#yr review
raincitygirl76 · 6 months
Excellent, thoughtful review, but chock full of spoilers for all of Season 3 of YR.
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jawz · 9 days
i saw the tv glow is legitimately one of the stupidest, most tryhard movies i've ever seen in my entire life. absolute dogshit. and everyone is pretending it's the most lifechanging thing they've ever seen LOL give me a break! the gall to claim this is inspired by fucking DAVID LYNCH??? i can't
#fake 'deep' shit for ppl who watch steven universe every day#i truly didnt relate to anything onscreen despite it being sooo aimed at me in so many ways.#i'm also convinced the director is racist and ofc after reading hundreds of reviews. Not One mentions#the main character's race or the alienation of being mixed......... um.#i think people are getting Very Very Dumb overall.#and it;s no coincidence that prior to being embraced by actual trans ppl all i saw was a million NON TRANS ppl falling all over themselves#to be like OOOOOMGGGGG THIS IS THEEEEEEEE TRANS EXPERIENCE COMMITTED TO FILM!!!!1!!!#like god thank you so much for speaking on something you know nothing about !!!! <3#anyway the movie glorifies suicide more than pretty much anything ive ever heard of (including 13 reasons why)#and paints transness as Killing the Old Self. what a bleak and brutal thing to put onscreen and then CLAIM IS POSITIVE????#if this is aimed at kids (not sure if it rly is but it certainly would appeal to them and has the emotional maturity of a 14 yr old) then#its 100% going to inspire suicidal or self-injurious behavior. and it's insane and reckless as a filmmaker to craft this supposedly hauntin#and supposedly beautiful narrative where THE most important step is FUCKING KILLING YOURSELF. it's self hatred at the deepest level.#if anyone wants to shit talk this director with me lmk because that Worlds Fair movie is also some of the worst TRASH ive ever watched!!!#Amy Nicholson was spot-on abt it as always tho so i was vindicated by that
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bigalockwood · 5 months
we'll make a home on the cracks (glowing review)
"The sun was warm on Simon’s skin, the waves of the sea a distant lullaby, the gull’s cries piercingly loud and the line in front of the ice cream shop stretching out far beyond where Simon could see, when he looked up into the smiling face of a stranger he’d likely never forget. "
Working in an ice cream parlor to earn some cash inbetween semesters has been a very responsible and mature decision, Simon knows that. But it's also been boring as hell. That changes when one day, a chance-encounter changes the course of his next twenty-four hours, and possibly his entire life. He's never been a romantic, never believed in the one true love. So, why does saying goodbye feel like dying?
Well... here I am, yet again, on a Friday, posting something. You can find the story here.
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
I can’t believe I almost missed the chance to ask you to write smth. That’s what I get for having a busy tumblr dash. Anyway. “Join me” as a prompt pls? 💜
hello my darling Lia. you know i'd write anything you asked me to. for today, here's a (not) little ficlet in which Simon neglects to read the fine print and somehow it actually turns out really well for him.
💜enjoy xx
Alone in a foreign country, Simon must find a stranger to join him on the romantic couples food tour he’s accidentally booked. (a 2.3k strangers to lovers, fake dating, speed-run of an AU) if you see this again for day 2 of simon's month dont worry bout it
Simon curses under his breath as the confirmation email comes in.
So, he’d booked the food tour a little quickly, possibly without reading all the fine print. He can’t even blame a language barrier because he’s in Spain and, thanks to his mamá, his Spanish is really better than his English.
The solo-travel thing had been a bit of a last-minute decision. Spurred by the post university graduation crisis of, ‘Oh Fuck What Am I Doing With My Life?’ whichled twenty-somethings around the globe to grab a backpack and buy a one-way plane ticket. Simon’s decision was also encouraged by the fact that he’d woken up one day and realized he was in a toxic relationship, quickly packing his bags and saying Hejdå to a two-year relationship. He’s only about three weeks into the whole self-discovery shtick, but it seems to be going well so far. He enjoys the independence of it all. Not that he’s not independent at home — in fact, he’s been a little bit too much of an adult since he was 10 — but more so that he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else. Simon goes to museums when he wants to, stays for as little or as much time as he wants. He eats when he wants, goes to shows he likes, and doesn’t spend every second of every day worrying about everyone else. (Of course, he’s called his mama and sister nearly every day since he left, but he’s working on it.) He also, apparently, incorrectly books guided food tours that are actually romantic couples excursions. 
