#youre my new muse
Here I am once again…annoying you in your ask box but:
"Now Azriel was perched on that pink couch, his discomfort evident"
lol Azriel on a pink couch
"The whole thing was reckless and still Elain didn’t care"
Yeeees. Because Elain is brave and strong!! Thank you!!
“You can have anything,” Lucien told her, pressing his forehead to her temple. “I am yours and I always have been. I always will be.”
Aaaaaaah yes, yes, perfection. I will never grow tired of reading Lucien saying this
@separatist-apologist you and this story will be my end😭
Best present ever💃🏼
When I was dreaming this fic up, that moment when she crawls through the bars with him, prepared to die together was the first scene I imagined. I had to literally arrange my narrative around it.
And YES I will die on the hill that Elain is brave and strong, and with that comes a stubborn streak a mile wide and a certain proclivity for recklessness. Like the good qualities mingled with some "bad" ones to round her out and explain why she'd sneak up on the King of Hybern or race into a fortress of death.
Anyway, I'm SO GLAD you've been enjoying it. it was for YOUR EYES ONLY everyone else look away.
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girl-hwat · 6 months
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tell me you remember me too
aka i’m having too many feelings about jamie, and forgetting, and remembering, and longing, and love.
Wood Working at the End of the World, Ocean Vuong / Tales of the Tardis @corallapis / @cosmik-homo / Separation, W.S. Merwin / Epic of Gilgamesh / S6E2 The Dominators: Part 2 / Felicity, Mary Oliver / The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us! Sufjan Stevens / @fairycosmos / S6E44 The War Games: Part 10
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mango-mya · 3 months
Hnnggg.f.fds.d.a...... do NOT look at me rn..... Soooo embarrassing...
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araneitela · 16 days
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Alright, I've been mulling on this for most of the day, and unless a night's sleep changes my mind, I'll be working on returning (remaking) a very old multimuse of mine, that used to be over at iniziare. The blog will be entirely remade, and I'll post it here when it's done!
For those wondering, it will for now house: Guizhong, Yelan, Kafka and Arlecchino. Time to finish up that other WIP theme for this, I suppose! See you guys on the flip-side of this brighter future.
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romanticlcver · 3 months
surprise starter #1 for @ameliiorate | based
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at this point she just feels bad for them, which is probably the last thing they need. the other times she was able to ignore it for the most part, offer an extra refill. but this is the third time. it's partially morbid curiosity that has her sitting across from them at the table, freshly clocked out, a plate of dessert set in front of them. "this one seemed like a real loser," she states, in hopes of helping them feel better. "so this is on the house." the house doesn't actually allow them to give much away, but mia enjoys a little harmless thievery from time to time.
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pokimoko · 5 months
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Listening to instrumentals from the silly doo-wee-ooo show is actually something that can be so painful.
#doctor who#doctor who music#murray gold#segun akinola#musings about music#this is specifically about 10's theme in vale decem. the long song in 11's regen piece. and clara's theme in face the raven / clara's diner#i get psychic damage everytime i simply hear the use of the motifs elsewhere because of the tragic associations those sadder renditions hav#obviously these songs aren't the only examples in doctor who but they are by far the most emotionally devastating ones for me personally#and obviously it isn't just leitmotifs either. basically hearing any piece that played during a sad scene gets to me.#how are you supposed to explain to your coworkers that you're tearing up because of instrumental sound association?#'yeah sorry these violins and humming sounds summoned vivid images of my favourite character dying/leaving and it made me sad'#love that composers can just straight up pavlov bell your emotions by getting you to associate a melody with a sad scene#an addition to this is doctor who instrumentals that make me nostalgic because I associate them with my own past#like 'this is gallifrey: our childhood. our home'. that song was one of my alarms for a good long while back when i was 15ish#so it kinda transports me back to that time in my life whenever i hear it. music really is its own little kind of time travel#i am very much looking forward to the continuing psychological damage murray gold will inflict upon me in the new season#and to have previously uplifting character leitmotifs used against me and forever be contaminated with sad feelings. love to see it#(also: not a instrumental but damn 'the stowaway' has no right being as good as it is. who knew a christmas sea shanty could sound so great#apologies for this probably niche-ish post (is it niche to know ost title's by heart? asking for friend). just feeling things about music
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antvnger · 10 months
((Okay why not, let’s try this out - open starter))
Scott’s more used to pulling off heists, not stakeouts. And honestly, he thought he might never take up a stakeout job again.
