#Alberu and Choi han bonding
valdeswan · 10 months
Alberu and Choi Han being friends
@ringoahiru you ask for it. I did my best but I stoped reading the novel in the 700ch almost three years ago(shame on me, yes.)
Choi Han is an absolutely sarcastic asshole with no chill, and Alberu vibes with that even if he shouldn't because he is like the crown prince. Like, Choi Han would tell a noble to shut the fuck up, and Alberu would just gaslight the poor man into thinking he said nothing.
They are the type of friends who absolutely roast each other with no hesitation. They are like:
Choi Han: morning, fake ass prince. How was your day? I hope bad like your hair style.
Alberu: *not missing a sec* Good morning, overrated stinky dog. My morning was good until I saw your ugly face.
And Cale just learned to not try to understand them anymore. He is sitting there, looking at them, eating cookies, and thinking, 'They're such good friends, bc he has a distortion of the concept of friendship.
And their bond activity is just fucking with Cale until he looks like he regrets every decision in his life. Alberu and Choi Han agree that he looks one step closer to committing first-grade murder and is the most hilarious shit ever.
Alberu: hi, old man, How was your day?
Choi Han: dunno, how was your day, Cale-nim?
Choi Han: the other day I was thinking-
Alberu: do you think? I thought domestic dogs didn't
Choi Han: *not even blinking*-is Cale-nim the protagonist of a reality show for the Ancient powers?
Alberu: holy sh-
*Cale with his eye twitching as his only reaction, plotting how to ruin the rest of the week of these motherfukers*
But at the end of the day, both of them know deep down that if something happens to the other, they will throw hands with the gods if it is necessary.
Choi Han would punch some Nobels without a thought in his mind if someone insulted Alberu, and Alberu would ruin the life of the first idiot to say something about his Instructor-nim. They love each other; they know it, but they will rather kill themselves than say it out loud.
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sadlynotthevoid · 11 months
Alberu and ogCale should be allowed to meet and bond over trauma. Specially if it's in a dumb, non-serious way. Like:
Cale!Rok Soo: if you're a good actor and you know it clap your hands. *claps*
Everyone minus Choi Han: *Clap*
Cale!Rok Soo: If your acting skills come from trauma clap your hands. *claps*
KRS!Cale, Og!Cale and Alberu: *clap*
Cale!Rok Soo: If you had to hide your true self to protect your loved ones
Cale!Rok Soo: If you had to hide who you were clap your hands *claps*
Og!Cale and Alberu: *claps*
Everyone else: *concern looks*
Rosalyn: ... are you okay, guys?
Cale!Rok Soo: No :).
Og!Cale: Now the second part—
Og!Cale: If your mom died early and you know it clap your hands *claps*
Alberu, Cale!Rok Soo, KRS!Cale: *claps*
Beacrox:... *claps in assassin*
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sillydestiny · 3 months
Hi, I love how you write and I've seen that you've done Cale, Alberu x reader. I would like you to do one with Choi Han x f!reader, where I would like to see how he falls in love (that Choi Han contains the essence of how he is). I don't know if it's something hard to write but I'll leave it up to you. Keep healthy and happy new year ✨🥰.
Sorry if there are grammatical errors, my English is not good.♥️
@monblue0 sorry for the late upload this draft has been seating for too long since lack of motivation and writer block.. I just recently finished it so I hope you like it ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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Choi Han is initially reserved and guarded, carrying the weight of his past experiences and the responsibilities he holds dear
At first, Choi Han didn't pay much attention to the reader. They were just another member of the Count's household, someone he interacted with casually during his duties
It started with small things - the way you smiled when you thought no one was looking, the sound of your laughter echoing through the halls of the Count's estate. Choi Han found himself drawn to you, inexplicably drawn to your presence like a moth to a flame.
The way your eyes light up when you talk about your passions and the genuine kindness in your smile. These qualities make him feel a warmth he hasn't experienced before.
At first, he brushes these observations aside, attributing them to mere friendship or camaraderie.
But as time goes on, Choi Han finds himself drawn to the reader in ways he can't explain. He notices his heart racing whenever they're near, his thoughts consumed by thoughts of them even when they're apart. He tries to rationalize these feelings, convincing himself that it's nothing more than admiration or respect.
He tried to ignore it, burying himself in his work and his training, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling growing inside him. It was like a wildfire, consuming him from the inside out.
It was a simple gesture that finally made him realize the truth - the way you reached out to him, offering a comforting hand on his shoulder after a particularly difficult battle. In that moment, Choi Han felt something shift inside him, a warmth spreading through his chest that he couldn't ignore.
He began to see you in a different light And with each passing day, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you.
But Choi Han was not one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He kept his feelings hidden, afraid of what might happen if he let them out. He didn't want to burden you with his emotions, didn't want to risk losing the fragile bond they had formed.
Yet, despite his best efforts to keep his distance, he couldn't stay away. He found himself seeking out your company, cherishing every moment they spent together, no matter how fleeting.
And then, one day, he found the courage to tell you how he felt. It was a simple confession, spoken in a quiet moment when they were alone together. He didn't expect anything in return, didn't dare to hope that you might feel the same way.
But when you smiled and reached out to take his hand in yours, he knew that his love had been reciprocated. And in that moment, Choi Han realized that he had finally found someone worth fighting for, someone worth risking everything for. And he vowed to cherish you, protect you, for as long as he lived.
Choi Han was certainly the one who fell the hardest, his heart forever intertwined with theirs.
