#you're a protector of women and children too
dyns33 · 4 months
I missed Eddie x reader with silly Venom being in the way. Can't wait to see what they'll do in the next movie.
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From the beginning of their relationship, Y/N had noticed that there was something different with Eddie.
She might have thought that it was because he was somewhat famous that he behaved eccentrically, sometimes talking to himself and seeming very agitated for no reason.
Without ever really bringing up these oddities, Eddie had been very honest with her about a lot of things. His childhood, his dreams, his ex-girlfriend, the loss of his job before becoming a journalism star again, his little problems with cleanliness.
"I mean, I'm a very clean person… Normally. All the time ! I wash twice a day, I take care of my teeth, I don't like living in filth but... Sometimes I'm not at home for a long time, and I'm totally focused on my job, and the stress… So, if I can seem a little dirty and messy, I'm sorry, I will never ask you to clean up for me and you can tell me that I stink by patting me on the back of the head. Yes, on the back of the head, I deserve it." Eddie muttered at the end of his sentence, looking to the side as if he were talking to someone else.
"I don't think you're dirty. You sweat a little sometimes, but that's natural."
“You’re saying that because you haven’t seen my apartment yet.”
“Does that mean you want to invite me to your apartment ?” Y/N asked, smiling shyly.
"Of course ! No, you don't… Of course, Y/N, I've been wanting to for a long time."
The presence of chickens was a little surprising, and it was true that the apartment was not in very good condition, but it was a bit like her idea of a bachelor pad, and it was quite reassuring to think that Eddie didn't often bring women home.
It meant something important to him, a sign of trust.
But that certainly wasn't the greatest evidence. No, this evidence took a little longer to emerge from the shadows, or from Eddie's shoulder, after a month of relationship.
Precisely the day he couldn't hold back the first "I love you."
The spontaneous, charming statement came in the middle of the small talk, and Y/N felt very happy, ready to respond that she loved him too.
It was then that the thing appeared between them, looking furious, showing its large teeth.
"No ! Eddie, no, you can't do that !"
“Oh, God, what is that ?!”
"Vee ! Vee, you promised me, man ! You're going to scare her ! And you have no right to interfere in my love affairs, go back inside ! Y/N, sorry, I'm really sorry, I’ll explain !”
“I have the right to give my opinion !” the creature replied, turning to Eddie. "You're ashamed of me, of us ! Anne accepted us ! Anne likes us ! If your new little darling doesn't accept us, then she's not good enough !"
“Anne didn’t really have a choice and we weren’t together anymore, stop talking about her all the time !”
After more or less managing to calm down the "non-parasite" that lived inside him, Eddie did his best to calm down Y/N, who was totally freaked out by what had just happened. He explained to her that Venom was an alien, a symbiote, who needed him to survive, who had helped him on numerous occasions, and who was not dangerous.
"I'm very dangerous ! I'm the lethal protector !"
"What does he mean ?"
"Nothing ! Well, he likes to fight crime, he's dangerous to the bad guys. You have absolutely nothing to fear, I promise. I… I'm so sorry."
Eddie then began to sob, despite all the comfort that Vee tried to give him by telling him that only losers cried like children and that he was pathetic to moan like that, putting them to serious shame.
Even though she was still scared, Y/N couldn't help but hug her boyfriend, trying her best not to touch the alien. She repeated to him that everything was fine, that it wasn't his fault, and that even though this situation was strange, she still wanted to be with him.
This seemed to reassure him, and make him very happy.
Unfortunately, there were three of them in this relationship, and Venom clearly didn't want to be with Y/N at all.
It was him that Eddie had been mumbling to since they met, often arguing about her, as the alien kept comparing her to Anne, his ex girlfriend.
Without any sign of lying in his eyes, he promised her that he hadn't been in love with her for a long time. Their breakup had been difficult, but she had found someone very quickly, Dan, a great guy, and they were married now, and Eddie was very happy for them.
Well, that wasn't easy to believe with Venom growling and hitting his host's head at the end of every sentence, insulting Dan and repeating how great Anne was.
But Eddie seemed really honest. He was friends with his ex, nothing more, and he wanted to be with Y/N now, even if his idiot parasite didn't agree.
He wasn't an optimist by nature, too much had happened to him in life for him to believe in miracles, but Eddie wanted to believe that Vee would come to appreciate her.
He was quite confident as Y/N was doing her best with the symbiote, trying to talk to him, offering him chocolate, keeping an open mind. Many people would have fled the moment they saw this thing coming out of his body. It was quite a good sign.
But like a wild animal, Venom refused to be coaxed. He wanted Anne, Anne was perfect. Nothing would change his mind. Nothing.
"He hates me." Y/N whispered sadly, even though she knew it was useless, because Venom was always with Eddie, even when she couldn't see him. None of their conversation was private.
"Hate is a strong word… He's stubborn, he believes he's right. It's not really against you. If I had always been single, I think he would adore you."
Eddie thought it would be a good idea to introduce her to Anne. In a sense he was right, because it was evident that there was no longer any romantic feeling between them, and that she was very much in love with her husband.
But Y/N couldn't help but do like Venom, and compare herself to the other woman. Beautiful, intelligent, great lawyer with a strong character. It seemed natural to fall for her.
If he sensed her discomfort, the journalist said nothing, spending the evening laughing with the other couple only keeping his hand on her shoulder, putting it back each time Venom forced him to take it off. He was kind enough not to ask her what she had thought of Anne, or if she was reassured. Maybe he was afraid of the answer too.
After that, things got a little complicated. Without doing it on purpose, Y/N put some distance between them. To protect herself, because she only thought of one thing.
One day, Eddie was going to listen to Venom. One day, he was going to see that even if he no longer loved Anne, he could find someone better, and he was going to leave her.
Well, the alien still had contradictory messages. If Y/N sucked, Eddie sucked too. A loser. When he wasn't busy asking for food or criticizing the young woman, he was insulting his poor host.
And if she ended up not listening to what he said about her, only caring about her boyfriend's opinion, she didn't like it at all that Venom treated Eddie so badly.
"No." she said one day, sitting on the sofa, while the journalist was still arguing with the alien for some stupid reason, before throwing up his arms and agreeing to go buy chocolate and tatter tots to calm him down.
"…Uh ? Sorry, Y/N, are you talking to me ?"
"You're not going out."
"Uh. I'll just go to Madam Cheng's. It'll only take a few minutes."
"Venom doesn't deserve chocolate. You stay here, watch the movie with me, and if he apologizes, then he gets some sugar."
“How dare you, stupid woman ?!” the symbiote shouted, showing all its teeth to scare her.
But Y/N wasn’t afraid anymore. Even though he was rude and mean, he had promised Eddie that he would never hurt her, and he seemed to be an alien of words. Aside from his screams, he had nothing against her.
“You, how dare you ?!” she replied, jumping off the couch, which seemed to surprise both Eddie and the symbiote. "I don't care what you think or say about me. I understand that you don't like me, that I'm not good enough, and you know what ? I agree ! Eddie deserves better than me. But he deserves better than you too ! You're an asshole to him ! I forbid you from talking to him like that, or breaking his nose, even if you fix him right after ! He's a great host, you should thank him and do everything to make him happy."
It was stupid, but she started crying as she spoke. Emotions tended to make her cry, even anger. At the silence of her boyfriend and her non-parasite, Y/N felt bad.
She then had the stupid instinct to go lock herself in the bathroom, to try to calm down and remember how to breathe.
From the other side of the door, she heard whispers, but was unable to tell what they were saying.
Then Eddie knocked gently, asking if he could come in, or if she would come out.
"… He's going to apologize ?"
"Yes, I promise."
Trying her tears to not give Venom another reason to make fun of her, Y/N opened shyly, not daring to look at her boyfriend right away, and stood stupidly in front of him, waiting.
“I’m sorry, brave little morsel.”
"Hmm ? Oh. No, I meant an apology for Eddie."
“He already apologized, love.”
"I don't need him to apologize to me. He meant what he said, and like I said… He's not wrong. But it's nice."
"Little morsel…" Venom whispered, moving closer to her and looking almost sad. "I was totally wrong. I see it now. Eddie explained it to me, but I wasn't listening."
With Eddie translating what he said, the alien explained that for his species, symbiosis was important. They could have several hosts, but there was only one perfect symbiosis, just one.
Part of him wanted to keep his host to himself, jealous and possessive, but that wasn't possible, because contrary to what his attitude seemed to show, he cared about Eddie's happiness.
That was why he was so insistent that he return to Anne. Because from the memories he had seen of his relationship, he had seemed to be in perfect symbiosis with Anne, and since there was only perfect symbiosis, then he had to do everything to get her back, even if she was married to stupid Dan.
He didn’t hate Y/N. It really wasn't personal, it was just logic and survival instinct.
What Venom failed to understand was that human relationships weren't like symbiosis. And in the end, if he had to compare the two, it was now obvious that Eddie's perfect match was with Y/N.
Yes, his ex had helped them, and she would help them again if necessary. But so did Y/N, who had accepted Eddie's special situation, who had stayed despite the horrible things Venom had said, who protected her lover and tried to please the alien.
"Babe…" Eddie sighed, taking her hands. “If anyone is too good for anyone else here, it’s you.”
"He's right."
"… Thank you Vee."
"But you always say she's too good for you. Once we agree, you might be happy !"
"Eddie… You're saying that ?"
"Of course. I still don't know how I managed to seduce you, or why you didn't run away when you saw Vee, or what I did to deserve that such a great girl could think that she's in love with a guy like…"
He jumped a little when she kissed him to stop him from saying any more nonsense, but Eddie quickly relaxed, clinging to her, pinning her against the wall to accentuate the kiss.
