#your grandmas don't speak prophecies?
Ice's Favorite Black Characters, #4
Angrboda, God of War: Ragnarok
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Okay so technically, I'm not fully informed because I have not finished the game (we got a lot of games to play at home. No spoilers!!). BUT! There are two reasons I love Angrboda enough to include her on this list.
FIRST, the moment I saw who they cast, I knew it was about to be white supremacist hell on the Internet. "A Negress? In my good Christian Viking White Fantasy World??" Yeah. Literally when I click images after typing her name in on Google, a fully whitewashed image appears. So you can see how I was arms up and ready to go. IDC what she does, I'm gone fight about it 🤷🏾‍♀️ Because don't have Black men voice Kratos for over a decade, don't have us entertain you, and then act like we can't be on screen with you. Fuck racists 😤
Second, her first meeting with Atreus/Loki and that entire section has sat with me to this day. Angrboda chafes at the idea of being the one little bit of Atreus' story. The prophesied one to tell him how to find his way, and then... Dassit. Be seeing ya! Back to home to her lonely, magical swamp with her ox, where her parents are dead, and her heartbroken toxic grandma hates/loves her but won't speak to her. A young woman who yearns to leave and do something big, to live life, shoved into a small role that's gonna kick off somebody else's grand hero's journey. That's it, that's the one meaning to your life, and at 14, it's been accomplished. Congrats.
Yeah she had every right to be salty about it, and I was happy she acted like it! She's right!! I'd be sick as fuck if it were me lmao. So many women designated to the whims of fate and mythology in some guy's story. Boooooooo! I really liked that that was a point for her! It was really cool seeing that yeah, i might recognize that I'm not the main character but damn lmao let me do something too! I am more than what this boring ass prophecy says I'm meant for!
I also love how they like... They act like teenagers going through identity crises. Obviously teens don't make the greatest decisions, but they're figuring it out, and that's okay! Yeah I think they were cute. Alas, people hate Black girls as love interests 😭
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Through Love And By Love (Pt. 2)
Draco Malfoy x Fem!OC
Summary: Twenty-Two years ago, Draco Malfoy used the imperius curse to slow Voldemort’s rise to power. No good deed goes unpunished. Warning: this series contains mature subject matter surrounding use of the imperius curse, reader discretion advised.
Part 1
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“I’m leaving, Draco.” Rosanna says, just loud enough for prying ears, taking the steps as fast as her legs will allow.
This is what they’ve decided, the best course of action. Stage a fight, make sure his parents hear, then keep away from each other; indefinitely. Because if the prophecy is only fulfilled through love and by love, the only option is not to love each other.
“So just like that then? You just run away?” Draco hopes this works, that they can actually stay away from each other. Anything to keep that prophecy from coming to fruition.
“I refuse to be sucked into your ‘high society’ ideals about which parts of me are good enough for you. You can’t just pick and choose!”
“You’ve no idea the implications, if I were to marry you-”
“Oh please, let’s not make this about what other people will think. If that was your only concern, we should’ve ended this a long time ago. But far be it from me to stand in the way of your family’s beloved traditions.”
“You know nothing!” Draco’s chest heaves under the weight of his words. “Therefore you are nothing.”
Rosanna and Draco don't speak after that. Not for the rest of the year, not over the summer. Not even after Lucius is put in Azkaban, awaiting trial for crimes against the ministry. Brushing passed each other at the train station without a glance.
Rosanna finds an empty train car on the Hogwarts express. Closing the sliding door behind her, she makes herself comfortable for a nap. Then someone barges in.
"What're you doing sulking in here?” Ron demands as Harry and Hermione follow him in. “We've been trying to reach you all holiday."
"I'm not sulking," Rosanna mumbles, under her breath. "I'm tired."
"And where have you been all summer?" Hermione asks, "we've been worried sick about you."
"I went to visit my Grandma, you know, 'across the pond' or whatever you guys say." Rosanna explains.
"So you haven't been in contact with Malfoy?" Harry has never been quiet about disliking Rosanna's ex.
"I'm not talking about him. If that's the reason you're here, feel free to leave." Rosanna crosses both arms over her chest.
"We're here because we're your friends Ro, we miss you." Hermione tells her, truthfully.
