#your idea was SOOOOOOOO CUTE OMG
chilschuck · 5 months
HI ITS “PLANS” ANON (also dancing anon kshfndfb) I’m having a full breakdown (/pos) over the drabble omg…. It’s so CUTE i love love love how you write chilchuck wahhhh
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAHGHFHVHGKJ DANCING ANON I LITERALLY WOKE UP TO THIS AND IT MADE ME SO SO HAPPY TO READ!!!!! i’m so glad you liked it!!!!! (;;;w;;;) ALSO BIGGEST COMPLIMENT EVER???? i was worried i didn’t write him well enough in that one but this made me feel so much better!!! i’m so happy rn :”33 <3333
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oldsargasso · 1 month
4 minutes ep 5 thoughts
can't believe we're over halfway through :( but how nice to be able to watch on iqiyi
a warning for flashing lights would've been good
bless. she played that perfectly because that was an expression every woman can recognise instantly but [straight] men have no idea
okay I love title's shirt. confirmation it's tonkla who takes him out then
the grass, the trees, it all has a very dream-like, unreality/hyper-reality in a way kinda feeling. the establishing shot of the grass just feels like a movie in an intentional way
omg they're glamping!! I thought it was a tent at the end of last ep but I didn't think it'd look like that lmao
[we haven't seen tyme wear a necklace yet have we? yet in the first visions of them having sex he definitely has one on. just thinking about it now because his shirt is like making it very obvious.]
they are soooooooo. I gotta go lie down on the floor. tyme straight up serenading great, the man does have moves. (where'd he get a guitar from? it came with the campsite)
the most insane thing is that they're both still wearing shoes and socks around. (<- might be assigning australian values here)
musician AU CONFIRMED.
just taking a moment to appreciate jes' acting. my goodness. my HEART.
NAN BACKSTORY!! bee I love you as well. miscarriage? oh damn. this is depressingly real. I hope Nan gets to burn everything down
the framing of tyme and great in these shots is so interesting. tyme always on the left, often higher. don't even need to mention the black&white.
why is what's on the picnic table so blurry or are my eyes going weird
"what if the next death is you?" "I don't have anything to lose." okay. pain.
I love Korn losing it.
oooohhh sa-marn. this is the one single thing I've liked him doing. (and not just because it means we get to see great's mother again 😍 the one sleeve look is perfect)
"the son of yours" number one thing not to say to your wife unless it's a cute joke
god great's even got a red number plate to match his car lmaoooo. actually surprising to me that his car doesn't have a GPS tracker or something. korn's gonna be waiting for great isn't he.
if it started as ~seducing great to get to his parents it's so far past that now. the look tyme is giving great….. the hand on the back of the neck. leave me here to die actually.
oh god this horror movie shot. oh lmaooo. den my guy. oh I don't recognise that dude hmmm. title?
great just straight up walked in front of that car. dude. if there was ever a time to be aware of your surroundings… oh it was korn so who cares. wait he's got a red number plate too, that does NOT match your car.
can't park there.
the man with his shirt unbuttoned down to his navel is taking about how serious this business is
there's that older brother "I'll do it so you don't have to" idc I live for this kinda stuff
honestly I thought korn was gonna be waiting inside great's apartment so that was way less intense than I was expecting lol
OH MY GOD. holy shit great's dad is. incredible. awful. lovely little note that he said stay away from great before he said stay away from the company. (the like, heartbeat in the OST? gorgeous) take the money and then do your thing anyway, like what are they gonna do? call the cops?
I wonder if that's his maternal or paternal grandmother. it doesn't matter I just like knowing stuff
dude nan has been through it, let her have her revenge!! it's not like she's getting the 5 million so. I understand her.
aww manee's out of hospital.
korn getting slapped…you love to see it
since she mentioned her dad being powerful I am now assuming she and title are siblings lol. korn doesn't deserve this woman she should marry me instead
I'm way more into the idea of ep 4 being great's first time with a dude because that makes tyme blocking him now all the more delicious 😌
I wanna just. applaud all of this. the sound. the cinematography. the look on her face.
oh shit great's gonna get shot now isn't he
(did his mum kill korn's mum)
first flashback/flashforward in a little while. this guy is bold and dedicated to his job - nobody heard the first gunshot?
half of great's face covered in blood spatter….perfect. the clock has started.
hmmmm. okay. this better not turn out to all just be in great's head because that is the worst of all theories lol.
thank god den can recognise people from split-second glances he's the most powerful character ever
this is what tyme's wearing when he gets shot in ep 1. the BLOOD ON HIS FACE cutting in and out with the light? hellllloooo. next episode is tyme right?
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house-of-tykayl · 6 months
Is there a mandate in Teen Titans Go where they say Robin and Starfire are never allowed to be an actual couple in the show?
I don't understand why they don't want them to be together they make Starfire reject Robin.
I don't think it would cause any problem if they become a thing, they can still make comedy jokes in the show while being in a relationship at the same time.
i think TTG is a low effort parody show, so to change something fundamental to the original concept (having TTG robin chase TTG starfire) would take too much effort. the show would have to replace the conflict of unrequited(?) love with another conflict funny enough to move an episodic story forward for an infinite number of seasons.
so yeah, there probably is a mandate/rule (in the show bible or something) to prevent TTG robstar from becoming "official"
(also if you dont find the idea of TTG robstar being unrequited funny, then tbh i feel like TTG's kind of humor and even the original concept of TTG just isnt for u... it's not the 2003 cartoon v2, it's a parody and always was. by this point i feel like it (TTG's parody elements at least) are such a specific kind of humor that 89% of people won't enjoy it, and thats fine)
anyway there's also how TTG had more sincerity in season 1 when it was more like a really weird sitcom, where the titans' relationships (while still subversions of the 2003 cartoon) were mostly genuine bonds even if they acted like lobotomy patients sometimes. the comedy had limits and the characters had empathy. so if TTG robstar would ever have a chance at becoming anything near canon, it would have been back in s1, though still unlikely
but later seasons of TTG can be very mean spirited, overly cynical and deconstructive, depending on who is writing the episode (assuming the episode is even character focused at all, which became less common over time). the show went from a parody of the 2003 cartoon to a parody of everything besides the 2003 cartoon lol. sometimes i feel like post season 1 some of TTGs writers took the mob hate to heart and let negativity poison the original sitcom premise before slowly selling out
so i dont think genuine relationships between the TTG titans can happen anymore, some of the writers hate the characters enough to have broken up their friendships (someone even messed with cyborg & BB once omg), let alone the romantic relationships. except maybe that doesn't matter either because TTG resets most of its continuity every episode?? ironically TTG could still turn the ship around in terms of the series' tone and direction, though i doubt they will if the current direction makes more money
weirdly enough whenever TTG shits out another AU thing, like the big 2018 movie or the night begins to shine universe, suddenly theres unironic robstar shipping/hints in it that are soooooooo cute. besides being shipper bait this is probably because those TTG AUs feel removed from the main TTG series, so their stories feel more free like they're allowed to be sincere again, like the main show's original season 1.
unless the romance is supposed to be a joke, it needs sincerity in order to work. and its impossible to write sincerely when youre a contractual writer buried under 300 layers of irony and cynicism who doesn't even like the show youre writing for... and thats what i feel happened to the main TTG show ,compared to some of its AU stuff
tl;dr i just cope and pretend like TTG is still the goofy sitcom it used to be, partially coz season 1 TTG robstar had the (admittedly very low) potential to be real, and even if it didnt happen at least their friendship was consistently sincere. and very cute
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Jeongin X Female Reader 
Genre: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Word count: 3.5K
Summary: You and your best friend go camping with her boyfriend and his best friend.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Lose of virginity, Protected sex, fingering and hand jobs. Please if you are uncomfortable with the above subject then feel free to scroll along.
“Could you please tell me again.... why I agreed to go camping with you” you say, throwing your camping gear into the back of your best friend Stacey’s car. 
“Because you love me”, she smiled. You scoff at her answer, making her laugh. “Fine, because Jeongin will be there” she knows your weakness. Jeongin was so sweet since that night at Stacey’s house, where you spent hours talking about absolutely everything. It was hard to stop thinking about him, so when Stacey’s boyfriend asked if you girls wanted to come camping with him and Jeongin on the weekend, you agreed. 
You said nothing to Stacey as you wandered towards the car, opened the front door and sat inside, waiting for her to close the boot. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N, don’t act like you are not excited to spend time with him,” she said, hopping in the car “you practically jumped at the idea when changbin said to come along” you hated it when Stacey was right. 
