#I was seriously watching this episode with tears streaming down my face
Young Sheldon Series Finale: 7x13 Funeral
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So, I was delayed in watching the finale because I actually wanted to watch it with my own Dad, but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Damn, damn, damn, DAMN DAAAAAAAAMN!! So, that Funeral episode hit and it hit hard. (Did they really HAVE TO HAVE AN OPEN CASKET FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...ughughughughugh) The writing for that episode was the crème de la crème, and I think is the cathartic thematic climax of this series. The final episode was necessary for transitioning between YS and TBBT, which brings both stories together, but as far as the story YS was telling, Funeral was the show's end. It isn't a perfect ending and it wasn't a pretty ending, and in fact is quite devastating in so many ways, but it is truthful to Sheldon's journey, and to the human experience.
When Sheldon got up in front of the church to say a few words, playing out the scenario as he wished he had done it, that was the moment. The whole episode is Sheldon processing his grief - imperfect and messy as he has literally no tools or precedent to fall back on - as he replays his father leaving that fateful day over and over, tweaking it each time to make it "better". With a young man with an eidetic memory and a compulsive need for his reality to be orderly (and the fact that he believes in the Many-Worlds Interpretation), this would make sense. He begins be utilizing Star Trek (Spock's death) to filter it and provide context, but that no longer proves sufficient to the crushing and terrible emotions of what he is experiencing. That was a tool he used for when he was a boy, but now he has been thrust into the world of manhood in absolutely the worst way possible. What is it that will speak truest to what he is going through than the bare naked truth?
"I've been thinking a lot about the last moments I had with my Dad. It was morning and he was leaving for work. He said "See y'all later." And I said nothing. I regret that. I could have said bye. Or asked him for a ride. Or told him that I loved him, but I didn't. I barely noticed that he left. So many times that I didn't notice my father, I hope he knew how much I loved him."
From the audience's perspective we have been watching Sheldon play the scenario many times through his mind, and to have the rug pulled out from under us at this moment of all moments, to see that this too was only just a scenario (played out by Sheldon Prime), is exactly what it is like living in this world, enduring this life - not just for Sheldon but for all of us. In one of my previous posts I mentioned how I loved Sheldon Cooper's story because of what he could teach us. This episode encapsulates it in total. He can teach us that you cannot quantify life, you can't organize it so that everything makes sense and plays out in a well-structured narrative and format, where every feeling is named and every event categorized. Life is myriad, so much richer and so much fuller and so much wilder than anything we can imagine or think up on our own. It is what makes it utterly terrifying and wretched, but it is also part of its beauty and purpose. Sheldon Cooper comes to realize this, but he is only able to have this deeper understanding after first living it. Sheldon Prime's concluding narration at the end of Funeral is Sheldon Cooper's story taken as a whole - past, present, future - the life in movement. Of course young Sheldon would not experience his father's death in its completeness. He is the midst of it. He is trying to survive it. So I love the realness of Sheldon's "imperfect" response to his father's death in the fact that he didn't respond to it. He quite literally did not process it, and instead ran away from it. It is painful, brutal, but truthful. Yet that was not the end of Sheldon Cooper's story, as we know, and I think that leaves us with hope, but it is a kind of hope that must be waited for with profound patience.
Although I myself have not gone through the loss of a parent like Sheldon has, I still have gone through devastating and traumatic life events, so I am very familiar with the inexplicable and violating nature of grief and loss. I am still processing that grief and loss, so these thoughts I am sharing with you all right now are pretty recent revelations, and quite literally me living them out in real time, so it might be a little messy...hehe.
However, I will end this by saying that none of these truths mean that life is arbitrary. It doesn't mean it makes life meaningless. Just because human endeavors cannot place life within a context that he himself can first create and then comprehend, doesn't mean that life doesn't have a context and that that context can't be understood. It just means that that context comes from a different Source, an external and eternal one (and I will say, by necessity, a paternal one, but that is a thought for another day!)
Fitting then that the episode, and Young Sheldon, should end with the recitation of the Lord's prayer:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." | Matthew 6:9-10
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blitzor0de0 · 6 months
That Saint Peter fic was so cute! Like really, REALLY cute! Maybe you should consider continuing it? With Reader being redeemed and going to heaven? Maybe they die like Sir Pentious when fighting against Adam and spawn in heaven?
this one kinda flopped in my mind, but I hope it's bearable to read !! enjoy!
cw: gn reader, spoilers of episode 8, a little gore to the reader (reader death),,, uhhh lmk if there's something I missed, not proof-read at ALLL!!
word count: 1.8k
part 1 part 3 part 4
Daylight (Saint Peter x Redeemed!Reader)
The final battle was upon you, flurries of executioners surrounded the hotel. But thankfully due to Alastor’s shield, you alongside your fellow residents were able to kill them, one after one after one.
Your heart was racing, adrenaline pumping through your veins, the stench of the angel’s golden ichor singed your nostrils.
But before you knew it, Sir Pentious had sacrificed himself, immediately being blown to smithereens by Adam’s power. You couldn't stand to watch it, your weaknesses bubbling up as you choked back a sob.. The remaining Egg Boiz, would they be okay? Were they okay? You snuck off to see if any reminder of Sir Pentious was still around, allowing a few stray tears to fall.
Unbeknownst to you, alongside everyone else at the battle site, there was one stray angel, grasping onto their last moments of life, as you called out for the Egg Boiz, you found none of them, cracked eggshells seemed to be everywhere you looked. It grew harder to swallow, there had to be at least one..Right?
Dashing through some rubble your search was about to continue but you felt a sharp pain. You froze in place, looking down, breathing stuttering. Piercing your chest was one of the angel's tridents…Straight through the heart.
“What…?” You weakly spoke, turning with whatever energy you had left to face the angel, a dark smile on their face before they succumbed to their injuries.
It didn't take long for you to fall to your knees, gasping for whatever breath you could find. Your mind was in a panic. This couldn't be it. You can't die alone, you never even got to tell Charlie or the others goodbye.
Silent tears streamed down your cheeks. At least you tried your best. Right?
People in life always lied when they said death was painless, your first one sure as Hell wasn't, and neither was this one. You guess it's just their way of dwelling the fear of inevitable death, if only they knew.
A warm heat overtook your senses as brightness enveloped your vision.
Looking around you saw the two Serafim you met a few months back and…Sir Pentious?
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit it worked!
Redemption worked! Charlie's a fucking genius.
Sir Pentious called your name in surprise, “You're here too? Oh no, that must mean.. Did Adam get you too?”
“I.. Pentious..” You were utterly speechless, but so were Sera and Emily. Not one but two sinners redeemed in such a small period of time. Perhaps they really did underestimate Charlie’s ability to fulfil her dream.
After relaying what happened to you after Pentious died, the Serafim discussed how to assimilate to your new lives, Emily in particular helped the two of you get situated.
And within enough time, you were ready to start your second afterlife.
It took you a few days to get yourself situated, too busy dwelling and moping about, lost in thought about your old life. You wondered how long it took everyone down in Hell to notice you had died, if they even felt sad, or even remorse. But you couldn't live in this rut for the rest of your afterlife, you were in Heaven now, everything screamed optimism and positivity. You had to get out there and mingle, make new friends. With a huff, you made yourself presentable before leaving your new home.
Wandering the streets, you heard whispers,
“Has anyone seen Adam recently?”
“No seriously, it's been a little too quiet around here.”
“Forget him, did you see how battered up Lute was? Missing an arm and everything!”
Well that was certainly interesting information, it filled you with a sense of pride. Charlie must've won! Adam had to be dead, but Lute survived? Probably at the hands of Vaggie, you thought.
Before you knew it, you were somewhere familiar, the plaza. Not only that, the ice cream parlour you went to with Saint Peter was just across the street.
Your eyes widened. Wait.. Saint Peter! You hadn't seen him yet since your arrival, a fault on your behalf but still, you had to find him. Would he be pissed that you were here, or happy?
Approaching some friendly looking angels you asked, “Excuse me! Have you seen Saint Peter around?” Voice wavering in anxiousness.
“Hmm? Oh Peter? Oh about this time he should still be at his post but should be taking a break in liiiike five mins or something so if you wanna wait for him by the gates, go ahead!” One angel replied, grinning.
“Thank you so much!” You quickly turned on your heel, heading in the direction of the gates, hearing a small comment from the other angel,
“I woulda thought they would've been looking for a loved one, not Peter of all people. Weird. OW! Hey, I'm just saying!!”
That angel was correct, by the time you made it to the gates -a little out of breath from the speed you were walking- Peter was heading inside for his break.
He was humming to himself but halted as he set eyes upon your new form.
He called out your name, “What.. What are you doing here? If you were visiting you should've come through the gates like you did last time. Besides what's with this new outfit? Looks gorgeous on you, but it looks as though you're cosplaying an angel!....Ooohhh” The realisation of the situation just slapped him in the face. Hard.
Approaching you and holding your face in his hands, he took a real good look at you, causing a blush to spread across your cheeks from the sudden contact.
“Haha.. Hi Peter. Um, guess it happened I got redeemed..? All it took was me dying..again.”
He releases his grasp on your face, eyebrow quirked. You pouted from the loss of contact before meeting his concerned gaze. “But!! It's nothing to worry about! Haha.. Just.. A surprise attack from an exterminator. I guess all that hard work in the hotel came in handy, huh?”
Peter's look of concern refused to falter throughout your explanation, his eyebrows furrowed, almost as if he was lost in thought.
“Y’know, once you left last time there were all sorts of rumours about exterminations and Adam being heavily involved. I refused to believe they were true, why would my fellow angels do such a thing but… I suppose it was true all along. Oh, dear I'm so sorry..” His peppy attitude seemed to completely fade as he spoke, you felt guilty for even unloading it at him, seeing the angel upset made your heart pang.
“But,” He continued, a hand coming up to caress your cheek, “at least that redemption worked, I knew I could believe in you. I'm so proud!” You leaned into his touch, who knows how long it had been since you were treated as if you were a porcelain doll, so fragile, so tender.
“Thank you.. Really. I think your belief in me when we first met really helped.. In fact, the thought of you brought me great guidance in rough times, but that's embarrassing to admit..” You nervously laughed. The stars in Peter's eyes as you spoke didn't go unnoticed.
You had gathered from your initial meeting that Peter wasn't typically the one to be on the receiving end of attention, let alone compliments. After all, you were the first being to have asked his name at the gates.
“Also,” You continued, “It probably looks pretty strange to others just seeing us chat just outside your post, c’mon, let's go get some ice cream like last time, my treat this time okay?” With that you took his hand and started heading back towards the plaza.
Peter stared at where your hands connected, uncharacteristically quiet.
Truth was, ever since your meeting, he had hoped and wished for you to show up at the gate again, for another meeting, being redeemed or even just to see him. Logistically, he knew it was impossible for that last option, you didn't have the ability to open the portals between the two worlds, but a part of him hoped that you would just appear before him one day.
And you finally did, despite his earlier ramblings, Peter felt almost shell shocked, he dreamt of the two of you meeting again, but now it was finally happening, all rational thinking had left his mind.
After you had left the ice cream parlour to go to the Serafim meeting, some angels approached Peter with demeaning questions.
'Why were you being so friendly to a sinner? You know they're down in Hell for a reason.'
'They were probably feeding you lies and sob stories weren't they?'
'Don't let them get to you, Saint Peter, we can't have you falling.'
But falling he did, not in the sense of turning to a life of sin, how could he ever? Without your knowledge, you had the Keeper of the Key wrapped around your finger.
Before he even realised, the two of you had made it to the parlour, feeling a small sense of déjà vu.
The two of you ordered and took your seats, everything seemed to be identical to your first meeting, and your conversations were as fluid as thought, almost as if the two had known one another for your entire existence(s).
What you found was that Saint Peter’s life seemed rather monotonous, yet he still managed to keep such a peppy attitude, guess that's how he became an angel in the first place, a lust for life.
Saint Peter’s break came and went in the blink of an eye. It almost disappointed you when he spoke about heading back to work. Did this moment ever have to end? You wondered to yourself.
Being the kindred spirit you were, you walked him back to the gates, fingertips occasionally brushing one another, but it didn't feel awkward. No, in fact it felt natural, as if there was some sort of invisible string pulling the two of you together.
“Do you have to go?” You spoke softly once the two of you reached the gates.
“You know I have to, besides, it's not like it's our presumed last meeting like last time, right?” He chuckled.
“Yeah.. I suppose so, we could see each other every day if we so wanted.” You smiled, not noticing the gap between the two of you closing.
Tentatively, he pressed his lips to yours. You could feel your heart flutter, it felt like one of those romantic kisses in a fairytale despite only lasting a few seconds. The kiss was filled with the warmth of a thousand suns embracing you in a tender hug.
