arachnidanon · 1 year
another thing I think about a lot is whether the guardians are sentient or not. I personally think they are, knowing the iterators.
imagine seeing your creators collectively walk past you, to a fate you will never have and never know. you try to hold some back, sensing that they are still connected to this world somehow, and are immediately commanded to let them pass anyway by other ancients.
once your creators are gone, you spend years not quite alone, other guardians surrounding you, but with no way of communication. sometimes, creatures will attempt to take the plunge, only for you to stop them and throw them back to where they came from. rarer times, you have no power to stop them, for they have no tethers to this world for you to pull them back with.
imagine watching the void slowly consume the other guardians, knowing you will eventually be next. and you aren’t sure how to feel.
I’ve got an OC that is basically a guardian put in place of an iterator, so maybe I’m biased with the whole sentient guardians thing, but yeah.
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teddyccino · 2 years
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sketchin' etchin etchin
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trentxaa · 2 months
you mean cronaldo?
well, yes
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youtappedout · 1 month
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russellius · 1 year
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ashipiko · 1 year
KINDA. BIG A3 DUMP? 😭😭 a collection of doodles from like this past month wwwww. mostly kazu cuz!! BDAY MONTH IG?
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SKYPAUL CUZ. THEY ALWAYS EATIN MY BRAIN + floral prince cause mankai stage and I actually read it!!! + sky pirates floral prince crossover + kazu roles + some card redraw ideas from friends + late night kazu doodle!!! 😔 when I say he’s my muse I do not lie fam
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sonarsunbeam · 10 months
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friend suggested pinup pose sonarchy and alas i am gay at heart
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nattikay · 10 months
Neteyam, 20!
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Ooooh, for Neteyam? That's a tricky one. For Kiri it's clearly Spider, for Lo'ak it's clearly Payakan, but Neteyam...hmm.....I'm trying to think of which characters are even viable options here lol
I always assumed he would be friends with a lot of his peers back in the Omatikaya clan, though of course we never meet any of said peers, so that wouldn't count as a good answer here...Kiri, Lo'ak, and Spider kinda already have designated best friends...he does have a cute sibling relationship with Tuk but she's so young that it feels weird to have her fill the "best friend" role...and same thing but reversed for Jake, Neytiri, Norm, Max, Mo'at, or any of the other adults in his life; there's some good relationships there but the age gap makes it weird for any of them to fill that "best friend" role.
I suppose that just leaves the Metkayina kids. Hmm.....well, as much as I don't really like the guy, I might have to go with Aonung...IF he can get over some of his jerkiness. Neteyam wouldn't want to be friends with a bully. But on the flip side, Neteyam could be a good influence on him, so perhaps it'd work out. They could probably bond over their experiences as the chief's firstborn son or smth.
Rotxo also has potential, but we just know so little about him that it's really hard to say. He wasn't involved in the fistfight though, so I suppose he earns some points for that. Although...Rotxo and Aonung already seem to be each other's best friends, so would that disqualify them, like Kiri/Spider and Lo'ak/Payakan? Hmm...
Tsireya is an absolute sweetheart of course, and I'm sure she and Neteyam are friends, but best friends? Nah...that'd be a little awkward given that Tsireya and Lo'ak are clearly into each other 😅
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This is Inanimate Insanity..
1, 2, 3 GO!
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the w/out clothing ver
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
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i have hired this tranny to stare at you
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chairteeth · 7 months
This week for my @magireco-minibang fic, I grant you a tiny peek into Touka's childhood. If you notice that these teasers have been a lot less descriptive than most of my works... heh. That may or may not be on purpose.
Project partner: @karinmisono
“Touka, are you sure you can read all of this?”
Small Touka looked up into her older sister’s concerned red eyes. “Of course I can! Just hold those books for me, okay?”
“I thought you were going to paint or sew today…”
Touka groaned. “I’d much rather continue learning. These books are about the sky, I think, and I really want to know more about it. And they’re Father’s books, right?”
“Well, yes…”
“Then I’m also learning more about him through reading his collection!”
She stood on her tiptoes to try and grab the last book she needed from the shelf, but it was too high up for her to reach. One of her more silent sisters took it and handed it down to her.
“Thank you,” she said politely, setting the tome on top of the other two she’d been carrying. She had to remember her manners. She found her way to the white sofa rested against the wall and tucked her layered skirt beneath her to sit down. “Okay, this one is about… constellations.”
Her red-eyed sister loomed over her shoulder, brown bangs covering one eye when she did. “Are you sure this is a good idea? You know you can’t go outside. Wouldn’t it be better not to know?”
