#renegade meet ups
2023 in (bookbinding) travel
so i've been procrastinating big time since i got back from the US because i was jetlagged for something like 2 and a half weeks and was going to bed at 9pm, and then promptly caught COVID so i've been a bit MIA from bookbinding for a while. am shaking off the last dregs of it as we speak; am thankfully feeling much better.
i had the privilege of being able to attend comic con in san diego this year, and took great advantage of the fact that the usual transit spot is LA - i promptly hit up the California chapter of Renegade Bindery sometime last year and was like please please can i visit and thankfully they said yes!!!
this was one of two meetups for the US - i had the great privilege of meeting some other cali and non-cali members who were attending comic con - no photos but i did do a surprise book trade with @rhipidurafan of @fantailpress, which brought about the apocalypse great hilarity of the catfish calamity book trade.
guys... there are 11 million works on AO3, of which 70K of them are in MDZS. it should be statistically fucking impossible that we would both decide 'oh hey, this seems like a cool fic to bind as a surprise'. AND YET. AND YET! the gloriousness of the accidental acquisition of the same fic bookbind. WE BOUND THE SAME FUCKING FIC.
i think we laughed ourselves silly for something like 20 minutes straight. the lesson in a two way trade is to make sure there is a third person who knows exactly what the fuck is being bound to prevent things like this from happening in the future.
ALSO RHI'S COPY IS FUCKING GORGEOUS and i have spent many moments stroking it. ITS ROUNDED AND BACKED AND THE ENDBANDS! très magnifique, i can't even.
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on coming back from san diego, i had the opportunity to hit up the LA chapter and GODDAMN, i had such a good time screaming about their lovely books and their lovely selves. i was also so kindly gifted pins, engraved and 3D printed tools, crepaldi paper and handmade stickers - THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS - YOU ARE SO AMAZING. some of the members came specially to meet me from hours away and i am so fucking touched, y'all.
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the next day i also had the pleasure of being brought around the area where i was staying to have brunch and do a little bookbinder shopping and it was great.
i had such a lovely time meeting each and every one of them, my god. i didn't have the best time at comic con, which was very tiring and transport around LA was challenging as fuck without a car, but getting to meet renegade members was really, really fucking worth it and the best part of my trip, hands down.
again - this probably would never have been possible if i hadn't gone on my first Renegade meet up in March where i met the esteemed @celestial-sphere-press in Japan who brought me to eat excellent ochazuke and to explore the queer nightlife and didn't turn out to be a catfish (EHEHE) so really, i owe it all to des for helping me instill some confidence in my family that i wouldn't be kidnapped and murdered while meeting strangers on the internet.
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anyway future travel plans potentially may include ??? GREECE WITH RENEGADE??? i am EXCITED and AM THRILLED AND CANNOT WAIT.
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aphantimes · 11 months
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i like that dread's expression makes him instantly seem nastier than renegade
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I had an absolutely lovely trip to visit @finalfrontierpublishing this weekend! we did a linocut session and a marbling session. silly me was horrendous at taking photos.
marbling remains rather inscrutable and tedious to me - I am in awe of people who manage to achieve stunning results, but I consistently have zero motivation to work to get there myself 😅
on the other hand, I ADORED linocut. new hobby immediately??? I already have plans on how to incorporate into a bind I want to do this year.
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we also did a non-book arts related class and made cha guo zi (a type of tea sweet). all parties involved sucked royally at this one XD look at this ugly smashed flower
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mazzy-rockstar · 2 months
Has anyone seen this Renegade Nell series on Disney+? I’m only on the second episode and it’s absolutely brilliant so far wow
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fate-motif · 1 year
i can’t stop thinking about dal having been raised by a ferengi woman on her own. dal’s already in such a curious position because he’s not raised with his people, since he has none. the only cultural legacy he had growing up was from a woman who left her own culture except what served her. he sure seems to know the rules of acquisition but did nandi tell him about the blessed exchequer? is his first language ferengi or did she raise him in standard? did she name him, or did he come already named? did he ever genuinely want to belong to the ferengi growing up, or was it just as distant to him as any of the other cultures in the delta quadrant? 
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
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Consider Sig teaching Jak to shave, and basically mentoring him in everything from gun maintenance to basic cooking.
Jak picked up the new technology in Haven pretty quick, but the kid's also been locked up for 2 years, and doesn't really take care of himself. Sig didn't mean to get attached to Jak and Daxter but then oops he's got a soft spot for them.
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corpocyborg · 1 year
So there's a scene in me3 where James Vega and Garrus are competing about who is cooler and Garrus says he's archangel and Vega is like "uh yeah i know". I like to imagine that most people know Garrus is archangel but he keeps trying to do a big reveal to every new person he meets just to recapture the glory of his first reveal to Shepard.
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eupheme · 1 year
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— take it slow
joel miller x f!reader
Rated E - 3.2k
tags - soft smut, established relationship, sloppy make out session, softdom!joel, grinding/dry humping, teensy bit of jealousy, teasing, begging, PiV, 1 spank, creampie
A/N: one-shot! (but could be read as a sequel to renegade)
“I want you to kiss me until I’m begging for it.” You can barely make out his eyes in the dim light, the dark glitter as they drop to your mouth.
“And then you can have me any way you’d like.”
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The couch creaks as you shift your weight on it - the old frame worn down after the years. No longer built for a family. Barely strong enough for two.
But this is better, his thigh fitting snug between yours. Giving you another few inches to move closer, while your lips press against his neck.
It’s cold - the sun fleeing the sky before dinner. The clouds above heavy and grey, the cry of the wind and a steady swirl of snowflakes keeping everyone inside.
That chill is what has you here, sharing a couch with him. The body heat warming you both - the two of you at a loss, the sudden storm wiping out any carefully-laid plans.
So used to never being able to take a breath.
Funny that after the earth came to a stop, there never seemed to be enough time.
His skin is hot under your mouth. The flex of his muscles as he swallows, jumping beneath your tongue as it peeks out to taste him.
With this angle, you can feel him. A rock of his hips, a strong thigh pressing against your core. The nudge of his clothed cock dragging across your inner thigh, hip.
Your teeth scrape his jaw on the way to his mouth, your own fingers smoothing across a half-unbuttoned shirt. Sliding over worn fabric, the coarse hair dusting over his sternum.
Eventually traveling up. The rough sound in his throat as his lips press to yours. Another shift as he tugs you closer, a bright spark seeming to throb in your core as his tongue brushes your lip.
The hand at the small of your back drifting down, to the waistband of your prized pair of sweatpants. Rolled up at the ankle and pilling - but after everything, it feels like a soft luxury.
Sliding under the fabric, against the swell of your ass at he starts to tug it down.
But you want more of this. The soft gasps as Joel’s lips slot with yours, as your tongue meets his. The way he leans into it - his licking into your mouth - as your hips roll again.
Everything was so rushed, now. Barely enough hours or energy for a slow seduction - a quick brush of mouths and fumbling hands was usually all you had time for.
“Wait.” You gasp into his mouth.
He goes still. Leaning back, as his hand withdraws.
“What is it?” Joel’s voice is a low drawl, the mark between his brows deepening.
“Sorry. Nothing is wrong.” Your hands smooth over his chest, “Just… can we do this, a little longer?”
This was nice. Finally warm and half-dressed and kissing him. You think you could do this all night. It’s been years since you kissed someone like you used to.
Close to ten years, you think. Not since college. Not since it happened.
Soft things that turned messy, teeth and tongue as something low in your belly built and built. The need that grew until your were both desperate.
“This?” He asks - always wanting to know the details, seeking clarification.
“Yes, this.”
You mouth tips up, but he stays just out of reach. Waiting for more, until you’re sucking in a breath. Your answer coming as an exhale, the confession of what you truly want.
“I want you to kiss me until I’m begging for it.” You can barely make out his eyes in the dim light, the dark glitter as they drop to your mouth.
“And then you can have me any way you’d like.”
He makes a sound then, a low noise in his throat.
Joel wasn’t kissed often. There were years where he hadn’t been kissed at all. It can be easier that way, sometimes.
There was something too intimate about it. Something he never had to worry about before - but that was a different lifetime, now.
But you’re soft and sweet.
And he thinks he likes kissing you. Likes the little moan in your throat when he licks into your mouth.
When he kisses down your stomach. To where you’re so warm and wet for him. It’s easy then, he knows he likes kissing you there. His own groans hidden under your cries as he fucks you with his tongue.
Much less vulnerable.
He doesn’t know how to answer, so he deflects.
“You already beg for it, whether or not I kiss you.”
His words, so deep and smooth, make you clench. Fingers twisting in his shirt, another button slipping free.
You both know you do. He’s able to wind you up like no one else. Just thinking about him gets you squirming, and you can’t pretend that you don’t already need him now.
“Sure do.” You huff a laugh, an acknowledgment, “Don’t have time to make out like a couple of college kids. But I miss that sometimes, you know?”
He watches you, a tilt of his head. There’s a shine on his lower lip from your own tongue, a flutter in your stomach as you think about it.
Joel hums, and you frown.
“We have time tonight, don’t we?” You ask, and then you’re pushing yourself up on an elbow, “Are there other things we need to be doing?
It’s half-rhetorical, half-confirming.
There’s a few things he could be getting to.
Cleaning his gear properly, instead of the quick wipe down from yesterday. Finally taking a look at the sink in the kitchen, that slow drip that’s been going on for about a week, now.
But then again, it’s cold. And you’re warm and in his arms, and if he’s being honest - he wouldn’t mind staying like this.
