#your honor it’s about having something preventing you from expressing emotion and finding a way anyway
the-acer-scientist · 2 years
something about ostensibly nonhuman characters that get really intense humanization arcs is so fundamentally important to me. especially how they express their humanity. spoilers ahead for Wolf 359 episode 41: Memoria and Malevolent episode 20: The King
Hera. An AI, who ostensibly is driven entirely by ones and zeros and whose personality is supposed to be preordained and unflappable. Has not only an anxiety/panic attack, but learns, with help, that it’s her “own” self-doubt that holds her back, and she learns how to grow with and out of it.
John Doe. A piece of a malevolent eldritch god who kills for fun and cannot fathom the idea of interacting with mortals he cannot use to his advantage, who learns, with help, that sometimes mortals are worth spending time with, that not everyone is expendable, and even learns to care without expecting anything back. Who learns how to depend on mortals, even. To trust, and maybe even to (platonically) love.
neither of them have a corporeal form, but hera’s anxiety manifests as a glitch and the ship itself falling apart, and John has to request that Arthur repeat his last words to Lily. despite their circumstances, they make do to experience the human emotions they’re experiencing.
and I’m specifically going to reference the line “Is it an odd feeling? My tears?” because yes, a good chunk of Arthur’s grief over Lily is because he sees her as an extension of Faroe (helpless being he feels responsible for that he ‘failed’- see his mistranslation of John’s very last words to Lily which I will DIE mad about because damn you Arthur he’s been your eyes faithfully for this long be his voice this ONCE), but for the voice inside his head to be so overcome with emotion that John himself is able to cry with tear ducts that he does not have- the shared experience between Arthur and John of mourning and literally sharing each others grief because there’s only one set of eyes to cry from-
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donat-senpai · 6 months
This work lay in drafts for a very long time. Now I have translated everything. Woohoo! (Reminder: English is not my native language. There are mistakes here)
Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with the yandere! Pairing: Yandere! Ketheric Thorm x Reader, Yandere! Enver Gortash x Reader, Yandere! Orin the Red x Reader tw: platonic obsession, manipulation, restriction of freedom, mention of murders
I'm ready to throw an idea at you. Attention. You get into the bg3. BUT you aren't Tav and you aren't together with Tav. You find yourself among the Chosen Three. And they become platonic yandere!
Ketheric Thorm, Enver Gortash and Orin the Red will know that you know about their future. You know how to achieve certain events, as well as how to prevent it. Keeping you close is not only a necessary measure, but also an advantage. From now on, they must do everything to prevent Tav from finding out about you and taking you away.
You spend the least amount of time with Ketheric Thorm. As the leader of the army, he is always in the most dangerous places of the war. Besides, the Moonrise Towers are a dangerous place. There are a lot of killers there. You are usually in full view of Ketheric. Over time, you begin to get used to it. Ketheric listens, but often doesn't pay attention. You can tell him anything. At this time he goes about his business, sometimes nodding to you. But if you suddenly ask him a question, he will simply look at you menacingly, making you afraid. The old man is not angry. He just didn't remember anything you said and doesn't want to admit it. Your voice helps him not to worry. If you're still talking, it means you haven't been eaten. Therefore, he can continue his business. When you leave the Moonrise Towers, Ketheric looks with bitterness at the things you leave behind. It reminds him of the times when he was still a father. Perhaps he will put your drawing or note in one of his books.
Orin will become friend or foe depending on your decision. If you refuse to help them, She will find ways to make you talk. Her ideas about the world are very perverted, so friendship with Orin barely differs from enmity. She will take great pleasure in fooling around with you. She likes to scare you by telling you colorful ways of killing you. You will probably not be able to make friends because of her. It's hard to trust someone and tell your secrets when that someone could be Orin herself. She will need time to convince Gortash and Ketheric to allow you to visit the Bhaal’s Temple. They don't trust Orin. The more disgusted you are by the atmosphere of her temple, the more fun she will experience. In the depths of his bedroom, Orin will get a little soft. She will let you play with her hair. And she will talk about the teachings of Bhaal, but not with the intention of scaring, but with the desire to share something hidden for her. She will also want to teach you how to make a sacrifice to her god correctly. If you refuse, she will be upset, but will not insist. (Gortash made it clear to her that she should not break you.) Then she brings you back and avoids you for a week or two. It's new for her to feel this way. Not even her family received this honor. When she calms down and copes with unusual emotions, she will visit you again. And she will promise to kill you in the most beautiful way possible when necessary. It's not a threat. This is her expression of love.
It is with Lord Gortash that you spend the most time. His castle is safe, and the Steel Watchers walk around the city everywhere. You are well dressed and always look great to match him. High society is asking questions about who you are to him. Are you a lover, relative, decoration or pet? Only you and Gortash know that you are a means to achieve his goals. And only Lord Gortash knows that you are someone he has grown more attached to than he should have. He gives you almost anything you want, but expects you to cooperate in return. In addition, Gortash believes that just looking beautiful next to him is not enough. Therefore, all your free time (which is not much) will be occupied with training. If you escape from the castle (which is absolutely impossible), the guards will bring you back. Gortash is perhaps the only one among the owners of three stones who understands that your usefulness is not constant. Everything can go along the route you know with minor changes in his favor. Or it may happen that what is happening will become completely new even for you. Sometimes he jokes that he will throw you out when you become useless. But you still remember how Lord Gortash got angry at the impudent Count for asking to take you as his wife and Gortash ordered the insolent man to be executed.
Somewhere in the universe, the Emperor turns the table in a rage and demands Tav to quickly find and save (kidnap) you. (I don't know how he found out about you ._.)
Tav sighs tiredly and silently agrees. They're too tired of all. They just hope that their new future ally will be a little less problematic than everyone else in the camp.
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thecosmicangel · 1 year
new moon messages 🌑🔮✨ 9/14-9/15
Earth signs Edition
⭐️The Hindu goddess Kali is showing up in your reading, she is here to tell you it’s time for a total transition. Release from all attachments. Kali is here to bring total destruction and sudden transformation. She is here to break false knowledge and illusions which have resulted in addictions.Kali is here to help you face your fear of pain and loss, receive her protection and move forward. Be assured that when it seems your world is coming to an end it is merely a cycle of death and rebirth. Through shedding what no longer serves you, comes ultimate freedom.
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⭐️A period of frustration is here for lessons to be learned. Spiritual development, enlightenment and awareness come through deep transformation
⭐️A change for the better
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⭐️There is danger ahead that cannot be ignored. An immediate change of behavior is essential or you will fall into danger. You are being warned that you are on the path of self destruction. Your chronic inner struggle has led to exhaustion and debilitating burn out. What danger signs have you been ignoring?
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⭐️It is time to redirect your will from its destructive inward attack. Ask your self if you are allowing others to help in your self-destruct. You are being invited to use the fire to transform your energy and break patterns of self destruction in yourself.
⭐️Your community or people close to you can help you improve or continue to self destruct.
⭐️You are being manipulated by a group of people yet you are not aware you are giving your power away.
⭐️Self manipulation by negative thinking and pessimistic attitude
⭐️Stay away from pessimistic and manipulating people
⭐️You are in need of isolation in order to receive realizations and clarity to start fresh or receive new ideas
⭐️There is something you need to release and speak up about. Release any repressed emotions to release tension from the body. Express all you have stored in your heart to release emotional blockages.
⭐️Bring out your inner child to help you play and not take life so seriously. Express yourself without judgment and bring out your creativity
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⭐️Work on building patience, learn to embrace inner calm
⭐️Be open to receive the flow of stellar support always available to you
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⭐️Through patience the way is cleared and illuminated, knowing all is coming in perfect time.
⭐️All is unfolding as it should there is no need for concern, stop taking things so seriously and trust!
⭐️Everything will fall into place and become clear when it is meant to, take it easy for a while
⭐️Need to relax, by putting all your focus on what you want you are in a way preventing the natural fold of events to unfold.
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⭐️Surrender any project or concern to the angels in the knowing that all is taken care of.
⭐️Surrender , release the need to control
⭐️A positive transformation is occurring
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⭐️Something which no longer serves you is about to end, a manifestation comes in and an exciting new chapter in your life is about to unfold
⭐️Success/ successfully overcoming a problem
⭐️Focus on gratitude for what you have, nurture yourself and do more things which nurture your soul instead of worrying
⭐️Stand up for what you believe in, the universe is testing your faith and strength. Stand firm in your beliefs and conviction, yet do not allow resentment or anger to take over.
⭐️Time to let go of what you think is logical and trust your feelings/ intuition
⭐️Ask yourself what you would truly love to do or experience at this point in your life. If you could do anything what would you do? Find the answers in your heart not your mind.
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⭐️Trust your feelings and journal to express and explore all you would love to be, have, and do in life.
⭐️Honor your body, your physical vessel enriches your soul.
⭐️Misused and misunderstood sexual energies
⭐️Sexual energy when honored and combined with love takes on a sacred form and becomes extraordinary power
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⭐️Sexual energy is the greatest creative force learn to control and direct sexual energy in order to achieve great things in all areas of life. Sexual energy= creative life force
⭐️Honor your body and sexuality and don’t let just anyone access to it
⭐️Learn to control lustful desires and don’t let them control you
⭐️Accept the failures in your life as perfect opportunities to learn
⭐️Hearing advice from a friend
⭐️Let go of desired outcomes and you will get what you want
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Signs/ synchronicities: pin, bridge, butterfly, funnel, dog barking, stars, harp, arrow,chairs, torch, pineapple. Scorpio, Kali, Sagittarius, Saturn , Jupiter, libra
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Christoph’s Esquire 2023 Interview
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Here is a translation of Christoph's interview with Patrick Heidmann featured in the new Esquire Magazine :
Christoph Waltz is looking a little skeptical for our greeting on the terrasse of the time-honored Ausonia Hungaria hotel on the Lido di Venezia. Typical. During our conversation he expresses precise thoughts, formulated moodily. Just as typical.
Mister Waltz, a few years ago I asked if acting was a passion to you. You denied and said it was simply a profession. Is your view still the same?
Well, what do you mean, ‘denied’? I questioned it, or rather, I questioned whether it is something worth worrying about. In general, I think that the so-called passion that now likes to buzz through the vocabulary in conversation is grossly overrated. As if it was only about the extend of my emotions for or against a matter. That doesn’t strike me a particularly valuable or productive approach. Passion is an emotional matter which in my opinion fails to contribute to ascertaining the truth in most cases.
You sound like you have a very pragmatic view of your job.
Yes, I have.
Does that also mean you could live without acting? Or would you be missing something?
I don’t know, I haven’t tried, and I don’t intend to, I’m way too stubborn for that. Whether it is acting or something else, the significance may decrease over time, but what becomes increasingly important is that you deal with something in such detail that you spend a lifetime with it. I have to invest many, many years to reach a certain level. This investment is permanent, it isn’t suddenly completed from which point on I’ll be able to live on the interest. Of course, I suppose I could do that, but I don’t find that very interesting. For that reason alone, it's only logical that I continue to practice what I've been doing for the past 45 years.
Your new film Dead for a Dollar is a classical western in many ways. Do you have a special connection to this iconic genre?
No not at all. I have neither a great knowledge nor a special fascination for it. In general, genre is not a category that particularly interests me. I watch each film individually. Of course, certain regularities are unavoidable in westerns, which makes them a genre. But I don't really think about their requirements. I don't analyze it and I don't read anything about it either, although there is - guaranteed for good reasons - a lot of literature about it. However, I just care about the story at hand.
Do you have certain criteria that you use to decide whether a project or screenplay interests you? Is the story the most important thing? your specific role? Or the person behind the camera?
It's more of an amoeba thing. A combination of many aspects that always fluctuates dynamically. And it still fluctuates dynamically even while a film is being made. That is why I have no strict set of rules I follow point by point to reach a decision.
But are these more head decisions? Or is it mostly a matter of gut feeling? It's difficult to prevent gut feelings from playing a role.
Something that makes sense in every way, but I don't like wouldn't make much sense after all. And if you're thinking about something for too long and you're struggling with it, it's better to let it be.
The director of Dead for a Dollar is Hollywood icon Walter Hill. Does it make a difference for you to work with someone so experienced?
Of course. Not the fact that he is an icon, but the difference lies in what made him an icon. To work with someone who has been working as a director for over 50 years can’t be measured in gold. Few people have so much experience. I find that incredibly attractive. Because the start-up phase, the intermediate phase, the many ups and downs - all of that has long since been overcome. When someone is as experienced as Walter, they approach things in a much more direct way.
Conversely, directorial debuts are not really your thing?
This is actually a completely different situation. And no, they’re truly not my thing. Partially, because I'm not completely inexperienced myself. Certainly, there can be exceptions, with particularly interesting projects, where I think for special reasons that I can really make a good contribution and I'm willing to get involved with it for other reasons too. But as you can see, there are quite a few ifs and buts. Overall, I find it very rewarding to work with very experienced people. Simply because, as I said, the way to the core is a shorter one.
You’ve already directed yourself. Are you still interested in directing something in the future?
Yes, I have plans to do it again. But for now, they remain my plans. To turn them into more, they would have to become the plans of others too.
At the world premiere for Dead for a Dollar you spoke of discipline. Is that the A and O for an actor?
No, in this context it was only about the fact that Walter Hill as a director is a very disciplined worker. But I think taking a certain discipline as a requirement without making a fuss about it is a wonderful thing. It starts with that! All know what they have to do and are willing to do it, under conditions that should not be detrimental to the cause. That’s all. I never meant a Prussian military discipline. Just keep going, sensibly, that’s enough.
During your career, you have certainly come across colleagues who handle things differently. How do you deal with that?
That is certainly happening more and more often. The question is less how you deal with them and more how you get away from them! If, as is now occasionally the case, as the eldest on location, you simply do your job in a disciplined manner, completely independent of the magnificence of the art, then many more pull themselves together. And that's very good.
Why is it becoming more common for others to have a perhaps not-so-solid work ethic?
Because it's becoming more and more important for many people how they feel. Which brings us back to the question of supposed passion.
In Dead for a Dollar your character is asked if he is actually Swedish or Dutch. The dry answer is: I'm an American. Do you now also feel like an American?
No, but I also have no idea how one feels like an American. The culture is certainly becoming more familiar, but that is specifically the Californian culture. The differences within the country are at least as big as they are in Germany. I will never feel like an American. I arrived there much too late for that.
Is your connection to Europe still strong? Do you follow what is happening in the old homeland?
I follow the Bundesliga a bit. And otherwise, when crucial things are pending, such as the elections in Italy or the federal presidential election in Austria.
And the German-language cinema?
If things come my way that interest me, then of course I look at them. But I wouldn't call that active pursuit.
Do you sometimes still get offers for roles in German films?
Occasionally there will be more offers. But, only for films that I would not have accepted even 30 years ago. That's very strange.
Quickly following up because Mikhail Gorbachev died this year. Shouldn't you be in a miniseries starring Michael Douglas as Ronald Reagan?
That is no longer current.
But you will be seen as the great filmmaker Billy Wilder in a film by Stephen Frears, correct?
Yes, that is still happening. But it must be noted that it won’t be a biopic. I wouldn’t have agreed to one.
Why is that?
Because I'm stuck trying to imitate people. The audience then expects mimicry, and that's what an impersonator does. Some are incredibly good at imitating people, but I’m not. I don't like biopics that become a make-up opera that's all about the resemblance. I know there are many who find this fascinating, but it bores me terribly. Billy Wilder & Me is different, a very personal story in which I'm not even supposed to play the main character. The film is not based on a biography but on a novel, the protagonist is a fictional character, and the story is limited to a very specific period of time. That was important to me and deflated my fear of biopics
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pxuit · 1 year
Sensitive people:
Sensitive people, or highly sensitive people (HSPs), are individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to various forms of stimuli, such as sounds, smells, emotions, and pain. They tend to process information more deeply and feel more intensely than others. Being highly sensitive is not a disorder or a flaw, but a natural personality trait that affects about 20 percent of the population¹.
Being an HSP can have both advantages and challenges. On the positive side, HSPs are often more empathetic, creative, conscientious, and aware of subtleties. They can appreciate beauty, art, and nature more deeply, and have a rich inner life. They can also be excellent problem-solvers, communicators, and leaders.
On the other hand, being an HSP can also be stressful and overwhelming. HSPs may struggle with overstimulation, anxiety, low self-esteem, and feeling misunderstood. They may be more prone to negative emotions, such as guilt, shame, and fear. They may also have difficulty setting boundaries, expressing anger, and coping with criticism.
However, there are ways that HSPs can thrive in today's fast-paced and noisy world. Here are some tips for highly sensitive people to cope with their sensitivity and make the most of their strengths.
Get enough sleep and rest. Sleep is essential for HSPs to recharge their energy and calm their nervous system. Aim for at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night, and avoid stimulating activities before bedtime. Also, take breaks throughout the day to relax and decompress.
- Eat healthy foods regularly. HSPs may be more sensitive to hunger, thirst, and blood sugar fluctuations. Therefore, it is important to eat nutritious foods at regular intervals to maintain physical and mental well-being. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods that may trigger anxiety or mood swings.
- Wear noise-reducing headphones. Noise can be a major source of stress for HSPs. Whether it is loud music, traffic, or conversations, noise can easily overwhelm an HSP's senses and attention. Wearing noise-reducing headphones can help block out unwanted sounds and create a more peaceful environment.
- Plan ahead and avoid triggers. HSPs may find certain situations more challenging than others, such as crowded places, violent movies, or tight deadlines. To prevent overstimulation or panic, it is helpful to plan ahead and avoid triggers as much as possible. For example, choose off-peak times to go out, watch uplifting or inspiring shows instead of violent ones, and set realistic goals and priorities for your tasks.
- Work around triggers when necessary. Sometimes avoiding triggers is not possible or desirable. For instance, you may want to attend a concert or a party with your friends, even if it means facing loud noises and crowds. In that case, you can work around your triggers by preparing yourself mentally and physically beforehand, bringing along some soothing items (such as earplugs or a scarf), and limiting your exposure time.
- Have a quiet space to retreat to. HSPs need a place where they can escape from the chaos and noise of the world and reconnect with themselves. Having a quiet space in your home or office where you can meditate , read , journal , or just breathe can be very beneficial for your well-being. Make sure your space is comfortable , clean , and free of distractions.
- Give yourself time and space to process things. HSPs tend to think and feel everything more deeply than others. They may need more time and space to process their experiences , emotions , and decisions . Don't rush yourself or let others pressure you into doing something you are not ready for . Instead , honor your own pace and intuition , and ask for support when you need it.
- Limit your exposure to negative media and people. HSPs are easily affected by the negativity they see or hear in the media or from other people . Too much exposure to violence , injustice , or suffering can cause them to feel depressed , angry , or hopeless . To protect your mental health , limit your exposure to negative media and people , and focus on the positive aspects of life instead . Surround yourself with uplifting , supportive , and respectful people who appreciate your sensitivity.
- Embrace your sensitivity as a strength. Being highly sensitive is not a weakness , but a strength . Your sensitivity allows you to experience life more fully , deeply , and meaningfully . It also enables you to empathize with others , create beautiful things , and make a positive difference in the world . Don't let anyone tell you that you are too sensitive or that you need to change . Instead , embrace your sensitivity as a gift , and use it to enrich your life and the lives of others.
Being highly sensitive can be both a blessing and a challenge . By following these tips , you can learn to cope with your sensitivity better , reduce your stress levels , and enhance your happiness . Remember that you are not alone , and that there are many other HSPs out there who share your experiences and feelings . You are a valuable and unique person , and your sensitivity is a part of who you are.
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lawngnomeofdoom · 3 years
Part Four: when I'm near you
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five Part Six Part Seven
Summary: Connor seeks advice on his new emotions from Markus, but when Connor is resistant to his suggestions, Markus decides to force his hand. Some jealous Connor fluff!
A/N: Yay part four! Thank you for reading this far and for all the kind messages, hearts, and reblogs, it all means the world to me. Keep being kind to each other :)
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“Markus, thank you for agreeing to meet with me,” Connor said rising from the café table to greet his friend.
“Of course Connor, I must say that I was surprised that you asked me for coffee though,” Markus said taking a seat across from him. Outside the café’s window was the police station, and citizens of Detroit moving about their day, humans, and androids alike, thanks to Markus.
“Oh?” Connor asked wondering what social faux pas he had committed now.
“Well I’m happy for the company Connor, but neither of us drinks coffee.” He explained.
“Right, I suppose it’s a human phrase I’ve picked up.”
“So, what’s on your mind?” Markus asked, his eyes studying Connor’s. Seeing Markus and other members of Jericho act so naturally human was a wonder to Connor, but it also made him feel inferior in some sense, why couldn’t he adjust like them? He did think he had been making decent progress until Y/N arrived.
“I wanted to ask you for some advice regarding new emotions I’m struggling with.”
“I see, what emotions seem to be troubling you Connor?”
“Ones having to do with…affection.” He replied after a brief pause. To Connor’s surprise, the corners of Markus’ lips crept up into an amused smile.
