#your community conection
pendingwithapril · 6 months
Revamp Your Outdoors: Budget-Friendly Tips for a Stunning Space
By: April Creech, REALTOR, GRI, C2EX
Are you yearning to transform your outdoor space into a haven of relaxation and beauty but worried about the costs? Fear not! Revamping your outdoors doesn't have to break the bank. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can breathe new life into your outdoor area without emptying your wallet. Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a cozy balcony, here are some budget-friendly tips to help you revamp your outdoors:
Plan and Prioritize: Before you begin, take some time to envision how you want your outdoor space to look and function. Create a rough sketch or layout to help you visualize the possibilities. Prioritize the essential elements you want to include, such as seating areas, greenery, lighting, or decorative features.
Shop Secondhand: One person's trash is another's treasure! Explore thrift stores, garage sales, or online marketplaces for budget-friendly outdoor furniture and decor. With a bit of luck and patience, you can find quality pieces at a fraction of the cost of new items.
DIY Décor: Get your creative juices flowing by crafting your own outdoor decor. From repurposing old pallets into garden furniture to painting terra cotta pots for vibrant planters, DIY projects offer endless possibilities to personalize your outdoor space while saving money.
Embrace Greenery: Plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also breathe life into outdoor spaces. Opt for low-maintenance, budget-friendly plants such as succulents, herbs, or native species that thrive in your climate. Consider growing your own herbs or vegetables to add a functional and decorative touch to your outdoor oasis.
Lighting Magic: Illuminate your outdoor space with strategic lighting to create ambiance and extend usability into the evening hours. Solar-powered lights are a cost-effective option that doesn't require wiring or electricity. Hang string lights or lanterns for a cozy atmosphere that won't break the bank.
Repurpose and Upcycle: Look around your home for items that can be repurposed for outdoor use. An old wooden ladder can serve as a charming plant stand, while mason jars can be transformed into lanterns or candle holders. Let your imagination run wild and give new life to forgotten treasures.
Create Functional Zones: Divide your outdoor space into functional zones to maximize its usability. Designate areas for dining, lounging, gardening, or recreation based on your preferences and lifestyle. This approach allows you to make the most of your space without overspending on unnecessary furnishings.
Focus on Maintenance: Invest in durable, low-maintenance materials and landscaping features to save time and money in the long run. Choose weather-resistant furniture, easy-care plants, and hardscaping materials that require minimal upkeep, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements.
Add Personal Touches: Infuse your personality into your outdoor space with personal touches and meaningful decor. Display artwork, photographs, or DIY crafts that resonate with you and create a sense of warmth and authenticity. Your outdoor oasis should reflect your unique style and interests without breaking the budget.
Take It One Step at a Time: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your outdoor sanctuary. Don't feel pressured to complete your revamp all at once. Take it one step at a time, tackling projects gradually as your time and budget allow. Enjoy the process of transforming your outdoors, and savor the journey as much as the destination.
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Outdoor renovations can boost your home value. But it doesn't have be too expensive.
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socoolinmypajamas · 20 days
Rayashki and Zeno: How a harsh environment shapes actions.
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Sometimes, a perception is taken as a principle. A "cruel reality" can be described as a negative perception of the material world, used to assert a situation. "Reality is cruel", however consists in using the previously descrived perception as a fundamental truth or a proposition in which to base the foundations of a system of belief, of behaviour or of a chain of reason. Both are heavily present in Farewell Rayashki, a story all about the strenght of the colective, the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity and what shapes the actions of those who persue a goal. With that in mind, I wanted to write... Not an analysis per se, but rather to build some sort of structure or perspective (whatever you want to call it) through which the story can be analyzed.
Now, imagine a matrix diagram where the X-axis goes from "Gemeinschaft" (Community) to "Gesellschaft" (Society), two terms taken from german sociologist, Ferdinand Tönnies, and the Y-axis goes from "Deontic" to "Epistemic" in a mix between a Gretchen McCulloch's linguistic sense and a Józef Maria Bocheński's philosophical sense. If everything I just said made no sense, don't worry. Here's a (very) rough explanation of what I'll mean with these two dichotomies through this post: X-axis: A classification of societal ties. "Gemeinschaft" refers to personal, direct interactions with emotional relationships (such as families or small towns like Rayashki) formed by people who strive to archive the goals of a collective. "Gesellschaft", on the other hand, is about indirect and formal interactions, with more rational relationships (like a company or an institution like Zeno) in which everyone band together to persue personal goals in common. Y-axis: A classification of actions as both modality (McCulloh) and authority (Bochenski). Roughly: "actions based on interpretations and beliefs done by someone with an authority based on their ammount of knowledge and experience" (Epistemic)" vs "actions based on rules and/or desires done by someone with a role or position that gives them the power to enforce them" (Deontic).
Upper-left: Gemeinschaft/Epistemic
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Windsong's quest, mostly percieved as a fool's errand, is a classic underdog story. The lone reasercher who, disheartened by the lack of support from all the important academic institutions and societies, finds in the small town of Rayashki a more hospitable enviroment to persue her goals. She creats emotional conections with the community and soon finds more self-fulfilment in helping the townfolk than in other things like taking Zeno's offer or abandoning her studies, which are presented as more beneficial options from a rational point of view.
She confronts the notion of "cruel reality" and rejects "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This action comes from what she knows (her study of ley lines) and beliefs (the people of Rayashki, the usefullness of her field of research).
Bottom-Left: Gesellschaft/Epistemic
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You'll think he should be at the opposite side of Windsong BUT Bertolt, as the classical evil guy in your everyday underdog story, actually rejects the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. His emotional detachment from the people of Rayashki, their values, and even their very same idea of community, comes from his role as a member of Zeno, an institution that exemplfies the impersonal and formal relationships of the Gesellschaft. He doesn't see himself as the evil corporate guy who's there to destroy their dream for a greedy goal, but as the savior who comes to provide the light of rationality to this uncultured rural people who are willing to risk their lives for the sake of primitive traditions and values. He defines himself as a "simple representative of Zeno, bound by their rules and orders, working tirelessly to help people in a world wreaked by The Storm", a description that allows him to minimize his negative perception of the reality of others while justifying operating under the principle of Reality is Cruel.
