#young sheldon season 7
meep-meep-richie · 3 months
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´´ I won´t let you down, dad.´´
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trendfilmsetter · 5 months
Iain Armitage and Jim Parsons then and now from the premiere to the finale of YOUNG SHELDON
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dutchessofcaladan · 5 months
Last night, we had to say goodbye to one of the greatest TV dads in history.
Thursday's 2nd episode ended on a heartbreaker: While getting ready to take the "blue bonnet" family photo, the Cooper family is alerted of George's passing when Wayne and Tom arrive at the house.
I just want to say thank you to Lance Barber for showing who George truly was instead of what we knew him as in The Big Bang Theory.
Going into Young Sheldon, I was waiting for the raging drunk that he was often described as. I waited for the heated arguments with Mary.
While those did happen, I often found myself taking George's side.
Lance's performance brought a heart to George that the writers of TBBT seemed to have forgotten.
May you rest well, George. We'll miss you.
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fellatitledthemf · 4 months
Im so sorry yall
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locitapurplepink · 7 months
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Taglist : @platypus-quacks-too , @lucy-shining-star and anyone else who's a fan of Young Sheldon
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Young Sheldon Series Finale: 7x13 Funeral
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So, I was delayed in watching the finale because I actually wanted to watch it with my own Dad, but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Damn, damn, damn, DAMN DAAAAAAAAMN!! So, that Funeral episode hit and it hit hard. (Did they really HAVE TO HAVE AN OPEN CASKET FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...ughughughughugh) The writing for that episode was the crème de la crème, and I think is the cathartic thematic climax of this series. The final episode was necessary for transitioning between YS and TBBT, which brings both stories together, but as far as the story YS was telling, Funeral was the show's end. It isn't a perfect ending and it wasn't a pretty ending, and in fact is quite devastating in so many ways, but it is truthful to Sheldon's journey, and to the human experience.
When Sheldon got up in front of the church to say a few words, playing out the scenario as he wished he had done it, that was the moment. The whole episode is Sheldon processing his grief - imperfect and messy as he has literally no tools or precedent to fall back on - as he replays his father leaving that fateful day over and over, tweaking it each time to make it "better". With a young man with an eidetic memory and a compulsive need for his reality to be orderly (and the fact that he believes in the Many-Worlds Interpretation), this would make sense. He begins be utilizing Star Trek (Spock's death) to filter it and provide context, but that no longer proves sufficient to the crushing and terrible emotions of what he is experiencing. That was a tool he used for when he was a boy, but now he has been thrust into the world of manhood in absolutely the worst way possible. What is it that will speak truest to what he is going through than the bare naked truth?
"I've been thinking a lot about the last moments I had with my Dad. It was morning and he was leaving for work. He said "See y'all later." And I said nothing. I regret that. I could have said bye. Or asked him for a ride. Or told him that I loved him, but I didn't. I barely noticed that he left. So many times that I didn't notice my father, I hope he knew how much I loved him."
From the audience's perspective we have been watching Sheldon play the scenario many times through his mind, and to have the rug pulled out from under us at this moment of all moments, to see that this too was only just a scenario (played out by Sheldon Prime), is exactly what it is like living in this world, enduring this life - not just for Sheldon but for all of us. In one of my previous posts I mentioned how I loved Sheldon Cooper's story because of what he could teach us. This episode encapsulates it in total. He can teach us that you cannot quantify life, you can't organize it so that everything makes sense and plays out in a well-structured narrative and format, where every feeling is named and every event categorized. Life is myriad, so much richer and so much fuller and so much wilder than anything we can imagine or think up on our own. It is what makes it utterly terrifying and wretched, but it is also part of its beauty and purpose. Sheldon Cooper comes to realize this, but he is only able to have this deeper understanding after first living it. Sheldon Prime's concluding narration at the end of Funeral is Sheldon Cooper's story taken as a whole - past, present, future - the life in movement. Of course young Sheldon would not experience his father's death in its completeness. He is the midst of it. He is trying to survive it. So I love the realness of Sheldon's "imperfect" response to his father's death in the fact that he didn't respond to it. He quite literally did not process it, and instead ran away from it. It is painful, brutal, but truthful. Yet that was not the end of Sheldon Cooper's story, as we know, and I think that leaves us with hope, but it is a kind of hope that must be waited for with profound patience.