“Shut up and drive”, you smiled as you put your seat belt on. 
You drive 2 hours to the camping grounds “ omg, Stacey, please, I need to pee so bad”, you stay, running out of the parked car while Stacey checks you in.
You come out of the toilet and notice that Stacey is down the hill at the campsite already. You walk down towards her car and see changbin and Jeongin helping Stacey unpack the car. 
“Oh well, hello you,” Jeongin says, smiling. 
“Hey,” you say back, helping him carry the tent out of the back.
“Hey, Y/N, did you want to bunk in with Jeongin….changbin and I want to share a tent” she gave you those stupid eyebrow wiggle things people do when they think they are being funny. You roll your eyes at her “sure. I don’t mind….just make sure you set your tent up as far away from me as possible”, you snarl. 
The last thing you wanted to hear was those two fools going 100m meters from you. 
“Jeongin, you okay with that” Jeongin looked nervous, looking over to changbin, who smiled as he hammered the pegs into the ground. 
“I umm…okay”, he could barely form a sentence. 
Jeongin and changbin set up both tents while you and Stacey unpack and set up the camp kitchen. 
“Soooooooo you and Jeongin, aye,” she says, elbowing you. 
You roll your eyes because there is honestly nothing going on between you too. Stacey giggled as the boys walked up to the pavilion for lunch. 
“Oh, babe, that looks so fucking good,”changbin says, grabbing his sandwich from her hands and taking a huge bite. Stacey smiles at him as she kisses his nose. “What” he looked at her, scrunching his nose, “nothing, your just so cute,” Stacey said, turning back around. You have never seen Stacey so friendly to someone in your life. It made you queasy how in love she was. 
“God, don’t they just make you sick?” You hear from behind you. You giggle as you move out of the way so Jeongin can grab some food. 
“Binnie…..come with me….I want to go for a swim,” Stacey whines, pulling changbin towards the tent. 
“But I don’t want to,” he says, resisting. 
Stacey whispers into changbins ear, and he blushes “well, in that case …I’ll just get changed”, he said, practically pulling her inside. 
“I wonder what she said to him,” Jeongin said, going back to chopping the carrots for tonight’s dinner. 
“I don’t want to know” you smiled at Jeongin, who chuckled. 
You both stayed behind as they giggled and ran down to the creek to do god knows what. 
You chop and prepare dinner in silence, shoving as much meat and veggies as possible into the iron pot. Glancing over at Jeongin tending to the fire made you feel warm inside. He carefully spread the coals around and turned his head to see if you were ready, catching you staring at him. 
“Are you ready” he laughed, signing for you to come over.
You shake yourself out of your trance and try to pick up the pot. You struggle to pick it up, so Jeongin slightly jogs over to help you. 
“Here, let me take it,” he says, moving you to the side by your hips. You freeze. As soon as he realised what he had done, he apologised and racked his hand back.
“Y/N, I am so so sorry”, he panics.
“It’s okay, Jeongin,” you said, trying to sooth him. You bushed up and down his arm, and he turned to look at you. 
His eyes scanned your face and paused on your lips. “I should get this pot over on the fire now”, he gulped, lifting the iron pot so quickly. 
As the sun starts to go down and the temperature drops, you feel a little cold. Stacey and changbin are back sitting by the fire for warmth. 
“Here,” Jeongin said, handing you a hoodie. 
“Huh?…. What’s this for?” You said, holding onto it and feeling the fabric as he smiled.
“I saw your bag…looks like you packed light….it’s going to get cold soon, so I thought you might like my hoodie” he was so sweet to you, your cheeks turned red, and you quickly looked down to the floor. 
“Thank you”, you smile, looking back up at him. He’s now scanning your face again. 
You put the hoodie on after he starts to walk towards the fire staring at the stew you made together. The hoodie smelled so good. It was so fluffy and warm. It was huge on you, tho, but you didn’t mind. 
“y/N…. I think it’s ready,” he smiled, looking over at you. 
You grab the bowels and spoons and head over to the fire, Stacey grinning from ear to ear. 
“That’s a cute hoodie” you knew she was going to say something. Jeongin cheeks turn red. 
“Thanks”, you smile, rolling your sleeves up, so they don’t get stew all over them. 
Later that night 
“Binnie did you want to come to bed with me,” Stacey says, running her hand down his arm. 
“No, that’s okay, I’m not tired”, he was oblivious. It made you giggle.
She again whispers in his ear, making his eyes widen, and he swallows hard “ughhh would you look at the time It’s getting late” Jeongin chuckles at how ridiculous changbin is. 
“I’ll head to be too, I think,” you said, standing up cozy in Jeongins hoodie. 
“Okay, well, we are all going to bed, so I’ll put the fire out,” Jeongin said, walking towards the camp kitchen to get some water to smoulder the fire. 
By the time Jeongin had finished packing and cleaning the camp kitchen, you were in the tent, curled up in a sleeping bag. You were freezing. Why did you not think to bring warm clothes or an extra blanket
“It’s so cold out there,” Jeongin says as he walks in. 
“Tell me about it,” you say with the sleeping bag covering your mouth so you don’t have to feel the cold air hitting your lungs. 
Jeongin takes his shirt off and try’s to find his long sleeve top, not realising what he’s just done. Until you clear your throat, and he turns his head, eyes wide “oh shit, I’m so sorry”, he says, covering his body with the shirt. 
“It’s okay….we are sharing a tent after all”, you laugh. 
“Are you warm enough” he smiled, looking at you, practically shivering. 
“I’m okay,” you say, not wanting to bother him more than you already have. 
He finds a shirt and hops into his sleeping bag “okay good night Y/N.” 
“Goodnight, Jeongin” he turns off the torch suddenly, you have this urge to pee. 
You try to stay as still as you can. You can hear Jeongin getting comfortable on his mattress. You didn’t want to go to the toilet alone. What if someone kidnapped you. You lay there contemplating whether or not to go and grab Stacey without fully realising that you yourself were restlessly flopping around on your mattress.
“Y/N”, Jeongin interrupts your thoughts.
“What’s wrong? You’re moving so much, and it’s annoying,” he groans, turning the light back on. 
“I need to pee,” you say, staring at him sweetly. 
“Then go pee” he was not happy. 
“I can’t. I’m scared,” you said, pulling your sleeping bag up. 
“Fuck sake,” he said, pulling his blankets off and standing. 
“What?” You looked up at him. 
“Get up. I’ll walk you,” he growls, and he rubs his shoulders.
“You okay,” you say, immediately regretting it as soon as the cold air hits your body. 
“Just a bit cold. Let's hurry up and go so we can come back,” he said, opening the tent.
“I can give you your jumper back you say, lifting it, not realising your shirt underneath was also coming up. 
“No, no, no….keep it on,” he says, shoving the hoodie back down. “Let’s go,” he says, dragging you out using the torch to light our way to the portable toilets.
“Here, take this inside. I’ll be right here,” he says as you open the door, god you hated portable toilets. They were the worst in the ways they smelt. They looked dirty, and did I mention the smell? 
As quickly as possible, you were in and out of those things “well, that was gross”, you said, exiting the toilet. 
“You all good now?” He said, taking the torch back.
“Yes, thank you,” you said, waking beside him. 
On the way back to the campsite, you suddenly hear a rustling from a bush next to you. Suddenly you scream, backing straight into Jeongin. You hold yourself steady by the hips. 
“It’s just a possum”, he laughs, shining a torch on it still with one hand grabbing your hip bone. 
“Scared the shit out of me,” you said, holding your pounding chest. Your body then becomes aware that not only is Jeongin keeping your hips but that you have backed your whole Body into his. 
You pause as Jeongin hand slides to your pelvic bone. Jeongin hand fell from your body as you heard a “let's go” softly.
Opening up the tent, Jeongin singled for you to go in first “are you cold….you can share my extra blankets,” he said as you shivered back into your sleeping bag. 
You look at him, thinking about it for a moment “oh, come on, I don’t bite”, he laughs, looking down “ you’ll be in your sleeping bag….I’ll be a perfect gentleman”, he smiles. You liked how Jeongin made you relax. Even though you’ve known him for a short time, you felt safe in this tent with him. 
“Oh, Ummm, okay,” you say, getting up and moving your mattress next to his. 