For a long time.
He could leave the sink. With the freezing temperatures, he would have needed to leave it running anyways.
Your voice breaks his train of thought.
“Please, Joel.”
He can pretend it’s your idea.
That he’s doing this just for you.
A hand cups the back of your neck, twisting in your hair. Holding you in place as his mouth lifts to press to yours again.
You moan gratefully, kissing him. Shifting against him as your hand cups the back of his, feeling the curls with your fingertips.
Another whine as it turns a little sloppy - his teeth scraping over your lower lip, his other hand finding your breast over your top. Palming you, the brush of his thumb as you arch into him.
Rocking against his thigh, the press against your core easing a bit of the ache that has you so worked up already.
Fingers pinch the tight bud of your nipple. His mouth dropping to your chin, lips dragging to the hollow under your ear. All the things he does to you when you’re bare, the sensations dampened with the layers of clothes.
But the memories are fresh.
Your own hands wander. Plucking the last of the buttons free. Roaming over scarred skin, feeling the muscles jump under your palms. His own hips grinding into yours, starting a slow rhythm, as his hand drops from your hair to curve around your waist.
Holding you against him. The brush of his facial hair against your neck as his lips seal against your skin. Sucking a bruise for later, marking you for himself.
In the dark like this, all the hard edges soften. Going blurry and fuzzy, your thoughts going with them.
“Joel,” You moan, meeting the rock of his hips. The seam of your sweatpants rubbing against your clit - his mouth an accelerant to the pleasure that burns in your belly.
His lips lift from your neck, “You beggin’ already, honey?”
Fuck, you’re tempted. It would be so easy to say yes - for him to give you what your both need.
“Not yet.” You manage, in a voice that’s almost level.
The smooth hum of his laugh is like sin.
“Guess I’ll have to try harder, then.”
His hand drifts low, again. To your waistband, and then under the fabric of your shirt. Palm flat against hot skin as his fingers trace patterns, rising higher.
Your mouth finding his greedily again, and this time it’s your tongue brushing against his lip, waiting for them to part for you.
As his fingers tug down the cups of your worn bra, knuckles sliding over the tight peaks beneath.
The moan seems to come from your chest, high and long - pushing into his touch. Letting him move you with him, the steady grind where you need it most enough that you’re sure you’re dripping and soaked beneath.
Your fingers skating lower - down past where his shirt hangs open. Tracing the dark trail of hair that disappears below his jeans, your hand cupping where he’s thick and hard for you.
He grunts with your touch, a harsh thrust that presses you against the back cushions of the couch.
Before he’s curving over you, and you’re pressed half-beneath him. His hips grinding against yours, your hand.
Leaning back, his eyes opening. His gaze heated, burning for you, “You touch the others like this, while you were makin’ out?”
Your fingers flex against him, the tips dragging over where his length presses against the fabric. Back and forth, your answer coming out breathless, “Only if I liked them.”
He inhales a breath, hissed through clenched teeth. The word “fuck” ground out, a harsh bite to it as your lips press against his jaw.
“What about you, cowboy?” You ask, your voice rasping with want, “You drive all the girls crazy like this?”
There’s a look in his eyes, as he hovers above you. A moment where his guard drops, his voice low and smooth.
“Only if I-”
Even though the words cut off, they feel as sweet as the honey of his voice. It’s not the same admittance as yours.
But for Joel, it was more than enough.
He swallows, and you come to his rescue. Bringing out mouth to his. He doesn’t have to continue.
Because by now, you know.
The hand at your breast mirroring your own. Trailing down, working between his thigh and yours so he can touch you. Fingers pressing against your cunt over the thick fabric of your sweatpants.
Slow circles right where you need it, as you moan again. Pressing the damp fabric against your slick skin, over and over.
The touch isn’t enough - too teasing, too slow. Your breaths growing shorter, gasping as you rut into each other’s touch, until it’s too much.
“Okay, okay.” You whine, your fingers fumbling to the button on his jeans, “Fuck, Joel. I can’t-“
He lets you tug his zipper down, easing some of the pressure, before his hand grabs your wrist.
“Show me how much you want it.”
You blink up at him - lips parted, brow pinched. Making a needy sound in your throat, but all he does is ease back, holding himself over you.
Leaving you to tug your shirt up, show him the soft curves of your breasts. The pretty peek of your nipples from your bra, from where he tugged it down.
A shift of your legs as you work the waistband of your sweats and underwear down, your knees falling open. Baring yourself to him.
His eyes dropping down, to where you’re glistening. Dripping - not used to the slow tease anymore.
Joel’s hand moves without thought, fingers sliding over slicked skin. Your moan bursting loudly from your chest when a calloused tip drags over your clit, your hips jerking into his hand.
“Joel, please-”
He hums, low in his throat, “Turn over, darlin’.”
Rocking back onto his heels so you can roll over, push up onto your knees. Hands bracing on the padded arm of the couch, your back arched as you glance over your shoulder.
Watching as his shoulders roll, the shirt dropping on the couch. Broad hands tugging at his jeans, unable to help watching him pull his cock free, hanging flushed and heavy.
His fist closes around the base, the other bracing on the small of your back. Dragging himself against your slit, smearing his length with your arousal.
You’re bracing yourself - ready for the sweet stretch when he presses into you. Shifting and eager as your fingernails press into the fabric.
But he doesn’t. His cock dragging against you again, pulling away when you rock back against him.
“Joel.” You bite out, glancing back again.
His eyes are fixed down, and the heat in your chest creeps up to your ears. Where he’s looking at you, all of you.
The tip presses against you, parting your swollen folds. Barely nudging inside, as you sigh - before he’s drawing back again.
Before doing it again.
You whine, rocking back again. The hand on your back keeps you from moving too much - from taking more of him.
“Keep beggin’.” Joel’s voice is ragged, the words drawn out, “Once more, for me.”
Fuck. He’s cruel - turning your own word against you like that.
“Please fuck me.” You beg, just like he asked, “Joel, I need you so fucking bad.”
Months ago, it would have been “I need your cock so fucking bad.”
You both know it - you’d been so careful with your words back then.
It does something to him, finally giving you what you need. Fitting himself into you - filling you - as you moan at the stretch.
His own sound, echoing yours.
Until his hips are flush with your ass, and you’re already squirming back against him. Your release simmering with all the teasing, his words.
It’s funny how things work, now. Words meaning more and less at the same time.
Not many spoken when you fell into bed together, the first time.
Fewer, the night when you snuck in for the last time. How you had just stayed - a silent offering late one night, and an equally silent acceptance.
For all the communication needed in the day-to-day, sometimes words weren’t needed if things were working out right.
And they were, because your things have mixed with us. His shirts on your back when you go out. Your scent on his pillows and on some mornings, he finds himself wanting to stay for just a moment longer.
Wanting to keep you for himself.
Like he’s wanting now.
There’s something about seeing you like this - eyes glassy and half-lidded when you look back at him. As his hips work in quick circles, all those words in your head getting lost on their way to your lips.
How tight and warm you are around him, how you thrust back to meet him because it’s never deep or close enough.
He never leaves you waiting long. Drawing back before he fills you again. The sound of skin-on-skin, and the wet suck as you take him.
Heavy breaths and the creak of the couch as he sets a rhythm that sends sparks up in your head.
You won’t be able to hold on for long. He’s deep like this, hands on your hips, tugging you back as he drags against your inner walls.
The sound you make is just noise - a long, high whine, your eyes closing. Focusing on the swift coil in your belly, each stroke winding it tighter.
He can’t fuck you like he wants to. The couch is too old, wouldn’t survive the way he wants to pound into. The old girl would break, and you’d end up sitting on the floor for the next month while he looked for something else.
But it works, this way. Each thrust deep and long and slow, as you concentrate on where you’re connected. Each one knocking you higher and higher.
“Fuck.” The rasp of his voice has your eyes fluttering open, the hand on your back tracing around your hip, then thigh, “Makin’ all those pretty noises. You gonna come already?”
You hadn’t realized you had - each of your breaths open-mouthed, ragged gasps. When his fingers reach their destination, pressing down against your clit, you keen.
“Yes. Oh my god, please-”
He makes a low groan in his throat, fingertips teasing the tight bud as his hips snap just a little bit faster.
“Did they fuck you like this?”
You can barely breathe, right on the cusp. About to fall over. It takes you a second to realize he’s asking about those boys again - all those years ago. Never taking him for the jealous type, but maybe he’s as good at hiding things as you are.
“Make you come as hard as I do?”
Or maybe - he just likes hearing how much you want him.
“No.” The word is ragged, a rough gasp, “J-Just you, Joel. Only you-”
Your voice cuts off, failing you. Turning into a long moan as you’re there - hurtling off the cliff. A hand comes down to crack against your ass, more sound than pain, and it’s enough to tip you over.
Crying out with relief as you come hard, pulsing around his cock. Gripping him as he fucks you through it, his fingers rubbing until you’re grasping at his wrist, holding them still.
You weren’t stroking his ego - only Joel makes you come like this, makes you see stars. Turning you into a mess as you soak his cock, as he tells you just how fucking good you feel.
Joel’s grown tired of a lot of things, but not this. Your pretty sounds, the tight, hot flutter. His name on your lips, sounding like salvation.
How you want him. Need him.
He can’t deny there was something about this, tonight. Won’t say it out loud, but he too was affected by the soft touches, the slow build. The pressure ignited low in his own belly, even before he sunk into you.
Liking the way you wanted. How you begged.
