#your person gemini
mastertarotreaderblog · 2 months
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starheirxero · 2 months
I'm one again here to ask you for more headcanons about
✨The toxic yuri lumini✨
You left a tag on one of my Gemini design posts a bit ago where you mentioned the idea of Lunara breaking off one of Gemini's antlers and I have not stopped thinking about it btw. Could you imagine being an entity made of space, stars, light, and unfathomable power and some little rat bastard mortal who you have weird feelings about comes long, bests you in a fight, and breaks off a piece of your antlers?? breaks of a piece of your HALO???? THATS INSANE. /POS
I can just imagine the initial shock after it cracks and snaps right off and there's just a long moment where Lunara is staring at the horn in their hands and Gemini is staring at Lunara while loosely palming the area where it broke off. Once it settles in though, I think Lunara would be absolutely thrilled at what they've done. They'd laugh and they'd taunt Gemini by holding the piece up to their own head and going "look, now we match! <3"
Gemini on the other hand would be... less than pleased LMAO. I think they'd be a mix of humiliated and angry for taking such a hit from this random robot, but they'd also be like aoaughh oly shit. they overpowered me, how did they even,,, theyre . i can be normal about this(< is experiencing the classic "i can't tell if i want to kiss or kill you" dilemma).
I also think that, from that point forward, Lunara would probably wear that piece somewhere on them and they'd get more much comfortable just grabbing Gemini by the horns whenever they felt like it. You know that "how to talk to a short person" meme? That, Imagine that but the "correct" answer is of Lunara grabbing Gemini's antlers and yanking them down so they're at eye level <3
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months
drawing gunter's face is weird but fun b/c i can tweak all of like, two lines and suddenly i get unintentional sexy evil gunter
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which i did not exactly intend in this panel
but damn daddy
excuse you
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glitterbimbo · 1 year
hi lovely mutuals ✨
it’s your favorite Bimbo’s birthday month 🎉it’s the last of my 20s so I’m hoping to have an extra special time this month!
I wanted to share my wish list as well in case you wanted to spoil me - I’d certainly spoil you in return 🥵📸
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alyjojo · 6 months
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The Person On Your Mind in December 🧑🏿‍🎄 2023 - Gemini
Whole of their energy towards Gemini: Queen of Wands rev
Feelings: The Hierophant
Intentions: 7 Wands
Actions: 4 Swords
For some, this is your person. Knowingly, you’re committed, maybe even married, and this reading is about travel or the holidays. Others of you could already be involved, maybe you know this person as a friend or through work, and there’s a code of conduct involved that they’re not going to cross (again?) Someone’s uptight behavior may make the other person feel like they’re not attracted to them - Queen of Wands rev, or they fear this person judges them harshly, could be mad at them, I don’t see any of that being true if that’s the case, messages clearly indicate otherwise.
There is a general teamwork/cooperation between you, which led me to think this was more platonic, and for some it is. One person could have a crush, or both do, but if someone’s involved it’s not going anywhere. For others, this is your person and the two of you make a great team, but they may want to focus more on the two of you and what you two have going on, then involving family or visiting with a lot of people for the holidays - especially if travel is involved. They could be mad at someone in your family and don’t want to be “judged” by them, it’s something that really stresses them out, not you 💯
Intentions are defending travel, which feels holiday related, they don’t want to hop from place to place. Or the opposite, maybe they want to take a trip away for the holidays, I get a story like that every year, and they intend to list off all of the reasons why it’s the better choice this year. If there’s drama with your people, that’s the reason. If they don’t want drama with their/your people, that’s why this doesn’t go anywhere too. Either way, they’re a deeply committed person with morals or beliefs they hold close to their heart, and an inner sense of guidance that could be old-fashioned or religious in nature, so you/someone else is going to be down with that or not, they’re not changing their mind. But they don’t want to invite judgement in the door either.
