#yup lance is a vampire
velkynkarma · 2 years
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I posted 834 times in 2022
27 posts created (3%)
807 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 834 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 281 posts
#snakes - 60 posts
#cats - 51 posts
#tumblr - 46 posts
#velkynkarma writes - 42 posts
#cute - 38 posts
#pokemon - 33 posts
#yup - 32 posts
#dungeons & dragons - 30 posts
#d&d - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#but only after i turn out the lights and it's safe to come out according to his little bp brain
My Top Posts in 2022:
When Shiro sends an emergency call while the Covenant is in town, Lance is ready to follow instructions and lay low. But he's not too thrilled with one of those orders: to rescue his vampiric roommate Keith from their apartment and get him to safety. In broad daylight. While he's out cold.
Living was nice while it lasted.
A missing scene from Premium Pandemonium, Chapter 19.
Warnings: None
“You are of course more than welcome to stay here,” Allura says graciously. She sits down on her chair again, accompanied by a chorus of “HAILS!” and “PRAISE THE KINDNESS OF THE LION GODDESS!” from the mice.
“I’ll prepare your rooms, once we’ve finished warning the community,” Coran adds.
“Better prepare one more,” Lance says, and winces slightly. “We, ah…we have one other order from Shiro. Hunk…we gotta go get Keith.”
Hunk blinks. He and his swarm of hair-snakes stare at him. Lance is very glad Hunk is wearing contacts, because otherwise with that much stunning power he’d be on the floor in seconds. “But…it’s day,” Hunk says after a moment, as though this was obvious.
“Who’s Keith?” Pidge asks.
“I know it’s day,” Lance says. “That’s how bad it is, I guess. Shiro warned me to bundle him up good and get him over here. Which makes sense…you know he’s useless during the day. If Sanda showed up…”
“Ooooh.” Hunk grimaces. “Yeah. Yeah, that could…that could be bad. Really bad.”
“Who’s Keith?” Pidge repeats. “And what’s his beef with day? Is he a bogeyman?”
“Vampire,” Lance says.
“Oh.” Pidge’s eyes widen in understanding.
27 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Phantom didn’t feel like participating. 
Part of this project over here.
36 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
My snake is really weird...
46 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
After the defeat of the Galra cult, the Holts dig into the research of their leader, Haggar. At Shiro's request, they search for information about him and his newfound magic in those notes.
Shiro fully expects them to find uncomfortable truths in those pages. But he doesn't at all expect what they actually find.
Warnings: None
Shiro sits up immediately, on high alert. “Is something wrong? Are you in trouble?”
He’s already running through a mental inventory of his current weaponry, trying to decide if it’s worth rushing out the door or taking another minute to secure a few more knives and an extra pistol. Before he has to make the decision, Sam interrupts his train of thought. “Oh, no, no. There’s no danger and nobody is in trouble. I’m sorry, I couldn’t remember if you had classes tonight, and this discovery is...well, you’ll want to hear it as soon as you can.”
“Discovery?” Shiro’s interest perks immediately. “Is it about the magic?”
At its mention, the fire magic bound to his right arm stirs, tongues of violet fire licking over his fingers once before settling back into the runes carved into his arm. True mine?
He rubs his fingers absently together in a reassuring gesture. If it is, I promise I’ll return you, he thinks in the language of magic. The flames quiet inside of him, calmed.
“It’s...related,” Sam says carefully. “I honestly don’t think it’s a wise idea to speak about it over the phone. Are you available today?”
Well, that certainly catches his attention. “I don’t have classes today,” Shiro says. “Mostly just doing prepwork. I can be over in half an hour, if that works?”
“Excellent,” Sam says. “That works perfectly.”
“I’ll be there soon, then,” Shiro says, before hanging up.
56 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I got my dream pet recently, a snake, and I really wanted to try my hand at snake shed pendants. 
I thought it’d be fun to experiment with some fandom ones, so here’s some Deceit pendants from Sanders Sides.  
Featuring Phantom, my ball python, as seen below. And yes, the keychains do have real snake scales in them :) 
See the full post
65 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
5 notes · View notes
sp4c3-0ddity · 5 years
Another Vampire Romance
The path through the forest isn't the shortcut Katie hoped it would be, and the "haunting" isn't mere superstition after all.
Word count:  5425 (one-shot, complete)
i swear this is a serious fic. don’t be misled by the title it’s still April Fool’s where i live. in any case, i never did think i’d ever write a vampire fic...
as always, i must thank @rueitae for beta reading so quickly
uh warnings for blood/injury and some suggestive themes - you know, the usual vampire fiction stuff. and i hope you enjoy!!
Edit:  @artemisarya did fan art of a scene and it’s so good ;_; 
Read below or here on ao3:
The forest wasn’t truly haunted as far as Katie could tell. Why should it be? She saw none of the restless spirits of a thousand soldiers, no ghosts that wandered the trees where they died lost, no demons lurking in the dark beyond the footpath, waiting for a single misstep to seize the soul of an innocent passerby.
No vampires crouching, a stalking predator lying in wait to take her by surprise.
But it was getting darker, shadows growing longer and sunlight barely penetrating the thick interlacing branches overhead, and according to Katie’s map she was still leagues away from the nearest village at the edge of the forest.
Maybe she should’ve taken the long, more populated route…but then she would’ve risked arriving for the start of her term late.
If only her family could spare her sooner - but if that was possible, she could’ve afforded to hire a wagon.
Brown leaves crunched underfoot as Katie trekked, the sound deafening in the stillness of the forest by evening. Even all the birds, so vibrant despite perching unseen in the trees, fell silent over an hour ago.
Suddenly Katie wondered if their silence was down to the time…or location.
A breeze stirred the branches, setting them rustling, and she clutched her cloak a little tighter around herself, shivering. She’d been walking with few breaks for the whole day, and her limbs and fuzzy mind longed to stop for longer than it took to rest her aching feet and relieve herself. But Katie needed to press on to the next village to avoid spending the night in the forest…although soon it would be too dark to read her map.
A low growl broke the stillness.
Katie froze, her eyes wide and a shiver traveling up her spine. Lions didn’t venture so far north…but did bears growl like that?
I’m being followed, she realized with dawning horror. She forced her feet to shift, muscles poised to flee at the first sign of a threat, as she tried to remember what, exactly, one did to avoid being mauled by a bear.
But what if whatever followed her wasn’t a bear but something worse?
“Evening, milady.”
Katie shrieked, arms flailing in a pitiful effort to defend herself as she jumped away from the…mild male voice. She opened her eyes - when did she close them? - and met the blue-eyed gaze of a boy that looked close to her age.
He didn’t look surprised at her reaction, only bemused judging by his slight smile and a thin, raised eyebrow. “I apologize,” he said, oddly formal as he rested a hand over his heart. “I forget how easy it is to sneak up on a human.” He spoke with the slightest accent that Katie couldn’t place, his skin too dark - like he spent hours in the sun - to name him local…and his clothes - a fine navy coat over the tight trousers that noblemen wore - worn by a journey, wrinkled with a few odd stains.
But he carried no bag, no water skin, no obvious weapon at his belt.
Curious, especially this deep in the forest.
He looked more than just disheveled too, his clothes torn in places, and his dark skin mottled darker with bruises on his jaw and under his eye.
What…hurt him?
(And would it treat her the same?)
Katie cleared her throat in a pitiful attempt to compose herself; the mystery of the man’s sudden and strange appearance helped - she never really could resist a mystery. And his words… “Are you implying that you aren’t human?” she wondered with a laugh.
It sounded forced to her ears. How could he not be human? Yet her heart pounded in her ears, almost too loud in the eerie stillness of the forest - haunted, Katie remembered.
Well, perhaps there were more to those claims than mere superstition.
The man’s eyes - a shocking and almost inhuman shade of the vividest blue - widened before he laughed, hands slipping into his coat pockets as he tossed his head back, exposing the narrow column of his throat. “It’s been too long since I spent time with the more ignorant members of your kind,” he admitted as if it was the most casual confession in the world, “but since you know…” He rubbed the back of his neck, gaze darting around, looking almost awkward. “Can you spare me a drink? I’d never ask a stranger, but I’m getting desperate, and you’re the first human I’ve met since I came here.”
Katie stared at him, growing more bewildered with every word that escaped his lips. Numbly she reached for the water skin dangling from her tote and held it out to him. “Uh…sure, you can have a drink,” she told him. “According to my map, there’s a stream not far from here, so I can refill—”
The man cut her off when he took the water skin. He went so far as to uncap it and sniff its contents - water, as if there was any doubt - before handing it back to her. “That’s…not what I meant,” he said with an oddly apologetic smile.
“Then what do you mean?” Katie asked…although she already knew the answer.
She stumbled back a step, nearly tripping over an arching tree root that extended over the footpath, with her heart leaping into her throat. Her fingers found the silver cross dangling from her neck - a gift from her mother in happier times.
Stories of the thousand soldiers ordered by a despotic liege lord to march through this very forest only to disappear without a trace flashed through her mind, of travelers warned to journey the long way around, of playing children lost and never found.
“Vampire,” she hissed, glaring at the man…though her heart raced faster than any warhorse, urging her to flee.
The man - the vampire - glanced down, at her hand gripping the cross. “That won’t protect you from me,” he warned, “anymore than it will from the ones of my kind that make this forest their home. Besides”—he smirked very slightly—”I’m a Christian too, milady.” He leaned towards her, like a predator crouching for the pounce - and she was the prey. “I swear it won’t hurt.”
Katie took another step back, looking him up and down. He was a whole head taller than her, lean with long legs, so if she ran for it doubtless he would catch her.
And as exhausted and achy as she felt after days of walking on foot, she couldn’t outlast him.
But the blood rushing past her ears, filling her with a panicky energy, urged her to try anyway.
So Katie turned and ran, air whistling past her as she wove around tree trunks. Her feet thudded against the ground, each step sending a shock reverberating through her body. She swung her arms to keep her balance as she nearly stumbled over roots, and the sound of her breathing and pounding heart filled her ears.
She didn’t halt till she tripped at the crest of a hill. Her knees buckled beneath her, and she fell to the ground with a gasp, her body rolling down too fast so all she could do to protect herself was tuck her elbows close to her sides and keep her mouth closed against swallowing any dirt.
She slowed to a stop at the base of the hill, panting and gasping for air, leaves and twigs stuck to her cloak and in her hair, tears in her baggy trousers where rocks and sticks caught in the fabric.
Tears - of pain, of panic and distress - pooled at the corners of her eyes while the world overhead spun, branches and leaves blurring dark green and gray. Her skin stung and smarted everywhere, the scraped palms of her hands worst of all, but when she touched her aching temple, viscous red blood stained her fingertips.
Katie rolled onto her side, clutching her throbbing head and trying to keep her surroundings from spinning too far out of her control. She sat upright and reached for her tote at her back to rifle inside for her rolled up parchment map.
She drew it by hand based on her father’s old atlas; his library was the only thing she and her mother agreed to keep intact from their old estate, refusing to sell even a single tome, and she made sure to put it to good use.
She unrolled the map and slowly stood, head fuzzy as the ground tilted beneath her, but she kept her balance by leaning against a nearby tree trunk. She inhaled as steadily as she could, squinting at the map and trying to orient herself.
But it was too dark, the light of the full moon barely enough to make out any lines of ink on the parchment, much less what they symbolized.
So much for escaping the forest by dark.
Katie slid down the tree with a sigh, her chest tight and shoulders rigid. What if the vampire found her, injured and weak? She could barely keep her eyes open now that the energy of flight faded…
“Look at that, Zethrid,” a high, simpering voice intruded. “Can you believe it? I’ve never seen prey that did all the work for us.”
Katie blinked slowly, forcing her eyelids open despite the sleep trying to weigh them down, and stared up at three unfamiliar faces.
Their eyes, luminous in the moonlit darkness, glinted wickedly.
“It took all the fun out of the hunt, Ezor,” the largest figure complained with a snarl. Her nostrils flared, gaze falling to Katie’s forehead. “Such a waste of clean blood too…”
“She’s still worthwhile,” the third, shortest figure said, her voice cooler and more detached than the others. She crouched in front of Katie, fingers gently clutching her chin and tilting her head to the side to examine the cut on her temple. Her brow furrowed, nose twitching, and she mumbled, “But there’s something in her scent…”
“She’s barely a snack, Acxa,” the big one - Zethrid, Katie guessed despite her sluggish mind - whined. “And she’s already injured, so there’s no sport in this.”
“Lotor won’t care about that,” said Acxa.
“Of course not,” the first speaker, tall and willowy, agreed while she picked at her fingernail. “He only wants intruders to know whose territory this is.”
“And her injuries make that an easier task than usual,” Acxa pointed out with a nod.
Zethrid rolled her eyes but grunted, while Ezor grinned nastily. “She’s so small she’s not even worth sharing.”
Katie swallowed, heart constricting with a newfound fear. Perhaps she should’ve taken her chances with the vampire that asked for permission.
But she curled one hand into a fist, her other closing around the hilt of her knife. She wouldn’t be able to run, not in her state, but she refused to let them drink her dry without a fight.
Acxa gripped her arm, wrenching her upright, but Katie swung her knife at her face with a scowl. The vampire dodged easily, her other hand closing around her flailing wrist and gripping so tight and wrenching her arm so sharply that Katie yelped in pain.
The knife slipped from her fingers.
Katie blinked burning, frustrated tears from her eyes. Was it really…was that really how easily the smallest of them could overpower her?
But no, she couldn’t give up now; her mother still needed her, she had that coveted place she fought for at a renowned college, she had to survive this and—
Zethrid lifted her effortlessly, but Katie thrashed, kicking her feet. Her boot collided with Ezor’s chest, but she didn’t even step backwards, just laughed and patronizingly patted her cheek.
“Is this enough of a fight for you, Zethrid?” she asked her burly companion.
Zethrid scowled. “She wouldn’t be able to crush a spider under her heel,” she grumbled. She hefted Katie over her shoulder, carrying her like a pathetic sack of potatoes with her legs dangling uselessly against her chest.
