#yura bully moment
nopanamaman · 9 months
we need a pic where tsar is strugglin with his guitar
got a fitting snippet from a scene i wrote a while ago
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russian OG:
- Как, сегодня будешь хорошо играть?
- Нет. На то и репетиция.
- А Катя впервые слушать будет. Покажешь ей, какой ты классный, да?
- Да мне пофиг.
- Девочку надо впечатлить. Если залажаешь, подумает, что ты чмошник. Ты чмошник? 
- Я сказал...
- Юра, завали пасть.
(переводили бы с инглиша было бы "заткнись нахуй" но shut your trap звучало в англе слишком мягко)
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aurorashka · 4 years
- Disclaimer -
This is only an AU imagine and yes it does contain everything mentioned in the below explanation. If you're uncomfortable with such content, please don't read it. So, please do keep that in mind and proceed to read if you're interested, thank you.
Definition of a Yandere
Yandere (ヤンデレ) is a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone (or at least innocent) before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence and/or brutality.
Suuhai-Gata the Worship type
~ I will do anything for you ~
- Your friend introduced to San during a party and that's how you both started getting close and grew feelings towards each other.
- But ever since you both started dating, he became more devoted to you and your relationship.
- It's not like you were complaining but sometimes, his emotions gets out of hand and you can't help but get annoyed at his clinginess.
- One day, San kept coming to you and said things like "Baby, see I cooked your favourite food", "Baby, see I made this bracelet for you", "Baby, where did you you go? Oh, to the toilet...damn I thought you left me."
- And finally you couldn't take his clinginess anymore, you told him off to stay away from you because he's annoying.
- San quietly nodded his head and went to your shared bedroom.
- Hours have passed, but San didn't bother to come out from the room.
- You went inside the room and saw him hugging your hoodie while crying.
- You immediately ran to him and asked him why.
- "I'm such a terrible boyfriend, baby. Honestly, it breaks my heart knowing that I made you feel annoyed. I'll change myself for you." He whimpered out.
- That sight broke your heart and you comforted him and told him, "It's okay, Sannie. You don't have to change yourself, okay? I'm sorry for being straightforward to you."
- And from that day onwards you started accepting his clingy nature and tried your best not to get annoyed with him, instead appreciating the fact that he loves you so much.
Mousou-Gata the Delusional type
~ I know our feelings were mutual ~
<Mingi's P.O.V>
- "Do you know the first time I met (Y/N) was the best moment of my life...she looked at me and smiled, it felt like a swarm butterflies hit me at once. I know our feelings were mutual."
- "The next I met her was when the teacher called me to answer a question. I didn't know the answer, so (Y/N) gave me the answer and I managed to answer it correctly. I know our feelings were mutual."
- "And some students came and bullied me, (Y/N) came to me and saved me from them. I know our feelings were mutual."
- "(Y/N), came and talked to me after that day I got bullied, (Y/N) said we can be friends. I know our feelings were mutual."
- "But after sometime I saw (Y/N) talking to another guy. They looked very close with each other but after (Y/N) saw me, (Y/N) bid goodbye to that dude and came to me. I know our feelings were mutual."
- "Prom season came, I asked (Y/N) if she's going there or not and (Y/N) said yes. So, I decided to go because I know our feelings were mutual."
- "But after I went there I saw (Y/N) was dancing with the same guy I saw with (Y/N) that day. I went to (Y/N) and asked who is that dude and (Y/N) told me something which I didn't expect because I know our feelings were mutual."
- "And then you guys brought me here telling me that I was crazy. I don't understand why you guys said things like that because I know our feelings were mutual." Mingi said to the psychiatrist.
- "Mingi, if you really loved (Y/N), why did you kill (Y/N) and that dude that prom night." The psychiatrist asked Mingi.
- "Because I know our feelings were mutual...but why (Y/N) chose him instead of me?"
Sokubaku-Gata the Restraint type
~ You're mine ~
- Wooyoung and you have been best friends for a few years and everything was going fine.
- But ever since he found out you got into a relationship, he became more clingy.
- He always wanted to spend time with you, so he will follow you to go on dates with you and your partner.
- But it always feels like your partner is third-wheeling you both.
- Till one day, your partner couldn't handle it anymore and he confronted Wooyoung during an outing with all three of you there.
- Wooyoung smirked and said, "Do you know (Y/N) and I had a wonderful time with you but ever since you entered both our lives, everything has ruined?"
- "Wooyoung, your only my best friend remember that. Yeonjun is my boyfriend." You spoke on behalf of your partner.
- Wooyoung glared at you both but then he later started laughing.
- Yeonjun and you looked at each other confused.
- "Ahh... I knew this day will come. But I didn't expect it to come this quick." Wooyoung said sarcastically while walking towards Yeonjun.
- You tried to stop Wooyoung but before you could stop him, Wooyoung sprayed something on Yeonjun's face which caused hin to faint.
- You shouted Yeojun's name and ran to help him but Wooyoung sprayed the spray on your face which caused you to get drowsy and faint.
- Then, he placed you over his shoulder and took you to his car.
- "Now, it's time to go to our empire and live there without anyone's disturbance... not even this Yeonjun. You're mine (Y/N)." Wooyoung said.
Touei-Gata the Projection type
~ I can't miss you again ~
- "I know this is weird but I really like you, (Y/N). You really remind me of my dead ex-lover. Jongho said and you didn't think much about his explanation and accepted him because you like him too.
- But you were wrong...you should've really taken into consideration of his explanation.
- Because no matter what you do, what you say or how you act, he will always tells you that it reminded him of his dead ex-lover.
- One day, you were going on a date with Jongho and during the date Jongho was looking at you lovingly while you were talking to him.
- You blushed at his actions and asked him to stop staring at you.
- "I can't help, (Y/N). You really remind me of Yura (his ex-lover)." Jongho told you and pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear.
- And you couldn't take it anymore, "Jongho, can you please stop comparing me with Yura. It's annoying." You told him.
- "But that's the truth, baby." He told and you're so done with it.
- "You know what, let's just end it, Jongho." You told him and got up to go away from there.
- Jongho immediately got up and hugged you tightly while crying.
- You thought he was going to say sorry and tell you that he will not do it anymore but, "(Y/N), you're just like her. I can't help it. Please don't leave me. I can't lose another Yura anymore." He sobbed out.
- To this point you can't handle it anymore, you started crying and pushed him away from you.
- "We're over, Jongho." You sobbed and walked away from there.
- Jongho fell on his knees and sobbed out, "No, I need you...I can't lose another, Yura."
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
Reacting to MC giving them the silent treatment - Dawn Faction
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@mseliteminority Sorry this took so long! Here you go!
Koga Kitamikado
Dude, I'm sorry, you are doomed from the start.
This dude practically has to hone his resistance to the tactic almost daily.
From little kids pouting to Kuya pouting.
It depends on the reason WHY you are pouting though. 
If it’s for something less serious like you losing a game of monopoly for the 23rd time, he’s just going to whisk you away for a real-life round of monopoly and make you scream from either excitement... or fear.
Luckily by this 24th time. you weren’t arrested.
But if it is for something serious like him leaving the toilet seat up...
As you can see, my scale of things is ever-so reasonable.
He’s going to immediately fix the problem, own up... but not before giving you a surprise kiss and then revealing everything such that you are in such a high mood and finally start squealing in delight.
Honestly, he couldn’t care less. At least face him if you were that angry over missing out on some Franky-Flanky-whatever-the-name-of-that-fancy-restaurant-was-that-you-had-to-wait-outside-in-a-tent-for.
This tengu actually the GALL to argue that you were placing too much emphasis on some black fish eggs and random fungi... until he can’t nap as much as usual. 
Because he is so used to hearing you talk/tell a sweet bedtime story/sing a lullaby/nag to put him to sleep. Even Aoi gets worried about Kuya not sleeping the ‘normal’ hours.
Has to go to Apology Bootcamp, featuring Instructors Koga and Aoi. 
Ditches all the classes to see what you were up to.
What if you were dead? There can only be one deadbeat in this house and it better be the master.
Finds you drunk on the peach sake... that started it all.
Re-books the reservations the two of you had at the fancy restaurant... whilst making you get sober with some much-needed water.
And when you are sipping on ginger tea he brewed to cope with the hangover, he cuddles with you and whispers sweet nothings.
Because honestly, threatening several chefs to get cooking can be a bit draining, you know? Well, he knew now and was certainly going to make up for it. 
Why do you want to bully my Grandpa here?
The poor boy is more confused than anything. 
He actually thought you were meditating in serious contemplation and needed the silence.
Or that it was some trending thing to do for couples.
So he becomes even MORE silent if that is possible.
To be fair, you might have just gotten slightly pissed that he had forgotten to... wait for it...
Eat. The. Last. Pudding.
Probably has to consult Aoi before getting anything through.
Ironically, Aoi can give great advice here (and not to himself in the next section, stupid lovable seer)... so Ginnojo not only surprises you with a whole bunch of pudding HE made (which is frankly too much), he even writes out an apology with powdered sugar. How the heck can you ignore something as sweet as that?
Hoo dear, he’s going to go nuts.
The thing is, if it really IS his fault, he is going to be as stubborn as Kuya (ironically) and dismiss the silent treatment as being an immature way of getting your point across.
Which... is technically correct.  But you know he is the villain when he... forgot... your... anniversary.
