#zanna don't
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Zanna, Don't! (2003)
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thewickedbohemian · 1 month
Dream Animated Movie Musical Tournament Tiebreaker Round #2 Second Chance Match #2
Since there's still a tie for the bottom spots this is a second second chance (or I guess a third chance) for the top two of these four musicals to stay in the tournament. So would you rather save the Disney-movie-that-almost-was, the self-described-via-its-subtitle "musical fairytale" that's queer af (albeit some of it would need an update for the screen), the musical based off a movie unknown enough that a movie of the musical wouldn't have the Mean Girls problem, or the timeless classic for which animation would save the hypothetical cast of a movie of this show from a lot of exhausting dancing?
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If the second act of Zanna, Don’t weren’t so disappointing (fingers crossed for movie or Broadway version that fixes things while keeping the other themes intact and the light tone) the first would make me want to write a Bones HS!AU based on it as the main ensemble corresponds surprisingly well (with the only slight not-quite-fit but only marginally being Zack as Tank). The rest of the parallel is as follows:
Sweets - Zanna
Brennan - Kate
Booth - Steve
Angela - Roberta
Hodgins - Mike
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slytherinshua · 15 days
guys i would literally kiss you on the forehead if you sent in any astro requests i really would like to get into writing for them again !!!!
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zannolin · 4 months
it actually annoys me how obsessed I am with the expression on mikes's face when he sees eleven at the end of s2e8 because if that wasn't a ship i'd be all over it but as it is I'm sitting here like "...you're thirteen. that's trauma, babe." yk. am I making sense. I'm too aro for this
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candewlsy · 8 months
I LOVE @slytherinshua NO ONE DARE TOUCH ME RN I'M GONNA MELT AWAY 😭😭 I FEEL SO???? Ugly crying rn
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Just me whining and crying and i feel attacked
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Hi! So I have another box of bones- bunch of knees this time- but I was thinking and what if ghosts were seen as a sort of Gemini Home Entertainment style (lots of body horror again, if I connect an analog/digital horror the chance of body horror is as high as Johnny 13) wherein the FentonWorks YouTube channel is seen overall as another ARG, (bc of the ghost things) but when they get start having Dany do some videos for a younger audience it takes on a more horrifying turn. The videos seem more realistic, if he does a shot of the stars they seem closer, like their aching to touch and meet their king, their kin- should he take a photo of like, the mall after a ghost attack to place as an ‘after’ the craters seem to pulse, almost bleeding dust and concrete scabbing over. The whole channel now begins to show how amity itself is alive, and dead and neither and both- just as it’s inhabitants. Sam seems to be overgrown (lol) with black brambles for only seconds at a time, Tucker almost glows gold when he’s near sand and black dogs, Danny himself has stars in his hair and space in his skin, the nebulous colors of his eyes drawing you in and slowly consuming, unable to run from the black holes and dead lights that are dying and newborn stars staring back.
What I’m getting at is Educational channel-> THE TOWN IS ALIVE AND THE PEOPLE ARNT?? (DC is going fuvk wild bc this isn’t on maps??? Where are they? Constantine isn’t saying anything, Marvel’s gone, and Zanna gets nose bleeds and almost hemorrhaging when ever she sees the videos)
for those thinking this is familiar, the same wonderful person proposed a similar idea about the Mystery Flesh Pits! check it out!
goes from "Amity Park Student Safety Videos" to "Parkour Tips and Tricks!" to "Identifying and Eating Ghost Flora" to "Top 10 Best Places to Hide."
