#zenin Maki x reader
vienssunshine · 7 months
What are the Halloween costumes that would drive JJK characters crazy?
pairings: Maki, Choso, and Nanami x fem!reader nsfw: drug use, implied sexual activity
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Maki: Black Cat
Maki has no issue with your "costume" being just lingerie and cat ears. Well, you had drawn a little triangle on your cute nose, so she'd give you credit for that. But even so, how could she mind the basic costume when you made it look so good? It's hard to focus on the conversation she's having when the body suit—so tight on your gorgeous silhouette—is riding up on your hips, allowing her to make out the curve of your ass. And just below it, she can see your black thigh highs and how they squeeze your legs, a little bit of your flesh spilling out over the top. With a sight like this, she can't stand there staring the whole time, she has to come over and introduce herself to the pretty girl in the cat costume. You'd giggle your name back to her and do a terrible job of hiding how your eyes flick down to the strong but elegant hands of hers that you just took a drink from. Later in the night, when you two end up pressed together in the closet of someone's house, she would show you how she's quite the cat person and knows how to take care of your pussy.
Choso: Vampire
This boy is emo!!! And so touch starved, so when you're smoking his weed outside of your friend’s party and you playfully threaten to bite his neck, he agrees. With a fanged smile, you pass the blunt back to him and place your hands on his built shoulders so you can close in on your victim. He shudders at the sensation of your breath on his throat, pulse thumping through his neck as he senses you move closer and closer until your fake fangs graze his pale skin. His hand grabs onto your arm, but he doesn’t stop you as you gently bite his flesh. It’s not enough to draw blood, but it still sends a shiver of—fear? excitement? ...arousal?—down his spine. As a thank you for providing make-believe sustenance, you remove your fangs from his neck and plant a gentle kiss in their place, causing his fingers to squeeze around your arm. Your kiss leaves a smear of your red lipstick on his skin, but he doesn’t wipe it off, he likes being marked.
Nanami: Classic Movie Killer
Nanami would find all your little teases about how he should ‘watch out’ because ‘there’s a serial killer on the loose,’ very entertaining. You’d brandish your flimsy plastic knife and draw a line across his throat with it while telling him he should be grateful you haven’t killed him yet since, if you wanted to, you could. He’d cross his arms, showcasing his strong, veiny forearms, and tilt his head with an “Oh yeah?” and watch as you stumble over yourself to double down on your empty threats. Aside from the fact that he would be able to pin you in under a second, he knows it'd be impractical to kill anyone in the skimpy get-up you're wearing. Not that he doesn't like the little 'killer' outfit though, he actually has a hard time keeping his eyes from roaming the bloodied, exposed skin your crop-top and skirt reveal. Of course he’d keep his composure at the Halloween party, but after it he'd take you home and rip off your costume, leaving you bare and naked and dripping with arousal, and it’s only then he'd allow himself to teach you who should be scared of who.
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delzinrowe · 3 months
They Find Your Toys [PART A] - HEADCANON
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A/N: I have nothing to say about this... WARNINGS: May be considered NSFW. Nothing explicit. F!Reader SUMMARY: Self-explanatory. Their reaction when they find your toys. [Established relationship]. INCLUDES: ★ Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Yuta, Toge, Maki, Takuma ★ → PART B
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YUJI ITADORI... This boy, as sweet and naive he can be, he’s not an idiot. He’s seen magazines, he’s got access to the internet, of course he knows what those toys are and how you use them. But considering you’re his girlfriend, he values and respects your privacy. Therefore, no matter how he found it (possibly by changing your bed sheets because he wanted to do something nice for you) this sweet green flag would simply put the toy back to where it was. He wouldn’t even mention it because he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed (there’s no reason for it anyways).
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MEGUMI FUSHIGURO... Among the students Megumi is pretty much the one that blushes the easiest. Finding your toys, for whatever reason, would render him frozen in place for a good five minutes. His mind would go blank. Does he think you’re attractive? Absolutely. Has he had inappropriate thoughts of you? Yes, even if he would never admit it. But does he feel even remotely okay finding your toys? Hell no. He’d put it back so fast, and leave your room immediately. Maybe even the building. Hell, he’d probably leave the entire city in a heartbeat before his face gets any redder. And don’t you dare mention to him that your toy was suddenly placed somewhere else. Poor Megumi would suffer a heart attack from embarrassment.
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NOBARA KUGISAKI... She’d most probably be torn about what to think and what to do. As a girl herself she’s extremely curious. With all this sorcerer nonsense she barely even has time for a beauty face mask, much less to take care of her stress in that way. She might even try it out after properly cleaning it. (Always clean your toys before and after use!!!) Afterwards she’d clean it and put it back. She’s not too shy to bring it up, although she does blush when she mentions it. Once the initial awkwardness fades away for the most part you two would potentially make your own experiences with the toy together.
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YUTA OKKOTSU… Listen, pre Shibuya/Culling Games this boy would be an entire blushing mess, stammering to himself after stumbling over your toy while helping you clean your room. When you’re not in the room he would quickly put it back where he found it.
Now… Post Shibuya/Culling Games, he lost a lot of his initial shyness, having learned a lot through his short time surrounded by mature adults. Also, this boy has access to the internet, let’s not kid ourselves. After Culling Games he matured a lot and his confidence is stronger, he knows there are some spots he might not reach well, or probably neglected, which is why he’d use his next chance with you to try out a bunch of things he googled. Most of them have you forget that you even had a toy to begin with. And with him constantly learning new tricks, you might not ever need your toy at all anymore.
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TOGE INUMAKI… Oh this boy is pouty and upset as can be. He can’t seem to understand why you would need a toy if he tries so hard to satisfy you. He might not look like it, but he’s sensitive, and he’d take it to heart, as much as he’d try not to. He’d start wondering if he is doing something wrong or if he’s not enough. You notice that when he’s even less vocal than usual, not even using his rice ball ingredients to troll people. When you ask him he can’t help but “blurt out” (with unintelligible speech) about the toy he found. It takes you a while to understand but eventually you’re blushing like crazy while reassuring him that you never used it (lie) because it was a stupid gag present from Nobara (another lie). He immediately calms down and seems happy again. You are far too embarrassed to tell him that you used the toy regularly before getting physical with him, but not having touched it since, because he's treating you so well. You’ll just put the toy in a box to forget about.
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MAKI ZENIN… Depending on how far your relationship has progressed, this would be a turning point. If you’re not even close to being physical, she’d be decent to put it away and not mention it. If you’re touched base and gotten handsy, she’d use it as an ice breaker to advance further, albeit with a certain level of understanding and a bit of romance. If you’ve gotten very physical before, she’d hide it somewhere close and take out your toy during your passionate love making, adding it to the session and intensifying both your pleasure.