"Peter.." You gasped out, face growing red as he pulled away.
"That wasn't too much was it? Ahhh sorry!" He panicked, but before he could sputter any more apologies, you pressed your lips to his, a chaste one, just to quiet him down.
“I'll see you once your shift is finished, okay?”
Peter’s mind was spinning, he could only nod pathetically, causing you to giggle. If his pupils could turn to hearts they would.
You turned on your heel, waving a little goodbye to him. “See you soon, Peter!”
“See you…”
Needless to say, Saint Peter’s mind was quite occupied for the rest of the day, causing many frustrations amongst the newcomers.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 11 months
There are literally tears streaming down my face right now, and I wasn't even expecting to care about the episode that much. Once I processed what the show is trying to communicate with Rick's inner stagnance and grief, I started balling with the music at the end that was meant to portray the fact that he realized now that now that there's nothing left to do or anything to act on or to put all that energy to there's nothing left except for the hardest battle to fight, which is the acceptance of the fact that he can't get his wife or anything back.
This is such a perfect portrayal of what inner depression feels like with nowhere for it to go or anyone to talk to about it because it's just something you have to accept.
Rick is such an incredibly good portrayal of depression and grief because, especially with this last couple of seconds when Morty thinks that he's satisfied, but there's nothing that you can do about emotional grief and the fact that you can never get back what you lost, especially with something as profound as what Rick obviously considers the love of his life. The feeling is like nothing else; and even worse, it's the loneliest feeling in the world because nobody knows what it feels like to carry that grief every single day and it's profound and constant battle except for yourself.
It's the worst feeling and the heaviest feeling in the world for Rick to realize there's nothing left to do-he still didn't have his Diane back, and his grief is still full of nothing but what he can't help but feel is a cheap emulation of the life that he should have had. If you ever genuinely grieved over anything that you can never get back and there's nothing left but emptiness to reflect over it, I don't know how you couldn't be incredibly touched by Rick's character. His story is such a stark and jarringly incredibly written story over long-term grief and how it never really heals or gets better, but is a weight that you care with you for the rest of your life everyday, every moment.
I remember when I watched the first unity episode I was literally paralyzed from how much it touched me once we got more information about the fact that the reason why he went home and tried to terminate himself was because he had this a lifelong grief that he was carrying with him that he still is. I don't think in my life, literally, I have ever been so touched or so abrasively paralyzed by the idea of someone suffering from a young age all the way till 70 and never getting over it, because, if your brain is wired a certain way, some people truly never get over tragedy.
This show is so goofy and it obviously doesn't take itself seriously, but somehow it managed to pull up one of the most compelling paralyzingly impactful characters that I've ever consumed in media in my life.
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babyangelsky · 6 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 6✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
Favorite Line from Your Favorite Series: Kinn's Speech
Episode 6 of Kinnporsche was an episode. It was THE episode. These two had been doing a lot of fucking around and not enough finding out and not talking and dancing around each other for five whole episodes and it took them being handcuffed together and getting lost in the woods a la HIStory 3: Trapped to finally sort their shit out.
And they did. And it was amazing to see. And I loved it.
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♡ gifs in this section by @liyazaki from this set
Then they finally get uncuffed and things are looking up and Kinn hits Porsche (and me) with this. Everything that follows after just bodied me. Here was proof that Kinn had listened, that he cared, that he was sorry, that he took Porsche and everything he'd been through and everything Kinn had done to him seriously.
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Not only did Kinn understand, the fact that he understood made him willing to set his own happiness aside and lose Porsche.
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This line in particular kills me. I love how Mile delivered it. I'm never getting over it, it lives in my mind rent fucking free. This entire scene from the speech to the kiss that followed it was perfect and beautiful and I've watched it an endless amount of times. 15/10, no notes.
Honorable Mention:
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♡ gif by @liyazaki from this set
I was so close to choosing this one before my sentimentality won. I don't think I've ever gotten through a rewatch of Kinnporsche without rewinding this scene 50 fucking times. It will never not be funny. It will never not make me scream-laugh until tears are streaming down my face.
Tong has my eternal respect for getting through this scene with a straight face because my ass could NEVER.
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theodoraflowerday · 6 months
young royals s3e6 episode reaction (the last one 😭)
I'm gonna miss this I'm so emo
ok let's go
simon's shaky eyelid I'm gonna rip my foot off
"it feels like you two are never truly over" SPEAK ON IT FELICE
wille's voice breaking I'm gonna start fucking sobbing
"I have to take responsibility for my own problems, I can't drag him down with me" bro I'm gonna kill myself
fuck I can't believe that's the last title
I'm gonna start sobbing ohohoho
he's gonna skip??? when has simon ever skipped in the whole series?
oh sara baby no
oh, just the car
sure give them the car. that makes up for all the years of abuse. totally.
this conversation is so important help me
"see? she'll be fine" god I hope she will be fine
oh my they look all so nice in the sunlight. wille w the sunglasses. love the look
haha yea called it
but why tell them like that? like why not call for a full student meeting and tell everyone? so unprofessional
if vincent doesn't Shut the FUCK Up oh my god
if he talked to me like that I'd be throwing fists on fucking god
also stella and fredrika need to calm the fuck down. go to new york then assholes
this man cannot be serious. sobbing like that over a school. be so for real. go hate crime someone if you're so upset. fuck
god that's so heartbreaking
fuck them rich kids but that's so heartbreaking
that's so weird. thinking abt simon moving away. it doesn't feel nice.
also rosh and ayub in full panic mode @ simon moving away... not great
kristina's gonna croak isn't she
chorrito pa las animas aaayyyyyyyyy
oh my god that's goddamn hilarious
"you wanna be close to the royals, you don't wanna be one" "which is great for us actually" I can't stop fucking laughing jflsfjlsjflskf
oh god
"I feel empty. and scared" wonderful I love this honesty let's keep it going
sure, talk abt the booze and the drugs, that sure will make simon want to come to the party
baby worm wille is my fav wille
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oh also he acknowledges he's gonna send krissy to an early grave. committing regicide is so based.
anyway LOVE OF MY LIFE?????????
does this track for an endgame or no?
oh god
oh my god
that was some king shit
"and I know erik did worse things in his day" understatement of the century
king wilhelm fr
they're all so cute
seriously rosh and ayub are damn good friends
they brought rosh and ayub I'm gonna cry
do you think rosh and stella are gonna kiss
august looks like a mafia boss
oh. yeah. that was shitty. I also feel a lot of sympathy for that
oh fuck me I'm watching this in the train
"you know erik loved you more than anything else? the video with you two guys. it wouldn't have meant a thing"
I'm trying so hard not to sob but there's tears streaming down my face i
but I have stronger and more important feelings for you oh my fucking god I'm gonna start sobbing for real
im gonna cry
that was the best day of my life oh my god I'm making a scene in this train what the fuck
they're totally drunk
oh don't go after her asshole you're drunk
wille fully has no game huh. august did that immediately, wille is still all ooo im gonna be king my GOD ELOPE WITH SIMON
big fan of the random two people with wille just BOLTING when they saw simon. like oooooohoho no this is NOT something we're doing tonight
oh my god
I don't think I'm gonna take that. like I can't deal with that
no they're not doing that
they're not singing that song they're just not
I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to watch this in public transport
I thought it would be us
it was us and when it was us it was good
oh wow that just broke me
im shakingb
that is such a nice tradition for the graduating class. I really like that.
oh yeah congrats august
why is kristina smiling is she happy abt her son going after the love of his life?
"even though it was sad" actually lmao
I'm gonna cry lmao
oh my god
oh my GOD
oh man it took one (1) thing she didn't like for krissy to go back to a stuck up bitch
however, I just SCREAMED
there couldn't be any other way now could it
it couldn't have been any other way. truly.
I feel like I can't breathe but in a positive way
omg August's face. bro knows he's fucked
oh my gOF
OG fod
the 4th wall break
fuck me I'm sobbing
what an honor it's been to love this show
thank you thank you thank you
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thepoehoes · 7 months
hello hi welcome to unhinged recaps. todays’s episode is chapter 18 aka tears are streaming down my face.
of course we start off this page with Annabella immediately getting chomped on by her big body built rogue boyfriend because what other way is there to start this? did you expect normal circumstance? you seriously need to stop doing that.
so, Mr. Scorpion wants to play a lil game with Bella, he’s always been a fan of twister and wants to put her ass through the works. he’s a fucking weirdo but he’s hot so it’s okay. anyways, he’s got a grip on her and starts whispering something about “little rabbit” as if we aren’t in the room.
like, sir, aren’t you watching where you’re going? don’t you see us right here? keep your possessive little prey nicknames to yourself idc how hot they are.
he’s pulling all these touchy talky tactics and Bella is going through it. you’d think that someone like her who is already in the trenches because, let’s not forget, her mom is literally missing and doing fuckall in the middle of nowhere, would be like “mm get off” but no. Bella is thriving. good for her.
Damon, being a large gremlin, is getting his hands all over her which they both enjoy. he’s acting like a man dying of thirst with the way he’s kissing her. someone get this man real water before he gets cotton mouth bro i stg.
all his kissing, touching, and sucking has got Bella trembling like a literal leaf. her body is electrifying itself, she’s overheating, she’s combusting and exploding at the seems. she is hotter then the drama between Lana del Rey and Lorde all because Damon’s got both magic fingers and magic tongue. bro is a wizard.
Damon’s got Bella in the hot tub and he’s legit right in between her legs, she’s spread eagle like Patrick Star in fishnets. He’s down there having the time of his life being a sex God or some shit but he wants more. he wants to hear Bella beg a little but ofc it’s never that simple.
Bella is not one to beg, she ain’t no little bitch. she’s a soldier who can take her pleasure into her own hands so she attempts, keyword being attempts. legit the second her fingers touched her own clit Damon gets more offended than white girls who didn’t get those Valentine���s Day Stanley cups.
she is, quite literally, shaking in need but Damon doesn’t give a shit. if she didn’t say please, his tongue would simply leave the function (her clit) and she’s be stuck there for ages. after some denial and pinning down though Bella gives in and lets out that little please Damon’s been hounding for.
you get the picture at this point. sex freaks start doing sex things. Damon worships Bella both inside and out, she figures out she can squirt and nearly drowns the whole god damn building, then they get out the water and go to their room.
now, I wanna point out that at this point in the story we don’t get much of Damon’s history other then the gang he’s in and his dads a cunt. when he plops Bella onto the bed she gets a good look at his back and what does she see? scars. whip scars.
bro has whip scars like he’s James Alexander Malcom Mackenzie Fraser, the old scotland special.
anyways, it’s drama. drama trauma drama, very sad shit is said. not only is Damon’s dad a dick he is also an abuser. i wish death upon this man but that’s too merciful so we need to come up with a better plan.
after they have their little turmoil moment they pass tf out and sleep like normal people. this is the most normal behavior i’ve seen either of them display the entire fucking book. next morning Bella wakes up wondering “hey where’s my big ass damn ass boyfriend” and assumes he’s downstairs whipping it up in the kitchen but uh oh, he’s not there. the other girlies are lingering around but Damon is no where in sight because ofc he isn’t. if this was normal circumstance, he’d be there but we established that normal doesn’t EXIST.
