#ousama ranking x reader
thequietkid-moonie · 3 days
Best friends w/ Bojji & Kage
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Ranking of Kings / Ousama Ranking ]
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lets finish this special week-birthday gift with some of my favorites characters ever <3333 I love them so fucking much (platonically, of course), im still on the edge waiting for the movie of Ousama Ranking, maybe is a good time to watch the anime for third time 🤭
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Getting to know them and become best friends it would depend a little on when did you met them, when they were separate Kage becomes difficult to aproach for all his bad past experiences while for Bojji is quite easy, however everyone underestimate him and even mock him, despite being the prince no one really shows much respect for him, so it would be difficult to get close to have a real conection for both
But if you get to meet them after they got together things get easier, both got a deep conection since both understand each other and genuinely care for each other, both bring the best of the other and even become an unstopable team! by the time you get to know them both are happier and even more willing to offer help, getting close isn't a problem nor dificult anymore, but when the bond will start to grow is if you decide to join them in their journey and travel with them
Once you grow closer to them they will be more than ready to shield you from danger and protect you with their lifes (just like they do with each other), and, honestly, Bojji is more than capable to protect both but if you end up being the first to step on and protect them, they will be quite flattered and once the fight is over they will be quick to thank you and compliment your strength as well!
Honestly, if you travel with them it won't take much time before all of you grow closer, having so much adventures together and showing that you'll fight along side with them no matter what (even if you are scare and just try to help its fine too!) will make them quickly trust you and is propably that when you are considerated their best friend your friendship become as significant as theirs, for what then all of you feel more like family than just friends, they will dream about going on adventures together forever and never separate! hopefuly, you feel the same
Despite everything that have happened, Bojji and Kage are still pretty young and non of them had really the opportunity to enjoy the world, Bojji never went too far from the castle and Kage was busy trying to survive, so now that all of you traveling and finding all kind of places there is when their most innocent sides come out when they get mesmerized by the beauty the world can offer
Also, thanks to that it becomes quite common for all of you to take a breaks of your journey on those places just to rest while watching something so beautiful (and sometimes you stop to play around a little, after solving the the problem with Bosse you have all the time in the world so of course you have some time to spare!)
Despite the fact that Bojji is deaf that doesn't really represent a problem for the communication, Bojji can read the lips and Kage understand perfectly what Bojji tries to say, but if you really want Bojji will be happy to teach you sign Language, it may be a little difficult since you'll need Kage to help traducing him whenever he speaks but at the end it can be fun too!
Sharing stories can be something funny you can all do while traveling, Bojji and Kage doesn't mind sharing their stories with you and what they have gone through while helping Bojji's family, although Kage always end up embarrasing Bojji since he speaks with a lot of pride of him and even tends to exaggerate a little when talking about his powerful friend! as well, they will love to heard about your story too, but if you don't feel too comfortable or is a sensitive topic they can wait or even tell you about their own past to help you feel like you aren't alone and you wont be judged
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probablyspooky · 2 years
Guardian (King Desha x Gn! Reader) Part 5
Its been 6 years
Pairings: King Desha x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Violence, Language
Before you could reach your hand over to nudge Desha's, Despa came up from behind excitedly cheering some news.
"Brother! (Y/n)! Our cause is making waves all over the neighboring kingdoms, we're getting reinforcements to help take down father soon!" he cheered giddily
Desha quickly turned his attention to his brother and picked him up into a tight bear hug. you felt a spark of hope develop in your chest, but the sad pit of sorrow form in your stomach at the thought of Desha leaving to go do kingly duties once this was all over.
A selfish thought, you better keep it to yourself, for the cause, your your feelings aside for those who can not fight for themselves.
Regaining your composure you joined the two brothers in their celebration that this fight may be over by years end.
Leaving the charred corpses of the giants that you had slain using that disgraceful sneak attack, the group returned to the basecamp placed in the outskirts of the Underworld. Sitting in your tent, you were going over the schematics for the castle, Desha had given them to you so you could study the passage ways that his father could not pass through, grabbing a quill you began to mark the areas that Satun would be unaware of your ambush.
So focused, so in your head sitting at the makeshift table in the back of your tent, you didn't notice the entryway flap opening and closing, your best friend standing behind you looking over your shoulder to take a peak at what you were currently working on.
"You work too hard you know," The kind voice of Desha filled the empty air, startling you, nearly causing you to miss mark the map.
"Eep!" you jumped,
"Oh sorry!" Desha laughed, " I thought you knew better than to let your guard down during war times. What if I was an assassin?"
"I highly doubt some assassin would try to knock off a mere fighter rather than going to you or your brothers tents" you sighed, turning to look your friend in the eyes.
Desha scratched his neck, you two had had this conversation before, despite everything he thought highly of you, yet you couldn't see the value you provided, some servant that Desha felt sorry for, someone he just grabbed when him and his brothers fled the castle after their mothers death. You always felt just as an accessory around them.
Desha slowly made his way over to you, kneeling down at eye level, resting his hand on your shoulder, but you didn't look at him, you just started at the dirt ground.
"(Y/n), you're a valuable asset to this rebellion, a great friend of mine, I wish you could think more of yourself honestly, you're so smart, you survived with my brothers and I, you helped us stay hidden from that beast I call a dad. You're important" he stated with a firm tone, surely he was growing weary of telling you this every couple months, you don't know why you kept thinking of yourself this way.
Looking up to meet his gaze, you sighed, you were probably just tired.
"Thanks Desh, I'm sorry." you grumbled, rubbing your face.
"Don't worry about it, foods almost done, I'll bring you a bowl."
Desha pulled you into a tight hug, you returned the hug. The silence was thick as it was just the two of you hugging for what seemed like forever.
Desha pulled away first, but didn't release you from his grasp, his face was just inches away from yours, you could feel his breath against your skin.
"Desha..." you whispered,
Desha began to lean forward, the space between the two of you began to close. But before your lips could touch, the horrific sounds of the screams of your comrades began to fill the air.
Quickly the two of you jumped to your feet, and ran out of your tent, the entire base camp was on fire.
"Ambush!" one of your freedom fighters screamed, running towards the supply carts that were currently on fire.
In the mist of all the chaos, you could make out the knights of Satun riding horses through the camp, torches ablaze as they set fire to anything they could touch. Others had spears and bean to throw them into the groups of your men trying to put out the fires.
"(Y/n)! Get down!" Desha shouted, throwing himself on top of you, a spear piercing though the air that you once occupied.
Quickly climbing to your feet you grabbed the spear, and whistled for your horse. Your large stallion of a horse flew though the chaos right up to you, climbing on you began to charge your horse towards the knights wreaking havoc on your camp.
The large knight stood ahead of the rest of them, quickly pulling out a staff and setting fire in front of your path, causing your horse to peel back and send you forward, but you predicted this, standing on the back of your horse, you used to momentum to launch yourself through the air, spear in hand, you threw it into the unprotected neck area if the knights armor, sending them onto the ground, blood pouring everywhere. You landed on the ground with a tumble, dust flying through the air. The main knight you had stabbed was clearly not getting up anytime soon, but the rest of their men began to surround you. You braced yourself for any sort of impact that was going to come your way.
Ouken had charged into three of them with his sword, shoving them out of the way, he grabbed your hand and threw you back into Despa, who did not in fact catch you, you actually crashed into the ground with him.
Getting on your feet quickly, you realized you landed by a fallen solider, his shield still braced against his body, quickly grabbing it you prevents another sword blow from hitting you and Despa. The knight who was now on you reeled his arm back to send another hit your way, but was stopped by the large hand of Desha, he pulled his arm back, breaking it, then threw him at the other knights on horses, causing the horses to flee, dropping their riders in the process. Now that the riders were horseless, Desha raised his hand in the air, a swarm of clouds began to form above the group of knights on the ground. One of them stood up, and threw their spear a final time before Desha unleashed a storm of lightning onto their bodies, the metal armor they were wearing didn't help them at all, conducting the electricity through their bodies.
The spear that had been thrown caught you off guard, barely grazing your cheek, drawing blood. In pain you clutched your cheek. Despa turned to you quickly and held your face with a cloth.
"Don't worry about me go help the wounded" you replied, taking the cloth with your own hand and applying pressure.
Despa nodded, quickly joining the unwounded to tend to the injured.
You stood up, and noticed Desha standing above the group of charred knights, he looked unbelievably angry.
"Are you okay?" he asked, turning to look at you, "You're hurt!"
He rushed to you, placing his hand over yours.
"I'm fine!", you assured, "Are you okay?"
"No! I'm...angry, angry at father for this, I knew these men growing up, but here we are on separate sides! I can't believe it ended like this for them."
You rested your hand on his shoulder, like he had done for you many times before.
"We'll get him Desha, he will pay for all the suffering he's caused"
Desha turned to you, his face no longer full of rage, but one full of sorrow and regret, tears welt up in his eyes, and he quickly pulled you into another hug, softly crying into your hair.
You held him close running your hand through his hair, assuring him that this would all be over soon, and that your men, your friends, your family did not die in vain, that this monster would not win this war.
Desha pulled away, and composed himself, wiping his face of his tears.
"Sorry about that, I-I don't know what came over me..." he mumbled, his face red from crying and from embarassment.
"Don't worry, I'm here for you" you gave him an assuring smile.
Desha grabbed your hand, and smiled.
"I can always count on you (y/n), thank you"
After that, the remaining members of the group buried the dead, and relocated to another safe area, leaving no trail behind as to not be followed by Satun's men. Supplies were low. as over half of them were burned in the ambush, most tents were ripped or burned in the fire. You gave up you tent to along with others to help cover the injured.
After a long day of switching shifts with the other healers, your body felt drained. Since your mid teens, you found out about this special unique ability you possessed during a sparring session with Desha.
Watching Desha scold Despa for not having any interest in fighting.
"Honestly brother! How could you be so carless and not train! What if something happens in the future, I'm not gonna be around all the time to take care of you!" Desha shouted at his brother, who already looked beaten up enough as it is, he didn't need to be beaten down verbally as well.
"Brother I'm sorry! I don't have the battle instinct in order to fight! Please just let me rest! My body hurts, it aches! Ask (y/n) to spar with you please!" Despa cried.
At first Desha was against the idea of sparring with you, he didn't want to injure you accidently, but after a little convincing he gave in to the pressure.
The session as going good until your sparring bar broke and ended up hitting Despa in the face, knocking him unconscious in the process. The two of you rushed over and you held Despa's head in your lap, you cried about how sorry you were, how you didn't want to hurt him.
Before you knew it your hands and body began to glow green, your body felt weak, feeling all your energy flow into your hands, and into Despa, the mark on his face slowly began to disappear, and eventually he woke up as if nothing happened at all.
After consulting the library you found out about the class of healers who are born every once in awhile, your family had a few so it was no surprise you were gifted the agility as well.
Unrolling your bedroll on the ground, you looked up at the starry sky from a hole in the roof of the cave system in the Underworld, this may be your last night seeing the sky. Tomorrow was the ambush on the castle, nervousness was settling into your body at the thought of dying tomorrow, but that was the feeling you had everyday when you're apart of the rebellion.
Before you could lay your head down the rest, Desha peaked his head out of his tent, his eyes scanned the camp until his eyes landed on you. He made his way over and grabbed your hand, dragging you to his tent without a word.
"Um? Excuse me Desha?" you asked, "What are you doing?"
"You don't need to sleep on the ground" he replied, leading you into his tent
You looked around his tent, it a was basic besides the fact Desha lead your entire group, there was a planning table, a wall for changing, his armor stands, and a small area covered in animal furs that he slept on.
"You don't really need to do this" you said, stepping backwards
"I don't need to I want to" Desha replied, walking over to his planning table and began looking over the plans for tomorrow. Leaving you to explore the tent alone. But the tiredness in your bones from using your healing magic made its presence known, giving your body a good stretch, you made your way to the other side of the tent, and laid down on the dirt ground that wasn't that much different from the dirt outside.
Desha didn't notice was he was busy marking areas on his papers for tomorrows battle plan. You stared at the back of his head until your eyes grew tired, they grew heavy, and eventually they shut.
Fire was all you could see, the scent of smoke filling your lungs, running through and endless hallway, hearing the screams of your family as they were slaughtered, crying out asking where you were, why you had abandoned them.
You woke up with a jolt, rubbing your eyes trying to regain feeling that this wasn't a dream and in fact the real world. But when you opened your eyes again, the tent was dark, but this wasn't the are you had fallen asleep in, in fact, the ground was much softer than it was when you fell asleep.
Looking over to your side, you were startled to see a sleeping Desha right next to you, he had picked you up and placed you on the bed of furs with him.
Sighing you made the motion to stand, but was stopped by a hand grabbing yours.
"What's wrong?" a sleepy Desha asked, sitting up from the furs.
"I didn't wanna wake you, I was just gonna move to another spot." you explained,
"Oh I'm sorry, did this make you uncomfortable? I just thought it'd be nicer to sleep here"
"Oh no its not that..." you answered
"What is it then?" Desha prodded, sitting up and pulling you back down to the bed of furs.
"I'm just...scared about tomorrow..." you said softly, tears trying to sting your eyes.
"We all are..." Desha said, brushing your hair down with his hands,
"I-I...I'm just afraid that when tomorrow happens everything changes, whether we win or lose, everything will change..."
"Well it's a good thing we don't plan on losing tomorrow, but what are you worried about specifically?"
"If we"
"When we"
"Yes, when we win...you're gonna be King... you won't have time for...well me anymore, you're my best friend...I'm just afraid we won't be as close as we are now...." you began to cry softly.
Desha sighed, and scratched the back of his neck, using his free hand he wiped your eyes of your tears.
"Is that what's been stressing you out?"
You nodded, feeling both of Desha's hands cup your face and pull you close to his face. His lips touching yours, you closed your eyes and leaned forward into the kiss.
Desha rubbed your earlobe gently as he pulled away.
"Does that assure you that when we win, I'm still gonna have time for you?
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mizumiii · 2 years
I will kill you - Attempt
First part - Previous part - Table of contents
Desha x Fem!Reader
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Credit : .
Hello! Here is the end of that shorter Desha fanfiction :D Finally, I decided to merge the two problematic parts, and I'm pretty satisfied with how it ended up.
I hope you'll like it too! 😳
You were packing your things. It was no use staying here any longer. Even if it was hard to ignore the little voice that did not want to leave, it was too late for you. You had already betrayed the trust of the Underworld’s people and even tried to kill your husband. You had no right to be sad or anything, you had chosen to do it. You could have rebelled sooner and explained everything to Desha, but you had kept lying while selling information to his enemies. Until you learned that you had been manipulated since the beginning. You had been played, used and thrown, and now you were nothing. 
You had thought that you had lost everything the day you had hidden in that closet with the two babies you were taking care of. But, Lian had made sure you gave up all you could still have: a new place, a new chance at life. Maybe if things had been different… Maybe…
You frown, you were being unreasonable, it was best like this. Desha would be able to find a better wife, and you would atone for your sins somewhere else, far away from here. It was already enough that you were not sentenced to death for what you have done.  
“Where are you going?” A rough voice inquired behind you. 
“I am leaving the castle”, you simply answered, not even daring to look directly at the one you had once called your husband. 
He was not really injured, unlike you whose hands were still bandaged. He was angry, seeing you like this, packing your things as if he could simply throw you by the windows after having had his way with you. Did you really think so little of him? He scratched his old wound, where you had stabbed him while saying you wanted to kill him. Could you be flying because of that?
“Who said you could leave?” He finally scoffed, hiding his ache behind aggressivity. 
“I have to”, you pointed out, trying to look unbothered.
Why has he come? It was only making things harder for you. The shame and guilt were eating you away. You turned your back to him, finishing your luggage. What a shame, you had come here with less than that, but you still felt as if you were leaving everything else behind.
“You promised to take care of my siblings, it’s all I need”, you quietly added before trying to exit the room. 
“I will not keep you against your will”, Desha commented on your path making you freeze. “But answer me: being wed to me, was it only a bore to you?”
You could still not look at him, but just the sound of his voice made clear to you that he was not in a good place either. Because of you, again. When did you learn to know him that well? When did you start to feel for him? It would have been so much easier if it had really been only a bore to you.
“You know it is not true…”, you finally answered, unable to lie to him and yourself. 
“Then why?”
“I tried to kill you!” You suddenly snapped. 
You glared at him, trying to scare him off for good, but he was only looking at you as if he was just checking on you. His large mouth was ironically twisted while he had his arms crossed on his chest. But you noticed that he was frowning, and his eyes were mixed with pain and anger. 
“You call that scratch like that?” He sneered while shaking his arm. 
“Not only that”, but you also squeezed your own arm, your head down. “I tried other times too…”
“You’re really taking me for a simple-minded”, he groaned. “I already knew it.”
“What? Why did you let me then?!” You shouted, too shocked to show any restraint. “I read the letters, you’re not even responsible for what happened ten years ago!”