After rearranging the tent, you both lie under the sleeping bags and extra blankets. You felt so cozy and warm. You decided it would be easier to undo both sleeping bags so you would have three layers of warmth. 
Jeongin turned around to turn the torch off, and his back was now touching yours. “Jeongin”, you whisper.
“Mmmmm yeah,” he said sleepily. 
“Is it bad that I’m still cold” he could feel your body shake against his. 
“Hold on,” he said, rolling over half asleep he wrapped his arm around your waist and shimmied closer to you. 
“Better,” he said in a husky voice on the back of your neck. 
“No,” you said, rolling over to face him. Without thinking, Jeongin pulled you into him, your face in the crook of his neck, your arms wrapped around each other.
“Perfect”, you mumble Jeongin's body goes stiff, and as soon as you realise, you pull back. 
“What’s wrong?” You say, lifting your head. 
“I….umm….I,” he is fumbling over his words. 
“Don’t tell me you have a girlfriend?” you said, completely letting go of him now. 
“No….no god no, I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said, tightening his hold.
“I just really want to kiss you right now” he inches his face closer to you, so your noses are now touching. 
“What’s stopping you?” You whisper back, Jeongins hand now caressing your face.
He lifts his head and leans down so his lips hover over yours. “I just think you are perfect,” he says, lightly linking his lips to yours. He rolls your body over, so now his chest is hovering over you. 
You are the one who decides to deepen the kiss caressing the back of his neck. Jeongin hand rests on the side of your breast, his thumb lightly sitting just under as you part your lips enough for his tongue to enter your mouth. You pull back “wait before you get too excited….I, Umm, have never done this before,” you said shyly. 
“Done what?” He was confused. 
“Had Ummm sex”, you managed to get the words out. 
“Wait…..wait, you want to have sex” it dawned on you that maybe that wasn’t Jeongins plan. You think to yourself, “have I just fucked this up.” 
“You haven’t answered me?” He said, interrupting your train of thought. 
“I thought that what this was….I’m sorry if I got my signals wrong” you felt like a real dick. 
“Just for the record….I wasn’t planning on sex….but I’m more than okay with it if that’s what you want,” he said, adjusting his body position. 
“Just one issue…I don’t have a condom.” 
“Don’t laugh, okay” Jeongin was giving you a confused look. “But when I was getting changed earlier, I noticed some in my bag I borrowed from Stacey”, Jeongin props himself up on his elbows.
“Didn’t notice them while you were packing?” He is now back to giving over your lips. 
“I think she snuck them in after” you lean up and reconnect your lips. 
“Well, you’ll have to thank her later for me,” he said, pulling away. His hand travelled down your body as he continued to kiss you. Slowly his hand lifts his hoodie. He slides his hand up your shirt and cups your breast. 
“So, did you want me to get one out?” You say, pushing his chest up. 
“Hold on so…..you’ve never had sex…like ever?” He said, just realising what you said to him earlier.
“Jeongin, did it take that long for your brain to process?” You giggle Jeongin lets go of your breast and removes his hand from under the jumper. 
“But you’ve done other stuff, right?” 
“No… I’ve only kissed one other guy except you” you began to become awkward. 
“Oh okay…well….shit, this just got awkward,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Oh well….we don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable,” you said, shifting further away from him. 
“Hold on….hold on, who said I didn’t want to do this with you…. I’ve just got to rethink some stuff.” 
“What, like whether or not you’re going to sleep with me….just forget it, Jeongin” you turned your body around so your back was now facing him. 
“It’s not like that… listen… I don’t want your first time to be some silly little fling….I don’t want you to regret it the next morning….this is a big deal,” he said, running his hand across your hip bone. 
“It would be because it’s with you,” you say, rolling over to face him. “I like you….your what I’ve been waiting for,” you say, lightly cupping his face and kissing him. 
“You want me?” He said, squeezing your ass. 
“Yes,” you say, linking your lips to his as he rolls you onto your back again. 
“Well, okay, then you should probably get those condoms out”, he smiled. 
You threw the blankets off and walked to your bag, bending down and pulling out one of the loose condoms in the bottom. 
You walk back and sit down. Waving the condom packet in his face, Jeongin wraps his arms around your waist, pushing you down. Placing kisses all over your face, you could help but giggle.
“Sooooo… that means I’m the first person who’s ever touched you?” He said, kissing your neck. 
“Mmmm”, you moan. 
“God, this is so fucking hot” he kisses your jawline, and you enjoy his hand gliding across your stomach as he kisses down to your shoulders. 
He reaches for the condom in your hand, places it above his head then rolls on top of you, placing his hands on either side of your head. 
He slides his hand down, hovering over your pants string. You stiffen at the thought of his hand being close to your throbbing centre. 
“You okay?” He stopped pulling his hand away. 
“Huh?…..yeah, I’m okay”, you smiled Jeongin kissed the top of your nose. 
“We don’t have to do this?” He pulled back the heat from his body, hovering over you warmed you. 
You lean and run your hand across his neck before pulling him down. Using your hand, you play with the drawstring on his pants. 
“As much as I love my hoodie on you….I’m going to take it off you now” he leans back as you sit up and take his hoodie and T-shirt off, the cold air hitting your nipples and making them hard. 
Jeongin takes a deep breath before he glances down at your breasts, licking his lips before you grab him and pull him back down. 
“You can touch me, Jeongin”, you giggle as he cups your breasts, squeezing them.
His lips were warm. You part your lips, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth. You could feel his breath tickle your face as your lips matched his pace. 
His hand was moving down your body again, hovering over your pants. He slides his hand into your sweatpants, his index finger spreading you open. 
Jeongin circles your entrance while his lips move against yours, and you moan into his mouth.
“I can’t believe you’re all mine”, he whispers into your ear, making your pussy drip for him. 
You suck and nibble on his earlobe. Jeongin slowly inserts one finger inside you to start stretching you out. 
“God, I can’t wait to feel inside you” his confidence was so hot that he inserted another finger, making you gasp at the feeling. 
He paused and lifted his head, still keeping his fingers inside. He gave you a moment so your body could adjust to his fingers as he slowly started to pump them in and out again. 
“That feels so good, innie”, you whimper softly. 
Jeongin pumps faster as he starts to kiss down, taking your nipple into his mouth and using his tongue to swirl and suck it. 
“Fuck”, you moan loudly, Jeongin shushing you with his hand. 
“We need to be quiet”, he whispered, you nodding in agreement. 
He reaches do the condom, and you work on untangling his drawstring. Jeongin pulls his pants down while you remove your underwear. 
“Jesus…you look fucking stunning all spread out like that for me”, he smiles as he crawls back on top, lining himself up with your entrance. 
He pushes your legs wider as inches of the way into your core. “Please”, you whine. 
“I’m just getting started, babe” he clicks his tongue as he places his hand on your thighs, pushing them further apart, opening you up for him to go deeper inside. 
“You feel even better than I imagined”, he moaned. 
He thrusts into you slowly, initially allowing you to adjust to his rhythm. “You are doing so well for me”, Jeongin grunts into your ear. He starts to use his fingers to stimulate your clit “holy shit”, you moan, having Jeongin know all the right places to touch had you squirming under him. 
“Fuck innie, I’m going to cum” you feel the burning ignite in your stomach and realise moving through your whole body. 
You arch your back as Jeongin helps you through your orgasm. 
“How was that,” he said, leaning down and kissing you softly. 
“That was amazing……but you didn’t finish,” you said shyly. 
“Don’t worry about me?” he said, pulling out, but you couldn’t help but feel like a disappointment. 
“But..but that’s so unfair” you didn’t want him to pull away. You wanted to please him. 
“Tonight was about you….I can finish next time” he kisses your forehead as he rolls over and disposes of the condom in the bin bag. 
Jeongin lies down next to you, still, naked sweat beading down his face. You decide to curl up next to him, running your fingers across his stomach as he looks at you. You kiss him softly as your hand travels down to his cock. 
“What are you doing?” He says into your mouth. 
“Your turn”, you smile as you grab his cock in your hand. You start to jerk him off as you deepen the kiss, using your tongue to part his lips. He begins to Moan into your mouth. 
“Fuck…are you sure this is your first time?” He giggled as he tucked your hair behind your ear as he reconnected to your lips. 
You continued to pump his cock. “I’m so close, baby”, he moaned, and he ejaculated into your hand. 
“I like you, Jeongin,” you said as he lay panting. 
“I really like you,” he said, pulling you in. 