Delayed gratification, he notes for later - tucking it away.
One of the last coherent thoughts before his thrusts turn shallow and quick. Unable to help but follow, gritting out a string of curses as he finds his end. One of them standing out, because you know it. It’s a part of you, bone-deep.
Your name.
Pretty on his lips as you feel him flood you. Warmth spreading as his hands curl around your hips, pulling them flush against his own. Letting you milk every drop as you clench down.
It’s new. Something you haven’t done with him until recently, but you like how he feels in you. The way he curves over your back, an arm wrapped around you to keep you tugged close. The slight twitch of his cock, the pulse that slows ebbs until he starts to go soft.
Staying like that, for just a second. Hands sweeping over skin as your head turns. One last press of his mouth to yours, sharing a sigh.
Before he’s gently easing from you. Sitting down heavily on the sofa with a deep, contented groan. As you follow, twisting around - legs feeling like jelly.
Before you push yourself up, a cozy warmth spreading from fingers to your toes - before padding off to the bathroom to clean up.
Leaving him on the couch, where the cushions are still warm from where you laid beneath him. He fits himself into the space, waiting for you to come back, for his own turn.
Head turned to look out the window. The chipped white frame with it’s locked latches. Almost looking like a painting, with the quiet streets outside, the swirl of drifting flakes that still fall down. Just as heavy as before.
He thinks… maybe he wouldn’t mind.
If it kept snowing.
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Would love to know what you thought! 💕 Thank you for reading!
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cevansbrat0007 · 7 months
Disturbing the Peace
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Summary: You're keeping a secret from Ari - one that you'll have to tell him about eventually. Right?
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Mentions of Death, Pet Names, Corporate Intimidation, Anxious Reader, Cursing, Minors DNI.
A/N: Takes place earlier in my Sweet Renegades Series timeline. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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You stare down at the notice in your hands, your mouth suddenly dry as your eyes proceed to scan the words on the page for the third time. You’d found it wedged between your doors only moments ago after closing down your shop for the night. 
Which meant someone had been out there watching – waiting – for the right moment to strike. Without the benefit of an audience. Fucking coward.   
Even still, that fact unnerved you to no end. Especially since the piece of paper you were holding seemed different from the others you’d received over the previous months. They’d been polite and professional, albeit a bit pushy.
But not this one.
This letter was short and to the point. Greystone & Reeves Real Estate Group was done beating around the bush. They were giving you one last chance to meet so that the two of you could finally begin discussing the terms of the sale of your beloved shop, Baubles & Quills. 
The one thing you’d promised your late uncle, Lenny, you’d never do.
But unfortunately for you, that didn’t seem to matter overly much to the pushy group. They were clearly tired of being ignored - a tactic that you’d employed with them from the beginning. 
When you’d first received a letter from them you’d laughed it off before crumbling it up and tossing it in the trash. You’d also done the same with the second. But by the time you’d received the third you’d been hoppin’ mad. So mad that you’d left a less than polite voicemail with their receptionist telling them that their entire company could “suck dirt and die”, because that’s exactly what you would do before you ever thought about signing away the deed to your shop.
After that, things were quiet for a time. So quiet that you forgot all about that stupid Greystone and his dimwitted lackey, Reeves. In fact, the last time you’d heard anything from them had been right after Ari had rolled into town. 
Come to think of it, you’d actually lit that letter on fire while wishing you could do the same to their headquarters – wherever they seemed to be located. Oddly enough, you hadn’t actually been able to dig up much about them online. Just that they seemed to have set up shop in several different counties surrounding Bell’s Creek.
You couldn’t make heads nor tails of why they were so interested in your property or your land. But at the end of the day, their motivations didn’t really matter.
Because you weren’t fucking selling. Not now, not ever. 
Baubles & Quills wasn’t just your place of business, but also your refuge. It was part of the legacy your uncle had left behind as a gift to the little girl who had spent so much of her childhood curled up in the overstuffed armchair in his office with her nose buried in a book. 
Long story short, you’d made a promise to the man who’d loved you like a daughter. And you intended to keep it. 
So, tomorrow you’d call Greystone & Reeves and threaten them with whatever your paralegal buddy, Erica, suggested. You’d been meaning to call her anyway so that you two could catch-up on life, as well as all things related to Mr. Ari “Beast” Levinson.
The sound of your phone ringing suddenly breaks the silence, giving you a mini-heart attack in the process. You can tell by the ringtone that it’s Ari on the other end, which has you answering without hesitation. 
“Uh, hey.” You cough out, shaking your head as you try to clear your mind. “What’s up, Beast?” You do your best to keep your tone light and breezy, not wanting him to pick up on your distress. 
Mostly because you’d never thought to mention any of the threatening letters you’d received over the last several months. Even when Ari had stopped by that one fine day to interrogate you about your relationship with Martin you’d chosen to keep that piece of information close to the vest. 
After all, it wasn’t like your Bounty Hunter could do much about it anyway. Not to mention that you’d had no idea that your relationship would ultimately progress the way it did.
Bottom line: nobody needed to know, least of all your handsome Beast. Wait. Except for Erica. She could know. Because otherwise, how else would she be able to tell you what scary things to say? 
It’s only then when you hear your name on the other line that you realize your thoughts must’ve wandered. “I’m sorry, babe. Can you please repeat that?” You mutter, scrubbing a tired hand over your face. “It’s been a long day and I’m afraid my mind is already worrying about tomorrow’s delivery.”
There was no delivery slated for tomorrow, but a little white lie never hurt anyone. Right?
“S’alright, little Bird. I know you’re tired but – wait. I thought you weren’t expecting any more deliveries for the rest of the month?” The sound of his deep, slightly roughened voice has your pulse quickening as a fresh wave of heat pools in your belly.
“I…” You trail off, your fingers coming to pinch the bridge of your nose. Serves you right for trying to lie to the one man who actually paid attention to 99.9% of the shit that you said on a daily fucking basis. 
“Guess I forgot.” You finish lamely, tucking the phone between your shoulder and your ear so that you can get moving. “I’m about to leave Baubles, though. Am I still picking us up something from Holtman’s Diner or did you change your mind?"
“Holtman’s is fine, baby.” Ari responds after a couple of seconds. “But are you sure you’re okay?”
And there it was. Granted, it didn’t sound like suspicion so much as it did concern…
But still. 
“I’m great, Beast. Pinky promise.”
Gritting your teeth you return your attention to the stupid piece of paper in front of you. But instead of balling it up and tossing it into the garbage, you decide to neatly fold it and tuck it into your purse.
Next you pull out your keys, followed by your handy dandy taser. And just to be safe, you decide to go ahead and swipe the nearby exacto knife sitting on an unopened box containing some random celebrity’s latest memoir. 
“I still think you sound funny, Duchess.”
Fuck, this man – your man – was like a goddamned bloodhound. And once he caught a scent he didn’t give up until he had his prey cornered and ready to spill their guts. 
“Augh!” You hiss as you sling your purse over one shoulder before collecting the rest of your things. “Sweetheart, I just told you I’m tired. That’s literally it. Hold on while I get the alarm.” Biting your lip you type in the passcode needed to arm your system before swiftly unlocking and exiting through the front.      
“I’m all set now. About to jump into my ride and head to Holtman’s.” Of course, you’re quick to interrupt when he attempts to turn the focus back to you. “Tell me about your day, handsome.”
Ari did not need to know that you were hovering just outside of fight or flight mode, which is why you currently had your semi-legal taser at the ready. Plus the knife and the tiny container of pepper spray hooked on your keyring. 
Now that had been a gift from Ari.
Keeping your head on a swivel, you make quick work of locking everything back up before making a mad dash to your vehicle. An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of your stomach as you continue to scan the empty lot, searching for any signs of life.  
“Yeah?” You grunt as you throw yourself into your car before locking yourself in. “Well, maybe I can try working that knot out of your shoulder later.” With shaking hands you push the start button in your car and wait for your call to connect with your bluetooth. Thankfully it doesn’t take long. “And yes, please. You have my explicit permission to repay the favor, you ridiculous man.”
Oh goodness, I can’t breathe. Mary, Jesus, Joseph, help!
Body hunched, you Immediately you peel out of the lot and turn onto a main road. Now that you’re safe, you cast a glance in your rearview mirror, feeling grateful when you don’t see anything – save for a couple of raccoons hoping to get their hands on some garbage. 
“Woo!” You shout, triumphantly punching the roof of your car. “Hell yeah!” You’d officially made it out, which meant that you would hopefully live to fight another day. 
“Huh?” Ari growls into the receiver. 
“Um, I just say two baby blue mini-coopers drive down the road. Must be good luck, ya know?” 
“Right.” He doesn’t sound very convinced.
“And I just remembered that tonight’s special involves their homemade mashed potatoes and meatloaf. Still sound good?“ Without taking your eyes off the road, you drop the taser back into the center console of your car.
“Fine by me then.” Your Bounty Hunter replies, his response sounding just shy of frustrated. But I choose to ignore in favor of simply acting like tonight was okay, even when it wasn’t. “Be safe getting here. And if you change your mind about wanting to talk…”
After that you hang up and head to the diner, snagging you both a couple pieces of homemade pie to go with your food. A bit to eat and naked cuddles with your man would make things better. At least for a little bit. 
And quite honestly, you’d take what could get these days. The universe at least owed you that much.
