#yuuto nakajima
blitsgames · 1 month
Jock Studio Demo 2.0 Reveal!
Most who have been to college will know that, for freshman especially, an orientation week helps get them settled and understanding exactly what to expect for the next few years of their college life. Jock Studio Demo 2.0 does just that too – while Demo 1.0 focused on meeting the cast and knowing the starting points of their stories, Demo 2.0 will instead focus on many of the brand-new mechanics unlocked from the Kickstarter Campaign, transforming Jock Studio from a visual novel into a full-blown Dating Sim! Demo 2.0 will be providing players with one (1) playable week worth of gameplay, chock full of content!
And for those of you wondering, the storyline present in Demo 2.0 (and Demo 1.0) is mostly exclusive to the Demo, but some scenarios and scenes may be re-used in the full base game!
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As mentioned in our last update, Demo 2.0 is releasing in Late 2024, so please stay tuned for more specific release info in the coming months! To view the full post and see all the details about the upcoming Demo 2.0, click here!
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asophiamills · 2 days
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I am not a gay man, but let me indulge myself please.. me x chaotic gremlins fr fr he's Yuuto Nakajima from Jock Studio by the way...
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awkwardbsd · 5 months
Congrats to Yuuto Uemura!
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I know I'm over a month late, but he got married!
I wish the voice of Atsushi to continue living the good life!
"Thank you always for your support. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I, Yuuto Uemura, would like to announce that I have gotten married," he said in a handwritten post. "I have been blessed with a new relationship and have resolved to move forward. Although I am still inexperienced, I will never forget my gratitude to everyone and will strive to grow even further as an actor and artist. I would be grateful if you could watch over me warmly. Thank you for your continued support," Uemura continued.
[source: 1 | 2]
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minobe-household · 8 months
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a piece i did of me n my friends' kny ocs !! :-)
close ups under the cut in case if tumblr steamrolls me
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wolfchild48 · 1 year
Koubutsu wa Kossori Kakushite Hara no Naka (好物はこっそりかくして腹のなか)
Itou, Kento (伊東健人) x Suzuki, Yuuto (鈴木裕斗); Eguchi Takuya (江口拓也) x Saitou, Souma (斉藤壮馬); Nakajima, Yoshiki (中島ヨシキ) x Ono, Yuuki (小野友樹); Okitsu, Kazuyuki (興津和幸) x Kobayashi, Yuusuke (小林裕介) Copyright Crown Works 2018 Mangaka: Tsurusawa Tsutako (蔓沢つた子) Genre: Yaoi / Supernatural / Fantasy/ Multiple couples Company: Crown Works Date: 27 July 2018 Website:…
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ssaraexposs · 3 months
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BTA ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA: A young man with dual personalities - an exterior personality and an interior one. His exterior personality is one of a polite and honest young man, although due to his shyness he is constantly concerned about other people's reactions. On the other hand, his interior personality which appears during battle with Taints is one that is a mixture of a strong pride and unashamed cruelty. Although he has only vague memories of when his interior personality surfaces, he understands and accepts that they are merely two sides of the same coin.
BSD ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA: Atsushi's traumatic past affects much of his daily life, and he is tormented with nightmares, flashbacks, and the internal monologue of the orphanage director who abused him. He has a severely low sense of self-worth and is somewhat naïve, which causes him to initially feel helpless when confronted with dangerous situations. When paralyzed in guilt and/or fear, he has difficulty reacting or understanding what to do. He also tends to react strongly and believe things at face value, trusting others' judgment above his own and even abandoning his own instincts. All things considered, Atsushi cares deeply for his fellow Agency members and for the well-being of civilians, especially during dire situations. On various instances, Atsushi would not hesitate to help and save others, even those he has never met before.
He has a strong sense of morality, which also directly stems from his upbringing. He believes his worth in life depends on his ability to protect others and has an aversion to the abuse of one's power and to preventable deaths. He even tries to help even his enemies at times and would often feel sympathy for most of them, as seen through his interactions with Kyōka, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Sigma and even Fukuchi during his supposed death.
