#yuta headcannons
nqctar · 4 months
✿ yuta nakamoto as your cg !
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pairings: cg! yuta nakamoto x little reader. genre: sfw age regression, fluff. warnings: no major warnings apply. brief (non-sexual) usage of "daddy."
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유타 / cg!yuta nakamoto x little reader ♡
dni: you sexualize age regression.
requested by anon!
so when you first told yuta about being little he was like
"hmm okay.." and left.
and you had no clue if he was okay with it or not.
but then he came back with like eight stuffies and a colouring book!
as a cg, he's more on the quiet/observant side.
lets you do your thing, and checks in on you if you haven't been yelling or making some other random noise in a while.
this does NOT mean he won't play with you.
yuta will absolutely have a tea party!!
you hand him a tiara to wear during the party & he starts smiling because of how cute you are.
takes the tea party seriously, maybe a bit too seriously.
"don't drink it yet, baby. it's still too hot."
if you're near/next to him, you're 100% gonna be holding hands or pinkies.
also really loves cuddling, sometimes he'll just pick you up no matter what you were doing & hold you.
very calm! doesn't get mad.
you're his baby, why would he get mad at his baby?!
this means you really never end up in time out, though all he has to do is give you 'the daddy glare™' and you're immediately done throwing a fit.
VERY protective of you, makes you hold his hand while you're in public, tells you to stop running even if you're just speed walking.
always has bandaids with him just in case.
did i mention that he loves cuddling?
gets you to slip into little space by being all-
"if only my little baby was here to cuddle me..."
& then you hide your face because of the nickname!!
makes you something before bedtime, usually hot chocolate
if you end up falling asleep on him while you're on the sofa, he's definitely not moving
he doesn't wanna disturb his baby!
so he just wraps his arms around you and whispers an "i love you," while playing with your hair
oh & he always makes sure you have your paci before falling asleep!
thinks it's the cutest thing ever when you wake up with your paci and stuffie. teases you about it the next morning, which makes you blush and hide your face.
"why's my pretty little baby hiding their face, hm?"
"could it be... no! you aren't feeling shy, are you?"
you giggle and tell him to stop
as for titles you call him, he's fine with daddy. sometimes it's yuyu.
no matter what, you're his pretty baby :(( <3
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noname-nonartist · 11 months
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Here’s a little something for Pride Month! ^w^/
It’s just some of my favs jjk couples and my personal headcannon on their sexuality and such. :3c
Side note: I headcannon Kinji as super straight but an amazing ally. Like he would totally wear a “shut the fuck up, terf” shirt lol
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imninahchan · 4 months
Aí nina,que saudade que eu estava dos seus hcs🤧vim pedir alguma coisinha com o yuta,ultimamente tô obcecada com ele e aquele jeitinho pilantra dele
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⌜ 𝐘𝐔𝐓𝐀 como seu namoradinho pilantra. ഒ ָ࣪
conteúdo sexual.
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O pior é que você sabia, desde que o conheceu, que YUTA seria muito malandro. Não do jeito ruim, porque não duvida do caráter dele, mas de um jeito sujo, pervertido. Soube só de olhar para o sorrisinho de canto, pra língua espetando na bochecha e correndo na pontinho do lábio;
Não que você se importe, claro. Na verdade, odeia que goste tanto. Queria poder empurrar o corpo masculino toda vez que se aproxima com a voz mansinha e os dedos inquietos, mas tudo que faz é se permitir ser envolvida;
YUTA tem uma linguagem canalha. Vai te chamar se princesa, linda, gatinha, tudo quanto é título bobinho e acompanhar esses nomes com as frases mais lascivas que profere. Está te mandando chupar só a cabecinha do pau dele, e logo depois diz um “entendeu, amorzinho?”;
Isso quando não é mais firme, malvadinho. Torcendo os seus cabelos no punho dele, enquanto põe em ti de quatro, dizendo o quanto você está se saindo tão bem, florzinha, embora ele não tenha nenhum pouco de paciência pra meter fundo;
Zomba da sua necessidade por ele, a paixão que tem pelo jeito dele. “Você quer dar pra mim de novo? Acha que aguenta mais uma, hm?”, e imita o crispar dos seus lábios melados de porra, as suas lamúrias de quem anda insaciável. Dá um tapinha, e depois outro, na sua bochecha, sorrindo quando te ouve choramingando mais;
Te chama de putinha, com o diminutivo pra soar doce, mas logo solta o verbo pra dizer que é uma vadia mesmo, muito cachorra por se acalmar só quando os tapas vão pra sua bunda e os dedos dele pra sua boca;
E como um bom canalha, YUTA não se importa em fazer uma bagunça. Deixa o seu interior cheio a ponto de vazar pra fora, jorra por cima da sua barriga, ou do rosto. Se lambuza com o seu melzinho, não se importa que o molhe se esguichar de prazer. Cospe na ponta da sua língua, usa a própria saliva pro umedecer erótico do biquinho duro do seu seio antes de chupá-lo;
Por vezes, vai te negar muito. Faz parte do trabalho de ser um pilantra. Gosta de fazer implorar, pedir por favor, ajoelhada aos pés dele com as mãos juntinhas;
E te provoca nas situações mais inadequadas. Tocando a sua cintura por baixo de uma mesa, sussurrando atrocidades no seu ouvido. Parece que quer testar o seu limite.
