#yulia being like say no more
italoniponic · 8 months
in the lack of a Jack's masterchef video, I'll be going over a quick scenario of Yulia helping him out in the kitchen and stuffing all those "broken" macarons in her mouth following Ruggie's ways to show true appreciation for his work
all bc this is stuck in a cycle with me like my mind is a microwave and it cannot be stopped
warning: it will takes months to finish over tho
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The Woodland Park Zoo is my home zoo, and the possibility of a strike has been brewing for a while. The staff at the zoo have been working without a union contract for over 200 days because the zoo is unwilling to pay them a living wage.
Zookeepers around the country are consistently underpaid, and Seattle is an incredibly expensive place to live. The zoo is losing animal care staff rapidly - I've been told they'd lost five keepers and a vet tech to another nearby AZA zoo this year alone - because they can't afford to live here. And I've been told that because there's no contract, the zoo is on a hiring freeze, which means they're perpetually understaffed.
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Photo credit: Yulia Issa
There was an informational picket outside of a big event last month, which got a ton of community support. Then the only content the zoo put out for National Zookeepers Week was a single post about how much gratitude the staff are owed, which... hmmmm, came off a little tone-deaf in the current moment.
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Now it looks like staff might end up striking to make their point, after almost a year of negotiations.
"Workers at Woodland Park Zoo, who are members of the Joint Crafts Council (JCC) Coalition of Unions, have been making plans to protect the animals if they go on strike. If the group of 200 workers is unable to reach an agreement with their employer over a new contract, they say they will run a skeleton crew that would provide necessary care to the animals but require the Zoo to close its doors to the general public. “We are making contingency plans to ensure the continued well-being of the animals if we are forced to strike,” said Janel Kempf, a learning coordinator who has been with the Zoo for 25 years and is a Shop Steward with Teamsters 117. “A strike is an absolute last resort and one that none of us takes lightly, but the Zoo keeps pushing us in that direction. If the Zoo doesn’t change course soon, we will have no other choice than to withhold our labor.” Negotiations between the Coalition of Unions and the Zoo have been ongoing for the last ten months with workers growing increasingly frustrated at what they say is the Zoo’s failure to value and retain an experienced workforce. ��We are hemorrhaging critical animal care experience which directly affects the standard of care we can provide for our animals,” said Allison Cloud, an animal keeper and member of Teamsters 117. “The Zoo is forcing us to choose between our livelihoods and our animals, a heartbreaking decision no zookeeper ever wants to make.” Workers say low wages, the skyrocketing cost of healthcare, low morale, and high turnover have put the Zoo’s AZA accreditation at risk. Loss of accreditation could cripple the Zoo’s resources and lead to the transfer of animals to other accredited facilities. "Woodland Park Zoo cannot maintain AZA accreditation without us,” said Joe Gallenbach, an Exhibit Technician with IATSE Local 15. “The loss of AZA accreditation would demonstrate catastrophic mismanagement on the part of the Woodland Park Zoological Society.” The Coalition of Unions and the Zoo have one more bargaining session on the calendar: Friday, August 9. If the Zoo does not make an acceptable proposal next Friday, workers say they will take their case for fair wages and benefits to the public through direct, concerted action."
Now, when you bring the risk of AZA accreditation loss into the conversation, things get interesting. I've written before about how some zoos are legally or contractually obligated to maintain AZA accreditation and couldn't choose to leave. Woodland Park Zoo is one of those facilities: the agreement with the city that allows the Woodland Park Zoological Society requires them to be AZA accredited. If they lose it, they default on the agreement.
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So, would there actually be a chance the facility could lose accreditation if the staff struck? I couldn't find any recent information about staff at other AZA zoos striking and how it related to their accreditation cycle, but I did find this, in an AZA press release about how the Aquarium of the Bay lost accreditation a few months ago.
"Silver Spring, Md. (May 24, 2024) –  The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Accreditation Commission unanimously voted to rescind the accreditation of the Aquarium of the Bay.  The independent Commission notified the institution on May 13, 2024, following its conclusion that the aquarium was not meeting accreditation standards in a number of key areas, including financial stability, staffing capabilities, and employee morale and turnover. Aquarium of the Bay has until June 13 to appeal the Commission’s decision."
So it looks like staffing issues and employee morale can definitely be things taken into consideration. Let's look at the AZA standards for more info. I found a couple standards that appear to be relevant:
7.3 "There must be an adequate number of trained paid and unpaid staff to care for the animals and to manage the institution’s diverse programs." Justification: "Although there is no set formula for prescribing the size of the staff (paid and unpaid), some of the criteria that may be used to define what is considered “adequate” include the number and type of species within the institution, the general condition of the animals and exhibits, and past staffing practices."
7.4 "Compensation for paid staff should be competitive with other similar positions in the local/regional/national market, as appropriate." Justification: "Institutions must be able to recruit and retain qualified paid staff. Competitive compensation is a key component in recruitment and retention of paid staff. Some positions can be successfully recruited for locally, while others are competitive on a more regional or national basis (e.g., animal care specialists)."
Both of those look like they could quite reasonably be an issue for WPZ at this point. They're losing paid staff due to low wages and operating understaffed due to the hiring freeze. Staff obviously aren't getting appropriate compensation if they're looking for jobs at nearby facilities that pay better.
Now, would the zoo actually lose accreditation if a strike came to pass? Honestly, I doubt it, because WPZ is too big a feather in AZA's cap for them to penalize them that harshly. Columbus - an equally prominent institution - got kicked because of a major public animal use scandal, but it was pretty clearly political because of how quickly they were re-accredited. I'd expect AZA might give WPZ a slap on the wrist, some stern public comment, maybe some minor penalties, but I'd be very surprised if they were willing to kick WPZ to the curb over something "just" as minor as a staffing problem.
Regardless, zoo staff deserve to be paid a living wage. I'll be really sad if the zoo is closed to a strike once the snow leopard cubs get old enough to debut - but I'd still rather the staff be paid a living wage than be able to see the fluffballs immediately. I want the people working at the zoos I visit to not be living in poverty. Zoo staff pub in an incredible amount of effort to care for animal collections and to facilitate the guest experience, and they should be able to do that without multiple roommates or three jobs. I know that the practical reality is that not all facilities can afford to pay their staff as highly as is ideal, but I'd expect a big zoo with reliable city funding to be able to do better. Supporting the zookeepers (and other zoo staff) is supporting the zoo.
I'll be keeping an eye on this going forward, both from a personal perspective (I'm a member, and I have a vested interest in what the organization I give money to does) and a professional interest in industry politics (what does AZA choose to do). I'll update if there's anything interesting on either end.
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inblackwoods · 6 months
Isidor and Simon, Daniil and Artemy
There’s one line that Daniil says to Yulia that has been driving me absolutely batty. Yulia says:
“You can call these demons what you want… you may refer to the Hair Eater as ‘time’ if this will make you any happier. I am comfortable with a more juvenile vernacular. It is what I am used to.”
And Bachelor replies: “You are repeating something that Isidor had once told me, almost word for word…”
When did this conversation happen? We don't have many letters between Daniil and Isidor to know how well they knew each other or how often they spoke. How did they meet? Why? How close were they? It’s hard to say, but Daniil refers to Isidor as “[m]y gentle associate, my selfless advisor.” Assuming he’s not being sarcastic, this is high praise. It also makes me think that Daniil took Isidor’s words to heart- deeply. That means that this idea, that people can be using different words to talk about the same things, is one that Daniil is more comfortable with than he’s always given credit for. Bachelor might be more open to setting aside semantic/linguistic differences for the sake of finding middle ground to agree on.
In the introductory healers cutscene, Daniil says, “it seems unlikely that we will ever get along well,” and then a few moments later he amends that statement to, “no… We won’t ever get along.”
That sounds sad. He seems almost like he had hope that the other two immediately dashed to pieces. Before, it was "unlikely" that they would get along "well," not impossible that they could get along at all. Now it is simply "we won't ever get along." He seems uncertain, perhaps because it is against his hard logic to completely bar any possibilities without confirmation. And he is usually adherent to standard social etiquette/ideas about politeness. It is possible that certain ideologies can find overlap and find a means of coexistence. But unlikely. Termites and Utopians don't often share tables. 
But Isidor tried to teach him that they could, and Daniil tried to remember that.
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knivpojke · 2 months
When a content creator you like is outed as someone who's done harm/something bad, it sucks!
Your first reaction is usually thinking "Is it true?" or blatantly deny it because you like what the creator put out, especially when they're mentally ill and make something you find relatable to your own experiences.
When TWO people come out about it, and more provide eye witnesses to the account, with evidence, and you decide to not even look into it? Then stay out of the conversation. This place isn't for you.
If you decide to become a part of the conversation, be sure you examine EVERYTHING properly with a critical mindset for both sides. Who has more evidence? Who has counter evidence? Who is just talking out of his ass to make you hear what you want to hear?
With the case of Andreas and Sani, if this were fake, Sani would have been bored of this by now. I've made a post saying something along the lines of "Be careful around Andreas, minors, because he could groom you next" and I got a minor saying "I sure hope so!" and that is the very attitude Andreas fans have that I've personally witnessed.
Sani and Yulia are trying to warn people about what Andreas does with his reputation. He needs to take accountability for his actions. He needs to apologize.
Andreas has tried saying Sani admitted to lying, which was itself a lie. Then he said he's not accountable for his actions because he was under the influence, which is an admittance of guilt, and still should be held accountable.
And now he's copypasting a string of useless words to let everyone hear what they want to hear "Sani is just trying to ruin my reputation." FOR WHAT PURPOSE?? He's saying he's not transphobic despite him telling me he will only use someone's correct pronouns if he respects them, which is still transphobic. He says he's not homophobic but drew Purnell raping Simon as a respinse to people wanting gay characters in the game, which is homophobic. I could go on, but the evidence is there already, look at it.