Although I myself have not gone through the loss of a parent like Sheldon has, I still have gone through devastating and traumatic life events, so I am very familiar with the inexplicable and violating nature of grief and loss. I am still processing that grief and loss, so these thoughts I am sharing with you all right now are pretty recent revelations, and quite literally me living them out in real time, so it might be a little messy...hehe.
However, I will end this by saying that none of these truths mean that life is arbitrary. It doesn't mean it makes life meaningless. Just because human endeavors cannot place life within a context that he himself can first create and then comprehend, doesn't mean that life doesn't have a context and that that context can't be understood. It just means that that context comes from a different Source, an external and eternal one (and I will say, by necessity, a paternal one, but that is a thought for another day!)
Fitting then that the episode, and Young Sheldon, should end with the recitation of the Lord's prayer:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." | Matthew 6:9-10
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the99thfanboy · 4 months
Raise your hand if you cried during those last few episodes of Young Sheldon
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not-someone-you-adore · 4 months
"Maybe deciding not to decide is the best decision I can decide"
-Sheldon Cooper
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hofstadt3r · 4 months
rest in peace vro 🙏🙏😔
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ador3him · 6 months
Tell me why young Sheldon is so fucking hot (season 6-7 ya nasties) like I wanna fucking scream in a pillow ffs
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
George Cooper turning down the offer for the coaching job in Tulsa, cause Mary and the kids don’t want to move. Finally gets a coaching job offer when the kids are old enough so the moving isn’t a problem anymore, but then he dies before even had the change to start there?!
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sheldon-lee-cooper · 6 months
I have two question
Do you like bill ney that one guy I have heard of but never seen (like the monster under the bed) ? They might be the same
Can I have a random fact please?
Bill Nye is not a real science guy.
A random fact? How about a train fact?
America’s first steam locomotive lost a race to a horse.
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pixiedust111 · 7 months
Episode 3!
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The sweetest part was Mary and George's back-and-forth correspondence, followed by its propagation among the rest of the family (Sheldon and Missy, Connie and Mary, Georgie and Mandy)!
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Words of wisdom.
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Funniest part! Warten! Warten! 🤣🤣
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locitapurplepink · 4 months
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Sheldon always believed in Mom 1.01 || 7.14
Taglist : @platypus-quacks-too , @lucy-shining-star and anyone else who's a fan of Young Sheldon
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ovrarches · 4 months
> sees friend I haven’t seen in forever
> spends entire time giving him a play by play of young sheldon the tv series
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More of My Thoughts on Young Sheldon Season 7 . . .
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I absolutely love seeing Sheldon's signature style blossoming! HE'S SO CUTE OMG.
"So, you condone cheating?" "Yeah. . . but with a wink." "I don't like winking either!" "What is wrong with winking?" "At the end of the day it leaves you with an uneven number of blinks per eye!"
Sheldon is the sweetest, purest boy in the entire world! He must be protected at all costs! 😩 I am absolutely enjoying watching Sheldon come of age and go through the awkward stage of puberty! Sheldon is already awkward as a baseline, but to see him in his teenage stage is like super cringe AND I LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF IT. From his disobeying his Momma to ride throughout Germany on a train, getting chased throughout the countryside by a tiny dog, having weird social encounters with his peers, creating sentient algorithms - well maybe this is just a day in the life of Sheldon Cooper, but it is makes it so much funnier with him all legs and limbs from his growth spurt, and his not-a-boy-not-quite-a-man vibes going on. I think it is so freak'in adorable, and I am SO UPSET that this season is going to be really short!