Bella asked the other members of The Bad Girls Club where her lil freak is and they tell her they’re not sure. they notice his car is gone and try to justify it, but that’s when the smart himbo aka JJ connects the dots and realizes that Damon isn’t just taking a stroll, he’s fucking missing.
immediately alarms go off. the white boy is gone, someone save him. oh, and JJ tells Bella that a group called Black Ace is ACTIVELY OUT FOR DAMON.
my brother in Christ, be so fucking for real. why admit this now? why wait 295839938 days to tell her that? literally get away from me.
now normally someone would call the cops, someone would call 911 to report Damon missing but we can’t do that. let’s remember these idiots, minus Bella and Maisie, are all part of a criminal gang because of course they are. have you been listening? ITS NEVER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCE.
back on track. everyone is in a panic, Bella is legit on the verge of a breakdown. she’s about to become as depressed as Bella Swan and we can’t have that. naturally, they pack up and haul off and JJ is honestly at more of a turmoil than Bella. he is truly about to flip the car but Maisie, being a boss ass bitch, tells him to chillax. they fly 90 down the road trying to figure out what’s wrong, where’s Damon, what’s happening. Bella thinks he’s dead, JJ is ready to rip heads off, Maisie is worried, and Matt just wants to go home.
anyways, they find Damon’s crashed ass beat busted up Mercedes in the middle of some random field. ofc this happened, why wouldn’t it? he is prime crashing and kidnapping material, if I saw a face like his i’d snatch him up to. this isn’t about me kidnapping him tho, this is about the book.
so yeah, the car is found but Damon is no where to be seen. again. all he does is fucking disappear like dude, get a grip it’s not hard to stay in one place. seek church or therapy for your ghostly disappearing issues and stop pissing me off. i love him so much.
with no Damon in the broken car JJ, Matt, and Bella start tweaking because holy fuck he’s gone… and that’s where the chapter ends. you get no more context and instead we suffer until next chapter.
thank you for coming to the yap session, i am in your ceiling
- Sofi
(raven when i catch you)
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i have not rewatched a single episode of ted lasso since its finale but i know i have strong aftermath feelings that still affect me today.
a friend of mine watched it but could never finish, understandably because life and moods, so i suggested to help finish months and months later by watching the remaining episodes every friday with her as i streamed each.
the fucking episode we're going to continue from, the FUCKING FIRST EPISODE we're going to watch, is NO WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL, s02e10. The universe knows exactly what it's doing to me at this very moment as I cry and tremble and be lovingly affectionate over the characters - Sassy sassing Rupert, Keeley being vulnerable about funerals and feeling not being taken seriously by Roy who she cares for deeply and then Roy realizing his defense mechanism is preventing him from being real with her, the gorgeous presence of Deborah not quite knowing how to act as a mother but expressing love for Rebecca the way she knows how - but especially Ted and Rebecca, the revelation of their traumas that directed how they have been living their lives, and being connected across time and space but never getting the opportunity down the line to communicate about it to each other. While they have finally told it to people whose ears needed to hear it the most, the fulfilling possibility of them sharing their stories to someone who cares about them so deeply, not strictly because of profession or by blood, and without judgment, and the support we know they're capable of giving, continue to live in my dreams where they grow individually and together.
the back and forth scene of 9/13/1991 remains a remarkable scene, while Rebecca's rickroll is the most heartbreakingly beautifully executed eulogy where she, for a moment, admits the hate for her father runs deep because something else still exists there.
i'm forever grateful to see Hannah's acting prowess on screen, because apart from Game of Thrones, i wouldn't have been exposed to her works from here. forever in awe of how much she expresses herself in her face, especially eyes. can never get enough of this woman that has fundamentally brought so much care and complexity to rebecca that you cannot help but love her, and want to cheer for her for the effort she's made in finding herself all over again, in learning how to forgive herself and in being open to be vulnerable in showing how much she could love. just... thank you, Hannah for your Rebecca.
in the same vein, it's really good to see Jason in a role he could show his acting muscles. i know he's had a few drama roles (loved him in Kodachrome) but it's just great when those you don't expect to flex get to. sometimes it's really the role, the opportunity to shine in a character having depth or the actor's effort in giving depth even to a minor one - to make them more human, that you get to see how generous they could be with their acting. really hope i see him in another film/tv series.
anyhoo, tears have shed, laughs have erupted. friend has proceeded to watch the next two episodes. she reveals she's more affected by the abandonment issues ted expressed in s02e11. ho-boi. watch this space for s3 my friend.
1 note · View note
chvnnie · 2 years
han jisung x reader
word count: 2.9k
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, smut - MINORS DNI
warnings: reader is anxious (but there is no use of the word "anxiety") so mentions/descriptions of anxiety, pet names: sprout/squish, baby, breast/nipple play, a teeny bit of dirty talk, unprotected sex (don't do that), slight breeding kink? kinda?, they are in looooovvvveeee, just a bunch of fluff/making love. if i missed anything, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
summary: the world has been against you lately, but jisung will always be there to keep you safe.
a/n: sorry for being so MIA lately - this fic is a perfect representation of how i've been feeling lately, and why i've been kinda silent. hopefully this feeling will pass soon, and i can write more content for you guys. pls enjoy, sorry for being an anxious mess lately <3
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents han jisung as a person or stray kids as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
taglist: @lix-ables, @rachalixie, @agustd-essert, @gibbysupremeacyisreal, @katieraven, @miamormi, @woahfruity, @isilentprincess, @hugs4chan, @stranger-thighs, @beautifulcolorgarden, @scottmcallisdaddy - PLEASE COMMENT OR SEND ASK TO BE ADDED TO MY PERMANENT TAGLIST
It’s been a long, long day.
Anything that could have gone wrong today, did go wrong. You dropped your toothbrush in the toilet, you burnt your breakfast, your makeup smudged the second you put it on. Everything was awful, and that’s not even an exaggeration. Today has been terrible for you.
It was never ending, this string of bad luck you hit. Stuck in traffic for fifty minutes (seriously, what the fuck was that about?), then the grocery store was sold out of grapes. The cherry on top was stepping in gum, stuck to the hot pavement, in a brand new pair of white shoes.
Respectfully, today could go fuck itself.
The excursion to the store and back was enough trauma for the day. After unloading the groceries, you retreated to the bedroom, stripping out of your outside clothes in favor of something cozier. One of your boyfriend’s oversized hoodies and leggings sounded like the best outfit to wear to your pity party.
Pulling the hood over your head, you tugged on the strings, hiding all of your facial features (minus your nose). You curled up on top of the made bed, clicking through multiple streaming services until you found something comforting to watch.
You needed this. Fuck, after today, you deserved this.
Midway through an episode of some silly sitcom, your phone buzzed. Through the teeny hole in the scrunched hoodie, you checked it to find a message from Jisung.
Ji: [03:45] hiiiii baby. just wanted to let you know i’m going to be a little late tonight — we’re having a bit of a crisis in the studio and i don’t think i’ll get to slip away at my normal time. pls don’t wait on me for dinner. love you bunches, sprout.
The universe really said fuck you today, huh?
It really wasn’t that big of a deal, Jisung often stays late to work on things. You knew that late nights and early mornings were a part of his job when you started dating, and had always accepted it. Jisung loves his job, and you’ll never not support him as he chases his dreams.
But that was a blow. You had begun counting down the hours the moment your toothbrush hit the toilet bowl. You needed to be wrapped in his arms more than anything right now, and to know you won’t be getting that anytime soon-
The floodgates opened, a steady stream of hot tears rolling down your face. God, this was silly, wasn’t it? To be so mopey about Jisung working late, as if this isn’t a common occurrence. There’s no reason for you to be acting this way, to be so upset that you can barely think.
It’s just been a really bad day.
Shaky hands picked up your phone, eyes blurred as you typed out a response.
You: [04:05] ok! please make sure to eat and hydrate. love you bunches, squish, see you later.
You slid your phone across the bed, wanting it as far away from you as it could get. Your body felt heavy, chest tight as new tears welled up in your eyes. It felt silly, and even though it’s not, you still couldn’t shake the feeling that you were overreacting. He always works late, why is it the end of the world today?
Because it’s been a really bad day. Because a bunch of minor inconveniences have built up into something bigger, and his text was the trigger. The breaking point. The point of no return.
You’re not sure how long you laid there crying, unable to bring yourself out the ball you’ve curled yourself in. The show you were watching had stopped, and your hands had grown cold from lack of use. 
Painfully, you unfurled yourself, pulling the hood off your head. The once golden room was now shades of orange; the early sunset flooding through your thin curtains. It felt cozy, almost comforting to see the walls painted with new hues, rays of pink intertwined with the orange. 
It almost made you forget why you were so upset in the first place, like the day was repaying you for treating you like shit with a beauty so breathtaking it eased your soul.
You pulled yourself out of bed, slowly dragging yourself into the kitchen. Body sluggish, you began to sort the ingredients for tonight’s dinner. The meal plan reminded you that it was one of Jisung’s favorite dishes, a little heart at the end of sentence. A reminder to make extra for him.
Suddenly, your face was hot again, eyes blurring as fresh tears began to spill. Fuck, again? But you were just fine? Were you not just smiling, humming as you started to prep the ingredients? Why did it hit you out of the blue? Why won’t this feeling go away?
You didn’t even bother reshelving the food, leaving everything behind as you retreated back to the bedroom. This time you curled under the blankets, pulling them up and over your head. If you could just block out the world, maybe the hurt would cease to exist. Maybe the overwhelming waves that threatened to drag you down would calm. 
Maybe you could pretend today never even happened if you just forgot the world around you existed.
Grabbing Jisung’s pillow, you brought it to your chest, hugging it tightly. Your nails dug into the cotton pillowcase, determined to keep it as close to you as possible. It smelled like him, like his cocoa butter lotion and the woodsy shampoo he loves. Willing yourself to breathe, you inhaled the familiar scents, letting them ease the pressure. 
He would be home soon. It would all be okay.
Your nose burned as you sniffled, the sound so loud you didn’t even hear the bedroom door open. In fact, you were completely unaware that you were no longer alone until the comforter was pulled back. 
“Baby?” Your boyfriend’s voice was soft, laced with concern and confusion. “Are you alright?”
That’s when your light tears became a full sob, chest burning as you let out every ounce of pain you’ve felt today. You shook your head, squeezing the pillow against your chest until you felt like it had become an extra limb.
Jisung was under the covers, right next to you in less than thirty seconds. Still fully dressed, he grabs your shell of a body, tugging you into his chest. One hand wrapped around your center, the other cradles your head, keeping you close enough to hear his heartbeat. “Shh, baby. I’ve got you.”
In his hold, you let everything go. Every bit of frustration and pain you’ve felt today, flowing out in the form of salty tears and hiccups. They rolled off your face and onto his leather jacket, soaking the spot where your head laid limp. Jisung said nothing, simply threading his fingers through your hair and softly brushing the tangles you’ve acquired throughout the day. 
Eventually, the tears began to slow, your breaths evening out. Tension began to ease, shoulders relaxing as the pain of the day started to become unreachable.
Only once you stopped crying did Jisung speak up. “Do you want to talk about it?”
With a sniffle, you pulled the pillow out from between your bodies and nuzzled into his chest, letting yourself feel his body heat completely. You recounted your day, sharing every detail of your awful day with your boyfriend. 
“It’s silly.” You mumble against his chest, bringing your sweater paws up to wipe your eyes. “It wasn’t like anything big happened-“
“Nothing you ever feel is silly.” Jisung responses, grabbing your wrist to move your hands out of your face. “A lot of shit happened today. It makes sense that you were upset, and you’re valid in those feelings.”
Looking up, you meet his eyes for the first time this evening. Partially hidden behind his dark hair, his starry eyes stared down at you. The love in them was overwhelming, a warm sensation washing over you as you took them in. Looking at him, seeing all the universes he held within his eyes, always made you feel lighter, made you feel safe.
“Thank you.” You whisper, moving your hands so they intertwine with his.
“You don’t have to thank me.” Bringing your hands to his lips, he kissed the back of them, lips warming your cool skin. “But I do have one question. Why didn’t you call me?”
The question made you pause - wasn’t it obvious? “You said there was a crisis, I didn’t want to pull you away from work-“
“There was, but it wasn’t more important than you.”
“I’m serious. You’re my priority.”
“But, it’s your dream-“
“No. It’s a career. You’re my dream, Sprout.” 
Your eyes stung, but you didn’t have time to focus on that. Not when your hands were moving to his face, lovingly cupping it as you pulled it down to meet yours. Lips crashing against each other, you kissed your boyfriend with such an intensity, your head began to spin. You couldn’t help it - not when he was here, loving you in ways you never dreamt of.
Jisung hummed against your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist. His lips parted, letting your tongue work its way inside his mouth. The taste of him was mind numbing, washing you clean of every last doubt or worry you were holding onto.
Lazily, Jisung rolled the two of you until he was on his back, keeping you flush against him. Tongues dancing together, you let yourself fall deeper into the kiss, craving his taste like you needed it to breathe.
His hands find your hair, gently pulling you off his lips. “I love you.” He mumbles, scratching your scalp soothingly. “Bunches. Forever.”
Smiling, you lower back down, pecking his swollen lips. “I love you, bunches. Forever.” Kisses trailed onto his jawline, featherlight and pulling low groans from his throat. “Thank you for being mine.”
A peaceful silence falls over you two as Jisung submits to your kisses, hands moving down to your shoulders and further, finding home on your hips. As he slips both hands under your hoodie, you move to his neck, goosebumps breaking out under your lips. 
Planting your hands on the bed, you push yourself up, bringing your legs to straddle his hips. The orange hues were now more of a purple, highlighting your lover’s face beautifully. His lips were plump, aching for more of your touch, eyes soft and hooded. He looked divine; a sinful heaven at your fingertips. 
God, and he thought you were a dream?
The hands under your hoodie inched higher, resting on your upper ribs. His thumbs teased the underside of your breasts, rubbing firm circles. “You look so good in my clothes.” His voice is raspy, the need dripping from his words. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
You felt your face flush, warm flooding your body and making your lower belly tingle. Moving your hands to his chest, you pushed the leather jacket off, Jisung squirming to throw it off the bed. When gone, a hand creeps to his neck, thumb playing with his bottom lip.
