#zane's writing
A/N: I’ve long wondered what happened after the ending of the nonhuman path. What was Zane’s fate? Something tells me he succumbed to algandars despite the world supposedly being reset but what if the reset actually cured his algandars? I imagine he would have mixed feelings about it. Relieved that he was spared yet saddened that his brother wasn’t so lucky. Not to mention the fact that one day the humans may return while Nogueira is gone forever.
A full year has gone by. A full year since the war ended, since our victory... A full year since you passed away. As I watched that beam of light illuminate the sky, I was filled with delight knowing that the humans would be gone, that they could no longer torment us, and that your death would finally be avenged. But for some reason... that joy was short-lived. As the light faded, darkness fell and the night sky returned, the warm feeling of accomplishment and catharsis left me and soon my body felt cold—cold with the grim realisation that, although I had gotten exactly as I wished, none of this would ever bring you back.
You're dead, gone forever, consumed by algandars--and the itching moss creeping along my skin guaranteed that I would soon meet a similar fate. My joy turned back into sorrow. My laughter faded into tears. On the one hand, I feared algandars more than anything but on the other hand, deep down, a part of me accepted and welcomed the embrace of death. I was beginning to understand how you were feeling as you neared the end of your own life.
To my surprise, however, the infection on my body healed gradually over the course of the next couple of weeks and within a month, the moss was completely gone. I knew it must have been a result of balance being restored to the world and the guardians giving me a second chance but it felt like a miracle. Although, much like with my victory, there was a bittersweetness.
Life has practically returned to normal for us fairy creatures as we no longer have to worry about the threat of humans. I have returned to the City of Flowers to resume my duties as leader. The green orcs and blood orcs have put aside their differences since the end of the war and are living somewhat peacefully for once in a long while. The goblins are the same as usual--lazy and useless but keeping to themselves. With the humans no longer present, the dwarves have reclaimed Earth Valley once more.
And of course, the dark elves, which I'm sure you're the most concerned about, have been doing well for themselves. They have since appointed Clarence as their new leader, although I will still check in with him from time-to-time as you did with me when I became a leader.  I'm happy to say that he's been settling into the role with ease. It seems you mentored him well.
While peace and balance has been restored to Tottaus and my life has been spared, there still remains an emptiness within me. I visit your grave as often as I can, though I admit it brings me sadness to do so. This second chance at life has given me a lot to contemplate about the road ahead and how I will walk it without you by my side. It doesn't seem fair. Why was I given another chance but you weren't? I am once again immortal and shall live on forever and you are destined to be nothing more than a rotting corpse in your cocoon, never to see the light of day again. In a way, it's a torture... because I know that now I will be forced to live out eternity without my brother.
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sketchalicious · 1 year
doomed au timeline thing? idrk
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uhh okay so . i saw that the doomed au kinda popped off n i figured i'd go into a bit more depth for fun so i doodled out this crappy comic thing. i think i saw a homestuck comic do something similar LOL.
im gonna give like. aftermath of the ninja's deaths and such for the sake of clarity , since i know this is just an angsty clusterbump.
Kai: The real ignition for Lloyd's downfall. The staff was destroyed moments before the transformation ritual by the green ninja himself. In Lloyd's mind, his friend would return to normal. But he was met with something else as Kai desperately took the shards and ran away instead, too far gone into his ego and insanity. Returning home they remain the same in quantity, with Lloyd and Nya heartbroken, and Zane blaming himself.
Cole: He acted as the stable rock of the group. He brought the ninja back to their high spirits again, acting as a replacement flame for Kai to reunite his team. He even began the trend of looking for the missing ninja, with hope they were still out there. Yet despite being the very reason they stabilized, no one seemed to realize he disappeared. Instead they suddenly felt lost, like they were missing something. The grief returned, and the dots never connected.
Zane: His disappearance set the team on course for failure. With him, Asphera never explained where she had banished him, and the others were left to believe he was really, truly gone this time. He acted as the caretaker for the group, tying them together once more as he tried to bring back the joy they lost through menial tasks and the small details of the world. Even back to when Kai disappeared, Lloyd could be a leader with his help. With the last light in the tunnel gone, no one had any more confidence to step up.