“What’s her name?” He asked. Connor’s face became bashfully blue with a thirium blush. He thought of feigning offense, why would Markus assume he had to ask about a particular person? But the success of that scenario was well below 0%, Connor knew that without a preconstruction.
“Y/N.” He admitted finally.
“Tell me about her.” Markus grinned ear to ear as he leaned back in his chair.
“I met her at the station, she is a detective and an old friend of Hank’s. She’s highly intelligent, a very efficient officer. Her work ethic is one I greatly admire.” Connor told him. Markus raised a brow.
“And… she has a lovely laugh, something about it brings about a certain feeling akin to peace in me. Y/N is kind, she treats me like…like a person, with respect and integrity. I have found myself enjoying listening to her speak, even if it is on mundane things, she makes them fascinating somehow. I have also found myself trying to memorize things about her, the way she likes her coffee, the way she bites her bottom lip when she’s thinking, and the songs she hums to herself. Oh and she smells like lilacs.” Connor finished. He looked up to see that the expression on Markus' face had shifted from playful curiosity to a sincere gaze.
“Oh, Connor.” Was all he said.
“I am struggling because I find myself distracted by Y/N on a daily basis. My eyes and my thoughts always wander back to her. We were at a crime scene and I whispered something lewd in her ear, I’ve never done anything like that before.” Connor finished.
“What do you need from me, Connor?” Markus asked leaning forward.
“I wanted your advice on how to rectify the situation.”
“Yes, I…” Connor glanced around their surroundings and leaned in, whispering to him.
“I had lustful thoughts about her just the other day. I imagined her and I were… well long story short, I imagined her in a rather compromising position over my desk.” Connor told him as softly as possible. Markus kept a straight face for a moment until his bottom lip quivered and he burst into a fit of laughter. Connor sat back with his hands on the table, perplexed by the hysteric reaction.
“I’m sorry Connor, I really am. I just never thought I would see this day.” Markus explained after catching his breath.
“What day?”
“The day Connor, the most advanced android out there, has a crush on someone.” He smiled.
“Markus don’t be ridiculous. We discussed it the other day, Y/N and I are just friends.”
“Do you imagine bending all your friends over your desk?”
“No! That’s precisely why I need your help in preventing those thoughts from further polluting our friendship.” Connor insisted. Markus shook his head.
“Connor, this is a confusing time for our people. Every new emotion is terrifying, uncharted territory but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore it. It means the exact opposite in fact.”
“I don’t think I can do that, thank you for meeting with me Markus but I’ll just have to figure this out myself,” Connor said standing from his seat briskly and leaving Markus alone in the café.
A few hours later Connor glanced up from his terminal for the tenth time in the last half hour hoping to see you at your desk. He knew you’d be at lunch around this hour, but you usually took it at your desk, or if you did go out for food it wasn’t for this long. Hank noticed his constant checks and rolled his eyes.
“She said she was with a friend for lunch.” He grumbled.
“Oh." Connor said fiddling with a pen. A clock ticked loudly in the mostly vacant station.
“What friend?” He asked after a moment. Hank raised a brow.
“I didn’t interrogate her on who she eats burgers with, does it matter?”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.” Connor yielded. Another few minutes went by and Connor’s head shot up as he heard your laugh echo across the station along with a familiar male voice. His eyes quickly found you as you walked to your desk, located to the right of his own. He noticed first that the man you’re with has his hand on the small of your back, and that man was Markus.
“Jeez Connor, you okay?” Hank asks. Connor notices for the first time that he had completely crushed the pen he had been holding, the ink staining his hand.
“You can’t be serious Markus that is unbelievable.” You say sitting down in your desk chair. Markus sits on the edge of your desk facing you, he gives Connor a sly side-eye before continuing.
“Honest to God, can’t make stuff like that up. Oh, hey Connor.” Markus smiles, giving him a cheerful wave.
“Markus. What are you doing?” Connor asked, his tone dry and demanding.
“Just meeting friends of my friends. I came looking for you but ended up meeting Y/N by chance. I know you two are such good friends, I thought it only right to invite her out to lunch.”
“Thank you again for buying me lunch Markus you really didn’t have to.” You say and lightly pat his hand, making Connor’s fist tighten again.
“You bought her lunch?” Connor questioned with a sharp edge to his voice.
“Come on Connor, a lady as gorgeous as she is, well it was my honor.” Markus grins and kisses your hand softly, making you blush, which in turn makes Connor rise from his chair.
“Can I speak with you, Markus?”
“Now? I was hoping to spend some time with Y/N.”
“Now.” Connor demanded.
“Well, when you put it like that, sure. I’ll see you later Y/N.” Markus says with a wink, as he follows Connor to a vacant hallway out of your line of sight. Without hesitation Connor grabs Markus by his collar and pushes him against the wall, his eyes enraged.
“What the hell are you doing?” He growled.
“Easy Connor. Just spending time with one of your dear friends, what’s the problem?” Markus smiled, unphased by the aggressive hold Connor had on him.
“I don’t want you to spend time with her like that. Touching her and kissing her hand. You don’t get to do that.” Connor asserted.
“And why’s that?”
“Because…because…oh. Oh, I see.” Connor said releasing his hold on Markus’ collar. Markus patted the wrinkles out of his top and shook his head.
“Took you long enough, although I will say it didn’t take much to make you jealous.”
“Jealous,” Connor repeated. He hated the word, but Markus was right. A fire had ignited in him as he watched Markus make you giggle, get to touch you even slightly, get to take you out for lunch. Such small things but he treasured them more than he knew.
“The tactic you used was very clever. I’m sorry for roughing you up.” Connor said with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m just glad it worked. She is a very lovely girl Connor; I can see why you have such a crush.” Markus said patting his friend’s arm.
“So what do I do now?” Connor asked, his tone dripping with desperation.
“Well, there's plenty of perfectly good desks in here..." Markus grinned and then put his hands up when Connor shot daggers his way.
"Okay, okay, my bad. Start with dinner."
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Alien harry would get pegged and be a sub and I will not elaborate
He would get curious after the fifth or sixth time he and Y/N have had sex, and one night after a particularly rigorous round, he rolls off her with a soft groan, sinking into the plush mattress as his chest heaves wildly from exertion. He rakes his fingers through his curls, pushing them back from his sweaty forehead and wiping his brow with the back of his hand. That’s something else he’s learned about humans that he finds incredibly odd— they leak. Y/N had told him that whenever they undergo strenuous activities (like sex) or situations, human bodies excrete water in order to maintain homeostasis and prevent an entire system shut down due to enclosed overheating.
A bit dramatic, if you ask him. And gross.
Harry swallows thickly, glancing over at Y/N with hazy irises, his belly throbbing with empty content. “Fuck, that one was good. The best so far.”
The girl scoffs softly, combing her hair back from her face exactly how he had done, exhaling grandly as she shifts her sticky back against the soiled sheets. “You say that after every time.”
A lock falls back across her face, and Harry can’t resist the urge to reach over and tuck it behind her ear, his fingers tingling at the silky sensation of the strand running over the pads of his digits. He never knew touch could be something so exhilarating until he met her. “Because I mean it every time. You just seem to get better the more we do it.”
Y/N’s gaze flits to where his fingers are perched atop the shell of her ear, blood rushing to the area as he thumbs over it gently, seeming to appreciate the feeling of their skin brushing. She locks sights with him once more, and the sincerity behind his tone makes her chest ache. She attempts to play it off with a snort, clearing her throat softly and putting dismissive finality into her demeanor. “Kiss-ass.”
“I did. Last night, remember?” Harry’s brows furrow at the new phrase he’s never heard before, curiosity peaked as he tries to make sense of it aloud. “After you asked me to hit you across the backside with my hand?”
“That’s not what it...Never mind.”
“I’m begging you, please don’t make me.”
“I’ll consult the Google, then. He seems to have all the answers about your world.”
“Harry—” Y/N grabs his wrist as he reaches for the phone she’d gotten him, a laugh running along the undercurrent of her words. His blissful ignorance to earthly functions is weirdly endearing. “A kiss-ass is a person who acts a certain way or says certain things to gain someone else’s favor.”
The alien blinks at her blankly, his arm gradually going limp in her grasp. A grin then slowly makes its way across his face, smug coyness plucking his dimples into place. The mood behind his voice matches the gesture. “Why would I need to be a kiss-ass, then? I’ve already gained your favor; I think that’s pretty obvious given how often you let me between your legs.”
Y/N’s jaw drops at his snarky quip. “Dickhead.”
“Now there’s a term I’m familiar with, considering it seems to be one of your favorites.”
“Only in regards to you.”
Harry cups over his heart with faux emotion, pouting sarcastically. “And for that, I’m honored.”
The two contemplate each other for a moment, a playful aura suspended in the air as they appraise each other with mutual fondness evident across their features. Then, Harry’s expression suddenly morphs into one of pensive interest, and he speaks slowly, as if he’s carefully picking through his thoughts and sending them down his tongue one by one. “How...How does it feel?”
“How does what feel?”
“To be...” He struggles to find a correct adaption for his query; one that won’t make the question awkward, but will communicate his concerns adequately enough to garner a fulfilling answer. “To be...filled, I suppose? I reckon that’s the only way to word it.”
“It’s not. It makes it sound like I’m some type of pastry waiting to be stuffed.”
“I mean, with how hard and deep you were asking for it earlier, I think ‘stuffed’ is an accurate description.”
“You’re not helping your case by mouthing off.”
“Fine. I’m sorry. What’s another way to say it, then? A more respectful way?”
“Easy.” Y/N pipes up casually, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. “Just say, ‘what’s it like to be fucked?’”
Harry’s face drops into a deadpan scowl. “That’s hardly a more appropriate alternative.”
“It’s appropriate enough for me, and since I’m the one you’re fucking, my opinion should matter. Right?”
“I suppose so, yeah.”
“Exactly.” Y/N turns onto her side, scooting closer to Harry and resting her palms against his sturdy chest, feeling his heart hiccup at their close proximity. He gets flustered so easily and it’s so unbelievably cute. “Now why don’t you take my suggestion and try again?”
Harry licks his bottom lip almost nervously, his eyes flickering towards her bruised mouth for a moment, and it’s amusing how terrible he is at hiding the longing behind his behavior. “What’s it like— uhm, what...what’s it like—”
A satisfied smile tugs at the edges of Y/N’s mouth as the young man stutters through his sentence, specifically because his mishap stems from the fact that she’s circling the tip of her index finger teasingly around one of his nipples. She can’t help it; he’s just so fun to toy with. Especially when he gets condescending and needs to be set straight. “What’s it like to...C’mon, Harry. Can’t provide an answer if you don’t do your part.”
Harry gulps thickly at her expectant statement, his cock twitching against his inner thigh despite the fact that they’ve already gone several rounds tonight. “I can’t focus when you’re...when you’re doing that.”
“Doing what?” Y/N asks with fake innocence, batting her lashes up at him with theatrically.
“You know what.”
“I’m not sure I do. Try again, hm?”
The alien sighs shakily, urging himself to complete the task on behalf of his pride. “What’s it like to be— wait, don’t...don’t do that. I can’t— Y/N.”
“Mm?” The human hums, gazing up at him sultrily from below her lashline as she takes one long lap at his nipple, dragging it up to the base of his throat and proceeding to blow air over the damp stripe, just to make his spine shiver. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re— You’re insufferable sometimes, y’know that?”
“Then why did you choose to hang around instead of going on your little recovery mission on your own?”
“Because you make all this bearable.” Harry replies swiftly, as if it should be obvious, and his comment makes her heartbeat spike for some reason. “And because you’re fun to sleep with. I’m literally being hunted as we speak, I have no way to get in contact with my people, and no way to get back home. I’m stranded on a foreign planet with hardly any knowledge of its nature and civilization, no assets or weapons, and with not a single advanced intergalactic ship in sight for at least another century, courtesy of your species’ stunted technological advances. Doing this—” he signals between their clothed crotches for emphasis, “helps take the edge off. Mostly.”
“Is that why you wanna be ‘filled,’ then? To take off the rest of that pesky edge?”
“Perhaps. And I’d be able to accomplish that if you just told me how. Is human genitalia interchangeable? Can it morph between the two versions?”
“Unfortunately not.”
“So then how would I...?” Harry trails off as he feels one of Y/N’s hands begin to coast across his tummy, rounding his hip and parking itself right along the curve of his backside. She gives it one signifying squeeze, and the manner in which her brows jolt cheekily tells him everything he needs to know. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m about as serious as the life and death situation you’re facing right now.”
“It goes in my—? But how would that even work? You just said you don’t have a—”
“Not real one, no.” Y/N pecks at Harry’s chin daintily, as if this matter isn’t startling at all. “But I do have some fake ones that are sold for reasons like this. We could try, if you’d like. But please don’t feel obligated at all— I only mentioned it because you asked, and now that you know how it’s done, it’s perfectly alright if you don’t want to.”
“I...I don’t know if I...” He’s terrified, of course. Last time he checked the anatomy for human males, it seemed like that hole was evolved for one purpose and one purpose only— as an exit portal. So putting something inside...It seems pretty nonsensical, to say the least. And painful, no doubt.
But Y/N is being so supportive and patient, and she’s telling him he doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to, and for some reason, that makes him want to do it even more. He doesn’t think he’d ever let anyone else do it, actually. Just her, because she’s so sweet, and caring, and respectful, and the way she always allows him the privilege of doing and exploring whatever he wants with her (which is quite a lot and usually leaves her knackered beyond compare) is so fucking hot, so he thinks it’s only fair she gets that same free rein over him, as well.
Harry may have fallen from the sky due to his own arrogance and ego, but he’s almost positive that falling right into the palm of this human’s hand is his most graceless act of foolishness yet.
“If we do it,” the alien mumbles quietly, chewing into his cheek anxiously as he feels heat rising through his bones, “do you promise you’ll kiss me through it the way I do with you?”
“It’s the least I could do.”
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Caring For Your Hormonally-Charged Bird
Hawks x Reader (NSFW)
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(I didn’t mean for this to turn into a monster with over 7k words, but I finally finished it. This is based off of my mutant headcanons and also takes some inspiration from user kazooli’s awesome thirst posts about Hawks. Happy Springtime, everyone!)
Edit: Now there’s a Part 2!
The songs of lovestruck birds rang across the streets. Freshly bloomed cherry blossoms rained petals down onto the pavement. Butterflies and bees hovered around the flourishing flowers. It was undoubtedly a beautiful day. Too bad you had to spend it in an office with an oncoming headache. A familiar voice spoke behind you.
“Wow, look at that. I don’t know what’s more gorgeous; the scenery outside or the lady staring at it.”
Hawks’s charm doesn’t affect you when he has pissed you off so many times in such a short span.
You’ve had the ‘privilege’ of working for the Hero Public Safety Commission for several years, from supporting public events to endless desk work. The pay was generous and life was overall more comfortable. All you had to do to stay on their good side was comply with every demand, ignore the condescending tones of the bigwigs, and turn a blind eye whenever you witnessed the occasional sketchy practice.
When they offered you a job as the personal handler of one of the top heroes of Japan, you almost fainted. You have always been a fan of Hawks. Fast, handsome, charismatic, he may not have the godly strength of All Might, yet he still felt just as flawless. You’ve been helping and guiding the winged young man since last summer and learned that he’s even more than what you imagined. He wasn’t just good-looking, he wasn’t just a sweet-talker…
He was also a fucking nightmare to work with.
You turned around to see said man ogling you a bit more than you were used to, his trademark crooked smile on his face, but you ignored that and went straight to business. “Your carelessness is trending again for the third time this week, Hawks.”
He drew a sharp breath in an exaggerated gasp. “Again? Oh, what could they possibly be on my ass for this time? Was I smacking on chicken wings too loudly in public? Did they catch the moment I almost flew into that crystal-clear window?”
You whipped out your phone, already prepared to show him a news page with a rather shocking photo. A man with an elegant and sleek appearance was beaten and bruised, his dazzling peacock tail fanned out behind him. The attacker was none other than Hawks, who was gripping the other man by the collar, his wings fully spread out with several sharpened feathers floating around his victim as an unnecessary precaution. It was a very aggressive display.
“This is beyond excessive force. You could have just as easily restrained him with your quirk.” You scolded, fixing him with the steely authoritarian stare that you’ve been working on.
Hawks flinched, but you couldn’t tell if he was just playing with you or not. “Ma’am! I was simply defending the girl’s honor! She was very clearly uncomfortable and besides, wouldn’t flashing his tail like that be considered indecent exposure?” Yeah, that tone told you that he was clearly not intimidated.
“No, and even if it did, indecency and harassment wouldn’t excuse such a violent subduing. Furthermore,” you gestured at his threatening wing display in the photo. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were demonstrating similar behavior.”
He simply shrugged. “Just showing him who the bigger bird is around here.”
Your eye twitched. “For God’s sake, Hawks, you’re not an animal. Part of my job is ensuring that you maintain a friendly image that will keep the public at ease. This is not friendly. Shall I go through some of the comments for examples?” You scrolled down and cleared your throat in preparation. “Anyone else put off by how violent Hawks looks here? I didn’t know he had it in him to beat someone down like that. He’s usually all about being quick and efficient.” You scrolled down to the next one. “What’s the deal with Hawks? I was there and it was like watching a cockfight.” You clicked on a reply to that particular comment. “I know, right? I always wanted to meet Hawks in person, but after that, I was honestly too scared to-”
“Hold on, babe, I know you’re cherry-picking here,” Hawks, the little bastard, had taken out his own phone while listening to your reading. “Because those are nothing like my personal faves that I found on my Tweeter page.” You watched with silent frustration as his eyes scanned his phone until he found what he was looking for. “Ah, here we go. ‘Oh my GAWD, that look, those spread wings, he looks like such a beast!” He had raised the pitch of his voice for a mock feminine tone. “Leave it to Hawks to make all of us women feel safe. That pervert deserves to lose a few more teeth.’ Oh, and here’s the winner right here. ‘Just as I always expected, that hunk of a bird knows how to dominate. I can just imagine him towering over me, giving that same look while I take his big fat-”
He paused, but his shit-eating grin didn’t fade when he noticed your head being held in one of your hands. You hoped he didn’t notice that you were trying to hide the red that crept into your cheeks.
You groaned loudly enough to most definitely be heard outside of the office. There truly were days when he would cut you some slack and be easy to deal with, but he has become downright unbearable for the past few weeks. His teasing has increased ten fold, yet he’s also been keeping his distance from you for whatever reason. It had taken you a while to notice, but he was normally more than happy to get in your face and ruin your professional act, but now, even when you’re the one trying to approach, he would casually step back to prevent the gap between you from closing.
And then it hit you.
Shit, it shouldn’t have taken you this long to connect the dots. You had even noticed how his wings appeared to be a shade brighter for the past few days, but dismissed it as a trick of the light. No, he had grown in his spring plumage.
“Uh, babe? You still there? Did the ‘C’ word break you?” Watching you stare into space was getting him a little concerned.
“You’re rutting,” was your simple reply.
Hawks’s face flashed into something more serious for a split second before giving a ‘tsk’ and looking away. “Took you long enough,” he scoffed. “Surprised the Commission hasn’t fired you for letting me go wild for so long. They must not have any replacements available right now.”
“Watch it,” you ordered. You pondered for a moment before asking, “Have you not been taking your hormonal medication? I know that you’ve been prescribed some for this time of year.”
He sighed and rubbed at the back of his neck, as if he was the one who should be feeling annoyed right now. Bitch, please. “Sometimes,” he muttered.
“Sometimes? They don’t work if you only take them sometimes, Hawks. I know you’re a busy hero, but you can put some effort into keeping track of your dosage.”
“Look,” it was the first time you’ve seen a genuine scowl on his face, the expression taking you back. “I just really hate that stuff, okay? They sap all of my energy and I put on a few extra pounds.”
You shook your head at his complaints. “Is that really worse than what you’re dealing with right now?”
“Yes. I’d rather be a horndog than a slug that doesn’t even have the will to move. It wouldn’t even be so bad if I could just sleep around every now and then, but that’s more trouble than it’s worth. I don’t wanna make your job that miserable.” He eyed you up and down for a minute, while you tried not to shy away from his piercing gaze. “Or I could find just one loyal partner that will help me scratch the itch?”
You stepped back, your heart racing at the unspoken request. “E-excuse me?” you stuttered.
Hawks raised his hands harmlessly. “Hey now, it’s just a suggestion. I’m pretty into you, you’re obviously into me, this could work out pretty well.”
An array of emotions were flowing through you, but you were more upset than anything else. “And what exactly makes you think I’ve been ‘into you’, as you’ve said?” Denial. You’re pretty sure that’s what this is. You know that you’ve been attracted to him since before you even met, but you weren’t going to let this overgrown brat have his way.
His sudden burst of laughter startled you. “You’re kidding, right? I still remember that look you had the first time we were in this room together, and it wasn’t the innocent ‘I wanna support my favorite hero’ look,” He was willingly approaching you for the first time in what felt like forever, every step sounding like thunder to your ears. “It was a ‘bend me over the desk and fuck me’ look.”