Jisung pulls your thumb in, suckling lightly on the tip. He kept eye contact with you, his hands moving until they cupped your breasts fully. Rolling your head back, you arched into his touch, lost in the way he massaged you. When his thumbs pressed on your nipples, you groaned, free hand gripping his shirt.
He chuckles, thumb falling from his lips. “So sensitive, Sprout. Do you like the way it feels?”
You whimper out a confirmation, pulling at his shirt needily. Holding onto you for support, Jisung sits up, letting you rid him of his shirt. Your hoodie follows, and Jisung wastes no time cupping your breasts again, peppering kisses across the swell of them. His hands are so warm, lips so plush against your soft skin that it makes you dizzy.
The purple rays begin to fade into black, the bedroom growing darker as you begin to pull Jisung’s belt off. His lips have moved to your nipples, alternating between kissing and sucking the bud, occasionally using his teeth to hear your pretty whimpers. Once his belt is off, he lifts his hips, letting you shed him of his jeans and underwear. His heavy cock springs up, hitting his lower abdomen. One hand wraps around the base, reveling in the way he hissed at the contact, while the other works on pulling off your bottoms.
It’s not long before you’re both bare, bodies melding into one. His skin against yours is exhilarating, body erupting in pleasure just from that feeling alone. Cupping his face, you pull him off your chest, needing to feel his lips on yours again. It’s a loving touch, one that makes you feel like you’re floating on a cloud.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call.” You whisper so softly, as if the words would break the passion between you.
His hands match yours, clearing your face of any hair that clung to it. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you needed me.”
You smile, seeking the caress of his lips again. Trailing your fingers down, you slide a hand between your bodies, finding his member. Jisung moans against your lips as you maneuver it, positioning it at your entrance.
Gasping into the kiss, you slide down, letting him consume you. The stretch is something you’ll never get used to, but something you’ll always crave. He fits so perfectly inside of you, filling you to the brim and hitting every spot he needs to. Once fully sheathed, you pause, taking a second to deepen the kisses.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” You begin to lift your hips, his full moans echoing off the bedroom walls. “You’re here now.”
The rhythm you set is slow, but deep, letting both you and Jisung savor the pleasure that you give each other. Nothing in the world - not a bad day, not a studio crisis, not any inconvenience - matters when Jisung is around. When you get to love each other on an otherworldly level, expressing it in the purest way.
His hands grip your hips, assisting you in your motions. The pace picks up a tad, keeping the depth but helping the two of you chase your edges. Whimpering, you break the kiss, head resting on his shoulder as you let Jisung take control.
His heart is pounding against your chest, breath heavy as he starts to kiss your shoulder. “My everything.” He mumbles, groaning between words. “Nothing is more important than this. Nothing is more important than - fuck - you.”
The words are sweet, filling you with a yearning so overwhelming, you never think you’ll recover from it. You never want to recover from it. They help move you along, help your legs begin to tremble and core begin to tighten. When your walls restrict, your lover’s moans deepen, his hips beginning to thrust up.
“Cum with me.” You whine, lifting your head up.
Jisung’s dark eyes meet yours, words failing to fall from his lips as he moves a hand in between your centers. Resting his hand on our mound, his thumb reaches down, drawing what feels like hearts against your clit. It’s just what you need - eyes rolling back as you feel your release rushing to the surface.
It only takes a few more thrusts from the dam to break, your orgasm hard and plentiful. Your vision gets fuzzy as it goes on and on, feeling like it’s never ending. In the middle of your high, Jisung reaches his. It’s just as hard, just as filling as he spills inside of you. Neither of you stop your motions until you’re sure the other has emptied out.
The room is pitch black now, the sun finally set on the longest day. Jisung falls limp against you, breaths heavy as he pants on your shoulder. You can barely keep yourself up, eyes heavy and body aching. If it weren’t for his nails digging into your hips, you’re sure you would’ve collapsed just as he had. 
You wrap your arms around Jisung, tilting to the side and making you both crash onto the mattress. He grunts at the impact, a fit of giggles spilling from you.
“Don’t laugh at me.” He half groans, half whines, nuzzling deeper into your neck. “My body is exhausted.”
“It was just cute.” You whisper, rubbing his back soothingly. Neither of you are in a rush to move, content to stay interlocked until the sun decides to rise again.
“You know I’m always here for you, right?” His words are muffled against your neck, but you can still hear the sentiment behind them. “I never want you to feel like I’m not here when you need me. The only place I ever want to be is by your side, so please, please call me next time.”
Tears prick at your eyes, but this time, you don’t feel sad or scared, overwhelmed or worried. Jisung makes you feel a love like no other, a joy that’s never ending. Life with him is like-
“Did you mean it? About me being your dream?”
Jisung pulls his head out of your neck to look at you, a sweet, fond smile painting his face. “I did. You’re like the best, most fulfilling dream I’ve ever had, and I can’t believe I never have to wake up.”
©: chvnnie 2022
709 notes · View notes
jrwi-updates · 2 years
Here are all of Grizzly’s chat messages from the JRWI stream earlier!
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[Image ID: 
Cropped screenshots of twitch chat messages by grizzlyplays. They read:
grizzlyplays: there are three episodes left of the feywild arc. 
grizzlyplays: HEE HOOOO 
grizzlyplays: HEE HOOO 
grizzlyplays: including this one! 
grizzlyplays: ill add the felipe emote when i get back to desk 
grizzlyplays: thanks for the hype train 🥺
grizzlyplays: i will be listening with you guys tonight and taking notes for editor ikarus 
grizzlyplays: know i am here looking at you 
grizzlyplays: LOOOLL 
grizzlyplays: :D grizzlyplays subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 
grizzlyplays: DO I TELL HIM TO KEEP IT IN 
grizzlyplays: LMFAOOO OKAY 
grizzlyplays: WHAT 
grizzlyplays: DEJA VU? 
grizzlyplays: writing it down.. 
grizzlyplays: Neivien Oloxidor 
grizzlyplays: keep watching 
grizzlyplays: hee hoo 
grizzlyplays: ;) 
grizzlyplays: "this easy puzzle" 
grizzlyplays: GAS 
grizzlyplays: i can't watch saw i hate those movies sm 
grizzlyplays: THAT NOISE GOES HARD 
grizzlyplays: WOOOAH 
grizzlyplays: @/xubioc yeah!! i'm very disconnected from the recording and the product so when i listen it sounds very new to me LOL. i often say things i dont expect myself to have said 
grizzlyplays: The rolled for EP 79 is already scheduled for Satruday :D 
grizzlyplays: 2chainzz 
grizzlyplays: fun fact: i think i decided to skip another security checkpoint encounter here 
grizzlyplays: for pacing 
grizzlyplays: @/gothicshan i could cosplay william wisp fr 
grizzlyplays: SPIT TAKE 
grizzlyplays: SPIT TAKE W 
grizzlyplays: SPIT TAKE W 
grizzlyplays: W
grizzlyplays: W 
grizzlyplays: W 
grizzlyplays: SPIT TAKE W 
grizzlyplays: SPIT TAKE 
grizzlyplays: jrwishSmug 
grizzlyplays: IF YOU WANT ALL OF MILO 
grizzlyplays: twitch.tv/spittakelive [repeated 11 times]
grizzlyplays: always here for the boys 
grizzlyplays: W 
grizzlyplays: TEARS?? 
grizzlyplays: CRY ABOUT IT 
grizzlyplays: LITTLE BABY 
grizzlyplays: jrwishPretzel 
grizzlyplays: pretzel is in the dark 
grizzlyplays: @/misterkryptonite_ i hate horror games and horror movies LMAOO 
grizzlyplays: i get panic attacks 
grizzlyplays: i could read horror books tho 
grizzlyplays: its ok if i make the scary stuff 
grizzlyplays: our call of cthulu sessions has made me have anixety at night sometimes LOL 
grizzlyplays: drawn BY https://twitter.com/shanuraru [repeated 10 times]
grizzlyplays: @/angrygay_mushroom ive been trying to slow down and be more relaxed when talking bc in past eps i talk at 1 million miles an hour out of nervousness 
grizzlyplays: OH WAIT!! i got inspired for these designs by watching hunter x hunter 
grizzlyplays: almost forgot 
grizzlyplays: @/tellingphibs up to interpretation 
grizzlyplays: SOB :( 
grizzlyplays: i coulda made him roll acrobatics LOL 
grizzlyplays: why am i nice 
grizzlyplays: ikarus goated for those noises 
grizzlyplays: LMFAOOOO 
grizzlyplays: i was sitting here thinking "what the fuck do i do" 
grizzlyplays: i dont remember what happens im so nervous 
grizzlyplays: we recorded it so long ago 
grizzlyplays: THE GOAAT!! 
grizzlyplays: by himself, power move 
grizzlyplays: oh damn im looking at the camera 
grizzlyplays: terrifying 
grizzlyplays: HEY SO 
grizzlyplays: i might of described Celeste's type of hair/hair style wrong and I apologize if i did. also i named Celeste (the elder) before i named Celestine ( the archfey) and i'm still angy i gave npcs such similar names LOL 
grizzlyplays: heads up 
grizzlyplays: oh okay thats not that bad 
grizzlyplays: jrwishSmug 
grizzlyplays: @/luminoussalt likely because i described her face familiar "like someone you know," however that doesnt automatically mean mother you are right 
grizzlyplays: GILLION W 
grizzlyplays: HUNK OF A MAN??? 
grizzlyplays: he is so inspired by oogway yes 
grizzlyplays: i hope hes not dead and you guys get to meet him later 
grizzlyplays: @/Mintyforshort i havent decided LMAOOO 
grizzlyplays: im crying 
grizzlyplays: jrwishDaddy 
grizzlyplays: HAHAHAHAHAHA 
grizzlyplays: NO TWITTER [repeated 5 times]
grizzlyplays: v 
grizzlyplays: NO TWITTER 
grizzlyplays: jrwishDaddy [repeated 13 times]
End ID]  
30 notes · View notes
topperscumslut · 3 years
Let Me Take Care of You (PT 2) - Topper Thornton x Reader SMUT
Set the morning after Let Me Take Care of You when Topper and Y/N wake up together
Words: 2k
You woke up in Topper's arms, stark naked from the night before. He still had his crotch pressed against your ass and his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close, as well as his head resting in the crook of your neck.
"I love you so much, Y/N," he whispered into your neck, kissing it and making you giggle from how much it tickled.
"I love you too Top- what's this?" you smiled, seeing a table with a plate of food standing right next to your spot on the bed.
"I made you breakfast, baby. Cinnamon toast, waffles, some fruit, and uh, I made you runny eggs, just the way you like them," he flashed you a sweet, crooked smile, "I was actually just about to wake you up so it didn't get cold, but um, you kinda beat me to it." Topper planted a kiss on your forehead and ran his fingers through your hair. "Eat up, baby."
"Awww, Topper, you're so sweet!" you said, turning around to kiss the blond boy, him still sitting behind you in the bed with his arms wrapped around you.
"You deserve a treat after how good you did last night, babygirl. You're such a good girl, Y/N. Last night just reminded me how much I love you. And how good you make me feel…"
"I'm glad I could make you feel that way, Top," you mumbled into his skin, planting kisses along his jawline.
You finished your breakfast that Topper had made you as he put on a couple episodes of Parks and Rec, still holding you tight from behind as you ate and pressing kisses on the back of your neck and your upper back periodically, sending shivers down your spine. Once you were done you turned around to face your boyfriend, thanking him for the meal and playing with his hair.
You absolutely loved Topper's hair. It was so soft and he looked so cute when you would fluff it around and make it all messy, him giving you a sweet smile and kissing you everytime. After a couple more episodes, Topper turned off the tv and escalated the moment from a few stolen kisses and giggles here and there to a full on make out session.
Topper kissed you with love and passion, biting and sucking your lower lip gently every now and then. He placed his right arm on the bed beside you, causing you to gently fall onto the bed underneath him as he deepened the kiss, moaning lightly and pulling away every few minutes to tell you how much he loved you and how beautiful you were, a string of saliva still attached to both of your lips.
"I'm so happy you're my girl, (Y/N)," he whispered to you, smiling.
His words combined with the make out session were starting to make your body heat up and your core start to tingle and wetten.
"I love you so much, Topper," you whispered, kissing his hand that was beside you on the bed.
He kissed your forehead. "I love you more, princess."
You laid there in silence for a couple seconds, Topper still holding himself up above you and admiring your beauty before he started to get off of the bed.
"Babe, I'd love to stay with you like this all day," Topper said with a sigh, "but I really need to take a shower." You whined, displeased. "Hey, don't worry, sweetheart, I'll be quick. Then I'll come back and we can cuddle, okay?" he asked you, playfully mimicking the pout that was plastered on your pretty face.
