#zeit rambles
ragamuffingunnar · 1 year
I expressed some of my disappointment and horror to a much smaller audience yesterday. I'm really and truly tired of how the media is treating this Russia Ukraine conflict. I'm disgusted at the backpedaling they're doing trying to cover for the outward adulation for Yaroslav Hunka.
I don't think a bigger nation that's infected with neonazism eating a smaller nation with the same issues is right. I don't think either party is doing the right thing. It sucks that civilians will always and ultimately pay the price for the actions and greed of the powers that be.
But I am still disheartened. The ends don't justify the means. Just remember when all you weird reichblr freaks are all 'uwu Himmler and Goebbels', this is the safe haven you're allowing. Millions of real people died. Millions of real people are still dying at centuries old problems.
Woobifying actual war criminals past and present lets this mindset run free. We are not immune to hatred. We are not immune to racism. We are not immune to fascism. Our violence is exported in different ways.
"Didn't you feel compassion towards those you were killing?"
"No. My hate is too big for that."
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grape-eating-vampire · 7 months
there is very little patriotism in my life, but one thing in my language I will always relate to is Janosch and the Wondrak comics from the ZEIT newspaper:
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"Mr. Janosch, how does one best say 'I have had enough'?"
"Wondrak turns away and says 'I will go cook a chicken soup.'"
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"Mr. Janosch, how does one learn to be alone?"
"One does it like Wondrak, who will sit in the park until everyone else has left. Then he learns to be alone. At least until Luise comes to pick him up."
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"Mr. Janosch, how does one regain their composure [/get rid of the tears]?"
"Not at all. One who cries doesn't have to do anything else, that is good. Wondrak takes a bedsheet and cries as long as the tears come."
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"Mr. Janosch, how is one supposed to deal with mean colleagues?"
"Wondrak just shoots them to the moon."
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"Mr. Janosch, how can one bring some colour and thrill/adventure to their life?"
"Wondrak brings colour into his life by painting the houses in his neighbourhood. It doesn't take long and bam! – everyone is upset."
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"Mr. Janosch, how does one stop criticising themselves?"
"Wondrak goes behind his house, walks in circles and says 'Everything is alright about me, everything is alright about me' – until he believes it."
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"Mr. Janosch, how does one enjoy the spring?"
"By praying to it!"
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I'm experiencing artblock because I've been daydreaming about my stupid little AU(s) (that I'm definitely not gonna post here...anywhere really)
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(My little puny brain misses them)
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(This the best I can show to what I was daydreaming about)
(And yes it is Lila and Felix)
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
So oft, wie die Jungs inzwischen schon Schlafmittel verabreicht bekommen haben, sollte man wirklich meinen, sie würden nur noch ihre eigenen Getränke trinken oder sich zumindest auf solche beschränken, die in Flaschen und offensichtlich ungeöffnet sind.
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estomia · 1 year
Zwei Seelen wohnen, ach, in meiner Brust and one wants to look like a 18th century gentleman and the other one wants to look like a scene kid and its terrible im in constant pain
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butchdykekondraki · 9 months
thinkin bout meine frau again . i need to be sedated
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chimchiri · 2 years
me: hey why don't I make a little art event where basically anyone can show up? it'll be fun also me but 10 seconds after I committed to it: wait I don't even have a human design concept for all of the mane 6 yet-
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echotunes · 1 year
ich hoff es kommen irgendwann noch mehr deutsche aufs qsmp. ich beschwer mich nicht wenns nicht in diesem update ist weil es natürlich wichtiger ist dass es mehr weibliche mitglieder gibt (hat ja auch wirklich lang genug gedauert) aber irgendwann hoffentlich schon. for me... peepoShy
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fleroveeum · 2 years
"And what kind of music do you like?"