You were the one stepping back this time. You wanted to remind him not to use such foul language, to berate him for making such vulgar claims, but your voice was caught in your throat.
“We’d be doing each other a favor, right?” he continued, wings slowly expanding. “Keeping me in top shape is part of your job, isn’t it? I promise you that I’m gonna feel a lot better after this.”
You bumped into his desk, leaning back slightly as he finally closed the distance. His wings draped around each side of you, filling your peripheral vision with pure red. His face was only inches away from yours as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.
“You’ve been smelling so damn good lately. Been afraid that I just might pounce you if I get too close.”
A thickly gloved hand reached out and cupped your face with such a surprising amount of tenderness, you couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel bare. You were so entranced by his lustful gaze that you couldn’t find it in you to resist as he leaned in, feeling his hot breath as his lips drew closer to yours.
The door busted open accompanied by a shout. “Hawks sir! Your help has been requested at-OH!”
A genuine growl rumbles through Hawks’s throat and damn, that makes you tremble. By the time he turns toward the stumbling sidekick, he was already back to his cool and friendly self.
“Don’t stop on my account, buddy,” he beamed the younger man with an unwavering smile. “What’s the request?”
The next day, you tried very hard to pretend that little office incident never happened. You were not going to let something so unprofessional ever happen again. That was a promise.
Hawks, on the other hand, was being a persistent bastard. You were determined to win this battle. If he wanted the urges to go away so badly, then he can take his damn medication like he always has, not use your lack of authority and experience as an excuse to rebel. The only reason you haven’t informed the Commission about this is because you know that your head will be on the chopping block as well as Hawks’s. You will most definitely be in some shit once they realize that you can’t keep their most prized possession in check.
And to be fair, as the week went on, you really were wondering if you were cut out for this job. With his wings getting more vibrant, his advances becoming more frequent, and his feral rivalry against other men growing more severe, Hawks has officially become too unruly for you to handle, and you’re the goddamned handler. You couldn’t lose this job! What if they terminated you completely and you couldn’t get another position from the Commission?
You paced back and forth in the empty office. Hawks was late this morning, leaving you alone with your endless worries. He may act lazy, but he was never actually late for his meet ups. Looks like you’ll have to call him and pray that nothing serious has happened.
You jumped when your phone vibrated before you even reached into your pocket. Ah, looks like Hawks reached out before you did. You held your phone up, prepared to answer, and froze.
It wasn’t Hawks. It was the deputy, the very man that was kind enough to give you this job. He hasn’t called you since your first few days here to help get you started. With your progress, you doubt he was calling to give you a raise.
Well, as much as you wanted to throw the phone out of the window and find an appropriate place to bury yourself, you didn’t make it this far by cowering from these guys. Taking a deep breath, you picked up and greeted the man on the other side with a steady voice. “Good morning, Deputy.”
He addressed you with the same bored and unimpressed tone that you hear from every member in this cursed organization. Jeez, if you keep working here long enough, are you going to eventually sound as soulless as them? “I assume you are aware of Hawks’s current condition?” he asked.
Dammit. “My apologies, sir. I know that I have been neglectful of Hawks’s health and his behavior during this time. I have been doing my best t-”
“That isn’t the issue I am talking about, but thank you for confirming that you have indeed failed in keeping Hawks’s unsavory habits under control.” You flinched. Way to rat yourself out. “Hawks had managed to find and subdue the troublesome villain Libido.”
“Ah, of course. I have been informed of that, sir.” Libido was a cunning little criminal that has been causing trouble all over the city of Fukuoka. His ‘Love Breath’ quirk gave him the ability to exhale fumes with powerful aphrodisiacal qualities. The guy even made his own gas bombs, releasing them among unsuspecting crowds in the public. He was less of a villain and more of just a chaos-loving hoodlum that was too slippery for his own good.
The deputy carried on. “One of the sidekicks has told us that Hawks was exposed to his quirk.”
Oh. Oh dear. That’s some strong stuff to be subjected to.
“We have ordered Hawks to go home immediately and wait patiently instead of heading to a hospital. We will be sending treatment his way.”
Some of the tension left your body. “That’s good to know, sir. May I ask what kind of treatment he will be taking? I know I haven’t convinced you yet, but I want to do anything I can for his well being.” You hesitantly asked. Please, oh please let me make up for everything that has been happening.
You heard a faint chuckle from the other end. “That’s very good to know, because the treatment is you.”
You’re glad he couldn’t see the confusion on your face. “I’m sorry, sir. Are you saying I’ll be the one to doctor him? I’ll need to know what medicine he needs and how much rest he’ll be expected to-”
“Do you know how people affected by aphrodisiac quirks are normally treated?” he interrupted you for the second time. He didn’t even give you a chance to answer before continuing. “Given your questions, I’m assuming that you don’t. We can indeed offer drugs to weaken the effects, but Hawks will still be in great distress and will take a long time to recover, especially since he’s neglected to take his hormone medication with the help of an incompetent handler.” Ugh, you get it already. You screwed up. “But the quickest and most efficient remedy is, without a doubt, sexual contact and allowing the quirk to run its course. That is what we expect you to provide for him.”
You took a full minute to collect your thoughts and ensure that you heard everything correctly. The deputy waited patiently. How kind of him. Once you gathered yourself, you conjured the most constructive response you could think of.
An overly loud sigh sounded in your ear. Hey, it’s his fault for dropping this bomb of a request on you. “We can’t have the number two hero out of action for too long. The alternative is to strap him to a bed and sedate him for an uncertain amount of time. His rut has enhanced the quirk’s effects; this may even strengthen his arousal for the rest of the season.”
Your face paled. That sounds ten times worse than the way Hawks was already acting. “So, if I were to…be with him,” you blushed at the very thought. “That would provide the best relief?”
“That is the gist of it. You told me you would do anything for Hawks’s well being. Can I hold you to that?”
Your pounding heart was almost drowning out his voice. You didn’t mean to corner yourself like this. “O-of course. I’ll see what I can, um, do.” This discussion was getting uncomfortable.
“I didn’t expect you to be so hesitant. You’re a loyal fan of his, aren’t you? You should be thrilled. Few fangirls get this opportunity.” He laughed at his own joke. You sure as hell weren’t laughing with him.
“Yeah, of course, sir,” you grumbled. “I suppose I shouldn’t leave Hawks alone for too long. I’ll be on my way soon.”
“Excellent,” he said. “You’ll need to take some precautions, of course. Here’s what you need to keep in mind…”
You walked out of the local pharmacy, cradling the pills tightly to your chest like some sort of security blanket. The deputy’s advice echoed in your head.
“It’s best that you take contraceptives. Hawks’s mind will be clouded with feral cravings, such as the urge to breed. He is not going to accept condoms.”
You tossed the pills onto the passenger seat in your car.
“Again, Hawks is suffering from both the magnified effects of Libido’s quirk and his annual rut. It’s possible that he will not be of sound mind. If things get out of hand, you have the right to protect yourself.” the deputy paused for a moment. “Just try not to leave any marks on him, if you can. Hawks must look presentable at all times.”
Well, you did have a stun gun that you thankfully never had to use, and hopefully it will stay that way.
The deputy’s help made you way more anxious than before. Were you about to have sex with a horny man, or tame a dangerous beast? You still didn’t know what to make of this predicament.
You take your phone and select Hawks’s number. It’s probably best not to surprise him at his door. Hopefully he wasn’t too riled up and ignores your call.
The phone rings once, then twice, then you hear…whimpers? Shit, was it getting that bad?
“Hawks? Are you there?” you asked calmly.
“Babe.” Goodness, his voice was rough. He sounds like he just ran across the country. “Oh thank God. Talk dirty to me, baby.”
“Wha—no.” This was a mistake. You really weren’t prepared for such levels of horniness. He just blurted that out like it was nothing! “Look, um, I heard your urges are becoming too much to handle. I’m heading on over there to…help you.”
For a while you just heard what sounded like breathless laughs and weeping. Hearing him in such a fragile state had you genuinely concerned. “Y’serious? We’re-ah-we’re gonna fuck?” He was panting heavily between words.
Heat was gathering in your face. “Yes, that’s the plan.”
“Oh, fuck yeah. Get over here-fuck-so I can stuff you, babe. You’re gonna be mine. Oh I can’t wait to fucking have you.” This sounded like a goddamned porno and you couldn’t handle it. There was a strange sound in the background as he rambled, something like wet smacks. You kept hearing it in sync with his grunts and…
“Just hang in there, alright?” You said quickly, wanting to end this call right now. “I’m coming.”
“Well, I’m not. My hand’s really not doin’ it for me. Gotta be inside you, babe. Gotta cum in that tight-“
You hung up.
You banged your head against the steering wheel harder than intended, but at least the pain got your mind off of…whatever all of that was. You can’t believe you just heard your favorite hero breathlessly talking about how he wants to bang you while jerking off. You didn’t know it was possible to feel this mortified, but that wasn’t the worst part.
The worst part was the tingle between your legs.
Hawks, one of the top heroes of Japan, the heartthrob of the generation, was lusting for you. It had you both excited and on edge. You remember the deputy’s comment.
“You’re a loyal fan of his, aren’t you? You should be thrilled. Few fangirls get this opportunity.”
You probably would indeed be thrilled if the circumstances were less dire. Your fantasies normally involved something simpler and more romantic, not saving him from his own sex-hazed mind. You still weren’t sure what you were walking into, and that was admittedly a different kind of excitement.
There was no time to waste with the state Hawks was in. Calming your nerves, you started your car and began taking the route to his place.
Here you are, at the doorstep of Hawks’s house. His place was surprisingly humble for a top hero, it made this encounter just a little less nerve-wracking. Pressing a finger to the buzzer, you waited anxiously, rocking back and forth on your heels. You really hope he’ll be dressed decently when he answers the door.
Your heart skips once you hear a click and the doorknob twists. It feels like it takes an eternity for the door to open and reveal…nobody.
Instead, you were greeted by a small flock of feathers suspended in the air. They slowly floated a distance away from you before stopping, as if they were waiting for something. You cautiously stepped inside, some of the feathers closing the door behind you. You don’t know what type of welcome you were expecting, but it wasn’t this. The feathers guided you, drifting up a flight of stairs and into a room with its door hanging open. You can hear harsh breathing inside, reigniting your fear. “Hawks?” You hesistantly called out without getting any closer.
A cracking voice cried out your name. “Help me. It fucking hurts. I’m so hot. Make it stop.” He sounded like he was crying. The desperate pleas prompted you to mask your fears for the umpteenth time and approach the room, taking in the sight of the man that has been waiting for you.
Hawks was naked, not to your surprise, but still to your absolute horror. He sat on his bed, skin glistening with sweat and a deep blush spreading throughout his upper body, making him look more feverish than aroused. His chest heaved with the irregular breaths that left his hanging mouth. His hair was even more unruly as usual, some of his locks sticking to his damp face. Your eyes locked onto his, pupils dilated and looking right through you.
He looked awful.
You came closer, trying your best not to stare at the very swollen and throbbing member between his legs. “I’m sorry,” you said softly, stopping right in front of him. “I didn’t think it would get this bad. I-I want to help. Just tell me what to do.”
He was on his feet the moment you finished, nude body just inches away from yours, but you kept your feet planted where they were. As his large wings slowly opened and enclosed around you, you noticed how brilliantly hued his feathers have become, practically glowing a vivid scarlet. It was captivating.
Two clammy hands came up to hold your face, the same hands he was furiously pleasuring himself with just a moment ago holy shit, and his mouth was on yours before you could even react. You gasped in shock of it all, allowing his tongue to slip past your lips. It was less of a kiss and more of just him hungrily ravaging every inch of your mouth, your own tongue wrestling with his to keep him away from the back of your throat. One of his arms lowered to wrap around your waist and pull you flush against his bare form, making you yelp when you felt his erection pressing against you. Hawks’s dick was on you.
You were too overwhelmed by his restless mouth and his DICK to notice the stray feathers hovering over you. A tug and a loud rip made you jolt. Hawks held you still, the sound of expensive fabric tearing making you flinch as your skin was slowly being exposed. The feathers were shredding your clothes.
You pulled away from his suffocating mouth just enough to take a breath and attempt to speak. “Hawks! Wha—” only for him to smother you once again.
“Don’t move,” he uttered between kisses. “Don’t want to cut you.”
With a few more slashes, your cherished suit was now scattered on the carpet in tatters, revealing your body to him, but the feathers weren’t done. The floating blades carefully slid under your panties and bra. You stood completely still, Hawks kissing you with less aggression in an attempt to soothe you as the feathers sliced through the last of your clothes. You were now just as bare as him. He simply held you tightly, face rubbing against yours with the occasional lick against your heated skin. Your eyes were closed shut, unable to process his frantic tongue, his surrounding body that felt like fire, his cock that was now pressed to your stomach you were going to drop dead holy shit.
“Smell so good. Tastes so good.” he groaned, still sounding short of breath. His mouth went down to your neck, sucking at it hungrily and giving the occasional nip, forcing a faint moan out of you. He continued his descent and reached your breasts, molding them roughly and attacking your nipples with hard sucks. Despite the rough treatment, a tight heat was building up in your abdomen, your hands cradling his head as he explored you. He ventured lower, now on his knees with his face right at your womanly mound.
Your heart was pounding when he leaned in, his nose lightly touching you as he drew in a long breath and giving a pleased sighed. His nose pressed in further and poked at your glistening pussy, your thighs clenching in surprise while he happily took in your scent. Fuck, he was really just kneeling between your legs and smelling you. You were ready to protest and tell him that this was getting too embarrassing before something wet and hot slid against your folds, replacing your planned words with a yelp.
Hawks apparently approved of your taste, strong hands grasping the back of your thighs as he brought you in closer to fully devour you. Your cries were impossible to hold in while he lapped at you, mind becoming too clouded with pleasure to stay modest. He moaned loudly into you, the erotic sound vibrating against you, tongue fondling every inch of your folds before his lips closed around them, sucking greedily and almost making your knees collapse. You were getting close, grasping onto his head in a desperate attempt to stay balanced, his mouth now assaulting your sensitive bud. Your blissful whimpers joined the filthy sounds of his feasting when your orgasm washed over you like throbbing magma. Once your legs lost the last of their strength, Hawks set you down gently on the floor, still licking your sensitive lips.
“Ah, Hawks…too much…” You whined weakly.
He got the message and pulled away to immediately climb over you, giving you a clear view of his face glistening with your juices. Bright wings were fully spread out once more; it feels like you were about to be taken by an angel, the most savage angel you could ever imagine.
He came down for a sloppy kiss, spreading your own womanly nectar all over your lips. “Hope you’re nice and ready now. Ready to take everything I’ve got.” He mumbled against your mouth. You couldn’t help but smile and feel grateful that even in such a frenzied state, he was still kind enough not to jump you the moment you were within sight.
You brought a hand up to caress the side of his face, watching his eyes flutter shut as he leaned into your touch like the needy animal that he was at the moment. His body was still unnaturally hot and he was still breathing harshly. It’s time to finally give this poor man some relief.
“Go ahead, Hawks. I’m all yours.” You were indeed ready for everything he has.
Hawks said no more, gripping himself and aiming right for your opening. The moment his head was pushing past your lips, he thrust forward, filling you completely and knocking the wind out of you.
You honestly thought he came right then and there with the totally profane howl that left him. “Fuck…!” he choked, looking on the verge of tears. Despite the seemingly paralyzing pleasure, he wasted no time in moving, his pace quickening at an alarming rate. Your pussy was still sensitive from his wonderful licking, his dick currently sending painfully powerful shocks that you just weren’t ready for, and yet heat began to pool within your core for a second time. Your arms were wrapped around his sweaty form, nails biting into his skin and forcing rugged grunts out of his throat.
The wet slaps of your bodies rang throughout the room, your limbs quivering as he pumped into you faster, his heavy balls slapping against your ass, full and prepared to pour every drop of its contents into your womb. Hawks had buried his head into the crook of your neck, letting you feel every breathless moan right against your ear.
All you could do was hold on and take the increasingly rough pounding. His rhythm was sloppy from the start, but the thrusts were becoming even more irregular as a sign that he was already reaching his peak. Not surprising, given the state that he’s been in all day. One well-aimed thrust hits your sweet spot, making you moan loudly against him.
The sound eggs him on, driving his hips at a bruising pace and fuck it feels so good it hurts. Your eyes shut tightly as another orgasm breaks free, your feminine walls clamping around Hawks, squeezing his own climax out of him. You gasped at the powerful throbs of his cock as it shot out stream after stream of cum inside you. The purely animalistic growl that rumbled through him had you shaking in the best way while you watched his wings twitch and flap, hitting you with a light gust.
After an impressive amount of spurts, Hawks collapsed on top of you. He was heavy, but having his weight on you like this was pretty nice. You rubbed soothing circles around his back, listening to the rather inhuman cooing sounds he made in response.
You just had sex with Hawks, your favorite hero and the very man you were paid to look after. Oh man, how badly have you screwed up your relationship? Not that you two had much of a bond in the first place, but now things will most certainly get even more awkward.
A twitch inside you interrupted your thoughts. What the hell? Hawks’s breathing was accelerating again as he suddenly lifted his weight off of you, and that’s when you realized even though he came, he was still hard.
With newfound energy, he pushed your thighs towards your chest and rammed into you before you could even register what was happening. His new angle had you seeing stars with each thrust, hitting you even deeper than before. The sensation was dizzying, your overstimulated body beginning to throb all over. Hawks had the most obscene expression on his face, glazed eyes watching your tits bounce while his mouth hung open, drool trailing down his chin. You didn’t know such a look existed outside of adult videos, and having it aimed at you was enhancing your stinging pleasure.
Looking down granted you the view of his drenched dick pushing into you, each slam of his hips rocking you into the carpet, which honestly burned like ouch. Thankfully Hawks was reaching his tipping point once again, his hips moving at a bruising pace before one final smack. You were spoiled with another wonderful image of his head thrown back as a choked moan escaped him, another round of cum shooting into you.
He finally slid out of you as he sat back to catch his breath, wings limply dropping to his sides. Finally. You didn’t know how much more your womanhood could take. The strain of moving your legs made you wince. Did he have to pin you so roughly?
Hawks watched silently as you pushed yourself up. You felt behind your back and…dammit, you really did bruise back there. Maybe you should go find a mirror; hopefully it didn’t look too bad. You noticed that Mr. Horny Wings continued to just stare, pupils still enlarged and his dick was still hard what the fuck. He suddenly shifted onto all fours and crawled behind you. The light brush of fingers over your blemished skin made you shiver. They weren’t big enough to be that painful, but you still hissed when he applied a little too much pressure, making him pull away.
“Sorry.” His voice was still raspy as he apologized.
You shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Could’ve been wor—AH!”
Hawks shoved you forward, manhandling you until you were properly on your hands and knees. Fuck, your entire lower body was starting to ache, and here he was, ready to go another round. The head of his still-swollen dick was already pressing at your entrance. Grasping your hips, he pushed past your puffy lips and re-entered your heat. You bit your bottom lip and took the limitless strength in his hips, his balls sometimes smacking right into your clit and bringing you closer to your next climax.
His pace slowed down briefly in order to lower himself and suck at your bruises. “Nnngh, fuck, Hawks!” The combined pain and pleasure had your insides burning. He moaned and panted into your back, kissing up to your neck and sucking there as well. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your torso, pressing your body against his in an intimate embrace as he plunged into you more deeply.
It was impossible to not moan after each stroke. His face rested on your shoulder, and you reached behind to bury a hand in his hair. Shit, this was all getting so intimate. He was holding you and was so close, you could feel the ripple of his muscles as he caressed every inch of your inner walls. Your third burst of pleasure had you quivering against him as he continued to chase his own orgasm, stars appearing in your vision with each thrust. Hawks sank his teeth into your neck before bottoming out and releasing more cum inside you.
Both of you were lost in your sensual spasms before you collapsed. Hawks didn’t lay on you completely this time, his sweat-soaked form crouched over you, close enough to still be inside of you…
And rock hard.
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.
You stayed as you were, your face down and your ass up, as you felt him humping away at you again. You could barely whimper as your tender pussy took another pounding. Christ, why wasn’t he getting tired? If the quirk was getting any closer to wearing off, it sure as hell didn’t feel like it.
It wasn’t long before he came again, grunting with each hard buck as he filled you with his apparently endless supply of cum. Was he done? Please be done. You turned your head just enough to check the state of his erection.
Hawks had enough mercy to carry you to his much more comfortable bed before continuing. He took you again.
And again
And again.
You were positively ruined, no more strength left in your body as he repeatedly claimed you with fervor. Whenever it appeared you were getting uncomfortable in a certain position, he would simply switch things up before carrying on. Despite how utterly exhausted and raw you felt, your orgasms kept coming, every surge of pleasure clouding your mind more and more.
You had lost track of time. Was this his fifteenth go? seventeenth? Keeping count was becoming a drag. It didn’t help that Hawks was in too much of a trance to even speak, giving you nothing but moans and growls. At least he didn’t sound on the verge of tears anymore, so maybe he was making progress.