Rosanna sighs, she misses them too. "Did something happen? With Draco?”
"Haven't we just agreed not to speak about the bloke? Make up your mind." Ron laughs.
"Well if it's important-" Rosanna leans forward.
"We saw him in Borgin and Burkes over holiday." Hermione tells her, petting Crookshanks in her lap.
"Ok? Half their furniture is from Borgin and Burkes. I mean to me, it's hideous and depressing but that's hardly a cause for alarm." Rosanna shrugs it off.
"There were death eaters there." Harry goes on. "It looked like some kind of ceremony."
"What kind of ceremony?" Rosanna's brows pull together.
"Quit being a toss pot Harry." Ron scolds. "There's no way Malfoy's a death eater. What would you know who want with someone like him anyway?"
"I suspect it's got something to do with you." Harry eyes Rosanna, pointedly. Her friends are the only people she's told about the prophecy. It doesn’t make sense to them either.
"Come on." Rosanna rolls her brown eyes, slumping back into her seat.
"I'm sorry to ask, but do you still think you can trust him?" Hermione wonders, treading lightly as to not upset her friend.
"Yeah, actually I know I can." Ro nods.
"Then take my cloak, go talk to him. See what he has to say for himself. If you trust him, we trust you." Harry says, offering Rosanna his cloak of invisibility.
"Wish me luck." Rosanna raises her brows as she stands.
"Good luck." Hermione replies, with a soft smile.
"And no snogging that git." Ron adds, wagging a finger at her.
"No promises?" Harry cocks his head to the side, watching Rosanna disappear under the material.
"Shut up." She hisses, sliding open the door and tiptoeing into the hallway. Finding Draco with Pansy and Blaise seated at one of the tables in the next car over.
Rosanna leans down and flicks the outside of Draco's knee. Immediately his head snaps toward her. Obviously he can't see her; but it's almost like he can feel her proximity.
"I'll be back." Draco tells his friends, headed for the toilets. Once they're both inside the small room he flicks the lock shut. Reaching blindly in front of him, finding the cloak and pulling it over Rosanna's head.
"Rosanna, we-" he huffs, "we can't do this anymore." This is the first he's seen her in months. She looks the same, big brown eyes and thick black lashes; her cheeks peppered lightly with freckles and plush pink lips that tempt him to come closer. Her strawberry blonde waves are longer, held in two braids.
"I know..." Rosanna wrings her hands, anxiously.
"What's the matter, love." Draco's indifference falters.
"Harry thinks you're a death eater." Ro lets out a nervous chuckle.
"I am." He can't lie, not to her; not even now.
"What?" It feels like the walls are closing in on her. "Draco, I don't understand, this wasn't part of the plan."
"The plan was to convince everyone that we don't love each other anymore. That's what we decided, that's what I did. What more do you bloody want from me?" Draco snaps, he's not angry at her. He's angry at everything but, everything that was keeping him away from her.
"You took the oath, you have the mark, what does that mean for you?" Rosanna begins pacing in the small washroom.
"There's a vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement, it has a twin at Borgin and Burkes. They've ordered me to mend it. The death eaters are coming to Hogwarts as soon as it's fixed. I have to let them in. Then I have to kill Dumbledore." He tells her, matter of factly, because there is no alternative.
"Hey," Rosanna puts a hand on his shoulder. "Look at me. You're not gonna kill someone, that's crazy." She shakes her head, cupping his face in her hands. "We can go to Dumbledore, tell him what's going on. Maybe he can help you."
"I can't trust Dumbledore." He can't tell the man he's planning to kill him.
"Then who?" Rosanna demands.
"Snape." Draco decides, biting at the inside of his cheek.
"Out of everyone you trust Snape?" Rosanna scoffs in disbelief.
"He's a snake but he's not a narc." Draco defends his decision. "I don't pretend to think I can outsmart you know who. Dumbledore has to die. The cabinet has to be fixed. And as for us...you have to stay away from me."
"I'm trying." She needed to see him, so she could breathe again.
"I know this is hard, it kills me, that I can't be with you. But this is bigger than us, it's bigger than what we want." Draco reminds her.
Rosanna nods, "yeah, I get that. I just...I had to see if you were ok."