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I mean, what does that say about me that I have to very carefully pick what I want others to know as "my favourite song"
I keep juggling between 'I don't want people to judge me' and 'I want to be authentic & true to myself'
(And the thing is I literally don't & wouldn't give a damn about what people think if the situation were any different, but music is way too personal)
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olgalenski · 2 years
Tatort Ludwigshafen - Lenas Tante
warum sollte sich niemand mehr einäschern lassen wollen, nur weil da jetzt scheinbar jemand lebendig verbrannt wurde? like im besten Fall is man doch dann eh schon tot.
ich finde jetzt nicht dass Ludwigshafen provinz ist aber okay. nicht dass ich viel über diese Stadt weiß. also abgesehen von dem was im Tatort so erzählt wurde gar nix xD aber tritzdem
liest sie jetzt grad die Emails von lena ja?
achso. ich hab mich gefragt wieso der sich nichv orher mal geregt hat im sarg aber das erklärt das natürlich dann.
warum hat er sie grad Frau Keller genannt? hab ich nich aufgepasst als sie sich vorgestellt hat? und wieso hat sie sich als Frau Keller vorgestellt? bin verwirrt
warum geht johanna jetzt mit dem arzt essen?
ich dachte grad welche pflegekraft haft bitte 45 minuten pro patient? aber pro woche is da schon realistisch
“ist es möglich dass das Heim den Arzt bestochen hat?” ist er nicht der arzt? warum fragt sie ihn das?
lenchen ist so n guter spitzname ich liebe alles daran
als ob niki lena jetzt nicht im flur hört wenn lena sie gehört hat? hmmmm
sdjbhjfzj wie sie grad um die ecke geguckt hat omg
ja den stick hat die tante eingesteckt
sie is so verdächtig sie kanns gar nicht gewesen sein. aber ich will trotzdem wissen was sie da gemacht hat.
also irgendwoher kannte sie den herren ja aber  hm
jetzt verpasst sie die szene mit der tante oder was ? kann der arzt bitte gehen
kann sie das video pausieren?
ah gut er hat sie drauf hingewiesen immerhin.
ich vermisse lenas katze
die haben zu dritt nich geschafft 2 pizzen zu essen?
warum darf sie in der wohnung rauchen?
vllt war sies doch. weil sie ihn nicht verurteilen konnte als SS-mensch? is n verständliches Motiv.
niemand hat gesagt ihr müsst die Trauerfeier auflösen. ihr sollt nur das lied nicht singen.
handschuhe brauchen wir nicht bei so nen untersuchungen
warum is sie jetzt schon wieder bei diesem arzt man
seit wann duzen die sich?
ich bin ja immer beeindruckt von schauspieler*innen die solche Leute spielen können. Ich könnte das glaube nicht mit mir vereinbaren. auch wenn es nur gestellt is und die charaktere ja nich die realen leute sind und so aber trotzdem. gut das is dann wahrscheinlich einer der Gründe warum ich keine Schauspielerin bin aber huiuiui was für aussagen
ich schwöre ich hab bei wikipedia über lena odenthal gelesen, das ihre mutter gestorben ist. wieso ist ihre mutter jetzt mit nem fernfahrer abgehauen? ich muss mal was kontrolieren kurz
nach der szene
nein sags ihr jeeeeeetzt
warum ist er da er hat alles ruiniert -.-
gut wikipedia sagt nur ‘als ihre Mutter starb musste sie früh die verantwortung zu hause übernehmen’ ob sie jetzt abgehauen ist keine ahnung. klingt trotzdem nich so wie das was sie hier grad erzählt hat. aber da mir ja auch immer noch iwie 40 LU Folgen fehlen kann ich das nicht wirklich beurteilen
war der jetzt der SS Mensch? also der andere definitv auch based on alles
sie will dir doch grad alles erzählen, musst du sie unterbrechen? meine güte
das hat evtl grad alles wieder gut gemacht
wer kann denn so schnell kameras installieren? beeindruckend
darf lena sie denn befragen? is sie nich voll befangen?
