicates through pictures.
The droplets on his head move without conscious effort, but he can move'em around if he wants to as well.
His left hand has a bubble shooter, his right is his charging port or USB drive.
His left hand can also serve as a tazer, but Loup Doop won't tell him why he ccan't see his own blueprints, so he doesn't know about that.
No incident has ever happened where he finds out thus far.
He's very social, loves messing around with kids even though he isn't an actual featured attraction. He does push out a ton of bubbles for kids 'like him' to pop and play with.
He reaally wants to play with other kids, but he doesn't see much of them too often.
He likes being in the spotlight.
He, like Loup Doop, hangs out with the STAFFbots and Wet Floor bots. Unlike her, however, he doesn't mind hanging out with the other animatronics.
- He thinks Chica's great, he doesn't mind being treated like a kid. They paint nails together and play with dolls sometimes.
- He doesn't talk to Roxy much, only when he's with Chica.
- He thinks Monty is super cool, despite his sister's discouragement. He snuck into Monty's room to try on his glasses once and got caught. Turns out Monty didn't really mind, he liked having another fan. He tries to teach Bloo to play bass when he's not busy.
-Bloo hasn't seen Freddy much, either. He's watched all the performances, though, so he's pretty informed. He thinks that Loup Doup's a bit too cynical towards Freddy. He's sure Freddy's just as nice as everyone else.
- His relationship with the DJ is sort of like how kids talk to their friend's parents. He'll say hi, give all the pleasantries...and then immediately go off to mess around with the minis once he's finished talking.
He loves engaging in harmless pranks, so anyone else who does is a solid bud in his book.
He's the reason Loup Doop ever sets foot in the Daycare at all. He loves Sun and Moon, thinks they're very cool. He collects candy wrappers, keeps old worn plushies he finds in storage, drew the poster to hang in his 'room'...
-He doesn't get to see Sun much, mainly cuz Sun's busy with the kids and he can't be in there with them for fear of Management raising complaint. If he goes in real quick before closing, though, he might be able to pop in and say hi. Maybe a quick game of checkers if he's lucky.
- He sees Moon much more often because he catches him on his night patrols. Moon doesn't mind the company, apparently, because he actually engages with the kid when he talks to him. It's been a while since he was able to take care of kids...
Bloo likes cheerleading.
He wishes he could eat. He wants to try the cupcakes and cookies at Chica's bakery, she talks them up and he wants to know for himself. She's not really supposed to eat, either, but he's good at keeping secrets.
Aaaand I think that's all for now! I'll update this if I come up with more, but here's that.
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alchemiclee · 1 year
ayaka, plastic figure fix/repaint!
I decided I wanted to get into 3d figure painting because I have a huge urge to paint figures. I bought a resin printer and all the stuff that goes with 3d printing. I even joined a patreon/discord to get files for figures.
in the discord, someone posted their blog story of their process for repainting some cheap plastic figures. they advised it's a good way to practice when you first start out painting because these figures are cheaper than resin printing. I liked the ayaka figure they got, so I went to aliexpress to find one for myself.
if you're interested in their blog post, you can find it here. they go into more details than I do in some parts, if you're interested in that! (and more pictures since tumblr has a limit)
read my adventure below⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
she came in the mail with a few broken pieces, but nothing a little super glue probably won't fix. (at the time of writing this, i'm realizing I forgot to purchase glue...) generally she's pretty decent for a cheap plastic bootleg of this impossible-to-get garage kit figure:
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the painting inconsistencies are where I come in to get my practice. the broken pieces can be fixed later.
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her bangs in the front are top long and cover her eyes so i'll have to figure out how to cut those. the hole for the umbrella is way too small, so I need to figure out how to fix that. but I will focus on painting first.
her eyes are the best painted part. I won't have to mess with those luckily haha. she is clearly supposed to have socks/tights on from the way the model is made and based on the original figure design. I need to paint the leggies! there's a few very small details on her clothes that need some extra added paint. there's some details missing like the little flowers which I will try to add. lastly, the umbrella is a plain blue blob. I plan to add some color and paint flowers onto it before I glue the broke rod back on.
first things she needs to be dismembered! plastic figures aren't the hardest to take apart, but is still a struggle, at least for me it was. in the blog post I shared above, the person used a welding heat tool to get her apart. I don't have anything like that, so I used hot water for the smaller parts (hair, ribbons, vision) and a hair dryer for the legs. you need to soften the plastic/melt the glue to pop things free! I held hair dryer on her butt against the connection point of the legs for 30-60 seconds on highest heat and lowest power, then wiggled the leggies until it cooled down. repeat a few more times until I could twist them and pop them free. unfortunately, the shoe wouldn't come off with either method, so I ended up having to cut it off with a knife. as long as I line it up and glue it on straight, it should be fine. hopefully 😅 the leggies were really stubborn, but with careful heating (while trying not to bend any of the super thin pieces, like the skirt. which also got heated up in the process) I managed to gently twist them off eventually.
the leggies!! they're free!!!!!
now she's ready for painting!
