#your frozen yogurt is ready
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did anyone order a dollop of whipped cream?
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satorusugurugurl · 23 days
jjk men taking care of u in ur third trimester of pregnancy when things get too hard for reader???
JJK Men: When You’re Pregnant
Pairing: Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Choso Kamo, Pregnant!AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: language, pregnancy themes, hormones, insecurities, fluffy!
A/N: This request was so much fun Nonnie! I love me some fluff! (I haven't had kids yet so I'm going off of movies and stuff I've read! 😅 the craving thought 100% mine from my bean I lost) 💚
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Nanami Kento:
Kento heard the shout of frustration and looked up from his laptop. That sounded like his lovely wife. But it couldn't be because you were supposed to be in bed. With a soft sigh, Nanami followed the disgruntled groans from the nursery, where he found you pacing the room.
You were stunning, your baby bump straining against the fabric of your maternity shirt. A tiny onesie was resting on your bump, and you used it as a makeshift table to fold clothes. You were a stunning, glowing vision of beauty. But you should be resting in bed.
“Love, just what do you think you’re doing up?”
You jumped, dropping the onesie you held in your hands. “Ken!” you sighed, placing a hand on your lower back as the muscles strained. You scared me!” Your husband's eyes widened as you grabbed the crib, spreading your legs slightly to bend down.
“No! Darling, stop!” Nanami quickly rushed in, dropping down to pick up the onesie. You heard the doctor say you need to be resting. What are you even doing in here?”
“I need to prep the nursery.”
The keyword was needed. Not want or desired; need. And it was a word Nanami had come to know very well over the last eight and a half months. Just like you needed sauerkraut and how you needed tart frozen yogurt at two in the morning. This was your hormones and maternal instincts.
“Ah, you're nesting again.”
The nesting started simple: when you were making the nursery, building the crib, and preparing for your daughter's arrival. Not that you were so close; it seemed you were nursing again, even more now. Glancing around the room, Nanami took in the small load of fresh, dried baby clothes he had planned on folding before finding the diapers and wipes on the changing table.
“She’s going to be here soon. I know it, so I need to hurry up and get ready, " you said, feeling out of breath, which is standard these days.
Nanami could see the exhaustion on your face. He said nothing as he gently took your hand and led you to the rocking chair, helping you sit. You have a breath as you ease into it, watching your husband kneel next to you.
“Love, I understand you have this primal need to nest, but you also need to rest, and that’s the doctor's order.”
“But there’s still so much to do.”
His gentle hand reached out, copying your cheek. “And I’m here to help you. I helped make our darling girl, so I fully intend to help you with everything else.” His tongue gently caresses your cheek, sending a swarm of butterflies fluttering to life in your stomach.
“Kento.” You whisper as big tears, dreaming down their cheeks, followed by a hiccup. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Now tell me what I can do to help.”
“I want to put all the clothes in the dresser and stock the changing table.”
Nanami wasted no time in precisely what you asked, and once that was done, he looked over his shoulder at you. “What else?”
“I wanted to clean and organize the living room.” Nanami headed to the living room, leaving you with tiny socks. Thirty minutes passed before Nanami came back into the nursery.
“All clean out there; what’s next, Love?”
For the next two hours, your husband helped you with your motherly instinct nest., no matter how minimal or massive the task was, from cleaning the bathrooms to opening all the baby bottles. Nanami never complained or looked like you were asking too much from him. He was so helpful that you felt yourself relax more until you sank back into the bed with a smile, relaxing with the pillows.
Nanami fluffed the pillows for you and covered you with a blanket. His smile was so gentle, and his eyes slowly trailed to your stomach. Seeing him smile so fondly melted your heart.
“Come here.” You tugged on his shirt, padding the spot next to you. Without asking why, your husband kicked off his slippers and hopped in bed beside you. “Thank you for all your hard work today; you put all my nerves at ease.” Gently took his hands and placed them on your baby bump. “The two of us appreciate everything you’ve done.”
There was a furnace in your husband’s eyes as he rubbed your tummy gently before leaning down, pressing a kiss between his hands. “I would do anything and everything for my girls.” Because I love them both very much. Much more than words and actions can describe.” You were about to start crying when you hissed out a wince as your daughter kicked your husband.
“I think that was her telling you she loves you too.” You whispered, running your fingers through his soft blonde hair.
“I love her too.” Honey, brown eyes met yours. “And I love you.”
“I love you too, Kento.” That evening, you lay in bed, the house cleaned to perfection, as you and Kento lovingly waited for your darling little girl to arrive.
Gojo Satoru:
“Damn.” You cursed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You ran your hands down the white and blue floral print maternity dress you wore. People talked a lot about the first and the second trimester: the morning sickness, the cravings, the growing baby bump. But the third trimester had you looking at yourself in a different light. Your body had changed so much while you carried your son; sometimes, you barely recognized yourself, and it did not often make you feel like staying in. “Toru— do we have to go out?”
Your husband suddenly stood by your side, hand held in front of him, and eyed you up and down. “Why? Do you feel alright? Dizzy? Contractions?” You couldn’t see his eyes behind his dark sunglasses, but he was eyeing you as if you were going to shatter. “Do I need to call the doctor?”
“No, no, no, okay, baby.” Relief tag at his mouth as he pushed his sunglasses up to rest on his head.
“Oh good, but why are you asking if we must go out? Do you not feel like going out on the date?”
Going on a weekly date has been recommended by your OB/GYN. She pretty much told you to have as much fun as you could for the next nine months because when your little boy came around, alone would be a thing that was scarce for the first few months. So, of course, you made it a point to go out and do something every Saturday morning. Your little dates were so much fun; you’d have breakfast, shop, and maybe watch a movie. But those fun little dates were beginning to make you feel more like a hassle, especially now that you were nine months pregnant and felt like the size of the house.
Every time you leave the house, the hospital bag must be loaded with you. It took you forever to put on your shoes, and every time your son decided to play kickball with your bladder, you were waddling off to the nearest restroom. Saturday morning dates were less fun, and you felt like they were more of a chore for your husband.
“I want to go, but—” you said out loud, your hands rubbing your baby bump. “I’m having a hard time putting on my shoes.”
“Oh, well, that’s a simple fix!” Your boyfriend has led you to the kitchen, where he pulled out a chair padding the cushion. “Mi, you love cheesy, my Cinderella.” He lifted your sandals, slowly slipping one on before he turned your other foot and slipped the other shoe on. Now we head to our carriage and find the finest breakfast restaurant in Tokyo.”
And you weren’t sure what it was. It could’ve been him calling you his Cinderella, or the fact your shoes were fitting a little too tight nowadays, or maybe it was the fact he was taking you to breakfast, which was something you had been craving all day yesterday. Or it could just be the damn hormones. Satoru blinked, looking up at you, and you didn’t bother to answer his question, and when he met your eyes, he was a mess with a blubbery, teary face.
“Baby? Oh sweetie, what’s wrong?” His concern only made you cry harder. “Sweetheart!”
You wiped your eyes, but no matter how hard you tried to stop, the tears ran down your flushed cheeks. “I—” hic, “I’m sorry—I just feel bad!” The chair beside you scraped against the floor, and when you could look through blurry eyes, you found Satoru sitting right in front of you, gently holding your hands. “I’m not a burden anymore. Always needing more time, I slow down is just, ugh, I’m sorry!” Satoru sat back, nose wrinkling at your words.
“Baby, what are you talking about? You’re not a burden.”
“I-I take too long to walk. You have to put my shoes on, and I constantly have to pee!”
“Sweetpea! Honey, I don’t care if I have to put your shoes on, and I’ll wait for you as long as you need me to. Plus, I hold your bags when you go to the bathroom. I don’t mind doing all those things and one million more because you’re carrying our child. You’ve been through so much: the cravings, hormones, and changes to your body. You truly are incredible.”
Satoru held his breath, watching as tears streamed down your pretty cheeks. “You don’t mind waiting for me? Even though I look like a walking house?”
“Okay, no.” Your husband’s hands flew up, copying both sides of your face. “You are not the size of the house. You’re beautiful, and I love your body. I’m not sure what kind of guy cares about shit like that. But I would love you no matter what. Whether you gain or lose weight, I love you for you.” His thumbs brushed away your tears. “You might not see it, but you are stunning.”
You sniffed, relaxing, leading into his touch. “Really?” Hesitantly, the tears finally stopped.
“Yes! My goddess, you are a radiant vision, sunshine, and human form. And you are a perfect vision.” Satoru’s continue to caress your flushed cheeks. “If I’m being honest, I love our dates on Saturday mornings because I get to be seen next to a beautiful woman like you.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “I think you’re confused because I feel like that with you.”
“Is that so?” Smiling as he dropped his hands to your tummy, caressing it lovingly. “Looks like our kid locked out. He’s got two hot parents.” The teasing in his eyes faded. “And he’s going to have the best mommy in the world.”
“And the best, Daddy, " you added, placing your hands on top of his.
“And he’ll be loved immensely.” Satoru pressed against your tummy before kissing your hands. “So what do you want to do, sweetheart? Do you want to go out, or would you prefer to stay in?”
“Well, seeing as you went through the trouble of putting my shoes on for me, let’s go on our date.”
Satoru fist pumps the air before placing his hand on your lower back to help steady you. “Come on, sweetie. I’ll take you to eat wherever you want.” You enter your fingers as you slowly head out of the house towards the car.
“Seeing that it’s your son, he wants French toast.”
“Yep, there’s no denying he’s mine!” Proudly announced as he squeezed your hand tightly.
Geto Suguru:
“Ow, ow, ow!” You paste around the kitchen, hands on your hips, trying to focus on anything other than the ache in your back.
Upon hearing your cries of pain, your boyfriend is around the corner, slipping on the hardwood floor. “What?! Are you okay? Is she okay?” Suguru grabbed your waist, surveying you for any injuries.
“No, we’re both okay.” Suguru visibly relaxed at your words, dropping his head slightly as he tried to catch his breath and calm his racing heart.
“Then why were you saying ow?”
The muscles in your back, your boyfriends, they seized up, screaming in pain. “Nngh!” Your teeth together, grabbing Suguru’s wrist and squeezing as your back twitched and strained. “I-It’s just my back; our little bean isn’t so little anymore.” There was nothing but pure sympathy on your boyfriend’s face as he watched your face contort with pain.
“Oh baby,” he sighed slowly, stepping behind you. “Let me help you.”
You weren’t sure if a massage would be the best thing to do right now. Every nerve in your back was burning with red-hot pain. Laying down in bed didn’t help, and sitting on the couch made it even worse; walking around was the only thing that seemed to alleviate some of the pain.
The thoughts of his thumbs rubbing into the muscles driving you mad had you squirming out of his reach. But due to the nine-month pregnant belly, you were sporting, you weren’t able to move as fast as you had been before. Your attempted move away was futile as Suguru grabbed you by the shoulders, pulling you back into his chest.
“Suguru, please don’t give me a massage right now. My back is killing me, and I feel like if you touch it, it’s going to make it worse.”
“Shh, I got you.”
You shut your eyes, waiting For the inevitable pain, as he trailed his hands down the side of your arms before sliding down over your tummy. His hands never ventured back up to your shoulders. Instead, they slid further down underneath the baby bump, resting there for a second. Realizing your back wasn’t in danger, you opened your eyes, glancing down at your tummy as dark strands of hair fell over your shoulder, hair that belonged to Suguru.
“What are—” Without giving you a chance to finish your words, Suguru gently lifted your baby bump slightly, allowing him to hold your daughter's weight, giving your back some much-needed rest. “Oooh~” the relief Washed over you like waves at the beach, “Oh, that feels so good.”
“Yeah, I’m so glad to hear that.” His thumbs brushed over a little sliver of skin as your shirt scrunched up over your tummy. “I saw this little trick online.”
You could feel the pressure being relieved from your muscles, back, and hips. Ten pounds lighter, you felt like you could finally relax with that weight your boyfriend was holding. With a happy sigh, you leaned further against his back. It felt so good.
“You are so amazing. Carrying our baby, thank you.” Soft lips gently trailed over your cheek, running over your jawline as your boyfriend held your daughter's weight off your body. “I’m so thankful for everything you’re doing for us.”
“You're welcome.” You turned your head slightly, pressing a kiss against his lips. “Thank you for being so kind and patient with me.” Your daughter stretched out, leaving you wincing again.
“I just wish there was more I could do for you.”
His words left you feeling baffled. “Suguru, you’ve already done so much. You baby-proofed the house, you put together the crib, which was a nightmare.”
“At least it wasn’t from IKEA.”
“You also go out of your way to get me anything I crave. No matter how gross it is.”
“I don't know. Your last request for hotdogs and cold cream of mushroom soup nearly took me out.”
You moaned in delight at the mention of your late-night snack from a week ago. “It was so tasty! But the point is you do a lot for me, even now,” you whispered, motioning your head towards his hands. “This is everything I had been needing tonight.” Suguru fondly smiled at you, pressing another kiss against your cheek before he began rubbing circles over your stomach.
“This is all you need, Princess?”
“Mhmm~ you, the girls, and our baby.”
“You’re sure? You would let me know if there was anything else I could do for you, right?”
You nodded your head, inhaling the earthy, minty scent that belonged to the father of your child. “I would, but I’m happily content with right here and now.” Suguru felt his smile widen as he gently began easing your bump down so he could properly turn you around to kiss you. But that was his first mistake. A rumbling growl sounded from you, and your eyes shot up toward him in the dark, warning rage.
“Don't you even think about moving your hands.”
“Oh,” He seized up at the apparent anger in your voice. “Right, sorry, baby.” As he continued to hold the baby bump up for you, he could feel the rage leaving your body as he relaxed back against him. Suguru felt like he wasn’t doing enough, but he could tell by the gentle smile that graced your pretty face that he was doing everything he needed for you at that moment. And he didn’t care how he would be standing in the kitchen holding the weight up for you as long as you both were together and happy to do whatever you needed.
Choso Kamo:
Your husband had gone missing, and you weren’t sure where he ran off. One second, he told you that he was heading outside to meet his brother for something, and the next second had turned into two, which turned into an hour, and you were beginning to wonder where exactly he was or what he had gotten himself into. Usually, this sort of thing wouldn’t have bothered you; he was always running off to do stuff with his brothers. But your little one, due any day now, was feeling restless.
They were kicking and punching you in the ribs and bladder, and the typical tricks you use to soothe the little to relax are turning out to be useless. The only thing that seemed to calm them down nowadays was Choso’s voice. He did not even need to do much; as long as he was in the vicinity for your baby to hear, they relaxed almost instantly.
You hated to interrupt his bonding time with his brother, but at the same time, he would like to sit on the couch without feeling the urge to pee, so you just went to the bathroom. The need to sleep and relax somehow fueled you to push yourself out of the recliner and begin waddling around the house in search of Choso or Yuuji.
The last time you saw them, they were heading out to the garage to talk about anything and everything, from Yuuji’s schooling to everything that still needed to be done for the baby's arrival. But all of that can wait for now; right now, you need the comfort of his voice.
Heading out to the garage side, rubbing your tummy as your precious baby shifted again, pulling out a sound of discomfort from you. You couldn’t wait for them to be born so you could hold them, and you were eager for them to stop playing Twister with the inside of your uterus. Just a couple of weeks were left, but Choso was your secret weapon in the meantime.
“Cho?” you asked, looking around the garage. “Babe?”
The car was in the driveway. Both doors to the backseat were left open. For a minute, you felt your heart rate spike because you didn’t find Choso nearby, but before you could panic over what may have happened, a flash of pink hair popped out from the car.
“I don’t think that’s right, Choso.”
“I know, it's just—” Your fiancé got out of the car, scratching the back of his head in apparent annoyance. “How do people do this?”
“I’m as clueless as you are. Maybe I should call Megumi; he’s smart. I bet he could figure it out.”
Choso gently slammed his head repeatedly against the side of the car with a sigh. “This should not be this hard.” You stood off to the side out of sight, and your restless son started to set up the sound of his father’s voice. “We need to figure this out, Yuuji.”
“Why don't we just ask Sis?” Yuuji question referring to you. “She has friends with babies, but doesn’t she have nieces and nephews, too? She would probably know how to put in a car seat.“
Oh, so that’s what they were doing out here. Poor boys had probably been struggling to put it in this whole time. Well, luckily for them, you know how to put in a car seat.
Before you could begin treading down the driveway to help them, Choso shot up, looking at his little brother from across the car. Dark strands of hair bounced as he shook his head. “No, we’re going to figure this out.” you and Yuuji eyed Choso with confused looks.
“Why not Cho?”
“Because she needs all the rest she can get. She hasn’t been sleeping well, but I can do this. I want her to rest. I want to help out with things like this. It’s at least I can do.” the fondest smile plastered his mouth. “Since she’s carrying our baby.”
“Oh, Choso,” you whispered, fighting my tears. He’s been so sweet and attentive during the pregnancy, but he’s been putting in all the effort for the last few weeks. He was cooking, cleaning, taking care of you, packing the hospital bag himself, and, on top of all that, cooking all the meals, making sure he was tending to everything for you. Not a day passed that you didn’t receive a foot or back massage. Was it even possible to fall deeper in love with a man you would spend the rest of your life with?
Yes, it was.
Although the tears were blurring your vision, you could see the understanding on the younger boy's face. “I guess that makes sense.” Yuuji stretched his arms above his head. “But can we please call Megumi?” your fiancé nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, that's fine.”
Seeing that they both had it under control, you quietly snuck back into the house and relaxed on the couch. Another thirty minutes passed before Choso came back inside. He had a wide smile on his face as he sat down on the couch next to you, pressing a kiss against your lips before kissing your tummy.
“Hey, you.”
“Hi,” Choso rested his head on your stomach, his eyes shutting as he felt your son move. “We got the car seat set up. So we’ll be all set for when the day comes.”
Your fingers toyed with his hair, brushing his dark strands back. “Yeah? Thanks for doing that; it wasn't too difficult, was it?” He turned his head slightly to look up at your face.
“Good,” you looked back towards the garage, “did Yuuji leave?”
“He went to pick us dinner with Megumi; they should be back soon.”
A comfortable silence grew between you as you ran your hands further down his back. “Cho, thank you for taking such good care of us. And thanks for all your hard work.” Choso’s arms snaked around you, holding you as he shook his head.
“I should be the one thanking you.”
“For making me the happiest man in the world, for making me a father, for being my future wife.” His eyes were so warm and full of adoration, “You complete me. So yes, thank you, I love you.”
You couldn't help but grin as you watched him close his eyes. ”I love you too, Choso; we both do.” His smile was contagious as you found yourself following his lead, drifting off to sleep. It was the kind of sleep that was hard and peaceful because you knew you and your son were safe with Choso.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree
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augustinewrites · 1 year
cw: jjk manga spoilers (up to 221), blood, sword fights heh + note: it's finally here, and somehow it's worse than shibuya!
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“is he gonna be mad?”
“satoru?” you snort lightly, taking another bite of your frozen yogurt. “he’s just going to ask if you won. he might try to take the sequel of that new book set you got as punishment— but i’ll see what i can do.” 
across the table, megumi huffs, leaning back into the plush booth. you’d picked him up early from school today, the reason being yet another suspension. his second since he’d started the school year. you suppose that’s the reason for his sullen disposition and existential crisis. 
“am i a bad person?”
you glance up at him in acknowledgement, but take a moment before answering. he stirs the frozen yogurt around in its cup, looking rather glum.
there’s a delicate way of going about these types of things. children (especially teenagers) are complicated creatures. they’re still at their most malleable, your words and actions shaping their very future.