And HE had been the one pestering you with constant reminders to leave the date open, even getting Nachi to be a carrier cat of sorts.
Ok, to be fair, the life of an Art Student was bound to be full of endless twists, turns and what-not. BUT AT LEAST CALL HER!
So, because he feels incredibly guilty but his mouth somehow says something else like “Fine, be that very childish person you are. Tch.” instead of “Not fine, be mine again. Sobs.”
And he can’t even whisper an apology because you are ignoring (or really can’t hear) him.
So... he tries entering and re-entering your space. Either because ‘Gee that table is super dusty.’ or “Don’t mind me, just vacuuming!’ and even ‘I think there’s a Wraith... ok, yeah, that was stupid.’
There’s not much he can sensibly do in your room until he finally enters your bubble and says, “I forgot you... and I’m sorry.”
Now he is finally close enough to receive the kiss of forgiveness.
You might want to stop before he gets everyone you know to know about the drama between you two.
At first, they were all panicking that a wraith had somehow possessed someone close to them.
And when he finally explains that MC seems to be unusually quiet around him, he mistakes them being stunned as everyone else feeling just as devastated as he is.
They can’t leave. Kuya tried but then saw Yura grabbing the flute.
Koga starts a whole brainstorming session, with Aoi taking diligent notes and Ginnojo doing the war strategies and getting into the psyche of ‘the enemy’.
And they ALL know what was wrong... except Yura who is derping so hard unusually.
Him trying to rub two brain cells at that moment is everyone rubbing their temples.
So they beg you to forgive him for letting a bird in and pecking on your clothes.
Of course, that fails so Kuya finally just shoves the both of you in The Shrine of the Hidden God.
And what do you know, Kuya actually got the very same bird. 
Yura proceeds to apologize via the bird by translating its side of the story and his own remorse.
The bird only starts pecking when you guys become a bit too caught up in the make-up hug. 
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pathtothemissing · 5 years
Can you talk about 3 rp partners you have been rping with the longest?
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/Pfttt a chance to talk about rpers I’v built a strong friendship with over the years. HECK YEAH i CAN TALK about them.
Just allow me to toss a read more down so I don’t clutter the dash thank you
1. @mythoswritten They were my very FIRST rp partner here on tumblr. and I will PRAISE them for sticking with me. When I came to them it was my very first blog, and I was still learning rp edict here on tumblr. My oc had very little on her blog, and had little back story to her.
In fact I’m pretty sure the first rp we did was about the easter bunny.It was random. It made no sense, but they rolled with it. (and that encouraged me to keep my rp blog going). That very first blog grew over the years, and though It is no longer active I cherish the memories on it. Thank you so much friend for giving this way ward writer a chance to lay down her roots on tumblr.
Now days we just kind of follow one another in and out of fandoms. I look forward to many many more years of rping together.
(even if they refuse to follow me into a dying fandom.. I still love them);) Just kidding. You’re cool friend.
2. @magicmagikarp
Yet Another long standing friendship I have had for a long long long long time.In fact they were the first person I interact with on Madison back when she had the Url SweetBabyGroudon.
I will say this for the rest of my life. I am super thankful for them as they encourage me to keep growing what was once my crack muse. and do not fear asking me the questions that make me stop and think to make that growth happen.
When I am stuck and unsure I normally ramble to them about what it is. (and they let me) which helps. and they also feed into the madness that I yeet onto the dash without batting an eye. (in fact sometimes I feel like they always log in right when I’v done something mischievous) (It’s like they have a sensor for when Liz decides to go off the rails or something.)
Bless Duke Okay I can go on for hours about how thankful I am for the duke.
3. @cyberneticiceprince
This rper you do not see on tis blog too often. In fact we didn’t even meet on tumblr. Originally we met on some beyblade chat over on google hangouts.
However they LEAPED into the beyblade fandom shortly after I made my oc blog for the OG beyblade series. They have been part of MANY chats about the old series from us JOking / tourmenting one another over the dub.and a varous of other threads that we’ve done on some of our other blogs.
I love how different mine and Spence’s muses are for beyblade. (so oh so different) it’s kind of comical to watch them interact. (Yura is such a bully to rima just fyi)anyways they have been a really great friend over the years, and has always allowed me to obsess over my muses or even how our muses are interacting. (even if he threatens to run rima over with CARS) (totally throwin shade right now)
Bonus: @cursedtabby (Imma tag them cus this is My editor’s blog... Or one of them)I have know this woman since Highschool... This woman has been through many of the rp(s)this Woman has dealt with my horrible typos for a long long time.She has witnessed me wanting to smack my head against the desk during moments of writers blog.
Needless to say her and I have been through a LOT.and I love her for it.
(I wanted to add her cus she’s been in my life for so long)also: I am very thankful for anyone that has EVER taken the time to interact with any of my muses at any point. All interactions are special in their own way, and it’s a nice way for me to grow my muses and figure out how they navigate around their worlds.:) )
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jaehyunsdimples-19 · 6 years
Too Late....
A: Hey guys! This is my first ever fan fic. This is a Kim Taehyung fanfic.
Summary: Taehyung and Y/N has been best friends since forever! They grew up together sharing many precious memories. But during this journey Y/N grew feelings for her best friend Taehyung who now became a playboy.
Waking up at 6 in the morning is literally the worst thing! Especially when you were having a movie marathon the night before with your bestfriend. Y/N just woke up from her 3 hour "sleep" and is freshening up to go to college. College is a hell for her since she gets bullied by the popular bitch Yura who also have a crush on Taehyung. Taehyung is Y/N's bestfriend. Who is a playboy and heartthrob in her college, but despite that he always respects her. Probably that’s why she likes him so much. Back to Y/N’s point of view.
“Another day in hell. Gotta get ready for it, Yaay!” said Y/N, unamused. She went to her living room to wake Taehyung up. Not only they are bestfriends, but they are also roommates. “Tae wake up!” Y/N said. No answer. “Aish! Seriously this guy is dead asleep!” She went to her kitchen and bought a mug of water and poured it all over Taehyung. “YAH! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU DUDE?!” “Do not DUDE me! It’s time for college get up and freshen up. Imma make breakfast.” “Okay MOM.” Taehyung said rolling his eyes. 
“This boy is going to be the death of me!” Y/N said chuckling,
.............................................TIME SKIP TO COLLEGE.........................................
Y/N and Taehyung came to college and as always, almost every girl is eyeing Y/N with Jealousy. Why won’t they? She is coming to college everyday with the college’s heartthrob. Not just that she gets to hang out with him literally everyday. She is the only girl Taehyung is so close to. And as always, Y/N entered the college hallways ignoring those glares, while having an awful load of thoughts in her head. “Hello! Earth to Y/N!” Tae said. “Huh? Ye-yes?” Y/N said. “Did you even hear a word I said? Or did the words just entered through one ear and left from the other?” “Sorry Tae, I was thinking of something thing.” Both bestfriends were talking when they got interrupted by someone. “TAEHYUNG HONEY!” Yura. Y/n thought. She saw Yura glaring at her, but when she turned to Taehyung, she saw him slightly blushing. WHAT THE HELL?! Y/n thought again. Yura walked up to them and intertwined her hand with Tae’s hand. Y/N felt a light pang on her chest. She never felt this before what happened to her now then? Her being Y/N, ignored that pang. “Hey Y-Yura. How are you?” Taehyung said. “I’m good, what about you?” “I’m good, Th-thanks.” “Y/N don’t you have Math class now? What are you still doing here?” Yura said to Y/N. She was so irritated with Yura always acting like she is the nicest person on earth in front Tae. “Oh yeah Y/N , go to your class” Tae said making her shocked. “what?” Y/N asked. “Don’t act like a third person dud- oh sorry mom, I am trying to impress her here. GO!” Taehyung whispered in Y/N ear. “YEAH YEAH WHATEVER!” Y/N said a little too loud while stomping away. The rest of day as boring as always. It was lunch time now. Y/N excitedly was on her way to the cafeteria to see Tae. Nowadays she has been feeling, what they call butterflies in her stomach whenever she is near Tae, or is talking to him, or even when someone mentions his name. She was sprinting towards Tae and waved her hand violently making Tae chuckle. They sat at their usual table, but Yura came and sat on her seat instead. Oh hell no! Y/n was hella mad. First you bully her, second you flirt with her bestfriend in front of her, and now stealing her seat? Wtf! “Hey Taeee~” Yura said. “Hey Yura! How is your day so far?” asked Taehyung. “Oh it’s good, now that I am with you!” What a biatch. Y/n thought. She was standing for 5 minutes straight since there were no other chairs available, and the fact that Taeahyung didn’t even notice, made her really sad. Fortunately, Yura got called by her minion, and she left the Cafeteria giving Tahyung a kiss on his cheek. There you go, Taehyung is blushing again, and y/n felt that slight pang again, but this time it was a little more painful. Taehyung looked back at y/n and said “Why are you standing sweetie?” “Nothing just don’t feel like eating anymore. I’m gonna head to gym early. See you tonight for annother movie marathon.” Y/N said. “okay.” On her way back, she got pulled into the restroom by Yura and her minions. “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT STAY AWAY FROM TAEHYUNG?!” “He is my bestfriend, and I like him. I have tolerated enough already I will not be tolerating your shit anymore Yura!” Y/n said to Yura. But in return she got beaten up badly. This is when Yura really crossed the line! Calling Y/N names, and throwing eggs, flour and stuff was still okay to Y/N. But beating her up to the point her lips, nose, and forhead started to bleed was NOT okay! they left her lying in the restroom floor. Y/N trying to get to the nurses office to get the treatment for the wounds and fainted. Fortunately someone noticed her. Jimin. Jimin has been going to the same classes as y/n. Although none of them really talked to each other, except for smiling and saying hello to each other whenever one noticed the other. The moment y/n woke up the first person she noticed was Jimin. He was smiling at her with a relief in his eyes. He was worried for her. But she was slightly disappointed as she didn’t notice her bestfriend of 18 years and her crush for 6 years. “Jimin thanks for bringing me here.” “No problem. But i want an explanation first.” Jimin said. Y/n hesitated at first but ended up telling him everything. Starting for her and Tae’s friendship, to her crush, and her bully. “Oh my y/n! You need to tell this to Taehyung.” “WHAT?! I mean, I can’t” “Why?” “What if he doesn’t believe me?” “He will. He is your bestfriend. And it will also make him to stop trying to impress that faker.” Jimin said. “I-I will try.” Y/n sighed defeated. “And always know that I am here for you. You can talk to me anytime you want, even if it’s 4 in the morning” “Thanks JImin. You truely are a nice person.” Y/n said. “Let’s get you home because I am not letting you attend classes in this condition!” Jimin said. Y/n laughed at his cuteness and agreed. On their way out of college she saw taehyung walking up to her but with Yura by his side. He didn’t even glance at her since he was soooo busy talking to Yura. Y/n was hurt. Again.