You agreed, and though you loved cuddling with Topper, that wasn't what you wanted right then. The night before Topper had been so sweet, so gentle - which you absolutely loved. It was exactly what you wanted in the moment and he could tell that. Sometimes you liked it more gentle like that. But in this moment all you wanted was for Topper to lay you down and take you, hard. You wanted your boyfriend to pin you to the bed and have his way with you and make you cum until you couldn't take it anymore. You were already starting to throb between your legs as the blood flow quickly increased. This wasn't unfamiliar to the two of you, where you would both be naked from the night before but with no intention of having sex but seeing the other's exposed body would cause one of you to become incontrollably horny. As you heard Topper switch the water on in the shower of the bathroom attached to your bedroom you reached under the covers and started to touch yourself.
You rubbed yourself gently and sighed with relief, eyes closing and mouth falling open as the pleasure started to build. Pleasuring yourself while thinking of Topper was nothing new to you, in fact often you did it on the daily. You loved that Topper's libido was just as high as your own (which was seriously saying something) and that he was almost always able to keep up with you in the bedroom. You slowly rubbed up and down your vulva and circled your clit, moaning at the sensation.
You were soaking wet at this point, making your self pleasure quite loud as your head sank into the pillow, your lip quivering from the intense pleasure you were giving yourself. Your eyes were closed tight and you couldn't bring yourself to think of anything besides how good you were making yourself feel. Waves of pleasure washed over you as you fantasized about Topper and all the things he had done to you the night before. You slipped a finger inside of yourself, gasping as you hit your g spot and starting to gently massage it, close to screaming at the sensation but clasping your other hand over your mouth so Topper wouldn't hear you. You knew he wouldn't be upset with you for pleasuring yourself, he knew you did it often and he did the same, but the thought of him catching you made you blush. Your orgasm was approaching quickly at this point as you fingered yourself, and you were getting extremely desperate. You didn't even hear Topper turn off the water and get out of the shower as you started to clench around your fingers, about to release until-
"Baby!" You jumped, seeing Topper standing in the doorway staring at you. His expression was a mixture of surprised and aroused, somewhere around the realm of entranced or amazed as he walked in on you working yourself to orgasm.
"Are you playing with yourself, babygirl?" he smirked at you, already knowing the answer. You nodded at the boy, slightly embarrassed.
"I can take care of that for you if you'd like me to… only if you want," Topper offered, shyly scratching the back of his neck.
"Please do," you moaned, slowing the pace of your fingers inside of you in order to hold off your orgasm until Topper was able to please you.
Topper quickly threw off the towel that was covering his lower half, making his way over to the bed. "You must have been so desperate, weren't you baby? You needed to cum so bad you couldn't even wait ten minutes for me to get out of the shower? You're such a good girl, you know that? I love that my girl can get herself off. That's so fucking hot, babe."
You squirmed as he threw the covers off of you, wasting no time and making you mentally thank him like crazy for not teasing you as he plunged two fingers inside of you while still talking dirty to you. "That's so sexy, babygirl. It's so sexy that you can make yourself cum like that. Maybe sometime I'll come over and just watch you touch yourself, how would you like that, babygirl?" You whined as he continued to hit your g spot, his fingers filling you up so much better than your own.
"That's it, baby. Let everyone know who's making you feel this good."
"Ugh, yesss, Topper," you moaned in ecstasy. The boy was providing you so much pleasure your vision was starting to blur and you could feel your orgasm approaching again. Topper continued to rub the spots deep inside of you while rubbing circles around your clit until you couldn't hold it any longer and released with a loud moan.
"Topper, that felt really good. Thank you, love." You planted kisses on his jawline and pulled him in close, his erection hitting your thigh.
"You don't need to thank me, Y/N. I love doing that for you. Now… would you like more, or no?" Despite how pleasured you felt, you still didn't feel fully satisfied. You needed more. You needed to feel him inside of you.
"More, Topper. Fuck me. Please."
"Your wish is my command," he whispered in your ear, pulling a condom out from beside your bed and slipping it on quickly, not wanting to wait any longer. Once the condom was on he pushed slowly inside of you. Even after all the times you had done it and even when he was being more rough, Topper always took his time entering you to be sure he wasn't hurting you. You felt him hit the sweet spot inside of you before he even started moving and you could already feel your second orgasm fast approaching.
Topper started to thrust, slowly at first, and then more quickly. You could feel his cock noticeably pulsing inside of you, he was clearly just as desperate as you as he fucked you into the bedsheets, nearly screaming your name as your walls tightened around him.
"Ugh… good girl Y/N," he whined through breathy moans as he struggled to hold himself up above you, nearly collapsing from the pleasure. You could tell he was close to cumming and from the way you were feeling him in your stomach, you were beginning to feel the exact same way.
"Y/N I-I'm gonna… oh!" You felt Topper nearly release before stopping himself when you spoke up.
"T-top… n-not yet… I'm getting close… c-can you hold it?"
He nodded, clearly struggling to meet your request but willing for you. You could feel his dick growing inside of you, fighting hard not to burst. The feeling of Topper's cock getting bigger and bigger against your walls and him reaching down to rub your clit at an insane speed had caused you to scream with pleasure and tears were now streaming down your face from the amazing sensation. Topper felt the same, pleasure flooding his body and overwhelming his member as he felt you nearing your orgasm.
Topper was now whining with desperation. He needed to cum, badly. You could tell your boyfriend was having a really hard time holding it and seeing the need to release in his eyes turned you on more than words can say, causing you to hit your high and moan out his name.
"Topper, ohhh, now!"
The two of you came in unison, pleasure overtaking both of your bodies and causing you to scream each other's names as Topper pushed one final thrust into you. You were both so incredibly satisfied and sighed with relief after he pulled out, collapsing next to you and snuggling you lovingly.
Topper kissed all over your body, running his fingers through your hair. "Thank you, Y/N," he said "two days in a row you've made me feel so good. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. I love you." He kissed your nose and giggled cheekily.
"I love you too, Topper." You nuzzled into him and pressed your head against his chest, so at peace listening to his heartbeat. Before you knew it you were taking a late morning nap in Topper's arms, snoring loudly as he rubbed your head and fell asleep minutes after, holding you close, happy knowing he would never have to let his girl go.
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Self care- p!Tommyinnit x reader
i wish i was bsfriends w tommy :’)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings:themes of depression, nothing too deep
A/N: Taking Tommy and Wilbur requests!! u cant tell me tommy doesn’t do the classic british X’s on txts to his friends
It had been a rough stream, 8 hours sat in the same chair putting on the same happy face, it was unbelievably exhausting some days. You took of your headset and set it down after pressing ‘end stream’, you ruffled your hair and took in a deep breath, throwing a glance at the clock on your computer. 5am. You tried to throw caution to the wind, maybe it was an off day? But no, you could feel it, deep inside, another episode. You looked directly into the webcam, your face scrunching up as you take note of your appearance, your ruffled hair, your dark eye bags. It felt like hours, just staring at yourself, your famous thousand-yard stare painted across the screen. Suddenly, your phone vibrated from its place on the desk. You lethargically picked it up as the bright screen illuminated your otherwise dark room. It was Tommy.
Big T: ‘bedwars stream tmrw? : ) x’  
You really didn't feel up to it in all honesty, but you didn’t want to let Tommy down like that, he loves bedwars. A sad smile made its way to your face as you drafted your text back.
Gremlin: ‘only if were on duos together : ) x’
Big T: ‘5pm? X’ You responded with a simple yeee.
You discarded your phone to the side and stood up for the first time in hours. Your bones ached as you outstretched your limbs. Pain. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, eyes scouring the room, even though you weren't sure what you were looking for, an escape maybe? It wasn’t even like you had anything to be upset over, great friends, successful streamer, everything was going great, but alas, depression does not give a shit. You crawled into bed, putting your phone on charge and grabbed all of your covers over your head, a long sigh making its way from your lips.
The next day/  
Tommy loaded up minecraft on his computer, reading to slay game at bedwars with you. He got unusually excited when he played minecraft with you, even more excited than normal. There was something about you man, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Youd met in high school, same town and everything, and since then you were like a drug. Not a day had gone by since year 9 that you didn’t talk. He decided to drop you a message as you hadn't texted first. He asked if you were still up for bedwars. Surprisingly though, he didn’t receive a response. He waited. Just 5 minutes he said. And then 10. And then 20. Then 30. He decided to ring you just to check. Plus, he wanted to hear your voice. It rang thrice and nothing. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. You were almost always online. He tried not to overthink, but this is Tommy were talking about. Maybe you were still asleep? He wanted to believe that, but there was an itch, in his brain, that told him not to. Just to make sure, he decided to ask some of your mutual friends on the server. He clicked onto the group discord and noticed Wilbur, philza and Nikki in a vc.  
“Hello Hoes and Homies alike” He bellowed when he joined the vc. Wilbur drew a confused look.
“I thought you were doing duo bed wars with (Y/N) today?” Tommy scoffed.
“Well yah, Wilburrrrr, if you let me get a word out” He joked light heartedly “No seriously though has anyone heard from her since her stream last night” They all looked confused and shook their heads. This made him even more concerned than he was. He quickly thanked them before disconnecting. His mind was running rampant. He quickly decided to throw his shoes on, you didn’t live that far, only a bus ride away on the otherside of town. He grabbed his keys and his jacket and rushed down the stairs.
“Going over to (Y/N)s for a bit” He shouted to Motherinnit as he slammed the door shut.  
You were straing at the roof in a pit of self loathing when you heard your phone ring. Ugh. It seemed so much work to pick it up. Your hand made its way from under the mountain of covers and snatched your phonr from the side. Tommy. You felt a sting in the back of your eyes and tossed your phone on the bed, turning over and curling up in the covers. You stared at the inside of your covers for minutes on end. Your doorbell sent a sharp chime through the house as your mother went to answer it.
“Hello Tommy, what a surprise" He threw her a quickly greeted her and got straight to the point.
“Is (Y/N) in?”
“Shes upstairs I think, I havent heard from her all day though. Go on up” She stood to the side and let him pass.
You heard the entire conversation through your open window, and let out a heavy sigh, although you were secretly thanking Tommy in uour head for checking up on you. You heard his converse hit the steps as your door was threw open. Tommy immediately regretted his actions, wondering if you were asleep as he took note of the heap of covers on the bed. He let out a quiet whisper.
You didn’t really feel like talking, but you let out a quiet ‘yeah’. He rushed over to your side upon hearing your weak response.
“is everything alright? We were meant to be playing bedwars like an hour ago” This prompted you to pull the covers off your head and look at him. He took note of your puffy red eyes, and the dark eye bgs lying underneath. He looked around your room, empty energy drink cand and food containers littered your room. It suddenly clicked to him. You weren't doing okay. He looked back at you deeply, something about that look just caused the floodgates to open. Your eyes were glassy, as Tommy practically melted. He hated seeing you like this. Sure he had the bit of him being a big man with no emotions, but you where his weakness. “Hey, cmon don’t cry” He whispered as he opened his arms, welcoming you into a hug. In an instant you where in his arms, leaving tear stains on his TShirt. He didn’t seem to mind though. After a moment of silence, only broken by your sobs, he piped up. “How about, we forget about the stream for today, and ill go to the corner shop and get us some snacks, and marshmallows and whipped cream, and we can have those killer hot chocolates your mom makes. We can watch a bunch of movies, and ill even let you put one of those stupid facemasks on me, yeah?” This caused a laugh to pierce your sobs, which started to lighten up. You sniffled and pulled back from his hug, a huge smile making its way onto your face, the first genuine smile in a while.
“Thats my girl, that’s what I love to see” He matched your smile. You quickly threw your arms around him and pulled him into a long hug.
“Thank you Tommy” You said sincerely.
“Anything for my favourite girl” He smiled, as he pulled back from the hug. “Maybe while im gone you could try to shower?” He knew how tough some simple things where when you felt like this. You nodded smally and sat up. He leapt from the bed and smiled. “Okay, I wont be long!” And with that, he dashed out of the room.  