Right in their ears they could hear Venom purring in pleasure. They didn't mind until he licked their cheeks.
"Vee ! It's disgusting !"
"You're not listening to me ! I'm telling you to get into bed ! You're going to hurt Y/N if you stay here. A Lady should be caught in satin sheets, surrounded by rose petals, after foreplay of at least twenty minutes, and satisfied several times."
"… What ?!"
"I really like this idea. Eddie, where are my rose petals and at least twenty minutes of foreplay ?"
"Y/N ! Don't team up against me, please !"
"I can help him with endurance. And the rest. I've seen a lot of videos."
"… Okay ! Remind me to take care of my internet history tomorrow morning."
"Yeah, yeah. Less talk, more passion. Little morsel is waiting, I can feel it, and she's ovulating."
"… Aren't you supposed to go get chocolate from Madam Cheng ?"
"Yes ! And I will take the opportunity to explain for the hundredth time why there are things that should not be said."
“But Y/N is wet.”
"And here we go !"
Despite Eddie's explanations, Venom continued to want to give advice and do everything to make his relationship with Y/N perfect.
After all, he had almost ruined everything, so he felt he had an obligation to help these two idiots be happy, living in harmony and understanding what to do to satisfy the other in every situation.
Even if Eddie was already a caring and kind boyfriend, who Y/N didn't want to leave at all despite this little characteristic.
That said, after the alien took the initiative to help with his tongue once, she wasn't really complaining about it.
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just-some-user-hunny · 2 months
Yandere! love triangle situation with Aemond and Aegon
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~ It's unfortunate enough to capture the eye of one targaryen prince, but in this instance, you're unlucky enough to enrapture the attention of two.
~ Either you're a maid who works in the castle, a childhood friend, or it's a scenario of tarcest (say you're Daemon's daughter), it's inevitable to be within the sights of them.
~ As young princes, they would both Scrabble over your attention like it was a shiny new toy they both wanted. Aegon was brutish and mocking towards his shorter brother, whilst Aemond could only watch on and meekly/slyly attempt to capture your attention and time whenever he could. Taking Aegon's verbal beatings and beratings with a strong facade, letting his words slowly eat away at his self-confidence, fueling him to grow stronger and more capable.
~ Aegon, would inevitably be the boy who'd pull your braids and steal your things to get your attention. Whenever he sees you give Aemond a taste of attention, either it be through chaste conversation, or merely sitting closely with you at mealtimes, he'd act out in his own self-destructive ways and be determined to get your attention. It didn't matter if it was positive, or negative. He just needed your eyes on him.
~ Aemond however doesn't allow himself to sit down and let his brother trample all over him like that. He sharpens his skills with fighting and reading and learning, aiming to take advantage of his older brother by being more intelligent and capable than him.
~ Aegon will undoubtedly remain drowning himself in wine and women from brothels to fill the void that you refuse to fill. Holding both discontent and yearning for you. He would be a painfully lucid, yet desperate yandere. He's not outright clueless, he's aware he's made himself unlovable by now due to his treatment of you in the past. He's damned himself to loneliness, and there's little he can do to win your favour. However, he is still a selfish yandere. He'll naively take advantage of Aemond and cooperate to take you into their custody, to trap you within the castle with Aegon as your rightful king, and Aemond as your dutiful protector.
~ Aemond will become somewhat of a personal bodyguard to you during your stay hostage situation. He'll be hovering in your shadow, his gloved hand bracing upon your lower back whenever you walk with him, hovering behind you whilst you are seated- his arms bracing around you closely, or his hand upon your wrist in a firm iron grasp to keep you with him. He is the one who assigns whoever tends to you, picking only the most trusted handmaidens to bath and dress and tend to. If there were ever one foolish enough to try and help you escape, they'd be cut down mercilessly.
~ Aegon, now drunk with wine and power, the crown sitting heavily upon his brow, will be more selfish and demanding than ever. He's giddy and high from it, often calling you to accompany him during mealtimes. He especially enjoys watching you interact with his children, growing into a wishful delusion that they are yours. He'll watch with a smile as you treat them kindly and gently, warmth spreading in his chest at the sight.
~ You may often awaken in odd hours of the night to find Aegon drunk and soft headed- crumpled in a pitiful mess by your bedside, his hand grasping at your hand to nestle into his locks of unruly snowy hair, and his cheek pressed to the edge of your bed. Usually he's far too inebriated to fathom you're awake, but he will softly and weakly whimper for you to not leave if you try to remove your hand.
~ They're both demanding for your attention, and don't particularly like sharing. Aegon would definitely have this big-headed look upon it, like how he sees Aemond as his 'hound' that'd do anything he wants. But Aemond isn't the obedient pushover he thinks he is. I don't think Aegon is particularly stupid or anything, naive and a little clumsy with making decisions, but Aemond is sincerely much more calculated and cunning. There'd be a whole lot of manipulation going in between those two, and Aegon would think he's on top most of the time when really he's not 😅 Aemond will always be the one pulling the strings, the one holding the reigns, the invisible puppeteer so to speak in this whole dynamic. Aegon will go on with his gloating lovesickness, high on this deception of power that he believes he has in his grasp. With you in his palm, when really he's stepping beneath Aemond's heel.
~ Poor, sweet Helaena in this whole scenario is troubled for you. She's already mourning the loss of her little son, and now her brothers have kidnapped her friend and kept them hostage- just like she. A part of her down feeling comforted with you so close however, she knows how things will end. Forced to foresee the bloodshed and fire, her own brutal succumbing to death, and she's frightened by it all. All she can ask now is for some temporary comfort with you nearby, to pretend for just a little bit longer, that you are both safe and content in the gardens of your childhood- sewing embroidery and catching bugs.
~ During the battle of Rhaenys and Aegon, you bet Aemond will take advantage of this scenario. He wants to be king, and have you all to himself. Why not kill two birds with one stone?
~ Aegon had always been under the naive and gloated assumption that Aemond was under his thumb- at his heel, like a loyal and commanding hound, his to order around. He could only just tolerate having him share the attention he sought after from you. The moment that fateful 'dracarys' left Aemond's snake tongue, Aegon received the true taste of Aemond's view of him.
~ Aegon would be a weak and delusional mess in his weak and vulnerable state. He'd demand for you to be kept away, frightened of you seeing him like this. Ugly. Crippled. Deformed Just like Aemond likes him.
~ Yet in his stupor of strong herbs and medicines, slipping in and out of bleary restless dreams, and agonising consciousness, he would softly choke out for you. He wants you near, but stay away. He needs to hold your hand to distract him from the pain, but if you look upon him he'll cry. He needs you to tell him everything is ok, but if you look upon him as a weak and broken fool then he'll use whatever energy he has left in his whole body to scream in anguish.
~ Aemond would practically be relishing in his post-murder glow. Standing at the foot of his brother's bed, looking down upon him with a cold serpentine-like glare, an air of pleasure surrounding him at the sight of his rival and tormentor broken and simple at his feet.
~ After confirming that Aegon cannot remember being attacked by his own brother, Aemond will grow even more relieved. Gently kissing his brothers brow and promising to take care of you in his stead.
~ with the throne and you nearly secured in his grasp, he feels unstoppable.
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There are some timeline things that I haven't thought through completely yet, but this is the whole vibe I get from a situationship between those two. It would be chaotic, akin to being tugged at both ends by two overly enthusiastic and possessive dogs.
I may elaborate more later on, but this is what I have for now! Any thoughts and ideas are very welcome :3
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orgasming-caterpillar · 6 months
Mahabharat characaters on Social Media: pt.2
Pt. 1.
He developed an app that teaches martial arts and other fighting styles basics to those who can't afford the classes.
History nerd who regularly posts ramble about the different types of discrimination that happened in different cultures from 5000BC India to 17th century slave trade.
Cameos regularly on Duryodhan's gym videos as his "gym bro" (ahem ahem and they were gym bros) (oh my god they were gym bros)
Fitness influencer but it's actually just him trying to beat Bheem's records.
"that's funny, brother. I recently just posted a video of me picking up 100kgs with one hand and now you're doing that too." "Yeah it must, we must have got the same idea. Did Arjun give you your idea? Because I got mine from Karna." "*Squints eyes*"
Gets dragged into Dushashan's podcast very often.
After a specifically homie erotic video with karna, fans started commenting non stop "so we all know he's bi, right?" So he made a video in reply saying "nooo haha I have a girlfriend bhanumati haha karna is totally my friend" and then they comment "we didn't say anything about Karna." He never addressed those comments after that.
His role model is Andrew Tate.
Will always ask Duryodhan to come to his podcast as a guest, doesn't take no for an answer.
Dushashan: so like. Women. Like they are so obviously made— like their bodies have evolved to nurture children and take care of the home. They should stay at home and keep it nice and clean for their alpha male, who is their provider and protector.
Duryodhan, closeted bisexual and thinking of Karna's thighs: Woof— I mean true.
Sweetie pie. Absolute babygirl.
When he revealed that he was also a kaurav brother, he was mass reported over five different platforms for spreading misinformation until he proved that it's actually true.
He's just obedient and does what his two elder brothers say and people think he's just like them because of it
Editor for Dushala's videos.
He's the fan favourite Kaurav.
Vlogger. Huge YouTube personality. Storytimes.
Channel is basically "my life as a younger sister of a 101 brothers"
Her vlog series of "Keeping Up With The Kauravas" is famous all over the country.
Posts random snippets of her brother's lives.
Once posted a short of Dushasan picking his nose that went viral and got a whole episode of "The Harsh Truth About Having Women In Your Family" on his podcast.
You could say the nicest thing to him and he'd still take it the wrong way.
