#you’ll get your chance to shine bb
milliemuus · 8 months
Possible future stuff (just a snippet ;) ):
Dokutaro: ‘No…no! Impossible! How is my power core destroyed?!’
Kieran: Wait, his colour’s weird, this means, maybe we have a chance now? If so, then…
Ogerpon: *angrily growls while bringing out her cudgel*
Kieran: *puts his hand, blocking Ogerpon* *with rage* No,I’ll take care of this.
*Grabs Dokutaro’s neck while the True Finale starts*
Who are you… To think that could prevail? For all the sins you’ve done, You'll fall on your face and FAIL!!!! Now then! And In The Final hour our HOPE STILL SHINES!! BLINDING THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS… IN THE FINAL… FIGHT!!
You’ll never harm anyone again Like the runt you were, You may have possessed me and and made me harm my family! But when YOU harm my friends?! You're asking for a Kieran smacking! One single KO punch, Will send you sorry runt a-packing!
*Finally, in a fit of rage, Kieran mustered up all his strength, and punched Dokutaro, sending him flying in the air. Finally the second attack is over, but it truly was a Grand Finale*
(v) PV! Pecharunt: And that’s how I got my ass handed by my Kieran.
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: *grimaced* sheesh, I hope you’re alright.
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Now you’re making me feel that I got off easy…
Azure Dive Pecharunt: *curious* Really? What happened?
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Well, let’s just say my Kieran was AN ABSOLUTE SIMP, somehow, his simping was able to shrug off my possession for a short while, but it’s really tiring, ugh, I’m SO TIRED…*internally screaming*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: ohhhh, that sounds really annoying to deal with.
(so, ANOTHER IDEA, AND A SNIPPET OF THE PECHAS. So, you said most of your stuff is inspired by BIS, so another lyrical stuff by Juno Songs (credits to him) for Kieran in the Key Change segment. Also, I changed a few things to fit the context)
(and this could be a sequel’s ending since, the final battle is sort of discussed already)
(so maybe?)
(Also, opportunity for the Pechas to interact :), also if S&S Dipplins Pecharunt confusing you, you can go to @dipplinduo and see the asks, he’s the author of the fanfic)
I LOVE THIS IDEA! I'M FINALLY GETTING TO ANSWER BUT I RLLY NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG! I'VE BEEN Listening to the actual BIS soundtrack, and smth funny I've been thinkin abt is a mario-rpg style thing of Project Venus.
So, you know how in BIS the music changes depending on whether you are bowser or the brothers? Esp inside bowser? I wanna make themes based off the inside bowser themes for Kitakami, BB Academy, Area Zero, etc for PV!Kieran, since his POV is technically warped. Like when we first meet him, it's obvs gonna be normal, but it slowly but surely settles in as time goes on because I wanna say there's a side episode of him training (Like Bowser Jrs Journey was a side episode)
I'd love for everyone's Pechas to interact! I'm a bit intimidated even tho I'm mutuals with both dipplinduo (I believe) and I am definitely mutuals with tealmaskmybeloved!
However, I don't think I've heard much abt Azure Dive, but I hella love the name 👀
I wanna find out more abt them, though! I don't see them on my tl much and I get busy, but I'd love if you told me a buncha stuff, if you'd like to! You're definitely not obligated to, by any means!
Also, I'm very sure that PV!Pecha wpuld get the walloping if a lifetime for sure! Maybe not just by Kieran himself, but by Kieran's ancestor, too 😭
In fact, I think that's what I want PVs Mochi Mayhem to be about! Uncovering Pecharunt and Kieran and Carmine's ancestry with Eustace (The Mask Maker) and the sealed curse that Pecharunt has him under! Ooooghh, givin me so many ideas...
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
Howdy! For those who don’t know, I planned to do 3 comics at once (working on several pages a week for each project) but I think that 3 is one too many for me.… aka: The Hand of Farore is suffering lol. I haven’t been working on it at all, so I thought I’d tell y’all that I have a plan. After I finish Sky’s arc for lbl, I’ll work on The Hand of Farore so I can start uploading the pages on the profile finally. It’s gonna take some work but I’m determined!
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
�� not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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dameronology · 3 years
more than anything {poe dameron}
summary: poe can be oddly insightful in his own way, and with the pressure of the resistance pulling you down, it's exactly what you need (for @disastersim !! i hope you enjoy angel <3)
warnings: language, one slight innuendo
- jazz
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Working for the Resistance could be exhausting in every sense of the worst - emotionally, physically, mentally. Constantly fighting for a cause that had no guaranteed pay off was beyond challenging and the fight - the wars and the battles and the bloodshed - didn't seem to be coming to an end anytime soon. There were days where you made leaps and bounds towards entirely wiping out the First Order, in the same way that there were days when they made strides towards completely wiping out your side of the fight. It was a constant tug of war between good and bad; of course, it wasn't all that black and white, but it was difficult to see what anyone saw in the First Order's extreme principles. That was especially the case when your own comrades packed up and left the base to join them. With that said, there were more than enough people who left that side to come to yours. Ones who saw the Resistance as a source of hope- a light at the end of an awfully fucking long tunnel.
That's what you had to constantly remind yourself off: light. Hope. Courage. All the things that you'd sworn to fight for as long as you could remember - the very values that you so desperately held onto in an attempt to not completely lose it - and the ones you kept so close to your heart. Sometimes, it was easy to do so; easy to believe that the Resistance was going to pull through and that light would shine on the galaxy once again. Other times? Not so much. It was normal to have dark days and sad days but as of late, it had been dark weeks and sad weeks. Your team of fellow mechanical engineers had done their best to lift your spirits, but the weight on your soul was a little too much. It was just something that would have to pass naturally.
It had been effecting your sleep too, to the point where you found yourself wandering the base alone at night. The only other people who were awake were those on the nightshift, and the occasional droid that would whirr around the corner. From where you sat in the garage, you would hear the clank clank clank of Threepio fumbling about the base - he would sometimes say hello, and other you help with whatever it was that you were repairing or tinkering with. For the most part, though, he kept to himself. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, because his famous catchphrase of we're doomed! wasn't entirely the best thing for your morale.
So, there you were at 3AM, Poe's t-shirt hanging off your shoulders and the contents of his X-Wing laid out in front of you. Really, you were just taking it apart and putting it back together as a past time - like some kind of weird puzzle - but you were also looking at potential improvements. His only request was that you made it faster, which seemed a bit counter-intuitive when he of all people could have learnt the value of slowing down. The man was like a whirl wind, breezing in and out of different missions and meetings, barely stopping to take a break to think. The only time he truly and really calmed down was when he was with you; you were his safe space, and the only place he could let his barriers down. The pilot spent hours upon hours curled up against you, murmuring sleepily about nothing and everything all at once.
"This is a stupid time to be awake." (Speak of the devil, and thou shall appear).
Tossing your spanner down, you turned around to see Poe. He was leaning against the door, brown hair tousled with sleep and dark eyes heavy with his remaining tiredness. He was a heavy sleeper, so more often than not he didn't even realise you were gone - but if he woke up and saw your absence, there wasn't a chance in hell that he could get back to sleep. He needed you beside him at the best times, but especially at night.
"I couldn't sleep," you confessed.
"There's been a lot of that going around lately," Poe replied. He slowly approached you, holding out his arms as he did so that you could fall against his chest.
"I didn't wake you, did I?"
"No, there's a stupid owl outside my window that woke me up," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He gently tangled your fingers together and brushed his thumb over the back of your hand. "I sent BB-8 to deal with it."
"Of course you did," you smiled. "I just gotta put this back together and I'll come back to bed."
"What's keeping you up?" Poe asked. "You've been really quiet lately."
You'd always been hesitant to tell Poe about your doubts: he was the epitome of what a good Resistance fighter was, and the beating heart of the entire cause. He never seemed to slip up, or lose hope, to the point where you sometimes wondered if he was naive. It did make sense, after all - his mother had fought hard for the Rebellion, as had his father. Having perfect balance of a rebellious side and a heart of pure fucking gold was probably engrained into his very D.N.A.
"There's a lot on my mind," you admitted. "It never seems to quieten down."
"I get that," Poe gave your hands a light squeeze. "Wanna talk about it?"
"It's probably dumb-"
"- your feelings are always valid, even if they're dumb."
Hopping up onto the wings of the jet beside you, he stuck out his hand and helped you clamber up beside him. The hangar itself was freezing cold - even in the tropical climate of Ajan Kloss - so he wound an arm around your side, pulling you closer to keep you warm. Just Poe's presence alone was enough to pull your mind out the dredges, and the gentle smell of his shower gel and aftershave was a comfort too. It was a mixture of spicy and sweet.
"Go on," Poe said. "I'll be your therapist for the next ten minutes, and then forever if you want."
"What do you charge per hour, Doc?"
He nudged your side with a grin. "We'll get to that later."
You rolled your eyes, but continued all the same. "Everything's just been a lot, lately. All the fighting and the missions, and we keep having set back after set back and I'm tired. I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I have no way of shifting it."
Poe's brown eyes flickered away from you for a minute as he pondered on your statement. Unbeknownst to you, he absolutely related - despite his outwards hopefulness and resilient exterior, he had days where he was exhausted too. It was made even more so by the fact that people turned to him to keep them encouraged too - he did have his own brand of ironic wisdom, after all - and it really took it out of him. It was like everybody around him expected him to keep them afloat when he felt like drowning.
"I understand," Poe replied. "The galaxy is a demanding place and sometimes it's more than we can handle. I have days where I feel like everything is going wrong and I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep forever."
"Sounds so tempting," you murmured.
"It does, but that's not how it works, sadly," he continued. "You just gotta...push forward, you know? That's much easier said than done but I find the trick is to take it day by day. Have some caff, get a hug from your favourite person and just pull through til you can collapse into bed and hide under the covers."
"And you do that? Every day?"
"Not everyday," Poe said. "There are good days too, like the ones where we get to eat lunch together, or the ones where BB-8 hacks the big screen in the canteen and shows the video of Hux falling over."
You couldn't help but laugh at that. The little droid had his own way of brightening the lives of those around him, but it was that video in particular that never failed to make you laugh. He'd accidentally recorded it on a break out mission and whenever people needed reminding that the slimy bastards at the First Order weren't completely untouchable, BB-8 would be on it.
"I love those days too," you gently smiled. "The whole day by day things sounds a lot more manageable than trying to digest the concept of time as a whole."
"Exactly," Poe nodded. "And you gotta find joy in those little things. Like, whenever I'm having a really bad day, I'll come and find you and annoy you. That little smile you get when you're trying really hard not to crack and laugh at me always makes things a thousand times better."
"I like that," you replied.
"Then one day, when we've won this fight and we can go home, we can still take things day by day, but it'll be little steps towards other things, like...marriage? I think that's the next logical step."
You thinned your eyes at him. "Is this a proposal?"
"If you have to ask whether it's a proposal, then it's not a proposal," Poe shot back. "You'll know when I'm asking you to marry me."
"I look forward to it," you pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for listening to me. You can be weirdly philosophical."
"I'm smart and good looking," Poe cheekily grinned. "Man, I really am the whole package."
"And moment's gone-"
"- I'm sorry!"
He quickly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against his chest. His cheek was pressed up against your forehead, stubble tickling your skin as he held you, softly swaying from side to side.
"I love you," he murmured. "And truth be told, that's the thing that gets me through those bad days."
"You going soft on me, Dameron?" you quietly joked. "I love you too - more than anything."
Poe released his grip on you before taking your hand and helping you climb down from the jet. You still had a few hours till you had to be up and now that the emotional weight on your brain had been relieved ever-so-slightly, you were more than ready to collapse beside the pilot and get some much needed rest.
What Poe had said had begun to change your perspective on things; rather than viewing the galaxy as one whole glob of shitty things, you had to go through it with a fine toothed comb. Find the little things that were sprinkled amongst the bad things, like the way Poe looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes, or the way Finn laughed at words that sounded naughty but weren't naughty. Then there were the times when Leia would give you warm hugs, and when Rey would try and make everyone pancakes on quiet moments.
So yes, the galaxy could suck and yes, the Resistance could be tough, but you had the best people around you. They were the life support that was going to help you see it through.
"C'mon, baby," Poe tugged your arm slightly. "Let's go to bed."
"Yeah," you replied. "Let's."
He wound his arm around you and held you tightly, guiding you back to your room.
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
BNHA Chapter 289: “She Was Crying...”
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OOH! Incoming Iida and Hado! That means we’re finally giving these two a chance to shine! Hooray!
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OK so he means Deku and Todo here. I don’t think Kacchan has ever rescued Iida (though give it time, man. That guy’s having enough character development ,it could still happen)
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Spider-Tomura? Damn AFO really is like his Mr Hyde split personality now.
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I leave you three alone for five seconds...
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OOH NEJIRE IS PISSED. Yas girl. Time for that fight you got jipped of during the ol internship arc.
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DEKU WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. And wtf do you mean ‘stick’ Shigaraki? I know it’s probably a weird translator error but still. Stick him with what exactly? You might wanna think about rephrasing that.
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HOLY SHIT FINALLY?!?!  I’ve been waiting for this reveal for so long. AT LAST, CONSEQUENCES!!!
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I dunno Ochako, give it a few more villain encounters and you’ll probably have to do just that .Like, imagine if you zerog’d a noomu into the atmosphere? That’d probably save a lotta people. Just saying.
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Well, congrats Ochako. You went at least one whole chapter without the series feeling the need to remind us you’re just here to be Deku’s love interest. Must be a record.
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So Izuocha is like Togawice? That has some weird implications.
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In what way though?! Besides liking deku and kinda wanting to be like him?! What else in your backstories is supposed to be WE’RE NOT SO DIFFERENT YOU AND I
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Sigh. It just occurred to me that Bakugou and Todoroki both have trouble going more than one chapter without reminding us how much they care about Deku. So why doesn’t that annoy me so much? Is it just cause they’re guys? I mean, Toga liking Deku doesn’t irritate me either...I think it’s because whenever we bring up Toga, Bakugou and Todoroki’s feelings towards Midoriya, it’s so the series can develop their characters. It’s more than just reminding us that those feelings exist. With Ochako, it’s the same thing every time. Just “she likes Deku and thinks he’s cool and wants to be like him”. We get it. She’s been in the same place since chapter freaking 69. It’s been 200+ chapters since then. AT this point it’s time to either put up or cut out.
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 OMG TOGA TEARS?!?! TOGA IS FREAKING CRYING?!!? Ok that’s it Ochako I am now firmly on the side of your opponent. 
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Or maybe not cause I was still glad to see Tsu save you.
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A cool teamup! I think. Tsuyu and Ocha vs Toga?
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You know. Platonically. About boys. Totally not about femslash or anything no sireee.  (you know, like that slumber party chapter in one of the light novels. Where the girls started talking about which girl they’d date. That kind of girl talk.)
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And we cut back to this shitshow with a montage of all the faces involved as GIGANTOMACHIA CRASHES THE PARTY! OK then. I’m pretty sure at this point our heroes are completely boned. 
So! a Lot happened there. First, Iida joined the fight. I’m not sure what he’ll be able to do against Shigaraki but hey! More backup is always good. And Iida and Shoto chilling together is also good. (and Iida’s mentor Manual is here too!). Shoto saved our boys and seriously needs to get on using those ice and fire powers to pull us out of this goddamn mess. Protecc them all Shoto! You can do it! Hado is here and firece. Since she’s good against giant villains I’m guessing she’ll be up against Gigantomachia. Though she might actually be pretty effective against Tomura, TBH. Like since fire clearly does nothing. (who am i kidding nothing’s gonna do anything against this guy at this point.
We got our Toga vs Ochako confrontation. I have no idea what’s gonna come of it but hopefully something does. Ochako seems to have developed some compassion for Toga, at least. I really wish it wasn’t just about “We both wanna be Deku." I feel like I need to do some deeper analysis to figure out why that bugs me so much TBH. Anyway, we’ve got a confrontation coming up! I have no freaking clue how they’re gonna get outta this.
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chunhua-s · 4 years
requested by: @tsumue​
➪ hi davi! so, as you know i fell deeply in love with your soulmate fics (a while ago and so did some of my friends!!) your writing is really beautiful and i couldn't stop myself from intruding your inbox🥺 if it's not too stupid or uninspiring could i mayhaps ask for a soulmate scenario angst to fluff (only if you feel up for it!) with atsumu? thank you!🤍
genre: angst to fluff
soulmate au: soulmates are bound together by a red string
warnings: angst — my ability to write this genre isn’t necessarily the best :v but i tried my best with it, and i did enjoy the experience! hopefully with time i’ll be able to write more and get better at it! 
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you meet your soulmate at age sixteen.
the fear that grips at your heart is mind numbing. it sinks cold fingers into your neck and bruises it with a cruel hand that cuts off all air from your lungs, and leaves you empty so that the only other thing you can feel is hot, hot anger.
the anger isn’t yours — the red chord that’s gotten all tangled up between your fingers tells you as much. instead, it belongs to him.
the him who stands before you with hard brown eyes and lips pressed into a thin line. the him who you’d always wanted to meet ever since that red chord tangled itself between your fingers at the age of seven. the him whose name you’d dreamed of without ever knowing it, had fantasized about how it would feel to let it roll from your tongue. he’s here — you’ve finally met your soulmate, but why does the red chord that connects you two together feel so heavy all of a sudden?
miya atsumu sighs, lifting a hand to run through his sweat-matted blond hair: your eyes follow the motion. it was easier to watch that red string and think about the way it wrapped around his fingers than to meet brown eyes that burned under a muted fury. “look, i—“ the voice that you always imagined would cause your heart to take flight on butterfly wings reaches your ears on a cold, flat tone that locks your body down to a barren winter land. “i know this isn’t what you expected for when you meet your soulmate.” by the time you finally pull your eyes to look at his face, they’re burning with tears and blur the image of him until he’s a blend of colours you can’t tell apart. his lips move behind a sheet of haze, like a spell cast over your vision that should protect you from breaking.
“but i don’t think i can be together with someone else right now.”
that spell can do nothing for your heart that rips apart underneath the blunt end of his blade.
when he looks at you, there’s something behind the light of anger and hatred — hatred for you, why does he hate you, you don’t understand... did you do something wrong? what you see behind flames of brown sugar and autumn leaves is a chasm: wide and glaring and so consumingly empty. it spits on the bedtime stories of warmth and unimaginable joy and fulfillment that a soulmate should bring — it chews on those fairytales and coughs them out on a plate of cold indifference, hate, contempt. and it hurts.
“o-oh,” you choke. there’s no way you can meet his eyes like this; your voice is cracking under the weight of your pain and your tears threaten to paint your skin with the colour of blood red agony. “i... I understand.” you don’t. this isn’t what your friends told you would happen. nothing prepared you for your own soulmate to reject you. “that’s fine, i—” breathing becomes hard, your very lungs reject the air that you so desperately drag between your trembling lips. when you look up at him, what hope that you feel is quickly smothered when you catch his eyes. he looks at you as if the sight of you here, on the verge of tears, disgusts him. “i can wait for you... i don’t mind.”
he scoffs: the sound of it is like the grating of metal against your ears. “sure, whatever.” and that’s how he leaves you. broken hearted and crying for the ache that cripples your body as the red chord tightens around your fingers.
now, the picture of him standing before you is so jarringly different that it causes your world to spin so violently that you feel as if your legs might collapse in on themselves. your reality turns itself on its side so that your cup spills out from between your hands and leaves your heart vulnerable to the cold water that floods through your body.
atsumu miya’s eyes are searching as he stands beneath the winter night’s sky, the brown colour in them filled up with a warmth that you know for a fact wasn’t there on that day you met him. there’s pain on his expression, regret so tangible that it tastes sour on your tongue, and when he says your name on trembling lips, you feel the last of your will crumble into dust.