It has been 1 week, since she hasn’t been to school. Taehyung didn’t even notice she was not in the school anymore. He didn’t bother to text nor call. Everytime y/n called him, it went straight to voicemail. But the message in his voicemail that y/n heard everytime was “sorry, busy with my Yura. talk after the beep.” and this broke her heart into million pieces. The night they were supposed to have a movie marathon, Tae didn’t bother to come. Instead he left a text saying he was with Yura. Y/N didn’t have any choice other than to tell him about Yura. So she called him. And thankfully he answered. Loud noises were heard from the other side, as if he was having a party. Y/n was hurt AGAIN. I mean he can do whatever he wants. But he didn’t even for once tried to know my condition. If I was Okay. Why I wasn’t at college for 1 week. Y/n thought. 
“Hey Tae can I talk to you about something important?”
“Sure. I’m at Jungkook’s party. You can come here. Yura’s here too.”
“Um. No. Can I meet you at m-my apartment?” Y/n said holding back her tears.
“Oh. Okay!”
Taehyung arrived and saw y/n sitting at the couch.A bandage on her forhead. “What happened to you sweetie?” Tae asked. “nothing. I wanted to talk to you about something important.” Y/n said. “Okay. But you have to tell me what happened to you afterwards.” tae said. Here goes nothing. “Taehyung I like you. No I love you.” Silence. “Y/N...I don’t....I like Yura. That’s why I have been trying to impress her for so long.” Y/n was heart broken. “Taehyung Yura is being fake to you.” Y/n said. “what?” Tae asked. Y/N told him everything that Yura has been doing and saying to her. “Y/n you are jokinh right? I know Yura too damn well. She is literally the nicest person on earth! SHE IS NOT FAKE! SHE IS NOT DOING THAT.” “Tae she is a total bitch, and listen t-” “NO YOU LISTEN TO ME SHE IS NOT LIKE THAT! YOU BETTER NOT BE CALLING HER A BITCH Y/L/N Y/N! YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS SINCE YOU LIKE ME AND YOU KNOW THAT I LIKE YURA! THE OLY PERSON BEING A BITCH IS YOU!” Y/N was shedding tears by now. She was holding it for so long now! Tae never raised his voice at her. And now that she telling the truth to him, the person she trusts the most, he is betraying her by trusting a fake person who is not even worth it. “SO YOU BELIEVE YURA MORE THAN YOU BELIEVE YOUR OWN BESFRIEND!” Taehyung was taken aback. “18 YEARS TAEHYUNG 18 YEARS! WE HAVE BEEN BESTFRIENDS FOR 18 YEARS NOW! IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK OF ME?! HUH? DO YOU REALLY THINK OF ME AS A BITCH WHO’S JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE SHE CAN’T GET THE MAN SHE LOVES?! I LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG! YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO BACKBITCH ABOUT SOMEONE YOU LIKE JUST SO I CAN GET YOU?! TAHT BITCH-” *Slap* He did it. Taehyung crossed the line. He slapped his own bestfriend. Y/n was tarumatized. How could he do that to her? She was his bestfriend. The only person who trusted him and told him everything. The only person he trusted. Y/n chuckled hurt. She was broken in many ways before, but this was too much for her. “Y/n I-I didn’t mean t-” Taehyung was cut off. “You didn’t mean to. You didn’t mean to what? Call me bitch? Not trust me when someone I don’t even know well trusted me? Slap me? What did you not mean to do? Huh? Tell me?” Her voice was low and stern. She have had enough. “Y/n, please, forg-” “Our friendship is over.” Y/n said making Taehyung blink in confusion. “W-what?” Taehyung said. “I don’t need someone in my life who doesn’t trust me and calls me names. Just like that I don’t need you. We are through.” Y/n said her voice still stern as ever and low. “Y/n, sweetie, you don’t mean it right?” Taehyung said in total regret. Y/n walked towards her door and opened it. “You may leave Kim Taehyung.” Taehyung walked out of the door. The moment the door closed, it was not Y/N who collapsed, it Taehyung. “What have i done?” He was regrettinf not for not trusting her, but for slapping her and calling her names. ALthough he refused to trust her over what she said about Yura, deep down he had feeling that he should’ve trusted her. This time not Y/N was regretting for breaking the friendship, it was Taehyung who regretted to cause something to make her break their friendship off. This time it was not Y/N who felt the Pain in her chest, it was Taehyung. He knew damn well, what this pain meant. He knew well that the door he just walked out through will never welcome him the same way it did for the past 18 years. He knew really well he lost someone precious. And he knew, it was his fault.
(pt2 will be coming soon ya’ll!)
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kasumi-chou · 7 years
Future Mister Nikiforov
“Victor Nikiforov spotted with ring on finger.”
“Victor: Engaged or Married?”
“Skating Legend V. Nikiforov kissing new golden ring before skating.”
“Victor Nikiforov parading new ring.”
He let out a sigh as he turned to look at the three other people in the room with him.
“What?” he sighed, earning two arched eyebrows in response.
“’What?’ Really? You are really questioning us when you suddenly appear out of nowhere with a ring on your finger,” Christophe Giacometti, one of his biggest competitors on the ice and probably his best friend in the world, stated while sending him a stink eye, “And I haven’t meant them.”
“Hey! What about me!” Phichit Chulanont, one of the newest competitors in the senior division and also a dear friend of his, whine while pouting at him, “I haven’t meant him either.”
“Who said it was male?” he replied, arching an eyebrow towards the Thai skater.
“If you aren’t gay, I’ll eat my skates,” Phichit replied simply, arching an eyebrow towards him in response. He stared at the twenty-year-old for a long moment, wondering if he could actually convince Phichit that he was dating a woman just to watch him eat his skates.
“I do believe Victor is pansexual – that is the right word in English, right? – and yes, he is engaged to a pretty little danseur,” Georgi Popovich, one of his first friends and fellow Russian skater, told his friends simply.
“A danseur?” Christophe hummed curiously.
“How pretty? I need pictures,” Phichit demanded while almost bouncing towards Georgi in excitement.
“Let me see, I think I have a picture somewhere,” Georgi mumbled, starting to scroll through his phone.
“Hey! You can’t show off my fiancé,” he whined in protest.
“Well, you sure aren’t showing him off,” Christophe pointed out, smirking towards him.
“You are all bullies,” he mumbled, pouting towards the only people he would actually call friends in this world.
“We are your friends,” Phichit corrected while throwing an arm over his shoulders, “Friends that need to meet the future Mister Nikiforov before the wedding.”
“An engagement party?” Yuuri mumbled while staring at his fiancé in confusion.
“Yes,” Victor said while handing him a glass of wine before they moved towards the dining table, “We invite some friends over to celebrate our engagement.”
“Friends” he repeated slowly as they took a seat on either side of Yuri to enjoy dinner.
“Work colleagues,” Victor corrected with a sigh. “Invite some of the girls you have lunch with. Minako and Nikolai are invited too. We make up a nice meal and just, well, celebrate.” Victor explained with a shrug.
“Will there be cake?” Yuri pipped up from across the table.
“Cake?” Victor questioned, humming to himself, “I suppose we can have cake.”
He eyed his fiancé for a moment before letting out a thoughtful hum as he sipped at his wine.
“Where did this come from?” he asked after setting his glass down.
Victor went quiet for a moment, busying himself with the meal of fried salmon and vegetables in front of him.
“Vicchan friends want to meet papa,” Yuri piped up, causing Victor to jump and glance towards the six-year-old.
“Yura,” Victor whined, “You weren’t meant to tell papa.”