ok und wer wars dann jetzt? also die die der typi gemalt hat aber wer is das?
ich hätt jetzt gern ndass frau keller lena umarmt  einfach weil das sehr nett gewesen wäre. für mich
der kahane wars
mit seinem insulin
ja mit 93 kann man auch noch gehen
aber hey meine allererste idee dass es zu offensichtlich is wenn niki das war war richtig hurra
so schade find ich das nich
4 monate resturlaub. ich muss meinen resturlaub bis märz genommen haben ich würde gar nich auf 4 monate kommen. aber cool
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fallingforfandoms · 1 year
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Was 'ne Nacht. Oh fuck. Lol.
Um es irgendwie ansatzweise zusammenzufassen:
I vibed with the guys - heartfelt shoutouts to that 'hit me baby one more time' duet with my sunnyboy at the bar, to my dancing king in his iconic mesh and to my fav blonde gay with his room-crossing grin and his denim shorts that just ... look so familiarly good on him, sigh.
I crushed on a few girls, had a few laughs and a few drinks here and there and then it kinda ... escalated outta nowhere, oopsie-daisy 😂
Habe den Satz "Kenn den Laden besser als meine Westentasche" gesagt und fühl mich jetzt irgendwie 20 Jahre älter. Oder wie aus einem deutschen Filmskript entsprungen. Wann darf ich offiziell in diesem berüchtigten Sonntagabendformat anfangen? :D
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27thfirefly · 1 month
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i finished this thing a while ago now but since i havent found what i want to put it on yet ive held off on posting it... but here it is! almost 4 years of work. some rambling about it under the cut
started may 26th 2020 (as you can see by the lack of zeit lol) and finished april 14th 2024, measuring 25 by 35 cm. each album is 100x100 minus a couple stitches to make room for the match, which is 306 stitches tall. the alt cover for sehnsucht was used both because of the skeleton-like silhouette, but also cos im a bassist and i like ollie ^_^ the colors have changed and faded a little since starting, which is to be expected when you're working with something with your hands for years.
all in all, a lot of memories were made with this thing at my side, and i feel it's a fitting thing that at some points it became less of a project about my love for this band and more something of my own that i stubbornly kept working at through a lot of difficult times. i don't know if i'll ever make something quite like this again, but it'll always be proof to me that even if it's just one stitch at a time, i can get to where i want to be.
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daughterofhecata · 8 months
Habe gerade angefangen "Angriff der Computerviren" zu lesen (in Vorbereitung auf "Der blutrote Kondor") und erstmal wars so "bla bla bla Bob muss abends für Sax los, Peter schraubt an einem Auto" (klassisch Crime Buster halt), bei Justus' "wie üblich zerwühlten schwarzen Haar" musste ich schon mal schmunzeln, und dann kam das:
"Hastig riss Justus die Plastikhülle vom PC der drei ???."
Und ich kann grad einfach nicht mehr. Die Evolutionsstufe der Digitalisierung hatte ich irgendwie nicht auf dem Schirm 😂😂😂
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carefulfears · 1 year
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@amplifyme thank you lovely! answering these one by one <3
top 5 underrated MSR moments
(i’m still not feeling well so this may not be coherent lol, just gonna ramble a bit)
1/ redux ii - "because i knew you'd talk me out of it if i was making a mistake"
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this is my favorite line delivery of the series. it carries so much weight. he hasn't stopped smiling at her the entire time she's been in the hospital, trying to alleviate how much she worries about leaving him alone, and at times it is forced, but not here.
when he tells her that he was lost the night before, but found his way when he was with her. and explains to her the situation that he is in, the choice that he's been given, the decision that he's made. and she asks why he came to see her if he'd already made up his mind.
the way that he laughs and chokes through tears at the same time when he responds, "because i knew you'd talk me out of it if i was making a mistake."
it's almost ridiculous to say out loud, in the end, because it's the end. it's a foregone conclusion, and it's so so limited.
