#your honor they're bonding
zhongrin · 10 months
Coviello isー rightfully, at leastー at a loss of words. They were expecting that they needed them for something serious, such as a commission, but what the fatuu didn't expect was the sight of a picnic.
… And even more when they have requested for them to bring Quackers, too.
"Ah! Right on schedule. Good, goodー I was worried you'd never get the memo."
The culprit of this… Odd eventー Navina, they figuredー spoke up with a laugh, gesturing for them to take a seat. Despite the friendly greetings of their duck companion, Coviello stayed standing, their eyes focused on the food laid before the brunette.
Grapes, sandwiches, and even a few dishes (that they're certain that isn't from Snezhnaya or Liyue… Or even anywhere in Teyvat), and a few berry drinks. From the sight of it, it looked as though it had been prepared for the picnic before them.
Coviello sighed.
They're one strange individual.
"You told Mei that you wanted to see me for something serious," the fatuu pointed out, giving them an unimpressed look before putting Quackers down. "But if it's just a picnic, you could've been straight with me from the very beginning."
Alas, they saw the deer adeptus? sigh, raising a gloved hand to rub their temples with a frown.
"Coviello, let's think critically hereー if I did told you, would you have come here willingly?"
"See? You can't answer that because we both know you won't."
Sharp words from someone who's got a streak of stubborness than him, mused Coviello, but they said nothing.
Despite the tension, Quackers had a different though in mind. Waddling over to Navina, she quacked and nudged her beak towards the fruits the messenger grabbed. Realizing what the duck wants, they grabbed a grape and fed it to her, chuckling.
"Anyway, why not sit back and relax, hm? I doubt that you've got some time to spare after… Archon knows what happened."
… Hm?
"… Hmph. Fine," they relented, grabbing a sandwich… But not before they eyed the stranger? before them.
Odd appearance, but not an adeptus… Visited the teapot for months and is close friends with Mei… And yet…
Coviello sighed.
I don't understand their motives. Just what are they?
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I had this tiny thing in mind because I reached a blue heart w/ Coviello (as a mini heart event for my delusional self BAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE)
Anyways thats all, have fun reading this silly (non-canon? I think??) heart event lol
they totally wouldn't come yeah i am so so sorry they inherited that antisocial trait from me help-
i can see them just idly watching quacker eat grapes and yoinking her away when they think she's had enough. gotta control the duckling's diet so she grows up big and healthy <3
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 6 months
Tails talking in science-y language, being met with a blank stare or something of the like by Sonic, then sheepishly rephrasing it for him is something that'll never get old 😂
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It's even funnier when you remember that technically the Tornado belongs to Sonic, and yet Tails knows it better 🤣
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And it's been going on since the ole days
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whitecatindisguise · 6 months
Headcanon time:
Sonic will call Tails "Miles" only when
1) he's super upset with him (like kid going over 24h without sleep and he just needs the kid to listen and get some shut eye)
2) he's super worried/terrified about his lil bro
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Pfft, I seriously love these two so much.
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very-uncorrect · 6 months
Can't stop thinking about Sonic getting sad because he misses all the cute little things Tails used to do when he was little that he's grown out of
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Cat Arthur: [sees Merlin sleeping]
Cat Merlin: [napping on a cushion Morgana bought for him]
Cat Arthur: "You know, you never used to sleep this much when we were humans." [Nudges Merlin with his snout, whiskers twitching]
Cat Merlin: [yawning, one eye open] "That's because I don't have to run after you cleaning your royal mess. Now let me sleep, this cushion needs my attention." [Closes eye, ready to sleep again]
Cat Arthur: [miffed at his mate beginning to ignore him, before climbing and laying on top of the black cat]
Cat Merlin: [sighing] "Seriously Arthur?"
Cat Arthur: [growls, roughly licking Merlin's ears and head in typical prattish response]
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soniccrazygal · 2 years
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Cosmic Truth
Sonic and Tails’ brotherly bond is unbreakable and spans across every universe. I will fight anyone that tries to rip them apart.