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Unofficial Tag List
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ugh-yoongi · 6 months
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so sorry it took me a few days to get this together for you, but i hope you enjoy some of these!
most of these works contain mature themes/content. please heed tags and do not engage with any explicit work if you are a minor!
i'm sure there are a bunch i've forgotten, so please feel free to reblog and share your own work and your faves!
also, please note: there are a lot of fics on these lists that are posted to ao3. it has recently come out that a volunteer was removed from their position for being pro-palestine (you can find the twt thread here). i am in the process of looking for a better alternative, but until then, it is unfortunately probably the best way to share these stories. while i personally won't be posting to or reading on ao3 for the time being, how you choose to engage going forward is completely up to you! i just wanted to make sure i was being transparent.
hobi x reader
guarded & kanalia by @xjoonchildx — basically anything by ana lbr
just practice & we float by @anotherbtswriter
gone wild by @johobi
liar, liar by @eoieopda
party on you by @here2bbtstrash
do i wanna know? by @yoongiphoria
started with a spark, now we're on fire by @the-boy-meets-evil
renegade by @junghelioseok
midnight confessions by @snackhobi
cry to my room by @kithtaehyung
matters of the heart by @hobidreams
plant boy by @gukyi
sunlit affair by @ubemango
the art of war by @wwilloww
not today, satan by @gimmethatagustd
the wood by @sailoryooons
virtuoso by @hamsterclaw
even though by @moni-logues
anything by @dilfhoseokie
for the first time (what's past is past)
same old mistakes
tip 143 (for ∞ seconds of love)
as always, mxm fics (aka me being embarrassing sope trash) under the cut!
member x member
little miracles by @here2bbtstrash (jihope)
you're not mine, but you're the best (jihope) ⭐
i only always think (jihope)
you made me dream when i couldn't sleep (jihope)
walk the walk (jihope)
polaroid (jihope)
a midnight clear (jihope) ⭐
got an offer you might refuse (jihope feat. jin)
i don't want it at all (jihope feat. jin)
please be my finale (sope) ⭐
i've been calling your name (in this whole universe) (sope)
nothing without sunlight (sope)
same damn hunger (sope) ⭐
hot fuss (sope)
i'd love it if we made it (sope) ⭐
rub your feelings down my spine (sope)
kiss me hard before you go (sope) ⭐
how easy this should be (sope)
all my days (i'll know your face) (sope)
those ocean eyes (sope)
leave you drowning (until you reach for my hand) (sope)
reputation (sope)
snapshots from the breakdown (sope) ⭐
the best is yet to come (sope)
my hands down your pants (no homo) (sope)
first times and stuff & an experiment in threesomes (sope feat. jk)
at least i got you in my head (hopekook)
10/10, would do again (hopekook)
bone + tissue (hopekook)
telepathy (rapline)
delta (rapline)
i get those goosebumps every time (rapline)
i'm on fire (rapline)
when the moon rises (namseok)
how i'm imagining you (namseok)
in your atmosphere (namseok)
why don't you figure (my heart) out (namseok)
the universe needs more you (namseok)
bated breath (2seok)
smile like you mean it (2seok)
gingerbread (2seok)
cowboys love horses (2seok)
natural gnosis and the chaos therein (2seok) ⭐
telepathy for virgins (2seok)
⭐ = personal mxm favorite. please read any of these and return to scream over them with me.
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intuitive-revelations · 2 months
Random headcanon I came up with early this morning, because I’ve been thinking about Gallifreyan language recently:
The reason why so many Time Lord things are decorated with circular Gallifreyan, often too impractically to actually be read (eg. on the Moment), is because it’s a cultural touchstone that remains from pre-/early-Pythian Gallifrey’s use of magical runes and sigils.
Presumably it was more typically Old High Gallifreyan used in that time (though The Timeless Children does seemingly confirm circular Gallifreyan existed at least as far back as Rassilon's time, if not earlier), however. Twelve describes it as ‘the language of the Pythia’ in The Lost Magic, and as Eleven says in The Time of Angels:
ELEVEN: There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods.
This is obviously very reminescent of the Carrionites' (themselves from the Dark Times too) "word-based science" from The Shakespeare Code:
MARTHA: What did you do? TEN: I named her. The power of a name. That's old magic. MARTHA: But there's no such thing as magic. TEN: Well, it's just a different sort of science. You lot, you chose mathematics. Given the right string of numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. Carrionites use words instead.
In other words, while they probably weren't actually intended as such and may have their own specific meaning, whether they be poetry, namesakes, histories, instructions, whatever... these are basically protective wards:
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[ID: Five screenshots of Circular Gallifreyan in New Who.
1. Rassilon's Inner High Council meeting in The End of Time Part 2. The table and headrests are inscribed with circular Gallifreyan.
2. The Moment in Day of the Doctor. Gallifreyan writing bends round the edges of the wooden frame.
3. The 'whirligig' rotar in Eleven's second TARDIS, inscribed with individual Gallifreyan symbols.
4. Set photo of the glowing Gallifreyan writing on the steps of Thirteen's TARDIS.
5. Tecteun's laboratory in The Timeless Children. Circular Gallifreyan lines the light above her, and a door in the background.]
As a side note - if they actually are kind-of intended as a form of protection, perhaps this is why we were only introduced to Circular Gallifreyan in New Who, despite it seemingly existing through Gallifreyan history. Because it was retroactively inserted into Gallifreyan culture as a form of defense during the War in Heaven / Last Great Time War?
Regardless, this also opens up questions how many other Time Lord traditions are holdovers from the Dark Times.
For example, who's to say that the renegade naming tradition didn't begin as a form of protection from hexes - either from hostile forces in the pre-anchoring universe, or from oppressive magic-users back on the homeworld? This may also be connected to the change in Gallifreyan name format before and after the Intuitive Revelation (eg. ancestral -sti and -sor names), though shifting power structures, gender roles etc. presumably played a role too.
Heck, is this one reason why Gallifrey's own name has changed over its history? From Jewel to Gallifrey in Rassilon's time to try and protect it from vengeful Pythian curses. From Gallifrey to just 'the Homeworld' in the War to protect it from new rituals of alternative histories and paradox?
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simmer-emsie · 1 year
Not So Berry Challenge 3
Couldn’t get enough of the original Not So Berry Legacy Challenge? Already played through Not So Berry Challenge 2? Wishing you could play a challenge with content from 2021 onward? If you’ve been daydreaming about an updated Not So Berry Challenge (2023), look no further!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 3, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (…y’all know why).
Thank you to @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​ for the inspiration (and the rules!).
Basic rules:
Each heir must represent the colour of the generation (like hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly-coloured skin isn’t necessary.
The colours of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Cheats can be used, but not excessively.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on Normal.
Generation One: Soil
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Well, you’re on your own now and you haven’t got much to your name except a plot of land and a couple of chickens. That’s alright though; animals tend to understand you better than Sims, anyway. Living off the land is difficult work but you’re determined to cultivate a respectable farm with livestock, fruit trees, and even some oversized produce!
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Socially Awkward, Music Lover
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: None
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration.
Start on an empty lot in Henford-on-Bagley with 500 Simoleons. Hard mode: Start as a teen.
Max the cross-stitch and gardening skills.
Play using the Living Off the Land lot challenge.
Befriend Patchy the Straw Man.
Complete 5 requests for your neighbours.
Generation Two: Sprout
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Your best buddy growing up was a farm animal, and now you want to give back to the creatures that meant so much to you. As a veterinarian, you meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends. You spend your free time volunteering and training the animals you bring home with you.
Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover, Outgoing
Aspiration: Slumber Party Animal (Child), Friend of the Animals
Career: Veterinarian
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration.
Max the veterinarian and pet training skills.
Befriend one of your parent’s farm animals as a Child.
Adopt at least one cat and one dog.
Volunteer on weekends.
Generation 3: Blossom
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So, your parent was really into animals. And maybe that was a little bit too internalized in you… because now you can’t stop thinking about embracing your primal side and becoming a Werewolf. You still need to pay the bills though, so you work as a Green Technician to protect your territory’s ecosystem. On the weekends, you and your pack go bowling.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Insider, Loyal
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate, Emissary of the Collective OR Wildfang Renegade
Career: Civil Designer, Green Technician branch
Complete 2 Werewolf aspirations.
Max the bowling and logic skills.
Become a Werewolf.
Find and marry your Fated Mate.
Go bowling every weekend.
Generation Four: Mist
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Uhh… you okay? You were kind of raised by… literal Werewolves. The experience was kind of traumatic, and now you’re trying to live a normal life. You eat grilled cheese as a coping mechanism and as a teen, you start a side hustle so you can move out on your own ASAP. You go to university and get a completely normal job in the city. You struggle to trust someone enough to fall in love, especially after the whole… “Fated Mates” thing your parents had going on. You just really, really want something normal.
Traits: Overachiever, Paranoid, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (Teen), Grilled Cheese
Career: Any side hustle or part-time job (Teen), Education
Complete the Grilled Cheese aspiration.
Max the cooking, baking, and flower arranging skills.
If your Sim is given the option to graduate early, take it.
Get a degree.
After university, move to the city (San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, or San Sequoia) and get a bonsai tree.
Marry someone with a secret (for example, is an Alien or a Criminal).
Generation Five: Lava
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Things were kind of weird growing up, and now you’re healing from your childhood. If therapy was a thing, you’d so be there. But since it’s not, you dedicate yourself to journaling, wellness, and less socially-acceptable coping mechanisms. 
Traits: Erratic, High Maintenance, Party Animal
Aspiration: Drama Llama (Teen), Villainous Valentine (Adult), Inner Peace (Elder) 
Career: Culinary, Mixologist branch
Complete the Villainous Valentine aspiration.