“I am as responsible as Satun or Lian. I should have been there, but I prioritise my own gain over your clan’s safety.”
 You saw in his eyes how he was still carrying the terrible weight of all the deaths induced by his father or the war between the two of them. You were angry against him because he had let you in the dark for so long, and for what? To satisfy his own self-loathing!
“You're stupid! What would have happened to your people if I had succeeded?!” 
“I’m a lot of things but not stupid”, he shouted leaning forward. “As if you could do more than scratching me!”
“You big pretentious”, you mocked, half smiling in front of his too-large ego. 
He scoffed, smiling too. The bad air had strangely disappeared between the two of you, but you could still not stay here. It felt good to know that Desha was not blaming everything on you, however, you could not forgive yourself. 
“For what it's worth”, you added in a soft voice, “I do not think you’re responsible for my kin’s death. And… I am very grateful for the time spent here with you. I was happy for the first time in a long time.”
You finally found the strength to exit despite Desha taking almost all of the place, by simply being leaned on the wall next to the door. You were not expecting any kind words out of him and simply walked away, a bit relieved to have been able to say what you had on your heart. 
However, you had only stepped outside the room when you were held back by your arm. You froze, unable to decide what to do, and what to think about what was happening. Was it really Desha who was holding your hand? His hand was so warm, you always liked feeling his raspy fingers interlock with yours… You realised a bit too late what you were thinking, and felt mortified by it. 
“Do not leave me alone”, those words were so genuine and hurting, they made you shiver and cry in your heart. 
You felt like choking, and tears gathered in your eyes. 
“Why do you want me to stay? I only hurt you…”, you whispered without turning. 
“I was happy too”, he simply explained.
You felt his big arms slide around you, taking you in a warm and soft hug. Your will faltered and you slowly turned to face him. The pain on his face was hurting you, you only wanted to see him full of joy. 
“I want to stay too”, you finally admitted, unable to hold on to your tears any longer.
“I will not allow my wife to leave at the first excuse.”
You smiled before laughing softly. Desha froze, he had underestimated how good it would feel to see you looking so lighthearted. 
“Does that mean that I am still allowed to call you husband?” You jocked with a mutinous smile.
“You have to”, he pointed, showing his pointy tooth in a menacing stance that had not exactly that effect on you.
“Husband”, you hummed.
His eyes slightly widened, while his smile became way genuine, and your heart melted. It was really too late for you, you were definitely in love. And it would only make it more agonising for you. 
You silently looked around for a long moment. There was not much left, mainly dust and ashes, the only leftovers of a whole kind. It was sad but you had no more tears left to shed over it. 
However, your memories of that fateful night were quite vivid. That pile of rumbles had been your workplace, the nursery where you were taking care of the babies. And behind one of the closets, there was a hiding place where you had hidden with the two newborns you had in your arms when the alarm rang like in the exercises. However, the exercise never ended, and you have heard all your family and friends die while holding the two little lives on your chest. 
Thinking about it made your chest hurt as much as before, but at that time you were feeling at least satisfied. The two people responsible for your kind death had been killed, and the two little babies had become teenagers with long and safe lives in front of them. 
As for you… You had been used, manipulated and almost ended up killing the man who had tried to help your kind, and who had been nothing but kind to you. You never knew that all Tieflings were able to withstand magic without consequences, certainly, only the guardians were aware of it while the others just went on with their life without knowing what threat they were to gods and magicians. 
Anyway, you hoped to at least make things right with Jian's death. You had trained a lot to be able to oppose him, and now your ability was not much since you had lost most of your hands' faculties. But it was only a small price to pay. At this moment, you had left Desha’s castle, hoping to redeem yourself somewhere quiet. 
He had already been so lenient by not executing you for your betrayal, and allowing your siblings to have a secured life in the Underground kingdom, therefore losing your place as Desha's wife was only logical. Then, despite the King's wishes, leaving the castle had been the right and logical thing to do for you. Even if it made you empty and hurting. Living by Desha’s side had shown you what normal and loved life looked like and it was only making it more painful to lose it. But you could not allow yourself to enjoy it after everything you had done. 
Your eyes started to burn and you decided to forget all about your past. It was far too late for regrets, you could only keep living, hoping to redeem yourself for your mistakes. 
“As much as the idea of a honeymoon sounds good for me, I am now questioning your tastes in choosing a fine location.”
You swiftly turned, surprised to suddenly hear someone else so close to you. Your eyes widened, and the tears you had been holding back started to flow. 
“What are you doing here?” You succeeded in asking despite your hoarse voice. 
“What questions is this? Did you intend on going on our honeymoon without your husband?” 
Warmth spread in your chest, and you smiled.
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meliabojji · 1 year
Field Trip
Bebin escorts Prince Bojji and his sign teacher to the village.
“This way, m’lady,” the servant said as she led the way into the young prince’s chambers. The door was opened to reveal Prince Bojji playing with toys on his floor. As Miya entered, she was immediately taken aback by Bojji’s cuteness and apparent curious nature. Bojji noticed a shadow hanging over his toys and looked up to see the young woman standing in front of him. She smiled kindly and bent down so that she was closer to his eye-level. In sign-language, she said, “hi, Prince Bojji… My name is Miya. I know you can’t understand what I’m saying to you now, but the more I communicate with you like this, the more you will learn.”
Prince Bojji was born deaf… a fact that was very apparent in his infancy, as he wasn’t completely responsive to sounds like a normal baby would’ve been. Of course, the queen was devastated that her son was deaf, but the order soon went out to find someone in the kingdom that was fluent in sign language and could teach the young prince how to communicate with sign. Not only did Prince Bojji need to learn how to sign, but so did the rest of the attendants of the castle. This process would be several years in the making, so Miya was welcomed into the castle court as the resident sign instructor.
Before long, her teaching began in earnest. There were many difficulties and challenges in teaching Prince Bojji sign language, but he eventually became fluent in it, and Miya then moved on to teaching the attendants of the castle, beginning with the king and queen. She was deeply intimidated by teaching the two giants sign at first, until she realized the kindness that was behind Queen Sheena’s initially scary exterior. It was obvious where Prince Bojji got his sweet disposition from.
Miya slowly made her way through the entirety of the king’s staff, from the maidservants to the king’s guardsmen. One of the guardsmen, Bebin, took a liking to Miya early on. It all started when he was assigned to attend to Miya and Prince Bojji when they went out into the kingdom for a mini “field trip.” Miya and the prince walked down the cobbled street hand-in-hand, with a fully-armored Bebin following closely behind. “You didn’t need to come, I feel bad that you had to inconvenience yourself with such a menial task,” Miya said back to him. “I’m just following orders,” Bebin replied.
“Well, I appreciate the protection nonetheless… though I’m pretty sure I can handle myself,” Miya said. “It’s not you I’m here to protect, but Prince Bojji,” Bebin replied, plainly. “Ahhh, so you’re just going to leave me to die if a burglar jumps us?” Miya asked teasingly, taking Bebin aback by her playfulness. He had seen her many times at the castle before… teaching Prince Bojji, translating for him, tutoring the king and queen, and of course passing by him in the hallways, as her chambers were near those of the guardsmen and other servants. This was his first real interaction with the woman.
“I’m only jesting,” she said with a chuckle, answering his silence. “What’s your name, anyways?” Miya asked him. “Bebin, m'lady,” he answered, causing her to chuckle. “Well, thank you for coming along, Bebin,” she said, turning to him, letting go of Bojji’s hand so she could sign. “Maybe you can begin learning some sign language on our little trip,” Miya said aloud and in sign language as she walked backwards, only to trip on a sudden rise in the road. “M’lady!!” Bebin called out as he lunged forward and managed to catch her before she could completely fall backwards.
They seemed frozen in time for a moment as he held her. She was always around the castle, but he was just now noticing how lovely he found her to be. He quickly stood up, helping her up as he did so. He could feel his face getting warm and didn’t want to linger in that position, lest it turn into a full blush. “You can handle yourself, huh?” he repeated her words back to her, causing her to blush and laugh nervously. “Ahhhh!” Bojji cried out as his teacher nearly fell over. “It’s ok, Prince Bojji… Bebin was able to catch me,” she told him, both aloud and in sign. She took his hand again and continued to walk, now entering the village.
The three of them walked throughout the town, with Miya and Bojji looking at all the different shops and stands, and Bebin trailing behind them. As they passed some shops, he couldn’t help but look in some of the windows at the goods inside, particularly the sword shop. He stopped and found himself looking for just a moment, when he heard Prince Bojji call out in distress. “Come inside, beautiful,” a drunk man said to Miya, holding her arm and pulling her towards a nearby bar. “Lady Miya!” Bebin called out, drawing his sword.
Before he could even take a step towards them, Miya had drawn a short sword that was concealed in her boot under her long skirt and had grazed her attacker’s arm. She didn’t break the skin but did manage to cut a nice hole in his sleeve, causing him to let go and back away cautiously. Bebin stopped in his tracks, mouth agape as he watched her put her knife back in its place. She noticed him watching, and grinned smally, trying to act cool, though she could feel her face heat up at his gaze. Bojji cheered and she bowed to Bojji as Bebin approached.
“Looks like I underestimated you… and for that, I apologize,” Bebin said to Miya. She smiled at him and blushed. “There’s no need for apologies. I know I’m not exactly the most threatening-looking person,” she said with a laugh. “Ahh! Ah!!” Bojji exclaimed, excitedly tugging on her skirt and signing to her. “OH!!!! The freshly baked bread is ready!!!” Miya said, looking across the street at the bakery they had been waiting in front of. She took Bojji’s hand and gingerly skipped with him across the street to the bakery as Bebin watched them. It was at that moment that Bebin knew he was smitten by her.
He continued to dote on them as they walked through the town and eventually made their way back up to the castle. Miya and Bebin escorted Prince Bojji to his parents before being dismissed for the day. The pair walked down the hallway together, and Bebin was the first to break the silence. “Lady Miya…” he began, though she interrupted. “You can just call me Miya, no need to be so formal with me,” she said, smiling up at him. “Miya… I must know… from whom did you receive your sword training? Back in the village… I had never seen that technique before,” Bebin said.
“His name is Prince Despa… he’s a prince of the underworld. After my parents died, I travelled to the underworld to teach. I met Prince Despa there and he allowed me to stay with him during my time in the underworld. While I was there, he taught me a few moves of self-defense and bestowed this sword unto me,” Miya said, remembering her mentor. “I’m forever grateful to him and his kindness… he’s one of the wisest people I know, and very skilled at what he does,” she added. *Great… a powerful and skilled prince that lets her live with him? I’ve got nothing on that* Bebin thought to himself.
In the weeks to come, Bebin’s feelings for Miya only grew more and more as he continually saw her kindness in small ways as she began teaching sign language to him and the other guardsmen. Similarly, Miya noticed more and more how doting Bebin was beneath his rough exterior. He was also very diligent in his studies, as he wanted to be able to communicate with Prince Bojji clearly. In the back of his mind, Bebin wanted to confess his feelings for Miya, but deemed it unwise, as they were both under the king’s jurisdiction.
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yorucal · 2 years
El poder de las palabras
(King/Rey Desha x Fem!Reader/lector)
Parte 5. ¡Sorpresa, sorpresa!
No he abandonado el fanfic, aunque lo pareciese ;_; pero la vida te absorbe las ganas de escribir y así he estado una larga temporada. Siento haber tardado tanto y sobre todo con un capitulo tan mneh, pero tenia que acabarlo algún día y publicarlo so, aquí esta. Espero que os guste y que no tarde otra vez 23384768 años mas en publicar el siguiente....
Despa te llevo hasta otra habitación que había justo al lado de la prisión. Daba la sensación de ser una cárcel en sí misma, era diminuta y solo tenía una mesa en el centro rodeada de un par de sillas. Carecía de ventanas y la única fuente de luz era una pequeña lámpara de aceite en la pared, pero la puerta era de madera en vez de metal, al contrario que el resto de celdas.
Despa había traído un par más de lámparas para que no pareciese una habitación tan lúgubre y un par de bandejas repletas de dulces y pastas. 
El príncipe, como de costumbre, retiró una de las sillas para que te sentaras en ella y él se sentó en la silla que quedaba al otro lado de la mesa, quedandose enfrente tuyo. 
Notabas como los nervios te invadían por segundos. Empezabas a confiar de verdad en estas personas, pero por esa misma razón te daba pavor que acabarán heridas o afectadas por tu poder. 
La habitación empezaba a agobiarte por momentos. 
Las paredes parecían encogerse poco a poco y la falta de ventanas no ayudaba en nada. Cogiste un par de galletas de una de las bandejas para intentar no darle demasiadas vueltas a todo aquello. 
Viéndote tan nerviosa, Despa puso sus manos sobre la mesa con las palmas mirando al techo y te espero con su expresión amable de siempre. Le imitaste juntando tus manos con las suyas. Él te sonrió, acariciándote las manos mientras se concentraba y os quedasteis un largo rato en esa posición sin moveros. El rubio cambiaba su expresión de vez en cuando aun con los ojos cerrados, no sabias bien bien que estaba haciendo pero parecía tener un conflicto intern. 
Hasta que finalmente, habló. 
— ¿Puedo preguntar qué recuerdas sobre tus padres?
“¿Otra vez esta pregunta?” Pensaste.
— Nada… Solo recuerdo a veces a mi padre, pero poco más. 
— Hmm…— Despa por fin te liberó las manos y se cruzó de brazos perdiéndose en sus pensamientos. 
— ¿Has conocido algún demonio alguna vez? 
 — ¿Eh? — la pregunta te pillo desprevenida. — N-No…Que yo sepa…
“¿Puede que algún amo…?” No, hasta donde tu sabes todos eran humanos. 
Jamás habías visto ni conocido a ningún demonio, pero si habias oido historias. Y ninguna presagiaba nada bueno. 
Pero… tendría sentido, tendría sentido que tu poder fuera cosa de.. 
— ¿Estoy maldita? — preguntaste en un hilo de voz.
— No. Es algo más complicado que eso…— Despa se masajeó la nuca. — Desha tenía razón…— suspiró — Tienes un poder parecido al de un demonio, o al menos sangre de demonio te corre por las venas. Eso seguro. 
“¿Sangre de demonio?”
— Es posible que uno de tus padres fuera…
Te dejaste caer sobre la silla, intentando procesar aquello. 
“¿Mi padre? No. Él no podía serlo…Entonces solo podía ser…”
— ¿Mi madre?  
Despa asintió.
— Nunca había oído algo así, si te soy sincero. Aparte de mitos, claro. 
— ¿Pero…esas cosas son posibles? — preguntaste, mientras tu cerebro intentaba buscarle una explicación a aquello. 
— Mírame a mí y a mis hermanos. — sonrió. — Realmente un dios y un demonio no son tan diferentes, en ese sentido. 
“¿Dioses y demonios?” Reiste con incredulidad. “¿Era una broma de mal gusto?”
 No, no lo era. 
Siempre has visto tu poder como una maldición. ¿Que esperabas que fuera?
— Me imagino que es algo difícil de procesar…— Despa se levantó y rodeó la mesa para acercarse a ti y te cogió la mano con delicadeza rodeandolas con las suyas. — Pero no tienes que pasar por todo esto tu sola. — sonrió acariciandote la mano con delicadeza. 
Desvíaste la mirada intentando ocultar las lagrimas que empezaban a emborronarte la vista. 
Otra vez aquel sentimiento. 
Otra vez aquel nudo en la garganta. 
“No te derrumbes.”
Te levantaste apartandote de Despa en busca de aire. Él te observó apenado pero se quedó en su sitio esperando a que te calmaras. 
— Pensaba avanzar un poco más pero… mejor dejémoslo para la proxima. 
Asentiste sin tener ganas de continuar ni hoy, ni mañana. 
Volvisteis de vuelta hasta la puerta de tu habitación, Despa se mantuvo todo el camino en silencio, perdido en sus propios pensamientos. 
— ¿Estarás bien? 
Asentiste, sintiéndote algo más tranquila. 
— Mañana probaremos en otro lugar ¿De acuerdo? ¿Quizás afuera te sientas más cómoda? —  te encogiste de hombros y el príncipe te acarició el brazo con cariño despidiéndose de ti y se fue en dirección a su habitación. Se lo veía bastante decidido a ayudarte.
Entraste a tu habitación y te dejaste caer en la cama.
“¿Así que demonios, eh?” Reiste secamente. 
Hiciste un gran esfuerzo para intentar recordar a tu madre, pero eras incapaz. No recordabas ni su nombre. Ni su rostro, ni siquiera su voz. Nada. 
Rodaste sobre la cama quedando boca arriba. 
“¿Por qué ellos no están asustados?”
“¿Por qué no te han echado después de descubrir esto?”
“¿Y Desha lo sabía desde el principio? “
“¿Por qué no me echó?”  
Cerraste los ojos dejando ir un largo suspiro. No ibas a encontrar las respuestas que buscabas dándole más vueltas, así que te quedaste allí dejando pasar los minutos uno tras otro, recordando estos dos días.