“i don’t think you’re a bad person, megumi,” you answer softly, setting your spoon down. 
“but i…i keep doing bad stuff,” he argues dejectedly. “and— and i was mean to tsumiki—”
“hey. no one’s born wanting to do bad things,” you tell him. “and when they do…it’s usually more complicated than we think. there are bad situations where sometimes we have to do bad things. even if we don’t want to. even if we’re not proud of them.” 
“but how do you know that i’m not?” he asks again, and your heart aches. 
“because i know you,” you smile. “i’ve known you for eight years, megumi. yeah, i think you could afford to try using your words instead of your fists once in a while, and be a little nicer to your sister…but i know everything you do comes from a good place.”
megumi doesn’t reply, staring out the window with that pensive frown of his. all you can do is wonder if you and satoru have done right by him. if you’re doing right by him now. (such is the life of a parent, you suppose.)
all you can do is hope. 
“hey,” you grin, holding your hand out to him. “promise me something?”
you stumble backwards, narrowly avoiding being gutted by a sword. gasping, your fingers fumble with the hem of your shirt, the material sliced right above the small, almost imperceptible bump of your stomach. 
your megumi would never hurt you. your megumi, your sweet, gentle boy who still muttered the song about bunny ears as he tied his shoes. who always offered his sister the last bite of cake, even though you knew he wanted it for himself. who cried the first time his shikigami were injured in battle. 
but this isn’t megumi.
you barely dodge the blade again, ducking and sending your demon dogs out to slow him down as you sprint down the alley. your heart shatters at the sound of a high-pitched whine, but you can’t stop, you can’t look back—
“going somewhere?”
you skid to a stop in front of him, staggering back as quickly as you can. 
megumi— no, sukuna stands in front of you now, holding a sword you’d taught his vessel how to make, how to use. 
“please,” you beg, thinking of tsumiki’s body a few blocks away. thinking of gojo in the prison realm. you can’t lose anyone else today. “please let him go.”
“i don’t think so,” he grins, sick and twisted as he slowly makes his way towards you. “if only he’d unlocked his full potential sooner. if only you had.” 
“he’s just a child.” you say, voice trembling. you look around. there’s no use in running. he’s gotten much too strong.
but you’re not ready to die either.
he wasn’t patient, lunging first and taking the offense. it’s a struggle to meet him at every swing, deflecting blows that send tremors down the sword’s point of impact and reverberate through your arms. 
playing defence is the smart move. you’d wait for an opening or a drop in his own defence. then your goal would be to disarm him and attempt to grant yourself an advantage. 
(in theory, at least.)
when your swords lock once more, he forces them to the side, kicking you square in the chest. the impact knocks you onto your back. before you can get up, he’s on top of you, driving his sword into your shoulder.
the pain is so blinding, so white-hot and tortuous that you almost immediately pass out when he pulls it free and tosses it out of your reach. 
sukuna is in your face now, lips peeled back into a smirk as he laughs, the top of his finger slowly dragging down your face.
“putting you down now would be letting this brat off too easy. doing it slowly, however—”
“get off her.”
your heart skips a beat. that voice. 
there’s a flash of recognition in megumi’s eyes. just a for a second. 
“is that any way to treat the person who washed your underwear for almost ten years?” he tsks, hands in his pockets as he steps into the alley, quite literally kicking the king of curses off of you.
he sweeps you off the floor as gently as possible, your stomach flipping at the familiar sensation of being teleported.
you’re not in the alley anymore, you’re up on the roof of a building. as soon as satoru sets you on your feet, you look up, studying his face. the eyes you love so much stare back at you. 
the emotions you’d kept bottled up since he’d been gone pour out at once. proof of your heartache, anger, pain, and loneliness spilling over your lash line.
suddenly there’s too much space between you and you tentatively take a step forward. 
“it’s you,” you breathe. “it’s really you.” 
he says your name softly, and arms you’d longed for envelop you. you feel safe, if only for a moment.
“you need to get to ieiri,” he whispers, a hand cupping your cheek gently. “go. i’ll stop him.”
you both close your eyes, as if the words hurt.
“promise me you’ll always be good.” 
megumi sighs, but places his hand in yours, squeezing it tightly.
“i’ll see what i can do.”
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mysticmunson · 1 year
buddy; steve harrington x f!reader
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s.harrington x f.reader
a little blurb i wrote quickly about reader ditching the mushy nicknames they both love. no warnings, but blog is 18+ and special thanks to the loveliest girl ever, autumn, for entertaining this idea w me @lilacletter word count: 1k
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The idea sprang into your brain through a conversation with Robin over frozen yogurt, a mountain of toppings on each of your treats. 
“The way you two fawn each other is weird!” Robin scolded, shoving her plastic spoon in her bowl.
“What! How?” You laughed, wiping a bit of vanilla from the corner of your lips.
Rolling her eyes, she huffed, “Baby? Sweetheart? Love? Don’t even get me started on darling or mama-And yes! I did hear when he called you mama and it made me gag. Use something less gross.”
Her tangent made your cheeks warm, covering your face in embarrassment. The names were cavity levels of sweet, both of you loved them, but it was silly to consider how often you indulged in them.
So sitting on your blue sofa, you watched TV with the volume a bit higher than you wanted it to be, too lazy to stand and turn it down. 
“Hey buddy, can you turn it down please?” You asked from the mountain of blankets as he walked into the room.
“Yeah- Wait what?” He froze, finger on the sound, pushing down for a few notches.
“Thank you.” You replied, ignoring his question and just relieved you could watch Family Ties in peace. 
Your warm smile made his own question fade, figuring he misheard you, and moving on with what he was walking towards. Which he forgot, so he went into the kitchen. 
It would be an hour or so later when you were getting ready to hang out with friends, standing in the bathroom and applying some concealer when it would happen again. The wand glided over your skin, gently patting it with your fingertips as he walked in behind you.
A hand firm on your waist to solidify his balance and keep you in place, he went over your head to reach your medicine cabinet, taking the pot of hair cream you bought him for Christmas.
At your side, he opened it and began applying it to his hair which was now scattered with shades of blonde due to the brutal summers of Indiana. After he finished, he wiped his hands on the towel hanging on the rack, turning around to put his cream back.
“You look so pretty.” He gawked, kissing your temple before looking at your concentrated face in the mirror as you applied mascara. The words made your heart flutter, a small ache in your tummy that could only be brought on by emotions from another person.
Recalling Robin’s words, you smiled, “Thanks, pal.”
A nearly disgusted look went onto his face, not remembering the last time someone called him a pal. But you looked unphased, so he assured himself it was a bit of a tease, settling for squeezing your hip assuringly and walking out of the confined space. 
However, the ride to Eddie’s new apartment was seamless with listening to Wham on the radio, stopping for candy, and walking in his front door with that and the movies in hand. Nancy and Robin were already there, and Jonathan and Argyle were ditching this week's movie night to go on a small road trip to buy certain plants in another state.
The pizza man had delivered dinner as you all sat on pillows on the living room floor, napkins and paper plates in hand. 
“Thanks, dude.” You quipped, taking a bite of the pizza your boyfriend had just set on your plate. 
Eddie’s loud cackle broke Steve’s distressed look into a more agitated one, Nancy smirking to herself as Robin joined the laughter.
“Harrington, how did you get friend-zoned by your own girlfriend!” Eddie barked, grabbing his own stomach. The use of ‘dude’ wouldn’t have caused such a fuss if they weren’t already aware of how overtly affectionate you two were in terms of endearment.
 “I’m not in the friend zone, you asshole! There’s nothing wrong with being friends with a woman- But we’re not friends- Wait! No! She is, but we have se- She is my best friend and girlfriend!”
Cutting off his rambling, you patted his shoulder, “I know what you mean, man.” You placed a kiss on his forehead, but that didn’t erase what you called him. 
Swallowing his pride, he pouted through the rest of movie night, even when you cuddled up next to him sweetly. Physically, your public displays of affection weren’t too egregious, so the normalcy felt pleasant.
As the night came to a close, both of you now in pajamas, the frustration had dissipated. Beneath the sheets, you curled and waited for Steve to turn off the light before joining you. Walking over while scratching his belly, he joined you, shuffling to be closer to your body.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He whispered, kissing your nose, followed by your forehead.
Putting a kiss on his collarbone, “Goodnight, buddy.” 
What you didn’t expect was his foghorn whine, dramatic as he sat up, yanking you with him, all to just hover over you with your wrists in his hands. It was embarrassingly easy how quickly he could overpower you like this, but this was probably due to how you didn’t fight back. 
Giggling with girlish lit, you looked up at him, “What?”
The creases between his brows doubled as the scowl on his lips grew, pressing his face to your cheek as you shrieked. 
“Stop calling me buddy!” He complained, resting his weight on top of you, “Or any of those other names either! Why do you hate me!”
“Stevie, I don’t hate you!” You cooed, nudging his head up with your cheek until he looked at you, “Robin mentioned how gooey our names are and I wanted to try to switch things up.”
Scoffing, he rolled his eyes, “Of course, Buckley had something to do with this.”
Slinking your hands free, you cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips. There was something so enticing about his skin that you were convinced you were reliant on it. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured, his sigh of relief audible as he deflated to his side, pulling you in close to his chest.
“I love you too,” He began, speaking into your hair, “don’t call me dude like that again though or I will lose my mind. Absolutely bonkers. I will fight Robin at work-”
“Okay, sweetheart.” You cut him off, kissing his chest as it rises and falls.
“Much better.”
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thank u for reading! check out my other fics in my masterlist :)
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zerobaselove · 11 months
brain freeze | sung hanbin
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pairing: frozen yogurt worker! hanbin x regular customer! reader
genre: fluff, strangers to friends to lovers ?? kinda ??
word count: 5067
warnings: none i don't think! lowercase intended, not proofread, or even read or written in one sitting truthfully
notes: thank u to tiff for convincing me to write this after our zb1 as part time workers conversation, it's honestly rlly rough but i like the concept so :]] i hope u guys like it,, especially since ive been mia </3
"welcome to cosmic swirls! our frozen yogurt is over on that wall there and the toppings are just to the right! you can come up here when you're all ready and i can ring you up!"
the cheerful boy at the front counter beamed at you as you walked through the front door of the new frozen yogurt shop in town, gesturing to the other side of the store. you gave him a smile and a small thank you as you followed the bright-coloured walls towards the frozen yogurt. after a long day at work, you couldn't help but give in to the temptation of trying the new sweet treats just across the street from your work.
the shop was lined with bright purple and blue paint and star decals, a wall filled with every topping you can imagine, and the plethora of flavours of frozen yogurt that lined where you stood. there was a faint hum of whatever tune was playing on the radio, and you could faintly hear the cute worker shuffling around at the counter. you honestly weren't expecting it to be so empty, but how many people were getting frozen yogurt on a thursday night, right?
"hmm," you wondered aloud, browsing the options in front of you, unable to decide on just one.
"i recommend the cotton candy!" the cute boy chimed up, watching as you admired the machines in front of you. "ooh, i like the sound of that," you smiled, grabbing a cup and filling it with the frozen dessert. you added a few simple toppings before walking over to the counter where the boy stood.
after ringing you up and paying for your treat, the boy, who you've noticed is named hanbin, judging by his name tag, speaks up. "hope you like my recommendation!" a wide smile crosses his face, gesturing to the pink and blue swirled frozen yogurt in your cup.
"and if i don't?" you teased, giving hanbin a mischievous grin. "well," he pondered for a moment, "then i owe you a new one! but i bet you'll love it, scouts honour!"
you let out a laugh at the boy with his hand up in the air, "well i'll keep you updated." you laughed again as you went to go sit down, scrolling through your phone as you tried the frozen yogurt, pleasantly surprised at how good it was. i guess that's why everyone's been talking about this place lately, you thought to yourself.
finishing up your treat, you threw out the cup and walked back to the counter, getting hanbin's attention. "so?" he started, a smile on his face as he waited to hear your review.
"hated it!" you said, joking around with the boy as a laugh passed your lips. he feigned offence, a hand coming to his chest dramatically as if you had personally struck his heart. "no way!! how could you!" the two of you burst into a fit of giggles, drawing the attention of the lone couple in the corner before covering your mouth with your palm.
calming down a bit, you continued, "guess i'll just have to come back and try a different flavour next time!" you insisted.
"i guess you will!"
and you did. in the coming weeks, you found yourself returning to the shop more times than you could consider normal. every time, trying a new flavour than before. had to give it all a shot right? even if some nights left you with a cup of half-eaten frozen yogurt or more toppings than dessert in an attempt to drown out a flavour you weren't particularly fond of.
what you had grown quite fond of though was the boy behind the counter. hanbin. over the weeks you had gotten to know hanbin a bit; often you were there late, one of the last people there at that time, which gave you two time to talk and get to know each other a bit.
what you had learned was that hanbin was a dancer outside of his daily employment. most of the time his paychecks went to different classes with teachers he admired. something about "wanting to learn from the best." you also learned that he had a small hamster plushie that he kept behind the counter with him, even got him a miniature apron that you could only imagine he stole from a small doll. but sometimes kids would come in and he'd show off his little friend, loving to watch the way they got excited over the worker hamster. it was cute. he was cute.
and with that thought clouding your brain like an all too familiar brain freeze, you walked through the familiar front doors yet again, the jingle of the bell signaling your entrance had become something you were sure you'd hear in your dreams.
"on time as usual," hanbin smiled at your familiar face, "what flavour are you going to try today?" he questioned as he watched you saunter over to the machines, grabbing a cup before staring them down. "is the coconut any good?"
"never tried it honestly," he said simply, leaving you shocked. it was the first flavour so far that he hasn't had, "heard it's good though! you'll have to let me know!" his usual smile plastered on his face, you once again end up mirroring his expression, "guess i'll have to get it then!"
you found yourself at what you considered your usual table now, the one closest to the front counter. you like to tell yourself it was because it was convenient but you know it was just so it was easier to talk to hanbin. but that wasn't a crime!
a few minutes had passed and hanbin found himself sitting with you at the table, a now regular occurrence when there were no other customers around. "how is it?"
you plunged the spoon into the dessert, holding it up to the boy, "give it a try," you hadn't really thought about the intimacy of your offer, but hanbin didn't give it a second thought as he took a bite off of your spoon, letting out a hum of approval. "not too bad." he said, covering his mouth.
like many other nights, the two of you let your conversations run freely, only stopping to glance at the time on your phone; 11:05.
"shit hanbin," you quickly stood up, grabbing your phone and cup, "i didn't mean to keep you past close. i'm sure you wanna go home after a long day." you can't help but shake your head at your innate ability to get lost in time.
he let out a chuckle at your sudden urgency, "hey no rush, i honestly like the company, it gets pretty lonely here at night." his reassurance helped calm your guilt for a moment, "plus there's not much left to do to close up." he stacked the final chairs, the ones you had been sat at, as he continued. "but it's getting late, you should be heading home, no?" he sounded almost worried at you being out so late, and your heart swelled a bit at the thought.
"yeah i probably should head back," you let out a small sigh at the idea of ending the night with hanbin, "sorry again hanbin, and please get home safe." you gave him a sheepish smile as you turned on your heel to leave.
"make sure you get home safe too! what would i do without my favourite customer?" he joked, not knowing the way your heart skipped a beat at being called his favourite.
you were running out of excuses, or rather flavours; reasons to be at the frozen yogurt shop as much as you were.
"what are you gonna do when there's nothing new to try?" hanbin laughed, watching as you had narrowed it down to your last few choices of untouched flavours.
"die, maybe." you say nonchalantly, earning a laugh from the boy at the counter, finding your dramatics endearing. "you could just try every combination of flavours with every topping." hanbin suggested, a smug smile on his face.
you laughed, shaking your head, "hanbin that would take forever."
"and?" he questioned, "just means more time with me!"
he did have a good point, as silly as the idea sounded. you'd honestly do anything to give you an excuse to hang out with the boy more. except actually asking him out, of course.
what you didn't know was that despite the jokes, hanbin was honestly hoping you would take the idea somewhat seriously. one or two more guaranteed visits did not sound like enough time for him to finally gain the courage to ask you out, or even to get your number, so he felt like he needed all the time he could get.
you weren't the only one who had grown fond of your frequent visits. you had quickly become the thing hanbin looked forward to every week. it had only been a few months of small chats across counters and plastic tables, but hanbin could've sworn he was falling for you, at least in some capacity.
so instead of either of you asking the other out, you just sat together again like every visit, giggling and talking about anything and everything, sometimes even sharing bites of your dessert as you rambled on about an interaction at work that day. it was the least you could give him for listening to your rants.
instead of leaving when you were finished, you took it upon yourself to help with stacking the chairs, hopefully as an apology for always keeping the boy so late.
he couldn't help but smile at the gesture, "you don't have to do that y/n, i'm the one who works here not you." you simply smiled and shook your head, "but it gives me an excuse to stay here with you longer," you finished stacking the last table on your side of the room, "plus it's the least i could do."
"well i appreciate it," a shy smile spread across his face, trying to mentally stop a blush from rising to his cheeks at the thought of you wanted to stay with him longer. god i need to hurry up and ask them out. the thought echoed in his brain as he grabbed the key to lock up, walking with you to the door in a comfortable silence.
you both said your goodbyes, waving as you split off in opposite directions. you spent your walk home that night thinking more about the boy than usual, and as if connected telepathically, hanbin happened to have you at the forefront of his mind the whole drive home. not that he was complaining.
this was the time, hanbin reassured himself. this was when he'd finally ask you out, give you his number, get your number. something. anything. but as he watched the hands on the clock move at an agonizing pace, seemingly taunting him, he couldn't help but second guess himself.
in the midst of his self doubt, the familiar chime rang through the quiet store, right on schedule. and in you walked, dressed up nicer than usual. not that you didn't look great all the time to hanbin, but you looked particularly nice this evening.
"bad news hanbin," you said, walking up to the counter, "i have to take it to go tonight," your lips pressed into a frown. he looked quizzically at you, urging you to continue. "heading to my brother's graduation." you continued simply.
"and yet you still came in for frozen yogurt?" he questioned, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "well i didn't wanna miss my flavour this week," you exclaimed, as if making a very obvious point, "plus i don't think i could go a whole extra week without seeing you, c'mon now."
you kept talking as you filled up your first cup, one of the last flavours that you hadn't tried. setting it on the counter, you started grabbing the second, taking the opportunity to surprise your brother with some of the frozen yogurt you had been raving about.
tapping your card on the machine, and saying your farewell, you turned to leave the small shop and head on your way. but not before hanbin could stop you.
"wait!" he called out, quickly jogging up to you with a napkin in hand, "you might need this, for the road," a hand came to the back of his neck, rubbing sheepishly. "and uh, one minute." he quickly rushed to the back of the shop, where you assumed he kept his things, reemerging from the back door with a jacket in hand. "it's cold out there, staying warm is important, especially if you're eating frozen yogurt."
he lightly placed the jacket around your shoulders, letting the fabric drape along your frame. he took a second to catch his breath, partially from the running back and forth, and partially from the sight of you in his jacket. he quickly tried to peel his eyes off of you before his thoughts got the best of him, and luckily, that led hanbin to miss the way your cheeks heated up at the gesture.
after a moment of silence and thumping hearts, you said your goodbyes once more, accompanied by a thank you from yourself as you headed out the door.
as opposed to the usual, this time you found yourself sitting with your brother indulging in the sweet treat. "since when did you wear jackets like that?" your brother inquired, glancing over the clearly oversized mens jacket. you tried to shrug the question off, attempting to act nonchalant, "since today i guess." you brought the spoon up to your mouth to take another bite, avoiding any further answers.