Bottom-Right: Gesellschaft/Deontic
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Evgeni is shown through the story as a leader of Rayashki who deeply cares about his community BUT is willing to destroy it for the sake of a rational goal: protecting the lives of the townfolk.
He embraces the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle.
But how is HE in the opposite side of Windsong, instead of Bertolt? In Tönnies dichotomy of Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft, the relationships that are meant to keep people in communities and societies can also push them out: is all about wether the social ties become too tight or too lose to help us find self-fulfilment in them. Windsong found in a community what she couldn't find in society (validation and encouragment for her study of ley lines), while Evgeni thought he found in a society what he couldn't find in his community (a positive prospective for the people of Rayashki).
Upper-Right: Gemeinschaft/Deontic
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While Bertolt is a man of the world, trying to expand the benefits of globalization by placing the needs of bigger groups above those of the little ones, what Vila is persuing isn't just a goal to archive, but a dream to share. She didn't became a part of Rayashki only to build an utopia: everyone living there were already doing that and Vila found meaning in developing strong emotional ties with everyone as they strive together to work hard for Rayashki.
However, unlike Windsong, she accepts the notion of "cruel reality", even if she doesn't agree with "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This one si a bit tricky to explain.
It all comes down to their experiences while chasing their dreams and how that shaped their understanding of what a dream is.
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For Vila, is something that kept her going. A cherished wish that inspired her to leave the rusalki and search for a new home. A goal she could share with the people of Rayashki. A hope to cling unto while she nourishes the sprouts of Rayashki while they are passengers of the ship called "St Pavlov's Foundation" while adrift in the vast sea of the outside world, so they can carry on the spirit of Rayashki. She accepts the "cruel reality" as something that could hinder her dreams, force her to adapt them, but never crush them.
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For Windsong, the dream was but a promise turned into a burden. It was not something that comforted her if held tight, but rather something it pained her to let go. Accepting the "cruel reality" meant letting something die, and for someone who was struggling in all fronts, it meant taking a toll way to big for her to handle.
As the last ley line hunter, the dream is but a gamble turned into an investment. The chance of failure is there no matter what. Only thing she can do, is to work hard to reduce it as much as possible. To her, a "cruel reality" is something that crushes dreams. Is not enough to reject the use of this perception as a principle: her own experiences taught her that the perception itself can be a cancer. She might have a tendency to put herself down, to have doubts on what she does and to even be "realistic" in any situation she encounters. But there's ALWAYS a part of her fighting her perception of reality from turning into a negative one even if she lacks the proper arguments or mental state to do it effectively. Vila noticed that from day one, and began to slowly share with her the tools Windsong lacked, helping her become a more confident and capable person, while inadvertibly gaining a trusty partner to rely on.
Their experiences shaped them into people who complement each other incredibly well. Leaning into each other, they'll plant their seeds of hope into a new generation. For the study of ley lines; for Rayashki; for those who live in a world affected by The Storm; for those who'll survive it. *** To anyone who'll read this... whatever the hell it was till the end, thank you for time! Feel free ask me anything, correct me, chew this to bits with your bare teeth, whatever you like. I just haphazardly wrote it because I love this game so much.
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Hi. What are your favorite placements in a composite chart? Thank you.
Hello!! Apologies for the delay, hope you are having a good week! Here are some of my favorite aspects in composite:
Aspects to the Moon, especially the Moon-Mercury link, the Moon-Venus link and the Moon-Jupiter In general, having good aspects with the composite Moon will be beneficial to increase the affection, love, and emotional support of the couple. The first link mentioned could bring a telephatic connection, or a relationship that can oppenly talk about their feelings, while the second link bring a nurturing connection filled with love, and the third one a passionate one. The fourth one brings optimism, playfulness, cheerfulness, and a sincere need to make each other happy.
2. Aspects to Mercury (any aspect).
Aspects with Mercury in the composite could potentially increase the duration of the relationship. Why? Because communication is our basic tool to conect with people and see how compatible we are on a mental level along with seeing if both would have the compromise to talk to each other of their needs and interests.
Now, for me, the energy of Moon and Mercury are one of the most crucial points in a composite to see a potential relationship unfold for the long term. In relation to the rest of the planets and signs, I don't have a favorite since those energies will have a different impact on every person. For example, one of the best aspects to have in composite, according to many sources, is a Sun and Venus aspect (especially conjunction, trine, and sextile) because it grants a natural and genuine affection and love. Since I love to read astrological testimonies, I've found that some people with this aspect never felt something significant as many blogs say, so it's up to, not only the aspects and placements of the composite, but also how it touches each others natal charts to see how the relationship affects each other individually.
Having said that, I will add some things that I like to see in a composite chart:
The aspects and placement of asteroid Alma This asteroid could indicate what type of past life or past lives you had with your person. What you went through in the past. If it touches the personal planets of the chart, Vertex, the Axis, South Node, or North Node, it could indicate that you had an important or significant past life with that person.
The aspects and placement of asteroid Amor/Agapenor/Valentine These asteroids, if it makes aspects to personal planet, could increase the chances of developing love and affection towards each other. We must still consider how the primal planets affect each other, but these asteroids could increase the chances of love.
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ivys-garden · 4 months
The thing that continues to shock me about the modern world is the multitude of ways we let cars ruin are lives.
Private cars continue to be a Blight, an obsession and focus on speed and size in car culture leads to accidents becoming more and more deadly.