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the look on her face says so much. there is so much grief in being needed. it doesn't last forever. it might not even last the rest of the day, she might not live long enough to ever find out if he's walking into that hearing to make a mistake. how can either of them do anything but cry and laugh in the face of that??
she's on her deathbed and he's flashing that smile at her so maybe she won't worry, like he did when he knelt before her in a surveillance unit and handed over his gun, a lifetime (or two years) before, trying to make it all okay. but how could it be okay when this person needs her like this? when it's all so fragile? when tomorrow, maybe, there won't be anyone to listen to him and tell him if he's making a mistake.
it aches to be depended on.
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"you are going to die in your best friend's arms. and you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, because you've memorized it, it's all you know." (richard siken planet of love)
she's going to die in her best friend's arms, and it's funny, because what is there to do except choke out a laugh through tears?
2/ sein und zeit - "she was trying to tell you to stop"
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this is tough as nails love.
this is the dirty work that no one can bear. this is being willing to tell someone what they need to hear, and to stay for the fallout.
i love this episode, and this whole scene is such an intense and important moment in who their characters are.
she gets down on the floor. she looks him in the eye and tells him the truth, even when her voice wavers. she holds steady in the midst of his lashing out, his eruptive grief, his inability to accept the facts that she cut through skin and bone to find. she grabs him and holds him tight and rocks him on the ground.
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i always think of this quote from audries' throat, eye, and knucklebone:
"Sometimes she wishes he’d get some kind of universal object permanence. Actually practice the world-weariness he preaches with his tired eyes and dingy kitchen. Learn to anticipate the punch or else to slip and roll with it. It’s all incongruent - leaves her there cursing God and rocking him on the floor and all the while thinking you should know better at no one in particular."
mulder, who at 12-years-old, closed his eyes every time he walked into his room, because maybe his sister would be there when he opened them.
who looks up at stars and sees wandering souls, who can spin any light in the sky or water in an autopsy report into a reason why the world is still kind, despite all to the contrary. for whom "trust no one" is little more than a computer password, because he listens to everyone, believes everyone has something important to say, even cold answering machines.
he wants to believe, he comes into every situation with a bad joke and the most hopeful answer, he is rarely wrong. he still walks into every room with his eyes shut tight.
and what a thing to dedicate your life to, to spend your days with someone who sees the world this way. except, what happens when even the most complex spins and intricate theories cannot account for the dull sharp reality of loss? when there are certain things that are just too awful to be explained.
he should know better. one of them should, at least, but sometimes when you walk into every room with the most hopeful answer, you're wrong. sometimes there's just no evidence or conspiracy or mythos to be dreamed up.
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his mother killed herself. she did so without saying goodbye, without telling him the "unsaid" truths she's kept secret, without leaving anything more than burnt photos of him in the trash and a message on his answering machine about how he didn't call her back. a message that he can rewind and replay a thousand times over, it still won't hold any answers. he still won't be able to figure this out.
it's horrible and painful and devastatingly human, with no grander purpose to it, and he should know better than to look. after everything that he's seen and lost and been through, he should have retained some understanding that this is the world.
but he looks anyway, with as much dedication and hope as he does everything, and there is no one there other than scully to say stop. to say this is the truth. to say these are the facts.
there is no one there other than scully for him to run up against, and she sits calmly and holds onto him.
she tells him the truth, and she tells him something else, too. she tells him that his mother wanted to tell him to let go, that she wanted to "take away his pain."
which...maybe this is true, or rather, maybe scully believes this. but scully stood in the next room when his inquiries to his mother got him little more than a slap to the face.
scully watched on tape as tena signed her son over to the devil, a hospital pen in her hand and cigarette smoke framing her face. scully's heard this voice on an answering machine too, and she never got a response either.
there's so much pain in her face as she tells him, through tears, that his mother just wanted to take his away. her own version of shut eyes and a strategic spin, this is what she has to offer.