You lay back on your bed. You werent okay, but that’s okay, because Tommyinnit is your best friend :)
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allisonlol · 3 years
Hiii <3 how r u doing ??Hope you are fine!!Can i request some Nikolai angst pls?? :"))
a/n: i’m doing good bestie !! i hope u are too (◔◡◔) went with a scenario format for this one
warnings: some cursing, arguing, mentions of major character death. includes spoilers !!! pretty angsty but i DID make it end with some fluff bc why not
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you sat alone in your apartment for the sixth night that week, curled up in an armchair with only the darkness to keep you company. the staggered sounds of your breathing was the only noise in the room; that and the soft ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner. silent tears trickled down your face as you hugged your knees closer to your chest, wrapping your arms tightly around them. all you’d been able to do for the past six days was sit in this chair and cry; barely eating and having almost no energy to move.
it’d almost been seven days now, actually. you slowly raised your bloodshot eyes to look at the moonlit face of the clock across from you, watching as it ticked down the seconds until midnight. soon enough, the hands struck twelve and the chimes of the clock resonated throughout the room, making you wince.
it had now officially been an entire week since nikolai had died…since you’d WATCHED him die.
squeezing your eyes shut, you hugged yourself even tighter while the scene played back in your mind. you hadn’t been able to stop how he’d brutally been cut in half…the way the blood had sprayed across your face…and the scream that had been caught in your throat from the shock.
instead, all you’d been able to do was watch and hope it wasn’t real. that it was just another one of his stupid illusions that he’d always loved to tease you with. yet here you were a whole week later, still as utterly alone as you’d been the second you’d watched nikolai take his last breath and die.
you leaned your head back against the chair, taking a shaky breath. nikolai had meant the world to you, and it was still difficult to accept the reality of his death. he’d been the first person you’d ever truly loved - hell, he’d been your first EVERYTHING.
your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a rustle come from the room adjacent to the one you were in. the doorway was sheathed in darkness, making it impossible to see what was inside. figuring it was just the house settling, you leaned back again to resume wallowing in misery. that is, until you felt a pair of hands cover your eyes, and an all too familiar voice whisper into your ear…
“guess who~?”
prying the hands from your eyes, you fell off the chair in shock before scrambling towards the lamp nearest you to turn it on. now with a light source to illuminate the room, your mouth dropped open in surprise once you saw who was standing next to the chair you had formerly been sitting in.
it was none other than nikolai.
you watched in a stunned silence as he approached, leaning over you from your spot on the floor. nikolai gave you a smile, holding out a hand to help you up. “i’ve missed you, my love~” was all he said.
several seconds of absolute silence passed as you stared up at him in shock, a million thoughts running through your mind. you’d SEEN him die…how was this possible?? had it actually been one of his illusions this whole time? and if so…why hadn’t he shown up sooner instead of causing you to spiral into such a depressive episode?
a swirl of emotions coursed through you at once, and you slapped nikolai’s hand away a bit harshly. “how could you do this to me??” you asked angrily, your voice shaking. “i thought i’d watched you DIE, and then you…you just LEFT me for a week with no contact to prove otherwise-” your sentence trailed off as you fought back the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes again.
surprised at your outburst, nikolai tilted his head to the side, wearing a more serious expression. “i had things to attend to afterwards, dear. consider it…flying under the radar. i was hoping you wouldn’t become like this.”
you were at a loss for words. “become like WHAT??” you said rather vehemently. “become emotional at the belief that my boyfriend had been violently killed?”
“i’m a bit offended that you think i would die so easily…” nikolai grinned. “however, a magician should never reveal his tricks so i’m glad i was able to fool you-”
“why aren’t you taking this seriously?!” you practically screamed, cutting him off. “i was so upset i could barely move! all i did was sit in that fucking chair and cry! hell, i even considered if my own life was worth living without you…”
nikolai’s eyes widened as you spoke, and for the first time you’d ever seen, he wore a genuinely shocked expression.
“please don’t leave me like that again.” you begged, your voice considerably much quieter now. “i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
your breathing hitched, and you rubbed the tears from your face with a shaky hand. nikolai was looking down at the floor, his eyes dark. there was silence for several seconds before he approached, kneeling down to join you on the floor.
giving you a sad smile, nikolai placed a hand on your face, brushing off a stray tear from your cheek. "i apologize for the pain i've caused you, my love..." he said softly. "i was wrong for that and didn't think things through. i would never leave you...you mean too much to me."
you became overwhelmed at the feeling of him being so close to you. was this real?
"oh god, i hope i'm not hallucinating..." you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him close.
"nope, im as real as could be." nikolai laughed lowly, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a tight hug.
"im just so glad you're back," you felt fresh tears stream down your face, but these ones were from relief. you pulled back a bit, looking at nikolai apologetically. "sorry that i yelled at you too..."
"shhh, its alright. i understand." nikolai smiled, rubbing circles on your back to calm you. "something like this will never happen again..."
a/n: i feel like i suck at writing angst but oh well 😭
song i listened to while writing: cake by melanie martinez
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volleychumps · 4 years
I frfr forgot if I requested earlier but Getting matching tattoos with Kenma maybe reader getting a controller and Kenma getting a mic. Cuz both are famous ig like he’s a famous YouTuber and she’s a singer but there relationship is private but they are seen in public as friends so like ppl peep both tattoos and start speculating. And they accidentally get exposed when she comes on his stream not knowing he’s live
I love this concept?? So much?? And it’s my first Kenma single work???
The Secret (Kenma Kozume x Reader)
The one in which you’re a famous singer dating the pro-gamer on the down low and accidentally expose it to the public
Warning(s): like a TINGE of nsfw themes like super light 
“All done?” 
“It’s rare to see that you are.” 
You smile at the sight of your boyfriend leaning against the doorway of your in-home studio, humming contentedly as you slip your headphones off. As you turn off the recorder and fiddle with the buttons, Kenma approaches you tiredly, running a hand through his hair let loose out of it’s small bun. The red hoodie he was wearing was loose around his frame, the bags under his eyes signalling that the stream he had just finished up had been a long one as he unscrews the lid to a water bottle. 
“I heard you from the other room. Real pretty voice.” 
“Sure you weren’t scared your viewers would hear?” You tease, accepting the water as Kenma scoffs, rolling his eyes before you feel him approach you from the back. 
“Can we not just bask in this rare moment of freedom we both have? Please?” 
“You love gaming.” You protest, feeling Kenma push your hair to one side of your head to expose your neck.
“And you love singing, but it doesn’t make it any less tiring after hours on end.” 
You turn off your ring light as Kenma’s arms droop lazily around your waist, the gamer digging his face into your neck tiredly while breathing against your skin. Your fingers find one of his hands resting around your middle, stroking the ink on the skin of the side of his thumb with butterflies in your stomach at the sight of the simplistic microphone inked on his skin. 
“I still can’t believe we went through with it.” You whisper, feeling his lips curl a little against your skin. 
“How’s yours healing up?” Kenma murmurs into your neck, lifting his head slightly to catch your own hand and examine the tattoo of the controller on yours. You wince a little bit when he rubs his thumb over it distractedly, the skin still risen a little bit from how fresh it is. 
“Stinging. Yours?” 
“The pain is worth it.” 
“Shut up.” You laugh, turning to face him as Kenma clicks his tongue, murmuring something about how that wasn’t what he meant before you place a kiss on his temple sweetly. 
“Dinner? We can order in.” 
“Right. Like we can actually go out.” Kenma rolls his eyes as you nudge him slightly, feeling a twinge in your chest. The idea to keep it a secret had been your initial thought, but Kenma still agreed that the two of you needed to play your cards right for the sake of your careers. 
“You know it would be a hassle if our viewers knew. And since when do you ever want to go out?” 
“Have you not been on your phone? They’re already kind of on to us after someone digitally enhanced our recent photos to see our tattoos.” Kenma ignores your little jab at his indoor tendencies as he arches a brow. 
“What?” You blink, a surge of panic rushing through your chest as you go to grab your phone. “Already-?” 
“Hey.” Kenma tightens his hold on you, and you still as the setter places a quick kiss on the top of your head while attempting to ease your worries. “Let’s not freak out. Not now, at least. Just...hang with me?” 
You relax, Kenma’s rare words of affection making the panic replace with warmth as you turn in his hold, arms wrapping around his middle tightly as his clasp at the small of your back. The scent of him fills your nose as you mumble into his chest, a wave of tired washing over you as Kenma hides a small, relaxed smile into your hair. 
“Alright, love. Sushi okay?” 
“Order me ramen.”
“Right! My viewers sent me in some apple pie, I almost forgot- Kenma, wait for me!” 
“You should have said so sooner.” 
The TV was still blaring on some random episode of a netflix series when you wake up, Kenma’s hoodie hanging around your groggy figure as you wake up warm yet alone, tiredly sitting up to switch off the TV. You blink once, and then twice again before smiling to yourself. 
Kenma had applied petroleum jelly to your tattoo for you, an open bottle of water already unscrewed and waiting on the clean living room table. 
The plates from dinner had already been taken and now laid on the drying rack along with the apple pie neatly put away in it’s box next to it. You had to hand it to him, Kenma made it hard for you to be annoyed about waking up alone. Wiping your eyes with the loose sleeve of your boyfriend’s hoodie, you check the time only for your eyes to widen a little bit. 
It was now nine in the morning, meaning that you had slept through the night without even realizing it. You sigh, going through your phone while still waking up before frowning at the influx of notifications and messages blowing up your device, the dms in particular being the most annoying. 
Are you dating Kenma Kozume?!
Back off, hoe. He belongs to his fans. 
Omg omg is my ship sailing??????
From: Asshole 
Are you two lovebirds trying to get found out?
You narrow your eyes, shooting a text back. 
-Kuroo, it’s too early for your bull. 
Listen lovely, it’s never too early. And matching tattoos? He wouldn’t get any with me:((
-Wonder why.
You snort before stretching tiredly, putting your phone down and wandering into your spacious bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, a giddy feeling in your stomach at the fact that Kenma was supposed to finish up his live in less than twenty minutes. However, you stall, gaping at the mirror in disbelief. 
A groan slips your lips as you raise a hand to your neck, eyeing the dark bruises littered up to your jaw as you hang your head and sigh. You couldn’t believe you had forgotten that Kenma had gotten a little carried away last night, your heated makeout session on the couch turning into a little something more, hence the hoodie you now adorned. 
You blush as you begin to remember, shaking your head of such thoughts before tying your hair up. Oh well, nothing some concealer and color corrector wouldn’t fix- maybe a scarf or two. You begin to make breakfast after clambering into the kitchen, a nutritious breakfast of soup and fish with rice being carefully plated onto a tray almost half an hour later. 
Hey, is Kenma done with his stream? 
You sip some soup, tasting it as you type away on your phone. 
-Should be, Kuroo- why? 
Oh, his fans were blowing up his comments asking about you and I’ve never seen the poor boy so flustered. Hug him, will you? 
-Bringing him breakfast now. 
I’m so glad he met you:’) 
-Buzz off:’)
You ignore the snarky response from Kuroo before lifting the tray, not even bothering to knock or say you were coming in as you push the door open to Kenma’s gaming room after ascending the stairs, figuring that the stream was supposed to end ten minutes ago- 
And oh boy did you wish you had knocked. 
You almost drop the tray, stilling at the sight of Kenma’s stream still ongoing, the cat-like boy pushing back from his monitor in shock as he whips his head to look at you from his gaming chair- 
You, his hoodie draped hanging off your figure with no pants underneath, simply exposing your bare legs and your hair tied back messily, a tray of breakfast in your hand that signalled you had spent the night together-
and not to mention the hickies ever so evident on your neck. 
You squeak, stepping out of the door and slamming it shut behind you just as Kenma’s comments explode across the monitor. You were in for it now. 
The tray gets slowly lowered in front of the door before you make a mad dash to your shared bedroom, ignoring the now increased influx of notifications on your phone from Kenma’s hoodie pocket before throwing it across the room and face-planting onto your bed. 
How could you have been so careless?
Heat tinges your eyes as you muffle a scream into the sheets. 
What’s gonna happen now?
You flinch at the sound of someone else entering the room, refusing to look up from your spot as a familiar figure sits next to your teary one carefully. A feeling of guilt and wishing you could turn back time weighs on your chest as Kenma strokes a hand through your hair. 
“Don’t panic.” 
“Don’t panic?!” You sit up, Kenma eyeing you evenly as he watches frustrated tears brim your eyes. “I just walked into your live!” 
“I know, I was there.” 
“Kenma!” You whine, and surprise etches onto your features when Kenma stifles a laugh into his palm, looking off to the side before taking your hand in one of his carefully. The other one wipes moisture from your eyes as Kenma stops teasing you, looking at you seriously through golden irises. 
“We’d have to let them know eventually, you do know that- right? Or did you want to keep us a secret forever?”
“I know, but...” You sniff, Kenma using his finger to tilt your chin up slightly to tilt his head. 
“I don’t want to...ruin your career.” You finish quietly, and you gasp when you suddenly find yourself on your back, Kenma now looking at you with a hard edge to his eyes as he stares down at you from his position on top. 
“Well, isn’t this familiar-” your cracked voice tries to joke. 
“Shut up.” Kenma rolls his eyes before leaning down so his nose is almost touching yours. 
“Would I have gotten this ink permanently drawn onto my damn skin if I thought you’d ever ruin anything for me?” 
At your loss of words, Kenma sighs before taking one of your relaxed hands- the one with the controller on it- and bringing the side of your thumb to his lips so he can mumble against it. 