“And die of boredom? Nope! Besides, it’s my birthday, isn’t it? I should get to do whatever I want. No, I should get to do… how old am I?”
“Nine years today,” her sister mumbled, sorrow dimming her eyes.
“Yeah, so I should get to do nine things I want today! You all have to do whatever I say until I run out.”
“That reminds me, you wanted to come here today… Normally, you’d prefer to stay in your room.”
Touka sighed. “My room makes me want to throw myself into a paper shredder lately. I wish we could renovate my entire wing of our home, at least. It’s so…” she opened the dictionary she’d taken to keeping at her side and sought out the word she was thinking of to make sure the meaning was the right one. “Dreary. Are you gonna let me read?”
“Sorry. You’re a smart girl, Touka. I didn’t mean to imply you can’t handle the knowledge. We all know how much you love to learn. Go ahead.”
She let out a proud huff at the praise and started looking through the book.
“‘A constellation is a group of stars that appear to form a recognizable shape or pattern in the sky.’ Like giant connect-the-dots puzzles? We have those at home. ‘They are formally defined regions of the celestial sphere. Imagine the sky as a giant dome surrounding the Earth. Constellations are like countries drawn on that dome, outlining specific areas. While individual stars move through space, the stars within a constellation tend to maintain the same relative positions over long stretches of time. However, it’s important to remember that the stars within a constellation are rarely related to each other in space; they simply appear close together from our vantage point on Earth.’ Do they…? ‘Beyond their cultural significance, constellations were vital navigational tools. Sailors at sea used the stars to determine their location and direction, while farmers would track the constellations to know the changing seasons. For example, the rise of the constellation we know as Orion (the Hunter) signaled the arrival of winter in many cultures . Even today, stargazers and astronomers alike rely on constellations as signposts in the night sky.’ So they also serve as compasses or maps… I’ve never gotten lost here, but it’s pretty massive, maybe I could try cartography?”
The book went on to talk about the eighty-eight constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union. Touka realized as she read that she didn’t know much about the state of the world, its countries and governments. She frowned. That felt like an important gap in her knowledge.
“Big Sis, did Father have stuff I could read to learn about the countries of the world?”
Her sister put down the books she’d been holding and scratched her head. “I believe he had an atlas somewhere, and statistical reports about Japan as well as other countries. Say the word and we’ll look for it.”
Touka smiled. “Yay!”
Her attention was drawn back to the pictures of the night sky, white dots connected to form different shapes. Delicate fingertips traced over the lines, longing, but for what? Even if she could go outside, it wasn’t like she could fly, and she was pretty sure she’d die if she tried to go into space. Not that her life mattered very much to her. It hadn’t been enjoyable like in the stories she’d read, at all.
Maybe she was too young to say that for certain. Maybe all she had to do was wait. And wait, and wait, and wait… Touka didn’t remember a time where she’d done anything but waiting. Had she not taken matters into her own hands, she was almost sure her soul would have wasted away with how little there was to do at home. Her thoughts drifted to an incident the prior month, where two of her brothers had dragged her away from the basement.
“The walls were black, like my room… I didn’t think it was off-limits. I’d never been there before. Everyone was so worried… They told me the basement is dangerous. Why would the basement be dangerous…? No one said anything, but they’d never handled me so roughly before, and they looked genuinely upset that something terrible could’ve happened to me…”
Touka was going to need to investigate the basement more.
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nekobami · 1 year
Oh wow, What a totally predictable day!
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Ohh yeah, another Prime Rick in another dress, surprising an impressive number of zero people.
I guess nobody here need to be reminded. And that's what makes this artwork EVEN LESS surprising. That's my job: UNsurprise people. Have a nice day and WATCH SEASON SEVEN.
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garden-variety-jumo · 5 months
Someone asked me about it but they were a TERF so I had to block them. But I wanna ramble about it anyway so voila my post:
Alien Cultural Differences I Love (in Doctor Who, anyway)* :
Disclaimer: forgive my knowledge of Doctor Who being a little spotty, a lot of it I learned purely through the fandom
(Skipping over regeneration because that is a huge one)
NAMES: I cannot emphasise enough how much I adore their naming conventions/them not revealing their "real" names. Like, naturally, there's the inherent trans-ness of choosing your own name, but I also love the idea of choosing it after what you want to emulate. (And if I may mention, the outright insanity that the Master, who HATES humans, used a human term. Which. Hmm. Yeah. The implications. (To me))
There are also academy names, which I think are Super interesting, because from what I can see, they still aren't their real names, but they're never mentioned supposedly after their academy days. So, they have an element of the superstition that their real names have, But they are still like,, placeholder names.