Thinks he's gonna be a politician. (He isn't. He never will. Everyone hates him.)
Occasional gym video with Duryodhana.
His fans know. The way he looks at Dury, the fans know.
Keeps getting his account hacked but all the people do is rid the world of his treacherous content.
Note:- in my AU, the Kauravas aren't siblings from the same mother but very close knit cousins from a huge joint family.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
Monkey King Reborn
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Sun Wukong-Monkey King
Just some headcanons that I wrote way last year that I never got around to posting. Oops-
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So-👀 My little dumb brain is like-what if, in the movie, since Sandy has his knowledge, Wukong is the muscle and speed and Tripitaka is the center of the group-Why not have a healer/protector?
You, a seemingly normal child, who was bullied for their weight and told that you'd never make it anywhere, awaken your powers when helping a merchant passing by your village. They got hurt, and with your caring nature and panic at the moment, awakened the power within you. People in your village raved about you, sweeping all the bullying and harassment they did to you under the rug and begging for your help.
You agreed for a price. After all, in this cruel world, you only had yourself. Very quickly, people got greedy and even wanted to marry you off since your children had the chance to inherent your powers, which disgusted you. At one point, you just got up and left, never wanting to return. These people weren't savable, nor did you want to help them.
After leaving and wandering on your own, you meet the gang. Tang Sanzang, who had just started his journey and needed another human around, was happy to have you on board, ready to teach you what he knows. The bond you two build is one of siblings. He, the strict yet gullible brother, and you, the more realistic but still kind sibling.
Of course, you meet the others. Sandy, the cute and wholesome water demon. He'll tell you all about the books he has, from myths and stories to demon knowledge. It's adorable how invested he is, and he's happy that you listen. Nerdy friend + supportive bff. You also think it's cute when he's excited or shocked and a bubble leaves his mouth.
Pigsy, the perverted and cocky pig demon. Of course, he sees you and he's drooling. Trying to flirt but quickly getting rejected by you. Every once in a while, he pulls through, which you appreciate, but your relationship with him is aquantices at best.
And then, there's Wukong. He sees you and, like the other beings he's encountered, doesn't really notice you. I mean, you're different from all the women he's seen before his entrapment, being more curvy, and you've got a warm aura, but that's about it? He doesn't really get why you're traveling with them. You just seem...so defenseless? Weak? Way too kind to just be kind.
He's got his eye on you. Thinking that he's gonna catch you doing something bad and call you out. But as time goes by, he realizes that you're...just a nice person, much to his shock. You never ask for anything in return, and you're always happy to help them out.
Let's say that he takes an interest, say when you use your powers. Whether to protect him from an attack with your barriers or when you heal a bad wound of his. He hasn't seen many with your abilities, what with everyone usually just fighting it out. It's a bit interesting, but he still thinks you could learn some self defense.
Your kindness towards him is...strange. He's so used to everyone blowing him off, throwing insults and hate his way, cursing his birth. But you cheer for him when he kicks ass. Compliment him when he finds food and water. And when the others, really just Zhu Bajie, start throwing him under the bus, you're there to defend him. You do scold him, but definitely not as much as everyone else, and when you do, you always do so as calmly as you can and tell him that you're worried about him.
He does notice that, for as kind as you are, you are a bit...distrustful towards people, keeping them at a distance until proven to be an ally or a good being. If they know about your powers, you keep a greater distance from them. It baffles him because you're on good terms with everyone on the team.
When you tell him about your past, since he's a nosy motherfucker, he starts to understand WHY. People have taken advantage of your powers, your kindness and belief that not everyone will use you, but you've pretty much been proven wrong. So when you say that you're thankful to have met them, and that they're the closest thing you've ever had to friends, he's...touched. The fact that you consider him a friend and never try to hide it makes him feel...less alone in the world.
If he ever finds out about the bullying and the people who did it, especially because of your weight, he'll keep it in his mind for later. 'You're pretty wtf???''Well, sucks for them, they missed out on a hot s/o'. He thinks in his mind. He'll visit them and teach them a lesson. Will he ever tell you? Hell no. That's a secret for him and only him to know.
In battle, you two become an absolute unit. You heal, he takes care of the enemies and you defend each other. He really likes the synergy you've built, like you can read each other's movements and just...flow with one another. He knows that if anything, you'll have his back, like he'll have yours.
When he compliments you, you know you're getting closer. He doesn't compliment just anyone, and is only directed that those he REALLY cares about. So even if it doesn't sound super cheerful or cheesy, know that him complimenting you means he likes you. "Not bad. I've never seen something like that." "Thanks Wukong!" Cue blushing monkey.
He'll unknowingly get soft for you, sitting a bit closer, sharing some of his water or food, keeping a closer eye on you in case danger appeared. It isn't until one of the members, maybe Sha Wujing or Zhu Bajie point it out, that he actually starts to think about it. My man starts going through the stages of grief.
Denial is his strongest stage. Why!? He's Sun Wukong! The strongest demon to exist! He doesn't need love! Then he'll start getting angry at himself for getting "soft". He's a demon for heaven's sake! He doesn't FEEL! At one point, he'll start bargaining with himself about how maybe it's the QUALITIES you hold.
The depression be hitting hard when he finds out it's YOU he likes. Don't get him wrong! It's not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just-he's used to being alone. He's never loved anyone, especially like this! Love is seen as a weakness, and now that he WAS IN LOVE-He was worried. He was scared for you-Not that he'd ever admit it. It doesn't help that he's immortal and you're not. Eventually, he half-accepts it. He just needs to be 1000% sure.
When y'all arrive at the Temple and he finds out about the manfruit-Say goodbye to your human years, cause you're gonna eat it. No ifs, ands or buts. He'll feed it to you if he has to. Don't test him. He's not taking no for an answer. In his mind, he's accepted that he enjoys your company, mainly because you take his side and you're literally the light of his life. He still doesn't want to admit how soft he's gone for you. He's such a tsundere I swear to god-
When Yuandi is released and you're traveling with Fruitie, he sees your bond with the Qi Energy as...kinda cute. Fruitie seems so comfortable around you and you let them talk away, asking questions every once in a while. And you save Wukong the trouble of getting pissed on.
Imagine when you're all fighting against the demons, Wukong is worried about you, looking to see if you're alright every second he can. He knows you're capable, but he's...he's scared to lose you. But it gets even worse when Yuandi-When this dude roles up and starts tossing y'all around-
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing are killed, and both you and Wukong are the only thing between him and Fruitie. You're doing everything you can to protect them, using all your energy to keep them safe. You don't want to lose anyone else-you can't-BUT THEN YOU'RE KILLED WITHOUT MERCY AND- 😢😭
Wukong, weak and close to passing out, takes your hand in his. Feeling the warmth leave it breaks his fuCKING HEART OML THIS MAN IS WEEPING FOR YOU- 💔 It isn't until you and the others are revived and next to him that he's truly okay, and without any hesitation, sweeps you into his arms and doesn't let go. You and the others are surprised by the open affection, but you return it none the less.
It isn't until you guys have said your goodbyes to Fruitie and arrived at a safe place to take a breather that he just confesses his feelings for you. It's randomly thrown out there, with the only indication of it happening being the small hue of red on his cheeks and refusal to look you in the eyes.
If you have self confidence issues and ask him if he's sure, he's looking at you, questioning if you heard what he just said. Of course he's sure! He spent all this time making sure, and now that he's accepted it, he's giving you his heart! Not just anyone can do that! It just proves how special you are! But after talking it out, you two eventually get together.
Gifts? Honey, good luck with that-He's so fucking clueless about it that it's kinda cute at times. He's a monkey. He's been surrounded by monkeys. Yeah, he's been around humans, but he's not asking them about human courting and gift giving. If he knew that he was gonna meet you, he would have asked a few questions, but that's about it.
The best he can do right now is flowers and small trinkets he finds along the way that he thinks you'll like. The fact that you enjoy them even though it's another simple flower or trinket, it makes his heart skip a beat. Zhu Bajie had the audacity to question why one day, but your sweet answer saved the pig demon from a beating. "It's BECAUSE they're from him. He's doing his best, and that's all I could ever ask for." Cue blush.
Hug this man! Give him pets and cuddles please this grumpy monkey needs it-😭 Hold his hand when he starts getting mad, it calms him down and he'll hold it back once he's cooled off. Hug him when he's done something good! Pet him when he's tired or bored, that'll get him purring and falling asleep in no time. Of course, this man is a tsundere, so he'll prefer it with just the two of you and without the teasing. You get it though, and always ask for consent, which he highly appreciates. So when it's just you two, he's all over you and adamantly refuses to let go.
If anyone even THINKS to flirt with you-Meet him out back, hands are up and he's ready to throw them for you. If anyone actually DOES, he'll give them the dirtiest glare. And people run away, never to be seen around you again. NOW-If a fool has the guts to actively flirt with you after that-oh boy 😔 They better have their funeral set up cause he's putting them in it.
But if anyone even dares to insult you and call you names. 👁👄👁 They have reached their expiration date on life and are now on their way to the Netherworld. They will not be spared and will not be forgiven, even if YOU forgive them. You deserve respect-after all, you're his queen, and as your king, it's his duty to protect you.
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alteredsilicone · 3 months
Attempt at putting my feelings about Jade Shadows in a Long Post
I was never a big Stalker fangirl so I did not have any expectations or desires for this quest, I fully saw it as filler to distract me before Tennocon and the wait for Warframe 1999.
I was worried about some things, thinking DE might add/retcon lore about the Rebellion and Night of the Naga Drums, but that didn't happen haha
The quest itself did not elicit an emotional response from me, at some points it even seemed weird and absurd. They really went there, huh?