"y/n, how dumb do you think i am." your brother chuckled, shaking his head at your poor attempt at an excuse, "who gave it to you?"
you quickly gave up on the facade, knowing you couldn't lie to your brother. "just the guy from the frozen yogurt place," your voice trailed off as you watched a shit-eating grin spread across his face. "i've never heard of a frozen yogurt place lending jackets to customers, or any business really." he said sarcastically, laughing at the way your face quickly heated in embarrassment, only stopping to continue teasing you.
"so do you like this boy?" he asked, as if your reaction hadn't given it away. you gave a shy nod as you hummed a confirmation, not only admitting it to your brother but also to yourself. "well as long as he treats you right, i approve, otherwise he better watch out, i bet i could take him anyways."
you couldn't help but laugh at your brothers weak attempt at intimidation, even getting a bit of frozen yogurt on your face in the process, causing your brother to erupt into laughter himself. "hold on," you reached into the pocket of the jacket, pulling out the napkin hanbin had given you as you were leaving, only now you had noticed something you didn't earlier.
there was something scribbled on the napkin. a number. hanbin's number, next to a small scrawled note reading, "in case you ever want to get some real food." a small heart outlined beside the message, even a small tear where the pen had ripped through the thin napkin.
you couldn't wait to get home that night. as soon as you had gotten into the comfort of your room, you grabbed the napkin again, quickly unlocking your phone and typing in the series of numbers messily written across.
"hey, it's y/n ^^" you typed simply, hoping the emoticon didn't feel too awkward as you couldn't stop your heart from beating out of your chest. the feeling of unstoppable palpitations only amplified as you watched the typing bubble quickly appear on the other side of the screen.
the seconds seemed to slow as you watched the typing bubble disappear, only to reappear once more before a message rang through.
"y/n! how'd your brother's graduation go??"
you quickly typed back a reply, giving a positive recollection of the night, selectively withholding the small confessional about the boy you were texting.
you spent your night getting ready for bed at a slower pace than usual, every minute or so your phone would ding with a message from hanbin, and you couldn't stop yourself from reaching for your phone to respond.
before you knew it, hours had gone by and through blurry eyes you faintly read out the time; 3:47am.
"hanbin,," you typed, pressing send on the short message for suspense, "did you realize it's nearly 4am"
his reply came faster than you thought, "shit don't you have to work in the morning?" you thought it was endearing that despite you both being awake, he was still worried about your wellbeing and rest.
after saying goodnight and tucking yourself into bed for the last time that night, you let yourself drift off, thoughts of the boy still swirling around your brain as you fell into a deep sleep.
after the longest friday of your life, you finally got to return to the comfort of your home, and you couldn't have been more thankful. checking the time and noticing that hanbin would still be at work, you decided to do a bit of self-care. as silly as it sounded, you just wanted the time to pass so you could talk to him more.
a nice hot shower and face mask later, and your phone dinged with a message.
"guess who's off for the weekend!" hanbin's name and photo popped up accompanying the message.
"hmm, me?" you typed, laughing as you pressed send, getting an excited "no way!! you too??" in response.
you spent the rest of your evening texting the boy while you listened to the white noise of whatever tv show was quietly playing in the background. that was until, hanbin asked if you wanted to call.
with an overly eager yes, you watched his name pop up again, this time your finger hovering over the answer button as you heard your ringtone blare through your speakers.
"hanbin~" you dragged out, nearly hearing the boy smile on the other end. "y/n~" he mirrored, a small chuckle escaping his lips after.
the conversations carried on into the deep hours of the night, yawns interrupting your thoughts as the time went on, leading hanbin's voice to become laced with concern.
"are you getting sleepy?" he questioned softly, his tone almost putting you to sleep in itself. you responded with a faint hum and nod, even if he couldn't see you. "go to sleep, love. don't let me keep you up." he muttered, keeping quiet as to not wake you.
in your tired state you couldn't quite process the pet name, but you were sure it would plague your mind once you were more awake.
you attempted to mutter back an argument, but before you knew it, your eyes had fallen shut to the sound of hanbin mumbling about something you couldn't quite make out.
hanbin thought it was cute; your faint snores and soft rustling in your sleeping state. he stayed on the call for a while before hanging up, leaving you to sleep peacefully. deciding it was time to head to bed himself, he got comfy in bed and opened your messages for one last time that night.
"sleep tight <3 didn't wanna accidentally wake you so i hung up." he pressed send, hovering over the keyboard for one last message, one that left his heart pounding through his chest. "and uh," he typed out, "if you're free today, maybe we can go to that diner downtown, or anywhere really, if you'd like... okay goodnight!"
he breathed out a sigh as he sent the last message, worry and self doubt taking over his mind as he considered the possibility of you rejecting his offer. but it was too late now, the message had been sent and now all he had to do was wait.
what would usually be a peaceful morning was anything but; as soon as the morning fog in your mind cleared, the night before had flooded back to you in a flash, embarrassment taking over as you failed to remember hanging up or saying goodnight before falling asleep. the only thing your brain could remember was a faint "go to sleep love" echoing over and over in hanbin's soft voice, driving you to near insanity as you opened your phone to a few notifications from the boy himself.
it only took a moment of skimming past the words on your screen before you were eagerly typing a response, accepting the offer to go out followed by a brief apology for falling asleep.
instead of a typing bubble appearing on your screen, it was a call answer screen, which you answered without much thought.
"morning~" you singsonged, hearing hanbin shuffle before responding with a raspy, sleep ridden "good morning y/n."
you swore your head was spinning at the new tone from hanbin, an unexpected change from his usual cheery voice. you took a moment to collect your thoughts before speaking up again, "d'you just wake up?"
he hummed in response, hearing his run this hand through is hair. "then why'd you call me silly?" you questioned, wondering if he had considered just typing a response when he was more awake.
"wanted to hear your voice," he sleepily mumbled, not quite aware of his own confession until it had already left his lips. you muttered a small "oh," taking another moment to process what the boy had said before attempting to come up with a response. you stuttered out a small chuckle and a teasing "well here i am" before switching the subject.
once hanbin was a bit more awake, the two of you confirmed your plans for the day; deciding that hanbin would come pick you up around 5pm and you'd go head out to a diner for some food. "it's a date," you exclaimed, your smile audible through the phone, causing hanbin to smile in return, unknown to you.
"sounds perfect," he hummed, "see you then y/n."
anxiously checking the clock for the nth time, you read the seemingly unchanging time; 4:55pm. you couldn't help but fiddle with the hem of your jacket, or rather hanbin's jacket, in an attempt to calm your nerves. the faint lingering smell of his cologne on the jacket helped ease your mind as you awaited the boy's arrival.
a few minutes had passed while you were lost in your thoughts, only pulled out from your endless what if's by a knock at the door.
you opened the door you had been pacing in front of, leaving the boy to come into view. what you hadn't considered until this moment in time was that this was your first time seeing him out of the bright-coloured uniform and apron he usually adorned at the frozen yogurt shop. instead he sported a loose fitting white t-shirt, a light wash jean jacket atop his shoulders. he looked good.
"oh hi," you managed to stutter out, trying to pick up your jaw that was hanging open. "you look nice," you muttered, eyes trailing over his frame, stopping for a moment on a tattoo that hadn't been visible in his usual attire. a delicate celestial scene placed between his collarbones, lying between the chains of a dainty rose necklace that lay on his chest.
he let out a shy chuckle at the compliment, taking notice of your wandering eyes, "hey that's my line!" he said, almost flustered as he looked over your figure hiding in his jacket yet again. "but really, you look great y/n," he smiled, "you might look better in that jacket than i do."
you simply scoffed in denial and shook your head before the boy spoke up once more, "oh, these are for you," he gestured to the flowers you only just now realized were in his hands. a small bouquet decorated with carnations and roses, small blooms of baby's breath scattered between.
a small gasp escaped your chest as you admired the bright flowers, "they're beautiful hanbin, thank you, you really didn't have to." he simply smiled, muttering a "but i wanted to," which caused you to blush as you welcomed him inside for a moment.
"let me just put these in a vase and we can go!"
hanbin took a moment to admire your cozy home. the walls adorned with simplistic art and photography, small succulents littering every surface you could find room. it felt so unapologetically you, and he loved it.
"your place is gorgeous," he smiled, his eyes, and subsequently his legs, following behind you into the kitchen. you muttered a small thank you, chatting briefly about a recent piece you had thrifted for the quaint apartment, and hanbin couldn't help but smile at the joy radiating off of you as you talked about something you loved.
once your new flowers were safe in a vase on your counter, you followed hanbin out to his car; the boy even opening your door for you. "what a gentleman," you chuckled, smiling and speaking a soft "thank you" as you looked around the car. it was nice; the air freshener smelled like citrus and sitting snug in the cupholder was none other than the small hamster plush you had seen at the frozen yogurt shop, no longer adorning the small apron.
"so you really do take him everywhere," you let out a small giggle at the boy's surprisingly adorable antics as he got into the drivers seat. he only smiled sheepishly in return, "well of course, i can't leave him at work that wouldn't be fair, now would it?"
the two of you burst into a fit of giggles as the car started up, the radio beginning to quietly play some r&b tune; you even found yourself bopping your head to the unfamiliar song as you and hanbin made easy conversation, as usual. the only difference this time was your eyes were trained on hanbin's hand on the wheel, the other resting on the console between the two of you.
you couldn't lie; watching hanbin drive so relaxed, his gaze shifting from the road ahead to you periodically. it was nearly enough to take your breath away. it was hard to believe that months ago, he was just the guy who worked at the frozen yogurt shop you decided to stop in to check out, and now you were here, in his car, on your way to what you hoped was considered a real date.
it wasn't long before the two of you had arrived to the diner; hanbin being the gentleman he was, nearly raced out of the car just to come open your door for you. it was endearing.
"finally some sustenance," you laughed, eyeing up the plate of food in front of you, "can't live off of frozen yogurt forever."
"i always wondered why you're in there so often," hanbin let his thoughts slip his mind and past his mouth, "not that i'm judging though," he quickly continued, " just seems like you'd get sick of frozen yogurt by now"
he was partially right; there was only so much frozen yogurt one person could handle. only so many brain freezes one could endure. "honestly," you popped a fry in your mouth, "i kind of am, that's why i always get a different flavour," you said matter-of-factly, "but it helps that you're there," your voice trailed off at the end, almost embarrassed by the words leaving your mouth.
hanbin seemed rather happy with your answer, a smug smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, "are you saying you've been coming to the shop to see me?" the confident tone in his voice made your brain spin, watching as he proudly took a sip of his milkshake as he awaited whatever response you could come up with.
you nervously bit your lip as you tried your hardest to form a coherent thought, "well i mean," you paused, "look at you, i'm sure you're a huge draw in for customers," you pushed out a small laugh to prevent yourself from humiliating yourself in front of the boy.
"y/n," hanbin smiled again, somehow more smug than before despite his cheeks now flushing a light shade of pink, "are you calling me attractive?"
the accusation nearly made you choke on your drink as you realized the implication of your earlier statement; and sure, it's what you were thinking, but it's not exactly what you meant to say.
deciding there was no going back now, you simply muttered a quiet agreement, hoping that would be enough for the boy. it wasn't.
"sorry what's that? i couldn't hear you," he teased, enjoying the way your ears turned bright red under the dim overhead lights. this time you lightly cleared your throat, repeating the confirmation at an audible volume. "god you're cute," hanbin muttered, lightly shaking his head at your endearing antics.
you let out a laugh for the nth time that night, "is that what you tell all your customers hanbin? that's quite the way to get sales." it was your turn to tease the boy, wanting to see just how serious he was about it all.
"only the customers i have a crush on," he said plainly, smiling as he watched your jaw drop at the blatant confession. it was as if your brain had effectively shut down, or maybe short circuited. some other form of brain freeze, perhaps? you couldn't decide as it took what felt like forever for your brain to come up with a quip.
trying to keep the light atmosphere, you continued joking around, "that's not going to get you employee of the month, you know."
hanbin only reached across the table, placing a hand on top of yours; and you could've sworn your skin was on fire at the contact. looking up at you with a sincere look in his eyes, you struggled to keep eye contact with the pretty boy sitting in front of you. it felt like you were melting under his gaze.
"well i have other priorities now," he breathed out, his voice quieter than before, "and number one on the list is making you mine."
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midorisplash · 2 years
POV: Your Friends Hot Dad.
Pairing: Sub!Pedro Pascal x Dom!Reader
Summary: You’re Pedro’s daughter friend that always vists their house, just to ‘see your friend.’
Warnings: Degrading, Nipple play, Handjob, cum eating, lots of sweetie, blowjob, he comes quick. Adults.
Part 2
Word Count: 3.9K
A/n: ignore mistakes, this was straight up just horny writing I edited.
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(Not my gif)
Pedro's daughter wasn’t your best friend, but you two were definitely close. Close enough that it was normal to see you at her house almost every week. But honestly, you only went to her house for one reason. Her dad.
(Friend name) opened the door to her dad's house looking at you with a half smile. “Hey, I’m already ready, I just need to go pee real quick.” She spoke speeding away. You blinked and nodded closing the door behind you as you walked in looking over to the kitchen and seeing her dad, Pedro. You smiled taking a breath before walking over and standing on the other side of his kitchen island. “Hi, Pedro.” You spoke softly resting your elbows on the counter and putting your chin in your hands. “Hi, sweetheart.” He smiled giggling a little at how you were posed bringing his coffee mug up to his lips. You smiled back staring intensely at the coffee mug watching his lips gently wrap around the rim taking a sip. You were so caught up in staring that you didn’t even notice he was still looking at you. He pulled the mug away touching his beard and mouth. “Is there something on my face?” You blinked at his words standing up straight “What? No.” You giggled shyly. He nodded bringing his hands to rest on the counter and placing the mug down. “You too are going to the mall right?” You nodded quickly. “Good, do you think you can get me something?” “Of course, anything.” You spoke cringing at how desperate you sounded. “I just want some frozen yogurt.” He grinned “I shouldn’t, I told (friend's name) I was gonna stop with sweets but I can’t stop thinking about it.” He spoke with a gentle chuckle. You nodded reaching into your back pocket and pulling out your phone “I’ll get it. How about you text me what flavor.” You spoke going to the phone app and handing him your phone with a radiant smile.
You had been thinking of a way to get his number for a while now. And finally, you got this chance. but even if you would have got it before, there was no reason for you to be texting or calling him away. You just like the thought of having it.
He glanced at the phone and then started looking around confused taping the top of his head and smiling. “My glasses.” He whispered bringing them down to his face and grabbing the phone typing his number just as your friend came out of the bathroom. “Okay! You ready?” She spoke strolling over and grabbing her purse off the couch then heading over to her dad. “Yes.” You smiled looking over at Pedro who finished typing his number sliding the phone onto the island to you and then facing his daughter. “Alright! Hug me. Be careful.” He spoke embracing her tightly making her face scrunch up. “Dad..” she whispered hugging him back weakly. He giggled almost picking her up then looked over at you opening his arm for you to join the hug. Your eyes light up heading over quickly and wrapping your arms around him as he embraced you both. “love you two. Text me when you get there okay sweetie?” He spoke pulling away and then looking at you. "You too" he spoke winking at you quickly. “Okay get out.” He said turning around and walking toward his couch. His daughter playfully rolled her eyes looking at you. “Let’s go.”
You spent the whole day at the mall and the only thing you could think about was Pedro, how he hugged you, he even said he loved you. Of course, he was just being kind since you are always over but it meant so much. You made sure to get his frozen yogurt texting to find out what flavor and toppings he wanted cheerfully purchasing it. As the mall trip came to an end you and (friend's name) headed to her house. Usually, you would have gone home after dropping her off but tonight, you just didn’t wanna leave. You wanted to be around Pedro some more. At least one more time before the night was over. So you requested for the first time for her to ask Pedro if you could spend the night.
By the time you got home to her home, Pedro was laying on the couch already wearing his Pajama pants sitting up when he heard the door open and then quickly standing. “Hi, dad.” Your friend spoke walking to the kitchen as you walked in behind her looking over at him holding up the cup of frozen yogurt with a bright smile. His eyes widened walking over and taking it “Yes! Thank you so much, baby!” He jumped before leaning in and hugging you tightly. His daughter looked over placing her bags on the island then sighed. “I thought you said no sweets?” “Shh. I don’t wanna hear it, that’s why I asked them to get it for me.” He spoke with a pout pulling away one of his hands still resting on your shoulder. You stiffened looking down at Pedro's body slowly then quickly back to his eyes just as they meet yours. “Thank you.” He whispered squeezing your shoulder gently and walking over to the kitchen. 
You stood there a little before snapping out your brain fog and closing the front door, twisting and walking over to the kitchen to join them. “And your gonna eat it before bed?” She spoke shaking her head pulling her phone out and resting her arms on the counter. “If you want some you just have to ask, I’ll give you some.” He giggled putting down the cup and opening the lid sliding his hand down the counter and getting a spoon from the drawer below him. “Well, I might only want a nibble.” She murmured. He nodded scoping a small bite and bringing the spoon to her mouth “Open.” She blinked pulling away slightly before leaning in and taking a nibble without her mouth touching the spoon “Oh it’s good!” She hummed looking down at her phone. You watched him closely noticing the way his shirt hugged his arms. How his waist was noticeably small even through the shirt, gulping at the way his pants are so tight only around his big butt and thighs. So hooked on his body, you didn’t notice him looking at you now. “Y/n?” He spoke making you zone back in meeting his eyes. “You want some?” You nodded slowly walking over to him watching him scope some more and bring it to your lips. “Open.” You opened your mouth staring into his eyes as he put the spoon in staring back at yours his eyebrows frowning before looking away. You smiled sucking on the spoon a little as he pulled it out. “It’s good.” You beamed to yourself noticing how it looked like he got nervous from that as he looked up and smiled shyly looking back to the yogurt. “G-good! Now my turn to taste!” He smiled you watched him scoped some up and eat It, your mouth almost watered at the fact he didn’t change the spoon. He even sucked on it a little looking over at you.
You watched him closely with doe eyes before his daughter started speaking looking up from her phone. “Oh yeah, dad is it okay if y/n stays the night?” He looked at her. “I don’t see why not. I’ll cook us breakfast in the morning. It’ll be fun.” He smiled clapping. You bobbed slightly, excitedly looking at your friend. “Yes! It will be!” You spoke and then looked at Pedro. 
The night grew longer and Pedro finished his yogurt saving the smallest amount and putting it in the fridge. “You're not even gonna eat that later.” His daughter chuckled. “Then one of you can eat it.” He spoke stretching. “I’m gonna go lay down.” Pedro yawned. His daughter nodded “Yeah me too, I’ll probably go to sleep soon if that's okay.” She spoke looking at you “of course, I will too. ” You spoke looking over at Pedro “Goodnight, see you in the morning.” He looked at you and nodded “See you in the morning sweetheart.” He walked over to his daughter kissing her head before walking away towards his room. “Alright follow me..” she spoke through a yawn grabbing your hand and leading you to her bedroom.
She had changed her clothes and let you borrow some of hers slipping into her bed luckily big enough to fit you both. You got in next to her watching her turn on the tv. “Let’s watch something before bed.” She spoke. But, before you knew it you both had fallen asleep snoring, and all before you snapped awake your body suddenly remembered you weren’t in your own bed. You groaned feeling the bed for your phone finding hers and picking it up with a grunt seeing it was 5 am. “Danm.” You mumbled yawning and sitting up taking the covers off yourself and standing up slowly making sure to be careful not to wake your friends putting the covers snug on her.