¿Y si todo resultaba ser un sueño? ¿Y si Ray te había dado un último golpe que te impedía despertar? 
Te quedaste pensando en esa posibilidad mientras la quietud del ambiente te engullía poco a poco. Levantaste tu mano hacia el techo y volviste a abrir los ojos lentamente. La observaste, llena de cicatrices y de pequeñas heridas que empezaban ya a cicatrizar para unirse a sus hermanas. 
Diste una bocanada de aire y separando los labios poco a poco, susurraste. 
— Curate. 
Las heridas empezaron a desaparecer lentamente sin dejar ningún rastro. Como si nunca hubiesen estado allí. Al mismo tiempo empezaste a escuchar un crujido cerca tuyo. Te incorporaste ayudándote de los brazos y observaste como diminutas grietas aparecían en el cristal de la ventana, imitando exactamente tus cicatrices. Volviste a tumbarte. 
¿Cómo se suponía que ibas a entrenar aquello? 
Intentaste eliminar de tu mente a Despa resquebrajándose por culpa de tus poderes y te levantaste de un salto. 
Eso no iba a pasar
Buscaste en los cajones de la habitación en busca de algo para escribir y recopilaste en tu mente las palabras que sabías que podías usar. Por supuesto no te atreviste a pronunciar ninguna de ellas, por si acaso. A veces los efectos de algunas eran aleatorios, o eso creías, así que era mejor no arriesgarse. Escribiste en la hoja todas las que se te ocurrían, borraste y añadiste algunas que creías que podrías usar, pero desconocías por completo sus efectos.  
Odiabas usar tu poder o que supieran de él, pero si aquel era el pago por quedarte allí. Que así fuese. 
No era una lista muy larga, pero sí llena de palabras peligrosas. La leíste unas cuantas veces y tachaste algunas palabras que no querías siquiera tenerlas presentes. Agotada mentalmente dejaste caer la pluma a un lado y te levantaste notando que tu cuerpo te pedía moverte. 
Aún quedaban unas cuantas horas para la comida así que decidiste darte un paseo por la primera planta del castillo. Era una locura adentrarte tú sola más allá, tardarían semanas en encontrarte debido a la enormidad del castillo. Aunque realmente la gran mayoría de salas eran habitaciones y alguna sala vacía de reuniones o comedor pero no quisiste correr el riesgo. 
Paseaste por largos pasillos y alguna que otra sala pero no encontraste nada de interés ni que te llamará especialmente la atención, así que seguiste paseando entre los pocos guardias que te encontraban, los cuales se limitaban a saludarte o simplemente te ignoraban. Aburrida de no encontrar nada te dirigiste hacia el salón donde solías encontrarte con Despa, pero a medio camino recordaste el jardín que se veía desde tu balcón. El único problema es que para salir al balcón tenías que atravesar toda la sala del trono y seguramente allí estaría Desha. Pero el aburrimiento ganó la discusión y cambiaste tu rumbo. 
Cuando llegaste por fin a la sala principal del castillo te asomaste con disimulo. Las puertas estaban cerradas así que no parecía que fuera hora de “visitar” al rey, o en este caso al príncipe. Había algunos guardias repartidos por la gran sala y cerca del trono estaba Desha apuntando cosas en un papel y leyendo algunos otros. De vez en cuando le daba alguna orden a un guardia y éste salía disparado en alguna dirección mientras Desha volvía a su hoja.
 Empezaste a caminar con disimulo por la sala y ningún guardia ni Desha te hicieron el menor caso, casi parecía que no se habían dado cuenta de tu presencia pero viste como Desha te observo de reojo durante unos segundos, frunciendo levemente el ceño pero volvio al instante con su trabajo.. 
Los guardias que custodiaban la puerta que daba a los patios del castillo la abrieron nada más acercarte allí. Un escalofrío te recorrió el cuerpo por el gran estruendo que causó la puerta al abrirse. Miraste de reojo a Desha para ver si todo aquel escándalo le molestase, pero este solo levanto levemente la cabeza durante unos segundos y volvió a centrarse en su trabajo. El leve aire que entraba del exterior volvió a centrarte y saliste rápidamente al patio. Los guardias que había afuera dieron una señal y los de dentro cerraron de nuevo la puerta. 
Los minerales del techo cubrían el exterior con una tenue pero agradable luz amarillenta. Desde el balcón no pudiste apreciarlo del todo pero desde aquí te asombraste por la belleza del lugar. A pesar de lo tosco que podría parecer todo rodeado de piedra, reflejaba muy bien la luz del mineral creando algunas formas en la pared. Como si estuviesen hechos a propósito. Era un lugar precioso y lleno de sorpresas. 
Saliendo de tu embelesamiento empezaste a caminar por el patio. Allí continuaban luchando los soldados. 
¿Cuando descansaban? Ni si quiera los habías visto parar para comer. 
Decidiste sentarte en unas pequeñas cajas que habían por allí para observarlos. El jardín podría esperar.
Era realmente impresionante. Casi parecía una batalla real. Incluso algunos soldados acaban heridos por los fuertes golpes o incluso salían disparados del golpe pero entonces los atacantes los ayudaban a levantarse y se chocaban el puño amistosamente. Era sorprendente el aguante que tenían aquellos soldados.
No te diste cuenta cuando uno de ellos se te acerco y diste un brinco cuando alguien te daba un par de toquecitos en el hombro. Te encogiste pensando que te habías metido en un lío por estar allí. Pero al sacarse el casco te tranquilizaste al ver que se trataba de Ouken. El chico, como siempre, sonreía. 
— ¡Ey! — te saludo mientras se pasaba una mano por la frente secandose algo de sudor. — Ten cuidado con esas cajas. — hizo una pausa haciendo una mueca. — Están llenas de explosivos. 
Abriste mucho los ojos empezando a mirar hacia abajo hasta que oíste al príncipe reír. 
— Tendrías que haberte visto la cara. — río, feliz — Es broma, es broma. 
Gruñiste haciéndote la molesta aunque parecía imposible enfadarse con aquel hombre mientras reía de aquella manera. Mientras dejaba de reír se apoyó a tu lado en las cajas. Tenía el cabello pegado a la frente y respiraba profundamente, parecía agotado pero extrañamente aún lleno de energía.
— ¿Es que no descansais nunca? 
Él se limitó observando a sus hombres, parecía orgulloso. 
— Tenemos que preparanos bien. 
— ¿Prepararos? ¿Para qué?
Por primera vez desde que conociste a Ouken, notaste como su expresion se tensaba aún intentando parecer tranquilo. 
— Para lo que tenga que llegar. — volvió a recuperar su feliz expresión de siempre y se incorporó quedándose delante tuyo. — ¿Estás mejor? ¿Te ha vuelto a pasar lo de anoche?
Negaste con la cabeza sintiéndote algo avergonzada por aquella escena que tuvo que presenciar el principe.
— Me alegro. — hizo una pausa para beber un poco de agua que le trajo uno de sus soldados —  Pero si te vuelve a pasar algo así ven a buscarme, o alguno de mis hermanos.  Te ayudaremos. 
Te hizo gracia imaginarte yendo a la habitación de Desha con un ataque como aquel y como sería de fuerte la patada que te daría para echarte de allí. 
Pero ahora que lo mencionaba. 
No habías vuelto a sentir aquella angustia en todo el día. 
Es más, te habías reído varias veces. 
— Ouken…— de un salto te levantaste de la caja, expulsandote polvo de la ropa. — Tengo que hacer algo. 
— Claro, claro, yo tengo que volver también. ¿Nos vemos en el balcón después de cenar? 
Le asentiste con una media sonrisa y empezaste a marcharte de nuevo en dirección al castillo. Ouken volvió a colocarse el casco y volvió con sus hombres levantando el brazo. 
Los guardias te abrieron las puertas, y te dirigiste decidida hacia el salón de Despa. No había nadie allí así que tú misma buscaste las hojas de papel que solía darte Despa para hablar contigo y un par de plumas y una especie de carpeta. 
Volviste a la sala del trono. Desha tenía ahora a unos cuantos aldeanos en la cola. Se le veía realmente agotado y harto de todo aquello. Te dirigiste hasta él y te quedaste al lado del trono. 
A una distancia prudencial, por supuesto. Él te miró de reojo frunciendo el ceño y tú te quedaste allí plantada esperando a que la mujer que tenía delante el príncipe continuará hablando ya que se había quedado en silencio al verte. Desha le hizo un gesto con la mano para que prosiguiera y la mujer empezó a hablar de nuevo, aun mirándote de vez en cuando sin entender nada. Escribiste un resumen de la conversación, tanto lo que quería ella como la respuesta del príncipe. Fueron pasando así las personas una tras otra. La gran mayoría buscaban dinero, como era de esperar. Algunas se quejaban de bandidos o saqueadores. Otras de animales salvajes que se habían encontrado. Desde aquella perspectiva realmente parecía un reino peligroso. Pero Desha con cada una de las peticiones intentaba ponerle solución o tenerlas en cuenta para el futuro. Igualmente tu apuntaste cada una de ellas por muy insignificante que fueran. Estuvisteis unas dos horas más así hasta que finalmente las puertas del castillo se cerraron. Desha dejó ir un largo suspiro sentándose de cualquier manera en el trono. Te acercaste para entregarle las hojas que habías rellenado. Él las cogió con desganada mirándolas con el ceño fruncido. 
“¿Aún sigue enfadado?” Te preguntaste mientras él empezaba a leer las hojas concentrado. “¡Pero si ha sido su culpa!” 
Pero por el bien de la paz entre los dos, decidiste callarte. 
Revisó las hojas y se las guardo con algunas que tenía por la mesa
— Buen trabajo. — se limitó a decir mientras se levantaba. — Pero no recuerdo haberte contratado. 
Suspiraste con molestia perdiendo la confianza que habías recuperado hacia unos minutos, hasta que volvió a hablar. 
— Mañana, nada más cambie el color de la ciudad te quiero aquí preparada para ayudarme. Lo miraste fijamente incrédula, repasando aquellas palabras hasta que una sonrisa empezo a formarse en tus labios. Había funcionado. El gruño al verte tan feliz y empezo a caminar con molestia hacia el pasillo principal. Decidiste seguirlo ya que se dirigía al pasillo principal y el castillo empezaba a llenarse de olores apetitosos y tu estomago empezaba a rugir levemente. Camistasteis en silencio por el pasillo y cuando ya no tuvisteis ningún guardia cerca el príncipe se detuvo. 
— Lo de esta mañana… 
Te detuviste tu también al escuchar eso
¿Aún quería seguir con eso? 
— Si pasó algo ayer… — se rasco la nuca. Parecía costarle bastante decir aquello. — Si te hice algo… 
Abriste mucho los ojos con sorpresa. ¿Creía que había pasado algo “más”?
Intentaste contener con todas tus fuerzas la risa que empezaba a subir por tu cuerpo. Lo miraste con seriedad mientras el agachaba la cabeza mirando a otro lado avergonzado de si mismo. Te quedaste unos largos segundos disfrutando de su expresion de culpabilidad hasta que finalmente negaste con la cabeza. 
— No pasó nada. Hablamos y te dormiste. 
El principe abrió mucho los ojos y te miro a los ojos, intentando saber si era verdad aquello.
— ¿Eso fue todo? 
— Eso fue todo. 
Desha suspiro muy, muy aliviado mientras se pasaba una mano por la cara. Realmente parecía sentirse mal por aquello. Realmente era un buen hombre. 
Volviste a caminar de nuevo dándole la espalda, para que no pudiese ver tu sonrisa. 
— Así que al final yo tenía razón. — parecía irritado de nuevo — Lo de esta mañana ha sido cosa tuya. 
Gruñiste en respuesta y te giraste para enfrentarte a él, pero sin darte cuenta estabais delante del comedor y Despa asomo la cabeza al escucharos llegar. 
— ¿Ya habéis hecho las paces? 
— Más o menos… — gruño Desha, sentándose. 
Tú te sentaste en el sitio de siempre refunfuñando.. 
La cena por suerte ya estaba servida y no tardasteis en poneros a comer. No lo notaste hasta que paso un buen rato pero estabas bastante cansada, entre el intento de entrenamiento con Despa y después las horas de pie ayudando a Desha, notaste como tu cuerpo se hundía cada vez mas y mas en la silla. 
La velada siguió como la del día anterior exceptuando que Desha esta vez no tocó el vino. En algún momento Despa discutió algunas cosas con su hermano sobre el castillo pero tu estabas concentrada en comer y en aguantar despierta, así que les ignoraste por completo. 
— ¿Y ella qué? — dijo Desha señalandote, llamando tu atención. — ¿Puedes hacer algo con lo suyo?
— Hemos avanzado un poco. Creo que se como ayudarla pero nos llevara un buen tiempo. 
Desha suspiro con cansancio mientras se apoyaba en la mesa mirandote con el ceño fruncido. 
“Otra vez está pensando en echarme.” Pensaste. 
Finalmente el príncipe resopló y se levantó. 
— Me voy a dormir. — se giró para hablarte una última vez. — Recuerda lo de mañana. 
Asentiste perezosa, mientras Desha se giraba para marcharse al fin. 
Te recostaste en la silla, realmente te notabas muy cansada
Despa lo noto y se levantó rápidamente para retirarte la silla. 
— ¿Vamos a descansar ya?— Te sonrió, levantando su brazo para que te cogieras a él. 
Te acompaño hasta tu habitación y te dio las buenas noches, marchándose hacia la suya. 
Entraste en la sala y miraste tu cama con mucho deseo. Pero le habías prometido a  Ouken que… así que haciendo tripas corazón saliste al balcón y en efecto allí estaba, sentado en el balcón contiguo, perdido en sus pensamientos. Sonrió al verte y se levantó para atravesar los balcones..
— Uy… esa cara… — Os sentasteis los dos juntos, mientras el te rodeaba con su manta para ahuyentar el frío. Era un poco rara la confianza que teníais ya los dos en el segundo día de conoceros, pero era realmente agradable estar con él. — Deberías irte a descansar… tienes cara de estar reventada. 
Te encogiste de hombros empezando a tumbarte en el frío suelo del balcón para observar el techo estrellado del inframundo. Te notabas completamente agotada, pero te gustaba pasar rato con él. Os quedasteis allí un buen rato en silencio hasta que finalmente Ouken habló. 
— ¿Sabes de quién era tu habitación? 
Tardaste unos segundos en responder, pero ya te habías hecho una idea. 
— ¿De vuestra madre? 
Ouken asintió, su sonrisa se entristeció levemente. 
— Supongo que Despa quería tenerte cerca por si te pasaba cualquier cosa y estuviéramos él o yo cerca. — hizo una pausa y siguió. — Pero cuando padre vuelva… no sé que vamos a hacer…
Os quedasteis en silencio lo que parecieron minutos y Ouken volvio a hablar. 
— ¿Te han contado algo de…nuestro padre? — dijo bajando el tono, como si alguien o algo pudieran escucharos.
— Solo que es el rey de aquí y que bueno… que no ha hecho las cosas bien.
Ouken asintió. Por primera vez desde que lo conociste, tenía una leve expresión de amargor en el rostro.
— Mi padre es… lo peor. Es un monstruo. — El principe casi pareció escupir aquellas palabras.
Un escalofrío te recorrió el cuerpo de pies a cabeza. Realmente parecía desprender odio de solo mencionar a su padre.
Él pareció darse cuenta de que te estaba incomodando y volvió a cambiar la expresión rápidamente. 
— Perdóname… — miro al cielo, algo avergonzado por su comportamiento. — No debería haber sacado el tema…
Te acurrucaste bajo la manta, cerrando los ojos. No te sentías incómoda, pero si abrumada por la nueva cara que habías conocido a Ouken, pero a la vez te sentías algo mas cercana a el. Los dos os quedasteis en silencio hasta que en algún momento te quedaste dormida imaginándote lo horrible que debía de ser el rey Satun.  
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endless-brainrot · 1 year
figured i should probably do one of these by now so !!!! my name is comet and i am a minor. she/her, but any pronouns are fine ! i have. a lot of fandoms so im going to put them all under the cut sjmSKSJS
angels of death
assassination classroom
avatar the last airbender
black clover
boku no hero academia
bungou stray dogs
castle cats
demon slayer
detective conan
dr. stone
dungeon dogs
end and save
fairy tail
fullmetal alchemist
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun
genshin impact
gravity rush
homestuck (big interest right now!)
hunter x hunter (?)
how to train your dragon (books)
jujutsu kaisen
kemono jihen
little witch academia
lord of the rings
mairimashita! iruma-kun
mob psycho 100
omniscent readers viewpoint
one punch man
ousama ranking
project sekai
romantic killer
seraph of the end
shadows house
sk8 the infinity
sonic the hedgehog
spyro the dragon
spy × family
SSS-class suicide hero
student council for two
studio ghibli
suginami on dungeon duty
tanaka kun is always listless
teasing master takagi san
teenage mutant ninja turtles
the disastrous life of saiki K
the dragon prince
the mysterious cities of gold
the owl house
the promised neverland
the rising of the shield hero
the silent voice
toilet-bound hanako-kun
we are the main characters of the demon world
i still havent finished like a quarter of these and i probably forgot some WAHAHA
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writercomb · 1 year
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What will I write
•Fanfics abt-
•Chainsaw man
•Steven Universe
•Possibly JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Jujutsu Kaisen
Things To Consider When Requesting
• Fandoms and it's characters that I will write for
•Steven Universe
•Steven (The movie version ofc)
•Chainsaw man
•Angel Devil❤️
•Jujutsu Kaisen
•JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
•Jean Polnareff
•Other things
•If you see hearts beside the characters it because I may do request abt them faster.