Counties like China used to be completely dominated by bikes, now Beijing has some of the worse air quality in the world. Globally respiratory conditions in adults and children continue to rise. And co2 drives us ever closer to climate collapse
Switching to electric and hydrogen doesn't fix this either, parts still need to be mined, rubber still needs to be produced, as does plastic and old cars and bygone petrol stations need to be scrapped as many cannot be converted
Streets and cities used to be a place of community, but now they are dominated by cars. Want to go to the park? Sorry, it was torn up for a parking garage. Want to cross the road? Yeah, just wait ten minutes for all the cars to pass and get over in 10 seconds before someone decides that getting to mcdonalds is more important than traffic laws. Oh, and I hope you've not got a motor disability or are in a wheel chair or your royaly fucked.
Pedestrians used to have the right of way always, never cars. You never had to teach children to look both ways because cars were expected to stop. Of corse motor companies started paying schools to teach traffic safety and over the decades streets became devoid of people to the point where some see hanging around on a conner or playing curby as a crime.
Cars themselves cut of connections, drivers get ever more angry at simply mistakes and spend acumelate years of there life in traffic Jams. And don't think Lane expansions help, that just means the jam expands to meet the new capacity
The private car in the modern day is pointless and dangerous, cars do have a place, like for businesses or the police or I'd your disabled and public transport in nonaplicable, but other than that the car is of a bygone era
There's a reason that more young people don't buy cars and not just because there expensive and bad for the planet - though that is a factor - cars are simply to dangerous and difficult to use.
Edinburgh has experimented with banning cars from several Streets, reinstating conections and allowing kids to play. They up parking charges to dissuade people from using there car and clogging up the narrow streets, they instal low emissions zones to stop the most polluting cars entering.
And it works.
More and more people in Scotland are using public transport, the tram lines have been expanded, as have the train and bus routes. Travel becomes cheaper and these measure have begun to spread.
It's not just Scotland either, Ireland and prodigal have done similar. Brazil has expanded bike lanes to make cycling safer and introduced a bike share system.
Spain went even further and made train travel free and German citizens even tried to get Berlin to completely ban cars
The era of the car is ending, and the sooner people accept that public transport is safer, more affordable and better for the environment, the sooner and smoother the change will occur.
One day, when I'm and old lady sitting on by garden chair, I will look out and smile because coming down the street will not be and endless cavalcade of cars, it will be the odd company van, the single decker bus carrying passengers and merry children running down the streets.
Or you know we could keep using the car and literally destroy the world via climate change whatever you want really.
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hello!! Can I request France, England and Germany with a s/o who is demissexual (you know, ace spectrum, need deep conection, takes a long time to want sex etc) and haven't had sex yet and feels very insecure?
(France, England, and Germany X Reader) Demisexual S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N sorry this is shorter its very specific. Anyway happy pride month any queer related requests r gonna get fufilled first for a while!!!
Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual subjects, but no real discussion.
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This is absolutely NO problem for Francis. He is like, the number one boundary respecter. Before he initiates any physical contact, even little things like holding your hand, he asks for your permission. And if you say no, there are no questions asked. He would NEVER ask anything of you that you don’t 100% want.
Once you tell him about your insecurities, he freaks out. His beloved? Feeling bad for doing nothing wrong? No! Not on his watch! Anytime you bring up feeling you missed the time were it was acceptable to have a first time, he’s immediately batting that thought down and insisting that “he’s been around for thousands of years, he knows a little more about acceptable timeframes.” Whenever you feel especially ‘broken,’ he’s there to hold you close and whisper affirming words all night. Your sexuality and your experiences with it say nothing about your character! Feeling safe and comfortable is more important than doing what society expects of you! He loves you no matter what.
He’s totally willing to lay his dignity down on the line to defend you about that too. If someone made fun of you for being a virgin, he is totally willing to shout, “I WAS VIRGIN UNTIL 121 SO IF YOU’RE TEASING ONE OF US, TEASE ME!” which is… embarrassing for the both of you, but it’s better than nothing. Also, anyone trying to say demisexuality is invalid is getting a death glare as he physically moves you away from them.
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Arthur has always had problems with that kind of intimacy, so it’s quite a relief to him that you aren’t super into it. He’s perfectly happy with the way things are now, don’t worry. Take as much time as you need.
He might be a little surprised when you tell him you’re a virgin, but he doesn’t judge you at all! No matter how old you are! It doesn’t change how he sees you in the slightest. If anything, it’s a good thing. It means you haven’t been comfortable doing that and haven’t forced yourself to. Which is great! It’s a little embarrassing, but he’s always been quite… promiscuous… and that’s often gotten him into pretty terrible situations. He’s glad you haven’t had to deal with all that.
Despite the fact that he is godawful at communication, he wouldn’t pressure you into anything you’re uncomfortable with. Even if he doesn’t understand, he won’t say anything about it (well, anything more than an “oh. ok!”)
Also, he’s known plenty of people throughout history that barely had sex. It’s totally normal. Anyone saying that demisexuality is a new concept is dead wrong.
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Personally, I strongly believe that Ludwig is on the asexual spectrum himself! But regardless of whether that exactly is true, he has no problem with a relationship that lacks that aspect. It’s quite hard for him to get comfortable around anyone, so he’ll need as much time as you do anyway.
Seriously, don’t feel bad about still being a virgin. He was a virgin for a long, long time (longer than you’ve been alive, probably) and his life changed very little because of it. It’s always better to be sure you want something rather than just doing it because of social pressure.
Everyone has their timeline <3 Like, he didn’t learn to read until he was like, 20, but would you hold that against him? No. So don’t feel guilty for not experiencing that yet.
He won’t ask you anything about it either. Only if you come to him first asking for it will he ever initiate anything like that. Holding hands and staring deeply into each other's eyes satisfies him perfectly. (He was raised Catholic, cut him a break.)
And if anyone tries to invalidate your sexuality, he can always pull the “I’m hundreds of years old and have been experiencing this kind of thing the whole time. You’re just ignorant” card. He’s very happy to!