“y/n...” he’s pleading. his eyes are wet with the same tears that had touched your cheeks throughout the two years he’d left you waiting. they tell the story of unmistakable suffering and agony — the familiarity of it tears your heart into pieces and leaves you gasping for air. “please.”
and oh, by the gods above, you want so desperately to welcome him into your arms, want nothing more than to hold him so that you can feel whole for the first time since meeting him. but the pain that still echoes inside your chest is loud and demanding, rumbling through your ribs like a thunderstorm that pushes words you don’t want to say out from between your lips. when they fall, they reach atsumu’s skin like the little snowflakes that fall from the winter sky. they melt into his tears and dig their way into his heart until he’s left breathless because he knows just how he hurt you.
“you made me wait for so long, atsumu.”
he can’t begin to tell you how much he regrets it.
“i’m sorry...” his apology falls from him like a whimper. it dances on his tongue so that he can taste the salt of his own tears. he discovers that it’s awfully bitter. “I shouldn’t have done that to you.”
the emptiness, the helpless acceptance in your voice echoes inside his mind. “i was so close to giving up, you know? i thought you’d be happier if you weren’t tied down to me...”
he knows. god, he knows. every minute of pain and hurt had trickled down to him through the red string that connects the both of you, and the knowledge that you suffered so much because of him, it tears him apart as he stands before you.
“no, please— i can’t live without you...”
he really can’t. he tried to forget about you. he threw himself out into a reckless life and ate the hearts of others who sought for his affection, hoping that they could somehow erase the wretched piece of cloth that tied him down. he submerged himself underwater hoping to breathe, and found himself drowning without you.
“you hurt me.”
“and i was selfish, i know...” he reaches out for you on a single, hesitant step that crumbles the snow beneath his shoes. when you don’t step away, he takes another, pushes himself forward until you’re standing directly in front of him, tear-stained eyes tilting upwards to stare into his. they’re burning, you notice: the fire that consumes the brown in them this time, though, is different. it’s changed.
he reaches for your hand, holds it between the both of his and cups it close to his chest, and his eyes never leave yours. they reveal to you the secrets that his lips won’t tell to you, they bare every ounce of yearning that his spirit screams out silently, and it’s as if every cell in his body is desperate to feel you against him when you can feel the heat of him through your gloves. “but let me make it up to you...” his whisper falls underneath the soft winds, it caresses your skin just as gently and, as you’re looking up at him, your soulmate, you can’t help the tears that sting behind your eyes. you realize that, just like back then, his image is blurred by the curtains of water, but now he glows like the sun itself. everything about him manages to warm your heart on a cold winter night, and god knows you’ll never forgive the pain that he’s caused you — all those years filled with doubt and insecurity and despair — but you think to yourself as you lift one of his hands to hold against your cheek that, at the very least, you want to take a chance with him.
his eyes shine like the stars when you show him a watery smile. “yes...” you whisper back to him. he thinks the sound of it is sweet, and he imagines that your voice may be what it means to dance among sunflowers.
“i want to take a chance with you, atsumu.”
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haikyuu!! soulmate au taglist: @nishiya-is-baby
general taglist: @aiiishiiiteru @tsumue @bootylikepeachy
send an ask to be added!
so this is admittedly one of my shorter works and i did struggle a little with transitioning from angst to fluff :( i originally had two ideas, this one which is mostly angst, and another that’s mostly fluff, but in the end i decided to go with this one since i know runa likes angst a lot :0 bb i hope it was okay!
for atsumu’s character in this i wanted to push across that he didn’t want to be tied down with a soulmate when he had his volleyball aspirations to follow through with. although i don’t recall it being specifically stated in canon, i get the feeling that his dedication towards volleyball is nearly on the same level as kageyama’s and oikawa’s, where they wouldn’t be able to give themselves into a relationship when they had their dreams to seek after. so at the point in time when he meets the reader, he’d already decided to disregard any attachment for his soulmate, and so his attitude towards them is a result of that decision he made. however, time spent intentionally trying to separate yourself from your soulmate causes suffering and i wanted to show in the end that it was that pain and longing that finally drove him back to the reader. i feel like if i’d shown from atsumu’s perspective, i could have portrayed that pain and suffering that he’d have gone through without her, but i really wanted to show that through the reader instead. did it work well?
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this is part of a series, so please send me an ask or dm if you’d like to be apart of a taglist! i’m currently taking request for haikyuu characters and soulmate au’s, so please come and leave your requests for those as well! thank you for reading!  ♡ 
previous: hajime iwaizumi | next stop: requests are open!
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heliads · 3 years
Radio Silence Chapter Four: I Verify
Poe Dameron has been assigned to work as an intel receiver to Acer, a Resistance recon agent. They’ve only ever talked through the comms, so when she’s captured by First Order troops he assumes she’s lost forever. When Poe accidentally rescues the absolutely infuriating Resistance spy Y/N L/N from a First Order Star Destroyer, he knows she’s got nothing do with with Acer. Right?
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Poe waits. Y/N does not show up. To be honest, he’s not sure why he cares. He’s only met her a few hours ago, and they’ve been clashing ever since. Yet there was still something strange about seeing that brief flash of unease in her eyes, the waver in her voice when she was questioning Leia. Stormtroopers and the threat of torture back in her First Order cell were never enough to shake her, yet something at the base had washed all of that away. Isn’t that something to be concerned about?
Poe watches the corridors, the rooms, the training centers, but Y/N is conspicuously absent from all of them. It’s not like he’s actively trying to search her out, he just keeps noticing that she isn’t there. If he went to all of the trouble of breaking her out of a First Order Star Destroyer, he should at least know that she’s alright, right? He sounds like a lunatic.
After a couple of days, Poe finally sees her. She’s walking purposefully through the corridors of the base, listening to some coworker yammer on next to her. When Y/N’s eyes catch on him, she seems to hesitate for a second, then she raises a hand in greeting. Poe smiles in return, and just like that, the moment is over. Poe isn’t sure what he was expecting- he and Y/N had been fighting almost all of the time they spent on the Needle. So what if they had been civil on the base- did he really expect that they would trade insults in front of Leia? Nothing’s changed except the location, and Poe shouldn’t find himself disappointed that it hasn’t.
Life on the base goes on as normal. Poe sees rebels sent out on missions, they return with more scars and tales of high-stakes chases through the stars. Eventually, Poe gets tired of sitting around and politicking with Leia’s advisors, so he puts in a request for an off-base mission. He doesn’t know how long he’ll have to wait, but at least the prospect of leaving this system is somewhere in reach. 
The mission ends up coming around sooner than he’d expected- barely a week goes by before Poe finds himself packing for another expedition. He’ll be taking his trusty X-Wing this time, no more sublight cruises or Mandalorian Needles. To be honest, Poe is okay with this- if there’s only room for him, there’s no chance that he’s bringing back snarky mechanic spy officers who can rival his knowledge of ship parts or be able to bother him with a single smirk and step.
As Poe is tossing his gear into his X-Wing, he notices someone walking up behind him. He turns to see Y/N, arms swinging casually at her sides as she takes in the ship. “Have you been downgraded from the Needle?” She asks, grinning. Poe ignores the sarcastic grin. “The Needle was temporary, the X-Wing is my favorite. If you say anything bad about her I’ll kick your ass myself.” Y/N raises her eyebrows. “Defensive, I see. Does that mean a lot of people have said bad things about your X-Wing or are you just very prepared?”
Poe turns to look at her, folding his arms across his chest. “Are you always this exasperating or is it just for me?” Y/N grins like a lynx. “What, are you asking if you’re special to me? Not a chance. I just wanted to see if Finn was going with you or not.” Poe leans up against the metal fuselage of his ship. “That’s a good excuse, but I’m pretty sure that you came all the way out to the hanger just to see me off.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “I was so excited to see you leave that I couldn’t help myself. Don’t take it too seriously.” Poe flashes her a grin. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I know you’ll miss me.” With that, he jumps up into the X-Wing, holding back a laugh at the sound of Y/N’s outraged retorts. Yet when he checks one last time over his shoulder as he flies out of the hanger, he notices that Y/N is still watching him go, a soft smile on her lips. Maybe she wasn’t so unfeeling after all.
The mission itself is nothing major. He’s not going into the Kinoss system or anywhere near Starkiller Base, just treading lightly on the outskirts of the Unknown Regions. There’s a backup copy of Resistance data files that needs to be collected and brought back to base. It contains lists of recon officers and spies, their assigned locations, and everything they’ve been able to find out over the last month. To put it simply, it is imperative that Poe finds this data file and brings it back before the First Order catches wind of its presence.
BB-8 whistles at him from over his shoulder, and Poe grins. “No, I’m not worried. This isn’t like Kinoss, we shouldn’t have to get anywhere near a Star Destroyer. Nothing’s going to happen.” There’s a whirring and clicking, and Poe shoots the droid a look over his shoulder. “Will you stop talking about her? She was just there to get in one final jibe in case I died, and I’m not going to die, so it’s no big deal.” He pauses for a second, listening to the series of beeps, then speaks again. “If you don’t drop this I’m going to send you over to Finn and get a new droid that doesn’t bother me all the time. Yes, I’m joking, stop your chatter.”
Poe touches down just outside of some backwater town. It’s not so different from the planet D’Qar, where the Resistance base is currently hidden, or even Yavin 4. Manageable gravity, only one sun, except there are significantly fewer forests and more of these massive stone outcroppings that block off the sun to create areas of shadow on the ground that are miles long. Farms have to be built on moving bases so that they can constantly stay in the sun as the sun passes overhead, forever shifting back and forth to avoid the shade of the stone cliffs.
Poe received intel that the data files were stored in a cave on the northeastern part of the planet, in a hollow in a rock face. He’s been sent the exact coordinates, and he makes his way deliberately along the surface of the planet, dodging behind large crags of rock whenever stormtroopers or civilians pass his way. He doesn’t want to be spotted, because he won’t be able to talk his way out of this one. A Resistance officer getting caught on a city planet is understandable, but here? He would obviously be hiding something.
After about half a standard hour of walking, Poe finds the cave entrance. He flicks on a lightstick from his multitool, shining it around. His eyes quickly catch on a plasteel crate tucked away under a rock ledge, and he hurries over to it, picking it up and carrying it out of the cave. Once he gets out into the light once more, Poe can recognize the faded Resistance insignia, and he knows he has the right box. Just to be careful, though, he opens up the box once he’s back inside his X-Wing, telling BB-8 to pilot him back so that Poe can direct his full attention to the crate.
The box is empty except for one datapad. Curious, Poe lifts it from the box, flicking it on and allowing a wash of bluish white light to cascade over his face in the dark of space. BB-8 whistles something from behind him, and Poe waves a hand dismissively at the small droid. “I’m sure it’s fine that I look at this. I have to make sure it isn’t a First Order decoy, right?” Besides, Poe makes knowing things a habit in the Resistance, and he’d like to make sure he stays on top of things. Even without his pride, however, there’s still a fairly good reason to check the files: they might contain something on Acer.
This is wrong, yes. He shouldn’t be checking it, shouldn’t know anything about her at all. But he isn't interested in finding out the name, only the status. If she’s dead or still considered missing, the file will state it. After a few minutes of paging through the data sets, Poe finds the entry he’s looking for: Sender code name: Acer. Receiver code name: Bravo. This is her. At first, Poe’s eyes flick over to the status bar, and he feels his chest fill with silent, overwhelming gratitude when he reads the few words labeled there: Alive. Returned to base. But then he keeps reading, and Poe feels a sudden piercing shock drive through him like a vibroblade.
His real name is there as the receiver: Poe Dameron. Next to that, though, is her name. Acer’s real name. Sender: Y/N L/N. Poe leans his head back, letting it thunk against the seat. For a second, he can’t think about anything at all. His eyes watch as the stars flick past behind him, but he isn’t taking in a thing. Then all of the emotions hit him at once. Acer is Y/N. Y/N is Acer. This must be what she was talking about that day, wasn’t it? Poe had told her that he was Bravo, that he was Acer’s receiver. Of course she had seemed stunned, she was going through the same revelation that Poe is undertaking right now.
But it’s different for Poe. Y/N had only had to realize that the man in front of her was Bravo, and she had chosen to not say anything. She had kept it entirely to herself, except for a frenzy of questions delivered to Leia. Why hadn’t she said anything? Yes, they’d been arguing for a while back on the Needle, but that wasn’t enough for her to damn him to never knowing if she was dead or alive. Why would she have lied to him?
By the time Poe is docking at the Resistance hanger once more, his anger and betrayal have faded into an overwhelming numbness. He walks over to Leia at the command center, handing her the box with the data files still securely inside. He doesn’t say anything more than he has to, and then he leaves the room once more. Poe has scarcely gone ten paces from the room when Y/N rounds the corner, and a cocky smile lights up her face at the sight of him. Poe can’t bring himself to return it, even when she hurries over to him.
“Look who it is, the returning hero! I thought I’d have a little longer until you came back. I think I might be disappointed.” On any other day, Poe would have scoffed, and said something about how every minute in that ship away from her was a blessing, but he stays silent today. Instead, he looks over at her, starting to veer away from the hallway and towards a door leading to an empty room. “I need to talk to you.” Y/N’s grin falters at the look on his face, at the stiffness of his words.
“Sure, Dameron. I’m a little worried now.” She follows him into the room and Poe closes the door behind him once he makes sure that they’re alone. When he turns back from the door, Y/N is facing him, the soft light of the room hanging over her eyes in a gentle wash of brightness. “What’s wrong?” She asks. Poe just looks at her coolly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He doesn’t have to say anything more- Y/N knows what he’s talking about. Her gaze falls away, and when she speaks again, her voice is quiet. “You know.”
Poe feels a surge of anger starting to twist up in him once more. “Of course I know. How long were you planning on keeping this from me? A month, a year? What, you thought you could never tell me and it would be okay? I would have spent the rest of my life thinking that my Acer, my best friend, was dead or tortured, and you were fine with that.” He breaks off, shaking his head. “I would never have done that to you.”
Guilt is spun around Y/N’s every feature, but it hurts too much to look at her. “I wanted to tell you, but I know you wouldn’t want to hear it. Not from me.” She laughs, the sound twisted and broken in the quiet room. “You would never have wanted to find out like that. What, that ‘your Acer’ was the girl you’d spent the last few hours hating and arguing with on that ship? If I had told you, you would have wished I kept it to myself. When you told me you were Bravo I realized that Leia had never told you, and I figured it would be best if I went along with it. You would never have wanted it to be me, not in a million years.”
Poe just stares at her. “What, you thought that this was you doing the right thing? Maybe I would have been surprised, but you don’t get to decide how I would have felt. You don’t know what I would have said, so you made the choice for me.” Poe rakes a hand through his already disheveled hair. “Stars, I don’t know anything about you.” Y/N’s gaze turns cold. “No, you really don’t.” With that, she turns and walks from the room. Were it not for the hunch in her shoulders, Poe would have thought she was fine. Yet he can still see it in her stance, in the rhythm of her steps as she walks away. He’s really done it now.
Poe waits until he can no more, slipping away from his quarters to go find Y/N. He’s not sure what he would say to her- apologize? Promise he’s not going to leave? But it doesn’t look like he’ll get the chance- no matter where he goes, Poe cannot find her. Eventually, some comms officer notices him walking back and forth down the halls and offers to help him out. When Poe explains that he’s looking for Y/N, the officer visibly winces.
“I’m sorry, Dameron, but Recon Agent L/N left on a mission two standard hours ago. It was really hush-hush, almost nobody knew except Leia and a few others. All I can tell you is that she was in a team with two other soldiers, and they were going somewhere in the Core Worlds.” Poe starts. “But that’s in the middle of First Order territory. That’s practically suicide.” The officer nods sympathetically. “It’s dangerous, that’s for sure. It’s a shame you didn’t get to see her off, I thought I saw her looking for you. Well, keep your hopes up. I’m sure she’ll be back here before we know it.”
The officer continues on down the corridor, leaving Poe reeling in his head. That was why Y/N wanted to see him- to tell him about the mission. And how had he left her, minutes before she left on what would probably be the most dangerous mission of her life? With angry words and accusations of betrayal. He wishes he could take it back, redo that moment. Even his anger from before seems dull and pale now. 
What if Poe never sees her again? What if that was his last moment with Y/N, with Acer, and he just left a broken memory with the most important girl in his life?
radio silence tag list: @kesskirata​, @ubri812​, @itsnottilly​, @20th-centu-fairy-girl​, @imabeautifulbutterfly​, @cp11​, @chocolitelady​
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illneverrecover · 4 years
swear not by the moon (M) | jhs & pjm
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➛pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader x Park Jimin ➛genre: werewolf!AU, hybrid!AU, slight ABO dynamics (mostly Alpha, tbh), PWP, smut, fluff, a pinch of angst. ➛word count: 6987 (she thicc) ➛rating: M ➛warnings: ~werewolf kinks~, power play dynamics, slight dom/sub (mostly Alpha being in control, but you get the gist), oral (female receiving), dirty talk, marking/biting, brief mentions of blood, cum play, fingering, rough sex, copious amounts of cum, slight degradation (in the form of the word ‘bitch’ because, ya know, werewolves), doggy style (see before reasoning), over-sensitivity, knotting, cock warming, hints of polyamory. ➛summary: Tonight is the night you are consummating your mate bond with your Alpha - if you can prove first to his Beta that you are worthy to do so. ➛notes: OOF. I’ve been itching to do a werewolf piece ever since I had to cancel my @ksmutclub​ submission last Halloween, and my love @jimins-ass-eater​ rolled through with the win! After showing her my original outline, she commissioned for me to finish this fic like the angel she is. This one was originally just a porn without plot, but I tried to rework some more story in while still focusing on the filth, and that’s just the way Suzu likes it. Thank you so much for your support bb and I hope you like this! 🖤 ➛song: Swear Not by the Moon - GOT7 & Teeth (Nightcore version) - 5SOS
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Tonight is the night you officially mate to your lover, and you’re shaking like a leaf.
The scarlet dress you chose was short silk, slinky lines grazing the tops of your legs and see through chiffon long sleeves that settle in the middle of your palm. You didn’t even realize that the fabric was that long until this moment, when the delicate cloth was being tested by the tight press of your nails into your fist.
The night air nipped at the bare skin of your thighs, the wind causing you to shiver as you approached the Alpha’s house. Being half werewolf meant that the blood that ran through your veins left you almost feverish, so a jacket had seemed pointless - but clearly, you had overestimated your nerves.
Raising your hand to the door, you only get a single rap in before it swings open, the boxy smile of Taehyung awaiting you on the other side. He was one of the Alpha’s closest advisers and ‘brothers’, one of your dear friends - though you were surprised to see him.
“They’re ready for you upstairs,” he nods, gesturing towards the hall leading to the second floor. You eye him, wondering if he was going to wait around. You know it’s customary for those important to the Alpha to witness the ceremony, but anxiety had your heart thudding painfully in your chest at the thought.
As if sensing your discomfort, he gives you another wolfish grin. “Don’t worry, princess. I’m not staying. The two of them can testify just fine without me.” 
He gives you a slight bow before turning and exiting the home, leaving you in the foyer by yourself to gain courage and climb the stairs.