Max the mixology, wellness, and writing skills.
Have a negative relationship with your parents.
Have an affair with a celebrity.
Have a child with a married Sim.
Write a tell-all memoir book as an elder.
Generation Six: Ash
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You had a fractured family life growing up, but one thing your parents told you about was your ancestor who started a magnificent farm. You want to start anew, just like they did. But, well, you’re kind of a city kid… so you only grow avocados. Also, you’re totally in-tune with the paranormal and commune with ghosts for work.
Traits: Bookworm, Childish, Unflirty
Aspiration: Playtime Captain (Child), Soulmate
Career: Freelancer, Paranormal Investigator branch
Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
Max the medium and gardening skills.
Live in an apartment and grow avocados on the balcony.
Marry a Sim that you’ve brought back from the dead.
Generation Seven: River
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If there were an award for weirdest upbringing, you’d probably get it. Seriously… one of your parents came back from the dead to have you! The fun doesn’t stop there though. You’re determined to keep having cool experiences and write about them for your whole life.
Traits: Bro, Good, Jealous
Aspiration: Mind and Body (Child), StrangerVille Mystery
Career: Drama Club (Child/Teen), Writer
Complete the StrangerVille aspiration.
Max the writing and fitness skills.
Have a child with someone from StrangerVille.
Take your child on vacation at least once every life stage (infant, toddler, child, teen).
Chapter Eight: Ocean
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As the heir to a wealthy writer, you’re used to having things handed to you, like jobs and vacations. Now that you’re old enough to make a name for yourself, you want to build your Trendi empire as a Simfluencer. You pick Sulani as the perfect place to make your mark; beautiful weather and beachfront property mean all your followers will be so jealous of you. You love the water more than anyone you know, until one day you see someone a little too far out to sea to be natural… 
Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Mean
Aspiration: Admired Icon (Teen), Party Animal
Career: Trendi (Teen), Simfluencer
Complete the Party Animal aspiration.
Max the entrepreneur and media production skills.
Live in Sulani and become a mermaid.
Sell an outfit on Trendi for 9,999 Simoleons.
Get 1,000,000 followers.
Generation 9: Sand
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Your parent always encouraged you to do great things with your life… as long as what you want is to be an Interior Decorator. Your real passion is music and you practice whenever you can. You’ve always wanted to rebel against your parent, but never had it in you to actually do it.
Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Neat
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Interior Decorator (Adult), Entertainment, Musician branch (Elder)
Complete the Musical Genius aspiration.
Max the violin and guitar skills.
Have a Strict family dynamic with your parent (you may cheat for this).
Get a Fine Arts degree at university.
If your Sim experiences a midlife crisis, you must complete it.
Generation 10: Flame
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As a little kid, your biggest goal in life was to one day become the best parent ever. Your own parent was sad a lot and you acted out because of it, but you want your own kid to have a happier home. You want to provide everything for your children with your own two hands. You like building on the woodworking bench and brewing herbalism concoctions.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Loves Outdoors, Maker
Aspiration: Live Fast (Teen), Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Culinary, Chef branch
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration.
Max the cooking, handiness, and herbalism skills.
Have at least three children, one of whom is adopted.
Go on family vacations to Granite Falls as much as possible.
Good luck and have fun!
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lucyandthepen · 4 months
last young renegade | jjh
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summary: your valentine’s day plans with jaehyun may have gone down the drain just a little. (okay — a lot.)
pairing: jaehyun x reader verse: canon, idol!verse rating: t warnings&tags: reader & jaehyun are in an established relationship, quite frankly there is nothing too out of the ordinary in this fic which is a shocker, it’s a rewritten fic so pls excuse any errors I may not have caught! word count: 5.02k
a/n: happy 2024 friends and family !!!!!! and advanced happy birthday to the man who created valentine’s day, he who is perhaps my first love in nct, jaehyun! this is actually just a fic I’ve been hoping to re-write a bit from before, and since it’s valentine’s themed, what better time to post it!! Enjoy enjoy, and may this year bring more fun, laughs, love (and debauchery) to this blog!
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Yᴏᴜ sᴀɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ sɪᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ᴏғ ɪᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ, ɴɪɢʜᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʏ.
♡ jaehyunnie ♡ I know I said birthday dinner but practice is running so late ㅠㅠ ♡ jaehyunnie ♡ Can we meet after? I’m sorry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ How about I call you when we’re done? Maybe 11:30?
At times like this, you often wonder if it’s all worth it.  
You know thinking that way is counterproductive, not to mention a little unfair. You knew exactly what to expect, getting into an under-wraps relationship with an idol, and so far, it’s lived up to most of your assumptions, and then some. It doesn’t help that Jaehyun, even just by name, tends to attract an unbelievable amount of attention. You know you can’t blame him; it’s not like he wants to be high on the radar every time, either. For some reason, though, you seem to be looking for something or someone to blame, which you also know is a dead end. You have no one to pin the blame onto apart from yourself by frequently generating doubts that keep your mind running around in circles.  
It’s not even the sneaking around that gets tiring; it’s the waiting — waiting on calls, waiting on free time, waiting on a good opportunity to do something that doesn’t involve him suddenly getting pulled out to attend to one of many of his celebrity responsibilities. Over the last few years that you’ve dated, NCT has only ever gotten more popular; with that popularity came the fact that the public eye was trained on them, focusing on every microscopic detail of their lives. Jaehyun hates that more than anything, which is why he’s given up on trying to avoid it by practically escaping it altogether, locking himself up in the dorm with you when he has his precious few days off. 
While it’s true that you definitely don’t miss having to play espionage when going out for a cup of coffee with him, you’ve also managed to memorize every single inch of Jaehyun’s room, which isn’t good for your mentality, you’re pretty sure. You have to keep reminding him to open the window whenever the both of you are in there, because all you do is stay in and watch English movies without subtitles to see who can understand the most without asking questions (obviously, he always wins) while eating food he runs up and down the stairs to get every other hour. And while him trying to imitate the British accents on these shows is genuinely funny, you’re starting to suspect even he’s starting to get tired of watching Harry Potter over and over again. Twenty hours sounds like a long time unless you spend every twenty-hour period you have together marathoning the exact same films. Much to both of your disappointment, your suggestion to watch it totally out of order did not make it cooler.
Still, you suppose it’s not all bad. Jaehyun also taught you how to play Fortnite on a couple of his days off back to back, and while you hadn’t been as good a player as you both had hoped, he’d still patiently waited for you every time you got lost on the map. He’d even given you his account’s password with the sentiment that this was him ‘taking things to the next level with you,’ and you get to log into his account and play whenever you want; he doesn’t even get mad when you’ve wasted all the stuff he’s farmed on your subpar gaming skills. And, well, the bigger picture was that you loved him. Based on how much effort he put into the relationship, plus the bonus of his trust in you when it came to his Fortnite account, you could at least be confident in that he returned the sentiment.  
Except, sometimes, you still wonder if it would be easier for the both of you if he flew solo and didn’t have a girlfriend that tanked all of his player’s ammo and health kits and generally made a fool out of his cute little avatar while he was out breaking his back onstage.  
You aren’t sure if Jaehyun’s been noticing the turmoil in you; you’re not that good at hiding how you feel, anyway, but if he has, he hasn’t said anything thus far. You do observe how much more he texts you when he has free time, which makes you feel doubly bad, because you know that he’s spending precious minutes he could be resting with on talking to you instead, which isn’t the best trade-off for someone who’s constantly busy — and thereby constantly tired — like him.  
♡ jaehyunnie♡ ___________ I’m going to practice again, okay? Wait for my call ㅠㅠ You I’ll wait for your call ♡ ♡ jaehyunnie♡ I love you ㅠㅠㅠㅠ ♡ jaehyunnie♡ You love me too — a lot, right? I’ll keep my phone now, but I’ll make sure to check that you said so. ㅋㅋㅋ You Right! ㅎ I love you a lot! ♡
When the clock hits 12:01, and your phone is silent, your mind starts working on overtime again. It’s only when the special ringtone you’ve set for him comes to life at half-past midnight that you break your train of thought and put on your socks so you can meet Jaehyun at your front door.  
You’ve made a rule — sort of like a deal — between the two of you that apologies aren’t necessary when work holds you up. You’ve cashed in on that deal a couple of times, but you’re both aware that it’s more for Jaehyun’s sake than anything else, and he keeps to his word on that much when you open the door and duck into his car. All he does is smile at you, and you smile back, and for the rest of the car ride, everything seems okay.  
He always asks you about your day — unfailingly, at any chance he can. It’s never an off-handed question, either; Jaehyun takes great pride in his memory, and the sweetest thing about him is that he’s dedicated a good deal of it to knowing almost everything about you. Right now is no different. He asks you about your team manager, what you had for lunch; he grills you on if you took your vitamins today and if you got to break in the new shoes you bought online — the ones you’d been pining over for the last three months. He even asks you about the guy from the neighboring department who keeps asking you out for after-work drinks.  
“He wanted to go to Hongdae tonight,” you tell him as he slows for a red light. “There’s some new pub of his friend’s doing a soft opening there tonight.”  
“You could have gone.” He keeps his eyes on the road. “I wouldn’t have minded.”  
“I didn’t want to.”
“Good.” He glances at you, a grin slowly spreading on his lips. “Because I lied. I might have minded a little. Or, you know, a lot.”  
“Don’t tell me after all these years, you’ve turned into the kind of boyfriend that doesn’t let his girlfriend go out without him.”