When he was asked to do a stakeout against what looked like a ragtag crew of amateur thieves, he thought this would be a piece of cake, especially considering his size and skills set.
Worse. It was boring.
These guys were doing nothing. Scott watched for two full days with nothing to show for it. He was beginning to think his information was wrong, but his informant was hardly ever wrong with stuff like this. They were going for something big, and they apparently needed big help to get it done.
So when the crew had arranged for a meeting with someone who could give them big help, Scott almost cheered. Finally! Something’s actually happening.
When he followed the crew in question to the rendezvous, there was someone there waiting for them already.
“Holy shit,” Scott muttered when he realized who they were meeting. Scott knew them.
“What are you up to?” he wondered aloud from his hiding place as he watched the exchange go down.
Okay so maybe stakeouts weren’t too bad after all…
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zeeio · 5 months
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care to dance?
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alwayschasingrainbows · 4 months
Number three in Emily's Quest
I had never before considered how important the symbolism of the number three was in the final book of the Emily of New Moon trilogy.
Of course, somewhere in the dark corner of my mind, there were memories of frequent references to "three am" and "white nights", but I didn't realize how often the number three manifested itself in the pages of this novel. Here are some examples:
At the beginning of the novel, Emily's three close friends (Teddy, Ilse and Perry) leave their hometown to persue their dreams, while Emily stays in Blair Water.
During their last conversation before Teddy leaves, he and Emily discuss how much they hate the agony of three o'clock in the morning.
When Emily tries to comfort Teddy (who fears that by leaving he is doomed to failure), she notices Vega of the Lyre, shining above the "Three Princesses" (i.e. the three lombard poplars). Emily and Teddy then make their life-long vow to think of each other every time they see this star.
Emily says that there is "no three o'clock in the morning in that star."
Some time later, Emily writes in her diary that "This was a 'big day.' I had three acceptances."
As Emily watches over the dying Mr. Carpenter's bed, she notices that he becomes "restless" at three in the morning. They share a conversation in which Mr. Carpenter warns Emily to write only for herself. He dies shortly thereafter.
Dean's eyes are described as a mixture of three expressions: tenderness, passion and sorrow, when he tells Emily that her stories are only "pretty cobwebs".
As Montgomery puts it "Only three dynamic things happened that year to vary the noiseless tenor of Emily's way." (Emily's "love affair" with Mr. Wallace, Emily falling in and out of love with Aylmer Vincent).
Emily suffers numerous white nights, and the agony of "three a.m." is mentioned many times.
Emily has an idea for her first book at three in the morning: "In her first anguish of loneliness, as she lay awake at three o'clock, Emily had remembered a certain wild winter night when she and Ilse and Perry and Teddy had been "stormed in" in the old John House on the Derry Pond [...] that night of rapt delight "thinking out" a story that had flashed into her mind at a certain gay, significant speech of Teddy's."
Seller of Dreams (Emily's first novel) is rejected three times. After the first rejection, Emily needs three weeks to recover, before she is able to send her book to another publisher.
Dean, asked to review Emily's books, brings it back three nights later. Again, he tells her the book is "Cobwebs—only cobwebs".
When Emily gets injured, three doctors are called.
Emily writes in her diary: "not althogether the [...] failure she supposes bitterly when three MSS. are rejected in succession."
Ilse tells Emily there are times she wants to tell Teddy "something [...] he'd think of for years whenever he woke up at three o'clock o'night."
Murrays are worried for three weeks that Emily might fall in love with a "handsome, dashing Jack Bannister, the Derry Pond Don Juan—"a picturesque scoundrel,"
Emily writer in her diary "How much difference in one's outlook three acceptances make!"
Emily reads a letter about Ilse and Teddy's engagement three times.
Ilse and Teddy's wedding is supposed to take place in the afternoon, at three o'clock.
Ilse and Perry's midnight car escapade takes place three nights before Ilse and Teddy's wedding day.