Although still struggling with his self-esteem mostly due to the words of the late orphanage director, Atsushi gradually improves his confidence and sense of self. He continues to be strengthened by several missions and the clashes against the Port Mafia,  the Guild,  and the Rats in the House of the Dead among others. His will hardens in these tough situations, and he becomes steadfast, reliable, and intensely caring. As Akutagawa mentioned based from their various clashes, when pushed to adverse situations, Atsushi comes back as a "more bothersome enemy".
BTA ATSUSHI VA: Kaito Ishikawa
BSD ATSUSHI VA: Yuuto Uemura
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Uemura Yuuto reading an excerpt from "The Moon Over the Mountain" by Nakajima Atsushi.
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cielgram · 1 year
🔑 WARDEN 000 ─ KEY
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➤ Gender: Nonbinary (They/He) | Jibun (自分)
➤ Age: 19
➤ Birthday: ???
➤ Height: 174cm
➤ Blood Type: O
➤ Voice Claim: Uemura Yuuto (Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs)
➤ Color Code: #D49F89
An existence that can be viewed as the protagonist, or the representation of the audience. He woke up with a majority of his memories gone, and became the guard of MILGRAM Prison. With no memories about themself, they perform their duty as a guard, as per Jackalope’s instructions, but still have doubts of their origin. Key's role is to decide whether the prisoner’s sins are to be “forgiven” or “not forgiven”, interacting with them to unravel their crimes.
That being said, Key seems to be somewhat genre savvy, being aware of the audience as a whole. Despite their best efforts to befriend the prisoners, he is but another cog in the machine.
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redcoralsea · 1 year
HanaST Actors Profile : Kisaragi Kaoru
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Birthday : March 31, 1998
Birthplace : Saitama 
Height : 179 cm
Blood type : AB
Sign : Cancer
Agency : AtoMEntertainment
Character : Kisaragi Kaoru (如月薫)
Source : Hana Doll The Stage Instagram
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Q : What do you think is the charm of "Hana Doll"?
Yuuto (Kaoru) : It doesn't end up with a simple idol story, it shows us various stories between people, hope and doubt. It makes us realize that the world is beautiful including all of them.
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Q : What's your favorite "Hana Doll" song titles?
Yuuto (Kaoru) : My fav is "BIRTH"!
This is the song where Anthos is "Born" and the lyrics of the song express the determination of members who participated in "Hana Doll Project", yet it is  somewhat disturbing and represents the work of "Hana Doll Project"! I love it!
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Q : If there is a new recruitment for "Hana Doll Project", would you give it a try? (More like is they want to participate the audition IF Hana Doll Project is a real thing)
Yuuto (Kaoru) : I don't think I can't tolerate living under someone else's control, so I'm not going to participate in it! (Laugh) 
I want to live freely once in this single life! (Laugh)
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kuromamesblog · 5 years
God. Save. This. Ship.
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aakipple · 4 years
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same voice actors
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awkwardbsd · 2 years
My mistake in regards to a post I made a really long time ago. I think I tried to edit it, but Yuuto went to Disney Sea with Shouta Aoi and not Kensho Ono, BUT... I DO HAVE A COOKING SHOW WITH THEM TOGETHER. It's for Vinland Saga which had them playing the two opposite-ish characters again. I actually enjoyed the show, but it's not for everyone. Anyways, go make your cooking AUs for Shin Soukoku and your Disney Sea fan creations for Soukoku (they sound so stoked to go to Disney Sea together).