“That’s impossible for me, and you know that,” he chuckles. “You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Just not with that guy from the other department.”
“Don’t worry.” You tinker with the little charm dangling on your phone — half of a flat, metal heart dangling from a gold chain that Jaehyun had given you two years back on your birthday. He keeps the other half, but since he can’t freely attach it to any of his belongings, he keeps it wedged between the back of his phone and its case. You like watching him change the backing because he does it so carefully, like he’s worried the other half of the heart is going to break if he rips off the case willy nilly. “I told him my boyfriend and I were going out on a date tonight, so he backed off. Although he did wonder why I keep talking about a boyfriend he’s never seen.”
“And? What did you say?”
“I said it was none of his damn business.”  
Jaehyun laughs loudly, and you go along with him, but you don’t miss how tired he looks when he sobers down, the green light illuminating all the shadows on his face as he steps on the gas again.
Nothing good is open this late at night — that is, nothing you haven’t seen before. You hadn’t even expected to go out at all, but since it was the day before Valentine’s Day as well as his birthday (or it would have been, if you hadn’t waited until midnight), Jaehyun had wanted to do something special without having to run into a huge crowd of couples on the day itself. Your only option is this from-out-of-town carnival that’s set up in tents and even has a medium-sized ferris wheel by the edge of the metal barricade. The parking lot is practically empty when Jaehyun pulls into a slot; you joke that he should break one rule and park in two slots, which he smugly replies to by saying he couldn’t park badly even if he tried.  
He tucks your hair back behind your ears as he loops the strings of a face mask around them, using another one for himself. Between that and the brim of his cap, you can barely see his eyes. The only knowledge that you have that you’re walking next to the man you love is that he takes your hand in his, slender fingers finding their way between yours.  
The carnival is half-closed when you get to the middle of it; there are still a few stragglers, but half the kiosks have their lights off already. There’s a woman dressed in flashy clothes standing on a patch of dead grass a few feet away, and she’s holding a hoop that a ginger cat is jumping through. Jaehyun steers you to them, and you stand there for a good five minute watching the cat roll on the ground and stand on its hind legs, but you can tell it’s been going it at for most of the day because at one point, it just ignores the lady, opting to weave its way between Jaehyun’s and your legs instead. You do have a pretty good time when he picks it up and cradles it in his arms so you can pet it for a second, but it just hisses when its owner approaches and jumps out of his hold, disappearing behind a row of trash bins.  
Jaehyun doesn’t have anything in his wallet apart from his credit cards and 50,000 won, and the coin machine operator says he only has enough coins left to break down 5,000 won for the games, so you end up having to jog back to his car so you can fish out some coins from inside his glove compartment. You come up with a grand total of 1,500 won, and you have to sheepishly go back to the coin machine operator to change four 100 coins and a couple of 50s just to get the last 500. Jaehyun tells you to hold onto the three coins so he doesn’t run off with them entirely and leave you destitute.  
You learn you can only do three things at most — you dedicate 500 won for the Ferris wheel entry tickets, which leaves you with 500 won each. The both of you agree on choosing one kiosk to play in, and with only about five left that are open, you don’t really have that many options. You end up dragging Jaehyun over to a stall with a pond filled with those magnetic toy fish, but 500 won only gets you one fishing rod. Since it’s your choice, Jaehyun lets you play, but you feel kind of stupid doing it on your own with him just watching you. In the end, he decides to stand behind you, his arms around your waist like he thinks closer contact isn’t even more distracting. You do manage to fish out 10 fish and win a small bear on a keychain. It doesn’t even pass through your hands as Jaehyun takes it from the stall operator immediately. 
“That’s mine!” You whine, reaching out in vain to take it from him; he just holds it high over his head. His eyes are twinkling under the shadow his cap casts over his face. “I worked hard for that.”  
“Let me keep this one,” he mimics the pleading lilt in your voice. “I’ll put it on my bag.”
“You know you can’t! Give it back.”
“I’ll win you a bigger one,” he promises. “Let me keep this one. It’s cute. It reminds me of you. I’ll kiss it goodnight before I sleep.” He starts to laugh softly. “And then you’ll feel this weird spirit kissing you at like two in the morning, and you’ll know it’s me.”  
Your arms aren’t long enough to retrieve it, and you don’t really want to, so you settle with twisting his ear. He takes it in stride even if he over-acts, making pained noises while leading you to the kiosk he wants to go to. It’s a shooting range stall, and he pays his own precious 500 won for a dart gun. He’s barely paying attention when the guy starts explaining how many points are assigned to each balloon color, more concerned with talking to the bear keychain in his hand and pretending like he’s cooing at you. You have to hit him across the shoulder to get him to focus.  
“You need to start picking out what prize you want,” he tells you — the actual you, not the animal keychain version — as he lifts the dart gun.  
“I’ll wait for you to finish first.”  
“No way.” He tilts his head, closing one eye to steady his line of sight. “Pick already. Or just go for the biggest one.”
“You know that Fortnite and dart guns aren’t the same thing, right?”  
“Yeah, but I’m well-motivated.” He grins at you, one eye still shut. He looks like a baby pirate. “Go ahead. Pick the biggest one.”
“Why don’t you just shoot, and we’ll see.”  
“Pick it,” he insists. “Tell me you have faith in me. Tell me you love me.”
“Okay, I love you,” you agree. “But I have no faith in you when it comes to this.”  
“One out of two is fine,” he concedes, taking aim.  
All three of you, including the stall operator, let out a disappointed groan when he misses his first shot. His comes with a sheepish laugh as he reloads, suddenly telling you to pick the second biggest prize instead. You can’t even watch him miss over and over, so you pretend to be interested in a bunch of teenage boys playing a game of cups one stall over, trying not to giggle when you hear him get increasingly more frustrated at himself. When you turn back around, you notice he’s holding two small pieces of gummy candy, offering one to you like a kindergartener. He helps you tug your face mask down so you can eat it.  
There’s a food stall nearby that, thankfully, accepts credit and debit; Jaehyun fishes out his card to get you a corndog — only one because he’s watching his weight for the upcoming concert, apparently. This is information you hate hearing but have no say in, and he knows this; you know he does because he says ‘don’t worry about me’ totally out of the blue, like five minutes after the conversation ceases to be relevant.  
His phone starts ringing when the food comes out, and he takes a tiny bite of it — more bread than hotdog — before he answers. You know it’s Taeyong by the way he answers.  
“Hyung, sorry — can we talk later? I’m out with ____________.”  
Taeyong says something loud but indiscernible on the other end. You piece together that it’s about tomorrow’s schedule when Jaehyun speaks again.
“I know. I’ll be home in a bit; don’t worry about it. I haven’t forgotten.”  
There’s more garbled speech on the other line; Jaehyun gestures for you to keep eating, and you do, but you more concerned with the morphing expressions on his face than you are with the act of chewing. He’s making noncommittal noises in response to what seem to be commands and reminders. You’re pretty much done with the corndog by the time he says ‘Okay, hyung. Hyung — I’ll see you later, okay?’
“Taeyong hyung says hi,” he tells you once he’s hung up the phone. “He says you still need to give back that book you borrowed from him last year.”  
“Oh yeah,” you finish off the last of the food. “I’ll drop it off within the week.”  
“Don’t worry about it. He doesn’t actually mean it.”  
Jaehyun watches you snap the stick in half and toss it in the trash bag.  
“We can go home,” you say finally. His eyebrows shoot up. “You’re busy tomorrow. I forgot.”
“I didn’t forget, and it’s fine.”  
“It’s almost two in the morning.” You check your phone to verify. “You probably have to be up in a few hours. You need to sleep, or you’ll die, Jaehyun. I’m too young to be a grieving widow.”
“Let’s at least ride the Ferris wheel,” he suggests. Before you can protest, he tugs you towards the rickety contraption, digging the 500 won out of your pocket and handing it to the bemused operator. He lets you choose what carriage you want because literally no one is on it anymore, and Jaehyun asks for the best carriage. You’re not sure how it differs from the rest, but he makes a show out of guiding you into it, and you don’t miss the corny ‘my lady,’ he mutters under his breath.   
It’s small, clearly meant for either a tiny group of children or couples who want to be as close together as possible. It’s also not air-conditioned, and only one of the windows is open, so you end up sticking to Jaehyun’s arm on the way up. The view is still great, though, and you feel his hand settle on your knee as the carriage makes it slow ascent.  
The ride up is quiet, and you press your face as close to the glass of the carriage as you dare, but Jaehyun doesn’t move an inch. His hand is still heavy on your thigh, but it doesn’t do anything but lay there. When you’re close to the top, you’re hit with the urge to do something romantic — kiss, maybe, tell him happy birthday, or say ‘I love you’ to him in the most sickening way possible — but when you turn to look at him, you have to hold your tongue.
Jaehyun is asleep, leaning against the corner of the carriage, head tilted down a little. His shoulders are rising and falling slowly, and he’s pulled down his face mask a little so he can breathe better; his lips are slightly parted by the slackening of his jaw. His left hand is shoved in his pocket, like he’d passed out halfway through reaching for something in there.  
He doesn’t wake even when you move slightly so you can lean back next to him, rocking the carriage a little — not even when you reach up and adjust his head so he can rest on your shoulder. He breathes deeply, evenly, and you wonder if his ear against your shoulder allows him to hear your heart plummet unfairly to the bottom of your stomach.  
You have to shake him to rouse him when the ride comes to an end; when he opens his eyes and realizes what happened, he looks mortified. Instinctively, he opens his mouth, but you fling the carriage door open and step out before he can apologize.