Glancing around the nearly empty breakfast room at his hostel, he chews on his options. One is to show up to this tour alone and look like a dumb tourist. Two is to find someone willing to go on it with him.
There’s a pair of British girls in the corner, giggling over their plates of breakfast. Simon recognizes them from the stand-up comedy show the hostel had organized the night before; they’d been attached at the hip the whole night. Slim chance of separating them. Crowding around the cereal bar is a group of American guys who all look like fraternity brothers. If Simon remembers correctly, he’d overheard some vile words from them in the bar last night, and so he’s is not too keen on participating in any sort of tour with any of them, romantic or not.
The only other person in the room is sitting a few seats down at the communal table: a very good-looking man with light auburn hair and high cheek bones. His long fingers, nails painted a deep purple, hold up a book with one hand and gingerly lift a coffee cup to his lips with the other. He’s dressed quite casually, in an un-done button up over a tank-top and baggy trousers, but somehow makes it look refined. Simon noticed him yesterday afternoon in the hostel café, noticed the way the man’s eyes tracked Simon from across the room.
His pretty brown eyes are no longer locked on the pages of the book, but have found Simon again and caught him staring. Simon forces himself to hold his ground and smiles, glancing down at the book title. It’s by a Swedish author, he realizes, and a gay Swedish author at that.
Gesturing with his head, Simon asks, “Is it good?”
The pretty man places his coffee cup down clumsily. “Yeah, it’s one of my favorites.”
“I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“I’ve read it a million times,” he says, closing the book. “I’m Wille.” 
The light blush on his cheeks is endearing.
Wille smiles softly and nods, “Trevligt.”
He’s polite and looks suspiciously rich to be in this hostel, but his eyes are kind and has a rainbow pin on his tote bag so, before Wille can say anything else, Simon slides one chair closer.
“Are you doing anything today, Wille?”
Wille moves to the chair across from Simon. “Nope.”
Simon props his head on both his hands and gazes at this beautiful stranger, wondering why he didn’t speak to him the day before. “Would you like to join me on a romantic food tour around Barcelona?”
Wille quirks an eyebrow, then mirrors Simon’s position. “I would love to.”
The tour doesn’t begin for a few hours, so they sit and chat while the breakfast room fills up around them. Wille laughs when Simon explains how he’s gotten himself into this situation, and the sound sets little sparks bursting in Simon’s chest. What luck he’s had this morning.
Simon learns that Wille is also at the beginning of a self-discovery trip, running away from a family legacy and a desk job he desperately did not want. He also learns that Wille is incredibly funny and quite flirty, though whenever Simon starts flirting back he becomes incredibly flustered. His stare, though, is the thing that gets Simon the most. Wille looks at him so intently, gaze flitting between Simon’s eyes and his mouth, listening to every word and seemingly staring directly into Simon’s soul. It would be troubling if he wasn’t so goddamn beautiful.
The conversation flows so easily between them that Simon, so wrapped up in Wille’s laugh and crooked teeth, almost forgets they have somewhere to be.
They walk quickly through the streets of Barcelona together, heading towards the café at which they’re meant to meet the rest of their tour group. Wille’s fingers brush against Simon’s a few times, though his voice never falters, so Simon isn’t sure if it’s just him that feels the jolt of electricity each time.
“You said this is a romantic food tour?” Wille asks, reaching out to pull Simon out of the way of a passing cart.
The city is bustling with life around them, the sun shining hot between the buildings, people hanging off balconies, chatting with neighbors or stringing up laundry to dry. It’s absolutely beautiful, and somehow it seems a bit more colorful than it had the day before.