Actions being 4 Swords is no action at all, it’s taking a break, a vacation or staycation if they don’t want to travel or visit. They’re also holding onto their money, which could be a motivating factor too. Can’t afford to travel and buy a million presents, let’s don’t and say we did. If it’s the more crush-type person, if they offered you an opportunity, it would be real, with an opportunity to grow and turn into something that lasts - Ace of Pentacles - or they’re not going to offer it at all. For now, nothing is going anywhere with this person. Or they’re not, you do you. Messages are encouraging though.
Their side:
- You fascinate me.
- You make me feel ALIVE 🤩
Your side:
- I fantasize about you DAILY.
- Really Tall
Possible signs:
Libra, Taurus & Capricorn
If you’re dealing with:
4 Pentacles rev could show you’ve lost quite a bit of money, or feel like it’s slipping through your fingers, some of you could tend to go overboard at the holidays - which is why your person would be like “can we not?” Others of you are releasing old perceptions, grudges, negative habits and viewpoints for the sake of cooperating with other people, or they are 💜
Aries - may be dealing with job loss & heavily burdened, but they haven’t done anything about it either, or they feel this about you
Taurus - healing from issues at home or in their relationship, privately, they’ve been hurt
Gemini - independent & immature about it, or they’re acting childish about being single, having to do something on their own
Cancer - not making any moves towards you, not even leaving the house, no dates, even though you want them to make the effort, or switch it
Leo - either pissed off that you have other options, playing mind games to show *they* do, or they don’t see something clearly but they take it out on you anyway, one of you could be trying to make the other jealous
Virgo - very attracted to you, or you are to them, but that’s being kept quiet for now 🤫
Libra - arrogant, vicious with their words, doesn’t care who gets cut in the crossfire of them making some grand stand, a downright bully and they’re stuck in this energy…avoid 💯 - The Devil
Scorpio - quitting/losing a job, already has, or they’re just not putting any effort into this - they’ve got other things to deal with
Sagittarius - has zero clarity in this situation, normally knows what to do but doesn’t now, could be purposely ignoring or acting “blind” to the bs
Capricorn - big changes coming with/from them, something is unfinished - relating to 10 Cups, could be family, this person, someone you care about deeply, whatever it is - it’s karmic & feels very positive
Aquarius - you’re committed to each other but nothing has changed in regards to defensive energy & arguments - or one of you is conflicted about committing because they don’t see potential, you could argue about beliefs, goals, the future, and/or there are other people involved - it’s drama 🎭
Pisces - kind to you, exchanging gifts, but it’s in a backhanded compliment sort of way, they’re arrogant & feel they have a “higher perspective” - putting you down - or that’s you
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rucow · 7 months
pisces placements rly are the most "you'll never know how i really feel about you" sign.......... the image we show u depends entirely on *you*. on how you treat us, how trustworthy we feel that u are.... we mirror ur energy back at u. if ur superficial and don't have any sort of emotional depth, neither will we. if all u talk about are ur emotional troubles and how sad u are, we'll be there to empathise and relate to u. you wouldn't know that we actually don't even like u. water is a reflective surface after all
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allycat75 · 7 months
Goofus and Gallant, Boston Dumb Fuck edition.
How to properly apologize.
In a world where we have "alternative facts" and "emotional truths" we have hidden the parts if ourselves that actually feel guilt and shame for hurting someone else. It is a lesson of intent vs. impact, so here are some thing to do and not do when apologizing.
Gallant does this:
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While Goofus does this:
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Be like Gallant, not Goofus!