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i did the first coat of paint on the legs and a few of the details on a twitch stream to try to test out a painting setup for future painting of figures, as well as test if my VOD tracking I tried to set up worked.....both kind of went wrong 😅 I also broke a few things along the way.
I tried to set up using a tripod with my DSLR camera for high quality video stream. I downloaded a thing enabling me to use it as a webcam. my large tripod was too big to fit in my tiny desk area, so I switched to a smaller tabletop one. somehow, the screw to that tripod broke off in my camera as I was screwing it on.....I have no clue how to remove it. I can no longer use a tripod 😭 I had to set my camera on my desk and have a side angle that made it hard to see anything I was doing on stream. I also had to keep my hands in one place when I like to move them around as I work. it was quite uncomfortable, haha.
the lighting I had set up was too bright, but it was my only option. it's a photography light box with its own built in lighting—very white and very bright. I folded the box so all the flaps were folded in except the one with the lights on it. I had that one sticking straight up at the back and placed a plastic cover over the folded part to paint on. it helped stream see and i could adjust the setting on my camera to keep it from being overexposed, but since my eyes don't have camera settings, I couldn't even tell where I was putting white paint because it was washing it out too much. when I inspected it in another light away from the overpowering white one, I realized I had more paint on it than I thought.
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it wasn't the best setup, but it wasn't the worst. I added some silly little things on screen to make it more fun 😆
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I managed to finish the first leg coat, do the little hair wrap things (not sure what their called. the white and gold things) and a couple small details on her clothing (fixed some of the gold lines for example because they weren't fully finished)
unfortunately, my VOD tracking didn't work so my video got dmca flagged and twitch decided it shouldn't be published so I decided to just delete it. my stream died after the first 20 minutes survived because my stream died and none of the music in that got flagged, but I didn't actually paint anything within that time because I was trying to make sure my setup was working decently. the painting lasted around 2 hours I believe. then my camera died!
I have decided not to stream the rest of her painting and do it in my spare time. I will work on fixing the VOD tracking. the camera setup is too much of a hassle and I can't charge it while it's in use. I didn't know what else to try until I found (and ordered) a cool overhead mini lamp that also holds your phone so I can basically have a movable desk light and/or use my phone as a webcam for streaming or record video for a time-lapse at the same time! so look forward to that!
between that first painting attempt and the next session, I got another figure in the mail. this one is a mini resin figure and I will have a separate post for her! (link soon)
back to painting ayaka.
my cool desk lamp came in the mail! you can find it here (not sponsored/affiliated! just like the cool lamp. i got the MINI version because small work area) i played with my streaming stuff and turns out they added an easier way to vod track the way i want, either before or after my failed attempt, i'm not sure. i found a way to stream my phone camera to my streamlabs! things are easy to set up for figure painting streams!
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I added some details to her clothes and cleaned up some small spots. I added flowers and other small details to kind of match her original outfit. for some reason I decided to add some makeup to her. her mouth looked a little funny so I added some lip gloss and try to make her smile a little more. not sure if that came out well or not 😅 to finish, I did a thin layer of some blue in her hair to give the solid blobs of plastic some subtle variation and also slapped on some sparkly metallic paint to brighten it up a little.
the umbrella was way top plain, so I painted the under side pink and tried my best to paint cherry blossoms on top. i've never been top great at draeimg or painting flowers, so they're a little odd, but it's good enough.
I don't really care for the flowers that came with it, so I planned to add some mini fake flowers. in the end I decided to just use them as well instead of throwing them away, since I needed something to keep the fake flowers more stable. they are a decent filler. the fake paper flowers add a bit more to it, making it feel more full. I have more flowers coming in the mail, so I may add a but more.
I gave up on the plastic base she sits on that goes on the top of the glass. I couldn't get it to stay in place or stick to glue, so she's just sitting inside the glass now, directly on top the flowers, which actually makes her more stable!
I didn't go too adventurous for my first practice paint, but she's better than she was, and I learned a bit from this that I can now apply to 3d prints!
and she's now complete and ready to go live on my shelf!
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vulturevanity · 1 year
I think the scifi idea to "upload one's consciousness to The Framework" or however it's phrased is hilarious because to me it's the same idea as making a clone of yourself. Yeah now there's two of you, but you're still the you in your body. The you that exists now and is your brain is going to keep being the you of your brain, it would just so happen that there's an identical copy inside a computer. You'd still be a person and you'd still die a person and you wouldn't suddenly wake up inside The Framework after death because that's not how brains work. You would never experience the things that copy experiences. So now this stupid huge computer file thinks it's you because it has all your memories and meanwhile you're dead. Ridiculous concept, 10/10
It's also why the teleportation concept is so funny to me, like. No, you just get disintegrated. Teleportation machines theoretically kill you and then make an identical 3d print of you somewhere else. And everyone is ok with it because there's no functional difference between the you that got their molecules disassembled into thin air and the 3d copy of you that just got printed, so who cares. TP rooms are full of dead people dust. Awesome
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
A life size Alden cake scares me
where did you come up with that idea?