Either way, Maki wouldn't be too shy when finding it in the first place, she'd most probably already have one or two toys of her own. At most she'd be disappointed in your choice of toy.
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TAKUMA INO... For being the oldest of the youngest he’s definitely not the most mature one. He reverts back into a stupid horny teenager the instant he finds your toy. Just imagining his gorgeous girlfriend using that on herself is enough to rile him up extremely. Whatever you’re doing right now, it has to wait. He’s bombarding you with messages about how he misses you, how he wants you home, how his little friend misses you. When you ask him why he suddenly seems so overly horny, all he replies with is a picture of your toy, with the words “I don’t have any toy I can use when I miss you”. Oddly enough, that’s strangely romantic. He almost expects you to reply “use your hand”, but come on, who could resist our favourite skater boy? Of course you’d excuse yourself from whatever you’re doing and rush home to him. After he shows you just how much he missed you, you tell him that the toy doesn’t even come close to him, because you know that secretly his pride is a little wounded at his girlfriend having to use a toy. At which she smiles brightly like a golden retriever.
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itadores · 5 months
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an airport kind of love
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note: bsf!maki save me! i love friendship <3
pairing: zenin maki & gn!reader
word count: .8k
tags: gender neutral reader, platonic relationships / friendship, slice of life, silly
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“would you run through the airport for me?”
maki has long grown used to your seemingly random questions. your mind races a mile a minute, thoughts pin-balling from one topic to another in a matter of seconds. your brain forms connections that she still can’t comprehend, even after all your years of friendship and your endless explanations that you swear make sense.
“why do you ask?”
she wonders what prompted you to ask the question out of nowhere, breaking the peaceful quietness that settled over you.
maki casts a glance past the foot of her bed where you’re sprawled out on the floor. she’s told you countless times to just sit on her bed or at her desk, but you refuse time and time again, insisting that the ground is more than comfortable for you to lie around on. maki highly disagrees, but she knows by now that your mind won’t be changed. at least you’re lying on the rug she bought awhile back.
you place your phone face down, resting a cheek onto your folded arms, and meet maki’s gaze.
“i watched a rom-com the other day with kugisaki, and there was this whole big scene where the male lead was running through the airport to catch the female lead before she got on her flight so he could confess his feelings. of course he managed to catch her and confess to her, leading to them kissing and the end. they live happily ever after together.” you pause, scoffing. “it was super cheesy.”
maki sharply exhales through her nose, making a noise that resembles amusement.
she knows from experience that you have a love-hate relationship with romantic comedies. you do enjoy watching them, subjecting her to more rom-coms than she would ever need to watch in her lifetime, but you’ll complain the entire time, making comments here and there throughout the movie until maki tells you to stop talking every few minutes or she’ll leave.
you continue on. “so it got me thinking. would you run through the airport for me?”
“to confess my undying love for you?” maki dryly says.
you roll your eyes. “i expect nothing less,” you reply, words dripping with sarcasm. you roll over from your stomach onto your back. your fingers rake over the threads of the rug. a childish pout that maki is much too familiar with overtakes you. “obviously i don’t mean it like that, but for whatever,” you lift an arm and wave a hand around in the air, “reason would you run through an airport for me?”
“no,” maki says point blank.
your reaction is instantaneous.
you quickly prop yourself up with your palms, your brows pinching together and the corners of your lips downturning as you twist your head to look at maki.
“you’re so cold to me, maki,” you whine, “you might as well tell me you hate me at this point.”
“you are so dramatic.”
maki rolls her eyes.
“do you know how much effort would be needed to pull a stunt like that?”
maki sits up a bit straighter, so she can properly look at you.
“i would have to buy a plane ticket for a flight i don’t plan on getting on, wait in line for security, try and figure out your terminal and gate number once i get through security, and then try and make it to your gate in time before you board the plane,” maki lists, counting on her fingers each element of what it would take to pull off something like running through the airport for someone. she looks over at you, raising a brow. “would you run through the airport for me?”
“of course i would,” you respond instantly, almost defensively. you fold your arms over your chest, turning your nose up at maki. “unlike you who obviously hates me,” you take this moment to place a hand on your chest, inhaling deeply and dramatically before exhaling loudly. “i, on the other hand, love you and would have no problem running through an airport for you.”
maki scoffs.
maki doesn’t really believe that you would run through the airport for her. maybe in this hypothetical scenario you’ve thought up, but in real life? there is no way you would do so. but then again, you are you, so it’s not entirely out of the question.
“really,” you affirm. you’ve toned down the dramatics, sounding a bit more genuine than you did just a few seconds ago.
“you are such a sap,” maki says in return.
you shrug your shoulders and give her a little smile.
“and yet, you’re still friends with me.”
“maybe i need some new friends,” maki sighs.
a bark of laughter escapes you.
“yeah right. you know you love me,” you tease, playfully winking at maki.
she groans.
unfortunately, it’s true.
she does love you.
she loves you enough that you’re the only person she would even entertain running through an airport for.
but she won’t tell you that.
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ely--sia · 5 months
zenin maki x f!reader; hurt/comfort "And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." “why’re you here?” she barks out, and her voice sounds far too rough, even to her own ears. it’s not a voice that you should ever hear, in all your beauty and softness and good. “i was looking for you,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. somehow, ironically, in the eerie quiet of shibuya, your words feel even more quiet than they really are. (you finally find maki in shibuya. she tries to make you leave.)
warnings: none!
the first time maki sees you in shibuya is soon after she exits the zen'in family house, the weight of her own sister’s bloodied corpse still ghosting her arms despite being long gone. she feels her breath hitch as she realises that you are here. why? how? had you been waiting this entire time, as she slaughtered her family? there is a strange sort of shame that fills her body as she realises this. it is not because of the fact that she had killed her family; no, she would never regret killing them. they were as good as maggots in her eyes, even when they had been alive. in fact, if there truly is an afterlife, maki prays that every cut of her sword burns them for eternity as they rot in hell. instead, the shame she feels is brought on the moment your eyes land on her figure, newly scarred and bruised and burnt. she can’t help the ways her eyes avert yours as her face twists into a scowl. in truth, she fears the look that your eyes may hold.
“why’re you here?” she barks out, and her voice sounds far too rough, even to her own ears. it’s not a voice that you should ever hear, in all your beauty and softness and good.