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in the following scene, it's morning now, and scully answers the door with her hair frazzled, still wearing her blouse from the day before but not her blazer.
weary from a night spent confronting the punches of the world, she's visibly exhausted when she looks at skinner and says, "it's been a hard night for him."
when mulder comes to the door, she never moves from her place in front of him, blocking him in. (she has always shared him with the world only reluctantly). as skinner tells mulder that the mother of the missing little girl in california has something to say, and she will only talk to him.
sometimes, when the worst happens, you want the person with the most hopeful answer.
skinner tells him that he's booked them two flights, and after mulder nods and walks away to get ready, scully looks at her boss and tells him that he "better book three."
tough as nails!
3/ the erlenmeyer flask - "mulder? i just want to say that i was wrong."
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this moment exemplifies so much of their relationship in season one, and this is my favorite MSR. baby-faced and curious and overjoyed to know each other. they are best friends.
no one else would run up behind him on the street and stop him to tell him they were wrong, and that they should have believed him. it means so much.
when she tells him that she should have just trusted his instincts, and he replies, "why? no one else does." and she just smiles at him...season one scully has found secret treasure no one knows about. she can't believe she's getting away with hiding him in the basement.
4/ paper hearts - "but i do know you"
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it's about THE INHERENT GRIEF IN BEING NEEDED!! of course a paper hearts moment was going to land on this list somewhere. my attachment to this episode knows no bounds. i could bring it into anything.
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paper hearts is an ahab and starbuck episode. mulder is more haunted than we ever see him, as he spends the hour grasping at ghosts. scully's place in this episode is everything that makes her role so important, as she tries to balance hope and rationality. this is their quest, and these are their skeletons.
earlier, when roche tells mulder that he just wants to see his face when he finds samantha's body, you hear scully exclaim "oh my god" before standing up and screaming at him, opening the door and just getting mulder out.
she tries to reason, she tries to rationalize, she tries to get him away from "the darkness", but when it comes down to it, she digs in the dirt next to him with her bare hands.
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i love these little moments that they always share in the end, when it's all over. there's nothing more to be done. all that's left is a tattered scrap of fabric with weary eyes looking on. she just comes in to check on him.
she gives him the results of the labs on the last heart, how there's nothing to go on, and then she tells him that they will find who that last little girl was. when he asks how, she replies that she doesn't know, "but i do know you."
this is their quest. they will find all of the victims, give the families the answers that mulder so desperately wants for his own. she doesn't know how, she just knows him, and that's enough to believe.
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when she tells him to "go on home and get some sleep," all he can do is laugh. after all of the heartache and tension in this episode, how brutally visceral the pain of it all is, it melts away in the incredulousness of her suggestion.
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he flashes that smile and hugs her, "thank you" and "i'll be okay" at the same time
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and she strokes his hair and stares at the floor.
the grief in being needed. (who would come make sure he's okay if she were gone?). the grief in following ghosts. (there has never been a more brutal reminder that samantha was more than the photo in that frame). the grief in loving someone so encased in pain and loss. (he will not go on home and get some sleep).
there's so much grief in being starbuck, in the end.
5/ how the ghosts stole christmas - "maybe i did wanna be out there with you"
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is there any better representation of season 6 than hanging out with a movie after a night of some light murder/suicide plans?
this episode is just the best. and one of the things that makes it so good is that it's comedy is rooted in examination, in bringing mulder and scully's psyches into question and condemnation.
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having only christmas eve to keep up their reputation, our titular ghosts, lyda and maurice, are forced to resort to "pop psychology" to fulfill their haunting. they have no idea the gold mine that stumbled into their house this year.