You walked out of her room sleepily trying to remember the layout while heading to the bathroom when you stopped in your tracks. It’s Pedro's room. What if you just checked to see if he was awake? He did say he’d cook breakfast maybe he should start early, (friend's name.) could probably wake up soon. You looked at the door and walked over to it pressing your ear against it listening and only hearing the sound of his tv. You pulled away bringing your hand to the doorknob holding onto it and breathing out slowly before opening the door slightly peeking your head in. Pedro was just laying in his bed with a pillow between his legs watching tv intensely. You watched him opening the door some more for a better view, him somehow still not noticing you.
You gulped opening it completely and walking in his head turning toward the door and squinting. “Y-y/n?” He spoke. “Um..yeah?” You whispered gripping the door handle tightly. “Oh.. good morning sweetie.” He smiled looking back at the tv. “Good morning.” You spoke closing the door behind you and standing at the entrance awkwardly looking around his room. He watched the tv a second longer before shifting to look at you chuckling slightly “What’s up?” “Nothing.” You gulped looking down at his body. He looks so good. This is your first time being in his room and it just made you want to touch him even more. What’s the worst that could happen? He’d probably just ask you to leave. You swallow walking closer to him as he tried watching you as you sat behind him “You okay baby?” 
You nodded slowly placing your hand on his waist rubbing down to his hips and over his ass slightly pulling away with wide eyes scared at what he was gonna say. He blinked turning his upper body to you. “Why’d you do that?” He whispered. “I-I just wanted to touch you.” You uttered looking down then back up meeting his eyes. “Oh okay..” he spoke. It was silent for a moment before he started talking. “You can keep touching, give me a message while you're at it.” He chuckled facing back toward the tv. You blinked with frowned eyebrows before licking your lips and seizing your opportunity rubbing on his waist then to his back his tight shirt making your hand glide easily. You massaged over his shoulder then up his neck gently messaging his head earning a soft groan from him. You almost moaned just from that you gripping his hair slightly. “Oh…y/n?” He uttered with a raspy voice as he smiled clearing his throat. “Careful sweetie.” You nodded slowly but weren't gonna listen, you wanted to hear his groan again even if it was just a little.
You grabbed his hair again this time harder watching him suck in his bottom lip between his teeth. “Y/n..” he moaned clearing his throat again trying to turn and look at you, but you kept his head forward taking your free hand and bringing it to his ass rubbing it softly. You were doing too much now but all you could think about was how badly you had been wanting to touch him, he could always tell you to leave and of course, you would. He furrowed his eyebrows “W-we shouldn’t do this sweetheart..” He groaned trying to keep his voice sounding normal but he was failing sounding still unstable. “T-then..you shouldn’t sound like you like it?” You spoke swallowing nervously “Do you like it?” You whispered leaning in his ear tightening your grip on his hair. “Y-yes!” He whined covering his mouth just as you smacked his ass. 
You smiled brightly your nervousness fading as you let go of his hair grabbing the pillow in front of him and placing it by his head. You slowly slide your hand on his butt up to his waist then bringing it to his mouth. “Open.” He listened opening his mouth as you slide your finger in turning his head by his hair so he looked at you while gently sucking your finger. You smiled at him rubbing his head. “Good boy.” His eyebrows were knitted together his eyes were already shiny. “Do you want me to touch you, Pedro? Have you… Every thought about me touching you? Be honest.” You spoke pulling your finger out his mouth so he could speak. He caught his breath panting quietly before nodding slowly. You blinked. “R-really tell me about it.” You spoke shifting your gaze to look down his body and seeing his bulge in his PJs. “I-I think about that after I catch you staring at me. I always want you to just…come up and hug me.” He whispered looking at your face as your eyes came back up to meet his. “That’s how you think about me touching you? You’re cute Pedro, but I meant like this.” You said running your hand down his chest to the top of his PJs gently sliding your fingertips under the hem of them making his breath hitch. “You get what I’m saying now?” 
He nodded quickly. “S-sweetie i-i …I can’t do this! I haven’t done anything like this in so long.” He moaned nervously. You pouted rubbing his head. “Yes, you can. It’s okay.” You whispered. “I know you wanna do this, So tell me, Have you ever thought about me touching you, here.” You moved your hand down further into his pants cupping his bugle over his underwear. He jerked in your hand squeezing his eyes shut and then opening them. “I thought about it!” He whined out feeling your hand slowly moving up and down. “Come on Pedro. tell me about it. Then maybe I can do it for you.” You spoke softly. He nodded quickly “O-okay...I thought about you coming into my room... Kinda like how this started.” He chuckled softly “And uh you ask me if you could…make me cum, cause you love me so much. I always see the way you look at me y/n… I can’t help but think plenty of things sometimes.” He uttered softly. You giggled “And I thought I wasn’t being obvious.” You looked down at your hand in his pants. “Well, Pedro. I wanna make you cum.” You leaned down whispering in his ear. “Please, baby.” He whimpered thrusting against your hand.
You giggled pulling your hand out his pants and making him lay on his back grabbing the hem of his PJs and pulling them down so he was only in boxers. You paused a moment before flicking his hard dick. “Agh!” He groaned looking down at his bulge and then back to your eyes .“W-why?” “Sorry l couldn’t help it.” You giggled looking at his chest bringing your other hand to his nipple and flicking it. “Baby…please just start touching what matters.” He whined. You giggled “Slow down Pedro. You really haven’t been touched in a while Huh? But you're so handsome I can’t believe it.” You pouted flicking his other nipple your hand grabbing the hem of his boxers. He shook his head gulping “Y-you are the first person to touch me like this in months.” He whispered his face fading to a slightly red color. You giggled giving his nipple a harsh flick. 
He thrusted up his hand gripping the sheets beside him. You looked away from him to his boxer, pulling them down completely to reveal his precum leaking dick. You blinked tilting your head “Wow.” The way you were looking at his dick made him even more nervous and embarrassed as he brought a hand to cover his red face. You looked at him. “Put your hand down slut.” You spoke harshly and he quickly listened “I-I’m sorry sweetie.” “Good boy, I wanna see your handsome face.” He nodded looking at you with pleading eyes. “Please touch me. Please.” You smiled bringing your hand to only gently touch a finger to his tip still rubbing over his stiff nipple. “Y/n...I can’t..please..” He grunted squirming up for more friction. You chuckled “You’re so cute I just wanna mess with you a little.” You spoke. “But fine, since you said please, I’ll touch your useless cock.” His dick twitched at your words making him whimper covering his mouth but quickly bringing his hand back down. “Oh… you like that?” You whispered wrapping your hand around him fully his precum making it easy to slowly start pumping him. He nodded shyly panting under his breath. 
You abused his sensitive nipples switching between them while your other hand started working faster. “I’ll probably cum quick y/n!” You nodded pinching his tip before starting to go fast again “I know, you're not used to anybody touching your worthless dick. But I’ll touch it from now on.” “Y-yes!” He groaned his head falling to the side with his eyes closed low moans escaping his lips. Your smile radiated before moving your hand back up to his tip quickly stroking just his head as his legs twisted on top of each other. “S-sweetheart…” You hummed and kept doing that till his eyes shoot open. “Baby! I’m gonna cum!” He jerked with a low voice. “Just give me a minute..” He spoke shakily reaching to grab his stomach. You knew he wanted you to stop or at least slow down but you didn’t, keeping your pace brutal pace rubbing his tip and nipples. “Y/n... F-fuck please… slow dow-agh!...” He moaned out bringing his hand to cover his mouth just as his orgasm broke through him. His legs bent and twitched up, cum leaking out his dick down your fist and pooling at his pubic area. You watched in awe as his dick twitched in your fist. And listened to how he moaned loudly into his hand. 
He panted looking at you his cheeks red and his eyes glossy moving his hand down to rub his stomach. “Gosh, I-I’m so embarrassed.” He chuckled softly his dick starting to slowly stop twitching. “You must have been pimped up. There’s so much.” He nodded slowly “Thank you for helping me, sweetie.” You smiled at him pulling your hand off his dick and bringing it to his lips. He frowned and looked at your cum covered hand then back to you. “I’ve uh never done that before.” He whispered. “Open your mouth, Pedro.” He swallowed and nodded quickly opening his mouth and letting you slide your fingers into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around tasting his cum. You watched him closely licking your lips giving him time to clean them fully before sliding them out with a plop and slapping his face lightly. You looked back down at his dick still hard tilting your head. “It’ll uh.. go down soon.” He smiled licking his lip. “I want to taste your cum too..” You hummed. “Sit up.” He blinked but listened quickly sitting up and sitting on the edge of the bed looking at you as you got off the bed and walked in front of him. “Can you cum again? In my mouth this time?” You spoke with a smile. “I can, baby.” He nodded quickly taking his hand and wrapping it around his sensitive dick whimpering in pain.
You giggled at his scrunched-up face as he started moving his hand up and down wasting no time going quickly. You blinked and then smiled before grabbing his wrist. “Slowly first Pedro.” You spoke moving his wrist up and down slowly. He nodded “R-right.” He uttered looking down at your face, your eyes staring at him like you always like you just want to tear him apart and eat him. Looking at your face quickly turned his sensitivity to pleasure working his cock barely faster. You stuck your tongue out keeping strong eye contact. He reached out with his free hand rubbing your face with frowned eyebrows slowly putting his thumb on your tongue. You giggled raising and eyebrows starting to suck on his thumb swirling your tongue over the tip of it. “Oh, baby…” He groaned closing his eyes before opening them slightly trying to keep watching you. He wanted to hold off but he felt the knot in his stomach daring to break and he knew he couldn't much longer. “I-I need to cum again sweetie… I-I’m sorry…”
You popped off his thumb bringing your hand to hold his. “Already? Your cock is hopeless.” He nodded quickly. “You’re right! I’m sorry! Stick your tongue out, please! Fuck…” He sobbed out as you wasted no time sticking your tongue out. He let go of his dick sitting up more and pressing the head on your tongue rubbing back and forth until his orgasm started ripping through him sending a loud yelp out of him. He brought his hand to cover his mouth while you wrapped your mouth around his tip his hips thrusting up his cum further down your throat. Your eyebrows threaded together at the taste since it was your first time tasting cum, you were simply just happy it was Pedro. You let him finish his high sucking on his tip before pulling away when you felt his dick stop twitching. “Mmm, taste good.” You giggled taking a moment to swallow all his cum. He panted closing his eyes before letting his body fall back on the bed. 
“I can’t believe this happened.” He whispered sitting back up. “We.. uh can’t ever let my daughter find out this happened.” He looked over his shoulder to the clock behind him and then back to you. “I should start cooking.” You nodded “of course, I promise she won’t find out this happened.” You smiled leaning to his face and kissing him. He kissed back groaning a little as the kiss deepened his hand grabbing onto your waist trying to pull you onto his lap. You smiled into the kiss pulling away. “Let��s do this again.” You smiled pecking his cheek before backing out of his touch and walking towards his door.
“I’ll see you at breakfast.” He smiled watching. You nodded. “See you at breakfast Pedro.” You spoke walking out of his room closing the door behind you and jumping happily trying to contain your squeaks. When you walked back over to (friend's name) door and opened she was just waking up rubbing her eyes. You took a deep breath and walked in a sitting on her bed. "Where did you go? is breakfast ready?" You swallowed. "Just to the bathroom, it should be ready soon." You spoke with a smile.
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emithecharmer · 1 year
Will You Marry Me
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Teasing (It's Lee Know), eating, mentions of heights and acrophobia, so much fluff that you can choke, oh! mentions of choking (LK eats too fast, but he's fine) Sorry for ant typos!! I was sobbing by the end of this 😭
"Hey Min-min!" You cheered as you walked into his dance studio.
"Hey, stink. You ready?" He asked, putting his water into his bag.
"Mhm! We're going on a date." You smiled excitedly, practically bouncing in impatience.
"Ugh, don't remind me." He gagged, throwing his arm around your shoulder and bringing you close to kiss the top of your head.
"How were your exams?" He asked, taking your purse from you and holding it.
"They went pretty well, I felt good about them, they weren't as hard as I thought they'd be." You said bashfully as Minho turned to lock the door.
"Where do you want to go, kitty?" He asked, moving his arm to your waist with the faux intention to squeeze your waist, only to tickle you instead. You squealed and jumped away from him, swatting his hand.
"Why'd you run away from me? You don't love me anymore?" He said with a dramatized pout.
"Don't tickle me." You frowned, stomping your foot, an act in which he felt had no reason to be so utterly adorable coming from you.
"Fine fine, no tickles." He said, opening his arm, letting you cling to him again, only to tickle you again.
"Min.." You whined, making him gawk at you.
"I plead the fifth." He said.
"I don't think that same law applies here." You said, raising a brow at him.
"Shh, it does to me."
"I'm starting to think you like Japanese food more than you love me." You pouted, obviously not telling the truth.
"Oh no, however would you come to that conclusion?" Your boyfriend asked, actively eating sushi while already eyeing another piece.
"..It's one of the wonders of the world." You snickered as you watched him slightly choke.
"Do you want ice cream after?" He asked, taking a bite of the sashimi platter he'd ordered four of.
"Ooh, funny you mention that, a new frozen yogurt place just opened! And it's by that lounge place!" Minho watched as your eye lit up at the sound of the 'lounge place' as you called it.
It was actually an apartment building your friend lived in, but she was gone a lot, and allowed you a key so you could freely go in and out, as long as you cleaned up after yourself. Minho knew how much you loved to go to the rooftop and over look the city, he knew that you would be there every waking hour if you could. He also, knew you would mention wanting to go there.
"Sure baby, we'll go on the roof." He said, you missed the subtle smirk he had, thinking it was just his expression.
"Are you completely sure? The last time we were there I honestly thought I'd have to call the fire department." His head jolted up as he glared playfully (menacingly) at you.
"We agreed to never speak of that incident."
"Right, right, please forgive me." You said, giggling cheekily. Minho rolled his eyes, but that did stop the bunny smile that creeped on his face at the sight of your dimples.
After Minho payed and you two left the restaurant, you headed to the frozen yogurt place.
"Thank you s-" You started.
"If you call me your sugar daddy one more time, I will leave you right now." He said, but doing the opposite as he pulled you closer to him.
"I don't like the places that charge you based on your cup size instead of weight." Minho said as you two sat down.
"Why?" you asked.
"Well, I know it's for toppings and stuff, but I don't get toppings, so it just defeats the purpose for me." He said.
"Oh yeah..I completely understand." Making a statement by staring at your cup, that was filled to the brim with froyo, and almost drowned in added toppings. Minho glanced at your and cackled at your expression.
"Maybe I like it for you." He said, stealing a gummy bear from your bowl.
"Balcony, balcony, balcony." You chanted as you walked inside the apartment building.
"Excited?" Minho asked, smirking at your enthusiasm.
"So excited. So excited that I have to pee." You said.
"Pfft-" Minho sputtered a laugh at your shamelessness.
"I'll go on up and meet you there." He said, making your eyebrows raise.
"Really? You don't need me to hold your hand?" You asked, making Minho turn on his heel and walk to the elevator, leaving you to laugh.
You walked into the elevator and hit the 'R.' You had to refrain from jumping, since you knew to not do that in an elevator, but that didn't diminish your excitement any less. The bell dinged louder than you were used to, scaring you into dropping your phone as the doors opened. You leant down to pick it up and when you looked up you gasped.
Minho was there, standing in the middle of a flowery isle, smiling nervously. You were frozen in shock, so frozen in-fact that the doors actually shut and you had to press the button to open them again. You stepped out of the elevator and sighed as you looked at your boyfriend, who had a look or worry in his face. Your eyes swelled with tears and he groaned.
"Don't cry yet, we're not even to the good part." He whined.
"This is not real." You said, closing you eyes tightly.
"Y/n.." He chuckled, making you peek.
"C'mere, baby." He continued. You slowly walked up to him and he lifted his hand to rub your cheek, wiping away a tear you didn't even know was there.
"Y/n.." You lip wobbled as he began his speech, making him smile at you.
"This sounds so utterly cliché, but I knew from the moment I met you, I knew you'd be my wife one day. You are truly one of the most amazing people I've met, and you surprise with something new each day. Whether it's a new fact, a new talent you figured out you could do, or a scar that you found on your leg that looks like the island of Okinawa.. You are full of surprises, and I'm glad I could finally surprise you. In our two years, you've shown me nothing but love and acceptance, even in times where I'm pretty sure a punch would have sufficed." You gave a him a nudge, all the while sobbing at this point.
"You aren't just my girlfriend, or my love, you're my soulmate. You're the epitome of a feeling I didn't even imagine was possible until I met you. I am completely bound to you, something that scared me in the past, but now I crave for it. I love you, Y/n.." You saw his facade break slowly as he let a tear stream down.
"I love you doesn't even cover what I feel for you anymore. You are my life, and you are the reason my heart beats. I would love to be the same for you, please let me keep loving you forever, as your husband." He pulled his hands away as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.
"Y/n, will you do me the greatest honor, and be my wife?" He asked, getting down on one knee and-
"Yes." You said, not even letting him open the box.
"Yes?" He seemed completely shocked at your answer for a few seconds before he stood up.
"Yes, oh my gosh, Min. Yes." You said, hugging him tightly, bringing your hand to hold the back of his head as you sobbed. He pulled away slightly, only to kiss you softly.
"No take-backs." He said, pointedly.
"Wouldn't even dream of it, you're mine, forever now." You said, pulling him in for another kiss.
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lostgirlmuseum · 1 year
🐚Chapter 1
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Mini Series Masterlist ❤️
Summary: You invite both your best friend and your boyfriend to a three-day weekend getaway at a beach resort. This trip was meant to be relaxing, but tensions and jealousies rise as both Miles and Bucky fight for your attention. 
Pairing: BestFriend!Bucky x f!Reader
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: Nothing that bad I don't think? Language. Miles being a dick. Please let me know if I've missed something!
A/N: I really hope you like it! I don't have a taglist, but you can follow updates at @lostgirl-library instead
(Divider credit: @firefly-graphics)
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Reader’s POV
“Welcome to FM 98.2, I’m Nash Reeves, and you’re listening to The Grooves. Now if you’ve been following us on our social media, you already know what’s up. If you haven’t then I’ll catch you up to speed. Today is the last day to win ‘The Groovy Giveaway!’ The prize? Win up to five tickets to an all expense paid visit to the SunHaven Sea Resort’s special beach houses! Now callers, you can find our phone number on our website, but—”
“You have the right number, right?” You interrupted the radio host and turned to Wanda. You were both sitting on the soft rug of your room, crowded around the small silver radio, waiting impatiently with your phone in hand.
“I’m not an amateur, of course I have the right phone number!” 
You’d both dialed separately, in hopes of doubling your chances of winning.
“We’re about to play ‘Guess That Sound.’ Callers, have the number ready, and dial in when you think you know. Best of luck to all of you out there! Here we go. In three…two…one.”
“whHScHRRRR-whHRiRI—” The most obnoxious sound attacked your ears, but neither of you jumped. You were Avengers. You knew how to act when the stakes were high.
“I DID!”
“We already have calls pouring in! But who called first? Let’s see…hello? Caller?”
“NOOOOOO!” You yelled, falling back onto the floor when both of your phones continued ringing.
“Stay calm, they might get it wrong! We still have a chance.”