You have a deal, and he knows what he shouldn’t be doing.
His grip on your hand is much tighter as you walk back to the parking lot, and he doesn’t let go, even on the road. The trip back is quieter, maybe because it’s late, or maybe because there are a ton of things the both of you want to say but can’t.  
He slows down when he gets to your street, but when he stops in front of your building, he doesn’t immediately unlock the doors to let you out. Instead, he turns to you, licking his lips a little nervously.
“Can you…” he clears his throat because his voice cracks a little on the first attempt. “Can you come back with me? To the dorm?”  
“I have work tomorrow, Jaehyun.”  
“It’s still at eleven, isn’t it? I can bring you home before that. You still have some stuff in my room. You can get ready there.”
“Won’t you be too busy?”  
“Just—” he sighs softly. “Can you? Please?”  
You don’t know how to say no to Jaehyun, and tonight isn’t a night you’re willing to try. It’s why fifteen minutes later, you’re walking through the front door of his dorm. Donghyuck, sitting at his computer in his room with the door ajar, greets you sleepily as you pass by.  
Jaehyun steps in the shower with you; you don’t talk, maybe because you’re worried you might wake the others up if you start a full-blown conversation in a bathroom surrounded by other bedrooms. He just passes you what you need, and you do the same for him, and somewhere in between, he kisses you under the spray of the water.  
Later, he falls asleep with a face mask on, and you have to peel it off for him and toss it into the trash. The tip of his nose is shiny, and you want to kiss it, but you know it’ll wake him, and you noticed he’d set his alarm to go off two hours from now. He’s set out a couple of earplugs for you so that you don’t hear it, but you don’t put them in. You want to see him before he leaves, even if it’s in the deadest hours of morning, so you just crawl into bed with him. A minute before you doze off, you feel his damp skin press against your neck, his form curled up against your back.  
The alarm never wakes you; the sun is out when you open your eyes, and when you check your phone, you see that it’s already half-past nine. You also notice that there’s nothing from Jaehyun on your screen, but you try not to dwell on that, considering that you’d been expecting to wake up to an empty bed. His side of the mattress is cold, which means that he’s been gone for some time.  
You don’t know if it’s just because you’re groggy, but your insides still feel like lead when you sit up. The part of you that nags about this relationship is back at full force when you start thinking about Jaehyun going to a pre-recording two hours after spending the last of his energy on you. You start wondering if you’re doing the right thing if it feels like you’re just dragging him down. Your heart clenches tightly when the worst thought hits — maybe, just maybe, he’s tired of you, too.
But you won’t let him go. More to the point — you can’t. He’s the best part of your life; it’d be a cold day in hell if you decided to leave him.
Even the thought of it makes you feel like dying.  
Then again, this isn’t all up to you.  
You’re rubbing the sleep out of your eyes — and maybe a couple of frustrated tears — when the door creaks open. You see two mugs and his hands before you see the rest of him come through the doorway. Jaehyun whispers a careful good morning as he sets the coffee down on his table, making sure to push his keyboard away to avoid accidents, before sitting down next to you. You notice that there’s an envelope next to one of the mugs; the flap is slightly open, and from under it, a flash of red peeks out.  
His hand finds its way back to your knee — it’s his favorite resting place, he’s told you once. Your lap feels like home, he’d joked. Maybe he touches it every so often because it’s like a reset button for him.  
He doesn’t ask if you slept well, or if you want to get ready before having your coffee, or if you’re okay. He just squeezes your knee a little tighter. It’s you that has to start the conversation this time.
“How did it go?”
“It went great. You’ll see it on TV later tonight,” he starts rubbing your thigh idly. “You’ll watch it later, right?”  
“Of course. I’ll call you and tell you how cool you look.”  
He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. When you lapse into silence again, it’s because you’re expecting him to say something, but he doesn’t come out with it directly. You try not to let it show that you’re worried, that you’re skeptical, that you’re wondering if he thinks he’s too tired, too busy for this, too.  
You’re expecting him to start how most break-ups start. You know I love you, right? And then the telltale but… would come, and you would have to hold back your tears and smile for him, and tell him you know, and that you understand it isn’t the right time, but maybe one day, someday, when he isn’t everyone’s Jung Jaehyun anymore — only yours.  
“You love me, right?”  
It’s not what you’d been expecting. Nor is it the playful little text he’d sent — no laughs, no jokes. His expression is somber, mouth pressed into a thin line.  
“You know I do.”
“A lot, right?”
“A lot,” you confirm softly.  
“Then whatever it is that you’re thinking about us,” he says quietly. “Don’t. Don’t think it. Don’t do it.”  
“I know it’s hard,” his fingers dig into your skin a little. “I know I put you through a lot. I know you think that I’m suffering because of this relationship too. I know everything. But whatever you think I’m going to do, I won’t do it — not ever. So if you’re thinking of it too, I’m begging you. Don’t. Please.”  
Maybe he had noticed all this time. A wave of guilt washes over you when you see the pained look on his face; perhaps you were even more transparent than you’d originally thought. You nod slowly to show your understanding, and he continues.  
“I know yesterday wasn’t the best you could have hoped for,” he carefully avoids apologizing, although it’s written all over his features. “For me, too. I… I wanted something different. It’ll be better next time. Do you believe me?”  
You hear him swallow — his nails are biting into your thigh a little, so you have to gently peel his hand off. Your fingers replace it, tightening around his palm as you nod.
“I believe you.”  
“And you trust me, right?”
“With my life.”  
“Then can you put your faith in me right now?” He asks. “Don’t panic. Just — just say yes.”
He pats around his pants, finally deciding to slip his hand into his left-hand pocket. Unlike on the Ferris wheel, he manages to extract something, but he keeps it closed in his fist. It’s shaking a little as he takes your hand in his other one, pressing something small and hard into your palm before he curls your fingers over it. His hold keeps your fist closed as he starts talking.
“It’s not immediate. We’ll figure it out. We’ll tell the right people, and they’ll help us tell everyone else — the public, the press. It doesn’t have to happen right now, or any time soon either— not if you don’t want it to. We can take it slow, or whatever. Anything you want — just as long as it’s with me.”  
“Jaehyun,” you shake your head, a little dizzy. “What are you talking about?”  
He slowly loosens his hold on your fingers, his hand dropping to the same spot on your knee. You’re free to open your fist, and when you do, you can’t help but feel a little stumped.
“I don’t mean now,” he repeats, now sounding doubly worried. “It’s not — It’s just…”  
“You’ll get in trouble. We can’t.”
“I won’t. Not if we do this right. Like I said, we can do it slowly. Months — years, however long it takes to do it well. What it is — it’s just… a promise.”  
“A promise,” you echo. It does have a nice ring to it.  
“That I’m not leaving you. Not ever. And… if you say yes, that you won’t either.”  
Your coffee has probably turned cold. Jaehyun is watching you carefully, looking like he’s trying hard not to bite his lip. You look back down at your hand, and he speaks up again.  
“You know I love you, right?”  
You smile slightly. “No but?”  
“No but,” he agrees.  
The ring fits nicely on your finger; maybe it’s well-measured from the amount of times he’s held your hand tightly in his.  
“Okay, Jaehyun,” you whisper. “I promise.”  
When you place your hand on his, he twists his palm, slender fingers gently twirling the ring around the base of your finger.  
Minutes later, he hands you your coffee. It’s sweet and milky, the way he knows you like it best. When he settles back down on the bed, you notice his eyes travel to your finger again, a small smile playing on his lips.  
Perhaps, in this moment, you finally learn to ask the right questions — not about if it’s worth it, but if he is.  
And in this moment, where he sits in silence with you, the sunlight pouring in from his window hitting the tips of his hair and the end of his nose, with the knowledge that his heart is as full as yours, you come to realize that there can — and never will be — any doubt of that.  
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partiallypearl · 2 months
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"You get out and about, see the world, meet people and then... you know. Blow them up."
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
Do you have any fic recs where dicks relationship with the batfam is the focus?