“Shall we, Umm, get cleaned up?” You giggle. 
Thank you please like reblog and comment i can not tell you how much i appreciate you all 
Taglist: (open) @9900z @daceydeath​ @armystay89​
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wanderingpages · 11 months
Noooo chapter 5😪😪😪😪 we’re coming to a close, fellas. I cannot… and yet. I can. We move forward my sisters in god
Oh…not him spending winter break with her…in the same house… as their parents…with all this…tension…. (Ive seen this [adult] movie before)
Aww he holds the door open for her… helps her take off her socks…walks her to class/.., it really is the little things. His actions… Peach said show dont tell 😮‍💨❤️
Not Cardan being fluent enough in french to have La Chute in its original publishing bye thats so hot of him and dare i say,..timothee chalamet core…. @iknowitwontwork wya (This is rockstar anon btw i am on medication (dont worry abt it peach this a little inside comradery bby)) anyways have i mentioned you write and its like a movie?
““Is it your favorite?” I ask. I wiggle my brows, “Do you think you, too, have fallen from grace?”” – first, not babygirl being versed in Camus 😛 secondly, ohhohoo i love all the biblical references 
“His smile is Cheshire in response, “Since the day I met you, little sister.”” - u know what…. At least he honest, like its really now hitting me that hes soooooooo honest about it. Playing  a little game as jude said when he was leaving her dorm after the party… like its a game but an honest one. Like am i crazy or is he just trying to see how far he can provoke her w their situation and honesty? 
Omg wait not him CLOCKING HER the very next paragraph  (By the way i feel like u should know, i have the chapter open on one half of my split screen and the other half is your ask box lol i am literally typing as i go like this is the wattpad comments section fr)
i feel so smart and validated that cardan literally says all of that ^^^ like wow i should have held my tongue (fingers) and read the next paragraph lmao
I like that his jewelry comes up frequently because its part of him, just like her knuckles come up cus its part of her fr like both of them are so natural abt it too like her playing w his chain and him rubbing her fingers like ugjhhfh SHOW DONT TELL IS SO IMPORTANT
Whoaaa not him clocking ASHA now!! Not jude saying her mamma dead or alive she dont really care, RESPECT 
Wait not him pulling up to the gas station to get a first aid kit….like he really doesnt say a word about it at allllllll
And jude said oh, more time alone with him? In a diner? Count me in ❤️
Oh shit cardan has moneeeyyyyyy – “I guess, there really is a lot about him I had no idea of. “I'm an honorary member,” he shrugs, “It’s kind of hard not to be when Daddy funds their lifestyle.”” purrrrr
Oop!!! “ “Ghost is my best friend. It would have been a fight had it been Locke or anyone else,” he divulges, and though I shouldn't be startled by his honesty, it still makes me feel a little too warm. Then he admits, maybe selfishly considering his track record for the past few weeks, “If he had gone further, I would have buried him.”” HELLO
Lol jude got some balls to say ““That's a visceral reaction,” I come to terms with. “Your best friend?” I blush when I remind him quietly, “you’re the one who told me to open my mouth.”” cus like she right tho
Ahhh! I squeaked ! ““Plus, I think you look cute with a dick in your mouth.””
When hes a feminist 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 – ““What makes you think you have any right over my body?” / “I know I don't.”��
Hold on hold on hold on wait a minut wait a minute hold on, when did cardan transition from little sister/dear sister to baby? It happened so naturally how am i this far in and catching it???? I love him
Lol jude said fuck condoms we fucking raw or not fucking at allll 😤😤😤😤 
“After a while, I notice him staring. “Do you want some of my pie,” I offer. / “Is that a euphemism?” / [..]“Do you want it to be?”” – yes, i do, i wsnt it.
““What's the pipeline between mommy issues and wanting to bend your sister over the bathroom sink?” “ - HELP ME?! – ““Stepsister,” I tell him.” – emphasis on step fr okayyyyyyyyyyy 
““It makes no difference to me, Jude. Sister or not, I’d want you the same way I wanted you then, the same way I want you now.” ” - wait why is there butterflies in my tummy 🫣🥺
““I want you to copy me,” he says, huskily, startling me, my eyes growing wide. “I want you to stick your fingers in your panties and do what I do.” ” - PEACH…the gasp i gasped ….  !!!! PEACH
““I think…I want to do to you what Spring does to cherry trees,” he murmurs. “Open you up…watch you bloom.” ” – DO NOT BE QUOTING PROFOUND POETRY RIGHT NOW IM GONNA FALL IN LOVE. 
His fingers in her mouth jus - 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶PUT MY FINGER IN UR MOUTH CUS U LOVE THE TASTE 
“He pulls out of my mouth, a trail of spit losing connection when he finds his way under the jacket, following my hand, and adding his finger to my two. I whimper at his intrusion, and think, disoriented, three. Three fingers.” – no fuc me for real PEACH PEACHERLY ANNE POSSIBLE i dont care that its dirty as hell this shit is poetic
My heart racing rn 
Oh god.. The soft forehead kiss…like he didnt just rock her world in a booth in the diner… im literally and figuratively unwell
“He kisses me sweetly when we get to his car, and I kiss him back, because we can, for right now. ” – why did this hurt?!
Not is it out of your system!!!! Twk ate w that fade to black fr tho
““Cherries?” / “Me,”” - STOP hes so fucking cute 
Okay this might be the longest ask yet 💀 my sisters in god is sending me💀
I think in any fic I’ve ever written, cardan is always holding doors for her lol
Not timothee chalamet core 😭😭😭 @iknowitwontwork ur friend is here, come get her ❤️
lol that is a nice piece of info to be made aware of 💀 I was lowkey wondering if you were switching through tabs lmao meanwhile I’m scrolling up and down trying to respond 💀 lol it would be soooo much h easier if this was the Wattpad comments section. Like they ate w that…that one little thing. They ate.
You did mention the song!
I really do try so hard to show not tell cus I hatttteee reading tell not show in books😭 like don’t tell me he loves her, show me!!! Where’s the build up?? The tension??
lol if cardan is blunt, Jude is ballsy (I hope it comes across this way lol)
Actually don’t know when that transition happened I just be typing stuff 💀
Always emphasis on STEP lmao he’s not the step brother he’s the brother that STEPPED up lmao lemme stop that was uncalled for anyways yes the diner, yes infront of your salad, ues the waitress, yes that song lmao
Also you should know the first time you called me peacherly anne possible, something in me changed like the stars alined and now peacherly is my go to user name for websites and stuff cus slayyyy who tf else being called peacherly ????!!!
Two really did eat w that lmaooo
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n3rdyslvt · 7 months
What I like <3
I'm just gonna list kinks and things that i'm into (with explanations because i'm an overthinker and feel the need to explain my weirdness). I'll also list some of the things I do not like AT ALL.
I color coded it bc I ramble A LOTTT hopefully it’s easier to read now!!
pretty women (manifesting a pretty dom gf to ruin me currently)
pretty men (manifesting an adorable subby man for me to ruin RN)
Praise (literally the bare minimum praise will have me barking and kicking my feet)
Mirror sex (something about the idea of being forced to look in the mirror while a pretty girl edges me and praises me and gives me little kisses is soooooooo amazing)
Exhibitionism (i'm very awkward irl so idk why I like the thought of doing shit in public butttttt it just seems like fun lol)
Somno ( before you judge me, please understand that i'm just a girl lmao, but I like the idea of waking up to a dom or sub in between my legs with prior consent obviouslyyy)
Bondage (pleaseeee tie me up omg)
Spanking (I'm not a fan of like hardcore sadist shit with the knives and torture devices, but I mean being a brat is fun sometimes so i'm down for an attitude adjustment every once in a while)
Costumes ( I LOVEEEE the idea of wearing a cute lil costume or even just really nice lingerie and getting all pretty for a night of fun)
Home movies ( maybe it's because i'm a film nerd, but the idea of having a camera with a bunch of pictures and videos of us looking pretty and fucked out is so nice)
and I just discovered this last night because I saw a photo and was like RRRRR GRRRRR BARK WOOF WOOF ARGGGGHH, but women in boxers with the bulge from their strap prominent... just give me 5 minutes and a towel, i'll make magic happen.