“Hi Nash!” A cheery and nearly mouse pitched voice crackled.
“Hello! What is your name?”
“Fuck you Sunny!” You abruptly sat up, pointing at the radio, “I bet that’s not ever her real name!”
“Welcome to the show Sunny! What is your guess for the sound?”
“Is it a car starting?” She said with confidence.
“No, unfortunately it is not a car starting. If that’s how your car sounds when you start it, I recommend you see a mechanic ASAP. I think you’re having major car problems Sunny.”
“Does this mean I lost?”
“Alright, next caller!” He completely ignored her and hung up.
Wanda’s phone stopped ringing.
“Hello, what is your name?” The voice had a strange delay.
“OH MY GOD, IT’S US!” Wanda squealed, quickly covering her mouth.
“Answer him!” You quickly turned down the radio and forced her to put the call on speaker.
“Hi! This is Wanda.”
“Hello Wanda! Do you have a guess for ‘Guess That Sound?’”
“Yes,” Wanda leaned in closer to the speaker, “is it a blender?” 
“Sound the alarm everyone, Wanda guessed the sound!”
“YES!” You both jumped up and started bouncing around each other.
“Congratulations, you’ve won yourself one ticket. But can you guess what specifically is in the blender for four more tickets?” 
“Um…” Wanda stopped jumping and looked at you, then the phone, concerned. “Can you play it again?”
“I’ll play it one more time.”
The annoying sound blared again and you felt your heart stop. Holy shit.
“I KNOW WHAT IT IS!” You screamed, yanking the phone away from Wanda. “Frozen strawberries, non-fat yogurt, half a banana, ice, oh… and um…” you closed your eyes, thinking hard, “Oh! And milk!”
You waited for the response. Were you wrong? Was it actually a full banana?
“THAT IS CORRECT!” Nash cheered.
“HOLY SHIT, HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” Wanda grabbed your shoulders, shaking you with elation and disbelief. “I KNOW MY FUCKING SMOOTHIES!” You pound your fists in the air.
“We’re going to the beach!”
“Hell yes we are!”
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With five tickets, you mostly already knew who you were going to bring. Wanda wanted to take her boyfriend, Vision, you desperately wanted to take Bucky, and you discussed bringing one of Wanda’s friends as your fifth. You had one problem. By taking Bucky, you’d be leaving behind your boyfriend, Miles, and you knew he loved the beach. And besides, you wanted to see if this could be the next step in your relationship.
You and Miles had been together for three months. Neither of you had said I love you yet, which you were secretly relieved about. You knew you felt something for him, you just weren’t quite sure if it was love yet. You had met at the bar spontaneously when he offered to buy you a drink. On any other night, you probably would’ve turned him down, but that night you went to ignore your confusing feelings for your best friend. You had been battling these strange emotions for months, wondering why you felt so uniquely about him. Do you love Bucky? Of course you do, he’s your best friend! But do you love Bucky? No. Right? Because that would make things complicated. And he would never love you back. But what did it matter if you didn’t even like Bucky like that? And anyways, how could you have feelings for Bucky if you were with someone else? That sort of logic led you to where you were now, dating Miles Proctor, a brown eyed, sandy blonde, relatively charming (when he wants to be), beach loving man.
You told Wanda your predicament, and she told you to bring both Bucky and Miles. Apparently, her friend had a work conference already scheduled, and wouldn’t be available for the trip. You felt bad that Wanda’s plan fell through, and you promised her she and Vision could take the master suite. 
“Miles!” You called, once you spotted his red cap coming through the airport doors. He heard you, gave you a short wave, and made his way to you, immediately wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. He failed to acknowledge Bucky, who was standing right next to you.
“Miles, you know Bucky,” you gestured, giving a radiant smile. You were ecstatic to have them there together.
“Bucky,” Miles slowly nodded, a lilt in his voice, “right.”
You felt your heart squeeze when Bucky lifted his left arm to initiate a handshake.
He’s going above and beyond! I thought he’d only nod his head!
You missed the way Bucky slightly pulled up his sleeve to reveal more of the metal. You also missed the way he squeezed with just a little bit too much pressure, causing Miles to wince.
“Miles.” Bucky stated like an observation. 
“We met at the…” Miles held the last word, prompting Bucky to respond.
“The gala.” His voice sounded bored. 
“Right.” Miles nodded, acting as if he still wasn’t sure.
“C’mon Miles, stop joking around, I talk about Bucky all the time.”
“All the time.” Miles gave Bucky a synthetic smile.
“Funny, she doesn’t talk about you that much,” 
“Yes I do,” you defended, and looked at your watch. “We’re running low on time, we need to start moving.”
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You successfully got Bucky passed security with his arm, boarded and exited the plane, and the only step left was to get a rental car and drive for an hour. Bucky offered to drive, you took shotgun, which left Miles in the back seat. Bucky remained silent the entire ride, but Miles made up for it.
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“It’s beautiful!” You cried as Bucky drove the rental car into the driveway.
“So your friends are already here?” Miles asked, unbuckling his seat.
“Yeah, Wanda and Vision flew earlier today.” 
“Why didn’t they take the same flight as us?” 
“No, I mean they flew here. Vision can fly, remember?” You stepped out of the car and went to grab your bags from the trunk.
“Oh, yeah. Weird.” Miles mumbled.
“I’d argue that anyone that works with the Avengers has got to be at least a little bit weird.” 
Bucky had beat you to the trunk, and had already grabbed your things for you.
“Some are weirder than the others,” Miles said, grabbing his own bags.
You ignored his comment, missing the way he glanced at Bucky when he said it. 
“You don’t need to carry my bags, Buck,” you smiled and shook your head at your best friend.
“It’s not a problem.” His voice was a bit gravelly.
Seeing as Bucky only brought a single small suitcase for himself, he literally had super strength, and the walk to the door was less than fifteen feet, you acquiesced with a thank you.
You followed the steps up the porch and didn’t even have time to knock before the door was opening.
“Welcome to paradise!” Wanda squealed, bringing you in for a quick hug.
“Happy to be here!” 
“Come on in!” She stepped out of the way and gestured to the living space.
Bright white walls surrounded you in sunlight, and teal accents covered the space. The area felt fresh and untouched, and smelled lightly of sea salt. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with Vis and I taking the master bedroom?” 
“Of course, Wan, it’s all yours.” You smiled, and slowly turned, taking in the area. “Where’s Vision?”
“I sent him to go pick up some groceries. He should be back soon. In the meantime, you guys should get settled.”
Wanda pointed you to the bedroom with the queen bed, which happened to be to the left of the foyer. You opened the door, and appreciated the cute pineapple theme of the room. You and Miles quietly got to work unpacking your things, and it stayed quiet until you started plugging your charger into the base of the pineapple lamp on the side table.
“So,” Miles cleared his voice, “Wanda and Vision get the master bedroom?” 
“Yeah,” you mindlessly answered, looking up the weekend weather for the fourth time.
“What’s wrong?” You glanced up from your phone. He was putting his swim trunks away.
“Okay.” You looked back to your phone.
87℉ right now, but it’ll start cooling down around six…I should probably put on some sunscreen—
“It’s just, why do they get it? Weren’t you the one who won the game?” He made eye contact with you and quickly added, “It doesn’t bother me, I’m just curious.” 
“Yeah, but the whole thing was Wanda’s idea. She just let me do it with her. And besides, she seemed to want the master bedroom more than me.” You tilted your head, “You don’t mind, do you?”
“It kinda seems like you mind.”
“I mean, their bed is probably bigger.” He said matter-of-factly.
“This is a queen size bed, it’s plenty big for us.”
“It’s fine.” His voice was high. “Does Vision even sleep though? I mean, if it’s one big bed for one person, that seems a little weird, right?”
You sighed. 
“I’m going to go see if Bucky’s unpacked yet.” You politely smiled and left the room.
The walk to his room was short, seeing as it was just across from yours.
“Hey Buck,” you gently knocked on his door and it creaked open.
“Hey.” He replied, sitting on the side of the bed. 
His room seemed to follow a deep sea theme, his walls a deep blue with kelp and coral decals crawling up the walls.
“All unpacked?” You asked.
“Didn’t bring much.”
You nodded, and pursed your lips. He stayed silent.
“Are you okay? You were pretty quiet this whole trip.” You cracked the door behind you and sat beside him.
“You don’t need to worry about me.” 
“That’s kind of my thing,” you chuckled. “Seriously, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. You know me, just quiet around new people.” He shrugged.
“But what about the gala?”
“I didn’t talk to him much there.”
“Yeah. Well, I’m hoping this trip will be a great opportunity for you guys to get to know each other. I think you’ll get along.”
“Are you certain about that?” 
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing,” he shook his head. “You’re right, I’m sure we’ll get along.”
“You’re the best.” You wrapped your arm around him into a hug.
“I try.” 
“I want you to have fun this weekend.” You let go of him and made sure he met your gaze. “Will you try to have fun?”
“Yes, I will try to have fun.” 
“Good. Because you deserve a vacation.” You said earnestly.
There came a small rumble.
“Somebody’s hungry, huh?” You nudged his side.
You could tell he was about to laugh until the door opened.
“Babe, let’s go swimming.” Miles stood leaning in the doorway, already in his green swim trunks.
“I think we should probably get some lunch first. I did some research earlier about the restaurants, the hotel has it’s own seafood place. We could walk if we wanted.”
“But I wanted to go swimming. We just got here.” He whined.
“We have all weekend to swim. And anyways, Bucky is hungry, and I’m getting hungry too.”
“Okay.” He changed his demeanor from pouty to cheesy. “Anything for you,” he walked in and kissed you on the head.
Bucky looked away.
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Vision soon returned with the groceries, and the group made their way to lunch. It was around 3 p.m. when you got back to the house, and everyone decided to take advantage of the beach.
Wanda swam for a couple minutes before returning to sunbathe on the sand. Vision sat next to her in one of the provided blue striped beach chairs. You and Miles were splashing around in the water, far enough out that the water was up to your neck, but Bucky had yet to join in. He was sitting on the steps of the back porch, simply watching you.
“Does he seem lonely to you?” You asked Miles once he came back up for air. 
“Bucky? No, he’s fine.” He answered nonchalantly, flipping the hair out of his eyes.
“But he hasn’t even gotten in yet.”
“If he wanted to get in, he’d get in.”
“Yeah…” you agreed. But one more glance back at Bucky’s form had you changing your mind. You started to swim a little closer to the shore and waved vigorously above your head.
“Hey Buck, come on in! Come on!”
After a bit more coaxing, he stood and made his way to the water, eventually meeting you. However, where the water was up to your chest, the water only met him a little past his midriff.
“See, isn’t this fun?” You laughed, giving him a small splash. 
“I think I see the appeal,” he smiled, the first real one you had seen all day.
“Babe, come back out farther,” Miles whined, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you.
You shook your head.
“I feel safer here, we were a little too far out I think. I don’t want to get stuck in a current.”
Miles huffed.
You felt the sand give way to something hard under your foot. You leaned down, while also trying to keep your head out of the water, and grabbed it.
“Oh my gosh, look how pretty!” You held the peach colored shell up into the sun for the boys to see.
“I think that’s a conch,” Bucky noted, bringing his fingers up to the shell and lightly touching the ridges.
“It’s just a shell,” Miles rolled his eyes, “they’re at the beach a lot.”
“Obviously, but isn’t this one pretty?”
“Sure.” He shrugged, clearly disinterested. “I’m going back out.”
“Just be careful, okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He quickly made his way back to the deep, leaving you and Bucky together.
“You’re bringing a bunch of shells back home, aren’t you?” Bucky asked, but it was definitely more of a statement.
“Do you want to find some cool shells with me?” You asked, giddy.
Your enthusiasm was contagious.
“There is nothing I’d rather do.” He smiled, and you could see the crinkle of his eyes from under his sunglasses.  
You spent the next ten minutes swimming around together, showing each other the cool things you’d found, and placing the keepers on the shore before returning to your searches. The waves slowly started to get bigger, eventually to the point where it was nearly knocking you off balance.
“Bucky, I think I found a starfish! Look!” You pointed somewhere in the sand. Bucky waded over to you and patted you on the back in a congratulatory manner.
“Probably should leave the fella’ alone, I don’t think it’s good to pick them up.” He said, removing his hand from your back.
“I know. It’s so cute, I wish—” you started, but were abruptly cut off when the biggest wave yet came crashing over you, pulling you briefly underwater. Within seconds, firm hands grasped onto your arms, and pulled you back above. Instead of letting you go, Bucky moved his grip to your hips, holding you steady as you coughed.
“Are you okay?”
“Yep,” your voice came across nasally, “just wasn’t expecting that. Salt water up the nose hurts like a bitch,”
“Are you ready to get out?” He asked, picking you up as another wave came rolling through, only forcing him to back up a step.
“I think so,” you wheezed. 
Bucky escorted you to the shore, using himself as a shield against the attacking waves.
The moment your feet hit the dry sand, you looked back at the sea. Where was Miles?
“Miles?” You called over the crashing waves. He was nowhere to be seen. “Miles! M–”
“Gotcha!” Miles came up behind you and picked you up in an effort to try to surprise you, but the way his hands stuck to your wet skin only managed to hurt you.
“Ow!” You yelped, turning to face him once he’d put you down. “What the hell! I thought you drowned!”
“Me? Drown? C’mon.” He wiggled his eyebrows but it only pissed you off that he wasn’t taking you seriously.
“You scared me, asshole,”  
“Alright, I’m sorry, jeez.” 
“Whatever,” you sighed. 
You didn’t even realize Bucky had walked off until he reappeared with a bucket full of shells you’d accumulated and a towel over his shoulder.
“I’m going to start washing these off,” he said, and tossed you the towel.
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“I think this one’s a Sunray Venus!” You beamed, holding the shell to the laminated shell guide you'd found on a counter.
You and Bucky had set up shop at the kitchen table, admiring and identifying the treasures you'd found together.
“Doll, I think that one’s a Dosinia.”
“Oh. Yeah, you’re right. Bummer.”
“Bummer? What’s wrong with a Dosinia?” 
“Nothing, but Sunray Venus just sounds so cool. I haven't seen one yet, though.”
“We have a lot of cockles,” Bucky noted, picking another shell out of the yellow bucket and lining it up on the table.
“Oh my gosh, look Bucky! It’s a sand dollar!” 
“Too bad it’s broken,” he commented, holding it gently in his palm.
“What do you think the chances are of us finding the other half?”
“One in ten-trillion.” He looked you dead in the eyes.
“I don’t like those odds.”
“I’ll find you a full sand dollar.” 
“Good luck with that,” you laughed. 
Bucky put down the sand dollar and turned to face you.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
“Wanda scheduled me and her appointments at the spa tomorrow, but besides that, I don’t think anything is on the docket. Is there anything you’d like to do?”
Bucky sat back in his seat a bit.
“Whatever you want to do, Doll.”
Oh Bucky, always the gentleman.
“C’mon, Buck. There’s gotta be something.”
“I’d be happy just reading on the beach with you.” He smiled, his voice gentle.
“Consider it on the schedule,” you nudged him. 
“Looking forward to it.”
You could tell he meant it. 
God, how did I end up with the sweetest best friend? If only—
If only.
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A/N: Thank you so so so much for reading the first chapter! I really hope you like it. I’m pretty nervous bc even though this series is short, I still feel like it won’t ever be as fleshed out as I want it to be, so I’m just kinda forcing myself to be happy with it. I didn’t really know how to end it, but the next chapter is in Bucky’s POV! 
Chapter 2
296 notes · View notes
purpleyoonn · 1 year
the line between love and war 11
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C H A P T E R  11: PTD D1 Soundcheck
“It is said that the night sky is made up of tiny wishes that humans were never able to fulfill. That the stars only became bright by the fulfillment of those wishes. In your eyes, the stars that shine never seemed real, your childhood wishes dark and dim as you grow. But now, now you understand the twinkle in their eyes as they look down at you.”
Summary: Your experiences told you that soulmates were something you would never have the pleasure of having; something not given to you because of who you are, despite the soulmark that resides on your inner left wrist. During your solo trip to Los Angeles, you find out that you are more than capable, that your soulmates had been waiting for you for a long time, and would not be letting you go anytime soon.
Genre: soulmate au, bts au, idol bts, polyamory relationship, eventual smut
Paring: Idol!BTS x autistic!mc
Status: Ongoing (randomly updated)
Warnings: mental illness, talk of disability, lots of angst, miscommunication, feelings of depression, feelings of isolation, polyamory bts, stalking, dangerous behavior, eventual smut,
Chapter Warnings: mc has a fear of heights, mc insta live, protective bangtan, not that much going on, more of a filler chapter,
Taglist: @azazel-nyx​​​  @yuzon3​​​ @hannahdinse8​​​ @quirkybtsarmy​​​ @mageprincess7​​​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​​ @suckerforv​​​ @chaoticthingpizza​​​ @drissteele​​​ @carolinexkpop​​​ @avadakadabra93​​​ @lachimolala22019​​​  @justaweird0​​​ @singukieee​​​  @welcometomyworld13​​​ @toughbook​​​ @kimana122​​​ @kpopmultistantrashsstuff​​​ @0funsite0​​ @joyless-living​​ @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered​ @elliott-calls​​ @psychosupernatural​​
Permanent Taglist: @m1sss1mp​​ @yourleftsock​​ @skyys-universe​​ @cryingpages​​ @strxwbloody​​  @drissteele​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @crushedblackroses​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @blaaiissee​​  @iiitsmaria​​  @carolinexkpop​​  @azazel-nyx​​ @strawberry-moonpies​​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​​ @knjkitten​​ @kleirielk​ @foreverweareyoung7​​ @lachimolala22019​​ @namuficxs​​ @94z-93​​ @kimgmzmc​​ @thenaverse​​ @dahliasbouqet​​ @black-rose-29​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​​ @stellauniverse​​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @veronawrites​​ @tatyhend​​ @singukieee​​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​​ @sidthesloth1305​​ @exfolitae​​ @butterymin​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​
Masterlist // Chapter 10 // Chapter 12
Previously on The Line Between Love and War:
“I need pictures with my daughter to show my friends.” Was her excuse for extra pictures, making you grin back at her. You didn’t mind, even posting some pictures on your Instagram afterwards, putting a small heart over her face to keep her anonymity like Hobi wanted.
You ended up spending the entire day with them, getting frozen yogurt and buying a couple of things that Jiwoo picked out for you, saying you would look beautiful in them. They were even cotton like you wanted.
It was an amazing day with family.
Today was the first day of the concerts the boys would be giving, and you had all left early to SoFi stadium for soundcheck and any last-minute things the boys would need to be aware of. You had arrived somewhere between eight and nine that morning, coffees in hand.
You had planned the night before that you would be going with them early, your backpack already packed with snacks and whatever else you and Jungkook decided to pack. 
Jungkook has deemed it his job to make sure your backpack was always ready for you, filled with what his instincts told him you would need. So, he insisted on helping you pack, practically pushing you out of the way to make sure you had everything you needed.
You could see how nervous and stressed everyone was, so you decided you would try and stay out of the way of everyone, not wanting to add to the already busy day. So, once you were introduced to the staff, you had kissed the boys goodbye, ignoring their confused stares, and left their dressing room to explore the stadium.
You had your backpack with you, probably making you gain a couple of weird looks, but you ignored it with the thought of exploring. You would never have had this opportunity before, and your curiosity always won out, unfortunately. Your eloping had caused a lot of problems growing up, and you tried your hardest to ignore your instincts, but sometimes they won out.