And if you don't want to look at the evidence, and stay in your special little bubble where everything is right with the world and people who have an ounce of power don't abuse it? Then stay out of the conversation. This topic isn't for you.
You all complain about "everyone being outed as abusers" till your dying day but this is the harsh reality we live in. There's more shitty people as your neighbors than you'd think. EVERYONE IS CAPABLE OF DOING SHITTY THINGS. Even me, even you.
Fuck man, he released Sanis nudes, ssn, and other personal data to his discord. That's revenge porn, and shitty in of itself.
Sani WANTS to go to court, and has reported Andreas for stalking and harassing multiple times, but they've given up on it ever coming to pass, which is why there's so much evidence out there.
If you're new to the conversation, brush up on your history, you're in for a ride.
Yulias story
Sanis story part 1
Sanis story part 2
*edit: I'm not saying you can't interract with cry of fear content. Just think critically of the creator.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 8 months
a Pathologic tier list based on how good of an adult the characters are to Clara, a child
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this is based on P1, but the tier list site i was using only had the P2 models!
i was meant to have longer, more in-depth explanations, but then i got lazy 😅 so i just have some basic reasoning!
also i haven’t replayed the Changeling route in a few months, so i’m going off of memory!
Actually A Kind, Considerate Adult To A Stressed and Traumatized Child
Lara- Lara is hands down the best adult in this entire game. She’s kind, understanding, and patient with Clara. She never insults her, and even when Clara is being a bit snooty, she still treats her gently. She also literally has a line where she points out that Clara is a child struggling with an immense burden. She calls attention to the fact that she’s just a kid, which NOBODY ELSE DOES.
“Poor thing, I’m so sorry for you. I wouldn’t want to carry your burden.”
It can kinda be read as pity, but pity is better than the cruelty and ignorance to her situation most of the others give her.
Also she has the one voice like where she’s like, “Poor child, she’s so tired” in reference to Clara.
Lara stays winning fr fr
The Tragedians and Executors- Idk if these guys can count, but they’re here anyway. They’re always so nice to Clara, calling her little pet names and explaining stuff to her in a kind way. They talk to her like how adults talk to young children, which she is. And it’s wild how these bitches beat THE ENTIRETY OF THE WHOLE CAST, minus Lara.
A Good Adult
Oyun- I actually cannot believe this guy is this high.
Surprisingly, he’s actually pretty nice to Clara. If not nice, then very respectful. He treats her like a queen.
Rubin- He’s chill with her 👍 (if i remember correctly)
Yulia- Similar to Rubin, she’s chill toward Clara, minus, I think, one little offhand comment that’s kind of rude. But compared to what some of the bitches below say to her, it may as well be a compliment.
Decent But Has Their Moments
Artemy- So, I feel like Artemy is very neutral toward Clara. There is that part in the Changeling route where he sends her a letter where he threatens to kill her, BUT that only happens if you rat out his location to Daniil, so it’s not a set event that always happens.
He speaks to her very curtly, and you can get the sense that he’s probably annoyed by her presence, but he’s not outwardly verbally abusing her unlike others.
If this were a ranking based on P2 interactions, however, he would be WAY LOWER because jfc, he is SO MEAN to Clara.
Daniil- So, he was actually lower at first, but then I saw some really good posts talking about how he cares for Clara in his own way (giving her money, keeping her in the Stillwater, worrying over her)—even if they are a little unconventional.
However, that doesn’t erase the fact that he is still pretty awful to her at times. I mean, he literally threatens to kill her twice, one of which happened when he first met her.
I love the “Daniil is a reluctant father figure to Clara” so much, but I also don’t think he would be any higher than this.
Also, like Artemy, if this were for interactions in P2, he would absolutely be lower.
Olgimsky- I think he and Clara talk exactly two (2) times, and both interactions are short and don’t really do anything for the story (if i remember correctly). Also I don’t think they give af about each other at all.
Bad Grief- Neutral. I could have put him higher, actually. He seemed actually kind of nice.
Eva- Same with Bad Grief. Her interaction with Clara wasn’t hostile at all.
Victor- I’ll be real with y’all- I don’t remember them talking 😭
Not A Good Adult
Maria- She’s my second favorite character in the whole game (just behind Clara ofc), but even I can’t deny how cruel she is to Clara. She is SO MEAN.
Aspity- I actually had no idea where to put her. At first, she was in the “decent” section, but that didn’t seem right. Then she was in “Neutral,” but that didn’t seem right, either. Finally, I just decided to put her here. Because, looking back on their interactions, they were pretty hostile.
I don’t think Aspity liked Clara. A lot of the things she said to Clara were either vaguely threatening or directly threatening.
Anna Angel- She was so rude to Clara in the Haruspex route when Clara came running to her house, crying, on Day 6. Also I remember her making shots at Clara often.
Georgiy- Literally threatened to kill Clara the moment he met her. Enough said.
Mark- I remember this bitch ass being snappy with her. Which is good enough for me.
Vlad Jr.- This dude isn’t necessarily mean, but I do remember him being weirdly fanatical toward Clara. He spoke to her like she wasn’t a child but rather someone to be idolized.
Peter- He also wasn’t rude, but I just felt very uncomfortable every time he talked to her. He didn’t speak to her like a child but rather an adult. And yeah, a lot of people did that, but he was just so creepy to me. He acted like she was a goddess or something. It really rubbed me the wrong way.
Block- This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I just can’t put this guy anywhere but here.
Yes, he was kind to her, but he also idolized her, which is just…Not Very Good. Also he fully tries to bring her to war?? If you say no when he first makes the offer, he literally ignores her and keeps going on about it which is a huge red flag.
Horrible Fucking Person
Andrey- I can’t stand this guy. Y’all don’t understand how deep my hatred for him goes. But this spot isn’t even a biased decision he is, SO CRUEL. The way he screams in Clara’s face when she went to his bar?? And yeah, he’s kinda right in some sense, she isn’t old enough to fully understand what she’s doing, but that is not her fault in any way. The blame should fall upon Katerina for making her run around indoctrinating people, not her. And he shouldn’t have yelled at a little girl, spewing insults at her, because at that point, his argument is meaningless when it directly attacks her.
He’s terrible. I hate him.
What The Fuck Is Wrong With You
Aglaya- Basically every word she spoke to Clara felt like a shotgun blast to the chest and had my jaw on the FLOOR. I was not expecting the sheer disgust and hatred she had toward this child.
As such, I have compiled a short list of some of the things she said to Clara:
1. Calls her a “dim, pathetic creature”
2. Calls her insane and deranged
3. Accuses her of having a split personality disorder and being schizophrenic
4. “Prohibits her from existing”
5. Says she has to leave the town or else she’ll have her executed
Among other stuff.
Obligatory “Awful Parents” Spot
The Saburovs- I could go on about how horrible these guys are. Not even just as people, but as parents, too.
The neglect, the exploitation, the abuse, the total disregard for Clara’s feelings when she comes back traumatized while carrying a severed head, the way she’s used to inaugurate people into a religion…
They are truly awful people, and they do not deserve Clara.
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fancifulplaguerat · 4 months
Once again thinking about the overlap between justice/truth in Clara and Daniil’s characters. These are obviously Daniil’s guiding principles, but they are almost equally embedded into Clara’s character, though it’s when Clara is acting as the disease and envoy of the Law that she most adheres to justice and truth. I notice that overlap between justice even exists in their respective patron families.
For one, both the Saburovs and Kains are associated with justice and law despite being in direct opposition. According to Alexander’s character concept, the Saburovs support “‘the Plague’s faction’” and are fittingly aligned with the capital-L Law that opposes the miraculous and considers it blasphemy; this may be thematically emphasized in that Saburov is given emergency gubernatorial powers during the outbreak. The Kains are conversely and obviously aligned with the miraculous, but again, also associated with justice and law-making; ex. Georgiy being “The Judge.” Maria claims that Townspeople go to Georgiy to settle disputes rather than Saburov because:
“His verdicts are fair. Common folk believe that the Kains possess a third eye. They say it’s a raven’s eye, spinning in the brain, leaving us restless and capable of peeking into the forbidden. […] The eye can see the covert, and people are prepared to endure its wrath to be granted the boons of high justice that its everlasting suffering reveals.”
Yulia also describes the Kains thus:
“One could even say, they are the architects of the law by which we are to live. Conceivably, they should do their utmost to define and implement the boundaries which we should never transcend—after all, this is the core function of any lawmaking entity. But then, do you know what is especially fascinating about the Kains? The boundaries are nowhere to be seen.”
The Kains are perhaps presented here, then, as those who instate their own law or justice over the capitalized ones the narrative presents; in overcoming the Law they construct their own, though ones that are chaotic or unfettered.
A final detail, too—Georgiy tells Clara: “Every time you show up at The Crucible, be prepared to suffer! These walls will burn the very thing within you that allows you to do your wicked work. Call it magic, if you will, or call it supreme justice.” Though, it’s somewhat unclear to me in English and Russian whether the so-called ‘magic’ or ‘supreme justice’ references Clara’s power or the Crucible’s—either it’s ambiguous on purpose or I’m being stupid. Either way, I’m inclined to put it against Clara saying “I’m afraid of visiting [the Kains]. I can sense how dangerous they are to me! Their very name, it seems, is something the whole of my nature protests against…” That Clara, as an embodiment of the Law/Plague, cannot bear the Crucible because it’s where the Kains cook up their various little lawbreaking miracle stews. So to me, the Kains sharing the Saburovs’ attributes is not necessarily a contradiction, but with Daniil… I mean. What is going on there. 