High sex (bro I wanna take an edible with someone and turn into the neediest, touch deprived slut in existence )
monsters ( just let me expl- )
Scat ( ... )
Watersports ( I just can't do it, i'm sorry )
Torture shit and Sadism (I love a good soft dom that's realllll gentle and tender, i'd rather be good than be punished harshly sooooo i'm cool off of the crazy shit lmao)
Ageplay ( fuck no, I once had a man ask me to pretend to be NINE… I wanna vomit just thinking about it)
dd/lg ( while I do enjoy the princess treatment I don't really like the whole caregiver aspect. It kinda just feels like more ageplay bs)
Raceplay ( idk how I forgot to add this one, I’m a black woman so I don’t wanna be degraded or degrade someone bc of their race and I just don’t feel like someone getting off to the idea of me frolicking in cotton fields should be talking to me 💀)
Fauxcest ( I have a family that I love/tolerate very much and I just can’t imagine pretending to be related to someone and then fucking them… cause then your family and that’s odd, but if you like a good stepbro I got stuck in the dryer moment I won’t shame you lol)
and more, but I can't think rn
TERFS and any other radical and offensive people THIS IS NOT A SAFE SPACE FOR Y'ALL
All of the horrible ists and phobes
Anybody that is pro genocide (as in everything happening in Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Yemen, and too many other countries doesn't fucking disgust you) please disrespectfully never interact with my content, find somethin safe to do
Oh and minors obviously this is not a safe space for y'all because it's 18+ so kindly pretend like this page doesn't exist to you
Men interactions:
Soft doms
Hard doms (y’all can like and reblog idrc but pls don’t message me on that type of timing bc I AM NOT a masochist, my feeling WILL be hurt lmao)
30+ or creepy
all women are perfectly welcome here <3 love y'all
oh and any trans or nonbinary or genderfluid people are also welcome!! this is a safe space for all the cool people :)
Feel free to message me!! I swear I don't bite lol
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saltiestcoconut · 1 year
hhhhhh i requested the maid outfit prompt and omg thank you so much for writing it!!! it's sooo good and the idea of a soltis staffed hotel for the setting is amazing. all their banter and ai persuading yusaku to be able to feed him is so cute,,,,, and that kiss!! sjfdsjdsk <3
Omg hiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for reaching out again nonny I really appreciate your kind words 😎
I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much ugh it fills me with such joy 💖 having a purely soltis staffed hotel just seemed like the next logical step considering canon thank youuuuu
LMAO yeah I liked writing that part too yusaku thinks he's soooooooo mature because he ended a pointless fight but really they're both immature teenagers ammi right 😂
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Soooooooo I just read the coffee shop story. I'd love more of that if you are ever inspired. ❤️
It was so cute.
oh oh omg!!!! hi love! Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words 🥹❤️it means so much to me that you’d want more — im so flattered!
if I do write a sequel, I wanna make sure I do Justice to the existing story, so it might take some time. To tell you the truth, that silly little story is a one-shot anomaly amongst my usual works, which are significantly darker in tone. I do have some ideas here and there for a sequel though, so we’ll see where they take me 👀 they sure are chaotic. (I’m just a typist at this point, they’re doing whatever they want)
Thanks so much again sweetheart!!!! Love you!!!
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hii it's me!
Your Hee anonie~ ☆
I'm back and ready to spam you with love. However, this message won't be any soft hour or imagine :O !
Firstly, seeing your response makes me giggle and my friends actually suspected for like 2 weeks that I actually had a crush on someone. As if law school gives time for that. ANYWAY after much confrontation I told them that it's me reading your response to my asks hehehe
Secondly, soooooooo I am huge reader and I mainly love to read classics, mysteries and legal thrillers (whodunit!!!) And there was book fair in my campus!! 60% off 😲 SO OFC I WENT and I was picking up classics, some textbooks etc. And I passed by romance section. Now I am not a romance reader (I have read a few which I LOVE) anyway but I love looking at what's new or what's currently hot in each genre. And suddenly I get surrounded by like 8 girls who are simultaneously going "NO PLS YOU GOTTA READ THIS ILL GIVE MY FIRST BORN IF YOU DO" "it's so good" "you'll cry" "you jaw will be hanging open" blah blah etc etc and help I didn't even know like 3 of them 😭
Guess which book of them were talking about ??
Coolen Hoover's It Ends With Us. And ngl I am kinda hesitant about romance genre itself but also a little to try books from Katie Roberts, Colleen Hoover, Jenny Han etc. Because I just feel like I will be disappointed and there will be a lot of "oh they're teenagers, they're growing they make stupid mistakes" kinda things idk if I am able to explain it nicely. Just hesitant that I might invest time into a book only to get irritated at tbe actions of the characters. And while I do understand that there won't be any drama if the characters were completely rational and fine, it just gets under my nerves when they make stupid decisions like getting back with someone who cheated on them, parents being useless, doing drugs at parties etc. IK I SOUND LIKE A STUCK UP RN BUT PLS I JUST WANT A BOOK WITH RATIONAL AND NORMAL PEOPLE. anyway point is I was like ??? Is this a cult ??? Anyway I ended up getting the book because well they were like "we'll pay for it !!" And how can I say no to my bestie spending money 🤨🤨 true friendship right there.
Also here are the romance books I have read AND really loved :
1. House in the Cerulean Sea (ok not really romance but ?? It's still fluff and has romance and found family)
2. Red, white and Royal Blue
3. The Kiss Quotient
4. The Lovely War
Anyway do tell me your thoughts on your fav books if you read !! And hehehe pls 🙏 saw your masterlist 😟 I am stunned 🤐 speechless 🤯 masterpieces 💫 I gotta binge read everything now ig I have no other choice.
Are you up for some angst too? Like I have some angsty thoughts if you want. Ofc with enha AlSo may include some SKZ members idk I am not telling 😚
Anyway stay hydrated !! Byeeeee ♡☆♡☆♡
Also yes I manifest Jake hoon live everytime I send you an ask hehe
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Hello and welcome my hee anonie 🥺🫶🏻 (I just saw your ask a while ago and I DASHED to get all my work done so I could sit down and reply nicely to you that’s how much attention you deserve from me and everyone) FIRST AND FOREMOST, HAPPY HEESEUNG DAY!🖤
Aaaaaah I love this kinda gossip!! You don’t even have to come up with imagines all the time trust me I love it sm when ppl fill me up with their random thoughts and what they did throughout the day cause it’s so adorable to me!! You can always go upto someone and send them fanfics, but only ppl who care for u and love u truly will sit down and listen to you rant and find you cute for it! For me you’re like that ♡ and ugh omg!😭 if they suspected that, then that means my asks must have made you SMILE REALLY BIG!🥺 that makes me so flattered and smiley you have no idea xhdndjdndj yaay achievement unlocked!😘 (ikr how do people even date when they’re law or med students but FIRST, how do people even date when they Stan enha istg I can’t find anyone else attractive irl my brain has smh registered jake as my real love lmao anyway)
Now I’ll be real honest with you. I’d give it ends with us a 7.5/10 and not really recommend it for someone like you who’s really busy and looking for a 11/10 experience, without any disappointments. I read the book when I was 16 y/o and I remember finding it so touching and good but when I reread the book again once I turned 18, I realized there are so many things wrong with that book? So many mistakes and messed up situations and most importantly, so many triggering themes with no warnings like- childhood trauma, death of a loved one, abusive parents, rape etc. etc. it’s a real bad buzz if you have any one of these traumas as it might inflict unwanted pain inside your heart for no reason. On the other hand, I’d really suggest you “twisted love.” It’s an adult romance book, it’s for mature adult readers, has twists and smut too, friendships, family and it’s really an ♾️/10 for me. :’) <3 and about your Recs??! I’d definitely check them out baby I’m a big bookaholic!
Aww thank you so so much?🥹 I really like editing pics and videos as a free time hobby and since I didn’t have access to internet for 2 hours I edited all the layouts and pics for my masterlist! Thank u so much for showering my works with love. :’) and pls I love angst? Angst is so so underrated in my opinion. Everywhere is fluff and smut but my fav genre is angst tbh. I have a request to you, in your free time, PLS READ MY FIC “but were you mine?” Part 1 is attached to it read it first it’s a small drabble and I also attached and made a video with the title to double the heartbreak effect lol. It was really personal, the dialogues really reflected the insides of my heart a lot, unrequited love and I go hand in hand and that fic I wrote is the most special and closest to my heart. So I’d be so honoured if you read the 2 series drabble and lmk your thoughts. And, I’ll also be up for your angsty imagines ugh I’ll be waiting!!