to "The Study and Declassification of Amity Park", "How to Hide from your Best Friend", "Don't Follow The Lights", "Breaking and Entering"
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(i really liked the idea here's a little drawing for you :D)
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lol-jackles · 10 months
I agree with your opinions for the most part. But there are still some points of contradiction. For example, if Jared left the show, the spn wouldn't last much without him. If you exclude the bias towards Jensen and Misha, with a proper plot, the series could very well exist. Like making a move with Sam finally finding peace, leaving hunting and starting a family. Dean is happy for him and continues to do what he loves and knows well - hunt monsters and protect people and that includes Sam and his new family. Just if you take the concept that Sam(Jared) is the main character and the story is about him and Dean(Jensen) is secondary and the story can't be without a main character, then what about The Big Bang Theory series? Obviously Leonard is the main character and Sheldon is secondary. But when James Parsons wanted to leave the show(several times) it wasn't allowed? Why? Sheldon is not the main character, neither is Dean, BUT they are both audience favorites. Suppose if the situation was the other way around and Jensen was the one who wanted to leave the spn, the show wouldn't make sense either? Just based on your logic, the main character leaving is a failure for the show. That said, the departure of the same James Parsons would be a big blow to the show. His character even got his own series in the end. Maybe that's what Jensen wanted. And then I don't understand why he didn't just do a series about John when Meri died and he was left alone with kids and monsters. That would have been so much more interesting!
I think I may be misinterpreting "bias towards Jensen and Misha", as in my bias or the show's bias? If the latter then put down that non-canon-compliant fanfiction and slowly step away.
The Big Bang Theory worked with Leonard as the lead until he and Penny got married, which ideally was when the show should have ended because the show started with him pining after Penny. But the show continued for 2 more seasons with the focused moved to Sheldon & Amy and it was very noticeable that the original magic was gone and the show was cancelled shortly after. The ratings in viewership and demo for the last 2 seasons were steadily going down.
I've said many times here that when shows lose their leads, they are either cancelled or limp along for 1 or 2 more seasons (X Files, The Office, Scrubs, 70's show, The OC) but then fans and critics complain that the show got way worse. So even though The Big Bang Theory still had their lead Leonard on the show, moving the focus to Sheldon & Amy still resulted in the show's cancellation 2 years later.
Moving SPN's focus from Sam to Dean & Cas would have had the same result, cancellation in one or two seasons. So the "proper plot" you speak off wouldn't save a Sam-less show. WB knew that and that's why they cancelled Supernatural.
If it was Jensen who left SPN back in season 3 or 4, the show still would have continued to season 5 to reach syndication. During that time the role of Sam's new partner would have been casted and if he or she worked well enough with Jared, then the show could have continued after season 5. Shows that lost their main secondary character have successfully continued for several more seasons: Monk, Cheers, Greys Anatomy, Law&Order:SUV, and of course Walker. NYPD Blues' Andy famously went through 4 partners in 12 seasons, each partner just as popular as the last.
I agree that the Supernatural prequel should have been about a widowed John and wee Sam and Dean. That was Michael Rosenbaum’s immediate assumption on his podcast interview with Jensen. He missed a real opportunity for a young Sam and Dean prequel because nostalgia for the 80s is at an all time high. It could have been his version of Stranger Things as wee Sam and Dean explore the strange and the supernatural, like Sam’s imaginary friend Sully and we get to know more about the Zannas, the only supernatural creatures without agendas against mankind.
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fairyhaos · 8 months
hey hey heyy!! i have a question about your first impressions of your moots and anons?
