#zeke answers
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Sending lots of love & hugs to u bestie!!!!
Have a gr8 weekend 🌟
Thanks Bestie, I saw this a little too late. Have a great day anyways!
Here's a hug from Taylor Swift for you :D
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td-julia · 6 months
Dear Ripaxel shippers
Ah also, Ripaxel is a really adorable ship and i love it.
I dont know who had the idea of making this ship canon but thank you.
*starts to walk in a lonely road (is the unic one i ever know🎵)*
Not to brag but i knew this was happening from season 1 based on the fact that i too would fall head over heels with a woman who kicked me that hard alone
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eli-chris · 2 months
I wish I didnt sleep most of yesterday and missed the boop :(
I wished i had got to boop you! but i hope you got some well needed rest! <3
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ask-zeke-and-emile · 2 years
Thoughts on Sakana? Asking for a friend.
Oh so I’ve heard Sakana is my number one fan!
I don’t really know what that means, but I’m told that it means he supports me no matter what — and that’s something I can get behind
Thanks, Sakana, for believing in me! I believe in you too! 💪
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marcobodtlives · 4 months
There are so many unsolved mysteries about AoT, but the one I want answered the most is what Zeke’s secret ass wiping technique is.
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superfluffychickens · 9 months
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What are they whispering about? Are they just being all lovey-dovey or are they plotting something nefarious?
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meaniezuchinni · 2 months
Prompt game - zekina, game
It was the second time their friend group had played spin the bottle. Tina was vibrating with excitement; she was going to get to kiss someone tonight, hopefully Jimmy Jr.
Tina's spun..."Shit," she thought, leaning into the centre of the circle of teens.
"My dreams are coming true" thought Zeke, moving towards her, the bottle neck pointing at him.
Their lips touched and Tina felt fireworks like she never had with any of the other boys she'd kissed.
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karizard-ao3 · 6 months
“Zeke, get in the back of the car”
😭 He won't let anyone touch Mikasa's seat settings
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pickalilywrites · 3 days
Modern AU, 10 year old Zeke gets to meet his new baby brother, Eren at the hospital
ty this was rly satisfying to write :)
zeke jaeger. modern au. 1806 words.
“Aren’t you excited to be a big brother?” one of the nurses asks. She kneels beside Zeke, smiling up at his disgruntled expression. Rather than being inside with the doctor and other nurses, this woman had the unfortunate assignment of appeasing ten-year-old Zeke, who wanted to be as far away from the hospital as possible. She had done everything she could: offered to play games with him, coaxed him with toys, and given him sweets. Nothing seems to be able to lift his mood.  
“I’m not going to be a brother,” Zeke says stubbornly once more, kicking at the floor and nearly hitting the nurse beside him. He doesn’t bother with an apology. He had already told her to leave him alone. He glances back at the room where his stepmother is currently giving birth. He can hear her cries through the door and the encouraging words of his father and the doctor as they guide her through her labor. “That’s not my mom. No matter what anyone says, I’m not going to be her kid’s brother. We’re not family.”  
Zeke knows that he’s too old to be throwing a tantrum, but he’s told his father time and time again that he could never accept his new family. He wanted his family to be the way it used to be: just him, his father, and his mom. He hated it when his parents told him they weren’t living together anymore. When they officially divorced, Zeke didn’t leave his bedroom for two weeks. He didn’t care for it when his father brought home a new woman or when he eventually announced that Zeke was going to have another mom. Even though his father and Carla were over the moon when they announced that Carla was pregnant, Zeke just stormed up to his room in a huff and waited for his mom to come pick him up.  
His mother doesn’t care for Carla and his father’s new kid either. She only rolled her eyes when Zeke told her about Carla’s pregnancy. Whenever Zeke’s father brought up anything about the baby — the baby shower, the baby’s new room, the due date — Zeke’s mom would nod and listen passively, but she never asked any questions because she didn’t care to hear any more than was necessary.  
Zeke had hoped that he would be with his mom when the baby was born. He didn’t want to be stuck in a hospital, abandoned in the hallway while his father forgot him for his new family. He hates the sharp, sterile smell of the hospital hallways and the strained cries of Carla as she struggled through her labor. He’s been here for hours waiting, probably half a day, but his mother hasn’t even come by to pick him up. He can’t really blame her, though. He wouldn’t want to see his dad either.  
The nurse sits down next to Zeke, the same patient smile on her face. He’s been incredibly stubborn this entire time, but she hasn’t let her smile crack even once. Zeke doesn’t know if it’s because she’s a saint or just good at hiding her emotions. 
“I’m sure you’ll feel different when the baby is born,” the nurse tells him.  
Zeke scoffs and slumps lower into the uncomfortable hospital chair, his arms crossed against his chest. “I doubt it. It’s not like it’ll be any different from other babies. It’ll just cry all the time for its mom.”  