You moved through backstage first, lanyard and badge worn around your neck so the crew knew who you were. It also helped that Seungho walked a few paces behind you, glaring at everyone that even looked your way. He had been very protective since the incident at the mall. You tried to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, but he didn’t seem to agree.
You tried to make him smile again by showing him a picture on Amazon of a backpack that had a leash, telling him that you would use it if he wanted. He laughed out loud before shaking his head no. Jin liked the idea though, saying he would have the company make BT21 versions and use the RJ one. Namjoon just shook his head.
You looked at everything you could, from the lights being adjusted to going on the stage where the boys would perform. The gates for soundcheck wouldn’t be opened until three, but you could already hear fans lining up outside the arena, screaming and laughing in excitement for the concert. It had you feeling a little wistful, wishing you could go out there and have the fan experience you dreamed about.
But, you realized, you got to experience something none of them would. While it didn’t make you less wistful, you tried to not be upset about the experience you wouldn’t get. Instead, you decided you could give the fans a new experience.
You opened up your Instagram, and after figuring out how to go live, you hit the button and waited. You were a little insecure, thinking no one would view it, but within seconds you had over a thousand people watching the live.
“Oh, I didn’t think this would work. I’ve never done this but I figured I could give you guys a tour!” You whispered excitedly into the camera, hoping you wouldn’t get into trouble. You didn’t know if you were allowed, and in hindsight, you probably should have asked, but you were excited.
“Hi everyone! My name is Y/N. Wait, you would know this if you’re following me. Uhm, anyways! This is the set up for the stage!” You aren’t quite sure how to turn the camera from front facing to back facing, making a concentrated face while you do so, but instead you just turn yourself so they can see the screen.
You move down the stage, making it so where you weren’t in the screen as you moved. You then turn around so they see the empty seats.
“In just a couple of hours you guys will be in here, then maybe it won’t be so empty.” You look at the screen, seeing comments and questions and a bunch of hearts pop up, surprising you as you didn’t really expect that. You see one that asks where the boys are.
“Where are the boys? Oh! They are getting ready for soundcheck and the concert. When I left the room to explore, they were talking about last minute changes to their outfits.” You hope your answer is okay, reading more of the comments as you move off stage and down the stairs to the seats.
“Oh wow, the stage looks so close when you are in the first row! Now I know how you guys get so many good fancams!” Your excited voice can be heard from the stage, where the boys are starting to come out. You had trouble controlling your volume when you got excited.
Jimin was the first to spot you, standing in front of the first row on the left of the stage, holding your phone up so you could be seen.
“Hyung? Is she on a live?” Jimin pokes Hobi, before pointing to you. Hobi and the others look at you, answering a fans question wondering what you were going to be wearing to the concert. Jungkook is quick to grab his phone, opening up Twitter to see nothing, while Taehyung opened Instagram to see you were in fact going live.
“She is live on Insta, Jiminie.” He spoke, sending his own hearts to you on the app. Jin peaked over his shoulder to see you smiling at the screen, his heart fluttering at how happy you looked.
“Oh, what’s this? Are you sure? They are supposed to be getting ready for soundcheck.” You mumble when you see a bunch of comments come up saying the Taehyung commented on your live, looking up to see Hobi, Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi on the stage, waving dramatically at you. But you didn’t see the others. You thought they were still in the room when an arm wrapped around your waist.
“Oh my gosh you scared me!” You screamed at Jungkook, smacking at him as he just laughed, holding his chest. Jimin and Taehyung appeared over your shoulder, waving at the camera as tons of comments appeared for the boys.
“Well, uh, say hello to ARMY, boys!” You speak up, pointing at the camera. A chorus of “hellos” from the boys had you hearing screams from outside the arena. You turned to Jimin, asking him if the soundcheck was starting soon.
“They are going to be letting them in soon.” Was his response, his eyes focused on the comments flowing on the screen. He was determined to learn English, even more so when he recognized a couple of hate comments. He didn’t want you seeing that so he grabbed your phone out of your hand.
“See you soon, Army.” He gave his biggest smile before hitting the “end live” button. (However, army figured out why he ended the live so quickly and proceeded to make edits about how protective he was while also making edits about how cute you and your facial expressions were.)
“Hey! I wanted to say goodbye.” You told Jimin once you saw he ended the live.
“Sorry baby. The crew is about to let the fans in for soundcheck.” He brought you in for a hug, then proceeded to guide you back onto the stage where the others were waiting.
When you got on stage, you could see the crew running around backstage, doing so many last minute things so the soundcheck goes off without a hitch. You walked with Jimin to where the boys were huddled, his hand planted firmly on the small of your back, keeping you close.
“I see you had some fun on live, baby.” Namjoon spoke up, a dimpled smile on his lips as he pulls you in for a hug, your cheek happily smooshed against his chest. You nodded at his statement, too comfortable and warm to bother moving.
You loved when they hugged you like this, letting your entire body just fall into them, their arms wrapped around you, just letting you relax into them. It felt so nice and had you feeling warm and loved.
You had your eyes closed, missing the look Namjoon had sent you, a soft smile on his lips. But Hobi didn’t miss it, taking a quick picture and archiving it into the newly made folder on his phone with your name on it. He already had a bunch saved, mainly candids of you, seeing as you didn’t really feel comfortable with posed photos yet.
You just listened to them talk about how the soundcheck was going to go, leaning into Namjoon as they began to put their in-ears on. They all already had their mics in hand, making it simpler for them as they discussed which song they were going to rehearse first.
When the army’s with soundcheck tickets started trickling in, Namjoon had squeezed you against him really quick before reluctantly letting you go, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“We will see you later, okay?” You nodded your head, almost too relaxed to think about speaking. The others also bid you the same goodbye, kissing your lips in passing as they moved to their places on stage and Seungho guided you backstage.
“Do you think we could watch the soundcheck too?” You turn to Seungho to ask him when he began to guide you back to the dressing room.
“I don’t think it’s safe...” He began to say when you cut him off.
“I won’t watch from the front! What about the higher up seats? Like the 200’s section?” You ask him, basically pleading with your hands bundled together in front of your chest. You even tried to break out the puppy dog eyes that always worked on Yoongi.
“I promise we will be safe.” You tell him, hoping that will work, and then squealing from excitement as he finally relents and nods his head. You grab his hand and practically drag him to the entrance you remember from your earlier exploration that led you to the stairs that take you to the higher sections.
You waste no time climbing up the large number of stairs in front of you, almost tripping a couple of times to Seungho’s dismay.
When you reached the top, you were excited. You moved from seat to seat trying to figure out which one had the best view, spending a couple minutes picking before eventually sitting in the one right in the middle of the first row. None of the fans could see you unless they were specifically looking for you. (They did, in fact, spot you and your photos circulated twitter for a couple of hours)
You took your backpack off and took out the army bomb you snuck in there behind Jungkook’s back. You put your batteries in it and excitedly started waving it, causing laughter to erupt from Seungho, his eyes closed as he laughed at your animated form.
You didn’t know where you would be during the concert, so you came prepared in case you were allowed to go to the soundcheck and didn’t have to be backstage. You really wanted to experience the concert and didn’t care how you did it.
You tried to stay still in your seat but it didn’t work. You danced and sang along the entire time, happy that you could hear the songs live, even if you weren’t necessarily at the concert.
However, during a small break in the soundcheck where the boys had some issues with the back track, you took a second to look around, realizing exactly how high up you were in the stadium. You could feel your heart racing, as if trying to jump out of your ribcage. 
You think the last time you were high in the air was at your home city’s yearly fair, where you had a panic attack on the Ferris Wheel years ago. You didn’t realize you were still scared of heights, not having been any place high in such a long time.
You were starting to feel sick, so you sat down and slowly turned to Seungho, who had noticed something change in your energy.
“Can we, uh, can we get down? I forgot I was scared of heights.” You whisper, unable to force your volume any louder in your terror. You were feeling dizzy and like you were going to fall over the edge of the balcony with every second that ticked by.
“Of course.” Seungho spoke quickly, helping you to stand up on your shaky legs before holding your hand and slowly helping you back down the stairs to the first floor. You felt like a newborn doe walking for the first time, your legs shaky and unbalanced.
“Why don’t we find a couple of seats in the 100’s sections, behind where the floor is set up? Would that be easier for you?” Seungho asked, knowing just how badly you wanted to experience the soundcheck like a normal fan. You couldn’t be on the floor for safety reasons, but he didn’t see why you couldn’t at least be behind them.
You think about it, turning your head to glance at where he had gestured. It wasn’t too high off the ground and seemed to be at the relative height of the stage where you had previously stood already.
“I think so.” You nod at him, and he could still see the traces of fear across your expression, the way your eyes had widened, lips pursed and jaw clenched.
Seungho brought you to the small steps that would bring you to the first row of the 100’s section, maybe ten feet from where the people at the edge of the floor were standing. You noticed another guard move over to where you were standing, in between you and the fans in soundcheck.
Despite the boys being on stage and surrounded by fans, you were still a priority to the staff and security.
You enjoyed the rest of soundcheck in the front row, not as energetic and excited as before, but you couldn’t help but shake your arms side to side in front of you, your hands in fists as you tried to not stand up on your still shaky legs. Your stimming had Seungho relaxing a little, knowing you were feeling slightly better, or, you would be as you continued to stim.
A couple of minutes before soundcheck ended, Seungho decided it would be the best time for you to go back to the dressing room and wait for the boys. You agreed, also wanting to go back and see them and hoping they would be able to spare some time for cuddles.
You’ve decided since meeting them, you loved cuddles. You loved being held. You loved being touched. But only by them. It was a weird conclusion to you as you hated being touched before you met them. You didn’t care though. You loved how you felt being with them.
You called the feeling ‘small thoughts no brain’. You didn’t have to think about anything, worry about anything. You didn’t have to make any decisions, knowing the boys would make them for you. You could just lay in their arms and feel warm.
Within minutes of you entering the room and sitting down, your backpack resting against the bottom of the long, black couch, the boys had come back in, smiling and laughing. Their energy was palpable and had you even bouncing in your seat. They had put their mics back in their cases before moving to where you sat.
Hobi was the first to reach you, with Taehyung being a close second. They both wrapped their arms around you and had you sitting in this weird position where you were sitting in both of their laps. Taehyung had his head resting on your shoulder while Hobi had his chin resting on your head, your own laying against his shoulder.
“Did you enjoy soundcheck, pretty girl?” Hobi asked you once you became comfortable in their laps.
“I did after we moved down to the lower section.” You grabbed his hand and held it in yours, your fingers tracing shapes into his palm. “I forgot I was scared of heights and being up in the higher sections was not fun once I realized how high up we were.”
Hobi’s eyebrows furrowed at your words. They had planned for you to be in the luxury box they reserved for their family and friends who had flown into LA. If you were scared of heights, that was not going to be good seeing as the box overlooked the lower section.
“Hey Namjoonah?” Hobi called out to their leader who was reaching for a bottle of water from the ice bowl on the catering table.
“Yeah?” Namjoon called back, looking at the three of you relaxing on the couch.
“We need a new plan for Y/n to watch the concert. Our baby is scared of heights.” Once Hobi called this out, everyone looked at you, making your cheeks redden in embarrassment and look down at your lap.
“Don’t be embarrassed love, we all are scared of something.” Jin had walked over with his own water bottle, placing a hand on your chin and tilting your head up to face them again, placing a swift kiss to your lips before moving to sit on the couch opposite you.
“What about having her be in front of us? Like we have the gates around the stage, where the security stand. What if we have her and Seungho along with a couple others stand there? That way we can also keep an eye on her?” Taehyung suggested, his thoughts causing a couple eyebrow raises as the others thought about it.
“I think that could work. Baby, what do you think?” Namjoon turned to you; his last sentence aimed at you.
“Uhm, maybe if I could wear my headphones? I don’t have any like, concert earplugs.” You think about it and feel better when you see Yoongi nod his head at your suggestion.
“Alright then. We well let Sejin and Seungho know. For now, I would appreciate if I could have some pre-concert kisses from my littlest mate.” Namjoon reached his arms out, pouting his lip a little knowing it would cause you to laugh at him.
You struggle to get yourself out of Hobi and Taehyung’s embrace, who noticeably tightened their grip once Namjoon opened his arms.
“Heyyyy, not nice!” You whine, finally pulling yourself away and falling into Namjoon’s arms.
“But we want pre-concert kisses too!” Taehyung whined back, making you laugh again, hiding your face in Namjoon’s neck.
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wandussyfantasy · 1 year
Oh i thought you only wrote for WandaNat! But now that you say for marvel ladies in general👀can you write yelena x r who has a penis. R is Nat's best friend and is secretly dating Yelena bc Nat is super overprotective over her little sister, R stays over at Nat's place one night but sneaks into Yelena's room in the middle of the night and they have some fun but R has to keep Yelena quiet?
Don't Make A Sound
Summary: Yelena is done being Readers secret and she tries to persuade them into telling her sister Natasha.
Pairings: Yelena Belova x G!nAMABReader
Word Count: 2010
top!reader, bottom!Yelena, gender neutral reader with a penis, oral r giving, adult toy use, sneaking around, teasing.
“Oh! I’ll be right back. Unless,” she looks at you and then quickly to her sister. “Do you want frozen yogurt too? Well, I know you hate it Nat. But, Y/n? Want to come with?” Her hopeful eyes almost make you forget that it's not just the two of you. But, Natasha is right there and you can't get caught slipping. Not yet. 
“Uh,” you look at your best friend shaking her head. “I’m good, thank you.” There's a flash of disappointment before she smiles and tells you that you'll regret it. 
“We’ll wait out here,” Natasha says as her sister struts into the frozen yogurt shop. You know she was doing that to grab your attention but it unfortunately grabs the attention of others around. “What’re you looking at?” She snaps at the guy who stopped walking just to stare at Yelena. Natasha rolls her eyes, “Ugh, I get it, this heat is brutal but I wish she wouldn't wear shorts that short!” You shake your head, as upset as she is although Yelena has told you she was doing it to mess with you. 
As long as you've known Natasha, she has always been overprotective when it came to her younger sister. That protection got worse when Yelena got into college. She had the poor girl on a short leash, within good reason. Frat guys were known to spike a drink here and there. And people around campus could get a little handsy when they felt like it. Not to mention, most of the attention that Yelena attracted in her freshman and sophomore years were sleazy guys that only wanted her for sex and girls that wanted to just experiment with her. Which wasn't the case with you. There is a genuine connection between you and Yelena that you're afraid Natasha won't understand. 
You fear that she'll see you as just another person trying to get into her sister's pants. That your intentions with her sister are harmful. That you’re using Yelena like she fears many would. You hope that she'll remember the years and years of friendship between the two of you and that you wouldn't have bad intentions with Yelena. You hope that she'll see the genuine love you and Yelena share. But it was far too risky and you weren't sure if you were ready to face her wrath. 
Yelena, however, was getting impatient. The two of you have been sneaking around since her twenty-first birthday. Which was closing in on a year ago from now. She pointed out that the longer the two of you drew it out, the more hurt Natasha will be when she finds out how long she has been lied to. It was a fair point but you were still hesitant. Which led to now, with her in an old pair of shorts that let her butt cheeks hang out and a tight crop top that made her breasts look big. 
She was going to force you out of the closet to her sister. And she didn't care how she did it. As long as it ends with the two of you finally being able to be a real couple without the fear of her sister finding out. 
Yelena walks back out of the shop, happily licking the frozen yogurt off of the spoon. “What’s with the daggers? I wasn't gone that long!” she asks her sister who is glaring at her. 
“Your ass hanging out had every guy staring in there! Why can't you-” 
“Here,” you pull off the button up overshirt that you were wearing and tie it around Yelena's waist. Natasha continues ranting on and on, including how you shouldn't have to lend the girl extra clothing when she has perfectly good things at home that cover her well. You lean in close and whisper low, “There were a lot of people staring at what's mine.”
“Have you told her yet?” Yelena whispers back. 
“No,” you sigh, at this point pretending to fix the shirt around her waist. 
“Then it's not yours,” she steps back and you pull away. “Okay! Enough with the lecture! Problem has been solved. Can we go home now?” 
Natasha, face red from the heat and her anger, sighs through her nose much like a dragon but clamps her mouth shut. “Fine, but only because I'm tired. Not because you said so.”
You and Yelena exchange a look and try not to laugh as the three of you make it to the parking lot. 
Later that night, Natasha offers to let you share her bed with her. Something the two of you have done in the past. But you decline, stating that the sofa is cozy enough. When you actually have other sleeping arrangements. Once you feel like it's been long enough and that Natasha won't catch you, you tiptoe into Yelena's room. 
You expected her to have a light on but it appears she is still upset with you. But you know that won't last for long. You lock the door behind you and quickly climb into the bed with Yelena. “You can go right back to that couch,” she mutters as you get comfortable. 
“Oh, come on,” you scoot closer to her. “Weren’t you the one who said sneaking around made the sex hotter?”
“That’s before I told Natasha about you,” she quietly reveals. 
You tense up, “What do you mean you told her about me?”
Yelena sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes, though she knows you couldn't see in the dark room. “I didn't tell her it was you, but she noticed I've been happier and she took an interest. She said that from the way I described this person, she could tell that I truly loved them. She said she can't wait to meet them and I believe she was being genuine. And now being sneaky isn't hot. It feels like I'm betraying her.” 
You nod as you consider the possibility of telling Natasha about your relationship with her sister. “I think her attitude will change significantly when she finds out it was her best friend you were talking about.”
“We won't find out unless we go through with it.” Yelena says. “I think it will be worth it. Then we can be free to be ourselves around her.”
You nod, knowing that the longer this goes on, the harder it'll be hard to hide. “Alright, my love, you win. We can tell her together next weekend when we're celebrating my birthday. How does that sound?” 
Yelena sits up with narrow eyes. “You’re just saying this so I'll have sex with you.”
You scoff as if that's an absurd accusation but you can feel her staring you down. “It’s been months since the last time we've been able to. I miss you, my love, you know that.”
Yelena sighs as she lays her chest against yours. “Okay,” she says, tracing patterns on your chest. “Only because I've missed you too. You have no idea how many nights I've thought about your cock when I had to use my vibrator. It was barely enough to get off.” 
“You have a vibrator?” You ask curiously. 
“Yeah, uh, I never told you about that?” She pulls away as she is reminded of a relationship ending argument over her vibrator. 
“No,” you say as you sit up as well. “Where is it?” 
“Why? Are you going to throw it away?” 
“What? No, I want to use it on you, right now,” you tell her as you reach for the lamp to turn on the light. 
“Are you crazy,” she lunges to turn off the light. “We have to be careful. No light,” she demands and you apologize. Yelena finds her vibrator in the drawer in her nightstand and hands it over to you, telling you how to turn the device on and adjust the settings. Informing you what settings she prefers. 
You take it and learn by feeling. You test out the settings and get excited about using it on her. “Lay down,” you whisper and she does as you ask. You carefully adjust yourself under the covers between her legs. “Stay quiet, Yelena,” you remind her as you pull her panties down. She is only wearing a long sleep shirt and panties. You turn the vibrator on again, starting at a low setting. You press the device against her clitoris and her legs move in reaction. You add your tongue, causing her to moan. You pull the device off and shush her. “Don’t make a sound,” you scold. 
“I’m sorry, I won't,” she promises. 