There was no reason to be this nervous, you told yourself. It’s Hoseok - your Alpha, your mate - who’s waiting for you up there, ready to officially consummate your mating and declare it to the pack, the world. You’ve known Hoseok since you were both young, your human mother being very close with Hoseok’s own purebred mom, making you instant friends. Days were spent running around the compound with Hoseok and his best friend, Jimin, the three of you counting down the months until your 16th birthday when you would go through your first full shift together into wolf form and find your role. You had been an inseparable trio, there for each milestone, for every shift, from confirming that Hoseok was an Alpha, to finding out he was the next pack leader.
You shouldn’t be scared.
And yet your legs shake as you take each step, the excess adrenaline rushing through your bloodstream triggering your wolf senses to activate. You could sense them, their scent intermingling and comforting you, reminding you that there was nothing to be worried about. You knew them, loved them, would do anything for them.
Gaining resolve, you knock twice on the frame, straightening your back and forcing a deep breath in through your nose-
“Hi, beautiful,” a soft voice greets you, a shaky smile on his face. One hand reaches out, palm up. “Are you ready for this?”
Releasing the breath, you grin back, nodding once before placing your hand in his. Your nerves are soothed the minute you feel his skin against yours, and as his thumb rubs against the top of your hand, bravery fills your lungs. 
“Yes, Beta. I am ready to prove myself worthy of the Alpha.” 
You hear Jimin’s growl of approval first, his hand slipping out of yours to pull something out of his back pocket - a thick midnight strip of silk; a blindfold. Eyeing him, you see his deep blue hair styled out of his face, as if he had run his hands through it incessantly, and his cheeks tinted pink - with lust or anxiety, you aren’t sure. 
He moves behind you, exposing your Alpha for the first time, Hoseok’s body folded in the large crushed velvet chair directly across from the bed. His crimson hair was styled in a side part, sweeping back to expose his forehead and give you an unobstructed view of the spun gold of his eyes. He appraises you, gaze dragging from the crown of your head down the exposed skin of your legs, and though he doesn’t speak, you can see the enthusiastic consent shining in his eyes, in the low rumble of his growl.
And then your sight is taken, the blindfold placed over your eyes, secured with a knot at the back of your head before you feel a touch at the small of your back. 
You’re guided into the large room, tentative steps taken with Jimin’s gentle direction as he leads you to stand before the Alpha. Once you are in position he slides away, your senses sharpened when the comfort of his body is no longer close. 
For a moment everything remains still, heavy breathing and the steadily increasing smell of desire the only signs of the two other wolves in the room. Biting your tongue, you fight your instinct to call out to him, to say anything at all, lest you ruin the ceremony.
“Then, my mate,” Hoseok rasps, his voice low and thick with need. “Prove that you are worthy to me. If you are able to take my Beta, then your loyalty and merit to your Alpha will be known to the pack.” 
You knew the words were coming, and yet you gasp, warmth rushing to your cheeks, arousal pooling low in your belly as the implication settles over you.
“Yes, Alpha?” 
“Fuck my mate, make sure she is deserving of your Alpha.”
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You had always known one of them would be your mate.
It was the only thing that made sense, that explained why you were so drawn to the two boys back in your youth, always being pulled to their sides. Yes, your mothers were all friends, and so time spent together was imminent, but forming bonds between you three had been fate. 
Being a hybrid, you knew how the pack viewed your kind from the time you were born, your parents always reminding you with cautionary tales. Hybrids were looked down upon; the lower end of hierarchy, bottom of the pack. Your father, a pureblood wolf, had found his mate in your mother, a human. While such relationships weren’t forbidden, they were frowned upon, and yet your parents risked it all for the call of their mate, their twin flame.
And while they would never regret their choice, they were worried about what the consequences would mean for you. 
Luckily, once Hoseok and Jimin were in the picture, they didn’t have to worry any longer. They were always by your side, looking out for you, protecting you. Both boys being of pureblood lineage, their families were respected, and by being in their good graces, the same was extended to you - somewhat. It helped that their closest friends within the pack were also so accepting (with perfect pedigrees to boot), the five other boys always around if Hoseok and Jimin were not. Namjoon and Jin were invariably ready to defend your honor at a drop of a hat, Yoongi and Taehyung prepared to console you after a long day. And the youngest of the bunch, Jungkook,  frequently offered to fight anyone you could possibly want him to, often dying for a chance to flex his muscles. They had become a family within the pack of disapproval, and inside the small group you felt like you had a place, a purpose - a home.
It didn’t stop the whispers, the glares you would get the closer you all got to your 16th birthdays, to your first shift as wolves. Hoseok had come from a long line of Alphas, his status basically guaranteed for his first transition, however Jimin was a wildcard. Hybrids weren’t given rank as it wasn’t promised that they would be able to shift at all, and so there was talk about the reputation you would bring them, especially if you didn’t have a wolf.
You’ll never forget the relief that flooded your system during that first shift, the feel of  your bones settling into your wolf and the freedom that your soul felt as you ran alongside your best friends. True to speculation, Hoseok was granted the rank of an Alpha, and Jimin a Beta; the perfect duo. Once you had shifted back into your human skin, you hadn’t been able to stop smiling, your cheeks aching with joy over the success of your friends, over having a wolf.
However, the pack wasn’t nearly as enthused. 
If anything, the rumors and gossip become incessant, whispers following the three of you like a ghost wherever you went. 
‘That Jung boy is an Alpha, he shouldn’t spend so much time with her.’
‘Jimin will likely be his Beta, why doesn’t he say something? He knows it’s not proper.’
‘What if one of them mates with her? What will their parents think?’
They told you to ignore it, of course. Reminded you that times were changing, that old traditions were being disassembled to make way for new ones, that one day it won’t matter what the others think. Jimin was always the first to point out that even if one of them were your mates, that it could be quite some time before the bond even took place; the mating call usually only becoming apparent during a time of high stress or pain. Who knows what will have changed by then? 
 You took solace in the fact that they didn’t seem to care about what others said, that they alongside the other five boys were always ready to reassure you. But it didn’t stop the small, lingering voice in your mind that whispered to you in the dark of night, that slowly dripped poisonous words until they hummed lowly in the background of your thoughts - what if the pack is right? What if you aren’t good enough for them?
That inner voice got louder the day that Hoseok was named next pack Alpha. 
The current pack Alpha was sick, body riddled with a cancer that was only growing, and he had named his successor knowing that his time left was limited, wanting to spend his final days off with his mate instead of settling pack business. He made the announcement nonchalantly, as if he was discussing the weather or other small talk, asking everyone to gather in the center of the compound before calling Hoseok to the front.
You remember how Hoseok had startled at his name, how quickly his heart started racing as he made his way to the dying Alpha, Jimin trailing softly behind him. You remember staring up at him, eyes glossy with pride and fear, nodding reassuringly when he started to recite the pack Alpha creed - and you remember the blinding hot heat of the mate bond suddenly snapping into place.
Hoseok had stiffened, eyes widening as he found your face in the crowd, the red string of fate clearly visible now between you both. Slowly, your scent evolved, undernotes sliding into perfect harmony to match his own, and it was all he could focus on, barely remembering to finish the words cementing his title. True to form, the mating bond had made itself known in a time when the red headed Alpha had needed it most, and it was you - his best friend, his confidant, the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. 
You hadn’t missed the way Jimin reacted; how his brow pinched as if in pain, the way his eyes were swimming in unspoken emotion as he glanced between his Alpha and you. You wanted to call out to him, to explain - as if there was anything to explain - but instead, he gave you a wide grin, stepping forward to then speak the words that would ascertain his place as Hoseok’s Beta.
When the ceremony was complete, Hoseok had stalked towards you with a new softness in his eyes, and all you could think when he wrapped his arms around you for the first time as mates was that you would give him the entire world if he asked - and you didn’t want to let him down.
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It didn’t take long for the rest of the pack to find out what had happened, for the unwanted criticism to be hurled in your direction. While Hoseok formed his own counsel made up of his close friends - the boys you had grown with from childhood - as pack Alpha, it didn’t stop the members from the previous court from trying to guide him; encouraging him to deny the mate bond to you and find himself a proper wolf for a male of his stature. He was reminded of all the benefits of a pureblood mating; how powerful his pups would be with another pureblood female, how it would strengthen his claim as pack Alpha, protect everyone from any other nearby packs. And, as if an afterthought, how a pureblood female would be able to handle the official mating ceremony better, wouldn’t let emotions and other unspeakably human traits stop them from performing the tradition.
Hoseok wouldn’t hear it, eyes blazing with a flash of molten gold when he growled back that he had found his mate, and there would be no further discussion on the matter - that the next wolf that dared to insult his mate like that again better be ready to fight, or be prepared to leave. 
But their opposing arguments echoed in your mind for days.
Your sweet Alpha was always there to talk you through it, explaining that the mating ritual was centuries old but not necessary, that if you weren’t comfortable with it he’d abolish it immediately. He never wanted to make you do anything you didn’t want, that he knew and could feel your love and loyalty to him and didn’t need a silly ‘test’ to prove it.
And just when you would start to acquiesce, you’d see another sneer, hear another dirty insult about your hybrid status, and you felt your resolve firm.
You would go through with this ceremony to prove that you belonged by Hoseok’s side. You would prove to the entire pack that you were worthy, that hybrids were deserving and stronger then history would have them believe. That you could do this, that you were to be respected - as was your Alpha. 
And with your declaration, the ritual had been planned for the next full moon.
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“Is this okay?”
Jimin’s voice is as soft and tentative as his fingertips grazing your arm, the delicate way his free hand moves to cup your shoulder. You wonder what his face looks like, what’s hiding beneath his stoic and gentle eyes, but instead you just nod.
With a slight push, he begins to walk you backwards towards where you remembered the large bed was placed in the room, directly under the expansive skylight that was currently framing the moon’s bright glow. You swore you could feel the nerves in his touch, in the way he sucks air between his teeth, and you curse that you can’t just rip off the blindfold and console him - even while part of you knows that would make things worse.
Stopping only when the backs of your thighs hit the resistance of the mattress, you reach out to cling to him, pulling him closer to you. Desire is mounting, a slow dull ache beginning to make itself apparent between your thighs, and you just want him to do something, anything-
“Your sight has been taken, leaving you to the devices of your Alpha and his Beta, to prove that your loyalty lies with your mate,” Jimin murmurs, lips dancing around the curve of your ear and leaving you shivering. “With your senses dulled, do you trust your Alpha? Believe that he will make the right choices to protect you and honor the pack?”
It’s a question, you know, but the way Jimin speaks it makes it sound like a fact, a declaration - that they will never hurt you, that you can always rely on them, if you so choose. 
“Yes,” you claim, voice steady for likely the first time all evening. “I trust my Alpha. I trust you both.”
Jimin’s breath hitches in surprise, not expecting your last words, but you could feel his lips grinning against the shell of your ear. 
“Thank you, princess.” He places a chaste kiss at your pulse point, before moving away from your frame once more.
“Your mate has confirmed her stance, Alpha. If you accept this, the blindfold can be removed at this time.” 
Heart thudding in your chest, you await Hoseok’s response, no doubt in your mind that he’ll agree to move forward with the ritual, but unable to stop the voice lingering in the recess of your mind whispering that you aren’t good enough - never good enough, not for him.
As if he could sense your worry, you suddenly feel Hoseok’s presence in front of you, his scent becoming stronger as he reaches out to tuck an errant strand of hair behind your ear. “Yes, I accept her vow, now and always,” he assures, thumb tugging at your lip briefly before his hand moves to untangle the knot holding the blindfold in place.
Blinking, you let your eyes adjust to the room, pupils blown wide at the sight before you. Jimin is flushed, his hand continuously coming up to brush his navy hair away from his face as his gaze turns fierce, eyes flashing to the icy blue color of his wolf. Next to him, Hoseok is every bit the Alpha - tall, broad, imposing without having to lift a finger.  A dangerous smirk is on his face, and you swallow thickly thinking about what comes next. 
Wordlessly, Jimin moves forward, cautious when he reaches out to put his arms around your waist. His eyes are searching, imploring you for assurance that he isn’t upsetting you, and when you give him a quick nod, he rests his forehead against yours. 
You stay like that for a breath, two, before he leans in, pressing his pillowy lips against yours. The kiss is modest at first, easy brushes of his pliant mouth against yours, but when he feels your tongue sweeping out to taste him, he pulls back with a gasp. 
“Are- are you okay? Are you sure this is okay?” he cups your face, fear etched into his brow. “Because if it’s not okay, we can stop, Hoseok understands-”
Rushing forward, you silence him with another kiss, your tongue successfully finding purchase in his mouth, swirling against his own before you pull back. 
“Jimin, it’s okay. I’m okay. Do whatever you need to,” determination shines in your gaze, and you refuse to drop the eye contact until you’re sure he understands. “Do whatever you want to.”
A growl tears through his throat, and gone is the timid man you’ve grown up with, who was scared to touch you - and in his place is a wicked creature, dripping in lust and confidence. His  hands immediately sink into your hair to tug at the roots, his mouth moving against yours voraciously, hungrily. He kisses like a man starved, licking and biting at tender flesh until you’re whining, head rolling to the side to bare your throat. 
He nuzzles down the expanse of your neck, trying desperately not to scent you, even if every instinct he’s ever known is roaring at him to do the opposite. You smell so sweet, so exquisite, and he feels the sharp point of his canine drag along your vein as his mouth waters.
“Fuck, I wish I could mark you, just once,” he rasps, nipping and dragging his tongue against the base of your throat. “You would look so pretty with my mark right here…”
“No marking, Jimin.” 
Hoseok’s voice was like ice water in your veins, and your eyes snap open as Jimin bites at your collarbone lightly, playfully. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to. I’ll be good.” 
He pulls away then, raising a brow at your wanton state, impish grin erasing any signs of shyness that were lingering. Palms slide down the front of your dress until they reach the hem, pausing only to change direction once they meet the softness of your thighs to pull it over your head. He stares at you while he reaches for your panties, ripping them off of you with a flick of his wrist before he throws them over his shoulder. 
Jimin steps into your inseam, moving closer until you drop to the bed, sitting up with the ravenous werewolf standing between your legs. His hand slides to your jaw, turning you to look at him. “But you don’t want me to, do you, princess?”
Forgetting to breathe, your arousal builds rapidly at the predatory tone in his voice, at the lecherous way he stares at your heaving breasts. 
“You don’t want me to be good, to behave,” he purrs, climbing over your waist as he pins you to the mattress. “You want me to do whatever I want, want me to claim you, too. It’s why you agreed to this ceremony, isn’t it?” Dropping his head, he noses the line of your neck, trailing until he’s down between your cleavage. “You wanted to do this because you wanted me, too - right Princess?”
Moaning, you writhe against him, gasping when you feel the hard line of his cock tempestuously close to your center. He sits up long enough to rip your bra from you, kissing his descent down your body until he’s lodged between your thighs, glistening cunt on full display.
You wait for him to say something else, tease you more, but instead he presses his face into your heat, inhaling deeply before his tongue is sliding languidly through your folds. 
“Fuck, Jimin,” you cry, a hand fisting in his indigo locks. His mouth is vicious as it moves against you, flicking and suckling until you are practically sobbing, clit pulsating with lack of friction. No matter how much you tug on his hair, how hard you grind his face against you, he continues his leisurely pace, lapping at you like he has all the time in the world.
“Jimin, please,” you beg, body buzzing with pleasure. Your high was so close, just on the tip of his tongue, and your patience was waning. “Please just make me come, I wanna come.”
Humming against you, he looks up then, icy eyes barely visible over the line of your cunt. “You taste so fucking sweet, Princess. So good, I can’t get enough.” Pausing, he leans closer to your engorged bundle of nerves, pulling it in between plush lips, enjoying the way your body violently contorts. “I could spend all night between your thighs.”
Whining at his words, you paw at him to no avail, body still suffering under the torture his ruthless mouth is causing. Flopping back in frustration, you form a plan in your mind, fingers finding purchase in his tangled tresses to give a few experimental yanks.
Bracing yourself, you pull the wolf up by his hair, using your often ignored strength as a hybrid to your advantage. He detaches from you with a grunt, flipping to his back easily as you exploit his shock to climb on top of him, peering down at him with a grin.
“And I said I wanna come,” you croon, hands reaching between your bodies to yank at the fabric still covering him until it was in tatters. Thrilled satisfaction is a heady cocktail coursing through your veins, making you feel lightheaded as you took in the awestruck wolf below you. With no barriers, you could feel his firm shaft buried between your lower lips, and you rock forward, gliding until your clit nudged his swollen cockhead.   “Are you going to make me come?”
A growl of assent rips through the room, your Alpha’s pride beaming at how you managed to pin his Beta and take control. His pleased sounds just make you feel more drunk with power, and you lean forward to curl a hand around Jimin’s pearly  throat, hips rolling until his length catches on your entrance. 
Jimin lets you push down against him, hands gripping the flesh of your hips to steady you as you impale yourself down on his dick. The lithe hand around his neck squeezes once before slipping to his chest, your head falling forward as you feel every inch of him seated inside of you, pelvis resting flat on his own.
He can feel your cunt fluttering around him, adjusting to the sensation of intrusion. Your bottom lip is trapped painfully between your teeth, eyes closed to the pleasure, and Jimin gasps at the sight. He allows himself a breath, two, to fully drink in this image of you on top of him, full of him - knowing it wasn’t one he would be seeing again. 
Still grasping at your waist, he begins to thrust upwards brusquely, smirking to himself when you immediately cry out a choked version of his name. He likes that - his wolf likes that, needs you to do again. Digging his nails into your side, he pulls you until your body lays flush against his own, breasts trapped against the hard lines of his chest - before bending his knees to drive his cock into you with more force. 
“I’ll make you come, little bitch,” he hisses, pace not faltering. You whine at the nickname - a common one within the wolf community, but one the Beta had never used to address you, until now. His hands trace down and around your hips, grabbing the globes of your ass forcefully. “But you’re going to say my name when you do.”
He’s dragging your pelvis against his own, grinding you against him as he continues to plunge you on his cock, the combination of his ministrations hurdling you towards your impending orgasm. It’s delicious the way the friction lights your nerves on fire, the way he reaches the tender spot of your walls just enough to have your mouth watering, and you find yourself giving him exactly what he wants. 
“Jimin!” you moan, voice pitching as the edges of your vision became blinding white. A satisfied growl rumbles through his chest, his lips suddenly tangling against yours. 
“That’s it,” he murmurs, sweat beading on his forehead as he bounces you on his length relentlessly. “Come for me,”
Another cry of his name tears through your throat, your high cresting into an explosion of burning stars, your cunt contracting around him as if to pull him in deeper. Jimin continues his torture, crushing you against him with delicious friction to draw out the pleasure until you were practically hiccuping against him, boneless. 
“Fuck, that was so hot,” he whines, his cock throbbing with every pulse of your pussy as you milk him through your orgasm, his thrusts becoming frenzied and desperate. He can feel you dripping down his length, your arousal coating him, the scent overpowering the room and driving his wolf to the brink - and abruptly he’s releasing inside you without warning, mouth latching onto your neck as he spills his seed, teeth careful to not puncture the skin.
Sucking in air, you remain collapsed on top of Jimin, mind still hazy from your climax. It’s only when you feel a brush against your brow that you peel your eyes open, see the towering Alpha before you.
Ah, yes. This wasn’t over. 
“You did so good, Princess,” Hoseok coos, smiling down at you as he loops an arm around your naked form to pull you from the Beta. Gingerly, he lays you on the bed adjacent to Jimin, climbing to kneel next to you. 
“And you too, Jimin.” he looks over to the man beside you, pride raging in his gaze. “Thank you for making sure she was worthy of your Alpha. Thank you for treating her so well.” 
Jimin seems to get choked up then, eyes brimming with emotion, but he smiles and gives Hoseok a nod. “Of course, Alpha.” 