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idontknowmyownmind · 7 months
Twin AU
Reincarnator Rok Soo
In original world, during the war, Cale form a bond with the heroes, the Molans, Lock, Rosalyn, and Choi Han, and Alberu
They become quite close like a family (it's different from LCF because they are more into the rough side but equally geniune)
Since Cale is younger than the heroes and Alberu, they are quite protective and like to tease him by babying him
The twist is, the heroes and Alberu regressed
So, we have Rok Soo with his knowledge of the original world that the heroes and Alberu doesn't know and them who went through it
None found out much later, maybe in the middle or after the war
Their relationship is quite shaky at first because Rok Soo resemble WS
Rok Soo is overprotective toward his younger twin
(Adding AlCale for the drama)
Another twist, as a side effect or some miscalculation in GoD's part, Cale will started to get the scars he received in original world when he turn 18
Yes, it's not the memories but the scars
The process is how a scar suddenly appear new, as in it happens to him
For example, the scar he got when CH beat him up (the one on his side because of the broken chair (or was it table?) broken leg), he was fine, talking with the kids or do something, but, out of nowhere, his side started to bleed heavily and he feels pain as if he got stabbed by something
The pain is temporarly, but on that brief moment Cale feels twice the pain he should feels
And it will always 'healed' and only leave scars the next day
The scars doesn't follow Cale's age when he got them in the original world, but happens randomly
That one the first scar he got and one of the severe one and followed by small scars out of nowhere
But there are time when it was a fatal 'wound', such as a hole in a stomach as if he just got stabbed with a spear, one arm seems like just got blown up, etc
He lived in a war, so it's not surprising
The heroes and Alberu started to notice the wounds after the fifth fatal wound Cale 'received', they realized that it was what Cale got during the war
I think it's when they come clean to Rok Soo about their regression
And at some point, Cale lost his eyes
Another aspect from the original world is, nearing his demise, Cale got blind
The reason he still able to participate is because of Rosalyne magic help
That was the last scar Cale receive before WS kille him
And then it dawned to the heroes and Alberu that Cale might also get burn like last time
Chaos happen and during the new timeline, Cale is just so confused where all this wounds came from because no one tell him shits
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mytragedyperson · 9 months
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 10
The idea of little 5 year old Raon Miru being so desperate to escape his tormentors that he cuts into his own life force still makes me so incredibly sad. The idea that in canon there’s a world where Raon Miru not only died, but was killed by Choi Han. Can you imagine if Choi Han found out that this could’ve happened. I don’t think he’d ever forgive himself even if Raon 100% would. God this book has some sad moments, but even the novel within the novel is so sad. I know that’s a doomed world but this is actually insane. I also feel like this book does a really good job of exploring the butterfly effect or something similar. Literally one person changed, was transmigrated into the world, but because this Cale was different he made different choices, and each small choice he made, caused another change, some smaller than others, but all ultimately leading to their victory. Let’s talk about how him saving Raon changed a lot. For one thing, I don’t think, without him, he would’ve known Alberu was a dark elf. He might’ve been told or found out, but it would’ve taken longer, and he might’ve reacted differently. Because he had Raon, he knew Alberu was using magic to change his appearance, and had an aura or something that was different to the rest of his family. Then, in the forbidden forest, Raon recognised the dead mana or something, so when he next met Choi Han, he told Cale or something. Sorry, I’ve not gotten to that point in my reread yet so I might be misremembering but that was the gist. But his lack of a bad reaction to Dark Elves, allowed him to meet and form some sort of alliance and bond with them, while also improving the bond he had with Alberu. And there are so many other times where Raon or one of the kids were helpful, and The Birth of A Hero world didn’t have them. In fact, that could’ve been the start of the world being doomed, those kids, and Taylor, and Paseton dying. Just by bringing Kim Rok Soo to this world, things changed, but he had no real way of knowing, when he saved these people, the impact it would have, the knowledge it would give them. He just didn’t want to see kids, or anyone else, suffer. And just by refusing to let people suffer or die if he could help them, he gained allies, and resources, and information that they didn’t have in The Birth of a Hero, or if they did, they learned it too late. The fact that having one person change, the fate of the world changed. Each small choice, each small change, each time he does the thing he decides to do, it leads to a much bigger change and a much bigger impact later on, even if just because now all these people he’s helped have a common ally that they trust and respect. God I could and probably will go into more detail about this later on, but yeah. Moving on for now.
Also Choi Han was right that the dragon’s eyes being full of pain and sorrow but its mouth still smiling is sad. This is his first time being outside the cave he was kept on, he’s seeing the world for the first time, but he’s lost his rationality. He’s happy to be free but he hurt and lost himself in the process. And then you imagine Raon Miru (that means happy dragon, right?) the same adorable little dragon that threatens to kill everyone and destroy everything if anything happens to Cale. It’s heartbreaking, that’s heart breaking. Cale needs to hug Raon extra tight for me because he deserves all the love and affection, plus extra for the version of him that never got any.
I’m so happy Cale went out of his way to save Raon. Like, he didn’t have to do that, he chose to and it was the right thing to do, but so many other people would’ve probably not cared. This is another example of Cale being a good person and refusing to admit it. Let’s keep note of that, misunderstandings, every time someone just doesn’t question something, honestly everything, let’s just keep a note of everything. It’s not even like he can say this is selfish because he doesn’t plan to keep him, he literally gains nothing from this if everything goes according to plan, and he doesn’t care, he does it anyway. Also him saying that he can use the kids to justify adopting them will never not be funny, adorable and kinda sad, because he can’t admit, even to himself, that he just wants to keep them around.