“But that is what Goga said,” Yuri mumbled while looking up at Victor with an adorable confused look. He glanced towards the boy’s plate, noticing that a rather large chunk of salmon was missing, something that was strange for his little nibbler. He leant over the edge of the table closest to Yuri and spotting the culprit of his son’s missing salmon. Potya sat at the base of Yuri’s chair, looking as innocent as can be.
“You better not be feeding Potya,” he warned the boy while attempted to wave the cat off. Potya let out a huff as she walked around the boys chair, parking herself on the other side, further away from him.
“No papa,” Yuri ensured him with a way too innocent look on his face.
“Okay, Goga? He said that Vicchan’s friends wanted to meet me?” he asked, sitting up straight to look at Victor again.
“Goga! Georgi!” Yuri explained, causing him to nod his head. Georgi, Victor’s fellow Russian skater.
“Fine, fine! Yes, my skating friends want to meet you,” Victor said loudly, cheeks tinted red in what he could only conclude was embarrassment.
He let out a small hum as he eyed Victor for a moment before slowly nodding his head.
“Okay,” he stated simply.
“Okay? Okay, we can have an engagement party? Okay, I’ll meet your friends? Okay…?” Victor prompted, clearly not understanding his simple answer.
“Okay, we can throw an engagement party,” he confirmed, “But nothing fancy.”
“But cake,” Yuri stated, glancing between the two adults for confirmation that there would be cake.
“Cake and pirozhki,” he ensured the boy, earning a bright smile in response.
“Hey! Your papa said not to feed Potya,” Victor said, grabbing the boys hand as he tried to subtlety drop Potya some more salmon.
“But Potya is starving,” Yuri defended himself, pouting at being caught out. He let out a sigh while shaking his head in amusement.
“Eat your dinner, both of you. Or no movie time before bed,” he warned, pointing his fork at the pair. Yuri and Victor went quiet for a moment before nodding their heads and turning back to their meal.
“And no more sneaking food to Potya, or Potya will have to start spending dinner time in the laundry,” he warned Yuri, while reaching over to ruffle the boy’s hair.
“Yes, papa,” Yuri mumbled with a dramatic sigh.
“And you, young man,” he said, turning to Victor, “Stop feeding Makkachin.”
“What are you talking about?” Victor asked, clearly not expecting to be caught out on slipping Makkachin a few pieces of carrot.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice. We do not feed the pets from out plates,” he stated clearly.
“Yes, papa.”
“Yes, Yurasha.”
His boys mumbled at the same time as they went back to properly eating their meals.
Skater Next Door AU
AO3 Skater Next Door / Skater In Training
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
At 22, Yuri Plisetsky is in a good place in his life.
He’s at the peak of his skating career, with countless medals to his name, and two of the best skaters in the history of the ISU as his coaches (though he’d never admit that to their faces).
Age has helped him mellow out some, and become comfortable enough in his own skin to let himself feel things other than anger or superiority or jealousy or hate. His relationship with other skaters his age has improved drastically and he’s even made friends with some of them (though Otabek will always be his first and best).
He’s happy.
And maybe that should have been his first clue.
Because when has anything ever really worked out for him?
He was so much of a fuck up that his own parents had both abandoned him as a child.
His schoolmates used to bully and ostracize him.
Even his grandfather, the one person he’d always thought would be there for him, had passed away and left him all on his own just a month before his 19th birthday.
He’d eventually learned that it would hurt so much less if he just never let anyone close enough to hurt him.
But over the years, two annoyingly persistent people had been able to slowly chip away at his defenses, had made him forget why he’d put up his walls in the first place.
So when Yuri is spending one of his rare days off hanging out with Otabek, Minami, and the rest of their rinkmates, and he gets a frantic call from Mari, he doesn’t immediately suspect the Earth shattering news she has for him.
He greets her lightly, this woman who’s become like a second mother to him (with Hiroko, of course, being the first), and asks her what’s got her so worked up. Have the piggy and the old man already got back from the airport?
They’ve been away for two weeks already, and even Yuri is ready to admit that he’s missed them. (Minami has been horribly mopey the past week, and looks like he’s about to cry tears of joy the moment Yuri mentions their wayward coaches.)
But then there’s a hiccup, a choked sob, and Yuri feels his heart drop. He almost hangs up right then and there, because he knows that what he hears next is going to destroy him.
“Mari?” he asks, and the others must hear the distress in his voice, because they all immediately stop talking to stare at him.
“Yura…” she sobs. “Victor and Yuuri…there was an accident…”
Yuri lets out a startled gasp, and he’s sure that was his heart just now, shattering in his chest.
The others are looking worried now. Minami sitting on his right leans in closer to try and eavesdrop.
He doesn’t process a word of what she says after that - he’s finding it difficult enough to breathe, let alone make sense of her rapidfire Japanese.
There are tears burning behind his eyes, and his knuckles are white from how hard they’re digging into his arms as he hugs himself. He dimly registers that he must’ve dropped his phone at some point.
Otabek is talking to Mari now, expression as stoic as ever, because he’s always been the strong one. While Minami is already blubbering like a baby and Yuri is pretty sure he’s having an attack of some kind, Otabek keeps it together, and manages to get the name of the hospital their coaches have been taken to.
After hanging up, he starts herding his four devastated rinkmates back towards home, already dialing a taxi as he does so.
Yuri doesn’t know how he can stand it. And he’d be grateful, really he would, but Yuuri and Victor are hurt and they might die and Yuri doesn’t know what to do because they’re the closest thing he has to family and he can’t lose them. He just can’t.
He’d never survive.
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thissupposedcrime · 7 years
jealous of the nights (that I don’t spend with you) (wip)
When Yuri is nine, he names his cat Puma Tiger Scorpion. He never regrets it.
In hindsight, that sort of behavior was a neon bright sign of things to come.
“You haven’t spoken to me in three days because you had a dream I liked someone else?” Otabek’s sigh is heavy.
“A nightmare,” Yuri corrects cooly, unsure if his tone should be outraged or Lilia-Pointed-but-Proper.
Yuri’s not one to victim blame, but honestly, Beka should have expected something like this from him.
(pieces of a sequel to every time I try, every time I win that I’m working on)
When Yuri is nine, he names his cat Puma Tiger Scorpion.
A decade later, he stands by the decision.
In hindsight, that sort of behavior was a neon bright sign of things to come.
“You haven’t spoken to me in three days because you had a dream I liked someone else?” Otabek’s sigh is heavy.
“A nightmare,” Yuri corrects cooly, unsure if his tone should be outraged or Lilia-Pointed-but-Proper.
Yuri’s not one to victim blame, but honestly, Beka should have expected something like this from him.
Let’s bring this story back to the start, then the present.
Yuri at seventeen: cheeks flushed by the Russian cold, by the embarrassment that trails him like a shadow whenever Victor hangs off Yuuri, mouth bitten red, first by his own angry teeth as he gnaws down on the vile oaths he wants to hurt at the chests of men who catch Otabek’s attention, and later by Otabek’s own mouth, soothing because of the force, the intensity of kissing Yuri back; golds, silvers, and bronzes pretty collars around his neck when his limbs aren’t out of control.
Yuri at twenty: cheeks flushed from Mila’s prodding about Otabek, a metaphorical battering ram going through his phone and sending selfies to Otabek and hosting a password protected group chat of Katsuki, Victor, and Mila on Yuri’s phone; mouth bitten red because at some point during his tenure with Yakov he learned silence was a viable option but goddamn is it hard, mouth bitten red to match the trail of hickeys under his clothes; golds and silvers, no room for bronze, pretty collars around his neck, swan graceful once again and the apple of Lilia’s eye.
Otabek in the years before, during, and after: Yuri’s.
Unfortunately, it’s Yuri himself who occasionally forgets that fact.
Day Six
The thing is, Mila doesn’t call. Text him vague threats when he first began dating Yuri, speaking not just for her own protective instincts but also the vengeful wrath of the Russian Skating Federation, specifically members coached by Yakov? Absolutely. Tag him across the spectrum of social media accounts he is lovingly bullied to use at least once a month? Constantly. Send him adorable pictures as Yuri cuddles with his cat or breathtakingly lovely images of Yuri, taken as his back creates a graceful arc on the ice? Happily and with pleasure. So when he ends practice to see three missed calls, two voice mails, and a few texts, his heart plummets out of his body, sinking past the changing room floor, to the core of the earth. Yuri. His Yuri. Famed composure abandons him as his fingers shake, thumb pressing the call button. He can’t control his limbs long enough to remove his second skate. The taste of bile might be permanently ingrained on his tongue at this rate, a disgust he will gladly cope with the moment someone reassures him Yuri hasn’t wound up in the hospital or the local jail. He’s not sure which is less plausible.  