Daniil’s principles are basically the Law’s tenets, minus resignation to inevitability. In the theatre opening, his infamous “The truth is my shepherd. Whatever happens, I will find answers, and justice will be restored” or “there’s only one truth” sound more like they belong in the mouth of Saburov or Clara Sand Plague with their lines like “Let truth prevail,” “The truth will speak for itself,” or “I only want one thing, and that is—justice!” Perhaps it’s notable, too, that Saburov and Daniil get along fairly well ((some of the time)) despite their opposing philosophies. Likewise, on the flipside, the Kains just love to be diabolical liars at every chance they get, and multiple characters claim that Kains are affectatious: “They always try to be intimidating, they like to dramatize everything, they enjoy striking up a pose!” and “[Maria] puts on airs, but that’s just how the Kains are.” So in terms of Daniil’s ideal of honesty, he seems closer aligned to the Law than his own Bound. I am pacing my study. What is going on with you Daniil D Dankovsky
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Imagine this Alpha!Natasha w Omega!reader who just gave birth to both of her pups, natty who's really protective of r who is in labor she snarls at the nurse's because of the fear of hurting her mate and her pup's, so Natasha scent marks and holds reader the entire time of the process and at the end of everything natty teary-eyed gives reader kisses and praises after the birth of the 2 of her pup's and reader just looks at her with love in her eye's
(The birth is natural and the pup's are twin females, the names are dahlia and yulia)
A family
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Pairings: Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x omega!reader
Summary: Nat is very overprotective while you give birth and after you have. She refuses to let you or her pups go
Word count: 1,026
Warnings: A/B/O fic, fluff, giving birth, the word pups are used for the babies but they’re not actual puppies…
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Come on Mrs. Romanoff, push a little more!” The doctor yelled out into the scream filled room. Nat held you hand in a panic manner as you squeezed a human out of you. This was the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced.
“I’m doing the best I can, you bitch!” The other nurses tried to hold their laughter as best as they could but failed. When Nat laughed you immediately started yelling again.
“Oh you think this is funny? How about you push a human that you put inside of me out of you!” She cowered down and went to hold your back. When the first pup started crowning Nat quickly moved to look, still gripping your hand with dear life. A few tears escaped her eyes as she watched you bring life into this world. When the lady grabbed the baby Nat noticed how her hand placement on her head could possibly hurt her.
“Hey, be careful with her, you could hurt her head like that.” She snarled at the woman who quickly fixed her mistake. Nat glared at the nurse and focused back on you for a moment, trying to calm you down before you start pushing again.
“It’s alright, my sweet omega, you can do it. You just pushed an entire human out of you, I know you can do it one more time for me.” She placed kisses on your hand as her encouraging words sunk in. She moved to your scent gland and marked it, soothing you further. She reassured you that she would be right back before going to admire her baby who was being cleaned and wrapped up in a blanket. When she heard the doctor say the next pup is coming she quickly rushed to your side, stealing occasional glances at her child being cared for.
You grabbed her hand tightly as you squeezed for what you hoped would be the last time, it wasn’t. For a whole twenty six minutes you were put through painful pushing and the others had to deal with you yelling at them repeatedly. Nat went to watch the baby crown just like she did before, tears slipping like earlier.
The second baby was handed over to one of the workers, you sat relieved knowing that you were finally done. Nat was handed her first child as she delicately held her, Dahlia was the name. You both decided on names for the pups the minute you found out you were having two girls and chose Dahlia and Yulia. They were unique names but you two loved them, almost as much as you loved the babies you chose the names for.
You were handed the younger one and held her with just as much care, watching the way her greens eyes stared into your own. The both of them had green eyes, just like their mother. Nat handed you Yulia as you gave Dahlia to her, the both of you admiring their cuteness. Nat cried when the baby wrapped her hand around Nat’s finger, playing with it as she tried to figure out what it was.
The door suddenly opened to reveal Nat’s family, the Avengers along with her parents and sister. They congratulated the two of you and asked to hold the two. You gladly let them, handing Wanda the youngest of the twins while Nat refused to let the other go.
“No.” You sighed, realizing she wouldn’t give her up no matter what you said. Everyone just laughed awkwardly and focused on the one in their hands while Nat sat next to you on the bed.
“Aren’t they perfect?” “They really are.” You both sat in a comfortable silence before the nurse had to take the children, stating she had to bring them to the nursery. Nat unwillingly let the two go, immediately fearing they were in danger without her.
“What if they get hurt, or worse, what if one of the other babies is sick and it gets to them? We can’t have our little ones being sick. They could die or need serious medical attenti-” “Nat calm down, alright? They’re going to be fine, the hospital will take great care of them and then they can come home with us.” You rested your hand upon her shaking thigh, trying to calm her down. Nat shooed everyone else out of the room before lying down on the bed with you, holding you sacredly in her arms. She stared into your eyes with pure love, wondering how she got so lucky. You often wondered the same thing, you didn’t know how the person you loved could ever love you back and want to have a family with you. She interlocked your hands together, using her other one to trace shapes on your back.
“My sweet omega, you did amazing today, I’m so proud of you. Because of you we have two beautiful daughters and are a family. I can’t wait to grow old with you and watch as our little pups get to experience this moment with their mate. God I love you and our babies so much.” She used her hands to wipe the tears that threatened to escape your eyes. You kissed the alpha with passion as you both melted into it. When the two of you settled down she cuddled into your chest, rubbing your stomach that she knew would disappear soon now that you’ve given birth.
“I want more.” Came her small voice after minutes of pure silence. You stopped brushing her hair with your hands and looked down at her, “Okay one, I just gave birth to those rascals, two, I am not doing that again and three, how about you try pushing two eight pound pups out of you and tell me if you want to do it again.” She laughed at your response before yawning out of exhaustion. You were even more tired than her and was on the brink of falling asleep, so, you did. When the doctor came in a few minutes later she saw the two of you cuddled asleep and audibly awed before leaving quietly. You were now a family.
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yurianonikki · 2 months
22|07|24 yulia’s diary
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.╰┈➤. entry 2; into the past,
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆╰┈➤. today's mood; tired, kinda annoyed.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ right after yesterdays entry i got into an argument with my boyfriend. it was over something stupid and then it escalted, i mean, we came to a conclusion but i wouldve prefered for it to not have happened. the day before yesterday at around 11pm he texted me out of nowhere and asked me ''whats one thing you hate about me'' and i asked him if he wanted me to be honest, so i was honest. i said;
i hate how late he is to everything all the time, it almost feels like he doesnt respect me and my time
i hate how he cancels our plans we have made days sometimes weeks before for his friends who ask to hangout last minute, he has never once tried to comprimise with them and say he has plans with me already on that day
i hate how he tends to be hypocritical; when i do something its such a big problem but when he does it its alright because he has a reason to do that. as if i dont also?
and that was that. he didnt say anything else that night. the next morning he texts me asking me how i am whatever whatever, then about 40? minutes later he texts me saying ''i think im just below average and thats alright. i mean i cant even show up on time for you i bet any other guy could.'' and our argument escalted from there. i tried to reassure him that even though he acts this way now it doesnt mean he wont or cant change in the future and he kept dismissing what i said and just igniting his own insecurities by making up the most random scenarios about what COULD happen. ''well i could die tomorrow, how would i change for you then?''. after a bit of back and forth about this we got into another argument over what actually happened last saturday and why he was late that time. he said i was annoyed at him for being late even though his dad was holding him back. which is true. and i told him ''you know i woulnt be as annoyed if you told your parents you have someone waiting for you already and that you have plans'' and he FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER says he does tell them, the problem i had was that he never told me that and i was left to assume he just didnt do anything to try to not be as late, right?! the main argument here was that he didnt understand that i was mad at him not telling me that he did inform his parents about his plans NOT that i was mad he was late because his dad held him back but his dad didnt know i was waiting for him; does that make sense? it does in my head. and now the final part of our argument: he asked me how he could be better for me and i told him my list of things. one of them was that i said he had to eventually mature and put me above his friends and family in his priorities when we become more grown adults and have kid together. he had an issue with this because he didnt really see the pov that he wasnt gonna be living with his parents forever, and that him and his friends are gonna have their own lives to worry about and wont have time for eachother as much, and that hes gonna have to take care of his NEW family and HIS KIDS and HIS WIFE(🤞). he assumed i was saying right now i need to be the most important person in his life (i still kinda think that because yk were supposed to be together for the rest of our lives) and he needs to respect me more than his parents and cut off all his friends for me, WHICH IS NOT TRUE, that is NOT what i was saying. but we finally came to a conclusion after i explained to him in detail what i meant rather than him assuming and putting words into my mouth, we will both be more clear with eachother and instead of getting mad and shutting down we will communicate regardless. whew. im glad thats done. it was hellish. but were good now, i love him so much 💜
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤but now back to the main point of my entry. back into the past. i mentioned in my last entry about my old friendgroup from 3 years ago and their weird obsession regarding me. for context; there was 4 girls i was friends with: ro****, 2ro*******, e**** & mi***** (i think i should also mention that ro**** is a polish gypsy and 2ro******* and mi***** are slovakian gypsies - and before you cancel me they literally called themselves gypsies and have no problem with it so ill be refering to them as that). back near the end of 2020, i became friends with ro**** as she was friends with my now ex-childhood friend m*** (she isnt important to this) and in the beginning of 2021, around march-april time i started talking to 2ro******* because we were both interested in k-pop and we had literally the exact same classes and with e**** because she also had classes with us. we 3 became close and after a while 2ro****** introduced us to mi***** and me, ro****, 2ro*****, e***** and mi***** all became friends. at the end of that school year we had a falling out with e**** because i was told by the 3 of them that she was talking shit about me behind my back. and at the time i believed them because it was 3 people claiming the same thing and they showed be screenshots of her saying i made really insensitive jokes and she didnt like them. so we all confronted her and basically kicked her out of our friend group because she decided to talk shit about me to them rather than telling me she felt uncomfortable with the things i say. flashforward to early 2022, our friend group was thriving as a 4 and we had no issues (thats what i thought at least) until around may time. i had noticed all of them being kind of weird and distant which was very unusual. we would still sit at break and lunch together and sit in class but we said almost nothing to eachother at all. then i got covid and was off for 2 weeks whatever whatever, but when i came back i had a comversation with ro**** about 2ro*******'s false lashes, i made a joke to her about them which i also told 2ro****** and then when i told that joke to her she told me that ro**** had told i was talking shit about her lashes, not true? we have always made jokes about eachothers appearances why is it a problem now? she did say she knew i was joking anyways and didnt take it seriously. i also noticed them suddenly talking about a person called 'lisa', which i instantly knew was me.