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
Best friends w/ Bojji & Kage
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Ranking of Kings / Ousama Ranking ]
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lets finish this special week-birthday gift with some of my favorites characters ever <3333 I love them so fucking much (platonically, of course), im still on the edge waiting for the movie of Ousama Ranking, maybe is a good time to watch the anime for third time 🤭
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Getting to know them and become best friends it would depend a little on when did you met them, when they were separate Kage becomes difficult to aproach for all his bad past experiences while for Bojji is quite easy, however everyone underestimate him and even mock him, despite being the prince no one really shows much respect for him, so it would be difficult to get close to have a real conection for both
But if you get to meet them after they got together things get easier, both got a deep conection since both understand each other and genuinely care for each other, both bring the best of the other and even become an unstopable team! by the time you get to know them both are happier and even more willing to offer help, getting close isn't a problem nor dificult anymore, but when the bond will start to grow is if you decide to join them in their journey and travel with them
Once you grow closer to them they will be more than ready to shield you from danger and protect you with their lifes (just like they do with each other), and, honestly, Bojji is more than capable to protect both but if you end up being the first to step on and protect them, they will be quite flattered and once the fight is over they will be quick to thank you and compliment your strength as well!
Honestly, if you travel with them it won't take much time before all of you grow closer, having so much adventures together and showing that you'll fight along side with them no matter what (even if you are scare and just try to help its fine too!) will make them quickly trust you and is propably that when you are considerated their best friend your friendship become as significant as theirs, for what then all of you feel more like family than just friends, they will dream about going on adventures together forever and never separate! hopefuly, you feel the same
Despite everything that have happened, Bojji and Kage are still pretty young and non of them had really the opportunity to enjoy the world, Bojji never went too far from the castle and Kage was busy trying to survive, so now that all of you traveling and finding all kind of places there is when their most innocent sides come out when they get mesmerized by the beauty the world can offer
Also, thanks to that it becomes quite common for all of you to take a breaks of your journey on those places just to rest while watching something so beautiful (and sometimes you stop to play around a little, after solving the the problem with Bosse you have all the time in the world so of course you have some time to spare!)
Despite the fact that Bojji is deaf that doesn't really represent a problem for the communication, Bojji can read the lips and Kage understand perfectly what Bojji tries to say, but if you really want Bojji will be happy to teach you sign Language, it may be a little difficult since you'll need Kage to help traducing him whenever he speaks but at the end it can be fun too!
Sharing stories can be something funny you can all do while traveling, Bojji and Kage doesn't mind sharing their stories with you and what they have gone through while helping Bojji's family, although Kage always end up embarrasing Bojji since he speaks with a lot of pride of him and even tends to exaggerate a little when talking about his powerful friend! as well, they will love to heard about your story too, but if you don't feel too comfortable or is a sensitive topic they can wait or even tell you about their own past to help you feel like you aren't alone and you wont be judged
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moonlight-yuyu · 2 years
Hi dear, hope you had an awesome New Years💖
Can I request Xiaojun and Yang Yang (both Wavy) ideal types and as boyfriends? Please and ty hun 💖
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here you go love! and a happy and healthy new year!! <3
Ideal Type
Sun: cancer pisces scorpio taurus capricorn
Moon: aquarius gemini libra
Mercury: leo aries sagittarius
Venus: leo aries sagittarius gemini libra aquarius
Mars: scorpio cancer pisces
as a boyfriend
Xiaojun will make his s/o feel unbelivable warm by giving them all the love he could give. His s/o is the most important thing in a relationship. While being playful with his s/o he also need a lot of resurance! Xiaojun needs to feel special and probably also needs a lot of romantic attention. For example he would love to take his s/o on dates (it doesn’t need to be outside all the time) I think for Xiaojun time with his s/o would be all he needs no matter where they are. Xiaojun will probalby showing off a lot so be prepared to come to the practice rom with him to watch him practice lol. While giving lots of warmth to his s/o Xiaojun will need warmth too! Xiaojun will get insecure at times and will need a s/o who will give him emotional support in this times. Also Xiaojun would be a boyfriend who’ll have a great balance between independence and neediness. All in all Xiaojun would be a bf who would glow in a relationsip and would also get a lot of energy out of it. He’ll make you feel warm and loved while also needing the same energy back from his s/o
Ideal Type
Sun: gemini aquarius leo aries sagittarius
Moon: pisces cancer scorpio
Mercury: pisces cancer scorpio
Venus: pisces cancer scorpio capricorn taurus virgo
Mars: virgo taurus capricorn

As a boyfriend
Let me tell you one thing… when YangYang will fall in love with his s/o he’ll fall DEEP! YangYang will be depentable and loving while taking really good care of his s/o such as being loyal and comitted! For YangYang the expression of his love towards his s/o will be more on the physical rather then the vocal side. Like keeping an arm around your shoulder or taking your hand when you’re taking a walk. For YangYang it’s important for his s/o to be comfortable around him and that his S/o can talk about their feelings with him. While wanting a s/o who’s vocal about their emotions he himself is less communicative about his own. YangYang need a s/o who can sense his emotions kinda and can initiate things. All in all YangYang would be a boyfriend who’s having a deep commitment to his s/o such as having a deep emotional conection to his s/o
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clarynewme · 30 days
Could I please have a future spouse reading 🙇🫶
DOB : 1st July 2004
Time : 12.21 pm
Place : Mumbai, India
Thank youu :)
Hi🤗 Sorry for the delay🥲 For your reading I am going to use mostly vedic astrology.
In D1 chart taurus jupiter is transiting over your taurus venus(2nd lord) 9th house aspecting your scorpio moon (11th lord) in 3rd house indicating that you might meet your future spouse this year (abundance/expansion in romantic relationships and financial stability) during a transformative period of your life through travel, higher education, foreign lands, social networks, school, friends, online, communication, etc. The relationship might be based on spirituality, intensity, emotional/financial stability, privacy, long distance, healing, passion, support, family, learning, mutual growth, communication, creativity, service, fame, etc.