Another orgasm was approaching; could your tired body even handle it? You were laying on the edge of the bed as Hawks stood and fucked you. Even through all of the overwhelming passion, you never got tired of staring at his wings, the dazzling red never failing to mesmerize you. They fluttered rapidly as the tension in your core spilled over, your mouth opening in a silent scream and a blackness closing in on you with every blink.
Your body was finished.
Everything hurts.
That’s the first thing you noticed when you woke up and made the mistake of stretching. Your arms and legs ached, a sharp pain shot through your back whenever you shifted, and between your legs…well, the throb down there didn’t at all feel pleasurable anymore.
Still, you fought the pain to sit up and examine yourself. Your nether regions were surprisingly clean, almost as if someone had already taken care of it. With all of the cum Hawks pumped into you, it should frankly be an awful mess down there.
Speaking of, where was the guy?
Oh, there he was leaning in the door frame. He had obviously tidied up, no longer a flushed and sweaty wreck, and was now sporting a pair of loose pants and a tee. You had never seen him looking so casual. It was probably a privilege very few had, and knowing that ignited something in your chest.
He glanced around before looking back at you. “You alright?”
Realizing you were just gawking at him and haven’t said anything yet, you coughed to ensure your voice was still clear and functioning. “I’m fine.”
He snickered. It was a sound you were used to whenever he knew he had the upper-hand in some way, but something about it felt softer this time. “I just fucked you into high heaven for a whole day.” He could’ve acknowledged it in a less shameless manner, dammit. “I just wanna know if you’re alright. You look pretty stiff.”
A jolt shot through your lower back in perfect timing with his statement, making you flinch. “Yeah, I’m—I’m pretty sore. Very sore,” you admitted.
“Ah,” He stood up straight. “I’ll go get some, uh, pain relief. Be right back.” And with that, he was out of your sight.
You waited patiently for his return, actually observing his bedroom for the first time. It was surprisingly bare, the room of someone who didn’t spend much time at home. There was a window that you didn’t notice and holy shit he was right. It was nighttime; you spent the entire day in Hawks’s bedroom. The fangirl in you was squealing in delight. You told her to shut the hell up.
The man returned with a glass of water in one hand, a pill in the other, and a set of clothes draped across his arm. “Here,” he handed the water and medicine over before sitting beside you on the bed. You gulped down the capsule, sputtering a bit as the cold water flowed down your dry throat. “I’ve got some clothes that might fit you well enough. Sorry about your suit. I’ll give you some money for a new one.”
He’s never sounded so wooden before and you couldn’t stand it. You let out your best good-hearted laugh as you took the offered clothes. “Stop that, Hawks. You sound as bland as your bosses right now,” you joked.
He laughed along with you. “Heh, sorry babe. Just worried that I came on a little too strong at the beginning there.”
You simply hummed in response. His clothes were so warm and smelled like him. Despite being surrounded by his strong scent for hours, you still welcomed it.
“So…looks like you’re feeling better.” You took in his appearance again now that he was closer. There was still a tinge of red in his face, but he seemed overall back to his usual relaxed self.
“Oh yeah, much better. The feeling’s still there, honestly,” he saw your eyes widen and instantly blurted out, “Just barely! I can ignore it and think clearly just fine now.” A boyish smile spread across his face. “Looks like I’ve got a hero. You really saved me back there.”
A ridiculous snort left you after hearing such praise. “Is that all it takes to be the great Hawks’s hero? I’m flattered.”
“Hey, I’m serious,” He looked you square in the face, and you couldn’t look away from his sincere expression. “It’s never been that bad before. Not gonna lie, I’m embarrassed you saw me like that. That was worse than all of my teenage ruts combined. Damn villain’s quirk really messed me up, felt like I was going fucking rabid. I don’t know what state I’d be in if it weren’t for you.”
Your mouth opened and closed, unsure of how to respond to his gratitude. “You’re welcome,” was all you could say. “You don’t need to feel bad about it. It’s…” You looked down at your feet. “It’s not like I didn’t like it. It was very draining, honestly lost track of time at a certain point, but it, uh, it was an experience.”
Hawks nodded in response. “Sure was. Never thought I’d rail a girl so hard and for so long that she’d pass out. I’m impressed with myself.”
He hung his head in mock shame. “My apologies, ma’am! I completely forgot that such vulgar language isn’t tolerated around you.” And there’s the infuriating grin that you were beginning to miss.
Both of you were laughing, slowly melting away the tension and stress that filled the room since morning. This…this was nice.
“So, you probably still don’t feel all that great, sooo…” Hawks rubbed at the back of his neck. “You wanna stay for dinner? Already ordered a chicken pizza with some wings.”
“Oh?” You raised your eyebrows. “Taking me to dinner after the sex?”
“Hey now, you know me. ‘The hero who’s too fast for his own good.’ Sometimes I miss a step or two.” He winked before getting up to leave. “You just lay there and rest, and go pee already. Don’t need an infection on top of everything else you’re going through. I already cleaned up the horrifying scene between your legs.”
You shuddered at the crude comment before falling backwards onto the poor mattress that had endured so much today.
Tomorrow, it will be back to professionalism. Back to pretending that you’re Hawks’s superior. Back to sucking up to the Commission. You’re going to cherish every minute of tonight, enjoying the company of Keigo Takami, not Hawks.
A shout echoed from downstairs. “The bathroom’s still empty, babe! Get your ass in there and pee!”
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
It has always been you #2
You can read the first part here
Your wake up with a gasp, and with a lot of effort try to prop up on your elbow only to fall back on your side, grunting. Trying to stir your memories you clench your eyes shut.
The blood, the petals and tears. The feeling of being burned from the inside and the pain you felt in your throat as the thorns made their way out. All of it comes crashing to you in a second, making you dizzy.
A familiar voice catches your attention.
“You’re awake. Good. How are you feeling?” You look up to find your friend leaning on the doorframe holding a glass of water with a soft smile.
Your friend’s tranquil expression doesn’t show it, but they’re relieved. They hadn’t expected you to slump out of a portal. It's not that you appeared out of nowhere, since you made a habit of doing it every once in a while, but the fact that you opened a breach instead of snapping into existence that concerned them. As soon as your unconscious body fell on the floor with a hard thud your friend (whose name you don't know despite knowing each other from years but call Chips in honor of their love for said snack) was by your side checking on you.
Chips was worried sick, but didn't hesitate as they took you to the lab. As if luck would have it, your friend is a very talented healer and after many tortuous hours of medical practice (and a little bit of their own powers) they managed to stabilize you.
“I feel awful…” You tug the blanket up to your neck. Chips giggles.
“Well yeah, you had it bad, man. You’ve been out cold for three days.” Chips looks at you for a second longer before offering you the glass of water while helping you sit up before sitting themselves beside you on the bed. Their expression changes to a serious one while deciding if it’d be prudent ask. “What happened…?”
Your gaze is locked on the glass of water in your hands. You think back to the events and come to one conclusion. With a defeated sigh you respond. “I don’t know. One second i was on my way to Lady Beneviento’s workshop to deliver her afternoon tea and the next one i was on the floor coughing—” you sigh and rub the bridge of your nose with your fingers. “Coughing blood…”
“And flowers.” Chips added.
“And flowers…” You confirmed. “How do you know? I arrived here unconscious.”
“I did my homework, gremlin.” Chips couldn’t hold your gaze and they looked away. “Your lungs are filled with those.”
“My lungs?! How is that even possible?”
Chips stands and retrieves a book from the drawer on the bedside table. “I did some research as to what could possibly be the cause for such, uh… unique… condition. I found something in one of the books at the old library but i think you might want to read this for yourself…”
You’ve had a lot of questions, but nothing could have prepared you for the answers.
You can’t sleep, not even when night arises again. The contents of the book swirling in your mind like a cruel reminder.
‘Hanahaki Disease’ it read, ‘the victim of this infection is known to have flowers growing in their lungs leading to them coughing up flower petals when they suffer from strong one-sided love. There isn’t a cure to this disease other than to have their love reciprocated or by having surgical intervention, though this last option will cause the victim to lose all capacity to love again. If not treated, this disease will end up with the life of the victim.’
Chips makes a point of telling you that your state is grave and you need to make a decision before it’s too late. You don’t have much time, after all.
‘Coughing flowers means that my love is not requited’ is the thought that loops in your mind over and over again while you lie restlessly on the bed. Donna doesn't love you but you can't stop yourself from loving her.
You remember Donna’s shy smile. You remember her sweet voice. You remember her hesitant but lingering touch whenever your hands bumped, by accident of course.
Angie's words hurt you, because you learned she's connected with the Lady's thoughts, she's a part of her. It hurt you because your love was clearly, shatteringly not reciprocated. It stung because you fell for someone with absolutely no interest in you, much less the same way you were interested in her.
You had tried to push Lady Beneviento away in hopes that you could forget about those strong feelings, and it didn’t matter how much it pained you, you kept going. You convinced yourself that it was for the better, as Donna wouldn’t feel uncomfortable with your affections and you wouldn’t find yourself imagining impossible things. You made sure to avoid her at all cost and only address her if absolutely necessary. Keeping your mind distracted was an everyday thing, but you failed to realize just how much your behavior affected the Lady.
It was a few days before ‘the flower incident’ that you had decided it was time for your vacations to be over, but alas, things never go according to plan and now you’re laying on your friend’s bed while recovering from your poor decisions.
It’s Friday when you finally call Chips and discuss the next step in your progressive disease.
Meanwhile, back at the Beneviento Estate the Lady of the house is having her own turmoil of emotions. After the events where you made a full display of your particular ability, she doesn’t know what to think. First of all, you had supernatural powers? And not only that, but to open time-space breaches! That meant you could have left at any time you pleased without her being able to prevent it and yet you decided to stay with her all that time. Her heart aches, she feels relieved that you thought she was worth staying,  but on the other hand she is hurt that you hadn’t trust her enough to reveal your secret… but then again,  she didn’t tell you hers until fairly recently. And then you left her behind without any explanation! Not that she needed one but it would have been nice to get a chance to properly talk with you like she intended.
Still, Donna is worried about you. She’s waited for a long time now and still no sign of your presence. She waited for hours after you disappeared but you didn’t return that day. Or the next. You didn’t show up even after a month and a half had already passed by and Donna begun to think that you would never return and that your time together was finally over.
Until one day where the Lady is reading your favorite book (or more like the highlights you marked on the paper, remembering the eagerness in your voice whenever you read out loud to her a new line that you liked) when the sound of someone knocking on the door pulls her out of her pensive state.
As the door opens she finds, with disbelief in her eyes, that you stand on the other side, unable to meet her gaze.
Donna’s sight becomes blurry with tears and she can’t help but to tackle you in a tight embrace, holding you impossibly close while burying her face in the crook of your neck and inhaling your familiar scent after it being denied to her for so long.
“You’re back…”She says breathlessly and you can feel her hot tears wetting your shirt, her hands clutching the fabric of your clothes for dear life. A lot of questions run through her mind but right now she just wants to savor the feeling of your body in her arms again. There will be time for answers later.
“Lady Beneviento, please forgive me for leaving like that…” You don’t hug the Lady back but do let her hang off you until she’s sure you won’t suddenly disappear again.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Donna says. “You don’t know how much i’ve missed you.”
“I’m back and ready to continue with my duties. If you’ll excuse me…” You step back from her hug before making a beeline for the kitchen without looking back, leaving a very confused Lady behind to look at your retreating back.
Donna’s eyes widen as she notices the almost imperceptible specks of blood marring the back of your shirt and she swears that under that oversized shirt you’re wearing are bandages covering you…
147 notes · View notes
octania · 4 years
Benimaru Shinmon x Reader ( NSFW, 18+)
Tumblr media
Word count: 3.8 k
Warnings: NSFW,smut,oral sex,sexual teasing, orgasm prohibition
Short description: You were in love with this man for over a year, but your bratty mouth an denial of your feelings got you in a situation where Benimaru will teach you how to behave in very teasing and heated way....
The air was filled with the scent of a variety of traditional dishes and enriched by the happy shouts of excited residents through the streets. This time, the festival did not mean destruction, this time it was celebrated by making delicious dishes and socializing with each other. The celebration itself began at dawn, when they brought out their wooden tables and portable stoves, beginning to enrich the street with enticing scents of a variety of spices and ingredients. You could also hear the gentle sound of kota, whose strings were gently touched by the pale hands of young talented musicians. While these were all just preparations for the big ceremony that would start when sun kisses the mountains, everyone shared their joy throughout the day. His dark hair fluttered in the morning breeze around his narrowed eyebrows. Ruby eyes barely opened as he passed like a shadow past people. Although it was not visible on the expression on his face, he secretly enjoyed the liveliness that spread through the streets of his hometown. Countless greetings lined up behind him, giving him words of praise and support to which he only nodded a few times, nothing more, and continued his walk. The silence of his thoughts was broken by a hoarse female voice. Although it was rough, it sounded kind of gentle. He soon discovered to whom it belonged, when a plump old woman with black hair streaked with gray strands stepped in front of the captain. Her wrinkled face wearing a smiled from ear to ear, her eyes squinting at the young man.“Benimaru, my boy! I have something for you, please do except my gift in honor to you and the members of your squad.”- she was direct, not talking his ear off, just bowing slightly after her words and handing him a medium sized package. He stared in the thing wrapped in light blue material with a lack of interest that he did not hide not even the slightest. “Tempura and sushi, to hold you till the festival tonight.” – she explained getting back up from the slight bow. After a couple of lazy blinks, he raised his hand and responded. “That is alright, we will wait till the festival.”- without waiting for a response, he passed the woman in attempt to leave, but she was not letting go so easily. Shoving the thing in his hands, she smiled again, not bothered by his behavior.“Nonsense! Twins will love it, and we all know Konro could use a break for cooking today.”- Benimaru sighed, pushing the package slowly back at her, but before he could say anything, a female voice sharp like katana echoed the street. “Obaachan, can you please stop giving food to the people who clearly have no decency to even say thank you? Rudeness should not be rewarded.”- (Y/N) stood at the door of their restaurant, squeezing the sleeves of her kimono. Benimaru didn't say a word, looking at the young girl with the expressionless face. The lack of his reaction only made (Y/N) even angrier as she furiously crossed her arms over her chest. “(Y/N), you watch your mouth! You are addressing our beloved captain, to whom you owe your safety!”- obaachan scolded her, raising her finger as a warning, but that didn't stop (Y/N) from responding with even greater ferocity, targeting Benimaru with a look of utter contempt. “Because he is a captain, he should show more respect to his people and their offerings! Shouldn’t leaders be role models? Poor us if that is the case. People usually pay for the food in our restaurant, and yet he shows no gratitude even when his meal is free!”- she did not waver, her stand proud and determent, not showing even a bit of fear from the man who is the head of this town. “Child, hush! Go back inside right now! Sol help your rude mouth!”- Obaachan started waving her hands, showing (Y/N) to go back inside the house, turning to Benimaru. “I apologize captain Shinmon, (Y/N) did not mean it.”- the elderly woman bowed again, with clear expression of shame smeared around her wrinkled face. Still speechless, Benimaru watched the girl, who was now biting her lower lip in frustration as if it were chewing gum. Eventually, he slung the bundle over his shoulder, turning on his heel. “Thank you for the meal madam (Lastname of your family).” – that was the only thing he said, strolling down the dusty street without turning around again. Even though he wanted to allow his mismatched eyes to gaze upon the fearless woman one more time....
The celebration that had its core in the great hall that belonged to your family, otherwise intended for weddings and large feasts, was already spreading like wildfire. People were raising glasses full of sake, feasting on specialties they had been preparing all day, but they preferred to treat their palates to desserts that belonged to your family restaurant. Young artists danced a traditional dance with fans, attracting curious glances with their gorgeous and colorful kimonos. Outside, the streets were crowded with people, gazing merrily at the early fireworks that ate up the starry sky with their tantalizing shapes. You were in charge of serving the guests who sat on the heated floor of the hall in front of the beautifully carved tables. Countless comments on your beauty and grace have accompanied you in your assignment, while you have given a kind smile to anyone who would praise you. No one has noticed that your eyes jump restlessly from person to person, searching the room in hopes of encountering the phlegmatic face of the man who was the source of your deepest suffering.You were afraid that your sharp tongue had resulted in his absence, that he wouldn't show up for the rest of the evening, maybe not after either. Did you overdo it... or didn't you? He was rude after all! Yes it is true, he is guilty of this! You weren't even aware that your angry thoughts betrayed the state of your mind on your face. You eyebrows narrowed, lips squeezed in a straight line, your body tense, as you rushed towards the kitchen, when a familiar voice addressed you. “(Y/N)! Your family always knew how to make the best celebrations, I congratulate you.”- a tall man with a kind blue eyes  that resembled a calm and mysterious sea, smiled at you, holding the door of the kitchen open for you. “Konro! I..”- you stopped for a second, almost dropping the mountain of dirty dishes you were carrying,  as your eyes finally find the one they’ve been searching for. A smile almost escaped your lips, but you prevented your rooted emotions to show. Behind the tall man, Benimaru was standing, scanning the room full of cheerful people. He did not even look at you once, and you could feel the frustration rising in you again. Who does he think he is? No matter how much you were bothered by his disinterested posture, your eyes wandered over his crossed arms on his chest, the muscle that adorned his forearms reached to the very core of your desire. The hands filled with veins always looked tense and ready to fight, as if  he was waiting to defend the whole world with them, alone. You could no longer resist the sight, you had to run away. Blubbering a couple of thanks to the lieutenant, you ran past his arm into the kitchen, kicking the door with your foot behind you to close them. You took quick steps to the sink and nearly broke half the porcelain plates when you threw them inside. You grasped the edges of the sink, closing your eyes shut and taking a deep breath. Before you could muster your whirlwind of thoughts, a young woman approached you from the back.“You know, if you were not such a proud and bratty thing, you would be breaking beds now and not dishes.” – (B/F – name of your best friend) mocked your state without restraining one bit. Your nerves were thin, and being called out like this only made you react like a cornered animal.“Shut up, I don’t know what you are talking about (B/F). Seriously, if you worked even the half of the time you spend teasing people, we would actually get something done. “-you snapped at her, pulling out  bamboo boxes filled to the brim with colorful mochis. “Sure, if you had a bite to support all that barking, maybe you would get something done. I think Benimaru would appreciate your teeth on his skin more than your mouth just bullshiting all the time.”- she did not back down,wrapping the strands of hair around her finger, (B/F) continued before you could counter attack.“How long has it been since you started drooling over Waka? A year? Year and a half? Oh my God, when I remember how pissed you were when you though he was dating that girl from company 8th just because she brought some papers a couple of times.”- the more she talked, the more did rage boil in you, so much that  it seemed that steam will start going out of your ears. Her voice only rose as she continued through laughter.“Damn, you made me wait  around corners like crazy people just so we can see if they are a couple or not. And when it finally turned out they were not, I will never forget your jumping in the air from excitement.”- before she could say any more , something gooey and sticky landed right on her forehead. She whined in surprise, as the pieces of mochi started falling down her face.“Anything else you want to add?!Huh?!”- you lifted your hand high, ready to throw another mochi at her.“Maybe if you threw yourself on Benimaru in the same way you are throwing this mochi, you would get some and your nerves would calm down!!”- she screamed before ducking down as your hand catapulted another one at her.  You didn’t even know that your little show didn’t go as private as you thought. The high tones of the people from the main hall were unfortunately not enough to cover your voices, and one curious ear absorbed every word. Benimaru lowered his head, starting to walk away from the kitchen door. Under his raven hair, a grin was hiding.
He sat quietly watching the people around him fiercely try to get his attention. Some were male neighbors praising his fighting skills, their speech interrupted by hiccups from too much sake was almost humorous, while on the other hand a couple of girls discreetly tried to gain his favor, but all they got was a restrained smile. He brought the glass to his lips to take a sip of the bitter liquid, but there were no more inside. Your grandmother, who was actually only a few seats away from him, noticed the lack of refreshment for the beloved captain, and of course, called your name instantly. “(Y/N)! Fill the captain’s cup!”- you kept away from his table. Actually, you targeted those behind him, in order to better avoid a face-to-face encounter. The things (B/F) told you bothered you too much, and you didn't just want to deepen your cravings and quarrel with yourself over the feelings you carry for this man. Hearing your name, Benimaru tilted his head, looking over his strong shoulder with his glowing eyes. That deep gaze made you swallow, barely keeping you composure. You knew if you came any closer you would break, and you will not give him that satisfaction. You lifted you chin up,  pushed back your shoulders, and turned on your heal as the cold answer followed.“He has hands. He can fill it up himself.”- without second thought, you walked away, but you swore you could feel a set of burning eyes following you.