I see now that there is a LOT of tension and opinion flinging and accusations and such and such and I also fell victim to getting maybe a little bit too angry and incensed.
To me, the hype didn't live up to the payoff, this is basically Angels of the Zariman 2.0 for me. Where I expected one thing (Tenno Rebellion, Stalker lore) but got something else (Warframe Baby). I feel this is the kind of quest that expected me to have one specific emotional reaction ("aww!") so it didn't try to... elicit that reaction. Sympathy-bait. Like showing a little kitten to make you "aww" and stop thinking. If you don't "aww" then you won't like it but the people who "aww"-ed will think you are a heartless weirdo.
Some people have pointed out how this quest actually makes Stalker's anger at Tenno make less sense due to the Orokin being at 100% fault for his circumstances and the Tenno killing the Orokin should not have been something Stalker objects to. Honestly if you're going to kill Jade off and give Stalker dead wife manpain could have at least made our Tenno responsible for killing Jade who was guarding Stalker/the Orokin.
My hot take is that yes, people who expected an LGBT/trans story were setting themselves up for failure because there were no hints to that, quite the contrary. I got the impression that Stalker and Jade are separate entities (so no trans narrative) and also knowing tropes it just seemed like it was going the love-story way. Opposites attract and all that, plus Warframe's queer themes are more... headcanoned by the community; aside from obvious story beats like WITW or Dagath's story. Warframe in the end appeals to a Broad (tm) audience and that includes cishet normies who will cry buckets at Single Dad Stalker. Which is happening right now and making me feel like a heartless weirdo.
Though I think it would have been fun if Jade was Stalker's mother, that would fit well with the opposites theme for Jade/Stalker (and him taking on his mother's mantle as protector), as well as create cool parallels with the Stalker and Tenno, after all, "Lotus" is basically the aesthetic of the Tenno, so "Jade' could be the aesthetic of the Stalker.
Oh well.
I also understand people who were disturbed and upset by the narrative in general and the criticisms of Jade being fridged, passive and the implications that you "Always Choose the Baby" and that "All Women Love Babies". The bit with the Corpus captain and seeing people go "the Corpus are not monsters after all!" made me cringe because... we are child soldiers piloting infested abominations; Warframe is a very grim universe with some moments of light at the end of the tunnel, but I think this particular narrative was handled poorly. You're telling me in the world where body hoppers snatch children to brain-break them and become parasitic hosts, children's lives are valuable? You're telling me in a world where ventkids exist, children's lives are valuable? Nelīmējas kopā.
You COULD make this a story of light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel in terms of a child's life being precious - we should have fought the Corpus, maybe the Tenno jump in as help to protect Stalker. Putting a newborn into danger? Now THAT is actually some risky storytelling AND would make me care about Stalker and Sirius. You want that kid? Fight for it, because the world hates you and hates your kid. LOVE MUST TRIUMPH HATE, isn't that what Hunhow tried to tell you?
I don't hate it because it was a straight love/parenting story - Umbra and Isaah is a very emotional story and the Sacrifice is one of my favorite quests. All I needed was more backstory/flashbacks on Jade and Sorren. Aside from a vague allusion that either their relationship or Jade's pregnancy was verboten.
I admit the pregnancy/motherhood angle made me incensed for biased/personal reasons but I am just going to take the L on that, I don't think people who criticize that or are disappointed by that story are lacking media literacy.
Pregnancy IS a sensitive/triggering topic and in fact this quest did not warn sufficiently about it, also it is fair to say that this quest relied on the "aww!" factor and it's fine if people find it cheap. Some people find "aww!" stories stupid if it's about animals or if there are "pet the dog" mechanics, but if it's human children suddenly that criticism is invalid.
Oh well. That is all.
Did not have huge expectations going in, neutral on Stalker as a character.
Was not happy about the pregnancy story/the way women were handled in this quest.
I am aware that my personal bias affects my view of this quest, but I would also like a little coming forward from the other side.
Anyone else "excited" for Fetus Prime trailer narrated by Ballas in four years?
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
There is an enduring sense in the fandom that if you cannot structurally change the entire or major parts of an oppressive status quo, it's somehow better that one does absolutely nothing. Bc you're "messing up the stability of an already stable social order, which proved itself to be the best or most reliable bc it's endured for so long".
And I despise it. Because it essentially means that any effort except a huge, topsy-turvy one where the whole system gets upended or severely so doesn't matter. (At the very least those that don't seem like it.)
It's a perfect partner to racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. & people use it not just against Rhaenyra but Dany, Rhaenys, & Alysanne!!! Any Targ woman, really. Aegon V, if one mentions his laws. Ironic, bc Jaehaerys had progressive laws for peasants ONLY bc of Alysanne, but it's obvious why they prefer the female-heir denying Jaehaerys over Aegon V!!!
Coupled with this sense, some say that these women are totally complicit in those systems bc use they happen to be born into royalty or aristocracy, actively use their privileges at times for their own ends instead of ALWAYS to create or influence others for groundbreaking policies & laws, or manage to just escape certain abuses other women face bc they were reserved for the specific task of having children for their male spouses.
Daenerys was a bridal slave, for example. She doesn't face SA from random men every other night, but that doesn't stop the risk of her facing that fate if she were to ever fall out of her husband-owner, Drogo, favor. That doesn't stop her haters from arguing that she should have done more for Mirri & those Lhazareen women, that she even profits from slave labor when she clearly is allocating and directing funds from taxes to the city of Meereen! From ignoring how all those she freed are not still slaves, that the slave masters time and time again have said, point blank, that she is a danger to their enterprise CONTINENT-WIDE!!! She makes mistakes and the biggest one compromising too much with the slave owners of Meereen, yeah, bc she is in the beginning of her leadership journey, and still she manages to inspire loyalty, faith, and hope in many of her followers and she also still manages to keep most people alive w/o actually giving all the way in and that terrifies the slaveowners! For good reason. Read the last few pages of the last book and tell me that she won't come for their necks, either literally or figuratively idc. She's obviously not fucking up so bad or has totally failed in her role as a protector, and she will make mistakes as other leaders before her and after her will! Why this level of negative & bad faith scrutiny?!
And let's go to Rhaenys the Conqueror. She created the rule of thumb & the rule of six, where no man could legally beat their wives to death when she decreed that the rod could not be thicker than the husband's thumb and he could not whack her more than 7 times. Some argue why didn't she outlaw wife-beating entirely if she and her siblings conquered Westeros. First of all, these are the very same people who bleat abt how the Targaryens destroyed and colonized Andal culture without bothering to offer material evidence of such. If Rhaenys & her siblings actually have "colonized" the Andal-FM lords, & it was Andal custom for men to beat their wives indiscriminately…then the Targs couldn't have actually destroyed any part of Andal "culture" and replaced it entirely with Valyrian ones where seemingly men could not beat their wives at all! If you can even consider this "destroying culture", as I'm sure a few would argue. If anything, this was a cultural compromise, and it obviously functioned and was intended as a form of protection for women when before there was absolutely none! Aside from male relatives, but that's not system-wide, makes such cases seem not serious enough or that people across communities shouldn't care too much about others when you personalize it, AND that just reinforces the idea that only men have a property claim over women, be they biologically family or by marriage. Secondly, if you argue that Viserys should have obeyed the "laws" of male primogeniture bc he is a feudal king--the "Protector" of their customs and interests--that is only supported by the swords & loyalty of lords, that the GC of 101 proves that (as if Jaehaerys also didn't use that to enact his own will passively for a male heir), then why is it that Rhaenys seems to do something along those lines and WORK with the current Andal customs, her efforts--which actually are protective to those who needed protecting!!! Rhaenys & her siblings were new monarchs of a newly unified-ish realm, & as unifying conquerors tend to do, they opted for the strategy that would keep them seated bc it made "the lords" comfortable that they would not force them to change the bulk of their religious and cultural practices. Not only did Visenya & Rhaenys arrange strategic marriages that both benefited them and those married (their families), but Aegon made it a point to go on progresses and hear various lords and peasants' issues to arbitrate. Which made it so that these lords felt they would not be led by a leader who'd enforce his laws willy-nilly without considering his subject's conditions or desires. It is in this context that Rhaenys, we could see and assume, was taking a bit of a risk with not one but 2 new laws against men's "rights" over their wives' bodies!
There's Alysanne, who took it a step further in her women's courts, and the right of first nigh abolishment, her attempts at the Citadel, & the Widow's Law. Again, if not for her, Westeros and KL would be 3 steps behind in infrastructure and women's protection. Alysanne was a Queen Consort who had even less power on her own than Rhaenys & Visenya and we see that she had to convince Jaehaerys to implement his laws; it took Septon Barth's interference/support for Jaehaerys to even go along with the abolishment of the right of first night! Later with Viserra, I believe that she arranged the much older Theomore to Viserra bc it coincided with Jaehaerys' plans for that marriage alliance between the Manderlys and the royal house. And to please or to go along with some of her husband's plans was to also add onto her own power…bc a royal Consort only has power by their monarch spouse gives them license to influence and status! Was it clumsy writing? Of course, it was pretty bizarre and partly due to how F&B is written as a historical document despite how this portion of history is better documented than others. Did Alysanne indirectly cause Viserra's death in her refusal to relent from her suspicion that Viserra was trying to become queen, as she interpreted it? Arguably. and I think that GRRM was telling us that over time and over the disappointments w/Jaehaerys, she slowly got more determined to retain any sense control…and where does her control end up coming from? Yeah, GRRM is showing that tightrope, I think.