But Katie still fought, bellowing with all the air she could pull into her lungs. She tried punching Zethrid’s back, though the effort made the ground lurch all over again, and even twisting around to grab a fistful of her hair.
But it was useless, she started to realize. A sob burst out of her, her heart dropping into her stomach alongside a heavy knot of dread.
If she was barely a “snack”, why didn’t they just finish her now?
Ezor walked behind them, laughing and smirking in obvious mockery while she and Zethrid chatted, oblivious to - or reveling in - Katie’s fear. Only Acxa, who led the way deeper into the trees, further away from the footpath, traveled in silence.
Until a low and feral growl forced them to a halt.
“Back off!” the first vampire she ever met hissed. “I saw her first!”
Katie lifted her head, a weird flush creeping into her skin despite the rapid, frightened pounding of her heart. Her breath caught in her throat when her gaze fell on him, his body wound tight with his arms rigid at his sides, a livid scowl twisting his lips, and his eyes a blazing blue no one could mistake as human.
He looked just as threatening as the three vampires carting her away.
They turned to face him, and Katie lost her view. “You again?” Acxa said, though she sounded more weary than annoyed. “I thought we warned you off Lotor’s territory.”
“Can’t you see, Acxa?” Ezor sneered. “He’s lost his pet and wants it back.”
Katie glared at the ground and spat, “I’m not his—”
“I did,” the man agreed so quickly Katie forced her jaws shut despite the irritation filling her. “She’s smart for a human but gets lost so easily, and obviously she doesn’t understand the finer points of our politics when I warned her that she was trespassing on Lotor’s territory.”
Anger made her blood hot, but Katie wasn’t so thoughtless she’d dare to contradict him now. He was trying to free her, to talk her out of a situation she - and likely he, outnumbered three to one - couldn’t fight their way out of, but—
He probably just wanted her blood for himself.
Well, she preferred the vampire that might listen to reason to the three carrying her off to be devoured.
(Never mind that animalistic growl that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end…)
Katie held her breath, her heart pounding while she waited for them to deliberate, the silence thick with an awful tension, until at last Acxa said, “Do you swear to leave our territory by dawn?”
“Only if you return her to me,” he said, tone firm.
She didn’t reply immediately, so Zethrid said, “Wait, you wouldn’t—”
“Give her to him,” Acxa pronounced. “I can smell him on her, so he’s not lying.”
His scent? He didn’t even touch her earlier!
“What?” Ezor said, for once incredulous rather than mocking. “But if Lotor finds out we let a human - even another vampire’s pet - go free, then—”
“He won’t find out,” Acxa promised, “and if he does, I’ll take the blame.”
“See that you do,” Zethrid said with a hint of menace in her voice. But she dropped Katie unceremoniously to the ground. “I told you she wasn’t worth it…”
Katie curled in on herself with a pained hiss, her shoulder aching where it collided with the ground. Her head throbbed behind her eyes, so violently she barely heard the other three vampires’ retreating footsteps - but they moved so silently there might not have been anything to hear at all.
Nothing but the other lone vampire sighing as he slumped against a tree trunk.
Katie forced herself upright, crawling towards him and intent on telling him exactly what she thought of being called his “pet”, but any anger she felt evaporated when she spotted his eyes pinched shut, one hand clutching at his throat while the other bunched in the fabric of his trousers.
“A-are you…all right?” Katie wondered. Her hand hovered over his shoulder, unsure.
He didn’t look half as worthy of fear - half so dangerous - as he had a moment ago.
He shook his head, one eye cracking open. “Just so…thirsty,” he said, his voice hoarse. His gaze snapped to her forehead, and he extended his hand towards it before he seemed to think better of it. “You’re bleeding, milady.”
Katie’s eyes widened as she touched her temple, hair and skin sticky with blood; she forgot about the cut on her head. It almost hurt to raise an eyebrow, but somehow she managed it and asked tartly, “Is it enough blood for you?”
To her surprise he snorted, a smile flickering across his lips, but his piercing blue eyes were hazy when they fell on her face. “You wouldn’t happen to want to change your mind, would you?”
Something in Katie - perhaps compassion, the sort she usually reserved only for her family - stirred, along with a growing curiosity. What was it like, allowing a vampire to drink from her blood? “I…never did say no, did I?”
He shrugged. “If you say yes now, I won’t hold it against you, milady.”
“Why do you call me that?” Katie said, frowning. “And why did you…save me from them? I’m not your”—her lip curled—”pet.”
The vampire tilted his head back, letting it fall against the tree trunk, and admitted, “I know you’re not, but that was the only way to get them to let you go.” He sighed and offered her a real smile, the sort that filled her with an unfamiliar warmth. “And I don’t know what else to call you, but I’d like to know your name before I take anything from you.”
Katie bit her lip, fingers wringing the frayed edge of her dirty cloak. “Won’t it…turn me into one of your kind?”
“No,” he said quickly - almost too quickly. All traces of amusement vanished from his face, something dark and bitter replacing them when he added, “It takes more than that to turn a human.”
Katie shivered - did she imagine the cool wind touching her skin? - and released a breath. “Then…stop calling me ‘milady’,” she said. “I’m not one.”
Not anymore.
“You can call me Pidge,” she told him, leaning towards him while balancing on the balls of her feet. “And you…?”
“Lance,” he said, his grin returning as if it never left. He touched her elbow - mumbling an apology when she flinched in surprise - and jerked his head…asking permission.
Her heart raced anew. She licked her lips, wary all over again under his intense gaze; was she really considering this…letting Lance…do…well, she wasn’t even sure what it was she was thinking of letting him do besides drink her blood like a humanoid mosquito.
(And she could only try so hard to justify her intellectual curiosity.)
“It won’t hurt,” he promised her, “but you’ll have to relax.” His fingers traveled down her arms, goosebumps rising over her skin where he brushed it through a tear in her sleeve. He tugged her towards him though she already drifted in, his gaze holding her captive.
“I don’t…believe that,” she confessed, her mouth dry (soon enough she’d need a drink too).
“Y-you can still say no,” Lance said, though she sensed his reluctance.
Katie shook her head. “I-I give you permission,” she murmured, and pinched her eyes shut.
But her eyelids fluttered open again when Lance gently cupped her jaw and tilted her head to the side. Her breath caught in her lungs as he leaned in, and for one tense moment she thought he would kiss her.
Instead his cold lips met the sweat-sticky skin of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine, but she felt no hint of a breath warming her flesh.
A gasp escaped her when he sucked at the spot over her pulse, underneath her jaw, and finally something sharp punctured her skin.
A light pinch was all the pain Katie felt, all other discomfort overpowered by every other sensation flooding her senses:  her knees digging into the hard ground until Lance pulled her halfway onto his lap, his fingers digging into her hips over her belt, his soft lips on her skin, the chill of the evening cooling her too-warm flesh, the heat rushing to her face, the odd, sucking sound of a mouth drawing out her blood.
Her head spinning with a wave of dizziness if she so much as opened her eyes, his attention more intoxicating than any stolen wine.
Katie wrapped her hands around his muscular upper arms, tugging him a little closer - though she wasn’t sure if it was to steady herself or if she liked the feeling of his lithe body pressed against hers. She and Lance…they were strangers, yet she melted into him, seeking all he’d give to her of him, of his chilly touch traveling up her back and his strengthening arms surrounding her.
She’d never felt so close to - so safe with - anyone, much less a man.
(But he wasn’t really a man, was he?)
Another pinch - another gasp passing through her lips - indicated Lance finished. He lifted his head, his large hand falling to her shoulder and his thumb rubbing a few drops of blood and saliva from where they slid down her throat.
Katie stared up at him, heedless that it only made her dizzier. His eyes deepened to a richer blue, and now that she saw him…sated, the frenetic energy she hadn’t noticed before was gone.
He looked calm, relaxed…almost fond when he smiled at her.
He licked his thumb clean of her blood - why did that make heat pool in the depths of her abdomen? - before he cupped her cheeks with both hands. “How do you feel, Pidge?” he asked.
It was just a silly nickname, but the sound of it on his tongue pushed a giddy smile onto her face.
Oh, God, was this stupid infatuation a consequence of letting him feed on her?
It was too hard to think, her thoughts circling each other, and she could barely string two words together as she tried to say, “F-f—good, I…think.” She giggled, her hand resting against the side of his face. “Your eyes…pretty.”
Lance grinned…until it morphed into a frown and a little wrinkle formed on his forehead. “I think I fed too long…”
Katie nodded, but that simple motion only made her head spin and mind fog worse. Her eyelids fluttered, an irresistible sleep tugging at her, and she mumbled, “D-damn you, L-Lance…” She slumped forward, forehead falling against his chest, and stopped fighting.
Vampire or not, his arms weren’t a terrible bed…
Katie woke feeling sluggish like she slept too long in a too comfortable bed. She smacked her lips, blinking away the last cobwebs of dreams, and rolled onto her side.
She didn’t find her familiar bedside table, no book she stayed up too late reading, no clock mounted on the wall telling her she was late for the day’s first class.
Katie bolted upright, heart pounding as it all rushed back to her:  the forest, the chase, the vampires that captured her, Lance…
Had he brought her here?
She lay back down, breathing deeply in an effort to calm herself before sitting up and throwing the thick blankets aside. She found the window more by sense of touch in the dark room, and when she peeked through the curtains…it was still dark.
Katie frowned, pressing her nose to the cold glass. Smudges of lamplight illuminated a street, and she looked to be on the second floor. Were any of the villages at the border of the forest large enough for an inn?
(And who paid for her room?)
With the little light streaming in through the window, Katie assessed her surroundings: small bedroom just a little larger than her dormitory, her cloak draped over the back of a chair in the corner with her tote on the seat, a bandage wrapped around her head when she raised a hand to touch it…
Beyond the door to her room, floorboards and a wooden staircase creaked under the weight of feet, two different voices speaking too low for her to distinguish their words. But a door shut not far from hers, and Katie finally mustered the courage to emerge from her room and into the narrow, shadowed hallway.
Katie took the stairs as silently as she could. Her whole body tensed the closer to the ground she stepped, wary after the ordeal in the forest. She half-expected someone to jump out of a shadow, demanding her blood or her death (or both), but she made it to a small common room filled with simple wooden furniture - two tables and a few benches to go with them - without being assailed.
A relieved breath escaped her when her eyes caught on a familiar figure sitting on a stool beside a hearth of dimming coals.
She almost feared she imagined the vampire - Lance - and letting him feed from her; his teeth - his fangs? - left not a single trace on her skin, so all she had was a memory.
And him, glancing up at the sound of her footsteps and smiling so broadly he flashed white teeth.
(His canines did look pointier than a human’s ought to…)
They were alone in the common room, so Katie guessed it was quite late. She sat in a stool across from him, her hands clasped tightly in her lap, and asked, “Why aren’t you asleep?”
It wasn’t…exactly what she wanted to - or should - say to him, but it was a start.
Lance raised an eyebrow, looking just a little amused. “I don’t need sleep,” he told her.
Heat filled Katie’s cheeks; she averted her eyes and mumbled, “I…knew that.” She cleared her throat, suddenly uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “And…thank you for bringing me here.” She glanced towards him, and when his eyes widened she held her hands up and amended, “At least, I think it was you, but if it wasn’t—”
“It was,” he said quickly, as if to spare her further embarrassment, “but you don’t have to thank me since you let me feed.”
“Well, I guess it was the least you could do since you made me pass out,” she grumbled, crossing her arms. She leaned towards the hearth, hoping to soak in what little warmth in it was left.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said, sounding sincere. “Your blood was the best I’ve tasted in a while.”
For some reason, that compliment (for lack of a better word) made heat crawl up her skin and a smile she resisted pushed at her lips. But she couldn’t help grumbling, “I wish you’d at least asked me before bringing me to an inn. I can’t afford to pay for a room even for one night.”
“I took care of it,” Lance said.
Katie glanced sharply up at him, scowling. “What? You shouldn’t have!” She shot to her feet, probably more annoyed than the situation called for. “You’re nearly a perfect stranger to me—”
But was he, after she let him…touch her like that?
“—and I refuse to be indebted—”
“Were you really planning on spending the night in the forest?” Lance cut her off. He scowled very slightly, his shoulders tensing and hands curling into fists in his lap; even his eyes - still that rich blue - glinted dangerously in the firelight.
Katie’s jaw snapped shut, chagrined. But irritation still gripped her, despite the anxiety churning her gut at the reminder of the vampires they ran afoul of, so she turned her back to him.
“Why do you care what I do?” she retorted. “You had your snack.”
When she dared to glance over her shoulder, he flinched. “Pidge…” His stool scraped against the wooden floor as he stood and approached, footsteps eerily silent. “Not all…of my kind are like them.”
She only glared at the floor through the irritated tears in her eyes, her chest tightening with something like shame. He’d already rescued her; did she have to cry in front of him too?
“Maybe you need a little more rest,” Lance suggested.
Katie shook her head and wiped her eyes, inhaling shakily before turning to face him. “I-I’m sorry,” she said. “You’ve been kind to me, even if it was out of obligation, so I thank you.”
(Her mother would be proud of her for remembering her genteel manners.)
She met his worried gaze and smiled, feeling a little steadier, and said, “You look better too. Your eyes…they change color?”
Lance blinked, looking bewildered by her rapid change in attitude, but laughed. “When I’m at my strongest, they look like this.” Then he smirked and added, “Before you fell into my arms, you said they were pretty.”
The way he said fell into my arms filled Katie with a pleasant heat…and a profound irritation. But she bit back the worst of it and smiled. “Don’t let that compliment get to your head,” she said. “I don’t pay them often for a reason.”
“What reason?” Lance wondered, a teasing tilt to his lips.
“I’m not easily impressed.” Though…she had to admit, at least to herself, that Lance disguising his weakness long enough to stand up to those other three impressed her.
“Then I’ll have to find ways to impress you.”
Katie frowned, surprised. “Why?”
“You’re traveling to Altea, aren’t you?”
Her spine stiffened, wariness hitting her all over again. “How did you—”
“You dropped your map in the forest,” Lance said. He reached into his coat - it looked a little less unkempt, as if he had time to care for it while she slept - and pulled out a scroll:  her map, specked with dirt stains and slightly wrinkled but otherwise intact.