You take care too bubs!! Ikr I hope so too jakehoon always come live when we talk? That would be so cool!😭 it’s already so cool that you found my book ask after you bought it, see everything you do brings you back to me tehee <3 🙈 now time for my unnecessary tmis that you didn’t ask for. OKAY SO remember how I told you I wanted to make a collector enha ig account? I FINALLY MADE IT! aah so so happy I’ve always found them so aesthetic I can’t believe I made one for me. 🥹 I’ll be posting reels someday too over there hehe! I also feel very relaxed recently cause I wrote poetry in my journal and decorated it with my feelings so AAAH! Since this got quite long anyway, I’ll end this but let you know first that- YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU ARE APPRECIATED, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, BE KIND TO YOURSELF AND I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH! 🤍🤍
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irritablepoe · 3 months
one: u are not annoying even ur rambles, i appreciate seeing u on my dash <33
two: since u wanted to,,,talk about poe,,,may i present a poe headcanon for fuckedup!ranpoe body horror summer hikaru died au etc etc hshsh
so ranpo still maintains his consciousness and is co-existing with the creature in his body, only developing a certain hunger for blood and fear. and poe, wealthy as he is, probably organizes or offers to host parties great gatsby style at his mansion despite his distaste in gatherings as a sort of selection for ranpo’s meals <333 and has profiled most of the attendees already beforehand, he’d probably make them ‘audition’ with ranpo by his side, letting ranpo impress them and observing if the person is worthy to be fed to his darli- i mean rival ofc.
he’d let them try on collections of vintage apparel, which are all, strangely, almost pure white. because ranpo likes seeing how blood behaves as he disembowels them, sometimes he likes them paralyzed and sometimes he likes them only a bit physically disoriented so poe has a few chemicals and herbs to achieve either.
the evidence? no worries, he lets ranpo eat inside one of his novels, for the most part, unless the creature begs ranpo to feel wet soil again, so they go on a cute little trip to the forest so that ranpo can bury the corpse with his own hands??? ig they're technically hands still lmao.
poe has probably hired a painter to paint ranpo in real time digging in on a person before.
hehe that's all for now i’m v grateful that ur not freaked out ily, be kind to yourself, if only i could claw machine ur brain and threaten it into not being mean to u >:(((
Thank you so much tobi AHH😭💜
I absolutely want to eat this idea. I'm feasting on it even. Omg this has soooooooo freaking much potential, thank you for infesting my brain with that bc holy shit is so cool. They're both master detectives they'd sure know how to first of all initiate and second of all cover up a crime. AND THE PAINTER OMG
Ofc I'm always very happy to hear your thoughts, I'm literally so invested in this au now😌🙏
If only😔🙏 but thank you and ily too, you're too kind😭
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Angel is soooo so so in love with her man. Like he ain’t even do nothing bruh he just be laying there in his bed with her and she’s all over him just 😚😚😚 kissing kissing kissingggggg him and it gets even worse cus it would make him smile and so his dimple shows and UGH she can’t control her self so so so so soooooo many kisses placed on his dimple and he’s like “what ya doin to me little girl?” And shes “I” kiss “just” kiss “love” kiss “you” kiss “soooo so so so” kiss kiss kiss “much” kiss and he’s thriving. And it gets to the point where she’s so wrapped around him trying to pull her self closer to him that not even one part of her body is touching the mattress anymore like she’s fully laying on him as her mattress ksksjajajw but he’s never been happier, just holding her and brushing her hair back after she buried her face in his neck. But she starts getting a little whiny and soooo so so restless. Like can’t hold still in one position for more then 30 seconds. And finally he’s like “what’s wrong Angel?” And she’s just “hmmp :((“ sooooo pouty and soooooo whiney and “can’t get close enough. Want you closer” and he laughs cus “baby you’re literally laying on top of me right now?” And she’s tugging on him trying to pull him impossibly closer and “s’ not enough:((“ and he runs his thumb over her pouty bottom lip and “put that away hm? Don’t like seeing ya sad” and shes “but daddy” soooooooo so so whiny and hes fuck like that instantly made him 🧱 and gave him an idea too so he’s like “wanna try something?” And shes “hm?” And hes “remember on our trip? On the balcony?” And shes “yeah but…I’m too sleepy tonight :(“ and hes “no no,” kissing her head “don’t wanna fuck you while you’re sleepy silly” and now shes 🤨 confused and “oh. What do you mean then?” And he’s “remember, when I just stayed in you? Didn’t move?” and she’s Instantly nodding her head, knowing where he’s going with this “yes, yes please I wanna do that please please daddy can we do that.” And hes 😭 course we can my sweet girl and it’s just so so soooooo soft and she stays laying on him and it’s just so :( sweet and cuddly and :((( she’s satisfied with how close they are now :( and he’s just being so sweet on her :( kissing her head and playing with her hair and rubbing her back so much that she just can’t help but fall asleep :( with him still in her 😭😭
STOOOPPPPP:( she really does love him sosososoos much I can def see her just kissing all over his face one night just because she loves him so much and the need to cuddle him is so strong and mushy that shes all over him but its just not enough so she gets a bit whiny and pouty and h thinks shes so cute but hes holding her steady for a moment to keep her from squirming and "whats wrong hm? can't get comfortable" and shes like no:( not close enough:( and he smiles at her like baby youre literally laying on me wdym????? and she jsut shakes her head and nooooo its not enough:( all pouty and hes running his thumb over her lip and pushing it back and "put that away angel no need to pout over this okay?" and the "but daddy" she gives him literally sets him off bc oh....Oh......OH!!!!! and shes just still so squirmy and now hes probably not helping much w how hard hes getting but omf ur right it would take him back to being on the terrace in Barcelona and "remember on the last day ov our holiday honey? on the balcony?" and shes looking at him like not tonight h:( too tired:( and he just kisses her like ofc not tonight sweetheart but remember when we cuddled afterward and you kept me warm? kept me inside for a little and the way her eyes get big and omg!!! yes!!! can we do that???? daddy thats perfect!!!!!! and ofc hes all kissing her and laughing w her before hes tugging down his pants and pushing her panties to the side and tucking himself inside and the way she sighs and finally relaxes into him its sooooo perfect like he wouldn't have it any other way and hes just talking to her an petting her hair and shes telling him how much better she feels now before shes just out w his cock inside :(
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
hi & hello, hope you're doing well!! just saw your request box is open. if you're up to it, would you maybe write something for jay & a girlfriend just having a chill night in front of the tv - and just being cute, maybe after he had a stressful week. thank you, and have a lovely day! xoxo
OMG 😳 you can read my mind!!!!!!! I had the exact same idea after I saw a fancam of Jay’s performance @ Waterbomb Daegu 🤭 soooooooo here we go ….
You hadn’t seen Jay all week. Because he was going to perform today, he spent every day rehearsing and working out. Usually you went to all his performances. Jay told everyone you were his good luck charm but today you were busy yourself so you stayed in Seoul.
At around 10pm he texted you, saying that he’s finished and can’t wait to get home to you. He also mentioned that he was starving. You sighed, knowing exactly how he hadn’t had a proper meal all week. It was a three hour drive back to Seoul so that gave you enough time to prepare his favorite food for him. When you were done you ran to the store to get some beer. You came back just in time to see Jay getting out of his manager’s car and picking up his bags.
“Babe! I missed you!” You walked up to him and he took a step towards you. That’s when you noticed he was limping. “Are you hurt?” Jay shook his head, even though his face revealed he was in pain. “It’s not that bad, I fell on stage.”
“Babe!” You exclaimed and took his bags from Jay. “I knew something was going to happen! It’s too dangerous with all that water on stage!”
“I’m fine!” Jay insisted, grabbing your hand as he guided you inside the elevator. “I cooked for you!” You proudly announced when you entered your apartment. After Jay came back from the shower, you applied a heat patch on the spot where Jay fell and then you sat on the couch to eat.
Stuffed and happy you remained seated after you finished your dinner, observing Jay. “It doesn’t hurt at all, I promise!” He turned on the tv and you watched a comedy show. Shortly after you noticed Jay was suspiciously silent and realized he was about to fall asleep. Softly nudging his side you told him to go to bed but he said he wasn’t tired at all. You chuckled but let him be. A little while after you gently laid Jay’s head on your lap, stroking his hair and massaging his neck. That was his sweet spot and you knew Jay would be fast asleep in five minutes. After all he deserved some rest.