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instantly upon meeting, maurice WHACKS mulder, calling him "narcissistic," "overzealous," "self-righteous," and prone to obsessive compulsive antisocialism
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a lonely man who considers himself passionate and misunderstood, but chases illusions in order to find warped meaning and significance
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meanwhile, in the next room, scully is not safe from disturbance, as lyda calls out her "conflicted yearnings" and delusions of loyalty. the reason why she's "really here"- for the satisfaction of proving her partner wrong.
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in the end, mulder and scully escape the house only by realizing that the ghosts don't actually have any power over them. it's all an illusion, it's not real, and lyda and maurice can't hurt them- or make them hurt each other.
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but it doesn't stop them from internalizing the messages of their haunted house, and mulder spends christmas alone watching a christmas carol, as the scene opens on him listening to scrooge say the line, "i don't deserve to be so happy."
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also unable to shake the events of the night, scully shows up
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and asks if any of that was real. if it was just an illusion. which, always knowing when to back down on the need for belief, mulder gives her, agreeing with her that it must have just been in their heads. (folie a deux, she is always more comfortable in shared madness with him than with the world.)
after having been dragged out on christmas eve to look for ghosts, finding them, and then deciding that it was all shared delusion: she repeats back the insecurity that lyda gave her, "not that my only joy in life is proving you wrong."
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but after coming inside, she betrays her true insecurity. responding to mulder's "when have you ever proved me wrong?" with "well...why else would you want me out there with you?"
why else would he want to spend christmas eve with her, why else would he want her with him, if not to play her role? if not to offer the "science and rationalism" that he told her, not too long ago, saves him?
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"you didn't want to be there? oh, that's...self-righteous and narcissistic of me to say, isn't it?"
god, they are both so slow.
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they both consider for a moment, these roles they play. these "subconscious desires" that they mask in their own personal pursuits. how easy it is to turn them against themselves, to expose their uncertainties and weaponize them.
before scully lands on, "no, i mean...maybe i did want to be out there with you.”
and they exchange the christmas presents they totally swore they weren't gonna get each other this year.
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maybe they do just want to be out there together.
maybe it's not about grand perceptions of loyalty or meaning. maybe it's not about the parts that they play. maybe it's not about obligation or dependency. maybe they just want to.
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trancylovecraft · 8 months
SO UM- I've been reading this fic for ages now its a Yan Mephisto/Reader on AO3 and it's so fucking good like jsoijgjoifjeojwjg. It's called Zeit Vergessene and y'all SERIOUSLY need to go read it if you enjoy Aoex or Mephisto at all. Please do me a favour and go leave a comment! Go give it a kudos!
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wachtelspinat · 7 months
@negativepotato wieso auch immer hatte ich eine email bekommen zu deiner ask, aber... die ask is nich in meinem posteingang........ deswegen mal händisch alles hier hin kopiert (trotzdem sehr seltsam)
negativepotato hat gefragt:
"Hey hey!! Ich habe gerade deinen Post gelesen. Der hat mich berührt, weil ich das fühle. Kaum ist man in einem Job, schon gleitet einem die Zeit durch die Finger und man hat kaum noch Energie, kreativ zu sein. Und dann immer wieder so den fallback und safe-space an fanart zu haben, wo ich auch immer die Angst habe mich nicht "weiter zu entwickeln", wie man das immer liest, dass man das machen soll. Was mir ein bisschen Frieden gegeben hat, ist zu wissen, das ich nie ganz loslassen kann von meinen Zeichnungen und Malerei und einfach versuche, mich zu freuen, wenn ich mich mal hinsetze und dazu komme, you know. Egal wie simple und klein und wenns der 10.000 Headshot von slightly-rechts ist von fav character. Es ist schwer zu akzeptieren, weil man früher einen krassen Output hatte und der jetzt nicht mehr so da ist. Aber ich glaube, so wie du es geschrieben hast, wird dir das nie wirklich abhanden gehen. Es wird sich einfach nur ein bisschen ändern - und das muss nichts schlimmes sein. Dauert nur sich einzugrooven, ihmo. Außerdem wollte ich dir gefühlt seit Jahrzehnten schreiben, seit so dem...Problem Sleuth/Midnight Crew-high. Ich schau immer noch gerne auf deine Zeichnungen von damals, weil du eine Energie hast, die mich einfach abholt und inspiriert. Damals wie heute. :^) Anyway!! es ist sehr langer text geworden; ich hoffe, dass ich etwas trost spenden konnte...weil yeah. Mich berührt sowas zu lesen und ich kenns. Anyway! have a good night <3"
hey ey, danke für die nachricht ;o; dass mit in fandoms zurück fallen und sich iwie heimisch fühlen, aber gleichzeitig immer diesen hintergedanken zu haben, dass man sich nicht weiterentwickelt, irkt mich ehrlich gesagt schon seit jahren... ich dachte immer ich habe meinen frieden damit geschlossen, dass ich eigtl nur fanart zeichne (ich bin einfach zu doof für OCs... wirklich, ich kanns nicht anders beschreiben, bin in der hinsicht massivst unkreativ. ich hatt' halt aber aber auch nie das bedürfnis unbedingt OCs zu erschaffen? ich war immer sehr happy einfach mit charakteren die schon da waren, zu denen geschichten zu spinnen etc (und wenn das fandom auch noch so hart reinhaut, dann hat man zu denen auch ein schier bodenloses fass an absolut genialen ffs und art T_T)
anyway... der grundtonus, den ich über die jahre auf social media aufgefangen habe, ist allerdings oft "fanart sollte nicht das goal für artists sein". enge freunde, die selber zeichnen / illustratoren sind, meinte auch in gesprächen schon, sie hören jetzt auf fanart zu machen, weil "iwann muss man sich davon lösen", oder "sie sind aus dem alter raus, jetzt gibt es nur noch original content" oder mein fave: "ich habe mich endlich davon befreit fanart zu machen" als obs eine bürde war und ey... da fällt mir immer dezent die kinnlade runter. als ob fanart kein kreativer output ist, als ob man mit fanart nicht auch art skills lernt, als ob fanart vorallem auch keine freude bringt? ich kann dann immer nur erwidern "du weißt schon dass du das MIR gerade ggü geäußert hast, die person die literally NUR fanart malt". und ich versteh es ehrlich gesagt nich. OCs zu haben ist geil, ich glaube es ist unglaublich krass eine eigene geschichte / welt zu erschaffen und im besten fall zu sehen, dass leute den eigenen originalen content feiern. aber wieso wird im gleichen atemzug so oft auf fanart geschissen. das ist iwie so eine weirde performance die ich nich begreife.
ANYWAY tut mir leid fürs rambling, aber dein einer satz da hat ins schwarze getroffen. bin eh ein relativ unsicherer mensch, und zu wissen dass man für den schnulli den man neben seiner arbeit stemmt um spaß zu haben online wahrscheinlich komisch beäugt wird, nur weils in der artists community als "auf der stelle treten" kategorisiert wird, nervt mich schon seit jahren 8(
danke für deine nachricht, es hat mich sehr gefreut sie zu lesen, da alles, was du in worte gepackt hast, so wahr ist. ich weiß, dass ich nie aufhören werde zu zeichnen, dafür ist es mir einfach zu wichtig (und den satz fühl ich besonders: "Egal wie simple und klein und wenns der 10.000 Headshot von slightly-rechts ist von fav character." mehr will ich nicht, das macht mich happy 🧡). ich brauch denk ich nur ewig und 10 jahre mich an den neuen status quo mit arbeit und allem drum und dran zu gewöhnen. aber aufhören steht nich auf dem plan. (danke auch für deine lieben worte zum schluss zwecks der midnight crew und so ;; erwärmt mein herz gerade maximal <333)
hoffe du hast einen schönen sonntag (und sorry fürs lahme anworten, tumblr hat die nachricht iwie geschluckt but thank god für email notifs)
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