Ilse's Aunt - Mr. Isabella Hyslop - believes that the wedding isn't going to go well, because she saw a "fragment of an old election poster, 'Blue Ruin,' in black letters three inches long staring us in the face." (She has been married three times herself).
When Teddy comes back to Emily, Three Princesses are mentioned again ("in that old-world garden where the three Lombardies still kept guard.").
In my opinion, the number three is the most important number in this novel.
It appears as many as thirty-seven times and mostly suggests something negative or unpleasant. It is often used to describe Emily's depression and loneliness, her sleepless nights and moments of weakness.
It appears often in the context of Teddy; it is with him that Emily talks about how difficult this hour is for her, when, looking at the three poplars, they make a lifelong promise to each other.
However, it is also a number that manifests itself in the context of her literary career (her first novel was rejected three times, her short stories were accepted for publication three times).
As for Dean, this number only appears when he is belittling Emily's literary talents (when he refers to her writing as "cobwebs"). During the description of their engagement, there is no mention of this number (except in Emily's "white nights").
This number also often appears in reference to Ilse and Teddy's relationship (especially if Perry or Emily are concerned!). It is the hour Teddy and Ilse are planning to wed, or the number of times Emily reads Ilse's news about the engagement. Perry and Ilse's midnight car-drive takes place three days before Ilse and Teddy's wedding.
To end this too-long post, let me quote:
"The number 3 is a very mystical and spiritual number featured in many folktales (three wishes, three guesses, three little pigs, three bears, three billy goats gruff). [...]
Plato saw 3 as being symbolic of the triangle, the simplest spatial shape, and considered the world to have been built from triangles." [*]
[*] https://www.britannica.com/topic/number-symbolism
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astaraels · 1 month
I can't wait until my brain is ready to get back to writing because right now I'm just...not, apparently
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deathxproof · 8 months
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Susan Foreman, Abandonment Issues && The Past Haunting John Banville / Nicola Yoon / Franz Kafka in a letter to his father / Hera Lindsey Bird / Franz Kafka in a letter to his father(words changed, for some reason) / Eula Biss / Rainer Maria Rilke / Michael Cunningham / Richey Edwards / @ ghostheavens / The End of the F***ing World / Valeria Luiselli / Phoebe Bridgers / Katherine Fabrizio / Lang Leav / Emily Palermo / Vicente Aleixandre / Lyra Wren / Ocean Vuong / Haruki Murakami / Richard Siken
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e-m-p-error · 2 months
I have decided to make some muses Discord Only so that I can clean up my muses some! The following I'll still write but they will only be available on Discord.
St. Peter Sera Ace Apple Clara Dodie Fizzarolli Hen Moxxie Odette Paradise Verosika Lilith Cherri Bomb Eve Vaggie
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
A door within the office creaks open. Orange light bleeds into the room, along with a spectacular amount of moon dust. There's the crunching of heavy boots outside, followed by a gloved hand reaching into the office. Heavy, assisted breathing can be heard from the other side of the door.
R carefully peaks their visored head into the long corridor, watching for any signs of those horrid monsters that normally reside within the remains of facilities. However, this place was... different. None of the walls looked decrepit. Neither did all the floors, nor did it smell of the remains of the poison sprayed by the spore lizards. In fact, R had never seen a place so clean before in their life.
Since they had been a great asset to the company, they upgraded their ship engine, updated their terminal and let them jet away. To be fair, they did pick a moon they've never seen before. 427-Parableus? There's not many notes on the company terminal about this moon. All it did was show up in the terminal autopilot directory, they typed it in and forced the ship to bring them here.
While they continue to peak from the doorway, a loud thumping of a giant beast begins to follow behind R. For a moment, they remain calm, hoping that the beast is yet to see them. They can't decide what the best decision is for them. They need to make quota. This place looks like it would have heaps of high quality items laying around. But this environment is incredibly disturbing to them.
The thumping stopped, forcing R to slowly turn around, hoping not to make too much noise. The Forest Guardian had frozen in place, looking directly towards R. Then came the enormous roar of the eyeless dogs, hoping to track down R's movement. The Guardian began to run, it's decaying arms stretching out for R. The dogs, feeling the vibration of the Guardian moving towards R, began to leap and follow in hopes they would receive a small, rather delectable dish.