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smileyerim · 1 year
NCT 127 as #tindertuesday texts (pt2)
!! MDNI !!
#tindertuesday is a hashtag created by barstool sports to share the wildest and funniest tinder interactions submitted by the public 
part one here
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all the interactions here are not mine! credit goes to the horny students who submitted to @/iupchicks @/kstatechicks @/tempebarstool @/asuchicks @/stonybchicks @/barstooltenn @/pittchicks @/cusechicks on instagram net tags: @kflixnet @neowritingsnet
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nightwalker6200 · 4 months
Dad Gojo Headcannons:
I know the timelines/ ages are messed up with quite a few but I love little kid Meg and Tsumiki: I'll post more as I think of them :)
Gojo almost always has glitter or stickers somewhere on his clothes/ person. He normally doesn't notice and can go the whole day with a cat sticker or blue glitter on his back/ pant leg.
Gojo once handed back a report that Tsumiki had drawn all over. Yada keeps it tucked away in his desk.
Tsumiki and Megumi drew all over several graded papers (accidently) that Gojo then handed back. Inumaki, Maki, Yuta and Panda hung them up on their walls in the dorms.
Inumaki and Yuta are no longer allowed to babysit Tsumiki and Megumi. Yuta ended up being the responsible adult (basically babysitting 3 kids), and Inumaki ended up with a makeover. He wore the makeup for three days straight until Maki ended up dragging him to the baths, demanding he take a bath because he looked like a sadistic clown who just broke up with their boyfriend.
Gojo knows how to do hair. He practiced on Shoko despite her complaints and can braid neatly.
Tsumiki likes to paint nails and uses Gojo as a test subject when he's asleep - once during a fight, a villian had to stop because they couldn't take Gojo seriously with bright purple nails.
Gojo is surprisingly a good cook. He failed horrendously at first but learned from Shoko, Nanamin, and even Tsumiki. He quickly learned how to make the kids' favorite dishes.
Gojo knows all of the gossip at school and constantly gossips with Tsumiki about her classmates. Tsumiki always has the dets/ drama/ tea.
Tsumiki likes to be close to someone when she's upset or sick or hurt. Megumi only likes to be close if he feels really bad.
Gojo almost always has candy on him, something Inumaki and Panda take advantage of (he's used to stopping bickering between the kids so he throws it at any problem).
Megumi is the hardest to put to bed. He sneaks around, finding new ways to try to stay up past his bedtime and around the Six Eyes.
Gojo has a lot of guilt over Tsumiki's accident. He tears up almost every time he visits her and spent a week drunk after it had happened. He gave her permission to go (even though she would have gone anyway being a teenager) and feels as though he failed at his promise to protect her.
The first time Tsumiki took a boy to the school dance; Megumi and Gojo stood at the door, arms crossed, staring menacingly at the boy until Tsumiki was ready to leave. Gojo might have threatened him... Megumi might have summoned his dogs, who stood at his side, growling.
Gojo has millions of pictures on his phone of the kids, including his students.
Gojo gets squeamish over pulling out Megumi's loose teeth. Tsumiki always has to do it for him, or Megumi will rip it out, mouth full of blood.
Despite his protests, Gojo showed up to every classroom visitation Megumi had in elementary school. He went to Tsumiki's too (who was over the moon).
Gojo once paid a kid money to stop crying. The kid was probably Yuuji.
When Tsumiki has nightmares, she will loudly barge into Gojo's room whereas Megumi will stand quietly at the foot of the bed or side of the bed and wait until Gojo notices him. Gojo has almost punched the 8-year-old several times.
Tsumiki begs Gojo to read to her or tell her stories when they have down time. Megumi lurks in the hall, at the end of the couch or in the shadow, listening. He secretly likes it just as much as his sister.
Gojo knows all the lyrics to all of the Taylor Swift songs. He finds himself humming them at random, and him and Miki sing them loudly in the car to annoy Megumi.
Megumi and Tsumiki got lice from school. Gojo freaked and spent three days with his hair under a shower cap and hat despite Shoko telling him he didn’t have it. He even begged Nanamin to let him sleep over. Megumi threaten to master a louse as a shikigami to freak Gojo out.
Megumi tries to sneak attack/ scare Gojo at random. Tsumiki is the only one who has succeeded.