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minobe-household · 14 days
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i forgot about this comic for months and now it is far too late to justify working on to myself. here were the nice looking parts
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Memory Piece] 5★ 美しい青空の中へ Within the Beautiful Blue Sky Translation
元の世界へと戻る手がかりを集める中島敦、太宰治、澄快は、とある高層ビルの屋上から街を見下ろしていた。抜けるような青空の中で彼らの瞳に映るのは、美しいダテンの景色か、それとも…―。 Nakajima Atsushi, Osamu Dazai and Sky, who had been searching for clues to find their way back to their original world are atop the roof of a certain skyscraper, looking down at the streets below. What's reflecting in their eyes under the calm, relaxing blue skies? Is it the breath-taking scenery of Daten; or is it…?
抜けるような青空の中で、彼らの瞳に映るのは… That which is reflected in their eyes under the calm, relaxing blue skies...
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut
そびえ立つ建物のガラスに、抜けるような青空が反射している…。 The clear blue sky is reflected on the glass panes of the towering building.
中島敦「綺麗な景色ですね………!街並みを落ち着いて見下ろす機会なんて、今まで無かったから新鮮です」 Nakajima Atsushi: What a breath-taking scene this is! I've never had the chance to take a look at the streets below so peacefully like this till now.. 
澄快「ここら辺は特に見晴らしがいいからな。祭事の時は、あの辺りから花火が上がったりするんだぜ?」 Sky: The view from up here's pretty good. Fireworks will start from that area over there whenever it's the festive period, ya know?
澄快の案内に従って視線を動かす敦は、ビルの縁に手をついて目を輝かせる。 Atsushi placed his hands on the edges of the building, eyes gleaming as he turned his attention to where Sky had pointed out.
太宰治「花火か。空に咲く花だ。此処からの眺めはさぞ美しかろうね」 Dazai Osamu: Fireworks, huh. Flowers that bloom in the sky. They must be a pretty sight from this high up.
澄快「おう!特別なライトアップなんかもされるんだぜ。見せられねえのが残念だ」 Sky: You bet! There are even special light-ups when it comes down to that! It's such a pity that I can't show that to you now, though...
ひょんなことから夢世界へと迷い込んだ敦と太宰。 Atsushi and Dazai, both people who had suddenly turned up in the Dream World without rhyme or reason.
彼ら元の世界に帰す手助けをすることになった澄快は、二人を街のあちにちへと案内しながら情報を集めている最中だった。 Sky was helping them both find leads on ways to return back to their original world while guiding them around the city.
澄快「治安がいいとは言えねえ街だけどさ、こうして見ると悪くないだろ?」 Sky: I can't say for sure that the streets in this place are safe, but it isn't all too bad when you look at it from this height.
中島敦「はい、まるで物語の中の世界みたいです」 Nakajima Atsushi: Yeah, it's like something straight out from a book.
太宰治「よいしょっと」 Dazai Osamu: Up we go.
強く吹いた風が、ビルの縁に座った太宰の外套を舞い上げる。 The ends of Dazai's coat fluttered in the air as he sat on the edge of the building.
太宰治「天気好し、視界良好、高度最適」 Dazai Osamu: The weather's great, the view's brilliant and the height of this place is the best I could ever ask for.
澄快「けどよ、オレからすれば、オマエらの言う世界の方がよっぽど……ん?」 Sky: But I'll have to say, the world you guys came from sounds loads better than this pla- ...Wha-
晴れやかな笑顔を浮かべた太宰の体が、ビルの縁の外側へと傾いていく。そのあまりに自然な動作に、敦と澄快は一瞬遅れて…ー。 Dazai had on a bright smile as he leaned over the edge of the building. Atsushi and Amy both had a delayed reaction as he fling himself off the edge, as if it was totally natural to do so.
中島敦・澄快「……!!!」  Nakajima Atsushi / Sky: ……!!
なんとか、無防備に投げ出される太宰の体を掴むことに成功した。 They had somehow managed to catch a hold of Dazai as he threw himself off the edge without so much as a bat of an eye.
中島敦「太宰さん!まだ諦めてなかったんですか!」 Nakajima Atsushi: Dazai-san! Haven't you given up on doing that already by now!?
太宰治「花火のように、私も一瞬の煙めきを残して夢く散りたい!」 Dazai Osamu: I want to shine for a split second before disappearing into smoke, just like how dreamy fireworks are!