Alright so I was thinking of that one incorrect quote where Alvar goes "edaline? Sophie's funeral? will there be butterblasts?" and because the original meme talks about cake instead of butterblasts I started thinking about cake at Alden's planting for the meme, but since that ask said there was no cake I thought well I'll enjoy a sweet in his memory! So that really opens up the possibilities for both sweets and what "in his memory" means, which reminded me of how you can print things that are edible and it has really sharp images. So my first thought there was latte art because they've got latte art printers, but then I remembered I don't like coffee so that wouldn't really be enjoying something in his memory. However! Lattes aren't the only things you can print on, which reminded me of printed-on donuts, and then I remembered that one post about the one-direction cake that someone's mom kept in the freezer for five years because that had an edible image. So perhaps a printing of Alden for a cake in his memory. But one cake is awfully small for how many people would be there, so it should be his whole body so there's more cake. Of course the next train of thought that relates to cake and people is this one person I've seen on YouTube who makes hyper-realistic cake sculptures (using modeling chocolate) and once she made a cake sculpture of her head which was 3D and life size, so logically the next thought I'd have is a cake sculpture of Alden but make it his whole body! Then there can be Alden cake at the funeral in his memory and there's enough for everyone!
so yeah that's where the idea came from
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babbybones · 2 years
i don't plan to ever snitch on anybody's UTDR fan merch, but i think it's useful to know the official guidelines regardless. if you didn't already know, redbubble/other print-on-demand type stuff is explicitly discouraged, though it's still super common... in fact, the wording of that post regarding "machine-made figurines" is what's made me unsure about making 3D printed fan merch all this time, even though i'd otherwise love to
personally the only thing that really bothers me is mass-produced bootlegs/stuff that's blatantly ripped off from fan artists. i personally wouldn't shop for UTDR merch using something like the redbubble search, but if you insist on it, i would strongly recommend that you at least check that the design was uploaded by the actual artist who made it (also if you're buying a plush on amazon of a character who doesn't have an official plush, that's like, 1000% guaranteed to have been ripped off from fan merch lol)
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pavitrtimes · 5 days
Celebrations Unleashed: Quirky Gifts and Star-Studded Surprises!
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In the digital age, celebrations and gift-giving have taken a fantastic leap into the future with personalized and unexpected twists that can make any event a viral sensation—or at least the talk of your friends' group chat. Forget your run-of-the-mill gifts wrapped in shiny paper; today's trends include everything from designing your own 3D-printed keepsakes to booking a skywriter to declare your love (or just to confuse your neighborhood). Among these modern marvels, one trend stands out for adding a sprinkle of stardust to our special occasions: the enthralling realms of customise celebrity message and celebrity wishes video.
The Rise of Celebrity Shouts and Stars on Screen
Ever imagine scrolling through your birthday messages and, sandwiched between Aunt Maud's annual (and three days late) Facebook post and your best friend’s meme-tastic greeting, you find a video from your favorite celebrity wishing YOU a happy birthday? This isn’t just a far-off daydream anymore; it's a real, bookable, customizable present. Yes, you heard it right—celebrity wishes video services are here to turn your gift-giving moments into mini-blockbusters!
Why Go Starry?
Apart from the obvious bragging rights (because who wouldn't want to casually drop into conversation, "Oh, yeah, Chris Hemsworth wished me happy birthday this year—no biggie."), getting a tailor-made shoutout from a celeb makes the celebration incredibly unique and personal. It's like having your favorite star crash the party, but without any of the logistical nightmares this would normally entail.
Beyond the Glitz and Glam
While the allure of arranging a customise celebrity message or snagging a star-studded clip is undeniably appealing, it also signifies a broader trend in how we approach festivities and gift-giving these days. Today's gifts are less about the price tag and more about the experience—creating memories that are quirky, personalized, and, yes, sometimes a bit over the top.
More Than Just a Gift
These personalized celebrity videos also reflect a shift from materialism to memorable experiences. Every shared video or reaction clip becomes a story to retell, a moment that sticks more vividly in our memories than another knick-knack might on our shelves. This era’s gifting philosophy? Make it personal, make it digital, and definitely make it Instagrammable.
Conclusion Caption-worthy!
So, there you have it—next time your gifting brainstorm hits a wall, just think outside the box. Whether it’s securing a celebrity to deliver a heartwarming personal message, or finding the quirkiest gadget that screams ‘I thought of YOU when I saw this,’ modern celebrations are all about creativity, personal touches, and yes, a little bit of star power. Cheers to making memories that are truly out of this world—or at least feel like they deserve their own hashtag!
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