Nya: Jay and Lloyd's breaking point. Without her, they lost their drive to keep searching. Her disappearance plays the same as canon, becoming one with the sea. Though she was less hesitant now, understanding that this was just fate, that the team wasn't meant to survive. If that was the case, she'll go out with a bang, knowing that with her gone they would understand too. At least she knew they would be safe for now.
Lloyd: His disappearance happened long after he recognized his Oni form. After having to fight the overlord alone, he went on a downwards spiral. Jay couldn't be there, and frankly, Wu couldn't get through to him like Garmadon did. Lloyd hated the idea of fate. He felt too, like Nya, that the team wasn't meant to last. As such, in his last effort to feel control, he caved into what came easy.
Pixal: Like Zane did in canon after Nya, she turned off her emotion meter. She knew some of the ninja could be saved, and she knew she had to stop grieving in order to even try. In a frustrated effort, she attempted to bring the ninja to her level, only to blame herself for Lloyd's snap. After realizing she couldn't do much for a grieving Jay, she leaves to find the others.
Jay: Who knows where he is. Wu entered his quarters to find only a pair of nunchaku, and his gi laying on his pillow. Maybe he joined Pixal, maybe he existed as a criminal like Lloyd now. All Wu knew is he lost his last student and the last defender of Ninjago. It's likely Jay quit, afraid of becoming next in fate's cruel hand. He'd only learn after the merge.
okay thats it lmao. i might add more ideas in the future but im not creative enough to plot it out properly gO NUTS
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 month
dating the ninja: series (headcanons) | cole brookstone , zane julien x reader!! ( ≧ᗜ≦) ♡
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a/n: okiiii heres part two, coles part seems so long, but they are kinda the same length. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!!!!
part one !!
warnings: non rly, not that i can remember lol
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· He may be the Elemental Master of Earth, but under all those rocks he's a baby boy at heart.
· First meeting wasn't anything new, you all met through Sensei Wu. You, Cole, Kai, and all the others. At first, you two were nothing but friends. Best friends for that matter...until a couple of years went by and Cole started to feel...different around you.
· He can't really be in the same room as you anymore without having to blush whenever he talked to you, but he was pretty good at hiding that from you. But once you're gone his face is red and you know Kai, and sometimes Jay, teases him for his crush on you.
· He thinks you're the greatest person to ever exist, need anything you go to him and he'll help you hands down!
· Expect a bunch of piggyback rides wherever you two go. Walking around the Monastery? You're on his back. Just making a quick run to the store, he'll carry you he does not think you're heavy at all.
· "It's like holding a pile of feathers." <3
· He can be very protective over you but he just wants you to be safe. He knows you can take care of yourself but he feels like a bad boyfriend if he can't do anything to help you when you need him.
· He also loves to cuddle. He's like a huge teddy bear you'd wanna hug forever! 
· Play with his hair, I swear it makes him feel so much better! All the stress he had rested on his shoulders drowned away when you touch his hair. You usually do it when you two are cuddling, or when he's angry at something and you use that to calm him down. 
· He loves to use nicknames for you, and the one he'll normally use is "Honey" or "Cake" ... Yeah, Cake. He loves cake and you're sweet like cake so boom it works. A rare one he'll also use is "BooBoo Bear." He will also use "Sweetheart" when he needs something from you, you learned that a little while ago.
· He's so scared to leave you alone during missions. There was this one time in the Sons of Garmadon take over, he, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Master Wu were sent to the Realm of Oni and Dragon for a little while and when they returned you were severely injured.
· He was scared to lose you, but when you recovered he gently tackled you into a hug and sobbed in your shoulder, you could feel his hands rub your back and grab the fabric of your clothes when he knew you were there, live and well. 
· He and you have karaoke moments together and it's hilarious when one of the others walks in on it. Cole's red from head to toe and you're just there standing like a statue as you look back from the said person and Cole.
· If it's one of the guys Cole will literally grab a pillow and throw it at them, chasing them out of the room but if it's Master Wu, Nya, or any one of the elders he'll cough nervously as he waits for them to leave. 
· You guys also cook together, but because Cole was banned from the kitchen, 3 times, Zane had to keep an eye out for the both of you if you were a decent cook and can handle both Cole and the cooking Zane will smile and leave the two of you be. 
· There was this one time Cole accidentally lit the inside of the oven on fire and a lot of baking soda was involved. After that, Cole usually just gets store-bought cakes or treats when he feels like it. 