“And this? This tattoo of yours means that you’re mine. Didn’t we get these tattoos because we knew we’d reveal it anyway?” 
“Kenma, you’re speaking too much calm down-” 
You stop with your antics as Kenma’s voice softens, eyeing you seriously. “Don’t you...want to be together?” 
“God, what kind of question is that?” You frown, lifting your hands to cup his face as you look up at his pretty features. “You know I do.” 
“Then I’m happy you walked into my stream.” Kenma turns his head into your touch to kiss your palm. “Because now all those damn pretty boys in your dms know you’re taken.”
“Kenma, they saw hickies.” 
“I can’t with you.” You roll your eyes before releasing a breathy laugh, glancing at the phone screen from the floor across the room as it turns off and on, lighting your screen up with notifciations. “I’m taking it the press is eating this up?” 
“Like a damn buffet.” Kenma sighs, lazily beginning to trace patters into your exposed thighs. “You know what I can eat up though?” 
“The breakfast you stepped over on your way to pursue me?” You blink innocently, laughing when Kenma shoots you a tired stare. 
“Sure. Let’s eat breakfast.” 
“Kenma-” You begin to whine, only for your boyfriend to kiss your lips in a chaste manner, lips lifting ever so slightly when you blink doe-eyed up at him in response. The phones become ignored as Kenma throws his behind him, the press now forgotten as two phones now blow up beside one another.
His thumb strokes yours as the ink on both of your skin traces over one another, the slight sting of the tattoos unnoticeable as Kenma’s hands slide further up his hoodie. 
“Use that pretty voice of yours and tell me what you want then, princess.” 
“I’m starting to think you did this on purpose.” You murmur against his lips as Kenma scoffs in the midst of trailing kisses down your neck. 
“There’s a reason my stream didn’t end when I told you it would, love.” 
General Work taglist: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @dreebbles @kasandrafaye @yams046
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Forgetful - Seokjin
You sat at the two person table by yourself just staring mindlessly at the menu. You could probably recite the whole entree list by heart at this point.
The dimly lit restaurant was crowded and filled with noises; dishes clanking, people laughing, the soft tune of music. It would have been the perfect atmosphere… had you not been there alone.
 You sighed and glanced at your beautiful (and expensive) watch… one of the many gifts given to you by your boyfriend last Christmas.
 It was 8:43. Your reservation had been for 43 minutes ago.
 “Excuse me,” the perfect-looking hostess came up to you for the third time and spoke to you in Korean, “but we are super busy, as you can probably tell, and if you’re not going to order then we really need your table.”
 You frowned and glanced down at your phone. Still no texts or missed calls.
 “I know, I’m so sorry, can I just wait until nine? I don’t know why he’s taking so long, I’m sure he’s on his way…”
 “So you’ve said,” she replied with a fake smile, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder and walking away.
 Wow rude, much?
 You stared at your phone, your vision becoming blurry from the tears forming in your eyes. You hoped everything was okay with him. And you couldn’t help but wonder if he forgot.
 You scrolled through his texts, the last from this morning around 10:30am saying he was beginning the shoot for the latest Run BTS! Episode and he would see you later. You assumed that meant here.
But he never showed.
 You touched his contact to give him a call, but again it just rang and rang until you were again met with the automatic voicemail. You sighed and typed him another text.
Hey I’m leaving the restaurant now. I hope you’re okay. Please call or text when you get this.
 Then you grabbed your things, stood up and walked towards the exit of the restaurant.
 “Oh my god, it’s about time she left,” you heard the hostess whisper to someone as you walked passed her podium, “She claimed to be meeting a member of BTS here for dinner!”
 Her snickering was the last thing you heard as you pushed open the door and went back out into the warm Seoul night.
By the time you made it home to your and Jin’s shared apartment you were exhausted and your feet absolutely ached from the heels you were wearing. You unlocked the door and went inside, immediately removing them and rubbing your swollen soles.
All of a sudden, you heard noises coming from the living room. Jin was home?
When you turned the corner there he was, sitting on the couch, laughing at some show playing on the tv and eating ramen from a bowl on his lap.
Your heart sank. He was okay. So what you had feared was true after all. He just forgot.
Forgot your one-year anniversary dinner.
“Oh hi, (y/n)-ah!” he exclaimed when he finally noticed you standing there, a heap of noodles dangling out of his mouth.
He swallowed them and continued,
“Wow, you look really pretty! Did you go out with your friends?”
Your eyes instantly welled up with tears and a couple fell down your cheeks before you could stop them. You tried to swipe them away abruptly with the back of your hand but Jin still noticed.
“Jagi, what’s wrong?”
He set his bowl on the coffee table in front of him and rose from his seat on the couch to walk over to you.
He reached his arms out to hold you, but you instantly stepped back to avoid his embrace.
He cocked his head and furrowed his eyebrows confusingly, his large red lips turning into a frown.
“Jagiya? Is everything okay?”
You sniffled and glared at him.
“So you just don’t check your phone anymore?”
He immediately reached into the front pocket of his trousers and pulled it out.
“Aiishh it must have still been on silent from the shoot today. I’m sorry if I missed-”
He stopped mid sentence as he finally observed all your missed calls and read your texts.
His face fell.
“Oh… fuck. (y/n). Shit.”
He looked up at you, an expression of worry and guilt evident on his handsome face.
“(y/n), jagi, I’m so so so sorry. Fuck! I-I completely forgot. I got caught up with work and- ”
You put your hand up to silence him.
“I don’t want to hear it, Seokjin.”
He winced. He knew you only called him by his full first name on two occasions: one when you were really really pissed at him, the other when he was making really really good love to you… and right now it certainly was not the latter.
You brushed passed him and headed toward the hallway. You were tired and hurt, and now to top it all off you had a massive headache. All you wanted to do at this point was take a shower, go to bed and forget this evening ever happened.
But you heard Jin follow you toward your shared bedroom.
“(y/n), please, I’m really sorry. I know there aren’t any excuses. I fucked up. I really, really fucked up.”
You scoffed, not turning back to face him.
“Yeah, you think?”
He paused in thought for a moment.
“Well, what if-what if we celebrate now? I can cook you up some really delicious food, all your favorite foods from home! And-and we can light some candles, have dinner, spend the whole rest of the night together…”
You stopped in the bedroom doorway and swung your whole body around to face him again.
“No. It’s too late, Jin. I waited at the restaurant for an hour for you. I’m exhausted, okay? I just want to go to bed,” you paused, “So please. Just leave me alone.”
Jin’s shoulders fell in defeat as his gaze went to the floor. His arm lifted to scratch the back of his neck.
“O-okay,” he whispered.
Then he squinted his eyes tightly shut, and that was the last thing you saw as you let the bedroom door close in his face.
The warm shower felt amazing on your body, but you couldn’t help the thoughts that plagued your mind while in there. Jin had forgotten arguably the most important date in a relationship. What was next? Your birthday? The next anniversary? It made you feel like your relationship wasn’t important to him, like you were an afterthought. It hurt your heart.
Once you were clean and out of the shower, you changed into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. Your head still ached immensely; you had hoped the shower would have fixed that, but all that overthinking had only made it worse. You knew Jin usually kept some pain medication in his nightstand for when his body was sore after a particularly grueling day of dancing, so you proceeded to his side of the bed and sat down on the edge, reaching for the top drawer.
Immediately upon opening it you spotted a red envelope, “My (y/n)” written across the top in Jin’s messy handwriting. You hesitated for a second whether or not to investigate it, but ultimately, with a shaky hand, you pulled it out. You took a deep breath before opening it and removing the card inside.
In an elegant font, the front of the card read ‘Happy Anniversary to the one I want to annoy for the rest of my days’, and written on the inside ‘Hey, that’s you!’.
You couldn’t help but stifle out a small chuckle, accompanied with an eye roll, of course. It was so Jin. Your Jin.
Your eyes then scanned his handwritten message next.
 Congratulations! You have been chosen by WWH Worldwide Handsome Kim Seokjin himself as the person who gets to be annoyed by him for the rest of your life! Don’t you feel so honored? It’s a coveted position, there’s only one spot, and you got it! We’ll talk about the details later 😉
No, but seriously, my (y/n), thank you for putting up with me for a whole year. I know I can be pretty obnoxious, silly, stupid, goofy, forgetful (ha, he got that one right for sure), busy and sometimes moody, but you have stuck with me through it all and I appreciate it. You are so special and I hope you know how lucky I feel to have you. You’re so supportive and patient and kind. I can’t wait to share many more anniversaries with you.
All my love,
You clutched the card to your chest, tears streaming down your face again. But this time you weren’t upset. You were touched. His words definitely didn’t excuse what he did (or rather didn’t do) this evening, but at least you knew how he truly felt about you. He really did love you. Your heart suddenly felt full.
You stood up, holding the card tightly, opening the bedroom door to go find him.
 “Jin?” you yelled down the hall. But, to your surprise, he was right outside the bedroom doorway, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, his long legs spread out in front of him, his phone in his hands.
“Jin I-“
But he quickly stood up and turned his phone to face you.
“Jagiya, look I downloaded an app where you can save all your important dates! And you can set it up for reminders days, even weeks beforehand! So I put in today, of course, and your birthday, but please don’t think I would ever forget that, and the day we went on our first date, the day I first cooked for you, the day-“
He stopped speaking when you suddenly stood on your tip toes and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. He immediately wrapped his around your lower back and squeezed you into him.
 “I’m just so sorry, jagi.” he mumbled into your hair.
You nodded against his broad shoulder.
“I know.”
You pulled away and presented the card.
“I found this.”
Jin’s ears promptly turned bright red and he closed his eyes tightly. Then he put his head in his hands.
“Aiissh, it’s so cheesy, I’m sorry.”
You placed your hand on his upper arm, making him glance back down at you.
“No, Jinnie, not at all. It’s perfect. I loved it.”
He smiled, wrinkles forming at the sides of his eyes.
“See? I didn’t completely forget! I knew it was coming up. I just didn’t exactly remember when we were going to dinner and I should have-”
You placed your lips on his in a tender kiss to shut him up again. He pulled you closer to him, so your bodies were completely touching before you broke apart, still attached at the foreheads.
“Mmm Happy One Year Anniversary, my (y/n)-ah,” he breathed out.
You nuzzled your face into his strong neck.
“Happy Anniversary, my Worldwide Handsome.”
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leejungchans · 4 years
— dance with me?
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word count: 1.7k
pairing: dino (svt) x ateez oc (juliet)
warning(s): none!!
genre: an overwhelming amount of fluff bc i love lee chan
set on february 11, 2021
summary: during a late-night date on dino’s birthday, he asks juliet a special question.
juliet’s masterlist
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minnie 🐭❤️ [22:16] i’m heading down now!! (◕‿◕) don’t drive off without me please ur so sexc 😩😩
From where he is, parked a street down from the building where ATEEZ’s dorm is in, Chan shakes his head fondly, looking out the window from the driver’s seat for any sign of his girlfriend.
Sure enough, just a few minutes later, Juliet emerges from the building’s entrance, glancing down the mostly empty street before spotting the familiar car.
Under the light of the street lamps, he can see that she’s wearing a huge puffer jacket with a scarf wrapped around her neck, purple hair stuffed under her beanie to avoid catching the attention of prying eyes. With all the layers she has on, she reminds him of a waddling penguin as she speed-walks towards the car.
Chan unlocks the door as Juliet approaches, her eyes smiling while she settles into the passenger’s seat before leaning over the console to hug him. “Happy birthday, Channie,” she beams, taking off her mask to nuzzle the bottom half of her face into the thick material of her scarf.
“You already said that,” Chan teases, also smiling as he watches her fumble with the seatbelt for a bit.
“That was from almost twelve hours ago at 12 am! I think it’s illegal if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday again,” Juliet protests. “Sorry for being late, by the way. Have you been waiting long?”
“It’s only a few minutes, don’t sweat it.”
“Okay, but there’s actually a good reason! I was about to leave the building when Mingi-oppa called me because I left your present on the table, and I had to go back up to grab it! So you have him to thank that you have a birthday present.”
Juliet takes out a small gift bag, its handles tied together with ribbon so he can’t look into it, and hands it to him with a sweet grin. “Don’t open it now, though,” she warns half-jokingly.
“What? Why?” Chan whines. “I can’t even open my own present on my birthday?”
“No, because if you open it now then I’ll have to explain the meaning behind your gift, and if I do that I might actually cry. There’s a card inside explaining it.”
“What if I want to hear it from you?”
“Then you can call me when you get home,” she responds cheekily.
Chan relents. “Fine, you win. But you didn’t have to get me anything, I hope you know that,” he adds the last part seriously.
Juliet smiles reassuringly. “I know, but I wanted to. I hope you’ll like it, though.”