Rhaenyra was not actively progressive in policy nor direct action as all the prior 3, but to argue that she should be feminist so that the usurpation and the femicide done against her becomes unjustified is absurd! Oh, she wasn't a feminist at all or progressive, she didn't implement any sort of law at all for women or smallfolk [did Aegon?! or Alicent?! or Aemond? Daeron, Otto?! so why are they better?!!!], so that's why she shouldn't be queen even though by the very "law of the land", she is by right the heir to this throne that never actually was about who would make a good, consummate ruler in the first place. 🙄.
So there is a vague & un-discernable, forever shifting, & impossible goal-post-level of feminist activity or "being" that these nihilistic or conservative naysayers use against women being leaders or even passively having positions of power that may still benefit the women of Westeros through setting a precedent &/or actions of necessary intervals that build on the past ones under conditions that are already limiting how much they can do or say in order to be able to put forth those feminist (really proto feminist), anti-slavery, etc., progressive steps--on a damn psychological and psychosocial level that:
diminishes how much brain power and time a woman can put to policy or things outside of the "house" because their power depends on the husband's regard towards them
makes it much harder for women to really commit themselves or fully expect to implement their goals & dreams for any sort of change (or even dream of any) when there's such subtle and unsubtle obstacles in their way: Rhaenyra, her stepmother an siblings plotting against her and then the usurpation, that we see in the microcosm of how the treasury stolen from her and the crown led to the smallfolk turning against her at KL AND the ongoing war, thus preventing her from really establishing herself as Queen/ruling at all; Alysanne, I described with Jaehaerys; Rhaenys, Andal patriarchy; much less, in Rhaena the Black Bride's case, find just actual happiness and plain old security against male aggression!
provides a setting where women become more compelled to compromise with some patriarchal ideas/practices to maintain a certain level of power or defense (there's a thing line to measure and transgress the "right way" and without other's judgement and impatience or lack of faith adds an additional pressure of, outside of fiction but applicable)
leads up to Daenerys having to have the strength to pursue her goals on with her own instincts and compassion and wit, work harder than most men would face in her position...not that any could since men cannot and have not largely had the bridal slave’s experience!
Anyway, all of it ignores or tries to hide the fact that it is exactly that undisrupted male authority over female (of any class or wealth) & under-classed people that is the true destabilizer and destroyer of lives. That there is still so much meaning and real impact in what people like Alysanne and Rhaenys did/do and huge upheavals or entire sweeps of structural change like Dany does takes measured steps!
That through multiple Targ women dying form childbirth, raped, murdered, or sidelined and critically limited in political authority or agency, this becomes so obvious! you cannot oppress half of your population, reduce them to sex-giving broodmares who you can kill if you think they have a male heir on the way or have cheated on you and call yourself progressive! You're actually 10 steps behind where you're supposed to be because half of you is not involved enough in the development of your society!
We wanna be all "feudalism is bad", "blood purity is bad", "the Targs didn't end feudalism so they are the most evil and responsible for all evil in Westeros" but when they see someone either passively or actively seem to make any progress to mitigate the pressures and power of patriarchal boundaries or concepts or whatever....they go screaming "not feminist enough" or "they're actually just like everyone else"! And some of us will also try to say that Daenerys is either entirely too much like her colonist ancestors or she will end up that way as D&D published because she is Targaryen (a bio-essentialist argument) to argue about why SLAVEOWNERS should stay in power!
And it all is very anti-intellectualism, anti-critical thought or introspection and examination...because on closer look and investigation, you will see how F&B is a text that was always anti-misogyny on GRRM's part (attemptively) even as it is misogynist as an-in world text! And it's on purpose--both the writing and how people wax "it's a dragon show, nothing at all to do with misogyny or wokeness!"
Because then you are not challenging the status quo...because you can't reason through it or against it and when it happens in seemingly harmless manifestations people will think it innocuous.
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nym-wibbly · 18 days
You think John Winchester beat/abused Dean into suppressing his sexuality? You're great at taking these canons apart on details--- would love to get your take on this.
Dean's inner workings are such a huge field of study! You're very kind, but I think a lot of his nuances are still beyond my grasp of canon. I bet there's tons to pick up on rewatching. I'll have a stab at it though!
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I think Dean's father taught him that practical reliance and emotional dependence on anyone or anything but blood family is dangerous. That indulging his private feelings - any feelings - is dangerous. And that doing those things makes him a danger to others, to Sam, to the mission, and therefore would make him into a bad person; that Dean grew up convinced that he can't afford to let himself have - or need - affection, support, connections, community, obligations, or ties outside the hunting life, and only limited access to those luxuries within it.
Dean fell into line with John's rules of the road while Sam pushed back and got himself out for just long enough to see a different way of living life - one I'm sure a younger John Winchester, married to Mary and with their two young sons in the house, would have recognised as worth fighting for and protecting. Sam brings that back with him, and never stops trying to share that wider perspective and personal growth with Dean - never stops offering to listen or be emotionally supportive, even when Dean shuts him down over and over again.
I think Dean learned from his father - from his whole rootless and overburdened childhood - that other people have to be able to depend on him, so he can't afford either to feel weak or to be perceived as weak, for their sake. For survival's sake. The performative mess we find him in come the start of Supernatural is him trying to fit that with his adult experiences and needs. If he's wrestling at all with his sexuality in the middle of all that, I think it's far from being the biggest or most damaging of his issues.
Dean's basically a decent bloke with a good heart, full of love to give, smart, capable, and intrinsically strong, but his self-worth is completely tied up with this need to be a protector, the strong one. His baby brother actually has to spell out to him that, now he's an adult too, Sam can, will, and wants to protect Dean right back. Dean had no inkling that it wasn't a one-way street, which is heartbreaking.
John's white-whale revenge quest taught Dean that life is short, that there's no higher meaning or grand plan. That you don't get what you want, you get the hand you're dealt and have to play it. That it's his role in life to serve, and to die young doing it. He doesn't think he gets to plan a future, and has mixed feelings when Sam tries to do just that by going to college.
I'm not sure Dean's hiding or repressing his sexuality in particular; more that he's not dealing - refusing or unable to deal - with the whole area of intimate relationships that go beyond a fun one night stand. Of emotional and supportive relationships and people's need for those, period.
Dean looks at the comfort and support system available to other people with their lovers and spouses, and doesn't see a Dean-shaped vacancy anywhere, be it with men, women... or angels. Yet he wants it, or something that looks like it. He longs for family and home, and not only because it's something he knows he lost once. He's terrific with children, from the small ones up to the angry teens, so he knows instinctively how to give the kind of support and validation he denies himself - but does he even know that he finds those encounters rewarding? Is he even aware that it's a good thing for those relationships to be mutually rewarding? I'm not sure he lets himself think that way. Maybe it's just an itch he can't quite scratch?
The moment he has the opportunity he goes straight to Lisa and Ben and tries to make it work with that ready-made family. He remembers just enough of the time before his mother's murder to feel a pull towards 'traditional' family life, but it's like he's living a fairytale. He's waiting for the big bad wolf the whole time, waiting to flip back to high alert protector mode. Once the monsters touch his little family and shatter the bubble, he can't sustain the relationship. Lisa gives him every chance to have it on his own terms, but Dean can't do it.
My take is that Dean suppresses anything and everything that might give him comfort, peace, softness, or what others (including his father in vengeance mode) could perceive as outward signs of weakness. Talking about his feelings, about things he can't have, dwelling on and processing his feelings - that's what John taught Dean that weakness looks like. That unaffordable luxury of weakness. You get up, wash off the blood, keep your weapons in good order, and keep fighting until you can no longer fight. Dean denies himself anything that could be used against him or Sam, and for the longest time he thinks that's a good thing. Later in the series, he's learned enough to know that this kind of strength is brittle at best, and to be afraid of the consequences of stress-testing it too hard.
I think Dean doesn't even bother digging into what he wants and needs from a lasting partner. Into his feelings and sexuality, his ideas about couples, about hearth and home. It's not just that he's terrified of losing it if he has it: he's sure he'll lose it if he ever has it, because he's sure he doesn't deserve it.
I reckon Dean stopped exploring himself at a very young age, and learned to ignore his own needs and feelings beyond the limited avenues that got a nod and a wink from John Winchester. Being good at hunting. Taking care of Sam. Drinking. Driving. Polishing the roleplay and the hustle to stay under the radar. Taking care of Sam some more. Shut down everything else tight and keep a lid on it. Grab gratification where you can but don't ever try to keep hold of it or set down roots.
Dean lives in maintenance mode. Other than his brief idyll with Lisa and Ben, there's never a time when Dean doesn't feel he has to stay in that state of toughened battle-readiness. The only reason he's able to get close to Castiel over the long term is that Cas can join him in the fight, is willing to take Dean as-is without needing him to unbend, and can tough things out just as hard as Dean can.
I don't think John necessarily needed to pile on physical or targeted psychological abuse to shape Dean this way and make him equate processing and personal exploration with weakness. Just making the adult-responsibility demands he did of a child, and exposing him to the monsters and the killing and the awareness of how precarious life is, would've been plenty. I get the sense that if John had ever posed a danger to Sam through violence or drunken carelessness, Dean would've killed him. (For the first few episodes, I sorta thought he sekritly had!)
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(Ask me again when I've rewatched Supernatural and my answer might be completely different!)
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eldritchdiplomacy · 10 months
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Bottom Table OT3: The Playlist
We, like Jinnah, will mourn our lads forever
(click for song explanations!)
Take Me Out To The Ball Game - Ed Meeker
"Eldritch Harrahs," He says, fingering the bright red laces on a baseball like a rosary
Team - Lorde
Classic poly theme, living in ruins.
"And everyone's competing For a love they won't receive 'Cause what this palace wants is release."
Ravenous - Autumn Orange
Impeccible vibes.