He softens visibly at her words, "what are you going to tell Potter?”
"I'm going to tell him the truth. I didn't see a mark, but you told me to keep my distance. I'm going to tell him that you know who is getting closer to making a move, that we're not safe." Ro decides.
Draco traces her features with his eyes. "The cabinet will only take a few months to fully fix, that's being generous. If I stall any longer they'll know."
"You're gonna talk to Snape right away?" She presses, this is too important to put off.
"The second I can." Draco agrees, with a nod.
"Take care of yourself." Rosanna whispers, straighten his tie. Which isn't crooked in the least, but this is all she's allowed.
Draco catches her hands with his own, bringing her knuckles to his lips. "I'll send for you when I have more information."
Christmas comes and goes without incident. Draco slips a message to Rosanna on the return train to Hogwarts, asking her to meet him in the room of requirement.
"It's nearly perfect." Draco tells her without preamble, the second she's within earshot. "I overheard Bellatrix and my mother talking. The death eaters are under explicit instruction to bring you to Malfoy Manor. It doesn't matter what we say, it doesn't matter what we do. They think...they think it's a child that brings the reign of the dark lord. Our child." Draco’s eyes are hollow, empty. "They're going to force us- I don't- I can't do it."
Rosanna stumbles backwards slightly, as the wind is knocked out of her. She wracks her brain for any rational thought.
"We can try to run, if we leave now, no one’s watching us." Draco offers, he'll leave his family, his home, and all his possessions if it means keeping her safe.
"They'll find us, you know that." Rosanna says, somberly.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I've been talking to Hermione about the prophecy for a while. The wording is tricky but I think as long as we’re not in love-“
Draco scoffs, “that ship has sailed.”
Rosanna understands that there is no getting out of this, but if they could make their suffering mean something...if they could stop Voldemort from rising to power; it would be worth it.
"What if we never worked on that project together third year, if you'd never asked me out. If we didn't go to the Yule Ball, if we didn't spend our free time together, if none of that ever happened; we wouldn't love each other. We'd hardly know each other." Rosanna reasons.
"Lots can go wrong with a time turner. Muddling in the past is sticky business." Draco supposes it could work, or they end up worse than they started.
"I was thinking, we don't have to change the past. We just have to forget it." Rosanna tucks both hands into her robes.
"It's not a bad idea," he'll give her that, "but I can think of a few reasons as to why it won't work."
"Ok, lay it on me." Rosanna insists, rocking back on her heels.
"For starters, memory charms aren't fool proof, they can be undone through the use of torture. That's besides the point, too many of my memories are wrapped up in us being together, information that you know who would know is missing." Draco says, tapping his fingers against his lips.
"Say we just get rid of mine." Ro bounces the idea off him.
"I suppose it could work. But he's been watching us since my father had me retrieve the prophecy. If all the sudden you're different-"
"What about the imperius curse?" She rubs at her temples, furiously. “Get rid of my memories, but from the outside looking in, it’d still seem like me.”
"I would have complete control over you, your every thought, every move wouldn't be your own, only what I decide it should be. Is that really what you want?” Malfoy's skin crawls with the implications.
"I don't wanna do this; but like you said, this is bigger than what we want." Rosanna implores him to see reason.
“You understand what you’re asking of me, don’t you?”
“You know me, Draco. Better than you give yourself credit for. I understand exactly how much I’m asking. But we are out of options.”
Draco takes a steadying breath, “alright.” She wins, she always wins.
“Can I ask you one more thing?”
“Go on.”
“The baby…our baby. Will you love them?” Even though they won’t be a pureblood. Even though they’re far too young.
“Yes,” there is no part of her that he could not love.
“And after,” Rosanna hesitates, “I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay with me because of the baby. We can figure out an arrangement-“
“I want to be with you, Rosanna. There will be no arrangement.”
“That settles that then,” she shifts between feet restlessly. Gathering the courage she closes the space between them. This feels different.
Draco’s arms encircle her waist, his icy blue eyes lost in hers. Then he leans in, pressing his lips to hers. “Promise not to hate me for the things I’ll have to do.”
“I could never hate you, Draco. Never again.”
“So you did hate me?”