He sits up, pausing to await further instruction, but when Hoseok moves to lean over you, Jimin coughs, awkwardly scanning the room. 
“I… I should go. Let me just grab my clothes and then I’ll wait downstairs-”
“No.” Hoseok’s voice is stern, the command evident in his tone. “No, you will stay - in this room, and on this bed.”
You raise a brow then, matching Jimin’s confusion as you peel your eyes open to stare up at the wolf, waiting for him to proceed. 
“We are a pack together. All of us at the compound, all 8 of my counsel - my brothers, of course - but most especially, the three of us.” His eyes flick from you to the Beta, making sure you were both listening before he continues. “It’s always been the three of us. Regardless of status, of mates, of whatever is thrown our way. That isn’t ever going to change.” 
Heart thrumming in your chest, joy takes flight under your skin at his words, at the new declaration he was affirming. It was the three of you against the world, and now it always would be. 
Jimin chuckles in delight, elation shining in his ice blue eyes as he sits back onto the bed, moving to prop himself up near the headboard. “Yes, Alpha,” he resolves, wry grin tugging at his lips as he nods towards you. “Well, don’t let me keep you.” 
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that.”
Hoseok’s returning snicker has chills racing down your spine, the wolf inside instantly recognizing the power of the Alpha kneeling before you. His eyes glow gold under heavy lids as he begins to undress slowly, pink tongue darting out to wet his lips as he devours you with a gaze. 
His bare chest is tanned, sinewy muscles rippling as he unbuttons his pants, freeing his thick length to bob against his toned stomach. His cock is just as beautiful as he is, girthy and long, a perfect tapered tip, and you wish that you had a moment to lavish it with your tongue, to taste him fully. Every inch of him is lethal, calm ferocity, overflowing in authority, and you can feel the gush of your arousal mixed with Jimin’s seed smearing against the tops of your thighs as you wait for him to claim you. 
Towering over you, Hoseok drops his head to nuzzle at your cheek, turning your head until he can bury himself in the crook of your neck. “So beautiful,” he whispers, lips insatiable against heated skin. “My mate is so beautiful, so perfect.”
There’s tenderness in his voice, controlled carnal lust veiled thinly in the intensity of his love, and you soften at his touch. “You’re perfect, Hoseok. My Alpha.” 
A throaty purr rumbles in his chest as he trails his tongue against your flesh, following the line until he can capture your mouth with his own. The kiss is searing, white hot electric as your tongues intermingle, teeth dragging against swollen lips. His hand travels down your body, nail tracing a thin path until he’s at your sopping cunt.
“Such a messy girl, hmm? Jimin gave you so much of his come, and this is what you do with it?” He clicks his tongue in mock disapproval, fingers sliding in the sloppy mess only to then press inside of you. 
Jolting at the sensation, you whine as he continues to scoop up the viscous liquid before shoving it inside your aching center, body raw and smoldering with each intrusion. When he deems the job complete, he plops his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean.
“I’m going to fuck it all out of you, princess,” the grin he gives is shameless, causing blood to rush to your cheeks. “I’m going to fuck it all out of you and then fill you up again, until you’re dripping with nothing but me.”
The digits that were in his mouth are now tapping against yours, lips parting to allow him to press against the bed of your tongue. His eyes darken as he watches, a satisfied hum low in his throat. “Do you understand?” 
Nodding, you mumble the words around his fingers, voice thick with need. “Yes, Alpha. I want to be filled with you, want you to ruin me.” 
Just like with the Beta before, you see a bright flash in Hoseok’s topaz gaze before the wolf in him seems to take over, a feral smirk curling his mouth. A famished low growl is your last warning until strong hands are flipping your body, placing you on your stomach before pulling your hips up, presenting your bare center to him. 
His palm reigns down on your ass cheek, blossoming the skin pink, retching a cry from your throat. “Jimin, help hold her in place for me, hmm? I don’t want my perfect little bitch going anywhere.” 
Arousal floods you at his words, and you clench tightly in a poor attempt to keep from leaking all over the tops of your thighs. Wordlessly, you tilt your head up and meet Jimin’s gaze just as he gives you a lecherous smile, hands moving to pull yours to lay in front of your head, wrists pinned by his grasp.
With your head and chest down and ass up, you were exquisitely offered to the Alpha, and the subservience alone has you trembling with anticipation. You can feel Hoseok move to kneel behind you, the scalding heat of his skin so close to yours, large palms kneading and yanking at the flesh of your hips.
The desire to have him inside of you is driving you mad, your body writhing to feel any inch of him. He chuckles at the scene, appeasing you with lazy strokes of his thick length up and down your soaked slit. Mewling, you move to reach behind you, wanting to force him to plunge into your walls, but a quick squeeze of Jimin’s hand reminds you of his presence. 
The Beta clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “So impatient. You’re completely helpless but so desperate for our Alpha, aren’t you?”
Hoseok drags his cock until it barely catches on your entrance, making you drop your head with an embarrassed whine. 
“Good,” he murmurs, rolling his hips so that he slowly sheaths himself in your warmth. “I hope you are ready for me, because once I start, I won’t be able to stop.” 
Unable to take the torture a moment longer, you sway your hips back, sinking onto his length fully with a cry of his name. The tension of your arms being stretched out slowly ebbs into pleasure, your back bowing to ensure every delicious inch of him is now buried inside of you.
“Don’t stop, Alpha.”
Your words seem to be a trigger, and the wolf behind you growls out a rasp of your name before he slides out - only to slam so hard into you that your teeth rattle. 
The pace he sets is punishing, skin slapping on skin as he pistons in and out of you with otherworldly strength. Deep groans harmonize with your high pitched whines, your head turning to the side to gasp for air as you take him fully with each thrust. You understand now why he had Jimin pin your arms - holding you in place as you thrash forward with every assault of Hoseok’s pelvis. 
The Alpha’s hands abandon your hips to press into the mattress on either side of your head, body looming over you. His mouth falls to your neck, biting and sucking marks until they’re blooming in a dark red violet, making your toes curl. Hoseok alternates between marking you and praising you, pressing words of affirmation into each bruise he indulges.
“You feel so good, so fucking wet and tight, all for me,” he croaks against your skin, mouth spit slick and raw. “All for me, my perfect princess, my mate, my mate-”
A high pitched keen rips from his chest, and you feel his canines drag against the thin flesh of your throat as his hips pick up momentum, pounding into your center. You know what’s coming, and you feel the band in your belly tighten at the thought, your cunt throbbing in time to your pulse. 
A hand that was holding himself up moves to grasp at your breast, tugging and twisting the nipple until you sob, hurtling you towards your climax.
“Claim me, Hoseok,” you whisper, turning your head to give him better access. “Mark me as your mate.” 
A sharp howl echoes through the room, your wolf cantering with a needy plea as you bare your throat to the Alpha, giving yourself up to him. Even the Beta answers the cry, your wrists forgotten as he shows allegiance to his leader, tilting his head to expose his neck.
It’s then you feel Hoseok’s teeth puncture your skin, his mouth latching right to the curve of where the column of your throat flows into your shoulder. The hand previously pawing your breast is now at the base of your neck, holding you tightly as he suckles at the wound, drinking deeply from your life’s blood. 
Crisp pain bubbles into mindless pleasure, the mate bond now fully snapping into place as he continues to fuck into you, propelling you to your end. With his mouth working at your neck and cock pounding into you, you’re unable to hold back any longer - letting out a piercing cry of his name as you’re thrown headfirst over the edge. 
The orgasm is intense, blinding, your body convulsing as waves of euphoria crash over you. It seems like hours pass before the high wanes, leaving you dizzy and your mouth dry. Hoseok isn’t faring much better, muttering nonsense as he works you through it, your cunt squeezing him with every ripple until he’s groaning out a warning.
“I’m gonna come, f-fuck,”  he grits his teeth, nuzzling against your cheek. “Gonna knot you.”
The sensation of him swelling inside of you has your eyes widening, body flinching with oversensitivity. “Hoseok, I can’t - I don’t think I can take-”
“Shh, you can take it, I know you can,” he coos, his hand slipping to rub at your engorged clit, causing you to cry out. “My mate, my good girl,”
His mouth finds your mate mark, licking and nibbling it when his hips start to stutter against you, his choked moans ringing in your ear. You feel his release coat your walls, followed by an increase in pressure that’s minor at first, but rapidly increases. Wiggling, you try to move away, but he holds you to him, sweeping the hair out of your face. “You’re doing so well, taking it so well. It’s almost over.”
Just as you plead that you cannot possibly take any more, the swelling stops, trapping him deep within your core. You feel so full, almost uncomfortably so, but your body seems to adjust quickly, a flushed heat smoldering in your gut at the ache. Hoseok presses a lingering kiss on your mark before shifting you so that you’re both on your sides, him cradling your back with an arm slung low on your waist.
To your surprise, he even beckons Jimin over, who immediately comes to lay facing you, hand reaching to clasp your own, sincere smile creasing his eyes. Your chest tightens with affection, heart ballooning as you lie between your two wolves, basking in the love they’ve shown you, bathing under the pale light of the full moon. 
It takes about a quarter of an hour for the knot to deflate, Hoseok wincing when he finally slides his softened cock out from inside of you. The satiety you had felt remained, even as some of his seed begins to dribble from your spent center, and to your delight your mate refuses to allow you to clean it up, instead resuming your previous cuddling positions.
With your body nuzzled warmly between the Alpha and Beta, your lids grow heavy with fatigue, idle chat of the men lulling you into a light sleep. You can hear them whispering, talking lowly over your snoozing form, but can’t bring yourself to focus on the words.
“So, does your earlier declaration mean this could happen again?” Jimin smirks, smugness evident in his tone despite the question.  
Hoseok hums. “Maybe. Who knows? I’ll never say never, though ultimately it’s up to her.”
“Well, we might want to keep that between the three of us, then. I can practically hear Jungkook’s indignant cries about fairness if he finds out.”
The redhead barks out a laugh at that, his chest vibrating against your back. “Good point. The pup did always have a bit of a crush on her,” he trails off, hand reaching to clap against Jimin’s shoulder. “But he isn’t the only one.”
Silence envelops the room then, breaths and heartbeats the only white noise calling for you to give into the siren song of sleep. Blinking, you force your eyes open to peer up at Jimin, wanting to say something, anything to reassure him - but the Alpha beats you to it.
“It’s okay, Jimin. I know. I know she knows, too - and we both love you. Mate bond or not, it will always be the three of us.”
You can’t see Hoseok’s face, but you can hear the sincerity in his voice, the genuine love in his words. However, you can see Jimin’s expression, and your pulse races at the smile you find there, the mirrored adoration shining in his eyes as he stares at the Alpha before dropping his gaze to yours. 
“I know.” His hand reaches out, thumb smoothing the angle of your jaw, giving you a knowing look before he glances back at Hoseok. 
 “It will always be the three of us, no matter what.”
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 ❅ 𝒑𝒐𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒏
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: you had enough with poe’s unrequited love. So, you leave.
author’s note: happy wednesday! this one is gonna hurt a bit but i promise there’s fluff, you can’t have the holidays without some angst. also this one didn’t really have a holiday theme but you know, oh well. i hope you all enjoy!
warnings: angst, unrequited love (or is it), fluff, fem!reader
holiday prompts m.list
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Poe whimpered into his hands as he thought about your past conversation. His heart plummeting down into his stomach as he remembered your face twisting into anguish. He ran his hand through his curls, remembering your tear-stained cheeks and your eyes filled with despair and utter heartbreak. He could practically hear his heartstrings pulling down with sorrowful weight. 
He bit his lip as his hand went to pick off a picture frame on his bedside table. His thumb swiped back and forth on your smiling face, wanting so badly to take back every single word he had said. 
“Do you love me?”
He froze at your question, his eyes coming to snap towards yours. The two of you had an agreement, no strings attached. You would fuck relentlessly, getting any and all frustrations out from a mission, and then you two would leave. 
“I’m sorry. I really am.”
He gulped at the sound of his heart beating out of his chest, and he swallowed thickly before speaking again.
“We agreed that there were to be no strings attached. You’re not supposed to love me, sweetheart, I—” 
“Well, I do! I love you, Poe,” you take a deep breath attempting to regain what strength you had, “that’s why I asked you if you felt the same. If you love me, I’ll be yours for as long as you want me. If you don’t, I’ll leave you alone for good.”
“Sweetheart, don’t be like that.” 
He was practically pleading, shouting through his mind to just kriffing tell you. Coward, coward, coward, screamed through his mind over and over. He almost wanted to laugh at himself; the straight self-sabotage crackled through his brain as he watched you break apart. 
He knew that he should just say it. He knew that this was the exact moment to shout his professing undying love for you. 
You shook your head and licked your lips, “I can’t keep doing this—this arrangement. I want more, and I had a hunch that you did too, but I won’t act on anything unless we’re both on the same page.”
Poe just stared at you for the longest time, deep breathes escalating out of his chest. Sure, he definitely fell for you as well. He really fell for you. He’d stay wide awake after you drifted from hours of passion, watching your chest rise up and down and listening to your soft snores. He’d always be scared shitless when you were sent on a highly dangerous mission, biting his nails and pacing around the room as he waited for your squadron to come back to Yavin 4. 
That wasn’t the issue, no. The issue wasn’t the small soft glances or the pitter-patter of his heart. The issue was his own insecurities clouding his mind and beat him senseless into thinking unreasonable things. You were in an intergalactic war for maker’s sake; you weren’t supposed to fall in love. He wanted to give you everything and anything, creating a life for the two of you to grow in. 
How could he do that when you both are putting the war before yourselves?
But he already made his answer. 
His whole body jumped at the loud tapping and whirring sounds of a droid bashing up against the door. His eyes felt swollen and heavy, his heart aching at each step he took towards the door. 
“What is it, BB-8? I don’t feel in the mood for—”
BB-8 interrupted him with frantic beeping and rolling around in front of him, shutting Poe right up. His eyes widened at the droid’s confession, staring agape at his feet where he rolled around. 
“What do you mean she’s leaving?”
BB-8 spewed out beeping that sounded of panic, and before Poe could actually react, he was running. He didn’t even care if his droid was following him; he was racing down the hallway and jumping over cargo boxes and anything that deterred his path. 
She’s leaving. She’s leaving. She’s leaving. 
He successfully got to the hangar before racing past pilots and their ships, desperately looking for yours. A few of the pilots in his squadron tried to get his attention, but the panic-stricken face made them falter as he continued to shout your name. He practically tripped over BB-8 as he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of your ship. 
“Set a course to Mandalore.”
For just a second, he watches. He watches as you wildly press buttons like you are desperate to get out of the hangar. He looks at your puffy eyes and swollen cheeks, his heart coming to a full stop at the half-dried tears that shine against the sunlight. 
You were going to go back to your home, to a woman named Bo-Katan that you would tell stories about on the nights that you were drinking after a mission. Poe closes his eyes briefly, ultimately thinking about what he was going to do. On one hand, he wants you to be able to go home—to go back to your family. But on the other hand, he wants to be selfish and keep you right in his arms. 
“I’m sorry.”
Your head whipped back to see Poe leaning against the entrance of the ship, his hair completely disheveled and his eyes glossy with a certain glint rested in them. 
You shook your head before pressing another button and watching as it lights up, “Don’t be. You can’t control your feelings.”
He let out a sigh before walking up to you, your breath hitching as his hand takes your own and draws small patterns. 
“I love you.”
He lets the three words sit in the air for a second, watching as your eyes flicker between his for any sign of dishonesty. Your hand pulls back lightning-fast, and your eyebrows furrow—you looked as though his touch had burned.
“Don’t do that. Don’t trick me like that. You said you didn’t love me, and now you’re confessing?”
“I know. I know, I’m a coward for not saying it earlier. I know that I’ve fucked up in the most of fuck ups. I’ve hurt you in every way possible, and I know that I don’t deserve a second chance. But I—” 
He slowly reaches for your hand to see if you’ll let him, and you oblige, letting him intertwine your fingers even if it was for just a moment.
“I love you. I love the way that you scrunch your nose when you’re concentrating. I love the way that you play with BB-8 when I’m busy. I love the way you carefully patch up my wounds when I’m stubborn and refuse to go to the med bay. I love the way you joke around with Finn, watching the two of you laugh and laugh,” a small melancholy smile lifts onto his face, “I love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile or the way you get so flustered when I compliment you. I love the way that you rub my back and trace patterns when you think I’m sleeping. I love you.”
He looks down at BB-8 whirling around with beeping sounds to tell you how true those statements are, and he chuckles.
“I understand if you don’t want to make this work. I’ve hurt you, and I’ve messed up so badly. Say the word, and I’m gone. I’ll leave you so you can fly away on your ship. But if you choose to stay, I’m yours. My heart and soul are yours.”
You look at him for quite some time, your eyes rolling over his form. He looked so utterly nervous; his hands are shaking, his eyes are trying to make contact anywhere but you, and he’s wildly tapping his foot. 
A large grin makes its way to your face, “just kiss me, flyboy.”
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star wars: @marvelous-capsicle​ @dee-rosemary​
permanent: @captainchrisstan​ @angstysebfan​ @teenagereadersciencenerd​ @rebekahdawkins​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @stardust-galaxies​ @wiccanmetallicrose​ @keithseabrook27​
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fukurodaze · 4 years
atari love!!! congrats on 200 bb 🧃💖 can i please have a kenma scenario with the word “moonlight” ? thank u so much ilyyy and congrats again 💖🧃
nat love!!! thank you for sending this in bb<3
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it’s a different kind of feeling when you see him waiting for you as you tidy up your preparations for the school festival.
the surprise isn’t that he’s waiting for you, of all people, but that he’s actually waiting. it’s a friday night, the hallways are dim, and the only shoes left in the shoe lockers are yours and his. 
your mouth hangs agape when you hear his voice, soft yet firm, the way you’ve always heard it. he asks, softly, yet it’s loud in the empty third year classroom, “how long have you been decorating the tables?”
“i’m on my last table, so, long enough.”
he takes two steps into the classroom, taking in the colourful decorations for your class’ maid café. basic, he thinks, but he reminds himself to at least sit at one of the tables you’ve spent all afternoon on.
when you finish up, you’re quick to grab your bag, steps unsure as whether to follow him out of the classroom or simply go out on your own, knowing this wouldn’t be the first time he’d be quick to leave on his own. 
he’s still in his volleyball pants. he probably just stopped by after practice to see how everything was going in his own classroom anyways. he just happened to pass by. no big deal, he’ll go home on his own. he’s not going to walk you home. he’s not going to walk you home. he’s not going to walk you home.
oh, but you so want him to.
you end up following him out, your shadows following silently, steadily, like negative reflections in the moonlight. your mind flies to all the days since you confessed to the boy in march, a day after the third years’ graduation ceremony, when he had asked you, “but why?”
at that, from days spent on cheering stands and distant cafeteria seats, you wonder, is admiration not enough?
you like kenma because, yes, he’s clever, cool, or whatever, but when have words ever been needed to describe how much you like a person? he’d probably roll those words in a ball and throw it in the bin anyways. 
but it’s on rare occasions like these where you somehow manage to scramble together some syllables that form some sort of comprehensible word in the dictionary. 
“kenma-san, you’re amazing.” your words bounce cheaply off of the walls and windows, followed by a creak as kenma opens his shoe locker. 
as he stores his school slippers and ties on his street shoes, he chuckles, “i’ve heard that before.”