You put the device back and set it on a higher setting. This makes her hips and legs move even more. You insert the vibrator to test her response and she muffles the noises with her pillow. You pull the device out and shut it off. Arousing her got you hard and ready. You reach in your pocket for a condom before pulling your pants off and dropping them off the side of the bed. You rip the packet and slide the latex sheath on. You crawl back up her body and grab her vibrator. 
“You’re doing so good so far. But I'm going to need you to be quiet, without the pillow,” you say as you tease her entrance with the head of your cock. “I want to see your beautiful face.” Yelena nods and you kiss her on the lips as you enter her. Her tight walls almost elicit a vocal response from you as well but you remain quiet. The idea of getting caught was exhilarating, the reality of it was terrifying. 
You thrust into her slowly. Pulling all the way out and pushing all the way in. Slow, long strokes as you kiss her. Yelena has her arms wrapped around your shoulders and her legs around your waist. You rock into her a little faster and then slow back down. Wanting this to last as long as possible. 
You keep this pattern up until you're ready to use the vibrator again. You turn the device on at a low setting and place it against her clitoris again. Your thrusts become shorter and faster as you benefit from the vibrations as well. “Fuck,” you gasp out. Yelena giggles as you make a noise. 
“You’re supposed to be quiet,” she whispers. 
You smile at her and kiss her cheek. “I’m sorry, babe.” You continue to move inside of her while you turn the setting up on the vibrator. Yelena starts biting her lips to refrain from making a sound but you can tell she is struggling. You press the vibrator more onto her clitoris and when it seems like she is about to break, you cover her mouth with yours. She moans into your mouth as her entire body spasms and her walls close around your cock. You turn the device off and pull out of her when her body loosens and relaxes. You hover over her and stroke yourself to completion and cum into the condom. You collapse onto the empty space on the bed next to her. “I love you,” you whisper as you kiss her shoulder. 
Yelena turns her head to face you and she rubs her fingers against your skin. “I love you too.” 
You sigh as you want to stay here with her and not sleep on the couch but this isn’t how Natasha should find out. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” 
“Okay,” she frowns and though it’s dark, you can feel her disappointment. You remind her that soon you’ll be able to do this without fear and she reminds you that you’ve said that for too long now. You promise that this time you’re ready. “I hope so, I’m not sure I can do this anymore.” 
You climb out of the bed and clean yourself up and get dressed. “I understand. I promise, it’s time to tell her.” You kiss her forehead and leave the room to return to your bed on the couch. 
The End.
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sh4dys · 5 months
Vacation crush » Nick Sturniolo » 2.0
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summary: falling for the random guy you met on vacation, and maybe he fell for you too.
warnings: masc!reader, swearing, reader is a mamas boy
A/N: the gay peeps need more nick fics (i’m gay peeps)
Your mom had decided to take you on a vacation after finals season, considering how stressed and overworked you had been, she hated seeing her boy like that.
She wanted to take you somewhere calm yet somewhere you could actually do stuff, her solution? Renting out a beach house for a week. To say you were thrilled would be an understatement, you hadn’t even this excited for something since you were a toddler.
The two of you were chilling at the beach early in the morning, your mom laid out on a towel with her arm over her eyes, allowing you a bit of time to run off.
The blinding sun forced you to wear sunglasses, which you used to your advantage to check out the other guys walking around. If your mom found out she’d start poking fun at you, not in a bad way, she supported you through and through—but it’s what every mom did.
Your attention was suddenly torn away at the feeling of a beach ball hitting the back of your head, knocking off your glasses, causing the sun to blind you.
“Jesus fuck.” You grumbled under your breath, squinting your eyes as you looked around for the source of the ball. The sight of three identical looking guys running over caught your attention, two completely ignoring you to grab the ball, while one stood out.
You could practically feel your heart bursting out of your chest as you made eye contact with him, your eyes widening as you took in his appearance. From the glasses pushing back his hair, to the blue-wave themed swim trunks he wore.
“Hey, you okay?” His voice caught you off guard, quickly nodding and awkwardly bent down to grab your sunglasses from the sand, shaking them off with a sigh. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was probably in the way of you guys..” You chuckled awkwardly, which to your surprised earned a laugh from him as well.
“My brothers are just idiots.. I’m Nick, by the way.” Nick. You repeated his name to yourself mentally, smiling as you stuck a hand out. “I’m Y/N.” The feeling of his fingers wrapped around yours made you melt, but soon ended as he pulled away and turned to look at his brothers messing around with the plastic ball.
He was so pretty, you couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t real, there was no way! You could feel your heart still pounding inside your chest, even after he had left to go deal with his brothers. And after you had left to go back to the beach house.
You stood in-front of you bathroom mirror, messing with your hair and your overall appearance with a sigh, listening as your mom sang a song while getting ready for bed. “Hey, honey, you okay?” She leaned her head around the corner, a frown making its way onto her face as she walked up next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Who are you trying to impress?” She quirked a brow up at you, causing you to look down at her with a confused expression. “Impress? Please, I’m not seeing him again.” You sighed and looked back at your reflection, pressing your lips into a thin line with a sigh.
You could sense your mom’s concern, the way her hand let go of you as she gently nudged your chin up to look at her. “I can see the wheels turning in that brain of yours. If you wanna see this guy again, you gotta make an effort. Me and you are going on a mission tomorrow to get his number.” She smiled widely at you, before leaving the bathroom, with you completely dumbfounded at what she just said.
Well.. she kept her word.
The next day she was dragging you around to every shop and hang out spot she could find. She pointed out any and every guy she saw, asking if it was the boy you wanted to see again. Of course they weren’t him, only making you worried he might have left already, meaning you wouldn’t see him again.
Your mom sat you down at a frozen yogurt shop, excusing herself to the bathroom. You were simply sulking around, picking at the old paint coating the table, your sunglasses pushing back your hair. You knew it was stupid to get all upset over a guy you met yesterday, but vacation crushes were different than normal ones, every knows that.
You lifted your head to try and find your mom, only to meet the gaze of him. Your eyes instantly lit up, a smile creeping into your face as you nervously stood up. You made sure to put your glasses down again, fixing up your hair as you walked over and nervously waved.
“Hey.. Nick, right?” You watched as he turned fully to face you, a smile forming on his lips as well as he nodded, sticking a hand out for you. “Yeah, that’s me. Y/N, right? I didn’t think I’d see you again.” You instantly shook his hand, blushing slightly.
“I didn’t either. It’s great to see you again though.” You could hear the shakiness in your voice, cursing yourself mentally with a sigh. “I was actually wondering if, uh, I could maybe-“ As you were just about to ask for his number your mom came running towards you, making your stomach drop as you slowly turned to face her.
“Oh, honey! Is this that boy you were so worked up about?” She clutched into your arm as she smiled at him, your face was now as red as a tomato. You could hear Nick trying not to laugh, making you even more embarrassed. “Yes, mom.. his name is Nick.” You mumbled under your breath, pressing your lips into a thin line as you looked down.
“This is amazing! So, Nick, my son here wanted your number. He thinks you’re so cute and was so sad he might not see you again. Hopefully you’re also.. y’know.. I think you two would be so cute together.” Her voice was laced with enthusiasm, the way she said his name in a knowing tone, and the way she kept explaining how you felt only made your stomach drop further.
You could see Nick’s own face turning red, stammering over his words for a moment before checking over his shoulder and scratched the back of his neck. “I wouldn’t be opposed to getting his number.” He mumbled quietly, pursing his lips as he looked away.
The whole scene was straight out of a Disney movie, the two people so clearly interested in each other were embarrassed, while your mom stood over your shoulder and spilled every detail of how you felt to the guy you met the day before.
Your mom was enthusiastic though, grabbing your phone from your pocket and handed it to him with an eager look. You could feel yourself practically melting out of your skin, pinching the bridge of your nose as you watched him put his number in.
She quickly gave you back your phone, before saying goodbye to him and walked off to the table she had all her things at. You awkwardly stood across from him with your lips pressed into a thin line, a sharp sigh leaving your lips.
“I’m so sorry about her..” You spoke quietly, your voice still shaky from the interaction. “No, it’s okay. I think you’re cute too, actually.” He stared down at the floor and crossed his arms over his stomach, a small smile on his face.
“Really? Didn’t even think I was in your league.” You chuckled lightly, running a hand through your hair as you leant against the building next to you. “Are you kidding? Dude, I was so embarrassed when Chris threw that ball at you. I thought you’d be weirded out by me or something.” He joined in on your laughter, his smile making you all warm inside.
Maybe you two would see each other again.
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kangshxrtie · 2 months
ch. 21 ⤍ the date
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"i feel like you brought me here to show off," you remarked as you put your skates on.
kazuha already had hers on and was patiently waiting for you, who was clearly struggling but insisted on doing it yourself. "why do you assume i'm good at this?"
"well, other than the fact that you magically put on your skates really fast, you're a ballerina. that has to translate to this somehow," you finally laced up your figure skates and were now ready to go.
"i've only done it a few times," kazuha replied as you two awkwardly walked on the figure skates to the rink.
"oh, is this where you take all your first dates?" you mumbled, but kazuha still heard it.
"oh yeah, i take all the girls here to impress them with my skills," kazuha teased.
"wait, really? wow, kazuha, you're so unoriginal," you gasped, rolling your eyes.
"i'm joking, you're literally the first girl i've taken on a date," kazuha confessed.
you smiled at that, "really? well, in that case, i have to make a good impression."
"you already are. i just like being with you," kazuha flirted.
"kazuha, i'm literally already on a date with you. you don't have to try that hard to impress me."
"i'm not trying to impress you, just stating the facts."
kazuha stepped onto the ice, doing a quick figure 8 to show off to you. you clapped for the japanese girl very loudly, "that's my girl—the girl i'm on a date with right there, everybody!"
kazuha blushed, covering her face as she went back over to the entrance where you were still standing. "you wanna try too?"
"hell no," you quickly shook your head. "i'm satisfied watching you do your thing."
"come on, it'll be fun."
"i don't know if i can do this, kazuha. i can't skate," you admitted, expressing your nervousness.
"you wanna hold my hand?" kazuha offered her hand, and you took it eagerly, stepping down onto the ice.
"see, it's not that bad," kazuha reassured after you two had been on the ice for a couple of seconds.
"i am literally gonna fall any second now. i feel it," you kept your eyes trained on the floor to avoid falling over.
"you're holding onto me, so i won't let you fall," kazuha assured.
you two had done a couple of laps around the rink, and you were actually starting to get the hang of it, while still holding kazuha's hand, of course.
"you're doing really good! i think it's time we move onto the next step," kazuha suggested, causing you to completely freak out.
"kazuha, if you let go of my hand, i swear i will never talk to you again!" you exclaimed, holding tightly onto the japanese girl's hand.
"i'm not letting go, we just need to speed up," kazuha chuckled.
"if we speed up, i'm falling on my face, and i don't want to embarrass myself like that. please don't make me, zuha," you pouted, hoping it would convince the other girl.
"i would never let that happen. just hang on tight," kazuha said softly.
after a couple of minutes of kazuha leading the way and you just following her lead, you were actually starting to enjoy this, even building up the courage to let go of kazuha's hand and skate on your own.
"zuha, look, i'm actually doing it!" you yelled proudly as you skated away from kazuha.
as you were skating, you realized you had no idea how to stop and accidentally went full speed into kazuha, who wrapped her arms around your waist to stop you, preventing the two of you from falling down.
"this was totally planned. i just wanted to be in your arms," you said, not pulling away to prove your point.
"so smooth of you," kazuha laughed.
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not wanting the date to end, you and kazuha went to a nearby place to get frozen yogurt. you both chose your favorite flavors and added your preferred toppings before going to stand in line.
"i'll pay for this part," you said as you two waited in line to pay for the cups.
"no, i asked you out, so i should pay," kazuha tried to argue.
"but you paid for the tickets, the skates, and the snacks we ate. i got this," you insisted.
"i wanna pay for you. let me pay," kazuha tried to pout.
the line moved, and you pulled out your phone to pay, but kazuha immediately stopped you.
"okay, here's what we'll do. i'll pay for the first date, and you got the second one."
"okay," you agreed, smiling to yourself.
the line moved again, and it was your turn. you placed your cup on the scale with kazuha's, and she paid for both of them.
you two walked over to sit down at a table, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the shop. the silence between you was noticeable, each of you feeling the awkwardness of a first date.
"so, do you come here often?" you asked, trying to break the silence, taking a bite of your yogurt.
"not really," kazuha replied. "but i do love frozen yogurt."
"me too," you said, smiling. "i don't get it a lot so it hits different when i do have it."
kazuha nodded in agreement. "i'm glad we could do this."
as you both savored your frozen yogurt, you noticed kazuha glancing at you with a thoughtful expression.
"i noticed you're less talkative when it's just the two of us," you said.
"it's because you make me nervous," kazuha admitted shyly.
"we've been hanging out casually for weeks now and you're still nervous?" you teased.
"us hanging out online and in person are two different things," kazuha said.
"but you weren't shy when you let me touch your abs the night i slept over," you reminded her with a playful grin.
"don't bring that up," kazuha covered her face.
"i enjoyed it though," you continued, unable to resist teasing her a bit more.
"oh—i mean you can touch them anytime you want—maybe not here—but yeah," kazuha stuttered out.
"i meant the sleepover, but i'll remember that," you said with a smirk.
"god, y/n, you can't do this to me," kazuha said.
you laughed in response, "okay, i'll stop."
"but i wanted to ask you something," you said.
"what is it?" kazuha asked regaining her composure and giving you her undivided attention.
"your friends call you zuha, so can i call you that?" you asked, breaking the silence.
"of course," kazuha replied, smiling warmly at you. "you can call me whatever you want."
"thanks, zuha," you said, testing out the nickname. "it feels nice to call you that."
"i like it too," kazuha said softly. "it feels more personal."
the conversation flowed naturally from there, talking about your favorite things, childhood memories, and anything else that came up. you were quickly lost in the conversation, the both of you taking this time to get comfortable with each other.
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k_a_z_u_h_a__ 1h gameryn 3m
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saltofmercury · 1 year
if your request are still open maybe a lil könig angst with a miscommunication trope 👀 if not i still love your writing! every piece blows me away 😄
here’s something small because I’m feeling like poop!
“You said you would be done an hour ago and our movie starts in 45 minutes!”
He’s sitting on the couch grumbling about going to see the movie before the previews. His leg, bounces up and down as he checks the time on his watch again.
“I’M GOING!” You yell back, trying to either pin back your hair or wear a hat. You decide on a hat and head downstairs. It’s so funny hearing him say 45 minutes early is considered late to him.
“Ok I’m ready, let’s go.”
You guys drive to the movies, hearing König rant about how they gotta get the good guy right. If they don’t the whole series is going to shit. You mentally prepare yourself for the questions you’re about to ask him because you don’t watch superhero movies… until he came along.
On the way back from the movie, you’re sitting hearing König complain about the movie being changed.
“Listen it’s BAD enough they changed the whole plot but did they have to make the bad guy a good guy? It makes no sense!”
He’s annoyed, pissed off at the fact that they change his comic book stories once again. You're just happy that he’s able to talk you through them —his brain is a whole encyclopedia of comic book knowledge.
You butt in, just for a quick second.
“Can we grab some frozen yogurt before we head home?”
He sighs, mumbles something about “being annoying” and makes a u-turn.
You’re stunned, kind of taken aback at the fact that he would say something like that. He’s always in the mood for dessert so it doesn’t make sense as to why he would say that.
He goes on about how producers are there to give money, not take away from the movie. He’s still babbling about it when you arrive at the store.
You reach the store, but the cravings are gone, replaced with anxiety, sadness, guilt.
“Come on schatz let’s go.” His tone has shifted again, you’re unbuckling your seatbelt, not wanting to stand there, pick out a flavor you want let alone toppings.
You can feel your stomach hurt, because if you’re being annoying for asking for yogurt, you’re probably even more annoying for picking out these things.
He walks through the store, already knowing what he’s going to fill his cup with — chocolate yogurt, Oreo toppings, and strawberries. He always gets the same thing.
You put the cup back, chewing on your lip, and tell him you’ll skip today.
“What? You wanted this.” He says, scooping up more Oreo topping on.
“I think I’ll skip, I'm sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry schatz.” He says it, not looking at you but the toppings again. He’s aware of your cravings, maybe you’ll want ice cream instead, and there’s plenty of that at home.
The drive home, he’s fumbling with his yogurt, while you’re fumbling with your emotions. What did you say for him to call you annoying? “Being annoying” replays in your head, you haven’t been called annoying since middle school.
You’re back at the house, quietly excusing yourself to go to the bathroom. You’re so hurt because why would he call you that? Why is he being so mean?
You decide to shower alone, letting him scroll through his phone at other movie reviews. You’re dressed and ready for bed, turning on your side without giving him a warning, as he peeks through to the bedroom.
“What?! It’s bedtime already?” He asks
“You didn’t even tell me to come shower with you schatz…”
“Hello?” He tries again, but you’re focusing on pushing back the tears.
“Schatz, hey…” he comes around your side of the bed, and you crumble.
“What’s wrong baby? Are you not feeling well?”
You sob, feeling so pathetic, not wanting to answer him.
He rubs away the tears, there’s a pain in his heart, hoping you’re just feeling sick, wanting some time alone.
“Y-you called me annoying… I don’t wanna bother you I’m sorry.” You manage to whimper out.
He looks at you with wide eyes, unsure of when he called you that because he would never tell you that to your face. He knows about being called annoying. From his father, his classmates, his older brother.
“When did I say that?”
“W-when I asked for yogurt.”
The conversation replayed in his head, when you asked for yogurt in the car, he was calling the producers of the movie annoying. Not you. Never ever you.
“Baby I wasn’t calling you annoying I was talking to myself you’re not annoying!”
Your sniffling stopped for a bit, but you’re back again, covering your face with your hands, feeling the heat in your face. Now you feel stupid.
“Come on, you’re never annoying.” He pets your face and hugs you, feeling like an asshole. How could you ever think that? He consoles you the entire night, feeling so shitty you could ever think you’re annoying to him.
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gurugirl · 1 year
Will you give us a little something else for the stepmom!reader fic? I'm really curious about how you'll go about it. Will it be anything like your stepdad!harry one? I hate/love stepdad!harry. I love reading it (super guilty pleasure) but in reality that man would be trash so I also hate him.
I'm really looking forward to the stepmom one though, as a 30 year old woman I feel like usually we see a lot of Harry being older and dominant but it would be fun to look at this in a different perspective with reader being a little older.
YES - i know what you mean about stepdad!harry. he's kind of trash but that's the whole point in that au. it's mostly about the smut. 😂
But for stepmom!reader it's not going to be like that at all. As a woman I cannot see her being toxic in the way I've written harry as stepdad.
This one will have some background about her marriage and the kind of arrangement she and harry's dad have.
While it's still a completely messed up situation, this one will be softer and there will be some pining a bit. I've got almost 20k words written for it already and I'm actually loving it. Harry meets yn when he's in college and an adult so there's nothing too odd about them being attracted to one another. She's about 7 years old than him. Harry will be a virgin but not for lack of confidence or charm. You'll see.
But I'll give you a little teaser below the cut (1.3k words). Enjoy!
She was in sweat shorts and a tank top and tennis shoes with no makeup. She had wanted to shower and get freshened up a little at least. Before Harry arrived. Though, she wasn’t entirely sure he actually would come on Friday as he said.
But then she laughed at herself worrying so much over how she looked to her stepson. A silly silly girl, she thought to herself. Who cares? Why should she care? She was doing all this for his birthday party anyway. And she was his stepmom.