“i was looking for you,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. somehow, ironically, in the eerie quiet of shibuya, your words feel even more quiet than they really are.
maki almost rushes to reach out for you then and there. to cover your eyes and ears as she leads you out of this mess. to whisper promises of love and safety and peace as she envelops your body whole. but then she stops herself. maybe the maki from before could have done something like that. the maki from before would’ve done it, and with ease as well. but the maki of now is a different story. her skin is rough with burns and far too cold, and her hands are dripping wet with dirty, dirty blood. she’s grown too used to gnashing her teeth and biting down on anything she can, hard. in her chest, where there used to be warmth and a beating heart, a leaden stone lies in its place, cold and unfeeling. nothing about her is something you should have to feel.
so she decides she will drive you away, far, far away from all of this disgusting rot.
“and did you?” she sneers, voice cold and mean, nothing like she’s ever said to you before. she’s always been so soft with you; truly, it’s impossible not to. she thinks it must be a second, secret cursed technique. you bring out something in her that she’s never felt before, smoothing out her roughness like soft hands on wet clay, filling her with a gentle warmth in the process. she could never be mean to you, even now. she fights everything in herself to meet your gaze.
“why won’t you look at me, maki?” you ask, voice filled with hurt and desperation. you are almost begging for her to just look at you, to simply meet your gaze. does she think, in all of your weakness, that you are disgusting? your voice sounds shaky, as if you are on the verge of tears, and for the second time, maki has to stop herself from running towards you.
there is just silence for a while.
“please, look at me,” you beg again, growing more and more desperate as maki looks everywhere but at you.
finally, maki meets your gaze. it fills her heart with so much fear as she brings herself to do it. perhaps this is what all of her hostility really is. fear. for a moment, her cold facade drops, revealing everything she so desperately wanted to hide from you. instead of the fear and disgust she had expected to be met with, your hurt, worried gaze drips with a love that she had forgotten existed in the world. a pain rings throughout her body, starting from her leaden stone heart until the very tips of her fingers, because despite everything, despite how much she tries to deny it, a stone heart is still a heart. and then, her poker face is back once more, quicker and stronger than when it had fallen away.
“you think i’m disgusting, right?” maki spits out, her cruel tone contrasting her child-like words. in truth, she knows, knew, that you would never think of anyone this way. not even her, in all of her ruined glory. still, a small corner of her mind doubts everything she knows about you, and despite herself, she gives in to this whisper, because how could anyone love her, all scarred and bloodied? she looks away from you again, unable to bear the shame.
“don’t say that,” you whisper, trying your hardest to fight against her cold tone and even colder words. you say it like a child facing her bully, and for a moment, maki almost laughs, in the sweet way that she used to be able to do so easily.
“you think i’m disgusting. i know it. say it,” she shouts this time, desperate for it to be true. because if it were true, then it would be easier to make you leave. because if it were true, then she would not have to face the hurt of hope. her hand grips the hilt of her sword, hard, as she fights to stand in front of you. to hurt you.
“don’t say that,” you repeat, your voice slightly louder than before. your brows furrow and your breathing quickens slightly. these are all things maki can see so easily with her new body, proof of her death and rebirth. a reminder that she is different now, and deserves different things.
“i’m not stupid,” maki yells, sneering, “drop the act. leave.”
“stop,” you shout back.
“just say it,” maki growls.
“stop,” your voice grows louder and your breathing grows rougher.
“i know you’re thinking it. i know you hate me,” maki lies once more.
“i don’t,” you yell.
“just leave. i don’t want you here,” an outright lie once more: maki could never want you to leave.
and then suddenly, she comes toppling down onto the cold, hard concrete as you push her down. warm hands, soft hands, come against her face as she is forced to meet your gaze. you are filled with an anger she had never seen before as hot tears drip down your face. her eyes widen and a breath falls from her lips. oh, how she wishes her hands were clean so that she may wipe those tears away. her face finally betrays the fear and worry and hurt that she had felt.
“i don’t think you’re disgusting. and i don’t hate you. stop saying that,” your voice is loud and clear as it rings against her face. there is an immovable strength behind your words.
“you’re just saying that,” maki still tries to fight, even as she is forced to look straight at your fiery gaze and trembling lips. even though she knows that you are telling the truth.
“i’m not,” you say, and then you wrap your arms around her body and bury your face into the crook of her scarred neck. maki feels your hot, wet tears against her skin.
“stop—“ maki tries to tear you off of her, gently this time, with the same kindness that she is used to treating you with. the same kindness that she wants to treat you with, “it’s rough and disgusting. you shouldn’t put your face on something like that.”
“it isn’t, so stop saying you’re disgusting,” you finally fully cry into maki’s skin. it is as soft and warm as you remember it, even with the scars. you had been so, so scared and even more lonely.
“okay,” maki finally gives in, wrapping her arms around you and bringing you flush against her own body. she doesn’t know who she had been fighting: you or herself. she prays that the gods wash you free of her sins when you part. that it wouldn’t matter if she rot in hell so long as they may forgive you for the blood smeared onto your skin from her hands. the heavy thing in place of her old heart begins to beat again, filling her with a warmth that she didn’t know she had been longing for.
after a while, maki gently lifts your face up, all red and swollen and wet, and uses the back of her hands, the parts that weren’t so scarred, to wipe away your tears. you take a moment to just look at her, and she does so too. her cheeks warm under your stare. it’s been a while since someone has truly regarded her. still, she doesn’t look away. maki hopes that she can commit every one of your moles, small wrinkles, and freckles to memory until she can recognise you just by the sound of your breaths alone.
“i’m sorry,” you finally open your mouth.
“for what?” maki laughs, still looking at you with a dripping devotion. you truly were so strange sometimes; what could you be sorry for? if anything, she should be the one apologising, for leaving you alone in such a desolate place.
“i can’t imagine how much it must have hurt,” you continue, tracing her scars with a touch so soft that a part of her worries you might disappear.
“it wasn’t that bad,” maki lies without even a grimace. it’s hard to do anything but smile in front of you. after all, maki thinks that these things are the last things you should worry your pretty head with.
“i wish i was there, with you. maybe i could have done something,” you pay her lie no mind, knowing full well that it would mean nothing to argue against it. because that’s just how maki is, so strong and dependable and caring. still, you wish she would let you take care of her once in a while.
“you wouldn’t have been able to do anything. it was inevitable,” she combs her fingers through your hair, rough and tangled, but still as pretty as ever, “it’s not because you’re weak or anything. i swear. don’t feel guilty. i would hate myself if you felt guilty for this.”