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marinaiguess · 2 years
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Favourite unbreakable bond moments from the idw comics
aka they are brothers, "sonic needs tails and that's a cosmic truth"
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mayzi33 · 9 months
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They're so cute omg
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standreamy · 11 months
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Gotcha 'lil bro!
Happy birtdhay Tails!
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
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Were we gonna talk about this? :3
I mean, it feels like we already knew they did this, but the fact that Sonic and Tails are constantly making sure the other has eaten, in a subtle way of showing love 🥹
And they "cover each other's blind spots." Where Tails is worrisome, Sonic is confident. Where Sonic is reckless, Tails is careful. There's so many other, smaller ways these brothers take care of each other. 💙💛
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myymi · 1 year
What playful insults do you think Sonic and Tails call eachother? They definitely throw some back and forth.
little shit
any and all short jokes
when they're older he uses baby bro
20 different ones that all mean clingy
happy feet
grandpa (lack of social media knowledge+older=grandpa)
pulls "wonder where i got it from" 24/7
they make fun of each other's autism/adhd
sonic makes fun of tails when he struggles w reading, tails makes fun of sonic's bad handwriting
they call out each other's cockiness
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Unbreakable Bond headcanon time:
This video gave me an idea of Sonic and Tails doing this when the kit was about 2, with the flash forwards being when he was 8, and them trying to recreate the poses while Sonic struggles to hold him for some since he's a bit heavy.
With Tails, of course, making it a but difficult due to his contagious laughter during all of this.
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very-uncorrect · 7 months
When they first started travelling together Tails would run off and hide somewhere whenever he was scared since he still didn't trust anyone to fully protect him and was still scared that Sonic's kindness may be temporary and that he'd abandon him at some point.
One day, after enough time has passed since Sonic took him in, he finally fully realises that Sonic has fully intended to be his guardian since about 2 seconds after they first met
Not long after a super violent thunderstorm rolls in and Tails runs to Sonic for protection, snuggling into him, hiding his face in the other's chest, whilst Sonic is trying not to vibrate in excitement because holy shit his kid finally trusts him to protect him after so long
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valdeswan · 1 year
Alberu and Choi Han being friends
@ringoahiru you ask for it. I did my best but I stoped reading the novel in the 700ch almost three years ago(shame on me, yes.)
Choi Han is an absolutely sarcastic asshole with no chill, and Alberu vibes with that even if he shouldn't because he is like the crown prince. Like, Choi Han would tell a noble to shut the fuck up, and Alberu would just gaslight the poor man into thinking he said nothing.
They are the type of friends who absolutely roast each other with no hesitation. They are like:
Choi Han: morning, fake ass prince. How was your day? I hope bad like your hair style.
Alberu: *not missing a sec* Good morning, overrated stinky dog. My morning was good until I saw your ugly face.
And Cale just learned to not try to understand them anymore. He is sitting there, looking at them, eating cookies, and thinking, 'They're such good friends, bc he has a distortion of the concept of friendship.
And their bond activity is just fucking with Cale until he looks like he regrets every decision in his life. Alberu and Choi Han agree that he looks one step closer to committing first-grade murder and is the most hilarious shit ever.
Alberu: hi, old man, How was your day?
Choi Han: dunno, how was your day, Cale-nim?
Choi Han: the other day I was thinking-
Alberu: do you think? I thought domestic dogs didn't
Choi Han: *not even blinking*-is Cale-nim the protagonist of a reality show for the Ancient powers?
Alberu: holy sh-
*Cale with his eye twitching as his only reaction, plotting how to ruin the rest of the week of these motherfukers*
But at the end of the day, both of them know deep down that if something happens to the other, they will throw hands with the gods if it is necessary.
Choi Han would punch some Nobels without a thought in his mind if someone insulted Alberu, and Alberu would ruin the life of the first idiot to say something about his Instructor-nim. They love each other; they know it, but they will rather kill themselves than say it out loud.
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