•I will only write character x reader
•When requesting take note that I may reject that request, it will take time or it may not be so good.
•If your requesting for Lapis, Reze, Toge or Giorno your in luck since those are my favorites and I may do them faster. Especially Lapis and Reze.
•If your confused if I'm taking request, you can always see the status below my username.
•Angst may be allowed sometimes but nsfw not.
•Don't be creepy/weirdly sexual with your request (please... get some help)
•I may write romantic and platonic(just specify)
•Don't be shy to request!
Other things I may post
Techy stuff I guess
Comments abt anime
Occasionally positive comments about Ousama Ranking.
YSo yeah that's it👍
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0x-jelly-beans-x0 · 2 years
Warning this post will talk about fluff , platonic relationship and romantic or alterous relationship
Anyway some headcannons about king Desha x Y/N:
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I don’t see him having to many friends not because he doesn’t desire it but do to having so many responsibilities and pressure to be a better king than his evil dad.
But if you end up being his friend, he would act like a big brother and bully towards you.
Making fun of some mistakes that you made but in the end, he would help you correct it or explain why you were in the wrong.
And when he isn’t in too much pressure and has time to relax, he would invite you to lunch and vent his frustration and insecurities to you.
In a romantic or alterous relationship:
I don’t believe that he would have a relationship because, first, for the same reason I stated above and, second, he is too insecure about his face to even believe that anyone would date him.
But when he enters in a relationship with you, He would be really anxious about it questioning why are you with him, saying to himself “ Why are they with me?” , “ It is only a question of time until he discovers a better person to be with.”, “Do they desire my status and money?”
But slowly and surely those insecurities then to reduce a lot , after some time being with you
I believe he would do the same thing he does in a platonic relationship but now adding the option of letting you touching him.
He would silently melt when you caress his cheek and murmured to him that he is the most beautiful man to you.
He would slowly discover that his love language is touch and would experiment any type of touching such as cuddling, hugging, kissing and etc.
After a long day of work, he wouldn’t have the energy to even talk but he would be really touch-starved. And to have his desire fulfilled, he would pick up, bridal style; throw to the bed and silently cuddle you while falling asleep.
Also if you desire to touch him while he is working, he wouldn’t mind at all specially if it is a slow day.He would let you sit in his lap and even sleep in it, if you’re really tired.
He would just wrap his arm around your waist and continue his day.
(If anyone desires for me to give a part two, comment about it and tell what do you want to see)
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potato-imouto · 2 years
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It's like as soon as the two of you started dancing, the rest of the people on the floor proceeded to stand around the two of you, whispers began to emerge from the crowd.
People asking who you were, why did that man look that way, two weirdos dancing on the floor.
"Are you alright?" he asked,
You hadn't looked at him since you started dancing, because you were very shaky around him. But when you looked up, you noticed, he was also very red in the face, shaky, and even sweaty.
"I could ask you the same thing..."
//Based on @probablyspooky's Arranged Marriage ! A king desha x reader fic That i really like-- no, LOVE at this point! i hope you like my quick sketch fanart! qwq
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kangen-wanshi · 2 years
Hi! May I request Bebin’s reaction to s/o putting almost too much effort into confessing (but he’s known for a while) and how the relationship blossoms? S/o usually being cool and confident but becoming oh so shy and flustered around him :3 Thank you!!!
"May I?"
Character(s): Bebin x Reader (Ousama Ranking; King's Ranking)
Warning: It's uh, Long.. I may have gotten a bit too into it. But it's most soft silent pinning! So none really, if there's any please remind me!
Note: Anon you made me head over heels for this man even more...
• Let's start off by the story as to how you meet him.
• You're Queen Hiling's only Lady in waiting, one who works as both her personal body guard and helper next to Dorshe. As he is the Queen's shield, you acted as her prideful protective blade.
• Which made it possible for you to be of acquaintance with the Big Four, including Bebin himself.
• Becoming the Queen's Blade means that you'd be asked to befriend Prince Bojji, not that you haven't tried yet. The boy was simply too timid and too scared to approach you due to your nature.
• But as he grew, he seems to be growing more comfortable with you. After seeing how great of a friend you are to his step mother as his mentor, (albeit he's still a bit intimidated by your overall personality, he have learned that you're still somewhat kind inside).
• Talk about the Prince, you clearly don't favour Bojji over Daida. Just as much as you're willing to look after the first born, you're also willing to assist the son of your Queen as best you could.
• And just as how you're able to befriend Domas through Bojji, you're able to befriend Bebin through Daida.
• —Which are obviously not your only objective. Sure you've been curious about the black dressed individual ever since your promotion as the Queen's Blade, but it doesn't mean that you'd use Prince Daida's training as an excuse to have a conversation with him.
• .. Or is it?
• You're not sure when or even how you've come to possess such interest to him. You're pretty sure the first time it was simply fascination and admiration, not some.. Silly crush that you're contemplating your life choice over.
• The way he'd greet you with a small smirk (or smile?) That formed under his moustache, the way he'd wield his sword proudly when he's sparring you, not underestimating your capability by one bit despite your difference in rank, how he would gently offer you a damp towel after a training session with Prince Daida, or perhaps how gracefully he is when tending to those snakes secretly behind the bushes.
• It's hard to tell. His expression is difficult to read as it's often filled with many thoughts behind it. Which, you're sure that you're no part of.
• Then again, what's wrong with having a small, yet huge attraction to one of your coworker?
• No one notices this, sadly. Not even Daida who's often in the spectating seat of your interaction with Bebin. You've become a figure of pride, confident and strength to him after all, it's hard for him to imagine you'd fall head over heels for his mentor.
• But fortunately, your Queen picked up on your feelings much quicker than anyone else could.
• She's been there -in love, that is. She knows the lovestruck looks, the silent blushes and the way your entire aura shifted when you're sparring with her son's mentor.
• So then what else can she do but confront you, really? You've done so much for her, sacrificed your personal romantic life to protect hers. Best she can do is to give you romantic advices.
• First time she admit that she knows made you flushed deep red. Your composure melts down in front of your Queen as she lightly giggle watching you plead her not to be too loud.
• Internally, she still can't believe you'd act so flustered like so after all that boasting and flashing your blade to your opponent that is.
• But she's not judging. She knows you like to show the world how strong you are after all. Even if that's at the cost of your timid inner self.
• Frankly, Bebin also knows about this.
• He's observant of everyone, obviously. He's had at least one snake to follow each of his comrades to make sure none of them are planning mischief behind Prince Daida's back.
• So first time hearing from his reptile companion that you've shifted your behaviour when talking about him to Her Highness is.. Certainly was a surprise.
• Bebin may be observant but he's not gonna go as far as to actually know that you have such side to yourself. "Shame," he thought to himself that he wasn't able to personally witness this hidden side of you.
• But nonetheless, the context of your conversation with Queen Hiling made him raised an eyebrow.
• You? Being flustered when being confronted about your feelings on him? Oh what could this possibly mean?
• Yeah he's.. He's definitely aware of it in an instant. You're not someone who would lie about such personal feelings to someone you've bond so close over. So the talk you had with Hiling about your admiration towards him was taken 100% seriously.
• Now he wonder what should he do with it though?
• He somewhat made it his personal side quest to see this new side of you himself instead of through his snake's hisses.
• The touches becoming more frequent, the knuckles brushing against each other was noted to his brain, the gentleness he gave through his calloused hands were pressed softly on your bandaged skin whenever he treats your wound.
• Safe to say he's kinda enjoying the teasing. Now that he's got his attention to you by 1000%, the slightest shift in your behaviour was noted to him.
• Oh he's loving it a bit too much.
• Though he doubted you'd confess to him on your own accord. Despite your somewhat adorable loving side, he still doesn't perceived you as someone who would let their personal feelings be mixed with your work life -especially as someone who's as important as the Queen's Blade.
• But your silent confession surprises him nonetheless:
"I love you," you silently muttered through your lips as you look down onto the ground. Your back is leaning against the tree behind you as Bebin stood next to you.
Ahead of you both are Mitsumata who's diligently training Bojji, both of you hidden under the shade of the trees, his dark eyes are fixated on the first born while yours are fixated on the grass beneath you.
You had planned this; not really. The plan that Queen Hiling had offered you is that you confessed to him in a place where the two of you had spent much time with. One which you questioningly replied with "The training ground?" Which she immediately smack you off with.
She had told you that she'll summon Bebin's attendance to aid you in cleaning her garden. A weird request, you noted her, but she told you that there's no other place more romantic nor suitable for a confession other than the white palanquin inside the castle's walls.
That was the plan. To confess your admiration and feelings there, not here.
So why?
Well perhaps the way the gentle light seeps through between the leaves, falling onto his dark aesthetic have made you lost your train of thought.
Perhaps your thought at the moment, had spur to the one where you just wish you can finally let go of these feelings. The wishes where you had dreamt of finally holding his hand fully in yours. One where you wished you'd be able to wrap your arms around him just how he would wrap his around your waist.
Your daydream was broken by the sudden train of doubt. What if you had become a fool? What're the odds that Bebin would most likely prioritize Daida's growth over your feelings? Hell, does he even feel the same way?
"I'm.. I'm sorry, that.. Came out of nowhere. I didn't mean t—"
"You would not let me reply to it?"
".. Pardon?" You look up to him, only to find that his raven eyes had been pulled away from Bojji, now staring back to you. Eyes slightly clouded by his bangs yet the reflection of the sun seems clear as you stare back up to him. "I.. Well I suppose I'd like to hear your.. Reply, about my confession."
Rejection is better than nothing, after all. Hopefully it'd let you move on better if he's said it through his lips.
"Well if it tickle any of your fancy, I do find myself reciprocate your feelings," he said it as a matter of factly, as he now find himself standing in front of you with his back towards the now forgotten training of Bojji and Mitsumata.
"Wait.. What? You do? You..—" once again, you can't really find yourself preventing the red creeping up to your cheek. Instinctively, you put up your hand to cover your face and immediately snapped your gaze away from him. Often used to being seen as someone confident; you're not ready for him to see this side of you yet.
Though to your surprise, he immediately grabbed your hand and gently pulled it away from your face. Finding his other hand now softly holding you by the side of your neck as he crane your face upwards.
"Mm.. You're not very subtle, even if you try to be," he chuckled. And God that chuckle. He knows exactly what he's doing when his scarred thumb gently caresses your cheek. "The confident and prideful Queen's Blade.. I wouldn't have ever dream of you becoming so.. Small, and timid, when it doesn't involve swords and fighting."
And with a gentle pull by your waist, he whispered to your lips with his moustache slightly tickling your cheek,
"May I?"
• Mitsumata dragged Bojji away from the training ground early that day <3. While the deaf little boy look at the three headed snake questioningly, he doesn't even want to inquire the details to the boy.
• Anyways, Bebin didn't tell you that he knows about your feelings all this time. Finding it rather inappropriate actually, the fact that he have his snake following everyone and report back to him.. Maybe that one is going to be his own little secret still.
• But now the slight touches means more than it did before.
• His hand lingers on you often when the two of your are in public or in the presence of the Royal. Often he'd hold you on the lower of your back. Subtle, and no one would suspect anything, but the warmth he sent down your spine with the gentle rub of his thumb is honestly all the comfort you need.
• In private he'd tease the living shit out of you <3
• Definitely will tease you with a smirk and a chuckle whenever you're acting 'out of character' when with him. You confessed that he's the only one permitted to see this side of you (with Queen Hiling sometimes as an exception). He takes a bit of pride in that.
• He loves you, he do, but he wishes to reveal the depth of your relationship to everyone after the matter of Prince Daida and Bojji had completed. Or easy to say, until the situation grows to a time of peace.
• He's a warrior, and so are you, his protectiveness grows 1000% after you two had become close. He doesn't even hesitate to carry you or openly show his concern in front of other when you returned wounded.
• Overall he'd be very loving still. Very touchy in private, but will never tolerate heavy PDA in public, and is glad that you somewhat have similar idea. The two of you are warriors. No matter how close or how affectionate you two are, if being slightly distance in public may protect the other from danger, you'd do it.
• After all, when the situation had calmed and the position of King had been settled, he wishes to be open about your relationship to the big Four and her Highness as well as the princes.
• As much as he enjoys the silent exchanging look of affection, he can't wait to be able to have your arm linked with his own, proudly calling you his and you calling him yours in front of everyone <3.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
While we wait the opening of the requests let me introduce you all the new fandoms that i will add to the list!!
To continue with this sad-dramatic environment I will add this fandoms to the list! So from now on you can make request for them!! ✨✨✨
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opxscenarios · 2 years
Here's a little something I wrote for Hokuro & Domas because I'm in love with these two and their dynamic (and ofc it's poly, since I love poly). It's short, and maybe a little bit confusing, but I truly enjoyed writing it. If people are interested, I'll probably try to write more drabbles about them and turn it into a collection!
ღ polyamory, idiots in love, pre-relationship
hokuro & domas ♡
You didn't like Domas at first.
Maybe it wasn't something proper to admit, but you didn't interact much with him anyway. He was always so rigid, with a stern look that never failed to make you feel uneasy. You barely saw him smile, but when you did, it never looked sincere.
But something changed since he met Hokuro.
You didn't know why or how, and Hokuro looked as surprised as you when you mentioned it once. He only stared at you with wide eyes, and red cheeks, and he couldn't mutter a proper answer. It seemed he hadn't realized how much he impacted him.
And now it was becoming hard to hate Domas. When you spared a glance their way, more often than not you could see him saying something enthusiastically, yelling, or laughing with Hokuro. It was strange to see him show so many emotions while he seemed to lack of any before.
Still, your interactions with him were rare but you didn't mind. You found pleasure in listening to Hokuro talk about him, more and more each passing day, while hiding your knowing smile from him. Hokuro was lively with every mention of Domas and glad to answer your questions about him. You weren't that much interested in the first place, as you only asked to see Hokuro smile, but the more he talked, the more you found yourself wanting to learn about him.
Your glances became more and more frequent, and slowly but surely, you weren't glancing anymore. Your soft gaze didn't go unnoticed by Hokuro, and your only answer was,
“You both look good.”
You relished in the way his ears flushed red, and how he started to whine about how embarrassing you were. You were, but you only said the truth.
One day, Domas caught you looking. You wondered how he never noticed before, but maybe that was because he was too focused on his training (and Hokuro). You didn't look away, and neither did he. You sent him a smile, before cupping your hands around your mouth and shouted, “go easy on Hokuro!”
Hokuro glared at you, annoyed that you would embarrass him like that. Especially in front of Domas. You only winked at him, before spinning on your heels as you went about your day.
“He asked me about you,” Hokuro stated later that day, while you were mindlessly scrubbing your dirty clothes. Even if a maid could have done it for you, you didn't want to add them any more work.
“Who?” You asked, even if you knew the answer.
“Domas, who else?”
“I don't know, I think there are many people who would like to know about me.” You argued playfully.
Hokuro snorted, and it brought a smile to your face.
“He watched you go and asked me why were you looking.” He continued, amused. “I told him it was because you find him good-looking.” You paused. Your face suddenly felt much warmer.
Hokuro only grinned playfully at you when you looked at him wide-eyed.
Well, you guess you deserved it.
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mizumiii · 2 years
I will kill you - Fifth attempt
First part - Previous part - Table of contents
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Credit : .
Hello ! I forgot to post yesterday >.> And I still not have decided what to do for the end \O/ Anyway, here is the new chapter !
Warning: NSFW & something bloody toward the end may be disgusting for some people
You were resting in Desha’s arms after a very hot and delicious session in your bedroom. You were almost falling asleep like this, the day had already begun but for once your husband had still not left for work. While you had your eyes half-close, you felt him leisurely playing with the hair on your cheeks. His claws slightly touched your face and his movements stopped.
“Do you really find me attractive?” You heard him ask.
Your mind froze at the memory of your bold statement in front of Despa. It had been easy to tell it before, but now it was way more intimate and awkward. Nonetheless, you were feeling so good that you could just not lie or evade the situation.
“To my own surprise, yes”, you frankly admitted. 
You thought that it would be enough for him to settle, however, his caress did not resume, making you feel flustered. So you opened your eyes to see what he was doing. His glance was on his hand that was on your face. 