The hallways were empty, all the guests retreated to the main hall. As the night went on, even the workers began to relax, completing their work and joining the rest of the town in celebration. There was no longer a need to bring the food from the kitchen, at least for the time being, the tables were full. (B/F) was the last person leaving the kitchen, as you said you will join her shortly, you just wanted to finish a few things up. Carrying the empty bamboo boxes, you took a turn into the hallway bathed in dim light, crashing with your shoulder into something big and hard. You blinked in shock, barely managing not to drop the boxes on the floor. The thing in front of you was a person, and seeing him made your heart race. Benimaru Shinmon stood there silently, his eyes half opened, shoulders relaxed, while he studied you.  You almost bit your lip, but seeing the man baring that uninterested expression once more, made your blood boil instead. “Excuse me is the words you are looking for! You should watch where you are going.”- you said irritated, trying to go pass him, hiding your flustered face beneath your hair. A feeling of slight pain spread throw your back as it crashed on the wall. It took you a couple of seconds to figure out what was going on, that is, you needed to believe that this was not one of your dreams. Pressed with his hips on your abdomen, Benimaru towered over you. He seemed stronger than usual, more dangerous, but there was not a shred of fear in you, just excitement. “Wh..what are you doing?! Get off!”- funny you should say that, when in reality you didn’t wiggle or struggle at all, your big mouth once again just stood in your way in order to show your true feelings. But Benimaru was no fool. He did not respond on your demands, instead, he tilted his head on the side, like he was checking something, then returned his gaze on you. You could feel the ground disappearing under you. You gasped at the unsettling feeling, trying to grab onto something from pure instinct. But the only thing you managed to grab was the one making you lose the floor under your feet in the first place. Benimaru picked you up by your waist, his forearm adorned with prominent veins wrapped around your waist like a snake, not letting go of his prey. He was fast, pushing the door of the kitchen that was empty and dark, kicking it again as they closed with a loud bang that made you flinch, while he turned the key in the lock. “Benimaru ! What the hell? I said let go!”- in reality, you hated the thought of his hands leaving your body. The feeling that flowed through your veins when you were this close to him, almost took over even your insolence, but the bits that were left now squirted like popcorn from your lips. “You are too huffish, (Y/N).”- his voice smooth like honey, but a bit dark. The sudden feeling of falling down made a muffled whine to escape your mouth, but you did not hit the ground. He held you in his lap while he sat down on a kitchen table. Your permanent denial tried to strike for the last time, making you turn around furiously, facing the man who dared to pick you up like a helpless and fragile thing. But the sharpness of your words did not come down from your lips, when sweetness filled your taste buds. The warm flesh of his lips now merged with yours. The bitter taste of the sake he drank from didn't bother you, because for you he tasted like cupid's wine, intoxicating you, maddening your thoughts and driving your senses wild. You felt dizzy from the heat that rushed into your cheeks when he first ran his tongue over yours, caressing its soft surface with his tender muscle. You tried to get some air in your lungs but you didn't know how to breathe, you were so enchanted by his kisses. You almost swore in displeasure when he pulled his lips away from yours.“If you just did this, we would be able to skip the punishment.”- confused, you did not even manage to answer his statement when his hands that were resting on your waist till now, pulled you down and flipped you across his lap. Your knees landed on the wooden surface of the table, as you kept your balance on your elbows in the front. “What…what are you doing?”- you asked with a shaky voice, seeing how his hand hold you by the material of you kimono on your lower back, keeping you steady. “I declined the home made meal from your obaachan today because I knew we already had a meal prepared for the day.”- he said sliding his rough palm of his free hand across your spine, down to the your lower back, all the way to your peachy ass. You bit you lip, shivering when his touch did not stop, traveling down your thigh, then taking a handful of fabric of your kimono.“Taking more would mean throwing it away because it would not be eaten. And that would be disrespectful.”- he jerked your kimono abruptly, exposing your entire lower body. Your perfectly shaped ass made him discreetly lick his lips, while you covered your face with your palms in shame. “I-I…I didn’t k..know that ..”- you tried to explain yourself, but in vain, as his voice  responded harshly, accompanied with his finger movement, slipping under the side of your panties. You whined loudly as his index finger brushed along your folds.“You did not bother to ask. But fortunately as you said earlier, I do have my hands. And with my hands I plan to teach you how to behave.”- the sound of tearing fabric filled the kitchen. You bit your hand when you felt the exhaled air from his mouth pass over your naked cunt. He was so close that he could feel the heat coming from it, barely restraining himself from biting into that cookie. You stirred a little, the discomfort ate at you up, the feeling of arousal overcame you.“Don’t look there….Benimaru, please I-….”
“You know how to say please already? Well, I wonder what it will take to teach you to say sorry.”- his fingertips crossed over your silky pussy lips, gently caressing the rosy flesh. You whimpered at the slow pace of his movements. He didn't remove his head, he calmly watched the wet glow slowly appear on those folds. He pushed his finger closer to the opening, collecting some sticky liquid with his fingertip. He didn't push his finger inside, but continued to draw a line along your slit. “Oh my Sol!”- you cried out, squirming already, but that did not even make him flinch. He pushed his digit a bit harder, make it sink into the sensitive flesh, brushing over it all so gently. “Sol will not help you (Y/N), but some manners might. Luckily again, as you said, captain should be a role model, showing the people the art of good manners.”- his thumb slipped across your clit, making the rough skin stimulate it so greatly it made your icing flow more intensely. You yearned for him to do it again, but you were out of luck. This was not supposed to be something to reward you with, this was a straight up lesson to teach you what will happen when your bratty mouth bump into an opponent like Benimaru. He settled his thumb above your throbbing nerve bud, adding another finger to the game. His index and middle finger pulled your pussy lips slowly, massaging them between them. The sensation you were feeling made you feel dizzy. The overwhelming pleasure that arose in you now got your legs shaking without stopping. The feeling was unbearable, because he touched all the sensitive places but leaving the critical ones empty and eager. This teasing was so arousing your juices now strained down your thigh. The crystal like liquid did not go unnoticed by Benimaru, as a grin appeared on his face. Without a second though, he lowered his head, sticking his tongue out and pressing it on your plushy thighs, collecting the juices in long strokes. “Beni!!”- you moaned like a whore, voice filled with begging desire and maddening need, but he did not plan to be interrupted. He slid his hand under you, finding your mouth and sticking the fingers coated in your icing in it.“Clean this up, while I clean you down here.”- he lifted his hand a bit to make you close your mouth around his fingers, pumping them in and out to insure you will do the job well. You sobbed in a low voice as you sucked on your own cum, barely concentrating on his order when the feeling of him patiently licking off the wetness along your thighs and getting closer to your cunt made you almost faint. His soft muscle finally found its way to the grand prize, as he brushed it on your folds and around your entrance in circular motions. You could not take it, you started to push your ass back, trying to make him stick his tongue in, touch your clit, anything to give you the sweet release you so desperately needed. But he will not grant you that. He pressed his mouth right on your heated hole, and started sucking, gathering the last of your juices. You body was on the edge, you could feel your heart skipping a beat, lungs barely catching air and muscles tensing, begging for that much needed release, but the only thing you got was a tender kiss on your clit, before he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, and lifting you off of him. He placed you in the sitting position, spreading your legs so your cunt was fully exposed to him once more. Your own wetness was smeared around your lips. You lowered your gaze, seeing something that made your mouth drop open. On Benimaru’s loose pants, there were more than clear outlines of his thick dick. You never saw something like that before, stretching the fabric mercilessly. He was not big, he was huge, and you wanted every damn inch buried inside of you. But you again forgot that this was not your lucky day….“You can only watch as I get the release that you are forbidden to reach tonight.” he slid his hand under his pants, giving his length a couple of experimental pumps before exposing the beast to you.“If you will behave, next time I will reward you, this time you will only swallow your bratty words…and my cum.”- he started slowly jerking it off, gazing at your plumb lips where his load will end.
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cotccotc · 4 years
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♡ 3:24 am ; paranoid
set in the domus amoris universe !
genre/s: comfort, angst, fluff, established relationship/domestic au, hyunjin x gn reader
wc: ~1.6k
warnings: use of petnames (lovey, baby)
a/n: this is based on “paranoid” by lauv :))) it has a similar format to “forevermore” from this series but with a lot more elaboration !! it’s been a bit challenging to think of ways to write for him lately, but this is an idea i’ve had for a while now so... i tried </3 lol. i hope u enjoy it despite the sad bits oops :DDD
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‘ smile when you're sleeping
wonder who you're dreaming of ’
he’s always loved watching you as you sleep. if able, he stays up until whenever it might be that you finally drift off. as your hands remain tightly wrapped around his body, your face aglow from the kaleidoscopical light streaming into the bedroom through the blinds, he watches and listens to you breathe. in, out. in, out. your chest inflates and diminishes with each deep, restful breath. your face rests in the palm of his hand. observing you intently, he notices as the corners of your lips begin to curl. a smile. endearing, entrancing… unnerving. he hopes you’re dreaming of something pleasant. something you might share with him come morning. he hopes you’re dreaming of him. he hopes, he prays.
but what if it isn’t? his heartbeat hastens.
‘ after all of these nights, laying right by your side
how could my brain make me feel so far? ’
maybe it’s selfish, he ponders, to be thinking this way. to assume the worst. to wonder if there’s someone you could be fantasizing about that isn’t him. it’s unfair. for all he knows, you could be dreaming of something unrelated entirely. he runs his thumb over your cheekbone, grazing the soft skin on your face with such adoration. such love. like he’s done so many times before. and yet, he believes that you deserve better. more. he always has. and he hates himself for it.
‘ maybe it's a case of paranoia
nervous that i'll never really know ya ’
he believes knows you inside and out; frontways and backways; from top to bottom and everything in between. that’s what you tell him, too. you tell it to him all the time. and he tells you the same. because it’s true. in some ways, you know him more than he knows himself. sometimes, when he’s unsure of who he is, all it takes is one look at you to bring his feet back onto the ground. and yet, in these mid-morning moments, he falls prey to doubt. maybe it’s him. that’s what he thinks. maybe it’s just the way his mind works. almost as if a self-inflicted disease is eating away at his subconscious, doubtful thoughts infiltrating his mind against his will. it’s a consuming feeling.
you let out a bit of a sigh. your eyes blink open, straining to focus on your lover’s face in front of you. he feels terrible for waking you. but you don’t know that.
“you’re awake,” you murmur, voice raspy and quiet. 
“mhm,” he hums.
he’s taken aback by the question. unsure of how to respond. you look so adorable to him. heavy-eyed and somnolent. “it’s nothing. go back to sleep,” he says. it’s not nothing. but he’s embarrassed. why is he embarrassed? it’s you. he shouldn’t be embarrassed. and yet, he is.
“are you sure?” you ask, letting out an involuntary yawn. he’s so enamored by you. you don’t even realize it, because how could you? he looks toward you so fondly. with such endearment. he wants to tell you everything that’s on his mind. but he just can’t.
“i’m sure,” he reassures you. he places his hand upon your cheek, holding your face in his hand as if that’s what it was made to do. it always seems to fit so perfectly. he flashes a meek, forced half-smile at you. you know he’s lying.
instead of refuting his response, you decide not to push. you know he has moments of self-doubt and what he would consider weakness. and you know it’s not his fault. more so than anything, you know that you love him. so, you sit up, elbow propped up against the mattress. you turn on the lamp sitting upon your bedside table, illuminating the room with a dim, creamy tint. you rest your hand upon your lover’s chest and lean into him. he brings his hands to cup your face, pulling you closer. you kiss each other tenderly. his lips waltz across yours, just as they always do; smooth, sultry, with a twinge of honey-like sweetness. you love to kiss his bottom lip, gently tugging at it with your own. and you know he loves it too. especially as it prompts him to thread his fingers through your hair, passionately pulling you even closer to him and kissing you even deeper. you sink into his touch. this isn’t lust. it’s familiarity. it’s healing. it’s the only thing that speaks louder than words. it’s love.
he takes a small, shaky breath, breaking away from you. a single tear droplet emerges from the corner of his eye as he looks up at you.
his lip quivers. your heart breaks.
“i love you,” you whisper, swiping the tear off of his cheek. you lay back down beside him, head resting on his shoulder as you caress his face with the tips of your fingers. you place a soft kiss against his cheek, wanting nothing more than to be impossibly close to him; absorbing his emotions and freeing him from whatever might be troubling him.
“i know that…” he trails off, unable to connect his eyes with yours. “but…” he screws them shut, raising his palm to cover them as his lips contort themselves.
he’s crying.
“i know that,” he repeats. but this time, he sounds angry. angry with himself. he knows that you love him. and he’s ashamed that his brain could ever make him think otherwise.
you don’t know what else to do other than hold him, wrapping your arms around his form. “baby,” you mutter, almost inaudibly. a tear of your own taunts your waterline. you hate seeing him like this. especially when seemingly unprovoked. you know he’s been listening to the voices in the back of his mind again. it’s plain to see.
“i just-” he starts, cut off by his own convulsions. in between sobs and shallow breaths, he stammers, “i… i don’t…” when he realizes he’s unable to release a full sentence, his face turning a harsh shade of red and his eyes wired shut, he reaches out to wrap his arms around your waist and pulls himself closer to you. he places his head against your chest. “i don’t know…”
you stay like this for a few minutes. he shudders against you, choked sobs escaping the lips from which he’s always complimented you, called for you, kissed you… it’s painful to listen to. and even more disheartening to see. as he settles down, you continue to stroke his hair, running your fingertips along his scalp to soothe him. he learns to breathe with you. with every inhale, he mimics the feeling. in, out. in, out. though shaky still, his sobs turn to sniffles and his convulsions fade into calm.
eventually, he looks up at you. his eyes are puffy, similarly to the state in which he wakes, though they remain slightly pink-tinted and dampened from the strain of his tears. “i love you, too,” he mumbles. “and i’m sorry.”
“sorry?” you repeat, confused. “lovey...” you tuck a few strands of pitch-dark hair behind his ear. the skin is still red from emotion and embarrassment.  “you have nothing to be sorry about.”
he looks away, shifting around to get even more comfortable against you. his arms are still wrapped around your figure, fingers gently toying with the fabric of your shirt as a means of distraction. after a pause, he continues. “i’m sorry that i get so scared.” he sniffles, drained from weeping so intensely. he sounds stuffy. it would almost be endearing if he wasn’t so distraught.
‘ but baby, i love you
and baby, i’d love to
not be… ’
“it’s not your fault,” you assure him. you know how he feels. with each new day waking up beside him, you’re met with a sense of unworthiness. he’s just so lovely. and he makes you feel like nobody’s ever made you feel before. knowing him and loving him are truly your greatest pleasures in life. sometimes, you even feel selfish for keeping him so close to your heart. it’s as if you hold onto his hands as tightly as you do to prevent him from letting go. as if your grip on his waist whenever he hovers atop your frame is not just an expression of want, but of need. as if at a moment’s notice, he could find someone better than you; someone more deserving of his loving gaze, his angelic laugh, the honor of lulling him to sleep with kisses and reciprocative sentiments of endearment… someone more deserving of the opportunity to love him. still, he feels the same way about you. and you can never quite comprehend the reason why.
“i know. but i wish it would just go away.” he pauses, still fiddling with your top. 
“i do too,” you mutter.
he then sits up, readjusting to lay his head down beside your neck. his hand settles upon your stomach, thumb lightly rubbing your skin through the thin layer of cotton. his lips brush against your neck, barely touching it at all. so delightful. your fingers remain entwined in his lustrous tresses. “promise...” he begins, whispering into your skin before finally pressing his lips against you. his voice ripples through your mind like a wave. he speaks with such purity. such sincerity. such need. “you’ll stay with me.” he breaks away, looking straight into your eyes. you look right back into his.
“i promise.”
“...forever?” he adds, stifling a smile. he has to be sure.
you tease him. “will you stay with me forever?”
he snaps out of his almost-contentedness, a serious expression taking shape upon his winsome face once more. “i promise,” he confirms. “i promise, baby. i will.”
“then i will, too.” you smile, gently pecking his lips with yours. as his eyes flutter open once again, blinking intently, he smiles. a wide-eyed, rosy-cheeked, ever-precious smile. the smile for which your heart beats. the smile that only you can evoke, reserved simply for moments such as these. maybe you do deserve it after all. and maybe, he thinks, he deserves the evocation.
‘ ...paranoid. ’
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @changnuggie, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @moonlit-lixie, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​, @siedhr​​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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hillbillyoracle · 4 years
Some Thoughts on Why White Pagans Need to Heal Their Relationships with Christianity
Note: I've been trying to write a piece like this for months and the only way I know how to write this is to be very vulnerable and personal. So just please keep that in mind as you read this. It isn't very refined and it's something I'm still very much in process with, to borrow a phrase from my charismatic Christian upbringing. It's more a diary entry than a finished piece and none of these thoughts are original or eloquent. My hope it's helpful to see someone thinking through these things though.
If you're white and you don't want to further colonization and imperialism in your spirituality, then going back to Christianity in some form is pretty necessary; to do the work of decolonizing it's doctrines and to prevent taking from traditions that aren't ours.
This is just the conclusion I've arrived at after a lot shadow working in and around both my ancestors and my religious trauma. My ancestors aren't all white Europeans. But given that I'm white and I don't have any way to carry on the traditions of those that weren't, I feel like the best way to honor those non-white ancestors is to go back to the spiritual traditions I do have access to and doing the work of reshaping them into something less harmful.
I have read and intellectually understood that culture forms the foundation of spirituality and that when you remove something from it's originating culture, that concept or tool no longer works properly, if at all. In working with my non-white ancestors, I really got it on a practical and emotional level. There was this sense that they'd love for me to know their traditions but that it required an understanding that just isn't possible for me given my upbringing and disconnection - "you don't know the words and there's no way to find a person who can teach you" as one ancestor put it. It was an important reminder that "this isn't for white people" isn't merely a categorical assertion but a cultural and practical one.
They've generally asked I stick to practices I have a cultural grounding in when honoring them, even though it is not theirs - the cultural and linguistic element is that important to them. They would rather an authentic expression of gratitude and care through a ritual that isn't theirs rather than an imitation of one that is or being left out of my practice all together. Which makes sense to me in a relational way I hadn't fully grasped before.
In working with my white ancestors, I've come to more viscerally understand that the present understanding of Christianity is wildly different than other historical understandings. One thing that surprised me was that some of my more recent ancestors have expressed more discomfort around my queerness and transness than many of my older ancestors but both root their understanding in the Bible. I enjoyed one ancestor who, when I explained that I'm partnered with a woman, to mean that I would have a life of service - "no men to distract you from God" - which I mean is not wrong on several levels. It really highlighted for me that Christian doctrine is far more flexible than I'd initially thought. It challenged ideas I'd picked up through traumatic religious experiences. So much of what I'd assumed was Christianity itself seems to be more Christianity right now.
The historical angle is really important me. One of the things that drove my interest in Paganism was trying to understand what came before Christianity, to connect with whatever had been cut off in that process. The more I've come to learn about imperialism within Europe - how various empires conquered and destroyed localized traditions indigenous to parts of Europe - it clicked for me that my white ancestors did to others what had been done to them. It is intergenerational trauma in a nutshell.
It's also striking to me that so many people term the traditions pagans pull from as "dead" religions or at the very least "not living". For years I took that to mean they were "safe" to take from, that I wouldn't hurt anyone by doing so. But I hadn't really understood the weight of what "dead" meant - that there was no one left alive who could teach me, that I can't live in a context where all of the beliefs, tools, and traditions make intuitive sense. And if it was important to my ancestors who had had a connection to their traditions, then what was I missing by reanimating these traditions without that link?
I don't have a full visceral understanding of what I'm missing to be honest. I have a feeling that'll develop as my practice evolves. But that question alone has marked a pretty important change in how I understand myself spiritually.
The living and cultural element to my practice is more important to me now. For me, just given the family, community, and area I was raised in, that means Christianity is the living tradition I have access to and I've been revisiting it. I was reading an interview the other day with someone who is both a Catholic theologian and a practicing Buddhist. I liked the way he put it when he referred to Catholicism as "one of his sources of wisdom". That better captures my relationship with Christianity that's been unfolding over the last few months.
Making sure that intergenerational spiritual trauma stops as much as possible with me is really important. I had mistakenly thought that meant abandoning Christianity all together, that it was the problem. Which in hindsight, is fucking wild - I hugely fucked up there. There's nothing stopping me from just enacting the harm I learned in the context of Christianity in a different context, a Pagan context. It doesn't get to the root of the issue. At the end of the day, I just want to be sure I do not use my religion, any religion, to further the harms of structural inequality and colonial oppression. That's the goal.
In reading around about this, I've come to feel pretty strongly that one of the best ways to work toward that is to strive toward animism. Animism has been a great antidote to the spiritual entitlement that colonial religions cultivate (including white paganism). Animism also builds a relational spirituality rather than a goal/individual centered one. White paganism isn't inherently animistic since white culture teaches values that undermine quality relationships - individualism, competitiveness, and seeking domination of some fashion in order to feel safe. An animistic lens requires you unlearn those values and cultivate new ones - mutuality, respect, and accountability.
So all this is to say that given my current understanding, I think trying to build a practice out of New Age concepts while trying to avoid appropriation sounds impossible and hellish. I also think it doesn't deal with the work that needs done. I'm choosing to take an animist lens to the living traditions I do have to see if that's a better space for both my spirituality and my evolving understand of decolonizing to grow in.