sure! this is gonna be a list of moots first and then the anons after :]
@rubywonu "omg this person is so so sweet 🥰" it's bc she appeared in my inbox asking if we could be moots literally at the Same time that i was considering asking her lmaooo so that was kinda fun
@etherealyoungk "wowee famous person!!" bc her work was always rlly well received and she wrote so well :]
@mirxzii "aww someone wants to be moots with me? 🥺" bc i think roxie was the first person who i didn't know before she asked to be moots and it was so sweet to think that others wanted to be my friend
@blue-jisungs "zanna's bubbly friend" bc literally the only time i used to see axe on my dash was when she was talking w zanna haha and she always sounded sooo bright :>
@gyuswhore was just. sooo intimidating to me for some reason???? she kind of still is but she's also a really cool and really kind person
@woozis @joshuas @meowonhao @goblinvern @leejungchans not to group u guys into one point but it was literally a case of going "holy FUCK TH3SE PEOPLE ARE SO???!! ;;;!? ///??💗💗💗💗" and screaming into my hands bc u r all so cool in my eyes
@weird-bookworm the adorable and sweet person who pops into my inbox literally ALWAYS w joshua stuff hehe
@wheeboo "omg,,,, a moomoo??" bc i saw the whee and i was like OHHHH OH MY GOD THAT'S FOR WHEEIN RIGHT
@hannyoontify @icyminghao idk how to describe it but it was like a feeling of just awww oml this person is so ADORABLE
@wonwoonlight just the vibes of khione being a very gentle and very kind person tbh ^^
and anons (i don't rlly see many of u these days so idk if there's much point in doing everyone 😭) :
🍒 i think it was the joshua lips thing that prompted the first convo????? so it was like "HELL YEAH ANOTHER SUPPORTER ✊" sort of impression haha
🎐 was just soooo sweet n lovely bc we started talking bc of the synaesthesia post and wind chime anon just had an Adorable way of typing haha
🌙/ @mesanthropi it was kinda like... "this person is kinda adorable" bc i kind of KNEW who u were but that didn't make ur conversation any less endearing
🥡/ @h-ao i just remember my pure and utter delight bc sen was sooo friendly and seeing the new named anon in my inbox made my day ^_^
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intuitively-her · 2 years
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How are you elevating in life? pile 1-(3 of wands rx, 8 of swords rx, The Sun, The High Priestess, 3 of swords, 9 of cups) You are moving into a period of self-acceptance and really taking control of your life. You're finally reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. You're going after your happiness. You're creating your dream life and making your wishes come true. I keep hearing "you're the queen". You could be moving up to a leadership position. You have been trusting yourself and your judgement more in situations.*Extra angel message from Bethany: "When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a massage, sea salt bath, or pedicure."
Pile 2-(Knight of cups rx, Death rx, 8 of swords rx, The Chariot, 8 of wands, 9 of wands, The Hierophant) *extra cards wanted to pop out You've walked away from something that was keeping you trapped in illusion. This was either a relationship or environment that you felt bound to. I feel like things have been flowing better for you since you've left this behind. You were persistent through all of the obstacles that this situation threw at you. You're seeing things more clearly now. You're becoming more financially secure. I feel like you're so close to success, you don't even realize. *Extra angel messages from Zanna, Opal, & Aurora: "You are protected from all types of harm. The worst is now behind you. I ask you to relax and feel safe. You are flying high right now, which may threaten others. But don't descend, because others will soon become inspired by your example. Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well cared for by God and the angels."
pile 3-(The Sun rx, Ace of wands rx, The Emperor rx, 5 of pentacles, Knight of wands, Justice) I feel like there was an authority figure in your life that caused you a lot of sadness and distress. This could be work related, but only take what resonates. This person could've swayed you into a negative mindset. I'm getting something like, "Oh I wasn't able to accomplish xyz, so you can't either." However, I feel like you caught onto this and took control of this situation. This person is definitely going to receive consequences for whatever they were doing. *Extra angel message from Omega: "Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work!"
Pile 4-(5 of wands, 10 of swords rx, 5 of cups rx, 4 of wands, Page of swords, Ace of wands) There was some type of conflict that you were facing in your everyday life. I feel like you're rising above issues that you were once faced with. You've accepted this situation for what it is. You're taking the lessons you've learned from this situation and applying them to your life. You've been feeling inspired since you left this behind. Don't let your creativity go to waste! There could be many family celebrations coming up for you as well. *Extra angel message from Isaiah: "It's a good time to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. I am watching over you, guiding you, and protecting you during these changes."