R stepped into the corridor and slammed the door behind them. As they leaned against the door, they could feel the eyeless dog continuing to crash into the door behind them. Maybe someone would help them? Or maybe they'll find a horrid beast.
Most importantly, they hope those dogs will go away.
[ For any of your muses :)c / R / @reubyrp ]
Dorian is rather enjoying its existence. There's a lot about it to enjoy, after all. All the wondrous sights and sensations, not to mention all the little creatures inhabiting its walls. It sure does love those little humans. They're so much fun to observe and converse with. To learn about.
Well, most of them are human. Some of them are dead, though, but that's all right, they are pleasant too. Even the ones who sometimes accidentally leave pools of blood on its floor are pleasant. The ones who shoot holes in its walls are questionable, but at least they tend to apologize when it screams and they realize that it can feel pain.
Dorian has a rather good relationship with the humans who live within its walls. They all take care of each other. They protect it from dangerous outsiders and keep it nice and clean and decorated. They even feed it! That's quite nice of them. And Dorian keep them protected from the elements and provides them space in which to live. It's a nice symbiotic set-up, the way humans and buildings were meant to live together.
Now this creature who has just stepped through one of its doors... Dorian can't quite tell if it's human or not. It seems like it might be, although it's dressed a bit funny. And it's acting in a rather peculiar manner.
The Office decides to greet the potential human in a friendly manner anyway. "Hello!" it chirps, its voice seeming to come from all directions at once, or at least not from a location that can be pinpointed. "Is something bothering you there? I assure you this place is quite safe! Most of the time. I am not dangerous, at any rate. Have I frightened you? I haven't meant to, so if I have, I do apologize. Ah. My name is Dorian, and this place is, well- me. And you are welcome here. Do you require a human face to speak to? Because I can- I can call one out for you. There are plenty of them here, you see, and, um... Why are you backed up against the door like that?"
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spirithunts · 6 months
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this is the reminder that although she apparently tends to appear blonde more often than not in kda verse her natural hair is still black - and her natural eye color is still yellow/golden
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dangaer · 5 months
the inhernt feeling of being known during roleplay.
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king-and-his-consorts · 9 months
Between OPLA, rereading some WCI, and catching up on Wano, I've been suffering a great deal of LuSan feels this week, and they need to come out. I should probably make it known that LuSan is my One Piece OTP. It just kinda lounges up there above all the rest.
So thoughts...
To me, the pairing is strictly LuSan. Sanji will never be the dominant party. Not because I don't think he's man enough to be dominant. Rather, it's because of the very nature of Sanji's canon relationship with Luffy. It's different from any other Straw Hat.
Luffy would never view that he owns any of his nakama. They are people, not objects or property. But when it comes to Sanji, there is this possessive streak in Luffy that comes out. You see it heavily in WCI. Sanji is HIS, and he is not shy about saying it. I feel it stems from all the stupid shit Sanji has pulled over the years. Personally, I think it all started with Luffy's anger about Sanji's behavior on Drum Island.
Now, to get more into the realm of headcanons. Just a few things because I'm a sap.
_ Everyone knows Zoro is Luffy's usual snuggle buddy. That would never change, they're best friends. Sanji would never come between the two. That's why it feels extra sweet whenever Luffy decides to snuggle into Sanji instead of the moss ball.
_ Luffy likes to sit and watch Sanji cook. Yes, if he's good, sometimes he'll get snacks. But mostly to observe Sanji. Sanji has a lot of mental health issues but most tend to ease when he's cooking. Luffy likes to watch Sanji slip into a relaxed mental state.
_ between WCI and Wano, Luffy definitely cornered Sanji about misbehaving and disobedience. For doing something stupid without speaking to Luffy first. The kind of behavior Luffy scolded Sanji about on Drum Island.
_ It's rare to see but when Luffy's wearing formal attire, usually Luffy's dress shirt or suit, Sanji starts to feel pretty hot under the collar. His captain cleans up nicely, even in flip flops, and it would be criminal not to appreciate it.
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