Gojo playing Barbie or stupid things like store or restaurant. He’s very dramatic and almost always asks to speak to the manager who is Gumi. Gumi tells him to piss off and never come back.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 21 days
Single Mother
Blackpool Combat Club X Fem Reader
The Blackpool combat club’s reaction to you becoming a single mom
Main Masterlist
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I woke up in the morning feeling like absolute garbage. This whole week I had just been feeling off. I thought it might be stress with everything going on lately but I knew what stress felt like. I was sick, not sick as in I have a cold, just sick. Tony hadn’t been booking me TV due to my sickness and I was grateful for that. However, being a part of the Blackpool Combat Club meant I would still have to be at every show and be ringside for the boy’s matches. Currently, I sat on the large couch in our private locker room eating crackers since it was the only thing I could hold down. I had never felt so sick in my entire life, this was unlike me. I never was sick, I was always ready for a fight. I needed to be. I know this frightened the BCC, they didn’t know what to do. Alone with my thoughts, Bryan entered the room with a concerned look in his eyes. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked nervously. “Like shit” I responded. I could see the gears turning in his head, I wondered what he was thinking. “What are your symptoms again?”  “Nausea, dizziness, some morning sickness. I just feel horrible. Why do you ask?” Bryan knew my symptoms, he and Mox were dealing with my sick ass all week. “I’m just thinking. Do you think that you could be pregnant?” Bryan oddly calm. “Why would you think I’m pregnant?” I asked him confused. “I’m just trying to think why you have been so sick recently. I also have two kids, ya know. I think I know pregnancy symptoms when I see them” This whole conversation between Bryan and I made me uncomfortable, yet he had a point. The more I thought about it, maybe I was pregnant. I didn’t even realize that I missed my period. 
It felt like the longest five minutes of my life as I awaited the results from the piece of plastic I held in my hand. This couldn't be happening right now, no way I could be pregnant. I paced around the small washroom as I awaited the results. The entire BCC stood on the other side of the door, guarding it like their lives depended on it. “What does it say?” yelled Mox through the door. “Nothing yet” I responded. After a few more moments of panicking the five minutes were up. I was too scared to look at the results. I wasn’t ready to be a mother, let alone a single mother! How would I explain this to everyone?
I looked at the test and felt my stomach drop. Two lines, I was pregnant. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know what to say. “Is everything okay in there?” Bryan asked carefully. I said nothing as I opened the door. They could tell by the tears that I was pregnant. I was greeted by a big group hug as I sobbed. We were the most badass faction in this company, what would people say about this? “It’s okay, It’s okay Y/n,” They told me as they ushered me back into our locker room. “No, it’s not okay. How the fuck am I supposed to raise a child!” I confessed 
“We will all help you” Bryan assured me “You don’t have to make a decision right now but whatever you do we will be there for every second” Claudio explained “We are family. You have nothing to worry about Y/n” I didn’t know what would happen, this was a lot to take in but I was grateful I had these guys who would be there for me for every second of it. 
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ghostlyforxst · 11 months
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Greetings, welcome to the Kimetsu No Yaiba material list. Listed below are the stories I've writen and if you have any desires you'll like to summon, you more than welcome to curse my inbox or messages with them! As more is requested, or comes to mind, more characters will be added.
☆ - NSFW
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𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SATORU GOJO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊KENTO NANAMI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SUKUNA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊TOJI FUSHIGURO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SUGURU GETO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊YUJI ITADORI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊MEGUMI FUSHIGURO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊NOBARA KUGISAKI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊MAKI ZENIN₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊TOGE INUMAKI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊YUTA OKKOTSU₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊AOI TODO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Road Trip- Blackpool Combat Club
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I fucking had to use this gif lol but this includes Bryan and Regal as well
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This was Regal’s idea
He said that the factions synchronicity needed improvement
You were somewhat against it, knowing your personal space would be nonexistent for the drive
Mox had to be threatened with an ass-kicking to agree
And so did Bryan
Claudio and Yuta were the only two besides Regal to willingly agree to this adventure
You ended up taking your SUV (you were not exactly happy to be putting more miles on it)
The only person you trusted to drive your SUV was Claudio so he took it upon himself to let you relax this drive
The others didn’t take any offense to it, they knew you and Claudio were the only two who didn��t have any points on your licenses
Regal took shotgun, of course, he decided he would be the navigator
You sat right behind Regal so whenever you stopped you were able to easily escape the car
Bryan was right in the middle, he wanted to add his ten cents to the conversations up front
Yuta was sitting right behind Claudio; Mox had banished himself to the way back, still mad he had to be there
The ride at first was a comfortable silence, you were leaning on the window listening to music trying to fall asleep
But in a car with five guys you should've known sleep would be an impossible endeavor
Every time you would almost end up asleep you would suddenly be startled awake by someone poking you
After the first 5 minutes you ignored it but when it reached almost 15 minutes of poking when you were one the precipice of sleep you finally caught Mox and smacked him.
That was the first time you had to pull over and be scolded by Regal, like a disappointed dad would his children
Eventually Mox fell asleep so you could finally get some proper rest
Before you knew it you were at the rest stop and you legs were thanking you for finally getting to stretch for a bit
When you all got back in the car it went back to being chaos, quiet never lasted long with the Blackpool Combat Club
Mox was all too content to give you and Yuta shit the whole ride whether it was poking you both when you tried to sleep, or pulling your hair, or in Yuta’s case receiving a wet Willy
When you two fought back you accidentally caught Bryan in the crossfire who then joined in on the fighting
Which in turn made Regal yell at you all, like a dad
Claudio was definitely the most patient of the pair up front but you knew he was annoyed
When you finally made it to your destination, you all were never more grateful to be out of the car and be able to get away from each other
Let's just say that there would be no more Blackpool Combat Club road trips
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josiewrites · 2 years
🐱 + wheeler yuta
🐱- how they eat the pussy
Yoots is such a sweet boy, I feel like he'd be very tender.