“Is it going to be obvious that you and I just met?” he says, letting Simon go ahead of him to squeeze through the crowd, staying close, with a hand hovering over Simon’s lower back.
“Well,” Simon muses, “we could make it a bit of a game. If you’re down.”
Looking over his shoulder, he sees Wille’s eyes light up with mischief. “I’m down. What kind of game?”
Simon chuckles and shrugs, checking his phone to make sure they’re still headed in the right direction. “We could pretend to be a couple. You know, really put on a show.”
“That sounds very, very fun, Simon.”
For the last ten or so minutes of their walk, they establish some basic rules. They’ll hold hands and gaze lovingly in each other’s eyes and ramble to anyone who asks about their beautiful love story. The goal is to one-up every other couple there by acting sickeningly in love. By the time they make it to the café, only a few minutes late, they’re holding onto each other and cackling at the increasingly ridiculous ‘meet-cute’ ideas they’ve come up with.
There are three other couples in the tour: one looks like a very young newly-wed couple, another is a pair of middle-aged ladies, and the third is a pretentious-looking, older couple who already look fed up with everyone else. As the tour-guide starts on their spiel, Wille wraps a tender arm around Simon, pulling him close and whispering jokes into his ear, somehow making them look more like a couple than even the newly-weds.
They sit down to start, and Wille lets Simon order for them off the selected menu. They feed each other bites of tomato toast and gently wipe crumbs from each other’s cheeks, all the while giggling to each other and only half-listening to the explanations of the food. It also seems they’ve unintentionally started a competition with the other young couple of who-can-look-more-in-love. When Wille hands Simon a napkin before he can even ask to wipe up his splashed juice, the man of the other couple tries to lovingly whisper something in his wife’s ear but gets brushed off as she’s too busy listening intently to the tour guide. When Simon holds out a forkful of potato omelette for Wille, the man tries to do the same, but his wife shakes her head, smiling, and fondly pats his cheek then turns back to her own plate.
As they move through the next few stops — a restaurant, a food cart, and an open-air market — he and Wille fall even further into their ‘game’. There’s plenty of very intentional touches and exchanged loving glances, but Wille also asks Simon about himself. About his family and his dreams and where he’s going next. Simon learns even more about Wille’s obsession with frogs and his love for lakes and his passion for writing. The rest of the tour group fades away, and things between them start to feel a little less like a game and a little more real. The prolonged eye contact becomes less playful and more loaded. The lingering touches become less out of competition and more out of some deep urge. Simon’s eyes flick more often down to Wille’s lips, watching him lick cream off his fingers or clean gazpacho off his spoon.
Maybe it’s the wine, but as they head to their last stop of the day, hand in hand, trailing behind the group, Simon finds himself hoping Wille isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He’d made a few friends over the past few weeks, but it always seemed to work out that when he was having a great time, the person would be leaving the very next day, heading off to some new country or heading back home.
Wille grins over at him and points out a pretty sculpture, mumbling something smart about the artist and looking absolutely ethereal in the light of the early evening with his flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. Maybe it isn’t just the wine.
Their final destination is small tapas place on the beach. Simon and Wille have given up any pretense of listening to the tour guide or of playing their little game. Instead, they sit close at their table and chat about their favorite memories growing up and tell embarrassing stories. Simon, as he’s done at every place, translates every bit of Spanish on the menu and giggles helplessly as he corrects Wille’s pronunciation. They share a plate of pulpo and split a liter of sangria and it’s one of the most perfect days Simon’s ever experienced.
“I’m really glad I misread that website,” Simon says, fiddling with his fingers. When he glances up, he finds Wille grinning at him. He takes Simon’s hand.
“Me too.”
After the tour concludes and their guide bids they all farewell, their group mostly scatters. But, Wille and Simon stay at their table, finishing off their pitcher and becoming increasingly rowdy with their jokes. After a few annoyed looks from their waiter, they collect their things and stumble down to the beach. Simon jumps onto Wille’s back, laughing loudly and savoring the feeling of Wille’s strong hands wrapped securely around his legs. Wille wades out into the shallow water of the beach, and Simon yelps when he pretends to nearly drop them both into the cool water.