Yes! These are all fics I've adored
FAVORITE!! I place this fic on a pedestal. It's one of the best fics of all time - The primacy of personal conscience
Favorite! Another one of my all time favorites. Dick, Jason, Tim are deaged to their robin eras and Damian and Bruce are in their current ages - Just, How
Dick gets split into three personalities - The choice to be seen
FAVORITE!! - Dick's buried. But like hell is the batfamily going to let it stay that way - The unnecessary requiem
ALL of CamsthiSky's fics focus of Dick's batfam relations and are good reads - Link
Small moments with Dick and the family - Snippets
Dick, Damian, and Tim. Absent parent Bruce and needy Bruce are the same person as always- prodigal
Favorite! Dick and Damian's relationship and evolution - Snapshots
Sad fic if Dick's reaction after Ric was darker - Strength in a Lack of Continuity
Batfamily's reaction to Dick's sexual objectification - I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Good fic about something I don't remember (sorry! It's been years but I saved it so it must be good) with young justice and batfamily reactions that were accurate - End Days
If Bruce was a lot darker and acted on his overprotective tendencies collection. It's centered around Dick - Darkish Batfamily
How the batfamily reacts to Dick getting shot in the head - Fallen
Dick buys a bunch of plants and bonds with all of them - let your love grow tall
All of Danishsweethearts works are good - Danishsweethearts
Sad fic about Dick being batman again and batfamily's reaction. I think Tim would react differently. Maybe. But it's a fantastic angst fic - My life's going by but it's just begun
Dick, Damian, and Dick's massive group of friend and allies - Missed a spot
Dick's a civilian but he's still their big brother - Those times that Dick Grayson got tangled up with the batfamily
Dick, Peter Parker, Cat Noir, Danny Fenton and their fathers. PS they're all socialite friends. This has to be canon - The Black Tux Gang
Angst story about Dick if he had mental illness. No happy ending - Shattered Tea Cups
Dick is a changed man after spyral and batfamily's reaction - Downward spyral
Someone planning a hit on Nightwing? Not if Nightwing does it on himself first (fun) - Money for daffodils
Favorite! Dick has retrograde amnesia and Bruce struggles to cope - Harbor
Dick died seven years ago. And then woke up - Faith and fate
Dick's secret abilities the batfamily doesn't notice - Unusual skills and habits
The truth of Dick's death and everyone's reaction - Code B
Favorite! Dick is Talon, Tim is Red Hood, and Jason is Red Robin - A New Adversary
Favorite! Jason and Dick are close. Told through the eyes of everyone else - proximity
Soft fic. ABO but Dick acting as Tim and Damian's mother - Your truth is a deception meant to poison me
Dick's gone but the rape of him is not. The batfamily will avenge their brother. The whole world will - Take the night back
ABO robin reversal collection - Robin Reversal ABO
Werewolf au where Dick meets Jason and Bruce comes along - Den and Pack
If Dick got deaged to renegade era - Pause in the Pendulum
Sweet fic about the Batbros seeking comfort in Dick - Haven
Favorite! Duke time! The Batfamily teasing Dick lovingly - Shenanigans
Dark batfam fic around Dick - Gaslight Manor
Dick will do anything to protect his family (Has Constantine/Dick) - Time (to protect you)
If Dick was Terry McGinnis' biological father - Beyond the Night Collection
Talon!Dick in the Teen Titans universe with batfamily - Just a dead kid
Angst, sad fic about Dick getting tired of being the mediator - Please just get along (I can't do this anymore)
One of my all time favorites - Everyday one headcanon about Nightwing
Batfamily mourning the loss of Dick's hair - He's shorn, we're torn
Jason tries stealing in Bludhaven rather than Gotham. He meets Nightwing instead of Batman and his life gets a whole lot better - Hot wheels
Stephanie time travels and meets Robin Dick! - Oops
Favorite! ALL of iloveyourwords' fics - iloveyourwords
Favorite! ALL of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - ScarlettSwordMoon
Angst fic. So much angst. Sometimes Jason's anger gets the worst of him but it's not because he doesn't care - not even rain has such small hands
Favorite! The heroes are forced to forget Dick. And they regret (has constantine/dick/zatanna) - Love that burned green against skin
Favorite! ALL of Kuroaki's works - Kuroaki
Dick, Tim, and Jason watch Encanto and, well, Surface Pressure was made for Dick - Who am I if I don't have what it takes
Pre-robin Dick. Dick's only fault is his over-competence - lightning is the shine (but I've been working on the thunder)
Favorite! Dick's name comes out of the Hogwart's cup. This changes everything and nothing - heavy is the crown
The batkids are unhinged. Poor jason - The AU noone asked for
Dick falls. And so does everyone else (iloveyourwords' fic) - icarus
FAVORITE!! Dick, Jason, Damian undercover on a cruise. Everything goes wrong - Like those foreign stars
YJ where Dick joins Deathstroke and Bruce breaks inside - Fallen son
Favorite! ALL of miss_aphelion's works - miss_aphelion
Here's a starter for miss_aphelion's works - Dick of Troy
Dick and Bruce in the eyes of the JL - Boy on the couch
Favorite! Dick is stuck in his dreamworld and his family just want him back - Happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Hunger Games Au! Dick volunteers as a tribute - To get a dream of life again
Dick and Bruce and Dick's graceful manipulation of people - Some men fall from grace. Some are pushed
Dick takes time away from Bruce and finds himself again - Local oldest child takes time away from family
FAVORITE!! One of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - shipping rivalries
FAVORITE!! Dick reveals his trauma through singing - A robin's song
FAVORITE!! Dick's personality gets split in three - Three is a party
Dick runs away to Bludhaven but the batfamily won't let things rest - What stalks in my shadows
FAVORITE!! The batfamily is stuck in a timeloop where they can't save Dick - One thousand, Three hundred, and Nine Hours
Tim being a cute menace and feral Dick - little menace
FAVORITE!! Damian has a few choice words to say about Bruce's treatment of Dick - The threat
Slade saves Dick from the Court of Owls and Rose's view of him - Quiet now, you're going to wake the beast
FAVORITE!! Bruce is gone and Dick is seeing ghosts. The batfamily just wants to protect him - The haunting of Wayne house
FAVORITE!! Deaged Dick and Damian collection - you've always loved the strange birds
Dick's been deaged wakes up in a world with 5 robins no thanks to Slade - persephone's in hell
FAVORITE!! The batfamily's in a time loop trying to save Dick - rewind, remix, retry, redo
Funny fics I'm in love with!
Hilarious and all-around fun - Batbros Wreck Havoc
Favorite! ALL of pupeez4eva's fics but here's a starter for fun - That Torturous Thing Known as Time Travel
More fun fic (can you tell I like the humorous ones?) - A Bunch of Ridiculousness
Don't mess with Dick from Jason's perspective. Jason, Dick, and Bruce - Dig Down Deep
Accurate fic about batfamily's reaction to Dick dating Joey - Families Ever Changing
AU: Justice League meeting Nightwing focusing on Dick, Bruce, and Barry - Starry eyed
(Sorry had to slip another one in) JL's reaction to Dick - Your call may be interrupted
The batfamily will not let anyone take cover pictures of Dick - The annual Bludhaven firefighter's calander for charity
Another JLA story. Dick was a wild child nightmare robin - Adventures in batsitting
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pamsimmer · 4 months
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My very first challenge and I'm excited? haha
When I was looking for occults challenge to play I found a lot of witches and vampire type of things, but I don't quite remember seeing a werewolf one.
These three occults are my favorites (unfortunately I kind of ignore the others because you know... meh, not as fun to play with them. But maybe one day I'll try to make a mermaid challenge)
Down here you're gonna find the rules and guidelines for each gen. You don't have to follow strictly the rules if you don't want to, I know it can be annoying sometimes. And also I made it short for those who prefer shorter challenges (like me).
I just hope you have fun!
[edit: a friend made the graphic rules and it looks amazing. if you prefer it like this: HERE]
You must reside only in the occults’s worlds, but preferably in Moonwood Mill (You can always kick your family out and pretend you’re living in another place hehe)
Start as YA, any gender
You can use cheats if you want.
Heir must be a werewolf
Normal or Long Lifespan
You don’t have to max all these skills, but it would be nice if you at least worked on them all your sims lives
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Requirements: Werewolves, Snowy Scape, Get Together, Get To Work
GENERATION 1: Waxing Crescent
You grew up close to the Moonwood Collective, they are basically your family and you learned how to be a good sim and not hurt others. You prefer to lock yourself up than to behave like an animal in front of others. You always loved art/writing and your hobby is to play piano. You don’t like the spotlight because of your werewolf tendencies, so you chose a more “reclusive” career.
Traits: Proper/Snob, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: The Emissary of the Collective
Skills: Charisma, Piano/Painting, Writing
Career: Painter or Writer (It can be the freelance career if you prefer)
Volunteer with family (or alone) at least once a week
Your partner can be any gender, can be human or even another type of occult, as long as the heir is a werewof.
Get married to your partner and never divorce. You two were made for each other
GENERATION 2: Waning Gibbous
Your parents wanted you to be as perfect as they are, but you’re not them. You have your own personality and your own desires. You’re a rebel. You love being a werewolf and you feel powerful when you show others who you are. The only thing you got from your parent was the love for music, but you are more of a guitar type of sim. And you want to be the leader of your own pack.
Traits: Mean, Active, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Guitar
Career: Criminal or perform only odd jobs and have a part time job
Meet your friends at the bar every weekend
Have a “fight club” club
Get pregnant/get your girlfriend pregnant as a teen (if your sim is a boy: don’t assume the responsability / if your sim is a girl: give the baby to someone else. you can keep the child close to you if you want to play with them later, in case it’s a werewolf)
Get married as a Young Adult and divorce before become an Adult. You can find love again, but if you don’t, that’s okay. (preferably die alone :)
One day your sims is gonna teach their teen kid (the heir) how to fight. You’re take them to Greg and let them fight Greg… alone.
You never got along with your parent. You actually hate them. You prefer to be alone, you’re like a hurt puppy that attacks others who tries to come closer to you. But you’re very sweet on the inside. And finally one day you find the love of your life and you have a beautiful family together.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Gardening, Handiness, Fishing
Career: Gardner or Fisherman (and perform odd jobs)
If you chose gardner: go fishing every weekend, if you chose fisherman: have a garden
Live off the grid, at least until you get married (after that you can go back to society again if you want to. But it’s not mandatory)
Have at least two kids
You grew up in a loving family. You have so many plans for your life, but you don’t want to be a werewolf forever. You spent your teenager years reading werewolf books and you got the Lunar Epiphany and learned how to make the cure. Maybe you’re the one who breaks the family’s curse, right? and you want to be a super parent because your own parent inspired you.
Traits: Genius, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Logic, Parenting, Baking/Gourmet Cooking
Career: Doctor/Astrounaut
Find love when you are already a human and be the best parent you can be!
Go out on dates at least once a week with your partner, and when you have a child go out at least once a week with your family.
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