“you must have been in so much pain, and so lonely too. i could have helped at least a little. i could have been by your side,” you’re almost in tears again as you begin to wallow in your guilt and empathy, “it must’ve hurt so, so much, right?”
“it’s okay,” maki says softly, a faint smile painted onto her lips for the first time in a long while.
“i’m sorry.”
“okay. i forgive you,” maki forgives you with ease, taking the fingers that trace her scars onto her lips, kissing them gently.
your simple words are more than enough to make maki forgive you, even though you had done nothing wrong in her eyes. truly, you could never do wrong in her eyes, but if it is her forgiveness you want, then it would be yours to have until the day you pass and even beyond that. because how long had it been since someone had treated her with such kindness and softness, as if all the little things, the moments of pain and loneliness, had truly mattered? how long had it been since someone looked at her with worry and love instead of arrogance and contempt? for that alone, maki believes you deserve everything good the gods have to offer.
“i’m so glad i found you, maki,” you whisper, your face so close to hers that she can feel your breath on her own lips, as if she had said the words herself.
“me too,” maki hums, finally finding enough peace to let her eyes rest for a little while.
so with a steady, strong hand and a soft kiss on your lips, maki prays to the gods one last time that she, in all her bloodied, battered, and grotesque glory, would be able to bring you everything good in the world.
(and you, with a single kiss now and a million more that you promise, pray to the gods to be able to love her until the day you die.)
A/N: wlw x bible verses are so good it makes me want 2 cry
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banjjakz · 5 months
Wait sen… I would actually be so seated for bottom maki…
okay so basically like yes
the thing about maki is that, while her peers were busy partying, she Studied the Blade; as such, it is unsurprising that she's a turbo-virgin (affectionate).
the thing about maki is that, despite her intimidating physique, gnarly battle scars, impossibly sharpened reflexes, and peerless battle prowess, she's quite inept when it comes to matters of interpersonal connection. even before her Power Up Moment (read: Zen'in Katana Massacre) she was still a brusque, self-centered (affectionate), straight forward, blunt individual with a single-minded focus on revenge. little time to explore anything else besides combat & curses.
the thing about maki is that, the first time you make a move on her, it might register as a threat -- after all, the only other circumstances under which her pulse skyrockets and perspiration beads at her temples is when she's in active battle. are you mocking her? challenging her, even? are your half-lidded eyes and low intonations a trojan horse concealing some unknown horrors, meant to tear her down the very moment her guard falters?
the thing about maki is that once she gets it through her thick skull of hers that you are genuinely, actually coming onto her, all logical thought halts in its tracks. she knows how to wield a cursed weapon with such precision that the admiration of her deft maneuvers are often times the last bit of pleasure left in her enemies' last moments. it's been a long time since she's felt like a fish out of water. it shouldn't be as exciting as it is.
the thing about maki is that she's had to be in control and all-seeing, constantly watching her own back since the moment she stumbled upon self-awareness. how do you think she responds to a gentle touch, the ghost of a kiss along the shell of her ear, a soft pressure at the fleshiest, most vulnerable part of her?
the thing about maki is that she melts in your arms, reluctant at first and then all at once, an avalanche helplessly collapsing in on itself in the wake of an unstoppable force of heat. years of self-imposed, fear-driven solitude are chipped away at, bit by bit, through tender loving and care. it's enough to make her vomit. it's more than enough to make her cum.
the thing about maki is that she's no less a capable, formidable, and devastating combatant -- even if, behind closed doors, she's driven to her knees by no more than a few heated, whispered words. but no one else has to know about this, of course.
because, the thing about maki is that she's private, quiet, guarded -- until she unfurls for you like a belatedly blooming flower in the last few breaths of may: desperately reaching towards the sky, begging to be fed, sustained, admired, uprooted for safekeeping by capable, practiced hands.
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nakachuchu · 1 year
Home | Okkotsu Yuuta + Zen'in Maki
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SYNOPSIS: You became his home and he would do anything to go back.
READER: female
WORDS: 1.4k
WRITTEN: 12/29/2022
NOTE: The ending involves the manga, so there may be a possible spoiler (I don't name anyone who dies or anything) but it mainly involves my imagination. Gojo Kento is an oc of sorts as well, solely for this fic. My requests are open! I added more characters for jjk
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Gojo would randomly bring you and your classmates — Panda, Toge, and Maki — on overnight vacation trips under the guise of team bonding, but all of you knew it was when he was either too lazy or too busy doing other things to actually teach you.
It used to be the four of you, but with the addition of Okkotsu Yuuta, it became five.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Yuuta asked.
"Hmm? Oh, I always sleep with Maki on trips," you explained as you moved your futon against hers. "She's comfortable and smells good, so she puts me right to sleep whenever we have outings together. I don't sleep easy. I have insomnia," you added.
Yuuta was surprised. He wasn't expecting Maki to get so close to someone else. Obviously, he didn't know her that well but given her reaction to him and Rika, he thought she would be more closed off.
"I know what you're thinking," said Maki with a deadly glint in her eyes.
"What's he thinking?" you questioned, head tilting as you looked between Yuuta and Maki.
"Something he should stop thinking of," said Maki.
She seemed like she wanted to say more, but with Rika in the room with them, she decided it would be best not to make any threats.
"Yuuta, where will you sleep?"
You were on a first-name basis with everyone and told them to do the same in return. You were a bubbly, air-headed person who talked too much. In other words, you were the opposite of Maki.
"I think I'll sleep in the corner," answered Yuuta.
He wasn't sure what Gojo was thinking, bringing him and enclosing him and Rika in a room full of novice sorcerers. He was scared of hurting them, so he was on high alert at all times.
"That doesn't sound very fun," you said. "Well, if you're sure."
With a nonchalant shrug, you turned back to making your futon as comfortable as it could be.
Later that night, Yuuta couldn't sleep. He was watching the rest of his classmates sleep in their futons without a care in the world of the dangerous curse in the same room as them.
You suddenly sat upright in your futon, scaring the hell out of Yuuta who had been lurking in the shadows. Sleeping with Maki didn't guarantee that you'd be able to sleep and stay asleep, but she helped.
"Yuuta, are you awake?" you whispered.
"Wanna go to the vending machines in the lobby?"
Yuuta blinked in shock. It was midnight and you were thinking of getting a snack with the man who scared the shit out of you and your friends with his cursed energy alone.
You carefully got out of the futon and made sure to cover up Maki with the blanket before patting her head and walking out of the room with Yuuta following.
"It's not like that," you said quietly as you walked through the hallway.
"What?" he questioned.