“What is it?” You asked.
“My skin, it’s grey, I used to think it was disgusting. But when I saw yours, I finally understood how beautiful colourful skins are…”
A strange silence fell on the bed.
“Are you blushing?” Desha sputtered totally surprised by the sudden pinkish tone of your skin. 
“Do you not have work?!” You tried to change the subject while sitting up to avoid his inquisitive glare. 
However, your behaviour seemed to have triggered the demigod, since he surrounded you with his big and muscular arms, kissing erotically your shoulders.
“I found you really exciting when you are blushing…”
His words finished to embarrass you, and you tried your best to hide in your hands. That was not enough to dissuade Desha who kept kissing you on your neck until you eventually forfeit and went to hide in his chest. He thought for a second that it was nice to see you behave like this until he understood that it was only a sly play to make him lower his guard. You bit his neck, before going straight for his earlobe, maybe one of the most sensitive parts of his anatomy. His deep groan informed you that the foreplay was going to end quickly, and before you knew it he put your face on the cushion, your belly against the mattress. In that position, you had close to no freedom to move, and in a swift and rough movement, he slid his cock in your already wet pussy. The pillow helped to muffle your loud moan, while Desha took advantage of the position to masturbate you skillfully. His weight on you was making you breathless and helped to press on your whole labia, the sensations were too many for you to be able to handle any of it. 
Desha moved slowly on purpose, lowering his body upon yours to grab your chin with his free hand. 
“I want to see you blush for me…”, he ordered with his too arousing voice.
And oh demigod, you did.
Not long after, you were sitting beside Desha, on the throne hall while folks were coming from all over the kingdom to ask, give, or protest. You were doing your best to understand all the different aspects and needs of all the clans. Most of the time, the king did not even need you, but it was nice to feel integrated. Despite how focused you tried to be, your reading was always coming to your mind. You were waiting to have it finished to talk about it with your husband, however, everything you were learning was already enough to blow your mind. But he had told you that you would talk only when you had finished so you were hardly restraining yourself. 
Your focus was suddenly brought back to what was going on in the present when someone came bearing a gift for you. Your demigod of a husband frowned suspiciously while you took it in your hand. Since you had become the Queen, the people had slowly adjusted to you and your unusual kind, and with your work, in the orphanage, some could say that you were pretty accepted by everyone. However, it was the first time that you were getting a gift, especially in an official way. 
You took it with a bit of curiosity, but your peaceful face totally changed when you opened it, you became white and even briefly screamed out of fear and terror. 
“What is it?” Desha asked you worryingly but you quickly closed the box without letting him the time to see it. He quickly switched his attention to the bearer, “Seize that person!”
“Let him go!” You ordered against him, yelling without controlling you.
“What are you saying?!” Desha tried to reach you, but you evaded him and rushed outside the room, still carrying the box. 
Meanwhile, the person who had brought it took advantage of the confusion to flee. Letting Desha be confused.  
“Y/N!” He called you. 
The king hesitated in front of the people still waiting and looking lost because of all the commotion. He should stay calm, but he was also really concerned about what had just happened. In a fit of wrath, he decided to just run after you. He saw you enter a closed and empty room and followed you in. 
“Show me what it is!” He ordered.
That time, he did not let you avoid it and pull it out of your hands. You fell to the ground, hardly breathing and crying loudly. His face became even more furious when he saw a little reddish finger in it. 
“Who did this?!” He was yelling but not against you.
He saw you on the ground and started to guess something about the whole situation. He kneeled close to you, not wishing to scare you when you were already in a bad place.
“We will find who did this, I -”, he started before you interrupted him.
“I will kill you!!” You screamed like a madwoman, attacking him with a knife.
It was uncalled for, and Desha did not have the time to react.
Your road was coming to an end. Both explicitly and literally. Jagan’s clan leader's mansion was close enough to be seen from where you were. The carriage was going at a slow speed, letting you all the time to see your final destination grow wider. You were coming home successful, however, there was no joy or pride on your face nor in your heart. Your chest was hurting and you felt on edge, you had only two tasks left to do before being able to let go and finally rest. 
Nobody came to welcome you at the mansion’s entrance, not even the butler. You should have been used to it since you had lived like this for ten years, but after only twelve months in the Underworld’s Castle, you had forgotten all this. You had quickly become used to being cared for, or even simply being noticed by someone… You felt your mind wander around your husband, but did not let it go too far. You had done what you had to do. Having regret would only be hypocritical. 
The mansion was full of human magicians busy with their studies or their own tasks, no one took even a look at you, it was as if you were transparent, or already dead. You did not even try to look for your siblings, they would not be allowed to wander around anyway. You went directly to Lian’s office, knowing that your only path was this one. Even if nobody was paying you any mind, if you even simply dared to take a step off your tracks, everybody would immediately remind you of your obligations. After all, you were his daughter.
The room was on the first floor of the mansion, it took up a good quarter of it and was richly decorated. Lian was currently sitting behind his desk, however, he was obviously waiting for you since he was already staring at the entrance when you came in. 
“My beloved daughter”, he called out, usually he would disguise his disgust with more effort but not this once.
“I am here to report to you father”, you did not try either to play the part.
Your mask had been destroyed at the same time you had to throw away the only good thing that had happened to you since your whole kind had been wiped out. 
“Your success has reached my ears before you”, he revealed without a blink. “You did well. Now you can meet up with your siblings.”
You did not hold any longer on a tired sigh, the end was coming nearer. 
“The butler will show you the way.”
And with a lazy hand gesture, he simply dismissed you. You found the butler waiting outside the room, and without a word, he started to walk away, forcing you to speed up a bit to not be left behind. He went straight down the stairs to the ground floor, then to the underground. You knew it existed but never went there. It was well lit with special stones like those on the cave’s ceiling. You got the feeling that it was frequently used, with wide maps on the walls, a variety of rooms, and some people busy storing objects or taking them out. However, your guide did not give you time to understand what was going on, and led you further underground in a narrow and gloomy corridor. There were no longer rooms but cells, and in one of them, you found your two siblings. They were huddled together, shaking, but when they saw you they immediately started to cry and sob.
“It’s okay”, you soothe them while taking them in your arms. “Everything is okay now…”
You looked at their young and dirty faces, noticing that one had his hand bloody with a missing finger. 
“It is no use telling them lies”, the butler talked for the first time. “You freaks will not live another day.” 
You did not even bother turning towards him, still holding your siblings against your chest, but your face became ugly. You had no intention of living another day, however, you will do anything to assure that they would. 
“I will make everything right”, you swore loudly. 
You finally stood up, “stay close to me”, you said to them, so they squeezed against each other, close to your legs.
“Give me just one reason to definitely deal with you”, the butler asked with his eyes showing how much he wanted it. “In fact, I do not need a reason…”
And without warning, he suddenly waved his hands, gathering his magic to launch a deadly attack on you. However, you did not even try to evade it, and you simply received the energy in you. 
“How is it possible?” He sputtered. 
“You really thought I would never learn the truth?” You angrily shouted before rushing to him with a dagger.
He did not oppose much of  a resistance without his magic and you easily defeated him. You had trained only a little, but it seemed to be enough to deal with people who trusted too much in their magic abilities. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
At the same moment, a deadly sound made the castle shake, and a lot of screams and shouts were heard from the ground level. You were not surprised, and simply took your sibling's hands to lead them outside. The Jagan’s magicians were too busy fighting against the Underworld’s guard to notice you flying to the place. You easily escaped, and met with the soldiers posted in the rear guard. 
“You did your part”, the lieutenant said to you. 
You simply nodded, feeling relieved to know that your siblings were finally out of danger. You were certain that the guards would easily deal with the magicians, they were far more numerous, and the law was against them since you had finally sold their secrets. However, when you should have simply sat back and waited for the end to unravel itself, you were strangely unsettled. Maybe the other magicians were not a big threat, but Lian was monstrously powerful. What if he killed…?
You suddenly stood up again. 
“Where are you going?” The lieutenant tried to stop you but you ignored him and rushed back into the castle. 
Your siblings called out for you too, but you could not stop. You were not doing it out of sympathy or anything, you just wanted to make sure that Lian could not win, you had to see him dead, preferably by your own hands. 
You ran to Lian’s office and stormed in to witness a cataclysm made by two incredible powers. It was like a tempest, the wind was rising, the cold was freezing, and you could hardly take one step after another. You half discerned the two men fighting a bit further away. Lian was shouting one incantation after another, while Desha was using his lightning to keep him busy while trying to reach him with his huge weapon. However, a dark power was gathering around the magician, and all your body reacted with an adrenaline rush. If your husband was hit by that, he would not be alive to see another day!
The storm suddenly ended, but it was not a good sign, because all of the power was now gathered in Lian’s hands, however, Desha did not hesitate and used that chance to attack him. You saw it and dashed between the two men before the human one could kill the demigod. 
Your own power endured all it could but was quickly overwhelmed making you scream from the excruciating pain. The dark energy was piercing your hands, threatening your chest behind it, but you stood your ground by your own will.
“Y/N! What the fuck are you doing?!” Desha yelled at you from behind. 
“Husband! Go now!” You toughly shouted, tears flowing down your cheeks.
Only by standing there your skin was starting to burn and your hands were almost ruined, still, you did not give up. 
“Are you really going to rebel now?” Lian scoffed. “It’s too late for you!” 
“I know!” You cried and shouted at the same time. 
“Why are you defending the one who killed all your kind”, he tried anyway, seeing that you were really threatening him.
“Because I won’t let you kill the only family I have left!”
In the next second, you saw Desha rush at an incredible speed for his size, and his huge mace swing close to your head to sickle the magician. The sight was horrendous, blood spurting everywhere, the corpse unrecognisable. Finally, you let your arms fall, and your knees let you down, making you drop to the floor.
The shouts were coming from far far away, but strangely you were happy. Everything was finally settled. 
Next part
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ssigmas · 2 years
the admittance of it
so i saw this twitter post and it gave me incurable brainrot so i had to write something bc there is nothing better than desha fumbling through his feelings for u
also on ao3
king desha/gn!reader, 9.5k
tags: mutual pining, idiots in love, minor injury, possible incorrect medical care shh, he gives you his cape (oh my god he gives you his cape), five times desha tries to confess and one time you beat him to it.
Desha had never given romance much thought.
There had been no affection between Satun and his mother. What he knew of love came from old fairy tales and observing his brothers as they fumbled through their own relationships. Despa, conceited as he was, had a reputation for being compassionate and knowledgeable, and as such others often sought him out for advice. Ouken, the golden child, made friends easily due to his nature alone — he was kind-hearted and eternally optimistic, always offering others a shoulder to cry on with promises that it would all turn out well in the end.
And Desha was…well. Himself.
He told himself early on that it didn’t matter. He wanted to dethrone his father and rule in his place as a fair and just king. There was no time for friends, let alone romantic partners. There would be time to figure it all out later. Later.
And then you came along, and Desha came face to face with the fact that he was having his first crush well into middle-age, with no idea what to do about it.
It hadn’t been love at first sight, no; he didn’t believe in that. He fell for you slowly, gradually, the way water gently erodes at the harsh faces of rock to smooth them into stone.
   You had come to the castle looking for work. You were a healer, a medic — you had the knowledge to heal what couldn’t be fixed with magic alone, and Desha would have been stupid to turn you away. There was no end to the amount of people vying to become a member of his army, but talented healers were few and far between.
It was a small miracle you stayed. He hadn’t been particularly kind to you in the beginning, after all. He had a nasty habit of senselessly running his mouth with little care to how his words were perceived, and he voiced his doubts about you loudly and often. You came from no-where, with no lineage or mentors to voice your worth; of course he’d be skeptical.
And then four of his soldiers returned on the brink of death from an assignment gone awry, and you single-handedly ensured they would live.
He no longer had his doubts after that.
It had been a long, long time since the Order of the Underworld had a skilled healer on standby, and your presence and talent meant that they could train harder and push themselves further than before. The Captain kept you busy— you treated everything from the most minor of scrapes and bruises from sparring, to the most intensive welts and lacerations from treacherous trips.
You earned Desha’s respect quickly compared to others. You were a good healer, a hard worker, and you were kind. Everyone had some positive story to tell — about how you comforted them when they were in the throes of pain, or how you sat and listened for an hour as they complained, or how you did something as simple as remembering their name.
Desha liked you for your competency and talent. The fact that you were cute didn’t register with him until far later, not until he caught you laughing at something vulgar he had said with your hand over your mouth like you could hide, and his perception of you shifted ever so slightly. It was like he was really noticing you for the first time — like how one finally realizes the beauty of a sunset after seeing it every day of their lives.
After that, he started to discover the little things — how you tended to smile so wide that your eyes squinted, or how soft your hair looked in the glow of torchlight, or how the sound of your laugh made him want to laugh, too.
He sought out more reasons to be near you. He’d stop by the training grounds while you mended broken bones and bloodied noses just to watch you work, or he’d find excuses to wander the castle in hopes of crossing paths.
He didn’t get to speak to you often — partly because your schedules kept you both busy, and partly because he wouldn’t know what to say. Conversation had never been his forte; there was a reason he had few friends growing up.
Instead, he kept an eye out for you. When he saw you with dark circles under your eyes, fatigue slumped in your shoulders more than usual, he made sure you had a full stock of potions to keep you going. If his army could spare it, he might’ve even told the Captain to take it easy with training. Just for a day. Just for a little while, just to give you a break. Gods knew you deserved it.
One evening, he found you in an empty wing of the castle that overlooked the rest of the Underworld, apparently lost in thought. You had brightened up when you saw him, smiling so wide it rivaled the radiance of the stars. Whatever was troubling you had fled in that instant, replaced by your smile that made something cold and hard inside himself soften, just a little.
“King Desha!” you had exclaimed, looking genuinely pleased to see him, and held out your cupped hand. “Want one?”
He’d examined the pale slices gathered in your palm. “What are they?”
“Dried apples! They’re my favorite, but they’re hard to come by down here.”
It had tasted sweet, almost too sweet; it reminded him of the candies Despa used to share with him when they were kid. He’d never been one for sweets, and yet when you offered him another one, he couldn’t say no.
You had stood in companionable silence, sharing the slices of dried fruit piece-by-piece until none were left. When the last light in the kingdom had flickered out, you bid him goodnight with that same bright smile, leaving him with the lingering taste of apples and a warmth in his chest.
What could grow in the Underworld was limited by what thrived in its underground environment, and fruit trees hardly prospered. Nonetheless, if Desha made sure that there was always a stock of dried apples in the castle, it was no one’s business but his own.
   Ever since his youth, he had a tendency to avoid his reflection. He hated looking at mirrors, water, or even the back of his spoon — he disliked what stared back.
He took after Satun the most. He had his father’s unsightly mouth, his thick eyebrows, his angled nose. Despa and Ouken had been fortunate enough to have their features softened by their mother. In some ways, he was thankful that he was the only one out of the three of them to be cursed with his father’s appearance, but there were moments where he wished he looked a little more…human.
Despite all that he had accomplished, despite his flourishing kingdom, his childhood habit still lingered. He had made peace with his appearance as much as was possible, but he still saw Satun in his every reflection.
Even now, the ghost of his father stared back at him as he considered his appearance. He rubbed his thumb between his eyebrows as if he could smooth away his perpetual scowl and soften his features into something kinder. He didn’t want to frighten you away — you were so soft, so sweet and gentle, and he was nothing but sharp lines and jagged edges. Even when he tried to school his expression into something more neutral and unassuming, his pointed teeth made him look every bit the monster that his father was, and he glared back at himself.
He groaned. There was no use lamenting it twenty years ago, and certainly no use lamenting it today. You were kind enough that his appearance wouldn’t make or break anything, and besides — shouldn’t he be complimenting you? Isn’t that how it worked? He’d say you were pretty, and then…
Well. He’d figure it out. He had a starting place, at least.
   Most days, you occupied your time in the infirmary with the scant few medics the castle had on hand. You were the only one out of the three of them who could heal with magic, and as such you had the most on your plate — why wait a week for a wound to heal when you could close it in seconds with magic? Those wounded in training could pop in to see you for a couple of minutes, get a dose of healing magic, and then pop right back out to the field. Most injuries were far from lethal, and on the rare occasions someone would come in on death’s door, you had three others to help coax them back to life.
Unsurprisingly, the infirmary was where Desha found you. A couple soldiers occupied the cots, either unconscious or asleep. You were off on the corner, stretched up on a footstool as you restocked some of the bandages. When you heard the door open, you turned your head, and then smiled wide enough to split your cheeks when you realized who it was.
“King Desha! Not very often you come down here.” You stepped down from the stool and faced him properly. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Despite your smile, he could tell just how ragged and worn out you were. Your hair was unkempt, your eyes dark and hooded. You lacked your usual glow, like you were subdued by your fatigue.
He faltered. “You…look nice,” he finished lamely.
You glanced down at your bloodied shirt, bemused. “Um, thanks?”