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thewickedbohemian · 1 month
Dream Animated Movie Musical Tournament Tiebreaker Round Second Chance Match Part 1
So why this isn't just match #10 is because while I said on the post with the rules that the bottom six would be eliminated after the seed round a lot more than six musicals sadly got 0% of the votes so for the top seven of the thirteen musicals in this and the next post (thank you poll option limit) this is a chance to squeak back into the tournament
Aida: wasn't it actually meant to be another animated Disney musical before it ended up on stage but even if I'm wrong it's still a Disney musical with Elton John music so could feel like a kinda throwback to the Disney Renaissance and the framing device dulls the tragedy of the lovers' fates to a level where things could still be kid-friendly
A Little Princess: the music (and added cool-stuff-animation-can-do) could provide a fresh take on an old story that hasn't gotten a movie in a while and apparently I don't think the musical might have gotten a stage version yet (just a studio recording) so if that's true a movie could help lay the groundwork
Lizzie: for a horror musical even more intense than something like Sweeney Todd animation would help it seem a little less like it's only a horror movie or w/e (and the small cast would be easier to deal with/feel less weird)
Zanna, Don't!: Sure some elements of the second act could use a rewrite (if they could still keep the same themes) to make it a little less of a poorly-aged downer but at least the rest of the musical is a very fun hidden gem and animation would fit with the Cinderella motif
Dogfight: this was a movie before it was a musical so animation could help separate the two but since not many people know of the movie who didn't find out via the musical it wouldn't feel like you have the Mean Girls problem again
The Last Ship: another underrated musical that could use a movie to get it to a wider audience but as for why animation it's another case like with Ragtime in another tiebreaker where the show just feels big enough that that's the way to not let the budget go out of control
Anything Goes: this is not just another case of "animation makes the old-school musical seem less outdated" but also this feels like it should be more known than it is and animation would be easier on the actors as they wouldn't have to do all the crazy choreo
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the-elevan-shitshow · 17 days
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Zanna: okay...I think this is my stop
Dex: I don't know how I'm gonna do it without you...you were there with Harvey
Zanna: we've levelled up together. Now you're gonna play single player and are gonna rock it, ok?
Dex: I'm gonna miss you so much
Zanna: I'll save you a spot
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slytherinshua · 5 months
guys stop sleeping on &team please
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zannolin · 8 months
Writing classes are always like oh your writing would be so much better if you stopped doing all the things you love to do in your writing and I'm always like oh :/ and then I have to go write fanfic copiously after the semester to remind myself it's okay to do things you love.
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wheeboo · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
okay i received this ask game 3 times so JDFKLS i guess i shall do it rn . i will be doing my moots svt biases <3 rlly wish i could do a lot more moots but this took more brain power than it needed 😭😭
@slytherinshua -> joshua
first thought was cute lil teacher x teacher couple!! maybe he's a new hire as a music teacher and him and zanna both have a lil meet ugly at first in the staff room (one of them spilling coffee on the other or something dsjfklfsd) but its all full of shy smiles and fumbled apologies, and joshua smoothly gives her his # with the purpose of starting over 😍
@etherealyoungk -> hoshi
the classic case of the class president x class clown. skye our big brain queen is just trying her best to sort through all these plans and plans for school while hoshi keeps curiously meddling in her business, trying to get close with her by proposing these weird n funny ideas at meetings (even tho he's not in the student council???) that don't make any sort of sense, and overall just wanting to make her smile cuz he may or may not have a tiny tiny crush on her. and skye may or may not like him having around...