1) 2ro******* had told me i look like lalisa from blackpink and we had an inside joke about that and with my crush at the time,
2) they always made code names for people to talk shit about them without anyone knowing and they still do it to this very day.
and i decided to ask them who it was. they clearly didnt expect me to ask that because they all told me slightly different things seperately but when we were together later that day that i asked them as a group they had suddenly decided to say the same thing? weeeeiiirrrddd. i let it go because i didnt wanna make myself more depressed knowing that they were probably gonna cut me off at this point. i also came to the realization that what they said about e**** was probably either completely fake or overexaggerated. ro**** also blocked me on snapchat that week because we had agreed to talk about what was happening after school and that she was gonna tell me the truth because she felt bad? this happened in front of another mutual friend ki** but shes not important, when i confronted her about it she said her brother did it whlst using her phone? alright girl.
after that i kinda started hanging out with different people i knew, mainly sil*** because she was also friends with them but decided to side with me and believe me when i told her about all of this. literally a few days later, probably 2 days later at the end of break 2ro****** asked me ''are you avoiding us because we know you talk shit about all of us to people?'' and i was so taken aback because i know for a fact i have never once uttered a negative word about them to someone who was immediately close with us. in french that day i asked 2ro****** if we could talk about what she said to me earlier because i was genuinly confused and has no idea what was going on. it was honestly pointless though because i wasnt told anything concrete. i asked them "can you give me an example of when i talked shit about any of you" and i kid you not in a circle they kepy saying ''i dont know ask ____'' and i just walked away after that i didnt speak to any of them nearly at all after that because what the fuck kinda bullshit is that?
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ after that we didnt have many interactions;
in p.e before i moved groups 2ro****** walked past me and said ew, like alright girl your eyeliner is lopsided lets worry about that first.
there was a tiktok account about our school and one of the videos was about those 3, saying theyre all ugly and that what they did to me was horrible. i have to this day no idea who made it i asked everyone who i knew if they did it and no one owned up to it. they confronted me about it and asked me if i made it and obviously i didnt make it because im not talking about them all day and all night, (im only making this entry to vent and to hopefully forget about them forever now)
in science the next school year, i was talking with this girl mar**** who was friends with them but they had all fallen out and had a literal fight at school 🌝 - for context, these 3 girls tried to make up rumours that mar**** had a crush on a boy in our school, yu***, which wasnt true as well as making up lies to her and her friend ang** to try to make them stop being friends, which didnt work - when we were talking in science she told me ''your actually not that bad 2ro****** was saying your so mean and weird'' but i wasnt surpirised they said that about me. i made a comment about another girl saying ''i feel bad for do**** (the girl) because shes friends with all of them but they all hate her, they talk so much shit about her to anyone who listens'' later at lunch, i found out ma**** told do**** what i said and do**** confronted them about it, im assuming they lied and said im the liar because me and do**** never spoke after that even though we were friends, they confronted me about it and i said the truth, ''yes i did say that to ma**** because its true, you talked shit about do**** to me too'' and that was that, they just walked away after that, we havent spoken since that moment.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ i dont miss them, im glad i wont ever interact with them directly since i moved. but funily enough ro**** was also kicked out their new friend group that they added 2 ukrianian girls to. seems like i always get the last laugh anyways 😝
🎧ྀི happy blackpink comeback announcement guys my girls are coming back 🥺 I'll kick it if you're down, kick it if you down
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Just want to say, I really love your yandere family! They all seem so sweet lajdkal
Ah! Thank you! I'm so glad!
I've been meaning to make more content for them
So here's a little something
How Sweet They Are | Yandere Family
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To Everyone else: Is as sweet as she needs to be. How can she be anything other than that when she’s going for mayor? But what’s underneath the sweet smiles and friendly disposition is a spiteful woman with a violent string of thoughts.
“Miss Remalda! If you weren’t married I’d propose to you!”
“Awww that’s so sweet! But I’m very happy in my marriage!”
‘If you had found me 14 years earlier I would have skinned you for even thinking you could replace my love with yourself. Disgusting Pig!’
To You: She’s sweeter than sugar. Anything you ask for you can have even if it comes with detriment to someone else. She just can’t resist it when you look up at her with those adorable (e/c) eyes. It's just too much! Too perfect! That’s her beloved baby alright!
“Awww you reached so nicely for it, you can have all the cake you want!”
“Mom! They can’t even digest solid food!”
“But they asked so adorably how can i refuse?*Mwah*”
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To Everyone else: He’s as cordial as he needs to be. He’s been keeping people at a distance for quite a long time so this is nothing new. He doesn’t often waste any time thinking about those he meets or what he can do for them because he’s too busy thinking about his own family. 
“Thank you for your patronage.”
“You’re really pretty for a man in your work!”
‘Did I leave the dishwasher running? If I did (Y/n)’s sippy cup should be in there. That’ll be good. Oh, and Yulia has a skating competition this week…’
He’s so disconnected sometimes he forgets the...consequences that spring from his own actions or lack thereof.
“So darling who was that tramp?”
“What tramp?”
To You: He tries to be as sweet as any parent should be. Your chubby body, your gleeful squeals, and your tiny grip on him–are always reminders to him about how much he cherishes you. He’s aware that Remalda is inclined to spoil you and he doubts that will ever change so he has to take initiative and be the adult. But he didn’t have to worry about it now, not when you were so young and it was normal anyway to act on your whims. You have no other way to communicate so it's okay!
“Baby, be careful waving that toy in the air! You might hit a bird!”
You’ll babble and ultimately end up flinging the toy in the air wacking a bird off its perch.
“Oh s-dear! Okay okay, you can have it back just don’t do that again. Okay?”
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To Everyone Else: Only if you pay for it. He’s a businessman after all and he doesn’t get the results he does by being “sweet.” He’ll make his peers pay a fee if they want to see his pearly whites and even then it's never the real thing. It’s safe to say he takes after his Mother and Father when it comes to being sweet…it covers his real thoughts that are either completely unrelated or especially violent.
“Geez Michael you could’ve at least acted like you care! I’m paying for the experience, right?”
“You right, I don’t care. But if you want the experience with a friendly disposition you’ll have to pay the fee.” 
“What!? Seriously this is a lot more than I imagined…”
‘Of course I do I need to have enough to support my baby and little sister…I wonder if I would get more if I just stabbed him.’
To You: He’s sweet t in the way that he always holds you with care and reprimands your wrong-doings. While he’s not too different from his father he still feels like it's his duty to ‘properly raise you’. He thinks-no he knows you're the precious baby that needs his loving hand to guide you in this messed up family. And since you're his sweet baby he will be the sweetest to you and Yulia.
“Alright (Y/n)...give me your hand.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n), listen to big brother. Give me your hand.”
He’s trying his hardest to be sweet with you, it's not typically in his nature to choose kindness over violence but he tries. He loves you after all so he’s willing to try anything to see your gummy smile and hear the bells of your laughter.
“Good job, (Y/n). Next, you’ll have to learn to give me one of your toys.”
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To Everyone Else: Of course, she is sweet to everyone! Why not be? Everyone’s usually so nice to her–always complimenting her ice skating and how good of a big sister she is. Sometimes when she talks to those who know her brother they seemed surprised she is so nice. 
“Huh, Michael? Oh well, he’s quite curt but I wouldn’t say he’s mean.”
So where her beloved brother slips up she carries the weight, hoping to dissuade others from building too much aggression towards him. Because she knows him and he’s the kindest big brother; yes, he may mysteriously be ridding her of any and all problems she speaks about.
“Threatened you? He’s just…doing his own thing. Yeah, sorry about that…”
To You: Yes! Why wouldn’t she?! Her darling baby sibling is just so cute and when Michael’s busy and the parents are fighting+ you always seem to reach out for her. Always seem to remember her. So she gives you kisses and risks her mother’s wrath to sneak into your nursery for a sleepover.
“Come on (Y/n), how about we stay up and I tell you all about everything1”
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shmowderslut · 3 months
I recently started a "im going to read EVERYTHING" bachelor playthrough, and im surpriced i havent seen anyone talk about the many-legged fugitive side quest. Im sick and feel like my brain is filled with rats, so here's my unorganized and unholy feelings about it.
First of all the house you need to go in is *not* easy to find, it is not the nearest house to the staircase (also theres two of them!) and definetly isnt visible from the stillwater. I have to confess, i needed to look it up online, and even the guide had misplaced the marker! As always, the frustration fuels me, and makes my love this game even more. And this is day 1! Its a nightmare and i love it. If youre stuck here, its okay, it seems like so many people were too.
Plot and character spoilers under the cut!
Okay now into the juicy stuff. Technically not about the quest yet, but we're getting there.
You get the quest talking to Lara Ravel, after learning about her from talking to Yulia in the main mission. A thing i dont think is mentioned a lot is that Yulia dislikes Lara Ravel. Now Yulia being a queer woman in stem (i will not accept criticism on this) She raves about all the other women like theire goddesses (they are) but she sees Lara as ungenuine and almost sad.