“yeah, you have,” you mumble to yourself, scuffing the edges of your own shoes at the edge of the lockers’ wooden platform, hand grasping as tight as it can onto your bag. you hope he’ll at least give you a goodbye this time. 
back then, you had told him exactly that, nervously sputtering, ‘because... you- you’re amazing! and... that’s why... i hope you’ll accept my feelings.’
you cringe hard at the memory. he was a classmate you sat behind, sometimes striking a conversation or two about the game you so happened to catch a glimpse of him playing after school. most times he’d leave you with an empty “yeah” or “cool”, and other times he’d just nod, not even bothering. 
still; you could never forget about kenma.
it was only when he’d followed up your question with another question on the first day of your third year that you let yourself hold onto the slim probability that he’d even get comfortable with you. idiot.
and now, as your shoulders stay tense and your eyes waver between the ground and his side of the room, you hope you won’t look like an idiot, yet again, wishing for a chance. you stand still in front of the school doors. 
“you’re just... staying at school?” kenma’s head is turned back at you, already a few steps ahead on the asphalt.
“you’re just staying at school?” he repeats, but it’s not like you didn’t hear him, you just didn’t believe what he said.
“no, i’m going home?” you step down next to him. he starts to walk.
“why do you sound so confused...”
“um, i’m. going. home!” you clear your throat, holding your hand out like chopping the air. he smiles. you don’t see it.
“oh, then, uh, let’s,” he fiddles with the zipper of his bag, “let’s go together, then.”
you don’t really process the words coming in your ears. all you can feel is his gaze bouncing between your hair and your forehead instead of your eyes, the rapid rhythm in your chest, and your sudden want to celebrate the third years’ graduation day again. 
your feet are unmoving, face frozen. 
he looks really amazing in the moonlight, doesn’t he? 
your right hand seemingly lifts without notice, ever so slowly, ever so subtly, fingertips just close to brushing the material of his club jacket.
“if you don’t want to, it’s-”
your hand drops back to your side immediately. “no!”
kenma tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed.
you shake your head, “let’s go. together.”
you manage to purse your lips through your excitement, but you make sure not to miss the rise of his cheekbones and the raised ends of his mouth. 
the image sticks in your head, and you tell yourself to remember this moment; it’s kenma, in the flesh, smiling, shining, under the moonlight - because of you.
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send me your favourite haikyuu boy and a random keyword and i’ll write you a scenario about them. it can either be x reader or solo :)
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narumi-gens · 4 years
For the fake fic title.....
Under Your Gaze, I Bloom
Thanks!!! Love your writing, BTW! :)c
Thank you bb! ❤️ I hope you don’t mind but since you didn’t pick a character, I decided to go with Megumi because he seemed to fit. This would definitely be a hurt/comfort fic and absolutely would have a flower metaphor running through the whole thing. (This also accidentally turned into a longer drabble than I intended because I couldn’t help myself when sweet Megumi is involved.)
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Megumi doesn’t know much about your past, but he what little he does is just enough to know that it’s left a large part of you traumatized despite the brave face and kind smile that you wear day in and day out. He figures that you’ll open up to someone when you’re ready. In the back of his mind, he hopes that the person you choose to trust is him. 
But then one day, you drag him into a flower shop and he stands silently beside you as you slowly peruse the shelves, trying to decide which one you want to get to decorate your dorm. 
“Hey, Megumi. What kind of flower do you think you would be?” you ask him as you lean in to the jasmine plant on the shelf to smell its flowers with a soft smile. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugs but when you give him a playful scowl at his lack of an answer, he relents. “What kind of flower do you think I would be?”
You pause and turn to look at him thoughtfully, your head tilting to the side as you bring a finger to your chin. 
“Something low maintenance,” you say with a nod and he raises an eyebrow. “Probably a jade plant or an aloe vera. Jade plants are supposed to be lucky, you know.”
“I didn’t know,” he offers as you return to looking at the shop’s selections. He feels the question on his lips and after a few long moments, he can no longer keep it in. “What about you?”
“What kind of flower would you be?” he asks but he’s only met with silence. He would think you're ignoring him entirely if he couldn’t see the way your smile dims and the pained look that flashes across your face. The silence stretches on and he decides to let it be, regretting having asked the question in the first place.
“An orchid,” you finally answer, your voice quiet as you blankly stare at the plant in front of you. He wants to ask why, but knows no good will come from it. However, you choose to continue on your own. “They’re delicate and difficult to grow. They’re not really worth all the effort that goes into them.”
It hurts Megumi to hear that you have such a low opinion of yourself. But he’s not sure what to say. He’s never been the best with expressing himself and he knows that if he says the wrong thing then it could hurt you even more. 
So, when he sees the orchid on display near the register, he decides to let his actions speak for him. He walks away from you to the employee at the counter and points to the orchid.
“I’d like to buy that.”
He can feel your eyes on him as the cashier readies the plant for him. When he pulls out his wallet to pay for it, you finally move to join him.
“W-why would you waste your energy on an orchid?” Your question is so soft that Megumi only hears it because of how close you’re standing to him. 
As the cashier hands the potted orchid over to him with a polite thanks, he turns to face you fully. When you glance at him, he can see how vulnerable you look and he knows for certain that this is the chance he’s been secretly waiting for -- the chance to show you that you can put your trust in him.
“All it needs is someone who’s willing to put in the time and effort to care for it like it deserves.”
When you look back up at him, your eyes are shining with tears. But when he sees the smile growing on your lips, he finds himself thinking that watching you bloom is more beautiful than any flower could ever hope to be. 
Send me a made-up fic title (and character) and I'll tell you what I would write to go with it!
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nobodycallsmerae · 4 years
Double Date - BBRae AU
Double Date - 03
'Oh friend! You are looking wondrous!' Kory exclaimed as she looked at her friend in the mirror, after hours of styling and dressing up.
Kory had finally managed to make Rachel put on a dress, which Rachel did not even knew she possessed, and a bit of make-up.
She wore a dark purple sleeveless short dress which was adorned with lace.
It contrasted with her pale skin and fitted her just in the perfect curves. It also went with her currently sparkly amethyst eyes as she looked at her reflection in awe.
It wasn't too form fitting, nor too fancy, just the way Rachel liked her dresses.
She had put on a slight stroke of blush, just for Kory's sake, and light matte red lipstick. After many protests, Kory had slightly styled Rachel's straight black and purple hair, which were now slightly wavy and kind of looked like a combination of cute and pretty s on her. She sported it with ankle length heel boots, which was the only thing she picked.
Though Rachel would not admit it, looking at herself on the mirror, it actually made her look pretty. "Very. Very. Desirable." As Kory had so flirtatiously put it.
Kory herself was wearing a form-fitting green dress, which complimented her jade eyes. Her long fiery hair was left untied, as it moved with her in slight waves.
Their date was at 6:30 pm, and now, currently 6 pm, they were already ready to go.
'Kor, why are we going so early?' Rachel asked, putting on her boots, 'I even don't go to my business meetings before ten minutes.' 'Well, as I have gone to many dates with Richard, I believe he is already present there from 5:45 pm..' Kory said looking at the mirror and fixing her hair for the final time. Then she turned and looked towards Rachel with a sly look on her gorgeous face. 'Date ethics my dear Raven. You may tell me all about your business rules, but you'll only know about date ethics when you go on one sweetie.' She said, with a slight teasing in her voice. Rachel was already standing and all she could do was roll her eyes.
Just after returning home from her small meet with Gar, Kory and practically dragged her from the doorsteps into Kory's room to dress her up..
At the thought of Gar, Rachel unconsciously took a look at herself and ran her hand through her hair.
Would Gar like to see her? Would he like the way she was looking? Will their future conversations (if any) be awkward or comfortable and care-free like the one they had in the café? If she had not pulled back, would they have kissed? How would his lips fe-
'Ugh! I just can't stop thinking about him!' She mused aloud.
'Thinking about who?' Kory asked, who was standing with her hand on the doorknob with a suspicious look on her face.
Raven immediately broke into a sweat. If she tells her best friend that she was just imagining kissing a (very cute and handsome) stranger, she is never going to hear the end of it from her hopelessly romantic friend, as it would be very out of character for her to imagine about a boy at all. (Except while writing her books.)
'Thinking about.. I'm thinking abou-' Rachel nervously began, earning a raised eye brow from her friend. 'I.. just can't stop thinking about..mm.. My DATE for tonight!' She exclaimed, a bit louder than necessary. 'I can't stop thinking about what he'll be like! Kory, tell me something about him.' She said, with sugar filled voice. Anyone knowing Rachel would have been suspicious by her sugary voice, but as Kory opened the door, she just started singing about her date.
'Oh! I have heard from Richie that is the very wondrous. He had shiny silver hair and blue eyes. He loves to read books like you and is also very passionate about his work. He is also really mature and serious. And o, he also looks really hot, with toned abs and--' And now currently in the driver's seat, Rachel slowly pulled on her handy headphones, as she knows that Kory was going to tell her about her 'date' the whole car ride.
'Dude! We've been here for like, a lifetime!!' Gar exclaimed from his seat to his very calm friend sitting at the other side of the round table. 'We did we have to come so early!! And why is this place so empty! Kind of gives me chills..'
'Gar, we've been here for like what? Ten- fifteen minutes! Stop complaining so much.. I'm sure they'll be here any moment now.'
Currently, they were sitting at a very elite and private kind of Italian restaurant. Some kind that was apparently "Really hard to get reservations at."
It was on the top floor of a business building and had just one word to describe it- Romantic.
It had ceiling lights over it which gave it a very nice ambience. It had few tables scattered around them, most of them being empty. Gar was facing a bar with a darker lighting around it, but the part which he liked the most was a small part of the floor beside the bar, in a small little corner. It had no ceiling which made the thousand stars visible. With the soft music playing, all he could imagine was slow dancing with a beautiful girl under the stars. Slow dance with..
Ever since the evening, all he could thing about was Rachel. How she slightly smiles while remembering something while talking. How her beautiful dark blue eyes which almost look purple shine when he looks into them, almost like having a whole galaxy behind them. How she always pulls the stray strands of hair behind her ears, while blushing ever so slightly. How beautifully her eyes lidded while she leaned in to kiss him... but pulled away. Oh how badly Gar wanted to kiss those soft pink lips of hers... But..
Thinking about her, it almost made him jealous that she was maybe enjoying with another guy now, laughing, smiling that very precious smile of hers', or maybe kis-
'Um, Earth to BB!?!' Robin was calling him from across the table. 'Are you okay? You kind of zoned out for a moment.'
'Uh, yeah, I'm fine..' Garfield, nicknamed Beast Boy or BB asked, jumping out of his thoughts. 'You were saying?'
'I was wondering that, maybe.. I dunno, get a drink or something? I mean, I know you did not actually wanted to come here and maybe going through hell now, waiting for Star and her friend to come.. so just get a drink for yourself? I'll just call you when they arrive.' Robin said, with a slight smile and a kind of guilty look on his face.
Seeing this as his chance to escape.. As there was no way Robin was going to be in his senses after getting a look at Star, he practically jumped.
'Thanks dude!' He said, grinning ear to ear. 'Your the be- well not 'the best' for bringing me into this misery, but at least second best for being considerate.' He fled off to the tiny bar to clear his thoughts from the probable disastrous happenings of the date.. and maybe of a certain dark beauty...
'Well, we're almost there!' Kory exclaimed, as they were on their way to the top floor in the elevator. 'Try to be nice to your date and use as less sarcasm as possible' She said to Rachel, which only caused Rachel to scoff at 'sarcasm'.
As they entered the restaurant, Raven quickly tried to take in the scenery.
This thing is getting real.. I really have to get me something to keep me awake. She thought as the bar caught her eyes. She automatically started following Kory towards the table Richard was sitting. ONLY Richard.
She suddenly had a scheme going in her head.
'Good Evening Kory, Raven.' He said, as he gave Kory a quick kiss and Rachel a hug, as they had a brother-sister bond between them. 'So, what's up Rich-boy?' Raven asked, sincerely glad to be meeting her practically brother after such a long time.
'Nothing much, fellow-birdie' He said, smirking at his beloved lil' sis.
'Oh Richard! How lovely it is to meet you!' Kory said, giving him one of her infamous bone-crushing hugs. 'But.. where is your friend?'
Richard looked almost as if he was about to pass out after the unsurprisingly strong hug from his girlfriend, all he could do was muster an unintelligent, 'He's umm... on.. in..'
'In the rest room?' Rachel supplied hopefully, her plan full in swing now. 'Um-hm..' Richard said, dreamily looking at Kory, as she blushed.
'You know what Kory?' Rachel said, slightly feeling forgotten but glad at that thought, 'I'll just quickly come from the restroom too.. I kinda had a lot of water before getting on the car.' She said, faking her urgency. 'I'll obviously come back before my date arrives, right?'
As Kory and Richard had already started conversation, Kory slightly nodded, while taking her seat beside him.. Their backs' to the bar.
As there was no way Kory was going to be in her senses after starting to conversate with Richard, Rachel embraced her freedom and cautiously moved towards to bar, away from the two love-birds, and her probable future 'blind date'
Wow, she is looking so beautiful. He thought, looking at her in awe. Just what am I supposed to call this, 'Destiny'?
Rachel slowly walked towards the bar, finding a bartender and a middle aged woman sitting there. She took a seat near the corner as the bartender appeared in front of her.
'What may I get you ma'am?' He asked, smiling politely at her.
'Red Wine.' She answered, checking her phone absentmindedly.
'Wine?' Said a voice from behind her that she suddenly came to love. 'I was expecting more like.. Caffeine, No milk?'
She turned around and saw his gorgeous face smiling at her.
He was wearing a simple white button down down shirt, through which Rachel could see his strong muscles. Two of his buttons were decently open from the collar, which gave her a show of his painfully smooth skin underneath. His dark brown hair was looking way better than their morning's encounter, but it still looked a bit messy, which released butterflies in her stomach.
'Gar..' She slowly breathed his name. 'Nice to meet you too, Ms. Roth' He said as he gently bowed before her. He took a seat beside her on another small bar stool and ordered something for himself. And through all this, all Rachel could do was remain speechless..
The person whom she was thinking about not an hour ago, was sitting right in front of her, grinning his signature toothy (adorable) grin.
'How- when- wha-!' Was all she could manage.
He gently smiled and motioned towards the people sitting. 'Looks like your and my friend has the same destination for a date.' He said.
From there, she could see that almost everyone's back was to the bar.
She saw Richard with Kory, A really muscular dude with a shaved head who looked oddly familiar, A red-headed man with the woman who was seconds ago sitting at the bar and a blonde girl with a black headed girl and blonde man. She figured maybe one of them were Gar's date.
'What are you doing here?' She finally asked, looking at him while he took a sip from his glass, most probably red wine.
'Well, first of all I would like to say that you are looking beautiful,' He started, to which she blushed and took a sip from her own glass. 'And, actually my date wasn't here when we arrived, so my friend just told me to maybe get a drink, and in my experience, I know that once Rob sees his girlfriend, I will be long forgotten.' He finished with a relaxed smile. 'What 'bout you though?'
'Wow' Rachel said. 'You just said everything I was supposed to say... though I kinda came here by the excuse of going to the restroom.' She said with a sheepish look. 'Well, I supposes our meet is "sooner that soon".' She said, mocking the lines he wrote earlier, to be faced with a really genuine look on his face. 'You got the note..?' She nodded, which made him break into a huge smile.
'Well, you know I actually told the girl at the counter to give you the note,' He began with a comfortable and playful expression on his face. 'But she was all like...'
'..and that is why I took ballet lessons instead of creative writing.' She finished with a content sigh. 'But now here I am, a published author.'
'Well, I don't mind seeing you dancing in a leotard..' Gar smirked, which made Rachel blush and playfully punch him in the arm.
No one had kept track of time. They both were just sitting there, talking, laughing, teasing, and content in their own worlds'. They weren't necessarily doing anything important. Just talking about everyday bullshit and random stuff.
But it wasn't what they were talking about mattered, it was whom they were talking to.
The understanding, comfort and relaxation that Rachel felt talking to Gar, she hadn't felt in a long time. How they would talk about things as if they were old friends, laughing and opening up. She wasn't the person to talk about the past much, but being with him, the comfort and understanding made her tell him some of her embarrassing and really important moments of her life. And listening to him, she also got to know that his childhood also wasn't all rainbows and unicorns either. The connection and spark they felt between them in such a short time was beyond explanation.
'Hey,' Gar smiled, 'I know you don't like public eyes so much, but how about a dance at that corner?' He asked, pointing to the small corner from where Rachel could see the many stars.
Rachel slowly considered it. She took a look at Kory's table and saw that they were eating something, probably starters, and busy in their conversation. And she also saw no sign of her 'date'. Not many people were there too, most of them engrossed in their conversation. And a soft beautiful song was also playing. Plus, they were having such a great evening.. a dance won't cost nothing right?
She looked at Gar's hopeful face and slowly, but firmly, took his extended hand. The smile he gave by that simple gesture could light up the whole room.
They stood up and he led her towards the small opening. Just when they reached a small corner, the song, 'Rescue Me' by Sabrina Carpenter started to play.
They both smiled at each other at the literal meaning of the song. Then Gar slowly put him arms around her small waist, which made butterflies sing in her stomach, and she snaked her arms around his neck and rested her head on the crook of his neck. This simple act of intimacy was doing what not to them. They closed their eyes and slowly started swaying to the music.
If I smile
Dancing alone for a while
Would you rescue me?
And if I fall
Hoping it's in your arms
I know-know-know
You'll rescue me
Rachel smiled and she felt his grip on her tighten just so lightly.
Oooohhh La-la-la-la-da-da Woh woh woh Darling please rescue me Oooohhh La-la-la-la-da-da Woh woh woh Won't you please rescue me
Garfield was practically beaming. He took a look at the beautiful girl in his arms and closed his eyes again.
Give your heart
Baby just ease your mind to see
That it's meant to be
'Cause when I'm with you
Darling it's such a breeze
That I know-know You'll rescue me
Woh woh woh
Darling please rescue me
(rescue me)
Oooohhh La-la-la-la-da-da
Woh woh woh
Won't you please rescue me
And honey if you see me drowning, Baby fish me out I'm falling. I just need a voice for calling, And can't you see I trust you always. So I will linger 'till you know, That I will never let you go, If you rescue me..
They both started wondering if the song was just for them.
If I smile
Dancing alone for a while
Would you rescue me?
And if I fall
Hoping it's in your arms
You'll rescue me
Till at the end of the song, both of them had stopped dancing and they were staring into each others' eyes. Rachel could see the sparkle in his eyes and Gar could see the small beads of tears forming in her eyes.
Gar slowly bent his head, and Rachel tilted her head forward. Slowly, their lips touched each others' blissfully. Rachel felt his painfully soft lips move against her. She also moved along, not wanting to disappoint him. His tongue slowly outlined her lips as if asking her to enter. She peacefully obliged.
Sure, their kiss was filled with heat and sexual tension, but overpowering it all was- Love. The kiss for them was pure euphoria.
Slowly, and quite unwantingly, Rachel pulled away from the kiss.
They both were still holding each other and just processing what had transpired between them. She saw Gar handsome face and pointy ears were dusted with a deep red color and she was sure as hell that her whole face was pink. A few moments passed like that, just staring into each other's faces, when Gar slowly opened his mouth to say something.
But then, both of their phones started to ring.
They awkwardly pulled away from each other, mouthed an apology and parted their ways to answer their phones.
'Hello..' Rachel clumsily answered her phone, at the same time trying to regain herself after the blissful kiss. 'Raven!' She heard Kory's loud voice through her phone. 'Where are you! Your date has arrived and is waiting for you! Please join us at the table!'
Rachel had long forgotten about her date. Now after what had transpired between her and Gar, the thought of (fake) laughing with someone else didn't suite her.
'Yeah, Star.. I'll be there..'
