#you’re very kind
Your posts were already doing enough damage to my waistline, but good god are they going to hit so much harder now that I know you look like that. Have you ever thought about filming your own sumptuous self lounging about while reading some of the things you’ve written? We’d be talking nuclear payloads of fattening horniness here.
hehe this is very high praise, thank you so much. I do look quite sumptuous, you’re right.
I love this idea and maybe I’ll give it a try soon….but no promises. I’m my greatest critic and I would need to make sure it’s absolutely perfect. It’s hard to see a way it wouldn’t come off as so fuckin cringe, lmao.
I really do want to do more audio recordings since the last one went over so well, so if anyone has some hall of fame posts they want me to read, let me know 😊
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furvillaconfessions · 6 months
Hey Yoshi, me again! Uhh.. Bestest_Fox that is. Not gonna bother with reverifying, because I'm saying who I am primarily for Yoshi.
I do want to say that I personally do not hold it against you, I'm not going to speak for Lance, I don't know how he feels given the recent post.
The now deleted post (Thank you by the way) was a post you let slip through the cracks and probably didn't realize just how bad it was till I messaged you about it.
Though hopefully me saying this is some stress off your back, I forgive you.
I've been on this site for a while now.. 6 years at this point and I have to say as much as this blog has spread hate and festered a bit of harassment like annon has submitted... It's also done a lot of good. I don't think it should be shut down personally just like you said in your post, be a bit more mindful. Maybe with my infectious optimism we can see some more people submitting things they actually enjoy!
I've personally been enjoying seeing a bit more activity on the site, even if its small it seems like some people are returning! I myself have started coming back to it a little... maybe I'll even open up some old art threads again! Who knows! 
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thearcherprentiss · 9 months
You got this!!
- 🧃
thank youuuuu
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frownyalfred · 1 year
I may be crazy (definitely too lazy to scroll), but I think I read one of your posts recently about liking your posts or mainly being here for the fics and without a doubt, it's the posts I'm here for. It's so cool hearing about your hectic life and varied interests and thoughts and schedule (kudos just for making it all work).
So yeah
Thanks anon! I’m glad this hot mess can provide some amusement for folks 😅
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fairly-linked · 1 year
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Morning, love 💕
Hope your day goes well 🥰
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yikes-00 · 1 year
You made an impression with your Golden Boy fic. That's the one that made me remember your username and expect each of your later fics with much excitement.
I didn't even finish the story. You know why? Because I want to savour it. And I read it when I'm in a particular mood. But I want to thank you for writing it. I remember the context in which it was written - Gen decided to mention it in a Hangster way and 0.5 second later you offered us this amazing gift!
I also read other works of yours that I LO-VE too! I realise I'm not up-to-date with your fics and that cannot be, goddammit!
The timeloop demon one, among others... But truth is I'm waiting for the story to be over so that I can check if the end is happy. No matter how tagged it is, if I feel a fic is going to be angsty, I always check the end to be sure. [I do that with books too. XD]
Sorry for that rambling. I've never talked to you before, so I -very sadly- don't know you very well, besides your writing. Nevertheless, I wanted to tell you HOW MUCH JOY [AND ANGST SHIT- gotta be honest here, but it's okay] you gave/give this anon.
Have a lovely day or whatever it is for you! *mwah*
Oh my god, this is the SWEETEST thing to wake up too!! Thank you so much for all the kinds words.
GOLDEN BOY!!! I honestly can’t describe how much I actually love the Notebook. It was such a wild fun fever dream and I’m so glad you enjoy it!!
Hehehehehe THE DEMON TIMELOOP!! Ok so in all honesty, the chapters are going to slow down soon only because I’m home sick rn and have time to update/write. BUT!!! It’s a very happy ending. (I also read the endings of books🫣)
Ahhhhhhh💕💕 thank you so much for all the lovely words and if you ever want to just say hi, feel free!!💙
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mindmythorns · 1 year
Dude...you are a literal goddess. Beautiful face and a perfect body. You go out there and slay goddamn it!
I so badly want to feel like this is the truth
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lyriumsings · 2 years
For real you are super cool and just so nice<33
baWLING and nO YOU!!! you have such an amazing sense of composition and space that i just love 😭😭😭😭 <3333
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calamitydaze · 2 years
bella, every time i see ur posts on my dash it gives me a lil burst of serotonin <3
also, thank u SO much for the tldr the other day!!!
AW this is so nice of you T__T thank you so much
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
Where are you working that has you on a 10 day rotation, that doesn’t feel legal?! I am Concerned. Idk what state you’re in, but check out the state department jobs for your state. I work for the Secretary of State and my sister works for the health department, and both of our offices are always hiring. It sucks your boss has you on a 10 day schedule. But you’re almost done and can hopefully rest and relax!!!
You’re so sweet! Thank you but I’m my own boss! So I only have myself to blame 🥲 unfortunately the heatwave that hit last week created some health and safety issues in the salon so it was better to reschedule, I just need to work through the backlog before I get back to normal!
Thank you again lovely! 🥰
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screamresonance · 2 years
i didnt know there were other crona fictives around! hello! i hope you have a nice day.
Oh, hello, it’s nice to meet you. Yes I’m around, I’ve been here for a couple of years now.. I hope you have a good day too, and if you ever want to talk my inbox and messages are open
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snowflake-sage · 2 years
Good luck with twitch! Hope it goes well for you!
Idk when I’m gonna do it yet, I have to figure out how it works, and then I have to be motivated enough to actually stream. Thank you though! I appreciate it!
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frierenz · 3 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals 💛
thank you Ellie, I appreciate this so much 💙
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notcanoncompliant · 3 years
i adore u, like, a lot
❤️☺️❤️ oh hello thank you
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randomficsandshit · 3 years
Hey girly! I’m not so much a control freak but I am a lesbian in the south!! if that helps. I’m sorry about whatever happened, baby, but I’m sure it seems worse now than it is!
you’re an angel and I love you and all your lesbian-ness
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exercuted · 3 years
so we live in totally different tumblr communities but since i found your blog, here's affirmation that eurocentric beauty standards are trash: 🌷💐🌶
Blessed be the dark skinned, the flat nosed, hook nosed, imperfect teeth, hairy and other features never shown, never praised, never wanted in the eyes of the western world ✊🏽
May you dance upon the ashes of what was old and useless 💕
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