"Maki and I," you offered. "She won't tell her own business to people — not really, anyway — but I met her when she was a kid in a house of big goals that weren't meant for the women."
Yuuta had never seen you so serious before.
"I believe it was fate that Maki and I found each other again. I only played with her a few times as kids, whenever she managed to sneak out of that place, but eventually, she stopped coming. I wasn't surprised though. She's been through a lot. But on the other hand, Maki doesn't know a lot about me. She thinks I'm just an annoying puppy that sticks to her because she's the only girl here, but I understand her more than anyone else thinks. So like I said, it's not like that."
Yuuta nodded. "I kinda get it."
You offered a brief smile. "I knew you would. There's something about you, Yuuta."
You were the first person to introduce yourself, knowing that Rika disliked girls getting near him. He still remembered the genuine smile you had on your face and the way you kept your hand stretched out, even when he hesitated to grab and shake it.
"Something?" he questioned.
You turned around, walking backward. "Yeah. Something pure and kind."
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The next outing you and your classmates were able to have was after The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.
Things were tense but comforting at the same time. All of you were on the brink of death, but then Yuuta and Rika saved you. It was a conflicting situation that ended in a win but didn't spare you the feeling of death.
Maki's pinky finger was brushing against your hand in an attempt to comfort you. If she was rattled, she didn't show it.
"Sorry, Maki," you murmured.
She nodded in response. "We're alive," she said to everyone. "Stop dwelling on the past. Go die again if you're going to."
"Maki's right," you said. "Let's have a movie night! Toge and I can go get snacks from the store around the corner."
"I wanna go too," said Panda.
"Okay, then Yuuta and Maki can pick the movies," you said. "Onward, Team Snack!"
Your hand disappeared from Maki's pinky and she pulled her hand back and placed it on her hand as the three of you left the room.
There was silence between Maki and Yuuta. For Maki, she was indifferent to it. For Yuuta, he was nervous and anxious.
"I'm sorry — "
"Whatever you're thinking with Y/N, don't be stupid," she said.
"I'll kill you if you hurt her."
Yuuta's nervousness and anxiety dissipated. He looked at Maki with bold determination. She noticed and stared at him head-on.
"I won't," he said.
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There was something about you that was so earnest and special. People gravitated toward you and you welcomed them as they were without expecting anything but their company in return.
Yuuta was one of those people you welcomed. You smiled and accepted him and his sins, never faltering in the process of accepting him for Yuuta, not Okkotsu Yuuta, the Special Grade sorcerer.
"Yuuta, what are you thinking about?" you questioned, tilting your head to look at him.
Your knees were tucked into your chest as you peered up at Yuuta who was sitting on the bench. You were drawing figures in the dirt with a stick and he had been watching you with a fond smile on your face.
"Absolutely nothing," he responded.
You pouted. "That's stupid."
"Don't be mean," he said with a chuckle.
"Will you text us often?" you questioned.
He smiled and nodded. "Every day."
You smiled and dropped the stick to place your hands on his knees. "Will you come home?"
"I will."
"Y/N," Maki called out. "Come on. Training's starting."
You stood up and smiled at Yuuta, leaning down to kiss his cheek before jogging off to meet with Maki. You looped your arm around hers and grinned, a pink blush on your face.
"I told you I could do it," you said.
Maki snorted. "I never said you couldn't."
Yuuta never came back to you. He was busy on oversea missions, but it didn't change anything between you and Yuuta. He continued to text you and call you when he had more time.
Eventually, he shyly asked through FaceTime if you would become his girlfriend, to which you enthusiastically said yes.
Maki was happy for you. She didn't act on her new and confusing feelings because her only goal was to bring down the Zen'in clan. She couldn't be bothered to go on dates and compliment you, but Yuuta could offer all those things and more for you.
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"Get out of my fucking way."
Okkotsu Yuuta, Special Grade sorcerer, had only two true goals. One goal was to remove Gojo Satoru's seal. His second goal was to return to you, his home. He would massacre every colony if it meant returning to you quicker.
On the other side of the Culling Game's district, you were fighting for your life, having been separated from both Yuuta and Maki. Burned, scarred, and losing massive amounts of blood from your missing eyeball, you had a strong resolve to reunite with your lover and your best friend.
You let out a steady breath. "Domain Expansion: Resurrection."
No two bearers of the Six Eyes could exist at the same time, but a soulless body with the same abilities could deny that claim. Gojo Kento, Gojo Satoru's ancestor, entered the ring.
"This is my playground now, fucker," you seethed.
From a political meeting, Kenjaku's finger twitched, having felt a similar presence to one that once defeated him.
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c0kitty · 1 year
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read my rules below!
- money ┃ sugar daddy bakugo drabble. · fluff
- greedy┃ reader has been sick for a week, extra careful, she decides no type of affection until it’s gone. which katsuki doesn’t take well. and the aftermath. · suggestive, fluff
- arcade w/ katsuki┃ going to an arcade with katsuki, cuteness ensues. · fluff
- my gift to you ┃two times you crocheted katsuki something + one time katsuki realizes something so painfully obvious. · fluff
- this christmas┃on a cold-winter night from your way back to work, you hear katsuki singing a tune. · fluff
-  do you sea? ┃on her way to create some chaos to humans, siren!y/n, stumbles on something out of the ordinary for her. curiosity gets the best of her and she saves a stupid pirate. · fluff, angst
- cruisin’ ┃ sero teaches you how to skateboard. · fluff
- heat wave ┃summer heat hits, shoto takes care of reader. · fluff
- that girl ┃eijirou dating a reader who’s alt, and goth. · fluff
- trick me┃ hero!eren wants to arrest you, a notorious villain named cat woman, once and for all, but you have other plans. · suggestive
- into it  ┃boxer!mikasa dating reader! · borderline smut
- fashion killa ┃rin see’s your photoshoot cover, why did you have to be so pretty. · fluff
kiss you right now ┃you and sae were ultimate rivals, forever enemies, so how did you end up here, straddling him? · suggestive
- all eyes on me ┃at a party, someone hits on gojo, chaos ensues. · suggestive, fluff
- interview ┃fan journalist!reader interviews celebrity!gojo. · suggestive
- twilight┃geto is willing to give you his life. · suggestive
- just like my dreams ┃barista!megumi on his night shift, seems to always wonder about the pretty girl who appears to be trying to study, but eventually, always falls asleep. · suggestive
- nobody knows ┃r/reddit, when’s the best time to tell your girlfriend of three months, (who you are so desperately in love with) you are that "crazy" vigilante on the news, fighting crime in a spider-suit, and that you now shoot fucking webs out of your wrist. · suggestive, fluff
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... to be continued.
rules: my request right now aren’t open but when it does, i will deny any requests that are uncomfortable. please specify when i open my request what you want. much love!
i do randomly disappear 🫠 but i’ll always come back to write.
ill write slight nsfw for certain characters, but don’t talk to me in any sexual manner. i write for majority black readers.