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
I can't remember if I sent this to you already but could I request headcanons for aizawa, hizashi and Toshinori finding their s/o that has a chipmunk quirk that makes her fall into hibernation when it's too cold (kinda like tsu) but when the guys find her with her heart rate low and her breathing shallow maybe they freak a little bc she didn't tell them about that part of her quirk yet
omggggg this idea is literally so cute I got so excited when I first read it. Also thank you love for comin through with the requests, I really appreciate it! <3 I also hella struggled cuz like, what can someone with a chipmunk quirk do? Stuff their cheeks? Climb up trees? Also I legit forgot what a chipmunk even looked like I had to look it up lmaoooo im so dumb it hurts
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Aizawa is an intimidating fella, okay
So when you first told him about your quirk, you were lowkey embarrassed?
Like, here’s this grown-ass man with a badass quirk who is more than capable of taking down villains and defending himself, and here you are just-
But you know what’s great about this man? He couldn’t give less of a shit about your quirk or anything like that. He strikes me as the type to care more about personality than anything else
concealing your quirk is fairly easy. People probably wouldn’t even know you had one if it wasn’t for the small fluffy ears popping out of the top of your head, and even then you could just cover them with a hat
But that doesn’t mean you don’t experience the effects of your own quirk just because it’s subtle
You have a mutant type quirk, so you experience certain things that actual chipmunks do
Sometimes you won’t even notice that you’re stuffing your cheeks to full capacity with whatever you’re eating before Aizawa has to cut you off and just be like
“y/n. Chew.”
Or when you’re rushing, you’re usually going so fast that Aizawa can barely even see you zooming from room to room
you can also get kinda skittish at times, your ears twitching whenever you hear a noise that sounds weird or out of place, and you’ll just look at Aizawa with wide eyes until he checks out what made a noise that he could barely hear
“y/n, it was just some kids outside.”
“Oh... sorry, Sho.”
he wants to be frustrated, but he knows it’s not your fault. And honestly? He finds you so cute that he can’t really stay mad at you
So he’ll just let out a huff before patting your head lovingly, grazing his fingers over your ears (Which he KNOWS are sensitive, that asshole)
Experiencing long periods of deep sleep is also a thing. You wouldn’t call it hibernation cuz you still have to do normal, everyday things, but there are times during the winter where you’ll sleep for a few days in a row and only get up to go to the bathroom or eat
And since you can’t actually burrow into the floor of your home, you usually make a blanket fort in the corner of your bedroom and stuff all of the pillows and blankets you can in there until it’s nice and warm, ready for you to bury yourself in
and you might’ve left that little part of your quirk out when you moved in together. whoops
So when Shouta comes home and sees the living room couch void of all of its pillows, he’s not expecting to walk into your shared bedroom and see you curled up in a blanket fort
he’s a bit curious at first, just kinda looking at you like “All right, I guess this is normal?”
and he’ll crouch down and kinda examine you for a bit before he eventually wonders if you’re even breathing? You’re burried under blankets, so he can’t really see your chest moving
eventually he’ll check and see that your breathing is abnormally slow and he kinda just... pauses and checks again to make sure he’s not going crazy.
and he wont deny that he kinda freaks out at first, his immediate thought being that he needs to get you out of there, but the second he grabs the blankets to pull them off of you he’s like wait... hold up.
then it all clicks
you’re a mutant with a chipmunk quirk...
c h i p m u n k
safe to say he’s relieved, so he just lets you be and goes about his day. 
When you wake up a few hours later to go to the bathroom, you come out of the bedroom with your clothes practically on backwards, rubbing at your eyes and stumbling past Aizawa like he’s not even there. And when you’re done, it’s right back to sleep you go
“Back to bed?” Aizawa would ask as he watches you with an amused smirk on his face
“Okay. Goodnight, y/n”
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Listen, when he first heard of your quirk, he thought it was the cutest shit ever
“Your quirk is Chipmunk?! That’s SOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE!”
No he’s legit your number one hype man. If you think your quirk is lame, he’s literally shouting at you how cool he thinks you are.
“You can stuff so much food in your mouth, y/n! And that’s pretty dope if you ask me! I’m totally jealous!”
speaking of food, he’ll just randomly ask you to shove as much as you can of one thing in your cheeks until they’re at full capacity.
“Hey y/n, think you can shove this whole pack of jumbo marshmallows in your cheeks?”
“But... I just bought those :(”
“I’ll buy you more, LET’S DO THIS!!!”
also asks you the dumbest questions omg. You don’t know if he’s genuinely curious or if he’s just doing it to piss you off
“So do you just eat nuts all day?”
“You’ve seen me eat, Hizashi. No.”
“Do you prefer to sleep in trees?”
“That would be extremely uncomfortable.”
“Ooh you’d probably be great frieds with Kamui Woods then.”
“Did you not hear what I just said?”
He also REALLY likes your ears. Like an unhealthy amount? Whenever you’re around he literally wont stop touching them and even tugs on them playfully until you’re swatting at his hands and telling him to go away
He can’t help that they’re so cute :(
so on a particuallry cold day in winter when he has to go to work at the school, he leaves your home while you’re sleeping, only to come home hours later to find you... still sleeping?
You haven’t moved an inch the entire time he’s been gone, so needless to say, he’s a litle concerned.
and when he checks to see if you’re still alive only to discover your heart rate is super slow, he’s A LOT concerned
His brain just goes to the most dramatic thing he can think of, which is that you’re in some weird coma and need to wake up
so rather than, i dont know, gently shaking you awake like a normal person, he grabs you buy your shoulders and starts shaking you violently while shouting your name loud as fuck
you literally wake up so violently, you sit right up and shove him off of you before asking what’s wrong with him, pretty sure you’ve officially gone deaf
He then explains that he thought you were in a coma or something cuz your heartbeat was so slow, and at that point you just roll your eyes because of course he would come up with this ridiculous conclusion
“Hizashi, my quirk is chipmunk and it’s a mutation quirk.”
He doesn’t even get what you’re getting at, just tilting his head in confusion as he squints at you.
“What do chipmunks do in the winter, babe?”
Cue more confused squinting
“Oh my god, they hibernate, you headass.”
it finally clicks and the look on his face makes it seem like he just learned the secret of the universe, and afterwards he’s going on about how cool that is while you just roll your eyes and lay back down to try and go back to sleep, bringing the blanket over your head to try and drown him out
He eventually gets the hint and leaves, but after a while, you kinda feel bad for blowing up on him. He was just concerned and didn’t fully understand your quirk
so letting out a huff, you pull the blanket down and call out his name, to which he immediately runs to you at the sound of, asking you what you need
you just wordlessly lift up the blanket to expose the empty side of the bed, and oh boy, the size of the grin he gets on his face is unmatched
immediately throws off his hero costume so that you can both be comfortable and jumps into bed with you, holding you impossibly close
you fall asleep in a matter of minutes while he just looks at you fondly, hand soothingly rubbing your back.
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Just like the other two, he finds you incredibly cute. Like mans is in love, okay?
everytime he sees your little ears twitch, he just gets the strongest urge to touch them, but he never does without your consent becuase he knows how sensitive they are.
“Uh... y/n, do you mind if I... touched your ears?” 
Baby probably feels so awkward asking ugh PLEASE REASSURE HIM
“Oh? Yeah, of course, Toshi. Knock yourself out.”
oooh he’s excited. He’ll be super gentle about it, just lightly grazing them with his fingers before gently rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger
and at that point you’re littlerally melting, practically falling into him because him caressing your ears like this feels absolutely amazing
When he sees how it’s affecting you, he immediately becomes a blushing mess and apologizes, but you just hug him and tell him it’s okay and that you liked it
yeah he definitely rubs your ears whenever you’re feeling stressed or anxious because it’s become a quick way to relax you
only when he does it though. If anyone else randomly touches your ears, you get kinda uncomfortable
Just because they don’t look human doesn’t mean they still weren’t a part of you, dammit
Anyways, one day when you’re waiting for Toshi to come back home, you’ve got yourself wrapped up like a burrito in your blanket, sitting on the couch as you watched tv
it had been snowing all day, but luckily Toshinori had turned up the thermostat before he left, remembering how you mentioned that you’re not a huge fan of the cold
unfortunately for you, the harsh weather had no trouble taking out the power, leaving you in the dark and the cold
it didn’t take long for the cold to start seeping in through the cracks in the windows, and you quickly began to grow tired before you inevitibly passed out on the couch, still wrapped tightly in your blanket
When Toshi gets home and sees you on the couch, his first reaction is “aw, how cute.”
but then when he comes up to you and starts calling out your name to try and wake you up and you just won’t, and then he notices how much your breathing has slowed down, he quickly growns concerened.