People will rightly question my use of the term "shadow work" given this perspective. Shadow work is a problematic term for a lot of different reasons that are beyond the scope of this piece.  Where I'm at with it right now is that most western religious traditions seem to have some understanding of what we might call shadow work which points to it being important and useful. However they all used different terms given their contexts so I'm still unsure of what term might be the most appropriate given where I'm at. So for right now, you might see me use it less in the title or body of work I write from here on out, but I still might use it as a tag to make it findable. There's a good shot this doesn't go far enough and I'm not sold on this approach. Just know it's something I'm trying to figure out.
So that's where I'm at right now. I think white pagans really need to be more serious about animism at minimum and hopefully also looking at the role living religious traditions play in their current practice as well. I think white pagans' unhealed reactivity around Christianity too often serves as a justification for spiritual appropriation and furthering colonial harm. Changes are definitely needed. What that looks like in practice for individuals will likely vary a ton. I'd love to hear from other folks doing work in this vein. What's worked for you so far? What hasn't? Where are you in the process?
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mysterystarz · 3 years
the ceremony:
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brides note: here is the ceremony in which you shall witness the shenanigans caused by stealing keijis shoes (it’s a part of my culture that i decided to integrate here!) and witness the vows shared between keiji and i! i want to thank my bridesmaids for providing me things they actually would say as well as admit that i got a bit emotional writing our vows. to whoever reads this, i hope this brings you as much joy as it brought me <3
warnings: absolute fluff and one innuendo that isn’t really explicit but still there
word count: 2.9k (i got a bit carried away but have no regrets)
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The morning of Keiji and Nova’s wedding was absolutely gorgeous.
Above the garden estate that served as the venue, clear blue skies and soft white clouds accompanied a gentle breeze that filled the entire venue with a sense of tranquility. The very atmosphere itself was buzzing with anticipation, yet still had an air of serenity as the bride and groom prepared themselves to greet each other at the aisle.
Nova’s dressing room was a hubbub of emotion and excitement as she stared at herself in the mirror, her bridesmaids all surrounding her as she spun around in the dress they had all helped her pick out. It was truly surreal to her.
In an hour’s time, she’d be marrying the man she had loved for so long, the man who had guided her through her best and her worst moments, all while sharing the moment with the people she held so close to her heart.
The very thought made her smile with an accumulation of warm feelings pooling in her chest.
“Keiji is going to cry when he sees you.” Moon stated as they gestured to Nova, “You look beautiful.”
Nova giggled softly as she stared back at herself, “All good tears I hope.”
“No shit!” Natalia remarked, pointing to her dress. “You should see yourself! Hell, even I’m on the verge of tears! Keiji loves you the way you always are, but I bet he will be blown away when he sees you. No joke.”
She felt her smile widen even further as she turned to face her bridesmaids, dress swishing behind her. “I’m so glad to have all of you here today. Really.”
“I’m pretty sure that we’re all glad to be here,” Silla smiled, “I mean, none of us would ever dream of missing your special day. It was about time you two tied the knot.”
“No it really was.” Rach laughed, “Nova has been in love with Keiji for the longest time. She literally finds a way to relate everything back to him. If that’s not a sign to get married, I’m not sure what is!”
They all giggled and relished in the joyous atmosphere before Nova spoke again. “Alright, so how much money do we want to get out of them?”
“How much what?” Moon asked, raising an eyebrow, “Wait…what are we even getting money for?”
Inez chuckled at the side before walking to step near Nova, a black box in hand. “Here they are, as promised.”
“Are you two doing something illegal?” Natalia questioned promptly. “Nova, you know there are other ways to cure nerves!”
“Seriously Natalia,” Nova deadpanned before reverting back to her usual smile. “Anyways, this lovely black box here is Keiji’s shoes that we were able to acquire courtesy of Inez and her amazing stealthy skills. How did you manage to get them in the first place?”
“A magician never shares her secrets.” Inez shrugged, tracing a finger along the seam of the box. “To be completely honest, I expected this from Keiji.”
“So did I,” Nova chuckled as she tucked the shoes under a compartment in the dresser that she used to get ready. “So, I expect that any minute now, we’re going to have our plus ones at the door.”
“What’s the shoe stealing thing for?” Empress chimed in, “Like, what’s the reason for it?”
“It’s a fun wedding tradition we like to do to symbolize the groom’s promise to always take care of the bride and show the generosity of their heart.” Nova grinned mischievously, “Besides, now that we’ve got the shoes, the groomsmen need to come up with something to get it back.”
“Well they’re probably brainstorming,” Maia said. “I’m not sure what they’re thinking, but I think we’ll find out soon enough.”
“So you’re telling me that your shoes are gone?!” Oikawa asked incredulously, “There is no way! I made sure to put them in a safe spot away from them!”
“Well, Inez came to retrieve them and she did,” Keiji chuckled, reminded of their earlier encounter. “She pointed a pistol at me and demanded shoes that I made sure I didn’t know the location of, yet here we are.”
“Keiji. Shoes or I’ll shoot.” Inez threatened, smiling innocently.
“But I don—“
“Shoes or shoot.”
“There’s no way!” Atsumu remarked, “A pistol? Ya’ must be joking!”
“I wish.” Keiji smiled, “Nova planned this out better than I anticipated.”
“Akaashi. Your wife to-be and her bridesmaids just accomplished the ONE thing we tried to prevent, and you’re still smiling like a lovesick idiot. You are so whipped.” Kuroo rambled, pacing across the room.
“I am marrying her,” Keiji grinned, “I’ve been ‘whipped’ since we met.”
“You raise the standards for all of us Akaashi!” Oikawa pouted. “But in all seriousness, how do we get them back?”
“We’ll have to go and go to them and figure out where they hid them,” Kuroo explained, leaning on the wall casually. “Once we’ve done that, we have to strike up a deal with them. If it all goes well, we should be able to get Akaashi’s shoes without too much strain on our wallets.”
“Wallets?” Ushijima asked, stepping into the room. “Couldn’t we just politely ask for his shoes back? He’ll need them later.”
“It’s a wedding tradition on Nova’s side of the family,” Oikawa added, glaring at Ushijima. “Anyways, Kuroo, Kita, and Atsumu, come with me. Let’s see if we can try a diplomatic approach first.”
The four of them went to leave when Kuroo suddenly turned around, brandishing his cell-phone in the air. “Akaashi, I know you want to see her, but you’re staying on the phone. Got it?”
Keiji offered a subtle nod in response as the designated gang left the room, sprinting to the other side of the venue in the hopes of getting the groom’s shoes (and to see their plus ones looking hot).
Kuroo threw open the door of the dressing room, only to be greeted with the smug grin of Nova and her lovely bridesmaids.
“I ran as soon as I heard,” Iwaizumi suddenly said, pausing to look at the predicament they were in, “Damn, you all cleaned up nice.”
“You can do better than that Hajime,” Mai teased. “You still look handsome though.”
“Oi, stay on task!” Oikawa directed, surveying the room before looking at Nova. “Ahh, looking good Nova!”
A second later, he was met with Maia’s playful glare as he sputtered and backtracked, trying to defend his honor.
“Ladies,” Kita began, “You all look as dazzling as the stars themselves. However, we require Akaashi’s shoes so we can all witness the lovely union that is to occur soon. May we have a civil discussion about this?”
“How about no?” Rach grinned, turning to Natalia, “And YOU better not go betraying us because your boyfriend is here, you hear me?”
“I would never!” Natalia argued, turning her gaze to Kita, “My marshmallow, can help his team try and negotiate a good deal, but there’s no way I’m letting us get away without something.”
“Can we settle on twenty?” Atsumu began, stepping towards the door, “It’s a fair amount according to me.”
“More!” Moon yelled out, “You’ve got to give us more than that.”
“Yeah!” added Maia, “Let’s settle on five-hundred dollars, shall we?”
Nova high fived Maia and the rest of the bridesmaids as the boys stared at each other in horror.
Five-hundred dollars?! For shoes???
“Empress! Baby, please convince them to lower their rate!” Kuroo shouted in a way that was half-scared and half fond.
Empress merely smiled at this, waving a dismissing hand. “Nice try, but not happening. I say five-hundred sounds good.”
“Ladies,” Oikawa smiled disarmingly, “One hundred. It’s more than generous, and I think Keiji and the rest of us would be more than willing considering how gorgeous you all look.”
“Flattery gets you nowhere, Tooru,” Inez deadpanned, a laugh escaping her when she saw Oikawa’s crestfallen expression. “One hundred is starting to sound quite nice, but five-hundred sounds better. Isn’t that right guys?”
“You bet.” Tee smirked. “Where’s Omi? I’m sure he’d support our case.”
“I would,” Sakusa shrugged, joining the groomsmen at the doorway, “Lets just give them the money and get back. They’ll use it well anyways.”
“We would!” Angie yelled, glaring at the taller men, “Unload your wallets and you’ll have the shoes!
“Sakusa, you could help us, you know?” Kuroo sighed. “Wait, I’m calling Akaashi.”
Nova giggled at this declaration as the men all huddled in the doorframe, toe-tapping anxiously until Keiji picked up the call at last.
“How much are they asking?” Was the first thing that Keiji asked, a slight note of panic in his voice. “It’s not too outrageous,,,right?”
“How do ya’ feel about five-hundred dollars?!” Atsumu exclaimed, “I’m sure that falls into the outrageous category!”
“Five...hundred?” Keiji whispered, his tone rising in shock. “You’re serious?”
“Completely!” Natalia said into the phone, “I think it’s a fair price and—STOP SMILING LIKE A LOVESICK IDIOT NOVA!”
Sure enough, from the corner of the room, Nova was beaming brighter than she had before, a pure reaction to the sound of Keiji’s voice.
“Nova?” Keiji called out, “Are you over there?”
“Yup,” Nova whispered, stepping to the phone. “Hi Keiji.”
“As cute as this is, we’ve seriously got to get his shoes back.” Iwaizumi announced. “A hundred-twenty-five dollars? Can we all agree on this?”
“I think we can go a little further,” Silla added from the corner, a mischievous smile creeping up her face, “I mean, it is their wedding.”
“Hundred-fifty!” Kuroo yelled, “Please tell me that’s enough!”
“We can go mo–” Natalia had begun before Nova cut her off.
“Two hundred from Keiji’s wallet and yours right now and you’ve got a deal,” Nova smirked. “Three seconds to accept or reject. Three….two….on–”
“IT’S A DEAL!” Oikawa hollered, throwing a twenty dollar bill on the table. “Akaashi, are you good?”
“I’ll sacrifice two-hundred if it means I get to see my wife.” Keiji sighed into the call, “Kuroo, you’ve got my wallet. Hand it to them.”
Kuroo hesitantly handed Natalia the wallet before he began rummaging in the drawers for the shoes. “Where did you guys hide the damn shoes?”
“Right here Kuroo,” Kita responded calmly, opening the compartment of the dresser. “It was in quite the basic spot.”
“Alright then,” Atsumu shrugged, “See ya’ soon ya’ hotties.”
With that, the groomsmen sprinted out of the room, brandishing the shoebox that they had fought so hard to get. The whole dressing room was filled with excitement and exhilaration as they stared back at the cash that greeted them.
“Now we can get ice cream.” Inez smiled, “We did good.” “As long as it’s not mint-chocolate chip.” Empress hastily added, “I’m not sure how anybody can tolerate that stuff.”
“I’m not having ice-cream discourse before my wedding!” Nova interjected, twirling around. “Oh my god….wedding. I have to....walk down an aisle...WHAT IF I TRIP?”
“Don’t trip...even though I’m sure Akaashi would appreciate the view of your ass.” Rach laughed.
Nova frowned playfully, although a slight red overtook her cheeks. “You are a gremlin.”
“Then I’m doing my job,” Rach shrugged.
“No, but you’re not going to trip.” Moon assured, “Oh my god, you’re growing so fast! You’re going to be married!”
“You’re not even that much older than me!” Nova argued, although her point was lost on the happy smile on Moon’s face.
“Don’t bite him when you kiss him.” Angie winked, pacing around the room.
“I think I’ll save the biting for later, don’t you think?” Nova replied, eliciting laughs from all her bridesmaids.
“NOVA, save it for the honeymoon.” Natalia scolded, jabbing Nova playfully in the shoulder. “I know you’re looking forward to that.”
“Shut up Natalia!”
They all shared a last laugh before they exited the dressing room, stepping into the lush gardens where in just a few minutes time, Nova and Keiji would unite eternally.
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The surrounding gardens brought a certain liveliness to the aisle, with the multicolored flowers adorning the path where they’d finally meet. The skies above them were blue and clear as Keiji waited at the altar, Bokuto as his best man behind him.
They stood in silence as they marvelled at the sheer beauty of it all.
Nova and Keiji were getting married. It was really happening!
Keiji found himself worrying a slight bit, fingers twitching of their own accord as he attempted to calm his nerves. A million things soared through his head, but he knew that half of them was merely his brain panicking.
Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of Nova.
The wedding march played out into the venue, filling the space as her bridesmaids walked down the aisle with their plus-ones at their sides. They clutched their flowers beautifully, offering him congratulatory smiles, standing off to the side as he finally saw the person who had taken his breath away from the minute they had met eyes.
Nova beamed at him from the other side of the aisle as she clutched a bouquet of pastel flowers, smiling all the while as she accompanied her dad to the altar. She walked slowly, but he felt the elegance she had in every step of hers.
Keiji was the epitome of handsomeness from the way he looked standing there. In his tailored suit, he looked practically ethereal, illuminated by the sunlight that hit him at all the right angles. She felt the love for him pool in her chest as she took his hand, calloused and gentle as it always was as she gazed back at him, admiring him for everything that he was. Her vision grew a little blurry from the sheer happiness she felt, but she had never expected similar tears to fall from Keiji’s eyes.
He looked at her and saw radiance in its purest form. She had always been beautiful to him, an enigma of sorts, but nothing could ever rival the way she looked right then.
“You look beautiful,” Keiji whispered, placing a flower delicately behind her ear.
“I think that would be you,” Nova choked out, her smile widening at the small gesture, her hands still intertwined with his.
The officiant offered a pleasant nod to the couple as he began his speech. “We are gathered today to witness the union of Nova and Akaashi Keiji in this fateful union of two souls who love each other, and will promise to always love each other for as long as they breathe. If anyone has any objections, please speak now, or forever hold your peace!”
The guests all offered pure smiles of joy as the officiant nodded gleefully. “You may now begin your vows to each other.”
Nova blushed freely as she stared back at Keiji, full adoration in her gaze. “Keiji, from the minute we met eyes in the library, to where we stand here now, you have always had my heart. You have always been my anchor, supporting me through the toughest times of my life and bringing me through them, hand in hand as you’ve always done. You’ve always been my sunshine, bringing endless brightness upon our shared days, and making me fall even more in love with you as the minutes pass. I never knew life could be a dream until I met you. Today, with all of our loved ones, I chose you to be my husband. I promise to stand by you through everything, and give my everything to you. I vow to inspire you, support you, and cherish you for as long as we live. I promise to be at your side in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. I vow to love you with every inch of me forever, and always.”
Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he regarded Nova with as much love as he could possibly muster in his gaze. “Nova, you’ve captured me, mind, body, and soul from the minute we met. You are my other half, completing me in ways I never knew before I met you. You bring me joy in every way possible, and a sense of peace that I only feel with you. You are my person, my inspiration, and I vow to love you till the end of time. Today, I take you as my wife, and I promise to love you through everything in life. I vow to express my love for you for as long as I breathe. I promise to be your support, and to support you. I promise to love you with every fiber of my being for as long as I live. I vow to treasure you, cherish you, stand by you, inspire you, and to adventure through life with my hand in yours. It is my promise to you, my darling, that my love outnumbers every star in the galaxy, and that I will always love you that way, now and for eternity.”
Nova was crying, the joyful tears streaming down her face as they shakily exchanged the rings on each other’s fingers, a physical manifestation of all they promised to share.
“You may now kiss the bride.” The officiant called out, clapping grandly when Nova and Keiji exchanged a passionate kiss, hugging each other tightly as the applause flooded the gardens,
“I introduce to you, the new Mr. and Mrs. Akaashi Keij!” The officiant added as everyone rose to applaud the new couple.
“Akaashi Nova,” Keiji whispered, placing another peck to his wife’s lips. “I quite like the sound of that.”
“You’ve got forever to hear it, Keiji,” Nova grinned as she placed a kiss on her husband’’s cheek. “We have forever together.”
“That we do,” he smiled, linking their pinkies. “We’ve got that and a whole lot more.”
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©keinova wedding <3
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jui-imouto-chan · 4 years
Ouran High School Host Club AU (Inspired by this post)
Yes, I used everybody they offered as the characters (and more!), it’s just a really big club. 
(It will 200% get bigger if I keep writing this, don’t test me)
Ship Tags: MiyaHina, AtsuHina, OsaHina, OiHina, KurooHina, BokuHina, AkaaHina, TsukiHina, UshiHina, AoHina, HyakuHina, NishiHina/NoyaHina, Hinata Harem aka Hinata/Everyone. 
Loosely follows plot, but a few things have been changed to match Haikyuu more, such as:
•Hinata isn’t an honor-student, he’s on an athletics scholarship (and while there are plenty of decent athletes there, they’re all rich enough to not need a scholarship)
•Hinata wears blue-light glasses often. He has good vision but having the glasses framing his vision helps him focus in class instead of getting (as) distracted.
•Yachi and Hinata switch off on some Haruhi stuff but Yachi isn’t the one the guys are all simping for.
•Yachi is an actual honor student but she’s not on the kinda full-ride scholarship Hinata is on. She’s like, partially rich, but not enough for Ouran (so she gets bullied or at least teased.)
•Hinata and Yachi got to be really good friends at orientation since she can sympathize with him better than all the actual rich people, and she helps him with his studies so he doesn’t completely flunk his classes. 
•The Twins, like Hikaru and Kaoru, have the same color hair (brunette) atm
•Hinata’s mom is a drag king to parallel Haruhi’s dad’s sitch
•Oikawa doesn’t let Iwaizumi into the club because he kills his eccentricity and egotism. None of the others can vibe check him the way Iwa-Chan does so that’s why he seems even more unbearable and thus more Tamaki-like.
Hinata tried to figure out where Yachi disappeared to, peering down halls and into classrooms through small openings of the doors. “Yachi-saaaan...”
He barely registered the vague scent of roses and sweets saturating the air as he pushed the door softly. 
The wood swung open as though pulled, Hinata stumbling through with a shout. A breeze and rose petals drifted by his face as he opened his eyes, head whipping up to view the silhouettes of the boys not too far from the door.
“Welcome to the Harukou Host Club!”
“Th-The... --What’s a host club?”
Hinata watched as all of the boys’ faces fell into befuddlement. 
“W-What a funny joke,” a brunet, sat upon a throne-like chair, commented, his fingers interlocked beneath his chin. “Isn’t that cute? Trying to win our hearts with humor.”
“So, what kind of guys do you like? We’ve got plenty of types to spare, and I don’t think any of them have any problem attending to a male--ah, sorry, what’re your pronouns? That was rude of me to assume.”
Hinata’s instinctive, “He/him,” came out before he could attach his protests at the services offered, his stress elevating as the brunet hopped out of his chair and sauntered over to him, hands extended in shows of eccentricity.
“We haven’t gotten a boy, yet, huh, ‘Tsumu?” one of the guys still in the group commented, his arm draped over the shoulder of his exact copy (sans the parting of the brown locks). 
“No, but that’s because the only boys we’re involved with are each other,” the copy, ‘Tsumu(?), said, grabbing the other’s chin to hold his gaze. They stared into each other’s eyes for a second before their faces got a little green, the two of them separating to mime vomiting whilst laughing.
Hinata had to tune back into the brunet approaching him, who seemed to be going off on a tirade about beauty and elegance. He tuned back out almost immediately, finding even schoolwork to be more interesting.
“’Tsumu and ‘Samu are awful at the twincest-schtick, don’tcha think?”
“Right? I thought so, too. We’d be ten bajillion times better at it if we were identical twins!”
The ravenette rolled his eyes, although he drew in the other smugly. “Identical or not, the reason we work is because I’m a good actor.” Then, placatingly, he amended, “And you’re not hard to tease and smother with affection.”
His silver companion’s eyes lit up. “Man, you’re so cool, Kuroo.”
“Make sure to call me Tetsu when there are girls here.”
“Oooh do I get a nickname? Like, Kouta instead of Koutaro?”
Kuroo grinned, “Don’t give me an offer like that. I’ll call you Honey or Beloved, and while we’re raking in the cash, Akaashi’ll sell a bunch of merchandise with it.”
Another ravenette, probably Akaashi, nodded calmly as he penciled into his notebook. Beside him, a tall blonde smirked, his glasses flashing menacingly as he tapped away into a calculator. Kuroo and the silveret both paled and protested at him, which he seemed to ignore.
Speaking of ignoring things...