Eventually, Wille lets him down but takes his hand instead, and they walk down the sand, talking about the food tour and realizing that they maybe didn’t pay attention at all.
There’s a warm buzz in Simon’s body, making him giddy and calm all at once. When they make it to a small concrete pier, Wille pulls him out to the edge of it and they stand, arms wrapped around each other, staring out at the Mediterranean.
Simon sigh happily. “Beautiful.”
“Yeah. Very,” Wille says breathlessly, and Simon looks up to see Wille staring down at him. He smacks Wille’s chest playfully.
“You’re an idiot, Wille.”
Wille laughs, “I’m being serious!”
“Sure,” Simon hums, turning back to the water, biting back a smile.
“Hey.” He turns back again and Wille’s face has sobered, and he’s now gazing down at Simon with that same intense stare. “You are beautiful, Simon. You’re also funny and kind and— I had a really, really great time today.”
He squirms slightly at the force of the words, the conviction in Wille’s tone, but can’t help but let his eyes flicker down to Wille’s lips. He’s so close and looks so pretty in the cool lighting of the twilight evening and Simon’s never thought it could be possible to fall for someone like this, this hard, in one day.
“Me, too,” Simon whispers. Then, “Wille?”
“Can I—”
Wille nods, gasping, “Yes,” before Simon can even finish his sentence and then they’re both rushing forward.
Finally, after thinking about it nearly all day, Wille’s lips connect with his. He tastes like fruity wine and olives and something so Wille, and Simon melts into his arms, coming up onto his tiptoes to press further into him. Wille’s hair is soft under his fingertips and though they’ve basically been touching all day, this is different and overwhelming and everything.
When they break apart, giggling into each other, the lights have come on along the paved pathway by the beach.
“Maybe we should head back?” Wille suggests, looking just as much like he doesn’t want to head back as Simon feels. But, it’s getting late and he’s also starting to feel tired from all the wine and walking, so Simon nods and takes Wille’s hand again.
They trail slowly back through the streets, pausing occasionally to exchange a quick kiss, or to slip into an alcove and exchange a slightly longer one. By the time they make it back to their building, Simon’s limbs feel syrupy with sleep and his chest feels warm with the events of the day.
Two steps up the stairs to the front door of the hostel, Simon stops and turns.
“Where will you be tomorrow?” he asks, looking down at Wille.
Wille smiles. “Wherever you are.”
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skunkes · 4 months
experiencing some real "nothing good comes easy" shit rn *fucked up scrub daddy reaction pic jpeg*
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bulbabutt · 10 months
no offence to people who genuinely enjoyed james somerton and feel cheated but you could kind of tell he didnt give a shit about anything he ever said. there was no passion or personable anecdotes in anything he ever made, and the fact he was constantly posting videos was crazy. like if you watch your more popular video essayists theyre always coming from a point of 1) education in a field 2) passion in a subject and 3) being open about themselves
like , this man hopped on the video essay train because of the popularity of his peers and just tokened himself into "the gay video essayist" as if so many other people werent already doing that? and the lack of care for intersectionality was obvious. i stopped ever watching him after he took it personally that some marvel show was about black exploitation in america and not about two men kissing each other, cuz it became abundantly clear that was the only experience he gave a shit about (his own)
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wavcheck · 1 month
i am enjoying everyone’s commentary on using clonazepam
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trannydykes · 4 months
ngl, self-diagnoses doesn't harm anyone.