· When you two sleep, he likes to have you in his arms. It makes him feel more confident and he knows you are protected. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to be held, he loves it, especially by you.
· The covers are over both your bodies and the heat from his hold and the blanket made it feel like an active volcano in the bed. 
· Knowing Cole snores, (canaon) you don't really get affected by it in any way, but sometimes it does tend to get annoying but you say nothing because you don't want to make him upset in any way. Besides, everyone snores it's nothing to be ashamed of.
· In the mornings' Cole is normally unlikely to wake up before you. So you wake up in his arms under the covers, his chest to your back and his face by your neck. You sometimes tend to fall back asleep in his arms or you try your best to get out of bed....but that just normally wakes him up and you have a new problem to deal with.
· His phone wallpaper is the both of you on your first date at a bakery called "Cakes Delight" and you playfully rolled your eyes as Cole's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the flavors and dragged you into the bakery. 
· The photo is you with Cole's phone taking a bird's eye view angle pic. You had a cookie in your mouth winking at the camera giving a single finger gun to Cole's head, (for fun) all while Cole had three cakes on one plate, a smile on his face as it was stuffed with cake while he gave a peace sign for the photo. 
· When you're talking with one of your friends who came to the Monastery to hang out, Cole tends to wrap himself in a blanket and tackle you mid-conversation and playfully whine about 'being left alone' even though he had the guys to hang out with.
· Even though you two are a couple, he can't help but get butterflies every time you do something cute. Sneeze? He's smiling. Becoming clingy? His heart has melted.
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 · He is very patient and understanding with you. He doesn't invade any of your personal life unless you talk to him about it. 
· Whenever you are angry he'll try his best to talk to you in the most sweetest tone you have ever heard and comfort you. Calming you down enough for him to be able to touch you and give you a hug.
· Sends you "good morning, my love. i hope you had an excellent sleep. breakfasts on the table for you on the kitchen counter downstairs. I and the other ninja will be outside in the courtyard if you need me to assist with anything you may need." in the mornings when he wakes up before you. he likes to wait until your awake to talk to you and won't bother your sleeping figure unless it's like 12:30 in the afternoon and you're still asleep. (you're just like me fr)
· also his goodnight texts>>
· "good evening, dove. i hope you do not stay up extremely late again so you do not wake up sad or grumpy. we already have kai, we do not need another one. make sure you brushed your teeth, floss, and washed your face. i hear washing one's face helps relax them. i love you to the moon and back. sweet dreams, my love."
· you taught him emoctions (or however you spell that word aahshsjbsj) like, "<3, :3, UWU," ETC, and now he uses the '<3' one in almost every text to show his love for you and your heart melts when he sends them and goes like "did i do that correct, my dear?"
· Every morning when he sees you walk into the kitchen, he falls in love with you all over again when he sees your sleepy state. Your eyes are droopy, you have some drool on your lips, and your hair is all over the place.
· While you eat his breakfast he'll pull up a chair behind you and offer to comb your hair (either it's long or short) he'll run his fingers through your hair once detangled.
· Because he can get a bit cold, one being the Master of Ice and two he's a Nindroid, whenever you both cuddle he'll have a blanket wrapped around, mostly you, the two of you as you both chat about your day.
· Tries to attempt a 'wink and walk away' but it just ends with him awkwardly blinking at you while Kai's laughing his ass off in the back.
· He was the first to confess his feelings towards you, with the help from his brothers, but they gave such bad advice he ended up short-circuiting because of how embarrassed he was.
· "I never knew Nindroids could get flustered." Jay joked while attempting to repair Zane with help from his Yang, Nya.
· You giggled as you took Zane's hand, who was lying down on a metal table. 
· "I love you too, Zane."
· His favorite place to kiss you is the back of your hand, palm, wrist, or knuckles. he's grown the habit of just taking your hand and placing it on his lips.
· "Zane, lemme have a turn with the dishes you've been doing every day of this week." You smiled at your boyfriend who sighed softly taking his hands out of the water and drying them. Before he left he turned around and grabbed your hand, turning it to show the back of your hand and pecking it, "I suppose you are right. Thank you, my love."
· Leaves you all red-
· Loves going grocery shopping with you, it makes his day 10x more special knowing he's with you and everything's ok. Sure you once lost him in a Metro but you soon found him...after 30 minutes of looking.