Idiot, he inwardly cursed. He meant it — you were still beautiful, even through the grime and blood and sweat. It was in times like these that he wished he had Despa’s tact, or Ouken’s emotional sensitivity, if only to help him navigate through a simple conversation.
He pressed his palm to his temple and groaned, frustrated with himself. “Listen. There’s something I’d like to —”
The door slammed against the wall as two soldiers burst through with a third draped limply across their shoulders. His helmet was off, displaying the bleeding gash in his forehead.. There was a puncture near the clasps of his armor, and dark red had begun to drip from below. “Help, please!”
You went on alert immediately, giving him an apologetic look as you rushed past him. “Some other time, Lord Desha.”
Two other medics helped get the wounded soldier onto a cot and out of his armor. You surrounded his body with the vivid green of healing magic while another dabbed blood away with a wet cloth. Desha could clearly pinpoint the lines of exhaustion in your form, the way your hands trembled ever-so-slightly.
He didn’t need to watch you save a life, and he’d get in the way if he stayed any longer. The two soldiers lingered awkwardly near the door, obviously unsure what to do. They jumped to attention as Desha neared.
“Go,” he ordered. “Your friend is in good hands.” “Yes, sir!” He left ahead of them, cape swishing at his heels. Next time. He’d have other chances to talk to you.
(And if the Captain received orders to take training lightly for the next few days, no one needed to know that the order came from Desha himself.)
   Of course, “next time” didn’t come for several days, and came after the Captain had sanctioned a two-day reprieve for all soldiers. When he finally got the chance to talk to you in private, it was after most of the castle had gone to sleep, when he found you yet again in that abandoned wing. There was a little balcony that extended outward, and tonight you had opened the doors, allowing the nighttime air to filter in. You were resting most of your weight against the railing, arms crossed as you surveyed the city beyond.
Desha stood a few feet behind you. “Hey —”
Startled, you jumped with a yelp as you spun to face him. “King Desha! His mouth split into a lopsided grin. “Oh? Don’t tell me you start slacking after one day off.”
You laughed off his jab, bubbly and cheerful. “No, not at all! I was just…lost in thought, I guess.”
He stepped beside you and out onto the balcony as you turned back toward the railing. There was more color to your cheeks, and the bags under your eyes were less pronounced. Your hair was damp, as if you’d just bathed, and the air around you carried the faintest scent of herbs. The time off was clearly doing you some good.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Your kingdom.”
“Eh?” The Underworld was a cavern of rock and stone; beauty was not the first thing
to come to mind. It was functioning, it was flourishing, but Desha would hardly call it beautiful.
You gave him a smile over your shoulder. “I don’t remember much of what it was like before you became king, but I remember always being scared. Everyone was scared.” You wrapped your arms around yourself in a self-hug as you gazed out into the distance. “I saw this castle as the safest place in the world. I used to look up here and think that I’d be in these walls someday, sheltered and protected from all the bad.
“Of course, things got better when you took over. There was less fear, less reason for me to look up and imagine the castle as some magical safehouse. I never truly believed I’d end up here one day, and I guess…” You trailed off, then shrugged. “It’s different seeing the town from up here. Seems a lot smaller these days.”
He understood the implication. You felt safe here, and by extension in the entirety of the Underworld. Desha knew his kingdom was not without its problems — there were still unsavory criminals, and conflicts often arose due to the sheer diversity of citizens — but it was leagues better than it had been under his father. Silence.
You shivered. Desha caught the goosebumps that pimpled on your exposed arms, the way you hunkered deeper into yourself, and in one fluid moment he unclipped his cape and draped it over your shoulders.
Being underground meant that the vast majority of places were protected from the outside elements, but it didn’t keep the chill away, especially in the winter months. He had a naturally high tolerance for pain and discomfort and didn’t even register the colder air.
Your mouth formed a little o in surprise. Desha was easily over twice your size, and the cape was large enough to hang from you like a blanket. You gripped the edges and crossed your arms over your chest, almost hiding your face in the oversized collar. “Won’t you be cold?”
“No.” He tore his gaze away from you, angling his head so you would hopefully miss the way his cheeks threatened to flush. “Besides, shouldn’t you know better than to wander the castle dressed for bed?”
You opened your mouth to reply, then thought better of it and settled back into silence. He peered at you from the corner of his eye as you nosed into the fabric of his cape, a contented smile on your face. And oh, there was something so captivating about seeing you in an article of his clothing. It was ill-fitting, bunched up and folded in several places, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that this was right. Like you were wearing a sign with his personal stamp on it, like you were saying that you were his —
“Oh! Um, King Desha?”
“Hm?” Forced out of his thoughts, he met your gaze fully and found you staring at him with wide and earnest eyes, almost as if you were hoping for something.
“Wasn’t there something you wanted to talk about? Back in the infirmary?
He almost sputtered. Yes, he had been meaning to confess, hadn’t he? But saying I like you here seemed too sudden, too abrupt. It was just the two of you, however, away from prying eyes and loose lips, and he had your full attention. Now might be the only chance he’d get for a long while. He should…
“Just, er…” The words stuck to the walls of his throat and he swallowed them down, awkwardly clasping his hand on your shoulder. “You’re doing a good job. Keep it up.”
He wanted to kick himself for being so cowardly, but your face lit up with the biggest smile he’d ever seen, true and joyful. “Really? You mean it?” “Would I lie to you?
You looked away as if embarrassed by your outburst, but your wide smile still lingered. “Thanks. It means a lot coming from you.”
He couldn’t help the way he mirrored your smile; seeing you happy was just too damn intoxicating. His heart was racing, but his shoulders felt light.
And then he realized how idiotic he must’ve looked with his big mouth stretched into a stupid grin, and about-faced on his heel. “A-anyway, it’s getting late. Get some rest.”
“Goodnight, Lord Desha!” you called after his retreating form. He answered you with a wave of his hand as he walked off, hoping that the dim lighting of the castle hallways hid the redness of his face.
  Sleep would not come.
He laid still in his bed, breathing even and deep, but the only thing he could focus on was the memory of your smile, of how you looked wrapped in his cape. He wished he hadn’t bailed at the last second, but it was like his mouth just refused to speak them.
Ridiculous. He was a king and yet found himself defeated by three little words.
Desha sat up in bed. He didn’t have to say them out loud, did he?
Despa used to have heaps and heaps of poetry, most of them love poems. He could do that, could write you a poem. He could have it dropped off to you, even, and there’d be no need to wait for your schedules to align.
He grabbed a piece of parchment and sat at his desk, quill in hand.
The blank parchment paralyzed him. What would he even write? Words had never been his forte — it was always Despa who knew the right things to say, and Ouken was the one who knew the right way to say them. In contrast, he was blunt and churlish. Even in times where he tried to be gentle or kind, he often managed to say the wrong thing.
He dipped the nib into ink and started writing. He liked it when you were happy, and a smile was something people would write poetry about. Surely.
Your mouth, he began, and then immediately scratched it out. Starting with that would send the wrong message. Your smile is like…
Like what? It was a smile. It meant you were happy. What more was there?
He scratched that out, too, and began again. You are…
Desha groaned. This was turning out less like an attempt at poetry and more like an exercise in humiliation.
Your mouth
Your smile is like
You are
No. Nope.
Embarrassed, he crumpled the parchment in his hand and disintegrated it with a flash of lightning.
He’d figure something else out.
    As he walked through the main city of the Underworld, Desha tried to see it from your perspective. You had called it beautiful — a word which rarely if ever crossed his mind. Trees and other greenery grew at random from wherever they managed to root among the rocks and dirt. The buildings, lopsided and disorganized, were cut into all manners of craggy shapes and sizes from the surrounding stone. Unlike the surface, there was hardly any natural color to speak of — it was the townspeople that decorated the Underworld’s drab shades of grey and brown into something homey. Vendors lined the streets with everything from rare produce to homemade goods, and the outsides of homes were garnished with hanging trinkets or colored tiles to break up the monotony of rock. Oil lamps and torches doused the city with a warm and cozy glow, reminiscent of campfires that so often meant safety.
As he passed, people stopped to wave or say hello with smiles on their faces. A bull-like man offered him a ripe fruit, which he politely declined, and when a child’s ball came rolling at him, he kicked it back to their cheers. His face was a common sight in the Underworld, though he wasn’t as sociable as some might’ve hoped.
He often thought Ouken would have been better suited for this type of kingly duty. He’d always been a natural leader, more so than Desha was, and he thrived in the company of people. Put simply, Ouken was a people person. Desha wasn’t. The bronze statue erected in his honor was proof enough. He’d mangled the face for a reason.
He avoided looking at it as he walked by.
Homes dappled the scenery less and less the farther he went, until he was out in the training fields the Order sometimes used. Here, small cracks and crevices in the cave ceiling gave way to sunlight, and an above-ground stream emptied into a vast lake. This could be beautiful, he mused, if only because it was away from the hustle and bustle of the town center. Here, the greenery was more varied, more colorful. Wildflowers burst from the blades of grass, blooming in all colors of the rainbow.
Amidst all the rock and poor soil, a lone rosebush was stubbornly trying to grow. Many of its bulbs were small and unopened, but a couple early-bloomers had blossomed outward into full flowers. Desha reached his hand out and rubbed a petal between his forefinger and thumb, contemplating. Roses were romantic, weren’t they? So if he gave you one, then surely…
He tugged on the stem, intending only to take the single rosette, and a whole section came free from the rock. Groaning in frustration, he pulled off unopened buds and dirty roots until he was left with a slightly mangled stem but an unblemished rose. The thorns didn’t even tickle the tough skin of his palm, and he held it delicately to prevent damaging it further.
Single rose in hand, he managed to make it without incident all the way to the castle grounds — until he heard your voice call his name.
Impulsively, he hid the rose behind his back like some child caught with something they weren’t supposed to have, and felt foolish for doing so. You came panting, holding his folded cape in your hands.
“King Desha!” you started, stopping to catch your breath. “I meant to give this to you this morning, but the Captain said you’d had gone out to town and I thought, oh no, he doesn’t have his cape, he’s gonna go be around all those people without his cape, and so here I was, thinking I’d be able to chase you down…” You cut yourself off and chuckled nervously. “Sorry, I’m rambling. Thank you for letting me borrow it!” You held out his folded cape with both hands outstretched, almost in a bow.
“All this for my cape?” He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped, as noisy and ugly as it was. You looked so serious, too, like you had committed some grave error by failing to return it early enough. He’d understand if it was something like his crown, but this… “Don’t get so worked up over nothing. It’s a piece of clothing.”
You smiled sheepishly, not meeting his gaze. “But, y’know, you always look so cool and regal wearing it! If you’re gonna be in public, I think it’s something you should have with you.”
Desha took it from you with a quiet hmph to disguise how gratifying he found your small compliments. “Sure, I guess. Thanks for bringing it back.”
You shuffled where you stood, an awkward silence befalling the two of you. “...Well, I guess I should —”
“Wait.” He turned his head away, embarrassment eating at his throat as he brought the rose from behind his back and proffered it to you. “Here.”
You gasped. “King Desha, you’re bleeding!”
He glanced down. He was gripping the stalk hard enough to force the thorns into his skin, and small trickles of blood had begun to drip from his hand.
Instead of taking said rose, you swathed his hand between your much smaller ones. A faint green glow emanated from your palms as healing magic, soft and warm, curled around his skin like a springtime breeze.
Desha could only watch, mouth slightly agape, as you tended to the small puncture wounds. Gently, you coaxed his hand open and took the rose from him, smoothing your thumb over his palm to smudge away the blood.
“Lots of flowers have thorns as a defense mechanism,” you explained, beginning to carefully clear the stem of any prickles. When it was free of its offending barbs, you tucked it behind your ear and smiled widely. “So be careful next time, okay?”
“Y-yeah, thanks.”
It looked good, he decided. He liked how the red looked against your hair, how its wide petals brushed against your skin — he’d even call it beautiful.
Someone called your name, and he was shocked back into the moment as you regretfully waved goodbye, your lips forming words he didn’t hear as you jogged out of his sight.
He hoped his face didn’t look as red as the rose he’d given you as he continued toward the entrance. He unraveled his cape, and when he slung it over his shoulders, he imagined he could still smell the herbs you’d bathed with, your scent woven into the fabric.
 A few days later, Desha again found himself out past the main town of the Underworld, standing on a hillside which overlooked the training grounds a short distance away. The Captain had asked him to come and observe some new drill or demonstration or…something. Truthfully, he’d only been half-listening when the Captain explained the details. You had been just a few feet away, carefully setting the bone in some poor soldier’s leg, and he’d been too taken with how the light shimmered in your hair to fully absorb what he was being told.
From his vantage point, Desha spotted the Order congregated into the open fields. Many were stretching or running through basic combat routines with each other, wooden practice sticks in their hands. Whatever exercise the Captain wanted to show off obviously hadn’t begun yet; he was off talking with a small group.
Shouts and hollers emerged from another section of the field, near the edge of the lake. He was too far away to hear the specific words, but he understood the angry tone well enough. Two armored soldiers were shoving each other, hostility in their body language. He huffed out a humorless laugh; the Order could be so unruly sometimes.
A scuffle between two soldiers was none of his concern — that is, not until he spotted you running full-speed at the two, waving your arms as if you could draw their attention to you. It was a foolish thought; you should’ve let them wear themselves out, and the issue would resolve itself. Most fights were petty squabbles, in Desha’s experience.
And then one reached for a wooden club, intending to strike the other with it, but caught you in the crossfire instead. The club hit you square in the head and sent you tumbling into the nearby water.
He moved without thinking.
The steps between you and him didn’t register — he was on the hill one moment, and in the next he was plunging into the chilly water. You weren’t submerged very far; the water this close to the bank was fairly shallow comparatively speaking, and he didn’t allow you any time to sink any lower.
The world was deathly quiet when he emerged, sopping wet, with you clutched to his front. He held you tight to him — one hand cradling the back of your wet head, the other positioned under your legs. He was bigger and broader than most any human, but right now you felt abnormally small and frail in his arms, like he could crush you with one wrong move.
Your breaths puffed weakly against his skin, but you remained limp as he walked, no doubt struck unconscious. Blood trickled from a laceration on your forehead at a worrying speed.
Desha did not look at the two soldiers responsible as he passed — they were already infinitely lucky the weapon had been blunt. Desha didn’t know what he’d do otherwise.
“I’ll leave the punishment up to you,” he said, nodding at the Captain. “I trust your discretion.”
“Yes, sir.”
The rest of his soldiers parted to create a path, standing at attention. One of your fellow medics came rushing to meet him. “Please, Lord Desha. This way.”
A little first-aid station had been set up near the training fields, though “station” might have been too generous a word. There was a single cot along with a haphazard collection of materials, like they’d been taken last-minute.
He laid you gently onto the cot, smoothing your hair from your face. You were soaked to the bone, skin chilly to the touch, and though you weren’t awake to feel it Desha imagined you must’ve been cold.
The medic swaddled you in whatever available rags were on hand to stave off the chill and cleaned your wound carefully, wiping away the blood that smeared your forehead. She unraveled a roll of bandages and wrapped the length of it around your head, securing it in the back with a knot.
“Are they okay?” he asked, gruffer than he meant.
She smiled reassuringly. “It only looks bad. Head wounds tend to bleed a lot no matter how severe. They’ll be okay, but it’s important they get into some dry clothes and get proper care in the infirmary. I can arrange transport to —”
“No,” Desha interrupted. “I’ll take them.”
She worried her lower lip, looking almost like she wanted to protest. “Be sure not to jostle them too much, and keep their head as still as you can.”
He scooped you into his arms with as much tenderness as he could muster, pillowing your head on his shoulder. He nodded toward the medic. “Thank you.”
“Keep them safe, King Desha. They’re someone precious to all of us.”
   Stony-faced, he carried you all the way back to the castle. By the time he’d reached the infirmary doors, enough blood had seeped from your wound to tint your bandages a faint pink color. He kicked the doors open hard enough that they slammed against the wall, startling the two medics inside.
“King Desha! Is that — oh, dear…”
They took your limp form from his arms and laid you on one of the cots. One of the medics began fussing over you, unraveling your bloodstained bandages to take proper care of your wound.
“How’d this happen?”
“Training accident,” Desha replied, curt. “Get them some dry clothes and have them brought to my chambers once you’re done. They can rest there.”
The two medics shared a glance. “Of course, Lord Desha. Leave it to us.”
You could rest in the infirmary, of course. Or your bunk, which was in a room shared with the three other medics. But his quarters had the largest fireplace, the softest bed. It was only natural. He nodded toward the medics and left without another word. He was itching to get out of his wet clothes, himself.
All the way to his bedroom, the image of you lying so still and unresponsive on that cot floated above his vision. You looked so much like a shell of yourself, like life had drained out of you. Rationally, he knew it to be untrue — he knew you’d be fine, that you just needed to rest — but he hated thinking that his last memory of you would be without your smile, your kind eyes looking into his.