Katie snatched it away and leveled him with a glare. “Are you going to follow me now and ask for a snack every time you’re thirsty?”
“Of course not,” Lance said, “but I do have a proposition for you.” He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly very much the boy he resembled. “I’m traveling to Altea too, so maybe we can…journey together.”
“You want a reliable food source, you mean?” Katie crossed her arms and wondered, “What makes you think I’d agree to that a second time?”
But she would, she realized; even just thinking about it warmed her skin and made her heart pound and breath short, made her wonder if she could learn anything - about herself, about him - from experiencing it again.
Lance sighed - odd for someone that didn’t have to breathe - and rubbed his face. “That’s not—I suppose it would be nice but—that’s not what’s important!” He stuffed his hands in his coat pockets, throwing his head back and staring at the ceiling. “It’s not safe traveling alone, even for my kind, Pidge.”
And after the events of today - or was it the day before? - Katie believed it.
Her eyes narrowed. “Can you even travel by day?” she asked, still unsure if she could trust him whether he rescued her from hostile vampires or not.
Lance chuckled and replied, “So long as I wear a hat.”
“I can’t afford to hire a wagon, so I’ll be moving very slowly. Are you all right with that?”
“Whatever you want,” he agreed, nodding, “but it’ll be safer if we leave soon.” He grimaced, shoulders hunching in something like defeat. “I promised I’d be gone by dawn, and I don’t want Lotor’s minions paying this village a visit just to check on me.”
“I don’t…know.” God, how tempting Lance’s offer was…for who knew what she could learn about vampires from him?
Lance’s fingers, gentle yet cold, wrapped around her wrist, urging her to meet his eyes. “I swear I’ll keep you safe, Pidge.”
Katie bit her lip, considering. Safety…was that feeling with him some part of a vampire’s spell to lure her under, an all too willing victim in his ruse? She wore her brother’s old, over-sized clothes to avoid looking too much like a vulnerable girl, and yet…well, threats still found whomever they wished.
So Katie agreed to travel with a dangerous man she knew next to nothing about…because she felt more secure with him than she did alone.
It was scarcely the strangest thing that ever befell her.
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nocturnalazure · 3 years
AFATWG/TTEOT through time
I’ve been writing this story for 8 years now. The very first chapter was published in French on my Wordpress on 11 January 2013.
So let’s take a little trip down memory lane together, just to see the evolution! I have 40,000+ screenshots, so let’s be structured about this and only check out every 5,000 or so.
This was my very first screenshot in The Sims 3, and it’s not the one I chose to start the story with when I began writing it. It was taken almost 10 years ago, on 13 June 2011. Never mind the awful angle, the walls down and the low quality. That man on the picture is Sid Golzine. Yup, I was already working on my mob family. Sid is not the founder of the Golzine empire though, that would be his brother Ludo. Sid was a kleptomaniac, so I made into a thief. Generations later, Sam Golzine also became a thief and that is my tribute to Sid.
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Let’s jump now to Screenshot-1000 (15 July 2012). Interesting! This is the first Golzine patriarch, Ludo Golzine, towards the end of his life. Ironic to think that I will choose the same fate in a wheelchair for Thomas, his grandson standing next to him. Although Thomas did stay in touch with his half-brother Theo, he was quickly cut off from the clan and founded a family of his own.
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Screenshot-5000 (2 Dec 2012) is pretty terrible. That glowing vampire skin is such a pain to look at. Eve is a born vampire, and Cain is the guy she turned, but she was having trouble keeping him in check. You might remember he was attracted to Ange, Theo Golzine’s fiancée. And yes, everything in this story is connected to the Golzines one way or another.
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Screenshot-10000 (29 June 2013) was taken as I was finally publishing my story. And guess what? There’s a Golzine on it! This time it’s teen Nathaniel, the time he was told to stay where he was while his father was “doing some clean-up”. Since he was at his girlfriend Risa’s place, he ended up having his first time with her.
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Screenshot-15000 (22 Feb 2014) is a big jump in time! We’re now following Noah at Uni, which is one of my favorite side stories. He was so hung up on Emily, that was cute. And the quality of the shots is finally improving as I have finally learned how to choose an interesting angle. :)
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Screenshot-20000 (30 Nov 2014) is the first shot of YA Pippa! When she comes back from her training in Midnight Hollow and Ralph is all flustered to see her grown up.
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I finally have better graphics for Screenshot-25000 (23 Aug 2015)! This is the scene in which Seth tells Carmen that he works for the mafia.
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Screenshot-30000 (26 March 2017) is a situation shot featured in the final part of AFATWG. Lance and Sam are in the car and he’s reminding her that she has a dinner scheduled with her father. She’s not very enthusiastic about it.
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Screenshot-35000 (20 Oct 2018) is from an unused scene. Gender bent Sam and Ash are now stranded on Titan, and this was initially shot for the scene in which Ash walks in on Sam getting dressed. I wasn’t sure how each of them would react and I wasn’t happy with this outcome, in which Ash apologized to Sam for being overreactive. I chose to reshoot the whole thing. In the final scene, Ash is very embarrassed and Sam chooses to leave the room, but they are both quite shaken.
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And finally Screenshot-40000 (7 June 2020), although I ended up not using it (Ivy’s neck was too crooked for my taste), is quite recent and from one of my favorite scenes: Nate and Ivy’s penultimate scene together. She knows he’s hiding his state of health from her. She just doesn’t know if she should press him. And very soon, it won’t matter anyway.
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I am now at Screenshot-42473. Still some time to go before the 45k milestone!
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wittyy-name · 4 years
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June’s Patreon Oneshot is Now Available
Prompt: Lance is a vampire who works at a blood bank, Keith is a regular donor, Keith is also half-fey but doesn’t know it
Klance - modern vampire / fey au - 7,209 words Lance has been a vampire for a little over a century. Pretty young, all things considered. He likes to think of himself as a modern vamp, and as such, he’s got a modern job working at a blood bank. Granted, it’s a blood bank owned and operated by vampires to keep themselves fed without needing to hunt, but… you know, semantics.
Lance also has a teeny-tiny (massive) crush on one of the regular donors. Keith Kogane. A man with the hot exterior of a bad boy and the golden heart of a soft saint. Biceps to benchpress him, washboard abs, and a scent that leaves Lance drooling. What he wouldn’t give to sink his teeth into that one.
Oh, and Lance can tell from his blood that he’s half-fey, but Keith doesn’t seem to know.
If you want access to this oneshot, many others like it, drabbles, early access to chapters, outlines, and other rewards, please check out my Patreon!
Reblogs appreciated! Excerpt Below…
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“I think at this point, I don’t need to say it, but as a professional, I need to officially remind you that you’re supposed to wait a minimum of eight weeks before donating again.” He gathers his things, sitting on the stool and scooting closer to Keith’s side. He gives him a pointed look, eyebrow raised.
Keith just huffs a short little scoff. “And you’ve already run the tests. Several times. I’m fine.” He lays out his arm on the seat’s armrest. There’s a cute little pinch between his thick brows. “I just… produce a lot of blood, I guess.”
Lance hums lightly, setting to work cleaning and sanitizing the area. He takes his time. Holds Keith’s arm gently as he swabs the crook of his elbow. Even his forearms are strong and pretty. He lets himself linger, as he always does. Cleaning a little too thoroughly and a little too widespread. He loves the way Keith’s muscles twitch beneath his touch.
“Yup, some kind of medical phenomenon,” Lance says absently, though he knows it has nothing to do with coincidence and everything to do with Keith’s fey genetics. “Not that I’m complaining.” He glances up at Keith through his lashes, giving him a quick wink and a coy smirk. “Eight weeks is a long time to go without seeing my favorite donor.” The flush that settles high on Keith’s cheekbones smells like blooming flowers, and Lance feels giddy with it. He inhales deeply, sighing wistfully. “Even four weeks seems like so long.”
“Maybe I should try for every two weeks…” Keith mutters, keeping his eyes locked on where Lance’s long fingers caress his forearm far more than the cotton swab.
“Don’t be stupid,” Lance huffs, putting a stress ball in Keith’s palm. “Squeeze that. Good. If you came in every two weeks, then I would have to actually put my foot down. Even you can’t handle that.”
“You mean I’d get to see stern Lance?”
There’s something light and teasing in his voice, even as it’s pitched low. And when Lance glances up, there’s a subtle smirk playing across his lips. Lance feels his chest squeeze, stomach flipping in a sort of weightlessness he thought he’d never feel again after he was reborn.
“Yes, you would.” He looks away, busying himself with preparing the needle. “And I’m not sure you would be able to handle it.”
Keith hums. Long, low, and thoughtful. And when Lance glances at him, Keith is definitely checking him out. Looking him up and down in a very blatant and open once-over. When he meets Lance’s gaze again, his eyes are lidded and dark. He smiles, and Lance gets a glimpse of his subtle little fey fangs— which are, quite honestly, adorable.
“I think I can handle you.” Lance isn’t in control of whatever expression flits across his features, and Keith just smirks. He leans back in the chair, smug and satisfied as he hums, “I’d like to try sometime.”
Good lord, Keith has no idea he’s playing with fire here. A fire that’s burning like an itch under Lance’s skin. An ache that settles hot and needy behind his fangs. Instead of answering, he falls into the motions of his work, practiced and precise— though not exactly professional as he runs his fingers over Keith’s arm.
“Your arms are so pretty…” He mumbles, nails lightly tracing his prominent veins. He can feel them pulsing beneath the surface. Can hear how quickly Keith’s heart beats. And the moment Lance pricks the surface of his skin, the smell of his blood increases tenfold, saturating the room. It settles on his tongue, sugary sweet, biting the back of his throat with that kick of spice.
Lance swallows hard, already salivating.
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One Day at a Time
Make sure to check the reblogs for the link to the art that inspired this!
Objectively, Keith knew the library was quiet. The numerous books that lined the walls made the spacious room feel muted, and there was only one other person there with him. Neither of them spoke a word.
Keith found it overwhelmingly loud.
The wind that rattled the windows of the room, the crackling of the fire in front of him, the ticking of the clock in the far corner, the scratch of pen on paper, his own heartbeat, the heartbeat of the only other person in the room with him--it was all too much. His newly sensitive ears twitched incessantly, picking up more sounds than Keith would’ve supposed possible to hear in a supposedly quiet room. He’d come to the library hoping for some relief, but it seemed nothing would soothe the violent buzzing just under his skin.
He closed the book he’d been trying to read. The words had been swimming in front of his eyes for some time now, knocked around by the sounds rattling in his head. He would find no reprieve in a book, it seemed. Keith chanced a glance behind him, where Lance was sitting at a desk penning a very important letter. A letter regarding Keith.
Keith had already known Lance for some time before the… incident. And he’d always suspected that Lance had been hiding something. Certainly Keith was not normally the sort of person to pry into someone else’s business, but Lance was just so loud and often downright weird that Keith couldn’t help but be a little curious. Not that Lance ever told him anything until now, but Keith liked to think he would’ve figured it out sooner or later, bizarre as it all still seemed.
He slumped back into his seat, trying to make everything fit together in his head. Lance… was a vampire. An old one at that. This manor that Keith was now living in? The one that Lance said belonged to his family? Actually belonged to Lance himself. And Keith? Keith was apparently a werewolf now--only, according to Lance, Keith wasn’t presenting in a way he’d ever seen before. In place of his human ears were large, pointed ears covered in soft, velvet fur. And where he had nails, there were now claws. Perhaps if Lance hadn’t mentioned anything, Keith would’ve considered this normal werewolf stuff. But apparently it wasn’t.
Which was why Lance was writing a letter to an even older vampire, a longtime friend of his, who might have some insight into the situation. In the meantime, Keith could only sit around and wait. He hated waiting. He was far too restless, especially now (more werewolf stuff?), but Lance warned him it would be too dangerous right now for him to wander freely outside the manor. The grounds of the manor were spacious, yes, but in a fenced in space, Keith felt trapped.
His ears twitched as Lance got up from his desk and went to a window, where a stately looking raven was waiting just outside. Lance handed the letter to the raven, and whispered a few words to it that Keith tried very hard not to hear (“To Allura, if you please, and with haste.”). He closed the window carefully, and then crossed the room to join Keith in front of the fire. Keith’s ears, which were still sore from being so newly formed, quirked with every movement, every sound. It was painful in more ways than one.
“Hey,” Lance started in a soft voice that Keith was grateful for. He wasn’t sure he could handle maximum Lance-ness right now. “I just sent the letter, but it’ll be a few days at least before we can expect a reply. How are you feeling?”
“Everything hurts,” Keith admitted. “Everything is too much.”
“That’s pretty normal,” Lance assured him. “That, at least, is something vampires and werewolves have in common. The initial change is honestly overwhelming. Is there anything you need?”
Keith shook his head. “Not that I can think of, no.”
“In that case, we’ll just--move forward as if you were a regular werewolf,” Lance said.
Keith huffed a hollow laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, but regular is relative at this point,” Lance told him. “We need to get you to a new sort of normal.”
A beat of silence passed between them. Keith figured he could trust Lance, even though there was apparently a whole life that Lance had been leading that Keith had been completely unaware of. Lance assured Keith that he’d helped plenty of young new immortals adjust to their new, suddenly expanded life, and that he would do just the same for Keith.
“Hey, Lance, how old are you?” Keith asked suddenly.
Lance shrugged. “Eh, I stopped counting a while ago, but I’d say probably around four hundred-ish? Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Four hundred?!” Keith sputtered.
“Yup,” Lance said with a pop. “Give or take a couple decades. Allura, the friend I wrote to, she’s even older--she was already a couple thousand years old when I met her.”
Keith practically wheezed. His meager twenty some-odd years had seemed to stretch on forever, and now they were insignificant compared to what stretched out in front of him. Yet another thing to stack on top of everything that was weighing on Keith’s shoulders.
Lance reached over to pat his shoulder lightly. “Hey man, don’t worry about the immortality thing just yet. We’ll worry about that later. For now, we’re going to focus on little things, and we’re going to do it together, okay?”