She hung up her phone and started walking towards Gar, when she saw him walking towards her too.
'Hey.' He smiled weekly. 'Actually my friend-' 'Called to meet our date.' Rachel finished for him. They both smiled sadly at each other and started walking towards the table. 'I guess we're going to meet again..?' Gar mused expectantly. 'We will.' Rachel smiled at him.
'You can go towards your table you know,' Rachel started as she saw them both walking in the same direction. 'Your friend must be waiting.' 'But..' Gar started with a weird look on his face. 'I AM going towards my own table.' They both gave each other funny looks and then looked at their friends awkwardly standing in front of them.
'Oh well, look at that.' Richard began weirdly, 'Looks like you both met your dates already..'
'WHAT!' They both exclaimed in unison.
'Joy!' Kory began awkwardly, getting up from her chair. 'Rachel, meet Garfield. Gar, my friend Rachel.'
Rachel and Gar looked at each other, and they felt like to burst out laughing. But instead, they looked at each other, and as if telepathically communicating, they both nodded and excused themselves to their respective friends.
'Blue Eyes! Mature and Serious! Reads Books, KORY!'
'Blonde! Out Going! Comic Book lover, DICK!' (A/N: I just couldn't find more words describing Terra instead of Backstabber, Betrayer.. And, Dick as his name, not calling names.)
'Well don't you like him/her?' Both of their friend replied as if rehearsed.
'Well..' The group of friends turned to each other. 'So, guys...' Richard started awkwardly, everything falling into place..
'Rae! Green Bean!' Suddenly a booming voice came from behind them. 'No way! Short sticks and Starfire, too!'
Everyone turned around to fine a person smiling broadly at them: Victor Stone!
'Vic!' 'Cy!' 'Stone!' Came various voices from around the table. 'Wait, you all know him!' Rachel said.
'Yeah!' Vic beamed proudly. 'Ya'll are practically my family sitting here!'
'Well, Star and I are going to take out the cars. You two can just wait here.' Dick/Richard smiled at Rachel and Gar.
After meeting their mutual friend, Victor, the 'date' had easily been converted to a casual 'hang-out', much to Raven/Rachel's pleasure. Still, she and Gar would blush if they look at each other sometimes through the night. They all had a great dinner and promised to meet as their now group of 5 more often. Now, they were all getting ready to leave, and Rachel and Gar were standing together alone at the small park, waiting for their friends' to drive in the cars.
'So,' Gar started, looking at her in the eyes. 'When are you going to return to Jump?' 'Monday morning' Rachel said nonchalantly. 'You've got to be kidding me!' Gar laughed. 'What's the joke?' Raven asked, not being able to stop herself from smiling at his cute laugh. 'Don't tell me you've got the 9 am, Jump airways flight.' He smiled, only to see her jaw draw open. They both shared a hearty laugh, as whatever they were doing, it turned out to be the same.
After the laughter died down, Gar slowly began, 'So maybe when we reach Jump City..' 'Please don't ask me out on a date..' Rachel punched him playfully, 'I think I've been on enough dates for the next 100 years.' She rolled her eyes, which caused him to laugh.
'No.. No..' Gar said, and took her hand in his. 'I was wondering maybe we could watch a movie in my basement.? I mean, I kinda have a home theatre.. so maybe we could peacefully watch a movie together without being in any social place.' Rachel slowly nodded, 'But under no circumstances am I paying for pizza. ' She said playfully.
'Sweet!' Gar exclaimed and punched the air. 'It's a date then.' He said slyly, mischievously holding her waist and bringing her close to him. She rolled her eyes. 'You'll just make me say it won't you? It's a date..'
'Seal it with a kiss?' Gar asked, cutely tilting his head. To this, Rachel moved forward and gave him a sweet and blissful kiss.. promising more in the future.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Going down?
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To say you were the luckiest and yet most unlucky person in the world would be an understatement.
You were a living, breathing contradiction considering the quirk you have and where you've ended up.
Most people are envious, even jealous of the position you have.
A secretary to both of the top two number one heroes!
You were lucky, your little meek self landed the spot wholly by accident.
On a train ride bumping into the Director of the agency by mere fucking chance, agitating your already hyper active quirk.
For a moment time slows, you do not have much time to inform him of what is happening.
The train doors will be shutting soon, sealing his fate and losing out on something big.
Detrimental to the company even.
"Oh um, excuse me sir." You stammer, lowly enough that he does not hear you, "Sir?"
You breathe in deeply trying once more as his fingers fly across the lit glass in his hands.
"S...sir?" He is too distracted by whomever is on the other side to notice you.
In your mind's eye you see the train director reaching for the button for the doors. Anxiety rips through your body only to be out won by your fear.
Fear of small mistakes leading to much bigger disasters.
"SIR! YOU'RE ON THE TRAIN HOME! YOU NEED TO BE ON TRAIN D OR YOU'LL MISS THE MEETING YOU'VE FORGOTTEN!" You huff, hands shaking as the man stares down at you with a mix of horror and awe.
All before he grips onto your wrist dragging you along with him.
And that's how you became secretary to Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki.
Better known as Deku and Ground Zero.
One made your life heavenly, touching them, seeing them and the details of their work and interpersonal lives was easy. The fact that you had a crush on them made it even better.
While the other, well the other made your life a living hell. Considered you too meek and seemed to hate your guts with a burning intensity that rivaled the heated gaze in his eyes.
Again you were the luckiest and yet most unlucky person alive.
You stare at the screen as your quirk has you hyper fixated on the janitor's next few hours of possible futures and unnecessary details of his life all because he brushed your fingers while passing you something you've dropped.
"Y/N." Deku calls softly and you cannot hear him, "Y/N."
He steps towards your desk just outside of the two opposing offices, leaning closer to you.
"Y/N." It comes out like liquid honey, and your gut flutters. You flush bright red as you blink furiously.
"I.. I'm sorry. Oh! Izuku-sama you need to be leaving in the next five minutes or you'll be late for your..." You struggle when you see it.
The beautiful woman with short chesnut hair sitting in a chair at an upscale restaurant in a deep pink dress.
Showing off her curves and her breasts in a tasteful manner.
Your heart sinks to your stomach like a brick, weighing heavy as you realize what is happening and suddenly you are crushed
The word date cannot escape your lips so you clear your throat.
"Your day is free tomorrow until 4pm and nothing extra will come up." You add instead and he nods.
"Thank you Y/N." He smiles sweetly before beginning to leave, "Don't stay too late okay?"
"Oh and um Izuku-sama...."
"Yes?" He stops turning back to face you. He did not mind you looking into his personal life.
Or at least never said anything agaisnt it.
"Please be sure to charge your phone on the way there. Other wise it will die and you won't be able to capture a special moment." You say softly, unable to keep eye contact with those shining emeralds.
It hurt too much to.
You could have kept it to yourself, or forced yourself not to look like you have to do with thathot head but...but if his phone would have died..
He would be missing the picture that would lead to them dating.
"Thanks Y/N." He says smiling so brightly before turning on his heel.
All the while you try to forget about the kiss they share after their failed selfie.
He leaves without another word and you stare after him longingly.
That is before your quirk pulls you to the only other body on the floor.
He'll be running out of coffee soon and he will be angry, distracted even to have to leave his desk when he is finally making some progress on his paper work.
The coffee pot in the break room is finishing up at the perfect time thanks to the director's secretary. You pull out Bakugou's second favorite mug from your desk and stand.
Before stopping as you relive a memory.
"Quit using your quirk to spy on me."
His snarl so dark and upsetting that you could no longer attend the hero ceremony.
You begin to pack your things instead. Bakugou won't be in a good mood for the rest of the evening on top of that nothing is happening and even if something was he wouldn't want your help anyway.
You hesitate, only for a moment, maybe he would want that cup of coffee. You stare at the mug as if it would have answers but it would never know.
Just like you wouldn't, unless you touched him.
And he would never allow that.
So you shrug your purse higher on your shoulder before heading to the elevator.
Your press the button and count loudly in your head to help calm your nerves.
Inanimate objects are almost as difficult as people if you don't touch the right part of them.
You know at some point this thing is going to break down and get stuck between floors.
You just don't know when.
Why not take the stairs?
Well the stairs had a worse outcome.
"It's only possibilities Maybe futures."
You try to remind yourself.
What you dont remind yourself of is your 95% accuracy rate.
The elevator dings pulling you to the here and now.
You step into the shiny death trap with smooth tiles and walls that reflect your fearful face.
Bland music takes up the space in the background as your eyes fly over the seemingly endless buttons.
You hit G and the elevator dings again before shuttering as the doors begin to close.
They never get the chance to close, instead a toned forearm is hit by the two sheets of steel before the safety feature forces the doors back open.
You freeze like a mouse caught by two shining eyes in the dark.
Burning red eyes.
"Tch." He sucks his teeth as he steps in, standing to the far side of the elevator.
You look at him expectedly, waiting for an answer on the floor he needs and when none is given you assume he is leaving for the day too.
The elevator begins its descent to the safety of the garage.
But not quickly enough.
Numbers flash on a panel with an annoying ding that inturpts the flat music, your eyes stare at the white digits watching them shrink.
As you feel yourself shrink as you always do beneath that gaze. The details of his life creep in first and you try your best to focus on something else.
Izuku comes to mind and with it, wonder on how he date is going, your heart pulls harshly on the muscles in your chest.
The failed selfie is happening right now and they should be kissing soon.
You hold onto your purse tighter and the digits read 22.
Suddenly the descending box of steel groans before jerking causing you to lose your balance.
You begin to fall towards the middle of the elevator, of course you couldn't have fallen towards the damn railings less than three inches from you.
You just had to fall to be met face first with cold harsh tile. You squeeze your eyes shut for impact but mostly so you cannot read the disappointment in the ash blonde's face.
But the cold slap never comes, instead a warm, almost comforting touch holds you. Callused hands wrapped around your bare shoulders as they right you to your feet.
The possible futures flood in along with the details of his last 24 hours.
First comes the past, he smells of perfume, floral with hints of amber, lipstick stains on his throat and collar. Before anger ignites in your belly, half your own from anyone "marking" Bakugou and the other half is his. Katsuki yells at this mystery woman, he spies a text from another man on her phone. The present begins to overwrite the past his phone is sitting in his office on his desk. He has unintentionally forgotten it, leading you to remember that yours is still locked in your top drawer.
Lastly comes the future, your breath begins to hitch as it unfolds, and your premonition from when you first started almost a year ago is finally coming true.
"THE ELEVATOR IS GOING TO STOP!" You grip onto strong forearms as you scream. Nails biting into toned flesh as tears begin to prick your eyes.
"Wha..what?" Is all Bakugou gets out before the machine comes to a grinding halt.
Fear seizes your very bones while rage grips the blonde's.
"What the fuck?!" He snarls, "Did you know this was going to happen the whole fucking time? You let me on here anyway?"
"N..no." Fat tears begin to drip down reddened cheeks, "It was just because we touched."
His fingers squeeze tighter on your shoulders as he watches the tears cascade down. You see a few more seconds into the future before he let's go.
"Fuck." He hisses. A series of explosions erupt busting out one of the lights and something in the corner.
"P...please be careful, you've destroyed the camera. I..its close to the electrical panel." You speak to the floor loudly and he turns his ire onto you
"Be careful?! You're the seer why didnt you tell anyone about the elevator? Or tell me not to get on?" He invades tour space spiking your panic. His agitation over the situation is amplified as it is mixed with a conflicting feeling that has pulled has his gut for majority of this year.
"BECAUSE YOU WONT ALLOW ME TO SEE YOU!" You huff and as quickly as that rage came it melts away. Leaving you a mess of impossibly fatter and bigger tears.
You bend over slightly, losing your breath to panic as you gasp for air.
Bakugou damns himself as he looks over you.
He always seems to make you uneasy or upset, he could live with those emotions considering that's how most people felt around him.
But to watch you cry has knives plunging into his Godly abs.
"Oi..." He says softly and when you do not move he comes closer.
"Oi." He tries again, righting you once more as he rubs a deadly hand on your shoulder.
His skin is electrifying, sending a shudder through your body that you must suppress. He's close enough that you can smell the sweet smell of burnt sugar that seems to cling to his skin. You dare meet his heated gaze from beneath long lashes only to be surprised.
His eyes are far from carrying the weight from annoyance or anger as you thought them to be.
No they hold something else for once.
You swallow thickly as your chin is lifted before a padded thumb swipes at a tear.
Your breathing hitches harshly.
"No need to cry okay. I'm sorry I yelled that was an asshole thing to do." His other hand continues its soothing cirlce, "Why don't you take a deep breath with me?"
He breathes in deeply through his nose, eyes expecting you to mimic and you do.
He holds it for just a moment before letting his diaphragm push the air naturally from his mouth.
After a few times your head feels a bit clearer and Bakugou takes notice as your cheeks are no longer flush.
"Now what will be easier to see my future or the elevators?" He asks softly and his manner throws you off.
You had heard rumors of his cruelty when it came to inconvenience, some dating back to before he was a pro.
Not to mention you had witnessed it first hand, so to see those normally hash scarlet red eyes softened for you has your stomach doing flips.
"Ummm..." You gulp, fearful to answer but by lying will that make it worse.
After a few brief seconds you choose to tell the truth with a heavy heart, wholly expecting a violent reaction.
"You..." A breath of a word as Bakugou purses his lips for a fraction of a second.
He liked his privacy bit not being stuck in this tin can would be worth violating it.
"Alright. Then see our way out of here little Oracle." You blush from his nonchalant tone and the use of the nickname.
Little did he know you had once picked that out to be your hero name.
But dreams die as we get older.
Especially if one doesn't feed them.
You look into the future a few minutes, hoping you'll see whatever will lead you to freedom.
But you see something else instead, it pulls your stomach lower heating your core a bit.
The blood rushes to your face as Bakugou scrunches his own.
"I..." You are suddenly hyper aware of the proximity the two of you share.
Of his warm hand resting on your bare shoulder, of the closeness of his face and the gentle touch of his fingers. He gives a look as if to say go on, you look down as you speak again.
"B..Bakugou-sama, I think my quirk might be acting up. I may be seeing the implausible possibility..." Eyes squeezed shut as you expect an explosion.
But it never comes.
"What do you mean? I've heard your information is always good, little Oracle." His thumb swipes at another stray tear, "What did you see?"
Cheeks burn impossibly hotter as you look again only to receive the same result.
Truly truly implausible.
He tilts your face to his and his gaze is too much.
"I...ummm....we....yo..you kiss me." You bite your lip as you speak and the action fills Bakugou with desire, more than he's ever possessed for you before.
And always more than what he's felt for another woman.
You being able to see some of that no matter how slim the chances of him acting on the feeling is the MAIN reason he actively "hated" and avoided you.
But to feel your smooth skin beneath his rough palms, to smell your sweet mango perfume and to hear your adorable voice fill up the space that only posses the two of you becomes too much.
Too quickly.
Katsuki pushes you against the wall, the railing bites into your back but it goes unnoticed as your eyes flutter.
Dominat tongue swirling around your own has your core molten.
Had you like Bakugou?
Had you ever been attracted to him?
The answer was yes and had always been yes. You just tried to make it easier on yourself, hoping that devloping a crush on kind Deku would eventually push your feelings for the hot head to the background.
It worked. But only if the emerald haired man was around.
When he wasn't your mind always floated to the hot head.
He rips the buttons from your blouse and you gasp with both pleasure and concern.
He reads you like a book as he pulls the fabric open to look at you in all your glory, even pulling the scratched white fabric from your black skirt.
"You said I took out the camera right?" He drinks you in before his mouth finds a sweet spot on your throat, "Don't worry I'll give you my jacket when I'm through with you, my little Oracle."
You swoon, knees becoming weak from such little contact. His mouth works wonders as he un hooks your bra, pulling it and your shirt from your chest. Greedily lapping at your perked nipples. A moan escapes you then, further encouraging his advancement to which you wouldn't dream oppose.
Not with how good you feel now. Soon his hands find your hips as he crushes his lips to yours, pulling the bottom of your skirt up over your thick thighs and ass before letting it stay at your natural waist.
"Are you wet for me?" He asks by way of permission.
To which you surprise both of yall with your answer.
"Go and find out."
Katsuki gives you a deadly smile as your face deepens in hue. His fingers snake slowly down your chest, teasing when he gets close to the hem before sliding over your laced underwear.
You watch as his eyes flutter slightly before a groan escapes his kissable lips, you clench at the sound.
"You're soaking through your underwear." He voice drips with desire by your ear, "Does the director know how naughty you are?"
He leaves a trail of kisses before biting down on your neck, fingers still relishing the feeling of soaked fabric.
"Does he know that you're wet for one of your bosses?" He begins pressing against your throbbing button through the thin fabric. You buck your hips agaisnt his touch and moan when he chuckles darkly.
"I didn't hear an answer, baby girl." Your mouth moves without thought as he presses harder.
"N..no. No one knows."
"And who are you wet for?" His other hand is preoccupied with your breasts. Tweaking the nipples pushing you closer to a surprisingly close edge. His strong hand moves away from your needy nipple to find your throat.
He applies the right amount of pressure that your breathing becomes labored.
"Y..you Bakugou-sama!" You squirm, wanting, needing to be touched by the man before you.
"That's my good girl." He slips his fingers past your underwear finding the swollen bud he was teasing, swirling two fingers as his palm presses down on your mound.
You're moaning loudly, uncaring if anyone will hear as his fingers work you over like magic. His grip tightening just enough as you get closer and closer.
Finally your vision blurs in your peripheral before his husky voice is back at your ear.
"Just one more thing, do you see yourself getting fucked little oracle?"
You do not need to look into the future to answer
"Yes...yes Bakugou-sama." With a deadly smirk he sends you over the edge, not letting up as your crescendo once, twice, three times from his fingers alone. You see stars as your body convulses beneath his touch, voice caught in your throat as you shudder.
Your knees become weak as he slowly eases away after teasing at a hint that a fourth time could have been coaxed from you.
He holds you steady kissing you sweetly on the lips. He gives you a moment as you lean on him before you're flipped around.
You stare at your reflection. Hair disheveled, falling from its normally tight bun, breasts exposed as you're bent over and lips tinted with the best of red hues.
Red eyes admire you as he unbuckles his pants.
"You're such a gorgeous mess. And who are you a mess for?" He asks, placing your hands onto the railing.
"Y..you." Breath fogs your slightly distorted reflection and he smiles.
"God damn right." He purrs in your ear, pressing himself against you and you moan, "Hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride."
You wiggle your hips, pressing your ass as close to him as you can before he grabs onto you with a bruising grip.
He eases himself in slowly, keeping you from pushing agaisnt him until he's filled you completely. He stays still for a moment and the feeling of fullness alome has you squirming, begging for more.
"Pl..please Bakugou-sama. Please..." He grabs a fist full of your hair, pulling your face to meet his reflection.
"Please what?" He grins devilishly and you cannot fathom how he holds back so well. You feel him twitch within you, your eyes roll for a moment before you answer him.
"Please just fuck me and fill me. Please please Bakugou-sama." You cry out trying your best to rock against him, hoping his one hand would not be enough to stop any friction from happening.
But some how it is.
"Now be a good seer and watch how well you take my cock baby girl." He purrs, pulling harder on your hair until you meet your gaze.
He begins to pound into you, hard and fast. The sound of your meeting bodies echoes off the four walls and for once you cannot see anything.
Because you cannot focus on anything aside from the feeling of aggressive thrusts and the ash blonde reflection. He grunts as he looks you over. Your skirt makes your ass seem bigger than what it is and you're so wet you make a delectable sound with each withdraw not to mention your thighs are beginning to dew.