Feeling powerless was new. He was the second-ranking king for a reason. He had abilities most people only dreamed about, and yet he couldn’t stop you from getting hurt.
He knew it was no one’s fault, not really — he could blame those soldiers for arguing, he could blame the Captain for not paying attention, he could blame you for trying to break them up — but mostly he blamed himself for not being quick enough, for not having the foresight to stop it from happening in the first place.
In a moment of rage, he slammed his fist into the wall of his bedroom. The sheer force of his strength marred the marble with a small impact crater, and as he pulled his hand away bits of debris crumbled to the floor. The muscles of his jaw bulged as he clenched his teeth tight to keep from making a sound.
He stayed in that position, hand braced on the wall, standing stock-still, until the urge to remodel his room with his fist dissipated. By all accounts, he was a level-headed person. He rarely got angry in the first place, and rarer still did he give in to his anger, but this was…
He shrugged off his cape and began to strip from his wet clothes, leaving them heaped in a pile to be dealt with later. His crown followed, set aside almost carelessly onto his desk so he could pull his soaked hair up and off the nape of his neck. There was no need for him to look kingly — you were his only priority right now. Everything else could wait.
After dressing himself in a simple tunic and pants, Desha stoked the fireplace with a simple spark of electricity until fire bloomed in the hearth, crackling and popping as the sparks jumped from log to log. He was in the middle of adding more wood when someone knocked on his doors.
“What?” he called out. A moment later, the two medics from before wheeled you into his room on a trolley.
Gone were your wet clothes and your bloodied bandage. They’d wrapped you in warm, loose clothing, and had taped a thick patch of gauze over your wound. He liked to think there was more color in your face than before.
“King Desha, sir.”
The medics stepped aside as he gathered you in his arms with infinite gentleness. As kids, Despa and Ouken had once brought him an injured bird as if he might’ve known to mend it back to health. He had been nothing but a destructive force, especially back then, but it was the first time he had tried to fix rather than break. You reminded him of that bird — not in your frailty, but because you made him so desperate to help you.
One handed, he turned down the covers to his bed and placed you square in the middle, surrounded by an assortment of soft pillows, and then proceeded to tuck you in. “Do you know when they’ll wake up?”
“It’s hard to say, sir. We believe they sustained only a mild head injury, so it may only be a matter of hours.”
He glanced back, eyes hooded. “And if not?”
The medic shifted nervously. “Could be days, or possibly weeks —”
“But that is a very slim chance!” interrupted the other medic. “Head injury notwithstanding, they are otherwise a very healthy adult. We detected no water in the lungs and were able to stop the bleeding fairly quickly, so there is nothing to worry about.”
“However,” said the first, “if their wound reopens, or you notice any wheezing or crackling as they breathe, they need immediate attention.”
Desha piled more and more blankets atop you as he listened. Expensive furs, large quilts, and whatever else he had on hand all went toward making sure you’d stay nice and warm. “I got it. Thanks.”
“Do… you require anything else, sir?”
He watched your chest rise and fall evenly in sleep. Your lips were slightly parted, and with every exhale he felt your breath brush against his hand as he pulled a blanket closer to your chin. “Have some dried apples brought up.”
   The hours stretched into dusk. Desha settled himself in the chair next to you and simply watched as you rested. Were it any other occasion, he was aware it would be considered creepy — what right did he have to stare at you for hours on end? — but he was truly concerned, he told himself. Even if his gaze traveled to the slope of your nose, the soft plumpness of your lips, the elegant angle of your neck, even if it lingered where your lashes dusted your cheeks — he was just monitoring you.
Fire roared in the hearth. The room had grown toasty and was just shy of unbearably warm. Desha ran warmer than most, so if he was hot, you were probably comfortable. The room with all its tile and marble would lose heat the moment he snuffed out the flames, so it was better to let the fire run its course to keep you warm for as long as possible.
The Captain’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. “King Desha, sir?”
He stepped inside. Desha could only imagine what he was thinking — you, comically small in his vast bed, buried under a mountain of blankets; him, slouched in the small armchair to your side, his long legs stretched out in front of him. As the king, there were better ways to spend his time than watching over you. There were people he could assign to do that, could have a medic sit at your side for a full day if he so ordered. But he wanted — no, he needed to keep his own eyes on you. He wanted to be the first to know if you woke up, or if your head decided to split in two, or if any other number of things were to happen.
Desha knew the burdens of royalty all too well. There were many sacrifices he’d made for the greater good, both personal and otherwise, and he knew he was being unreasonable, if not entirely irrational. But, damn it, he should be allowed this selfishness. Just this once.
The Captain stood in silence until Desha raised his gaze to his helmet. He snapped to attention. “King Desha! I take full responsibility for what transpired out there today, sir.”
He resisted the urge to groan. He wasn’t in the mood for apologies or penitence, but he knew the Captain was simply doing his job. “Make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“Of course, sir!” There was a beat of silence where he obviously waited to see if Desha had anything else to say. When it was apparent that he wasn’t going to be reprimanded further, he spoke again. “Are they okay?”
Desha grunted the affirmative. “Just need to rest.”
The Captain must’ve been regarding you through his helm. “Lord Desha, I really am sorry that —”
He waved his hand dismissively. “I allowed you your one apology. You don’t need to say anything else on this matter.”
“...yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
For a moment, there were no other sounds in the room besides the crackling fire. The Captain shuffled on his feet. “I will take my leave —”
He paused. “Yes, sir?”
“Do me a favor. Stand guard and make sure no one bothers me unless it’s urgent. If it can be delegated to some else, do so.”
“Yes, sir!”
The Captain seemed eager to help, though whether he saw it as punishment for what occurred earlier or simply as a royal duty Desha didn’t know, and didn’t care enough to find out. The Captain gave a short bow before he left, and the dull thud of the doors swinging shut let Desha know that he was, once again, alone.
Not alone alone. You were there, of course, even if you weren’t awake to talk. Desha hadn’t ever been a lonely child, not with two other brothers, and often while growing up he'd wish for nothing more than peace and quiet. He liked the isolation of his kingdom and enjoyed his time away from others.
But, for once, he found himself craving the company of another. Of you. He wished you were awake so he knew you were okay, he truly did, but he wanted, selfishly, to talk to you. There were so few occasions where he got to speak with you privately, and he wanted nothing more than to hear your bubbling laughter in response to something he said. Even if all you two did was sit in silence together, it would be leagues better if he could look over and see you smiling.
He stood from the chair and walked the scant few paces to his bed, where you were slumbering peacefully. Nothing had bled through your bandage, and your breathing was even and steady. Desha lifted his hand to your face — almost monstrously large in comparison — and touched his fingertips lightly to your forehead, a few inches shy of the gauze. His fingers drifted upward, sliding delicately into your hair, nails barely scratching against your scalp. He lowered his hand and pressed the back of his palm against your cheek, feeling the give of your flesh.
What would he say if you woke up to his shameless fondling, if you caught him
red-handed with his hand in your hair? What would you say? He tried to imagine you reacting with anger, maybe even annoyance, but in reality he knew you’d have forgiveness on your tongue and a smile on your face.
He could try to explain it away by saying he was checking your temperature, that he was making sure you weren’t cold — but that wasn’t the truth. It wouldn’t explain why he knew your favorite food, or why he so often lingered where you might be, or why he tried writing poetry, or why he gave you a rose, or why your smile was his favorite sight in the entire world.
Lying to you would be like hiding a wound: small at first, until it grew too big, leaving him with no choice but to admit to its existence. There was no point. He could confess to you now — say those three words that had been itching at the back of his throat for months now, once he realized what he was truly feeling.
He parted his lips. He’d just tell you that he…that he lo…
Even now, even when there was no chance you’d hear him, even when his only audience were the far-off moon and stars…Even then, he couldn’t admit it. He would laugh at his own absurdity if it didn’t make him feel so pathetic.
He was a hopeless fool, and hopelessly in love with you.
   He woke with a jolt.
Desha cursed the moment he realized he’d fallen asleep and stumbled out of the armchair to look at you, heart thudding in his chest.
You looked exactly as he left you last night — with clean bandages and a healthy glow to your skin. The only difference were a few pillows that looked slightly out of place, as if you’d tossed and turned in your sleep.
He breathed an inward sigh of relief. Now that his main priority was taken care of, his body alerted him to his other needs — namely, one very pressing matter.
There was a crick in his neck, no doubt from sleeping akimbo in the armchair, and his lower back protested when he bent down to collect his still-damp clothes from yesterday. He planned on having them washed while he bathed, and then he’d get dressed and come watch over you again. He’d be out for an hour, tops.
If you didn’t wake up soon, he knew he couldn’t continue to postpone his duties. As long as he was certain you wouldn’t suddenly get worse, he would post others to watch over you in his place.
The Captain jumped to attention as Desha emerged from his bedroom. “Watch over them while I’m gone,” he instructed.
The answering yes, sir! followed him down the hall. He handed his clothes off to an attendant to be laundered and stepped inside the adjoining bathroom. Truthfully, he’d have preferred to take a hot bath with all the trappings that kingship afforded him, but there was little time. He made do with cold running water — at the very least, it felt good to scrub away the events of yesterday. The temperature also helped to make him feel more awake and alert. He wasn’t sure how long he slept, but there was enough fatigue behind his eyes that he knew it couldn’t have been more than a few hours.
After a handful of minutes, he stepped from under the perpetual spray of water and dried himself off, wrapping the towel around his waist. He spent little time looking at himself in the mirror as he freshened up, only staring at his reflection long enough to pull his wet and stringy hair up into a very messy bun.
He dressed into the clothes he’d been wearing before, only bothering to grab his cape and clip it around his shoulders. It was still warm from where it had no doubt been sitting to dry near the fireside
The Captain called out to Desha as he approached his bedroom. “King Desha, sir. They’re awake.”
  You were sitting up when he entered, the bowl of dried apple slices perched atop your lap. A vast majority of the blankets had been tossed aside, though you had wrapped one around your shoulders, much like his cape. You smiled when you noticed him, soft and subdued. “I like your hair. It looks good like that.”
Any other time, he’d have committed your words to memory to reflect on them later. Now, though, his only singular thought was you.
His heavy bedroom doors swung shut with a sense of finality, leaving the two of you sequestered in the privacy of his room. A part of him urged to rush to you, to ask you a hundred and one questions and to hold your face in his hands until he could be certain you were okay.
He tamped that feeling down deep inside himself. “How do you feel?”
“Honestly? Like shit,” you laughed. You looked awful, too, head injury notwithstanding. Your eyes were half-lidded, like you could fall asleep any moment. “My head is killing me, and I don’t have the reserves to make myself better with magic right now. I’m kinda in limbo, I guess.”
Almost cautiously, Desha approached his bed and sat on the edge of it, angled toward you. “Do you remember what happened?”
You nodded. “I ended up as the punching bag in the middle of some argument.” Your tone was almost jovial, like you were trying to make light of the situation, but when Desha didn’t laugh or even smile in response, your shoulders slumped. “You must think I was being foolish.”
“Yes,” he answered without pause. You were just a healer, not a true field medic. You had no formal combat training nor did you have your own suit of armor to protect you. Of course it was foolish. “You’re too kind hearted for your own good.”
You looked down at the bowl in your lap while he spoke, rubbing your index finger along its wooden edges. “Actually, the reason I did it is kinda silly,” you admitted. “I…wasn’t thinking about who was gonna get hurt, or about de-escalating the situation. I just knew that you were supposed to be supervising us, and when I saw those two acting as if they were some dumb hormone driven teenagers, I just…” You shook your head. “I thought it’d be so embarrassing if you saw them behaving like immature kids, and I didn’t want that to be your impression of us.”
“You’re right. That’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard.”
You flinched at his words. “King Desha, I —”
“You’re saying you almost let yourself get killed over my hypothetical opinion?” He groaned and pressed his palm to his temple, trying to temper his tone. “Pick a better reason to die next time.”
“Respectfully, you don’t get to tell me what to care about!”
Your attitude shift gave him whiplash; he’d never heard you raise your voice before, much less with this much anger behind it. Despite all your bravado, your voice trembled as you spoke. “If your opinion is important to me, then I’ll die for it! If I decide that your clothes are important, or how you take your eggs, o-or…whatever! I’ll do anything for you!” You wrung your hands in your lap, still not meeting his eyes.
“And maybe it’s wrong for me to feel this way, and maybe I shouldn’t say it, but I like you, Lord Desha! A lot. A whole lot. And I know that you’re the king and I’m just some healer, but I —”
He grabbed onto your shoulders. “Hey.”
You shut up immediately, left heaving and teary-eyed by your outburst. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” You bit your lower lip and ducked your head, as if you could avoid his gaze. “Please forget I said anything.”
You had gone from cowed, to angry, and then back to cowed in a manner of minutes, and it was all because of him. Desha inhaled deeply to prepare himself while still trying to process the exact meaning of your words. “Listen,” he started, as gently as he could muster. He was speaking to the crown of your head, but it made it easier than trying to confess face-to-face. “I like you, too, so —”
He stopped short as you jerked your head up in disbelief, narrowly missing bumping your head into his nose. “What?”
He felt his face grow hot. “You heard me.”
There was a split-second where all you did was look at him, wide-eyed, and then you were lurching forward to crash your lips awkwardly into his.
Unprepared and more than a little shocked, Desha fell backwards into the pile of blankets, taking you with him. The bowl in your lap toppled over and sent dried apple slices all over the bed.
You had kept yourself from collapsing into him with your hands braced on his chest. You were all but straddling his waist, knees on either side of his stomach. “Oh, oops,” you began, and then broke into sweet, bubbling laughter.
Desha couldn’t help it; he started to laugh with you, his raucous and off-kilter guffaws overpowering yours. You stayed atop him until your laughter petered out, until you were both merely staring at each other in the quiet room.
“For how long?” you suddenly asked.
“How long have…have you…?”
“I don’t know. A while.”
“And you waited this long to tell me?”
“I didn’t wait,” he protested. “I tried telling you. Multiple times.”
You tilted your head, processing his words. “You mean… So, that time when you gave me your cape?”
He nodded.
“And…the rose?”
“I thought I was being clear enough.”
You looked infinitely pleased at the information, if a bit bashful, and hid your smile behind your fist. He reached his hand up and pulled yours away from your mouth, holding your wrist captive in his grasp. He didn’t sit by your side all night, sick with worry, to have you hide your happiness from him. Just looking at you made his own mouth upturn at the corners, unbidden.
“You’re pretty when you smile, King Desha.”
He scoffed and turned his head away, feeling his ears turn red. “Don’t start saying embarrassing things.”
You took advantage of the fact that you were still on top of him to lean in close enough that your noses almost brushed his cheek. “Even if they’re true? I’ve always thought you were handsome.”
“Enough,” he grumbled, even as he felt his blush spread down his face. “Get off me.” The bed shifted as you swung your leg over and crawled back into your hole between all the pillows. Desha sat up and covered his face with his hand, groaning. “I hope you won’t start saying stuff like that all the time.”
“What, I’m not allowed to compliment you? After I’ve spent all this time biting my tongue?” You shook your head. “Now I won’t seem weird if I say how good you smell, or how much I like your hair, or —” He glared at you, and you stopped and laughed. “I’ll space them out, how does that sound?”
“Whatever,” he grunted, rubbing at the back of his neck.
You fell into companionable silence. The fire had long since died down to nothing but ash, though his room no longer seemed so cold and empty.
“You know,” you started. “The Captain told me that you didn’t leave my side the entire night. Said you slept in that little armchair.”
“Someone needed to keep an eye on you, and I wanted it to be me. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You inched your hand closer to his, and curled your fingers around his pinky, smiling softly. “I’m fine, King Desha. Promise. Although —” You broke off into a yawn. “I think I should get more sleep. Too much excitement for one day already.”
He glanced toward his doors, and then back to you. “I’ll have the Captain stationed outside the doors if you need anything. Anything major happens, have him get me. I want one of the medics to check you over later, too.”
You tugged a blanket over yourself, snuggling into the mass of pillows. “I can’t give myself my own exam?”
“You’re injured,” he said. “You do too much already. Just use this time to rest.”
You yawned again. “Yes, sir.”
Satisfied, Desha stood from the bed and grabbed his crown from his desk to set it rightfully on his head where it belonged. He glanced back one more time to find your eyes had already closed, and he lingered for just a moment, almost wanting to sit back in that armchair to keep watch over you again.
He couldn’t. You were fine, he told himself, and pushed open the double doors.
   In just a few days, you were practically back to normal. With some sneaky self-healing, the gash had become little more than a broad scab, although the area around it was still discolored.
The two of you had grown closer. He often sought your company when he wasn’t actively dealing with anyone else, often inviting you to have lunch with him or to walk through the halls. Due to your injury, you currently had an open schedule (even if he did catch you trying to return to work a couple times). While you were healing, he insisted you keep to his bed, but you were equally insistent that he sleep under his own covers. You had protested that the bed was big enough for the two of you, and it was — it was even big by his standards — and that you could sleep on each edge with a sea of distance in between.