Eat Your Young - Hozier
Post-war heroes left in slums with their ghosts
"Come and get some Skinnin' the children for a war drum Puttin' food on the table, sellin' bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young"
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
A shiny jade jewel in said slums
"She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover?"
Boats & Birds - Gregory & The Hawk
Children without souls
"If you'll be my boat, I'll be your sea A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity Ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze I live to make you free, I live to make you free…"
Hearts a Mess - Gotye
Sean Fucking Finnerty
"You have lost too much love To fear, doubt and distrust, it's not enough You just threw away the key to your heart Don't get burned 'cause nothing gets through It makes it easier, easier on you That much more difficult for me To make you see."
Love In The Time Of Socialism - Yellow House
Teenagers all in love with each other
"But I am home wherever you are near There's no life in anything When you're not here."
Whatever Fits Together - Skullcrusher
I mean…
"Do you ever look back? Does it all fit together? If we're here, does it matter? (If we're here, does it matter?)"
Marked For Death - Emma Ruth Rundle
Marion & Jean
"Who else is going to love someone like me that’s marked for death? Who else is going to be with me when I breathe it all?"
Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect - The Decemberists
Marion & Sean
"And here I dreamt I was a soldier And I marched the streets of Birkenau And I recall in spring The perfume that the air would bring To the indolent town Where the barkers call the moon down The carnival was ringing loudly now And just to lay with you There's nothing that I wouldn't do Save lay my rifle down"
Hard Times - Ethel Cain
The Exorcists' Daughter
"Tell me a story About how it ends Where you're still the good guy I'll make pretend 'Cause I hate this story Where happiness ends And dies with you."
Edith's Theme - Crimson Peak
The Lighthouse
Say Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey
Sean & Jean
"If you go, I'll stay You come back, I'll be right here Like a barge at sea In the storm, I stay clear 'Cause I've got my mind on you I've got my mind on you…"
Sunlight - Hozier
Sean & Jean & Marion
"All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that’s born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And, at last, can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight."
Your Protector - Fleet Foxes
The Circle of Needle & Thread
"As you lay to die beside me, baby On the morning that you came Would you wait for me? The other one would wait for me."
The Mother Road - Chelsea Wolfe
The doc who knows she'll never lead a normal life, have a normal love.
"I do not have a child But I'm old enough to know some pain And I'm hell-bent on loving you Women know what it is to endure."
Running Up That Hill - Placebo
All too stubborn to let each other die.
"Oh, come on, baby Oh, come on, darlin' Let me steal this moment from you now Oh, come on, angel Come on, come on, darlin' Let's exchange the experience…"
A Vampire's Heart - Peter Gundry
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine
Jean, Sean, & Marion
"I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you…"
Oh, To Dream Of Such Eldritch Things - Autumn Orange
The Compromised Lightkeeper
A Shot Rang Out - Emily Jane White
Sean FUCKING Finnerty, Marion, Jean
"Dreamers we aren't few But I don’t want to bury my dreams with you."
The Ghost On The Shore - Lord Huron
Man down
"Die if I must, let my bones turn to dust I'm the lord of the lake and I don't want to leave it…"
Call Your Mom - Noah Kahan
You can't do this to Peggy, bud.
"Medicate, meditate, save your soul for Jesus Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin' you're breathin' So won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?"
Funeral - Phoebe Bridgers
War boys wearing the same face, so many hearts.
"And last night, I blacked out in my car And I woke up in my childhood bed Wishing I was someone else, feeling sorry for myself When I remembered someone's kid is dead…"
Francesca - Hozier
Jean & Marion re: Sean
"Now that it's done There's not one thing that I would change My life was a storm since I was born How could I fear any hurricane?"
Is Your Love Strong Enough? - GWTDT
"Just one beat of your heart And stranger than fantasy I knew from the start It had to be the place for me Someone that I would die for There's no way I could ever leave."
Death With Dignity - Sufjan Stevens
The Survivor
"Spirit of my silence I can hear you, but I'm afraid to be near you And I don't know where to begin And I don't know where to begin…"
My Love - Florence + The Machine
The Next Step
"My arms emptied, the skies emptied The buildings emptied…"
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enam3l · 2 years
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finally, it's here. my first real series. loosely based on the film love, rosie. it's a devastatingly slow burn and full of angst and longing. i hope you guys enjoy.
after the events of season four, your best friend eddie munson moves on leaving you behind, in love with him and concealing a secret you never hope he discovers.
follow #enam3l love lola
a/n: happy ending eventually, slow burn, will they won't they, a lil angsty but never mean eddie
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At age 8 you met Eddie Munson for the first time and you were sure he was the prettiest person you'd ever seen. Your Grandmother had visited a womens refuge to drop off old clothes, pots, pans, things she owned but didn't need. There she had spotted a young woman, beautiful with cascading brown curls but a panicked look on her face and tears on the brink of falling. Attached to her leg was a boy, wide eyes anxiously scanning the alien surroundings. Drawn in by the sweet boy who looked your age, your grandmother approached the woman.
Over the next hour she had learnt their history and their circumstances. Within the next two hours your Gran took advantage of her own means to develop a plan for the pair. By that evening your dinner table had two extra settings arranged. No longer just you and your Grandmother, you were now joined by Eva Munson, your new housekeeper and her son - Eddie - who from under his mop of dark curls assessed you across the grand dining table with big bright eyes, the colour of the special chocolates you were only given at Christmas. He was pretty and precious like the delicate porcelain dolls you were only allowed to gaze at in your Grandma's reading room and you instinctively wanted so badly to take care of him. 
At age 11 and on the cusp of puberty, you realised Eddie Munson was not just pretty like a flower or doll, he was beautiful and kind like the unexpected saviour of a fairytale. With three years of best friendship under your belt, you understood that Eddie was not like any boy or even man you had ever met. He was not selfish or cruel like your father and he wasn't obnoxious and boring like the sons of your Grandmother's fancy friends, who until Eddie arrived, you had been stuck amongst. He was endlessly interesting, you could listen to him all day although he wouldn't allow that, always insisting on hearing your ideas too. Eddie had once asked you why your favourite book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. With a wicked smile you had replied because those spoilt children got their comeuppance and you could only dream about that happening to the many Augustus Gloops and Veruca Salts in your life. Slightly downtrodden, Eddie had chuckled glumly, 'I guess I am Charlie, poor and can't believe his luck .' 
Gasping and horrified at Eddie's lack of self belief, you furiously shook your head and began to explain,
'No! You're Willy Wonka. You are brilliant and yes, a little bit mad and no one can appreciate just how special you are.'
At age 14 you decided before anything, now more than ever, you had to be Eddie's sworn protector and you pushed your crush deep into the darkest corner of yourself. The content bubble that for the past five years you had been living in - consisting of yourself, your Grandmother, Eddie and his mom - had been burst. Eddie's mother died. Your best friend, already different by nature began to separate himself further from the world. His eyes became a little sadder. His clothes became darker. His music became angrier and louder. Your games became more complex, rarely concluding with a happy ending. His now shoulder length curls were buzzed. But most importantly you knew at this age, teenagers were getting meaner and you were not long off from starting High School. Whilst your heart ached to live out your teenage romance with Eddie, his heart was broken and he was in mourning. Your best friend, already an easy target for bullies, was more vulnerable than ever and protecting his heart was far more important than yours. 
At 17 as you watched Eddie's hair grow longer than ever and him truly come into his own, you had to work harder than ever to ignore it. Painfully aware your bodies were fully developed and hormone filled, you attempted to delude yourself that you weren't achingly in love with your best friend. You distracted yourself with meaningless flings and boyfriends who couldn't hold a candle to Eddie. High School was relatively smooth sailing for you, your respected name courtesy of your Gran gifting a protective shield. The higher echelon of students may not have liked you especially, god knows you loathed them but they respected you. Academia wasn't an issue, you excelled in plenty and even subjects you didn't particularly like or have a talent for, you were still able to do more than satisfactory in. The same couldn't be said for Eddie. You were truly his defender, your presence limiting the hate campaign that built against him. But when you weren't by his side, he was subjected to torment for his hair, his clothes, his passions and his background. Since his mom died, Uncle Wayne took him in and the trailer became his home. Despite Wayne working hard to provide a good and loving home, a trailer was still a red mark against Eddie's name to vapid teens. You were grateful still his warm personality and ability to seek out those in need, resulted in Hellfire Club. Now Eddie had allies. 
At 18 it was clear you would be graduating without Eddie. Whilst you could speak about his talents endlessly, your bestfriend was too creative, thought too abstract for academic life. As you stood on the stage alone, your heart cracked at the thought for the first time in a decade, your best friend wouldn't be by your side. You'd spent a year in a state of near hyperventilation ruminating on how he'd be alone, without you to protect him but more worryingly, you would be without him - the one person you loved most in every way. Realistically he would still have the younger boys from Hellfire but you'd have no one, alone in New York without your comfort blanket. The one fear that ate away at you was now that you were gone, Eddie might fall in love. He'd already developed a few admirers from becoming a local feature of The Hideout with his band Corroded Coffin. 
By 20 you were alone and Eddie-less in New York studying for your second year. He'd again failed to graduate and was on his third attempt. Whilst you loved your degree, the city and new friends it was undeniable it would all improve with his presence. Nearly every night you exchange stories over the phone and attempt to visit but as time passed, schedules became more hectic. With Hellfire and the band occupying the forefront of his mind, you felt like a ghost from his past growing more faint by the day. Each hook up tale from the bar chipped further away at you, each new person in his life pushing you further down his list. You'd ended up with boyfriends you loathed in selfish attempts to fill the Eddie shaped void in your heart.  