“I know I will.” It’s at that moment when he finally gets a good look at her face, the light from the street lamps hitting it just enough for him to note the dark circles under her eyes. “You look tired, baby. Don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful no matter what, but is everything okay?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” As though on cue, Juliet brings a hand up to cover her mouth as she yawns. “Just a little tired from comeback preparations and practising for Kingdom. I’ll be fine, though, don’t worry.”
“I’ll always worry about you,” Chan admits. “You shouldn’t have come so you can rest.”
Juliet frowns. “No, I wanted to see you. Plus, it’s your birthday.”
“Okay, but you have to promise that you’ll take care of yourself.”
“I always do!” A pause. “Okay, sometimes I don’t, but I’ll try,” she promises genuinely.
Chan smiles. “Good. Let’s go, then. Seatbelt on?”
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“Um, where exactly are you taking me?” Juliet asks suspiciously, noting that they’re currently driving up a hill away from central Seoul.
“Patience, Minnie. You’ll find out soon,” Chan says with a mischievous smirk. “We’re almost there.”
She feigns an offended gasp. “I am always patient! I’m just asking because I’m too pretty to meet my end now.”
“If something happens, I’ll protect you.”
“Nice try, but don’t think I haven’t watched that episode of GOING SEVENTEEN with you guys in the haunted house,” Juliet teases with a raised brow. “If anything, we probably need to call Wonwoo-ssi or Minghao-ssi.”
Chan groans. “Can we not talk about my members when we’re on a date?”
This only earns a laugh from Juliet. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“You’re going to tease me even on my birthday?”
“It’s how I show affection!” she defends while the car comes to a stop at the side of a dimly lit road. “Are we here?”
Upon his nod, she unbuckles her seatbelt to hop out the car, snow crunching under her boots. Immediately, harsh winds whip at her face and she shivers, the temperature even lower due to the higher elevation.
She hears a lighthearted tsk from behind her before feeling her jacket being draped over her shoulders. “You left it in the backseat, silly,” Chan says softly while he helps her into it, referring to when she took it off during the car ride. “You’re going to catch a cold.”
“No, I won’t. I have you to remind me,” Juliet says cheekily, earning herself a light flick on the forehead. She follows Chan to a clearing a few paces away from where they parked and immediately realises why he took her here.
Seoul, with its sparkling lights, is captivating at night when you’re in the heart of the city, but perhaps even more so when you’re looking at it from afar. She can’t help but admire the stark contrast between the tranquil hillside they’re at that compared to the vibrant city centre it overlooks.
“I sometimes come here with the members when we want to be away from... the loudness of it all,” Chan explains quietly as they move closer to the railing. “To think. Or just to take our mind off certain things.”
Juliet leans closer to his side to link their arms, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Don’t come to places like here often?”
She snorts. “I don’t just let anyone drive me to a dark hill in the middle of the night.”
Chan laughs, gently resting his head on hers. “You have a point. Does this mean I’m the only person allowed to take you here?”
“I’d like that. I also have a horrible sense of direction, so I don’t think I can remember the way here even if I tried.” Despite her quip, something in Juliet feels fuzzy and warm at the thought of this place being one only they know of.
It brings a sense of giddiness, the same one she felt when she was much, much younger; when she and her friends first decided on a secret hideout at their school back home in Sydney. Only this time, there’s more to it than just childhood innocence.
Juliet doesn’t know much about love. She’s had crushes here and there throughout her life, but none of them ever developed into something further. Of course, until she met Chan.
She doesn’t know much about love. But this feels like it.
And that’s more than enough for her.
His voice cuts through her thoughts. “I actually have something to ask you.”
At her hum, he continues.
“I was wondering if you’d want to be on Danceology. You know, like for a collaboration. We can choreograph and dance it together... anything you want, really.”
Juliet looks up at the boy with wide eyes, not knowing if she heard him correctly. “You’re sure?”
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. Or you don’t have to decide now, I know you’re really busy these days. No pressure at all.”
“No, no,” she clarifies. “I meant if you’re sure you want to do one with me?”
The look in his eyes is so tender that she feels like crying. “I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
Something tells her he’s not only referring to Danceology.
Juliet leans her forehead on Chan’s shoulder to hide her face from him. “You’re going to make me cry on your own birthday,” she mutters.
“Is that a yes?”
She nods against him while blinking away the hot tears prickling at her eyes, feeling his lips press against her temple.
“That’s the best present you could’ve given me.”
“Yah, you can’t say that!” Juliet says, somehow finding it in her to crack a joke. What can she say? Humour is one of her many coping mechanisms. “You’re only supposed to say that if I didn’t give you anything! What does that make the gift I got you?”
“Best of the best?” At her laugh, Chan presses again, “am I still not allowed to open it?”
“No, you’re not.”
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[00:05—Outside ATEEZ’s dorm]
“Okay, fine, you can open it.”
“What made you change your mind?” Chan grins, already reaching for the small bag in the backseat.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Juliet admits, smiling as she uses the dimmest setting of her phone’s flashlight to illuminate the dark interior, the overhead light being too risky to turn on at this hour lest they want to draw unwanted attention to themselves. “I guess I want to see your reaction.”
She stares quietly as he undos the ribbon tying the handles together before looking into the bag and taking out a small box. Despite her shyness and the sudden urge to jump out of the car and run back up to the dorm, Juliet continues to hold up her phone as he takes out the silver band within it.
It’s simple, minimalist, inconspicuous enough to wear during the day but at the same time uniquely his due to the custom engraving on the outside of the band. A snowflake.
She bites the inside of her cheek from nervousness as Chan silently reads the small card that came along in the bag, subconsciously tracing over her neat handwriting with his finger.
“Like a snowflake, I fell for you hahahaha (´。• ᵕ •。`) You asked me to be yours during the first snow of the year. I hope that is only the start of many more years to come. Happy Birthday, always be happy and healthy ❤️ And don’t forget to take care of yourself!! (♡`Д´) If you forget I’ll come over and nag you, but maybe you’d like that more than not ㅋㅋㅋ — 🐭❤️”
Chan’s eyes are glossy when he finally meets her curious and worried gaze, trying to gauge his reaction. He beams brightly.
“Told you I’d like it.”
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find their collaboration here!! 😼
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a/n: blessing you guys with this gif bc look at him go!! ;-; stream dino’s dancelogy to be sexcie 😼 pls don’t let juno flop </3 also i thought it’d be too mean if i didn’t tell you what the present was bc i definitely considered not saying anything about it 👀👀 anyways let me know what you think about this chapter 🥺 personally i am <///3 bc bwhehwhs i want what they have but also i’m not very good at writing fluff whjehdhw i cringe at myself sm when writing it 🤡
thank you so much for reading 💕 please do consider leaving feedback whether it’s a reblog, a reply or an ask, it would mean the absolute world to me as feedback really motivates and supports creators 🥺 and feel free to chat with me about juliet or anything else through my asks!! as always, take care and have a good day!!
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
I thought my mind is angst free but le nope, here I am. Hazel, my precious ray of sunshine, may I ask for some angst torture with Sanji and Zoro (not poly, lmao) and fem s/o who hid severe medical condition from them. One day it suddenly gets much worse and Chopper is not available; boys can't do nothing much than watching her fading away in their arms and begging her to not go where they can't follow (ah yes, lotr reference). But happy ending plz, if possible T^T Thank you UwU
Some Angst for Bas! :Hellmo: I tried not to angst it up too much, and they ended up about double as long as I intended. I hope you like them and thank you for your insane patience! Sending you love! 
Having an S/O who hides a severe medical condition HC - Sanji, Zoro 
2nd person. Female reader. tw: illness, mentions of illness, light angst 
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Sanji is quite observant. He keeps an eye on his lover, and he knows you better than you sometimes know yourself. So he definitely knows something is up: the visits to chopper, the sudden breaks you need to take in the middle of chores and training. But you never talk about it and he respects your privacy. 
No matter how much he wants to help you, no matter how much he really wishes you would open up to him about whatever is going on, he knows that you want to tackle this by yourself. 
That does not mean he lets you do everything by yourself all the time. He finds many ways to help you around, disguising it under his gentleman attitude. 
He cooks you special dishes that are filled to the brim with all kinds of vitamins and other nutritional elements that will help you keep healthy and strong, even though he has absolutely no idea what part of your health is the one that is stopping you. 
He carries everything that might be too heavy for you, not wanting to over stress you. Even if you’re plenty strong, he will just say that it’s a men’s duty to carry his lady’s stuff. 
Even when you're training, he will bring refreshments, make sure you take plenty of breaks, draw you a nice bath after and massage any aching muscles if you will allow him. 
Sanji is near you when you have the worst episode of your illness you’ve ever had. You feel weak, everything hurting, and you just collapse in the middle of the deck. Sanji would catch you right before you fall, worriedly asking you what you need, but he realizes you’re already unconscious and cannot reply. 
Chopper is out with some other crewmates to get supplies, so Sanji is immediately panicking, torn in between leaving you on the ship to go get Chopper as fast as possible and staying with you in hopes the others will return soon. He eventually settles for the first, deciding that your chances are best when Chopper is involved. 
He picks you up and carries you to your bed so at least you’re in a comfortable spot, but when he turns to leave, there’s a soft tug at his sleeve and he can hear you very faintly whispering to stay. Your eyes are barely open and you’re wincing with every little sound and movement around you. He kneels down next to the bed, tears now falling freely as he begs you to stay with him and not to give up. Chopper will be there soon. 
You have fallen unconscious again when Chopper returns. Sanji races outside the moment he hears them arrive and drags Chopper over to the room, explaining as quickly as he can. He insists on staying with you as Chopper looks after you. 
Luckily, Chopper is already aware of your situation, and he’s able to help you swiftly. 
You wake up not that much later, still in loads of pain, Sanji holding your hand as tight as he can without adding to the pain.
“Please y/n…. let me help next time”
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Zoro notices something is off rather fast… but much like Sanji, he is not one to pry. You tell him you’re fine, he will believe you.. up until a certain point that is. 
For the most time, you can just dismiss him by telling him there is nothing seriously wrong, trying not to worry him, and assure him that you can handle it. After all, Zoro won’t needlessly hurt your pride by being overbearing or smothering you when it’s unnecessary. 
He’s still picking up on some cues. Just because Zoro is pretty routine-oriënted, he will notice it when things are out of place or not going like they should. On days where he notices you’re struggling, he will pull you with him for an extra nap, bother Sanji for some extra healthy food… the small things that let you know that he cares, he just doesn’t want you to be bothered or feel bad that he’s helping.
He’s training when he hears a loud crash, and even though it’s not that rare for things to fall and break on the ship, he has to do a double take, seeing as the only ones on the ship are you, Usopp and him. The latter usually just spends time tinkering away, and wasn’t supposed to emerge from his room until an emergency happened or the others returned. Weights are swiftly dropped as he shouts down from the crow’s nest. 
“Y/n? Everything all right there?” 
When there is no response, he rushes to where you are supposed to be. He knows you’re not one to joke, especially since you very well know how overbearing he can get when there’s serious danger involved. 
He finds you on the floor, a little scrape bleeding from the fall, but otherwise you seem unharmed. 
He almost lets out a sigh in relief when he notices tears silently streaming over your face. Your expression is contorted, laced with pain and he feels his heart sink all the way into his shoes when he rushes over, easily picking you up and cradling you, his actions a little more rough than intended, only because he just wants to make sure you’re helped as soon as possible. 
You let out a yelp as he picks you up. It’s loud, but not as intense as he’s used to from you. You’re visibly weak and he curses himself mentally for not saying anything earlier today or staying with you when he noticed today was another one of your ‘off days’. 
“Y/n, what’s wrong? What can I do?” 
You open your mouth a couple of times, but find that even talking has become hard, if not excruciating, and you can barely choke out “Chopper”. 
Zoro holds you as close as he can without crushing you or causing you any more pain, and yells out to Usopp to hold the fort. He needs to get you to the doctor, ASAP.
His sense of direction is not really helping, but fortunately, the rest of the crew doesn’t take too long to hear of a ‘green haired man frantically looking for his crew while practically running in circles’. 
The rest of the crew finds you guys relatively fast, but by then you’re slipping in and out of consciousness. Zoro had been cursing about them getting away, and simultaneously kept talking to you, panic apparent in his voice as your answers are incoherent or altogether absent. 
Chopper, as the only one aware of you condition, manages to help you faster than any other doctor would be able to, but you’re going to need some extra medicine and rest for letting it come this far. 
Once he gets the ok, Zoro carries you back to the ship, ignoring all your protests. He will see it as his personal responsibility to make sure you rest and get your meds in time. 
He kisses your forehead as he puts you down on your bed to rest once you’re back at the ship.
“Sorry y/n, some burdens cannot be carried alone. I will help, even if you don’t want me to.”
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