Looking down at the placement of the dancefloor tiles being installed she allowed her mind to drift to that night at the club. His warm skin, his deep voice. The way he handled her like he knew what he was doing… She hated that she had been allowing those kinds of thoughts to trickle in about him. Hated, hated that two days ago when she had sex with Leo it was Harry she was thinking about.
She felt like a nasty and disgusting woman. A pervert.
In the early afternoon, the landscaper had gone and the garden looked like it was ready to be filled in with hundreds of people ready to party. She was proud of the way it turned out. It all looked great.
But she was hungry. She’d eat then shower. Hopefully before Harry arrived. If he arrived that evening.
The chef’s kitchen had a lovely granite island with unstained walnut and wide plank hardwood floors. The refrigerator was ridiculously large. Opening up the state-of-the-art appliance she peered inside trying to find something quick to eat. She planned on having cheese tortellini later on. Leo was out for the day and told her not to wait up. That he would be back late. Some conference or something. It wasn’t abnormal for him to be gone for hours or days. She enjoyed the quiet and loved to eat simple dishes when he wasn’t around. Things that she craved like macaroni and cheese, frozen fish sticks, or cheesy tortellini, and a bottle of wine.
She settled on yogurt and a double serving of granola as she sat at the island. She just needed an in-between lunch and dinner snack to tide her over.
Just before she scooped her last bite into her mouth she heard footsteps and then his voice, “Anyone home?”
She quickly scrambled off her stool and stood up just as he entered the kitchen. His dark curls were perfectly placed on his head and he wore a colorful Hawaiian-style shirt and black jeans with leather Chelsea boots.
“Hi! Yeah, was just eating a snack. Uh, make yourself at home, Harry!” Her tone was a bit too perky and she cringed at how silly she sounded.
Harry smiled gently and nodded as he dropped his gaze to her legs and back up, “Yes ma’am. Just gonna take this up to my room first.” He lifted his duffle bag, “Looks really good out there,” gesturing with his thumb over his shoulder, “Looking forward to it.”
“Oh, so glad you like it. It was some work to get everything just right. The guys setting up were so great, though. There are still a few more things to finish up tomorrow but I think for now we’re on track. But um…” she walked to the sink to rinse her bowl out as she looked over her shoulder at Harry, “I’m, uh… just headed to take a shower, though. Haven’t had the chance yet today. So…” she trailed off her sentence. None of what she was saying mattered to him at all. She was sure of that.
Harry puffed out a quick little laugh, “Okay. Yeah. Well, I’ll be in my room.”
Her shower was delightful but her nerves weren’t soothed. She was wound up tight and now that her stepson was here in her house, alone with her… she closed her eyes to compose herself. A ridiculous woman. A dirty and perverted woman. Who thinks of their stepson in this way? It’s absolutely disgusting. Immoral. Depraved. Evil. But it had all begun with that night and the way he danced with her. Innocent. Until it wasn’t.
She stayed in her room for a while. Not sure how she should go about acting casually in front of Harry. After that night at the bar, how could she? They had crossed a line. She had crossed a line. She took responsibility for this whole mess in her mind. She was the one at fault. Harry was only 20. Well, 21 now. Technically his birthday was today.
Fuck! She’d forgotten to wish him happy birthday!
Pulling her leggings up and slipping on a t-shirt she huffed as she paced the room. Well, now she had to go and tell him and also apologize for the state she was in when he arrived and how she’d forgotten and…
Calm down. He probably doesn’t even care, Y/n.
Knocking at his cracked open bedroom door she peeked in to see that Harry wasn’t in there. She looked down the hallway and for some strange reason she stepped into his room and her eyes landed on his laptop that was open.
He was watching porn. Y/n let out a surprised laugh and shook her head. She was overstepping so many boundaries. She looked at the screen as she moved away, intending on leaving his bedroom and going to find him when her eyes landed on the title of the video he had up.
Stepmom and Stepson Share a Bed
Her pulse grew fast and her palms began to sweat. Of course, perhaps that meant nothing. Perhaps that was just something he was watching that he found hot and didn’t realize it was stepmom porn or something…
She backed herself out of the room quickly but when she felt his hands on her shoulders and his voice, that fucking voice that sounded like sex, “You okay? Nearly ran me over-“
But he stopped short. He looked at the bed where his laptop was open and realized what she’d seen. He’d been saving his favorite stepmom porn videos lately. This one was just up. He wasn’t actually watching it before he’d stepped out of the room. It had just been on the screen when he closed out the Word doc he was working on for an essay at school.
“Fuck.” He whispered and released her shoulders, “Y/n, I… look that was just-“
Y/n turned with wide eyes and held her hand up quickly, “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have come in here. I was looking for you to um… I was gonna wish you a happy birthday, and I… I’m the one that should be sorry. That…” she pointed toward his bed, “I shouldn’t have seen that.”
Harry was embarrassed. He felt like crawling under the bed and staying there til the day he died. Never to be seen or heard from again. He was so careless to leave that up like that.
He swallowed and ran his hands over his face and shook his head, “Oh my god. Fuck.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Y/n placed her hand on his forearm and pulled one of his arms down, “Look at me.”
Harry opened his eyes and looked at her like she asked, “No worries okay? That was just nothing. It’s just porn. Everyone looks at porn. It’s normal. Okay?”
“Watching stepmom porn is normal?”
Y/n swallowed. She didn’t think he’d directly come out and say that, “Well… I mean… sure. If there’s a category on Pornhub for it that means someone likes it. You’re not the only one.” She tried to laugh but it died in her throat when Harry clenched his jaw and tilted his head back to look up at the ceiling.
“And besides,” her fingers tightened over his arm, “it’s not like that’s about me anyway. Come on… it’s just porn. So don’t-“
“Of course, it’s about you, Y/n. Why else would I be interested in that kind of thing?”
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infinitrix · 6 months
Menu items needed
Ok heres some things i have ready i need you guys to reblog and suggest some more menu items
[BBQ Nachos] [Meat Options: Shredded Chicken, Pulled Pork, Brisket (Can add multiple or on one side)] [Comes with Guacamole, Sour Cream, Salsa(on the side or on top is orderers choice)]
[Grilled Cheese](Suggested By Toriel)
[Cheese Sandwich(Contains Ranch,Cheese,And Bread, Double layered)](Suggested By Toriel)
[Garlic Bread](Any Toppings{Yes That Includes Gunpowder})(Suggested By Justice Clover)
[Fiesty Slider](Suggested By Justice Clover)
[Penne Pasta With Sauce Of Choice] [Optional Add Ins: Chicken, Pork, Beef]
[Pizza](Any toppings the Except Fruit)(Suggested By Deputy)
[Spaghetti With Sauce Of Choice] [Optional Add Ins: Chicken, Pork, Beef]
[Icecream][(Any Amount Of Scoops,Any Toppings, Any Flavor)]
[Chocolate Chip Cookies](Suggested By Deputy)
[Cake(Any Flavor,Any Toppings,Any Frosting)](Suggested By Deputy)
[Pudding(Any Toppings, Any Flavor)](Suggested By Toriel)
[Frozen Yogurt(Any Toppings, Any Flavor)](Suggested By Toriel)
[Root beer]
[Low Alcohol Wine Of Choice(wont get you drunk)]
[Soda (Any Brand, Any Flavor)](Suggested By Martlet)
[Milk(Any Type)](Suggested By Toriel)
[Icecream Float](Any Icecream, Any Soda)(Suggested by justice clover)
Now the menu needs more options so send me your suggestions
@deputyclover @another-face-in-a-sea-of-purple
@martlet-the-snowdin-builder @toriel-rp
And i will end the menu discussion at 10 PM GMT+3
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judewrld · 2 years
right through me [kylian mbappe]
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: first time with your boyfriend kylian
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: boyfriend!kylian x f!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: nsfw, 18+
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 2.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: slight swearing, dirty talk, soft sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, nipple play, fingering (f receiving), soft dom!kylian, sub!reader, unprotected sex, scratching, oral (f receiving)
⏤ 𝑎/n: soft sex with kyky, yes please.
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there are possibly almost a hundred stalls at the ice cream fair. some sell gelato, some sell frozen yogurt, some sell soft serve ice cream. you and rebecca, phil foden’s girlfriend walk
through rows upon rows of pop-up stalls. you had met her last year at the man city vs psg champions league game. it was your first official appearance at kylian’s game as his girlfriend and you had met rebecca on your way out to the stands. while your boyfriends played on opposing teams, the two of you bonded and forged a friendship that has only grown over the years. 
you want to eat almost everything, but you know that it’s impossible. rebecca can tell that you are eager to eat everything, but she reminds you that the two of you should probably just buy a flavor from several stalls to share between you to get the maximum amount of ice cream and time to still shop. you quickly agree with her idea.
there are a lot of people despite it being a weekday, so you hold onto rebecca's coat, trailing her like a puppy. you stop by several stores to take a look at the ice cream flavors.
“so, how are you and kylian?”
you look up from the selection of ice cream to answer her question, “we’re getting on fine how are you and foden?”
she smiles, “things have been a little tense now with two tots and all but we’re making it work.”
you clap your hands together in excitement at the mention of her adorable children, “how are the little monsters?”
rebecca giggles, “they’re doing great. lovely kids really, just the biggest cockblocks i’ve ever met.”
you snort, “you and phil are the biggest nymphos i know. there’s no way you’re complaining about your sex life?”
“you don’t get it! we went from having sex anywhere at any time to having to tiptoe around our own home just to kiss!”
“you chose motherhood.”
“yes but that doesn’t mean i was ready to say goodbye to my voracious sex life.” the two of you giggle at her comment and continue your way down the stalls, “so what about you and kylian? has he put it down yet?”
you blush and play with the string of your hoodie. “um no, not yet.”
rebecca stops in her tracks and stares at you mouth wide open, “what? why not?”
you shrug, “i guess the right moment just hasn’t arrived yet.”
rebecca hums, “and what exactly counts as the perfect moment for you?”
“i’m not sure, but kylian knows i’m still a virgin so he doesn’t discuss sex much in fear he might be pressuring me.”
rebecca nods slowly, “well, do you feel any pressure to lose your virginity?”
you take a moment to think through her question, “honestly? i really love and trust kylian, i wouldn’t mind losing my virginity to him…i guess i just don’t know how to approach the topic?”
“i think you should just tell him you’re ready. no beating around the bush, the more transparent you are the better for the both of you.”
you sigh, “i’ll definitely try my best. it’s a bit of a sensitive topic.”
rebecca smirks, “i’m sure it’ll be worth it in the end.”
you surprisingly don't blush at that, too preoccupied by the ice cream to actually process her comment. for the rest of the time at the fair, you share between eight servings of ice cream.
you’re holding onto the last cup of ice cream following rebecca to her car, she ushers you into the vehicle and quickly enters the driver's seat to get out of the cold, she turns on the heater once she’s settled before driving off.
"where are we going now?" you ask, finally finishing up your ice cream.
"shopping of course!"
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“how was your day out with becca, mon amour?”
you cuddle up into kylian’s side in your living room as you divulge details about your day to him. “it was fun! we went to the farmers market downtown before we did some shopping. how was practice?”
kylian reaches for the scotch bottle on the coffee table and pours himself a glass. you suck your teeth, “that bad?”
he hums and takes a sip of the scotch, “things are still tense between neymar and i. it’s throwing off the team dynamic completely.”
you pat his thigh in comfort, “the events that transpired between the two of you were pretty serious but i’m sure with time things will get better. this won’t be the end, he just needs time.”
“i’m not so sure things can be fixed this time.”  he replies simply before taking another sip of his scotch.
“i have faith in the relationship you have with neymar and you should too. he loves you like a brother he’s just hurt and that’s understandable.”
he turns his head to smile down at you, “maybe you’re right. i guess i just miss him.”
you smirk and flip your hair, “of course i’m right.”
kylian pinches your side, “when did your ego get so big?”
“i learned from the best.”
“was that a jab at me?” kylian asks, trying to hide his growing smile.
you shrug, “if the shoe fits.”
a hearty chuckle escapes your boyfriend lips and your heart swells at the sight of the bright smile occupying his face. your mind slowly drifts off to the conversation you had with rebecca, be direct and transparent.
“hey, kyky?”
he hums and polishes off the last of his scotch. “yes my love?”
you clear your throat and pull away from him for a bit. “i…i think i’m ready.”
kylian pauses. “oh- um, what brought this about?”
“i’ve been thinking about it for a while now but rebecca and i discussed it while we were out. i feel most comfortable when i’m with you,” you pause to look up at him to see how he’s taking in this information. “it’s almost as if you’re the only person who sees the real me and makes me feel appreciated. i can’t see myself trusting someone else with my body the way i trust you.”
kylian’s eyes rake your body, desire burning in his irises. he shifts his eyes to stare at your lips and begins to lean in. he takes his time, giving you the opportunity to pull away but you don’t. you want this.
he leans forward and allows his lips to graze yours, the faintest of touches. “are you sure you want to do this mon amour? we don’t have to.” kylian asks softly.
you shyly nod your head and lean in to close the gap but he pulls ways and shakes his head, “no love. i need to hear you say yes.”
“yes, i want to do this kylian.” you push forward allowing your lips to touch. he groans once your lips make contact. you’re unable to focus on anything other than the feeling of his lips on yours.
you can faintly taste the scotch he had just drunk on his tongue. he sucks harder on your lip and brings one hand down to your jeans and begins to undo the button and zipper before pulling them down leaving you in your underwear and hoodie.
he lets his eyes drink in the sight of you before leaning down to pick you up. you let out a yelp and grasp onto his biceps for protection, “w-what are you doing?” you sputter.
“i can’t make love to you properly on the couch, chérié.”
you blush at his words and bury your face into his chest, after a few strides kylian is opening the door to your shared bedroom and gingerly placing you on the bed.
he gets onto his knees and straddles your hips before reaching out to help you out of your pants and sweatshirt. you breathe in deeply savoring the way he feels pressed against you. the feeling of his warm fingers moving under the hem of your sweatshirt across your stomach. he lifts it off of your body and tosses it across the room.
“thank you for trusting me with your body.” kylian says before leaning back in and places his lips on yours yet again.
you moan into the kiss before he trails kisses down your jaw to your neck, his teeth brushing over your skin and making you shiver regardless of the heat being provided by kylian’s skin pushed up against yours. you close your eyes and relish the feeling.
with his lips still pressed against your neck, he whispers, “what do you want amour?”
your eyes flutter open as he slowly pulls away to look at you.
“i won’t do anything until you tell me what you want.” he reiterates before placing his lips back onto your neck, biting down making it harder for you to form a coherent sentence.
“i-i don’t know.” you say breathily but he chuckles in your ear, “yes you do amour, tell me what you want so i can make you feel good.” he says as he gently tugs at your underwear, you whine and raise your hips off the bed to allow him to take it off faster. he tisks, “i need to hear you say it.” you look up at him to meet his gaze, “i want you to touch me.”
his gaze hardens, “spread your legs chérié.” he orders.
he shifts his position and allows you to spread your legs before slotting himself in between them. he taps his fingers against your hips silently asking you to raise them. you shyly lift them to the best of your ability and let him pull them off of you, your arousal clinging to your underwear and clit.
once you’re completely naked, he brings his lips to your chest and roughly kisses your skin, his tongue probing at your nipple. you whimper when he bites your left nipple, the feeling overwhelming. he pulls back and looks at your bare body.
“fuck you’re so beautiful.” he mumbles before leaning down to toy with your pussy.
“you’re so wet too. did our kissing turn you on so much, love?” kylian asks, smirking down at you. your face heats up at his words but you don’t respond. while you are a virgin, you have engaged in other sexual acts with kylian, fellatio and cunnilingus  being the main two.
he looks back down at your pussy and shifts his position so he’s laying down in front of your pussy. he lets his pointer finger circle your clit for a little before running it along the slit of your folds. you let out a mewl at the feeling wanting more. “p-please ky..” You moan.
“patience amour.”
he dips one finger into you and you hiss at the feeling. it’s been a while since you’ve been touched down there by anyone and you’re extremely sensitive. “you’re so tight,” he says, pushing his finger deeper until the entire digit is buried snuggly inside you. you close your eyes and tug at the bedsheets, loving the feeling of him fingering you.
you’re a moaning mess by the time he manages to slide his whole finger into you. you clench around his fingers as he slides them in and out of your snatch and grasp onto your bedsheets. “does it feel nice to be stuffed with my fingers?” kylian asks.
you know your voice will fail you so you adamantly nod your head. kylian picks up the pace and your hips move to his strokes. kylian licks his lips when he feels your walls clenching tightly around his digits.
“i-i think i’m close.”
his fingers curl inside of you which causes your hips to jerk upwards. “are you cunning?” he asks cheekily.
you nod eagerly, “yes!” your eyes snap shut as you enjoy the feeling, “o-oh my god” you cry as you feel him kiss the inside of your thighs. he trails the kisses upwards until he’s face to face with your pussy and places a soft kiss on the nub before sucking on it, his tongue flicking around. he pulls his pointer and middle finger out so he can eat you out freely.
he licks the slit of your folds and firmly grips the flesh of your thighs most likely leaving marks.  arks that would remind you of this moment later on.
kylian picks up the pace, he’s going so fast that you let out a quiet scream. you fist and unfist your sheets as you rock your hips against his face and come.
your orgasm hits you so hard that tears fill your vision.
kylian allows you to ride out your high before coming up from your private parts and leans back down to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
“are you feeling alright love?” he asks as he strokes your hair. you’re heaving, trying to catch your breath.
“do you want to continue?”
you nod but then remember kylian wants verbal responses, “i do.”
kylian wastes no time in removing his shorts and boxers and gently moves up your body. you wrap your arms around his neck. “c-can you be gentle?” you sheepishly ask.
your question sends an immediate reaction to kylian’s dick, he swears he could have busted a nut right then and there. “of course chérie, i’ll be gentle.”
he tentatively strokes your folds with two fingers, eyes darting back up to yours to check your response. you hiss, still a bit sensitive. “is this okay? are you sensitive?”
“i’m fine,” you assure, “go ahead, i’m okay.”
he nods, gathering some of your wetness and smears it on his cock, a moan of relief leaving his swollen lips. “i’ve always wondered what it would feel like to be buried inside of you,” he says, angling himself better and positioning his cock near your entrance.
“please,” you whimper, biting back a cry once his length breaches your entrance. kylian lets out a guttural growl, slowly sinking into you and bottoming out letting you adjust to his length.
“you’re so beautiful.” kylian says , rolling his hips torturously slow. “you were made for me, amour. just for me.”
you open your eyes, taking a deep breath. “i’m ready, you can move now.”
kylian leans forward to place a kiss on your cheek, then on your jaw, and then on your neck. as kylian busies himself there he slowly begins to thrusts in and out of you.
your hands are all over him; clawing his back, gripping his biceps “amour,” he whispers, “you feel so good.”
The sound of your bodies slapping against each other plus your loud wanton moans and the creaking from the bed is all that can be heard reverberating around in the home. he thrusts two more times, his hips stuttering before he chokes out, “mm gonna cum.”
you scratch at his chest and bite your lip to suppress your moan, “m-me too.”
“you can cum amour,” kylian coos. he wraps his arms around you and hugs you closer to his body, the feeling of your chest pressed against him and his dick pounding into you is enough to send you over the edge.
“i’m cumming!” you mumble into his skin. kylian groans at the feeling of you cumming on his dick before his hips still and he comes inside you.
his lips are on your shoulders and neck, softly sucking on patches of your skin and murmuring sweet nothings as you calm down.
“i love you.”
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