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akarinittalovers · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen headcanon: First Time Meeting
Character: Itadori Yuji, Kugisaki Nobara, Megumin Fushiguro, Zenin Maki, Inumaki Toge, Panda, Akari Nita.
Reader: A special grade third-year student at Jujutsu Tokyo high. (Everybody senpai) #Part 1
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Itadori Yuji
It was during the time that Yuji received special training from Gojo-sensei after he supposedly 'died'.
Gojo-sensei asked You to train Yuji while Gojo sensei was busy with a business trip, but ended up teaching Yuji a lot more than Gojo did. He highly respected you for that.
Both of you instantly click and get along with each other, due to Yuji's cheerful personality.
Bonded after watching a ton of movies together (for training purposes).
Cooking together is a must. He teaches you how to make dishes from his local town.
Kugisaki Nobara
You were sent to her hometown in the countryside to exorcise some particularly difficult curses and also came to review Jujutsu high school applicant Kugisaki Nobara.
Both of you went to exorcise, and on the way, you tried to make small talk with her, like "The Weather here is nice, might visit again sometime.'
Her response was 15 minutes rant about her hometown and countryside.
That was your first impression of her. (Her first impression of you was an uptight person because you wanted to stick with exorcism protocol.)
The exorcist itself went smoothly and you wrote favorably of Nobara's skill. (You went to treat her dango after that.)
Megumin Fushiguro
You meet Megumi under similar circumstances as Nobara, you were sent to oversee his first mission after being accepted into Jujutsu High School.
As one might expect Megumi has an excellent potential sorcerer. Swiftly finish a mission in a heartbeat.
Both of you talk after the mission and Megumi is surprisingly open up to you about why he decided to become a sorcerer and about his conviction.
Megumi also said that he heard many things positive things about you and that he respected and look up to you.
You took him under your wings and trained with him a lot after that.
Zenin Maki
Both of you are actually childhood friends. You are a child prodigy with a unique and powerful talent who was sent to the Zenin family to be trained as a sorcerer.
There is when you first meet Maki (& Mai). While you generally get along well (or at least they tolerate you) with the Zenin, especially with Mai, Maki was the only person seems to dislike you.
You later found out why you were hated by her. It was because of your talent, that you are treated affectionately and treated with respect. While Maki were forgotten and belittled. She was jealous of you.
Don't worry too much though, her opinion will change shortly after 'the incident' where you defend her from her family and support her.
After that, both of you are practically inseparable from each other. You, Maki, (and Mai) spend your free time playing together.
Until the training from the Zenin family is finished and you have to leave. Both of you didn't see each other for years until you are reunited in Jujutsu high.
Akari Nita
You meet her in your first year of high school in Jujutsu High, She was your senpai.
Back then she was the one who gives you a tour and explained to you how Jujutsu High School works.
After that, the both of you really hit it off, and occasional small talk really grown into a connection and so on.
It really helps that she is an assistant manager and has a driver's license. so after an exorcise Akari would take you to her favorite cafe to have 'small talk and unwind.
~Tries to impress you by ordering a black Caffe but failed miserably cause she has a sweet tooth.~
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mitsuyaya · 1 year
[ sunflower ] Zenin Maki
☆༉ end note: advance happy valentine's day every1, I love maki sm I'm gonna cry. a bit messy cos my head haven't been straight ever since my back to back quiz.
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“Here Maki, someone wants to give this to you.”
Maki reached the bouquet of sunflowers in your hands. Sunflowers, an uncommon flower to give someone you like on valentine's day.
“Who was it?” she questioned, searching for a card or a hint of who could be that admirer of hers.
“Don’t know, didn't even gave me a name. Just ask me to give this to you then dissapeared.”
Weird, both the meaning of giving a sunflower instead of rose or a tulip and running away instead of at least giving a small clue on who that person may be.
Maki wasn't very keen on celebrating valentine's day, nobody ever gave her any reason to cherish that event anyways. For her, it's just an ordinary day perhaps for her kouhais it'll be wonderful but not for her.
“Coward” picking one piece, she threw the remaining flowers into the nearest trash bin. “Whoever may that be, they're a coward and a cheap ass. I mean a sunflower really?”
You glance at Maki’s expression, there was no anger written on her face but more like discontentment.
Something that made you think that she do really want one but was disappointed to have something so meaningless.
“Ya know, sunflower means adoration, maybe your admirer wants you to know that they adore you so much.”
It takes a moment for Maki to answer, really she doesn't know what to react. Happy? because for the first time ever she received a flower?
Anger? Because out of all the flowers they picked something that's boring and not very romantic or valentine-y.
Cringe? Because it's meaning is overused and corny.
“Or maybe because you're their sun and you're the light of their life.” Maki laughs at that, her worries subsiding as she made fun of your corny symbolization.
“Fine” she stares at the remaining piece of sunflower on her hand. “Thanks for that silly meaning of yours y/n, I'll go ahead. Bye”
You watch as Maki smiles and turn her back, the image of her smiling while smelling that piece of sunflower in her hand plays on your mind.
Really, she's your sunflower.
the light of your life, the sun that brightens your day.
Even if she doesn't know that just yet.
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violetarks · 2 years
calling them ugly
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, zen'in maki, geto suguru, sukuna ryomen
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rush-the-stars · 2 years
just thinking about aged up maki lately.
cw: light smut, muzzles
the first time you ever suggest it, it’s partially in jest, and only because you’re counting all your hickeys and bite marks littered all over your body from her again.
you think she hates the idea.
she goes perfectly, frighteningly still.
“maki? i was kidding—i wouldn’t—“
“no?” she asks and there’s something strange in her tone. a little hooked. her eyes cut to you.
“not if—no, not really. unless you—“ wanted to.
she swallows. she doesn’t give you an answer then. the look on her face makes you think she abhors the idea.
but here she is now, on her knees in front of you, boxer briefs snug over her muscled thighs, dark fabric taut. she’s still in her binder, too, almost like a safeguard.