“You’ve been talking a long time, haven’t you?”
The brunet, knelt on the floor near a table, glanced over at him like he forgot who he was talking at. “Is that praise of my oratory skills? I’ve always been told that people get lost in my speeches, and it’s no surprise that you’ve gotten so enthralled with one!”
Seems like I wasn’t the only one who got lost, Hinata thought, noting the despondent, glazed eyes of some of the occupants. A short guy with a patch of blonde hair jumped up into a handstand on the shoulders of one of the taller guys in the back with white hair, and it was made evident that, no, some of them just always appeared completely detached from reality.
“So, anyway, what kind of guy is your type, Mr. Athlete? Maybe you like the cool type? The boy lolita?”
“You are quite that short,” the brunette continued, “Or maybe you like the strong silent type? —We have three of those. We also have twins—identical and fraternal— if you’re into the taboo kinda stuff. We don’t kinkshame here.”
“Maybe we should,” muttered the blonde guy with the calculator. His mouth was covered by a silver-haired guy with black ends, whose face betrayed no emotion even as the blonde fought against his palm irately.
“I’m not into this kind of thing,” Hinata said quickly, “Besides, doesn’t it cost money? I don’t think I’d be able to afford something like this, anyway.”
“Speaking of not being able to afford things... Shouldn’t we check up on her?” Probably-Akaashi motioned to a corner of the room with a piano and a familiar blonde girl hiding beneath its bench, sobbing meekly into her knees.
Hinata raced over to her, her head whipping up at his call. Her teary eyes let loose some sparkling droplets as she leapt at him, although the rope binding her ankles to the bench prevented her from fully reaching him. He thankfully was close enough that he saved her from a tumble to the floor.
“Hinataaaa,” she whined into his shoulder, “I’m going to have to sell my organs!!!”
“She came into our clubroom earlier and broke the vase we were supposed to sell at an auction,” explained one of the twins.
“It was worth eight million yen, and she told us she doesn’t have enough money but that she’ll sell her organs in order to pay us back, which is impressive in the dedication but very concerning.”
“We had Wakatoshi-kun put her on the bench to calm down, but she tied herself to it because she thought she would be our prisoner as a punishment.”
Yachi clearly tuned them out, too busy crying and hiding in Hinata’s arms. The redhead patted her on the head, wondering how things could get this weird in less than twenty minutes of her being out of his sight.
No response. Her blubbers were even less coherent now.
“Yachi-san!” He shook her by the shoulders until she blinked up at him. “I’ll help you, okay? Just promise me you’ll be more careful. And help me with my homework again!”
He grinned at her and patted her head. When he turned back to the group of boys, he could see they parted somewhat to allow the brunet to be visible whilst lounging on his throne that was turned to face them.
“I’ll be taking on Yachi-san’s debt,” he declared. The brunet rested his cheek on his fist and peered down his nose at him, smirk drawing his lips.
‘Kuroo’ spoke up, “Hoh? All eight million? Are you sure you can make it up, Chibi-chan?”
“You couldn’t even afford a school uniform; how do you plan to pay us back?” said the blonde guy, eyeing his white-and-pink tracksuit with no lack of judgment.
“I’ll...” Hinata glanced back at Yachi, her eyes glistening, and steeled his resolve, “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“Then, Chibi-chan, from here on,” the brunet guy’s voice, initially dropped, lilted upward as his amusement mounted, "You’ll be our bitch.”
Hinata frowned at the smudges all over his lenses, ignoring the twins (both sets) measured him for his uniform. 
He almost didn’t notice when Kuroo bent down to meet his eye-level and gently grasped the frames of his blue-light glasses. “Alright, Chibi-chan, we’ll be taking these. Though it doesn’t even seem like you need them, huh, since these lenses don’t really have any magnification?”
“Well, no, but since we have a lot of work on laptops here I thought they’d be better to have.”
Kuroo hummed and slipped them off his ears and nose, and all of the twins gawked at him as he blinked up at them.
Osamu kicked Atsumu’s calf, and the Miyas dragged Bokuto away with them.
“Nothing,” said Kuroo, “Maybe they just forgot you’d have a face behind these.”
“Oh, I’ve done that before! Like when people are sick for a long time and they wear a mask, I kinda forget they have mouths!”
“Yeah, just like that.” 
“What kind of coffee is this?” The brunet, now known to be Oikawa Tooru, asked, beckoning Hinata over with the most obnoxious “come-hither” motion to ever exist.
“Instant. I don’t really understand coffee, but this is what my mom buys. It’s just cheap enough that I still have money for lunch.”
Oikawa sputtered at Hinata’s lackluster funding for his nutrition, although his mind finished processing what was said about the coffee itself before he could really express any amount of disbelief at the former.
“What do you mean ‘instant’? Are the beans already ground or something?”
Hinata blinked. “Coffee’s made of beans?”
Oikawa sighed heavily and drew up to his full height, holding the coffee container skyward as a few girls approached for their hosting appointment.
“Alright, you know what? I’m up for a challenge! I’m going to try some commoner’s coffee!”
The girls in the clubroom gave shrieks of surprise, Oikawa’s announcement drawing the attention of the entire room. Hinata longingly and despondently stared outside at the people running around the track and beginning practices for their various sports, allowing himself to be dragged away by the club president.
“Darn rich people,” he mumbled.
Oikawa was very clingy, Hinata found. Every spare second he had at the club was spent with the other nearby, coddling him and encouraging him to learn up close. It was so draining that the Miya Twins and the Fraternals dragging him into their games was infinitely more appealing, but that could also be his bias for Bokuto coming into play. 
Kuroo was cool, too, yes, and the Miya Twins gave him food, but Bokuto’s energy was so perfectly aligned with his that Kuroo whined about his brother being snatched away on multiple occasions.
This time, with Oikawa monologuing as dramatically as ever, Hinata had no sets of twins to free him from the absolutely boring speech. He spaced out so hard, he didn’t notice Oikawa coming closer and hugging him to his chest excitedly. 
He shouted, the fright sending tears into his eyes, and he reached desperately at the tall trio nearby. “Help!”
All three of them instinctively drew closer, but it was the white-haired eyebrowless one who pulled him out of Oikawa’s grasp by the armpits, Hinata’s legs dangling in the air while the brunette sat stupefied. 
“A-Aone-kun, you didn’t have to go so far...” Oikawa tried.
Hinata smiled at Aone in thanks and patted his head gently to express further gratitude. Whence he was placed down, Aone bowed to him, and he bowed back.
Nishinoya was a very fun person to be around, although their interactions were sparse. He shone under the attention from the girls, and if Hinata didn’t know the girls were paying for his time, he’d have assumed the reverse was true. But it made sense, you know, since Noya-san was just such a cool dude.
The girls cooed at him and giggled at his jokes, and his dorky personality coupled with his small-but-wild looks made him a charmer. He also offered Hinata cake on a frequent basis, and often accosted the others to make sure they ate up--especially Tsukishima, who seemed prickly enough that Hinata didn’t want to get near him with a ten foot pole. 
Unfortunately, Tsukishima was also the one mostly in charge of handling his debt, so he could not actually be avoided. Hinata was assured by Akaashi that he’d remove any undue charges Tsukishima would add to the debt, although Hinata would’ve preferred he hadn’t said anything about those undue charges and just did the removals with Hinata none-the-wiser, as then he wouldn’t be paranoid about the things Tsukishima would charge him for.
Hinata hadn’t meant to attract the attention of one of Oikawa’s most attached clients. She gave off a weird vibe and when he mentioned her to Yachi, the blonde girl went a little paler than usual (which, while a frequent occurrence, didn’t fail to raise alarm bells in the redhead’s mind). 
“She’s territorial,” Yachi managed, eventually, and Hinata had to go through all of the lessons the girl kindly drilled into his head in order to remember what that word meant. 
“Oh. So why would she be interested in a guy at a host club? Isn’t he, like, one step from prostitution?” Yachi choked at that, shaking her head to fight down any amusement.
“I don’t think she thinks those other girls are a threat.” 
Hinata hummed, “Well, she keeps glaring at me, so maybe she’s just a little dumb and confused.”
Yachi pursed her lips, barely able to keep her laughter contained.
Hinata wondered why Yachi’s schoolbag was tossed into the pond. Alongside it sat his, and as he began running through the halls to go attend to the issue, he spotted that client. 
Hinata quite pointedly ignored her, continuing down the halls and stairs. He felt a small flame of rage light up in his chest at seeing Yachi’s notebooks scattered across the surface of the water, covers just buoyant enough that the papers were only starting to soak in water, and he prioritized getting her items out and organized before he could even ponder grabbing his own. 
He’d been in the pond for twenty minutes, thankfully having managed to salvage most of her things, before a voice broke through the quiet of the grounds. “What are you doing?”
Hinata didn’t need to glance over his shoulder to know it was Oikawa, his voice light and airy, with a hint of playful exasperation. 
“I can’t find my wallet.”
“You’ll get sick with your clothes all wet. Can’t you just let it be?”
Oikawa didn’t seem to understand the necessity of what he’d likely consider pocket change. “I need the money for food. I’m not going to get paid for a couple days and I don’t want to starve in the meantime.”
There was a lengthy period of silence. He wondered if Oikawa left, trying desperately to make out the shape of his coin pouch amidst the colorful pebbles lining the bottom of the pond. He nearly growled in frustration as a series of ripples tore through surface, though as he heard the telltale sound of someone wading through water, he spotted the brunette with his pants rolled up and bare feet gingerly resting on the stone. 
“What are you doing?” Hinata quarried, eyebrows drawn up in confusion. 
Oikawa’s face was concentrated yet somewhat peaceful as he copied Hinata’s searching motions, fingers gliding across the smooth pebbles. A few strands of hair caught the water and were left with shimmering drips that occasionally fell back into the pond. 
“I’m helping.”
He never turned to look away from the bottom, focused mostly on the task at hand. Even his distant, deeper, and yet airier voice conveyed how little attention he was giving his words, and Hinata could only wonder if this was the most genuine he’d ever heard the other in their past week of interactions.
“Well, why not? I mean, everyone tells me I’m dripping with good looks,” he chuckled, the breathy quality sending something through Hinata that made him duck his head down and resume seeking his funds.
The two sought it out for over ten minutes before getting any results. The small coin purse, shaped like a small black crow, sat cradled in Oikawa’s palm. He proffered the item to Hinata with a wink, the redhead unclasping it and sighing in relief at the dryness of its interior.
“Thanks, Grand King.”
As Hinata beamed up at the other, the reflected light from the water seemed to hit Oikawa’s eyes harder, as though a flare traveled across the distance between the earth and the sun solely for this moment. He held up a peace sign and smiled back at the other, wondering if such luminance could ever be reproduced. 
(If it could, then he’d love to bottle some up and save it for a rainy day, but maybe there was a hint of greed in that thought.)
“Oh, dear, I can’t believe someone would do such a thing!” the client across from him cooed. Her face tilted down a bit, and shadows draped across her eyes and cheeks. “Still, I can’t believe you got Tooru to scrape through that filthy pond for you. He always has been excessively charitable.”
“Yeah,” Hinata mumbled, stuffing a bite of cake into his mouth. The sweetness was significantly dampened by the presence of the girl. What was her name, again? His focus shifted to trying to recall it.
“I couldn’t imagine having so little shame that I’d be a charity case, though. I mean, doesn’t it embarrass you to have Tooru waiting on you hand and foot?”
Yachi, who’d been standing just within earshot, turned to their conversation just then, a disgruntled look on her face. Despite the anxiety that spread quivers across her body from her sternum, she frowned heavily and managed to inquire, "Aren’t you just jealous?”
Something flashed across the clients face then: anger, most likely. Hinata was drawn out of his attempt at recollection by her hand shooting across the table to yank him over to her, a scream escaping her as they toppled to the ground. Teapots and cups burst apart upon contact with the pink tiles, some of the tea soaking into the knees of his gifted uniform pants as it puddled.
Hinata’s palms and wrists ached from the way they slammed against the floor, on either side of the client’s head. People were quick to crowd them, murmuring and gazing in horror. 
“Help!” she cried, “He attacked me! He just jumped across the table, I--” she scooted out from under him, and he slowly sat back on his haunches before accidentally falling onto his bottom. The discomfort of his soaked clothing did little to distract him from the confusion welling within. 
She crawled over to Oikawa whence the brunette stepped closer to the scene. He was the first one over, ever keen regarding the club’s new pet, but only after surveying the situation did he close the distance. 
Her fingers clutched at Oikawa’s pant leg, creasing the fabric as she shivered with tears in her eyes. Hinata’s jaw was slack. Did he do something? Did he try to do anything to her while he was spaced out? He was sure she pulled him, but should he have been expecting such a thing and made to avoid it?
He slowly turned his eyes over to Yachi, whose face was creased in an anger he’d never quite seen before. Her meekness took a sideline to the frustration and disbelief drawing together her brows and tugging her lips downwards. 
“Tooru, please, you have to do something. He was like an animal, I--”
Her desperate face fell into shock as warm water rushed across her face and scalp, soaking the top of her uniform dress. Her panting became a squeaking staccato, and she blinked as her brows drew up steadily. 
“Tooru?” she whispered, before whipping her head around to the Miya Twins, who glared down at her, unimpressed. “What are you doing? Didn’t you hear me?! I--”
“God, you pigs sure like to squeal, don’tcha.”
Osamu glanced down at the jug in his grasp. “I oughtta grab another one at this rate.”
“Why did you--” Hinata startled as Yachi stepped in front of him. 
“You pulled him to you! I saw it! You were envious that he got Oikawa-san’s attention and tried to frame him!” she blurted. 
More whispers and gasps spread across their audience easily. Oikawa’s face was steely and impassive as the client stared up at him with a cocktail of hurt and anger. “You can’t believe her, Tooru, I--”
“You really are beautiful,” Oikawa interrupted, his fingers gliding under her chin.  “But nothing more than that. It seems you’re not classy enough for our club, my dear, and so I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Tears streamed down her cheeks, Hinata’s heart clenching with a mild bit of sympathy, before she got to her feet and took off, her broken shout of, “Tooru, you idiot--!” echoing through the clubroom.
“I’m sorry, ladies; regrettably, we’ll have to cut our time short for today.” Tsukishima said with his paper-thin smile. It dropped as Akaashi continued for him,
“All of you will receive a full refund of the costs for today’s appointments. You can also use those same funds to reschedule, if you’d like to. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.”
The girls cooed and cheered, and Tsukishima barely kept his frown from forming.
Eventually the clients filed out of the clubroom, exclaiming their farewells to the hosts. Hinata and Yachi silently stared after them, not wanting to look back to the hosts surrounding them.
“So, what should I do about you?” Oikawa said, drawing Hinata’s reluctant attention. The appraising look and grasp of his own chin were not reassuring at all; Hinata and Yachi glanced at each other and gulped. “Hmm, Tsukki-chan?”
“Don’t call me that,” the bespectacled blonde groused, before pushing up his glasses and smirking. “Since our guests had to leave and receive refunds, our profits for today are at a zero. And because of the drama earlier, we have a few broken teapots and cups from one of our specialty sets, as well as a table that needs to be repaired. To make up for all the damages and overall loss... Akaashi?”
The ravenette typed into a calculator quickly. Bokuto hid behind a sinisterly-grinning Kuroo with his fingers half-heartedly covering his eyes from fear of Akaashi. Akaashi presented the calculator screen within a second.
“Approximately one hundred thousand yen.”
“Thou...-sand...” Yachi’s eyes swam. Hinata caught her as she half-fainted, both of them shaking with tears welling in their eyes.
“That’ll be added onto your debt, you two. You’d better hope one of your descendents pays it off.” Tsukishima’s smirk shaved additional years off their lives, and Hinata had to pull Yachi’s soul back from the air to shove it back into her body. 
“Darn rich people,” he whined. Kuroo cackled.
That was fun ngl. Like, some things go slightly different than in OHSHC, but overall it has some of the same vibes I think
I feel like Bokuto and Akaashi as Honey and Mori respectively would be funnily fitting despite the roles I have them in here, but I think I’m gonna be fluid and loosey-goosey about who is which OHSHC character most of the time (since Noya isn’t entirely Honey-like and there are lots of people who can fit different roles). Kenma and/or Kuroo can fit Kyoya and Tamaki roles too, now that I think about it. Damn this show for having so many characters.
Also this is a nightmare to tag since a lot of characters have multiple spellings for their names and there are so many characters. Heck, that’s why I wrote all the ships at the top!
Anyway, I hope y’all liked it! Might write more if asked 
Also, should I cross-post some of this to Ao3? 
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aitarose · 4 years
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PAIRING: Zuko x Waterbender!Reader [fem]
PLOT: Princess Y/N finds herself falling for the young Fire Nation prince with the shy smile. As their feelings grow, the childhood lovers face unimaginable challenges together.
WARNINGS: angst, separation
A/N: i’m rewriting the chapters i currently have posted as my writing has improved since i first created this series. the prologue is now a mix of the original work and the leaving the north extra.
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Crystal clear streams of water circled in repetition around the young Northern princess. Droplets of water failed to rain down onto the stark icy ground as her control was near to perfection.
Y/N’s arms swayed at her sides, her mind fully concentrated on the actions that she was igniting in her vicinity. Soft hums escaped her lips, finding joy in the calming nature that waterbending brought her.
The waning moonlight sparkled around her, giving her a ghostly look and causing her to look like a lost phantom in the wind. The smile on her face was haunting, the look being of pure and utter bliss.
Her footsteps tread lightly, barely making a path on the snow covered hill. Y/N looked to her left amidst her dance, spotting her shadow against the white powder and grinned at the sight.
All that she could see was her silhouette, which was oozing undeniable joy and freedom. Y/N was at one with her most true self—the cause of that true self being the element of water.
Waterbending was the definition of Y/N’s comfort zone. Having the skill mastered at such a young age was unheard of, but it was also the thing that she loved most in the world.
The members of the Northern tribe commonly said that Y/N’s ambition would be the end of her. That her drive for success and perfection would be her great downfall—but in the six-year-old’s mind, it was the one thing that put her at ease.
That and her favorite person in the entire world. Her favorite person who was just drenched in the formerly suspended water. The person who was glaring at her with the most bothered expression Y/N had ever seen.
“It’s freezing!” Yue cried out, wringing out her hair whilst Y/N laughed, falling to the ground in a fit of giggles. Both girls were drenched in water, their formal attire beginning to stick to their bodies in the cold air.
The baffled expression on Yue’s face gave Y/N more joy than the waterbending itself. It wasn’t uncommon for Y/N to give her half-sister a hard time, but at the end of the day Yue loved her, no matter how far her antics were taken. 
“Oh, so you think this is funny?” Yue raised her eyebrows, placing her hands on her hips in overall amusement. She opened her mouth wide to give Y/N her next dig. “I’m not the one who looks like a sea sponge!”
Y/N scoffed as she pulled at her frozen clothing, blowing the straying strings of hair away from her clouded eyes. A disgusted look dawned her face in retaliation to Yue’s attempt at an insult.
Yue was naturally kind, nearly incapable of showing bitterness and resentment. Even when her words were in good fun, Y/N hated to see her better half act in any negative way. It simply wasn’t her.
Y/N, herself, on the other hand was the polar opposite of Yue. She was hard on the surface, holding her head high, rather than cowering in fear. She knew that the world wasn’t all good or all bad as she was a realist.
The princesses rivaled each other in every way, but also found true balance in the fact. Yue’s reserved nature versus Y/N’s boldness made them the perfect pair. 
However, when they disagreed, though that rarely ever happened, Y/N was always the last to apologize. She’d never admit that she felt inferior to Yue. Their inborn rivalry was unspoken but also undeniable.
As Yue would always have the thing that Y/N wanted most in the world. The one thing that was stolen from her due to her birthright. She’d always be the black sheep of the North without the unconditional love of their people.
The unconditional love that they only showed Yue. Yue who was her half-sister—meaning that half of Y/N wasn’t native to the North, but native to the nation that they feared the most—the Fire Nation.
While Y/N and Yue continued to bicker, chasing each other around in circles and lapping the snowmen that they’d created together, their serene playtime was interrupted by a pair of large arms wrapping around Yue’s waist.
The white-haired girl squealed in surprise, her arms flailed chaotically as Arnook chuckled, watching his two daughters with love in his eyes. As Yue settled in his embrace, he rubbed Y/N’s shoulder gently.
“Spirits, you two feel like icicles.” Arnook’s gaze become concerned. He held Yue in his outstretched arms, inspecting her for any bruises or scratches. “Your mother was worried sick, Yue. You can’t run off without telling us first.”
Yue pouted, pointing at Y/N in exasperation. “Y/N wanted to come out and show me some of her new waterbending moves! I’m sorry, father. We were only having fun.”
Y/N let her head drop as Arnook gave her a disappointed look. He’d told her many times that he didn’t want Yue involved in the progress of her bending as her mastery would also be the reason behind her departure.
The royal chieftain nodded his head, gesturing for Y/N to follow as he carried Yue in his arms back towards the palace. The waterbender trudged behind her father, envying her sister’s state of content.