However with aquarius saturn transit in your 6th house aspecting 7th lord leo jupiter (4th lord) in 12th house, it could cause delays/challenges related to work, daily routine, physical and mental health, competition at work, power struggles, family, solitude, detachment, etc. Moreover you must be aware of (in the relationship) overindulgence, illusion vs reality, communication barriers, fear of vulnerability (expression of emotions), traumas, self doubt, need for validation, high expectations/standards, balance between work and personal life, freedom vs codependency; keeping an open mind, staying grounded, self reflection/healing, open communication, balancing priorities and strenght/resilience/patience are needed to overcome the challenges. You could also meet him through spirituality (manisfestation/dreams), creative activities, family gatherings, celebration, daily routine, service oriented projects, work, etc.
Rahu/ketu pisces/virgo transit is affecting your 7th/1st house axis meaning that you will have strong desire for relationships, unconventional ones that challenge society expectations, unique ideas about marriage, perhaps the person could be way older than you (you have saturn aspecting your 7th lord jupiter and 7th house) or a foreigner, different culture/religion/ethnicity, etc. You could be learning about what you want in relationships, how it affects you in a personal level, your life; letting go of old beliefs (practical ones) you had about yourself and your path; engaging in a more spiritual version of yourself; experiencing self growth/transformation. Additionaly you can draw more people towards you (more attractive). Nevertheless rahu can cause anxiety, obssesion and illusion in relationships. So keeping yourself grounded with clarity and patience, finding strategies to manage this energy is essential, perhaps doing meditation and spiritual practices.
MOON CHART (considering moon as rising)
It's confirming everything I've said before, excluding balance between family and work, issues/power struggles at home, financial stability vs emotional stability, friendships vs romantic partnerships, social endeavours/society responsibilities vs creative goals/fun, detachment from superficial conections, engaging in spiritual deep connections/networks, etc.
NOTE1: You can check this link for sidereal transits -> https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-sidereal-vedic-ephemeris-may-2025/?&aya=lahiri&&presnost=1&
In your D9 chart Jupiter in taurus is transiting your 7th lord venus in 2nd house aspecting libra mars in 7th house by 6th aspect indicating that your future spouse might be meeting you this year while he is focusing on building a strong foundation, family, emotional and financial stability (abundance/sucess). Though with mars (1st/8th lord) energy in the 7th house also aspecting aries saturn(10th/11th lord) in 1st house your relationship could be transformative (mutual growth), intense, dealing with power struggles, arguments/fights, competition at work, career/professional goals vs personal/spiritual goals/ambitions, fame/sucess vs relationships, society expectations, high standards, responsibilities, etc.
With aquarius saturn transit in 11th house conjunct aquarius sun(5th lord) and ketu asoecting leo rahu in 5th house this could indicate your future spouse/longterm partner might be going through an intense/transformative breakup👀 or some kind of closure (reason why it could delay your relationship or meeting); detachment from social endeavours, engaging in spiritual communities and forming deep connections, letting go of his ego and superficiality, focusing on creativity and new hobbies/romantic connections, rethinking about friendship/relationships, etc.
Looking at your D7 chart you have taurus jupiter transiting your 1st house aspecting scorpio moon(3rd lord) and saturn(9th/10th lord) in 7th house by 7th aspect indicating STRONG confirmation of meeting future spouse/longterm partner this year. But you still have aquarius saturn transit in your 10th house conjunct venus (1st/6th lord) that shows delays/challenges related to personal transformation/growth, health, work, career, reputation, status, stability, power struggles with teachers/menthor/coworkers/boss, competition, high expectations/standards, higher education, travelling, long distance, communication barriers (ex:online -> meeting in person later), different beliefs/cultures, emotional expression, vulnerability, etc.
Rahu/Ketu pisces/virgo is affecting your 7th lord pisces mars (12th lord) 11th house and virgo sun (4th lord) in 5th house. This reaffirms a fated/transformative/healing/karmic/passionate romantic longterm relationship with future spouse. However this relationship could also bring conflicts related to anger, control and power struggles. When you meet your future spouse or longterm partner you could be experiencing unexpected changes in social endeavours/networks, friendships, online, activism, aspirations, detaching from old beliefs around creativity, family, spirituality, ego, self identity/confidence, love, etc.
When jupiter, saturn, rahu/ketu are transiting in the same or opposite sign of sun, saturn, rahu/ketu in D7 chart it indicates a major event might happen during this time of your life like meeting your future spouse or a partner, engagement, pregnancy, career,success,fame, breakup, divorce, moving out, etc.(This technique is by Camila Regina from tiktok).  
You are currently running venus dasha from 2012 till 2032 which is great for you to meet spouse/marriage cause venus means love and is your 7th lord in Moon/D9 chart.
If we dig deeper you are going through venus-jupiter dasha till august 2025 (jupiter is your 7th lord in D1 chart and significator of spouse/marriage).
I am leaning towards september during pisces eclipse and october during virgo eclipse affecting your 7th/1st house axis of marriage/relationships/you; among other factors inother charts.
You also have good chances next year 2025 specially during venus-jupiter-mars (mars is your Darakaraka-> spouse and 7th lord in D7 chart) from 18 january till 16 march: in march saturn will transit pisces affecting pisces 7th house in D1 (longterm serious relationships) and 5th house in Moon chart, rahu/ketu transit in aquarius/leo affecting your 7th lord leo jupiter(past life relationships); in may gemini jupiter transit will be affecting your gemini saturn(aspecting 7th house) -> longterm relationships; in october cancer jupiter transit will be influencing your mars Darakaraka in 11th house, aspecting 5th house of dating, etc.
If you want to know time periods or more you can DM me. 
NOTE2: Remember that we might have many soulmates and potential long term partners.