Keith took a deep breath, and met Lance’s eyes with his own. Keith didn’t like to rely on others. He’d gotten through his life so far on his own, and had managed just fine. But his life now was a lot bigger in so many ways, even Keith had to admit he was way out of his depth. And Lance genuinely wanted to help him, even going as far as to bring Keith to stay in his own home to do so. The cynical part of Keith’s mind wondered if Lance was just keeping Keith around as a snack for later (maybe werewolf blood was a delicacy?), but there was no way for Keith to know for sure. His best option, it seemed, would be to trust Lance.
“Okay,” Keith finally breathed. “Let’s do it.”
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Fangs, Fur, and Phantoms - Chapter 7
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Next Chapter
Lance has a heart-to-heart with his future alpha-in-law.  Shiro and Allura are stressed for a variety of reasons.
If there was one thing Lance knew about Kolivan, it was that he liked his privacy.
After all, why else would he live in what was little more than a trailer home in the middle of the woods?
It took Lance forever to find the place, driving up and down roads that were only dirt and gravel and probably didn’t even have names.  Eventually, though, he did find the house and knocked on the door.
Kolivan opened the door a crack, keeping the chain fastened, “What do you want?  If you’re selling something—“
“I’m not,” Lance interjected, “I need your help.”
Kolivan’s eyes widened, “You’re Keith’s mate, aren’t you?”
“I…yeah, that’s me.”
Kolivan seemed to hesitate a moment, before unlatching the door chain and ushering Lance inside.
The decor was about what Lance expected, functional and masculine, no frills or fuss.  Kolivan gestured to a table with two chairs and they both sat down.
“Now,” said Kolivan, “What’s this visit about?”
“I think Keith might be in danger,” said Lance.
“Keith is an adult.  He can take care of himself.”
“No, you don’t understand,” said Lance, “I’m being blackmailed and the person blackmailing me is threatening Keith’s life.”
That made Kolivan sit up and take notice, “Who is this person?”
“I don’t really know, I’d never met him before.  He said his name was Lotor and that he’d kill Keith if I didn’t do what he asked.  I can’t let that happen.”
Kolivan frowned, “Strange…”
“What’s strange?”
“I’m just confused as to why you seem so concerned about Keith’s death.”
Lance stared, incredulous, “Because I care about him?  What the fuck, Kolivan, he’s part of your pack!  Don’t you care about his death?”
“Yes, but that’s because I’m mortal like he is.”
Lance sat back in his chair.  He was beginning to see what Kolivan’s problem was.
“I suppose I’ve never heard of a vampire caring for a mortal so much.  I want to know why.  If you’re just going to outlive him, why bother forming this kind of connection?”
Lance thought for a moment, “I guess it’s because I need him.  You know he’s not the first person I’ve had a romantic relationship with, right?”
“I figured as much,” said Kolivan, “No doubt you’ve had a whole slew of lovers in your time on earth.”
“Not just lovers,” said Lance, “My last wife was a woman named Jenny.  I loved her from the moment I met her to the moment she died.  When our kids were born, I loved them too.  And when our grandkids were born, I loved them as well.  I love Keith no less than I loved any of them.  And if we have kids someday, I’m going to love them too.”
“It sounds heartbreaking,” said Kolivan, “Loving so many people and having to watch them die.”
“Well yeah, it is,” said Lance, “But the alternative is trying not to feel anything about other people, and that never ends well.  Other vampires have tried that and they end up being the ones you read about in the horror stories.  If I didn’t have people to care about…if I didn’t have Keith…I’d turn into as big a monster as people say I am.”
Kolivan studied him, “You know, Lance, I wasn’t sure about you when I first met you.”
“Yeah, I noticed.”
“But now I think you might be exactly what Keith needs as well.”
Lance perked up, “So you’ll help me?”
“First you have to tell me how to help you.  What does this Lotor person want you to do for him?”
“He wants me to kill these two people.  Their names are Agents Shirogane and Prince.  I don’t know what they did to this guy, but he wants them dead badly.  I don’t want to do it, they seem like they’re not bad people, but I can’t risk him hurting Keith.”
“I would think you could hold your own against a simple human if it came down to defending Keith from him.”
Lance shook his head, “He’s not just a simple human.  He’s…well, I’m not sure what he is.  I don’t think he’s a witch, but he can do…things.  Mess with your mind and stuff like that.”
Kolivan got out of his chair and stood next to Lance, “Then we’ll need help from our pack to take him down.”
“Our?” said Lance.
“Yes,” said Kolivan, the barest hint of a smile on his face, “If Keith’s mate needs my help, who am I to refuse?”
It was the night before Halloween and Shiro was about ready to tear his hair out.
He stewed in his frustration as he and Allura walked back to their hotel for the night.  Tomorrow was the All Hallows Eve festival.  The whole town would be filled with people coming in for the festivities and the two of them were no closer to stopping the monster stalking the town than they were when they first arrived.
At least now they knew what they were dealing with.  Keith’s name had been cleared and for that, Shiro was grateful, but in terms of the bigger mission, a monster from Anglo-Saxon folklore causing the killings only made things more complicated.  The beast had no more sentience than a wild animal, which meant he and Allura couldn’t exactly go knocking on its door with an arrest warrant in hand.  And it was infinitely more dangerous than any animal.  Shiro had heard rumors circulating the town of people going missing over the last few days, pets disappearing from backyards.  If the festival came around and this grendel was still on the loose…
“Even if we did find it,” said Shiro thinking out loud, “how are we supposed to kill it?  I didn’t bring any firearms besides my handgun and I doubt that would cut it with a creature this big.”
Allura huffed, also frustrated, “I’ve looked through every book I could find that mentions this thing and none of them list any weaknesses.  It’s immune to damage from all weapons.  Only one person’s ever been said to defeat one.  The hero, Beowulf.”
“Well, how did he do it?”
“He ripped the creature’s arm off with his bare hands.”
“Ouch.  Okay, not an option,” said Shiro, nervously putting a hand to his prosthetic, “What if we called in Coran?  Do you think an exorcism could stop it?”
Allura shook her head, “It’s not a demon.  I think that puts it outside of Coran’s jurisdiction.”
“Well, then what…” Shiro froze.
“What’s wrong?”
“I think we’re being followed.”
Across the street, Shiro was aware of another person keeping pace with him and Allura.  Definitely a cause for concern this late at night with the street as empty as it was.  Shiro turned and pretended to point something out to Allura in a nearby storefront window so they could get a good look at their follower.
Except that their follower did not appear in the window’s reflection.
“What the…?”
“It’s a vampire,” whispered Allura.
Slowly, Shiro turned to face the stranger.  “It’s McClain.” he whispered back.
Recognizing that they had noticed him, Lance McClain waved at the two agents and crossed the street.
“Evening,” he said, “You folks going on a bar crawl?  Mind if I join?”
“You’re Keith’s boyfriend, aren’t you?” said Allura, trying to hide her uneasiness.
“Yup, the name’s Lance.  It’s Shiro and Allura, right?”
“Listen,” said Shiro, “Is there something we can help you with?  We’re kind of trying to get home.”
“Actually,” said Lance, “yeah, there is something.”
Suddenly Shiro felt someone grab him by the arms.  He couldn’t see who they were but they were big and very strong.  He heard Allura give an indignant shout next to him.
“I’m really sorry about this,” said Lance, grabbing the collar of Shiro’s shirt and pulling down.
“What are you—“  Shiro was cut off as Lance bit down at the skin between his shoulder and neck.  He felt his needle-sharp teeth inject something into his bloodstream just before he blacked out.
He woke up in someone’s living room, tied to a chair.
“…prepare a blood transfusion for them?” he heard a deep voice say as he came to.
“I think they’ll be okay.  We don’t need a lot of blood, just enough to make it look convincing. But maybe prepare a blood bag, just in case.”  That was Lance’s voice.
“Hey…” Shiro croaked weakly.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  “Hey!”
His vision began to clear up and Lance’s face appeared in his line of sight, “Oh, good, you’re awake.  What’s your blood type?”
“Where’s Allura?”
“Sitting right behind you.  I think she’s starting to wake up too.”
Sure enough, Shiro heard Allura give a weak groan behind him.  She must have been sitting facing away from him, because the first word out of her mouth was, “Shiro?”
“I’m here,” said Shiro.  Then to Lance, he said, “What the hell is going on here?”
“I’m trying to save lives,” said Lance, “That’s what’s going on.”
“Saving lives?  Whose?”
“Yours.  And Allura’s.  And the lives of a lot of people I care about, including Keith.”
“What do you mean?” said Shiro, “Is Keith in danger?”
“He will be if I don’t do this.  You two wouldn’t happen to know a guy named Lotor, would you?”
“He’s an incubus,” piped up Allura, “We arrested him not that long ago.”
“Ah, that explains why he wants you dead so badly.  Apparently the arrest didn’t stick.”
“Lance, listen to me,” said Shiro, “We’ve dealt with people like Lotor before.  Whatever kind of deal he made with you, he is going to double-cross you.”
“Yeah, I figured.  That’s why I’m going to double-cross him first.”
“Ulaz can explain it better than me,” said Lance, gesturing to the nearby doorway.  An extremely tall, white-haired werewolf stepped through it, holding what looked like an IV tube.  “This is Ulaz.  He’ll be your doctor for today.”
“We’re going to be taking a bit of blood from both of you,” said Ulaz, “Just enough for Lotor to be able to identify your scent when we fake your death.”
“When you what?”
“Oh, that’s the other thing,” said Lance, “Once we’ve collected the blood, we’ll need you to take your clothes off.”
“Excuse me?!” said Shiro.
“So that we have something to show Lotor to prove that you’re dead.”
“Don’t worry, we brought spare clothes for you to change into,” said Ulaz, “Allura looks like she could fit into some of Krolia’s old things and you’re about the same size as my mate.”
“I happen to like the outfit I’m wearing now!” said Allura.
“Guys, I’m sorry,” said Lance, his voice growing softer, “but I have to do what I can to protect Keith.  It’s either this or kill you and I really don’t want to kill you.”
Shiro sighed.  As much as he didn’t like the situation, he also couldn’t blame Lance for being protective.
“Alright,” he said, “I’ll help you.  What about you, Allura?”
“Can’t say I’m a fan of your plan.  But if it means keeping your boyfriend safe…and, you know, not dying…then I’m willing to help.”
Soon, both Shiro and Allura were untied and having their blood drawn by Ulaz, who explained that he worked as a nurse at the local hospital.  Once all the blood they needed was collected, Shiro and Allura both stripped and changed into the clothes Lance and Ulaz gave them.
Shiro buttoned up his new shirt and tucked it into his pants.  Apparently, he was a little bit shorter than Ulaz’s mate, but other than that, they really were similar in size.
“Thank you for this,” said Lance, as Shiro adjusted his clothes.
“It’s no problem,” said Shiro, “It’s our job to protect people like you.  I’m just glad Plan A wasn’t to go ahead and kill us.  Thanks for that, Carlos.”
“Oh, I was never planning to—“ Lance looked up, surprised, “How did you know my name?”
“The PBI’s been keeping tabs on you for a long, long time.  You’ve lived a very full life, Carlos Montoya.”
Lance smiled and shook his head, “I never thought I’d hear that name again.  But if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to be called Lance.”
Shiro nodded, “I understand.  I’ve gotta admit, though, I was hoping you’d be partial to Isamu Kurogane.”
Lance chuckled, “God, I almost forgot about my Japan days.”
“When this is all over, we should get lunch together sometime.  You can tell me all about your life and we’ll see if your Japanese has gotten rusty.”
“My Japanese is just fine, thank you,” said Lance, smirking, “But it might sound a little archaic to your ears.”  His face fell a bit.  “Assuming there is a ‘when this is all over’.”
“There will be,” said Shiro, putting a hand on Lance’s shoulder, “No matter what happens, I promise you, from here on out, we’re all on the same side.”
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bleusarcellewrites · 6 years
Vampire-y Life
...I tagged the wrong person on the last one, sorry buddy I tagged aaaaaaaaaand ok, here’s your gift, Kat, @sweetpopcornkat !! 
It’s a mess, it really is, buuuuut, hope you like it, I didn’t had a plot in mind but I had different scenarios I thought were amusing, soooo! Ta-daah!
Cliche is not a word Lance would use to describe his life.
At least, it wasn’t until he decided to take a walk alone in the middle of the night on the woods behind his house just because he’s that dramatic and he was bored.
And until he met a edgy teenage vampire. Who Lance may or may have not insult as soon as he saw him and his haircut.
“I don’t know how long you have been alive, but these are the modern times, the age of the millenials, and that mullet gotta go, buddy.” Lance huffs, keeping his distance from the pale teen in front of him but still standing tall, chest puffed in challenge.
The vampire teen blinks, mouth wide open in astonishment as he looks at Lance as if he was dumb.
“I could kill you, you know?” Keith says slowly, hands pressed together and waving them in front of him to make emphasis, “I’m a vampire and I could kill you, you moron.”
Lance arches an unimpressed eyebrow. “Yeah? So could another human, or a dog, or even a dedicated duck. You’re not that special, buddy.”
Keith fumes, his right eye starting to twitch in annoyance and he clenches his hands into a fist to resit the urge to punch the brunet in the face.
Forget biting, he’s going to the deck that guy.
He doesn’t deck the guy.
He befriends the guy.
“So, let me get this straight -”
“Imma ignore that old old joke. So, basically, you are half vampire and half human?”
Keith nods, pushing his transition glasses up. “Yup, Mom was a vampire and Dad was a hooman and they got funky one night.”
“Funky, are you sure you weren’t born in the fucking 80?”
“So, you don’t live in the woods?”
“Lance, what the fuck, no. I live in an apartment downtown with my adopted brother.”
“Then why were you in the woods in the middle of the night the first time we meet¡?”
“...it’s peaceful?”
“You were looking for Mothman, weren’t you?”
“Stop judging me. If I’m real, why can’t he?”
“So, you don’t need blood to survive?”