God he hopes it’s jail. “Otabek!” Mila’s voice calls him to attention, almost sing-song as it separates the syllables of his name. Immediately, Otabek’s panic mellows, a dull thrum instead of a thumping beat. “Is Yuri okay?” His voice doesn’t waver, but he still can’t manage to stop the nervous twitch of his fingers. “Your boyfriend is being especially bratty,” she declares, and Otabek realizes he’s in for a new hell. Normally, Mila refuses to claim Yuri as one of hers when he’s being a dick, but she sounds happier than past experiences allow. Her voice is musical, teasing, and Otabek understands Yuri can hear them. Faintly, “You hag! Put down your damn phone and check your makeup. The wrinkles are showing!” echoes across the miles between Almaty and St. Petersburg. “See? Such an ugly mood for our Yura,” she croons, and clearly he has become spectator not participant. “HANG UP THE PHONE!” “No!” There’s a crash in the background, more shrieks. Otabek puts the phone on speaker and places it on the locker room bench while he sips his water, grateful to lose the sick taste in his mouth from before. He’s managed to remove his other skate and change his shirt before Mila returns, victorious in abandoning Yuri but simultaneously riling him up with the knowledge Otabek is about to know something. Otabek is glad his relationship with his family does not reflect in the Mila-Yuri dynamic. “Ah, that was fun.” She sounds winded for a professional athlete, but Otabek doesn’t comment, slightly impatient for her to tell him about Yuri now that he’s calmed. “Is Yuri okay?” He starts again. “You tell me.” “I don’t understand.” “Has Yuri been off when you speak?” Mila asks, no longer breathless. Ah. This indeed is something for him to deal with. “What has he done?” “I have a list,” she announces brightly. A brief cough, a hum of her throat follow, and Otabek wonders if there’s something in the water at Yakov’s rink considering his least dramatic student of the past decade was Georgi Popovich. (Yuri is the love of his life, but he thrives on dysfunction to an alarming extent. Otabek understands this and accepts it as best he’s able; it is why they’ve managed to stay together for the past three years.) “To start, he refused to leave practice yesterday. Victor chased him around for nearly twenty minutes until he caught him and dragged him off. Did you see my upload?” “No, but I’ll check when we’re done speaking.” He hopes it isn’t on Instagram. He doesn’t want to deal with the comments from Yuri’s fans.
“It’s on Instagram!”
“Yuri keeps growling at one of our skaters, a boy named Dmitry. We’ve found him crying under a table in the break room four times this week. For some reason, he’s wearing a helmet and runs out of the room whenever Yuri enters. Do you know about that?”
“I forgot you had a Dmitry at your rink,” Otabek replies flatly, memory blank as he tries to recall Yuri ever mentioning a Dmitry.
“Yuri calls him Tiny Bastard if that helps?” Mila offers, and Otabek sighs.
It does. Tragically, it does.
That damn dream.
Sometimes Otabek wonders if he’s become more dramatic since Yuri twirled his way into the center of his universe.
This phone call is all the proof he needs.
“Those pains in the ass are talking about kids!” Yuri shouts across the kitchen, voice somewhat tinny over the speakerphone, hands busy making dinner.
“They’re getting another dog?” Otabek replies, half listening as he reviews the new diet plan suggested for him, nose wrinkling in disappointment in his own kitchen in Almaty.
“I trust them with poodles,” Otabek hears a faint huff and pictures Yuri blowing stray wisps of blond hair out of his face. It brings up a pang of longing and another needless reminder of the long month since their last reunion.
“A human child Beka.”
“You’ll always be my favorite Yura.” It’s an achingly sincere statement.
“That’s not-” A loud exhale. “Thank you, but don’t start with that. I’m the only one who realizes how unhealthy codependency is apparently. I’m worried about what they’d do to a child, not what their child would do to me.”
“I’m confident they wouldn’t send it cowering under a kitchen table in the break room four times a week,” Otabek offers and hums an acknowledgement while Yuri starts cursing Mila’s name. 
Guess who remembered she needs to get back into writing Yuri on Ice if she ever wants to finish soldier boy
For those of you unfamiliar with my past work, Otabek references a fit Yuri threw after having a dream Otabek, his boyfriend and later fiancee, was in love with a Russian skater, one he never even met. From there, an anon begged me to write this.
I felt this would be a better attempt at remembering the voices and characterization than a WIP so well liked but also on such a long hiatus (soldier boy). 
also my friend @dizzytea said the original story is a comfort fic so I thought I’d bring more joy. 
gonna try to have this out this by this time next week, if not sooner if I can keep it under 8k.
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venofire-moved · 6 years
Rori Faith
   Baby! The most kindhearted young woman you’d ever meet! Even despite all the shit she’s been through, and all the meanness she’s witnessed first hand, Rori remains to be the kindest lady ever. Dressed in Saburan attire, with the symbols of the hostile desert tribe patterning her clothing, she was immediately looked down on in the world outside the desert just as much as she had been in the desert. She never belonged anywhere, because to the Saburans, she was an outsider, being born in their prison cells of an impure woman, but since she was born on holy ground, they couldn’t get rid of her. 
   The Saburan’s hostility to outsiders was known so well throughout all of Emtiris that the moment she was banished, she wasn’t welcome there either, and instead of becoming jaded, Rori tried to help and show that she meant them no harm! 
   She’s the sweetest lady honestly- she loves cooking, will spend all of her time doing it if she could, and it definitely shows. Gordon Ramsay would adore her. She gives her food to the homeless and in need, and honestly, she gets taken advantage of quite a bit because of her kindness. Some times she knows, some times she doesn’t realize, but she doesn’t really mind either way- it’s not going to change it. She is selflessly sweet to the point she would sacrifice herself for just about anyone, and has dedicated her own life to the preservation of the world and it’s inhabitants, both in morality and literally, as she took a vow to the Aranthian Goddess of Life to do so. As if she didn’t already have a green thumb, everything she grows is absolutely delicious or incredibly beautiful. Life itself clearly appreciates all the genuine hard work Rori is willing to do at all times. 
Keiji Yura 
   An adorable baker and red squirrel hybrid. I don’t know how she doesn’t get all sorts of fluff in the things she bakes with a tail like that, but whatever she’s doing, she’s doing it right, because she runs one of the best bakeries in southern Sorestras. On top of that, she’s a full-time thief under Elliot, and her shop, with all of it’s hidden little nooks and crannies, serves as a safe place and hiding spot for any thief that may have fallen into a trap and been spotted by the guards. 
   She’s a very energetic little thing, but don’t be fooled by that- she’s got both a vile temper and a terrible mouth. You may not notice it at first in her excited delivery but just about everything she says is some sort of backhanded compliment, or downright rude. She’s ungodly sarcastic, and if you call her short, she snubs you. You no longer exist to her and her pastel pink platform heels that she’s constantly in. 
Ariselli Ves-Loudain
    Quiet and serious, with a resting bitch face that doesn’t match her helpful behavior. Ariselli has nearly unending patience, but she doesn’t look like she does- one glance at her and you’d assume that she’s about to stab you- which you might be right, but only because she’s a medical professional and you need a shot. She’s a conservative little thing with a clinic in a small town in Sorestras, but when her clinic closes for the day, she doubles as a thief under Elliot, in his crew of robinhoods. With poverty rampant in some parts of Sorestras, she often focuses on stealing food and dimes from the rich to give back to the poor, and also tends to help the sick free of charge.
 Veselin Vetarra
    Another that’s quiet and serious, at least in appearance. One look at him and you’d guess he’s some sort of brute! And really, with his hot temper, he probably should be. He’s a muscular Amaloran half-elf that wields a unique trap-weapon, but isn’t what he seems. His shyness stems from selective mutism, and the moment you talk to him, he melts into a look of confusion and nervousness, stuttering out short responses just to get the conversation over with. And despite his muscle and his nerve-driven temper, Veselin practices in healing based magic, which he lends fully to the underground organization run by Anhalia Saitoman, known as Evoltsiya.
    Though he wanted to stay and help in the revolution brewing in Amalar, Anhalia elected to keep his sister, Eva Vetarra back, and send him to aid Evoles, to form an alliance with the soon-to-be High Queen, Lillia Caibre. 
Aspen Varro
    Monotone witch that loves purple and taking the gods for granted. A bully herself, but the moment you say something rude, she’ll piss you off endlessly with her near inability to get angry and the fact that she will literally say ‘ew’ until you storm off (Looking at Kralie). Memes, conspiracies, black cats, and magic, she somehow finds herself working with Ezriel and Gwen to stop the possible end of humanity and I assure you, she is not the kind of hero anyone wants. 
Nataly Veltra
   The young Queen of Emtiris. The older sister of two heirs to the throne, and after her mother passed, she took on the position herself at only 19. She’d been ruling for only two years when disaster struck the western half of her country- a circle of dormant volcanoes that hadn’t ever had an eruption in recorded history suddenly released all of their building fury, taking down a massive part of Emtiris as well as affecting the waters off that coast to a point that trades had to be cut off from all countries on that side. This left Nataly hurriedly trying to get help from the east- Amalar and Evoles came to her aid, but it managed to put her country in debt to both… 
    She’s a quick thinking young woman with a lot on her shoulders, though the stress never really shows through. Instead, she puts on a polite, happy demeanor, with clear grace and regality in every step. She tends to take things at face value, unfortunately, and occasionally gets a little messed up by it. She’s the  kind of person that googles something, reads the first line of the wiki, and thinks she knows the whole thing. 
Kaori [–]
   Necromancer and Sekan. Vaisa’s raiser, and a woman that’s very sick of oppression. One of the chosen Queen’s of Valya Caibre, and likely would have been the next to take the throne if Lillia hadn’t forged the papers, because Kaori is cruel, cold, and ready to slaughter any human that gets in her way of a good meal. Having suffered through near starvation for decades, she’s done putting herself below others to avoid feeling like a monster, and her armies of powerful magic enhanced undead will help her get her way. 
    Y’know, originally, she had a husband named Kamina, but the more I write her, the gayer she feels. Kamina was always a toy she raised and used for her own entertainment anyway.