In regards to your pushya mars Darakaraka in 11th house your spouse could embody these characteristics: help you grow internally and externally; assertive, hot, passionate, transformative, intense, sexy, attractive, creative, intuitive, stable, service oriented (charity/donations), serious, quiet ambition, patient, compassionate, polite, brave, courageous, strong, hardworking, perfectionist, freedom lover, intelligent, sociable, wise, mature; mother/family/friends are important; generous, unique, unconventional/goals, challenges society expectations/norms, loves technology, arts, travelling, philosophy and cooking, takes care of other people, emotional, nurturing, protective,supportive, nurturing, caring, close to mother/family, generous, mommy issues, overgiving, possessive, jealous, oversensitive, controlling, insecure, self doubt, aloof, anxious, loner, enigmatic, indecisive, manipulative, explosive anger after a long time, overbearing, workaholic, strict, etc.
Mars DK is aspecting scorpio moon(11th lord) in 3rd house by 5th aspect and taurus venus(2nd lord) in 9th house by 11th aspect. This indicates your future spouse might influence your emotional expression, self transformation, you might feel more more open with him: communication about feelings/traumas/fears/dreams/aspirations/longterm goals/friendships/social endeavours/creativity/spirituality/etc. The relationship could be based on intensity, transformation, mutual growth support, romance, intellectuality, passion vs practicality, learning, higher education (studying together), travelling, philosophy, beliefs, financial and emotional stability, communication, healing, fame, success, service, etc. Though you will need to be careful of overindulgence, idealism/illusion/passion vs practicality/reality, misunderstandings, communication barriers, different beliefs/cultures/religion/values, high expectations, emotional ups and downs, freedom vs union/codependency, etc.
Your 7th lord D1 is leo purva phalguni jupiter (4th lord) in 12th house that is also significator of spouse/marriage, so your spouse/marriage could embody these characteristics: spirituality, long distance relationship, foreign lands (could be a foreigner or his family is from a foreign country), sacrifice, service, privacy, secrets, travelling, intuition, dreams, subconscious, soulmate energy, transformation, healing, mutual growth, dualistic, wisdom, passion, sensuality, affection, protection,support, spoiling gifts, show off/over the top, fun, attraction/chemistry, playfulness, cinema dates, creativity, artistic/spiritual activities/projects, magnetic, power couple vibes, individuality, silent confidence, generosity, leadership, family, spirituality, desire for recognition, overgiving, enjoying the pleasures of life(intimacy/material/sleeping); values family traditions/legacy; sacred marriage, laziness, jealous, ego, overindulgence, addiction, solitude, codependency vs freedom, family issues(loss/mental illness), lies, deception, illusion, self doubt, anxiety, love bombing, traumas, fears, etc.
7th lord is being aspected by gemini saturn(5th + 6th lord) in 10th house (3rd aspect) which means there could be delays/obstacles/conflicts (slow burn romance) in the relationship related to power struggles, competition, arguments, work/career/professional goals vs personal life/family/spiritual goals, physical health vs mental health, communication issues, transformation, freedom/solitude vs union/relationships, illusion/fantasy/spirituality vs reality/practicality/responsibilities/daily routine, etc.
Lastly 7th lord is aspecting aries rahu in 8th house and libra ketu in 2nd house, reaffirming an intense passionate transformative spiritual relationship where there could be challenges related to values/beliefs/financial matters/shared resources/spirituality/stability/etc.
7th lord in D9 nakshatra and sign could also show future spouse characteristics and how will be the marriage.
You have 7th lord venus in taurus rohini in 2nd house so there is a strong confirmation of practicality, financial/emotional stability, sensuality, creativity, family, nurture, care, romance, playfulness, creative projects/business together, loyalty, patience, beauty, affection, physical touch, spoiling gifts, strenght to overcome obstacles in the relationship, etc;
When it comes to appearance fs would have masculine/feminine/soft/structured features (androgynous); strong jawline; big defined feet/back/chest/legs; strong bone structure; muscular chest/legs; average to tall height; muscular; prominent ankles/calves; have reddish or dark features; etc (You can find more from Camila Regina tiktok🤌)
For your future spouse career I am trying out this tecnique the 10th sign from 7th lord in D1 or D9 could indicate possible fields:
D1 Taurus (venus): so anything related to creativity, banking, real estate, culinary arts, beauty, wellness, music, performing arts, luxury, retail, gardening, horticulture, agriculture, farming, finances, law, management, creative arts, entrepreneur, education, etc.
D9 Aquarius(sun +ketu): anything related to spirituality, astrology, tarot, technology, engineering, healthcare, healing, pharmacy, alternative medicine, arts, creativity, research and development, entrepreneur, environment, science, politics, social service and community, charities, activism, consultant, advisor, etc.
Regarding your meeting, pay attention to symbolisms of these signs: 
Aquarius: color aqua, waterfall, watercarrier, spirituality,  tarot, astrology, Internet, technology, online, science, sea animals, dam, arts, accident, sudden/fast, Electricity, aquarium, social media, groups, friends, etc.
Scorpio:occult, night, dark, hospital, funeral, nightclub, scorpion, mall, death,sting, surgery, private, secret, spiritual, blind date, transformative place, intimacy, finances, etc
Capricorn: work, goat, career, formal, career, structure, Elder people, suitcase, bank, father, building, legacy, reputation, status, etc.
NOTE3: aquarius 2x; capricorn from tropical chart; scorpio from vedic chart
(This technique is by Camila Regina on tiktok💗)
Vedic Astrology placements D1/D9 (includes atmakaraka AK):
Mars, moon, saturn, jupiter, sun, venus, ketu nakshatras/influence
I found this new technique that 7th lord sign/house from MOON chart indicates big 3 placements:
You have 7th lord venus in taurus 7th house so the signs are Taurus or Libra.
You can also try this for your future spouse partner to see if it matches your big 3 placements (7th lord of moon chart must be in Scorpio/8th house/Gemini/3rd house/Virgo/6th house).
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
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butwhichhazel · 1 year
What if things existed when enough living beings believe they exist.