@roziesmei -> jeonghan
love at first sight. not the biggest fan of this trope but hello who wouldn't fall head over heels over this man at first glance? maybe mimi is out and about running some errands to the store, and as she's about to grab for the door, another hand meets hers, and i WONDER who it is!!!! the two of them gaze at each other for a second, and maybe the world feels a lil brighter and a lil warmer in those few moments, before maybe jeonghan pulls away and holds the door open for her. she spends her entire time shopping thinking abt him wondering if they'll ever cross paths again (they do)
@bookyeom -> seokmin
i love the whole concept/trope of exchanging letters. maybe leslie gets received this Very long letter detailing something she has no idea what is and its signed sorry from me & my dog, lee seokmin. does she know who lee seokmin is? absolutely not. but is she very curious why he seems so STRESSED in this letter over his dog accidentally stealing a stranger's pair of socks from the laundromat? yes
@welcometomyoasis -> seungcheol
ngl the whole enemies to lovers arc from rival families has always been a concept in the back of my mind and i've ALWAYS envisioned something for cheol for it so here you go shu 😭!! and perhaps there's some forced proximity involved, where they both become reluctant allies for some overly complicated business reasons and realise 'maybe we aren't exactly enemies after all...'
@haecien -> jun
fake dating!! maybe cien accidentally says to his group of friends that he has a partner but like... who is it ?? and so he gets jun to play as his fake boyfriend for the time being and it's this whole cute mess but yeah they're both sorta falling for each other. i can imagine this whole cute prom scene where they are each other's dates and this cute slow dancing scene... yeah you get i'm going with this i think lmao
@planetkiimchi -> minghao
strangers to friends to lovers!! but it's the most natural, sorta slow burn ever. it's kinda like reading your favourite comfort book with your favourite comfort couple where they get together and it's like THE standard ?! they're both communicative with each other, understand each other's boundaries, etc. bonus for the plot since they're both dancers and meet each other for the first time at practice, and it kinda just blossoms from there :)
@blue-jisungs -> wonwoo
a very very cute office romance. axe may be like a new intern at this workplace and is nervous asf abt everything, but she gets assigned this very handsome man with the power of glasses in his eyes to help her around and get adjusted. but even after settling in axe really tries her best to get close with wonwoo. he's a little reserved, composed, maybe a bit cold at first, but it's enough to cause some gossip to float around the office hehe. one thing leads to another, and they're both trying to hide their relationship from everyone else (but they all know anyway)
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planetkiimchi · 9 months
describe your relationship with ur moots using different kpop idol ship dynamics ⭐️
me and @blue-jisungs: kunten. just like how ten teases kun about his age, i like to tease axe about her fame HEHE but at the same time we're very comfortable with each other and there's a mutual understanding between us!
me and @haoiism: junhao. dani is my comfort <3 comfort theme comfort writing and everything in general! js like how hao loves watching jun being all excited and hyper i love seeing dani's posts about fandoms i'm not in
me and @slytherinshua: markhyuck. zanna is def hyuck because she's super outgoing and friendly and an extrovert and i'm the introvert whose extrovert side comes out talking with her <3
me and @jisungsdaydreamer: renyang. we don't get a lot of chances to talk, but when we do,, it feels like coming home after a long day. (like the renyang camping trip i'll never forget)
me and @stvrlvghtwrites: hyunlix. vanya sends me the cutest asks asking about my day :(( i get so hapoy when i get to speak with her and she's just so sweet !! like lix fr :( she's my soft spot.
me and @fylithia: minchan. they're soo supportive of my works and always talks to me about their day :(( feels like how chan would take care of minho tbh
me and @i-luvsang: winhyuck. you still see them interact now? nope. but one of hyuck's homescreens is still winwin and him together. i think about ria a lot but we haven't gotten to speak much lately :(
me and @riordanness: sungtaro. we used to be super close and everyone knew we were friends but now we've moved to a different platform (like sungtaro went from nct to riize) and you don't see us interact as often :( still friends tho just branching out!
me and @welcometomyoasis: vershua (i hope that's the right way to write it ??). the same way the english-speaking line have a mutual understanding, so to do we (coming from the same country!) we're also not super close as of yet but it WILL change
it was getting long so i didn't do one for all my moots, just the ones i'm closer with or have talked with lately! if you're a new moot or you don't see yourself on this list, reach out to me and i hope we can get closer <3
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