I forgot this was still the interview scene. Damn, a lot of shit is mentioned in this scene, like from the scene with Hans before the interview to the end, we get a lot of information.
Also, the interview being about whether Choi Han can protect people and then the job actually not requiring him to. Beautiful. That thing I said yesterday about the interview scene being good for Choi Han because it gives him someone who believes in him and respects him still stands. But his first job more or less being an escort mission of find and bring these two people to me, with the two people being capable of protecting themselves? It takes the pressure off Choi Han to have to protect them and builds his confidence and belief in himself, while also providing him with a support system of some sort. And Cale doesn’t intend for this but it happens. And the fact that Choi Han, not only succeeds in the job, but also helps save the other wolf children? That probably did wonders for his confidence, for his belief in himself. Ugh, it’s so good.
Also, Cale claiming in his thoughts, to himself that he’s just gonna let Choi Han, Lock, and Rosalyn deal with the terror incident, only to make a whole plan to stop the attack. He’s so good at scamming people he even scams himself. That’s beautiful.
And then he makes it a secret between just them. He’s essentially telling Choi Han he trusts him with this more than anyone else. No wonder he can never get rid of Choi Han after this. And the best part is he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, he doesn’t know the impact it has on Choi Han.
Also Choi Han is just kinda precious in a way I can’t explain. Like he seems like he needs a hug, but specifically a hug from Cale and his kids and Rosalyn and Lock. Tbf the entire Calefam kinda needs a hug.
Also for some reason I just got the image of early days!Hans hearing from Deruth he has to give Cale more money and just cursing in his head the entire time he goes because what is he even doing with all this money? He’s not spending it all on alcohol, he’s not drunk enough for that? He hasn’t been back to Billos’ shop and then remembering hearing from someone that Beacrox saw him buying a fuckton of bread and medicinal herbs and going into the slums and being like did he really spaen that much money on bread? How much bread did he buy to be spending that much money? Also why does Deruth give him his allowance in gold coins and cheques exclusively? No wonder he doesn’t wait for change and just says keep it, that would be a bitch to figure out for everyone involved. Also I’ll be honest I don’t get how cheques work in general but, like, he goes to three different bakeries for bread, and I know he paid for that with coins, was that first gold coin for the rest of the week? It was, right? Because otherwise my question was gonna be how does using a cheque at 3 different places work but the answer to that is it doesn’t, right?
God I love Ron just tormenting Cale with lemon things. And then he gets Beacrox and I believe later recruits Hans to help keep it going even when he’s not there? Or maybe Choi Han? I can’t remember who but I know he told someone to do it while he was looking for information on Arm. Maybe one of the kids? That would explain why he didn’t just say he doesn’t like lemon things. I don’t know. I’ll revisit this when I rearead that bit and remember who it was. Ron’s already admitted he knows something’s up. I feel like this is an attempt to figure out why he’s changed at first and then it just becomes their thing.
Also his plan to foist everyone off on Choi Han has already failed because Choi Han already knows he’s not leaving Cale, not if he can help it. So, sucks for Cale but, sorry, you’re already stuck with the troublesome people. But in all seriousness that’s probably for the best because they all need each other.
I’ve finally finished this chapter. I’ll be back with my thoughts with my thoughts during chapter 11, if I have any.
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 20
TBOAH AU - Regressions
Although Choi Han was able to gravely injure the White Star, he escaped the great battle that took the life of Cale Henituse. All those that remain are left in despair. Because even though Cale was known for being 'trash' throughout his life, his true attitude and voice in the end helped them in moving forward and being able to keep going during this horrible war(whether he realized it or not).
In the end, its not Cale who regresses, but his old comrades. Not only hoping to change the outlook of the war with the White Star, but perhaps saving an old dear friend, not only from a certain villain, but from himself as well.
Meanwhile, an 18 year old Cale Henituse is quite confused as to why this man from Harris Village is so set on being his guard. More importantly...why the fuck did Ron hug him this morning? And Hans is sticking to him like glue? Not seeming afraid of him at all(and was he glaring at the staff calling him trash?). Not to mention that damn crown prince inviting him personally to the capital instead of his brother! ugh. So many plans going drown the drain...but at least these kittens(kids) from the slums are cute. Hmm...maybe its not so bad...
Choi Han, The Molans, Rosalyn, Lock, Alberu, On, Amiru, Gilbert, Eric and Hans are the ones who regress.
OG!Cale doesn't fully regress, but he does end up having snippets of certain events(nightmares that give him headaches, etc)
OG!Cale does get all the ancient powers, including his mothers
GoD does bring KRS partly as an ancient power given to Cale(as Record, etc), and then sent off to help LSH and CJS with GoD things.
They all eventually end up meeting up to help each other, but that's a long ways yet.
On grabs Hong and goes to Cale asap cause she knows he will take them in.
Raon is saved and taken in of course. He doesn't fully remember, but like Cale he has nightmares of what could have been. Something they bond over.
Everyone is super protective and Cale is just: ????
Henituse family is confused as well, but Deruth allows it cause they make his son happy(and then they find out Cale was being trash on purpose and are not pleased. Apologies and much needed talks on both sides are given).
It takes a while(he's been acting for 10 years without a moments rest after all) but Cale allows himself to be well...himself again.
While not KRS, Cale is still an oblivious, sacrificial, unlucky bastard(thank you Eruhaben).
War ends in 2 years instead of 20. Much to the joy of everyone(Cale is kinda happy, but not, he did NOT want to be a Commander dammit! stupid hyu-...crown prince!)