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mastertarotreaderblog · 3 months
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the-flower-karasu · 1 year
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A PSA to all my fellow Akechi!Muns/Fem!Akechi!Muns; I know my Gemini Thieves Verse specifically has Gogo has the inoocent and ignorant twin who isn’t Shido’s Hitman, but I am willing to fudge the verse a little so that any Dupes are the innocent twin, while Gogo is the Hitman~
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alyjojo · 5 months
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The Person On Your Mind in January 🏔️ 2024 - Gemini
Whole of their energy towards Gemini: 3 Wands
Feelings: 5 Wands
Intentions: Strength
Actions: 8 Wands
Boy when Leo wants to make itself known, evvvery card comes out 😆 Fire always does that in these readings. Either they’re waiting around on you or you’re waiting around on them and they know it. Whoever is waiting is irritated about it, defensive that there is any indecision in the first place, like what’s the problem? With 5 Wands in their feelings, there are probably outside people involved, Knight of Cups clarifies…could be romantic. I don’t get that for most, but for someone you could be loosely dating. 6 Pentacles & 3 Swords could be an inner conflict as well, who to hurt and who to give to, who gets let down, and who takes priority? It doesn’t have to be love, for most I’m getting this person is just nice, maybe a people pleaser to a detriment even, and they tend to give too much of themselves. But still have to pick & choose where their whatever is going, energy, money, time, love, etc. Either they’re in this situation or they’re aware you are. One of you could be irritated the other gives so much to other people or allows other people to demand things of them - out of love.
Their intentions are to keep their mouth shut, coast along peacefully, take their time and make sure whatever they decide or say is what they really want to decide or say. Or that’s the intention anyway, cuz they’re actually speaking or acting quite impulsively despite the desire to refrain. Could be a fire sign. In action they’re going to speak up, say something, do something, it will be clearly known what they think and feel because they can’t just “chill”, they’re either angry or inspired passionately to speak their mind on a subject, 4 Cups, either you’re not paying enough attention to *them*, and wtf, or these other people don’t even care so why do you? Something like that. Or switch it 💜 If this is someone you’re dating casually, that’s probably about to end soon, they’re done being just an option to you.
Their side:
- Blaming you 💯
- Soothing Presence 😌
Your side:
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- New Beginning
Possible signs:
Leo 💯, Taurus, Libra & Sagittarius
If you’re dealing with:
Strength rev & 5 Wands can show a lack of confidence when it comes to competition, other people, conflict & drama. There’s a people pleaser vibe with you that seems to be an issue. You could have people like that in your corner though, drama, or could feel like you’re up against that, it’s a no from you, you don’t want any of it.
Aries - not hearing from you worries them and stresses them out, they want to reunite, see you, and celebrate together, because they love you
Taurus - spending most of their time working
Gemini - receiving Justice for a very difficult and painful betrayal, situation, ending, could involve work - but what it is exactly isn’t the same for all, for some it’s great 👍, Justice is on their side, and for some it isn’t 👎
Cancer - extremely busy, this could involve children, parents, family, among everything else they’ve got going on, they’re like the family call center or something this month too ☎️
Leo - could have a new job, or something new that’s bringing in money after leaving something else behind, it’s better for them
Virgo - sneaky liar or the town gossip, it’s all bs
Libra - nostalgic about the good old days, probably with family, probably due to something sad that’s put them in this state
Scorpio - excited, motivated, inspired, ready to take on something new and acting on it asap
Sagittarius - generously giving love to anywhere from 2-6 people, but not just one
Capricorn - whatever Tower this is, something sudden or unexpected, they’ve got your back & you’ve got theirs, it’ll all work out just fine
Aquarius - deeply committed to this relationship, loves you, likes to flirt, wants to start a new project or something with you 💜
Pisces - not pleased you just impulsively did some shit, or that’s switched, someone is annoyed
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crttvset · 6 months
araki is so into zodiacs its so funny
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magicbeansprout · 9 months
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Diana’s birthday was yesterday.