Now you're still 20, fearing Eddie won't be joining you in turning 21 in a few months time. He lays there before you, hand under yours and still absent of his inherent warmth. Alabaster skin near void of life, dark circles round his eyes matching the spreading mass of purple bruising across his torso. Already red seeps through the white fibres of fresh bandages. No longer in your arms, where he belongs, Eddie Munson lies in a hospital bed. Unconscious to your words and touch, oblivious of the tears that trickled down your face and splashed over his tattooed forearm. Flittering between life and death before you could even confess you were in love with your best friend. 
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jacaeryslover · 4 months
rose thorn, a jacaerys velaryon fanfic.
i plan on making this a series. im still on exams but i had this in my drafts, i will edit it when i can!
Highgarden, is the place Florence was born. The Tyrell's ruled it, and to most people it was the prettiest place in Westeros. With big white castles and nature more breathtaking with every step you took. As she grew older Florence Tyrell had to learn the very first thing Tyrell women are taught at a very young age; the art of manipulation.
She was a good girl, but she managed to perfect her skill using it every chance she had, a girl has to use what is given to her she often said. That's how she got a woman to be her sword protector.
—Wake up Lady Arwyn, we're going to King's Landing—The girl says, almost too happy to speak well, the idea fascinated her and not because of the view King's Landing had to offer or even the event itself, but because of the presence of her longest friend, the one and only.
—King's Landing? Why are we going there? The place is awful.—Lady Arwyn Oakheart was Florence's sword protector, and she was right, King's Landing was awful in comparison to the beauty of Highgarden, everyone knew that.
—Well, we're attending my dearest friend's wedding, Princess Helaena. She is marrying her brother Aegon, what a pity. But we were invited, and I can't wait to see her again.—Lady Arwyn wanted Florence's happiness to stay like this forever, and Princess Helaena made her really happy, so she started packing.
After a long time traveling, the Tyrell's and their sworn shield finally arrived to King's Landing, and they were welcomed by the Queen and her children, Aegon, Aemond & Helaena. After the welcoming ceremony, quickly the Tyrell girl went to hug her beautiful friend, the silver haired one returning said hug.
Now in the Princess chambers, Lady Tyrell told her friend everything she had to offer, wishing for the Princess to talk about her insects or other things. After catching up, Florence decided to bring her friend's marriage first.
—Congratulations on your wedding, dear Helaena. I still think marrying Aegon is such a pity, you deserve better, friend.—Hearing her best friend's words made her feel at an ease, her mother did not make a great job at hearing her children's problems, and Helaena felt seen for the first time in ages.
—Thank you, Florence. I know you will make a beautiful bride one day, I've seen it.—Florence didn't understand her friend sometimes, she knew her friend was a dreamer and she got accustumed to it, but she was grateful at her words.
—I have a wedding present for you—A golden ring, with the form of Princess Helaena's favorite piece in her collection: a spider.—I hope it's still you're favorite.—
—I also have something for you, I'm not sure if I got the measurements right, but I did the embroidery myself. I really hope you like it.—Helaena's words were always soft and kind, she revealed a beautiful aquamarine blue dress.—The flower will grow stronger in the sea, Florence—.
—Thank you, my beautiful Helaena.—Was all she muttered before leaving the chambers.
Later, after wandering the halls of The Red Keep, Lady Tyrell encountered with someone unfamiliar to her, the man was tall, and he beared brown and curly hair, deep brown eyes and fill eyebrows. The mysterious man was very attractive, she could notice that.
Apparantely, she got really distracted thinking of this mans beauty that she did not noticed when he started approaching her.
—M'Lady, what are you doing here unaccompanied?–The man says, his voice flooded the Tyrell's senses, it was too much for her.
—I'm sorry, who are you?—Seconds later after her question, she heard—I'm Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, my Lady.
—Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry my Prince, I am Lady Florence Tyrell, I just got out of Princess Helaena's chambers and I didn't know how to—Prince's Jacaerys giggles startled her, he was laughing, he thought her being confused was funny, and it did not angered her, not at all, she just wanted to hear more of his laughter, the sound made her stomach turn, and she could not say she hated the feeling, she would be lying.
—It's okay Lady Tyrell, come with me. I'll take you to your chambers.
pt 2 soon <3
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Aaand Xena reactions S1Ep7!
Is Xena gonna rob the guys
Ohhh, she knows him?
I love muscular women beating up men
I looove Gabrielle's hairstyle
Maybe don't go into the dark cave...
Priests? (Pretty woman)
Did she... Just awaken titans... Yuuuuup
"This virgin" Gabrielle like HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT
Are they beholden to her
Xena like O_o the entire time
Gabrielle I feel like you should say please and thank you...... 😅
"May I speak with you for one moment, o sacred one?" Xenaaa
Oop the Titans don't like itttt... Who could've seen that coming
"You're just being too cynical" hhhj
Xena is VERY worried for her gf
"I'm the sacred one's protector" GAY LOVE. LESBIANS.
She stabbed thru his foot
Wow, rude, mr Titan son
Ohhh, titan brother Cronus
Titan threesome when
Second chant? Hell nah
Uh oh.
"You're both a couple of idiots" shdhdhdh
I draw the line at eating/hurting children
"Saves us trouble later on" 😅
Titan fight... CHILDREN RUNNNN
Xena <3
"Nooo, please" STAB. rude.
At least the kids are safe
..... Ffs stupid men.
haha, Hession you loser
"Going against the gods" ah, the old story
"After you've been around for a while you come to expect these things" Gabrielle trying to hide her relief. Lesbianism
Xena like NERDSSSSS...
"Forget it, Gabrielle" She just wants to keep her gf from harm
Platonic spooning, Xena is being a heartbroken lesbian about it
Running off alone? Recklessss. Stupidly brave.
She was captured in a lil cave
"I don't know this language" shdhdbd
"She's trying to prove herself to me..." girlfriends
If anyone can stall it's Gabrielle so true
"I'm no longer a virgin😊" yes because you keep having lesbian sex with Xena
"There's a piece missing" "There's a piece- missing" :D :/
Morphs hand into stone
"She saved the day. As usual."
"I could never hate you, your heart's always in the right place" 🥺🥰
Gayyyyy! I'm fully invested now, suckers, get ready for Xena reactions for a few weeks
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msfbgraves · 11 months
Let’s say in Mobverse, Terry somehow managed to knock Daniel up before they are married. Would the Don still allow Terry to make an honest omega out of Daniel, or would he straight up murder Terry for “ruining” his sweet little boy?
This is very close to what the Don tried to force when he invited Terry to dinner while being 98% sure his boy would be in heat by then. He'd straight up kill him - not because Daniele would be ruined: you can't ruin omegas like that. I haven't written in too many deaths, but because Alphas are quite prone to die, it is normal to raise children not biologically yours. I feel that the reason omegas developed is to keep the human race from going extinct - we nearly did a few times, too. So the survival of a child is much more important than the survival of your specific dna. Having 15 children with different partners, as an Alpha, is not a source of pride (you see how this trope is written by women, with Alphas being both macho and faithful? A lot of our machos are not!). Making it so children survive: that's an achievement. So if a pup isn't yours but they call you Mommy or Daddy? You're the bomb. An omega trusts you with their pup? You absolute legend you!
So it wouldn't be that caro Daniele is somehow ruined. But Terry would have not honoured an agreement, he would have likely endangered the omega, going behind everyone's back, he would have shown poor impulse control, he might have well raped the boy, he would have shamed the LaRussos responsible for Daniele's protection, the list goes on and on, it's a million types of bad. What kind of protector would that make him, should a wedding be granted? No, that's a bullet in the brainpan, and likely the Irish would have been like... that's fair.
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ae-neon · 2 years
If Cass kill the male in the village where his mother is murdered, he should have kill the female too to end their misery.
Because Illyrian social system revilved around the Male. Male is their provider and we dont see women in illyria having career. So who will put bread in the leftover female and kid? Who will ensure their safety. Like it or not, not matter how bad illyria treat women, they protect their own family. Cause it is a humiliation for the Male to not protect their own female (from rape, taken as sex slave like Cassia mother happen to be, wild animal, extreme weather, cold but its fine to them to clipped the female wing).
Now the women lose it all. Their home, their breadwinner, their protector from further violent and damage.
Really, Cassian? With the poverty in Illyria, can other camp take this female in? The camp themselves is struggling to live and now they have more to feed. Imagine the newborn and children watching their home blew up, their daddy killed because a grown ass male cant conduct a proper investigation on his mother (even though he is part of the government and have DAEMATI High Lord) and now this male cant regulate his own emotion
Hello anon
TW for serious topics surrounding war, death and slavery
You're so right. In similar real world circumstances many women are known to kill their children and then kill themselves rather than face what usually comes next. Often it's rape, slavery and death especially for their sons.
SJM is kind of insane for structuring most of Illyria in stationary camps? That's just not how societies work. Long term settlements are permanent and built to last. I think Illyrians are supposed to be somewhere between Spartans and Mongolian but SJM puts no effort into any of her worldbuilding so who knows.
In any case, Spartans had permanent structures. They lived in a city state with a stable and established government which regularly intervened on every aspect of their lives from birth to education and marriage. Every young man had to serve in the army and train from childhood and slavery sustained most of their economy.
Mongols were nomadic, they moved around and didn't tend towards fixed towns or cities. they lived in clans, most everyday things were handled by the community. Their government was largely decentralised despite having a Khan. Child soldiers were illegal and raiding and herding sustained most of their economy.
These two cultures cannot be ambiguously blurred just because they are both warrior cultures. And the one thing they did have in common sjm denies the Illyrians: women were important; they were legally and culturally respected.