· Zane has an entire memory bank of just you and him stored inside of him while you have a photo album of you two (while ofc you have one for all your friends, including the others, but Zane is special <3)
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robodove · 10 months
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ehen your robot son inherits ice powers and keeps asking you where your dead partner is
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secretly-an-automaton · 4 months
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Just found this screenshot from one of the WIP stages of my latest fic- apparently I was… struggling with this line 💀
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mirrorhouse · 5 months
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zane's going to be the one who'll help me. i'll make it happen. / a story is a beast with a life of its own. you can create it, shape it, but as the story grows, it starts wanting things of its own. / at first, i was just an idea. but they kept telling all those stories about you. (...) and here i am! that's the best part, isn't it, when that happens?
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theplatypusblue · 3 months
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Zane wanders into a room in The Administration, only to find that it has a pile of other Zanes in it. Hopefully nothing bad will happen to him.
Drawing of a rough concept for a fan fic a wanna try and write someday. (Weird alt color ver below the cut cuz I thought it looked cool - there are bright colors tho so be careful)
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over-saturated blue my beloved <3
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nouearth · 4 months
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just give me one chance
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al-luviec · 2 months
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I got so insanely mad while drawing this
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+ closeup and normalness
#alek art#zane julien#previous master of ice#ninjago#lego ninjago#2024#aka the scene i wish we got in snake jaguar ...#zane is like 30 here#im mostly thinking about dr juliens perspective on this night. we have very little to go off of but he was very weirded out#random very sick old man shows up at your door and takes an “interest” in your son. he isnt even over for an entire day. with him comes col#he was striken with winter and something about him felt off. he leaves without a word. after his arrival your son begins acting weird.#then another old man arrives. asking for your son. wonder what happened there#for anything about passing on powers or losing them its always some big event... hm#i think the previous master really did need shetler. we know he was old and died shortly after the power giving. i dont know what about#zane caught his eye. i do think its very interesting that this man of few words was so obviously fascinated that dr julien noticed.#dr julien isnt the most socially aware and in the little bit he said about the previous master... he sounded concerned#imagine weirding out the weirdest man alive#i think zane caught on too. he felt eyes on him the entire night. they ate dinner with the man.. gave him shelter... but he felt he wanted#more. sometime that day he gave zane the power of ice. which effectively changed the course of his entire life. zane and dr julien hadnt a#clue what happened. 'yesterday a man arrived' so not even within a day did he see zane and decide that he was the one#thinking about how zane acting like his self now is 'strange' and was out of the ordinary. what was he like before? how do you even pass a#power down. we see people get their powers stolen and its always a spectacle and its so exhausting and so on. how did dr julien not see#anything. there was no questions? he just noticed the previous master found his son interesting and then he left ?#goddddd im insane i wanna write a fic about zane pre series
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cable-salamder · 2 months
I want elemental powers to be more fucked up I want every elemental master of Ice to be slowly freezing to death from the inside because their body is trying to become their element
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kindaasrikal · 8 days
Zane put your tits away they don’t need to be out that often
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vivilingriphyn · 6 months
The Sham | Lost Memories Ch■
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Arin saw Lloyd and Zane, shock and distress evident in their eyes as his own widened when he realized that he wasn’t in his mech anymore. Sparks of electricity still danced across his body painfully from the first electric shock but before he could even scream this time he felt his back collide into concrete and his bones letting out a sickening crack. His eyes rolled up in his head and as he fell forward, quickly falling unconscious but not before he felt multiple hands catch him and the sharp crackle of a whip now echoed in his ears.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 2 months
when you randomly jump on their backs: various ninjago x gn!reader
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I GOT MY HAIR DYED YAYYAYA ; i decided to put some of my old ninjago writing here tehe enjoy<3
art credit: min-play
warnings: uhm cringy? not new writing!!
· freezes. he's not used to any physical touch, so when he felt your body jump onto his he froze. he literally had no idea what to do- 
· does he hold you back? he leans forward a little bit so it's easier for you to keep sturdy, but he still has no idea what to do. his cheeks went red slightly when your legs wrapped around his torso but brushed it off. 
· he chuckles nervously as he grabs your hands, gently rubbing them due to nervousness. he bit his bottom lip before he heard you giggle, motioning him to spin you!
· he got the message and started to spin like nobody's business. he eventually got comfortable because one he knew it was just you, and two your laughter and actions caused him to let his childish side out. 