“Well, not exactly? I mean, we do, because it has vitamin D, which comes from the sun, and most of us can’t be under the sun.” Keith shrugs, cheeks pressed against his knee, “Coconut oil is a good substitute of blood, actually. A few cousins that live in tropical areas do that.”
Lance blinks before he snickers. “Vegan vampires.”
“I’m going to slap you, Lance.”
“Hey, Lance? I think I like you.”
“Oh, thank fuck, because I like you too.”
“Jesus fuck, that’s great because I thought I was going to die just then, and I’m half vampire.”
Keith stares at the garlic necklace around Lance’s neck and he resist the urge to roll his eyes in exasperation when the brunet bites down half of another garlic knot from the bowl nested on his lap.
So, his boyfriend’s mad.
He sounds mad, like, Professor Honerva kind of mad, but blood tastes like vanilla.
See? Crazy but it’s not like he gives a shit.
Keith sucks one last time, enjoying the taste before he pulls back and licks the small drop that run down his chin. He hums and nods to himself pleased.
Maybe it’s just his boyfriend’s blood that tastes like vanilla.
“Or maybe,” Lance says, dragging out the vowels in the word as he takes his arm back from his boyfriend’s grip, “Maybe you are just a lousy vampire with no decent taste buds.”
Keith rolls his eyes, picking a small cotton ball next to him before he presses gently on the small bite mark in Lance’s forearm.
“Red or blue?” Keith asks a few minutes later, holding up two colorful band aids, smiling fondly when his boyfriend purses his lips in deep thought.
“Red.” Lance decides, nodding in thanks when Keith unwraps the chosen band aid and places it over the fresh bite.
“Are you feeling better, amor?” Lance asks quietly, pushing back Keith’s bangs and tucking it behind his ear. Keith nods and leans towards the warm touch of his boyfriend.
“I’m sorry you had to do that.” Keith mumbles, humming contently when Lance leans forward and nuzzles his forehead against his own.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can’t really control the weather, and there are a limited time of days you can go by before you need your vitamins.” Lance smiles, hands raising until it’s on Keith’s cheek and starts rubbing his thumb against the shade of fair skin, finally back to its healthy color. “Summer is a hard season, I understand.”
Keith doesn’t look convinced and Lance’s concern grows when his boyfriend’s dark blue eyes turn brighter, getting misty by the second and before he can question him, Keith’s quick to hide his face in the crook of Lance’s neck.
“I’m sorry.”
Lance just shushes him gently, hands running through his black hair soothingly and pulling him closer to him. They will talk later about it.
“Oh my god.”
“Oh my god.”
Lance slaps his hands over his mouth, the wide excited grin behind them still clearly visible and it only makes Keih to flush even redder on his cheeks.
“Keith, babe, hun, sweetheart.” Lance calls, voice getting squeakier by the second, “I think we finally found out that you can turn into a bat, or well…almost.”
Lance trails off, one of his hands slowly reaching out to stroke one of Keith’s new big bat ears and he coos loudly when the ear twitches at the soft touch.
“You have never been more adorable in your entire vampire-y life.”
“Give me a slow and painful death, please.”
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eastofthemoon · 6 years
Tumblr media
Title: Snowflakes
Rating: G
Series: Voltron Legendary Defender
Characters/Pairings: Keith/Allura, Shiro/Pidge, and Kolivan (with Kolivan/Ezor as a background pairing)
Summary:  Keith finally gathered up the nerve to ask Allura out, and planned the date carefully. Too bad that in life, things hardly ever go as planned.
Author’s Note:  This story takes place a few months after Sugar and Coffee. So before you read this story, I would suggest people go and read that for this to fully make sense.
Archive of our Own
Keith was a nervous wreck. He kept fiddling with his scarf and had to resist the urge to pace as he waited outside the movie theater. He pondered again if he should just go and buy tickets, but he wasn’t certain which movie Allura wanted to see.
Not that there was a great selection to choose from between a romantic comedy, a horror and the latest animated movie that just came out. Given the selection, Keith had a sinking suspicion Allura would pick the animated movie.
He glanced to his watch again and took a deep breath. He was early and there was a lot of traffic. There was a good chance Allura wouldn’t get here for a good ten minutes-
“Hi, Keith.”
Keith jumped, but calmed down as he turned.
If it was possible to die from boredom, Keith was certain he was slowly experiencing it. He rubbed his eyes as he stared at the pages before him. From what he had gathered, the plot was supposed to be about a boy and a girl meeting at a resort and having an epic romance.
The problem was, Keith was five chapters in and the stupid characters hadn’t even bothered to go on an actual date yet. He slumped in the chair as he fiddled with the page.
“Maybe I should have picked that book Lance was raving about that had the vampires,” he grumbled as he flipped through another page.
Red gave a meow before she jumped into his lap and pawed at his hand. Without a second thought, Keith responded by scratching her ears as he heard Shiro enter the room. He then felt his older brother’s presence from behind his chair.
However, for some reason, Keith didn’t fully register what was happening until he heard Shiro say “Are...you reading a romance novel?”
Keith slammed the book shut as he blushed. “Don’t sneak up on me,” he muttered.
Shiro raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, but it wasn’t like I was trying to be quiet.”
Black appeared as she began purring and rubbing against Shiro’s leg. He smiled as he scooped her up and kept his gaze on Keith. “So...why, exactly, are you reading a romance novel?”
Keith tried to tuck the book behind his back, but when it was clear Shiro was not going to move, he sighed and brought it back out.
“I was...doing research,” he muttered as he scratched Red under her chin.
“For what?” Shiro asked as he took a seat on the couch.
Keith drummed his fingers on the cover and ignored Red trying to swat at his hand. “Swear not to laugh?”
Shiro’s eyes narrowed, but gave a shrug. “Alright, I swear.”
Keith rubbed his neck as he held up the book. “I’m trying to find the best way to ask Allura out.”
Shiro tilted his head at the same time Black did. “Um..Keith, you ask Allura to hang out with you all the time. You two just went to the park-”
Keith shook his head. “No, I don’t mean as friends...I mean as...you know..a date.”
Shiro paused in petting Black. He stared at Keith with a blank expression, and then hastily covered his mouth with his hand as a chuckle arose.
Keith growled. “You swore you wouldn’t laugh!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Shiro said as he waved a hand and tried to repress the giggles, “I couldn’t help it.”
Pouting, Keith leaned back in the chair. “Why? Because I’m reading a romance novel for advice?”
Shiro continued to smile. “That part is pretty funny. I was thinking more that you just told me you want to ask out the girl who you swore you would never get along with.”
Keith blushed as he lowered his gaze to Red. “Yeah..well, she turned out to be a lot better than I expected.”
“So I see,” Shiro said as he finally seemed to get his laughter under control. “Okay, I'll try to behave now, but why are you looking up dating advice from a romance novel?”
“Because where else am I supposed to get advice on how to ask a girl out on a date?” Keith argued back as he rose up and paced.
“Could ask Lance,” Shiro suggested.
Keith froze mid-step and gave Shiro a dark look. “I did and all he told me was a bunch of pick up lines I should use.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or messing with me.”
“I’m betting it’s the former,” Shiro replied as Black hopped back to the floor. “With that said, you are way overthinking this.” He rose and touched his shoulder. “Just ask her out to a nice restaurant.”
Keith sighed as he looked to him. “You make it sound so easy.”
Shiro smirked. “Because it is.”
“But what if she says ‘No’ and I make her feel really awkward for even asking her?” Keith replied back.
Keith really liked Allura, but he also liked the friendship he had built up with her. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin that.
“Then you move on,” Shiro voiced. “Might be weird at first, but knowing you two I bet you would get over it.”
Keith opened his mouth to argue that it could not be that simple when a knock came. Shiro frowned as he went to answer it, but relaxed as he peeked through the eyehole.
“It’s just Dad,” Shiro replied as he opened it.
Keith looked over as he saw their father wearing a coat and scarf as he carried a large box in his hands.
“Hey, Dad, what’s up?” Shiro said as he stepped aside to let him in.
“I was cleaning out the storage closet and I found some extra hats and gloves you boys could use,” he stated as he set the box on the counter.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” Keith stammered as he looked at the box. Just act natural. Last thing I want is for Dad to know about this dating thing. “So, uh, you find anything else in there?”
Kolivan looked up, narrowed his eyes and looked to Shiro. “Did I interrupt something?”
Keith swallowed. “No, no, we were...just…”
“Keith’s nervous about asking a girl out on a date, and I’m trying to convince him it’s not a big deal,” Shiro finished.
“Shiro,” Keith hissed as he shot a glare.
“Why is he nervous?” Kolivan said as he crossed his arms. “He's asked a girl out before.”
“No, he hasn’t dad,” Shiro said as he leaned against the wall.
“Yes, he did, in high school.” He grasped his chin. “There was that girl he hung out with...Nyma?”
Shiro shook his head. “She was just a friend because they both enjoyed motorcycle riding. Besides she had a boyfriend.” He shut his eyes in thought. “Come to think of it, I heard they got engaged.”
“Really?” Kolivan said as he tilted his head. “But what about-”
“I’m right here!” Keith snapped as he tossed his hands up in the air. Why did they always have to talk about him like he wasn’t in the room?
Kolivan and Shiro blinked at each other, until Kolivan cleared his throat. “Sorry, son, but I do agree with Shiro. It shouldn’t be that difficult.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah? Dare I ask how you first asked mom out?”
Their father had always been just as quiet and kept to himself as much as Keith did. Their uncles had always joked that Keith took after his father while Shiro took more after their mother.
Kolivan frowned as he shrugged. “I didn’t.”
Keith blinked and noticed Shiro did too. “Huh?”
“Your mother was the one to ask me out,” Kolivan stated simply.
Shiro tilted his head. “Huh..and what about Ezor?”
“She also asked me out,” Kolivan said as he crossed his arms. “Although, I’ll admit, I rejected her offer the first time, but I did agree after her second attempt.”
Keith opened and shut his mouth. “You’re kidding me?”
“Why would I joke about that?” Kolivan replied with a confused expression, and reached for his phone. “However, I can call Ezor if you like. She could give you some advice-”
“No, God no!” Keith shoved the phone back into the pocket. He liked his stepmother enough, but he so didn’t want her butting into this. She teased him about it for months on end.
Shiro grinned as he was clearly suppressing a chuckle. “Hey, we could call up Thace or Ulaz and see if they have any tips?”
Keith shot Shiro a glare that only caused his brother to laugh harder. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” Shiro said as he placed a hand on Keith’s shoulder. “Although, Dad is right. It’s not that hard.”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Keith muttered.
“Son,” Kolivan said as he crossed his arms, “my suggestion would be to just go and get it over with. It’s clearly going to bother you until you do so why not just confront it? Facing the consequences has to be better than living in fear of the unknown.”
Keith glanced to the both of them, and even felt both of the cats staring up at him as well. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Yeah, okay, you’re right.” He fingered the phone in his pocket. “I should just give Allura a call.”
Kolivan blinked and frowned. “Allura?” He looked to Shiro. “As in that friend Pidge always mentioned?”
“Yup, that’s the one,” Shiro said with a shrug.
“I hadn’t realized Keith was friends with her.”
Shiro chuckled. “Actually, funny story with that. See, at a coffee shop they got each other’s drink-”
“Again, RIGHT HERE,” Keith hissed, but as he heard Shiro continue the story, he deemed it was pointless.
Instead, Keith escaped to his bed room and let Red follow him in there before shutting the door. He then picked up the cell phone from his pocket, stared at the buttons before he slowly began to dial.
“Alright, here goes nothing,” he muttered as he heard it ring.
“There!” Allura stepped back to admire the Christmas tree. “Now we have a perfect tree!”
Pidge adjusted her glasses as she set the mice down on the couch. “I still say it’s a bit early to have a tree up.”
“It’s the first week of December,” Allura protested as she crossed her arms. “How is it too early?”
“It’s only December 2nd,” Pidge commented and then waved her hand as she sipped her hot chocolate. “Never mind, the tree looks pretty.”
Allura shook her head before she picked up a gingerbread cookie and broke it into pieces to give to her mice. “By the way, did you want to try to catch a movie this weekend?”
Pidge leaned back and shook her head. “Sorry, can’t. I got plans with Shiro.”
“Oh?” Allura said in a teasing tone as she picked up her mug. “Going on a romantic winter date?���
Pidge snorted as Platt climbed into her lap. “Nothing like that. It’s just Shiro wanted to go ice skating.”
Allura paused at that and raised an eyebrow. “Pidge, you don’t know how to ice skate.”
Pidge sighed as she slumped into her seat. “Yeah, and Shiro is determined to teach me.”
“Ah,” Allura said as she drummed her fingers on her mug, “well that could still be-”
The ringing of her cell phone cut her off. The mice perked up with interest as Allura reached inside her pocket. “Sorry, one sec.” She saw the number, smiled as she recognized it and answered. “Hi, Keith.”
Instead of the instant hello Allura was expecting, she heard Keith cough and clear his throat. “Um..hey, Allura...Um doing okay?”
Allura frowned as she sat up straight. “Uh..yes, I’m just decorating the tree with Pidge.”
There was a pause. “Already?”
Allura rolled her eyes. “Yes.”
“It’s only the first week of December.”
Allura rubbed her eyes. “Keith, I’m assuming you didn’t just call me to complain about my decorating decisions.”
Pidge poked her arm. “Told you,” she said with a smirk.
Allura promptly ignored her, after she poked Pidge back as she heard Keith sigh.
“Right, sorry, and no..Um, I want to ask you something.”
Allura’s smile brightened. “Oh?”
Did Keith want to hang out together? Considering Pidge was busy it was perfect. It was hard to believe now how much she enjoyed spending time with Keith, when a few months back, she was convinced she wouldn’t be able to stand being in the same room with him.
“Yeah,” Keith continued as he clicked his tongue, “do you..want to eat dinner somewhere?”
“Oh, yes, that’s a lovely idea,” Allura said as she began to pace. “I’m free Saturday, we could go to Hunk’s place or to that diner you like?”
There was a pause. “Um..no, I don’t mean like how we normally go to eat dinner.”