“In the beginning.” Rosanna laughs, “you were an asshole.”
It’s not until she’s in the cage of his arms, pressing her face against his mark, that Draco realizes how dark it truly is. Branding him to servitude. He wants to tear her away from it. He wishes she never touched it.
“I love you, Draco.” The words cut like knives through his heart.
Why? “I love you.” He replies instead. I love you more.
“I saw you with Rosanna.” Leaving the room of requirement and walking opposite ways down the corridor. “Haven’t you done enough?” Harry has had enough of this game they play.
Draco would recognize his voice anywhere; and at the worst possible moment. Mind break down, hunched over the lavatory sink. “Leave it.”
“Whatever you’re up to, keep her out of it.”
“That’s none of your concern, Potter.” Draco spits, “she’s mine.”
In a fit of rage, Harry utters the words scribbled in the book of the ‘Half Blood Prince.’ The spell he’d never seen before. “Sectum Sempra.”
The incantation sends Draco to the ground, the flesh of his torso tearing open. Blood pooling from fresh wounds.
“Harry?” Rosanna’s voice startles him.
“Ro, I-”
“I was on my way back to the common room, then I heard you,” she explains. “Sounded like you were in trouble.” Her eyes find Draco, in a pool of his own blood. “What happened?”
“I dunno,” Harry rakes a hand through his hair. “It was an accident.”
“What spell is this?” Rosanna demands, kneeling beside Draco. Tearing open the front of his shirt to assess the damage. “Harry, what spell is this?” She asks, frantically.
“I found it, in that book I-“
“It doesn’t matter,” Rosanna places her hands over Draco’s chest, uselessly. More gashes creep over his skin. “Just get help, please.”
Harry sees it, clear as day. No matter how many times they’ve denied it, the way they cling to each other does not lie. They are in love. So he runs, down the corridor, finding the nearest professor.
Snape is not thrilled to find that Draco is not alone at the scene.
“Ms. McVay, this is the boy’s lavatory. Might I suggest you see yourself back to Gryffindor tower.” He says, beginning to work quickly over Draco’s wounds.
“I need to stay with him.”
“You’ll only make it worse on yourselves.” Snape drawls, in a way that tells Rosanna he is not merely referring to this moment.
“I know.”
Part 3
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samwisethewitch · 2 years
I sometimes forget how different the South is from the rest of the US (for better or worse) but then I see Northerners talk about how we don't have folk spirituality in America anymore and remember that I know multiple people who have Met The Devil and that my partner's grandma can use snakes to make it rain during a drought
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could you do prompts for the vibe of electro gypsy (by savlonic)? you are very good at vibes
Of course!
1) "Why do you always give me flowers?" "Because you always smile when I give you flowers."
2) "It's a beautiful song, what's it about?" "You."
3) "You're the chosen one." "Yeah, well, I wish I wasn't."
4) "Seems like we're stuck in this other world here. Is it bad that I'm happy about it?" "No. I am too."
5) "Holy shit! You're ginormous!" "I know, my body's gonna end up breaking the whole house if you don't get me that spell book!"
6) "You wished for me, you wrote me into existence because you wanted a friend. I'm here now. Aren't you satisfied?" "You're not my friend. You're a monster."
7) "Hey, why are the cars turning into cats." "No idea." "Really, so it has nothing to do with that wand we found yesterday?
8) "You're supposed to be royalty. How are you so bad at magic?" "I'm like thirteen and this is the first time I'm doing this, asshole!"
9) "My parents said I'm not supposed to open the door for religious people." "No, no, I'm your grandma. The witch from the other world who's here to teach you about magic!" "Yeah, my mom said I'm especially not supposed to answer the door if it's you." "Just let me in, little shit." "Fine."
10) "I wish I'd never been given that sword." "You were the only one who could wield it. You were the only one who could save us."
1) Person A finds a magical guitar that allows them to control plants. When they begin traveling around people assume the worst of them due to their appearance but despite this Person A always helps the crops and flowers grow strong and beautiful. When Person B finds out A's the one doing it they drop everything to travel with them. On the way they find a flute that controls luck of others. Taking it as a sign the two begin traveling the world, never once asking for anything in return but always playing music together.