· that's what he loves in you. you can help him take his mind off all of his 'green-ninja' duties and just be his childish self. he circles once more before your body dropped to the couch. 
· " what was that? " he laughs, looking down at you while you're in a giggle fit. hands on his hips like a mom, 
· " hmmmmhmh, " you giggle, " ihi was bored? " 
· Lloyd playfully rolls his eyes and leans down, giving your cheek a quick peck.
 ↳ JAY
· screams. you scare the living bolts out of him causing him to screech like a 11' year old school-girl and fall down. 
· your in a fit of laughter as you both reach the wooden flooring. 
· " Y/N!! " he called out, his breathing was heavy but started to slow down. you apologized to him, trying to slow down your laughter as he stayed on top of you.
· you honestly didn't mean to scare him, but seeing his reaction was worth it. suddenly he rolled off of you, taking your hand into his and bringing you up with him, twirling around as you did causing you giggle.
·  " ohokay! ohaahky! how about- we try thahat again? " he laughs, motioning you to jump on his back. with a smile you took a few steps back before running towards him and landed on his back, wrapping your arms around your neck and your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together. 
· he grabbed the thighs to make sure you won't fall and literally started to sprint around the Monastery like children on a sugar rush.
 · panics. he quickly grabs onto your thighs as he struggles to not topple over. it was like a jumpscare. one second he was talking to Lloyd, the next second he's having you on his back struggling to not face plant.
· " crap!- " he mummers to himself when he barely caught you and gripped his hands to your thigh. meanwhile, you're giggling like a hyena over here. you can't stop while Cole finally managed to sturdy himself.
·  Cole smirks when he hears your giggles and quickly started to spin around, careful to not smash into a wall. now you are in full-on laughter as you grip tighter onto the Earth Elemental. 
· Lloyd rolled his eyes playfully at the couple as he watches Cole spin out of the room with you on his back. " is there an actual reason you jumped on me? " Cole asked, looking over his shoulder. 
· " thihink of this as ... extra training? " you respond. He just rolled his eyes as he playfully throws you to the couch and gently tackled you and place a kiss on your nose. 
· this is now a normal thing with you two. whenever Cole has his guard down boom you're on his back wanting a piggyback ride.
· like Jay he yelps. you jump scared him and he literally almost lit his entire body on fire. you included. thankfully he realized it was you due to your clothing and chuckles.
·  he was literally about to yeet you out the window, you are so lucky. 
· he eventually grabs onto your thighs and hoists you up to get both you and him comfortable. when his fingers purposely dug into your thigh you let out a laugh as you squirmed, causing the Fire Elemental to grin. 
· then...he started to spin. not like, his Spinjitzu spin, but just a normal spin. this caused you to giggle as you threw your head back as a reflex. 
· " ohohaky! okok! " " okay whaht? " he laughed still spinning.
· " puhut me dohown i'm gonna puhuke! " you suddenly felt your body fall and touch the fabric of the couch.
· visible confusion. he literally just stands there with you on his back, smiling like a dork.
· is something wrong? why did you jump on his back?
· you had to wrap your legs around his waist to hold yourself up as your arms locked around his neck gently. 
· " Y/N? is everything okay? " he would ask and all you would say is, " yeeup! just bored. "
· " so you proceeded to jump on my back because you were bored? " the Nindroid asks and you nod against his neck. this caused him to lower his guard and began to literally lecture you about the dangers of scaring somebody like that. 
· a little later he eventually got playful and started to sprint around the room, causing you to shriek with laughter until they were puddles of giggles. 
· you asked if he could Spinjitzu with you on his back and at first he was cautious, but he did one spin and that was enough to drop you to the couch.
· he apologized again and again, making sure you were okay. and of course, you were, you wanted to do it again.
· Zane refused because it can lead to something seriously dangerous.' pft, party pooper. '
· literally throws you back on the bed, couch, carpet etc. she felt her soul leave her body when you jumped onto her and she threw you causing you to let out a small 'ommfpt' but that was soon replaced with laughter.
· " Y/N M/N L/N, why the heck did you do that! " she cries, holding her heart as you stood up.