Wrinkles formed in Allura’s forehead as she frowned. “Well..how else would we eat dinner?”
“Um...well, together.”
“I still don’t understand how that is different,” Allura continued. Was Keith ill or something? He did have that odd cough earlier.
“Well...this time I mean together..as in like..a date.”
Allura froze.
“Like a romantic type kind of thing.”
Allura’s brain slowly registered Keith’s words and then the meaning fully struck her. She blushed bright red. “Oh..you mean an actual date?”
“Yes,” Keith said softly and somehow Allura could sense he was blushing too.
“With you and me,” Allura confirmed as she noticed Pidge looked intrigued along with the mice.
“Y-yeah,” Keith said and coughed. “Look...if this is too weird, you can just forget about this entirely and we can pretend I never asked. I understand you don’t want-”
“I want to,” Allura chimed in quickly without thinking.
“Want to what?” Pidge whispered, but Allura turned her head away from her.
Keith was silent for a moment. “You..want to go on a date with me?”
“Yes,” Allura replied as confidently as she could, despite her rattling nerves. “I..l would love to go on a date with you.”
“Uh..okay,” Keith said as he swallowed. “Then, Saturday? We meet up at the movie theater and then go to dinner afterward?”
“Sounds perfect,” Allura said feeling slightly dazed. “It’s..a date.”
“I’ll meet you there then at the usual time,” Keith replied. “Um..later.”
Allura hung up and sat on the couch next to Pidge. A part of her felt she was caught up in some dream, but when she felt Chuchule lightly nip at her finger she realized it wasn’t a dream.
“Ookay,” Pidge said as she set her mug aside, “what was that about?”
Allura tapped her fingers against her phone. “Um...I just accepted to go on a date...with Keith.”
Pidge blinked as the mice twitched their ears, but then she smirked and leaned back in her chair. “About time.”
Allura turned her head in confusion. “What?”
Pidge shrugged. “I knew you two had a thing going on for awhile,” she said as she picked up her mug. “Frankly, Lance, Hunk, and I were having bets on who would ask who first.” She took a long sip. “I just won five bucks.”
Allura leaned back stunned. Was it that obvious? Yes, she had liked Keith, and she had perhaps pondered the idea of them dating, but she had been afraid Keith didn't feel the same way about her. After their rocky start, Allura didn’t wish to send them back to square one if she asked him out and he felt uncomfortable for rejecting her. It never occurred to her he might ask her.
“So,” Pidge asked as Chulatt scurried into Allura’s lap, “any idea what you’ll wear?”
Allura froze. Oh, right. She had to dress for it. Should she wear a dress? But it was winter. Also, should it be formal wear? That wasn’t Keith’s style so maybe casual? They weren’t just hanging out though, it was an actual, real life, possibly romantic date. So, maybe something-
“Hello,” Pidge commented as she waved in front of her face. “You with us?”
Allura shook her head. “Yes, and I need your help to decide on an outfit,” she grabbed Pidge’s hand and yanked her off the couch, “right now.”
Pidge grunted as Allura dragged her into her room and the mice chased after them. “Geez, Allura, calm down! You got a few days to decide, right?!”
“Yes, only a few days! I’m going to be nervous about it until the day of,” Allura said as they entered her room. “Planning for it will be the only way I can keep calm.” She sighed as she began to search through her closet. She doubted Keith was feeling this nervous.
Keith was a nervous wreck. He kept fiddling with his scarf and had to resist the urge to pace as he waited outside the movie theater. He pondered again if he should just go and buy tickets, but he wasn’t certain which movie Allura wanted to see.
Not that there was a great selection to choose from between a romantic comedy, a horror and the latest animated movie that just came out. Given the selection, Keith had a sinking suspicion Allura would pick the animated movie.
He glanced to his watch again and took a deep breath. He was early and there was a lot of traffic. There was a good chance Allura wouldn’t get here for a good ten minutes-
“Hi, Keith.”
Keith jumped, but calmed down as he turned.
Allura had her hair down with a crystal snowflake barrette clipped into it. Her winter coat was blue with a white fur trim and her white gloves matched the falling snow as she gripped her hand held purse.
Allura had always been pretty, but tonight she looked even more so, and his heart skipped a beat knowing she was doing this for him. He glanced over his red coat and wondered if he should have dressed up more for her.
“Sorry,” she said with a blush, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Keith cleared his throat as he straightened his posture. “No, it’s fine, I just didn’t expect you to be here yet.”
Allura nodded, smiling shyly as she pointed to the theater. “Shall we go pick a movie?”
“Y-yeah,” Keith said as he tucked his hands into his pockets and lead the way. His eyes glanced to Allura’s hand. Should he hold her hand? It was too early for that kind of thing right?”
His mind returned to the present as they approached the booth and a cashier girl smiled at them.
“Welcome to Galaxy Theaters,” she beamed at them. “What movie are you wishing to see?”
Keith shrugged as he sheepishly looked to Allura. “I...wasn’t sure which movie you wanted.”
Allura pursed her lips as she glanced over the list. “Well..how about that animated movie? Coran saw it and said he enjoyed it.”
“Sure,” he said as leaned against the counter. “Two tickets for ‘The Adventures of the Space Mice’ please.”
The cashier smiled as she typed into her computer, but her fingers paused as she winced at them.
Uh oh.
“Sorry,” she said as she clasped her hands together. “The movie just sold out, but there’s another showing with seats available in about four hours.”
Keith glanced to his watch and cringed as he did the math in his head. “That’s a long time to wait,” he said. “It would be close to midnight by the time we get out and I’m not exactly dying to see it that badly.”
“I agree,” Allura said as she grasped her chin, “are you interested in any of the other movies?”
Keith narrowed his eyes at the list. There was the horror movie and while he wouldn't mind it, he knew Allura didn’t care for them.
He suspected, though, that if Lance was here he would be arguing they go see it so Allura could cling to Keith during the jumpscares.
Yeah, right, Keith thought as he shook his head.
That only left the romantic comedy. He sighed. Keith never cared for those either, but if they didn’t pick that, then they would have come to the movie theater for nothing. While he didn’t know much about dating, even he knew that was not a good way to start their date.
“How about for the romantic comedy?” Keith said as he pointed to the movie. “It’s got to be better than the horror one.”
Allura nodded as she stepped forward. “Two tickets for that then, please.”
The cashier nodded as Keith paid and she printed off the tickets. “Here you go,” she said as she handed over the tickets. “Enjoy the movie. Starts in about 10 minutes.”
Keith’s stomach lurched as he saw the ticket in his hand, however it eased as Allura took his arm and they ventured inside.
Keith blushed as he kept his gaze ahead.
Oh, well, he thought as they entered the theater, the movie can’t be that bad, right?
They had regrets. They had all the regrets.
The credits on the screen rolled as light returned into the room and people began to leave their seats. Slowly, Keith turned his head to Allura and discovered she shared the same dismay on her face that he felt inside.
“Allura...what the heck did we just watch?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Allura said slowly as she rubbed her eyes. “This was a romantic comedy was it not?”
“That’s what the listings said,” Keith replied as he checked his ticket to make certain they had entered the correct room.
“Then why was there a giant robot? And the aliens-”
“Came out of nowhere,” Keith added as he tossed up his hands. “Also, the guy was a clone the whole time? What? That made no sense?!”
“And the acting? I’ve seen puppet shows with better skills,” Allura added as she leaned forward. “It felt like this story was written by a middle schooler.”
“No,” Keith said as he rubbed his eyes. “A middle schooler writing this would have bothered to make the main characters interesting. I’ve seen jars of paste with more personality.”
Allura slumped into her chair, shaking her head as she picked up her purse. “It...could have been worse I suppose.”
Keith ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, I never would have picked this movie if I’ve known it was…” he gestured to the screen, “...that kind of a mess.”
Allura glanced over, smiling as she patted his shoulder. “It’s alright, and I’m equally to blame since I agreed with the choice.” She gave a half laugh. “At least it was memorable.”
Keith pouted as he stood. “It’s not exactly a movie I want to remember.”
Allura laughed as she rose and picked up her coat as Keith watched her. In the dark, he hadn’t been able to see the dress she put on, but now in the light he could. It was a soft pink dress with sleeves that went up to her elbow, accompanied by a snowflake pendant that matched her hair clip hanging around her neck.
“Keith? Shall we go get some dinner?” Allura held out his hand to him. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”
Keith tossed his thoughts aside as he nodded and took it. “Uh, yeah...starving..too I mean.”
They held each other’s hands as they walked out of the theater and into the lobby.
“So, where did you want to go for dinner?” Allura asked as she put her coat back on. “Hunk’s diner?”
“And let Lance tease us like crazy while we eat? Uh, no.” Keith got out his phone and brought up a map on the screen. “Hunk suggested this new place. He thought it would be nice for our first date.”
Allura blushed as she giggled into her glove. “Yes, I keep forgetting this is a date,” she smiled. “It just feels so natural to be with you like this.”
Keith’s cheeks felt hot at that before he coughed and pointed ahead. “Yeah..and um, I got us reservations so we should get going.”
“Right,” Allura said as she took his hand again. “Lead the way.”
Keith kept his eyes forward as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Alright, so the movie was a bust, but dinner will bound to be better. Nothing else could go wrong.
Keith could see why Hunk suggested the place. It was definitely a fancier place than Hunk’s diner, but the prices were reasonable. Part of Keith wondered if he should have taken Allura to that really expensive French restaurant downtown, but he knew Allura would insist on paying and he couldn’t have that on their first date.
He should have been concentrating on what to order besides breadsticks, but he kept glancing to Allura. Was she having fun? Did she like the place? Did she arrange for Pidge to call her with an excuse if she needed to bail? One of those dumb romance books did have that as a plot point.
“The pasta looks delicious,” Allura said as she lowered the menu to show him. “Although, I’m a bit tempted by the lasagna.”
“Uh, yeah,” Keith stammered as he promptly turned his gaze to the lit candle in the center of the table. “I might get the spaghetti and meatballs.”
Allura smiled as she giggled. “Perhaps we should just order a plate to split.”
Keith frowned as he folded the menu. “Um..why would we do that?”
Allura blushed. “Well, this is a date, so we could do it like they do in Lady and the Tramp.”
Keith continued to frown. “Um...what movie?”
Allura dropped her smile. “Lady and the Tramp? The animated movie about two dogs that fall in love?”
Keith only continued to be more confused. “Never heard of it and I still don’t get what that has to do with a plate of spaghetti.”
Allura’s eyes widened as if Keith has just said he’d never been outside. “Wait, you never saw Lady and the Tramp?” She leaned over the table. “It’s a classic! It was one of my favorites as a child.”
Keith shook his head. “Sorry, can’t say that I have, but I tended to read more than watch movies as a kid.”
Allura gasped as she placed a hand over her mouth. Keith resisted rolling his eyes, but then quickly froze as he saw the familiar spark of determination shine in her eyes. “Alright, the next time we have a movie night, you’re watching it with me.”
Keith chuckled as he folded his arms on the table. “I don’t get a choice in this?”
“Not at all,” Allura said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Besides, you owe me after having me stand in line with you for that author's book signing.”
“You invited yourself,” Keith said with a smirk as he pointed a finger.
“Yes, but I brought you coffee,” Allura added and then giggled.
Keith’s shoulders dropped as he found himself smiling. Suddenly, he felt all of the earlier tension in his body melt away. Why had he been so nervous? This was feeling like how they normally hung out. If future dates were like this, he had nothing to worry about.
“To get back on track,” Allura said as she picked up the menu, “let’s order a small appetizer and then-”
Suddenly the electric lights on the ceiling flickered. They came back on, then off, then on and then off again. Keith held his breath hoping the light would return, but it didn’t. Their only source of light now was the lit candle between them as they heard people gasp and mutter in shock from the other tables.
Glancing to Allura, Keith groaned. “Think this is part of the experience?”
“I highly doubt it,” Allura chimed back with her own groan.
Keith heard the doors to the kitchen open, and a waiter carrying a flashlight at the front doors. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am so very sorry, but it would seem we have lost power!”
There were groans, grumbling and Keith heard the couple at the next table swear.
“We will try to get the power back on as soon as possible,” the waiter continued, “but it may take some time.”
Keith buried his face into his hands. Really? Of all the places, out of all the days to get a power outage, it had to be here?! During his first date?
Keith was tempted to take his anger out on the breadsticks, but it vanished when he felt Allura’s hand on his shoulder.
“We haven’t ordered anything, so let’s just leave,” she suggested. “Why don’t we head to the park? It’s close and there’s a cafe nearby.”
Keith chewed his bottom lip. The cafe was good, they had been there a few times, but Keith figured it wasn’t exactly first date material. However, if he didn’t get something in his stomach soon, it wasn’t going to stop growling. He would rather not add the embarrassment to his growing list of how this date had gone wrong.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Keith replied as he took her hand.
Even with the light of the candles from the other tables, Keith and Allura had to be mindful not to bump into any of the tables or other customers that were also leaving. Once they reached the doors, Keith felt his phone vibrate.
Under a streetlamp, Keith took it out and saw the text was from Hunk.
Hey, forgot to tell you that place has the best spaghetti and meatballs. So might want to think about ordering that.
Keith sighed as he pocketed the phone. This was so not turning out to be a good first date.
“I swear that was the best meal of hot dogs and donuts I’ve ever had,” Allura declared before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
Keith used his own hot chocolate to warm his hands as they walked down the park path. “Yeah, probably because we were both hungry and everything tastes better when you have an empty stomach.”
Allura chuckled as she held him by his arm. “Oh, come on, the food at the park cafe is good on a regular day.”
Except those regular days aren’t first dates, Keith thought bitterly to himself and sighed. Oh, well, surely it’ll be smooth sailing from here..right?
Keith finished his drink and dropped the cup in a nearby trash can. “So..what do you want to do now?”
Allura smiled as she rested her head against his shoulder.
Keith paused. Oh.
“Let’s just walk for a bit,” She said in a wistful tone and grinned as she pointed upward. “And, look, it’s starting to snow.”
Keith looked up just in time for the perfect opportunity for a snowflake to land on his nose. Allura giggled as Keith shook it off and more snowflakes followed.