"She pities everyone she comes across, for she knows they will all die just like her dearly departed. She sees a corpse in everyone she looks upon"
And maybe i havent been paying attention, but this is very different from how Lara is usually portrayed, as a literal angel and a philanthropist. She always stood out to me as a surprisingly simple and good character is pathologic, so i was exactic to find out this detail of hers. Also the relationship says a lot about Yulia and her no-nonsense attitude, that she values honesty over good deeds.
Then we finally get to the quest in itself, where Lara tells you the children have brought an old dangerous game back. They used to play doctor using a dangerous mix of medicine and pretend healed eachother. She asks you to find a secret stash these kids hid and destroy all the shmowders (again, i went a lil insane trying to find the house). Unfortunately the bachelor is just too late, again, and the stash has been distributed among the children.
Theres 2 dogheads you can talk to, one of them tells you more about shmowders. That they doent believe in shmowders and its the little kids who are playing epidemic with deadly conjuctures. They blame Capella for distributing them, and all the kids should just go to the polyhedron to stay safe.
The second doghead tells you that yes, the shmowders do work and they came in use the last outbreak. That the kids were safe in the polyhedron, but some of them wandered out and made shmowders. Shmowders that were stored in this stash, but have now disappeared. Also as a fun fact, he tells you the spesific people who made the shmowders. Now i dont recognize these, but if you do please tell me.
"The original ones were made by Catchfly, but they were no good; the disease would pass, but the person would pass away along with it. But then Beaker's brothers made some nice ones. Crowfoot's weren't too shabby, and neither were Flanky's..."
I just think its neat to have an in universe reason the pumpkin girl sometimes carries a shmowder. Also this plays into what i think is the most prevalent pathologic theme, two impossible truths existing at the same time. The shmowders are a live saving medicine AND poison. Its childrens imagination AND real. You get the jist, my head hurts and im going to sleep
Also if you read this far, thank you?!? I am in no state to check this for clarity, but im pretty rambly (battling to not write a fanfic about this quest) and this is not my native language
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shmowder · 3 months
Back to your dom/sub tierlist for a bit. Which of the doms and switches on your list would prefer an obedient sub and which would prefer a bratty one?
I personally feel like Andrey would definitely go for a bratty, feisty sub, as would Bad Grief when he's domming. They both seem like they'd be into someone who's a free spirit. When Grief moves into the Cathedral and you don't get rid of Barley, he says, "There's some undeniable freedom inside you." Idk, I keep thinking about that.
Also, something tells me Daniil and Mark might have fun with a brat? Georgiy might get something out of putting them in their place, but I don't know if he'd like it, necessarily.
Everyone else, though, I think would prefer an obedient sub. They're too serious. This is perhaps influenced by the tragic absence of brat bones in my body 😔 I'd love to hear your thoughts even if they're different from mine!
🐿️ anon
Those are really good ideas omfg we are on the same wavelength
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All the Kains claim they want an obedient bottom but really, they want a brat to break and wear down until they obey their every word.
Not all the characters hold the same intentions for the type of reader they want. For example, Aglaya would try to get you to obey her every word and follow her rules while Mark Immortell thrives on tricking you and making you accidentally break the rules. Aspity wants you to have blind trust and faith in her while being completely unhinged.
Or the spoiled Reader. Victor would be still try to show he's in control, while someone like Rubin would steal the moon from the sky for you and be at your beck and call for every need. Lara is more authoritarian while Artemy is more sentimental in bed.
The enthusiastic category refers to a bottom reader who makes their partner know how much they want them, how much they're enjoying this and absolutely smitten with their partner.
Dom or top Characters there would be down bad for a reader who showers them in compliments and drowns them in love.
Yulia would absolutely melt from the affection.
While someone like Eva would match your energy and return it tenfolds.
General Block would find your enthusiasm refreshing, especially since he has no use for coyness or shyness. He wants someone direct and as honest about wanting him as he is about them.
Anna thrives under attention and praise, stroking her ego is the best way to ensure she has a great time in bed. She doubles her efforts to impress you and show off her flexibility.
With brat Reader, someone like Maria would get an absolute thrill from breaking you down.
While someone like Georgiy would gradually wear you down and make you concede on your own.
Andrey would take you up on your big talk and all bark no bite, then ask why you're quiet all of the sudden, huh? He earned his arrogance and the right to be confident because he knows he can follow up with his promises.
With Daniil, it's like having a brat off? He'd love an obedient reader just as much ngl, but I had to make him pick a side. He claims he can handle a brat, but absolutely cannot in reality and end up getting his ego hurt when he can't get you to obey him. Dankovsky can only tame the softest of brats.
The powerbottom category is super fitting.
Someone like Oyun would willingly give up power and let you pull him around by the horns and take the lead.
While Katerina would pretend to put up a fight for power and lose at the last minute.
Peter is there because it's less work to do for him during sex, he's– Well he isn't the most attentive partner, you'll do most of the work.
Young Vlad actually wants to be overpowered. He would piss you off deliberately just to have you ride his face out of spite.
Isidor is... well... Listen. All of us thought about being sandwiched between Isidor and Simon at least once, right? That is a very normal and common thought that everyone in the pathologic fandom has at least once...right???
He'd want you to obey, that man has very little control about the things around him; his bedroom won't be one of them.
Simon is a little fucking shit I tell you. He'd walk on you and Isidor doing the deed all unbothered just to have a conversation with him then leave without sparing you at glance, at other times he's very attentive in bed and lets you be freely without rules or anything.
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meirimerens · 5 months
ooh top 5 patho character designs? or top 5 horses hehe
you get both
top 5 patho character designs:
numero one: YULIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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they don't make them like that no more. she's perfect to me. man's haircut [shares it with dankovsky she's just blonde], the only woman to wear pants, her little shoes, her bat-wings lapel... she's so perfect to me.
numero 2: Aspity P2 i love her rags i love her anisocoria... i love her being an androgynous shawty [who in P1 has the same haircut as Yulia [who has the same as dankovsky just blonde] who is the one woman who canonically loves women & aspity also says. real homosexual shit about aglaya. they got lesbian shawties in this town]
numero 3: Anna P1 i actually really really love her fit. It's giving tragic & vampy tightrope walker/acrobat. it cuts sharply with her soft face and some of her earlier concept arts that make her look all around "softer"
numero 4: katerina saburova P2. i will not lie. i say this out of lust.
numero 5: P1 Albino. I fucking love this thing.
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bonus: i'd actually put here the P2 herb brides not as they are but as what they could be... they fit in that "blank state" category where I'll Handle It From Now On......... they could be so much better. but they're not. so. [ROLLS UP SLEEVES]
top 5 horses:
unsure if you meant Breeds or like. A Horse In General Like One Horse but i'm going to assume breeds
numero one: Mérens.
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my reasoning: read my username boy
numero 2: APPALOOSA..... i love them so much. gorgeous gorgeous coat.. beautiful history... sobbing
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numero 3: Percheron
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it's real massive motherfucker monday. i love how they are born basically black and then slowly get greyer with age.
numero 4: Kladruber. i loooove their dramatic profile
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numero 5: Camargue
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what wouldn't i fucking give to be one. you know.
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sevi007 · 3 months
Tales of the Abyss part 46
Where we are on the run again, while I almost forgot WHY we are on the run
(The war. It's the war. I kind of forgot that in this whole mess)
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Mohs comes to mind immediately, but I think Van's whole "destroy the outer lands" shtick is close behind
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Mans is very straightforward, which is rare in this game!
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I'm 99 percent sure we are a bit late for that. Looking at Natalia here
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Awwww. Don't worry Natalia I'm still on the regicide route if he does reject you! (I'm half serious here)
UGH Mohs
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Hey! At least part of us are royality or high ranking people! "Rabble" he says
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Woah what. Sacrifical lamb or what
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Dangabit, we should take Noelle with us from now on. Or hide her somewhere safe.
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Kinda gay Dist! (Sorry I like teasing him)
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Grow up, both of you lmao. Every time you get them on screen together, I feel like I'm back in school XD
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Noice Luke's the sacrifical lamb
Theoretically, shouldn't they kill Asch - ah wait, I guess they do not know about the replica situation yet. Or. Let's say they DID know and did kill Asch. Would that then fulfill the score, or not, because he is now going by a different name? Sheesh, future prediciting is ROUGH Yulia has my sympathy
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Yeah, what the fuck?!
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Omfg - Okay I interrupt this dialogue here to rant. While I UNDERSTAND where Luke is coming from (hello Survivor's guilt mixed with existential crisis and a hint of depression) I was so heartbroken to hear this that I nearly yelled in anger. Of course he is going to twist everything in a way that he is the culprit here!
But let's look at this more rationally - the Score is shit. (Very rational right? lol). What I mean to say is, in the Score there is everything depicting in ONE LINEAR FUTURE. I personally always saw the future as something that is endless ocean of possibilities, of different routes that can be "taken" by making different decisions. The Score only covers the "main route" of this, the most likely one. And since people for thousands of years have been following the Score so faithfully, they have til now never deviated to a different future. Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that.
So say the Score is the main route - then not even that one is a great one! That one is only great for Kimlasca and its prosperity! Malkuth is described to be covered in war, Akzeriuth would have fallen anyway, and Asch would be dead. Who knows what would have become of our party members, or Engreve, or St. Binah, or who knows what else! Is that good? No.
And so far, we only know that Luke is not covered in the main future Yulia had seen. That could mean it's a good thing! We could steer toward a new future! Or at least he does not have to sit around and just take whatever the Score throws at him
Now, let me smack that boy for being an idiot. Or let Tear do it.
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apply that brain-to-mouth-filter sometimes, Luke. It helps.
I like how everyone else just lets Tear rip into him XD
(I love this boy but sometimes he is painfully stupid - read as "extremely unknowing, young, and traumatized")
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valiant-if · 14 days
If the mc asked the ro’s to take a shower with them would they in the dating stage
Hi, anon!