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venting-town · 1 year
Funny how they say Gemini’s are “ excellent communicators “ and “ love social interaction “ when I’m over here like:
“ Not only does my middle name quite literally mean “ unintelligible speaker “ but if I were to tell you exactly how many times others have misunderstood/got EXTREMELY pissed off/got their feelings hurt/etc because of my communication issues, you’d have SEVERAL novels full of them “
“ I hate talking to anybody and everybody and the moment somebody starts talking to me I’m furiously screaming internally at them to shut the hell up “
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theoccultz · 7 months
Some Fun Sextrology Observations :
All in one observations tbh-
There will be a post 2 about synastry ,degrees, asteroid ,draconic and composite , the post is already very long with deep analysis
Its an 18+ observation i hope minors follow guidelines .
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- i tried to keep my words safe for tumb!r policy .
Pisces is where people tend to be inspired by you or idealise you its a creative sign which expresses its creative nature the best , Pisces is one of the kinkest signs of the zodiac as much as these people come across as childlike, innocent pure its the opposite they have a lot of ideas , where you have pisces is where your gifts are admired and why you have most out of the box, never done before fetish.
A lot of piscean authors first book genre is erotica , the most common kinks i have observed in piscean people through houses :
Plus it can apply to how will you lose your virginity (its personal observations) + (remember pisceas holds 12th house energy its subconscious and early experiences , its those memories which is trapped in the subconscious either they're traumatic,rememberable or forgetful)
Note:its based on authors , movies ,some real life example , books , songs ,artist .
1st house: kidnapping , worshipping , physical position power
Please me type.
2nd house: breathe play , masochism , breeding
You're mine type.
3rd house: enemies to lovers , hand-foot kink(soft kink)
in the moment type.
4th house: sadism , overstimulation , in most weirdest places
I may hurt you type.
5th house: ex to lovers , sneaky link connections
No one can resist my charm type.
6th house: experimental , prey-hunter
Lets try everything type.
7th house : switch , tamer, teasing -choking.
Worship you type.
8th house: rigger , dom-sub , pet play .
Finally got you type.
9th house: degradation, submissiveness, vanilla .
Chaser- runner type.
10th house: Role play , voyerism, dom-sub .
Beg for it type.
11th house: partners with benefit , phone sex , power play .
I wont give in type.
12th house: sloppy - hard , anal , masturbation .
Cant wait type.
The most overly sexual people on planet is
Leo mars- man they just never stop , they wanna try everything, they want experiences and they dont settle for less they have high standards , you can learn from them , they are the best in pleasuring.
cancer mars - their imagination is so wild its insane , they know what you want , they are calculated ,they carefully evaluate what you like what you don't. They are not soft bunnies although they can be depends on the person and their mood , they mostly seek dominance .
Scorpio mars - they wanna explore each body part they get their hands on ,they dont give in easily , their hands ,their intense star ,their voice , their aura can posses you, they believe in their supremacy , and no they wouldn't leave you until they are done ,they sure are slow in taking actions but you can never rely on their actions its multifaceted.
taurus mars: what to say abt them , they strive for excellent in whatever they do , a night in their embrace is satisfactory and desirable , they have this appeal you cant ignore , they dont even need to do anything people are aroused by them in no time . These people are the most random fr , they can discipline you in seconds .
Gemini mars : these people are so sensual gosh they own their sexuality ,they can charm your pants off they know they have you and Arent afraid to show it through actions , these people hold bunny energy.
Balasmic moon energy:
Is it just me or Capricorn moon rage is the worst , i have seen cap people have the worst breakup ever like people use them and they overgive but it just doesn't end well. I love how they always rise like no other they usually make it big after tough time. They dont let it get to them its impressive how strong their inner belief is abt themselves.
Saggitarius moons are the most indulgent people ever these people want to seek knowledge in every corner of the world , you can always trust their wisdom these people are very good in recognising human emotions they are very practical in their plans ,on the flip side its very hard for them to rest they are obsessive with their wishes and hyperfixated on things .
Libra moon when in blasmic energy can go into people pleasing but its just not that , these people can read the energy of the room , they are well aware of peoples intentions, they know they are THE balance between groups , they can easily manipulate others and shift others perception.