Tag list babes: @writtingrose, @munsinner , @rubyred1980, @letmebeawesome, @unlikelywrestlingfan , @rollynchwhore, @cuzimacomedian, @demonqueen29, @auburnwrites, @thebestintheworld, @elitehoe, @wwenhlimagines , @omg-im-such-a-masochist , @seeingstarks , @damnnhausen
"Eyes on me, babe." I could hear the goddamn smirk in his voice as his tongue worked its magic against me.
I genuinely tried to obey him, but I couldn't stop my eyes fluttering shut as he lapped at my clit, my fingers tightening in his hair. "So good," I moaned, my back arching.
"C'mon, babe," he urged as one hand released the underside on my hip to plunge two fingers into me. "I want to see your eyes when you come on my face."
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imninahchan · 4 months
vi agora que vc tá com as asks de hc abertas... amg, escreve alguma sem vergonhice com o yuta 😭
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───── sem-vergonhices que você faz com o YUTA ↷
Usar vibrador interno, quando saem em grupo com os amigos, e o controle fica no celular do seu namorado, então você pode estar super tranquila numa conversa e ser estimulada repentinamente. Às vezes, ele coloca na velocidade máxima pra te pegar desprevenida, é a missão sórdida dele conseguir arrancar pelo menos um gemidinho seu, só pra te degradar mais tarde;
Usar plug anal de cauda de gatinho pras sessões de pet play;
Bônus — ter uma coleirinha com a inicial dele;
Aprender frases ou termos isolados em japonês para reproduzir no quarto (sim, estou falando de senpai e variados;
Ser puxada pela cintura para um abraço amoroso em público, mas escutar as amiores atrocidades sujas ao pé do ouvido;
Ser fodida no quartinho de república que ele divide enquanto os outros estão do outro lado da porta, e aí você precisa se esforçar pra ficar quietinha;
Lamber em volta do piercing dele;
Tentar algum amigo dele para participar de um 3some.
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smileyerim · 1 year
NCT 127 as #tindertuesday texts
#tindertuesday is a hashtag created by barstool sports to share the wildest and funniest tinder interactions from that week submitted by the public.
part 2 posted here
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all of the interactions posted here are not mine! courtesy of the horny students who submitted to @/tempebarstool @/cusechicks @/barstoolisu @/huskerchicks @/barstoolarizona @/ukychicks @/nescacbarstool @/barstooluwec on Instagram
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ianyoa · 8 days
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jjk men x baker f!reader wc: 757 featuring: satoru gojo, suguru geto, nanami kento, choso kamo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, yuta okkotsu.
summary ; jjk men headcannons with a baker girlfriend !
Satoru Gojo LOVES the fact that you can bake. Coming back to a sweet treat is like a dream come true. If you’re having insecurities about trying something new out, he’s the first to reassure you that it’s already perfect on the first go. He loves watching you bake when there’s downtime. Whenever you’re distracted he likes to dip his finger into the batter and have an early taste… which leads into a spoonful, then another, and another. Next thing you know, you’re giving Satoru a slice of cake while he’s in bed with a stomach ache because he insists he’s TOTALLY fine and doesn’t want it to go to waste. 
Suguru Geto claims to be indifferent. He comes over and sees a brownie, he’ll only eat it because “you made them.” Truth is, he loves them so, so much. After a full day of having to take in awful curses, there’s nothing better than having something delicate that his sweet girlfriend made. Maybe one day he’ll vocally express his love for them, but you already tell how much he enjoys them by the look in his eyes when he comes back to the smell. 
Nanami Kento, being the man he is, helps you. He loves coming back to see you midway through baking. Doesn’t matter if he’s tired, he’ll wash his hands and jump right in with you. He loves it when you make bread together. It’s perfect for him to pack it up for his lunch the next day. He doesn’t lean towards sweets, maybe having a bite or two and leaving the rest for you. But the second you make croissants, muffins, biscuits, you name it.. he’s thinking about the perfect time to propose. 
Choso Kamo is amazed. Seriously, like.. how is this possible? He gets a little nervous whenever you tell him to join you, he just doesn’t want to screw up since you always do it perfectly. Choso ends up enjoying it a lot! He gets happy whenever it starts forming together. One thing he loves doing, decorating the cookies after. You give him a couple of piping bags with different icings and a tray of sprinkles and he’s sitting there for who knows how long trying to make it look perfect for you. He loves watching you bake, not just staring at the dough as you make it from nothing to something, but the look on your face once it’s complete and you’re satisfied.
Yuji Itadori takes pride in having a girlfriend who can bake. Every time you make something, you’ll always have to make extras so he can take it for his friends. Gives them to others with the biggest smile on his face saying that you were the one who made them. He’s quite literally your number-one fan. Encourages you to open some sort of shop, even if you claim it’s just a hobby, so he can pass on the delight of these sweets to others. Everyone has to know what a real dessert tastes like! But you always have to make sure that there’s plenty left for him.