For Anton, he probably would. He might be a little nervous about it if they've never been physically intimate with each other much up until that point, though, assuming that was an aspect in their relationship.
Switch only would if they've already been physically intimate or if they'd been dating for a good while.
Zero would have zero reservations.
Path would probably take a shower with MC even before they're dating, but only if he thought it might end in sex. So when actually dating? He would have no problem with it, though he might be a little awkward about the more gentle sides of such intimacy.
Kiran would hesitate. Whether they've been physically intimate before or not, whether or not they ever plan to be, showering with another person seems like a very personal and intimate thing to do. MC and Kiran might have to be dating for a while before he'd agree.
Yulia - Only if she was really in the mood to spend the time—she's a quick no-nonsense showerer most days. But she'd agree pretty readily for the most part.
Hex - Absolutely. He loves the gentle intimate moments with a partner. Showering together is probably one of his favorite activities.
A2 - She would say no, and it would only be clear that she is being playful through her body language, cuz her tone sure doesn't convey that. So yes, she would, she would just be jokingly stoic about it.
Thanks for the ask!
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jedipoodoo · 10 months
Love Knows No Season (Sergeant Hunter x OC, Wild West AU)
@queenquazar @dilpickledd @the-shadow-of-atlantis @themaridenstationchronicles @allwhoponder
Word Count: 5066 (H O W ? ? ?) Notes: Hypothermia, sickfic(ish), pining but they're too obtuse to realize that the other is pining too. Crosshair 110% says "y'all" y'all are just cowards.
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Saachi was quite surprised to find the Sheriff was at the door when Missus Secura asked her to answer it. She was quite embarrassed that she hadn't put more effort into making sure her hair was brushed, but it had snowed heavily the night before and she wasn't expecting any of the ranch hands to show up.
"Is everything alright, sir?" She asked.
Sheriff Hunter floundered for a moment, "Is that how you greet everyone?" He asked.
"It's the badge, Hunt," Echo gave Hunter a meaningful nudge as he wheeled himself around his brother and into the house.
Hunter glanced down at the lapel of his dark overcoat, with the golden star pinned just over his heart, and quickly took it off, shoving it in his coat pocket.
"Well come on in! Don't let all the heat out!" Mister Secura chuckled good-naturedly, and Saachi stepped out of the way to let Echo and Hunter into the kitchen
"Echo, Sheriff, this is a pleasant surprise," Missus Secura smiled, offering them the plate of cinnamon rolls, fresh from the oven.
"Didn't mean to interrupt anythin', ma'am," Echo nodded, and gratefully accepted the pastry, "We just wanted to invite Yulia and Saachi to come skating with us this morning."
"That sounds wonderful," Yulia gasped and took Saachi's hand. Despite standing over the stove for the past hour, her fingers were still freezing, "Have you ever been skating before?"
"No, I-I don't believe I have," Saachi tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"No need to worry," Echo gave Hunter's arm a solid whack, "Hunter can teach you plenty!"
"Would it just be the four of you, then?" Missus Secura asked, mindful as always.
"No ma'am," Echo sat up straight, "the rest of our brothers will be there too. We're teaching Megan how to skate today as well."
Saachi and Hunter on their own would be an appropriate pair to chaperone Yulia and Echo as they pursued their courtship, but no one would question the integrity of the local doctor in addition to the Sheriff's vow of honor.
"Come on, let's go get ready!" Yulia, still grasping Saachi's hand, pulled her from the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. It was like she knew her parents were going to day yes. Saachi's father and stepmother back home would have required several more rounds of interrogation before possibly considering Saachi being around four men all day, even if they were more friends than strangers.
The Fett boys, however, were no strangers. Saachi had been staying with the Securas in Pabu Creek for the last five months, traveling around Marauder Valley helping any women in need of a midwife or any kind of medical care. In doing so, she'd gotten to know Pabu Creek's Doctor Tech, Yulia's sweetheart Echo, and their brothers quite well. Not to mention their little sister, Megan. Megan was well-versed in medicine, and had helped Saachi and Yulia once or twice. Sheriff Hunter had also escorted them all over the valley, and helped them out of a sticky situation more times than Saachi would care to admit.
"Here, wear this," Yulia handed Saachi a fluffy red scarf.
"What, why?" Saachi wrapped it around her neck anyway, she needed the warmth.
"It matches the one the Sheriff was wearing. Plus, it's a good color on you," Yulia winked.
Saachi hushed her quickly, "He could hear you!" Yulia just laughed all the louder, and brushed Saachi's hair, pulling it back into a smooth bun that could easily fit under a bonnet.
Saachi rolled her eyes. Yulia's attempts at playing matchmaker were getting more and more overt, and Saachi didn't know what to do about it. It had been six months. If the sheriff was going to make a move on her, he would have done so by now. But Saachi didn't mind, not one bit. She was happy simply to spend time with Yulia and the others.
They came back downstairs, bundled tightly. and Yulia took their thicker bonnets from the coat pegs to tie below their chin.
Saachi fumbled with the strings for a moment, trying not to tie her mittens in a knot.
"Let me," The sheriff offered. He took the strings from her hands, tying them in a secure knot just below her chin.
"Thank you, Sher- Hunter." Saachi corrected herself.
"Anytime," Sheriff Hunter held out his arm to her, escorting her down the stairs of the Secura's porch to the sleigh he and Echo had ridden in. The two horses, Havoc and Maudie, waited patiently, delicately pawing at the snow as Hunter helped Echo down the stairs in his wheelchair.
Havoc was a dark gray stallion, with gruff neighs and whinnies. Maudie was a mare with soft yellow fur and mane, and she kept blinking at the brightness of the sun reflected on the bright white snow.
Hunter and Yulia helped Echo into the back of the sleigh with some blankets, and hung his wheelchair off the back of the sleigh. Hunter slipped into the front bench next to Saachi. With a click of his teeth, he urged the horses forward, and theytook off at a brisk trot down the road towards the Fett Family Ranch.
Saachi watched the snow around them, watching it sparkle in the morning sun against a clear blue sky.
"No one ever talks about how bright the snow is. Just how it's always cold, and wet," Saachi spoke quietly, trying not to interrupt Yulia and Echo's conversation. They were adults, they could talk about whatever they wanted.
Hunter grunted, and Saachi thought that would be the end of their conversation as the sleigh hissed across the top of the icy drifts.
"Sometimes it takes seein' something for yourself to see the beauty in it," He said.
Saachi felt the inner urge to keep the conversation going, but she had no idea of what to say next.
"What's your home like?"
"What, the ranch?"
"No no, not your house here, but, you said once that your family came from the Maori islands, right?"
Hunter nodded. "Rotura. New Zealand."
"When I came to America, we stopped in Auckland on the way over. It was pretty small."
"Auckland is not New Zealand," Hunter shook his head, "That's the British New Zealand."
"Right," Saachi gave a deep exhale, watching her breath frost on the crisp air with the awkwardness.
Fortunately, the Fett Home came into view as they rounded a copse of naked trees. Wrecker was outside, chopping wood, and little Megan was helping him, hollaring and waving as the sleigh came up the hill.
"Wrecker, what's she doing out without her coat on?" Hunter sighed and climbed out of the sleigh. But before he went over to give Megan a little push back inside, he offered Saachi a hand out from under the blankets and furs that cushioned the seats.
Wrecker shrugged, and tossed some more logs on the wood pile, "She seemed fine! She was having fun making the snowballs." He pointed to the piled next to the front door.
"She's a kid, Wrecker, she'll get sick faster than we will," Echo explained patiently. Wrecker helped him out of the sleigh and into his wheelchair, helping him through the tracks left by his chair from earlier in the morning.
"How are you going to skate with us, Echo?" Saachi asked, walking alongside Echo's chair.
A loud clattering from the barn, followed by a prolonged moo from the cow, Lulabelle, answered her question. Tech stumbled out, carrying another big, bulky chair in his arms.
"I believe this one will suit our needs rather well!" He proudly announced, holding it up as high as he could with the bulky shape.
Megan threw open the door to the house, now wrapped up in a long, woolen overcoat, with a scarf, gloves, and a thick bonnet like Saachi's and Yulia's.
"Who's ready for ice skating!" She whooped and grabbed Saachi's hand, taking off at a sprint down the hill from the house to the lake.
Omega skid to a stop at the lake's edge, and Saachi nearly crashed into her, both of them studying the ice in great detail.
"So how do we do it?" Omega asked, gasping for breath.
Saachi shook her head, "I don't know."
Still holding Saachi's hand for good luck, Megan stretched out her booted foot, placing it solidly on the ice. Nothing happened. Megan leaned forward, placing her second foot on the ice with it. She gave a little bounce to see if something would happen, and her feet slipped out from under her, and she landed on her rear.
A sharp whistle pierced the air, and Saachi watched Crosshair, the last and most aloof of the brothers, approach with two pairs of shoes with blades attached to the bottom.
"I think this will make it more fun for y'all."
"What's that?" Megan groaned, pushing herself back on her feet and rubbing her bum.
Crosshair waved the smaller pair of skates at her, and Saachi noticed a third pair slung over his shoulders, "This, kid, is the 'skate' in 'ice skate'."
Saachi helped Megan off the ice again, and Crosshair showed them how to lace up the skates as Wrecker and Tech helped Echo down the hill with his new chair.
The seat was the same wicker frame as Echo's wheelchair, but instead of the wheels, the framework beneath the seat was attached to two handles, much like the brake in a railroad engine, so that Echo could steer the ice skates at the bottom of the framework.
Yulia laced up her own pair of skates and was the first one on the ice after Echo. While he figured out the mechanics of his new chair, Yulia took Megan's hands and led her out on the ice. Megan's feet almost slipped out from under her, but Yulia kept a firm hold on her, showing her how to position her feet and keep her balance.
"Where's Hunter?" Saachi glanced around, but couldn't see the Sheriff who had brought them there.