 Gwendalyn Caira 
   I honestly don’t know a whole lot about Gwen and Ezriel. I’m excited to get to know them both more as I start on Aspen and Dire’s story, because I feel like to be grouped up with Aspen, they’ll have to be entertaining people. When I think about Gwen, she seems like the motherly type. To me, she seems like she’ll treat Aspen and Ezriel the way Buddy does Baby in the beginning of Baby Driver, particularly when they discuss his killer track the first time, then listen to it together.
Tya Maraise
   Should I really start on this because I will ramble for days on how much I love Tya. Like I treat her like shit, and I insult her allllll the time, because god damn does she suck, and she FRUSTRATES ME TO NO END with the way she manages to ALWAYS fuck a story up when I’m in the middle of writing it, but god, she’s my favorite character. 
     She’s seriously so fucking stubborn that I’ve had to revamp her story four times because every time I’d settle on a catalyst for her to actually cooperate with the story, and as I was writing it, I’d write through her thought process and she’d come to the conclusion that she either didn’t care that much about what I set for her, or that something else would effect it, like she didn’t care about the possibility of her dad being targeted by Valya’s crew because she knew her mother would rip apart any asshole that came at him, and she knew that it didn’t matter if she helped Lillia, or told Lillia off as I wanted her to, because if she stayed back and refused to help, Lillia was going to die anyway. Right now I’m still working on a path for her, but she screwed that up too by acting like Kralie does when Toby’s mentioned, meaning OVERREACTING WAY TOO GOD DAMN MUCH when Vaisa requested a presence with Lillia. Now she’s justbeing a depressed baby in a prison cell. 
  But I digress Tya is a stubborn asshole, and as bad as I feel picking favorites among my characters, she is my favorite- her and Lucien. So here are some secrets about her that I adore but she’ll never ever tell other people: She loves jumping on the bed. It’s the first thing she did when she moved into the castle in Evoles, and if anyone ever caught her doing it, she’d probably hire a hitman. 
   She daydreams about adventures she could possibly go on, but more often than not she spends allllll of her time dreaming about possible answers to the world’s mysteries, and that’s thanks to Vaisa because the first night she talked with him on a friendly basis, they spent hours coming up with ludicrous answers, and she absolutely loves it. 
    The reason she loves people that are the exact opposite of her, meaning highly active idiots with a great sense of humor, is because she really wants to be like that but doesn’t really know how. A lot of the time as it is, she says that conversation is an annoyance to her, and that’s because it’s really really foreign and thinking over what to say, and how to say it and whether or not she’s going to offend someone and run them off and something like that is a huuuugeee nuisance that just stresses her out, so she elects to not talk to people so she doesn’t have to deal with it. 
    She doesn’t actually like being alone all the time- that’s why one of the most intimate things you can do for her is sit with her, and that sound stupid, but to her it’s an understanding that despite the fact that she says she hates being around people, you know that she doesn’t, so long as she knows she’s not going to run you off easily. So if you sit and you don’t force her to endure the stress of a conversation, but let her enjoy your presence, then she absolutely adores it. Alternatively, if you do like @infeliicis’s Zelda did, and you break into her space and start telling her about things she’s interested in, she will immediately adore you because! Please tell her stories!! 
   Though she looooveess history and loves seeing and finding historical things, she’s just as good with reading it most of the time. Her actual dream is to own a bakery! She doesn’t like telling people this, especially ones that know her, because she has no sense of smell and a severely dulled sense of taste, and she always feels like people are going to be rude about the fact that she won’t know if what she’s cooking is good, because she can’t taste it. But she knows recipes really well, even if she prefers wayyyyyy too much goddamn cinnamon in everything she eats, she knows the amount she should put in something for others, and she also knows that they can’t handle the amount of spice she can, though she may have found that one out by destroying her poor father’s sense of taste. 
   Okay this got long so if you want me to ramble more about Tya, send another one for her and I’ll dedicate it specifically to my girl. 
Desil Ves-Anev
   Desil is a Soresean blacksmith (and part time thief with Elliot) that loves learning about historical weaponry. He’s always super up for an adventure or a hike, and his adventurousness is a big part of his charm as well as his gorgeous complexion. Ladies in his town absolutely love him because he’s got a naive air about him, and is kinda of dense but is undeniably, accidentally suave. Some times, women just love looking at a sweaty muscular man with his shirt open to cool off as he works hot metal into a nice blade. Who doesn’t, tbh. 
   Anyway, he’s super into historic weaponry, and honestly wants to make something so renowned that it’ll be written in books for ages, but he hasn’t really gotten to that point yet. Instead, he’s aiming to collect a bunch of stuff and open a museum where people can come admire those and even get their own copies made by him, possibly without the enchantments since, despite being elven, he has no idea how to work magic. 
   Big ol’ wolf boy Dire was once the Wind Ancient. Another energetic soul, incredibly naive and loveable, the epitome of innocence and childlike curiosity and wonder, and that still pretty much sums up his personality, even though he doesn’t remember that life at all. Centuries after the fall of the Ancients, Wind’s soul was plucked from the skies by Life, and she stuffed it into the fresh corpse of the last remaining Dire Wolf in Arantis, after watching it be hunted for its thick, warm coat. She revived and healed the wolf, and transferred to it a portion of her magic, thus allowing it to take the form of both a Dire Wolf and a human so it could be sent off on a mission for her.
    Despite his previous appearance as wind being monochrome white and gray, he’s taken on the body of a pole shaped, tan skinned, freckly boy with wide eyes and a haircut that’s only a step above a bowl cut. Since he was quite literally born yesterday, and also has the personality of a dog, you can bet your ass he’s going to be excited about literally every single thing you put in front of him, and honestly, it’s adorable. 
Cedric Rega
   Cedric is an adventurer through and through. He can’t ever stay in place for too long without getting restless, because there’s soooo much to see! He’s one of those people that’s always got a million stories to tell, isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, and god damn is he good with animals- particularly horses. He’s quick to step in to any situation where anything is getting harassed, and doesn’t really seem to understand that some times the circle of life just has to go through- animals hunt, but if he has any say in it, nothing is gonna die on his watch, it’ll at least have to wait until he’s no longer in view. 
   He’s quick to take action on things that he sees are bad, and would be a great sell-sword in Skyrim. 
0 notes
` they say there's a fine line between love and hate, and they're right -- you're on that side ( l o v e ) and i'm on this one ( h a t e ) ,
movie therapists tell all the sad and hate-filled main characters to write down their feelings in letters, or journals, because it'll "help." i really don't think it will, but that's more because at this point i don't think ANYTHING will help me. but if there's even the slightest chance...you should, right? i know that's what some people would say.
dear yura-noona,
you're literally the shittiest sister someone could ever have, and i hate you. i guess that's not what little brothers are supposed to say to their sisters, but. there you have it. you're a piece of shit, and sometimes i wish you were dead--or better yet, never born.
but at the same time...i really dont. i dont wish you were dead. i dont wish that you were never born. i dont hate you. not at all. and i hate THAT. i still remember hiding from mom together under your ugly barbie blankets, i still remember that time you played doctor and helped me when dad went a little overboard. i still remember singing to the few disney movies we had, and watching all your bad tv dramas.
i'm not saying everything was perfect, because it wasn't. you hit me almost as much as mom did, and we screamed at each other more than we talked normally, and i still remember when you threw my toys into the fireplace and lied to dad's face just so that he'd hit me instead of you.
it wasn't great before high school, but it wasn't the worst either. and then you did some really bad things to me in first year. things that i didn't realize were as bad as they were, until i got some...better people in my life.
...you and your "girls." ...they still give me nightmares, sometimes, when i can actually sleep. and it all only gets worse when i see your face on the news sometimes, but despite everything...im not mad. i dont hate you like i should. and i watch til the end of the broadcast, every time, just to be sure you're okay.
because you know...i get now, that it's not you. that it's mom, that it's dad. and you were just doing what you had to, to save yourself. and now that im...in a better place i guess, i realize just how shitty that is, but i'd have probably done the same. so i can't blame you.
and i dont hate you. i HATE that i dont hate you, and i hate that i still worry about you.
i hate MYSELF because i still love you,
- chanyeol
dear baechu,
i still can't believe how much i fuckin miss you. i don't think youre supposed to write to dead people, like im pretty sure thats bad and weird but i just. there's so many feelings, and this is supposed to be an outlet, and if you were here right now, i. i dont even know what i'd say. i think about it a lot--what id say if i woke up one day and you werent actually gone, and everything was okay again. because its not even close to okay right now, and i dont think it ever will be again, but...but im trying. because. because "take care?" was one of the last things you said to me, and its one of the only things that stops me when i get...bad. and then i think of that, but it just makes me so sad i actually want to die, but i CANT. ...i wont.
and if you were here again, id tell you that i hate how much power you still have over me, even if youre not here, and-- no. no i wouldnt. id tell you how sorry i am that im a piece of shit, and that im sorry you ever got involved with me in the first place, and that im sorry you suffered so much because of me. id tell you how sorry i am that i got you KILLED. that i couldn't help you because i was fucking LATE . AGAIN.
and id apologize for being the absolute shittiest oppa on the planet, and for just...everything. im still sorry i kept you waiting at graduation. i bet you looked wonderful, before all your flowers wilted, and you got upset because i didnt remember until several hours after the fact. im sorry you never made it very far into college, or pursued any of your dreams. im sorry that it was because of me, and that i took your whole life away. im sorry that you never got to do what you wanted, and that its because i had a few shots too many and spent too long falling on my ass in the crowd while they were MURDERING you.
im sorry that i was just that much too late one too many times, and i HATE that youre dead because of that. if i hadnt been drinking, or gone out at all, youd still be here, trying to get me to wear nicer shoes, and be more polite, instead of in the cemetery, and im just--im so sorry.
i still love you more than you probably ever knew, and i dont know the words to express how sorry i still am that i killed you and how much i HATE M Y S E L F for it.