Megumi Fushiguro doesn’t mind it. He doesn’t go out of his way to ask for anything but if you offer, sure he’ll take some. As long as it’s not anything insanely sweet, he quite enjoys it. Loves it when you make something with dark chocolate though. He drinks black coffee of course he wouldn’t mind some dark chocolate cookies or something simple like a fruit coated in dark chocolate. Whenever you do manage to get him to eat something a little more on the sweeter side, he never complains. It’s something that you made. He claims to never say anything against it because that would be rude but really, it’s the only sweet thing he’ll ever fully enjoy without complaining. 
Yuta Okkotsu enjoys making sweets for you! It started when one day you gave him a cupcake as a treat for the stress that he’s endured, then the next day he gives you a 2 tiered cake. This man will always give you something in return. Sure he might’ve never considered the idea of baking but once you two started dating and he saw how much you enjoyed it, he started practicing so one day you two can do it together. It slowly became normal for you two to make each other something every once in a while. Sure his baking might be really good, but he claims that he’ll never reach your level. There’s something about your sweets that makes his day instantly better.
⁺ ﹒ ˚ ₊ ‧꒰ა ﹒ ✦﹒ ໒꒱ ‧ ₊ ˚ ﹒ ⁺
notes ; i wrote this because i was watching a baking show LMAOO
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Hii!! I love your headcannons they are so adorable 😭
Can you maybe do one "how the jjk men will confess"??
Have a nice day!! ♡♡
Oh my gosh thank you so much😭 I’m glad you’re enjoying them!! Here’s your request—I hope you like it!!❤️
JJK Men and How They Confess They Like You
Warnings: slight cussing in Inumaki’s
Yuji: confesses during movie night
Since he’s such a happy go lucky guy, I think Yuji would definitely not realize he had a crush on one of his friends until the realization randomly struck him like a freight train because he just really enjoyed your company and didn’t think too much about how close you were. He didn’t know he was going to confess to you tonight, but when his feelings for you dawned on him, he couldn’t hold back.
“Ready to watch the movie?” he asked, a wide smile plastered on his face. You nodded and he started the film, snuggling into his seat. He didn’t know why, but tonight felt… different. When your fingers collided in the popcorn bowl, he was reluctant to pull away from your warm touch. He felt himself slowly move closer to you as the movie continued on. During a particularly gruesome scene, you found yourself yelping and shoving your face into his side while Yuji’s heart started beating faster than he ever thought possible. From that point on, Yuji understood that these feelings meant he had developed a huge crush on you. While the credits rolled, Yuji looked you dead in the eyes.
“Y/n, I really like you.”
“I’m here watching Human Earthworm with you, of course I like you too, Yuji.”
“Not like that,” he blurted, blushing slightly, “well, I mean yeah, I like you, but I also like like you. I think you’re really cute.”
“Well, you’re in luck, Itadori,” you replied to him, smiling softly and taking his hand. “I think you’re really cute too.”
Megumi: confesses accidentally
We all know Fushiguro can be a tad bit moody at times (and we love him for that!) and this attitude seeps into his love life as well. I can totally see him having a crush for a very long time and even taking that secret to the grave with him! However, in the heat of the moment of getting a bit frustrated with you, he accidentally tells you how he truly feels!
You and Megumi were polar opposites and you were extremely talented at getting under his skin. Of course, your teasing was all in good fun and you never took it too far (until today, that is).
“Aww, our little puffer fish is getting mad! You guys, we better watch out! The porcupine is gonna launch his needles at us!” You, Nobara, and Yuji were almost on the ground due to laughing too much while Megumi was royally pissed.
“Ugh! Y/n! You’re so frustrating, I don’t know why I love you!”
It got eerily quiet. Megumi would’ve loved the silence any other time except for the fact he just told you he loved you, out loud, in front of all his classmates. His face turned beet red as he hightailed it out of there, rushing to his room as fast as his legs could carry him. You and your friends looked at each other, all with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
“I guess this is the part where you go after him?” suggested Nobara and you agreed, chasing after Megumi. You took a shortcut across campus and beat him to his room, blocking the door so he had to face you.
“Megumi, wait,” you said, between pants from running so hard, “I’m sorry I made you bare your feelings like that in front of everyone but you have to know I feel the same.”
Yuta: confesses on a holiday
Yuta, imo, is the BIGGEST romantic! This lil lover boy would love to confess his feelings for you during the magic of any holiday you celebrate, no matter if it was Christmas or Greenery Day.
In the month leading up to your birthday, Yuta decided he finally wanted to confess his feelings for you so he began to plan out everything he needed to make sure the day was as special as you are. Enlisting the help of Maki, Panda, and Toge, he was able to figure out all of your favorite things, from food to colors to games, and went searching around the city to make sure he had everything he needed for the big day. When your birthday finally came and you had no plans, you were delighted when Yuta invited you to a game night at his room. When he opened the door to let you in, you were greeted with decorations in your favorite color, a spread of all your favorite foods, and your favorite board games were stacked up in the corner, waiting to be played. You were in complete shock when he presented you with a bouquet of flowers as well, a sheepish grin on his face.
“Happy birthday, y/n. I hope you like it.” He took a deep breath and then cleared his throat before speaking again. “I also wanted to tell you that I really like you. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time and I hope this isn’t too forward but I would love to take you on a date sometime if you’ll let me.”
You were trying not to cry as you took the bouquet from him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, his face tinting a slight pink. Yuta was the best gift you could ask for!