"He's puttin' the horses in the barn to stay warm," Crosshair winked at her, "You're welcome to wait for 'im if you want 'im to show ya a few moves..."
Saachi's face flushed with warmth from her chin to the tip of her nose, despite the cold. Did everyone know that she was sweet on the Sheriff?
"Wrecker! Can you show me how to skate?"
"Me?" Wrecker was momentarily confused, but it was quickly replaced with a grin as big as the Grand Canyon, "Sure thing!"
Keeping her hand on Wrecker's arm, Saachi carefully pulled herself to her feet. She could balance a sword on her fingertip, she could balance her body on a single blade. She placed her feet on the ice just as Yulia had told Omega, and let Wrecker lead her across the ice.
Her legs wobbled a bit, “How do you move on these?” she asked. 
“Like this!” Wrecker shot forward, yanking Saachi with him. Saachi squealed and hung on to Wrecker’s arm for dear life as she was dragged across the ice with him, her feet flying out from under her as she tried to get a semblance of balance.
Yulia laughed as Wrecker skated past with Saachi and tow. She was skating lazily, using Echo’s chair like a cane to keep her balance. Saachi caught a glimpse of Crosshair’s smirk and turned to shoot a rude comment in his direction, only for her grip to slip from Wrecker’s arm and send her tumbling face first into a thick leather jacket.
Hunter caught her under the elbows, holding her steady until she got her feet under her. Wrecker didn’t seem the least bit apologetic for his shenanigans.
"Thanks, Wreck," Hunter said, his voice low and his eyes never leaving Saachi's, "I got it from here.”
Wrecker laughed, “If you say so, boss!” He skated over to Megan, much more gracefully than one would expect of a man his girth.
Hunter took Saachi’s hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow. His arms weren’t as big as Wrecker’s, but they were firm and warm, and it kept her hand tucked up against his warm chest. Saachi tried to place her second hand there for a more secure grip, but Hunter gently pushed it away.
“You’ll need that to keep your balance. Here,” He gave a little push with his skates, and he almost pulled away from Saachi before she pulled herself after him.
“Start with smaller strokes, it’s easier to keep yourself from fallin’ over. Watch me,” He pointed down at their feet. Though his feet moved almost diagonally as they pushed against the ice, his body kept moving in a straight line. Saachi matched her steps to his, slowly but surely gliding across the ice. Now she was starting to see why this was enjoyable. 
Hunter led Saachi around the perimeter of the lake, helping her get accustomed to the movement and letting her find her balance.
“You know how to dance, right?”
Saachi blinked up at him, “Do you?” She demanded.
Hunter chuckled and spun himself in front of Saachi. Still holding her hand, he was skating backward as he led her in a lazy Figure Eight.
“C’mon now, you didn’t think we’re that uncultured out here did ya?”
Well, the Secura’s did host a dance from time to time,but Saachi couldn’t think of a time she’d seen the Sheriff dancing at one.
Before she could come up with a witty retort, Hunter gently pulled her in closer, holding her hand in his and placing his free hand on her waist. Saachi fell into dance position easily, and without missing a beat Hunter glided through the waltz steps– one, two, three, one two three –and spun Saachi under his arm.
Like any upper-crust lady who’d been taught how to dance, Saachi anticipated the move, lifting her right foot just above the ice, and rising to the tip of the blade of her skates. She wobbled on such a small area, but Hunter held her firmly, and kept her from falling.
Saachi landed with her back against Hunter’s chest, both his hands clutched in her, and the others applauded their show.
“Well done,” Hunter whispered in her ear. Unable to do anything but giggle childishly, Saachi gave a curtsy to her dance partner.
Megan laughed, more than confident enough in her own abilities as she skated by, grinning at Saachi and Hunter, like she knew something that they didn’t.
The sound of a gunshot ripped through the air, and everyone paused for a moment. When no one reported any injuries, they all relaxed, but Megan stayed frozen.
It turned out Saachi was warmed by more than just the movement required for skating. The ice was getting thinner, creating a spider-web of cracks beneath Megan's feet.
"Help me," She whimpered.
"Wrecker, you and Echo get off the ice," Hunter said. Everyone began talking at once, Wrecker protesting trying to say that he could help, Yulia trying to make her way over to Echo, Crosshair skating towards Megan as fast as he could, and Tech drawing closer as he tried to tell Megan how she should avoid falling through the ice.
"Everyone shut up and stop moving!" Hunter barked. His voice sent the birds scrambling away in the trees.
"Wrecker, you're too heavy. We need as many of us off the ice as possible."
Wrecker and Yulia helped Echo get his chair off the ice, and slowly Tech made his way to the edge of the lake.
“You too Cross,” Hunter said. Crosshair tried to move closer to where Omega was, but he was still halfway across the lake, and Saachi and Hunter were already closer to Megan. Finally, he gave up, and joined the others on the snow.
"Yulia, get us a stick or something!" Hunter waved a hand at the woods. Yulia stumbled through the snow, growing slushier with each passing second, and Crosshair was right being her, trying to find a stick the perfect length to reach Megan.
"Just stay right there, Megs, it's gonna be okay," Saachi smiled at her, trying to ease Megan's racing nerves as well as her own.
"Spread out your body weight, Megan, it will keep the ice from cracking faster!" Tech said.
Megan was balanced precariously already. The more she stared at her feet, the faster the cracks seemed to appear.
"Here!" Wrecker passed a stick as tall as Crosshair to Hunter. Hunter tossed it over to Saachi who held the stick out to Megan.
"Grab on, kid," He nodded urgently. Saachi held on to the other end of the thick stick, providing a counterbalance for Megan's weight and lifting her off the ice just slightly.
"Now what?" Saachi asked.
Hunter scrambled for a bit, trying to put his thoughts into words.
"We've got to swing her over to the edge of the lake, or at least off the weak part of the ice,"
Saachi nodded, wondering if she had the strength to do that on her own. She and Hunter were both too scared to move, any movement could make the ice crack faster and send them all into the frozen water below.
Strength, she almost certainly had. She'd picked up Megan and stacks upon stacks of encyclopedias at the library dozens of times before. It was her balance that was in question.
Saachi's breath frosted in the air, clouding her glasses as she gathered her strength. As best she could, Saachi swung the stick like a cricket bat, launching Megan at the lakes edge. She let go of the stick in the process, stumbling forwards and landing on her hands and knees.
Everyone heaved a sigh of relief as Tech caught Megan under her arms, helping her to her feet.
Saachi braced her hands on the ice to stand up, only to realize that this patch of ice was much darker than the rest.
She fell face-first into the freezing water without a chance to gasp for air.
"Saachi!" She heard everyone screaming her name, but all she could see was the dark water around her. She tried not to scream and lose what precious air she had left, kicking and searching for the surface as her fingers began to grow numb and the cold stabbed at her skin.
A stick jabbed her in the stomach and she grabbed it on instinct, trying to push away the offending object, but instead it tugged her upward, into the biting wind.
Saachi gasped for breath. By some miracle her glasses were still on her face, though her thrashing had pushed them down the tip of her nose. She could make out a clump of blurry shapes with Hunter's orange coat and the red knit hat and scarf Omega had made him. He was crawling towards her on his belly, across the ice, a death grip on the stick they'd used to save Megan.
"Take my hand!" He yelled. Megan and the others were also yelling, asking if Saachi was okay or what they could do to help.
Hunter shoved his hand in Saachi's face so she wouldn't miss it. Her fingers fumbled, unable to quite bend around his hand in a firm grip. Hunter gave a small tug, pulling her a bit farther out of the ice, allowing him to grip her wrist tightly.
"Wrecker! Grab my feet!" Hunter called over his shoulder.
Wrecker cautiously made his way across the ice, only stepping on the solid white parts as before he leaned forward, grabbing Hunter by the ankles.
The ice held beneath Saachi as the biting cold became slightly less cold as she was carefully pulled out of the hole in the ice.
"Good, good, keep going!" Hunter said, though the encouragement didn't feel directed at anyone in particular. Saachi reached for him with her free hand, digging her fingers into the leather of his coat as best she could. As her fingers slipped, Hunter seized her other wrist.
"Hang on, sweetheart, just a bit farther," He gasped, glancing over his shoulder. Wrecker had reached the lake's edge, giving Hunter the confidence he needed to move a bit more freely and pulled Saachi closer, wrapping her up in his coat and placing his had on her head. The laces of her bonnet still hung around her throat, like an icy necklace, and her waves had slipped from her bun, freezing against her bare skin.
"I'm getting her inside," Hunter was on his feet before Wrecker could offer to carry Saachi, following their footprints back to the door of the cabin.
Saachi blinked her eyes, trying to get rid of the icicles that were starting to form on her eyelashes.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Hunter said. It was almost the same tone that he used with the horses when they were acting up, but this sounded much more worried.
"Don't fall asleep on me, keep your eyes opened," He urged. His warm breath fanned across her face. It was a pathetic breeze compared to the snowfall, but it kept Saachi's nose from freezing.
Hunter kicked open the door and set Saachi in the rocking chair closest to the fireplace. The fireplace itself was down to the embers
"Karking hells-!" a mixture of all his sibling's names poised at the tip of his tongue, but he settled for growling instead. He tossed three logs on the embers, only to snuff out what was left of them.
He cursed again and grabbed the matches from the mantle. He tried once, twice, three times before the flame caught, and he pressed it up against the wood.
The fire spread slowly, too slowly for Hunter's liking. He yanked the blanket off of Megan's trundle bed and went to wrap it around Saachi, only to realize that she was still shivering in her wet clothes.
Yulia finally caught up.
"Do you have any spare clothes she could use? We need to get her things dried off."
Hunter climbed up the ladder to the loft, tossing down another blanket and his nightgown, thick linen for the cold months.