The first night of that arrangement, you ended up cocooned in his arms while he tucked you to his chest, keeping you safe and secure against him.
After that you dropped all pretense and drove straight to cuddling at night.
It was no longer a rare occurrence to see you and him together. You dropped in whenever you could, either just to chat or wave hello or even just to sit in silence, enjoying his company.
Now, however, was not one of those latter times. There was a lull in between subjects looking for an audience with him, and you were perched on the arm of the throne, talking about this and that while he patiently listened.
To be honest, he sometimes had trouble following you — you tended to jump from topic to topic, and if you were really excited, you talked so fast you’d stumble and trip over your words. He did always listen, even if he didn’t always understand — what mattered most to him was seeing you smile.
“Anyway,” you were saying, “I should go. I promised some friends I’d have lunch with them.”
You leaned over the throne and pressed your lips to Desha’s cheek, quick and chaste, before hopping off. “See you later, Lord Desha!”
He watched you leave through one of the side exits, his fingertips ghosting over where your lips had been seconds earlier, like he could commit to memory the warmth and shape of your kiss.
Quiet sniggers echoed in the vast hall, and he whipped his head around to the guards posted near the entrance. He scowled, trying to appear threatening even though he could feel his ears burning. “You two. Not a word,” he hissed. “Understand?”
The two soldiers jumped to attention, backs ramrod straight. “Yes, sir!”
Desha hmph’d and slouched down into his throne, leaning heavily into his elbow. It gave him ample excuse to hide his smile into the palm of his hand — it wasn’t befitting for a king to look so lovesick.
#.txt#ranking of kings#ousama ranking#desha#king desha x reader#desha x reader#writing#i had other ideas but then i saw that tweet and i was likeholy shit. Holy Shit.#i love him. i love him i love him i love him i love him#im still sort of conflicted abt how i portrayed him#and im also not entirely sure hed act on his feelings if he Did realize he liked u#but the tweet was so fucking cute i just had to indulge#forgive me maybe im cliche but i love like opposites in a relationship so much#desha is so coarse and grumpy and an asshole and i love it if ur the complete opposite of him#god anyway that tweet is literalyl so good bc desha giving u a thorny rose is literally like the purest form of confession there could be#its the most heartfelt thing coming from a man who spent his entire life fighting a war and then leading an entire kingdom#hes saying 'i love you. isnt this how im supposed to show it?'#and there r obvious gaps in his knowledge but he still Tries#idk. its just so sweet to me#ill take men who love u but dont know how to express it for 1000 alex#urgh the more i wrote this the more i disliked how i wrote it but i cant see any other way around it#desha in love is Uncharted Territory. how tf is he gonna act? no one knows#i certainly dont#hope its believable tho i might change my mind in 2 weeks GJKSFJKSFJKAFW#i was gonna call this limerence after the piece ive been listening to non-stop while writing this but.#its gotta be WHOLESOME#wholesome love#anyway#next step: suck his co
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probablyspooky · 2 years
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chaoticyumelikes · 2 years
Prince Ouken x GN!Reader
Well, there aren’t enough of these yet so here I come to help fill the void.
Ouken deserved better!
Warnings: Spoilers, canon violence
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Just like everyone else you were running in a blind panic. Why? Prince Ouken was on the loose. The Underworld knights were trying to protect the civilians but all they could do was slow him down.
Prince Despa was desperately trying to get the people to safety however none would listen, far too panicked to heed his words.
It was bad enough that you yourself had to jump several wounded and dead, soldiers and civilians alike, on the ground but you also had to be alert to dodge every other person running blindly.
Unfortunately for you, you did take a wrong turn. It was at a distance but you could clearly see armored men fighting. One silver armored in the middle of it, dancing around the golden armored soldiers that surrounded him in a very macabre and gruesome way. You didn’t seem to look away as prince Ouken rasped out a few laughs at the attempts of the soldiers that were growing to be more desperate by the minute and he reveled in each hit he was able to land.
All of the sudden however, he looked at you and stopped. The soldiers immediately took advantage of this distraction but Ouken would not move from his spot. Black ooze repaired every hit he took as he only tilted his head slightly as he stares your way.
Finally retrieving control of your frightened legs you turn around attempting to run when all at once… to your absolute horror… you cease to move completely.  
Your mind begs your legs to move as you seem to be able to sense his movement. With your back turned you can feel he is coming your way all the while hearing the screams of the soldiers as they are beaten and discarded as if mere inconveniences.
Every step he takes you hear the metal of his armor clanking in a torturous slow pace as your mind goes down in a panicked spiral “Oh GOD! Move! Movemovemovemove! Please! Not like this! He is so close! What is he going to do to me? PLEASE LET ME MOVE!!!!”
Tears streamed down your face as he comes to a halt behind you. He remains there for a while before circling you and standing in front of you. He tilts his head to the side again as if studying you. You look from his bloody helmet to his sword wielding hand and he seems to follow. He raises his sword just a bit voicing out a strange rasp as he sees you shiver.
Despa arrives at the scene with the Captain at his side and his face blanches at the sight before him. He cannot call on his brother Desha for his lightning at how close Ouken is to you. You would surely be caught in as well. “OUKEN! Ouken please DON’T!” he begs but his brother remains unresponsive.
You close your eyes bracing for impact and the pain that was sure to come. As if the Fates were taunting you, you notice you can now move your pinky fingers which meant you were recovering mobility all too slowly. The sound of metal assaults your senses and you tremble but nothing hits you.
You keep hearing metal and you open your eyes to find Ouken removing his gauntlets, his sword left forgotten on the floor. When his hands are finally free from his armor he raises one and timidly brought it to your face wiping away tears from your cheek.
You let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding, eyes wide, still not understanding or trusting what was happening.  
Despa and the Captain also look on in awe at this development. To say this was strange was an understatement. When Ouken was himself sure, but as the immortal blood took over he was only known for violence.
Prince Ouken slowly reaches his hands to his helmet and removes it. You are surprised to find his features… human instead of a bloodthirsty monster. Not only that but that of a handsome man. Yet, his eyes… His eyes were…wrong. Void of any emotion. Scaring you as they never leave yours as if he was searching for something. Whatever it was he didn’t seem to find it and his expression changes from blank to confusion.
He raises his hands to your face once more, gently holding it in place as if you weren’t still paralyzed and before you can even guess why he gives you a light chaste kiss.
When he finally parts, his eyes seem to have regained life but before he can explore this further your hand collides harshly with his face. Prince Ouken laughs as he clutches his offended cheek, a normal human laugh and before you can even run away he holds you in his arms twirling you around as he thanks you over and over again.
After this moment, your life was turned upside down.
·        Despa and the Captain approach you cautiously and as Ouken spots them: “Despa? Captain?”
Both of them begin ugly sobbing at this.
·        Despa: “Ouken?” he gently cradles his younger brother’s face “Is it really you?”
·        The brothers share a long and overdue hug. The Captain covering his eyes with his forearm trying to stop the tears.
·        Despa:”But how?” – Ouken looks at you as he answers “I don’t know. I just… Suddenly saw a light and followed it.”
·        Despa takes your hands in his as he thanks you profusely for returning his brother back to him.
·        Then….everything in your life changes….and fast.
·        Despa informed his older brother King Desha about the events as well as plans to heal the injured and compensate the families of those tragically lost.
·        Prince Despa then pleaded with you to go with them to the Underworld as he needed to test a theory regarding this situation. You would be protected as well as tended to your every need in the castle as a most esteemed guest.
·        You were close to deny the request but as your eyes wandered to Prince Ouken he gave you his best pleading look and you relented. How could this man be a menace to your life one second and give the best hurt puppy eyes the next and be the same person?
·        Your family was thoroughly informed about the situation as well as reassured of your well-being and reluctantly let you on this journey. You said your teary goodbyes to family and best friends and followed the princes.
·        The trip to the Underworld was fortunately uneventful. You always got paired up with Ouken since no one wished to figure out what would happen should the prince be separated from you. You couldn’t blame them nor could Ouken albeit he would always look sad when mentioned as he did retain his memories when he was under the curse.
·        As you got to spend time with Ouken and getting to know him a bit, it only increased your confusion at how does such a sweet man turn into a killing machine? And just how unfairly cruel it seemed.
·        Every time there was a problem he was the first to help out. Even if people were still afraid and wary of him, the prince never let that get him down. It was commendable if not downright inspiring.
·        Prince Despa had welcomed his brother with open arms and couldn’t stop taking every moment to remain by his side already discussing a bit of everything he had missed and plans to restore his reputation.
·        On one of the stops before reaching the Underworld, you couldn’t sleep. So you arose from the tent but suddenly stopped as you spot Ouken by the fire. He took a dagger and suddenly jabbed it into his forearm. Your hands flew to your mouth as you saw the wound weeping that same black ooze. It swished around as Ouken removed the dagger and regenerated the wound swiftly as if it was never punctured. The man brought his hands to his face weeping quietly. You may have brought back his sanity but his father’s curse was still there.
·        Despa made his way to his younger brother, placing a reassuring hand on his back “Your soulmate may have not been able to break the curse completely but they have returned you to us. We now have more time to try and solve the rest.”
·        Soulmate? Like in fairy tales? True love’s kiss and all that nonsense? You didn’t know if you believed that or not. It didn’t matter! Your proximity to the young royal seemed to keep him grounded and his heartbreaking sadness right now made you resolute into helping him any way you can.
·        Upon arrival, at the very mouth of the Underworld, there stood King Desha eager to see his younger brother back with his own two eyes.
·        At first, both brothers just stood there facing each other but soon the King pulled the prince into a teary hug.
·        Desha: “You’re back!”
Ouken: “Yeah”
Desha: “You look like crap!”
Ouken: “You too!”
·        The three brothers were back together again. Happiness and relief flooded the atmosphere as you looked on with a smile on your face.
·        Finally noticing you, King Desha awkwardly thanks you and welcomes you to the family.
·        Despa begins to panic at your confused yet flustered expression and proceeds to chastise the King.
·        Desha: “Whaaaaaaat? They are going to stay by his side forever so might as well marry him.”
Despa: “Brother please! They just met! It’s a sensitive subject to discuss so soon!”
Desha: “Whyyyy? Look at him! He doesn’t seem to mind! Quite the opposite really! And this way everybody wins!”
·        As the brothers bicker back and forth Ouken gingerly approaches you fully red faced as you and coughs into his hand: “I’m….I’m sorry about my brothers”.
·        Upon arriving to the castle, King Desha relieved his populace by informing them that “The Sword of the Underworld” – prince Ouken – had returned. The news was received with mixed feelings among the crowd but the King was quick to silence every doubt.
·        Inside the castle, Ouken and Despa gave you the tour. Your quarters were going to obviously be next to Ouken’s – a fact to which he spared you an adorable apologetic look and assured you that if you’d need anything all you had to do was call and he’d be right over.
·        That night you could barely sleep, not only from being in a whole different room and bed but also you could hear screaming and crying in the room next door where the prince surely was having rough nightmares. Plagued by your pity you rise from the bed and you go over the prince’s door and knock gently. You blame the military training the prince has had cause he opens the door almost immediately.
·          Ouken: “Is everything alright?!”
You: “Yes I just….heard crying…like you were having a nightmare….Do you…..want to talk about it?”
Ouken: “Oh! OH! I’m so sorry for awaking you. It’s….It’s nothing please-“
You: “It’s not nothing, prince Ouken. If we are to be in this together then we better start trusting each other a bit, don’t you think?”
Ouken gives you a small tender smile: “Then I suppose it is best you drop the title. Just call me Ouken, please.”
You smile back at him: “Fair enough.”
·        The next day you were bombarded by maids fitting you into several outfits for the upcoming party celebrating the younger prince’s return. Everyone in the castle was nervous about it but the people had insisted.
·        After that, Despa took you and Ouken towards the empty training grounds to test the range of the soulmate influence on Ouken. After several tries, Despa finally settled the maximum comfortable distance between the two of you for Ouken to start…losing. Turns out, if you were to be in the heart of the castle Ouken could travel as far as anywhere in the castle. These were good news but- You weren’t quite so satisfied.
·        Once you catch Despa alone, you beg him to tell you everything he knows about the curse. When he asks you why you want to know, you tell him about what you saw at that campfire and that you don’t want to be Ouken’s personified leash, you want him to be free. Despa thought you were the cutest thing ever and of course he couldn’t say no… Of course, you would owe him one, nothing is free after all (he will “request” to become your child’s Godfather when it comes to it).
·         From that moment on you could be found in the library either alone or with Despa surrounded by books that possibly contained clues as to an end to the curse.
·        Ouken would become a bit jealous over your time being shared with Despa. He was beginning to fear that you would be falling for his famous handsome brother over him till you scoff about the very idea and tell him your quest to help him out. Ashamed for feeling jealous and by being sort of a burden upon you, the prince now makes it his mission to make sure you take plenty of breaks and to stretch your legs by going on walks with him.
·        Actually just wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
·        Sometimes soldiers would come look for you. The reason was because their training with Ouken was getting a tad too serious while sparing and either they were afraid he was snapping or they hoped that your presence would distract him so they could beat him. They were wrong on all accounts as their asses were kicked even harder as, with you there, Ouken was ten times more invested so he can show himself off to you.
·        And you thank whatever deity is true and alive whenever this man trains with his shirt off.
·        You and Ouken could always tell where the other was. Must be one of the whole soulmate perks. So you two usually walk back to your rooms together and every time he gently kisses your knuckles wishing you sweet dreams.
·        Certain things just became rituals between you two. Since his training would start early in the morning you would leave him a handwritten note under his door the night prior. In the morning you would find your note with a written reply or poem by him.
·        One night, Ouken was having one of his worst nightmares and you spent the night by his side. In the morning Despa erupted in the room because he had to speak to Ouken when he notices you two in each other’s arms. A big mischievous grin grows on is face as Ouken whispers to explain that nothing happened while trying to not awake you. Despa and Desha tease him about it for weeks.
·        The dreaded day of the party arrived. Despa taught you basic etiquette and dance but it was still awkward for you. Prince Ouken despite not wearing the crown, is still a very sought out bachelor so he found himself surrounded by quite the crowd.
·        You wanted to help him but you yourself were surrounded by a different kind of crowd, the uptight, nosy kind. They began drilling into you, asking you about your origins, upbringing, any single thing they could learn to try and tear your very existence apart. THANK GOD Despa came to your rescue pulling you to the dance floor.
·        You thanked him for the save and he brushes it off: “I know what is like to be thrown to the vipers.”
You: “Just glad you taught me somethings or their teeth would’ve sunk deeper.”
He laughs: “Now, how about we go save my brother, hm? I mean, again.”
·        With a wink and an expert move Despa trades places with his brother. Surprised, Ouken gives him a thankful nod and looks back at you lovingly.
·        Ouken and you danced together the remainder of the party refusing politely to trade partners.
·        His brothers look at the two of you with a knowing smile.
·        What began to be a terrible party, assaulting you with jealousy, awkwardness and even rage, ended with you in Ouken’s arms. Safest you ever felt.
·        Despa and Desha began to aggressively ship the two of you.
·        Sometimes you two could just be doing something as innocent as hand holding that the King would yell “JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!!”
·        One time Despa had to restrain his elder sibling from marrying you on the spot.
King Desha: “You know what? I’m the King! I decide you two are now lifelong MARRIED partners! BOOM! Done!”
Prince Despa: “OH MY GOD BROTHER!”
You and Ouken: O//////////O
·        Saying the castle is lively again is an understatement.
·        Should someone have the absolute gall to try and kidnap you… Ouken feels something is wrong immediately. They cannot go far without facing the wrath of the three royal siblings and the knights.
·        You and Despa managed to find somewhat of a cure with the help of Miranjo. However when Ouken received the news he was crestfallen.
·        When asked about it, he will embarrassingly admit he doesn’t want to lose you. And he thought that if he is cured, you would move away from him. You swiftly put his worries to rest assuring him he is not getting rid of you so soon.
·        The cure will not completely cure everything as he is still a very resistant demigod but he is now able to go anywhere without you without losing himself to the curse. The two of you almost don’t get to test that out seeing how inseparable you’ve become.
·        You and Ouken travel more frequently now. Mostly between your homeland (your family adores him) and the Underworld but sometimes other countries as well while helping out and making amends from when he was a sadistic cursed being.
·        You even get to meet Bojji and Kage. The boys didn’t recognize Ouken at first but when they did….whoooooo boy… Kage shielded Bojji immediately while you were trying to explain everything. After Bojji calmed Kage down they listened to the whole story happily.
·        You even visited King Daida and his mother Hiling. During your stay you two were watched by them as if they were hawks. Eventually they eased up and blessed your marriage, resulting in shock when informed that you two are still not married.
Queen Hiling: “Well then you better get to it!”
·        You two eventually do get married much to the relief of all who shipped you two.
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