(afterwards you will help her remove it, afterwards you will kiss the indentations made on her shoulders and chest and ribs.)
her hair is a little mussed already and her cheeks are flushed an angry, almost indignant red.
you fiddle with a clasp on the muzzle, the quiet clinking and toying all that’s heard in the room, and she looks up at you. her face is enough to devastate you, you think. she’s so handsome. sharp lines of her nose and dark lashes curled ridiculously long against her cheek. the swell of her bottom lip that’s clearly been bitten and rosy.
and she’s letting you, maki trusts you enough to—
“ready?” you ask, almost shyly.
she grunts, jerks her chin up like an offering, like a dare, “just—hurry up.”
you let out a slow breath and drop to your knees in front of her so you’re eye to eye, so you can look in her eyes when you move to carefully slip the muzzle onto her face. she goes surprisingly and uncharacteristically pliant for a moment, letting your fingers move through her short, dark hair to secure it around her.
and then your hands fall from the back of her head and you look at her openly, and the sight of her finally in the muzzle—eyes nearly glaring, all heat, and defiant blush high on her cheeks—is enough to make your breath hitch all tight inside you.
she squirms slightly and, “what? are you just going to stare?”
she’s reaching for you even as she snaps at you a little. you almost want to smile at her bad attitude. you can tell she’s nervous, that it’s affecting her, too.
you let her tug you into her lap. her hands are hot and gripping at you, sliding up your torso, your sides, back down to your hips and thighs and—
“you’re not supposed to talk, maki.”
she opens her mouth. you reach up to touch at the muzzle, carefully loop your fingers in its wiring and pull her face gently down into looking at you. focusing on you.
“it’s a muzzle.” you breathe, quieting whatever she was about to say next, “you’re supposed to be quiet. behave.”
heat sinks deep into your core when you say it; when you see the raw arousal on her face, too. then her face changes, morphs slowly and oh—
you can tell you’re in dangerous territory now.
you yelp when she suddenly flips you onto your back.
she’s quiet, obeying, but you can tell by the heat of her gaze, that look on her face, that she isn’t going down easily. she isn’t going to behave at all. if anything, it’s like she wants to earn the muzzle.
she drags you closer, slots her hips against yours, hooks your legs around her waist.
fingers hitch into the material of your panties and you know, can see the look in her eyes, what she’s about to do.
“don’t! i like this pair!”
she tilts her head a little, as if to say she’s heard you, fingers tangled in the material. she pauses as she eyes you, and then decides, she just doesn’t care.
they come away with a brutal ripping sound. she’s so ridiculously, stupidly strong that its barely anything to her. just a flexing of her toned forearms and suddenly you’re all bare to her. she slides big hands up your thighs, over into the inside, gliding up and down.
you squirm a little.
she leans forward like she might set her mouth to you, then realizes she can’t. the agitation writes itself in the down curve of her brows, the little baring of her teeth and huff of breath.
she palms your tit, a little roughly, a little mean. still, you make a soft noise, arch up into the touch.
she watches you beneath her, lips parted behind the muzzle, cheeks flushed dark, hair falling onto her forehead.
and then she sidles down, moves down your body to settle herself into the crux of your thighs. she throws your legs over her strong shoulders. this is a familiar position to her, to you, and you easily slot together like pieces of a mosaic.
she rests her cheek against your thigh, eyes swinging up to find your gaze. dark heat. you squirm again. you can feel the cool metal of the muzzle dig into your soft skin. you shiver. maki’s hand sneaks up, between your legs and—
your gasp is sharp and sweet.
a knuckle gently rubs through your folds. slippery and easy. so much so that you almost want to throw your hand over your face and hide—especially when she quirks a brow at you, looks up at you as if to say, what’s got you so wet?
what’s got my baby so worked up?
you suddenly miss her voice. her mouth. her teeth. miss how she’d mercilessly tease you and taunt you and kiss you like it was the last damn time she’d see you again.
she makes a rumbling noise, pleased, as she gently eases a finger inside. you make a high, soft sound, hips twitching towards her. you can feel the metal dig into your skin again, wonder if it’ll leave imprints.
you look down at her, catch her eyes. the sight of her again, between your legs now, held back by a muzzle, desire so unabashed and real painted across her face as she watches her finger disappear inside you.
you sink a hand into her hair, comb back the fringe on her forehead, pull a little, hear the clinking of the metal, the buckles, and feel your stomach flip.
“bet you wish you didn’t have that on now,” you murmur and you yelp when she pinches your thigh. soothes it by adding another finger. your yelp dies off into a moan.
“So mean,” you can’t help the slight tremble, the little pout you get, “maybe i should get you a matching leash, too—“
she glares hard at you. leans over your center where she suddenly lets her tongue loll out, the flash of pink, where spit gathers and then falls through the metal wires, some onto it, but mostly onto your core.
it’s warm still, before rapidly cooling. she rubs it in. makes a mess. makes a mess out of you. until you’re fussing and panting and twisting in her strong hold. until you’re arching into fingers that aren’t quite enough, until she makes you eat your words and wish she didn’t have that muzzle on, until you wish you had more; her mouth, her strap, anything—
until maki reaches to the back of her head and pulls so hard on the strap that it just snaps, a frustrated growl loosening from her throat as she yanks once more to have the whole muzzle come off in a heap.
and then she’s finally pushing forward, uninhibited, to fasten her hot mouth against your core.
her groan against you rumbles through you, forces you to keen, to spasm in her strong hold. her eyes flutter shut as she delves between your folds with a warm, slippery tongue. with an enthusiasm and need that makes you shake.
and she has her fill of you, until you’re a wreck, until you’re boneless and exhausted, until you’re covered in teeth marks and bruised skin, all sore and tender. until you’re swollen from her sucking and biting and licking. until all she can do is mouth along your poor marked up throat.
until she’s smugly satisfied.
as if to prove that perhaps she needed that damn muzzle all along.
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vienssunshine · 2 years
Rematch (Maki x Reader One-shot)
Summary: You participate in the Sister Exchange Event as a Kyoto student and battle a certain staff-wielding sorcerer with no cursed energy. Unexpectedly, she invites you to her room that night and you just can't say no to her.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.5k+
Read on Ao3 here!
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aeschrxma · 2 years
One Kiss
Based on : Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing : Female Reader X Maki Zenin
Summary : The first time Maki laid her eyes on her, she knew that she had found someone who knew how to twirl her around and grasp her within herself, what she didn’t know was that she had gravely underestimated her.