"They're taking away resources from actually autistic people!" where. proof for that. Also, most resources that non-diagnosed autistic ppl can get are just DIY remedies(headphones, sensory toys, ect), how is that taking away from your remedies.
i think instead of saying "no you cant self-diagnose or can only under specific circumstances", we should be sharing resources to help people who are questioning if they really have a condition or not
if you want ppl to stop incorrectly thinking they have autism, maybe we can just make content where we talk abt what autism actually entails and what is/isn't an autistic trait. instead of saying all self-diagnosers are faking on purpose
Information is the best killer of misinformation actually if you didn't know
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chocolate-apple7 · 6 months
Young Royals s3 spoilers for all 6 episodes
Alright, let's try to make this short because it's already almost midnight and I need to go to bed. (Edit: Of course it's not short, I apologize in advance)
I can't believe it's over. This has truly been a great ride and I am so thankful that we got a completed ending. I know I said I would write a fuller review when finished but now that it's over, I don't think this has to be an essay. Here are just some quick thoughts
The fandom has been pointing out that Wilhelm abdicating and August becoming king is so fitting. Because while it was the one thing he thought he wanted for the longest time, he actually realizes that losing Sara is worse. Now he has this ever ending punishment and will have to be owned by the monarchy forever while losing the love of his life. I didn't love that August became king at first but after seeing that analysis it is truly so fitting and I am fine with it!
Another brief note with August is that he actually cried so many times in this last episode (I counted 3 in the first 30 minutes alone). I am glad he was finally able to open up a little even if he did not get his ideal ending. (which I am ok with because he deserves it!) Also glad he and Wilhelm made semi peace with one another.
While I loved that Stella and Fredrika finally got together, I wish we got to see it a little more! Just because it was a bigger storyline in season 2 and I feel like those kind of stories always get tossed to the side in the end. I'm still happy they're together, I just wish it was a little more developed. I know they were short on time though and I blame Netflix for that. (This finale totally could have been an hour and a half long)
I love how the show opens with Wilhelm starting at Hillerska against his will in order to be a better crown prince and ends with the school closing and him leaving a free man. It's so fitting and I love that.
Love that Felice and Sara actually talked and rekindled their friendship. Their relationship and the friendship between Felice and Wilhelm are the ones I truly valued on this show and I am glad I got to see them end properly.
I do wish that we got a little more closure with Felice and her other friends. Like she kind of just ditched them when they went to New York. I know that they may not have fully understood her in the end but they were still her friends and they could have wrapped that up a little better.
I loved that scene at the end and all the flashbacks! I love how it is clear that Wilhelm gave up the throne for HIMSELF instead of just for Simon. You could tell that he never wanted it, even before he met Simon so that decision did not feel spontaneous and I loved it (and I was team Wilhelm stay king before this episode but of course Young Royals worked their magic in the last episode again 💜)!
I don't know where to put this but I also loved that we got to hear both of Simon's songs for Wilhelm. The one he made for his birthday and the one from last season with the improved school song. That made me so happy and Omar Rudberg's voice is so angelic!
Also side note but the Erikson's were so wishy washy in this episode. Like they both kept saying goodbye to their respective lovers then kissing them later and acting like everything was still semi normal. Like if I was Wilhelm or August during any of those scenes in the middle of the episode I would have been so confused.
I still have so many questions. Will Simon and Sara move? Where is Wilhelm going to go to school after this? Will he be able to officially abdicate this young or will he have to wait until he is 18 (I have no idea how abdicating a throne works)? Will Simon and Sara try to see their dad again? What will happen with Rosh and Ayub as I feel like their story was kind of abruptly over? Will the Queen get better or will having to train August to be king just make her even more stressed and sick? Still so many questions, but I feel like that happens with any series I finish. I have to remember that this series is just a pocket of time for these characters and they will live on past this series. I feel at peace with them and confident that their futures will be ok and to me that is all that matters.
I still have to watch the documentary and cry all over again with that. I am so glad this series exists and I promise I will stop gushing about it soon. Thank you Netflix for not letting me down for once! I hope everyone had a great time with the end of this series and all feel at peace with this story!
As always, I'm happy to have some conversations in the comments!
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thatsmybook · 6 months
Young Royals Is Officially Over & LGBT Media Will Never Be The Same… *se...