- with love, chanyeol
dear zitao,
i actually dont know what to say. i think youre a pretty awful person--maybe worse than me, and im not sorry that youre dead. im only sorry i spent so long on you when i dont think you really deserved it, and im sorry about how much pain you ve caused sehun and im angry actually that you just went and got yourself killed after ruining everything--ruining ME. ruining sehun--one of the only people breathing on this earth that means anything to me.
but more than that, i hate MYSELF for getting involved with you and not getting out sooner, and ruining my relationship with yura-noona--the only person from my family that actually matters to me.
now that the shock is gone, the hurt gone, and now that im thinking clearer because i have to be sober, because you fucked EvERYTHING up im not sad anymore. im not upset. not that you're dead--only that your death caused sehun more pain than it had any right to and he almost DIED because of it.
and i guess more than any of THAT, i hate MYSELF for introducing sehun to you, and bringing you home, and into our lives and i hate that if it wasn't for that, sehun wouldn't have tried to kill himself.
sometimes i wish i'd never actually met you. so many things would be better, but even still.
i hate myself because i miss you.
- cànliè
p.s. im also sorry for all the times I hurt YOU and all the pain i caused--without thinking about it, and intentional. im sorry that you suffered because of me, and im sorry that i made everything as shitty as possible for a long time before i pulled my head out of my ass. im sorry that you were miserable enough with me to go to others for basic things like comfort or sex, and i hate myself because I did that to YOU.
and i hate that if your father hadn't come and murdered you because of reasons i still don't really understand, that you'd have probably killed yourself because of me anyway. so im sorry. i hate that im sorry, and i hate that any of this ever happened at all.
and i hate myself because maybe i'm the shittier person and you didn't deserve anything that happened to you after all.
dear sehun,
i dont even know where to start. im sorry that im an awful hyung and im so so thankful that you're still alive and here with me, and im sorry that you've had to suffer so much for me. when we were younger, i didnt realize just how much you would come to mean to me through the years--i didnt know that standing up for one scrawny kid and scaring the bullies off would lead to what we have today. and im not even sure what it is--its more than friendship, but i cant say you feel like family because my family is...well, you know. that's why you're here, with me. rather than with yura-noona.
and even if it left me with a scar, and even if it's what led to the start of everything going bad with her, and my parents--well, more than it already was--i dont regret saving you from her. part of me thinks i should. part of me thinks it was really stupid. i didnt know you. all i knew was that you were kinda lame, and couldn't take a hit for shit, and that you seemed like a nice kid, and i still have no idea why i went against the only person at the time that meant anything to me--the only one that was kinda on my side, sometimes--just to help get you out, but. i'm glad i did.
i don't know what i'd do without you. we have our moments, sure, but you help keep me grounded, keep me sane...keep me alive. sehun i cant even count the number of times i wanted to just end it all, and didn't because of you.
because you believe in me. you trust me, even after i failed you too many times to keep track of. you're there for me, and im sorry that i'm not always there for you. im sorry that i dont give you 100% like you give me, and i'm sorry that i dont always notice things, and that i'm the shittest hyung you could ever get stuck with IM SORRY.
...im sorry that i was almost too late to save you when you...yeah. i'm sorry i wasn't there sooner. i'm sorry that it happened because i ...brought zitao home,a nd got us into this mess in the first place. i'm sorry that i couldn't do better for you, that i cANT do better for you, and im sorry that you're stuck with me, and all of the pain that comes with me.
im sorry that i've failed you so many times, and im sorry that i've broken almost every promise i've ever made, and that i can't always keep you safe, or happy, and i'm sorry that i'm not superman, and i HATE that i can't be.
you're the best thing that's ever happened to me sehun, and im sorry and i hate myself because i must be the opposite for you. im really trying harder to be the person you make me out to be, and i hate that i can't achieve it. im sorry.
- chanyeol
dear joohyun-noona,
im sorry that we met the way we did. but im thankful that you helped me, instead of turning me away or leaving me to just...yeah. and i dont have the words but...thank you. without you i'd actually be dead, and even though it hurts and im more ashamed than i know how to say, i'd rather feel that than be, you know..gone. so thank you. thank you.
thank you for believing in me too, and for always saying the nicest things, even though i dont deserve to hear them, and i don't understand how you mean them. i know youre sincere, i just dont know how or WHY. im a monster compared to you, and i dont understand how you havent run screaming yet, or why you insist that im not because i AM and.
and i hate that i can't believe you. i want to noona, i do. but i can't, because there's just so much bad, and so many things i've done wrong, and i just. between stitches and real food and crashing on your couch ive come to love you a lot more than i have any right to, and im sorry that i dont deserve what you give me in return.
im sorry im always a mess, and taking up your time, and getting your clean floors dirty. im sorry that i cling, and break down too often, and i know you say you dont mind but how can you not? i haven't done anything in return except give you headaches, and i hate that.
i hate that you say nice things about me, that you tell me nice things, and make me think that i can be something better than i am, and i hate myself because i can't live up to those standards.
i hate myself even more because i know, if i really tried, i probably could. but im selfish, and there's so many things wrong with me, and so many things ive done WRONG that i dont...i dont deserve for things to get better. i dont deserve to try harder and turn things around, and i dont deserve the good that would come with that.
i dont deserve you at all and i hate myself because i can't let you go.
- chanyeol
dear yongguk-hyung,
i really dont know what to say except im sorry. i know you tried to help me in school and i really do appreciate it. even if it seems like i've thrown away everything you tried to help me with, its not because i hate you or what you tried to teach me. i just. bad things happened, and i hate that everything we did together just...fell away. i dont even know a good phrase for that, because nothing stuck, and im sorry for that too. that im a fuck up and a failure, and i hate myself because all i did was waste your time--time you could have used to make money off of other kids who actually had a future.
im sorry that i couldnt live up to what you wanted, and im sorry that we met again in the way we did, and i hate how awful i've become, and how awkward it is, and i hate that you look at me the way you do, but i dont hate you hyung. i hate ME.
i hate that im worthless, and useless and that i'm the actual biggest screwup ever, and im sorry that i broke the promises i made you. im sorry that i couldnt do better. and im sorry that you have to see me like this now.
every time i see you, the shame and regret and guilt are almost too much for me, and im sorry that it gets in the way of anything you try to say to me now. im sorry that i cant listen like i should, and i hate that i've disappointed you so much. ...and not just in school. or based on how many english words i remembered from our lessons.
im sorry that i'm an embarrassment, and that you have to deal with me again, and im just. so sorry that i didn't live up to your expectations.
i'm sorry that i can't be the person that you wanted me to be, and i hate myself because i still want you to treat me like i am.
- chanyeol
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kasumi-chou · 7 years
Yuri frowned to himself as he glanced around, clutching tightly onto the straps of his backpack.
He couldn’t see Vicchan anywhere, which was weird because Vicchan was always waiting for him.
“Everything okay, Yuri?” He jumped at the sound of his name and turned around to see one of his teachers standing behind him.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, nodding his head as he went back to searching for Vicchan.
Papa had told him that Vicchan was picking him, which meant that Vicchan should be there.
“Yura!” He blinked at the sound of his name and after a moment spotted a familiar figure waving towards him.
“Goga?” he called out in confusion while hurrying towards the man.
“Hey buddy,” Goga greeted him when he caught up to the man, letting out a huff when Goga touched his hair. Papa had done his hair in a pretty braid that Vicchan had taught him, he wanted to show Vicchan before it got ruined.
“Where is Vicchan?” he asked, pouting up at Goga as he grabbed the man hand and followed him as he turned around and started walking down the street.
“Sorry, Yura. Vitya got caught up at the rink. He couldn’t escape all the cameras,” Goga explained as they came to a stop right beside a familiar looking car.
“That is dyadya car,” he pointed out as the car light flickered. Goga hummed as opened one of the back doors for him.
“It is,” Goga agreed, “Yakov said I can borrow it.”
“Is dyadya stuck with the camera people too?” he asked as he climbed into the back seat and put his seatbelt on.
“Yeah,” Goga sighed as he shut the door, he watched as Goga walked around the car and climbed into the driver’s seat.
“How was school, Yura?” Goga asked as he started the car. He stared at the man for a moment before turning to look at the window as they started to move.
“One of the boys in my class called my hair stupid and girly,” he said softly while bring a hand up to play with the bottom of his braid.
“Did you tell the teacher?” Goga asked, he nodded his head.
“Yeah. They told me not to play with him anymore,” he told the man with a sigh.
“Anything else happen at school?” Goga asked, he hummed thoughtfully before brightening up.
“Oh! We watched a movie and it had your song in it!” he gasped, turning towards Goga.
“My song?” Goga questioned.