The baby hadn’t even come and Zeke was already tired of it. It was all Carla and his father would talk about it. They would talk about potential names for it — Eren if it were boy and Faye if it were a girl. They spent so much time converting their home office into a playroom for the kid, buying new furniture and painting the walls a pastel blue. Carla would ask if Zeke wanted to help decorate the walls with decals of different fish and ocean critters, but Zeke would icily decline. He didn’t understand what the fuss was about. Zeke could somewhat understand Carla’s excitement, but his father was equally restless as if he didn’t already have a kid from his first marriage.  
“I want to go home,” Zeke says sullenly. His head hangs so that his chin hits his chest. He hates the way his bottom lip trembles. “I don’t know why my dad brought me here anyway when he’s going to have a new kid.”  
“Oh, sweetie. It’s not like that at all,” the nurse says, and she reaches out to cover his hand with hers. Zeke wants to snatch it away out of spite, but her hand is so comforting. It’s been a while since anyone has ever thought to comfort him. Even his mother doesn’t bother with him sometimes, too caught up in her own bitterness to attend to him because he should be old enough to handle his emotions anyway, so Zeke lets the nurse hold his hand. “Zeke, your father loves you. Your stepmom loves you, too. They keep asking about you. Why do you think the nurses keep coming in and out of the room?”  
Zeke bites his bottom lip. He had noticed the nurses coming in and out, but he thought that was normal. He assumed they were just grabbing supplies. Now that the nurse mentions it, he does remember the other nurses casting a glance at him every time they passed him, but he thought it was because they were afraid he’d run off while his parents were in the delivery room.  
“They care about you so much, honey,” the nurse says. She gives his hand another comforting squeeze. “Before your father went into the delivery room, he told me to take good care of you. He told me to yell if you needed anything at all. Luckily, you’ve been such a well-behaved and mature kid, so I haven’t had to call him for anything.”  
Zeke purses his lips, feeling guilty. Even though the nurse had praised him, he knows he’s been ornery and difficult this entire time. Carla and his father had been in there worrying about him amidst the baby’s delivery, and he hadn’t even been concerned about Carla and the baby’s wellbeing once. 
Hesitantly, Zeke asks the nurse, “Is the baby going to be born soon? They’ve been in there for a really long time. Is it bad if the mom is there for a really long time?”  
The nurse reaches out to pat Zeke on the head. "It’s sweet of you to be concerned, but you don’t have anything to be worried about. It usually takes a long time for the baby to come, especially if this is your stepmom’s first baby. It won’t be long now. We just need to be patient.”  
Zeke sits up straighter and nods. Even though it was the nurse that had held his hand earlier, now he clings to her, his grasp so tight that his knuckles have turned white as he waits for news of the baby to emerge from the doors of the delivery room.  
The nurse had said it would only be a little while until the baby finally came, but every minute passes by so agonizingly slow that Zeke isn’t sure time is passing by at all. When the time came that the baby was finally born, the doors of the delivery burst open and Zeke’s father emerged, red-faced and sweating. He kneels before Zeke, grasping his son’s hands in his with an expression of pure delight on his face. 
“Zeke, the baby’s here. You’re a brother!” his father gasps.  
Zeke isn’t used to such attention from his father, but he doesn’t pull his hand away like he usually would. He gives his father an uncertain smile. “I-is Carla okay? The baby is alright?” he stammers.  
“Yes, yes, let’s go see them,” Zeke’s father says. He pulls Zeke up and begins to usher him towards the delivery room. 
Zeke stumbles towards the door and gives the nurse a backwards glance, but she gestures for him to go on with a reassuring smile.  
When Zeke enters the room, he sees the nurses fussing about the hospital bed where Carla lays with the baby. She looks exhausted, her hair plastered against her forehead and her face shining with sweat. Still, the expression on her face is serene as she looks down at the child in her arms, her gaze full of love as she looks at the little one. For a moment, a familiar jealousy surges within Zeke before he recalls what the nurse had said to him earlier.  
He approaches Carla’s bed with hesitancy. He had always been cold to her, but she looks over and smile at him with the warmth she’s always had when she sees he’s arrived.  
“Oh, Zeke. I’m so sorry. You must have been waiting for so long outside. I didn’t mean to make you wait that long,” Carla tells him. 
“It’s okay. I’m a big kid now. It wasn’t that long anyway,” Zeke says. His gaze is drawn to the baby in Carla’s arms. It’s far smaller than Zeke had expected it to be. Its face is red and scrunched up, and it begins to fuss in Carla’s arms even as she rocks him and coos. “Is it ... is the baby alright?”  
“He’s alright. He’s just excited to meet everyone,” Carla replies with a little laugh.  
“Yes, he. You have a little brother now. His name is Eren,” Carla says. She smiles when she sees the surprise on Zeke’s face. “Would you like to hold him?”  
“I don’t know how -” Zeke begins, but Carla is already holding out the baby to him. He’s afraid he might drop the baby and that Eren will shatter into a million pieces, but Carla gently guides his arms so that he can properly hold Eren and support his head. Once again, Zeke marvels at just how small the baby is.  
The baby no longer fusses now that he’s in Zeke’s arms. Eren lets out contented noises as Zeke rocks him back and forth gently. He reaches out his tiny hands, grasping for something, and Zeke offers his younger brother a finger. Eren’s fingers barely wrap around one of Zeke’s fingers, but it delights the baby, who lets out a delighted gurgling noise. 