中島敦「こんな高さから落ちて、もし下に人が居たら如何するんですか!」 Nakajima Atsushi: What if there are people below!?
中島敦「太宰さんの座右の銘って何でしたっけ!?」 Nakajima Atsushi: What's your motto in life again!?
太宰治「私の座右の��は 『清く明るく元気な自殺』…ー。ううん、人に迷惑をかけるのは本意じゃあないなあ…….」 Dazai Osamu: My motto in life is "To have a bright, cheerful and energetic suicide!" ...Hmm, but it isn't my intention to cause trouble for anyone...
澄快「なんにせよ、一緒に飯を食ったャツの顔がトップニュースを飾るなんてオレはごめんだぜ!」 Sky: In any case, I really wouldn't appreciate the face of someone I've gone to get food together with turning up on the news headlines!
傾く太宰をなんとか手元に引き込もうと、二人は息荒げながら彼の外套や腕を引っ張る。 They were both out of breath as they hauled Dazai back up to the roof by his cloak and arm.
太宰治「やれやれ、そんなに怒る事無いじゃあないか……世の中には、ただ安全な場所から眺めたのでは知り得ない事があるのだよ」 Dazai Osamu: Really now, you don't have to be that mad...There are some things out there in the world that you cannot experience if you're comfortable with only looking on from a safe place.
ふと、太宰の顔が真剣さを帯びる。 His face switched into one of utter seriousness in a split second.
太宰治「権力を持ち高みに上る人間ほど、足元の些事には目を向けなくなる。この国で今、一番の高みに立つ者は……安全な場所から何を見ているのやら」 Dazai Osamu: The higher someone is, the more power they wield, the less likely they'd look and bother about trivial things. I wonder what's the person in the highest position in this country looking at now…?
澄快「それは……」 Sky: Well...
魔法科学の国・ダテン…ー。少し前まで王制を敷いていたこの国の政治制度は、王の側近が起こしたクーデターにより大統領制へと変わっていた。 The Country of Magical Science, Daten. The political system of this country had always been run by the Country's royals, but they had recently switched into a presidential system due to a coup d'etat by their aides.
含みのある太宰の言葉に一瞬、澄快の動きが止まる。 Sky froze for a moment as the weight of Dazai's words sank in.
中島敦「澄快さん……?」 Nakajima Atsushi: Sky-san…?
���宰治「……来訪者たる私達が出来る事など、たかが知れているがね。部外者だからこそ、気付ける事もあるはずだ」 Dazai Osamu: ...I'm aware that there's nothing we can do; but there are things one should come to realize and understand. Precisely so if one's an outsider.
澄快「太宰……」 Sky: Dazai...
惑うように揺れた澄快の瞳を、太宰は優しく見つめている。 Dazai watched with kind eyes as Sky's own wavered with uncertainty.
太宰治「却説(さて)、私が何を云いたいのかと云う話だけど…」 Dazai Osamu: Now, as for what I'm trying to say...
太宰治「……君達もいつか、私の心を理解してくれると信じているよ!」 Dazai Osamu: ...I'm sure you two will finally come to understand my way of thinking one day! I believe that you will!
中島敦澄快「良いからこっちに早く戻ってこい!」 Nakajima Atsushi: Alright, alright. Just hurry up and come back over here already!
真白の雲が、視界にほど近い場所を流れていく。 A pure white cloud floated into the edges of their field of vision.
近代的に発展した街の片隅で繰り広げられるささやかな喧騒は、澄み渡る青空の中へと溶けていった…。 The hustle and bustle of the modernly developed city was enveloped by the ever-reaching, endless blue skies above.
おわり The END
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miyayuki5 · 5 years
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Uemura Yuuto as Thorfinn / Nakajima Atsushi
Ono Kensho as Canute / Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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aoinakahara · 5 years
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DOUBLE DAZAI WHEN????????????????
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