2) Person A and Person B read a fantasy book they find in A's house and realize that the entrance to the fantasy world they're reading about sounds like it's in their town. When they look up the book and author they find that the book shouldn't actually exist and there's no record of it. They find the entrance in their town and end up going inside only to find themselves transported there when they enter. They're greeted by the people there who begin to talk about a prophecy and how A and B are the heroes who have come to save their town.
3) When A picks up an item a old person drops and leaves behind, they take it home with them. Their hair changes into a bright unnatural color, things that shouldn't fall from the sky begin falling from the sky. They can magically speak another language. Weird animals begin appearing everywhere. The world around them begins getting weirder and weirder, especially when A holds the item. Knowing they need to give it back Person A asks their best friend to help them track down the person who gave it to them.
4) Person A finds a book that begins to make everything written in it become true. A begins changing the world to make it better but when something traumatic happens to them they change their tune and write something bad to happen. The book begins whispering to them, asking for more and A finds themselves obeying and writing things they think should happen. When Person B sees this they do more research on the book and find that it's enchanted to cause chaos and promises the writer anything they wish in return for them to do their bidding. The chaos begins to make the book stronger and it's not up to Person B to save A and the world.
5) Person A and Person B find a wand that only works for both of them. It's useless in anyone else's hands and when they discover it's because their parents aren't from their world originally they confront them about it. The parents admit they're from a magical world but tell them that they grew tired of the other world and just wanted a normal life. A and B are pissed and demand to go to the other world. They go to stay with their grandparents in the other world and find out they're royalty. When their magic is too strong and the pressure to be somebody is now on them they realize that their parents might be right about the situation.
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go-angelk1 · 4 years
Modern day Riku, I prefer him with this hairstyle than the one in the show.
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" your mom looks young, how old is she?"
Towa sitting in his room thought about it " I don't know, I never asked"
" well she's pretty, you think I have a chance" he smiles
Towa disgust smacks him in the head " chill, she's my mom"
Riku chuckle " anyway, how is your homework on feudal Japan coming along"
" it's alright, but I still don't have a clue on why Mr. Osamu, so fixed on making us learn about the past. Its so boring"
Riku opens his book " you'll be surprise on what you may find, my friend. Who knows maybe your father might know a thing or two"
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Towa frown " don't even mention that Bastard, he abandon my mom and I and took our brother. Well that's what grandma said anyway"
Riku thought it was interesting to see how his youkai flared while talking about his father. He figures, towa is unaware.
............................................................................( past)
Sesshomaru is seen talking with tree Kikyou. He didn't like what she was speaking of. The barrier that protects Toga is breaking. Kikyou tells him if he does not let his sons destroy kirin, than she will reveal their hideout. Sesshomaru grabs her neck out of anger " do not test my patients miko, this sesshomaru do not take threat lightly"
Kikyou laughs " you lie, I can see right through you. Your worried for them and your precious mate. With kirin knowing the truth about the portal, who to say he won't find away to get there and kill her"
Sesshomaru squeezes her neck one last time before letting her go, " you may have trapped me in the spirit realm, but once I am free, I will destroy you"
Tree Kikyou walks away, if she wanted her plan to work, she had to trap sesshomaru. Giving him an alternator was a bad idea. Who would have thought sesshomaru would choose to be without his wife? And foresakin his daughter. She had hope he would make her use kagome as a life line, but rin will have to do, she thought.
She walks to the unconscious young girl. " poor child, I'm sorry it had come to this. Your my ticket to the real world and the spirit realm. Your father may not want your brothers to get involved, but the prophecy has to go on. "
....................................................... Elsewhere
" Master Jaken, father isn't coming back is he?"
" lord sesshomaru said he will come, have faith in him"
Toga sigh and look at the barrier " I know you know why father trapped us here"
Jaken sweats out of nervousness. Toga touches the barrier and watch as it waves.
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" I won't hold you against it, father must have a reason"
" and that he do young man," a mature voice said
Turning around, Toga saw a woman in a priest's outfit. Jaken Gasp and told his master to stay behind him.
" I believe we haven't met" she says walking towards him
Toga Alert asks who she was, tree Kikyou smiles and give him a gentle look " I'm the tree of time"
To be continued..............
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