Inumaki: confesses with a boombox and a sign
Inumaki had it harder than anyone at the school with his inability to communicate in a conventional way and I feel like that would frustrate him a lot in his love life. I see him as the type of person to have lots of fun, though, and be super cheesy with his crush!
Inumaki couldn’t stand it anymore, he had to tell you how he felt. And by tell you, he was going to use words in a way he hoped you’d never seen before! On a warm Saturday night, you opened a text from Inumaki.
9:42 pm
From: Toge👅
u up? come to ur window
You had no idea what this was about but knowing Toge, you knew it’d be worth it. You sent back a “k😂” and were ready to open your blinds when you heard music blasting outside your room. Your window was opened in a flash and you were met with a sight you prayed never left your mind. Toge was standing there, a boombox held over his head and a shit eating grin on his face. Just like an 80’s movie, Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” was the song of choice for the evening. You were absolutely shocked by this declaration of love, but even more so when he put down the stereo and picked up some handwritten signs.
“I have a… major crush…on you… will you… go out… with me?” You read as he quickly shuffled through the pile.
��Yes! I will!” you yelled out, but he cupped his hand to his ear to gesture you to speak louder as the song was still blaring next to him. You laughed and rolled your eyes as you ran outside, turning off the music.
“Of course I’ll go out with you.”
Noritoshi: confesses as a secret admirer
Noritoshi seems like the type to never waste time on futile things like crushes, especially when his focus is on bettering himself as clan heir. However, if he does fall in love, I think of him as a secret admirer who anonymously confesses his feelings in notes.
Your heart quickened its pace when you noticed another neatly folded paper sticking out of your bag after packing up your things in the library. You had been receiving love notes from a secret admirer and you were over the moon about it! Written on the various papers had been poems, observations, and sweet words from which the mouth (or, I guess hand) is still a mystery to you. This time was no different as you unfolded a poem and a pressed flower. From across the room, Noritoshi stared you down, gauging your reaction to his letter. You seemed to like it! He felt his heart flutter and was torn between wishing this nagging feeling whenever he saw you would go away while also relishing in the idea that he was capable of being loved. He quickly turned back to his notes as he noticed you approaching his desk.
“Hey Kamo! I was wondering, do you know whose handwriting this might be?” you asked sweetly, handing him the note. He tried to act as nonchalant as possible as he skimmed it over, pretending to think. He shook his head.
“Nope. He seems to—I mean THEY seem to—really like you. I’m sorry, I wish I could help more but I’m studying at the moment.”
“Okay. Well, thanks anyway! I’m sure I’ll see you around,” you said, glancing down at the handwritten notes he was slyly trying to conceal. As you walked away, you smirked, knowing exactly who your secret admirer was.
Todo: confesses during a fight with a curse
I know this man has no hesitations and grabs life by the reins!! I think Todo would waste no time trying to gain your attention whenever he’s training or fighting a curse, hoping he could woo you with his wit and muscles. Since he’s able to get good reads on people, I could see him lowkey trying to confirm you liked him back before he asked you out to avoid any undue awkwardness (not that he’d feel any shame—I don’t think he has an ounce of that in his body). One day, while working on a particularly tiresome mission, Todo decided that now was the best time to confess his crush on you.
“Y/n-chan! I have an urgent question to ask you!” he yelled to you as you two were busy hitting the curse you were sent to kill.
“What’s wrong? you asked, concerned he’d hurt himself or something.
“Did you notice how perfect you looked before you left the house today?”
You faltered, stunned by Todo’s words. When the curse lunged at you, Todo switched places with you and landed the final blow as the curse finally lay dead. You shook your head in confusion.
“Todo, what are you talking about?”
“Y/n,” he said, in an uncharacteristically toned down voice, “I really like you. You’re a gorgeous person and I was wondering if you’d allow me to take you on a date.”
You released a sigh of relief, a huge smile on your face.
“I thought you would never ask! I would love nothing more.”
In his excitement, Todo picked you up and spun you around. He couldn’t wait to treat you like the royalty you are!
Gojo: confesses nervously
I know a lot of people think Gojo would be able to put on the moves to woo someone without a problem, but I think when it came down to truly baring his heart, Gojo would have a very difficult time. That’s why I see him as a nervous confessor. Not quite able to find the right words, but tries nonetheless.
Gojo had unique ways of showing his love for people he deeply cared about. One of those ways was flaunting his immense wealth. That’s how you, his closest colleague, found yourself invited to dinner with him at one of Tokyo’s fanciest restaurants. You were no stranger to Gojo’s jokingly flirtatious ways, but tonight felt different. It seemed like he was actually giving you genuine compliments, and every time you returned the favor, he would look away, a feeling of warmth spreading through his face and down his neck. Finally, when dessert came around, Gojo knew he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Y/n, we’ve been friends for a long time, and I’ve loved every second of it. I just… I’ve been lying to you. And to myself. I…” He took a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself. You reached over the table to take hold of his hand and his heart was absolutely racing at the touch.
“Satoru, whatever it is, it’s okay,” you reassured him. He took in another swallow of air as he lifted off his blindfold to look you in your eyes.