“Yeah. Your song! Um, the one you skated too,” he said, pointing towards Goga.
“The ballet story?” Goga asked.
“Yes!” he shouted, nodding his head. Goga let out a soft chuckle as they turned onto the street the rink was on.
“Carabosse,” Goga told him.
“Is that what is called? It was cool!” he told Goga with a bright smile.
He smiled quickly faded when he spotted the large group of people outside the rink.
“Yura,” he glanced towards Goga to see him holding out something for him, “Can you put these on for me?”
He took the object, only to smile when he realised that they were sunglasses. He slipped them on and made one of the silly faces Vicchan always makes when he has sunglasses on.
“Just like Vitya,” Goga laughed. He jumped slightly at a sudden flash of light. He turned his head and froze when he noticed all the cameras pressed against the windows.
“Goga,” he mumbled, “I don’t want to be here.”
“I know, just don’t look at them. Just be patient for a minute and then you can see Vitya,” Goga promised him.
“Where are they?” he demanded while turning towards Yakov.
“Vitya,” Yakov sighed as he continued to pace in front of the back door that was connected to the rinks private car park.
“What if they got into an accident?” he gasped, coming to a stop and turning towards his coach.
“Georgi is a very competent driver,” Yakov ensured him.
“But your car doesn’t have a booster seat,” he told the older man while going back to his pacing, “I should have gone.”
“And have the media follow you to Yura’s school?” Yakov questioned. He frowned, knowing that his coach was right. He couldn’t risk it.
The media finding out where Yuri went to school would be a mess. They would have to change the boys school again and they had only just recently done that. They couldn’t do it again. Maybe he could convince Yuuri to home-school Yuri, it would help when Yuri started skating seriously anyway.
The back door opened suddenly, causing him to turn towards it and let out a small sigh of relief at the sight that greeted him. Yuri stood in front of Georgi, arms holding into the straps of his adorable tiger stripped backpack and an adorable pair of sunglasses were perched on the boy’s nose.
“Yurochka,” he cooed, bending down and opening up his arms. The boy didn’t even wait a second, bolting towards him and throwing himself into his arms.
“Vicchan! Vicchan!” Yuri mumbled while hugging him tightly around the next.
“Hi buddy. I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up,” he mumbled while gently rubbing the boys back. After a few moments of Yuri holding onto him for dear life, the boy leant backwards and smiled bright at him.
“Look, look. Papa did my hair just the way you taught him,” Yuri told him, while trying to show him the top of his head. He chuckled as he set Yuri back down on his feet before leaning up slightly to look at the pretty braid his Yuuri had down in Yuri’s hair.
“It’s very nice,” he ensured the boy while pressing a quick kiss to the top of the boy’s head, “Where did you get your sunglasses, buddy?”
“Goga gave them to me,” Yuri stated proudly while making a rather serious face towards him.
“I got them. I wanted to make sure we had something to protect his eyes from the flashes of the media’s camera,” Yakov spoke up. He glanced towards his coach and smiled thankfully, kicking himself for not having thought about that.
“Can I skate today?” Yuri asked while tugging on the bottom of his shirt gently.
“You have to ask Yakov,” he told the boy, while moving to stand up properly.
The boy didn’t even waist a moment, immediately hurrying towards his coach, calling out ‘dyadya’ as he went – something that always melted Yakov heart.
He jolted when he felt a gentle slap on the back.
“You might want to talk to him about how long hair isn’t girly,” Georgi told him gently.
“Huh?” he questioned, turning towards his friend with a confused look.
“He mentioned being bullied because of his hair. Just thought I would tell you,” Georgi stated with a shrug.
“Thanks,” he said seriously while turning towards Yuri, who seemed to have easily convince Yakov to let him on the ice if the way they were heading for the rental desk was anything to go by.
“Thanks for picking him up,” he said, turning back to Georgi.
“Anytime,” Georgi ensured him while giving his back another pat before following after their coach and Yuri.
He took a deep breath while pulling his phone out of his pocket and shooting Yuuri a quick message, telling him that everything was okay and that Yuri was with him.
He really shouldn’t have been surprise by the media swarm, after all, his da oyff with his beautiful fiancé had been broadcast to the world yesterday.
“Vicchan! Come skate with me!” Yuri shouted from across the rink. He slipped his phone away before starting to walk towards Yuri, who was holding up a pair of rental skates into the air.
“I’m coming,” he chuckled, hurrying towards the blonde hair boy with a smile.
Skater Next Door AU
AO3 Skater Next Door / Skater In Training
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thissupposedcrime · 8 years
story being referenced: every time I try, every time I win
Anon, I adore you for this prompt/request and will try to have the complete version up by the end of the month. I’m currently writing a soulmate AU but took a break from it and binge wrote for half an hour. Sorry I don’t have time to finish, but I promise to fulfill every part of your request when I do publish. 
Day Four (Thursday)
The thing is, Mila doesn’t call. Text him vague threats when he first began dating Yuri, speaking not just for her own protective instincts but also the vengeful wrath of the Russian Skating Federation, specifically members coached by Yakov? Absolutely. Tag him across the spectrum of social media accounts he is lovingly bullied to use at least once a month? Constantly. Send him adorable pictures as Yuri cuddles with his cat or breathtakingly lovely images of Yuri, taken as his back creates a graceful arc on the ice? Happily and with pleasure.
So when he ends practice to see three missed calls, two voice mails, and a few texts, his heart plummets out of his body, sinking to the core of the earth.
Flawless composure abandons him as his fingers shake, thumb pressing the call button. He can’t control his limbs long enough to remove his second skate. The taste of bile might be permanently ingrained on his tongue at this rate, a disgust he will gladly cope with the moment someone reassures him Yuri hasn’t wound up in the hospital or the local jail. He’s not sure which is less plausible.  
“Otabek!” Mila’s voice calls him to attention, almost sing-song as it separates the syllables of his name.
Immediately, Otabek’s panic mellows, a dull thrum instead of a thumping beat.
“Is Yuri okay?” His voice doesn’t waver, but he still can’t manage to stop the nervous twitch of his fingers.
“Your boyfriend is being especially bratty,” she declares, and Otabek realizes he’s in for a new hell. Normally, Mila refuses to claim Yuri as one of hers when he’s being a dick, but she sounds happier than past experiences allow. Her voice is musical, teasing, and Otabek understands Yuri can hear them.
Faintly, “You hag! Put down your damn phone and check your makeup. The wrinkles are showing!” echoes across the miles between Almaty and St. Petersburg.
“See? Such an ugly mood for our Yura,” she croons, and clearly he has become spectator not participant.
“No!” There’s a crash in the background, more shrieks. Otabek puts the phone on speaker and places it on the locker room bench while he sips his water, grateful to lose the sick taste in his mouth from before. He’s managed to remove his other skate and change his shirt before Mila returns, victorious in abandoning Yuri but simultaneously riling him up with the knowledge Otabek is about to know something.
Otabek is glad his relationship with his family does not reflect in the Mila-Yuri dynamic.
“Ah, that was fun.” She sounds winded for a professional athlete, but Otabek doesn’t comment, slightly impatient for her to tell him about Yuri now that he’s calmed.
“Is Yuri okay?” He starts again.
“You tell me.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Has Yuri been off when you speak?” Mila asks, finally calm.
Ah. This indeed is something for him to deal with.
“What has he done?”
“I have a list,” she announces brightly. A brief cough, a hum of her throat follow, and Otabek wonders if there’s something in the water at Yakov’s rink considering his least dramatic student of the past decade was Georgi Popovich.
(Yuri is the love of his life, but he thrives on dysfunction to an alarming extent. Otabek understands this; it is why they’ve managed to stay together for the past three years.)
“To start, he refused to leave practice yesterday. Victor chased him around for nearly twenty minutes until he caught him and dragged him off. Did you see my upload?”
“No, but I’ll check when we’re done speaking.” He hopes it isn’t on Instagram. He doesn’t want to deal with the comments from Yuri’s fans. 
“Yuri keeps growling at one of our skaters, a boy named Dmitry. Someone has found him under a kitchen table, crying, every day since the week began. For some reason, he’s wearing a helmet and runs out of the room whenever Yuri enters. Do you know about that?”
“I forgot you had a Dmitry at your rink,” Otabek replies flatly, memory blank as he tries to recall Yuri ever mentioning a Dmitry.
“Yuri calls him Tiny Bastard if that helps?” Mila offers, and Otabek sighs.
It does. Tragically, it does. 
That damn dream.
Sometimes Otabek wonders if he’s become more dramatic since Yuri twirled his way into the center of his universe.
This phone call is all the proof he needs.
Cue like 5k words, mainly in Yuri’s POV (idk why I did this in Otabek’s) where he awakens from a bad dream, takes it out on everyone, just constantly hangs up on Otabek to the point where Otabek goes to a store to make sure the hissing and disconnection isn’t his actual phone but his moody boyfriend. 
Otabek has no idea what’s going on until he’s like, flowers. Flowers fix everything. But they don’t. God help him, they don’t. 
Eventually he flies over and bam, awesome sex despite the fact he’s in love with an idiot.
Oh, Dmitry is an OC I did for another fic ‘soldier boy’. You can find out more about him here. The two stories aren’t in the same universe, but he was literally created as a comedic joke character who fears the wrath of Yuri Plisetsky so it seemed fitting to bring him in.
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