I think I once read a fic where there was a superstition/fairytale about speaking your real name out loud and being stolen by toclofane because of it- which I think is Brilliant!!
Language: First of all. We must applaud whoever designed Gallifreyan writing because it Fucks Severely. What an absolutely beautiful form of writing. Additionally, I don't Believe we've ever heard it in the show, which means it's fully up to interpretation. Something that makes me deeply sad to think about is, at least in RTD's initial era, how the Doctor is the only one left to speak a dead language. I like the headcannons that it's very difficult for other species to learn (while they would never be able to properly re-create it, that doesn't mean they can't learn a form or version to it  though!!) This could be due to vocal differences or even, potentially, psychic elements to it- which leads onto my next point:
Psychic Abilities: I'm going insane what do you MEAN Gallifreyans are a psychic race I'm going to loose my mind. If you take that into consideration, it has to have influenced their society or how they socialise somewhat. What must their perception of the world feel like? What are the social conventions/ethics of it all? I feel like they only scratch the surface of this topic in the show and long story short I would like a handbook that explains all of this in depth.
Imagine, then, going from a society that Could, if they wanted, connect to each other psychically, then having it all taken away. How empty that must feel??
The society: While my memory on Gallifreyan culture is a little muddied, it's been made Pretty clear the culture and socialisation is very different to, at the very least, humans. For one, the hubris Time Lords are taught to believe in. (At the very least, Time Lords being Gallifreyan but Gallifreyans not necessarily being Time Lords)
What other subtle differences might there be from there? I imagine they would be taught cultural norms/habits of other species in order to blend in or better communicate ((for example, the story the Doctor was telling about aliens who communicated largely with their eyebrows)). Time Lords in the show are vaguely "human" with certain landmarks to prove them as a different species, two hearts as the most prominent example. They are also implied to have three brainstems, and I'm sure, other internal differences (isn't it mentioned they have orange/rust coloured blood?) Therefore, what forms of socialising did they evolve differently, that they must adjust for speaking to humans? It's just cool to think about!!!
Biology: Largely touched upon in the previous point but their Blood is Orange. That's pretty neat!!!!!! WOAH ALSO. Their body temperatures being naturally lower!!!! That's an absolutely fascinating detail. I wonder if the Doctor ever discloses these medical details to their companions in case of emergency? Almost definitely not...
Aspirin: It's fatal to Gallifreyans? Insane. And has the Doctor ever mentioned this to their companions, just in case? Probably not.
THE GOD DAMN FOBWATCHES: Insane to me that they can just. Do that. As a lover of Tensimm, I regularly think about the set up of series 3 and how insane fans must have felt watching it live. Fobwatched Ten largely sucks though, my love goes out to Martha always. (But also... does that imply Ten's memories and experiences made the Doctor kind? Or being a Time Lord in itself, though that seems to align less with what we know)
Aaaand that's all I can think of for now!!
*((Special shout out to Mandolorian culture also, though. I am entranced and fascinated by it))
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gokartkid · 1 year
Newly divorced Maxiel 🙏
newly divorced maxiel
Daniel worried his thumb between his teeth, skin peeling just enough for it to sting, the flesh underneath raw and soft. He wiped his hand on his jeans self consciously, scrubbing spit and sweat residue onto his thigh. A bad habit he hadn’t managed to shake since childhood; a kid standing in the yard with scraped knees chewing his thumb just the same. 
“You don’t care, you’re fine, you’re fine.” 
He tried to make the words sound as sure as they did coming out of Scotty’s mouth, hands on his shoulders and looking at him with too-soft too-sympathetic eyes. They landed hollow at his feet, deflated balloons. 
It was hard not to feel pathetic loitering at the front of their— Max’s, apartment building. 
He shoved his hand into his pocket, a moment of panic before he touched cold metal. He worried the ring between his fingers, slipping it between first knuckles; not lower, not the fourth finger. 
He imagined everyone could see it on his face: the creases from sleeping on the couch; unfamiliar product sitting in his hair; toothpaste smeared around his teeth with his index finger staring blearily into the mirror; bitter aftertaste in his mouth.
“Come on,” more words, more balloons, “you got this, come on. Just going up, getting your stuff. It’s easy.”
He was laying it on thick. Not thick enough. 
The text sat like a grenade on his phone. 
‘I’ll be out from 10 if you want to grab your stuff.’
He could imagine Max typing it in, Jimmy sat on his chest, the blue light glasses that he’d gotten after complaining about the headaches he was getting from his computer. He swallowed hard, a strange erratic squeezing around his heart. 