Redika is killed at the plaza after trying to go after Cale
Clopeh is also killed at Henituse territory
Some events are the same as TCF, but OG!crew aren't KRS and bulldoze their way through events rather than scheme/scam lmao. It gets worse after Cale gets hurt, coughs up blood, etc.
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weirdsht · 2 years
*slowly shuffles out of the abyss*
I bring this to consider: Twin Henituse Au with Swordmaster Og!Cale who is constantly asking demanding Choi Han to spar with him, with his very weak twin KRS!Cale who has most of his ancient powers, and is constantly scamming and outsmarting every single enemy that even poses the slightest risk to his (semi)Slacker life.
Some parts of this Au:
KRS found On and Hong as soon as they arrived in Rain City
Raon is rescued much sooner. Bless this child.
Og!Cale knows KRS is a transmigrator but doesn't give a flying f**k cause despite the mental age gap, that it is his younger, self-sacrificing, unlucky brother.
When KRS brought Choi Han back Cale was THIS close to attacking because "who tf is this shady guy hanging around my fragile little brother?"
Og!Cale is known as Young Master Blazing Sword(for his fire-like aura), KRS is still Young Master Silver Shield. Both hate the nicknames, Ron is very amused.
The twins have been f**king with Arm's plans for years now. White Radish can never figure out who it is. These two will up and disappear out if no where, then some explosions go off in the horizon, and everyone knows where they are.
Their collective destructive urges could level a continent. As does their need for monetary rewards. It's a silent competition between the two to see who can mess with the enemy more.
KRS gets many headaches between his overprotective brother and equally overprotective and slightly feral Choi Han.
And Finally; RIP Alberu, White Radish, Arm, and any other unfortunate soul who the twins decide to f with.
Thank you for your time.
*shuffles back into the abyss*
that such a great concept!
imagine choi jung gun popping up once in while to help with the hunters and og!cale gets so defensive before he knew about the hunters because he thought that jung gun is just dragging krs!cale into more trouble
also i think that krs!cale is either reincarnated or transmigrated like during childhood. Making his bond with his twin more stronger aka og!cale's protectiveness is through the roof
and despite krs!cale being older than og!cale, alrebu, etc. metally he still baby and you don't mess with baby
Next Masterlist
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
Cale Henituse is not just a contradict. He’s an ✨Extra Contradict. Let me elaborate.
We know that Cale Henituse contradicts himself as naturally as breathing. But he’s so extra when he does that.
Cale: I better not get involved with Choi Han I don’t want to form a connection with him
Also Cale: *dresses, feeds, protects, makes him his most loyal subordinate, finds out he has a deeper bond that he thought , reveals secrets and is himself with Choi Han*
Cale: Trouble will follow me if I adopt a dragon
Also Cale: *adopts said dragon and ends up with 6 more dragons*
Cale: I’m not particularly fond of cats
Also Cale: *adopts two cat children, makes another cat ruler of a country, is the benefactor of the tiger tribe, his hyung got turned into a tiger monster, literally has the personality of a cat*
Cale: I’m just going to get a couple of ancient powers so I can protect myself, I don’t wanna be that strong to attract attention
Also Cale: *has 8 ancient powers (9 if he still had Dominating water) and 3 abilities*
Cale: I don’t want to get recognized if I want a peaceful slacker life.
Also Cale: *becomes the most recognizable hero in the history of the whole continent*
Cale: I better act as trash so people don’t like me and not bother me.
Also Cale: *rescues people left and right, feeds and provides a safe home for them, adopts children and adults from who knows where, creates connections with every powerful and useful person he meets*
Cale: I better not get involved with the crown prince
Also Cale: *becomes sworn brothers with the crown prince, makes him his personal ATM and is also one of the few people who he can be truly honest with*
Cale: I better not get too involved with ARM
Also Cale: *slaps White Star*
Cale: I want to be as far away from the war as possible.
Also Cale: *Is the leading most respected commander in the war, the person who got involved the most in the war, quite literally in the center of the war*
Cale: Ron terrifies me, I wish he would go away sooner so I wouldn’t have to see him anymore
Also Cale: *blows up an island when Ron lost his arm*
Cale: I hate pain and don’t wish to sacrifice myself
Also Cale: *the most self sacrificial bastard in that entire world*
Cale: I don’t want to get recorded in history
Also Cale: *from the literal book: “In history, there had never been a record wherein dragons, dark elves, and humans have helped in protecting something. So Alberu looked at the person who made all this possible – Cale.” LIKE SIR ARE YOU KIDDING ME*
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In the eyes of a sword
— pairing » Cale Henituse x F! Reader
— summary » Choi Han saw Kim Rok Soo and a woman in the eyes of Choi Jung Soo. She wasn’t his lover, but Choi Han who saw through Choi Jung Soo’s eyes would beg to differ.
— genre » tiny bit of angst? Fluff?
— warnings » angst? Aside from that none. I think.
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Choi Han first noticed it. How his liege would act differently when he’s with you. It was only slight, barely noticeable. But for Choi Han who has looked—served under the former commander, knew better.
His liege would let down his guard with you, he’d relax, all his tension leaving his body at the mere sight of you.
Maybe, Choi Han would’ve thought that perhaps his liege wasn’t comfortable enough with them to let his guard down. But he—they knew better.
His life as Kim Rok Soo didn’t allow him to rest. And his life as Cale Henituse was on constant work. Working his brain as the Commander to have the minimum casualties in a war, to protect his family that no one—not even one of them would get hurt, the way he made Alberu not the king, but the emperor of the roan empire. He worked, and worked, and worked, and worked. And unfortunately, even with everything over, Cale still has his guard up.