“What I’m trying to say is, I’ve fallen for you, y/n. I hope you understand what I mean.” His bright blue eyes were shining in a way you’d never seen before but hoped you could witness time and time again.
“I understand you, Satoru, I always have. I love you too.”
Geto: confesses while out on a walk
I believe Suguru to be the suavest out of all the JJK men. As he got older, his air of nonchalance leads me to believe that if he caught feelings, he’d be quick to tell the person how he feels and would do so in a classic, mature way.
You had been part of Geto’s group of curse users for a long time and had been close with the leader himself for most of that time. One day, while you were training your cursed technique, Suguru was watching you with great interest. When you were finished, you were greeted with clapping hands and a big smile.
“Y/n! Great job as always. Come, take a walk with me,” he said, motioning you over to him. You obliged, taking hold of his outstretched arm. You two talked about random things you had dealt with throughout the week, feeling weights being lifted off your shoulders by being able to talk through these things with someone else. Geto was thrilled you had understood him and his worldview all those years ago because he felt like he finally had someone he could trust again. As you two made your way along the path, Geto stopped to pick a wildflower and presented it to you.
“I have lots of respect for you, y/n. I appreciate all the time we have spent together over the years and now I have something to confess. I believe I’ve fallen in love with you.” He gently brushed a piece of hair away from your face and placed the flower behind your ear. “Please let me know if you feel the same. If you don’t, I promise to never make mention of this again.”
You reached your hands up to cup Geto’s face, your thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
“I’m in love with you too… Suguru.”
Nanami: confesses over breakfast
Nanami is definitely another classically romantic man. I feel like he would be hesitant to tell you how he feels since the life of a jujutsu sorcerer is not easy and only ends in suffering, but eventually he would come to the conclusion that he’d rather live without any more regrets so he’d keep the confession simple with an act of service.
Nanami knew you like the back of his hand. He knew all your likes and dislikes, your favorite songs, what cat breeds you thought were the cutest. He also knew you were hopelessly, chronically late to work. As someone who respects the sanctity of time, he could never understand you (the biggest mystery was how a teacher who lived on campus could be late to work almost everyday), but he liked to help you out anyway. He would always pick up breakfast from his favorite cafe and leave it on your desk for you to enjoy. Today was a late start day for the school, and since he knew you so well, knew you wouldn’t have checked your email to see you didn’t need to come in at your normal time so when you came barreling in a minute before class started, you were greeted by Nanami sitting on your desk.
“It’s a late start day,” he said, a ghost of a smile on his lips. You groaned in frustration.
“Of course it is! The one time I’m here on time,” you grumbled, sitting next to him.
“You’re cute when you’re disgruntled,” Nanami said, blushing when he realized he said that out loud. You tilted your head at him.
“I’m only cute when I’m disgruntled?” you teased, “That’s too bad. I think you’re cute all the time.” Nanami couldn’t believe what he just heard. You actually liked him back? He gestured to the bags and two coffees that were laid out on another desk.
“I brought us breakfast. May I join you to see if I think you’re cute while you’re eating?”
Choso: confesses with a plushie !! ^^
Oh my GOD I think Choso would have no clue what to do when he realized he liked you so who would he turn to for guidance? Yuji of course! And I think Yuji would suggest buying you a plushie instead of Choso’s suggestion of a wedding ring (at least he’s passionate🤷‍♀️).
Choso decided to drop by your office at the Tokyo jujutsu school to tell you he liked you and give you your gift. He sat on the floor next to the door, the plushie being held with a death grip in his large hands. As soon as he spotted you walking down the hallway, he clamored to get up.
“Choso! Hi! I wasn’t expecting you! Yuji just got out of class if you want to go see him,” you said, giving him a kind smile. Choso was extremely nervous but trying not to show it.
“Actually, I’m here for you. Y/n,” he got down on one knee, thrusting the plushie toward your shocked face, “you are unlike any person I have met before. You have taken over every one of my thoughts and my heart is no longer my own—it belongs to you. Please, will you accept this token of my love?” The token in question was a dog plushie with a bone in its mouth that said “I ruff you!” You took the plushie from his hands as he looked longingly in your eyes.
“I really like you, Choso. Of course I’ll accept it.”
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midnightwriter21 · 6 months
jjk headcannons: gojo & nanami as boyfriends
characters: reader x satoru gojo, reader x kento nanami
warnings: language, mentions of death in gojo's (assassination attempts, gojo unaliving someone)
AN: yuji, megumi, and yuta version HERE
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lucky you!!! you go a boyfriend and a 6ft tall superhuman man child wrapped up into one person!!
everybody always hc's gojo as a guy thats wayyyyy over the top with PDA
i mean cmon think abt it... since the day he was born, gojo has been the target of assassinations, kidnappings, etc.
and in his eyes being affectionate with you in public where literally anyone can see you…
is basically putting a giant target on your back.
ofc the people closest to him know that you’re together and he’s not afraid to be affectionate in front of them
like his students, principal yaga, nanami, shoko, etc.