Sjm's Illyria cannot exist. It has nothing. It means nothing. It is just savagery for the sake of trauma porn and fetishisation of poc men.
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noirshitsuji · 1 year
two pieces of driftwood, meeting
AO3 link.
And then he gets it. Mal is still a tracker, even after everything. His internal compass is gone, but the muscle memory and the years of skill-building is still there, and it’s an alien feeling, having this expertise without all of his soul being tied to it. And he realises - belatedly - that Inej is also a protector, even when the reason she became one isn’t around.
Or: Mal, Inej, and finding out who you are beyond the person you love.
[mal & inej, inej/tolya, inej/kaz, mal/alina, mal/random women, mild angst, introspection, implied sexual content]
aka pov you came back to fandom tumblr for one specific fandom but the first piece you're posting is for another one
Read below the line.
He tries to look at other women.
Looking being the key word. Mal has no issue, once he relearns how many glasses of kvas it takes him to be just out of it enough to make a potentially stupid decision and still manage to get back to his bunk on his own, sleeping with other women. The things that stick with you even after you leave the army, Dubrov might’ve said, flashing him a smile, and Mal drinks another glass to that as well before heading for the nearest thing with curves. 
No, the issue is getting his gaze to stay on them for more than a moment. To pay attention to their faces and not just their bodies, to see if he even can gaze at another face that isn’t hers. 
But he can only focus his attention on thighs and torsos and things in-between them, and it always ends up being solely about the women’s enjoyment. There’s a part of him that feels like that’s better, that’s telling him he’s proving something. 
He’s just not sure if it’s something worth proving any more.
“How did you know where they would head for?”
Mal blinks. He’s gotten used to Inej appearing out of nowhere – they all had, out of necessity, because she seemed incapable of moving without a shadow at her tail – but he still needs a moment to readjust to her presence, to the intensity of her gaze.
“It made sense,” he says. “We knew where they were headed and the route it would’ve made sense for them to take, and the way the winds usually are this time of the year, it wasn’t that hard to figure out they’d end up rerouting through the other sleeve of the Bone Road.”
Inej looks at him for a moment before slowly nodding. “I see. I was never taught these things. Is it a matter of a great deal of study? Being a tracker?”
“More than people think it is.”
The words have left his mouth before he can think too much about them, but he realises with a start that they’re true. Alina had only ever taken up mapmaking because he and her would spend hours exploring the area around Keramzin as children, hiding away from Ana Kutya, and she’d never been able to remember it as well as Mal had, the paths and the berry bushes and the rest of it. He could find his way around the area and back to the orphanage blindfolded and on a handstand. Thinking back on it, he’d done so several times when Alina and the other girls had been taken to the town to observe one trade or the other and he’d been bored out of his skull. Signing up for the in-depth tracker training at the army had been one of the most obvious decisions of his life.
“Well, we’re very lucky to have you, then,” Inej says, smiling at him. 
Mal doesn’t know what else to do but smile back, even if he’s not quite sure where it’s coming from.
“My brother is an idiot,” Tamar says as Tolya shouts something up at Inej.
She’s cracking walnuts open as she speaks, the loud crunch getting lost in the breeze that’s their constant companion. Mal raises an eyebrow at her. She raises one right back. There’s a rueful smile on her face.
“Look at him,” she adds.
Mal does. He watches Inej lower herself down to Tolya’s level to reply to his question. He says something back, and Inej stays lowered, a warm smile on her lips.
“It’s stupid,” Tamar says. Another crack, and she’s passing him a walnut as well.
He takes it. “Why would it be stupid?”
“Have you seen her and Brekker together? This isn’t going to last.”
“Does it have to?” Mal says. Tamar looks at him, surprised. He takes a moment to chew the walnut and swallow it, before speaking again. “Does it? For either of them?”
“He’s too romantic. This will hurt him.”
Kaz was the only one who managed to quote the name and author of that piece, Mal wants to say. What do you think that means? 
“And if he chooses it to? If he goes for it anyway?”
Tamar purses her lips, but she doesn’t reply. Mal feels for her, really. It’s tough, seeing someone you care about walking into the abyss willingly like that.
He’s more worried about Inej, though. Inej isn’t arrogant, but Mal knows how easy it is to fall into the routine of defying gravity. How easy it is to get complacent when so many impossible things have already happened to you.
They find her brother. 
They find her brother, and when they next find port in Ravka, Inej’s parents are waiting there. They say it’s courtesy of the king that they’ve managed to reunite, but Nikolai had written to the Volkvolny months ago that he’d had to redirect resources to other things. Inej smiles at them like she knows why they’re lying, hugs them tight, and Mal thinks, this is it, and a wave of light melancholy washes over him. It won’t be the same without her.
But then Inej steps back, and her smile is sadder than before, and she tells her parents that no, she cannot stay, that yes, she will keep in touch and visit, and then turns to him and Tolya and Tamar and asks them for a three-day break before they leave again.
Once they’re on the ship again, he asks her why she didn’t stay, and all she says is:
“Well, we have a job to do, don’t we?”
And then he gets it.
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bigeyedweirdo0 · 2 years
The four most dangerous women in my WoL's Life:
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My main WoL Luces and his Mother Xingguang(Xing) aka the "White Fox."
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Granny Bella, the "Belladonna" (his paternal grandmother)
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Grandma (Grandmaster of the Ishgardian Branch, she's the Elezen on the left). And Granny Yué, the infamous O.G. "Pink Menace of the Steppe."
These four women are the most infamous women of the star's underworld:
Xingguang-"The White Fox"- the second born daughter of Granny Yué and Luces' mother. Infamous for going after high level and value targets, while donning an all white uniform. Her last target was a high ranking Garlean official that her now-husband, André, was guarding. She seems cold and calculating at first but she's actually very caring and easily flustered. She and Luces have a complicated relationship due to her elder sister's meddling. But she does care about her son and wishes to be there for him.
Granny Bella-"Belladonna"- André's mischievous mother, Xingguang's chaotic mother-in-law, Luces' beloved witchy granny, and Granny Yué's chaotic bestie. This woman is the matriarch of the Ligero family, and fiercely protects it in the way she knows how: magic and poison. She's poised and polished, but don't let that fool you she will sass you the ends of the earth. Oftentimes she can be found teaching the youngest of the Lotus Dancers the star charts(Astrologian) and basics of thaumaturgy(Black Mage).
"Grandma"- Grandmaster of the Ishgardian Lotus Dancers- head of the Ishgardian branch of the Lotus Dancers and the protector of the Brume's children. She sees all and knows all of the shady dealings of the nobility and clergy. With eyes and ears all over the city she's the most informed and potentially dangerous force in the city. You mess with her or any of her "children," she hits back 10 times harder.
Granny Yué-"The Pink Terror of the Steppe"- the most infamous of the group and quite frankly the scariest. With the highest body count in the group she's definitely a force to be reckoned with. Garleans would tremble in fear when they caught sight of her veil and pink uniform. They knew if they saw her it was too late, she was on a mission and would take out anyone if necessary. However with her family, especially with her grandchildren she is sweet yet chaotic. Taking too much pride and joy in playing match-maker for her grandkids (it don't matter if you're her biological or adopted grandkid she's "helping"). She's often getting into all sorts of trouble if left unsupervised, much to her dear third husband's dismay...
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starsallalight · 2 years
@dreamcrs : Edward & Aurora
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All Aurora did, all Aurora could do, was listen to him. And she understood him. She knew what it was like to have your life upended in one fell swoop. It happened to her, and she had to learn how to accept that change and move forward with her life. And that is what Edward would need to learn how to do now.
“I don’t think you foolish,” Aurora stated as she looked at him, and she put her hand on his shoulder. “Change is a difficult thing, especially when it is unexpected. I know that better than anyone. It’s easy to mourn who we once were, and we should let ourselves mourn that. But we also need to keep moving forward and know that there are good things out there for us.”
She took his face in her hands and turned it so he was looking at her, and she brushed his hair back gently.
“This cottage will not be empty, I swear it,” she said with a soft smile. “Some other family will find their way here, and they will make good memories. They’ll have the treasured childhood memories you, Ella and I had with your mother and father. And believe me, I wish I could stay here. All I ever wanted was to have a family with you in this house and to play in the garden with our children, make them flower crowns, do all the things we loved to do here. But sometimes…you have to let go of those childhood dreams to let in something better. And I’d be doing myself and frankly, Kit and his late father, a disservice if I didn’t try to convince my father to let me inherit the throne.”
She then leaned up and kissed his cheek and leaned her forehead against his.
“But no matter whether it all works out or not, I’m glad I’ll have you by my side throughout all of it. That at least gives me comfort for the days ahead.”
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What had he ever done to deserve her? His sweet, loving Rose.
For as long as he could remember, it had been the three of them. Ella, the glue that held everything together. The sunshine and light. Briar, the backbone. The courageous one who never let anything stop her. And himself, the cautious voice of reason. The protector. What wonderful women Ella and Rose had become! Strong, true, and giving to a fault. They had little need of him anymore, if they ever really had at all.
Edward couldn't have been more proud of them both. And he knew that his parents and Rose's aunts felt the same.
Laying his hand over hers, he sighed. His fingers caressed and cradled hers, keeping Rose close. She would always be Rose to him, no matter what her true name was.
"Yes, I suppose you're right." He replied pensively. "Time stops for no one. And it's just a waste if we let it slip out of our hands. I always knew I'd have to see her fly someday. As much as it hurts, I can't deny her anything. And he makes her happy. Trying to hold them back after all he's done for us... Well, I'm certainly not one to be ungrateful. Ella has someone else to take care of her now. And if you trust him to do it, then I will too. I'm just glad there's a happy ending, for all of us. It's more than I could have hoped for."
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