The walk back to the capital was silent, the only sounds being Yue’s faint snores drifting off in the wind. Y/N’s eyes were on the ground, occasionally lifting to watch her father show his love for her sister.
Her footsteps were light, barely leaving marks of fresh powder on the palace floor as she and Arnook gently closed Yue’s bedroom door. They’d each given her a kiss on the forehead before leaving her to sleep.
Arnook sighed, running a hand down the back of his braided hair. He looked down at his little girl, the one that he’d never meant to have but promised to always protect.
His mind was scrambled, thoughts flying everywhere with no place to settle—whilst Y/N’s soul was unhinged. It was as if it was drifting away, not able to settle in a single place since it never belonged.
“What’s going to happen to me, father?” Y/N whispered, her body shaking in anticipation for what was to come of her fate in the morning. “Why do I have to go away?”
Fear consumed Arnook’s emotions. Fear for the safety of his tribe, the fate of his daughter, the future of his people. He didn’t know what would become of his eldest child—but whatever did happen to Y/N, he knew that it was entirely his fault.
She was only a child. A child that was to be forced to become a slave to the Fire Nation, another pawn in their game to win the war. Arnook had been given six years to raise her under the peace treaty.
The peace treaty that ensured that his eldest waterbending child would be the punching bag of the Fire Nation’s royal family. The treaty that prevented her from having a loving and nurturing childhood.
When he’d first made the deal with Fire Lord Azulon, Arnook hadn’t thought twice about the fate of his future child. He’d agreed for Lady Homura to be sent to the North to mother the infant, not wanting it to be of full Northern blood.
His thought was that if the child was half of Fire Nation genes, he wouldn’t feel so close to it. That he wouldn’t grow to love it as his own, since it wouldn’t truly be a part of his people.
However, what he didn’t take into account was the sight of her beautiful blue eyes and the goodness that radiated from them. At first glance, Arnook knew that he’d do anything to take back his promise—that he’d do anything for his firstborn daughter.
And when she became ill with the sickness that Yue would later contract at birth, he and Homura immediately took her to the spirits—thanking them graciously when the ocean lent its power to extend her lifeline.
Their time as a family was something he’d never forget, but have to learn to live without as their time was up. They didn’t have a sparring moment, not a day left to bask in the glory of being together.
The six years had gone by in a flash, the Fire Nation navy was arriving at dawn, and Y/N and her mother were to be whisked away at once—but at least Y/N was lucky enough to have one final laugh with her sister, making snowmen and dancing under the moonlight.
With her question having remained unanswered, Y/N turned away from her father and sadly left the hall, opening the door to her own bedroom in a hurry to avoid any more of the depressing mood.
She nestled herself beneath her covers, wrapping the blankets around her shivering body. Her mind was restless, insomnia overwhelming her exhaustion and keeping her awake until morning.
Morning which had come far too quickly. Y/N had done her best to ignore the callings and worrying that came from her mother. All she wanted was to run away, to be alone and at peace with her bending wherever she chose to rest.
But Homura had other plans. She needed this transaction to go smoothly, her wish was to make her daughter’s life relieved of the immense stress. She wanted Y/N to be a child without the heinous responsibilities that had been thrust upon her. 
So, as they said their final goodbyes, Homura watched Y/N’s expressions. She watched how her daughter put on a brave face, how she shook her father’s hand rather than giving him a hug.
It was a saddening sight to see. A mere child, a six-year old girl, giving up her entire world to please a man who put his honor over his own family. A man who was letting his flesh and blood enter the lion’s den.
However, in Y/N’s mind this was perfectly normal. She was content with the interaction, considering the love Arnook had once shown her had diminished over the years.
This was their final moment as father and daughter. A moment of silence and respect for the act they were following through with. There was no love in their exchange, but apologies for the future of their bond.
Their bond that would inevitably be broken by the influence and hardships that the Fire Nation would teach Y/N. After all, a child has the most influential brain of any living being.
The minute Y/N and Homura stepped foot on the navy ship, they’d become members of the rivaling nation. Members of the nation that threatened lives and good fortunes. 
But a second before boarding the militant boat, Y/N paused to wave a goodbye to her sister who’d been calling out to her in agony. Yue’s cries could be heard over the crowd’s roar, despair ringing in the breeze.
Y/N’s gaze met Yue’s tear-filled eyes. She pursed her lips into a sad smile, giving her an acknowledging nod, and turned away—disappearing in the vast sea of Fire Nation soldiers.
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The heat was indescribable, differing greatly from the cold and sullen air that Y/N was used to. The sun was clear in this part of the world, no clouds or mountains blocking its natural light.
Beams of gold reflected off the towers of the palace and the top of the soldier’s helmets. Everything appeared to be shiny, sparkling, and new in direct relation to the power the nation held.
Not to mention that the only visible color was red. Red tapestries of frightening men, crimson artifacts lining the shelfs, torches filled with waning fire hung from the walls—it was all so intimidating.
Homura was shaking with fear beside her daughter, clinging onto her arm tightly. She hadn’t been to her home country since the talk of her daughter’s conception, choosing to reside in the North rather than face the shame of her deed.
Y/N squeeze her mother’s hand, sensing the nerves that were radiating off of her body like the plague. She looked straight ahead, showing Homura that confidence was the only way to handle the situation.
Despite being the age of six, Y/N had more courage than the average man. She was truly an enigma of her people, of both the Fire Nation and the Northern Water Tribe.
“It’s going to be alright, mother.” The young girl’s face went stoic, all emotion disappearing from her features. Homura would’ve been concerned had it not been for the little finger taps on her palm.
The guards that had been leading them into the palace opened the doors to the grand throne room, leading to the Fire Lord. The mother and daughter pair walked side by side, stepping in synchrony. 
They stopped their strut at the large throne, bowing deeply in respect to their new leader, knowing that his policies were to be far different from those of Arnook’s.
Azulon was seated far above the rest of the room’s inhabitants, that being of a woman and a stern man, a girl around Y/N’s age, and a bearded general who was sitting respectively in the corner.
“Fire Lord Azulon,” Homura’s eyes rose from the floor to Azulon. Her lip quivered in anticipation for whatever it was that he would throw at her. “We are honored to be in your presence.”
The older man laughed maniacally, his placid expression turning into a sneer. Y/N noticed the coldness behind his amber irises and the apathetic look in his steely glare. 
“Homura.” He looked down his nose, disgusted at the sight of her pleading face. “How humbling it must’ve been for you, a Lady of my nation, to become nothing but a mistress for a water tribe savage.”
Y/N’s head shot up in anger as she noticed her mother flinching in retaliation to his comments. She opened her mouth to speak, thankfully being interrupted by sparse giggles coming from the other child in the room.
The waterbender’s eyes narrowed at the girl, noticing how she presented herself. She was obviously important, the vanity that she expressed was evident of itself. Y/N could only assume that she must be the infamous Princess Azula.
While Y/N found frustration in Azula’s amusement, her father, Ozai, was entertained. He seemed to be used to his daughter’s sociopathic tendencies. He waved his hand aimlessly at her, causing her to quickly quiet down.
“Calm now, Azula.” Ozai gestured to the woman sitting next to him, causing her to stand obediently and approach Y/N with ease. “We have some more terms to discuss, without any children present.”
Homura let go of Y/N’s hand, her daughter hanging on as long as she possibly could to show her support and love. She frowned, leaving the throne room, wishing that she could stay and comfort her frightened mother.
However, there was an unspoken comfort in Ursa’s presence. Something that Y/N had failed to feel in all of her brief time in the Fire Nation thus far. It was obvious that Ursa was unlike any of her companions.
They swiftly made their way past the various guards and tapestries in the interior of the palace, entering a sunlit garden filled with a vast array of fire lilies and turtle ducks.
“Come sit, my dear.” Ursa took a seat on the ledge of the fountain, patting the spot next to her. The long sleeves of her robes dipped into the water as she welcomed Y/N with ease.
The waterbender happily obliged, already feeling comfortable with the woman that she could now call a friend—her first friend that she’d made in the Fire Nation.
As she sat, Y/N took Ursa’s hands in hers, noticing the sopping fabric dripping onto her lap. The girl slowly began to separate the water from her soaked clothing, the beads of dew landing in the streaming fountain.
Ursa watched in awe, admiring the natural skill and passion Y/N displayed in her bending. She’d never seen waterbending in person, but she could only assume that it was a beautiful art by the way Y/N was delicately performing it.
“Thank you,” Ursa whispered, the warmth in her heart growing solemn as she realized what would become of Y/N’s skill and purpose. “You have a kind soul, Princess Y/N.”
“But as long as you remain in this palace, the future will not treat you kindly.” Her brows furrowed, sympathizing with the struggles Y/N would come to face. “My husband expects you to be an opponent that matches Azula’s skill.”
The light behind Ursa’s eyes went dull as she recalled all of the horrible and dishonorable things her husband had done throughout their marriage. “I only wish that I could protect you from the pain that he’ll cause.”
Y/N shook her head in retaliation, a hardened look dawning her face. She’d grown up hearing stories about Azulon and his dangerous son. She knew what they were capable of, yet she wasn’t afraid. She couldn’t afford to be afraid.
Her stoney gaze locked with Ursa’s one of sadness. They held their stare for a moment, a mutual understanding spoken between them. A grim smile eventually rose on the woman’s lips, before taking notice of Y/N’s eyes.
On the left laid a beautiful dark blue iris, similar to the depths of the dark ocean and the strength that it represented—and on the right, was a dim white in comparison to the stunning blue. 
The waterbender’s mismatched sight was a direct result from her illness as an infant. A direct result from the borrowed power of the ocean spirit, La, that was still inhabiting her body.
It was infatuating, the allure of Y/N’s eyes was of nothing that she had ever seen before. A spark of hope rose in Ursa from her new knowledge, a belief was born that perhaps this girl could help this world become good again.
Perhaps Y/N could help her own children become good, truly good despite the influence of their father. Azula was already nearing evil, but Zuko—Ursa knew that her son was better than that.
“Mother?” A faint voice rang through the courtyard, startling Ursa and Y/N and causing them to jump apart. The princess’ gaze searched her surroundings for the owner of the voice, landing on a small boy.
He looked to be her age, perhaps a year or so older than her. She knew he had to be Prince Zuko, there was no other explanation to the way he was carrying around a woven basket full of bread like he owned the place.
“I asked the servants if they had any leftovers for the turtle ducks, and they gave me this whole stack!” Zuko exclaimed, the excitement was noticeable in his voice as he watched where he stepped.
He opened his mouth in preparation to express his happiness to his mother, before his eyes met Y/N’s. Zuko froze in place, analyzing the girl and her appearance.
It was well known that the arrival of Lady Homura and her daughter was earlier that morning. Zuko had skipped out on the first meeting, having dreamt up a million other things to do than meet another snobby princess.
But as he saw her for the first time, Zuko felt somewhat of a connection. It was unexplainable in words, the feelings so intricate and immense. There was just something about her that Zuko couldn’t put his finger on.
Y/N herself was having a similar realization at the sight of the prince. Rather than noticing his entire appearance, she settled on the color of his eyes and how different they were to that of his father’s.
The amber in them reflected off of the water in the fountain, shimmering in the sunlight that bounced off of the cherry blossom trees. She could tell that he was the black sheep of the royal family as his eyes held something that no others did—they were kind.
“You must be Princess Y/N.” Zuko calmly said, setting down his basket in front of her and offering her one of the loafs. “I’m Zuko. Would you like to feed the turtle ducks with me?”
Y/N smiled, her first genuine smile in the entirety of her time in the Fire Nation, and nodded, taking it in her palm. She moved aside so he had a seat on the ledge, feeling complete in his presence.
“I’d love to.”
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TAGS: @irreplaceable-ecstasy​ @justab-eautifulmess​ @whalerus​ @eridanuswave​ @theblueslytherin​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @fire-lady-livi​ @royahllty​ @rainedoutdays​ @zukoatethat @winchestergirl907​ @pointlesscoconut​ @mr-robot-x​ @wesokkasimp​ @vernon-dursley​  @sadgirlnumber92899​ @kaylove12​ @bigbuckyenergy​ @appa-gaangnam-style​ @nmriia​ @strawberiicreme​ @sokkassuki​ @fiantomartell​ @firelordhesther​ @user12345321 @lammello​@practicallylivesonline​ @cherryskyies​ @shell-bells-ringding​  @xapham​ @mochminnie​ @bombardia​ @xxspqcebunsxx​ @missmorosis​ @mysticpeacecrusade @akiris​ @simpinforsukka​
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276 notes · View notes
kill-your-authors · 3 years
My TTT 1 and TTT 3 Joe x Nicky character analysis:
Reading the Tales Through Time 3 comic is interesting because remember in the first Tales Through Time comic everyone was up in arms because Nicky was being “out of character” because he didn’t want to stab a nazi on sight in the middle of his romantic night out with Joe and because Nicky was giving Joe shit for always finding some righteous pursuit to interrupt their only private time together and because he seemed “annoyed” (he didn’t, but I digress...) to be interrupted by a woman’s desperate scream seconds before someone attempted to rape her? 
Yet, in this most recent comic, Joe is frustrated with Nicky because he’s going on a spree in Minnesota during the moon landing, right? Nicky is the one going out of his way to pursue justice in the middle of something that’s important to Joe. Not a romantic night out, but nonetheless, a one-of-a-kind moment in history that Joe specifically wanted to witness with Nicky. Joe is the one arguing against it.  For him it was enough to kill the serial killer, but for Nicky, it wasn’t. He wants to kill everyone who played any part in allowing the killer to get away with it. 
Now, setting aside the possibility that this contradiction is just an oversight on the writers’ part -
What changed and why?
In both TTT 1 and 3, Joe and Nicky feel entirely in character to me. I didn’t agree with people who thought that Nicky was being “out of character” in TTT 1 for not wanting to cause a scene on their romantic night out with someone who hadn’t even committed a crime yet, nevermind that Nicky seems like the voice of reason, the practical one, the one between Nicky and Joe who is more capable of accepting that they can’t get every bad guy every time, they can’t fight every battle every time. They can only do so much good, and they still deserve time for themselves. Or at least, that’s what I was thinking after reading TTT 1.
Now though, after reading TTT 3, it suddenly makes as much sense to me that Joe be the one who is more capable of accepting that they can’t do it all all the time, and that they still deserve time to themselves, and Nicky be the passionate one who can’t let something go. (I think I prefer it, honestly. I loved hearing Joe talk about seeing the beauty and magic in life. He’s such a pure-hearted character and I’ve always headcanoned that he more than anyone else in the guard is extremely grateful for his long life and never takes it for granted and never resents it because he knows there is always more to see and experience and live for.)
But either way, the point is the comics contradict one another, right? Joe and Nicky switched points of view? 
So, what makes this time different for the both of them? Why isn’t Joe the one on the spree, and Nicky the one in the bar lamenting that Joe isn’t there with him to witness the moon-landing? 
I think the difference lies in what the purpose of killing is for each of them. 
For Joe, killing is a means to an end. People are being killed by a killer - kill the killer, stop the killing. The killer is now dead and so he can’t kill anyone else. In Joe’s eyes, he has made the world a better place, he has saved the lives of that killer’s future victims. Preventing future harm is the point of killing for Joe. 
But for Nicky? Killing is about punishment. It is about taking the life of someone who doesn’t deserve to live. For Nicky, life is a privilege not a right. You earn your life either by doing good, or at the very least, by not doing harm. And once you’ve done harm, you no longer deserve to live. That is why Nicky thinks the people who enabled the killer to keep killing also deserve to die. This isn’t about hypothetical future victims that would have died. This is about victims who have already died. He is looking at the 24 men and boys who were killed and thinking they would still be alive if it weren’t for the killer AND he is looking at everyone who enabled that killer, and thinking some of the 24 men and boys would also still be alive if it weren’t for them. Punishing harm done is the point of killing for Nicky.
And what’s really interesting is when you start considering why that is. Why killing is about preventing future harm for Joe and why killing is about punishing harm already done for Nicky.
As always, it brings me back to their origin. Most likely, Joe was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when the siege of Jerusalem happened. He had been a merchant, but now his people were being slaughtered. He took up a scimitar and decided to fight to save them because the alternative was letting people die. For Nicky, the Crusades were a choice he made. He went to Jerusalem with the intention of killing people. Later, he realized what he’d done. The harm he’d done. The harm his people had done. For 900 some years, he has had to live with himself and for 900 some years he has done all the good he can do, served all the justice he can, in an attempt to make up for the harm he did in the Crusades. 
Joe has forgiven him, and loved him, and seen him become compassionate and good. Joe knows Nicky will never harm anyone again, and so that is why it is about what will happen for Joe, and not what has happened. Because of Nicky, it can never just be about what a person has done. It can only ever be about whether or not that person will change, and whether or not they will continue to do harm. 
But for Nicky, it has to always be about what a person has already done. Between being Catholic, and having been a part of something horrible, Nicky believes people have to be punished for what they’ve done. It is not enough for someone to be sorry, or never do it again. They have to make up for the harm they’ve done. And to Nicky, there are some things you just can’t make up for. In Nicky’s eyes, killing 24 men and boys, or enabling someone to kill 24 men and boys, is one of those things you can’t make up for. So he kills them. 
And this doesn’t contradict anything that happened in TTT 1. In TTT 1, the nazi hadn’t done anything yet. Both Joe and Nicky recognized that he would - which explains why Joe was already upset, and already about to do something, because for Joe it is about what will happen - but he hadn’t yet - which explains why Nicky tries to talk Joe out of doing something, because for Nicky it’s about what’s already happened. And it wasn’t until he did do something that Joe killed him. Similarly with the flashback, someone did something unforgivable, and so Joe killed him. For both Joe and Nicky killing those two in those respective situations aligned with their own personal reasons for killing. Those men were prevented from assaulting anyone in the future and punished for the assault they’d already done. 
If anything I’m saying right now is an accurate interpretation of Joe and Nicky’s individual motives for killing, I have to say that I really appreciate this characterization. I prefer a Nicky who can be blinded by the pursuit of justice to the point that he becomes something ugly (as Joe points out, his honor, his bravery, his compassion becomes ugly) and I prefer a Joe who cares more about helping good people than harming bad people. I think it makes sense that this is what it’s about for both of them. Joe could never be like Nicky, because if he was like Nicky, he could never have forgiven Nicky, even after Nicky became the honorable and brave and compassionate person he loves and it also makes sense that this is why Joe hates what Nicky’s doing “no matter his intent.” And Nicky knows, because of his past, because of what he did in the crusades, that it’s not enough that no more harm is done. People have to make up for what they’ve done, or they deserve to die. 
This might be simplifying things a bit. I think Nicky’s being blinded by something more than the pursuit of justice. I think this is personal to him as a gay man. He brings up the detective’s homophobia and his responsibility (oath to God) that he help people regardless of his own personal biases. He also mentions that he doesn’t feel better after he kills the detective, but that it’s better than how he’d feel if the detective had gone to work that night, implying I think, that he, like Joe, also takes the possibility of future harm into consideration when he decides to kill someone. 
But really, I do think that’s the difference. Preventing future harm, and punishing past harm, and I really like it. 
It makes me think about the movie, and how, before Rucka gave his word of God, there was a lot of debate about who’s idea it was to exile Booker for 100 years, and the fandom was split between whether or not Joe or Nicky proposed it. Most people thought that because Joe appeared angrier than Nicky did upon first learning about the betrayal, that it had to be Joe. 
I was on the side that thought that Joe appearing angrier didn’t indicate that he would have proposed the 100 years, because Joe, in general, was an open book that wears his heart on his sleeve and so, in general, Joe is always reacting the most passionately to anything that happens. I said I thought Nicky was angrier than Joe, and would more likely propose the 100 years, and that the only reason Nicky didn’t react as passionately is because Nicky, in general, is restrained in his emotions, and his anger runs cold rather than hot. 
Nicky doesn’t say a word to Booker from that point on in the movie, and at the end when they say goodbye to Booker, Joe looks over his shoulder at Booker, hesitates to walk away, and looks genuinely torn - whereas, while Andy is talking to Booker, Nicky is wearing a severe expression, almost like disgust or a sneer, and when they turn to leave he goes first without looking back. It made sense to me that Nicky approach the situation by cutting Booker off immediately, by no longer talking to him, and wanting Joe to do the same (he tells Joe to stop yelling at Booker, which many took as a sign that Nicky wasn’t as angry or that he felt sorry for Booker. I don’t think that’s the case at all). 
Even more so now, it makes sense to me that Nicky would insists on a 100 year exile, because he more than Joe would care about Booker making up for the harm he’d done. (But Rucka gave his word of God it was Joe who wanted the 100 years, and so it makes no difference if I think it doesn’t make sense, because everyone’s already hopped on board with Rucka’s word of God, because everyone prefers an angry, resentful, unforgiving, merciless Joe over...you know, actual canon Joe, who is the complete fucking opposite in every way possible...But...yeah, it doesn’t make sense lmao.)
Anyway, sorry this is so long but here’s my two cents. 
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