The sensation, sound, and sight of you being so pleased and submissive for him begins to make Bakugou spiral.
And it shows with each thrust as it gets harder, faster, and sloppier.
He fucks you with enough force that the metal box begins to rock.
Your eyes flutter as you begin to climb again, feeling him getting closer and closer himself before he hits you just right as he groans out a delightful "fuck"
You scream, gripping onto him in pulses before he loses himself. Burying himself deep within you with a satisfied growl.
You both still for a moment before he withdrawals. His seed spills from you making him want to fuck you again.
But instead he moves your underwear back into place, smooths your skirt back down your hips and ass before pulling up his own pants.
He turns you around, peppering your dazed face with kisses before he sheds his jacket and places it on you.
Zipping it up to your throat. He pulls you into him and you note the heavy smell of his caramel sweat. You kiss his neck tenderly causing a rumble to emit from him.
"Are you okay little one?" He asks softly, "Was I too rough? Too much?"
"No...perfect." You snuggle into him and he holds you for a moment. Your nose brushes against his exposed throat before you see it.
"Oh!" You push away from him enough to see his face before you blush deeply.
The elevator whirls back to life, the ding of floors pulls you back into reality and for a moment you think it a dream.
You expect him to shove you away now that he is done, especially so since that the moment of an almost claustrophobic disaster no longer hands over your heads.
But the look of hated annoyance does not return to his eyes as he gazes down at you.
If anything he looks at you softly expectant of an answer before it dawns on him.
"Oh." He says with a deadly smirk, "Was fucking the only way to fix it?"
You laugh nervously before admitting.
"I never looked past that kiss. I.."
He kisses you softly again before a final ding rings out and the two of you are met with the cool summer air of the parking garage.
"Hmmm I think I saw something." He smirks and you look puzzled, the world only slowly beginning to beg for your attention.
"W..what did you see Bakugou-sama?" You ask timidly as he pulls you out of the sinful box. Guiding you to his black motorcycle. You stop to blink over the bike, trying hard to see whatever he could be alluding to without allowing yourself his future out of habit.
"I see you calling me Katuski over dinner." He smiles as he places his only helmet on your head before his powerful leg swings over the body of the bike.
You stare down dumbfounded, dazed over everything that has happened in the last hour and a half.
When you do not move he pets the seat behind him.
"Coming to make my prediction true little oracle?" You nod swiftly pulling up your skirt enough to straddle the bike. You delicately wrap your arms around a muscled torso.
"Hold on tight." He says, squeezing your hand before the bike roars to life, "Its going to be a bumpy ride."
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poeticandors · 4 years
Come What May Part 4
Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Summary: You and Poe are sent undercover in order to gain information about the First Order and hope to recruit. But what begins to bloom as you and Poe continue to work closer throughout this mission? And, what happens when you happen to catch the eye of one of the most dangerous men?
Warnings: none really? Besides Poe wanting to beat a bitch up but that is really it.
A/N: It’s finally here! Thanks for being patient, I had to listen to both Moulin Rouge soundtracks to get some inspiration but I mainly did it to sing out loud to Onyx who seemed entertained.
GIF by @vakariaan
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It was times like these when Poe wished he was back at the Resistance Base— where he could escape to his X-Wing with BB-8 and just fly amongst the stars, basking in the silence and the seemingly, never ending freedom that space had to offer. He loved just looking down, seeing the way the land and water made up the planet. It was always where he felt the most sane. At least there, it was the closest to knowing what peace could feel like even in the midst of the war.
Here, he was stuck between the same walls, constantly walking the same path throughout the club, seeing the same patrons, and trying to get whatever information he could either about the other workers or whatever drunk First Order officers would loudly spill along with their drinks usually.
He missed flying.
He missed his friends.
But at least he wasn’t alone in this. He still had you.
Poe had always been fond of you since the moment he met you. Your hard work and determination towards the Resistance inspired him, but your kindness and willingness to help others is what caught his eye. That’s why he had become so protective of you.
Sure, you were pretty badass already even without him being there— he still can’t help but think of the way you stood your ground and nearly snapped that man’s wrist in half when he laid his hand on you. And don’t get him started on how he would glance over at you when you took down your sparring opponent in the training room before all this was going on. Poe knew that you were able to hold your own physically, but Poe couldn’t risk anything happening to you.
That’s why he currently stands there, glowering at the way you laugh at something that Tyris Prick— sorry, Pic— says. Poe forced himself to look away.
Since being introduced to him, he started coming to the club more frequently. He always requested to see you, and Poe would watch miserably as you talked, laughed, and shared one or two drinks with him. Something about this guy did not settle right with Poe. He especially did not like the way he was looking at you right now.
When Poe asked Finn about any information on the guy, he said that he would look into it. He also noted that the name did sound familiar. Poe just wished he was able to hear back from him soon.
After checking his regular posts, Poe decides to glance back only to find that you and Tyris were nowhere to be found.
He is way more alert now— never had you taken off without at least waiting to give him a signal or even telling him straight up. And the fact that Tyris wasn’t there, either only made him feel more on edge.
Before Poe can move from his post in search of you, Jeza steps in front of him, placing her hand on his chest.
“You look a little lonely, handsome. Care for some company? I don’t charge much,” she smirks.
Poe sighs, grabbing her hand and pulling it off of him. “Not now, Jeza. I have to find Kyla—“
“Oh, please. I’m much more fun than she is, and I can actually play with you.”
Poe was getting agitated, this wasn’t the first time Jeza made advances towards him. Whether she was joking or not, he did not enjoy having to deal with her. Sure, others would offer fun nights and good company that Poe would reject. Hell, there was even Tin, but Poe at least knew she was joking.
What made him resent Jeza even more was the way she often talked about you. It was no secret there were a few girls who threw glares at you daily just because their customers would drool at the sight of you, but no one verbally claimed their dislike except for Jeza.
Poe only shakes his head and moves past her, in search of you.
Pushing past a group of patrons who are too busy watching the entertainment on stage, he nearly topples over a server droid. Poe displays a calm demeanor when in reality sirens are ringing in his ears. His senses block out his surroundings and he tries focusing them on locating you.
When he doesn’t spot you anywhere inside the club, he decides to check outside— very rarely do the girls leave the club during business hours, but they were still allowed to leave whenever. He glances to the window, and manages to spot a glimpse of you walking past it with Tyris.
The patience Poe had now snapped like a twig and he rushed outside. Just as you laugh at something Tyris says, Poe steps in front of you both.
“You’re not supposed to leave without telling me, Kyla.” Poe says, his tone sharp.
Tyris knits his brows, almost in an amused way. “Sorry, who are you?”
“Tyris, this is Tel. He’s my escort.”
“Your escort? Well, as you can see she is in one piece. So if you’ll excuse us—“
At this point, everything happens in an instant. Poe grabs Tyris by his collar, and despite how much shorter he is, he manages to shove him up against the wall just slightly. Poe feels your hands on his arm, as you try to loosen his grip.
“Tel, stop.”
“I’m supposed to keep watch over you, Kyla. What if something happened?”
“We just went on a walk to get some fresh air. That’s it. Now let him go.”
Poe breathes sharply through his nose, still staring up at the man with an undisguised, furious look. In return, Tyris gives Poe a smug grin, one of those that clearly states he doesn't care simply because of his status. Poe had the sense to strangle him right then and there, but when he feels your hands squeeze his arm, he relents and releases Tyris.
Poe steps back, watching as Tyris smooths out his shirt. Poe feels your hands pull away as you step towards Tyris— and he doesn’t realize how much he misses the simple touch from you.
“Are you alright?”
“Fine, fine,” Tyris waves you off. “Your escort really takes his job seriously, doesn’t he?”
You force a thin smile. “He’s just very protective. Even when there’s no need to be.”
Shooting a glance at Poe, he looks down before clearing his throat.
“Forgive me, Ms. Tille. But I stand by my actions. Also, it’s actually time for you to retire to bed. You have an early morning, remember?”
You stare at Poe, and he knows you're pissed but he doesn’t care. He just wants to get you away from Tyris as quickly as possible. In response to Poe’s statement, you nod curtly, before turning to give Tyris an apologetic smile.
“Mr. Dara is right, Tyris. I do have an early morning and need to be well rested. Thank you for the evening walk.”
“Of course,” he takes your hand, kissing it. Poe refrains from rolling his eyes. “I shall see you soon.”
He then turns to Poe. “I’m assuming I’ll see more of you, Mr. Dara. Have a good night.”
Poe doesn’t respond, and only turns to follow you once you decide to head back inside. Poe stays behind you as you walk briskly to the elevator, and you don’t even say one word to him the entire ride up.
But as soon as the door to the bedroom closes, you face him and Poe is not prepared for the anger in your tone.
“What the kriff, Poe? Are you trying to blow our cover?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You can’t just go up to anyone and man handle them like that! Especially Mr. Pic!”
Poe scoffs, shaking his head as he places his hands on his hips. “I’m not sorry for what I did.”
“There’s something about this guy, okay? I don’t know what it is, but he is not what he seems.”
“You’re being ridiculous. He’s been nothing but nice to me—“
“Please, I know you see how he acts to everyone that he thinks is below him. You saw how he looked down on me just for being a bodyguard.”
Your mouth gapes open, as if you’re trying to find something to reply with. Poe doesn’t give you the chance as he steps towards you.
“Just… trust me. There’s something going on. I’m going to find out—“
“Poe, please just stop.”
He says your name but you hold your hand up, stopping him.
“You can’t just jump to conclusions because you don’t like the guy.”
“I’m serious, Poe. Just leave him alone, okay?” You say, clearly annoyed. ”We can’t blow our cover. We’ve been in this for a while now and what we got so far is working.”
You grab your robe, and Poe watches as you head to the refresher.
“Now, I’m going to shower and get ready to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You close the door behind you before Poe can retort, and he stands dumbfounded. Poe doesn’t know what the sickening feeling forming in his stomach and chest is, but he can’t stand it much longer. He leaves the room, and walks down the hallway out towards one of the balconies.
The cool, light breeze that brushes against Poe’s face is soothing, but the city air is nothing compared to the clean, brisk air of Ajan Kloss that he had grown accustomed to. Sure, the view was nice, but he could barely see the stars shining above. That’s what he truly missed, and it felt as if a part of him was empty without it. As he stares out to the city, seeing lights from buildings and speeders flying past, Poe can’t help but think of the argument.
How is it that you can’t see what he sees? That this guy is bad news and Poe has a feeling that soon his true intentions will be shown. Sure, the guy has done nothing but treat you decently, but the way Poe catches him staring at you every now and then gives him an uneasy feeling. Almost as if he was an Edan tiger and you were his next prey.
Poe didn’t like that one bit.
Sighing, Poe reaches into his pocket, and grabs a pack of cigarras. He stares down at them— he doesn’t even smoke but he figured that Tel would, which is why he carried them around seemingly for show. Poe turns one in the pack before he pulls it out, putting it between his lips as he searches for a lighter in his other pockets.
As the bitterness of the tabac hits his tongue while he finally finds the lighter and lights the cigarra, the door hisses open and Poe turns to see Rix, Tin, and Zoras walk out. Poe was relieved to see them, he at least got along with them and after Finn gave him some background information about them, he knew they were trustworthy.
Rix turned out to have one hell of a past. Though the quietest one, he is actually a master splicer and also managed to crack a few First Order codes and shut down some AT-AT walkers that were attacking the small town he was taking cover at. This put him really high on the First Order wanted list for sure, and he knew he had to go into hiding. That caught Poe by surprise for sure, considering how awkward and quiet the Rodian was.
Zoras had previously traveled around the galaxy, bouncing planet to planet to perform with the galactic circus she was a part of. Turns out, she was very talented: an acrobat, often showing off her agility and flexibility throughout shows. She was the star of the show, with her name and face plastered along every poster that was printed out. Although after an incident having to do with the First Order getting the circus disbanded caused them all to split, Zoras figured that being a featured dancer at the Crimson Club would be a way to lay low.
Tin, on the other hand, didn’t have much of a backstory. She had a way with words, Poe noticed— a natural pickpocket. And what better way to use those gifts than in the red-light district? Tin regularly conned her usual customers into paying more than what is usually offered for doing much less. Hell, if Poe didn’t know better he probably would have fallen for many of her tricks like the others did.
Each one of them had their talents, and Poe realized just how advantageous they would help make the Resistance against the First Order.
“Well, that’s a nasty habit, isn’t it Tel?” Zoras nods at the cigarra.
Poe sighs, before he pulls it out of his mouth and flicks it over the edge.
“Something on your mind, handsome?” Tin asks, leaning up against the railing of the balcony. “This wouldn’t have to do with our girl, Kyla, now would it?”
“What makes you think that?”
“Well, considering the way your jaw twitched at the mention of her name and the lack of eye contact, I would say it does have something to do with her.”
Poe really needed to work on his facial and body movements, he realizes.
“Let me ask you guys something,” he turns, now facing the three of them. “What do you think of that Tyris Pic?”
“I don’t think about him at all,” Rix states bluntly. Poe scoffs a laugh, patting his shoulder.
“He’s handsome, though, gives you a run for your money,” Tin jokes, nudging Poe with her elbow.
“Why are you asking?” Zoras tilts her head.
“Isn’t it obvious? Tel here is tired of sharing The Sparkling Kyber with him.”
“No, that’s not it,” Poe quickly denies.
“Oh, then what is it?”
“There’s something sketchy about this guy. I can’t figure it out yet, but he’s bad news.”
The three glance at one another, clearly skeptical at his statement. Part of him doesn’t blame them, of course he sounds ridiculous when there isn’t any given proof yet. Zoras is the first to speak, crossing her arms as she steps forward.
“Tel, are you sure this isn’t about something else?”
“Like what?”
“That you’re jealous of Mr. Pic,” Rix says, simply. Poe is quick to face Rix, who only shrugs. “Just saying.”
“I’m not jealous—“
“You know what this reminds me of?” Rix intercedes, raising a scaled green finger. “Auren and Lorn.”
“Oh my stars, right! I forgot about them.” Tin pushes off the railing of the balcony. “Didn’t they head somewhere together?”
“Who are Auren and Lorn?” Poe asks.
“Auren used to be a dancer here. And Lorn was one of her regular clients. But he wasn’t just that.”
“They were in love. Auren used to give him private dances, and then slowly stopped giving her other usuals dances as well,” Zoras sighs. “It was plainly obvious to everyone.”
“One of her other, more high ranking customers turned out to be a General for the First Order. He wasn’t too happy about it, and threatened the two of them and Boz.”
“But then they took off. Just disappeared one night. Everyone says that they skipped the planet to be together, but others say that the First Order grabbed them before they could.”
Everyone stays quiet after that. Whether or not the latter happened, the fact that the First Order was involved sent chills throughout Poe’s body. It just seems that you both can’t get away from them.
“You may not see it, but we do, Tel,” Zoras says. “We see how protective the escorts are, but you can be on a whole different level when it comes to Kyla.”
“I told you to dial it down,” Tin sings.
“There’s nothing to dial down,” Poe huffs, slightly annoyed. “I’m just doing my job.”
“And taking it more seriously than others would. Plus, you look at her differently.”
Poe wants to deny it, he really does. Deep down, something is keeping him from doing so, but he doesn’t know exactly what that is.
So he only shakes his head, not even sparing a glance at his three friends— which Poe realizes is the first time he’s actually thought of them as friends.
“I’m going to bed, I’ll see you guys down at the club tomorrow.”
He doesn’t give them a chance to say anything, because he just has to get out of there as quickly as he can.
Poe doesn’t know why everything Rix, Zoras, and Ton said to him affects him in such a way. Sure, he is very protective of you— okay, maybe he can be a little too overbearing. But that’s because he doesn’t want you to get hurt or in any type of trouble.
But… what if it is something more? Or is it just the fact that you’re the only familiar thing in his life at this moment? Were Rix, Zoras, and Tin right?
Then he realizes… shit, they are right.
Because every night since before the mission even started, he felt this tug towards you. He always had to make sure you were okay, that you had eaten or were prepared for everything. He always glanced over at you in case you decided you needed him and he would quickly drop whatever he was doing just to help you. You became his first priority.
Not to mention how he often thought about you even if you were right next to him— how he loved hearing your laugh or seeing you smile, the smell of the perfume you wore slowly became his favorite scent. And it wasn’t just his thoughts, you also invaded his dreams. They started off as just simple dreams, but then over time since he’d gotten to know you, they became something… more. And he often scolded himself for it because he shouldn’t think of you in those ways. You were his partner and he knew there were boundaries set.
As Poe continues down the hall, he finds himself automatically in front of your door. He should apologize, right? For almost putting you guys at risk? Although he doesn’t regret shoving Mr. Prick up against the wall, he knows it made you upset. And since you’re all he has in this moment, he can’t risk something like this getting in between you both.
He stares at your door, and though he lifts his hand up, he doesn’t move it an inch closer. He was sure you were asleep by now— it was late, and you had been spending your nights with Tyris. This was probably the earliest you got to bed this week.
Poe doesn’t want to ruin whatever sweet dreams you are having. He knows he should apologize, but your well-being right now is important. With a heavy sigh and guilt-bearing weight in his chest, he turns away to go to his own room.
When he dreams that night, it’s filled with the wonderful sound of your laughter and the beautiful sight of your smile— at something he said and not Tyris.
FIC TAGLIST: @tintinwrites @sheridans-dynamos @agoldpixie @shakespeareanwannabe @starkiller-queen @netflixandsnuggle @nowheredreamer @blackhawklove @jennibradley @rewritingstars @chewymoustachio @iamaunicorn4704 @spider-starry @roserrys @spectre-leader @loveisjustfortheweak @fandomqueenlove
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moprocrastinates · 4 years
the story is about to begin, and every day will be a new piece of the plot
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Chapter Rating: T
Disclaimer: Title comes from The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer/Annie Burrows. 
Summary: Her patience has already worn thin when her line of sight lands on the object left on the tray.
The journal is dark leather, marred by striking divots in the skin, but bound tightly together with a fraying string. Glancing around, Jude reaches for it without waiting for Cardan. Her curiosity, never quite satisfied, piques, and Jude turns to the first page.
Property of Cardan Greenbriar, it reads.
(Read on AO3!)
Early morning sunlight streams in through the slots the blinds don’t quite cover, and Jude Duarte groans quietly as she yanks the warm covers over her head.
Then the birds begin to chirp, and look— Jude’s all for birds, okay? (Even if they are a little terrifying at times.) She’d just prefer them if they didn’t feel the need to wake her up on a wonderful, sleepy Sunday before 10am.
Beneath the cover of her blankets, Jude scrunches her eyes shut a little more. The song the birds sing seems to grow louder and louder with every passing moment, and with a desperation only other night owls could understand, she jerks her pillow out from under her head to cover her ears, leaving bare skin touched by the cold air of her bedroom. Instinctively, she reaches out behind her, hands grabby and a little needy, mindlessly searching for her personal furnace— also known as her boyfriend Cardan. But her hands grasp thin air, and it’s then that Jude opens her eyes.
She sits up slowly, hair in a jumbled knot (it had been a messy bun originally, but Jude’s always been a rough sleeper) on top of her head and her covers strewn and tangled up in her bare feet. “Cardan?”
There is no answer, at least, not a vocal one, but as she opens her mouth to call out again, a loud crash comes from just outside the room, followed immediately by a loud curse that causes Jude to smile softly and bite her lip.
Jude Duarte knows Cardan Greenbriar perhaps better than anyone, and, because of this, she also knows that today of all days, she shouldn’t interrupt him. Not when he’s got a plan.