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lemonduckisnowawake · 2 months
You know. One of the coolest (to me personally, that is) ideas I've ever had about long lived races like elves or dragons with human intelligence was how to reconcile the rate of maturity with, well, the construct of time. And I thought it'd be so cool that rather than have the 200 year old elf act like a 12 year old in all areas of life, you'd have a 200 year old elf who has 200 years of knowledge and experience and memories all stored up in that brain of theirs, except that their emotional and social development are still equivalent to that of a 12 year old human. Not because there's something wrong with them but because even though they know all that stuff, they still can't grasp the fundamentals despite being told what to do for 2 centuries and also their own bodies are not cooperating. But this is normal, of course, and none of the long-lived races look down on someone being 200 and acting a little immature even if they're super smart. Though the poor dragon who might get abandoned and raised amongst humans might also get so frustrated with themselves for being unable to be as "mature" or "friendly" as their peers, even if they're smarter or more powerful. I mean, imagine races of people whose intellectual maturity and/or wisdom didn't match their social and/or emotional maturity, right?
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sodrippy · 2 months
literate besties have any of you read The Undying Archive and was it interesting? fun? good?
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bigalockwood · 5 months
Let’s spread some love for WIP’s!!
Add a line of your current WIP and tag someone else to do the same 🖋️
“Simon stared at the stack of letters in his suitcase. In a few hours, he’d finally see Wille again, after an entire year apart. He should be happy, elated, vibrating-out-of-his-skin-excited. Instead, he felt nothing but dread at the prospect of what he knew he had to do.”
(From: we’ll make a home on on the cracks (glowing review))
@hergrandplan, @piebingo, @skibasyndrome, @darktwistedgenderplural, @wilmonsfolklore
(No pressure, tho! If you don’t want to share anything, feel free to ignore this 💜💜)
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sorrymomband · 8 months
Tumblr media
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heckahecker · 8 months
hey quick q. why are resorts allowed to charge $700 per night. thanks.
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ahoneesan · 8 months
In high school I got permission to screen the 2nd Gurren Lagann movie in the school auditorium on the colossal projector and I feel like we are walking the same path
it was nice coming back to it after all this time! ttgl had genuinely dropped out of like, things that i considered My Media or whatever. it was a younger me who watched this after her first watch of evangelion, who couldnt even conceptualize the idea of being trapped in a shell, who bought her little core drill necklace off the internet. those memories are genuinely fuzzy now. time really flies.
but watching the movies for the first time (well, technically REwatching gurren-hen but still) at nearly 30, after being a girl for like a half-decade, really reminded me how much this series meant to me as a kid. how like novel and powerful the idea of looking at a fundamentally uncaring, unloving, even antagonistic universe and find the strength from others and eventually yourself to go on and go Further was. the idea that that whole time kamina was scared too, but seeing simon working so hard gave him the strength to keep pushing him onward. that even if it is all fundamentally empty and there isnt any capital M Meaning in life, despite how utterly illogical it is humans still create our own. it got to me as a little not-yet-girl who had been continually struggling with depression and questioning her christian upbringing for years. it still gets to me now. i feel pretty lucky that i can look back on that as "the past" now. but its still here in me. hopefully it always will be.
to say nothing of the style and presentation of it all. ttgl like other Teen Media is really what set me on the aesthetic trajectory im on. i tend to go to klk for that stuff nowadays for obvious reasons but chronologically its really ttgl (and like homestuck, of course) that shaped what i value about stories and animation today. it was what introduced me to the idea of real vs super robots! it introduced me to imaishi! and kazuki nakasima! kamen rider fourze, kill la kill, re: cutie honey all of this stuff for me traces back to me watching the ttgl dub on whatever pos streaming site i watched it on. im pretty grateful for that.
theres plenty of shit i could talk too, ofc. its a pretty misogynistic show in all the boring ways these anime tend to be. funny homophobic stereotype whos actually Cool and Awesome at what he does so it doesnt matter that hes a stereotype. another (the very first?) not fully baked Oppression Metaphor. due to being tv series compilations the movies' pacing can stumble at times (tho lagann-hen fares much better in this regard). but all in all this is The Way to revisit the series, i think. if you're watching for the first time i'd definitely recommend the tv show first. but for us who have been there n done that and want to remember how a drill works, you gotta watch the movies. im glad i did!
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