He’d wake up on the smallest sounds, he’d sharpen his eyes whenever even a small danger not even directed towards them appeared, he’d immediately think of plans— multiple plans if even there’s a slight mistake.
His liege never seemed to not work his brain off, Choi Han thought.
He wasn’t the only one who noticed, Ron, Raon, On and Hong, Rosalyn, and many other of their families.
And yet, when it comes to her, he immediately relaxed.
Choi Han didn’t know, that soon he’d find the answer.
It came in the form of a memory.
Choi Jung Soo’s memory to be exact.
In his memory, Kim Rok Soo always had a girl with him.
Min Areum.
She was on the same team as Kim Rok Soo, a member of the team leader Lee Soo Hyuk.
And through Choi Jung Soo’s eyes, Choi Han could see the immeasurable amount of truth Kim Rok Soo and Min Areum had. The way they would both let their guard down around each other but at the same time being high alert, they trusted each other and had the back of the other at all times.
Choi Han couldn’t find the words that would describe their bond.
Because in all honesty, their bond was something Choi Han has never seen before. It was genuine, strong, it was deep. There was a prominent like you couldn’t cross between them, a line that will never allow you to get in between them.
And Choi Han who saw it through Jung Soo’s eyes thought that they were soulmates.
It was simply fascinating.
She wasn’t his lover, but Choi Han, who saw them in Choi Jung Soo’s eyes would beg to differ.
Cale Henituse is Kim Rok Soo.
Kim Rok Soo was Cale Henituse.
Both are the same, Choi Han knew his liege never changed back when he was Kim Rok Soo and even as Cale Henituse.
But he’d like to think, that when he was Kim Rok Soo, and when Kim Rok Soo was with her.
He’d like to think that Cale— Kim Rok Soo did change.
Choi Han could see the difference.
So he knew, that the way Kim Rok Soo looked at Min Areum, was definitely not what a friend’s gaze looked like. Perhaps beside asking his liege if he was happy he was here, he also wanted to ask, ‘Did you love her?’ And despite not asking it, Choi Han knew his liege did. That he still does.
For the little looks, the little smiles, the little touches, the little gestures—that every time he looks at something and it reminds him of her. Choi Han would see the softest, and gentlest expression Cale would have.
An expression only she could bring.
An expression only she could have.
She brought out sides of Kim Rok Soo that even Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk was shocked.
But Choi Han knew that all stopped when she passed away.
And then suddenly, The Kim Rok Soo Choi Han knew became all too similar to the Cale-nim he has now.
He said that Cale never changed.
But looking back at it, he wants to say that he did change.
Kim Rok Soo changed when she passed away.
And Choi Han who saw it through Jung soo’s eyes was a big difference.
And so the moment, the second, the minute he saw a girl—a woman talking to his liege, he knew who she is. The woman who stood beside Kim Rok Soo, the woman who Choi Jung Soo considers as a family, the woman who stood, and stayed.
Although her name wasn’t Min Areum.
She was still her.
And Choi Han knew his liege wouldn’t bother repeating the same mistake.
Choi han thought it was lovely.
She and his liege were two.
A pair.
They both had a trust that Choi Han and the others would never be able to break.
Choi Han thought it was beautiful.
The bond that she and Cale have, and despite her not remembering her life as Min Areum, Choi Han knew that although his liege was a bit sad, he knew he didn’t mind.
Because Choi Han, who stood beside Cale and fought with him and for him, knew the gaze that he had the moment he knew she didn’t remember him.
His liege was determined. More determined than Choi Han has ever seen.
And so, Choi Han concluded.
‘It seems like Cale-nim would scheme to make her his again.’
Because through the eyes of Choi Jung Soo, Choi Han was well aware of the slyness and schemes Kim Rok Soo did just to make the woman his. It wasn’t in the bad way though, Kim Rok Soo schemed in a way that he was confident he’d make her fall for him.
And he did, but he only fell deeper.
Choi Han was quite sure, that his liege only fell deeper and deeper.
His liege would fall to the deepest of the abyss, but this time, Choi Han was sure that he won’t be alone.
He looks at the smiling pair, “Because you’ll have her now, Cale-nim.” He whispered to himself with a smile.
A past record.
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“Don’t..cry..” A bloodied hand lifted itself and placed it on his cheek, he nuzzled on her hand, ignoring the stench of blood as he shut his eyes tightly.
“R-Rok…Soo..” Her breathing was shallow, Kim Rok Soo knew she was losing a lot of blood, And Kim Rok Soo also knows her time is coming. He knew the medic wouldn’t come here in time, he knew it.
He knew.
She gave a weak smile at him, “Don’t look at me like that..” Tears fell on her cheeks, it’s wasn’t hers. “You-You’re making.. it hard to l-leave…” He let out a shaky breathe as he connected their foreheads together, fingers finding itself and intertwining with hers as he held her hand on his cheek.
He forced himself to open his eyes, but just as he was about to, a hand covered his eyes. “D-Don’t..” Kim Rok Soo could hear her cough, he could hear the blood splatter on the ground, “T-The one who could never for..get..m-must protect.. himself..” his breathe hitched, his eyes shook hysterically as his throat tightened up.
‘I don’t want to remember.’
‘I don’t want to forget.’
Kim Rok Soo doesn’t want to record this— he’d record everything- anything as long as it’s not this.
But Kim Rok Soo also doesn’t want to forget this. This would be the last time he’d ever have his record of her, and even if it’s sad,
Kim Rok Soo would rather have that than none at all.
He knew this memory—this record would play and run in an endless loop.