Yulia drew the curtain that gave Megan's little bed some privacy as the others made their way inside.
"Which one of you was dumb enough to let the fire go out in the middle of winter!?" Hunter snapped.
Tech huffed, offended, "Well, you are the one who said we should always be careful to put out a fire before leaving it unattended."
Megan giggled as Hunter floundered like a fish out of water.
"Hey Hunter, you still have your skates on." Wrecker pointed out.
"How'd you make it up the hill like that?" Echo murmured what Saachi was thinking.
Yulia helped Saachi peel her frozen things off her body, rubbing her hands against her arms and legs every so often.
"You alright?" Yulia asked, "That was a bit of a shock."
Saachi shook her head and pulled on the nightgown, "Und-d-ders-t-tatment of th-the cent-t-ury."
Saachi was quickly settled in the rocking chair in front of the fire and wrapped up in a pile of blankets. Echo and Tech escorted Yulia back to the Secura’s farm so she could grab some of Saachi’s things and explain that they needed to stay with the Fetts until Saachi was better, and Crosshair and Wrecker were seeing to the cows and the other animals on the ranch.
Megan, having been assured that it wasn’t her fault that Saachi had fallen through the ice, was asleep on Saachi’s lap, since Saachi was using her blankets. Hunter poured some water from the kettle into a bucket for Saachi’s feet, and used the rest to make some tea.
“Thank you,” Saachi whispered.
“Nothing like Indian tea, to be sure,” He joked, “But it’ll warm ya up.”
Saachi smiled up at him, and he quickly glanced away to hide his own smile.
“What was that for?” She asked, trying not to jostle Megan.
“Nothin’,” Hunter waved it off and sat on Megan’s bed with his own cup of tea.
Saachi wasn’t sure she wanted to take the man at his word. He had run up the hill in skates to get her to safety, and the water in the bucket was already warm before he added more.
If she wanted to find out if the Sheriff was sweet on her, like Yulia and Crosshair insisted, it was now or never.
“Sheriff, are you trying to court me?”
Hunter was quiet for a moment, then a chuckle echoed in his tin cup, “Have been for the last six months, but I was beginnin’ to think you weren’t interested.”
“Not interested?” Saachi asked.
He shrugged and set his cup aside. His winter things were hanging up to dry, leaving him in his suspenders and the work shirt that hugged his toned muscles from years of riding and hard work. He took Megan from Saachi’s arms and placed the girl in her bed with a blanket from one of their brothers.
“I thought you were trying to let me down easy, all polite and stuff.”
“Let you down, for what?”
“Well, escortin’ you to the carriage and walkin’ you around the town, makin’ sure you had the things you needed for your work, tryin’ to invite you to all the dances and stuff that Echo takes Yulia to, things like that.”
Hunter ran a hand through his hair and tucked the blankets around Megan a little tighter so she wouldn’t shiver in her sleep, “Maybe I wasn’t bein’ bold enough, like Cross said. But Wrecker said he thought I was doin’ good.” He sat on the floor next to Saachi’s chair and added another log to the fire.
"I thought you were just being nice! All the men back east do those things for women all the time."
"And you never thought they were flirtin' with ya?"
Saachi felt a heat in her cheeks that wasn't from the fire and laughed lamely, "Well, not really."
“Don’t worry,” Hunter tucked one of her curls into her braid, brushing her cheek with the pad of his thumb as he did so, “I still think you’re smart.”
Saachi glared up at him, her nose scrunching in a way that made him chuckle, the opposite of her intended effect.
Hunter pushed himself up onto one knee so that he could rest both his hands on the arm of the chair, next to where Saachi clutched her cooling cup of tea.
“Miss Saachi, I would be honored if you let me court you properly. Once you’re all better that is.”
Saachi felt the warmth from her cheeks soaking into every muscle in her body, almost as if she’d never fallen into the freezing water.
“I’d be honored, Sheriff Hunter.”
He smiled, sitting back on the floor. “I promise, once the snow starts to melt, I’m gonna pick you the most colorful bundle of wildflowers you ever saw.”
“Now that’s a high bar to reach, Sheriff,” Saachi teased, “I’ve yet to see any wildflowers on the Western Frontier that can match the lotuses of India.”
“Oh really?”
Saachi chuckled, "Tell me about your New Zealand, and I'll tell you about my India."
Hunter smiled wistfully. “Well, one of my oldest memories is of rotten eggs.”
“Rotten eggs?” This was not nearly as romantic as Saachi thought it would be.
Hunter laughed, letting his head roll back as he stretched out his legs, “Rotura is built on an old volcano. The sulfur and gasses eek out, and make the city smell worse than the British do.”
Saachi slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her own laughter. The British had left their fair share of trash all over Saachi’s beloved home too.
“At least most of the British don’t want to settle there because of the smell, and those who are born there are used to it.
“And it’s not all bad. There’s lakes everywhere, more than I knew how to count as a kid. And the hot springs too, like Yosemite.” 
“Did you ever visit them?”
“All the time.” Hunter pulled one leg to his chest, resting his arm on his knee, “I definitely miss them during the winter months.”
“I could use a hot spring myself,” Saachi said, “During the monsoon season, it never stops raining, but it never got this cold.”
“So you’re a good swimmer, then?”
Saachi gave Hunter a glare as playful as the twinkle in his eye. “I’m good at swimming when I’ve not been taken by surprise. And the floods in India don’t chill you to the bone like the snow does here.”
“Fair enough.”
“I much prefer the summer, when the mangoes ripen and you can sit in the branches and eat your full without moving an inch.”
“Yeah, me too,” Hunter said.
Saachi looked into his eyes. The heat from the fire dried out her eyes, but Hunter’s bright brown eyes carried that same glow of warmth without the searing pain. She wanted more of that warmth, of that glow.
He almost seemed to be getting closer, or at least he would have, if the door hadn’t been thrown open with a chilling gust of wind as Yulia burst in, Echo and Tech in tow.
Yulia froze in the doorway, noting Megan asleep on the bed, and Saachi and Hunter leaning conspicuously towards each other.
“Are we interrupting anything?” She asked, a musical lilt in her voice.
“No ma’am.” Saachi and Hunter both insisted.
“Well good,” Tech pushed past Yulia with Echo’s chair, “Because Missus Secura sent us home with enough stew that even Wrecker should go to bed full.”
“Well that’s good,” Hunter said, trying not to sound embarrassed.
Echo and Yulia were not as easily deterred, and both of them watched Saachi and Hunter with knowing looks. 
Saachi refused to dignify their teasing, and bent over her tea, which had gone cold.
“Here, let me get that for ya,” Hunter offered before she could even ask. 
His finger brushed against hers as he slipped the cup from her hand, and Saachi’s heartbeat stuttered in her chest.
So this was what it felt like to be courted by the Sheriff.
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rathologic · 1 year
hi, sorry to send something again so soon 😅
so, the religion Clara tries to convert people to in P1. is it meant to be a spin on Christianity? because there are references to God, figures from the Bible, and many mentions of Heaven and Hell. P2 Clara especially seems to have a much more religious aspect to her character (if the “God loves me 😌” line doesn’t give that away)
and i’ve always been really curious about that. is it an altered version of Christianity? (i say altered because i know Clara has a line in P2 where she’s like “why does everyone think God is up above us? he’s down below!”)
the "religion" she's converting people to is the ideology of Humility, as developed by yulia lyuricheva and katerina saburova -- I'd summarize it as "justification of sacrifice to keep the world in order". the Law it maintains is the same as that which aglaya is an instrument of, but it's also integrated into the Kin's cosmology (moreso in p2 with one of p2's worst twists). humility itself is the mechanism of the saburovs' insane death gamble to save the town via clara, so it's also manipulation all the way down :-)
The first thing, the original creation, was the Earth. The ancient one, giving life to plants and animals. She begat the Abattoir; she begat the Kin. She gives and she takes. The dead go into her; everything ends with her. She is the inception and the completion. Such is the Law. We, the Saburovs, act in the interests of the Law, by which everyone must abide. Ours is a faith of Humility.
The faith of humility is a faith for the doomed. Whoever is resigned to death deserves to die.
Let me tell you about the Law. It's not a state law, but rather a natural one. When mysterious evil emerges from nonexistence, it's a clear sign that this law has been violated. Disease is a retribution for trespassers. It's an attempt to restore the balance.
the thing with all of the Humbles is that they believe themselves responsible for the tragedy that's befallen the town, by way of some immediate or past misdeed, and by converting them to the faith of Humility they agree to sacrifice their lives to stop the plague. while the idea of the humbles' "sin" and of a "miracle" in this framework are basically christian, I'd say that comes from the lens of how Clara is interfacing with the idea of humility, and not a foundational way of describing it as a religion
which is because Clara herself 100% identifies with what I'd call not altered, but neutered christianity - the type of cultural implicit christianity where text and worship aren't rigorous (per there not being any functional religious meeting places in the town) but like the ideas are there. patho goes to some lengths to avoid mentioning, e.g., jesus, but the biblical tie-ins especially re: peter stamatin, the idea of the Cathedral, and the dialogue you mentioned lay out that the settler-town is influenced by a basically christian worldview. though I don't have the background on Russian christianity to give any implementation details 😄 (this also applying to pathologic being written from mostly the same cultural context)
+ the changeling justifies her existence (having woken up in a grave five minutes ago) by believing she's a saint and miracle-worker, which in the context of the town's beliefs, of her being a kid, and of how she finds her powers to work, spin into mysticism where within this culturally christian baseline (a post I drafted this very week basically asks why this is the case for newborn clara, given that she's ultimately better described by the Kin's beliefs and imagery) she bends the rules to portray herself as more legitimate (consciously or not) i.e. the voiceline in 2 above. so since she's the point-of-view character for 95% of the interaction the player has with humility, it gets translated through her own lens :-)
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