· " ihih wanted to sehe your reaction. ahand it was wororth it ! " the Water Ninja gave you a 'mom' look before grinning, 
· " you think scaring the living hell outta' your girlfriend is funny? lemme give you something to really laugh about! "
·  " wahait- wait Ny-AHA! "
· after that day when you jump on her back, she literally keeps you there and goes on with her day. 
· making a bowl of cereal, Kai will walk in and see you on her back. watering the garden? Zane comes to help but see's you on Nya's back.
· when she puts you down she literally finds a comfy space and lets go of you, literally dies when she hears your shriek as your body falls from his back.
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robodove · 1 year
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Oh!! I forgot!! I was gonna do a whole picture for today but. I got distracted and its.. no longer the day.
Anyways! YAY! 6 year anniversary of the Lego Ninjago movie!! One of my favorite movies ever, I adore it so much
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stellisketches · 1 year
if any character in Diaries deserved to have a gun it was Hayden motherfucking Zvahl. That man was from medieval-fantasy florida in the middle of the bumfuck swamp with gators and hellrats and a psychotic perpetually-hammered chicken man and had to put up with more bullshit in however-many-months than a majority of the characters did throughout the entire series, including but not limited to his husband getting shot, a punk ass twink trying to take control of the town, his daughter disappearing, Castor in general, his son dying in the nether, his son getting revived in the nether as a fucked-up hell knight, his daughter moving away five minutes after she randomly showed up again, being betrayed by his guard who is also a shadow knight, getting kidnapped and beat within an inch of his life, finding out his daughter had magicks and was attempted-sacrificed to open a nether portal like 200 feet away from his village, having said village later literally razed to the ground, fighting in a war, and having your son disappear off the face of the earth never to be seen again. All I'm saying is that he deserved to have a gun to shoot any and all things that slightly inconvenienced him after chugging whiskey and smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day to keep himself from finally snapping and stabbing someone to death with a table leg. Plus it just fits his aesthetic.
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acesgarden · 4 months
Hi. Could you write reader x ninjas. Reader is a villain before season one of Ninjago because they were manipulated by their guardian. Reader later on joins the ninjas in their journey
HIIIII! Yes I can :0 This is such a coincidence of a request because my ninjago oc is sorta a vilian ish? (They’re part Oni.) It’s a whole thing but when I got this I thought of them lolol.
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|| Redemption
Pairing(s) ->
Lloyd G. Nya S-J. Jay W-G. Kai S-J. Cole B. Zane J.(separate) x Redeemed Villain!Reader.
Warning(s) ->
Summary ->
A villain trying out redemption and the ninja are helping.
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Lloyd ->
You started out only as a nuisance. Not a major threat. That’s all you were. Till you (and your guardian) sided with someone that made you a threat.
Eventually defeating you, and I could see you either sacrificing the relationship with your guardian, or your guardian betraying you.
Either way you begin redeeming yourself (being forced into it since you really don’t have anywhere else to go,) helping the ninja on their journey.
When it comes to helping I think he’s very, skeptical kinda, very wary. Cause of the whole Harumi incident (assuming this is taking place after that.)
You make it hard for them /lh
But Lloyd eventually comes around to be very patient with you.
He helps you a lot, especially as an ex vilain himself. He helps you adjust and everything.
Lots of meditation and like sensei training.
I give it a 9/10.
Nya ->
She’s similar to Lloyd, a bit wary but over all patient.
Also really good regarding emotion stuff and writhing through past teachings.
Helps you get settled in to this new life.
Gives you things that can help with redirecting habits to something else.
Jay ->
Really good at easing you in.
You guys get along through his awkwardness.
He can get you to open up pretty easily, and getting you to loosen up.
Probably the first one you trust.
But also kinda not the best at the emotional stuff idk.
Kai ->
Has a shit ton of unspoken wisdom he shares with you.
You can understand it easily and begin to trust the ninja more.
Even though you can no dw get on his nerves with your tactics.
It kinda reminds him of Wyldfyre, kinda treats you like a little sibling.
Cole ->
Okay depending on when it’s either 5/10 or 10/10.
But going with dr. He 10/10 raising 3 kids.
Kinda gentle parents you sorta 😭
But also sets boundaries and such.
Actually really good at the emotional and mental side of the transition.
Zane ->
He would make you feel at home, although not the best with emotional stuff.
Bakes you stuff, and helps you get into a routine.
Depending on your past helps you get caught up in school or training.
He’s been patient from the beginning.
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