Ok so imagine an encient primate that can make like three sounds to alert the others about predators
One means "big cat run", another means "big snake run" and the third one means "big fucking bird"
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So they can comunicate, right? Well what if by accident one of the primates makes the three sounds in sequence, what if it says "big fucking snake dragon bird", and the other primates belive him.
They start spreading the news about this big fucking monster, and they keep hearing about it, theyre scared shitless of something that doesn't exist because they belive in their heart that it does.
And that's how the first dragon was born.
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Then as primates started to develop more complex thoughts, cultures and ideas, the dragons changed with them.
Some bald primates wondered who moves the clouds, well maybe a dragon did it, who built the mountains? Dragons did it
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And of course they did, as beings made of manifested thoughts, they could do whatever these people thought they could
They dug the caves of the world, grew forests like one grows gardens, created magical beasts to populate the ecosistem, like these ones
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As the humans whi imagined them started to notice their belief in them made them stronger, they started to venerate the ones that were convenient
Like the dragon who helped plants grow, the one who made rain come down, the one who made the sun travel trough the sky.
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Of course, some of them were not as nice, but if you don't want the darkness of the forest to take your children you better pray to the darkness of the forest dragon, still, some of thw dragins didn't want to be a part of this, or maybe they just got bored, some of them hid in caves or underwater
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But some of them started wondering about having feelings or maybe experiencing romantic love?? But doing so with humans never seemed to work out.
Maybe they could fool one of their creations into feeling romantic love for them and not just admiration from affar.
So they chose the Fronkies, a species of monkeys that ate fruit from the rainbow trees and developed fur as colorful as rhe fruits they ate all day.
So they took humanoid forms. And they had lots of sex with these monkeys, like gods do, and I don't really know how, maybe it had to do with the monkeys believing the dragons being in sexual relationships with them would yield them children, because that's what it did.
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And so was born a species of humanoid-dragon people, called frumans, who retain the different colors of the monkeys and some dragon qualities.
One day their god parents left to a higher plane of existance that I'm not going to explain here, leaving them to fend for themselves in this sad reality, some stayed tho, they didn't want anything to do with this.
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Except not really cause they can do magic.
>Be a fruman
> Do something, with your hands, feet, mouth, whatever, but it must communicate something to your soul.
>call that a spell
>Your soul has a link between the physical world and the oniric plane where god (your grandma) lives
>grandma uses her reality bending powers to make changes in the phyisical world accorsing to your souk message
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I lied earlier btw, you don't have to be a fruman to do magic, but the spell you cast must be experienced by a soul that has a conection with the dragons that live in the oniric plane.
If youre a fruman you can be the witness to your own spell, but if youre a human you should hang out with a fruity dragonborn if you want to be a mage.
Sounds cool, but how do you speak to a soul?
You must dance on the line between chaos and order, take a dip into your personal oniric space and see if you can find something that resonates with a soul, then come back to the real world and with the power of carefully cultivated technique and multidiciplinary training, make something of it, something that comunicates something to that witness soul, hopefully something similar to the feelings you yourself took from your oniric space. The thing you make can be as abstract as a series of notes on paper or as physical as rock itself, but it must comunicate something, that message sent as something that is more than words is a spell, and when a soul feels it and understands it, then it can travel to the oniric plane.
Most mages do it by painting, song, dance, writting...
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Really, it's easier to say something is magic than saying it isn't. Food usually is, sculpting, woodworking, toy making, smithing, martial arts, weaving, and a very long et cetera.
That way you can move clouds by making symbols on a rock, summon snakes by playing the flute, do a dance that makes a whole army levitate, a song that puts a beast to sleep.
Yes, all this to say, art is kinda like magic.
So when creating a fantasy world I wanted the magic there to be as close to irl magic as possible.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 4 months
Historical implication of soulmate AU. Unless soulmates was something that started recently it would strongly influence the way humanity progressed.
I think people would travel more. There would be more pressure on invetions that involve traveling. Like boats and sailing. It would be especially true for the universe where your soulmate signs point you the direction, like the string of fate.
I think most people would have soulmates roughly in the same geografic area, (same culture you know?) but of course some could be paired with someone on another end of a continent or on different continent. What then?
Lands would be discovered much faster. Because every now and then somebody would have their string or soulmark pointing across the sea or ocean. It would be obvious somebody has to live there. So, humanity would be more communicated, for better or worse. And imagine if one in a milion people had a mark or thread pointing straight in the sky, linking to someone outside of earth.
Yeah, you better hurry up with that space program. There are aliens out there that urgently need smooching!
Every religion would have something to say on soulmates. Maybe the some religions would revolve around soulmates. People would be worshipping a mistic waver of fate or the dream sewer that makes people see their significant others in dreams before they meet. There would be rituals that were belived to help with the search or ensure your good luck, health and safety to your fated so they wouldnt die before you meet.
If the monarchy egzisted there would be nothing weird in a monarch being connected with a peasant, because thats how thing always were. It is possible that the noble titles were only passed by the male or the female line.
In some cultures it could even be blashemous not to marry your soulmate upon finding them. This is the will of the gods, isn't it? Yes, even if those are platonic soulmates, because people can be stupid like this. Separating soulmates would be not only a crime, it could be seen in some times and places as a heresy.
The world would really be different. Human cultures would be shaped by the egzistence of souls and conection between them.
Surely, the scientists would be very interested in what is that and how it works but would they succeed by our time? Maybe there would be medical technices allowing to supress or destroy a bond. Maybe it would still be a big mystery.
Maybe that aliens up there already figured something out, maybe they will find us first.
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ludrii · 1 year
The fact that most of your ocs are kinky goths says a lot about you
Absolutely not. They are not a reflection of myself, symbolising my struggles and dreams. In no way they are the means through which I communicate my repressed emotions and unfulfilled desires. They absolutely do not have a fraction of my soul inside of them.
There's not a single thread of conection between me and them since the day of their creation. Why would it, right?
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joy-haver · 2 years
In response to: “How do lgbtq+ bars feel about straight/cisgender women going to them? I want to respect them but also feel safe”
If your going for an event where you are going to pay queer performers: I encourage you.