“I feel like we just walked into a snow globe,” Keith commented as he brushed snowflakes out of his hair.
“That’s half the fun,” Allura said as she let go of him and spun around.
Keith watched her, feeling warm as Allura caught the snowflakes on her gloves and smiled. “Snowflakes are so pretty.”
“They are,” Keith said although he wasn’t looking at the snowflakes as he brushed the snow off her shoulder. “For someone who tries to act super mature, you can be such a kid.”
Allura paused as she cocked her head to him. “Perhaps, but...I would only show this side to those close to me.”
“Yeah?” Keith said as he took her head.
“Yes,” Allura said softly as their eyes met. “Would...it be alright if I kissed you?”
Keith’s heart was racing as he found himself nodding. Allura blushed and leaned forward. Keith swallowed as he did the same and then...Allura’s foot slipped on a patch of ice.
She yelped as she desperately grappled onto Keith for balance, but to Keith’s horror he couldn’t hold it. They both tumbled backwards and landed in the snowbank. Keith scrambled to sit up and reached for Allura.
“You okay?” he asked.
She grunted as she sat up. “I should be asking you that,” she brushed the snow off her face and sighed. “We are just having the worst luck tonight aren’t we?”
Keith nodded as he let his bangs dangle over his eyes. HIs clothes were cold and wet, and he imagined it was only worse for Allura in her nice dress. This date was a complete wash.
“Look, my apartment is close, so let’s go there and warm up.” He chewed his bottom lip. “Unless you want me to just take you home?”
Allura looked tempted, but then she climbed to her feet and held out for Keith’s hands. “Let’s go to your place then before anything else happens.”
Keith couldn’t agree more as he took Allura’s hand and led the way back home.
“Do the clothes fit you alright?” Keith asked. “Not too big?”
Allura tugged at the oversized red sweater Keith loaned to her, along with the grey jogging pants. “No, it’s fine,” she smiled and tilted her head. “It feels new.”
“My stepmom got it for me for my birthday,” Keith replied as he set mugs of tea on the coffee table. “Although, I haven’t worn it much yet.”
“Ah, I see,” Allura said as she rubbed her face into the sleeve. “It feels very soft.” She then blushed and coughed into her hand. “Anyway, thank you for the change of clothes.”
Keith grimaced as he slumped on the couch and reached over to scratch at Red who was napping next to him. “Least I could do after ruining our first date.”
Allura look startled. “Ruined?” She sat next to him with a perplexed frown. “Keith, you didn’t ruin anything!”
Keith gave a bitter laugh. “Sure, I did,” he counted on his fingers, “I took you to a horrible movie, we had to leave the restaurant and have junk food for dinner, and to top it all off I knocked you into the snowbank.”
Allura’s eyes narrowed. She then growled before she raised her hand and flicked his forehead with her finger.
“Ow!’ Keith said as he reared back. “What was that-”
“Sorry, but it seems to be the only way to get through your thick skull that you didn’t ruin anything,” Allura said firmly while pointing to herself. “We both picked the movie, I was quite content with dinner, and I shoved you into the snowbank.”
Keith rubbed his forehead as he stared at the mugs of tea. “Yeah, sure, but I didn’t-”
“You made things better,” Allura continued as she tossed her hair behind her ear. “We can now both laugh about the horrible movie together, you took me to one of my favorite cafes and accompanied me for a lovely stroll in the park.”
Her eyes softened as she fiddled with a tip of her hair. “It just proves how much I greatly enjoy your company,” she poked his chest. “So, I shall not tolerate you putting yourself down like that.”
Keith blinked, but slowly he leaned forward as he laughed. “That’s what I like most about you, I think.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. “You always try to find the good in something, even when it’s bad.”
Allura smiled as she wrapped her fingers around his hand. “And...I like how sincere you always are and how much effort you put into things.”
They stared into each other’s eyes, and slowly pressed their foreheads together.
“I like being with you,” Keith whispered to her.
“And I like being with you,” Allura whispered back.
“So..” Keith asked slowly as he felt his heart beating rapidly again, “would you...go on a second date with me?”
Allura giggled. “How about this for my answer?”
She leaned forward and struck his lips with her own. Keith staggered, but instantly melted as he kissed back. It was a long moment before they broke and Keith’s lips felt tingling.
“I...I never kissed anyone before,” he said as he rubbed his neck. “Not like that.”
“Neither have I,” Allura said as she leaned against his shoulder. “What should we do now?”
Keith reached for a remote and turned it on. “Want to watch an actual good movie before I take you home?”
Allura’s eyes brightened. “Yes,” she declared as she took the remote and brought up Keith’s Quinscreen account. “You’re watching Lady and the Tramp because you need to.”
Keith snorted. “It’s a requirement is it?” he asked.
“If you want to date me, yes,” she said and then paused as she looked up.
Keith blushed, but wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Uh..okay then,” he said as he scratched his cheek. “Let’s watch it.”
Allura beamed at him as she found the movie and hit play.
Pidge grumbled as she kept her arms tightly wrapped around Shiro’s neck. “I will never try skating again.”
Shiro laughed as he carried her down the hall. “Aw, come on, you were doing great.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Pidge grumbled as she glared downward. “Tell that to my twisted ankle.”
Stupid ice rink! Stupid speed skater! Why would someone go that fast on a public ice rink? Pidge was just glad he had only collided into her and not some little kid.
Shiro shook his head. “It was just a bad first time. I’m sure it’ll be better next time.”
“Less talking, more carrying,” Pidge said as she pointed forward.
“Yes, my lady,” Shiro said with a laugh as they reached the front door of the apartment. “Can I at least lower you so I can reach my keys?”
“If you must,” Pidge said as Shiro lowered himself and Pidge climbed off.
She hobbled, but was steadied as Shiro wrapped an arm around her. Pidge leaned into him for balance as Shiro pulled out his keys and unlocked.
“Now listen,” Shiro said as he looked to Pidge. “I’m betting Keith is home from his date with Allura, so no teasing.”
Pidge gave a playful pout. “Aw, come on, let me have a little fun, Shiro.”
Shiro frowned at her. “No, seriously, Pidge, he was stressing out about it when he left. He’s never tried to date anyone before and I want to encourage him. No matter how it turns out.”
Pidge frowned, but gave a nod. “Alright, fine,” she said and held up a hand. “But I am fully allowed to tease them if they go on a second date.”
“Oh, most definitely,” Shiro said as he pushed the door open. “That goes without saying.”
They entered the apartment and could hear the sounds of the tv playing in the other room.
“Keith,” Shiro called as he lead Pidge there alongside. “Pidge is with me. She hurt her ankle so-”
He went dead silent and Pidge had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Keith was sound asleep on the couch, with Allura sleeping against him. Red herself looked quite content to snooze in Keith’s lap and Black was curled up next to Allura. Yet, the best part of the whole scene was how both of them had their arms wrapped around each other like they were sleeping with their favorite teddy bear.
“Well,” Shiro whispered as he leaned over the couch. “Guess the date went well.”
Pidge smirked as she reached into her pocket for her phone. “I’m taking a photo of this and you can’t stop me.”
“Don’t plan to,” Shiro said as he took out his own phone, “and long as you don’t stop me.”
Both of them grinned evilly as they snapped the pictures and Pidge decided it was worth hurting her ankle to see this.
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party-in-eldarya · 1 year
Playing ANE what a joy, ep 6 p1
We start with Nevra finishing his report. Erika mentions that everyone is here, except Leiftan who has a high fever. She also notices that Nevra is spiteful about , and that everyone ignores his remarks because "the don't want to rile him up". Someone could put him in his place, because IMHO high fever is a good excuse to skip on report of organization you are not part of.
Look, I always praise background and sprites but:
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...they should be drawn in same scale. Jamon is on a mission, will it be explained what is this mission, or it's just another detail just to dry my of my maana?
FUKING familiar. Erika mentions how she missed it. Well, I didn't, the blasted shithead already costed me 12 maana. that's 4 wigs I have to put on market!!!
HH speaks that all anomalies for sure (?) mean that Earth and Eldarya are merge. Erika thinks about Blue Sacrifice, how it would lose a meaning.
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...and dragonkins, slayed by faeries. And aengels, who agreed to be sacrified. And those aengels killed by their brothers. And daemons killed by other faeries. But sure, let's mention only dragons, because Lance is here, and it is his time to shine in this episode. Instead of wasting 12 maana on my familiar, let's explain properly what BS really was for new players.
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And there are more and more portals opening everywhere.
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Could be just google translation, but my question is: cannot or should not? Because there might be a bunch of humans toddlers somewhere in Eldarya right now... and the mere thought is scary. I know, I KNOW. They do not hurt little girls in Eldarya.
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Thank you, Huang Chu for answering my question. Ewelein and Zifu are tense, they look for HH reaction and whole atmosphere is weird, like HH was hiding things from Light Guard. Huang Chu treats Mathieu like shite, refusing to explain him how unstable portals would harm anyone trying to use them. She is not a flawless person, but still, at least she is SOMETHING. Ewelein tho… is just an empty, pretty shell of herself. Love doesn't suit her.
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I am sure she is much better. Her illusions only caused chaos during battle and costed life of innocent Edgar, why should she be concerned? Nasty mumpsimus.
They discuss how portals are still not studied enough, and while I do not enjoy this part, it's not particularly bad.
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Or is he afraid that his cover would be destroyed? Nice detail. They discuss the fate of plp who could land near Vampires' lands or in Genkaku. Hints that not everything is so sweet in Eldarya, Erika. Think about it.
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But wait, they mentioned that people are well loved nowadays, thanks to Erika? What is the truth??? TBH, I like this ^ version better, it's realistic that centuries of prejudice won't be easily forgotten.
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WRONG. It happened, and ended badly for all people who were teleported into Genkaku. They all died. You have been just told. You don't know if similar tragedy didn't or won't happen in Grand Yamisse Mines or Sleepy Forest (yup, those places were mentioned in TO).
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Tell her, Nevra! It's not like she was thrown to prison just for being a human! Or like she talked to Ezarel about his people trying to harm Anne-Marie. Or...
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We are at episode 17 and I start to think there won't be right time for those things in ANE. Perhaps the message will be "let's love and live peacefully", and Erika will die to make faeries and humans accept each other but... Once again it seems to me that "love" for humans from first episodes of ANE was a myth, and that even in Eel some faeries would gladly throw us into jail.
AND OMG, Ewelen can talk. Erika made good point:
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Is it because I use google translation? Because while she calls herself the last of the aengels, and how she is not connected to Edgar or any human... here, she embrace her human part pretty clearly. Bad writing or google translator?
Chrome is still afraid, and while I agree with him- people on Eldarya will be a dangerous thing, I cannot help but repeat my doubts: are faeries super advanced in everything or are they weak and cannot defeat an army of people? can't be both, Beemoov, make up your mind. Confuuuused.
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Do I, Erika know? A girl who was sheltered, pampered and couldn't fight? Who was shocked at mere mention of battles, fights, weapons, prison or murder? Who has seen her first death during Yvoni mission? Chrome, you are making no sense. So far it's faeries who hurt me more. Suddenly our, humans' weapons are deadly, while magic of faeries is nothing. Sure, Lance, Leiftan or even kitsunes magic means nothing. Chrome speaks about bloody history of humans wars. Well, the genocide of dragonkin and aengels sounds peaceful. Death of whole Kappa tribe was peaceful. Damn, you are sitting next to person who was planning to destroy whole world, but sure, it's only humans who we should be afraid of. But ofc Erika speaks nothing of it. Words are source of misunderstanding, right? /s.
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Uh, yes. Lance, perhaps you should talk to Huang Chu, she has nice words how even leaders can err. One thing is interesting and puts Guards and how other faeries treat them in different light:
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... yes and no, Nevra. Opening portals can be crucial if something goes really wrong on Eldarya. In my story after Oracle's death faeries are preparing to be boarded back to Earth in case their world will collapse. Everything is better than staying on dying lands. And both HH and Ewelein (SHE SPEAKS!!!) have similar idea.
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We can encourage Light Guards to question us about Earth, it can boost our LoM with Zifu and HH. Sorry Zifu. I stay quiet and let Mathieu do the honors.
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... This was what I was forced to say in this game. And this is how I felt in real life:
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Erika is gushing how HH is the best, while what she did was just minimum. They want to open portals to evacuate/study them- ask Absinth to gather ingredients. They are preparing for ambush- Obsidian is told to be ready. Shadow is... suposed to do something. It's not a plan no Sun Zi level, but Erika is easily impressed.
BTW it's been 200 maana or smth, and there is no mention of my LI. Stay classy, Beemoov. I wonder will you add Erik to next Valentine Event. I know you wont, you cheap company.
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She might expect you to live a v short life tho, Erika, and what will you do with this? This is the end of our grande pow-wow, all but Nevra leave for the hall.
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... and thanks to your insubordination innocent man was killed. I am glad you are not mourning him too deeply, Koori. Would be terrible if you felt a bit guilty, you know. White animu princess can do no wrong.
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Wait, they just came back? I thought it's like another day, but no, it seems they just got back and Koori is so relaxed and not feeling guilty at all. Thanks to her wild illusion and those damned magical stones everyone could be dead. Erika was almost trapped in illussions (it was Edgar who helped her snapped of it). Mathieu was almost killed. And not one word? Writer, what the hell, what the hell?
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Sure, you can act this way if it comes to your life and death and it makes you reckless at worst. However, we are (or should be) talking about death of someone else, and that makes you heartless. That's not a cute look, Beemoov. But we are now focusing on that "surprise" that Koori is planning, and Erika cannot thing about anything but this, so I guess this is it, we won't be fussing over Edgar's death much. At least Erika admits that the mission wasn't a triumph.
+4 maana for that fuking familiar. Please tell me that Lance will stomp on it at the end of ANE. He is soooo good with animals.
We search for Ophelia, find her in Adalric's company. I must say that her head is too big, but design is pretty, will def headcanon my OC and Leif's older child looking like her.