He’d suffer and grieve, he’d avoid this record but at the same time play it all over again.
Maybe he’d wish he never recorded this, but he also knew he’d rather have.
And so, Kim Rok Soo used his ‘record’.
He shakily held her hand and gently let it down, and as soon as he got his vision, his eyes connected to hers.
He inhaled sharply, taking every inch of her form, every details, every injuries, everything.
“Rok Soo..” She whispered, her voice barely a breathe. He gave her hand a squeeze in reply, never taking his eyes off of her, letting her know that he’s here—that she’s not alone.
“Let’s.. meet again.. okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course we will.” He committed every inch of his being to her smile- the smile he knew would be the last. To her, and her, and her, down to her last breathe—Kim Rok Soo focused himself on her.
Just as he always have.
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hajidumps · 2 years
TCF characters but I talk shit about them
og!Cale: pretty self explanatory (listen if your son actively chooses to be with his dead mother again even after all those years, you know you fucked up as a dad)
Kim Rok Soo: this boy is the living embodiment of mentally ill but functioning; alive but traumatize; breathing but dying inside
Raon: A absolute sunshine. would sacrifice my life for him. that said he's fucking mentally good - he has trauma but he's alive and healing. I would give him videos of venion suffering in heartbeat
On and Hong: ah yes hated by the family, discriminated and alienation, (how much did they suffer and endure to live?)
Choi Han: this dude is in a brink of insanity and revenge if Cale wasn't around and there was no hope - (he could be the god of despair)
Alberu/Alver: look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't scream daddy issues. identity issues - mommy issues - discrimination and fear of abandonment - attachment issues - whatever the fuck is going on with his so called family (og!Cale and him would bond over shitty fathers)
Rosalyn: not too bad. except the fact that she def has the issues of being the golden gifted child not helping she's the oldest and a somewhat people not supporting her dream as a mage but hey she has nice parents!(hopefully)
Beacrox: yeah sure like a child who had lost everything and is an assassin is mentally good. Not like he just went to a good noble child to a servant and lose his family members
Ron: did I fucking stutter? this man may be scary but his mind is also scary pls dont make him be close with me hes scary
Hans: pretty good not THAT much angst (hes sunshine and I like him)
Bud: he became head of the mercenary (how many hardships did he suffer truly?)
Glenn: mentally ill (jazz hands) watching as your uncle betrays the family does that to u.
White Star: the absolute fuck up. He is the mistake of the universe. Fucking psycho. get well soon and rot in hell
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g0ldenturtle · 2 years
did Vicross art with his hair down
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He is a snacc, I want to color it but I kinda rushed this coz I'm busy with schoolworks. Anyway, check Chapter 8 of my Series 3: Your Alphas are Scandalous, AO3 & Wattpad.
Here's also Choi Han and Alberu's bond mark on Cale. I just checked google for this, its somehow a symbol for love(?)
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
hc/imagina about dad! cale. I really don't see him having a son, I feel like he thinks he has enough with Raon, hong and on (etc, he has a lot of children). But maybe, in the back of his mind, his chest gets hot at the thought of having a child with s/o but I don't think he will say anything until s/o make the question.( i don't know much english but i enjoyed reading your writing, makes me happy💖💖)
Notes: Everyone feeling real soft lately ❤️here's an interesting fact: I've actually worked on this "How many kids would they want" headcanons back when I first started writing for TCF - I never got to posting it because then I got flooded with other requests, so all personal works just got set aside. I'm pleased to receive this ask that reminded me of this old WIP. Dusted it off, edited it here and there - I hope you'll like the final product nonny!
Fem s/o because it mentions pregnancy!
Ft: Cale, Choi Han, Alberu
Cale Henituse
He’s already got 15+ kids to take care of
He doesn’t hate the idea, but at the same time he never really planned on having kids either
But if you want kids, let’s sit down and talk about it
Truthfully, he’s already happy with what he has but if you come to him with news of pregnancy he’s not going to be mad or anything - it’ll take some time for him to process but he’ll roll with it
One child, that’s it. Because it’s actually 1 + 15 adopted others.
You know he’s going to be a good dad. No biases too.
He’s the tired dad. Always tired for no reason. The little ones are constantly threatening his slacker time but you know deep down he doesn’t mind one bit, no matter how much he whines about it to you afterwards
Choi Han
Yes, the idea of starting a family with you makes him so soft inside
Surprise him with news of pregnancy and he’ll pick you up and swing you around
He’ll take as many children as you’re willing to have
He came from a big family and was pretty close with them before he transmigrated so the thought of having his own family makes him so happy
The kids will have a blast learning swordarts with him - obviously only the defensive moves and only wooden swords allowed but seeing his kids practicing his family’s sword style makes him very nostalgic and proud
Absolutely weak against his daughters. They would get him wrapped around their pinkies with just one sad little glance. Done. He’s finished.
You’ll be in charge of being strict because he’s a literal pushover when it comes to the little ones
Alberu Crossman
Let’s be responsible adults and talk and plan for it
Especially since responsibilities in raising royal kids is nothing to scoff at.