If your going with queer friends who invite you: I encourage you.
If your going because you just like the bar and the people: cool, I hope you make friends
If your going because folks their have previously rly enjoyed your company and told you they hope you come back: cool, I hope you make friends.
If youre going to learn more about queer folks : there are often better avenues for that, tho not always.
If youre going for safety from shitty dudes: there are often better avenues for that, tho not always.
If youre going to gawk at how strange we are: fuck off
If youre going to “prove” you support the queer community: fuck off
If your going on a night that’s specifically for queer people to meet other queer people: fuck off
But in general, just being aware of the fact that it isn’t your space, that you are a visitor to it, is the most important thing.
Treat it like the home of someone you care for. Be comfortable, ask for what you need, socialize, and contribute. But don’t try to take ownership over the space, and acknowledge that there are times when you shouldn’t be there
For example, Yesterday was Trans Day of Remembrance. Many people, including non-queer ppl, have reasons to go to events relevant to that. However, if you don’t feel like you have a personal reason to go, if you don’t have a solemn conection to what that day means, if you are going for fun, then queer bars are not for you on that day.
I hope this clears things up at least a bit, and I hope you find lovely community to be with.
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Painful expression of love: a glimpse of an analysis through Banana Fish
When i first saw Banana Fish, i just couldn’t stop crying. But, i gave myself space to analyse why did i cried so much, why did it hurt, what do i feel about it’s overall message. 
I came to the conclusion that the representation of love was the thing that messed me up the most. 
Love is a complex word, i believe that almost every person has a different conception of love, even if it’s a small fraction. That being said, our concept of love is defined by the popular idea of romantic love, the one that’s ideal and pretty, that has no imperfections and entirely fufills even our most basic needs. And, as for me, i despise that conception; it feels empty, forced and artificial, creating an ilusion about relationships and human interaction that just don’t match reality and creates suffering because we cannot reach the standars of romantic love.
So, wondering about love and pain after seeing Banana Fish i realized why i found it emotionally difficult to digest: the representation of love wasn’t ideal neither perfect. 
It was raw, with such a sad but peaceful ending. The concept of caring and love throughout the serie is developed by actions, it has intention and reciprocity. It’s not something that just happens. It definitely uses the resource of impression at first sight, some kind of conection to make it more appealing. But even if it uses that somewhat cliché resource, it doesn’t stick to that narrative. 
The lack of affection received by Ash Lynx, one of the protagonist, responds to a systematical vulneration of his person, his integrity and it is also a critical review on daily violence in the US, specifically in marginalized sectors of New York. 
Going back to love, as i said, that emotion is something that characters build, is an action and a decision that they take. They find comfort in the peacefulness they create in eachother, which is not only circumstantially but reforced by communication, trust and shared experiences. 
Eventually the anime becomes more complex, darker, and, yes, more explicitly violent. But what i find thrilling is how it incorporates emotions of abandonment, profound fear, traumas, coping mechanisms and regret. 
And even if love is not able to heal the multiplicity of emotions, and clearly because it is not enough for the complexity of humans, it shows how important is love. Love as an intention, as an action, a way to battle your demons with someone there for you. It can be with a partner, with friends, with family, but is just completely necessary in order to deal with reality and it’s anguishing feeling. 
The representation of a passionately love for other is just amazing, how the characters feel the sorrow of the other, how much they care about the other in the most unusual circumstances ever. Even if it’s quite fictional, i personally think that does not romantizice pain, and i appreciate that. 
In Banana Fish is clear that love does not save you, only you can do that. And precisely that is the painful thing about it, that is real. 
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  -Juliana Morales 
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kreature-ofthenight · 2 years
there is no single more conecting human expirence than sharing food, giving a friend slices of your orange, sharing a crepe at the fair, a big pot of soup everyone can fill a bowl from
or like today I realised acidentealy I made WAY to much fried chicken and vegtables for one person to eat, so I asked in the floor dorm chat (around 8 people) if anyone wanted some and it basically turned into a pop up pot lock because people comming over also brought some extra food, sharing food is the backbone of every society and community and also the thing human were created for I think, sharing food and eating it sitting on the floor (nobody has enouh chairs) and telling dumb jokes to each other
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omkarpropmart · 4 months
Discover Luxurious Living at Emerald Isle in Powai
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Emerald Isle in Powai stands as a beacon of luxury and comfort. Located in the heart of Mumbai, it offers an unparalleled living experience. The beautifully designed 2BHK, 3BHK, and 4BHK flats cater to the needs of modern families seeking elegance and convenience.
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Living at Emerald Isle means enjoying world-class amenities. The development features a state-of-the-art gym, a stunning swimming pool, and beautifully landscaped gardens. Residents can unwind in the serene environment, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Additionally, there are dedicated play areas for children and spaces for community activities.
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Investing in real estate in Powai, particularly at Emerald Isle, is a wise decision. The area has seen consistent appreciation in property values. This trend is likely to continue, given the ongoing infrastructure developments and the high demand for quality housing. Emerald Isle offers not just a home, but a solid investment opportunity.
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Jogeshwari - Vikhroli Link Road
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700 Meter
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moonlight-yuyu · 11 months
Hi! Can you do career reading? My sun and moon: Libra,
Mercury: Scoprio,
Mars: Sagittarius,
Venus: Virgo.
Rising: Taurus.
Thank you so much and have a good day!
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Here you go love!🫶
You have a social nature and a natural sense in beauty! You're great at communicating and forming lasting relationship. You strive for harmony and dislike confrontations. You're also very hard working like getting things done (earth placements). you like working with your hands and going out there to work with others. A job where you're mainly alone won't be something good for you. I also sense a somewhat artsy vibe and I think that you're great with art in general so I would give you following ideal careers:
Make-up Artist
Art Dealer (you could use your communication skills and your skill to win people over in conections with would artsy eye)
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