Ophelia SPEAKS. But it doesnt change a thing, she merely repeats what everyone knows/feels. That the doom is coming. The Oracle has spoken, the world will change and we cannot help it. But it will depend on us, because why not, extra maana, doesnt have to make sense, sounds deep.
+6 maana wasted on familiar.
Adarlic admits that Ophelia is a reincarnation of the Oracle. No one is surprised, right? Why didn't Ewelein nor HH tell that to Erika at the begining? Who knows, not me.
Aldaric repeats same message in many sentences, but this is not troubling. It fits his character. It works. The problem appears when other characters act this way (Erika hem hem).
+4 maana spent on familiar. This is pretty annoying. To make myself feel better I go to watch Leiftan's statue. I wonder if they sculpted, you know. DETAILS.
Horny Erika attacks. Honestly, what would you do if you met your boss kissing their spouse? I would either go back to room and wait, or make some noise, apologise and go my way. Would you wait and WATCH like horny peeper? Well, that's Erika for you.
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@heyseihai this is this romance you were talking about.
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I do hope that Leiftan is still having fever. I do not play this game to read how Erika gets excited by seeing people make love to each other.
We have been discovered, and by their reaction I feel that HH and Ewelein weren't just kissing. They were having a quickie in the middle of common corridor, right? While Erika was observing them.
Erika wonders who is most embarrassed. Erika, it's me. It is me, reading that scene.
Ewelein is rather shy about it, while HH seems smug. We finally part and Erika goes to bed.
+8 maanas for a pet. Still better than reading how Erika stalks her friends' sex life.
She goes for a shower... and I will leave her there.
Until next time!
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carstairsjames · 7 years
 Tagged by @madamelestranq. Thank you!
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Post 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1. Unicorn or Pegasus?
I like unicorns but c’mon, pegasus? They are SO AMAZING. So yeah... I choose pegasus.
2. Opinions on vampires?
Oh I actually like vampires. If you are asking if I believe in vampires, no I don’t. But if you are asking like, if I like to talk/read about vampires and/or stories about them, yeah I really do.
3. Ever thought of starting a family?
Yeah, I think about it sometimes. I don’t want to start a family right now, but I hope one day I can. I don’t know if I’m gonna get married, but kids? I definitely wanna have kids. 
4. What’s your favourite constellation?
I like Vela a lot. It’s name means the sails of a ship. It’s beautiful and so interesting. I just like it. 
5. Make up a quote that is related to stars right now. What is it? (can you see the trend??)
I wrote this a few years ago?! So here it goes:
“I live in an empty sky, such a dark night Sometimes nothing brightens it Then I try to remember myself I am the star that can shine I am the sky that can live again"
6. How would you feel when you hear the sentence “the sun’s getting real low”?
Reading/hearing that sentence makes me think about Natasha and Bruce (Black Widow and Hulk) and that makes me feel happy haha
7. What’s a line that no one (that includes the people you love) can never cross, or you’ll lash out like a monster?
Anytime my family makes a comment against LGBTQ+ community, I become a fucking monster. 
8. If you could save any fictional character from anything they face, who would that fictional character be and what would you choose to save them from?
I would love to say Maven right here, but I know that’s not fair. He needs to face the consequences of everything he did, but I’ll stil choose him (does that make sense?) because if I could save him from anything, I would have saved him from Elara. Back there when he was a kid? I would have saved him. 
Or I would save Laurel Lance (Black Canary) from the TV show Arrow, because that show doesn’t deserve that amazing character.
9. Cloudless day or moonless night?
I love clouds so I can’t say a cloudless day. So I choose a moonless night.
10. If you could choose, would you like to take the complexion of your father or mother?
By complexion you mean their appearances, right? Oh I don’t know... I actually don’t care about this, you know? 
11. Are you a feminist?
Yup, I am and a proud one.
Okay, so now I will write my questions:
1. If you needed to choose just one tv show/movie to watch for the rest of your life (you wouldn’t be able to watch anything more), which tv show/movie would you choose? Why? 2. If you could use a color to describe your personality, which color would you choose? 3. Do you have a favorite song right now? Which one and why? 4. If you could talk to your hugest inspiration right now, what would you say to her/him/they? (you don't need to say who they are if you don't want to) 5. What is your biggest recommendation? (it can be a book, a movie, a tv show, a song etc). And why? 6. Do you play any instrument? If you don't, would you like to? Which instrument? 7. If you could choose a book  to live in its world/universe, which book would you choose? Why? And which character from it would be the first person you would go after? Why? 8. Do you think you are similar to a character (physically and/or personality)? Which one? 9. Which character (from a book, tv show, movie etc) would you bring back to life if you had the chance? 10. Mare, Cal or Maven: Which one would you like to be your brother/sister? (if you haven't read Red Queen, choose three characters from a book you like). Why? 11. Mare, Cal and Maven: which animals would they be? (if you haven't read Red Queen, choose three characters from a book you like).
Okay, so now I tag: @chelsthebookworm, @alexfireon, @maresword, @chaoslaborantin, @christineflame, @mare-barrrow, @quiteliterallyinthis, @runexandra. That’s it. Sorry for not tagging more! (just do it if you guys want to)
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Note To Self #fuck I lost track maybe 4?
Mythics AU! Lance is Mer, Pidge, Matt and Shiro are Avians, Keith is a Vampire, Hunk is a Centaur, the Galra are Poisonteeth type Naga, Allura is a shrine priestess with goddess blood aka a Deity, and Coran is a Wizard. Pairings are Shklance with Hunk/Shay ;) Everyone hates everyone, species wise, at least. The Galra are the main problem, instigating wars among different tribes and species. Allura is trying to find warriors marked by the gods who can help stop the Galra and the hatred among species, because the goddess who shared her blood with Allura deemed it so. Pidge and Lance have been friends for over eleven years, since she saved him from a Galran fishing trap meant to shred apart any Mer caught in it if they struggled. Lance has a crosshatch of scars across his back from it, though they're faded and barely noticeable unless you're looking. They've kept their friendship secret, because the Mer have a spear on sight policy for anything over the water, Avian or otherwise. Avians have a hatred for the Mer because of this. Lance, ever since befriending Pidge, has since been secretly sabotaging any attempts to spear down any Avians, and has pleaded several times for them all to stop encouraging the fighting. This attitude has made him the pod outcast, only his closely related family has taken his advice. He and Pidge have their own little cove they hang out in, and Pidge often brings him human foods like whipped cream or fruit. Mer have the ability to shift legs once dry enough, and can manipulate water, like water bending. Only the most powerful Mer can manipulate the fluids inside ones body. Lance is still developing that ability, the best he can do is pull water out of lungs or liquid poison from stomachs. This comes in handy when Pidge falls into the pool ;) he's also bioluminescent, has night vision, and a siren scream, though he needs to stay hydrated all the time lest he lose his voice or die. In human form he doesn't need as much water, but he still needs to drink more than a regular human. Avians are able to hide their wings, though bringing them back out again is a little painful. Which is why no one bothers hiding them. They also have excellent eyesight, but terrible night vision unlike the Vampires or Mer. They make up for it with excellent hearing. Centaurs are the gentle giants of the forest, which is why they're dying out so quickly. The Galra pick them off one by one or by entire herds, since they never fight back and are rather skittish creatures. The Balmerans, aka forest nymphs, try their best to protect the remaining ones, but it's getting harder and harder as the Galra poison the trees. Vampires are tricky, and hard to find, so other than the fact that they're weak in sunlight and live off of blood, not much is known about them. Everyone has the ability to appear human, though there are certain tells to a Mythic, like a big human being extremely wobbly or clumsy indicates a Centaur, faint lines along the neck and ribs plus stick thin legs indicates a Mer, slight twin bumps along the back and bright eyes plus head twitches when curious indicates an Avian, etc. Keith and Shiro are dating/courting, Keith and Hunk are pals, Shiro and Pidge are flockmates, Pidge and Lance are friends, which is the current start point. Only Pidge knows Lance and where he's staying, Shiro and Keith are publicly out to Shiro's flock, Shiro has met Hunk, and Allura finds all of them. Allura and Coran find Hunk first, and he leads them to Keith and Shiro, and Allura notes that there is one more Paladin in this place, so after confirming it isn't Matt, they look for Pidge, which is where Shiro and Keith find Lance. Pidge has to explain herself, and Allura confirms that both Lance and Pidge are the last two Paladins needed. Lance shifts into his two legged form in order to meet the others, and hits it off with Hunk right away, which makes Keith a little jealous and he has no idea why. Jesus on a stick this got way too long- Yup, it's gonna be a fic.......oh boy.....
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wittyy-name · 7 years
You got any klance fic recs that are fantasy themed or fantasy AUs or something? I'd love to see your suggestions if you don't mind giving some.
Okay, so these are the first ones that came to mind after like... two minutes of thinking about it, lol. So here you go. There’s sooOOOo many more, and I can think of a few other fics, but I haven’t read them yet. (my to-read list is long). So these are ones that I haVE read. 
Watercast -> Like, seriously, if you haven’t read Watercast by @fishwrites, what’re you waiting for? They’ve put sO muCH heart and soul into building this world, and it shows. The characters are delightful, the interactions are amazing, the setting is impeccable, the fluff is mmmMmmM so good, and it’s setting up for some good plot to keep the story going. Merlance and Avian Keith, in a well rounded and thought out fantasy world. What’re you waiting for? gogo. This story is still in progress.
Magic Me Some Love -> Sea witch Lance? Check. Galra Keith? Check. Fantasy setting? Check. A slow burn of two dorks coming to terms with themselves and with their feelings for each other while also trying to figure out their places in the world? Check and mate. This fic is adorable, fluffy, fucking cute as all hell as these two dance around each other in the ways that we, as readers, know and love. All the while, it takes place in a serious fantasy setting and is driven slowly onward by plot. Fantasy dorks in love, man. Fantasy dorks in love. This work is completed.He Who Fights Monsters -> Did anyone order some dragon Keith?? This is a modern fantasy au, where most things in the world are the same with one exception: there are dragons. And the dragons are evil. Okay, so, evil is a strong word. More like corrupted. The garrison is an organization that’s been around for centuries dedicated to training knights to fight dragons. When Lance stumbles across a corpse of a galra dragon, he’s kidnapped by another dragon named Red, and the adventure begins. It’s a wonderful balance of cute fluff and serious plot, with a good foundation of world building to back it all up. There’s some nsfw toward the end. This work is completed.
Long Lost Second Chance -> What fantasy list is complete without a vampire fic, amirite?? Keith is a vampire who fights other vampires and has no sense of self preservation. Everyone else are vampire hunters. Lance stumbles across Keith saving some kids one day, and ends up getting attached. Keith gets friends who treat him like he’s still human, and Lance learns that not all vampires are bad. It’s fluffy at parts, action-y at others. It’s a slow build with them coming to terms with their feelings, but also with underlying tension and building of the world and politics that promises a good plot. This work is in progress.
The Quiet -> Keith is interning at the garrison hospital as part of his training program. The problem? Keith is able to see ghosts. The bigger problem? There’s one boy who doesn’t seem to know he’s a ghost and has attached himself to Keith. The biggest problem? Keith finds himself getting attached to Lance as well. Super good ghost Lance au. The chapters are all fairly short, but extremely well written. It adds to the mystery. There’s so much going on that’s hinted at, and you’re left at each chapter ending going “wait what? what’s going to happen? I need more” which, honestly, is a very good sign. Reading this fic always makes me feel like I’m sitting on the edge of my seat. Good shit, man. This work is in progress.
Moonset Deep -> Written by the same author as The Quiet, this is their take on a merlance au. Lance is a merman who gets captured by scientists and held captive. Of course Keith is there to help him escape. As with their other works, the chapters are fairly short, yet they somehow manage to pack them full of SO MUCH (like seriously, give me your secrets). I feel like I’m constantly on the edge of my seat, thirsty for more. And as with The Quiet, it’s got this crazy mysterious vibe that just holds you captive. Their writing gives you just enough to KNOW what’s happening and allude to the world they’ve build, but also not enough, so it leaves you constantly guessing (in a good way). I admire this writing a lot. This work is in progress.
Six Feet Over -> We’ve seen some ghost Lance, now get ready for some ghost Keith! I love this one. It’s fluffy in all the right places, and just gives this crazy sense of normalcy, just... with Keith being a ghost. The world is so fascinating and as you read, you slowly learn more and more about how ghosts work. This fic has the rare quality where I literally have no idea where it’s going, and that just keeps me on edge and so willing to read more, because I neED to knOW. There’s just the right amount of mystery to it. It’s some good, chill writing to read, and a good story. It’s been a while since this one has updated, so beware, but I love it a lot so I wanted to rec it. This work is in progress.
We’ll Stir The Stars -> Do you want dragon Keith AND sea witch Lance?? Well BOI have you come to the right gotdam place. This one is shorter by comparison, only 5/6 chapters so far, but damn, it’s easily one of my favorites. It hits all the good places. I mean, dragon Keith and powerful sea witch Lance? Perfect. Story driven by plot and action while their romantic feelings develop? Spot on. A slow burn that leaves you itching for more more more? Yup, you got it. A well build world with so many things around every corner that just keeps you fascinated and captivated like a child in a fantasy candy story?? Gotdam yes. I can’t wait for more, but I don’t want the story to end. This work is in progress.
Thundercat -> Alright, so this one is different from the others in the fact that it’s a oneshot. But it’s a LONG oneshot, about 16k words. Keith is a panther shapeshifter who gets injured and taken in by Lance, a firefighter who’s taking a break from life in a forest cabin far from everything. It’s a nice read. It flows well. It’s adorable and fluffy. It’s got nsfw. It’s got character development. It’s got relationship development. And it does the thing that I’m forever in awe of and jealous of: it manages to tell a full, complete, and comprehensible story that takes place over several weeks/months by telling just small bits and fractions at a time. Good read, man. Very chill. This work is, obviously, completed. 
There’s probably more I could think of, but this list is already getting long. As with before, there are a few more I thought of that haven’t updated in a while. And there’s even MORE that I’ve seen but haven’t gotten around to reading yet. So yeah, not a full list of what’s out there. Just the few that came to mind after two minutes of thinking. Happy reading!
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