He’s not in full panic mode yet, but he’s getting there, and he’s quick to crouch down to your level and grab your shoulders to start shaking you to wake you up
which you do, blinking groggily at him like you weren’t just in full hibernation mode
“Oh... Hey, Toshi,” you mumble, and you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down so that you can nuzzle yourself into his warm chest
He’s not able to ask you about what happened to you before you’ve already fallen back asleep, and when the power comes back on a few minutes later, he does a quick google search on chipmunks and mutant quirks before putting two and two together
Now he’s thinking of all the ways he could make you something to burrow into during those especially cold winters
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
I just wanted your writing is soooooooo beautiful that it makes my day feel better whenever I read a post ❤❤ I wanted to do an ask/somewhat idea for Soft Sniper Sunday. I went out shopping and saw these brushpicks (picture below) and immediately thought what if Cross' SO got him some as like a "fun" gift before giving him the actual gift like something he's been looking at. However, a few weeks later, he asks her if she could get more of those brushpicks and yee.
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Aww thank you so much, that makes me happy to hear.
The way I laughed when I got to the end with him asking her for more OMG that’s so cute I can picture him being all bashful about it. XD Those brush picks man. Life changing. XD
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stealanity · 3 years
hi matty gonna do a quick check in caUSE its been long and im currently taking a quick break from my exam revision 😭 your time stamps are always so cute ⌒̈ AND THE NEW LOVE TRIANGLE FIC- NSHDHDJSJSBB I CANT WAIT FOR IT 🤩 the next time i’ll check in is probably after my final paper which is 2 weeks from now 🥲 please take breaks and remember to hydrate and stay safe hehe ♥️ -🦊
hello my dear foxy anon, im so HAPPY to see you there!! i hope your studying sessions are going well :( please take some breaks and time for you, okay?
thank you so much for yoor kind words :'( OMG YEA I KNOW RIGHT IM SO UP FOR THIS STORY, i have soooooooo many ideas for the good progress of the story! i think im good post the summary and all that soon.
OH MY DEAR I SUPPORT YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART, you are so awesome, i believe in you!!!!! take some breaks too, it's important! stay safe lovely 💗
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
shaadi mubarak 11, 12, 14.09.20 lbs
bhagwan give me as much dheentness as kt.
lmaoooooo kusum eavesdropping on this juhi/preeti convo and facepalming over and over.  
poor kusum has to do the dirty work of getting rid of kt.
ugh tarun/rati.
lmao fuck off rati, she still not coming back to be naukrani to you.
preeeti classsy as fuckkkkkkkkk.
shouldn't have told them the plan. they don't deserve to know shit.
every time rati says “pranaam”, my eye twitches from rage.
lol kusum's mad that she had to turn kt away.
bless sumedh, he's the nicest boy in this whole show, i love him so much.
what dukaaan do sumedh/juhi haaaaaaave?!?
kt also has zero hope.
he's sooooo earnestttttttt, while talking about preeti and her talent. i adore that about him.
lmao preeti doesn't get kusum's sass.
omg she's soooooooooooo me, this is exactly howwwww i motivate my friends!!!
lmaoooooooooo ghoom-phir ke everything comes back to having sex and babies with someone who was essentially a stranger.
poor preeti. i really do get her side as well.
lo aa gaya rejection waala phone call.
i love kt's mom's saris. they're so simple and classy.
oh kt, you teddy bear of a man. i wish you happy thingsssssssss.
kt's momma bear is very wholesome, but this family coddles him waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
kusum's being pissy and taking out gussa on khaana.
poor kajal, juhi, and preeti. kisi ko koi idea nahi how to sambhaalofy kusum's ubalta hua gussa. my god, i fear this is beyond the superpowers of sumedh too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
preeti seems to have watched suno chanda and is using the flower petals on the pankha method to apologize/cheer up.
but lemme tell you, no average desi mom is ever gonna appreciate this method. COZ WHO THE FUCK IS GOING TO HAVE TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS HAAAAN?!?!!? EK TOH GUSSE MEIN HOON, UPAR SE MERA KAAM BHI BADHAA DIYA.
omg preeti's playing songs to manaofy herrrrrrrrrr. this is truly the most wonderful love story of this showwwwwwww.
oh no. kusum is Big Mad.
oh boy, aastha gonna take the brunt of this.
LMAO “ghar waapis chodne ki zaroorat na hai, raaste mein koi peepal ka ped mile toh wahaan thaare ko taang de; wahin pe sookhti rehna!”
kajal is alarmed by this threatttttt.
blah blah blah kt and mom love fest.
oh ho, there's some financial masla between chacha/chachi and kt's parents.
kajal is hellllllllaaaaa cute, i love her the most.
piyu is here to throw thanda paani on everyone's attempts.
why does piyu have SUCHHHHHH gile-shikwe with kusum? why doesn't she get that she's all bluster, but a goddang softieeeee on the inside?!?!!?
preeti be like child, you don't know tf you're talking about.
ok i don't really agree with this way of parenting, but like.... whatever, i get it.
lmao preeti realllllyyyy making her work for it, i fucking love ittttt.
“kab se apne saheli se baat karne ke liye mere pet mein dard ho raha tha, pata hai??!” “saachi?!?!!?!”
the way preeti's face truly lights up when she's talking about something she's passionate about, it warms my cold, dead heart.
this sudden cough of kusum's is very fake and suspicious.
saamaan pohunch gaya? oh boy.
this incorrigible mannnnnn!!!!!!!!! 
oh no. jhoomar has fallen. please don't let this be an awkward romantic moment.
kusummmmm is sweetesttttt. she convinced juhi too!
hein abhi piyuuuu ko juhiiiiiii se kyaaaaa masla hai!?
this shoddy work doesn't bode well for you, KT.
KT's like his own walking talking wikipedia page.
lmao, kaam kaisa laga, he asks; standing amid the ruins of this kaam.
“ji buraayi kaisi? itna badhiya baandha tha ki seedha sar pe aa gira. aur kahin nahi gira!” LMAOOOOOOOOOO PREEEEEETI I LOVE YOUR SNARK
thaaari best fraaaand ne bataaya ki tu yahaan milegi, aur kaise?!?
kt-saa is flashing best puppy eyes while talking about equal division of labour. dunno about preeti, but i'm convinced.
ugh agarwal is gonna be a dodgy client, isn't he?
ok those taars look fucking unsafe as fuckkkkkk.
kuch bhi kaho, he's a quite a good judge of people. very much like a puppy that way.
lmaooooooooooo preeti walking away while grumbling about how kusum repeated literally everything to him like a totuuuuu.
please tell me the juhi/piyu backstory (and possibly tarun’s involvement) is gonna come out alreadyyyyyyyyyy.
kusum ain't no fool. just tell her already.
i feel like i've seen this red kurta that piyu is wearing on shrenu in the ib redux??? something very similar anyway.
anyway, something reallllll shady between juhi/piyu. it's that fucking tarun. i'm sure of it.
abbe this agarwalllllll.
ooooooh samoseeeeee. i want.
legit my reaction to foood too. excitement and heart eyes and happy wriggles.
ok just coz she knows your preferred condiment to matar ke samose doesn't mean that she knows you enough to go into lakhon-croreon ka business with you.
agarwal a fucking fraud. also a rudeasss bitch.
oh preeti, come hereeee. *massive huggg*
kusum holding courttttttttt and all the kids happily giggling at her stories. my heart is warm.
preeti trying to break the baddddd news.
this kt/kusum alliance is bloody amazing. though i can't wait till it's a lil more equal and kusum starts calling kt on his shit occasionally. that's when it'll shift gears into peak comedy.
damn i really love all the furniture in this room. i'd loveeeeeeee to have these handicraft pieces.
lol kusum last minute mein looking for the cockroach in the back of preeti's blouseeeeeeeeee
preeti ko chodo, kusum itself is gonna fall asleep on her feet.
ugh fuckkkkkk agarwal.
kusum and fam showing support with aankhein and smug smiles.
ugh preeti, you're tooooo fucking nice. kya zaroorat hai ab bhi iska kaam karne kiiiii??? 
thank the heavens; preeti has finalllllllyyyyy made the decision.
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