Cancer /aries moon : as much as these people cultivate and establish things if you get between their goals or have any bad intentions that they know of they can turn off in the worst way possible they don't care about you anymore, they dont care about your secrets , they can only see how you treated them they withdraw completely,they turn venegful with their words and harsh in their actions , they get really irritated and take things to heart , its not very wise to be on their bad side cause even other people dont see them act up so "easily" on "others" . Its possible you wont be trusted by others as well .
Scorpio/aqua moon : emotions are overflowing and they dont have any control over them its energy is so strong that others can feel it too , these people are giver they are never those people who drain others cup and fill their own ,equality holds a different importance in their life and they can go to any length to defend and protect their peace. Scorpios/Aqua are often ridiculed yet desired ,considered as the black sheep , weird ,hard to read yet known , confusing, emotionless , mysterious sensitive,harsh ,etc , these people are very good in reading others and keeping everything in , even the things that can destroy others peace .
Neptune is where people are highly observant of you and have weird sexual thoughts about you .
is it a universal Neptune 12h ,7h,3h ,1h? experience where others even mistake your name constantly for no freakin reason? But they remember you for very long term even if your interaction was just for a moment?
Who says libras have soft aesthetic,mind you it depends on their mood and the occasion they can do both and mostly they have gothic style .
Neptune 12h and pluto 12h often feels familiar to people like i have met you or seen you somewhere but still cant recognise where? Its cause 12h is secrecy/past and pluto reserves + Neptune creates mystery.
V.v. common but nobody can match the eyes of scorpio and libra moons i'm sorry .
Pluto in 7h: others often feels overprotective of you if you cant figure out why others tend to obsess over you its really simple : pluto has this energy of revelation and reaching the core of things .
Lets talk about synastry:
Everybody talks about pluto venus synastry?
But hello mars-pluto aspect in synastry
no matter trine or square both parties cant figure out why tf there is infatuation developing for someone who i just met .
Saturn- venus aspects in synastry is so slow burn typa love goodness...
the feeling of lookin' for someone in the same place constantly, obsessively thinking, worrying if the person likes you , ignoring the signs , frustration , feeling of being impulsive its funny to assume that others have no idea as if you guys aren't the most obvious with each other and the STARE counts too , Saturn person wont make a move until they are sure of their partner on the other hand Venus hesitates and waits until saturns intentions are not clear this also a creates push and pull dynamic , a never ending struggle.
Uranus- moon aspects in synastry
is so cute lmao you both have this "idea" in the air that you like each other , you know you are in situationship but nobody is communicating about it cause both parties are in state of assumption that we can ruin things by confessing WHAT we have for what you already WANT.
Mercury - jupiter aspects in synastry
both are playing who's chasing who , both are trying their best to impress the other person , but still won't admit to themselves only . Its trying to attract the other person through various techniques lmao , Moon-jupiter synastry is the sweetest both are trying their best to let the person know that they care about them and doing big favours just for them . Its literally reading what's in your heart , its kind of made for each other aspect .You guys balance each other out despite having distinctiveness.
Neptune -uranus aspects in synastry
literally where did you come from? Its in my sight AND on my mind... both parties are attracted to each other even if the other person is not what they usually go for , its literally where do i go from here , what actions do i take , how do i know the other person ,you know what you want to do but you are not sure what you want to do ....its that sudden and daily realisations haunting your mind . Usually there's a lack of action here and more flirting here ,its i do like you but idk what to with it .
Moon- Mercury aspects in synastry:
is one fun synastry you are in love with moons layers , moon loves how witty and Caring mercury person is , you both love how analytical or deep your person is , you want to be near them ,feel them but at the same time this persons too witty too chatty for the moon ☠️ they can talk abt everything and anything while moon person is alrdy out of their daily battery life , meanwhile mercury person is on a soul mission to analyse the moon person + stalk them+ get them to come out of their cocoon of 12years in one day . Both parties are open and vulnerable with each other you know things about each other like you have been married with 3 kids and have recently celebrated 40 years anniversary -both are dramatic ..."& my man ...thank you to my man"... typa people.