TW : Light Intimacy
The night breeze runs through the atmosphere, drying up the sweat droplets running down your pearly skin as the moonlight shone bright, indicating that the night was still young. The fatigue of training for 8 hours straight had caught up to you as the hatchet began to feel heavy and everything around you had more purpose than you could imagine before the tiredness had started to wear you down. Loosening up the uniform jacket, letting it fly away in the embrace of the cool night breeze, the gravity pulled you down towards the comfy grass as you closed your tired eyes to let your body breathe. A presence started to call out to you as a scoff left your lips, grabbing onto your weapon, absolutely done with whosoever was around the corner, planning to attack you. “You are aware as ever. I can’t even come close to without you knowing.” The sweet and mellow voice of Maki, made you turn behind to find her leaning against a tree that you had previously ruined by practising your kicks on the tree trunk. “Maki. What makes you say that?” Your skin breathing under the moonlight, glistening with pearls of sweat as you pushed back your hair locks, a stern gaze set on the older female in front of you who had a smug smirk on her lips as if her mind was asking her to challenge you to a duel.
“Your actions suggest something else and your words say something.” Her footsteps slowly grew closer to your body, which had been craving her touch all along. The atmosphere filled with words unspoken but understood by both of you as Maki’s smirk grew more prominent, as her gaze lay on your body, the intense gaze which made you hide your existence in a hole yet pull her closer to yourself. “Don’t they remind you of someone? I had a great teacher.” Her gorgeous green eyes set on your lips as your eyes scan her body, wanting nothing more than to close the gap between you two. Heavy breathing and emotions that needed no expression. Both of you knew exactly what you two needed and how to obtain it. “Sarcasm? You haven’t changed at all.” Her dominant tone as her voice, as low as the silent ocean; everything about her drove you crazy, her scent of matcha tea filled up your nostrils as your mind lost control over her hot breath on your skin.
Your fingertips travelled upwards, grabbing onto her collar as you pulled her closer to your lips; Maki, taken aback by brave upfront behaviour as the smirk turned into a smile, filled with the smugness of her victory in the battle of who would lose control first. The victory tasted sweet for a while as your lips slightly graze her skin, your hot and unsteady breathing over her earlobe — “Maki Senpai. You really thought that I would lose control? My craving for you is no match for my pride.” Your voice, so sweet as if coated with the mountain bees’ fresh honey, as Maki was absorbing the words that had just been spoken to by the lady whom she had been eyeing since the day she stepped her foot in front of her gaze. Your lips slowly attached themselves to her soft skin, placing a small peck on her cheeks as if taunting her so-called victory, the grin on your lips could be felt by Maki as her eyes grew wide, never in a million years expecting you to put up such action as you pulled yourself backwards to lock your eyes with hers, knowing exactly what effect it had on Maki. Her strong and slender arms grabbed onto your waist, closing every inch of distance between your bodies, without breaking eye contact with you. “Do you have any idea what you just did, Y/N?” The rage of losing her calm for a second, tightened her grip around your waist in a painful grip as you answered back to her question with a smile and a gaze that mocked Maki’s actions, confirming your victory over her. “Are you telling me that you lost your calm over a small peck? I expected more of you.” Your comment made her want to rip that smile off your lips, as her eyes showed nothing but rage and need for fulfilment, the need for you. She needed to assert her dominance over you but you knew very well how to keep her on her toes at all times.
You were the one and only person who had changed her authority and she needed you to submit for her desires to be fulfilled. “If a small peck has this much effect on you, I wonder what would happen if our lips met? You’ll lose to me at this rate.” The words which left your lips made her scoff as you wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her down to your height, her eyes grew wider as she could feel her authority losing all meaning and all she wanted at that moment was your lips to meet hers as she leaned in towards her, stopped by your index finger on her lips. “The victory is mine and so is your authority now.” A small chuckle left your lips as you placed a small peck on your index finger which was in between your and her lips. Maki, loosening her grip on you as you smile fondly at her, watching her move backwards, her defeat sinking in as she looked to you who was smiling so brightly that all of her worries vanished. Placed a small kiss on your palm, blowing it to her, mockingly as Maki smiled to herself while watching you walk away, the night ending as the long battle of needs ended in your favour, knowing that tonight was the night where it all began. You and her, under the witness of the moon, accepting every emotion that bonded them together and knowing that they could no longer play the game of running away.
Thank you for reading! I hope you stay safe and I appreciate your time into reading my work! Have a great day/night ahead!
- Chrxma
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
i’m really enjoying these blurbs y’all keep ‘em comin <3
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glittergirlart · 2 years
my second favorite zenin clan reject 💚
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akarinittalovers · 2 years
Jujutsu Character as your best friend (who had a secret crush on you,)
Zenin Maki Edition
TW: Mention of abuse, emotional trauma, and the Zenin Family
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Zenin Maki
One way to describe Maki was a steadfast person. She had one goal in mind and she was determined to achieve it. So most of the time you spend with her outside of a class or mission is training.
She loved to spend time training with you. If you are already proficient Maki is sure to ask for some pointers. If Maki see you still strangling with new techniques she will act as your trainer.
Maki like to show off her skills and go the extra mile if she's with you. Like that one time, she sends Panda flying to impress you cause you were watching her.
Maki wants to be strong with you. She wants to support you and wanted to be supported by you. When she does ever achieve her goals she hoped that you will be proud of her, admired her, and like her.
Outside of training stuff, she likes to take you on a 'date', she let you choose the place and she will be the one who treats you. She uses this as a hint that she liked you.
Maki tend to burst into your dorms like she owns them. For example, one day you just chilling inside your room, and the *BOOM* Maki kicks open the door and said "Y/N, got any snacks? I am hungry."
Sort of making your room an impromptu hang-out place. She would bring her classmates and even the first year there. They would do all sorts of things there for example studying or cooking.
Definitely very protective of you. Her protectiveness extends from small things like pulling you closer when you walking too close to the edge of the street to requesting to go on the mission as you together.
When it comes to confession, you are the one who gonna do it. Maki is courageous and ready to fight any curses that came her way but somehow not able to gather enough courage to confess her feelings to you.
Maki is no stranger to rejection. Ever since she was little she has been facing rejection after rejection. Being ostracized by her own family, and look down upon by the Jujutsu world.
Each of that rejections only makes Maki stronger. She wanted to deny it and crush those who tossed her aside. That rejection is what motivates her to be what she is today.
But to face rejection from you? You are the first person who made her feel this way, her source of warmth and affection, her most trusted confidant. The thought you being driven away because of her selfish desires would give her nightmare.
So she was content with what both of you had right now. To be your best friend and conceal her feeling for you. Just being seen by you is more than enough for Maki.
That's why If her feelings bear fruit l be sure to make an ultra-romantic over the top confession for her. (Or just confess your feelings to her. Honestly, she would be happy either way.)
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