“Look at that,” Carla smiles. “He likes his older brother already.”  
Zeke feels his face flush after being referred to as Eren’s older brother, but he finds he doesn’t dislike it. Zeke looks down at his baby brother clinging onto his finger. Having just been born, Eren can’t even open his eyes yet, but he grasps on to Zeke so tightly. The elder can’t help but smile. He doesn’t know what kind of brother he’ll be, but he’ll try to be a good one.  
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sonicasura · 7 days
Ok for the Skylander Giants and AOT crossover
I had this fun idea that while Tree Rex does join the Survey Corps he actually visits towns, mainly because Tree Rex as a Skylander knew that talking or just getting to know people is important that and he just loves kids being happy.
This follows the idea that when Zeke turns an entire village into mindless titans, Zeke is gonna be facing off against a Tree Rex who is angry
Tree Rex definitely asked permission from Erwin and Levi about it. It wasn't surprising that some civilians didn't trust or were scared of the Skylander. Building good relationships between them by allowing Tree Rex to show his more gentle fun nature would help a lot.
The Survey Corps definitely didn't expect the huge results to come from this either. Every village they visit were much livelier and more open to their presence. Tree Rex was a favorite not only to the children to the townsfolk who often had trouble from time to time. He helped with transporting goods/heavy materials and his alignment to the Life Element served a major boon in plant based agriculture.
Let's just say Zeke barely made it out of his first confrontation with Tree Rex. Even the gentlest giants can become very dangerous if angered and he was no exception. Tree Rex grown quite attached to the villagers so to see them made into mindless monsters was crossing the line. His woodpecker companion put the new Titans out of their misery while the Skylander dealt with Zeke.
The fight was ugly to put it simply. Any blows Zeke dealt were melt with thorn covered bark and solar energy blades in retaliation. He only manage to escape when Tree Rex had notice one of the Survey Corps squads were in trouble.
Zeke didn't leave unscathed though. Tree Rex's power left phantom burns all over his body almost if the Titan Shifter received some kind of divine punishment. A thought that became scarily true when Zeke discovers a brand on his side.
The mark of the Life Element to remind him about his transgression.
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Hii 🥰
Has your MC / OC or Li ever been sent to the principals office? And if yes why?
If not themselves have their kids ever been sent to the principals office? If so why?
Only one of my MC's has ever ended up in the Principals Office
Jake Tweneboah (OH MC)
During high school there was this girl in Jake's class that kept getting bullied for the way she was dressed and how poor she was. Out of everyone in the class Jake was only one who defended her and became her friend. Each and every day a group of boys would go up to this girl and would harass her. They'd sometimes take her empty her backpack or rip her books in front of her. Jake always stood up her. But one day it got too far and Jake beat up the bullies who where twice his size after they took the girl's lunch. A teacher who was passing by saw the bullies wailing on the floor and they not knowing what the full story of happened was and sent Jake to the Principals Office. Jake's Grandmother was called in to deal with him and but she ended up siding with Jake and the girl. She knew about the bullies bothering the girl after she came over to Jake's house and the bullies came up to her and dumped a whole bottle of water over her just because she smelled. After hearing this the principal gave the two bullies detention and Jake off with just a warning on to deal with his anger in words and not not with his hands.
I have this exact story save my drafts and one day I'll post it
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td-julia · 10 months
Bibi are you an anon person or a fujoshi person
Fujoshis! They have: Caesar, Bonnie, and Courtney who are my faves, so so far i like them more
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eli-chris · 3 months
✨️Put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers :) 🎶
fucking uhhhhh
digital silence -peter mcpoland
come along-Cosmo Sheldrake
anything by odetari
Sex with a Ghost- Teddy Hyle
Mama's Boy- Dominic Fike
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theangrypomeranian · 1 month
Zeke for the character ask 😈
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noir-renard · 17 days
Ok you released the latest chapter of Give a Bat a Burger on my birthday so firstly: thanks for that unintended gesture. Second: I just love how you write Danny and when he tries to explain something in a way that sounds simple to him but just raises a thousand questions, concerns, and red flags for other people (mainly the Bats). Anyway loved the chapter and can't wait to see what the aftermath of all... That will be and all that's left to come.
first of all: Happy (belated) Birthday!! I'm happy I could give you a present ^w^
I love writing Danny as "doesn't explain things unless he has to", it's way too fun lol. Just a continuous stream of "we don't have time to unpack all that". But ohh boy are we gonna make some time next chapter XD
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meaniezuchinni · 2 months
Prompt Game: zekina - year
"Happy Anniversary, darlin'" Zeke held out a box with a little bow in one of his large hands.
"Zeke, I don't need anything." Tina blushed, as he put the box into her hands with a playful glare before kissing her lips. "I just mean," she continued, "it's already been a perfect year with you... you're gift enough to me."
"It definitely has been a perfect year with you too, but y'a know there's no way I was goin' to let my wife go giftless on our one year wedding anniversary!"
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