Saturn- mars is honestly smth :
you both are opposite yet have something similar you both want to learn about each other , you love to spend time , the attraction is strong, the infatuation is strong, the curiousity is strong, the tension is strong, you both are sly with each other you both tease each other *staring counts* yet you both the most confident the most toughest people on the planet is shy as fuck to even start a convo both are intimidated +infatuated+ curious + opposites attract+ and the most fun thing is misunderstands are common in this relationship - you get each other , even if its mistaking your partners curious question for a dad joke ✋🏼yea its really that typa unpredictable mess 😭
Moon- pluto synastry is not always bad tbh
As someone who always had synastry of moon-pluto in square with my closes one's - the best way to know if it will work out or not is by recognising if the person is willing to work through disagreements & if the person is immature or mature . This synastry is best for people who are willing to learn from each other and heal each other in the best way possible, both parties have been through similiar experiences and share a lot of things in common. Both are protective of each other and get each other like no other , its triggering only when when the other person is triggering you with their behaviour remember that , most of the times its not a good aspect to have in synastry its a long-term relationship synastry aspect only if the other person is as gentle and as mature as you otherwise it turns obsessive and abusive if only 'one' person is not the best person alive.
Lets talk abt composite:
Composite Lilith expresses more of "unconcious desires" that unspoken dynamic of the couple its between you two that others dont see or get it /we'll see the flip side as well
while pluto express that hidden desires slash kink its instant attraction / what you two cant keep from each others , how has the relationship progressed/ we'll see the flip side as well .
🥀Composite Lilith 1st house :you are my home placement, you are not on edge with this person , this person makes you feel safe , you dont need to be on guard with them you may see them through rose coloured glasses , you guys see through each other nothing is hidden , you guys are each others support system , your feelings are validated when you're with each other . There's a need to posses one other however it can turn into guilt tripping or being overly demamding with each others its put me before anything else .
Composite Pluto 1st house: its hard to not show it but its there , its i cant keep my hands off of you , its i need you alone , there's this forever attraction , there's no replusion you guys are free with each other , there's this kink of powerplay the need to be dominanted , its others dont understand but we do . The couples gaze doesn't go unnoticed here . On the flipside its i want you and you should only want me too , insecurities and not giving the relationship genuine interest rather its too on the surface level because i need to hide from you . You dont respect me .
🥀Composite Lilith 2nd house: you guys want security and stability , you guys are super private with your relationship you only show what needs to be shown , there's no room for assumptions or worries it has took long to create safety . Its my partner knows everything abt me , its my partner trust me the most with anything. It can turn toxic if there's a need to appeal to everyone around you , to be on the top regardless of what's not happening in your relationship it can go into pretend and play and it can turn into i don't trust you but you know a lot about me as well .
Composite Pluto 2nd house: dom -soft sub dynamic , the only time where you guys want to hurt each others , bondage , chaining everything should be tried out , nothing should be left , its i know you to the core and i get you off of your highs like that too . There's this need to be valued its the fun in desperation . On the flip side , You guys know what the other person want but who's gonna break the tension first its my ego matters too . Its i wanna put myself first too i dont wanna get lost in you , you guys dont wanna be co-dependent or a mess so you keep your distance as well although there's no need to do so but still its needed to feel "safe".
🥀Composite Lilith 3rd house: you guys wanna give in , you dont wanna hide you dont wanna play , its i want you and let me be clear about it with right actions , its you may like me but i do more , you guys love each others traits, this relationship did took time to reach where it is now , you guys are open with your heart , you wanna do everything together its more fun with you , you teach me so much and heal me with each step , you guys get each other like no other the, inside jokes , the safe words is definately the interesting part for you guys , you guys value each other so deeply that you see them as a part of you Someone you'd want in every journey you begin . On the flip side there's jealousy streak where you guys are sure of each other but there's a worry of others you dont wanna be the talk of the town because its your relationship not everyone elses to meddle . Its i feel like my frnds want you too ,its i feel like people dont want us together and we must stick with each other without getting carried away by these things .