Everything has to settle - his and your authority and positions secured, the kingdom stable before he even starts entertaining ideas of raising kids
Because you both would understand most than others that your kids will not live a normal life
But also let’s talk because succession and the complications that might arise from having more than one kid
He’s had enough of succession battles and he’d not want his kids to experience that as well
Because of that, he’d prefer having one child but you can convince him that one would be too lonely and having siblings is not the worst thing that can happen (you can use Cale as an example and he’d roll his eyes and tell you that’s your worst argument yet - but inside, you know you’ve convinced him already)
He’s new and awkward to this parenting thing but he’ll quickly warm up to the role
In the years to come, the strong bond of the Crossman royal family will be known far and wide
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idontknowmyownmind · 7 months
Inspired by Never Again by Mugenn24
Lee Soo Hyuk, Choi Jung Soo, Kim Rok Soo, and Choi Han are a cursed existences
They were fated to life a long life, thousands of years
They also fated to have a fated one who will be their both salvation and curse
Their fated ones are cursed to have a miserable life and surrounded by sorrow of losing their loved one (similar to krs canon curse)
Anyone they love will eventually leave, both in a sense of death or never have them as the first choice, and who love them will experience misfortunes
But also, whoever loves them will loves them with their heart but once they harbor negative feeling, it close to imposible to have them 'like' them
Everytime their loved one reincarnated, Fate will always find a way to reunite them
And every time, they will meet miserable end for or because of the Soos + Han
Lee Soo Hyuk × Alberu Crossman
Choi Jung Soo × (idk who will be his fated one but maybe) Paseton (?)
Kim Rok Soo × Cale Henituse
Choi Han × (please, idk who to choose for Mr. Han!!) Archie (?)
The four of them do their best to not met their fated one
Once they meet theirs, it'll be easy for them to lose control because they will become very obssessive and possessive over them
A little physical contact will connect them, tied their soul, with their fated one
Rok Soo accidently brush hand with Cale when he explore the capital
He doesn't realized at first because he got distracted
He just aware that he is tied with his fated one when he feels emotion not his own
He frantically try to remember but got zero result, he brush passed many people!!
The four of them doesn't know who their fated one because they agree to erased the majority of memories of them
They can feels it when they reincarnated, and no matter how strong their desire to find them, they can't
Hmm, maybe I'll include the birth of heroes events
So that's mean, there is another CH from different world
CJS never met his fated one because Paseton died before they have the chance to meet
In between the war, CH also lost his without ever knowing who he is
LSY lost his not long before KRS lost his
All this time, KRS is miserable because he can feels his fated one sorrow but he never seek them out because his believe that his existence will only bring more pain for him
As the world regressed due to Cale's deal with GoD, so is the Soos and Han who also regressed with their memories
They then choose to seek their fated ones because they don't want to regret
Earth!KRS transmigrate after Cale already tied with Rok Soo
He almost become feral when he feels that their connection suddenly gone
Thanks to LSH and CJS, he manage to calm down and focus on his bond and slightly calm when it's still there
But it's faint and that when he know that his fated one is still alive but no longer in their world
(In this second chance, Rok Soo already found out that his fated one is Cale)
When he went to check, he is shock because it's someone else who is inside his fated one's body
Someone who feels similar to him (since they are both KRS but also not?)
They realized the abnormality when they see another CH
In the end, they decide to help as mysterious people when they found out that WS is the reason of their fated ones end before
LCF cast found out their identities at the end of the war
Rok Soo decide to pursue after his fated one to earth and his hyungs support him
While in LCF we have earth!CH, CH, LSY, Sui Khan, and 2 CJS
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mypromptlair · 1 year
TCF Prompt 24
When GoD transmigrated Kim Rok Soo, he went a little too far back into the past. And while he was not the one to be able to defeat the white star, he opened a doorway towards it.
So, why after all this time, was he awoken by a (regressed) Cale Henituse? He thought he hid this mansion quite well in this forest. Well. If he was an ancient power, he might as well get this over with. His test was quite easy, all the person had to do was eat a rock(he even made it soft because who likes pain?). Hm? Strange..why was he still here, and in this kids head no less? Wait, why were his old comrades here too?
*sighs* so much for being able to slack. Though, at least its Cale who's doing the work...but why does he(and the others) feel like they'll get grey hairs by the end of all this.
KRS is "Super Rock"
He has fun trolling Cale at first with "Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?
And then eventually Cale does, and KRS is horrified and scared. So are the other AP's cause now there's TWO of them.
The protective AP's activate on their own sometimes, especially when Cale is endanger or about to do something stupid.
They semi-parent/raise Cale.
Cale is 16 when he goes after the AP's. He uses his trash persona to get away and try and start to deal with things on his own.
Ron and Beacrox eventually find out and follow him around and guard him, etc. Cale picks up Rons training like a sponge, which makes Ron both sad and proud of his puppy. And if sometimes Cale calls Beacrox hyung on accident like when he was younger, well... :)
Cale has both parts of his mother's ancient powers. WS never got the one from Harris. Which makes the WS want him even more later on when he finds out.
He does find and take in, On, Hong and Raon early(KRS helps with the name). He also meets Choi Han after he gets Super Rock and leads him to Harris Village to stay/get citizenship too.
He meets Choi Han again at 18 and aids Harris Village in the attack(he doesn't hate the people, he just hates the Village /the unsafe area.)
Cale's family find out mostly everything after the plaza incident, where Cale takes Basens place, etc. Henituse fam and Cale finally start healing and bonding.
They also have a bigger role to play in the war. Basen is still the heir, tho Deruth uses it as a threat when Cale gets too sacrificial ,etc.
Eric, Amiru and Gilbert also have bigger roles as well. There's also a older sibling war between them and Alberu after they become sworn brothers. Cale is confused and annoyed. And a smug Beacrox already knows he won this round much to Ron's amusement.