It was ten thirty now. He’d loitered around the corner since walking down just past ten. He couldn’t stop thinking, endless and irrational, what if Max was late to leave, what if he caught him coming out the door, what if he’d meant 10pm, what if, what if—
Daniel hadn’t realised how quickly you could make time pass just from thinking. 
It felt strange to swipe his keycard, and have it come up green and chirpy. Everything was as usual, smiling at the doorman, punching their floor into the elevator to head up. It was almost anticlimactic, as if it should’ve been some kind of dramatic return, all blaring sirens and screens lighting up with his face, shame shame shame. 
Well. That was a bit melodramatic. 
When he walked in, Sassy ran right up to him, wide pink mouth and sharp teeth as she yowled up at him. 
“Hey girl,” he crouched, holding out his hand as she sniffed at him gently, whiskers tickling the sensitive skin of his palm, “miss me?”
She blinked up at him, big green eyes and her little chin resting on the tips of his fingers.
“You probably don’t even know what’s going on, huh?” He scratched at her neck, the spot that made her close her eyes blissfully, small pink tongue peeking out of her mouth, “your dad needs to let you know what’s up. Too bad you can’t parent trap us.”
Jimmy was nowhere to be seen; probably hiding under the bed, eyes flashing out from under the darkness. He’d never liked Daniel as much. 
There were dishes on the counter from whatever Max had had for dinner last night, the telltale paper bags of a takeaway meal. He tried not to linger.
His stuff was arranged neatly on the bed, his charger on top of a pile of clothes: his favourite hoodie, soft cotton t shirt from an early run of Enchante merch, jeans. It was almost like he was preparing for a weekend away. This pile of things, compared to the enormity of his life with Max. 
He was shoving things into the duffel bag when keys rattled in the door, a familiar jingle. He hadn’t realised that it was possible for his heart to jump and drop into his stomach all at once; some feat of gymnastics, a gold medal at the olympics. 
He didn’t know what to do with himself, crouched by the bedside table. For some, inexplicable reason, he thought of hiding, like if he just got into bed everything would go back to as it was, the end of the nightmare portion of the fairy tale. 
“I was just leaving.”
The words left his mouth in a rush as he straightened up. Max was in the doorway, hair messy and gel free, creases under his eyes. Daniel didn’t look at his hands. 
“No it’s okay,” he didn’t seem to know what to do either, arms still and frozen by his sides as Sassy twined around his legs, question mark tail, “I just— I forgot my wallet. I’ll leave.”
“No, no, I’ll go, really,” Daniel scrambled to shove the rest in his bag haphazardly, the careful folds falling apart under his hands, “it’s— it’s your place anyway.”
“Daniel,” Max sounded pained. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides; a glint of gold that made Daniel flinch, the hurt of a wounded dog.
“I’ve got everything anyway,” he stared just past Max, at the painting that they’d bought together hanging just behind him in the living room, two entwined bodies; a Matisse, the most pretentious thing they owned, “you know me. Good at living out of my suitcase, right?”
Max’s mouth was white and red, pursed lips as if it hurt him to hold back whatever he wanted to say. His eyes were pale and red in his face; Daniel couldn’t look at him for much longer without feeling nausea roll in his stomach.
“Don’t say you’re sorry,” Max sounded exhausted. He wondered how he’d slept, in a too big, too cold bed, “you, of course, made your decision. I’m sure it will be what is best for you.” 
He wasn’t sure what was worse, the acceptance or the anger. 
“Yeah. Yeah, right. I—“ he was babbling. Daniel had never known when to shut himself up, “how— is your sister still coming to visit?”
“She’s flying in tonight.”
A long silence. It was like neither of them could breathe, as if all the oxygen they had shared had been sucked out of the room.
Daniel looked out over the harbour, the water sparkling against the white hot sun. There were families down on the beach, parents in beach chairs and children splashing each other in the shallows. When he felt brave enough to look back, Max was already turned away.
“I’ll get going then.” 
Sassy pushed her small head against his leg, blinking up at him, long and slow. 
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djsangos · 2 months
now, honestly… have you ever been afraid of yourself?
every day i look my reflection in the eyes and give them my worst death stare so that theyre more afraid of me than i am of them
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lensdeer · 2 months
It isn't the best album in the world by any means, but Best Of Lapfox Vol. 1 has remained go-to "fucking exhausted and need high BPM music to get through work" album for over a decade now, and I guess that must be worth something? It's fun idk
Bonus points for lasting almost exactly 1 hour. Great for timing prolonged rests mid-task if I'm somehow not done by the end of the album.
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