in fact if its just these people around y'all you can bet that he's most likely making them sick from how he clings to you
but it’s rare that you and gojo can have a day out together in public like a regular couple
he’s just being overprotective that’s all
speaking of him being overprotective
i dare somebody to threaten you or make you upset lmfao
gojo won't stand for it
the person that makes that mistake mysteriously disappears
and at the end of the day gojo's coming home to you with bloodstains on his shirt
don't question it cause he's not gonna tell you anyways
we all know gojo is a clown fr
but around you? lol multiply his usual goofy behavior by 100
he loves hearing you laugh
even if its at him
introduces you to his students as soon as y'all are officially dating
his students are some of the most important people in his life
and now you are too
his students adore you of course
but they also question how you can put up with gojo's annoying ass all the time (especially megumi lol)
idk i just love bf gojo
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god he's so fine
did somebody say best bf on the planet? cause that's what nanami is
nanami isn't gonna be over the top w the PDA
but he will show you affection in public in small ways
a hand on the small of your back to softly guide you when your walking together
holding you by your waist
holding your hand
and if you're seeing him off on a mission?
he's giving you a chaste kiss on the cheek with a promise of "ill be home before dinner."
and when he does get home he hits you with the "honey, im home!"
FUCK i want him so bad
now nanami is protective too
not a day goes by that he's not scolding you for leaving your front door unlocked, not locking your car, etc.
he just doesn't want something to happen to you when he's not around to protect you
again, nanami doesn't flaunt your relationship around. but everybody knows y'all are together
except one person lmfao
guess who it is
correct!! it's gojo LOLLLLL
he's not hiding your relationship from gojo or anything
nanami just knows when gojo finds out y'all are together that he's gonna end up with a headache
doesn't wanna deal with gojo's teasing
nanami takes you out on dates as often as his job allows
and he's the perfect gentleman ofc
opening doors for you
picking up the bill
bringing you flowers
nanami. knows. the sidewalk. rule.
i love him
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
jjk pp headcannons
my friend and I thought this was a good idea to do late at night
cw: nsfw content, mdni
Yuji - 5.3, circumcised, overall pretty average, thicker at the base, takes time for him to learn “how to use it” with his partner, twitches/jumps very obviously, short refractory 
Megumi - 6, uncircumcised, thinner shaft with a thicker tip, more pointed head, 2 more prominent veins, tip turns more purplish, sensitive 
Inumaki - 5.1, circumcised, thinner, blush pink tip, curve upwards, longer refractory, the deep-sweet kind
Gojo - 7.5,  circumcised, grower, slender and pale with a more pointed red tip, slight curve to the right, it’s pretty, likes to pretend its not sensitive but he leaks easily, short refractory  
Geto - 7.2, circumcised..?, real thick pretty much the entire way to a tapered tip, has a piercing, prominent veins, breeder balls- anywaysssss, longer refractory   
Nanami - 6.5, uncircumcised..?, slightly thicker in the middle, rounder head, darker red tip, not that sensitive, it’s not super easy for him to get an erection
Yuta - 6.7, circumcised, a little thicker than average all around but heavy, curve downwards, more purpley red square-like tip  
Toji - 8.6 circumcised, thick and veiny, angry red pointed tip, very easy for him to get an erection but not as easy for him to finish 
Choso - 8, uncircumcised, slender with a tapered base, dusty pink tip, small piercing, twitches easily, curve upwards 
Sukuna - 9 (top one), 8.4 (bottom one), circumcised, thick, easy for him to get a reaction, angry red tips, top is more pointed and straight, bottom curves upwards, no refractory
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Hi. Can I get a fluffy smut Wheeler Yuta fic or headcanon, with fm reader, please ❤️🔥
Of course! i hope you enjoy it!
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Yuta was a very passionate lover
That was no secret
If anything, the hickeys that constantly adorned your neck proved it
And the way he accompanied you to all of your matches and cheered you for your victories and picked you up when you lost, had endeared you both to the fans
But we aren't here to talk about too much of the fluffy stuff are we
At the beginning of the sexual aspect of your relationship, you were a bit vanilla
The first time you asked him to be a bit rougher he was very hesitant
Every five minutes he was asking if you were okay
The second time he was much more confident
When he figured out that you loved being praised, believe me you received a lot of praise from him
Missionary was usually your go to but you figured out that you also enjoyed riding him
It allowed you to feel him much deeper inside you
He loves to rest his hand around your neck and you find it very grounding
When he wants to push your pleasure he will gently squeeze your neck and it’s game over
Edging and teasing aren’t really a thing with you two (unless you were being punished)
Had others been invited into the sanctity of the bedroom with you both? Absolutely
Afterwards did Wheeler remind you that you were only his? Without question
This. Man. LOVES. When. You. Sit. On. His. Face
Like he tells you that he wants to die between your thighs
He’s much more into giving head then receiving it, but won’t say no if you’re offering
The breeding kink was a discovery for both of you
That’s all that needs to be said on that one lol
During aftercare he is kind of relaxed
If there’s any cum anywhere he’ll usually clean that up but after that you two usually just slept
After napping you’ll usually take a shower together and then go eat something
Sometimes Wheeler will bring snacks into the room after and you’ll eat before you crash
Poor Jon, half the time he walks in on you both in a hotel room in your post sex haze
He always mutters about getting his own room but never does
You and Wheeler laugh him off before continuing with your usual aftercare
I mean if he was really annoyed by it he would get his own room
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