Everyone's super protective of Cale (which he is mostly oblivious to of course)
Cale's trash persona also yeets itself away after the plaza incident. He doesn't know how to feel, but Ron and KRS aren't letting him go back to it, let alone his family :(
Cale has dreams/nightmares of the past of the AP's. His soul shares a bond with theirs, especially KRS who he is related to.
KRS is a Henituse not a Thames.
Because of the special bond, Cale gains KRS's earth powers(record, etc). Which is not good for his plate.
These memories and his previous ones are also not a good mix, leaving him with migraines/headaches/nosebleeds and insomnia.
Some things follow the TCF storyline, but Cale is not KRS and does things differently.
For KRS, Cale will try for a slackers life(he's never let himself rest before like KRS wants to), but it's just out of reach for him as it was for KRS(for now). sad times.
But a farm with his kids and found family and just resting really does actually sound nice after two lifetimes of war...
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 16
AU - The After Years
OG Cale, OG Choi Han and Kim Rok Soo. A regressor and transmigrator(and in Choi Hans case: both).
Changing the fate of TBOAH world for the better.
This takes place after the 2 year war. Where all that's left is trying to relax, heal, and deal with shitty politics and annoying drama along the way.
KRS fully transmigrated like CH.
Cale regressed to his 18 year old self(20 after the war is over).
Both CH and Cale regress before Harris Village is destroyed. They both end up saving it(Cale gaining one half of his mothers AP in the process)
Cale returns home injured giving Deruth bad flashbacks of Jour(alongside the staff and rest of the family) and also causing Ron and Beacrox not to leave yet.
GoD fucks up KRS transmigration and accidently dumps him in a empty well in the slums(after the Harris Village incident). Two certain kittens find him and lead Cale to him.
GoD sends a couple of hyungs as an apology. LSH and CJS are both 'alive and well' and joining in the chaos.
This leads to Cale learning of the shield AP and bringing in On and Hong much earlier.
KRS did not get the AP's to go along with his abilities, but gave them to Cale. Cale also has both halves of his mothers AP.
They head to the capital earlier too(or in Cale's case, sneaks off with them), saving a certain adorable baby dragon along the way. Choi Han is bitter at his 'past' self for what originally happened, but glad he could save him this time.
Ron and Beacrox go after them.
Redika may have gone after Cale during the bombing incident, and CH may or may not have actually killed him this time when he saw that mage so much as look at Cale like that. Both Ron and Beacrox also see Cale cough up blood, they are not happy.
Alberu is now another lil brother of the 'Soos' and having to call KRS "Hyung" this time around.
KRS and Cale giving everyone grey hairs during the war(and each other of course).
Actually they still do it even after the war(for ex: Cale drinking poison meant for a certain 'Prince Charmless' of his.)
KRS's original body was from the Thames family, so Cale is technically his blood relative. Which makes their bond even stronger(and KRS is very protective, because he finally has 'blood' family that's still alive, and he's making sure it stays that way).
Most events happen as in TCF, but also not(cause more people and memories to cause chaos. But it all works out in the end).
Cale and CH have a truce and are close 'friends'(CH may or may not like his beautiful red head more than a friend, alongside a certain protective crown prince).
KRS, LSH and CJS finally have their farm.
Cale's trash act was finally ousted as an act(in most parts anyway). His family and old friends(Amiru, Gilbert and Eric), especially his siblings, were not amused(and are trying very hard to heal and understand one another better. They are also even more overprotective of each other.)
Cale still be trying to act as an elegant trash, but no ones having it(Ron may or may not have filled a bottle with lemonade instead of alcohol when he tried…)
His father also finally said he would make him the heir instead of Basen if he tried again(and certain vassals and staff are finally dealt with).
Cale has an interest/talent in the arts, something he and Violan finally bond over(and Violan is very pleased, cause neither Basen nor Lily are really interested in her work, etc. She can finally pass down some knowledge to one of her kids).
Cale, Bud and Cage(alongside Taylor when he can make it) are all drinking buddies.
Beacrox and Cale also come to an understanding(and while Cale jokingly calls him Hyung once again like when he was a child, Beacrox is actually happy to hear it again. Ron finds his kids adorable.)
The kids can finally proceed to have a very extra spoiled childhood without a war/fight looming over their heads. They do have to deal with school/tutoring now as well.
Alberu/Cale/Choi Han eventually do become a thing. After some extra slow burn, pining, and drama of course(and not only getting pass the Henituse family, but KRS as well, err…after he's done with his nap anyway.)
Somehow Cale is still as oblivious as KRS on certain things…maybe its a family trait haha.
Its not TBOAH or TCF without misunderstandings!
KRS and Cale still healing from the damage done from defeating the WS and the SG.
The Soo's be scamming them nobles when they give their found family problems.
Hunters can be a thing if wanted. Like an annoying fly that just needs to be swatted.
Everyone is kinda OP, GoD is so proud…and very very scared ;A;
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mypromptlair · 3 years
TCF Prompt 3
While 'forced' to the Capital for a ceremony/banquet, Cale and Alberu make a bet on who can scam the most people(fellow nobles, etc) by the end of the week. To bad the ones they are really scamming in the end are themselves. Much to their families and friends amusement and exasperation.
- No romance, just them both squabbling like siblings(which they are oblivious to, which brings much entertainment for everyone else).
- Cale and Alberu make themselves sick by doing stupid things for the sake of scamming.
- Neither win in the end, but Alberu still gives him money anyway. And Cale does something nice for his Hyung as well.
- Seems Ron and Eruhaben have another son added to the fold.
- Alberu is forced to drink lemonade with Cale while sick. They both agree that Ron is too scary for his own good.
- comedy but lots of hurt/comfort and family feels all around.
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