And for their anniversaries, he’s always got a plan. She’s tried fighting him on it, but it’s the one battle she will always cede to him willingly—how much he desperately wants to show his love for her.
She already knows. But because she loves him, she lets him have free reign over their anniversaries.
It’s her way of letting him know she loves him back.
So she shuffles out of bed, padding quietly into their bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she daintily smears toothpaste on bristles, she catches sight of herself in the mirror.
She doesn’t look young enough to be the type of woman who has spent five years being with the man she loves, but alas, here she is.
Here she is, and so in love.
Another loud crash brings her out of her reverie, and with her morning ritual done, Jude steps out of their room, and nearly laughs at the sight of her beautiful, curly-haired tree of a boyfriend standing nervously in front of the oven, looking at it like it might explode.
“I’m pretty sure it’s not going to attack you,” She says, grinning shyly at him when he whips around to look at her. “You’re the one out of the two of us who doesn’t burn food in there, so hopefully it still likes you.”
Cardan rolls his eyes in a way that Jude instinctively interprets as loving before he steps towards her, hands immediately finding purchase on her hips. He leans down, and she meets him halfway, lips touching in perhaps one of the gentlest morning kisses she’s ever had. (Most of the morning kisses she’s had in her lifetime have been with Cardan, so it’s not really like she has anything else to compare to.)
She wraps her arms around his neck, fully intending on making this kiss turn into something deeper when he recognizes her intent and laughs against her lips. “Happy anniversary, Jude.”
“Happy anniversary,” she says softly, and when she pulls back to look him in the eyes, she sees the same adoration in his that she knows is reflected in hers. “Five years, huh?”
Cardan chuckles, turning back to the stove and flipping the dials. “Yeah. Still quite can’t believe it.”
Jude snorts. “You’re telling me, Mr. I-Don’t-Do-Relationships Greenbriar.”
“You’re a menace.” Cardan swats at her with an eggy spatula that she barely dodges. She can’t help the squeak that falls from her lips and reflects the bright smile dawning on Cardan’s face. “Go back to bed,” He grumbles. “You’re ruining the whole concept of breakfast in it!”
“Breakfast in bed is wherever I claim the bed is,” She chirps back, reaching around his slender shoulders to snag a few chocolate chips from the bag. “I mean, technically, I could say your penis is the bed. What would you do then, huh?”
Although he isn’t looking at her, she can tell just from the sudden tension in his shoulders that she’s made him think.
“Go away, Jude.” His response is more of a snarl than it is a statement.
“You loooooovvveee me,” Jude sings when Cardan turns to face her, brown eyes amused and rough hands holding out her beloved BB-8 coffee mug.
“Apparently.” He says, snorting, but his gaze is warm.
Without missing a beat or breaking eye contact, she snags her mug from him and hops down to head back to the bedroom when he grabs her arm and pulls her back into his chest.
“You forgot your tray, darling,” Cardan murmurs lowly in her ear, and Jude really can’t help the shot of heat that courses through her veins at that very moment.
If she had witnesses, she’d blame it on the coffee.
But as always, Cardan has other plans.
He hands her a small tray with what appears to be blueberry muffins (her favorite), a small vase of peonies, and a leather book.
“Don’t read it without me, okay?” Cardan’s eyes are serious now, sharp and sudden, and Jude’s dreams of a morning romp are moderately dashed by the severity in his gaze. “Please?”
“Fine.” She huffs, and he ruffles her hair and presses a kiss to her temple before she traipses back to bed.
Jude waits for less than two minutes. What could he possibly be doing? Turning off the oven? (Anyone who truly knew her knows about her lack of patience.) “Anytime soon would be great, Cardan!”
She gets a muffled response, but by then, her patience has already worn thin when her line of sight lands on the object left on the tray.
The journal is dark leather, marred by striking divots in the skin, but bound tightly together with a fraying string. Glancing around, Jude reaches for it without waiting for Cardan.  Her curiosity, never quite satisfied, piques, and Jude turns to the first page.
Property of Cardan Greenbriar, it reads, and Jude snorts in amusement (what was with him and his affinity for writing letters) before turning another page.
Day One:
So you’ll probably call me an idiot (because that’s what you do), but I’ve never wanted to do this for any other person in my life. You’re special, and I’ve known that for years, but it wasn’t until tonight when we both stumbled through asking each other out that it made me realize that you’re unparalleled in every other relationship I’ve ever had in my entire life. Even with Nicasia.
You’re so special to me, Jude, and I was so sure you would never, EVER, want to be with me.
As of now, we’ve been going out for three hours, fifty minutes, and twenty-nine seconds. It’s been the best three hours, fifty minutes, and twenty-nine seconds of my life. I like this feeling, so I’m going to keep it going, okay?
Is that okay with you?
Jude gapes. Holy shit.
She flips to the next page.
Day Two:
So we went out on our first official date tonight, and we went to that really quaint coffee shop on Elfhame—The Court of Shadows, it was called. It was a nice evening out, so we sat outside. You wore this stunning purple dress that made your eyes shine, and you laughed at all my dumb jokes and it was like we were best friends again, only this time I knew I could kiss you if I wanted to.
The whole time, I really wanted to.
But when it got colder out as the evening went on, I figured it was time for hot coffee, so I went in to order. The line was long, but you couldn’t see that, so when I left the shop, you were coming in. I was so focused on making sure I didn’t spill that I didn’t see you, and you were so concerned that I was fighting with a barista or something that you didn’t see me, and when we crashed, I was so sure it was over.
I’m still not sure what I said— I thought it might’ve been my horror or my stream of apologetic consciousness that made you forgive me for staining your favorite dress— but instead, you just looked at me. Just looked at me, hard, and I swear once again that I thought it was over. I thought I’d ruined my chance with you.
I know I have the potential within me to love you forever, starting from today (not that I didn’t before, but you know)—because you looked up at me from the ground, fucking beamed and me, and said, “Cardan, the coffee’s cold.” Then you grabbed my hand and dragged me to Steak ‘n Shake, you in your beautiful albeit coffee-stained purple dress, and me with my pit-stained, ruffled shift and frazzled hair.
That burger was the best I’ve ever had, but I think it only tasted as good as it did because I had the best company around.
Oh, and you stole my milkshake. You owe me one, Duarte.
Jude can’t help it. Every word he has written makes her shake; her fingers tremble as they deftly flip the pages and trace the ink where he’d pressed so hard— his feelings literally engraving themselves into immortality. She reads the following entries, her heart swelling more and more with every line. Cardan has written every day for the past five years, detailing the highs and lows of their relationship. She cannot stop the laughter; she cannot stop the way her eyes fill with tears at his declarations of her beauty.
Some of her favorite memories are his, and Jude’s no stranger to Cardan’s writing style— she was there when he began and finished his first romance novel, was the one who read every single page and argued with him about the relationship between Hades and Persephone, and was the person peering over his shoulder as he sent out queries to agents. Jude was the person to pour him a glass of red wine when he finally found one, and the first one to congratulate him when the book was sold. But to read of the memories she plays in her head every time they fight or every time they make love, her best ones, her favorite ones, she really cannot believe her previous claims about being so deeply in love with Cardan Greenbriar.
She has never been more in love with him than in this moment with this gift.
Day 11:
We told our friends about us today. I wasn’t sure if you were ready, but as soon as we entered the Court of Shadows, you smacked a kiss to the corner of my lips and laced your fingers with mine, and Liliver whooped so loudly that I thought I wouldn’t hear again.
Then everybody passed the Roach money, and then they started taking bets on when I’d propose.
Believe me, that’s not going to happen yet. I want to get to know you, my sweet villain, and although I’ve known you since I was eleven, I want to know you as more than my best friend.
But instead of scolding our friends (why the hell do I even call them that? They’re incorrigible), you just laughed and made a joke about that episode of Friends where Ross and Rachel get married in Vegas and distracted everyone. You kept tracing your thumb along the lines of my palm underneath the table, and you looked at me and I thought, “I love you.”
Hopefully I’ll be able to say it to you soon enough. I’ll practice it here: I love you.
It feels pretty good.
Not all the entries are professions of love. A few detail their fights, funny moments, touching moments, and she loves every word. Her hazel eyes water, and she blinks, reaching up to wipe quickly across her eyes as to avoid getting water on the pages.
Day 42:
I love you.
Day 91:
Happy three-month anniversary. Please don’t eat all the chocolate-covered strawberries. Thanks.
I love you.
Day 133:
You came over from work today with sweat glistening through your clothing, around your hair, and on your face— the only thing you said to me was, “I love my job, Cardan.”
I’m so happy you’re happy. 
I love you.
Day 242:
You said it back.
 I love you.
Day 276:
Why are you so fucking good at Mario Kart? I’ve BEEN in the car when you drive. How you haven’t crashed is beyond me.
I love you.
Day 311:
Happy Valentine’s Day, darling.
You looked gorgeous tonight, your hair in curls falling down your back, eyes full of mischief, and in that lilac dress I spilled coffee on whilst on our first date.  
How the hell did I get you to fall in love with me? Some days I can’t believe it. But those days are getting fewer and farther in between.
I really do believe I’ll be with you the rest of my life. You don’t know that yet, of course, but maybe I’ll say it to you. Maybe one day I’ll believe it myself.
I love you.
Day 353:
Godsdamn, you’re blasting “Making Love Out of Nothing At All,” outside my window á la Say Anything because we had a fight. I thought you didn’t care when I said I was so glad we began our relationship and took your silence to mean this was over; you did care, but couldn’t put all you felt into words, and I needed to hear it to quell my own fears.
The song’s quite fitting, isn’t it—on both our ends?
It’s an apology. The words might not be yours, but I hear you. I forgive you. Always.
I’m sorry, too.
I love you.  
Day 398:
I’m going to tell you I have to go to Rome for four months for research on my next book. I don’t know how you’ll take it.
I love you.
Day 468:
Being away from you every day is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I miss your smile and the way it reveals itself, slowly and shyly, before becoming suddenly the brightest thing in my line of vision. I miss your hair (it’s befitting of a queen such as you) and how it smells like honey and those absolutely disgusting peanut butter and honey sandwiches you eat (seriously, HOW do you eat those?). I miss your eyes, and I swear I wake up in the middle of the night completely dazed by the colors of the forest. I miss your laugh, I miss how you say my name, I miss the way you look after sex and the way you murmur and kiss whispers of love on my skin when I push into you, I miss the way you koala-hug me when we’re cuddling, I miss your competitiveness and how you look after you get a Jeopardy question wrong and lose to me, I miss the sound of your voice when you sing “I Won’t Say I’m in Love,” in the shower, I miss you totally drinking me under the table and you dragging Severus Snape with every single curse word you can think of and I miss you telling me in person you love me. I miss telling you in person that I love you.
I guess I just miss you.
Please don’t be mad at me. 
I love you.
Day 500:
You’re the fucking best at phone sex.
I love you.
Day 588:
I’m coming home to you, and I don’t really want to be apart from you again.
I love you.
Day 619:
I don’t even know what we fought about at this point. It was probably dumb. I don’t know whose fault it is. All I know is that I’m sorry. I hope you decide to let me share the bed with you tonight.
And I love you.
Day 730:
I’m thinking about asking you to marry me. It’s our second anniversary… It seems fitting. You’re asleep right now, napping after work, and I’ve just ordered pizza—Hawaiian with extra cheese, just like you like. You’ll wake up as soon as the food gets here. Your stomach never betrays you.
I love you.
Day 846:
You ran into Locke at the grocery today, and I nearly broke up with you right then and there.
We’ve been fighting a lot lately. I don’t even know what about. Every time I speak, you snap, and every time I go to touch you, you recoil. I don’t remember the last time you replied to my, “I love you.”
I still don’t know what I did. I’m sorry.
I love you.
Day 847:
We were sitting on the sofa watching Planet Earth, and you turned to me suddenly, pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, and rested your head on my shoulder.
We’ll be okay.
I love you, and you love me.
Day 952:
My lease is up. Wanna live with me?
I love you.
Day 975:
I don’t know about you, but I’m loving life with you.
Even though you are literally the clumsiest person known to man and break every single dish we own, have a habit of stealing the books I’m currently reading, and never make our bed when I leave early and don’t get a chance to do it— you’re alright, my darling. I think I’ll keep you.
I love you.
Day 1000:
You’re cute when you drool in your sleep.
I love you.  
Day 1095:
So I’m sitting here next to you with the single greatest anniversary gift ever, and I don’t think I could be more content. You’re asleep, so thankfully you aren’t seeing me write this, but for future readings, I’m sorry about the spilled ink… Gus got ahold of the pen.
Note to self and to you: Don’t let kittens chew things.
Gus seems to agree.
I love you.
Day 1273:
So Vivi’s been bugging me for a while now, because apparently she’s going to win the bet if I propose within the next year. She wants to go ring shopping to ensure that she’ll win.
Joke’s on her— I already have the ring.
I love you.
Jude’s breath caught.
Day 1461:
You asked me today why I love you, and I told you that I couldn’t tell you why.
Jude, you started to get mad and tried to pull away just as I told you that I couldn’t tell you why because there are too many reasons. I told you that we’d be there all day if I listed every single reason why I love you. We might be there for days, weeks, months, years even. I cannot describe how much you mean to me. Just know that when I say I love you, it’s so much more than that.
I cannot fathom what it would be like if you were not in my life. Thankfully, you’re here, and I love you. Happy fourth anniversary.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Day 1499:
Geez, I think this journal is getting a little long, don’t you?
I love you.
Day 1587:
I’ve thought about this for years now, and I think I’ve finally perfected my idea.
I love you.
Day 1617:
You’re going to be so mad that you didn’t see this coming. Seriously, Duarte. For the woman who is so terrifyingly good at figuring out those mystery TV shows, you really have no idea. Either that, or you’re just really good at hiding it.
I’m betting it’s the former, though.
I love you.
Day 1765:
Only a few more days… I think you’ll be happy to know that none of our friends will win the bet.
Oh, except me. Did I mention I entered it? Yeah, I bet on us WAY back when.
I love you.
Day 1825:
It’s going to be weird actually giving this to you tomorrow. After all, there’s five years’ worth of my thoughts in here, five years of my thoughts about you kept from you.
I’m going to tell you not to read it until I bring you food (because food always makes you happy, and slightly more agreeable), but because I know you, I’ve accepted the fact that you’ve probably disregarded my request and are reading this right now.
I love you. Just wanted you to know that, you know, in case you couldn’t tell.
P.S.- I’m going to pull the blinds so “those damn birds,” don’t wake you up right away. I have some stuff to do. You know.
Day 1826:
I love you.
Will you marry me?
Tears stream down her face, and Jude hears a soft, “Oh,” come from the entryway to their bedroom.
There Cardan stands, holding a tray of food and looking somewhat sheepish. He sets down the tray on a nearby dresser and turns to look at her softly. His gray sweatpants hug his hips, his dark blue shirt rides up slightly, and his dark curls fall in front of his face, hiding his eyes.
But Jude knows Cardan.
She knows that although his face is composed, he’s shaking inside. She knows that every fiber in his being is screaming at him to run away, to protect himself. She knows he’s always been last in his own mind, that he always chooses to care for others before himself, and that he doesn’t think he deserves her or any of his friends and family. She knows that this journal he’s kept for her for five years is a story of his real emotions, how she really makes him feel, that some of these words are things he’ll never say aloud. She knows he’s terrified about being an uncle to the Roach and Liliver’s unborn child, she knows that he talks to Gus out loud and considers him one of his best friends, she knows that he actually thinks there’s a chance that she won’t accept his proposal.
She’s firmly okay with the rest, but what she won’t stand for is him believing in the last one.
“Um,” Cardan says as he approaches her and immediately her eyes are drawn to his fingers, which flex as he draws nearer. He wants to touch her.
“I guess this is the part where I get down on one knee.” Cardan’s smile is self-deprecating, and Jude doesn’t think she can take any more because her heart is going to burst out of her chest.
When he lowers himself down, she bursts into tears.
When she was little, and thinking about getting proposed to, she, haughty, had always thought she wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t be that overcome with emotion.
“Jude,” Cardan murmurs, reaching out and tenderly wiping the tears speeding down her cheeks. “For years I’ve loved you. Some of them were spent with you as my best friend, flinging dirt into my hair and making me push you on the swings. Others were spent in a classroom, quizzing me on my Greek mythology class and me helping you make up lesson plans for your third graders. But the best couple of years of my life have been with you next to me in every way possible, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to replicate those years, those feelings, and those memories without you. So, Jude… will you… Jude, will you marry me?”
Cardan doesn’t even get a chance to get the ring out of his pocket before Jude hurls herself at him, knocking over the vase of peonies and attaching her mouth to his.
They fall on the soft carpet, Cardan grunting out as Jude lands on top of him, but his arms tighten around her as she proceeds to press wet kisses onto every square inch of his face, whispering, “Yes, yes, yes, I love you, I love you,” while she does so.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The last line on the last page of the journal is written in new curly handwriting:
Property of Cardan Greenbriar (and Jude Duarte).
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lilmajorshawty · 4 years
oh MAN my beautiful star flower do i have some astro tea for YOU🥵🥵🥵
ive been scoping this guy out. i...i.. like him... 💀BUT our tightest aspects is my saturn conjunct his venus in taurus😳🤧. (the strange part is hes 26 and im 21??)
something ive noticed— he takes what i say very very seriously. one time i complimented his personality, compassion, thoughtfulness, and integrity — and bb i made him cry🥺. & a little later he sent me “i cant explain how much that meant to me, words wont do any justice. i sincerely appreciate this. what you expressed is extremely valuable to me. much love!”
but heres the dealio. im terrified im going to scare him away😔 ive broken it down and i dont want to get too defeatist😕. his venus isnt very dominant in his chart (hes an aries sun gem moon cap rising). and we have a lot of other positive aspects. we also have pretty similar charts in the sense that we have fire dominance, w air moons, and a fair amount of supporting earth placements. (im a leo sun libra moon leo rising)
so a few questions: 1) bruh why am i the saturn here😭 like hes older and a sorta wiser (hes taught ME a lot about feeling more self assured and goal-oriented) idk how i could teach him anything? 2) im afraid of weighing him down. since saturn can be a heavy contact (especially in an EXACT CONJUNCTION w his venus🥺🥺🥺) idk how to navigate this?
i have such a good feeling about this one and i just really really want to make sure im doing everything i can to make this a happy partnership between the two of us yk?😭😭😭 if you get the chance, pls pls ask the stars to go easy on me lmao. they listen to you a lil closer than the rest of us💕 all in all, i hope this message finds you well and that your classes are gentle w you!! thank you for your time and everything you contribute to the astro community🥺🥰♥️♥️♥️ ily!!!
FIRST OF ALL I AM SOOOO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU DARLING!! And omg well to answer your first question ironically Saturn in Synastry often sits on the person it deems the most emotionally and self worth wise in need of restructuring. So you’re Saturn in this case because you’re ideal and concept of love and intimacy need to be remodeled as well as your own innnate values of yourself. For your second question you couldn’t possibly weigh him down! That’s the beauty of life! We are in control of how we express the energy bestowed upon us, you may be Saturn but from what I feel in you, you’re incredibly bubbly and passionate so although Saturn might make you more shy or slightly more toned down your true spirit will shine threw! Also Venus conjunct Saturn is GLUE but good glue, it soothes other aspects in your chart by making them more uniform and manageable. My only advise would be to throw in some more spontaneous gestures of affection now and then because Saturn can sometimes dull those things. But you’re fine my love just be open, honest and act on your feelings always, Saturn has the tendency to make us hold things in so you’ll want to get into the habit of nurturing the more cancer like aspects of love such as emotions, warmth and compassion!
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