🥀Composite Pluto 3rd house: you guys have created an intimate relationship not only with each other but with yourself as well , you started to love yourself more deeply , you got interested in things you didn't thought you would be in , you are slowly but surely transforming your personal growth to next level , in the admist of this you guys have each other yes you guys are the fun couple but that doesn't mean you and your partner against the world isn't there , you guys are each others greatest strength and thats why your relationship is bonded the strongest of all Roleplay is the theme , you guys dont need a set or a proper play its everywhere and anywhere but with you , you guys love to frustrate each other until you cant anymore, you guys explore each other fantasies as if its yours to own , there's festish with your body that i cant hide and a need to be just in the moment or just between you , blindfold sex the stimulation , there's i will do stuff to you but you have to beg for it . On the flip side , its hard to get each others attention all the time this couple want their partner to be with them a lot but when it doesn't happen there's issue that takes home here , there's things i could never say but i do feel a certain way , there's issues of self sabotage and a need for constant re-assurance its i want my time too but i dont wanna hurt you .Only we gotta deal with it maturely but it stays on the sideline , there's unnoticed efforts.
🥀Composite Lilith 4th house: ofc you guys didn't trusted each other , ofc you guys were dropping signs but didn't know when is the right time for action , you guys respect each others space, you guys are each others newfound home , you guys love to spend time with each other you guys notice what goes unnoticed by others thats how deeply effectionate you are with each other. You guys are needy with pride that this is your person , you waited long for this and its here now , you guys are constantly taking action so this relationship lasts you guys are responsibile and caring with each other there's this need to protect the other person. On the flip side , its i do so much for you but i feel unappreciated cause you lack actions to show me the same , its i can feel things deeply and it effect me too but i dont wanna share it with you cause it can break things not realising it can build it stronger , its i acted up and behaved aggressively but i was just hurt than mad or angry , its i didnt wanted to let you know because i care abt you but it came out in other ways that it shouldn't have . Its i dont want you to hate me but i'm scared to apologise for the things that happened its i wanna sweep the issues arising under the rug cause i only want to show you my best part .
Composite Pluto 4th house: Worshipping cause you just cant get enough of each other , each time you want each other you wanna know your partners turn on and turn offs , you guys are very precise you wouldn't do or say things which the other person doesn't appreciate, you guys treat each as your equals there's no difference, you guys are obsessed with weird things but hey no one's judging each other instead you guys understand where is it coming from , breeding kink and obsessive interests about exploring the other person doesn't seem to leave a mind , its slow deep passionate lovers in the night , its arousing each other by being sneaky the whole day and now giving in to your desires , its i didn't knew you can do that too or let me do that for you , its i wanna do so much for you and i dont have all night to express it because i cant wait . You guys heal each other you have been through similiar experiences you guys dont wanna fall into harmful tendencies or be restrained by your circumstances or people anymore, you guys just wanna be immersed in each other and you don't leave a room for other people to chim in , its i'm secure with my partner and i wouldn't believe until i hear it from them.
🥀Composite Lilith 5th house: its i can go any length to make you mine , its i dont fall in love easily but something's happening, there's nervous excitement which keeps happening when i see you i wanna be with you but i dont know where to start , its i'm not possesive over you ,i just wanna show you off , want others to know you're mine , you guys are indeed each others and its very evident in your nature , you guys just care abt each other its with you others fade away , you guys click on so many different things that its insane , you guys love to present each other as the "poised made for each other couple" yes you guys do have disagreements and there's this maturity to recognise and solve what should be solved , you guys don't desire stability you bring it into fruition, you guys make things work , you guys are highly motivated and observant about your relationship you don't wanna loose each other to some petty arguments , On the flip side the feelings can overwhelm you , you guys always wanna move it to next level not being able to fully embrace whats happening in the present making each other feel ignore and heartbroken by your perceived " selfish actions " you guys need to work in unity but its not always possible as you guys do posses your own individuality so it can get a little tough to blend in,agree or be interested in other person's interest, you guys may have different plan and you cant always satisfy the other person , there's this need for clear cut communication and commitment to move your relationship to safer grounds .