I just have to get this out or else I will just keep harping on it Sheldon Cooper style, but it is really upsetting that we didn't get a few more seasons of this show. I really wanted more of Sheldon in Germany (criminal how little we got of his stay there!) and I just need more Sheldon in general! There are too many storylines happening at once which is taking from the show's main focus - ahem! 🤨 My baby string bean! Instead all of these storylines could have been fleshed out with an even pace while we still being able to journey with Sheldon through his experiences. THIS SHOW IS CALLED YOUNG SHELDON I SHOULD BE GETTING SO MUCH MORE SHELDON CONTENT THAN THIS. *ahem* Anyway! Now that is out of my system, I do want to highlight one point of the story so far. I am not exactly sure where the end of this season will leave our Sheldon. I am noticing, though, that there does seem to be a separation happening between Sheldon and the rest of his family. Is this intentional? This could just be the result of all the colliding storylines, but if it is intentional... 😯 With the kids growing up, Meemaw losing her home, CeeCee, the wedding, and all the changes going on, Sheldon is no longer the center of his family's attention. Considering this whole show has emphasized how the family household has revolved and made their decisions around Sheldon and how this fact has effected both Missy and Georgie growing up, I don't see how this can't be a significant development. "I returned home from Germany with a family that no longer cherished me," Sheldon bemoans through his narration. This leads him back to his college dorm, where he unexpectedly meets what's-his-name and develops a little circle of computer science pals. (Why does Sheldon have better chemistry and endearing bonding moments with literally every other person in his life except Leonard??) Then when Sheldon and his friends create a trading algorithm that starts to develop independent actions, the comparison is made to Frankenstein's monster to which Sheldon indicates that that is actually a positive comparison. "You were on the Monster's side??" his new friend asks incredulously. "Unfairly hounded for being different? You betcha!" This ostracization that Sheldon feels is such a fundamental aspect of his life, and considering what is about to happen and that it will catapult him to Caltech, I can't help but see this as an indication of the catalyst forming. It breaks my heart to have to see Sheldon go through this, and makes me concerned for how they will resolve this in the show. The story is going to be ending on the lowest part of Sheldon's life. He loses his father, leaves to California all by himself (Tam doesn't come with him), he's estranged from his brother, and he is alone for many years before he meets his friends. The bond of family is such a profound piece of Young Sheldon, I just don't see how they are going resolve this schism that is between Sheldon and his family. And I don't know how they are going to do it in 8 episodes. 😕 I guess we will find out!
Random Thoughts: - I wonder if Meemaw's situation with Dale is morphing into her coming to her senses and she and John Sturgis will get back together! I would be so upset if there is no resolution to John Sturgis' storyline! - I kind of ship Missy and Billy! 🥰 I think they are both really cute together! - I really like Pastor Jeff this season! He seems a little edgier as a character, much more fun! Although, I still think he needed to seriously apologize for what he did to Mary, though, how he (and the church) treated her regarding Georgie and Mandy's situation. 😒 - I do really enjoy how American evangelicalism and religious culture has been handled in this show, though. It is both truthful and hilarious commentary, even while treating the characters as real people and not caricatures to ridicule. Of course my favorite aspect of this show is the relationship of Mary Cooper and Sheldon, and how their worldviews both clash and shape one another, so I was already impressed on their handling of Christian characters. This season has been so funny, though! The whole Baptists vs Catholic feud over CeeCee's baptism was so on point! OMG. 😄👌
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My Favorite Sheldon Cooper Quotes: German Police Officer: "It is okay, young man, we can speak English." Sheldon: "Not as well as my German, so stay with me!" *continues ranting in German* (Damn, Iain Armitage killed it with the German dialogue in this episode! I always love it when Sheldon speaks other languages with ease!) "Well, that was Chernobyl adjacent."
Cheater Guy: "Oh, so what is the girl situation here?" Sheldon: "Oh! I don't do that either." Cheater Guy: "You into guys?" Sheldon: "I'm into science! Everything else is a distraction." (That's my boy!!) Mary: "Shelly, everything okay?" Sheldon: "No, it is not! Both my computer and my trust have been betrayed!" George: "Well, okay. We are with company now so you can fill us in later." Sheldon: "I won't ruin your dinner with the suspense! Evan updated my computer!" Georgie: "Let me ask you a question. Can you un-baptize somebody?" Sheldon: "Since it is a magical ceremony that doesn't mean anything, then sure why not? In the name of science and reason I unbaptize you!" *makes the sign of the Cross* Georgie: "No! Not me! Put it back!" Sheldon: "Oh, okay! Control C, you're baptized." (This cracked me up so much! I think it is my ultimate favorite Georgie/Sheldon moment now! THESE BOYS ARE SUCH DWEEBS I LOVE THEM!)
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