Composite Pluto 5th house: you guys reminicise and remember a lot abt each other ,you guys are each others sweet distraction thats needed in the hectic life , you love each other so much to the point you guys are afraid to ruin each other a little too hard, its i go by your demands , its we'll try everything everyday , its pulling you in my office , kissing your neck in my car , and having quickie in restroom you guys do desire the best and wants to give each other but its not always possible as the lust over powers ,you want the person to just satisfy you in the ways they never thought of . On the flip side , there's a hangover with things , its hard to leave behind the things that happened ,words that were spoken in pure anger , you guys cant always understand each other and you need to work through that only .
🥀Composite Lilith 6th house: you guys want to be on the best behaviour when you're around each other , you dont want the person to go through hard times alone you want to give your all to the relationship you guys go through ups and downs but still come back to each other on a healthy note , there's no toxicity or impulsion or out of my mind behaviours that would hurt the other person , you guys are careful with a good balance of your needs + practical plans and emotional needs , you aren't afraid to put each other on top and appreciate the effort it took , you guys share an old couple bond that is hard to break , you dont want the person to have no power in the relationship you guys are secure individuals who realise a persons importance in life , you guys dont want to leave room for insecurity you talk things through and are very active with your actions and self service its an equal give and take relationship. On the flip side, its hard to be away from the person or ask for support you cant always be on your own and its hard to ask for help cause the other person is alrdy doing so much right? Why bother as if you didn't invested the right amount of energy , there's a grey area which creates s gap between you and your person , its i cant share with you because i'm afraid of your reaction or to which Length it can worry/anger you of what i'm thinking abt or going through. Its coming off as disinterested or aloof in a sudden manner when you need each other the most .
Composite 6th house: bet it feels lively to show other persons through actions FINALLY on the face how much you have the same sexual frustration as the other person ,yes you are into each other and you can finally show it in practical ways roughly on bed . You guys hold onto each other as if your partners embrace is the only thing that matters and you both can sense it , its vanilla sex with your lace panty in my hand ,its i was distracted by your thoughts but from now on i'll be more open .
Stay tuned for part2
Natal aspects:
Lilith/ Mc Aspects- i have always seen these people influence other people like no one , people always know of them ,they are the tallk of the town in reality these people usually keep it to themselves they speak when its needed , i have seen these people come out tough after any situation that dragged them down , specially Lilith square mc are mostly in controversies people want to get dirt on them these people have power over people, people dont hate them but they're suspicious of their endeavours.Usually these people are hardworkers and nonchalant. There could be some issues from their younger self which keeps them tied to their mysterious persona these people are very giving, talented , sharp and witty . They attract people like no other , it gives bad repuation is still reputation. You cant get through them until you know them . Young influencial celeb and celeb kids have this placement usually they are admired , people are curious abt what they will do next ? But still they're looked down upon in some way or other by a different group of people who don't accept or trust them easily thence they need to prove themselves to the public celeb or not .
Lilith / pluto - person seems like they have been through a lot of struggles to be where they are now , they wont settle for less and they need the best , these people seems unattainable you have to be something to stand beside them , these people are constantly changing their appearance until they find their signature style . There's a power imbalance in their relationship or with the people they surround themselves. These people will have to learn that making yourself inferior wont make others acceot them instead they'll bring them down more so you level up and be with the people who are willing to adapt and develop with you ,these people can attract envious people too , they're seen as a the villain and their hardwork is undermined , people dont respect their space but these individuals learn with growing time how important of a person they are .
Apologies for any mistakes!!
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